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    Disclosing Newspaper: Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao

    Disclosing Date: March 30, 20102


    I. Important Notes----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

    II. Company Profile---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

    III. Summary of Accounting Data and Business Data-------------------------------------- 6

    IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders------------------------ 9

    V. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees


    VI. Corporate Governance-------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

    VII. Brief Introduction to the Shareholders’ Meeting ------------------------------------ 29

    VIII. Report of the Board of Directors------------------------------------------------------ 30

    IX. Report of the Board of Supervisors -----------------------------------------------------44

    X. Significant Events------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48

    XI. Financial Report--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57

    XII. Documents for Reference----------------------------------------------------------------583

    Section I Important Notes

     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors as well as directors, supervisors

    and senior management of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (hereinafter referred as

    “the Company”) hereby confirm that there are no misstatements, misleading

    statements or material omissions in this Annual Report and will take individual and/or

    joint and several liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of this

    Annual Report.

     No director, supervisor and senior management has disagreements to the

    authenticity, accuracy and completeness of this Annual Report.

     The Financial Audit Report 2009 of the Company had been audited by Wuhan

    Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd., and a standard unqualified Audit

    Report had been issued.

     Mr. YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr.

    CHIN Wee Hua, Finance Director, and Mr. SEOW Ven Sern in charge of accounting,

    hereby insure that the Financial Report enclosed in this Annual Report is true and


    Section II Company Profile

    I. Legal Name of the Company

    In Chinese: 武汉锅炉股份有限公司


    Abbr. in English: WBC

    II. Legal Representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard (Yang Guowei)

    III. Secretary of the Board of Directors: Kevin Qin

    Contact Address: No. 1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake New Technology

    Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei

    Contact Tel: (027) 81994266

    Contact Fax: (027) 81994273

    E-mail: kevin.qin@power.alstom.com

    Securities Affairs Representative: Xu Youlan

    Contact Tel: (027) 81993700

    Contact Fax: (027) 81993701

    E-mail: youlan.xu@power.alstom.com

    IV. Registered Address and Office Address: No.1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake

    High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan

    Post Code: 430205

    Internet Website: http://www.wbcl.com.cn

    E-mail: cnwhu.wbc@power.alstom.com

    V. Newspapers for Disclosing the Information of the Company

    Securities Times (Domestic), Ta Kung Pao (Overseas)

    Internet Website for Publishing the Annual Report: http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Place Where the Annual Report is Prepared and Placed: Securities Department of

    the Company

    VI. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Stock Abbreviation: *ST WUGUO–B

    Stock Code: 200770

    VII. Other Information of the Company

    Initial Registration Date: the Company was formally incorporated on Apr. 8 1998

    Initial Registration Place: No. 586, Wuluo Road, Wuhan, Hubei

    Registration Change Date: the Company changed its registration with Hubei

    Administration for Industry and Commerce as a stock company (Sino-foreign

    joint venture company and listed company) on Oct. 26, 2007.

    The Changed Registration place: No. 586, Wuluo Road, Wuhan, Hubei

    The Latest Registration Date: the Company changed its registration with Hubei

    Administration for Industry and Commerce as a stock company (Sino-foreign

    joint venture company and listed company) on Oct. 30, 2009.

    The Latest Registration Place: No. 1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake New

    Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei

    Business License No. 420000400000568

    Tax Registration No. 4201062717564325

    The Certified Public Accountants engaged by the Company: Wuhan Zhonghuan

    Certified Public Accountants Ltd.

    Address: 16/F, Tower B, Wuhan International Mansion6

    Section III Summary of Accounting Data and Business Data

    I. Accounting data for financial year 2009

    Unit: RMB

    Items Amount

    Total profit -687,560,230.09

    Net profit -676,744,666.95

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company -675,672,514.99

    Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses -648,399,383.22

    Operating profit -687,508,381.33

    Investment income 0.00

    Net non-operating income and expenditure -51,848.76

    Net cash flow arising from operating activities 278,461,556.72

    Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents -10,497,718.20

    Note: Items and amounts of non-recurring gains and losses

    Unit: RMB

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount

    Gains on disposal of non-current assets including reversal of the impairment loss 544,521.65

    Government grant recognized in current year, except for those acquired in the ordinary

    course of business or granted continuously in certain standard quota according to relevant

    national laws and regulations


    Company restructuring expenses such as employee placement and integration costs -27,263,814.10

    Other non-operating income and expense other than abovementioned -874,146.41

    Minority interest share of non-recurring gains and losses 42,531.09

    Total -27,273,131.77

    II. Key accounting data and financial indices of the Company for the last three years

    1. Key accounting data

    Unit: RMB

    Items 2009 2008


    from last year (




    Operating revenue 517,679,190.56 1,121,071,252.12 -53.82% 1,770,372,881.47

    Total profit -687,560,230.09 -372,568,353.42 -84.55% -521,693,773.71

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the


    -675,672,514.99 -353,934,337.61 -90.90% -480,602,218.59

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the

    Company after deducting non-recurring

    gains and losses

    -648,399,383.22 -358,181,920.48 -81.03% -481,219,951.18

    Net cash flow arising from operating


    278,461,556.72 -829,589,797.80 133.57% -89,934,049.57

    Items 2009 2008


    from last year (




    Total assets 2,100,746,323.46 2,867,879,261.58 -26.75% 2,525,381,208.62

    Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) -893,961,597.17 -218,289,082.18 -309.53% 135,840,152.09

    2. Key financial indices

    Unit: RMB

    Items 2009 2008


    from last year (%)


    Basic earnings per share -2.27 -1.19 -90.76% -1.62

    Diluted earnings per share -2.27 -1.19 -90.76% -1.62

    Basis earnings per share after deducting

    non-recurring gains and losses

    -2.18 -1.21 -80.17% -1.62

    Fully diluted return on net assets --- --- --- -353.80%

    Weighted average return on net assets --- --- --- -126.61%

    Fully diluted return on net assets after deducting

    non-recurring gains and losses

    --- --- --- -354.25%

    Weighted average return on net assets after

    deducting non-recurring gains and losses

    --- --- --- -126.77%

    Net cash flow per share arising from operating


    0.94 -2.79 133.69% -0.30


    At the end

    of 2009

    At the end

    of 2008


    from last year (%)

    At the end of


    Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of

    the Company

    -3.01 -0.73 -312.33% 0.46

    3. In accordance with Information Disclosure Reporting Guidelines to Public Securities Companies No.9

    promulgated by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company’s return on net assets and earnings per

    share for year 2009 are calculated based on fully diluted method and weighted average method.

     Return on Net Assets

    Profit for this report period Current year

    The same period of last










    Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the

    Company --- --- --- ---

    Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the

    Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

    --- --- --- ---

    Earnings per Share

    In current period The same period of last year

    Profit for this report period


    earnings per


    Diluted earnings

    per share


    earnings per


    Diluted earnings

    per share8

    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company

    -2.27 -2.27 -1.19 -1.19

    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company after

    deducting non-recurring gains and losses

    -2.18 -2.18 -1.21 -1.219

    Section IV Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders

    I. Changes in share capital

    Unit: Share

    Before the change Increase/decrease (+, - ) After the change


    Amount Proportion


    of new





    of public

    reserve fund

    Other Subtotal Amount Proportion

    I. Non tradable shares 172,000,000 57.91% 172,000,000 57.91%

    1. Sponsors’ shares 172,000,000 57.91% 172,000,000 57.91%

    Including: Shares

    held by the State

    Share held by

    domestic corporation

    20,530,000 6.91% 20,530,000 6.91%

    Share held by foreign


    151,470,000 51.00% 151,470,000 51.00%


    2. Raised corporate


    3.Employee shares

    4. Preference shares

    or others

    II. Tradable shares 125,000,000 42.09% 125,000,000 42.09%

    1. RMB ordinary


    2. Domestically listed

    foreign shares

    125,000,000 42.09% 125,000,000 42.09%

    3. Overseas listed

    foreign shares

    4. Others

    III. Total shares 297,000,000 100.00% 297,000,000 100.00%

    II. Issuance and listing of shares

    (1) On Mar. 20 1998, the Company issued 125,000,000 domestically listed foreign

    shares (B shares) to foreign investors at HKD 1.496 per share. The shares were listed

    in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Apr. 15, 1998 with the stock code 200770.

    (2) At the end of this report period and inclusive of the last three years, neither shares

    nor derivative securities were issued.

    (3) Share structure of the Company never changed in this report period.

    (4) No employee shares remain within the Company.

    (5) There was no profit distribution of the Company in this report period.

    III. Introduction about shareholders

    (1) As at the end of Dec. 31 2009, the Company had 10,249 shareholders: including10

    one foreign corporation shareholder, Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, one

    domestic corporation shareholder, Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd, and 10,247

    shareholders having domestically listed foreign shares.

    (2) Shares held by the principal shareholders

    As at end of Dec. 31 2009, the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders

    holding tradable shares of the Company are as follows:

    Total number of shareholders 10,249

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

    Name of shareholders

    Nature of


    Proportion of

    shares held

    Total shares


    Number of non-tradable

    shares held

    Shares pledged

    or frozen




    Domestic nonstate-



    51.00% 151,470,000 151,470,000 0


    CO., LTD



    6.91% 20,530,000 20,530,000 0


    Domestic natural


    0.58% 1,713,699 0 0


    Domestic natural


    0.46% 1,372,450 0 0






    0.42% 1,234,114 0 0






    0.41% 1,205,445 0 0


    Domestic natural


    0.35% 1,035,000 0 0


    Domestic natural


    0.30% 887,236 0 0


    Domestic natural


    0.28% 821,150 0 0


    Domestic natural


    0.27% 808,552 0 0

    Particulars about tradable shares held by the top ten shareholders

    Name of shareholders

    Number of tradable

    shares held

    Type of share

    WANG JIA YI 1,713,699 Domestically listed foreign shares

    CHEN CHU YUN 1,372,450 Domestically listed foreign shares



    1,234,114 Domestically listed foreign shares



    1,205,445 Domestically listed foreign shares

    ZHUANG CHANG XIONG 1,035,000 Domestically listed foreign shares

    TANG JUAN 887,236 Domestically listed foreign shares11

    ZHUANG YAO HUA 821,150 Domestically listed foreign shares

    LI SHU HUI 808,552 Domestically listed foreign shares



    802,505 Domestically listed foreign shares



    761,351 Domestically listed foreign shares

    Explanation on affiliated

    relationship among the top

    ten shareholders or persons

    acting in concert

    Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (the first

    principal shareholder of the Company) and Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. (the second principal

    shareholder of the Company) hold non-tradable shares of the Company, the other eight

    shareholders are public shareholders who hold tradable B shares. During the report period, the

    change of shares held by the other eight shareholders was resulted from trading on the

    secondary market. Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, no affiliated relationship

    exists between Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (the first principal shareholder of the

    Company), Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. (the second principal shareholder of the Company)

    and the other shareholders, and they are not persons acting in concert as defined in the

    Administrative Rules on Information Disclosure about Changing of Shareholding Status. The

    Company is not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten

    shareholders with tradable shares and whether there are persons acting in concert among them.

    The Company is not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten

    shareholders and the top ten shareholders with tradable share.

    (3) The controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company

     Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd is the controlling shareholder of the Company,

    holding 151,470,000 shares as of Dec. 31 2009, is the only shareholder holding over

    10% shares of the Company. The shares held by Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd

    accounts for 51% of total shares.

    Legal representative: Mr. Claude Burckbuchler

    Date of foundation: Jan. 26 1999

    Registered capital: USD 60,964,400

    Business License No. Qi-Du-Guo-Zi No. 000816

    Business scope: to invest in the fields of industry, infrastructure and energy that

    encouraged and permitted by China government for foreign investment, and to

    provide relevant services.

    Alstom Holdings, a company registered in France, is the controlling shareholder of

    Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd

    Legal representative: Mr. Poupart-Lafarge HENRI

    Date of foundation: Jul. 29 1988

    Registered capital: EUR 624,125,422.20

    Business scope: shareholding.

    Alstom S.A., a listed company in France, is the controlling shareholder of Alstom


    Chairman of the Board and CEO: Mr. Patrick KRON

    Date of foundation: Nov. 17 1992

    Share capital: as of Mar. 31, 2009, Alstom’s share capital amounts to EUR 1,12


    Business scope: the conduct of transactions in France and abroad, notably in the

    following fields: energy, transmission and distribution of energy, transport, industrial

    equipment, naval construction & repair work and engineering and consultancy, design

    and/or production studies and general contracting associated with public or private

    works and construction; and all the activities related or incidental to the above.

     Bouygues, a company listed in France holds 29.95% shares of Alstom S.A.

    Chairman of the Board and CEO: Mr. Martin Bouygues

    Date of foundation: 1952

    Share capital: EUR 347,502,578

    Business Scope: construction, telecommunication business and other investment.

     Other shareholders hold 65.14% shares of Alstom S.A.

    Other shareholders hold 65.14% tradable shares of Alstom S.A.

    (4) Illustration on relationship between the Company and its ultimate controlling


    (Note: there was no affiliated relationship or persons acting in concert among ultimate

    controlling shareholders)

    29.95% 4.91% 65.14%






    ALSTOM S. A.

    (Listed in France)

    Alstom Holdings

    Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd

    Wuhan Boiler Company Limited


    (Fidelity International and FMR

    LLC) Bouygues

    Other shareholders13

    Section V Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management

    and Employees

    I. Basic information of directors, supervisors and senior management

    Share excitation authorized during

    the report period

    Name Title Gender Age


    g date of




    date of




    at the












    n for





    n drawn

    from the

    Company in

    this report

    period (Ten



    to be











    Market price

    of stock at the



    on drawn



    entities or

    other related

    parties or


    Mr. YEUNG

    Kwok Wei


    (Yang Guowei)

    Chairman of

    the Board of


    Male 60

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Ms. Liu Yi Director Female 40

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Mr. Claude


    Director Male 60

    Jun. 19,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Mr. Guy Chardon

    (Ji Xiaodong)

    Director Male 60

    Jun. 2,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Mr. Xiong Gang Director Male 52

    Jun. 2,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Mr. Xiang


    Director Male 56

    Nov. 5,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Mr. Wang Haisu



    Male 55

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 10.00 No

    Mr. André


    (Qian Faren)



    Male 56

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 10.00 No

    Mr. Yang




    Male 49

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0



    Mr. Victor Yang Supervisor Male 36

    Jun. 2,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Ms. Sun Tong Supervisor Female 39

    Jun. 19,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 0.00 Yes

    Mr. Yan Yaocai Supervisor Male 57

    Feb. 20,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 12.88 No

    Mr. Gérard




    Male 55

    Aug. 20,


    Aug. 20,


    0 0 65.90 No

    Mr. CHIN Wee




    Male 38

    Oct. 26,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0




    Mr. Bai Xixin Vice GM Male 46

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 67.84 No

    Mr. Jin Zhicheng Vice GM Male 50

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 27.98 No

    Mr. Pei Hanhua Vice GM Male 50

    Sep. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 48.69 No

    Mr. Wu Xiaoqing Vice GM Male 41

    Aug. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 56.49 No

    Mr. Peter

    Anthony Sommer

    Vice GM Male 50

    Aug. 25,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 38.25 No

    Mr. Kevin Qin



    Male 29

    Dec. 17,


    Sep. 25,


    0 0 42.45 No

    Total: 395.84


    1. No director, supervisor or senior management of the Company holds any Company


    2. Mr. Claude Burckbuchler, the board director of the Company, is acting as Legal

    Representative in Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, the controlling shareholder of

    the Company; Ms. Liu Yi, the board director of the Company, is acting as CFO of

    Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, the controlling shareholder of the Company; Mr.

    Xiong Gang, the board director of the Company, is acting as Vice President for Public

    Affairs of Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, the controlling shareholder of the

    Company; the board director Mr. Xiang Rongwei is acting as Chairman of the Board

    in Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd, which is a shareholder of the Company; current

    supervisor Mr. Victor Yang is acting as Legal Director in Alstom (China) Investment

    Co., Ltd, the controlling shareholder of the Company. Other directors, supervisors and

    senior management do not hold any position in shareholders.

    II. Background and working experience of directors, supervisors and senior

    management in latest five years

    Mr. YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard (Yang Guowei), Chairman of the Board of the

    Company, was born in April, 1949, Australian nationality. A HKIE Follow, major in

    Electric Engineering and holder of MBA degree. He had worked for Hong Kong CLP

    Co., Ltd, BBC, ABB and ALSTOM with positions held from Projects Sales Manager

    to Senior Vice President. He ever held positions of Country Chief Representative and

    Region Vice President in China of AREVA T&D SA. He is currently Regional

    Director of International Networks of Alstom China in Hubei and Hong Kong. Mr.

    YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard doesn’t hold any shares of WBC and didn’t get any

    penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory Commission, other

    government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.15

    Ms. Liu Yi was born in Mar. 1969, Chinese nationality and holder of bachelor degree.

    After graduation from Water Transport Department of Shanghai Marine College, she

    worked as an Accountant and Internal Controlling Manager in Shell (China)

    Development Co., Ltd, Total (China) Investment Co., Ltd and BP (China) Holdings

    Limited. She is the Regional CFO of Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd (the

    controlling shareholder of the Company). Ms. Liu Yi doesn’t hold any shares of WBC

    and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Claude Burckbuchler, born on Oct. 8, 1949, French nationality, graduated from

    Ecole Centrale Paris, was an engineer. Since Oct. 2007, Mr. Claude Burckbuchler

    formally has been acting as President of Alstom China and President of Alstom Power

    System in China. Before this, Mr. Claude Burckbuchler ever took several senior

    positions in Alstom including General Manager and President of Global

    Hydro-electric Power operation in China (from 1996 to 1998). In 2000, he was

    appointed to act as Global President of Mechanical & Electrical Department, then

    acted as Strategic Consultant of Merger and Acquisition of Electric Power

    Department in Alstom. Before took part in Alstom, Mr. Claude Burckbuchler acted as

    General Manager of Marine Affairs in Coflexip Company, which was famous in field

    of petroleum and natural gas. Mr. Claude Burckbuchler doesn’t hold any shares of

    WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Guy Chardon was born on May 20 1949, French nationality. Mr. Guy Chardon

    graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris in 1972 with a degree in Mechanical

    Engineering and got an advanced degree from the Ecole des Mines in Paris in 1975.

    Mr. Guy Chardon jointed Alstom in Oct 2003 and ever took the position as Senior

    Vice President of Alstom Turbomachines Group. Now Mr. Guy Chardon is Senior

    Vice President of Alstom Power Thermal Products. Before joining Alstom, Mr. Guy

    Chardon ever was Senior Vice President of UK-based Imerys Paper Europe

    (2001-2003), CEO of Manoir Industries Group (1998-2001), Executive Vice President

    of France-based Labinal Group (1995-1998), Senior Vice President at Chicago-based

    American National Can (1991-1995), Chairman and CEO of Pechiney Rhenalu

    (1983-1991). Before entering executive management, Mr. Guy Chardon held various

    civil servant positions in the French government, notably Advisor to the Minister for

    External Trade and to the Prime Minister. Mr. Guy Chardon doesn’t hold any shares

    of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Xiong Gang, born on June 21, 1957, Canadian nationality, graduated from State

    Administration School of Canada Quebec University with a MBA degree in 1988 and

    a diploma of Senior Research Course of International Administration in 1986. Mr.

    Xiong graduated from East China Normal University with a bachelor degree.16

    Currently, Mr. Xiong is working in Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd as Vice

    President responsible for Public Affairs. Before joining in Alstom, Mr. Xiong ever

    worked in US AEI (Asia) Co., Ltd as China Representative and Business

    Development Director, in Meiya Power Company Ltd as Beijing Chief Representative

    responsible for governmental affairs and business development between 2001 and

    2007. Since January 1988, Mr. Xiong worked in Canada Quebec Water & Electricity

    Co., Ltd as Marketing Development Manager, China Business Director, Asia Business

    Director etc responsible for the Business Development and Project Management in

    China and other Asian countries. Mr. Xiong Gang doesn’t hold any shares of WBC

    and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Xiang Rongwei was born in Apr. 1953, Chinese nationality. As a holder of

    Bachelor Degree, he worked as Deputy Director and Director of Finance as well as

    Deputy General Accountant and General Accountant in Wuhan Boiler Factory, as

    Deputy Chairman of the Board, Deputy General Manager, and General Manager in

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd., and as Director, Deputy General Manager, and

    General Manager in Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd. He holds the position as Chairman of the

    Board of Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd at present. Mr. Xiang Rongwei doesn’t hold

    any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities

    Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Wang Haisu was born in Nov. 1954, Chinese nationality. He is a Doctor of

    Philosophy in Economics, Professor and Doctoral Advisor. Currently he holds the

    position as President of MBA College in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

    and professional researcher in Property Research Center of Key Research Base for

    Humanities and Social Sciences under the Ministry of Education. His main research

    area covers industrial organization, reform of state-owned enterprises and assets

    appraisal. He also takes the positions of Vice Executive Director of Chinese Industrial

    Economic Association, Vice President of Hubei Industrial Economic Association,

    Director of China Appraisal Society, and Vice President of Hubei Appraisal Society,

    consultant in Wuhan Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and member of

    Drafting Group of Standards for the Appraisal of Assets in China. He was elected as a

    member of Drafting Experts Group of National Standard for New-emerged Market by

    International Valuation Standards Council at the end of 2000. Mr. Wang Haisu doesn’t

    hold any shares of WBC, has no related relationship with the Company, the

    controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company. He didn’t get any

    penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory Commission, other

    government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. André CHIENG was born in Nov. 1953, French nationality. He graduated from

    Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. With strong interest in Economics, he once attended the

    National Economics Management and Statistics Institute and Institute Etudes

    Politiques de Paris. After he taught Economics in China for two years since 1978, he17

    went back to France in 1980 and joined Louis-Dreyfus as General Manager of

    BRANBRA Co., which has long been engaged in trade to China. In 1988, the

    company changed its name into AEC ASITIQUE EUROPEENNE DE COMMERCE,

    and enlarged its business of consulting. In the same year, Mr. André CHIENG was

    appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors and still holds the position now. Mr.

    André CHIENG went and settled down in Beijing since 2001. He also takes the

    positions of Vice President of Comité France Chine, politics & economy consultant of

    Hebei province and honorary member of China Council for Promotion of

    International Trade. Mr. André CHIENG doesn’t hold any shares of WBC, has no

    related relationship with the Company, the controlling shareholder and actual

    controller of the Company. He didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China

    Securities Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock


    Mr. Yang Xiongsheng was born in Feb. 1960, Chinese nationality. He graduated from

    Dongbei University of Finance and Economics with a Doctor of Philosophy in

    Accountancy. Currently he holds positions as a Director, Professor and Doctoral

    Supervisor in Department of Accountancy of Nanjing University. His major research

    fields involve internal control, Basic Accounting Theory, finance management,

    management accounting. Professor Yang is also a Committee Member and Vice

    Secretary General of Accounting Society of China, Commissioner of China Internal

    Control Standards Committee under the Ministry of Finance, Consultant of

    accounting standards under the Ministry of Finance and Vice Chairman of Accounting

    Society of Jiangsu. Besides, he also serves in Hohai University, Nanjing University of

    Science and Technology, Anhui University of Finance & Economics, Anhui

    University of Technology, and Zhejiang Institute of Finance & Economics as adjunct

    professor. He is also Independent Director in Ninghu Expressway, Aerosun and Black

    Peony. Mr. Yang Xiongsheng doesn’t hold any shares of WBC, has no related

    relationship with the Company, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the

    Company. He didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Victor Yang, Chinese nationality, was born on June 24, 1973. Victor graduated

    from China Foreign Affairs University (“CFAU”) in 1995 with a bachelor degree of

    Arts and got a LLM degree from CFAU in 1998. In 2002, Victor graduated from

    Cambridge University UK with a LLM degree. Now, Victor is the Legal Director of

    Alstom China Investment Co., Ltd and also responsible for North & East Asia and

    China Legal Affairs of Alstom Power System. Before joining Alstom, Victor ever

    worked in Beijing Sibirui Consulting Co., Ltd, Beijing Fudao-Net Information &

    Technology Co., Ltd and Beijing Tianyuan Law Firm. Mr. Victor Yang doesn’t hold

    any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities

    Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Ms. Sun Tong was born on Jul. 2, 1970, Chinese nationality. From 1988 to 1992, she18

    studied at Tianjin University and got a dual-degree (Enterprise Management and

    English for Science and Technology). She became an Assistant Lecturer at Tianjin

    University of Finance and Economics during 1992 and 1993 and worked at Public

    Relations Department of Management Committee of Tianjin Development Zone

    during 1993 and 1994. Later, she became an Administrative Manager of Finance in

    the joint company of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry and Honeywell

    International Co., Ltd, Business Operating and Controlling Manager of Equipment

    Department, Honeywell International (China area), and Manager of Honeywell

    International in South China District etc. from 1994 to 2000. During the period of

    2002 and 2004, she studied at EMBA and then acted as Financial Manager of Tianjin

    ALSTOM Hydro Co., Ltd during 2001 and 2003. Now she holds the position as

    Deputy General Manager of Tianjin ALSTOM Hydro Co., Ltd. Ms. Sun Tong doesn’t

    hold any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China

    Securities Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock


    Mr. Yan Yaocai, was born on Aug. 8, 1952, Chinese nationality, member of

    Communist Party of China, holding college diploma, was an engineer. He started

    work from Dec. 1968, and worked in Wuhan Boiler Company since Dec. 1975. Mr.

    Yan Yaocai once acted as worker, technician and artisan in workshop; vice director,

    director and vice factory director of technology department in Drum Work shop;

    vice director of chief engineer office as well as vice chief of quality inspection section;

    head of test centre; Vice Chief Engineer as well as chief of quality inspection section

    and secretary of the sub-division of CCP. Now he is acting as Vice Chief Engineer as

    well as manager of Quality Assurance Department and Quality Standard Department

    and member of Party Committee; he was elected as Chairman of the 2nd Trade Union;

    Mr. Yan Yaocai doesn’t hold any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or

    punishment from China Securities Regulatory Commission, other government organs

    and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Gérard VALLEE was born in Nov. 1954, French nationality. He graduated from

    ENSAM Ecole National Superieure Des Atrs et Metiers in Paris with Engineering

    Degree in 1977, and attended Ecole supérieure de commerce de Paris-Ecole des

    Affaire de Paris (ESCP-EAP) in 1996, as well as MBA project execution of senior

    management research in INSEAD in 2003. Once served as General Manager in

    Alstom Beizhong Power (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Alstom Shanghai Transformer Co.,

    Ltd., he also held positions as Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) in Beijing Alstom

    Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. Besides, he once served as Manager of Purchasing

    Department, Manager of Nuclear Power Department, Manager of Nuclear Power

    Market Service and Contract Engineer of Nuclear Power Department in Alstom

    Energy System Co., Ltd. Mr. Gérard VALLEE doesn’t hold any shares of WBC and

    didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory Commission,

    other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.19

    Mr. CHIN Wee Hua, Malaysian nationality, was born on Oct. 4, 1971. Mr. CHIN Wee

    Hua graduated from the University of Western Australia, bachelor of Commerce with

    major in Accounting and Finance. He is also a register Australian Certified Public

    Accountants. Mr. CHIN Wee Hua graduated from University of Leicester UK with a

    MBA degree. From 2001 to 2008, he is the Finance Director for Alstom Asia Pacific

    (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. Before joining Alstom, Mr. CHIN Wee Hua ever held position as

    Senior Accountant in Roche (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. From 1997 to 1999, he was

    appointed the Senior Accountant for Lundin Oil Limited. From 1994 to 1997 he was

    the Senior Auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mr. CHIN Wee Hua, doesn’t hold

    any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities

    Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Bai Xixin was born in Jan. 1963, Chinese nationality. He is a Senior Engineer. He

    obtained his Bachelor Degree of Engineering from Huazhong University of Science

    and Technology with major of power thermal energy and Master Degree from

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology with major in western economics

    management. He is currently Deputy General Manager and Chief Economist of the

    Company. He successively held positions of Deputy Director of Design Division of

    Wuhan Boiler Factory, Deputy Director of Planning & Sales Division and Foreign

    Trade Division and Vice Chief Accountant and Director of Planning & Sales Division

    and Director of Foreign Trade Division in the Company. Mr. Bai Xixin doesn’t hold

    any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities

    Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Jin Zhicheng was born in Oct. 1959, Chinese nationality. He is an economist,

    graduated from Jianghan University of Wuhan, majoring in Industrial Economics

    Management, and from Hubei Provincial Party School of the CPC with a major of

    Economics Management. In 1999, he studied MBA in the School of Economics and

    Management of Tsinghua University. He is currently the Deputy General Manager of

    the Company. He successively held positions of Factory Director Assistant as well as

    Deputy Factory Director of Pipe Branch of the Company and Factory Director of

    Processing Branch of the Company. Mr. Jin Zhicheng doesn’t hold any shares of

    WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Pei Hanhua was born in Nov. 1959, Chinese nationality. He is an economist,

    graduated from Hubei Provincial Party School of the CPC with a bachelor degree

    majoring in Economics Management. He now is Deputy General Manager. He ever

    was Secretary of the Party Branch of Purchasing Division in the Company and Vice

    Chairman of Wuhan Safety Production Association, ever in charge of safety, health

    and environment of the Company. He ever took the positions of Factory Director

    Assistant, Deputy Factory Director and Factory Director of Steam Pressure Vessel

    Branch in the Company. Mr. Pei Hanhua doesn’t hold any shares of WBC and didn’t

    get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory Commission, other20

    government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    Mr. Wu Xiaoqing was born in Oct. 1968, Chinese nationality. He graduated from

    Shanghai Jiaotong University, majoring in Energy. He previously held the positions of

    Purchasing Specialist of ABB Global Sourcing Shanghai Office, Sourcing Manager of

    2nd period 2×900MW Boiler Project of ALSTOM Waigaoqiao Power Plant, Souring

    Manager of ALSTOM Power Energy Recovery System Business Department in China

    and Sourcing Manager of purchasing bulky cargos in Global Sourcing of ALSTOM

    energy and environmental protection systems. Mr. Wu Xiaoqing doesn’t hold any

    shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities

    Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges..

