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                        2021 年环境、社会和治理(ESG)
Report Statement

关于本报告:                   本报告是北京银行股份有限公司(本报告中简称“北京银行”“本行”或“我们”)向社会公布的 2021 年环境、
                               社会和治理(ESG)专题报告。本报告阐述了本行 2021 年度在环境、社会及治理方面的主要实践和成果,以回应
                               利益相关方的期望与关注,并促进本行持续提升 ESG 可持续发展表现。
About this report:             This is the Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021 released to the public by Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
                               “Bank of Beijing”, “the Bank” or “we/us”). This report explains our ESG practices and achievements in 2021 to respond to the expectations and
                               concerns of stakeholders and to help us continuously improve our ESG sustainability performance.

报告时间范围:                 2021 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日,部分内容超出上述范围。
Reporting period:              The reporting period begins on January 1, 2021 and ends on December 31, 2021. Some content goes beyond this stated period.

报告组织范围:                 报告覆盖北京银行股份有限公司总行、分支机构及投资机构,另有注明除外。
Reporting scope:               Unless otherwise specified, the report covers the activities of the Head Office, business units, subsidiaries and affiliates of Bank of
                               Beijing Co., Ltd.

报告发布周期:                 年度报告。
Reporting cycle:               The report is released on an annual basis.

报告编制原则:                 报告依照全球报告倡议组织(Global Reporting Initiative,GRI)《可持续发展报告标准》(G4,2013 版)、《联
                               合国可持续发展目标企业行动指南(SDGs)》(2015 版)、《负责任银行原则》(Principles for Responsible
                               Banking,PRB)(2019 版),以及中国银保监会《关于加强银行业金融机构社会责任的意见》(银监办发〔2007〕
                               252 号)、《银行保险机构公司治理准则》(银保监发〔2021〕14 号)、上海证券交易所《上海证券交易所上市公
                               司自律监管指引第 1 号—规范运作》(上证发〔2022〕2 号)、中国银行业协会《中国银行业金融机构企业社会
                               责任指引》(2009 年 1 月 12 日印发)等国内外先进信息披露标准及相关要求编写。
Preparation principles:        This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s 2013 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4), The
                               2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Compass, The 2019 Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), Opinions of China
                               Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Strengthening the Social Responsibility of Banking Financial Institutions (Yin Jian Ban
                               Fa [2007] No.252), Corporate Governance Standards for Banking and Insurance Institutions (Yin Jian Ban Fa [2021] No.14), Self-regulatory
                               Rules of Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 1--Standardized Operation (Shang Zheng Fa [2022] No.2), Guidelines on the
                               Corporate Social Responsibility of Banking Institutions of China (issued on January 12, 2009 by the China Banking Association) as well as other
                               advanced domestic and overseas information disclosure standards and requirements.

报告数据说明:                 本报告所涉及数据来自银行内部统计数据、审计报告等材料,部分数据如与年度报告有差异,以年度报告数据为准。
Data in the report:            The data involved in this report are from our internal statistical data, audit reports and other materials. In case the data are different from
                               what has been provided in the Annual Report, the Annual Report shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, the currency used in this report is
                               Renminbi (“RMB”).

报告保证方式:                 本行董事会及全体董事保证本报告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确
Assurance of the report:       The Board of Directors and all directors of the Bank guarantee that this report does not contain any false records, misleading statements or
                               major omissions and they are jointly and severally liable for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content.

报告发布形式:                 刊登本行环境、社会和治理(ESG)专题报告的网站:http://www.sse.com.cn 及北京银行股份有限公司网站:
Report releasing:              This report is released on http://www.sse.com.cn and the website of Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd., http://www.bankofbeijing.com.cn.

报告备置地点:                 北京银行董事会办公室。
Accessibility of the report:   The report can be accessed at the Office of Board of Directors of Bank of Beijing.
北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                 BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

About Us

北京银行成立于 1996 年,目前已在北京、天津、上海、西安、深圳、杭州、长沙、                                                资产总额达到
                                                                                                                          Total assets RMB 3.06 trillion
拥有 600 多家分支机构,探索出了中小银行创新发展的经典模式。



行各项业务高质量发展。截至 2021 年末,本行资产总额达到 3.06 万亿元,较年初增

长 5.48%;实现营业收入 662.75 亿元,同比增长 3.07%;实现归母净利润 222.26 亿元,                                          营业收入
                                                                                                                          The operating income recorded
同比增长 3.45%;资本充足率 14.63%,较年初提升 3.14 个百分点,各项主要经营指                                               RMB 66.275 billion

标企稳向好。品牌价值达 654 亿元,一级资本排名全球千家大银行 62 位,被人民银行、




行”“最佳区域性银行”“最佳支持中小企业贡献奖”“最佳便民服务银行”“中                                                  品牌价值达
国上市公司百强企业”“中国社会责任优秀企业”“最具持续投资价值上市公司”“中                                              Brand value of RMB 65.4 billion

国最受尊敬企业”“最受尊敬银行”“最值得百姓信赖的银行机构”及“中国优秀                                                                亿元

Bank of Beijing, incorporated in 1996, operates over 600 business units in more than ten major cities
such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Xi’an, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Changsha, Nanjing, Jinan, Nanchang,
Shijiazhuang and Urumqi in the Chinese mainland, as well as Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
and the Netherlands. The Bank has created a proven paradigm of innovative development of small and                        一级资本排名全球
medium-sized banks.                                                                                                       千家大银行
To fulfill the three tasks of “serving the real economy, containing financial risks and deepening financial              Ranked the 62nd among the world’s
reforms”, we have strengthened party building, operated in compliance with laws and regulations,                         top 1,000 banks in terms of tier-
accelerated digital transformation and upgrading, enhanced risk management and control, and promoted                      one capital

the high-quality development of all businesses. As of the end of 2021, our total assets rose by 5.48% to
RMB 3.06 trillion over the beginning of the year. The operating income recorded RMB 66.275 billion, up
3.07% year-on-year; and net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was RMB 22.226
billion after a 3.45% year-on-year increase. The capital adequacy ratio increased substantially by 3.14
percentage points to 14.63% over the beginning of this year. All of the main business indicators improved
and stabilized. The Bank has a brand value of RMB 65.4 billion, and ranked the 62nd among the world’s
top 1,000 banks in terms of tier-one capital. The Bank was included in the list of China’s systemically
important banks by the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.
Our business performance and brand visibility reached new heights.
In recognition of our excellent business performance and high-quality financial services, we have received
high opinions and many honors over the years, including the “National Exemplary Unit”, “Top 10 Listed
Banks in Asia”, “Best City Commercial Retail Bank in China”, “Best Regional Bank”, “Best Contribution for
Supporting SMEs”, “Best Bank with Service for People’s Livelihood”, “Top100 Chinese Listed Companies”,
“Outstanding Chinese Companies for Social Responsibility”, “Listed Companies with the Most Sustainable
Investment Value”, “Most Respectable Enterprises in China”, “Most Respectable Bank”, “Most Trustworthy
Banking Institution by Citizens”, “China’s Outstanding Corporate Citizens”, “Best Bank in Internet
Finance”, etc.

报告说明                                 01
Report Statement

关于我们                                 02
About Us

06-27                                         28-63
以绿为笔                                      以进固稳
共筑美丽中国梦想                              共创美好生活家园
Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China         Together for a Better Homeland

绿色金融战略规划                         08   服务实体经济                     30
Strategic planning on green finance           Serving the real economy

绿色金融产品与实践                       10   品质服务                         44
Green finance products and practices          Quality services

绿色金融研究与合作                       20   员工权益                         53
Green finance research and cooperation        Employee rights

绿色低碳运营                             22   社会公益                         56
Green and low-carbon operation                Social welfare
                                            ESG 发展展望
64-79                                       ESG Development Outlook

                                            专题:打造负责任银行                                        82
                                            Special Report: Building a Responsible Bank
共建绿色低碳银行                            关键 ESG 绩效                                               86
Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank        Key ESG Performance

                                            索引表                                                      90
                                            Reference Table
战略规划                               66
Strategic planning
                                            负责任银行(PRB)原则                                       90
                                            Principles for Responsible Banking
治理架构                               70
Governance structure
责任管理                               70   《可持续发展报告标准》                                      98
                                            Global Reporting Initiative(GRI) Sustainability Reporting
Responsibility management

商业道德                               74
Corporate ethics                                                                                        110
                                            Feedback Form

可持续风险管理                         78
Sustainable risk management

2021 年,本行积极践行促进环境友好与可持续发展理念,大力发展绿色金融,通过建立绿色金融发展战略、优化绿

2021 年,本行将可持续发展行动同联合国可持续发展目标进行系统化匹配,全面梳理了本行在联合国 17 项可持续
In 2021, the Bank placed great value on environmental friendliness by vigorously developing green finance and channeling funds into green industries.

We established green finance development strategy, optimize green finance services, build green finance service platform and strengthen research and

cooperation in green finance. Being committed to energy conservation and emission reduction, we improved energy management and advocate a simple,

moderate, green and low-carbon workstyle, so as to improve economic, social and ecological efficacy.

In 2021, the Bank integrated our sustainable development actions with the United Nation’s SDGs, sorted out the Bank’s framework and practice of actions

under 17 SDGs. This chapter responded to the five UN SDGs of “clean water and sanitation”, “affordable and clean energy”, “climate action”, “life

below water” and “life on land”.
目标 6 清洁饮水和卫生设施                                                        目标 7 经济适用的清洁能源
为所有人提供水和环境卫生并对其进行可持续管理                                     确保人人获得可负担、可靠和可持续的现代能源

Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation                                                Goal 7 Affordable and clean energy
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all   Ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy for all

目标 13 气候行动                                                                 目标 14 水下生物
采取紧急行动应对气候变化及其影响                                                 保护和可持续利用海洋和海洋资源以促进可持续发展

Goal 13 Climate action                                                           Goal 14 Life below water
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts                      Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

目标 15 陆地生物


Goal 15 Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land
degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告     BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                                  2021 年,本行坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,
绿色金融                          努力构建高质量、可持续、绿色发展格局。

战略规划                          In 2021, we adhered to the new concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared
                                  development, and strived to build a high-quality, sustainable and green development pattern.

Strategic planning on
green finance                             特色鲜明                            结构优质                          管理精细
                                            Unique                               Quality                          Refined
                                            Features                            Structure                      Management

                                          技术领先                            风控稳健                          持续增长
                                           Advanced                             Prudent                         Sustainable
                                          Technology                          Risk Control                        Growth



                                  In line with major municipal and national decisions and plans on “carbon peaking and carbon
                                  neutrality”, we rolled out innovative, green finance products and improved our green finance
                                  services, under the premise that risks are controllable, to give new industries and new businesses
                                  access to personalized and diversified financial solutions.

                                  Organizational structure development

                    总行层面                     成立了绿色金融专职管理部室,统筹推动绿色金融业务开展。
               The Head Office                   Established a specialized sector on green finance development to coordinate and
                                                 promote green finance within the Bank.

                                                 Set up a green finance task force committed to supporting green finance with
                                                 research findings.

                    分行层面                     先后设立通州绿色支行、门头沟绿色支行,稳步推进特色支行建设。
            The regional branch                  Opened “Tongzhou Green Branch” and “Mentougou Green Branch” as part of our
                                                 effort to build a special branch model to promote green finance development in the
                                                 regional branch level.

                                           Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                               以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

Policy development
本行紧跟国家和首都绿色                  Green finance was made an important development strategy of the Bank

发展政策部署,制定绿色                  在本行“五五”发展规划中,明确将绿色金融业务作为全行特色金融发展的主要方向

发展规划,积极落实“双碳”              和重点任务。2021 年,在新确定的《北京银行“十四五”时期发展规划和二〇三五年
                                        In the Bank’s “Fifth Five-Year Plan”, green finance was defined as the main direction and key task for its characteristic
Following the national and              financial business. Published in 2021, the “Bank of Beijing’s Development Plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period and
municipal policies on green             Outline of Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 ” identifies “green development” as a guiding principle of
development, we formulated green        the Bank and calls for a bank-wide effort to vigorously develop green finance.

development plans and improved
green finance services in the keen
pursuit of the “dual carbon” goals.
                                        Green finance was incorporated into the development plan of corporate business during the
                                        “14 th Five-Year Plan” period

                                        For corporate business, we embarked on a low-carbon road and enhanced the enthusiasm of business units to invest
                                        in green loans, so as to ensure steady expansion of our green finance business. We promoted the innovation of green

Case                                    finance products, and expanded financing channels for green enterprises and projects.

Hangzhou Regional Branch won            Worked out green finance action plans
a green finance award
2021 年 12 月,本行杭州分               转型、更好支持国家和首都绿色发展奠定坚实基础。提出未来三年内,绿色贷款在公
行荣获“2021 浙江新金融新               司贷款中规模占比超过 25%,全力打造绿色金融全面领先的城市商业银行的工作目标。
未来”品牌榜“浙江绿色金                Clarified our main objectives and key tasks, laying a solid foundation for practicing the green development concept,

                                        accelerating green transformation across the Bank and better supporting the green development of the capital city.
                                        It proposes that in future three years, percentage of green loans in corporate loans will exceed 25%. The Bank will
                                        target at building itself a city commercial bank taking the lead in green finance.
                                        Introduced specific policies to support green finance in the bank-wide credit business
In December 2021, our Hangzhou
Regional Branch won the “Zhejiang
Green Finance Model Bank” award        《2022 年授信业务指导意见》将绿色金融作为优先投放领域,明确要求提升绿色金融
on the “2021 Zhejiang New Finance      业务占比,明确绿色金融重点投向,完善绿色产业行业信贷政策,强调加大对节能环保、
 New Future” brand list. Being
in a place where the theory that
lucid waters and lush mountains
                                        The “Guiding Opinions on Credit-granting Business in 2022” prioritized green finance, specified the requirement
are invaluable assets is practiced,
Hangzhou Regional Branch insisted       of increasing the proportion of green finance business, clarified key areas of green finance to be invested and

on the concept of green finance         improved credit policies for green industries. We emphasized the need to intensify support for such areas as energy

and sustainable development, and        conservation and environmental protection, low-carbon economy, circular economy, and clean energy. We also took

pursued deepened and steady             into consideration environmental risks, social risks, and safety production requirements throughout the whole process

progress of green finance business.     of credit granting, and resolutely implemented the “one-vote veto” system on environmental performance.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                                             2021 年,本行在风险可控的前提下,积极推进绿色金融产品创新,全面提
绿色金融                                     升绿色金融服务能力,为新产业、新业态提供个性化、多元化的金融解决方案。

产品与实践                                   本行结合绿色产业特点、发展现状及相应融资需求,立足多元化产品综合运

                                             用与创新,于 2021 年 6 月推出“绿融 +”绿色金融服务品牌,打造点、线、
Green finance products
and practices                                In 2021, we launched innovative, green finance products and improved our green finance
                                             services, under the premise of controllable risks, to give new industries and new businesses
                                             access to customized and diversified financial solutions. We took into account the characteristics,
                                             status quo, and financing needs of green sectors, and offered an innovative portfolio of
                                             diversified financing products. In June 2021, we unveiled the “Green Finance+” series, to offer
                                             multidimensional services.

                                                       绿                                                   绿                                      绿                                      绿
截至 2021 年末
                                                            Green loans

                                                                                                                 Green bonds

                                                                                                                                                         Green supply chain

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Green finance ecosystem
                                                       色                                                   色                                      色                                      色
As of the end of 2021                                  贷                                                   债                                      供                                      金
                                                       款                                                   券                                      应                                      融
本行绿色贷款余额                                                                                                                                    链                                      生
The Bank’s balance of green loan amounted
to RMB 47.74 billion


较年初增长                                        绿                                                   绿                                           绿                                           绿
                                                            Lvrong Loan ( Green Finance Loan)

                                                                                                                 Lvrong Bond (Green Finance Bond)

                                                                                                                                                         Lvronglian (Green Finance Chain)

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lvrongjia (Green Finance Home)
                                                  融                                                   融                                           融                                           融
Up RMB 21.52 billion as compared with
                                                  贷                                                   债                                           链                                           家
the beginning of the year                                                                                                                                                                        


Up 82.1%


                                                                                                绿色贷款         Green loan

累计服务客户数超                             2021 年,本行制定《北京银行 2021 年授信业务指导意见》和《北京银行
The customer base exceeded 1,000
                                             2021 年授信业务补充指导意见》,坚持“紧跟国家政策导向、紧跟能源结构


                                             In 2021, we formulated the “Guidance on Credit Granting Business of Bank of Beijing in 2021”
长 104.7%,增速位居主要银行                  and “Supplementary Guidance on Credit Granting Business of Bank of Beijing in 2021” which

前列                                         are “aligned closely with national policies to facilitate the readjustment of energy mix, give priority

Loan for clean energy sector grew by         to funding for leading enterprises, and support green development”. We supported the state’s

104.7% year on year, faster than most of     decisions and plans on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, developed green credit on a priority
the major banks                              basis, and established our policy framework for green credit.

                                                                Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                   以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

持续提升绿色贷款规模                                                          案例
Green loan was upscaled and expanded                                          Case

2021 年,本行持续推进清洁能源贷、绿色交                                       “南昌生活垃圾焚烧发电厂扩建工程”项目
通贷、绿色建筑贷、基础设施绿色升级贷、                                        Financing for domestic-waste-to-energy plant expansion project

产业园区绿色升级贷等绿色贷款产品。                                            2021 年,本行南昌分行落地南昌首创环保能源有限公司“南昌

In 2021, we continued to roll out green loan products,

including clean energy loan, green transport loan,                            2012 年为该公司发放了第一期项目贷款,一二期项目均由本行提
green building loan, and green loan for upgrade of                            供信贷支持,贷款总额达 10 亿元。该项目以生活垃圾处理为主,
infrastructure facilities and industrial parks.
                                                                              规模将达到每日 3000 吨,全年可处理生活垃圾约 110 万吨,届时
                                                                              可处理南昌市 60% 以上的生活垃圾,每年出售给省电力公司电量
向基础设施绿色升级产业的资金占比最高,                                        达 3 亿千瓦时,相当于节约 9 万多吨标准煤,有效稳定了地区用电
余额                                                                          的刚性需求,同时为南昌市推进生活垃圾全量焚烧及资源化提供有
The largest portion of the loan balance went to the sector of                 力保障。项目已成为全国生活垃圾处理及资源化宣传教育示范基地,
green infrastructure upgrading, with a balance of RMB 18.06
                                                                              In 2021, our Nanchang Regional Branch issued the phase-II loan for the “Nanchang
                        亿元                                                  Quanling Domestic-Waste-to-Energy Plant Expansion Project” of Nanchang Capital
                                                                              Environment Energy Co., Ltd. With the phase-I loan in 2012, our total loan for this
                                                                              project amounted to RMB 1 billion. The project focused on domestic waste disposal,
其次分别是          It was followed by                                        with due considerations for power generation as well as energy saving and emission
                                                                              reduction. Once completed and implemented, the plant will dispose of up to 3,000
清洁能源产业,余额                                                            tons of domestic waste per day or about 1.1 million tons per year through the
Clean energy sector, with a balance of RMB 14.49 billion                      incineration process. More than 60% of the city’s domestic waste is to be handled by

                 亿元                                                         the plant to generate 300 million kWh of power for Jiangxi’s power grid each year,
                                                                              which is equivalent to that of burning some 90,000 tons of standard coal. The plant
                                                                              will effectively meet the rigid demand for electricity in the region and make possible the

节能环保产业,余额                                                            incineration of all of Nanchang’s domestic waste into resources. The project is playing
                                                                              a positive role in leading and guiding the national practice of domestic waste disposal
Energy conservation and environmental protection sector, with
                                                                              for the purpose of resource recovery.
a balance of RMB 9.49 billion


                                                                              Financing for comprehensive transportation hub at Changsha South Bus
生态环境产业,余额                                                            Station
Ecological environment sector, with a balance of RMB 2.75
                                                                              力量。本行长沙分行给予 4.5 亿元项目贷款资金支持。
Clean production sector, with a balance of RMB 2.54 billion
                                                                              As a municipal key project dedicated to improving people’s livelihood and a provincial
            亿元                                                              key project, “the comprehensive transportation hub at Changsha South Bus Station”
                                                                              underwent several conceptual design and feasibility studies on structure, drainage,
                                                                              HVAC, electrical apparatus, intelligent management system, environmental protection,
绿色服务产业,余额                                                            energy saving and green building, etc. Once completed, the project will greatly

Green service sector, with a balance of RMB 110 million                       improve the general design of the local passenger transport station and add strength
                                                                              to the energy conservation and environmental protection campaign. Our Changsha
                                                                              Regional Branch supported the project with RMB 450 million worth of loan.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                  BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

We innovated the carbon allowance pledge loan






As a way to facilitate the “dual carbon” goals, the Bank, as a municipal
financial institution in the banking industry, supported the high-quality
development of the capital city by actively responding to the related policies
and innovating financial services. We took the initiative to communicate
with Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau and Beijing
Green Exchange, as well as major carbon emitters, and launched carbon
allowance pledge loan which allows the borrowers to take their obtained
carbon allowance as pledge and put carbon assets to good use.


The first carbon allowance pledge loan issued in Beijing

排放单位。2021 年 9 月,本行主动与市生态环境局、北京绿
押物,发放 1000 万元流动资金贷款。这是“双碳”背景下北
As a listed company, Beijing Shengtong Printing Co., Ltd. is one of the major
carbon emitters in Beijing. In September 2021, we communicated with Beijing
Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau and China Beijing Green Exchange,
responding swiftly to the financing needs of the company by granting RMB 10
million working capital loan with the its carbon allowance as the pledge, the first
of its kind in Beijing against the background of “dual-carbon” goals. The loan
was approved within one week through a “green passage” system to enhance
Shengtong’s business liquidity.

     We responding swiftly to the financing needs of the company by granting
     RMB 10 million working capital loan


                                                                          Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                              以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

We continued to develop green M&A loan business

2021 年,本行聚焦绿色产业升级改造,支持并购方通过并购在绿色产业领域获得目标企业的研发能力、关键技术与工艺、

In 2021, we offered financing support to acquirers which intended to obtain strategic resources of the acquires, including their key technologies and
processes, trademarks, franchises, supply or distribution networks in the green industries, through business M&A. The aim was to improve the core
competitiveness of the acquirers and achieve green and low-carbon industrial upgrading and transformation.


   Our first-ever green M&A loan for state-owned enterprises in the Greater Bay Area

   2021 年 4 月,本行落地首单大湾区国企绿色并购贷款。本行服务企业绿色转型、招商引资,为珠海港控股集团有限公司收
   购某风电企业发放 3.80 亿元绿色并购贷款,助力企业在风电领域补链、延链。
   In April 2021, we launched our first green M&A loan for state-owned enterprises in the Greater Bay Area. We supported green transformation and investment/business
   opportunities of enterprises, and issued a green M&A loan of RMB 380 million for the acquisition of a wind power plant by Zhuhai Port Holding Group Co., Ltd. to help it
   supplement and extend its wind power business chain.

   Our first-ever green M&A loan for SMEs

   2021 年 10 月,本行落地全行首单小微绿色并购贷款。本行支持京津冀协同发展、保民生,为邯郸建投新能源有限公司收
   购 PPP 特许经营权项目发放 6700 万元并购贷款,保障当地上万户居民及周边企业采暖季的平稳供热需求。
   In October 2021, we launched our first green M&A loan for SMEs. We supported Beijing-Hebei coordinated development and livelihood betterment, and issued a green M&A
   loan of RMB 67 million for the acquisition of a PPP franchise project by Handan Construction Investment New Energy Co., Ltd. to ensure that the demand of tens of thousands
   of local residents and surrounding enterprises for stable heating during the cold season can be met.

   Our first-ever green M&A loan for high-end equipment manufacturers

   2021 年 12 月,本行发放首笔高端装备制造绿色并购贷款。本行为中国诚通控股集团有限公司受让某电力装备集团股权并购
   项目发放并购贷款 5.2 亿元,助力企业打造“装备制造 + 服务业务 + 新兴业务”产业总体布局,服务国企改革三年行动规划。
   In December 2021, we issued our first green M&A loan for high-end equipment manufacturers. We granted a green M&A loan of RMB 520 million to China Chengtong
   Holdings Group Ltd. for equity transfer from a power equipment group. We helped Chengtong build an overall layout of the “equipment manufacturing + service + emerging
   business”, and contributed to the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises.

   Our first-ever green M&A loan for agriculture industry

   2021 年 12 月,本行发放首笔绿色农业并购贷款。本行为新疆生产建设兵团第十二师国有资产经营(集团)有限责任公司
   发放 1 亿元并购贷款,用于认购其上市子公司新疆天润乳业股份有限公司非公开发行的股票。资金主要用于天润乳业在建
   In December 2021, we issued the first green M&A loan for the agriculture industry. We granted a green M&A loan of RMB 100 million to the State-owned Assets Management (Group)
   Co., Ltd. of the 12th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) for the subscription of the non-publicly issued shares of its listed subsidiary Xinjiang Tianrun Dairy
   Co., Ltd. The funds were to be used for the ongoing construction of Tianrun Dairy’s 10,000-head standardized and large-scale ecological and environmental-friendly dairy cow base,
   to support the development of green animal husbandry, to better service the agriculture, farmer and rural area and mass consumption, and promote domestic economic circulation.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                   BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

We innovated the green syndicated loan business

                                     2021 年 4 月 In April 2021

                                  We successfully launched our first carbon-neutral syndicated loan. The money was to be used for the construction of
                                  east-west subway lines to help citizens take green trips and promote green transportation.

                     2021 年 6 月 In June 2021

                  We issued the first overseas green syndicated loan to support new-energy battery enterprises in realizing green,
                  intelligent manufacturing as well as energy saving and environmental protection goals and to lead the enterprises
                  onto a new journey of globalization driven by green and intelligent manufacturing.



                                  In addition, as the agent bank, we led the issuance of syndicated loan for Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd. This was part
                                  of our continuous, concrete effort to promote the development of sewage treatment and reclaimed water utilization facilities
                                  in Beijing and set a successful example of contributing to the capital city’s ecological progress through green financing.

We rolled out special rediscount products

2021 年,本行积极组织开展落地“京绿通”专项再贴现产品。
In 2021, we rolled out “Jing Lv Tong ” rediscount offerings

2021 年全年落地“京绿通”再贴现产品共计                                                    累计服务小微企业
15 “Jing Lv Tong ” rediscount offerings was made in 2021                                 Served 956 SMEs

           笔                                                                                               户次

合计                                                                                       业务规模位列北京地区金融机构
Totaled RMB 658 million                                                                    Ranking first among financial institutions in Beijing by transaction amount


                                                            Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                  以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

We innovated green inclusive financial products

2021 年,本行按照业务发展规划持续推进个人绿色贷款业务发展。
In 2021, we furthered our retail green loan business, in accordance with our business planning.

