上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 A 股股票代码:600650 B 股股票代码:900914 2 20 01 10 0 年半年度报告上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 1 目录 一、重要提示.......................................................................... 2 二、公司基本情况...................................................................... 2 三、股本变动及股东情况................................................................ 4 四、董事、监事和高级管理人员情况...................................................... 5 五、董事会报告........................................................................ 5 六、重要事项.......................................................................... 6 七、财务会计报告...................................................................... 9 八、备查文件目录..................................................................... 10上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 2 一、重要提示 (一) 本公司董事会、监事会及其董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、 误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 (二) 未出席董事会会议的董事 未出席董事姓名 未出席董事职务 未出席董事的说明 被委托人姓名 刘永章 独立董事 公务 陆红贵 蔡青峰 董事 公务 杨原平 (三) 公司半年度财务报告未经审计。 (四) 公司负责人董事长沈懋兴、首席执行官杨原平、主管会计工作负责人财务总监袁哲宁及会计机构 负责人(会计主管人员)刘朝晖声明:保证半年度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。 (五) 是否存在被控股股东及其关联方非经营性占用资金情况?否 (六) 是否存在违反规定决策程序对外提供担保的情况?否 二、公司基本情况 (一) 公司信息 公司的法定中文名称 上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 公司的法定中文名称缩写 锦江投资 公司的法定英文名称 Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. 公司的法定英文名称缩写 JJTZ 公司法定代表人 沈懋兴 (二) 联系人和联系方式 董事会秘书 证券事务代表 姓名 袁哲宁 黄跃冲 联系地址 上海市延安东路100 号28 楼 上海市延安东路100 号28 楼 电话 63218800 63218800 传真 63213119 63213119 电子信箱 dshms@jjtz.com zqdb@jjtz.com (三) 基本情况简介 注册地址 上海市浦东大道1 号 注册地址的邮政编码 200120 办公地址 上海市延安东路100 号28 楼 办公地址的邮政编码 200002 公司国际互联网网址 http://www.jjtz.com 电子信箱 dshms@jjtz.com (四) 信息披露及备置地点 公司选定的信息披露报纸名称 《上海证券报》、香港《大公报》 登载半年度报告的中国证监会指定网站的网址 http://www.sse.com.cn 公司半年度报告备置地点 上海市延安东路100 号28 楼上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 3 (五) 公司股票简况 公司股票简况 股票种类 股票上市交易所 股票简称 股票代码 变更前股票简称 A 股 上海证券交易所 锦江投资 600650 新锦江 B 股 上海证券交易所 锦投B 股 900914 新锦B 股 (六) 公司其他基本情况 公司首次注册登记日期 1993 年2 月24 日 公司首次注册登记地点 上海市长乐路161 号 企业法人营业执照注册号 310000400037314 税务登记号码 国(地)税沪字310115607200690 号 组织机构代码 607200690 公司聘请的会计师事务所名称 德勤华永会计师事务所有限公司 公司聘请的会计师事务所办公地址 上海延安东路222 号外滩中心30 楼 (七) 主要财务数据和指标 1、主要会计数据和财务指标 单位:元 币种:人民币 本报告期末 上年度期末 本报告期末比上年度 期末增减(%) 总资产 2,954,985,573.32 2,707,598,992.30 9.14 所有者权益(或股东权益) 1,877,371,552.83 1,943,007,985.34 -3.38 归属于上市公司股东的每股净 资产(元/股) 3.40 3.52 -3.41 报告期(1-6 月) 上年同期 本报告期比上年同期 增减(%) 营业利润 177,209,577.99 165,645,444.94 6.98 利润总额 185,650,658.26 178,128,219.33 4.22 归属于上市公司股东的净利润 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 -0.40 归属于上市公司股东的扣除非 经常性损益的净利润 126,511,326.24 114,860,631.23 10.14 基本每股收益(元) 0.253 0.254 -0.39 扣除非经常性损益后的基本每 股收益(元) 0.229 0.208 10.10 稀释每股收益(元) 0.253 0.254 -0.39 加权平均净资产收益率(%) 7.01 7.43 减少0.42 个百分点 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 220,254,858.91 214,304,429.00 2.78 每股经营活动产生的现金流量 净额(元) 0.399 0.389 2.57 2、非经常性损益项目和金额 单位:元 币种:人民币 非经常性损益项目 金额 非流动资产处置损益 6,069,906.40 计入当期损益的政府补助(与企业业务密切相关,按照国家统一标准定额或定 量享受的政府补助除外) 1,139,204.74 除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金融资产、交 易性金融负债产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金 融负债和可供出售金融资产取得的投资收益 8,945,677.28 除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出 1,231,969.13上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 4 所得税影响额 -3,825,086.66 少数股东权益影响额(税后) -297,747.81 合计 13,263,923.08 三、股本变动及股东情况 (一) 股份变动情况表 2010 年2 月26 日,公司第四次有限售条件的流通股上市流通,数量为157,425,450 股。至此,公 司总股本551,610,107 股均已全部流通。股本结构变动如下: 单位:股 本次变动前 本次变动增减(+,-) 本次变动后 数量 比例 (%) 发 行 新 股 送 股 公 积 金 转 股 其他 小计 数量 比例 (%) 一、有限售条件股份 157,425,450 28.54 -157,425,450 -157,425,450 0 0 1、国家持股 2、国有法人持股 157,425,450 28.54 -157,425,450 -157,425,450 0 0 3、其他内资持股 其中: 境内非国有法人持股 境内自然人持股 4、外资持股 其中: 境外法人持股 境外自然人持股 二、无限售条件流通股份 394,184,657 71.46 157,425,450 157,425,450 551,610,107 100 1、人民币普通股 233,134,625 42.26 157,425,450 157,425,450 390,560,075 70.80 2、境内上市的外资股 161,050,032 29.20 161,050,032 29.20 3、境外上市的外资股 4、其他 三、股份总数 551,610,107 100 0 0 551,610,107 100 (二) 股东和实际控制人情况 1、股东数量和持股情况 单位:股 报告期末股东总数 69,373(B:39,657)户 前十名股东持股情况 股东名称 股东性质 持股 比例 (%) 持股总数 报告期内 增减 持有有限 售条件股 份数量 质押或冻 结的股份 数量 锦江国际(集团)有限公司 国有法人 38.54 212,586,460 无 HTHK-VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS-CHINA B SHARE FUND 其他 0.74 4,069,113 未知 上海国际信托有限公司 国有法人 0.72 3,955,121 未知 蔡青峰 境外自然人 0.71 3,894,935 未知 上海锦江饭店有限公司 国有法人 0.68 3,761,493 未知 胡家英 境内自然人 0.66 3,641,310 未知 呼怀旭 境内自然人 0.66 3,639,597 -233,400 未知 中国建设银行-工银瑞信稳健成长股票 型证券投资基金 其他 0.64 3,507,617 3,507,617 未知 中国建设银行-上投摩根阿尔法股票型 证券投资基金 其他 0.61 3,344,192 3,344,192 未知 HANG SENG CONSUMER SECTOR FLEXIPOWER FUND 其他 0.56 3,096,926 2,509,696 未知 前十名无限售条件股东持股情况 股东名称 持有无限售条件股份 的数量 股份种类 及数量 锦江国际(集团)有限公司 212,586,460 人民币普通股 HTHK-VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS-CHINA B SHARE FUND 4,069,113 境内上市外资股上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 5 上海国际信托有限公司 3,955,121 人民币普通股 蔡青峰 3,894,935 境内上市外资股 上海锦江饭店有限公司 3,761,493 人民币普通股 胡家英 3,641,310 境内上市外资股 呼怀旭 3,639,597 人民币普通股 中国建设银行-工银瑞信稳健成长股票型证券投资基金 3,507,617 人民币普通股 中国建设银行-上投摩根阿尔法股票型证券投资基金 3,344,192 人民币普通股 HANG SENG CONSUMER SECTOR FLEXIPOWER FUND 3,096,926 境内上市外资股 上述股东关联关系 或一致行动的说明 公司前10 名股东中,第1 位股东和第5 位股东存在关联关系和一致行动关系。公司控股股东锦 江国际(集团)有限公司是上海锦江饭店有限公司的实际控制人。其他股东,公司未知其是否存 在关联关系和一致行动关系。 2、控股股东及实际控制人变更情况 本报告期内公司控股股东及实际控制人没有发生变更。 四、董事、监事和高级管理人员情况 (一) 董事、监事和高级管理人员持股变动 报告期内公司董事、监事、高级管理人员持股未发生变化。 (二) 新聘或解聘公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的情况 本报告期内公司无新聘或解聘公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的情况。 五、董事会报告 (一) 报告期内整体经营情况的讨论与分析 报告期内,公司上下进一步明确目标,狠抓落实,抓住经济逐步回暖和上海世博会契机,推进各 项工作,经济平稳发展。 报告期内,客运服务业通过组建世博车队、扩大大连租赁车规模和受让出租车牌照等市场化手段, 使运营车辆达到9500 辆;吴中路100 号基地“锦江100 汽车中心”项目“一号工程”结构封顶;马自 达4S 店年初开业。现代物流业利用网络和整体优势大力发展直客业务,不断开发特色业务;五大区域 公司着力打造保税物流功能,逐步形成苏州、武汉、北京、青岛、重庆、上海空港保税物流齐发展格 局;加快沿长江船代业务和沿陇海线铁路运输业务开发。物流仓储业完成与三井物产“低温物流合资 项目”主要商务谈判,签订《股权转让及增资合同》等相关协议,完成产交所挂牌和产权交易;完成 吴淞超低温仓储物流项目土建和水电、超低温设备安装等工作,目前冷库已降到-50 度,其中1—2 层 开始冷藏试运行。 报告期内,公司实现营业收入88,054 万元,比去年同期增加10,136 万元,上升13.01%;营业利 润17,721 万元,比去年同期增加1,156 万元,上升6.98%;完成净利润13,978 万元,比去年同期减 少56 万元,下降0.40%。净利润同比减少主要是本期营业外收入减少。 (二) 公司主营业务及其经营状况 1、主营业务分行业、产品情况表 单位: 元 币种:人民币 分行业 营业收入 营业成本 毛利率 (%) 营业收入 比上年增 减(%) 营业成本 比上年增 减(%) 毛利率比上年 增减(%) 车辆营运 业务 535,801,316.88 348,817,844.00 34.90 8.82 8.09 增加0.44 个 百分点 汽车销售 业务 280,678,988.35 261,864,278.15 6.70 25.01 24.23 增加0.58 个 百分点 低温物流 业务 38,818,407.39 20,460,958.68 47.29 2.26 2.99 减少0.38 个 百分点 其中:报告期内上市公司向控股股东及其子公司销售产品和提供劳务的关联交易总金额351 万元。 注:汽车销售业务营业收入增加25%,主要是与去年同期比增加了一家汽车销售企业。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 6 2、主营业务分地区情况 单位:元 币种:人民币 地区 营业收入 营业收入比上年增减(%) 上海 880,542,063.26 13.01 3、参股公司经营情况(适用投资收益占净利润10%以上的情况) 单位:元 币种:人民币 公司名称 经营 范围 净利润 参股公司贡献的 投资收益 占上市公司净 利润的比重(%) 上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司 仓储 206,229,779.15 26,809,871.29 19.18 4、利润构成与上年度相比发生重大变化的原因分析 单位:元 币种:人民币 利润表项目 本期金额 上年同期金额 增减 率(%) 变化原因说明 营业收入 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 13 主要是汽车销售业务营业收入 同比增加25% 营业成本 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 14 主要是汽车销售业务营业成本 同比增加24% 对联营企业和合营 企业的投资收益 67,557,944.54 46,347,678.87 46 主要是浦东机场货运站投资收 益同比增加1,939 万元 其他综合收益 -40,054,019.73 48,950,276.94 - 主要是受市场影响,本期可供 出售金融资产公允价值的减少 (三) 公司投资情况 1、募集资金使用情况 报告期内,公司无募集资金或前期募集资金使用到本期的情况。 2、非募集资金项目情况 报告期内,公司无非募集资金投资项目。 六、重要事项 (一) 公司治理的情况 报告期内,公司严格按照《公司法》、《证券法》、中国证监会制定的法规和上市公司治理规范 性文件,以及上海证券交易所《股票上市规则》的要求,结合自身实际情况,不断完善法人治理结构, 规范公司运作。公司以及控股子公司股东大会、董事会、监事会与经理层之间权责分明、各司其职、 运作规范;公司切实加强投资者关系管理,严格信息披露工作,确保信息披露真实、准确、完整、及 时。 报告期内,公司按照证券监管部门新出台的法规和规范性文件要求,又进一步修订了《内幕信息 知情人和外部信息使用人管理制度》,公司治理制度进一步完善。 (二) 报告期实施的利润分配方案执行情况 经2010 年6 月18 日公司2009 年度股东大会批准,公司2009 年度利润分配方案为:以2009 年末 公司总股本55,161.01 万股为基数,向全体股东每10 股派发现金红利3.00 元(含税)。 2010 年7 月13 日、16 日,公司在《上海证券报》、香港《大公报》上刊登利润分配实施公告。 股权登记日:A 股 2010 年7 月16 日,B 股7 月21 日(最后交易日7 月16 日);除息日:2010 年7 月19 日;红利发放日:2010 年8 月13 日。至本报告披露日,上述现金红利已派发完毕。 (三) 报告期内现金分红政策的执行情况 报告期内公司实施了2009 年度现金分红,具体情况详见本章(二)。公司执行现金分红政策,符 合《公司章程》的相关规定。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 7 (四) 重大诉讼仲裁事项 本报告期公司无重大诉讼、仲裁事项。 (五) 破产重整相关事项 本报告期公司无破产重整相关事项。 (六) 公司持有其他上市公司股权、参股金融企业股权情况 1、持有其他上市公司股权情况 单位:元 证券 代码 证券简称 最初投资成本 占该公司 股权比例 (%) 期末账面价值 报告期损益 报告期所有者权 益变动 601328 交通银行 14,142,941.50 <5 61,808,504.77 894,285.00 -20,882,673.17 600655 豫园商城 1,994,384.78 <1 25,626,174.84 0 -4,526,866.10 600643 爱建股份 2,567,507.16 <1 10,219,855.83 0 -4,143,736.48 601727 上海电气 497,340.08 <1 8,143,080.00 0 -2,382,030.00 600631 百联股份 722,460.04 <1 5,131,287.80 0 -1,425,249.33 600642 申能股份 280,000.00 <1 1,155,000.00 30,000.00 -414,000.00 600082 海泰发展 90,000.00 <1 412,631.80 0 -198,853.41 合计 20,294,633.56 / 112,496,535.04 924,285.00 -33,973,408.49 注:以上股权会计核算科目均为可供出售金融资产,股份来源均为法人股认购。 2、持有非上市金融企业股权情况 所持对象名称 最初投资成 本(元) 持有数量 (股) 占该公 司股权 比例(%) 期末账面价 值(元) 报告期损 益(元) 报告期所 有者权益 变动(元) 国泰君安证券股份 有限公司 47,649,967 47,649,967 1.014 47,649,967 4,764,996 0 合计 47,649,967 47,649,967 / 47,649,967 4,764,996 0 注:会计核算科目为长期股权投资,股份来源为认购。 2007 年4 月6 日,公司董事会通过《关于增资国泰君安证券股份有限公司的议案》,决定增资认 购国泰君安股份有限公司1,413 万股。公司已支付认购款项,待国泰君安证券股份有限公司增资扩股 方案取得中国证监会等批准后,予以确权。确权后,公司将合计持有国泰君安证券股份有限公司6,178 万股股权。 (七) 资产交易事项 1、出售资产情况 2010 年5 月23 日,三井物产株式会社全资子公司Mitsui & Co.(Asia Pacific) Pte.Ltd.