    Mr. Peter Anthony Sommer was born in Jun. 1959, Australian nationality. Mr. Peter

    Anthony Sommer possesses a Bachelor degree of Engineering and a Master degree of

    Management. He successively served as Steam Turbine Operation Manager and

    Manager of Scheme on Design of Senior Engineering in Australian Lansfield,

    manager in charge of large-scale electric power projects in large trans-national

    companies Australian Environment and Energy as well as Alstom. Mr. Peter Anthony

    Sommer doesn’t hold any shares of WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment

    from China Securities Regulatory Commission, other government organs and Chinese

    stock exchanges.

    Mr. Kevin Qin was born in Mar. 1980, Chinese nationality. He graduated from the

    East China University of Politics and Law with a L.L.B degree in Civil and

    Commercial Law and University of Durham with a L.L.M degree in European Union

    Law. Mr. Kevin Qin now also holds the position of Legal Director in the Company.

    He ever held positions as Assistant to CEO and Legal Counsel in Co-Wealth Group,

    China Legal Manager of Pacific Media PLC, Special Assistant to CEO and Legal

    Counsel in Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd. Mr. Kevin Qin doesn’t hold any shares of

    WBC and didn’t get any penalty or punishment from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission, other government organs and Chinese stock exchanges.

    III. Annual remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management

    1. Decision-making procedure of remuneration: remuneration of directors, supervisors

    and senior management of the Company is paid in accordance with the standards

    stipulated by the state labor ministry. Proposal on annual remuneration of directors,

    supervisors and senior management was formulated by the Board of Directors in

    compliance with the evaluation method of the Company, which is implemented after

    getting reviewed and approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

    2. The Company pays RMB 100,000 (before tax) to each independent director as

    allowance. Traveling and accommodation expenses incurred for attending the Board

    Meetings and the Shareholders’ Meetings will be reimbursed by the Company.21

    IV. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior management during the report period

    On February 20, 2009, the Company Employee Representatives’ Meeting elected Mr.

    Yan Yaocai as employee representative supervisor of the 4th Board of Supervisors of

    the Company through competitive election.

    2008 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held on Jun. 2 2009, in which Proposal for

    Electing Mr. Xiong Gang as a Candidate Director, Proposal for Electing Mr. Guy

    Chardon as a Candidate Director and Proposal for Electing Mr. Victor Yang as a

    Candidate Supervisor were reviewed and approved through accumulative voting. Mr.

    Xiong Gang and Mr. Guy Chardon were elected as board directors of the Company,

    and Mr. Victor Yang was elected as supervisor of the Company.

    The 15th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was held on Jun. 25 2009, in which

    Proposal about Resignation of Finance Director, Mr. Philippe Vergne and Appointing

    Mr. Carsten Roemer as a new Finance Director was reviewed and approved, and Mr.

    Carsten Roemer was appointed as Financial Director of the Company.

    The 18th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was held on Oct. 26 2009, in which

    Proposal about Resignation of Finance Director, Mr. Carsten Roemer and Appointing

    Mr. CHIN Wee Hua as Finance Director of WBC was reviewed and approved, and Mr.

    CHIN Wee Hua was appointed as Financial Director of the Company.

    V. Employees

    As at the end of this report period, the Company has a total number of 2,285

    on-the-job staffs and 1,414 retired staffs. Details as follows:

    Specialty Composition:

    Items Number of person Proportion




    Production Personnel 1,250 54.70


    Sales Personnel 20 0.88


    Technician 437 19.12


    Financial Personnel 63 2.76


    Administration Personnel 274 11.99


    Other 241 10.55


    Total 2,285 100


    Education Background:

    Items Number of person Proportion (%)

    Undergraduate or above 374 16.37


    3-year regular college graduate 592 25.91


    Senior high school (including technical secondary

    school and technical school)




    Junior high school or lower 380 16.63


    Total 2,285 100


    Section VI Corporate Governance

    I. Corporate governance structure of the Company

    II. Corporate governance in this report period

    The Board of Directors of the Company continuously improved its corporate

    governance and standardized the Company’s operation strictly according to the

    requirements of the Company Law, the Securities Law and other relevant laws and

    regulations. In this report period, by launching specific correction activities, the

    Company improved many aspects of governance and internal control system,

    perfected its corporate governance and normalized operation. The Board of Directors

    thinks that the actual situation of corporate governance of the Company is in

    compliance with the requirements of Guiding Principle on Governing Listed


    1. About shareholders and Shareholders’ Meeting:

    The Company convenes and holds Shareholders’ Meetings according to requirements

    of Opinions on Standardization of Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies and

    Rules of Procedure for the Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies, the Company

    treats all shareholders equally, especially minority shareholders are insured to be

    equally treated and they can fully exercise their lawful rights.

    2. About relationship between controlling shareholder and the Company:

    The controlling shareholder complies with laws while exercising their rights as

    investors through the Shareholders’ Meeting and doesn’t, directly and indirectly,

    intervene the Company’s decision-making and operation through other channels. The

    Board of Supervisors

    Board of Directors

    Strategy Committee Audit Committee Nomination Committee Compensation Committee

    Internal Audit Department Management Team

    Shareholders’ Meeting24

    human resources, assets, finance, organizations and operations of the Company are

    independent of the controlling shareholder. The Company and controlling shareholder

    maintain different financial accounts, independently undertake commercial liabilities

    and market risks. Related transactions between the Company and controlling

    shareholder are reasonable and fair, and its decision-making procedures comply with

    the related regulations. The controlling shareholder doesn’t occupy any fund of the

    Company and the Company doesn’t provide any guarantee to the controlling

    shareholder and its subsidiaries.

    3. About directors and the Board of Directors:

    The Company elects and engages directors strictly in accordance with procedure on

    director election, the Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company,

    ensuring that the director election is public, just, fair and independent. The Company

    ensures that the number and structure of directors is in compliance with provisions

    stipulated in laws and regulations. The meetings of the Board of Directors are

    convened and held according to the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors.

    Board directors perform and fulfill their duties honestly, diligently and responsibly.

    The Board of Directors establishes special committees, each of which performs its

    own duty and improves the efficiency of the Board of Directors.

    4. About supervisors and the Board of Supervisors:

    The Company elects and engages supervisors strictly in accordance with procedure on

    supervisor election, the Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company.

    The Company ensures that the number and structure of supervisors is in compliance

    with provisions stipulated in laws and regulations. The Board of Supervisors inspects

    and supervises the legitimacy of activities of the Company finance, directors, senior

    management and other managers, safeguards the benefits and interests of


    5. About information disclosure and its transparency:

    Secretary of the Board of Directors is responsible for information disclosure and

    investor relationship management, including reception of visits and consultations

    from investors. Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao are designated by the

    Company as the newspapers for disclosing relevant information. According to laws,

    regulations and requirements of the Management Rules on Information Disclosure of

    the Company, the Company discloses the information authentically, accurately, timely

    and completely to ensure all shareholders have equal opportunity to acquire


    III. Performance of Directors and Independent Directors

    The Company has three independent directors, which meet the requirement of

    Directive for Establishment Independent Directors’ System of Listed Companies

    promulgated by China Securities Regulatory Commission. The independent directors

    of the Company carefully fulfill their duties, prudently review and take a vote to

    proposals submitted to all meetings of the Board and Shareholders’ Meetings and25

    issued independent opinions, which made a positive effect on the reasonable

    decision-making procedures of the Board and the protection of the legitimate rights of


    1. Directors including Independent Directors attending the meeting of the Board:

    Name Position held

    Times that

    should be

    present at the

    Board meetings

    Times of



    Times of

    presence through


    Times by

    power of


    Times of



    absent twice

    YEUNG Kwok Wei


    Chairman of

    the Board of


    7 7 0 0 0 No

    Ms. Liu Yi Director 7 7 0 0 0 No

    Mr. Claude


    Director 7 7 0 0 0 No

    Mr. Guy Chardon Director 4 3 0 1 0 No

    Mr. Xiong Gang Director 4 4 0 0 0 No

    Mr. Xiang Rongwei Director 7 7 0 0 0 No

    Mr. Wang Haisu



    7 7 0 0 0 No

    André CHIENG



    7 7 0 0 0 No

    Mr. Yang Xiongsheng



    7 7 0 0 0 No

    2. Particulars about Independent Directors proposing different opinions on relevant

    matters of the Company:

    During the report period, all independent directors proposed no different opinion on

    the relevant matters of the Company.

    IV. Independence of personnel, assets, finance, organization and operations of the

    Company from controlling shareholder

    The Company is independent in personnel, assets, finance, organization and

    operations from its controlling shareholder, Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, and

    independently responsible for commercial liabilities and market risks.

    In Personnel, the Company establishes independent labor, personnel and salaries

    management systems. No senior management possesses any position in the

    controlling shareholder entities.

    In assets, the relationship regarding assets ownership between the Company and the

    controlling shareholder have been clearly defined, and the controlling shareholder

    does not in possession of any assets, capital or other resources of the Company.26

    In finance, the Company has its own independent finance department with perfect

    accounting system and financial management system. Decisions in finance are made

    according to the stringent requirements of accounting system for listed companies,

    and the similar requirements have been applied to subsidiaries of the Company. The

    Company has its own independent bank account and its taxations are paid

    independently in compliance with legal requirement.

    In organization structure, the Company already established independent, integrated

    and effective operation system and responsibility of all organizations is clear. The

    establishment and operation of corporate governance of the Company was already

    implemented strictly in accordance with Articles of Association of the Company,

    which introduced Independent Director System and established four special

    committees under the Board. The production, operation and administration of the

    Company are completely independent from the controlling shareholder. The Company

    already established organization structure suitable for requirement of


    In operation, the Company has independent and integrated business and has capability

    to self-operate, independent purchase, sales, and production systems. The purchase,

    production and sales of raw materials and products are all conducted through the

    independent system of the Company. There is no horizontal competition between the

    Company and the controlling shareholder in domestic market.

    V. Performance appraisal and stimulation mechanism for senior management

    Appraisal and stimulation mechanism for senior management of the Company made

    by the Board of Directors is based on the achievement of annual business target. In

    accordance with annual business target, the Company pays annual salary to senior

    management in line with individual performance review and other appraisal index

    such as operation performance, safety production, diligent and honest administration.

    VI. Particulars about the internal control of the Company

    For standardizing and improving operations of the Company, in accordance with the

    provisions of relevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law, the Securities

    Law and the Guiding Principles on Governing Listed Companies, as well as the

    Company’s real situation, gradually formulated and revised Articles of Association of

    the Company, Rules of Procedure for the Shareholders’ Meeting, Rules of Procedure

    for the Board of Directors, Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors, the

    Management Rules on Information Disclosure, Reception and Promotion Working

    System, Management System for Fund Raised, Internal Audit System, Internal Report

    System for Significant Events, the Measures Regarding the Administration of Change

    in Shareholding held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management, Working

    Rules for General Manager, Annual Report Working System for Independent

    Directors and Audit Working System Regarding the Annual Financial Report for27

    Audit Committee and etc..

    In this report period, based on the requirements from China Securities Regulatory

    Commission and Hubei Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Company formulated Insider

    Dealing Code of the Company, System about Liabilities for Material Mistakes in

    Disclosing Annual Reports, Management Rules on Derivative Investment of the

    Company and Management Rules on External Reporting and Usage of the Information

    to further enhance quality and transparency of annual report information disclosure and

    perfect internal control system of the Company for purpose of improving the

    Company’s management expertise and risk prevention capability.

    The Internal Control Self-Assessment Report in 2009 was announced on March 30

    2010 at the website http://www.cninfo.com.cn, which is the designated website by the

    Company for disclosure of information.

    1. Opinion of the Board of Directors concerning self-assessment of internal control

    The current internal control system of the Company is in compliance with the relevant

    laws and requirements set forth by securities supervision authorities, and it also

    satisfies the actual needs of the Company operation. The management team has full

    awareness to enhance the system of internal control, and formed a positive

    environment as well as a good supervisory system for internal control. The current

    internal control system is well targeted, reasonably established, and finely practiced,

    which was well reflected in the internal control of the sales of production and money

    collection, purchase and payment of stocks and approval and reimbursement for

    expense and capital expenditure. Besides, it exerted positive effects on key sections,

    important investments and important risks, ensuring normal operations in each

    department and safety of all assets of the Company.

    2. Opinion of the Board of Supervisors concerning Internal Control Self-assessment


    In accordance with relevant provisions stipulated by China Securities Regulatory

    Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange and basic principles of internal control,

    the Company improved the organization of internal control based on the reality of the

    Company. With an updated internal control system, the Company conducted normal

    internal control activities, promoted smooth and healthy operation of the Company

    and ensured the plausibility and legality of internal control. The internal control

    system enabled better protection and safety of the assets of the Company. The

    self-assessment of the Board of Directors on the Company’s internal control system,

    truly and objectively, reflected the actual situation of the internal control of the


    3. Opinion of Independent Directors concerning Internal Control Self-assessment


    In this report period, a series of new management rules of the Company were revised,28

    examined and approved the Board of Directors. With a fair and sound internal control

    system of the Company, the key improvement activities concerning internal control

    were launched stringently according to various rules of the Company. The internal

    control on management of subsidiaries, related transactions, external guarantees and

    information disclosure was strict, sufficient and effective, which helped to ensure

    normal operation in business and management of the Company. The self-assessment

    of the Board of Directors on the internal control was in accordance with actual

    situation of the internal control of the Company.

    VII. Verification of appraisal opinion from auditor concerning self-assessment of

    internal control of the Company

    During annual audit 2009, the auditor doesn’t express a verification report on the

    self-assessment of internal control of the Company.

    VIII. Corporate Social Responsibility Report of the Company

    The Company doesn’t disclose the Corporate Social Responsibility Report.29

    Section VII Brief Introduction of the Shareholders’ Meeting

    I. Notice, convening and holding of the Shareholders’ Meeting

    (1) Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

    2008 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held by the Company on Jun. 2 2009, and

    the meeting resolutions were published on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated

    Jun. 3 2009.

    2008 Annual Report and its Summary Report, 2008 Profit Distribution etc were

    reviewed and approved in the meeting.

    (2) Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

    The First Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting 2009 was held by the Company on

    Aug. 11 2009, and the meeting resolutions were published on Securities Times and Ta

    Kung Pao dated Aug. 12 2009.

    Proposal about an Entrusted Loan from Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd to WBC

    through a Chinese Bank was reviewed and approved in the meeting.30

    Section VIII Report of the Board of Directors

    I. Discussion and analysis of operation results during this report period

    The year 2009 was the second year after the Company being acquired and

    restructured. And the sales revenue of the Company in 2009 decreased comparing to

    the previous year because of the relocation of its production facilities from old site to

    the new factory in the middle of 2009.

    Due to reasons such as the gross profit decrease caused by less production activities

    during the relocation period, the higher financial expenses caused by more loans and

    the provision for impairment of materials, the Board of Directors of the Company

    released a pre-warning announcement about annual operation result on Oct. 29 2009.

    During this report period, the Company generated a total operating revenue of RMB

    517,679,190.56, a decrease of 53.82% as compared to last year; a total profit of

    RMB -687,560,230.09, 84.55%down from the previous year; a net profit attributable

    to shareholders of the Company RMB -675,672,514.99, a reduction of 90.90% over

    last year.

    II. Particulars about the operation of the Company

    (1) Main business scope and operation status

    The Company is mainly engaged in the development, production and sales of power

    station boilers, special boilers, desulfurization equipments, other pressure vessels and

    auxiliary equipments.

    The Company’s main business classified by industry and product:

    Unit: RMB

    Segment information by industry


    or products



    Operating cost





    Change in



    compared to

    last year (%)

    Change in

    operating cost

    compared to last

    year (%)

    Change in

    operating profit


    compared to last

    year (%)

    Machinery 517,679,190.56 622,449,427.98 -20.24% -53.82% -44.08% -20.96%

    Segment information by product31

    Boilers 517,679,190.56 622,449,427.98 -20.24% -53.82% -44.08% -20.96%


    The Company produces specialized equipments for the energy and environmental

    protection industries and is classified under machinery manufacturing industry.

    The Company’s main business classified by geographical area

    Unit: RMB

    Market Revenue Increase/decrease in operating revenue over last year (%)

    Domestic 404,818,603.56 -61.49%

    Overseas 112,860,587.00 61.82%

    (2) Main suppliers and customers

    The total purchase from the top five suppliers for the year 2009 was RMB

    236,677,528.06 being 45.23% of the total annual purchase of the Company; the total

    revenue from the top five customers was RMB 396,328,697.38, which was 76.56%of

    the total revenue of the Company.

    (3) Changes in the Company’s assets, liabilities and expenses during the report period

    Unit: RMB

    31 Dec 2009 31 Dec 2008



    Proportion to total




    in total


    Change in

    proportion to

    total assets

    Cash and bank balances 32,155,537.93 1.53% 47,867,354.63 1.67% -8.29%

    Notes receivable 119,714,775.17 5.70% 380,000.00 0.01% 42908.21%

    Prepayments 54,734,282.45 2.61% 141,863,705.37 4.95% -47.33%

    Inventories 76,565,007.91 3.64% 918,505,849.66 32.03% -88.62%

    Fixed assets 608,687,168.29 28.97% 121,851,170.82 4.25% 581.95%

    Construction in progress 175,819,636.95 8.37% 406,345,860.06 14.17% -40.93%

    Other non-current assets 24,525.50 0.001% 6,174,943.43 0.22% -99.46%

    Notes payable 219,077,384.51 10.43% 433,649,225.98 15.12% -31.03%

    Advanced payments from


    31,395,403.74 1.49% 10,442,136.73 0.36% 310.45%

    Employee benefits payable 78,008,118.69 3.71% 44,989,865.76 1.57% 136.71%

    Other payables 38,838,894.32 1.85% 25,258,271.32 0.88% 109.92%

    Non-current liabilities due 0.00 0.00 90,000,000.00 3.14% -100.00%32

    within 1-year

    Long term loans 0.00 0.00 100,000,000.00 3.49% -100.00%

    Other non-current liabilities 1,229,589.41 0.06% 20,646,122.33 0.72% -91.87%

    Items 2009 2008 Increase/decrease proportion

    Operating revenue 517,679,190.56 1,121,071,252.12 -53.82%

    Operating Cost 622,449,427.98 1,113,022,567.22 -44.08%

    Business taxes and surcharges 834,125.93 5,228,738.43 -84.05%

    Selling expense 10,056,173.85 6,198,590.04 62.23%

    Administration expense 157,810,983.11 115,279,632.30 36.89%

    Impairment loss 306,125,486.73 163,188,219.75 87.59%

    Gain/loss on change in fair


    6,501.92 -1,015,005.38 100.64%

    Gain/loss on investment 0.00 -1,354,516.32 100.00%

    Non-operating expense 11,466,201.23 2,513,546.21 356.18%


    Cash and bank balances decreased as compared to last year mainly due to payments

    for new factory capital expenditure during the report period;

    Notes receivable increased as compared to last year mainly due to increase in the

    customers’ collections in the form of banker acceptance draft;

    Prepayments decreased as compared to last year mainly due to reduced purchases

    arising from low business operations during factory relocation;

    Inventory decreased as compared to last year mainly due to progress billings raised

    per contract payment terms and provisions made for raw material stock obsolescence;

    Fixed assets increased as compared to last year mainly due to capitalization of capital

    expenditure in line with completion of the new factory construction;

    Construction in progress decreased as compared to last year mainly due to

    capitalization of capital expenditure in line with completion of the new factory


    Other non-current assets decreased as compared to last year mainly due to settlement

    of hedge contract for Perawang project;

    Notes payable decreased as compared to last year mainly due to reduced purchases

    arising from low business operations during factory relocation;

    Advanced payments from customers increased as compared to last year mainly due to

    RMB 20,826,000 received from ALSTOM Power Systems S.A Etablissement Boilers

    for trade processing contract;

    Employee benefits payable increased as compared to last year mainly due to provision

    for employees’ retirement benefits;

    Other payables increased as compared to last year mainly due to increase in balances33

    with related parties RMB9,011,747.30, deposit of RMB1,760,000 held for fixed assets

    disposal and accrual for insurance premium RMB2,757,391.59;

    Non-current liabilities due within 1 year decreased as compared to last year mainly

    due to repayment of bank borrowing upon maturity;

    Long-term loan decreased as compared to last year mainly due to early settlement of

    bank borrowing;

    Other non-current liabilities decreased mainly due to settlement of hedge contract for

    Perawang project and recognition of unrealized finance cost arising from discounted

    employees’ retirement benefits;

    Revenue decreased as compared to last year mainly due to low business operations

    during factory relocation;

    Operating cost decreased as compared to last year mainly due to low business

    operations during factory relocation;

    Business taxes and surcharges decreased as compared to last year mainly due to low

    business operations during factory relocation;

    Selling expense increased as compared to last year mainly due to RMB 2,795,710.32

    allocation of factory relocation expenses;

    Administration expense increased as compared to last year mainly due to provision

    for employees’ retirement benefits RMB 28,658,255.24 and absence of raw material

    stock count surplus which recorded RMB 11,591,570.87 in prior year.

    Impairment loss increased as compared to last year mainly due to additional provision

    for doubtful debts amounting RMB 123,629,564.83 made during the year;

    Gain/loss on change in fair value improved as compared to last year mainly due to

    settlement of hedge contract for Perawang project;

    Gain/loss on investment improved as compared to last year due to the absence of

    investment transaction which recorded a loss on disposal of subsidiaries in prior year;

    Non-operating expense increased as compared to last year mainly due to disposal of

    idle fixed assets during factory relocation.

    (4) Fair value measurement during the report period

    Measurement of fair value was in accordance with the stipulated accounting standards

    and there was no deviation to this practice during the year under review.

    (5) Changes in the Company’s cash flow position during the report period

    Unit: RMB

    Items 2009 2008 Increase/decrease (%)

    Cash flow from operating activities:34

    Cash inflow 681,427,298.45 1,120,815,165.76 -39.20%

    Cash outflow 402,965,741.73 1,950,404,963.56 -79.34%

    Net cash flow from operating activities 278,461,556.72 -829,589,797.80 -133.57%

    Cash flow from investing activities:

    Cash inflow 18,453,847.11 83,252,823.79 -77.83%

    Cash outflow 302,672,430.66 373,774,884.68 -19.02%

    Net cash flow from investing activities -284,218,583.55 -290,522,060.89 -2.17%

    Cash flow from financing activities

    Cash inflow 4,059,000,000.00 2,640,000,000.00 53.75%

    Cash outflow 4,064,804,172.59 1,563,671,349.39 159.95%

    Net cash flow from financing activities -5,804,172.59 1,076,328,650.61 -100.54%


    Cash inflow from operating activities decreased as compared to last year mainly due

    to low business operations during factory relocation;

    Cash outflow from operating activities decreased as compared to last year mainly due

    to low business operations during factory relocation;

    Cash inflow from investing activities decreased as compared to last year mainly due

    to lower amount of pledged cash being released during the year under review;

    Cash inflow from financing activities increased as compared to last year mainly due

    to increase in shareholder’s loan;

    Cash outlow from financing activities increased as compared to last year mainly due

    to repayment of bank borrowings.

    (6) Operating results of holding subsidiaries and joint stock subsidiaries

    At the end of the report period, the Company had two holding subsidiaries:Wuhan

    Lanxiang Energy & Environmental Protection Technologies Inc. (hereinafter referred

    to as “Lanxiang Company”) and Wuhan Boiler Boyu Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

    referred to as “Boyu Company”). The basic information and general operating results

    of the said subsidiaries were as follows:

     Lanxiang Company

    Lanxiang Company was established on Jun. 4 2002 with a registered capital of RMB

    20 million, of which Wuhan Boiler Company Limited holds 95% equity. The

    registration code of Lanxiang Company is 420100000094025. And its business scope35

    includes: R&D, design, consultation and technology services related to boilers, energy

    & environmental protection products, steel structures, thermal energy-related products

    and their auxiliary equipments; marketing of products developed; energy project

    (non-land construction projects) contracting and technical service (special-purpose

    projects subject to governmental approval). In this report period, Lanxiang Company

    generated operation revenue of RMB 2,280,000 and a net profit reaching RMB


    On Apr. 22 2009, the Proposal for Liquidation of Lanxiang Company was approved

    by the 12th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors of the Company. And the resolutions

    made at the meeting were disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Apr.

    27 2009. As of the end of this report period, the liquidation of Lanxiang Company

    was not closed.

     Boyu Company

    Boyu Company was established on Sep. 30 1998 with its registration code of

    4201001101773. Its registered capital is RMB 19.115 million. And its business scope

    includes: product design, manufacturing and packaging of mechanical & electrical

    products; processing of metal structures; design and production of mould & model;

    production of various high- and medium-pressure valve roughcast, cast steel, cast iron

    and non-ferrous metal cast. In this report period, Boyu Company generated operation

    revenue of RMB 15,335,700 and a net profit of RMB -9,873,600.

    On Aug. 25 2008, the Proposal for Liquidation of Boyu Company was approved by

    the 8th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors of the Company. And the resolutions

    made at the meeting were disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Aug.

    28 2008. As of the end of this report period, the liquidation of Boyu Company was not


    The Company has no other holding subsidiaries, share holdings and joint ventures.

    III. Future outlook of the Company

    (1) Analysis on the 2010 development trends of the industry where the Company is


    In 2010, investment to new energy resources will become a worldwide spotlight.

    Considering the increasing demand of electricity, the commitment of carbon emission

    reduction and the planning for new industries, new energy resources and low-carbon

    economy will be the main development trend of the industry of thermal products. It

    will be inevitable and necessary for the thermal products industry to promote

    energy-saving and emission reduction programs. Meanwhile, the environment

    protection industry for power plants is expected to have good prospects, and the clean

    energy equipments will have more market share in thermal products market. Because

    the peak of thermal power investment already passed, the production and sales of36

    thermal power equipments will continuously shrink in 2010. Therefore, the Company

    is facing more difficult market environment and will have more difficulties to win

    orders in 2010.

    (2) Strategies of the Company for future development

    Alstom in France, the controller of the Company’s controlling shareholder Alstom

    (China) Investment Co., Ltd, owns the world-advanced AGVTM rail transport

    technology and provides integrated power plant solutions covering a variety of energy

    sources, including coal, hydro, natural gas, nuclear and wind energy. With Alstom as

    a platform, the Company will look for opportunities to move up to a new level of


    The new plant with the investment about RMB 900 million has been officially

    inaugurated on Nov. 12 2009. With the transfer of world-class supercritical and

    ultra-supercritical boiler technologies from Alstom, the Company will be able to

    provide environment friendly and high-efficient products which meet development

    requirement of power market. Consequently, the overall performance of the Company

    will be dramatically improved, especially that the Company’s engineering design,

    manufacturing and quality of finished products will reach world class standard. So,

    the Company will become one of Alstom’s major boiler manufacturing bases

    worldwide and the sole base in China, as well as one of the important boiler

    manufacturers in Asia and the world.

    (3) Business plan for the new year

    2010 is a very critical year for China economy development. Facing the uncertain

    economic situation, the Company senior management pays high attention to changes

    of domestic and foreign market and pressures of operation due to the 3 years

    consecutive losses. If the Company fails to make profit in 2010, it will trigger the risk

    of delisting of the Company stocks. Therefore, the senior management shall focus on

    the following 6 priorities in order to avoid the risk of delisting and try to apply for

    listing restoration of Company stocks:

    1. After completing the technology transfer for 600 MW class supercritical pulverized

    coal boilers, 350 MW class supercritical pulverized coal boiler technology

    development and design, and the improvement of the technology for the 300MW

    class pulverized coal boilers, the Company is actively bidding in domestic market.

    The Company will complete the technology transfer for 1000MW class

    Ultra-Supercritical pulverized coal boiler in 2010;

    2. With the supports from Alstom, the Company will get export orders for assemblies

    of boilers. Meanwhile, the Company will accumulate manufacturing experience about

    Supercritical and Ultra-Supercritical boilers and demonstrate production capacity of

    the new factory. Thus the Company can improve its domestic competition capacity37

    and expand its domestic market share;

    3. The Company provide more training to employees to further master new

    technologies and adapt to new procedures so as to meet high quality requirements of

    export orders and accumulate export sales performance;

    4. The Company shall actively get continuous financing supports from Alstom (China)

    Investment Co., Ltd so as to meet financing requirements of normal company


    5. With the supports from Alstom, the Company will try to get advantageous payment

    conditions for export orders in order to improve operating cash flow and reduce

    financial cost;

    6. The Company will actively execute all management systems and working

    procedures, tighten cost control and cash flow management, try its best to finish more

    orders, deliver products and recognize project profits so as to achieve the objective of

    “turning loss to profit in 2010”.

    (4) Major risks and solutions

    According to the price policy announced recently, the factory prices of main steel

    products are increasing dramatically with the largest price increase at RMB 600/ton,

    which is giving much pressures to manufacturing industry of thermal products.

    Considering the negative impact of the price fluctuation of raw materials, the

    Company will continue to follow the price trend of raw material and strengthen the

    quota control of raw material consumption. Meanwhile, the Company will execute

    different purchasing strategies, keep good cooperation with its main suppliers and

    sign long-term supply contracts so as to make sure that the material supply will be

    well arranged with stable prices.

    IV. Investment in this report period

    (1) In this report period, the Company had not raised fund through share offering or

    the application of fund from previous share offering.

    (2) In this report period, the Company had not raised fund through share offering for

    other investments.

    V. Changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates and their impact

    In this report period, there were no changes in accounting policies and accounting

    estimates of the Company.

