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						Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                              The Q1 Report for 2020

Stock code: 200706                                   stock short form: Wazhou B                           Report code: 2019-06

                                      Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                                                  The Q1 Report for 2020
                                                            § 1 Important Notes

     The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby
guaranteed that there are no false records, misleading statements, and major omits in this report, and assumed the individual
and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
      All directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.
      Chairman of the Board Mr. Liu Jun, Financial manager Ms.Sun Najuan, Accounting charger Ms.Sun Najuan hereby
confirms that the Financial Report of the quarterly report is true and complete.

                                            § 2 Major accounting data and shareholder change
I .Major accounting data and financial indexes
Whether the company needs to retroactively adjust or restate previous accounting data
 Applicable Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                         Jan-Mar 2020                    Jan-Mar 2019                 +/- to previous
Operating income(Yuan)                                        443,933,160.23                  475,596,504.32                            -6.66%
Net profits attributed Shareholders(Yuan)                        3,566,509.45                    3,072,545.00                           16.08%
Net profit (yuan) deducting non-recurring gains
and losses attributable to shareholders of the                     480,209.31                       53,267.40                       801.51%
listed company
Net cash flows from operation activities                        18,583,796.31                  -40,453,537.22                      -145.94%
Basic gains on per share                                                     0.01                        0.01                           0.00%
Diluted gains on per share                                                   0.01                        0.01                           0.00%
Weighted average return on equity(yuan)                                    0.29%                        0.22%                           0.07%
                                                           2020.3.31                       2019.3.31                  +/- to previous
Total assets(yuan)                                          3,113,471,137.68                2,961,477,469.55                            5.13%
Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)(yuan)               1,230,008,293.61                1,226,441,398.45                            0.29%

Items of non-recurring gains and losses
  Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount from the beginning of the
                                   Items                                     year to the end of the reporting             Note
Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies,
excluding those government grants which are closely related to normal
business and in line with national policy, or in accordance with fixed
standards or quantities
Profit of loss from debts restructuring                                                           615,294.66
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 出                              1,509,610.29
Influenced amount of income tax                                                                   109,501.73
Total                                                                                           3,086,300.14                --
For the company according to the "Company Information Disclosure of Securities for Public Issuance Explanatory Announcement No. 1 -

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                     The Q1 Report for 2020

Non-Recurring Profit and Loss "define non-recurring gains and losses as defined in the project, and put the "company information disclosure of
securities for public issuance explanatory announcement No. 1 - non-recurring profit and loss of non-recurring profit and loss items "defined as
listed in the current profits and losses of the project, should be explained the reasons.
 Applicable  Inapplicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no circumstance that the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the explanatory notice no.
1 -- non-recurring profit and loss of the company information disclosure of publicly issued securities are defined as recurring profit and loss items.

II .Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten shareholders

1、Table of the total number of common shareholders and the number of preferred shareholders and the
shareholding status of the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                                         Unit:: Share
Total number of shareholder at the end                            Total number of shareholder at the end of report
                                                          6,249                                                                                    0
of report period                                                  period with preferred stock (if any)
                                                    The holdings of the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                     Impawned or Frozen Shares
                                                                  Total shares                 Non-current
       Name                 Nature                Ratio
                                                                          held                 shares held
                                                                                                                         Status          Amount
Bearing Group                                         60.61%            244,000,000                  244,000,000
AKTIEBOLAGET         Foreign
                                                      19.70%             79,300,000
SKF                  shareholder
China Merchants
Securities Hong                                           1.90%            7,654,492
Kong Limitied
Huang Junyue                                              1.66%            6,672,268
Hu Xiaofeng                                               0.47%            1,879,277
SECURITIES(HON                                            0.37%            1,473,406
SECURITIES                                                0.24%              980,000
Jin Yunhua                                                0.21%              828,926
Chen Haitao                                               0.19%              750,996
MAN,KWAI             Domestic
                                                          0.18%              713,101
WING 文贵荣          shareholder
                                                           Top Ten Tradable Shareholders
                                                                                                                         Category of Shares
                  Name                                       Current shares held at end of year
                                                                                                                     Categories        Amount
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                                                                      79,300,000        B              79,300,000
China Merchants Securities Hong Kong
                                                                                                        7,654,492       B                7,654,492
Huang Junyue                                                                                            6,672,268       B                6,672,268
Hu Xiaofeng                                                                                             1,879,277       B                1,879,277
                                                                                                        1,473,406       B                1,473,406
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                                   980,000       B                  980,000
Jin Yunhua                                                                                                828,926       B                  828,926

