Wafangdian Bearing Company limited 2009 First quarter report (Report period:Jan.1, 2009-Mar. 31, 2009) Chairman(Signature):Wang Lushun April 22, 2009Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report §1 Important notes 1.1 The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and top management of the Company hereby guaranteed that there are no false records, misleading statements, and major omits in this report, and assumed the individual and associated responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents. 1.2 Besides the directors as follows, all the others directors presented the BOD meeting which discussing the annual report. Name of the absented director Absent reasons Assignee name Patrick Tong Due to the busy work Magnus Johansso Jiang Zhongyuan Due to the busy work Su Shaoli 1.3 The first quarter financial report is un-audited. 1.4 The legal Person Mr. Wang Lushun, General Manager Mr. Shao Yang, Financial manager Mr. Zhang Xinghai, Accounting charger Ms. Yao Chunjuan declare: guarantee the truth and completeness of the first quarter financial report. §2 Basic introduction of the company 2.1 Main accounting figure Unit: RMB yuan Items At the end of current period At the end of previous period Increase/decrease (%) Total assets 2,848,597,044.77 2,869,772,017.86 -0.74% Available for shareholders’ equity of parent company 1,323,309,023.01 1,300,780,197.09 1.73% Capital stock 402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00 0.00% Net assets per share available for shareholder of parent company 3.29 3.23 1.86% Current period Previous Increase/decrease (%) Total operating income 502,765,702.63 738,609,269.34 -31.93% Net profit available for shareholder of parent company 22,528,825.92 41,208,176.55 -45.33% Net cash flow from operating activities 51,464,590.02 12,778,197.68 302.75% Net cash flow per share from the operating activities 0.13 0.03 333.33% Basic gains per share 0.06 0.10 -40.00% Diluted gains per share 0.06 0.10 -40.00% Net return on asset 1.70% 1.43% 0.27% Net return on asset with abnormal incomes deducted 1.39% 1.40% -0.01% Abnormal profits and loss Items From the year-beginning to the period-end Income from disposal of the non-current assets 70,666.20 the total net income from other non-operating business excluding above items 3,143,682.50 1Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report Debt recombine profits and loss 857,260.38 Total 4,071,609.08 Explanation on the abnormal profits and loss Item: There is no direct relationship between the abnormal profits and loss amount and the daily busniess of the company. 2.2 Total number of shareholders and first ten current shareholders in the share holding table at the end of report period Unit: share The total number of the shareholders at the end of report period 10,432 Information of the first ten current shareholders Name Holding number of current stock variety(A、B、H) AKTIEBOLAGET SKF 79,300,000 B HANWHA DREAM & GREEN CHINA EQUITY FUND 1 1,200,000 B CREDIT SUISSE (HONG KONG) LIMITED 1,000,103 B BGL S.A. 926,408 B Huang Junyue 708,300 B MAN,KWAI WING 695,401 B MERCHANT SECURITIES (HONG KONG) Co.Ltd 668,938 B Yang Guoxi 519,611 B GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES (HONG KONG) LIMITED 502,100 B Mo Lixia 409,496 B §3 Significant items 3.1 The great changes of main financial items and indicators and the reason √Applicable □Not applicable Affected by the global financial crisis, the main operating revenue has decreased by 33.4% and the profit decreased by 34.1% compared with the same period last year, reasons are as follows:. The sales amount railway lorry bearings and automobile bearings have decreased sharply, that is75.19% and26.36%, and the sales of export products decreased by 50% compared with the same period last year. Because of strengthen the reture of the account reveivable, the net amount of cash flow and the net amount of cash flow per share increased 302.75% and 333.33% respectively. 3.2 The explanation on the significant items progress situation, the influence and the settlement. □Applicable √Not applicable 3.3 The fulfillment of the promises of the company, shareholder and actual controller made. 1. □Applicable √Not applicable 3.4 Warning and explanation for the forecast that the anticipated accumulated net profit from year- beginning to the next report period may suffer losses, or has great changes comparing with the same period of last year. □Applicable √Not applicable 3.5 Other significant items need for explanation. □Applicable √Not applicable 3.5.1 Securities Investment □Applicable √Not applicable 3.5.2 The investigation, communication and the interview in the report period Time Place Method Unit Contents concerned and the information showed 2Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report Feb. 24, 2009 Office of Board Secretary spot Investigation Credit Securities Co.,Ltd The operation situation of the company Mar.3, 2009 Office of Board Secretary spot Investigation