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鲁 泰B:2016年第一季度报告正文(英文版)2016-04-27  

						                                     Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

Stock code: 000726, 200726       Stock name: Lu Thai A, Lu Thai B                     Announcement No.: 2016-019

                             Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

          Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016

                                  Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

                       Section I Important Statements

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and

senior management staff of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

“the Company”) warrant that the information carried in this report is factual,

accurate and complete, without any false record, misleading statement or

material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.

All directors have attended the board session for reviewing this report.

Liu Zibin, company principal, Zhang Hongmei, chief of the accounting work,

and Zhang Keming, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby

confirm that the financial statements enclosed in this report are factual, accurate

and complete.

This Report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any

discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                      Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

               Section II Financial Results and Changes in Shareholders

I Financial results

Whether the Company performed any retroactive adjustments to or restatement of its accounting data due to changes of accounting
policies or correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No

                                                               January-March 2016                                   +/-%

Operating revenues (RMB)                                         1,282,806,624.05     1,428,557,406.74                       -10.20%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                   150,268,522.21       152,714,080.35                        -1.60%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company after
                                                                   137,542,633.98       131,929,166.88                         4.25%
deducting exceptional profit and loss (RMB)
Net operating cash flow (RMB)                                      183,258,282.60       -97,329,127.52                      -288.29%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                          0.16                 0.16                        0.00%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                        0.16                 0.16                        0.00%

Weighted average return on equity                                          2.15%                 2.29%                        -0.14%

                                                                 31 March 2016       31 December 2015               +/-%

Total assets (RMB)                                               9,059,317,160.04     9,091,170,499.22                        -0.35%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                 6,865,658,300.17     6,837,113,075.58                         0.42%

Exceptional profit and loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                              Item                                                January-March 2016          Note

Profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets (including offset amount of asset impairment

Government grants charged to the profit/loss for the Reporting Period (except for the
government grants closely related to the business of the Company and given at a fixed quota                  4,596,057.87
or amount in accordance with the State’s uniform standards)

Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and tradable financial
liabilities, as well as investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets and
tradable financial liabilities and financial assets available for sales, except for effective
hedging related with normal businesses of the Company

Non-operating incomes and expenses other than the above                                                      2,954,115.86

Less: Income tax effects                                                                                    -1,211,324.23

                                                       Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

        Minority interests effects (after tax)                                                                    616,756.80

Total                                                                                                          12,725,888.23          --

Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss,
or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top ten shareholders

1. Numbers of common shareholders and preference shareholders with resumed voting rights as well as
shareholdings of top ten shareholders

                                                                                                                                  Unit: share

Total      number       of     common                                     Total number of preference shareholders with
                                                                 69,043                                                                      0
shareholders at the period-end                                            resumed voting rights at the period-end (if any)

                                                 Shareholdings of top ten shareholders

                                                                                                                      Pledged or frozen
                                                                                                     Number of               shares
                                                     Nature of             ng       Number of
              Name of shareholder                                                                 restricted shares                Numbe
                                                    shareholder      percentage shares held                           Status of
                                                                                                        held                          r of
                                                                          (%)                                          shares

Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd.        non-state-owned          14.69% 140,353,583

Tailun Textile Co., Ltd.                                                  12.37% 118,232,400           118,232,400

Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd.                                        2.13%     20,315,300

T.ROWE PRICE INTL DISCOVERY FUND                                           2.09%     19,948,219

CHINA           SECURITIES             FINANCE State-owned
                                                                           1.64%     15,679,091
CORPORATION LIMITED                              corporation

LYNAS ASIA FUND                                                            1.51%     14,413,375

ICVC-FIRST STATE GREATER CHINA                                             1.12%     10,714,368

                                                                           1.06%     10,110,000
EQUITY        SECURITIES          INVESTMENT non-state-owned

                                                   Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

FUND                                         corporation

VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND                                          0.85%      8,156,383