通过上 海联合产权交易所取得公司持有的上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司38.33%股权以及上海锦江汽 车服务有限公司持有的上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司5%股权的受让权。转让价分别为人民币 79,374,778.50 元和人民币10,354,132.50 元。(详见2010 年5 月25 日《上海证券报》、香港《大 公报》》及上海证券交易所网站:http://www.sse.com.cn 公司临2010-005 号公告)。 该项交易,目前正在办理相关过户手续。 (八) 重大关联交易 本报告期公司无重大关联交易事项。 (九) 重大合同及其履行情况 1、为公司带来的利润达到公司本期利润总额10%以上(含10%)的托管、承包、租赁事项 (1) 托管情况 本报告期公司无重大托管事项。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 8 (2) 承包情况 本报告期公司无重大承包事项。 (3) 租赁情况 本报告期公司无重大租赁事项。 2、担保情况 单位:万元 币种:人民币 公司对外担保情况(不包括对控股子公司的担保) 担保方 担保方 与上市 公司的 关系 被担保方 担保 金额 担保起 始日 担保 到期 日 担保 类型 担保是 否已经 履行完 毕 担保 是否 逾期 是否 存在 反担 保 是否 为关 联方 担保 上海锦江 汽车服务 有限公司 控股子 公司 上海永达 风度汽车 销售有限 公司 360 2009 年11 月24 日 2010 年5 月 24 日 一般 担保 是 否 是 否 上海锦江 汽车服务 有限公司 控股子 公司 上海永达 风度汽车 销售有限 公司 400 2009 年2 月 6 日 2010 年2 月 5 日 一般 担保 是 否 是 否 上海锦江 汽车服务 有限公司 控股子 公司 上海永达 风度汽车 销售有限 公司 600 2009 年12 月10 日 2010 年12 月9 日 一般 担保 否 否 是 否 上海锦江 汽车服务 有限公司 控股子 公司 上海永达 风度汽车 销售有限 公司 760 2010 年1 月 8 日 2011 年1 月 7 日 一般 担保 否 否 是 否 上海锦江 商旅汽车 服务股份 有限公司 控股子 公司的 下属公 司 上海南站 长途客运 有限公司 1,250 2009 年12 月20 日 2010 年12 月19 日 一般 担保 否 否 是 否 报告期内担保发生额合计(不包括对子公司的担保) 2,964 报告期末担保余额合计(A)(不包括对子公司的担保) 2,242 公司对控股子公司的担保情况 报告期内对子公司担保发生额合计 400 报告期末对子公司担保余额合计(B) 400 公司担保总额情况(包括对控股子公司的担保) 担保总额(A+B) 2,642 担保总额占公司净资产的比例(%) 1.41 3、委托理财情况 本报告期公司无重大委托理财事项。 4、其他重大合同 本报告期公司无其他重大合同。 (十) 承诺事项履行情况 1、公司或持股5%以上股东在报告期内或持续到报告期内的承诺事项: 锦江国际(集团)有限公司股改承诺:上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 9 承诺内容 履行情况 1、持有的非流通股股份自获得在A 股市场上的“上市流通权”之日起12 个月后的12 个月内,不通过上海证券交易所挂牌交易。 2、在前项承诺期期满后,通过上海证券交易所挂牌交易出售的股份数量占公司股份总 数的比例在12 个月内不超过5%,在24 个月内不超过10%;通过上海证券交易所挂牌 交易出售获得流通权的股份数量达到公司股份总数1%的,将自该事实发生之日起两个 工作日内做出公告。 所有承诺已 于2010 年2 月26 日履 行完毕。 (1) 截至半年报披露日,是否存在尚未完全履行的业绩承诺:否 (2) 截至半年报披露日,是否存在尚未完全履行的注入资产、资产整合承诺:否 (十一) 聘任、解聘会计师事务所情况 是否改聘会计师事务所: 否 (十二) 上市公司及其董事、监事、高级管理人员、公司股东、实际控制人处罚及整改情况 本报告期公司及其董事、监事、高级管理人员、公司股东、实际控制人均未受中国证监会的稽查、 行政处罚、通报批评及证券交易所的公开谴责。 (十三) 其他重大事项的说明 公司第六届董事会第九次会议于2010 年5 月27 日审议通过《关于转让上海东锦江大酒店有限公 司股权的议案》。为实施公司发展战略,贯彻“资金向核心产业集中”的资产结构调整原则,公司决 定转让持有的上海东锦江大酒店有限公司1.87%股权(通过公开挂牌方式在上海联合产权交易所转 让)。8 月3 日,锦江国际(集团)有限公司通过上海联合产权交易所取得该1.87%股权受让权(详见 2010 年8 月5 日《上海证券报》、香港《大公报》》及上海证券交易所网站:http://www.sse.com.cn 公司临2010-011 号公告)。 (十四) 信息披露索引 事项 刊载的报刊名称及版面 刊载日期 股改限售流通股上市公告 《上海证券报》A7 2010 年2 月23 日 第六届董事会第七次会议决议公告 《上海证券报》B41、香港《大公报》B9 2010 年4 月9 日 第六届监事会第四次会议决议公告 《上海证券报》B41、香港《大公报》B9 2010 年4 月9 日 2010 年度预计日常关联交易公告 《上海证券报》B41、香港《大公报》B9 2010 年4 月9 日 2009 年度报告 《上海证券报》B41、香港《大公报》B9 2010 年4 月9 日 2010 年第一季度报告 《上海证券报》B98、香港《大公报》A25 2010 年4 月30 日 关于上海锦江国际低温物流发展有 限公司引入战略合作者转让股权并 对其增资的进展情况公告 《上海证券报》B32、香港《大公报》B10 2010 年5 月25 日 第六届董事会第九次会议决议公告 《上海证券报》B35、香港《大公报》B9 2010 年5 月28 日 2009 年度股东大会决议公告 《上海证券报》23、香港《大公报》B3 2010 年6 月19 日 注:刊载的互联网网站及检索路径均为http://www.sse.com.cn 七、财务会计报告(未经审计) 1、财务报表(附后); 2、会计报表附注(附后)。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年半年度报告 10 八、备查文件目录 1、载有法定代表人签名的半年度报告文本; 2、载有公司负责人、主管会计工作的负责人、会计机构负责人签名并盖章的财务报告文本; 3、报告期内在中国证监会指定报刊上公开披露过的所有文件的正本及公告的原稿。 董事长:沈懋兴 上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年8 月27 日上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 (未经审计) 2010 年8 月27 日上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 2 公司及合并资产负债表 2010 年6 月30 日 合并资产负债表 单位:人民币元 项目 附注 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 项目 附注 2010 年6 月30 日年初数 流动资产: 流动负债: 货币资金 五1 658,760,517.75 549,074,409.21 短期借款 - - 应收账款 五3 43,786,570.97 38,396,261.33 应付票据 五18 109,170,960.00 - 预付款项 五5 60,662,948.70 56,922,816.63 应付账款 五19 52,222,999.76 51,298,880.63 应收股利 五2 30,132,458.67 4,040,836.87 预收款项 五20 96,945,582.84 98,009,797.19 其他应收款 五4 52,944,220.98 53,866,096.09 应付职工薪酬 五21 88,303,057.45 68,250,182.75 存货 五6 48,612,653.31 45,686,888.87 应交税费 五22 29,421,919.35 25,639,778.57 一年内到期的非流动资产 五7 4,230,666.67 4,230,666.67 应付股利 五23 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 其他流动资产 - - 其他应付款 五24 269,699,698.14 253,038,056.93 流动资产合计 899,130,037.05 752,217,975.67 流动负债合计 831,766,327.69 517,106,529.62 非流动资产: 非流动负债: 可供出售金融资产 五8 112,496,535.04 160,853,050.30 递延所得税负债 五15 23,050,475.35 36,401,815.26 长期股权投资 五10、11 696,419,204.72 715,080,149.87 其他非流动负债 五25 49,148,947.49 49,401,859.45 投资性房地产 五9 34,708,196.96 35,094,076.58 非流动负债合计 72,199,422.84 85,803,674.71 固定资产 五12 877,790,064.81 746,495,416.64 负债合计 903,965,750.53 602,910,204.33 在建工程 五13 92,933,645.53 56,331,734.03 股东权益: 无形资产 五14 215,980,656.21 215,970,246.23 股本 五26 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 长期待摊费用 84,212.20 90,690.14 资本公积 五27 442,540,461.43 482,469,111.16 递延所得税资产 五15 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 盈余公积 五28 210,388,184.99 207,894,544.31 其他非流动资产 五17 23,724,322.66 23,724,322.66 未分配利润 五29 672,832,799.41 701,034,222.87 非流动资产合计 2,055,855,536.27 1,955,381,016.63 归属于母公司股东权益合计 1,877,371,552.83 1,943,007,985.34 少数股东权益 173,648,269.96 161,680,802.63 股东权益合计 2,051,019,822.79 2,104,688,787.97 资产总计 2,954,985,573.32 2,707,598,992.30 负债和股东权益总计 2,954,985,573.32 2,707,598,992.30 母公司资产负债表 单位:人民币元 项目 附注 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 项目 附注 2010 年6 月30 日年初数 流动资产: 流动负债: 货币资金 十一1 381,017,616.58 330,386,010.30 应付账款 298,290.11 461,579.81 应收账款 453,285.74 140,940.39 预收款项 441,591.15 335,751.23 预付款项 35,900.00 23,600.00 应付职工薪酬 十一9 2,504,647.86 2,723,437.25 应收股利 29,415,012.97 - 应交税费 1,810,997.13 (6,687.40) 其他应收款 十一2 42,901,140.55 90,733,286.55 应付股利 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 存货 83,675.04 105,670.11 其他应付款 6,942,163.24 8,522,309.15 流动资产合计 453,906,630.88 421,389,507.35 流动负债合计 197,999,799.64 32,906,223.59 非流动资产: 非流动负债: 可供出售金融资产 十一3 96,417,656.40 139,393,876.31 递延所得税负债 十一7 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 长期股权投资 十一4 981,727,637.38 993,163,368.40 非流动负债合计 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 投资性房地产 十一5 20,833,012.27 21,054,190.51 负债合计 217,323,765.35 64,236,455.37 固定资产 十一6 44,861,145.01 46,316,631.90 股东权益: 在建工程 134,383.00 - 股本 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 无形资产 903,310.00 921,682.00 资本公积 十一10 438,037,560.09 474,056,358.31 递延所得税资产 十一7 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 盈余公积 210,388,184.99 207,894,544.31 其他非流动资产 十一8 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 未分配利润 十一11 198,405,844.41 341,446,110.42 非流动资产合计 1,161,858,830.96 1,217,854,068.06 股东权益合计 1,398,441,696.49 1,575,007,120.04 资产总计 1,615,765,461.84 1,639,243,575.41 负债和股东权益总计 1,615,765,461.84 1,639,243,575.41 附注为财务报表的组成部分。 第2 页至第52 页的财务报表由下列负责人签署: 企业负责人:杨原平 主管会计工作的负责人:袁哲宁 会计机构负责人:刘朝晖上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 3 公司及合并利润表 2010 年1 月1 日至6 月30 日止期间 合并利润表 单位:人民币元 项目 附注本期累计数 上年同期累计数 一、营业总收入 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 其中:营业收入 五30 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 二、营业总成本 785,525,388.79 696,575,891.52 其中:营业成本 五30 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 营业税金及附加 五31 20,059,449.84 19,806,836.51 销售费用 72,454,688.39 66,084,545.37 管理费用 56,225,601.93 54,309,174.16 财务费用 五32 64,743.10 (1,278,098.18) 资产减值损失 - - 加:公允价值变动收益 - - 投资收益(损失以“-”号填列) 五33 82,192,903.52 83,037,881.59 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 67,557,944.54 46,347,678.87 三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) 177,209,577.99 165,645,444.94 加:营业外收入 五34 8,982,682.33 12,629,718.03 减:营业外支出 五35 541,602.06 146,943.64 其中:非流动资产处置损失 515,958.78 106,711.48 四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) 185,650,658.26 178,128,219.33 减:所得税费用 五36 21,527,998.20 22,582,664.00 五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) 164,122,660.06 155,545,555.33 归属于母公司股东的净利润 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 少数股东损益 24,347,410.74 15,204,375.62 六、每股收益: 五37 (一)基本每股收益 0.253 0.254 (二)稀释每股收益 不适用 不适用 七、其他综合收益 五38 (40,054,019.73) 48,950,276.94 八、综合收益总额 124,068,640.33 204,495,832.27 归属于母公司股东的综合收益总额 99,846,599.59 189,083,826.17 归属于少数股东的综合收益总额 24,222,040.74 15,412,006.10 母公司利润表 单位:人民币元 项目 附注本期累计数 上年同期累计数 一、营业收入 十一12 10,984,205.42 9,817,732.30 减:营业成本 十一12 1,942,879.30 1,735,461.68 营业税金及附加 552,721.28 493,662.36 销售费用 4,422,526.40 4,367,911.46 管理费用 7,209,856.21 7,161,201.00 财务费用 (1,907,725.20) (1,383,248.12) 资产减值损失 - - 加:投资收益(损失以“-”号填列) 十一13 27,849,244.23 240,706,809.87 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 13,214,285.25 11,029,899.25 二、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) 26,613,191.66 238,149,553.79 加:营业外收入 27,800.00 3,611.30 减:营业外支出 - - 其中:非流动资产处置损失 - - 三、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) 26,640,991.66 238,153,165.09 减:所得税费用 1,704,584.89 3,339,256.36 四、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) 24,936,406.77 234,813,908.73 五、其他综合收益 十一14 (36,018,798.22) 39,899,284.67 六、综合收益总额 (11,082,391.45) 274,713,193.40 附注为财务报表的组成部分。