截至 2021 年末,短贷宝产品中涉及的绿色贷款余额为                                   贷款笔数
As of the end of 2021, Duandaibao had a green loan balance of RMB                  Included 208 transactions
296.1291 million

                                     万元                                                          笔

较 2020 年增长                                                                     较 2020 年增长
Up 139.4% as compared with 2020                                                    Up 300% as compared with 2020

                        %                                                                           %


“黄河光伏农户短贷宝”                                   本行积极响应国家节能减排政策,加大光伏项目信贷支持力度,服务乡村振兴,
集群项目                                                 助力脱贫攻坚,结合光伏布局农村区域分布式光伏发电项目具体情况,分行开发
Duandaibao for Yellow River photovoltaic
                                                         了“黄河光伏农户短贷宝”集群项目。本行西安分行与企业合作授信额度 1 亿元,
                                                         We took proactive actions in response to the national policies on energy conservation and emission
                                                         reduction, increased funding for photovoltaic projects, and contributed to the rural revitalization and
                                                         poverty alleviation campaign. Given the distributed photovoltaic power network in rural areas, the Xi’an
                                                         Regional Branch developed the Duandaibao product for photovoltaic projects of rural households in the
                                                         Yellow River basin. The Regional Branch joined hands with related enterprises, granting a credit line of
                                                         RMB 100 million to photovoltaic rural households.

Our Xi’an Regional Branch joined hands with
related enterprises, granting a credit line of RMB
100 million to photovoltaic rural households .


北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                               BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                      绿色债券        Green bonds

2021 年,本行及时跟进企业在清洁能源、环境治理、节能减排等方面的融资项目,包括在绿色金融债、碳中和债等方面

In 2021, we closely examined the financing needs of enterprises in clean energy, environmental governance, energy conservation and emission reduction,
including their needs for green finance bonds, carbon-neutral bonds and other bonds.

投资绿色债券                                                                          金额
Invested in four green bonds                                                          Totaled to RMB 420 million

        笔                                                                                          亿元


To support leading enterprises, including China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., China Resources Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., Triumph Science and Technology
Group Co., Ltd. and Yantai Waterway Rescue and Salvage Bureau. This further enhanced our market influence, expanded the business outreach, and
consolidated the foundation for in-depth cooperation with enterprises.

We broke new ground in green bonds

                                                                 2021 年 4 月 In April 2021

     本行落地银行间市场全国首单“碳中和”小微金融债券 20 亿元,募集资金全部用于绿色产业小微企业贷款,支持小

     We issued the first “carbon-neutral” bond of the Chinese banking industry, with a face value of RMB 2 billion for SMEs. All the money thus raised was
     to be used as loans to SMEs in green industries, facilitating the integrated development of inclusive finance and green finance.

                                                             2021 年 12 月 In December 2021


     深圳德远商业保理有限公司 2021 年度中建一局 1 号第一期供应链绿色定向资产支持商业票据,规模 2.14 亿元。
     We underwrote China’s first supply chain green asset-backed commercial papers (ABCPs), which were also the first green asset-backed papers ever
     underwritten by a Beijing-based municipal financial institution. The RMB 240 million worth of No. 1, Series 1 ABCPs were issued by Shenzhen
     Deyuan Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. to China Construction First Building (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                  Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                               以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

We made breakthrough in green bond issuance

    2021 年 3 月        本行成功参与国家电网有限公司 2021 年度第一期绿色中期票据(碳中和债)分销团,利用
    In March 2021
                        理财资金投资 2 亿元,助力本期债券顺利发行,此笔业务也成为北京银行首单落地的碳中和

                        We invested RMB 200 million raised through wealth management products into the carbon-neutral bond of State Grid
                        under its 2021 first-series green medium-term notes (MTN) programme. The MTN was the first “carbon-neutral bond”
                        issued by the Bank.


                        产支持票据(碳中和债),金额 1.8 亿元,期限 3 年。
                        Our Shenzhen Regional Branch invested RMB 180 million into the three-year carbon-neutral bond of Guangzhou
                        Public Transport Group Co., Ltd., the first targeted asset-backed notes (ABN) based on bus ticket revenue in the inter-
                        bank market in the Greater Bay Area.

    2021 年 4 月
                        本行北京分行成功分销华能国际电力股份有限公司 2021 年第二期绿色中期票据(碳中和),
     In April 2021
                        理财投资金额 2 亿元,期限 3 年。
                        Our Beijing Regional Branch used RMB 200 million which was raised through wealth management products to issue
                        the three-year carbon-neutral bond of Huaneng Power International Corporation Limited under its 2021 second-series
                        green MTN programme.

    2021 年 5 月
                        本行北京分行分销中国节能环保集团有限公司 2021 年第一期绿色中期票据(碳中和债 / 乡
    In May 2021
                        村振兴),理财投资金额 1 亿元,期限 3 年。
                        Our Beijing Regional Branch used RMB 100 million which was raised through wealth management products to issue
                        CECEP’s three-year bond dedicated to carbon neutrality and rural vitalization under its 2021 first-series green MTN

    2021 年 6 月
     In June 2021
                        Our Hangzhou Regional Branch issued the first overseas green syndicated loan. The funds were to be used to
                        support new-energy battery enterprises in realizing green, intelligent manufacturing as well as energy saving and
                        environmental protection goals.

    2021 年 11 月
                        本行济南分行通过公司信用债投资中标烟台打捞局 2021 年度第一期绿色中期票据,投资金
   In November 2021
                        额 6000 万元,期限 3 年,票面利率 3.5%,本次绿色中期票据募集资金用于海上风电项目,

                        Jinan Branch of our bank won the first green medium-term note of Yantai Salvage Bureau in 2021 through corporate
                        credit bond investment. The investment amount is 60million yuan, the term is 3 years, and the coupon rate is 3.5%. The
                        funds raised by the green medium-term note are used for offshore wind power projects, which can effectively promote
                        the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy system.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                    其他绿色金融产品创新                  Other innovative green finance products

2021 年,本行加大产品创新力度,持续完善本行绿色金融产品体系,为实现双碳目标提供优质、强劲、源源不断的金融

In 2021, the Bank enhanced innovation, continued to improve the Bank’s green financial product lines, and provided high-quality, strong and continuous
financial power to achieve the dual carbon goals.

积极参与                         2021 年 5 月,本行助力的全国首批、北京市首笔公募 REITs“首钢绿能”项目成功募集。项目本身采用了
绿色公募 REITs                   “绿色、环保、创新”的先进设计理念,是垃圾无害化、减量化处理及可再生能源发电的环境保护工程和
We took an active part           民生工程,该项目募集资金将继续支持京、冀两地环保低碳事业。
in the public offering of        In May 2021, we helped Shougang Group raise funds for its “green energy” project through public offering of Beijing’s first and one of China’s
green REITs                      earliest real estate investment trusts (REITs). The project adopted an advanced concept of “greenness, environmental protection and innovation”.

                                 It was dedicated to environmental protection and people’s livelihood improvement through reduced, pollution-free waste disposal and renewable

                                 power generation. The funds were to be used to support environmental protection and low-carbon business in Beijing and Hebei.

发展绿色专项同业                 2021 年 9 月,本行落地全行首笔绿色专项同业借款业务,此笔借款全部用于某金融租赁与某工程开展的风
借款业务                         电安装船租赁项目投放。
We developed special             In September 2021, we launched our first-ever special green inter-bank loan. All the money was to be used for the leasing of wind turbine

green inter-bank loans           installation vessels between a financial leasing institute and a project company.

                                 2021 年 12 月,本行落地全行首笔“碳中和”专项同业借款业务,通过精准运用同业产品,精准支持绿色
                                 In December, we issued our first “carbon-neutral” special inter-bank loan to support a green, low-carbon wind energy project in Guangdong

                                 through the targeted use of inter-bank products to promote green finance innovation.

推出碳中和主题                   2021 年 10 月和 2021 年 12 月,本行分别发行两只“碳中和”理财产品,这两只理财产品的推出,一方面
理财产品                         充分体现了本行积极贯彻经济高质量发展理念,彰显了本行落地低碳转型、推动绿色金融发展的决心;另一

We rolled out wealth             方面发挥国有金融企业主力军作用,通过金融产品给普通投资者提供了参与“碳中和”投资的机会,传导
management offerings             了绿色金融理念,吸引更多资金能够参与“碳投资”。
themed on carbon
                                 In October and December 2021, we issued two “carbon-neutral” wealth management products. This reflected our belief in high-quality economic
                                 growth and determination for low-carbon transition and green finance development.We also played a leading role, as a state-owned financial

                                 institution, in offering general investors an access to “carbon-neutral” investments through financial products, advocating the concept of green

                                 finance and pooling more funds for “carbon investments”.

推出数字化与低碳                 建立“京碳宝”企业碳账户,记录企业绿色融资行为和碳减排环境效益,打造企业绿色生态新名片。
                                 Established a "jingtanbao" enterprise carbon account, recorded the green financing behavior of enterprises and the environmental benefits of
                                 carbon emission reduction, and created a new business card of enterprise green ecology.
Launch digital and low-
carbon service brands

                                                             Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                  以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

                    绿色金融生态圈            Green finance ecosystem

2021 年,本行通过联合政府部门、研究院所、生态产品投融资交易平台、第三方专业环评中介服务机构等渠道,打造绿


In 2021, the Bank established a green product value platform “Lvrongjia” through cooperation with government departments, research institutes, ecological
product investment and financing trading platforms, and third-party professional EIA agencies. The aim was to provide green enterprises with comprehensive
services. The Bank issued the first innovative financial products in China to improve our influence of green finance while increasing green finance supply.

Comprehensive services

                资金支持                                                                             政策研究
                Financial Support                                                                    Policy Research

                交易撮合                                                                             信息咨询
                Business Matchmaking                                                                 Information Consultation

                项目评估                                                                             技术推广
                Project Evaluation                                                                   Technology Promotion


全行首单“碳中和”财务顾问                                2021 年 3 月,本行落地全行首单“碳中和”财务顾问撮合业务。深圳分行通
撮合业务                                                  过与北银金融租赁有限公司合作,为北京京能国际控股有限公司下属控股公
Launch of Our first-ever carbon-neutral
                                                          司-山东新泰楼德佳阳光伏发电有限公司融资 1.2 亿元,资金用于企业 20 兆
financial advisory and matchmaking
                                                          瓦光伏发电项目的建设,期限 10 年。此笔业务是本行加强“母子联动”,紧
                         RMB 120 million
                                                          In March 2021, we launched our first-ever “carbon neutral” financial advisory and matchmaking business.
                                                          Through cooperation with Bank of Beijing Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., our Shenzhen Regional Branch
                                                          raised RMB 120 million for Shandong Xintailou Dejia Solar Power Generation Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
                                                          Beijing Energy International Holdings Co., Ltd, with a term of 10 years.. Due in ten years, tThe money
                                                          was to be used for the construction of a 20 MW photovoltaic power project. This was the Bank’s first
                                                          carbon-neutral financial advisory and matchmaking business, where we strengthened the synergy between
                                                          parent and subsidiary companies, actively responded to the goals of “30.60 carbon peaking by 2030
                                                          and carbon neutrality by 2060” goals, and stayed in line with related policies. We assisted low-carbon
                                                          industries and promoted green finance, and increased our earnings through corporate deposits and
                                                          capital-light fee mid-term incomes.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告              BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

Green finance research and cooperation

     2021 年,本行与绿色金融相关政府部门、绿色产业代表性企业、头部智库和科研院所深化战略合作,签署业务合作协议,


     01       与中节能等企业达成合作关系并举行合作仪式

2021 年,本行与绿色产业重点企业如中国节能环保集团有限公司、中核能源科技有限公司、华能新能源股份有限公司建



     02       与第三方(北京绿色交易所、中财绿金院)建立合作沟通机制

2021 年,本行与北京绿色交易所签署全面战略合作协议,双方在绿色项目对接、碳金融、绿色金融产品创新等方面深度合作。



2021 年,本行与中央财经大学签署战略合作协议,共同设立双碳与金融研究中心。双方将建立共享交流机制,通过绿色



     03       与政府机构达成全面合作框架协议

2021 年 9 月,本行与通州区政府签署绿色金融全面合作框架协议,全力支持首都绿色发展和绿色金融国际中心建设,双


10 月,作为唯一金融机构受邀参与发起设立“北京城市副中心绿色发展研究院”,参加北京城市副中心绿色发展论坛,


     04       开展绿色金融主题培训

2021 年,本行开展常态化专题培训。围绕绿色贷款认定统计规则、常见疑难问题,聘请外部专家开展专题讲座,提升全


                                                               Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                 以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

In 2021, the Bank deepened strategic cooperation with relevant government departments of green finance, representative enterprises of green industry,
leading think tanks and scientific research institutions, signed business cooperation agreements, and jointly promoted the development of green finance
strategic consulting, product innovation, business training, investment and financing cooperation.

   We established strategic partnerships with CECEP and other enterprises and held ceremonies

In 2021, we established strategic partnerships with key enterprises in green industries such as China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection
Group (CECEP), CHINERGY Co., Ltd. and Huaneng Renewables Co., Ltd. to further expand green finance cooperation and jointly promote green, high-
quality economic and social progress. We were committed to building a green finance ecosystem that brings new strength to green, low-carbon development
of the capital city.

   We established a mechanism for cooperation and communication with third parties (Beijing Green Exchange and CUFE IIGF)

In 2021, we signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Green Exchange to deepen cooperation on green project matchmaking,
carbon finance, and green finance product innovation. We increased funding and built service platforms for green industries, and innovated green finance
products. We also supported the green development of the capital city and the construction of an international center for green finance through effective
implementation of the “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” campaign.
In 2021, we signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) to jointly establish the Dual Carbon
Goals and Finance Research Center. The two sides strived to establish an information-sharing and exchange mechanism and explore new grounds in green
finance through related research, training sessions, forums and seminars, so as to add a touch of intelligence to the tapestry of green development.

   We signed a framework agreement on comprehensive cooperation with government authorities

In September 2021, we entered into a comprehensive green finance cooperation framework agreement with the Tongzhou District Government to fully support
green development of the capital city and the construction of an international center for green finance. The two sides agreed to carry out comprehensive
cooperation in key areas, key industries and key projects of green finance to ensure the prosperous development of green finance in the capital city.
In October, we were invited, as the only financial institution, to take part in the establishment of the “Beijing City Sub-Center Green Development Research
Institute”. We also attended the “Beijing City Sub-Center Green Development Forum” and gave a keynote speech on “Supporting the City’s Carbon Neutrality
Infrastructure with Green Finance” to deepen our visibility and influence as a green finance brand.

   We offered themed training programs on green finance

In 2021, the Bank offered regular training sessions, where external experts were invited to share insights on the statistical rules for green loan and discuss most-
encountered problems to improve the professionalism of full-time green loan statisticians of the Bank.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告          BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021



低碳运营                               做起,积极践行绿色理念。
                                       Great importance was attached to the impact of our operation on the environment. We paid
Green and low-carbon                   constant attention to low-carbon environmental protection, energy saving, emission reduction

                                       and less resource consumption, and encouraged greenness in every little step of our work
                                       and management.

                                                   低碳环保                        节能减排                     减少资源消耗
                                              Low-carbon environmental                Energy                 Emission reduction and less
                                                     protection                        saving                   resource consumption

                                                            绿色运营        Green operation



                                       We responded to the “carbon peak and carbon neutrality” goals proposed by the state, and
                                       embraced them in our operation and management. We conducted carbon investigation in the
                                       Head Office building and Shanghai Regional Branch to lay the foundation for digital carbon
                                       emission management.


                                       本行上海分行成沪上首家实现 2021 年度运营层面碳中和“绿色银行”
                                       Shanghai Regional Branch became the first “green bank” in Shanghai with carbon-neutral
                                       operation in 2021

                                       2022 年 3 月,上海环境能源交易所对本行上海分行本部 2021 年度运营层面碳中
                                       和进行认证,并颁发碳中和证书,本行上海分行成为上海市首家实现 2021 年度
                                       家自愿减排交易注册登记系统完成等量的 CCER 注销,用于抵消分行 2021 年度
                                       运营层面产生的碳排放,实现 2021 年度运营层面碳中和。
                                       In March 2022, Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange issued a carbon-neutral certificate which
                                       recognized the carbon-neutral operation of Shanghai Regional Branch in 2021. The Regional Branch
                                       became the first “green bank” in Shanghai with carbon-neutral operation in 2021. According to the
     证书                              accounting results, Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange helped the Shanghai Regional Branch
     Carbon-Neutral Cer tificate for   offset an equivalent amount of CCER on the National Registry System of Voluntary Emission Reduction to
     Shanghai Regional Branch          offset greenhouse gas emissions generated from operating activities of the Regional Branch in 2021.

                                                     Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

                绿色办公         Green office

                                                Green Office System of Bank of Beijing

        加强制度建设管理                           坚持简洁、实用、自然的原则                   鼓励员工在工作生活中
  Strengthen system construction                   Adhere to the principles of simplicity,       养成良好的节约习惯
          and management                               practicality and naturalness           Strengthen system construction
                                                                                                     and management

  《北京银行节能减排管理规定》                      选用节能型材料和绿色办公环保                      加强用电管理
Regulations of Bank of Beijing on energy                          节能产品                     Strengthen power consumption
  conservation and emission reduction                Select energy-saving materials and                 management

                                                    green office environmental protection
                                                         and energy-saving products
  《北京银行节能降耗实施方案》                                                                   对水资源利用进行管理
    Implementation plan for energy                                                                Manage the utilization of
conservation and consumption reduction                减少纸巾的使用以及限制使用                      water resources
           of Bank of Beijing
                                                     Reduce the use of paper towels and
                                                      restrict the use of disposable pens
    《北京银行绿色办公手册》                                                                     Practice strict economy and
Green office manual of Bank of Beijing                                                                 oppose waste

       《北京绿色办公守则》                                                                        减少纸质产品的使用
                                                  Simplify various activities and change to
       Beijing green office code                                                              Reduce the use of paper products
                                                           green conference mode

 Regulations of Bank of Beijing on the
   administration of official vehicles

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                             BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

We established and improved green office management rules


                       We revised the “Management Regulations of Bank of Beijing on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction ” and formulated
                       the “Implementation Plan of Bank of Beijing on Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction ”. We managed to improve
                       energy management through the Bank-wide energy conservation and emission reduction campaigns and practiced a simple,
                       measured, low-carbon and healthy green way of work.


                       In line with the requirements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
                       (SASAC), we formulated the “Regulations of the Bank of Beijing on the Administration of Cars for Public Affairs ”, strengthening
                       car management to reduce vehicle trip frequency and empty mileage, effectively pare down fuel consumption, and ensure that
                       vehicles in service meet the exhaust emission standards, thus realizing green travel.

With a green mindset, we made our indoor space “simple, practical and natural”

       选用节能型材料和绿色办公环保节能产品,打                                       减少纸巾的使用以及限制使用一次性签字笔、
       造绿色环保办公环境。                                                           圆珠笔,倡导使用再生笔或可替换内芯的笔。
       Our offices were built with energy-efficient materials and                     We reduced the use of tissues, minimized the use of

       green office supplies.                                                         disposable signature pens and ballpoint pens, and
                                                                                      advocated the use of recycled pens or pen refills.

       基于“协同办公云平台”,通过易点办公、京                                       推行精简各类签约、线下活动,控制会议数量
       智办公实现系统间的整合、融通、互联,推广                                       和规模,同时推广视频会议、电话会议等线上
       自动化办公软件,电子化,无纸化办公。                                           会议为主的绿色会议模式。
       Based on the “Cloud-driven Collaborative Office Platform”,                   We streamlined various contract signing and on-site
       we integrated and interconnected different systems by                          activities, controlled the amount and size of meetings,
       using such products through “Yidian” Office and “Jingzhi ”                 and held green meetings enabled by video conferences,
       Office and promoted the use of automated office software,                      teleconferences and other forms of online meetings.
       electronic and paperless office.

                                                              Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                           以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

We encouraged the employees to practice thrift in work and life

     加强用电管理 Strengthening electricity management

  All branches of the Bank gradually adopted the smart power system run by the Head Office, and achieved the goal of energy saving and reduced
  consumption through optimized system control measures.

     对水资源利用进行管理 Managing the use of water resources

  We reminded our employees and contractor staff to turn off water taps after use. The infrared sensor taps were recommended to avoid unnecessary
  water flows.

     深入开展“厉行节约、反对浪费”主题宣传活动 Carrying out publicity campaigns on “practicing thrift and avoiding waste”

   We called on all employees to have a proper diet, save food, take a decent serving of food and clear the dining plate to avoid waste.

     减少纸质产品的使用 Reducing the use of paper products

   We didn’t prepare disposable paper cups for meetings. Our employees needed to bring a reusable cup to reduce the use of paper cups.

        Bank of Beijing promotes frugality, electricity and water conservation within the Bank.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                              BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                    绿色采购        Green procurement

严格遵守建立的绿色采购制度 We strictly abode by the established rules on green procurement


As stipulated in the “Centralized Procurement Management Measures of Bank of Beijing ” , “centralized procurement should give priority to energy-saving
and environmental-friendly products based on relevant national laws, regulations and policies.” In strict compliance with the aforesaid Measures, we
standardized the procurement process and reduced expenses and other costs without compromising the quality.

采购项目遵循环保标准 All procurement projects met the requirements for environmental protection



具采购项目中,对办公家具提出较高的环保要求,需满足 E0 级国际标准。
In the procurement process, we compared qualified government suppliers to find the best one with good quality, low price and sound reputation, and to
cut waste footprint. We took environmental compliance as an important standard and prerequisite for supplier evaluation. For example, in the upcoming
furniture procurement project for the office building of City Sub-center Regional Branch, we set high requirements on the suppliers’ environmental
performance to meet E0 international standards.

对电子类废弃物处置进行管理 We properly managed the disposal of electronic wastes


在京地区各单位产生的固体废旧蓄电池,2021 年下半年本行启动北京地区废旧蓄电池处置项目,要求供应商应具有各地


We strictly prohibited unauthorized disposal of all kinds of electronic wastes, which should be recycled by certified environmental agencies to avoid
pollution. To properly dispose of any used solid batteries from business units in Beijing, we initiated a battery disposal campaign in Beijing in the second
half of 2021, which required all suppliers to obtain the “Permit for Operation of Dangerous Wastes ” from the local ecological environment authorities
to ensure that only qualified suppliers with environmental compliance could be recruited in our procurement process and our waste batteries be properly
disposed of.

对领用物资进行管理 We managed incoming and outgoing goods


In the principles of “appropriate timing and quantity”, “first in, first out”, “conformity between records and actual amount of property”, “compliance in
material collection and use”, and “regular inventory”. We distributed office supplies according to staffing quotas, advocated “old for new” for the use of
such supplies, and collected and disposed of waste paper products in a centralized manner.

                                                            Doing Our Bit for the Beautiful China                                      以绿为笔 共筑美丽中国梦想

                     垃圾分类      Waste sorting



According to the “Notice of SASAC on Helping Municipal Enterprises Deepen Party Building to Strengthen Management of Property and Domestic Waste
Sorting ” and the “Notice of SASAC on Domestic Waste Sorting Demonstration at Municipal Enterprises ”, we strengthened the leadership to promote various
tasks of waste sorting.


“垃圾分类在行动”                                             为进一步强化党建引领,推进新版《北京市生活垃圾管理条例》落实落
实践活动                                                       地,有效提升干部员工对生活垃圾分类的知晓率、参与率和正确投放率,
“Waste Sorting” Campaign
                                                               We launched a “waste sorting” campaign to create a green and environmental-friendly work
                                                               environment. The aim was to further strengthen party building, promote the implementation of
                                                               the new “Regulations on the Management of Domestic Waste in Beijing ”, effectively improve the
                                                               awareness, participation and accuracy among the management team and employees on waste
                                                               sorting, combine COVID prevention with grassroots governance and waste sorting, and earnestly
                                                               fulfill our political and social responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise.

Employees watched over beside a waste bin.


2021 年,本行积极履行社会责任,落实新发展理念,服务新发展格局,全力维护“六稳”“六保”大局,重点打造“GBIC2”
在助力经济、社会、环境可持续发展的基础上,开创自身高质量发展新局面,成为 ESG 发展领先者。

In 2021, the Bank actively performed its social responsibilities and implemented the new development concept to serve the new development paradigm

and support stability on the six fronts and security in the six areas. Following the "GBIC2" model, the Bank created a new model of full-ecological service to

accurately serve the key areas and weak links of the real economy, thus enhanced the adaptability, inclusiveness and competitiveness of financial services,

and established the new energy and advantages for the development of Bank of Beijing. At the same time, the Bank attached great importance to the

demands of stakeholders by persistently serving customers, supporting employees, and making contribution to society. On the basis of assisting sustainable

development of economy, society, and environment, the Bank has ushered in a new prospect of high-quality development and has become an advanced

market player in terms of ESG performance.

These initiatives fully respond to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of “No Poverty”, “Zero Hunger”, “Good Health and Well Being”, “Quality

Education”, “Gender Equality”, “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, “Reduce Inequalities”, “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, and “Responsible

Consumption and Production”.
目标 1 无贫穷                                                     目标 2 零饥饿
在全世界消除一切形式的贫困                                        消除饥饿,实现粮食安全,改善营养状况和促进可持续农业

Goal 1 No Poverty                                                 Goal 2 Zero Hunger
End poverty in all its forms everywhere                           End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

目标 3 良好健康与福祉                                             目标 4 优质教育
确保健康的生活方式、促进各年龄段人群的福祉                        确保包容和公平的优质教育,让全民终身享有学习机会

Goal 3 Good Health and Well Being                                 Goal 4 Quality Education
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages   Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

目标 5 性别平等                                                   目标 8 体面工作和经济增长
实现性别平等,增强所有妇女和女童的权能                            促进持久、包容和可持续经济增长,促进充分的生产性就业和人人获得体面工作

Goal 5 Gender Equality                                            Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls           Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

目标 10 减少不平等                                                目标 11 可持续城市和社区
减少国家内部和国家之间的不平等                                    建设包容、安全、有抵御灾害能力和可持续的城市和人类住区

Goal 10 Reduce Inequalities                                       Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduce inequality within and among countries                      Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

目标 12 负责任消费和生产

Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                                      BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

服务                                                                                                         做好政府服务 , 夯实“压舱石”
                                                                                                             Promoted services for the Government to consolidate the "ballast stone"

实体经济                                                                                                     本行紧跟北京市委市政府决策部署,把握政策机遇,持续强
Serving the real economy                                                                                     化对首都功能建设、实体经济发展、重点项目建设等的金融


                                                                                                             Following the arrangements of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the
                                                                                                             Municipal Government, the Bank grasps policy opportunities, continuously
                                                                                                             strengthens financial services for the capital's functional construction, real
                                                                                                             economic development and key project construction, and effectively turns the
                                                                                                             advantage of being rooted in the capital into the momentum for high-quality

                                                                                                  10 项社保服务。
                                                          The "Government Affairs” zone was launched in the mobile banking APP, providing 10
                                                          social security services such as inquiry of individual’s insurance information and payment

                                                                                                           助力                                                              让社保权益查询、政务互动、便
                                                                                                    智慧政务建设                                                             民服务、医保大厅等八大常用政
                                                                                                     Facilitated the
                                                                                                    building of smart
配合北京市医疗保障局启动医保                                                                          government                                                             打造“京管云”平台,满足院校“非
信息平台建设;开通医保个账支                                                                                                                                                 接触”金融场景需求,“校园缴费”
付“北京普惠健康保”功能,开                                                                                                                                                 已累计接入中小学校 81 家,推动
                                                              全方位服务机关                                                                服务政府                         智慧政务、智慧医疗、智慧教育
                                                           事业单位和重点领域                                                             数字化转型                         提质增效。
In cooperation with Beijing Municipal Medical                  Provided all-round                                                       Facilitated digital                  The "Government Affairs” zone the mobile
Insurance Bureau, the Bank kicked off the                      services to public                                                       transformation of                    banking APP was developed, so that eight
construction of medical insurance information                 institutions and key                                                       the government
                                                                                                                                                                             common government affairs scenes, such as social
platform; launched the payment function of                            areas
                                                                                                                                                                             security benefits inquiry, government affairs inquiry,
individual medical insurance accounts, and
                                                                                                                                                                             convenience services and medical insurance, can
developed medical financial service products.
                                                                                                                                                                             be implemented "online and immediately". The
The Bank also conducted fund supervision
                                                                                                                                                                             Bank built a platform named “Jingguan Cloud” to
business for education and training institutions.                                                   深化金融市场
                                                                                                                                                                             meet the needs of "non-contact" financial scenes in
                                                                                                        改革服务                                                             colleges and universities, and provided "Campus
                                                                                                  Deepening services                                                         Payment" service into 81 primary and secondary
                                                                                                  related to financial                                                       schools in total, which promoted the development
                                                                                                     market reform
                                                                                                                                                                             of smart government, smart medical care and
                                                                                                                                                                             smart education.

