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						Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                     2018 Midyear Report

                      Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                             2018 Midyear Report

                                     August 17, 2018
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                     2018 Midyear Report

          Chapter I.        Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions

     The Board of Directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby

guarantee that there are no false record, misleading statements and important omission of the material in this report, and

assume the individual and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
     Besides the following directors, all the other directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

             Name               Post                         Reasons                            Assignee name

     Sun Maolin             Director                     Busy work                            Zhang Xinghai
     Chen Jiajun            Director                     Busy work                            Zhang Xinghai

     The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share capital.

     Chairman Meng Wei , General Accountant Ms. Sun Najuan and accounting charger Ms. Sun Najuan                      declare:

guarantee the truth and completeness of the financial report in the annual report.

    The description of the future development in this report does not constitute a commitment for

investors. Investors are requested to pay attention to the risks involved in your investment.

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                                           2018 Midyear Report

                                                                      Table of Contents

Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions ........................................................................... 1
Chapter II.Company Profile ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter III Business Summary ................................................................................................................................ 5
ChapterⅤ Significant Events ................................................................................................................................... 9
     I、The relevant annual general meeting and extraordinary general meeting held in the report
     period ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
           i.Shareholders' General Meeting in the report period ................................................................... 9
           ii.The shareholders of the preferred shareholders who have resumed the voting are
           required to convene an extraordinary general meeting ................................................................ 9
     Inapplicable .................................................................................................................................................... 9
           IV Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs ................................................................................... 9
     V、Notice of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee on the "non -standard audit
     report" of the accounting firm during the reporting period ................................................................... 9
     Inapplicable ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
     VI、The Board of Directors of the previous year, "non-standard audit report" the relevant
     circumstances of the note ........................................................................................................................... 9
VII. Matters concerning Bankruptcy Reorganization Inapplicable VIII. Significant Lawsuits and
Arbitrations Inapplicable ......................................................................................................................................... 9
ChapterⅥ. Changes in Capital Stock and Shareholders ............................................................................................... 22
ChapterⅦ. Relevant information about preferred stock ........................................................................................... 23
ChapterⅧ. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff ........................................................................... 23
Chapter VIII. Financial Report................................................................................................................................... 24

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                    2018 Midyear Report


Terms                                Defined as        Description

Company,the Company                   Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Wazhou Group                          Defined as       Wafangdian Bearing Group Company
the report period, the current
                                      Defined as       January 1,2018–June 30,2018
period, the current year
Liaozhou Co.,Ltd                      Defined as       Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing Manufacture Co.,Ltd

Dalian motor                          Defined as       Dalian motor Bearing Co.,Ltd

SRB company                           Defined as       Wazhou spherial roller bearing company limited
                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The Board of
The Board of Directors                Defined as
                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The
The Supervisory Committee             Defined as
                                                       Supervisory Committee
                                                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited The
The Shareholders‘Meeting             Defined as
Shen Jiao Suo                         Defined as       Shen Zhen Stock Exchange

SRC                                   Defined as       China Securities Regulatory Commission

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                      2018 Midyear Report

                                          Chapter II.Company Profile

I. Company Information

Abbreviated name of the                                               Stock code:                   200706
                               Wazhou B
Listing location of the
                               Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company‘s stock:
Chinese name of the
Abbreviation of Chinese
English name of the
                               Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
Abbreviation of English
Legal representative of the
                               Meng Wei
Registered address             No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
P.C                            116300
office address                 No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, China.
office P.C                     116300
Website                        http//www.zwz-200706.com
E-mail                         zwz2308@126.com
                                           Secretary of the Board                    Representative of StockA ffairs
Name                                       Sun Najuan                                 Ke Xin
                                           No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City,
Correspondence address
                                           Liaoning Province, China.                Liaoning Province, China.
Consulting telephone                       0411-39116369                             0411-39116732
Fax                                        0411-39116738                             0411-39116738
E-mail                                     zwz2308@126.com                          zwz2308@126.com

III.Other information
i.The way to contact with compay
In the report period the Registered address ,P.C, office address,office P.C of the company is no change.Detials can be seen in
2016annual report.
ii.Place for information disclosure
In the report period the place for information disclosure is no change. is no change.Detials can be seen in 2017 annual report.

IV Financial Highlights
Are there any retrospective adjustments or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of accounting
policies or correcting of accounting errors?
[ ] Yes [V] No

                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                     2018 Midyear Report

                                                                                                       +/-(%)comparing with the
                                                    current period              previous period
                                                                                                              previous period
               Turnover(RMB)                         1,074,867,981.68             1,135,500,575.33                         -5.34%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                          3,313,980.12                 2,633,635.55                       25.83%
             listed company(Yuan)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company and after deducting of                -1,544,284.08                -1,562,254.31                        -1.15%
         non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                         44,206,595.23              -76,606,258.56                      -157.71%
operation (RMB)
   Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)                          0.008                        0.007                        14.29%
   Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)                        0.008                        0.007                        14.29%
            Net return on equity(%)                             0.24%                        0.19%                          0.05%
                                                      End of 2018.06.30            End of 2017.12.31     Changed over last year (%)
            Total Assets (RMB)                       3,213,612,720.94             3,213,772,171.61                          0.00%
Owner‘s Equity Attributed to Shareholders of
                                                     1,388,808,854.83             1,385,494,874.71                          0.24%

   V. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard
   No difference

   VI. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
                                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
                                     Items                                           Amount                   Remarks
   Gain/loss of non-current assets (includes the neutralized part of the
   asset impairment provision drawn already)
   Gains and losses included in the current period of government
   subsidies, excluding those government grants which are closely related
   to normal business and in line with national policy, or in accordance with
   fixed standards or quantities
   Debt restructuring gains and losses                                                 1,371,568.42
   Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                     1,665,190.73
   Influenced amount of income tax                                                       501,892.88
   Total                                                                               4,858,264.20              --
         For the Companys non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information
   Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public–Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
   gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their
   Securities to the Public–Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is
   necessary to explain the reason.

                                           Chapter III        Business Summary

   I Principal Businesses in the Reporting Period
   The scope of operation is: manufacture and sales of bearings, bearing components mechanical equipment, bearing
   maintenance and technology service, automobile parts and fittings and other related products, lease of mechanical equipment
   and buildings, and inspection of bearings and other related mechanical equipment and measure instruments.
   Company has strong manufacturing capability and quality assurance capabilities, extensive services in railway, automobile,
   metallurgy, mining and other industries and fields.

  Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                        2018 Midyear Report

  II.Significant Changes in the Prime Assets
  III.Analysis on Core Competitiveness
        As the country's largest bearing technology and product r&d and manufacturing base, company has accumulated much
  practice experience in the field of bearings and related areas, set up perfect bearing technology innovation system, maintain
  close cooperation with domestic scientific research institutes, colleges and universities. As the main drafter of bearing industry
  a number of standard, company control the latest technology development trend in the industry. In technology research and
  development, product manufacturing, marketing , customer services and other aspects have established a significant
       Company improve responsiveness to the market and customer personalized demand, in line with customer's
  personalized design and needs of manufacturing processes balancing cost, delivery time and customer,
  The company has complete product service system and 24-hour dynamic service ability product operating site. And was
  praised with a good image of the "ten value-added services" by the majority customers. Company has strong manufacturing
  capability and quality assurance capabilities, extensive services in railway, automobile, metallurgy, mining, and other
  industries and fields.
  Company has established strategic cooperative relations with key customers in domestic equipment applications, carry out
  the depth of marketing through involvement in customer value engineer, set firmly up the company's brand and influence in
  the domestic bearing market, the company has won the certification qualification of important target markets in the
  international market , the international popularity established preliminary.

              Chapter IV Discussion and Analysis of the Management

  I. Overview
  In the first half of 2018, the company adhered to the "four advantages" operating principle.Focusing on customers, improving
  product quality and service quality, focusing on internal management and external market, overcoming negative cost factors
  such as raw material cost and staff salary increase, and maintaining the sustainable and healthy development of the
  By the end of this report, the total assets of the company were 3213.61 million yuan, 0.01% lower than the beginning of the
  year. The net assets belonging to shareholders of the listed company were 1388.8 million yuan, up 0.24% compared with the
  beginning of the year. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 3.31 million yuan, up 25.83 percent
  from the same period last year.

  II Analysis on Principal Businesses
   1. General
       Refer to ―I. General‖ of ―Discussion and Analysis of the Management”
  2. Revenue and Costs
                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan
              Item                   Report period  Last report period Changed                        Change reason
                                                                       by %YoY
Business Income                    1,074,867,981.68 1,135,500,575.33       -5.34%
Business Cost                        939,746,571.13 1,004,195,641.99       -6.42%
Sales Expenses                        70,739,571.63 76,020,179.92          -6.95%
Management Expenses                   34,075,703.49 31,245,721.82           9.06%
                                                                                     Mainly, the current period Dalian Wazhou
                                      24,052,423.13       16,016,268.75       50.17% Precision motor bearing co. LTD and Wazhou
                                                                                     Precision spherical roller bearing co.LTD

  Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                         2018 Midyear Report

                                                                                         (Wafangdian) generated 5.68 million discount
                                                                                         interest on behalf of discount, and the
         Financial Expenses                                                              exchange loss increased by 2.29 million yuan.
Tax Expenses                               -279,426.81
Spending on research and
development of the business           47,796,129.00       46,000,000.00          3.90%
income ratio
Net Cash Flows from Operating
                                      44,206,595.23       -76,606,258.56
Net Cash Flows from Investing
                                           420,700.50      -1,449,577.77
                                                                                      Mainly, the cash inflow generated by
Net Cash Flows from Financing                                                         fund-raising activities decreased by 125.82
                                     -27,723,409.01       34,930,007.77      -179.37%
Activities                                                                            million yuan and the financing cash outflow
                                                                                      decreased by 63.16 million yuan
Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                      16,785,382.31       -43,617,574.73
  The profit structure or source change greatly
  □Applicable √Inapplicable

  Main business composition
                                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                                                                                  +/-(%) of
                                                                                                    +/-(%) of
                        Operating income       Operating cost          BOI        operating                         +/-(%) of BOI
                                                                                                  operating cost
   By Industries
   Export                 134,389,724.30          127,690,513.67        4.98%        -10.18%              -0.72%            -9.06%
   Including: Traffic
                          216,585,762.48          198,183,287.87        8.50%        -18.80%             -22.12%             3.90%
   Special Bearing        247,415,855.83          216,744,034.46       12.40%         10.36%               8.63%             1.40%
                          331,625,015.47          255,948,501.83       22.82%         19.42%              19.33%             0.06%
   Industrial income       37,029,623.49           42,082,834.30       -13.65%       -83.45%             -35.71%           -17.30%

   Bearing                930,016,358.08          798,566,337.83       14.13%            1.27%             0.18%             0.94%
                           37,029,623.49           42,082,834.30       -13.65%       -45.49%             -35.71%           -17.30%

   Civil                  832,656,257.27          712,958,658.46       14.38%         -0.47%              -2.86%             2.12%
   Foreign                134,389,724.30          127,690,513.67        4.98%        -10.18%              -0.72%            -9.06%

  III . Analysis on Non-Principal Businesses
  IV. Situation of assets and liabilities
  1. Major change in asset item

                             End of 2018.06.30                     End of 2017.06.30
                                                                                            Percentage of Statement on major
                                          Percent in                            Percent in
                           Amount                                 Amount                     change(%)          change
                                          total asset                           total asset
   Monetary capital      185,921,246.44          5.79%          111,589,576.25        3.18%         2.61%
                        1,169,506,871.73         36.39%     1,311,182,169.81          37.41%              -1.02%
   Inventories           712,471,443.43          22.17%         767,894,842.95        21.91%               0.26%

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                          2018 Midyear Report

                      132,182,083.40             4.11%                                                    4.11%
Fixed assets          665,943,050.67            20.72%       740,842,980.06          21.14%              -0.42%
Construction in
                        84,338,838.27            2.62%       205,126,816.36            5.85%             -3.23%
Short term loan       615,000,000.00            19.14%       654,900,000.00          18.69%               0.45%

V. Investment

VI. Sales of Significant Assets and Equity
1. Sales of Significant Assets
     2. Sales of Significant Equity
VII. Analysis on Principal Subsidiaries and Mutual Shareholding Companies
  Company         Company        Principal    products Total assets, in Net assets Turnover in                            Net profit (in
                                                                                                          profit (in
   name             type         business       and         CNY          (CNY)        CNY                                    CNY)
                               Product and
                               Bearing and    19,350,0    110,753,525.5 -53,041,653 60,149,332.
Bearing         Subsidiary                                                                                -344,728.62       -356,139.09
                               machine-ele    00.00                   9         .24         79
Dalian                         Product and
                                              10,000,0    110,413,170.8 14,766,764. 84,506,462.
Electrical   Subsidiary        Sale                                                             -5,929,398.11 -4,825,060.06
                                              00.00                   5         81          54
Equipment                      Bearing
precision                      Product and
spherical                      Sales
                                           194,000,       253,642,512.5 208,671,83 70,148,872.
roller       Subsidiary        Spherical                                                       -9,818,360.26 -4,856,311.96
                                           000.00                     6       1.51         86
bearing(Wafa                   Roller
ngdian)                        Bearing

VIII. Structurized Entities Controlled by the Company
IX. Estimates for operating results for January to September 2017
X The company faces risks and response measures
From the perspective of enterprises, China's economy is now in a transitional stage, and the advantages of traditional
manufacturing industry are gradually decreasing. The cost of raw materials such as bearing steel, as well as production
materials such as water, electricity and land, and the labor cost is also rising.From the client side, the client is transferring the
cost to upstream enterprises, bearing profit narrowing and other issues are increasingly prominent. With the deepening
reform of the country, China's equipment manufacturing industry has ushered in new development opportunities, and China's
bearing industry has also ushered in a rare local substitute market.
In the first half of 20118, the company adhered to the "four advantages" operating principle.Focusing on customers, improving
product quality and service quality, focusing on internal management and external market, overcoming negative cost factors
such as raw material cost and staff salary increase, and maintaining the sustainable and healthy development of the
In the economic environment, the company has gradually realized the transition from production orientation to demand
orientation,taking customer as the center, implement the structural adjustment, and comprehensively improve the marketing
competitiveness; Strengthen the management of "four not movings", "six not startings, five not movings",improve product
quality competitiveness; use price lever, implement management responsibility, improve operation quality; Strengthen capital
control and reduce business risks; Continuous improvement of innovation management improves the operation quality of
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                  2018 Midyear Report

                                 ChapterⅤ Significant Events
I、The relevant annual general meeting and extraordinary general meeting held in the report

i.Shareholders' General Meeting in the report period

                                      Investor                Meeting     Disclosure     Disclosure
 Meeting session          Type
                                      participation ratio      Date          Date          index
  2017 Annual             Annual
  Shareholer’s           Shareholer’s                      80.36% 2018.05.18 2018.05.19
  Meeting                 Meeting
ii.The shareholders of the preferred shareholders who have resumed the voting are required
to convene an extraordinary general meeting
II. Preplan for Profit Distribution and Conversion of Capital Reserve into Share Capital in the
Reporting Period
III Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual
controller,acquirer, directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the
reporting period and commitments unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting
IV Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs
V、Notice of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee on the "non -standard
audit report" of the accounting firm during the reporting period
VI、The Board of Directors of the previous year, "non-standard audit report" the relevant
circumstances of the note
VII. Matters concerning Bankruptcy Reorganization
VIII. Significant Lawsuits and Arbitrations
IX. Penalty and Rectification
 X. Integrity of the Company and its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller
 XI. Implementation of the Company’s Equit Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or
 other Employee Incentive Measures
XII. Important Related Transactions
1.The relate transactions related to the day-to-day operations.

