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                                      Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                     Summary of Acquisition Report

                       Company Name:          Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

                       Listing Location:      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

                       Abbreviated Name: WaZhou B

                       Stock Code:             200706.SZ

Name of the Acquiring Company:             Dalian State-owned Capital Management And

                                   Operation                  Co.,Ltd

Location: Guozichuangxin Building, 6A Lianhe Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City Liaoning


Address:Guozichuangxin Building, 6A Lianhe Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City Liaoning

                                           June 2022

                             Statement of Acquirer

I.  The summary report is drafted according to laws, regulations and other regulatory
documents, such as the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, c, the
Administrative Measures on the Acquisition of Listed Companies (hereinafter referred to as
“the Acquisition Measures”) and Content and Format Guidelines of Information Disclosure
for Companies that Have Public Offering of Securities, Document No. 16, About the
Acquisition Report of Listed Companies and etc.

II.   According to the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China and the
Administrative Measures for Acquisition of Listed Companies, this report has fully disclosed
the shares in which the Acquirer has interests in Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited.
    As of the signing date of this report, except for the shareholding information disclosed in
this report, the Acquirer owns no interest in Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited by any
other means.

III. The Acquirer has obtained necessary authorization and approval for signing this report,
and its performance does not violate or conflict with any clauses in the Acquirer's articles of
association or internal rules.

IV. This transaction was conducted based on the administrative transfer of state-owned
assets without compensation, which is conducted by Dalian State-owned Assets Supervisory
and Administration Commission pursuant to “The Notice concerning Transfer of
State-owned Equity of Dalian Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd and other 3 Companies
to Dalian state-owned Capital Management And Operation Co., Ltd without Compensation
(NO. Daguozichanquan[2022]74)” .

V. Pursuant to Administrative Measures for Acquisition of Listed Companies, it may be
exempted from issuing an offer.

VI. The acquisition shall be conducted in accordance with the information contained in this
summary of the report. Except for the professional institutions employed by the acquiring
company and its person acting in concert, no other person has been entrusted or authorized
to provide information not contained in this summary or to explain or interpret it.

VII. The acquirer undertakes that there are no false records, misleading statements or major
omissions in the summary of this report, and assumes individual and joint legal responsibility
for its authenticity, accuracy and completeness.


Section I Definitions ...................................................................................................... 3

Section II Introduction of the Acquirer .................................................................... 4

Section III Decision to Acquire and Purpose of Acquisition ............................. 11

Section IV Acquisition Methods ............................................................................... 12
Section V Exemption from Issuing an Acquisition Offer.................................... 13

Representation of the Acquirer ................................................................................ 14

Section I Definitions

Unless otherwise specified, the following abbreviations shall have the following specific
meanings in this report:

Acquisition Report, this summary            Refers to         Summary of Acquisition Report of
report                                                        Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
The Acquirer or Municipal                   Refers to         Dalian state-owned Capital
State-owned Assets Operation                                  Management And Operation Co., Ltd
Dalian SASAC                                Refers to         Dalian State-owned Assets Supervisory
                                                              and Administration Commission
Listed Company, Wazhou                      Refers to         Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
This acquisition, this Change of            Refers to         the    administrative    transfer    of
Equity, This Transfer without                                 state-owned      equity    in    Dalian
Compensation                                                  Equipment Investment Group Co.,Ltd
                                                              to    Dalian    state-owned     Capital
                                                              Management And Operation Co.,Ltd
                                                              without compensation , which is
                                                              pursuant to “The Notice concerning
                                                              Transfer of State-owned Equity of
                                                              Dalian Equipment Investment Group
                                                              Co.,Ltd and other 3 Companies to
                                                              Dalian       state-owned        Capital
                                                  Management And Operation Co.,Ltd
                                                  without     Compensation   (NO.
Company Law                        Refers to      the Company Law of the People's
                                                  Republic of China
Securities Law                     Refers to      the Securities Law of the People's
                                                  Republic of China
Measures for Acquisition           Refers to      Administrative        Measures      for
                                                  Acquisition of Listed Companies
Articles of Association            Refers to      Articles of Association of Wafangdian
                                                  Bearing Company Limited
SEC                                Refers to      China Securities Regulatory
SSE                                Refers to      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
RMB, RMB0’000,                    Refers to      RMB Yuan, RMB10 thousand Yuan,
                                                  RMB100 million Yuan

In the summary of this report, there may be a tail difference between the aggregated
individual data and the relevant aggregated data, which is caused by rounding of the data.

