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						Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                     2016 Midyear Report

                      Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                             2016 Midyear Report

                                     August 25, 2016
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                        2016 Midyear Report

                    Chapter I.        Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions

     The Board of Directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby

guarantee that there are no false record, misleading statements and important omission of the material in this report, and

assume the individual and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
     Besides the following directors, all the other directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

           Name                Post                            Reasons                             Assignee name

   Tang Yurong             director                          Busy work                               Fang Bo
   Wan Shouyi        Independent director                    Busy work                               Zhang Li

      The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share


      Chairman Meng Wei , General Accountant Ms. Sun Najuan and accounting charger Ms. Yao Chunjuan

declare: guarantee the truth and completeness of the financial report in the annual report.

    According to the relevant provisions of the "Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules", if the

company ‘s net profit attributable to shareholders of audit listed companies continue to be negative

by the year 2016, the company shares will be suspended from listing in the 2016 annual

announcement. Please the majority of investors of investment risks.

    The description of the future development in this report does not constitute a commitment for

investors. Investors are requested to pay attention to the risks involved in your investment.

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                  2016 Midyear Report

                                                Table of Contents

Chapter I.      Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions.............................. 1

Chapter II.Company Profile..........................................................................................4

Chapter III.Financial Highlights.................................................................................... 5

Chapter IV Directors Report.........................................................................................6

ChapterⅤ Significant Events.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

ChapterⅥ. Changes in Capital Stock and Shareholders...................... 错误!未定义书签。

Chapter Ⅶ. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff....... 错误!未定义书签。

Chapter Ⅷ. Corporate Governance..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

ChapterⅨ. Internal Control................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

ChapterⅩ. Financial Report (Attachment)........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                     2016 Midyear Report


Terms                                        Defined as        Description

Company,the Company                           Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Wazhou Group                                  Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Group Company

the report period, the current period, the
current year
                                              Defined as       January 1,2016–June 30,2016

Liaozhou Co.,Ltd                              Defined as       Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing Manufacture Co.,Ltd

Dalian motor                                  Defined as       Dalian motor Bearing Co.,Ltd

SRB company                                   Defined as       Wazhou spherial roller bearing company limited

The Board of Directors                        Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The Board of
The Supervisory Committee                     Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The
                                                               Supervisory Committee

The Shareholders’Meeting                     Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The

Shen Jiao Suo                                 Defined as       Shen Zhen Stock Exchange

SRC                                           Defined as       China Securities Regulatory Commission

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                        2016 Midyear Report

                                          Chapter II.Company Profile

I. Company Information

Abbreviated name of the                                               Stock code:                   200706
                               Wazhou B
Listing location of the
                               Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company’s stock:
Chinese name of the
Abbreviation of Chinese
English name of the
                               Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
Abbreviation of English
Legal representative of the
                               Meng Wei
Registered address             No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
P.C                            116300
office address                 No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
office P.C                     116300
Website                        http//www.zwz-200706.com
E-mail                         zwz2308@126.com
                                           Secretary of the Board                    Representative of StockA ffairs
Name                                       Sun Najuan                                 Ke Xin
                                           No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City,
Correspondence address
                                           Liaoning Province, China.                Liaoning Province, China.
Consulting telephone                       0411-39116369                             0411-39116732
Fax                                        0411-39116738                             0411-39116738
E-mail                                     zwz2308@126.com                          zwz2308@126.com

III.Other information
i.The way to contact with compay
In the report period the Registered address ,P.C, office address,office P.C of the company is no change.Detials can be seen in
2015annual report.
ii.Place for information disclosure
In the report period the place for information disclosure is no change. is no change.Detials can be seen in 2015 annual report.
iii. Change of Business Registration
In the report period the Registration .date Registration place No. of Incorporation, Certificate No. of Taxation Registration
Organization code is no change. etials can be seen in 2015 annual report.
iv.Other relevant information
In the report period other relevant information is no change.

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2016 Midyear Report

                                                  Chapter III. Financial Highlights

   I.Main accounting data and indices

   Are there any retrospective adjustments or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of accounting
   policies or correcting of accounting errors?
     [ ] Yes [V] No
                                                                                                                     In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                        +/-(%)comparing with the
                                                    current period               previous period
                                                                                                               previous period
               Turnover(RMB)                           1,125,455,031.98              1,168,093,679.34                       -3.65%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                          -44,024,185.93               -59,587,254.16                      -26.12%
             listed company(Yuan)
 Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
                                                          -55,263,473.29               -65,404,823.42                      -15.51%
   listed company and after deducting of
        non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                           -8,389,665.15                14,734,845.66                     -156.94%
operation (RMB)
   Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)                           -0.11                          -0.15                     -26.67%
  Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)                          -0.11                          -0.15                     -26.67%
            Net return on equity(%)                             -3.32%                         -4.41%                        1.09%
                                                  End of 2016.06.30             End of 2015.12.31      Changed over last year (%)
            Total Assets (RMB)                        3,520,139,949.23               3,523,969,203.48                       -0.11%
Owner’s Equity Attributed to Shareholders of
                                                       1,304,440,789.40              1,348,464,975.33                       -3.26%
   II. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard
   No difference
   III. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
                                                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                                      Items                                           Amount                   Remarks
   Gain/loss of non-current assets
   (includes the neutralized part of the asset impairment provision drawn          4,570,629.34
   Gains and losses included in the current period of government
   subsidies, excluding those government grants which are closely related
   to normal business and in line with national policy, or in accordance with
   fixed standards or quantities
   Debt restructuring gains and losses                                             1,972,518.59
   Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                  480,334.81
   Influenced amount of income tax                                                 1,359,545.06
   Total                                                                           11,239,287.36                  --
         For the Company‘s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information
   Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public–Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
   gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their
   Securities to the Public–Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is
   necessary to explain the reason.

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                        2016 Midyear Report

                                            Chapter IV Directors Report
   I. Overview
       In the first half of year,the macroeconomic downward pressure diminished, the industrial economy remains in the
   doldrums, the bearing industry is still in negative growth,but the company has overcome the lack of market orders, sales
   prices continue to decline, market competition and many other difficulties, has taken various measures to actively and steadily,
   maintained a steady business development.
         At the end of June 30, company's total assets is 3.25014 billion Yuan, which decrease 0.11% compared with the
   beginning of this year; Net assess attributing to shareholders of listed company 1.30444 billion Yuan, decreased by3.26%
   compared with then beginning of this year; Operating income is 1.12546 billion Yuan, decrease by 3.65% compared with the
   same period last year; Net profit of attributing to shareholders of the parent company is minus 44.02 million Yuan, in the last
   year was 59.59 million Yuan.

   II. Analysis of Main Business

             Item                  Report period        Last report period     Changed                  Change reason
                                                                               by %YoY
Main Business Income               1,125,455,031.98        1,168,093,679.34        -3.65%
Main Business Cost                 1,043,602,026.69        1,068,509,261.57        -2.33%
Sales Expenses                        84,742,685.88           98,588,255.39       -14.04%
Management Expenses                   36,646,177.56           40,067,918.93        -8.54%
Financial Expenses                                                                         1.the loan interest decrease with 5.41
                                                                                           million Yuan,2.exchange gain and loss
                                      12,390,741.72           20,655,027.80        -40.01% decrease with 5.04 million
                                                                                           Yuan.3.long-term loan interest increase
                                                                                           1.23 million Yuan.
Tax Expenses                                                                               Because the SRB company is loss,the
                                                                 264,036.88       -100.00%
                                                                                           tax expense is unprovision.
Spending on research and
development of the business           45,000,000.00           55,000,000.00        -18.18%
income ratio
                                                                                           The sale amount decrease,receiveable
Net Cash Flows from                                                                        from customer decline,which make the
                                       -8,389,665.15          14,734,845.66       -156.94%
Operating Activities                                                                       Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                                                                           Activities decrease sharpe.
Net Cash Flows from
                                     -25,642,335.69          -17,722,945.26         44.68%The cash pay to assets increase.
Investing Activities
Net Cash Flows from                                                                        Mainly affected by loan change,the
                                      68,025,342.68          -58,164,206.80       -216.95%
Financing Activities                                                                       Repayment of borrowings decrease.
Net Increase in Cash and                                                                   Net Cash Flows from Financing
                                      35,385,469.18          -60,933,606.57       -158.07%
Cash Equivalents                                                                           Activities increase.
                                                                                           Because the returned money by
Bills receivable                     176,846,224.26          100,506,003.70         75.96%
                                                                                           bank acceptance increase.
                                                                                           Dividend reciivable with 240 thousand
Dividend reciivable                             0.00             240,000.00       -100.00% Yuan from ME at the beginning of the
                                                                                           1. disposal of fixed assets income
                                                                                           increased with 3.69 million Yuan.2.
Non-operating revenue                 14,004,273.12            6,894,300.08        103.13% Mainly because the fine income from
                                                                                           agency.3.the government subsidiary
                                                                                           increased with 3.08 million Yuan.
Non-operating cost                      1,405,440.70             474,066.00        196.47%

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2016 Midyear Report

                                                                                               1.debt restruct loss increase with 580
                                                                                               thousand Yuan.2.personal injury
                                                                                               compensation with 550 thouand Yuan.
Other cash received relating
                                        3,957,803.39            1,986,184.06         99.27%.the government subsidiary increase.
to operating activities
Net cash received from
disposal of fixed assets,                                                                      Sale assets to WBGC,receive the
                                       10,000,000.00                 18,000.00    55,455.56%
intangible assets and other                                                                    payment.
long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and          35,882,335.69            6,490,945.26        452.81%Payment for grinding manchines
other long-term assets
                                                                                            Mainly because last year the company buy
Cash paid to acquire                                                                        Dalian sikaifu ZWZ Bearing Co., Ltd. 51% of
                                                               11,250,000.00       -100.00% the equity, the issuing bank letter of credit of
                                                                                            11.25 million yuan payment at maturity
                                                                                            Generations of forging discounted repayment
                                                                                            separately to the payment related to financing
Other proceeds relating to                                                                  activities cash. At the same time, the
financing activities                                                                        imputation in the purchase of goods and
                                                                                            receive services paid cash with 70.83 million
                                                                                            Affected by loan change, the repayment
Repayment of borrowings               287,000,000.00         488,000,000.00         -41.19% of borrowings decrease in the report
                                                                                               Because the dollar exchange rate increase,
Effects of foreign exchange
                                        1,392,127.34                218,699.83      536.55% the exchange profit increase, impact of the
rate changes on cash                                                                           current dollar denominated bank deposits
   The profit structure or source change greatly
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   Pre-disclosure of operation plan
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   Review on the progress of prior disclosure development strategy and business plan during the reporting period
         In 2016,the domestic market was more competitive, price of product was failing, profit margins was becoming
   narrowly.The international market competition was trending he domestic market, domestic competition internationalization
   was serious day by day,sales price of bearing product continued to slide, These reasons constitute a bigger threat to improve
   operation quality, cause the company did not finish business plan.
   III. Main business composition
                                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan

                                                                                  +/-(%) of
                                                                                                    +/-(%) of
                        Operating income      Operating cost            BOI       operating                            +/-(%) of BOI
                                                                                                  operating cost
   By Industries
   Export                 185,404,198.78           171,817,900.02        7.33%        -4.33%               -7.78%                3.47%
   Civil                  313,045,519.50           309,100,505.47        1.26%        -4.23%                2.48%               -6.46%
   Including: Traffic
                          234,876,679.63           209,419,001.52       10.84%        -3.19%               -5.13%                1.83%
   Special Bearing        264,036,944.51           223,609,548.98       15.31%        -9.63%               -9.51%               -0.12%
                             25,188,757.18          30,843,348.31       -22.45%      114.30%             109.50%                 2.81%
   Industrial income      313,045,519.50           309,100,505.47     1.26%           -4.23%                2.48%               -6.46%
                                                            On Products
   Bearing                997,363,342.42           913,946,955.99     8.36%           -5.50%               -4.38%               -1.08%
           Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                              2016 Midyear Report

                                          25,188,757.18          30,843,348.31       -22.45%        114.30%          109.50%                2.81%
           Civil                     837,147,900.82             772,972,404.28     7.67%              -4.15%           -1.43%               -2.54%
           Foreign                   185,404,198.78             171,817,900.02     7.33%              -4.33%           -7.78%                3.47%

           IV. Core competence analyzing
                As the country's largest bearing technology and product r&d and manufacturing base, company has accumulated more
           than seventy years practice experience in the field of bearings and related areas, set up perfect bearing technology
           innovation system, maintain close cooperation with domestic scientific research institutes, colleges and universities. As the
           main drafter of bearing industry a number of standard, company control the latest technology development trend in the
           industry. In technology research and development, product manufacturing, marketing , customer services and other aspects
           have established a significant advantage.
               Company improve responsiveness to the market and customer personalized demand, in line with customer's
           personalized design and needs of manufacturing processes balancing cost, delivery time and customer,
               The company has complete product service system and 24-hour dynamic service ability product operating site. And was
           praised with a good image of the "ten value-added services" by the majority customers. Company has strong manufacturing
           capability and quality assurance capabilities, extensive services in railway, automobile, metallurgy, mining, and other
           industries and fields.
               Company has established strategic cooperative relations with key customers in domestic equipment applications, carry
           out the depth of marketing through involvement in customer value engineer, set firmly up the company's brand and influence
           in the domestic bearing market, the company has won the certification qualification of important target markets in the
           international market , the international popularity established preliminary.
           V. Investment Analysis
           1.External equity investment
           2. Analysis of Main Subsidiaries and Investment Companies
   Company                                                   Registered                                        Operating        Operating
                     Type      Industry      Product or                     Total Asset        Net Asset                                        Net Profit
    Name                                                      Capital                                          Revenue           Profit
                                          Product and Sale
Liaoyang                                  Bearing and        19,350,000   115,076,935.48 -48,220,600.98 78,874,398.15 -5,338,468.89 -3,648,342.18
Bearing                                   machine-electrical
Dalian Electrical                         Product and Sale 10,000,000     116,143,552.74 19,653,622.82 66,288,350.18            764,169.49      764,169.49
Equipment                                 Bearing
spherical    Joint-stock
                                          Product and
roller                                    Sales Spherical   194,000,000 243,863,379.97 226,056,372.94 51,235,049.19 -5,451,705.19 -5,348,869.95
bearing(Wafa Company                      Roller Bearing

           3. Important Non-raised Capital’s Projects

                                    Investment in
                         Total Plan               Accumulated
        Project                       the report              Progress                                             Earnings
                         Investment                investment

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2016 Midyear Report

The second
                                                                               Imform the grinding ability of second generation wheel hub with
generation wheel             787              273            620     80.00%
                                                                                                    150 thousand sets.
hub bearing
Precise roller
                           1,400              306          1,106     85.00%                Provide matched roller for main product
Large precise entity
                             550               14            147     30.00%                Provide cage for Large precise bearing
Heat treament and                                                                                    Improve the ability
                             660              187            478     60.00%
matched machines
Other projects             2,000             1,106         1,106     65.00%         To ensure the bearing qulity and enhance productivity
        Total              5,397             1,886         3,457                                                                             --

       VI. Forecast for operation outstanding from 2016 January to September
       VII. Explanation of the Board of Directions and Board of supervisor on the Qualified Auditor’s
       Report Issued by the CPAs
         The financial report is unaudited

       VIII Explanation of the Board of Directions on the Qualified Auditor’s last year Report Issued by
       the CPAs
       The financial report is unaudited

       IX. Dividend Distribution

       X.Reception of investigations,communications,or interviews in the report period

                                                                                                              Main content involved and
             Time/date              Place                Way          Type of visitors        Visitors
                                                                                                                  material provided
                                                       Telephone                                            The general information of
        January 27,2016             Office                           Private investor    Private investor
                                                     communication                                          the company
                                                       Telephone                                            The general information of
        March9,2016                 Office                           Private investor    Private investor
                                                     communication                                          the company
                                                       Telephone                                            The general information of
        March 17,2016               Office                           Private investor    Private investor
                                                     communication                                          the company
                                                       Telephone                                            The general information of
        April 27,2016               Office                           Private investor    Private investor
                                                     communication                                          the company

       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                         2016 Midyear Report

                                              ChapterⅤ Significant Events

       I. Corporate Governance
       During the report period, the Company had continuously observed Company Law, Securities Law, and Guidelines of
       Corporate Governance for Listed Company and relevant regulations to improve and enhance its corporate governance.
       1.1 The holding of the shareholders, board of directors and board of supervisors, the voting procedures and the formation of
       the resolutions were totally subject to these regulations.
       1.2 The Company has made its internal management systems and regulations for restriction of budgeting, purchasing,
       logistics and sale, etc, and executed them strictly.
       1.3 The company has separated business, personnel, assets, interior organization and finance from its holding shareholder:
       (1) The Company had independent operations itself, with its business separated from its holding shareholders;
       (2)The Company was independent in terms of its personnel, labor and salary management, and had its own independent
       labor and personnel management systems.
       (3)The production system, auxiliary production system and supplementary facilities of the Company were independent from
       the controlling shareholder.
       (4)The Company has separated the accounting from the controlling shareholder. The Company carried out independent
       finance and accounting on its own and paid taxes independently.
       (5)The Company has established the organizations independent on the holding shareholder

       II. Main Lawsuits and Arbitration Affairs
       □Applicable √ Inapplicable
       There were no important lawsuits and arbitration affairs.