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2018 Midyear Report

                                                                                          Relativ               Approv      than
                                                                                                       age of
                                                                                             e                     al        the     The Way              Disclos
                                          Relative                  Principle   Relativ               accoun                                     Market             Disclosu
  Relative parties     Relationship                    Content                            Amoun                 amount    approv       Of                   ure
                                           type                     of price    e Price               ted for                                     price             re Index
                                                                                          t(RMB’               (RMB’0      ed      Account               Date
                                                                                           0000)                  000)    amount
                                                                                                                           or not
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the   Merchandis
Wazhou precision     same controlling    e            Component   Justice and   Market
                     share holders and                                                    150         0.55%     500       No        Payment or   None
Steel Ball Company                       Procureme    s           Equity        price
                     the ultimate                                                                                                   The Knot
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou precision     same controlling    Sales of     Goods and   Justice and   Market
                                                                                          3           0.04%     200       No        Payment or   None
Steel Ball Compan    share holders and   goods        Materials   Equity        price
                                                                                                                                    The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou precision     same controlling                             Justice and
                                         Land rent    Land rent                 cost      10          0.62%     20        No        Payment or   None
Steel Ball Compan    share holders and                            Equity
                                                                                                                                    The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou precision     same controlling    Provide      Heat        Justice and   Market
                                                                                          47          6.18%     150       No        Payment or   None
Steel Ball Compan    share holders and   Service      treatment   Equity        price
                                                                                                                                    The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the   Merchandis
Wazhou precision     same controlling    e            Component   Justice and   Market
                                                                                          11,139      40.93%    23,000    No        Payment or   None
forging Ltd.         share holders and   Procureme    s           Equity        price
                                                                                                                                    The Knot
                     the ultimate        nt
                     controlling party

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2018 Midyear Report
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou precision     same controlling    Sales of                  Justice and   Market
                                                      Materials                           4,615       61.72%    6,000   No   Payment or   None
forging Ltd.         share holders and   goods                     Equity        price
                                                                                                                             The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou precision     same controlling                              Justice and   Market
                                         House rent   House rent                          52          3.26%     110     No   Payment or   None
forging Ltd.         share holders and                             Equity        price
                                                                                                                             The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou precision     same controlling                              Justice and
                                         Land rent    Land rent                  cost     31          1.94%     80      No   Payment or   None
forging Ltd.         share holders and                             Equity
                                                                                                                             The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the   Merchandis
Dalian Wazhou                                                                                                                Cash
                     same controlling    e            Component    Justice and   Market
Manufacturing                                                                             639         2.35%     1,500   No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Procureme    s            Equity        price
Equipment Co., Ltd                                                                                                           The Knot
                     the ultimate        nt
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Dalian Wazhou                                                                                                                Cash
                     same controlling    Goods                     Justice and   Market
Manufacturing                                         Product                                                   1,600   No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Procureme                 Equity        price
Equipment Co., Ltd                                                                                                           The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Dalian Wazhou                                                                                                                Cash
                     same controlling    Sales of                  Justice and   Market
Manufacturing                                         Materials                           7           0.10%     130     No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   goods                     Equity        price
Equipment Co., Ltd                                                                                                           The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
Dalian Wazhou        Other Companies     Merchandis                                                                          Cash
                                                                   Justice and   Market
Manufacturing        controlled by the   e            Machine                             34          40.90%    500     No   Payment or   None
                                                                   Equity        price
Equipment Co., Ltd   same controlling    Procureme                                                                           The Knot
    Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                        2018 Midyear Report
                     share holders and   nt
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the                Heat
Dalian Wazhou                                                                                                                Cash
                     same controlling    Provide                  Justice and   Market
Manufacturing                                         treatment、                        16          2.17%     35       No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Service                  Equity        price
Equipment Co., Ltd                                    pickling                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou Group         controlled by the   Merchandis
precision            same controlling    e                        Justice and   Market
                                                      Product                            4,796       28.86%    14,000   No   Payment or   None
Transmission         share holders and   Procureme                Equity        price
                                                                                                                             The Knot
Bearing Co., Ltd     the ultimate        nt
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou Group         controlled by the
precision            same controlling    Sales of     Component   Justice and   Market
                                                                                         1,905       63.26%    6,000    No   Payment or   None
Transmission         share holders and   goods        s           Equity        price
                                                                                                                             The Knot
Bearing Co., Ltd     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou Group         controlled by the
precision            same controlling    Sales of                 Justice and   Market
                                                      Materials                          184         2.46%     800      No   Payment or   None
Transmission         share holders and   Materials                Equity        price
                                                                                                                             The Knot
Bearing Co., Ltd     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou Group         controlled by the                Heat                                                                   Cash
precision            same controlling    Provide                  Justice and   Market
                                                      treatment、                        3           0.33%     10       No   Payment or   None
Transmission         share holders and   Service                  Equity        price
                                                      pickling                                                               The Knot
Bearing Co., Ltd     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou Group         controlled by the
Precision special    same controlling                             Justice and
                                         Land rent    Land rent                 Cost     4           0.28%     9        No   Payment or   None
Bearing Company      share holders and                            Equity
                                                                                                                             The Knot
Limited              the ultimate
                     controlling party
   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                            2018 Midyear Report
                      Other Companies
Wazhou Group          controlled by the
Precision special     same controlling      Sales of                 Justice and   Market
                                                         Materials                          27          0.36%     100     No    Payment or   None
Bearing Company       share holders and     Materials                Equity        price
                                                                                                                                The Knot
Limited               the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou Group          controlled by the
Precision special     same controlling      Machine      Machine     Justice and
                                                                                   Cost                           3       No    Payment or   None
Bearing Company       share holders and     rent         rent        Equity
                                                                                                                                The Knot
Limited               the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou Group          controlled by the
Precision special     same controlling      House        House       Justice and   Market
                                                                                            26          1.62%     50      No    Payment or   None
Bearing Company       share holders and     rent         rent        Equity        price
                                                                                                                                The Knot
Limited               the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou Group          controlled by the
Precision special     same controlling      Provide      Heat        Justice and   Market
                                                                                            34          4.54%     70      No    Payment or   None
Bearing Company       share holders and     Service      treatment   Equity        price
                                                                                                                                The Knot
Limited               the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou Group          controlled by the     Merchandis
Precision special     same controlling      e                        Justice and   Market
                                                         Product                            5           0.03%     0       Yes   Payment or   None
Bearing Company       share holders and     Procureme                Equity        price
                                                                                                                                The Knot
Limited               the ultimate          nt
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou Group          controlled by the
                                            Machine                                                                             Cash
Equipment technical   same controlling                               Justice and   Market
                                            Procureme    Machine                            49          59.10%    1,000   No    Payment or   None
engineering           share holders and                              Equity        price
                                            nt                                                                                  The Knot
Company Limited       the ultimate
                      controlling party
Wafangdian Tongda     Other       Related   Merchandis                                                                          Cash
                                                                     Justice and   Market
Bearing               party                 e            Product                            4,251       25.58%    9,000   No    Payment or   None
                                                                     Equity        price
Manufacturing Co.,                          Procureme                                                                           The Knot
   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2018 Midyear Report
Ltd                                       nt
Wafangdian Tongda     Other     Related
Bearing               party               Sales of                 Justice and   Market
                                                       Materials                          69          0.92%     100      No   Payment or   None
Manufacturing Co.,                        Materials                Equity        price
                                                                                                                              The Knot
Wafangdian Tongda     Other     Related
Bearing               party               Sales of                 Justice and   Market
                                                       Product                                                  1,000    No   Payment or   None
Manufacturing Co.,                        Product                  Equity        price
                                                                                                                              The Knot
Wafangdian Tongda     Other     Related                Heat                                                                   Cash
Bearing               party               Provide                  Justice and   Market
                                                       treatment、                                              10       No   Payment or   None
Manufacturing Co.,                        Service                  Equity        price
                                                       pickling                                                               The Knot
Da Lian Wazhou        Other     Related                                                                                       Cash
                                          e            Component   Justice and   Market
Fengyuan Machine      party                                                               4,695       17.25%    10,000   No   Payment or   None
                                          Procureme    s           Equity        price
Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                       The Knot
Da Lian Wazhou        Other     Related                                                                                       Cash
                                          House        House       Justice and   Market
Fengyuan Machine      party                                                               5           0.34%     10       No   Payment or   None
                                          rent         rent        Equity        price
Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                       The Knot
Da Lian Wazhou Jin    Other     Related                                                                                       Cash
                                          e            Component   Justice and   Market
Zhou Machine          party                                                               786         2.89%     800      No   Payment or   None
                                          Procureme    s           Equity        price
Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                       The Knot
Da Lian Wazhou Jin    Other     Related                                                                                       Cash
                                          House        House       Justice and   Market
Zhou Machine          party                                                               40          2.53%     80       No   Payment or   None
                                          rent         rent        Equity        price
Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                       The Knot
Da Lian Wazhou Jin    Other     Related                                                                                       Cash
                                          Provide      Heat        Justice and   Market
Zhou Machine          party                                                               7           0.91%     20       No   Payment or   None
                                          Service      treatment   Equity        price
Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                       The Knot
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wazhou group (USA)    same controlling    Sales of                 Justice and   Market
                                                       Product                            2,523       37.56%    10,000   No   Payment or   None
bearing co., LTD      share holders and   goods                    Equity        price
                                                                                                                              The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
Wazhou group          Other Companies     Merchandis               Justice and   Market                                       Cash
                                                       Product                            3,555       21.39%    20,000   No                None
high-end automobile   controlled by the   e                        Equity        price                                        Payment or

   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                         2018 Midyear Report
bearing co., LTD      same controlling    Procureme                                                                         The Knot
                      share holders and   nt
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wazhou group                                                                                                                Cash
                      same controlling    Sales of                Justice and   Market
high-end automobile                                   Product                            3,178       47.31%    5,000   No   Payment or   None
                      share holders and   goods                   Equity        price
bearing co., LTD                                                                                                            The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wazhou group                                                                                                                Cash
                      same controlling    Sales of                Justice and   Market
high-end automobile                                   Materials                          526         7.03%     1,000   No   Payment or   None
                      share holders and   Materials               Equity        price
bearing co., LTD                                                                                                            The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wazhou group                                                                                                                Cash
                      same controlling    Sales of    Component   Justice and   Market
high-end automobile                                                                      696         23.10%    2,000   No   Payment or   None
                      share holders and   goods       s           Equity        price
bearing co., LTD                                                                                                            The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wazhou group                                                                                                                Cash
                      same controlling    House       House       Justice and   Market
high-end automobile                                                                      240         15.11%    700     No   Payment or   None
                      share holders and   rent        rent        Equity        price
bearing co., LTD                                                                                                            The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wazhou group                                                                                                                Cash
                      same controlling    Machine     Machine     Justice and
high-end automobile                                                             Cost     477         30.08%    1,200   No   Payment or   None
                      share holders and   rent        rent        Equity
bearing co., LTD                                                                                                            The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou group          controlled by the               Heat                                                                  Cash
                                          Provide                 Justice and   Market
high-end automobile   same controlling                treatment、                        20          2.59%     25      No   Payment or   None
                                          Service                 Equity        price
bearing co., LTD      share holders and               pickling                                                              The Knot
                      the ultimate
    Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                         2018 Midyear Report
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the   Merchandis
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                  Cash
                     same controlling    e            Component    Justice and   Market
Precision Roller                                                                          6,915       25.41%    10,000   No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Procureme    s            Equity        price
limited company                                                                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate        nt
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                  Cash
                     same controlling    Sales of     Component    Justice and   Market
Precision Roller                                                                          409         13.59%    600      No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   goods        s            Equity        price
limited company                                                                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                  Cash
                     same controlling    House        House        Justice and   Market
Precision Roller                                                                          24          1.54%     50       No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   rent         rent         Equity        price
limited company                                                                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                  Cash
                     same controlling    Machine      Machine      Justice and
Precision Roller                                                                 Cost     492         31.00%    1,100    No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   rent         rent         Equity
limited company                                                                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                  Cash
                     same controlling                              Justice and
Precision Roller                         Land rent    Land rent                  Cost     10          0.65%     21       No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and                             Equity
limited company                                                                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                  Cash
                     same controlling    Provide      Heat         Justice and   Market
Precision Roller                                                                          629         83.28%    1,500    No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Service      treatment    Equity        price
limited company                                                                                                               The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
Wazhou Group         Other Companies     Sales of     Merchandis   Justice and   Market                                       Cash
                                                                                          2,033       27.19%    2,500    No                None
Precision Roller     controlled by the   Merchandis   e            Equity        price                                        Payment or
   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                          2018 Midyear Report
limited company      same controlling    e                                                                                   The Knot
                     share holders and
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the   Merchandis
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                 Cash
                     same controlling    e            Component    Justice and   Market
Precision Retainer                                                                        2,888       10.61%    6,000   No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Procureme    s            Equity        price
Limited Company                                                                                                              The Knot
                     the ultimate        nt
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                             Sales of                                                                            Cash
                     same controlling                 Merchandis   Justice and   Market
Precision Retainer                       Merchandis                                       3           0.05%     900     No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and                e            Equity        price
Limited Company                          e                                                                                   The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                 Cash
                     same controlling    Machine      Machine      Justice and
Precision Retainer                                                               Cost     124         7.79%     250     No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   rent         rent         Equity
Limited Company                                                                                                              The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                 Cash
                     same controlling                              Justice and
Precision Retainer                       Land rent    Land rent                  Cost     13          0.83%     26      No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and                             Equity
Limited Company                                                                                                              The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                                                                                                 Cash
                     same controlling    Sales of     Component    Justice and   Market
Precision Retainer                                                                        2           0.06%     100     No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   goods        s            Equity        price
Limited Company                                                                                                              The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou Group         controlled by the                                                                                       Cash
                                                                   Justice and   Market
Precision Retainer   same controlling    House rent   House rent                          38          2.41%     80      No   Payment or   None
                                                                   Equity        price
Limited Company      share holders and                                                                                       The Knot
                     the ultimate
   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                            2018 Midyear Report
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wazhou Group                                          Heat                                                                     Cash
                     same controlling    Provide                  Justice and      Market
Precision Retainer                                    treatment、                                                 5       No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Service                  Equity           price
Limited Company                                       pickling                                                                 The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou      Group    controlled by the   Merchandis
                     same controlling    e                           Justice and   Market
Wind power Bearing                                    Product                               948         5.71%     2,200   No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Procureme                   Equity        price
Ltd                                                                                                                            The Knot
                     the ultimate        nt
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou      Group    controlled by the
                     same controlling    Sales of                    Justice and   Market
Wind power Bearing                                    Product                               681         10.14%    5,000   No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   goods                       Equity        price
Ltd                                                                                                                            The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
Wazhou      Group    controlled by the
                                         Sales of                                                                              Cash
                     same controlling                 Merchandis     Justice and   Market
Wind power Bearing                       Merchandis                                         8           0.10%     700     No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and                e              Equity        price
Ltd                                      e                                                                                     The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Kugel- und                                                                                                                     Cash
                     same controlling    Sales of                    Justice and   Market
Rollenlagerwerk                                       Product                               335         4.99%     700     No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and   Product                     Equity        price
Leipzig GmbH                                                                                                                   The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
                     Other Companies
                     controlled by the
Wafangdian bearing                       Power                                                                                 Cash
                     same controlling                                Justice and
Power Limited                            Procureme    warter                       Cost     15          1.49%     20      No   Payment or   None
                     share holders and                               Equity
Company                                  nt                                                                                    The Knot
                     the ultimate
                     controlling party
Wafangdian bearing   Other Companies     Power                       Justice and                                               Cash
                                                      electrictity                 Cost     900         86.47%    1,800   No                None
Power Limited        controlled by the   Procureme                   Equity                                                    Payment or
   Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                           2018 Midyear Report
Company               same controlling    nt                                                                                   The Knot
                      share holders and
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
                      controlled by the
Wafangdian bearing                        Power                                   Govern                                       Cash
                      same controlling                              Justice and
Power Limited                             Procureme    heating                    ment     125         12.04%    400      No   Payment or   None
                      share holders and                             Equity
Company                                   nt                                      price                                        The Knot
                      the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      Other Companies
Wazhou       Group    controlled by the
                                                       Technology                                                              Cash
Bearing Engineering   same controlling    Receive                   Justice and   Agree
                                                       Developme                           153         47.74%    800      No   Payment or   None
technology research   share holders and   Service                   Equity        ment
                                                       nt Service                                                              The Knot
center                the ultimate
                      controlling party
                      The controlling
                      share holders and   Lease of     Lease of     Justice and   Market
Wazhou Group                                                                               675         71.61%    1,500    No   Payment or   None
                      the ultimate        Houses       Houses       Equity        price
                                                                                                                               The Knot
                      controlling party
                      The controlling
                      share holders and   Lease of     Lease of     Justice and
Wazhou Group                                                                      Cost     124         13.19%    400      No   Payment or   None
                      the ultimate        land         land         Equity
                                                                                                                               The Knot
                      controlling party
                      The controlling
                      share holders and   Lease of     Lease of     Justice and
Wazhou Group                                                                      Cost     143         15.20%    400      No   Payment or   None
                      the ultimate        Houses       manchine     Equity
                                                                                                                               The Knot
                      controlling party
                      The controlling
                                          Sales of                                                                             Cash
                      share holders and                Merchandis   Justice and   Market
Wazhou Group                              Merchandis                                       2           0.02%     30       No   Payment or   None
                      the ultimate                     e            Equity        price
                                          e                                                                                    The Knot
                      controlling party
                      The controlling
                                                       Security                                                                Cash
                      share holders and   Provide                   Justice and   Agree
Wazhou Group                                           and Fire                            38          11.74%    250      No   Payment or   None
                      the ultimate        Service                   Equity        ment
                                                       Service                                                                 The Knot
                      controlling party
                      The controlling     Merchandis                                                                           Cash
                                                                    Justice and   Agree
Wazhou Group          share holders and   e            Product                             3,062       18.43%    15,000   No   Payment or   None
                                                                    Equity        ment
                      the ultimate        Procureme                                                                            The Knot
    Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                              2018 Midyear Report
                        controlling party      nt
                        The controlling
                        share holders and      Provide                    Justice and     Agree
Wazhou Group                                                  Trademark                           130      40.52%    900       No    Payment or   None
                        the ultimate           Service                    Equity          ment
                                                                                                                                     The Knot
                        controlling party
                                  total                                         --          --    65,763      --                --       --         --   --   --
Details of the rejection of the goods
already sold in big amount
In case the total amount of the regularrelated transaction incurred in
thereporting period has been predicted basedon categories, state the
implementation of the in the reportingperiod (if any)
Cause of the big difference between the
transaction price and the market reference                                In-applicable
price. (if applicable)

       Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                        2018 Mid-yearal Report
2. Related transactions concerning acquisition and sales of assets or equity
3. Related transactions concerning joint investment in foreign countries
4. Current Associated Rights of Credit and Liabilities
Whether there are non - operating related debt and debt transactionsInapplicable
5. Other Major Related Transactions
XIII. Non-operational Occupancy of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder
and its Related Parties
XIV. Important Contracts and Implementation
1. Custody, Contacting and Leases
(1) Custody
(2) Contracting
(3) Leases

.Related lease: this part of the contents of the twelve, related party transactions and related party
transactions 5 (3) related to the lease"

2. Significant Guarantees
3. Other Major Contracts
XV. Social Responsibility

By the end of 2018, the project of "implementing road lighting project to facilitate rural revitalization and
development" will be launched.

