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						Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                     The Q1 Report for 2019

Stock code: 200706                                   stock short form: Wazhou B                                 Report code: 2019-09

                                     Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                                                  The Q1 Report for 2019
                                                            §1 Important Notes

     The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby
guaranteed that there are no false records, misleading statements, and major omits in this report, and assumed the individual
and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
      Besides the following directors, all the other directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

     Name                         Post                                 Reasons                                      Assignee name

     Liu Yuping             Independent Diretor                         Busy work                                        Wen Bo
   Liang Shuang             Independent Diretor                         Busy work                                        Sun Kun
      Chairman of the Board Mr. Meng Wei, Financial manager Ms.Sun Najuan, Accounting charger Ms.Sun Najuan hereby
confirms that the Financial Report of the quarterly report is true and complete.

                                 §2 Major accounting data and shareholder change
1 .Major accounting data and financial indexes
Whether the company needs to retroactively adjust or restate previous accounting data
√Applicable Inapplicable
Retroactively adjust or restate the reason
Accounting policy change
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Jan-Mar 2018                       +/- to previous
                                                       Jan-Mar 2019                   Before the                                     After the
                                                                                                         After the adjustment
                                                                                      adjustment                                    adjustment
 Operating income(Yuan)                               475,596,504.32                486,916,871.06         486,916,871.06               -2.32%
 Net profits attributed Shareholders(Yuan)              3,072,545.00                 1,020,973.46           1,020,973.46               200.94%
 Net profit (yuan) deducting non-recurring
 gains and losses attributable to shareholders           53,267.40                  -1,874,291.16           -1,874,291.16              -102.84%
 of the listed company
 Net cash flows from operation activities              -40,453,537.22               60,684,129.17          60,684,129.17               -166.66%
 Basic gains on per share                                  0.0080                       0.003                   0.0030                 166.67%
 Diluted gains on per share                                0.0080                       0.003                   0.0030                 166.67%
 Weighted average return on equity(yuan)                   0.22%                        0.07%                    0.07%                  0.15%
                                                                                                   2018.12.31                      +/- to previous
                                                         2019.3.31                    Before the                                     After the
                                                                                                         After the adjustment
                                                                                      adjustment                                    adjustment
 Total assets(yuan)                                  3,249,655,930.90           3,219,926,745.82          3,219,926,745.82              0.92%
 Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)(yuan)       1,383,100,225.64           1,386,515,848.17          1,386,515,848.17              -0.25%

2017 promulgated by the Ministry of Finance to “the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments”(Finance and Accounting [2017]No. 7), “the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets (Finance and
Accounting [2017]No. 8), “the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 24 - Hedging Accounting”( Finance and accounting [2017]No. 9), “the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of Financial Instruments” (Finance and Accounting [2017] No. 14), requirement of
domestic listed companies shall enter into force as of January 1, 2019 new financial instruments accounting standards.

    Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                        The Q1 Report for 2019

    On June 15, 2018 promulgated by the Ministry of Finance “on the Revised Printed and Distributed to 2018 annual General Corporate Financial
    Statements Format Notice”(Finance and Accounting [2018] no. 15 )(hereinafter referred to as the "Finance and Accounting [2018] 15"), calling for
    the accounting standards for enterprises to non-financial companies according to the revised general enterprise financial report format (applicable
    to not implement new financial rules and new income criterion of enterprises) to prepare its financial statements. In accordance with the above
    notice and the provisions and requirements of the above accounting standards for enterprises, the company shall make corresponding changes to
    the original accounting policies.
    Items of non-recurring gains and losses
      Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                               Items of non-recurring gains and losses                                          Amount                  Note(if applicable)
    Gain or loss form disposal of non-current assets                                                           -1,339.32
    Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies, excluding those
    government grants which are closely related to normal business and in line with national                1,842,138.97
    policy, or in accordance with fixed standards or quantities
    Profit of loss from debts restructuring                                                                  610,883.60
    Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                          921,795.28
    Influenced amount of income tax                                                                          354,200.93
                                                 Total                                                      3,019,277.60                          -
    For the company according to the "Company Information Disclosure of Securities for Public Issuance Explanatory Announcement No. 1 -
    Non-Recurring Profit and Loss "define non-recurring gains and losses as defined in the project, and put the "company information disclosure of
    securities for public issuance explanatory announcement No. 1 - non-recurring profit and loss of non-recurring profit and loss items "defined as
    listed in the current profits and losses of the project, should be explained the reasons.
     Applicable  Inapplicable
    During the reporting period of the company, there is no circumstance that the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the explanatory notice no.
    1 -- non-recurring profit and loss of the company information disclosure of publicly issued securities are defined as recurring profit and loss items.