       III. Media query.
       □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
       There was no media query in the report period.

       IV. Bankruptcy and Recombination
       □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

       V. Asset business
       √Applicable □ Inapplicable

       Sales of asset
                                                The                             Whether Therightassets
                                                                                                       The debt is
                                    Price(10 assets                                              is      totally   Date of
The dealing assets
   party    sale
                         Sale date thousandYu Contrubut Influence to principle transactio totally
                                                                      Pricing is related               transferd or disclos       The index
                                       an)    ion to                               ns   changed or         not       ure
                                                profit                                         not
         assets                                                                                                               http:
         and                                                                                                                  //www.cninfo.com.
         liabilities                                                                                                          cn
         related                                                                value of                                      Wafangdian
                                           Detials can
Wazhou               May                                                                                                      Bearing Company
         with        18,2018
                             1,094.3       be found in                          net      Yes
         auto                              anncement                            assets.                                       Affiliate
         transfer                                                                                                             Transaction
         case                                                                                                                 Announcement of
         bearing                                                                                                              Assets Sale
     VI.Implementation and Influence of Equity Incentives
       □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                                              2015 Midyear Report
VII. Important Contracts and Implementation
1、The relate transactions related to the day-to-day operations.
                                                                                                                                    More than
                                                                                                   Relative              Approval      the
                                                 Relative              Principle     Relative                    of                              The Way Of    Market Disclosure Disclosure
  Relative parties         Relationship                      Content                              Amount(R                amount    approved
                                                  type                 of price       Price                 accounted                             Account      price     Date      Index
                                                                                                  MB’0000)             (RMB’0000) amount or
                                                                                                            for similar
                                             Merchandise Compon Justice and                                                                     Cash Payment
                                                                                   Market price           257    0.17%         300     no
                                             Procurement ents      Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                                             Lease of    Lease of Justice and                                                                   Cash Payment
                                                                                   Market price           45     0.03%          22    Yes
                                             Houses      Houses Equity                                                                          or The Knot
                  Other Companies                        Goods
 Wazhou precision controlled by the same Sales of                  Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
                                                         and                       Market price           76     0.07%          70    Yes
 Steel Ball       controlling share holders goods                  Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                  and the ultimate                       Materials
                  controlling party                      Land      Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
                                             Land rent                             Market price           10     0.01%          20     no
                                                         rent      Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                                             Provide               Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
                                                         treatmen                  Market price           45     0.03%         300     no
                                             Service               Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                                             Merchandise Compon Justice and                                                                     Cash Payment
                                                                                   Market price       8,093      5.25%      20,000     no
                                             Procurement ents      Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                  Other Companies            Sales of              Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
                                                         and                       Market price       8,099      7.20%      21,000     no
 Wazhou precision controlled byshare same goods
                  controlling        holders             Materials
                                                                   Equity                                                                       or The Knot
  forging Ltd., and the ultimate             Lease of    Lease of Justice and                                                                   Cash Payment
                  controlling party                                                Market price           17     0.02%          55     no
                                             Houses      Houses    Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                                                         Land      Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
                                             Land rent                             Market price           28     0.02%          55     no
                                                         rent      Equity                                                                       or The Knot
                                             Merchandise Producti Justice and                                                                   Cash Payment
                                                                                   Market price           712    0.46%       1,500     no
                                             Procurement on        Equity                                                                       or The Knot
 Dalian Wazhou Other Companiessame
                  controlled by the                      Goods
 Manufacturing                               Sales of              Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
 Equipment Co., controllingultimate holders goods
                  and the
                               share                     and
                                                                                   Market price           55     0.05%         400     no
                                                                                                                                                or The Knot
 Ltd                                                     Materials
                  controlling party
                                             Merchandise           Justice and                                                                  Cash Payment
                                                         Equipment                 Market price           48     0.05%       1,800     no
                                             Procurement           Equity                                                                       or The Knot

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                                        2015 Midyear Report
                   Other Companies             Merchandise Bearing Justice and                                                            Cash Payment
 Wazhou Group controlled by the same                                                     Market price    2,959     1.92%    5,000   no
                                               Procurement Product Equity                                                                 or The Knot
 Turnplate Bearing controlling share holders
                   and the ultimate            Sales of              Justice and                                                          Cash Payment
 Ltd                                                       Materials                     Market price        31    0.03%     200    no
                   controlling party           goods                 Equity                                                               or The Knot
                                               Merchandise Bearing Justice and                                                            Cash Payment
                                                                                         Market price    4,504     2.92%    9,500   no
                     Other Companies           Procurement Product Equity                                                                 or The Knot
 Wazhou Group
 precision           controlled by the same Sales of       Materials
                                                                     Justice and
                                                                                         Market price    1,453     1.29%    6,000   no
                                                                                                                                          Cash Payment
                     controlling share holders goods                 Equity                                                               or The Knot
 Transmission        and the ultimate                      Heat
 Bearing Co., Ltd    controlling party         Provide               Justice and                                                          Cash Payment
                                                           treatmen                      Market price        44    0.03%       0    Yes
                                               Service               Equity                                                               or The Knot
                                               Sales of              Justice and                                                          Cash Payment
                                                           and                           Market price        145   0.13%     600    no
                                               goods                 Equity                                                               or The Knot

 Wazhou Group        Other Companies           Lease of          Lease of   Justice and                                                   Cash Payment
                                                                                        Market price         26    0.02%      51    no
 Precision special   controlled by the same Houses               Houses     Equity                                                        or The Knot
                     controlling share holders
 Bearing Company     and the ultimate                            Land       Justice and                                                   Cash Payment
 Limited             controlling party         Land rent                                Market price          4    0.00%       9    no
                                                                 rent       Equity                                                        or The Knot
                                                  Provide                 Justice and                                                     Cash Payment
                                                                 treatmen             Market price           18    0.01%     100    no
                                                  Service                 Equity                                                          or The Knot
                     Other Companies controlled
 Equipment technical                                             Equipment
                     by the same controlling share Merchandise             Justice and                                                    Cash Payment
 engineering                                                     and                     Market price    1,261     0.82%    3,000   no
                     holders and the ultimate      Procurement
                                                                           Equity                                                         or The Knot
                     controlling party
                                                  Merchandise Bearing Justice and                                                         Cash Payment
                                                                                         Market price    2,531     1.64%    7,000   no
                                                  Procurement Product Equity                                                              or The Knot
 Wafangdian                                                   Heat
                                                  Provide               Justice and                                                       Cash Payment
 Tongda Bearing                                               treatmen                   Market price         0    0.00%      50    no
                     Other Related party          Service               Equity                                                            or The Knot
 Manufacturing                                                t
 Co., Ltd                                                     Goods
                                                  Sales of              Justice and                                                       Cash Payment
                                                              and                        Market price        12    0.01%     100    no
                                                  goods                 Equity                                                            or The Knot
 Da Lian KOYO   Other Related party               Merchandise           Justice and                                                       Cash Payment
                                                              Goods                      Market price    1,755     1.14%    4,000   no
 Co., Ltd                                         Procurement           Equity                                                            or The Knot
 Da Lian Wazhou Other Related party               Merchandise Bearing Justice and                                                         Cash Payment
                                                                                         Market price    4,408     2.86%   10,000   no
 Fengyuan                                         Procurement Product Equity                                                              or The Knot
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                                         2015 Midyear Report
 Machine Co.,Ltd                                  Sales of       Lease of   Justice and                                                    Cash Payment
                                                                                        Market price           5    0.00%      11    no
                                                  goods          huouse     Equity                                                         or The Knot
                                                  Provide                   Justice and                                                    Cash Payment
                                                                 treatmen               Market price           0    0.00%      20    no
                                                  Service                   Equity                                                         or The Knot

                                                  Merchandise Bearing Justice and                                                          Cash Payment
                                                                                  Market price            4,148     2.69%    9,500   no
                                                  Procurement Product Equity                                                               or The Knot

 Da Lian Wazhou                                   Sales of                 Justice and                                                     Cash Payment
                  Other Related party                            and                   Market price           33    0.03%     150    no
 Jin Zhou Machine                                 goods                    Equity                                                          or The Knot
 Co.,Ltd                                          Lease of       Lease of Justice and                                                      Cash Payment
                                                                                       Market price           40    0.04%      80    no
                                                  Houses         Houses    Equity                                                          or The Knot
                                                  Provide                  Justice and                                                     Cash Payment
                                                                 treatmen              Market price            5    0.00%     100    no
                                                  Service                  Equity                                                          or The Knot
                    Other Companies controlled
 Wazhou group (USA) by the same controlling share                Bearing    Justice and                                                    Cash Payment
                                                  Sales of goods                          Market price    4,751     4.22%   13,000   no
 bearing co., LTD   holders and the ultimate                     Product    Equity                                                         or The Knot
                    controlling party
 Wazhou group        Other Companies controlled
 high-end            by the same controlling share                Bearing   Justice and                                                    Cash Payment
                                                   Sales of goods                         Market price        378   0.34%       0    Yes
 automobile          holders and the ultimate                     Product   Equity                                                         or The Knot
 bearing co., LTD    controlling party
                     Other Companies controlled
 Da Lian North metal                                              Goods
                     by the same controlling share                          Justice and                                                    Cash Payment
 material trading                                  Sales of goods and                     Market price         0    0.00%    9,000   no
                     holders and the ultimate
                                                                            Equity                                                         or The Knot
                     controlling party

                                                  Merchandise         justice and                                                          Cash Payment
                                                              product             Market price            7,389     4.80%   16,000   no
                                                  Procurement         Equity                                                               or The Knot

                     The controlling share                       Security
                                                                            justice and                                                    Cash Payment
 Wazhou Group        holders and the ultimate                    and Fire               Market price          165   0.11%     329    no
                                                                            Equity                                                         or The Knot
                     controlling party                           Service
                                                  Service                   justice and                                                    Cash Payment
                                                                 ement                  Market price          39    0.03%      80    no
                                                                            Equity                                                         or The Knot
                                                                 Technol    justice and Market price          270   0.18%     540    no    Cash Payment
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                                               2015 Midyear Report
                                                                     ogy       Equity                                                            or The Knot
                                                                     Tradema justice and                                                         Cash Payment
                                                                                               Market price        212    0.14%      500    no
                                                                     rk        Equity                                                            or The Knot
                                                                     Lease of justice and                                                        Cash Payment
                                                                                               Market price        468    0.30%     1,900   no
                                                                     Houses, Equity                                                              or The Knot
                                                                     Land      justice and                                                       Cash Payment
                                                                                               Market price        83     0.05%      524    no
                                                                     rent      Equity                                                            or The Knot
                                                                     machime                                                                     Cash Payment
                                                                                                                   467    0.30%     1,239   no
                                                                     s rent                                                                      or The Knot
                                                     Sales of                  Justice and                                                       Cash Payment
                                                                     and                       Market price    1,788      1.59%     8,000   no
                                                     goods                     Equity                                                            or The Knot
                                     Total                                                                    56,877     --       152,105
 Details of the rejection of the goods
 already sold in big amount
 In case the total amount of the regularrelated transaction incurred in
 thereporting period has been predicted basedon categories, state the actual   non
 implementation of the in the reportingperiod (if any)
 Cause of the big difference between the
 transaction price and the market reference                                    In-applicable
 price. (if applicable)

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                 2016 Mid-yearal Report

ii、The related business on asset purchase and sales

iii. Major related business on jointly investment

iv、Credit and Debt with relevant parties

Credit and Debt from non-operation
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Other important related business
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Vi. Important contract and implement

VIII. Statements of the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if applicable) on the “Non-standard
Auditors’ Report” issued by the CPA.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
IX. The implement of major contract and its performance
1. Deposit, contract and rent.
The content of rent can be found in part eleven “Related Parties Relationship and Transactions” section five“Related

X. Commitment made by sharehoder with over 5% shares in the report or happen before but last to the report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XI. Hiring, firing certified public accountants
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XII. Punishment and rectification
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XIII. Suspension and terminated listig after the annual report disclosure.
□Yes √ No

XIV. Other important matters
□Yes √ No

              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2016 Mid-yearal Report
                        ChapterⅥ. Changes in Capital Stock and Shareholders
                                   Before Changes                    Changes in Shares                         After Changes
                                   Shares      Ratio New             Conversio                                          Ratio
                                                             Bonus   n of
                                                     Shares                           Others    Subtotal     Shares
                                                              Shares Reserves
                                                                     to Share
    1.Non-tradable Shares        244,000,000 60.61%                                                                       60.61%
    a. Promoters’ Shares        244,000,000 60.61%                                                                       60.61%
    Including:State-owned                                                                                  244,000,0
                           244,000,000 60.61%                                                                             60.61%
    share                                                                                                         00
    2.Tradable shares            158,600,000 39.39%                                                                       39.39%
    b.B shares                   158,600,000 39.39%                                                                       39.39%
    3.Total                      402,600,000    100%                                                                        100%

    I. Changes in Capital Stock
    Reason of Changes of Shares
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable

    Influence from the shareholding movements upon such financial indicators as earnings per share, net asset per
    share of the latest year and the latest accounting period
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable

    II. Shareholders and Actual Controller
    1. Number of Shareholders and Shares
                                                                                                                    Unit: Share

Total number of shareholder at the end                  Total number of shareholder at the end of report
                                                    7,325                                                                      0
of report period                                        period with preferred stock
                                             Shareholders with 5% or above Shares
                                                                                          Current    Impawned or Frozen Shares
                                     Ratio Total shares Increase or           Non-current
      Name              Nature                           Decrease in          shares held
                                     (%)     held
                                                                                                         Status      Amount
                  State-owned                                                  244,000,0
Bearing Group                         60.61% 402,600,000
                  shareholder                                                        00
                                      19.70% 79,300,000                                    79,300,000       Frozen       79,300,000
SKF               shareholder
Huang Junyue                           1.01%     4,050,000
SECURITIES                             0.55%     2,220,000
Jin Yunhua                             0.51%     2,072,629
Hu Xiaofeng                            0.47%     1,879,277
                                       0.45%     1,795,540
SECURITIES(HO shareholder
             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2016 Mid-yearal Report
(HONG KONG)                             0.26%       1,049,915
MAN,KWAI WING       Foreign private
                                         0.18%        713,101
文贵荣              shareholde
Miao Jun                                 0.14%        552,700
Explanation for the Affiliated          In the report period, the frozen period of the shares purchased by the company’s strategic
Relations or United Action of the investor AKTIEBOLAGET SKF expired in 1999, and has not dealt with the releasing-procedure in
Top Ten Shareholders                  this report period.
Notes to relationship or “action in
concert”among the top ten
                                                       Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                         Category of Shares
                  Name                                Current shares held at end of year
                                                                                                   Categories            Amount
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                      79,300,000        B                   79,300,000
Huang Junyue                                                                           4,050,000        B                    4,050,000
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                2,220,000        B                    2,220,000
Jin Yunhua                                                                             2,072,629        B                    2,072,629
Hu Xiaofeng                                                                            1,879,277        B                    1,879,277
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                            B
                                                                                       1,795,540                             1,795,540
CREDIT SUISSE (HONG KONG)                                                                               B
                                                                                       1,049,915                             1,049,915
MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                                                                     713,101        B                      713,101
Miao Jun                                                                                 552,700        B                      552,700
Zhou Junlin                                                                              539,600        B                      539,600
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and
or United Action of the Top Ten             other shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other
Shareholders and the Top Ten Tradable shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders and other
Shareholders                                shareholders was not clear.

    iii Change of Controlling Shareholder Actual Controller in the Report Period
    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                              ChapterⅦ. Relevant information about preferred stock

                      ChapterⅧ. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

    I. Shares holding change in Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management
    II. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

         Name                            Position                     Type          Date                            Reason
    Wu Chunyou        Independent Director                      expiration       May 18,2016
    Liu Yuping        Independent Director                      Elected          May 18,2016

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                   2016 Mid-yearal Report