First,to rpair the broken street lamp for three vilages in Wafangdian city,they are Zhaokou village in
Wawo town, Tianjia vilage in yuantai town, and Panda village in Taiyang street, about 210 lamps in total,
which cost about 170,000 yuan.

Second,to set up an e-commerce and wechat business sales platform for the farmers who plant
Chinese herbal medicine and vegetable in the above three villages, conduct knowledge training on
e-commerce and wechat business, and broaden the sales channels.
XVI. Notes to Other Signficiant Events
XVII. Significant Events of the Company’s Subsidiaries

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                             2018 Mid-yearal Report
                       ChapterⅥ. Changes in Capital Stock and Shareholders

    I. Changes in Capital Stock

                                  Before Changes             Changes in Shares                        After Changes
                                  Shares     Ratio        Bonus   on of     Othe Subtota                          Ratio
                                                   Shares                                            Shares
                                                           Shares Reserves rs       l
                                                                  to Share
     1.Non-tradable Shares      244,000,000 60.61%                                                  244,000,000     60.61%
     a. Promoters’ Shares      244,000,000 60.61%                                                  244,000,000     60.61%
                                244,000,000 60.61%                                                  244,000,000     60.61%
     2.Tradable shares          158,600,000 39.39%                                                  158,600,000     39.39%
     b.B shares                 158,600,000 39.39%                                                  158,600,000     39.39%
     3.Total                    402,600,000 100%                                                    402,600,000      100%

    Reason of Changes of Shares
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable

    The basic situation of stock change.
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable

    The transfer of shares of
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable

    Influence from the shareholding movements upon such financial indicators as earnings per share, net
    asset per
    share of the latest year and the latest accounting period
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable

    Other information as the Company considers necessary to be disclosed or demanded by the securities
    authority for disclosing:
    □Applicable √ Inapplicable
    II. Issuing and Listing
    III. Shareholders and Actual Controlling Shareholder
    1. Number of Shareholders and Shares
                                                                                                              Unit: Share
Total number of shareholder at the end                Total number of shareholder at the end of report
                                                   6,622                                                                     0
of report period                                      period with preferred stock
                                          Shareholders with 5% or above Shares
                                                                                        Current    Impawned or Frozen Shares
                                   Ratio Total shares Increase or           Non-current
      Name             Nature                          Decrease in          shares held
                                   (%)     held
                                                                                                       Status      Amount
                  State-owned                                               244,000,0
Bearing Group                       60.61% 244,000,000
                  shareholder                                                     00
                                    19.70%   79,300,000
SKF               shareholder
Huang Junyue                         1.52%    6,108,058
SECURITIES                           1.46%    5,876,753
Hu Xiaofeng       Domestic           0.47%    1,879,277
             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2018 Mid-yearal Report
                                         0.35% 1,427,606
NGKONG)             shareholder
Jin Yunhua                               0.33%     1,311,256
es Limited Hong                          0.22%       886,101
Kong Company
Chen Haitao                              0.19%       750,896
MAN,KWAI WING Foreign private
                                         0.18%       713,101
文贵荣              shareholder
Explanation for the Affiliated
Relations or United Action of the
Top Ten Shareholders
Notes to relationship or ―action in
                                      There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other
concert‖among the top ten
                                      shareholders or the top ten common stock holders;
                                                     Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                           Category of Shares
                  Name                              Current shares held at end of year
                                                                                                    Categories             Amount
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                79,300,000                                B              79,300,000
Huang Junyue                                                     6,108,058                                B               6,108,058
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                          5,876,753                                B               5,876,753
Hu Xiaofeng                                                      1,879,277                                B               1,879,277
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                              B
                                                                 1,427,606                                                1,427,606
Jin Yunhua                                                       1,311,256                                B               1,311,256
MerchantsSecurities Limited Hong                                                                          B
                                                                  886,101                                                  886,101
Kong Company
Chen Haitao                                                       750,896                                 B                750,896
MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                                              713,101                                 B                713,101
Ma Yuancheng                                                      596,966                                 B                596,966
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations     There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and
or United Action of the Top Ten               other shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other
Shareholders and the Top Ten Tradable shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders and other
Shareholders                                                                shareholders was not clear.

    IV Change of Controlling Shareholder Actual Controller in the Report Period
    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                             ChapterⅦ. Relevant information about preferred stock

                      ChapterⅧ. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

    I. Shares holding change in Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management
    II. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                    2018 Mid-yearal Report
     Name                    Position                        Type        Date                  Reason
 Zhang Shiyin Vice-GM                                  resignment     2018.04.20           Work change
 Wang Jiyuan Vice-GM                                   enage          2018.04.24           Work change
 Sun Kun      Independent Director                     elected        2018.05.18           Work change

                                     Chapter VIII. Financial Report

 I. Audit Report
 The financial report is unaudited
 II. Financial Statement
 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet.
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Item                             Closing Balance           Opening Balance
Current assets :
Monetary fund                                                       185,921,246.44             82,860,774.83
Financial assets held-for-trading
Bills receivable                                                    91,540,918.33             209,923,835.91
Account receivable                                               1,169,506,871.73           1,128,338,013.69
Account paid in advance                                             43,335,666.85              39,863,576.53
Interest receivable
Dividend reciivable
Other receivables                                                    25,480,796.33             21,895,381.98
Inventory                                                           712,471,443.43            693,836,428.55
Non-current assets due within 1 year
Other current assets                                                   751,154.78               5,386,473.92
Total current assets                                             2,229,008,097.89           2,182,104,485.41
Non-current assets
Financial assets available-for-sale                                   2,567,033.30               2,000,000.00
Investments held-to-maturity
Long-term receivable
Long-term equity investment
Investment property                                                 132,182,083.40            136,874,108.05
Fixed assets                                                        665,943,050.67            710,247,969.72
Construction in progress                                             84,338,838.27             82,689,318.94
Construction materials
Fixed assets disposal
Biological assets
Gas and petrol assets
Intangible assets                                                    87,309,293.26             87,530,122.26
Development expenditure
Long-term prepaid expense                                               638,384.96                 700,228.04
Deferred tax assets                                                  11,625,939.19              11,625,939.19
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                                           984,604,623.05           1,031,667,686.20
Total assets                                                     3,213,612,720.94           3,213,772,171.61
Current liabilities
  Short-term loan                                                   615,000,000.00            648,000,000.00
  Note payable                                                      364,974,289.06            299,483,279.00
  Accounts payable                                                  679,399,393.32            630,832,287.45
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                            2018 Mid-yearal Report
 Accounts received in advance                                            22,508,002.18                   31,634,532.72
   Commission charge payable
   Accrued payroll                                                       15,886,068.57                    16,660,148.64
   Tax payable                                                            5,292,297.13                    13,849,972.32
   Interest payable                                                         157,000.00                     1,190,100.00
   Dividends payable
   Other payables                                                        78,991,210.94           92,123,093.92
   Non-current liabilities due within I year                                                             50,000,000.00
   Other current liabilities                                              3,967,022.53                    3,967,022.53
Total current liabilities                                             1,786,175,283.73                1,787,740,436.58
Non-current liabilities
   Long-term loan
 Debenture payable
   Long-term payables                                                     1,597,305.72                      1,597,305.72
   Special payables                                                         296,698.98                        296,698.98
   Contingent liabilities
Deferred income                                                          35,846,493.62                    37,754,771.56
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                   888,084.06                       888,084.06
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                            38,628,582.38                     40,536,860.32
Total liabilities                                                     1,824,803,866.11                  1,828,277,296.90
Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
Capital stock                                                           402,600,000.00                   402,600,000.00
Capital public reserves                                                 485,691,050.47                   485,691,050.47
      Less: treasury share
      Surplus reserve                                                   134,278,527.26                   134,278,527.26
   Undistributed profit                                                 366,239,277.10                   362,925,296.98
Difference of foreign currency translation
Equity attributable to parent company                                 1,388,808,854.83                  1,385,494,874.71
 Minority interest
Total owner’s equity                                                 1,388,808,854.83                  1,385,494,874.71
Total owner’s equity and liabilities                                 3,213,612,720.94                  3,213,772,171.61

  Chairman: Meng Wei           General Accountant : Sun Najuan         Accounting charger: Sun Najuan

 2.   Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                                Opening Balance                Closing Balance
Current assets :
Monetary fund                                                          181,513,599.84                      78,901,032.57
Financial assets held-for-trading
Bills receivable                                                        84,603,506.93                     203,511,631.58
Account receivable                                                   1,155,178,274.15                   1,113,118,255.50
Account paid in advance                                                 39,959,944.37                      37,510,877.11
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Other receivables                                                       24,464,781.40                     20,605,278.47
Inventory                                                              638,697,620.68                    622,177,633.83
Non-current assets due within 1 year
Other current assets                                                       667,466.88                       4,067,326.65
Total current assets                                                 2,125,085,194.25                   2,079,892,035.71
Non-current assets
Financial assets available-for-sale                                      2,567,033.30                       2,000,000.00
Investments held-to-maturity
Long-term receivable
Long-term equity investment                                            211,583,897.67                    211,583,897.67

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                2018 Mid-yearal Report
 Investment property                                          115,693,914.39                  119,890,581.55
 Fixed assets                                                 455,157,838.76                 490,076,503.07
 Construction in progress                                      83,579,490.38                   82,374,150.54
 Construction materials
 Fixed assets disposal
 Biological assets
 Gas and petrol assets
 Intangible assets                                              68,922,814.86                  68,788,824.54
 Development expenditure
 Long-term prepaid expense                                         419,616.13                     453,531.31
 Deferred tax assets                                            10,350,000.00                  10,350,000.00
 Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                                      948,274,605.49                 985,517,488.68
 Total assets                                                3,073,359,799.74               3,065,409,524.39
 Current liabilities
   Short-term loan                                            615,000,000.00                  648,000,000.00
   Note payable                                               364,974,289.06                  299,483,279.00
   Accounts payable                                           560,069,736.52                  511,083,367.33
   Accounts received in advance                                24,138,755.36                   31,518,509.16
    Accrued payroll                                             9,130,569.50                    9,803,431.58
    Tax payable                                                 2,267,810.54                   10,821,733.56
    Interest payable                                              157,000.00                    1,190,100.00
    Dividends payable
    Other payables                                              40,540,079.69                  52,910,305.81
    Non-current liabilities due within I year                                                  50,000,000.00
    Other current liabilities                                    3,869,474.53                   3,869,474.53
 Total current liabilities                                   1,620,147,715.20               1,618,680,200.97
 Non-current liabilities
    Long-term loan
   Debenture payable
    Long-term payables
    Special payables                                               296,698.98                     296,698.98
    Contingent liabilities
 Deferred income                                                31,651,929.62                  33,560,207.56
   Deferred tax liabilities
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                  31,948,628.60                  33,856,906.54
 Total liabilities                                           1,652,096,343.80               1,652,537,107.51
 Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
 Capital stock                                                402,600,000.00                  402,600,000.00
 Capital public reserves                                      485,678,443.26                  485,678,443.26
       Less: treasury share
       Surplus reserve                                         134,278,527.26                 134,278,527.26
    Undistributed profit                                       398,706,485.42                 390,315,446.36
 Total owner’s equity                                       1,421,263,455.94               1,412,872,416.88
 Total owner’s equity and liabilities                       3,073,359,799.74               3,065,409,524.39

   3. Consolidated Income Sheet.
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                      Account for the current period   Account for the prior period
1.Total operating income                                        1,074,867,981.68                1,135,500,575.33
Including: Operating revenue                                    1,074,867,981.68                1,135,500,575.33
Interest income
Handling charge and commission income
               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                            2018 Mid-yearal Report
2.Total operating cost                                                   1,077,193,585.45                   1,137,410,071.24
Including: Operating cost                                                  939,746,571.13                   1,004,195,641.99
Interest expenses
Handling charge and commission income
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                         8,592,102.92                       9,832,448.15
Selling expenses                                                            70,739,571.63                      76,020,179.92
Administrative expense                                                      34,075,703.49                      31,245,721.82
Financial expense                                                           24,052,423.13                      16,016,268.75
Loss of impairment of assets                                                   -12,786.85                          99,810.61
Add: Gains of assets sale (loss with"-")                                       243,495.82                           7,398.46
Other income(loss with "-")                                                  2,155,428.15                       2,438,777.94
3.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                               73,320.20                         536,680.49
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                   3,147,204.28                       2,269,265.97
Including:income on disposal of non-current assets
Less: Non-operating cost                                                        185,971.17                        172,310.91
Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets
4.Total profit(loss with"-")                                                  3,034,553.31                      2,633,635.55
Less: Income tax expenses                                                      -279,426.81
5. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                   3,313,980.12                      2,633,635.55
Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                     3,313,980.12                      2,633,635.55
Minority interests
6. Other comprehensive returns
7. Total comprehensive returns                                                3,313,980.12                      2,633,635.55
Total comprehensive returns available for parent company                      3,313,980.12                      2,633,635.55
Total comprehensive returns available for minority
6.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                          0.008                              0.007
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                        0.008                              0.007

    Chairman: Meng Wei              General Accountant : Sun Najuan   Accounting charger: Sun Najuan
   4. Income Sheet of Parent Company.
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                             Account for the current period   Account for the prior period
  1.Total operating income                                                1,055,959,948.67                1,121,747,641.74
  Less:Operating cost                                                       929,170,023.73                   999,817,155.16
  Tax & surcharges for main operations                                         7,127,550.36                    8,636,001.96
  Selling expenses                                                            69,335,868.71                   74,810,685.74
  Administrative expense                                                      22,927,138.05                   18,388,929.30
  Financial expense                                                           18,377,173.41                   16,060,266.15
  Loss of impairment of assets                                                    -12,786.85                       99,810.61
  Add: Gains of assets sale (loss with"-")                                       243,495.82                        36,648.46
  Other income(loss with "-")                                                  1,926,877.94                    2,423,777.94
  2.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                           11,205,355.02                    6,395,219.22
  Add: Non-operating revenue                                                   2,761,588.64                    1,918,805.14
  Less: Non-operating cost                                                     5,855,331.41                       182,450.85
  Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets
  3.Total profit(loss with"-")                                                8,111,612.25                    8,131,573.51
  Less: Income tax expenses                                                    -279,426.81
  4. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                 8,391,039.06                    8,131,573.51
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                   8,391,039.06                    8,131,573.51
  Minority interests
  5. Other comprehensive returns
  6. Total comprehensive returns                                              8,391,039.06                    8,131,573.51
  7.Earnings per share
  (1) Basic earnings per share                                                        0.021                             0.020

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                  2018 Mid-yearal Report
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                         0.021                           0.020

 5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan
                           Item                               Account for the current period     Account for the prior period
1.Cash from operating activities
Cash received from sale of goods or Provideing of services                  473,793,646.35                    512,413,730.92
Refund of taxes and fares
Other cash received relating to operating activities                            914,421.41                      1,373,744.39
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                   474,708,067.76                    513,787,475.31
Cash paid for goods and services                                            214,448,371.39                    371,323,998.46
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                                  119,948,971.31                    119,257,067.02
Tax payments                                                                 40,270,692.83                     47,104,172.58
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                             55,833,437.00                     52,708,495.81
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                  430,501,472.53                    590,393,733.87
Net cash flows from operating activities                                     44,206,595.23                    -76,606,258.56
2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                               1,251,120.00                      4,885,900.00
assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                      1,251,120.00                      4,885,900.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                 830,419.50                      6,335,477.77
other long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                       830,419.50                      6,335,477.77
Net cash flows from investment activities                                        420,700.50                     -1,449,577.77
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest
Proceeds from borrowings                                                     90,000,000.00                    223,000,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities                             328,905,975.40                    321,721,729.99
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                   418,905,975.40                    544,721,729.99
Repayment of borrowings                                                     182,064,872.18                    208,000,000.00
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses                     15,666,321.40                     15,240,108.89
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest
Cash paid for other financing activities                                    248,898,190.83                    286,551,613.33
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                  446,629,384.41                    509,791,722.22
Net cash flows from financing activities                                    -27,723,409.01                     34,930,007.77
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                            -118,504.41                       -491,746.17
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                                 16,785,382.31                    -43,617,574.73
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year                      58,043,497.54                    142,233,376.52
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                            74,828,879.85                     98,615,801.79

