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						                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited


      2013 ANNUAL REPORT



           June 2014

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                               Section I Important Notes, Contents & Definition

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors as well as Board Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby confirm that this Annual
Report is authentic, accurate and complete without any misstatement, misleading statement or material omission
and will take individual and joint and several liabilities for that.
All Board Directors have attended the Board Meeting for reviewing this Report.
The Company planned not to distribute cash dividends, or grant bonus shares, or transfer capital reserve into share
Mr. Yeung Kwok Wei Richard, Company Principal, Mr. Chin Wee Hua, Accounting Principal, and Mr. Li Yihao,
the Accounting Division’s Principal (Accounting Manager), hereby ensure that the Financial Report enclosed in
this Annual Report is true, accurate and complete.

                                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited


2013 Annual Report ................................................................................................................................................. 1

I. Important Notes, Contents & Definition ............................................................................................................ 2

II. Company Profile ................................................................................................................................................. 6

III. Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes.................................................................................... 8

IV. Report of the Board of Directors .....................................................................................................................11

V. Significant Events .............................................................................................................................................. 29

VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders .............................................................................. 43

VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees ..................................... 49

VIII. Corporate Governance ................................................................................................................................ 60

IX. Internal Control............................................................................................................................................... 68

X. Financial Report ............................................................................................................................................... 70

XI. Documents Available for Reference ............................................................................................................. 183

                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited


                  Term             Refers to                          Definition
CSRC                               Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission
Hubei CSRC                         Refers to Hubei Securities Regulatory Bureau under China Securities
                                             Regulatory Commission
SZSE                               Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
The Company Law                    Refers to The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
The Securities Law                 Refers to The Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
The Stock Listing Rules            Refers to The Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                             (Revised in 2012)
The Articles of Association        Refers to The Articles of Association of Wuhan Boiler Company
Controlling shareholder            Refers to Alstom (China) Investment Company Limited
WBG                                Refers to Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd
Lanxiang Company                   Refers to Wuhan Lanxiang Energy & Environmental Protection
                                             Technologies Inc.
Alstom                             Refers to Alstom (a France-listed company)
Alstom Holdings                    Refers to Alstom Holdings
Company, the Company               Refers to Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
The cninfo website                 Refers to http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Report period                      Refers to Jan. 1, 2013- Dec. 31, 2013
Yuan, Thousand Yuan, Million Yuan, Refers to RMB Yuan, RMB Thousand Yuan, RMB Million Yuan,
Billion Yuan                                 RMB Billion Yuan

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                          Warning of Significant Risks

1. As approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Company was awarded 2.2 Billion RMB shareholders loan
facilities by Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. By Dec 31, 2013, the Company totally borrowed 1.4292 Billion
RMB, and the Company’s Shareholders’ Meetings continuously approved the estimated shareholder loan interests
in the past years, which makes the shareholder loan agreements extended smoothly. If the estimated related party
transactions are vetoed in 2013 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held in 2014, which means that the shareholder
entrusted loan agreement cannot be extended and orders of related party transactions cannot be signed, the
Company will be at the risk of debt payment, which shall also bring countless negative impact to the normal
business operation of the Company. Therefore, all investors are reminded to focus on such risk and try to avoid it.
2. As shown by the audit reports, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company and the net assets were
both negative for three consecutive accounting years of 2011, 2012 and 2013. According to Article 14.1.1 and
Provision 14.1.2 of the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, trading of the Company’s stock will be
suspended since the disclosure date of the Company’s 2013 Annual Report (Apr. 29, 2013) and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange will make a decision of listing suspension of the Company’s stock within 15 trading days since the
aforesaid trading suspension. And investors are kindly reminded to invest rationally and pay attention to possible
3. On Apr. 11, 2014, the Company disclosed the Plan for Debt-to-equity Conversion. The Plan is the important
measure taken by the Company to avoid the delisting of its stocks. After the implementation of the Plan, the net
asset value of the Company would turn to be positive, thus would satisfy the criteria in relation to net asset value
for the purpose of listing resumption. However, if the relevant financial indexes of the Company fail to meet the
criteria of application for listing resumption, the Company’s stocks will still be facing the risk of delisting.
4. Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn are designated by the Company as the media for
information disclosure. All information of the Company shall be subject to the disclosure of the Company on the
said media. The Company will adopt a serious attitude in performing its duty of information disclosure in time in
strict compliance with relevant laws and regulations. And investors are kindly reminded to invest rationally and
pay attention to possible risks.

                                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                      Section II Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation                     *ST WuguoB                             Stock code               200770

Stock      abbreviation        after
change (if any)

Stock exchange listed with             Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company            司公限有份股炉锅汉武
Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company
English name of the Company
                                       WUHAN BOILER COMPANY LIMITED
(if any)

Abbr. of the English name of
the Company (if any)

Legal representative of the
                                       Yeung Kwok Wei Richard

Registered address                     No. 1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei

Postal code for the registered

Office address                         No. 1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei

Postal code for the office

Internet    website       of    the

Email address                          cnwhu.wbc@power.alstom.com

II. Contact Information

                                                                Board Secretary                Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                              Xu Youlan                                Hou Li

                                                  No. 1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake New No. 1, Liufangyuan Road, East Lake New
Contact address                                   Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Technology Development Zone, Wuhan,
                                                  Hubei                                    Hubei

Tel.                                                027 81993700
                                                  ) (                                      027 81994270
                                                                                           ) (
Fax                                                 027 81993701
                                                  ) (                                      027 81993701
                                                                                           ) (

                                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

E-mail                                            youlan.xu@power.alstom.com                          li.hou@power.alstom.com

III. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Newspapers designated by the Company for Domestic: Securities Times
information disclosure                                        Overseas: Ta Kung Pao

Internet    website      designated   by    CSRC        for
disclosing this report

Where this report is placed                                   Securities Department of the Company

IV. Change of the registered information

                            Registration date      Registration place         Business license No. Tax Registration No. Organizational code

                                                  No.         586,    Wuluo QGEZFZ              No.
Initial registration      Apr. 8, 1998                                                                420106271756432     27175643-2
                                                  Road, Wuhan, Hubei 002591

                                                  No. 1, Liufangyuan
                                                  Road,        East    Lake
At the end of the
                          Oct. 30, 2009           New           Technology 420000400000568            420101271756432     27175643-2
report period
                                                  Development Zone,
                                                  Wuhan, Hubei

Change of the Company’s main business
                                                  No change
since listing (if any)

Changes of the controlling shareholder (if
                                                  No change

V. Other information

The CPA firm engaged by the Company:
Name                                       Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
Office address                             Zhonghuan Mansion, No. 169 East Lake Road, Wuchang, Wuhan
Signing accountants                        Wang Mingcui, Li Yanbin
Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the report period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                Name                            Office address                      Sponsor representative      Consistent supervision period

                                      Room 4901, Jinmao Building,
Changjiang Financing Services                                                                                  From Feb. 8, 2013 to the
                                      88 Shiji Avenue, Pudong New             Wang Shiping, Wang Jue
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      disclosure date of this report
                                      District, Shanghai

Financial consultant engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                          Section III Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes

I. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                 Increase or
                                                                               decrease of this
                                       2013                   2012                                      2011
                                                                              year over last year
Operating      revenues   (RMB
                                       866,341,650.15        768,602,352.97                12.72%      518,177,439.70
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company           -120,271,304.16        -94,341,156.10               -27.49%      -263,452,709.03
(RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                      -152,081,498.02        -99,994,043.29               -52.09%      -264,043,557.18
after deducting non-recurring
gains and losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating
                                        51,736,979.90         83,683,857.16               -38.18%      -310,753,665.44
activities (RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                       -0.4                 -0.32                  -25%                -0.89

Diluted     EPS           (RMB
                                                 -0.4                 -0.32                  -25%                -0.89
Weighted average ROE (%)                      -9.23%                 -8.38%                -0.85%              -26.02%

                                                                                 Increase or
                                   As of Dec. 31,       As of Dec. 31,         decrease of this     As of Dec. 31,
                                       2013                 2012              year-end than last        2011
                                                                                year-end (%)
Total assets (RMB Yuan)              1,339,647,873.78     1,623,377,051.66                -17.48%     1,749,077,941.25

Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the Company         -1,363,490,842.13    -1,243,219,537.97                 -9.67%    -1,148,878,381.87
(RMB Yuan)

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Net profit attributable to shareholders of       Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                           the Company                                     the Company
                                 2013                       2012              Closing amount          Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                -120,271,304.16             -94,341,156.10        -1,363,490,842.13     -1,243,219,537.97
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Net profit attributable to shareholders of       Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                           the Company                                     the Company
                                 2013                       2012              Closing amount          Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                -120,271,304.16             -94,341,156.10        -1,363,490,842.13     -1,243,219,537.97
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

There is no difference between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards.

III. Items and amounts of non-recurring gains and losses

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                Items                        2013                  2012                2011                Notes
Gain/loss on the disposal of
non-current assets (including the
                                              315,276.69              4,496.45           -48,709.05
offset part of the asset impairment
Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions
due to approval beyond authority or
                                             3,250,908.24          3,044,655.10
the lack of official approval

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Government grants recognized in the
current year, except for those acquired
in the ordinary course of business or
                                              277,776.00          277,776.00      283,776.00
granted at certain quotas or amounts
according to the country’s unified
Impairment provision reversal of
accounts receivable on which the
impairment test is carried out
Non-operating income and expense
                                             2,723,593.64       1,737,238.98      355,781.20
other than the above
Less: Income tax effects                     8,338,761.53

        Minority interests effects (after
                                                11,645.28        -588,720.66
Total                                       31,810,193.86       5,652,887.19      590,848.15         --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a non-recurring gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Public Listed Companies - Non-recurring
Gains and Losses, or classifies any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement
as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                  Section IV Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

In 2013, both investment and the installed capacity of the power industry continued to show a decline in growth.
In face of shrinking markets, the Company showed no fear and managed to prove its capability in manufacturing
and technology to utilize Alstom technology on supercritical boilers to deliver EN and ASME qualified products
to Europe and Southeast Asia. The Company intends to expand China boiler market with the clean technology and
high efficiency boiler products from Alstom. Management believes that the Company can make continuous and
stable development with the dedication of all employees and its advanced technologies.
During the report period, all the employees of the Company overcame difficulties and forged ahead under the
leadership of the Management, keeping production and operation continuously stable. For 2013, the Company
achieved operating revenues of RMB 866,341,650.15, an increase of 12.72% over last year; total profit of
RMB-116,184,402.36, representing a year-on-year decrease of 62.28%; and net profit attributable to shareholders
of the Company of RMB-120,271,304.16, decreasing 27.49% from last year.

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

In the report period, the Company was mainly engaged in production and sales of utility boilers, with no major
change to the profit structure and sources.
(1) Main business indexes in the report period:                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                  Increase or
                                                                  decrease of
            Item                2013             2012                                             Reasons for change
                                                                 this year over
                                                                 last year (%)

                              866,341,650.15   768,602,352.97          12.72%Due to income increase from construction contracts
Operating revenue                                                                 such as Tanjung Bin, Binzhou Beihai and Yanbu
                                                                                  which are under execution this period
                              825,885,096.14   711,000,824.88          16.16%Due to increase in man hours incurred and materials
Operating costs                                                                   consumed in production of more projects under
                                                                                  execution this period

Business tax and surcharges             0.00         2,327.80        -100.00% Decline in taxable revenue of labor services

                               18,062,876.92    10,133,514.15          78.25%Due to increase in tendering cost and relevant
Distribution expenses                                                             expenses in sales department for biding in many
                                                                                  tendering projects this period
                               11,181,305.21     -9,179,805.70        221.80% Due to increase in impairment of non-project stock
Impairment loss                                                                   inventories and decrease in release of doubtful
                                                                                  debts in payment collection

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Net gain on change in fair           -67,448.47    2,356,173.93    -102.86% Due to decrease of FV gain from unexpired hedging
value                                                                          instruments and hedged items

                                   5,016,123.13   23,333,169.80     -78.50%Due to decrease in temporary deductible difference
Income tax expenses                                                            in reversal of doubtful debt provisions made in
                                                                               previous years due to payment collection

Net cash flows from               51,736,979.90   83,683,857.16     -38.18%Due to refund of customers’ advances for the
operating activities                                                           change of the supply scope in project contracts

Net cash flows from            -17,070,395.82     -21,376,277.48        20.14%Due to decrease of payment for retention of fixed
investing activities                                                           assets

Net cash flows from           -160,775,660.00     50,963,804.50    -415.47% Due to increase of repayment of entrusted loan
financing activities

Overview of the report period progress of development strategies and business plans disclosed in previous
The Company actively explored domestic market; two major contracts were signed in 2013. One is Taian project
signed in Mar 2013, supplying 350MW supercritical boilers; with the help of Alstom platform, Yanbu project was
signed in Jun 2013, supplying parts for 620MW boilers in Saudi Arabia. During the report period, the Company
provided more training to on-the-job employees, improved labor productivity, strictly controlled expenses and
costs, strengthened project execution and quality control so as to complete orders with good quality and timely

State the reasons why the Company’s actual business performance is 20% lower or higher than the earning
forecast for the report period which has been publicly disclosed earlier:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Revenues

During the report period, operating revenue achieved about RMB866,341,650.15, up 12.72% over last year, of
     i)      Revenue from main operating was about RMB861,121,950.92, up 15.63% over last year, mainly due to
             income increase from construction contracts such as Tanjung Bin, Binzhou Beihai and Yanbu;
     ii)     Revenue from other operating was about RMB5,219,699.23, down 78.16% over last year, mainly due to
             decrease of proceeds from disposal of obsolete materials.

Is the Company's product sales revenue more than its service revenue?
√ Yes □ No
                                                                                                  Increase or decrease
           Industry               Items                2013                      2012
                                                                                                  over last year %) (
Machinery                Sales volume                  861,121,950.92            744,703,504.02                     15.63%

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

manufacturing          Output                         825,881,875.73          688,362,569.48                19.98%
                       Inventory                      219,758,895.18          197,601,796.68                11.21%

Reasons for any movement of the above data over 30%:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major orders held:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s products or services during the report period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Major customers:
Total sales to the top 5 customers (RMB Yuan)                                                       952,995,361.11
Ratio of the total sales to the top 5 customers to
the annual total sales (%)

Information about the top 5 customers:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                     Name of customer                Sales (RMB Yuan)         Proportion in annual total sales (%)
    1     Under the same controller—Alstom                  545,419,169.34                                62.96%
          Binzhou Beihai New Materials Co.,
    2                                                        318,637,671.60                                36.78%
          Guodian Taian Thermal Power Co.,
    3                                                         63,956,596.94                                 7.38%

          Gansu Diantou Yongchang Generating
    4                                                         16,345,197.98                                 1.89%
          Co., Ltd
          Shandong Luneng Materials Group
    5                                                          8,636,725.25                                    1%
          Co., Ltd.
  Total                      --                              952,995,361.11                                 110%
Note: The total revenue of top five customers is more than the total revenue of the company this year. It is mainly
because that Guodian Xi’an Thermopower Co., Ltd terminated the boiler supply contract with the Company, and
the product already sold was returned. The revenue recognized in previous period was reversed this year.
The Company’s main business is utility boiler. Manufacture of boiler is large equipment manufacture contract
with high contract price and long-term manufacture period, which leads to customer relative centralization. In the
report period, sales from the controlling shareholder and its related parties accounts for 62.96% of annual sales.
The controlling shareholder and its related parties provided great support to the Company to obtain several orders
of main boiler parts for overseas projects, which helped the Company to expand overseas market and maintain
routine operation in recent years. Therefore, there is no risk for customer centralization.

                                                               2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

3. Cost

Classified by industry:
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                     2013                               2012
                                                                                                             Increase or
                                                           Proportion in                      Proportion in
    Industry               Item                                                                             decrease over
                                            Amount        operating costs      Amount           operating
                                                                                                            last year (%)
                                                             ) (                            costs %
                                                                                                   ) (
              Cost of sales            825,881,875.73               100% 688,362,569.48             96.82%         19.98%
                     Other operating
Others                                        3,220.41                0%     22,638,255.40           3.18%        -99.99%
Classified by product:
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                   2013                               2012
                                                                                                             Increase or
                                                         Proportion in                       Proportion in
    Product               Item                                                                              decrease over
                                        Amount          operating costs      Amount         operating costs
                                                                                                            last year (%)
                                                            ) (                                 %
                                                                                               ) (
Boiler         and
                     Cost of sales    825,881,875.73              100% 688,362,569.48              96.82%         19.98%
Others                                       3,220.41               0%      22,638,255.40           3.18%        -99.99%
                     operating cost
Operating costs increased by 19.98% over last year, mainly due to increase in input of labor hours and raw
materials for under-execution projects this period such as TanjungBin, Binzhou Beihai and Yanbu.

Major suppliers:
Total purchases from the top 5 suppliers      (RMB
Yuan )
Ratio of the total purchases from the top 5
suppliers to the annual total purchases %) (
Information about the top 5 suppliers:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                        Purchase amount (RMB Proportion in annual total purchases
Serial No.               Name of supplier
                                                                Yuan)                        (%)
             Shanghai Matsuo Steel Structure
     1                                                            105,632,792.40                                18.59%
             Co., Ltd.
             Wuxi Zhenda Special Steel Tube
     2                                                              39,996,649.71                                7.04%
             Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

             Changzhi Qinghua Steel Structure
    3                                                           27,135,715.40                                4.78%
             Co., Ltd.
             ALSTOM Technical Services
    4                                                           24,794,230.77                                4.36%
             (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
             Renewable Energy Asia (China) Co.,
    5                                                           24,243,566.29                                4.27%
  Total                        --                             221,802,954.57                                39.04%

4. Expense

(1) Business tax and surcharges decreased by 100% from last year, mainly due to the decline in revenue of labor
(2) Distribution expenses increased by 78.25% from last year, mainly due to the increase in tendering cost and
relevant expenses in sales department for more bid projects this period.
(3) Impairment loss increased by 221.80% from last year, mainly due to the increase in impairment of non-project
stock inventories and decrease in the release of doubtful debts in payment collection.
(4) Net gain on change in fair value decreased by 102.86% from last year, mainly due to the decrease of FV gain
from unexpired hedging instruments and hedged items.
(5) Income tax decreased by 78.50% from last year, mainly due to the decrease in temporary deductible difference
in reversal of doubtful debt provisions made in previous years due to payment collection.

5. R&D expenses

Not applicable

6. Cash flows

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                          Increase or decrease over
             Item                      2013                           2012
                                                                                               last year %
                                                                                                       ) (
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                          749,326,730.50                970,623,855.69                        -22.8%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                          697,589,750.60                886,939,998.53                      -21.35%
from operating activities
Net cash flows          from
                                           51,736,979.90                 83,683,857.16                      -38.18%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                712,432.18                   171,930.97                     314.37%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                           17,782,828.00                 21,548,208.45                      -17.47%
from investing activities

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Net cash flows            from
                                            -17,070,395.82               -21,376,277.48                   20.14%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                          1,041,000,000.00              959,000,000.00                     8.55%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                          1,201,775,660.00              908,036,195.50                    32.35%
from financing activities
Net cash flows            from
                                           -160,775,660.00               50,963,804.50                   -415.47%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and
                                           -122,787,828.07              110,683,022.32                   -210.94%
cash equivalents
Reasons for any movement of the above data over 30%:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    (1) Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities increased by 314.37% over last year, mainly due to the
        increase of income from disposal of fixed assets;
    (2) Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities increased by 32.35% over last year, mainly due to the
        increase in repaid short-term borrowings;
    (3) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents decreased by 210.94%, mainly due to synthetical impact of
        item (1) to (2).

Reasons for a big difference between the operating cash flows and the net profit in the report period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Increase/decrea Increase/decrea Increase/decrea
                       Operating                       Gross profit se of operating se of operating se of gross
                                   Operating costs
                       revenues                         rate (%)     revenues over costs over last profit rate over
                                                                      last year (%)    year (%)      last year (%)
Classified by industry:
                   861,121,950.92 825,881,875.73               4.09%         15.63%          19.98%         -3.48%
Classified by product:
Boilers     and
                   861,121,950.92 825,881,875.73               4.09%         15.63%          19.98%         -3.48%
Classified by region:
Domestic           308,034,997.68 324,597,240.87              -5.38%         16.05%           21.11%        -4.41%
Overseas           553,086,953.24 501,284,634.86               9.37%          15.4%          19.26%         -2.92%
Where the Company’s accounting standard of the main business data above changed during the report period, give
the main business data of the latest year adjusted according to the accounting standard at the end of the report

                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The margin rate decreased this year was due to:
(1) Revenue from main operating was about RMB861,121,950.92, up 15.63% over last year, mainly due to
    income increase from construction contracts such as Tanjung Bin, Binzhou Beihai and Yanbu;
(2) The COGS was about RMB825,885,096.14, up 19.98% over last year, mainly due to: 1)
    14.8MRMBsettlement loss of legacy projects such as Datang Liaoyuan Yungang and Sudan for customer
    quality claim; 2)15.71MRMB margin decrease of Hannan project for quality issues.

IV. Asset and liability analysis

1. Major changes of asset items

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                   As of Dec. 31, 2013           As of Dec. 31, 2012
                                  Proportion                  Proportion Change
                                                                                      Explain any major change
                   Amount           in total     Amount         in total   %
                                                                          ) (
                                  assets (%)                  assets (%)
Monetary         10,114,897.1                  133,682,569.                        The Company repaid some
                                      0.76%                       8.23% -7.47%
funds                       1                           38                         borrowings from shareholders.
Accounts         221,376,068.                  231,207,704.                        The     Company      strengthened
                                     16.52%                      14.24%    2.28%
receivable                36                            44                         collection from receivables.
                 134,413,065.                  143,098,165.
Inventories                          10.03%                       8.81%    1.22% Due to decrease in raw materials
                          46                            73
                 705,316,090.                  741,586,739.                        Due to increase in depreciation of
Fixed assets                         52.65%                      45.68%    6.97%
                          85                            40                         fixed assets
                                                                                 The Company purchased some
Construction in
                2,245,077.87          0.17% 1,562,224.98           0.1%    0.07% equipment according to needs in

2. Major changes of liability items

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                           2013                         2012
                                  Proportion                  Proportion Change
                                                                                      Explain any major change
                   Amount           in total     Amount         in total   %
                                                                          ) (
                                  assets (%)                  assets (%)
Short-term       1,629,200,00                  1,705,000,00                        Due to decrease in entrusted
                                    121.61%                     105.03% 16.58%
borrowings               0.00                          0.00                        loans

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Gain/loss from       Accumulated gain/loss Impairment       Purchasing      Sales
                    Opening                                                                                                 Closing
        Item                      change in fair value    in the change of fair   accrued in    Amount in     Amount in
                     balance                                                                                                balance
                                     in this period      value included in equity this period   this period   this period


2. Derivative
                   9,810,557.57         -9,798,420.41                                                                       12,137.16
financial assets

Total              9,810,557.57         -9,798,420.41                                                                       12,137.16

                   8,884,838.41         -8,805,252.78                                                                       79,585.63

In the report period, is there any material change in the measurement attribution of main assets of the Company?
□ Yes √ No

V. Core competitiveness analysis

Core competitiveness represents the ability of a company to stay competitive in competition for a long time and is
the key for the sustainable development of a company. Amid domestic and overseas markets and development
opportunities, the Company is competitive in terms of brand, technology, marketing channel, etc.
1. Supported by the brand and technology advantages of Alstom
As a leader in the global power industry, Alstom has a history over 100 years in R&D of the boiler technology and
a history of 50 years in technology licenses and products export, with footprints in about 100 countries and
regions around the world. Its advanced thermal power boiler technologies mainly include subcritical, supercritical
and ultra-supercritical utility boiler technologies, as well as supercritical and subcritical circulating fluidized bed
boiler technologies.
2. Overall upgrade of the Company’s core technologies
Officially acquired the Company in 2007, Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. has 51% shares in the Company.
Up until now, the core part of Alstom’s technology transfer to the Company has been completed and the Company
has been provided the latest (ultra) supercritical boiler technology, materials, software and standards, as well as
relevant personnel training. The Company is now able to produce utility boilers and their relevant products that
are in line with ASME standard, EN standard and domestic GB standard.
3. Sharing the global marketing network of Alstom
Main utility boiler producers within Alstom are: Alstom Power System GmbH (in Germany), with the 1,000MW
ultra-supercritical tower boiler technology; Alstom Power Systems SA. Etablissements Boilers (in France), with
the large-sized circulating fluidized bed boiler technology; and Alstom Power Inc. (in the US), with the 600MW
supercritical two pass boiler technology. The overall objective of Alstom towards the Company is to bring the
Company into Alstom’s global boiler market and improve its design, manufacture and management to globally
advanced levels so that it can effectively provide products for the Chinese and overseas markets.
4. Expansion of the domestic market

                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

At present, the Company has the strong core technology and the latest technological achievements of Alstom, as
well as the world-leading production facilities and technologies, making it to be a competitor of Harbin Electric,
Shanghai Electric and Dongfang Electric in the domestic utility boiler market.
5. Increase of export orders
The controlling shareholder of the Company and its related parties have provided all-rounded business support for
the Company by helping it secure many main component subcontracting orders of overseas projects to expand the
export market. Along with the overall upgrade of its technologies, the Company has gradually solidified its
position in the domestic market.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Shareholdings in financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Securities investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Shareholding in other listed companies
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Entrusted financial management, derivative investments and entrusted loans

(1) Entrusted financial management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Derivative investments

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Ten Thousand

                                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                                                                                            n of the
                          Related     Type of                                                      Impairme                investmen      Actual
                                                   Initial                             Opening                  Closing
                           party     derivative               Beginnin        Ending                  nt                   t amount gain/loss
Operator Relation                                 investmen                            investmen               investmen
                      transactio investmen                      g date         date                provision                 in the      in report
                                                  t amount                             t amount                 t amount
                          n or not        t                                                        (if any)                Company        period
                                                                                                                           ’s closing
                                                                                                                           net assets

           Non-Rela                                           Aug. 18, Apr. 2,
BNP                   No             FX             4,866.4                              4,866.4                                  0%        18.56
           tion                                               2011        2013

           Non-Rela                                           Apr. 24,    May 27,
HSBC                  No             FX           26,468.19                            26,468.19                7,065.38       5.18%       246.98
           tion                                               2013        2014

           Non-Rela                                           Mar. 29,    Jun. 3,
SCB                   No             FX           27,637.98                            27,637.98                2,020.17       1.48%       104.37
           tion                                               2012        2014

Total                                             58,972.57       --            --     58,972.57              0 9,085.55       6.66%       369.91

Capital source for derivative investment          Own funds

Lawsuit (if applicable)                           None

Disclosure date of the board announcement
approving the derivative investment (if Oct. 29, 2013

Disclosure date of the general meeting
announcement approving the derivative
investment (if any)

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                            In order to satisfy needs arising from business development and avoid risk concerning
                                            exchange rates, the Company signed forward FX contracts with HSBC, SCB, BNP, etc.
                                            For exchange rate fluctuations risk, the company and banks do collaborative exchange
                                            rate trend forecasts, closely track changes in exchange rates, changes in market
                                            conditions to implement dynamic management; For liquidity risk, foreign exchange
                                            hedging operations carried out by the company are based on the Company's estimated
                                            foreign exchange payments and collection of trade, because the foreign exchange
                                            hedging operations match with the actual foreign exchange trade, so this can ensure

Analysis on risks and control measures of sufficient fund for settlement at delivery time, there is less affected on the liquidation
derivative products held in the report of the company’s current assets; For operational risk, the Company developed a
period (including but not limited to market standardized operational processes and authorization management systems, equipped
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operation with full-time staff and strictly control their authority to conduct foreign exchange
risk, law risk, etc.)                       hedging operations; while strengthening business related personnel training and
                                            professional ethics , and improving quality of personnel, and the establishing anomalies
                                            timely reporting system to avoid the occurrence of operational risk at the maximum;
                                            For credit risk, the Company's counterparties of foreign exchange hedging are
                                            reputable business and the company has established long-term business relationship
                                            with large commercial banks and foreign banks, so, basically there is no performance
                                            risk; For legal risk, the Company conducted foreign exchange hedging operations
                                            legally in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and relevant transaction
                                            management practices, and signed a legal agreement with the counterparties for clear
                                            and accurate terms to avoid possible legal disputes at the maximum.

Changes of market prices or fair values in The company recognized the gain and loss of fair values of the invested derivatives, the
the report period of the invested fair values gain of the invested derivatives this period was 3.70MRMB, the calculation
derivatives. And the analysis on the fair of fair values was based on the contract values and forward rate quote of end of this
value of the derivatives should include the accounting period provided by the related business partners which was accordance with
specific use methods and the relevant the expiry date of each forward contracts.
assumptions and parameters.

Whether significant changes occurred to
the Company’s accounting policy and
specific     accounting    principles    of No major change
derivatives in the report period compared
to the previous report period

                                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                       The foreign exchange trading for hedging purpose made by the Company in order to
                                                       prevent exchange rate risk is based on reasonable estimation and current need for
                                                       foreign exchange payment and collection. The business process is compliant with laws
                                                       and regulations. There is almost no market risk, no performance risk and no impact on
                                                       liquidity of the Company. The Company has established organization, business
Independent             Directors’   opinions    on
                                                       procedures, approval process and Internal Control Rules on Derivatives Investment for
derivatives investment and risk control
                                                       foreign exchange trading. We think the Compnay can improve foreign exchange risk
                                                       management and prevent exchange rate risk through derivatives investment business. It
                                                       is feasible for the Company to make derivatives investment for hedging purpose and
                                                       the risk is controllable. We agree that the Company to make derivatives investment for
                                                       hedging purpose.

)))) ((((
      3 Entrusted loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Utilization of the raised funds

(1) General utilization of the raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Projects promised to be invested with raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Change of projects invested with raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and shareholding companies

Main subsidiaries and shareholding companies
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Company                                                                                                            Registered
    Company name                          Industry                                  Main products/services
                               variety                                                                                                            capital

                                                       R&D, design, consultation and technology services related to boilers, energy &
Wuhan Lanxiang
                                                       environmental protection products, steel structures, thermal energy-related products
                            Subsidiary   Boiler        and their auxiliary equipments; marketing of products developed; energy project         20,000,000
                                                       (non-land construction projects) contracting and technical service (special-purpose
Technology Co., Ltd
                                                       projects subject to governmental approval).

Continue of the above table
                    Company name              Total assets           Net assets        Operating revenues        Operating profit             Net profit

                                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Wuhan Lanxiang Environment
                                             16,902,685.51      15,626,597.50                    0.00      -18,579,332.31        -18,584,426.65
Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Information about main subsidiaries and shareholding companies:
(1) The Company’s subsidiary Wuhan Lanxiang Environment Protection Technology Co., Ltd has terminated its
operating business and in liquidity process. The Company is pushing the account receivable collection for this
(2) Net profit of the subsidiary Wuhan Lanxiang Environment Protection Technology Co., Ltd. decreased by
4575.97% from last year, mainly due to the increase in doubtful debt provisions according to the aging analysis
Information about the acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries in this report period
□Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Significant projects of investments with non-raised funds

□Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Forecast of the operating results of Jan.-Mar. 2014

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the year
beginning to the end of the next report period according to forecast, as well as explanations on the reasons:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Status of operation results warning: gain
                                                                        The amount of
                                       Amount from opening of the
                                                                          last same
                                      period to end of next reporting                                        changes

Forecast accumulated net
                                             1,966 --          2,466          -1,198.25 --                                  --
profit (in Ten thousand RMB      )
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                    0.07 --            0.08             -0.04 --                                  --

                                      The positive profit of the forecast of this period is mainly due to the margin recognized this period
Reasons of forecasting
                                      for the projects under execution and perawang project margin recognized in this period

VIII. Entities with special aim controlled by the Company

□Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Outlook of the Company’s future development

(1) Analysis on the development trends of the industry where the Company is engaged in 2014
In 2013, the nationwide power-generating capacity reached 1.247 billion KW, representing a growth of 9.3% from
last year, of which hydro stood at 280 million KW, a YoY increase of 12.3%; thermal power at 860 million KW, a
YoY increase of 5.7%; nuclear power at 14.61 million KW, a YoY increase of 16.2%; grid-connected wind power

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

at 75.48 million KW, a YoY increase of 24.5%; grid-connected solar power at 14.79 million KW, 3.4 times of last
year. New energy and renewable energy took up 31% of total power-generating capacity, up by 5.76 percentage
points from last year.

Trends in the power industry in 2014 are to vigorously develop clean energy, proactively develop hydro power,
develop wind power in an orderly way, speed up development of solar power, proactively push forward
development of bio-mass energy and geothermal energy, safely and efficiently develop nuclear power, and
properly launch key nuclear power projects. In order to accelerate development of clean energy, 2014 will see the
approval of new hydro power of 20 million KW, new wind power of 18 million KW and new PV of 14 million
KW, all of which will take up 60% of the total new capacity in a dispersed way. And feed-in tariffs for new energy
will be reduced gradually. Feed-in tariffs for new energy such as solar power and wind power are expected to be at
the same level with thermal power by 2020.

(2) Strategies of the Company for future development
Alstom in France, the controller of the Company’s controlling shareholder Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd.,
owns the world-advanced AGVTM rail transport technology and provides integrated power plant solutions
covering a variety of energy sources, including coal, hydro, natural gas, nuclear and wind energy. With Alstom as
a platform, the Company will continue looking for opportunities to move up to a new level of development. The
Company will focus on environment-friendly and high-efficient products that meet the needs of power markets.

(3) Business plan for the year 2014
The Company will continue to pay close attention to domestic and overseas markets movement, and focus on the
following critical tasks based on its own situation:
1. The Company will strengthen its core competitiveness to provide high quality products cater for Global market
including EN/ASME/IBR code with the strength of technology, brand and manufacturing capacity, and improve
the manufacturing level.
2. The Company will dedicate to expand its share in domestic market, capture export orders, improve its market
position and increase the export ratio.
3. The Company will improve business operation management, focus on preparation of technologies and raw
materials, continue with cost control, and strengthen project execution and quality control so as to complete orders
with good quality and timely delivery.
4. The Company will provide more training to on-the-job employees, speed up new technologies and new
procedures adaption and improve labor productivity so as to satisfy various requirements of different quality
standards form different orders.
5. The Company will continue to improve its competitiveness in the markets, create favorable business models,
and use its advanced technologies and strong manufacturing capacity to provide high quality products to

(4) Major risks and solutions
1. The net profit and the net assets of the Company were both negative for three consecutive accounting years of
2011, 2012 and 2013. According to Article 14.1.1 and Provision 14.1.2 of the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, listing of the Company’s stock will be suspended after the Company’s 2013 Annual Report
disclosed on April 29, 2013.
2. In order to satisfy the criteria for resuming the listing of the Company’s stocks, pursuant to the Stock Listing

                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company’s financial data in 2014 shall satisfy, at least both of the below
criteria: (i) net asset value as of the end of fiscal period shall be positive; and (ii) net profit shall be positive before
and after deducting non-recurring profit and loss.
3. If the relevant financial indicators of the Company fail to meet the criteria of application for relisting, the
Company’s stocks will be facing the risk of delisting.
4. Because of the uncertainty of domestic and international economic environment, the price fluctuation of raw
materials and unpredictable change of foreign exchange rate, the Company’s operation risk is increasing. The
Company will pay close attention to domestic and international economic environment changes. Meanwhile, the
Company will strengthen the quota control of raw material consumption and strictly control costs so as to mitigate
the negative impact of the price fluctuation of raw materials.