Section II Introduction of the Acquirer

I Basic information of the Acquirer

Company Name: Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., Ltd

Registered Address: Guozichuangxin Building, 6A Lianhe Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City
                    Liaoning Province

Legal representative:Zhang Wei

Registered capital:RMB 500 million

Unified Social Credit Code: 91210200MA7G7LHLXW

Company type: limited liability company (wholly state-owned)

Shareholder: Dalian SASAC 100%

Business scope: general project: state-owned asset operation and management (Except
                for the projects that need to be approved according to law, independently
                carry out business activities legitimately pursuant to the business license)
Operating period: December 24, 2021 to Long-term

Contact Address: Guozichuangxin Building, 6A Lianhe Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City
                 Liaoning Province

II Shareholding and Control of Acquirer

  As of the date of signing the summary of this Report, Dalian SASAC directly holds 100% of
the equity of the Municipal State-owned Assets Operation Company, and is the controlling
shareholder and actual controller of the Municipal State-owned Assets Operation Company.
The property rights and control relationships are as follows:

                                     Dalian SASAC


III. A Brief Description of the main Business of the Acquirer and the Financial Situation
in the Last Three Years

(I)Main business of the Acquirer

   Established on 24 December 2021, the Municipal State-owned Assets Operation Company
is a wholly state-owned company performing the duties of capital contributor of
state-owned capital within the authorization of the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Dalian, and a professional
platform for market-oriented operation of state-owned capital, and a capital operation
management platform of municipal state-owned assets of Dalian.

   The main objective of the Municipal State-owned Assets Operation Company is to
enhance the operational efficiency of state-owned capital and improve the return on
state-owned capital. Through equity operation, fund investment, nurturing and incubating,
value management and orderly entry and exit, the company has revitalized the stock of
state-owned assets, guided and driven the development of social capital, and achieve a
reasonable flow of state-owned capital and preserve and increase its value. In particular, it
plays the role of "adjusting the structure, promoting the flow, preventing risks and preserving
value-added". As a "strategic planning centre, resource integration centre and assessment
and evaluation centre", the company provides professional support in strategic restructuring,
planning, industrial research, mixed conversions to IPOs, project investment and
performance assessment of municipal state-owned enterprises, and promotes the reform
and development of state-owned enterprises in Dalian.
  As of the signing date of this report, the basic information of the core subsidiaries invested
by the Acquirer is as follows:
NO.   Company          Registered   Methods     Share       Main business
      name             capital      of          -holding
                       (RMB         holding     ratio
                       10,000)      shares

1     Dalian Zhong 500000           Directly    80%         Permitted        items:      Property
      Ke Yinggeshi                                          development and operation (for
      Technology                                            projects that shall be approved
      and Industry                                          according to laws, operation
      Development                                           activities shall be carried out only
      Co. Ltd                                               after they are approved by
                                                            relevant departments, and the
                                                            specific operating projects shall
                                                            be subject to the approval
                                                            General items: Private equity
                                                            fund      management,         venture
                                                            capital      fund       management
                                                            services (Registration with the
                                                            China Securities Investment Fund
                                                            Association must be completed
                                                            before engaging in business
                                                            activities), Investing with own
                                                            funds,      Non-residential        real
                                                            estate rental, housing rental,
                                                            property               management,
                                                            machinery and equipment rental,
                                                            land use rights rental, charge
                                                            control equipment rental, office
                                                            equipment rental services, car
                                                            park services, urban greening
                                                            management,                   campus
                                                            management          services,     land
                                                            remediation services, external
                                                            contracting,       business     space
                                                            services,       venture        capital
                                                            investment          (limited         to
                                                            investments          in       unlisted
                                                            companies),                 corporate
                                                            management,               technology
                                                            intermediary services, Internet of
                                           things     application    services,
                                           technology services, technology
                                           development,           technology
                                           consulting,            technology
                                           exchange, technology transfer,
                                           technology promotion service,
                                           information consulting services
                                           (excluding licensed information
                                           consulting services), electric
                                           vehicle charging infrastructure
                                           operation, commercial complex
                                           management services, housing
                                           demolition services (except for
                                           projects subject to approval
                                           according to law, business
                                           activities shall be carried out
                                           independently according to laws
                                           and the business license)

