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瓦 轴B:2013年半年度报告摘要(英文版)2013-08-19  

						                                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited2013 Midyear Report Abstract

Stock code:200706                                    Stock ID:Wazhou B                                        Announcement No.2013-27

                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                                    2013 Midyear Report Abstract

1. Important Notes
  (1) This abstract was derived from the annual report, the annual report issued on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
web or other web appointed by and CSRC; details please refer to the whole annual report.

   (2)Brief Information of the listed company
Abbreviated name of the stock                  Wazhou B                       Stock code:                        200706
Listing location of the Company’s stock:      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contacts                                       Secretary of the Board                          Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                           Sun Najuan                                          Su Shaoli
Consulting telephone                           0411-39116369                                   0411-39116732
Fax                                            0411-39116738                                   0411-39116738
E-mail                                         zwz2308@126.com                                zwz2308@126.com

2.Main accounting date and shareholder change

(1)Main accounting data

                                            current period              previous period             +/-(%)comparing with the previous period
Operating income                            1,547,403,493.37                1,617,746,695.03                                             -4.35%
Net profit available for shareholders of
                                               22,832,072.23                    30,377,280.34                                           -24.84%
listing company
Net profit available for shareholders of
listing company with abnormal incomes          20,937,895.75                    28,816,096.49                                           -27.34%
Net cash flows from operation activities      -43,132,233.48                  148,855,325.74                                           -128.98%
Basic gains on per share                                     0.06                           0.08                                           -25%
Diluted gains on per share                                   0.06                           0.08                                           -25%
Net returns on assets (%)                              1.49%                             2.02%                                           -0.53%
                                             2013.06.30                     2012.12.31              +/-(%)comparing with the end of last year
Total assets                                3,817,806,705.30                3,618,360,177.55                                              5.51%
Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)
                                            1,538,766,219.97                1,515,934,147.74                                              1.51%

                                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited2013 Midyear Report Abstract

(2)Information on the top 10 shareholders

Total shareholders at the end of
report period
                                                         Top ten shareholders’ status
                                                                                                                 Impawned and frozen shares
      Name              Nature        Proportion(%) Total shares              Non-circulation shares
                                                                                                                     status             quantity
Bearing Group                                 60.61%      244,000,000                            244,000,000
AKTIEBOLAG             Foreign
                                                19.7%       79,300,000                                          frozen                  79,300,000
ET SKF               shareholder
GAOLING            Foreign
                                                1.78%        7,160,185
FUND,L.P.          shareholder
Huang Yuejun                                    0.89%        3,600,000
Qin Shaobin                                     0.23%          913,223
Ma Yuancheng                                    0.19%          748,925
                   Foreign private
WING Wen                                        0.18%          713,101
Chen Zhongwu                                    0.13%          537,500
                   Foreign private
Hei Youxin                                      0.13%          512,559
Yang Yufei                                      0.12%          470,090
The explanation on the relationship
                                      There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other
and consistent activities between
                                      shareholders or the top ten common stock holders;
above shareholders

(3) Changes of the holding shareholders and the actual controller
    Changes of the holding shareholders
     □applicable   √Not applicable
    Changes of the holding shareholders and the actual controller
     □applicable   √Not applicable

3、Discussion and analysis

      In the first half of 2013, the business income of the company is 1,547,400,000Yuan, profit total is
23,670,000Yuan, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies is 22,830,000Yuan.
      During the reporting period, influenced by domestic factors such as economic growth is slowing, bearing
product sales prices fell. The board of directors of the company persisted take the market as the core, to the
authors as the main line, increase the production and business operation, efforts to expand capacity, reduce
cost, increase the intensity of market development, constantly improve the market risk response capacity, to
ensure the stable growth of the company's performance in a unfavorable market environment.
      During the reporting period, the company management to carry out their duties diligently, hard work,
vigorously promotes the company's internal management, efforts to improve the management level, solid,

                                                              Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited2013 Midyear Report Abstract

effectively promote the work.
      During the reporting period, the company according to the ministry of finance, securities and other five
ministries jointly issued the "enterprise internal control basic norms", "form a complete set of enterprise internal
control guidelines" and the regulatory department requirements, actively promoting the company's internal
control system. Company board of directors and management in accordance with the relevant regulations,
follow the basic principles of internal control, in combination with the practical situation of the company,
establish and improve the cover company each link of the internal control system, and constantly improve,
improve the company's internal control management, effectively guard against operational risks, and strive to
work through this new stage, the management of the company to ensure the normal operation and healthy
development of the company.
      During the reporting period, all the directors shall, in accordance with the "company law", "securities law"
and "the company's articles of association" and the relevant provisions of the working conditions and so on,
the board of directors carefully perform the duty of a director, the interest of the company and shareholders.
Each director to perform the duty of the faithful and diligent work priorities and important decisions for the
company provided the beneficial opinions and suggestions make independent judgment and decision making.
The board of directors of the board of directors of the company earnestly perform their duties, and discuss the
issues presented in an objective and fair independent advice, pay attention to maintenance of small and
medium shareholders' interests, provide professional support for the corporate governance and management,
scientific decision-making to provide strong guarantee for the board of directors. The board of directors of the
company is responsible for the effectiveness of internal control.

4、Relevant items involved financial report
(1) The explanation of the changes in accounting policies, accounting estimation and calculation
method comparing with the latest annual report
□applicable    √Not applicable
  (2) The content of significant errors, the changed amount, the reason and the effect
□applicable    √Not applicable
(3) The explanation of the changes in the consolidated scope comparing with the latest annual report
□applicable    √Not applicable
(4) Opinions presented by Board meeting and supervisor meeting on “un-standard audit report”
□applicable    √Not applicable