On April 25, 2014, the 5th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Opinions of the Board
of Directors about Listing Resumption of WBC Stocks and Action Plan. WBC Management shall take the
following action plan for listing resumption of WBC stocks:
1. With the advanced technology of 1000MW ultra supercritical tower boiler and 600MW supercritical two pass
boiler, the Company will actively bid in domestic market and dedicate to expand domestic market.
2. With the support from Alstom, the Company will get more export orders for main parts of boilers. Meanwhile,
the Company will accumulate manufacturing experience of supercritical and ultra-supercritical boilers and
demonstrate production capacity of the new factory. Thus the Company can improve its domestic competition
capacity and expand its domestic market share;
3. The Company will provide more training to employees to further master new technologies and adapt to new
procedures so as to meet high quality requirements of export orders and accumulate export sales performance;
4. The Company is going to get continuous financing supports from Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd so as to
meet financing requirements of normal company operation;
5. With the support from Alstom, the Company will try to get favorable payment conditions for export orders in
order to improve operating cash flow and reduce financial cost;
6. The Company will further improve management systems and work procedures, strengthen cost control and cash
flow management, try its best to complete more orders and recognize project profit so as to achieve the objective
of turning loss to profit in 2014.
7. The Debt-to-equity Conversion Plan disclosed on April 11, 2014 is the important measure taken by the
Company to avoid the delisting of its stocks. After the implementation of the Plan, the net asset of the Company
would turn to be positive, thus would satisfy the criteria in relation to net asset for purpose of listing resumption.

(5) Measures to improve the transparency of related party transactions and the implementation
As agreed by all Board Members, the 16th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company was held through
communication method on January 30, 2013. The Proposal of Measures to Improve the Transparency of Related
Party Transactions was examined and approved in the meeting. Details of the measures and the implementation
are as following:

Due to low level of domestic orders, WBC is mainly relying on export orders through related party transactions,
which are vital for WBC operation. In order to insure full transparency of related party transactions, WBC has
implemented the following measures.
1. Continue to perform information disclosure obligations applicable to related party transactions according to the

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

requirements of SZSE Listing Rules. This includes review and approval of related party transactions by the
Independent Directors, by WBC Board, review and approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Implementation: Related party transactions have systematically been approved by WBC Board and the
Shareholders’ Meeting so far. They have also been reviewed by WBC’s auditing firm Union Power (all such
opinions have systematically been positive so far).
2. As usual, receive Hubei CSRC’s regular investigation about execution status of related party transactions.
Implementation: In July 2013, Hubei CSRC investigated WBC’s auditing firm for WBC auditors’ report and
execution status of WBC related party transactions.
3. Requested by State Tax Bureau of Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, WBC engaged Ernst
&Young to review all related party transactions for year 2009, 2010 and 2011. Ernst &Young opinion is that from
the perspective of transfer pricing in China, related party transactions of WBC are in accordance with independent
trading principle. WBC’s losses are mainly due to low rate of capacity utilization, market environment and
competition, and provisions for substantial impairment loss because of historical reasons. The Board of Directors
decides to disclose the above conclusion opinion from Ernst &Young.
4. On December 10, 2012, the 15th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of WBC reviewed and approved to
engage an external accounting firm to investigate related party transactions of WBC. WBC has decided to engage
Deloitte to that effect.
Implementation: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants engaged by the Company has completed
the investigation of the Company's related party transactions from 2007 to 2012, the conclusion is: from a PRC TP
and tax perspective, the results of the analyses did not identify any related party transactions that were inconsistent
with the arm's length principle.

X. Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on “Non-standard Auditing Report”
issued by the CPA firm for the report period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Explanation on changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods compared
with those in the financial report of last year

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XII. Explanation on the retrospective restatement for correcting the significant accounting errors during
the report period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XIII. Explanation on changes in the consolidated scope compared with the financial report in last year

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XIV. Particulars on the profit and dividends distribution

Promulgation, execution or adjustment on profit distribution policy especially the cash dividends policy during the
report period

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

□Applicable √ Not applicable
Particulars about the profit distribution preplan/plan and the preplan/plan on capitalization of capital reserves over
the last three years (including the report period):
Due to the Company’s un-distributed profit was negative over the last three years, the Company didn’t implement
relevant profit distribution over the last three years, nor implement the capitalization of capital reserves.

Distribution of cash dividends in the past three years
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                         Proportion in the net profit
                                                            Net profit attributable to
                                                                                                attributable to
                                                            shareholders of the listed
                                  Cash dividend (tax                                      shareholders of the listed
           Year                                                  company in the
                                     included)                                                 company in the
                                                             consolidated statements
                                                                                           consolidated statements
2013                                                 0.00             -120,271,304.16                             0%
2012                                                 0.00               -94,341,156.10                            0%
2011                                                 0.00             -263,452,709.03                             0%
In the report period, the Company made positive profit and the un-distributed profit of the parent company is
positive, but there is no proposal for cash dividends distribution.
□Applicable √Not applicable

XV. Preplan for profit distribution and transferring capital reserve into share capital for the report period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XVI. Social responsibilities

The Company can strictly implement the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, Clean
Production Law of the People 's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, strictly execute the
“three simultaneous" system of environmental protection for construction projects, continuously increase the input
of environmental protection funds and earnestly strengthen the environmental protection work. Besides, the
Company actively advances the clean production, makes more comprehensive use of resources, decreases and
avoids the generation of pollutants, protects the health of employees and gives all its efforts to realize the
harmonious and sustainable development for the Company in economic, environmental and social efficiency.
During the report period, the Company had no significant environmental pollution events, or caused any
environmental disputes, nor suffered any administrative punishment on environmental protection.

Does the listed company or any of its subsidiaries belong to the heavily polluting industries stipulated by the
environmental protection authorities?

□ Yes √ No □ Not applicable

Does the listed company or any of its subsidiaries have any other significant social security problems?

                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

□ Yes √ No □ Not applicable
Any administrative punishment during the report period?
□ Yes √ No □ Not applicable

XVII. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this report period

                                                                                       Main discussion and
     Time of           Place of
                                  Way of reception Type of visitor        Visitor      materials provided by
    reception         reception
                                                                                          the Company
                                                                                      Actual operating results
Jan. 1, 2013      Wuhan           By telephone     Individual        with    tradable
                                                                                      of 2012.
                                                                     Shareholders     Plan on solving the
Dec. 13, 2013     Wuhan           By telephone     Individual        with    tradable Company’s negative net
                                                                     shares           assets and progress

                                                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                             Section V Significant Events

   I. Significant litigations and arbitrations

   √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                              Forming                       Trial result    Enforcement
                                                            involved in
                                                                                  the      Progress of and influence           on the
                                                            the litigation                                                                   Disclosure
     Basic information of the litigation (arbitration)                       estimated the litigation          of the       judgment of                   Disclosure index
                                                            (arbitration)                                                                       date
                                                                             liabilities   (arbitration)      litigation    the litigation
                                                                              or not?                       (arbitration)   (arbitration)

Due to a dispute arising from execution of the Contract
of 2×200MW Pulverized Coal Boilers between the
Company and Shanxi Zhenxing Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                          The Progress
(“Zhenxing Group”), the Company sued Zhenxing
Group before Shanxi High Court in Apr. 2010,
                                                                                                                                                          of Wuhan Boiler
requesting judgment against Zhenxing Group for paying
overdue RMB47.97 million and undertaking liquidated
                                                                                                                                                          Limited on
damages and bank interest of RMB22.047 million in
total. In Oct. 2011, upon quite a few trials, Shanxi High
                                                                                                                                                          Lawsuit or
Court made a judgement that Zhenxing Group shall pay
overdue RMB39.82 million and the corresponding                                                             The effect of
interest to the Company. In the execution of the                                                           this case on
                                                                                                                                                          No. 2013-005,
judgment, the Company found that the name change fact                                                      profit in or
                                                                                                                            The                           No. 2013-020,
of Zhenxing Group was incorrectly ascertained in the                                                       after the
                                                                                                                            judgment         Oct. 16,     No. 2013-048
judgment of Shanxi High Court. Therefore, the                                No            Closed          report period
                                                                                                                            has been         2013         and No.
Company applied to the Supreme Court for a retrial. In                                                     is subject to
                                                                                                                            made.                         2014-028) were
Apr. 2013, the Supreme Court made an order that                                                            the execution
                                                                                                                                                          published on
Shanxi High Court to retry the case. During the retrial,                                                   of the
                                                                                                                                                          Securities Times,
execution of the original judgment shall be suspended.                                                     judgment.
                                                                                                                                                          Ta Kung Pao and
In Apr. 2014, judgment was delivered by Shanxi High
Court: (1) cancel original judgment made by Shanxi
                                                                                                                                                          o.com.cn dated
High Court (2010 JMCZ No.8); (2) Terminate the
                                                                                                                                                          Feb. 1, Apr. 27,
contract between the Company and Zhenxing Group; (3)
                                                                                                                                                          Oct. 16, 2013
Zhenxing Group should pay total overdue 47.97MRMB
                                                                                                                                                          and Apr. 15,
and the interests within 15 days from the adjudicating
date (Down payment 8.15MRMB for Unit 2 has been
transferred to payment for Unit 1, so Zhenxing Group
doesn’t need to pay 8.15MRMB of 47.97MRMB.); (4)
reject other claims of the Company.

In November 2001, Shenzhen Wangda Color Printing                                                           The effect of    This case        April 27,    The
                                                                             No            Not closed
Packaging Co., LTD. signed a boiler supply contract                                                        this case on     has not yet      2013         Announcement

                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

with the Company (Contract No. 2001D011). In Sep.                                     profit in or     been heard.              of Wuhan Boiler
2003, both parties signed a supplementary agreement                                   after the                                 Company
that Jiangsu Wangda Paper Co., LTD. (“Jiangsu                                        report period                             Limited on
Wangda”) would perform rights and obligations of the                                 is subject to                             Significant
Contract. In Feb. 2004, after receiving the deposit of the                            the final                                 Lawsuit or
Contract, the Company organized design, manufacturing                                 judgment of                               Arbitration
and purchasing. In Nov. 2004, Jiangsu Wangda                                          this case.                                (Announcement
requested the Company to postpone delivery and                                                                                  No. 2013-019)
stopped paying the rest payments, which caused the                                                                              was published on
project suspension till now. In Apr. 2011, Jiangsu                                                                              the Securities
Wangda sent a letter to the Company, asking to cancel                                                                           Times, Ta Kung
the Contract and return the deposit. However, some                                                                              Pao and
costs and expenses were incurred during design,                                                                                 http://www.cninf
manufacturing and purchasing of the Company. The                                                                                o.com.cn dated
Company agreed to terminate the Contract on the basis                                                                           Apr. 27, 2013.
of no deposit return and sufficient compensation of
losses. But Jiangsu Wangda didn't agree. Because no
consensus was achieved on contract termination,
Jiangsu Wangda sued the Company before Wuhan
Intermediate Court.

On Jun. 28, 2013, the Amendment of Articles of
Association of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (the
“AOA Amendment”) was reviewed and approved on
2012 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company.
Main revision is: Article 74 Shareholders shall issue
separate and individual proxy for each shareholders’
                                                                                                                                of Wuhan Boiler
meeting, and shall not issue long-term proxy. A proxy
shall not sub-authorize other person to attend the
                                                                                                                                Limited on
shareholders’ meeting or to exercise the voting right. If a
proxy, who is a shareholder of the Company, is                                        The case had
                                                                                                                                Lawsuit or
entrusted by five or more than five shareholders, he                                  no substantial
                                                                                                       No judgment              Arbitration
shall collect the voting rights openly and complete                                   effect on the                  Jul. 30,
                                                               No        Not closed                    yet.                     (Announcement
relevant procedures according to the regulations related                              profits in or                  2013
                                                                                                                                No. 2013-032)
to voting rights collection of the Company. A proxy,                                  after the
                                                                                                                                was published on
who is not a shareholder of the Company, shall not be                                 report period.
                                                                                                                                the Securities
entrusted by five or more than five shareholders of the
                                                                                                                                Times, Ta Kung
Company. However, the Collector stipulated in Article
                                                                                                                                Pao and
88 shall be excluded. Article 88 The following
organization or person is entitled to collect the voting
                                                                                                                                o.com.cn dated
rights from shareholders of the Company to vote at
                                                                                                                                Jul. 30, 2013.
shareholders’ meetings:(i) The Board of Directors;(ii)
Independent directors;(iii) Shareholders individually or
jointly holding more than 1% shares of the Company.
The Collector shall engage lawyers or state notary

                                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

authorities to provide legal opinions with respect to the
qualification of the Collector, collection plan, the form
of power of attorney, validity and effectiveness of
performance of the voting rights collected and other
related matters. The legal opinion or notarization shall
be published together with the report and the power of
attorney in respect of the voting right collection in the
media designated by the Company to disclose
information. Upon the requirement of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange, AllBright Law Offices issued the Legal
Opinion on the AOA Amendment. In their opinion, the
AOA Amendment did not violate any compulsory
provision of the existing laws and regulations, nor there
was any legal basis to prove that the AOA Amendment
imposed improper restrictions on the legal rights and
interests of minority shareholders. The full text of the
Legal Opinion was disclosed on
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on Jun. 8, 2013. Tradable
share holder Mr. Tan Zhenbiao believed otherwise that
the AOA Amendment restricted public shareholders
from properly executing their civil rights, infringed their
legal rights and interests and therefore should be
considered as an illegal resolution. On that ground, he
sued the Company before the Court of Wuhan Donghu
New Technology Development Zone.

   II. Media’s queries

   □Applicable √Not applicable
   There was no media’s query during the report period.

   III. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and its related
   parties of the Company

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Ten thousand

      Name of                                Amount            Newly added         Total amount                                         Expected
                                                                                                    Amount at   Expected     Expected
    shareholder Occupation                     at the            amount of         of repayment                                         repayment
                                  Reason                                                            the period repayment repayment
     or related        time                   period        occupation during          during the                                         time
                                                                                                      end         way         amount
        party                               beginning         the report period    report period                                        (Month)

    Disclosure date for the special audit opinion of the certified
                                                                                  Apr. 29, 2014
    public accountants on the funds occupation

    Disclosure index for the special audit opinion of the certified
    public accountants on the funds occupation

                                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization


V. Asset transactions

1. Acquisition of assets

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Sale of assets

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Business combination


VI. Implementation and influence of equity incentive plan

□Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Significant related party transactions

1. Related party transactions relevant to routine operation

                                                       Pricing                               Proportion Settlement
                           Type of the Content of                               Transactio                               Obtainable
                                                     principle of                             in same      method of
 Related     Relationshi     related   the related                  Transactio n amount                                    market       Disclosure Disclosure
                                                     the related                              kind of      the related
   party          p          party        party                      n price   (RMB Ten                                  price of the      date      index
                                                        party                                transaction      party
                           transaction transaction                              thousand)                                same kind
                                                     transaction                               s (%)       transaction

             subsidiary                                                                                    Settlement
Alstom                                 Purchase
             of the                                  Fair market                                           as per
Power                      Purchase    of raw                       -         1.17          0%
             ultimate                                price                                                 contract
Energy                                 materials
             actual                                                                                        term

             subsidiary                                                                                    Settlement
Technical                              Purchase                                                                                                    http://www
             of the                                  Fair market                                           as per                       Apr. 27,
Services                   Purchase    of raw                       -         5,739.42      11.21%                                                .cninfo.co
             ultimate                                price                                                 contract                     2013
(Shanghai)                             materials                                                                                                   m.cn
             actual                                                                                        term
Co., Ltd.

                                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

              subsidiary                                                                   Settlement
ALSTOM                                  PMX                                                                          http://www
              of the       Reception                  Fair market                          as per         Apr. 27,
(Switzerlan                             software                    -   237.29   8.9%                               .cninfo.co
              ultimate     of service                 price                                contract       2013
d) Ltd                                  supporting                                                                   m.cn
              actual                                                                       term

              subsidiary                                                                   Settlement
ALSTOM                                  software                                                                     http://www
              of the       Reception                  Fair market                          as per         Apr. 27,
(Switzerlan                             application                 -   36.76    1.38%                              .cninfo.co
              ultimate     of service                 price                                contract       2013
d) Ltd                                  service,                                                                     m.cn
              actual                                                                       term

              The                                                                          Settlement
ALSTOM ultimate            Reception Training         Fair market                          as per
                                                                    -   8.01     0.3%
Holdings      actual       of service   expenses      price                                contract
              controller                                                                   term

              subsidiary                                                                   Settlement
ALSTOM of the              Reception ITSAS            Fair market                          as per         Apr. 27,
                                                                    -   553.01   20.74%                             .cninfo.co
IS&T SAS ultimate          of service   expenses      price                                contract       2013
              actual                                                                       term

(Wuhan)       subsidiary                Project                                            Settlement
Engineerin of the          Reception testing          Fair market                          as per
                                                                    -   10       0.38%
g&            ultimate     of service   service       price                                contract
Technolog actual                                                                           term
y Co., Ltd. controller

ALSTOM The                                                                                 Settlement
(China)       biggest      Reception ITSSC            Fair market                          as per         Apr. 27,
                                                                    -   379.19   14.22%                             .cninfo.co
Investment shareholde of service        service       price                                contract       2013
Co., Ltd.     r                                                                            term

ALSTOM subsidiary                                                                          Settlement
Boiler        of the       Reception Reception Fair market                                 as per
                                                                    -   70.12    4.64%
Deutschlan ultimate        of service   of service    price                                contract
d GmbH        actual                                                                       term

                                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

(Wuhan)      subsidiary                                                                              Settlement
Engineerin of the         Provision     Provision    Fair market                                     as per
                                                                   -        42.53        34.72%
g&           ultimate     of service    of service   price                                           contract
Technolog actual                                                                                     term
y Co., Ltd. controller

ALSTOM subsidiary                                                                                    Settlement
Boiler       of the       Sale of       Sale of      Fair market                                     as per                    Apr. 27,
                                                                   -        1,886.43     2.19%                                             .cninfo.co
Deutschlan ultimate       products      products     price                                           contract                  2013
d GmbH       actual                                                                                  term

             subsidiary                                                                              Settlement
ALSTOM of the             Sale of       Sale of      Fair market                                     as per                    Apr. 27,
                                                                   -        693.84       0.81%                                             .cninfo.co
Estonia AS ultimate       products      products     price                                           contract                  2013
             actual                                                                                  term

             subsidiary                                                                              Settlement
ALSTOM                                                                                                                                      http://www
             of the       Sale of       Sale of      Fair market                                     as per                    Apr. 27,
Power                                                              -        52,655.49 61.15%                                               .cninfo.co
             ultimate     products      products     price                                           contract                  2013
INC.                                                                                                                                        m.cn
             actual                                                                                  term

             subsidiary                                                                              Settlement
             of the       Sale of       Sale of      Fair market                                     as per
Services                                                           -        18           0.02%
             ultimate     fittings      fittings     price                                           contract
             actual                                                                                  term
Co., Ltd.

ALSTOM The                                           90% of the                                      Settlement
                          Payment of                                                                                                        http://www
(China)      biggest                    Interest on PBOC                                             as per                    Apr. 27,
                          interest on                              -        8,760.95     92.41%                                            .cninfo.co
Investment shareholde                   loans        benchmark                                       contract                  2013
                          loans                                                                                                             m.cn
Co., Ltd.    r                                       rate                                            term

Total                                                       --          --    71,092.21       --            --          --          --             --

Details of large amount of sales returns             None

                                                     Related party transactions in sales and procurement between the Company and related parties were
Necessity and continuity of related party the result of long-term business partnership and supplementary business, which was necessary to
transaction as well as reason of choosing the
                                                    the business development of the Company, and will continue in certain periods. The pricing strategy
related party (but not other transaction parties in
the market) to conduct the said transaction         of the related party transactions was fair and reasonable in accordance with market price, which did
                                                     not harm the interest of the Company and shareholders.

                                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Impacts of related party transaction          on Related party transactions took place fairly; there was no influence on the independence of the
independency of the Company                      Company.

                                              Related party transactions did not influence the independence of the Company; the Company did
Dependence of the Company on related party
and relevant solutions for the dependence (if not rely on related parties to survive. And the Company actively exploits domestic market and
any)                                          strives to taking in more domestic contracts.

As for the estimation on the total amount of
routine related party transactions to be occurred 1. Purchase of raw materials: actual transaction amount is less than forecasted amount
in the report period by relevant types, the actual 2. Sales of products: actual transaction amount is less than forecasted amount
performance in the report period (if any)

Reason for significant difference between the
transaction price and the market price (if None

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Significant related party transitions regarding joint investments

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Significant credits and liabilities with related parties

Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                   non-operating     Opening           Current             Closing
                                             Type of credit      Reason of
      Related party         Relationship                                                 funds     balance (RMB        amount         balance (RMB
                                               or liability      formation
                                                                                   occupation or      0’000)       (RMB 0’000)           0’000)

                           A    subsidiary
Wuhan Boiler Group
                           of the second                      Sale            of
Engineering                                  Receivables                           No                      485.5                  0             485.5
                           largest                            products
Technology Co., Ltd.

                           A    subsidiary
                           of     ultimate                    Sale            of
ALSTOM Power Inc                             Receivables                           No                   7,403.26         4,112.52           11,515.78
                           holding                            products

                           A    subsidiary
Alstom             Boiler of      ultimate                    Sale            of
                                             Receivables                           No                        12.8             0.16              12.96
Deutschland GmbH           holding                            products

                                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                            A    subsidiary
                            of     ultimate                 Sale             of
Alstom Estonia AS                             Receivables                         No         650.87     -650.87          0
                            holding                         products

                            A    subsidiary
ALSTOM         Technical
                            of     ultimate                 Advance      for
Services      (Shanghai)                      Receivables                         No        1,635.5      -309.5      1,326
                            holding                         materials
Co., Ltd.

                            Second largest                  Relocation
Wuhan Boiler Group                            Receivables                         No       6,403.05       -300     6,103.05
                            shareholder                     compensation

                            A    subsidiary
Wuhan Boiler Group of the second                            Sale             of No
                                              Receivables                                     24.06          0       24.06
Valve Co., Ltd.             largest                         materials

                            A    subsidiary
Wuhan Boiler Group of the second
                                              Receivables   Labor service No                   1.02          0         1.02
Express Co., Ltd.           largest

                            A    subsidiary
ALSTOM             Boiler of       ultimate
                                              Receivables   Service               No         131.43      -69.72      61.71
France                      holding

                            A    subsidiary
ALSTOM                      of     ultimate
                                              Receivables   Service               No          56.84      -56.84          0
(Switzerland) Ltd           holding

                            A    subsidiary
ALSTOM             Boiler of       ultimate                 Sale             of
                                              Receivables                         No          355.9     -317.06      38.84
Deutschland GmbH            holding                         materials

ALSTOM            (China)
                            controlling       Receivables   Service               No         320.03     -320.03          0
Investment Co., Ltd.

                            A    subsidiary
ALSTOM         (Wuhan)
                            of     ultimate
Engineering                                   Receivables   Labor service No                 125.07      -100.5      24.57
&Technology Co., Ltd.

                            A    subsidiary
ALSTOM         (Beijing)
                            of     ultimate
Engineering                                   Receivables   Labor service No                     0         1.41        1.41
&Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                          A     subsidiary
                          of      ultimate                 Sale              of
ALSTOM Power Inc.                            Receivables                          No           3.62           0        3.62
                          holding                          materials

                          A     subsidiary
                          of      ultimate                 Purchase          of
ALSTOM      s.r.o                            Payables                             No           1.18        -0.05       1.13
                          holding                          materials

                          A     subsidiary
ALSTOM                    of      ultimate
                                             Payables      IT service             No         277.65       -63.79    213.86
(Switzerland) Ltd         holding

                          A     subsidiary
ALSTOM              Boiler of     ultimate                 Advance from No
                                             Payables                                     34,470.37   -25,171.63   9,298.74
Deutschland GmbH          holding                          customer

                          A     subsidiary
                          of      ultimate                 Advance from No
ALSTOM Estonia AS                            Payables                                            0       258.39     258.39
                          holding                          customer

                          A     subsidiary
                          of      ultimate
ALSTOM IS&T SAS                              Payables      IT service             No         948.78     -509.36     439.42

                          A     subsidiary
ALSTOM           Power of         ultimate                 Purchase          of
                                             Payables                             No         103.00        -8.03     94.97
Boiler GmbH               holding                          materials

                          A     subsidiary
ALSTOM           Power of         ultimate                 Purchase          of
                                             Payables                             No             3         -2.08       0.92
Energy                    holding                          materials

                          A     subsidiary
                          of      ultimate                 Purchase          of
ALSTOM Power Inc                             Payables                             No          48.88        -4.51     44.37
                          holding                          materials

                          A     subsidiary
                          of      ultimate                 Acceptance of
Alstom Holding                               Payables                             No             0           2.1        2.1
                          holding                          service

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                           A    subsidiary
                           of     ultimate              Advance from No
ALSTOM Power Inc                             Payables                                  37,428.41   21,902.28   59,330.69
                           holding                      customer

                           A    subsidiary
                           of     ultimate              Acceptance of
ALSTOM Power Ltd                             Payables                          No           8.79        0.05        8.84
                           holding                      service

                           A    subsidiary
ALSTOM             Power of       ultimate              Purchase          of
                                             Payables                          No           8.42       -8.42          0
Service GmbH               holding                      materials

ALSTOM            (China) Largest
                                             Payables   IT service             No         229.06      82.71      311.77
Investment Co., Ltd.       shareholder

                           A    subsidiary
ALSTOM         Technical
                           of     ultimate              Purchase          of
Services      (Shanghai)                     Payables                          No          476.7    2,719.95    3,196.65
                           holding                      materials
Co., Ltd.

                           A    subsidiary
Wuhan Boiler Group of the second                        Purchase          of
                                             Payables                          No          43.25      -11.11      32.14
Valve Co., Ltd.            largest                      boiler fittings

                           A    subsidiary
Wuhan Boiler Group
                           of the second                Purchase          of
Engineering                                  Payables                          No       1,912.58          0     1,912.58
                           largest                      boiler fittings
Technology Co., Ltd.

                           Second largest               Acceptance of
Wuhan Boiler Group                           Payables                          No          97.41          0       97.41
                           shareholder                  service

                           A    subsidiary
                                                        Acceptance of
Wuhan Boiler Group of the second
                                             Payables   transportation No                   1.74          0         1.74
Express Co., Ltd.          largest

Effect of the credits and liabilities
with related parties on the operating Naught
results and financial situation

5. Other significant related party transactions

No other significant related party transactions

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

VIII. Significant contracts and execution

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□Applicable √Not applicable
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in the report period for the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Contract

□Applicable √Not applicable
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in the report period for the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Lease

□Applicable √Not applicable
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in the report period for the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Guarantee

□Applicable √Not applicable

(1) Guarantee provided in violation of regulations

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Other significant contracts

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Other significant transactions


                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

IX. Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the
report period, or such commitments carried down into the report period

                                  Commitment                    Time of making Period of
         Commitment                                Contents                                      Fulfillment
                                    maker                        commitment commitment
Commitment on share reform            -                -              -              -                 -
Commitment in the acquisition                   Avoid                                        Strictly fulfill the
                               (China)                                         Long-term
report or the report on equity                  horizontal      April 14, 2006               commitment and
                               Investment                                      effective
changes                                         competition                                  no breaches
                               Co., Ltd
Commitments made in assets
                                      -                -              -              -                 -
Commitments made in IPO or
                                      -                -              -              -                 -
Other commitments made to
                                      -                -              -              -                 -
minority shareholders

2. If the Company’s assets or projects existing earnings prediction, and the report period is among the
prediction period, it shall explain on whether the assets or projects reach the original earnings prediction
and relevant reason

□Applicable √Not applicable

X. Particulars about engagement and dismissal of CPA firm

CPA firm engaged at present
                                                Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Name of domestic CPA firm
Remuneration of domestic CPA firm (RMB
Consecutive years of the audit services
provided by domestic CPA firm
Names of the certified public accountants
                                          Wang Mingcui, Li Yanbin
from the domestic CPA firm
Change the CPA firm at current period or not?
□ Yes √ No
Any CPAs firm, financial accountant or sponsor engaged for internal control audit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) has issued the financial audit report and

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

the internal control audit report for 2013 for the Company.

XI. Explanation of the Board of Supervisors and Independent Directors (if applicable) on the
“Non-standard Audit Report” issued by the CPA firm during the report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

XII. Punishment and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Was any director, supervisor, senior management or shareholder holding more than 5% shares of the Company
suspected of trading the Company’s shares in violation of regulations, and the Company had announced the call-in
of such illegal gains?
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIII. Possibility of listing suspension and termination after disclosure of this annual report

As shown by the audit reports, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company and the net assets were
both negative for three consecutive accounting years of 2011, 2012 and 2013. According to Article 14.1.1 and
Provision 14.1.2 of the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, trading of the Company’s stock will be
suspended since the disclosure date of the Company’s 2013 Annual Report (Apr. 29, 2013) and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange will make a decision of listing suspension of the Company’s stock within 15 trading days since the
aforesaid trading suspension. And investors are kindly reminded to invest rationally and pay attention to possible
WBC Management shall take the following action plan for listing resumption of WBC stocks:
(1) With the advanced technology of 1000MW ultra supercritical tower boiler and 600MW supercritical two pass
boiler, WBC will actively bid in domestic market and dedicate to expand domestic market.
(2) With the support from Alstom, WBC will get more export orders for main parts of boilers. Meanwhile, WBC
will accumulate manufacturing experience of supercritical and ultra-supercritical boilers and demonstrate
production capacity of the new factory. Thus WBC can improve its domestic competition capacity and expand its
domestic market share;
(3) WBC will provide more training to employees to further master new technologies and adapt to new procedures
so as to meet high quality requirements of export orders and accumulate export sales performance;
(4) WBC is going to get continuous financing supports from Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd so as to meet
financing requirements of normal company operation;
(5) With the support from Alstom, WBC will try to get favorable payment conditions for export orders in order to
improve operating cash flow and reduce financial cost;
(6) WBC will further improve management systems and work procedures, strengthen cost control and cash flow
management, try its best to complete more orders and recognize project profit so as to achieve the objective of
turning loss to profit in 2014.
(7) The Debt-to-equity Conversion Plan disclosed on April 11, 2014 is the important measure taken by WBC to

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

avoid the delisting of its stocks. After the implementation of the Plan, the net asset of WBC would turn to be
positive, thus would satisfy the criteria in relation to net asset for purpose of listing resumption.

XIV. Other significant events

The trading to the Company’s stocks was suspended since Nov.5, 2013 because the Company planned significant
events. On Apr. 11, 2014, the Company disclosed the Announcement of the Resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the
6th Board of Directors and the Plan for Debt-to-equity Conversion etc. Applied by the Company, the trading of its
stocks has been resumed since Apr. 11, 2014 (Friday).

XV. Significant events regarding subsidiaries


XVI. Issue of corporate bonds


                                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                           Section VI Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Particulars about the changes in shares

                                                                                                                                  Unit: share

                               Before the change                             Increase/decrease (+, -)                 After the change

                                                         Issuance                    ion of
                                            Proportion                  Bonus                                                     Proportion
                               Amount                    of       new                public      Others   Subtotal   Amount
                                               (%)                      shares                                                        (%)
                                                         shares                      reserve

                              172,000,0                                                                              172,000,0
I. Non tradable shares                        57.91%                                                                                 57.91%
                                     00                                                                                    00

                              172,000,0                                                                              172,000,0
1. Sponsors’ shares                          57.91%                                                                                 57.91%
                                     00                                                                                    00

     Share       held     by 20,530,00                                                                               20,530,00
                                                6.91%                                                                                 6.91%
domestic corporations                   0                                                                                     0

     Share held by foreign 151,470,0                                                                                 151,470,0
                                                 51%                                                                                    51%
corporations                         00                                                                                    00

                              125,000,0                                                                              125,000,0
II. Tradable shares                           42.09%                                                                                 42.09%
                                     00                                                                                    00

2.   Domestically       listed 125,000,0                                                                             125,000,0
                                              42.09%                                                                                 42.09%
foreign shares                       00                                                                                    00

                              297,000,0                                                                              297,000,0
III. Total shares                               100%                                                                                   100%
                                     00                                                                                    00

Reason for the changes in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval for changes in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Transfer for changes in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of changes in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities to
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Issuance of securities over the past three years

□Applicable √Not applicable
Explanation on securities issuance over the past three years
□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Explanation on changes in shares and the structure of shareholders, the structure of assets and liabilities

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Particulars about employee shares

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Particulars about shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholding

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: Share
Total number of shareholders at the end of the report                    Total number of shareholders at the end of the fifth trading day
                                                               8,117                                                                                     7,858
period                                                                   before the disclosure date of this report

                  Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5% or the top 10 shareholders

                                                                                         Increase /                                       Pledged or frozen
                                                        Shareholding      Total shares    decrease     Number of         Number of              shares
   Name of shareholder       Nature of shareholder       percentage        held at the   during the non-tradable          tradable
                                                                                                                                         Status of   Number
                                                            (%)            period-end       report     shares held       shares held
                                                                                                                                          shares     of shares

ALSTOM (CHINA)             Domestic
INVESTMENT                 non-state-owned                        51%      151,470,000 0               151,470,000                   0
COMPANY LIMITED            corporation

                           State-owned corporation            6.91%         20,530,000 0                20,530,000                   0

WANG XIAO                  Domestic natural person                0.9%        2,672,800 0                            0     2,672,800

CHEN PENG                  Domestic natural person            0.79%           2,331,545 0                            0     2,331,545

HU ZHIHONG                 Domestic natural person            0.47%           1,390,397 0                            0     1,390,397

CHEN CHUYUN                Domestic natural person            0.46%           1,372,450 0                            0     1,372,450

SECURITIES (ASIA)          Foreign corporation                    0.4%        1,195,114 0                            0     1,195,114

                                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

SECURITIES (HK) CO.,       State-owned corporation             0.39%       1,163,236 0                        0     1,163,236

WU ZHEN FA                 Domestic natural person             0.38%       1,138,028 0                        0     1,138,028

                           Domestic natural person             0.35%       1,045,000 0                        0     1,045,000

Strategic investor or corporation becoming a top ten
shareholder due to placing of new shares (if any) (see Not applicable
Note 3)

                                                       Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (the first principal shareholder of the Company) and
                                                       Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. (the second principal shareholder of the Company) hold
                                                       non-tradable shares of the Company. No affiliated relationship exists between Alstom (China)
                                                       Investment Co., Ltd. (the first principal shareholder of the Company), Wuhan Boiler Group
Explanation on affiliated relationship or persons Co., Ltd. (the second principal shareholder of the Company) and the other shareholders with
acting in concert among the above-mentioned tradable shares, and they are not persons acting in concert as defined in the Administrative
shareholders:                                          Rules on Information Disclosure about Changing of Shareholding Status. The Company is not
                                                       aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten shareholders with
                                                       tradable shares and whether there are persons acting in concert among them. The Company is
                                                       not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten shareholders and the
                                                       top ten shareholders with tradable share.

                                           Particulars about top ten shareholders holding tradable shares

                                                       Number of tradable shares                              Type of shares
                Name of shareholder
                                                         held at the period-end                       Type                            Number

WANG XIAO                                                                2,672,800 Domestically listed foreign shares                       2,672,800

CHEN PENG                                                                2,331,545 Domestically listed foreign shares                       2,331,545

HU ZHIHONG                                                               1,390,397 Domestically listed foreign shares                       1,390,397

CHEN CHUYUN                                                              1,372,450 Domestically listed foreign shares                       1,372,450

                                                                          1,195,114 Domestically listed foreign shares                      1,195,114

                                                                         1,163,236 Domestically listed foreign shares                       1,163,236

WU ZHEN FA                                                               1,138,028 Domestically listed foreign shares                       1,138,028

ZHUANG CHANG XIONG                                                       1,045,000 Domestically listed foreign shares                       1,045,000

SUN WEIWEI                                                                 966,567 Domestically listed foreign shares                          966,567

QIN HUI                                                                    909,286 Domestically listed foreign shares                          909,286

                                                                               2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Explanation on affiliated relationship or persons The top ten shareholders of the Company are public shareholders with tradable B shares. The
acting in concert among the top ten shareholders Company is not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten
with tradable shares and between the top ten shareholders with tradable shares and whether there are persons acting in concert among them.
shareholders with tradable shares and the top ten The Company is not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten
shareholders                                           shareholders and the top ten shareholders with tradable share.