                                  Chapter VIII. Financial Report
 I. Audit Report

 The financial report is unaudited
 II. Financial Statement
 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet.
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                          Closing Balance           Opening Balance
Current assets :
Monetary fund                                                       137,341,499.74              116,316,020.57
Financial assets held-for-trading
Bills receivable                                                    176,846,224.26              100,506,003.70
Account receivable                                                1,023,728,246.54              993,933,326.37
Account paid in advance                                              36,428,881.73               32,673,623.77
Interest receivable
Dividend reciivable                                                                                 240,000.00
Other receivables                                                    23,335,159.29               21,462,837.65
Inventory                                                         1,023,253,563.94            1,075,275,456.02
Non-current assets due within 1 year
Other current assets                                                  6,509,506.13                8,973,032.78
Total current assets                                              2,427,443,081.63            2,349,380,300.86
Non-current assets
Financial assets available-for-sale                                   2,000,000.00                2,000,000.00
Investments held-to-maturity
Long-term receivable
Long-term equity investment
Investment property
Fixed assets                                                        616,407,430.76              695,125,451.81
Construction in progress                                            328,735,373.03              329,632,219.42
Construction materials
Fixed assets disposal
Biological assets
Gas and petrol assets
Intangible assets                                                   133,145,519.69              135,366,608.09
Development expenditure
Long-term prepaid expense                                               555,276.85                  611,356.03
Deferred tax assets                                                  11,853,267.27               11,853,267.27
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                                          1,092,696,867.60            1,174,588,902.62
Total assets                                                      3,520,139,949.23            3,523,969,203.48
Current liabilities
  Short-term loan                                                   468,000,000.00              385,000,000.00
  Note payable                                                      280,518,900.00              327,466,550.20
  Accounts payable                                                  987,988,300.81              973,485,937.22
  Accounts received in advance                                       32,089,340.69               44,835,510.10
    Commission charge payable
   Accrued payroll                                                   18,561,649.49               19,440,701.80
    Tax payable                                                       5,092,488.91                6,074,347.23
    Interest payable                                                  1,630,007.00                1,400,000.00
    Dividends payable
    Other payables                                                  141,135,587.68              133,832,447.67
    Non-current liabilities due within I year                                                    50,000,000.00
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                            2016 Mid-yearal Report
   Other current liabilities                                                4,651,103.83                    4,411,103.83
Total current liabilities                                               1,939,667,378.41                1,945,946,598.05
Non-current liabilities
   Long-term loan
 Debenture payable
   Long-term payables                                                       1,597,305.72                    1,597,305.72
   Special payables                                                           321,698.98                      321,698.98
   Contingent liabilities
Deferred income                                                            43,124,348.14                  46,650,196.82
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                     988,428.58                     988,428.58
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                             276,031,781.42                  229,557,630.10
Total liabilities                                                       2,215,699,159.83                2,175,504,228.15
Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
Capital stock                                                             402,600,000.00                 402,600,000.00
Capital public reserves                                                   485,691,050.47                 485,691,050.47
      Less: treasury share
      Surplus reserve                                                     131,442,909.11                 131,442,909.11
   Undistributed profit                                                   284,706,829.82                 328,731,015.75
Difference of foreign currency translation
Equity attributable to parent company                                   1,304,440,789.40                1,348,464,975.33
 Minority interest
Total owner’s equity                                                   1,304,440,789.40                1,348,464,975.33
Total owner’s equity and liabilities                                   3,520,139,949.23                3,523,969,203.48

  Chairman: Meng Wei           General Accountant : Sun Najuan    Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan

 2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                                Opening Balance                Closing Balance
Current assets :
Monetary fund                                                           126,213,924.67                   108,582,231.28
Financial assets held-for-trading
Bills receivable                                                         163,966,034.71                    89,099,697.82
Account receivable                                                     1,059,965,179.77                 1,020,633,783.54
Account paid in advance                                                   24,244,288.23                    23,489,543.17
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Other receivables                                                        20,572,835.85                    19,679,695.34
Inventory                                                               957,755,966.88                   998,035,803.15
Non-current assets due within 1 year
Other current assets                                                       3,984,664.78                     4,828,826.85
Total current assets                                                   2,356,702,894.89                 2,264,589,581.15
Non-current assets
Financial assets available-for-sale                                        2,000,000.00                     2,000,000.00
Investments held-to-maturity
Long-term receivable
Long-term equity investment                                              211,583,897.67                   211,583,897.67
Investment property
Fixed assets                                                            481,663,202.15                   577,635,433.51
Construction in progress                                                230,348,546.67                   204,617,819.76
Construction materials
Fixed assets disposal
Biological assets
Gas and petrol assets
Intangible assets                                                        113,240,306.68                   115,105,064.38

              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                           2016 Mid-yearal Report
  Development expenditure
  Long-term prepaid expense                                                    555,276.85                       611,356.03
  Deferred tax assets                                                       10,580,100.02                    10,580,100.02
  Other non-current assets
  Total non-current assets                                               1,049,971,330.04                 1,122,133,671.37
  Total assets                                                           3,406,674,224.93                 3,386,723,252.52
  Current liabilities
   Short-term loan                                                         468,000,000.00                   385,000,000.00
   Note payable                                                            280,518,900.00                   327,466,550.20
   Accounts payable                                                        917,783,859.28                   882,281,596.61
   Accounts received in advance                                             29,570,701.69                    44,003,546.25
    Commission charge payable
    Accrued payroll                                                          11,152,800.28                   11,902,749.05
    Tax payable                                                               1,901,261.90                    3,381,449.54
    Interest payable                                                          1,630,007.00                    1,400,000.00
    Dividends payable
    Other payables                                                         102,700,853.83                    94,547,419.88
    Non-current liabilities due within I year                                                                50,000,000.00
    Other current liabilities                                                 4,553,555.83                    4,313,555.83
  Total current liabilities                                               1,817,811,939.81                1,804,296,867.36
  Non-current liabilities
    Long-term loan                                                         230,000,000.00                   180,000,000.00
   Debenture payable
    Long-term payables
    Special payables                                                           321,698.98                       321,698.98
    Contingent liabilities
  Deferred income                                                           38,734,688.14                    42,260,536.82
   Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
  Total non-current liabilities                                            269,056,387.12                   222,582,235.80
  Total liabilities                                                      2,086,868,326.93                 2,026,879,103.16
  Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
  Capital stock                                                            402,600,000.00                   402,600,000.00
  Capital public reserves                                                  485,678,443.26                   485,678,443.26
        Less: treasury share
        Surplus reserve                                                    131,442,909.11                   131,442,909.11
    Undistributed profit                                                   300,084,545.63                   340,122,796.99
  Total owner’s equity                                                  1,319,805,898.00                 1,359,844,149.36
  Total owner’s equity and liabilities                                  3,406,674,224.93                 3,386,723,252.52
   3. Consolidated Income Sheet.
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                             Account for the current period    Account for the prior period
1.Total operating income                                                    1,125,455,031.98                 1,168,093,679.34
Including: Operating revenue                                                1,125,455,031.98                 1,168,093,679.34
Interest income
Handling charge and commission income
2.Total operating cost                                                     1,182,078,050.33                 1,233,837,130.70
Including: Operating cost                                                  1,043,602,026.69                 1,068,509,261.57
Interest expenses
Handling charge and commission income
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                           4,695,351.44                     6,001,203.40
Selling expenses                                                              84,742,685.88                    98,588,255.39
Administrative expense                                                        36,646,177.56                    40,067,918.93
Financial expense                                                             12,390,741.72                    20,655,027.80
Loss of impairment of assets                                                       1,067.04                        15,463.61
Add: Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss with"-")
               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                              2016 Mid-yearal Report
Investment income(loss with "-")
     Including: Income form investment on associated
enterprise and jointly enterprise
3.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                              -56,623,018.35                      -65,743,451.36
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                      14,004,273.12                        6,894,300.08
Including:income on disposal of non-current assets                               4,649,046.02                          957,589.72
Less: Non-operating cost                                                         1,405,440.70                          474,066.00
Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets                                   78,416.68                          240,546.34
4.Total profit(loss with"-")                                                   -44,024,185.93                      -59,323,217.28
Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                              264,036.88
5. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                    -44,024,185.93                      -59,587,254.16
Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                      -44,024,185.93                      -59,587,254.16
Minority interests
6. Other comprehensive returns
7. Total comprehensive returns                                                 -44,024,185.93                      -59,587,254.16
Total comprehensive returns available for parent company                       -44,024,185.93                      -59,587,254.16
Total comprehensive returns available for minority
6.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                             -0.11                                  -0.15
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                           -0.11                                  -0.15

    Chairman: Meng Wei               General Accountant : Sun Najuan   Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan
   4. Income Sheet of Parent Company.
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Item                           Account for the current period    Account for the prior period
  1.Total operating income                                                   1,139,151,566.77                  1,207,722,167.59
  Less:Operating cost                                                        1,066,012,164.06                  1,113,365,931.88
  Tax & surcharges for main operations                                           4,099,633.44                      5,301,076.02
  Selling expenses                                                              83,766,587.44                     98,046,463.76
  Administrative expense                                                        23,712,562.59                     25,937,146.39
  Financial expense                                                             12,403,674.03                     20,948,319.00
  Loss of impairment of assets                                                        1,067.04                         15,463.61
  Add: Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss with"-")
  Investment income(loss with "-")
       Including: Income form investment on associated
  enterprise and jointly enterprise
  2.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                            -50,844,121.83                   -55,892,233.07
  Add: Non-operating revenue                                                    12,178,115.07                     6,560,907.95
  Less: Non-operating cost                                                       1,372,244.60                       340,057.61
  Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets
  3.Total profit(loss with"-")                                                 -40,038,251.36                   -49,671,382.73
  Less: Income tax expenses
  4. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                  -40,038,251.36                   -49,671,382.73
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company
  Minority interests
  5. Other comprehensive returns
  6. Total comprehensive returns                                               -40,038,251.36                   -49,671,382.73
  7.Earnings per share
  (1) Basic earnings per share                                                           -0.11                            -0.15
  (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                         -0.11                            -0.15

   5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan
                              Item                             Account for the current period    Account for the prior period

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2016 Mid-yearal Report
1.Cash from operating activities
Cash received from sale of goods or Provideing of services                   553,562,725.50                     602,752,635.37
Refund of taxes and fares
Other cash received relating to operating activities                           3,957,803.39                       1,986,184.06
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                    557,520,528.89                     604,738,819.43
Cash paid for goods and services                                             326,921,872.04                     331,602,614.87
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                                   156,421,038.32                     170,346,950.86
Tax payments                                                                  26,059,090.72                      25,216,808.36
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                              56,508,192.96                      62,837,599.68
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                   565,910,194.04                     590,003,973.77
Net cash flows from operating activities                                      -8,389,665.15                      14,734,845.66
2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes                                               240,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                              10,000,000.00                           18,000.00
assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                     10,240,000.00                           18,000.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                              35,882,335.69                        6,490,945.26
other long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment                                                                                   11,250,000.00
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                     35,882,335.69                      17,740,945.26
Net cash flows from investment activities                                     -25,642,335.69                     -17,722,945.26
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest
Proceeds from borrowings                                                     375,000,000.00                     447,579,700.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities                              147,525,694.44
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                    522,525,694.44                     447,579,700.00
Repayment of borrowings                                                      287,000,000.00                     488,000,000.00
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses                      17,500,351.76                      17,743,906.80
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest
Cash paid for other financing activities                                     150,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                   454,500,351.76                     505,743,906.80
Net cash flows from financing activities                                      68,025,342.68                     -58,164,206.80
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                            1,392,127.34                         218,699.83
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                                  35,385,469.18                     -60,933,606.57
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year                       78,556,030.56                     143,399,164.66
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                            113,941,499.74                      82,465,558.09

 6. Cash Flow Statement Of Parent Company.
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                   Account for the current
                            Item                                                                 Account for the prior period
1.Cash from operating activities
Cash received from sale of goods or Providing of services                    541,591,437.79                     599,345,378.91
Refund of taxes and fares
Other cash received relating to operating activities                           3,381,289.60                       1,583,863.47
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                    544,972,727.39                     600,929,242.38

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                2016 Mid-yearal Report
Cash paid for goods and services                                  356,059,070.83              374,127,409.24
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                        128,163,845.74              139,776,818.16
Tax payments                                                       20,179,431.19               18,316,626.33
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                   52,713,413.47               55,546,990.88
Sub-total of cash outflows                                        557,115,761.23              587,767,844.61
Net cash flows from operating activities                          -12,143,033.84               13,161,397.77
2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes                                240,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating units
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                          10,240,000.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                   35,523,972.38                5,168,003.59
long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment                                                                11,250,000.00
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                         35,523,972.38               16,418,003.59
Net cash flows from investment activities                         -25,283,972.38              -16,418,003.59
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest
Proceeds from borrowings                                          375,000,000.00             447,579,700.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities                   147,525,694.44
Sub-total of cash inflows                                         522,525,694.44             447,579,700.00
Repayment of borrowings                                           287,000,000.00             488,000,000.00
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses           17,499,132.16              17,741,736.11
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest          150,000,000.00
Cash paid for other financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                        454,499,132.16             505,741,736.11
Net cash flows from financing activities                           68,026,562.28              -58,162,036.11
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                 1,392,127.34                  218,699.83
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                       31,991,683.40             -61,199,942.10
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year            70,822,241.27             135,518,792.14
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                 102,813,924.67               74,318,850.04

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                             2016 Mid-year Report
  7. Consolidated Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                Amount in current period
                                                                              Owner’s equity attributable to parent company                                          Minority
                                    Capital      Capital public   less:treasure                               General provision                                    shareholders’     Owner’s equity
                                                                                 Surplus public reserves                           Undistributed profits   Others
                                     stock         reserves           stock                                         for risk                                           equity
1.Balance at the end of last year                485,691,050.47                            131,442,909.11                                328,731,015.75                                 1,348,464,975.33
  Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of 402,600,000
                                                 485,691,050.47                            131,442,909.11                                328,731,015.75                                 1,348,464,975.33
this year                                  .00
3. The changes in this year
                                                                                                                                          -44,024,185.93                                  -44,024,185.93
(decrease with“-”)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                                                                          -44,024,185.93                                  -44,024,185.93
(2)Capital contribution and
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution
1)Provision for surplus public
2)provision for general risks
3)distribution                 for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner’s equity
1)capital                  (capital

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                      2016 Mid-year Report
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the 402,600,000
                                          485,691,050.47                               131,442,909.11                               284,706,829.82                               1,304,440,789.40
current period                       .00
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                          Amount in previous period
                                                                          Owner’s equity attributable to parent company                                         Minority
             Item               Capital      Capital public    less:treasure                              General provision                                   shareholders’    Owner’s equity
                                                                              Surplus public reserves                         Undistributed profits   Others
                                 stock         reserves            stock                                         for risk                                         equity
1.Balance at the end of last 402,600,000
                                              485,691,050.47                            131,442,909.11                               362,111,029.14                              1,381,844,988.72
year                                   .00
  Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of 402,600,000
                                              485,691,050.47                            131,442,909.11                               362,111,029.14                              1,381,844,988.72
this year                              .00
3. The changes in this year
                                                                                                                                     -33,380,013.39                                -33,380,013.39
(decrease with“-”)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                                                                     -33,380,013.39                                -33,380,013.39
(2)Capital contribution and
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution
              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                                    2016 Mid-year Report
1)Provision for surplus public
2)provision for general risks
3)distribution                 for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner’s equity
1)capital                 (capital
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                 (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the 402,600,000
                                            485,691,050.47                                  131,442,909.11                                 328,731,015.75                                        1,348,464,975.33
current period                        .00
  8. Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity Of Parent Compamy.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                                Amount in current period
                                                                              Owner’s equity attributable to parent company                                                   Minority
                                    Capital      Capital public   less:treasure                               General provision                                             shareholders’     Owner’s equity
                                                                                 Surplus public reserves                                    Undistributed profits
                                     stock         reserves           stock                                         for risk                                                    equity
1.Balance at the end of last year                485,678,443.26                            131,442,909.11                                                   362,111,029.14                       1,381,844,988.72
  Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of 402,600,000
                                                 485,678,443.26                            131,442,909.11                                                   362,111,029.14                       1,381,844,988.72
this year                                  .00
3. The changes in this year
                                                                                                                                                            -33,380,013.39                         -33,380,013.39
(decrease with“-”)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                            -33,380,013.39                         -33,380,013.39

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                              2016 Mid-year Report
(2)Capital contribution and
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution
1)Provision for surplus public
2)provision for general risks
3)distribution                 for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner’s equity
1)capital                  (capital
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                  (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the 402,600,000
                                            485,678,443.26                            131,442,909.11                                                 328,731,015.75                     1,348,464,975.33
current period                       .00
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                         Amount in previous period
                                                                         Owner’s equity attributable to parent company                                                 Minority
            Item               Capital      Capital public    less:treasure                              General provision                                           shareholders’    Owner’s equity
                                                                             Surplus public reserves                         Undistributed profits       Others
                                stock         reserves            stock                                        for risk                                                  equity
1.Balance at the end of last 402,600,000
                                             485,678,443.26                            131,442,909.11                               350,783,815.44                                       1,370,505,167.81
year                                  .00
 Add: changes in accounting
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                           2016 Mid-year Report
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of 402,600,000
                                          485,678,443.26    131,442,909.11   350,783,815.44           1,370,505,167.81
this year                             .00
3. The changes in this year
                                                                             -10,661,018.45             -10,661,018.45
(decrease with“-”)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                             -10,661,018.45             -10,661,018.45
(2)Capital contribution and
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution
1)Provision for surplus public
2)provision for general risks
3)distribution                 for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner’s equity
1)capital                 (capital
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                 (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the 402,600,000
                                           485,678,443.26   131,442,909.11   340,122,796.99           1,359,844,149.36
current period                       .00

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                2016 Mid-year Report

III. General information

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited (the “Company”) is a joint stock limited company established in the People’s Republic
of China (the “PRC”) on 16 July 1997. In the opinion of the directors, its parent and ultimate holding company is Wafangdian
Bearing Group Company Limited (“Wazhou Group”).

The Company’s B shares have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 29 Feburary 1997.

The addresses of the registered office and principal place of business of the Company are No.1, Phrase 1, Gongji Street,
Wafangdian North, Liaoning Province, and the PRC.

The Company is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of bearing products, engineering equipment, automobile
spare parts and relating products.

The Company together with its subsidiaries is collectively referred to as the “Group”.