 6. Cash Flow Statement Of Parent Company.
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB yuan
                             Item                               Account for the current period   Account for the prior period
1.Cash from operating activities
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                2018 Mid-yearal Report
Cash received from sale of goods or Providing of services         467,167,711.85            505,013,167.86
Refund of taxes and fares
Other cash received relating to operating activities                  859,015.98             1,036,362.56
Sub-total of cash inflows                                         468,026,727.83           506,049,530.42
Cash paid for goods and services                                  242,795,410.65           386,834,924.59
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                         95,982,327.94            93,936,635.19
Tax payments                                                       34,029,224.90            39,398,824.49
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                   51,488,741.86            48,664,314.64
Sub-total of cash outflows                                        424,295,705.35           568,834,698.91
Net cash flows from operating activities                           43,731,022.48           -62,785,168.49
2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                    1,251,120.00              4,876,900.00
assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating units
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                           1,251,120.00              4,876,900.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                     803,269.50               6,308,049.77
long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                           803,269.50               6,308,049.77
Net cash flows from investment activities                            447,850.50              -1,431,149.77
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest
Proceeds from borrowings                                           90,000,000.00           223,000,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities                   328,905,975.40           321,721,729.99
Sub-total of cash inflows                                         418,905,975.40           544,721,729.99
Repayment of borrowings                                           182,064,872.18           208,000,000.00
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses           15,665,802.99            15,237,696.69
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest
Cash paid for other financing activities                          248,898,190.83           286,551,613.33
Sub-total of cash outflows                                        446,628,866.00           509,789,310.02
Net cash flows from financing activities                          -27,722,890.60            34,932,419.97
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                  -118,504.41              -491,746.17
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                       16,337,477.97           -29,775,644.46
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year            54,083,755.28           118,675,591.71
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                  70,421,233.25            88,899,947.25

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                           2016 Mid-year Report
  7. Consolidated Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                              Amount in current period
                                                                            Owner‘s equity attributable to parent company                                          Minority
                                    Capital     Capital public   less:treasure                              General provision                                    shareholders‘     Owner‘s equity
                                                                                Surplus public reserves                          Undistributed profits   Others
                                     stock        reserves           stock                                        for risk                                           equity
1.Balance at the end of last year              485,691,050.47                           134,278,527.26                                362,925,296.98                                1,385,494,874.71
  Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of 402,600,000
                                               485,691,050.47                           134,278,527.26                                362,925,296.98                                1,385,494,874.71
this year                                  .00
3. The changes in this year
                                                                                                                                         3,313,980.12                                    3,313,980.12
(decrease with―-‖)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                                                                         3,313,980.12                                    3,313,980.12
(2)Capital contribution and
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution
1)Provision for surplus public
2)provision for general risks
3)distribution                 for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner‘s equity
1)capital                  (capital

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                                 2016 Mid-year Report
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the 402,600,000
                                         485,691,050.47                                134,278,527.26                                366,239,277.10                                        1,388,808,854.83
current period                       .00
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                              Amount in previous period
                                                                            Owner‘s equity attributable to parent company                                                  Minority
             Item                   Capital     Capital public   less:treasure                              General provision                                            shareholders‘    Owner‘s equity
                                                                                Surplus public reserves                                   Undistributed profits
                                     stock        reserves           stock                                        for risk                                                   equity
  1.Balance at the end of last    402,600,000
                                                485,691,050.47                          131,442,909.11                                                  359,603,965.97                     1,379,337,925.55
              year                    .00
 Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of 402,600,000
                                                485,691,050.47                          131,442,909.11                                                  359,603,965.97                     1,379,337,925.55
           this year              .00
  3. The changes in this year
                                                                                           2,835,618.15                                                    3,321,331.01                        6,156,949.16
     (decrease with―-‖)
(1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                          10,182,949.16                       10,182,949.16
(2)Capital contribution and
      1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
   equity instrument holders
 3)Share-based payments
      charged to equity
    (4)Profits distribution                                                               2,835,618.15                                                   -6,861,618.15                       -4,026,000.00
             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                                 2016 Mid-year Report
 1)Provision for surplus public
                                                                                          2,835,618.15                                              -2,835,618.15
  2)provision for general risks
        3)distribution for
  (5)interior transference of
         owner‘s equity
        1)capital (capital
stock)transferred by the capital
         public reserves
        2)capital (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
         public reserves
  3)loss offset by the surplus
         public reserves
  4. Balance at the end of the 402,600,000
                                           485,691,050.47                               134,278,527.26                                            362,925,296.98             1,385,494,874.71
         current period            .00
  8. Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity Of Parent Compamy.
                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                        Amount in current period
             Item                                 Capital public                             Surplus public reserves
                                   Capital stock                 less:treasure stock                                              Undistributed profits            Owner‘s equity
1.Balance at the end of last year 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26                                          134,278,527.26                         390,315,446.36               1,412,872,416.88
  Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of
                                  402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26                                          134,278,527.26                         390,315,446.36               1,412,872,416.88
this year
3. The changes in this year
                                                                                                                                                   8,391,039.06                  8,391,039.06
(decrease with―-‖)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                   8,391,039.06                  8,391,039.06
(2)Capital contribution and

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                                                                              2016 Mid-year Report
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution
1)Provision for surplus public
2)provision for general risks
3)distribution                 for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner‘s equity
1)capital                  (capital
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                  (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the
                                    402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26                                     134,278,527.26                         398,706,485.42            1,421,263,455.94
current period
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                                     Amount in previous period
             Item              Capital stock Capital public reserves less:treasure stock   Surplus public reserves              Undistributed profits          Owner‘s equity
1.Balance at the end of last
                              402,600,000.00       485,678,443.26                                     131,442,909.11                           368,820,883.02           1,388,542,235.39
  Add: changes in accounting
  Changes in previous errors
2.Balance at the beginning of
                              402,600,000.00       485,678,443.26                                     131,442,909.11                           368,820,883.02           1,388,542,235.39
this year
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                         2016 Mid-year Report
3. The changes in this year
                                                                            2,835,618.15    21,494,563.34             24,330,181.49
(decrease with―-‖)
  (1)Total of comprehensive
                                                                                            28,356,181.49             28,356,181.49
(2)Capital contribution and
1)Ordinary share
2)Capital contributed by other
equity instrument holders
3)Share-based payments
charged to equity
(4)Profits distribution                                                    2,835,618.15    -6,861,618.15             -4,026,000.00
1)Provision for surplus public
                                                                            2,835,618.15    -2,835,618.15
2)provision for general risks                                                               -4,026,000.00             -4,026,000.00
3)distribution                for
(5 ) interior transference of
owner‘s equity
1)capital                 (capital
stock)transferred by the capital
public reserves
2)capital                 (capital
stock)transferred by the surplus
public reserves
3)loss offset by the surplus
public reserves
4. Balance at the end of the
                                   402,600,000.00   485,678,443.26        134,278,527.26   390,315,446.36          1,412,872,416.88
current period

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                 2018 Mid-year Report

III. General information

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited (the ―Company‖) is a joint stock limited company established in the People‘s Republic
of China (the ―PRC‖) on 16 July, 1997. In the opinion of the directors, its parent and ultimate holding company is Wafangdian
Bearing Group Company Limited (―Wazhou Group‖).

The Company‘s B shares have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 19February, 1997.

The parent company is Wazhou Group. General shareholders meeting is the company‘s authority and have the resolution
power over company‘s business policy, financing, investment and profit appropriation etc.significant events in accordance
with relevant law. Board of directors is responsible for general meeting and has the power over the company‘s decision
making. Management is in charge of implementation of resolution made by general meeting and board meeting and is
responsible for operation management. The company has the following functional departments including: procurement
department, portfolio investment department, operating department, HR, marketing department, manufacturing and
construction department, quality control department, financial department and logistic department. Wholly owned subsidiaries
include Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd(―Liaoyang Bearing‖), Dalian Wazhou Precision Electric Motor Car
Bearing (―DalianElectrical Motor‖),and Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd(―Spherical

The addresses of the registered office and principal place of business of the Company are No.1, Phrase 1, Gongji Street,
Wafangdian North, Liaoning Province, and the PRC.Legal representative is Meng Wei.

The Company is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of bearing, bearing spare parts, engineering equipment,
automobile spare parts and relating products, bearing repair, maintenance and technology service etc and also in renting
mechanical equipment and estate, inspection of bearings, mechanical equipment, measuring instruments and meters.

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1 Basis for the preparation of financial statements

The Group prepares the financial statements on the basis of going concern and actual transactions and events, and in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People‘s
Republic of China, and based on the accounting policies and estimates in the note 4 Significant accounting policies,
accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial statements‘.

V. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial

1 Complying with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise

The financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group truly
and fully.

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                          2018 Mid-year Report
2 Accounting period

The Group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period, i.e. from Jan 1 to Dec 31.

3.Operating cycle

  Normal operating cycle refers to the duration from purchasing the assets for manufactuing up to cash or cash
  equivelant realisation. The group sets twelve months for one operating cycle and as the liquidity criterion for
  assets and liability.

4 Funcitonal currency

The Group adopts RMB as functional currency.

5 Recording basis and pricing principle

The accrual basis shall be adopted for accounting treatment to follow the historical cost method, except that the financial
assets held for trading and sale are measured at fair value.

6 Business combination

Business combination refers to transaction or event bringing together two or more separate enterprises into one reporting
entity. The Group should recognize the acquired assets and liabilities at the combining date or acquisition date. The
combining date or acquisition date is the date when the Group acquired actually acquiree and combined party.

The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination under the same control should be
measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between the
carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the
capital surplus shall be adjusted. If the capital surplus is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

For a business combination not under same control, the combination cost shall be the fair value, on the acquisition date, of
the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control of
the acquiree. The difference when combination cost exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree should be
recognized as goodwill. If the combination cost is less than the he fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree, the
difference should be recognized as current profit or loss.

7 Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements

(1) Recognition principle of scope of consolidation

Scope of consolidated financial statements should include all subsidiaries of the parent and the special purpose entities.

(2) Accounting method of consolidated financial statements

The Group‘s consolidated financial statements had been prepared in accordance with  and related regulations. All material intragroup transaction and
balance had been eliminated in full. The parts of subsidiaries‘ equity non-attributable to parent company shall be as minority
interest presented in the in the consolidated balance sheet within equity.

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2018 Mid-year Report
Where there are inconsistent accounting policies or accounting period, when preparing the consolidated financial statements,
the Group shall adjust the subsidiaries‘ financial statements in accordance with the Group‘s accounting policies and
accounting period.

For the subsidiary obtained under different control, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Group shall
adjust the separate financial statements based on the fair value of identifiable net assets at the purchase date; for the
subsidiaries combined by the Group under the same control, regard the subsidiaries that they have been existing since the
beginning of the period, and the assets, liabilities, operation performance and cash flows shall be consolidated into the
financial statements of the beginning of the combination period according to their original book value.

8 Cash and cash equivalent

     The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Group refers to cash on hand and bank deposit. The cash
equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three months or less) and liquid investments which are
readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9 Translation of foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency transaction

     Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People‘s Bank of China (―PBOC‖)
when the transaction incurs. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into RMB at the exchange rate
prevailing at the balance sheet day. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are charged as in
profit or loss for the period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of a fixed
asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the relevant fixed asset being acquired or constructed is ready for its intended
uses. The foreign currency non-monetary items recorded at fair value are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date
of fair value recognized. Exchange differences are charged as profit and loss of change of fair value. The foreign currency
non-monetary items recorded at historical cost are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date when the transaction
incurs, and don‘t change the RMB amount.

 (2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the foreign currency balance sheet should be translated at a spot exchange rate at the balance
sheet date. Among the ower‘s equity items except ―undistributed profit‖, others should be translated at the spot exchange rate
when they are incurred. The income and expense should be translated at spot exchange rate when the transaction incurs.
Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements should be presented separately under the ower‘s equity item.
For the foreign currency monetary items that form substantially the oversea business net investment, their exchange
difference of movement of exchange rate should be presented separately as translation difference of foreign currency
financial statement under the ower‘s equity item when prepare the consolidated financial statements. When disposing an
overseas business, the Group should shift the translation difference of foreign currency financial statement related to the
overseas business into the disposal profits and losses of current period. Foreign currency cash flows are translated at the
spot exchange rate on the day when the cash flows incur. The amounts resulted from change of exchange rate are presented
separately in the cash flow statement.

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2018 Mid-year Report
10 Financial assets and financial liabilities

(1) Financial assets


The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables,
held-to-maturity financial assets and available-for-sale. The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial
assets were acquired. Management determines the classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.

  a)Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

  Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for trading. A financial asset is classified in
  this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term. Derivatives are also categorised as held
  for trading unless they are designated as hedges. Assets in this category are classified as current assets if expected to
  be settled within 12 months; otherwise, they are classified as non-current.

  b)Loans and receivables

  Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
  active market. They are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months after the reporting
  period, which are classified as non-current assets.

  c)Held-to-maturity financial assets

  Held-to-maturity financial assets are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed
  maturities that the Groups management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. If the Group were to sell
  other than an insignificant amount of held-to-maturity financial assets, the whole category would be tainted and
  reclassified as available for sale. Held-to-maturity financial assets are included in non-current assets, except for those
  with maturities less than 12 months from the end of the reporting period, which are classified as current assets.

  d)Available-for-sale financial assets

  Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of
  the other categories. They are included in non-current assets unless the investment matures or management intends to
  dispose of it within 12 months of the end of the reporting period.

  2)Recognition and measurement

  Financial assets are recognized at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual
  provisions of the financial instrument. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at the fair value through profit or loss
  are expensed in the income statement;Transaction costs of other financial assets are included in financial assets at initial

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2018 Mid-year Report
  Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments inequity instruments are
  measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
  reliably measured. Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

  A gain or loss arising from change in fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset is recognised directly in equity,
  except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from the translation of monetary financial
  assets. When such financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is
  recognised in income statement. Interest on available for sale debt instrument, calculated using effective interest method,
  and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale equity instruments are recognised as investment
  income in income statement.

3) Impairment of financial assets

  The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets other than financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
  at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired, the Group shall determine
  the amount of any impairment loss accounts.

  If an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of loss is measured at
  the difference between the asset‘s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding
  future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset
  recovered and the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the
  previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in income statement.

  If objective evidence shows that impairment for available-for-sale financial assets will occur,the cumulative loss arising
  from the decline in fair value that had been recognized directly in equity is removed from equity and recognized as
  impairment loss. For an available for sale debt instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value of the financial
  asset recovered and the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized,
  the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in income statement. For
  an available for sale equity instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value recovered and the recovery can be
  objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss
  is reversed and directly recognized in equity.

  4)Derecognizing of financial assets

  Financial assets are derecognized when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets have
  expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or iii) the
  control over the financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and
  rewards relating to the ownership of a financial asset.

  On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the aggregate of consideration
  received and the accumulative amount of changes of fair value originally recorded in the owner‘s equity is recognised in
  the income statement.

 (2) Financial liabilities
            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                           2018 Mid-year Report
The financial liabilities are classified into the financial liability at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liability for
the initial recognition.

The financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include the financial liabilities held for trading and the designated
financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss when initial recognized. For this kind of financial liabilities should be
measured at fair value, variation of fair value should be recorded into the current profit or loss.

Other financial liabilities should be subsequently measured at amortization cost by adopting actual interest rate method.
(3) Fair value measurement of financial assets and liabilities

a) If the market for a financial instrument is active, an entity establishes fair value by using the quoted price in the active
market. In the active market, the Group measures the fair value of its holding financial assets and contingent financial
liabilities by using the current quoted price; the Group measures the fair value of its contingent financial assets and holding
financial liabilities by using the current quoted price. If there are no current quoted prices for the financial assets and liabilties,
and no significant change in the economic environment after the settlement date, the quoted prices of the recent transactions
should be used to measure the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities.

b) If the market for a financial instrument is not active, an entity establishes fair value by using a valuation technique.
Valuation techniques include using recent arm‘s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, if
available, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow
analysis and option pricing models.

11 Accord receivables

(1) Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision as per portfolio
 Judgment basis or amount standards of                  The receivables with more than RMB 3 million individual amount shall be
 individually significant amounts                       recognized as the significant receivables;
 The accruing method of the receivables with            The bad debt provisions shall be accrued based on the difference
 individually significant amounts                       between current value of future cash flow and the carrying amounts.

(2) Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by portfolio

The basis of portfolio
                                                       Use the accounting aging of the receivables as the credit risk characteristics
Accounting aging
                                                       to classify the portfolio
                                                       Use the amount characteristics of the receivables , if the transaction party
Related parties
                                                       is related parties characteristics need to classify the portfolio
                                                       Use the amount characteristics of the receivables, the credit of transaction
Risk-free                                              party, the nature of the amounts and the safeguard mechanism of
                                                       transaction as characteristics to classify the portfolio

1) The percentage of provision for bad debts based on the age of receivables as followings:

Accounting aging                               Accrual percentage of the              Accrual percentage of other receivables (%)
                                                     receivables (%)
Within 1 year                                                 1                                                 1
1-2 years                                                     5                                                 5
2-3 years                                                    20                                                20

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2018 Mid-year Report
Over 3 years                                             50                                               50

Related parties                       Accrue the bad debt provision by individual identification method
Risk-free                             Accrue the bad debt provision by individual identification method

2) The other methods is applied to actuating of bad debts provision

(3) Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision as per portfolio

                                                     The individual amount is not significant, but the accrued bad debt
Accrual reason
                                                     provision on the basis of portfolio can not reflect its risk characteristic
                                                     The bad debt provisions should be accrued based on the difference
Accrual method
                                                     between current value of future cash flow and the carrying amount.