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 4 公司及合并现金流量表 2010 年1 月1 日至6 月30 日止期间 合并现金流量表 单位:人民币元 项目 附注 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 一、经营活动产生的现金流量: 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 875,677,137.87 766,519,703.21 收到的税费返还 - - 收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 43,245,279.60 87,675,854.21 经营活动现金流入小计 918,922,417.47 854,195,557.42 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 455,054,370.13 413,291,285.15 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 169,399,972.56 155,713,840.79 支付的各项税费 51,460,499.86 45,456,846.58 支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 22,752,716.01 25,429,155.90 经营活动现金流出小计 698,667,558.56 639,891,128.42 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 五39(1) 220,254,858.91 214,304,429.00 二、投资活动产生的现金流量: 收回投资收到的现金 9,582,809.79 21,207,819.31 取得投资收益收到的现金 66,166,994.20 123,166,318.18 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额 21,050,376.84 15,270,665.78 处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额 - 1,394,304.63 收到其他与投资活动有关的现金 - - 投资活动现金流入小计 96,800,180.83 161,039,107.90 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金 288,279,871.02 118,117,807.48 投资支付的现金 6,036,421.50 - 取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额 - - 支付其他与投资活动有关的现金 - - 投资活动现金流出小计 294,316,292.52 118,117,807.48 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 (197,516,111.69) 42,921,300.42 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: 取得借款收到的现金 102,815,360.00 - 筹资活动现金流入小计 102,815,360.00 - 偿还债务支付的现金 - 25,000,000.00 分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 15,867,998.68 176,992,382.04 其中:子公司支付给少数股东的股利、利润 12,254,573.41 8,883,502.45 筹资活动现金流出小计 15,867,998.68 201,992,382.04 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 86,947,361.32 (201,992,382.04) 四、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响 - - 五、现金及现金等价物净增加(减少)额 109,686,108.54 55,233,347.38 加:年初现金及现金等价物余额 549,074,409.21 609,605,573.31 六、年末现金及现金等价物余额 五39(2) 658,760,517.75 664,838,920.69 附注为财务报表的组成部分。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 5 合并现金流量表 2010 年1 月1 日至6 月30 日止期间 母公司现金流量表 单位:人民币元 项目 附注 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 一、经营活动产生的现金流量: 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 10,671,860.07 9,557,094.29 收到的税费返还 - - 收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 2,064,275.58 1,301,306.46 经营活动现金流入小计 12,736,135.65 10,858,400.75 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 3,507,073.81 3,085,065.63 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 6,762,789.72 6,592,854.85 支付的各项税费 601,783.43 3,921,616.55 支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 5,695,923.84 1,235,840.52 经营活动现金流出小计 16,567,570.80 14,835,377.55 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 十一15(1) (3,831,435.15) (3,976,976.80) 二、投资活动产生的现金流量: 收回投资收到的现金 9,582,809.79 21,202,538.64 取得投资收益收到的现金 1,274,729.61 212,050,771.16 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额 - - 收到其他与投资活动有关的现金 50,184,704.03 2,749,933.34 投资活动现金流入小计 61,042,243.43 236,003,243.14 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金 192,025.00 87,034.00 投资支付的现金 6,036,421.50 - 投资活动现金流出小计 6,228,446.50 87,034.00 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 54,813,796.93 235,916,209.14 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: 分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 350,755.50 165,807,467.00 筹资活动现金流出小计 350,755.50 165,807,467.00 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 (350,755.50) (165,807,467.00) 四、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响 - - 五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 50,631,606.28 66,131,765.34 加:年初现金及现金等价物余额 330,386,010.30 260,262,892.62 六、年末现金及现金等价物余额 十一15(2) 381,017,616.58 326,394,657.96 附注为财务报表的组成部分。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 6 公司及合并股东权益变动表 2010 年6 月30 日 合并股东权益变动表 单位:人民币元 本期金额 上年同期金额 归属于母公司股东权益 归属于母公司股东权益 项目 股本 资本公积 盈余公积 未分配 利润 少数 股东权益 股东 权益合计 股本 资本公积 盈余公积 未分配 利润 少数 股东权益 股东 权益合计 一、上年年末余额 551,610,107.00 482,469,111.16 207,894,544.31 701,034,222.87 161,680,802.63 2,104,688,787.97 551,610,107.00 437,051,678.24 183,594,684.76 621,386,177.73 215,181,242.84 2,008,823,890.57 二、本年年初余额 551,610,107.00 482,469,111.16 207,894,544.31 701,034,222.87 161,680,802.63 2,104,688,787.97 551,610,107.00 437,051,678.24 183,594,684.76 621,386,177.73 215,181,242.84 2,008,823,890.57 三、本期增减变动金额 (一)净利润 - - - 139,775,249.32 24,347,410.74 164,122,660.06 - - - 140,341,179.71 15,204,375.62 155,545,555.33 (二)其他综合收益 - (39,928,649.73) - (125,370.00) (40,054,019.73) - 48,742,646.46 - - 207,630.48 48,950,276.94 上述(一)和(二)小计 - (39,928,649.73) - 139,775,249.32 24,222,040.74 124,068,640.33 - 48,742,646.46 - 140,341,179.71 15,412,006.10 204,495,832.27 (三)股东投入和减少资本 1.股东投入资本 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.股份支付计入股东权益的- - - - - - - - - - - - 3.其他 - - - - - - - - - - (10,301,851.34) (10,301,851.34) (四)利润分配 1.提取盈余公积 - - 2,493,640.68 (2,493,640.68) - - - - 23,481,390.87 (23,481,390.87) - - 2.对股东的分配 - - - (165,483,032.10) (12,254,573.41) (177,737,605.51) - - - (165,483,032.10) (42,736,577.85) (208,219,609.95) 四、本期期末余额 551,610,107.00 442,540,461.43 210,388,184.99 672,832,799.41 173,648,269.96 2,051,019,822.79 551,610,107.00 485,794,324.70 207,076,075.63 572,762,934.47 177,554,819.75 1,994,798,261.55 母公司股东权益变动表 单位:人民币元 本期金额上年同期金额 项目 股本 资本公积 盈余公积 未分配利润 股东权益合计 股本 资本公积 盈余公积 未分配利润 股东权益合计 一、上年年末余额 551,610,107.00 474,056,358.31 207,894,544.31 341,446,110.42 1,575,007,120.04 551,610,107.00 424,681,552.81 183,594,684.76 288,230,406.55 1,448,116,751.12 二、本年年初余额 551,610,107.00 474,056,358.31 207,894,544.31 341,446,110.42 1,575,007,120.04 551,610,107.00 424,681,552.81 183,594,684.76 288,230,406.55 1,448,116,751.12 三、本期增减变动金额 (一)净利润 - - - 24,936,406.77 24,936,406.77 - - - 234,813,908.73 234,813,908.73 (二)其他综合收益 - (36,018,798.22) - - (36,018,798.22) - 39,899,284.67 - - 39,899,284.67 上述(一)和(二)小计 - (36,018,798.22) - 24,936,406.77 (11,082,391.45) - 39,899,284.67 - 234,813,908.73 274,713,193.40 (三)股东投入和减少资本 1.股东投入资本 - - - - - - - - - - 2.股份支付计入股东权益的金额 - - - - - - - - - - 3.其他 - - - - - - - - - - (四)利润分配 1.提取盈余公积 - - 2,493,640.68 (2,493,640.68) - - - 23,481,390.87 (23,481,390.87) - 2.对股东的分配 - - - (165,483,032.10) (165,483,032.10) - - - (165,483,032.10) (165,483,032.10) 四、本期期末余额 551,610,107.00 438,037,560.09 210,388,184.99 198,405,844.41 1,398,441,696.49 551,610,107.00 464,580,837.48 207,076,075.63 334,079,892.31 1,557,346,912.42 附注为财务报表的组成部分。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 7 财务报表附注 截至2010年6月30日止 一、公司基本情况 上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司(以下简称“本公司”)是一家在中华人民共和国境内由原上海新 锦江大酒店改制而成的股份有限公司,总部位于上海市,成立于1993 年2 月24 日。本公司于1993 年发行的A 股和B 股股票在中国上海证券交易所上市。其大股东为锦江国际(集团)有限公司。 本公司及子公司(以下简称“本集团”)主要从事车辆服务、物流服务(普通货物的仓储、装卸、加工、 包装、配送(筹建)及相关信息处理服务和有关咨询服务;提供供应链、仓储、运输、库存、采购订 单的管理和咨询服务,计算机软件的开发与技术服务(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营);国内货物运 输代理业务、国际货物运输代理业务)、旅游服务(非旅行社接待业务)、商务服务、宾馆、物业管理、 办公用房出租、房地产开发经营,提供商场的场地。 二、公司主要会计政策及会计估计 1、财务报表的编制基础 记账基础和计价原则 本集团会计核算以权责发生制为记账基础。除某些金融工具以公允价值计量外,本财务报表以历史 成本作为计量基础。资产如果发生减值,则按照相关规定计提相应的减值准备。 2、遵循企业会计准则的声明 本公司编制的财务报表符合财政部于2006 年2 月15 日发布的企业会计准则及相关规定(以下简称 “新会计准则”)的要求,真实、完整地反映了本公司于2010 年6 月30 日的公司及合并财务状况以及 2010 年上半年度的公司及合并经营成果和公司及合并现金流量。 3、会计期间 本集团的会计年度为公历年度,即每年1 月1 日起至12 月31 日止。 4、记账本位币 人民币为本公司及子公司经营所处的主要经济环境中的货币,本公司及子公司以人民币为记账本位 币。本集团编制本财务报表时所采用的货币为人民币。 5、同一控制下和非同一控制下企业合并的会计处理方法 企业合并指将两个或两个以上单独的企业合并形成一个报告主体的交易或事项。企业合并分为同一 控制下企业合并和非同一控制下企业合并。 本集团在合并日或购买日确认因企业合并取得的资产、负债。合并日或购买日为实际取得对被合并 方或被购买方控制权的日期,即被合并方或被购买方的净资产或生产经营决策的控制权转移给本集 团的日期。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 8 二、 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 5、同一控制下和非同一控制下企业合并的会计处理方法 - 续 5.1 同一控制下的企业合并 参与合并的企业在合并前后均受同一方或相同的多方最终控制,且该控制并非暂时性的,为同一控 制下的企业合并。在合并日取得对其他参与合并企业控制权的一方为合并方,参与合并的其他企业 为被合并方。 合并方在企业合并中取得的资产和负债,按合并日在被合并方的账面价值计量。合并方取得的净资 产账面价值与支付的合并对价的账面价值(或发行股份面值总额)的差额,调整资本公积中的股本溢 价,股本溢价不足冲减的则调整留存收益。 合并方为进行企业合并发生的各项直接费用,于发生时计入当期损益。 5.2 非同一控制下的企业合并及商誉 参与合并的企业在合并前后不受同一方或相同的多方最终控制,为非同一控制下的企业合并。非同 一控制下的企业合并,在购买日取得对其他参与合并企业控制权的一方为购买方,参与合并的其他 企业为被购买方。 对于非同一控制下的企业合并,合并成本为购买日为取得被购买方的控制权而付出的资产、发生或 承担的负债以及发行的权益性工具的公允价值。通过多次交换交易分步实现的企业合并,合并成本 为每一单项交易成本之和。在合并合同中对可能影响合并成本的未来事项作出约定的,购买日如果 估计未来事项很可能发生并且对合并成本的影响金额能够可靠计量的,也计入合并成本。 非同一控制下企业合并中所取得的被购买方符合确认条件的可辨认资产、负债及或有负债在购买日 以公允价值计量。 合并成本大于合并中取得的被购买方可辨认净资产公允价值份额的差额,确认为商誉。合并成本小 于合并中取得的被购买方可辨认净资产公允价值份额的,首先对取得的被购买方各项可辨认资产、 负债及或有负债的公允价值以及合并成本的计量进行复核,复核后合并成本仍小于合并中取得的被 购买方可辨认净资产公允价值份额的,计入当期损益。 因企业合并形成的商誉每年均进行减值测试。对商誉进行减值测试时,结合与其相关的资产组或者 资产组组合进行。即,自购买日起将商誉的账面价值按照合理的方法分摊到相关的资产组,难以分 摊到相关的资产组的,分摊到相关的资产组组合,如包含分摊的商誉的资产组或资产组组合的可收 回金额低于其账面价值的,确认相应的减值损失。减值损失金额首先抵减分摊到该资产组或资产组 组合的商誉的账面价值,再根据资产组或资产组组合中除商誉以外的其他各项资产的账面价值所占 比重,按比例抵减其他各项资产的账面价值。 可收回金额为资产的公允价值减去处置费用后的净额与资产预计未来现金流量的现值两者之中的 较高者。资产的公允价值根据公平交易中销售协议价格确定;不存在销售协议但存在资产活跃市场 的,公允价值按照该资产的买方出价确定;不存在销售协议和资产活跃市场的,则以可获取的最佳 信息为基础估计资产的公允价值。处置费用包括与资产处置有关的法律费用、相关税费、搬运费以 及为使资产达到可销售状态所发生的直接费用。资产预计未来现金流量的现值,按照资产在持续使 用过程中和最终处置时所产生的预计未来现金流量,选择恰当的折现率对其进行折现后的金额加以 确定。 商誉减值损失一经确认,在以后会计期间不予转回。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 9 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 6、合并财务报表的编制方法 合并财务报表的合并范围以控制为基础予以确定。控制是指本集团能够决定另一个企业的财务和经 营政策,并能据以从该企业的经营活动中获取利益的权力。 本集团将取得或失去对子公司控制权的日期作为购买日和处置日。对于处置的子公司,处置日前的 经营成果和现金流量已经适当地包括在合并利润表和合并现金流量表中;当期处置的子公司,不调 整合并资产负债表的期初数。非同一控制下企业合并增加的子公司,其购买日后的经营成果及现金 流量已经适当地包括在合并利润表和合并现金流量表中,且不调整合并财务报表的期初数和对比 数。同一控制下企业合并增加的子公司,其自合并当期期初至合并日的经营成果和现金流量已经适 当地包括在合并利润表和合并现金流量表中,并且同时调整合并财务报表的对比数。 子公司采用的主要会计政策和会计期间按照公司统一规定的会计政策和会计期间厘定。 公司与子公司及子公司相互之间的所有重大账目及交易于合并时抵销。 子公司所有者权益中不属于母公司的份额作为少数股东权益,在合并资产负债表中股东权益项目下 以“少数股东权益”项目列示。子公司当期净损益中属于少数股东权益的份额,在合并利润表中净利 润项目下以“少数股东损益”项目列示。 