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1 Basis for the preparation of financial statements

The Group prepares the financial statements on the basis of going concern and actual transactions and events, and in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s
Republic of China, and based on the accounting policies and estimates in the note 4 ‘Significant accounting policies,
accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial statements’.

v. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial

1 Complying with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise

The financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group truly
and fully.

2 Accounting period

The Group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period, i.e. from Jan 1 to Dec 31.

3.Operating cycle

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                          2016 Mid-year Report

  Normal operating cycle refers to the duration from purchasing the assets for manufactuing up to cash or cash
  equivelant realisation. The group sets twelve months for              one operating cycle and as the liquidity criterion           for
  assets and liability.

4 Funcitonal currency

The Group adopts RMB as functional currency.

5 Recording basis and pricing principle

The accrual basis shall be adopted for accounting treatment to follow the historical cost method, except that the financial
assets held for trading and sale are measured at fair value.

6 Business combination

Business combination refers to transaction or event bringing together two or more separate enterprises into one reporting
entity. The Group should recognize the acquired assets and liabilities at the combining date or acquisition date. The
combining date or acquisition date is the date when the Group acquired actually acquiree and combined party.

The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination under the same control should be
measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between the
carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the
capital surplus shall be adjusted. If the capital surplus is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

For a business combination not under same control, the combination cost shall be the fair value, on the acquisition date, of
the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control of
the acquiree. The difference when combination cost exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree should be
recognized as goodwill. If the combination cost is less than the he fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree, the
difference should be recognized as current profit or loss.

7 Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements

(1) Recognition principle of scope of consolidation

Scope of consolidated financial statements should include all subsidiaries of the parent and the special purpose entities.

(2) Accounting method of consolidated financial statements

The Group’s consolidated financial statements had been prepared in accordance with  and related regulations. All material intragroup transaction and
balance had been eliminated in full. The parts of subsidiaries’ equity non-attributable to parent company shall be as minority
interest presented in the in the consolidated balance sheet within equity.
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report

Where there are inconsistent accounting policies or accounting period, when preparing the consolidated financial statements,
the Group shall adjust the subsidiaries’ financial statements in accordance with the Group’s accounting policies and
accounting period.

For the subsidiary obtained under different control, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Group shall
adjust the separate financial statements based on the fair value of identifiable net assets at the purchase date; for the
subsidiaries combined by the Group under the same control, regard the subsidiaries that they have been existing since the
beginning of the period, and the assets, liabilities, operation performance and cash flows shall be consolidated into the
financial statements of the beginning of the combination period according to their original book value.

8 Cash and cash equivalent

     The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Group refers to cash on hand and bank deposit. The cash
equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three months or less) and liquid investments which are
readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9 Translation of foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency transaction

     Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”)
when the transaction incurs. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into RMB at the exchange rate
prevailing at the balance sheet day. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are charged as in
profit or loss for the period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of a fixed
asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the relevant fixed asset being acquired or constructed is ready for its intended
uses. The foreign currency non-monetary items recorded at fair value are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date
of fair value recognized. Exchange differences are charged as profit and loss of change of fair value. The foreign currency
non-monetary items recorded at historical cost are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date when the transaction
incurs, and don’t change the RMB amount.

 (2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the foreign currency balance sheet should be translated at a spot exchange rate at the balance
sheet date. Among the ower’s equity items except “undistributed profit”, others should be translated at the spot exchange rate
when they are incurred. The income and expense should be translated at spot exchange rate when the transaction incurs.
Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements should be presented separately under the ower’s equity item.
For the foreign currency monetary items that form substantially the oversea business net investment, their exchange
difference of movement of exchange rate should be presented separately as translation difference of foreign currency
financial statement under the ower’s equity item when prepare the consolidated financial statements. When disposing an
overseas business, the Group should shift the translation difference of foreign currency financial statement related to the
overseas business into the disposal profits and losses of current period. Foreign currency cash flows are translated at the
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2016 Mid-year Report
spot exchange rate on the day when the cash flows incur. The amounts resulted from change of exchange rate are presented
separately in the cash flow statement.

10 Financial assets and financial liabilities

(1) Financial assets


The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables,
held-to-maturity financial assets and available-for-sale. The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial
assets were acquired. Management determines the classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.

  a)Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

  Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for trading. A financial asset is classified in
  this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term. Derivatives are also categorised as held
  for trading unless they are designated as hedges. Assets in this category are classified as current assets if expected to
  be settled within 12 months; otherwise, they are classified as non-current.

  b)Loans and receivables

  Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
  active market. They are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months after the reporting
  period, which are classified as non-current assets.

  c)Held-to-maturity financial assets

  Held-to-maturity financial assets are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed
  maturities that the Group s management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. If the Group were to
  sell other than an insignificant amount of held-to-maturity financial assets, the whole category would be tainted and
  reclassified as available for sale. Held-to-maturity financial assets are included in non-current assets, except for those
  with maturities less than 12 months from the end of the reporting period, which are classified as current assets.

  d)Available-for-sale financial assets

  Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of
  the other categories. They are included in non-current assets unless the investment matures or management intends to
  dispose of it within 12 months of the end of the reporting period.

  2)Recognition and measurement

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2016 Mid-year Report

  Financial assets are recognized at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual
  provisions of the financial instrument. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at the fair value through profit or loss
  are expensed in the income statement;Transaction costs of other financial assets are included in financial assets at initial

  Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments inequity instruments are
  measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
  reliably measured. Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

  A gain or loss arising from change in fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset is recognised directly in equity,
  except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from the translation of monetary financial
  assets. When such financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is
  recognised in income statement. Interest on available for sale debt instrument, calculated using effective interest method,
  and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale equity instruments are recognised as investment
  income in income statement.

3) Impairment of financial assets

  The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets other than financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
  at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired, the Group shall determine
  the amount of any impairment loss accounts.

  If an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of loss is measured at
  the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding
  future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset
  recovered and the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the
  previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in income statement.

  If objective evidence shows that impairment for available-for-sale financial assets will occur,the cumulative loss arising
  from the decline in fair value that had been recognized directly in equity is removed from equity and recognized as
  impairment loss. For an available for sale debt instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value of the financial
  asset recovered and the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized,
  the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in income statement. For
  an available for sale equity instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value recovered and the recovery can be
  objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss
  is reversed and directly recognized in equity.

  4)Derecognizing of financial assets

  Financial assets are derecognized when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets have
  expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or iii) the
          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                            2016 Mid-year Report
  control over the financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and
  rewards relating to the ownership of a financial asset.

  On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the aggregate of consideration
  received and the accumulative amount of changes of fair value originally recorded in the owner’s equity is recognised in
  the income statement.

 (2) Financial liabilities

The financial liabilities are classified into the financial liability at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liability for
the initial recognition.

The financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include the financial liabilities held for trading and the designated
financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss when initial recognized. For this kind of financial liabilities should be
measured at fair value, variation of fair value should be recorded into the current profit or loss.

Other financial liabilities should be subsequently measured at amortization cost by adopting actual interest rate method.

(3) Fair value measurement of financial assets and liabilities

a) If the market for a financial instrument is active, an entity establishes fair value by using the quoted price in the active
market. In the active market, the Group measures the fair value of its holding financial assets and contingent financial
liabilities by using the current quoted price; the Group measures the fair value of its contingent financial assets and holding
financial liabilities by using the current quoted price. If there are no current quoted prices for the financial assets and liabilties,
and no significant change in the economic environment after the settlement date, the quoted prices of the recent transactions
should be used to measure the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities.

b) If the market for a financial instrument is not active, an entity establishes fair value by using a valuation technique.
Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, if
available, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow
analysis and option pricing models.

11 Provision for bad debts of receivables

The Group shall review the carrying amount of receivables fully at the balance sheet date. The Group shall calculate the full
provision for bad debts for the following receivables: debtor has been log-out, bankruptcy, minus net asset, significant poor
cash flow and significant nature disaster leads to discontinue production and the debtors could not pay for the debts within the
foreseeable time . Other solid evidences indicates that the receivables cound not be paid or be of a slim chance.

The allowance method is applied to the potential loss of bad debt. The Group should make the impairment test separately or
in combination and accure the bad debt provisions which           shall be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the period.
If there is defined evidence for the receivables not to or not likely to be received, which shall be recognized as the loss of bad
debt and write off the accrued bad debts provisions after going through the approval procedure of the Group.
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report

(1) Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision as per portfolio
 Judgment basis or amount standards of             The receivables with more than RMB 3 million individual amount shall be
 individually significant amounts                  recognized as the significant receivables;
 The accruing method of the receivables with       The bad debt provisions shall be accrued based on the difference
 individually significant amounts                  between current value of future cash flow and the carrying amounts.

(2) Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

The basis of portfolio
                                                   Use the accounting aging of the receivables as the credit risk characteristics
Accounting aging
                                                   to classify the portfolio
                                                   Use the amount characteristics of the receivables , if the transaction party
Related parties
                                                   is related parties characteristics need to classify the portfolio
                                                   Use the amount characteristics of the receivables, the credit of transaction
Risk-free                                          party, the nature of the amounts and the safeguard mechanism of
                                                   transaction as characteristics to classify the portfolio

1) The percentage of provision for bad debts based on the age of receivables as followings:

Accounting aging                           Accrual percentage of the             Accrual percentage of other receivables (%)
                                                 receivables (%)
Within 1 year                                            1                                                1
1-2 years                                                5                                                5
2-3 years                                               20                                               20
Over 3 years                                            50                                               50

Related parties                      Accrue the bad debt provision by individual identification method
Risk-free                            Accrue the bad debt provision by individual identification method

2) The other methods is applied to actuating of bad debts provision

(3) Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision as per portfolio

                                                    The individual amount is not significant, but the accrued bad debt
Accrual reason
                                                    provision on the basis of portfolio can not reflect its risk characteristic
                                                    The bad debt provisions should be accrued based on the difference
Accrual method
                                                    between current value of future cash flow and the carrying amount.

12 Inventories

Classification of inventory: Inventories are classified as raw material, wrappage, low-valuable consumable,
working-in-progress, and finished goods etc.

Pricing of inventories received and sent out: The inventories are processed on perpetual inventory system, purchased and
stored based on their standard cost. The raw materials are priced daily on their standard costs. The differences between the
standard and actual costs is recorded into the costs of materials and for sending out according to proportion of storage and
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2016 Mid-year Report
sending out of materials, and adjust the planned costs of raw material into actual costs. The working-in-progress finished
goods are priced on their standard costs; the differences between the standard and actual costs are recorded into the costs of
working-in-progress and finished goods according to the receiving and sending out proportion, and finaly adjust the planned
costs into actual costs.

At the balance sheet date inventory should be measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value. For the inventories
which are damaged, fully or partly obsoleted and selling price below cost, the Group should calculate the provision for
impairment of inventories according to the estimated nonrecoverable part of cost. Finished goods and a large amount raw
materials should be calculated provision for impairment based on the difference of the cost exceed the realizable value of
single item. For raw and accessorial materials with a large quantities and lower unit price should be calculated provison for
impairment according to classify of inventory.

For the finished goods, working in progress and raw material held for sale etc which shall be sold directly, the net realizable
value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses and related tax and expenses. The
raw material held for production, its realizable value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price of finished goods less
estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related tax. The net realizable value of inventories held for
execution of sale contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated based on the contract price. If the quantities of inventories in
the Group are more than quantities if inventories subscribed in the sales contracts, the net realizable value of the excessive
part of the inventories should be calculated based on the general selling price.

13 Long-term equity investment

Long-term equity investments include the equity investments which the Group can control, joint control or have significant
influence on the investee, or the Group can not control, joint control or significant influence on the investee and there is no
offer in the active market, fair value can not be reliably measured.

Joint control refers to the control over an economic activity in accordance with contract. Any party of joint venture can not
separately control the business activity of joint venture. The decision related to principal operating activities need unanimous
consent from any party

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of investee,
but not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. Significant influence
confirm according to the Group holds the over 20% (including 20%) but lower than 50% voteing shares. Unless there is
evidence which indicate the Group can not participate in the decision of production and operating under the conditions above.

The initial cost of long term equity investments formed in the merger of enterprise under the same control shall be recognized
at the carry amounts of equity of the merged enterprise. The initial cost of long term equity investments acquired in the
merger of enterprise under the different control shall be recognized at fair value of the assets paid, liabilities risen or charged,
and equity securities issued.

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report

Besides the long-term equity investments acquired by the merger of enterprises, the initial cost of a long-term equity
investment obtained by other means shall be ascertained in accordance with the provisions as follows:

(1) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is
actually paid. The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtaining of the long-term equity investment,
taxes and other necessary expenses.

(2) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of
the equity securities issued.

(3) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stated in the investment contract or
agreement except the unfair value stated in the contract or agreement.

(4) The initial cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets and the initial cost of a
long-term equity investment obtained by debts restructuring shall be ascertained in accordance with related Accounting
Standards for Enterprises.

For the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the Group shall be measured in accordance with the cost method, and
shall be adjusted when preparing consolidated financial statements in accordance with equity method. For the long-term
equity investment of joint venture shall be measured in accordance with equity method.

For the     long-term equity investment of the investing enterprise that does not do joint control or does not have significant
influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured should
be measured in accordance with cost method. For the long-term equity investment of the investing enterprise that does not do
joint control or does not have significant influences on the invested entity, and has offer in the active market and its fair value
can be reliably measured should be measured as the assets available for sale.

14 Fixed asset

  Recognition criteria of fixed assets: Fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of
  producing goods, rendering services, leasing or for operation & management, and have more than one year of useful
  life, and whose unit price is over RMB2,000.

  Fixed assets shall be recognized when the economic benefit probably flows into the Group and its cost can be
  measured reliably. Fixed assets include: building, machinery, transportation equipment, electronic equipment and

  All fixed assets shall be depreciated unless the fixed assets had been fully depreciated and are still being used and
  land is separately measuered. Straight-line depreciation method is adopted by the Group. Estimated net residual
  value rate, useful life, depreciation rate as follows:

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                 2016 Mid-year Report

Recognition criteria of fixed assets: Fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of
producing goods, Provideing services, leasing or for operation & management, and have more than one year of useful life,
and whose unit price is over RMB2,000.

Classification of fixed assets: Building, machinery, transportation equipment, electronic equipment and others.Measurement
of fixed assets: Initial measurement of fixed assets shall be conducted on fixed assets according to the actual cost when
obtained, including, the cost of purchased fixed asset including purchase price, value added tax, duty and other related tax
and fee, other expenses that bring the fixed asset to the expected conditions for use and that may be relegated to the fixed
asset. The cost of a self-constructed fixed asset shall be formed by the necessary expenses incurred for bringing the asset to
the expected conditions for use. The cost of fixed asset which was invested by investor should be recorded in accordance
with the price stipulated in the contract or agreement, other than those of unfair value as stipulated in the contract or
agreement. The cost of fixed assets which is obtained by financial leasing should be measured at the lower one of fair value
and the minimum lease payment in the beginning of lease.

Depreciation method: the Group withdraws depreciation for all fixed assets except for the fixed assets which had been fully
depreciated and are still being used. The Group withdraws depreciation by adopting straight-line method and depreciation
rate of unit item on monthly basis, and brings it cost or expenses in current period. Estimated net residual value rate is 3%,
useful life, depreciation rate as follows:

                                                                         Estimated net
 Category                                                                residual value       Annual depreciation rate
                                                                            rate (%)
 Housing and Buildings
 Including: Buildings                                          15              3                         6.47

                          Housing for productive               30              3                         3.23

                        Housing for non-productive             35              3                         2.77

 Machinery equipments                                        10-15             3                     6.47~9.70

 Transportation equipments                                     6               3                        16.17

 Electronic equipments
 Including: Computer                                           4               3                        24.25

             General testing instruments                       7               3                        13.86

              Specialized electronic equipments                8               3                        12.13

              Automated controlling equipments                 8               3                        12.13

                    Automated controlling meters               8               3                        12.13

 Others equipments
 Including: Industrial kiln                                    7               3                        13.86

             Tools & other production tools                    9               3                        10.78

             Transmission equipments                           15              3                         6.47

 Non-operational equipments and tools                          18              3                         5.39

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2016 Mid-year Report

The Group should review the estimated useful life, estimated net residual value and depreciation method at the end of each
year. If any change has occurred, it shall be regarded as a change in the accounting estimates.

The Company should derecognized fixed asset when the fixed asset has been disposed, or the fixed assets can’t generate
any future economic benefit through using and disposal. The amount that income resulting from disposal of fixed asset
deducts fixed asset’s book value and relevant tax shall be recorded in the profit and loss for the current period.

15 Construction in progress

Measurement of CIP: Construction-in-progress is recognized at actual cost. Self-construction project is recognized at the cost
of material, labour cost and construction expenses. Contractual construction is recognized at project price which should be
paid. Installed construction is recognized at the value of equipment, installation and assembly cost. Besides above, the cost
of CIP comprises borrowing cost and profit and loss resulting from foreign exchange.

The criteria and time spot of constructions in progress’s being transferred to fixed assets: Constructions in progress are
carried down to fixed assets on their actual costs when completing and achieving estimated usable status. The fixed assets
that have been completed and reached estimated usable status but have not yet been through completion and settlement
procedures are charged to an account according to their estimate values; adjustment will be conducted upon confirmation of
their actual values. The Group should withdraw depreciation in the next month after completion.