    VI. Routine work of the Board of Directors

    (I) Resolutions and information disclosure of the Board Meetings convened in this38

    report period

    In this report period, the Board of Directors convened 7 meetings, and the detailed

    information regarding meeting, convening procedure and information disclosed are as


    (1) On Apr. 22 2009, the 12th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    the First meeting Room on 5/F, Tower C of Qiankun Plaza, Beijing. And the

    resolutions made at the meeting were disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao

    dated Apr. 27 2009.

    (2) On Apr. 22 2009, the 13th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    the First meeting room on 5/F, Tower C of Qiankun Plaza, Beijing. And the

    resolutions made at the meeting were disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao

    dated Apr. 28 2009.

    (3) On May 11 2009, the 14th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    No.3 meeting room of the Company. And the resolutions made at the meeting were

    disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated May 12 2009.

    (4) On Jun. 25 2009, the 15th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    No.3 meeting room of the Company. And the resolutions made at the meeting were

    disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Jun. 30 2009.

    (5) On Jul. 23 2009, the 16th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    No.3 meeting room of the Company. And the resolutions made at the meeting were

    disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Jul. 25 2009.

    (6) On Aug. 25 2009, the 17th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    No.3 meeting room of the Company. And the resolutions made at the meeting were

    disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Aug. 28 2009.

    (7) On Oct. 26 2009, the 18th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was convened at

    No.2006 meeting room of the Company. And the resolutions made at the meeting

    were disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Oct. 29 2009.

    (II) Execution of the resolutions made at the Shareholders’ Meeting by the Board of


    In this report period, according to relevant laws and regulations, as well as the

    resolutions and authorization of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors

    seriously executed the resolutions made at the Shareholders’ Meeting and actively and

    prudently did the work under the principle of being responsible for all shareholders.

    And neither profit distribution nor transfer of capital reserve to share capital was

    conducted in the year 2008.

    (III) Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board

    (1) The review opinion on the financial statements prepared by the Company before

    auditing by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd.

    Board of Directors of the Company,39

    We have reviewed the financial statements submitted by the Finance Department of

    the Company, which include the balance sheet as at Dec. 31 2009, the income

    statement, the cash flow statement, the statement of changes in owners’ equity for the

    year then ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements. We focused on the

    factuality and completeness of the financial information provided according to the

    New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the related financial rules of

    the Company. Based on our inquiry with relevant financial personnel and

    management about the Company’s computational procedures of financial information,

    we believe that: all the transactions of the Company were fully recorded and the

    related materials were complete; the accounting policies and accounting estimates

    adopted were suitable and reasonable. Since there is still a time gap from this

    preliminary review to the issuance of the first draft of the audit report, we hereby

    remind the Finance Department of the Company to strictly follow the New

    Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises when handling events after balance

    sheet date to ensure the fairness, factuality and completeness of the financial


    Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

    Nov. 23 2009

    (2) The review opinion on the financial statements of the Company after the

    preliminary audit opinion issued by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants


    Board of Directors of the Company,

    We have reviewed the preliminary audit opinion issued by Wuhan Zhonghuan

    Certified Public Accountants Ltd. and the financial statements submitted by the

    Company, which include the balance sheet as at Dec. 31 2009, the income statement,

    the cash flow statement, the statement of change in owners’ equity for the year then

    ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements. Through further review the

    detail of the accounts records and vouchers, we maintain our original statement that:

    in our opinion, the financial statements comply with the New Accounting Standards

    for Business Enterprises and the related financial system of the Company, presenting

    fairly in all material respects the financial position of the Company as at Dec. 31 2009,

    as well as the operating results and its cash flows for the year then ended.

    Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

    Mar.16 2010

    (3) The summary report of the audit work performed by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified

    Public Accountants Ltd.

    Board of Directors of the Company,40

    In accordance with the audit plan of the Company, 7 auditors from Wuhan Zhonghuan

    Certified Public Accountants Ltd. performed the audit of the 2009 financial statements.

    The pre-audit communication commenced on Nov. 6 2009 and the formal audit

    started on Jan. 4 2010. The leader of the audit team conducted effective

    communication with the Company’s relevant financial personnel, management

    personnel and members of the Audit Committee on the subject of consolidation of the

    Company’s financial statements and application of the New Accounting Standards for

    Business Enterprises. Such in-depth communication provided all relevant parties with

    an adequate understanding of the operation status and financial processes of the

    Company, as well as the application of the New Accounting Standards for Business

    Enterprises, which also provided a foundation for Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public

    Accountants Ltd. to draw a fair audit conclusion.

    During the audit, the Audit Committee focused on the following questions when

    communicating with the auditors:

    1. Whether all the transactions were recorded and reported fully, truly and completely;

    2. Whether the financial reports were produced in accordance with the New

    Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the requirements of the securities

    regulatory authorities;

    3. Whether the internal accounting control system of the Company was a sound one;

    4. Whether all departments of the Company fully cooperated with the auditors in

    providing the information required.

    The auditors of Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. gave positive

    replies concerning the aforesaid questions and issued a standard unqualified audit

    report on Mar. 28 2010. We hold the opinion that: with the excellent professional

    skills and reasonable personnel allocation, the auditors performing the 2009 annual

    auditing concluded their work in strict compliance with the Independent Auditing

    Criteria for Chinese Registered Accountants; the audit report issued presented a true

    and fair reflection of the Company’s financial position as of Dec. 31 2009, operating

    results and cash flows position for the year then ended, and the audit conclusion was

    in compliance with the Company’s actual situation.

    Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

    Mar. 28 2010

    (4) Resolution on re-engaging Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd.

    as auditor for the year 2010

    Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. had been serving as the

    Company’s annual auditor since the year 1998. And it performed competently and

    diligently during the 2009 annual auditing. Therefore, the Audit Committee hereby

    proposes to re-engage of Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. as the41

    annual auditor for the year 2010, with an auditing fee of RMB 750,000.

    The above resolution shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company for

    examination and 2009 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for examination and approval.

    Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

    Mar. 28 2010

    (IV) Duty performance of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board

    The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee have reviewed the remuneration of

    directors, supervisors and senior management disclosed in 2009 Annual Report of the

    Company, and hereby expresses our opinion as follows:

    In our opinion, the current Compensation and Benefit system applied in the Company

    was set up according to the stipulated decision-making procedures. The actual

    distribution of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management and the

    corresponding amount disclosed in 2009 Annual Report is true and accurate.

    Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors

    Mar. 28 2010

    VII. Plan of profit distribution or transfer of capital reserve to share capital for the

    year 2009

    As audited by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd., the Company

    generated a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company amounting to

    RMB -675,672,514.99 in 2009. Neither profit distribution nor transfer of capital

    reserve to share capital will be implemented in the year 2009.

    The aforesaid plan shall be submitted to the Company’s 2009 Annual Shareholders’

    Meeting for review and approval.

    VIII. Details of the Company’s bonus distribution for the last three years


    Amount of cash


    included) (RMB


    Net profit attributable to

    shareholders of the

    Company in the

    consolidated financial

    statements (RMB 0’000)

    Ratio to the net

    profit attributable

    to shareholders of

    the Company in the


    financial statements



    profits for the year

    (RMB 0’000)

    2008 0.00 -35,393.43 0.00% -72,936.6842

    2007 0.00 -48,060.22 0.00% -37,543.25

    2006 594.00 1,274.89 46.59% 11,110.97

    Proportion of the cumulative cash

    bonus in the past three years to the

    average annual distributable profits (%)

    ----- ----- -----

    IX. Other information disclosed

    (1) Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao were designated by the Company as the

    newspapers for information disclosure in 2009, which remained unchanged in this

    report period.

    (2) Special explanation by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. on

    the funds occupation by the controlling shareholder or other related parties

    Board of Directors of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited:

    We accepted your appointment, based on “Chinese Accounting Standard (2006)” to

    audit Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (the “Company”) balance sheet and

    consolidated balance sheet as at December 31, 2009, income statement and

    consolidated income statement, statement of change in shareholders’ equity and

    consolidated statement of change in shareholders’ equity, cash flow statement and

    consolidated cash flow statement for year ended December 31, 2009 and the notes

    to the financial statements for the year then ended and issued Zhonghuan Audit No.

    (2010) 395 “Auditor’s Report”on March 28, 2010.

    According to the requirements stated in China Securities Regulatory Commission

    “Notice Concerning Some Issues on Regulating the Funds Between Listed Companies

    and Associated Parties and External Guaranties Provided by Listed Companies No. 56

    [2003] promulgated by CSRC”, the Company compiled the attached 2009 “Fund

    Possession Summary” for the year ended December 31, 2009 for its controlling

    shareholders and other associated parties.

    According to “Fund Possession Summary”, in 2009, the controlling shareholders and

    its associated parties of the Company had possessed accumulatively the listed

    company’s fund for RMB 86,105,701.35. The listed company’s funds were possessed

    for operating purposes. By December 31, 2009, the controlling shareholders and its

    associated parties of the Company had possessed accumulatively the listed company’s

    fund for RMB 124,685,786.16. The listed company’s funds were possessed for

    operating purposes.

    The full text of the Special Explanation on the Funds Occupation by the Controlling

    Shareholder and other Related Parties of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited issued by

    Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. had been published on


    (3) Special explanation and independent opinion on the accumulated external

    guarantees and the current period external guarantees given by the independent

    directors of the Company

    The independent directors believed that the Company had strictly controlled external

    guarantee issues, and no guarantees had been provided for shareholders, holding

    subsidiaries of shareholders, related parties of shareholders, or other related parties

    that the Company holds less than 50% shares, any non-legal person entities or any

    individuals. In this report period, the Company didn’t provide any guarantee to any

    external entity in any form.44

    Section IX Report of the Board of Supervisors

    I. Work of the Board of Supervisors in this report period:

    In 2009, following the spirit of being responsible for all shareholders, the Company’s

    Board of Supervisors conscientiously performed its responsibilities of supervision in

    accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law and Articles of Association of

    the Company. There were five meetings of the Board of Supervisors held during the

    report period in order to examine proposals, such as the Annual Report and the

    Interim Report, supervise the execution of resolutions made by the Board of Directors,

    and ensure that operations of the Board of Directors and the management team as well

    as the Company finance are in accordance with laws and regulations.

    Meetings convened by the Board of Supervisors in this report period, resolutions

    made at the meetings and relevant information disclosures were as follows:

    (1) The 8th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors was held at the First meeting

    Room on 5/F, Tower C of Qiankun Plaza, Beijing at 9:00 a.m. on Apr. 22 2009, where

    the following resolutions were made:

    1. Reviewed and approved 2008 Working Report of Board of Supervisors with 3

    approval votes, 0 against vote and 0 abstention vote;

    2. Reviewed and approved 2008 Annual Report and its Summary Report with 3

    approval votes, 0 against vote and 0 abstention vote;

    Supervision opinion from the Board of Supervisors: The Board of Supervisors was of

    the opinion that the Company’s 2008 Annual Report was prepared and reviewed in

    compliance with relevant laws, regulations, Articles of Association of the Company

    and rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; The contents of 2008 Annual Report could

    truly reflect the financial status and operating results of the Company in the year 2008,

    and the Annual Report was thus confirmed.

    3. Reviewed and approved 2008 Financial Audit Report with 3 approval votes, 0

    against vote and 0 abstention vote;

    4. Reviewed and approved 2008 Internal Control Self-Assessment Report with 3

    approval votes, 0 against vote and 0 abstention vote;

    Supervision opinion from the Board of Supervisors: according to relevant rules of

    CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as well as the basic principles of internal

    control, and based on the Company’s actual situation, the Company perfected the

    organization structure of internal control, improved the internal control system and

    carried out normal internal-control activities, which ensured the rationality and

    legitimacy of the Company’s internal control, promoted the regular operation of the

    Company and the healthy business activities, and safeguarded the safety and

    completeness of the Company’s assets. The self-assessment given by the Board of45

    Directors on the Company’s internal control was an objective and factual reflection of

    the Company’s actual situation of internal control, and the Board of Supervisors thus

    gave its acknowledgement.

    5. Reviewed and approved Proposal about Resignation of Charles Liang from the

    Board of Supervisors and Recommendation of Victor Yang as a Candidate Supervisor

    with 3 approval votes, 0 against vote and 0 abstention vote.

    The public notice of the resolutions made at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors

    was published on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Apr. 27 2009.

    (2) The 9th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors was held at the First Meeting

    Room on 5/F, Tower C of Qiankun Plaza, Beijing on Apr. 22 2009, where the First

    Quarterly Report 2009 was reviewed and approved with 3 approval votes, 0 against

    vote and 0 abstention vote. And the Board of Supervisors was of the opinion that the

    First Quarterly Report 2009 was a factual and fair reflection of the Company’s

    operation and financial status.

    (3) The 10th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors was held at No.3 Meeting Room

    of the Company at 5:00 p.m. on Jun. 2 2009, where Mr. Victor Yang was elected as

    the convener for the Board of Supervisors of the Company with 3 approval votes, 0

    against vote and 0 abstention vote.

    The public notice of the resolution made at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors

    was published on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated Jun. 4 2009.

    (4) The 11th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors was held at the No.1 Meeting

    Room of the Company at 2:15 p.m. on Aug. 25 2009, where 2009 Interim Report and

    its Summary Report were reviewed and approved with 3 approval votes, 0 against

    vote and 0 abstention vote.

    Supervision opinion from the Board of Supervisors: the Board of Supervisors was of

    the opinion that the Company’s 2009 Interim Report was prepared and reviewed in

    compliance with relevant laws, regulations, Articles of Association of the Company

    and rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; the contents of the 2009 Interim Report were

    a factual and fair reflection of the Company’s operating results and financial status in

    the middle of 2009, and the 2009 Interim Report was thus confirmed.

    (5) The 12th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors was held at No.2006 Meeting

    Room of the Company at 3:00 p.m. on Oct. 26 2009, where the Third Quarterly

    Report 2009 was reviewed and approved with 3 approval votes, 0 against vote and 0

    abstention vote.

    Supervision opinion from the Board of Supervisors: the Board of Supervisors was of

    the opinion that the Company’s Third Quarterly Report 2009 was prepared and46

    reviewed in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, Articles of Association of the

    Company and rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; the contents of the Third Quarterly

    Report 2009 were a factual and fair reflection of the Company’s operating results and

    financial status in the third quarter of 2009, and the Third Quarterly Report 2009 was

    thus confirmed.

    Ⅱ. Independent opinions expressed by the Board of Supervisors on the following

    issues in this report period:

    (1) the Company’s operation according to laws and regulations

    In this report period, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Board of

    Supervisors had conducted supervision over the convening procedures of and

    resolutions made at the Shareholders’ Meetings and the Board meetings, the

    implementation by the Board of the various resolutions made at the Shareholders’

    Meetings, the duty performance of the Company’s senior management and the

    management system of the Company, etc. The Board of Supervisors believed that the

    Board of Directors of the Company operated in strict compliance with the Company

    Law, the Securities Law, Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock

    Exchange, Articles of Association of the Company and other relevant rules and

    regulations, fulfilled their duties in standardization in 2009, and the Board of

    Directors performed their duties conscientiously and made scientific and reasonable

    operation decisions. As a result, the internal management and internal control system

    were further improved.

    (2) Financial status of the Company

    In this report period, the Board of Supervisors conducted periodic inspection into the

    financial system and the financial status of the Company, and it believed that the 2009

    Financial Report was a factual reflection of the financial status and operating results

    of the Company. The Board of Supervisors also believed that the auditing opinions

    given by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. truly, objectively and

    fairly reflected the financial status and the operating results for the year 2009 without

    any false information, misleading statements or material omissions.

    (3) Use of raised funds

    The Company had not raised any fund in the recent three years (including this report


    (4) Related transactions for asset purchases or sales

    The Company had no related transactions for asset purchases or sales in this report


    (5) Inspection of related transactions

    The prices of the related transactions of the Company in this report period were fair

    and reasonable, which did not harm the interests of the Company. And the duty of47

    information disclosure was fulfilled timely.48

    Section X Significant Events

    I. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

    (1) By the end of the report period, the Company was involved in two arbitrations,

    details of which were as follows:

    Arbitration case No.1: Sanmenxia Huineng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. (“Huineng

    Company”) signed the Contract of 2×135MW Thermal Power Boilers with the

    Company on May 11 2003. During executing the Contract, the Company delivered

    two units boilers to Huineng Company according to the Contract, but Huineng

    Company defaulted on the payment of RMB 9.58 million. The Company sent several

    dunning letters for the debt, but didn’t get any payment. On Sep. 30 2009, the

    Company submitted an arbitration application to Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission

    with the claim of paying overdue RMB 9.58 million and undertaking liquidated

    damages and bank interests RMB 9.848 million in total. The Contract, the dunning

    letters, replies and other relevant evidences were submitted together to the Arbitration


    Arbitration case No.2: Henan Zhongmai Yong’an Power Co., Ltd. (Zhongmai

    Yong’an Company) signed the Purchase and Sale Contract of 1×410t/h

    High-temperature High-pressure Pulverized Coal Boiler with the Company on Jun.

    26 2003. During executing the Contract, the Company delivered full set unit boiler to

    Zhongmai Yong’an Company according to the Contract, but Zhongmai Yong’an

    Company defaulted on the payment of RMB 14.325 million. The Company sent

    several dunning letters for the debt, but didn’t get any payment. On Oct. 22 2009, the

    Company submitted an arbitration application to Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission

    with the claim of paying overdue RMB 14.325 million and undertaking liquidated

    damages and interests RMB 6.6436 million in total. The Contract, the payment memo

    and other relevant evidences were submitted together to the Arbitration Commission.

    The public notices of the aforesaid issues were published on Securities Times and Ta

    Kung Pao dated Dec. 16 2009.

    (2) As of the date announcing this report, the Company has received the Arbitration

    Award from Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission ([2009] Zheng Arbitration Zi

    No.314). It has been ruled that:

    1. The Respondent, Zhongmai Yong’an Company, should pay the Company overdue

    RMB 14.324 million within 10 days after receipt of the Arbitration Award;

    2. The Respondent, Zhongmai Yong’an Company, should pay the Company bank loan

    interests accumulated since Jun. 7 2005 for RMB 11.2525 million Progress Payment

    unpaid, and since Dec. 7 2006 for RMB 3.0725 million Quality Retention unpaid

    within 10 days after receipt of the Arbitration Award. Such interest shall be calculated

    until all the overdue payment and interest paid off.49

    In case of delay paying the aforesaid overdue and interests, Zhongmai Yong’an

    Company should pay double interests.

    3. Other arbitration requests of the Company were rejected.

    4. The Respondent, Zhongmai Yong’an Company, should bear arbitration fee RMB

    173,411, which should be paid at the same time with the abovementioned payments to

    the Company.

    The public notice about details was published on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao

    dated Mar. 9 2010.

    II. Significant acquisition, asset sales and mergers

    In the report period, the Company did not conduct any significant acquisition, asset

    sales or mergers.

    III. Related transactions




    Related transactions on purchasing and selling goods and offering and receiving services:

    2009 2008

    Related party

    Type of


    Details of


    Rule of


    setting Amount











    Wuhan Boiler Group

    Valve Co., Ltd.

    Raw material


    Valve purchase Market


    6,267,549.00 1.62% 11,212,422.22 0.67%

    Wuhan Special Boiler

    Equipment and

    Engineering Co., Ltd.

    Raw material






    price 30,600,000.00 7.92%

    ALSTOM Technical

    Services (Shanghai)

    Co., Ltd.

    Raw material






    price 2,597,000.00 0.67% 1,298,000.00 0.08%

    Wuhan Boiler Group

    Valve Co., Ltd.


    Material Market


    104,269.23 0.01%

    Wuhan Boiler Group

    Co., Ltd.


    Boiler products Market


    9,102,631.01 0.82%

    Wuhan Special Boiler

    Equipment and

    Engineering Co., Ltd.


    Special boiler



    price 1,336,731.91 0.26% 80,732,431.77 7.29%

    ALSTOM Power

    Systems S.A

    Provision of


    Processing trade Market


    3,123,900.00 100%50

    2009 2008

    Related party

    Type of


    Details of


    Rule of


    setting Amount











    Etablissement Boilers

    ALSTOM Projects

    India Limited


    Testing material Market


    162,565.20 0.03%

    ALSTOM Power Inc.


    Boiler products Market


    8,038,384.77 1.55%


    Technology Ltd







    price 3,072,690.00 100%

    ALSTOM (Wuhan)

    Engineering &

    Technology Co., Ltd.






    price 213,231.02 76.25%

    Wuhan Boiler Group

    Yuntong Company








    price 17,877,085.03 76.09% 70,975,019.54 100%





    Lessor Lessee Lease








    Yield Recognized












    Office 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -676,239.36




    expense in

    current fiscal











    Warehouse 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -388,728.00




    expense in

    current fiscal










    Workshop 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -260,409.60




    expense in

    current fiscal51

    Ltd. year










    Land 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -1,781,683.18




    expense in

    current fiscal


    (3)Other related transactions


    Related party Details of transaction Amount

    ALSTOM Holdings Training fee 208,403.28

    ALSTOM Power Inc Purchase of DELL servers 73,312.74

    ALSTOM Power Inc Project consulting fee 771,845.87

    ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd IT service fee 387,056.21

    ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd SAP B1 Financial software 2,246,650.73

    (4) Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company,

    provided shareholder loan of RMB 1,710,000,000 to the Company at 10% discount

    off the benchmark interest rate. The Company paid RMB 63,611,347.50 loan interest

    in 2009.

    IV. Significant contracts and their implementation

    (1) In the report period, there were no such events as entrustment, contracting or lease

    of other companies’ assets by the Company and vice versa.

    (2) In the report period, the Company neither provided any significant guarantee to

    any other party nor provided guarantee to its controlling subsidiaries.

    (3) In the report period, the Company did not entrust others to manage its cash assets.

    Ⅴ. Derivative investment and derivative investment positions held by the Company

    by the end of the report period

    Table 1

    Analysis on risks and control measures of derivative positions held in the

    report period (including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk,

    credit risk, operation risk, legal risk, etc.)


    Changes of market prices or fair values in the report period of the

    invested derivatives. And the analysis on the fair values of the derivatives

    should include the specific use methods and the relevant assumptions and



    Whether significant changes occurred to the Company’s accounting

    policy and specific accounting principles of derivatives in the report

    period compared to the previous report period


    Specific opinion from independent directors, sponsors or financial

    consultants on the Company’s derivative investment and risk control


    Table 2

    Unit: RMB 0’000

    Type of contract


    contract amount

    Closing contract


    Gain or loss in the

    report period (RMB


    Proportion of the

    closing contract

    amount in the

    closing net assets of

    the Company (%)

    --- --- --- --- ---

    Total --- --- --- ---

    . Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior Ⅵ

    management, shareholders holding more than 5% of the Company’s shares, actual

    controller or any other relevant party in this report period, or such commitments

    carried down to this report period



    nt maker

    Contents of commitment Execution



    share merger


    None None None



    share lock -up

    None None None


    made in a


    report or a

    report on

    changes of






    ent Co.,



    1. ACL committed to WBG that it shall not carry on

    business in China in competition with the Company.

    The restrictions contained in the clause above shall

    not preclude ACL directly or indirectly from:

    (1) carry on business activities in the same or any

    related industry in any market or jurisdiction in

    which the Company does not conduct business;

    (2) tendering or contracting for the sale, distribution

    or provision of products and services in

    connection with projects in respect of which: a)

    the Company is not qualified to tender or

    contract for such project, or b) the Company has

    declined or is unable for any reason to pursue



    have been









    such projects.

    2. WBG committed to ACL that, for so long as ACL

    holds not less than 30% of the outstanding shares of

    the Company, except with the prior consent in

    writing of ACL:

    (1) for a period of ten years after Final Completion,

    WBG will not, directly or indirectly, either on its

    own account or in conjunction with or on behalf

    of any person or entity, carry on, be engaged in,

    or have an ownership interest in, any business

    carried on by the Company or its Subsidiaries for

    industrial or utility boiler products, components

    and services with a capacity of 25 TPH and


    (2) for a period of three years after Final

    Completion, WBG will not, directly or

    indirectly, either on its own account or in

    conjunction with or on behalf of any person or

    entity, solicit or attempt to solicit from the

    Company or any of its subsidiaries the business

    of any person or entity which shall at any time

    prior to Final Completion have been a customer

    or identified prospective customer or a

    representative or agent of the Company or any of

    its subsidiaries; and

    (3) for a period of three years after Final

    Completion, WBG will not, directly or

    indirectly, either on its own account or in

    conjunction with or on behalf of any person or

    entity, employ or solicit or attempt to employ or

    solicit from the Company or any of its

    subsidiaries any person who is at such time or

    was prior to Final Completion a senior

    management, manager, consultant or employee

    of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.


    made in

    material asset


    None None None


    made when


    None None None54





    y ones)



    (1)Capital commitments

    Up to December 31, 2009, the commitment related

    to purchase of long-term assets which the contract

    were signed but not reflected in the financial

    statements amounted to RMB68,667,790.86, USD

    787,232.20, EUR 397,600.00 and JPY 2,500,000.00.

    (2)Other commitments

    Up to December 31, 2009, the performance bond,

    tender bond and warranty bond issued by the

    Company remain unexpired amounted to RMB

    173,983,520.00 and USD 3,126,923.00 respectively.

    (1) The

    performance of

    previous year’s



    the amount of

    prior year’s



    fulfilled in 2009

    was RMB







    performance of

    previous year’s




    bond of RMB


    was released in

    line with the

    completion of



    VII. Engagement or dismissal of Certified Public Accountants Company

    In this report period, the Company continued to engage Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified

    Public Accountants Ltd. as the auditing agency.

    Expenses such as accommodation, travel, telecommunication, photocopying, etc.

    during the auditing period would be paid by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public

    Accountants Ltd. In this report period, the Company had fully withdrawn the auditing

    charge of 2009 Financial Report.

    Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd. had provided auditing services

    to the Company for 12 accounting years (including this year) in succession.

    VIII. Visits, researches and interviews received by the Company in the report period

    In this report period, according to the Guide on Fair Information Disclosure for Listed55

    Companies, the Company patiently and friendly received phone calls and visits from

    investors. The Company and relevant personnel obliged for information disclosure

    strictly abided by the principle of fair information disclosure, with no events of

    differential treatment or leak of undisclosed information.

    Time Place

    Way of



    Main discussion and materials

    provided by the Company








    Construction progress of the new plant,

    production and operation, etc.

    IX. Inspection and punishments received

    In this report period, the Company, the Board of Directors, directors and senior

    management received no administrative punishments or criticism by circular from

    CSRC, or open criticism from Chinese securities exchanges.

    X. There was no other significant event in this report period

    Please see the Financial Report.

    XI. Contingency

    The Company delivered an alkaline recovery boiler to a customer in 2008. The boiler

    was put into operation. Due to various reasons, the boiler was unable to continue

    operating at full load and required some technical modification. The modification

    work is expected to commence in year 2010. The Company provided RMB

    50,956,000 in the book for this modification costs.

    XII. Subsequent events

    There was no significant event after balance sheet date that the Company needs to


    XIII. Other significant events

    1. Borrowing cost:

    (1) During the report period, the amount of borrowing costs capitalized was RMB


    (2) During the report period, the capitalization rate for borrowing cost was 5.748%.

    2. Former controlling shareholder, Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd., entered into a

    share purchase agreement with Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. on April 14, 2006.

    The transaction was finally completed on August 24, 2007 after approval from

    relevant authorities. At present, Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. is the controlling

    shareholder of the Company with 51% shares.

    The transaction includes the following key elements according to the Share Purchase

    Agreement (hereinafter as the “SPA”) signed in April 14, 2006:

    (1) License, Technical Transfer and Assistance Agreement between Alstom

    Technology Ltd. and the Company on Steam Generator;

    (2) Relocation and Relocation Team Agreement, Relocation Compensation Agreement;56

    (3) Statements and guarantee on relevant assets (including inventories and work in

    progress) and liabilities, and further compensation guarantee, with the Company as

    the beneficiary under SPA.

    To the extent applicable, the value of the elements described above has been included

    in the preparation of 2009 financial statements. The full execution of above

    Agreements is critical to the future financial viability of the Company.57

    Section XI Financial Report

    I. Auditing opinions

    The Financial Report 2009 of the Company had been audited by Wuhan Zhonghuan

    Certified Public Accountants Ltd., and a standard Auditor’s Report with unqualified

    opinion had been issued.

    (1) Auditor’s Report (attached)

    (2) Financial Statements and Notes (attached)58

    Section XII Documents Available for Reference

    I. Accounting statements with the signatures and seals of the Legal Representative, Finance

    Director, and the persons in charge of the accounting departments;

    II. Original copy of the Audit Report with the signatures and seals of Chinese CPAs, which

    has been audited by Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants Ltd.;

    III. Original copies of all documents of the Company and originals of the public notices

    disclosed in Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao in this report period;

    IV. Original copy of 2009 Annual Report of the Company.

    This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. In the event of inconsistency, the

    Chinese version of this Annual Report shall prevail.

    Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

    Chairman of the Board of Directors: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

    Mar. 28 201059

    ZHONG HUAN Wuhan Office: 16/F, Wuhan International Building, Dandong RD, Wuhan China ,

    CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS zipcoad430022 Tel(86)(27)85826771 Fax(86)(27) 85424329


    ZHSZ (2010) No.395


    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd (the “Company”),

    which comprise the balance sheet and the consolidated balance sheet as at December 31 2009, the

    income statement, the consolidated income statement, the statement of change in equity, the

    consolidated statement of change in equity, the cash flow statement and the consolidated cash flow

    statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other

    explanatory notes.

    Management's responsibility for the financial statements

    Preparing financial statements in compliance with Chinese Accounting Standard (2006) is the

    responsibility of the Company’s management. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and

    maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation of these financial statements to prevent these

    financial statements from material misstatement arising from fraud or error; selecting and applying

    proper accounting policies; and making reasonable accounting estimates.