First State China A Share Fund                                       0.82%      7,881,381

                                      Shareholdings of top ten non-restricted shareholders

                                                                Number of non-restricted                  Variety of shares
                     Name of shareholder
                                                                       shares held                    Variety            Number

                                                                                                 RMB      common
Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd.                                      140,353,583                                140,353,583

                                                                                                 RMB      common
Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd.                                              20,315,300                                20,315,300

T.ROWE PRICE INTL DISCOVERY FUND                                                 19,948,219 listed         foreign         19,948,219

                                                                                                 RMB      common
CHINA SECURITIES FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED                                     15,679,091                                15,679,091

LYNAS ASIA FUND                                                                  14,413,375 listed         foreign         14,413,375

                                                                                 10,714,368 listed         foreign         10,714,368

HUA AN NEW SILK ROAD THEME EQUITY SECURITIES                                                     RMB      common
                                                                                 10,110,000                                10,110,000
INVESTMENT FUND                                                                                  shares

VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND                                                       8,156,383 listed         foreign            8,156,383

                                                                                                 RMB      common
First State China A Share Fund                                                    7,881,381                                   7,881,381

HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND                                                    6,858,138 listed         foreign            6,858,138

                                                               Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. is the largest
                                                               shareholder of the Company and the actual controller. Tailun
                                                               (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. is the second largest shareholder as
Related or acting-in-concert parties among the above
                                                               well as sponsor of foreign capital of the Company. All of other
                                                               shareholders are people holding circulating A share or circulating
                                                               B share and the Company is not able to confirm whether there is
                                                               associated   relationship    or    concerted     action   among    other

                                                 Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.


Top ten common shareholders conducting securities margin
trading (if any)

Did any of the top ten common shareholders or the top ten non-restricted common shareholders of the Company conduct any
promissory repo during the Reporting Period?
□ Yea √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten of them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                         Section III Significant Events

I Changes in major accounting statement items and financial indicators for the Reporting
Period, as well as reasons for such changes

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Notes receivable stood at RMB87,564,218.01 on 31 March 2016, down 34.23% from the
opening amount, mainly because letters of credit became due.
(2) Interest receivable stood at RMB0.00 on 31 March 2016, down 100.00% from the opening
amount, mainly because savings became due and interest was collected.
(3) Other accounts receivable stood at RMB44,055,162.39 on 31 March 2016, down 37.79% from
the opening amount, mainly because export rebates were received.
(4) Engineering materials stood at RMB19,909,444.99 on 31 March 2016, up 215.03% from the
opening amount, mainly because equipment to be installed increased.
(5) Other non-current assets stood at RMB47,372,488.77 on 31 March 2016, up 37.30% from the
opening amount, mainly because prepayments for equipment increased.
(6) Financial liabilities measured at fair value with fair value changes charged to the current profit
and loss stood at RMB19,928,030.00 on 31 March 2016, down 57.32% from the opening amount,
mainly because financial liabilities became due and loss on the fair value changes decreased.
(7) Payroll payable stood at RMB181,404,630.78 on 31 March 2016, down 37.72% from the
opening amount, mainly because the year-end bonuses for employees for 2015 were paid in the
current period.
(8) Interest payable stood at RMB988,920.36 on 31 March 2016, down 46.60% from the opening
amount, mainly because interest payable decreased.
(9) Treasury shares stood at RMB131,096,061.14 on 31 March 2016, up 1029.09% from the
opening amount, mainly because repurchased shares increased.
(10) Asset impairment loss stood at RMB-870,101.65 for January-March 2016, down 175.08%
from the same period of last year, mainly because accounts receivable decreased.
(11) Profit on fair value changes stood at RMB21,750,839.63 for January-March 2016, up 281.23%
from the same period of last year, mainly because of the profit on fair value changes in due

                                                        Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

financial liabilities and the fair value changes in the current period.
(12) Investment profit stood at RMB-17,050,096.30 for January-March 2016, down 225.14% from
the same period of last year, mainly because loss on investment in financial derivative instruments
(13) Non-operating income stood at RMB8,337,965.06 for January-March 2016, up 73.10% from
the same period of last year, mainly because governmental subsidies increased.