16 Borrowing costs

Recognition principles on capitalization of borrowing cost: The Group should capitalizes the borrowing cost directly
attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset and record borrowing cost into cost of related
asset. The Group should recognize the other borrowing cost as the current expense and charged it as profit and loss of
current period. A qualifying asset refers to fixed asset, investment property and inventory need be constructed for so long
time to its intended use or sale.

Duration of capitalization of borrowing cost: When expenditures and borrowing cost are being incurred, and activities that are
necessary to put the asset available for use or sale are in progress, the capitalization of borrowing costs as part of the cost of
a qualifying asset should commence. Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during extended periods in
which active development is interrupted and interruption period last for over 3 month. The borrowing cost incurred during the
period should be recognized as expenses and recorded into the profit and loss in the current period. When all the activities for
bringing the asset to its intended use or sale are completed, the capitalization of borrowing costs ceases, and the borrowing
costs should be recognized as an expense in the period incurred.

Measurement of borrowing cost: As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets
eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined as the difference of the actual cost
incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing
loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the Group shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2016 Mid-year Report
amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the
accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The
capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined at the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.

17 Intangible assets

Measurement of intangible assets: The intangible assets of the Group refer to land use right, ERP system software. The cost
of outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary expenditures directly
attributable to intangible assets. The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the
stated value in the investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or agreement.

Amortization method and period: The Group shall amortize land use right on the basis of its useful life by adopting straight
line method from the time of acquiring. ERP system software and other intangible assets shall be amortized on the basis of
shorter of estimated useful life, stated beneficial year in the contract, and legal available year. The amortization amount
should be recorded into the cost or expense of relevant in the current period.

The Group shall check the estimated useful life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited useful life at the end
of each year, if any change has been made, it shall be adjusted. The Group shall check the estimated useful life of intangible
assets with uncertain useful life during the each accounting period. If there are evidences to prove the useful life of intangible
assets is limited, the Group shall estimate the useful life and amortize the intangible assets within estimated useful life.

18 Impairment of non-financial asset

The Group checks the long-term equity investment for its subsidiaries, association and joint venture, fixed asset,
construction-in-progress, intangible asset and others on each balance sheet date. There may be an impairment of asset when
one of following indications occurs. The Group should test impairments. The Group tests the impairment of goodwill,
intangible asset with uncertain useful life on the end of every year. When it is difficult to measure the recoverable amount of
asset, it should measure the recoverable amount of asset on the basis of asset group.

After impairment test, if the book value exceeds the recoverable amount of the asset, the difference should be recognized as
impairment loss. Once any loss of impairment is recognized, it shall not be reversed in the future accounting periods. The
recoverable amount of asset refers to the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of asset minus disposal expense and
the present value of estimated future cash flow of asset.

Indications of impairment as follows:

 (1) During the period, a fair value of the asset in the market has declined significantly, which exceeds the expected decline
as time passing or normal use;

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                    2016 Mid-year Report

 (2) Significant changes with an adverse effect on the Group have taken place during the period, or will take place in the near
future, in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the entity operates or in the market to which an
asset is dedicated;

 (3) Market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have increased during the period, and those
increases are likely to affect the discount rate applied in calculating an asset's value in use and decrease the asset's
recoverable amount materially;

 (4) Evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset;

 (5) The asset has been idle or is becoming idle, discontinued, or plans to dispose of an asset before the previously expected

 (6) Evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic performance of an asset is, or will be,
worse than expected; and

 (7) Other evidence indicates impairment of asset.

19 Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses of the Group refer to expenses which are paid and should be deferred over the future period.
The amortization period shall be more than one year (no including 1 year). The expenses should be amortized averagely over
the beneficial period. If the deferred expense can not take benefit for the future accounting period, the unamortized balance of
the deferred expenses should be transferred into the current profit or loss.

20 Employee benefits

Employee compensation comprises short-term benefit, post-employment benefit, termination benefit and other long-term
employee’s benefit.

Employee’s payables include salary, bonus, allowance, welfare, social insurance, housing funds, labour union expense, staff
training expense,during the period in which the service rendered by the employees, the actually incurred short term employee
benefits shall be recognized as liability and shall be recognized in P&L or related cost of assets based on benefit objective
allocated from the service rendered by employees.

Post-employment benefits include the basic pension schemeand unemployment insurance etc. Based on the risk and
obligation borne by the Group, post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plan and defined benefit
plan.For defined contribution plan, liability shall be recognized based on the contributed amount made by the Group to
separate entity at the balance sheet date in exchange of employee service for the period and it shall be recorded into current
profit and loss account or relevant cost of assets in accordance with beneficial objective.

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2016 Mid-year Report

Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result of either an entity’s decision to terminate an employee’s
employment before the contract due date or an employee’s decision to accept voluntary redundancy in exchange for those
benefits. An entity shall recognize the termination benefits as a liability and an expense at the earlier date when the entity
cannot unilateral withdraw the termination benefits due to employment termination plan or due to redundancy suggestion, or
when the entity can recognize the restricting cost or expense arising from paying termination benefits. For the termination
benefits that will not be expected to be fully paid within twelve months after the end of the reporting period, it shall be
accounted as other long-term employee benefit. For employee internally retired informally, termination benefits accounting
shall be applied. The Group shall recognized the planned wages and social insurance of retired employee in the current profit
and loss account when provision conditions are met, for the period since the termination of employee service rendered until
the formal retirement date.(termination benefit).

Other long-term employee benefit provided by the Group, shall be accounted for as defined contribution plan if the defined
contribution plan are met, otherwise shall be accounted for as defined benefit plan.

21 Contingent liabilities

The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated debt when the following conditions are satisfied

(1) The obligation is a current obligation of the Group;

(2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Group as a result of performance of the obligation; and

(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
performance of the current obligation, and the Group shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of
money, and other factors pertinent to the contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate
amounts shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The Group shall check the book value of
the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really
reflect the current best estimate amounts, the Group shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate

22 Principle of recognition of revenue

The revenue of the Group is mainly from selling goods, providing labour services and abalienating the right of use assets.
Recognition standards for revenue are as below:

(1) Recognition of revenue from selling good:

1) The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer;

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2016 Mid-year Report

2) The Group remains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective
control over the sold goods;

3) The amount of revenues can be measured reliably;

4) The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Group; and

5) The incurred cost or intended cost can be measured reliably.

(2) Recognition of revenue from providing labour services:

1) Total revenue and total cost can be measured reliably; the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Group; and
the stage of completion can be confirmed reliably;

2) If the Group can, on the date of the balance sheet day, reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the
labour services it provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing the stage of completion method.
If the outcome can not be estimated reliably and incurred cost can be offset, the revenue should be recognised by the
compensation. When the standards can not be satisfied, the revenue should not be recognised, and the incurred cost should
be recorded into the current profit and loss.

(3) Revenue from abalienating the use right of use assets

The revenue from abalienating of use right of assets shall be recognized, when the relevant economic benefits are likely to
flow into the Group, and the amount of revenues can be measured reliably.

23 Government grants

A government subsidy of the Group shall be recognized if the Group can meet the conditions for the government subsidy and
also can obtain the government subsidy. If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the
received or receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value; if its
fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount (RMB 1).

The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the useful
lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes
shall be treated respectively in accordance with the indications as follows: (1) those subsidies used for compensating the
related future expenses or losses of the Group shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current
profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) those subsidies used for
compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the Group shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

24 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2016 Mid-year Report

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability should be recognized at the differences (taxable temporary differences) between
the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount. The Group shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising
from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and
which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax asset and deferred
tax liability should be measured at applicable tax rate.

The Group shall recognize the deferred tax assets arising from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount
of the taxable income which is most likely to obtain which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. For the
deferred tax assets which already have been recognized, where there is any evidence showing that the Group is probably
unable to acquire sufficient amount of taxable income tax in a future period to offset against the deductible temporary
difference, the book value of the deferred tax assets shall be deducted. Where it is likely to acquire sufficient amount of
taxable income tax, the amount deducted shall be reversed.

25 Lease

The leases of the Group refer to operating lease.

The rents from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee into the relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the
current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term.

26 Accounting treatment method of income tax

 1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

 Tax                                                          Tax base                                       Tax rate

 Value-added tax (VAT)              Sales revenue or Purchase                                         17%,13%,11%,6%,3%

 Business tax                       Revenue from property lease, examination fee, surcharge                     5%

 City construction tax              Value-added tax payables, business tax                                      7%

 Education surcharge                Value-added tax payables, business tax                                      3%
                                    Value-added tax payables, business tax
 Local education surcharge                                                                                      2%
                                    Current period taxable profit
 Enterprise income tax(EIT)                                                                                    15%

                                    70% of cost of own property or revenue from leasing
 Real estate tax                                                                                           1.2% or 12%

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                  2016 Mid-year Report

 Land use tax                       Land using right area                                             RMB 6 per square meter

     Notes for tax principles with different EIT rate

 Tax principles                                                                               EIT rate
 Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing construction Co.,Ltd                                                  25%
 Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car Bearing Company Limited                                     25%
 Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd                             25%

 2. Tax preference

       The company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises at 29September, 2014.The Certificate
 No is GF201421200004, and the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the company can be granted for
 the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

27 Segment report

Business segment is confirmed in accordance with governance structure, management requests, internal reporting system,
and the Group confirm the report segment on the basis of business segment.

Business segment is a component of the Group that satisfys the following conditions simultaneously: the component can take
revenue and expenses; the management level can appraise the operating performance of the component in order to
allocation of resource and appraise the performance; and the Group can acquire the financial position, operating performance
and cash flow of the component etc.

28 Discontinued operation

Discontinued operation represents the component of the Group that had been disposed or plan to sell, and the component
can be separately divided when operating and preparing financial statements. The component shall be disposed partly or
wholly in accordance with the Group’s plan.

The component of the Group shall be recognized as the component held for selling when satisfying the conditions as below:

1) The Group had made a decision on disposal of the component;

2) The Group had signed the irrepealably Transfer Agreement with transferee; and

3) The transfer shall be finished within one year.

29. Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and correction of previous errors

There are no changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and correction of previous errors

VI. Taxation

1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2016 Mid-year Report
 Tax                                                       Tax base                                        Tax rate
 Value-added tax (VAT)               Sales revenue or Purchase                                 17%,13%,11%,6%,3%
 Business tax                        Revenue from property lease                                              5%
 City construction tax               Value-added tax payables, business tax                                   7%
 Enterprise income tax(EIT)          Current period taxable profit                                           15%
 Education surcharge                 Value-added tax payables, business tax                                   3%
 Local education surcharge           Value-added tax payables, business tax                                   2%
                                     70% of cost of own property or revenue from
 Real estate tax                                                                                         1.2% or 12%
                                     leasing property
 Land use tax                        Land using right area                                        RMB 6 per square meter

Notes for tax principles with different EIT rate

       Tax principles                                                                                     EIT rate
       Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing construction Co.,Ltd                                                         25%
       Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car Bearing Company Limited                                            25%
       Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd                                    25%

2. Tax preference and approval

 The company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises at 29Sep2014.The Certificate number is
 GF201421200004, and the period of validity is three years.According to the provisions of the tax law the company can be
 granted the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

VII. Notes to consolidated financial statements

1. Cash and cash in bank

  Item                                                  Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
  Cash on hand                                                      333,827.70                                        372,523.88
  Cash in bank                                                  113,607,672.04                                     78,183,506.68
  Other cash and cash equivalents                                23,400,000.00                                     37,759,990.01
  Total                                                         137,341,499.74                                    116,316,020.57

    Notes: the closing balance of other cash and cash equivalents are all security deposits of bank acceptance notes.
    Since the liquiditylimitation, this will be deducted from the closing balance.
2 Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

Items                                                                                       2016.06.30             2015.12.31

Bank acceptance          notes                                                         112,870,440.17              74,843,528.50

Commercial acceptance notes                                                                 63,975,784.09          25,662,475.20

Total                                                                                  176,846,224.26           100,506,003.70
 3 Accounts receivable

 (1) Category of accounts receivable
           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                 2016 Mid-year Report
                                                                            Closing Balance
                 Items                           Booking balance                   Provision
                                                                                                           Booking balance
                                                Amount              %         Amount             %
  Accountsreceivable with individual
 significant amount and identification      12,810,943.69         1.14%     12,810,943.69     100.00%
    separately bad debt provision
  Accounts receivable identified bad
     debt provision based on the                                  0.96%     44,101,606.05        4.36%
   characters of credit risk portfolio
  Accountsreceivable with individual
insignificant amount and identification     30,991,469.16         2.80%     30,991,469.16     100.00%
    separately bad debt provision
                 Total                                         100.00%      87,904,018.90        7.91%


                                                                          Opening balance
               Items                            Booking balance                    Provision
                                                                                                           Booking balance
                                             Amount                 %         Amount             %
      Accountsreceivable with
 individual significant amount and
                                            12,810,943.69         1.18%     12,810,943.69     100.00%
identification separately bad debt
   Accounts receivable identified
 bad debt provision based on the          1,038,035,999.46     95.95%       44,102,673.09        4.53%        993,933,326.37
  characters of credit risk portfolio
      Accountsreceivable with
   individual insignificant amount
                                            30,991,469.16         2.85%     30,991,469.16     100.00%
 and identification separately bad
           debt provision
                 Total                    1,081,838,412.31     100.00%      87,905,085.94                     993,933,326.37

 1) Accounts receivable with individual significant amount and identification separately bad debt provision at the end of June

                                  Booking        Provision for bad        Provision rate
  Company name                                                                             Reasons for provision
                                   balance             debts                   (%)
  A                             5,092,669.00         5,092,669.00             100.00% Broke down
                                                                                     A/R with over 5 years aging,
  B                             3,910,007.43         3,910,007.43            100.00%
                                                                                     unlikely to be collected
                                                                                     A/R with over 5 years aging,
  C                             3,808,267.26         3,808,267.26            100.00%
                                                                                     unlikely to be collected
  Total                          9,002,676.43         9,002,676.43                 —                    —

 2) Accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

                                                                          Closing Balance
               Aging                          Accounts                                                 Proportion
                                                                Provision for bad debts
                                             receivable                                                    (%)
            Within1 year                     809,091,481.86                  8,090,914.82                             1.00%

            1 to 2 years                      111,813,205.52                 5,590,660.28                             5.00%
           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report
           2 to 3 years                      50,832,435.38                     10,166,487.08                             20.00%
           Over 3 years                      40,507,087.76                     20,253,543.88                             50.00%
               Total                       1,012,244,210.52                    44,101,606.05

    (2) Bad debt provision accrued and written-off (withdraw)

    (3) Accounts receivable written off in current period

        Item                                                                         Written-off Amount
        Accounts receivable written off                                                     2,134.08

4 Advances to suppliers

  (1) Aging of advances to suppliers

   Items                                    2016.06.30                                         2015.12.31
                                   Amount              Percentage (%)            Amount                Percentage (%)
   Within 1 year                 27,077,091.48                    74.33%        21,395,885.05                         65.48%
   1 to 2 years                    3,752,459.60                   10.30%         1,883,664.93                          5.77%
   2 to 3 years                     247,994.57                    0.68%          5,206,158.32                         15.93%
   Over 3 years                    5,351,336.08                   14.69%         4,187,915.47                         12.82%
   Total                         36,428,881.73               --                 32,673,623.77                 --

    (2) The top five significant advances to supplierscategorized by debtors

  The total amount of top five significant advances to suppliers categorized by debtors is 19,922,566.83 Yuan, taking
  the parentage of 54.69% of the closing balance of advances to suppliers.