    2 .Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten shareholders

                                                                                                                                                      Unit:: Share
Total number of shareholder at the end of                                Total number of shareholder at the end of report period with
                                                         6,552                                                                                           0
report period                                                            preferred stock
                                                            Shareholders with 5% or above Shares
                                                                                                                             Impawned or Frozen Shares
                                                                           Total shares          Non-current
         Name                         Nature                     Ratio
                                                                                held             shares held
                                                                                                                              Status                     Amount
Wafangdian Bearing
                          State-owned shareholder            60.61%         244,000,000         244,000,000
Group Corporation
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF          Foreign shareholder                19.70%         79,300,000
China Merchants
Securities Hong Kong      State-owned shareholder                1.74%       7,020,138
Huang Junyue              Domestic shareholder                   1.59%       6,390,668
Hu Xiaofeng               Domestic shareholder                   0.47%       1,879,277
SECURITIES(HONGKO Foreign shareholder                            0.35%       1,412,406
Jin Yunhua                Domestic shareholder                   0.33%       1,311,256
Chen Haitao               Domestic shareholder                   0.19%        750,896
MAN,KWAI WING             Foreign shareholder                    0.18%        713,101
Meng Qingliang            Domestic shareholder                   0.17%        694,948
                                                                  Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                                                Category of Shares
                   Name                                          Current shares held at end of year
                                                                                                                         Categories                   Amount

      Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                           The Q1 Report for 2019

AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                                         79,300,000            B                          79,300,000
China Merchants Securities Hong Kong                                                                                           B
                                                                                                          7,020,138                                        7,020,138
Huang Junyue                                                                                              6,176,158            B                           6,176,158
Hu Xiaofeng                                                                                               1,879,277            B                           1,879,277
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                                                   B
                                                                                                          1,441,206                                        1,441,206
Jin Yunhua                                                                                                1,311,256            B                           1,311,256
Chen Haitao                                                                                                 750,896            B                             750,896
MAN,KWAI WING                                                                                               713,101            B                             713,101
Meng Qinglliang                                                                                             587,584            B                             587,584
Zhou Lin                                                                                                    575,100            B                             575,100
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or
United Action of the Top Ten                         There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other shareholders
                                                     or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other shareholders, top ten circulation
Shareholders and the Top Ten Tradable                shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders and other shareholders was not clear.

                                                                        §3 Significant items

      1 Particulars dates changes over 30% in items of main accounting statement and financial index , and explanations of

      √Applicable□Inapplicable                                                                                             Unite: 0000RMB Yuan
                                              Closing        Opening         (+/_)            (+/_)
    No.               Item                                                                                                  Reasons for Change
                                              Amount         Amoount       Amoumount          Ratio
                                                                                                         Liaoyang bearing received 59.63 million yuan from
1          Other Receivables                  3,564           9,226           -5,661         -61.4%
                                                                                                         Liaoyang Land Acquisition and Storage Center
                                                                                                         It is the short-term loan interest that does not have
           Other payables-Interest
2                                               17              75              -58          -77.4%      maturity to pay at the beginning of the plan basically is
                                                                                                         750,000 yuan
           Research and                                                                                  This is mainly due to the increase in the cost of product
3                                              154              94              59            62.7%
           development expense                                                                           research and development abroad
                                                                                                         During the same period, wuxi branches recovered 13,000
           Loss of impairment of
4                                                -              -1               1           -100.0%     yuan of receivables of Wuxi Simles Petroleum Special
                                                                                                         Pipe Manufacturing Co., LTD
                                                                                                         In this period, 798 thousand yuan is allocated for the
5          Other Income                        184             108              76            69.9%      project of fully automatic testing line before the railway
                                                                                                         truck bearing ring is installed
           Proceeds from disposal of                                                                     It is the same period last year to confirm the sale of real
6                                                -              24              -24          -100.0%
           assets                                                                                        estate prandang shop income of 240,000 yuan
7          Non-operating expense                7                2               5           267.6%       Non-operating expenses of subsidiaries
                                                                                                         Mainly, Liaoyang bearing received 59.63 million yuan
           Other cash received
                                                                                                         from liaoyang land acquisition and storage center and 1.2
8          relating to operating              6,148             61            6,087         9950.4%
                                                                                                         million yuan from shenyang jinhongyun material recycling
                                                                                                         Co., LTD
           Cash paid for goods and
9                                             15,412          5,283           10,129         191.7%      Increased payments to suppliers.
                                                                                                         The main reason is that the VAT paid has decreased by
                                                                                                         14.05 million yuan year-on-year,real estate tax and land
10         Tax payments                       1,150           2,548           -1,398         -54.9%
                                                                                                         use tax will be paid quarterly instead of monthly from
                                                                                                         January 1, 2019, down by 860,000 yuan year-on-year.
                                                                                                         In this period, Liaoyang bearing paid 59.63 million yuan of
           Other cash paid relating to                                                                   loan and interest compensation to baolin company, and
11                                            9,618           2,583           7,035          272.4%
           operating activities                                                                          paid 9 million yuan of group lease fee and trademark use

     Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                       The Q1 Report for 2019

          Net cash received from                                                                       This period received 800,000 yuan of equipment from
          disposal of fixed assets,                                                                    Haerbin Ruiying Metal Materials Recycling Co., LTD., and
12                                           80              125           -45                -36.1%
          intangible assets and other                                                                  1,251,000 yuan of property income from the sale of dalian
          long-term assets                                                                             during the same period

          Cash paid to acquire fixed
                                                                                                       The main reason is that the payment to suppliers has
13        assets, intangible assets         108              68            40                 58.5%
                                                                                                       increased in this period
          and other long-term assets
          Cash Repayments of                                                                           Mainly affected by the inverted loan, so that the current
14                                          5,000           9,206        -4,206               -45.7%
          Amount Borrowed                                                                              payment of debt to reduce cash on a year-on-year basis

          Cash paid for other                                                                          Mainly is easy to reach financing and orders under the
15                                          4,200           12,472       -8,272               -66.3%
          financing activities                                                                         currency financing repayment year-on-year decrease
          Effects of foreign
                                                                                                       Mainly is the US dollar against the RMB exchange rate
16        exchange rate changes on           -97             -74           -23                31.4%
                                                                                                       continues to decline, exchange losses increased

     2 Progress of significant events, their influence, and analysis and explanation of their solutions
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     Implementation progress of share repurchase
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     Implementation progress of share buyback reduction through centralized bidding
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     3 The company, shareholders, actual controller, the acquirer, directors, supervisors and senior management
     personnel or other related parties to fulfill commitments and the final report has not been fulfilled in the reporting
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     During the reporting period of the company, there are no commitments made by the actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers and
     other relevant parties of the company that have not been fulfilled within the reporting period.
     4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from Jan to June 2019
     It is predicted that the accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period may be a loss or a warning and
     explanation of reasons for a substantial change compared with the same period of the previous year
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     5 Particular about security investment
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     There is no security investment in the company during the reporting period.
     6 Particular about derivatives
     □Applicable √Inapplicable
     There is no derivative investment during the reporting period.
     7 Activities on receiving research, communication and interview in the report period
                 Time                              Method                            Object                   Content and documents supplied

             2019.02.25                 Telephone communication             Private investor           The company's production and operation situation

             2019.03.15                 Telephone communication             Private investor           The company's production and operation situation

     8 Illegal external guarantee
     □Applicable √Inapplicable

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                  The Q1 Report for 2019

There is no violation of external guarantee during the reporting period.
9 Controlling shareholder and its related parties to the listing Corporation's non operating funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no non-operating capital occupied by the controlling shareholder or its related parties to the
listed company.

                                                                  §4 Appendix
I、 Balance sheet
                                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Preparation unit: Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD
                                                                   March31, 2019

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Item                                             March31, 2019                          December31, 2018
Current assets :
   Monetary fund                                                           234,840,446.02                           247,229,860.99
   Financial asset measured at FV and any
                                                                            337,446.44                                298,925.16
   change recognized in income
Notes receivable & Accounts receivable                                 1,282,270,075.91                            1,235,257,555.58
   Including: Notes receivable                                             83,637,332.35                            93,624,563.82
               Accounts receivable                                     1,198,632,743.56                            1,141,632,991.76
               Advances to suppliers                                       25,468,771.14                            21,885,856.45
   Other receivable                                                        35,642,984.14                            92,255,736.14
   Including: Interest receivable
                Dividend reciivable                                         1,250,000.00                             1,250,000.00
   Inventory                                                               739,994,060.25                           747,511,054.75
   Other current assets                                                    12,172,853.51                            14,184,383.36
Total current assets                                                   2,330,726,637.41                            2,358,623,372.43
Non- current assets:
   Financial assets available-for-sale                                      2,000,000.00                             2,000,000.00
   Other equity vehicle investments                                         2,503,766.95
   Investment property                                                     127,685,590.13                           129,270,498.66
   Fixed assets                                                            639,314,408.36                           661,598,663.85
   Construction in progress                                                49,794,947.10                            48,159,927.20
   Intangible assets                                                       84,869,964.88                            85,667,085.86
   Long-term prepaid expense                                                1,121,368.04                             1,208,536.46
   Deferred tax assets                                                     11,639,248.03                            11,639,248.03
   Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                                                   918,929,293.49                           939,543,960.06
Total assets                                                           3,249,655,930.90                            3,298,167,332.49
Current liabilities
   Short-term loan                                                         570,000,000.00                           620,000,000.00
   Note payable and Accounts payable                                   1,126,224,880.69                            1,058,073,857.65
   Accounts received in advance                                            15,767,196.95                            21,286,971.52
   Employee benefits                                                       12,125,985.21                            12,248,327.93