    Auditor's responsibility

    Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We

    conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for CICPA. Those Standards require that we

    plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are

    free from material misstatement.

    An audit includes performing audit procedures, so as to obtain audit evidence to support the amounts

    and disclosures in the financial statements. Audit procedures are relied on the auditors’ judgments,

    including assessment on the risk of material misstatement of these financial statements arising from60

    fraud or error. In risk assessment procedures, we consider internal controls relating to the preparation of

    these financial statements to design appropriate audit procedures, but our objective is not to express our

    opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls. An audit also includes assessing the reasonability of

    accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the

    overall financial statements presentation.

    We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and effective, providing a reasonable

    basis for our opinion.


    In our opinion, the financial statements comply with Chinese Accounting Standard (2006), and present

    fairly in all material respects the financial position of the Company as of December 31 ,2009 and the

    results of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended.

    Wuhan Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants CICPA


    Wuhan, China March 28, 201061

    Consol. No.1

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Assets Notes 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-08

    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents 5.1 32,155,537.93 47,867,354.63

    Settlement fund

    Outgoing call loan

    Trading finanical assets

    Notes receivable 5.2 119,714,775.17 380,000.00

    Accounts receivable 5.3 755,464,773.85 953,598,124.44

    Prepayment 5.5 54,734,282.45 141,863,705.37

    Insurance receivables

    Reinsurance Receivable

    Provision of reinsurance contract reserve receivable

    Interests receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other receivables 5.4 130,999,820.37 132,916,376.39

    Financial assets purchased under agreement to resell

    Inventories 5.6 76,565,007.91 918,505,849.66

    Non-current assets due within 1-year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 1,169,634,197.68 2,195,131,410.49

    Non-current assets

    : Loan and payment on other's behalf disbursed

    Available-for-sale financial assets

    Investment held to maturity

    Long-term receivables

    Long-term equity investment

    Investment property

    Fixed assets 5.7 608,687,168.29 121,851,170.82

    Construction in progess 5.8 175,819,636.95 406,345,860.06

    Engieering materials

    Disposal of fixed assets 5.9 240,743.43

    Production biological assets

    Oil-gas assets

    Intangible assets 5.10 61,342,914.10 64,344,904.52

    R&D expenses


    Long-term deferred expenses 5.11 100,000.00

    Deferred tax assets 5.12 84,997,137.51 73,930,972.26

    Other non-current assets 5.14 24,525.50 6,174,943.43

    Total non-current assets 931,112,125.78 672,747,851.09

    Total assets 2,100,746,323.46 2,867,879,261.58

    Consolidated Balance Sheet (Assets)62

    Consol. No.1

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Liabilities and shareholder's equity Notes 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-08

    Current liabilities

    : Short-term loans 5.15 2,235,000,000.00 1,924,000,000.00

    Loans from central bank

    Deposits received and hold for others

    Call loan received

    Held-for-trading financial liabilities

    Notes payable 5.16 219,077,384.51 433,649,225.98

    Accounts payable 5.17 425,186,604.74 532,731,198.18

    Advance from customers 5.18 31,395,403.74 10,442,136.73

    Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase

    Fees and commissions payable

    Payroll payable 5.19 78,008,118.69 44,989,865.76

    Taxes payable 5.20 -91,501,043.47 -102,911,718.25

    Interests payable 5.21 3,274,942.50 3,046,367.05

    Dividend payable 5.22 562,000.00 562,000.00

    Other payables 5.23 38,838,894.32 25,258,271.32

    Amount due to reinsurance

    Insurance contract provision

    Entrusted trading of sesurities

    Entrusted selling of securities

    Non-current liabilities due within 1-year 5.24 90,000,000.00

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities


    2,939,842,305.03 2,961,767,346.77

    Non-current liabilities

    Long-term loans 5.25 100,000,000.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term payables

    Specific payables

    Provision for liabilities 5.26 50,956,000.00

    Deferred taxes liabilities 5.12 2,696.51

    Other non-current liabilities 5.27 1,229,589.41 20,646,122.33

    Total non-current liabilities


    52,185,589.41 120,648,818.84

    Total liabilities 2,992,027,894.44 3,082,416,165.61

    Shareholders' Equity

    : Share capital 5.28 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00

    Capital surplus 5.29 174,659,407.46 174,659,407.46



    Treasury Stock

    Special reserve funds

    Surplus reserve 5.30 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83

    General risk provision

    Retained earnings 5.31 -1,405,039,361.46 -729,366,846.47

    Foreign exchange difference

    Total shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders of the Company -893,961,597.17 -218,289,082.18

    Minority interest 2,680,026.19 3,752,178.15

    Total shareholders' equity -891,281,570.98 -214,536,904.03

    Total liabilities & shareholders' equity 2,100,746,323.46 2,867,879,261.58

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Consolidated Balance Sheet(Liabilities and Equity)63

    Consol. No.2

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Items Notes Year 2009 Year 2008

    I. Total revenue 517,679,190.56 1,121,071,252.12

    Including: revenue 5.32 517,679,190.56 1,121,071,252.12

    Interest income

    Insurance fee income

    Fee and commission income

    II. Total cost of sales 1,205,194,073.81 1,499,426,017.65

    Including: Cost of sales 5.32 622,449,427.98 1,113,022,567.22

    Interest expenses

    Service charge and commission income

    Insurance discharge payment

    Claim expenses-net

    Provision for insurance contract reserve-net

    Insurance policy dividend paid

    Reinsurance expense

    Business taxes and surcharges 5.34 834,125.93 5,228,738.43

    Sales expenses 5.35 10,056,173.85 6,198,590.04

    Administration expenses 5.36 157,810,983.11 115,279,632.30

    Financial costs 5.37 107,917,876.21 96,508,269.91

    Impairment loss 5.39 306,125,486.73 163,188,219.75

    Plus: gain/loss on change in fair value (“-”for loss) 5.38 6,501.92 -1,015,005.38

    gain/loss on investment(“-”for loss) -1,354,516.32

    Including: income from investment on associates and jointly ventures

    Gain or loss on foreign exchange difference (“-”for loss)

    III. Operating profit(“-”for loss) -687,508,381.33 -380,724,287.23

    Plus: non-operating income 5.40 11,414,352.47 10,669,480.02

    Less: non-operating expense 5.41 11,466,201.23 2,513,546.21

    Including: loss from disposal of non-current asset 10,558,089.59 2,173,157.31

    IV. Total profit(“-”for loss) -687,560,230.09 -372,568,353.42

    Less: income tax expense 5.42 -10,815,563.14 -14,895,591.36

    V. Net profit(“-”for loss) -676,744,666.95 -357,672,762.06

    including: net profit gained by combined company before combination

    Including:Attributable to equity holders of the parent company -675,672,514.99 -353,934,337.61

    Minority interest -1,072,151.96 -3,738,424.45

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) basic earnings per share (


    /share) 5.43 -2.27 -1.19

    (II) diluted earnings per share (

    /share) 5.43 -2.27 -1.19


    Other Comprehensive Income


    Total Comprehensive Income -676,744,666.95 -357,672,762.06

    including: parent company's total comprehensive Income -675,672,514.99 -353,934,337.61

    including: Minority's total comprehensive Income -1,072,151.96 -3,738,424.45

    Consolidated Income Statement64

    Consol. No. 3

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency

    : Items Notes Year 2009 Year 2008

    1. Cash flows from operating activities

    Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 681,052,594.26 1,120,531,878.78

    Net increase of deposits received and held for others

    Net increase of loans from central bank

    Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial assets

    Cash received against original insurance contract

    Net Cash received from reinsurance

    Net increase of client deposit and investment

    Cash received from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets

    Cash received as Interests, fees and commissions received

    Net increase of inter-bank fund received

    Cash received under repurchasing, net

    Tax returned

    Other cash received from operating activities 5.44 374,704.19 283,286.98

    Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 681,427,298.45 1,120,815,165.76

    Cash paid for goods and services 206,512,379.24 1,740,194,953.61

    Net increase of loans and advances

    Net increase of deposit in central bank,banks and other financial institutions

    Cash paid for original contract claim

    Cash paid for interests, fees and commission

    Cash paid for policy dividend

    Cash paid to and for employees 146,595,951.97 130,952,575.68

    Cash paid for all types of taxes 8,899,734.76 42,135,501.79

    Other cash paid relating to operating activities 5.44 40,957,675.76 37,121,932.48

    Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 402,965,741.73 1,950,404,963.56

    Net cash flow from operating activities 278,461,556.72 -829,589,797.80

    2. Cash Flows from Investing Activities

    Cash received from return on investments

    Cash received from investment income

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 12,407,095.04 1,374,199.21

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units 387,061.57

    Other cash received relating to investing activities 5.44 6,046,752.07 81,491,563.01

    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 18,453,847.11 83,252,823.79

    Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 301,492,802.94 360,032,680.20

    Cash paid for acquisition of investments 10,984,500.00

    Net increase of pledged loans

    Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating units

    Other cash paid relating to investing activities 5.44 1,179,627.72 2,757,704.48

    Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities 302,672,430.66 373,774,884.68

    Net cash flow from investing activities -284,218,583.55 -290,522,060.89

    3. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from investment

    Including: Cash received from minority shareholders of subsidiaries

    Cash received from borrowings 4,059,000,000.00 2,640,000,000.00

    Cash received from bonds issuing

    Cash received relating to financing activities

    Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 4,059,000,000.00 2,640,000,000.00

    Cash paid for repayments of borrowings 3,938,000,000.00 1,462,500,000.00

    Cash paid for dividends, profit distribution or interest 126,804,172.59 101,171,349.39

    Including: dividends or profits paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries

    Other cash paid relating to financing activities

    Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 4,064,804,172.59 1,563,671,349.39

    Net cash flow from financing activities -5,804,172.59 1,076,328,650.61

    4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 1,063,481.22 -30,493.88

    5. Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents -10,497,718.20 -43,813,701.96

    Add : Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 5.45 37,612,024.12 81,425,726.08

    6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 5.45 27,114,305.92 37,612,024.12

    Consoliated Cashflow Statement65

    Consol. No. 4

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Share capital Capital reserve



    y stock






    General Risk


    Retained earnings others

    I. Balance at 31 December, 2008 297,000,000.00 174,659,407.46 39,418,356.83 -729,366,846.47 3,752,178.15 -214,536,904.03

    Change in accounting policies

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at 1 January, 2009 297,000,000.00 174,659,407.46 39,418,356.83 -729,366,846.47 3,752,178.15 -214,536,904.03

    III. Increase/ decrease during the financial year (“-”for loss) -675,672,514.99 -1,072,151.96 -676,744,666.95

    (I) Net profit -675,672,514.99 -1,072,151.96 -676,744,666.95

    (II) Other comprehensive income

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) -675,672,514.99 -1,072,151.96 -676,744,666.95

    (III) Contributions and decrease of capital

    1. Contributions by shareholders

    2. Equity settled share-based payment

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Surplus reserve accrued

    2. General risk provision accrued

    3. Distribution to shareholders

    4. Others

    (V) Transfer within shareholders' equity

    1. Captial reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    2. Surplus reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses

    4. Others



    )special reserve fund

    1. Increase

    2. Decrease

    IV. Balance at 31 December, 2009 297,000,000.00 174,659,407.46 39,418,356.83 -1,405,039,361.46 2,680,026.19 -891,281,570.98

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Consolidated Statement of Change in Equity


    Year 2009

    Shareholders' equity belonged to shareholders'of the Company

    Minority interest Total66

    Consol. No. 4

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Share capital Capital reserve



    y stock



    General Risk


    Retained earnings others

    I. Balance at 31 December, 2007 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -375,432,508.86 21,041,996.14 156,882,148.23

    Plus: Change in accounting policies

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at 1 January, 2008 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -375,432,508.86 21,041,996.14 156,882,148.23

    III. Increase/ decrease during the financial year (“-”for loss) -194,896.66 -353,934,337.61 -17,289,817.99 -371,419,052.26

    (I) Net profit -353,934,337.61 -3,738,424.45 -357,672,762.06

    (II) Other comprehensive income

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) -353,934,337.61 -3,738,424.45 -357,672,762.06

    (III) Contributions and decrease of capital -194,896.66 -13,551,393.54 -13,746,290.20

    1. Contributions by shareholders -194,896.66 -13,551,393.54 -13,746,290.20

    2. Equity settled share-based payment

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Surplus reserve accrued

    2. General risk provision accrued

    3. Distribution to shareholders

    4. Others

    (V) Transfer within shareholders' equity

    1. Captial reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    2. Surplus reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses

    4. Others



    )special reserve fund

    1. Increase

    2. Decrease

    IV. Balance at 31 December, 2008 297,000,000.00 174,659,407.46 39,418,356.83 -729,366,846.47 3,752,178.15 -214,536,904.03

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Consolidated Statement of Change in Equity


    Year 2008

    Shareholders' equity belonged to shareholders'of the Company

    Minority interest Total67

    Consol. No.1

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Assets Notes 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-08

    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents 31,098,844.47 31,599,034.00

    Trading finanical assets

    Notes receivable 119,714,775.17

    Accounts receivable


    745,771,518.31 942,918,219.40

    Prepayment 54,734,282.45 141,118,425.37

    Interest receivables

    Dividend receivables

    Other receivables


    131,153,621.75 132,785,791.48

    Inventories 76,565,007.91 905,820,307.66

    Non-current assets due within 1-year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 1,159,038,050.06 2,154,241,777.91

    Non-current assets

    : Available-for-sale financial assets

    Investment held to maturity

    Long-term receivables

    Long-term equity investment


    39,234,287.13 39,234,287.13

    Investment property

    Fixed assets 608,844,145.28 118,360,293.74

    Construction in progess 175,819,636.95 406,345,860.06

    Engieering materials

    Disposal of fixed assets

    Production biological assets

    Oil-gas assets

    Intangible assets 61,342,914.10 64,344,904.52

    R&D expenses


    Long-term deferred expenses 100,000.00

    Deferred tax 84,863,443.76 73,797,278.51

    Other non-current assets 24,525.50 6,174,943.43

    Total non-current assets 970,128,952.72 708,357,567.39

    Total assets 2,129,167,002.78 2,862,599,345.30

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Balance Sheet (Assets)68

    Consol. No.1

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Liabilities and shareholder's equity Notes 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-08

    Current liabilities

    : Short-term loan 2,235,000,000.00 1,924,000,000.00

    Held-for-trading financial liabilities

    Notes payable 219,077,384.51 433,649,225.98

    Accounts payable 429,999,448.33 529,612,333.97

    Advance from customers 31,395,403.74 10,342,136.73

    Payroll payable 77,711,552.34 44,680,505.04

    Taxes payable -91,754,906.91 -103,411,510.50

    Interests payable 3,274,942.50 3,046,367.05

    Dividend payables

    Other payables 72,648,001.34 44,276,690.75

    Non-current liabilities due within 1-year 90,000,000.00

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities


    2,977,351,825.85 2,976,195,749.02

    Non-current liabilities

    : Long-term loans 100,000,000.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term payables

    Specific payables

    Provision for liabilities 50,956,000.00

    Deferred taxes liabilities 2,696.51

    Other non-current liabilities 1,229,589.41 20,646,122.33

    Total non-current liabilities


    52,185,589.41 120,648,818.84

    Total liabilities 3,029,537,415.26 3,096,844,567.86

    Shareholders' Equity

    : Share capital 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00

    Capital surplus 174,854,304.12 174,854,304.12



    Treasury Stock

    special reserve fund

    Surplus reserve 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83

    Generic Risk Reserve

    Retained earning -1,411,643,073.43 -745,517,883.51

    Total shareholders' equity: -900,370,412.48 -234,245,222.56

    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity: 2,129,167,002.78 2,862,599,345.30

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Balance Sheet(Liabilities and Equity)69

    Consol. No.2

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Items Notes Year 2009 Year 2008

    I. Total revenue 11.4 515,399,190.56 1,093,604,084.61



    cost of sales 11.4 618,772,502.35 1,091,202,762.12

    Business taxes and surcharges 456,983.45 4,164,752.45

    Sales expenses 10,012,794.95 4,720,721.57

    Administration expenses 150,404,848.18 107,582,012.72

    Financial costs 107,920,125.10 94,948,752.50

    Impairment loss 305,831,263.24 161,673,699.87

    Plus: gain/loss on change in fair value (“-”for loss) 6,501.92 -1,015,005.38

    gain/loss on investment(“-”for loss) -3,580,135.15

    Including: income from investment on associates and jointly ventures


    . Operating profit(“-”for loss) - 677,992,824.79 -375,283,757.15

    Plus: non-operating income 11,413,751.59 10,659,579.81

    Less: non-operating expense 10,614,978.48 2,077,115.79

    Including: loss from disposal of non-current asset 9,919,490.82 1,760,411.19


    . Total profit(“-”for loss) - 677,194,051.68 -366,701,293.13

    Less: income tax expense - 11,068,861.76 -16,233,064.67


    . Net profit(“-”for loss) - 666,125,189.92 -350,468,228.46


    . Earnings per share

    (I) basic earnings per share (


    /share) - 2.24 -1.18

    (II) diluted earnings per share (


    /share) - 2.24 -1.18

    Other comprehensive income

    Total comprehensive income - 666,125,189.92 -350,468,228.46

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Income Statement70

    Consol. No. 3

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Items Notes Year 2009 Year 2008

    1. Cash flows from operating activities

    Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 678,137,395.60 1,061,395,602.35

    Tax returned

    Other cash received from operating activities 12,672,864.35 23,325.32

    Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 690,810,259.95 1,061,418,927.67

    Cash paid for goods and services 213,294,506.24 1,715,250,053.74

    Cash paid to and for employees 138,348,342.36 111,126,491.37

    Cash paid for all types of taxes 5,589,400.41 32,832,649.05

    Other cash paid relating to operating activities 39,876,984.17 39,018,514.27

    Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 397,109,233.18 1,898,227,708.43

    Net cash flow from operating activities 293,701,026.77 -836,808,780.76

    2. Cash Flows from Investing Activities

    Cash received from return on investments

    Cash received from investment income

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 12,393,840.04 857,955.00

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units 1,520,000.00

    Other cash received relating to investing activities 6,027,169.79 81,409,320.69

    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 18,421,009.83 83,787,275.69

    Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 301,491,202.94 359,694,745.15

    Cash paid for acquisition of investments 10,984,500.00

    Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating units

    Other cash paid relating to investing activities 1,176,233.32 2,722,864.08

    Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities 302,667,436.26 373,402,109.23

    Net cash flow from investing activities -284,246,426.43 -289,614,833.54

    3. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from investment

    Cash received from borrowings 4,059,000,000.00 2,640,000,000.00

    Cash received relating to financing activities

    Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 4,059,000,000.00 2,640,000,000.00

    Cash paid for repayments of borrowings 3,938,000,000.00 1,461,000,000.00

    Cash paid for dividends, profit distribution or interest 126,804,172.59 99,939,443.32

    Other cash payments relating to financing activities

    Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 4,064,804,172.59 1,560,939,443.32

    Net cash flow from financing activities -5,804,172.59 1,079,060,556.68

    4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 1,063,481.22 -30,493.88

    5. Increase in cash and cash equivalents 11.5 4,713,908.97 -47,393,551.50

    Add : Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 11.5 21,343,703.49 68,737,254.99

    6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 11.5 26,057,612.46 21,343,703.49

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Cashflow Statement71

    Consol. No. 4

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Share capital Capital reserve


    Treasury stock

    special reserve


    Surplus reserve

    General Risk


    Retained earnings Total

    I. Balance at 31 December, 2008 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -745,517,883.51 -234,245,222.56

    Change in accounting policies

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at 1 January, 2009 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -745,517,883.51 -234,245,222.56

    III. Increase/ decrease during the financial year (“-”for loss) -666,125,189.92 -666,125,189.92

    (I) Net profit -666,125,189.92 -666,125,189.92

    (II) Other comprehensive income

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) -666,125,189.92 -666,125,189.92

    (III) Contributions and decrease of capital

    1. Contributions by shareholders

    2. Equity settled share-based payment

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Surplus reserve accrued

    2. General risk provision accrued

    3. Distribution to shareholders

    4. Others

    (V) Transfer within shareholders' equity

    1. Captial reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    2. Surplus reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses

    4. Others



    )special reserve fund

    1. Increase

    2. Decrease

    IV. Balance at 31 December, 2009 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -1,411,643,073.43 -900,370,412.48

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:

    Statement of Change in Equity


    Year 200972

    Consol. No. 4

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd Currency



    Share capital Capital reserve


    Treasury stock

    special reserve


    Surplus reserve

    General Risk


    Retained earnings Total

    I. Balance at 31 December, 2007 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -395,049,655.05 116,223,005.90

    Plus: Change in accounting policies

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at 1 January, 2008 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -395,049,655.05 116,223,005.90

    III. Increase/ decrease during the financial year (“-”for loss) -350,468,228.46 -350,468,228.46

    (I) Net profit -350,468,228.46 -350,468,228.46

    (II) Other comprehensive income

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) -350,468,228.46 -350,468,228.46

    (III) Contributions and decrease of capital

    1. Contributions by shareholders

    2. Equity settled share-based payment

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Surplus reserve accrued

    2. General risk provision accrued

    3. Distribution to shareholders

    4. Others

    (V) Transfer within shareholders' equity

    1. Captial reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    2. Surplus reserve transferred to capital (share capital)

    3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses

    4. Others



    )special reserve fund

    1. Increase

    2. Decrease

    IV. Balance at 31 December, 2008 297,000,000.00 174,854,304.12 39,418,356.83 -745,517,883.51 -234,245,222.56

    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant:


    Year 2008

    Statement of Change in Equity73


    As of December 31, 2009

    Important Notes:

    This report has been prepared in Chinese version and English version respectively. In the event of

    difference in interpretation between the two versions, the Chinese report shall prevail.

    Note 1 Description of business

    Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd (the “Company”) was established by Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd (the

    “Group”) with the exclusive operating assets of boiler manufacturing in September 1997 and

    listed in B share market in April 1998. The share capital of the Company is 297,000,000 shares.

    The “Group” holds 172,000,000 shares accounting for 57.91% shareholding and the public

    shareholding (Domestically listed share in foreign currency) is 125,000,000 shares accounting for

    42.09% shareholding. The Company's B-shares listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The

    Company obtained the corporate business license documented as Qi Gu Er Zong Fu Zi No.002591

    on November 16, 1998. The Group transferred its 51% shareholding of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd to

    Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd in 2007 with approval of State-owned Assets Supervision and

    Administration Commission of the State Council. The share transfer procedures were completed in

    August 2007. Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd holds 151,470,000 shares accounting for 51%

    shareholding; Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd holds 20,530,000 shares accounting for 6.91%

    shareholding and public tradable shares is 125,000,000 accounting for 42.09% shareholding as at

    December 31, 2007.

    1. The register capital of the Company is 297,000,000.00.

    2. LiuFangYuan Road Te No.1, Donghu New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan city,

    Hubei Province

    3. Business scope of the Company is researching, designing, developing and manufacturing of

    types I, II, III pressure vessels, power station boilers, special boilers, auxiliary boilers,

    desulfurization equipments and so on. The Company is a big boiler manufacturing enterprise and

    the main operating actibities are in China. The major customer markets of the Company are

    various power plants and power stations. Certain products are auxiliary equipments and pressure

    vessels target refineries and chemical enterprises. The Company produces three categories74

    products: power station boilers, special boilers and other products. Power station boils are used in

    power stations. Special boilers are designed and manufactured according to customers’ profit and

    loss balance combustion technology or specific requirement of fuel, which is energy saving and

    enviorment friendly. The special boilers include alkali recovery boilers, circulating fluidized bed

    boilers, bagasse-fired boilers, the stand vertical-burning boilers, liquid slag-off boilers, waste heat

    boilers and so on.

    4. Parent company of the Company is Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. The parent company

    of Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd.is Alstom Holdings .

    5. These financial statements were authorised for issue in accordance with the resolution of the

    4th section of the 19th Meeting of Board of Director on March 28, 2010.

    Note 2 Main accounting policies and estimates

    1.Basic of preparation of financial statements

    The financial statements have been prepared on the basic assumption of going concern and on the

    accrual basis of accounting. The effects of evens and other transactions actually occurred and they

    have been recorded and measured in accordance with the Chinese Accounting Standards (2006):

    Framework and other accounting standards.

    2.Declaration of following the accounting standard

    The financial statements prepared by the Company are truly and completely reflect the financial

    position, operation result and cash flow of the Company.

    3.Fiscal year

    The accounting period of the Group is from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.

    4.Monetary unit

    Renminbi (RMB) is used as the accounting standard currency.

    5.Accounting method of business combination under the same control and not under the same75


    (1) The Company adopts equity method for business combination under same control. The assets

    and liabilities that the combining party obtained in a business combination shall be measured on

    their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. The difference between the

    carrying amount of net assets acquired by the combining party and the carrying amount of the

    consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued) shall be adjusted to capital

    surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted

    respectively. The business combination costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such

    as audit fees, valuation fees, legal service fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during the

    current period when they occurred. The bonds issued for a business combination or the handling

    fees, commissions and other expenses for bearing other liabilities shall be recorded in the amount

    of initial measurement of the bonds or other debts. The handling fees, commissions and other

    expenses for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination shall be credited

    against the surplus of equity securities; if the surplus is not sufficient, the retained earnings shall

    be offset. Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed

    due to a business combination, the parent company shall, on the combining date, prepare

    consolidated financial statements according to the accounting policy of the Company.

    (2) The Company adopts acquisition method for business combination not under same control.

    The acquirer shall recognize the initial cost of combination under the following principles:

    a) When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a

    business combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given,

    liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for

    control of the acquiree;

    b) For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction, the cost of the

    combination is the aggregate cost of the individual transactions;

    c) The costs directly attributed to business combination are included in the cost of combination;

    d) Where a business combination contract or agreement provides for a future event which may

    adjust the cost of combination, the Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost

    of the combination at the acquisition date if the future event leading to the adjustment is probable

    and the amount of the adjustment can be measured reliably.76

    The acquirer shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or

    assumed by an enterprise for a business combination in light of their fair value, and shall record

    the balances between them and their carrying amounts into the profits and losses at the current


    The acquirer shall distribute the combination costs on the acquisition date, and shall recognize all

    identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquiree. (1) the acquirer

    shall recognize the difference that the combination costs are over the fair value of the identifiable

    net assets obtained from acquiree as goodwill; (2) if the combination costs are less than the fair

    value of the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree, the acquirer shall reexamine the

    measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities

    obtained from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; and then after the reexamination, the

    result is still the same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss of the current period.

    Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a

    business combination, the parent company shall prepare accounting books for future reference,

    which shall record the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities

    obtained from the subsidiary company on the acquisition date. When preparing consolidated

    financial statements, it shall adjust the financial statements of the subsidiary company on the basis

    of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the

    acquisition date according to the Company’s accounting policy of “Consolidated financial


    6.Basis of consolidation

    (1) Scope of consolidation

    Consolidated financial statements are included all subsidiaries of the parent.

    When the parent owns, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, more than half of the voting

    power of investee company, the investee company is regarding as subsidiary and included

    consolidated financial statements. If the parent owns half or less of the voting power of an entity77

    when there is any following condition incurred, the investee company is regarding as subsidiary

    and included consolidated financial statements.

    A. power over more than half of the voting rights by virtue of an agreement with other investors;

    B. power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity under a statute or an


    C. power to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board of directors or

    equivalent governing body;

    D. power to cast the majority of votes at meetings of the board of directors or equivalent

    governing body and control of the entity is by that board or body.

    If there is evidence suggesting that no control of investee company exists, the investee company

    cannot be included in the consolidated financial statements.

    (2) Principle of consolidation

    The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of individual

    subsidiaries which are included in the consolidation scope and prepared after adjustment of

    long-term equity investment under equity method and elimination effect of intragroup transaction.

    (3) Minority interests

    The portion of the equity of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as

    minority interest in the consolidated balance sheet.

    The portion of the profit or loss of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as

    minority interest in the consolidated income statement.

    (4) Excess losses

    The amount which losses of subsidiaries during the period exceeds the proportion of minority’s

    obligation is offset minority interest as agreed in the subsidiaries’ association or agreement and

    minorities have ability to bear the excess losses. Otherwise, the excess losses are offset equity of

    the parent company. Profits made afterward by subsidiaries are attributable to equity of the parent

    company before recovery of excess losses.78

    (5) Increase or decrease of the subsidiaries

    For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same

    control, when the consolidated balance sheet for the current period is being prepared, the

    beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet are made corresponding modification. For

    addition business combination not under same control during the reporting period, the Company

    makes no adjustment for the beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet. When

    disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, the Company makes no adjustment for the

    beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet.

    For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same

    control, when the consolidated income statement for the current period is being prepared, sales,

    expense and profit for the period from the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of

    the reporting period are included in the consolidated income statement. For addition business

    combination not under same control during the reporting period, revenue, expense and profit for

    the period from acquisition date to the year end of the reporting period is included in the

    consolidated income statement. When disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, sales,

    expense and profit for the period from the beginning to the disposal date are included in the

    consolidated income statement.

    For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same

    control, when the consolidated cash flow statement for the current period is being prepared,

    cashflow for the period from the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of the

    reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement. For addition business

    combination not under same control during the reporting period, cashflow for the period from

    acquisition date to the year end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow

    statement. When disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, cashflow for the period from

    the beginning to the disposal date is included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

    7.Cash and cash equivalent

    Cash equivalent is defined as the short-term (normally matured within three months after

    purchased date), highly-liquid investment which is easily transferred into cash and has low risk of79

    change of value.

    8.Foreign currency translations

    Any transaction is converted into the accounting standard currency according to the approximate

    exchange rate of the sight rate on the occurrence date of the transaction.