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                  The Q1 Report for 2020

Chen Haitao                                                                                           750,996        B                  750,996
MAN,KWAI WING                                                                                         713,101        B                  713,101
Meng Qinglliang                                                                                       694,948        B                  694,948
Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or
United Action of the Top Ten                There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other
                                            shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other shareholders, top ten
Shareholders and the Top Ten Tradable circulation shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders and other shareholders was not clear.
Whether the top 10 common shareholders of the company and the top 10 common shareholders of the company with unlimited
conditions of sale shall carry out the agreed repurchase transaction during the reporting period
□ Yes √No
The top 10 common shareholders of the company and the top 10 common shareholders with unlimited conditions of sale did not
carry out the agreed repurchase transaction during the reporting period.
2. Table of the total number of preferred shareholders and the shareholding status of the top 10 preferred
 Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                              § 3 Significant items

1 Particulars dates changes over 30% in items of main accounting statement and financial index , and explanations of

                                                                                                                            Unite:0000RMB Yuan
                                Closing         Opening           (+/_)          (+/_)
 No.           Item                                                                                          Reasons for Change
                                Amount          Amount           Amount          Ratio
                                                                                           Is basically current bank deposit increases compared
  1       Monetary fund          30,760          18,365           12,395         67.5%       with the beginning of the year, because this money
                                                                                            funds increases compared with the beginning of the
                                                                                           The amount of commercial paper receivable that has
  2        Receivables           5,385           3,841            1,544          40.2%      been endorsed or discounted but has not matured
            financing                                                                                increased from the beginning

  3    Other current assets        67             351              -284         -80.9%       Input tax is lower than at the beginning of the year
  4       Salary payable         1,341           2,369            -1,028        -43.4%                       Initial benefit award
                                  Current      The same
                                                                  (+/_)          (+/_)
               Item             reporting      period last                                                   Reasons for Change
                                                                 Amount          Ratio
                                  period           year
  5        Cost of sales            2,378          3,586           -1,208       -33.7%       Mainly is the year-on-year decrease in wages and
                                                                                                              travel expenses
  6       Research and              4,623             154           4,469      2901.9%               Including the cost of manufacturing
        development costs                                                                             research and development expense
                                                                                             During the same period, we received the grant for
  7       Other income             107              184               -77       -41.8%       the project of automatic detection line before the
                                                                                                 railway freight car bearing ring assembly
  8       Non-operating               225             160                 65     40.6%              Mainly is the debt restructuring gains
  9       Non-operating                  12               7                5     71.4%              Increase losses on debt restructuring
       To receive other cash                                                                 Liaoyang bearing received the land payment from
 10     related to operating       144           6,148            -6,004        -97.7%        the land payment center during the same period
 11     Payment of other         3,229           9,618            -6,389        -66.4%          The land payment paid by liao axis to baolin
         cash related to                                                                              company during the same period

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                The Q1 Report for 2020

       operating activities

     Net cash recovered
    from the disposal of
 12      fixed assets,               0               80             -80          -100.0%   Received equipment payment from Harbin Ruiying
    intangible assets and                                                                          metal material recovery co., LTD
       other long-term
 13     To obtain the cash         6,000             0            6,000                      Short-term loan from China construction bank
        received on a loan                                                                            during this reporting period
       Other cash received
14     in connection with          4,157           9,219          -5,062         -54.9%    Mainly due to the impact of financing, the current
           fund-raising                                                                     period received other cash related to financing
             activities                                                                                   activities decreased
       Payment of debt in                                                                   Mainly due to the impact of reverse loans, so that
 15         cash                     0             5,000          -5,000         -100.0%     the current debt repayment of cash payments
                                                                                                    compared with the same period
 16     Payment of other                                                                   Mainly is Rongyida financing and orders under the
          cash related to            0             4,200          -4,200         -100.0%       currency financing repayment decreased
       financing activities
        The effect of
       exchange rate
 17 fluctuations on cash            85              -97             182          -187.6%          Subject to exchange rate fluctuations
    and cash equivalents