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                    The Q1 Report for 2019

   Tax payable                                                        7,879,039.11                                    7,242,006.46
      Other payables                                                 68,074,272.28                                   131,854,654.39
      Including: Interest payable                                         168,910.71                                      748,135.28
                    Dividends payable                                     360,000.00                                      360,000.00
      Other current liabilities                                       4,920,248.12                                    4,920,248.12
Total current liabilities                                           1,804,991,622.36                                1,855,626,066.07
Non-current liabilities
      Long-term loan                                                      396,698.98                                      396,698.98
      Deferred income                                                60,330,511.77                                   61,284,650.74
      Deferred tax liabilities                                            836,872.15                                      836,872.15
      Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                        61,564,082.90                                   62,518,221.87
Total liabilities                                                   1,866,555,705.26                                1,918,144,287.94
Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
      Capital stock                                                  402,600,000.00                                  402,600,000.00
      Capital public reserves                                        485,691,050.47                                  485,691,050.47
      Reasonable reserve                                                      4,636.09
      Surplus reserve                                                136,770,391.01                                  136,770,391.01
      Undistributed profit                                           358,034,148.07                                  354,961,603.07
      Equity attributable to parent company                         1,383,100,225.64                                1,380,023,044.55
      Minority interest
Total owner’s equity                                               1,383,100,225.64                                1,380,023,044.55
Total owner’s equity and liabilities                               3,249,655,930.90                                3,298,167,332.49
 Chairman:      Meng Wei                General Accountant : Sun Najuan                  Accounting charger: Sun Najuan

  2.Balance Sheet Of Parent Company
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                      March31, 2019                                   December31, 2018
 Current assets :
 Monetary fund                                                      229,850,181.56                                    146,186,890.65
 Financial assets held-for-trading
 Financial asset measured at FV and any change
                                                                      337,446.44                                           298,925.16
 recognized in income
 Notes receivable & Accounts receivable                            1,283,255,483.61                                  1,299,378,046.46
 Including:Notes receivable                                        80,692,449.83                                     89,620,372.80
              Accounts receivable                                  1,202,563,033.78                                  1,209,757,673.66
 Advances to suppliers                                              22,552,458.71                                     19,008,909.78
 Other receivable                                                   18,255,586.75                                     14,963,827.46
 Including: Interest receivable
             Dividend reciivable                                     1,250,000.00                                         1,250,000.00
 Inventory                                                          678,175,584.60                                    680,255,742.99
 Other current assets                                               12,164,484.72                                     13,765,726.62
 Total current assets                                              2,244,591,226.39                                  2,173,858,069.12
 Non-current assets:
 Financial assets available-for-sale                                 2,000,000.00                                         2,000,000.00
 long-term equity investment                                        211,583,897.67                                    211,583,897.67
 Other equity vehicle investments                                    2,503,766.95

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                 The Q1 Report for 2019

