2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited WUHAN BOILER COMPANY LIMITED 2011 QUARTERLY THREE REPORT §1. Important Notes 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors as well as directors, supervisors and senior management of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby confirm that there are no misstatements, misleading statements or material omissions in this Quarterly Three Report (“this Report”) and will take individual and/or joint and several liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of this Report. 1.2 The 2011 Quarterly Three Financial Report has not been audited by a CPA firm. 1.3 Mr. YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard, the Company’s Principal, Mr. Chin Wee Hua, Accounting Principal, and Mr. SEOW Ven Sern, the Accounting Division’s Principal (Accounting Manager), hereby ensure the Financial Report enclosed in this Report is true and complete. §2. Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices Unit: RMB Yuan Sep. 30, 2011 Dec. 31, 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets (Yuan) 2,028,244,305.71 1,786,542,557.71 13.53% Owner’s equity attributable to shareholders of -1,038,696,145.30 -885,425,672.84 -17.31% listed company (Yuan) Share capital (share) 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable to -3.50 -2.98 -17.45% shareholders of listed company (Yuan/share) Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Jul.-Sep. 2011 Jan.-Sep. 2011 year-on-year (%) year-on-year (%) Gross revenue (Yuan) 78,370,120.24 -54.43% 326,702,172.24 9.03% Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed -34,721,745.81 -269.91% -153,270,472.46 -147.48% company (Yuan) Net cash flow arising from operation activities - - -297,490,885.03 -128.57% (Yuan) Net cash flow per share arising from operation - - -1.00 -128.57% activities(Yuan/share) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) -0.12 -271.43% -0.52 -147.48% Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) -0.12 -271.43% -0.52 -147.48% 1 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Weighted average rate of return on net assets (%) Weighted average rate of return on net assets after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (%) Items of non-recurring gains and losses √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount Notes (if applicable) Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets including -111,921.43 reversal of the impairment loss Government grant recognized in current year, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted 208,332.00 continuously in certain standard quota according to relevant national laws and regulations Other non-operating income and expense other than 32,765.96 abovementioned Total 129,176.53 - 2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end, and shares held by the top ten shareholders with tradable shares. Unit: share Total number of shareholders at this period-end 9,073 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders with tradable shares Number of tradable Name of shareholders (full name) Type of share shares held at period-end CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES (HK) CO. LTD 1,411,694 Domestically listed foreign shares CHEN CHU YUN 1,372,450 Domestically listed foreign shares HSBC BROKING SECURITIES (ASIA) 1,234,114 Domestically listed foreign shares LIMITED-CLIENTS A/C WU ZHEN FA 1,138,028 Domestically listed foreign shares ZHUANG CHANG XIONG 1,035,000 Domestically listed foreign shares TANG JUAN 887,236 Domestically listed foreign shares GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 860,551 Domestically listed foreign shares ZHUANG YAO HUA 821,150 Domestically listed foreign shares LI SHU HUI 808,552 Domestically listed foreign shares ZHOU YONG YI 759,850 Domestically listed foreign shares 2 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited §3. Significant Events 3.1 Particulars about major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators, as well as reasons for the changes √Applicable □Inapplicable 1. Monetary funds increased 86.99% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to increase in issuance of bank acceptance notes to settle vendors’ payment and strict control on cash out; 2. Accounts receivable increased 31.76% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to new billings raised during the period on projects under execution; 3. Prepayment increased 78.99% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to increase in the volume of materials purchase for export projects; 4. Inventory increased 40.58% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the commencement of new projects which resulted in the increase in the volume of raw materials purchased; 5. Other non-current assets increased 