II Progress of significant events and analysis & explanations on their influence and solutions

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
On 5 August 2015, the Company held the 2015 1st Extraordinary General Meeting, which reviewed and approved the Proposal on
Repurchasing Part of the Share A and Share B of the Company, and had published the Report about Repurchasing Part of the Share A
and Share B of the Company on 10 October 2015 and as for the details of the above, please refer to the announcement of the
Company (No.: 2015-029) and the report about repurchasing the shares that respectively diclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on 6
August 2015 and 10 October 2015. The Company began to execute the repurchase proposal since 10 November 2015 and up to 31
March 2016, the Company had accumulatively repurchased the Share B of 15,318,707 shares and as for the detailed situation, please
refer to the announcement of the Company (No.: 2016-016) that disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on 6 April 2016.

                                                                                               Index to the relevant announcement
     Overview of the significant event                        Date of disclosure
                                                                                                     disclosed on the website

On 5 August 2015, the Company held the                                                     Announcement on the Resolution of the
2015 1 Extraordinary General Meeting,                                                      2015 1st Extraordinary General Meeting
                                                6 Aug. 2015
which reviewed and approved the Proposal                                                   (No.: 2015-029), which disclosed on
on Repurchasing Part of the Share A and                                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Share B of the Company, and had
                                                                                           Report about Repurchasing Part of the
published the Report about Repurchasing                                                    Share A and Share B of the Company,
Part of the Share A and Share B of the 10 Oct. 2015                                        which              disclosed               on
Company on 10 October 2015 and as for
the details of the above, please refer to the
                                                                                           Announcement      on   the     Execution   of
announcement of the Company (No.:
                                                                                           Repurchasing the Shares (No.: 2015-047),
2015-029)     and     the    report    about 11 Nov. 2015
                                                                                           which              disclosed               on
repurchasing the shares that respectively
diclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on 6
August 2015 and 10 October 2015. The
Company began to execute the repurchase
proposal since 10 November 2015 and up
to 31 March 2016, the Company had                                                          Announcement      on    the     Progress   of
accumulatively repurchased the Share B of                                                  Repurchasing the Shares (No.: 2016-016),
                                                6 Apr. 2016
15,318,707 shares and as for the detailed                                                  which              disclosed               on
situation, please refer to the announcement                                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
of the Company (No.: 2016-016) that
disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on 6
April 2016.

                                                         Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

III Commitments of the Company, its shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors,
supervisors, senior management or other related parties fulfilled in the Reporting Period or
ongoing at the period-end

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                   Date of
                                          Commitment          Type of                                               Term of
               Commitment                                                      Contents          commitment                     Fulfillment
                                                maker        commitment                                         commitment

Commitments made in share reform

Commitments made in acquisition
documents or shareholding alteration

Commitments made in time of asset

Commitments made in time of IPO or

Commitments        concerning     stock
ownership incentive

                                                                                                                               The        major
                                                                          The       biggest                                    shareholder
                                                                          shareholder                                          Zibo Lucheng
                                                                          Zibo Lucheng                                         Textile
                                                                          Textile                                              Investment
                                                                          Investment                                           Co., Ltd. and
                                                                          Co., Ltd. and                                        the directors,
                                                                          the directors,                                       supervisors as
                                          Zibo Lucheng
                                                                          supervisors                                          well as senior
                                                                          and        senior                                    executives of
                                                                          executives                           10 Jul. 2015 which had not
Other commitments made to minority Co., Ltd. and Other
                                                                          committed             10 Jul. 2015   to     10   Jan. decreased the
shareholders                              the directors, commitments
                                                                          that the shares                      2016            shareholding
                                                                          of            the                                    of             the
                                          and       senior
                                                                          Company held                                         Company
                                                                          by          them                                     from 10 Jul.
                                                                          would not be                                         2015      to   10
                                                                          decreased                                            Jan.       2016.
                                                                          from 10 Jul.                                         The
                                                                          2015 to the                                          commitment
                                                                          future          six                                  had
                                                                          months                                               completed the