Explanation on the top 10 shareholders participating
                                                       Not applicable
in the margin trading business (if any)

Did any shareholder of the Company conduct any promissory repo during the report period?
□ Yea √ No

2. Particulars about the controlling shareholder

       Name of controlling            Legal representative /         Date of       Organization        Registered
                                                                                                                               Business scope
            shareholder                   company principal      establishment          code             capital

                                                                                                                        Lawfully investing in fields
                                                                                                                        in which foreign investment
                                                                                                                        is permitted by the State;
                                                                                                                        import, export, procurement
                                                                                                                        (as an agent) and sale (as an
                                                                                                                        agent) of equipments;
                                                                                                                        providing relevant services
                                                                                                                        including training, human
 INVESTMENT COMPANY Dominique Pouliquen Jan. 11, 1999                              71092378-2       USD60,964,400
                                                                                                                        resources management,
                                                                                                                        consultancy, technology,
                                                                                                                        storage, operating lease and
                                                                                                                        etc.; participating in
                                                                                                                        overseas projects from
                                                                                                                        Chinese enterprises entitled
                                                                                                                        to execute overseas

                                     As of the disclosure date of this report, the controlling shareholder has not yet disclosed its report
 Operating results, financial        for the current year. For 2012, the controlling shareholder recorded operating revenue of
 situation, cash flow and future RMB3,304.73 million, net loss of RMB383.71 million and net cash flows of RMB800.13 million
 development strategy, etc.          from operating activities. Alstom (China) Investment Company Limited is an investment holdings
                                     company and will continue to focus on investment in the future.

 Shares held by the controlling
 shareholder in other listed
 companies by holding or             Not applicable
 shareholding during the report

                                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

   Change of the controlling shareholder during the report period
   □ Applicable √ Not applicable

   3. Particulars about the actual controller

                                  representative     Date of       Organization   Registered
 Name of the actual controller                                                                                 Business scope
                                    / company      establishment         code       capital

                                                                                               The conduct of transactions in France and
                                                                                               abroad, notably in the following fields:
                                                                                               energy, transmission and distribution of
                                                                   Not                         energy, transport, industrial equipment, naval
                                                                   applicable (a EUR           construction & repair work and engineering
ALSTOM                            Patrick Kron Nov. 11, 1992
                                                                   French listed 2,160,783,408 and consultancy, design and/or production
                                                                   company)                    studies and general contracting associated
                                                                                               with public or private works and
                                                                                               construction; and all the activities related or
                                                                                               incidental to the above.

                                  The fiscal year for the Company’s actual controller (a French listed company) is from Apr. 1, 2013 to
Operating results, financial      Mar. 31, 2014. As of the disclosure date of this report, it has not yet disclosed the report for the fiscal
situation, cash flow and future   year. For the fiscal year of 2012, ALSTOM achieved sales of EUR20.3 billion, net gains of EUR802
development strategy, etc.        million and net cash flows of EUR408 million. ALSTOM will maintain a stable growth in sales and
                                  operating profit rate in the future.

Shares held by the actual
controller in other listed
companies by holding or           Not applicable
shareholding during the report

   Change of the actual controller during the report period
   □ Applicable √ Not applicable
   The ownership and controlling relationship between the actual controller of the Company and the Company is
   detailed as follows:

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

      Bouygues                    Franklin Resources                FMR LLC              Other shareholders

             29.33%                          4.95%                       4.02                       61.70%



                                               Alstom Holdings


                                      Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd.


                                        Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Particulars about other corporate shareholders with more than 10% shares of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme proposed or implemented by the shareholders and
act-in-concert persons during the report period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

             Section VII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees

I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management

                                                                                                       Shares        Shares
                                                                                                      increased decreased           Shares
                                                        Beginning                      held at the
                                Tenure                                 Ending date                     at the        at the        held at the
       Name           Title               Gender Age date of office                       year
                                 status                               of office term                   report        report        period-end
                                                           term                        beginning
                                                                                                       period        period         (share)
                                                                                                       (share)       (share)

                  Chairman of
                  the Board of Current Male         64 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0
Wei Richard

                  Director      Current Male        46 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0
Thierry Rouge

                  Director      Current Male        48 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Xiong Gang        Director      Current Male        56 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Kevin Qin         Director      Current Male        33 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Jiang Hong        Director      Current Female      46 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Shen Weixing                    Current Male        43 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Tang Guoping                    Current Male        49 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Xie Huobao                      Current Male        46 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

Ian Andrew
                  Director      Former    Male      41 Jun. 5, 2012   Oct. 10, 2013               0              0             0              0

                  Director      Former    Male      53 Oct. 15, 2010 Jun. 28, 2013                0              0             0              0

Guy Chardon       Director      Former    Male      64 Oct. 15, 2010 Oct. 10, 2013                0              0             0              0

Xiang Rongwei Director          Former    Male      60 Oct. 15, 2010 Jun. 28, 2013                0              0             0              0

Yang              Independent
                                Former    Male      53 Oct. 15, 2010 Oct. 10, 2013                0              0             0              0
Xiongsheng        Director

                  Convener of
Thomas Joseph
                  the Board of Current Male         58 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016                0              0             0              0

                                                               2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Sun Tong       Supervisor   Current Female    43 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016         0       0       0        0

                                                   Sept. 27,      Sept. 27,
Wang Quguang Supervisor     Current Male      50                                     0       0       0        0
                                                   2013           2016

                                                                  Sept. 27,
Pei Hanhua     Supervisor   Former    Male    54 Oct. 15, 2010                       0       0       0        0

Jay Chen                    Current Male      51 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016         0       0       0        0

Chin Wee Hua   Director and Current Male      42 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016         0       0       0        0
               Deputy GM

Xu Youlan                   Current Female    51 Oct. 10, 2013 Oct. 10, 2016         0       0       0        0

Kevin Qin      Secretary and Former   Male    33 Oct. 15, 2010 Oct. 10, 2013         0       0       0        0
               Deputy GM

II. Brief biographies

Main working experience of current Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management in the past five years:

Chairman Yeung Kwok Wei Richard was born on April 7, 1949, Australian nationality. A HKIE Follow, major in
Electric Engineering and holder of MBA degree. He had worked for Hong Kong CLP Co., Ltd, BBC, ABB and
ALSTOM with positions held from Projects Sales Manager to Senior Vice President. He ever held positions of
Country Chief Representative and Region Vice President in China of AREVA T&D SA, and Head of Power,
Alstom Power, China. He is currently Head of Power, Alstom Hong Kong. Mr. Yeung Kwok Wei Richard is the
Board Director & Chairman of the 6th Board of Directors of WBC. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Director Mr. Sébastien Thierry Rouge was born on March 8, 1967, French nationality. He graduated from EDHEC
Business School in 1990 and started his work at Faurecia from 1992 to 1996 as controller in France and then as
corporate controller for the US subsidiaries. In 1997 he moved to Invensys, where he stayed for two years as
finance director for the automotive business first in France and then in Germany. From 1999 to 2002, he was
Director of controlling and information systems with Graham Packaging in Europe. In 2002, Mr. Sébastien
Thierry Rouge joined Alstom Transport as Finance Director for the Signalling business, followed by the role of
Vice President Finance in 2003. He then moved inside Alstom Transport as Vice President Finance South Europe
and between 2005 and 2007 he was in charge of operational projects, namely in Sourcing and Project
Management. From 2007 to 2009, he was Senior Vice President Finance of Alstom Power Service, followed by
the role of Vice President Finance Thermal Systems. In October 2010, he was appointed to Senior Vice President
Finance for Alstom Power. Since July 2011, he is holding the position of Senior Vice President Finance for Alstom
Thermal Power, having global P&L responsibility for this sector of Alstom. Mr. Sébastien Thierry Rouge is the
Board Director of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Director Mr. Anders Maltesen was born on August 24, 1965, Danish nationality. He is the Vice President, Thermal

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Services East Asia for Alstom Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia since July 2011. He is having full regional / area
P&L responsibility, leading and overseeing the entire management spectrum including Sales, Project Management,
Industrial Processes, Legal, Supply Chain and other functions for 9 countries in East Asia. Formerly he was the
Unit manager and General Manager for Alstom Hydro activity in China since 2003. Earlier he worked in finance
and administration for over 10 years. He has 17 years’ experience working in China. He witnessed the great
transformation of Alstom from restructuring in 1999 till 2002 to fast growing company since 2003. Mr. Anders
Maltesen speaks Danish, English and German. Mr. Anders Maltesen is the Board Director of the 6th Board of
Directors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Director Mr. Xiong Gang, born on June 21, 1957, Canadian nationality, holds a Master degree in Public
Administration (1988) and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in International Public Administration (1986) from
National Public Administration School of University of Quebec, Canada, and a Bachelor degree from East China
Normal University, Shanghai (1981). Currently, Mr. Xiong Gang is working in Alstom (China) Investment Co.
Ltd as Vice President responsible for Public Affairs. Mr. Xiong Gang worked in Hydro-Quebec (Canada) from
January 1988 to August 2005 as Senior Marketing Advisor, China Business Director and Asia Commercial
Director, responsible for business development and project management in China and other Asian countries. From
2001 to 2007, he was Chief Representative in Beijing for Meiya Power Company Ltd, responsible for government
relations and business development. Prior to joining in Alstom, he was Chief China Representative and Business
Development Director of AEI Asia Ltd (US). Mr. Xiong Gang is the Board Director of the 6th Board of Directors
of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Director Mr. Kevin Qin was born on March 7, 1980, Chinese nationality. He got a L.L.B degree for Civil and
Commercial Law from East China University of Politics and Law, a L.L.M degree for European Union Law from
University of Durham (UK) and EMBA from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Mr. Kevin Qin
currently holds the position of Director Legal & Contract Management, Alstom Steam China. He ever held
positions as Assistant to CEO and Legal Counsel in Co-Wealth Group, China Legal Manager of Pacific Media
PLC, Special Assistant to CEO and Legal Counsel in Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd, Legal Director, Board
Secretary and Deputy General Manager of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited. Mr. Kevin Qin is the Board Director
of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Director Ms. Jiang Hong was born on August 17, 1967, Chinese Nationality. She graduated from university with a
bachelor degree in Engineering. Ms. Jiang Hong ever worked as Deputy Director of Finance and Assets
Department in Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. Currently she is Director of General Management Department in
Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd. Ms. Jiang Hong is the Board Director of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company.
She doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Independent Director Mr. Shen Weixing was born on April 24, 1970, Chinese nationality, Professor, Doctoral
Supervisor of Law School of Tsinghua University. Currently he holds the positions as Vice Dean of Law School,
Director of Real Estate Law Research Center in Tsinghua University, and Executive Director of Health Law
Center in Tsinghua University. He also takes the positions of Syndic of Civil Law Seminar of China Law Society,
Vice Secretary General of China Health Law Society, Vice Director Commissioner of Education Committee of
China Health Law Society, and Vice Chief Editor of Cross-Straight Law Review. He obtained a bachelor degree of
Law and a master degree of Law from Jilin University, and a Ph.D. degree from China University of Political

                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Science and Law. And he was a post doctorate of Law School of Beijing University and visiting scholars of Law
School of Harvard University, Temple University, Cologne University, and Freiburg University. Mr. Shen Weixing
is the Independent Director of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the
Company and has no related relationship with the Company, the controlling shareholder or the actual controller of
the Company.

Independent Director Mr. Tang Guoping was born on August 21, 1964, Professor, Chinese Certified Public
Accountant, member of CPC. He graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law with a doctor
degree. He obtained the third prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement 2001 issued by the People’s Government
of Hubei Province, the honor of Trans Century Academic Backbone of Hubei Province and the honor of Trans
Century Disciplines Academic Leader of the universities directly under the administration of the Ministry of
Finance. In 2002, he was chosen to join the Excellent Young Teachers Program of the Ministry of Education.
Currently he holds the position as Executive Vice Dean of Postgraduate School of Zhongnan University of
Economics and Law. He is also Independent Director of Hubei Fuxing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (listed
company), Boai NKY Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (listed company), Tongling Zhongfa Suntech Co., Ltd. (listed
company) and Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd. (listed company). Mr. Tang Guoping is the Independent Director of
the 6th Board of Directors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company and has no related
relationship with the Company, the controlling shareholder or the actual controller of the Company.

Independent Director Mr. Xie Huobao was born on June 20, 1967. He graduated from Wuhan University with a
doctor degree. Mr. Xie Huobao is currently Professor of Department of Accounting of Wuhan University and also
Doctoral Supervisor. He obtained the third prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement 2009 issued by the People’s
Government of Hubei Province. He is Independent Director of Zhejiang Semir Garment Co., Ltd. (listed
company), HC SemiTek Corporation (listed company), Hankou Bank Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Chopper Biology Co.,
Ltd. Mr. Xie Huobao is the Independent Director of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company. He doesn’t hold
any shares of the Company and has no related relationship with the Company, the controlling shareholder or the
actual controller of the Company.

Convener of the Board of Supervisors Mr. Thomas Joseph Barker was born on August 4, 1955, American
nationality. He started his career with Combustion Engineering Inc. in 1978 as a Purchasing Parts Specialist.
While with Combustion Engineering he held several positions including Operations Manager in the Boiler Service
department and Marketing Manager for Industrial Boilers. In 1990 Combustion Engineering was purchased by
Asea Brown Boveri where Mr. Thomas Joseph Barker held the positions of Director of Marketing and Strategic
Planning for the Boiler Services business, Director of Supply Management for the Global Boiler Business, and
Vice President of Supply Management for the US Power Business and global Boiler Business. In 2000, Alstom
purchased the Power business from ABB. Since becoming part of Alstom, Mr. Thomas Joseph Barker was the
Vice President of Supply Management for the global Boiler business (2001-2004), the Vice President of Global
Boiler Manufacturing (2004-2008), the Director of Global Manufacturing Technology and Process (2008-2012).
Mr. Thomas Joseph Barker is currently the Director of the Boiler Manufacturing Network of Alstom’s Thermal
Power Sector. He is responsible for the Boiler Manufacturing Capital Investment, Research and Development, and
Transfer of Technology training, and Manufacturing Process Improvements for Alstom’s 4 Boiler Manufacturing
facilities located in the United States, Europe, India, and China. Mr. Thomas Joseph Barker is the Convener of the
6th Board of Supervisors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Supervisor Ms. Sun Tong was born on July 2, 1970, Chinese nationality. From 1988 to 1992, she studied at
Tianjin University and got a dual-degree (Enterprise Management and English for Science and Technology). She
became an Assistant Lecturer at Tianjin University of Finance and Economics during 1992 and 1993, and she
worked in Public Relations Department of Management Committee of Tianjin Development Zone during 1993
and 1994. From 1994 -2000, she held different positions in Honeywell China, such as Business Controlling and
Planning Manager in Industrial Automation Control SBU and Product SBU China Region, South China Zone
Manager, and FA Manager in Sinopec-Honeywell. She joined Alstom Tianjin Hydro in 2001 as Finance Manager
and then promoted to DGM in 2003 in charge of Finance and IT. She left for Alstom Transport in 2009. After that,
she held different positions in sectors and corporate. She was appointed as Alstom China FD in Jan 2013. Ms. Sun
Tong is the Supervisor of the 6th Board of Supervisors of the Company. She doesn’t hold any shares of the

Supervisor Mr. Wang Quguang, born on July 3, 1963, Chinese nationality, a Master in Economics from Wuhan
University. He started his career in July 1985 and went to the School of Business Administration of the University
of Maryland in the U.S. for more advanced education in 1999. Currently, he is the Deputy Director of the plant of
Wuhan Boiler Company Limited. He once was the Vice Chief of the Production Division, the Chief of the
Enterprise Management Division and the Chief of the Production Division of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited.
On January 18, 2013, he was elected as a member of the 3rd Trade Union Committee of Wuhan Boiler Company
Limited. He once was a member of the 10th and 11th CPPCC Wuhan Committee. Mr. Wang Quguang is the
Employee-representative Supervisor of the 6th Board of Supervisors of the Company. He doesn’t hold any shares
of the Company.

General Manager Mr. Jay Chen was born on January 10, 1962, German nationality. Mr. Jay Chen gained a Master
Degree in Electrical Engineering at Bochum University, Germany in 1989, and studied International Accounting
& Finance in ACCA, UK in 1996. After started his career in 1990 as a trainee in Weidmueller Interface GmbH &
Co., he worked as Product Manager and then Chief Representative for the following years. Thereafter he joined
Moeller Group (Eaton Corporation) in 1994, holding the position as Managing Director in Moeller Electric Co.
Ltd. China. Then he pursued further career development in A. Friedr. Flender AG (Part of Siemens) as Executive
Director Northeast Asia since 1998, followed-up General Manager in Flender Power Transmission (Tianjin) Co.
Ltd. In 2004, he joined GE Energy holding the position as CEO of Shenyang GE Liming Gas Turbine
Components Co. Ltd., and then General Manager of GE Corporate leading the success of sponsorship for Olympic
Games 2008 and partnership with World EXPO 2010 Shanghai & Asia Games 2010 Guangzhou. Since 2007, he
took the position in Coperion (Nanjing) Machinery Co. Ltd. as CEO, making significant achievements in
restructuring and integration of the company from a local private company to international player. Since July 2010,
he has been worked as CEO and President in AE&E Nanjing Boiler Co., Ltd.. Mr. Jay Chen is also Vice Chairman
of Association of all enterprises of Jiangsu Province. Mr. Jay Chen started to act as General Manager of the
Company since September 2011. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Finance Director & Deputy General Manager Mr. Chin Wee Hua, Malaysian nationality, was born on Oct. 4, 1971.
Mr. Chin Wee Hua graduated from the University of Western Australia, bachelor of Commerce with major in
Accounting and Finance. He is also a register Australian Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Chin Wee Hua
graduated from University of Leicester UK with a MBA degree. From 2001 to 2008, he was the Finance Director

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

for Alstom Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. Before joining Alstom, Mr. Chin Wee Hua ever held position as
Senior Accountant in Roche (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd from 1999 to 2001. From 1997 to 1999, he was appointed the
Senior Accountant for Lundin Oil Limited. From 1994 to 1997 he was the Senior Auditor from
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mr. Chin Wee Hua started to act as Finance Director of the Company since Oct., 2009
and Deputy General Manager of the Company since Oct., 2010. He doesn’t hold any shares of the Company.

Board Secretary Ms. Xu Youlan was born on November 28, 1962, Chinese nationality. She graduated from Wuhan
Radio Industry College majored in Mechanical Design in 1981, and graduated in 1987 from China Mechanical
Engineer College majored in Mechanical Design, with professional title as Engineer. From 1981 to 1996, Ms. Xu
Youlan worked in Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd., responsible for tooling products design and process formation.
From 1996 to 1998, she fully involved in the establishment of WBC and its IPO process. From 1998 to 2002, she
worked in Asset Management Department of Wuhan Boiler Group, responsible for capital operation. Ms. Xu
Youlan held the position of Securities Representative of WBC since February 2002 (Qualification of Board
Secretary was obtained in 2002). She also involved in Alstom China acquisition of WBC’s 51% shares from
Wuhan Boiler Group from 2006 to 2007, and was responsible for information disclosure during the whole
acquisition period. Ms. Xu Youlan started to act as Board Secretary since October 2013. She doesn’t hold any
shares of the Company.

Positions held in shareholder entities
√Applicable □Not applicable
 Name of the
person holding                                                                                           Ending
                                                                                         Beginning                  remuneration
                                                              Position in shareholder                    date of
any position in          Name of shareholder’s entity                                  date of office                  from
                                                                       entity                            office
                                                                                            term                     shareholder
  shareholder                                                                                             term

                  Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, the
Xiong Gang                                                   Vice President             Aug. 8, 2010               Yes
                  controlling shareholder of the Company

                  Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd, the Country Finance Director
Sun Tong                                                                                Jan. 1, 2013               Yes
                  controlling shareholder of the Company     China

                  Wuhan Boiler Group Co., Ltd., a            Director of General
Jiang Hong                                                                              Sept. 1, 2007              Yes
                  shareholder of the Company                 Management Department

Notes to
positions held    Other directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company do not hold any position in the controlling
in shareholder shareholder or shareholders of the Company.

Positions held in other entities
□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management

Decision-making procedure, determining basis and actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors
and senior management

                                                               2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

1. Decision-making procedure of remuneration: remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management of
the Company is paid in accordance with the standards stipulated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of
PRC. Proposal on annual remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management is formulated by the
Board of Directors in compliance with the evaluation method of the Company, and then implemented after
reviewed and approved by the Shareholders Meeting.   ’
2. The Company pays RMB100,000 (before tax) to each independent director as allowance. Traveling and
accommodation expenses incurred for attending the Board Meetings and Shareholders’ Meetings will be
reimbursed by the Company.

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company during the report period
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                          Total                               Actual
                                                                                       remuneration                        remuneration
          Name                  Title                Gender   Age      Tenure status                    gained from
                                                                                       gained from                         gained at the
                                                                                       the Company                          period-end

YEUNG Kwok Wei       Chairman           of   the
                                                   Male             64 Current                     0          172.22             172.22
Richard              Board of Directors

Sébastien Thierry                                                                                              46.20
                     Director                      Male             46 Current                     0                               46.20
Rouge                                                                                                    (Oct - Dec)

Anders Maltesen      Director                      Male             48 Current                     0                               36.84
                                                                                                          (Oct - Dec)

Xiong Gang           Director                      Male             56 Current                     0           211.18             211.18

Kevin Qin            Director                      Male             33 Current                     0                               19.91
                                                                                                         (Oct - Dec)

Jiang Hong           Director                      Female           46 Current                     0                                3.00
                                                                                                           (Jul - Dec)

Shen Weixing         Independent Director Male                      43 Current                    10                  0                10

Tang Guoping         Independent Director Male                      49 Current                    10                  0                10

Xie Huobao           Independent Director Male                      46 Current                                        0                2.5
                                                                                         (Oct - Dec)

Ian Andrew Johnson   Director                      Male             41 Former                      0                             163.35
                                                                                                           (Jan - Oct)

Dominique Pouliquen Director                       Male             53 Former                      0                              114.47
                                                                                                           (Jan - Jun)

Guy Chardon          Director                      Male             64 Former                      0                             332.23
                                                                                                           (Jan - Oct)

                                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Xiang Rongwei             Director                  Male                        60 Former                 0                        6.63
                                                                                                                 (Jan - Jun)

Yang Xiongsheng           Independent Director Male                             53 Former                                 0         7.5
                                                                                                 (Jan - Sep)

                          Convener of the Board
Thomas Joseph Barker                                Male                        58 Current                0         154.62      154.62
                          of Supervisors

Sun Tong                  Supervisor                Female                      43 Current                0         131.63      131.63

Wang Quguang              Supervisor                Male                        50 Current                                0        8.92
                                                                                                 (Oct - Dec)

Pei Hanhua                Supervisor                Male                        54 Former                                 0      50.19
                                                                                                 (Jan - Sep)

Jay Chen                  General Manager           Male                        51 Current           158.62               0     158.62

                          Finance Director and
Chin Wee Hua                                        Male                        42 Current            88.86               0      88.86
                          Deputy GM

Xu Youlan                 Board Secretary           Female                      51 Current                                0        3.06
                                                                                                 (Oct - Dec)

                          Board Secretary and                                                         49.99
Kevin Qin                                           Male                        33 Former                                 0      49.99
                          Deputy GM                                                              (Jan - Sep)

         Total                       --                    --             --            --           389.64       1,392.28     1,781.92

Particulars about the equity incentives awarded for the directors, supervisors and senior management of the
Company during the report period
□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management within the report period

     Name                Position              Type                   Date                              Reason

                     Chairman of the
YEUNG        Kwok
                     Board of             Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election
Wei Richard

Sébastien Thierry
                     Director             Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election

Anders Maltesen Director                  Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election

Xiong Gang           Director             Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election

Kevin Qin            Director             Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election

Jiang Hong           Director             Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election

Shen Weixing                              Elected               Oct. 10, 2013      Re-election

                                                                2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Tang Guoping                       Elected          Oct. 10, 2013     Re-election

Xie Huobao                         Elected          Oct. 10, 2013     Re-election

                                   Left upon
Ian Andrew
                Director           expiration of the Oct. 10, 2013    Re-election
                                   office term

                Director           Resignation      Jun. 28, 2013     Personal arrangement

                                   Left upon
Guy Chardon     Director           expiration of the Oct. 10, 2013    Re-election
                                   office term

Xiang Rongwei   Director           Resignation      Jun. 28, 2013     Retirement

                                   Left upon
Yang            Independent
                                   expiration of the Oct. 10, 2013    Re-election
Xiongsheng      Director
                                   office term

                Convener of the
Thomas Joseph
                Board of           Elected          Oct. 10, 2013     Re-election

Sun Tong        Supervisor         Elected          Oct. 10, 2013     Re-election

Wang Quguang    Supervisor         Elected          Sept. 27, 2013    Elected by the Employees Representative Meeting

                                   Left upon
Pei Hanhua      Supervisor         expiration of the Sept. 27, 2013   Left after the re-election of the Board of Supervisors
                                   office term

                                                                      Employment renewed after the re-election of the Board of
Jay Chen        General Manager Hired               Oct. 10, 2013

                Finance Director                                      Employment renewed after the re-election of the Board of
Chin Wee Hua                       Hired            Oct. 10, 2013
                and Deputy GM                                         Directors

                                                                      Newly hired after the re-election of the Board of
Xu Youlan       Board Secretary Hired               Oct. 10, 2013

                                   Left upon
                Board Secretary
Kevin Qin                          expiration of the Oct. 10, 2013    Left after the re-election of the Board of Directors
                and Deputy GM
                                   office term

V. Particulars about changes in core technical team or key technicians during the report period (not
directors, supervisors or senior management)

In order to keep the key technicians to support the development of domestic boiler business, the Company
established the Committee of Technical Experts. The committee commits itself to the development, share and
spread of boiler technology, participating in important technical decision-making and providing necessary

                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

technical support for executing the projects of the Company. In order to expand the boiler island business, the
Company keeps introducing talents in project management and design for the boiler island, who have played a key
role in the design and execution of the boiler island project.

VI. Employees

As of Dec. 31, 2013, there were 1642 in-service employees in the Company, and 1348 retirees for whom the
Company needs to undertake relevant expenses.
1. The composition of profession and education background of in-service employees is listed as follows:

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

2. Employee’s remuneration policy
The Company’s remuneration policy is in line with laws, regulations and relevant management systems of the
Company. Within the reasonable costs scope, it uses the overall remuneration system to attract, incent and retain
the qualified staffs. The overall remuneration system adjusts the salary structure basing on the market data to
ensure the external competitiveness, and enhances the internal fairness through the Company’s internal level
salary matrix. The Company emphasizes the recognition on employee’s contribution through the overall
(integrated) remuneration, which not only reflects through the basic salary but also will include the follows: bonus
and benefit programs in other respects, the employees’ learning & development opportunities and rewards, etc..
The Company made rewards on performance, treated the key talents and outstanding employees differently, so as
to expect the employees to benefit from the Company’s overall business performance and further ensure the
Company’s internal solidarity.

3. Employee’s training plan
The Company had complete training system, promulgated and implemented perfect training plan in the report
period, including the new employee’s orientation training, know-how and skills training, special work training,
management training, Alstom technology transfer training, etc.. And the employees improve their knowledge,
skills and methods after the training, and thus improve their performance, so as to promote the business
development of the Company.

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                      Section VIII Corporate Governance

I. Basic information of corporate governance

The Board of Directors of the Company continuously improved its corporate governance and standardized the
Company’s operation strictly according to the requirements of the Company Law, the Securities Law and other
relevant laws and regulations. In the report period, by launching specific correction activities, the Company
improved many aspects of governance and internal control system, perfected its corporate governance and
normalized operation. The Board of Directors thinks that the actual situation of corporate governance of the
Company is in compliance with the requirements of Guiding Principle on Governing Listed Companies.
(1) About shareholders and Shareholders’ Meeting:
The Company convenes and holds Shareholders’ Meetings according to requirements of Opinions on
Standardization of Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies and Rules of Procedure for the Shareholders’
Meeting of Listed Companies, the Company treats all shareholders equally, especially minority shareholders are
insured to be equally treated and they can fully exercise their lawful rights.
(2) About relationship between controlling shareholder and the Company:
The controlling shareholder complies with laws while exercising their rights as investors through the
Shareholders’ Meeting and doesn’t, directly and indirectly, intervene the Company’s decision-making and
operation through other channels. The human resources, assets, finance, organizations and operations of the
Company are independent from the controlling shareholder. The Company and the controlling shareholder
maintain different financial accounts, and independently undertake commercial liabilities and market risks.
Related transactions between the Company and the controlling shareholder are reasonable and fair, and its
decision-making procedures comply with related regulations. The controlling shareholder doesn’t occupy any
fund of the Company and the Company doesn’t provide any guarantee to the controlling shareholder and its
(3) About directors and the Board of Directors:
The Company elects and engages directors strictly in accordance with procedure on director election, the
Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company, ensuring that the director election is public, just, fair
and independent. The Company ensures that the number and structure of directors is in compliance with
provisions stipulated in laws and regulations. The meetings of the Board of Directors are convened and held
according to the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors perform and
fulfill their duties honestly, diligently and responsibly. The Board of Directors establishes special committees,
each of which performs its own duty and improves the efficiency of the Board of Directors.
(4) About supervisors and the Board of Supervisors:
The Company elects and engages supervisors strictly in accordance with procedure on supervisor election, the
Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company. The Company ensures that the number and structure
of supervisors is in compliance with provisions stipulated in laws and regulations. The Board of Supervisors
inspects and supervises the legitimacy of activities of the Company finance, directors, senior management and
other managers, safeguards the benefits and interests of shareholders.
(5) About information disclosure and its transparency:
Secretary of the Board of Directors is responsible for information disclosure and investor relationship

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

management, including reception of visits and consultations from investors. Securities Times and Hong Kong Ta
Kung Pao are designated by the Company as the newspapers for disclosing relevant information. According to
laws, regulations and requirements of the Management Rules on Information Disclosure of the Company, the
Company discloses the information authentically, accurately, timely and completely to ensure all shareholders
have equal opportunity to acquire information.

During the report period, the Company formulated the Administrative Measures on Preventing Capital Occupation
by the Controlling Shareholder and Related Parties of the Company and the Internal Control Rules on Derivatives
Investment of the Company, and amended relevant contents of the Articles of Association.

Whether it exists any difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant rules of
CSRC or not?
□ Yes √ No
There is no difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant rules of CSRC.

Progress of corporate governance activities, promulgation and implementation of Registration System for
In accordance with the requirements of the Regulation on Establishing the Registration System for Insiders in
Listed Company issued by CSRC (CSRC Announcement [2011] No. 30) and the Notice on Strengthening Inside
Information Management and Improving the Registration System for Insiders issued by Hubei CSRC, and
integrated with the actual situation of the Company, the Board of Directors amended the Insider Dealing Code
(formulated in 2010) in 2012. During the report period, the Company strictly executed the Insider Dealing Code,
and followed the system to truthfully and completely record the name list of all insiders in the aspects of reporting,
transfer, promulgation, review and disclosure before the public disclosure of relevant inside information, and
relevant materials have been submitted and recorded timely. During the report period, the Company and relevant
personnel didn’t receive any monitoring and inspection measures from the regulatory authorities or administrative
punishment due to the execution of Insider Dealing Code or the involvement of inside trading.

II. Particulars about annual shareholders’ meeting and extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held during
the report period

1. Particulars about annual shareholders’ meeting held during the report period

   Session     Convening date                      Proposal                     Resolution    Disclosure date Disclosure index

                                1. 2012 Annual Report and its Summary                                         Announcement
                                Report; 2. 2012 Working Report of the Board    All the                        on Resolutions of
                                of Directors; 3. 2012 Working Report of the    proposals                      2012 Annual
2012 Annual                     Board of Supervisors; 4. 2012 Financial        were                           Shareholders’
Shareholders’ Jun. 28, 2013    Auditing Report; 5. Proposal for 2012 Profit   approved at    Jun. 29, 2013   Meeting of
Meeting                         Distribution; 6. Proposal for 2012 Annual      the meeting                    Wuhan Boiler
                                Remuneration of WBC Board Directors,           and executed                   Company Limited
                                Supervisors and Senior Management; 7.          effectively.                   (Announcement
                                Proposal for Re-engaging Zhonghuan Haihua                                     No.: 2013-029)

                                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                   Certified Public Accountants Co. Ltd. as                                              was published on
                                   Accounting Firm for 2013 and its                                                      Securities Times ,
                                   Remuneration; 8. Proposal for Execution of                                            Ta Kung Pao and
                                   2012 Routine Related Party Transactions and                                           http://www.cninfo
                                   Estimation of 2013 Routine Related Party                                              .com.cn
                                   Transactions; 9. Proposal for Entrusted
                                   Shareholder Loan from Alstom (China)
                                   Investment Co., Ltd. through a Domestic Bank;
                                   10. Proposal for Nomination of Supplementary
                                   Candidate Directors; 11. Proposal for
                                   Amending the Articles of Association.

2. Particulars about extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held during the report period

   Session        Convening date                Proposal                    Resolution         Disclosure date        Disclosure index

                                                                                                                 Announcement on
                                   1. Proposal for Election of the
                                                                                                                 Resolutions of the First
                                   New Session Board of Directors
                                   and Nomination of the Candidate All the
                                                                                                                 Shareholders’ Meeting
The First                          Directors; 2. Proposal for            proposals were
                                                                                                                 2013 of Wuhan Boiler
Extraordinary                      Election of the New Session           approved at the
                 Oct. 10, 2013                                                               Oct. 11, 2013       Company Limited
Shareholders’                     Board of Supervisors and              meeting and
                                                                                                                 (Announcement No.:
Meeting 2013                       Nomination of the Candidate           executed
                                                                                                                 2013-044) was published
                                   Non-Employee Representative           effectively.
                                                                                                                 on Securities Times , Ta
                                   Supervisors; 3. Amendment of
                                                                                                                 Kung Pao and
                                   Articles of Association of WBC

III. Performance of the Independent Directors during the Report Period

1. Particulars about the independent directors attending the Board Meetings and the Shareholders’

                                 Particulars about the independent directors attending the Board Meeting

                                                                                                                          Failing to present
                                                                  Presence by                                             in person for two
Name of independent       Due presence        Presence in                                 Entrusted
                                                                     circulation                          Absence (times) consecutive
      directors              (times)         person (times)                            presence (times)
                                                                      (times)                                             Board Meetings
                                                                                                                          or not

Shen Weixing                             7                    7                    0                  0                 0 No

Tang Guoping                             7                    7                    0                  0                 0 No

Xie Huobao                               2                    2                    0                  0                 0 No

Yang Xiongsheng                          5                    5                    0                  0                 0 No

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Explanation on failing to present in person for two consecutive Board Meetings

2. Particulars about objections proposed by independent directors on relevant events

Whether independent directors propose objection on relevant events or not?
□ Yes √ No
The independent directors didn’t propose objection on relevant events during the report period.

3. Other explanation on performance of independent directors

Whether the advices of independent directors for the Company were adopted or not?
√ Yes □ No
Explanation on the advices of independent directors for the Company being adopted or not adopted
During the report period, three independent directors of the Company all worked no less than 15 working days,
and attended the Shareholders’ Meetings, the Board Meetings and meetings of Special Committees on time, and
they issued their independent opinion on the operation situation and risk management & control of the Company.
In 2013, three independent directors issued their independent opinion on relevant proposals reviewed and
approved by the Board of Directors according to relevant stipulations and requirements, and their advices
proposed at meetings and after meetings were all adopted or replied by the Company.