Fuyou Fuqin financing Securities Co.,Ltd The operation situation of the company Mar.23, 2009 Office of Board Secretary spot Investigation Credit Securities Co.,Ltd The operation situation of the company Mar.23, 2009 Office of Board Secretary spot Investigation Union Securities Co.,Ltd The operation situation of the company Mar.23, 2009 Office of Board Secretary spot Investigation Huaxia fund management Co.,Ltd The operation situation of the company 3.5.3 Other significant items explanation □Applicable √Not applicable 4. Attachment 4.1 Balance statement Producer:Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,Ltd From Jan 1, 2009 to Mar 31, 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Period-end Period-beginning Item Consolidated Parent Consolidated Parent Current assets: Monetary funds 158,984,669.33 157,903,014.27 129,512,540.80 128,066,634.31 Notes receivable 46,568,332.94 46,568,332.94 61,344,054.83 61,344,054.83 Account receivable 691,611,089.82 675,399,059.99 701,641,881.64 683,979,031.00 Prepayment 11,640,190.70 10,515,848.15 5,355,110.87 4,302,394.09 Interest receivable Other receivables 12,452,306.35 9,300,920.77 10,688,266.07 7,481,880.49 Inventory 1,030,604,025.82 967,870,884.78 1,072,250,663.70 1,006,291,300.51 Non-current assets expired within 1 year Other current assets 326,154.75 326,154.75 309,149.38 309,149.38 Total current assets 1,952,186,769.71 1,867,884,215.65 1,981,101,667.29 1,891,774,444.61 Non-current assets Long-term account receivable Long-term equity investment 80,316,122.16 125,683,757.61 78,810,523.20 125,256,859.80 Real estate used for investing purpose Fixed assets 579,112,402.04 569,274,233.80 573,368,279.75 562,834,590.51 Construction in progress 74,233,701.69 73,624,180.96 71,494,307.74 70,884,787.01 Intangible assets 143,698,813.00 143,698,813.00 144,793,523.11 144,793,523.11 Long-term prepaid expense 2,093,510.15 2,093,510.15 2,276,409.35 2,276,409.35 Deferred- income tax assets 16,955,726.02 16,955,726.02 17,927,307.42 16,955,726.02 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 896,410,275.06 931,330,221.54 888,670,350.57 923,001,895.80 Total assets 2,848,597,044.77 2,799,214,437.19 2,869,772,017.86 2,814,776,340.41 Current liability Short-term borrowing 372,160,235.14 351,000,000.00 325,393,777.75 304,233,542.61 Notes payable 122,300,000.00 122,300,000.00 115,330,000.00 115,330,000.00 Account payable 532,392,499.15 494,288,158.30 632,582,740.43 591,553,783.91 Advance from customers 57,053,111.87 50,964,010.88 29,344,299.86 23,259,217.24 Payoff payable 29,060,742.57 19,056,429.03 29,872,800.60 20,072,752.22 Tax payable 24,290,861.67 16,088,252.29 -402,118.38 -6,521,357.08 Dividends payable Other payables 87,557,009.28 82,646,370.47 87,802,183.41 82,874,804.88 3Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report Accrued expense Non-current liability expired within 1 year 140,000,000.00 140,000,000.00 190,000,000.00 190,000,000.00 Other current liability 38,863.10 38,863.10 27,463.10 27,463.10 Total current liability 1,364,853,322.78 1,276,382,084.07 1,409,951,146.77 1,320,830,206.88 Non-current liability: Long-term borrowing 149,500,000.00 148,000,000.00 149,500,000.00 148,000,000.00 Long-term account payable 100,000.00 100,000.00 Special-used account payable 201,698.98 201,698.98 201,698.98 201,698.98 Predicted liabilities Deferred -income tax liability Other non-current liability 10,633,000.00 10,633,000.00 6,633,000.00 6,633,000.00 Total non-current liability 160,434,698.98 158,834,698.98 156,434,698.98 154,834,698.98 Total liability 1,525,288,021.76 1,435,216,783.05 1,566,385,845.75 1,475,664,905.86 Owner’s equity(shareholders’ equity : Capital Stock 402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00 Capital public reserves 485,431,518.07 482,563,945.37 485,431,518.07 482,563,945.37 Surplus public Reserve 101,403,904.38 101,403,904.38 101,403,904.38 101,403,904.38 Undistributed profits 333,873,600.56 377,429,804.39 311,344,774.64 352,543,584.80 Equity available for the owner of parent company 1,323,309,023.01 1,363,997,654.14 1,300,780,197.09 1,339,111,434.55 Minority owners’ equity 2,605,975.02 Total Owners' Equity 1,323,309,023.01 1,363,997,654.14 1,303,386,172.11 1,339,111,434.55 Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 2,848,597,044.77 2,799,214,437.19 2,869,772,017.86 2,814,776,340.41 4.2 Income statement Producer:Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,Ltd From Jan 1, 2009 to Mar 31, 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Period-end Period-beginning Item Consolidated Parent Consolidated Parent 1.Total operating income 502,765,702.63 498,365,705.72 738,609,269.34 724,364,304.51 including:operating income 502,765,702.63 498,365,705.72 738,609,269.34 724,364,304.51 Interest income 2. Total operating cost 478,911,179.16 470,981,277.16 695,790,139.85 682,430,022.17 including:operating cost 423,541,707.37 418,373,440.04 633,983,175.11 623,358,654.74 Business tax and added 2,419,805.79 2,319,634.00 