                                                                                科创企业、ESG 投资提供全周期综合服务。
                                                    The Bank deepened cooperation with professional trading platforms such as Beijing Stock Exchange, Beijing Financial
                                                    Assets Exchange, and China Beijing Green Exchange to provide full-cycle comprehensive services for little giants, NEEQ
                                                                                companies, innovative hi-tech companies, and ESG investment.

                                                       Together for a Better Homeland                                               以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

Promoted Banking services to expand the base

The Bank insists on the transformation in five major areas empowered by digital transformation to accelerate the creation of a brand-new
model of high-quality development.

Implemented the new development concept and promoted the transformation of the development model

                       Business units of the Bank were promoted to achieve lighter, more intensive and higher-quality development

               聚焦区域特色                                                 深挖区域潜力                                               服务区域发展
         Focus on regional characteristics                               Tapping regional potential                                Serving regional development

Implemented the core strategy of retail transformation to promote the transformation of business structure

  零售营收贡献占比同比提升                                  零售客户数达到                                            AUM 达
  The contribution of retail revenue increased by           The number of retail customers exceeded                   AUM reached RMB 884.47 billion
  5.44 percentage points year-on-year
                                                            25 million

                     个百分点                                                               万户                                                 亿元

Served SMEs to promote the transformation of customer structure

加速推进公司“客户倍增”计划,打造普惠金融“线上 + 线下”融合的服务平台,2018 年以来普惠金融贷

款年均增速持续超过 30%。
The Bank accelerated the implementation of the “doubling of corporate customer” plan and built an inclusive finance service platform
featuring "online + offline" integration. Since 2018, the average annual growth rate of inclusive loans has exceeded 30%.

报告期末公司有效客户数达到                                                                普惠型小微企业(含个体工商户和小微企业主)贷款户数
At the end of the reporting period, the number of valid corporate customers               Inclusive loans were offered to 138,000 small and micro enterprises
of the Bank reached 176,000                                                               (including the self-employed and owners of small and micro enterprises)

                万户                                                                                   万户

较年初增幅                                                                                较年初增
An increase of 29% compared with the beginning of the year                                An increase of 115,000 compared with the beginning of the year

         %                                                                                             万户

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                 BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                 Built a "Digital Bank of Beijing" to promote the transformation of operation capacity

                 The Bank accelerated the enterprise-level digital transformation in an all-round way, and realized the overall improvement of
                 management efficiency, business efficiency and customer experience.

                                  打造敏捷前台                                      打造聚能中台                                         打造稳健后台
                                Built an agile front desk                      Built a centralized middle desk                      Built a stable back office

                 Built a service-oriented head office to promote the transformation of management methods

                 The Bank set up Financial Research Institute and Innovation Lab and built agile innovation organizations with key projects to enhance
                 the empowerment to frontline.


                                                      技术赋能                                                              创新赋能
                                                        Technology                                                          Innovation

                                                                                  To enhance the
                                                                                 empowerment to

                                                                 产品赋能                                        方案赋能
                                                                     Product                                      Scheme

                                                    Together for a Better Homeland                                            以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

加强投资银行服务 , 打出“优势牌”
Strengthened Investment banking services to foster superiority

Built a full-ecological service system based on listed companies and companies to be listed.

  By the end of the reporting period, the Bank has served 1,045 domestic listed companies (excluding financial enterprises)


其中主板                                                                          创业板
Including 702 main board listed companies                                         259 GEM companies

            家                                                                                  家

科创板                                                                            北交所
70 STAR MARKET companies                                                          14 companies listed on Beijing Stock Exchange

       家                                                                                  家


“商行 + 投行 + 私行”一体联动,整合公司、普惠金融、投行、交易银行、金融市场、零售、个贷、私行

银团贷款、并购贷款、公募 REITs、ABS、投贷联动、并购撮合、智能支付结算、数字供应链金融、家族



In the future, the Bank will focus on technology enterprises listed on STAR MARKET, Beijing Stock Exchange, and "Little Giants",
strengthen the coordination of "commercial banking +investment banking +private banking", and integrate the products and
services of corporate banking, inclusive finance, investment banking, transaction banking, financial market, retail banking, retail
loan and private banking. The Bank will provide those customers at different phase of life cycles with a package of integrated
financial services, such as startup guarantee loan, intellectual property pledged loan, hi-tech company loan, bond underwriting,
syndicated loan, M&A loan, public offering REITs, ABS, CDEI, M&A matching, intelligent payment settlement, digital supply chain
finance, family wealth planning, wealth management, consumer loan, credit card, etc. Incubation value-added services for start-ups
will also be provided through the Little Giant Maker Center in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing. The Bank will continue to strengthen
the external ecological synergy with Beijing Stock Exchange, intermediaries, PE, VC, brokers and fund companies, to broaden
the "circle of friends" and enhance the "service surface", so as to jointly help more enterprises achieve high-quality development
through the capital market.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                     BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                 做好公司和个人服务 , 筑牢“护城河”
                 Improved Company & Consumer services to boost business development



                 Based on customer experience and value creation, the Bank promoted business innovation, service innovation, technological innovation,
                 scene innovation and integration innovation in an all-round way to generate the efficient synergy among the government, state-owned
                 enterprises, commercial banks, investment banks, consumers and enterprises, provide customers with comprehensive services of all
                 ecosystem, all formats, all scenes and all life cycles.

                     打通价值链条                      政府引导                        金融支持                       企业发展                      产业升级                      居民增收
                                                        Government                        Financial                     Enterprise                     Industrial                Income increase of
                    Coordinate each                      guidance                          support                     development                    upgrading                       residents

                   and every part on a
                      value chain

                 The Bank strengthened business innovation in various fields and gather momentum for high-quality development

                 During the reporting period, the Bank

                                             强化零售业务创新                                                                                   强化对公业务创新
                                    Strengthened the innovation of retail business                                                   Strengthened the innovation of corporate business

                   升级推出“智慧医保 2.0”服务,实现医保服务“掌                                                  推出“高精尖双益贷”“专精特新领航贷”“科企
                   上办”“码上享”                                                                                贷”“文信贷”“文化英才贷”等更加贴合科技型、
                   Upgraded the “Smart Medical Insurance 2.0” service, making
                   medical insurance services accessible on mobile App and QR
                                                                                                                   Launched innovative products that are more in line with the life
                                                                                                                   cycle and development needs of sci-tech and cultural enterprises,

                   发布“万院计划”支持乡村振兴战略                                                                such as loans for advanced hi-tech enterprises, “little giant”

                   Issued the “Ten Thousand Courtyard Plan” to support the rural                                 enterprises, sci-tech companies, cultural enterprises, and cultural

                   revitalization strategy                                                                         talents

                   搭建信用卡 O2O 数字营销一体化平台                                                               北京市首家上线国库集中支付一体化系统
                   Built a credit card O2O digital marketing integration platform                                  The Bank released the first integration system of centralized
                                                                                                                   treasury payment
                   打造线上经营“京 e 贷”产品
                   Created online business loan product (Jing -E loan)

                                                                                     Strengthened financial market business innovation

                   Cooperated with the Export-Import Bank of China to launch the first sci-tech sub-loan in China

                                                                           Together for a Better Homeland                                     以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

强化“线上 + 线下”服务创新,持续提升客户服务体验
The Bank strengthened “online + offline” service innovation to continue improving customer service experience

It adapted to the customer’s needs for contactless service and strengthened the construction of online service channels.

上线手机银行 APP6.0,构建起政务类、消费类、特色类三大场                                    优化企业网银 8.0 流程 100 项,功能
                                                                                           The Bank optimized 70 functions and 100 processes of Corporate Online Banking 8.0
The Bank released the Mobile Banking App 6.0 after iteration for more than 160
times throughout the year, and built up 3 major scene ecosystems, i.e. government
affairs, consumers, and featured

                                                                                           With the online banking coverage rate reaching 66%

报告期末手机银行用户数达                                                                            %
At the end of the reporting period, the number of mobile banking users reached
11.32 million

                                                                                           同比提升 5 个百分点
                                                                                           Up 5 percentage points year-on-year

月活用户超                                                                                 推出企业手机银行 4.0、企业微信银行、“北京银行京管家”普
With monthly active users exceeding 4 million
                                                                                           惠专属 APP 和微信小程序,构建对公业务线上化、场景化营销
                万户                                                                       服务体系,强化综合服务创新。
                                                                                           The Bank launched the Corporate Mobile Banking 4.0, Corporate WeChat Banking,
                                                                                           “Bank of Beijing SME Butler App” for inclusive business and WeChat Mini Program to
                                                                                           build an online and scene-based marketing service system for corporate business. The
较年初提升 74%,移动端结算类交易笔数同比增长 40%                                           Bank also strengthened innovation on comprehensive services.

Up 74% from the beginning of the year, and the number of mobile settlement
transactions increased by 40% year-on-year

The Bank strengthened the innovation of supply chain finance to better integrate into the ecosystem of enterprises and industries

报告期内                                                                                 截至报告期末
During the reporting period                                                              By the end of the reporting period

本行坚持以开放生态、流程重塑、数据驱动、场景敏                                           新增核心企业客户数、供应商客户数以及贷款投放规模三项

捷为方向,推动供应链数字化转型。                                                         指标增幅较 2020 年均超 150%,并在助力公司业务转型、优
The Bank adhered to the orientation of open ecosystem, process                           化客户结构、拓展普惠客群、拉动资金留存等方面发挥优势。
reengineering, data-driven and scene-based agility to promote the
                                                                                         The number of newly-added core corporate customers, the number of supplier
digital transformation of supply chain.
                                                                                         customers, and the loan scale had all increased by more than 150% compared
                                                                                         with 2020, and they played positive roles in helping the corporate business
                                                                                         transform, customer structure optimization, inclusive customer acquisition, and
                                                                                         fund retention.


北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                        BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

The Bank strengthened green finance innovation to actively serve the “dual carbon” strategy

During the reporting period


The Bank seized the strategic opportunity of “dual carbon goals”, followed closely the national and capital green development policies, upgraded green finance
to an important development strategy of the whole bank, and comprehensively accelerated the pace of green finance development.

  By the end of the reporting period

     本行绿色贷款余额                                                较年初增长                                                    增幅
     The green loan balance of the Bank was 47.74 billion            An increase of 21.52 billion Yuan over the                    An increase of 82.1%
                                                                     beginning of the year

                           亿元                                                              亿元                                               亿元


The Bank has established a vertical management structure of green finance business synergizing the head office and regional branches. The Bank created a
featured network mode and set up the first “green” branch in Beijing. Currently, there are two green branches in total, one on the east side and the other on the
west side of Beijing.

                                                                加快绿色金融创新,发布“绿融 +”绿色金融品牌
                                                The Bank accelerated the innovation of green finance, released the “Green Finance+” brand

                    绿色贷款                                      绿色债券                                        绿色供应链                               绿色金融生态圈
                    Green loans                                   Green bonds                                 Green supply chain                          Green financial ecosystem

                                                                         Built a three-dimensional service system

                                                                     Together for a Better Homeland                                 以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

           落地银行间市场全国首单“碳中和”小微金融债券                                        落地全国首单供应链绿色资产支持票据承销
           Launched the first “carbon neutrality” financial bond for SMEs in                 Launched the first underwriting of supply chain green asset-
           the interbank market                                                                backed bills in China

          落地“双碳”背景下北京市首笔碳配额质押贷款                                           助力全国首批、北京市首笔公募 REITs——“首钢
          业务                                                                                 绿能”成功募集
          Launched the first carbon allowance pledge loan business in Beijing                  Facilitated the first public offering REITs in China and Beijing, i.e.
          against the background of “Dual Carbon” goals                                      Shougang Green Energy

The Bank strengthened the fintech empowerment and set up a green finance project team to promote the construction of green finance management system.

The Bank strengthened financial innovation of Digital Yuan e-CNY to reshape Bank of Beijing in the era of digital currency


The Bank seized the opportunity of digital economy, and made every effort to promote the development of e-CNY business to improve people’s livelihood
and create the Bank’s business highlight.

During the reporting period

     本行作为首批合作银行成功接入数字人民币互联互通平台,全面实现数字人民币 APP 各项功能对接。
     Among the first batch of cooperative banks, the Bank successfully accessed the e-CNY interconnection platform to add various functions of the
     e-CNY APP.


     人民币服务功能, 京彩生活”手机银行 APP 实现个人客户数字人民币服务功能。
     The Bank cooperated with many e-CNY operators, and launched e-CNY service functions in our self-built channels. Corporate online
     banking realized the e-CNY service function for corporate customers, and our mobile banking APP realized the e-CNY service function for
     retail customers.

     The Bank cooperated with e-CNY operators to build application scenes related to the Winter Olympics Games, so as to optimize the payment
     service environment for the Winter Olympics Games.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                 BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

The Bank strengthened financial innovation to promote the development of featured finance and new economy

                                               Sci-tech                                                              文化金融
                                              innovation                                                          Cultural finance

                 重点布局《北京市“十四五”时期高精尖产业                                 推出“文信贷”“文化英才贷”“电影 +”版

                 发展规划》提出的新一代信息技术、医药健康                                 权质押贷款等文化金融产品。

                 等十大战略性新兴行业,积极支持高新技术企                                 We launched cultural finance products such as “Cultural
                                                                                          Credit”, “Cultural Talent Loan” and “Movie+” copyright
                                                                                          pledge loan.
                 We focused on the ten strategic emerging industries, such                全行文化金融贷款余额
                 as the new generation of information technology, medicine                The balance of cultural finance loans reached RMB 63.42 billion

                 and health proposed in the “Development Plan of High-tech
                 Industries in Beijing during the ‘14th Five-Year Plan’ Period”,
                 and actively supported the innovation and development of
                 high-tech enterprises, “little giants” SMEs, and enterprises
                 listed in the NEEQ and Beijing Stock Exchange.
                                                                                          With 3,278 customers
                 The balance of sci-tech innovation finance loans of the Bank totaled                               户
                 RMB 160.75 billion


                 With 7,150 customers


                                                                       Together for a Better Homeland                                以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

                             普惠金融                                                                      绿色金融
                        Inclusive finance                                                                 Green finance

升级普惠拓客平台,持续完善对公网贷平台、                                         推出“绿融 +”绿色金融服务品牌,打造“绿

贷后管理平台等操作平台,打造普惠金融拳头                                         融贷”“绿融债”“绿融链”“绿融家”系列

产品。                                                                           产品和服务,持续构建绿色贷款、绿色债券、
We upgraded the platform to acquire inclusive customers,                         绿色供应链、绿色金融生态圈。
improved the corporate online lending platform, post-loan
                                                                                 We launched the “Green Finance+” green financial service
management platform and other operating platforms, and
                                                                                 brand, created a series of products and services such as
created hit inclusive finance products.
                                                                                 “Green Finance Loan”, “Green Finance Bond”, “Green
                                                                                 Finance Chain” and “Green Finance Home” to build a green
全行普惠金融贷款余额                                                             finance ecosystem.
The Bank’s inclusive finance loan balance totaled RMB 126.1 billion

                                                                                 The balance of green loans was RMB 47.74 billion


The number of inclusive SMEs (including individual commercial
households and SME owners) loan customer totaled 138,000
                                                                                 An increase of 82.1%


                                                                                 The cumulative number of customers exceeded 1,000

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                      BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021


加大普惠业务指标考核                                    本行南昌分行为充分发挥绩效考核对普惠金融业务发展的引导、促进和激励
履行社会责任                                            作用,认真落实国务院和人民银行、银保监会等监管部门金融支持实体经济、
Strengthened the performance assessment
related to inclusive finance business to fulfill
social responsibilities
                                                        Nanchang Regional Branch fully utilized the role of performance assessment in guiding, driving, and
                                                        motivating the development of inclusive finance business, conscientiously implemented the policy
                                                        requirements of the State Council, PBoC, CBIRC, and other regulatory authorities to support the real
                                                        economy and private small and micro enterprises, and promoted the sustained, rapid, and steady
                                                        development of the regional branch’s inclusive business for SMEs. The Regional Branch incorporated three
                                                        indicators, namely, growth of inclusive finance loan customers, growth of corporate inclusive finance loans,
                                                        and growth of inclusive retail loans, into its comprehensive business assessment system for the regional
                                                        branch, branches, and management departments. At the same time, special awards for inclusive small and
                                                        micro business was set up to award business units for their incremental and existing inclusive loans.

创新服务模式助力                                        本行上海分行小巨人创客中心定位于小微企业“孵化器 + 加速器”,发挥金
小微企业发展                                            融基因的优势,与各类创投机构、众创空间共同构建开放、协作、共赢的生
Innovate service models to facilitate the
development of small and micro enterprises
                                                        2021 年,本行上海分行成功支持创客中心入驻小微企业获得创业贷款、股
                                                        The Little Giant Maker Center of Shanghai Regional Branch is positioned as an incubator and accelerator
                                                        for small and micro enterprises, giving full play to the advantages of financial genes. It constructed an
                                                        open, collaborated, and mutually beneficial ecosystem with various startups and maker spaces, and
                                                        provided comprehensive, full-chain, and full-life-cycle financial services to small and micro enterprises. In
                                                        2021, Shanghai Regional Branch successfully helped SMEs in the Center to acquire start-up loans and
     Comprehensive financial
                                                        equity financing. This service innovation was selected as an Outstanding Case of Financial Services for
                                                        SMEs of the Shanghai Banking Industry.

       Full-chain financial

      Full-life-cycle financial                               北京银行上海分行小巨人创客中心是上海首家“银行系”众创空间。
                                                              The little giant maker center of Bank of Beijing Shanghai branch is the first "banking" maker
                                                              space in Shanghai.

                                                          Together for a Better Homeland                                        以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

荣膺“2021 浙商最信赖小微企业                            本行杭州分行自 2008 年成立以来,始终践行“服务地方经济、服务中小企业、
服务银行”                                               服务市民百姓”的战略定位,以普惠金融为根基,以特色金融为品牌,助力
Won the “2021 Zhejiang Merchants Most
                                                         小微企业融资“增量、降价、提质、扩面”。2021 年,本行杭州分行荣膺“2021
Trusted Bank with Services for Small and
Micro Enterprises”
                                                         Since its establishment in 2008, Hangzhou Regional Branch has been positioned to serve the local
                                                         economy, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and the common people. With inclusive finance
                                                         as the foundation and featured finance as its brand, the regional branch helped small and micro
                                                         enterprises to increase amount, reduce prices, improve quality, and expand scale in terms of
                                                         financing. In 2021, Hangzhou Regional Branch won the title of “Zhejiang Merchants Most Trusted
                                                         Bank with Services for Small and Micro Enterprises”.

                                                         The Regional Branch adjusted its focus on financial services, strengthened inspection and
                                    IN TERMS OF DEPTH
                                                         communication, and captured deeper financing needs of small and micro enterprises through
                                                         more detailed and practical measures.

                                        在效能上         达渠道。
                                IN TERMS OF EFFICIENCY
                                                         The Regional Branch enhanced the efficiency of financial services, using more efficient
                                                         processes and professional services to open more channels for funds.

                                                         The Regional Branch improved the accuracy of financial services, strengthened the “one
                                  IN TERMS OF QUALITY
                                                         enterprise, one policy” principle through precise communication and innovative products, so
                                                         as to inject motivation, energy and vitality into small and micro enterprises.

                                                         截至 2021 年 12 月末
                                                         As of the end of December 2021

                                                         杭州分行普惠小微贷款余额                                较年初增长
                                                         The balance of inclusive small and micro                Representing an increase of RMB 3.863 billion
                                                         loans of Hangzhou Regional Branch was RMB               from the start of the year
                                                         11.651 billion

                                                                                            亿元                 Up 49.6%


北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                  BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021


投放 2000 万元抗疫贷款                         2021 年 10 月底,江西省上饶市铅山县突发新冠肺炎疫情,此前江西省连续 610
驰援铅山定点救治医院                           天无新增本地确诊病例报告,突如其来的疫情给当地医疗保障和物资保障带来巨
Disbursing epidemic-preventation loans
of RMB 20 million to aid the designated
hospital in Yanshan
                                               At the end of October 2021, there was an outbreak of COVID-19 in Yanshan County, Shangrao, Jiangxi
                                               after no new reports of local cases in Jiangxi for 610 consecutive days. The sudden outbreak posted great
                                               challenges to local medical and material supply. The only designated hospital for treatment in Yanshan
                                               urgently needed funds for the purchase of PPE, masks, disinfectant, and other pandemic prevention

                                                       防护服                                  防护面罩                                   消毒液
                                                            PPE                                   Masks                                  Disinfectants

                                               关审批流程,及时“雪中送炭”为该医院发放贷款 2000 万元,解决了疫情防控
                                               After learning of the situation, Nanchang Regional Branch acted quickly and opened a green channel
                                               to expedite the approval process to issue a loan of RMB 20 million to the hospital in a timely manner,
                                               which resolved the funding difficulties of epidemic prevention and control, practiced the Regional Branch’s
                                               original intent to provide financial services for the people, and demonstrated the responsibility of a
                                               financial enterprise with the Bank’s speed, warmth and strength.

1000 万元贷款,用于紧急采购疫情防控
Nanchang Branch issued RMB 10million loan
to a medical device company in Jiangxi for
emergency procurement of epidemic prevention
and control materials.

                                              Together for a Better Homeland                                       以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

金融惠农                                     本行济南分行积极践行国家普惠金融政策,紧跟国家乡村振兴战略,实施乡
金融产品创新“京益农”                       村振兴工程, 2021 年定制分行“京益农”创新型服务方案,针对农业产业
Financial Product Innovation to Support
Agricultural Development: “Jing Yinong”
(Bank of Beijing Benefiting Agriculture)
                                             函、倾斜高贴息(最高可达 3.175%)且无需保证金等多维度综合服务倾斜,
                                             Jinan Regional Branch actively implemented the national inclusive finance policy, closely followed
                                             the rural revitalization strategy, implemented the rural revitalization project, and customized the
                                             innovative service plan of “Jing Yinong” in 2021. Loans for daily production and business activities
                                             were provided to small and medium-sized enterprises, professional cooperatives, self-employed
                                             people and farmers in the upstream and downstream of leading enterprises and characteristic
                                             clusters of agriculture industry. This innovative service plan effectively reduced the comprehensive
                                             cost of customers and improved the efficiency of project promotion through guarantee company’s
                                             online services covering full business process, issuance of electronic guarantee letter through online
                                             system, offering of high discount rate (up to 3.175%) and removal of margin.

为受困文化企业                               北京某文化传媒有限公司为线下音乐培训机构,品牌名称“中国乐手”。
提供纾困金融服务                             Cultural Enterprise A is an offline music training institution with the brand name of “Chinese

Providing financial services to distressed   Musician”.

cultural enterprises
                                                  2020 年
                                                  In 2020

                                                  线上培训业务,通过本行的资金支持,采购线上培训交流设备,于 2021
                                                  Due to the impact of the epidemic, offline classes and activities were completely suspended,
                                                  and the enterprise transformed into an online communication and training business. With the
                                                  financial support of the Bank, the enterprise purchased online training and communication
                                                  equipment, and was able to achieve a substantial increase of income in early 2021.

                                                  2021 年 4 月
                                                  In April 2021

                                                  手机银行申请,获得线上个人经营性信用贷款 30 万元,受困文化企业
                                                  The enterprise needed a loan to facilitate the resumption of offline training and exchange
                                                  activities. Through an application submitted to the Bank’s mobile banking gateway, the
                                                  enterprise was able to obtain an online retail business credit loan of RMB 300,000, which
                                                  facilitated the daily operations.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告   BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                                本行始终秉承“真诚 所以信赖”的服务理念,持之以恒深耕医疗社保、教

Quality services                您一生的银行”。为践行负责任企业的义务,本行以投诉治理为着力点,持


                                Upholding the service concept of winning customers' trust with sincerity ("Our Sincerity, Your Trust"),
                                the Bank deeply involved in fields related to people’s livelihoods such as healthcare and social
                                security, education and travel, and labor union services, using the warmth of finance to improve
                                people’s lives and to build "Your Lifetime Bank".In order to fulfill its obligations as a responsible
                                enterprise, the Bank focused on complaint management, continued to deepen its business processes,
                                explored new models for financial knowledge education, efficiently solved the pain points and
                                challenges of the people, and guaranteed the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

                                                       数字化服务纵深发展                  In-Depth development of digital services



                                The Bank constructed a comprehensive financial platform with complementary advantages, cross-
                                integration, and mutually beneficial aspects to provide customers with diversified, full-process, and one-
                                stop financial services. The platform realized the full coverage of daily life scenes and government service
                                applications, and drove the transformation of business models through changes of financial technology.

                                APP 建设成效显著
                                The Bank achieved remarkable results in APP development

                                目前已推出手机银行尊爱版、英文版以及小程序平台、5G 消息平台、鸿蒙

                                操作系统等,形成以 APP 为核心的移动端全渠道矩阵,APP 客户活跃水平

                                At present, the Bank has launched the elderly version and English version of mobile banking app,
                                mini-program platform, 5G messaging platform, version for Harmony OS, and other projects,
                                forming a mobile omni-channel matrix with APPs at its core to activate APP users.

                                截至 2021 年末,手机银行客户数达到
                                By the end of 2021, the number of mobile banking customers reached 11.32 million


                                  MAU 超                                           较年初提升
                                  MAU exceeded 4 million                           Representing an increase of 74% from the start of the year

                                           万户                                           %

                                The number of settlement transactions at the mobile end increased by 40% year-on-year


                                                                     Together for a Better Homeland                             以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

The Bank adhered to service principle of benefitting the people


Used technology to provide more convenient and better experience in basic banking services. The Bank’s inclusive online customer expansion management
platform used the Internet, big data, AI, biometrics, and other technical applications to empower inclusive finance through digital transformation, platforms,
and ecosystems, constructing a multi-dimensional network that includes the Bank, channels, and data, which is capable of:

           营销的                                        产品的                                     服务的                                      风险的
         精准触达                                      量身定做                                   差异设计                                    监测预警
       Achieving precise                               Tailor-made                            Differentiated service                    Risk monitoring and early
          marketing                                     products                                      design                                    warning

Continuously improve the user experience and service quality

本行 95526 客服中心以智能化和全媒体服务为抓手,不断推进用户体验和服务质量的提升。
The Bank’s 95526 customer service center used intelligent and omni-media services to continuously improve the user experience and service quality.