2 .Progress of significant events, their influence, and analysis and explanation of their solutions
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Implementation progress of share repurchase
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Implementation progress of share buyback reduction through centralized bidding
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3.The company, shareholders, actual controller, the acquirer, directors, supervisors and senior management
personnel or other related parties to fulfill commitments and the final report has not been fulfilled in the reporting
□Applicable √Inapplicable
During the reporting period of the company, there are no commitments made by the actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers and
other relevant parties of the company that have not been fulfilled within the reporting period.
4. Particular about security investment
□Applicable √Inapplicable
There is no security investment in the company during the reporting period.
 5.entrust financial management
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The report period of the company does not exist entrusted financial management.
6 Particular about derivatives
□Applicable √Inapplicable
There is no derivative investment during the reporting period.
7 Activities on receiving research, communication and interview in the report period
Applicable □Inapplicable

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                                  The Q1 Report for 2020

            Time                           Method                          Object                    Content and documents supplied

        2020.01.16               Telephone communication               Private investor       The company's production and operation situation

        2020.02.24.              Telephone communication               Private investor       The company's production and operation situation

8 Illegal external guarantee
□Applicable √Inapplicable
There is no violation of external guarantee during the reporting period.
9 Controlling shareholder and its related parties to the listing Corporation's non operating funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no non-operating capital occupied by the controlling shareholder or its related parties to the
listed company.

                                                                  § 4 Appendix
I、 Balance sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Preparation unit: Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                       March31, 2020                                 December31, 2019
 Current assets :
   Monetary fund                                                                 307,603,721.71                                 183,648,867.58
      Clearing reserves
      Lending money
      Trading financial assets                                                       240,372.81                                      285,057.50
      Derivative financial assets
      Notes receivable
      Accounts receivable                                                      1,024,442,757.32                                 995,091,454.06
      Receivables financing                                                      167,925,195.64                                 179,578,623.48
      Prepayments                                                                 35,267,184.63                                   27,516,943.54
      Premiums receivable
      Reinsurance accounts receivable
      Reserve for reinsurance contracts
     Other receivable                                                             30,886,485.71                                   27,646,966.02
     Including: Interest receivable
               Dividend receivable
      Buy and sell back financial assets
      Inventory                                                                  730,255,629.09                                 704,467,062.61
      Contract assets
      Holding assets for sale
      Non-current assets that mature
 within one year
      Other current assets                                                           674,487.20                                    3,510,607.86

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                              The Q1 Report for 2020

Total current assets                         2,297,295,834.11          2,121,745,582.65
Non- current assets:
Make loans and advances
Creditor's rights investment
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment
Investment in other equity instruments         11,926,856.64              11,926,856.64
Other non-current financial assets
Investment real estate                        117,356,623.22             122,930,874.57
Fixed assets                                  570,427,692.89             587,452,012.49
Projects under construction                    32,516,190.50              33,932,882.85
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Usage asset
Intangible assets                              83,170,592.30              82,629,398.56
The development of spending
Long-term deferred expenses                       777,348.02                859,861.79
Deferred tax assets
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                      816,175,303.57             839,731,886.90
Total assets                                 3,113,471,137.68          2,961,477,469.55
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowing                          715,000,000.00             655,000,000.00
Borrowing from the central bank
Funds borrowed from
Transactional financial liabilities
Derivative financial liability
Notes payable                                 243,354,976.79             250,019,501.69
Accounts payable                              734,783,327.01             632,352,299.59
Advance payment                                                           27,488,588.61
Contract liability                             21,202,581.61
Sell repurchase of financial assets
Deposit taking and trade keeping
Acting to buy and sell securities
Acting to underwrite securities
Salary payable                                 13,411,911.15              23,693,082.54
Payable taxes                                   6,121,176.50               4,724,698.30
Other payables                                 88,136,263.98              79,351,154.37
Wherein: interest payable                          20,000.00                934,134.38
Dividends payable                                 360,000.00                360,000.00
Handling charges and commissions
Reinsurance accounts payable
Holding liabilities for sale

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                      The Q1 Report for 2020