IV. Performance of the Special Committees under the Board of Directors during the report period

I. Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
(1) The review opinion on the financial statements prepared by the Company before being audited by Union
Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
Board of Directors of the Company,
We have reviewed the financial statements submitted by the Finance Department of the Company, which include
the balance sheet as at Dec. 31, 2013, the income statement, the cash flow statement, the statement of changes in
owners’ equity for the year then ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements. We focused on the
factuality and completeness of the financial information provided according to the New Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and the related financial rules of the Company. Based on our inquiry with relevant financial
personnel and management about the Company’s computational procedures of financial information, we believe
that: all the transactions of the Company were fully recorded and the related materials were complete; the
accounting policies and accounting estimates adopted were suitable and reasonable. Since there is still a time gap
from this preliminary review to the issuance of the first draft of the auditor’s report, we hereby remind the Finance
Department of the Company to strictly follow the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises when
handling events after balance sheet date to ensure the fairness, factuality and completeness of the Financial
                                                                         Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
                                                                                                       Dec. 30, 2013

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

(2) The review opinion on the financial statements of the Company after the preliminary audit opinion was issued
by Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
Board of Directors of the Company,
We have reviewed the preliminary audit opinion issued by Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special
General Partnership) and the financial statements submitted by the Company, which include the balance sheet as
at Dec. 31, 2013, the income statement, the cash flow statement, the statement of changes in owners’ equity for
the year then ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements. Through a further review on accounts records
and vouchers, we maintain our original statement that: in our opinion, the financial statements comply with the
New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the related financial rules of the Company, presenting
fairly the financial position of the Company as at Dec. 31, 2013, as well as the operating results and its cash flows
for the year then ended.
                                                                        Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
                                                                                                      Apr. 10, 2014

(3) The summary report of the audit work performed by Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special
General Partnership)
Board of Directors of the Company,
In accordance with the audit plan of the Company, 8 auditors from Union Power Certified Public Accountants
(Special General Partnership) performed the audit of the 2013 financial statements. The pre-audit communication
commenced on December 10, 2013 and the formal audit on January 7, 2014. The leader of the audit team
conducted effective communication with the Company’s relevant financial personnel, management personnel and
members of the Audit Committee on the subject of consolidation of the Company’s financial statements and
application of the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Such in-depth communication provided all
relevant parties with an adequate understanding of the operation status and financial processes of the Company, as
well as the application of the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, which also provided a
foundation for Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) to draw a fair audit
During the audit, the Audit Committee focused on the following questions when communicating with the auditors:
1. Whether all the transactions were recorded and reported fully, truly and completely;
2. Whether the financial report was produced in accordance with the New Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and the requirements of the securities regulatory authorities;
3. Whether the internal accounting control system of the Company was a sound one;
4. Whether all departments of the Company fully cooperated with the auditors in providing the information
The auditors of Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) gave positive replies
concerning the aforesaid questions and issued a standard unqualified auditor’s report on Apr. 25, 2014. We hold
the opinion that: with the excellent professional skills and reasonable personnel allocation, the auditors
performing the 2013 annual auditing concluded their work in strict compliance with the Independent Auditing
Criteria for Chinese Registered Accountants; the auditor’s report issued presented a true and fair reflection of the
Company’s financial position as at Dec. 31, 2013, operating results and cash flows position for the year then
ended, and the audit conclusion was in compliance with the Company’s actual situation.
                                                                        Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                                                                     Apr. 25, 2014

(4) Resolution of the Audit Committee on continuing to engage Union Power Certified Public Accountants
(Special General Partnership) as auditor for the year 2014
Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) had been serving as the Company’s
annual auditor since the year 1998. And it performed competently and diligently during the 2013 annual auditing.
Therefore, the Audit Committee hereby proposes to renew the engagement of Union Power Certified Public
Accountants (Special General Partnership) as the annual auditor for the year 2014, with an auditing fee of
RMB1.2 million.
The above resolution shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company for examination and 2013
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for examination and approval.
                                                                       Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
                                                                                                   Apr. 25, 2014

II. Duty performance of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors
The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee has reviewed the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior
management disclosed in 2013 Annual Report of the Company, and hereby expresses our opinion as follows:
In our opinion, the current Compensation and Benefit system applied in the Company was set up according to the
stipulated decision-making process. The actual distribution of remunerations for directors, supervisors and senior
management and the corresponding amount disclosed in 2013 Annual Report are authentic and accurate.
                                                Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors
                                                                                                     Apr. 25, 2014

V. Performance of the Board of Supervisors

Whether the Board of Supervisors finds the Company existing risks or not in the supervisory activities during the
report period?
□ Yes √ No
The Board of Supervisors has no objection on the supervised events during the report period.
The Opinion of the Board of Supervisors on Internal Control Evaluation Report:
Pursuant to relevant rules of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, following
principles of internal control and based on WBC’s real situation, WBC well established its internal control
organization, improved its internal control system, executed normal internal control activities and insured the
rationality and legality of internal control system in order to improve the standard operation, maintain healthy
business activities, and protect the safety and completeness of WBC’s assets. Internal control evaluation made by
the Board of Directors, truly and objectively, reflects the real situation of WBC’s internal control work, and the
Board of Supervisors gives a confirmative opinion.

VI. Particulars about the Company’s Independence from the controlling shareholder in respect of
operation, personnel, assets, organization and finance

The Company is independent in personnel, assets, finance, organization and operations from its controlling
shareholder, ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd., and independently responsible for commercial liabilities and

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

market risks.
In Personnel, the Company establishes independent labor, personnel and salaries management systems. No senior
management possesses any position in the controlling shareholder entities.
In assets, the relationship regarding assets ownership between the Company and the controlling shareholder have
been clearly defined, and the controlling shareholder does not in possession of any assets, capital or other
resources of the Company.
In finance, the Company has its own independent financial accounting department with perfect accounting system
and financial management system. Decisions in finance are made according to the stringent requirements of
accounting system for listed companies, and the similar requirements have been applied to subsidiaries of the
Company. The Company has its own independent bank account and its taxations are paid independently in
compliance with legal requirements.
In organization structure, the Company already established independent, integrated and effective operation system
and responsibility of all organizations is clear. The establishment and operation of corporate governance of the
Company was already implemented strictly in accordance with Articles of Association of the Company, which
introduced Independent Director System and established four special committees under the Board. The production,
operation and administration of the Company are completely independent from the controlling shareholder. The
Company already established organization structure suitable for requirement of self-development.
In operation, the Company has independent and integrated business and has capability to self-operate, independent
purchase, sales, and production systems. The purchase, production and sales of raw materials and products are all
conducted through the independent system of the Company. There is no horizontal competition between the
Company and the controlling shareholder in domestic market.

VII. Particulars on horizontal competition

The business scope of Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (the controlling shareholder of the Company) is:
lawfully investing in fields in which foreign investment is permitted by the State; import, export, procurement (as
an agent) and sale (as an agent) of equipments; providing relevant services including training, human resources
management, consultancy, technology, storage, operating lease and etc.; participating in overseas projects from
Chinese enterprises entitled to execute overseas projects.
Since Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. became the controlling shareholder in 2007, the Company has
continued to focus on the China market for business activities and sale of products. As the only boiler manufacture
base of Alstom in China, Alstom committed that all its boilers for the China market will be produced and provided
by the Company. Meantime, according to Alstom’s strategy, Alstom or any of its branch companies/subsidiaries
will not export boilers to China or compete with WBC in China.
Therefore, other Alstom boiler manufacturers will not bid for the same projects with the Company. So far, there is
no horizontal competition between the Company and its controlling shareholder and actual controller in China.
The Company’s related party transactions are in line with the fair and just market principles, and relevant
agreements on related party transactions are signed and executed according to the agreed prices.

VIII. Performance appraisal and incentive mechanism for senior management

Appraisal and incentive mechanism for senior management of the Company made by the Board of Directors is
based on the achievement of annual business target. In accordance with annual business target, the Company pays
annual salary to senior management in line with individual performance review and other appraisal indexes such

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

as operation performance, safety production, diligent and honest administration.

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                           Section IX Internal Control

I. Construction of internal control of the Company

In order to implement the Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant supporting guidelines issued by
the five ministries including the Ministry of Finance and CSRC, as well as relevant requirements and stipulations
of the Document EZJGS Zi [2012] No. 9 issued by Hubei CSRC, the Company has formulated the Work Plan for
Implementing of Internal Control Standards of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as
“Internal Control Plan”). In order to improve internal control, the Company has established an internal control
implementation project team with the Chairman of the Board as the first principal, which is responsible for
deciding the promoting strategy and implementation scope for internal control work, making important decision,
coordinating work and reviewing the work results, promoting and executing detailed work, as well as
summarizing the work results, etc. Meanwhile, the Company has engaged the annual audit firm to help identify
the weaknesses and defects of its internal control, and give relevant advices for improvement, so as to make the
Company’s internal control construction in line with the requirements of the Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal
Control. During the report period, the Company reached the goals in internal control construction according to the
original Internal Control Plan.

II. Statement from the Board of Directors to the responsibility of internal control

The Board of Directors and all directors assured that there are no misstatements, misleading statements or material
omissions in the report, and will take individual and/or joint and several liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy
and completeness of this report. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to establish complete internal
control and conduct efficient implementation; the Board of Supervisors supervises the establishment and
implementation of internal control by the Board of Directors; and the Senior Management is responsible for
organizing and leading the routine operation of internal control for the Company, so as to reasonably guarantee the
legality & compliance of operation management, authenticity and completeness of the financial report and
relevant information for the Company and safety of assets, improve the operating efficiency, promote to realize
the goal of operation and internal control, and establish and perfect the internal control standards, as well as
implement relevant control measures. And it can only provide reasonable guarantee for realizing the above goals
due to the internal control has its inherent limitation.

III. Basis on establishing the internal control for financial report

In order to standardize the management for the financial report of the Company, in accordance with the
Accounting Law, Enterprise Accounting Standards, Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control and the supporting
guidelines as well as other laws, rules and regulations, the Company established a series of finance management
system and corresponding management rules, clearly defining the promulgation of financial report, related party
transactions, the responsibility and authority of departments and positions, so as to ensure the legality, compliance,
authenticity and completeness of the financial report.

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

IV. Internal control self-appraisal report

   Particulars about significant defects of internal control found during the report period in the internal control
                                                  evaluation report
According to the criteria of significant deficiency of the company’s internal control, there was no significant
financial reporting internal control deficiencies, also there were not significant non-financial reporting internal
control deficiencies found on the reference date of internal control evaluation report
Disclosure date of the Internal
                                Apr. 29, 2014
Control Evaluation Report
Disclosure index of the
                            For details about the 2013 Internal Control Evaluation Report, please refer to
Internal Control Evaluation

V. Audit report on internal control

√Applicable □Not applicable
                         Audit opinion paragraphs in the Audit Report on Internal Control

In accordance with Application Guidelines of Corporate Internal Control and Auditing Standards for CICPA, we
have audited the effectiveness of internal control on financial statements of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd (the
‘Company’) as at December 31 2013. We believe that, Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd. maintained efficient internal
control of financial reports in all significant aspects according to ‘Basic Standards of Corporate Internal Control’
and relevant regulations.
Disclosure date of the Audit
                             Apr. 29, 2014
Report on Internal Control
Disclosure index of the Audit For details about the 2013 Audit Report on Internal Control of Wuhan Boiler
Report on Internal Control    Company Limited, please refer to http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Whether the CPA firm issues a non-standard audit report for internal control?
□Yes √No
Does the internal control audit report issued by the CPA firm comply with the internal control evaluation report
prepared by the Board of Directors?
√Yes □No

VI. Establishment and execution of rules of accountability for material mistakes in annual report
information disclosure

No material mistakes in the annual report of the Company were found during the report period.

                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                  Section X Financial Report

I. Auditor’s Report

Type of audit opinion                                              Standard Unqualified Audit Opinion
Date of signing the auditor’s report                              Apr. 25, 2014
                                                                   Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special
Name of audit firm
                                                                   General Partnership)
Number of audit report                                             ZHSZ   (   2014   )   No.010210

Name of registered accountant                                      Wang Mingcui, Li Yanbin
                                                         Auditor’s Report
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd (the ‘Company’), which
comprise the consolidated balance sheet as at December 31 2013, the consolidated income statement, the
consolidated cash flow statement, and the consolidated statement of change in equity, for the year then ended, and
a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
Management's responsibility for the financial statements

Preparation and fair presentation of financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. This responsibility
includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation of these financial statements to
prevent these financial statements from material misstatement arising from fraud or error; selecting and applying proper accounting
policies; and making reasonable accounting estimates.

Auditor's responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audit in accordance
with Auditing Standards for CICPA. Those Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements, plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing audit procedures, so as to obtain audit evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgments, including the assessment of risks of material misstatement of
these financial statements whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessment, we consider internal controls relevant to the
company’s preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in order to design appropriate audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal
controls. An audit also includes assessing the reasonability of accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation.

We believe that the audit evidences we have obtained are sufficient and effective, providing a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements comply with Chinese Accounting Standard (2006), and present fairly in all
material respects the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2013 and the results of its operations
and its cash flows for the year then ended.

Union Power Certified Public Accountants                               CICPA Mingcui Wang

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

(Special General Partnership)                               CICPA Yanbin Li

            Wuhan,     China                                    April 25, 2014

II. Financial statements

Monetary unit of notes to financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Balance as at Dec 31,           Balance as at Dec. 31,
                                                                        2013                             2012
Current assets:
   Monetary funds                                                                10,114,897.11            133,682,569.38

   Deposit reservation for balance
   Outgoing call loans
   Trading financial assets
   Notes receivable                                                           15,000,000.00                16,778,857.08

   Accounts receivable                                                      221,376,068.36                231,207,704.44

   Prepayment                                                                 66,353,048.93               117,776,137.51

   Insurance receivables
   Reinsurance receivables
   Provision of reinsurance contract reserve receivable
   Interest receivable
   Dividend receivable
   Other receivables                                                          58,418,447.82                90,356,030.52

   Financial assets purchased under agreement to resell
   Inventories                                                              134,413,065.46                143,098,165.73

   Non-current assets due within 1-year
   Other current assets
Total current assets                                                        505,675,527.68                732,899,464.66

Non-current assets   :
   Loan and payment on other’s behalf disbursed
   Available-for-sale financial assets
   Investment held to maturity
   Long-term receivables
   Long-term equity investment
                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

  Investment property
  Fixed assets                                                          705,316,090.85        741,586,739.40

  Construction in progress                                                2,245,077.87          1,562,224.98

  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                                                      73,865,912.61         79,968,814.31

  R&D expenses
  Long-term deferred expenses
  Deferred income tax assets                                             52,533,127.61         57,549,250.74

  Other non-current assets                                                   12,137.16          9,810,557.57

Total non-current assets                                                833,972,346.10        890,477,587.00

Total assets                                                           1,339,647,873.78     1,623,377,051.66

Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans                                                     1,629,200,000.00     1,705,000,000.00

  Loans from central bank
  Deposits received and held for others
  Call loans received
  Held-for-trading financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                                                42,532,000.00

  Accounts payable                                                      193,795,670.01        285,438,535.15

  Advance from customers                                                803,079,341.99        796,939,508.66

  Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase
  Fees and commissions payable
  Payroll payable                                                        47,064,533.78         53,438,610.86

  Taxes payable                                                          -30,001,780.39       -94,610,129.10

  Interest payable                                                       12,276,456.15          2,442,575.34

  dividend payable                                                          562,000.00           562,000.00

  Other payables                                                         41,329,411.60         60,502,521.10

  Amount due to reinsurance
  Insurance contract provision
  Entrusted trading of securities

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Amount payable under security underwriting
  Non-current liabilities due within 1-year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities:                                              2,697,305,633.14     2,852,245,622.01

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Provision for liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities                                            5,051,752.88         12,640,416.40

Total non-current liabilities :                                            5,051,752.88         12,640,416.40

Total liabilities                                                       2,702,357,386.02     2,864,886,038.41

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                       297,000,000.00        297,000,000.00

  Capital reserve                                                        174,659,407.46        174,659,407.46

  Less Treasury Stock
  Specific reserve
  Surplus reserve                                                         39,418,356.83         39,418,356.83

  General risk provision
  Retained earnings                                                    -1,874,568,606.42     -1,754,297,302.26

  Foreign exchange difference
  Total owners’ equity attributable to the Company                    -1,363,490,842.13     -1,243,219,537.97

  Minority interests                                                         781,329.89          1,710,551.22

Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                              -1,362,709,512.24     -1,241,508,986.75

Total liabilities & owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                 1,339,647,873.78     1,623,377,051.66

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item             Balance as at Dec 31, 2013 Balance as at Dec. 31, 2012
Current assets:
  Monetary funds                                          8,554,186.69              132,147,573.37

  Trading financial assets
  Notes receivable                                       15,000,000.00               16,778,857.08

  Accounts receivable                                   220,742,468.36              229,913,768.78

  Prepayment                                             66,353,048.93              117,776,137.51

  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable
  Other receivables                                      58,771,441.37               90,643,677.76

  Inventories                                           134,413,065.46              143,098,165.73

  Non-current assets due within 1-year
  Other current assets
Total current assets                                    503,834,210.81              730,358,180.23

Non-current assets :
  Available-for-sale financial assets
  Investment held to maturity
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                            24,984,500.00               24,984,500.00

  Investment property
  Fixed assets                                          705,473,067.84              741,743,716.39

  Construction in progress                                2,245,077.87                1,562,224.98

  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                                      73,865,912.61               79,968,814.31

  R&D expenses
  Long-term deferred expenses

                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

  Deferred income tax assets                              52,533,127.61             57,549,250.74

  Other non-current assets                                   12,137.16               9,810,557.57

Total non-current assets                                 859,113,823.09            915,619,063.99

Total assets                                           1,362,948,033.90          1,645,977,244.22

Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans                                     1,629,200,000.00          1,705,000,000.00

  Trading financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                                     42,532,000.00

  Accounts payable                                      194,231,670.01             285,874,535.15

  Advance from customers                                803,079,341.99             796,939,508.66

  Payroll payable                                         46,894,937.80             53,269,014.88

  Taxes payable                                          -30,001,780.39            -94,610,129.10

  Interest payable                                        12,276,456.15              2,442,575.34

  dividend payable
  Other payables                                          79,014,270.02             97,502,473.86

  Non-current liabilities due within 1-year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities:                             2,734,694,895.58          2,888,949,978.79

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Provision for liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities                            5,051,752.88             12,640,416.40

Total non-current liabilities :                            5,051,752.88             12,640,416.40

Total liabilities                                      2,739,746,648.46          2,901,590,395.19

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
Paid-in capital (or share capital)                      297,000,000.00             297,000,000.00

  Capital reserve                                       174,854,304.12             174,854,304.12

  Less Treasury Stock
  Specific reserve
  Surplus reserve                                         39,418,356.83             39,418,356.83

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

  Retained earnings
  Foreign exchange difference                                     -1,888,071,275.51            -1,766,885,811.92

Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity
Total liabilities & owners’ (or shareholders’) equity           -1,376,798,614.56            -1,255,613,150.97

Current assets:                                                    1,362,948,033.90             1,645,977,244.22

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

3. Consolidated income statement

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                 Jan.-Dec. 2013           Jan.-Dec. 2012
I. Total sales                                                             866,341,650.15        768,602,352.97

Including: Sales                                                           866,341,650.15        768,602,352.97

Interest income
Premium income
Handling charges and commission income
II. Total cost of sales                                                    985,775,250.37        844,573,250.97

Including: Cost of sales                                                   825,885,096.14        711,000,824.88

Interest expenses
Service charge and commission income
Cash surrender value
Claim expenses-net
Provision for insurance contract reserves-net
Insurance policy dividend paid
Reinsurance expense
Business taxes and surcharges                                                                           2,327.80

Distribution expenses                                                        18,062,876.92        10,133,514.15

Administrative expenses                                                      36,353,657.57        37,329,564.50

Financial costs                                                              94,292,314.53        95,286,825.34

Impairment loss                                                              11,181,305.21         -9,179,805.70

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss)                     -67,448.47         2,356,173.93

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)
Including: income from investment on associates and joint
Foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                    -119,501,048.69          -73,614,724.07

Add: non-business income                                                        3,453,922.65         2,032,117.39

Less: non-business expense                                                       137,276.32               12,605.96

Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                                  126,100.98                4,605.96

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                        -116,184,402.36          -71,595,212.64

Less: income tax expense                                                        5,016,123.13        23,333,169.80

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                           -121,200,525.49          -94,928,382.44

Including: net profit achieved by the merged parties before
business mergers
Attributable to owners of the Company                                      -120,271,304.16          -94,341,156.10

Minority interest income                                                        -929,221.33           -587,226.34

VI. Earnings per share                                                     --                        --

(I) Basic earnings per share                                                            -0.4                  -0.32

(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                         -0.4                  -0.32

VII. Other comprehensive income
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                           -121,200,525.49          -94,928,382.44

     Attributable to owners of the Company                                 -120,271,304.16          -94,341,156.10

     Attributable to minority shareholders                                      -929,221.33           -587,226.34

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

4. Income statement of the Company

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Item                                 Jan.-Dec. 2013           Jan.-Dec. 2012
I. Total sales                                                             866,341,650.15          768,602,352.97

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Less: cost of sales                                                          825,885,096.14           711,000,824.88

Business taxes and surcharges                                                                               2,327.80

Distribution expenses                                                          18,062,876.92           10,133,514.15

Administrative expenses                                                        36,277,648.88           37,300,811.76

Financial costs                                                                94,298,028.94           95,293,185.66

Impairment loss                                                                11,241,631.93           -9,554,385.60

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss)                        -67,448.47         2,356,173.93

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                                        -14,249,787.13

Including: income from investment on associates and joint
II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                       -119,491,081.13          -87,467,538.88

Add: non-business income                                                           3,453,922.65         7,911,323.95

Less: non-business expense                                                          132,181.98              4,605.96

Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                                     126,100.98              4,605.96

III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                         -116,169,340.46          -79,560,820.89

Less: income tax expense                                                           5,016,123.13        23,333,169.80

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                            -121,185,463.59         -102,893,990.69

V. Earnings per share                                                         --                       --

(I) Basic earnings per share
(II) Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other comprehensive income
VII. Total comprehensive income                                              -121,185,463.59         -102,893,990.69

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Item                                    Jan.-Dec. 2013          Jan.-Dec. 2012
1. Cash flows from operating activities
     Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services                  639,989,168.02         940,865,347.60

     Net increase of deposits received and held for others
                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

     Net increase of loans from central bank
      Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial
     Cash received against original insurance contracts
     Cash received from reinsurance
     Net increase of client deposit and investment
     Net increase of disposal of held-for-trading financial assets
     Cash received as interest, fees and commissions
     Net increase of inter-bank fund received
     Net increase of cash received under repurchasing
     Tax returned                                                             103,602,793.50      29,758,508.09

     Other cash received from operating activities                              5,734,768.98

     Sub-total of cash inflow from operating activities                       749,326,730.50     970,623,855.69

     Cash paid for goods and services                                         494,325,967.21     681,375,346.53

     Net increase of loans and advances
     Net increase of deposit in central bank, banks and other
financial institutions
     Cash paid for original contract claim
     Cash paid for interest, fees and commissions
     Cash paid for policy dividend
     Cash paid to and for employees                                           160,389,112.31     166,253,988.19

     Cash paid for all types of taxes                                           2,913,266.29       9,775,149.13

     Other cash paid relating to operating activities                          39,961,404.79      29,535,514.68

     Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                     697,589,750.60     886,939,998.53

     Net cash flows from operating activities                                  51,736,979.90      83,683,857.16

2. Cash flows from investing activities
     Cash received from retraction of investment
     Cash received from investment income
     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                 486,025.07            9,401.71
assets and other long-term assets
    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units
     Other cash received relating to investing activities                        226,407.11         162,529.26

     Sub-total of cash inflows of investing activities                           712,432.18         171,930.97

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and          17,782,828.00      21,131,303.38

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

other long-term assets
     Cash paid for acquisition of investments
     Net increase of pledge loans
    Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other
operating units
     Other cash paid relating to investing activities                                               416,905.07

     Sub-total of cash outflows of investing activities                        17,782,828.00      21,548,208.45

     Net cash flow from investing activities                                   -17,070,395.82    -21,376,277.48

3. Cash flows from financing activities
     Cash received from investment
     Including: cash received from minority shareholders of
     Cash received from borrowings                                           1,041,000,000.00    959,000,000.00

     Cash received from bonds issuing
     Other cash received relating to financing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows of financing activities                       1,041,000,000.00    959,000,000.00

     Cash paid for repayment of borrowings                                   1,116,800,000.00    817,000,000.00

     Cash paid for dividends, profit distribution or interest                  84,975,660.00      91,036,195.50

     Including: dividends or profits paid to minority shareholders
by subsidiaries
     Other cash paid relating to financing activities
     Sub-total of cash outflows of financing activities                      1,201,775,660.00    908,036,195.50

     Net cash flow from financing activities                                 -160,775,660.00      50,963,804.50

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                3,321,247.85      -2,588,361.86
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 -122,787,828.07     110,683,022.32

     Add: cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of this period           131,071,052.35      20,388,030.03

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of this period                          8,283,224.28     131,071,052.35

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

6. Cash flows statement of the Company

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Item                                   Jan.-Dec. 2013        Jan.-Dec. 2012
1. Cash flows from operating activities
     Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services               639,279,168.02        940,775,347.60

     Tax returned                                                           103,602,793.50         29,758,508.09

     Other cash received from operating activities                             5,734,768.98

     Sub-total of cash inflow from operating activities                     748,616,730.50        970,533,855.69

     Cash paid for goods and services                                       494,325,967.21        681,375,346.53

     Cash paid to and for employees                                          160,389,112.31       166,253,988.19

     Cash paid for all types of taxes                                          2,913,266.29         9,775,149.13

     Other cash paid relating to operating activities                         39,271,316.79        29,535,514.68

     Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                   696,899,662.60        886,939,998.53

     Net cash flows from operating activities                                 51,717,067.90        83,593,857.16

2. Cash flows from investing activities
     Cash received from retraction of investment
     Cash received from investment income
     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                486,025.07              9,401.71
assets and other long-term assets
    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units
     Other cash received relating to investing activities                       220,604.70            155,848.94

     Sub-total of cash inflows of investing activities                          706,629.77            165,250.65

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                              17,782,828.00        21,131,303.38
other long-term assets
     Cash paid for acquisition of investments
    Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other
operating units
     Other cash paid relating to investing activities                                                 416,585.07

     Sub-total of cash outflows of investing activities                       17,782,828.00        21,547,888.45

     Net cash flow from investing activities                                 -17,076,198.23        -21,382,637.80

3. Cash flows from financing activities
     Cash received from investment
     Cash received from borrowings                                         1,041,000,000.00       959,000,000.00

     Other cash received relating to financing activities
                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

     Sub-total of cash inflows of financing activities
     Cash paid for repayment of borrowings                                 1,041,000,000.00      959,000,000.00

     Cash paid for dividends, profit distribution or interest              1,116,800,000.00      817,000,000.00

     Other cash paid relating to financing activities                        84,975,660.00        91,036,195.50

     Sub-total of cash outflows of financing activities
     Net cash flow from financing activities                               1,201,775,660.00      908,036,195.50

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                            -160,775,660.00       50,963,804.50
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                   3,321,247.85       -2,588,361.86

     Add: cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of this period         -122,813,542.48      110,586,662.00

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of this period                      129,536,056.34        18,949,394.34

1. Cash flows from operating activities                                        6,722,513.86      129,536,056.34

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                   Dec 31,2013
                                                               Owners’ equity attributable to the Company
                                                                                                                                                              Total owners’
                                                                     Less:   Paid-in                                                   Capit   interests
              Item                                                                                       Less:                                                   equity
                                     Paid-in capital                 Treas   capital     Capital                  Paid-in capital        al     Less:
                                                     Capital reserve                                    Treasur                                               Paid-in capital
                                     (share capital)                  ury     (share     reserve                  (share capital)      reser   Treasury
                                                                                                        y stock                                               (share capital)
                                                                     stock   capital)                                                   ve      stock

I. Balance at the end of 2011         297,000,000.00   174,659,407.46                   39,418,356.83              -1,754,297,302.26           1,710,551.22    -1,241,508,986.75

  Plus: change in accounting
  Correction of       errors    in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                      297,000,000.00   174,659,407.46                   39,418,356.83              -1,754,297,302.26           1,710,551.22    -1,241,508,986.75
this year
III. Increase/ decrease during
                                                                                                                     -120,271,304.16            -929,221.33     -121,200,525.49
this report period (“-”for loss)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                     -120,271,304.16            -929,221.33     -121,200,525.49

   (II) Other comprehensive
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                           -120,271,304.16            -929,221.33     -121,200,525.49

  (III) Contributions and
decrease of capital by owners

                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
   1. Contributions by owners
   2. Amount paid by stock
and included in owners’ equity
   3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
   1. Surplus reserve accrued
    2. General risk provision
    3. Distribution to owners
 (or shareholders)
   4. Others
  (V) Transfer within owners'
    1.      Capital      reserve
transferred to capital (or share
    2.     Surplus       reserve
transferred to capital (or share
    3.      Surplus      reserve
offsetting losses
   4. Others
  ( ) Specific reserve
     1.   Withdrawn    in    this
                                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
    2. Used in this period
  (VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of 2012   297,000,000.00   174,659,407.46   39,418,356.83   -1,874,568,606.42      781,329.89   -1,362,709,512.24

                                                                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                  Dec 31,2012
                                                                 Owners’ equity attributable to the Company                                      Minority
                                                                                                                                                  interests      Total owners’
                                                                                                                                                   Less:            equity
              Item                                                               Paid-in                    Less:                         Capit
                                                                          Less:                                                                   Treasury       Paid-in capital
                                     Paid-in capital                             capital     Capital        Treas   Paid-in capital         al
                                                         Capital reserve Treasur                                                                   stock         (share capital)
                                     (share capital)                              (share     reserve         ury    (share capital)       reser
                                                                         y stock                                                                   Less:         Paid-in capital
                                                                                 capital)                   stock                          ve
                                                                                                                                                  Treasury       (share capital)
I. Balance at the end of 2010           297,000,000.00     174,659,407.46                   39,418,356.83             -1,659,956,146.16           2,297,777.56    -1,146,580,604.31

  Plus:         retrospective
adjustment due to business
combinations under the same
  Plus: change in accounting
  Correction of       errors    in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                        297,000,000.00     174,659,407.46                   39,418,356.83             -1,659,956,146.16           2,297,777.56    -1,146,580,604.31
this year
III. Increase/ decrease during
                                                                                                                        -94,341,156.10             -587,226.34       -94,928,382.44
this report period (“-”for loss)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                        -94,341,156.10             -587,226.34       -94,928,382.44

                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
   (II) Other comprehensive
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)             -94,341,156.10        -587,226.34    -94,928,382.44

  (III) Contributions and
decrease of capital by owners
   1. Contributions by owners
   2. Amount paid by stock
and included in owners’ equity
   3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
   1. Surplus reserve accrued
    2. General risk provision
    3. Distribution to owners
 (or shareholders)
   4. Others
  (V) Transfer within owners'
    1.      Capital      reserve
transferred to capital (or share
    2.     Surplus       reserve
transferred to capital (or share
   3.      Surplus       reserve
                                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
offsetting losses
   4. Others
  ( ) Specific reserve
     1.   Withdrawn    in     this
     2. Used in this period
  (VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of 2011       297,000,000.00   174,659,407.46   39,418,356.83     -1,754,297,302.26      1,710,551.22   -1,241,508,986.75

                                                                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                               Dec. 31, 2013
                                                                                   Owner      Minority
                                                       Minority                       s’     interests
                                                                        Paid-in                               Total owners’ equity                         Minority interests
                                                       interests                   equity      Less:
                                   Owners’ equity                      capital                               Paid-in capital (share Owners’ equity             Less:
               Item                                    Less:                       attribut   Treasury
                                   attributable to                       (share                                      capital)        attributable to the     Treasury stock
                                                   Treasury stock                  able to     stock
                                    the Company                         capital)                              Paid-in capital (share      Company                Less:
                                                       Less:                         the       Less:
                                                                        Paid-in                                      capital)                                Treasury stock
                                                   Treasury stock                  Compa      Treasury
                                                                                      ny       stock
I. Balance at the end of 2011         297,000,000.00   174,854,304.12                         39,418,356.83                             -1,766,885,811.92      -1,255,613,150.97

  Plus: change in accounting

                                                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
  Correction of errors in previous
II. Balance at the beginning of this
                                         297,000,000.00   174,854,304.12   39,418,356.83                       -1,766,885,811.92   -1,255,613,150.97
III. Increase/ decrease during this
                                                                                                                -121,185,463.59     -121,185,463.59
report period (“-”for loss)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                -121,185,463.59     -121,185,463.59

   (II) Other       comprehensive
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                      -121,185,463.59     -121,185,463.59

   (III) Contributions and decrease
of capital by owners
   1. Contributions by owners
    2. Amount paid by stock and
included in owners’ equity
   3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
   1. Surplus reserve accrued
    2. General     risk      provision
   3. Distribution to owners (or
   4. Others

                                                                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
  (V) Transfer within owners'
    1. Capital reserve transferred
to capital (or share capital)
    2. Surplus reserve transferred
to capital (or share capital)
    3. Surplus reserve offsetting
   4. Others
  ( ) Specific reserve
    1. Withdrawn in this period
    2. Used in this period
  (VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of 2012         297,000,000.00   174,854,304.12                         39,418,356.83                             -1,888,071,275.51      -1,376,798,614.56

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                Dec. 31, 2012

                                                                           Total    Owner      Minority
                                                        Minority         owners’      s’     interests
                                                                                                               Total owners’ equity                         Minority interests
                                                        interests         equity    equity      Less:
                                     Owners’ equity                                                           Paid-in capital (share Owners’ equity             Less:
                 Item                                    Less:           Paid-in    attribut   Treasury
                                     attributable to                                                                  capital)        attributable to the     Treasury stock
                                                     Treasury stock      capital    able to     stock
                                      the Company                                                              Paid-in capital (share      Company                Less:
                                                         Less:            (share      the       Less:
                                                                                                                      capital)                                Treasury stock
                                                     Treasury stock      capital)   Compa      Treasury
                                                                         Paid-in       ny       stock

                                                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
I. Balance at the end of 2010          297,000,000.00   174,854,304.12              39,418,356.83                       -1,663,991,821.23   -1,152,719,160.28

  Plus: change in accounting
  Correction of errors in previous
II. Balance at the beginning of this
                                       297,000,000.00   174,854,304.12              39,418,356.83                       -1,663,991,821.23   -1,152,719,160.28
III. Increase/ decrease during this
                                                                                                                         -102,893,990.69     -102,893,990.69
report period (“-”for loss)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                         -102,893,990.69     -102,893,990.69

   (II) Other       comprehensive
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                               -102,893,990.69     -102,893,990.69

   (III) Contributions and decrease
of capital by owners
   1. Contributions by owners
    2. Amount paid by stock and
included in owners’ equity
   3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
   1. Surplus reserve accrued
                                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
    2. General    risk   provision
   3. Distribution to owners (or
   4. Others
  (V) Transfer within owners'
    1. Capital reserve transferred
to capital (or share capital)
    2. Surplus reserve transferred
to capital (or share capital)
    3. Surplus reserve offsetting
   4. Others
  ( ) Specific reserve
    1. Withdrawn in this period
    2. Used in this period
  (VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of 2011       297,000,000.00   174,854,304.12   39,418,356.83                       -1,766,885,811.92   -1,255,613,150.97

                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard

Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

III. Company profile

Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd. (the ‘Company’) was established by Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd. (the ‘Group’) with the exclusive
operating assets of boiler manufacturing in September 1997 and listed in B share market in April 1998. When it was first established,
the total number of issued shares outstanding of the Company was 297,000,000. The ‘Group’ held 172,000,000 shares accounting for
57.91% of total issued equity, and the public shareholders (Domestically listed share in foreign currency) held 125,000,000 shares
accounting for 42.09% of total shareholding. The Company's B-shares listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Company
obtained the corporate business license documented as Qi Gu Er Zong Fu Zi No.002591 on November 16, 1998. The Group
transferred its 51% shareholding of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd to Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd in 2007 with approval of
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. The share transfer procedures were completed
in August 2007. As at December 31, 2013, Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd. and public
shareholders held 151,470,000 shares, 20,530,000 shares and 125,000,000 shares respectively, accounting for 51%, 6.91% and
42.09% of total shareholding respectively.