    (1) Foreign currency exchange difference

    On balance sheet date, the Company accounts for monetary and non-monetary items denominated

    in foreign currencies as follows: a) monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are

    translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Foreign exchange gains

    and losses arising from the difference between the balance sheet date exchange rate and the

    exchange rate ruling at the time of initial recognition or the exchange rate ruling at the last balance

    sheet date are recognized in income statement; b) Non-monetary items that are measured in terms

    of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the current exchange rates ruling at the

    transaction dates. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are stated at fair

    value are translated using the current exchange rates ruling at the dates the fair value was

    determined, the difference between the amount of functional currency after translation and the

    original amount of functional currency is treated as part of change in fair value (including change

    in exchange rate) and recognized in income statement. During the capitalization period, exchange

    differences arising from foreign currency borrowings are capitalized as part of the cost of the

    capitalized assets.

    (2) Translations of financial statements in foreign currencies

    The Company translates the financial statements of its foreign operation in accordance with the

    following provisions: a) the asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a

    spot exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the

    ones as "retained earnings", others shall be translated at the spot exchange rate ruling at the time

    when they occurred;. b) The income and expense items in the income statements shall be

    translated with approximate exchange rate of the sight rate on the transaction occurring date. The

    foreign exchange difference arisen from the translation of foreign currency financial statements80

    shall be presented separately under the owner's equity in the balance sheet. The translation of

    comparative financial statements shall be subject to the aforesaid provisions.

    9.Recognition and measurement of financial instrument

    (1) Recognition of financial instrument

    The Company recognises a financial asset or financial liability on its balance sheet when, and only

    when, the Company becomes a contractual party of financial instrument

    (2) Classification and measurement of financial assets


    The Company classifies the financial assets into the following four categories: a) financial

    assets at fair value through profit or loss; b) held-to-maturity investments; c) loans and receivables;

    and d) available-for-sale financial assets.


    The financial assets are initially recognised at fair value. Gains or losses arising from a

    change in the fair value of a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss is recognised in

    profit or loss when it incurred and relevant transaction costs are recognised as expense when it

    incurred. For other financial assets, the transaction costs are recognised as costs of the financial



    Measurement of financial assets

    A. A financial asset at fair value through profit or loss includes financial assets held for trading

    and financial assets designated by the Company as at fair value through profit or loss. The

    Company subsequently measures the financial asset at fair value through profit or loss at fair value

    and recognises the gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of a financial asset at fair

    value through profit or loss as profit or loss in the current period.

    B. Held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest

    method. A gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss during the current period when the financial

    asset is derecognized or impaired and through the amortisation process.

    C. Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. A

    gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss during the current period when the financial asset is

    derecognized or impaired and through the amortisation process.

    D. Available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value and the gain or loss arising from a

    change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets is recognised as capital reserve which81

    is transferred into profit or loss when it is impaired or derecognised. Interests or cash dividends

    during the holding period are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.


    Impairment of financial assets

    A. The Company assesses the carrying amount of the financial assets except the financial asset

    at fair value through profit or loss at each balance sheet date, if there is any objective evidence that

    a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired, the Company shall recognize impairment


    B. The objective evidences that the Company uses to determine the impairment are as follows:



    significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor;



    a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;



    the lender, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, granting

    to the borrower a concession that the lender would not otherwise consider;



    it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation;



    the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties;



    observable data indicating that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows

    from a group of financial assets since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease

    cannot yet be identified with the individual financial assets in the group, including: (i) Adverse

    changes in the payment status of borrowers in the group or (ii) an increase in the unemployment

    rate in the geographical area of the borrowers, a decrease in property prices for mortgages in the

    relevant area, or adverse changes in industry conditions that affect the borrowers.



    significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market,

    economic or legal environment in which the borrower operates, and indicates that the cost of the

    investment in the equity instrument may not be recovered;



    a significant or non-temporary decrease in fair value of equity investment instruments;



    other objective evidences showing the impairment of the financial assets.

    C. Measurement of impairment loss of financial assets



    held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables82

    If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on loans and receivables or held-to-maturity

    investments carried at amortised cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the

    difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash

    flows. The amount of the loss is recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

    The Company assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial

    assets that are individually significant, and individually or collectively for financial assets that are

    not individually significant. If the Company determines that no objective evidence of impairment

    exists for an individually assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset

    in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them

    for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for impairment and for which an impairment

    loss is or continues to be recognised are not included in a collective assessment of impairment.

    If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be

    related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously

    recognised impairment loss of financial asset measured at amortised cost is be reversed. The

    amount of the reversal is recognised in profit or loss of the current period.



    Available-for-sale financial assets

    When a decline in the fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset has been recognised

    directly in equity, the cumulative loss that had been recognised directly in equity is removed from

    equity and recognised in profit or loss even though the financial asset has not been derecognised.

    If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equity

    instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured, or on

    a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equity

    instrument, the amount of the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the carrying

    amount of the financial asset and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the

    current market rate of return for a similar financial asset. Such impairment losses are recognised in83

    the profit or loss of the current period.

    If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available for sale

    increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment

    loss was recognised in profit or loss, the impairment loss is reversed, with the amount of the

    reversal recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

    Impairment losses recognised in profit or loss for an investment in an equity instrument classified

    as available for sale is not reversed through profit or loss. For impairment loss has been incurred

    on an unquoted equity instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be

    reliably measured, or on a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such

    an unquoted equity instrument, the impairment loss is not reversed through profit or loss.

    (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities


    The Company's financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities at fair value through

    profit or loss, and other financial liabilities.


    Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. For the financial liability at fair value

    through profit or loss at its fair value, relevant transaction costs are recognised as expense when it

    incurred. For the other financial liabilities, relevant transaction costs are recongnised as costs.


    Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities

    A. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for

    trading and financial assets designated by the Company as at fair value through profit or loss. The

    Company recognises a financial liability at fair value through profit or loss at its fair value. A gain

    or loss of change in fair value is recognised in the profit or loss of the current period.

    B. Other financial liabilities are measured by amortised cost using effective interest rate.

    (4) Recognisation of fair value of financial instrument

    If there is an active market for the financial instrument, the fair value is quoted prices in the active


    If the market for a financial instrument is not active, the Company establishes fair value by using a

    valuation technique.

    (5) Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer84

    The Company derecognises financial assets when the Company transfers substantially all the risks

    and rewards of ownership of the financial assets. On derecognition of a financial asset in its

    entirety, the difference between the follows is recognised in profit or loss of the current period.


    the carrying amount of transferring financial assets;


    the sum of the consideration received and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised

    directly in equity (including financial assets transferred to available for sale category).

    If the transferred asset is part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies for

    derecognition in its entirety, the previous carrying amount of the larger financial asset is allocated

    between the part that continues to be recognised and the part that is derecognised, based on the

    relative fair values of those parts on the date of the transfer. The difference between the follows is

    recognised in profit or loss of the current period.


    the carrying amount allocated to the part derecognised;


    the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and any cumulative gain or loss

    allocated to it that had been recognised directly in equity (including financial assets transferred to

    available for sale category).

    A cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised in equity is allocated between the part that

    continues to be recognised and the part that is derecognised, based on the relative fair values of

    those parts.

    If a transfer does not qualify for derecognition, the Company continues to recognise the

    transferred asset in its entirety and shall recognize a financial liability for the consideration


    When the Company continues to recognise a financial asset to the extent of its continuing

    involvement, the Company also recognises an associated liability. The transferred asset and the

    associated liability are measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that the

    Company has retained.

    10.Accounting method of bad debt

    (1) Accounting method of bad debt provision for the individually significant receivables, the

    impairment test is carried on individually.

    Standards of provision for bad debts of the individually significant receivables: top 5 of account85

    receivables at year end.

    Method of provision for bad debts of the individually significant receivables: aging analysis with

    individual recognition method

    (2) For the receivables which are not individually significant, but which are assessed at high risk

    level through credit risk combination.

    Basis of credit risk characteristics’ combination: receivables’ aging is over 5 years and closing

    balance is not included in top 5 of receivables.

    In accordance with credit risk characteristics, the method of provision for bad debts is aging

    analysis with individual recognition method

    (3) The aging analysis method

    Aging of receivables

    Proportion of Accounts

    receivables (%)

    Proportion of Other

    receivables (%)

    Within 1 year (including 1 year) 3 3

    1-2 years 3 3

    2-3 years 6 6

    3-4 years 20 20

    4-5 years 20 20

    Over 5 years 100 100

    Note of provision for bad debts: The Company performs impairment test for receivables and

    provide provision for impairment loss of receivables at each balance sheet date. For the

    individually significant receivables, the impairment test is carried on individually. If there is

    objective evidence that an impairment loss on loans and receivables, the Company provides

    provision for impairment loss for the amount which is measured as the difference between the

    asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows. For the receivables

    which are not individually significant or the individually significant receivables which are not

    determined for impairment, the Company asseses the asset in a group of financial assets with

    similar credit risk characteristics and collectively provide them for provision of impairment

    according to certain percentage of the total receivables at the balance sheet date.

    Note of provision for other methods:86

    Receivables with confirmed letter credit or guarantee from the bank and provision for sales tax

    which is to be paid as stipulated in contract are not classified as provision for bad debts.

    11. Inventory

    (1) Inventories are asset items held for sale in the ordinaery course of business or goods that will

    be used or consumed in the production of goods to be sold. They are divided into the following

    categories: goods purchased raw materials, finished goods, work-in-progress, and goods for

    processing on consignment.

    (2) Recognition of inventory


    The Company recognizes inventories when the following

    conditions are satisfied:


    It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the inventories will flow to the

    Company entity;


    The cost of the inventories can be measured reliably.

    (3) The method of measuring inventories: Raw materials and circulating materials are measured

    at standard cost method which the variance between standard cost and actual cost is adjusted

    monthly. Finished goods and work-in-progress are measured at actual cost which is allocated

    according to the job reference.

    (4) Amortisation method of low-value consumption goods and packages: Low-value

    consumption goods and packages are fully amortised when they are required and delivered.

    (5) Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value at the balance sheet

    date. Where the net realizable value is lower than the cost, the difference shall be recognized as

    provision for impairment of inventories and charged to profit or loss.


    Estimation of net realizable value

    Estimates of net realisable value are based on the most reliable evidence available .These

    estimates take into consideration the purpose for which the inventory is held and the influence the

    events after balance sheet date.87

    Materials and other supplies held for use in the production are measured at cost if the net

    realizable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated is higher than their cost.

    However, when a decline in the price of materials indicates that the cost of the finished products

    will exceed their net realisable value, the materials are measured at net realisable value.

    The net realisable value of inventories held to satisfy sales or service contracts is generally based

    on the contract price.

    If the quantity specified in sales contracts is less than the inventory quantities held by the

    Company, the net realisable value of the excess shall be based on general selling prices.


    The Company generally provides provision for impairment of inventory individually. For large

    quantity and low value items of inventories, cost and net realisable value are determined based on

    categories of inventories.

    Where certain items of inventory have similar purposes or end uses and relate to the same product

    line producted and marketed in the same geographical area, and therefore cannot be practicably

    evaluated separately from other items in that product line, costs and net realisable values of those

    items may be determined on an aggregate basis.

    (6)The Company adopts perpetual inventory system for its inventory taking.

    12. Measurement of construction contracts

    Construction contracts are measured at the actual cost, including the direct and indirect costs

    incurred and attributable to a contract for the period from the date the contract is signed to the

    final completion of the contract. The construction contract in progress should be presented in the

    balance sheet at the net amount of payment amount after decuting the sum of the accumulated

    costs occurred and the accumulated margin profit (loss) recognized. The excess of the sum of the

    accumulated costs occurred and the accumulated margin profit (loss) recognized over the payment

    amount should be presented as inventory. The excess of the payment amount over the sum of the

    accumulated costs occurred and the accumulated margin profit (loss) should be presented as

    advanced from customers.

    Costs such as travelling expenses and tender charges incurred relating to the signing of the

    constract should be included as contract costs when the contract is acquired, where the costs could88

    be recognized individually and measured reliably and the contract is probably signed; otherwise it

    should be charged into the profit and loss for the period.

    13.Long-term equity investment

    (1) Initial measurement

    The Company initially measures long-term equity investments under two conditions:


    For long-term equity investment arising from business combination, the initial cost is

    recognized under the following principles.

    A. If the business combination is under the same control and the acquirer obtains long-term equity

    investment in the consideration of cash, non-monetary asset exchange or bearing acquiree’s

    liabilities, the initial cost is the carrying amount of the proportion of the acquiree’s owner’s equity

    at the acquisition date. The difference between cash paid, the carrying amount of the

    non-monetary asset exchanged and the acquiree’s liabilities beard and the initial cost of the

    long-term equity investment should be adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not

    sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted respectively. The business combination costs

    that are directly attributable to the combination, such as audit fees, valuation fees, legal service

    fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during the current period when they occurred.

    If the acquirer issuing equity securities as consideration, the initial cost is the carrying amount of

    the proportion of the acquiree’s owner’s equity at the acquisition date. Amount of share capital

    equal to the par value of the shares issued. The difference between initial cost of the long-term

    equity investment and the par value of shares issued is adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital

    surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted respectively. The costs of

    issuing equity securities occurred in business combination such as charges of security issuing and

    commissions are deducted from the premium of equity securities. If the premium is not sufficient

    for deducting, retained earning is adjusted respectively.

    B.If the business combination is not under the same control, the acquirer recognizes the initial cost

    of combination under the following principles.

    a) When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a89

    business combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given,

    liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for

    control of the acquiree;

    b) For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction, the cost of the

    combination is the aggregate cost of the individual transactions;

    c) The costs directly attributed to business combination are included in the cost of combination;

    d) Where a business combination contract or agreement provides for a future event which may

    adjust the cost of combination, the Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost

    of the combination at the acquisition date if the future event leading to the adjustment is probable

    and the amount of the adjustment can be measured reliably.


    For long-term equity investment obtained in any method other than business combination, the

    initial cost is recognized under the following principles.

    A. If the long-term equity investment is acquired in cash consideration, the initial cost is the

    actual payment which includes direct expenses paid to acquire the long-term equity investment,

    taxes and other necessary expense.

    B. If the long-term equity investment is acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial cost is

    the fair value of the equity securities issued. However, cash dividends or profits that are declared

    but unpaid shall not be included in the initial cost. Direct costs attributed to issue equity securities

    such as handling charges and commissions paid to securities underwriting agencies are deducted

    from premium of equity securities. If the premium is not sufficient for deduction, reserved fund

    and retained earnings is adjusted respectively.

    C. For the long-term equity investment invested by investors, the initial cost is the agreed value

    prescribed in the investment contract or agreement unless the agreed value is not fair.

    D. For the long-term equity investment acquired through non-monetary asset exchange, the

    initial cost is recognized according to “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.

    7-Non-monetary transactions”.

    E. For the long-term equity investment acquired through debt restructuring, the initial cost is

    recognized according to “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12-Debt



    If there are cash dividends or profits that are declared but unpaid included in the consideration

    paid, the cash dividends or profits declared but unpaid shall be recognized as receivables

    separately rather than as part of initial cost of long-term equity instruments no matter through

    which method the long-term equity investment is acquired.

    (2) Subsequent measurement

    The Company adopts either cost method or equity method for the long-term equity investment

    according to the extent of influence, existence of active market and availability of fair value. The

    equity method is used when the Company has joint control or significant influence over the

    investee enterprise. The cost method is used when the Company has control or does not have joint

    control or significant influence over the investee enterprise and there is no quoted price in active

    market or there is no reliable fair value.


    For the long-term equity investment under cost method, and except from cash dividends or

    profits distributed are declared but unpaid included in the consideration paid, the other declared

    cash dividends or profits are normally recognized as investment income for the current period

    when it incurred. The net profits are no longer divided into the pre-investment profits and

    after-investment profits.

    The Company recognizes the receivable cash dividends or profits according to above regulations,

    and the impairment test is needed to be concerned. To indicate the evidence of impairments, it

    should be concerned about whether the carrying amount of the long-term equity investments is

    greater than the book value of net assets that have been acquired (including the related goodwill)

    or other similar situations. When these situations occur, the impairment test of long-term equity

    investments should be performed according to “Chinese Accounting Standard No.8 - Impairment

    of assets”, Where the carrying amount of long-term equity investment exceeds the recoverable

    amount, the difference shall be recognized as impairment loss, and a provision for impairment loss

    should be made.


    For long-term equity investment under equity method, the Company adjusts carrying amount

    of the long-term equity investment and recognises investment income according to the proportion

    of net profit or loss after acquisition. The Company reduces carrying amount of the long-term91

    investment regarding to declared cash dividend or profit distribution.

    For long-term equity investment under equity method, the Company recognises net losses incurred

    by the investee enterprise to the extent that the carrying amount and the substantial net investment

    of the long-term equity investment is reduced to zero except there is further obligation of the

    excess losses. If the investee enterprise realises net profits in subsequent periods, the Company

    increase the carrying amount of the investment above zero at the amount at which its share of

    profits exceeds its share of previously unrecognized losses.


    The Company adopts the same manner of financial instrument for the impairment of

    long-term equity investment which is measured under cost method and there is no quoted price in

    active market or there is no reliable fair value. Impairment of long-term equity investments other

    than above refers to accounting policy “Impirment of assets” of the Company.


    On disposal of an equity investment, the difference between the carrying amount of the

    investment and the sale proceeds actually received is recognised as an investment gain or loss for

    the current period. When the equity method is adopted, change in equity of the investee other than

    profit or loss is recorded in equity. On disposal of the equity investment, amount of change which

    is recorded in equity previously is transferred to profit or loss for the current period regarding to

    the proportion of disposal.




    Recognition of common control and significant influence:

    If the investment satisifies the follwing conditions, the company has common control to the

    investee: (1) None part of the joint venture can control the joint business activities individually; (2)

    Any decision of the joint venture business must be approved by all parts of the joint centure. (3)

    One part of the joint venture can be offered to manage daily business activities by using contract

    or agreement. However, the right is restricted by financial and management policies allowed by all

    parties of the joint venture.

    If the investment satisifies the following conditions, the company has significant influence to the

    investee: (1) there is commissary in the directorate or similar righ organization of investee. (2)

    Participate decision-making process, including the process of dividend distribution. (3) There is92

    significant transaction between investor and investee. (4) Appoint manager to investee. (5) Supply

    key technology materials to investee. Investor holds more than 20% but less than 50% shares of

    investee directly or indirectly.

    (4) Impairment test and method of provision for impairment loss

    The Company adopts the same manner of financial instrument for the impairment of long-term

    equity investment which is measured under cost method and there is no quoted price in active

    market or there is no reliable fair value. Impairment of long-term equity investments other than

    above refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of the Company.

    14.Recognition and measurement of fixed assets

    Fixed assets are tangible assets that: 1) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or

    services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; and 2) have useful life more than one


    (1) A fixed asset shall be initially recognized at cost when the following condition are satisfied:


    It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to the



    The cost of the assets can be measured reliably.

    (2) Depreciation

    Subsequent expenditure relating to a fixed asset shall be added to the carrying amount of the asset

    when the expenditure qualifies for capitalization. Subsequent expenditure that does not qualify for

    capitalization shall be recognized as an expense for the current period.

    The depreciation method adopted by the Company is straight-line method.

    The estimated useful lives, residual value and annual depreciation rate of fixed assets are shown as


    The categories

    Estimated Useful Lives


    Residual value


    Annual Depreciation Rate


    Property and buildings 15-30 3 6.47-3.23

    Machineries 7-18 3 13.86-5.3993

    Vehicles 6 3 16.17

    Electronic equipment 4-5 3 24.25-19.40

    The Company reviews the useful life, estimated residual value and depreciation method of a fixed

    asset at the end of each financial year. If expectations are significantly different from previous

    estimates, the useful life shall be revised accordingly. If expectations are significantly different

    from previous estimates, the estimated residual value also shall be revised accordingly. If there has

    been a significant change in the expected realization pattern of economic benefits from those

    assets, the depreciation method shall be changed accordingly. The changes in useful life, estimated

    residual value and depreciation method shall be treated as change in accounting estimates.

    (3) Fixed assets acquired under finance lease

    The Company identifies a lease of asset as finance lease when substantially all the risks and

    rewards incidental to legal ownership of the asset are transferred.

    A fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the

    leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of lease.

    The depreciation method of fixed assets acquired under finance lease is consistent with that for

    depreciable assets owned by the Company. If the Company can reasonably confirm that it will

    obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated

    during the useful life of the leased asset. If the Company cannot reasonably confirm that it will

    obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated

    during shorter of the useful life of the leased asset and the lease term.

    (4) Impairment of fixed asset refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of the


    15.Construction in progress

    (1) Construction in progress of the Company includes constructing property, building installation,

    equipments installation, prepaid expenses, as well as individual projects.

    (2) Construction in progress is recorded at actual costs incurred. It also includes borrowing costs94

    eligible for capitalization and gain or loss of exchange difference.

    (3) The Company transfers construction in progress to fixed assets when the project is completed

    or the project is available for use. For the construction in progress which is capable of operating in

    the manner intended by management without the final account for completed project, an estimated

    value is recognised as its cost and the depreciation amount is based on the estimated value. When

    the final account for completed project is obtained, cost of the asset should be adjusted to the

    actual cost. However, there is no need to adjust depreciation of the asset in prior period.

    (4) Impairment of construction in progress refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of

    the Company.

    16.Recognition and measurement of borrowing cost

    (1) Capitalization and capitalization period of borrowing costs

    The costs of borrowings designated for acquisition or construction of qualifying assets should be

    capitalized as part of the cost of the assets. Capitalisation of borrowing costs starts when


    The capital expenditures have incurred;


    The borrowing costs have incurred;


    The acquisition and construction activities that are necessary to bring the asset to its

    expected usable condition have commenced.

    Other borrowing costs that do not qualify for capitalization should be expensed off during current


    Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during periods in which the acquisition or

    construction is interrupted abnormally, and the interruption period is three months or longer.

    These borrowing costs should be recognized directly in profit or loss during the current period.

    However, capitalization of borrowing costs during the suspended periods should continue when

    the interruption is a necessary part of the process of bringing the asset to working condition for its

    intended use.

    Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired or constructed

    is substantially ready for its intended use. Subsequent borrowing costs should be expensed off

    during the period in which they are incurred.95

    (2) Calculation method of capitalization for borrowing costs

    To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a

    qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is

    determined as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during the period less any

    investment income on the temporary investment of the borrowing.

    To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of acquiring or

    constructing a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be

    determined by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of excess of accumulated

    expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific purpose borrowing. The capitalization rate is

    the weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to the borrowings of the Company that are

    outstanding during the period, other than borrowings made specifically for the purpose of

    acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset.

    17.Recognition and measurement of intangible assets

    Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary asset that are owned or controlled by the Company

    and are without physical substance.

    (1) Recognition of intangible assets

    The Company recognizes an intangible asset when that intangible asset fulfills both of the

    following conditions:


    It is probable that the economic benefits associated with that asset will flow to the Company;



    The cost of that asset can be measured reliably.

    Expenditures incurred during the research phase of an internal project shall be recognized as

    expenses in the period in which they are incurred. Expenditures incurred during the development

    phase of an internal project shall be recognized as an intangible asset if, and only if, the Company

    can demonstrate all of the following:


    The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or



    Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;96


    The method that the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. Among

    other things, the Company can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the

    intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the

    intangible asset;


    The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the

    development and to use or sell the intangible asset;


    Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its


    (2) Measurement of intangible assets


    An intangible asset is measured initially at its cost.


    Subsequent measurement of intangible assets

    A. For an intangible asset with finite useful life, the Company estimates its useful life at the time

    of acquisition and amortizes it during its useful life in a reasonable and systematic way. The

    amount of amortization is allocated to relevant costs and expenses according to the nature of

    beneficial items. The Company does not amortize intangible asset with infinite useful life.

    B. Impairment of intangible assets refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of the


    18.recognition and measurement of contingent liabilities

    (1) Recognition of contingent liabilities

    The company should recognize the related obligation as a provision for liability when the

    obligation meets the following conditions:


    That obligation is a present obligation of the enterprise;


    It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise will be required to settle

    the obligation;


    A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

    (2) Measurement of contingent liabilities

    To fulfill the present obligations, which initially measured by the best estimate of the expenditure97

    required to settle the liability. Where there is a continuous range of possible amounts of the

    expenditure required to settle the liability, as all kinds of possibilities are at same level, the best

    estimate should be determined according to the average of the lower and upper limit of the range.

    In other cases, the best estimate should be determined in accordance with the following methods:


    Where the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate involves a singe item, the best

    estimate should be determined according to the most likely outcome;


    Where the contingency involves several items; the best estimate should be determined by

    weighting all possible outcomes by their associated probabilities of occurrence.

    To determine the best estimate, it should be considered with factors such as: related contingency

    risks, uncertain matters and time value of currency. If time value of currency has a significant

    impact, the best estimate should be measured at its converted present value through the relevant

    future cash outflows.

    Where some or all of the expenditures are expected to be reimbursed by a third party, the

    reimbursement should be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually received. The

    amount of the reimbursement should not exceed the carrying amount of the liability recognized.

    At balance sheet date, the Company should review book value of provision for liabilities. If there

    is strong evidence that the book value does not truly indicate the current best estimate, it should be

    adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate.


    (1) Construction contract revenue

    a) When the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract revenue and

    contract costs associated with the construction contract is recognised as revenue and expenses

    respectively by reference to the stage of completion of the contract activity at the balance sheet

    date. The outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably when all the following

    conditions are satisfied: 1


    Total contract revenue can be measured reliably; 2


    It is probable that

    the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow to the entity; 3


    Both the contract

    costs to complete the contract and the stage of contract completion at the balance sheet date can be

    measured reliably; and 4


    The contract costs attributable to the contract can be clearly identified

    and measured reliably.98

    b) When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably and contract costs

    are expected to be recoverable, revenue is recognised only to the extent of contract costs incurred

    that it is probable will be recoverable. Contract costs are recognised as an expense in the period in

    which they are incurred. Contract costs that are not probable of being recovered are recognised as

    an expense immediately and no revenue is recognised.

    c) If the construction contract is interrupted, the Company does not recognise any revenue and

    gross profit for the current period. If the contract does not recommence in 3 years, gross profit

    recognized is written off and the 50% of the contract costs is recognized in the third and the other

    50% of the contract costs is recognized in the fourth year evently.

    d) If the accumulative estimated contract costs exceed the contract revenue, an estimated loss

    should be recognized as an expense during the current financial period.

    (2) Sale of goods

    The Company recognises revenue from sale of goods when all the following conditions have been


    a) The Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of

    the goods;

    b) The Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually

    associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;

    c) The relevant amount of revenue and costs can be measured reliably; and

    d) The economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company

    (3) Rendering of services:


    Revenue associated with the transaction is recognised by reference to the stage of completion

    of the transaction at the balance sheet date.The service revenue is recognised at the balance sheet

    date according to the percentage of completion of the services when (i) the total revenue and total99

    cost can be reliably measured, (ii) the economic benefit pertaining to the service will flow to the

    Company; (iii) the percentage of completion can be determined reliably.


    When the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated

    reliably at the balance sheet date, revenue is recognised according to the following:

    A. When it is probable that the Company will recover the transaction costs incurred, revenue is

    recognised only to the extent of the expenses recognised that are recoverable. and the costs

    incurred are recognised as an expense.

    B. When it is not probable that the costs incurred will be recovered, revenue is not recognised

    and the costs incurred are recognised as an expense.

    (4) Revenue arising from the use by others of the Company’s assets

    Revenue arising from the use by others of the Company’s assets includes interest revenue and

    royalty revenue. The Company recognised revenue arising from the use by others of the

    Company’s assets when (a) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the

    transaction will flow to the Company and (b) the amount of the revenue can be measured reliably.

    20.Accrued costs

    The Company accrues the extended cost at 2.5% of the actual total production cost over the

    finished products and charges it into the costs of sales for the period.

    21.Income tax

    The Company adopts the balance sheet liability method for corporate income taxes.

    (1) Deferred tax asset


    Where there are deductible temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets or

    liabilities in the balance sheet and their tax bases, a deferred tax asset shall be recognised for all

    those deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be

    available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized. Deferred tax assets

    should be measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is

    realised or the liability is settled.100


    At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence showing that sufficient taxable

    profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the

    deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior period shall be recognized.


    The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If

    it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit will not be available against which the deductible

    temporary difference can be utilized, the Company shall write down the carrying amount of

    deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later when it’s probable that sufficient

    taxable profit will be available.

    (2) Deferred tax liability

    A deferred tax liability shall be recognized for all taxable temporary differences, which are

    differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the balance sheet and its tax

    base, and measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is

    realised or the liability is settled.

    22.Operating lease and financial lease




    Operating leases

    Lessee in an operating lease shall treat the lease payment under an operating lease as a relevant

    asset cost or the current profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The initial direct

    costs incurred shall be recognized as the current profit or loss; Contingent rents shall be charged as

    expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. .

    Lessors in an operating lease shall present the assets subject to operating leases in the relevant

    items of their balance sheet according to the nature of the asset. Lease income from operating

    leases shall be recognized as the current profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term;

    Initial direct costs incurred by lessors shall be recognized as the current profit or loss; Lessors

    shall apply the depreciation policy for the similar assets to depreciate the fixed assets in the

    operating lease; For other assets in the operating lease , lessors shall adopt a reasonable

    systematical method to amortize; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in

    which they are incurred.101




    Finance lease

    For the lessee, a fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair

    value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of

    lease. The minimum lease payments as the entering value in long-term account payable, the

    difference as unrecognized financing charges; The initial direct costs identified as directly

    attributable to activities performed by the lessee during the negotiation and signing of the finance

    lease such as handling fees, legal fees, travel expenses, stamp tax shall be counted as lease asset

    value; the unrecognized financing charges shall be apportioned at each period during the lease

    term and adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and confirm the current financing

    charge; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.