Non-current liabilities that mature
within one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                             1,822,010,237.04                            1,672,629,325.10
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long-term borrowing
Bonds payable
Wherein: preferred stock
Sustainable debt
Lease liability
Long-term payables                                                          344,974.84                                    344,974.84
Pay staff on a long-term basis
Estimated debts
Deferred revenue                                                        60,321,971.94                                61,276,110.91
Deferred tax liabilities                                                    785,660.25                                    785,660.25
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                           61,452,607.03                                62,406,746.00
Total liabilities                                                     1,883,462,844.07                            1,735,036,071.10
Owner's equity:
equity                                                                 402,600,000.00                              402,600,000.00
Other equity instruments
Wherein: preferred stock
Sustainable debt
Capital reserves                                                       485,691,050.47                              485,691,050.47
Less: inventory stocks
Other comprehensive income
The special reserve                                                             385.71
Surplus reserves                                                       136,770,391.01                              136,770,391.01
General risk provision
Undistributed profit                                                   204,946,466.42                              201,379,956.97
Aggregate equity attributable to parent
                                                                      1,230,008,293.61                            1,226,441,398.45
Minority equity
Total owners' equity                                                  1,230,008,293.61                            1,226,441,398.45
Total liabilities and equity                                          3,113,471,137.68                            2,961,477,469.55

 Chairman: Liu Jun                        General Accountant : Sun Najuan                Accounting charger: Sun Najuan

  2.Balance Sheet Of Parent Company
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Items                                 2020.3.31                                   2019.12.31
Current assets:
Monetary fund                                                          270,597,686.14                              147,541,012.52
Trading financial assets                                                    240,372.81                                    285,057.50
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                              The Q1 Report for 2020

Accounts receivable                          1,071,689,423.98          1,056,081,183.54
Receivables financing                         163,751,564.73            174,925,481.58
prepayments                                    32,507,715.25             24,128,739.35
Other receivables                              14,171,071.60             10,316,683.41
Wherein: interest receivable
Dividends receivable
inventory                                     676,798,957.87            645,572,153.92
Contract assets
Holding assets for sale
Non-current assets that mature within
one year
Other current assets                              666,189.78               2,402,110.21
Total current assets                         2,230,422,982.16          2,061,252,422.03
Non-current assets:
Creditor's rights investment
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment                   211,583,897.67            211,583,897.67
Investment in other equity instruments         11,926,856.64             11,926,856.64
Other non-current financial assets
Investment real estate                        102,602,208.37            107,928,780.98
Fixed assets                                  393,275,480.63            405,972,163.82
Projects under construction                    32,060,456.65             33,315,133.75
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Usage asset
Intangible assets                              66,086,648.74             65,377,956.95
The development of spending
Long-term deferred expenses                       651,673.19                724,877.66
Deferred tax assets
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                      818,187,221.89            836,829,667.47
Total assets                                 3,048,610,204.05          2,898,082,089.50
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowing                          715,000,000.00            655,000,000.00
Transactional financial liabilities
Derivative financial liability
Notes payable                                 243,354,976.79            250,019,501.69
Accounts payable                              659,494,909.15            562,483,695.40
Advance payment                                                          27,712,137.64
Contract liability                             23,744,953.40
Salary payable                                  6,705,380.83             15,853,058.39
Payable taxes                                   2,667,159.10              2,539,819.22
Other payables                                 64,768,324.11             56,658,107.69
Wherein: interest payable                          20,000.00                934,134.38
Dividends payable                                 360,000.00                360,000.00

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                    The Q1 Report for 2020

Holding liabilities for sale
Non-current liabilities that mature
within one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                 1,715,735,703.38                      1,570,266,320.03
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowing
Bonds payable
Wherein: preferred stock
Sustainable debt
Lease liability
Long-term payables                                              244,974.84                             244,974.84
Pay staff on a long-term basis
Estimated debts
Deferred revenue                                             28,709,278.97                          29,663,417.94
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                28,954,253.81                          29,908,392.78
Total liabilities                                         1,744,689,957.19                      1,600,174,712.81
Owner's equity:
equity                                                     402,600,000.00                         402,600,000.00
Other equity instruments
Wherein: preferred stock
Sustainable debt
Capital reserves                                           485,678,443.26                         485,678,443.26
Less: inventory stocks
Other comprehensive income
The special reserve
Surplus reserves                                           136,770,391.01                         136,770,391.01
Undistributed profit                                       278,871,412.59                         272,858,542.42
Total owners' equity                                      1,303,920,246.86                      1,297,907,376.69
Total liabilities and equity                              3,048,610,204.05                      2,898,082,089.50

