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						                                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2016Annual Report Abstract

Stock code:*ST200706                               Stock ID:Wazhou B                             Announcement No.2017-14

                               Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                                       2016 Annual Report Abstract

1. Important Notes
   This abstract was derived from the annual report, the annual report issued on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange web
or other web appointed by and CSRC; details please refer to the whole annual report.

   The board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and the top management guarantee there is no
false record, misleading statement or major omission in the report, and take responsibilities for the truth, accuracy
and completeness of the contents.
  Besides the following directors, all the other directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

           Name                 Post                                Reasons                                 Assignee name

      Tang Yurong           director                            Busy work                                    Fang Bo
Reminder of the qualified auditor’s opinions
Preplan of Profit Distribution for Common Stock or Preplan for Capitalization of the Reserves in theReporting Period
Reviewed by the Board Meeting
The Company’s profit distribution preplan upon review and approval of this board meeting: Based on the total 402,600,000
shares, a cash dividend of RMB 0.1 (tax included) will be distributed for every 10 shares held by shareholders.
Preplan of Profit Distribution for Preferred Shares in the Reporting Period Approved by the Resolution of the Board

(2) Brief Information of the listed company
(i) Brief Information of the company
                                                      Secretary of the Board                     Representative of StockA ffairs
Name                                     Sun Najuan                                     Ke Xin
                                         No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City,      No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City,
Correspondence address                   Liaoning Province, China.                     Liaoning Province, China.
Consulting telephone                     0411-39116369                                 0411-39116732
Fax                                      0411-39116738                                 0411-39116738
E-mail                                   zwz2308@126.com                              zwz2308@126.com

(ii). Principal Businesses in the Reporting Period
The scope of operation is: manufacture and sales of bearings, bearing components mechanical equipment, bearing
maintenance and technology service, automobile parts and fittings and other related products, lease of mechanical equipment
and buildings, and inspection of bearings and other related mechanical equipment and measure instruments.
Company has strong manufacturing capability and quality assurance capabilities, extensive services in railway, automobile,
metallurgy, mining and other industries and fields.

                                                                                  Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2016Annual Report Abstract

    (iii).Main accounting date
    (1) Main accounting date in the near three years

    Are there any retrospective adjustments or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of accounting
    policies or correcting of accounting errors?

    [ ] Yes [V] No
                                                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                                             2016                      2015                    %                   2014
                      Turnover(RMB)                     2,493,926,556.67          2,300,161,296.48           8.42%            3,007,578,581.96
     Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                    30,872,950.22                  -33,380,013.39         -192.49%            -103,902,948.89
     listed company(Yuan)
     et profit attributable to the shareholders of
     the listed company after deducting of         -57,771,828.22                  -66,446,677.65            -13.06%          -190,819,385.15
     non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)
        Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                         20,520,061.16             -51,528,028.21         -139.82%             70,472,166.86
                  operation (RMB)
        Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)                  0.08                     -0.08              -195.85%                 -0.26
       Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)                 0.08                     -0.08              -195.85%                 -0.26
                  Net return on equity(%)                    2.26%                    -2.45%              -192.39%                -7.18%
                                                          End of 2016              End of 2015                 %                End of 2014
                     Total Assets (RMB)                 3,553,947,227.09          3,523,969,203.48           0.85%            3,935,819,231.85
     Owner’s Equity Attributed toShareholders of
                                                  1,379,337,925.55                1,348,464,975.33           2.29%            1,381,844,988.72

    (2)Financial Data Summary based on Quarters
                                                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                            s                        nd                           rd                     th
                                          1 Quarter                  2      Quarter              3 Quarter              4 Quarter
     Operating revenue                           534,404,100.68                 591,050,931.30         570,651,513.49              797,820,011.20
     Net profit attributable to the
                                                      2,340,344.55              -46,364,530.48          -9,787,613.48               84,684,749.63
     Company’s shareholders
     Net profit attributable to the
     Company’s shareholders less                 -1,164,062.96                 -53,569,130.53         -13,385,472.61               10,346,837.88
     the non-recurring profit and loss

    (iv) Shareholders and shares

    (1) Information on the top 10 shareholders

                                   Total common                                                                Total preference
                                                                               Total preference
Total common                       shareholders at the end                                                     shareholders with
                                                                               shareholders withthe
shareholders in                    of themonth before                                                          the voting power
                                                                               voting power
                             7,192                                       7,044                               0 not recovered at the end             0
the reporting                      before the date of                          recovered at theend
                                                                                                               of the month before the
period                             disclosing the annual                       of the reporting
                                                                                                               day of disclosingthe
                                   report                                      period (if any)
                                                                                                               annual report
                          Shares held by the shareholders holding over 5% shares or the top ten shareholders
                  Shares held                                           the end of the     Number Number of Pledging or freezing
                                                          Quantity at
                     by the   Shares held by                            reporting period    of the     the
                                                          the end of
Shareholder names   top ten   the   top     ten                         Increase/decreas non-restri restricted Status of
                                                          the reporting                                           the    Quantity
                  shareholder shareholders (%)                          e in the reporting   cted    shares
                                                          period                                                shares
                       s                                                period             shares     held