7、现金及现金等价物的确定标准 现金是指企业库存现金以及可以随时用于支付的存款。现金等价物是指本集团持有的期限短、流动 性强、易于转换为已知金额现金、价值变动风险很小的投资。 8、外币业务和外币报表折算 外币交易在初始确认时采用交易发生日的即期汇率折算。 于资产负债表日,外币货币性项目采用该日即期汇率折算为人民币,因该日的即期汇率与初始确认 时或者前一资产负债表日即期汇率不同而产生的汇兑差额,除:(1)符合资本化条件的外币专门借款 的汇兑差额在资本化期间予以资本化计入相关资产的成本;(2)为了规避外汇风险进行套期的套期工 具的汇兑差额按套期会计方法处理;(3)可供出售外币非货币性项目(如股票)产生的汇兑差额以及可 供出售货币性项目除摊余成本之外的其他账面余额变动产生的汇兑差额确认为其他综合收益并计 入资本公积外,均计入当期损益。 以历史成本计量的外币非货币性项目仍以交易发生日的即期汇率折算的记账本位币金额计量。以公 允价值计量的外币非货币性项目,采用公允价值确定日的即期汇率折算,折算后的记账本位币金额 与原记账本位币金额的差额,作为公允价值变动(含汇率变动)处理,计入当期损益或确认为其他综 合收益并计入资本公积。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 10 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 9、金融工具 9.1 金融资产和金融负债的公允价值确定方法 公允价值,指在公平交易中,熟悉情况的交易双方自愿进行资产交换或债务清偿的金额。金融工具 存在活跃市场的,本集团采用活跃市场中的报价确定其公允价值。活跃市场中的报价是指易于定期 从交易所、经纪商、行业协会、定价服务机构等获得的价格,且代表了在公平交易中实际发生的市 场交易的价格。金融工具不存在活跃市场的,本集团采用估值技术确定其公允价值。估值技术包括 参考熟悉情况并自愿交易的各方最近进行的市场交易中使用的价格、参照实质上相同的其他金融工 具当前的公允价值、现金流量折现法和期权定价模型等。 9.2 金融资产的分类、确认和计量 以常规方式买卖金融资产,按交易日会计进行确认和终止确认。金融资产在初始确认时划分为以公 允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产、持有至到期投资、贷款和应收款项以及可供出售金 融资产。初始确认金融资产,以公允价值计量。对于以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融 资产,相关的交易费用直接计入当期损益,对于其他类别的金融资产,相关交易费用计入初始确认 金额。本集团暂无持有至到期投资。 9.2.1. 以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产 包括交易性金融资产和指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产。本集团以公允价 值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产均为交易性金融资产。 交易性金融资产是指满足下列条件之一的金融资产:(1)取得该金融资产的目的,主要是为了近期内 出售;(2)属于进行集中管理的可辨认金融工具组合的一部分,且有客观证据表明本集团近期采用短 期获利方式对该组合进行管理;(3)属于衍生工具,但是,被指定且为有效套期工具的衍生工具、属 于财务担保合同的衍生工具、与在活跃市场中没有报价且其公允价值不能可靠计量的权益工具投资 挂钩并须通过交付该权益工具结算的衍生工具除外。 交易性金融资产采用公允价值进行后续计量,公允价值变动形成的利得或损失以及与该等金融资产 相关的股利和利息收入计入当期损益。 9.2.2. 贷款和应收款项 是指在活跃市场中没有报价、回收金额固定或可确定的非衍生金融资产。本集团划分为贷款和应收 款项的金融资产包括应收账款、应收股利及其他应收款等。 贷款和应收款项采用实际利率法,按摊余成本进行后续计量,在终止确认、发生减值或摊销时产生 的利得或损失,计入当期损益。 9.2.3. 可供出售金融资产 包括初始确认时即被指定为可供出售的非衍生金融资产,以及除了以公允价值计量且其变动计入当 期损益的金融资产、贷款和应收款项、持有至到期投资以外的金融资产。 可供出售金融资产采用公允价值进行后续计量,公允价值变动形成的利得或损失,除减值损失和外 币货币性金融资产与摊余成本相关的汇兑差额计入当期损益外,确认为其他综合收益并计入资本公 积,在该金融资产终止确认时转出,计入当期损益。 可供出售金融资产持有期间取得的利息及被投资单位宣告发放的现金股利,计入投资收益。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 11 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 9、金融工具 - 续 9.3 金融资产减值 除了以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产外,本集团在每个资产负债表日对其他金融 资产的账面价值进行检查,有客观证据表明金融资产发生减值的,计提减值准备。 金融资产发生减值的客观证据,包括下列可观察到的各项事项: (1) 发行方或债务人发生严重财务困难; (2) 债务人违反了合同条款,如偿付利息或本金发生违约或逾期等; (3) 本集团出于经济或法律等方面因素的考虑,对发生财务困难的债务人作出让步; (4) 债务人很可能倒闭或者进行其他财务重组; (5) 因发行方发生重大财务困难,导致金融资产无法在活跃市场继续交易; (6) 无法辨认一组金融资产中的某项资产的现金流量是否已经减少,但根据公开的数据对其进 行总体评价后发现,该组金融资产自初始确认以来的预计未来现金流量确已减少且可计量, 包括: - 该组金融资产的债务人支付能力逐步恶化; - 债务人所在国家或地区经济出现了可能导致该组金融资产无法支付的状况; (7) 债务人经营所处的技术、市场、经济或法律环境等发生重大不利变化,使权益工具投资人 可能无法收回投资成本; (8) 权益工具投资的公允价值发生严重或非暂时性下跌; (9) 其他表明金融资产发生减值的客观证据。 本集团对单项金额重大的金融资产单独进行减值测试;对单项金额不重大的金融资产,单独进行减 值测试或包括在具有类似信用风险特征的金融资产组合中进行减值测试。单独测试未发生减值的金 融资产(包括单项金额重大和不重大的金融资产),包括在具有类似信用风险特征的金融资产组合中 再进行减值测试。已单项确认减值损失的金融资产,不包括在具有类似信用风险特征的金融资产组 合中进行减值测试。 - 贷款和应收款项减值 以成本或摊余成本计量的金融资产将其账面价值减记至预计未来现金流量现值,减记金额确认为减 值损失,计入当期损益。金融资产在确认减值损失后,如有客观证据表明该金融资产价值已恢复, 且客观上与确认该损失后发生的事项有关,原确认的减值损失予以转回,金融资产转回减值损失后 的账面价值不超过假定不计提减值准备情况下该金融资产在转回日的摊余成本。 - 可供出售金融资产减值 可供出售金融资产发生减值时,将原计入资本公积的因公允价值下降形成的累计损失予以转出并计 入当期损益,该转出的累计损失为该资产初始取得成本扣除已收回本金和已摊销金额、当前公允价 值和原已计入损益的减值损失后的余额。 在确认减值损失后,期后如有客观证据表明该金融资产价值已恢复,且客观上与确认该损失后发生 的事项有关,原确认的减值损失予以转回,可供出售权益工具投资的减值损失转回确认为其他综合 收益,可供出售债务工具的减值损失转回计入当期损益。 在活跃市场中没有报价且其公允价值不能可靠计量的权益工具投资,或与该权益工具挂钩并须通过 交付该权益工具结算的衍生金融资产的减值损失,不予转回。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 12 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 9、金融工具 - 续 9.4 金融资产转移的确认依据和计量方法 满足下列条件之一的金融资产,予以终止确认:(1)收取该金融资产现金流量的合同权利终止;(2) 该金融资产已转移,且将金融资产所有权上几乎所有的风险和报酬转移给转入方;(3)该金融资产已 转移,虽然企业既没有转移也没有保留金融资产所有权上几乎所有的风险和报酬,但是放弃了对该 金融资产控制。 若企业既没有转移也没有保留金融资产所有权上几乎所有的风险和报酬,且未放弃对该金融资产的 控制的,则按照继续涉入所转移金融资产的程度确认有关金融资产,并相应确认有关负债。继续涉 入所转移金融资产的程度,是指该金融资产价值变动使企业面临的风险水平。 金融资产整体转移满足终止确认条件的,将所转移金融资产的账面价值及因转移而收到的对价与原 计入所有者权益的公允价值变动累计额之和的差额计入当期损益。 金融资产部分转移满足终止确认条件的,将所转移金融资产的账面价值在终止确认及未终止确认部 分之间按其相对的公允价值进行分摊,并将因转移而收到的对价与应分摊至终止确认部分的原计入 其他综合收益的公允价值变动累计额之和与分摊的前述账面金额之差额计入当期损益。 9.5 金融负债的分类和计量 金融负债在初始确认时划分为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融负债和其他金融负债。 初始确认金融负债,以公允价值计量。对于以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融负债,相 关的交易费用直接计入当期损益,对于其他金融负债,相关交易费用计入初始确认金额。本集团暂 无划分为公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融负债。 9.5.1. 其他金融负债 与在活跃市场中没有报价、公允价值不能可靠计量的权益工具挂钩并须通过交付该权益工具结算的 衍生金融负债,按照成本进行后续计量。其他金融负债采用实际利率法,按摊余成本进行后续计量, 终止确认或摊销产生的利得或损失计入当期损益。 9.5.2. 财务担保合同 不属于指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融负债的财务担保合同,以公允价值进行 初始确认,在初始确认后按照《企业会计准则第13 号—或有事项》确定的金额和初始确认金额扣 除按照《企业会计准则第14 号—收入》的原则确定的累计摊销额后的余额之中的较高者进行后续 计量。 9.6 金融负债的终止确认 金融负债的现时义务全部或部分已经解除的,才能终止确认该金融负债或其一部分。本集团(债务 人)与债权人之间签订协议,以承担新金融负债方式替换现存金融负债,且新金融负债与现存金融 负债的合同条款实质上不同的,终止确认现存金融负债,并同时确认新金融负债。 金融负债全部或部分终止确认的,将终止确认部分的账面价值与支付的对价(包括转出的非现金资 产或承担的新金融负债)之间的差额,计入当期损益。 9.7 金融资产和金融负债的抵销 当本集团具有抵销已确认金融资产和金融负债的法定权利,且目前可执行该种法定权利,同时本集 团计划以净额结算或同时变现该金融资产和清偿该金融负债时,金融资产和金融负债以相互抵销后 的金额在资产负债表内列示。除此以外,金融资产和金融负债在资产负债表内分别列示,不予相互 抵销。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 13 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 9、金融工具 - 续 9.8 权益工具 权益工具是指能证明拥有本集团在扣除所有负债后的资产中的剩余权益的合同。权益工具,在发行 时收到的对价扣除交易费用后增加股东权益。 本集团对权益工具持有方的各种分配(不包括股票股利),减少股东权益。本集团不确认权益工具的 公允价值变动额。 10、应收款项 10.1 单项金额重大的应收款项坏账准备的确认标准、计提方法 单项金额重大的应收款项坏账准备 的确认标准 本集团将金额为人民币1,000 万元以上的应收款项确认为 单项金额重大的应收款项。 10.2 单项金额不重大但按信用风险特征组合后该组合的风险较大的应收款项坏账准备的确定依据、 计提方法 信用风险特征组合的确定依据 本集团对单项金额不重大以及金额重大但单项测试未发生 减值的应收款项,按信用风险特征的相似性和相关性对金融 资产进行分组。这些信用风险通常反映债务人按照该等资产 的合同条款偿还所有到期金额的能力,并且与被检查资产的 未来现金流量测算相关。 本集团对应收款项单独进行减值测试。 11、存货 11.1 存货的分类 本集团的存货主要包括库存商品、备品备件、物料用品和食品饮料等。按成本进行初始计量,存货 成本包括采购成本、加工成本和其他使存货达到目前场所和状态所发生的支出。 11.2 发出存货的计价方法 除车辆营运业务的备品备件以及物料用品发出时按加权平均法确定其实际成本,其余存货发出时, 均按先进先出法确定其实际成本。 11.3 存货可变现净值的确定依据及存货跌价准备的计提方法 资产负债表日,存货按照成本与可变现净值孰低计量。当其可变现净值低于成本时,提取存货跌价 准备。 对于数量繁多、单价较低的存货,按存货类别计提存货跌价准备;其他存货按单个存货项目的成本 高于其可变现净值的差额提取存货跌价准备。 计提存货跌价准备后,如果以前减记存货价值的影响因素已经消失,导致存货的可变现净值高于其 账面价值的,在原已计提的存货跌价准备金额内予以转回,转回的金额计入当期损益。 可变现净值是指在日常活动中,存货的估计售价减去至完工时估计将要发生的成本、估计的销售费 用以及相关税费后的金额。在确定存货的可变现净值时,以取得的确凿证据为基础,同时考虑持有 存货的目的以及资产负债表日后事项的影响。 11.4 存货的盘存制度 存货盘存制度为永续盘存制。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 14 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 12、长期股权投资 12.1 初始投资成本的确定 对于企业合并形成的长期股权投资,如为同一控制下的企业合并取得的长期股权投资,在合并日按 照取得被合并方股东权益账面价值的份额作为初始投资成本;通过非同一控制下的企业合并取得的 长期股权投资,按照合并成本作为长期股权投资的初始投资成本。除企业合并形成的长期股权投资 外的其他股权投资,按成本进行初始计量。 12.2 后续计量及损益确认方法 对被投资单位不具有共同控制或重大影响并且在活跃市场中没有报价、公允价值不能可靠计量的长 期股权投资,采用成本法核算;对被投资单位具有共同控制或重大影响的长期股权投资,采用权益 法核算;对被投资单位不具有控制、共同控制或重大影响并且公允价值能够可靠计量的长期股权投 资,作为可供出售金融资产核算。 此外,公司财务报表采用成本法核算能够对被投资单位实施控制的长期股权投资。 12.2.1. 成本法核算的长期股权投资 采用成本法核算时,长期股权投资按初始投资成本计价,除取得投资时实际支付的价款或者对价中 包含的已宣告但尚未发放的现金股利或者利润外,当期投资收益按照享有被投资单位宣告发放的现 金股利或利润确认。 12.2.2. 权益法核算的长期股权投资 采用权益法核算时,长期股权投资的初始投资成本大于投资时应享有被投资单位可辨认净资产公允 价值份额的,不调整长期股权投资的初始投资成本;初始投资成本小于投资时应享有被投资单位可 辨认净资产公允价值份额的,其差额计入当期损益,同时调整长期股权投资的成本。 采用权益法核算时,当期投资损益为应享有或应分担的被投资单位当年实现的净损益的份额。在确 认应享有被投资单位净损益的份额时,以取得投资时被投资单位各项可辨认资产等的公允价值为基 础,并按照本集团的会计政策及会计期间,对被投资单位的净利润进行调整后确认。对于本集团与 联营企业及合营之间发生的未实现内部交易损益,按照持股比例计算属于本集团的部分予以抵销, 在此基础上确认投资损益。但本集团与被投资单位发生的未实现内部交易损失,按照《企业会计准 则第8 号―资产减值》等规定属于所转让资产减值损失的,不予以抵销。对被投资单位除净损益以 外的其他股东权益变动,相应调整长期股权投资的账面价值确认为其他综合收益并计入资本公积。 在确认应分担被投资单位发生的净亏损时,以长期股权投资的账面价值和其他实质上构成对被投资 单位净投资的长期权益减记至零为限。此外,如本集团对被投资单位负有承担额外损失的义务,则 按预计承担的义务确认预计负债,计入当期投资损失。被投资单位以后期间实现净利润的,本集团 在收益分享额弥补未确认的亏损分担额后,恢复确认收益分享额。 对于本集团2007 年1 月1 日首次执行新会计准则之前已经持有的对联营企业和合营企业的长期股 权投资,如存在与该投资相关的股权投资借方差额,按原剩余期限直线摊销的金额计入当期损益。 12.2.3. 收购少数股权 在编制合并财务报表时,因购买少数股权新增的长期股权投资与按照新增持股比例计算应享有子公 司自购买日(或合并日)开始持续计算的净资产份额之间的差额,调整资本公积,资本公积不足冲减 的,调整留存收益。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 15 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 12、长期股权投资 - 续 12.3 确定对被投资单位具有共同控制、重大影响的依据 控制是指有权决定一个企业的财务和经营政策,并能据以从该企业的经营活动中获取利益。共同控 制是指按照合同约定对某项经济活动所共有的控制,仅在与该项经济活动相关的重要财务和经营决 策需要分享控制权的投资方一致同意时存在。重大影响是指对一个企业的财务和经营政策有参与决 策的权力,但并不能够控制或者与其他方一起共同控制这些政策的制定。在确定能否对被投资单位 实施控制或施加重大影响时,已考虑投资企业和其他方持有的被投资单位当期可转换公司债券、当 期可执行认股权证等潜在表决权因素。 12.4 减值测试方法及减值准备计提方法 本集团在每一个资产负债表日检查长期股权投资是否存在可能发生减值的迹象。如果该资产存在减 值迹象,则估计其可收回金额。如果资产的可收回金额低于其账面价值,按其差额计提资产减值准 备,并计入当期损益。 长期股权投资的减值损失一经确认,在以后会计期间不予转回。 13、投资性房地产 投资性房地产是指为赚取租金或资本增值,或两者兼有而持有的房地产。包括已出租的土地使用权、 持有并准备增值后转让的土地使用权、已出租的建筑物等。 投资性房地产按成本进行初始计量。与投资性房地产有关的后续支出,如果与该资产有关的经济利 益很可能流入且其成本能可靠地计量,则计入投资性房地产成本。其他后续支出,在发生时计入当 期损益。 本集团采用成本模式对投资性房地产进行后续计量,并按照与房屋建筑物或土地使用权一致的政策 进行折旧或摊销。 本集团在每一个资产负债表日检查投资性房地产是否存在可能发生减值的迹象。如果该资产存在减 值迹象,则估计其可收回金额。估计资产的可收回金额以单项资产为基础,如果难以对单项资产的 可收回金额进行估计的,则以该资产所属的资产组为基础确定资产组的可收回金额。如果资产的可 收回金额低于其账面价值,按其差额计提资产减值准备,并计入当期损益。 投资性房地产的资产减值损失一经确认,在以后会计期间不予转回。 自用房地产或存货转换为投资性房地产或投资性房地产转换为自用房地产时,按转换前的账面价值 作为转换后的入账价值。 投资性房地产出售、转让、报废或毁损的处置收入扣除其账面价值和相关税费后的差额计入当期损 益。 14、固定资产 14.1 固定资产确认条件 固定资产是指为生产商品、提供劳务、出租或经营管理而持有的,使用寿命超过一个会计年度的有 形资产。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 16 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 14、固定资产 - 续 14.2 各类固定资产的折旧方法 固定资产按成本并考虑预计弃置费用因素的影响进行初始计量。固定资产从达到预定可使用状态的 次月起,采用年限平均法在使用寿命内计提折旧。各类固定资产的使用寿命、预计净残值和年折旧 率如下: 类别 折旧年限(年) 残值率(%) 年折旧率(%) 房屋及建筑物 20-50 年 4-10% 1.8-4.8% 机器设备 5-20年 4-10% 4.5-19.2% 电子设备、器具及家具 3-10年 4-10% 9.0-32.0% 营运车辆 4-10年 4-10% 9.0-24% 其他运输设备 5-10年 4-10% 9.0-19.2% 酒店改造 5年 - 20% 预计净残值是指假定固定资产预计使用寿命已满并处于使用寿命终了时的预期状态,本集团目前从 该项资产处置中获得的扣除预计处置费用后的金额。 