    When the lessee calculates the present value of the minimum lease payments, for that lessee who

    can obtain the interest rate implicit in the lease, the discount rate shall be the interest rate implicit

    in the lease; otherwise the discount rate shall adopt the interest rate specified in the lease

    agreement. If the lessee can not get the interest rate implicit in the lease and there is no specified

    interest rate in the lease agreement, the discount rate shall adopt the current bank loan interest rate.

    Lessees shall depreciate the leased assets with the depreciation policy which is consistent with the

    normal depreciation policy for similar assets. If there is reasonable certainty that the lessee will

    obtain ownership by the end of the lease term, the depreciation shall be allocated to the useful life

    of the asset. If there is no reasonably certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of

    the lease term, the asset shall be depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its useful life.

    On the initial date of financial lease, lessee of the financial lease shall record the sum of the

    minimum lease payments and initial direct costs as the financing lease accounts receivable, and

    also record the unguaranteed residual value; recognize the difference between the total minimum

    lease payments , initial direct costs ,unguaranteed residual value and sum of the present value as

    the unrealized financing income; the unrealized financing income shall be distributed to each

    period over the lease term; adopt the actual interest rate to calculate the currect financial income;

    Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.

    23.Assets held for sales:102

    (1) Recognition criteria of the assets held for sale

    The Non-Current Assets which meet the following conditions will be classified as assets held for

    sales by the company:


    The entity has made the resolution in disposing the non-current assets.


    The entity has signed the irrevocable transfer agreement with the assignee.


    The sale transaction is highly probable to be completed within one year.

    (2) Accounting treatments of assets held for sales

    For the fixed assets held for sales, the entity shall adjust the predicted net residual value of this

    fixed asset to make the predicted net residual value of this fixed asset to reflect the amount of its

    fair value less costs to sell, but it shall not exceed the original book value of fixed assets at the

    time when it meets the conditions of held for sales. The difference between the original book

    value and the adjusted predicted net residual value shall be treated as loss in assets and presented

    in profit or loss of current period. The fixed assets held for sales shall not count the depreciation

    but shall be measured at the lower of its carrying amount and the fair value less costs to sell.

    The other non-current assets such as impairment assets which meet the conditions of held for sales

    shall be treated in accordance to the above principles.


    The company uses fair value hedging for its hedging.

    (1) For derivative instruments as the hedging instrument, the profit or loss resulted from the

    changes of fair value is included in the profit/loss of the current period; for non-derivative

    instruments as the hedging instrument, the profit or loss resulted from the change of book

    value due to foreign exchange rate is included in the profit/loss of the current period.

    (2) The profit or loss resulted from the hedged risk of the hedged items is included in the

    profit/loss of the current period. The book value of the hedged items is adjusted at the same


    (3) In a fair value hedging of a firm commitment of a purchased asset or assumed liability, the

    accumulated amount in the change of fair value (profit or loss being confirmed) caused by the

    hedging risk of this firm commitment should be used to adjust the initial confirmed amount of

    the purchased assets of assumed liability of the firm commitment.103

    (4) When the following conditions are satisfied, the company stop using the fair value hedging:

    A. Hedging instruments expired, sold, contract terminated or executed.

    B. The hedge can no longer satisfy the conditions in using the method of hedging


    C. Cancellation of the designation of the hedging.

    25.Changes in accounting policies and estimates,

    1. Changes in accounting policies

    There is no change in accounting policies during the financial year.

    2. Changes in accounting estimates

    There is no change in accounting estimate during the financial year.

    26.Correction of the accounting errors from previous term

    There is no correction of the accounting error from previous term in this report period.

    27.Impairment of assets

    It suggests that an asset may be impaired if there is any of the following indication:

    (1) during the period, an asset's market value has declined significantly more than it would be

    expected as a result of the passage of time or normal use during the current period;

    (2) significant changes with an adverse effect on the Company have taken place during the

    period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal

    environment in which the Company operates or in the market to which an asset is dedicated;

    (3) market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have increased during the

    period, and those increases are likely to affect the discount rate used in calculating an asset's value

    in use and decrease the asset's recoverable amount materially;

    (4) evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset;

    (5) the asset becomes idle, or the Comopany plans to discontinue or to dispose of an asset before

    the previously expected date;

    (6) evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic performance of

    an asset is, or will be, worse than expected, for example, the net cash flow generated from assets

    or the operating profit (or loss) realized by assets is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.;104


    (7) Other evidence indicates that assets may be impaired.

    The Company assesses long-term equity investment, fixed assets, construction materials,

    constructions in progress and intangible assets (except for those with uncertain useful life) that

    apply Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of assets at the balance

    sheet date. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the Company should assess the

    asset for impairment and estimate the recoverable amount of the impaired asset.

    Recoverable amount is measured as the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the

    present value of estimated future cash flows from continuing use of the asset. If carrying amount

    of an asset is higher than its recoverable amount, the carrying amount of this asset should be

    written down to its recoverable amount with the difference recognized as impairment loss and

    charged to profit or loss accordingly. Simultaneously a provision for impairment loss should be


    There is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the Company usually estimates its

    recoverable amount on an individual item basis. However if it’s not possible to estimate

    recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Company should determine the recoverable

    amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.

    An asset's cash-generating unit is the smallest group of assets that includes the asset and generates

    cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.

    Identification of cash-generating unit is based on whether the cash inflows generated by the

    cash-generating unit are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of


    The Company assesses goodwills acquired in a business combination and intangible assets with

    uncertain useful life for impairment each year no matter whether indication that an asset may be

    impaired exists or not. Impairment assessment of goodwill is carried together with the impairment

    assessment of related cash-generating unit or group of cash-generating units.

    Once impairment loss is recognized, it cannot be reversed in subsequent financial period.105

    28. Notes of corporation pension plan changes

    There is still no corporation pension plan in this fiscal year.

    Note 3 Taxation

    1. The value-added output tax rates are 17% and paid by deducting value added input tax.

    2. The business tax rate is 5% of revenue.

    3. Urban maintenance and construction tax is 7% of turnover tax payable.

    4. Education surtax is 3% of turnover tax payable.

    5. Non staple food price restraining fund is 1‰ of revenue

    6. Corporate income tax: the corporate income tax rate of the Company is 25%.

    Note 4 Business combination and consolidated financial statements

    1. Subsidiaries




    The subsidiaries obtained through the establishment of or investment subsidiary






    Business nature



    Business scope

    Wuhan Lan




    al Protection




    586 Wuluo



    Manufacturing 20,000,000.00 Boiler, energy environmental protection

    products, Steel structures, technology

    research of heat energy products and its

    accessorial equipment,design, technical

    Consultancy, technical service, sales of

    developed products, energy project

    (non-construction project)

    Gas-steam Combined Cycle Heat Recovery

    Boiler, Circulating fluidized bed Boiler,

    Production and sale of the boiler’s

    components and the energy saving

    Subsidiaries Investment




    Other essential investment







    Wuhan Lan Xiang Power

    Environmental Protection

    Technology Company Limited

    24,984,500.00 95 95 Yes

    Subsidiaries Minority


    Amount of minority

    interest in income

    statement deducted

    Balance after deduction of losses of

    subsidiaries during the period exceeding

    the proportion of minority shareholders106

    from minority interest from equity of parent company

    Wuhan Lan Xiang Power

    Environmental Protection

    Technology Company Limited





    Obtained by business combination under same control









    Business scope


    Boiler BoYu


    Co., Ltd

    586 Wuluo

    Rd., Wuhan

    Manufacturing 19,115,250.00 Packaging, design, and manufacturing

    of Mechanical and Electrical products;

    processing of metal compenents;

    design and manufacturing of model

    and mold


    Manufacturing of valve

    srough casting, steel casting, iron

    casting, nonferrous metal casting.














    Wuhan Boiler BoYu Industrial Co., Ltd

    14,249,787.13 90 90 Yes




    Amount of minority

    interest in income

    statement deducted

    from minority


    Balance after deduction of losses of subsidiaries

    during the period exceeding the proportion of

    minority shareholders from equity of parent company

    Wuhan Boiler BoYu

    Industrial Co., Ltd


    2.The changes of consolidated scope

    (1) No new issue included in the scope of consolidated subsidiaries

    (2) The current scope of non-consolidated subsidiaries not included in

    Note5 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

    (Except for especially indicated, the closing balance and the opening balance refer to the balance

    at Dec 31, 2009 and Dec 31, 2008 respectively; all amounts are presented in RMB).

    1.Cash and cash equivalent

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Cash 8,286.48 401,400.85107

    Bank deposit 26,674,869.44 35,918,973.27

    Other cash and cash equivalent 5,472,382.01 11,546,980.51

    Total 32,155,537.93 47,867,354.63

    Closing balance


    Currency Original currency Exchange rate RMB

    Cash RMB 8,286.48 1.00 8,286.48


    Subtotal —— —— 8,286.48

    Bank deposit RMB 18,973,269.46 1.00 18,973,269.46

    USD 551,050.49 6.8282 3,762,682.96

    EUR 397,705.61 9.7971 3,896,361.63

    JPY 576,772.00 0.0738 42,555.39

    Subtotal —— —— 26,674,869.44

    Other cash and cash equivalents RMB 5,472,382.01 1.00 5,472,382.01

    Subtotal —— —— 5,472,382.01

    Total 32,155,537.93

    Opening balance


    Currency Original currency Exchange rate RMB

    Cash RMB 9,593.18 1.00 9,593.18

    EUR 40,564.00 9.659 391,807.67

    Subtotal —— —— 401,400.85

    Bank deposit RMB 32,818,701.11 1.00 32,818,701.11

    USD 453,607.95 6.8346 3,100,228.89

    HKD 4.48 9.659 43.27

    Subtotal —— —— 35,918,973.27

    Other cash and cash equivalents RMB 11,546,980.51 1.00 11,546,980.51

    Subtotal —— —— 11,546,980.51108

    Total 47,867,354.63

    Note: The closing balance of the cash and cash equivalent this year is decreased RMB

    15,711,816.70 or 32.82%. Mainly due to payments for new factory capital expenditure during the

    year under review.

    2.Notes receivable

    (1)Category of Notes receivable:

    Category Closing balance Opening balance

    Bank acceptance 119,714,775.17 380,000.00

    Total 119,714,775.17 380,000.00

    (3) The top five pledged notes receivable

    Company Issued




    Amount Notes

    Shandong Xinfa Hualu Aluminium Co., Ltd. 2009.7.28 2010.1.27 10,000,000.00

    Zouping High power Co., LTD. 2009.7.27 2010.1.27 10,000,000.00

    Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu Aluminium 2009.8.21 2010.2.21 10,000,000.00

    Henan wanda aluminium Co., LTD. 2009.8.17 2010.2.17 10,000,000.00

    Minsheng Financial Leasing Co.,LTD 2009.8.28 2010.2.28 10,000,000.00

    (3)The top five receivable endorsed but not matured as of year end

    Company Issued date Expiration


    Amount Notes

    Minsheng Financial Leasing Co.,LTD 2009.8.28 2010.2.28 30,000,000.00

    Guodian Lanzhou Thermopower Co., Ltd. 2009.7.28-20





    Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd 2009.9.3 2010.1.30 16,538,493.52

    Guangxi WuHang Energy Co., LTD 2009.8.27 2010.2.27 6,690,000.00

    Shandong Xinfa Hualu Aluminium Co., Ltd. 2009.7.28 2010.1.27 3,000,000.00

    (4)The Notes receivable this year is increased RMB 119,334,775.17 or 31403.89%, mainly due to

    increase in customers’ collections in the form of banker acceptance draft.

    3.Accounts receivable

    (1)Accounts receivable by categories are as follows:

    Category Closing balance109

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts







    Individually significant receivables 355,931,287.32

    36.14 59,502,956.50


    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group



    8.55 84,171,639.90 36.69

    Other insignificant amount 544,797,243.20 55.31 85,760,800.17 37.38

    Total 984,900,170.42 100 229,435,396.57 100

    The classification of the accounts receivable: Individually significant receivables are top 5

    accounts receivable; Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group

    assessment are the aging beyond the 5 years but not in the top 5 of accounts receivable; others are

    other insignificant amount.

    Opening balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debt








    Individually significant receivables 420,133,703.02 38.74% 22,923,600.00 17.53

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    51,926,411.09 4.79% 51,926,411.09 39.69

    Other insignificant amount 612,356,354.28 56.47% 55,968,332.86 42.78

    Total 1,084,416,468.39 100.00% 130,818,343.95 100

    (2)Individually significant receivables or insignificant receivables requiring impairment test, and

    providing provision for bad debt


    Item Closing balance Bad debt provision Note

    Product payment and


    249,113,721.83 110,474,613.06 Details are tabulated



    Company Reason for provision

    Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu Aluminium The Company is required to bear part of the subsequent

    costs and thus the receivable amount is not expected to be

    fully recoverable

    Shanxi Hongdong HuaShi Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. Age more than 3 years and deemed irrecoverable

    Datang Hunchun Power Generation Co. Ltd. Age more than 3 years and deemed irrecoverable

    Datang Shuangyashan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. The Company is required to bear part of the subsequent

    costs and thus the receivable amount is not expected to be

    fully recoverable

    Xuzhou Cha City Electric Co., Ltd. Age more than 3 years and deemed irrecoverable

    Hubei Shuanghuan Technology Co., Ltd. The company have sent many dunning letters but to no110

    Company Reason for provision


    China Shipping Industry Corporation 719 Bureau Retention money difficult to recover

    China Power Engineering Consulting Group, Zhongnan

    Power Design Institute

    The customer has disputes over the contract settlement

    and the receivable amount is not expected to be fully


    Zhengzhou Gas Power Generation Co., Ltd. The customer has disputes over the contract settlement

    and the receivable amount is not expected to be fully


    Huaneng Henan Zhongyuan Gas Power Generation Co., Ltd. The customer has disputes over the contract settlement

    and the receivable amount is not expected to be fully


    SINOPEC Hubei Chemical Fertilizer Plant Retention money difficult to recover

    Ningxia Western PVC Co., Ltd. Equipment rework charges

    Gansu Zhangye, Electric Power Investment Co., Ltd. Retention money difficult to recover

    Shanxi Zhengxin Group Co., Ltd. Customers did not receive special funding and the

    receivable amount not expected to be fully recoverable

    PT INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER, TBK The portion covered by letter of credit received was not

    subjected to general provision for doubtful debt

    Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group assessment


    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    More than 5 years 84,171,639.90 8.55 84,171,639.90

    Total 84,171,639.90 8.55 84,171,639.90

    Opening balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    More than 5 years 51,926,411.09 4.79% 51,926,411.09

    Total 51,926,411.09 4.79% 51,926,411.09

    (3)In 2009, the company's management took measures to strengthen the collection and increase

    collection efforts, to get the co-operation among Finance and other Business departments to

    collect the payments, to have management to track the progress of the payment collection at any

    time. As of December 31, 2009, RMB 12,335,059.67 has been recovered for the debts aging more

    than 5 years a 23.75% of the last year’s accounts receivable for aging more than 5 years.

    (4)The write-off of accounts receivable

    Name of company The nature of

    accounts receivable

    Written off Reason Related party


    Zhengzhou Ju Jin Thermoelectric

    Energy Co., Ltd.,

    Retention 114,000.00 Rework charges No

    XinJiang kuiTun Thermal Power Plant Retention 430,000.00 Rework charges No111

    Name of company The nature of

    accounts receivable

    Written off Reason Related party


    AoShiLong Machinery Co., Ltd. Retention 241,922.10 Charge

    replacement parts


    Huadian Tengzhou Xinyuan

    Thermoelectric Co., Ltd.

    Retention 428,500.00 Rework charges No

    Jinhua Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd. Retention 75,000.00 Bankrupt No

    China Petroleum Fushun Petrochemical


    Retention 100,000.00 Quality deduction No

    Lin Zhou City Power Plant Retention 100,000.00 Quality deduction No

    Wuhan High-tech Thermal Power Co.,


    Retention 80,000.00 Quality deduction No

    Wuhan Tianyuan Boiler Co., Ltd. Design fees 110,000.00 Termination of



    Tianjin Botian Chemical Company Reimbursed Freight 1,493.00 Lost documents No

    Total 1,680,915.10

    Note: Above write-off accounts receivable retention were for projects which have completed more

    than 5 years.

    (5)Accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company.

    Closing balance Opening balance

    Name of company Amount Provision for

    doubtful debts

    Amount Provision for

    doubtful debts

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 17,477,670.00 2,009,932.05 44,119,317.50 1,673,151.60

    Total 17,477,670.00 2,009,932.05 44,119,317.50 1,673,151.60

    (6)Information of top 5 receivables:

    Company The relationship

    with the Company

    Amount Age Proportion

    Shandong Weiqiao Aluminum

    and Electricity Co., Ltd.



    1-4 years 11.56%

    Huaneng Henan Zhongyuan Gas

    Power Generation Co., Ltd.



    1-2 years 4.30%

    Shanxi Zhengxin Group Co., Ltd. Non-affiliated 47,970,000.00 3-4 years 4.87%



    Non-affiliated 53,362,287.32 Less than 1



    China Shenhua Energy Company

    Limited, Huizhou Guohua

    Thermal Power Branch

    Non-affiliated 98,475,000.00 Less than 1



    Total 355,931,287.32 36.15%

    (7)The amounts due from related parties

    Company The relationship with the


    Amount Proportion112

    Wuhan Special Boiler Complete

    Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd.

    A subsidiary of the second

    largest shareholder

    18,174,794.81 1.85%

    ALSTOM Projects India Limited A subsidiary of the ultimate

    holding company

    145,265.00 0.01%

    ALSTOM Power Systems S.A

    Etablissement Boilers

    A subsidiary of the ultimate

    holding company

    17,702,100.00 1.80%

    Total 36,022,159.81 3.66%

    (8)Accounts receivable by aging are as follows:

    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 435,721,605.86 44.24 12,575,172.56

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 198,125,084.53 20.12 18,087,346.04

    2-3 years (including 3 years) 72,304,741.11 7.34 30,963,414.38

    3-4 years (including 4 years) 160,014,783.23 16.25 66,932,380.68

    4-5 years (including 5 years) 34,562,315.79 3.50 16,705,443.01

    More than 5 years 84,171,639.90 8.55 84,171,639.90

    Total 984,900,170.42 100.00 229,435,396.57

    Opening balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 456,643,635.25 42.11 10,031,364.30

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 158,077,327.27 14.58 4,742,319.82

    2-3 years (including 3 years) 310,731,902.22 28.65 37,559,914.13

    3-4 years (including 4 years) 52,370,931.36 4.83 10,474,186.27

    4-5 years (including 5 years) 54,666,261.20 5.04 16,084,148.34

    More than 5 years 51,926,411.09 4.79 51,926,411.09

    Total 1,084,416,468.39 100.00 130,818,343.95

    4.Other receivables

    (1)Other receivables disclosed by type:113

    Closing balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Individually significant receivables 148,234,656.60 91.87 29,442,214.08 96.97

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    534,775.00 0.33 534,775.00 1.76

    Other insignificant amount 12,591,734.82 7.80 384,356.97 1.27

    Total 161,361,166.42 100.00 30,361,346.05 100.00

    The classification of the accounts receivable: Individually significant receivables are top 5

    accounts receivable; Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group

    assessment are the aging beyond the 5 years but not in the top 5 of accounts receivable; others are

    other insignificant amount.

    Opening balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Individually significant receivables 130,715,211.73 97.39% 416,757.83 32.00

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    534,775.00 0.40% 534,775.00 41.06

    Other insignificant amount 2,968,864.52 2.21% 350,942.03 26.94

    Total 134,218,851.25 100.00% 1,302,474.86 100.00

    (2)Individually significant receivables or insignificant receivables requiring impairment test, and

    providing provision for doubtful debt


    Item Balance Bad debt





    3RC Company Limited 336,604.05 336,604.05 100.00% Bankruptcy

    Value Added Tax paid for

    suspended projects

    27,193,448.17 27,193,448.17 100.00% Projects were suspended

    and the amount is not

    expected to be recoverable

    Total 27,530,052.22 27,530,052.22

    Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group assessment

    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for bad debt

    More than 5 years 534,775.00 0.33% 534,775.00

    Totai 534,775.00 0.33% 534,775.00

    Opening balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for bad debt

    More than 5 years 534,775.00 0.40% 534,775.00

    Total 534,775.00 0.40% 534,775.00

    (3)Accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company.

    Closing balance Opening balance

    Name of company Amount provision for

    bad debt

    Amount Provision for

    doubtful debts

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 67,194,318.11 1,851,395.87 5,407,948.32 162,238.45

    Total 67,194,318.11 1,851,395.87 5,407,948.32 162,238.45

    (4)Nature of significant of other receivables

    A. Account receivable of RMB 67,194,318.11 from the second largest shareholder, Wuhan Boiler

    Group Co., Ltd., is the compensation for the relocation of the old factory.

    B. The value –add output tax ( “VAT”) for suspended projects is the amount of VAT paid in

    accordance to the provision for tax law.

    C. Account receivable of RMB10,774,265.00 from Donghu Development Zone Committee is the

    amount paid by the Company to connect the new factory to external power substation and this

    amount is reimbursable from the local Government.115

    (5)Details of top 5 other receivables


    Company The relationship with the


    Amount Aging Proportion of

    the total (%)

    Wuhan Boiler Group

    Co., Ltd.

    The company's

    second-largest shareholder

    67,194,318.11 1-2 years 41.64

    Shandong Weiqiao

    Aluminum and

    Electricty Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 25,575,846.15 1-2 years 15.85

    Donghu Development

    Zone Committee

    Non-affiliated 10,774,265.00 1-2 years 6.68

    Henan Weihua Heavy

    Machinery Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 2,471,403.00 Less than

    1 year


    WuYu Alloy Factory Non-affiliated 534,775.00 more than

    5 years


    Total 106,550,607.26 66.03

    (6)The amounts due from related parties

    Name of company The relationship with

    the Company

    Amount Proportion of the

    total (%)

    Wuhan Boiler Group,YunTong Co.,


    Subsidiary of Second

    largest shareholder

    25,499.73 0.02

    Wuhan Boiler Group Valve Co., Ltd Subsidiary of Second

    largest shareholder

    240,571.49 0.15

    Total -- 266,071.22 0.17

    (7)Other receivables by aging are as follows:

    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 151,413,088.28 93.83 29,224,058.31

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 9,403,303.14 5.83 601,912.74

    2-3 years (including 3 years) 10,000.00 0.01 600.00

    More than 5 years 534,775.00 0.33 534,775.00

    Total 161,361,166.42 100.00 30,361,346.05

    Opening balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 132,814,276.25 98.95 718,081.86

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 85,600.00 0.06 2,568.00

    2-3 years (including 3 years) 784,200.00 0.58 47,050.00

    More than 5 years 534,775.00 0.41 534,775.00116

    Total 134,218,851.25 100.00 1,302,474.86




    (1)Aging analysis:

    Closing balance Aging Opening balance

    Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%)

    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 38,673,471.83 70.66 139,116,204.67 98.06

    1 year to 2 years (including 2 years) 14,649,310.62 26.76 2,747,500.70 1.94

    2 years to 3 years (including 3 years) 1,411,500.00 2.58

    Total 54,734,282.45 100.00 141,863,705.37 100.00

    Note: Prepayment decreased RMB 87,129,422.92 or 61.42%., mainly due to reduced purchases

    arising from low business operations during factory relocation.

    (2)Details of top 5 prepayment

    Name of company The relationship

    with the Company

    Amount Aging Reasons

    Zhejiang Rong Zhi Energy

    Technology Co., Ltd

    Non-affiliated 14,115,000.00 2007 -2009 Project has

    not yet


    Howden Hua Engineering

    Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 8,603,000.00 2009 Project has

    not yet


    Luxembourg, Arcelor

    International Co., Ltd

    Non-affiliated 7,488,326.20 2009 Project has

    not yet


    Wuhan ZhiMiao Machinery

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,

    Non-affiliated 7,381,432.62 2009 Project has

    not yet


    ALSTOM Technical

    Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

    A subsidiary of the

    ultimate holding


    3,555,000.00 2009 Project has

    not yet


    Total 41,142,758.82 --

    (3)There was no amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company in prepayment.

    (4)The prepayment aged more than 1 year is for the contract purchase which has yet to settle.



    Categories Closing balance Opening balance

    Book balance Provision for

    impairment of


    Book value Book balance Provision for

    impairment of


    Book value117

    Raw materials 341,074,909.41 173,984,295.85 167,090,613.56 336,319,266.68 46,973,514.72 289,345,751.96


    contract assets

    30,625,133.86 121,150,739.51 -90,525,605.65 772,112,606.26 153,839,867.50 618,272,738.76



    10,425,822.46 10,425,822.46



    461,536.48 461,536.48

    Total 371,700,043.27 295,135,035.36 76,565,007.91 1,119,319,231.88 200,813,382.22 918,505,849.66

    Note: Assets from construction contracts were reduced RMB 741,487,472.40. The percentage of

    reduction is 96.03%. The main reasons are as follows:

    A. The number of the new starting projects in 2009 is less and most of the ongoing projects from

    last year have been completed.

    B. The increase in progress billings raised and closed the gap between costs incurred and progress

    billings. This result in the balance of the cost incurred for ongoing construction contracts close to

    the balance of the progress billing and resulted in small balance in construction contract assets or

    amount due from customer.

    (2)Provision for impairment of inventories

    Categories Opening Decrease



    Reversal Written off



    Raw materials 46,973,514.72 141,610,234.21 14,599,453.08 173,984,295.85

    Construction contract


    153,839,867.50 34,682,159.38 67,371,287.37 121,150,739.51

    Total 200,813,382.22 176,292,393.59 81,970,740.45 295,135,035.36

    Note 1: The impairment of the raw materials is written off because of the disposal of raw


    Note 2: Provision for write-off of the impairment of the assets from construction contracts is the

    provision for the expected loss of the contract in accordance with the Chinese Accounting

    Standard on “Construction Contract”

    (3)Details of provision for impairment of inventories


    The bases of

    provision for

    impairment of


    Reasons for reversal

    Proportion of reversal of

    provision for impairment of

    inventories to closing balance

    1.Raw materials According to the

    assessment value

    2.Construction contract


    expected loss from

    contract loss118

    7.Fixed assets

    (1)Fixed assets details:

    Item Opening


    Increase Decrease Closing


    1. Cost 449,465,369.28 583,481,219.04 307,237,565.97 725,709,022.35

    Including: Property and


    166,962,869.95 504,339,267.23 166,962,869.95 504,339,267.23

    Machineries 267,443,034.46 64,380,530.13 136,046,999.72 195,776,564.87

    Vehicles 4,793,053.08 1,758,352.00 3,034,701.08

    Electronic equipments and

    office equipment

    10,266,411.79 14,761,421.68 2,469,344.30 22,558,489.17

    2.Accumulated depreciation 320,657,172.90 20,244,292.63 227,447,624.83 113,453,840.70

    Including: Property and


    101,039,938.42 6,095,078.63 104,077,460.21 3,057,556.84

    Machineries 212,364,184.27 11,005,075.01 120,144,226.07 103,225,033.21

    Vehicles 3,250,908.13 491,028.90 1,333,789.94 2,408,147.09

    Electronic equipments and

    office equipment

    4,002,142.08 2,653,110.09 1,892,148.61 4,763,103.56

    3.The net book value of fixed


    128,808,196.38 563,236,926.41 79,789,941.14 612,255,181.65

    Including: Property and


    65,922,931.53 498,244,188.60 62,885,409.74 501,281,710.39

    Machineries 55,078,850.19 53,375,455.12 15,902,773.65 92,551,531.66

    Vehicles 1,542,144.95 -491,028.90 424,562.06 626,553.99

    Electronic equipments and

    office equipment

    6,264,269.71 12,108,311.59 577,195.69 17,795,385.61

    4. Provision for impairment


    6,957,025.56 476,254.23 3,865,266.43 3,568,013.36

    Including: Property and


    Machineries 6,957,025.56 373,919.00 3,865,266.43 3,465,678.13


    Electronic equipments and

    office equipment

    102,335.23 102,335.23

    5.Carrying amount 121,851,170.82 562,760,672.18 75,924,674.71 608,687,168.29

    Including: Property and


    65,922,931.53 498,244,188.60 62,885,409.74 501,281,710.39

    Machineries 48,121,824.63 53,001,536.12 12,037,507.22 89,085,853.53

    Vehicles 1,542,144.95 -491,028.90 424,562.06 626,553.99

    Electronic equipments and

    office equipment

    6,264,269.71 12,005,976.36 577,195.69 17,693,050.38

    Note 1, Amount of depreciation charge is RMB 20,244,292.63 for current fiscal year.

    Note 2, The original cost of transfer from construction in progress into fixed assets during this

    period is RMB 580,448,743.60

    Note 3, the balance of the fixed assets at the end of the period is increased RMB 276,243,653.07

    in comparison with that at the beginning of this year. The percentage of the increase is 61.46%.

    This is due to the commissioning of the new production facility and disposal of fixed assets.