                                              借助 AI 技术实现服务广度和服务效率的全面提升
                                              Using AI technology to improve service scope and efficiency

     2021 年上线的智能外呼客户触达效率是人工的 5 倍以上,转化效果是传统方式的数十倍。
     The smart outbound calling system launched in 2021 proved 5 times more effective than manual operations, with a conversion rate dozens of
     times higher than that of conventional methods.

                           The Bank also constructed an all-media remote service system that integrates voice, text, and video


     By improving service visualization and remote identity verification, the Bank expanded remote operation and service scenes to provide customers
     with a smooth experience across a full range of banking services without leaving their homes.

Continued to build and expand its smart platform service channels


Based on the principle of online omni-channel operations, the Bank continued to build and expand its smart platform service channels, accelerate service
and technology iteration, further refine its services, enrich service functions, and optimize the customer experience through in-depth payment cooperation
with leading Internet platforms.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告             BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

Case study

北京银行“京管家”实现线上                针对小微企业“散、多、小”的特点,本行打造“管家式”服务,并结合区域特
7×24 信贷融资服务                        色划分“城市服务专区”,为客户提供 7×24 小时实时在线的信贷融资服务。同
“SME Butler” App realized 24/7 online
credit financing services
                                          In view of the scattered, numerous, and small nature of small and micro enterprises, the Bank created
                                          “housekeeper” services, and determined “urban service areas” in accordance with regional characteristics
                                          to provide customers with 24/7 real-time online credit financing services. At the same time, the Bank
                                          developed WeChat mini-program and established a WeChat official account, DingTalk service portals, and
                                          other social media apps to construct multiple traffic portals for inclusive businesses, realizing the precise
为客户提供 7×24 小时实时在               acquisition of small and micro enterprise customers through online channels, and providing such enterprises
线的信贷融资服务                          with the ability to handle their business indoors. The Bank also launched the online “Inclusive Quick Loan”

To provide customers with 24/7 real-      product for its inclusive customer group, improving financing efficiency, optimizing the customer experience,
time online credit financing services     and fully meeting the “short-term, small, frequent, and urgent” capital needs of small and micro enterprises.

“京彩生活”手机银行                      2021 年,本行持续加快手机银行建设进程,坚持“以客户为中心”,推进手机银
迭代升级                                  行迭代升级。
Upgrade of mobile banking APP
                                          In 2021, the Bank continued to accelerate the construction of mobile banking APP, adhering to a customer-
                                          oriented approach and upgraded mobile banking APP.

                                                       持续提升 APP 精细服务水平。全年累计迭代 160 余次、涉及 160 余项功能服务优化。
                                                       Continued to improve the refined service of its app, involving over 160 iterations and functional

                                                       service optimizations throughout the year, enriched service functions and launched a number of

                                                       service areas while segmented customers.

                                                       Made offline business online through the implementation of digital transformation strategy throughout

                                                       the Bank, further improving the service efficiency of branches, and giving full play to the service

全年累计迭代                                           advantages of mobile banking APP, created convenient and beneficial service scenes, and

Over 160 iterations throughout the year                reconstructed the layout of channels for life and government affairs.

                                                       Upgraded and improved the online customer operation system, optimized the smart marketing

                                                       platform and drove consumption growth through various preferential benefits.

160 functional service optimizations
                  余项                                 Developed the open service capabilities of e-banking, optimized and upgraded the “Jingcai

                                                       Wallet” aggregation payment product, and provided customers with a convenient mobile payment

                                                       environment and experience.

                                               Together for a Better Homeland                                         以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

加强消费者权益保障                  Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests

2021 年,本行深入开展“我为群众办实事”实践活动,持续加强消费者权益保护工作,建立健全消费者

In 2021, the Bank carried out in-depth activities to benefit the people, continued to strengthen the protection of consumer rights and
interests, established and improved its consumer rights and interests protection mechanism, focused on ensuring compliant management,
deeply explored key areas to identify the source of problems, and improved service quality and efficiency to improve customer satisfaction.

Framework of the Publicity and Education Work of Bank of Beijing on Consumer Rights Protection

                                                                         Achieve two goals

                                                                         Enhance consumers' financial knowledge and risk

         树立一个理念                                                    prevention ability

         Stick to one concept
         以金融消费者为中心                                              Improve the service level of publicity staff of Bank of Beijing

         Being financial consumer-centered

         Build three mechanisms                                          坚持四个结合
                                                                         Persist in four combinations
         Management mechanism
                                                                         Combination of daily and centralized publicity and education
         Long-term mechanism
                                                                         Combination of Internal, external and online publicity and education

         Coordination mechanism
                                                                         Combination of traditional publicity and innovative publicity

                                                                         Combination of Beijing and other cities' characteristic
                                                                         publicity and education

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021



In order to protect the rights and interests of consumers in a comprehensive manner, the Bank conducted a top-down full-life-cycle management and review
mechanism of products and service processes through designing a scientific and reliable PCRI system. Based on the identification of loopholes that may
hinder the security of customer information and funds, and supplemented by a sound complaint feedback mechanism, the Bank provided customers with
safe, secure, and stable services to protect their rights and interests.

      本行印发《北京银行消费者权益保                        通过制定《北京银行私人银行代销                      本行定期对总行部门及分支机构进
      护工作管理规定》《北京银行消费                        业务合作机构与产品准入管理规定》                    行考核,其内容涵盖产品审查、营
      投诉管理规定》等一系列消保体系                        等多项制度流程,本行严格对代销                      销推介、信息披露、网点服务、投
      文件,为总分支三级机构有序开展                        产品、收益类产品和创新产品设计                      诉处理、信息安全保护及金融知识
      消费者权益保护工作提供了制度                          和销售环节进行消保审批,严格规                      宣教等类目,以科学管理与高效激
      保障。                                                范产品的信息披露管理、协约管理、                    励引导全行进行内部自律,进而发
                                                            宣传营销管理流程。                                  挥上下一体的主观能动性,为消保

                         加强                                                   完善                                                规范
                     顶层设计                                               审批体系                                            考核管理
              Strengthened top-level                                   Optimized approval                               Standardized evaluation
                        design                                                 system                                          management

     The Bank issued a series of PCRI policies               Through the formulation of the “Provisions on     The Bank regularly conducted evaluations on
     such as the “Regulations on the Protection of          the Management of Partner Institutions and         departments of the Head Office, and business
     Consumer Rights and Interests of the Bank               Product Access for Private Banking of Bank of      units, covering product review, marketing and
     of Beijing ” and the “Regulations on the              Beijing ” and other policies and processes, the   promotion, information disclosure, branch
     Management of Consumer Complaints of the                Bank strictly conducted PCRI approval for the      ser vices, complaint handling, information
     Bank of Beijing ”, providing policy guarantee          design and sales of agent selling products,        security, and financial education, which can
     for orderly consumer rights protection work.            income-related, and innovative products, and       guide the Bank to carr y out internal self-
                                                             strictly standardized the product information      discipline through scientific management and
                                                             disclosure management, contract management,        efficient incentives, so as to contribute to the
                                                             and promotion and marketing management             cause of consumer protection.

                                             Together for a Better Homeland                                       以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

做好投诉管理         Strengthened complaint management



On the basis of existing complaint management documents, the Bank strengthened complaint management, integrated the information
channels and research and judgment capabilities of various departments, improved the efficiency of complaint resolution, improved
the quality and efficiency of traceability, and ensured that customer complaint feedback was sound and all complaints were identified
and solved.

以诉促改                 本行以投诉工单为切入点,通过建立党委专项小组,定期带队赴支行进行一线调研,及时
精细管理                 分析汇总,进而从制度、流程层面根本性提出优化处理方案,层层分解,严格督办,切实
Complaint-               解决难点痛点问题,系统性降低投诉量。
based reforms
and refined              The Bank established of a special Party committee team to conduct on-site research at branches, analyze and

management               summarize matters in a timely manner, and propose optimized solutions at the system and process level.

问题导向                 本行组织多部门联合会商,打通部门间横向壁垒,建立信息沟通、会商研判、成果共享的
一抓到底                 机制,挖掘投诉问题发生的深层次原因,形成解决问题的合力,提出综合解决方案。例如,
Identified               通过对小额遗产支取问题的投诉工单进行汇总研判,最终将全行小额遗产简化流程支取限
problems at the
source                   额由 1 万元提升至 5 万元,极大方便了消费者。
                         The Bank organized multi-department joint consultations to break down the horizontal barriers between departments,
                         established a mechanism for information communication, consultation and evaluation, and sharing of results, explored
                         the deep-seated causes of complaints, formed joint efforts to solve problems, and proposed comprehensive solutions.
                         For example, by summarizing and evaluating complaints concerning the withdrawal of low-value estates, the Bank
                         increased the simple withdrawal limit for low-value estates from RMB 10,000 to RMB 50,000, greatly improving the
                         customer experience.

加强宣导                 本行每季度召开投诉分析会,及时总结分支机构在投诉处理、服务客户、解决疑难问题过
正向激励                 程中的经验做法和典型案例,充分展示基层诉求办理的积极成效,持续发挥先进典型的激
Strengthened             励带动效应。2021 年本行“接诉即办”为民服务宣传片在北京电视台播出三期,“接诉即办”
and positive             全年平均得分 97.18 分,排名市管企业前列。
incentives               The Bank held quarterly complaint analysis meetings to summarize experience, practice, and typical cases of business
                         units in the process of handling complaints, serving customers, and solving difficult problems, fully demonstrating
                         the positive effect of handling complaints at the grassroots level, and continuously exerting advanced and typical
                         incentives and other driving forces. In 2021, the Bank’s “complaint handling” publicity video was broadcast on Beijing
                         TV for three phases. The annual average score of the Bank’s complaint handling work was 97.18 points, ranking high
                         among enterprises under the management of Beijing Municipality.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                               BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                  持续开展金融知识普及                    Continued popularization of financial literacy

                  2021 年,本行开展了“金融消费者权益日、守住‘钱袋子’、普及金融知识万里行、金融知识普及月与

                  In 2021, the Bank carried out consumer rights protection publicity and education activities such as “Financial Consumer Rights Day,
                  Safeguarding Your Money, Popularizing Financial Knowledge, Financial Knowledge Popularization Month and Financial Knowledge
                  Entering Ten Thousand Households”, achieving strong publicity results.

                    2021 年全年累计活动次数近                           投入人员参与                                  受众客户数
                    In 2021, the Bank held nearly 6,000                 More than 10,000 participants                 6 million audience

                                          余次                                                 余人次                                万人次


                  等随时随地宣传金融知识,并托官方网站、微信公众号、手机银行与信用卡掌上京彩 APP 等各类自有渠道,

                  The Bank’s branches made full use of supporting equipment to develop a publicity atmosphere, publicized financial knowledge anytime
                  and anywhere through counter posters, electronic screens, self-service machines, lectures held in public reading areas, and used official
                  websites, WeChat official accounts, mobile banking and credit card apps, and other channels to timely release financial knowledge and
                  risk warnings, thereby ensuring that consumers develop a sense of value investment, rational investment, and risk prevention.

                             价值投资                                               理性投资                                               风险防范意识
                                Value                                                 Rational                                                   Risk
                             Investment                                             Investment                                                Prevention


                  The Bank launched a series of live classes to meet customer needs for common financial knowledge, helping them understand the entire
                  process of responding to and dealing with illegal financial activities, so as to proactively guard against financial fraud and prevent the
                  loss of funds and information.


                  The Bank made full use of its new media publicity strategy, launched content for its publicity month activities, and used new publicity methods
                  to expand the influence of its activities. In terms of online platforms, the Bank regularly published publicity and education information on the
                  China. org. cn. and other media platforms to improve the effect of financial risk prevention through media.

                                          Together for a Better Homeland                                       以进固稳 共创美好生活家园


金融知识普及                      本行北京分行一直以来将有效开展金融教育宣传与推动金融服务相结合,持续履
特色化服务                        行公众教育的社会义务。2021 年以来,本行北京分行共开展金融知识普及与金融
Specialized services
                                  消费者教育活动近 2000 次,受众人数超 100 万人。
of financial knowledge
                                  Beijing Regional Branch has effectively integrated financial education publicity with the promotion of
                                  financial services to continuously fulfill its social obligations in the education of the public. Since 2021,
                                  Beijing Regional Branch has carried out nearly 2,000 financial knowledge popularization and financial
                                  consumer education activities, reaching an audience of over 1 million.

                                              Being creative in the form of activities

                                  知识特色推文、宣传教育 H5 等宣传材料,加大推广力度,扩大活动效果。
                                  Beijing Regional Branch selected topics such as financial services for the elderly, advocating for rational
                                  consumption, and preventing telecom fraud, and carried out publicity and education in various forms such
                                  as interactive activities, exclusive consultations, and lectures. The Regional Branch also made innovative
                                  financial knowledge posts, created publicity and education H5 pages and other materials, ramped up
                                  promotion efforts, and expanded the effect of its activities.

                                              Beijing Regional Branch carried out featured publicity campaigns

                                  Continuously expanded publicity channels, encouraged publicity personnel to go into companies,
                                  schools and rural and suburban areas to carry out special publicity work, popularizing financial
                                  knowledge to the public through a variety of channels and angles, which effectively strengthened the
                                  risk awareness of customers, and helped customers make rational choices of financial products and
                                  services that best suited them.

                                              Beijing Regional Branch paid attention to disadvantaged groups

       本行持续加强消费者权       风险防范能力和意识,守护其财产安全。
                                  Effectively integrated publicity and education activities with volunteer activities, carried out targeted
       The Bank continuously      publicity for disadvantaged groups in areas such as nursing homes and communities to solve their
       enhanced consumer rights   problems such as difficulties in using smart devices and the high risks of phone fraud, improving the risk
       protection.                prevention ability and awareness of disadvantaged groups and safeguarding asset security.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                     BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                  隐私与信息安全                  Privacy and data security


                  Maintaining data security is a key priority of consumer rights and interests protection. To this end and in accordance with projections
                  and prognosis, the Bank strengthened its weak points in data and information security through internal staff training, the establishment of
                  emergency processes, and real-time hardware prevention and control to protect the rights and interests of its customers.

                          本行将信息安全及数据安全培训纳入人力及 ISO 20000 培训体系,通过在技术、能力、管理以及意识等各领域开
                          展周期性工作,为消费者信息安全提供长期有效保障。2021 年,本行组织 16 家分行及信用卡中心以线上与线下
                          The Bank incorporated information and data security training into its personnel and ISO 20000 training system, and provided long-term and effective

                          protection for customer data through periodic work in fields such as technology, capacity, management, and awareness. In 2021, 16 regional branches

                          and Credit Card Center carried out multiple information security training sessions through a combination of online and offline methods, covering attack

                          and defense drills (HW), security reinforcement, intrusion procedures, security awareness, and other aspects, fully demonstrating the security principles of

                          efficient coordination and full participation.

                                      行动                                   安全加固                                 攻击流程                                  安全意识
                                     Attack and                                Security                                Intrusion                                 Security
                                   Defense Drills                          Reinforcement                              procedures                                awareness

                          针对信息安全事件应急,本行制定了《北京                                                        本行于 2020 年年底推出“护盾”智能交易
                          银行重要信息系统突发事件应急管理规定》                                                        反欺诈平台,通过线上全渠道交易的实时监
                          和《北京银行信息安全事件应急预案》等规                                                        控和组建 7×24 小时风险外呼核查团队,及
                          范,建立了高效的应急联动机制,明确了报                                                        时发现潜在风险并采取有效措施,提高电子
                          告流程及责任人,处置小组能够第一时间启                                                        银行风险防控的时效性,切实保障客户资金
                          动突发事件应急预案,在相关部门的技术协                                                        与信息安全。
                          助下完成分析和处置工作。                                                                      The Bank launched the “Shield” smart transaction anti-

                                                                                                                        fraud platform at the end of 2020. Through the real-time
                          For emergency response to data security incidents, the
                                                                                                                        monitoring of online omni-channel transactions and the
                          Bank formulated regulations such as the “Regulations on
                                                                                                                        establishment of a 24/7 outbound calling team for risk
                          the Emergency Management of Important Data Systems of
                                                                                                                        verification, the Bank is able to identify potential risks in a
                          the Bank of Beijing” and the “Emergency Response Plan
                                                                                                                        timely manner and take effective measures to improve the
                          for Information Security Incidents of the Bank of Beijing”,
                                                                                                                        timeliness of risk prevention and control in e-banking, while
                          established an efficient emergency response mechanism,
                                                                                                                        effectively ensuring the security of customer funds and data.
                          clarified reporting processes and responsible personnel,

                          and ensured that response teams are able to implement

                          emergency response plans as soon as possible and conduct

                          analysis and response work with the technical assistance of

                          relevant departments.

                                                     Together for a Better Homeland                                         以进固稳 共创美好生活家园


Employee rights                        实践中锻炼、在生活中关爱,致力于以丰富的活动形式、和谐的企业氛围调动员

                                       The Bank strictly adheres to national labor laws, respects the legitimate rights and interests of its
                                       employees, and prohibits the use of child and forced labor. In 2021, the Bank strengthened teams at
                                       all levels through adjustments, supplements, and exchanges. Through guiding in thought, training in
                                       practice, and caring in life, the Bank committed to mobilizing the enthusiasm of its employees through
                                       rich activity forms and developing a harmonious corporate atmosphere, inspiring the hard work,
                                       dedication, unity, and cooperation of all cadres and employees.

                                                              培训促进员工发展               Driving employee development through training

                                       Formulating talent development strategies

                                       The Bank attached great importance to the development and training of employees, adhered to the concept
                                       of “making the Bank strong through training competent talents”, closely focused on serving its comprehensive
                                       reform and development tasks, formulated a special plan for talent development for the 14th Five-Year Plan
                                       period, and planned the construction of talent teams from a strategic perspective.

       Guiding in thought              作,不断提升干部员工政治素养和专业能力。
                                       The Bank created a diversified training system, continued to improve its talent training models, carried out
                                       training at different levels and categories, and continuously improved the political literacy and professional
                                       ability of cadres and employees.

                                       Improving personal skills in talent training
       Training in practice            本行紧密围绕经营战略,大力开展职业技能提升培训,着力提高一线人员基本素质和
                                       Focusing on its business strategy, the Bank vigorously carried out vocational skills training and focused on
                                       improving the basic quality and business skills of frontline employees.

                                       Guided all employees to participate in professional banking qualification exams, and strove to build a team of
       在生活中关爱                    high-quality professional talent.
          Caring in life

 的企业氛围调动员工积极性              Completed the “Organization and Human Resource Efficiency Optimization Project”, created parallel career
The Bank committed to mobilizing the   development paths of “management and professionalism”, and continued to construct a broad career platform
enthusiasm of its employees through
                                       for employees to further enhance the sense of happiness, benefit, belonging, and security of employees
rich activity forms and developing a
  harmonious corporate atmosphere      throughout the Bank.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                           BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                  丰富员工业余生活             Enriching the lives of employees

                                       多彩员工文化生活                                                    完善职工休闲场所
                                   Colorful employee cultural lives                                  Improved employee leisure facilities

                        本行举办多种活动丰富员工文化生活,                                 本行打造深受员工喜爱的“职工之家”。

                        开展世界读书日活动、员工手机摄影大                                 The Bank built a leisure area—the gym, which is
                                                                                           warmlly welcomed by employees.

                        强员工的使命感。                                                   职工之家功能全面,设有健身区、乒乓
                        The Bank organized a variety of activities to enrich
                        the cultural lives of its employees, such as World
                        Book Day activities, smartphone photography                        室、理发室、减压室等区域,以更加人
                        competition, and employee singing competition to                   性化的设计和考虑,最大限度满足了员
                        strengthen the leadership of the Party building and
                        enhance employees’ sense of purpose.
                                                                                           The gym has a fitness area, table tennis area,
                                                                                           a counseling room, a library, a yoga room, a
                                                                                           barber room, and a decompressing room. The
                        比拼活动等丰富多彩的职工文体活动。                                 user-friendly and considerate design satisfies the
                        Held a variety of cultural and sports activities such              diversified needs of employees to the greatest
                        as a Qipao show video competition and talent                       extent.



                        Shot the “Together for a Shared Future ”
                        documentary film to promote the spirit of model
                        workers and fully demonstrate the dedication and
                        hard work of employees.

                                本行举办员工歌唱比赛。                                          本行开展职工之家建设。
                                Our bank holds an employee singing                              The bank carried out the construction of leisure
                                competition.                                                    area.

                                             Together for a Better Homeland                              以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

保障员工身心健康             Ensure the physical and mental health of employees

                 员工心理健康管理措施                                                      员工健康管理措施
   Measures for employee mental health management                              Measures for employee health management

   为帮助员工拥有健康和积极的心态,本行开                                 本行为员工开展互助保障工作,为员工投保

   展心灵驿站建设,为职工搭建心理疏导平台;                               了“普通住院”“住院津贴”“重大疾病”“女

   同时,本行积极为员工开展心理健康讲座,                                 工特疾”“在职意外”等险种,为员工缓解

   帮助员工了解压力,正确排解生活中所遇到                                 医疗负担。

   的压力。本行心灵驿站荣获北京金融系统“职                               The Bank provides insurance for employees, including
                                                                          the insurance for general hospitalization, hospitalization
                                                                          subsidy, critical illness, female diseases, and on-the-job
   In order to ensure that employees have a healthy and
                                                                          accidents to ease the medical burden of employees.
   positive attitude, the Bank set up a counseling room,
   serving as a psychological counseling platform, and held
   mental health lectures for employees to better help them
   understand and properly resolve the stress they encounter
   in life. The Bank’s counseling room was honored as a
   model of the Beijing financial system.

聚焦特殊群体          Focusing on disadvantaged groups

重视女性关怀 Emphasizing women’s care



Attaching importance to the protection of the rights and interests of female employees, the Bank provides private and comfortable
places for female employees during lactation period, set up maternal care equipment and facilities, and enhanced access
management to ensure privacy and safety. Refrigerators were installed in order to provide more convenient, caring, and warm-
hearted services to female employees during lactation period. On International Women’s Day, the Bank held themed activities to
create a warm and happy festive atmosphere for female employees.

关爱特殊人群 Caring for disadvantaged groups


For employees with special needs and difficulties (including employees with disabilities, employees under financial distress,
employees affected by mental disorders, the pregnant, the elderly, ethnic minorities, and others), the Bank formulated the “Measures
of Employee Care of Bank of Beijing Labor Union ”, and has been sending presents or condolences to employees at time of marriage,
funeral, illness, childbirth, and retirement to create a warm and harmonious cultural atmosphere.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                                                 2021 年,本行积极践行社会责任,全力助推乡村振兴,参与公益捐赠和赞助,
社会公益                                         开展各类志愿活动,积极参与防疫抗疫,传递有温度、有担当的企业正能量。
Social welfare                                   In 2021, the Bank actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, facilitated rural revitalization,
                                                 participated in public welfare donations and sponsorships, carried out various volunteer activities,
                                                 actively participated in epidemic prevention and control, and passed on the positive energy of a
                                                 warm and responsible enterprise.

                                                                      助力乡村振兴           Facilitating rural revitalization

                                                 2021 年,本行坚决贯彻落实巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果、全面推进乡村振兴的统

                                                 In 2021, the Bank resolutely implemented, consolidated, and expanded poverty alleviation
                                                 efforts, comprehensively promoted rural revitalization, optimized and adjusted financial assistance
                                                 policies, and adhered to the integration of in-village assistance and diversified assistance.

                                                   坚持统筹谋划 Adhering to overall planning

     本行开展“党建引领助脱贫 文明帮
                                                 党建指导意见和北京银行“十四五”时期发展规划,制定 10 项重点工作实
     The Bank launched the poverty               施方案。
     alleviation and poverty relief activities   The Bank established a leading group to facilitate rural revitalization. Rural revitalization has been
     of "leading Party building, helping to      included in the Party building guidelines and the Bank’s Development Plan during the 14th Five-Year
     get rid of poverty, helping to warm the     Plan period, and a total of 10 key work measures were formulated.
     hearts of the people in a civilized way".

                                                   坚持党建引领 Following the guidance of Party building

                                                 The Bank carried out the joint construction of Party organizations, assisted villages in doing a good
                                                 job in the education of Party members and cadres, and standardized the construction of Party
                                                 organizations and the procedures for Party member development.


                                                 化帮扶工作计划,选派驻村第一书记和驻村工作队协助 5 个贫困村如期摘帽,

                                                 The Bank also strengthened its talent support, implemented the “One Enterprise for One Village”
                                                 assistance work plan in Beijing, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Jiangxi, and other areas, dispatched village
                                                 secretaries and village-based work groups to assist 5 impoverished villages get rid of poverty as
                                                 scheduled, and effectively consolidated its poverty alleviation efforts.

                                                                      Together for a Better Homeland                                      以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

  坚持多样帮扶 Adhering to diversified assistance


The Bank implemented a five-in-one (targeted, industrial, consumer, education and public welfare assistance) poverty alleviation model to enhance the
accuracy and effectiveness of financial assistance, and continued to facilitate rural revitalization in poverty-stricken areas.

  定点帮扶                                                                               消费帮扶
 Targeted assistance                                                                     Consumer assistance

帮扶北京、陕西、江西、新疆等地                                                         开展工会卡消费帮扶优惠,通过“直播带货”凝聚更多力量
The Bank did a good job in providing targeted assistance to 12 villages in             参与乡村振兴,采购帮扶产品
Beijing, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Xinjiang, and other areas
                                                                                       Over RMB 10.11 million worth of products were purchased by the Bank. The
                                                                                       Bank provided consumption discounts for Labor Union Card, and gathered
                                                                                       resources to participate in rural revitalization through livestream sales

         个村                                                                                          万元

  产业帮扶                                                                               教育帮扶
 Industrial assistance                                                                   Education assistance

在内蒙古等地乡村地区投资绿色能源项目                                                   建立北京银行优秀乡村教师奖励基金,出资
The Bank invested RMB 1.31 billion in green energy projects in rural areas in          The Bank contributed RMB 10 million to establish the BOB Fund for Outstanding
Inner Mongolia and other areas                                                         Teachers in Rural Areas

             亿元                                                                                       万元

协助棋盘村中蜂养殖项目实现销售收入                                                     “大爱基金”改善乡村教育基础设施,向多地捐建爱心电教
Assisted the Bee Breeding Project of Qipan Village in achieving a sales revenue        室、图书室等
of RMB 1.05 million
                                                                                       Provided donations to construct 20 e-classrooms, libraries, and other facilities to
                                                                                       improve rural education infrastructure through its Charity Foundation

            万元                                                                                个

 Public welfare assistance

向棋盘村捐赠生活生产用品                                                               向旱田村捐赠
The Bank donated RMB 56,000 of household goods to Qipan Village                        Donated RMB 60,000 to Hantian Village for rural revitalization

           万元                                                                             万元

协调宁陕县某公司向棋盘村捐赠                                                           向浙江省淳安县富文乡村道修整、水利修复等项目捐款
Coordinated with a company in Ningshan County to donate RMB 700,000 of                 Donated RMB 200,000 to Fuwen Township, Chun’an County, Zhejiang for
shares and rights to Qipan Village                                                     projects such as road repair and water conservancy

         万股权及权益                                                                          万元

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                      BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021


本行员工荣获“全国脱贫攻坚                  2018 年 4 月          In April 2018

先进个人”称号                              作为首都企业驻疆代表,本行积极响应新疆维吾尔自治区党委“访民情、惠民生、聚
An Employee Won the Title of “National
                                            民心”工作号召,由乌鲁木齐分行派出一支 8 人驻村工作队,前往和田市吉亚乡阿孜
Advanced Individual in Poverty
                                            As a representative of Beijing enterprises in Xinjiang, the Bank actively responded to the call of Xinjiang Uygur
                                            Autonomous Region Party Committee to “understand the people’s sentiments, benefit the people’s livelihood, and warm
                                            the people’s hearts” by dispatching an 8-person village-based work team from its Urumqi Regional Branch to Azinabaza
                                            Village, Jiya Township, Hotan City to engage in poverty alleviation, with Wu Jinbao appointed as its first secretary.