1506.26% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to increase in the volume of unexpired forward contracts; 6. Short-term loan increased 32.55% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to decrease in cash received from operating activities during the period; 7. Notes payable increased 234.69% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to increase in issuance of banker acceptance notes to settle vendors’ payment; 8. Provision for liabilities decreased 100% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to settlement of product warranty liability with customer; 9. Other non-current liabilities increased 353.43% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to increase in the volume of unexpired forward contracts which resulted in the increase in hedged item; 10. Business tax and surcharges decreased 41.93% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to decrease in relevant tax added income which resulted in the reduction in the corresponding tax charges; 11. Selling expenses decreased 39.88% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to the reduction in headcount for sales function and accordingly payroll and benefits; 12. Administration expenses decreased 43.03% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to the change in accounting estimates for fixed asset residue value which caused an one off depreciation of assets beyond their useful life in prior period; 13. Impairment increased 131.56% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to the increase in age of accounts receivable which resulted in the increase in the doubtful debts provision; 14. Fair value loss increased 895.23% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to unrealized loss incurred by hedge accounting for the unexpired forward contracts; 15. Non-operating income decreased 83.29% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to reduction in disposal of fixed asset; 16. Non-operating expenses decreased 79.47% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to decrease in loss from disposal of fixed assets; 17. Income tax decreased 136.76% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to increase in doubtful debts provision resulted in increase in temporary difference which gives rise to increase in deferred tax asset; 18. Net cash flows from operating activities decreased 128.57% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to decrease in contract down payment received from customers; 19. Net cash flows from investing activities increased 82.83% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to decrease in fixed assets investment; 3 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited 20. Net cash flows from financing activities increased 132.71% as compared to the same period last year mainly due to reduction in repayment of short-term loan. 3.2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis on solutions 3.2.1 About non-standard audit opinion □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.2 The Company offers fund to the controlling shareholder or other related parties and provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedures. □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operation □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.4 Others √Applicable □Inapplicable The Company did not offer fund to the controlling shareholder or other related parties. Neither did it provide external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedures. 3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior management, shareholders holding more than 5% of the Company’s shares, actual controller or any other relevant party in the report period, or such commitments carried down to the report period: √Applicable □Inapplicable Commitment Commitment Contents of commitment Execution maker Commitments concerning the Naught Naught Naught share reform Commitments made in a purchase report or a report on Naught Naught Naught changes of owners’ equity Commitments made in Naught Naught Naught material asset reorganization Commitments made in share Naught Naught Naught issuance (1) Capital commitment: up until Sep 30, (1) Execution of capital commitment: 2011, amount of long-term assets which the from Jan to Sep 2011, newly signed Company had signed commitment to capital commitment was RMB Other commitments acquire but were not presented in financial 2,835,032.68, USD34,421.50 and The (including supplementary statements stood at RMB36,840,982.44, executed capital commitment were Company ones) USD462,387.50, EUR 100,571.00; RMB9,124,728.25, EUR 32,500.00; (2) Other commitments: up until Sep 30, (2) Execution of other commitments: 2011, amount of performance guarantee from Jan to Sep new performance letters, bidding guarantee letters and guarantee letters amounting to 4 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited quality assurance guarantee letters which RMB16, 750,000.00 were issued. the Company had issued but not been RMB17,860,000.00 performance released from performance responsibility guarantee letters and RMB stood at RMB106,808,360.00 and 1,600,000.00 bidding guarantee USD3,126,923.00. letters were released. 