 Investment property                            111,940,460.31                     113,277,687.13
 Fixed assets                                   442,868,798.60                     460,415,212.74
 Construction in progress                        49,177,198.00                      47,699,459.65
 Intangible assets                               67,063,680.90                      67,683,392.22
 Long-term prepaid expense                         944,491.06                        1,017,695.53
 Deferred tax assets                             10,350,000.00                      10,350,000.00
 Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                       898,432,293.49                     914,027,344.94
 Total assets                                  3,143,023,519.88                   3,087,885,414.06
 Current liabilities
 Short-term loan                                570,000,000.00                     620,000,000.00
 Note payable and Accounts payable             1,036,730,809.87                    929,608,079.68
 Accounts received in advance                    16,136,920.63                      21,976,484.62
 Employee benefits                               5,481,785.76                        5,520,469.68
 Tax payable                                     4,481,301.17                        4,783,202.06
 Other payables                                  45,893,747.71                      50,471,992.39
 Including: Interest payable                      168,910.71                          748,135.28
 Dividends payable                                360,000.00                          360,000.00
 Other current liabilities                       3,869,474.53                        3,869,474.53
 Total current liabilities                     1,682,594,039.67                   1,636,229,702.96
 Non-current liabilities
 long-term account payable                        296,698.98                          296,698.98
 prospective liabilities                         28,717,818.80                      29,671,957.77
 Deferred income
 Deferred tax liabilities
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                   29,014,517.78                      29,968,656.75
 Total liabilities                             1,711,608,557.45                   1,666,198,359.71
 Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
 Capital stock                                  402,600,000.00                     402,600,000.00
 Capital public reserves                        485,678,443.26                     485,678,443.26
 Surplus reserve                                136,770,391.01                     136,770,391.01
 Undistributed profit                           406,366,128.16                     396,638,220.08
 Total owner’s equity                         1,431,414,962.43                   1,421,687,054.35
 Total owner’s equity and liabilities         3,143,023,519.88                   3,087,885,414.06

3. Consolidated Income Sheet.
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item          Account for the current period   Account for the prior period
 1.Total operating income                         475,596,504.32                 486,916,871.06
 Including: Operating revenue                     475,596,504.32                 486,916,871.06
 2.Total operating cost                           475,935,959.13                  489,118,101.07
 Including: Operating cost                        412,133,312.96                 427,512,808.83
 Interest expenses
 Tax & surcharges for main operations              4,382,352.34                    4,462,341.83
 Selling expenses                                 35,862,031.41                   30,728,507.29
 Administrative expense                           13,963,367.61                   15,486,196.42

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                                   The Q1 Report for 2019

 Research and development expense                                       1,536,579.45                                 944,391.60
 Financial expense                                                      8,058,315.36                                9,996,641.95
 Including: interest expenses                                           6,536,531.45                                7,099,339.02
            interest revenue                                             269,689.67                                  123,089.85
 Loss of impairment of assets                                                                                         -12,786.85
 Credit impairment losses
 Add:Other income                                                       1,842,138.97                                1,083,952.09
 Investment income(loss with "-")
 Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss with"-")                    38,521.28
 3.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                      1,541,205.44                                 -873,782.10
 Add: Non-operating revenue                                             1,599,173.75                                1,913,208.28
 Less: Non-operating cost                                                 67,834.19                                   18,452.72
 4.Total profit(loss with"-")                                           3,072,545.00                                1,020,973.46
 Less: Income tax expenses
 5. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                            3,072,545.00                                1,020,973.46
 (I) classification by business continuity
 1.Net income from continuing operations (net loss
                                                                        3,072,545.00                                1,020,973.46
 marked with "-")
 2.Termination of net operating profit (net loss
 marked with "-")
 (II) classification by ownership
 1.Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent
                                                                        3,072,545.00                                1,020,973.46
 2.Minority interests
 6. Total comprehensive returns
 Total comprehensive returns available for parent
 7.Total comprehensive income                                           3,072,545.00                                1,020,973.46
 The aggregate amount of earnings attributable to a
                                                                        3,072,545.00                                1,020,973.46
 minority shareholder
 8.Earnings per share
 (1) Basic earnings per share                                                 0.0080                                    0.0030
 (2) Diluted earnings per share                                               0.0080                                    0.0030
  If the enterprise is merged under the same control in the current period, the net profit realized by the merged party before the merger shall be:
    yuan, and the net profit realized by the merged party in the previous period shall be: yuan.
 Chairman: Meng Wei                     General Accountant : Sun Najuan                 Accounting charger: Sun Najuan

4.Income Sheet of Parent Company.
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                                Account for the current period                    Account for the prior period
 1.Total operating income                                       493,298,802.90                                  477,530,087.59
 less: Operating cost                                           429,012,779.16                                  422,790,747.17
 Tax & surcharges for main operations                            3,703,799.12                                     3,751,536.66
 Selling expenses                                               35,452,990.08                                    30,087,325.87
 Administrative expense                                          8,848,725.26                                     9,655,185.72
 Research and development expense                                1,383,611.53                                      790,541.60
 Financial expense                                               8,064,278.48                                     9,995,972.04
 Including: interest expenses                                    6,536,531.45                                     7,099,339.02