1.    The register capital of the Company is 297,000,000.00.

2.    No.1 LiuFangYuan Road, Donghu New Technology Development District, Wuhan, Hubei.

3.    Business scope of the Company is researching, designing, developing and manufacturing and selling of types I, II, III pressure

vessels, power station boilers, special boilers, auxiliary boilers, and desulfurization equipment and so on. The Company is a big

boiler manufacturing enterprise and the main operating activities are in China. The major customer markets of the Company are

various power plants and power stations. Certain products are auxiliary equipments and pressure vessels target refineries and

chemical enterprises. The Company produces three categories products: power station boilers, special boilers and other products.

Power station boils are used in power stations. Special boilers are designed and manufactured according to customers’ profit and loss

balance combustion technology or specific requirement of fuel, which is energy saving and environment friendly. The special boilers

include alkali recovery boilers, circulating fluidized bed boilers, bagasse-fired boilers, the stand vertical-burning boilers, liquid

slag-off boilers, and waste heat boilers and so on.

4.    The parent company of the Company is Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd. The parent company of Alstom (China)

Investment Co., Ltd.is Alstom Holdings.

5.    These financial statements were authorised for issue in accordance with the resolution of the 5th

Meeting of the 6th section of Board of Director on April 25, 2014.

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
IV. Main accounting policies and estimates as well as correction of previous accounting errors

1. Basic of preparation of financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared on the basic assumption of going concern and on the accrual basis of accounting. The

events and other transactions actually occurred, recorded and measured in accordance with the Chinese Accounting Standards (2006),

Framework and other accounting standards.

2. Declaration of following the accounting standard

The financial statements prepared by the Company truly and completely reflect the financial position, operation

result, change in equity and cash flow of the Company.

3. Fiscal year

The accounting period of the Group is from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.

4. Reporting currency

Renminbi (RMB) is used as the reporting currency.

5. Accounting method of business combination under the same control and not under the same control

(1) Business combination under the same control

The Company adopts equity method for business combination under same control. The assets and liabilities that the combining party

obtained in a business combination shall be measured on their carrying amount in the combined party’s book on the combining date.

The difference between the carrying amount of net assets acquired by the combining party and the carrying amount of the

consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued) shall be adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not

sufficient for adjustment, retained earnings are adjusted respectively. The business combination costs that are directly attributable to

the combination, such as audit fees, valuation fees, and legal service fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during the current

period when they occurred. The bonds issued and other liabilities assumed for a business combination or the handling fees,

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

commissions and shall be recorded in the amount of initial measurement of the bonds or other debts. The handling fees, commissions

and other expenses for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination shall be credited against the surplus of equity

securities; if the surplus is not sufficient, the retained earnings shall be offset. Where a relationship between a parent company and a

subsidiary company is formed due to a business combination, the parent company shall, on the combining date, prepare consolidated

financial statements according to the accounting policy of the Company.

(2) Business combination not under the same control

The Company adopts acquisition method for business combination not under same control. The acquirer shall recognize the initial

cost of combination under the following principles:

a)     When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business combination is the

aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by

the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree;

b)     For the business combination involved more than one exchange transactions, equity investment in acquiree held by acquirer

before the acquisition date shall be disclosed differently in separate and consolidated financial statements:

     i.On separate financial statements, both carrying amount of equity investment in acquiree held by acquirer before the acquisition

      date and the increase in the cost of equity investment on that date, shall be included in the initial investment costs; on disposal of

      the equity investment, any related other comprehensive income(e.g. available-for-sale financial assets at fair value through

      capital reserve), shall be transferred to investment income in the period, if equity investment in acquiree held by acquirer before

      the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income.

     ii.On consolidated financial statements, equity investment in acquiree held by acquirer before the acquisition date, shall be

      revalued at fair value on that date, and the difference shall be included in investment income in the period; any related other

      comprehensive income shall be transferred to investment income in the period on the acquisition date, if equity investment in

      acquiree held by acquirer before the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income. Moreover, the acquirer shall

      disclose the fair value of this equity investment on the acquisition date and related profit or loss recognized from the revaluation

      in the notes.

c)     The business combination costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such as audit fees, valuation fees, legal service

fees and other administration cost should be recognized in profit or loss during the current period when they occurred; commissions

and other expenses for the issuance of equity or debt securities for the business combination, shall be recognized as the initial

recognition amounts of equity or debt securities

d)     Where a business combination contract or agreement provides for a future event which may adjust the cost of combination, the

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost of the combination at the acquisition date if the future event leading

to the adjustment is probable and the amount of the adjustment can be measured reliably.

The acquirer shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed by an enterprise for a business

combination in light of their fair value, and shall record the balances between them and their carrying amounts into the profits and

losses at the current period.

The acquirer shall distribute the combination costs on the acquisition date, and shall recognize all identifiable assets, liabilities and

contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquiree. (1) the acquirer shall recognize the difference that the combination costs are over

the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree as goodwill; (2) if the combination costs are less than the fair value

of the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree, the acquirer shall reexamine the measurement of the fair values of the

identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; and then after the

reexamination, the result is still the same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss of the current period.

Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a business combination, the parent

company shall prepare accounting books for future reference, which shall record the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities

and contingent liabilities obtained from the subsidiary company on the acquisition date. When preparing consolidated financial

statements, it shall adjust the financial statements of the subsidiary company on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets,

liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the acquisition date according to the Company’s accounting policy of

‘Consolidated financial statement’.

6. Basis of consolidation

(1)   Scope of consolidation

The scope of consolidated financial statements includes all subsidiaries of the parent.

When the parent owns, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, more than half of the voting rights of Investee Company, the

investee company is regarded as a subsidiary and included in the consolidated financial statements. If the parent owns half or less of

the voting rights of an entity when there is any following condition incurred, the investee company is regarded as a subsidiary and

included in the consolidated financial statements.

A.    power over more than half of the voting rights by virtue of an agreement with other investors;

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

B.    power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity under a statute or an agreement;

C.    power to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board of directors or equivalent governing body;

D.    Power to cast the majority of votes at meetings of the board of directors or equivalent governing body and control of the entity

is by that board or body.

If there are evidences suggesting that no control of investee company exists, the investee company cannot be included in the

consolidated financial statements.

(2)   Principle of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of subsidiaries which are included in the consolidation

scope and prepared after adjustment of long-term equity investment under equity method and elimination effect of intragroup


(3)   Minority interests

The portion of the equity of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as minority interest in the consolidated

balance sheet.

The portion of the profit or loss of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as minority interest in the

consolidated income statement.

(4)   Excess losses

In the consolidated financial statement, when the proportion of minority’s obligation for the current subsidiaries’ losses exceeds the

equity hold by theses minority shareholder, the excess amount should still offset minority’s interest.

(5)   Increase or decrease of the subsidiaries

For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same control, when the consolidated balance

sheet for the current period is being prepared, the beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet are made corresponding

modification. For addition business combination not under same control during the reporting period, the Company makes no

adjustment for the beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet. When disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, the

Company makes no adjustment for the beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet.

For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same control, when the consolidated income

statement for the current period is being prepared, sales, expense and profit for the period from the beginning of the consolidated

period to the year end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated income statement, and cash flows for the period from

the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated cash-flow statement.

For addition business combination not under same control during the reporting period, revenue, expense and profit for the period

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

from acquisition date to the year end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated income statement, and cash flows for the

period from acquisition date to the year end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated cash-flow statement. When

disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, sales, expense and profit for the period from the beginning to the disposal date are

included in the consolidated income statement, and cash flows for the period from the beginning to the disposal date are included in

the consolidated cash-flow statement.

When losing the control right of the original subsidiary owing to the disposing of party equity investment or other reasons, for the

remaining equity investment after the disposing, should be re-measured according to the fair value of the date of losing the control

right. The difference of the sum between the consideration of disposing the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity that

minus the balance between the shares of net assets that gained from the original subsidiaries by continuously calculation according

the original shareholding ratio since the purchasing date should be accrued into the current investment benefits of losing the control

right. The other comprehensive benefits related to the equity investment of the original subsidiaries should be transferred into the

current investment benefits when losing the control right.

The difference between the newly gained long-term equity investment owning to the purchasing of the minority equities and the net

identifiable assets gained from the subsidiaries according to the newly increased shareholding ratio, and the difference between the

dispose of remuneration which gained from the partly depose of the equity investment of the subsidiaries under the situation of not

losing the control right and the corresponding shares of net assets from the subsidiaries when disposing the long-term equity

investment, should both be adjusted to the share premium of the capital surplus of the consolidate balance sheet. If the share premium

of the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted respectively.

7. Cash and cash equivalent

Cash equivalent is defined as the short-term (normally matured within three months after purchased date), highly-liquid investment

which is easily transferred into cash and has low risk of change of value.

8. Foreign currency translations

Any transaction is converted into the reporting currency according to the approximate exchange rate of the spot rate on the

occurrence date of the transaction.

(1) Foreign currency exchange difference

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

On balance sheet date, the Company accounts for monetary and non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies as follows: a)

monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date.

Foreign exchange gains and losses arising from the difference between the balance sheet date exchange rate and the exchange rate

ruling at the time of initial recognition or the exchange rate ruling at the last balance sheet date are recognized in income statement; b)

Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the current exchange rates

ruling at the transaction dates. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are stated at fair value are translated using

the current exchange rates ruling at the dates the fair value was determined, the difference between the amount of functional currency

after translation and the original amount of functional currency is treated as part of change in fair value (including change in

exchange rate) and recognized in income statement. During the capitalization period, exchange differences arising from foreign

currency borrowings are capitalized as part of the cost of the capitalized assets.

(2) Translations of financial statements in foreign currencies

The Company translates the financial statements of its foreign operation in accordance with the following provisions: a) the asset and

liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Among the owner's

equity items, except the ones as ‘retained earnings’, others shall be translated at the spot exchange rate ruling at the time when they

occurred; b) The income and expense items in the income statements shall be translated with approximate exchange rate of the spot

rate on the transaction occurring date. The foreign exchange difference arisen from the translation of foreign currency financial

statements shall be presented separately under the owner's equity in the balance sheet. The translation of comparative financial

statements shall be subject to the aforesaid provisions.

9. Recognition and measurement of financial instrument

The Company recognizes a financial asset or financial liability on its balance sheet when, and only when, the Company becomes a

contractual party of the financial instrument

(1)   Classification and measurement of financial assets

①    The Company classifies the financial assets into the following four categories: a) financial assets at fair value through profit or

loss; b) held-to-maturity investments; c) loans and receivables; and d) available-for-sale financial assets.

②    The financial assets are initially recognized at fair value. Gains or losses arising from a change in the fair value of a financial

asset at fair value through profit or loss is recognized in profit or loss when it incurs and relevant transaction costs are recognized as

expense when it incurs. For other financial assets, the transaction costs are recognized as costs of the financial assets.

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

③      Measurement of financial assets

A. A financial asset at fair value through profit or loss includes financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated by the

Company as at fair value through profit or loss. The Company subsequently measures the financial asset at fair value through profit

or loss at fair value and recognizes the gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of a financial asset at fair value through

profit or loss as profit or loss in the current period.

B. Held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. A gain or loss is recognized in

profit or loss during the current period when the financial asset is derecognized or impaired and through the amortization process.

C. Loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. A gain or loss is recognized in profit or

loss during the current period when the financial asset is derecognized or impaired and through the amortization process.

D. Available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value and the gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of

available-for-sale financial assets is recognized as capital reserve which is transferred into profit or loss when it is impaired or

derecognized. Interests or cash dividends during the holding period are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

④      Impairment of financial assets

A.      The Company assesses the carrying amount of the financial assets except the financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

at each balance sheet date, if there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired, the

Company shall recognize impairment loss.

B. The objective evidences that the Company uses to determine the impairment are as follows:

a significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor;
b)   a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;

c the lender, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, grants to the borrower a concession that the
lender would not otherwise consider;

)    it becomes probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial re-organization;

e the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties;
f observable data indicates that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a group of financial assets
since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified with the individual financial assets in the

group, including: (i) Adverse changes in the payment status of borrowers in the group or (ii) an increase in the unemployment rate in

the geographical area of the borrowers, a decrease in property prices for mortgages in the relevant area, or adverse changes in

industry conditions that affect the borrowers.

                                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

g significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in
which the borrower operates, and indicates that the cost of the investment in the equity instrument may not be recovered;

h   )   a significant or non-temporary decrease in fair value of equity investment instruments;

i    other objective evidences show the impairment of the financial assets.

C. Measurement of impairment loss of financial assets

a Held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on loans and receivables or held-to-maturity investments carried at amortised

cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value

of estimated future cash flows. The amount of the loss is recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

The Company assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are individually

significant, and individually or collectively for financial assets that are not individually significant. If the Company determines that

no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the

asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that

are individually assessed for impairment and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognised are not included in a

collective assessment of impairment.

If in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event

occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss of financial asset measured at amortized

cost is reversed. The amount of the reversal is recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

b   )   Available-for-sale financial assets

When a decline in the fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset has been recognised directly in equity, the cumulative loss

that has been recognized directly in equity is removed from equity and recognised in profit or loss even though the financial asset has

not been derecognised.

If there is an objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equity instrument that is not carried at fair

value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured, or on a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of

such an unquoted equity instrument, the amount of the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the carrying amount of

the financial asset and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar

                                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

financial asset. Such impairment losses are recognised in the profit or loss of the current period.

If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available for sale increases and the increase can be

objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in profit or loss, the impairment loss is reversed,

with the amount of the reversal recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

Impairment losses recognised in profit or loss for an investment in an equity instrument classified as available for sale is not reversed

through profit or loss. For impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equity instrument that is not carried at fair value

because its fair value cannot be reliably measured, or on a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an

unquoted equity instrument, the impairment loss is not reversed through profit or loss.

(2)     Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

①   The Company's financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, and other financial


②   Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. For the financial liability at fair value through profit or loss at its fair value,

relevant transaction costs are recognised as expense when it incurred. For the other financial liabilities, relevant transaction costs are

recongnised as costs.

③   Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities

A. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and financial assets designated

by the Company as at fair value through profit or loss. The Company recognises a financial liability at fair value through profit or

loss at its fair value. A gain or loss of change in fair value is recognised in the profit or loss of the current period.

B. Other financial liabilities are measured by amortised cost using effective interest rate.

(3)     Recognition of fair value of financial instrument

If there is an active market for the financial instrument, the fair value is quoted prices in the active market.

If the market for a financial instrument is not active, the Company establishes fair value by using a valuation technique.

(5)     Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer

The Company derecognises financial assets when the Company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the

financial assets. On derecognition of a financial asset in its entirety, the difference between the follows is recognised in profit or loss

of the current period.

①   the carrying amount of transferring financial assets;

②   the sum of the consideration received and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised directly in equity (including

                                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

financial assets transferred to available for sale category).

If the transferred asset is part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies for derecognition in its entirety, the previous

carrying amount of the larger financial asset is allocated between the part that continues to be recognised and the part that is

derecognised, based on the relative fair values of those parts on the date of the transfer. The difference between the follows is

recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

①   the carrying amount allocated to the part derecognised;

②   the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to it that had been

recognised directly in equity (including financial assets transferred to available for sale category).

A cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised in equity is allocated between the part that continues to be recognised and the part

that is derecognised, based on the relative fair values of those parts.

If a transfer does not qualify for derecognition, the Company continues to recognise the transferred asset in its entirety and shall

recognize a financial liability for the consideration received.

When the Company continues to recognise a financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement, the Company also recognises

an associated liability. The transferred asset and the associated liability are measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations

that the Company has retained.

10. Recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivables

(1) Recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for the individually significant receivables
Judgement basis or monetary standards of provision                              Top 5 account receivables at year end.
       for bad debts of the individually significant
        Method of provision for bad debts of the           The impairment test is carried on individually for each individually significant
           individually significant receivables            receivable.

                                                           A.     If there are substantive evidences indicating that a receivable has been
                                                           impaired, a provision for bad debts should be made.
                                                           B.     If a receivable is found not to be individually impaired, it should be
                                                           included in a group of similar credit risk characteristics receivables and a
                                                           collective assessment of impairment should be made.

(2) Recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for groups of receivables

Recognition of groups of receivables

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
      Names of group                                              Basis of recognition
                          Besides the receivables which are individually impaired, the Company determines measurement
                          of bad debt provision for groups of receivables on the basis of analyzing actual situation, and
         Group A
                          assessing the same or similar actual impairment rate of groups of receivables with similar credit
                          risk characteristics, which classified by aging in previous periods.

                          Receivables with confirmed letter credit or guarantee from the bank and provision for sales tax
         Group B
                          which is to be paid as stipulated in contract are not classified as provision for bad debts.

Measurement of bad debt provision for groups of receivables

      Names of group                                                 Measurement

         Group A                                                Aging analysis method

         Group B                                                  No bad debt provision

The aging analysis method for groups of receivables

                                                         Proportion of Accounts                        Proportion of Other
               Aging of receivables
                                                              receivables (%)                            receivables (%)

         Within 1 year (including 1 year)                              3                                          3

           1-2 years(including 2 years)                                3                                          3

           2-3 years(including 3 years)                                6                                          6

           3-4 years(including 4 years)                               20                                         20

           4-5 years(including 5 years)                               20                                         20

                   Over 5 years                                      100                                         100

(3) Receivables which are not significant, but still need individually recognition of bad debt provision.

        Reason          If there are substantive evidences shown there is a special impairment of insignificant receivables, then they

                        need individually impairment tests.

        Method          Measurement of the percentage of bad debts provision is based on current situation.

11. Inventory

(1)     Inventories are asset items held for sale in the ordinary course of business or goods that will be used or consumed in the

production of goods to be sold. They are divided into the following categories: Raw materials, finished goods in stock, assets for

construction contract in progress and so on.

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(2)     Recognition of inventory The Company recognizes inventories when the following conditions are satisfied:
①   It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the inventories will flow to the Company entity;

②   The cost of the inventories can be measured reliably.

(3)     The method of measuring inventories: Raw materials and circulating materials are measured at actual cost method. The moving

weighted average method shall be used when sending out these materials. Finished goods and work-in-progress are measured at

actual cost which is allocated according to the job reference.

(4)     Amortisation method of low-value consumption goods and packages: Low-value consumption goods and packages are fully

amortised when they are used.

(5) Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value at the balance sheet date. Where the net realizable value

is lower than the cost, the difference shall be recognized as provision for impairment of inventories and charged to profit or loss.

①   Estimation of net realizable value

Estimates of net realisable value are based on the most reliable evidence available. These estimates take into consideration the

purpose for which the inventory is held and the influence the events after balance sheet date.

Materials and other supplies held for use in the production are measured at cost if the net realizable value of the finished goods in

which they will be incorporated is higher than their cost. However, when a decline in the price of materials indicates that the cost of

the finished products will exceed their net realisable value, the materials are measured at net realisable value.

The net realisable value of inventories held to satisfy sales or service contracts is generally based on the contract price.

If the quantity specified in sales contracts is less than the inventory quantities held by the Company, the net realisable value of the

excess shall be based on general selling prices.

②   The Company generally provides provision for impairment of inventory individually. For large quantity and low value items of

inventories, cost and net realisable value are determined based on categories of inventories.

Where certain items of inventory have similar purposes or end uses and relate to the same product line produced and marketed in the

same geographical area, and therefore cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product line, costs and net

realisable values of those items may be determined on an aggregate basis.

(6)The Company adopts perpetual inventory system for its inventory taking.

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12. Measurement of construction contracts

Construction contracts are measured at the actual cost, including the direct and indirect costs incurred and attributable to a contract

for the period from the date the contract is signed to the final completion of the contract. The construction contract in progress should

be presented in the balance sheet at the net amount of payment amount after deducting the sum of the accumulated costs occurred and

the accumulated margin profit (loss) recognized. The excess of the sum of the accumulated costs occurred and the accumulated

margin profit (loss) recognized over the payment amount should be presented as inventory. The excess of the payment amount over

the sum of the accumulated costs occurred and the accumulated margin profit (loss) should be presented as advanced from customers.

Costs such as travelling expenses and tender charges incurred relating to the signing of the contract should be included as contract

costs when the contract is acquired, where the costs could be recognized individually and measured reliably and the contract is

probably signed; otherwise it should be charged into the profit and loss for the period.

13. Long-term equity investment

(1) Initial measurement

The Company initially measures long-term equity investments under two circumstances:

①   For long-term equity investment arising from business combination, the initial cost is recognized under the following principles.

A. If the business combination is under the same control and the acquirer obtains long-term equity investment in the consideration of

cash, non-monetary asset exchange or bearing acquiree’s liabilities, the initial cost is the carrying amount of the proportion of the

acquiree’s owner’s equity at the acquisition date. The difference between cash paid, the carrying amount of the non-monetary asset

exchanged and the acquiree’s liabilities beard and the initial cost of the long-term equity investment should be adjusted to capital

surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earnings is adjusted respectively. The business combination

costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such as audit fees, valuation fees, and legal service fees and so on are

recognized in profit or loss during the current period when they occurred.

If the acquirer issues equity securities as consideration, the initial cost is the carrying amount of the proportion of the acquiree’s

owner’s equity at the acquisition date. Share capital equals to the par value of the shares issued. The difference between initial cost of

the long-term equity investment and the par value of shares issued is adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient
                                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

for adjustment, retained earnings is adjusted respectively. The costs of issuing equity securities occurred in business combination

such as charges of security issuing and commissions are deducted from the premium of equity securities. If the premium is not

sufficient for deduction, retained earnings is adjusted respectively.

B. If the business combination is not under the same control, the acquirer recognizes the initial cost of combination under the

following principles.

a) When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business combination is the aggregate

of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer,

in exchange for control of the acquiree;

b) For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction, the cost of the combination is the aggregate cost of the

individual transactions;

c) The business combination costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such as audit fees, valuation fees, legal service

fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during the current period when they occurred; commissions and other expenses for the

issuance of equity or debt securities for the business combination, shall be recognized as the initial recognition amounts of equity or

debt securities.

d) Where a business combination contract or agreement provides for a future event which may adjust the cost of combination, the

Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost of the combination at the acquisition date if the future event leading

to the adjustment is probable and the amount of the adjustment can be measured reliably.

②   For long-term equity investment obtained in any method other than business combination, the initial cost is recognized under the

following principles.

A.      If the long-term equity investment is acquired in cash consideration, the initial cost is the actual payment which includes direct

expenses paid to acquire the long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expense.

B.      If the long-term equity investment is acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial cost is the fair value of the equity

securities issued. However, cash dividends or profits that are declared but unpaid shall not be included in the initial cost. Direct costs

attributed to issue equity securities such as handling charges and commissions paid to securities underwriting agencies are deducted

from premium of equity securities. If the premium is not sufficient for deduction, reserved fund and retained earnings is adjusted


C.      For the long-term equity investment invested by investors, the initial cost is the agreed value prescribed in the investment

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contract or agreement unless the agreed value is not fair.

D.      For the long-term equity investment acquired through non-monetary asset exchange, the initial cost is recognized according to

‘Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7-Non-monetary transactions’.

E.      For the long-term equity investment acquired through debt restructuring, the initial cost is recognized according to ‘Accounting

Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12-Debt restructuring’.

③   If there are cash dividends or profits that are declared but unpaid included in the consideration paid, the cash dividends or profits

declared but unpaid shall be recognized as receivables separately rather than as part of initial cost of long-term equity instruments no

matter through which method the long-term equity investment is acquired.

(2) Subsequent measurement

The Company adopts either cost method or equity method for the long-term equity investment according to the extent of influence,

existence of active market and availability of fair value. The equity method is used when the Company has joint control or significant

influence over the investee enterprise. The cost method is used when the Company has control or does not have joint control or

significant influence over the investee enterprise and there is no quoted price in active market or there is no reliable fair value.

①      For the long-term equity investment under cost method, and except from cash dividends or profits distributed are declared but

unpaid included in the consideration paid, the other declared cash dividends or profits are normally recognized as investment income

for the current period when it incurred. The net profits are no longer divided into the pre-investment profits and after-investment


The Company recognizes the cash dividends receivable or profits according to above regulations, and the impairment test should be

considered. To indicate the evidence of impairments, whether the carrying amount of the long-term equity investments is greater than

the book value of net assets that have been acquired (including the related goodwill) or other similar situations should be considered.

When these situations occur, the impairment test of long-term equity investments should be performed according to                ‘   Chinese

Accounting Standard No.8 - Impairment of assets , Where the carrying amount of long-term equity investment exceeds the
recoverable amount, the difference shall be recognized as impairment loss, and a provision for impairment loss should be made.

②      For long-term equity investment under equity method, the Company adjusts carrying amount of the long-term equity

investment and recognises investment income according to the proportion of net profit or loss after acquisition. The Company

reduces carrying amount of the long-term investment according to declared cash dividend or profit distribution.

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For long-term equity investment under equity method, the Company recognises net losses incurred by the investee enterprise to the

extent that the carrying amount and the substantial net investment of the long-term equity investment is reduced to zero except there

is further obligation of the excess losses. If the investee enterprise realises net profits in subsequent periods, the Company increases

the carrying amount of the investment above zero at the amount at which its share of profits exceed its share of previously

unrecognized losses.

③       The Company adopts the accounting policy of recognition and measurement of financial instrument for the impairment of

long-term equity investment which is measured under cost method and there is no quoted price in active market or there is no reliable

fair value. Impairment of long-term equity investments other than above refers to accounting policy ‘Impairment of assets’ of the


④       On disposal of an equity investment, the difference between the carrying amount of the investment and the sale proceeds

actually received is recognised as an investment gain or loss for the current period. When the equity method is adopted, change in

equity of the investee other than profit or loss is recorded in equity. On disposal of the equity investment, amount of change which is

recorded in equity previously is transferred to profit or loss for the current period regarding to the proportion of disposal.

)( 3    Recognition of jointly control and significant influence:

If the investment satisfies the following conditions, the company has jointly controls over the investee: (1) None of the joint venture

can control the joint business activities individually; (2) Any decision of the joint venture business must be approved by all parts of

the joint venture. (3) One part of the joint venture can be offered to manage daily business activities by using contract or agreement.

However, the right is restricted by financial and management policies allowed by all parties of the joint venture.

If the investment satisfies the following conditions, the company has significant influence over the investee: (1) there is commissary

in the directorate or similar right organization of investee. (2) Participate decision-making process, including the process of dividend

distribution. (3) There is significant transaction between investor and investee. (4) Appoint manager to investee. (5) Supply key

technology materials to investee. Investor holds more than 20% but less than 50% shares of investee directly or indirectly.

(4) Impairment test and method of provision for impairment loss

The Company adopts the same manner of financial instrument for the impairment of long-term equity investment which is measured

under cost method and there is no quoted price in active market or there is no reliable fair value. Impairment of long-term equity

investments other than above refers to accounting policy     ‘   Impairment of assets
                                                                                     ’   of the Company.

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14. Recognition and measurement of fixed assets

Fixed assets are tangible assets that: 1) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for

administrative purposes; and 2) have useful life more than one year.

(1)     A fixed asset shall be initially recognized at cost when the following conditions are satisfied:

①    It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to the Company;

②    The cost of the assets can be measured reliably.

(2)     Depreciation

Subsequent expenditure relating to a fixed asset shall be added to the carrying amount of the asset when the expenditure qualifies for

capitalization. Subsequent expenditure that does not qualify for capitalization shall be recognized as an expense for the current


The depreciation method adopted by the Company is straight-line method.

The estimated useful lives, residual value and annual depreciation rate of fixed assets are shown as follows:

        The categories           Estimated Useful Lives (years)      Residual value (%)        Annual Depreciation Rate (%)

Property and buildings                         40                             0                              2.50

Machineries                                   7-20                            0                            14.29-5.00

Vehicles                                        6                             0                              16.67

Electronic equipment                          3-18                            0                            33.33-5.56

The Company reviews the useful life, estimated residual value and depreciation method of a fixed asset at the end of each financial

year. If expectations are significantly different from previous estimates, the useful life shall be revised accordingly. If expectations

are significantly different from previous estimates, the estimated residual value also shall be revised accordingly. If there has been a

significant change in the expected realization pattern of economic benefits from those assets, the depreciation method shall be

changed accordingly. The changes in useful life, estimated residual value and depreciation method shall be treated as change in

accounting estimates.

(3)     Fixed assets acquired under finance lease

The Company identifies a lease of asset as finance lease when substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to legal ownership of

the asset are transferred.

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A fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the

minimum lease payments at the inception of lease.

The depreciation method of fixed assets acquired under finance lease is consistent with that for depreciable assets owned by the

Company. If the Company can reasonably confirm that it will obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased

asset shall be depreciated during the useful life of the leased asset. If the Company cannot reasonably confirm that it will obtain the

ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated during shorter of the useful life of the leased

asset and the lease term.

(4)     Impairment of fixed asset refers to the accounting policy ‘Impairment of assets’ of the Company.

15. Construction in progress

(1) Construction in progress of the Company includes constructing property, building installation, equipments installation, prepaid

expenses, as well as individual projects.

(2) Construction in progress is recorded at actual costs incurred. It also includes borrowing costs eligible for capitalization and gain

or loss of exchange difference.

(3) The Company transfers construction in progress to fixed assets when the project is completed or the project is available for use.

For the construction in progress which is capable of operating in the manner intended by management without the final account for

completed project, an estimated value is recognised as its cost and the depreciation amount is based on the estimated value. When the

final account for completed project is obtained, cost of the asset should be adjusted to the actual cost. However, there is no need to

adjust depreciation of the asset in prior period.

(4) Impairment of construction in progress refers to the accounting policy    ‘   Impairment of assets
                                                                                                      ’   of the Company.

16. Recognition and measurement of borrowing cost

(1)     The principles for capitalization of borrowing costs and capitalization period

The costs of borrowings directly attributable to acquisition or construction of qualifying assets should be capitalized as part of the

cost of the assets. Capitalisation of borrowing costs starts when

①    The capital expenditures have incurred;

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②    The borrowing costs have incurred;

③    The acquisition and construction activities that are necessary to bring the asset to its expected usable condition have commenced.

Other borrowing costs that do not qualify for capitalization should be expensed off during current period.

Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction is interrupted

abnormally, and the interruption period is three months or longer. These borrowing costs should be recognized directly in profit or

loss during the current period. However, capitalization of borrowing costs during the suspended periods should continue when the

interruption is a necessary part of the process of bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use.

Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired or constructed is substantially ready for its

intended use. Subsequent borrowing costs should be expensed off during the period in which they are incurred.

(2)     Calculation of capitalization for borrowing costs

To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset, the amount of

borrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is determined as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during

the period less any investment income on the temporary investment of the borrowing.

To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset, the amount

of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be determined by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of excess

of accumulated expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific purpose borrowing. The capitalization rate is the weighted

average of the borrowing costs applicable to the borrowings of the Company that are outstanding during the period, other than

borrowings made specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset.

17. Recognition and measurement of intangible assets

Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary asset that are owned or controlled by the Company and are without physical


(1)     Recognition of intangible assets

The Company recognizes an intangible asset when that intangible asset fulfills both of the following conditions:

①   It is probable that the economic benefits associated with that asset will flow to the Company and,

②   The cost of that asset can be measured reliably.

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Expenditures incurred during the research phase of an internal project shall be recognized as expenses in the period in which they are

incurred. Expenditures incurred during the development phase of an internal project shall be recognized as an intangible asset if, and

only if, the Company can demonstrate all of the following:

①   The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;

②   Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;

③   The method that the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. Among other things, the Company can

demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally,

the usefulness of the intangible asset;

④   The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible


⑤   Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

(2)      Measurement of intangible assets

①   An intangible asset is measured initially at its cost.

②   Subsequent measurement of intangible assets

A. For an intangible asset with finite useful life, the Company estimates its useful life at the time of acquisition and amortizes it

during its useful life in a reasonable and systematic way. The amount of amortization is allocated to relevant costs and expenses

according to the nature of beneficial items. The Company does not amortize intangible asset with infinite useful life.

B. Impairment of intangible assets refers to the accounting policy        ‘   Impairment of assets
                                                                                                  ’   of the Company.

18. Accrued costs

For the completed projects, the Company accrues the warranty costs at 0.5% of the actual total revenue and equally distributes it over

the first-12 warranty months. If the contractual warranty period is longer than 12 months, for the exceeding period, the Company

accrues the additional warranty costs at 0.25% of the actual total revenue and equally distributes it over each 12 warranty months.

These accrued costs are accounted for as Cost of Sales in the current financial year.

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19. Recognition and measurement of contingent liabilities

(1) Recognition of contingent liabilities

The company should recognize the related obligation as a provision for liability when the obligation meets the following conditions:

①   That obligation is a present obligation of the enterprise;

②   It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise will be required to settle the obligation;

③   A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

(2) Measurement of contingent liabilities

To fulfill the present obligations, which initially measured by the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the liability.

Where there is a continuous range of possible amounts of the expenditure required to settle the liability, as all kinds of possibilities

are at same level, the best estimate should be determined according to the average of the lower and upper limit of the range. In other

cases, the best estimate should be determined in accordance with the following methods:

①   Where the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate involves a single item, the best estimate should be determined

according to the most likely outcome;

②   Where the contingency involves several items, the best estimate should be determined by weighting all possible outcomes by their

associated probabilities of occurrence.

To determine the best estimate, it should be considered with factors such as: related contingency risks, uncertain matters and time

value of currency. If time value of currency has a significant impact, the best estimate should be measured at its converted present

value through the relevant future cash outflows.

Where some or all of the expenditures are expected to be reimbursed by a third party, the reimbursement should be separately

recognized as an asset only when it is virtually received. The amount of the reimbursement should not exceed the carrying amount of

the liability recognized.

At balance sheet date, the Company should review book value of provision for liabilities. If there is strong evidence that the book

value does not truly indicate the current best estimate, it should be adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate.

20. Revenue

(1) Construction contract revenue

a)      When the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract revenue and contract costs associated with the

                                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

construction contract is recognised as revenue and expenses respectively by reference to the stage of completion of the contract

activity at the balance sheet date. The stage of contract completion is recognized by reference to the ratio of the accumulative actual

contract cost to totally estimated contract cost. The outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably when all the

following conditions are satisfied: 1   )   when the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, total contract revenue

can be measured reliably; 2 It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow to the entity; 3 Both the
                            )                                                                                                 )
contract costs to complete the contract and the stage of contract completion at the balance sheet date can be measured reliably; and 4   )
The actual contract costs attributable to the contract can be clearly identified and reliably measured.

b)    When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably and contract costs are expected to be recoverable,

revenue is recognised only to the extent of contract costs incurred that it is probable will be recoverable. Contract costs are

recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. Contract costs that are not probable of being recovered are

recognised as an expense immediately and no revenue is recognised.

c)    If the accumulative estimated contract costs exceed the contract revenue, an estimated loss should be recognized in the current

financial period.

(2) Sale of goods

The Company recognises revenue from sale of goods when all the following conditions have been satisfied:

a)    The Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods;

b)    The Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective

control over the goods sold;

c)    The relevant amount of revenue and costs can be measured reliably; and

d)    The economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company

(3)   Rendering of services:

①    Revenue associated with the transaction is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the balance

sheet date. The service revenue is recognised at the balance sheet date according to the percentage of completion of the services when

(i) the total revenue and total cost can be reliably measured, (ii) the economic benefit pertaining to the service will flow to the

Company; (iii) the percentage of completion can be determined reliably.

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②    When the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date,

revenue is recognised according to the following:

A.    When it is probable that the Company will recover the transaction costs incurred, revenue is recognised only to the extent of the

expenses recognised that are recoverable, and the costs incurred are recognised as an expense.