                                            2019 年底         By the end of 2019

                                            2019 年底,该村实现全部脱贫,彻底解决“两不愁”“三保障”的问题。
                                            The village was completely lifted out of poverty, comprehensively achieving the objectives of the “two no worries and three guarantees”.

                                            2020 年底         By the end of 2020

                                            The per capita income of the village exceeded the RMB 10,000 mark for the first time.

                                            2021 年 2 月 25 日             On 25 February 2021

                                            At the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference, Wu Jinbao, an employee of the Bank, was given a
                                            “National Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation” commendation from the CPC Central Committee and State Council.

开展乡村振兴直播                            2021 年 6 月,本行长沙分行携手湖南红网开展“情牵红土地”直播,助力湖南汝城
Rural Revitalization Livestream             沙洲村乡村振兴。本次直播,在新浪、腾讯、百度、湘农荟、红网时刻、LED 户外联
                                            In June 2021, Changsha Regional Branch of the Bank joined hands with Hunan Rednet to launch the “Love
                                            Our Red Land” livestream to support the rural revitalization of Shazhou Village in Hunan. The livestream was
                                            broadcasted on Sina, Tencent, Baidu, Xiang Nong Hui, Red Net Moment, LED Outer Network, and other
                                            platforms, introducing the mountain village to netizens across the country and focusing on recommending
                                            various local agricultural products.

                                            经统计,本次“情牵红土地”汝城站                                            直播带货综合销售
                                            直播累计实现观看总点击量超                                                  With a sales volume of RMB 3.086 million

                                            Statistics show that the “Love Our Red Land”
      “ 情 牵 红 土 地” 汝 城 站 直 播
                                            livestream received a total of 20.5 million views
      “Love Our Red Land” Livestream in                  万人次                                                                         万元


                                            在此次活动中,长沙分行通过“以买代帮”的方式,在汝城集中采购 5000 斤黄金梨,
                                            At the same time, Changsha Regional Branch purchased over 2500 kg of pears from Rucheng, implementing the
                                            “buying instead of helping” method to expand farmer sales and boost high yields.


                                                     Together for a Better Homeland                                    以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

公益捐赠和赞助                Charitable donations and sponsorships


Since its establishment, the Bank has unswervingly engaged in public welfare undertakings in areas such as disaster relief and poverty
alleviation, culture and education, and healthcare and sports, becoming a corporate citizen that progressed and thrived with society.

2021 年,本行积极践行社会责任,热心参与公益事业、捐赠和赞助活动,对外捐款超
In 2021, the Bank actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, enthusiastically participated in public welfare undertakings, donations, and
sponsorship activities, and donated over RMB 98 million.


2021 年部分社会公益捐赠及赞助统计
Social Welfare Donations and Sponsorships in 2021

                     公益目的                                                       项目                                        金额
               Public Welfare Purpose                                              Projects                                     Amount

  支持北京“两区”“三平台”建设                           服贸会、金融街论坛、中关村论坛项目赞助
                                                                                                                             2600 万元
  Support the construction of the “two districts” and    CIFTIS, Financial Street Forum, and Zhongguancun
                                                                                                                           RMB 26 million
  “three platforms” of Beijing                           Forum project sponsorships

  支持首都教育事业发展                                                                                                       390 万元
                                                           Donations to the “Zijin Cup” award fund for outstanding
  Support the development of education in Beijing                                                                          RMB 3.9 million
                                                           teachers in primary and secondary schools of Beijing,
                                                           and the Zijin Cup workstation construction project

  支持乡村教育发展以及乡村教师队伍建设                     励基金”捐赠
                                                                                                                             200 万元
  Support the development of rural education and the       Donated to the “BOB Fund for Teachers in Rural Areas”
                                                                                                                            RMB 2 million
  construction of rural teacher teams                      jointly established with the Beijing Municipal Education

                                                           大爱基金慈善项目                                                  180 万元
  Create a sustainable public welfare platform to
                                                           The Charity Foundation project                                  RMB 1.8 million
  facilitate targeted poverty alleviation

  将党的温暖和组织关怀带到党员群众身边                     开展“共产党员献爱心”活动捐赠
                                                                                                                              87 万元
  Bring the warmth and organizational care of the          Launched the Communist Party Members’ Donation and
                                                                                                                          Over RMB 870,000
  Party to Party members and the masses                    Care project

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告         BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021


驰援河南                              2021 年 8 月,河南省多地遭遇连续强降雨,人民财产安全损失严重,灾情深深
捐赠物资                              牵动着全国人民的心。本行南通分行党支部组织发起《关于向河南灾区献爱心的
Donating Materials to Help Henan
                                      雨同舟,共渡难关。党员干部带头捐款,并将捐款购买的 35 箱赈灾生活必需品
                                      In August 2021, many areas in Henan Province suffered continuous heavy rainfall, causing serious losses
                                      to the people. The disaster did tug at the heartstrings of people throughout the country. The Party Branch
                                      of Nantong Regional Branch released the “Proposal on Sending Love to Affected Areas in Henan”,
                                      which called on all Party members, cadres, and employees to lend a helping hand in flood control and
                                      disaster relief in Henan, and stand together with the people in affected areas to overcome difficulties.
                                      Party members and cadres took the lead in contributing donations, and transported 35 boxes of disaster
                                      relief necessities purchased by donations to the affected areas of Henan. They also brought with them the
                                      concern of the Bank, reflecting the original mission of the Bank and the social responsibility of financial
                                      enterprises through practical actions.

“京华助学计划”持续资助              2021 年 10 月,本行上海分行党委与上海韩哲一教育扶贫基金会、潍坊新村街道
所在街道困难学生                      办事处联合举办了“京华助学计划”2021 年度助学金发放仪式。“京华助学计划”
The “Jinghua Student Aid Program”
                                      起源于 2015 年本行上海分行第四党支部的助学行动,于 2017 年正式设立。
Continues to Subsidize Students
                                      In October 2021, the Party Committee of the Bank’s Shanghai Regional Branch, the Shanghai Han Zheyi’s
Experiencing Difficulties
                                      Education Foundation, and the Weifang Xincun Subdistrict Office jointly held the 2021 grant issuance
                                      ceremony of the “Jinghua Student Aid Program”. Originating from the student aid action of the Bank’s 4th
                                      Shanghai Party Branch in 2015, the “Jinghua Student Aid Program” was officially established in 2017.

                                      两期募集资金总额达到                                        已经发放
                                      The total amount of funds raised over two phases            RMB 160,000 has been distributed so far
                                      were RMB 234,000

                                                   万元                                                   万元

     “京华助学计划”2021 年度
     助学金发放仪式。                 党在真真切切地帮助他们。目前,年龄最大的受助学生已经读大学四年级,将于

     Jinghua Student Aid Program      2022 年六月毕业。她承诺,如果顺利找到工作,将把第一个月工资的一部分拿出
     Granting Ceremony in 2021        来捐给“京华助学计划”,将爱心传递下去。
                                      In addition to supporting students in financial stress through the “Jinghua Student Aid Program”, the
                                      Regional Branch Party Committee also arranged for Party members and volunteers to pair up with students
                                      for one-on-one guidance on life and values, show them the warmth of society, care for them, encourage
                                      them, and show them that the Communist Party is there to support them. At present, the oldest recipient is
                                      in her fourth year of college and will graduate in June 2022. She promised that, once found a job, she
                                      will donate a portion of her first month’s salary to the “Jinghua Student Aid Program” to benefit others in
                                      the same way the program has benefited her.

                                                 Together for a Better Homeland                                     以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

志愿者服务活动              Volunteer service activities

本行志愿者服务队自 2014 年成立以来,积极践行社会责任,号召全行青年参与社会公益。
Since its establishment in 2014, the volunteer service team of the Bank has actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and called on its
youthful employees to participate in social welfare activities.

               The Bank’s volunteer service team carries the spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual aid, and progress”

               With the slogan of "beautiful beijing travel, dedication with me"

Engaging in community financial services, large-scale competition services, environmental protection advocacy, urban operations and
maintenance, and other volunteer activities.


   At present, the Bank has successfully established volunteer service teams in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Xi’an, Shenzhen,
   Hangzhou, Changsha, Nanjing, Jinan, Nanchang, Shijiazhuang, Urumqi, Qingdao, and other regions to carry out volunteer
   service activities throughout the country.

截至 2021 年末,本行已正式成立                       志愿者达                                         志愿活动时长超过
具有统一的旗帜、标识和规章管理                       More than 2,000 volunteers                       Engaging in over 2,700 hours of volunteer
As of the end of 2021, the Bank has formally
established 17 volunteer service teams with
unified banners, signs, rules, and regulations

          家                                                          余人                                             小时

  The Bank actively practiced the core socialist values and benefited the society.

          疫情防控                                                                      垃圾分类
          Epidemic prevention and control                                               Garbage sorting

          礼让斑马线                                                                    线上金融讲座
          Pedestrian-first at crosswalk                                                 Online financial lectures

          关爱弱势群体                                                                  资助贫困地区学生
          Caring for disadvantaged groups                                               Subsidizing students in impoverished areas

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告            BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021


开展无偿献血                       2021 年 8 月,本行宁波分行团支部在分行党总支的领导与支持下,积极响应当地金
志愿者活动                         融团工委号召,组织分行团员青年赴当地无偿献血点开展“致敬建党百年,青春热血
Carrying Out Volunteer
Blood Donation
                                   In August 2021, under the leadership and support of the Bank’s Ningbo General Party Branch, the Youth
                                   League Ningbo Branch actively responded to the call of the local Finance Youth League Working Committee,
                                   organizing its members to local blood donation sites to donate blood in tribute of the 100th Anniversary
                                   of the Founding of the CPC. Following the instructions of doctors, the Youth League volunteers went through
                                   procedures of filling of forms, registration, physical examination, blood testing, and blood collection in an
                                   orderly manner and in strict accordance with epidemic prevention requirements and operation procedures,
                                   and provided a fresh source of blood to society. The Regional Branch did a good job in logistics service
                                   support, providing milk and bread for the Youth League volunteers to supplement nutrition after the donation.
                                   The smooth progress of this activity fully demonstrated the volunteer spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual
                                   aid, and progress, and further reflected the intent of the Bank’s Ningbo Regional Branch to fulfill its social

Volunteer Blood Donation

开展社区志愿                       2021 年 11 月,为深入推进党史学习教育“我为群众办实事”实践活动,本行南昌县
服务活动                           支行党支部与南昌县莲安南路社区党委共同开展“我为群众办实事”主题党日活动,
Carrying Out Community Volunteer
Service Activities
                                   In November 2021, in order to further promote the “activities to benefit the people” and Party history learning and
                                   education activities, the Bank’s Party Branch of Nanchang County Branch and the Party Committee of Nanchang
                                   County Lian’an South Road Community jointly launched the “activities to benefit the people” themed Party
                                   activity. All Party members actively participated in “courtyard cleaning”, helping the people organize community
                                   goods, clean up accumulated waste, pick up cigarette butts and leaves. A volunteer patrol team was also jointly
                                   established with community cadres to spread knowledge of epidemic prevention and control. The activity received
                                   high praise from community residents, and served to enhance the close connection between the Party Branch and
                                   Community Party Committee, while also improving the brand image of Bank of Beijing.

                                                       Together for a Better Homeland                                              以进固稳 共创美好生活家园

防疫抗疫          Epidemic prevention and control

                                                                                                  Huo Xuewen, Secretary of Bank of Beijing Committee
                                                                                                  of the CPC and Chairman of Bank of Beijing, is doing
                                                                                                  epidemic prevention in a blue hazmat suit in the
                                                                                                  community as a volunteer.

We helped hospitals fight the epidemic


工 2 小时内到岗办理,保障资金安全,协助医保局、卫健委准确、及时将款项下拨至医疗机构,满足医院

The Bank kept close contact with Beijing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Beijing Municipal Health Commission, Beijing Hospitals Authority
and hospitals at all levels. In case of emergency anti-epidemic expenditures, our employees will be on duty within two hours to ensure fund safety
and assist the Medical Insurance Bureau and Health Commission with accurate and timely disbursement of funds to medical institutions.



We also provided medical institutions and epidemic prevention and control institutions with services including emergency withdrawals,
fund advances, real-time transfers and onsite services. In particular, we equipped designated hospitals in Beijing with equipment needed
for covid test, and provided 24/7 door-to-door services, taking multiple measures to facilitate Beijing’s anti-epidemic efforts.

We strictly implemented the epidemic prevention and control standards in business units

严格落实疫情防控常态化要求,提高办公场所及营业网点消杀频次,严格落实扫码测温、一米线等候、48 小时核酸检测等各
As epidemic prevention and control became routine, we increased the frequency of disinfection at our premises, and rigorously adopted epidemic prevention approaches

such as scanning health code and measuring body temperature, keeping one-meter distance in queue and, in some cases, requiring 48-hour covid test results.

We enhanced daily monitoring of employees’ health, managed their travels, and kept tabs on those under quarantine.

Through enhanced publicity and guidance, we ensured that our employees were well aware of the epidemic prevention and control measures.

Meanwhile, we pressed ahead with centralized procurement and distribution of anti-epidemic supplies.

We also strengthened management over the behavior of cadres and employees, requiring everyone to observe disciplines.


2021 年,本行持续加强可持续治理,坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理
In 2021, the Bank continued to strengthen sustainable governance and made unremitting efforts to implement the new development concepts

of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing. In addition to clarifying its sustainable development strategy, governance structure,

and responsibility management system, the Bank also established effective accountability systems at all levels, strengthened compliance,

internal control, and a clean corporate culture, and strictly implemented sustainable risk management. These initiatives fully responded to

the SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) , SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) of the United Nations Sustainable

Development Goals, and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals)
目标 9 产业、创新和基础设施

Goal 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

目标 16 和平、正义与强大机构

Goal 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

目标 17 促进目标实现的伙伴关系

Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告   BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

战略规划                                           战略愿景        Strategic vision

Strategic planning              牢固树立“一个银行、一体数据、一体平台”的理念。
                                Adhering to the concept of “One Bank, One Data, One Platform”.


                                        一个银行                          一体数据                             一体平台
                                          One Bank                          One Data                           One Platform

                                运用清单化管理(List-based Management)、项目化推进(Project-based
                                Implementation)、责任化落实(Responsibility Assignment)、矩阵式管

                                控(Matrix Management)的“LPRM 精益工作法”,以数字化转型统领发


                                Bank of Beijing adopts the “LPRM Way of Working”, namely the task-list-based project
                                management methodology with a clear responsibility assignment matrix, and drives “five
                                transformations” in development mode, business structure, customer structure, operation capacity
                                and management style with digital transformation as the core engine, with an aim to take a
                                leading position among its peers as a more digitalized Bank of Beijing.


                                       管理方式                                                                业务结构
                                        Management                                                                Business
                                                                   数字化转型统领                                 structure

                                                                   Digital transformation leads
                                                                    transformation in the five

                                                     营运能力                                     客户结构
                                                       Operation                                   Customer
                                                       capacity                                    structure

                                                             Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                                  以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

                    战略方向         Strategy direction



色金融推动 ESG 发展的“生态银行”,以文化重塑激发内生动能、以文化金融服务文创企业的“文化银行”。
The Bank builds itself in five directions: a “high-tech bank” enabling business agility with technology and supporting leading SMEs specialized in niche
sectors with fin-tech services, a “digital bank” facilitating intelligent decision-making and reshaping customer journey with big data, a “DCEP bank” adept in
providing scene-based e-CNY services, an “ecosystem bank” based on a comprehensive financial service ecosystem and outstanding ESG performance, and
a “cultural bank” supporting cultural and creative enterprises with cultural finance services.

                       科技银行                                            数字银行                                        数币银行
                      High-Tech Bank                                        Digital Bank                                    DCEP Bank

                                                 生态银行                                          文化银行
                                               Ecosystem Bank                                      Cultural Bank

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                           BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                   战略路径 Strategy path

重点打造“GBIC2”组合金融(Government, Banking, Investment Banking, Company & Consumer),形成政府服务、

The Bank focuses on building the “GBIC2” comprehensive financial solutions to coordinate government services, commercial banking, investment banking,
and company and consumer services.

The Bank works on building five systems

                        A financial ecosystem for listed companies and companies to be listed.

                        A new retail system based on customer experience improvement and value creation.

                        A wealth and asset management system providing value-added services.


                        A smart risk management system supported by big data and covering all business units, assets, risks, process and personnel.

                        An integrated, intelligent and scene-based data governance system with a unified data base.

To build unique advantages and outstanding service brands of Bank of Beijing.

                                                               Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                                                     以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

                         战略保障       Supporting mechanisms

Bank of Beijing establishes five mechanisms in strategy unification, coordination, agile operation, innovation and management and support to guarantee
effective implementation of the strategy.

                                                                Digital Bank of Beijing

                                                                      一个银行 一体数据 一体平台
                                                                    数字化转型成效达到同业领先水平                                                                    发展目标
                                                                             One Bank One Data One Platform                                                         Development goal
                                                                   To take the lead among peers in digital transformation
                               清单化管理                       项目化推进                                 责任化落实                           矩阵式管控            工作方法
     Strategic vision
                            List-based Management         Project-based Implementation                 Responsibility Assignment              Matrix management      Way of working

                              发展模式                业务结构                         客户结构                        营运能力                    管理方式            五大转型
                            Development mode         Business structure              Customer structure             Operation capacity           Management style   Five transformations

    战略方向                  科技银行                数字银行                         数币银行                       生态银行                    文化银行             五大银行
                             High-tech Bank            Digital Bank                     DCEP Bank                    Ecosystem Bank               Cultural Bank       Five directions
    Strategy direction                                                                                                                                                  of the Bank

                              政府服务                     商行服务                            投行服务                            公司服务 & 消费者服务
                               Government                    Banking                        Investment banking                        Company & Consumer
                             全生态服务             新零售战略                      财富管理                            智能化全面                  数据治理
      Strategy path
                                                                                                                      风险管理体系                和应用体系           五大体系
                                 体系                   体系                    和资产管理体系
                                                                                                                   Smart and comprehensive        Data governance      Five systems
                            Financial ecosystem       New retail              Wealth & asset management
                                                                                                                      risk management             and application

    战略保障                战略统筹机制            协同联动机制                  敏捷运作机制                   创新突破机制                 管理保障机制             五大机制
                            Strategy unification      Coordination                   Agile operation                  Innovation             Management & support    Five mechanisms
 Supporting mechanisms

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告        BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021


Governance structure            Based on the “Company Law ”, “Commercial Bank Law ”, “Corporate Governance Standards for
                                Banking or Insurance Institutions ” and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as rules from
                                regulators, the Bank established a modern corporate governance structure of “the Shareholders’
                                General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and Senior Management”.

                                          股东大会为最高权力机构                                     董事会为决策机构
                                          The Shareholders’ General Meeting is the supreme          The Board of Directors is the decision-making body
                                          organ of the authority

                                          监事会为监督机构                                           高级管理层为执行机构
                                          The Board of Supervisors is the supervisory body           The Senior Management is the executive body






                                There are six special committees under the Board of Directors, namely, Strategy Committee, Related-party
                                Transaction Committee, Risk Management Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and
                                Remuneration Committee. , Two special committees under the Board of Supervisors, namely Nomination
                                Committee and Supervision Committee. In accordance with the Bank’s “Articles of Association”, the
                                Board of Directors regularly evaluates and improves corporate governance, safeguards the legitimate
                                rights and interests of financial consumers and other stakeholders, and reviews the Bank’s “Social
                                Responsibility Report”. In accordance with regulatory policy requirements, changes in market conditions,
                                customer service demands, and technological development trends, Bank of Beijing has continued to
                                dynamically optimize the departmental structure of its Head Office, and has gradually formed a head
                                office organizational structure with scientific division of labor, efficient coordination, and rational rights
                                and responsibilities.

责任管理                        根据《全球报告倡议组织》(GRI)准则、联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)、国
                                际标准化组织《社会责任指南(ISO 26000)》以及银保监会《关于加强银行业
Responsibility                  金融机构社会责任的意见》(银监办发〔2007〕252 号)《银行保险机构公司治
management                      理准则》(银保监发〔2021〕14 号)等国内外监管规则及标准中对企业披露环境、


                                相关方的评估和决策有实质性影响的环境、社会和治理相关重大关键性 ESG 议题。
                                In accordance with the stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context, materiality, and completeness
                                principles of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, the 17 United Nations SDGs, the ISO
                                Guidance on Social Responsibility (ISO 26000), and other standards for enterprise environmental,
                                social, and governance (ESG) disclosure, through research and interviews, Bank of Beijing identified
                                key ESG issues with a material impact on the evaluation and decision-making of various external and
                                internal stakeholders.

                                                       Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                               以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

          Strategy Committee
                                                          The Shareholders'
                                                           General Meeting
                                                          (Highest Authority)

         Nomination Committee

                                                                                                                                Nomination Committee

        Remuneration Committee

                                                             董事会                                 监事会
                                                          (决策机构)                            (监督机构)
                                                              Board of                               Board of
                                                             Directors                              Supervisors
                                                       (Decision-making body)                    (Supervisory body)

            Audit Committee

                                                                                                                                Supervision Committee

      Risk Management Committee


                                                          (Executive body)
  Related Party Transactions Committee
                                                                                         Corporate Governance Framework of Bank of Beijing

此外,北京银行还建立了多元畅通的沟通渠道,对这些重大关键性 ESG 议题进行分析和回应。
The Bank of Beijing has also established diverse and smooth communication channels to analyze and respond to these material ESG issues

                    一方面                                   使利益相关方了解北京银行如何践行环境、社会和治理(ESG)理念。
              On one hand                                    Stakeholders can better understand how Bank of Beijing implements its ESG

                 另一方面                                    通过总行专业部室和总分联动的机制,将利益相关方关切的重要 ESG 议题
       On the other hand                                     纳入本行的整体发展战略、年度发展计划以及日常运营活动之中。
                                                             Through coordination between the head office and regional branches, ESG concerns of
                                                             stakeholders can be incorporated into the Bank’s overall development strategy, annual
                                                             development plan, and day-to-day operations.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                 BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

利益相关方的 ESG 诉求与本行回应
ESG Demands of Stakeholders and Corresponding Response Measures of the Bank

                                       响应国家产业政策                       合规经营,公平竞争                              充分了解
                                          服务转型发展                     Compliant operation and fair                   公司的经营状况
                                 Responding to national industrial                  competition                  Fully understand the Bank’s operating
                                     policies, serving industry                                                               conditions
                                 transformation and development
                                                                               维护金融体系稳定                       保持公司价值的成长性
     重大关键性 ESG 议题                                               Prevent risks and maintain stability of          与投资回报的持续性
                                    Paying attention to people’s               the financial system             Maintain the growth of value and the
     Material ESG Issues
                                            livelihoods                                                           sustainability of investment returns

     Stakeholder                              政府                                 监管机构                                   投资者
                                          Government                               Regulatory                                  Investor

                                坚持金融服务实体经济,支持                 构建完善的公司治理体系                不断提升经营业绩,持续进行现
                                小微企业、科技、文化创意产                 Construct a sound corporate
                                              业发展                            governance system                   Continuously improve operating

                                  Adhere to financial services for                                                   performance and continue to
                                 the real economy, and support the                                                     distribute cash dividends
     本行回应措施                 development of small and micro                                                 加强信息披露建设,保持与投资
                                                                         Improve compliance and internal
     Response Measures of       enterprises in technology, cultural,                                                        者的良好沟通
                                                                                  control systems
     the Bank                          and creative sectors
                                                                                                                    Improve information disclosure
                                积极创造就业机会,促进企业与                                                        measures and maintain strong
                                                                          Implement comprehensive risk
                                          社会和谐发展                                                               communication with investors
                                    Actively create employment
                                  opportunities and facilitate the
                                    harmonious development of
                                      enterprises and society

                                                            Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                                 以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

     优质的金融产品和服务                     良好的职业发展规划                     便捷的金融可获得性                           支持低碳节能
 High-quality financial products and               与成长机会                   Convenient financial accessibility          Support low-carbon energy
              services                  Positive career development planning                                                        conservation
                                             and growth opportunities
         良好的经营环境                                                           Positive community relations                    实现环境友好
   Positive business environment               完善的薪酬与权益                                                           Realize environmentally friendly
                                                    保障体系                                                                         operations

                                        Refined salary and rights protection

              客户                                    员工                                   公众                                      环境
            Customer                               Employee                               The Public                              Environment

 推动产品创新 , 保持资费透明 ,                实施规范的劳动合同               持续开展金融普及与公益慈善                      加大绿色信贷投放
          满足客户需求                     Implement standardized labor                       活动                        Expand green credit investment
 Drive product innovation, maintain                  contracts                   Continue to carry out financial
fee transparency, and meet customer                                            popularization and charity activities
                                              完善的员工福利制度                                                         Create innovative green financial
                                          Refined employee benefit system            维护良好的公众关系                        products and services
        提高科技水平,                                                           Maintain good public relations
                                        总分支三级培训体系,满足员工                                                         持续推广电子银行业务
       保证客户信息安全                          多元化培训需求                                                        Further drive the e-banking business
Improve technical level to ensure the
                                          Implement a three-level training
     security of customer data
                                          system for Head Office, regional
                                        branches, and branches to meet the
                                                                                                                         Adhere to green office concepts and
                                        diverse training needs of employees
                                                                                                                       apply the concept of energy conservation
                                                                                                                            and environmental protection
                                                                                                                          throughout day-to-day operations

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告          BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

商业道德                                                     合规内控 Compliance and internal control

Corporate ethics
                                       Improved compliance policy systems and consolidated compliance risk management

                                           We completed its first round of re-inspection of compliance system documents

                                         按照重检方案,完成全行 961 个合规体系文件重检工作,并做好制度重
                                         In accordance with its re-inspection plan, we completed the re-inspection of 961 compliance system
                                         documents, and optimized the efficiency of the system in accordance with the re-inspection conclusions.

                                           We did a good job in staying up-to-date with new regulations

                                         We collected, interpreted and publicized laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements in a timely
                                         manner, and required departments of the Head Office to revise system documents in accordance with
                                         new regulations to ensure that internal policies were in line with regulatory requirements.

                                           We adhered to the compliance audit of system documents of its Head Office
                                         2021 年全行共出台合规体系文件 180 件,提出合规完善建议 4700 余项。
In accordance with its re-inspection
plan, we completed the re-inspection
of 961 compliance system documents       效提高规章制度的合规性和针对性。
                                         In 2021, we issued a total of 180 compliance system documents, and put forward more than 4,700
                     个                  compliance improvement suggestions. Through the compliance review of system documents, the rigid
                                         constraints of the rules and policies on business expansion were ensured, and the compliance and
                                         pertinence of rules and regulations were effectively improved.

2021 年,全行共出台合规
                                       Carried out the “Year of Internal Control and Compliance Management
                                       Construction” campaign to foster a culture of sound and prudent operation
In 2021, we issued a total of 180
compliance system documents            根据《北京银保监局转发中国银保监会关于开展银行业保险业“内控合规管

                                       理建设年”活动文件的通知》(京银保监发〔2021〕251 号)要求,本行组


提出合规完善建议                       In accordance with the requirements of the “Notice of the Beijing Office of the CBIRC on Forwarding the

We put forward more than 4,700         CBIRC’s Document on Launching the ‘Year of Internal Control and Compliance Management Construction’
compliance improvement suggestions     in the Banking and Insurance Industry” , we organized the “Year of Internal Control and Compliance
                                       Management Construction” campaign. On the basis of in-depth self-reflection and self-rectification, we took
                                       the lead in organizing joint on-site inspections, and designated managers and key employees to conduct on-
                                       site inspections of departments of the Head Office and regional branches.

                                                                  Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                                             以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

Continued to strengthen accountability mechanisms and improve deterrence

完成问责制度修订工作                                                                             组织开展国资委违规投资责任追究自查工作
We completed the revision of its accountability policies                                         We organized and carried out self-inspection and accountability
                                                                                                 work on illegal investment as required by the SASAC
根据总行各部门及各分行修订建议,结合北京市国资委                                                 根据北京市国资委《关于做好 2021 年市管企业违规经营投
相关规定,修订完成《北京银行问责制度》,构建本行                                                 资责任追究工作有关事项的通知》(京国资办发〔2021〕4
内容协调、流程清晰、配套完备、有效管用的责任追究                                                 号)要求,对本行及投资机构违规经营投资责任追究工作
制度体系。                                                                                       体系建设情况进行了自查梳理,要求各机构对照自查工作
In accordance with the revision suggestions of various Head Office departments                   内容查漏补缺,确保各项工作落到实处,发挥实效。
and regional branches, and in consideration of the relevant regulations of the
                                                                                                 In accordance with the requirements of the “Notice on Carrying Out
State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of
                                                                                                 Accountability Investigation of Enterprises Governed by Beijing Municipal
People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, we completed the revision of its
                                                                                                 Government for Illegal Operation and Investment in 2021” published by the
accountability policies with coordinated content, clear procedures, complete
                                                                                                 SASAC of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, the Bank and its
supporting facilities, and effective use.
                                                                                                 subsidiaries and affiliates conducted a self-inspection on the construction of
                                                                                                 their accountability system for illegal operations and investment, requiring all
                                                                                                 subsidiaries and affiliates to identify and fill in gaps according to the content of
                                                                                                 the self-inspection work to ensure implementation and effectiveness.

Focus on compliance education and raise awareness of legal compliance

We compiled a compliance manual

Carried out self-assessment and self-rectification, gradually formed a compliant corporate culture that “does not, dares not, and desires not to violate regulations” across
the entire Bank, and made every effort to drive sustainable and stable development.

We published a monthly compliance journal

Further specified compliance and operational risk management requirements, reshaped its compliance culture, and ensured compliant operations and steady development.

We carried out compliance education in various forms

Organized the operational risk and compliance risk management personnel of its Head Office and regional branches to participate in special seminars on the compliance management
of commercial banks to further improve the risk prevention and resolution capabilities of risk management personnel under a comprehensive risk management framework.

We strengthened the awareness of compliant operations

We used the “Year of Internal Control and Compliance Management Construction” and clean finance activities as opportunities to organize employees to participate in
the online quizzes of internal control and compliance knowledge, cultivate a compliance ecosystem, and strengthen the awareness of compliant operations.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                        廉洁文化 Culture of integrity

Strengthened political supervision and tightened supervision in discipline enforcement and accountability

     建立健全联合监督执纪、线索                                    聚焦信贷管理、不良资产处置、                                不断加大反洗钱考核管理力度,
     联合排查等机制,一体推进主                                    集中采购、财务费用管理、员                                  开展反洗钱现场及非现场检查,
     体责任和监督责任同向发力。                                    工行为等关键领域,严肃查处                                  持续督导客户身份信息治理、
     开展行内巡察,进一步发挥巡                                    以贷谋私、利益输送、违规操作、                              高风险客户和高风险业务管控
     察利剑和震慑作用。聚焦重要                                    违规经商办企业等问题,加大                                  等重点领域的洗钱风险管理工
     时间节点,坚持节日提醒、约                                    执纪问责力度,对违纪违法行                                  作,查缺补漏,持续夯实本行
     谈和检查制度,严防“四风”                                    为“零容忍”。                                              反洗钱工作基础。
                                                                   We focused on key areas such as credit                      We c o n t i n u o u s l y s t r e n g t h e n e d i t s
                                                                   management, nonperforming asset resolution,                 evaluation and management of anti-
     We established and improved mechanisms
                                                                   centralized procurement, financial expense                  money laundering (AML) measures,
     for joint supervision, discipline enforcement,
                                                                   management, and employee behavior and                       carried out on-site and off-site AML
     and investigation of clues to primary and
                                                                   seriously investigate and deal with issues                  inspections, continued to supervise the
     supervision responsibilities in an integrated
                                                                   such as the taking of loans for personal gain,              management of money laundering risk
     manner; carried out internal inspections to
                                                                   transfer of interests, operations in violation of           in key areas such as customer identity
     further deterrence and discipline; and focused
                                                                   regulations, and business activities in violation           data governance and high-risk customer
     on key time points, adhered to the holiday
                                                                   of regulations. It also increased discipline                and business management and control,
     reminder, interview, and inspection policy, and
                                                                   and accountability and executed a zero-                     identified and made up for deficiencies,
     strictly prevented the reoccurrence of formalism,
                                                                   tolerance policy towards violations of laws                 and continued to consolidate the
     bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance.
                                                                   and regulations.                                            foundation of its AML work.

Improved system construction and strengthened risk management

 We have established a Money Laundering Risk Management Committee under senior management to comprehensively lead the money laundering risk management work,
 continued to standardize the division of responsibilities at all levels such as the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, senior management, leading AML departments,
 business departments, and business units, and continued to optimize its AML management mechanism.

 2021 年根据反洗钱法律法规变化及本行工作实际情况,修订更新了涉及洗钱和恐怖融资风险自评估、恐怖活动客户资
 In addition, we have established a relatively complete internal control policy system that covers customer identification, customer identification data and transaction
 record keeping, large-volume and suspicious transaction reporting, and other aspects. In 2021, based on the changes in AML laws and regulations, along with its actual
 conditions, we revised and updated the internal control policies for money laundering and terrorist financing self-assessment, customer asset freezing involving in terrorist
 activities, training and publicity, and other areas, and continuously improved its AML policy system.

                                                   Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                                   以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

深入开展警示教育                       本行制定清廉金融文化三年工作规划及年度重点任务,将清廉金融文化建设融入公司
推进廉洁文化建设                       治理、融入风险防控、融入合规管理、融入全面从严治党,涵养全行清廉金融文化良
In-depth warning education
and construction of a clean
                                       We have formulated a three-year work plan for building a clean corporate culture and other key annual
corporate culture
                                       tasks, and integrated the construction of a clean finance culture into corporate governance, risk prevention
                                       and control, compliance management, and comprehensive and strict party governance to foster a strong
                                       atmosphere for clean finance.


                                       At the same time, we used negative case studies to guide special training and rectification, and did a good
                                       job in driving rectification and governance through case studies. Making full use of its warning education
                                       center, we provided comprehensive education to strengthen warning mechanisms.


                                       教育,2021 年累计开展 2 万余人次的、覆盖多层级的反洗钱业务知识培训,在全行


2021 年累计开展 2 万余人               宣传活动,充分利用线下网点、社区,线上门户网站、微信公众号等多种方式和渠道

次的、覆盖多层级的反洗                 开展宣传,在行内组织开展反洗钱征文活动及反洗钱知识答题测试活动,持续营造反
钱业务知识培训                         洗钱工作良好氛围。
In 2021, we carried out a total of     We also actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and continued to carry out AML publicity and education for
20,000 instances of AML business       all employees, customers, and the general public. In 2021, we carried out a total of 20,000 instances of AML
knowledge training covering multiple
                                       business knowledge training covering multiple levels, actively organized and carried out illegal fundraising
                                       publicity month and AML publicity activities with a focus on “preventing money laundering crimes and

                          余人次       maintaining financial security”, made full use of offline outlets, communities, online portals, WeChat official
                                       platform, and other methods and channels to carry out publicity, organize AML article writing activities and AML
                                       knowledge quizzes throughout the industry, and continued to create a strong atmosphere for AML work.

AML Publicity at a branch of Bank of

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                                  BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

Sustainable risk management

                    强化“两高一剩”行业环保准入要求                                                                        做好客户环境风险分类管理
                                严格落实环境风险审核                                                                            持续强化动态风险监控
     Strengthened environmental protection access requirements for “energy-intensive, high emission,      Carrying out categorized management of customer environmental risks and further
         and overcapacity” industries and strict implementation of environment risk assessments                                strengthening dynamic risk monitoring

     在贷前准入和调查环节,2021 年,本行依据《北京银                                                    在贷中审查和贷后检查环节,本行会通过定期或不定
     行 2021 年 授 信 业 务 指 导 意 见》( 京 银 风 发〔2021〕                                         期风险提示、现场非现场检查等方式,针对宏观、系
     164 号)和《北京银行 2021 年授信业务补充指导意见》
     ( 京 银 风 发〔2021〕435 号), 将 环 境 风 险、 社 会 风
                                                                                                        In the process of in-loan review and post-loan inspection, we
     一票否决”要求,坚决限制或退出涉及淘汰落后产能、                                                   increased early warning and inspection efforts for general and
     环保不达标的企业。                                                                                 systemic risks through regular and intermittent risk notifications, on-

     In terms of pre-loan access and investigations, in 2021, we followed the                           site and off-site inspections, and other measures to identify potential
     “Guidance Opinions on Credit Granting Business of Bank of Beijing in                              problematic customers and continuously strengthen dynamic risk
     2021” and the “Supplementary Guidance on Credit Granting Business                                management and control.
     of Bank of Beijing in 2021” to incorporate environment, social, and
     safe production requirements into its entire credit granting process,                              同时,针对已存在重大环境和社会风险的客户,本行
     resolutely implemented the one-vote veto system for environmental
     protection, and restricted or withdrew from enterprises involved in
     outdated production capacity and environmental protection standards                                信息,并按“黑名单”标准处理相应业务。
     targeted for elimination.
                                                                                                        For customers with major environmental and social risk, the Bank
                                                                                                        regularly obtains specific information on such risks through public
                                                                                                        information inquiries and other methods, and handles such enterprises
     政策影响、项目的环保风险,在授信审批中严格按照                                                     in accordance with its “blacklist” standard.
     In its due diligence reports, we have clearly understood industry
     risks, the impact of environmental protection policies, and the                                    本行通过排查识别风险底数,对潜在风险客户进行名
     environmental protection risks of projects. In its credit approval
     process, we strictly followed the environmental protection indicators
                                                                                                        For key environmental risk management areas such as “energy-
     of the custom access standards of its credit policies.
                                                                                                        intensive, high emission, and overcapacity” industries, the Bank
                                                                                                        conducts list-based management of potential risk customers through
                                                                                                        investigation and identification of risk bases.

     For “energy-intensive, high emission, and overcapacity” industries
     such as iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, coal, construction
     materials, chemicals, and textiles, access standards have been
     formulated in strict accordance with national requirements.

                                                          Building a Green and Low-carbon Bank                                       以锚定向 共建绿色低碳银行

                               积极参与                                                                         风险防控
                        气候风险压力测试                                                                     技术持续升级
                        Active participation in climate                                             Continued upgrade of risk prevention and
                              risk stress testing                                                             control technologies

2021 年 9 月至 11 月,按照中国人民银行统一部署和                               在增强智能化审批能力方面,完成财务预警系统功能

安排,本行参与了气候风险敏感性压力测试工作,并                                 开发,上线疑似关联关系识别项目,有效防控“化整

最终提交压力测试报告。重点评估银行在实现“碳达                                 为零绕权限”情形。

峰、碳中和”目标过程中,应对转型风险的能力,考                                 In terms of enhancing smart approval capacity, the Bank has
                                                                               completed the development of a financial early warning system,
                                                                               launched a project to identify suspected associations, and effectively
贷资产质量和资本充足率水平的影响。                                             prevented breakdown of credit applications to avoid restrictions.
From September to November 2021, in accordance with the unified
deployment and organization of the People’s Bank of China, we                 在增强自动化预警能力方面,推进全面风险预警管理
participated in climate risk sensitivity stress testing and submitted its      平台开发工作,打造 PC 端、APP 端双渠道的平台。
stress test report. We focused on assessing its ability to cope with           In terms of enhancing the ability of automated early warnings, the
transition risks in the process of achieving the dual carbon goals, and        Bank drove the development of a comprehensive risk early warning
examining the impact of rising carbon emissions costs in high-carbon           management platform, and created a dual-channel platform covering
industries on the quality of credit assets and capital adequacy ratios         both PC and mobile APP.
held by the Bank in high-carbon industries.



                                                                               化信用风险模型管理流程;启动非零售 PD 模型及组



                                                                               G14 报表自动化生成。
                                                                               In terms of enhancing the application efficiency of risk data, the Bank furthered
                                                                               the fifth phase of its risk control command center construction project, and
                                                                               completed the display connection of its comprehensive risk early warning
                                                                               platform with Tianyan big data; completed the launch of the second phase of its
                                                                               model laboratory model monitoring function, and optimized its credit risk model
                                                                               management process; began a non-retail PD model and portfolio management
                                                                               optimization project, while furthering the iterative update of key models; and
                                                                               launched the first phase of its large risk exposure system to realize full data
                                                                               access and the automatic generation of G14 reports.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

ESG Development Outlook

展望 2022 年,宏观经济形势更趋复杂严峻,新冠肺炎疫情仍在持续蔓延,地缘政治冲突进一步改









Looking ahead to 2022, the increasingly complicated macro economy, lingering impact of the epidemic, geopolitical conflicts, as well as
the domestic "triple pressures" from shrinking domestic demand, supply shock and weakening expectations require banks to move forward
in an environment full of instabilities and challenges. Yet we also see more opportunities merging from the confidence of our country to face
up to the storms, from the unchanged direction of high-quality economic development, from the blueprint of achieving the "dual carbon"
goals, and from the momentum of every individual in the era of striving for common prosperity for all.
Guided by the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Bank of Beijing will resolutely implement the “14th
Five-Year Plan” related strategies and decisions of the State and the Beijing Municipal Government. Upholding the underlying principle of
pursuing progress while ensuring stability, we will stay committed to full and strict governance over the Party, over the Bank and over risks
to consolidate the cornerstone of development. We will carry forward the transformation in the five major areas empowered by digital
transformation, and move faster to build a high-quality, sustainable and green development pattern with unique features, quality structure,
refined management, advanced technology, prudent risk control and sustainable growth. We will be more passionate in the pursuit of
strategic transformation, and embark on a new journey of high quality development.

                               We move faster to build a high-quality, sustainable and green development pattern

             特色鲜明                                            结构优质                                             管理精细
           Unique features                                     Quality structure                                   Refined management

             技术领先                                            风控稳健                                             持续增长
        Advanced technology                                   Prudent risk control                                 Sustainable growth

Key ESG Performance   关键 ESG 绩效

                 北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                     BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                                                          为进一步促进银行业金融机构细化落实联合国 2030 年可持续发展目标(SDGs)和《巴黎气候

                                                          协定》,2019 年,联合国环境规划署发布了《负责任银行原则》(Principles for Responsible
                                                          In order to further drive the detailed implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and its SDGs and the “Paris
                                                          Agreement for Climate Action” by banking financial institutions, the United Nations Environment Programme
                                                          released the “Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)” in 2019.

                                                             PRB 为银行业金融机构的负责任行为设定                                     PRB 还就银行如何全面识别、评估、统
                                                             了全球基准,并通过实施指南、报告和自                                     计、管理、展现其对环境和社会的正负面

                      打                                     评估模板等一系列配套文件为如何实现负

                      造                                     可持续发展体系提供了框架。                                               性的领域设定目标,在战略、投资组合和
                            Building a Responsible Bank

                                                             The PRB sets a global benchmark for the responsible                      交易层面以及所有业务领域融入可持续发

                                                             behavior of banking financial institutions and provides
       专                                                    practical guidance on how to achieve responsible
       题                                                    banking through a series of supporting documents
                                                                                                                                      The PRB also shares international advanced practices

                      责                                     such as implementation guidelines, reports, and self-
                                                                                                                                      on how banks can identify, assess, count, manage,
                                                                                                                                      and demonstrate their positive and negative impacts
Special Report

                                                             assessment templates, along with a framework on the
                                                                                                                                      on the environment and society, and encourages

                                                             construction of a sustainable development system.
                                                                                                                                      banks to set targets in key material areas, incorporate
                                                                                                                                      sustainability at the strategy, portfolio, and transaction

                                                                                                                                      levels, and across all business areas.

                                                          从具体内容上看,PRB 要求银行确保其业务战略与 SDGs 和《巴黎气候协定》保持一致。
                                                          In terms of specific content, the PRB requires banks to ensure that their business strategies are consistent with the
                                                          SDGs and the “Paris Agreement”.

                                                              At the target level, banks are required to continuously improve their positive impact and reduce the negative impact on humans
                                                              and the environment caused by their business activities, products, and services.

                                                              Standardize banking activities in the dimensions of customers, stakeholders, and corporate governance.

                                                              Regularly evaluate individual and collective compliance with the PRBs, publicly disclose positive and negative impacts and their
                                                              contributions to social targets, and be held responsible for their impacts.

                                                                              BuildingKey Responsible Bank                                                       打造负责任银行

北京银行高度重视自身负责任表现,积极推进《负责任银行原则》签署成员的申报工作,并于 2022 年 7 月正式签署《负

责任银行原则》,成为联合国环境署金融倡议组织成员,实现了对 SDGs17 项目标的全部响应。
Bank of Beijing attached great importance to responsible performance, actively declared its intention to become a signatory of the “Principles for Responsible
Banking”, and conducted self-assessments on three key steps to effectively implemented the PRBs.

成为 PRB 签署机构的三个关键性步骤及北京银行自我评估情况:
Three Key Steps for Becoming a PRB Signatory and the Self-Assessment of Bank of Beijing

     Step 1: Impact Analysis

          Specific requirements

           Analyze the material positive and negative impacts of your bank on the society, environment, and economy, and identify how your bank can maximize its positive impact and
           reduce its material negative impact.

          Assessment status

                       影响分析要求                                                                本行现阶段实践评估情况 / 具备要素
               Impact analysis requirement                                                  Assessment status/elements of current bank practices

  贵行在各行业、技术和地区的业务规模                                       本行在立足北京、全力服务北京地区重点工作的同时,不断拓展产品及服务
  The scale of the bank’s business in various industries,                 辐射范围,在全国多个省市及地区建立起分支机构。
  technologies, and regions                                                While based in Beijing and fully serving the key tasks of the Beijing area, Bank of Beijing has
                                                                           continuously expanded the coverage of its products and services, and established branches in
                                                                           many provinces, cities, and regions across the country.

  大环境、即贵行业务所在国家 / 地区的可持续                                近年来,面对着内部疫情冲击和外部严峻的国际环境,本行始终以服务国家
  发展挑战和优先事项                                                       战略、服务首都建设为工作重心,推动区域经济发展。
  The wider environment (i.e., the sustainability challenges               Faced with the impact of the pandemic at home and the worsening environment abroad, Bank
  and priorities of the country/region in which the bank                   of Beijing has focused on serving the national strategy and construction in Beijing to drive
  operates)                                                                regional economic development.

  所识别的社会、经济和环境影响大小和强度 /                                 本行针对各类利益相关方的诉求与关切,通过调研访谈等多种形式识别和分
  显著性                                                                   析其在环境、社会和治理维度下的重大关键性议题,并采取措施予以回应。
  The magnitude and intensity/significance of the identified               In response to the demands and concerns of various stakeholders, Bank of Beijing has identified
  social, economic, and environmental impacts                              and analyzed key ESG issues through research, interviews, and other methods, and has taken
                                                                           the corresponding response measures.

  基于影响分析确定战略业务机会,以提升正面                                 本行坚定不移贯彻“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的新发展理念,并在
  影响、减少负面影响                                                       此理念的指导下持续优化信贷结构,积极推动普惠金融、绿色金融等产品及
  Identification of strategic business opportunities based                 服务创新。
  on impact assessment to enhance positive impacts and                     Bank of Beijing unswervingly implements the new development concepts of innovation, coordination,
  reduce negative impacts                                                  green, openness, and sharing, continues to optimize its credit structure in view of these concepts,
                                                                           and actively drives the innovation of products and services such as inclusive and green finance.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                       BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

        Step 2: Establishment and Implementation of Targets

             Specific requirements

              针对贵行在上一步骤中识别出的重大影响,设定 SMART 目标,并努力实现这些目标。
              Set SMART targets for material impacts identified during the previous step and work towards achieving them.

             Assessment status

                         目标设定要求                                                                本行推进目标设定与实施所具备的要素
                        Target requirement                                        Bank measures to facilitate the establishment and implementation of targets

     针对贵行至少两个(潜在)最重大的正面和负                                 为积极响应和支持国家提出的“双碳”目标,本行已将绿色金融上升为全
     面影响,设定并公布至少两个目标                                           行发展重要战略,着力打造绿色金融特色品牌,并每年制定绿色信贷业务
     Establish and publish at least two targets for at least two              增长目标。
     of the bank’s (potentially) most significant positive and               In order to actively respond to and support the dual carbon goals put forward by the PRC,
     negative impacts                                                         Bank of Beijing, has elevated green finance to a key development strategy, strove to construct a
                                                                              distinctive financial brand, and established annual growth targets for its green credit business.

     贵行目标应明确与相关联合国可持续发展目标                                 本行已构建起回应利益相关方诉求与关切的责任模型,并在此基础上积极响
(SDGs)、《巴黎气候协定》目标以及其他国际、                                  应 17 项联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)。
     国家或区域相关框架保持一致,并推动作出更                                 Bank of Beijing has constructed an accountability model that responds to the demands and
                                                                              concerns of stakeholders, and actively responded to the 17 SDGs on this basis.
     Targets should be clearly aligned with and contribute
     to relevant SDGs, “Paris Agreement” targets, and other
     relevant international, national, or regional frameworks.

     贵行的目标需要具体、可测量(定量或定性)、                               本行全面推进新一代信息技术在全行各个领域的企业级应用,推动全行经营
     可实现、有相关性和有时限(SMART)                                        管理、营销管理、研发管理的数字化、智能化、平台化、生态化重构。
     The targets must be specific, measurable (quantitatively                 Bank of Beijing comprehensively drives the enterprise-level application of next-gen information
     or qualitatively), achievable, relevant, and time-bound                  technology in a variety of fields, and furthers the digital, intelligent, platform-based, and ecosystem
     (SMART).                                                                 transformation of its operations management, marketing management, and R&D management.

     贵行应识别目标实施可能产生的负面影响,并                                 本行坚持治理透明、管理规范、诚信经营、内控严密,构建起完善的法人治
     在可行的情况下采取措施减少这些负面影响                                   理结构、健全的制度体系。
     Identify possible negative impacts of target                             Bank of Beijing adheres to the principles of transparent governance, standardized management,
     implementation and take steps to reduce such negative                    honest operations, and strict internal controls, and has constructed a sound corporate governance
     impacts where feasible.                                                  structure and institutional system.

                                                                              Bank of Beijing furthers its comprehensive risk management system, and actively uses big data
                                                                              technology to identify and monitor risks.

                                                                                   BuildingKey Responsible Bank                                打造负责任银行

     Step 3: Transparency and Accountability

          Specific requirements

          Disclose the implementation of PRBs in existing reports, evaluate progress, and conduct report verification.

          Assessment status

Since its listing, we have regularly published independent social responsibility reports (CSRs) for 14 consecutive years to disclose ESG-related information.



We have continued to focused on the social impact of its business activities and key progress during the disclosure period, paid attention to the relevant
demands of the government, employees, investors, and other stakeholders, and taken appropriate response measures.

2021 年,本行强化业务和科技条线联动,以数字化转型统领全行“五大转型”,加强金融科技对绿色金融业务推动与管


In 2021, we have strengthened the integration of technology and operations, led “five major transformations” through digital transformation, strengthened
the facilitation and management of green finance business through fintech, launched a green finance management system construction project, regarded
environmental benefit calculation and information disclosure as a key functional requirement, actively met the requirements of regulatory policies, and strove
to do a good job in carbon accounting and information disclosure.

Lead “five major transformations” through digital transformation

          发展模式                                                                                               营运能力
          Development mode                                                                                       Operational capacity

          业务结构                                                                                               管理方式
          Business structure                                                                                     Management style

          Customer structure

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                  BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

Key ESG Performance

                                关键指标                                                         单位                             2021 年
                                Key Indicator                                                    Unit                              2021

                                                                            Environmental (E)

                                                                             绿色办公运营 1
                                                                         Green Office Operations 1

     营业、办公活动所消耗的水                                                    立方米                             151,529.00
     Water consumed by business and office activities                            Cubic meter

     营业、办公所消耗的电力                                                      度                                 43,979,126.00
     Electricity consumed by business and office activities                      Kilowatt-hour

     营业、办公所消耗的燃气                                                      立方米                             1,401,039.30
     Gas consumed by business and office activities                              Cubic meter

     购买的采暖(制冷)服务所消耗的燃料(升)/ 或外                                                                 41,735.69
     Fuel (liters) consumed by purchased heating (cooling) services/or
     purchased heating (million kilojoules)

                                                                             温室气体排放 2
                                                                    Greenhouse Gas Emissions

     直接温室气体排放(范围一)                                                  吨二氧化碳当量                     2,645.62
     Direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1)                                   CO2 equivalent (tons)

     间接温室气体排放(范围二)                                                                                     26,563.39
     Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2)

     温室气体排放总量                                                                                               29,209.01
     Total greenhouse gas emissions

                                                                                     Key ESG Performance                      关键 ESG 绩效

                                 关键指标                                                        单位                 2021 年
                                 Key Indicator                                                    Unit                 2021

                                                                                绿色金融业务 3
                                                                            Green Finance Business 3

    绿色信贷余额                                                                    亿元                   477.40
    Green credit balance                                                            RMB 100 million

    绿色信贷客户                                                                    户                     1,108.00
    Green credit customers                                                          Customers

    绿色信贷占比                                                                    百分比                 5.00
    Proportion of green credit                                                      %

    持有绿色债券余额                                                                亿元                   34.20
    Held green bond balance                                                         RMB 100 million

1     绿色办公运营数据仅统计总行层面。
      Green ofce operation data is only collected at the Head Ofce level.