14.3 固定资产的减值测试方法及减值准备计提方法 本集团在每一个资产负债表日检查固定资产是否存在可能发生减值的迹象。如果该资产存在减值迹 象,则估计其可收回金额。估计资产的可收回金额以单项资产为基础,如果难以对单项资产的可收 回金额进行估计的,则以该资产所属的资产组为基础确定资产组的可收回金额。如果资产的可收回 金额低于其账面价值,按其差额计提资产减值准备,并计入当期损益。 上述资产减值损失一经确认,在以后会计期间不予转回。 14.4 其他说明 与固定资产有关的后续支出,如果与该固定资产有关的经济利益很可能流入且其成本能可靠地计 量,则计入固定资产成本,并终止确认被替换部分的账面价值。除此以外的其他后续支出,在发生 时计入当期损益。 本集团至少于年度终了对固定资产的使用寿命、预计净残值和折旧方法进行复核,如发生改变则作 为会计估计变更处理。 固定资产出售、转让、报废或毁损的处置收入扣除其账面价值和相关税费后的差额计入当期损益。 15、在建工程 在建工程成本按实际工程支出确定﹐包括在建期间发生的各项工程支出以及其他相关费用等。在建 工程在达到预定可使用状态后结转为固定资产。 本集团在每一个资产负债表日检查在建工程是否存在可能发生减值的迹象。如果该资产存在减值迹 象,则估计其可收回金额。估计资产的可收回金额以单项资产为基础,如果难以对单项资产的可收 回金额进行估计的,则以该资产所属的资产组为基础确定资产组的可收回金额。如果资产的可收回 金额低于其账面价值,按其差额计提资产减值准备,并计入当期损益。 上述资产减值损失一经确认,在以后会计期间不予转回。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 17 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 16、借款费用 借款费用包括借款利息、折价或溢价的摊销、辅助费用以及因外币借款而发生的汇兑差额等。借款 费用在发生当期确认为费用。 17、无形资产 17.1 无形资产 无形资产是指本集团拥有或者控制的没有实物形态的可辨认非货币性资产。 无形资产按成本进行初始计量。与无形资产有关的支出,如果相关的经济利益很可能流入本集团且 其成本能可靠地计量,则计入无形资产成本。除此以外的其他无形项目的支出,在发生时计入当期 损益。 取得的土地使用权通常作为无形资产核算。自行开发建造厂房等建筑物,相关的土地使用权支出和 建筑物建造成本则分别作为无形资产和固定资产核算。如为外购的房屋及建筑物,则将有关价款在 土地使用权和建筑物之间进行分配,难以合理分配的,全部作为固定资产处理。 使用寿命有限的无形资产自可供使用时起,对其原值在其预计使用寿命内采用直线法分期平均摊 销。使用寿命不确定的无形资产不予摊销。 期末,对使用寿命有限的无形资产的使用寿命和摊销方法进行复核,如发生变更则作为会计估计变 更处理。此外,还对使用寿命不确定的无形资产的使用寿命进行复核,如果有证据表明该无形资产 为企业带来经济利益的期限是可预见的,则估计其使用寿命并按照使用寿命有限的无形资产的摊销 政策进行摊销。 17.2 无形资产的减值测试方法及减值准备计提方法 本集团在每一个资产负债表日检查使用寿命确定的无形资产是否存在可能发生减值的迹象。如果该 等资产存在减值迹象,则估计其可收回金额。估计资产的可收回金额以单项资产为基础,如果难以 对单项资产的可收回金额进行估计的,则以该资产所属的资产组为基础确定资产组的可收回金额。 如果资产的可收回金额低于其账面价值,按其差额计提资产减值准备,并计入当期损益。 使用寿命不确定的无形资产和尚未达到可使用状态的无形资产,无论是否存在减值迹象,每年均进 行减值测试。 上述资产减值损失一经确认,在以后会计期间不予转回。 18、长期待摊费用 长期待摊费用为已经发生但应由本期和以后各期负担的分摊期限在一年以上的各项费用。长期待摊 费用在预计受益期间分期平均摊销。 19、收入 19.1 商品销售收入 在已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给买方,既没有保留通常与所有权相联系的继续管理 权,也没有对已售商品实施有效控制,收入的金额能够可靠地计量,相关的经济利益很可能流入企 业,相关的已发生或将发生的成本能够可靠地计量时,确认商品销售收入的实现。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 18 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 19、收入 - 续 19.2 提供劳务收入 在提供劳务交易的结果能够可靠估计的情况下,于资产负债表日按照完工百分比法确认提供的劳务 收入。劳务交易的完工进度按已经提供的劳务占应提供劳务总量的比例确定。 提供劳务交易的结果能够可靠估计是指同时满足:(1)收入的金额能够可靠地计量;(2)相关的经济 利益很可能流入企业;(3)交易的完工程度能够可靠地确定;(4)交易中已发生和将发生的成本能够 可靠地计量。 如果提供劳务交易的结果不能够可靠估计,则按已经发生并预计能够得到补偿的劳务成本金额确认 提供的劳务收入,并将已发生的劳务成本作为当期费用。已经发生的劳务成本如预计不能得到补偿 的,则不确认收入。 本集团与其他企业签订的合同或协议包括销售商品和提供劳务时,如销售商品部分和提供劳务部分 能够区分并单独计量的,将销售商品部分和提供劳务部分分别处理;如销售商品部分和提供劳务部 分不能够区分,或虽能区分但不能够单独计量的,将该合同全部作为销售商品处理。 19.3 使用费收入 根据有关合同或协议,按权责发生制确认收入。 19.4 利息收入 按照他人使用本集团货币资金的时间和实际利率计算确定。 20、政府补助 政府补助是指本集团从政府无偿取得货币性资产和非货币性资产,不包括政府作为所有者投入的资 本。政府补助分为与资产相关的政府补助和与收益相关的政府补助。 政府补助为货币性资产的,按照收到或应收的金额计量。政府补助为非货币性资产的,按照公允价 值计量;公允价值不能够可靠取得的,按照名义金额计量。按照名义金额计量的政府补助,直接计 入当期损益。 与资产相关的政府补助,确认为递延收益,并在相关资产的使用寿命内平均分配计入当期损益。与 收益相关的政府补助,用于补偿以后期间的相关费用和损失的,确认为递延收益,并在确认相关费 用的期间计入当期损益;用于补偿已经发生的相关费用和损失的,直接计入当期损益。 已确认的政府补助需要返还时,存在相关递延收益余额的,冲减相关递延收益账面余额,超出部分 计入当期损益;不存在相关递延收益的,直接计入当期损益。 因公共利益进行搬迁而收到的搬迁补偿 本集团因城镇整体规划、库区建设、棚户区改造、沉陷区治理等公共利益进行搬迁,收到政府从财 政预算直接拨付的搬迁补偿款,作为专项应付款处理。其中,属于对企业在搬迁和重建过程中发生 的固定资产和无形资产损失、有关费用性支出、停工损失及搬迁后拟新建资产进行补偿的,自专项 应付款转入递延收益,并根据其性质按照与资产相关的政府补助和与收益相关的政府补助核算,取 得的搬迁补偿款扣除转入递延收益的金额后如有结余的,确认为资本公积。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 19 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 21、递延所得税资产/递延所得税负债 21.1 当期所得税 资产负债表日,对于当期和以前期间形成的当期所得税负债(或资产),以按照税法规定计算的预期 应交纳(或返还)的所得税金额计量。计算当期所得税费用所依据的应纳税所得额系根据有关税法规 定对本期度税前会计利润作相应调整后计算得出。 21.2 递延所得税资产及递延所得税负债 某些资产、负债项目的账面价值与其计税基础之间的差额,以及未作为资产和负债确认但按照税法 规定可以确定其计税基础的项目的账面价值与计税基础之间的差额产生的暂时性差异,采用资产负 债表债务法确认递延所得税资产及递延所得税负债。 与商誉的初始确认有关,以及与既不是企业合并、发生时也不影响会计利润和应纳税所得额(或可 抵扣亏损)的交易中产生的资产或负债的初始确认有关的应纳税暂时性差异,不予确认有关的递延 所得税负债。此外,对与子公司、联营企业及合营企业投资相关的应纳税暂时性差异,如果本集团 能够控制暂时性差异转回的时间,而且该暂时性差异在可预见的未来很可能不会转回,也不予确认 有关的递延所得税负债。除上述例外情况,本集团确认其他所有应纳税暂时性差异产生的递延所得 税负债。 与既不是企业合并、发生时也不影响会计利润和应纳税所得额(或可抵扣亏损)的交易中产生的资产 或负债的初始确认有关的可抵扣暂时性差异,不予确认有关的递延所得税资产。此外,对与子公司、 联营企业及合营企业投资相关的可抵扣暂时性差异,如果暂时性差异在可预见的未来不是很可能转 回,或者未来不是很可能获得用来抵扣可抵扣暂时性差异的应纳税所得额,不予确认有关的递延所 得税资产。除上述例外情况,本集团以很可能取得用来抵扣可抵扣暂时性差异的应纳税所得额为限, 确认其他可抵扣暂时性差异产生的递延所得税资产。 对于能够结转以后年度的可抵扣亏损和税款抵减,以很可能获得用来抵扣可抵扣亏损和税款抵减的 未来应纳税所得额为限,确认相应的递延所得税资产。 资产负债表日,对于递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债,根据税法规定,按照预期收回相关资产或 清偿相关负债期间的适用税率计量。 于资产负债表日,对递延所得税资产的账面价值进行复核,如果未来很可能无法获得足够的应纳税 所得额用以抵扣递延所得税资产的利益,则减记递延所得税资产的账面价值。在很可能获得足够的 应纳税所得额时,减记的金额予以转回。 21.3 所得税费用 所得税费用包括当期所得税和递延所得税。 除与直接计入所有者权益的交易和事项相关的当期所得税和递延所得税计入股东权益,以及企业合 并产生的递延所得税调整商誉的账面价值外,其余当期所得税和递延所得税费用或收益计入当期损 益。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 20 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 21、递延所得税资产/递延所得税负债 - 续 21.4 所得税的抵销 当拥有以净额结算的法定权利,且意图以净额结算或取得资产、清偿负债同时进行时,本集团当期 所得税资产及当期所得税负债以抵销后的净额列报。 当拥有以净额结算当期所得税资产及当期所得税负债的法定权利,且递延所得税资产及递延所得税 负债是与同一税收征管部门对同一纳税主体征收的所得税相关或者是对不同的纳税主体相关,但在 未来每一具有重要性的递延所得税资产及负债转回的期间内,涉及的纳税主体意图以净额结算当期 所得税资产和负债或是同时取得资产、清偿负债时,本集团递延所得税资产及递延所得税负债以抵 销后的净额列报。 22、经营租赁、融资租赁 融资租赁为实质上转移了与资产所有权有关的全部风险和报酬的租赁,其所有权最终可能转移,也 可能不转移。融资租赁以外的其他租赁为经营租赁。 22.1 本集团作为承租人记录经营租赁业务 经营租赁的租金支出在租赁期内的各个期间按直线法计入相关资产成本或当期损益。初始直接费用 计入当期损益。或有租金于实际发生时计入当期损益。 22.2 本集团作为出租人记录经营租赁业务 经营租赁的租金收入在租赁期内的各个期间按直线法确认为当期损益。对金额较大的初始直接费用 于发生时予以资本化,在整个租赁期间内按照与确认租金收入相同的基础分期计入当期损益;其他 金额较小的初始直接费用于发生时计入当期损益。或有租金于实际发生时计入当期损益。 23、其他主要会计政策、会计估计和财务报表编制方法 23.1 职工薪酬 本集团在职工提供服务的会计期间,将应付的职工薪酬确认为负债。 本集团按规定参加由政府机构设立的职工社会保障体系,包括基本养老保险、医疗保险、住房公积 金及其他社会保障制度,相应的支出于发生时计入相关资产成本或当期损益。 在职工劳动合同到期之前解除与职工的劳动关系,或为鼓励职工自愿接受裁减而提出给予补偿的建 议,如果本集团已经制定正式的解除劳动关系计划或提出自愿裁减建议并即将实施,同时本集团不 能单方面撤回解除劳动关系计划或裁减建议的,确认因解除与职工劳动关系给予补偿产生的预计负 债,并计入当期损益。 职工内部退休计划采用上述辞退福利相同的原则处理。本集团将自职工停止提供服务日至正常退休 日的期间拟支付的内退人员工资和缴纳的社会保险费等,在符合预计负债确认条件时,计入当期损 益(辞退福利)。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 21 二 公司主要会计政策及会计估计 - 续 24、运用会计政策过程中所作的重要判断及会计估计采用的关键假设及不确定因素 本集团在运用上述会计政策过程中,由于经营活动内在的不确定性,需要对无法准确计量的报表项 目的账面价值进行判断、估计和假设。这些判断、估计和假设是基于本集团管理层过去的历史经验, 并在考虑其他相关因素的基础上作出的。实际的结果可能与本集团的估计存在差异。 本集团对前述判断、估计和假设在持续经营的基础上进行定期复核,会计估计的变更仅影响变更当 期的,其影响数在变更当期予以确认;既影响变更当期又影响未来期间的,其影响数在变更当期和 未来期间予以确认。 - 会计估计所采用的关键假设和不确定因素 资产负债表日,会计估计中很可能导致未来期间资产、负债账面价值作出重大调整的关键假设和不 确定性主要有: 出租车营运牌照的使用寿命 本集团所拥有的出租车营运牌照并无使用年限限制,本集团管理层认为在可预见的将来该出租车营 运牌照均会使用并带给集团预期的经济利益流入,故其使用寿命是不确定的。管理层每年均对上述 使用寿命不确定的出租车营运牌照的使用寿命进行复核。 三、税项 1、主要税种及税率 税种 计税依据 税率 增值税 应纳增值税为销项税额减可抵扣进项税后的余额 17% 营业税 小型出租车和客运线路营运收入的营业税按核定应纳税营业额 其他车辆营运收入的营业税按应纳税营业额 其他服务收入的营业税按应税服务收入 3% 3% 5% 企业所得税 应纳税所得额 见下文 城市维护建设税 流转税额 7% 教育费附加 流转税额 3% 河道管理费 流转税额 1% 根据2007 年3 月16 日发布的《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》的规定,本公司自2008 年1 月1 日起按有关规定和政策逐步执行25%的企业所得税率。本公司系注册于上海浦东新区的企业,各年 度实际税率如下: 实际税率 2008 年 18% 2009 年 20% 2010 年 22% 2011 年 24% 2012 年及以后 25% 除如下子公司因注册地为上海浦东新区而按有关政策适用实际税率22%外,其他子公司的企业所得 税税率为25%。 公司名称 2010 年度实际税率 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司 22% 上海锦海捷亚物流管理有限公司 22% 上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司 22% 上海锦江商旅汽车服务股份有限公司 22% 上海浦东友谊汽车服务有限责任公司 22% 上海锦江汽车租赁有限公司 22% 上海锦佳汽车贸易有限公司 22%上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 22 四、企业合并及合并财务报表 1、子公司情况 (1)通过设立或投资等方式取得的子公司 单位:人民币元 子公司全称 子公司 类型 注册 地 法人 代表 业务 性质 注册资本 经营范围 期末实际 出资额 实质上构 成对子公 司净投资 的其他项 目余额 持 股 比 例 (%) 表决权比例(%) 是否 合并 报表 少数股东 权益 少数股东 权益中用 于冲减少 数股东损 益的金额 从母公司所有者权益 冲减子公司少数股东 分担的本期亏损超过 少数股东在该子公司 年初所有者权益中所 享有份额后的余额 上海锦海捷亚 物流管理有限 公司 有限责任 公司(台 港澳与境 内合资) 上海 杨原平 服务业 80,000,000.00 国际、国内物流企业管理,国际、国内货运 企业管理,货物技术进出口(不含分销业务) 及相关信息管理,提供相关服务咨询)(涉及 行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。 52,000,000.00 - 65 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 78,904,444.77 - - 上海锦江国际 低温物流发展 有限公司(注1) 有限责任 公司 上海 张国美 仓储业 75,000,000.00 仓储物流管理服务及相关业务咨询,存货管 理服务、货物运输代理管理,商务信息咨询 (除经纪)(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。 75,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海尚海食品 有限公司(注1) 有限责任 公司 上海 丁志良 仓储业 \租赁 25,000,000.00 批发:预包装食品(含冷冻冷藏,不含熟食 卤味)。 25,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 大连锦江汽车 租赁有限公司 有限责任 公司 大连 沈正东 交通运 输业 5,000,000.00 汽车租赁,通勤班车。 5,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海锦江机动 车驾驶员培训 有限公司 有限责任 公司(国 有控股) 上海 余国富 交通运 输业 5,000,000.00 普通机动车驾驶员培训。(涉及行政许可的, 凭许可证经营) 5,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海锦江亿马 汽车销售服务 有限公司 有限责任 公司 上海 韩汇田 贸易 5,000,000.00 商用车、二手汽车、汽车配件、轮胎、润滑 油、日用百货的销售,汽车清洗。(涉及行政 许可的,凭许可证经营) 5,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - (2)同一控制下企业合并取得的子公司 单位:人民币元 子公司全称 子公司 类型 注册 地 法人代表 业务 性质 注册资本 经营范围 期末实际出资额 实质上构成 对子公司净 投资的其他 项目余额 持股 比例 (%) 表决权比例 (%) 是否 合并 报表 少数 股东权益 少数股东权 益中用于冲 减少数股东 损益的金额 从母公司所有者权益冲减子公司 少数股东分担的本期亏损超过少 数股东在该子公司年初所有者权 益中所享有份额后的余额 上海锦江汽车服 务有限公司(“锦 江汽车”) 有限责任 公司 上海 戎平涛 交通运 输业 338,486,272.11 大小客车出租服务,旅游,汽车修理,长途客运,汽 车配件、客车租赁,房地产信息咨询,附设分支机构, 保险兼业代理。(以上涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。 538,135,811.60 - 95 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 46,910,026.50 - - 上海锦江商旅汽 车服务股份有限 公司(“锦江商旅”) 股份有限 公司(非上 市公司) 上海 戎平涛 交通运 输业 70,000,000.00 大小客车出租服务,跨省市长途客运,汽车配件,汽 车修理,机动车安检,以及相关业务的咨询服务。 104,170,372.98 - 80 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 26,636,113.21 - - 上海锦江太平洋 客运服务有限公 司 有限责任 公司 上海 戎平涛 交通运 输业 2,000,000.00 跨省市旅客运输,代办跨省市客运业务等。 2,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海锦江高速客 运有限公司 有限责任 公司 上海 许文忠 交通运 输业 10,000,000.00 省际道路旅客运输、高速公路旅客运输,代办省际道 路旅客运输、代办高速公路旅客运输等。 10,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海商旅投资咨 询有限公司 一人有限责 任公司(法人 独资) 上海 戎平涛 咨询管 理 16,000,000.00 投资咨询,企业管理咨询,商务信息咨询,展览展示 服务(除举办展览展示会),企业形象策划,市场营销 策划。