  5. Dividends receivable

  (1) Dividends receivable

   Company                                              Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
   Shanghai ME Mechanical & Electrical
   Equipment Chain Co., Ltd                                                                                        240,000.00

   Total                                                                                                           240,000.00

6 Other receivables

(1) The categories of other receivable

                                                                            Closing Balance
   Items                                   Booking balance                      Provision
                                                                                                        Booking balance
                                          Amount             %              Amount             %
   Other receivables identified
   bad debt provision based on           24,599,803.
                                                           0.89%           1,264,644.60      0.07%           23,335,159.29
   the characters of credit risk                 89

              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2016 Mid-year Report
        Accountsreceivable with
        individual insignificant
                                    1,687,122.1                                                   100.00
        amount and identification                 5.27%                       1,687,122.13
                                              3                                                       %
        separately bad debt
        Total                       26,286,926.
                                                100.00%                       2,951,766.73        11.23%              23,335,159.29


                                                                                 Opening Balance
       Items                                            Booking balance                      Provision                     Booking
                                                       Amount               %          Amount               %              balance
       Other receivables identified bad
       debt provision based on the               22,727,482.25           0.93%       1,264,644.60          8.31%
       characters of credit risk portfolio
       Accountsreceivable with individual
       insignificant amount and
                                                  1,687,122.13           6.91%       1,687,122.13      100.00%
       identification separately bad debt
       Total                                                                                                              21,462,837.6
                                                 24,414,604.38         100.00%       2,951,766.73

   (2) Other receivables accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

                                                                                 Closing Balance
                    Aging                                                   Provision for bad                    Proportion
                                               Other receivables
                                                                                 debts                              (%)
                 Within 1 year                         13,385,177.48              133,851.77                                    1.00%
                  1-2 years                             1,415,238.37                70,761.92                                   5.00%
                  2-3 years                             1,210,546.82               242,109.36                                  20.00%
                Over 3 years                            1,635,843.09               817,921.55                                  50.00%
                     Total                             17,646,805.76             1,264,644.60

       (3) Other receivables categorized by nature

       Nature                                             Closing Balance                            Opening Balance
       Other receivables                                           26,286,926.02                                 24,414,604.38
       Total                                                       26,286,926.02                                       24,414,604.38

  7 Inventories

  (1) Categories of inventories

                                       2016.06.30                                                      2015.12.31
Item                                   Provision for                                                Provision for
                           Cost                            Net book value           Cost                                   Net book value
                                             decline                                                  declines

Raw materials         142,656,195.54     2,654,008.58       140,002,186.96       136,420,995.34        2,654,008.58           133,766,986.76

                      175,101,849.88         602,496.86     174,499,353.02       184,481,338.87         602,496.86            183,878,842.01

                  Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                   2016 Mid-year Report
   Finished goods            771,737,850.71       67,782,949.02       703,954,901.69          821,542,628.29          67,782,949.02          753,759,679.27

   Wrappage                    4,797,122.27                                4,797,122.27         3,869,947.98                                   3,869,947.98

   Total                  1,094,293,018.40        71,039,454.46      1,023,253,563.94        1,146,314,910.48         71,039,454.46        1,075,275,456.02

           (2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories

                   Item                                               Increase                             Decrease
                                  Opening Balance                                                 Reverse/            Others
                                                                  Accrual            Other                                              Balance
                                                                                                 Written- off       transferred
               Raw materials          2,654,008.58                                                                                     2,654,008.58
              Finished goods              602,496.86                                                                                    602,496.86
                Working in
                                    67,782,949.02                                                                                     67,782,949.02
                  Total             71,039,454.46                                                                                     71,039,454.46

           Accrual for provision for decline in the value of inventories

       Item                               Basis on recognized convertible net value                                  Reason for write-off
       Raw materials                Materials market price at the end of period                                      Market price falling
                                                                                                                Falling product unit cost and
       Finished goods               Average sale price of similar product
                                                                                                                promote backlogged stock

       8 Other current assets
       Item                                                                               2016.06.30                           2015.12.31

       VAT to be deducted                                                                    4,536,190.23                                6,999,716.88
       Prepaid income tax                                                                    1,973,315.90                                1,973,315.90
       Total                                                                                 6,509,506.13                                8,973,032.78

       9. Available-for-sale financial assets

           (1) Available-for-sale financial assets

                Item                                 Closing Balance                                                  Opening Balance
                                 Booking balance         Provision            Book value          Booking balance         Provision         Book value
                                    2,000,000.00                               2,000,000.00            2,000,000.00                         2,000,000.00
        equity instruments
        Measured as cost
                                    2,000,000.00                               2,000,000.00            2,000,000.00                         2,000,000.00
                Total              2,000,000.00              -               2,000,000.00            2,000,000.00              -          2,000,000.00

            (2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost method
                                                                                                                                         Proportion          Cash
                                 Booking Balance                                                       Provision
                                                                                                                                            (%)            dividend
               Opening                                           Closing         Opening                                   Closing
                               Increase       Decrease                                          Increase     Decrease
               Balance                                           Balance         Balance                                   Balance

                        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                    2016 Mid-year Report
Shanghai ME
Mechanical &
                 2,000,000.00                    -          2,000,000.00         -            -           -          -                4.76          240,000.00
 Chain Co.,
    Total        2,000,000.00                    -          2,000,000.00         -            -           -          -                4.76          240,000.00

          10 Fixed assets

          (1) Fixed assets by categories

                                                      Machinery                                     Electronic        Other
               Item                Building                                Transportation             Device        Equipment                   Total
        1. Initial Cost

     (1) Opening Balance        437,178,196.13   1,117,923,351.33              20,025,972.96      65,113,499.42   181,292,058.26        1,821,533,078.10

         (2) Increase              975,345.88         55,648,293.66                  875,375.91      421,788.50          964,807.92           58,885,611.87

         1) Purchase               975,345.88         55,648,293.66                  875,375.91      421,788.50          964,807.92           58,885,611.87

      2) Transferred from
                                   677,496.88             56,410.25                   71,794.87                                0.00             805,702.00

       3) Acquired from

     business combination

         (3) Decrease                     0.00       104,476,447.48              1,390,876.92      2,873,244.76          895,469.26          109,636,038.42

          1) Disposal                                104,476,447.48              1,390,876.92      2,873,244.76          895,469.26          109,636,038.42

      (4) Closing Balance       438,153,542.01   1,069,095,197.51              19,510,471.95      62,662,043.16   181,361,396.92        1,770,782,651.55



     (1) Opening Balance        213,563,140.85       687,481,029.29            15,775,340.86      51,720,694.71   156,431,829.18        1,124,972,034.89

         (2) Increase             6,599,355.30        52,206,097.18              1,266,893.77      2,256,682.91     2,532,165.68              64,861,194.84

          1)Accrued               6,599,355.30        52,206,097.18              1,266,893.77      2,256,682.91     2,532,165.68              64,861,194.84

       2) Other transfer

         (3) Decrease                    0.00    33,753,708.20                1,232,638.17        1,875,888.84       28,665.13           36,890,900.34
          1) Disposal                            33,753,708.20                1,232,638.17        1,875,888.84       28,665.13           36,890,900.34
      4) Closing Balance        220,162,496.15       705,933,418.27            15,809,596.46      52,101,488.78   158,935,329.73        1,152,942,329.39

    3. Impairment Reserve

     (1) Opening Balance                               1,234,431.89                  200,000.00                            1,159.51            1,435,591.40

         (2) Increase

         (3) Decrease                                      2,700.00                                                                                2,700.00

          1) Disposal

      (4) Closing Balance                              1,231,731.89                  200,000.00                            1,159.51            1,432,891.40

        4. Book Value

    1. Closing book value       217,991,045.86       361,930,047.35              3,500,875.49     10,560,554.38    22,424,907.68             616,407,430.76

    2. Opening book value       223,615,055.28       429,207,890.15              4,050,632.10     13,392,804.71    24,859,069.57             695,125,451.81

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                               2016 Mid-year Report
11 Construction in progress

(1) Details of Construction-in-progress

                                      Closing Balance                                   Opening Balance
                       Book Balance       Provision                     Book Balance       Provision
surface                                                                 124,994,399.6                     124,994,399.6
                       98,386,826.36                    98,386,826.36
bearings new                                                                        6                                 6
                       79,149,024.85                    79,149,024.85 42,161,475.27                       42,161,475.27
of one-finished        35,208,518.87                    35,208,518.87 39,589,942.44                       39,589,942.44
of precision           25,294,255.36                    25,294,255.36 24,819,080.90                       24,819,080.90
roller branch
Dalian industry
                       20,729,890.09                    20,729,890.09 20,650,648.09                       20,650,648.09
park project
                        4,767,240.49                     4,767,240.49    8,827,390.94                      8,827,390.94
of Amerauto
of grinding             4,353,344.93                     4,353,344.93    8,677,462.24                      8,677,462.24
                        6,775,988.54                     6,775,988.54    7,534,651.82                      7,534,651.82
product line
 Heat treatment
                        7,998,572.50                     7,998,572.50    5,166,367.38                      5,166,367.38
  product line
                        4,470,874.95                     4,470,874.95    4,470,874.95                      4,470,874.95
d products
   of liaoyang          2,391,715.09                     2,391,715.09    3,982,724.88                      3,982,724.88
                        3,734,829.95                     3,734,829.95    3,734,829.95                      3,734,829.95
of plant
of special large        3,568,262.29                     3,568,262.29    3,448,969.98                      3,448,969.98
Crane Project           2,861,762.32                     2,861,762.32    2,861,762.32                      2,861,762.32
                        2,646,148.77                     2,646,148.77    2,646,148.77                      2,646,148.77
factory                 2,610,307.16                     2,610,307.16    2,195,185.79                      2,195,185.79
Others                 23,787,810.51                    23,787,810.51 23,870,304.04                       23,870,304.04
                                                        328,735,373.0 329,632,219.4                       329,632,219.4
Total                 328,735,373.03
                                                                    3             2                                   2

12 Intangible assets

               Item                         Land use right        software                   Total

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                              2016 Mid-year Report
           1.Initial cost
           1). Opening balance              176,189,727.74       6,135,356.44               182,325,084.18
            (1) Purchase
            (3) Acquired by company
           3). Decrease
           4). Closing balance              176,189,727.74       6,135,356.44               182,325,084.18
           2. Amortization
           1). Opening balance               41,037,224.61                                       5,921,251.48
           2).Increase                        2,194,753.80                                         26,334.60
           (1)Accrual                         2,194,753.80                                         26,334.60
           (2)Transfer into
           3). Decrease
           4). Closing balance               43,231,978.41       5,947,586.08                 49,179,564.49
           3. Provision
           for impairment
           1). Opening balance
           3). Decrease
           4). Closing balance
           4. Book value
           1.Closing Book value             132,957,749.33        187,770.36                133,145,519.69
           2.Opening Book value             135,152,503.13        214,104.96                135,366,608.09

13 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses

 Item                                2015.12.31       Increase      Amortization                         2016.06.30
 Right to use premise of
                                     589,192.03                        33,915.18                           555,276.85
 Shanghai sales office
 Decoration fees                       22,164.00                       22,164.00                                 0.00

 Total                               611,356.03                        56,079.18                           555,276.85

14 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

    (1) Deferred tax assets without deduction

Item                                                Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
                                         Deductibletemporary     Deferredtax       Deductibletemporary    Deferredtax
                                             difference             assets             difference           assets
Provision for impairment of assets           63,685,949.07      10,062,159.26         63,685,949.07     10,062,159.26
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                  2016 Mid-year Report
Difference due to depreciation of
                                      11,940,720.07                1,791,108.01            11,940,720.07       1,791,108.01
fixed assets
Total                                 75,626,669.14               11,853,267.27            75,626,669.14      11,853,267.27

     (2) Deferred tax liabilities without deduction

       Item                                          Closing Balance                        Opening Balance
                                           Taxabletemporary     Deferred tax             Taxable     Deferred tax
                                              difference         liabilities           temporary       liabilities
       Asset evaluation increment in
       business combination without           6,589,523.85            988,428.58     6,589,523.85          988,428.58
       the same control
       Total                                  6,589,523.85            988,428.58     6,589,523.85          988,428.58

    (3) The net value of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities with deduction
                          Closing Balance         Closing Balance       Opening Balance of        Opening Balance of
                           of deferred tax         of deferred tax      deferred tax assets          deferred tax
    Item                     assets and           assets/deferred       and liabilities with      assets/deferred tax
                           liabilities with         tax liabilities         deduction                  liabilities
    Deferred tax
                                                      11,853,267.27                                     11,853,267.27
    Deferred tax
                                                        988,428.58                                           988,428.58

    (4) Unrecognized deferred tax assets details

        Item                                            Closing Balance                     Opening Balance
        Deductible temporary difference                         39,005,808.79                      39,005,808.79
        Deductible loss                                           271,715,626.48                   271,715,626.48
        Total                                                     310,721,435.27                   310,721,435.27

    (5) Unrecognizeddeductible loss of deferred tax assets expired next period

        Year                               Closing Balance            Opening Balance                Notes
        2018                                   21,053,716.07              21,053,716.07
        2019                                   166,740,210.42            166,740,210.42
        2020                                    83,921,699.99             83,921,699.99
        Total                                  271,715,626.48            271,715,626.48

15 Short-term loan

(1) Category of short-term loan

    Loan category                                          2016.06.30                            2015.12.31
    Credit loan                                                   468,000,000.00                      385,000,000.00

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                           2016 Mid-year Report
    Total                                                    468,000,000.00                   385,000,000.00

16 Notes payable

   Items                                             2016.06.30                        2015.12.31
   Commercial acceptance     notes                           318,900.00                          3,086,550.20

   Bank acceptance notes                                280,200,000.00                         324,380,000.00

   Total                                                280,518,900.00                         327,466,550.20

17 Accounts payable

   (1) Accounts payable

         Item                                     Closing Balance                 Opening Balance
         Loan                                           756,558,520.47                     755,528,200.42
         Project payments                               102,592,541.94                     103,948,960.02
         Other                                          128,837,238.40                     114,008,776.78
         Total                                          987,988,300.81                     973,485,937.22

18 Advances from customers

   (1)      Received in advance

         Item                                     Closing Balance                 Opening Balance

         Loan                                            32,089,340.69                      44,835,510.10

         Total                                           32,089,340.69                      44,835,510.10

19 Employee benefits payable

   (1) Category of employee’s payables

      Item                           Opening          Increase             Decrease        Closing Balance
                                   9,548,956.48     130,031,033.15        130,874,047.63       8,705,942.00
      employee’s payable
      Welfare with deposit
                                   9,891,745.32      22,254,189.52         22,290,227.35       9,855,707.49
      and withdrawal plan
      Total                       19,440,701.80     152,285,222.67        153,164,274.98     18,561,649.49

 (2) Short-term employee’s payables

         Item                        Opening          Increase             Decrease            Closing
          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                           2016 Mid-year Report
                                   Balance                                                     Balance
       Salaries, bonus,
       allowance, and               631,579.56         98,709,477.88        99,138,368.36       202,689.08
       Welfare                                          9,014,823.32         9,014,823.32
       Social insurance             589,427.33         10,464,411.80        10,497,386.42       556,452.71
       Include: Medical
                                    291,857.26          8,956,088.17         8,986,120.17       261,825.26
       Industrial injury
                                    226,180.34          1,050,017.09         1,052,424.81       223,772.62
                                     71,389.73           458,306.54           458,841.44          70,854.83
       Housingfunds               2,973,140.95         10,874,238.90        10,986,404.12      2,860,975.73
       Labour union and
                                  5,354,808.64           968,081.25          1,237,065.41      5,085,824.48
       training expense
       Total                      9,548,956.48        130,031,033.15       130,874,047.63      8,705,942.00

     (3) Welfare with deposit and withdrawal plan

   Item                                 Opening            Increase            Decrease       Closing Balance

   Pension                             9,555,250.03       21,270,619.70       21,303,982.39       9,521,887.34

   Unemployment insurance                336,495.29          983,569.82          986,244.96         333,820.15
   Total                               9,891,745.32       22,254,189.52       22,290,227.35       9,855,707.49

6.20 Taxes payable

        Item                                                    Closing Balance         Opening Balance
        Value-added tax                                                3,426,775.73           4,025,060.14
        Business tax                                                            0.00            458,152.37
        Individual income tax                                             298,524.32            172,957.42
        Enterprise income tax                                                   0.00              6,153.34
        City maintenance and construction tax                             341,180.25            319,932.74
        Real estate tax                                                   313,864.85            310,655.78
        Land use tax                                                       53,261.00            252,121.87
        Stamp tax                                                         104,020.56             92,079.71
        Education surcharge                                               288,740.44            230,567.80
        River toll fee                                                                            3,768.13
        Others                                                            266,121.76            202,897.93
        Total                                                          5,092,488.91           6,074,347.23

21 Interest payable

       Item                                                Closing Balance             Opening Balance
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                  2016 Mid-year Report
         Interest for short-term loan                                     1,630,007.00               1,400,000.00
         Total                                                            1,630,007.00               1,400,000.00

22 Other payables

Other payablescategorized by payments nature

         Payments nature                                     Closing Balance                Opening Balance
         Bid security deposits                                        2,095,575.42                   5,075,575.42
         Risk deposits from branch manager                           21,452,958.00                  22,857,703.42
         Trademark fees                                               2,824,012.10                   4,931,241.97
         Others                                                     114,763,042.16                 100,967,926.86
         Total                                                      141,135,587.68                 133,832,447.67

23 Non-current liabilities due within one year

    (1)Non-current liabilities due within one year

 Item                                                      Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
 Long-term loan due within one year                                                                      50,000,000.00

 Total                                                                                                      50,000,000.00

24 Other non-current liabilities

Item                                                     Closing Balance                     Opening Balance
Government subsidy within 1 year                                 4,651,103.83                              4,411,103.83

Total                                                            4,651,103.83                                 4,411,103.83

    Government subsidy
                                                       Recorded                                               Related
                                Opening     Incre      into     non            Other          Closing           with
                                Balance      ase       -operation             Change          Balance        asset/equit
                                                       income                                                     y
 Technology subsidy             737,000.0            -    368,500.00          368,500.00      737,000.00
 from province                          0
 Dalian      sub-factory       2,704,235.            -     1,352,117.94      1,352,117.94    2,704,235.83
 remove subsidy                        83
 Intelligent equipment          400,000.0            -       200,000.00       200,000.00      400,000.00
 manufacturing                          0
 development specific
 High-end       bearing         472,320.0            -       236,160.00       236,160.00      472,320.00
 improvement project                    0
 Liaoyang       Bearing         97,548.00            -                                         97,548.00
 Industry subsidy

        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                            2016 Mid-year Report
                                           Recorded                                                    Related
                         Opening Incre into         non                  Other         Closing           with
                         Balance     ase -operation                     Change         Balance       asset/equit
                                           income                                                          y
 subsidy from heavy                         1,125,308.18              1,365,308.18     240,000.00
 axle load wagon
 Total                                                                                                     ——
“Other Change”: the expected amortization occurred during the next year will be re-categorized from
deferred income to other current liabilities.