2   Dalian     300000    Directly   100%   Project       investment     and
    Equipment                              management; entrusted with the
    Investment                             management of state-owned
    Group Co.,                             assets; enterprise management
    Ltd                                    services; design, manufacture,
                                           installation,        maintenance,
                                           technical advice and technical
                                           services of mining, metallurgical,
                                           construction, lifting and steel
                                           structure equipment; housing
                                           rental; domestic general trade.
                                           (for projects that shall be
                                           approved according to laws,
                                           business activities can only be
                                           carried out after they are
                                           approved by relevant

3   Dalian       20000   Directly   100%   General items: Investing with
    Venture                                own funds, Private equity fund
    Capital                                management, venture capital
    Investment                             fund     management     services
    Co Ltd.                                (Registration with the China
                                           Securities   Investment    Fund
                                           Association must be completed
                                                                      before engaging in business
                                                                      activities),    venture     capital
                                                                      investment        (limited       to
                                                                      investments        in      unlisted
                                                                      companies) (except for projects
                                                                      subject to approval according to
                                                                      law, business activities shall be
                                                                      carried      out     independently
                                                                      according to laws and the
                                                                      business license)

(II) The Financial Data and Indicators of the Acquirer in the Last Three Years

The financial status of the Municipal State-owned Assets Operation Company is as follows:
                                                                                Unit: Yuan
item                            Until 31 May 2022
Total Assets                    96,479,418.54
Net Assets                      96,463,899.53
Operating income                ——

Net profit                      -3,535,916.47
Debt to Asset ratio             0.016%
Return on Net Assets            ——

IV. Punishment, Major Lawsuits or Arbitration of the Acquirer in the Last Five Years

   The Acquirer was incorporated on 24 December 2021. As at the date of this summary
report, the Acquirer has not been subject to administrative penalties or criminal penalties in
relation to the securities market, nor is there any material civil litigation or arbitration
involving economic disputes.

V. Basic Information of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of The Acquirer

  As of the date of this summary report, the basic information of the directors, supervisors
and senior management of the Acquirer is as follows.

 The Acquirer is still in the phase of formation, the positions of directors, supervisors and senior
management are being filled in.
                                                                       Whether to obtain the right
  Name                  Title           Nationality                       of residency in other
                                                                           countries or regions

             Chairman of the Board &

Zhang Wei company Communist                 China      Dalian, China               No

                  Party Secretary

Wang Jing Vice General Manager              China      Dalian, China               No

 Li Yiping     Vice General Manager         China      Dalian, China               No

  As of the date of this Summary report, the above-mentioned persons have not been
subject to administrative penalties (except for those apparently unrelated to the securities
market), criminal penalties or involved in material civil litigation or arbitration related to
economic disputes within the last five years.

 Vi. In Cases Where the Acquirer's Interest in Other Listed Companies Within or
Outside the Country Reaches or Exceeds 5% of the Issued Shares of those Companies.