2,789,903.53 2,697,216.00 Sales expense 29,722,422.85 29,366,080.68 32,987,792.99 32,388,911.63 Management expense 16,016,314.60 14,090,657.29 15,600,004.78 13,998,222.12 Financial expense 7,210,928.55 6,831,465.15 10,429,263.44 9,987,017.68 plus:gains from the change of fair value(loss as “-”) Investment income(loss as “-”) 426,897.81 426,897.81 2,787,427.19 2,787,427.19 Including: investment incomes from the associated company and joint-venture 426,897.81 426,897.81 2,787,427.19 2,787,427.19 3.Operating profits(loss as “-”) 24,281,421.28 27,811,326.37 45,606,556.68 44,721,709.53 plus:non-operating income 4,304,641.29 3,583,060.13 1,687,812.02 1,542,356.26 minus:non-operating expense 1,124,170.81 1,089,141.87 437,428.96 306,286.66 4.Total profits(loss as “-”) 27,461,891.76 30,305,244.63 46,856,939.74 45,957,779.13 minus:tax 5,419,025.04 5,419,025.04 5,471,519.31 5,471,519.31 5.Net profits(loss as “-”) 22,042,866.72 24,886,219.59 41,385,420.43 40,486,259.82 Net profits available for the 22,528,825.92 24,886,219.59 41,208,176.55 40,486,259.82 4Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report owner of company Minority shareholders’ equity -485,959.20 177,243.88 6. gains per share: Basic gains per share 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 Diluted gains per share 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 4. 3 Cash flow statement Producer:Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,Ltd From Jan 1, 2009 to Mar 31, 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Period-end Period-beginning Item Consolidated Parent Consolidated Parent 1. Cash flow from operating activities Cash from sales of goods or rendering services 290,459,931.35 283,122,460.15 373,571,031.61 358,865,640.76 Refunds of tax Cash received relating to other operating activities 4,484,527.45 4,484,534.99 593,489.65 532,271.36 Sub-total of cash Inflow 294,944,458.80 287,606,995.14 374,164,521.26 359,397,912.12 Cash paid for purchase of goods &receiving services 152,426,982.26 149,002,796.04 263,253,484.41 256,336,132.91 Cash paid to & on behalf of employees 52,160,815.53 49,884,108.33 53,426,852.16 49,724,632.82 Tax payments 9,086,741.25 8,301,066.66 20,095,836.81 18,844,499.37 Other cash paid relating to other operating activities 29,805,329.74 28,596,413.05 24,610,150.20 22,940,107.05 Sub-total of cash outflow 243,479,868.78 235,784,384.08 361,386,323.58 347,845,372.15 Net cash flows from operating activities 51,464,590.02 51,822,611.06 12,778,197.68 11,552,539.97 2、Cash flow from investing activities: Cash received form disposal of investment Cash received form the investment incomes Net cash received from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets & other long-term assets 12,800.00 12,800.00 Cash received relating to other investing activities Sub-total cash inflow from investment 12,800.00 12,800.00 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets & other long-term assets 11,176,097.30 11,176,097.30 13,118,179.83 13,067,558.83 Cash paid to acquire investment Cash paid relating to other investing investment 12,300.00 12,300.00 Sub-total of cash outflow 11,176,097.30 11,176,097.30 13,130,479.83 13,079,858.83 Net cash flows from investing activities -11,176,097.30 -11,176,097.30 -13,117,679.83 -13,067,058.83 3. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received by investors Including: cash received from the subsidiaries absorbing the 5Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2009 First Quarter Report minority shareholders’ investment Cash received from borrowing 73,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 79,140,000.00 79,140,000.00 Cash received from issuing debenture Cash received relating to other financing activities 689,071.06 689,071.06 363,455.82 363,455.82 Subtotal cash inflow from financing 73,689,071.06 73,689,071.06 79,503,455.82 79,503,455.82 Repayments of borrowings 76,541,543.67 76,541,543.67 83,240,000.00 83,140,000.00 Dividends paid, profit distributed ,interest paid 7,882,178.12 7,875,947.73 4,021,763.59 3,902,617.14 Including: the dividends and profits paid for the minority shareholders by the subsidiaries Cash paid relating to other financing activities 81,713.46 81,713.46 859,474.71 859,474.71 Subtotal of cash outflows 84,505,435.25 84,499,204.86 88,121,238.30 87,902,091.85 Net cash flow from the financing activities -10,816,364.19 -10,810,133.80 -8,617,782.48 -8,398,636.03 4.the effect of foreign currency translation 5. Net Increase in cash & cash equivalents 29,472,128.53 29,836,379.96 -8,957,264.63 -9,913,154.89 Plus: balance of cash & cash equivalents in the period-beginning 129,512,540.80 128,066,634.31 141,006,398.13 136,367,342.33 6. Balance of cash & cash equivalents in the period-end 158,984,669.33 157,903,014.27 132,049,133.50 126,454,187.44 The above financial statements have been approved by the board meeting held on April 22, 2009. Charger: Zhang Xinghai Charger:Su Shaoli 4.4 Auditing report Auditing opinions: un-audited. 6