25 Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loan

 Category                                             2016.06.30                         2015.12.31
 Assurance loan                                         140,000,000.00                                90,000,000.00

 Credit loan                                             90,000,000.00                                90,000,000.00

 Total                                                  230,000,000.00                            180,000,000.00

26 Long-term payables

    (1) Long-term payablescategorized by payments nature

   Payments nature                                   Closing Balance                  Opening Balance
   Equipment payments                                         100,000.00                           100,000.00
   Housing subsidy                                             1,497,305.72                       1,497,305.72

27 Special payables

   Items                   Opening     Increase     Decrease       Closing             Formation Basis
                           Balance                                 Balance
                                                                              Granted by Wafangdian Bureau of
                                                                              Finance and Wafangdian Bureau
   Special pollution
                          221,698.98            -            -     221,698.98 of Environment Protection with
                                                                              approval with “WaCaiZhi Qi
                                                                              Dalian Financial Bureau and
                                                                              Municipal Office of Economic and
   Informatization                                                            Information Technology Committee
                          100,000.00            -            -     100,000.00
   Construction                                                               with approval with “Da CaiZhi Qi
                                                                              No. [2012]917” and “Da Jing Xin
                                                                              Fa No. [2012]199”
   Total                  321,698.98            -            -     321,698.98

28 Other non-current liabilities

    (1) Category of deferred income

                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                  2016 Mid-year Report
            Item                     Opening        Increase        Decrease           Closing
                                                                                                            Formation Basis
                                     Balance                                           Balance
                               46,650,196.82                      3,525,848.68      43,124,348.14
            Total              46,650,196.82                      3,525,848.68      43,124,348.14

            (2) Government subsidy

                                                           Recorded                                                Related      Related
 Government               Opening                          into non           Other               Closing            with        with
 subsidy item             Balance                          -operatio         Change               Balance         asset/equi   asset/equ
                                                           n income                                                   ty          ity
Industry                                                                                                          4,389,660.
                         4,389,660.00                                                0.00         4,389,660.00                     asset
development                                                                                                              00
subsidy from               736,999.97                                        368,500.00            368,499.97                      asset
for Da Lian             32,450,829.84                                      1,352,117.94          31,098,711.90                     asset
plants moving
of intelligent
manufacturing            3,200,000.00                                        200,000.00           3,000,000.00                     asset
of     high-end
bearing                  2,833,920.00                                        236,160.00           2,597,760.00                     asset
subsidy        of                                                                                                 2,400,000.
                         2,400,000.00                                      1,365,308.18           1,034,691.82                     asset
grand       axle                                                                                                         00
of workshop
for technology             638,787.01                          3,762.56                            635,024.45                      asset
Total                   46,650,196.82                          3,762.56    3,522,086.12          43,124,348.14

        “Other change”: carried forward the non-operation income occurred in 2016 from the subsidy and re-categorized to
        other current liabilities.

            (1) A: Deferred income: the RMB 4,877,400.00 of “Industry development subsidies” is distributed by the Liaoyang
                 Economic and Development district Bureau of Finance in 2013. The grant is related to land and amortized over
                 50 years in accordance with land amortization criteria.

            (2) B: Deferred income: the improvement subsidy is the railway transportation bearing technologic improvement
                 subsidy with total amount of RMB 7,370,000.00 granted by Bureau of Finance Liaoning province in 2008. The
                 subsidy related to asset should be deferred over the useful life of 10 years.

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report

    (3) C: Deferred income: the compensation for plants moving is RMB 59,820,000.00 granted from Dalian
          government-owned assets investment and operating Co., Ltd in 2011. And the amount of making up for the
          removal loss of the current period is RMB 11,143,755.05 ; The rest of 48,676,244.95 are recognized as the
          removal compensation related with assets, which is amortized 18 years, according to the new fixed assets
          formed after the Dalian branch removal.

    (4) D: Deferred income: the RMB 4,000,000.00 of development of intelligent manufacturing equipment subsidy is
          distributed by Dalian City Finance Bureau in 2012.The subsidies are used in the project “Grinding vehicle
          integration and processing digitalization”. Currently, the equipment has been used for production manufacturing
          and grant is amortized over 10 years.

    (5) E: Deferred income: the RMB 4,723,200 interest subsidy of “Improvement of bearing base in high-end
          equipment sector” is distributed by Wafangdian Finance Bureau in 2013 for the year of 2011. The subsidy is
          specially used to improve the project of improvement of bearing base in high-end equipment sector. The item is
          amortized within 10 years.

    (6) F: Deferred income: the RMB 2,400,000.00 interest subsidy of “Axle box and bearing technology improvement
          of grand axle load railway carriages” is granted by Wafangdian Finance Bureau in 2014. The subsidy is now in
          processing the project “Axle box and bearing technology improvement of grand axle load railway carriages”.
          This project is still in the progress and is expected to be completed for inspection in 2016.

    (7) G: Deferred income: the 700,000.00 RMB of the construction of workshop for technology masters subsidy is
          granted by Dalian Finance Bureau in 2014 according to “Da Cai She (Zhuan) No. [2013]26”, “Da Cai She
          (Zhuan) No. [2013]37”, “Da Cai She (Zhuan) No. [2013]45”, “Da Cai She (Zhuan) No. [2014]27”, and “Da Cai
          She (Zhuan) No. [2014]32”. No assets are established yet so far, the grant has been booked into non-operating

 29 Share capital

                           2015.12.31                     Change for current period                          2016.06.30
                                            Issui                 Transferrin
Shareholders                                  ng     Distributi    g capital
name/category       Amounts             %    new         ng        reserves     Others     Subtotal       Amounts            %
                                            share     shares       to share
                                               s                    capital
                    402,600,00      100.0
Total shares                                   —           —             —         —         —    402,600,000.00      100.00
                          0.00          0

 30 Capital reserves

  Items                                             2015.12.31           Increase          Decrease           2016.06.30
  Share premium                                 201,956,446.52                                               201,956,446.52

  Other capital reserves                        283,734,603.95                                               283,734,603.95

  Total                                         485,691,050.47                                               485,691,050.47

 31 Surplus reserves

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report
Items                                         2015.12.31            Increase         Decrease                2016.06.30
Statutory surplus reserve                    110,852,290.20                                                     110,852,290.20

Discretionary surplus reserve                 20,590,618.91                                                      20,590,618.91

Total                                        131,442,909.11                                                     131,442,909.11

32 Undistributed profit

   Item                                                                  This period                       Last period
   Closing balance before adjustment                                      328,731,015.75                      362,111,029.14
   Opening balance after adjustment                                       328,731,015.75                     362,111,029.14
   Add: Current net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                                           -44,024,185.93                     -33,380,013.39
   parent company
            Closing balance of                                            284,706,829.82                     328,731,015.75

33 Operating revenue & cost

  Items                               This period                                            Last period
                            Sales revenue        Cost of sales          Sales revenue                 Cost of sales
  Revenue from
                       1,022,552,099.60          944,790,304.30        1,067,217,904.74                       970,528,875.41
  main operation
  Revenue from
                            102,902,932.38        98,811,722.39          100,875,774.60                        97,980,386.16
  other operation
  Total                1,125,455,031.98        1,043,602,026.69        1,168,093,679.34                     1,068,509,261.57

34 Operating taxes and surcharges

    Items                                        This period                                 Last period
    Business tax                                      217,909.95                                                 168,576.54

    City construction tax                           2,620,938.60                                               3,380,286.62

    Education surcharge                             1,844,718.24                                               2,452,340.24

    Other                                              11,784.65

    Total                                           4,695,351.44                                               6,001,203.40

35 Selling expenses

   Items                                                                       This period                 Last period
   Transportation expense                                                        30,956,962.62                41,134,466.75
   Employee benefit                                                              17,531,901.82                18,073,440.55
   Travel expense                                                                 7,641,428.07                 8,924,402.37
   Conference expense                                                             4,375,408.70                 2,399,555.14
   Trademark use fee                                                              2,000,000.00                 2,000,000.00
   Other expense                                                                 22,236,984.67                26,056,390.58
           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                       2016 Mid-year Report
   Total                                                          84,742,685.88               98,588,255.39

36 Administrative expenses

   Items                                                        This period                 Last period
   Employee benefit                                               16,327,231.64               16,574,731.01
   Tax expense                                                      4,217,328.76                4,092,368.48
   Technology development expense                                   2,713,800.00                3,012,053.45
   Intangible assets amortization                                   2,221,088.40                2,470,380.54
   Guide and firefighting expense                                   1,647,500.00                1,372,500.00
   Depreciation expense                                             1,199,666.57                1,453,558.98
   Business entertaining expense                                        305,960.70                363,178.10
   Travel expense                                                       440,495.52                499,658.13
   Other expense                                                    7,573,105.97               10,229,490.24

   Total                                                           36,646,177.56               40,067,918.93

37 Financial expenses

   Items                                                           This period                Last period
   Interest expenses                                                    17,700,659.58          21,883,652.63

   Less: interest income                                                  131,402.31              293,769.45

   Add: Exchange losses                                                 -5,015,729.40                 30,814.35

   Add: Others expenditure                                                -162,786.15            -965,669.73

   Total                                                                12,390,741.72          20,655,027.80

38 Assets impairment losses

      Items                                               This period                   Last period
      Loss of bad debts                                          1,067.04                        15,463.61

      Total                                                      1,067.04                        15,463.61

39 Non-operating income

 (1) Non-operating income list

                                      This period           Last period         Amounts recognized into
                  Item                                                         current non-recurring profit
                                                                                         or loss
   Gains on disposal of non-current
                                        4,649,046.02            957,589.72                      4,649,046.02
   Including: gains on disposal of
                                        4,649,046.02            957,589.72                      4,649,046.02
   fixed assets
   Income from debt restructuring       2,695,634.43          3,325,164.04                      2,695,634.43
   Government grants                    5,575,349.68          2,497,040.93                      5,576,169.68
   Penalty income                       1,057,551.00              6,649.49                      1,057,551.00

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                2016 Mid-year Report
    Others                                       26,691.99             107,855.90                           25,871.99
    Total                                     14,004,273.12          6,894,300.08                      14,004,273.12

 (2)     Government grants list

                                                                 Opening             Closing           Related with
                    Government subsidy item                      Balance          Balance              asset/equity

  Technology subsidy from province                               368,500.00          368,500.00      Related with asset

  Compensation for plants moving                              1,352,117.94       1,306,617.94        Related with asset

  Improvement of high-end bearing production
                                                                 236,160.00          236,160.00      Related with asset
  Exhibition subsidy                                                                  20,050.00     Related with equity
  Technical research and development subusidy                                        350,000.00     Related with equity
  Interest subsidy of     grand axle load                     1,125,308.18                           Related with asset
  Development of intelligent manufacturing equipment
                                                                 200,000.00          200,000.00      Related with asset
  Construction of workshop for technology masters
                                                                   3,762.56           15,712.99     Related with equity
  Speical subsidies for export stimulation funds                 459,501.00                         Related with equity
  Subsidy from bureau of finance                              1,580,000.00                          Related with equity
  Industry technical research subsidies                          250,000.00                         Related with equity
  Total                                                       5,575,349.68       2,497,040.93

40 Non-operating expenses

                                                   This period         Last period       Amounts recognized into
                       Item                                                              current non-recurring profit or
Loss on disposal of non-current assets                78,416.68            240,546.34                             78,416.68
Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets           78,416.68            240,546.34                             78,416.68
Loss from debt restructuring                         723,115.84            138,947.37                            723,115.84
Penalty loss                                             650.00             10,000.00                               650.00
Others                                               603,258.18             84,572.29                            603,258.18
Total                                              1,405,440.70            474,066.00                        1,405,440.70

41 Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax expenses

   Items                                                          This period                      Last period
   Current income tax expenses                                                                             264,036.88

   Total                                                                                                   264,036.88

       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                            2016 Mid-year Report
(2)Adjustment for profit and income tas expenss

                                  item                                                           amoutn
Total profit                                                                                                      -44,024,185.93

42 Notes to cash flow statement

(1) Cash receipt/payment of other operating/investing/financing activities

1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

Items                                                               This period                  Last period
Other cash received relating to operating activities                3,957,803.39                           1,986,184.06

Total                                                               3,957,803.39                           1,986,184.06

2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

Items                                                 This period                         Last period
Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                      56,508,192.96                                       62,837,599.68
Total                                                 56,508,192.96                                       62,837,599.68

3) Other cash received relating to financial activities

Items                                                     This period                       Last period
Other cash paid relating to financial
Total                                                    147,525,694.44

4) Other cash paid relating to financial activities

Items                                                     This period                       Last period
Other cash paid relating to financial
Total                                                    150,000,000.00

43 Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement

Items                                                                         This period             Last period
1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating activities:
Net profit                                                                    -44,024,185.93         -59,587,254.16

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                               1,067.04              15,463.61

               Depreciation of fixed assets                                   64,861,194.84             43,773,526.92

               Amortization of intangible assets                                  2,221,088.40            2,470,380.54

               Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                          56,079.18               78,249.18

                Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2016 Mid-year Report
            Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                     -4,570,629.34           -717,043.38
            long-term assets (income listed with”-”)
                    Financial expense (income listed with”-”)                      12,390,741.72         20,655,027.80

                 Investment loss (income listed with”-”)
                 Decrease of inventory (increase listed with”-”)                  -52,021,892.08        -52,131,204.86

                 Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed with”-”)      -95,261,292.96        -79,538,779.90

                 Increase of operating payables (decrease listed with”-”)
    other                                                                          107,958,163.98         139,716,479.91

            Net cash flows arising from operating activities                         -8,389,665.15         14,734,845.66

    2. Significant investment and financing activities unrelated to
    cash income and expenses
    3. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalent
    Ending balance of cash                                                         113,941,499.74          82,465,558.09

    Less: Opening balance of cash                                                    78,556,030.56        143,399,164.66

    Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                                         35,385,469.18        -60,933,606.57

    (3) Cash and cash equivalents

            Items                                                                      This period             Last period
            Cash                                                                      113,941,499.74              78,556,030.56

            Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                              113,941,499.74              78,556,030.56

    VIII. Equity of Other Entities

        1. Equity of subsidiaries

        (1) Organization structure of group company
Name of subsidiary                    Location             Registered Location      Nature of operation                             Method
                                                                                                             Direct Indirect
Wazhou Liaoyang                                                                    Manufacturing and
                                                         Liaoyang Baita District                                                  acquisitio
Bearing construction               Wafangdian                                      selling bearing and      100
                                                         Weiguo Rd No.61                                                          n
Co.,Ltd                                                                            machines
Dalian Wazhou Precision                                  Dalian Free Trade Zone    Manufacturing and
Motor Car Bearing                  Wafangdian            SanshiliYongsheng Rd      selling bearing and      100
Company Limited                                          No.12                     machines
Wazhou Precision of
                                                                                   Manufacturing and
Spherical Roller                                         WafangdianBeigongji St                                                   acquisitio
                                   Wafangdian                                      selling bearing and      100
Bearings(Wafangdian)Co.                                  No.1                                                                     n
, Ltd

    IX Risk Related to Financial Instrument
    The main financial instruments held by the group company are including investment in share equity, borrowing,
    accounts receivable, and accounts payable. The details introduction about each financial instrument is referred to this
    notes No.VI above. The related risks of these financial instruments and the risk management policy conducted to
    reduce these risks by the group company are introduced as below. The Group management conducts to manage and
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2016 Mid-year Report
monitor these risks exposure and control these risks under certain risk level.
  1.          Objectives and policies of each risk management
  The objectives of risk management conducted by the group company are to reach the balance between risk and
  profit return by reducing the negative influence to operating performance to the minimum level as well as
  maximising the shareholders’ and other investors’ profits. Based on these objectives, the basic risk management
  policy is to recognize and analyse all sorts of risk that the group company faced with, to set up the proper risk
  tolerance bottom line conducting risk management, as well as to monitor these risks in a timely and effective manner,
  and to ensure these risks under the limit level.
  (1)         Market risk
  1)          Currency risk
  The currency risk is referred as the risk caused by the fluctuation of exchange rate. The main currency risk that the
  company faced with is related to the USD since the main export business is settled by USD. Other than the balance
  of foreign currency presented in Note VI. 44, all assets and liabilities of company are presented in RMB On
  December 31, 2015.The balance in foreign currency of assets and liabilities may cause currency risk with influence
  to operating performance.
  2)          Interest risk
  The main potential interest risk which is caused by the fluctuation of the cash flow of financial instruments is related
  to the floating rate of bank loan (Note VI. 15). The policy that adopted by the Group is to maintain the floating rate of
  (2)         Credit risk
  On 31 December, 2015, the Group’s most probable credit risk exposure is from the financial loss primarily due to the
  failure of fulfilling the obligation by one party of the contract. The impairment losses of company’s financial assets
  are including:
  Among the book value of recognized financial assets in the consolidated statement of financial position, for the
  financial instruments measured at fair value, their book values reflect the risk exposure, however, not maximum risk
  level; the level is changing along with the fair value.
  As the aim to reduce the credit risk, the Group sets up the credit department to ensure the credit limit, to examine
  and approve the credit application, and to carry out monitor procedures to claim expired creditor’s right. In addition,
  at each of balance sheet date, the Group checks with every single process of receipt of receivable to ensure the
  sufficiency of provision of bad debt. Therefore, the management of the Group believed the credit risk had been
  minimized significantly.
  The working capital has low level of credit risk since the cash is deposited in the banks with high credit reputation.
  (3)         Liquidity risk
  As the management of liquidity risk, the Group’s policy is to regularly monitor the sufficiency of cash and cash
  equivalent, the liquidity requirements to ensure the normal operations, and the fluctuation of cash flow. The bank
  loan activities are under monitoring by management to make sure to comply with the loan agreement.
  The liquidity risk is referred as the Group failed to fulfil its financial obligations by the due date. The Group manages
  the liquidity risk by the maintain sufficiency of working capital to cover the expired debt to avoid the unacceptable
  losses or the damage of Group’s reputation. The Group analyses the debt structure and due time periodically to
  ensure the sufficiency of available cash flow. The bank loan activities are under monitoring by management to make
  sure to comply with the loan agreement. At the same, the Group has consultation with financial organizations about
  the financing activities to maintain the credit level and to reduce the credit risk.
  The Group’s main financial resources come from bank loan. By the date of 31 December, 2015, the unencumbered
  bank loan credit is 2.14 billion Yuan.