B.    When it is not probable that the costs incurred will be recovered, revenue is not recognised and the costs incurred are

recognised as an expense.

(4)   Revenue arising from the use by others of the Company’s assets

Revenue arising from the use by others of the Company’s assets includes interest revenue and royalty revenue. The Company

recognised revenue arising from the use by others of the Company’s assets when (a) it is probable that the economic benefits

associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and (b) the amount of the revenue can be measured reliably.

21. Government Grants

(1)   Recognition of government grants

No government grants may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously:

①    The company is able to meet the requirements for the government subsidies; and

②    The company can receive the government subsidies.

(2)   Measurement of government grants

①    If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or receivable amount; if a

government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way,

it shall be measured at its nominal amount.

②    The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the useful lives

of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. If the relevant assets are sold, transferred, obsolete or destroyed

before useful lives end, undistributed deferred income shall be recognized as the current profits and losses of disposal of assets.

      The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows:

A.    Those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred

income and shall be included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or

B.    Those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the

current profits and losses.
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③    If it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall be treated respectively in accordance with

the circumstances as follows:

A.      If there is the deferred income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset against, but the excessive part

shall be included in the current profits and losses; and

B.      If there is no deferred income concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the current profits and


22. Income tax

The Company adopts the balance sheet liability method for corporate income taxes.

(1) Deferred tax asset

①      Where there are deductible temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets or liabilities in the balance sheet and

their tax bases, a deferred tax asset shall be recognised for all those deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable

that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized. Deferred tax assets should be

measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled.

②      At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence showing that sufficient taxable profit will be available against which

the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior period shall be recognized.

③      The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If it’s probable that sufficient taxable

profit will not be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the Company shall write down the

carrying amount of deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later when it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit will

be available.

(2)     Deferred tax liability

Deferred tax liability shall be recognized for all taxable temporary differences, which are differences between the carrying amount of

an asset or liability in the balance sheet and its tax base, and measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when

the asset is realised or the liability is settled.

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23. Operating lease and financial lease

)(   Operating leases

Lessee in an operating lease shall treat the lease payment under an operating lease as a relevant asset cost or the current profit or loss

on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The initial direct costs incurred shall be recognized as the current profit or loss;

Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. .

Lessors in an operating lease shall present the assets subject to operating leases in the relevant items of their balance sheet according

to the nature of the asset. Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized as the current profit or loss on a straight-line basis

over the lease term; Initial direct costs incurred by lessors shall be recognized as the current profit or loss; Lessors shall apply the

depreciation policy for the similar assets to depreciate the fixed assets in the operating lease; For other assets in the operating lease ,

lessors shall adopt a reasonable systematical method to amortize; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in

which they are incurred.

)(   Finance lease

For the lessee, a fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the

present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of lease. The amount of minimum lease payments should be recorded

in long-term account payable, the difference should be recorded as unrecognized financing charges; The initial direct costs identified

as directly attributable to activities performed by the lessee during the negotiation and signing of the finance lease such as handling

fees, legal fees, travel expenses, stamp tax shall be counted as lease asset value; the unrecognized financing charges shall be

apportioned at each period during the lease term and adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and confirm the current

financing charge; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.

When the lessee calculates the present value of the minimum lease payments, for that lessee who can obtain the interest rate implicit

in the lease, the discount rate shall be the interest rate implicit in the lease; otherwise the discount rate shall adopt the interest rate

specified in the lease agreement. If the lessee cannot get the interest rate implicit in the lease and there is no specified interest rate in

the lease agreement, the discount rate shall adopt the current bank loan interest rate.

Lessees shall depreciate the leased assets with the depreciation policy which is consistent with the normal depreciation policy for

similar assets. If there is reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term, the depreciation shall

be allocated to the useful life of the asset. If there is no reasonably certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the

lease term, the asset shall be depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its useful life.

At the inception of financial lease, lessor of the financial lease shall record the sum of the       minimum lease payments and initial

direct costs as the financing lease accounts receivable, and also record the unguaranteed residual value; recognize the difference

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between the total minimum lease payments , initial direct costs ,unguaranteed residual value and the sum of the present value as the

unrealized financing income; the unrealized financing income shall be distributed to each period over the lease term; adopt the actual

interest rate to calculate the current financial income; Contingent rents shall be    in the periods in which they are incurred.

24. Assets held for sales:

(1) Recognition criteria of the assets held for sale

The Non-Current Assets which meet the following conditions will be classified as assets held for sales by the company:

①   The entity has made the resolution in disposing the non-current assets.

②   The entity has signed the irrevocable transfer agreement with the assignee.

③   The sale transaction is highly probable to be completed within one year.

(2) Accounting treatments of assets held for sales

For the fixed assets held for sales, the entity shall adjust the predicted net residual value of this fixed asset to make the predicted net

residual value of this fixed asset to reflect the amount of its fair value less costs to sell, but it shall not exceed the original book value

of fixed assets at the time when it meets the conditions of held for sales. The difference between the original book value and the

adjusted predicted net residual value shall be treated as loss in assets and presented in profit or loss of current period. The fixed assets

held for sales shall not count the depreciation but shall be measured at the lower of its carrying amount and the fair value less costs to


The other non-current assets such as intangible assets which meet the conditions of held for sales shall be treated in accordance to the

above principles.

25. Hedging:

The company uses fair value hedging for its hedging.

(1) For derivative instruments as the hedging instrument, the gain or loss resulted from the changes of fair value is included in the

        profit/loss of the current period; for non-derivative instruments as the hedging instrument, the gain or loss resulted from the

        change of book value due to foreign exchange rate is included in the profit/loss of the current period.

(2) The gain or loss resulted from the hedged risk of the hedged items is included in the profit/loss of the current period. The book

        value of the hedged items is adjusted at the same time.

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

(3) In a fair value hedging of a firm commitment of a purchased asset or assumed liability, the accumulated amount in the change of

      fair value (profit or loss being confirmed) caused by the hedging risk of this firm commitment should be used to adjust the initial

      confirmed amount of the purchased assets of assumed liability of the firm commitment.

(4) When the following conditions are satisfied, the company stop using the fair value hedging:

       A.   Hedging instruments are expired, sold, contract are terminated or executed.

       B.   The hedge no longer satisfies the conditions for hedging accounting.

       C.   Cancellation of the designation of the hedging.

26. Changes in accounting policies and estimates:

)(   Changes in accounting policy

There are no changes in the accounting policies for the previous financial year.

)(   Changes in accounting estimate

There are no changes in the accounting policies for the previous financial year.

27. Correction of the accounting errors from previous term

There is no correction of the accounting error from previous term in this report period.

28. Other main accounting policies and estimates as well as compilation method of financial statements


V. Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rates

Category of taxes                                 Tax basis                                  Tax rate
VAT                                               Taxable revenue                            6%,17%
Consumption tax
Business tax                                      Taxable revenue                            5   %
Urban maintenance and construction tax Taxable VAT, taxable business tax 7                       %
                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Enterprise income tax                           Taxable income                            25%
Education surtax                                Taxable VAT, taxable business tax 3         %
Local education surtax                          Taxable VAT, taxable business tax 2         %
Watercourse and embankment tax                  Taxable VAT, taxable business tax 2         %

The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory

Subsidiary Wuhan Lanxiang Power Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd has ceased operating, there was no taxable profit

during the report period.

2. Tax preference and official documents


3.Other explanation


VI. Business combination and consolidated financial statements

1. Subsidiaries

(1)The subsidiaries obtained through the establishment of or investment subsidiary

                                 Registere Business
Subsidiaries        Type                                    Registered capital       Business scope
                                 d place nature
                                                                                     Boiler, energy environmental protection
Wuhan Lan Xiang                                                                      products, Steel structures, technology
Power                                                                                research of heat energy products and its
                    Limited      586 Wuluo
Environmental                                                                        accessorial equipment, design, technical
                    liability    Rd.,        Manufacturing 20,000,000.00
Protection                                                                           Consultancy, technical service, sales of
                    Company      Wuhan
Technology                                                                           developed products, contract and
Company Limited                                                                      technical service of energy project
                                                                                     (non-construction project)

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                                     Other essential          Sharehol          Voting      Consolid
           Subsidiaries                    Investment RMB
                                                     (        )      investment              ding%            right%        ated
Wuhan Lan Xiang Power                          24,984,500.00                                         95           95          Yes
Environmental Protection
Technology Company Limited

                                                                     Minority            Amount of minority interest in income
                                                                      interest          statement deducted from minority interest
Wuhan Lan Xiang Power Environmental Protection                        781,329.89
Technology Company Limited

VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Except especially indicated, the closing balance and the opening balance referred to the balance at Dec 31, 2013 and Dec 31, 2012

respectively. All of amounts are presented in RMB.

1. Cash and cash equivalent

Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Item                                             Closing balance                             Opening balance

                           Amount             in
                                                   Exchange         Amount        in Amount        in Exchange
                           foreign                                                                             Amount in RMB
                                                   rate             RMB              foreign currency rate
Bank deposit::                        --                  --         8,283,224.28               --                  --               131,071,052.35

RMB                                   --                  --         7,876,756.35               --                  --               130,630,479.67

USD                                    2,000.93 6.0969                  12,199.47                    4,566.04 6.2855                      28,699.84

EUR                                46,830.98 8.4189                    394,265.34               49,517.74 8.3176                        411,868.75

JPY                                        54.00 0.0578                          3.12                     56.00 0.0730                         4.09

Other monetary funds:                 --                  --         1,831,672.83               --                  --                 2,611,517.03

RMB                                   --                  --         1,831,672.83               --                  --                 2,611,517.03

Total                                 --                  --         10,114,897.11              --                  --               133,682,569.38

Note 1: The closing balance of the cash and cash equivalent this year decreased 92.43%. It was mainly due to

repayment of part of shareholders’ borrowing.

                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

2. Notes receivable

(1)Category of Notes receivable:

Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Category                               Closing balance                         Opening balance
Bank acceptance                                                           15,000,000.00                             16,778,857.08

Total                                                                     15,000,000.00                             16,778,857.08

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end


(3) The top five of bank notes endorsed but not matured as of the year end

                     Issuing entity                    Date of issuance Expiring date Amount                          Remark

Shandong Jinquan Cereals&Oil Co., Ltd.                       25.09.2013             25.03.2014      36,000,000.00

Shandong Chuangfeng Metal Co., Ltd.                          25.09.2013             25.03.2014      16,000,000.00

Jiangyin Tianyang Metal Products Co., Ltd.                   23.09.2013             23.03.2014      11,000,000.00

Linyi Jinhu Caitu Aluminum Co., Ltd                          16.09.2013             16.03.2014      9,000,000.00

Jiangyin Tianyang Metal Products Co., Ltd.                   21.10.2013             21.04.2014      8,000,000.00

Total                                                  --                      --                 80,000,000.00       --

3. Accounts receivable

(1)Accounts receivable by categories are as follows:

Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                     Book balance            Bad debt provision               Book balance                Bad debt provision
Category                          Propo                     Propor                               Propo                     Propo
                    Amount        rtion       Amount         tion            Amount              rtion     Amount          rtion
                                   (%)                       (%)                                  (%)                      (%)

Accounts                                                                                          12.71                      65.79
                   25,780,000.00 6.99%        25,146,400.00 97.54%             52,923,300.00               34,820,000.00
receivable                                                                                           %                          %

                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
single amount
for which bad
debt provision
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
Group 1
                                                                                             72.65                           36.55
(using aging      313,941,226.09 85.13%      106,236,757.73 33.84%         302,410,419.85                 110,532,015.41
                                                                                                   %                              %
Subtotal of the                                                                              72.65                           36.55
                313,941,226.09 85.13%        106,236,757.73 33.84%         302,410,419.85                 110,532,015.41
groups                                                                                             %                              %

                                                                                             14.64                           65.17
single amount      29,042,460.00 7.88%        16,004,460.00 55.11%          60,947,906.10                  39,721,906.10
                                                                                                   %                              %
for which bad
debt provision
Total             368,763,686.09    --       147,387,617.73   --           416,281,625.95     --          185,073,921.51     --

Notes to category of accounts receivable:

Note: the monetary standards of provision for bad debts of the individually significant receivables is top 5 account

receivables at year end, which he impairment test is carried on individually. For significant receivables, If there

are substantive evidences indicating that a receivable has been impaired, a provision for bad debts should be made;

If a receivable is found not to be individually impaired, it should be included in a group of similar credit risk

characteristics receivables and a collective assessment of impairment should be made. Receivables which are not

significant, but still need individually recognition of bad debt provision, if there are substantive evidences shown

there is a special impairment of insignificant receivables, then they need individually impairment tests.

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued

√   Applicable   □   Not applicable
                  Item                    Closing balance Bad debt provision Proportion                          Note
                                                                                                       The Company is required
Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu                                                                            to bear part of the
                                              25,780,000.00          25,146,400.00          97.54%
Aluminium Co., Ltd.                                                                                    subsequent costs and thus
                                                                                                       the receivable amount is

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                                                                                 not expected to be fully

Total                                               25,780,000.00                25,146,400.00 --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                         Closing balance                                             Opening balance
     Aging of                      Balance                                                      Balance
                                                                   Bad debt                                                   Bad debt
    receivables                                Proportio                                                   Proportio
                              Amount                               provision         Amount                                   provision
                                                 n (%)                                                     n (%)
Within 1 year (including 1 year)
including :             --                    --            --                      --                    --            --
Within      1     year
                              190,066,260.86        60.54%           5,701,987.83         137,976,383.04        45.63%          4,139,291.49
(including 1 year)
Sub-total (Within 1
                              190,066,260.86        60.54%           5,701,987.83         137,976,383.04        45.63%          4,139,291.49

1-2 years(including 2
                                9,038,000.00        2.88%              271,140.00          38,838,495.98        12.84%          1,165,154.88

2-3 years(including 3
                                2,047,451.61        0.65%              122,847.10            241,117.09         0.08%              14,467.03

3-4 years(including 4
                                 242,676.22         0.08%               48,535.24          15,568,237.30        5.15%           3,113,647.46

4-5 years(including 5
                               15,568,237.30        4.96%             3,113,647.46          9,608,414.86        3.18%           1,921,682.97
Above 5 years                  96,978,600.10        30.89%          96,978,600.10         100,177,771.58        33.12%        100,177,771.58

Total                         313,941,226.09        --             106,236,757.73         302,410,419.85        --            110,532,015.41

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
            Item                      Closing                 Bad debt             Provision               Reasons for provision
                                      balance                 provision                %
Datang Liaoyuan Power Plant          11,010,000.00                2,202,000.00            20%    Deduction for product quality issues

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Gansu        Diantou     Jinchang                                                    The retention money is difficult to
                                         580,000.00           580,000.00     100% be fully received.
Generating Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        The Company is required to bear part of
Guodian                  Lanzhou                                                        the subsequent costs and thus the
                                       4,500,000.00           270,000.00           6%
Thermopower Co., Ltd.                                                                   receivable amount is not expected to be
                                                                                        fully recoverable.
Gansu          Datang       Xigu                                                        The retention money is difficult to
Thermoelectric Co., Ltd.
                                      12,952,460.00        12,952,460.00       100%     be received due to product quality
Total                                 29,042,460.00        16,004,460.00      --                             --

(2)     Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the report period
Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                   Bad debt provision
                                    Reason for reversed or        Basis for bad                       Amount reversed
              Item                                                                 before reversal or
                                          collected               debt provision                       or collected
 Datang Liaoyuan Power  The receivable amount has Deduction for
         Plant               been recovered.      product quality                            2,598,000.00          8,480,000.00
   Guodian Lanzhou      The receivable amount has The Company
Thermopower Co., Ltd.        been recovered.        is required to
                                                  bear part of the
                                                   costs and thus
                                                                                             9,730,000.00         23,603,300.00
                                                   the receivable
                                                   amount is not
                                                  expected to be
      Shanxi Datang     The receivable amount has Deduction for
 International Yungang       been recovered.      product quality                           12,853,600.00         18,612,000.00
Thermal Power Co., Ltd.                                 issues
     China National     The receivable amount has The retention
 Machinery Import and        been recovered.           money is
   Export Corporation                              difficult to be
                                                                                             8,173,446.10          8,173,446.10
                                                  received due to
                                                      the quality
   Dongfang Xiwang      The receivable amount was The Company
Baotou Xitu Aluminium           recovered.          is required to
        Co., Ltd.                                 bear part of the
                                                   costs and thus
                                                                                               100,000.00            500,000.00
                                                   the receivable
                                                   amount is not
                                                  expected to be
 Tianjin Dagu Chemical The receivable amount was Deduction for
    Industry Co., Ltd.          recovered.        product quality                              118,000.00            190,000.00

                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
  Anshan Xinli Energy   The receivable amount was Deduction for
       Co., Ltd.                recovered.        product quality            20,000.00        20,000.00
  Shanxi Lu’an Yuwu    The receivable amount was Over 5 years
                                                                          1,480,000.00    1,480,000.00
Thermopower Co., Ltd.           recovered.
ShuangyashanThermopo The receivable amount was Over 5 years
                                                                          2,900,000.00    2,900,000.00
     wer Co., Ltd.              recovered.
   Xinjiang Huadian     The receivable amount was Over 5 years
 Changji Thermopower            recovered.                                1,000,000.00    1,000,000.00
   Phase Co., Ltd.
    Xinxiang Yuxin      The receivable amount was Over 5 years
 Electricity Generating         recovered.                                  349,996.70      349,996.70
        CO., Ltd.
    Zhenzhou Gas        The receivable amount was Over 5 years
 Electricity Generating         recovered.                                2,547,589.64    2,547,589.64
        CO., Ltd.
          Total                                                          41,870,632.44      --

(3) The write-off accounts receivable: none.

(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Information of top 5 receivables:
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              The relationship                                               Proportion(
                  Company                                           Amount                  Age
                                             with the Company                                                    %)
Alstom Power Inc.                                 Affiliated       115,157,792.48     115,129,340.87               31.23
                                                                                       within 1 year,
                                                                                     28,451.61 for 2-3
Shanxi Zhengxin Group Co., Ltd.                 Non-affiliated      39,820,000.00        Over 5 years              10.80
Shandong Luneng Materials Group Co., Ltd.       Non-affiliated      39,290,000.00      Within 1 year               10.65
Guodian Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd.           Non-affiliated      27,496,919.99      Within 1 year                7.46
Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu Aluminium           Non-affiliated                      13,870,000.00 for 4-5
Co., Ltd.                                                           25,780,000.00 years; 11,910,000.00 for          6.99
                                                                                     more than 5 years
Total                                                              247,544,712.47                                  67.13

(6)The amounts due from related parties
Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Company                      The relationship with the Company              Amount          Proportion
ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH          A subsidiary of the second largest shareholder          129,576.22         0.04%

Alstom Power Inc.                       A subsidiary of the ultimate holding company        115,157,792.48        31.23%

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Engineering & A subsidiary of the ultimate holding company
                                                                                                 4,854,995.28            1.32%
Technology Co., Ltd.
Total                                                                                          120,142,363.98        32.59%

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount of

assets and liabilities arising from further involvement
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by type:
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                                Provision for doubtful                                Provision for doubtful
                           Balance                                              Balance
                                                        debts                                                 debts
                                       Propo                       Propo                     Propo                       Propo
                                                                                                         Amount          rtion
                        Amount         rtion       Amount          rtion     Amount          rtion
                                        (%)                         (%)                       (%)
Other       accounts
receivable that is
                                        23.73                                                 19.73
significant      for   26,673,222.30               26,673,222.30 100%        26,673,222.30               26,673,222.30 100%
                                           %                                                     %
which provisions
for    bad     debts
separately accrued
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group
Group 1 (using                          68.09                       32.26                     63.42
                       76,552,614.14               24,698,506.61             85,732,784.31               15,516,126.79 18.1%
aging analysis)                            %                           %                         %

Group 1 (No bad
debt provision for
                        6,564,340.29 5.84%                                   20,139,373.00 14.9%
                                        73.93                       29.72                     78.32                       14.66
Subtotal of group      83,116,954.43               24,698,506.61            105,872,157.31               15,516,126.79
                                           %                           %                         %                           %

Other     accounts
                        2,636,308.95 2.34%          2,636,308.95 100%         2,636,308.95 1.95%          2,636,308.95 100%
receivable that is

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
insignificant   for
which bad debts
separately accrued
Total                   112,426,485.68   --        54,008,037.86    --           135,181,688.56    --      44,825,658.04      --

Notes for categories of other accounts receivable:

Note: the monetary standards of provision for bad debts of the individually significant other receivables is top 5

account receivables at year end, which he impairment test is carried on individually. For significant receivables, If

there are substantive evidences indicating that a receivable has been impaired, a provision for bad debts should be

made; If a receivable is found not to be individually impaired, it should be included in a group of similar credit

risk characteristics receivables and a collective assessment of impairment should be made. Receivables which are

not significant, but still need individually recognition of bad debt provision, if there are substantive evidences

shown there is a special impairment of insignificant receivables, then they need individually impairment tests.

Other closing accounts receivable that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts individually.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Closing            Bad debt           Propo
Item                                                                     Note
                             balance            provision          rtion
                                                                           Projects are suspended and the amount is not
Shanxi Zhenxing Group            6,722,635.46       6,722,635.46     100
                                                                           expected to be recoverable
Shandong Luneng Material                                                   Projects are suspended and the amount is not
                                19,950,586.84      19,950,586.84     100
Group Co. Limited                                                          expected to be recoverable
Total                           26,673,222.30      26,673,222.30         -- --

In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Closing balance                                     Opening balance
    Aging of receivables                                      Bad debt
                                                 Proportio                                           Proportio      Balance
                                  Amount                      provision               Amount
                                                   n (%)                                               n (%)
                                          Within 1 year (including 1 year)
Within 1 year (including 1
                                  4,051,432.93       5.29%          121,542.99        5,578,704.67      6.51%        167,361.14

                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Sub-total (Within 1 year)          4,051,432.93   5.29%             121,542.99       5,578,704.67     6.51%      167,361.14

                                    290,684.66    0.38%                 8,720.54     1,938,083.66     2.26%          58,142.51
1-2 years(including 2 year)
                                    154,400.94      0.2%                9,264.06     2,518,400.37     2.94%      151,104.02
2-3 years(including 3 year)
                                                                                    63,012,895.74     73.5%   12,602,579.15
3-4 years(including 4 year)
                                  59,371,395.74   77.56%        11,874,279.15       12,684,699.87    14.79%    2,536,939.97
4-5 years(including 5 year)
Above 5 years                     12,684,699.87   16.57%        12,684,699.87

Total                             76,552,614.14    --           24,698,506.61       85,732,784.31     --      15,516,126.79

In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by balance percentage:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Individually insignificant receivables requiring impairment test, and providing provision for doubtful debt :         :
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        Bad debt           Provision
            Item                   Balance                                                          Reason
                                                        provision          percentage
3RC Company Limited                  336,604.05           336,604.05               100%   Bankruptcy
Pingtai Power
                                     424,514.70           424,514.70               100%   Project suspended
Development Co.,LTD
Henan Dengfeng
                                      32,430.77            32,430.77               100%   Project suspended
Xiangyang Power Co.,Ltd
Qindao Houhai Themal
                                     518,227.71           518,227.71               100%   Project suspended
Power Co.,Ltd
Jiangsu Wangda Paper
                                     723,504.31           723,504.31               100%   Project suspended
Qingtongxia Aluminium
                                       5,736.41              5,736.41              100%   Project suspended
Henan Zhongmai Power                                                                      Difficult to execute the
                                     173,411.00           173,411.00               100%
Co.,Ltd                                                                                   court judge
Shanmenxia Huineng                                                                        Difficult to execute the
                                     143,897.00           143,897.00               100%
Themal Power Co.,Ltd                                                                      court judge
Shanxi Zhenxin Group                                                                      Difficult to execute the
                                     277,983.00           277,983.00               100%
Co.,Ltd                                                                                   court judge
           Total                   2,636,308.95         2,636,308.95           --                     --

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the report period

Individually significant or insignificant closing balances for which but impairment test individually made: none.
Notes of individually insignificant but was of big risk after grouped by credit risk other accounts receivable: none.

                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the report period


(4) Accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company.
                                                                   Closing balance                             Opening balance
            Name of company                                                  Provision for bad                            Provision for
                                                            Amount                                      Amount
                                                                                      debt                               doubtful debts
     Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                       61,030,488.11        16,353,377.52         64,030,488.11       12,895,907.62
   Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                                                               3,200,336.47          190,807.11
                    Total                                    61,030,488.11       16,353,377.52         67,230,824.58        13,086,714.73

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                         Proportion of
     Name of company                        Amount                           Nature or details of the amount
                                                                                                                         the total (%)
Wuhan Boiler Group Co.,                                               compensation for the relocation of the old
                                                  61,030,488.11                                                                     54.28
Ltd.                                                                  factory
Total                                             61,030,488.11 --                                                                  54.28

Note: Account receivable of RMB 61,030,488.11 from the second largest shareholder, Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd., is mainly the

compensation for the relocation of the old factory.

(6) Details of top 5 other receivables         ::::
          Company               Relationship with the Company                    Amount                   Aging          Proportion of the
                                                                                                                             total (%)
Wuhan Boiler (Group)          The company's second-largest                           61,030,488.11   55,846,388.24 for        54.28
Co., Ltd.                     shareholder                                                               4-5 years;
                                                                                                     5,184,099.87 for
                                                                                                     more than 5 years
Shandong Luneng               Non-affiliated                                         19,950,586.84     Over 5 years           17.75
Material Group Co.
Donghu Development            Non-affiliated                                         10,774,265.00   3,274,265.00 for            9.58
Zone Committee                                                                                          4-5 years;
                                                                                                     7,500,000.00 for
                                                                                                     more than 5 years
Shanxi Zhengxin Group         Non-affiliated                                          6,722,635.47     Over 5 years              5.98
Co., Ltd.
Gansu Diantou                 Non-affiliated                                          4,402,564.00    Within 1 year              3.92
Yongchang Generating
Co., Ltd.

                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
       Company               Relationship with the Company             Amount                    Aging         Proportion of the
                                                                                                                    total (%)
          Total                                                        102,880,539.42                                91.51

(7) The amounts due from related parties
           Name of company                 The relationship with the Company            Amount           Proportion of the total
ALSTOM (Beijing) Engineering &            A subsidiary of the ultimate holding            14,074.73               0.01
Technology Co., Ltd.                      company
ALSTOM (Wuhan) Engineering &              A subsidiary of the ultimate holding           245,749.37               0.22
Technology Co., Ltd.                      company
ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH            A subsidiary of the ultimate holding           388,420.68               0.35
ALSTOM Power Inc.                         A subsidiary of the ultimate holding            36,157.65               0.03
ALSTOM Boiler France                      A subsidiary of the ultimate holding           617,080.03               0.55
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.            Second largest shareholder                61,030,488.11                54.28
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd.    Subsidiary of   Second largest                  10,171.01               0.01
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Valve Co., Ltd.      Subsidiary of Second largest                   240,571.49               0.21
                  Total                                                             62,582,713.07                55.66

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount
    of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(10) Government subsidies confirmed by amount receivable at the end of the period
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Prepayment

(1) Aging analysis:

                                                           Closing balance                          Opening balance

                    Aging                                                                                          Proportion
                                                        Amount          Proportion (%)           Amount

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                            27,601,803.69        41.60              98,370,274.91          83.52

1-2 years(including 2 years)                                20,893,261.63        31.49               8,884,617.96           7.55

2-3 years(including 3 years)                                  8,236,834.17       12.41                 616,453.62           0.52

Over 3 years                                                  9,621,149.44       14.50               9,904,791.02           8.41

                     Total                                  66,353,048.93       100.00             117,776,137.51          100.00

Note: Prepayment decreased by 43.66% this year. It was mainly due to the collection of the supplier’s settlement documents this year

so as to offset relevant prepayment items accordingly.

(2) Details of top 5 prepayment
             Name of company                        Relationship with the           Amount           Aging            Reasons
Howden Hua Engineering Co., Ltd.                          Non-affiliated         21,250,000.00     2012-2013       Project has not
                                                                                                                    yet completed
ALSTOM Technical Services (Shanghai)             A subsidiary of the ultimate    13,260,000.00     2012-2013       Project has not
                                                      holding company                                               yet completed
Zhejiang Jiuli Tecai Technolog Co., Ltd.                  Non-affiliated           6,887,183.69       2013         Project has not
                                                                                                                    yet completed
Wuhan Zhimiao Machinery Manufacturing                     Non-affiliated           6,807,692.30       2011         Project has not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           yet completed
Changzhi Tsinghua Steel Structure Co.,                    Non-affiliated           4,277,499.98       2013         Project has not
                                                                                                                    yet completed
                   Total                                                         52,482,375.97

(3) There is no amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company in prepayment.

(4) Notes of prepayment
   The prepayment aged more than 1 year is for the expanded purchase which has not yet been settled.

6. Inventory

(1) Categories:
                                         Closing balance                                          Opening balance
   Categories                              Impairment of                                           Impairment of
                     Original value                              Book value     Original value                          Book value
                                            inventories                                             inventories
Raw materials       105,746,499.12         54,992,196.80       50,754,302.32    131,734,181.51     28,330,047.16      103,404,134.35
contract assets     114,012,396.06         30,353,632.92       83,658,763.14    65,867,615.17      26,173,583.79      39,694,031.38
                                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
         Total              219,758,895.18       85,345,829.72       134,413,065.46       197,601,796.68      54,503,630.95       143,098,165.73

(2) Impairment of inventories
           Categories                 Opening balance                Increase                                                    Closing balance
                                                                                      Reversal             Written off
Raw materials                                28,330,047.16        35,505,180.04                              8,843,030.40           54,992,196.80
Construction contract assets                 26,173,583.79           4,180,049.13                                                   30,353,632.92
                 Total                       54,503,630.95        39,685,229.17                              8,843,030.40           85,345,829.72

(3) Details of impairment of inventories
                                                                                                               Proportion of reversal of
                                       The bases of provision for impairment of            Reasons for
                 Item                                                                                        provision for impairment of
                                                       inventories                           reversal
                                                                                                            inventories to closing balance
1.Raw materials                   According to the net realizable value
2.Construction           contract Expected loss from contract loss

Note: The write-off of the raw materials is due to the disposal of previously impaired raw materials and transferring to project costs.

7. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details:
                     Item                      Opening balance            Increase               Decrease                 Closing
1. Cost                                          956,441,276.07            2,633,812.11          8,910,850.27            950,164,237.91
Property and buildings                           522,153,387.13             415,721.00                                   522,569,108.13
Machineries                                      394,323,562.59            1,550,645.28          6,799,541.49            389,074,666.38
Vehicles                                           1,143,874.64                                                            1,143,874.64
Electronic equipments and office                  38,820,451.71             667,445.83            2,111,308.78            37,376,588.76
2.Accumulated depreciation                       212,427,302.01          38,733,712.28           8,480,497.56            242,680,516.73
Property and buildings                            41,676,247.08          13,078,000.28                                    54,754,247.36
Machineries                                      144,138,973.67          19,591,487.43           6,383,579.32            157,346,881.78
Vehicles                                             709,200.74             125,359.13                                      834,559.87
Electronic equipments and office                  25,902,880.52            5,938,865.44          2,096,918.24             29,744,827.72
3.The net book value of fixed                    744,013,974.06                                                          707,483,721.18
Property and buildings                           480,477,140.05                                                          467,814,860.77
Machineries                                      250,184,588.92                                                          231,727,784.60
Vehicles                                             434,673.90                                                             309,314.77
Electronic equipments and office                  12,917,571.19                                                            7,631,761.04

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
               Item                        Opening balance       Increase         Decrease            Closing
4. Impairment of fixed assets                  2,427,234.66                          259,604.33        2,167,630.33
Property and buildings                                       -
Machineries                                    2,307,942.56                          259,604.33        2,048,338.23
Vehicles                                         61,574.28                                                  61,574.28
Electronic equipments and office                 57,717.82                                                  57,717.82
5.Carrying amount                           741,586,739.40                                           705,316,090.85
Property and buildings                      480,477,140.05                                           467,814,860.77
Machineries                                 247,876,646.36                                           229,679,446.37
Vehicles                                        373,099.62                                                 247,740.49
Electronic equipments and office              12,859,853.37                                            7,574,043.22

Note: Depreciation of fixed assets is RMB38,733,712.28 in the current year.

(2) Fixed assets idled
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(4) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Details of holding-for-sale fixed assets at period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable       ÷
(6) Details of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property
□ Applicable √ Not applicable       ÷

8. Construction in progress

(1) General information

                                           Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                         Book value         Impairment   Net book value       Book value      Impairment       Net book value

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                          Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                          Book value      Impairment    Net book value         Book value       Impairment        Net book value
Equipment for
New base of the            2,245,077.87                         2,245,077.87    1,562,224.98                          1,562,224.98
                Total      2,245,077.87                         2,245,077.87    1,562,224.98                          1,562,224.98

(2) Significant changes in construction in progress

(3) Impairment of construction in progress
As of December 31, 2013, the construction in progress does not have indication of impairment, therefore no
impairment provided for construction in progress.

(4) Details of procedures of significant construction in progress

(5   ))))
            Notes of construction in progress

Note: The balance of the construction in progress at the end of the period increased by 43.71%. It was due to the

purchase increase of equipment to be installed as the producing requirement.

9. Intangible assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

                        Category                       Opening balance         Increase         Decrease         Closing balance

Cost                                                        151,312,071.04       162,874.35                         151,474,945.39

 1.Land use right                                            41,599,836.72                                           41,599,836.72

 2.Proprietary technology                                    93,251,576.87                                           93,251,576.87

 3.Software                                                  16,460,657.45       162,874.35                          16,623,531.80

Accumulated amortization                                     71,343,256.73     6,265,776.05                          77,609,032.78

 1.Land use right                                             3,887,317.62       831,893.80                           4,719,211.42

 2.Proprietary technology                                    51,986,835.98     4,722,093.18                          56,708,929.16

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                    Category                         Opening balance            Increase        Decrease      Closing balance

 3.Software                                               15,469,103.13           711,789.07                       16,180,892.20

Carrying amount of intangible assets                      79,968,814.31                                            73,865,912.61

 1.Land                                                   37,712,519.10                                            36,880,625.30

 2.Proprietary technology                                 41,264,740.89                                            36,542,647.71

 3.Software                                                  991,554.32                                              442,639.60

Impairment of intangible assets

 1.Land use right

 2.Proprietary technology


Net book value of intangible assets                       79,968,814.31                                            73,865,912.61

 1.Land use right                                         37,712,519.10                                            36,880,625.30

 2.Proprietary technology                                 41,264,740.89                                            36,542,647.71

 3.Software                                                  991,554.32                                              442,639.60

Note: The amortization amount of intangible assets is RMB 6,265,776.05 in the current year.

(2) Company development expense
                                                                  Recognized into
          Item         Opening balance            Increase                               Recognized as       Closing balance
                                                                                        intangible assets

Total                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00                  0.00                 0.00
Development expense percentage of total expenditure of R&D projects in the report period: 0%
Percentage intangible assets arising from inner R&D of the Company of closing book value of intangible assets:
Notes of R&D projects of the Company, those that includes individual value of more than RMB 1 million and
recognized with a basis of assessed value, please disclose name of evaluation authority and method of evaluation:
not applicable.

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
10. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset.