Executed on time                          Yes

                                                       Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

Specific reasons for failing to fulfill
commitments on time and plans for N/A
next step

IV Operating result forecast for January-June 2016

Forecast of a possible deficit or considerable YoY change in the accumulative net profit made during the period from the beginning
of the year to the end of the next reporting period, as well as explanation of why:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Securities investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Variet                                                                        Closin                                        Sour
         Code of                    Initial                                      g
 y of             Name of                     Opening sharehol Closing                             Profit/loss in Accountin ce of
                                                                              shareh Closing book
        securitie            investment cost number of     ding   number of
                                                                              olding value (RMB)
                                                                                                  the Reporting
securit           securities                 shares held percenta shares held                     Period (RMB) g title      secu
           s                     (RMB)                                        percen
  ies                                                       ge                                                              rities
Stock 01788        GTJA           27,521,014.00   12,100,000     0.17%     12,100,000 0.17% 27,425,569.60                     financial

Stock 02883        ZHYT           17,255,412.00     2,450,000    0.05%      3,000,000 0.06% 15,149,394.00 -1,294,179.90 financial

Stock 00980        LHCS           12,625,586.00     3,839,000    0.34%      4,574,000 0.41% 10,138,627.77 -2,443,171.44 financial

Stock 02006        JJJD            9,242,184.00     3,380,000    0.06%      3,380,000 0.06%     8,900,310.64     -309,820.94 financial

Stock 00116        ZSS             3,964,789.00        40,000    0.01%        377,000 0.06%     3,675,602.97     -275,435.65 financial

Stock 01666        TRTKJ           3,190,939.00      300,000     0.02%        300,000 0.02%     3,114,875.40      -64,997.40 financial

Stock 200056 HTB                   2,175,792.00      200,000     0.03%        200,000 0.03%     1,906,590.40     -261,656.20 financial

Stock 00525        GSTL            2,750,680.00      850,000     0.01%        500,000 0.01%     1,387,444.50     -293,634.92 financial

                                                                        Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

Stock 200053 SJDB                                830,765.00             50,000     0.02%           50,000 0.02%        684,555.95    -143,327.60 financial

Stock 200058 SSGB                                468,272.00         100,000        0.01%          100,000 0.01%        484,147.30      17,499.30 financial

Other securities investment
                                                 524,000.00         100,000            --         100,000     --       415,816.71     -20,831.92          --           --
held at the period-end

Total                                          80,549,433.00     23,409,000            --      24,681,000     --     73,282,935.24 -5,089,556.67          --           --

Disclosure         date       of      the
announcement          about              the
board’s     consent          for     the
securities investment

Disclosure         date       of      the
announcement          about              the
general meeting’s consent
for the securities investment
(if any)

VI Investment in financial derivatives

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                                                                   on of
                                                                                                       Amou                                      investme
                     Relate Type
                                                                                                         nt                 Impair                  nt              Actual
                     d-part              of                                                                        Amount
                                                 Initial                                     Opening   purcha             ment     Closing  amount gain/loss
Operat Relati             y         derivat                  Beginning Ending                                   sold in
                                               investment                                   investment sed in            provisi investment in the    in
  or         on      transac          ive                        date           date                           reporting
                                                amount                                        amount   reporti            on (if   amount   Compan reporting
                     tion or invest                                                                             period
                                                                                                         ng               any)                y’s  period
                       not           ment
                                                                                                       period                               closing

Comm                                rd
           Non-re                                            2015-01-2 2016-07-
ercial               No             exchan       79,386.21                                   79,386.21 18.35 28,157.11           0   51,247.45      7.01%             -915.2
           lated                                             6             18
bank                                ge

                                                                     Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.