    (2)Temporarily idle fixed assets :

    Item Cost Accumulated Impairment Carrying Estimated119

    depreciation amount commissioning


    Machineries 195,776,564.87 103,225,033.21 3,465,678.13 89,085,853.53


    and office


    22,558,489.17 4,763,103.56 102,335.23 17,693,050.38

    Total 218,335,054.04 107,988,136.77 3,568,013.36 106,778,903.91

    (3)Fixed assets without certification

    Item The reasons Expected time

    New plant and office building Final accounts audit unfinished

    8.Construction in progress


    Closing balance Opening balance

    Item Closing


    Impairment Net book value Book balance Impairment Net book value



    base of the


    6,896,046.00 6,896,046.00 277,749,717.79 277,749,717.79

    2. Equipment

    for New base

    of the


    165,849,325.95 165,849,325.95 128,596,142.27 128,596,142.27

    3. Purchased


    3,074,265.00 3,074,265.00

    Total 175,819,636.95 175,819,636.95 406,345,860.06 406,345,860.06

    (2)Significant changes in construction in progress, a

    Project Opening balance Increase Transferred to

    fixed assets

    Other decrease Closing balance Capitalised

    interest rate



    established base

    of the company:

    277,749,717.79 234,304,007.56 504,316,751.39 840,927.96 6,896,046.00



    amount of

    borrowing costs

    7,133,219.75 12,516,152.15 19,649,371.90 5.748


    for New base of

    the Company

    128,596,142.27 113,863,403.96 76,131,992.21 478,228.07 165,849,325.95



    amount of

    borrowing costs

    2,601,256.45 6,398,093.89 2,895,093.85 6,104,256.49 5.748



    3,074,265.00 3,074,265.00

    Total 406,345,860.06 351,241,676.52 580,448,743.60 1,319,156.03 175,819,636.95




    amount of

    borrowing costs

    9,734,476.20 18,914,246.04 22,544,465.75 6,104,256.49

    Significant changes in construction in progress b120

    Project Budget Financial


    % of


    Accumulated amount

    of interest capitalized

    Including: Interest

    capitalized this year

    1.Newly established

    base of the company:

    50,070.00 Self-financing,


    102% 19,649,371.90 12,516,152.15

    2.Equipment for new

    base of the company

    40,000.00 Self-financing,


    61% 8,999,350.34 6,398,093.89

    Total 90,070.00 28,648,722.24 18,914,246.04

    Note 1. The balance of the construction in progress at the end of the period is decreased RMB

    230,526,223.11 in comparison with that at the beginning of this year. The percentage of the

    decrease is 56.73%. This is due to the utilization of the new production facility and the

    construction in progress being capitalised into fixed assets.

    Note 2. Capitalization of borrowing costs refers to Note 10 on Other important matters 1.

    Note 3. By 31 December,2009 Newly established base has been basically completed.

    Note 4. As of December 31, 2009, in the construction in progress does not have indication of

    impairment, so no provision for impairment in construction in progress

    9.Disposal of fixed assets

    Item Closing





    Bo Yu's car 128,692.99 Liquidation of the company has not finished

    LanXiang company’s car 112,050.44 Liquidation of the company has not finished

    Total 240,743.43

    10.Intangibles assets

    (1)Details of intangible assets are as following:

    Category Opening


    Increase Decrease Closing


    Cost 106,043,334.42 4,226,181.27 110,269,515.69

    1.Land use right 41,666,503.00 41,666,503.00

    2.Proprietary technology 56,900,206.41 56,900,206.41

    3.Software 7,476,625.01 4,226,181.27 11,702,806.28

    Accumulated amortization 41,698,429.90 7,228,171.69 48,926,601.59

    1.Land use right 555,553.36 833,330.04 1,388,883.40121

    Category Opening


    Increase Decrease Closing


    2.Proprietary technology 39,541,827.87 3,067,276.14 42,609,104.01

    3.Software 1,601,048.67 3,327,565.51 4,928,614.18

    Carrying amount of intangible assets 64,344,904.52 -3,001,990.42 61,342,914.10

    1.Land 41,110,949.64 -833,330.04 40,277,619.60

    2.Proprietary technology 17,358,378.54 -3,067,276.14 14,291,102.40

    3.Software 5,875,576.34 898,615.76 6,774,192.10

    Accumulative impairment of intangible


    1.Land use right

    2.Proprietary technology


    Total book value of intangible assets 64,344,904.52 -3,001,990.42 61,342,914.10

    1.Land use right 41,110,949.64 -833,330.04 40,277,619.60

    2.Proprietary technology 17,358,378.54 -3,067,276.14 14,291,102.40

    3.Software 5,875,576.34 898,615.76 6,774,192.10

    Note: The amortization of the intangible assets is RMB 7,228,171.69 this year

    11. The long-term deferred expenses

    Item Opening


    Increase Amortization Other







    100,000.00 100,000.00

    Total 100,000.00 100,000.00

    12. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

    (A)Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset.

    (1)Recognized deferred tax assets and liabilities122

    Item Closing balance Opening balance


    Deferred tax assets: 84,997,137.51 73,930,972.26

    Provision for asset impairment 84,997,137.51 73,930,972.26


    Deferred income tax liabilities:

    Donation 2,696.51

    Sub-total 2,696.51

    (2)Unrecognized deferred income tax assets

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Deductible temporary differences 334,661,885.17 74,021,946.20

    Tax losses 982,000,742.68 622,403,587.95

    Total 1,316,662,627.85 696,425,534.15

    (3)The deferred income tax assets unrecognized deductible losses due to the following year

    Year Closing balance Opening balance Notes

    2012 322,036,470.99 322,036,470.99

    2013 300,367,116.96 300,367,116.96

    2014 359,597,154.73

    Total 982,000,742.68 622,403,587.95

    (4)Temporary difference

    Temporary difference


    Closing balance Opening balance

    1. Deductable temporary difference


    Provision for bad debt 215,269,797.18 87,953,481.26


    Provision for loss of inventories impairment 121,150,739.51 200,813,382.22


    Provision for loss of fixed assets impairment 3,568,013.36 6,957,025.56

    Total 339,988,550.05 295,723,889.04

    13. Provision for impairment of assets123

    Categories Opening balance Increase Decrease

    Reversal Written off



    1.Provision for bad debt 132,120,818.81 129,356,838.91 1,680,915.10 259,796,742.62

    Including: Provision for bad

    ① debt of accounts receivable

    130,818,343.95 100,297,967.72 1,680,915.10 229,435,396.57

    Provision for bad debt of

    ②other receivables

    1,302,474.86 29,058,871.19 30,361,346.05

    2.Provision for loss of

    inventories impairment

    200,813,382.22 176,292,393.59 81,970,740.45 295,135,035.36

    3.Provision for loss of fixed

    assets impairment

    6,957,025.56 476,254.23 3,865,266.43 3,568,013.36

    Total 339,891,226.59 306,125,486.73 87,516,921.98 558,499,791.34

    Note 1:Provision for bad debt of accounts receivable refers to Note5 .3 (4).

    Note 2:Written-off of provision for inventories impairment, refers to Note5 .6 (2).

    Note 3:The write-off of the provision for impairment of fixed assets is caused by the disposal of

    the provision for the impairment of fixed assets.

    14. Other non-current assets

    Item Opening balance Closing balance

    Hedging 6,174,943.43 24,525.50

    Total 6,174,943.43 24,525.50

    Note: The hedging instruments has been decreased RMB 6,150,417.93 this year. The percentage

    of decrease is 99.60%. This is mainly due to the settlement of Perawang project this year.

    15. Short-term loan

    Category Closing balance Opening balance

    Credit borrowings 525,000,000.00 954,000,000.00

    Entrust borrowings 1,710,000,000.00 970,000,000.00

    Total 2,235,000,000.00 1,924,000,000.00

    Note: The entrust borrowings are supplies by Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, and the

    maximum amount is RMB 1,800,000,000.00

    16. Notes payable124

    Category Closing balance Opening balance Amount due in next accounting period

    Bank Acceptance 219,077,384.51 419,917,469.28 219,077,384.51

    Commercial acceptance 13,731,756.70

    Total 219,077,384.51 433,649,225.98 219,077,384.51

    Note 1. The decreased of Notes payable is RMB 214,571,841.47, the decrease proportion is

    49.48%, . the main reason is due to increasing the proportion of payment and decrease of the

    purchasing this year.

    Note 2. There was no Notes payable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of

    the voting shares of the Company.

    17. Accounts Payable

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Amount 425,186,604.74 532,731,198.18

    Total 425,186,604.74 532,731,198.18

    The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of

    the Company or related parties:

    Company Closing




    Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd 4,099,499.20 16,735,786.80

    Wuhan Boiler (Group) Valve Co., Ltd 1,302,071.50 5,399,315.70

    Wuhan Special Boiler Complete Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. 21,316,800.00 6,116,800.00

    Alstom Power Boiler Company 682,820.00 683,460.00

    Total 27,401,190.70 28,935,362.50

    Note: The accounts payable aged more than 1 year is mainly for handling the diffused processing

    fees. Due to the project being not completed, it can’t be settled until the warranty period of the

    boiler is expired.

    18.Advance from customers

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Amount 31,395,403.74 10,442,136.73125

    Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company or related parties:

    company Closing balance Opening balance

    ALSTOM Power Systems S.A Etablissement Boilers 20,826,000.00

    Total 20,826,000.00

    Note1: Advanced from customers, including amount of RMB10, 342,136.73with aging over 1 year,

    was unsettled contract payments on construction in progress. According to the Company’s

    accounting method of contract on construction in progress, the account shall be carried forward

    after the settlement of contract payments on construction in progress.

    Note 2:The balance of the advanced from the customers at the end of the period is increased RMB

    20,953,267.01 in comparison with that at the beginning of this year. The percentage of the

    increase is 200.66%. This is due to the collection of processing trade from ALSTOM Power

    Systems S.A Etablissement Boilers of RMB 20,826,000.00

    19. Payroll payable:


    Item Opening


    Increase Decrease Closing


    1.Salary,bonus, allowance,


    12,117,598.75 103,156,991.13 105,395,669.88 9,878,920.00

    2. Employee welfare 31,043.56 1,174,978.07 1,174,978.07 31,043.56

    3.Social insurance 29,727.71 28,287,699.01 28,317,426.72



    Medical insurance


    7,059,124.99 7,059,124.99

    Retirement pension


    23,461.47 18,843,474.19 18,866,935.66

    Unemployment insurance


    6,266.24 1,367,150.14 1,373,416.38


    injury insurance premium 523,418.66 523,418.66

    Pregnancy insurance


    494,531.03 494,531.03

    4. Housing fund 9,830,789.00 9,830,789.00

    5. Labour union fee and

    employee education fee

    2,935,887.09 5,483,233.13 5,574,848.97 2,844,271.25

    6.Redemption for terminations

    of labor contract


    29,875,608.65 40,956,954.87 5,578,679.64 65,253,883.88



    Share payment in


    Total 44,989,865.76 188,890,645.21 155,872,392.28 78,008,118.69126

    (2)The balance of the payroll payable at the end of the period is increase RMB 33,018,252.93 in

    comparison with that at the beginning of this year. The percentage of the increase is 73.39%. This

    is due to the provision for employee retirement benefits.

    20. Taxes payable

    Taxes Closing balance Opening balance

    1.Value-added tax -93,082,219.15 -104,727,763.16

    2.Business tax 3,142.12 26,289.26

    3.City levee fee 4,183.91 -83.89

    4.Corporate Income Tax 363,748.50

    5.Personal income tax 70,097.01 428,538.54

    6.Surcharge for education 6,227.07 -125.83

    7.Local education development fee 6,231.75 125,162.68

    8.Urban maintenance and construction tax 14,529.82 -293.60

    9.Property Tax 1,172,357.93 470,009.32

    10.Non staple food price restraining fund 1,005.28 1,221.28

    11.stamp duty 10,066.78 401,578.65

    12.Land Use Tax 293,334.01

    Total -91,501,043.47 -102,911,718.25

    21. Interest payable

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Interest payable on short-term borrowings 3,274,942.50 3,046,367.05

    Total 3,274,942.50 3,046,367.05

    22. Dividends payable

    Main investor Opening


    Closing balance Reason of failure payment

    more than 1 year

    HIT East Power Electric Co.,


    108,000.00 108,000.00 The company is in liquidation

    West Jiaotong University Star

    Source Dynamics

    166,000.00 166,000.00 The company is in liquidation

    Shanghai Power Equipment 144,000.00 144,000.00 The company is in liquidation127

    Research Institute

    Wuhan Urban Environmental

    Engineering Company

    144,000.00 144,000.00 The company is in liquidation

    Total 562,000.00 562,000.00

    Note: dividends payable is due to unpaid dividend by Wuhan Lan Xiang Energy Environmental

    Protection Technology Co., Ltd.



    Other payables

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Amount 38,838,894.32 25,258,271.32

    Note 1: The amount of RMB 974,056.13is due from Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd holding

    6.91% of the voting shares of the Company at the end of the period.

    Note 2: Other payables from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares

    of the Company or related parties:

    company Closing balance Opening balance

    Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd 572,628.90

    ALSTOM Technology Ltd (Switzerland) 3,072,690.00

    Total 3,645,318.90

    Note 3 The other large amount accounts payable aged more than 1 year is mainly the amount paid

    to purchase ALSTOM stocks.

    Note 4, the significant amount of other payables details:

    Item Amount The nature or content

    Stock deductions 7,083,489.47 Collected and remit on behalf


    ALSTOM Technology Ltd (Switzerland) 3,072,690.00 TOT technology transfer fee

    China Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance

    Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch

    2,757,391.59 Property insurance

    Precision CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Wuhan

    Chiang Kai-shek

    1,760,000.00 Disposal of equipment

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 974,056.13 Collection fee

    Total 15,647,627.19

    Note 5:the balance of other accounts payable at the end of the period is increased RMB

    13,580,623.00 in comparison with that at the beginning of this year. The percentage of the

    increase is 53.77%. This is due to increasing related party transaction amounted to RMB

    9,011,747.31, deposit held from disposal of fixed assets amounted to RMB1,760,000.00 and128

    provision for special insurance premium amounted to RMB2,757,391.59.

    24.Non-current liabilities due in one year


    Category Closing balance Opening balance

    Long-term loan 90,000,000.00

    total 90,000,000.00

    (2)Details information of long-term loan due in one year

    Category Closing balance Opening balance

    Credit borrowings 90,000,000.00

    Total 90,000,000.00

    Note: the ending balance of non-current liabilities due in one year is zero, is due to repayment of

    bank borrowing upon maturity.

    25. Long-term borrowings

    Item Closing balance Opening balance

    Credit loan 100,000,000.00

    Total 100,000,000.00

    Note: The ending balance of long-term loan is zero, due to early settlement of bank borrowing.

    26. Provision for contingent liabilities

    Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

    Product quality guarantee 50,956,000.00 50,956,000.00

    Total 50,956,000.00 50,956,000.00

    Note: The Company delivered an alkaline recovery boiler to a customer in 2008. The boiler was

    put into operation. Due to various reasons, the boiler was unable to continue operating at full load

    and required some technical modification. The modification work is expected to commence in

    year 2010. The Company provided RMB 50,956,000 in the Book for this modification costs.



    Other non-current liabilities129

    item Closing balance Opening balance

    1. Deferred income 13,425,840.00 13,703,616.00

    2. Hedged items 28,024.62 6,942,506.33

    3. The unrecognized finance cost -12,224,275.21

    Total 1,229,589.41 20,646,122.33

    Note1: The unrecognized financing cost is the discount fees of employee retirement benefits in

    accordance with the regulations stipulated in “Employee Benefits” Accounting Standards.

    Note 2: The closing balance of Hedged item decreased by RMB 6,914,481.71 in comparison with

    that of opening balance this year, the percentage of the decrease is 99.60%, it is due to settlement

    of Perawang project.

    28. Paid-in capital

    Increase/Decrease (+/-)










    transferred to


    Other Subtotal



    Total 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00

    29. Capital surplus

    Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

    Capital premium 144,909,718.58 144,909,718.58

    Other capital surplus 29,749,688.88 29,749,688.88

    Including: Transfer from items

    under previous

    accounting standard

    29,749,688.88 29,749,688.88

    Total 174,659,407.46 174,659,407.46

    30. Surplus reserve

    item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing Balance130

    item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing Balance

    Legal surplus 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83

    Total 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83



    Retained earnings

    Item Amount Extraction or allocation


    Opening balance of retained earnings before



    Add: Adjustments on opening balance of

    retained earning

    Opening balance of retained earnings after



    Plus: net profit for the year -675,672,514.99

    Retained earnings at the end of the year -1,405,039,361.46

    32. Revenue and Cost of Sales


    Item 2009 2008

    Sales 505,589,918.54 1,114,599,428.80

    Other operating income 12,089,272.02 6,471,823.32

    Cost of sales 604,427,084.84 1,108,612,095.55

    Other operating cost 18,022,343.14 4,410,471.67

    (2)Listed by the categories of production or business

    2009 2008


    Revenue Cost of sales Revenue Cost of sales

    Boilers and associated

    product sales

    503,309,918.54 602,436,884.84 1,112,491,428.80 1,105,865,930.50

    Technical Services 2,280,000.00 1,990,200.00 2,108,000.00 2,746,165.05

    Total 505,589,918.54 604,427,084.84 1,114,599,428.80 1,108,612,095.55

    (3)Top five customers

    company Revenue Proportion of total

    revenue (%)131

    company Revenue Proportion of total

    revenue (%)

    State Power Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Lanzhou 102,887,506.33 19.87%

    Huizhou, Guangdong Guohua Thermal Power Project

    preparation Agency

    65,570,802.08 12.67%

    PT INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER, TBK 104,659,637.03 20.22%

    Chiping Source Aluminum Co., Ltd. 42,304,788.48 8.17%

    Huangshi, Hubei Huadian Power Generation Co., Ltd. 80,905,963.46 15.63%

    Total 396,328,697.38 76.56%

    (4)The sales this year decreased by 53.82% in comparison with last year, the cost of sales this year

    decreased by 44.08% in comparison with last year, it is due to the relocation of new factory.

    33. Revenue from the construction contracts

    Project Total amount


    Construction costs

    incurred to date

    Recognised profits to

    date (recognised

    losses as negative


    Progress billings

    Fixed price



    2,709,640,994.20 1,678,909,493.09 -236,796,893.80 1,431,798,039.25


    State Power

    Thermal Power

    Co., Ltd.,


    281,000,000.00 252,796,788.30 -37,357,850.82 172,512,820.52



    Guohua Thermal

    Power Project



    337,450,000.00 259,729,984.65 -32,097,040.79 260,209,401.69




    235,769,994.20 201,931,032.41 -17,216,431.59 211,966,794.78

    Huangshi, Hubei

    Huadian Power

    Generation Co.,


    137,000,000.00 119,931,616.06 -13,413,223.75 93,941,772.65132

    Note: The loss of the current construction contracts is estimated to be RMB 34,682,159.38. The

    main reason for estimated loss is as following: The client, Shangdong Weiqiao Aluminum and

    Electricity Co., Ltd., requested the company to execute the two onerous contracts. The company

    provided for the estimated loss fo the contracts.

    34. Business tax and surcharges

    Item 2009 2008 Base of payment

    Business tax 79,798.63 497,558.67 Note 3

    Urban maintenance and construction tax 157,857.15 2,410,599.68 Note 3

    Additional education Fees 67,066.78 907,189.70 Note 3

    Levee fee 44,747.93 571,344.47

    Non staple food price restraining fund 15,335.68 -285,386.61 Note 3

    Local education development fee 469,319.76 1,127,432.52

    Total 834,125.93 5,228,738.43

    Note: the ending balance of business tax and value added tax is decreased 84.05% in comparison

    with last year, it is due to the relocation of new factory affecting the production resulting in

    decrease in sales.

    35. Sales expenses

    Selling expense amounted RMB 10,056,173.85 was 62.23% increase than last year and the

    increased amount is RMB 3,857,583.81, It is mainly due to share the RMB 2,795,710.32 expenses

    to relocate the new factory.

    36. Administration expenses

    Administration expenses of the period amounted RMB157,810,983.11,is 36.89% increased than

    that of last year and increased amount is RMB42,531,350.81. The reasons are as following:

    provision for retirement benefits amounted to RMB28,658,255.24, deceased raw material

    inventory surplus amounted RMB11,591,570.87.133

    37. Financial expenses

    The financial expense is RMB 107,917,876.21 this year, the ending balance is increased by

    RMB11,409,606.30 in comparison with that of last year, the percentage of increase is 11.82%. it is

    due to the increase in interest payment from the increased loan amounted to RMB 16,456,310.40

    from increase loan, discounted notes charges reduced RMB 2,809,199.86.

    38. Fair value gains

    source 2009 2008

    Hedging-trade 6,501.92 -1,015,005.38

    total 6,501.92 -1,015,005.38

    Notes:the ending balance of Hedging is increased by RMB 1,021,507.30 in comparison with that

    of last year, it is due to the loss of RMB 1,000,000.00 from Perawang project last year.

    39. Impairment losses

    Item 2009 2008

    1. Provision for Impairment loss of bad debts 129,356,838.91 5,727,274.08

    2. Impairment loss of inventories 176,292,393.59 157,460,945.67

    3. Impairment loss of fixed assets 476,254.23

    Total 306,125,486.73 163,188,219.75

    Note: the ending balance of impairment loss is increased by RMB142,937,266.98 in comparison

    with that of last year, the percentage of increase is 87.59%, it is due to increasing provision for

    bad debt amounted RMB 123,629,564.83 than last year.

    40. Non-operating gains

    Item 2009 2008

    1. Gain on disposal of non-current assets 11,102,611.24 1,704,565.68



    Gain on disposal of fixed assets 11,102,611.24 1,704,565.68

    2. The government subsidies 277,776.00

    3. Others 3 3 ,9 6 5 .23 8,964,914.34134

    Item 2009 2008

    Total 11,414,352.47 10,669,480.02

    Note: The government subsidies are amortized deferred income related with new land.

    41. Non-operating losses

    Item 2009 2008

    1.Loss on disposal of non-current assets 10,558,089.59 2,173,157.31

    Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets 10,558,089.59 1,903,657.31

    Loss on disposed intangible assets 269,500.00

    2.Extraordinary losses – amercement and overdue fine 191,312.97 320,388.90

    3.Non-profit donation contribution 20,000.00

    4.Loss on Theft and movement 716,798.67

    Total 11,466,201.23 2,513,546.21

    Note: The non-operating expenses is increased by RMB 8,952,655.02 in comparison with that of

    last year. The percentage of increase is 356.18%. It is due to the increase of the disposal of fixed

    assets from the relocation of new factory.

    42. Income tax expense

    Item 2009 2008

    Current income tax expense 253,298.62 1,337,473.31

    Add: Deferred income tax -11,068,861.76 -16,233,064.67

    Income tax expense -10,815,563.14 -14,895,591.36

    43. Earning per share

    Item 2009 2008

    Basic earning per share -2.27 -1.19

    Diluted earning per share -2.27 -1.19

    Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share calculation process

    (1) Calculation of basic earnings per share is as following:

    Basic earnings per share = P0 ÷ S

    S = S0 + S1 + Si × Mi ÷ M0-Sj × Mj ÷ M0-Sk135

    P0 represents the amounts attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company in respect of:

    (a) Profit or loss attributable to the Company; and

    (b) Profit or loss after deducting extraordinary gain or loss attributable to the Company.

    S0 represents the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. S0

    represents the number of ordinary shares at the beginning of the period. S1represents the number

    of additional ordinary shares issued on capital surplus transfer or share dividends appropriation; Si

    represents the number of ordinary shares issued in exchange for cash or issued as a result of the

    conversion of a debt instrument to ordinary shares during the period. Sj represents reduced

    number of ordinary shares such as shares buy back. Sk represents the number of a reverse share

    split. Mo represents the months during the period. Mi represents the months from the following

    month after issuing incremental shares to the end of the period. Mj represents the months from the

    following month after reducing shares to the end of the period.

    (2)For the diluted potential ordinary shares, the net profits attributed to ordinary shareholders

    during the reporting term and the weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares should

    be adjusted separately, and it shall be used to calculate the diluted earnings per share. Under the

    circumstances to issue the diluted potential ordinary shares such as convertible bonds, stock

    options, stock warrants, the diluted earnings per share shall be calculated in the light of the

    formula as follow:

    Diluted Earnings Per Share =P1/(S0




    Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ The weighted average

    number of incremental ordinary shares on warrants, options, convertible debt and so on


    P1represents the amounts attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company in respect of: (a)

    Profit or loss attributable to the Company; and (b) Profit or loss after deducting extraordinary gain

    or loss attributable to the Company, adjust according to the accounting standards for enterprises

    and other relevant provisions. The Company considered in sequence from dilutive potential

    ordinary shares to get the lowest earnings per share.

    44. Relevant information about cash flow statement

    (1)Other cash received from operating activities

    Item Amount136

    Other cash received from operating activities 374,704.19

    including: liquidated damages 30,864.35

    Petty cash return 343,839.84

    (2)Other cash paid from operating activities

    Item Amount

    Other cash paid relating to operating activities 40,957,675.76

    Including: significant items

    Maintenance Fee 4,566,775.43

    Meals expense 871,871.69

    Office expenses 811,495.17

    Utility expenses 1,490,428.04

    Audit fees 750,000.00

    Travelling expense 1,400,879.03

    Business entertainment expenses 654,178.61

    Recruitment costs 1,300,241.00

    Insurance expenses 3,573,013.93

    Transportation expenses 609,496.20

    Consulting fees 12,067,021.39

    Business administration expenses 2,673,204.26

    Rental expense 2,956,828.92

    Vehicle rental fee 2,929,384.90

    Temporary paid for the cable installation fees for the new factory. 3,274,265.00

    (3)Other cash received from investing activities

    Item Amount

    Cash received relating to financing activities 6,046,752.07

    Including: Margin deposits 5,214,098.50

    Interest 832,653.57

    (4)Other cash paid from financing activities

    Item Amount137

    Other cash payments relating to financing activities 1,179,627.72

    Including: bank charges 1,179,627.72

    45.Supplementary information of cash flow statement

    Supplementary information 2009 2008

    1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from



    Net profit -676,744,666.95 -357,672,762.06

    Provision for impairments of assets. 224,043,253.28 67,038,571.17

    Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive

    biological assets

    20,244,292.63 23,135,148.47

    Amortization of intangible assets 7,228,171.69 5,583,836.07

    Amortization of long-term deferred expense 100,000.00 150,000.00

    Losses/gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment,

    intangible asset and other long-term assets (gains: negative)

    -544,521.65 468,591.63

    Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets (gains: negative)

    Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative) -6,501.92 1,015,005.38

    Finance cost (income: negative) 107,903,937.22 96,048,416.25

    Investment loss (gains: negative) 1,354,516.32

    Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative) -11,066,165.25 -16,233,064.67

    Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative) -2,696.51

    Decrease in inventory (increase: negative) 747,619,188.61 25,007,464.96

    Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities

    (increase: negative)

    126,072,211.70 -170,510,839.42

    Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease:


    -266,384,946.13 -504,974,681.90


    Net cash flows generated from operating activities 278,461,556.72 -829,589,797.80

    2. Significant investing and financing activities without

    involvement of cash receipts and payments

    Debt converted to capital138

    Supplementary information 2009 2008

    Finance leased fixed assets

    3. Movement of Cash and cash equivalent:

    Closing balance of Cash 27,114,305.92 37,612,024.12

    Less: opening balance of cash 37,612,024.12 81,425,726.08

    Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent

    Less: opening balance of cash equivalents

    The net increase in cash and cash equivalents -10,497,718.20 -43,813,701.96

    (2)The information of acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other companies in current fiscal


    Item 2009 2008

    1. Information of Acquisition of subsidiaries and other business

    (1)Acquisition price:

    (2)The payment of cash or equivalents to acquire Subsidiaries and

    other business

    Less: cash and cash equivalents holding by the subsidiaries and other


    (3)Net cash paid to acquire Subsidiaries and other business

    (4) Net assets of subsidiaries

    Current asset:

    Non-current assets

    Current liability:

    Non-current liabilities

    2. The information of disposal subsidiaries and other business :

    (1)Disposal price: 1,520,000.00

    (2)Cash or cash equivalent received from disposal of subsidiaries and

    other business units


    Less: cash or cash equivalent holding by the subsidiaries and other



    (3)Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business



    (4)Net assets of the subsidiaries disposal 5,636,306.52

    Current asset: 13,147,358.75

    Non-current asset: 8,501,946.41

    Current liability: 16,012,998.64

    Non-current liability:139

    (3)Cash and cash equivalents:

    Item 2009 2008

    1. Cash

    Including: Cash on hand 8,286.48 401,400.85

    Bank deposit on demand 26,674,869.44 35,918,973.27

    Central Bank deposit on demand 431,150.00 1,291,650.00

    Due from banks

    Call loan to banks

    2. Cash equivalent

    Including: bond investments due in three months

    3. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 27,114,305.92 37,612,024.12

    Note6.Related Party Relationships and Transactions

    1.The company's related party identification criteria:

    The company's corporate accounting standards and in accordance with the relevant provisions of

    China Securities Regulatory Commission to determine the identification criteria related parties as

    follows: one control, joint control the other party or exercise significant influence on the other side,

    as well as two or more than two parties are of the same party to control, joint control or significant

    influence, and constitute a related party.

    2.The parent company of the relevant information:



    Relationship Business Type Registration Legal


    Nature of the


    Registered Capital




    Co., Ltd.

    Shareholder Foreign-owned


    Fifth floor.


    building ,No.

    6 , West No 6








    investor are

    allowed and

    encouraged to

    invest in



    and the energy

    field in China




    Parent company The parent


    shareholding (%)

    The parent

    company's voting

    right (%)

    The ultimate

    controlling party of

    the Company



    Alstom (China)

    Investment Co.,


    51 51 ALSTOM Holdings 71092378-2

    3.Subsidiary of the Company relating to information disclosure:

    Subsidiary Registered


    Type Nature Principal


    Legal representative Registered





    ng %


    of voting

    right %



    Wuhan Boiler

    Bo Yu

    Industrial Co.,











    Bao qian

    Packaging, design, and

    manufacturing of

    Mechanical and

    Electrical products;

    processing of metal

    compenents; design

    and manufacturing of

    model and mold

    ; Manufacturing of valve

    srough casting, steel

    casting, iron casting,

    nonferrous metal


    19,115,250.00 90% 90% 71456410-7

    Wuhan Lan

    Xiang Power
















    Boiler, energy


    protection products,

    Steel structures,

    technology research of

    heat energy products

    and its accessorial


    technical Consultancy,

    technical service, sales

    of developed products,

    energy project



    20,000,000.00 95% 95% 73753132-4

    4.Other related parties141

    Company Relationship Organization


    ALSTOM POWER INC. A subsidiary of ultimate holding


    ALSTOM Projects India Limited A subsidiary of ultimate holding


    ALSTOM Power Systems S.A Etablissement


    A subsidiary of ultimate holding


    ALSTOM Power System Gmbh A subsidiary of ultimate holding


    ALSTOM Technology Ltd (Switzerland) A subsidiary of ultimate holding


    ALSTOM Holdings Ultimate holding company

    ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd A subsidiary of ultimate holding


    ALSTOM (Wuhan) Engineering & Technology

    Co., Ltd.