                                                                         Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2016Annual Report Abstract

                     State-owned                                                         244,000,0
Bearing Group                                60.61% 244,000,000
                     shareholder                                                               00
AKTIEBOLAGET         Foreign
                                             19.70%     79,300,000                                                   Frozen 79,300,000
SKF                  shareholder
Huang Junyue                                  1.01%      4,050,000
                                              0.58%      2,320,000
LIMITED         shareholder
Hu Xiaofeng                                   0.47%      1,879,277
SECURITIES(HON                                0.37%      1,501,640
Jin Yunhua                                    0.33%      1,311,256
(HONG KONG)                                   0.26%      1,049,915
MAN,KWAI WING        private                  0.18%        713,101
Zhou Junlin                                   0.14%        545,600
About the fact that a strategic
investor or
ordinary corporate became one of In the report period, the frozen period of the shares purchased by the company’s strategic
the top                           investor AKTIEBOLAGET SKF expired in 1999, and has not dealt with the releasing-procedure in
ten shareholders due to           this report period. SKF dealt with the releasing-procedure on February 2017
placement of new
shares (if any) (Refer to Note 3)
Top ten common shareholders
conducting securities margin

    (2) Total Preference Shareholders and the Shares Held by the Top 10 Preference Shareholders

    (3)Relationship of the property right and controlling between the Company and actual controller:

                                   Dalian MunicipalGovernment State-owned Assets
                                           Supervising and Managing committee

        Innovation    Investment     Dalian Equipment Manufacture Investment             Zhong Cheng Company Limited
          Company                    Company Limited

                                         Wafangdian Bearing Group Company

                                         Wafangdian Bearing Company Ltd
                                                                    Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2016Annual Report Abstract

3.Discussion and analysis

(1)general information in the report peiord

  2016, the market competition is more intense, product prices decline, profit margins narrowed. The market competition trend
of domestic and international market, the internationalization of domestic competition is becoming more and more serious,
bearing products, international and domestic market sales prices continue to decline trend, product gross margin decline,
which constitutes a major threat to the enterprise to improve operation quality.
  During the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 2 billion 493 million 926 thousand and 600 yuan, an
increase of 8.42% over the previous year, net profit of $30 million 873 thousand, which belongs to the parent company owner
net profit of $30 million 873 thousand. As of the end of 2016, the company's total assets of 3 billion 554 million yuan, an
increase of more than the end of last year, the net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies was $1 billion 379
million, compared with the end of last year increased by 2.29%.

(2) Did there exist any significant change in the principal business in the reporting period

(3) Products taking over 10% of the Operating Revenue or Operating Profit
                                                         Year-on-yearincrease     ear-on-year
               Operating       Operating       Gross /decrease of perating        increase/decrease of
                                                                                                        of gross profit rate
               revenue           profit      profit rate revenue over             operating profit over
                                                                                                        over the previous
                                                         the previous year        the previous year
Bearing    2,011,830,831.63 206,731,838.78       10.28%                  -1.50%                  -1.54%                  0.04%

(4)Did there exist seasonal or periodic characteristics necessary to pay special attention to
(5)Note to operating revenue, operation cost or total profit attributable to the Company’s common
shareholders in the reporting period or composition of significant change in the previous reporting
Compared with the previous reporting period, net profit for the reporting period rose sharply, mainly increased: other business
gross profit increased by 9 million 830 thousand yuan, expenses for the period decreased by 31 million 610 thousand yuan, of
which sales expenses fell 13 million 560 thousand yuan, down 11 million 440 thousand yuan management fees, financial
expenses decreased 6 million 600 thousand yuan, operating income increased by 68 million 560 thousand yuan. Main items:
reduce the profit of main business gross profit decreased 1 million 460 thousand yuan (mainly by the number of product sales
and sales prices, impact) impairment losses increased by 34 million 610 thousand; operating expenses increased by 2 million
920 thousand yuan.

(6)Potential suspension and delisting

(7). Matters concerning the Financial Report
(i) Note to the change in the accounting policy, accounting estimate and accounting method in
comparison with the financial report of the previous year
(ii) Note to the situation that it is necessary to make retrospective restatement to order to correct the
serious accounting errors in the reporting period
(iii) Note to the change of the scope of the consolidated statements in comparison with the previous
