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						                  2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited




          April 2015

                                                          2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                   Section I Important Notes

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors as well as all Board Directors, Supervisors and Senior
Management of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby warrant that
this Report is authentic, accurate and complete without any misstatement, misleading statement or material
omission and will take individual and joint and several liabilities for that.
All Board Directors attended the Board Meeting for reviewing this Report.
Mr. Yeung Kwok Wei Richard, the Company Principal, Mr. Chin Wee Hua, the Accounting Principal, and Mr. Li
Yihao, the Accounting Division’s Principal (Accounting Manager), hereby ensure that the Financial Statements
enclosed in this Report are authentic, accurate and complete.

                                                                       2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

          Section II Major Financial Data & Change of Shareholders

I. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
  Yes √ No
                                                                                                          Increase/decrease (%) as
                                                    Jan.-Mar. 2015              Jan.-Mar. 2014            compared to same period
                                                                                                                   last year

Gross operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                       303,704,050.81              275,216,043.88                           10.35%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                            14,082,800.20              24,452,751.47                           -42.41%
the Company (RMB Yuan)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the     Company           after   deducting
                                                            14,002,229.47              24,326,529.41                           -42.44%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB

Net cash flow from operating activities
                                                          135,449,789.18              163,194,766.88                           -17.00%
(RMB Yuan)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                            0.05                         0.08                        -37.50%

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                          0.05                         0.08                        -37.50%

The weighted average ROE                                            -0.97%                       -1.81%                         0.84%

                                                    Mar. 31, 2015                Dec. 31, 2014             Increase/decrease (%)

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                 1,418,705,811.74            1,150,482,149.87                           23.31%

Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                        -1,445,773,900.94           -1,459,856,701.14                           0.96%
of the Company (RMB Yuan)

Items and amounts of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Item                                       Jan.-Mar. 2015                   Explanation

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those
                                                                                                   Deferred revenue related to new
acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at certain                     69,444.00
                                                                                                   factory land use right
quotas or amounts according to the country’s unified standards

                                                                                                   Individual income tax commission
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above                           11,126.73
                                                                                                   charge return

Total                                                                                 80,570.73

                                                                      2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a non-recurring gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Public Listed Companies – Non-recurring
Gains and Losses, or classifies any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement
as a recurrent gain/loss item
 Applicable √Not applicable
In the report period, the Company didn’t classify any non-recurring gain/loss item defined or mentioned in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Public Listed Companies – Non-recurring Gains
and Losses as a recurrent gain/loss item.

II. Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of the top ten

1. Total number of shareholders with common shares and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders with
common shares at the period-end

                                                                                                                             Unit: share

Total number of shareholders with
common shares at the period-end

                                    Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders with common shares

                                                                                          Number of the      Pledged or frozen shares
                                                            Shareholdin Number of the
   Name of shareholder         Nature of shareholder                                      non-tradable       Status of    Number of
                                                            g percentage   shares held
                                                                                           shares held        shares        shares

ALSTOM (CHINA)              Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                 51.00%     151,470,000     151,470,000
INVESTMENT CO., LTD         corporation

                            State-owned corporation               6.91%      20,530,000      20,530,000

WANG XIAO                   Domestic natural person               0.90%       2,672,800                  0

CHEN PENG                   Domestic natural person               0.79%       2,331,545                  0

HU ZHIHONG                  Domestic natural person               0.47%       1,390,397                  0

SECURITIES (HK) CO.,        State-owned corporation               0.46%       1,380,236                  0

CHEN CHUYUN                 Domestic natural person               0.46%       1,372,450                  0

SECURITIES (ASIA)           Foreign corporation                   0.40%       1,195,114                  0

ZHUANG CHANGXIONG Domestic natural person                         0.35%       1,045,000                  0

SUN WEIWEI                  Domestic natural person               0.33%         966,567                  0

                                    Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders with tradable shares

                                                                      2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                      Number of tradable                                 Type of shares
        Name of shareholder
                                          shares held                          Type                              Number

WANG XIAO                                       2,672,800 Domestically listed foreign shares                             2,672,800

                                                            Domestically listed foreign shares                           2,331,545
CHEN PENG                                       2,331,545
                                                            Domestically listed foreign shares

HU ZHIHONG                                      1,390,397 Domestically listed foreign shares                             1,390,397

                                                1,380,236 Domestically listed foreign shares                             1,380,236

CHEN CHUYUN                                     1,372,450 Domestically listed foreign shares                             1,372,450

                                                 1,195,114 Domestically listed foreign shares                            1,195,114

ZHUANG CHANGXIONG                               1,045,000 Domestically listed foreign shares                             1,045,000

SUN WEIWEI                                        966,567 Domestically listed foreign shares                               966,567

                                                  926,997 Domestically listed foreign shares                               926,997

QIN HUI                                           909,286 Domestically listed foreign shares                               909,286

                                      The top ten shareholders of the Company are public shareholders with tradable B shares. The
Explanation on affiliated
                                      Company is not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten
relationship or persons acting in
                                      shareholders with tradable shares and whether there are persons acting in concert among them.
concert among the above-mentioned
                                      The Company is not aware of whether there is any affiliated relationship among the top ten
                                      shareholders and the top ten shareholders with tradable share.