3. Consolidated Income Sheet.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item              Account for the current period         Account for the prior period
I. total operating revenue                                 443,933,160.23                         475,596,504.32
Among them: operating revenue                              443,933,160.23                         475,596,504.32
Interest income
The premium has been made
Fees and commission income
II. Total operating cost                                   443,515,420.78                         475,935,959.13
Among them: operating cost                                 352,856,257.90                         412,133,312.96
The interest payments
Charges and commissions
Surrender gold
Net compensation expenditure

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                               The Q1 Report for 2020

Net provision for insurance liability
Policy dividend payment
Reinsurance expenses
Taxes and surcharges                              3,104,603.99             4,382,352.34
Cost of sales                                    23,780,153.66            35,862,031.41
Management fees                                  10,675,770.39            13,963,367.61
Research and development costs                   46,226,400.00             1,536,579.45
Finance charges                                   6,872,234.84             8,058,315.36
Including: interest expense                       6,897,360.45             6,536,531.45
Interest income                                    170,761.77                269,689.67
Plus: other benefits                              1,070,896.92             1,842,138.97
Investment gains (loss marked with "-")
Among them: investment income to joint
venture and joint venture
Termination recognition of financial
assets at amortized cost
Exchange gains (loss marked with "-")
Net exposure hedging income (loss
marked with "-")
Earnings from changes in fair value (loss
                                                    -44,684.69                38,521.28
marked with "-")
Credit impairment loss (loss marked with
Impairment loss of assets (loss marked
with "-")
Gains from asset disposal (loss marked
with "-")
III. Operating profit (loss marked with
                                                  1,441,604.50             1,541,205.44
Plus: non-operating income                        2,248,928.19             1,599,173.75
Less: non-operating expenses                       124,023.24                 67,834.19
IV. Total profit (total loss marked with
                                                  3,566,509.45             3,072,545.00
Less: income tax expense
V. net profit (net loss marked with "-")          3,566,509.45             3,072,545.00
(1) classification according to business
1. Net profit from continuing operations
                                                  3,566,509.45             3,072,545.00
(net loss marked with "-")
2. Net profit from terminated operations
(net loss marked with "-")
(2) according to the ownership
1. Net profit attributable to the parent
                                                  3,566,509.45             3,072,545.00
2. Minority shareholder gains and losses
VI.The net after-tax value of other
comprehensive income
The net after-tax value of other
consolidated income attributable to the
parent owner

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                                       The Q1 Report for 2020

(1) other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss
1. Reset the change amount of the benefit
2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred under the equity
3. Changes in the fair value of other
equity instruments
4. Changes in the fair value of the
enterprise's own credit risk
5. Other
(2) other comprehensive income
reclassified into profit and loss
1. Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred under the equity method
2. Changes in the fair value of other debt
3. The amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
4. Provisions for impairment of other
creditor's rights investment credit
5. Cash flow hedging reserve
6. Translation of foreign currency
financial statements
7. Other
The net after-tax value of other
consolidated income attributable to
VII.Total comprehensive income                                              3,566,509.45                                3,072,545.00
Total consolidated income attributable to
the parent owner
Total aggregate income attributable to
                                                                            3,566,509.45                                3,072,545.00
minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share:
(1) basic earnings per share                                                        0.01                                        0.01
(2) diluted earnings per share                                                      0.01                                        0.01
 Chairman: Liu Jun                           General Accountant : Sun Najuan               Accounting charger: Sun Najuan

4.Income Sheet of Parent Company.
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                          Account for the current period               Account for the prior period
I. operating revenue                                                     447,661,014.13                              493,298,802.90
Less: operating costs                                                    359,020,574.31                              429,012,779.16
Taxes and surcharges                                                        2,572,792.48                                3,703,799.12
Cost of sales                                                              23,230,686.69                               35,452,990.08
Management fees                                                             6,181,514.37                                8,848,725.26
Research and development costs                                             46,203,000.00                                1,383,611.53
Finance charges                                                             6,953,901.58                                8,064,278.48
Including: interest expense                                                 6,897,360.45                                6,536,531.45
Interest income                                                                85,756.26                                  258,298.35