                                                                    Stock          Holding
No.                Listed Company                   Stock ID
                                                                    Code         Rights Ratio

             Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry
  1                 Group Co., Ltd.                   DHHI      002204.SZ           62.18%

  2          Dalian Thermal Power Co., Ltd.           DTPC      600719.SH           32.91%

  3           Zhangzidao Group Co., Ltd.              DZF       002069.SZ           15.46%

  4                Dashang Co., Ltd.                  DS        600694.SH            8.52%

             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat
  5                                                 Bingshan    000530.SZ           20.67%
             Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

  As of the date of this summary report, other than the above-mentioned shareholdings, the
Acquirer does not have any other shareholdings in domestic or overseas listed companies
amounting to 5% or more of the issued shares of such companies.
VII Brief Introduction of Banks, Trust Companies, Securities Companies, Insurance
Companies and other Financial Institutions in which the Acquirer Holds more than 5% of

  As of the date of this summary report, the summarized information of Banks,
Small-amount Loan Companies, Finance Lease Companies, Trust Companies, Securities
Companies, Insurance Companies and other Financial Institutions in which the Acquirer
holds more than 5% of Equity is as follows:

NO.   Company Name              Registered     Shareholder               Shareholding
                                capital (RMB                             Ratio
1     Dalian      Hign-tech     20000          Dalian     Equipment      70%
      Zone       Equipment                     Investment Group Co.,
      Technology                               Ltd
      Small-amount Loan
2     Dalian    Shahekou        15000          Dalian    State-owned 40.33%
      Guohui Small-amount                      Asset       Investment
      Loan     Joint-stock                     Operation Group Co.,
      Co.,Ltd                                  Ltd
                                               Dalian      Guolianxin    5%
                                               Investment Co., Ltd
                                               Dalian    Rubber    &     10%
                                               Plastics Machinery Co.,
3     Dalian       Ganghang     20000          Dalian     Equipment      10%
      Small-amount Loan                        Investment Group Co.,
      joint-stock Co., Ltd                     Ltd
4     Dalian     Equipment      100000         Dalian     Equipment      46.64%
      Finance Lease Co., Ltd                   Investment Group Co.,
5     Guotou        Jianheng    100000         Dalian    State-owned 40%
      Finance           Lease                  Asset       Investment
      Joint-stock Co.,Ltd                      Operation Group Co.,
6     China Finance Lease       138585         Dalian    State-owned 5.05%
      Co., Ltd                                 Asset       Investment
                                               Operation Group Co.,
7     Dalian         Jinzhou    11444.65       Dalian    State-owned 10%
      Lianfeng village and                     Asset       Investment
      town Bank Joint-stock                    Operation Group Co.,
      Co., Ltd                                 Ltd
Section III            Decision to Acquire                       and Purpose                 of


I. Purpose of the Acquisition

   This acquisition is to further implement the three-year action of reform of state-owned
enterprises, optimize the layout of state-owned capital, further improve the efficiency and
level of operation and management of state-owned enterprises and promote the
sustainable and healthy development of state-owned enterprises in Dalian, based on the
"Overall Implementation Plan on Promoting the Optimization of the Strategic Layout of
Municipal State-owned Enterprises" and the “The Notice concerning Transfer of
State-owned Equity of Dalian Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd and other 3 Companies
to Dalian state-owned Capital Management And Operation Co., Ltd without
Compensation” , the Dalian Municipal People's Government decided to transfer 100% of the
equity of Dalian Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd. to Dalian State-owned Capital
Management and Operation Co., LTD without compensation, in order to further integrate
Dalian's state-owned assets, enhance endogenous development momentum, and promote
the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets.

II. Relevant procedures Performed and still to be Performed in relation to the

(I) Decision-making Procedures and Approvals Performed for the Acquisition

  Dalian SASAC has issued to Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co.,
Ltd a “The Notice concerning Transfer of State-owned Equity of Dalian Equipment
Investment Group Co., Ltd and other 3 Companies to Dalian state-owned Capital
Management And Operation Co., Ltd without Compensation (NO. Daguozichanquan

(II) Procedures to be performed for this acquisition

  In addition to the relevant legal procedures already performed above, this free transfer
does not involve any remaining authorization and approval procedures to be performed.