Explanation on the top ten
shareholders with tradable shares
                                      Not applicable
participating in the margin trading
business (if any)

Whether the top 10 shareholders with common shares and the top 10 shareholders with tradable common shares of
the Company reach agreement of buy-back trading in the report period?
  Yes √ No
No top 10 shareholders with common shares and top 10 shareholders with tradable common shares of the
Company carried out any agreed buy-back trading in the report period.

2. Total number of shareholders with preferred shares and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders with
preferred shares at the period-end

 Applicable √Not applicable

                                                           2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                 Section III Significant Events

I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the report
period, as well as reasons for the changes

√Applicable Not applicable
1. Cash and cash equivalent increased by 1182.87%, mainly due to increase on collection from Opole, Ashalim,
Altamira projects this period;
2. Notes receivable decreased by 100.00%, mainly due to all bank notes are endorsed to vendors this period;
3. Account receivables increased by 63.36%, mainly due to accounts receivables recognized for Karabiga and
Ashalim projects this period;
4. Down payment increased by 78.75%, mainly due to increase on purchasing material for Opole, Ashalim and
Karabiga projects;
5. Other receivables decreased by 54.00%, Mainly due to collection from VAT export taxes refunding
recognized in prior period and decrease on output VAT;
6. Inventories increased by 219.05%, it s mainly due to increase of raw material for projects this period;
7. Other non-current assets increased by 51.26%, mainly due to increase of hedging gain for unsettled hedged
items in this period;
8. Notes payable increased by 46.74%, mainly due to increase of payment with bank notes this period;
9. Accounts payable increased by 86.95%, mainly due to the increase of raw material purchasing for Yanbu,
Tai'an and Opole projects this period;
10. Tax payable decreased by 64.67%, mainly due to output VAT decrease;
11. Other non-current liability increased by 48.20%, mainly due to increase on the hedging loss arising from
unsettled hedging instruments;
12. Business tax and surcharges increased by 4016.73%, mainly due increase of taxable labor service income this
13. Financial expense increased by 81.49%, mainly due to increase of foreign exchange loss this period;
14. Assets impairment loss increased by 55.54%, mainly due to reversed bad-debt provision less than the same
period of last year for the AR collection this period;
15. Non-operating income decreased by 38.39%, mainly due to the decrease on the gains from the disposal of
fixed assets this period;
16. Non-operating cost decreased by 100.00%, mainly due to no non-operating cost this period;
17. Income tax expense increased by 918.77%, mainly due to Perawang project settled, contract loss provision
reversed and income tax expense reversed accordingly in the same period of last year , there is no same event this
period ;
18. Net cash flow generated from investment activities decreased by 741.49%, mainly due to the increase of cash
out paid for fixed assets this period;
19. Net cash flow generated from financing activities decreased by 492.35%, mainly due to the increase in
repayment of entrusted loans this period;
20. The influence of the changes of rate on cash increased by 4816.10%, mainly due to the influences of the FX
rate changes this period.

