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						    Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                     The First Quarterly Report for 2017 (Main Text)

         Stock code: 200706                                stock short form: *ST Wazhou B                                    Report code: 2017-17

                                            Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                                              The First Quarterly Report for 2017
                                                          (Main Text)
    § 1 Important Notes

         The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby
    guaranteed that there are no false records, misleading statements, and major omits in this report, and assumed the individual
    and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
         Chairman of the Board Mr Meng Wei, Financial manager Ms.Sun Najuan, Accounting charger Mr. Wang Jiyuan
    Chunjuan hereby confirms that the Financial Report of the quarterly report is true and complete.
          Besides the following directors, all the other directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

              Name                       Post                                   Reasons                                   Assignee name

        Tang Yurong                   Diretor                                Busy work                                      Fang Bo

    § 2 Major accounting data and shareholder change
    1 Major accounting data and financial indexes
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                               Jan-Mar 2017                      Jan-Mar 2016                     +/- to previous
    Operating income(Yuan)                                            566,558,889.45                   534,404,100.68
    Net profits attributed Shareholders(Yuan)                            1,998,535.48                     2,340,344.55
    Net cash flows from operation activities
                                                                         3,495,485.07                   16,496,758.57

    Basic gains on per share                                                    0.0050                           0.0060
    Diluted gains on per share                                                  0.0050                           0.0060
                                                               Jan-Mar 2017                      Jan-Mar 2016                     +/- to previous
    Total assets                                                     3,560,273,989.24                3,553,947,227.09
    Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)                          1,381,336,461.03                1,379,337,925.55

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses
    √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

    2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Share
Total number of shareholder at the end of                              Total number of shareholder at the end of report period with
                                                               7044                                                                                          0
report period                                                          preferred stock
                                                           Shareholders with 5% or above Shares
                                                                           Increase or                  Current        Impawned or Frozen Shares
                                                      Total shares         decrease         Non-current shares
       Name                 Nature          Ratio(%)
                                                              held         in the report    shares held held                  Status                Amount

     Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                 The First Quarterly Report for 2017 (Main Text)

Wafangdian Bearing State-owned
                                              60.61%         244,000,000                  244,000,000
Group Corporation shareholder
                                             19.70%          79,300,000
SKF          shareholder
Huang Junyue                                   1.16%           4,680,000
SECURITIES                                     0.94%           3,772,700
Hu Xiaofeng                                    0.47%           1,879,277
                                               0.36%           1,456,040
NGKONG)       shareholder
Jin Yunhua                                     0.33%           1,311,256
MAN,KWAI                 Domestic
                                               0.18%            713,101
WING                    shareholder
Zhou Jie                                       0.16%            630,000
Zhou Junlin                                    0.14%            545,600
                                                               Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                                            Category of Shares
                    Name                                    Current shares held at end of year
                                                                                                                   Categories               Amount
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                                 79,300,000             B                       79,300,000
Huang Junyue                                                                                       4,680,000            B                          4,680,000
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                            3,772,700                                       3,772,700
Hu Xiaofeng                                                                                        1,879,277            B                          1,879,277
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                                            B
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                                               1,456,040                                       1,456,040
Jin Yunhua                                                                                         1,311,256            B                          1,311,256
MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                                                                                 713,101            B                           713,101
Zhou Jie                                                                                             630,000            B                           630,000
Zhou Jun lin                                                                                         545,600            B                           545,600
Liao Yun                                                                                             514,500            B                           514,500
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or
United Action of the Top Ten                There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other shareholders or
                                            the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders,
Shareholders and the Top Ten Tradable top ten circulation shareholders and other shareholders was not clear.