12 Inventories

Classification of inventory: Inventories are classified as raw material, wrappage, low-valuable consumable,
working-in-progress, and finished goods etc.

Pricing of inventories received and sent out: The inventories are processed on perpetual inventory system, purchased and
stored based on their standard cost. The raw materials are priced daily on their standard costs. The differences between the
standard and actual costs is recorded into the costs of materials and for sending out according to proportion of storage and
sending out of materials, and adjust the planned costs of raw material into actual costs. The working-in-progress finished
goods are priced on their standard costs; the differences between the standard and actual costs are recorded into the costs of
working-in-progress and finished goods according to the receiving and sending out proportion, and finaly adjust the planned
costs into actual costs.

At the balance sheet date inventory should be measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value. For the inventories
which are damaged, fully or partly obsoleted and selling price below cost, the Group should calculate the provision for
impairment of inventories according to the estimated nonrecoverable part of cost. Finished goods and a large amount raw
materials should be calculated provision for impairment based on the difference of the cost exceed the realizable value of
single item. For raw and accessorial materials with a large quantities and lower unit price should be calculated provison for
impairment according to classify of inventory.

For the finished goods, working in progress and raw material held for sale etc which shall be sold directly, the net realizable
value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses and related tax and expenses. The
raw material held for production, its realizable value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price of finished goods less
estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related tax. The net realizable value of inventories held for
execution of sale contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated based on the contract price. If the quantities of inventories in
the Group are more than quantities if inventories subscribed in the sales contracts, the net realizable value of the excessive
part of the inventories should be calculated based on the general selling price.

13.Long-term equity investment

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2018 Mid-year Report
Long-term equity investments include the equity investments which the Group can control, joint control or have significant
influence on the investee, or the Group can not control, joint control or significant influence on the investee and there is no
offer in the active market, fair value can not be reliably measured.

Joint control refers to the control over an economic activity in accordance with contract. Any party of joint venture can not
separately control the business activity of joint venture. The decision related to principal operating activities need unanimous
consent from any party

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of investee,
but not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. Significant influence
confirm according to the Group holds the over 20% (including 20%) but lower than 50% voteing shares. Unless there is
evidence which indicate the Group can not participate in the decision of production and operating under the conditions above.

The initial cost of long term equity investments formed in the merger of enterprise under the same control shall be recognized
at the carry amounts of equity of the merged enterprise. The initial cost of long term equity investments acquired in the
merger of enterprise under the different control shall be recognized at fair value of the assets paid, liabilities risen or charged,
and equity securities issued.

Besides the long-term equity investments acquired by the merger of enterprises, the initial cost of a long-term equity
investment obtained by other means shall be ascertained in accordance with the provisions as follows:

(1) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is
actually paid. The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtaining of the long-term equity investment,
taxes and other necessary expenses.

(2) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of
the equity securities issued.

(3) The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stated in the investment contract or
agreement except the unfair value stated in the contract or agreement.

(4) The initial cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets and the initial cost of a
long-term equity investment obtained by debts restructuring shall be ascertained in accordance with related Accounting
Standards for Enterprises.

For the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the Group shall be measured in accordance with the cost method, and
shall be adjusted when preparing consolidated financial statements in accordance with equity method. For the long-term
equity investment of joint venture shall be measured in accordance with equity method.

For the long-term equity investment of the investing enterprise that does not do joint control or does not have significant
influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured should
be measured in accordance with cost method. For the long-term equity investment of the investing enterprise that does not do
joint control or does not have significant influences on the invested entity, and has offer in the active market and its fair value
can be reliably measured should be measured as the assets available for sale.

  14 Investment property

        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                    2018 Mid-year Report
 Investment property of the Company includes land and property. Cost model is adpoted.

 Investment property is depreciated or amortized under straight line method. Estimated net residual value rate, useful life,
 depreciation rate as follows:

                                                          Useful life    net residual       Annual
                                                           (years)       value rate     depreciation rate
   Use right of land                                                40                            8.33%
   Including: Buildings                                             15              3             6.47%
                             Housing for production                 30              3             3.23%
                             Housing for non-production             35              3             2.77%

 15.Fixed asset

 (1)Recognition criteria

 Recognition criteria of fixed assets: Fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of
 producing goods, rendering services, leasing or for operation & management, and have more than one year of useful
 life, and whose unit price is over RMB2,000.

 Fixed assets shall be recognized when the economic benefit probably flows into the Group and its cost can be
 measured reliably. Fixed assets include: building, machinery, transportation equipment, electronic equipment and

 (2)Depreciation method

                                                                         Estimated net
Category                                                                 residual value        Annual depreciation rate
                                                                            rate (%)
Housing and Buildings
Including: Buildings                                          15                3                           6.47

                          Housing for productive              30                3                           3.23

                       Housing for non-productive             35                3                           2.77

Machinery equipments                                        10-15               3                     6.47~9.70

Transportation equipments                                      6                3                           16.17

Electronic equipments
Including: Computer                                            4                3                           24.25

            General testing instruments                        7                3                           13.86

              Specialized electronic equipments                8                3                           12.13

              Automated controlling equipments                 8                3                           12.13

                   Automated controlling meters                8                3                           12.13

Others equipments

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2018 Mid-year Report
Including: Industrial kiln                                         7                3                         13.86

            Tools & other production tools                         9                3                         10.78

            Transmission equipments                               15                3                          6.47

Non-operational equipments and tools                              18                3                          5.39

16 Construction in progress

Measurement of CIP: Construction-in-progress is recognized at actual cost. Self-construction project is recognized at the cost
of material, labour cost and construction expenses. Contractual construction is recognized at project price which should be
paid. Installed construction is recognized at the value of equipment, installation and assembly cost. Besides above, the cost
of CIP comprises borrowing cost and profit and loss resulting from foreign exchange.

17 Borrowing costs

Recognition principles on capitalization of borrowing cost: The Group should capitalizes the borrowing cost directly
attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset and record borrowing cost into cost of related
asset. The Group should recognize the other borrowing cost as the current expense and charged it as profit and loss of
current period. A qualifying asset refers to fixed asset, investment property and inventory need be constructed for so long
time to its intended use or sale.

Duration of capitalization of borrowing cost: When expenditures and borrowing cost are being incurred, and activities that are
necessary to put the asset available for use or sale are in progress, the capitalization of borrowing costs as part of the cost of
a qualifying asset should commence. Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during extended periods in
which active development is interrupted and interruption period last for over 3 month. The borrowing cost incurred during the
period should be recognized as expenses and recorded into the profit and loss in the current period. When all the activities for
bringing the asset to its intended use or sale are completed, the capitalization of borrowing costs ceases, and the borrowing
costs should be recognized as an expense in the period incurred.

18 Intangible assets

Measurement of intangible assets: The intangible assets of the Group refer to land use right, ERP system software. The cost
of outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary expenditures directly
attributable to intangible assets. The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the
stated value in the investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or agreement.

Amortization method and period: The Group shall amortize land use right on the basis of its useful life by adopting straight
line method from the time of acquiring. ERP system software and other intangible assets shall be amortized on the basis of
shorter of estimated useful life, stated beneficial year in the contract, and legal available year. The amortization amount
should be recorded into the cost or expense of relevant in the current period.

The Group shall check the estimated useful life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited useful life at the end
of each year, if any change has been made, it shall be adjusted. The Group shall check the estimated useful life of intangible
assets with uncertain useful life during the each accounting period. If there are evidences to prove the useful life of intangible
assets is limited, the Group shall estimate the useful life and amortize the intangible assets within estimated useful life.

19 Impairment of non-financial asset
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2018 Mid-year Report
The Group checks the long-term equity investment for its subsidiaries, association and joint venture, fixed asset,
construction-in-progress, intangible asset and others on each balance sheet date. There may be an impairment of asset when
one of following indications occurs. The Group should test impairments. The Group tests the impairment of goodwill,
intangible asset with uncertain useful life on the end of every year. When it is difficult to measure the recoverable amount of
asset, it should measure the recoverable amount of asset on the basis of asset group.

After impairment test, if the book value exceeds the recoverable amount of the asset, the difference should be recognized as
impairment loss. Once any loss of impairment is recognized, it shall not be reversed in the future accounting periods. The
recoverable amount of asset refers to the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of asset minus disposal expense and
the present value of estimated future cash flow of asset.

20 Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses of the Group refer to expenses which are paid and should be deferred over the future period.
The amortization period shall be more than one year (no including 1 year). The expenses should be amortized averagely over
the beneficial period. If the deferred expense can not take benefit for the future accounting period, the unamortized balance of
the deferred expenses should be transferred into the current profit or loss.

21 Employee benefits

Employee compensation comprises short-term benefit, post-employment benefit, termination benefit and other long-term
employee‘s benefit.

Employee‘s payables include salary, bonus, allowance, welfare, social insurance, housing funds, labour union expense, staff
training expense,during the period in which the service rendered by the employees, the actually incurred short term employee
benefits shall be recognized as liability and shall be recognized in P&L or related cost of assets based on benefit objective
allocated from the service rendered by employees.

Post-employment benefits include the basic pension schemeand unemployment insurance etc. Based on the risk and
obligation borne by the Group, post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plan and defined benefit
plan.For defined contribution plan, liability shall be recognized based on the contributed amount made by the Group to
separate entity at the balance sheet date in exchange of employee service for the period and it shall be recorded into current
profit and loss account or relevant cost of assets in accordance with beneficial objective.

Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result of either an entity‘s decision to terminate an employee‘s
employment before the contract due date or an employee‘s decision to accept voluntary redundancy in exchange for those
benefits. An entity shall recognize the termination benefits as a liability and an expense at the earlier date when the entity
cannot unilateral withdraw the termination benefits due to employment termination plan or due to redundancy suggestion, or
when the entity can recognize the restricting cost or expense arising from paying termination benefits. For the termination
benefits that will not be expected to be fully paid within twelve months after the end of the reporting period, it shall be
accounted as other long-term employee benefit. For employee internally retired informally, termination benefits accounting
shall be applied. The Group shall recognized the planned wages and social insurance of retired employee in the current profit
and loss account when provision conditions are met, for the period since the termination of employee service rendered until
the formal retirement date.(termination benefit).

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2018 Mid-year Report
Other long-term employee benefit provided by the Group, shall be accounted for as defined contribution plan if the defined
contribution plan are met, otherwise shall be accounted for as defined benefit plan.

22 Contingent liabilities

The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated debt when the following conditions are satisfied

(1) The obligation is a current obligation of the Group;

(2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Group as a result of performance of the obligation; and

(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
performance of the current obligation, and the Group shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of
money, and other factors pertinent to the contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate
amounts shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The Group shall check the book value of
the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really
reflect the current best estimate amounts, the Group shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate

23 Principle of recognition of revenue

The revenue of the Group is mainly from selling goods, providing labour services and abalienating the right of use assets.
Recognition standards for revenue are as below:

(1) Recognition of revenue from selling good:

1) The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer;

2) The Group remains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective
control over the sold goods;

3) The amount of revenues can be measured reliably;

4) The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Group; and

5) The incurred cost or intended cost can be measured reliably.

(2) Recognition of revenue from providing labour services:

1) Total revenue and total cost can be measured reliably; the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Group; and
the stage of completion can be confirmed reliably;

2) If the Group can, on the date of the balance sheet day, reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the
labour services it provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing the stage of completion method.
If the outcome can not be estimated reliably and incurred cost can be offset, the revenue should be recognised by the
compensation. When the standards can not be satisfied, the revenue should not be recognised, and the incurred cost should
be recorded into the current profit and loss.
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2018 Mid-year Report
(3) Revenue from abalienating the use right of use assets

The revenue from abalienating of use right of assets shall be recognized, when the relevant economic benefits are likely to
flow into the Group, and the amount of revenues can be measured reliably.

24 Government grants

A government subsidy of the Group shall be recognized if the Group can meet the conditions for the government subsidy and
also can obtain the government subsidy. If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the
received or receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value; if its
fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount (RMB 1).

The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the useful
lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes
shall be treated respectively in accordance with the indications as follows: (1) those subsidies used for compensating the
related future expenses or losses of the Group shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current
profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) those subsidies used for
compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the Group shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

25 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability should be recognized at the differences (taxable temporary differences) between
the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount. The Group shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising
from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and
which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax asset and deferred
tax liability should be measured at applicable tax rate.

The Group shall recognize the deferred tax assets arising from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount
of the taxable income which is most likely to obtain which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. For the
deferred tax assets which already have been recognized, where there is any evidence showing that the Group is probably
unable to acquire sufficient amount of taxable income tax in a future period to offset against the deductible temporary
difference, the book value of the deferred tax assets shall be deducted. Where it is likely to acquire sufficient amount of
taxable income tax, the amount deducted shall be reversed.

26 Lease

The leases of the Group refer to operating lease.

The rents from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee into the relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the
current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term.

VI Accounting treatment method of income tax

 1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

 Tax                                                         Tax base                                           Tax rate

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2018 Mid-year Report
 Value-added tax (VAT)                Sales revenue or Purchase                                        17%,13%,11%,6%,3%
 Business tax                         Revenue from property lease, examination fee, surcharge                      5%
 City construction tax                Value-added tax payables, business tax                                       7%
 Education surcharge                  Value-added tax payables, business tax                                       3%
 Local education surcharge            Value-added tax payables, business tax                                       2%
 Enterprise income tax(EIT)           Current period taxable profit                                               15%
                                      70% of cost of own property or revenue from leasing
 Real estate tax                                                                                             1.2% or 12%
 Land use tax                         Land using right area                                            RMB 6 per square meter

       Notes for tax principles with different EIT rate

 Tax principles                                                                                 EIT rate
 Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing construction Co.,Ltd                                                    25%
 Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car Bearing Company Limited                                       25%
 Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd                               25%

 2. Tax preference

        The company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises at 29September, 2014.The Certificate
 No is GF201421200004, and the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the company can be granted for
 the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

VI. Taxation

1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

 Tax                                                          Tax base                                  Tax rate
 Value-added tax (VAT)                Sales revenue or Purchase                             17%,13%,11%,6%,3%
 Business tax                         Revenue from property lease                                           5%
 City construction tax                Value-added tax payables, business tax                                7%
 Enterprise income tax(EIT)           Current period taxable profit                                        15%
 Education surcharge                  Value-added tax payables, business tax                                3%
 Local education surcharge            Value-added tax payables, business tax                                2%
                                      70% of cost of own property or revenue from
 Real estate tax                                                                                     1.2% or 12%
                                      leasing property
 Land use tax                         Land using right area                                     RMB 6 per square meter

Notes for tax principles with different EIT rate

       Tax principles                                                                                  EIT rate
       Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing construction Co.,Ltd                                                        25%
       Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car Bearing Company Limited                                           25%
       Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd                                   25%

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2018 Mid-year Report
 2. Tax preference and approval

  The company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises at 29 November, 2017.The Certificate No is
  GR201721200199, and the validity duration is five years. According to the tax law, the company can be granted for the
  preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 VII. Notes to consolidated financial statements

 1. Cash and cash in bank

   Item                                               Closing Balance                            Opening Balance
   Cash on hand                                                   54,564.16                                        39,497.23
   Cash in bank                                                 74,774,315.69                                 58,004,000.31
   Other cash and cash equivalents                            111,092,366.59                                  24,817,277.29
   Total                                                      185,921,246.44                                  82,860,774.83

 2 Notes receivable

 (1) Category of notes receivable

  Items                                                                                   2018.07.30           2017.12.31

  Bank     acceptance notes                                                              52,583,316.24        113,596,871.36

  Commercial acceptance notes                                                            38,957,602.09         96,326,964.55

  Total                                                                                  91,540,918.33        209,923,835.91
  3 Accounts receivable

  (1) Category of accounts receivable
                                                                             Closing Balance
               Items                          Booking balance                          Provision
                                                                                                              Booking balance
                                             Amount                  %            Amount              %
     Accountsreceivable with
individual significant amount and
                                              5,092,669.00           0.41%        5,092,669.00     100.00%
identification separately bad debt
  Accounts receivable identified
 bad debt provision based on the         1,210,873,018.25         97.38%         41,366,146.52       4.27%     1,169,506,871.73
 characters of credit risk portfolio
     Accountsreceivable with
  individual insignificant amount
                                             27,541,279.51           2.21%       27,541,279.51     100.00%
 and identification separately bad
           debt provision
                Total                    1,243,506,966.76       100.00%          74,000,095.03                 1,169,506,871.73


                                                                             Opening balance
               Items                          Booking balance                          Provision
                                                                                                              Booking balance
                                            Amount                   %            Amount               %
     Accountsreceivable with
individual significant amount and            5,092,669.00            0.42%        5,092,669.00     100.00%
identification separately bad debt

            Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2018 Mid-year Report
 Accounts receivable identified
bad debt provision based on the          1,170,649,399.63         97.29%         42,311,385.94        4.79%          1,128,338,013.69
characters of credit risk portfolio
    Accountsreceivable with
 individual insignificant amount
                                            27,541,279.51             2.29%      27,541,279.51     100.00%
and identification separately bad
         debt provision
              Total                      1,203,283,348.14        100.00%         74,945,334.45                       1,128,338,013.69

  Accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

                                                                              Closing Balance
               Aging                           Accounts                                                       Proportion
                                                                   Provision for bad debts
                                               receivable                                                        (%)
            Within1 year                       743,446,853.86                    7,434,468.53                                 1.00%

            1 to 2 years                       148,770,792.90                    7,438,539.65                                 5.00%
            2 to 3 years                        37,569,560.80                    7,513,912.16                               20.00%
            Over 3 years                        37,958,452.35                   18,979,226.18                               50.00%
                Total                          967,745,659.91                   41,366,146.52

 4 Advances to suppliers

   (1) Aging of advances to suppliers

    Items                                      2018.06.30                                       2017.12.31
                                      Amount          Percentage (%)              Amount                 Percentage (%)
    Within 1 year                 30,289,202.64                  69.89%          36,499,031.46                           91.56%
    1 to 2 years                  12,152,505.50                  28.04%           3,085,092.20                            7.74%
    2 to 3 years                       531,192.28                1.23%              205,543.10                            0.52%
    Over 3 years                       362,766.43                0.84%               73,909.77                            0.18%
    Total                         43,335,666.85             --                   39,863,576.53                  --

   5. Dividends receivable

   6 Other receivables

  (1) The categories of other receivable

                                                                          Closing Balance
    Items                                      Booking balance                      Provision
                                                                                                             Booking balance
                                           Amount                 %            Amount             %
    Other receivables identified
    bad debt provision based on
                                         26,749,629.22      82.91%            1,268,832.89       8.70%          25,480,796.33
    the characters of credit risk
    Accountsreceivable with
    individual insignificant              5,513,140.92      17.09%            5,513,140.92   100.00%
    amount and identification
              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2018 Mid-year Report
         separately bad debt
         Total                       32,262,770.14 100.00%                       6,781,973.81                         25,480,796.33


                                                                                 Opening Balance
                                                                                             Provision                    Booking
       Items                                            Booking balance
                                                       Amount            %           Amount               %
       Other receivables identified bad
       debt provision based on the                23,164,214.87         80.78%      1,268,832.89          9.28%           21,895,381.98
       characters of credit risk portfolio
       Accountsreceivable with individual
       insignificant amount and
                                                   5,513,140.92         19.22%      5,513,140.92     100.00%
       identification separately bad debt
       Total                                      28,677,355.79      100.00%        6,781,973.81                          21,895,381.98

       (2) Other receivables accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

                                                                                 Closing Balance
                     Aging                                                Provision for bad                   Proportion
                                                Other receivables
                                                                                 debts                              (%)
                  Within 1 year                          6,962,467.41               69,624.67                                    1.00%
                   1-2 years                             5,696,876.91              284,843.85                                    5.00%
                   2-3 years                              165,641.74                33,128.35                                  20.00%
                 Over 3 years                            1,762,472.04              881,236.02                                  50.00%
                      Total                             14,587,458.10            1,268,832.89

        (3) Other receivables categorized by nature

       Nature                                             Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
       Other receivables                                           32,262,770.14                                28,677,355.79
       Total                                                        32,262,770.14                                      28,677,355.79

   7 Inventories

   (1) Categories of inventories

                                        2018.06.30                                                       2017.12.31
Item                                   Provision for                                                 Provision for
                        Cost                                Net book value            Cost                                   Net book value
                                             decline                                                     declines

Raw materials       80,566,678.10        910,648.85          79,656,029.25         56,740,605.63         910,648.85           55,829,956.78
                  523,949,536.64      36,265,289.07         487,684,247.57       512,690,931.09     36,265,289.07            476,425,642.02
                  144,947,091.68                            144,947,091.68       155,827,415.78                              155,827,415.78

                 Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                          2018 Mid-year Report
Low           value
                          184,074.93                                184,074.93          5,753,413.97                              5,753,413.97
Total                  749,647,381.35    37,175,937.92         712,471,443.43        731,012,366.47        37,175,937.92        693,836,428.55

          (2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories

              Item                                        Increase                          Decrease                   Closing Balance
                            Opening Balance                                         Reverse/          Others
                                                     Accrual           Other
                                                                                   Written- off     transferred
        Raw materials             910,648.85                                                                                      910,648.85
      Finished goods           36,265,289.07                                                                                  36,265,289.07
              Total            37,175,937.92                                                                                  37,175,937.92

   8 Other current assets
   Item                                                                        2018.06.30                          2017.12.31

   VAT to be deducted                                                                  751,154.78                             3,531,136.36
   Prepaid income tax                                                                                                         1,855,337.56
   Total                                                                               751,154.78                             5,386,473.92

   9. Available-for-sale financial assets

         (1) Available-for-sale financial assets

                Item                             Closing Balance                                           Opening Balance
                               Booking balance     Provision          Book value         Booking balance       Provision        Book value
                               2,567,033.30                        2,567,033.30         2,000,000.00                         2,000,000.00
      equity instruments
      Measured as cost
                               2,567,033.30                        2,567,033.30         2,000,000.00                         2,000,000.00
             Total             2,567,033.30                        2,567,033.30         2,000,000.00                         2,000,000.00

         10     Investment property

                        Item                       Property            Land use right                             Total
   I. Initial Cost                               173,119,534.89          51,969,186.22                                       225,088,721.11
   1. Opening Balance                                                                                                                        -
   2. Increase
   (1) Purchase
   (2) Transferred from FA
   3. Decrease
   (1) Disposal
   (2)Transfer to others
   4. Closing Balance                            173,119,534.89          51,969,186.22                                       225,088,721.11
         II. Accumulated Depreciation
   1. Opening Balance                              75,125,524.13         13,089,088.93                                        88,214,613.06

                    Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                             2018 Mid-year Report
                           Item                      Property       Land use right                      Total
       2. Increase                                  2,743,203.90       1,948,820.75                                    4,692,024.65
       3.     Decrease
       (1) Disposal
       (2)Transfer to others
       4. Closing Balance                          77,868,728.03      15,037,909.68                                  92,906,637.71
       III. Impairment Reserve                                                                                                     -
       1. Opening Balance                                                                                                          -
       2. Increase                                                                                                                 -
       3.     Decrease
       (1) Disposal
       (2)Transfer to others
       4. Closing Balance
       IV. Book Value
       1. Closing book value                       95,250,806.86      36,931,276.54                                 132,182,083.40
       2. Opening book value                       97,994,010.76      38,880,097.29                                 136,874,108.05

       11 Fixed assets

       (1) Fixed assets by categories

                                                    Machinery                           Electronic        Other
            Item                  Building                          Transportation        Device        Equipment              Total
     1. Initial Cost
                                                                                                       199,245,477.0     1,706,827,814.9
 (1) Opening Balance          253,663,547.33     1,164,347,666.68    17,533,982.52     72,037,141.35
                                                                                                                   6                   4
      (2) Increase                  16,078.54        2,640,459.26               0.00    1,096,104.00      171,966.81        3,924,608.61
      1) Purchase                   10,180.18         748,114.70                         547,090.44      171,722.32        1,477,107.64
  2) Transferred from
                                      5,898.36       1,892,344.56                        549,013.56          244.49        2,447,500.97

   3) Acquired from

 business combination

     (3) Decrease                                      24,410.26          323,582.96     689,162.92                        1,037,156.14
      1) Disposal                                      24,410.26          323,582.96     689,162.92                         1,037,156.14
                                                                                                       199,417,443.8     1,709,715,267.4
  (4) Closing Balance         253,679,625.87     1,166,963,715.68    17,210,399.56     72,444,082.43
                                                                                                                   7                   1

 (1) Opening Balance          146,076,825.72      644,284,826.15     13,394,879.03     53,181,861.81                     996,323,900.90
      (2) Increase                4,172,514.79     37,194,966.96          463,037.51    2,109,494.92    4,166,373.45      48,106,387.62
       1)Accrued                  4,172,514.79     37,194,966.96          463,037.51    2,109,494.92    4,166,373.45      48,106,387.62

                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                  2018 Mid-year Report
   2) Other transfer

    (3) Decrease                                        395.26            296,777.11        616,843.73                           914,016.10
     1) Disposal                                        395.26            296,777.11        616,843.73                           914,016.10
                                                                                                           143,551,881.6    1,043,516,272.4
  4) Closing Balance       150,249,340.51       681,479,397.85       13,561,139.43       54,674,513.00
                                                                                                                       4                  2
3. Impairment Reserve

 (1) Opening Balance                                255,944.32                                                                   255,944.32
     (2) Increase

    (3) Decrease

     1) Disposal

 (4) Closing Balance                                255,944.32                                                                   255,944.32
    4. Book Value

1. Closing book value      103,430,285.36       485,228,373.52        3,649,260.13       17,769,569.43     55,865,562.23     665,943,050.67
2. Opening book value      107,586,721.61       519,806,896.21        4,139,103.49       18,855,279.54     59,859,968.87     710,247,969.72

      12 Construction in progress

      (1) Details of Construction-in-progress

                                            Closing Balance                                         Opening Balance
                            Book Balance         Provision                       Book Balance          Provision
  Improvement of
  seven-finished              30,739,383.45                      30,739,383.45    30,689,629.52                       30,689,629.52
  Improvement of
  one-finished                    92,820.85                         92,820.85           92,820.85                           92,820.85
  Dalian industry park
                               1,923,068.10                       1,923,068.10     1,922,211.42                        1,922,211.42
  Improvement of
  precision roller            10,634,263.21                      10,634,263.21    11,340,473.99                       11,340,473.99
  Improvement of
                               1,960,849.25                       1,960,849.25     1,960,571.95                        1,960,571.95
  grinding machine
  Improvement of
                               3,620,644.45                       3,620,644.45     3,703,419.57                        3,703,419.57
  Improvement        of
                              11,873,079.37                      11,873,079.37    10,195,223.88                       10,195,223.88
  Improvement        of
                                 414,933.76                        414,933.76          414,391.36                          414,391.36
  grinding machine
  Improvement of
  second-finished              1,483,761.06                       1,483,761.06     1,483,761.06                        1,483,761.06
  Crane Project                2,735,507.63                       2,735,507.63     2,734,957.91                        2,734,957.91
  Improvement of
                               2,220,709.81                       2,220,709.81     2,220,662.31                        2,220,662.31
  special large branch
  Computer Project             2,081,977.04                       2,081,977.04     2,081,977.04                        2,081,977.04
  Overhaul factory
                                 225,914.81                        225,914.81          472,585.86                          472,585.86
  Heat treatment
                                 160,940.46                        160,940.46          160,551.84                          160,551.84
  product line
  Automobile                                                                       1,016,610.51                        1,016,610.51

              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                 2018 Mid-year Report
Superfine machine
                                                                   1,291,421.97                    1,291,421.97
installation project
Overhaul of bainite
                                                                       846,153.80                   846,153.80
Refrigerated air
                             7,863.25                  7,863.25          7,863.25                      7,863.25
Dryer System
Three ton battery
                           192,307.70                192,307.70        192,307.70                   192,307.70
fork truck
Sewage treatment
                            94,017.09                 94,017.09         94,017.09                    94,017.09
low voltage switch
                            59,829.06                 59,829.06         59,829.06                    59,829.06
transformation of
                           129,829.06                129,829.06        140,000.00                   140,000.00
heat treatment
production line
Ipsen multipurpose
furnace overhaul                                           0.00        832,500.00                   832,500.00
G17-15-07 Ball
bearing vibration           31,384.62                 31,384.62         31,384.62                    31,384.62
G17-16-03 New
                           130,630.63                130,630.63        130,630.63                   130,630.63
warehouse and
concrete road
Environmental              153,153.15                153,153.15        153,153.15                   153,153.15
improvement works
other                   13,371,970.46             13,371,970.46    8,420,208.60                   8,420,208.60
Total                   84,338,838.27             84,338,838.27   82,689,318.94                  82,689,318.94

  13 Intangible assets

       Item                        Land use right      software                     Total
       1.Initial cost
       1). Opening balance          124,220,541.52      6,272,685.89                        130,493,227.41
       2).Increase                                         97,087.38                             97,087.38
         (1) Purchase                                      97,087.38                             97,087.38
         (3) Acquired by company
       3). Decrease
       4). Closing balance          124,220,541.52      6,369,773.27                        130,590,314.79
       2. Amortization
       1). Opening balance            36,823,081.84     6,140,023.31                         42,963,105.15
       2).Increase                     1,545,146.91        71,983.31                          1,617,130.22
       (1)Accrual                      1,545,146.91        71,983.31                          1,617,130.22
       (2)Transfer into
       3). Decrease                    1,299,213.84                                           1,299,213.84

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                     2018 Mid-year Report
        4). Closing balance                 37,069,014.90          6,212,006.62                             43,281,021.53
        3. Provision
        for impairment
        1). Opening balance
        3). Decrease
        4). Closing balance
        4. Book value
        1.Closing Book value                87,151,526.61              157,766.65                           87,309,293.26
        2.Opening Book value                87,397,459.68              132,662.58                           87,530,122.26

14 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses

 Item                                 2017.12.31          Increase          Amortization                          2018.06.30
 Office house decoration                 700,228.04                             61,843.08                            638,384.96

 Total                                   700,228.04                             61,843.08                            638,384.96

15 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

    (1) Deferred tax assets without deduction

Item                                                   Closing Balance                                Opening Balance
                                           Deductible temporary     Deferred tax           Deductible temporary    Deferred tax
                                               difference              assets                  difference            assets
Provision for impairment of assets               74,103,756.75      11,625,939.19               74,103,756.75     11,625,939.19
Total                                              74,103,756.75         11,625,939.19          74,103,756.75      11,625,939.19

    (2) Deferred tax liabilities without deduction

         Item                                           Closing Balance                           Opening Balance
                                             Taxable temporary     Deferred tax                Taxable     Deferred tax
                                                 difference         liabilities              temporary       liabilities
         Asset evaluation increment in
         business combination without              5,920,560.37             888,084.06      5,920,560.37        888,084.06
         the same control
         Total                                     5,920,560.37             888,084.06      5,920,560.37        888,084.06

        (3) The net value of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities with deduction
                              Closing Balance         Closing Balance        Opening Balance of       Opening Balance of
                               of deferred tax         of deferred tax       deferred tax assets         deferred tax
    Item                         assets and           assets/deferred        and liabilities with     assets/deferred tax
                               liabilities with         tax liabilities          deduction                 liabilities
    Deferred tax
                                                          11,625,939.19                                         11,625,939.19
    Deferred tax
                                                             888,084.06                                           888,084.06
          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                               2018 Mid-year Report

16 Short-term loan

(1) Category of short-term loan

    Loan category                                       2018.06.30                             2017.12.31
    Credit loan                                               615,000,000.00                         648,000,000.00

    Total                                                        615,000,000.00                      648,000,000.00

17 Notes payable

    Items                                             2018.06.30                           2017.12.31
    Commercial acceptance notes                            362,918,752.32                           295,396,000.00

    Bank acceptance notes                                      2,055,536.74                             4,087,279.00

    Total                                                  364,974,289.06                            299,483,279.00

18 Accounts payable

    (1) Accounts payable

      Item                                        Closing Balance                    Opening Balance
      Loan                                               618,238,277.92                             559,579,919.87
      Project payments                                    44,673,609.65                              50,109,631.21
      Other                                               16,487,505.75                              21,142,736.37
      Total                                              679,399,393.32                             630,832,287.45

19 Advances from customers

    (1)     Received in advance

          Item                                     Closing Balance                   Opening Balance

          Loan                                                22,508,002.18                        31,634,532.72

          Total                                               22,508,002.18                        31,634,532.72

20 Employee benefits payable

    (1) Category of employee‘s payables

       Item                       Opening              Increase               Decrease          Closing Balance
                                   7,313,818.35        102,608,361.74         103,289,812.34         6,632,367.75
       employee‘s payable
       Welfare with deposit
                                   9,346,330.29         14,423,053.67          14,515,683.14         9,253,700.82
       and withdrawal plan
       Total                      16,660,148.64        117,031,415.41         117,805,495.48        15,886,068.57

 (2) Short-term employee‘s payables

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                            2018 Mid-year Report
       Item                        Opening             Increase              Decrease            Closing
                                   Balance                                                       Balance
       Salaries, bonus,
       allowance, and                204,820.34         75,980,585.34        76,028,894.31         156,511.37
       Welfare                         3,200.00          7,824,726.68         7,824,726.68           3,200.00
       Social insurance              595,786.05          8,786,783.06         8,785,404.46         597,164.65
       Include: Medical
                                     306,854.19          6,670,717.80         6,670,717.80         306,854.19
       Industrial injury
                                     218,079.54          1,232,985.63         1,231,607.03         219,458.14
                                      70,852.32           883,079.63            883,079.63          70,852.32
       Housingfunds                2,267,654.57          9,947,105.26        10,431,740.64       1,783,019.19
       Labour union and
                                   4,242,357.39             69,161.40           219,046.25       4,092,472.54
       training expense
       Total                       7,313,818.35        102,608,361.74       103,289,812.34       6,632,367.75