                                                            2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

II. Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and explanation on

√Applicable Not applicable
1. Because the audited net profits and closing net assets for three consecutive accounting years of 2011, 2012 and
2013 are negative, Shenzhen Stock Exchange has decided to suspend the listing of the Company’s stocks starting
from May 16, 2014 according to Article 14.1.1 and 14.1.2 of the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
The relevant announcement (No. 2014-049) was disclosed on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao dated May 14,
2. According to Article 14.4.1 of the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Revised in 2014),
Shenzhen Stock Exchange may decide to terminate the listing of a listed company’s stock when one of the
following situations occurs: (1) after the company’s stocks were suspended from listing as a result of the
occurrence of the circumstance specified in Article 14.1.1(1) to (4) regarding net profit, net assets, operating
revenues or the auditor’s opinion type, and the first annual report after listing suspension shows a negative net
profit or net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; (2) after the company’s stocks were suspended
from listing as a result of the occurrence of the circumstance specified in Article 14.1.1(1) to (4) regarding net
profit, net assets, operating revenues or the auditor’s opinion type, and the first annual report after listing
suspension shows negative net assets.
3. On Apr. 29, 2015, the Company disclosed its 2014 Annual Report (No. 2015-011). In the report period, the net
profit attributable to shareholders of the Company is RMB -101,698,250.48, and the owner’s equity attributable to
shareholders of the Company is -1,459,856,701.14. 2014 Financial Audit Report has also been disclosed on
Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on the same day.
4. According to Article 14.4.4 of the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Revised in 2014), if the
audited net profit and closing net assets of the Company for 2014 are negative, Shenzhen Stock Exchange shall
decide whether the Company shall be delisted within 15 trade days upon disclosure of the Company’s 2014
Annual Report.
5. On April 25, 2014, the 5th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors approved the Investment Plan of United Building
3. On April 29, 2014, the Resolutions of the 5th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors (No. 2014-036) and the
Investment Announcement of the Company (No. 2014-047) were published on Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn. Until now, the Company has obtained government approvals on planning,
environmental impact assessment and etc. Currently, United Building 3 is under construction.
6. On August 29, 2014, the Company received a written notice from majority shareholder Alstom (China)
Investment Co., Ltd. (“ACL”) that Alstom (a French listed company and the Company’s actual controller) recently
announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously decided to issue a positive recommendation of the offer from
GE to acquire the Thermal Power, Renewable Power and Grid Sectors and to enter into Energy alliances. Should
this offer be approved and completed, Alstom would focus on its fully owned Transport activities and on its Energy
alliances with GE. According to the latest information, the 51% shares of the Company owned by ACL belong to
assets of the Alstom Thermal Power. Alstom expects the deal to be closed in the first half of calendar year 2015.
Alstom and GE will continue to operate as separate companies until the transaction is finalized. On November 6,
2014, the Company received a notice from the controlling shareholder ACL and learned that GE and the
Company’s actual controller Alstom had officially signed a Master Agreement and other relevant documents.
Before the Acquisition close, the following conditions, the attainment of which are beyond the control of the
Boards of both companies, need to be satisfied: (1) Alstom submits the Acquisition to its shareholder’ meeting for
deliberation and the Acquisition is approved; (2) Alstom and GE apply for the approval, clearance or registration

                                                                         2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

from each regulatory authority in charge of foreign investments from all over the world, including the Ministry of
Commerce of the P.R.China or its local counterparts, and successfully complete such regulatory processes; (3)
Alstom and GE apply for the approval, clearance or registration from competition authorities from all over the
world, including the Anti-Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the P.R.China and the EU
competition authorities, and successfully complete such regulatory processes. Before all the external conditions
set forth in the Master Agreement are satisfied and the Acquisition is fully completed, GE’s and Alstom’s
businesses relevant to the Acquisition will maintain the respective status quo and operate independently. Up till
now, no further progress regarding this issue.
7. In Sep. 2003, Dongfang Xiwang Baotou Xitu Aluminium Co., Ltd (“Baotou”) signed the Contract of
2×350MW Boilers with the Company. During executing the Contract, the Company fully implemented delivery
obligations according to the Contract, but Baotou defaulted on the payment. The Company required Baotou to pay
the overdue many times through various ways (including phone, fax and EMS), but Baotou claimed quality issues
against the Company and refused to pay. It also refused to solve the pending problems through amicable
negotiation with the Company. In May 2014, the Company sued Baotou before Inner Mongolia High Court,
requesting judgment against Baotou for paying overdue and undertaking liquidated damages and bank interests.
Relevant evidences were submitted to the Court. Until now, the Court has not made judgment yet.
                                                                                            Index to the relevant announcement
    Overview of the significant event                      Date of disclosure
                                                                                                   disclosed on the website

Offer from GE to acquire the Thermal
                                                                                          http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No. 2014-076
Power, Renewable Power and Grid Sectors                      Sep. 1, 2014
                                                                                                       and No. 2014-087)
of Alstom

Litigation raised by the Company against
                                                             Aug. 6, 2014                http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No. 2014-073)
Baotou for contract disputes

The Company’s investment plan of United
                                                             Apr. 29, 2014               http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No. 2014-036)
Building 3

Risk warning of delisting of the
                                                             Jan. 14, 2015               http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No. 2015-002)
Company’s stocks

III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% shares of the
Company in the report period or such commitments carried down into the report period

√Applicable Not applicable

                                              Commitment                         Time of making        Period of
                 Commitment                                          Contents                                           Fulfillment
                                                   maker                          commitment        commitment

Commitment on share reform                   -                 -              -                -               -
                                             Alstom (China) Avoid                                                  Strictly fulfill the
Commitment in the acquisition report or                                                           Long-term
                                             Investment Co., horizontal         April 14, 2006                     commitment and
the report on equity changes                                                                      effective
                                             Ltd                competition                                        no breaches

Commitments         made       in   assets
                                             -                 -              -                -               -
Commitments made in IPO or refinancing       -                 -              -                -               -
                                                                               2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Other commitments made to minority
                                                 -                    -             -               -                 -
The commitment has been fulfilled in time
or not

Specific reason for failing to fulfill the
commitment and the plan for the next step Not applicable
(if any)

IV. Forecast for the operating results of Jan.-Jun. 2015

Warnings of possible loss or considerable year-on-year change of the accumulated net profit made during the
period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report period according to forecast, as well as
explanations on the reasons
 Applicable √Not applicable

V. Securities investment

  Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not invest in any securities in the report period.