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                        The Q1 Report for 2019

            interest revenue                             258,298.35                      119,642.32
 Investment income(loss with "-")                                                        -12,786.85
 Credit impairment losses
 Add:Other income                                       1,842,138.97                    972,738.97
 Investment income(loss with "-")
 Gains of change of fair value of
 assets(loss with"-")
 Proceeds from disposal of assets (loss
 marked with "-")
 2.Operating profit (loss with"-")                      8,713,279.52                    1,687,800.17
 Add: Non-operating revenue                             1,019,173.75                    1,603,392.64
 Less: Non-operating cost                                 4,545.19                        7,042.25
 3.Total profit(loss with"-")                           9,727,908.08                    3,284,150.56
 Less: Income tax expenses
 4 Net profit(Loss with"-")                             9,727,908.08                    3,284,150.56
 (I) net profit from continuing operations
                                                        9,727,908.08                    3,284,150.56
 (marked with "-" for net loss)
 (II) termination of net profit (net loss is
 marked with "-")
 5.The net after-tax amount of other
 comprehensive income
 6. Total comprehensive returns                         9,727,908.08                    3,284,150.56
 7.Earnings per share
 (1) Basic earnings per share                               0.020                          0.070
 (2) Diluted earnings per share                             0.020                          0.070

5.Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan
                    Item                       Account for the current period   Account for the prior period

 1.Cash from operating activities
 Cash received from sale of goods or
                                                      225,033,197.82                 226,336,733.99
 rendering of services
 Other cash received relating to operating
                                                      61,483,446.38                     611,751.60
 Sub-total of cash inflows                            286,516,644.20                 226,948,485.59
 Cash paid for goods and services                     154,120,728.93                  52,828,756.15
 Cash paid to or on behalf of the
                                                      65,170,626.74                   62,128,678.39
 Tax payments                                         11,499,830.03                   25,479,762.27
 Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                      96,178,995.72                   25,827,159.61
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                      326,970,181.42                 166,264,356.42
 operating activities
 Net cash flows from operating
                                                      -40,453,537.22                  60,684,129.17
 2.Cash flows from investing activities
 Cash received from return of investment

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                     The Q1 Report for 2019

 Net cash received from disposal of fixed
 assets, intangible assets and other                 800,000.00                     1,251,120.00
 long-term assets
 Sub-total of cash inflows to investing
                                                     800,000.00                     1,251,120.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long-term              1,083,584.14                     683,673.19
 Cash paid to acquire investment
 Sub-total of cash outflows to
                                                    1,083,584.14                     683,673.19
 investing activities
 Net cash flows from investment
                                                     -283,584.14                     567,446.81
 3.Cash flows from financing activities:
 Cash received from absorbing
 Repayment of borrowings                                                            90,000,000.00
 Receiving other cash in connection with
                                                    92,190,000.00                   89,906,186.11
 financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                    92,190,000.00                  179,906,186.11
 financing activities
 Cash Repayments of Amount Borrowed                 50,000,000.00                   92,064,872.18
 Distribution of dividends or profits &
                                                    6,527,633.56                    7,501,070.67
 interest expenses
 Including: dividends or profit paid to
 minority interest
 Cash paid for other financing activities           42,000,000.00                  124,724,590.83
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                    98,527,633.56                  224,290,533.68
 financing activities
 Net cash flows from financing
                                                    -6,337,633.56                  -44,384,347.57
 4. Effects of foreign exchange rate
                                                     -966,541.68                     -735,429.55
 changes on cash
 5.Net increases in cash and cash
                                                   -48,041,296.60                   16,131,798.86
 Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the
                                                   188,431,805.23                   58,043,497.54
 beginning of year
 6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end
                                                   140,390,508.63                   74,175,296.40
 of the year

6.Cash Flow Statement Of Parent Company.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan
                     Item                    Account for the current period   Account for the prior period

 1.Cash from operating activities
 Cash received from sale of goods or
                                                    223,596,147.47                 222,170,455.44
 rendering of services
 Refund of taxes and fares
 Other cash received relating to operating
                                                     1,836,506.49                    601,928.03
 Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                    225,432,653.96                 222,772,383.47
 operating activities
 Cash paid for goods and services                   108,334,301.75                  66,352,243.97
 Cash paid to or on behalf of the                   54,378,350.55                   49,375,461.40

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                          The Q1 Report for 2019