(涉及行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。 16,000,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海浦东友谊汽 车服务有限责任 公司 有限责任 公司 上海 吴晓国 交通运 输业 5,610,000.00 汽车客运,汽车修理,汽车配件的销售。(涉及许可经 营的凭许可证经营)。 4,927,263.00 - 87.83 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 2,630,169.90 - - 上海锦江汽车租 赁有限公司 有限责任 公司 上海 沈正东 租赁服 务业 3,300,000.00 汽车租赁 3,300,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的 表决权比例与 持股比例一致 是 - - -上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 23 四、企业合并及合并财务报表 – 续 1、 子公司情况 – 续 (2)同一控制下企业合并取得的子公司 – 续 单位:人民币元 子公司全称 子公司 类型 注册 地 法人 代表 业务 性质 注册资本 经营范围 期末实际 出资额 实质上构成 对子公司净 投资的其他 项目余额 持 股 比 例 (%) 表决权比例(%) 是否合并报 表 少数 股东权益 少数股东权 益中用于冲 减少数股东 损益的金额 从母公司所有者权益冲减 子公司少数股东分担的本 期亏损超过少数股东在该 子公司年初所有者权益中 所享有份额后的余额 上海中油锦友油品 经营有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 翁志雄 服务业 2,000,000.00 油气站开发(专项凭许可证)、服务,附设市西 分公司。 1,520,000.00 - 76 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 1,797,850.79 - - 上海嘉定锦江汽车 服务有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 余国富 交通运 输业 5,000,000.00 出租汽车营运,汽车配件的批售,客车租赁。 (涉及行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。 3,500,000.00 - 70 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 2,417,603.08 - - 上海锦佳汽车贸易 有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 施根昌 贸易 10,100,000.00 汽车(含小轿车)、摩托车及配件、机电设备、 金属材料、化工原料及产品(除危险品)、建 筑材料、五金交电、办公自动化设备、装潢 材料、工艺品、日用百货的销售,汽车内装 潢。(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。 10,100,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海锦江丰田汽车 销售服务有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 华庆建 贸易 10,000,000.00 汽车、品牌轿车销售及售后服务、汽车维修、 汽车内装潢、汽车技术信息服务,汽车配件 的销售,二手车经销。(涉及行政许可的,凭 许可证经营)。 7,000,000.00 - 70 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 5,055,240.17 - - 上海锦振电子技术 有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 余国富 服务业 800,000.00 计算机、通讯、电子技术领域内的科技咨询, 技术开发、转让、服务,销售维修电子器材 等。 800,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海花样年华广告 有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 余国富 广告业 800,000.00 承接各类广告设计、制作;承办出租车辆国 内外广告发布 640,000.00 - 80 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 293,156.81 - - 上海丰田汽车维修 有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 丁跃华 服务业 850,000.00 汽车修理、汽车零部件销售。(涉及行政许可 的,凭许可证经营)。 850,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海振星出租汽车 管理有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 吴晓国 管理 100,000.00 出租汽车个体工商户管理服务、汽车内部装 饰(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。 100,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海津悦汽车咨询 服务有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 丁跃华 咨询管 理 300,000.00 汽车咨询服务。汽车配件,装饰材料(除危险 品)零售。(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。 300,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海锦茂汽车销售 服务有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 龚文凯 贸易 10,200,000.00 东风日产品牌汽车的销售,汽车配件,日用 百货;汽车修理(一类),汽车内装饰。(涉及 行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。 5,100,000.00 - 50 >50% (注2) 是 6,926,986.42 - - 上海锦用汽车维修 服务有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 韩汇田 服务业 10,000,000.00 二类汽车维修(小型车辆维修),汽车装潢,汽 车配件的销售,汽车技术专业领域内的技术 开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让。(涉 及行政许可的,凭行政许可证经营)。 8,000,000.00 - 80 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 2,054,827.58 - - 上海南浦大桥食品 批发交易市场经营 管理有限公司 有限责任公 司 上海 丁志良 管理 300,000.00 为本市场内农副产品商品经营者提供市场管 理服务。(以上范围涉及许可经营的凭许可证 经营)。 300,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海吴泾冷藏有限 公司 一人有限责 任公司(法人 独资) 上海 何为光 仓储业 50,000,000.00 储运:食品(不含熟食),货物储运,代客理货 中转,商务信息咨询(除经纪),(涉及行政许 可的凭许可证经营)。 96,400,305.12 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 上海吴淞罗吉冷藏 有限公司 一人有限责 任公司(法人 独资) 上海 岑建荣 交通运 输、仓储 业 8,250,000.00 道路货物运输(本单位普通货物):在港区内从 事货物装卸、仓储经营;储运(含冷冻(冷藏) 食品);五金加工;货物存储;本单位空余场 地出租。 8,250,000.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权比 例与持股比例一致 是 - - - (3)非同一控制下企业合并取得的子公司 单位:人民币元 子公司全称 子公司类型 注册 地 法人 代表 业务 性质 注册资本 经营范围 期末实际 出资额 实质上构成对子 公司净投资的其 他项目余额 持股 比例 (%) 表决权比例(%) 是否 合并 报表 少数股东 权益 少数股东权益中 用于冲减少数股 东损益的金额 从母公司所有者权益冲减子公司少数股东 分担的本期亏损超过少数股东在该子公司 年初所有者权益中所享有份额后的余额 上海锦江耀华出 租汽车有限公司 一人有限责任公 司(法人独资) 上海 余国富 交通运 输业 2,220,000.00 客运服务,停车站,汽车配件、日用百 货销售(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营) 10,262,906.00 - 100 本集团享有的表决权 比例与持股比例一致 是 - - - 注1:原上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司以存续分立的方式进行分拆,新设立上海尚海食品有限公司。 注2:根据该子公司章程规定,本集团享有表决权比例大于50%。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 24 四、企业合并及合并财务报表 – 续 2、 本期新纳入合并范围的主体 (1)本期新纳入合并范围的子公司为本期新设立的上海尚海食品有限公司,详细情况见附注四1 注1。 五、 合并财务报表项目注释 1、货币资金 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 项目 外币金额 折算率 人民币金额 外币金额 折算率 人民币金额 现金: 人民币 473,475.71 1.0000 473,475.71 394,607.62 1.0000 394,607.62 银行存款: 人民币 658,287,042.04 1.0000 658,287,042.04 548,679,801.59 1.0000 548,679,801.59 合计 -- -- 658,760,517.75 -- -- 549,074,409.21 2、应收股利 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加 本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 账龄一年以内的应收股利 其中:⑴上海日产汽车维修中心 8,220.08 266,053.65 - 274,273.73 ⑵国泰君安证券股份有限公司 - 4,764,996.70 - 4,764,996.70 ⑶上海金茂锦江汽车服务有限公司 2,700,000.00 - (2,700,000.00) - ⑷上海锦江佳友汽车服务有限公司 - 1,443,171.97 (1,000,000.00) 443,171.97 ⑸上海锦江佘山汽车服务有限公司 1,332,616.79 - (1,332,616.79) - ⑹上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司 - 11,650,016.27 - 11,650,016.27 ⑺锦海捷亚国际货运有限公司 - 13,000,000.00 - 13,000,000.00 合计 4,040,836.87 31,124,238.59 (5,032,616.79) 30,132,458.67 3、应收账款 (1)应收账款按种类披露: 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 账面余额 坏账准备 账面余额 坏账准备 种类 金额 比例 (%) 金额 比例 (%) 金额 比例 (%) 金额 比例 (%) 单项金额重大的其他应收款 - - - - - - - - 其他不重大其他应收款 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 100 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 100 合计 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 100 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 100 本集团将金额为人民币1,000 万元以上的应收账款确认为单项金额重大的应收账款。 应收账款账龄如下: 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 账龄 金额 比例 (%) 坏账准备 账面价值 金额 比例 (%) 坏账准备 账面价值 1 年以内 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 43,786,570.97 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 38,396,261.33 合计 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 43,786,570.97 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 38,396,261.33 (2)本报告期应收账款中无持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位款项。 (3)应收账款金额前五名单位情况 单位:人民币元 单位名称 与本公司关系 金额 年限 占应收账款总额的比例(%) 客户一 第三方 3,750,707.92 1 年以内 8 客户二 第三方 1,571,011.48 1 年以内 4 客户三 第三方 872,489.60 1 年以内 2 客户四 第三方 692,780.00 1 年以内 2 客户五 第三方 677,067.71 1 年以内 2 合计 -- 7,564,056.71 -- 18 (4)应收关联方账款情况 应收关联方账款情况详见附注六6。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 25 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 4、其他应收款 (1)其他应收款按种类披露: 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 账面余额 坏账准备 账面余额 坏账准备 种类 金额 比例 (%) 金额 比例 (%) 金额 比例 (%) 金额 比例 (%) 单项金额重大的其他应收款 - - - - 29,355,441.75 54 - - 其他不重大其他应收款 52,948,933.59 100 (4,712.61) 100 24,515,366.95 46 (4,712.61) 100 合计 52,948,933.59 100 (4,712.61) 100 53,870,808.70 100 (4,712.61) 100 本集团将金额为人民币1,000 万元以上的其他应收款确认为单项金额重大的其他应收款。 其他应收款账龄如下: 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 账龄 金额 比例 (%) 坏账准备账面价值 金额 比例 (%) 坏账准备账面价值 1 年以内 49,501,475.65 93 (4,712.61) 49,496,763.04 50,255,501.68 93 (4,712.61) 50,250,789.07 1 至2 年 2,913,073.48 6 - 2,913,073.48 2,652,243.12 5 - 2,652,243.12 2 至3 年 500,768.61 1 - 500,768.61 740,802.45 1 - 740,802.45 3 年以上 33,615.85 0 - 33,615.85 222,261.45 1 - 222,261.45 合计 52,948,933.59 100 (4,712.61) 52,944,220.98 53,870,808.70 100 (4,712.61) 53,866,096.09 (2)本报告期其他应收款中无持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位款项。 (3)其他应收款金额前五名单位情况 单位:人民币元 单位名称 与本公司 关系 金额 年限 占其他应收款 总额的比例(%) 单位一 第三方 3,388,697.63 1 年以内 6 单位二 第三方 2,372,417.00 1 年以内 4 单位三 第三方 1,801,303.29 1 年以内 3 单位四 第三方 1,000,000.00 1 年至2 年 2 单位五 第三方 839,625.00 1 年以内 2 合计 -- 9,402,042.92 -- 17 (4)应收关联方款项 应收关联方账款情况详见附注六6。 5、预付款项 (1)预付款项按账龄列示 单位:人民币元 账龄 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 金额 比例(%) 金额 比例(%) 1 年以内 60,662,948.70 100 56,922,816.63 100 合计 60,662,948.70 100 56,922,816.63 100 (2)预付款项金额前五名单位情况 单位:人民币元 单位名称 与本公司 关系 金额 时间 未结算原因 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司 联营公司19,003,225.89 1 年以内 预付购车款 供应商二 第三方 11,474,853.22 1 年以内 预付购车款 供应商三 第三方 7,339,480.25 1 年以内 预付购车款 供应商四 第三方 6,470,398.74 1 年以内 预付购车款 供应商五 第三方 3,858,718.00 1 年以内 预付购车款 合计 -- 48,146,676.10 -- -- (3)本报告期预付款项中无持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位款项。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 26 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 5、预付款项 - 续 (4)预付款项的说明: 预付款项按客户类别披露如下: 单位:人民币元 类别 2010 年6 月30 日年初数 单项金额重大的预付账款 30,478,079.11 33,596,755.40 其他不重大的预付账款 30,184,869.59 23,326,061.23 合计 60,662,948.70 56,922,816.63 本集团将金额为人民币1,000 万元以上的预付款项确认为单项金额重大的预付款项。 6、存货 (1)存货分类 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 项目 账面余额 跌价准备账面价值 账面余额 跌价准备 账面价值 库存商品 38,262,134.37 - 38,262,134.37 35,345,781.28 - 35,345,781.28 备品备件 9,648,880.70 - 9,648,880.70 9,456,209.82 - 9,456,209.82 物料用品 164,977.19 - 164,977.19 143,391.75 - 143,391.75 食品饮料及其他 536,661.05 - 536,661.05 741,506.02 - 741,506.02 合计 48,612,653.31 - 48,612,653.31 45,686,888.87 - 45,686,888.87 7、一年内到期的非流动资产 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 一年内到期的应收长期垫付款(注) 4,230,666.67 4,230,666.67 注:应收长期垫付款情况详见附注五17 注2。 8、可供出售金融资产 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 公允价值 年初公允价值 可供出售权益工具 112,496,535.04 160,853,050.30 可供出售金融资产系本集团持有的其他上市公司股票,期末公允价值以期末收盘价确认。 9、投资性房地产 (1)按成本计量的投资性房地产 单位:人民币元 项目年初数本期增加本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、账面原值合计 40,148,721.51 - - 40,148,721.51 1.房屋、建筑物 27,201,946.71 - - 27,201,946.71 2.土地使用权 12,946,774.80 - - 12,946,774.80 二、累计折旧和累计摊销合计 5,054,644.93 385,879.62 - 5,440,524.55 1.房屋、建筑物 4,274,291.41 255,525.12 - 4,529,816.53 2.土地使用权 780,353.52 130,354.50 - 910,708.02 三、投资性房地产账面净值合计 35,094,076.58 - - 34,708,196.96 1.房屋、建筑物 22,927,655.30 - - 22,672,130.18 2.土地使用权 12,166,421.28 - - 12,036,066.78 四、投资性房地产减值准备累计金额合计- - - - 1.房屋、建筑物 - - - - 2.土地使用权 - - - - 五、投资性房地产账面价值合计 35,094,076.58 - - 34,708,196.96 1.房屋、建筑物 22,927,655.30 - - 22,672,130.18 2.土地使用权 12,166,421.28 - - 12,036,066.78 本期折旧和摊销额为人民币385,879.62 元。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 27 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 10、对合营企业投资和联营企业投资 单位:人民币元 被投资单位名称 企业类型 注册地法人代表业务性质注册资本 本企业 持股比例 (%) 本企业在被投 资单位 表决权比例 (%) 2010 年6 月30 日 资产总额 2010 年6 月30 日 负债总额 2010 年6 月30 日 净资产总额 本期营业 收入总额 本期 净利润(亏损) 一、合营企业 上海振东汽车服务有限公司 中外合资 上海 朱明华 交通运输业7,900,000.00 美元50 与持股比例一致84,642,349.26 12,545,663.14 72,096,686.12 21,848,944.77 5,003,567.68 上海金茂锦江汽车服务有限公司 有限责任公司上海 吴林 交通运输业22,000,000.00 50 与持股比例一致65,922,429.85 10,712,720.05 55,209,709.80 16,804,880.01 3,601,400.14 上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司 有限责任公司上海 戎平涛 交通运输业30,000,000.00 49.50 50 205,912,278.32 52,938,653.89 152,973,624.43 58,326,161.31 11,755,586.85 锦海捷亚国际货运有限公司 中外合资 上海 杨原平 交通运输业10,000,000.00 美元50 与持股比例一致585,743,633.91 356,656,744.33 229,086,889.58 1,211,263,778.51 15,275,051.18 上海锦江佳友汽车服务有限公司 有限责任公司上海 余国富 交通运输业24,700,000.00 50 与持股比例一致60,353,053.75 11,698,969.33 48,654,084.42 23,778,516.80 3,742,500.97 上海市机动车驾驶员培训中心 国有联营企业上海 徐树仁 服务业 4,340,000.00 33.33 与持股比例一致129,373,459.41 20,255,042.01 109,118,417.40 28,351,250.71 9,779,222.74 上海锦江佘山汽车服务有限公司 有限责任公司上海 姚惠英 交通运输业1,000,000.00 50 与持股比例一致16,146,820.61 3,100,386.86 13,046,433.75 6,542,976.96 1,249,263.21 上海石油集团长乐加油站有限公司 有限责任公司上海 王志强 服务业 300,000.00 50 与持股比例一致2,775,599.35 1,331,537.02 1,444,062.33 16,743,690.77 522,920.48 上海万国机动车驾驶员培训中心 国有与集体联 营企业 上海 张跃华 交通运输业20,000,000.00 50 与持股比例一致73,176,044.17 12,254,668.88 60,921,375.29 16,290,266.16 2,104,311.80 上海日产汽车维修中心 国有联营企业上海 张建华 交通运输业2,918,000.00 50 与持股比例一致10,396,851.79 889,325.51 9,507,526.28 2,143,887.60 (172,566.36) 上海永达二手机动车经营有限公司 有限责任公司上海 韩汇田 贸易 9,000,000.00 50 与持股比例一致8,408,024.11 38,564.90 8,369,459.21 7,496,900.00 (198,093.36) 二、联营企业 江苏南京长途汽车客运集团有限责任 公司 有限责任公司南京 田吉人 交通运输业110,000,000.00 23 与持股比例一致871,805,541.70 636,807,522.25 234,998,019.45 275,596,118.25 9,340,153.22 上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司 中外合资 上海 陈龙 交通运输业311,610,000.00 20 与持股比例一致949,134,166.76 133,081,875.92 816,052,290.84 415,309,098.35 206,229,779.14 世联锦江物流有限公司 有限责任公司上海 JAMES DAVID RITCHIE 交通运输业10,000,000.00 美元25 与持股比例一致952,235.13 48,875.75 903,359.38 - - 上海永达风度汽车销售服务有限公司 有限责任公司上海 朱建华 贸易 15,000,000.00 40 与持股比例一致68,675,498.09 35,931,264.11 32,744,233.98 139,194,076.45 2,170,873.75 上海锦江客运有限公司 有限责任公司上海 华庆建 交通运输业10,000,000.00 30 与持股比例一致29,238,642.87 9,351,112.75 19,887,530.12 10,300,269.00 3,891,459.76 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司 有限责任公司上海 袁哲宁 贸易 5,000,000.00 30 与持股比例一致35,526,108.61 27,078,840.50 8,447,268.11 196,914,918.06 1,224,172.10上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 28 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 11、长期股权投资 (1)长期股权投资明细如下: 单位:人民币元 被投资单位 核算 方法 初始投资成本年初数 增减变动 2010 年6 月30 日 在被投 资单位 持股比 例(%) 在被投资单 位表决权比 例(%) 在被投资单 位持股比例 与表决权比 例不一致的 说明 减值准备 本期 计提 减值 准备 本期 现金红利 上海日产汽车维修中心 权益法 5,643,011.57 5,900,677.34 (364,648.89) 5,536,028.45 50 与持股比例一致- - 266,053.65 上海万国机动车驾驶员培训中心 权益法 42,105,806.17 40,575,633.64 (1,708,235.94) 38,867,397.70 50 与持股比例一致- - 1,952,295.00 上海市机动车驾驶员培训中心 权益法 33,105,611.21 31,426,720.56 (1,559,814.33) 29,866,906.23 33.33 与持股比例一致- - 3,000,000.00 上海振东汽车服务有限公司 权益法 21,211,895.00 39,251,933.00 (3,203,589.87) 36,048,343.13 50 与持股比例一致- - 5,705,373.71 上海金茂锦江汽车服务有限公司 权益法 16,940,000.00 27,591,663.63 1,800,700.07 29,392,363.70 50 与持股比例一致- - - 上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司 权益法 84,628,129.42 100,937,251.82 (6,073,256.61) 94,863,995.21 49.50 50 注1 - - 11,650,016.27 锦海捷亚国际货运有限公司 权益法 40,254,477.70 113,410,820.93 (5,362,474.41) 108,048,346.52 50 与持股比例一致- - 13,000,000.00 上海永达风度汽车销售服务有限公司 权益法 6,000,000.00 12,229,344.09 868,349.50 13,097,693.59 40 与持股比例一致- - - 上海永达二手机动车经营有限公司 权益法 4,500,000.00 4,287,622.95 (99,046.68) 4,188,576.27 50 与持股比例一致- - - 上海锦江客运有限公司 权益法 3,000,000.00 7,317,952.98 (1,351,693.91) 5,966,259.07 30 与持股比例一致- - 2,519,131.84 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司 权益法 1,500,000.00 2,579,743.41 (164,608.64) 2,415,134.77 30 与持股比例一致- - 531,860.27 上海锦江佳友汽车服务有限公司 权益法 14,614,900.00 23,898,963.71 428,078.59 24,327,042.30 50 与持股比例一致- - 1,443,171.97 上海锦江佘山汽车服务有限公司 权益法 500,000.00 5,898,585.39 624,631.63 6,523,217.02 50 与持股比例一致- - - 上海石油集团长乐加油站有限公司 权益法 150,000.00 460,571.03 261,460.26 722,031.29 50 与持股比例一致- - - 江苏南京长途汽车客运集团有限责任公司 权益法 25,300,000.00 32,587,752.11 (887,764.76) 31,699,987.35 23 与持股比例一致- - 3,036,000.00 上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司 权益法 63,130,065.07 163,305,429.23 (1,869,031.16) 161,436,398.07 20 与持股比例一致- - 43,114,986.98 世联锦江物流有限公司 权益法 3,012,675.00 - - - 25 与持股比例一致- - - 上海东锦江大酒店有限公司 成本法 16,555,237.81 16,555,237.81 - 16,555,237.81 1.87 与持股比例一致- - - 上海寰球纸制品有限公司 成本法 746,253.00 746,253.00 - 746,253.00 10 与持股比例一致746,253.00 - - 国泰君安证券股份有限公司 成本法 47,649,967.00 47,649,967.00 - 47,649,967.00 <=5 与持股比例一致- - 4,764,996.70 国泰君安投资管理股份有限公司 成本法 31,974,279.24 31,974,279.24 - 31,974,279.24 <=5 与持股比例一致2,500,000.00 - - 上海国嘉实业股份有限公司 成本法 650,000.00 650,000.00 - 650,000.00 <=5 与持股比例一致650,000.00 - - 山东国泰股份有限公司 成本法 555,000.00 555,000.00 - 555,000.00 <=5 与持股比例一致555,000.00 - - 上海南站长途客运有限公司 成本法 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 - 7,500,000.00 10 与持股比例一致- - - 上海新世纪运输有限公司 成本法 2,240,000.00 2,240,000.00 - 2,240,000.00 11.20 与持股比例一致- - - 天津华联商厦股份有限公司 成本法 468,000.00 468,000.00 - 468,000.00 <=5 与持股比例一致468,000.00 - - 合计 -- 473,935,308.19 719,999,402.87 (18,660,945.15) 701,338,457.72 -- -- -- 4,919,253.00 - 90,983,886.39 注1:根据公司章程,本集团对上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司的表决权比例为50%。 本集团于2010 年6 月30 日持有长期股权投资之被投资单位向本集团转移资金的能力未受到限制。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 29 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 12、固定资产 (1)固定资产情况 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加 本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、账面原值合计: 1,678,307,187.72 251,127,759.52 (119,023,235.34) 1,810,411,711.90 其中:房屋及建筑物 154,732,612.72 751,450.00 (5,600.55) 155,478,462.17 机器设备 45,366,348.20 119,280.00 (2,876,611.10) 42,609,017.10 电子设备、器具及家具 25,647,159.88 655,949.02 (223,961.90) 26,079,147.00 营运车辆 1,438,293,782.56 249,601,080.50 (115,910,663.99) 1,571,984,199.07 其他运输设备 10,374,599.05 - (6,397.80) 10,368,201.25 酒店改造 3,892,685.31 - - 3,892,685.31 二、累计折旧合计: 929,723,330.53 108,115,310.69 (107,305,434.68) 930,533,206.54 其中:房屋及建筑物 55,374,970.92 3,563,497.49 (4,207.91) 58,934,260.50 机器设备 26,954,278.30 1,730,812.59 (2,310,292.60) 26,374,798.29 电子设备、器具及家具 18,343,929.61 621,245.01 (212,684.45) 18,752,490.17 营运车辆 822,505,135.95 99,264,317.52 (104,772,171.81) 816,997,281.66 其他运输设备 4,717,972.04 2,530,870.32 (6,077.91) 7,242,764.45 酒店改造 1,827,043.71 404,567.76 - 2,231,611.47 三、固定资产账面净值合计 748,583,857.19 - - 879,878,505.36 其中:房屋及建筑物 99,357,641.80 - - 96,544,201.67 机器设备 18,412,069.90 - - 16,234,218.81 电子设备、器具及家具 7,303,230.27 - - 7,326,656.83 营运车辆 615,788,646.61 - - 754,986,917.41 其他运输设备 5,656,627.01 - - 3,125,436.80 酒店改造 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 四、减值准备合计 2,088,440.55 - - 2,088,440.55 其中:房屋及建筑物 1,980,444.87 - - 1,980,444.87 机器设备 74,549.59 - - 74,549.59 电子设备、器具及家具 33,446.09 - - 33,446.09 营运车辆 - - - - 其他运输设备 - - - - 酒店改造 - - - - 五、固定资产账面价值合计 746,495,416.64 - - 877,790,064.81 其中:房屋及建筑物 97,377,196.93 - - 94,563,756.80 机器设备 18,337,520.31 - - 16,159,669.22 电子设备、器具及家具 7,269,784.18 - - 7,293,210.74 营运车辆 615,788,646.61 - - 754,986,917.41 其他运输设备 5,656,627.01 - - 3,125,436.80 酒店改造 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 截至2010 年6 月30 日止,无固定资产所有权受到限制。 (2)未办妥产权证书的固定资产情况 截至2010 年6 月30 日止,净值为人民币8,762,219.20 元(年初数:人民币9,893,468.38 元)的房屋及建筑 物尚未办理产权证明,情况如下: 单位:人民币元 项目 金额 未办妥产权证书原因 预计办结产权证书时间 锦江汽车吴中路88 号房屋建筑物 8,762,219.20 该建筑物所在土地系 向集团经营租赁所得 -- 固定资产说明: (1) 账面原值本期增加中,因购置而增加人民币110,326,711.52 元,因在建工程转入而增加人民币 140,801,048.00 元; (2) 账面原值本期减少中,因处置而减少人民币119,023,235.34 元; (3) 累计折旧本期增加中,本期计提人民币108,115,310.69 元; (4) 累计折旧本期减少中,因处置而减少人民币107,305,434.68 元。