VI. Shareholdings in other listed companies

  Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not hold any shares in other listed companies in the report period.

VII. Derivatives investment

√Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                                                               of the
                       Related                                                                                                             Actual
                                     Type of          Initial                         Opening Impairment      Closing      investment
                        party                                    Beginning Ending                                                         gain/loss
Operator Relation                   derivatives investment                           investment provision    investment    amount in
                      transaction                                     date    date                                                        in report
                                    investment    amount                              amount      (if any)    amount             the
                        or not                                                                                                             period
                                                                                                                           closing net
                                                                                                                           assets (%)

           Non-                                                  2014-12- 2015-06
BNP                   No            FX                2,638.43                         2,638.43                  259.36           0.00%          6.77
           Relation                                              10          -26

                                                                         2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

           Non-                                              2014-03- 2018-04
HSBC                    No        FX            76,073.71                         76,073.71                 70,930.78       49.07% -1,752.38
           Relation                                          18        -25

           Non-                                              2015-02-0 2016-01
SCB                     No        FX             4,936.36                          4,936.36                   5,919.4        4.09%       -48.26
           Relation                                          6         -15

Total                                            83,648.5         --         --    83,648.5            0    77,109.54       53.16% -1,793.87

Capital source for derivatives investment      Self-funded

Any litigation involved                        NA

Disclosure date of the board
announcement approving the derivative          April 29, 2015
investment (if any)
Disclosure date of the Shareholders’
Meeting announcement approving the             NA
derivative investment (if any)

                                               In order to satisfy needs arising from business development and avoid risk concerning
                                               exchange rates, the Company signed forward FX contracts with HSBC, SCB, etc. respectively.
                                               For exchange rate fluctuations risk, the Company and banks do collaborative exchange rate
                                               trend forecasts, closely track changes in exchange rates, changes in market conditions to
                                               implement dynamic management; For liquidity risk, foreign exchange hedging operations
                                               carried out by the Company are based on the Company's estimated foreign exchange payments
                                               and collection of trade, because the foreign exchange hedging operations match with the actual
                                               foreign exchange trade, so this can ensure sufficient fund for settlement at delivery time, there
                                               is less affected on the liquidation of the company’s current assets; For operational risk, the
Analysis on risks and control measures of
                                               Company developed a standardized operational processes and authorization management
derivative products held in the report
                                               systems, equipped with full-time staff and strictly control their authority to conduct foreign
period (including but not limited to market
                                               exchange hedging operations; while strengthening business related personnel training and
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operation
                                               professional ethics , and improving quality of personnel, and the establishing anomalies timely
risk, law risk, etc.)
                                               reporting system to avoid the occurrence of operational risk at the maximum; For credit risk,
                                               the Company's counterparties of foreign exchange hedging are reputable business and the
                                               company has established long-term business relationship with large commercial banks and
                                               foreign banks, so, basically there is no performance risk; For legal risk, the Company
                                               conducted foreign exchange hedging operations legally in accordance with relevant laws and
                                               regulations and relevant transaction management practices, and signed a legal agreement with
                                               the counterparties for clear and accurate terms to avoid possible legal disputes at the
                                               maximum; and the Company has carried out sufficient assessment and effective control on
                                               possible risk concerning credit, operation and cash flows.

                                                                        2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Changes of market prices or fair values in
                                              The Company recognized the gain and loss of fair values of the invested derivatives, the fair
the report period of the invested
                                              values loss of the invested derivatives this period was 17,938.7KRMB, the calculation of fair
derivatives. And the analysis on the fair
                                              values was based on the contract values and forward rate quote of end of this accounting
value of the derivatives should include the
                                              period provided by the related business partners which was accordance with the expiry date of
specific use methods and the relevant
                                              each forward contracts.
assumptions and parameters
Whether significant changes occurred to
the Company’s accounting policy and
specific accounting principles of             No major change
derivatives in the report period compared
to the previous report period

                                              Independent Directors expressed independent opinions on 2015 Hedging Derivative
                                              Investments as below: The foreign exchange trading for hedging purpose made by the
                                              Company in order to prevent exchange rate risk is based on reasonable estimation and current
                                              need for foreign exchange payment and collection. The business process is compliant with
Independent Directors’ opinions on
                                              laws and regulations. There is almost no market risk, no performance risk and no impact on
derivatives investment and risk control
                                              liquidity of the Company. The Company has established organization, business procedures,
                                              approval process and Internal Control Rules on Derivatives Investment for foreign exchange
                                              trading. We think the Company can improve foreign exchange risk management and prevent
                                              exchange rate risk through derivatives investment business.