Comm                            Option
          Non-re                                            2015-01-2 2016-07-
ercial                No        portfol           104,300                              104,300           0   53,650       0       50,650     6.93%       -782.55
          lated                                             3           10
bank                            io

Total                                         183,686.21        --           --     183,686.21 18.35 81,807.11            0   101,897.45 13.94% -1,697.75

Capital source for derivative
                                             Own funds

Lawsuit (if applicable)                      No lawsuits

Disclosure        date     of     board
announcement on approval of 2015-04-25
derivative investment (if any)

Disclosure date of general
meeting      announcement              on
approval          of       derivative
investment (if any)

                                             The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in order for hedging. And the forward settlement
                                             hedging was operated by installments, with the relevant amount not more than the planned derivatives products
                                             transactions. And all derivatives products transaction was zero-deposit. Meanwhile, the Company had a
                                             complete risk control system for sufficient analysis and prevention of possible risks such as risk of laws and
                                             regulations, credit risk, operation risk and market risk.
                                             1. Risk concerning laws and regulations:
                                             The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in strict accordance with relevant laws and rules as
                                             well as regulatory policies from government securities regulatory authorities, if there were no standard
                                             operation procedures and strict approval procedures, it was easy to cause compliant and regulatory risks
                                             existing in the validity and feasibility of contract, commitments and other legal documents signed.
Risk analysis and risk control
                                             Risk control measures: The Company carefully studied and mastered laws, regulations and policies relevant to
measures          for      derivative
                                             derivative products transaction, formulated internal control rules for the forward settlement hedging business,
products held in reporting
                                             standardized the operation procedures. And strengthened the compliant examination on derivative products
period      (including      but       not
                                             investment business, and strictly abided by relevant laws, regulations and the Company’s internal management
limited      to        market        risk,
liquidity     risk,      credit      risk,
                                             2. Credit risk and liquidity risk:
operation risk, legal risk, etc.)
                                             When the contract matures, the Company couldn’t deliver as scheduled due to insufficient liquidity, and the
                                             counterparty or the Company couldn’t fulfill the contract due to other aspects except the liquidity, which would
                                             cause credit risk and further economic losses for the Company.
                                             Risk control measures: the Company chose the powerful financial institutions with good reputation as the
                                             counterparty, and signed standard derivative products transaction contract, as well as strictly controlled the
                                             credit risk of counterparty. The Company conducted derivative investment transactions according to the
                                             relevant approval procedure, which was in line with relevant laws, regulations, the Company’s Articles of
                                             Association, the Management Rules for Derivative Investment of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. and the Proposal on
                                             the Plan of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. for Derivative Transactions in 2015 approved at the 20th Session of the 7th
                                             Board of Directors on 23 Apr. 2015, and performed relevant information disclosure responsibilities. The