 Tax payments                                     9,413,771.31                          22,630,109.61
 Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                 34,693,242.89                          23,702,418.65
 Sub-total of cash outflows                      206,819,666.50                         162,060,233.63
 Net cash flows from operating activities        18,612,987.46                          60,712,149.84
 2.Cash flows from investing activities
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed
 assets, intangible assets and other              800,000.00                             1,251,120.00
 long-term assets
 Sub-total of cash inflows                        800,000.00                             1,251,120.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long-term            1,079,094.14                           670,583.19
 Sub-total of cash outflows                       1,079,094.14                           670,583.19
 Net cash flows from investment
                                                  -279,094.14                            580,536.81
 3.Cash flows from financing activities:
 Proceeds from borrowings                                                               90,000,000.00
 Other proceeds relating to financing
                                                 92,190,000.00                          89,906,186.11
 Sub-total of cash inflows                       92,190,000.00                          179,906,186.11
 Repayment of borrowings                         50,000,000.00                          92,064,872.18
 Distribution of dividends or profits &
                                                  6,525,942.36                           7,500,683.26
 interest expenses
 Cash paid for other financing activities        42,000,000.00                          124,724,590.83
 Sub-total of cash outflows                      98,525,942.36                          224,290,146.27
 Net cash flows from financing activities        -6,335,942.36                          -44,383,960.16
 4. Effects of foreign exchange rate
                                                  -966,541.68                            -735,429.55
 changes on cash
 5.Net increases in cash and cash
                                                 11,031,409.28                          16,173,296.94
 Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the
                                                 87,388,834.89                          54,083,755.28
 beginning of year
 6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end
                                                 98,420,244.17                          70,257,052.22
 of the year

II. Adjustment statement of financial statements

1.First implementation of new financial instrument standards, new income standards, new lease standards
adjustment first implementation of financial statements at the beginning of the year.

Applicable Inapplicable
1.Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                   December31, 2018   January1, 2019            Adjusted Amount
 Current assets :
      Monetary fund                                  247,229,860.99    247,229,860.99
      Trading financial assets                         Inapplicable
 Financial asset measured at FV and any change
                                                       298,925.16       Inapplicable
 recognized in income

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                             The Q1 Report for 2019

 Notes receivable & Accounts receivable                  1,235,257,555.58   1,235,257,555.58
   Including: Notes receivable                            93,624,563.82      93,624,563.82
               Accounts receivable                       1,141,632,991.76   1,141,632,991.76
         Advances to suppliers                            21,885,856.45      21,885,856.45
   Other receivable                                       92,255,736.14      92,255,736.14
   Including: Interest receivable
                Dividend reciivable                       1,250,000.00       1,250,000.00
   Inventory                                             747,511,054.75     747,511,054.75
   Contract assets                                         Inapplicable
      Other current assets                                14,184,383.36      14,184,383.36
 Total current assets                                    2,358,623,372.43   2,358,623,372.43
 Non- current assets:
   Creditors' investment                                   Inapplicable
   Financial assets available-for-sale                    2,000,000.00        Inapplicable
   Other creditors' investment                             Inapplicable
   Held-to-maturity investment                                                  Inapplicable
   Other equity vehicle investments                          Inapplicable
   Other non-current financial assets                        Inapplicable
   Investment property                                   129,270,498.66     129,270,498.66
   Fixed assets                                          661,598,663.85     661,598,663.85
   Construction in progress                               48,159,927.20      48,159,927.20
   Right-of-use asset                                        Inapplicable
   Intangible assets                                      85,667,085.86      85,667,085.86
   Long-term prepaid expense                              1,208,536.46       1,208,536.46
   Deferred tax assets                                    11,639,248.03      11,639,248.03
   Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                                939,543,960.06     939,543,960.06
 Total assets                                            3,298,167,332.49   3,298,167,332.49
 Current liabilities
      Short-term loan                                    620,000,000.00     620,000,000.00
      Trading financial liabilities                        Inapplicable
      Financial liabilities measured at fair value and
      recorded in current profits and losses
   Note payable and Accounts payable                     1,058,073,857.65   1,058,073,857.65
   Accounts received in advance                           21,286,971.52      21,286,971.52
   Employee benefits                                      12,248,327.93      12,248,327.93
   Tax payable                                            7,242,006.46       7,242,006.46
   Other payables                                        131,854,654.39     131,854,654.39
   Including: Interest payable                             748,135.28         748,135.28
   Dividends payable                                       360,000.00         360,000.00
   Contract liability                                      Inapplicable
   Other current liabilities                              4,920,248.12       4,920,248.12
 Total current liabilities                               1,855,626,066.07   1,855,626,066.07
 Non-current liabilities
      Long-term loan                                       396,698.98         396,698.98
      Lease liability                                      Inapplicable
      Deferred income                                     61,284,650.74      61,284,650.74

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                           The Q1 Report for 2019