VIII. Researches, visits and interviews received in this report period

√Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                              Main discussion and
       Date                  Place           Way of reception      Visitor type           Visitor           materials provided by the

                                                                                                        Would the Company
                                                                                                        organize another
                                                                                   Shareholder with
Jan. 16, 2015        Wuhan                  By phone            Individual                              debt-to-equity voting? Would
                                                                                   tradable shares
                                                                                                        the stock trading be

                                                                                                        Would the stock trading be
                                                                                   Shareholder with     resumed? Would it go to the
Feb. 23, 2015        Wuhan                  By phone            Individual
                                                                                   tradable shares      third market if delisting

                                                                                                        Could the Company’s shares
                                                                                   Shareholder with     still be traded upon delisting?
Mar. 16, 2015        Wuhan                  By phone            Individual
                                                                                   tradable shares      Would it enter the delisting
                                                                                                        trade period?

                                                           2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

IX. The confirmative opinion of all the Board Directors and Senior Management on
recognition of 2015 Quarterly One Report

According to Article 68 of the Securities Law, all the Board Director and Senior Management of the Company
hereby confirm that 2015 Quarterly One Report of the Company is authentic, accurate and complete without any
misstatement, misleading statement or material omission.

X. The opinion of the Board of Supervisors on 2015 Quarterly One Report

After review, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the procedure for the Board of Directors to prepare
and approve 2015 Quarterly One Report is in accordance with laws, regulations and rules of China Securities
Regulatory Commission. The contents of 2015 Quarterly One Report, truly, accurately and completely, reflect real
situation of the Company and there are no misstatements, misleading statements or material omissions.

                                                           2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

                                    Section IV. Financial Statements

I. Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Wuhan Boiler Company Limited
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                        Closing balance                          Opening balance

Current assets:

  Monetary funds                                           109,233,264.50                                8,514,759.05

  Deposit reservation for balance

  Outgoing call loans

   Financial assets measured at fair
value and of which the changes are
recorded into the current gains and

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                                                   36,245,380.00

  Accounts receivable                                           40,295,596.74                        24,667,317.47

  Prepayment                                               192,400,185.85                           107,637,276.70

  Insurance receivables

  Reinsurance receivables

  Provision of reinsurance contract
reserve receivable

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

  Other receivables                                             27,786,349.06                        60,410,567.84

  Financial assets purchased under
agreement to resell

  Inventories                                              188,305,164.39                            59,020,572.11

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets due within 1-year

  Other current assets

Total current assets                                       558,020,560.54                           296,495,873.17

                                            2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Non-current assets     :
  Loan and payment on other’s behalf

  Available-for-sale financial assets

  Investment held to maturity

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investment

  Investment property

  Fixed assets                              671,333,756.02                           674,126,925.05

  Construction in progress                    7,093,500.92                              6,007,903.49

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                          67,762,137.20                            68,876,313.45

  R&D expenses


  Long-term deferred expenses

  Deferred income tax assets                 77,367,943.92                            80,429,432.07

  Other non-current assets                   37,127,913.14                            24,545,702.64

Total non-current assets                    860,685,251.20                           853,986,276.70

Total assets                               1,418,705,811.74                         1,150,482,149.87

Current liabilities:

  Short-term loans                         1,459,800,000.00                         1,512,800,000.00

  Loans from central bank

  Deposits received and held for others

  Call loans received

  Financial liabilities measured at fair
value and of which the changes are
recorded into the current gains and

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                             195,830,000.00                           133,450,000.00

  Accounts payable                          370,763,355.20                           198,324,854.35

  Advance from customers                    712,131,859.19                           649,426,107.48

                                                  2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

  Financial         assets    sold      under
agreements to repurchase

  Fees and commissions payable

  Payroll payable                                   9,836,859.05                              9,872,888.01

  Taxes payable                                     -9,204,901.30                             2,734,354.03

  Interest payable                                  2,002,170.00                              2,002,170.00

  Dividend payable                                    562,000.00                               562,000.00

  Other payables                                   51,750,158.04                            41,545,848.47

  Amount due to reinsurance

  Insurance contract provision

  Entrusted trading of securities

  Amount       payable       under    security

  Liabilities held for sale

  Non-current liabilities due within

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities:                       2,793,471,500.18                         2,550,718,222.34

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loans

  Bonds payable

     Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Payroll payables                                 21,769,623.91                            22,372,000.00

  Specific payables

  Provision for liabilities

  Deferred incomes                                 11,967,516.00                            12,036,960.00

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities                    37,036,898.51                            24,991,910.49

Total non-current liabilities                      70,774,038.42                            59,400,870.49

Total liabilities                                2,864,245,538.60                         2,610,119,092.83

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                   297,000,000.00                           297,000,000.00

  Other equity instruments

                                                          2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

     Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserve                                         174,659,407.46                           174,659,407.46

  Less   :   Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                                    4,499,272.11                            4,499,272.11

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserve                                              39,418,356.83                        39,418,356.83

  General risk provision

  Retained earnings                                     -1,961,350,937.34                        -1,975,433,737.54

  Total owners’ equity attributable to
                                                        -1,445,773,900.94                        -1,459,856,701.14
the Company