   The parties involved in this acquisition are required to fulfill the corresponding information
disclosure obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Securities Law of the
People’s Republic of China, Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies
and other relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents.
III. Plans of the Acquirer to Continue to Increase or Dispose of the shares in the Listed
Company in the Next 12 months

   The Acquirer is aware of the content of “The Notice concerning Transfer of State-owned
Equity of Dalian Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd and other 3 Companies to Dalian
state-owned Capital Management And Operation Co., Ltd without Compensation (NO.
Daguozichanquan[2022]74)”and agrees to continue to implement said Notice upon
completion of the free transfer. Within the next 12 months, the Acquirer may transfer all or
part of its equity interest of Wafangdian Bearing Group Co., Ltd to Dalian SASAC without

Section IV Acquisition Methods

I. The Situation of this Acquisition

(I) Acquisition Methods
This Acquisition is an indirect acquisition Resulted from the free transfer of state-owned

(II) Changes in Shareholding Structure of the Acquirer
Before the free transfer of equity, the Acquirer did not hold shares of the Listed Company,
and the equity control relationship of the Listed Company is as follows:

     After the free transfer of equity, the share-holding relationship of the Listed Company is

as follows:
  Before this free transfer, the controlling shareholder of the Listed Company was
Wafangdian Bearing Group Co., Ltd, the indirect controlling shareholder is Dalian Equipment
Investment Group Co., Ltd and the actual controller was Dalian SASAC. After this free transfer,
Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., Ltd will be added as the
indirect controlling shareholder of WazhouB, and the direct controlling shareholder and
actual controller of WazhouB remained unchanged.

II. Main Content of this Acquisition
    According to “The Notice concerning Transfer of State-owned Equity of Dalian
Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd and other 3 Companies to Dalian state-owned Capital
Management And Operation Co., Ltd without Compensation (NO. Daguozichanquan
[2022]74)”, Dalian SASAC transferred its 100% equity of Dalian Equipment Investment
Group Co., Ltd. to Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., LTD free of
charge, constituting an indirect acquisition by a listed company under the same controller.

III. Encumbrances on the Equity of the Acquired Listed Company
   As of the date of this summary report, the equity shares involved in this acquisition are
state-owned shares for institutions, there are no encumbrances of any kind, including
without limitation, pledge, seizure, and the like.

Section V Exemption from Issuing an Acquisition Offer
I. Matters and Reasons for Exemption

   Dalian SASAC has issued “The Notice concerning Transfer of State-owned Equity of
Dalian Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd and other 3 Companies to Dalian state-owned
Capital Management And Operation Co., Ltd without Compensation (NO. Daguozichanquan
[2022]74)”to Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., Ltd and Dalian
Equipment Investment Group Co., Ltd, and transferred its 100% equity in Dalian Equipment
Investment Group Co., Ltd. to Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co.,
LTD free of charge.
   After this free transfer, Dalian State-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., Ltd
indirectly holds 244 million shares of WazhouB through Dalian Equipment Investment Group
Co., Ltd., accounting for 60.61% of the total share capital of the Listed Company. Therefore,
this free transfer constitutes an indirect acquisition of a listed company under the same
   According to item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 63 of the Administrative Measures
for Acquisition of Listed Companies "an investor may be exempted from issuing an
acquisition offer under any of the following circumstances: the free transfer, change or
merger of state-owned assets with the approval of the government or the state-owned
assets management department, resulting in the shares in which the investor has an interest
in a listed company accounting for more than 30% of the issued shares of the company;"
   This Acquisition complies with the relevant provisions of item (1) of paragraph 1, Article 63
of Administrative Measures for Acquisition of Listed Companies, and the Acquirer may be
exempted from issuing an acquisition offer.

II. Share-holding Structure of Listed Company before and after the Acquisition

   For the equity structure of the Listed Company before and after this acquisition, see "(II)
Changes in share-holding structure of the Acquirer " in" I. The Situation of this Acquisition "
of "Section IV Acquisition Methods" of this summary report.

                      Representation of the Acquirer

  The acquirer undertakes that there are no false records, misleading statements or major
omissions in the summary of this report, and assumes individual and joint legal responsibility
for its authenticity, accuracy and completeness.

                                                             Legal Representative:
                                                                                     Zhang Wei
       Dalian state-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., Ltd

                                                          June 29,2022

(Left blank for the Stamping of this summary report)

                                       Legal Representative:
                                                               Zhang Wei
       Dalian state-owned Capital Management and Operation Co., Ltd

                                                          June 29,2022