3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report period compared with the same period of last year according to prediction, as well as the reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5 Other significant events 3.5.1 Particulars about securities investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.2 Particulars about receiving researches, communication, interviews and other activities in this report period Time Place Reception way Visitor Main discussion and materials provided by the Company One shareholder with Has the Company submitted the supplementary materials Jul. 1, 2011 Wuhan By telephone tradable shares for its application for listing restoration? Two shareholders When will the listing be restored? How about the progress Jul. 13, 2011 Wuhan By telephone with tradable shares on the joint venture by Shanghai Electric and Alstom? One shareholder with Has the Company submitted the supplementary materials Aug. 15, 2011 Wuhan By telephone tradable shares for its application for listing restoration? One shareholder with Has the Company submitted the supplementary materials Aug. 16, 2011 Wuhan By telephone tradable shares for its application for listing restoration? One shareholder with Has the Company submitted the supplementary materials Aug. 18, 2011 Wuhan By telephone tradable shares for its application for listing restoration? One shareholder with How much actual loss for the first half of 2011? When will Aug. 25, 2011 Wuhan By telephone tradable shares the listing be restored? One shareholder with Has the Company submitted the supplementary materials Aug. 30, 2011 Wuhan By telephone tradable shares for its application for listing restoration? The Company still had a loss result in the first half of 2011. Two shareholders Aug. 31, 2011 Wuhan By telephone If the loss continues this year, is there any chance for with tradable shares listing restoration? The Company’s 2011 Interim Report has been disclosed, One shareholder with Sep. 8, 2011 Wuhan By telephone but there is no warning on the performance of the third tradable shares quarter. Why? Has the Company submitted the supplementary materials One shareholder with Sep. 15, 2011 Wuhan By telephone for its application for listing restoration? And when will the tradable shares result come out? 5 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited The Company has disclosed a lot of announcements on One shareholder with Sep. 20, 2011 Wuhan By telephone arbitration and litigation this year. How about the progress tradable shares of these cases? How about the Company’s actual operation? Has it One shareholder with Sep. 21, 2011 Wuhan By telephone received sufficient orders? Will the Company continue to tradable shares show a loss result this year? Will the Company continue to show a loss result for the One shareholder with Sep. 22, 2011 Wuhan By telephone whole year of 2011? If yes, will it affect the listing tradable shares restoration? Will it lead to delisting? How about the progress on the joint venture by Shanghai Two shareholders Sep. 28, 2011 Wuhan By telephone Electric and Alstom? Will it directly influence the listing with tradable shares restoration? The Company changed its GM again. Why did the former Two shareholders Sep. 29, 2011 Wuhan By telephone GM quit? Will the Company disclose an announcement of with tradable shares warning about the performance of the third quarter? 3.6 Derivatives investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Derivatives investment positions held by the end of the report period □Applicable √Inapplicable §4 Attachments 4.1 Balance Sheet Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Sep. 30, 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Balance as at Sep. 30, 2011 Balance as at Dec. 31, 2010 Items Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company Current assets: Monetary funds 26,131,125.16 24,695,846.48 13,974,304.97 13,310,174.46 Settlement funds Outgoing call loans Trading financial assets Notes receivable 34,727,727.49 34,727,727.49 43,164,000.00 42,164,000.00 Accounts receivable 480,273,099.30 477,451,754.58 364,514,763.75 358,592,870.99 Prepayment 200,280,465.27 200,280,465.27 111,894,344.81 111,894,344.81 Insurance premium receivables Reinsurance accounts receivable Reinsurance contract reserves 6 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited receivable Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other receivables 117,498,619.17 117,715,979.63 136,383,710.94 136,373,830.94 Financial assets purchased under agreement to resell Inventories 238,019,770.47 238,019,770.47 169,307,374.03 169,307,374.03 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets Total current assets 1,096,930,806.86 1,092,891,543.92 839,238,498.50 831,642,595.23 Non-current assets: Loan and payment on other's behalf disbursed Available-for-sale financial assets Investment held to maturity Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 39,234,287.13 39,234,287.13 Investment property Fixed assets 763,882,127.72 764,039,104.71 776,284,766.29 776,441,743.28 Construction in progress 42,020,993.28 42,020,993.28 50,952,741.50 50,952,741.50 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 52,309,488.42 52,309,488.42 57,323,977.87 57,323,977.87 R&D expenses Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses Deferred tax assets 66,340,219.13 66,340,219.13 62,321,677.84 62,321,677.84 Other non-current assets 6,760,670.30 6,760,670.30 420,895.71 420,895.71 Total non-current assets 931,313,498.85 970,704,762.97 947,304,059.21 986,695,323.33 Total assets 2,028,244,305.71 2,063,596,306.89 1,786,542,557.71 1,818,337,918.56 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 1,527,000,000.00 1,527,000,000.00 1,152,000,000.00 1,152,000,000.00 7 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Loans from central bank Deposits received and held for others Call loan received Held-for-trading financial liabilities Notes payable 62,601,507.14 62,601,507.14 18,704,256.28 18,704,256.28 Accounts payable 392,284,516.12 397,242,398.56 315,446,635.93 320,392,299.70 Advance from customers 1,014,873,987.51 1,014,873,987.51 1,059,336,631.48 1,059,336,631.48 Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase Fees and commissions payable Payroll payable 64,027,441.25 63,826,801.71 70,602,009.08 70,401,369.54 Taxes payable -108,091,811.93 -108,091,811.93 -88,432,481.81 -88,432,481.81 Interest payable 2,003,697.50 2,003,697.50 2,003,046.13 2,003,046.13 Dividend payable 562,000.00 562,000.00 Other payables 94,429,472.94 132,172,999.72 85,685,084.50 119,817,611.28 Amount due to reinsurance Insurance contract provision Entrusted trading of securities Entrusted selling of securities Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities: 3,049,690,810.53 3,091,629,580.21 2,615,907,181.59 2,654,222,732.60 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans Bonds payable Long-term payables Specific payables Projected liabilities 50,387,210.32 50,387,210.32 Deferred taxes liabilities Other non-current liabilities 14,925,500.66 14,925,500.66 3,291,690.22 3,291,690.22 Total non-current liabilities 14,925,500.66 14,925,500.66 53,678,900.54 53,678,900.54 Total liabilities 3,064,616,311.19 3,106,555,080.87 2,669,586,082.13 2,707,901,633.14 Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ 8 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited equity): Paid-in capital (or share capital) 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00 297,000,000.00 Capital reserve 174,659,407.46 174,854,304.12 174,659,407.46 174,854,304.12 Less treasury stock : Specific reserves Surplus reserves 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83 39,418,356.83 General risk provision Retained earnings -1,549,773,909.59 -1,554,231,434.93 -1,396,503,437.13 -1,400,836,375.53 Foreign exchange difference Total shareholders' equity -1,038,696,145.30 -1,042,958,773.98 -885,425,672.84 -889,563,714.58 attributable to holding company Minority interests 2,324,139.82 2,382,148.42 Total shareholder's equity -1,036,372,005.48 -1,042,958,773.98 -883,043,524.42 -889,563,714.58 Total liabilities & shareholder's 2,028,244,305.71 2,063,596,306.89 1,786,542,557.71 1,818,337,918.56 equity 4.2 Income Statement (Jul.-Sep. 2011) Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Jul.-Sep. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jul.- Sep. 2011 Jul.- Sep. 2010 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Total revenue 78,370,120.24 78,370,120.24 171,988,412.54 171,988,412.54 Including: revenue 78,370,120.24 78,370,120.24 171,988,412.54 171,988,412.54 Interest income Premium income Fee and commission income II. Total cost of sales 117,894,859.80 117,881,337.32 151,646,501.05 151,331,977.70 Including: cost of sales 93,888,847.00 93,888,847.00 151,877,591.51 151,877,591.51 Interest expenses Service charge and commission outcome Insurance discharge payment Claim expenses-net Provision for insurance contract reserves-net Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expense 9 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Business taxes and surcharges 11,762.56 11,762.56 Distribution expenses 