(1)Recognized deferred tax assets and liabilities

                          Item                                    Closing balance                          Opening balance

Deferred tax assets:

Impairment of assets                                                           52,533,127.61                              57,549,250.74

                          Total                                                52,533,127.61                              57,549,250.74

(2)Unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                           Item                                       Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Deductible temporary differences                                               115,006,013.88                            95,744,871.68

 Tax losses                                                                     964,474,179.69                         1,230,641,375.83

                           Total                                              1,079,480,193.57                         1,326,386,247.51

(3)The tax losses unrecognized as deferred tax assets will expire in the following year

                  Year                              Closing balance               Opening balance                      Notes

2013                                                                                      300,367,116.96

2014                                                      364,372,073.45                  364,372,073.45

2015                                                      138,617,290.31                  138,617,290.31

2016                                                      258,201,599.91                  258,201,599.91

2017                                                      169,083,295.20                  169,083,295.20

2018                                                       34,199,920.82

                  Total                                   964,474,179.69                1,230,641,375.83

(4)Temporary difference

                                                                                        Temporary difference
                                                                            Closing balance            Opening balance

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

 1. Deductible temporary difference

①     Provision for bad debt                                                   177,611,247.21               201,596,184.50

②     Impairment of inventories                                                 30,353,632.92                26,173,583.79

③     Impairment of fixed assets                                                 2,167,630.33                 2,427,234.66

                                   Total                                       210,132,510.46                230,197,002.95

(2) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset.

                                                                   Closing net value                        Opening net value
                                                                   of      deductible                       of      deductible
                                             Closing net value                        Opening net value
                                                                   temporary                                temporary
                                             of deferred tax                          of deferred tax
Item                                                               difference      or                       difference      or
                                             assets or liabilities                    assets or liabilities
                                                                   taxable temporary                        taxable temporary
                                             after offset                             after offset
                                                                   difference   after                       difference   after
                                                                   offset                                   offset
Deferred tax assets                                52,533,127.61                                 57,549,250.74

11. Impairment of assets

       Categories          Opening balance           Increase                                                      Closing balance
                                                                         Reversal              Written off
1.Provision for bad             229,899,579.55      44,149,052.84        72,652,976.80                                 201,395,655.59
Including:   ①                 185,073,921.51      33,789,138.91        71,475,442.69                                 147,387,617.73
Provision for bad
and doubtful debt of
accounts receivable
②   Provision for bad           44,825,658.04      10,359,913.93                                                       54,008,037.86
debt of other                                                             1,177,534.11
2. Impairment of                 54,503,630.95      39,685,229.17                                 8,843,030.40          85,345,829.72
3. Impairment of                   2,427,234.66                                                     259,604.33           2,167,630.33
fixed assets
         Total                  286,830,445.16      83,834,282.01        72,652,976.80            9,102,634.73         288,909,115.64

Note 1: Write-off of inventories impairment is caused by the disposal of previously impaired raw material and material requisition for


                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Note 2: The write-off for impairment of fixed assets is caused by the disposal of the previously impaired fixed


12. Other non-current assets

                            Item                                    Closing balance                Opening balance

 Hedging                                                                        12,137.16                   9,810,557.57

                            Total                                               12,137.16                   9,810,557.57

Note: The hedging instruments decreased by 99.88% this year. It was mainly due to decrease of volumes of unexpired forward

contracts and its contract amount this year.

13. Short-term loan

(1) Category

                 Category                               Closing balance                               Opening balance

Fiduciary loan                                                         200,000,000.00

Entrusted Loan                                                       1,429,200,000.00                                1,705,000,000.00

                  Total                                              1,629,200,000.00                                1,705,000,000.00

Note 1: RMB 200,000,000.00 of one-year fiduciary loan was supplied by HSBC Bank (China) in May 2013.

Note 2: The entrusted loan was supplied by Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd., and the maximum amount is RMB

2,200,000,000.00. Its interest rate is 10 per cent discount of the PBoC benchmark interest rate.

Note 3: The entrusted loan was added by 841MRMB, and re-paid by 1116.80MRMB in this period, the accumulated interest of

entrusted loan this period was 87,609,540.82RMB.

(2) Loan overdue but not paid back


14. Notes payable

          Category                  Closing balance     Opening balance          Amount due in next accounting period

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

 Bank Acceptance                                           42,532,000.00

           Total                                           42,532,000.00

Note: The notes payable decreased by 100.00% this year. It’s mainly due to expiration of bank notes payables this year.

15. Accounts Payable

(1) General Information

                    Item                              Closing balance                          Opening balance

                  Amount                                          193,795,670.01                          285,438,535.15

                    Total                                         193,795,670.01                          285,438,535.15

Note: The accounts payable decreased by 32.11%. It’s mainly due to the payment made this year. For accounts payable booked in

previous years.

(2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the
Company or related parties:

                                    Company                                             Closing balance           Opening balance

ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd                                                                        795,968.75                   20,215.17

Alstom Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                                                  949,656.90                 1,030,026.87

ALSTOM Power Energy                                                                               9,247.07                   29,970.10

ALSTOM Power Inc.                                                                               443,650.07                  488,787.14

ALSTOM      s.r.o                                                                                11,281.33                   11,759.71

ALSTOM Technical Services (Shanghai)                                                         31,966,529.92                 4,767,000.00

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd.                                                           17,440.01                   17,440.01

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Valve Co., Ltd.                                                            321,360.26                  432,528.34

ALSTOM Power Service GmbH                                                                                                    84,159.34

ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                         852,425.05

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.                                      19,125,755.73             19,125,755.73

                                                                      2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                        Total                                                  53,640,890.04             26,860,067.46

(3) Accounts payable due for more than 1 year as at the reporting date
Note: The accounts payable aged longer than 1 year is mainly for retrofit processing fees. As the project has yet to complete, it can’t
be settled until the warranty period of the boiler is expired.

16. Advance from customers

(1) General Information

                  Item                                  Closing balance                          Opening balance

                Amount                                               803,079,341.99                           796,939,508.66

                 Total                                               803,079,341.99                           796,939,508.66

(2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company or related parties:

                                 company                                          Closing balance                Opening balance

ALSTOM Estonia AS                                                                           2,583,944.83

Alstom Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                                          593,306,874.69                  344,703,704.47

ALSTOM Power Inc.                                                                        92,987,393.31                  374,284,067.80

                                    Total                                               688,878,212.83                  718,987,772.27

(3) Advanced from customers with aging over 1 year

Note: Advanced from customers with aging over 1 year, were unsettled contract payments on projects under execution. The account

shall be carried forward after the settlement of contract payments on construction contract in progress.

17. Payroll payable:

                    Item                          Opening balance           Increase               Decrease           Closing balance
1.Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy                   9,004,854.52         120,287,975.60         119,274,420.43         10,018,409.69
2. Employee welfare                                                          1,751,751.46            1,751,751.46

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                      Item                      Opening balance         Increase                  Decrease          Closing balance
3. Social insurance                                                     25,259,542.97             25,259,542.97
including 1)Medical insurance
          :                                                                6,336,687.42           6,336,687.42
2)Retirement pension                                                    16,229,740.63             16,229,740.63
3)Enterprise annuity
4)Unemployment insurance                                                    1,570,095.91           1,570,095.91
5)injury insurance premium                                                   570,171.15              570,171.15
6) Pregnancy insurance                                                       552,847.86              552,847.86
4. Housing fund                                                             6,514,530.90           6,514,530.90
5. Labour union fee and employee                    3,116,531.33            2,363,063.69           4,595,431.16          884,163.86
education fee
6.Other                                            41,317,225.01        -2,161,829.39              2,993,435.39       36,161,960.23
                   Total                           53,438,610.86       154,015,035.23         160,389,112.31          47,064,533.78

RMB 884,163.86 was of labor union fee and employee education fee, RMB0.00 was of non-monetary welfare, RMB0.00 was of
redemption for termination of labor contract.
Arrangement of estimated distribution date and amount on payroll payable:
     Closing balance of salary, bonus, allowance, and subsidy was mainly accrued 2013 bonus which is expected to be paid in Jun
next year.

18. Taxes payable

                             Taxes                                     Closing balance                       Opening balance

 1.Value-added tax                                                               -33,308,981.85                       -94,627,427.90

 2.Business tax                                                                                                                1060.00

 3.Levee fee                                                                                                                     10.60

 4.Personal income tax                                                                -1,500.31                            -5,628.71

 5.Education surtax                                                                                                              31.80

 6.Local education development fee                                                                                               21.20

 7.Urban maintenance and construction tax                                                                                        74.20

 8.Stamp duty                                                                          5,492.25                           21,729.71

 9.Land use tax                                                                     782,224.02

10. Property tax                                                                   2,520,985.50

                             Total                                               -30,001,780.39                       -94,610,129.10

                                                                2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Note: Taxes payable increased by 68.29% this year. It’s mainly due to the increase of export rebates and accruals

of land use tax and property tax this year.

19 ....
          Interest payable

                                  Item                                   Closing balance                 Opening balance

Interest payable on short-term borrowings                                        12,276,456.15                     2,442,575.34

                                  Total                                          12,276,456.15                     2,442,575.34

Note: Interest payable increased by 402.60% this year. It’s mainly due to the interest provision of HSBC bank


20. Dividends payable

                  Main investor               Opening balance      Closing balance      Reason of failure payment more than 1
HIT East Power Electric Co., Ltd.                  108,000.00             108,000.00   The subsidiary is in liquidation
West Jiaotong University Star Source               166,000.00             166,000.00   The subsidiary is in liquidation
Shanghai Power Equipment Research                  144,000.00             144,000.00   The subsidiary is in liquidation
Wuhan Urban Environmental Engineering              144,000.00             144,000.00   The subsidiary is in liquidation
                      Total                      562,000.00             562,000.00

Note: Dividends payable is the unpaid dividend of the company’s subsidiary Wuhan Lan Xiang Energy Environmental Protection

Technology Co., Ltd.

21. Other payable

(1) Aging analysis

                   Item                          Closing balance                           Opening balance

                 Amount                                         41,329,411.60                         60,502,521.10

                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                Total                                           41,329,411.60                           60,502,521.10

Note 1: Other payable decreased by 31.69% this year. It’s mainly due to repayment of withholding money to employees on behalf of

buying ALSTOM stocks, and repayment of others.

(2) Other accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the
Company or to related parties

                                 Company                                           Closing balance             Opening balance

ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                                                                   1,342,660.11             2,756,251.11

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                                                                974,056.13                  974,056.13

ALSTOM Holdings                                                                                21,043.34

ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                                                         3,117,745.60             1,438,206.83

ALSTOM IS&T SAS                                                                             4,394,244.13             9,487,835.67

ALSTOM Power Ltd.                                                                              88,376.46                   87,948.88

                                  Total                                                     9,938,125.77            14,744,298.62
(3)Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aged more than 1 year.

(4) The significant amount of other payables details:

                        Item                               Amount                           The nature or content

ALSTOM IS&T SAS                                            4,394,244.13       ITSAS service fee, Telepresence maintenance fee

ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                        3,117,745.60                    GITO ASC service fee

22.Other non-current liabilities

                          item                                   Closing balance                Opening balance

 1. Deferred income                                                       12,314,736.00                 12,592,512.00

 2. Hedged items                                                             79,585.63                     8,884,838.41

 3. Unrecognized finance cost                                             -7,342,568.75                 -8,836,934.01

                                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                  Total                                                  5,051,752.88                      12,640,416.40

Note1: The unrecognized financing cost is the discount fees of employee retirement benefits in accordance with the regulations

stipulated in ‘Employee Benefits’ Accounting Standards.

Note2: The hedging items have decreased 60.03% this year. It’s mainly due to decrease of the volumes of
unexpired forward contract and its contract amount this year.

Government subsidies relating to deferred income details:
                                                                              Increase in       Amount accounted
                                                                                                                            Other             Closing
                          Items                         Opening balance      government         for non-operating
                                                                                                                           changes            balance
                                                                               subsidies               gains
Government subsidies related to assets
1. Gains from land use right of corporate’s                12,592,512.00                                277,776.00                         12,314,736.00
new factory
Subtotal                                                    12,592,512.00                                277,776.00                         12,314,736.00
                          Total                             12,592,512.00                                277,776.00                         12,314,736.00

23. Share Capital

The changes in share capital                                                                      Unit: 0000’ shares
                                     Opening balance                             Increase/Decrease (+/-)                            Closing balance
                                                               Issuing                   Reserves
            Items                                                         Bonus
                                  Amount       Proportion        new                  transferred to   Others   Subtotal      Amount           Proportion
                                                                shares                    shares
1. Limited shares                    17,200     57.91%                                                                          17,200          57.91%
① National holdings
②    state-owned

③       other                        2,053      6.91%                                                                              2,053        6.91%

  i. Domestic                         2,053      6.91%                                                                              2,053        6.91%

 ii.      Domestic
       natural person

④International                      15,147       51%                                                                           15,147           51%
  i. International                   15,147       51%                                                                           15,147           51%

 ii.      International
       natural person

                                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                 Opening balance                                Increase/Decrease (+/-)                          Closing balance
                                                          Issuing                       Reserves
        Items                                                          Bonus
                              Amount       Proportion       new                      transferred to   Others   Subtotal      Amount        Proportion
                                                           shares                        shares
2. Unlimited shares              12,500     42.09%                                                                             12,500       42.09%
① stock A
② stock B                       12,500     42.09%                                                                             12,500       42.09%
③ stock H
④ others
3.Total shares                   29,700      100%                                                                              29,700        100%

24.Capital surplus

                      Item                       Opening balance           Increase               Decrease          Closing balance

Capital premium                                    144,909,718.58                                                         144,909,718.58

Other capital surplus                                29,749,688.88                                                         29,749,688.88

Including: Transfer from items under

             previous accounting                     29,749,688.88                                                         29,749,688.88


                      Total                        174,659,407.46                                                         174,659,407.46

25. Surplus reserve

          Item                      Opening balance                 Increase              Decrease              Closing Balance

Legal surplus                                39,418,356.83                                                                 39,418,356.83

          Total                              39,418,356.83                                                                 39,418,356.83

26. Retained earnings

                                          Item                                                        Amount                Extraction or allocation


Opening balance of retained earnings before adjustments                                             -1,754,297,302.26

Add: Adjustments on opening balance of retained earning

Opening balance of retained earnings after adjustments                                              -1,754,297,302.26

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                     Item                                             Amount               Extraction or allocation


Plus: net profit for the year                                                         -120,271,304.16

Retained earnings at the end of the year                                             -1,874,568,606.42

List of adjustment of opening retained earnings:
1) RMB0.00 opening retained earnings was affected by retroactive adjustment conducted on Accounting
Standards of Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations.
2) RMB0.00 opening retained earnings was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB0.00 opening retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB0.00 opening retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
5) RMB0.00 opening retained earnings was affected by a total of other adjustment.

27. Revenue and Cost of Sales

(1) Revenue

                  Item                                   2013                                   2012

Sales                                                           861,121,950.92                           744,703,504.02

Other operating income                                            5,219,699.23                            23,898,848.95

Cost of sales                                                   825,885,096.14                           711,000,824.88

(2) Listed by the categories of production or business
                                                   2012 Jan-Dec                                  2011 Jan-Dec
                                    Operating revenue           Cost of sales       Operating revenue          Cost of sales
                                            861,121,950.92         825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02           688,362,569.48
Total                                       861,121,950.92         825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02           688,362,569.48

(3)Main business (Classified by product)

                                                        2013                                           2012
                                    Operating revenue           Cost of sales       Operating revenue          Cost of sales
Boiler and auxiliary                        861,121,950.92         825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02           688,362,569.48

Total                                       861,121,950.92         825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02           688,362,569.48

                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

(4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                 2012 Jan-Dec                                     2011 Jan-Dec
                                    Operating revenue         Cost of sales          Operating revenue         Cost of sales
Domestic                                 308,034,997.68          324,597,240.87           265,433,128.24             268,016,464.03

Overseas                                 553,086,953.24          501,284,634.86           479,270,375.78             420,346,105.45

Total                                    861,121,950.92          825,881,875.73           744,703,504.02             688,362,569.48

(5) Top five customers

                          Customers                                 Revenue                  Proportion of total revenue (%)

ALSTOM Power Inc.                                                   526,554,872.39                         60.78

Binzhou Beihai New Materials Co., Ltd.                              318,637,671.60                         36.78

Guodian Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd.                                63,956,596.94                          7.38

ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                       18,864,296.95                          2.18

Gansu Diantou Yongchang Generating Co., Ltd.                         16,345,197.98                          1.89

                            Total                                   944,358,635.86                         109.01

Note: The total revenue of top five customers is more than the total revenue of the company this year. It is mainly

because that Guodian Xi’an Thermopower Co., Ltd cancelled the boiler equipment supply contract with the

company, and the product already sold was returned. Thus the revenue recognized in previous period was reversed

this year.

28. Revenue from the construction contracts

                                                                                         Recognised profits
                                                                                         to date (recognised
                Project                     Total amount        Construction costs                                  Progress billings
                                                                                         losses as negative
                                                                 incurred to date
Fixed price construction contract          3,679,535,434.43        2,115,714,322.50         181,950,590.52          2,183,652,516.96
ALSTOM Power Inc.                          1,797,750,536.22         698,844,997.12            94,944,600.20           763,789,597.32
Binzhou Beihai New Materials Co., Ltd       478,632,478.63          322,703,398.81            38,870,736.91           354,666,666.65

                                                          2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Gansu Diantou Jinchang Generating        258,974,358.97      225,980,984.97          19,408,033.38          233,076,923.10
Co., Ltd
ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH           387,794,073.77      280,444,731.77         104,599,424.25          383,789,290.51
PT INDAH KIAT PULP                       235,769,994.20      231,272,750.88         -45,807,016.87          185,465,733.93

29. Business tax and surcharges

                            Item                            2013                  2012               Base of payment

Business tax                                                                        2,060.00

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                                   144.20          Note 3

Education surtax                                                                          61.80

Watercourse and embankment tax                                                            20.60
                                                                                                         Note 3
Local education surtax                                                                    41.20

                            Total                                                   2,327.80

Note: Business tax and surcharges decreases by 100% this year, it’s due to the non-occurrence of taxable service

in 2013.

30. Selling expenses

                     Item                                  2013                                      2012

Salary & bonus                                                     5,038,957.98                               4,104,359.55

Social insurance                                                    578,868.33                                 506,322.92

Travel expenses                                                    1,612,474.29                                 213,911.80

Housing fund                                                        155,351.00                                 132,782.00

Business entertainment expenses                                     243,742.80                                   97,712.51

Depreciation                                                        404,536.06                                 487,849.93

Lease expenses                                                      160,234.59                                 266,830.68

Others                                                             9,868,711.87                               4,323,744.76

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                      Item                                          2013                                     2012

                      Total                                                 18,064,889.92                           10,133,514.15

Note: Selling expenses increased by 78.25% this year. The main reason is that as to expand the product selling, the company took

part in number of tendering projects, the related selling expenses of sales department and tendering expenses increased accordingly

this year.

31. Administration expenses

                                      Item                                                   2013                    2012

Salary & Benefit                                                                            12,542,120.37            11,166,490.98

Social insurance                                                                              1,244,291.84            1,051,280.35

Property tax and Land use tax                                                                 3,303,209.52            3,457,161.38

Insurance expenses                                                                            1,926,365.83            1,772,238.71

Travel expenses                                                                               2,397,408.19            1,499,133.28

Housing fund                                                                                   243,471.00              229,861.00

Training expenses                                                                                 8,088.97             261,724.20

Amortization of intangible assets                                                             2,441,330.06            3,153,000.59

Business entertainment expenses                                                                351,906.17             1,035,737.63

Depreciation                                                                                   644,553.75             1,005,135.34

Consultant service expenses                                                                   8,401,332.86            1,602,694.56

Lease expenses                                                                                2,186,142.64            1,560,548.58

Employee retirement fees and other benefits                                                  -1,432,665.17               73,930.76

Changeover withholding on VAT caused by idle inventory                                                                8,650,032.18

Others                                                                                        2,096,101.54             810,594.96

                                      Total                                                 36,353,657.57           37,329,564.50

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
32. Financial expenses

                                    Item                                              2013                      2012

Interest expenses                                                                     94,809,540.81              91,462,500.84

Less Interest income
    :                                                                                  226,407.11                     162,529.26

Foreign exchange loss                                                                 -3,766,555.45               2,956,985.69

Surcharges                                                                              548,135.15                     416,905.07

Amortization of unrecognized financing charges                                          900,971.55                     612,963.00

Discount of bills                                                                      2,026,629.58

                                    Total                                             94,292,314.53              95,286,825.34

33. Impairment losses

                         Item                                   2013                             2012

1. Provision for Impairment loss of bad debts                        -28,503,923.96                   -37,032,431.19

2. Impairment loss of inventories                                    39,685,229.17                    27,852,625.49

                         Total                                       11,181,305.21                     -9,179,805.70

Notes: Assets impairment loss increased by 221.80%, mainly due to the increase of non-project raw material

impairment increase and bad-debt provision reversed for the strengthening AR collection;

34. Fair value gains

              source                             2013                                     2012

Hedging-trade                                           -67,448.47                                     2,356,173.93

                Total                                   -67,448.47                                     2,356,173.93

Notes: The gain/loss on FV change decreases by RMB 2,423,622.40 in comparison with that of last year. This is

mainly due to decrease of FV gain from unexpired hedging instruments and hedged items.

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
35. Non-operating gains

                                     Item                                                2013                         2012

 1. Gain on disposal of non-current assets                                                 441,377.67                          9,102.41

 including Gain on disposal of fixed assets
            :                                                                             441,377.67                          9,102.41

 2. The government subsidies                                                               277,776.00                      277,776.00

 3. Rewards                                                                                700,000.00

 4. Indemnity or fine claimed                                                             2,012,262.77                     420,000.00

 5.Others                                                                                    22,506.21                   1,325,238.98

                                     Total                                                3,453,922.65                   2,032,117.39

Note: The non-operating gains increased 69.97%. It’s mainly due to the increase of gain on disposal of fixed assets, rewards, and

indemnity this year.

Details of government subsidies

                                              Categories                                                  2013               2012

Asset base          1    Revenue of land use right of new factory
                        .                                                                               277,776.00        277,776.00

                                                Total                                                    277,776.00        277,776.00

Note: The government subsidies are amortized deferred income related to land use right of new factory.

36. Non-operating losses

                                       Item                                                   2013                      2012

1.Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                        126,100.98                     4,605.96

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                     126,100.98                     4,605.96

2. Others                                                                                         11,175.34                    8,000.00

                                       Total                                                    137,276.32                   12,605.96

Note: The non-operating expenses increased by 988.98%. It’s mainly due to increase in disposal of retired fixed


                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
37. Income tax expense

                              Item                                          2013                            2012

Deferred income tax                                                                5,016,123.13                 23,333,169.80

Total                                                                              5,016,123.13                 23,333,169.80

38. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

        A Basic earnings per share=P÷S=-94,341,156.10÷297,000,000.00= -0.40

In the equation above, P represents the net profit or profit after deducting extraordinary gain or loss attributable to

ordinary shareholders. S represents the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the period. S0

represents the number of ordinary shares at the beginning of the period. S1 represents the number of additional

ordinary shares issued on capital surplus transfer or share dividends appropriation; Si represents the number of

ordinary shares issued in exchange for cash or issued as a result of the conversion of a debt instrument to ordinary

shares during the period. Sj represents reduced number of ordinary shares such as shares buy back. Sk represents

the number of a reverse share split. MO represents the months during the period. Mi represents the months from

the following month after issuing incremental shares to the end of the period. Mj represents the months from the

following month after reducing shares to the end of the period.

(A) Diluted Earnings Per Share =[P+(Diluted potential common stock dividends-convert cost) /(S0                           S1
                                                                                                                       + +
Si×Mi÷MO–Sj×Mj÷MO–Sk+ The weighted average number of incremental ordinary shares on warrants, options,

convertible debt and so on .   )
In the equation above, P represents the net profit or profit after deducting extraordinary gain or loss attributable to ordinary

shareholders. When calculating the diluted Earnings per Share, company considered in sequence from dilutive potential ordinary

shares to get the lowest earnings per share.

For business combination under the same control during the reporting period and the combing party issuing new

shares as consideration, when calculating the EPS at the end of reporting period, company should treat these

shares as normal outstanding shares at the beginning of combining date (Weighting coefficient is 1). When

calculating the EPS during the comparing period, company should treat these shares as normal outstanding shares

at the beginning of comparing period. When calculating the EPS after deducting extraordinary gain or loss at the

end of reporting period, company should treat these new shares as issued one month after the combing date. When

calculating the EPS after deducting extraordinary gain or loss during the comparing period, company should

ignore these new shares (Weighting coefficient is 0).

                                                               2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

For business combination under the same control at the accounting period and the combining party issuing new

shares as consideration, when calculating the EPS at the accounting period or the comparing period, company

should use the basic EPS method to treat these new shares.

Unlisted company purchases listed company by issuing share to become a listed company indirectly, when

calculating the EPR during the reporting period:

Weighted average number of ordinary shares during the period = (Weighted average number of shares from the

beginning of reporting period to the end of the month which combination happened) + (Weighted average number

of shares from the next month of the combination to the end of the reporting period)

Weighted average number of shares from the beginning of reporting period to the end of the month which

combination happened = Weighted average number of shares of the acquirer (subsidiary in law) × Share exchange

rate in the acquisition agreement ×number of months from the beginning to the month which acquisition happens

÷ number of months during the period

Weighted average number of shares from the next month of the combination to the end of the reporting period =

Weighted average number of shares of the acquiree (parent in law) ×number of months from the next month to the

end of period ÷ number of months during the period

Unlisted company purchases listed company by issuing share to become a listed company indirectly, when

calculating the EPR during the comparing period:

Weighted average number of ordinary shares during the period = Weighted average number of shares of the

acquirer (subsidiary in law) × Share exchange rate in the acquisition agreement.

39. Relevant information about cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received from operating activities

                                     Item                                               Amount

Other cash received relating to operating activities                                                   5,734,768.98

Including: Indemnity or fine claimed                                                                   2,012,262.77

          Rewards                                                                                       700,000.00

         Amount received from Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                                           3,000,000.00

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

(2)Other cash paid from operating activities

                                      Item                                                      Amount

Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                                           39,961,404.79


     Consultant service expenses                                                                            9,943,580.18

     Tender expenses and others                                                                             9,730,457.79

     Deduction of employees’ stock                                                                         5,374,287.39

     Travel expenses                                                                                        4,029,916.65

     Lease expenses                                                                                         2,908,859.47

     Security expenses                                                                                      1,926,365.83

     Processing expenses                                                                                     548,135.15

     Tender guarantee                                                                                       2,400,000.00

(3)Other cash received from investing activities

                                      Item                                                      Amount

Cash received relating to financing activities                                                               226,407.11

Including: Interest income                                                                                   226,407.11

(4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities
No other cash paid relevant to investment activities during report period.

(5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities
No other cash received relevant to financing activities during report period.

(6) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities
No other cash paid relevant to financing activities during report period.

40. Supplementary information of cash flow statement

                             Supplementary information                                   2013              2012
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operations
 Net profit                                                                           -121,200,525.49     -94,928,382.44

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                             Supplementary information                                      2013              2012
 Provision for impairments of assets.                                                     11,181,305.21     -147,186,362.86
 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive biological assets            38,733,712.28       42,094,269.15
 Amortization of intangible assets                                                          6,265,776.05       7,929,382.37
 Amortization of long-term deferred expense
 Losses/gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible asset and            -315,276.69           -4,496.45
other long-term assets (gains: negative)
 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets     (gains: negative)
 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                   67,448.47      -2,356,173.93
 Finance cost (income: negative)                                                          91,717,549.80       95,286,825.34
 Investment loss (gains: negative)
 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                       5,016,123.13      23,333,169.80
 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)
 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                               48,113,461.10      207,131,838.57
 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase: negative)           61,766,488.40      125,166,260.59
 Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease: negative)                      -89,609,082.36    -172,782,472.98
Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                        51,736,979.90       83,683,857.16
 2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash
receipts and payments
 Debt converted to capital
 Finance leased fixed assets

 3. Movement of Cash and cash equivalent:
 Closing balance of Cash                                                                    8,283,224.28     131,071,052.35
 Less: opening balance of cash                                                           131,071,052.35       20,388,030.03
 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent
 Less: opening balance of      cash equivalents
 The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                           -122,787,828.07     110,683,022.32

(2)Relevant information of acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other operation entities in the report


(3)Cash and cash equivalents:

                                      Item                                              2013                  2012

 1. Cash

 Including: Cash on hand

 Bank deposit on demand                                                                     8,283,224.28     131,071,052.35

 Other cash and cash equivalent on demand

                                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                           Item                                                                   2013                               2012

 Central Bank deposit on demand

 Due from banks

 Call loan to banks

 2. Cash equivalent

 Including: bond investments due in three months

 3. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                                      8,283,224.28               131,071,052.35

41. Statement of changes in owners’ equity Note


VIII. Related Party Relationships and Transactions

1. The parent company of the relevant information:

    Parent        Relationship            Business Type                Registration                Legal               Nature of the        Registered Capital
  company                                                                                     Representative               business
ALSTOM            Shareholder          Foreign-owned                Fifth floor.               Dominique             Lawfully              USD60,964,400.00
(China)                                    enterprises              QianKun                     Pouliquen            investing in
Investment                                                          building ,No. 6 ,                                fields in which
Co., Ltd.                                                           West No 6 street,                                foreign
                                                                    Sanlitun,                                        investment is
                                                                    chaoyang district,                               permitted by
                                                                    Beijing                                          the State

       Parent company                 The parent company's                The parent company's                The ultimate controlling           Organization
                                          shareholding (%)                     voting right (%)                party of the Company                   Code
ALSTOM (China)                                    51                                   51                     ALSTOM Holdings                    71092378-2
Investment Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiary of the Company relating to information disclosure:

 Subsidiary   Registered       Type         Nature     Principal       Legal representative     Registered       Percentage of   Percent   Organization

                address                                activities                             capital(RMB)       Shareholding    age of       Code

                                                                                                                       %         voting


Wuhan Lan      Control       Control                   Guowei         Boiler, energy          20,000,000.00          95%          95%      73753132-4
Xiang Power   shareholder   shareholder     Wuhan       Yang          environmental

                                                                              2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
 Subsidiary     Registered   Type   Nature   Principal     Legal representative        Registered    Percentage of   Percent   Organization

                  address                    activities                               capital(RMB)   Shareholding    age of       Code

                                                                                                           %         voting



Environmenta                                              protection products,

l Protection                                              Steel structures,

Technology                                                technology research of

Company                                                   heat energy products

Limited                                                   and its accessorial

                                                          equipment, design,

                                                          technical Consultancy,

                                                          technical service, sales

                                                          of developed products,

                                                          energy project



3. Other related parties

                              Company                                                          Relationship                     Organization Code
ALSTOM POWER Inc.                                                               A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Boiler France                                                            A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                                  A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Power Service GmbH                                                       A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Power Energy                                                             A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALATOM Estonia AS                                                               A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM IS&T SAS                                                                 A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Power Ltd.                                                               A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM         s.r.o                                                            A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Holdings                                                                 Ultimate holding company
ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                                                       A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM (Wuhan) Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.                               A subsidiary of ultimate holding                    77459437-5
                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                             Company                                                  Relationship                Organization Code
ALSTOM (Beijing) Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.                 A subsidiary of ultimate holding
ALSTOM Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                      A subsidiary of ultimate holding                   60742241-0
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                                      The second largest shareholder                     17771651-4
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Valve Co., Ltd.                                Subsidiary of the second largest                   30024542-1
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.             Subsidiary of the second largest                   87769907-3
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd.                              Subsidiary of the second largest                   30024726-7

4. Related party transactions

(1) Purchase and service received
       Related parties            Details of    Rule of                   2013                                    2012
                                                                Amount            Proportion            Amount            Proportion
                                 transaction      price                               %
                                                                                      ) (                                   %
                                                                                                                            ) (
ALSTOM Technical                    Raw          Market        57,394,230.77           11.21
Services (Shanghai) Co.,          material        price
ALSTOM       s.r.o               Equipment       Market                                                  267,510.75          0.07
Alstom Power Energy                 Raw          Market            11,683.46           0.002              19,355.91          0.01
                                  material        price
ALSTOM Boiler France                Raw          Market                                                   60,790.72          0.02
                                  material        price
ALSTOM Boiler                       Raw          Market                                                   84,159.34          0.02
Deutschland GmbH                  material        price
ALSTOM Boiler                       Labor        Market          701,196.45             4.64
Deutschland GmbH                   service        price
Wuhan Boiler (Group)              Transport      Market                                                 1,679,293.00        16.40
Yuntong Co., Ltd.                  service        price

Sales and service provided
       Related parties           Details of    Rule of price                   2013                               2012
                                                                                       Proportion                          Proportion
                              transaction         setting          Amount                                Amount
                                                                                         ) (                                 %
                                                                                                                            ) (
ALSTOM Estonia A.S               Sales of      Market price        6,938,366.95           0.81          84,862,897.74        11.40
ALSTOM Boiler                    Sales of      Market price       18,864,296.95           2.19         155,422,838.84        20.87
Deutschland GmbH                 products
ALSTOM Boiler                    Sales of      Market price                                               220,432.59         1.05

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
       Related parties          Details of     Rule of price                   2013                               2012
                                                                                      Proportion                          Proportion
                                transaction       setting             Amount                           Amount
                                                                                       ) (                                  %
                                                                                                                           ) (
Deutschland GmbH                 materials
ALSTOM (Wuhan)                       Labor     Market price            425,258.82       34.72         2,870,277.82          100.00
Engineering & Technology             service
Co., Ltd.
ALSTOM Technical                 Sales of      Market price            180,000.00       0.02
Services (Shanghai) Co.,              parts
ALSTOM Power INC.                    Labor     Market price                                           1,346,000.50           6.41
ALSTOM Power INC.                Sales of      Market price        526,554,872.39       61.15       262,549,439.35          35.26

(2) Information of related party trusteeship/contract

(3) Information of related party lease

(4) Information of related party guarantee

(5)Related party call loan

(6) Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties

(7 )Other related party transactions
                   Related parties                               Transactions                      2013                   2012
ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                             PMX supporting fees                          2,372,865.61          2,720,562.24
ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                             PDMS software application service             318,063.84            406,121.21
ALSTOM Holdings                                       Training fees                                  80,134.70             73,489.51
ALSTOM IS&T SAS                                       ITSAS fees                                   4,569,418.34          4,972,283.36
ALSTOM IS&T SAS                                       Telepresenc maintenance fees                  960,690.29
ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                   ITSSC service fees                           3,791,857.41          3,436,203.51
ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                   Training fees                                                        45,792.00
ALSTOM (Wuhan) Engineering & Technology               Project Testing fees                          100,000.00            272,140.00

                                                               2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                  Related parties                             Transactions                      2013                   2012
Co., Ltd.
ALSTOM (Wuhan) Engineering & Technology            Translation fees                                                    187,452.00
Co., Ltd.
ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                          SAP B1 Financial software cost                   49,584.08           89,582.90

(3)ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd entrust China Construction Bank to provide a shareholder’s entrusted loan to Wuhan

Boiler Co., Ltd. The amount is RMB1,429,200,000.00 with a floating downward 10% of PBoC benchmark interest rate. The

cumulative interest expenses in 2013 were RMB87,609,540.82.