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                               The Q1 Report for 2020

Plus: other benefits                               940,427.69              1,842,138.97
Investment gains (loss marked with "-")
Among them: investment income to
joint venture and joint venture
Termination of income recognition of
financial assets measured at amortized
cost (loss marked with "-")
Net exposure hedging income (loss
marked with "-")
Earnings from changes in fair value
                                                    -44,684.69                38,521.28
(loss marked with "-")
Credit impairment loss (loss marked
with "-")
Impairment loss of assets (loss marked
with "-")
Gains from asset disposal (loss marked
with "-")
II. Operating profit (loss marked with
                                                  4,391,940.52             8,713,279.52
Plus: non-operating income                        1,744,952.89             1,019,173.75
Less: non-operating expenses                       124,023.24                  4,545.19
III. Total profit (total loss marked with
                                                  6,012,870.17             9,727,908.08
Less: income tax expense
IV. Net profit (net loss marked with "-")         6,012,870.17             9,727,908.08
(1) net profit from continuing
                                                  6,012,870.17             9,727,908.08
operations (net loss marked with "-")
(2) net profit from terminated
operations (net loss marked with "-")
V.Net after tax of other comprehensive
(1) other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss
1. Reset the change amount of the
benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred under the equity
3. Changes in the fair value of other
equity instruments
4. Changes in the fair value of the
enterprise's own credit risk
5. Other
(2) other comprehensive income
reclassified into profit and loss
1. Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred under the equity method
2. Changes in the fair value of other
debt investments
3. The amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
4. Provisions for impairment of other
creditor's rights investment credit

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                           The Q1 Report for 2020

5. Cash flow hedging reserve
6. Translation of foreign currency
financial statements
7. Other
VI.Total comprehensive income                                        6,012,870.17                           9,727,908.08
VII. Earnings per share:
(1) basic earnings per share                                                 0.01                                   0.02
(2) diluted earnings per share                                               0.01                                   0.02

5.Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                     Account for the current period          Account for the prior period
I. Cash flow generated from operating
Cash received from the sale of goods
                                                                  263,901,627.18                         225,033,197.82
and services
Net increase in customer deposits and
inter bank deposits
Net increase in borrowing from the
central bank
Net increase in borrowing from other
financial institutions
Cash received from the premium of the
original contract of insurance
Receipt of net reinsurance cash
Net increase in household savings and
investment funds
Cash for the collection of interest, fees
and commissions
Net increase of funds borrowed
Net increase of funds in repo business
Net cash received for the sale of
Tax refunds received
To receive other cash related to
                                                                     1,440,531.09                          61,483,446.38
operating activities
Subtotal cash inflow from operating
                                                                  265,342,158.27                         286,516,644.20
Cash for the purchase of goods and
                                                                  132,193,729.55                         154,120,728.93
Net increase in customer loans and
Net increase in deposits of central bank
and interbank funds
Payment of the original insurance
contract in cash
A net increase in divested funds
Cash for payment of interest, fees and
Cash to pay policy dividends
Cash payments to and for employees                                  72,813,451.86                          65,170,626.74

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                The Q1 Report for 2020

Taxes paid                                         9,466,149.14            11,499,830.03
Payment of other cash related to
                                                  32,285,031.41            96,178,995.72
operating activities
Subtotal cash outflows from operating
                                                 246,758,361.96           326,970,181.42
Net cash flow from operating activities           18,583,796.31            -40,453,537.22
II. Cash flow generated by investment
Recover the cash received from the
Cash received from the proceeds of an
Net cash recovered from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                     800,000.00
long-term assets
Dispose of the net cash received by
subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received in connection with
investment activities
Investment activity cash inflow subtotal                                      800,000.00
Cash paid for the purchase and
construction of fixed assets, intangible           1,205,036.75             1,083,584.14
assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment
Net increase in pledged loans
Net cash paid by subsidiaries and other
business units
Payment of other cash related to
investment activities
Subtotal cash outflows from investment
                                                   1,205,036.75             1,083,584.14
Net cash flow from investment
                                                  -1,205,036.75              -283,584.14
III. Cash flow generated by financing
Absorb the cash received from
Among them: the subsidiary absorbs the
cash received from minority
shareholders' investment
Obtain cash received on loan                      60,000,000.00
Other cash received in connection with
                                                  41,567,823.29            92,190,000.00
fund-raising activities
Financing activities cash inflow subtotal        101,567,823.29            92,190,000.00
Payment of debt in cash                                                    50,000,000.00
Cash used to pay dividends, profits, or
                                                   7,562,384.39             6,527,633.56
interest payments
Among them: the dividends and profits
paid by the subsidiary to minority
Payment of other cash related to
financing activities
Financing activities cash outflow
                                                   7,562,384.39            98,527,633.56