    A subsidiary of ultimate holding



    Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. The company's largest shareholder 71092378-2

    ALSTOM Technical Services (Shanghai) Co.,


    A subsidiary of ultimate holding



    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. The second largest shareholder 17771651-4

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. Valve Subsidiary of the second largest



    Wuhan Special Boiler Complete Equipment

    Engineering Co., Ltd.

    Subsidiary of the second largest



    Wuhan Boiler Group, American Express Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of the second largest



    5.Related party transactions

    (1)Purchasing and selling goods and service

    Related parties Type of transaction Details of 2009 2008


    Rule of



    Amount proportion Amount Proportion(%)

    Wuhan Boiler

    (Group) Valve Co.,


    Raw material


    Valve Market


    6,267,549.00 1.62% 11,212,422.22 0.67%

    Wuhan Special Boiler

    Complete Equipment

    Engineering Co., Ltd.

    Raw material


    Special boiler




    30,600,000.00 7.92%

    ALSTOM Technical

    Services (Shanghai)

    Co., Ltd.

    Raw material


    Special boiler




    2,597,000.00 0.67% 1,298,000.00 0.08%

    Wuhan Boiler

    (Group) Valve Co.,


    Sales Materials Market


    104,269.23 0.01%

    Wuhan Boiler Group

    Co., Ltd.

    Sales boiler




    9,102,631.01 0.82%

    Wuhan Special Boiler

    Complete Equipment

    Engineering Co., Ltd.

    Sales Special boiler




    1,336,731.91 0.26% 80,732,431.77 7.29%

    ALSTOM Power

    Systems S.A

    Etablissement Boilers

    Provides services Processing




    3,123,900.00 100%

    ALSTOM Projects

    India Limited

    Sales Testing




    162,565.20 0.03%



    Sales boiler




    8,038,384.77 1.55%

    ALSTOM Technology

    Ltd (Switzerland)

    Technology transfer



    transfer fee



    3,072,690.00 100%

    ALSTOM (Wuhan)

    Engineering &

    Technology Co., Ltd.

    Provides translation







    213,231.02 76.25%

    Wuhan Boiler

    (Group) Yuntong Co.,


    transportation service





    17,877,085.03 76.09% 70,975,019.54 100%142

    Related parties Type of transaction Details of 2009 2008


    Rule of



    Amount proportion Amount Proportion(%)



    Lessor Lessee















    Group Co.,




    Co., Ltd.

    Office 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -676,239.36 contract Increase administration

    expense in current

    fiscal year



    Group Co.,




    Co., Ltd.

    Warehouse 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -388,728.00 contract Increase administration

    expense in current

    fiscal year



    Group Co.,




    Co., Ltd.

    Workshop 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -260,409.60 contract Increase

    administration expense

    in current fiscal year



    Group Co.,




    Co., Ltd.

    Land 2009.01.01 2009.09.30 -1,781,683.18 contract Increase

    administration expense

    in current fiscal year

    (3) Other related party transactions:

    Related parties Transactions Amount

    ALSTOM Holdings Training fees 208,403.28

    ALSTOM Power INC Purchase DELL server costs 73,312.74

    ALSTOM Power INC Project Consulting fees 771,845.87

    ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd Information Technology service fee 387,056.21

    ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd SAP B1 Financial software costs 2,246,650.73

    (4)Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd entrust China construction bank provided a loan to Wuhan

    Boiler Co., Ltd. The amount is RMB 1,710,000,000.00 with a floating downward 10% of loan

    rate.The accumulate interest expense are RMB 63,611,347.50 in 2009.



    Amounts due from/to related parties

    Item 2009 2008

    Trade receivables

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 17,477,670.00 44,119,317.50

    Wuhan Special Boiler Complete Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. 18,174,794.81 33,657,132.81

    ALSTOM Power Systems S.A Etablissement Boilers 17,702,100.00

    ALSTOM Projects India Limited 145,265.00


    Item 2009 2008

    ALSTOM Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 3,555,000.00 1,298,000.00

    Other receivables:

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 67,194,318.11 5,407,948.32

    Wuhan Boiler Group Valve Co., Ltd. 240,571.49 113,589.71

    Wuhan Boiler Group YunTong Co., Ltd. 25,499.73

    Trade payables


    Wuhan Boiler Group YunTong Co., Ltd. 4,099,499.20 16,735,786.80

    Wuhan Boiler Group Valve Co., Ltd. 1,302,071.50 5,399,315.70

    Wuhan Special Boiler Complete Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. 21,316,800.00 6,116,800.00

    Alstom Power Boiler Company 682,820.00 683,460.00

    Advanced from customers:

    ALSTOM Power Systems S.A Etablissement Boilers 20,826,000.00

    Other payables

    Wuhan Boiler Group, American Express Co., Ltd. 572,628.90

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 974,056.13 11,499,926.80

    Alstom Technology Ltd (Switzerland) 3,072,690.00


    Besides the note5.26 statement, there is no other events to disclose during this report period.

    Note.8 Commitments

    1.Significant commitments

    (1)Capital commitments144

    Up to 31December 2009, the commitment related to purchases of long-term assets which the

    contract were signed but not reflected in the financial statements amounted to RMB68,667,790.86,

    USD787,232.20, EUR397,600.00 and JPY 2,500,000.00.

    (2)Other commitments

    Up to 31December 2009, the performance bonds and tender bond and warranty bond issued by the

    Company remain unexpired amounted to RMB173,983,520.00 and USD3,126,923.00


    2.The performance of previous commitments

    (1)The performance of previous year's capital commitments: the amount of prior year's capital

    commitments fulfilled in 2009 was RMB 238,566,549.44 , USD 2,768,462.80, EUR 725,000.00

    (2)The performance of previous year's other commitments: performance bond of RMB

    51,673,970.00 was released in tandem with the completion of related contracts

    Note9.Events after the Balance Sheet Date

    There was no significant events after the balance sheet date that the Company need to disclose.

    Note10.Other significant events

    1: Borrowing cost:

    (1)During the year under review, the amount of borrowing costs capitalised was


    (2)During the year under review, the capitalization rate for borrowing was 5.748%.

    2. Former parent company, Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd, entered into a share transfer

    agreement with Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd on 14 April,2006. The transaction was

    completed on 24 August , 2007 after approval from relevant authorities. At present Alstom (China)

    Investment Co., Ltd is the parent company of the Company with 51% shareholdings.

    The transaction includes the following key elements according to the Share Transfer Agreement

    (hereinafter as the “SPA”) signed on 14 April, 2006:

    (1)License, Technical Transfer and Assistance Agreement between Alstom Technology Ltd and

    the Company about Steam Generator;

    (2)Relocation and Relocation Team Agreement, Relocation Compensation Agreement;

    (3)Statements and guarantee about related assets ( including inventories and items in progress) and

    liabilities, and further compensation guarantee, with the Company as the beneficiary under SPA.145

    To the extent applicable, the value of the elements described above has been included in the

    preparation of 2009 financial statements. The full execution of above Agreement is critical to the

    future financial viability of the Company.

    Note11.Notes of financial statements of parent company

    1. Accounts receivable

    (1)Accounts receivable by categories are as follows:

    Closing balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Individually significant receivables 355,931,287.32 36.56 59,502,956.50 26.13

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    83,138,549.90 8.54 83,138,549.90 36.51

    Other insignificant amount 534,421,786.86 54.90 85,078,599.37 37.36

    Total 973,491,624.08 100.00 227,720,105.77 100.00

    The classification of the accounts receivable: Individually significant receivables are top 5

    accounts receivable; Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group

    assessment are the aging beyond the 5 years but not in the top 5 of accounts receivable; others are

    other insignificant amount.

    Opening balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Individually significant receivables 420,133,703.02 39.18 22,923,600.00 17.73

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    50,893,321.09 4.75 50,893,321.09 39.36

    Other insignificant amount 601,185,557.89 56.07 55,477,441.51 42.91

    Total 1,072,212,582.00 100.00 129,294,362.60 100.00146

    (2)Individually significant receivables or insignificant receivables requiring impairment test, and

    providing provision for bad debt


    Item Closing balance Bad debt provision Note

    Payment for goods and

    product qulity issuance

    249,113,721.83 110,474,613.06 Details are tabulated



    Name of company Reason for Provision

    Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu Aluminium The Company is required to bear part of the subsequent

    costs and thus the receivable amount is not expected to be

    fully recoverable

    Shanxi Hongdong HuaShi Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. Age more than 3 years and deemed irrecoverable

    Datang Hunchun Power Generation Co. Ltd. Age more than 3 years and deemed irrecoverable

    Datang Shuangyashan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. The Company is required to bear part of the subsequent

    costs and thus the receivable amount is not expected to be

    fully recoverable

    Xuzhou Cha City Electric Co., Ltd. Age more than 3 years and deemed irrecoverable

    China Shipping Industry Corporation 719 Bureau The company have sent many dunning letters but to no


    China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Diqiyijiu by Retention money difficult to recover

    China Power Engineering Consulting Group, Zhongnan

    Power Design Institute

    The customer has disputes over the contract

    settlement and the receivable amount is not

    expected to be fully recoverable

    Zhengzhou Gas Power Generation Co., Ltd. The customer has disputes over the contract

    settlement and the receivable amount is not

    expected to be fully recoverable

    Huaneng Henan Zhongyuan Gas Power Generation Co.,


    The customer has disputes over the contract

    settlement and the receivable amount is not

    expected to be fully recoverable

    SINOPEC Hubei Chemical Fertilizer Plant Retention money difficult to recover

    Ningxia Western PVC Co., Ltd. Equipment rework charges

    Gansu Zhangye Electric Power Investment Co., Ltd. Quality guarantee deposit amount is difficult to recover

    Shanxi Zhengxin Group Co., Ltd. Customers did not receive special funding and the

    receivable amount not expected to be fully recoverable

    PT INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER, TBK The portion covered by letter of credit received was not

    subjected to general provision for doubtful debt

    Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group assessment


    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtable


    More than 5 years 83,138,549.90 8.54 83,138,549.90

    Total 83,138,549.90 8.54 83,138,549.90

    Aging Opening balance147


    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtable


    More than 5 years 50,893,321.09 4.75 50,893,321.09

    Total 50,893,321.09 4.75 50,893,321.09

    (3) In 2009, the company's management took measures to strengthen the collection and increase

    collection efforts, to get the co-operation among Finance and other Business departments to

    collect the payments, to have management to track the progress of the payment collection at any

    time. As of December 31, 2009, RMB 12,335,059.67 has been recovered for the debts aging more

    than 5 years. a 23.75% of the last year’s accounts receivable for aging more than 5 years.

    (4)The write-off of accounts receivable

    Name of company The nature of



    Written off Reason Related party


    Zhengzhou Ju Jin Thermoelectric

    Energy Co., Ltd.,

    Retention 114,000.00 Rework charges No

    XinJiang kuiTun Thermal Power


    Retention 430,000.00 Rework charges No

    AoShiLong Machinery Co.,


    Retention 241,922.10 Charge




    Huadian Tengzhou Xinyuan

    Thermoelectric Co., Ltd.

    Retention 428,500.00 Rework charges No

    Jinhua Chemical (Group) Co.,


    Retention 75,000.00 Bankrupt No

    China Petroleum Fushun

    Petrochemical Company

    Retention 100,000.00 Quality



    Lin Zhou City Power Plant Retention 100,000.00 Quality



    Wuhan High-tech Thermal Power

    Co., Ltd.

    Retention 80,000.00 Quality



    Total 1,569,422.10 -- --

    Note: Above write-off accounts receivable retention were for projects which have completed more

    than 5 years.

    (5)accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company.

    Name of company Closing balance Opening balance148

    Amount provision for



    Amount Provision for

    doubtful debts

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 17,477,670.00 2,009,932.05 44,119,317.50 1,673,151.60

    Total 17,477,670.00 2,009,932.05 44,119,317.50 1,673,151.60

    (6)Information of top 5 receivables:

    Company The relationship

    with the Company

    Amount Aging Proportion

    Shandong Weiqiao Aluminum and

    Electricity Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 113,816,000.00 1-4 years 11.69

    Huaneng Henan Zhongyuan Gas

    Power Generation Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 42,308,000.00 1-2 years 4.35

    Shanxi revitalization Group Co., Ltd. Non-affiliated 47,970,000.00 3-4 years 4.93



    Non-affiliated 53,362,287.32 Less than

    1 year


    China Shenhua Energy Company

    Limited, Huizhou Guohua Thermal

    Power Company

    Non-affiliated 98,475,000.00 Less than

    1 year


    Total 355,931,287.32 36.57

    (7)The amounts due from related parties

    Company The relationship with the


    Amount Proportion

    Wuhan Special Boiler Complete

    Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd.

    A subsidiary of the second

    largest shareholder

    18,174,794.81 1.87

    ALSTOM Projects India Limited Ultimately control 145,265.00 0.01

    ALSTOM Power Systems S.A

    Etablissement Boilers

    Ultimately control 17,702,100.00 1.82

    Total 36,022,159.81 3.70149

    (8)Accounts receivable by aging are as follows:

    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 434,261,605.86 44.60 12,531,372.56

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 193,296,020.31 19.86 17,942,474.11

    2-3 years (including 3 years) 69,992,244.33 7.19 30,824,664.57

    3-4 years (including 4 years) 158,743,978.85 16.31 66,678,219.80

    4-5 years (including 5 years) 34,059,224.83 3.50 16,604,824.83

    More than 5 years 83,138,549.90 8.54 83,138,549.90

    Total 973,491,624.08 100.00 227,720,105.77

    Opening balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 450,207,778.83 41.98 9,838,288.60

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 155,319,622.69 14.49 4,659,588.68

    2-3 years (including 3 years) 309,443,598.19 28.86 37,482,615.89

    3-4 years (including 4 years) 51,682,000.00 4.82 10,336,400.00

    4-5 years (including 5 years) 54,666,261.20 5.10 16,084,148.34

    More than 5 years 50,893,321.09 4.75 50,893,321.09

    Total 1,072,212,582.00 100.00 129,294,362.60

    2.Other receivables

    (1)Other receivables disclosed by type:

    Closing balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Closing balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Individually significant receivables 148,234,656.60 92.08 29,442,214.08 98.70

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    Other insignificant amount 12,749,983.67 7.92 388,804.44 1.30

    Total 160,984,640.27 100.00 29,831,018.52 100.00

    The classification of the accounts receivable: Individually significant receivables are top 5

    accounts receivable; Individually insignificant receivables with high credit risk in group

    assessment are the aging beyond the 5 years but not in the top 5 of accounts receivable; others are

    other insignificant amount.

    Opening balance

    Balance Provision for doubtful debts








    Individually significant receivables 130,715,211.73 97.88 416,757.83 54.58

    Individually insignificant receivables

    with high credit risk in group


    Other insignificant amount 2,834,148.12 2.12 346,810.54 45.42

    Total 133,549,359.85 100.00 763,568.37 100.00

    (2)Individually significant receivables or insignificant receivables requiring impairment test, and

    providing provision for bad debt


    Item Balance Bad debt





    3RC Company Limited 336,604.05 336,604.05 100.00% Bankruptcy151

    Value Added Tax paid for

    suspended projects

    27,193,448.17 27,193,448.17 100.00% Projects were suspended

    and the amount is not

    expected to be recoverable

    Total 27,530,052.22 27,530,052.22

    (3)Accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting

    shares of the Company.

    Closing balance Opening balance

    Name of company Amount Provision for

    bad debt

    Amount Provision for

    bad debt

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 67,194,318.11 1,851,395.87 5,407,948.32 162,238.45

    Total 67,194,318.11 1,851,395.87 5,407,948.32 162,238.45

    (4)Nature of significant of other receivables

    A. Account receivable of RMB 67,194,318.11 from the second largest shareholder, Wuhan Boiler

    Group Co., Ltd., is the compensation for the relocation of the old factory.

    B. The value –add output tax ( “VAT”) for suspended projects is the amount of VAT paid in

    accordance to the provision for tax law.

    C. Account receivable of RMB10,774,265.00 from Donghu Development Zone Committee is the

    amount paid by the Company to connect the new factory to external power substation and this

    amount is reimbursable from the local Government.

    (5)Details of top 5 other receivables


    Company The relationship

    with the Company

    Amount Aging Proportion of

    the total (%)

    Wuhan Boiler Group Co.,


    The company's



    67,194,318.11 1-2 years 41.74

    Shandong Weiqiao

    Aluminum and Electricty

    Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 25,575,846.15 1-2 years 15.89

    Donghu Development Zone


    Non-affiliated 10,774,265.00 1-2 years 6.69

    Henan Weihua Heavy

    Machinery Co., Ltd.

    Non-affiliated 2,471,403.00 Less than

    1 year


    Wuhan Boiler Group Valve


    A subsidiary of

    second largest


    240,571.49 Less than

    1 year


    Company The relationship

    with the Company

    Amount Aging Proportion of

    the total (%)

    Total -- 106,256,403.75 66.01

    (6)The amounts due from related parties

    Name of company The relationship with

    the Company

    Amount Proportion of the

    total (%)

    Wuhan Boiler Group, American

    Express Co., Ltd.

    Subsidiary of Second

    largest shareholder

    25,499.73 0.02

    Wuhan boiler group valve limited

    liability company

    Subsidiary of Second

    largest shareholder

    240,571.49 0.15

    Wuhan Boiler Bo Yu Industrial Co.,


    Subsidiary 170,567.02 0.11

    Total 436,638.24 0.28

    (7)Other receivables by aging are as follows:

    Closing balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 151,583,337.13 94.16 29,229,165.78

    1-2 years (including 2 years) 9,401,303.14 5.84 601,852.74

    Total 160,984,640.27 100.00 29,831,018.52

    Opening balance

    Aging Balance

    Amount Proportion (%)

    Provision for doubtful


    Less than 1 year (including 1 year) 133,549,359.85 100.00 763,568.37

    Total 133,549,359.85 100.00 763,568.37

    3.Long-term equity investments

    Company Original











    Voting right


    Long-term equity

    investment under cost


    Wuhan Lan Xiang




    Technology Co., Ltd.

    14,000,000.00 24,984,500.00 24,984,500.00 95% 95%

    Wuhan Boiler Bo Yu 14,249,787.13 14,249,787.13 14,249,787.13 90% 90%153

    Industrial Co., Ltd.

    Total 28,249,787.13 39,234,287.13 39,234,287.13

    Note: The above two subsidiaries companies are under liquidation as of December 31, 2009 , there

    are no other business activities, but they have not been completed the liquidation.

    4.Revenue and Cost of Sales

    (1)The details of the revenue are shown as following

    Item 2009 2008

    Sales 503,309,918.54 1,087,199,799.76

    Other operating income 12,089,272.02 6,404,284.85

    Cost of sales 600,750,159.21 1,086,792,290.45

    Other operating cost 18,022,343.14 4,410,471.67

    (2)Listed by the categories of production or business:

    Categories 2009 2008

    Revenue Cost of sales Revenue Cost of sales

    Boilers and associated

    product sales

    503,309,918.54 600,750,159.21 1,087,199,799.76 1,086,792,290.45

    Total 503,309,918.54 600,750,159.21 1,087,199,799.76 1,086,792,290.45

    (3)Top 5 customers

    Company Revenue Proportion of total

    revenue (%)

    State Power Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Lanzhou 102,887,506.33 19.96

    Huizhou, Guangdong Guohua Thermal Power Project

    preparation Agency

    65,570,802.08 12.72

    PT INDAH KIAT PULP & PAPER, TBK 104,659,637.03 20.31

    Chiping Source Aluminum Co., Ltd. 42,304,788.48 8.21

    Huangshi, Hubei Huadian Power Generation Co., Ltd. 80,905,963.46 15.70

    Total 396,328,697.38 76.90

    5.Supplementary Cash Flow Information

    Supplementary information 2009 2008

    1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from



    Net profit -666,125,189.92 -350,468,228.46

    Provision for impairments of assets. 223,860,522.79 66,235,651.29154

    Supplementary information 2009 2008

    Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive

    biological assets

    19,803,496.61 20,811,569.20

    Amortization of intangible assets 7,228,171.69 5,548,836.07

    Amortization of long-term deferred expense 100,000.00 150,000.00

    Losses/gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment,

    intangible asset and other long-term assets (gains: negative)

    -1,183,120.42 56,120.51

    Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets (gains: negative)

    Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative) -6,501.92 1,015,005.38

    Finance cost (income: negative) 107,920,125.10 94,948,752.50

    Investment loss (gains: negative) 3,580,135.15

    Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative) -11,066,165.25 -16,233,064.67

    Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative) -2,696.51

    Decrease in inventory (increase: negative) 734,933,646.61 28,351,927.02

    Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities

    (increase: negative)

    96,993,223.06 -220,443,993.30

    Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease:


    -218,754,485.07 -470,361,491.45


    Net cash flows generated from operating activities 293,701,026.77 -836,808,780.76

    2. Significant investing and financing activities without

    involvement of cash receipts and payments

    Debt converted to capital

    Convertibled corporate bonds within one year

    Finance leased fixed assets

    3. Movement of Cash and cash equivalent:

    Closing balance of Cash 26,057,612.46 21,343,703.49

    Less: opening balance of cash 21,343,703.49 68,737,254.99

    Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent

    Less: opening balance of cash equivalents

    The net increase in cash and cash equivalents 4,713,908.97 -47,393,551.50155

    Note12.Supplementary information

    1.Extraordinary gains or losses

    (1)According to the China Securities Regulatory Commission Announcement [2008] No. 43,

    extraordinary gains or losses are calculated and disclosed according to “Regulation on the

    Preparation of Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares No.1.”

    (positive figure represents gain/negative figure represents


    Item 2009 illustration

    Gains on disposal of non-current assets including reversal of the

    impairment loss


    Ultra vires approval, with or without formal approval documents, or

    occasional tax return, relief

    Government grant recognized in current year, except for those

    acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted continuously

    in certain standard quota according to relevant national laws and



    Included in current profit and loss against the non-financial

    enterprises occupation fee funds collected

    The investment cost of subsidiaries obtained by the enterprise, joint

    ventures and partnership enterprise is less than the revenues

    generated from the fair value of identifiable net assets of the

    unvested units.

    Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets

    Gains and loss through entrust others to invest or manage assets,

    Gains and loss for the provision of impairment of assets due to

    force majeure factors, such as victims of natural disaster

    Debt restructuring gains and losses

    Company restructuring expenses such as employee placement and

    integration costs


    Significant loss of fair trading price over the fair value of

    transactions generated part of the profit and loss

    Current net profit or loss from the beginning to the date of merge

    for the subsidiary resulted from the merge of the enterprise under

    the control of the same company.

    Profit or loss generated from the matters which is not related to the

    company’s normal operation or contingency.156

    Item 2009 illustration

    In addition to the normal operations associated with the company

    effective hedging business, holders of tradable financial assets,

    trading financial liabilities resulting from changes in fair value

    gains and losses, as well as the disposal of trading financial assets,

    trading financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale

    achieved an investment return

    Separately tested for impairment of receivables impairment reversal

    Entrusted to the profit and loss made foreign loans

    Fair value model with subsequent measurement of investment real

    estate gains and losses arising from changes in fair value

    According to tax, accounting and other laws and regulations require

    a one-time adjustment of current profit and loss impact on the

    current profit and loss

    Entrusting fee incomes from entrust operation.

    Other non-operating income and expense other than



    Other non-recurring gains and losses in line with the definition of

    profit and loss items

    subtotal -27,315,662.86

    Less: non-recurring income tax effect of gains and losses

    Minority interest share of non-recurring gains and losses -42,531.09

    Total -27,273,131.77

    2.According to China Securities Regulatory Commission, "the public issuance of securities of

    companies prepare an Information Disclosure Rule 9 - return on equity and earnings per share

    calculation and disclosure" (2010 Amendment) the requirements of the calculation of net capital

    gains rate, earnings per share:

    2009 The EPS








    Net profit attributable to the Company's common stock

    shareholders of net profit

    -2.27 -2.27

    Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

    attributable to shareholders of the Company's common stock

    -2.18 -2.18











    Net profit attributable to the Company's common stock -1.19 -1.19157











    shareholders of net profit

    Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

    attributable to shareholders of the Company's common stock

    -1.21 -1.21

    3.Details and reasons for the special change of the company financial statements

    (1)The assets and liabilities item

    Item Closing







    Cash and cash


    32,155,537.93 47,867,354.63 -32.82% Mainly due to payments for

    new factory capital expenditure

    during the year under review.

    Notes receivable 119,714,775.17 380,000.00 31403.89% Mainly due to increase in

    customers’ collections in the

    form of banker acceptance


    Prepayment 54,734,282.45 141,863,705.37 -61.42% Mainly due to reduced

    purchases arising from low

    business operations during

    factory relocation.

    Inventory 76,565,007.91 918,505,849.66 -91.66% Mainly due to progress billings

    raised per contract payment

    terms and provisions made for

    raw material stock


    Fixed assets 608,687,168.29 121,851,170.82 399.53% Mainly due to capitalization of

    capital expenditure in line with

    completion of the new factory


    Construction in


    175,819,636.95 406,345,860.06 -56.73% Mainly due to capitalization of

    capital expenditure in line with

    completion of the new factory


    Other non-current


    24,525.50 6,174,943.43 -99.60% Mainly due to settlement of

    hedge contract for Perawang


    Notes payable 219,077,384.51 433,649,225.98 -49.48% Mainly due to reduced

    purchases arising from low

    business operations during

    factory relocation.158

    Item Closing







    Advanced from


    31,395,403.74 10,442,136.73 200.66% Mainly due to RMB 20,826,000

    received from ALSTOM Power

    Systems S.A Etablissment Boilers

    for trade processing contract.

    Payroll payable 78,008,118.69 44,989,865.76 73.39% Mainly due to provision for

    employees retirement benefits

    Other payables 38,838,894.32 25,258,271.32 53.77% Mainly due to increase in

    balances with related parties

    RMB 9,011,747.31, deposit of

    RMB1,760,000.00 held for

    fixed assets disposal and

    accrual for insurance premium

    to RMB2,757,391.59

    Due within one

    year of



    90,000,000.00 -100.00% Mainly due to repayment of

    bank borrowing upon maturity



    100,000,000.00 -100.00% Mainly due to earlry settlement

    of bank borrowing

    Other non-current


    1,229,589.41 20,646,122.33 -94.04% Mainly due to settlement of

    hedge contract for Perawang

    project and recognition of

    unrealized finance cost arising

    form discounted employees

    retirement benefits

    (2) Income statement items

    Item 2009 2008 Change



    Revenue 517,679,190.56 1,121,071,252.12 -53.82% Mainly due to low business

    operation during factory


    Operating costs 622,449,427.98 1,113,022,567.22 -44.08% Mainly due to low business

    operation during factory


    Business tax

    and surcharges

    834,125.93 5,228,738.43 -84.05% Mainly due to low business

    operation during factory


    Sales expenses 10,056,173.85 6,198,590.04 62.23% Mainly due to

    RMB2,795,710.32 allocation

    of factory relocation expenses



    157,810,983.11 115,279,632.30 36.89% Mainly due to provision for

    employees retirement benefits

    RMB28,658,255.24, and

    absence of raw material stock

    count surplus which recorded

    RMB11,591,570.87 in prior159

    Item 2009 2008 Change






    306,125,486.73 163,188,219.75 87.59% Mainly due to additional

    provision for doubtful debts

    amounting RMB

    123,629,564.83 made during the


    Net changes in

    fair value

    6,501.92 -1,015,005.38 100.64% Mainly due to settlement of

    hedge contract for Perawang




    -1,354,516.32 100.00% Improved as compared to last

    year in the absence of

    investment transaction which

    recorded a loss on disposal of

    subsidiary in prior year



    11,466,201.23 2,513,546.21 356.18% Mainly due to disposal of idle

    fixed assets during factory


    (3) Cash flow statement

    Item 2009 2008 Change



    Cash received from

    sales of goods and

    rendering of services

    681,052,594.26 1,120,531,878.78 -39.22% Low business operations

    during factory relocation

    Cash paid from

    purchase of goods,

    receive services

    206,512,379.24 1,740,194,953.61 -88.13% Low business operations

    during factory relocation

    Payment of the taxes 8,899,734.76 42,135,501.79 -78.88% Low business operations

    during factory relocation

    Net cash received

    from disposal of fixed

    assets, intangible

    assets and other

    long-term assets

    12,407,095.04 1,374,199.21 802.86% Increase in fixed assets

    disposed during the

    relocation of new


    Net cash received

    from disposal of

    subsidiaries and other

    business units

    387,061.57 -100.00% Disposal of a subsidiary

    in prior year

    Cash received from

    others related from

    investment activities

    6,046,752.07 81,491,563.01 -92.58% Mainly due to lower

    amount of pledged cash

    being released during

    the year under review

    Cash payment to


    10,984,500.00 -100.00% No investment

    transaction during the

    year under review160

    Item 2009 2008 Change



    Cash payment to

    others related to the


    1,179,627.72 2,757,704.48 -57.22% Decrease in bank


    Legal Representative: Chief Financial Official: Chief Accountant: