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                        01   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                             02

                                 About This Report                                 Basis of Preparation                                     Data Description

                                 The purpose of this report is to respond to the   This report is prepared according to the Shanghai        The information and data used by this report
                                 expectations of stakeholders and show Jiangsu     Stock Exchange's Guidelines for Environmental            come from official documents, statistical report
                                 Changshu Rural Commercial Bank's concept,         Information Disclosure of Listed Companies               and financial statement of CSRC Bank and ESG
                                 management, actions and achievements in ESG.      and Guidelines for Preparing Corporate Social            information aggregated and audited by us.
                                                                                   Responsibility Report (collectively referred to as
                                                                                   “SSE Guidelines”). In the meantime, the report is in
                                                                                   line with Chinese CSR Report Preparation Guide
                                                                                   by the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS-
                                 Time Range                                        CSR 4.0, United Nations Sustainable Development
     2021 Environmental Social                                                     Goals and Sustainability Reporting Guidelines            Report Obtaining
     and Governance Report                                                         published by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
                                 Time range of the report is January 1, 2021
                                 -- December 31, 2021. Some contents might
                                                                                                                                            This report is published in both print and
                                 traced back to historical data.
                                                                                                                                            electronic version. To obtain the electronic
                                                                                                                                            version of the report, please visit the website of
                                                                                                                                            Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn)

                                 Organization Scope                                Explanation for Appellations                             and the Bank's official website (www.csrcbank.

                                 Unless otherwise specified, this report covers    For the convenience of presentation and reading,
                                 Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank            "Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co.,
                                                                                                                                            Contact Information
                                 Co., Ltd., including all its branches and         LTD. " is expressed as "CSRC Bank" "Bank'"
                                 subsidiaries.                                     company" or "we/us" in this Report.

                                                                                                                                            Board Office of CSRC Bank

                                                                                                                                            Tel: 0512-52909021
                                 Release Cycle                                                                                              Fax: 0512-52962000

                                                                                                                                            E-mail: 601128@csrcbank.com
                                 This report is an annual report.
                                                                                                                                            Address: 58 New Century Avenue, Changshu City,
                                                                                                                                            Jiangsu Province
03     2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                            04

Executive’s Statement

     In 2021, we celebrated the Centennial
                                             Serving micro and small business, supporting rural
                                             revitalization. As a rural and commercial bank that
                                             focuses on small and micro businesses and practice to
                                                                                                           Protection Loan and green bond to provide guarantee
                                                                                                           for the development of green economy. Similarly, we
                                                                                                           also adhere to green and low-carbon operation, build
     birthday of the Communist Party of      be inclusive, we insist on party-led development, and         "zero carbon outlet" pilot, and promote paperless
     China, and also witnessed the 20th      introduced outstanding financial talents into the rural       services and office, so as to minimize our impact on
     anniversary of the CSRC Bank's          area to support rural revitalization. At the same time,       the environment.
     reformation. In the 20 years, CSRC      we constantly speed up the construction of inclusive
     Bank, in line with its mission of       financial sites, develop products and services according      Focusing on people-oriented, building a happy
     supporting agriculture and small        to the actual needs of rural area and SMEs , and meet         b a n k . We t a k e " F e i y a n c u l t u r e " a s t h e c o r e .
     and micro enterprises(SMEs), has        the urgent needs of farmers and enterprises. We also          Internally, we regard employees as an important
     explored a special development path     continue to innovate new models of services for the           asset of the company, help employees achieve
     for microfinance, and has achieved      benefit and convenience of the people, making CSRC            career development and care about their work and
     a win-win situation for its own         Bank a helper in the daily life of the public.                life; Externally, through the CSRC bank Charity
     development, capital market, and                                                                      Foundation, we have carried out various public welfare
     social benefits.                        Leading by science and technology, optimizing customer        projects such as donating funds to students, helping

                                             service. We always take technology as the driving force       doctors and disadvantage people in Jiangsu, Gansu,
                                             for business development, promote the integration of          Yunnan and Hubei for many years. In addition, in
                                             technology and business, and developed a variety of           response to the impact of the covid-19 and the floods
                                             online platforms and products to make financial services      in Henan, we launched corresponding credit products
                                             more intelligent and convenient. We adhere to the service     to help the public to resume production and life.
                                             concept of "Mind the people's livelihood, customer’s first
                                             choice", and are committed to providing customers with        Born for the farmers, live up to the mission and
                                             high-quality, comprehensive and timely services. At the       continue to fight for the future. In 2022, we will still
                                             same time, we try our best to ensure information security     comprehensively serve the rural revitalization and
                                             and customer privacy. In 2021, our complaint handling         the real economy, promote common prosperity with
                                             rate was 100% and our comprehensive customer                  inclusive finance, empower our businesses with
                                             satisfaction reached 99.18%.                                  science and technology, and fully integrate ESG into
                                                                                                           the whole process of business development and
                                             Insisting green development, protecting clear waters and      operation our enterprise. We will also take on new
                                             green mountains. We innovated and developed green             responsibilities and missions to promote high-quality                    Executive:
                                             finance business, adhered to the strategic guidance,          economic and social development and stride forward
                                             established a green finance department and a green low-       on the road to pursuing our dreams.
                                             carbon transformation financial service center in 2021.
                                             We launched a series of green financial products such
                                             as Emission Loan, Su Carbon Finance, Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                 March 30, 2022
05   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                     06

About Us
CSRC Bank was reformed in November 28, 2001,
and is the first joint stock rural financial institution
in China with more than 60 years of history,
and is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange
in September 30, 2016 (Stock Code: 601128).
According to the latest ranking published by the
British magazine Banker, CSRC Bank was selected
as the global bank brand value and the global strong
banks “double TOP 500”.

The Explorer of Rural Financial Reform

Adhering to the exploration spirit of "dare to break,
dare to try, dare to do", we have achieved the goal
of starting from Changshu to laying out the province
and radiating the whole country and took the lead in
going out of the registered place to carry out cross
regional operation. The company set up its first non-
local sub branch in Haimen city, Jiangsu Province
in 2008, currently with 10 regional cities in Jiangsu
Province; We were the first to introduce the state-
owned bank, Bank of Communications, as a strategic
investor and became the largest shareholder, and to
participate in seven rural financial institutions.

The Adherent of Small and Microfinance                     The Practitioners of Rural Bank                             Company Culture
Firm market positioning of "supporting agriculture         Based on the exploration and practice of Inclusive
and supporting small businesses", set up a small and       Finance, relying on the initiation of the establishment
micro loan franchise institution based on business         of rural banks, copy and promote the "CSRC micro
                                                           loan model". Over the past 14 years, CSRC bank has                Vision                 Mission                    Core Values
division in 2009 to create a professional, replicable
and industry-leading micro loan core technology            successively initiated the establishment of 31 "Xingfu"
                                                           rural banks in Hubei, Jiangsu, Henan, Yunnan and                  Rural finance leader   Inclusive finance,         Inclusive finance,
and serve 390,000 loan customers. Of all the loans,
                                                           Hainan. On September 19, 2019, Xingfu Village Bank                                       responsible bank           responsible bank
more than 65% of the credit funds are used to
support SMEs, more than 70% of the credit funds            Co., Ltd., the country's first investment management
are invested in agriculture related fields, and nearly     village bank initiated by CSRCC bank, officially
80% of the credit funds serve the real economy.            opened in Haikou City, Hainan Province.
                                                                                                                             Enterprise Spirit      Business Idea              Development Concept
The Trendsetter of Capital Market                          In the future, we will never forget our initial heart and
                                                           the mission is on the shoulder. Under the guidance                Reflective optimism,   Focus on small and         Dare to explore,
Benefiting from the position of the differentiated         of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese                   courageous             medium, flexible and       steady development
market, profit growth ratio, bad loan ratio, provision     Characteristics for a New Era, CSRC Bank will not                 innovation             efficient
coverage ratio and other indicators of CSRC Bank           forget the original intention of "supporting agriculture
have remained at the forefront of the listed bank          and supporting small businesses", bearing in mind
segment since its listing. Stock valuation levels are      the mission of " Inclusive Finance, Responsible                   Management             Talent Concept             Service Notion
among the top in the industry. For four consecutive        Bank", forge ahead, do pioneering work, better                    Philosophy
year, CSRC Bank has been ranked 1st in the                 assume the responsibility of the main force of rural              Compliance             All rivers run into sea,   Mind the people's
assessment system of the Tuoluo of China Banking           finance in the new era, and strive to build a first-              responsibility and     employee first             livelihood, customer’s
Association among the country area rural and               class listed agricultural and commercial bank with                keep improving                                    first choice
commercial banks.                                          distinctive characteristics!
07     2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  08

Our Achievements                                                                                                                       Corporate Governance System Development

                                                                                                                                       We emphasizes the return on shareholders' investment, focuses on sustainable development, highlights the
                                                                                                                                       protection of stakeholders' rights and interests and strives to build a harmonious relationship among multiple
                                    Ranked 423rd among the           Ranked 435th in the Global
                                                                                                                                       interest groups. At present, our "Shareholders' Meeting, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Senior
                                    Top 500 Global Banking            Top 1000 banks in 2021                                           Management" corporate governance system ensures clear division of labor, checks and balances and
                                        Brands in 2021                                                                                 effective coordination. Our corporate governance system is comprehensive and systematic, with standardized
                                                                                                                                       operations at all levels of corporate governance.
                                    British Magazine Banker           British Magazine Banker

                                                                                                                                       Organizational Structure

     The comprehensive score                                      Excellent participating institutions     Level A in information
       of county level rural and   Ranked 83rd among China's        in the electronic information          disclosure evaluation
     commercial banks ranked         Top 100 banks in 2021                exchange system                      for 2020-2021
      first in the GYROSCOPE
     Evaluation System in 2021
                                    China Banking Association         China national clearing            Shanghai Stock Exchange
     China Banking Association
                                                                          center (CNCC)

  Advanced Unit of Inclusive                                        Advanced Unit of Inclusive
 Financial Service for Banking                                         Financial Service for
    Financial Institutions in                                           Banking Financial
   Jiangsu Province in 2020                                           Institutions in Suzhou
                                                                         Province in 2020
 China Banking and Insurance                                      China Banking and Insurance
    Regulatory Commission                                           Regulatory Commission
  Jiangsu Regulatory Bureau                                        Suzhou Supervision Branch

      Best Board of Directors      Jinniu Award 2021 for Wealth                                             Tianji Award 2021 for
         Award for Investor           Management in China                                                Financial Inclusion Service
     Relations of Chinese Listed          Banking Industry                                                          Banks

          Securities Times          China Securities Journal                                                 Securities Times

Corporate Governance
CSRC Bank insists on integrating the leadership of the Party into all aspects of corporate governance. By promoting
the modernization of our corporate governance, regulating the operation of the corporate governance system
("Shareholders' Meeting, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, and Senior Management"), creating long-term
value for stakeholders and focusing on risk management and internal control, we improve the overall level of corporate
management and decision-making efficiency.
09   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10

        Shareholders' Meeting                                                                                             On October 25, 2021, CSRC Bank held the "2021 Investor Open Day" in Suzhou, China. Nearly 100 banking
                                                                                                                          researchers and institutional investors attended the event. The leaders, investors and institutional analysts had
The Shareholders' Meeting is the authority of CSRC Bank. The Shareholders' Meeting provides an effective                  a lively conversation and we responded to the investors' concerns in detail, further enhancing the investors'
communication channel with shareholders and ensures that all shareholders have the right to know, participate and         confidence in the development of our bank.
vote on material topics of our bank. During the reporting period, we held one annual shareholders' meeting and one
extraordinary shareholders' meeting, in which 18 proposals were considered and adopted. Both meetings were held in
accordance with the relevant legal procedures to ensure the shareholders' rights to participate and vote. Among all the
proposals, 12 of them were counted individually by small and medium shareholders.

        Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of CSRC Bank. Our Board of Directors currently consists of
13 members (4 women), including 3 executive directors, 5 non-executive directors and 5 independent directors
(accounting for more than one-third of the total number of Board members). Our Board of Directors comprises
the Strategy and "Three Rural" Financial Services Committee, Risk Management and Related Transaction Control
Committee, Audit and Consumer Protection Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and Financial
Integrity and Ethics Committee. During the reporting period, we held in total 6 meetings of the Board of Directors to
consider 45 proposals.

        Board of Supervisors
                                                                                                                                                                                                      During the reporting
The Board of Supervisors is the supervisory body of CSRC Bank. Our Board of Supervisors currently has 6 members                                                                                       period,
(2 women), including 2 shareholder supervisors, 2 external supervisors and 2 employee supervisors. Under the Board
of Supervisors, there are Nomination and Performance Evaluation Committee and Supervisory Committee. During the                                                                                       CSRC Bank disclosed
reporting period, we held 4 meetings of the Board of Supervisors to consider 24 proposals.
                                                                                                                             "2021 CSRC Bank Investor Open Day" Event Site                            4   regular reports,

        Senior Management

                                                                                                                          In order to reduce information asymmetry and protect the rights
                                                                                                                          and interests of investors and other stakeholders, especially the                  interim
The Senior Management is the executive body of CSRC Bank and is responsible to the Board of Directors. CSRC
Bank has eight members of senior management, including a president, five vice presidents, one assistant president,        small and medium shareholders, we strictly complied with the                nnouncements
and one secretary to the board of directors. Under the President's Office, there are Asset and Liability Management       regulatory requirements on information disclosure. We actively
Committee, Internal Control Management Committee, Risk Management Committee, Financial Innovation Committee,              fulfilled the information disclosure obligations, steadily promoted
Loan Review Committee, Technology Management Committee, and Investment Decision Committee.                                voluntary information disclosure, and proactively made
                                                                                                                          voluntary disclosures on matters of key concern to investors
                                                                                                                          and the capital market, such as the formulation of corporate
                                                                                                                          strategies, business development plans, risk management and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      29     other institutional

Investor Communication                                                                                                    differentiated operations. During the reporting period, CSRC                documents
                                                                                                                          Bank disclosed 4 regular reports, 41 interim announcements
                                                                                                                          and 29 other institutional documents, and was awarded A grade
                                                                                                                          in the SSE's disclosure evaluation for 2020-2021.
                74     batches
                                    CSRC Bank attaches great importance to the interests of investors and actively
                                    communicates with them to enhance their confidence in the development of our
     of on-site research and        bank.
                                                                                                                          Systematic Risk Prevention
                                    We continued to strengthen the communication and interaction with investors
                                    using various approach, including mass media, official website, shareholders'
                                    meeting, results presentation, investor-analyst meeting, SSE e-interactive            CSRC Bank focuses on risk management, continuously improves risk control and strengthens the prevention
     Participated in
                                    platform, investor hotline, investor mailbox and WeChat. During the reporting

                                                                                                                          of systemic risks. We have established a relatively comprehensive capital adequacy assessment process.
             brokerage              period, we received 74 batches of on-site research and teleconferences, with          Each year, we assess the capital adequacy under capital planning by setting uniform macroeconomic stress
                                    583 institutional investors and 681 person times; Participated in 27 brokerage        scenarios, considering the impact on major risks such as credit risk and market risk under different stress
     strategy meetings              strategy meetings, 32 one-to-many exchanges and 399 person times.                     scenarios of GDP and M2 growth rates, and formulating different measures for various scenarios to maintain a
                                                                                                                          reasonable capital adequacy level.
11     2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12

Macroeconomic Stress Test

                                                                                                                                  Case               Digital risk control efficiently supports online loan business
CSRC Bank conducts annual stress tests on the default rate of corporate clients and macroeconomic factors, and
                                                                                                                                   In 2021, the Bank set up a digital risk control taskforce and a model review taskforce to improve the full
the results show a negative correlation between the default rate of the Bank's public clients and macroeconomic
                                                                                                                                   lifecycle management mechanism of risk control models and enhance the independence of risk control.
indicators, GDP and M2. Since 2019, the macroeconomic indicators are at historically low values, but the measures
introduced by the government to reduce taxes and fees and financial services in response to the COVID-19 have                           Maintain the agility and effectiveness of                         Progressively empower the digital
effectively alleviated the difficulties in customers' operations. Overlaid with the relatively fast economic recovery and               risk control models                                               risk control middle office
stable growth rate of CSRC Bank's operating regions, the default rate of public customers has remained stable.
                                                                                                                                        Continuously integrate and update risk control                    Carry out unified management and
Risk Management                                                                                                                         models: iterated 138 risk control rules throughout                monitoring of risk models
                                                                                                                                        the year, formed 607 risk control rules and 2
                                                                                                                                        scorecard models for online products, and served 9                Carry out risk model support
                                                                                                                                        online products with 84,800 people using the credit               Carry out risk data analysis support
During the reporting period, CSRC Bank formulated and issued Risk Preference Statement, Risk Management Work
Opinions, Approach to Emergencies and Information Security Continuity Plan, and improved the Public Health Incident                     Validated and optimized 5 types of internal                       and optimizing applications
Continuity Plan. We clearly required the entire CSRC Bank to prevent and resolve major financial risks, optimize credit                 evaluation models                                                 Regular monitoring of online
resource allocation, focus on risk prevention and control, and build a comprehensive risk control system.                                                                                                 business operations
                                                                                                                                        Explore new applications of credit scoring

                                                                                                                                        Use credit scoring to analyze and calculate the
                                                                                                                                        future default rate of personal business and improve
                                                                                                                                        quantitative analysis capability
                                         Guided by 37 risk preferences, 168 limit management and implementation
                                         rules, we have built various system control platforms to achieve
       the Pre-Event
                                         comprehensive joint prevention of systems and systems in credit
        Preventaion                      management, risk warning, non-zero internal evaluation, operational risk,
                                         compliance and internal control, asset and liability management, etc.
                                                                                                                            Party-building Leading
                                                                                                                            CSRC Bank has always placed a prominent                       Advanced Base-Level Party Organizations of Changshu
                                                                                                                            position in strengthening the overall leadership of           City, and the Secretary of the Party Committee Zhuang
                                         We have dynamically managed the "three lists", namely the customer                 the Party, written the leadership of the Party into           Guangqiang was awarded as "Advanced Individual of
                                         grading list, gray and black list, and associated customer list.                   the Articles of Incorporation, and strictly regulated         Jiangsu Province for Rural Revitalization" by Jiangsu
                                                                                                                            the working rules of the Party Committee to                   Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government,
                                         The three key points of "large amount, small amount and stock" are tightly
 "Three+Three+Two"                                                                                                          establish the importance of the Party's leadership            and "Communist Party Member of the New Era" by
 Mode, Strengthening
                                         grasped and categorized to control large amount, enhance small amount
                                                                                                                            and Party building in the corporate governance.               Changshu City. Our Exhibition Pavilion "A Hundred Years
   Control over the                      and stratify stock.
                                                                                                                            On the occasion of the centenary of the founding              of Golden Years, Feiyan Building Dreams" was selected
                                         We have innovated joint review mode of "stagnation point risk review" and          of the Party, we launched a joint party building              as the activity point of the New Era Civilization Practice
                                         "expert risk review", cultivating 45 industry experts in 17 key industries to      campaign with the themes of "I do practical work              in Changshu City.
                                         work in parallel.                                                                  for the public", "Think, do together for better or for
                                                                                                                            worse", etc. We have been also working on the
                                                                                                                            theme of Building New Strength, "Study the Party's
                                                                                                                            history, Understand its theories, Do practical work
                                         We have established a dynamic reporting and evaluation mechanism                   and Make new advances" to deeply integrate
                                         to regularly monitor and report comprehensive, special, major and                  Party building with business and lead business
                                         unexpected risk reports.                                                           development with Party building.
  "Point+Surface",                       We have implemented regular risk inspections, realizing the organic
                                                                                                                            In the year of 2021, the Party building work of
 Strengthening Post-                     combination of risk warning information push, daily annual inspection
  Event Inspection                                                                                                          our bank achieved significant results. The Party
                                         of post-loan management, and special inspection of business
                                                                                                                            Committee of the Head Office was awarded as
                                                                                                                            "Suzhou Advanced Base-Level Party Organization".
                                         We have implemented dynamic risk assessment and dynamically adjust                 Three Base-Level Party organizations of the Head
                                         the ten-level classification results, customer classification results and          Office were awarded as Advanced Grass-roots Party
                                         credit programs depending on the risk inspection.                                  Organizations of the Provincial Federation, two                    "Party-Led Development, Financial Benefit to the People,
                                                                                                                            Base-Level Party organizations were awarded as                     Helping Rural Revitalization" Special Event
13      2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                   14

Business Ethics and Compliance                                                                                           Compliance Management

CSRC Bank attaches great importance to business ethics and compliance management. We strictly fulfills the legal
                                                                                                                         In 2021, CSRC Bank has built the "Three-Year Plan" in accordance with compliance, and will continue to promote the
obligations on anti-money laundering and continuously improves the compliance management system, aiming to
                                                                                                                         systematization of the bank compliance based on the development strategy.
create an atmosphere of integrity in its practice.

                                                                                                                             Establishment of the Compliance Culture System
Anti-Money Laundering
                                                                                                                                We aim to build the distinctive "Xiao Yan" compliance brand by carrying out compliance culture development in
In the year of reporting period, we complied with laws and regulations, formulated and improved a number of rules               multiple ways, strengthening positive propaganda and increasing the number of warning education events held.
and regulations, including Management Measures for Self-Assessment of Money Laundering Risks and Terrorist
Financing Risks, Operational Procedures for Anti-Money Laundering Business, Management Measures for Customer                 Establishment of the Compliance Organization System
Money Laundering Risk Assessment and Classification, and Anti-Money Laundering Work Rules for Financial Market
Business Lines, etc. We adopted processes and measures such as customer identification, customer risk level                     We equip our compliance team with the best human resources. We have selected and hired 77 full-time and
classification management and control of high-risk customers, and linked with public security authorities, regulatory           part-time compliance officers to cover all departments and branches of the bank.
authorities and Dow Jones List to fine-tune the Anti-Money Laundering management. At the same time, we held anti-
                                                                                                                             Establishment of the Institutional Process System
money laundering publicity and training in multiple dimensions.

                                                                                                                                The total number of internal regulations in the bank is 2,696, of which 1,642 in the head office (425 added
                          Strictly implement the requirements of real-name system to open an account and
                                                                                                                                and 199 repealed) and 1,045 in the branches (483 added). 249 regulations are reviewed, with a year-on-year
                          refuse to open an account if suspicious cases are found, so as to prevent customers
                                                                                                                                growth of 9.34%. The completion rate of the annual revision plan is 100%.
                          from borrowing or fraudulently using other people's identity to open an account and
        Customer          using the account for illegal purposes such as renting, lending or selling. In case of any
      Identification                                                                                                         Establishment of the Compliance Control System
                          abnormalities such as change of basic information, criminal investigation and freezing,
                          in addition to retaining the relevant information, our bank is required to double check
                          through identity network verification and other procedures, if applicable, to prevent                 We adhere to innovation and management compliance and continuously improve the problems and correction
                          risks. And for public customers, the information should be checked and verified.                      mechanism. We have built a compliance monitoring system to promote the normalization of case prevention
                                                                                                                                and investigation. We focus on improving the branch compliance management mechanism, and evaluate the
                                                                                                                                operation of the branch in terms of system management, contract management, and compliance inspection
                                                                                                                                and correction mechanism.

                          CSRC Bank's Anti-Money Laundering system has a dedicated customer risk
                          registration management module with two types of templates: comprehensive scoring              Integrity Building
       Customer           model and exception model. For blacklisted customers, we directly rate the highest risk
       Risk Level
      Classification      level; for customers suspected of money laundering crimes and reported suspicious
      Management          cases, we include them in the higher risk level range; for customers above the higher          We attach importance to regulating staff
                          risk level, customer due diligence investigation, customer re-identification form are          behavior, identifying business compliance
                          needed and transaction restriction measures are required.                                      moral risks, and formulating CSRC Bank
                                                                                                                         Reporting Incentives and CSRC Bank Rules
                                                                                                                         for the Implementation of Petition Work to
                                                                                                                         manage integrity practices.
       Anti-money         In addition to the terrorism-related lists issued by public security authorities and
     Laundering and                                                                                                      In 2021, we organized 87 newly promoted
                          regulatory departments, our Anti-Money Laundering system has achieved T+1 linkage
      Anti-Terrorist                                                                                                     cadres to have integrity talks and signed
        Financing         update with Dow Jones list, blacklist linkage warning, and linkage prompting between
       Monitoring                                                                                                        the Ten Prohibitions of Employee Behavior
                          blacklist and core business system within the Anti-Money Laundering system.
                                                                                                                         Commitment, Compliance Commitment
                                                                                                                         and Integrity Commitment, respectively. In
                                                                                                                         addition, we have identified 20 major integrity
                                                                                                                         risk points and 25 major employee abnormal
       dimensional                                                                                                       behaviors, and conducted occasional
       Anti-Money         We held various types of events including hall publicity, outdoor publicity, live publicity,
       Laundering                                                                                                        dynamic behavioral checks, and sorted out 8
                          party building publicity, etc. In 2021, 17,109 people participated in CSRC Bank's offline
         Financial                                                                                                       major risk points in 213 categories covering
       Knowledge          promotional activities and 270,000 views for the online live broadcast.
        Promotion                                                                                                        227 positions according to 3 risk levels of
          Events                                                                                                                                                                 CSRC Bank 2021 Warning Education Event
                                                                                                                         "high, medium and low".
15    2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  16

During the reporting period, we held a number                  A total number of more          With more than                                  Dynamic Management Suppliers                                 Strategic Cooperation Suppliers

                                                                      80                       14,000
of anti-corruption warning education events.
                                                               than        training
Different functional departments carried out                                                                                                   Establish an effective competition                           Establish strategic partnerships with
multiple sessions to explain the law and                       sessions for employees          participants                                    mechanism for suppliers who                                  suppliers of core products directly related
discipline by cases. A total number of more than               were held                                                                       provide more standardized and                                to our production and operations
80 training sessions for employees were held,                                                                                                  alternative products
with more than 14,000 participants.

                                                                                                                                               Supplier Access                                              Suppliers Management and Evaluation

                                                                                                                                               We procure manufacturers or                                  We implement graded management of
                                                                                                                                               operating products that meet                                 suppliers. The Procurement Office refuses
                                                                                                                                               national, industry, technical, safety                        to suppliers who have been included in
                                                                                                                                               and environmental protection                                 CSRC Bank's grey list or black list.

                                                                                                                              ESG Management

                                                                                                                              Responsibility Management

                                                                                                                              In order to fully implement the concept of sustainable development and ensure the effective management of
                                                                                                                              ESG issues, CSRC Bank has established a ESG management system led by the Board of Directors and Senior
CSRC Bank "510 Integrity Training Day" Event
                                                                                                                              Management, and implemented by relevant functional departments to clarify specific division of labor and
                                                                                                                              responsibilities at the level of ESG management .

Responsible Sourcing

The Bank has released the Regulations on Supplier Management (Trial). The management of suppliers follows
the principles of "openness, fairness, impartiality and integrity", establishes a list of suppliers, implements a list-
based graded dynamic management of suppliers, continuously optimizes the supplier structure and controls supplier                   Decision-Making Level                      Management Level                            Execution Level
risks. CSRC Bank has 245 suppliers for centralized procurement in 2021, including 171 suppliers who have passed
environmental and social audits. Supplier differentiation management strategy includes dynamic management
                                                                                                                                CSRC Bank's Board of Directors            The Senior Management of                  All functional departments and
suppliers and strategic cooperation suppliers, of which 18 are dynamic management suppliers and 2 are strategic
                                                                                                                                leads the deliberations and               the company is responsible for            branches of CSRC Bank are
cooperation suppliers.
                                                                                                                                decisions on major ESG issues,            ESG work involved, including              responsible for the specific
                                                                                                                                including the formulation of              the organization, management              affairs of ESG, assisting in the
                                                                                                                                relevant strategies and guidelines        and promotion of ESG projects,            preparation of ESG reports,

     CSRC Bank has                       including                          of which                                            and the special review of ESG             clarification of development              regularly submitting relevant
                                                                                                              are strategic

     245       suppliers for
                                         171         suppliers who have
                                                                            18        are dynamic
                                                                                                                                reports.                                  plans, improvement of ESG-
                                                                                                                                                                          related systems, and evaluation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    management initiatives, KPIs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and cases, and organizing and
     centralized procurement             passed environmental and           management                   suppliers                                                        of the effectiveness of ESG               implementing various ESG-
     in 2021                             social audits                      suppliers                                                                                     projects implementation.                  related activities.
17   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     18

Communication with Stakeholders                                                                                                Identification of Material Issues
                                                                                                                                In accordance with the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Guidelines for Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed
CRBC Bank attaches importance to communication with stakeholders and has established a regular stakeholder                      Companies, Chinese CSR Report Preparation Guide by the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS-CSR 4.0),
communication mechanism to listen to voices from different perspectives as an important basis for improving                     United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published by Global Reporting
environmental, social and governance practices.                                                                                 Initiative (GRI) standards to define the process of reporting content, strengthen interaction with stakeholders through
                                                                                                                                various means, and understand the level of concern, expectations and demands of stakeholders on our ESG. We
                                                                                                                                identify and screen relevant ESG issues related through suggestions from the managerial level, benchmarking studies
                                                                                                                                of domestic and international peers, multimedia information analysis and on-site research, and understand the level of
     Stakeholders               Needs and Expectations                             Communication Channels
                                                                                                                                concern of the issues by stakeholders, and then determine the final materiality of the issues.
                        Compliance-based operation                        Information disclosure
                        Paying tax as the law requires                    Daily communication and reports                                                                         Sources of issues:                                                 Selection criteria:
                        Promoting employment                              Site visits
                        Responding to national strategies                 Receiving supervision and inspection                                                                    Proposed by management of the company                              Contribution to society and
     Government                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sustainable development
                        Contributing to the development of the industry   Visiting reception                                                                                      Proposed by Internal and external experts
                                                                                                                                                                                  base on analysis                                                   Common concerns of stakeholders

                        Compliance-based operation                                                                                                                                Analysis on multimedia information                                 Emphasized in ESG related guidance
                                                                          General meeting of stockholders
                        Consistent and stable investment returns                                                                                                                  Research on benchmarking with domestic                             Meeting the strategic development
                                                                          Regular reports and announcements                                                                       and overseas peers                                                 needs of the company
                        Risk management
                                                                          Investor communication meeting
                        Corporate governance                                                                                                                                      Criteria and guidance on ESG
                                                                                                                                                                                  Feedback from suppliers
                                                                                                                                                                                  Community opinion solicitation
                        Serving “Three Rural”                           Customer satisfaction survey
                        Launch the inclusive finance                      Visits
                        Respecting customer privacy                       Customer activities                                                                      Matrix of ESG Materiality Issues of CSRC Bank in 2021
                        High quality customer service                     Account manager daily contact
                                                                                                                                                            Medium importance                           High importance
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Develop inclusive finance and improve people's livelihood

                                                                                                                                                                                Business ethics and compliance management
                        Keeping the contract                              Business negotiations
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Protecting employees'                Developing green finance
                        Mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation     Project cooperation                                                                                                    rights and interests

                                                                                                                            Significance to Stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                            Responding climate change            Information security and
                        Improving supply chain management                 Industry communication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 privacy protection
       Partner                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Preventing systemic risks

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Staff development and training
                                                                          Labor union                                                                                                                                                     Financial product and
                        Protecting employee rights and interests                                                                                                                Employee health and life care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          technology innovation
                                                                          Internal publication platforms such as internal
                        Occupational health and safety                                                                                                                                                             Community investment
                                                                          journals and intranets                                                                                Adhere to green operation
                        Training and development
                                                                          Workers' Congress
                        Employee care                                                                                                                                                                                                     Support national strategy
         Staff                                                            Daily communication
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Building a responsible      Promoting financial literacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 corporate culture
                                                                                                                                                                        Responsible sourcing                              Protecting customer rights and interests

                        Green operation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Society
                                                                          Environmental organization communication                                                                                                               Enhancing customer experience
                        Environmental concept promotion                                                                                                    Low importance
                                                                                                                                                                                             Significance to CSRC Bank

                        Improve employment
                        Build harmonious community                        Volunteer service                                     We used online questionnaire research to prioritize the selected issues and understand the siganificants of ESG
                        Carry out public welfare activities               Public welfare activities                             issues by internal and external stakeholders. During the reporting period, we received a total of 322 valid questionnaire
                        Financial education
                                                                                                                                results. After analyzing and calculating the questionnaire data, we finally determined the degree and boundary of issue
        Public                                                                                                                  disclosure and formed the matrix of ESG Materiality Issue of CSRC Bank.
19   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                        20

UN Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                                                    We provide diverse training        In 2021, 694 new employees were recruited,
                                                                                                                    systems and two types of           accounting for about 10.13% of the total
In addition to our own development, we are always concerned about the international community and global            promotion paths for our            number of employees in the bank.
sustainability trends, and we continue to carry out a number of actions guided by the UN Sustainable Development    employees to promote their         A total of 633 training sessions were held for
Goals, hoping to help build a more sustainable planet through our own practices on sustainable development. All     career development and
                                                                                                                                                       146,683 employees.
departments of the bank are discussing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in 2021, we will help the          highlight their value.
implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals throughout the company with a number of practices.

                       We participate in many public           Xingfu Village Bank has a total of 168                                                  CSRC Bank's balance of agriculture-related loans
                       welfare projects such as                branches, covering 16 former state-designated
                                                                                                                                                       reached 115.119 billion yuan, accounting for
                                                               poverty-stricken counties.
                       medical care projects, donate to                                                             We develop inclusive finance       70.71% of all loans, and personal business
                       infrastructure construction; help       The total value of donated facilities is             and supported industrial           loan balance reached 64.866 billion yuan.
                       to fight and alleviate poverty in
                       some areas.
                                                               1,308,700 yuan, and help to sale                     innovation and development in      In order to promote the intelligent and digital
                                                               agricultural products by 3,967,000 yuan.             urban and rural areas.             transformation of enterprises, the credit amount
                                                                                                                                                       of "Changzhi Loan" reached 445,115,000
                                                                                                                                                       yuan in 2021.

                                                               Employee medical checkup rate reached 100%.
                       We protect the health of our
                                                               Distributed a total of 1,680,000 masks,
                       employees by organizing both                                                                                                    Achieved full coverage of 109 branches in urban
                       regular medical checkups and a
                                                               500 thermometers, 1,200 bottles of hand
                                                               sanitizer and other pandemic prevention materials                                       and rural areas with the "Social Insurance Banking
                       supplemental medical insurance                                                               We provide financial literacy      Pass" service.
                                                               throughout the year.
                       plan, and provide a number of                                                                and convenience facilities for
                                                                                                                                                       The "Medical Insurance-Banking Pass" service has
                       benefits to our employees to            Organized more than 1,300 activities for             the community and focus on the
                                                               employees throughout the year, with more than                                           achieved full coverage in 38 local branches.
                       enhance their well-being.                                                                    interests of community groups.
                                                               12,000 participants.                                                                    Two branches were awarded the title of "Quality and
                                                                                                                                                       Civilized Service of the Elderly-Oriented Outlet".

                       Through donations, we help               Carried out the "Feiyan Scholarship Program" to                                        The complaint handling rate was 100%, and
                       students in poor areas to get a          help 95 poor college students in Changshu.                                             the overall customer satisfaction rate of the call
                                                                                                                    Protect consumer rights and
                       better and fairer education.
                                                                We donated 1,100,800 yuan to local college                                             center was 99.18%.
                                                                                                                    protect customer privacy.
                                                                students.                                                                              Develop a full range of user privacy protection
                                                                                                                                                       policies to regulate online service user informed

                                                                                                                                                       The total amount of green credit for the year
                       Innovative construction of zero                                                                                                 reached 1.560 billion yuan, supporting 34
                       carbon outlet pilot, through                                                                 Innovate green financial           enterprises with a loan growth rate of 23%.
                                                                The pilot construction of "zero carbon outlet" is
                       the use of clean energy, the                                                                 products, guide financial          We launched "Emission Loan", "Su Carbon
                                                                expected to generate 25,000 kWh of electricity
                       transformation of air conditioning                                                           investment in green and low-       Finance" and "Environmental Protection Loan"
                                                                annually, which can lead to a reduction of 6.80
                       systems, lighting systems and                                                                carbon industries, and stimulate   to support the energy-saving and environmental
                       other infrastructure to reduce           tons of carbon emissions per year.                                                     protection transformation of enterprises.
                                                                                                                    green economic growth.
                       carbon emissions.                                                                                                               Set up a "green channel" to improve the
                                                                                                                                                       efficiency of green credit approval.
21   2021 ESG Report   22
23     2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                24

Serving Rural Revitalization                                                                                                 In order to further enhance the accessibility of rural finance, CSRC Bank established Xingfu Village Bank, the first
                                                                                                                             investment management village bank in China, to open up a new chapter of financial services for rural revitalization.
                                                                                                                             By carrying out "joint study and construction of party organizations" and "village courtyard meeting" with two village
                                                                                                                             committees, CSRC Bank set up a team of " financial officials in village” based on the "village grid" and continued to fill
CSRC Bank contributes to rural revitalization by full coverage of financial talents in rural areas, opens Xingfu Village     the financial gap of villages and towns.
Bank, continuously improves financial accessibility, provides special products and services, and effectively implements
the corporate vision of “Rural Finance Leader”.
                                                                                                                                                         CSRC Bank has 31 Xingfu village banks under its jurisdiction, 22 of which are located in
                                                                                                                                                         the counties of less developed areas in the central and western regions, with a total of 328
                                                                                                                                                         branches covering 16 formerly state-designated poor counties, more than 90% of which
Introducing Finance Talents to Rural Areas                                                                                     Increase the              are concentrated in towns, villages and communities, gathering more than 70% of credit
                                                                                                                             number of outlets
In order to enhance the organizational guarantee of financial inclusion and rural revitalization, CSRC Bank has
actively explored the mode of financial talents helping rural revitalization, and through comprehensive cooperation                                      Xingfu village banks vigorously promote Xingfu sites, setting up nearly 95 light outlets in
with local communities, CSRC Bank has selected and assigned "Feiyan Specialists of Rural Revitalization " to                                             town and village communities and serving more than one million customers.
achieve full coverage of financial talents in rural areas, providing personnel and mechanism guarantee for the special                                   By the end of 2021, Xingfu Village Bank had issued over 1.3 billion yuan of poverty
action of rural revitalization. In 2021, the cooperation of talents in Changshu’s rural areas cover 8 towns, 6 streets, 2                               alleviation loans to more than 8,000 poor households, with more than 90% used to support
development zones, 214 administrative villages and 116 communities.                                                          Issuance of loans           agriculture and more than 80% invested in the development of small and micro real
                                                                                                                               to help farmers           economy, involving the renovation of dangerous houses, repair of pig and sheep pens,
                  "Three steps" to explore the mode of financial talents helping rural revitalization                                                    farming machinery, seed and pesticide procurement and other fields, helping to promote
                                                                                                                                                         rural revitalization with practical actions.

                                                                                                                                                         In 2021, the credit scale of the whole village reached 13.185 billion and the number of
                Step 1                                    Step 2                                    Step 3                                               households reached 148,000, an increase of 251% and 223% respectively compared
                                                                                                                              Promote whole-
                                                                                                                                                         with the beginning of 2021; the credit balance reached 1.673 billion and the number of
                                                                                                                               village credit
                                                                                                                                                         households reached 23,000, an increase of 428% and 379% respectively compared with
                                                                                                                                                         the beginning of 2021.
     Build a three-level cooperation          select and assign 274 ""Feiyan              Explore with pilot towns
     system of "city-town-village"            Specialists” to full coverage of           to carry out "three credit"
     to achieve two levels of full-           financial talentsat town (street)           construction projects to help                                  Xingfu Village Bank actively explores digital empowerment for financial inclusion and
     coverage, namely, full-coverage          and village (community) levels              grassroots rural governance.                                   vigorously develops online services, using mobile banking, small programs and other
     cooperation between the head             to serve the countryside.                                                       Promote online             channels to realize online loan application, online contract signing and other services.
     office and 16 towns (streets)            Financial advisors are fully                                                       services
                                                                                                                                                         By 2021, the overall online rate of the village bank had reached 80%, and the number of
     and development zones in                 involved in rural governance
                                                                                                                                                         online service customers reached 160,000; 30,000 new customers used online products
     Changshu, and full-coverage              and rural revitalization.
                                                                                                                                                         such as "Xingfu Reserve" and "Fuxing Loan” , and 0.5 million credit accounts were used.
     cooperation between branches
     in Changshu and local villages

Enhancing Financial Accessibility                                                                                                                   CSRC Bank Haiyu branch created a community inclusive financial service outlet

CSRC Bank accelerates the construction of                                                                                          The Lidu Garden under Haifu new town community in
                                                                By the end of 2021,
inclusive financial service sites, formulates                                                                                      Changshu is a community of demolished households in
                                                                CSRC Bank had built                   including
the Implementation Plan of Changshu Rural                                                                                          Haiyu, and there is only one bank within 2 kilometers around,
Commercial Bank for Quality Improvement
and Efficiency Enhancement, and relies on
                                                                238        inclusive financial
                                                                                                      153         sites            it’s very inconvenient for the people to handle financial
                                                                                                                                   business and purchase daily necessities. In order to enable
                                                                service sites                         in Changshu
the brand of "Feiyan Sites" to reach the last                                                                                      the people in the local community to handle business nearby,
kilometer of financial services according to local                                                                                 CSRC Bank Haiyu branch actively builds the community
conditions. By the end of 2021, CSRC Bank                                                                                          inclusive financial service site of Lidu Garden, providing
had built 238 inclusive financial service sites,
including 153 sites in Changshu, and covering
                                                                           150                                                     comprehensive service functions such as payment and
                                                                                                                                   settlement, loan financing, financial management, convenient
150 administrative villages.                                    administrative villages                                            payment and daily necessities purchase for the people.
25   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                            26

       Case                 Hubei Enshi Xingfu Village Bank helped a local fruit farmer overcome                                Case               Special Product —— "tea loan" by Xuan’en branch of Enshi Xingfu Village
                            business crisis and expand production scale                                                                            Bank in Hubei Province

           In September 2020, Mr. Guo's vineyard in Enshi, Hubei Province, was affected by the pandemic,                         Tea is one of the pillar industries in Xuan’en County, with a wide industrial coverage and a large demand
           resulting in poor sales of grapes and difficulty in repaying his loan. In the process of visiting                     for related loans. Xuan’en branch organized account managers to go to villages and households,
           households, village financial officers from Enshi Xingfu Village Bank learned of Mr. Guo's difficulties               field visits, through communication with tea farmers, tea enterprises, to know the credit needs, the
           and helped him with the Bank's "deferred principal and interest repayment" policy, and increased                      characteristics of tea’s long capital cycle, slow return on planting, a special credit product - "tea loan"
           his credit limit to 200,000 yuan. After receiving the loan, the couple rented new land, repaired the                  was tailored to address the problem. The product has the advantages of low interest rates, fast lending,
           greenhouse, introduced new varieties and expanded the grape planting area to 170 mu, and the                          long credit, not only to help tea farmers, tea enterprises to reduce financing costs, but also to reduce the
           annual turnover is expected to exceed one million yuan.                                                               pressure of tea farmers' capital turnover. In nearly three months, a total of 230 tea industry loans, 25.98
                                                                                                                                 million yuan were invested, which is a strong support for the development of local industries.
           As early as 2007, CSRC Bank
           initiated the establishment of the
           first village bank in Xianfeng,
           Enshi. By the end of 2021, Enshi
           Xingfu Village Bank has achieved

           full coverage of 8 counties and                                                                                                                     In nearly three months,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             million yuan
           cities in the state, with total assets
           of over 10 billion yuan, and has                                                                                                                    a total of                                    were invested, which is a strong
           provided financial services for
           over 440,000 customers with                                                                                                                         230          tea industry loans
                                                                                                                                                                                                             support for the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             local industries
           deposits and loans. Xingfu
           Village Bank has granted credit
           to 40,900 households totaling
           3.926 billion yuan, helping local
           rural revitalization with high-quality
           development.                                 Staff of Enshi Village Bank visited a fruit farmer's vineyard

Multiple Products to Meet Development Needs

In order to meet the different development needs of villages and towns, CSRC Bank provides products and services
with different characteristics for village collectives, agricultural operators and individuals, taking into account the local
customs, rural economy and industrial structure of each village and town, effectively meeting the financial needs of
“Three Rural” and stimulating the vitality of the villages. By the end of 2021, the balance of CSRC Bank’s agriculture-
related loans was 115.119 billion yuan, and the ratio of agriculture-related loans to all loans reached 70.71%.

                 Huicun Loan takes each administrative village collective as the loan object, as a reserve fund for the
                 economic organization of village collective, which is used to support local development needs, including
                 in the normal expenses of village improvement, payment of village infrastructure repair, routine payment
                 of daily expenses and other needs. 2021 cumulative credit of nearly 1 billion yuan, credit coverage of
                 more than 200 administrative villages.

                 Sunong Loan is granted to new agricultural business entities, such as farmers' cooperatives, agricultural             Staff of Xuan’en branch of Enshi Xingfu Village Bank visited local tea plantations
                 enterprises and agricultural socialized service organizations, for short-term liquid capital loan business
                 for regular production and operation in direct and closely related industries in agriculture. By the end of
                 2021, CSRC Bank had invested a total loan of 35.1 million yuan with a balance of 30.6 million yuan by
                 the end of 2021.
27   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                     28

      Case               Priority Rural Village Loan to help rural ecological development
                                                                                                                                                                                      Support the Development of
         A green ecological agriculture company started a new rural construction project with an estimated
         total investment of 73.3 million yuan. After learning about the situation, CSRC Bank learned the
                                                                                                                                                                                      Micro and Small Businesses
         construction plan in detail on site and matched the enterprise with our "Characteristic Rural Village
         Loan" product. This product is dedicated to the construction of distinctive rural villages with regional                                                                     In response to the difficulties in financing
         characteristics and modern civilization. We granted a total of 40 million yuan to the project with a                                                                         micro and small businesses, CSRC Bank
         term of 8 years. The loan was granted in 7 tranches with a total loan amount of 29.5 million yuan                                                                            has increased the efforts of inclusive financial
         and a loan term of 5 years.                                                                                                                                                  services, broadened the financing service
                                                                                                                                                                                      channels, improved the scale and efficiency
         After the loan disbursement was completed, the enterprise quickly started the project and                                                                                    of credit granting, and cultivated and
         successfully completed the construction of the whole project in three years. Through this project,                                                                           strengthened micro and small market entities.
         it has promoted the integration of the whole area development of Haiyu National Characteristic
         Town. After the project is completed and maturely operated, it can bring an annual income of about                                                                           System and Talent Building
         9.8 million yuan, which greatly promotes the local economic development and provides more labor
         employment opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                                      In order to strengthen the institutional
                                                                                                                                                                                      leadership of microfinance services, we has
                                                                                                                                                                                      launched “a trillion plan” to continuously
                                                                                                                                                                                      improve the lending mechanism and attach
                                                                             After the project is completed
                                                                                                                                                                                      importance to the construction of our talents
                                                                             and maturely operated,
                                                                                                                                                                                      to continuously improve the quality and
                                                                             it can bring an annual income
                                                                                                                                                                                      strength of the services.
                                                                             of about
                                                                                        9.8    million yuan
                                                                                                                     Talent Team for Microfinance Services

                                                                                                                    “A Trillion Plan”

                                                                                                                      We proposed "A Trillion Plan” to develop 100 professional markets, extend credit to 10,000 households
                                                                                                                      and add 2 billion yuan in high-interest assets in 2021. By the end of 2021, we had visited 181 professional
                                                                                                                      markets in the jurisdiction, with 19,400 new credit accounts, credit amount of 3.692 billion yuan and credit
                                                                                                                      balance of 2.442 billion yuan.

                                                                                                                    Improve loan mechanism

                                                                                                                      We continue to improve the lending mechanism, increase credit allocation to first-time borrowers of micro
                                                                                                                      and small businesses. In 2021, we supported 1,342 micro and small businesses (including individual
                                                                                                                      entrepreneurs and micro and small business owners) with a total amount of 4.695 billion yuan through the
                                                                                                                      special product "Non-repayable renewals".

                                                                                                                    Talent team building

                                                                                                                      We attach importance to improving the construction of microfinance serving talents, optimizing the staff
                                                                                                                      structure and focusing on building a comprehensive talent team mainly for microfinance services. We have
                                                                                                                      set up a professional project team for "online banking" and gathered talents with various skills of "business
                                                                                                                      + approval + technology" at the headquarter to provide talent support for microfinance services.
29   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                               30

Innovative Microfinance Service Mode

                                                                                                                                      Case                CSRC Bank helps local micro and small foreign trade enterprise "go aboard"
CSRC Bank actively explores and innovates products and service modes for microfinance, gradually shifts from the
traditional mode to the modern mode, promotes online approval and credit products, and continuously improves the
quality and efficiency of microfinance services. In 2021, the online approval rate of loan business for microfinance is                  CSRC Bank actively supports local foreign trade enterprises to "go aboard", provides one-stop
36%, and the total amount of online loans for microfinance services was 9.721 billion yuan.                                              service for micro and small foreign trade enterprises, and launches the "City Caitong" platform,
                                                                                                                                         which greatly simplifies the business procedures of individual industrial and commercial entities and
                                                                                                                                         shortens the speed of receiving and settling foreign exchange from more than 3 working days to less
                                                                                                                                         than 1 working day, thus improving the efficiency of using funds in the market and enterprises.

     Expanding                      Expanding marketing channels: CSRC Bank fully utilizes channels such as                              In response to the financial needs of micro and small foreign trade merchants with a large number
     marketing                      WeChat official account, video account, and latent customer platforms for                            of receipts of foreign exchange and small single amounts, we continuously strengthen its services
      channels                      marketing and promotion.                                                                             and optimize the business process, and have now realized the opening of public foreign exchange
                                                                                                                                         settlement accounts under market purchase trade on the same day, and strengthens communication
                                                                                                                                         with customers through multiple channels such as email, telephone and WeChat to provide
                                                                                                                                         customers with convenient and efficient exclusive services.
                                    We have launched a combination of online and offline products: the offline product
                                    "Sunshine Loan", which serves "three rural" as well as micro and small customers                     At present, CSRC Bank has provided more than 200 market procurement trade customers within
                                    in urban and rural areas, and supports rural farming, small enterprises and store                    the jurisdiction of Changshu Garment City with services such as account opening, receipt and
      We have                       operations in villages and towns. The online product "EasyStar Financing" is aimed                   settlement of foreign exchange. In the future, we will continue to empower micro and small foreign
    launched a                                                                                                                           trade enterprises to develop their market procurement trade steadily.
  combination of                    at micro and small business owners and individual industrial and commercial
 online and offline                 households in industrial villages and professional markets, and improves the
     products                       efficiency of bulk credit. In 2021, the number of households with credit granted by
                                    “Meteor Loan” is 750,000, the credit amount is 4.650 billion yuan, the loan balance is
                                    470 million yuan, the number of remaining households with balance is 2,349, and the
                                    average number of remaining households with balance is 50,000 yuan.

                                    Improve approval efficiency: Continuously increase the approval online rate
                                    and online approval effectiveness, thus making approvals more accurate
 Improve approval                   and swift, allowing customers to have fewer travel, while improving the
                                    accuracy of risk judgment. From the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2021,
                                    the approval online ratio for micro and small businesses increased from 10%
                                    to nearly 40%.

Innovative Service Mode for Border Areas
                                                                                                                                              Our staff visited a local micro and small garment foreign trade enterprise
At the beginning of 2021, in order to increase the number of outlets and expand the
practice of inclusive finance, CSRC Bank explored a new mode to micro and small                      By the end of 2021,
business: set up pilot areas for inclusive finance in remote areas bordering counties                the loan balance of
and cities and combining urban and rural areas with relatively inadequate financial                  the Inclusive Finance
supply, and set up an inclusive finance team of more than 150 people, creating an                    Department exceeded
integrated service team and acting as a "pioneer" in the exploration of inclusive
finance. We Explore the whole life cycle of customers service, create a new mode                     5   billion yuan           Deepen Financial Benefits for the People
of market-oriented, mobile, integrated services, adhere to the customer-centric,
mobile tools into the common people, integrated services to make Changyin Brand
                                                                                                     the number of households
reputational; return to rural counties, deeply involve in border areas, provide a full

                                                                                                                                CSRC Bank strengthens cooperation with administrative departments, innovates new modes of services for the
range of financial services for grassroots customers. By the end of 2021, the loan                   exceeded                   people, gives full play to many advantages such as wide channels, dense network and excellent services, carries out
balance of the Inclusive Finance Department exceeded 5 billion yuan, the number                                                 several projects for the people, and actively practices the service concept of doing practical things for the public.
of households exceeded 8,000.
31   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                               32

Innovative Service Model for the Benefit of the People
                                                                                                                        As a life service platform launched                 Relying on the "Changyin Life"
                                                                                                                        by CSRC Bank, "Changyin Life" APP                   APP, the “Nongnong Village
CSRC Bank innovates the service mode of benefiting the public and builds a convenient service system with               integrates life, consumption and finance,           Products” platform aims to
government administrative departments. Through a number of beneficiary projects, government functions for the           and integrates high-frequency life                  "serve the three rural and
public, such as human society, medical insurance and administrative approval, are "moved" into the branch and cell      scenes such as "medical, food, housing,             revitalization" and upholds the
phone bank, which greatly facilitates the process of business for the public.                                           transportation and entertainment", "eating,         service concept of "high quality,
                                                                                                                        drinking, playing, shopping", etc. to               safety and convenience". In
                                                                                                                        create a full-scene life experience and             2021, the platform had 136,000
                                                                                                                        provide people with intelligent, mobile and         transactional orders with a
                             Issuing 1.37 million Changshu citizen cards, integrating public transport, garden          scenario-based comprehensive services.              cumulative transaction amount
                             tourism, payment and financial functions.                                                                                                      of 7.73 million yuan.

Citizen Card

                             We has cooperated with government departments to launch the pass and opened
                             28 window services in 11 categories, including "registration and change of basic
                             medical insurance" and "filing for medical treatment in different places for insured
                             people" in 38 local branches.

                             We helped to build "15-minute medical insurance service circle" in all towns                                                                                                       Nongnong Village Products Online Mall
                             and streets of Changshu City and Weigang Village in Zhao City, achieving
                             full coverage of towns and streets in Changshu area, in which Meili Town's "
   Medical                   Medical Insurance-Banking Pass" project successfully passed the evaluation and
 Insurance-                  acceptance of Suzhou Medical Insurance Bureau with 99 points, ranking first in
Banking Pass                 the city of Suzhou.

                             Our service of Social Insurance-Banking Pass covers 32 social insurance services
                             in 10 categories. The number of the service outlets has increased from 4 pilot
                             outlets to 107 outlets in urban and rural areas, with 74,000 life insurance cards
                             issued and a total activation rate of 75.22%.
Banking Pass
                                                                                                                            The scene of "Feiyan Bazaar"

Build Special Products for the Benefit of the People

To enhance the quality and level of livelihood services, we continues to innovate cooperation models, organize
                                                                                                                              Case                "Meiyan Benefit Farmers", a new mode to help sell agricultural products
activities for the benefit of the public, launch special products and optimize respectful services for the elderly to
effectively protect people's livelihood and fulfill the social responsibility.
                                                                                                                                 The "Meiyan Benefit Farmers" service brand is a brand new start
                                                                                                                                 for CSRC Bank and Meili Town to deepen the cooperation and                          sells a total of

                                                                                                                                 to practice livelihood service. We jointly build a service platform
 "Feiyan Bazaar" is an alliance service mode between us and merchants, in which our partner merchants                            for the sale of agricultural products and promote high-quality
 provide daily necessities and take advantage of our network to provide special offers to the people. “Feiyan                   special agricultural products. CSRC Bank actively helps increase                    yuan of agricultural
 Bazaar” has launched a series of innovative activities such as "New Year Street" "Night Market Bank",                          the sales of the platform, opens up online sales channels for                       specialties
 "Bank-Enterprise Sale" and "Community Shopping Festival". "They take advantage of current hotspots and                          agricultural products, innovates win-win cooperation mode, and
 festive marketing to serve people's needs through high quality and inexpensive daily commodities, special                       sells a total of 62,400 yuan of agricultural specialties.
 payment activities and brand derivatives.
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Drive Technology and Business Integration
                                                                                                                               Case               CSRC Bank+" WeChat financial tool
As financial technology continues to break through the shackles of the traditional service mode, CSRC Bank uses
technology to accelerate the promotion of online products and services, deepen intelligent service and build a                    To further promote online services, we launched "CSRC
technological financial service mode.                                                                                             Bank+", which integrates various financial products such
                                                                                                                                  as deposits and wealth management, private banking+,
                                                                                                                                  FreeStar microfinance loans, agricultural loans, life services
Drive Products and Services Online                                                                                                and financial tools, and provides customers with a lightweight
                                                                                                                                  and comprehensive service platform by leveraging the
                                                                                                                                  convenient and fast features of WeChat applets.
CSRC Bank accelerates the digitalization and online              our online return printing      the online banking
transformation of business and develops various                                                                                   By the end of 2021, the monthly visits to "CSRC Bank+"
                                                                 rate reached                    issuance rate reached
                                                                                                                                  WeChat financial tools reached 100,000 times, with an

                                                                 62%                             59%
online platforms and products to make customers
walk less and improve service quality and efficiency.                                                                             average number of about 500,000 users.

In 2021, our online return printing rate reached 62%;
the online banking issuance rate reached 59%; the
                                                                                                                                    monthly visits to
electric ticket issuance rate reached 90.57%; and                the electric ticket             the off-counter rate                                               an average number of about
                                                                                                                                    "CSRC Bank+" reached

                                                                                                                                    100,000                         500,000
the off-counter rate reached 75%, all of which have              issuance rate reached           reached

                                                                 90.57%                          75%
improved compared with last year and all of which                                                                                                         times
have reached or exceeded the target values.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   WeChat financial interface of "CSRC Bank+"

                             Online public account opening: CSRC Bank launched the public service platform
                             to realize the public business fully online. We utilized mobile lobby to enhance
                             account opening efficiency, with 196 mobile lobby account opening transactions              Driving Intelligent Business
                             in 2021; utilized cloud platform for public remote video interview, with 3,220
                             interviews completed in 2021; eliminated paper due diligence audit forms and                CSRC Bank attaches great importance to promoting the application of technology, and by making full use of big data
                             conducted account opening research in a purely online manner, saving a great                and AI, it promotes digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of systems, services and departmental functions to
                             amount of time for customers.                                                               reduce risks and improve efficiency.
                             Online services for medium, small and micro enterprises: To help improve the                Intelligent core system: We has adopted distributed core architecture and domestic distributed database technology
 Services online             effectiveness of fund management of medium, small and micro enterprises,                    to improve the operational performance of the core system with reference to the core system design and advanced
                             in 2021, CSRC Bank optimized and upgraded its Internet issuance business                    practices of the industry, and the new core system has better performance in terms of applicability, security, efficiency
                             to provide more services to facilitate enterprise management and improve                    and scalability, which has improved the our product implementation and service capability.
                             operational efficiency, including employee inquiry, project management, electronic
                             signature, exceptional situation handling, etc. In 2021, 96 enterprises were                Intelligent services: Based on building the underlying platform of artificial intelligence technology, we have actively
                             enrolled in the service, and the number of served employees reached 34,000.                 expanded the technology application scenarios. We have launched virtual human intelligent assistant service, OCR
                                                                                                                         intelligent recognition platform to increase the recognition function of real estate certificates and VAT invoices, and
                                                                                                                         intelligent outbound call platform to increase various scenarios such as small and micro marketing. We have built a
                                                                                                                         smart property platform to provide customers with 24/7 online service windows for "community parking, appointment
                             In order to speed up the transfer process of old credit customers and enhance               maintenance, property bill payment" and livelihood services such as appliance cleaning, laundry and shoe washing,
                             their transfer experience, CSRC Bank uses big data risk control model, combined             plumbing and car inspection.
                             with credit data model analysis, to launch the online product Star Renewable
                             Loan, with a total of 1,241 credits granted in 2021, credit of 303 million yuan and         Intelligent departmental function: CSRC Bank use artificial intelligence to optimize departmental functions and
                             a balance of 250 million yuan used.                                                         reduce business risks. We adopt face recognition and OCR technology to reduce authorization risks caused by
                                                                                                                         subjectivity of authorized personnel, add new agent scenarios, enrich authorization judgment models, and secure and
                             In response to the small, scattered and miscellaneous capital needs of village              efficient technologies to enable us to reach an average intelligent authorization rate of 57% and over 90% of high-
 Products online
                             bank customers, we successfully launched the first purely online credit product             frequency unlocking transactions in 2021. By 2021, our self-developed AI technology has provided intelligent services
                             of village bank, "Xingfu Reserve", using big data risk control technology to realize        to 11 business departments and 34 business scenarios.
                             the online and automated credit granting process for white-listed customers.
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Promote Elderly-oriented Products

                                                                                                                                    Case               CSRC Bank helped a local polyester company to solve its capital needs in
CSRC Bank attaches great importance to the user experience of whole customers, and has initially completed                                             transformation
the elderly-friendly upgrade of the mobile banking APP, launching the "Convenient Financial Version" of mobile
banking, which can be switched with the "Standard Financial Version" APP in one click, making it easy for elderly
                                                                                                                                       A polyester company is the leading local enterprise, which
customers and visually impaired customers to use, with specific optimized functions: firstly, the home page is more                                                                                                the "Changzhi Loan"
                                                                                                                                       has been cooperating with CSRC Bank for many years. With
concise, deleting the redundant and low-frequency transactions on the home page and focusing on high-frequency                                                                                                     was granted for
                                                                                                                                       the gradual promotion of green projects, the enterprise was

transactions; secondly, the reading is more convenient, using large fonts to display information, making it easier to
                                                                                                                                       facing greater financial pressure. After CSRC Bank learned the
read and operate; thirdly, the operation is more intelligent, adding the auxiliary voice search function, which can quickly
                                                                                                                                       enterprise's situation, we considered the actual situation of the
locate the service menu for customer needs by speaking, reducing input barriers for elderly customers.
                                                                                                                                       enterprise and gradually increased the credit, among which, the             million yuan
                                                                                                                                       "Changzhi Loan" was granted for 20.07 million yuan, which solved
                                                                                                                                       the enterprise's capital problem.

Helping Enterprises to Transform and Upgrade

On January 4, 2021, Suzhou City released the Suzhou City Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting Digital Economy
and Digital Development (2021-2023).CSRC Bank actively responded to the call of Suzhou City to promote the
implementation of the three-year plan, increase the support for the enterprises going through intelligent and digital
transformation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises.

To this end, CSRC Bank has launched the "Smart Manufacturing" credit product - "Changzhi Loan", which is specially
designed to meet the financing needs arising from the intelligent transformation and digitalization of enterprises.

                                       "Changzhi Loan" three-step action plan

                          We visited enterprises and their workshops on site, combined with our official website
                          and WeChat official account to form an online and offline publicity matrix to deepen
                          customers' understanding of the policy and products across the jurisdiction. At the same
                          time, all branches of CSRC Bank are opened to accept eligible financing needs, and the
                          956020 customer service hotline is ensured to answer customers' related questions all
                          day long.

                                                                                                                                             CSRC Bank staff visited the local polyester company

                          CSRC Bank makes full use of a large number of branches and 150 account managers
                          to actively mapping 83 enterprises in need, covering equipment technical reform
                          projects, production line intelligent transformation projects, printing and dyeing high-
                          quality development projects, etc., providing targeted financial services guidance,
                          involving a total investment amount of 4.540 billion yuan.

                          CSRC Bank cooperated with Changshu City Bureau of Industry and Information
                          Technology, mapped the list of 100 customers in demand, and served 16 potential
                          customers, involving a total investment amount of 1.080 billion yuan.
                                                                                                                              Activating the Potential of Science and Technology

                                                                                                                              At present, technology-driven financial innovation has become the consensus of financial institutions. To further
                          At the end of 2021, the amount of "Changzhi Loan" being granted was 445,115,000                     stimulate the potential of technological innovation, CSRC Bank has formulated Changshu Rural Commercial Bank
                          yuan and the amount of credit used was 184,883,400 yuan, with a total of 141 loans                  Financial Technology Development Plan (2019-2022) and set the development target that by 2022, we would
                          granted and 48 enterprises supported, ranking first in Changshu City and Suzhou City.               have fully built a financial technology research, development and application system to enhance the satisfaction of
                                                                                                                              customers inside and outside CSRC Bank with digital, networked and intelligent financial products and services.
    39    2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                          40

    Enhancing Research Strength

                                                                                                                                    Case               Suzhou Research and Development Center of CSRC Bank
    In order to achieve our technology development goals, we strengthen the top-level design and strategic planning
    of financial technology, accelerate the our financial technology reform, continuously improve research investment,
    increase efforts to attract, gather and motivate technology talents, improve the technology talents training system,               To further stimulate the potential of technology innovation and gather technology talents, we relocated
    and enhance the core competitiveness of financial technology. In 2021, the total number of CSRC Bank’s scientific                 the R&D team of Financial Technology Department to the Suzhou Industrial Park 2.5 Industrial Park
    researchers was 261.                                                                                                               and set up Suzhou R&D Center, which is dedicated to technological R&D and innovation, while fully
                                                                                                                                       utilizing the advantage of Suzhou's financial technology talents, to actively recruit new technology
                                                                                                                                       talents in AI, open banking, blockchain, etc., to accelerate the upgrade and iteration of CSRC Bank's
                                                                                                                                       technology capability. The Suzhou R&D center has an office area of 10,000 square meters to ensure
                                                                                                                                       that researchers have enough space to engage in technological innovation and R&D work.

                                                      Sound and perfect the
                                                    differentiated performance
              Improve the quality and                                                           Increase the training of
                                                     incentive mechanism for
         efficiency of the recruitment of                                                 technology talents, create inter-
                                               technology talents, establish a non-
          technology talents, and build                                                     disciplinary talents, cultivate
                                              job promotion sequence for technical
            a balanced development of                                                     talents with deep understanding
                                                  talents and the corresponding
         cutting-edge wisdom, mature                                                        of the core of technology and
                                                key rating assessment indicators,
           talents, and reserve force of                                                      financial needs, also with
                                                 and improve the market-oriented
             technology talent system.                                                      financial risk awareness and
                                                     remuneration system for
                                                                                                   Internet thinking.
                                                          technical talents.

                                                                                                                                            The Building of Suzhou R&D Center

                                                                                                                              Strengthen the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

                                                                                                                              In order to strengthen the protection and
            Male                               75%                                             investment (million yuan)      management of CSRC Bank's intellectual
                                                                                                                              properties and to enhance the awareness of
         Famale                                25%                                                          2.52              employees on the protection of intellectual
                                                                                                                              properties, we have issued the Management of
                      Gender Composition of                                                                                   Information Technology Intellectual Properties
                      CSRC Bank's Technology and                                                                              of Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank
                      Research Staff                                                                                          Co., Ltd to encourage independent innovation
                                                                               2.2                                            while making detailed regulations on computer
                                                                                                                              software copyright, prohibition of using pirated
                                                                                                                              software and the use of intellectual properties
Bachelor Degree                                                                                                               by employees in order to strengthen the
                                                                                                                              protection of intellectual properties.
                                                                               2019         2020            2021
 Master Degree                                 18%
                                                                                                                              As of 2021, CSRC Bank has obtained national
                                                                                                                              technical invention patents for four system-
                      Educational Composition of                            The total investment in technology and
                                                                                                                              related technologies, including seal publication
                      CSRC Bank's Technology and                          research of CSRC Bank from 2019 to 2021
                                                                                                                              system, big data risk control, OCR recognition
                      Research Staff
                                                                                                                              and knowledge mapping, and software
                                                                                                                              copyrights for 30 products, including public
                                                                                                                              mobile banking and account management                            Important achievements of CSRC Bank's technical
                                                                                                                              system.                                                           invention patents and software copyrights (part)
41    2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                           42

Enhance Customer Experience

CSRC Bank always puts customers' rights and interests in the first place and strives to improve the quality of
customer service. In recent years, we have been using technology to innovate our ways to provide more intimate and
convenient services to customers.

Create Caring Services

In order to create attentive services and further enhance customer experience, CSRC Bank formulated the Lobby
Management Manual and Lobby Service Manual, customized service processes and requirements for special groups,
made standardized guidance for lobby service personnel, and renovated and improved lobby equipment. In addition,
we actively organize various activities to enrich people's life.

                                                                                                                                 Changshu main venue activity of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Health science live event
Improve the hall equipment: set up mother and baby room, disabled access, open a love special window in the high                 "Five Five Shopping Day Shopping Festival”
counter, enrich convenient goods and equipment in the convenience area, such as first aid medicine box, blankets,
wheelchairs, baby chairs, crutches, peace of mind service cards, braille cards, different degrees of presbyopic glasses,
etc., as well as the use of the Drip Language APP, etc., to provide special people with peace of mind, comfort and          To carry out "Service Improvement Year" activities: to carry out self-assessment work of each branch, and to carry
convenient services.                                                                                                        out rectification work for 30 branches; to improve the quality of lobby management of the whole bank, and to create
                                                                                                                            "elderly friendly branch", "party, government and people's business" and "workers' station" characteristic branches;
                                                                                                                            to set up role models, strengthen publicity, and drive the whole staff to improve service quality by the power of role
                                                                                                                            models, and at the same time to carry out service sharing sessions, and to exchange and learn from excellent service
                                                                                                                            experience and cases in the whole bank.

                                                                                                                                  Case                  CSRC Bank actively improves elderly-oriented services at its branches

                                                                                                                                     CSRC Bank actively promotes the virtue
                                                                                                                                     of respecting the elderly, and selects
                                                                                                                                     two institutions, Dongbang branch and
                                                                                                                                     Meili branch, as the benchmark outlets
                                                                                                                                     for building elderly-oriented services.
                                                                                                                                     Through a series of measures such
     Children's reading area                                                                                                         as the renovation of elderly-oriented
                                                                                                                                     facilities, improvement of the items,
                                                                                                                                     establishment of exclusive service teams
                                                                                                                                     and improvement of elderly-oriented
Relying on Changyin Life to create a closed loop of points’ redemption: through the inclusion of local enterprises,                 service processes over a period of two
merchants and farmers, CSRC Bank's business and activity points can realize the self-circulation within our customers                months, both branches were awarded
and enhance customer service capability.                                                                                             the title of "Quality and Civilized Service
                                                                                                                                     Elderly-Oriented Outlet" in the final
                                                                                                                                     evaluation, which provides experience for
Using Chang Yin Life APP to carry out various live activities: participating in “Human World Fireworks with You,                    the promotion of elderly-oriented services
the main venue of Changshu "Five Five Shopping Day Shopping Festival", hosting the financial knowledge live                          in the next stage.
event of the provincial federation "Watch out for money laundering traps", carrying out a series of health science
popularization live activities jointly with the Changshu First People's Hospital, and helping to carry out a special live
broadcast of Xu City’s Mutton Soup Festival.
43       2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    44

Optimize Complaint Management                                                                                                     Safeguard Information Security and User Privacy

We patiently listened to customers' feedback and insisted on solving complaints at source. 165 complaints were                    CSRC Bank continues to strengthen network information security and user privacy protection, continuously improve
received in 2021, with a processing rate of 100%, 538,100 remote banking manual services, 736,600 calls to the                    various management systems and management systems, enhance staff awareness of risk prevention, and provide
customer service center, and 99.18% comprehensive customer satisfaction from calls. In order to standardize the                   solid protection for the financial security of the entire bank.
complaint handling process of complaints and improve the service quality and customer satisfaction, we continued to
improve the Complaint Handling Management Measures of Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd, so as
to standardize complaint handling responsibilities, processes and management requirements, to improve the quality                 Driving Information Security Management
and efficiency of complaint management.

                                                                                                                                  In order to strengthen data security and privacy protection, we formulated and improved the Production Data
                                                                                                                                  Management Regulations of Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank, established a Technology Production and
                                                                                                                                  Information Security Management Committee, established and implemented an internet security responsibility system,
 Complaints Ratio
                                                                                          59%         33%           8%            and formed an internet security work leadership team. We also established a three-tier document management system
                                                                                                                                  to continuously improve the IT risk management document system and information security management system; and
      38%                                                                                                                         utilized technical protection to provide full life-cycle security management for data desensitization, data backup, data
                  35%                                                                                                             preservation, data access and usage control.

                                                                                                                                  CSRC Bank continues to enhance employees' awareness of network information security and promote the
                                                                                                                                  regularization of bank-wide internet and information security training, and all staff actively participated in the training.
                                                                                                                                  In 2021, CSRC Bank organized 95 times of internet security training for employees, covering 4,300 employees,
                                                  4%                                                                              organized 4 sessions of employee internet security knowledge quizzes, covering more than 5,000 people.

       other      Loan     Bank Card   Saving   Payment      Currency                  departments   off-site        local
                                                                                                                                     In order to strengthen our information security protection, we have conducted internet and information security
     complaints                                 settlemen   Management                    at the   institutions   institutions
                                                                                       headquarter                                   awareness training for new employees, which is divided into three sections: "what is information security
           Composition of complaints by business category in                      Composition of complaints by region                awareness", "security norms at work" and "preventive measures", informing employees how to prevent information
                           CSRC Bank 2021                                               of CSRC Bank 2021                            leakage, identify phishing emails, various hardware and software security requirements, etc., and discussing
                                                                                                                                     specific cases.

CSRC Bank attaches importance to unblocking complaint channels. In order to better collect customers' suggestions                              In May 2021                                In July 2021                           In December 2021
or opinions and improve the service level, we keep the customer service hotline open 24 hours a day to accept
customers' inquiries and at the same time, display information such as charge standards and complaint supervision                    We launched a cyber security                 The Bank conducted cyber                We further carried out cyber
telephone numbers in each branch, and places complaint comment books in each branch hall to ensure that                              awareness campaign covering                  security and compliance                 s e c uri ty aw areness trai ni ng
customers can communicate with us through various channels and give feedback and suggestions.                                        the entire staff, mainly covering            education training for new              concerning the current situation of
                                                                                                                                     the background of cyber security             employees in the technology             cyber security and cyber security
                                                                                                                                     regulation, implementation of                line, to explain the Bank's             related laws and regulations, and
                                       Complaints handling process of CSRC Bank
                                                                                                                                     security responsibilities, security          cyber information security              comprehensively strengthened
                                                                                                                                     measures and work deployment                 and compliance regulations.             the warning of the significance of
                                                                                                                                     of head office departments and                                                       cyber security for all staff in the
                                                                                                                                     branches, to raise the awareness                                                     Technology Department.
                                                                                                                                     of cyber security among all staff.

 Complaint Acceptance                    Complaint Review                Complaint Handling                  Closing and Filing   User Privacy Protection

       The office of                    Register in                      Functional                          Summarize and
       headquarter,                     the complaint                    department                                               CSRC Bank attaches great importance to the protection of customer privacy. We formulated and improved the
                                                                                                             analyze within the
       customer service                 standardization                  investigation                                            Administrative Measures for the Security of Personal Financial Information of Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial
                                                                                                             specified time and
       center and                       system and forward               and verification,                                        Bank Co., Ltd. and the Privacy Policy of Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             regularly inform
       branches receive                 to the relevant                  and feedback to                     the whole bank       CSRC Bank regulates users' informed consent through multiple channels such as CSRC Bank mobile banking,
       complaints                       department for                   customers within                    of the complaint     corporate mobile banking, Changyin Life, and Online Banking, informs users of the methods and rules for the
                                        review                           five working days                   handling situation   collection and use of personal information, and makes legal and reasonable use of customer privacy information, so
                                                                                                                                  that customer information can be transmitted in a safe and controllable environment.
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Green Finance Development                                                                                                         Green Finance Products

With its financial advantages, credit advantages and information products, CSRC Bank takes the initiative to fulfill              CSRC Bank actively researches, innovates green products, enriches the Green Finance "product library". We have
its social responsibilities, does a good job of providing loan support to energy-saving, emission reduction and urban             increased the construction of green financial products and service innovation mechanisms related to green, low-
infrastructure projects, promotes green production and consumption, and strives to achieve good social and economic               carbon and circular economy and strengthened the innovation of green credit products for "three rural" and small and
benefits.                                                                                                                         micro businesses. We have also developed and introduced a series of standardized loan financing models and low-
                                                                                                                                  carbon financial products in a timely manner. In the reporting period, CSRC Bank achieved remarkable performance
CSRC Bank has formulated the Green Finance Development Strategy (2020-2025) of Jiangsu Changshu Rural                             in green finance, with total green credit 1.560 billion RMB, supporting 34 enterprises, and a loan growth rate of 23%.
Commercial Bank, which includes the three major tasks of preventing environmental and social risks, accelerating the
development of green business, and improving the performance of ESG itself. It also integrates the concept of green
environmental protection and green development into all business management activities to effectively support the
development of green finance business.

In 2021, CSRC Bank established the Green Finance Department and the Green Low Carbon Transformation
                                                                                                                                                         with total green credit                       Supporting                   with a loan growth rate of
Financial Service Center, following the principles of full coverage, checks and balances, prudence and matching to
carry out internal control. In order to build solid foundation for the development of our green finance, we implement
the Four Guarantees and Six Enhancements of the regulatory authorities, the Green Finance Evaluation Program for                                        15.60            billion RMB               34        enterprises           23%
Banking Financial Institutions, the Opinions on Green Low Carbon Financial Reform and Innovation in Suzhou and
the Green Finance Development Strategy of CSRC Bank.

CSRC Bank has set up a "green channel" fast approval mechanism. This mechanism strengthened information
system construction, optimized customer rating system, and improved credit allocation standards to enhance the
bank's organizational capacity to develop green finance and provide a strong guarantee to promote the development
of green economy.
                                                                                                                                                                        Loan Type                                                Loan Usage

                                                                                                                                                        Borrowers who hold emission rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                             It is mainly used for enterprises' energy-saving and
     "Green Channel" and "Fast Track"                                     Strengthening Information System                                              obtained for a fee and confirmed in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             environmental protection transformation and capital
                                                                                                                                    Emission Loan       form of emission permits apply to CSRC
                                                                                                                                                                                                             needs arising from daily production and operation
     We have introduced a "green channel"                          We s t r e n g t h e n e d t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f                         Bank for RMB working capital loans for
     approval mechanism and a "fast track" loan                    information systems, embeded customer                                                their normal production and operation
     review model to provide a green channel for                   environmental and social risk classification
     credit approval for green, low-carbon, circular               indicators into the credit process system,
                                                                                                                                                        Working capital loans granted by the Bank
     economy and other green credit businesses                     and realized the whole process display of                                                                                                 It is mainly used for the capital needs of energy-
                                                                                                                                                        to agricultural-related, micro and small
                                                                                                                                                                                                             saving and carbon-reducing projects of enterprises,
     and customers, simplify credit                                     risk information. We also incorporated                                          business and private enterprises in the
                                                                                                                                   Su Carbon Loan                                                            or the capital needs arising from the daily operation
     information for high-quality green                                 external environmental violations and                                           green enterprise directory database, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                             activities of energy-saving and carbon-reducing
     financing projects, and streamline                                 other risk information into the internal                                        are supported by the Central Bank Funds
                                                                                                                                                        of Jiangsu Province.
     the credit approval process.                                       management system to further enhance
                                                                        risk warning and control capabilities.
                                                                                                                                                        A financial product jointly established
                                                                                                                                                        by Jiangsu Provincial Department of
                                                                                                                                                        Finance, Provincial Department of Ecology
     Improving Credit Allocation                                                    Optimizing Customer Rating                                          and Environment and Jiangsu Rural
                                                                                                                                                                                                             It can be used for energy and water conservation
                                                                                                                                                        Credit Cooperative Society. Through the
     Standards                                                                                         System                                                                                                projects, ecological protection and restoration
                                                                                                                                                        establishment of a risk compensation fund
                                                                                                                                                                                                             projects, resource recycling projects, pollution
     By building a green credit policy and                        Relying on the comprehensive risk monitoring                     Environmental
                                                                                                                                                        pool for ecological and environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                             prevention and control projects, renewable energy
     management system guided by "One Policy"                     and early warning platform to carry out                                               protection projects, we aim to provide
                                                                                                                                   Protection Loan                                                           and clean energy projects, energy conservation and
                                                                                                                                                        loan credit and risk compensation for
     and guaranteed by "Four Mechanisms"                          environmental and social risk monitoring,                                                                                                  environmental protection services projects, and other
                                                                                                                                                        pollution prevention and control, ecological
     and strictly controlling the credit investment               environmental information is incorporated into                                                                                             environmental projects audited and approved by the
                                                                                                                                                        protection and restoration, environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                             provincial assessment center.
     in "High Pollution, High Energy Use and                      the customer rating system, and customers                                             protection infrastructure construction
     Overcapacity " industries, our green credit                  with bad environmental records will be forced                                         and environmental protection industry
     business has shown a healthy growth trend                    to downgrade their ratings in the rating                                              development projects carried out by
                                                                                                                                                        enterprises in Jiangsu Province.
     year by year.                                                system.
49   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             50

                                                                                                                   Green Bonds

      Case                 Featured Rural Village Loan Helps Green Ecological Agricultural
                           Developments                                                                            CSRC Bank actively implements the national sustainable development strategy and uses green bonds as a new
                                                                                                                   financial instrument to support the financing of green industries, assisting the development of green economy.
        A green ecological agriculture company is within the list of the second batch of pilot villages for the
        construction of the special rural village in Suzhou. It was established to build a new featured rural
        village. After the company was established, it quickly started new rural green construction related
        projects with an estimated total investment of 73.3 million RMB. However, since the project is under
        the construction period and has not yet started production and operation, the enterprise has a large                                CSRC Bank invested in the first phase of 2021 green mid-term notes (carbon neutral
        capital gap.                                                                                                  On March              bonds) of Suzhou SND Group in the amount of 30 million RMB, contributing to
                                                                                                                       11, 2021             the implementation of the first carbon neutral bonds in Jiangsu Province and the
        After learning about the situation, CSRC Bank took the initiative to meet with the local village, town
                                                                                                                                            development of green finance in Suzhou.
        and enterprise to understand the construction plan in detail, discuss the feasibility of the project and
        the economic development opportunities for the local area, and finally decided to match the enterprise
        with the Bank's "Featured Rural Village Loan" product, with a total credit of 63.5 million RMB and a
        credit term of 67 months.

        After the loan was granted, the enterprise started the                                                                              CSRC Bank invested in a 2021 non-public green corporate bond of Yangzhou
        project and successfully completed the construction                                                            On April             Yishengde Industrial Development Co., Ltd. in the amount of 50 million RMB with a
        of the whole project in three years. The construction                                                          30, 2021             maturity of 3 years. The fund was used for the comprehensive ecological and water
        of this project has promoted the integration of the                                                                                 environment management project of Yangzhou Eco-Tech New City.
        development of the whole area of the featured town
        and driven the development of several villages in the
        region, becoming a typical model for the development
        of regional rural linkage. After the completion and
        mature operation of the project, it can bring an annual
        income of about 9.8 million RMB, which promotes
        local economic development, provides more
        employment opportunities, and helps the enterprise
        and local rural areas to achieve the goals of cultural
        construction and increasing production and income.

             "Featured Rural Village Loan" helps to build new featured rural village
51   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      52

Adhering to Green Operation                                                                                           Zero Carbon Outlet Pilot Construction

CSRC Bank continues to strengthen its own environmental construction by precisely regulating room temperature,        CSRC Bank carried out renovation of facilities to reduce energy consumption and implemented projects to achieve
using computers and water scientifically and disconnecting electricity in a timely manner, while innovating the       more fine-tuned self-control of building air-conditioning units and reduce carbon emissions. Projects include
construction of zero-carbon outlets and implementing paperless offices to save resources and reduce carbon            renovation of building air-conditioning system, renovation of data room infrastructure, energy-saving renovation of
emissions. In this reporting period, CSRC Bank mainly used gasoline, natural gas, electricity, water resources and    lighting system and energy-saving renovation of fresh air control system, etc.
paper; the waste generated was mainly domestic and office waste, which was handed over to the municipality for
disposal. For the equipment that needs to be disposed of at end of life, CSRC Bank handed over to the company         The first solar power generation project was installed and put into use at the Fushan Xiaoqiao branch office for daily
with e-waste disposal qualification and filed on the website of the government's Environmental Protection Bureau to   operation, which is expected to generate 25,000 kWh of electricity annually and reduce carbon emissions by 6.80
ensure the harmless disposal of e-waste and minimize the impact on the environment.                                   tons per year.

                                                                                                                      Paperless Office
                                                                            Data                Unit of Measure

                                                                                                                      CSRC Bank vigorously promotes online service and management and paperless operation at any time and place, in
                                                                                                                      order to achieve a green, low-carbon, and shared office mode.
      Total gasoline consumption by owned vehicles                    608,831.90                L
                                                                                                                                          Approaches                                         Results

                                                                                                                                                                                             In 2021, we achieved paperless transformation of 26
      Total gas consumption                                           123,752                   m3                                                                                           transactions, reaching a total of 306 transactions to go
                                                                                                                         Paperless        Paperless Transformation of Counter
                                                                                                                         Counters         Transaction                                        By the end of 2021, the volume of counter paperless
                                                                                                                                                                                             transactions accounted for more than 78% of the
      Total electricity consumption                                   31,104,679                kWh                                                                                          business volume, saving about 43,100 common

                                                                                                                                          The electronic file system realizes unified,       By the end of 2021, a total of about 1.1 million list data
      Total water consumption                                         174,663                   t                                         standardized and efficient management of           such as list of each mortgage loan repayment, list of
                                                                                                                       Paperless Files    all kinds of file image data by separating the     successful loan closing and interest deduction, list of
                                                                                                                                          system data and image storage and reducing         voucher usage and list of open and closed accounts
                                                                                                                                          the pressure of system server loading.             were stored.

      Amount of paper saved by paperless billing                      2.4                       t
                                                                                                                                                                                             The online reply slips print rate for 2021 is 61%,
                                                                                                                                                                                             increasing 20% compared to last year.
                                                                                                                                          We expand the printing channels of enterprise
                                                                                                                      Online Reply Slip   reply slips. Online channels support online        As of the end of 2021, a total of 8,181,200 reply slips
      Total GHG emissions (Scope I + Scope II)                        19,758.01                 tCO2e                                                                                        were printed, of which 4,984,300 reply slips were
                                                                                                                                          banking, web version of reply slip printing.
                                                                                                                                                                                             printed on the internet banking and web side combined,
                                                                                                                                                                                             increasing 102% compared to last year.

      Total energy consumption                                        4,641.31                  tce                                       We expand reconciliation channels, supporting
                                                                                                                                          WeChat reconciliation, web reconciliation and
                                                                                                                          Online                                                             By the end of 2021, 469,088 e-bills were issued, saving
                                                                                                                                          online banking reconciliation. Multi-channel
                                                                                                                       Reconciliation                                                        469,000 copies of envelopes and paper used for inserts.
                                                                                                                                          online reconciliation reduces the printing of
                                                                                                                                          paper bills.

                                                                                                                                          We will take the public account due diligence
                                                                                                                                          review department online. Account managers
                                                                                                                           Online                                                            Since complete replacement of paper files in late 2021,
                                                                                                                                          register research information on mobile, support
                                                                                                                        Investigation                                                        we saved in total 2,064 sheets of paper.
                                                                                                                                          on-site photography, generate image data
                                                                                                                                          automatically transmitted to the account file.
53   2021 ESG Report   54
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Caring for Employees                                                                                                    Empowering Employee Development

                                                                                                                        CSRC Bank attaches great importance to the value of talents, deeply implements the strategic goal of "Talent
CSRC Bank pursues the talent concept of "All Rivers Run into the Sea, Employees First", protects the rights and         Development". We have established a sound multi-channel growth incentive mechanism and built a comprehensive
interests of employees according to the law. We aim to achieve the development of talents, cares about the work and     and powerful talent development system. In addition, we continuously improve the dual-path promotion mechanism of
life balance of employees, and improve the value of employees.                                                          management and professional, and promote the construction of talent team.

Protecting Employee Rights and Interests                                                                                Employee Training

                                                                                                                        CSRC Bank carries out various forms of staff training programs and creates a leadership training system called "Hong
The Bank strictly abides by the relevant provisions of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law, which clearly          Hu Flying Plan" and a professional training system called "Kun Peng Flying Plan", in order to promote the construction
stipulate the content of working hours, rest and leave, labor protection and working conditions, prohibit the use of    of a talent team in two dimensions. At the same time, CSRC Bank has been making efforts both online and offline to
child labor, prohibit gender discrimination, equal rights and equal pay for men and women, prevent any form of forced   create a strong learning atmosphere. Till now, we have held 633 training sessions and trained 146,683 people. The
or compulsory labor of employees, protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and prevent any form of     number of hours per capita reached 66, exceeding the annual target of 30 hours per capita. We also launched the
forced or compulsory labor of employees and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees.                   "Learning Team" selection activity and relied on the "Xiao Yan Academy" APP to spread out the learning map, create
                                                                                                                        learning atmosphere and stimulate learning enthusiasm, so as to empower personal growth and business expansion.
In the reporting period, CSRC Bank has 6,849 employees in service, 694 new employees, accounting for about
10.13%. 638 employees are in the middle and senior management, accounting for about 9.32%. The ratio of men to
women in the bank was 1:1.15, and the ratio of men to women in middle and senior management was 1.44:1.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Talent Training Plan for Middle-Level Positions
                          Composition of CSRC Bank's Staff Levels and Gender                                                                            Ling Fei
      41.40%                                                                                          5.51%

                                                                                                                                                                                            Talent Training Plan for Deputy and Assistant
                                                                                                                                                   Teng Fei Project

      49.64%                                                                                              3.81%
                                                                                                                                                    Qi Fei Project                                   Talent Training Plan for Middle-Level
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reserve Talents

             Female Employees                       Female Middle and Senior Level Managers                                      "Hong Hu Flying Plan" Leadership Training System

             Male Employees                         Male Middle and Senior Level Managers

CSRC Bank strictly abides by the requirements of the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and has
established a comprehensive Labor Union to promote democratic management and supervision of the bank. At the
                                                                                                                                      Jiang Xin Project                                             Jiang Cai Project
same time, CSRC Bank has established a Workers' Congress system, which are held regularly to provide an effective
                                                                                                                                      Talent Training Plan for Functional                           Talent Training Plan for Business Line
way for employees to participate in the management and major decisions of the company, to study and consider
                                                                                                                                      Department Professionals                                      Professionals
major matters of immediate interest to employees, and to enhance employee communication. Staff representative
supervisors are elected through the bank-wide staff representative conference, in order to promote the improvement
of corporate governance.
                                                                                                                                      Jiang Cheng Project
In the reporting period, the 6th Workers' (Labor Union Members) Congress was held to consider the report on the                                                                                     "Kun Peng Flying Plan"
performance of the staff supervisors in 2021, and voted on and approved 7 motions, including the Proposal on                          Talent Training Plan for Internal Trainers                 Professional Training System
Revision of the Corporate Pension Plan, the Proposal on Revision of the Management Measures for Employee Term
Salaries, and the Proposal on Revision of the Management Measures for Demerit Points for Employee Violations,
etc., to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees.
57   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        58

                                                                                                                                    Caring for Employees' Life

       Case                "Xin Yan Project" Training Program
                                                                                                                                    In 2021, with the focus on becoming "Happy Bank", CSRC Bank will continue to focus on the health and welfare of its
                                                                                                                                    employees and enhance their sense of well-being.
         C S R C B a n k o ff e r s a o n e - y e a r
         "Xin Yan Project" training program                                                                                         CSRC Bank puts the health of its employees in the first place and organizes regular health check-ups for all
         tailored for new employees. The                                                                                            employees every year, with the rate reaching 100%. For female employees, we have increased the number of
         program implements a combination                                                                                           medical check-ups such as gynecological and breast examinations, provided free radiation-protective clothing rental
         of "in-class and out-of-class",                                                                                            to pregnant female employees, offered free yoga classes and other female employee care programs, and provided
         "lecturing + sharing + practicing +                                                                                        psychological counseling services to promote the physical and mental health of female employees.
         passing" training mode. The program
                                                                                                                                    During the COVID-19 pendemic period, CSRC Bank implemented pandemic prevention and control measures and
         provides a two-way feedback and
                                                                                                                                    distributed 1.68 million masks, 500 thermometers, 2,300 bottles of 75% alcohol disinfectant, 1,200 bottles of hand
         immersion training mode to facilitate
                                                                                                                                    sanitizer, etc. We also used separate tables for dining in the cafeteria to avoid crowding. The customer waiting area
         students' role transformation from
                                                                                                                                    of the branch is well ventilated and dispersed, disinfected, guided by a limited number of people, and protected by
         a "campus person" to a "banker"
                                                                                                                                    internal security. A pandemic prevention and control reporting system is established to effectively protect the health of
         and lay a solid foundation for their
         future development. In the reporting
         period, the "Xin Yan Project" training
         program was conducted in 3
                                                                 New employee orientation
         sessions, training 178 people.

Employee Promotion

CSRC Bank implements a dual-path promotion mechanism for management and professional paths. Supplemented
by a series of training systems, our promotion mechanism aims to tap and cultivate key talents and continuously
promote the construction of talent team.
                                                                                                                                         Alcohol Disinfectants                                          Medical Masks

Management and Professional
Promotion Mechanism                                                                                                  Management     CSRC Bank attaches importance to creating a healthy and comfortable working environment, providing employees
                                                         Base-Level              Middle-Level
                                                                                                Senior Manager          Path        with convenient service facilities such as restaurants, cafe and bakeries, and regularly inspecting workplace security
                                                          Manager                 Manager
                                                                                                                                    and fire safety on site. CSRC Bank provides free cleaning of work clothes and communication allowance for
                                                                                                                                    employees, and vehicle allowance according to the staff car allowance management. In addition, to prepare for the
 New Employee               Experienced                                                                                             summer heat and winter cold, we issue cold drinks and high temperature subsidies and summer/winter supplies to all
                              (Junior)                                                                                              employees.

                                                           Specialist              Specialist                        Professional
                                                        (Intermediate)              (Senior)                             Path

Management Path: We optimize the cadre and bank-wide ranking system, adjust various ranking standards, improve
the promotion range and promotion rules for each position, and formulate the rules for employee points. And we
continue to promote the "Flying Plan", carry out the third quarter of the "Flying Plan" staff inventory, and quickly identify
outstanding employees under the age of 32 for training, activating the strength of young reserve cadres.

Professional Path: In terms of professional talent team building, the "Crafting Talent Plan" has been implemented on
a regular basis, and so far 374 reserve talents of different levels, lines and positions at the grassroots level have been
updated, fully accelerating the pace of professional team building.                                                                      Cafe                                                          Employee Cafeteria
59   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              60

CSRC Bank cares for employees' families by providing their children with a nine-year compulsory education pre-                          Financial Education
primary tuition supplement and reimbursing their children's medical expenses for pediatric medical insurance premiums
in accordance with regulations. On the basis of participating in basic pension insurance, CSRC Bank has established
an enterprise annuity plan to guarantee the level of treatment for the employees after retirement.
                                                                                                                                        CSRC Bank enriched the training forms of employees to enhance their knowledge and ability of consumer protection,
CSRC Bank pays attention to the work-life balance of its employees and enriches their spare time. The Workers'                          and organized 11 consumer protection courses such as "Illegal Fund Raising Prevention Strategies", with more than
Congress leads the associations to set up sports, talent, life service and knowledge and skills departments and                         12,000 participants. Through learning points competition, employees were guided to actively participate in "Anti-
organizes activities on a regular basis. We organized more than 1,300 activities of various associations throughout                     WeChat Group Fraud" and other financial knowledge courses, with over 21,000 participants. 98 regulatory cases and
the year, with more than 12,000 participants. We have launched activities such as book drifting, fellowship run and                     risk tips such as "Personal Information Security Protection" were released. The company also launched the "I have a
psychology professional assessment, held the "Feiyan Cup" Guan Dan Poker Game, offered fitness exercises, Pilates                       trick" micro-case self-creation course competition, invited public security anti-fraud experts to hold on-site training, and
and resistance equipment courses, carried out farming practice and knowledge popularization activities, and launched                    carried out the compliance theme activity of "understand the rules, be fearful, and keep the bottom line" to continuously
outdoor yoga, aerial yoga and parent-child yoga courses to enrich employees' lives.                                                     strengthen the awareness of compliance with the law and build a firm compliance education defense line.

                                                                                                                                        The Bank has been carrying out various forms of public education activities, creating online and offline education
                                                                                                                                        brands, organizing institutions to carry out "3.15" Financial Consumers' Rights Day, "Popularize financial knowledge
                                                                                                                                        and guard the 'money bag'" and other special publicity activities for more than 700 times, and placing more than
                         We organized more than                               with more than                                            69,000 copies of publicity folders. We publish promotional tweets through online channels such as WeChat official

                         1,300           activities of various
                                                                              12,000                                                    account, mini banking program on WeChat and official website, and carry out activities such as prize-winning quizzes
                                                                                                                                        and knowledge quizzes. We put public information on consumer protection in financial service outlets and branch halls
                         associations throughout the year                     participants                                              through exhibition frames, windows, streaming media and LED screens. We insist on carrying out public education
                                                                                                                                        activities on a regular basis, and have won many awards or commendations such as the "Suzhou Youth Financial
                                                                                                                                        Enlightenment Academy" and the Advanced Group for Financial Knowledge Promotion, demonstrating CSRC Bank's
                                                                                                                                        good image of protecting consumer rights and interests and fulfilling its social responsibilities.

                                                                                     "Telecommunication Fraud Prevention and Security
                                                                                     Knowledge Presentation" seminar at Changshu
                                                                                     community college for seniors

                                                                                     "315" consumer rights protection education and        Financial knowledge live broadcast of "Watch Out for Money Laundering Traps"
Employee gym class
                                                                                     promotion week
61   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                  62

Social Welfare                                                                                                          "Beyond the Mountain" Study and Research Activity

CSRC Bank always integrates the social responsibility into its development, pays close attention to the practical
                                                                                                                           CSRC Bank's Charity Foundation funded 84,100 RMB to support 22 teachers and students from Lingtai
needs of its communities and disadvantaged groups, and actively participates in social welfare undertakings. We
                                                                                                                           Middle School in Pingliang City, Gansu Province to go out of the rural mountain areas and conduct study
have continued to carry out public charity activities such as donating to schools, helping doctors and the poor in
                                                                                                                           tours to coastal cities in economically developed areas. The study team visited and studied modern
disadvantaged areas. In 2021, we donated 1,100,800 RMB to poor college students, donated facilities with a total
                                                                                                                           agricultural bases, modern industrial enterprises, Changshu Middle School in Jiangsu Province, CSRC
value of 1,308,700 RMB, and helped sell agricultural products for 3,967,000 RMB.
                                                                                                                           Bank headquarters, Shajiabang Red Education Base, Shanghai, etc.

     In 2021,                               donated facilities with a            helped sell agricultural
     we donated                             total value of                       products for

     1,100,800                  RMB        1,308,700                    RMB      3,967,000                  RMB

     to poor college students

Charity Foundation

CSRC Bank initiated the establishment of the Changshu Charity Foundation CSRC Bank Branch in September 2012
and established the CSRC Bank Charity Foundation in October 2016 as a separate entity from the Changshu Charity
Foundation. Our Charity Foundation is composed with a five-member board of directors, a supervisor and a full-time
Secretary-General. During the reporting period, the Charity Foundation strictly complied with the requirements of the
Charity Law of the People's Republic of China to operate in a standardized manner, actively disseminated the concept
of charity and scientifically planned relief projects in accordance with the duties and annual work of CSRC Bank
Charity Foundation as conferred by the Constitution of the Charity Foundation. By the end of 2021, the CSRC Charity
Foundation had donated nearly 20 million RMB in property and materials.
                                                                                                                         "Beyond the Mountain" study and research activity

Donation to Schools

                                                                                                                         "Blood-making" Type of Study Aid Projects
     Feiyan Scholarship Program

                                                                                                                           We donated 494,200 RMB to build a 100kW distributed power generation system for Jiangyi Middle
                                                                                                                           School in Yuanmou County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan. After a site visit, the
        Since 2019, CSRC Bank has organized and carried out the Feiyan Scholarship Program , which is a                    Charity Foundation adopted the "blood-making" donation model for the first time to fund a solar power
        targeted poverty alleviation student support program. In 2021, we completed the scholarship support for            generation system for Jiangyi Middle School in order to fundamentally solve the school's electricity,
        95 local underprivileged college students in Changshu, with a total support for 279 college students and           heating and environmental problems. The project is designed to last for 25 years. The savings on the
        a total donation of 2.23 million RMB cumulatively.                                                                 original electricity bill and the annual increase in revenue can be used to purchase additional teaching
                                                                                                                           equipments and improve the campus environment.
63   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                     64

     Year-round Study Aid Projects                                                                                  Medical Support in Disadvantaged Regions

       Our Charity Foundation supports underprivileged students in local schools year-round. According to             Our Charity Foundation joined the "Heart Bless Project - Qinghai", a public welfare medical project in
       the charity plan determined at the beginning of the year, the Charity Foundation has provided a total of       Qinghai supported by the Jiangsu Provincial Government. The project is implemented by the Second
       60,000 RMB in grants to 30 underprivileged students at Changshu University of Technology. In addition,         Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, which supports the surgery and rehabilitation of local children with
       we have continued to support the activities of the "Li Jin Children's Palace" and increased its support        congenital heart disease. Our Charity Foundation visited the project site, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous
       for students' moral education, contributing 39,500 RMB for Changshu City Sunshine School moral bank            Prefecture People's Hospital in Qinghai Province, participated in discussions, expert screening and
       points exchange.                                                                                               treatment plan determination, donated 50,000 RMB for the surgery and treatment of local children,
                                                                                                                      and contributed 100,000 RMB to purchase supplies for the medical and nursing staff of Hainan Tibetan
                                                                                                                      Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital in Qinghai Province. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period,
                                                                                                                      our Charity Foundation plans to donate 100,000 RMB per year to participate in the "Heart Bless Project -
                                                                                                                      Qinghai" project.

                                                                                                                   "Heart Bless Project"— treating the child                               "Heart Bless Project"— treating the child

                                                                                                                    Help by Joining Hands with Governments

                                                                                                                     Based on the meeting minutes signed between the municipal government, Xinzhuang town government
                                                                                                                     and CSRC Bank, our Charity Foundation signed a donation agreement with Xinzhuang Town Charity
     "Li Jin Children's Palace"
                                                                                                                     Association and donated 300,000 RMB for the renovation of village public welfare infrastructure such
                                                                                                                     as cultural and educational bulletin boards, rest promenade, leisure and exercise equipment, outdoor
                                                                                                                     people's stage, parking lot pavement and supporting greenery in Tandang Village, Xinzhuang Town,
     Donation of teaching facilities to improve teaching environment                                                 Changshu.

                                                                                                                     According to the request of the Municipal People's Congress and CSRC Bank's negotiation on helping
                                                                                                                     projects, our Charity Foundation donated 250,000 RMB to assist in the construction of the fence, toilets,
       The Charity Foundation, together with Jiangchuan Xingfu Village Bank, donated 11 sets of bar cabinets
                                                                                                                     septic tanks and school gate of Heishe Primary School under Xinmin Town Center School in Liupanshui,
       and corner bookcases, 10 sets of desktops, 1 test paper printer and 1 copier to Anhua Yi Township
                                                                                                                     Guizhou, which improved the campus environment.
       Central Primary School in Jiangchuan District, Yuxi City, Yunnan, to improve teaching facilities. The
       donation amounted to 91,820 RMB. In cooperation with Enshi Xingfu Village Bank, we donated 80 sets
       of desks and chairs, 12 beds and a campus broadcasting system to Jizidu Village Primary School in
       Baiyangping Town, Enshi City, with a donation of 43,480 RMB.

      Financial aid for educational reserve project

       The charity visited the special education school in Zigui County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, and
       planned to contribute 200,000 RMB to purchase rehabilitation equipment and set up a titled rehabilitation
       room in the school. The charity has been in contact with Xingfu Village Bank in Dangyang, Changyang,
       Yiling and Enshizhou in Yichang to reserve local school projects.
                                                                                                                   Academic building and Playground of Heishe Primary School – after construction
65    2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                         66

Volunteering Services                                                                                                   Fighting against the COVID-19 Pandemic

CSRC Bank has continued to strengthen the construction of volunteering team and issued a number of documents,           During the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to the damage caused by the pandemic to enterprises
such as Organizational Management System of Volunteer Association, Activity Management System of Volunteer              and people's livelihood, CSRC Bank innovated and launched inclusive products and special credit funds such as
Association and Material Receipt Management System of Volunteer Association, which further standardized the day-        pandemic resumption loans to help enterprises resume work and production smoothly and maintain social and
to-day operation and management of our Volunteer Association. The total number of registered volunteers of CSRC         economic stability. In 2021, we provided special credit funds to fight against the pandemic and provided special credit
Bank Volunteer Association reached 1,657. In 2021, more than 400 volunteering activities were initiated, 2,000 people   funds of 11.747 billion RMB, which effectively benefit local enterprises and people's livelihood.
were organized to participate, and the total service hours exceeded 16,000.

In Changshu, our Volunteer Association relies on 109 outlets and 174 inclusive financial service sites in all
communities and towns of Changshu to build a "five-minute" volunteer service network. In 2021, during the critical
period of pendemic prevention and control, the Volunteer Association and the "Xing Fu Village Special Duty –
Feiyan Commissioner", actively coordinated with the pendemic prevention and control work in each town and village             Case               Innovating COVID-19 pandemic credit products to help enterprises with
(community), visiting over 50,000 households, pre-registering more than 60,000 people, and volunteering more than                                the resumption of work and production
16 hours per person. In addition, the volunteer association cooperates with CSRC Bank Charity Foundation to provide
various volunteer activities for students who have been donated and guide them to actively give back to the society,
                                                                                                                                The "Star Loan" is an innovative online microfinance
with a total of 279 services. At the same time, the Volunteer Association also extends the advanced experience
                                                                                                                                credit product launched by CSRC Bank during the
of Changshu to other cities by establishing off-site branches in Suzhou, Wuxi, Nantong, Zhenjiang, Yancheng,
                                                                                                                                COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control period,
Yangzhou, Taizhou. Through this off-site synergy, the Volunteer Association has built a two-tier organization network
                                                                                                                                with a loan amount of 10,000 to 500,000 RMB and a
based on Changshu and radiating to the whole Jiangsu province.
                                                                                                                                maximum loan term of 12 months. The product is a
                                                                                                                                purely online product on our mobile banking. It adopts
                                                                                                                                the whitelist pre-award model of our mortgage loyal
                                                                                                                                customers and takes the traditional offline investigation
                                                                                                                                process online. Customers can operate the whole
                                                                                                                                process online using mobile banking, and the credit
                                                                                                                                line can be issued within 5 minutes after submitting
                                                                                                                                the application. They can withdraw and repay the
                                                                                                                                loan online on their own, which greatly improves the
                                                                                                                                efficiency of microfinance services during the pandemic
                                                                                                                                period and the resumption of work and production.

                                                                                                                                In 2021, we upgraded the original "Star Loan" credit
                                                                                                                                product to "Star Loan 2.0", which further expands the
                                                                                                                                applicable group of the "Star Loan" credit product. We
                                                                                                                                include our credit guarantee customers as our target
                                                                                                                                customers. By the end of 2021, the loan balance of
                                                                                                                                "Star Loan" was 2.012 billion RMB and the number of                      "Star Loan 2.0"
                                                                                                                                households was 10,500.

                                                                                                                        Support for Henan Flood

                                                                                                                        During the floods in Henan, we launched the Home Reconstruction Loan for farmers and individual entrepreneurs affected
                                                                                                                        by the disaster to help them rebuild and resume production and life after the disaster. By the end of 2021, 26 Home
     Appointment Ceremony of the Cadres
                                                                                                                        Reconstruction Loans with preferential interest rates had been issued, with a total loan amount of 15,450,000 RMB.
67     2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                      68

Key Performance Data                                                                                                       Indicators                                                                           Data     Units

                                                                                                                                                                                  China mainland                6,849    people

        Indicators                                                                    Data         Units                                   Number of employees by
                                                                                                                                                                                  Abroad                        0        people
                                                                                                                                           geographical region
                          Total loans                                                 1,627.97     100 million yuan
                                                                                                                                                                                  Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan   0        people
                          The total number of loan households                         38.94        10,000 households

                          Personal business loan                                      648.66       100 million yuan                        Work related fatalities                                              0        people

 Services for inclusive
                          Number of personal business loan households                 18.95        10,000 households                                                              Male employees                46.55    %
                                                                                                                                           Percentage of employees trained
                          Allocation of community and administrative village
                                                                                      341          PCS                                     by gender
                          institutions (Changshu)                                                                                                                                 Female employees              53.45    %
                          Family information filing                                   167.45       10,000 people

                                                                                                                                                                                  Senior management             1.07     %
                          Family covered by family information filing                 84.9         10,000 households

                                                                                                                                           Percentage of employees trained
                          Agriculture-related loans                                   1,151.19     100 million yuan                                                               Middle management             8.25     %
                                                                                                                                           by employee category

                          Village bank                                                31           PCS
                                                                                                                                                                                  Junior employees              90.68    %

                          Village bank service outlets                                168          PCS

     Services for rural                                                                                                                                                           Male employees                65.66    hours
                          Inclusive financial service outlet                          238          PCS                                     Total hours of training per person,
        vitalization                                                                                                                       by gender
                          Light outlets                                               95           PCS                                                                            Female employees              66.49    hours

                          Serving rural settlement account                            40.87        10,000 households                                                              Senior management             34.54    hours
                          Re-loan for supporting agriculture and small and micro
                                                                                      52           100 million yuan
                          enterprises                                                                                                      Total hours of training per person,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Middle management             67.08    hours
                                                                                                                                           by employee category
                          Direct greenhouse gas emissions                             1,601.81     tCO2e
                                                                                                                                                                                  Junior employees              66.38    hours
                          Indirect greenhouse gas emissions                           18,156.20    tCO2e

                          Total gasoline consumption by owned vehicles                608,831.90   L                                       Total number of suppliers for centralized procurement                245      PCS
                                                                                                                         Supply chain
                          Total gas consumption                                       123,752      m3                    management
      Environmental                                                                                                                        Number of suppliers that passed environmental and social audits      171      PCS
                          Total electricity consumption                               31,104,679   kWh
                                                                                                                                           Effective complaint handling rate                                    100      %
                          Total energy consumption                                    4,641.31     tce                   Products and
                                                                                                                                           Complaint handling satisfaction rate                                 98       %
                          Total water consumption                                     174,663      Tons

                          Amount of paper saved by paperless billing                  2.4          Tons                                    Total public welfare investment                                      672.51   10,000 yuan

                          Total number of employees                                   6,849        people
                                                                                                                                           University students scholarship donation                             110.08   10,000 yuan
                                                               Managements                                             Community public
                                                                                      638          people
                          Number of employees by                                                                                           Total value of the donated facility                                  130.87   10,000 yuan
                                                               Employees              5,912        people
                          employment type
                                                               Dispatched employees   299          people
                                                                                                                                           Supporting the sale of agricultural products                         396.70   10,000 yuan
Employee responsibility                                        Male employees         3,188        people
                          Number of employees by gender
                                                               Female employees                                                            Special credit funds for fighting COVID-19                           18.06    100 million yuan
                                                                                      3,661        people

                                                               Under 30 years old     3,478        people
                                                                                                                       Fighting COVID-19   Special credit funds for resumption of work and production           117.47   100 million yuan
                          Number of employees by age
                                                               31-50 years old        3,136        people
                                                               Above 50 years old                                                          Products launched to help resume work and production                 16       PCS
                                                                                      235          people
69    2021 ESG Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             70

ESG Indicator Index
                                                                          Recommendations of                                                                                                                    Recommendations of
     Contents                                                                                                      GRI Standards            Contents                                                                                                         GRI Standards
                                                                          disclosure of the SSE                                                                                                                 disclosure of the SSE

                                                                                                                                                                 Drive Technology and Business
                                                                                                                 102-1, 102-50, 102-52,
 About This Report                                                                                                                                               Integration

                                                                                                                                                                 Activating the Potential of
 Executive's Statement                                                                                           102-14                   Explore the power of   Science and Technology
                                                                                                                                          technology to build
                                                                                                                                          caring services
                                                                                                                                                                 Enhance Customer Experience                                                               418, 416
                         Company Culture                                                                         102-16

                                                                                                                                                                 Safeguard Information Security
                                                                                                                 102-2, 102-4, 102-6,                                                                                                                      301
 About Us                                                                                                                                                        and User Privacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Notice Articles 1, 3; Guidelines Article 3: paragraphs
                                                                                                                                                                 Green Finance Development                                                                 201-2
                         Our Achievements                                                                                                 Addressing Climate                                      1, 2, 3, 5, 9; Guidelines Article 4: Paragraphs 2
                                                                                                                                          Change, Building a
                                                                                                                                          Green Bank                                              Notification 3, 5: Paragraph 2; guideline 4:
                                                             Guidelines Article 34, 36: Paragraphs 1, 4;                                                         Adhering to Green Operation                                                               302-4, 305-4
                         Corporate Governance System                                                                                                                                              paragraphs 2
                                                             Guidelines Article 37, 38, 39: Paragraphs 1, 2,3;   102-18
                                                             Guidelines Article 40, 41: Paragraph 1, 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Guidelines Article 25: Paragraph 1,2,3,4,5; Notice       102-8, 401-2, 404-2,
                                                                                                                                                                 Caring for Employees             Articles 2, 5: Paragraph 1,3 ; Guidelines Article 4:     403-1, 403-5, 403-6,
                         Investor Communication                                                                  102-21                                                                           Paragraphs 1,3                                           403-7, 403-9
                                                                                                                                          Feiyan Culture,
                         Systematic Risk Prevention                                                              102-15                   Inheriting Social      Financial Education                                                                       413-1
 Corporate                                                                                                                                Responsibilities
                         Party-Led Development                                                                   102-18                                          Social Welfare                   Notice Articles 28, 29                                   203-2, 413-1

                         Business Ethics and Compliance      Notice Articles 1, 2                                205-1, 205-2, 205-3      Key Performance Data                                    Guidelines Article 25: Paragraph 5

                         Responsible Sourcing                                                                    102-9                    ESG Indicator Index                                                                                              102-55

                         Responsibility Management                                                               102-14, 102-16, 102-20   Reader's Feedback Form

                         Communication with Stakeholders                                                         102-18, 102-40, 102-43
 ESG Management
                         Identification of Material Issues                                                       102-42, 102-47, 102-44

                         UN Sustainable Development Goals                                                        203-2, 413-1

                         Serving Rural Revitalization                                                            201-1, 203-1
 Adhere to inclusive
 navigation, focus       Support the Development of Micro
 on urban and rural      and Small Businesses
                         Deepen Financial Benefits for the
71   2021 ESG Report                                                                                                         72

Reader's Feedback Form

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