     (3) Welfare with deposit and withdrawal plan

   Item                                Opening             Increase             Decrease        Closing Balance

   Pension                              9,010,407.61       14,036,744.84        14,129,374.31        8,917,778.14

   Unemployment insurance                 335,922.68          386,308.83           386,308.83          335,922.68
   Total                                9,346,330.29       14,423,053.67        14,515,683.14        9,253,700.82

21 Taxes payable

        Item                                                      Closing Balance        Opening Balance
        Value-added tax                                                 3,538,584.05            11,018,297.67
        Individual income tax                                              222,312.20             140,904.05
        Enterprise income tax
        City maintenance and construction tax                              323,209.56             982,277.76
        Real estate tax                                                    301,009.32             294,515.16
        Land use tax                                                       206,982.61             204,027.14
        Stamp tax                                                           81,712.41             109,592.56
        Education surcharge                                                248,191.90             728,270.43
        River toll fee                                                        217.02                 1,486.14
        Others                                                             370,078.06             370,601.41

22 Interest payable

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                 2018 Mid-year Report
         Item                                                    Closing Balance            Opening Balance
         Interest for long-term loan with instalments                                                   65,300.00
         Interest for short-term loan                                       157,000.00               1,124,800.00
         Total                                                              157,000.00               1,190,100.00

23 Other payables

Other payablescategorized by payments nature

         Payments nature                                    Closing Balance               Opening Balance
         Bid security deposits                                          1,321,570.00                 1,118,409.62
         Risk deposits from branch manager                                259,777.75                   259,777.75
         Trademark fees                                                 9,916,000.00                10,777,573.08
         Others                                                        67,493,863.19                79,967,333.47
         Total                                                         78,991,210.94                92,123,093.92

24 Non-current liabilities due within one year

    (1)Non-current liabilities due within one year

 Item                                                     Closing Balance                  Opening Balance
 Long-term loan due within one year                                                                    90,000,000.00

 Total                                                                                                   90,000,000.00

25 Other current liabilities

Item                                                    Closing Balance                     Opening Balance
Government subsidy within 1 year                                 3,967,022.53                              3,967,022.53

Total                                                              3,967,022.53                              3,967,022.53

26 Long-term payables

    (1) Long-term payablescategorized by payments nature

   Payments nature                                         Closing Balance                 Opening Balance
   Equipment payments                                               100,000.00                           100,000.00
   Housing subsidy                                                   1,497,305.72                        1,497,305.72

27 Special payables

   Items                    Opening        Increase      Decre       Closing               Formation Basis
                            Balance                       ase        Balance
                                                                                Granted by Wafangdian Bureau of
   Special pollution                                                            Finance and Wafangdian Bureau of
                            221,698.98                               221,698.98
   treatment                                                                    Environment Protection with approval
                                                                                with ―WaCaiZhi Qi No.[2004]217‖
                                                                                Dalian Financial Bureau and Municipal
                               75,000.00                              75,000.00 Office of Economic and Information
                                                                                Technology Committee with approval
           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                          2018 Mid-year Report
                                                                                          with ―Da CaiZhi Qi No. [2012]917‖ and
                                                                                          ―Da Jing Xin Fa No. [2012]199‖
    Total                   296,698.98                                      296,698.98

 28 Other non-current liabilities

     (1) Category of deferred income

    Item                   Opening           Increase                 Decrease           Closing
                                                                                                              Formation Basis
                           Balance                                                       Balance
                        37,754,771.56                                 1,908,277.94     35,846,493.62
    Total               37,754,771.56                                 1,908,277.94     35,846,493.62

     (2) Government subsidy

                                                                      Recorded                                              Relate
      Government                 Opening                              into non          Other               Closing         d with
      subsidy item               Balance                              -operatio        Change               Balance         asset/e
                                                                      n income                                               quity
    Liaozhou Industry
    development                   4,194,564.00                                                               4,194,564.00    asset
    Compensation for
    Da Lian plants               27,042,358.18                                        1,352,117.94          25,690,240.24    asset
    Development of
    manufacturing                 2,400,000.00                                           200,000.00          2,200,000.00    asset
    Improvement       of
    high-end bearing
                                  1,889,280.00                                           236,160.00          1,653,120.00    asset
    Interest subsidy of
                                  1,660,000.00                                           120,000.00          1,540,000.00    asset
    grand axle load
    Construction      of
    workshop         for
                                    568,569.38                                                                568,569.38     asset
    technology masters
    Total                        37,754,771.56                                        1,908,277.94          35,846,493.62

 29 Share capital

                       2017.12.31                            Change for current period                                2018.06.30
                                           Issui                       Transferrin
Shareholders                                 ng         Distributi      g capital
name/category       Amounts          %      new             ng          reserves      Others    Subtotal         Amounts             %
                                           share         shares         to share
                                              s                          capital
                    402,600,00     100.0
Total shares                                     —              —              —        —          —       402,600,000.00     100.00
                          0.00         0

          Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                        2018 Mid-year Report

30 Capital reserves

 Items                                             2017.12.31             Increase            Decrease             2018.06.30
 Share premium                                     201,956,446.52                                                  201,956,446.52

 Other capital reserves                            283,734,603.95                                                  283,734,603.95

 Total                                             485,691,050.47                                                  485,691,050.47

31 Surplus reserves

Items                                          2017.12.31              Increase        Decrease                2018.06.30
Statutory surplus reserve                       113,687,908.35                                                     113,687,908.35

Discretionary surplus reserve                    20,590,618.91                                                      20,590,618.91

Total                                           134,278,527.26                                                     134,278,527.26

32 Undistributed profit

   Item                                                                     This period                      Last period
   Closing balance before adjustment                                          362,925,296.98                     359,603,965.97
   Opening balance after adjustment                                               362,925,296.98                 359,603,965.97
   Add: Current net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                                                    3,313,980.12                  10,182,949.16
   parent company
   Less: Provision for statutory surplus reserves                                                                  2,835,618.15
   Dividends payable for common shares                                                                             4,026,000.00
            Closing balance of                                                    366,239,277.10                 362,925,296.98

33 Operating revenue & cost

  Items                                This period                                             Last period
                            Sales revenue           Cost of sales          Sales revenue                 Cost of sales
  Revenue from
                             967,045,981.57          840,649,172.13           986,168,093.43                     862,562,230.54
  main operation
  Revenue from
                              107,822,000.11          99,097,399.00           149,332,481.90                     141,633,411.45
  other operation
  Total                     1,074,867,981.68         939,746,571.13         1,135,500,575.33                    1,004,195,641.99

34 Operating taxes and surcharges

    Items                                           This period                                Last period
    Business tax
    City construction tax                               2,837,747.43                                              3,428,881.69

    Education surcharge                                 1,871,171.22                                              2,425,208.91

    Other                                               3,883,184.27                                              3,978,357.55

    Total                                               8,592,102.92                                              9,832,448.15

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                          2018 Mid-year Report

35 Selling expenses

   Items                                                            This period                Last period
   Transportation expense                                               15,584,316.08              20,935,762.98
   Employee benefit                                                     17,781,672.15              13,476,776.84
   Travel expense                                                        9,078,815.87               9,656,691.45
   Conference expense                                                    2,329,999.72               2,465,600.45
   Trademark use fee                                                     2,101,642.83                927,157.82
   International Transportation expense                                  5,179,043.74              10,610,815.19
   Other expense                                                        18,684,081.24              17,947,375.19

   Total                                                                70,739,571.63              76,020,179.92

36 Administrative expenses

   Items                                                            This period                Last period
   Employee benefit                                                     18,773,771.75              17,708,196.38
   Tax expense                                                              17,251.55                 511,493.60
   Technology development expense                                         3,505,391.30              1,318,389.62
   Intangible assets amortization                                         2,266,737.13              2,266,864.90
   Depreciation expense                                                    811,587.96                 998,045.03
   Business entertaining expense                                           338,336.74                 403,673.93
   Travel expense                                                          533,425.68                 397,589.98
   Other expense                                                          7,829,201.38              7,641,468.38

   Total                                                                34,075,703.49              31,245,721.82

37 Financial expenses

   Items                                                               This period               Last period
   Interest expenses                                                      22,726,199.79            16,282,310.02

   Less: interest income                                                      345,878.37              384,832.07

   Add: Exchange losses                                                       950,510.58            -1,336,112.98

   Add: Others expenditure                                                    721,591.13            1,454,903.78

   Total                                                                   24,052,423.13           16,016,268.75

38 Assets impairment losses

      Items                                                   This period                  Last period
      Loss of bad debts                                              -12,786.85                      99,810.61

      Total                                                          -12,786.85                      99,810.61

39 Gain on assets disposal

                Item                      current year                        prior year
           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                    2018 Mid-year Report
Gain on disposal group classified as
                                                  243,495.82                                                    7,398.46
held for sale
Gain on non-current assets disposal               243,495.82                                                    7,398.46
Gain on fixed assets disposal                     243,495.82                                                    7,398.46

40. Other income

   Items                                                                          current year              prior year
   Job stabilization subsidy                                                               228,550.21
   Labour union subsidy                                                                                          15,000.00
   International market development subsidy from Foreign Trade
   Technology innovation subsidy in Liaoniing                                                                   368,500.00
   Dalian sub-factory relocation subsidy                                                 1,352,117.94         1,352,117.94
   Improvement of high-end bearing production subsidies                                      236,160.00         236,160.00
   Development of intelligent manufacturing equipment subsidies                              200,000.00         200,000.00
   Technical master studio development subsidy
   Overhaul bearing project discounting interest subsidy                                     120,000.00         120,000.00
   Insurance premium subsidy                                                                  18,600.00
   Total                                                                                 2,155,428.15         2,438,777.94

41 Non-operating income

 (1) Non-operating income list

                                                This period                Last period         Amounts recognized into
                   Item                                                                       current non-recurring profit
                                                                                                        or loss
    Income from debt restructuring                 1,456,952.01               1,356,259.02                    1,456,952.01
    Penalty income                                 1,570,251.86                 832,777.00                    1,570,251.86
    Others                                           120,000.41                  80,229.95                     120,000.41
    Total                                          3,147,204.28               2,269,265.97                    3,147,204.28

42 Non-operating expenses

                      Item                                 This period                        Last period
Loss from debt restructuring                                   85,383.59
Loss on disposal of non-current assets                         75,526.04                                         5,970.42
Penalty loss                                                   11,410.47                                        15,648.86
Others                                                         13,651.07                                       150,691.63
Total                                                         185,971.17                                       172,310.91

43 Income tax expenses

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2018 Mid-year Report
     (1) Income tax expenses

         Items                                                      current year                       prior year
         Current income tax expenses                                         -279,426.81

         Total                                                               -279,426.81

     (2) Accounting profit to income tax expense adjustment

        Items                                                                                              Current year
        Consolidated total profit this year                                                                       3,034,553.31
        Income tax expenses at applicable tax rate                                                                 -279,426.81
        Income tax expense                                                                                         -279,426.81

44 Notes to cash flow statement

(1) Cash receipt/payment of other operating/investing/financing activities

1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

Items                                                                       This period                           Last period
Other cash received relating to operating activities                                   914,421.41                       1,373,744.39

Total                                                                                   914,421.41                      1,373,744.39

2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

Items                                                 This period                                 Last period
Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                      55,833,437.00                                                    52,708,495.81
Total                                                 55,833,437.00                                                    52,708,495.81

3) Other cash received relating to financial activities

Items                                                     This period                               Last period
Other cash paid relating to financial
                                                           328,905,975.40                                             321,721,729.99
Total                                                      328,905,975.40                                             321,721,729.99

4) Other cash paid relating to financial activities

Items                                                     This period                               Last period
Other cash paid relating to financial
                                                           248,898,190.83                                             286,551,613.33
Total                                                      248,898,190.83                                             286,551,613.33

45 Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement

Items                                                                         This period                       Last period
1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating activities:
Net profit                                                                         3,313,980.12                         2,633,635.55

             Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2018 Mid-year Report
    Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                           -12,786.85                     99,810.61

                Depreciation of fixed assets                                       50,705,693.88                 48,297,397.65

                Amortization of intangible assets                                   2,266,737.13                  2,266,864.90

                Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                            33,915.18                     33,915.18

         Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                     -243,495.82                    -10,771.00
         long-term assets (income listed with‖-‖)
         Losses on write-off of fixed assets (income listed with‖-‖)                 75,526.04

                Financial expense (income listed with‖-‖)                        24,052,423.13                 16,016,268.75

              Decrease of inventory (increase listed with‖-‖)                   -18,635,014.88                 74,534,439.97

              Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed with‖-‖)      -156,396,318.53               -138,273,848.15

              Increase of operating payables (decrease listed with‖-‖)          139,045,935.83                -82,203,972.02

         Net cash flows arising from operating activities                          44,206,595.23                -76,606,258.56

     Cash and cash equivalents

         Items                                                                      This period          Last period
         Cash                                                                        74,828,879.85          58,043,497.54

         Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                 74,828,879.85          58,043,497.54

    VIII. Equity of Other Entities

        1. Equity of subsidiaries

        (1) Organization structure of group company
Name of subsidiary                Location              Registered Location      Nature of operation                          Method
                                                                                                       Direct Indirect
Wazhou Liaoyang                                                                 Manufacturing and
                                                      Liaoyang Baita District                                                acquisitio
Bearing construction            Wafangdian                                      selling bearing and    100
                                                      Weiguo Rd No.61                                                        n
Co.,Ltd                                                                         machines
Dalian Wazhou Precision                               Dalian Free Trade Zone    Manufacturing and
Motor Car Bearing               Wafangdian            SanshiliYongsheng Rd      selling bearing and    100
Company Limited                                       No.12                     machines
Wazhou Precision of
                                                                                Manufacturing and
Spherical Roller                                      WafangdianBeigongji St                                                 acquisitio
                                Wafangdian                                      selling bearing and    100
Bearings(Wafangdian)Co.                               No.1                                                                   n
, Ltd

    IX Risk Related to Financial Instrument
    The main financial instruments held by the group company are including investment in share equity, borrowing,
    accounts receivable, and accounts payable. The details introduction about each financial instrument is referred to this
    notes No.VI above. The related risks of these financial instruments and the risk management policy conducted to
    reduce these risks by the group company are introduced as below. The Group management conducts to manage and
    monitor these risks exposure and control these risks under certain risk level.
       1.         Objectives and policies of each risk management
       The objectives of risk management conducted by the group company are to reach the balance between risk and
       profit return by reducing the negative influence to operating performance to the minimum level as well as
         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                      2018 Mid-year Report
   maximising the shareholders‘ and other investors‘ profits. Based on these objectives, the basic risk management
   policy is to recognize and analyse all sorts of risk that the group company faced with, to set up the proper risk
   tolerance bottom line conducting risk management, as well as to monitor these risks in a timely and effective manner,
   and to ensure these risks under the limit level.
   (1)         Market risk
   1)          Currency risk
   The currency risk is referred as the risk caused by the fluctuation of exchange rate. The main currency risk that the
   company faced with is related to the USD since the main export business is settled by USD. Other than the balance
   of foreign currency presented in Note VI. 44, all assets and liabilities of company are presented in RMB On
   December 31, 2015.The balance in foreign currency of assets and liabilities may cause currency risk with influence
   to operating performance.
   2)          Interest risk
   The main potential interest risk which is caused by the fluctuation of the cash flow of financial instruments is related
   to the floating rate of bank loan (Note VI. 15). The policy that adopted by the Group is to maintain the floating rate of
   (2)         Credit risk
   On 31 December, 2015, the Group‘s most probable credit risk exposure is from the financial loss primarily due to the
   failure of fulfilling the obligation by one party of the contract. The impairment losses of company‘s financial assets
   are including:
   Among the book value of recognized financial assets in the consolidated statement of financial position, for the
   financial instruments measured at fair value, their book values reflect the risk exposure, however, not maximum risk
   level; the level is changing along with the fair value.
   As the aim to reduce the credit risk, the Group sets up the credit department to ensure the credit limit, to examine
   and approve the credit application, and to carry out monitor procedures to claim expired creditor‘s right. In addition,
   at each of balance sheet date, the Group checks with every single process of receipt of receivable to ensure the
   sufficiency of provision of bad debt. Therefore, the management of the Group believed the credit risk had been
   minimized significantly.
   The working capital has low level of credit risk since the cash is deposited in the banks with high credit reputation.
   (3)         Liquidity risk
   As the management of liquidity risk, the Group‘s policy is to regularly monitor the sufficiency of cash and cash
   equivalent, the liquidity requirements to ensure the normal operations, and the fluctuation of cash flow. The bank
   loan activities are under monitoring by management to make sure to comply with the loan agreement.
   The liquidity risk is referred as the Group failed to fulfil its financial obligations by the due date. The Group manages
   the liquidity risk by the maintain sufficiency of working capital to cover the expired debt to avoid the unacceptable
   losses or the damage of Group‘s reputation. The Group analyses the debt structure and due time periodically to
   ensure the sufficiency of available cash flow. The bank loan activities are under monitoring by management to make
   sure to comply with the loan agreement. At the same, the Group has consultation with financial organizations about
   the financing activities to maintain the credit level and to reduce the credit risk.