  Minority interests                                             234,174.08                              219,758.18

Total owners’ equity                                   -1,445,539,726.86                        -1,459,636,942.96

Total liabilities & owners’ equity                      1,418,705,811.74                         1,150,482,149.87

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

2. Balance sheet of the Company

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                    Closing balance                          Opening balance

Current assets:

  Monetary funds                                          107,216,973.27                                6,822,057.73

   Financial assets measured at fair
value and of which the changes are
recorded into the current gains and

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                                                  36,245,380.00

  Accounts receivable                                          40,295,596.74                        24,667,317.47

  Prepayment                                              192,400,185.85                           107,637,276.70

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

  Other receivables                                            28,243,542.58                        60,861,719.37

  Inventories                                             188,305,164.39                            59,020,572.11

                                            2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets due within 1-year

  Other current assets

Total current assets                        556,461,462.83                           295,254,323.38

Non-current assets     :
  Available-for-sale financial assets

  Investment held to maturity

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investment                24,984,500.00                            24,984,500.00

  Investment property

  Fixed assets                              671,490,733.01                           674,283,902.04

  Construction in progress                    7,093,500.92                              6,007,903.49

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                          67,762,137.20                            68,876,313.45

  R&D expenses


  Long-term deferred expenses

  Deferred income tax assets                 77,367,943.92                            80,429,432.07

  Other non-current assets                   37,127,913.14                            24,545,702.64

Total non-current assets                    885,826,728.19                           879,127,753.69

Total assets                               1,442,288,191.02                         1,174,382,077.07

Current liabilities:

  Short-term loans                         1,459,800,000.00                         1,512,800,000.00

  Financial liabilities measured at fair
value and of which the changes are
recorded into the current gains and

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                             195,830,000.00                           133,450,000.00

  Accounts payable                          371,199,355.20                           198,760,854.35

  Advance from customers                    712,131,859.19                           649,426,107.48

  Payroll payable                             9,667,263.07                              9,703,292.03

                                        2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

  Taxes payable                           -9,204,901.30                             2,734,354.03

  Interest payable                         2,002,170.00                             2,002,170.00

  dividend payable

  Other payables                          89,627,816.45                           79,423,506.89

  Liabilities held for sale

  Non-current liabilities due within

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities:             2,831,053,562.61                         2,588,300,284.78

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loans

  Bonds payable

     Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payables              21,769,623.91                           22,372,000.00

  Specific payables

  Provision for liabilities

  Deferred incomes                        11,967,516.00                           12,036,960.00

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities           37,036,898.51                           24,991,910.49

Total non-current liabilities             70,774,038.42                           59,400,870.49

Total liabilities                      2,901,827,601.03                         2,647,701,155.27

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                          297,000,000.00                          297,000,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserve                        174,854,304.12                          174,854,304.12

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive incomes              4,499,272.11                             4,499,272.11

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserve                         39,418,356.83                           39,418,356.83

  Retained earnings                    -1,975,311,343.07                       -1,989,091,011.26

                                                            2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

Total owners’ equity                                      -1,459,539,410.01                       -1,473,319,078.20

Total liabilities & owners’ equity                        1,442,288,191.02                         1,174,382,077.07

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                       Jan.-Mar. 2015                          Jan.-Mar. 2014

I. Total sales                                               303,704,050.81                           275,216,043.88

Including: Sales                                             303,704,050.81                           275,216,043.88

             Interest income

             Earned Premium

             Commissions and fees income

II. Total cost of sales                                      284,828,869.08                           248,983,909.00

Including: Cost of sales                                     236,172,403.85                           221,294,478.46

           Interest expense

           Commissions and fees

           Cash surrender value

           Claim expenses-net

           Provision for insurance contract

           Insurance policy dividend paid

           Reinsurance expense

           Business taxes and surcharges                            280,784.83                                 6,820.58

           Distribution expenses                                  3,915,561.96                             3,678,680.79

           Administrative expenses                                7,980,076.60                             7,499,321.27

           Financial costs                                    38,597,380.08                               21,267,452.49

           Impairment loss                                        -2,117,338.24                           -4,762,844.59

  Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                  -1,797,048.21                           -2,270,020.67
value (“-” means loss)

           Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
means loss)

           Including:        income      from
investment       on   associates   and   joint

           Foreign exchange difference (“-”
means loss)

                                                     2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                17,078,133.52                           23,962,114.21

  Add: non-business income                                 80,570.73                              130,766.17

         Including: Gains on disposal of
non-current assets

  Less: non-business expense                                                                         4,544.11

         Including: Losses on disposal of
non-current assets

IV. Total profit     (“-” means loss)                17,158,704.25                           24,088,336.27

  Less: income tax expense                              3,061,488.15                             -373,913.81

V. Net profit      (“-” means loss)                  14,097,216.10                           24,462,250.08

  Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                       14,082,800.20                           24,452,751.47

  Minority shareholders’ income                           14,415.90                                9,498.61