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                               The Q1 Report for 2020

Net cash flow from financing activities                      94,005,438.90                     -6,337,633.56
IV.The impact of exchange rate
fluctuations on cash and cash                                   847,392.08                      -966,541.68
V.Net increase in cash and cash
                                                         112,231,590.54                    -48,041,296.60
Plus: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of the                      137,324,488.53                   188,431,805.23
VI.Balance of ending cash and cash
                                                         249,556,079.07                   140,390,508.63
6. Cash flow statement of the parent company

                 Items                      Current amount                   Previous amount
I. cash flow generated from operating
Cash received from the sale of goods
                                                         255,602,436.28                   223,596,147.47
and services
Tax refunds received
To receive other cash related to
                                                              1,223,162.36                     1,836,506.49
operating activities
Subtotal cash inflow from operating
                                                         256,825,598.64                   225,432,653.96
Cash for the purchase of goods and
                                                         137,824,769.98                   108,334,301.75
Cash payments to and for employees                           62,253,774.12                 54,378,350.55
Taxes paid                                                    8,291,381.30                     9,413,771.31
Payment of other cash related to
                                                             30,789,581.44                 34,693,242.89
operating activities
Subtotal cash outflows from operating
                                                         239,159,506.84                   206,819,666.50
Net cash flow from operating activities                      17,666,091.80                 18,612,987.46
II. Cash flow generated by investment
Recover the cash received from the
Cash received from the proceeds of an
Net cash recovered from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                                        800,000.00
long-term assets
Dispose of the net cash received by
subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received in connection with
investment activities
Investment activity cash inflow subtotal                                                         800,000.00
Cash paid for the purchase and
construction of fixed assets, intangible                       218,101.00                      1,079,094.14
assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment
Net cash paid by subsidiaries and other
business units

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited                                                    The Q1 Report for 2020

Payment of other cash related to
investment activities
Subtotal cash outflows from investment
                                                             218,101.00                         1,079,094.14
Net cash      flow     from    investment
                                                             -218,101.00                         -279,094.14
III. Cash flow generated by financing
Absorb the      cash      received     from
Obtain cash received on loan                               60,000,000.00
Other cash received in connection with
                                                           41,567,823.29                       92,190,000.00
fund-raising activities
Financing activities cash inflow subtotal                 101,567,823.29                       92,190,000.00
Payment of debt in cash                                                                        50,000,000.00
Cash used to pay dividends, profits, or
                                                            7,562,384.39                        6,525,942.36
interest payments
Payment of other cash related to
financing activities
Financing    activities    cash      outflow
                                                            7,562,384.39                       98,525,942.36
Net cash flow from financing activities                    94,005,438.90                        -6,335,942.36
IV.The impact of exchange rate
fluctuations on cash and cash                                847,392.08                          -966,541.68
V.Net increase in cash and cash
                                                          112,300,821.78                       11,031,409.28
Plus: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of the                       101,216,633.47                       87,388,834.89
VI.Balance of ending cash and cash
                                                          213,517,455.25                       98,420,244.17

II. Explanation of the adjustment of financial statements

1. The first implementation of the new revenue standards and the new lease standards from 2020; the first
implementation of the financial statements at the beginning of the year
  Applicable  Inapplicable
2. From 2020, for the first time, the implementation of the new income criterion and the new lease criterion
shall be followed to adjust the earlier comparative data
  Applicable  Inapplicable

III.Audited Report
The Q1 Report is not audited.
