Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2015 Midyear Report Abstract Stock code:200706 Stock ID:Wazhou B Announcement No.2015-32 Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2015 Midyear Report Abstract 1. Important Notes (1) This abstract was derived from the annual report, the annual report issued on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange web or other web appointed by and CSRC; details please refer to the whole annual report. (2)Brief Information of the listed company Abbreviated name of the stock Wazhou B Stock code: 200706 Listing location of the Company’s stock: Shenzhen Stock Exchange Contacts Secretary of the Board Representative of Stock Affairs Name Sun Najuan Ke Xin Consulting telephone 0411-39116369 0411-39116732 Fax 0411-39116738 0411-39116738 E-mail zwz2308@126.com zwz2308@126.com 2.Main accounting date and shareholder change (1)Main accounting data +/-(%)comparing with the previous current period previous period period Operating income 1,168,093,679.34 1,641,013,208.71 -28.82% Net profit available for shareholders of listing -59,587,254.16 -17,449,186.08 241.49% company Net profit available for shareholders of listing -65,404,823.42 -20,480,427.05 219.35% company with abnormal incomes deducted Net cash flows from operation activities 14,734,845.66 56,163,250.30 -73.76% Basic gains on per share -0.15 -0.04 275.00% Diluted gains on per share -0.15 -0.04 275.00% Net returns on assets (%) -4.41% -1.17% -3.24% +/-(%)comparing with the end of last 2015.06.30 2014.12.31 year Total assets 3,711,289,841.13 3,935,819,231.85 -5.70% Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity) 1,322,257,734.56 1,381,844,988.72 -4.31% (2)Information on the top 10 shareholders Total shareholders at the end of report period 7739 1 Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2015 Midyear Report Abstract Top ten shareholders’ status Impawned and frozen Non-circulation shares Name Nature Proportion(%) Total shares shares status quantity Wafangdian State-owned Bearing Group 60.61% 402,600,000 244,000,000 shareholder Corporation AKTIEBOLAGET Foreign 19.70% 79,300,000 frozen 79,300,000 SKF shareholder BOCI Foreign SECURITIES 0.80% 3,120,000 shareholder LIMITED Domestic Huang Junyue 0.80% 3,060,000 shareholder Domestic Jin Yunhua 0.40% 1,674,140 shareholder GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HO Foreign 0.30% 1,255,949 NGKONG) shareholder LIMITED Domestic Hu Xiaofeng 0.30% 1,187,877 shareholder KGI ASIA Foreign 0.20% 878,710 LIMITED shareholder MAN,KWAI Foreign private 0.20% 713,101 WING 文贵荣 shareholde Domestic Yang Yufei 0.10% 502,278 shareholder The explanation on the relationship and consistent There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and activities between above other shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; shareholders (3) Changes of the holding shareholders and the actual controller Changes of the holding shareholders □applicable √Not applicable Changes of the holding shareholders and the actual controller □applicable √Not applicable 3、Discussion and analysis Affected by new econimic sutiation with intensely competitive market and shaortage of orders,the commany sales scale dropping sharply compared with last peirod which lead to the loss in the first half year of 2015 At the end of June 30, company's total assets is 3.71129 billion Yuan, which decrease 5.7% compared with the beginning of this year; Net assess attributing to shareholders of listed company 1.32226 billion Yuan, decreased by 4.31% compared with then beginning of this year; Operating income is 1.16809 billion Yuan, decrease by 28.82% compared with the same period last year; Net profit of attributing to shareholders of the parent company is minus 59.59 million Yuan. 2 Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2015 Midyear Report Abstract 4、Relevant items involved financial report (1) The explanation of the changes in accounting policies, accounting estimation and calculation method comparing with the latest annual report □applicable √Not applicable (2) The content of significant errors, the changed amount, the reason and the effect □applicable √Not applicable (3) The explanation of the changes in the consolidated scope comparing with the latest annual report □applicable √Not applicable (4) Opinions presented by Board meeting and supervisor meeting on “un-standard audit report” □applicable √Not applicable 3