3,060,401.43 3,060,401.43 4,942,417.72 4,942,417.72 Administrative expenses 7,583,914.98 7,571,062.74 12,728,001.57 12,770,997.04 Financial costs 22,740,961.65 22,755,330.12 14,622,519.85 14,631,326.82 Impairment loss -9,379,265.26 -9,394,303.97 -32,535,792.16 -32,902,117.95 Plus: gain/(loss) on change in fair 6,044,730.10 6,044,730.10 218,580.17 218,580.17 value (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) on investment (“-” means loss) Including: income from investment on associate and jointly-run ventures Gain or loss on foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss) III. Operating profit (“-” means -33,480,009.46 -33,466,486.98 20,560,491.66 20,875,015.01 loss) Plus: non-business income 69,444.00 69,444.00 104,310.71 104,310.71 Less: non-business expense 127,009.32 39,207.04 Including: loss from disposal of non-current assets IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -33,410,565.46 -33,397,042.98 20,537,793.05 20,940,118.68 Less: tax expense 1,313,199.79 1,313,199.79 133,693.75 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -34,723,765.25 -34,710,242.77 20,404,099.30 20,940,118.68 Attributable to equity holders of -34,721,745.81 -34,710,242.77 20,435,258.53 20,940,118.68 parent company Minority interests -2,019.44 -31,159.23 0.00 VI. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share -0.12 -0.12 0.07 0.07 (II) Diluted earnings per share -0.12 -0.12 0.07 0.07 Ⅶ . Other composite income 0.00 0.00 Ⅷ . Total composite income -34,723,765.25 -34,710,242.77 20,404,099.30 20,940,118.68 Attributable to owners of -34,721,745.81 -34,710,242.77 20,435,258.53 20,940,118.68 parent company Attributable to minority -2,019.44 -31,159.23 0.00 shareholders Where there were business combinations under the same control in this report period, the combined parties achieved net profit of RMB -40,522.48 before the combinations. 10 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited 4.3 Income Statement (Jan.-Sep. 2011) Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Jan.-Sep. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.- Sep. 2011 Jan.- Sep. 2010 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Total revenue 326,702,172.24 326,702,172.24 299,632,521.31 299,632,521.31 Including: revenue 326,702,172.24 326,702,172.24 299,632,521.31 299,632,521.31 Interest income Premium income Fee and commission income II. Total cost of sales 478,676,003.27 478,742,581.61 351,270,418.26 349,008,311.90 Including: cost of sales 371,420,038.13 371,420,038.13 301,107,004.67 301,107,004.67 Interest expenses Service charge and commission outcome Insurance discharge payment Claim expenses-net Provision for insurance contract reserves-net Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expense Business taxes and surcharges 126,648.93 126,648.93 218,105.94 199,908.23 Distribution expenses 8,330,126.30 8,330,126.30 13,855,913.72 13,855,913.72 Administrative expenses 23,895,799.17 23,882,334.13 41,942,943.72 40,863,720.74 Financial costs 54,244,237.62 54,259,251.80 59,610,741.93 59,619,980.74 Impairment loss 20,659,153.12 20,724,182.32 -65,464,291.72 -66,638,216.20 Plus: gain/(loss) on change in fair -5,502,367.85 -5,502,367.85 -552,873.88 -552,873.88 value (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) on investment (“-” means loss) Including: income from investment on associate and jointly-run ventures Gain or loss on foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss) III. Operating profit (“-” means -157,476,198.88 -157,542,777.22 -52,190,770.83 -49,928,664.47 loss) Plus: non-business income 243,055.26 243,055.26 1,454,569.25 1,364,570.11 Less: non-business expense 113,878.73 113,878.73 554,624.64 368,867.04 11 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Including: loss from disposal of 113,878.73 113,878.73 non-current assets IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -157,347,022.35 -157,413,600.69 -51,290,826.22 -48,932,961.40 Less: tax expense -4,018,541.29 -4,018,541.29 10,930,390.86 10,796,697.11 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -153,328,481.06 -153,395,059.40 -62,221,217.08 -59,729,658.51 Attributable to equity holders of -153,270,472.46 -153,395,059.40 -61,931,950.11 -59,729,658.51 parent company Minority interests -58,008.60 0.00 -289,266.97 0.00 VI. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share -0.52 -0.52 -0.21 -0.20 (II) Diluted earnings per share -0.52 -0.52 -0.21 -0.20 Ⅶ . Other composite income 0.00 0.00 Ⅷ . Total composite income -153,328,481.06 -153,395,059.40 -62,221,217.08 -59,729,658.51 Attributable to owners of -153,270,472.46 -153,395,059.40 -61,931,950.11 -59,729,658.51 parent company Attributable to minority -58,008.60 0.00 -289,266.97 0.00 shareholders Where there were business combinations under the same control from the year-begin to the period-end, the combined parties achieved net profit of -1,229,753.66 before the combinations. 