X. Disclosure of Fair Value

XI Related Parties Relationship and Transactions

1 Parent company and ultimate controller

Parent              Registered         Business nature       Registere     Shareholding            Voting power
company               address                                 d capital      percentage           percentage (%)

         Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                          2018 Mid-year Report
                No. 1 North Gongji    Manufacture and
Wazhou                                                      413,793,1
                Street, Wafangdian sales of bearing and                       60.61            60.61
Group                                                            00.00
                City, Dalian          other equipments

  (2). Subsidiaries

    Referring to the content in Note IX. 1. (1) Organization structure of group company

2 Other related parties

               Name of related party                              Related party relationship
Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing Equipment Co., Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Ltd                                                 ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.,
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Wind power Bearing Ltd
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing Co., Ltd
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Equipment Technology Project Co., Ltd.
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co., Ltd.
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Liao Ning North Metal Materials supply Co., Ltd
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group high-end auto bearing limited company
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Precision Roller limited companu
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Precision Retainer Limited Company
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Kugel- und Rollenlagerwerk Leipzig GmbH
                                                    ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wafangdian bearing Power Limited Company
                                                    ultimate controlling party
Wazhou Group Bearing Engineering technology Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
research center                                     ultimate controlling party
                                                    Other entity controlled by the same parent company and
Wazhou Group Special Steel limited Company
                                                    ultimate controlling party
Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto Bearings Co., Ltd           Other related party
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd                   Other related party
Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd           Other related party
Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Co., Ltd                   Other related party

3 Related party transactions

(1) Purchase of goods
                   Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                         2018 Mid-year Report
                                       Content        current year          Authorized          Over or not        prior year
Related party
Wazhou Group                        Purchase of goods      30,619,927.27    150,000,000.00 No
Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.             Purchase of goods     111,393,715.62    230,000,000.00 No                         77,936,367.41
Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Purchase of goods
                                                            7,864,718.39      8,000,000.00 No                         32,874,239.72
Co., Ltd
Dalian      Wazhou       Fengyuan Purchase of goods
                                                           46,955,706.73    100,000,000.00 No                         40,745,644.79
Machinery Co., Ltd
Wazhou          Group         Exact Purchase of goods
                                                           47,958,716.67    140,000,000.00 No                         35,651,638.02
Transmission Bearing Co., Ltd
Wazhou        Group      Equipment Purchase of goods
                                                             489,477.68      10,000,000.00 No                             6,546,307.65
Technology Project Co., Ltd.
Dalian       Wazhou        Bearing Purchase of goods/
                                                            6,734,683.20     36,000,000.00 No                         10,239,204.30
Manufacturing Equipment Co., Ltd        equipments
Wafangdian       Tongda Bearing Purchase of goods
                                                           42,508,436.34     90,000,000.00 No                         35,967,883.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Wazhou Group Wind power Purchase of goods
                                                            9,484,876.58     22,000,000.00 No                         67,903,907.05
Bearing Ltd
Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Purchase of goods
                                                            1,503,484.72      5,000,000.00 No                             2,249,100.62
Wafangdian       bearing     Power Purchase of goods
                                                           10,653,628.93     22,200,000.00 No                         10,391,594.66
Limited Company
Wazhou Group Precision Roller Purchase of goods
                                                           69,149,890.34    100,000,000.00 No                         47,821,095.07
limited company
Wazhou Group Precision Retainer Purchase of goods
                                                           28,884,389.11     60,000,000.00 No                         27,936,491.52
Limited Company
Wazhou Group high-end auto Purchase of goods
                                                           35,549,549.22    200,000,000.00 No                         64,029,180.29
bearing limited company
Wazhou Group Special Precision Purchase of goods
                                                               50,288.10              0.00 Yes
Bearing Co., Ltd.
Wazhou         Group       Bearing Purchase of reserve
Engineering technology research                             1,531,492.08      8,000,000.00 No                             1,518,389.62
Wazhou Group                        Purchase of reserve               38               250 No                                  107
Wazhou Group                        Purchase of reserve              130               900 No                                    93
Total                                                     453,012,980.98   1,215,700,000.00 No                       462,911,043.72

        (2) Sales of goods

            Related party                                   Content           current year            prior year
            Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.,                      Sales of goods        46,150,623.18             88,377,746.34
            Wazhou Group                                  Sales of goods            15,499.77               111,453.04
            Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.          Sales of goods        25,230,262.57            33,462,342.95
            Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing       Sales of goods
                                                                                20,892,673.15            17,128,024.78
            Co., Ltd
            Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Equipment Co.,    Sales of goods
                                                                                    74,038.35               137,745.81
            Wazhou Group Precision Wind power Bearing     Sales of goods
                                                                                 6,887,104.50            15,125,611.60
            Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co.,   Sales of goods
                                                                                  271,679.73                255,794.10
    Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                       2018 Mid-year Report
                                        Sales of goods
 Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company                                              31,876.56                  999,505.14

 Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd             Sales of goods               3,661.80                   29,615.00
 Wafangdian      Tongda Bearing Manufacturing         Sales of goods
                                                                                686,608.84                   213,232.25
 Co., Ltd.
 Wazhou      Group    Precision   Roller   limited Sales of goods
                                                                             24,423,093.18              24,734,923.69
 Wazhou Group Precision Retainer Limited Sales of goods
                                                                                  51,663.87              1,810,068.24
 Wazhou Group high-end auto bearing limited           Sales of goods
                                                                             43,998,131.35             129,506,733.45
 Kugel- und Rollenlagerwerk Leipzig GmbH              Sales of goods          3,351,510.13               1,549,815.31
 Wazhou Group high-end auto bearing limited           provide labour
                                                         services               195,477.99                   162,116.67
 Wazhou      Group    Precision   Roller   limited    provide labour
                                                         services             6,293,599.71               8,585,573.54
 Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co.,          provide labour
                                                         services               342,841.37                   295,246.43
                                                      provide labour
 Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd                                         68,824.03                   57,455.85
                                                      provide labour
 Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company                                            466,981.76                   762,464.12
 Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing              provide labour
                                                         services                 25,261.57                   29,875.05
 Co., Ltd
 Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Equipment Co.,           provide labour
                                                         services               164,181.78                   281,992.44
 Wafangdian      Tongda Bearing Manufacturing         provide labour
                                                         services                                             16,456.70
 Co., Ltd.
 Total                                                                      179,625,595.19             323,633,792.50

4 Assets rent out

Detials can be found in the part VII ―the important rlated party transactions‖ 1 ―The relate transactions related to the
day-to-day operations.‖

5 Related party assets transfer and debt structure reconstruction

6. Balances with related parties

(1) Accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                       Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
  Item                 Related party
                                                 Book Balance      Provision            Book Balance   Provision
 Accounts        Wazhou Exact Forge
                                                      2,687,126.33                            9,357,030.29
receivable       Ltd.,
 Accounts        Wazhou Group Precision
                                                     62,494,203.33                         68,353,382.34
receivable       Roller Limited Company
        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                      2018 Mid-year Report
                                               Closing Balance                     Opening Balance
     Item            Related party
                                         Book Balance      Provision           Book Balance     Provision
   Accounts    Wazhou Group (USA)
                                           15,659,092.29                          13,686,294.41
  receivable   Bearing CO., Ltd.
               Wazhou Group Precision
               Retainer          Limited   18,823,964.21                          24,191,042.68
               Wazhou Group Special
               Precision Bearing Co.,       4,568,598.65                             4,724,144.07
   Accounts    Wazhou Group Limited
                                            2,255,928.31                             2,255,928.31
  receivable   Company
               Wazhou Group Exact
               Transmission      Bearing   11,484,768.27                             3,714,337.85
               Co., Ltd
               Wazhou Group high-end
               auto bearing limited       121,981,082.84                       157,299,071.76
   Accounts    Wazhou Special Steel
                                            1,265,539.80                             1,127,180.69
  receivable   Ball Company
               Kugel-               und
               Rollenlagerwerk Leipzig      1,216,618.52                             2,843,173.17
               Wafangdian        Tongda
               Bearing Manufacturing           71,061.68                              149,884.33
               Co., Ltd.
   Accounts    Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou
                                              619,374.11                              484,891.17
  receivable   Machinery Co., Ltd
               Kugel-               und
   Prepaid     Rollenlagerwerk Leipzig                                               3,368,086.16
               Wazhou bearing Power
   Prepaid                                  5,099,826.27                             1,340,370.00
               limited Company

    (2) Accounts payable due from related parties

      Item                          Related party               Closing Balance           Opening Balance

Accounts payable     Wazhou Group Wind Power Bearing Ltd            22,657,706.00                   56,086,707.09
Accounts payable     Wazhou Group Limited Company                   24,265,359.57                    3,552,228.26
                     Wazhou Group Equipment Technology
Accounts payable                                                    13,882,010.02                   17,010,528.77
                     Project Co., Ltd.
                     Wafangdian            Tongda    Bearing
Accounts payable                                                    34,216,624.03                   20,874,853.98
                     Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Accounts payable     Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd         1,197,535.41                   6,757,162.31
                     Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing
Accounts payable                                                      4,060,208.41                   8,447,383.10
                     Equipment Co., Ltd
Accounts payable     Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.,                       59,523,954.57                   12,760,327.17
                     Dalian Wazhou Fengyuan Machinery Co.,
Accounts payable                                                    22,457,937.48                   25,856,222.75

        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                             2018 Mid-year Report

       Item                          Related party                     Closing Balance       Opening Balance

                      Wazhou Group Precision Retainer Limited
Accounts payable                                                             1,632,766.91            6,692,821.86
Accounts payable      Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company                    3,546,738.23            3,486,892.33
                      Wazhou Group Precision Roller Limited
Accounts payable                                                             4,884,537.36            3,403,327.15
Accounts payable      Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.                                             147,968.25
                      Wazhou      Group    Exact     Transmission
Accounts payable                                                           18,741,436.53            21,020,328.46
                      Bearing Co., Ltd
Accounts payable      Wazhou bearing power limited company                    544,121.00               311,333.62
                      Wazhou     Group     Bearing    Engineering
Accounts payable                                                             2,323,382.46            2,833,243.49
                      technology research center
Other payables        Wazhou Group limited company                           1,738,516.32           12,295,652.49
                      Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing
Other payables                                                                431,088.45               431,088.45
                      Equipment Co., Ltd
                      Wazhou Group Equipment Technology
Other payables                                                                953,000.00               953,000.00
                      Project Co., Ltd.

7. Contingency

As at June 30,2018, the Group does not have any other contingencies.

XIII. Share-Based Payment

XIV. Commitment and Contingency

As at June 30,2017, the Group does not have any other significant commitments.

XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

The Group does not have any other significant events after the Balance Sheet Date.

XVI. Other Significant Events

           Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                    2018 Mid-year Report
  XVII. Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of Parent Company

  1 Accounts receivable

   (1) Accounts receivable category

                                                                              Closing Balance
                        Item                      Booking balance                    Provision
                                                                                                             Booking balance
                                                  Amount         %               Amount        %
     Accounts receivable with bad debt
   provision based on the characters of       1,196,362,584.79      98.43%      41,184,310.64      4.29%       1,155,178,274.15
             credit risk portfolio
   Accounts receivable with insignificant
    individual amount and separate bad           19,049,504.15      1.57%       19,049,504.15
                debt provision
                     Total                    1,215,412,088.94                  60,233,814.79                  1,155,178,274.15


                                                                             Opening Balance
                 Item                         Booking balance                         Provision
                                                                                                                   Booking balance
                                             Amount           %                 Amount                %
Accounts receivable with bad debt
 provision based on the characters      1,155,247,805.56         98.38%          42,129,550.06        4.80%         1,113,118,255.50
        of credit risk portfolio
     Accounts receivable with
insignificant individual amount and         19,049,504.15        1.62%           19,049,504.15      100.00%
    separate bad debt provision
                 Total                  1,174,297,309.71       100.00%           61,179,054.21                      1,113,118,255.50

  2) Accounts receivable accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting aging analysis method

                                                                      Closing Balance
                        Aging                                             Provision for bad            Proportion
                                            Accounts receivable
                                                                                 debts                       (%)
                  Within 1 year                     736,656,401.91                7,366,564.02                      1.00%
                   1-2 years                        148,280,910.59                7,414,045.53                      5.00%
                   2-3 years                          37,842,019.47               7,568,403.89                     20.00%
                   3-4 years                          37,670,594.39              18,835,297.20                     50.00%
                        Total                       960,449,926.36               41,184,310.64

    (2) Bad debt provision accrued and write-off (withdraw)

      (3) Accounts receivable written off in current period

  2 Other receivables

      2. Other receivables

      (1) The category of other receivables

                                                                              Closing Balance
                                                              Booking balance                    Provision                  Booking
               Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                    2018 Mid-year Report
                                                               Amount            %           Amount             %             balance
     Other receivables with bad debt provision based
                                                             25,464,888.40     83.46%      1,000,107.00         6.94%        24,464,781.40
     on the characters of credit risk portfolio
     Other receivables with insignificant individual
                                                              5,048,580.92     16.55%      5,048,580.92      100.00%
     amount and separate bad debt provision
                             Total                                              100.00
                                                             30,513,469.32                 6,048,687.92                      24,464,781.40


                                                                             Opening Balance
     Items                                                     Booking balance                  Provision            Booking balance
                                                               Amount             %        Amount           %
     Other receivables with bad debt provision based                                      1,000,107
                                                             21,605,385.47     81.06%                       7.65%        20,605,278.47
     on the characters of credit risk portfolio                                                 .00

     Other receivables with insignificant individual                                      5,048,580
                                                              5,048,580.92     18.94%                     100.00%
     amount and separate bad debt provision                                                     .92

                            Total                                               100.00    6,048,687
                                                             26,653,966.39                                               20,605,278.47
                                                                                    %           .92

            1) Other receivables accrued the bad debt provisions in the portfolio as accounting aging analysis method

                                                                             Closing Balance
                            Aging                                            Provision for bad             Proportion
                                                    Other receivables
                                                                                   debts                      (%)
                        Within 1 year                     10,676,890.69              106,768.91                     1.00%
                          1-2 years                         1,938,203.70                 96,910.19                  5.00%
                          2-3 years                           328,580.19                 65,716.04                  20.00%
                          3-4 years                         1,461,423.72               730,711.86                   50.00%
                            Total                         14,405,098.30              1,000,107.00

       (2) Other receivables categorized by nature

             Nature                                         Closing Balance                     Opening Balance
             Other receivables                                        30,513,469.32                      26,653,966.39
             Total                                                    30,513,469.32                           26,653,966.39

     3 Long-term equity investments

         (1) Category of long-term equity investments

     Item                                 Closing Balance                                              Opening Balance
                       Closing Balance        Provision       Book Value                                  Provision          Book Value
Investment into
                          211,583,897.67                       211,583,897.67         211,583,897.67                         211,583,897.67
     Total                211,583,897.67                       211,583,897.67         211,583,897.67                         211,583,897.67

              Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2018 Mid-year Report

         (2) Investments into subsidiaries
                                             Opening                                      Closing            carried
      Subsidiaries names                                  Increase      Decrease                                         Balance of
                                             Balance                                      Balance            current
     Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing
                                          17,337,259.95                                 17,337,259.95
        construction Co.,Ltd
Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car
                                          45,478,956.37                                 45,478,956.37
     Bearing Company Limited
  Wazhou Precision of Spherical
 Roller Bearings(Wafangdian)Co.,         148,767,681.35                                148,767,681.35
               Total                     211,583,897.67                                211,583,897.67

     4 Operating revenue and cost

     Item                                          This period                                  Last period
                                           Revenue             Cost                 Revenue                      Cost
     Revenue from main operation         952,060,623.14   832,879,338.83            972,513,250.78               857,675,134.61
     Revenue from other operation        103,899,325.53    96,290,684.90             149,234,390.96              142,142,020.55
     Total                             1,055,959,948.67   929,170,023.73            1,121,747,641.74             999,817,155.16

     XVII Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements

     1. Non-operating profit or loss

      Items                                                                                     Amount                  Notes
      Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                                 167,969.78
      Government grants recorded into profit or loss during current period                           2,155,428.15
      Profit or loss from debts restructuring                                                        1,371,568.42
      Others non-operating revenue and expense besides the above items                               1,665,190.73
      Effect from income tax                                                                           501,892.88
      Total                                                                                          4,858,264.20

     2. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                       Weighted average         Earnings per share (EPS)
     Profit of report period                                          return on net assets      Basic           Diluted EPS
                                                                              (%)                EPS
     Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                       0.24%          0.008                 0.008
     Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses
                                                                                    -0.11%       -0.004                   -0.004
     attributable to shareholders of parent company

     3. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard

        Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B)                                                   2018 Mid-year Report
                        Chapter X.            List of reference documents

1. The 2018 mid-yare Accounting statements which is with the signatures and seals of the legal representative, finance
controller and the director of accounting department of the Company.

2. Original documents and notices of the Company disclosed in newspapers designated by the Security Supervisory
Committee of China in report period.