VI. After-tax net amount of other
comprehensive incomes

  After-tax     net        amount       of   other
comprehensive incomes attributable to
owners of the Company

         (I) Other comprehensive incomes
that will not be reclassified into gains and

           1. Changes in net liabilities or
assets with a defined benefit plan upon

           2. Enjoyable shares in other
comprehensive incomes in investees that
cannot be reclassified into gains and
losses under the equity method

         (II) Other comprehensive incomes
that will be reclassified into gains and

           1. Enjoyable shares in other
comprehensive incomes in investees that
will be reclassified into gains and losses
under the equity method

           2. Gains and losses on fair
value    changes       of    available-for-sale
financial assets

           3.      Gains     and    losses     on

                                                                  2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

reclassifying                   held-to-maturity
investments        into        available-for-sale
financial assets

           4. Effective hedging gains and
losses on cash flows

           5. Foreign-currency financial
statement translation difference

           6. Other

     After-tax     net        amount    of    other
comprehensive incomes attributable to
minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes                                       14,097,216.10                           24,462,250.08

     Attributable        to    owners    of     the
                                                                       14,082,800.20                           24,452,751.47

     Attributable              to        minority
                                                                           14,415.90                                9,498.61

VIII. Earnings per share

  (I) Basic earnings per share                                                  0.05                                    0.08

  (II) Diluted earnings per share                                               0.05                                    0.08

Legal representative: YEUNG Kwok Wei Richard                  Person-in-charge of the accounting work: CHIN Wee Hua

Chief of the accounting division: LI Yihao

4. Income statement of the Company

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                              Jan.-Mar. 2015                          Jan.-Mar. 2014

I. Total sales                                                     303,704,050.81                          275,216,043.88

  Less: Cost of sales                                              246,318,355.97                          221,294,478.46

     Business taxes and surcharges                                       280,784.83                                 6,820.58

     Distribution expenses                                              3,915,561.96                            3,678,680.79

     Administrative expenses                                            7,974,276.60                            7,494,121.27

     Financial costs                                                   38,598,708.14                           21,268,824.74

     Impairment loss                                               -11,941,270.51                              -4,569,044.35

  Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                       -1,797,048.21                           -2,270,020.67
value (“-” means loss)

     Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”

                                                   2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

means loss)

       Including: income from investment
on associates and joint ventures

Ⅱ   . Business profit (“-” means loss)           16,760,585.61                            23,772,141.72

     Add: non-business income                           80,570.73                               130,766.17

          Including: Gains on disposal of
non-current assets

     Less: non-business expense                                                                    4,544.11

          Including: Losses on disposal of
non-current assets

Ⅲ   . Total profit     (“-” means loss)          16,841,156.34                            23,898,363.78

     Less: income tax expense                        3,061,488.15                              -373,913.81

Ⅳ   . Net profit     (“-” means loss)            13,779,668.19                            24,272,277.59

V. After-tax net amount of other
comprehensive incomes

          (I)        Other      comprehensive
incomes that will not be reclassified
into gains and losses

                1. Changes in net liabilities or
assets with a defined benefit plan upon

                2. Enjoyable shares in other
comprehensive incomes in investees
that cannot be reclassified into gains
and losses under the equity method

          (II)        Other     comprehensive
incomes that will be reclassified into
gains and losses

                1. Enjoyable shares in other
comprehensive incomes in investees
that will be reclassified into gains and
losses under the equity method

                2. Gains and losses on fair
value changes of available-for-sale
financial assets

                3.   Gains    and    losses   on
reclassifying                  held-to-maturity
investments           into    available-for-sale
financial assets

                                                           2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

             4. Effective hedging gains
and losses on cash flows

             5. Foreign-currency financial
statement translation difference

             6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive incomes                                13,779,668.19                            24,272,277.59

VII. Earnings per share

  (I) Basic earnings per share

  (II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                      Jan.-Mar. 2015                           Jan.-Mar. 2014

1. Cash flows from operating activities

       Cash received from sales of goods
                                                           308,330,426.44                           254,910,974.61
or rending of services

       Net increase of deposits received
and held for others

       Net increase of loans from central

       Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial institutions

       Cash received against original
insurance contracts

       Cash received from reinsurance

       Net increase of client deposit and

       Net    increase   of   disposal   of
financial assets measured at fair value
of which changes are recorded into
current gains and losses

       Cash received as interest, fees and

       Net increase of     inter-bank fund

       Net increase of cash received
under repurchasing

                                                     2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

      Tax returned                                    18,854,662.49                            19,875,480.75

      Other         cash      received      from
                                                        199,440.64                                 76,033.67
operating activities

Sub-total of cash inflow from operating
                                                     327,384,529.57                           274,862,489.03

      Cash paid for goods and services               136,380,911.90                            61,542,021.14

      Net      increase       of    loans      and

      Net increase of deposit in central
bank,    banks        and     other    financial