                                                              Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                       Company decided the up limit for the amount of derivative products transaction according to the production
                                       and operation scale and the progress of foreign exchange income for the Company, and delivered by phases. It
                                       was also possible to use extension of term and other ways to ensure the fulfillment of contract as schedules
                                       upon the mature of contract, and wouldn’t cause any loss of credit risk for the Company due to insufficient
                                       liquidity or other reasons.
                                       3. Operation risk:
                                       The derivative financial transactions had high specialty and complexity, so imperfect internal operation
                                       procedures, staffs and external events would make the Company to undertake risks during the transaction.
                                       Risk control measures: The Company promulgated strict authorization and approval system and perfect
                                       regulatory mechanism, fixed the departments, operation procedures and approval procedures system to conduct
                                       derivative products transaction, established special risk control positions, implemented strict authorization and
                                       post checks and balances system, meanwhile, it improved the overall quality of relevant personnel through
                                       strengthening the business training and professional ethics education for them. Besides, it established the
                                       System of Reporting the Abnormal Situation Timely, formed an efficient risk management procedures, so as to
                                       ensure to lower the operation risks to the maximum.
                                       4. Market risk:
                                       Since the RMB exchange rate reform on 8 Nov. 2015, the reform towards a market-based RMB exchange rate
                                       regime has stepped into a new stage. In the short run, there is some depreciation pressure on the RMB, but a
                                       sharp depreciation is considered unlikely. In the long run, the positive economic fundamentals of China, the
                                       large surplus of the current accounts and the faster globalization of the RMB will enable the RMB to remain a
                                       strong currency. In the near future, the RMB exchange rate is expected to be more flexible with a distinct
                                       feature of bidirectional volatility and stable within a rational and balanced range. The forward settlement of
                                       exchange and the option business is important derivative product transactions of the Company, which was
                                       significantly affected by the exchange rate fluctuation. If the RMB is devalued by a large margin on the basis
                                       of the current situation before the contract is due, so then, the larger losses shall incur in the contract on
                                       forward settlement of exchange or option signed by the Company.
                                       Risk control measures: Although a more flexible RMB exchange rate and the increased fluctuation range added
                                       to the operation difficulty, it provided a certain opportunity. Therefore, the relevant personnel of the Company
                                       will actively analyze market changes, carefully operate and hold positive opportunity, so as to try the best to
                                       reduce the market risks under the condition of increased market difficulty.

                                       1. Up to 31 March 2016, the Company held 32 undue financial derivative product contracts, totaling USD179
                                       million, including 17 forward settlement contracts worth USD81 million and 15 foreign exchange option
Changes in market prices or
                                       contracts worth USD98 million (the latest expiration before July 2016). The financial derivative products
fair   value         of     invested
                                       above accounted for 13.94% of the closing net assets.
derivatives in reporting period
                                       2. From January- March 2016, the due financial derivative products of the Company totally equaled to
(fair value analysis should
                                       USD121 million, and the losses generated was RMB16.9775 million. To be specific, the due forward
include      specific       analysis
                                       settlement was USD44.5 million, generating loss of RMB9.152 million; the due foreign exchange options
methods as well as relevant
                                       equaled to USD76.5 million, of which USD50.5 million was delivered on time upon satisfaction of the
assumptions and parameters)
                                       delivery conditions, generating loss of RMB7.8255 million, and USD26 million was undelivered due to
                                       dissatisfaction of the delivery conditions.

Significant changes in the
Company’s accounting policy No significant changes
and       specific        accounting

                                                         Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

principles for derivatives in
reporting       period     when
compared to last period

                                   The Company’s independent directors Zhou Zhiji, Zhang Chengzhu, Wang Lei, Xu Jianjun and Zhao Yao,
                                   concerning conducting derivatives business, have issued the following professional advice: We are of the
Specific       opinion     from opinion that it will strengthen the Company’s competitiveness to use derivative transactions with focus on
independent directors on the forward settlement and purchase as an effective tool to avoid foreign exchange risks, to strengthen the relevant
Company’s            derivatives internal control and to carry out the loss and risk prevention measures so as to improve the operation and
investment and risk control        management. In conducting derivative transactions with focus on forward settlement and purchase, the
                                   Company follows a legal approval procedure, has sound relevant institutions and keeps the risks relatively
                                   controllable. No harm has been done to the interests of the Company’s shareholders.

VII Visits paid to the Company in the Reporting Period for purposes of research,
communication, interview, etc.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

           Date of visit                  Way of visit                 Type of visitor            Index to main inquiry information

2016-03-30                        Telephone communication      Institution                    The basic situation of the Company

VIII Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IX Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related parties
for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                          Chairman of the Board: Liu Zibin
                                                                                              Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                27 April 2016