    § 3 Significant items

    1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index, and explanations of

    √Applicable    Inapplicable
                                      The end of       Beginning of
     No              Item                                                     %             +/- to previous                     Reason
                                        year              year
                                                                                                               Mainly the added-value taxand the
      1        Tax payable                   448          1,914.10         -1,466.10             -76.60%
                                                                                                               attached is the beginning

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                               The First Quarterly Report for 2017 (Main Text)

                                                                                 Mainly according to the provisions of the
                                                                                 tax law, in May 2016 to implement the
                                                                                 camp change increases, taxes and
                                                                                 additional accounting business activities
                                                                                 of consumption tax, urban construction
                                                                                 tax, resource tax, educational expenses
     business tax and
2                             510.1       248.4          261.7         105.30%   to add, property tax and land use tax,
                                                                                 stamp duty and other relevant taxes, so
                                                                                 will be in May 2016 after all management
                                                                                 cost of the tax adjustment to tax and
                                                                                 additional items, so the tax and
                                                                                 additional year-on-year growth.

     Loss of                                                                     Mainly cancel after Close the accounts
3    impairment of               10         0.1            9.9        9254.00%   receivable from 9.9 millionYuan
                                                                                 1.A fine income fell;2.The government
                              163.8       442.3         -278.6         -63.00%   subsidies fell;3.Debt restructuring gains
     Other cash                                                                  Mainly at the same time receive the first
     received relating
     to operating
                               73.3       130.7          -57.4         -43.90%   major technical equipment insurance
     activities                                                                  premium subsidies to 76 millionYuan.
                                                                                 Mainly operating income rose, make the
                                                                                 added-value tax and its attached
6    Tax payments          3,077.40    1,306.00     1,771.50           135.60%
                                                                                 year-on-year increase

                                                                                 Mainly because received from return of
7    Tax payments                            24            -24        -100.00%   investment of 2014 from ME with 240
                                                                                 thousand Yuan.
     Net cash
     received from
     disposal of fixed                                                           Mainly received income for sold Property
8                             487.7                      487.7
     assets, intangible                                                          Harbin
     assets and other
     long-term assets
     Cash paid to
     acquire fixed                                                               Mainly because the cash paid on fix
9    assets, intangible       110.3       162.7          -52.4         -32.20%   asset investment decline compared with
     assets and other                                                            last peirod.
     long-term assets

                                                                                 Mainly due to the impact of credit, so that
     Proceeds from
                          13,300.00   28,500.00   -15,200.00           -53.30%   the current payment of debt to pay the
                                                                                 cash reduction

                                                                                 Mainly due to the impact of credit, so that
     Repayment of
                          11,800.00   22,000.00   -10,200.00           -46.40%   the cash received in the current period to
                                                                                 reduce the cash
                                                                                 Mainly in current dollars for RMB
                                                                                 exchange rate fell 0.078 in January, the
                                                                                 RMB appreciation is bigger, exchange
     Effects of foreign                                                          loss is bigger, 2, 3 months exchange
12   exchange rate            -29.9         -54           24.1         -44.60%   rates to rise, forming exchange earnings,
     changes on cash                                                             the overall form exchange earnings,
                                                                                 earnings fell

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                       The First Quarterly Report for 2017 (Main Text)

2 Progress of significant events, their influence, and analysis and explanation of their solutions
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3 The company, shareholders, actual controller, the acquirer, directors, supervisors and senior management
personnel or other related parties to fulfill commitments and the final report has not been fulfilled in the reporting
□Applicable √Inapplicable
4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from Jan to June 2017
□Applicable √Inapplicable
5 Particular about security investment
□Applicable √Inapplicable
6 Particular about derivatives
□Applicable √Inapplicable
7 Activities on receiving research, communication and interview in the report period

            Time                     Method                     Object                  Content and documents supplied
                                                                                        Company earnings forecast, to verify
        2017.01.24            Telephone communication     Private investor

        2017.02.08            Telephone communication     Private investor        Whether Company can turnround and pick the cap

                                                                                     Understand the company's second-largest
        2017.02.23            Telephone communication     Private investor                    shareholder SKF thaw

                                                                                  The company's production and operation situation
        2017.02..24           Telephone communication     Private investor

                                                                                     Understand the company's second-largest
        2017.02.27            Telephone communication     Private investor                    shareholder SKF thaw

8 Illegal external guarantee
□Applicable √Inapplicable
9 Controlling shareholder and its related parties to the listing Corporation's non operating funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