       Deferred tax liabilities                                836,872.15                836,872.15
       Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                             62,518,221.87                62,518,221.87
 Total liabilities                                       1,918,144,287.94              1,918,144,287.94
 Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
       Capital stock                                      402,600,000.00               402,600,000.00
       Capital public reserves                            485,691,050.47               485,691,050.47
       Surplus reserve                                    136,770,391.01               136,770,391.01
        Undistributed profit                              354,961,603.07               354,961,603.07
       Equity attributable to parent company             1,380,023,044.55              1,380,023,044.55
       Minority interest
 Total owner’s equity                                   1,380,023,044.55              1,380,023,044.55
 Total owner’s equity and liabilities                   3,298,167,332.49              3,298,167,332.49
Adjustment statement

2.Parent balance sheet
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                         December31, 2018          January1, 2019        Adjusted Amount
 Current assets :
       Monetary fund                                                 146,186,890.65        146,186,890.65
       Trading financial assets                                        Inapplicable
 Financial asset measured at FV and any change recognized in
                                                                      298,925.16             Inapplicable
 Notes receivable & Accounts receivable                           1,299,378,046.46        1,299,378,046.46
    Including: Notes receivable                                      89,620,372.80          89,620,372.80
                Accounts receivable                               1,209,757,673.66        1,209,757,673.66
                Advances to suppliers                                19,008,909.78          19,008,909.78
    Other receivable                                                 14,963,827.46          14,963,827.46
    Including: Interest receivable
                 Dividend reciivable                                  1,250,000.00          1,250,000.00
    Inventory                                                        680,255,742.99        680,255,742.99
    Contract assets                                                    Inapplicable
    Other current assets                                             13,765,726.62          13,765,726.62
 Total current assets                                             2,173,858,069.12        2,173,858,069.12
 Non- current assets:
    Creditors' investment                                              Inapplicable
    Financial assets available-for-sale                               2,000,000.00           Inapplicable
    Other creditors' investment                                        Inapplicable
    Held-to-maturity investment                                                              Inapplicable
    long-term equity investment                                       211,583,897.67         211,583,897.67
    Other equity vehicle investments                                   Inapplicable
    Other non-current financial assets                                 Inapplicable
    Investment property                                              113,277,687.13        113,277,687.13
    Fixed assets                                                     460,415,212.74        460,415,212.74
    Construction in progress                                         47,699,459.65          47,699,459.65
    Right-of-use asset                                                 Inapplicable

Wafangdian Bearing Compnay Limited                                                                         The Q1 Report for 2019

    Intangible assets                                                   67,683,392.22     67,683,392.22
    Long-term prepaid expense                                            1,017,695.53      1,017,695.53
    Deferred tax assets                                                 10,350,000.00     10,350,000.00
    Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                                               914,027,344.94   914,027,344.94
 Total assets                                                       3,087,885,414.06     3,087,885,414.06
 Current liabilities
       Short-term loan                                                  620,000,000.00   620,000,000.00
       Trading financial liabilities                                      Inapplicable
       Financial liabilities measured at fair value and recorded
       in current profits and losses
    Note payable and Accounts payable                                   929,608,079.68   929,608,079.68
    Accounts received in advance                                        21,976,484.62     21,976,484.62
       Contract liability                                                 Inapplicable
    Employee benefits                                                    5,520,469.68      5,520,469.68
    Tax payable                                                          4,783,202.06      4,783,202.06
    Other payables                                                      50,471,992.39     50,471,992.39
    Including: Interest payable                                          748,135.28        748,135.28
              Dividends payable                                          360,000.00        360,000.00
    Other current liabilities                                            3,869,474.53      3,869,474.53
 Total current liabilities                                          1,636,229,702.96     1,636,229,702.96
 Non-current liabilities
       Lease liability                                                    Inapplicable
       Long-term loan                                                    296,698.98        296,698.98
       Anticipation liabilities                                         29,671,957.77     29,671,957.77
       Deferred income
       Deferred tax liabilities
       Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                          29,968,656.75     29,968,656.75
 Total liabilities                                                  1,666,198,359.71     1,666,198,359.71
 Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
       Capital stock                                                    402,600,000.00   402,600,000.00
       Capital public reserves                                          485,678,443.26   485,678,443.26
       Surplus reserve                                                  136,770,391.01   136,770,391.01
        Undistributed profit                                            396,638,220.08   396,638,220.08
 Total owner’s equity                                              1,421,687,054.35     1,421,687,054.35
 Total owner’s equity and liabilities                              3,087,885,414.06     3,087,885,414.06
Adjustment statement
2.The first implementation of the new financial instruments standards, the new lease standards
retroactively adjust the previous comparative data
Applicable Inapplicable

III.Audited Report
The Q1 Report is not audited.