X. Disclosure of Fair Value

XI Related Parties Relationship and Transactions

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                            2016 Mid-year Report
1 Parent company and ultimate controller

Parent            Registered          Business          Registered        Shareholding       Voting power
company               address          nature             capital          percentage       percentage (%)

                No. 1 North       Manufacture and
Wazhou          Gongji Street,     sales of bearing
                                                       413,793,100.00          60.61             60.61
Group           Wafangdian            and other
                City, Dalian         equipments

  (2). Subsidiaries

    Referring to the content in Note VIII. 1. (1) Organization structure of group company

2 Other related parties

           Name of related party                       Related party relationship
Dalian Wazhou        Bearing    Manufacturing Other entity controlled by the same parent
Equipment Co., Ltd                             company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.,
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Group Precision Turnplate Bearing Ltd
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing Other entity controlled by the same parent
Co., Ltd                                       company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Group Equipment Technology Project Other entity controlled by the same parent
Co., Ltd.                                      company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co., Other entity controlled by the same parent
Ltd.                                           company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Group National Bearings Engineering Other entity controlled by the same parent
Research Centre Co., Ltd                       company and ultimate controlling party
Dalian North Metal Materials Trade Centre Co., Other entity controlled by the same parent
Ltd                                            company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
                                               Other entity controlled by the same parent
Wazhou Group High-end auto bearing CO., Ltd.
                                               company and ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Tong Da Bearing Manufacturing Co., Other entity controlled by the same parent
Ltd                                            company and ultimate controlling party
Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto Bearings Co., Ltd      Other related party
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd                Other related party
Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Co., Ltd                Other related party

3 Related party transactions

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                             2016 Mid-year Report
 (1) Purchase of goods
                                                                                       More than the
                                                      Amount in                                        Amount in last
   Related party type and company        Content                     Approval amount     approved
                                                     report peirod                                       period
                                                                                       amount or not
WazhouPrecision          Steel  Ball Purchase of
                                                                       3,000,000.00         No          2,725,471.71
Company                              goods           2,568,074.54
                                     Purchase of
Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.,                                             200,000,000.00         No         94,883,662.09
                                     goods         80,928,801.62
Dalian       Wazhou          Bearing Purchase of
                                                                      15,000,000.00         No         19,861,528.90
Manufacturing Equipment Co., Ltd goods               7,600,761.94
Wazhou Group Precision Turnplate Purchase of                                                No
                                                   29,594,210.30      50,000,000.00                    79,575,288.50
Bearing Ltd                          goods
Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Purchase of                                                 No
                                                   45,035,862.80      95,000,000.00                    37,937,403.92
Bearing Co., Ltd                     goods
Wafangdian        Tongda Bearing Purchase of
                                                                      70,000,000.00         No         18,877,936.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.              goods         25,311,327.78
Wazhou       Group       Equipment Purchase of                                              No
                                                   12,609,205.58      30,000,000.00                    15,673,365.23
Technology Project Co., Ltd.         goods
Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto Purchase of                                                         No
                                                   17,547,926.50      40,000,000.00                    20,401,779.48
Bearings Co., Ltd                    goods
Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Purchase of                                                 No
                                                   44,082,609.39 100,000,000.00                        43,801,272.14
Co., Ltd                             goods
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Purchase of                                                 No
                                                   41,477,674.50      95,000,000.00                    55,427,499.53
Co., Ltd                             goods
                                     Purchase of                                            No
Wazhou Group                                       73,888,995.00 160,000,000.00                        29,500,397.79

   (2) Sales of goods

       Related party type and company            Content             This period                 Last period
Wazhou Group                               Sales of goods             17,882,786.55                        524,942.00
Wazhou Steel Ball Company                  Sales of goods                758,255.81                        438,013.51
Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.                    Sales of goods             80,988,022.23                    88,452,666.21
Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Equipment Co.,
                                           Sales of goods                552,337.25                        761,089.22
Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd         Sales of goods                307,525.77                        395,923.38
Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing
                                           Sales of goods             14,527,459.89                      8,200,007.98
Co., Ltd
Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing
                                           Sales of goods              1,454,091.21                      1,596,963.99
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd Sales of goods                  325,157.89                       299,558.77
Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.       Sales of goods             47,514,626.52                    84,387,819.12
Wafangdian Tongda Bearing
                                           Sales of goods                                                  250,351.68
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                                  115,769.90
Wazhou Group High-end auto bearing
                                           Sales of goods              3,782,649.18
CO., Ltd.
Wazhou Steel Ball Company                  Provideing service            447,879.20                        776,046.02
Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing
                                           Provideing service            444,777.79                        577,433.61
Co., Ltd
Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing
                                           Provideing service            180,012.65                        172,678.01
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd Provideing service               48,488.29                        122,870.03
Wafangdian Tongda manufacture Co., Ltd     Provideing service                                               57,327.35

    4 Assets rent out
               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                2016 Mid-year Report

       Detials can be found in the part VII “the important rlated party transactions” 1 “The relate transactions related to the
       day-to-day operations.”

     5 Related party assets transfer and debt structure reconstruction
                                                                                  Amount in the         Amount in the last
                       Related party                    Type of transaction       report peirod             peirod
       Wazhou Group                                        assets transfer         10,943,000.00
       Wazhou Group Equipment Technology                   debt structure
       Project Co., Ltd.                                   reconstruction
       Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Equipment Co.,          debt structure
       Ltd                                                 reconstruction

       6. Balances with related parties

       (1) Accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                                      Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
    Item                    Related party                                                   Provi        Book
                                                                 Book Balance                                        Provision
                                                                                            sion        Balance
                            Wazhou Group                                  6,903,361.61                6,903,361.61
   Accounts         Wazhou Group Special Precision
                                                                          9,107,540.97                8,421,176.40
  receivable              Bearing Co., Ltd
   Accounts                                                                                           48,281,914.3
                 Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.                    35,742,461.41
  receivable                                                                                                     2
   Accounts        Wazhou Group Exact Transmission
                                                                             104,803.24                 104,803.24
  receivable              Bearing Co., Ltd
   Accounts       Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery
  receivable                  Co., Ltd
   Accounts       Wazhou Group High-end auto bearing
  receivable                  CO., Ltd.
                  Wazhou Group High-end auto bearing
   Prepaid                                                                6,956,433.86
                              CO., Ltd.
                     Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing
   Prepaid                                                                                               40,853.62
                          Equipment Co., Ltd

           (2) Accounts payable due from related parties

     Item                                     Related party                                Closing Balance         Opening Balance

                                       Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing
Accounts ayable                                                                                32,630,839.08            37,230,732.63
                                            Equipment Co., Ltd
Accounts ayable                        Wazhou Steel Ball Company                                 2,876,185.21             4,099,619.68
Accounts payable                             Wazhou Group                                      18,764,171.56              5,723,806.00
Accounts ayable                          Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.                                 9,651,538.76           30,763,439.55
Accounts ayable                   Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd                           39,958,061.95              9,451,169.77

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                               2016 Mid-year Report
Accountspayable          Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing Co., Ltd                   47,919,391.19           73,147,036.86
Accounts ayable                Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd                     25,027,287.08           18,007,755.48
Accounts ayable                Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Co., Ltd                     22,778,990.48           10,024,155.08

Accounts ayable         Wazhou Group Equipment Technology Project Co., Ltd.                 19,806,900.50           12,482,589.73

Accounts ayable    Wafangdian Tongda manufacture Co., Ltd                                   32,115,656.73           27,932,114.26
Accounts ayable                Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.                                                    484,765.77
Accounts ayable           Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co., Ltd.                                             395,708.76
Accounts ayable    Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto Bearings Co., Ltd                                20,664,595.49           17,871,582.98
 Other payables                             Wazhou Group                                    15,178,004.31           21,234,927.86
                                     Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing
 Other payables                                                                                                         358,588.45
                                          Equipment Co., Ltd
 Other payables         Wazhou Group Equipment Technology Project Co., Ltd.                     952,000.00              952,000.00
                                  Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.                                                    37,444.44

     7. Contingency

              As at June 30,2016, the Group does not have any other contingencies.

     XII. Share-Based Payment

     XIII. Commitment and Contingency

     As at June 30,2016, the Group does not have any other significant commitments.

     XIV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

     The Group does not have any other significant events after the Balance Sheet Date.

     XV. Other Significant Events

       1. Debt restructuring
          In this report peirod, the Company has signed the ‘Debt Restructuring Agreement’ with the customers, through
          cash reimbursement less than the debt-equity carrying value, and implemented the restructuring, which lead to the
          debt restructuring losses RMB723,115.84Yuan, and were recognized into non-operating expenses.
          In this report peirod, the Company has signed the ‘Debt Restructuring Agreement’ with the creditors, through cash
          or bank notes reimbursement less than the debt-equity carrying value, and implemented the restructuring, which
          lead to the debt restructuring income RMB2,695,634.43Yuan and were recognized into non-operating revenue.

               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2016 Mid-year Report

    XVI. Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of Parent Company

    1 Accounts receivable

        (1) Accounts receivable category

 Items                                                                      Booking balance                        Provision
                                                                          Amount                %             Amount             %
  Accounts receivable with significant individual amount and
                                                                          7,718,274.69         0.67%         7,718,274.69    100.00%
                    separate bad debt provision
  Accounts receivable with bad debt provision based on the
                                                                    1,103,970,903.58           0.97%        44,005,723.81       4.26%
                  characters of credit risk portfolio
 Accounts receivable with insignificant individual amount and
                                                                         22,131,211.74         1.93%        22,131,211.74    100.00%
 separate bad debt provision
 Total                                                              1,133,820,390.01       100.00%          73,855,210.24


Items                                                                   Booking balance                          Provision
                                                                    Amount                 %            Amount                  %
 Accounts receivable with significant individual amount
                                                                    7,718,274.69          0.71%        7,718,274.69            100.00%
              and separate bad debt provision
 Accounts receivable with bad debt provision based on
                                                                1,064,640,574.39       97.27%        44,006,790.85              4.53%
            the characters of credit risk portfolio
Accounts receivable with insignificant individual amount
                                                                   22,131,211.74          2.02%      22,131,211.74             100.00%
and separate bad debt provision
Total                                                           1,094,490,060.82     100.00%         73,856,277.28

    1) Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provision separately at the end of June

                                                                        Closing Balance
         Debtors name              Accounts             Provision for     Proportion
                                                                                                  Reasons for provision
                                   receivable            bad debts            (%)
                                                                                               A/R with over 5 years aging,
        Company A                   3,910,007.43          3,910,007.43       100.00%
                                                                                                 unlikely to be collected
                                                                                               A/R with over 5 years aging,
        Company B                   3,808,267.26          3,808,267.26       100.00%
                                                                                                 unlikely to be collected
               Total                7,718,274.69          7,718,274.69                                      —

    2) Accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting aging analysis method
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                             2016 Mid-year Report
                                                                     Closing Balance
                   Aging                                                Provision for bad        Proportion
                                         Accounts receivable
                                                                               debts                 (%)
                Within 1 year                      831,527,165.28              8,315,271.65                1.00%
                 1-2 years                         111,073,673.73              5,553,683.69                5.00%
                 2-3 years                          48,924,390.30              9,784,878.06                20.00%
                 3-4 years                          40,703,780.82           20,351,890.41                  50.00%
                   Total                       1,032,229,010.13             44,005,723.81

   (2) Bad debt provision accrued and write-off (withdraw)

    (3) Accounts receivable written off in current period

Item                                                                     Written-off Amount
Accounts receivable written off                                                2,134.08

2 Other receivables

    2. Other receivables

    (1) The category of other receivables

                                                     Closing Balance
Items                                    Booking balance             Provision                    Booking
                                        Amount               %          Amount             %
Other receivables identified bad
debt provision based on the
                                     21,610,358.03          0.88%     1,037,522.18     0.05%     20,572,835.85
characters of credit risk
Other receivables with
insignificant individual                                                               100.00
                                       1,512,562.13         5.24%     1,512,562.13
amount and separate bad                                                                    %
debt provision
Total                                23,122,920.16      100.00%       2,550,084.31               20,572,835.85


                                                      Opening Balance
Items                                  Booking balance                    Provision             Booking balance
                                     Amount              %            Amount           %
Other receivables identified
bad debt provision based on
                                   20,717,217.52       76.60%       1,037,522.18      7.85%        19,679,695.34
the characters of credit risk
Other receivables with
insignificant individual            1,512,562.13        6.80%       1,512,562.13
amount and separate bad
                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                2016 Mid-year Report
         debt provision
         Total                              22,229,779.65    100.00%      2,550,084.31                       19,679,695.34

                1) Other receivables accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting aging analysis method

                                                                                Closing Balance
                                Aging                                           Provision for bad          Proportion
                                                       Other receivables
                                                                                     debts                    (%)
                            Within 1 year                    12,359,088.23            123,590.88                    1.00%
                              1-2 years                          935,907.95               46,795.40                 5.00%
                              2-3 years                          692,037.93           138,407.59                    20.00%
                              3-4 years                       1,457,456.61            728,728.31                    50.00%
                                Total                        15,444,490.72           1,037,522.18

            (2) Other receivables categorized by nature

                 Nature                                         Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
                 Other receivables                                       23,122,920.16                    22,229,779.65
                 Total                                                    23,122,920.16                     22,229,779.65

         3 Long-term equity investments

             (1) Category of long-term equity investments

         Item                                 Closing Balance                                         Opening Balance
                           Closing Balance       Provision         Book Value                             Provision          Book Value
    Investment into
                             211,583,897.67                        211,583,897.67    211,583,897.67                      211,583,897.67
         Total               211,583,897.67                        211,583,897.67    211,583,897.67                      211,583,897.67

            (2) Investments into subsidiaries
                                      Opening                                             Closing           carried      Closing Balance
    Subsidiaries names                                  Increase          Decrease
                                      Balance                                             Balance           current        of provision
 Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing
                                     17,337,259.95                                        17,337,259.95
    construction Co.,Ltd
 Dalian Wazhou Precision
Motor Car Bearing Company            45,478,956.37                                        45,478,956.37
Wazhou Precision of Spherical
                                  148,767,681.35                                       148,767,681.35

                 Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2016 Mid-year Report
Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd
          Total                   211,583,897.67                                         211,583,897.67

        4 Operating revenue and cost

        Item                                       This period                                      Last period
                                      Revenue                     Cost                   Revenue                     Cost
        Revenue from main
                                  1,045,680,912.95            974,858,913.33           1,105,704,985.20           1,013,477,311.71
        Revenue from other
                                     93,470,653.82               91,153,250.73          102,017,182.39              99,888,620.17
        Total                     1,139,151,566.77          1,066,012,164.06           1,207,722,167.59           1,113,365,931.88

        XVII Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements

        1. Non-operating profit or loss

         Items                                                                                      Amount                Notes
         Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                              4,570,629.34
         Government grants recorded into profit or loss during current period                          5,575,349.68
         Profit or loss from debts restructuring                                                       1,972,518.59
         Others non-operating revenue and expense besides the above items                                 480,334.81
         Effect from income tax                                                                        1,359,545.06
         Total                                                                                       11,239,287.36

        2. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                           Weighted average          Earnings per share (EPS)
        Profit of report period                                           return on net assets      Basic          Diluted EPS
                                                                                  (%)                EPS
        Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                       -3.32%         -0.11                     -0.11
        Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses
                                                                                        -4.17%      -0.1373                 -0.1373
        attributable to shareholders of parent company

        3. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard

                                  Chapter X. List of reference documents

                                                         List of reference documents

        1. The 2016 mid-yare Accounting statements which is with the signatures and seals of the legal representative, finance
        controller and the director of accounting department of the Company.

        2. Original documents and notices of the Company disclosed in newspapers designated by the Security Supervisory
        Committee of China in report period.

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)        2016 Mid-year Report