      Cash paid for original contract

      Cash paid for interest, fees and

      Cash paid for policy dividend

      Cash paid to and for employees                  42,272,544.71                            37,424,330.94

      Cash paid for all types of taxes                 4,130,671.73                              4,624,917.67

      Other     cash        paid    relating    to
                                                       9,150,612.05                              8,076,452.40
operating activities

Sub-total      of     cash    outflows      from
                                                     191,934,740.39                           111,667,722.15
operating activities

Net     cash        flows    from     operating
                                                     135,449,789.18                           163,194,766.88

2. Cash flows from investing activities

      Cash received from retraction of

      Cash received from investment

      Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                                          55,663.20
long-term assets

      Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other operating units

      Other cash received relating to
                                                          12,161.78                               172,518.27
investing activities

Sub-total of cash inflows of investing
                                                          12,161.78                               228,181.47

                                              2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other             4,724,760.96                               488,697.94
long-term assets

     Cash paid for acquisition of

     Net increase of pledge loans

     Net cash paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other operating units

     Other     cash    paid   relating   to
investing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows of investing
                                                4,724,760.96                               788,211.78

Net cash flow from investing activities        -4,712,599.18                              -560,030.31

3. Cash flows from financing activities

     Cash received from investment

     Including: cash received from
minority shareholders of subsidiaries

     Cash received from borrowings            350,000,000.00                           250,800,000.00

     Cash received from bonds issuing

     Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Sub-total of cash inflows of financing
                                              413,524,000.00                           250,800,000.00

     Cash paid for         repayment of
                                              403,000,000.00                           200,000,000.00

     Cash paid for dividends, profit
                                               19,430,880.84                            32,339,309.99
distribution or interest

     Including: dividends or profits
paid to minority shareholders by

     Other     cash    paid   relating   to
financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows of financing
                                              422,430,880.84                           232,339,309.99

Net cash flow from financing activities        -8,906,880.84                            18,460,690.01

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                              -21,111,850.55                               447,655.00
changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash              100,718,458.61                           181,543,081.58

                                                                 2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited


      Add: cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                      6,682,825.97                              8,283,224.28
the beginning of this period

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end
                                                                 107,401,284.58                           189,826,305.86
of this period

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                          Jan.-Mar. 2015                           Jan.-Mar. 2014

1. Cash flows from operating activities

      Cash received from sales of goods
                                                                 308,008,406.59                           254,910,974.61
or rending of services

      Tax returned                                                   18,854,662.49                            19,875,480.75

      Other        cash      received      from
                                                                       199,440.64                                 76,033.67
operating activities

Sub-total of cash inflow from operating
                                                                 327,062,509.72                           274,862,489.03

      Cash paid for goods and services                           136,380,911.90                               61,542,021.14

      Cash paid to and for employees                                 42,272,544.71                            37,424,330.94

      Cash paid for all types of taxes                                4,130,671.73                              4,624,917.67

      Other      cash      paid     relating   to
                                                                      9,150,582.05                              8,078,924.89
operating activities

Sub-total     of     cash    outflows      from
                                                                 191,934,710.39                               111,670,194.64
operating activities

Net    cash        flows     from     operating
                                                                 135,127,799.33                           163,192,294.39

2. Cash flows from investing activities

      Cash received from retraction of

      Cash received from investment

      Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                                                         55,663.20
long-term assets

      Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other operating units

      Other cash received relating to                                   10,561.72                                172,518.27

                                              2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

investing activities

Sub-total of cash inflows of investing
                                                   10,561.72                               228,181.47

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other             4,724,760.96                               488,697.94
long-term assets

     Cash paid for acquisition of

     Net cash paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other operating units

     Other    cash     paid   relating   to
investing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows of investing
                                                4,724,760.96                               788,211.78

Net cash flow from investing activities        -4,714,199.24                              -560,030.31

3. Cash flows from financing activities

     Cash received from investment

     Cash received from borrowings            350,000,000.00                           250,800,000.00

     Cash received from issuing bonds

     Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Sub-total of cash inflows of financing
                                              413,524,000.00                           250,800,000.00

     Cash paid for         repayment of
                                              403,000,000.00                           200,000,000.00

     Cash paid for dividends, profit
                                               19,430,880.84                            32,339,309.99
distribution or interest

     Other    cash     paid   relating   to
financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows of financing
                                              422,430,880.84                           232,339,309.99

Net cash flow from financing activities        -8,906,880.84                            18,460,690.01

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                              -21,111,850.55                               447,655.00
changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                              100,394,868.70                           181,540,609.09

     Add: cash and cash equivalents at
                                                4,990,124.65                              6,722,513.86
the beginning of this period

                                          2015 Quarterly One Report of Wuhan Boiler Company Limited

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end
                                          105,384,993.35                           188,263,122.95
of this period

II. Audit report

Is this report audited?
□   Yes   √    No
This report is not audited.