2     温室气体排放数据为总行层面。
      Greenhouse gas emissions data is only collected at the Head Ofce level.

3     绿色金融业务数据均采用中国人民银行统计口径。绿色信贷不含个人贷款。
      Green nance business data adopts the statistical standard of the People’s
      Bank of China. Green credit does not include personal loans.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                      BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                               关键指标                                                       单位                                    2021 年
                               Key Indicator                                                   Unit                                    2021

                                                                                Social (S)

     普惠金融贷款余额                                                            亿元                                   1,261.12
     Inclusive finance loan balance                                              RMB 100 million

     小微业务特色支行                      科技特色支行(家)                    家                                     26
     Small and micro enterprise            Science and technology                Quantity
     distinctive branches                  branches

                                               文化特色支行(家)                家                                     22
                                               Cultural branches                 Quantity

     员工总数                                                                    人                                     16,526
     Number of employees                                                         People

     女性员工占比                                                                百分比                                 58%
     Percentage of female employees                                              %

     公益慈善捐赠和赞助总额                                                      万元                                   9,831
     Total charitable donations and sponsorships                                 RMB 10,000

                                               Key ESG Performance                       关键 ESG 绩效

                           关键指标                         单位                 2021 年
                           Key Indicator                    Unit                  2021

                                           Governance (G)

资产总额                                      亿元                   30,589.59
Total assets                                  RMB 100 million

客户贷款及垫款总额                                                   16,732.38
Total customer loans and advances

客户存款                                                             16,993.37
Customer deposits

营业收入                                                             662.75
Operating revenue

净利润                                                               222.26
Net profit

基本每股收益                                  元                     1.02
Basic earnings per share                      RMB

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                                             BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Index

                         指标内容                                                                                        回应摘要                                                                   对应披露内容索引
                         Requirements                                                                            Summary of the Bank’s response                                                References to the Bank’s full response

     原则 1:一致性
     Principle 1: Alignment

     1.1                                                            本行是全国首家资产规模突破 3 万亿元的城市商业银行,被人民银行、银保监会                                                     关于我们
                                                                                                                                                                                                About us
     描述银行业务模式,包括所服务                                   纳入国内系统重要性银行,主要业务覆盖北京、天津、上海、西安等十余个中心城市,

     的主要客户群体、提供的主要产                                   拥有 600 多家分支机构。为零售客户、中小企业客户、大型企业客户和政府等利                                                     2.1
     品和服务类型、提供融资的主要                                   益相关方提供贷款服务、发行金融债券、结算服务、买卖政府债券等优质金融产                                                      服务实体经济
                                                                                                                                                                                                Serving the real economy
     行业 / 技术 / 活动类型,以及贵                                 品和服务。其中,本行能够提供优质绿色金融专业服务,及时跟进企业在清洁能源、

     行主要经营或提供融资的地理区                                   环境治理、节能减排等方面的融资项目,支持包括在绿色金融债、碳中和债等方

     域范围。                                                       面的发债需求。
     Describe your bank’s business model,                          Bank of Beijing is the rst city commercial bank in China to pass the RMB 3 trillion threshold for asset size. It is

     including the main customer segments                           listed as a domestic systemically important bank by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and China Banking and

     served, types of products and services                         Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC). The Bank has over 600 branches in over 10 major cities, including

     provided, the main sectors and types                           Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Xi’an. The Bank provides retail customers, SMEs, large companies, governments

     o f a c t i v i t i e s , a n d w h e re re le v a n t t h e   and other stakeholders with rst-class products and services, including loan and settlement services, issuance

     technologies financed across the main                          of financial bonds and the trading of government bonds. Specifically, the Bank is able to offer high-quality

     geographies in which your bank has                             green nance services. It pays close attention to corporate nancing projects in such areas as clean energy,

     operations or provides products and services.                  environmental stewardship, and energy conservation and emission reduction, and helps meet the demand for

                                                                    issuing green nance bonds, carbon-neutral bonds, etc.






                                                                    The Bank spares no effort to provide value for customers, deliver returns to shareholders, build a future for employees,

                                                                    and create wealth for society. It stays true to its aspirations while performing its mission and responsibility. The Bank

                                                                    fully supports the economic and social development of the capital city. It ranked rst among municipally managed

                                                                    banks in terms of loan balance, tax contribution, and nancial support for “stabilizing enterprises and preserving

                                                                    employment” as required by the PBOC. The Bank focuses on social security, medical care, education, provident

                                                                    housing fund and other key areas of people's livelihood, to make sure its “people-oriented” and “inclusive”

                                                                    nancial services can meet the “big little needs” of customers.

                                                                    * 关于本行的最新年度经营财务数据请阅览本行 2021 年度报告。
                                                                    *Please refer to the Bank's Annual Report 2021 for its latest nancial results.

     1.2                                                            本行制定并发布《北京银行“十四五”时期发展规划和二〇三五年远景目标纲要》,                                                  1.1

     描述银行现有战略 / 计划调整战                                  其中明确提出要大力发展绿色金融业务,并将构建绿色发展格局列为全行工作的                                                      绿色金融战略规划
                                                                                                                                                                                                Strategic planning on green
     略如何与联合国可持续发展目标                                   重要指导思想。本行积极响应国家和北京市关于“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的重大                                                      nance

     (SDGs)、《 巴 黎 气 候 协 定》                               决策部署,突出业务低碳发展导向,全面响应联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)17
     以及国家和地区相关框架中所述                                   项议题,与《巴黎协定》所述社会目标保持一致。                                                                                责任管理
     的社会目标保持一致,并为之做                                   The “Bank of Beijing’s Development Plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period and Outline of Long-Range                      Responsibility management
                                                                    Objectives Through the Year 2035” issued by the Bank identies “green development” as a guiding principle of
                                                                    the Bank and calls for a Bank-wide effort to vigorously develop green nance. The Bank actively responded to the

                                                                    major decisions of the State and Beijing Municipality on “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”. It emphasized

                                                                    low-carbon development and aligned itself with the 17 SDGs as well as the social goals stated in the Paris


                                                                                                         Reference Table                                                                             索引表

               指标内容                                                                              回应摘要                                                              对应披露内容索引
               Requirements                                                                  Summary of the Bank’s response                                           References to the Bank’s full response

Describe how your bank has aligned and/          本行梳理并研究国家和地方框架及政策文件,包括《中华人民共和国国民经济和
or is planning to align its strategy to be
                                                 社会发展第十四个五年规划和 2035 年远景目标纲要》、《关于构建绿色金融体系
consistent with and contribute to society’s

goals, as expressed in the Sustainable           的指导意见》、《关于促进应对气候变化投融资的指导意见》等。
Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate      The Bank collected and studied national and local frameworks and policy documents, including the “Outline of
Agreement, and relevant national and             the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through
regional frameworks.                             the Year 2035”, the “Guiding Opinions on Building a Green Financial System”, and the “Guiding Opinions on

                                                 Promoting the Investment and Financing in Response to Climate Change”.

原则 2:影响和目标设定
Principle 2: Impact and Target Setting

2.1                                              经过利益相关方议题重大性分析,本行确定了与可持续发展最相关的挑战和优先                                                1.2

影响分析                                         事项,例如“经济适用的清洁能源”“气候行动”“体面工作和经济增长”“可                                                绿色金融产品与实践
                                                                                                                                                                       Green finance products and
Impact Analysis                                  持续城市和社区”等,并针对这些事项采取积极行动。
说明贵行已通过影响分析识别其                     Based on stakeholder issue materiality analysis, the Bank identied the top sustainability challenges and laid

                                                 down the priorities, such as “affordable and clean energy”, “climate action”, “decent work and economic
(潜在)正面和负面影响最大的                                                                                                                                           3.5
                                                 growth”, and “sustainable cities and communities”, and took positive action on these issues.
                                                 在环境维度,本行加大绿色信贷支持力度,并通过影响分析清洁能源、清洁生产、                                              Sustainable risk
Show that your bank has identied the areas                                                                                                                             management
in which it has its most signicant (potential)   绿色交通、绿色建筑、基础设施绿色升级、产业园区绿色升级、节能环保、生态环境、
positive and negative impact through an
impact analysis.
                                                 Regarding the environmental component of ESG, the Bank increased green credit support and, as its impact analysis

                                                 suggested, directed its resources to key industries such as clean energy, clean production, green transportation,

                                                 green building, green upgrading of infrastructure, green upgrading of industrial parks, energy conservation and

                                                 environmental protection, ecological stewardship, and green services.






                                                 As for the social component, the Bank incorporated financial services for rural revitalization into its Party

                                                 building guidelines and development plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and set up a leading group for rural

                                                 revitalization. To build on the success in poverty alleviation, it focused on helping villages with weak collective

                                                 economy broaden development paths and enter a virtuous cycle by attracting capital, technology and talents.

                                                 The Bank innovated in “San Nong (Three Rural Issues)” nancial products, upgraded the “Wealthy Farmer

                                                 Vehicle”and launched the“Ten Thousand-Courtyard Plan” administering a dose of nancial adrenaline for“San

                                                 Nong” and common prosperity.




                                                 续扩大减费让利成效,办理小微企业延期还本付息 4769 笔、272.7 亿元,以实际

                                                 To better serve the people in practical ways, the Bank constantly improved its inclusive nancial services and

                                                 showed particular care for the vulnerable groups. For example, it set up service stations for the elderly and

                                                 developed age-friendly mobile apps. The Bank showed particular care for the elderly and other vulnerable groups.

                                                 The Bank offered a full = range of services to guide the ow of multi-level funds to education, eldercare, charity

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                                   BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                      指标内容                                                                               回应摘要                                                             对应披露内容索引
                      Requirements                                                                   Summary of the Bank’s response                                          References to the Bank’s full response

                                                          and other elds. The Bank constantly expanded the benets of its fee reduction campaign. It approved 4,769

                                                          deferred payments of debts amounting to a total of RMB 27.27 billion, much to the satisfaction of small and micro

                                                          enterprises, among other market players.

     2.2                                                  在环境领域,本行设定了绿色贷款规模目标,即在未来三年内,绿色贷款在公司                                              1.1

     目标设定                                             贷款中规模占比超过 25%,旨在全力打造绿色金融全面领先的城市商业银行。本                                              绿色金融战略规划
                                                                                                                                                                              Strategic planning on green
     Target Setting                                       行制定《2022 年授信业务指导意见》,将绿色金融作为优先投放领域,明确要求
     说明贵行已针对至少两个自身业                         提升绿色金融业务占比,明确绿色金融重点投向,完善绿色产业行业信贷政策。
     务和提供产品 / 服务(潜在)影                        Regarding the environmental component of ESG, the Bank set a target for the scale of green loans: in the next
                                                          three years, green loans will account for more than 25% of corporate loans. It aimed to become a leading city
     响最大的领域,设定并公布至少                                                                                                                                             Green nance products and
                                                          commercial bank in green nance across the board. The Bank’s “2022 Guiding Opinions on Credit Business”
     两个目标。目标具体、可测量(定                       (the “2022 Guiding Opinions”) have identied green nance as a priority business to develop, explicitly required    practices

                                                          an increase in the proportion of green nance, specied the key targets of green nance, and improved the credit
     性或定量)、可实现、有相关性                                                                                                                                             2.1
                                                          policies for green sectors.
     及有时限(SMART)。                                                                                                                                                      服务实体经济
     Show that the bank has set and published a
                                                          2021 年,本行及时跟进企业在清洁能源、环境治理、节能减排等方面的融资项目,                                           Serving the real economy

     minimum of two targets, which address at least       包括在绿色金融债、碳中和债等方面的发债需求,投资绿色债券 4 笔,金额 4.2 亿元,
     two of the identied “areas of most signicant
                                                          助力绿色产业转型升级。同时《2022 年授信业务指导意见》把绿色信贷作为优先
     (potential) impact”, resulting from the bank’s

     activities and provision of products and services.   支持领域,明确绿色信贷政策导向,加大对节能环保、低碳经济、循环经济、清
     The targets must be specific, measurable
     (quantitatively or qualitatively), achievable,

     relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
                                                          In 2021, the Bank paid close attention to corporate financing projects in such areas as clean energy,
     说明这些目标与联合国可持续发                         environmental stewardship, energy conservation and emission reduction. It also followed up on the demand

     展目标(SDGs)、《巴黎气候协定》                     for issuing green nance bonds, carbon-neutral bonds, etc. To facilitate green transition industries, the Bank

                                                          invested RMB 420 million in four green bonds. The “2022 Guiding Opinions” also prioritizes the development of
                                                          green nance, emphasizes the need to intensify support for such areas as energy conservation and environmental
     相关框架保持一致,并推动做出                         protection, low-carbon economy, circular economy, and clean energy, and integrates environmental risk, social

                                                          risk, safe production requirements and veto power of environment protection in the whole process of credit
     Show that these targets are linked to and drive
     alignment with and greater contribution to           就业岗位,提高企业核心竞争能力,实现绿色低碳产业升级转型。
     appropriate Sustainable Development Goals,
                                                          To achieve the goal of building a leading city commercial bank in green nance, the Bank worked closely with its
     the goals of the Paris Agreement, and other
                                                          corporate customers in clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and other related sectors
     relevant international, national or regional
                                                          on energy-saving technological reform, pollution control, etc. Such cooperation served not only to improve the
     frameworks. The bank should have identied
                                                          core competitiveness of the companies, but to facilitate low-carbon, green transformation of the sectors as well.
     a baseline (assessed against a particular year)
                                                          Better still, it created new jobs.
     and have set targets against this baseline.
     说明银行已经分析并确认了所设                         提出的新一代信息技术、医药健康等十大战略性新兴行业,积极支持高新技术企业、
     定目标可能对可持续发展目标                           “专精特新”中小企业、新三板挂牌和北交所企业等创新发展。此外,本行对就
     (SDGs)/ 气候变化 / 社会目标的                      业作出重要贡献,坚持金融服务实体经济,支持小微企业、科技、文化创意产业
     产生的重大(潜在)负面影响,并                       发展,积极创造就业机会,促进企业与社会和谐发展。
     在可行的情况下采取相关措施,尽                       As for the social component, the Bank aimed to focus on ten strategic emerging industries, such as the next

                                                          generation of information technology and medicine and health proposed in the “High-Tech Industry Development
                                                          Plan for the Beijing 14th Five-Year Plan Period”, and actively support the innovation and development of high-
     正面影响。                                           tech enterprises, “professional, excellent, special, and innovative” small- and medium-sized enterprises, and

                                                          enterprises listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ) and Beijing Stock Exchange. Also,

                                                          the Bank has made important contributions to employment. It adhered to nancial services for the real economy,

                                                          supported the development of small and micro enterprises in technology, cultural, and creative sectors, played

                                                          an active part in creating jobs, and promoted the harmonious development of enterprises and society.

                                                                                                                  Reference Table                                                                               索引表

                  指标内容                                                                                    回应摘要                                                                对应披露内容索引
                   Requirements                                                                       Summary of the Bank’s response                                             References to the Bank’s full response

Show that the bank has analysed and                        基于上述分析,结合自身贷款组合现状,本行制定《北京银行 2021 年授信业务指
acknowledged significant (potential) negative
                                                           导意见》和《北京银行 2021 年授信业务补充指导意见》,应对国内需求收缩等挑
impacts of the set targets on other dimensions

of the SDG/climate change/society’s goals                 战,推动支持可持续发展目标的实现。
and that it has set out relevant actions to                Based on the above analysis and the current status of its loan portfolio, the Bank formulated the “Guidance
mitigate those as far as feasible to maximize              Opinions on Credit Granting Business of Bank of Beijing in 2021” and the “Supplementary Guidance on Credit
the net positive impact of the set targets.                Granting Business of the Bank of Beijing in 2021” to address challenges such as contraction in domestic demand

                                                           and promote the achievement of SDGs.

2.3                                                        在目标实施绩效分析和风险跟踪监测方面,本行计划采取的措施和行动包括:制                                                 3.1

目标实施和监测计划                                         定并实施客户风险管理相关的有效政策和流程。在贷中审查和贷后检查环节,通                                                 战略规划
                                                                                                                                                                                  Strategic planning
P l a n s fo r Ta rg e t I m p le m e n ta t i o n a n d   过定期或不定期风险提示、现场非现场检查等方式,针对宏观、系统性风险加大
                                                           预警排查力度,排查识别潜在问题客户,持续强化动态风险管控。同时,针对已                                                 3.5
说明贵行为达到设定的目标,已                                                                                                                                                      可持续风险管理
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sustainable risk
                                                           境风险具体信息,并按“黑名单”标准处理相应业务。                                                                       management
方案。                                                     In terms of performance analysis and risk tracking and monitoring, the Bank planned to develop and implement

Show that your bank has dened actions and                  effective policies and processes related to customer risk management. In the process of in-loan review and

milestones to meet the set targets.                        post-loan inspection, the Bank increased early warning and inspection efforts for general and systemic risks

                                                           through regular and intermittent risk notifications, on-site and off-site inspections, and other measures to

说明贵行已经建立了衡量和监测                               identify potential problematic customers and continuously strengthen dynamic risk management and control. For

                                                           customers with major environmental and social risk, the Bank regularly obtained specic information on such
                                                           risks through public information inquiries and other methods, and handled such enterprises in accordance with
绩效指标的定义、定义的任何变                               its “blacklist” standard.

                                                           在贷前准入和调查环节,2021 年,本行将环境风险、社会风险、安全生产要求纳
Show that your bank has put in place the

means to measure and monitor progress                      环保不达标的企业。一方面,在尽职调查报告中明确了解行业风险及环保政策影响、
against the set targets. Definitions of key
performance indicators, any changes in these

definitions, and any rebasing of baselines                 指标进行审核。另一方面,针对钢铁、有色、煤炭、建材、化工、纺织等环境风
should be transparent.                                     险较高的“两高一剩”行业,严格按照国家要求制定准入标准。
                                                           In terms of pre-loan onboarding and investigations, in 2021, the Bank incorporated environment, social, and

                                                           safe production requirements into its entire credit granting process, resolutely implemented the veto power

                                                           for environmental protection, and restricted or withdrew from enterprises with outdated production capacity or

                                                           failing to meet environmental protection standards. In its due diligence reports, the Bank clearly understood

                                                           industry risks, the impact of environmental protection policies, and the environmental protection risks of projects.

                                                           In its credit approval process, the Bank strictly followed the environmental protection indicators of the customer

                                                           onboarding standards of its credit policies. For “energy-intensive, high emission, and overcapacity” industries

                                                           with high environmental risk such as iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, coal, construction materials, chemicals,

                                                           and textiles, onboarding standards have been formulated in strict accordance with national requirements.




                                                           Also, the Bank conducted a climate risk stress test and an impact analysis, in which it assessed its ability to

                                                           cope with transition risks in the process of achieving the dual carbon goals and examining, among others,

                                                           the impact of rising carbon emissions costs in high-carbon industries on the quality of credit assets and

                                                           capital adequacy ratios of the Bank. In doing so, the Bank strengthened classification and management of

                                                           customers’ environmental risks.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                                BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                     指标内容                                                                              回应摘要                                                             对应披露内容索引
                     Requirements                                                                  Summary of the Bank’s response                                          References to the Bank’s full response

     2.4                                                绿 色 金 融 方 面, 截 至 2021 年 末, 本 行 绿 色 贷 款 余 额 477.4 亿 元, 较 年 初 增 长                         1.2

     目标实施进展                                       215.2 亿元,增幅 82.1%,累计服务客户数超千户,其中清洁能源产业贷款同比增                                            绿色金融产品与实践
                                                                                                                                                                            Green nancial products and
     Progress on Implementing Targets                   长 104.7%,增速位居主要银行前列。从具体的绿色贷款资金投向情况来看,投向                                             Practice

     针对每个目标:说明贵行已经落                       基础设施绿色升级产业的资金占比最高,余额为 180.6 亿元;其次分别是:清洁
     实所制定的目标实施行动。或解                       能源产业,余额 144.9 亿元;节能环保产业,余额 94.9 亿元;生态环境产业,余                                           服务实体经济
     释为何未落实相关行动或为何需                       额 27.5 亿元;清洁生产产业,余额 25.4 亿元;绿色服务产业,余额为 1.1 亿元。                                         Serving the real economy

     调整行动,以及贵行如何调整其                       2022 年 3 月,经上海环境能源交易所对本行上海分行本部 2021 年度运营层面碳
     计划以达到既定目标。                               中和进行认证,本行上海分行成为上海市首家实现 2021 年度运营层面碳中和的“绿                                          绿色低碳运营
     For each target separately: Show that              色银行”。                                                                                                          Green and low-carbon

     your bank has implemented the actions                                                                                                                                  operation
                                                        In terms of green nance, as of the end of 2021, the Bank’s balance of green loan amounted to RMB 47.74
     it had previously defined to meet the set
                                                        billion, up RMB 21.52 billion or 82.1% as compared with the beginning of the year. The customer base exceeded
     target. Or explain why actions could not be
                                                        1,000. Loan for clean energy grew by 104.7% year on year, faster than most of the major banks. As to the
     implemented / needed to be changed and
                                                        targets of specic green loans, the largest portion of the loan balance went to the sector of green infrastructure
     how your bank is adapting its plan to meet its
                                                        upgrading, with a balance of RMB 18.06 billion. It was followed by: clean energy sector, with a balance of RMB
     set target.
                                                        14.49 billion; energy conservation and environmental protection sector, with a balance of RMB 9.49 billion;

                                                        ecological environment sector, with a balance of RMB 2.75 billion; clean production sector, with a balance of RMB
     报告贵行过去 12 个月(在签署                       2.54 billion; and green service sector, with a balance of RMB 110 million. In March 2022, Shanghai Environment

     后首次披露时最多可以覆盖 18                        and Energy Exchange recognized the carbon-neutral operations of Bank of Beijing Shanghai Regional Branch in

                                                        2021. Shanghai Regional Branch became the rst “green bank” in Shanghai with carbon-neutral operations in
     Report on your bank’s progress over the

     last 12 months (up to 18 months in your rst        业贷款投放;推出线上标准化产品“科企贷”,引入知识产权评价要素,为科技
     reporting after becoming a signatory) towards
     achieving each of the set targets and the impact

     your progress resulted in. (where feasible and     制定金融专属服务方案。截止 2021 年末,全行科创金融贷款余额 1607.5 亿元,
     appropriate, banks should include quantitative     户数 7150 户。
                                                        In terms of sci-tech innovation finance, the Bank, together with the PBooC Operations Office and Beijing

                                                        Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, created two exclusive loan products for micro, small

                                                        and medium enterprises - loans for innovative SMEs and “double benet” loans for high-tech companies. Also,

                                                        the Bank launched a standardized product online to provide small credit loans for tech companies based on IP

                                                        assessment, along with exclusive nancial solutions for “professional, sophisticated, special, and innovative”

                                                        SMEs and enterprises listed on NEEQ and Beijing Stock Exchange. As of the end of 2021, The Bank’s sci-tech

                                                        innovation nance balance was RMB 160.75 billion, supporting 7,150 enterprises.

     原则 3:客户与顾客
     Principle 3: Clients and Customers

     3.1                                                本行印发《北京银行消费者权益保护工作管理规定》《北京银行消费投诉管理规定》                                          2.1

     概述为促进与顾客之间负责任的关                     等一系列消费者权益保护体系文件,为总分支三级机构有序开展消费者权益保护                                              服务实体经济
                                                                                                                                                                            Serving the real economy
     系,贵行已实施和 / 或计划实施的                    工作提供了制度保障。

     政策与做法。概述已执行的(和 /                     The Bank issued a series of consumer rights protection polices such as the “Regulations on the Protection of       2.2
                                                        Consumer Rights and Interests of the Bank of Beijing” and the “Regulations on the Management of Consumer
     或计划的)方案和措施、其规模以                                                                                                                                         品质服务
                                                        Complaints of the Bank of Beijing”, providing an institutional guarantee for orderly consumer rights protection
                                                                                                                                                                            Quality services
     及(在可能的情况下)其结果。                       efforts in the Head Ofce, regional branch and branch levels.

     Provide an overview of the policies and
     practices your bank has in place and/or is

     planning to put in place to promote responsible    知识,并托官方网站、微信公众号等各类自有渠道,及时发布金融宣教知识及风
     relationships with its customers. This should      险提示案例,让消费者树立价值投资、理性投资和风险防范意识。
                                                        The Bank’s branches made full use of supporting equipment. They publicized nancial knowledge anytime and

                                                        anywhere through counter posters, electronic screens, and other means, and used ofcial website, WeChat ofcial

                                                        account, and other channels to release nancial knowledge and risk warnings in a timely basis, thereby ensuring

                                                        that consumers develop a sense of value investment, rational investment, and risk prevention.

                                                                                                                Reference Table                                                                            索引表

                   指标内容                                                                                 回应摘要                                                             对应披露内容索引
                   Requirements                                                                    Summary of the Bank’s response                                           References to the Bank’s full response

 include high-level information on any            本行定期对总行部门及分支机构进行考核,以科学管理与高效激励引导全行进行
programmes and actions implemented (and/or
planned), their scale and, where possible, the

results thereof.                                  The Bank regularly assesses its Head Ofce departments and regional branches. Through scientic management and effective

                                                  incentives, it offers guidance on bank-wide self-discipline to better protect consumer rights.

3.2                                               在加强人才队伍建设方面,本行紧密围绕服务全行改革发展任务,制定“十四五”                                                   1.1

描述贵行如何和 / 或计划如何与                     人才发展专项规划,从战略高度谋划人才队伍建设,通过培训帮助员工与客户和                                                     绿色金融战略规划
                                                                                                                                                                             Strategic planning on green
客户和顾客合作,以鼓励可持续                      顾客就自身经营活动的环境、社会等影响开展沟通。                                                                             nance

实践,促进经济活动可持续发展。                    The Bank formulated a strategic plan for talent development in the 14th Five-Year Plan period, as part of the Bank’s

                                                  reform and development campaign. It also trained employees to communicate with customers about the environmental
Describe how your bank has worked with
                                                  and social impacts of their business activities.                                                                           绿色金融产品与实践
and/or is planning to work with its clients
                                                                                                                                                                             Green finance products and
and customers to encourage sustainable
                                                  在加强绿色金融服务创新方面,本行为客户提供丰富的绿色金融产品和服务,发                                                     practices
practices and enable sustainable economic

                                                  行全国首单“碳中和”小微金融债券 20 亿元,落地北京市首笔碳配额质押贷款,                                                   2.3
                                                  助力全国首批、北京市首笔公募 REITs“首钢绿能”项目成功募集。本行《2022                                                     员工权益
                                                                                                                                                                             Employee rights

                                                  碳经济、循环经济、清洁能源等领域的支持力度。                                                                               3.5

                                                  IIn terms of green nance innovation, the Bank provided customers with a wide range of green nancial products
                                                                                                                                                                             Sustainable risk
                                                  and services. For example, it issued the rst “carbon-neutral” bonds of RMB 2 billion in China for small and micro
                                                  enterprises, and the rst carbon-emission-allowance-pledged loan in Beijing. It also helped Shougang Group raise

                                                  funds for its “green energy” project through public offering of Beijing’s rst and one of China’s earliest real

                                                  estate investment trusts (REITs). The “2022 Guiding Opinions” of the Bank makes green finance a priority and

                                                  emphasizes the need to intensify support for such areas as energy conservation and environmental protection, low-

                                                  carbon economy, circular economy, and clean energy.