4.4 Cash Flow Statement (Jan.-Sep. 2011) Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Jan.-Sep. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.- Sep. 2011 Jan.-Sep. 2010 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company 1. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of 210,466,148.14 209,919,488.40 1,612,140,894.11 1,612,183,284.78 goods or rending of services Net increase of deposits received and held for others Net increase of loans from central bank Net increase of call loans from other financial institutions Cash received against original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance 12 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Net increase of client deposit and investment Net increase of disposal of held-for-trading financial assets Cash received as interest, fees and commissions Net increase of call loans Net increase of cash received under repurchasing Tax and fare refunds 7,413,566.82 7,413,566.82 Other cash received from 2,504,855.78 2,294,768.73 730,604.57 680,175.32 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 212,971,003.92 212,214,257.13 1,620,285,065.50 1,620,277,026.92 operating activities Cash paid for goods and 328,666,883.40 328,255,030.60 394,377,578.96 394,947,041.36 services Net increase of loans and advances from customers Net increase of deposits in central bank, banks and other financial institutions Cash paid for original contract claims Cash paid for interest, fees and commissions Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to and for 117,494,074.73 117,494,074.73 108,387,769.96 107,302,783.55 employees Cash paid for various taxes 7,033,497.30 7,033,497.30 19,056,232.87 18,725,385.22 and fares Other cash paid relating to 57,267,433.52 57,678,433.52 57,317,151.58 57,485,751.96 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows 510,461,888.95 510,461,036.15 579,138,733.37 578,460,962.09 from operating activities Net cash flows from -297,490,885.03 -298,246,779.02 1,041,146,332.13 1,041,816,064.83 operating activities 2. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from investment retractions Cash received from investment income 13 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible 5,660.00 5,660.00 1,879,243.00 1,669,243.00 assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units Other cash received relating 1,859,081.74 1,843,597.56 11,281,356.28 11,272,219.23 to investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows of 1,864,741.74 1,849,257.56 13,160,599.28 12,941,462.23 investing activities Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and 13,135,101.66 13,135,101.66 80,515,316.66 80,681,481.66 other long-term assets Cash paid for acquisition of investments Net increase of pledge loans Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating units Other cash paid relating to 367,074.64 366,844.64 428,502.20 427,683.70 investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows of 13,502,176.30 13,501,946.30 80,943,818.86 81,109,165.36 investing activities Net cash flows from -11,637,434.56 -11,652,688.74 -67,783,219.58 -68,167,703.13 investing activities 3. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from investment Including: cash received by subsidiaries from minority shareholders Cash received from 568,000,000.00 568,000,000.00 895,000,000.00 895,000,000.00 borrowings Cash received from bonds issuing Other cash received relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows of 568,000,000.00 568,000,000.00 895,000,000.00 895,000,000.00 financing activities Cash paid for repayment of 193,000,000.00 193,000,000.00 1,817,000,000.00 1,817,000,000.00 borrowings Cash paid for dividends, 52,632,274.75 52,632,274.75 63,592,391.50 63,592,391.50 14 2011 Quarterly Three Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited profit distribution or interest Including: dividends or profits paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash paid relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows of 245,632,274.75 245,632,274.75 1,880,592,391.50 1,880,592,391.50 financing activities Net cash flows from 322,367,725.25 322,367,725.25 -985,592,391.50 -985,592,391.50 financing activities 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash -210,700.15 -210,700.15 -2,339,160.08 -2,339,160.08 equivalents 5. Net increase in cash and cash 13,028,705.51 12,257,557.34 -14,568,439.03 -14,283,189.88 equivalents Add: opening cash and cash 10,491,275.05 9,827,144.54 27,114,305.92 26,057,612.46 equivalents 6. Closing cash and cash 23,519,980.56 22,084,701.88 12,545,866.89 11,774,422.58 equivalents 4.5 Auditor’s report Audit opinion: Unaudited 15