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瓦 轴B:2014年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2014-04-26  

						Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                The Q1 Report for 2014

Stock code: 200706                                       stock short form: Wazhou B                            Report code: 2014-09

                                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                                                       The Q1 Report for 2014
§1 Important Notes

     1The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby
guaranteed that there are no false records, misleading statements, and major omits in this report, and assumed the individual
and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
     Chairman of the Board Mr. Wang Lushun, Financial manager Ms.Sun Najuan, Accounting charger Ms. Yao Chunjuan
hereby confirms that the Financial Report of the quarterly report is true and complete.
      Besides the following directors, all the other directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

          Name                        Post                                  Reasons                             Assignee name

    Wu Chunyou             Independent director                        Health problem                             Zhang Li

§2 Major accounting data and shareholder change
2.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                            Jan-Mar 2014                Jan-Mar 2013                   +/- to previous
Operating income(Yuan)                                             793,395,179.56             778,448,703.22                              1.92%
Net profits attributed Shareholders(Yuan)                          -15,385,987.48              19,617,156.49                           -178.43%
Net profit available for shareholders of listing
                                                                   -16,215,176.61              18,098,251.08                             -189.6%
company with abnormal incomes deducted
Net cash flows from operation activities                               3,059,178.21           -12,048,122.30                           -125.39%
Basic gains on per share                                                       -0.04                    0.05                              -180%
Diluted gains on per share                                                     -0.04                    0.05                              -180%
Net returns on assets (%)                                                   -1.03%                     1.3%                               -2.33%
                                                            Jan-Mar 2014                Jan-Mar 2013                   +/- to previous
Total assets                                                     3,828,880,319.80           3,717,797,889.26                              2.99%
Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)                          1,489,580,448.02           1,504,966,435.50                              -1.02%

Items of non-recurring gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                             Items of non-recurring gains and losses                              Amount                Note(if applicable)
Gain or loss form disposal of non-current assets                                                 12,802.77
Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies, excluding those
government grants which are closely related to normal business and in line with national       1,280,342.98
policy, or in accordance with fixed standards or quantities
Profit of loss from debts restructuring                                                         -483,878.96
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                  19,922.34
                                               Total                                            829,189.13                         -

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                     The Q1 Report for 2014

2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Share
Total shareholders at the end of 2014.03.31                                                                                                          8,322
                                                            Top ten shareholders’ status
                                                                                                     Non-circulatio     Impawned and frozen shares
          Name                            Nature              Proportion              Total shares
                                                                                                       n shares          status           quantity
Wafangdian Bearing
                             State-owned shareholder                         60.61%    244,000,000      244,000,000
Group Corporation
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF             Foreign shareholder                             19.7%      79,300,000                     frozen                 79,300,000
Huang Junyue                 Domestic shareholder                             0.7%       2,819,921
                             Foreign shareholder                              0.4%       1,602,241
CMS Hong Kong LIMITED State-owned shareholder                                0.25%       1,004,481
Yan Jianhui                  Domestic shareholder                             0.2%         799,423
Ma Yuancheng                 Domestic shareholder                            0.19%         755,825
                             Foreign private shareholder                     0.18%         713,101
GAOLING FUND,L.P.            Foreign shareholder                             0.16%         642,034
Hei Youxin                   Foreign private shareholder                     0.13%         512,559
The explanation on the relationship and consistent activities There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and
between above shareholders                                    other shareholders or the top ten common stock holders;
                                                            Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                                       Category of   Shares
                                                                   Current shares held at end of year
                             Name                                                                             Categories                Amount
                                                                               (Note 4)

AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                             79,300,000            B                          79,300,000
Huang Junyue                                                                                   2,819,921           B                           2,819,921
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                        1,602,241           B                           1,602,241
CMS Hong Kong LIMITED                                                                          1,004,481           B                           1,004,481
Yan Jianhui                                                                                     799,423            B                             799,423
Ma Yuancheng                                                                                    755,825            B                             755,825
MAN,KWAI WING Wen Guirong                                                                       713,101            B                             713,101
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                               642,034            B                             642,034
Hei Youxin                                                                                      512,559            B                             512,559
Yang Yufei                                                                                      474,090            B                             474,090
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or                     There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder
United Action of the Top Ten                                    and other shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among
Shareholders and the Top Ten Tradable                           other shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders
Shareholders                                                    and other shareholders was not clear.

§3 Significant items

3.1 Particulars dates changes over 30% in items of main accounting statement and financial index , and explanations
of reasons


Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                The Q1 Report for 2014

1.Bill receivable increase 53.2%,mainly because the company increase the forward bills,and the cash returned from the clients increase,which
make the bill receivable increase sharply.
2.Bill payable increase 89.7%,mainly because the company increase the forward bills to the clients.
3.Tax payable increase 48.8%,mainly because at the end of March, the tax payable increase compare with beginning year.
4.Loss of impairment of assets increase 198.1%, mainly because write-off account receivable with amount of 910,000 Yuan, which make the Loss
of impairment of assets increase.
5.Investment income decline 92.9%,mainly because the profit from SKF Wazhou decline substantially.
6.Non-operating revenue increase 68.5%, mainly because debt recombination losses increase 250,000 Yuan.
7.Net profit declined 178.4%,mainly because main business gross profit decline.product price decline 4.5%,and cost against hundred Yuan
increase 4.9 Yuan.
8. Other cash received relating to operating activities increase, mainly because the waste income increase.
9.Cash received from investment incomes decline 100%, mainly because company received the 2008-2011 dividend from AME with amount of
680000 Yuan in last period.
10.Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets increase Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets
and other long-term assets,mainly because in the report period company paid the import machines with amount of 19.51 million Yuan.11.Tax
payments increase 34.8%,mainly because the value added, and additional city construction tax and education surcharge increase.
12.Proceeds from borrowing decline 38.3%,Proceeds from borrowing Proceeds from borrowing decline.
13.Repayment of borrowing decline 50.7%, main because of debt transfer affection,which make the Repayment of borrowing decline.
14. Affected by change rate,the cash and cash equivalent decline 1400.8%,main because the change rate in the report period decrease continually,
the RMB devalue which make the change income decrease.
3.2 Progress of significant events, their influence, and analysis and explanation of their solutions
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.3 Estimation of accumulative net profit from Jan to June 2014
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.4 Particular about security investment
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.5 Particular about derivatives
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.6 Activities on receiving research, communication and interview in the report period

         Time             Site            Method                   Object            Content and documents supplied               Time
February 19,2014         Office   Telephone communication      Private investor    The general information of the company         Office
                                  Telephone communication
March 24,2014            Office                                Private investor    The general information of the company         Office
March 26,2014            Office   Telephone communication      Private investor    The general information of the company         Office
                                  Telephone communication
 March 31,2014           Office                                Private investor    The general information of the company         Office

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                     The Q1 Report for 2014

§4 Appendix
4.1 Balance sheet
 Consolidated Balance Sheet.
                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Item       Opening Balance               Closing Balance
 Current assets :                                            99,775,943.94         80,687,086.92
 Monetary fund
 Financial assets held-for-trading
 Bills receivable                                           153,746,369.90         100,329,887.46
 Account receivable                                        1,218,991,202.96       1,138,605,661.45
 Account paid in advance                                      28,829,904.23         33,712,904.14
 Interest receivable                                            240,000.00             240,000.00
 Other receivables                                            25,695,370.80         29,727,292.33
 Inventory                                                 1,150,000,558.22       1,196,734,228.79
 Non-current assets due within 1 year
 Other current assets                                          2,630,987.13           2,772,988.57
 Total current assets                                      2,679,910,337.18       2,582,810,049.66
 Non-current assets
 Financial assets available-for-sale
 Investments held-to-maturity
 Long-term receivable
 Long-term equity investment                                108,558,362.98          108,272,431.11
 Investment property
 Fixed assets                                               558,077,520.54         572,492,122.56
 Construction in progress                                   332,274,867.48         303,172,462.62
 Construction materials
 Fixed assets disposal
 Biological assets                                           138,411,119.81        139,563,086.91
 Gas and petrol assets
 Intangible assets
 Development expenditure
 Long-term prepaid expense                                      885,228.16             724,852.75
 Deferred tax assets                                          10,762,883.65         10,762,883.65
 Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                                  1,148,969,982.62       1,134,987,839.60
 Total assets                                              3,828,880,319.80       3,717,797,889.26
  Current liabilities
   Short-term loan                                           408,000,000.00        418,000,000.00
   Note payable                                              176,931,950.00         93,247,340.00
   Accounts payable                                        1,212,469,468.21       1,166,466,116.64
   Accounts received in advance                               73,666,167.21         74,433,323.04
    Commission charge payable
    Employee benefits                                         18,396,886.49         19,654,053.70
    Tax payable                                                8,571,849.74          5,762,579.01

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                            The Q1 Report for 2014

     Interest payable                                                                                                     1,728,222.22
     Dividends payable
     Other payables                                                                              145,375,518.78        136,673,398.82
     Non-current liabilities due within I year                                                   150,000,000.00        150,000,000.00
     Other current liabilities                                                                        4,011,103.83        4,011,103.83
  Total current liabilities                                                                     2,197,422,944.26      2,069,976,137.26
  Non-current liabilities
     Long-term loan                                                                                  90,000,000.00      90,000,000.00
   Debenture payable
     Long-term payables                                                                                 100,000.00         100,000.00
    Special payables                                                                                   321,698.98           321,698.98
    Contingent liabilities
   Deferred tax liabilities
 Other non-current liabilities                                                                       51,455,228.54       52,433,617.52
 Total non-current liabilities                                                                   141,876,927.52         142,855,316.50
 Total liabilities                                                                              2,339,299,871.78      2,212,831,453.76
 Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
 Capital stock                                                                                   402,600,000.00         402,600,000.00
 Capital public reserves                                                                         488,805,548.36         488,805,548.36
       Less: treasury share
       Surplus reserve                                                                           131,442,909.11         131,442,909.11
    Undistributed profit                                                                         466,731,990.55         482,117,978.03
 Difference of foreign currency translation
 Equity attributable to parent company                                                          1,489,580,448.02      1,504,966,435.50
   Minority interest
 Total owner’s equity                                                                          1,489,580,448.02      1,504,966,435.50
 Total owner’s equity and liabilities                                                          3,828,880,319.80      3,717,797,889.26

 Chairman:         Cong Hong                     General Accountant : Sun Najuan              Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan
  Balance Sheet Of Parent Company
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Item                                           Opening Balance                    Closing Balance
Current assets :
Monetary fund                                                                                         99,116,549.15       76,549,204.53
Financial assets held-for-trading
Bills receivable                                                                                     142,495,106.50       99,829,887.46
Account receivable                                                                               1,226,002,926.40      1,139,776,660.21
Account paid in advance                                                                               28,399,208.15       32,824,584.91
Interest receivable                                                                                      240,000.00          240,000.00
Other receivables                                                                                     20,993,018.69       25,564,205.17
Inventory                                                                                        1,080,384,047.86      1,125,983,146.27
Non-current assets due within 1 year
Other current assets                                                                                   2,630,987.13         2,772,988.57
Total current assets                                                                             2,600,261,843.88      2,503,540,677.12
Non-current assets
Financial assets available-for-sale

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                           The Q1 Report for 2014

Investments held-to-maturity
Long-term receivable
Long-term equity investment                         164,836,377.31      164,550,445.44
Investment property
Fixed assets                                        450,393,062.59      462,267,249.78
Construction in progress                            332,274,867.48      303,169,052.62
Construction materials
Fixed assets disposal
Biological assets                                   122,519,909.81      123,588,686.87
Gas and petrol assets
Intangible assets
Development expenditure
Long-term prepaid expense                               885,228.16          724,852.75
Deferred tax assets                                  10,762,883.65       10,762,883.65
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                           1,081,672,329.00    1,065,063,171.11
Total assets                                       3,681,934,172.88    3,568,603,848.23
Current liabilities
 Short-term loan                                     408,000,000.00     418,000,000.00
 Note payable                                        176,931,950.00      93,247,340.00
 Accounts payable                                   1,072,121,692.73   1,017,390,652.18
 Accounts received in advance                         68,184,155.10      74,528,538.89
   Commission charge payable
 Employee benefits                                    10,345,242.98       11,427,966.15
  Tax payable                                           5,475,976.12       3,078,968.63
   Interest payable
   Dividends payable
   Other payables                                    100,372,899.60      95,022,064.02
   Non-current liabilities due within I year         150,000,000.00     150,000,000.00
   Other current liabilities                            3,913,555.83       3,913,555.83
Total current liabilities                           1,995,345,472.36   1,868,337,307.92
Non-current liabilities
   Long-term loan                                     90,000,000.00      90,000,000.00
 Debenture payable
   Long-term payables
   Special payables                                      321,698.98         321,698.98
   Contingent liabilities
 Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities                         46,870,472.54      47,848,861.52
Total non-current liabilities                        137,192,171.52     138,170,560.50
Total liabilities                                   2,132,537,643.88   2,006,507,868.42
Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
Capital stock                                        402,600,000.00     402,600,000.00
Capital public reserves                              485,678,443.26     485,678,443.26
      Less: treasury share
      Surplus reserve                                131,442,909.11     131,442,909.11

 Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                The Q1 Report for 2014

     Undistributed profit                                                                                  529,675,176.63        542,374,627.44
  Difference of foreign currency translation
  Total owner’s equity                                                                                1,549,396,529.00        1,562,095,979.81
  Total owner’s equity and liabilities                                                                3,681,934,172.88        3,568,603,848.23

   Chairman:         Cong Hong                 General Accountant : Sun Najuan                 Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan
 2 Income Sheet
 Consolidated Income Sheet.
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Item                               Account for the current period             Account for the prior period
1.Total operating income                                                                793,395,179.56                             778,448,703.22
Including: Operating revenue                                                            793,395,179.56                             778,448,703.22
Interest income
Handling charge and commission income
2.Total operating cost                                                                  809,896,288.04                             764,332,340.27
Including: Operating cost                                                               732,653,807.31                             688,926,932.21
Interest expenses
Handling charge and commission income
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                                       3,223,170.86                               3,024,286.15
Selling expenses                                                                          49,767,820.33                             49,728,635.78
Administrative expense                                                                    17,319,595.82                             16,329,817.46
Financial expense                                                                          5,898,961.36                               5,976,134.30
Loss of impairment of assets                                                               1,032,932.36                                 346,534.37
Add: Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss with"-")
Investment income(loss with "-")                                                             285,931.87                               4,007,887.80
     Including: Income form investment on associated enterprise and
                                                                                             285,931.87                               4,007,887.80
jointly enterprise
3.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                                        -16,215,176.61                             18,124,250.75
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                                 1,321,315.04                               1,810,891.40
Less: Non-operating cost                                                                     492,125.91                                 291,985.99
Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets
4.Total profit(loss with"-")                                                             -15,385,987.48                             19,643,156.16
Less: Income tax expenses
5. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                              -15,385,987.48                             19,643,156.16
Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                                -15,385,987.48                             19,617,156.49
Minority interests
6.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                                       -0.04                                        0.05
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                                     -0.04                                        0.05
7. Other comprehensive returns
8. Total comprehensive returns                                                           -15,385,987.48                             19,617,156.49
Total comprehensive returns available for parent company                                 -15,385,987.48                             19,617,156.49
Total comprehensive returns available for minority shareholders

   Chairman:         Cong Hong                   General Accountant : Sun Najuan                  Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan

 Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                              The Q1 Report for 2014

 Income Sheet of Parent Company.
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Item                                  Account for the current period        Account for the prior period
Total operating income                                                                     794,578,226.16                        776,868,968.14
Including: Operating cost                                                                  735,381,311.52                        684,275,767.58
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                                          2,872,005.09                          2,727,312.86
Selling expenses                                                                             49,406,759.30                        49,394,878.37
Administrative expense                                                                       13,072,175.03                        12,617,389.41
Financial expense                                                                             6,194,867.78                          5,968,057.63
Loss of impairment of assets                                                                  1,032,932.36                            346,534.37
Add: Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss with"-")
Investment income(loss with "-")                                                                285,931.87                          4,007,887.80
     Including: Income form investment on associated enterprise and
                                                                                                285,931.87                          4,007,887.80
jointly enterprise
.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                                            -13,095,893.05                        25,546,915.72
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                                      881,124.39                          1,654,985.96
Less: Non-operating cost                                                                        484,682.15                            291,985.99
Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets
Total profit(loss with"-")                                                                  -12,699,450.81                        26,909,915.69
Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                                              25,999.67
 Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                                   -12,699,450.81                        -12,699,450.81
.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                                          -0.03                                   0.07
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                                        -0.03                                   0.07
Other comprehensive returns
. Total comprehensive returns                                                               -12,699,450.81                        26,883,916.02

   Chairman:        Cong Hong                      General Accountant : Sun Najuan                 Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan

 3 Cash Flow Statement
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan
                                   Item                                  Account for the current period        Account for the prior period

1.Cash from operating activities
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services                                  427,719,514.78                        346,160,502.66
Refund of taxes and fares                                                                           129.17                                218.89
Other cash received relating to operating activities                                          7,011,439.11                           -537,216.85
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  434,731,083.06                        345,623,504.70
Cash paid for goods and services                                                           284,014,566.39                        229,829,176.12
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                                                  83,570,787.92                          68,316,060.80
Tax payments                                                                                18,668,903.27                          13,845,519.95
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                            45,417,647.27                          45,680,870.13
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 431,671,904.85                        357,671,627.00
Net cash flows from operating activities                                                      3,059,178.21                        -12,048,122.30

 Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                              The Q1 Report for 2014

2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment                                                                                               680,000.00
Cash received from investment incomes
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating units
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                                                             680,000.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                            30,806,992.23                             141,279.80
long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating units
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                  30,806,992.23                             141,279.80
Net cash flows from investment activities                                                   -30,806,992.23                            538,720.20
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest
Proceeds from borrowings                                                                   195,000,000.00                        316,000,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  195,000,000.00                        316,000,000.00
Repayment of borrowings                                                                    156,322,611.11                        316,849,955.55
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses                                      9,244,840.15                          7,441,214.42
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest
Cash paid for other financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 165,567,451.26                        324,291,169.97
Net cash flows from financing activities                                                    29,432,548.74                          -8,291,169.97
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                                            555,520.30                             -42,705.56
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                                                  2,240,255.02                        -19,843,277.63
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year                                     60,616,759.13                        101,233,214.04
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                                           62,857,014.15                          81,389,936.41

   Chairman:       Cong Hong                       General Accountant : Sun Najuan                   Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan
 Cash Flow Statement Of Parent Company.
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan
                                   Item                                  Account for the current period        Account for the prior period

1.Cash from operating activities
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services                                  427,280,110.67                         348,860,702.11
Refund of taxes and fares                                                                           129.17                                218.89
Other cash received relating to operating activities                                          3,485,636.10                         -1,914,092.30
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  430,765,875.94                        346,946,828.70
Cash paid for goods and services                                                           296,041,579.55                        247,903,752.12
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                                                  72,265,092.72                          57,058,260.30
Tax payments                                                                                15,432,843.06                          11,571,324.41
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                            40,528,459.70                          42,664,910.10
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 424,267,975.03                        359,198,246.93

 Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                      The Q1 Report for 2014

Net cash flows from operating activities                                               6,497,900.91                   -12,251,418.23
2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes                                                                                    680,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating units
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                                                680,000.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                      30,769,332.23                        18,599.80
long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating units
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                            30,769,332.23                        18,599.80
Net cash flows from investment activities                                            -30,769,332.23                      661,400.20
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest
Proceeds from borrowings                                                             195,000,000.00                   316,000,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                            195,000,000.00                   316,000,000.00
Repayment of borrowings                                                              156,322,611.11                   316,849,955.55
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses                               9,242,735.25                     7,441,090.38
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest
Cash paid for other financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                           165,565,346.36                   324,291,045.93
Net cash flows from financing activities                                              29,434,653.64                    -8,291,045.93
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                                     555,520.30                        -42,705.56
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                                           5,718,742.62                   -19,923,769.52
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year                               56,478,876.74                    98,688,072.55
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                                     62,197,619.36                    78,764,303.03

   Chairman:       Cong Hong                       General Accountant : Sun Najuan          Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan

 4.2 Audited Report

 The Q1 Report is not audited.