                                                  As far as green development goes, the Bank believes that nothing is too small to start with. The “Implementation

                                                  Plan of Bank of Beijing for Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction” was formulated to call for low-

                                                  carbon mobility, waste sorting, green ofce and green procurement, so the Bank can do its best to create a green

                                                  working environment.

原则 4:利益相关方
Principle 4: Stakeholders

4.1                                               本行高度重视利益相关方诉求,识别出包括政府、监管机构、投资者、客户、员工、                                                 3.3

描述为实施《原则》和提升贵行                      公众等各类内外部利益相关方,通过内外部调研访谈等方式,识别出对本行有实                                                     责任管理
                                                                                                                                                                             Responsibility management
影响,贵行与哪些利益相关方(或                    质性影响的重大 ESG 议题。
                                                                                                                                                                             专题 打造负责任银行
利益相关方的群体 / 类型)开展意                   The Bank attached great importance to stakeholder concerns. The internal and external stakeholders it identied
                                                                                                                                                                             Special Report: Building a
                                                  include the government, regulators, investors, customers, employees, and the public. Through internal and
见征询、沟通、协作或合作。概                                                                                                                                                 Responsible Bank
                                                  external surveys and interviews, it also identied the ESG issues with a substantial impact on the Bank.
Describe which stakeholders (or groups/types

of stakeholders) your bank has consulted,         的重要 ESG 议题纳入本行的整体发展战略、年度发展计划以及日常运营活动之中。
engaged, collaborated or partnered with for the   The Bank has constructed an accountability model that responds to the demands and concerns of stakeholders, and actively
purpose of implementing these Principles and      responded to the SDGs on this basis. Through coordinated actions of the Head Ofce and regional branches, key stakeholder
improving your bank’s impacts. This should       ESG concerns were incorporated into the Bank’s overall development strategy, annual development plan, and day-to-day
include a high-level overview of how your bank    operations. The Bank continued to serve its customers, empower its employees and contribute to society. It created new
has identified relevant stakeholders and what     prospects for high-quality development on the basis of promoting economic, social and environmental sustainability.
issues were addressed/results achieved.

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                                                BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                     指标内容                                                                                 回应摘要                                                                   对应披露内容索引
                      Requirements                                                                    Summary of the Bank’s response                                                References to the Bank’s full response

     原则 5:公司治理与银行文化
     Principle 5: Governance & Culture

     5.1                                              本行已构建“三会一层”现代公司治理架构,股东大会为最高权力机构、董事会                                                         3.2

     描述为管理重大(潜在)正面和                     为决策机构、监事会为监督机构、高级管理层为执行机构。在董事会下设战略、                                                         治理架构
                                                                                                                                                                                     Governance structure
     负面影响、有效落实《原则》,                     关联交易、风险管理、审计、提名与薪酬六个专门委员会,监事会下设提名、监

     贵行实施或计划实施的相关治理                     督委员会两个专门委员会。其中,董事会负责定期评估并完善本行公司治理,维                                                         专题 打造负责任银行
                                                                                                                                                                                     Special Report: Building a
     架构、政策和流程。                               护金融消费者和其他利益相关者合法权益,并对本行《社会责任报告》进行审议。
                                                                                                                                                                                     Responsible Bank
     Describe the relevant governance structures,     The Bank established a modern corporate governance structure of “the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board

     policies and procedures your bank has in         of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and Senior Management,” in which the Shareholders’ General Meeting is the

     place/is planning to put in place to manage      supreme organ of authority, the Board of Directors is the decision-making body, the Board of Supervisors is the supervisory

     significant positive and negative (potential)    body and the Senior Management is the executive body. There are six special committees under the Board of Directors,

     impacts and support effective implementation     responsible for strategy, related party transactions, risk management, auditing, nomination, and remuneration respectively,

     of the Principles.                               along with special committees for nomination and supervision under the Board of Supervisors. In particular, the Board of

                                                      Directors is responsible for regularly evaluating and improving corporate governance, safeguarding the legitimate rights and

                                                      interests of nancial consumers and other stakeholders, and reviewing the Bank’s “Social Responsibility Report”.



                                                      The Bank followed closely regulatory policy requirements, changes in market conditions, customer service

                                                      demands, and technological development trends. It continued to dynamically optimize the organizational structure

                                                      of its Head Ofce, and has gradually formed a head ofce organizational structure with scientic division of labor,

                                                      efcient coordination, and rational rights and responsibilities.


                                                      The Bank clarified its strategic plan for sustainable development, governance structure, and responsibility

                                                      management system, and established effective and accountable systems at all levels, implemented internal

                                                      compliance controls and a clean governance culture, and strictly implemented sustainable risk management.

     5.2                                              本行积极推进《负责任银行原则》签署成员的申报工作,并对有效落实原则的三                                                         1.3

     描述为在员工中形成负责任的                       个关键性步骤进行自我评估,目前已成功签署该原则。                                                                               绿色金融研究与合作
                                                                                                                                                                                     Green finance research and
     银 行 文 化, 贵 行 已 实 施 或 计 划            The Bank proactively prepared for the signing of the “Principles for Responsible Banking” and conducted self-
                                                      assessments on three key steps to effectively implemented the PRBs. The Bank has successfully become a signatory to the
     实 施 的 倡 议 和 措 施。 概 述 相 关
                                                      PRBs.                                                                                                                          2.2
     能 力 建 设、 薪 资 结 构 和 绩 效 管                                                                                                                                           品质服务
     理 中 相 关 因 素 的 纳 入 情 况、 领                                                                                                                                           Quality service
                                                      The Bank offered regular training sessions to improve the professionalism of its full-time green loan statisticians.
     Describe the initiatives and measures your
     bank has implemented or is planning to           践行负责任银行原则的具体要求。
                                                                                                                                                                                     Social welfare
     implement to foster a culture of responsible     The Bank encouraged and guided its employees to practice the specific PRB requirements from various
     banking among its employees. This should         perspectives in their work, such as serving customers, being enthusiastic about public welfare, and green                      专题 打造负责任银行
     include a high-level overview of capacity        operations.                                                                                                                    Special Report: Building a

     building, inclusion in remuneration structures                                                                                                                                  Responsible Bank

     and performance management and leadership

     communication, amongst others.

     5.3                                              本行各部门已针对绿色金融、节能降耗等方面设定了明确目标,并积极设计和落                                                         1.1

     说明贵行具备落实《负责任银行                     实目标实施方案和计划。                                                                                                         绿色金融战略规划
                                                                                                                                                                                     Strategic planning on green finance
     原则》的治理架构,包括:                         All departments of the Bank set clear targets for green nance, energy conservation and consumption reduction. They

                                                      also proactively designed and carried out the implementation plans.                                                            专题 打造负责任银行
     Show that your bank has a governance

     structure in place for the implementation of                                                                                                                                    Special Report: Building a
                                                                                                                                                                                     Responsible Bank
     the PRB, including:

                                                                                                              Reference Table                                                                           索引表

                 指标内容                                                                                 回应摘要                                                            对应披露内容索引
                  Requirements                                                                    Summary of the Bank’s response                                         References to the Bank’s full response

a) 目标设定和实施行动                                  此外,本行在各级建立起有效和问责的体制,修订完成《北京银行问责制度》,                                             3.4
a) target-setting and actions to achieve targets set   构建本行内容协调、流程清晰、配套完备、有效管用的责任追究制度体系。同时,                                           商业道德
                                                                                                                                                                          Corporate ethics
b) 在目标或阶段性目标没有达                            组织开展国资委违规投资责任追究自查工作,严格落实合规内控及廉洁文化工作

成或发现未预估到的负面影响                             和可持续风险管理。

时,采取补救措施                                       The Bank established its accountability systems at various levels with coordinated content, clear procedures,

                                                       complete supporting measures, and effective implementation. Also, it carried out self-assessment on irregular
b) remedial action in the event of targets or
                                                       investment as required by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State
milestones not being achieved or unexpected
                                                       Council, strictly implemented compliance and internal control, built a clean governance culture, and managed
negative impacts being detected
                                                       sustainability risks.

原则 6:透明与责任意识
Principle 6: Transparency & Accountability

6.1                                                    本行通过联合政府部门、研究院所、生态产品投融资交易平台、第三方专业环评                                             1.2

《负责任银行原则》的实施进展                           中介服务机构等渠道,打造绿色金融生态圈,为绿色企业提供资金支持、政策研究、                                         绿色金融产品与实践
                                                                                                                                                                          Green finance products and
Progress on implementing the Principles for            交易撮合、信息咨询、项目评估、技术推广等综合性服务方案,力争落地多项全
Responsible Banking
说明贵行过去 12 个月(在签署后                         The Bank established a green nance ecosystem through cooperation with government departments, research

首次披露时最多可以覆盖18个月)                         institutes, ecological product investment and financing trading platforms, and third-party professional EIA        服务实体经济
                                                       agencies. It provided green enterprises with comprehensive services, including nancial support, policy research,   Serving the real economy
                                                       business matchmaking, information consultation, project evaluation, and technology promotion. It also rolled out
                                                                                                                                                                          专题 打造负责任银行
(请见 2.1-2.4)以外,在履行六项                       a number of nancial products that are never seen in the country, and increased the accessibility and inuence of
                                                                                                                                                                          Special Report: Building a
                                                       green nance.
原则方面还取得了其他进展。                                                                                                                                                Responsible Bank

Show that your bank has progressed on                  本行重点打造“GBIC2”组合金融模式,打造全生态服务新模式,精准服务实体经
implementing the six Principles over the last 12
months (up to 18 months in your rst reporting

after becoming a signatory) in addition to             行发展的新动能新优势。
the setting and implementation of targets in           By building the “GBIC” comprehensive financial service model, the Bank has created a new paradigm of

minimum two areas (see 2.1-2.4).                       ecosystem services. Targeting the key areas and weak links of the real economy, the Bank strove to enhance its

                                                       nancial adaptability, inclusiveness and competitiveness, and thereby provided new impetus for its high-quality
兴的国际 / 地区良好做法。并在
                                                       The Bank seized the opportunity of the digital economy. Seeing digital yuan (e-CNY) as a boost of people's
一致的优先事项和目标计划。                             livelihood, the Bank promoted the expansion of digital yuan as a banking business with striking features.
Show that your bank has considered existing

and emerging international/regional good

practices relevant for the implementation of

the six Principles for Responsible Banking.

Based on this, it has defined priorities and

ambitions to align with good practice.

说明贵行已经提升 / 正在提升现


兴的国际 / 地区良好做法,并在

Show that your bank has implemented/is working

on implementing changes in existing practices to

reect and be in line with existing and emerging

international/regional good practices and has

made progress on its implementation of these


北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards

              编号                                                    内容                                                  披露位置
           Disclosure No.                                             Contents                                 Index of corresponding disclosure content

 GRI 102:一般披露
 General Disclosures

 1. 组织简介
 Organizational profile

 G102-1                                                                                                          1
                                Name of the organization

 G102-2                                                                                                          2
                                Activities, brands, products, and services

 G102-3                                                                                                          110
                                Location of headquarters

 G102-4                                                                                                          110
                                Location of operations

 G102-5                                                                                                          /
                                Ownership and legal form

 G102-6                                                                                                          2
                                Markets served

 G102-7                                                                                                          2
                                Scale of the organization

 G102-8                                                                                                          53-63、88
                                Information on employees and other workers

 G102-9                                                                                                          26、35
                                Supply chain

 G102-10                                                                                                         /
                                Signicant changes to the organization and its supply chain

 G102-11                                                                                                         /
                                Precautionary Principle or approach

 G102-12                                                                                                         /
                                External initiatives

 G102-13                                                                                                         82-85
                                Membership of associations

                                                                     Reference Table                                                         索引表

              编号                                               内容                                                    披露位置
           Disclosure No.                                       Contents                                    Index of corresponding disclosure content

2. 战略

G102-14                                                                                                       80
                            Statement from senior decision-maker"

G102-15                                                                                                       67-68、78-79
                            Key impacts, risks, and opportunities"

3. 道德与诚信
Ethics and integrity

G102-16                                                                                                       66-69
                            Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

G102-17                                                                                                       74-76
                            Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

4. 治理

G102-18                                                                                                       70-71
                            Governance structure

G102-19                                                                                                       70
                            Delegating authority

G102-20                                                                                                       70-73
                            Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

G102-21                                                                                                       70-73
                            Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

G102-22                                                                                                       70-71
                            Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

G102-23                                                                                                       /
                            Chair of the highest governance body

G102-24                                                                                                       70-71
                            Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

G102-25                                                                                                       76-77
                            Conicts of interest

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

              编号                                                  内容                                                    披露位置
           Disclosure No.                                           Contents                                   Index of corresponding disclosure content

 G102-26                                                                                                         70-73
                                Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

 G102-27                                                                                                         74-77
                                Collective knowledge of highest governance body

 G102-28                                                                                                         76
                                Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance

 G102-29                                                                                                         66-69
                                Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts

 G102-30                                                                                                         78-79
                                Effectiveness of risk management processes

 G102-31                                                                                                         78-79
                                Review of economic, environmental, and social topics

 G102-32                                                                                                         70-73
                                Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting

 G102-33                                                                                                         72-73
                                Communicating critical concerns

 G102-34                                                                                                         /
                                Nature and total number of critical concerns

 G102-35                                                                                                         /
                                Remuneration policies

 G102-36                                                                                                         /
                                Process for determining remuneration

 G102-37                                                                                                         /
                                Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration

 G102-38                                                                                                         89
                                Annual total compensation ratio

 G102-39                                                                                                         /
                                Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio

 5. 利益相关方参与
 Stakeholder engagement

 G102-40                                                                                                         72-73
                                List of stakeholder groups

 G102-41                                                                                                         72-73
                                Collective bargaining agreements

 G102-42                                                                                                         72-73
                                Identifying and selecting stakeholders

                                                                    Reference Table                                    索引表

             编号                                              内容                                披露位置
          Disclosure No.                                       Contents               Index of corresponding disclosure content

G102-43                                                                                 70-73
                           Approach to stakeholder engagement

G102-44                                                                                 71-73
                           Key topics and concerns raised

6. 报告实务
Reporting practice

G102-45                                                                                 1
                           Entities included in the consolidated nancial statements

G102-46                                                                                 1
                           Dening report content and topic Boundaries

G102-47                                                                                 1
                           List of material topics

G102-48                                                                                 1
                           Restatements of information

G102-49                                                                                 1
                           Changes in reporting

G102-50                                                                                 1
                           Reporting period

G102-51                                                                                 1
                           Date of most recent report

G102-52                                                                                 1
                           Reporting cycle

G102-53                                                                                 1
                           Contact point for questions regarding the report

G102-54                                                                                 1
                           Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

                           GRI 内容索引
G102-55                                                                                 98-109
                           GRI content index

G102-56                                                                                 /
                           External assurance

GRI 103:管理方法
Management Approach

G103-1                                                                                  66-68
                           Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

G103-2                                                                                  70-73
                           The management approach and its components

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                   BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

              编号                                                  内容                                                      披露位置
           Disclosure No.                                           Contents                                     Index of corresponding disclosure content

 G103-3                                                                                                            74-77
                                Evaluation of the management approach

 GRI 201:经济绩效
 Economic Performance

 G201-1                                                                                                            89
                                Direct economic value generated and distributed

 G201-2                                                                                                            78-79
                                Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

 G201-3                                                                                                            /
                                Dened benet plan obligations and other retirement plans

 G201-4                                                                                                            /
                                Financial assistance received from government

 GRI 202:市场表现
 Market Presence

 G202-1                                                                                                            /
                                Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage

 G202-2                                                                                                            /
                                Proportion of senior management hired from the local community

 GRI 203:间接经济影响
 Indirect Economic Impacts

 G203-1                                                                                                            56-63
                                Infrastructure investments and services supported

 G203-2                                                                                                            40-43
                                Signicant indirect economic impacts

 GRI 204:采购惯例
 Procurement Practices

 G204-1                                                                                                            /
                                Proportion of spending on local suppliers

 GRI 205:反腐败

 G205-1                                                                                                            76
                                Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

 G205-2                                                                                                            77
                                Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

 G205-3                                                                                                            76-77
                                Conrmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

                                                                       Reference Table                                                          索引表

               编号                                               内容                                                      披露位置
            Disclosure No.                                        Contents                                     Index of corresponding disclosure content

GRI 206:反竞争行为
Anti-competitive Behavior

G206-1                                                                                                           74-75
                             Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

GRI 207:税务

G207-1                                                                                                           /
                             Tax method

G207-2                                                                                                           70-71、76-79
                             Governance, management and risk management

G207-3                                                                                                           76
                             Response to stakeholder involvement and concerns related to taxation

G207-4                                                                                                           /
                             Reports of different countries

GRI 301:原材料

G301-1                                                                                                           /
                             Materials used by weight or volume

G301-2                                                                                                           /
                             Recycled input materials used

G301-3                                                                                                           26
                             Reclaimed products and their packaging materials

GRI 302:能源

G302-1                                                                                                           22-25
                             Energy consumption within the organization

G302-2                                                                                                           22-25
                             Energy consumption outside of the organization

G302-3                                                                                                           22-25
                             Energy intensity

G302-4                                                                                                           22-25
                             Reduction of energy consumption

G302-5                                                                                                           22-25
                             Reduction in energy requirements of products and services

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

                编号                                                 内容                                                          披露位置
             Disclosure No.                                         Contents                                          Index of corresponding disclosure content

 GRI 303:水

 G303-1                                                                                                                 /
                                Water withdrawal by source

 G303-2                                                                                                                 /
                                Water sources signicantly affected by withdrawal of water

 G303-3                                                                                                                 25
                                Water recycled and reused

 GRI 304:生物多样性

 G304-1                                                                                                                 /
                                Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and
                                areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas

 G304-2                                                                                                                 /
                                Signicant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity

 G304-3                                                                                                                 /
                                Habitats protected or restored

                                在事业影响地区栖息且在 IUCN 红色名录及日本国内保护物种名录之列的生物物种
 G304-4                         IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas     /
                                affected by operations

 GRI 305:对大气的排放

                                直接温室效应气体(GHG)排放量(范围 1)
 G305-1                                                                                                                 86
                                Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

                                间接温室效应气体(GHG)排放量(范围 2)
 G305-2                                                                                                                 86
                                Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

                                其他间接温室效应气体(GHG)排放量(范围 3)
 G305-3                                                                                                                 /
                                Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

 G305-4                                                                                                                 /
                                GHG emissions intensity

 G305-5                                                                                                                 /
                                Reduction of GHG emissions

 G305-6                                                                                                                 /
                                Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)

 G305-7                                                                                                                 /
                                Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other signicant air emissions

                                                                             Reference Table                                                              索引表

               编号                                                     内容                                                          披露位置
          Disclosure No.                                                Contents                                         Index of corresponding disclosure content

GRI 306:废水及废弃物

G306-1                                                                                                                     /
                                    Water discharge by quality and destination

G306-2                                                                                                                     26
                                    Waste by type and disposal method

G306-3                                                                                                                     /
                                    Signicant spills

G306-4                                                                                                                     26
                                    Transport of hazardous waste

G306-5                                                                                                                     /
                                    Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff

GRI 307:环境合规
Environmental Compliance

G307-1                                                                                                                     /
                                    Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

GRI 308:供应商环境评估
Supplier Environmental Assessment

G308-1                                                                                                                     26
                                    New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

G308-2                                                                                                                     /
                                    Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

GRI 401:雇佣

G401-1                                                                                                                     53
                                    New employee hires and employee turnover

G401-2                              Benets provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-     54-55
                                    time employees

G401-3                                                                                                                     55
                                    Parental leave

GRI 402:劳资关系
Labor/Management Relations

G402-1                                                                                                                     /
                                    Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                       BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

              编号                                                     内容                                                           披露位置
           Disclosure No.                                              Contents                                          Index of corresponding disclosure content

 GRI 403:劳动安全卫生
 Occupational Health and Safety

 G403-1                                                                                                                    55
                                  Occupational safety and health management system

 G403-2                                                                                                                    /
                                  Hazard identication, risk assessment, accident investigation

 G403-3                                                                                                                    55、63
                                  Occupational health Service

 G403-4                           Participation, consultation and communication of workers in occupational safety          54-55
                                  and health

 G403-5                                                                                                                    /
                                  Occupational safety and health related worker training

 G403-6                                                                                                                    55
                                  Improving workers’ health

 G403-7                           Prevention and mitigation of occupational safety and health effects directly related     55
                                  to the business

 G403-8                                                                                                                    55
                                  The worker in occupational safety and health management system

 G403-9                                                                                                                    /
                                  Work injury

 G403-10                                                                                                                   /
                                  Occupational diseases and occupational health hazards

 GRI 404:培训教育
 Occupational Health and Safety

 G404-1                                                                                                                    /
                                  Average hours of training per year per employee

 G404-2                                                                                                                    53
                                  Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs

 G404-3                           Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development             /

                                                                              Reference Table                                                              索引表

             编号                                                         内容                                                         披露位置
          Disclosure No.                                                 Contents                                         Index of corresponding disclosure content

GRI 405:多样性与机会均等
Diversity and Equal Opportunity

G405-1                                                                                                                      88
                                   Diversity of governance bodies and employees

G405-2                                                                                                                      88
                                   Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

GRI 406:非歧视

G406-1                                                                                                                      /
                                   Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

GRI 407:结社自由和集体谈判
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

G407-1                             Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective     /
                                   bargaining may be at risk

GRI 408:童工
Child LaborBargaining

G408-1                                                                                                                      /
                                   Operations and suppliers at signicant risk for incidents of child labor

GRI 409:强迫劳动
Forced or Compulsory Labor

G409-1                             Operations and suppliers at signicant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory         /

GRI 410:安保惯例
Forced or Compulsory Labor

G410-1                                                                                                                      /
                                   Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures

GRI 411:原住民族权利
Rights of Indigenous Peoples

G411-1                                                                                                                      /
                                   Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples

北京银行 2021 年 ESG 专题报告                    BANK OF BEIJING Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021

              编号                                                  内容                                                        披露位置
           Disclosure No.                                           Contents                                       Index of corresponding disclosure content

 GRI 412:人权评估
 Human Rights Assessment

 G412-1                                                                                                              /
                                Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments

 G412-2                                                                                                              /
                                Employee training on human rights policies or procedures

 G412-3                         Signicant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses      /
                                or that underwent human rights screening

 GRI 413:地方社区
 Local Communities

 G413-1                         Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and                  56-58、61-62
                                development programs

 G413-2                         Operations with signicant actual and potential negative impacts on local             /

 GRI 414:供应商社会层面的评估
 Supplier Social Assessment

 G414-1                                                                                                              26
                                New suppliers that were screened using social criteria

 G414-2                                                                                                              /
                                Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

 GRI 415:公共政策
 Public Policy

 G415-1                                                                                                              /
                                Political capital contribution

 GRI 416:顾客安全卫生
 Customer Health and Safety

 G416-1                                                                                                              /
                                Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories

 G416-2                         Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products     /
                                and services

                                                                     Reference Table                                                           索引表

            编号                                                内容                                                       披露位置
         Disclosure No.                                         Contents                                      Index of corresponding disclosure content

GRI 417:营销和贴标
Customer Health and Safety

G417-1                                                                                                          48、50-51
                             Requirements for product and service information and labeling

G417-2                       Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and         /

G417-3                                                                                                          /
                             Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications

GRI 418:客户隐私
Customer Privacy

G418-1                       Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of     49、52
                             customer data

GRI 419:社会经济层面的合规
Socioeconomic Compliance

G419-1                                                                                                          /
                             Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area

Feedback Form

感谢您阅读《北京银行 2021 年环境、社会和治理(ESG)专题报告》,为加强与利益相关方的沟通和交流,进一步提高


Thank you for reading the “Bank of Beijing Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021”. You are invited to complete this feedback form,
leave your valuable comments and suggestions, and provide us with the feedback through any of the below methods, so that we can strengthen
communication and exchanges with stakeholders and further improve our ability and capacity to fulfill our social responsibilities.

          地址:中华人民共和国北京市西城区金融大街丙 17 号北京银行大厦
          Address: Bank of Beijing Building, No. 17C, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, PRC

          Phone: (86) 10-66223826

          Fax: (86) 10-66426519

          Email: snow@bankofbeijing.com.cn

1.    您属于以下哪种利益相关方:
      Which stakeholder group do you belong to:

          政府 Government                        监管机构 Regulatory Authority                           股东 Shareholder       客户 Customer

          员工 Employee                          供应商 Supplier                                         合作伙伴 Partner       社区 Community

          环境 Environmental                     其他 Other

2.    您的所在地 :
      You are located in:

          中国内地 Chinese Mainland                             中国港澳台地区 Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, or the Taiwan region

          海外 Outside of China

3.    您对本报告的总体评价:
      Your overall assessment of this report is:

          不好 Negative                     一般 Average                      较好 Positive                很好 Very Positive

4.   您对北京银行在环境保护方面实践的评价:
     Your evaluation of Bank of Beijing’s environmental protection practices is:

         不好 Negative                  一般 Average                  较好 Positive               很好 Very Positive

5.   您对北京银行在社会责任方面实践的评价:
     Your evaluation of Bank of Beijing’s social responsibility practices is:

         不好 Negative                  一般 Average                  较好 Positive               很好 Very Positive

6.   您对北京银行在公司治理方面实践的评价:
     Your evaluation of Bank of Beijing’s corporate governance practices is:

         不好 Negative                   一般 Average                  较好 Positive              很好 Very Positive

7.   您认为本报告披露的信息是否准确:
     Do you believe that the information disclosed in this report is accurate:

         否 No               一般 Somewhat                     是 Yes

8.   您认为本报告披露的信息是否完整:
     Do you believe that the information disclosed in this report is complete:

         否 No               一般 Somewhat                     是 Yes

9.   您认为本报告内容和版式是否清晰易懂:
     Do you believe that the content and format of this report is clear and easy to understand:

         否 No               一般 Somewhat                     是 Yes

10. 您认为本报告是否能满足您的阅读需求:
     Do you believe that this report meets your reading needs:

         否 No               一般 Somewhat                     是 Yes

11. 您对改善和提高北京银行践行 ESG 发展理念和本报告的其他意见和建议:
     Other comments and suggestions on improving and enhancing Bank of Beijing’s ESG development philosophy and this report:

 To build an exemplary,
unique and respected bank
                                        北京银行 伴您一生
                                            Bank of Beijing, Your Lifetime Bank


中国北京市西城区金融大街丙 17 号 邮编 100033

No.17C Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China 100033

办 公 电 话 / Tel:86-10-66426500
客 服 电 话 / Call Center:95526
传       真 / Fax:86-10-66426519
投资者热线 / Tel:86-10-66223826

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