5. Amounts due from/to related parties

     Amount due from related parties
                                                   Closing balance                        Opening balance
    Item            Related parties                           Provision for                           Provision for
                                             Balance                                 Balance
                                                              doubtful debts                          doubtful debts
Accounts        Wuhan Boiler (Group)         4,854,995.28       4,854,995.28         4,854,995.28         970,999.06
receivable      Engineering &
                Technology Co., Ltd.
                ALSTOM Power Inc.          115,157,792.48       3,455,587.32        74,032,613.97       2,220,978.42
                ALSTOM Boiler                  129,576.22             25,915.24       128,017.09            7,681.03
                Deutschland GmbH
                Alstom Estonia AS                                                    6,508,665.06         195,259.95
Prepayment      ALSTOM Technical            13,260,000.00                           16,355,000.00
                Services (Shanghai)
                Co., Ltd.
Other           Wuhan Boiler (Group)        61,030,488.11      16,353,377.52        64,030,488.11      12,895,907.62
                Co., Ltd.
                Wuhan Boiler (Group)           240,571.49             48,114.30       240,571.49           48,114.30
                Valve Co., Ltd.
                Wuhan Boiler (Group)            10,171.01              2,034.20        10,171.01            2,034.20
                Yuntong Co., Ltd.
                ALSTOM Boiler                  617,080.03             18,512.40      1,314,304.59          39,429.14
                ALSTOM                                                                568,373.05           17,051.19
                (Switzerland) Ltd.
                ALSTOM Boiler                  388,420.68             16,284.65      3,558,987.14         106,769.61
                Deutschland GmbH
                ALSTOM (China)                                                       3,200,336.47         190,807.11
                Investment Co., Ltd.
                ALSTOM (Beijing)                14,074.73               422.24
                Engineering &
                Technology Co., Ltd.
                ALSTOM (Wuhan)                 245,749.37              7,372.48      1,250,711.46          37,521.34
                Engineering &
                Technology Co., Ltd.
                ALSTOM Power                    36,157.65              1,084.73        36,157.65            1,084.73

                                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                        Closing balance                      Opening balance
    Item                 Related parties                               Provision for                     Provision for
                                                   Balance                               Balance
                                                                       doubtful debts                    doubtful debts

    Amount due to related parties

           Item                                      Related parties                        Closing balance       Opening balance

Accounts payable               Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd.                                17,440.01             17,440.01

                               Wuhan Boiler (Group) Valve Co., Ltd.                                 321,360.26            432,528.34

                               Wuhan Boiler (Group) Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.         19,125,755.73          19,125,755.73

                               ALSTOM Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                  31,966,529.92           4,767,000.00

                               ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                       949,656.90         1,030,026.87

                               ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                                                        852,425.05

                               ALSTOM Power Inc.                                                    443,650.07            488,787.14

                               ALSTOM      s.r.o                                                     11,281.33             11,759.71

                               ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                                            795,968.75             20,215.17

                               Alstom Power Energy                                                    9,247.07             29,970.10

                               Alstom Power Service GmbH                                                                   84,159.34

Advance from customers         Alstom Estonia AS                                                   2,583,944.83

                               ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                  92,987,393.31         344,703,704.47

                               ALSTOM Power Inc.                                              593,306,874.69         374,284,067.80

Other payable                  Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                                       974,056.13            974,056.13

                               ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                                 3,117,745.60        1,438,206.83

                               ALSTOM IS&T SAS                                                     4,394,244.13        9,487,835.67

                               ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.                                           1,342,660.11        2,756,251.11

                               ALSTOM Power Ltd.                                                     88,376.46             87,948.88

                               ALSTOM Holdings                                                      21,043.34

                                                            2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
IX. Contingency

1. Contingent liabilities and its fiscal effect arising from unsettled lawsuit or arbitration

(1). The company had a dispute arising from the execution of the contract - ‘2×200MW coal-fired boiler
economical contract’ with Shanxi Zhenxin (Group) Co., Ltd. In April 2010, the company sued in the higher
people’s court of Shanxi Province, and required Shanxi Zhenxin (Group) Co., Ltd. to repay the totally contract
amount of RMB 47.97 million, penalty and interest of RMB 22.05 million. In October 2011, after many trials, the
higher people’s court of Shanxi Province made a judgment that Shanxi Zhenxin (Group) Co., Ltd. shall pay the
contract amount and its corresponding interest of totally RMB39.82 million to the company. In the executive
process of the sentence, the company found that the higher people’s court of Shanxi Province made a false
determination of facts of this case relating to the name change of Shanxi Zhenxin (Group) Co., Ltd. in the court
judgment, thus the company applied to the supreme people’s court of PRC for retrial. In April 2013, the supreme
people’s court of PRC ordered that the higher people’s court of Shanxi Province shall retry this case; in the retrial
process, the enforcement of the original judgment shall be suspended. After the trial, in April 2014, the higher
people’s court of Shanxi Province ruling as follows: 1. abrogation of Jin Min Chu Zi (2010) No.8 civil judgment
made by the higher people’s court of Shanxi Province; 2. rescission of the contract signed between the company
and the defendant Shanxi Zhenxin (Group) Co., Ltd; 3. The defendant Shanxi Zhenxin (Group) Co., Ltd shall
repay contract amount of 47.97 million yuan and its corresponding interest to the company within 15 days after
this sentence (because the advance deposit of 8.15 million yuan paid for No.2 boiler is transferred as a part of
payment for No.1 boiler, 8.15 million yuan of the total debt 47.97 million of No.1 boiler need not to be paid); 4.
rejecting the company's other claims.

The company has accrued the bad debt provision for this receivable based on the aging analysis method

(2) . In November 2001, Shenzhen Wangda Caiyin Packaging Co., Ltd. and the company signed a boiler supply
contract which contract No. is 2001 Dianxiao 011. In September 2003, two parities reached a supplemental
agreement which stipulated that Jiangsu Wangda Paper Co., Ltd. (referred to ‘Jiangsu Wangda’) shall perform the
rights and obligations of contract. In February 2004, after the company received the advance deposit, the company
organized the work of designing, production and expanding purchase. In November 2004, Jiangsu Wangda
required the company to delay the delivery date and stopped paying the remaining payments, which result in the
suspension of this project until now. In April 2011, Jiangsu Wangda sent a letter to the company, in which it
required rescission of the contract and return of the advance payment. However, the company maintained, due to a
large amount of cost arising from organization of design, production and expanding purchase in this project, the
company agreed to terminate the contract on the basis of no refund of advance deposit and compensation of the
loss, whilst Jiangsu Wangda disagreed on the company’s opinion. Due to the disagreement of rescission of the
contract by both parties, Jiangsu Wangda took a legal action to the intermediate people’s court of Wuhan. Until
the reporting date, this case is still in the trial of the intermediate people’s court of Wuhan.

The company will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company through legal actions. The above

matters will not be expected to have a significant impact to the company’s financial position.

                                                                 2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
(3) . On June 28 2013, ‘amendments to constitution of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd’ (referred to ‘amendments to
constitution ’) was approved at annual general meeting of shareholders held in 2012. The main points of modified
content include: Article 74, the Power of Attorney shall be issued respectively for each shareholder meeting , shall
not be accredited for long-term; the proxy shall not delegate to others; if the proxy who is a shareholder accepts
the authority of five or more than five shareholders, the proxy shall collet the voting rights based on the relevant
requirements of proxy solicitation system of the company and go through the relevant procedures; the proxy who
is not a shareholder cannot accept the authority of five or more than five shareholders except the solicitor. Article
80, the solicitor is the independent director of the Board of Directors of the company, or the shareholder who
individually or jointly holds more than 1 per cent of the issued shares of the company; the solicitor shall hire a law
firm or state notarial organ to review the qualification of the solicitor, solicitation scheme, authority letters of
proxy solicitation, veracity of performing proxy solicitation, validity of performing proxy solicitation and so on,
then issue a legal opinion. This legal opinion or notarial certificate should be disclosed in the specified media with
the report of proxy solicitation and authority letters of proxy solicitation. According to the requirements of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shanghai Jintiancheng law firm issued the ‘legal opinion’ on these amendments.
Shanghai Jintiancheng law firm maintained that these amendments did not violate the mandatory provisions of
current laws and regulations, and it limited the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders without

Zhenbiao Tan, the exchangeable-share holders of the company, believed that this amendments limited public

shareholders to reasonably perform their civil rights and harmed the rights and interests of public shareholders.

Thus, he maintained that the amendments was invalid and sued in the people’s court of Wuhan Donghu New

Technology Development Zone. Until the reporting date, this case is still in the trial of the people’s court of

Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone.

The company believes that the above matters will not have a significant impact to the company’s financial


2. Contingent liabilities and its fiscal effect arising from guarantee offered to other companies

Other contingent liabilities and its fiscal effect: none.

X. Commitments

1. Significant commitments

(1)Capital commitments

Up to 31 December 2013, the commitment related to purchases of long-term assets which the contract were signed but not reflected

in the financial statements amounted to RMB2,414,310.38, USD157,085.00, EUR15,071.50.

(2)Other commitments

Up to 31 December 2013, the unexpired bonds issued by the company amount to: performance bond RMB29,454,240.00, tender

                                                                2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

bond RMB2,400,000.00 and U.S dollar guarantee bond USD3,126,923.00

2. The performance of previous commitments

(1) The release of bonds this year amounts to: performance bond RMB22,950,000.00, tender bond RMB11,000,000.00, and payment

guarantee bond RMB12,156,110.00.

(2)The performance of previous year's capital commitments: the amount of prior year's capital commitments fulfilled in 2013 was


XI. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

On April 9th 2014, ‘Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd debt-for-equity scheme’ was approved in accordance with the

resolution of the 4th Meeting of the 6th section of Board of Director. This scheme is that 1.68 billion yuan debt

owed to Alstom (China) Investment Co., Ltd by the company as of March 31, 2014, will be transferred into

440,944,881 unlisted and non-tradable shares.

The conversion price of this scheme is no less than the average price of stock exchange within 20 trading days

before the announcement date of the board resolution, and is recognized at 4.81 HK dollar per share (on the date

of the board resolution, the currency exchange rate is 1 HK dollar for 0.79302 Yuan, so the conversion price is

equivalent to 3.81 Yuan per share).

After the implementation of this scheme, the net assets of Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd will be positive.

This scheme has yet to be approved by the general meeting of the company shareholders. It is possible this

scheme is unable to obtain the approval of shareholders’ general meeting.

XII. Other significant events

1.Exchange of non-monetary assets

2.Debt reorganization

3. Enterprises combination

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
4. Lease

5. Closing financial instruments that externally published and able to convert into shares

6.   Asset and Liability with fair value measurement

7.   Financial assets and financial liability in foreign currency

8. Details of annuity plan and significant changes

9. Other significant events

Through friendly consultation, with the approval of Duodian Group, Guodian Xi’an Thermopower Preparatory Office (Xi’an

Thermopower) and the company have reached an agreement to exchange the boiler equipment of Xi’an thermopower project to

Guodian Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd. The company has committed to properly deal with the issues of Xi’an Project including the

close-out of project and the return of prepayment, after the signature of Tai’an supply contract and execution of this contract. In

March 2013, Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd. signed a boiler purchase contract (Contract No. of buyer: GDTA-GLZJ-2013-001;

Contract No. of seller: 2013E-001 (Tai’an)) with the company, and prepaid the 10 per cent of contract price.

On Jan 28th 2014, Xi’an Thermopower, Tai’an Thermopower and the company signed an agreement – Agreement on the issues of

terminating boiler equipment supply contract between Guodian Xi’an Thermopower and Wuhan Boiler Co., Ltd. According to this

agreement, the boiler purchase contract signed by Xi’an Thermopower and the company will be terminated. The company will

delegate Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd. to pay 30.85 million Yuan of prepayment to Xi’an Thermopower. Xi’an Thermopower Co.,

Ltd. and the company no longer assume the responsibilities and obligations in the contract. The amount effecting the company’s

financial position and operation is RMB-5,850,651.88.

XIII. Notes of financial statements of parent company

1. Accounts receivable

(1)Accounts receivable by categories are as follows:
                                                                                     Closing balance
                                                                    Balance                            Provision for doubtful debts

                                                                    2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                                                 Proportion                                 Proportion
                                                           Amount                                        Amount
                                                                                    (%)                                        (%)

Individually significant receivables
                                                             24,820,000.00            6.79               24,820,000.00            100
Group A (using aging analysis)                              311,755,182.08           85.27             104,050,713.72            33.38
Other insignificant receivables but still
                                                             29,042,460.00            7.94               16,004,460.00           55.11
are impaired individually
                     Total                                 365,617,642.08            100.00            144,875,173.72            39.62

Description for categories of accounts receivable:

Note: the monetary standards of provision for bad debts of the individually significant receivables is top 5 account

receivables at year end, which he impairment test is carried on individually. For significant receivables, if there

are substantive evidences indicating that a receivable has been impaired, a provision for bad debts should be made;

if a receivable is found not to be individually impaired, it should be included in a group of similar credit risk

characteristics receivables and a collective assessment of impairment should be made. Receivables which are not

significant, but still need individually recognition of bad debt provision, if there are substantive evidences shown

there is a special impairment of insignificant receivables, then they need individually impairment tests.

Notes for Individually significant receivables:

           Item              Closing balance   Bad debt provision   Provision %                    Reasons for provision
Dongfang Xiwang                                                                      The Company is required to bear part of the
Baotou Xitu Aluminium          24,820,000.00        24,820,000.00            100% subsequent costs and thus the receivable amount
Co., Ltd                                                                             is not expected to be fully recoverable.

Total                          24,820,000.00        24,820,000.00               --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                  Closing balance

           Aging of receivables                                 Balance
                                                                                                       Provision for doubtful debts
                                                     Amount                  Proportion (%)

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                       190,066,260.86            60.97                                      5,701,987.83

1-2 years(including 2 years)                             9,038,000.00             2.90                                          271,140.00

2-3 years(including 3 years)                             2,047,451.61             0.66                                          122,847.10

3-4 years(including 4 years)                               242,676.22             0.08                                           48,535.24

4-5 years(including 5 years)                            15,568,237.30             4.99                                      3,113,647.46

Over 5 years                                            94,792,556.09            30.41                                     94,792,556.09

                  Total                                311,755,182.08           100.00                                   104,050,713.72

                                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB Yuan

                Item                    Closing balance     Bad debt provision      Provision %              Reasons for provision
Datang Liaoyuan Power Plant               11,010,000.00             2,202,000.00             20%   Deduction for product quality issues

Gansu Diantou Jinchang                                                                             The retention money is difficult
                                            580,000.00                580,000.00         100%      to be fully received.
Generating Co., Ltd.
Guodian Lanzhou Thermopower                                                                        The Company is required to bear part
Co., Ltd.                                                                                          of the subsequent costs and thus the
                                           4,500,000.00               270,000.00             6%
                                                                                                   receivable amount is not expected to
                                                                                                   be fully recoverable.
Gansu Datang Xigu                                                                                  The retention money is difficult
Thermoelectric Co., Ltd.
                                         12,952,460.00           12,952,460.00           100%      to be received due to product
                                                                                                   quality issues.
Total                                    29,042,460.00           16,004,460.00          --                            --

(2) Bad debt recovery

        Company            Reasons for recovery           Reasons for provision          Accumulated              Recovered
                                                                                         provision for             amount
                                                                                         doubtful debts
                                                                                        before recovery
Datang Liaoyuan            The receivable            Deduction for product                    2,598,000.00        8,480,000.00
Power Plant                amount has been           quality issues
Guodian Lanzhou            The receivable            The Company is required to               9,730,000.00       23,603,300.00
Thermopower Co.,           amount has been           bear part of the subsequent
Ltd.                       recovered.                costs and thus the
                                                     receivable amount is not
                                                     expected to be fully
Shanxi Datang              The receivable            Deduction for product                   12,853,600.00       18,612,000.00
International              amount has been           quality issues
Yungang Thermal            recovered.
Power Co., Ltd.
China National             The receivable            The retention money is                   8,173,446.10        8,173,446.10
Machinery Import           amount has been           difficult to be received due

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
        Company         Reasons for recovery       Reasons for provision            Accumulated             Recovered
                                                                                    provision for            amount
                                                                                    doubtful debts
                                                                                before recovery
and Export              recovered.              to the quality issues.
Shanxi Lu’an Yuwu      The receivable          Over 5 years                           1,480,000.00          1,480,000.00
Thermopower Co.,        amount was
Ltd.                    recovered.
ShuangyashanTherm       The receivable          Over 5 years                           2,900,000.00          2,900,000.00
opower Co., Ltd.        amount was
Xinjiang Huadian        The receivable          Over 5 years                           1,000,000.00          1,000,000.00
Changji                 amount was
Thermopower Phase       recovered.
Ⅱ   Co., Ltd.
Xinxiang Yuxin          The receivable          Over 5 years                             349,996.70           349,996.70
Electricity             amount was
Generating CO., Ltd.    recovered.
Zhenzhou Gas            The receivable          Over 5 years                           2,547,589.64          2,547,589.64
Electricity             amount was
Generating CO., Ltd.    recovered.
           Total                                                                      41,632,632.44         67,146,332.44

The bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single amount for
which separately made impairment test at the end of report period: none.
Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit
risks characteristics: none.

(3) The write-off accounts receivable: none.

(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Nature or content of other receivables with significant amount
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(6)Information of top 5 accounts receivable:
                                               Relationship with
                   Company                                                 Amount                     Age               Proportion
                                                 the Company
Alstom Power Inc.                                 Affiliated             115,157,792.48       115,129,340.87                31.50
                                                                                               within 1 year,
                                                                                             28,451.61 for 2-3

                                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                    Relationship with
                     Company                                                       Amount                    Age              Proportion
                                                      the Company
Shanxi Zhengxin Group Co., Ltd.                      Non-affiliated                39,820,000.00        Over 5 years            10.89
Shandong Luneng Materials Group Co., Ltd.            Non-affiliated                39,290,000.00       Within 1 year            10.75
Guodian Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd.                Non-affiliated                27,496,919.99       Within 1 year             7.52
Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu Aluminium                Non-affiliated                24,820,000.00     12,910,000.00 for           6.79
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                4-5 years;
                                                                                                     11,910,000.00 for
                                                                                                     more than 5 years
                      Total                                                       246,584,712.47                                67.45

(7)Accounts receivable due from related parties
                     Company                            Relationship with the Company                     Amount             Proportion
ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                      A subsidiary of the ultimate holding                     129,576.22                 0.04
Alstom Power Inc.                                   A subsidiary of the ultimate holding                 115,157,792.48                31.50
Wuhan       Boiler   (Group)      Engineering   &   A subsidiary of        the second largest              4,854,995.28                 1.33
Technology Co., Ltd.                                shareholder
                      Total                                                                             120,142,363.98                 32.87
(8) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount of
assets and liabilities arising from further involvement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Other receivables

(1)Other receivables disclosed by type:
                                                                                           Closing balance
                     Categories                                         Balance                           Provision for doubtful debts
                                                           Amount                 Proportion (%)         Amount            Proportion (%)
Individually significant receivables                       26,673,222.30              23.65             26,673,222.30         100.00
Group A (using aging analysis)                             76,923,804.99              68.19             24,716,703.91          32.13
Group B (No doubtful debt provision for                     6,564,340.29               5.82
account receivables)
Other insignificant but individually                        2,636,308.95               2.34              2,636,308.95         100.00
impaired receivables
                       Total                              112,797,676.53             100.00             54,026,235.16          47.90

                                                                         Opening balance
                 Categories                                Balance                     Provision for doubtful debts
                                                    Amount        Proportion (%)       Amount           Proportion (%)

                                                                  2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                                    Opening balance
               Categories                             Balance                     Provision for doubtful debts
                                               Amount        Proportion (%)       Amount           Proportion (%)
Individually significant                       26,673,222.30         19.69                 26,673,222.30       100.00
Group A (using aging analysis)                 85,983,948.17         63.47                 15,523,661.71        18.05
Group B (No doubtful debt                      20,183,391.30         14.90
provision for account receivables)
Other insignificant but                         2,636,308.95          1.94                  2,636,308.95       100.00
individually impaired
                 Total                     135,476,870.72            100.00                44,833,192.96        33.09

Description for categories of other accounts receivable:

Note: the monetary standards of provision for bad debts of the individually significant other receivables is top 5

account receivables at year end, which he impairment test is carried on individually. For significant receivables, if

there are substantive evidences indicating that a receivable has been impaired, a provision for bad debts should be

made; if a receivable is found not to be individually impaired, it should be included in a group of similar credit

risk characteristics receivables and a collective assessment of impairment should be made. Receivables which are

not significant, but still need individually recognition of bad debt provision, if there are substantive evidences

shown there is a special impairment of insignificant receivables, then they need individually impairment tests.

Individually significant receivables:
                                                         Bad debt               Accrual
             Item                    Balance                                                                  Reason
                                                         provision             percentage
Shanxi Zhengxing Group                                                                           Projects are suspended and the
company Ltd.
                                     6,722,635.46            6,722,635.46            100%         amount is not expected to be
Shandong Luneng Material                                                                         Projects are suspended and the
Group Company Ltd.
                                   19,950,586.84         19,950,586.84               100%         amount is not expected to be
            Total                  26,673,222.30         26,673,222.30

Notes for Group A (Recognition provision for doubtful debt of groups of receivables is based on aging analysis):

                                                                                  Closing balance

           Aging of receivables                                 Balance                              Provision for doubtful debts

                                                    Amount                Proportion (%)

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                    4,127,441.62              5.37                                         123,823.25

1-2 years(including 2 years)                          350,480.96              0.45                                          10,514.43

                                                             2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                                                             Closing balance

           Aging of receivables                            Balance                             Provision for doubtful debts

                                                 Amount              Proportion (%)

2-3 years(including 3 years)                       389,786.80            0.51                                         23,387.21

4-5 years(including 5 years)                     59,371,395.74           77.18                                    11,874,279.15

Over 5 years                                     12,684,699.87           16.49                                    12,684,699.87

                    Total                        76,923,804.99          100.00                                    24,716,703.91

                                                                            Opening balance

           Aging of receivables                             Balance                            Provision for doubtful debts

                                                 Amount                  Amount

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                   5,594,482.67            6.51                                      167,834.48

1-2 years(including 2 years)                       2,173,469.52            2.53                                       65,204.09

2-3 years(including 3 years)                       2,518,400.37            2.93                                      151,104.02

3-4 years(including 4 years)                      63,012,895.74           73.28                                   12,602,579.15

4-5 years(including 5 years)                      12,684,699.87           14.75                                    2,536,939.97

                   Total                          85,983,948.17           100.00                                  15,523,661.71

Individually significant receivables or insignificant receivables requiring impairment test, and providing provision

for doubtful debt  :
                                                       Bad debt            Accrual
               Item                 Balance                                                             Reason
                                                       provision          percentage
3RC Company Limited                 336,604.05            336,604.05             100%    Bankruptcy

Pingtai Power Development
                                    424,514.70            424,514.70              100%   Project suspended
Henan Dengfeng Xiangyang
                                     32,430.77             32,430.77              100%   Project suspended
Power Co.,Ltd
Qindao Houhai Themal Power
                                    518,227.71            518,227.71              100%   Project suspended

                                                                         2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
Jiangsu Wangda Paper Co.,Ltd           723,504.31                    723,504.31            100%     Project suspended
Qingtongxia Aluminium
                                           5,736.41                    5,736.41            100%     Project suspended
Henan Zhongmai Power                                                                                Difficult to execute the court
                                       173,411.00                    173,411.00            100%
Co.,Ltd                                                                                             judge
Shanmenxia Huineng Themal                                                                           Difficult to execute the court
                                       143,897.00                    143,897.00            100%
Power Co.,Ltd                                                                                       judge
Shanxi Zhenxin Group                                                                                Difficult to execute the court
                                       277,983.00                    277,983.00            100%
Co.,Ltd                                                                                             judge
               Total                  2,636,308.95                  2,636,308.95         --                             --

(2)No accounts receivable are recovered through other methods like restructuring in the current reporting


(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the report period: none.

(4)Accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company.
                                                             Closing balance                                   Opening balance
         Name of company                            Amount               Doubtful debt               Amount                  Doubtful debt
                                                                           provision                                           provision
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                      61,030,488.11            16,353,377.52           64,030,488.11              12,895,907.62
ALSTOM (China) Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                   3,200,336.47                 190,807.11
                 Total                              61,030,488.11            16,353,377.52           67,230,824.58              13,086,714.73

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable

Note: Accounts receivable of RMB 61,030,488.11 from the second largest shareholder, Wuhan Boiler (Group)

Co., Ltd., is the compensation for the relocation of the old factory

(6)Details of top 5 other receivables    ::::
              Company             Relationship with the                    Amount                      Aging                 Proportion of the
                                           Company                                                                               total (%)
Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.   The company's                             61,030,488.11      55,846,388.24 for 4-5               54.11
                                 second-largest                                               years; 5,184,099.87 for
                                 shareholder                                                      more than 5 years
Shandong Luneng Material Group   Non-affiliated                            19,950,586.84            Over 5 years                  17.69
Co. Limited
Donghu Development Zone          Non-affiliated                            10,774,265.00       3,274,265.00 for 4-5                9.55
Committee                                                                                     years; 7,500,000.00 for

                                                                   2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
            Company                    Relationship with the         Amount                      Aging            Proportion of the
                                            Company                                                                   total (%)
                                                                                            more than 5 years
Shanxi Zhengxin Group Co., Ltd.    Non-affiliated                      6,722,635.47           Over 5 years              5.96
Gansu Diantou Yongchang            Non-affiliated                      4,402,564.00          Within 1 year              3.90
Generating Co., Ltd.
              Total                                                 102,880,539.42                                     91.21

(7)The amounts due from related parties
               Name of company                        The relationship with the Company            Amount         Proportion of the
                                                                                                                      total (%)

ALSTOM (Beijing) Engineering & Technology            A subsidiary of the ultimate holding             14,074.73         0.01
Co., Ltd.                                            company

ALSTOM (Wuhan) Engineering & Technology              A subsidiary of the ultimate holding            245,749.37         0.22
Co., Ltd.                                            company

ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                       A subsidiary of the ultimate holding            388,420.68         0.34

ALSTOM Power Inc.                                    A subsidiary of the ultimate holding             36,157.65         0.03

ALSTOM Boiler France                                 A subsidiary of the ultimate holding            617,080.03         0.55

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Second largest shareholder                   61,030,488.11        54.11

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Yuntong Co., Ltd.               Subsidiary of Second largest                     10,171.01         0.01

Wuhan Boiler (Group) Valve Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of Second largest                    240,571.49         0.21

Wuhan Lan Xiang Energy Environmental                 Subsidiary of the company                       371,190.85         0.33
Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

                       Total                                                                      62,953,903.92        55.81

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount
of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
3. Long-term equity investments

                            Original                                                                                       Voting
                                                Opening              Increase/          Closing       Shareholding
        Company            investment                                                                                       right
                                                 balance              decrease          balance          proportion
                             amount                                                                                       proportion
Long-term equity
investment under cost
Wuhan Lan Xiang            14,000,000.00      24,984,500.00                           24,984,500.00         95%             95%
Energy Environmental
Protection Technology
Co., Ltd.
            Total          14,000,000.00      24,984,500.00                           24,984,500.00         95%             95%

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales


                    Item                                   2013                                   2012

Sales                                                             861,121,950.92                         744,703,504.02

Other operating income                                              5,219,699.23                          23,898,848.95

Cost of sales                                                     825,885,096.14                         711,000,824.88

(2) Listed by the categories of production or business
                                                  2012 Jan-Dec                                    2011 Jan-Dec
                                  Operating revenue               Cost of sales       Operating revenue         Cost of sales
                                           861,121,950.92            825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02         688,362,569.48
Total                                      861,121,950.92            825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02         688,362,569.48

(3)Main business (Classified by product)

                                                       2013                                              2012
                                  Operating revenue               Cost of sales       Operating revenue         Cost of sales
Boiler and auxiliary                       861,121,950.92            825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02         688,362,569.48

Total                                      861,121,950.92            825,881,875.73        744,703,504.02         688,362,569.48

                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
(4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                     2012 Jan-Dec                                      2011 Jan-Dec
                                     Operating revenue            Cost of sales        Operating revenue          Cost of sales
Domestic                                    308,034,997.68            324,597,240.87         265,433,128.24           268,016,464.03

Overseas                                    553,086,953.24            501,284,634.86         479,270,375.78           420,346,105.45

Total                                       861,121,950.92            825,881,875.73         744,703,504.02           688,362,569.48

(5)Top five customers

                               Company                                            Revenue               Proportion of total revenue

ALSTOM Power Inc.                                                                 526,554,872.39                  60.78

Binzhou Beihai New Materials Co., Ltd.                                            318,637,671.60                  36.78

Guodian Tai’an Thermopower Co., Ltd.                                              63,956,596.94                   7.38

ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH                                                     18,864,296.95                   2.18

Gansu Diantou Yongchang Generating Co., Ltd.                                       16,345,197.98                   1.89

                                 Total                                            944,358,635.86                  109.01

Note: The total revenue of top five customers is more than the total revenue of the company this year. It is mainly

because that Guodian Xi’an Thermopower Co., Ltd cancelled the boiler equipment supply contract with the

company, and the product already sold was returned. The revenue recognized in previous period was reversed this


5. Supplementary Cash Flow Information

                            Supplementary information                                          2013                        2012
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operations:
 Net profit                                                                                 -121,185,463.59           -102,893,990.69
 Provision for impairments of assets.                                                         11,241,631.93           -147,560,942.76
 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive biological assets                38,733,712.28               42,094,269.15
 Amortization of intangible assets                                                             6,265,776.05                7,929,382.37
 Amortization of long-term deferred expense
 Losses/gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and                  -315,276.69                 -4,496.45
other long-term assets (gains: negative)
 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets    (gains: negative)
 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                        67,448.47              -2,356,173.93
 Finance cost (income: negative)                                                              91,723,352.21               95,293,185.66

                                                                       2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                              Supplementary information                                           2013                     2012
 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                                                        14,249,787.13
 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                             5,016,123.13            23,333,169.80
 Increase in deferred tax liabilities   (decrease: negative)
 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                                      56,956,491.50           207,131,838.57
 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase: negative)                  60,980,479.71           124,599,679.29
 Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease: negative)                            -97,767,207.11           -178,221,850.99
 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                              51,717,067.90            83,593,857.15
2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash
receipts and payments
 Debt converted to capital
 Convertible corporate bonds within one year
 Finance leased fixed assets
3. Movement of cash and cash equivalent:
 Closing balance of Cash                                                                          6,722,513.86           129,536,056.34
 Less: opening balance of cash                                                                  129,536,056.34            18,949,394.34
 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent
 Less: opening balance of cash equivalents
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                     -122,813,542.48           110,586,662.00

XIV. Supplementary information

1. Extraordinary gains or losses

(1)According to the China Securities Regulatory Commission Announcement [2008] No. 43, extraordinary gains

or losses are calculated and disclosed according to ‘Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures of

Companies Issuing Public Shares No.1’.

                                          (Positive figure represents gain/negative figure represents loss)
                                                          Item                                                                2013

Gains on disposal of non-current assets including reversal of the impairment loss                                            315,276.69
Unauthorised approval, with or without formal approval documents, or occasional tax return and exemption                    3,250,908.24
Government grant recognized in the current year, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or             277,776.00
granted continuously with certain standard quota according to relevant national laws and regulations
The fees collected from non-financial enterprises, which are included in the current profit and loss
The investment cost of subsidiaries obtained by the enterprise, joint ventures and partnership enterprise is less than
the revenues generated from the fair value of identifiable net assets of the unvested units.
Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets
Gains and loss through entrusting others to invest or manage assets,
Gains and loss for the provision of impairment of assets due to force majeure factors, such as victims of natural

                                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                           Item                                                                   2013

Debt restructuring gains and losses
Company restructuring expenses such as employee placement and integration costs
Significant loss of fair trading price over the fair value of transactions generated part of the profit and loss
Current net profit or loss from the beginning to the date of merge for the subsidiary resulted from the merge of the
enterprise under the control of the same company.
Profit or loss generated from the matters which is not related to the company’s normal operation or contingency.
In addition to the normal operations associated with the company effective hedging business, holders of tradable
financial assets, trading financial liabilities resulting from changes in fair value gains and losses, as well as the
disposal of trading financial assets, trading financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale achieved an
investment return
Impairment reversal of receivables which are separately tested for impairments                                                33,593,046.10
Profit and loss from entrusted foreign loans entrusted to the profit and loss made foreign loans
Investment real estate gains and losses arising from changes in fair value which is measured via fair value model
with subsequent measurement
One-off adjustment of current profit and loss impact on the current profit and loss required by tax, accounting and
other laws & regulations
Entrusting fee incomes from entrust operation.
Other non-operating income and expense other than abovementioned                                                                2,723,593.64
Other non-recurring gains and losses in line with the definition of profit and loss items
Subtotal                                                                                                                      40,160,600.67
Less: non-recurring income tax effect of gains and losses                                                                       8,338,761.53
Minority interest share of non-recurring gains and losses                                                                          11,645.28
                                                          Total                                                               31,810,193.86

2. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

)))) ((((
      1 Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of           Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                   the Company                                         the Company
                                           2013                       2012                  Closing amount              Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                         -120,271,304.16                -94,341,156.10        -1,363,490,842.13           -1,243,219,537.97
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

)))) ((((
  2 Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of           Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                                     2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                   the Company                                     the Company
                                          2013                      2012               Closing amount          Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                        -120,271,304.16              -94,341,156.10      -1,363,490,842.13           -1,243,219,537.97
accounting standards
According to overseas accounting standards

)))) ((((
   3 Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

There is no difference between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards.

3. Return on equity and earnings per share
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                Weighted average                       EPS
                                                                                      ROE (%)           Basic EPS          Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to the Company's common stock shareholders                          -9.23%       -0.40                -0.40
Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses attributable to                                    -0.51            -0.51
shareholders of the Company's common stock

4. Explanation on abnormal conditions of items in main accounting statements of the Company and reasons
(1). The closing balance of the cash and cash equivalent this year decreased 92.43%. It was mainly due to
    repayment of part of shareholders’ borrowing;
(2). Prepayment decreased by 43.66% this year. It was mainly due to the collection of the supplier’s settlement
documents this year so as to offset relevant prepayment items accordingly;
(3). Other receivable decreased by 35.35%, mainly due to collection increase and bad debt provision increase as
(4). The balance of the construction in progress at the end of the period increased by 43.71%. It was due to the
purchase increase of equipments to be installed as the producing requirement;
(5). The other non-current assets decreased by 99.88% this year. It was mainly due to decrease of volumes of
unexpired forward contracts and its contract amount this year;
(6). The notes payable decreased by 100.00% this year. It’s mainly due to expiration of bank notes payables this
(7). The accounts payable decreased by 32.11%. It’s mainly due to the payment made this year. For accounts
payable booked in previous years;
(8). Taxes payable increased by 68.29% this year. It’s mainly due to the increase of export rebates and accruals of
land use tax and property tax this year;
(9). Interest payable increased by 402.60% this year. It’s mainly due to the interest provision of HSBC bank loan;
(10). Other payable decreased by 31.69% this year. It’s mainly due to repayment of withholding money to
employees on behalf of buying ALSTOM stocks, and repayment of others;
(11). The other non-current liabilities decreased 60.03% this year. It’s mainly due to decrease of the volumes of
unexpired forward contract and its contract amount this year;
(12). Business tax and surcharges decreases by 100% this year, it’s due to the non-occurrence of taxable service in

                                                           2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
(13). Selling expenses increased by 78.25% this year. The main reason is that as to expand the product selling, the
company took part in number of tendering projects, the related selling expenses of sales department and tendering
expenses increased accordingly this year;
(14). The gain/loss on FV change decreases by 102.86% in comparison with that of last year. This is mainly due
to decrease of FV gain from unexpired hedging instruments and hedged items;
(15). Assets impairment loss increased by 221.80%, mainly due to the increase of non-project raw material
impairment increase and bad-debt provision reversed for the strengthening AR collection;
(16). The non-operating gains increased 69.97%. It’s mainly due to the increase of gain on disposal of fixed assets,
rewards, and indemnity this year;
(17). The non-operating expenses increased by 988.98%. It’s mainly due to increase in disposal of retired fixed
(18). Income tax expense decreased by 78.50%, mainly due to the decrease of temporary deductible differences
resulted from the reversal of bad debts provision booked in previous years for the collection this period;
(19). Cash inflow generated from investment activities increased by 314.37%, this is mainly due to the increase of
cash collection for fixed assets disposal;
(20). Cash outflow generated from financing activities increased by 32.35%, this is mainly due to the increase of
repay for the short-term borrowing.

                                                        2013 Annual Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                               Section XI Documents Available for Reference

1. Accounting statements with the signatures and seals of the Legal Representative, Finance Director, and the
persons in charge of the accounting departments.

2. Originals of the Auditor’s Report with the seal of the CPA firm and signatures and seals of certified public

3. Originals of all documents of the Company and originals of public announcements disclosed in the report
period on the newspapers designated by CSRC.