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 30 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 13、在建工程 (1)在建工程明细如下: 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 账面余额 减值准备 账面净值 账面余额 减值准备 账面净值 未达使用状态之车辆 10,013,308.40 - 10,013,308.40 8,889,095.00 - 8,889,095.00 机动车交通事故快速理赔中心 51,585,196.60 - 51,585,196.60 25,844,234.60 - 25,844,234.60 超低温仓储物流项目 20,975,773.90 - 20,975,773.90 13,854,120.80 - 13,854,120.80 其他 10,359,366.63 - 10,359,366.63 7,744,283.63 - 7,744,283.63 合计 92,933,645.53 - 92,933,645.53 56,331,734.03 - 56,331,734.03 (2)重大在建工程项目变动情况 单位:人民币元 项目名称 预算数 年初数 本期增加 转入固 定资产 其他 减少 工程投入占 预算比例 (%) 工程进度 利息资 本化累 计金额 其中:本期 利息资本化 金额 本期利息 资本化率 (%) 资金 来源2010 年6 月30 日 机动车交通事故 快速理赔中心 65,000,000.00 25,844,234.60 25,740,962.00 - - 79 结构完成,进入 装饰安装阶段 - - 不适用 自筹51,585,196.60 超低温仓储物流 项目 34,000,000.00 13,854,120.80 7,121,653.10 - - 62 土建水电安装已 验收合格 - - 不适用 自筹20,975,773.90 合计 -- 39,698,355.40 32,862,615.10 - - -- - - -- -- 72,560,970.50上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 31 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 14、无形资产 (1)无形资产情况 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加 本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、账面原值合计 225,578,250.55 550,200.00 - 226,128,450.55 土地使用权 95,271,819.20 - - 95,271,819.20 出租车营运牌照 130,306,431.35 550,200.00 - 130,856,631.35 二、累计摊销合计 9,608,004.32 539,790.02 - 10,147,794.34 土地使用权 3,577,652.20 539,790.02 - 4,117,442.22 出租车营运牌照 6,030,352.12 - - 6,030,352.12 三、无形资产账面净值合计 215,970,246.23 - - 215,980,656.21 土地使用权 91,694,167.00 - - 91,154,376.98 出租车营运牌照 124,276,079.23 - - 124,826,279.23 四、减值准备合计 - - - - 土地使用权 - - - - 出租车营运牌照 - - - - 五、无形资产账面价值合计 215,970,246.23 - 215,980,656.21 土地使用权 91,694,167.00 - 91,154,376.98 出租车营运牌照 124,276,079.23 - 124,826,279.23 无形资产的说明: (1)账面原值本期增加中,因购置而增加人民币550,200.00 元。 (2)累计摊销本期增加中,本期计提人民币539,790.02 元。 土地使用权中有账面价值人民币42,106,800.00 元系划拨用地,因划拨用地土地证中未明确使用年限,本 集团管理层认为在可预见的将来该土地使用权均会使用并带给本集团预期的经济利益流入,故其使用寿 命是不确定的。 本集团所拥有的出租车营运牌照并无使用年限限制,本集团管理层认为在可预见的将来该出租车营运牌 照均会使用并带给本集团预期的经济利益流入,故其使用寿命是不确定的。 15、递延所得税资产/递延所得税负债 (一)递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债不以抵销后的净额列示 (1)已确认的递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日年初数 递延所得税资产: 资产减值准备 1,112,813.25 1,112,813.25 尚未支付费用 605,884.89 628,516.93 小计 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 递延所得税负债: 计入其他综合收益的可供出售23,050,475.35 36,401,815.26 小计 23,050,475.35 36,401,815.26 (2)未确认递延所得税资产明细 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 可抵扣暂时性差异 2,911,668.00 2,911,668.00 可抵扣亏损 3,611,254.18 3,611,254.18 合计 6,522,922.18 6,522,922.18 由于未来能否获得足够的应纳税所得额具有不确定性,因此上述可抵扣暂时性差异和可抵扣亏损没有确 认为递延所得税资产。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 32 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 15、递延所得税资产/递延所得税负债 - 续 (3)未确认递延所得税资产的可抵扣亏损将于以下年度到期 单位:人民币元 年份 2010 年6 月30 日年初数 备注 2012 年 1,068,171.86 1,068,171.86 -- 2013 年 1,339,743.06 1,339,743.06 -- 2014 年 1,203,339.26 1,203,339.26 -- 合计 3,611,254.18 3,611,254.18 -- (4)引起暂时性差异的资产或负债项目对应的暂时性差异 单位:人民币元 项目 暂时性差异金额 2010 年6 月30 日: 可抵扣暂时性差异和可抵扣亏损: 资产减值准备 4,451,253.00 尚未支付费用 2,423,539.56 小计 6,874,792.56 应纳税暂时性差异: 计入其他综合收益的可供出售金融资产公允价值变动 92,201,901.43 小计 92,201,901.43 年初数: 可抵扣暂时性差异和可抵扣亏损: 资产减值准备 4,451,253.00 尚未支付费用 2,514,067.69 小计 6,965,320.69 应纳税暂时性差异: 计入其他综合收益的可供出售金融资产公允价值变动145,607,261.10 小计 145,607,261.10 16、资产减值准备明细 单位:人民币元 本期减少 项目 年初数 本期增加 转回 转销 2010 年6 月30 日 一、坏账准备 355,227.45 - - - 355,227.45 二、长期股权投资减值准备 4,919,253.00 - - - 4,919,253.00 三、固定资产减值准备 2,088,440.55 - - - 2,088,440.55 合计 7,362,921.00 - - - 7,362,921.00 17、其他非流动资产 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 预付投资款(注1) 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 应收长期垫付款(注2) 12,692,000.57 12,692,000.57 减:一年内到期的非流动资产 4,230,666.67 4,230,666.67 合计 23,724,322.66 23,724,322.66 其他非流动资产的说明: 注1:系预付国泰君安证券股份有限公司的投资款。 注2:系无偿为上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司垫付的货运站建筑物、设备和场地租赁的租金共计人 民币50,768,000.00 元。该款项由上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司自2001 年1 月1 日起按12 年进行等 额分期偿还。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 33 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 18、应付票据 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 银行承兑汇票 6,355,600.00 - 商业承兑汇票 102,815,360.00 - 合计 109,170,960.00 - 19、应付账款 (1)应付账款明细如下: 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 购买商品、接受劳务应付款项 52,222,999.76 51,298,880.63 合计 52,222,999.76 51,298,880.63 (2)本报告期应付账款中无应付持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位或关联方的款项。 20、预收款项 (1)预收账款明细如下: 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 销售商品、提供劳务预收款项 96,945,582.84 98,009,797.19 合计 96,945,582.84 98,009,797.19 (2)本报告期预收账款中无预收持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位或关联方的款项。 21、应付职工薪酬 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加 本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、工资、奖金、津贴和补贴 6,026,003.24 110,468,254.89 (87,952,563.42) 28,541,694.71 二、职工福利费 20,625,039.60 2,120,991.81 (4,193,910.56) 18,552,120.85 三、社会保险费 9,953,938.20 63,345,709.76 (62,435,218.58) 10,864,429.38 其中:医疗保险费 2,716,296.01 18,674,024.03 (18,474,456.34) 2,915,863.70 基本养老保险费 6,479,614.00 39,414,608.21 (38,878,622.77) 7,015,599.44 失业保险费 460,050.89 3,851,337.45 (3,705,314.74) 606,073.60 工伤保险费 79,766.40 687,816.13 (671,075.91) 96,506.62 生育保险费 218,210.90 717,923.94 (705,748.82) 230,386.02 四、住房公积金 28,921.30 10,455,904.52 (10,431,089.02) 53,736.80 五、辞退福利 - 847,340.00 (847,340.00) - 六、其他 31,616,280.41 2,214,646.28 (3,539,850.98) 30,291,075.71 其中:工会经费和职工教育经费 9,084,418.50 2,214,646.28 (2,189,695.51) 9,109,369.27 内退职工补助 13,692,776.73 - (342,140.67) 13,350,636.06 退休职工补助 8,839,085.18 - (1,008,014.80) 7,831,070.38 合计 68,250,182.75 189,452,847.26 (169,399,972.56) 88,303,057.45 应付职工薪酬中无属于拖欠性质的金额。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 34 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 22、应交税费 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 增值税 (510,447.09) 611,164.50 营业税 3,396,708.17 3,128,899.89 企业所得税 23,513,582.40 18,170,163.21 个人所得税 997,443.21 953,433.92 城市维护建设税 246,227.80 294,478.78 其他 1,778,404.86 2,481,638.27 合计 29,421,919.35 25,639,778.57 23、应付股利 单位:人民币元 单位名称 2010 年6 月30 日年初数 未支付原因 原法人股股利 20,519,078.05 20,869,833.55 超过1 年,尚未领取 2009 年度红利 101,705,871.53 - 尚未支付 锦江国际(集团)有限公司 63,777,160.57 - 尚未支付 合计 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 -- 24、其他应付款 (1)其他应付款明细如下: 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 押金及保证金 107,466,611.96 104,285,409.94 重组欠款 39,821,129.93 39,821,129.93 其他 122,411,956.25 108,931,517.06 合计 269,699,698.14 253,038,056.93 账龄超过一年的主要系押金、保证金及重组欠款。 (2)本报告期其他应付款中应付持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位或关联方情况 单位:人民币元 单位名称 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 锦江国际(集团)有限公司 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 合计 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 25、其他非流动负债 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 动迁安置费 20,355,645.57 20,608,557.53 动迁补偿款 28,793,301.92 28,793,301.92 合计 49,148,947.49 49,401,859.45上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 35 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 26、股本 本公司注册及实收股本计 551,610,107股,每股面值1元,股份种类及其结构如下: 单位:股 本期变动年初数 其他 2010 年6 月30 日 一、有限售条件股份 1. 国有法人持股 157,425,450 (157,425,450) - 有限售条件股份合计 157,425,450 (157,425,450) - 二、无限售条件股份 1. 人民币普通股 233,134,625 157,425,450 390,560,075 2. 境内上市外资股 161,050,032 - 161,050,032 无限售条件股份合计 394,184,657 157,425,450 551,610,107 三、股份总数 551,610,107 - 551,610,107 2007 年2 月13 日本集团第一次安排有限售条件(仅限股改形成)的流通股上市,上市数量为113,304,788 股,占本集团总股份比例为20.54%。 2008 年2 月13 日本集团第二次安排有限售条件(仅限股改形成)的流通股上市,上市数量为35,795,572 股,占本集团总股份比例为6.49%。 2009 年2 月13 日本集团第三次安排有限售条件(仅限股改形成)的流通股上市,上市数量为27,580,505 股,占本集团总股份比例为5.00%。 2010 年2 月26 日本集团第四次安排有限售条件(仅限股改形成)的流通股上市,上市数量为157,425,450 股,占本集团总股份比例为28.54%。至此,公司总股本551,610,107 股皆已全部流通。 27、资本公积 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加 本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 资本溢价 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 其中:投资者投入的资本 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 其他综合收益 111,780,115.90 - (39,928,649.73) 71,851,466.17 其他资本公积 104,470,768.36 - - 104,470,768.36 其中:原制度资本公积转入(注1) 98,665,171.28 - - 98,665,171.28 分步实现的非同一控制下企业合并调整5,805,597.08 - - 5,805,597.08 合计 482,469,111.16 - (39,928,649.73) 442,540,461.43 注: (1)原制度资本公积转入可用于增资、冲减同一控制下企业合并产生的合并差额等; 28、盈余公积 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加 2010 年6 月30 日 法定盈余公积 197,209,908.31 2,493,640.68 199,703,548.99 任意盈余公积 10,684,636.00 - 10,684,636.00 合计 207,894,544.31 2,493,640.68 210,388,184.99 法定盈余公积可用于弥补公司的亏损,扩大公司生产经营或转增公司股本。 29、未分配利润 单位:人民币元 项目 金额 提取或分配比例 年初未分配利润 701,034,222.87 加:本期归属于母公司所有者的净利润139,775,249.32 减:提取法定盈余公积 2,493,640.68 注(1) 应付普通股股利165,483,032.10 注(2) 期末未分配利润 672,832,799.41 注(1):提取法定盈余公积。根据公司章程规定,法定盈余公积金按净利润之10%提取。公司法定盈余公 积金累计额为公司注册资本50%以上的,可不再提取。 注(2):本期已批准的现金股利,于2010 年6 月18 日经股东大会批准,公司按已发行之股份551,610,107 股 (每股面值人民币1 元)计算,以每10 股向全体股东派发现金红利3 元(含税)),在本期转入应付股利。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 36 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 30、营业收入、营业成本 (1)营业收入 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 主营业务收入 865,152,662.96 764,696,209.76 其他业务收入 15,389,400.30 14,487,245.11 营业成本 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 (2)主营业务(分行业) 单位:人民币元 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 行业名称 营业收入 营业成本 营业收入 营业成本 车辆营运业务 535,801,316.88 348,817,844.00 492,390,681.17 322,697,657.08 汽车销售业务 280,678,988.35 261,864,278.15 224,527,231.20 210,781,682.69 酒店及相关业务 9,853,950.34 1,721,701.06 9,817,732.30 1,735,461.68 低温物流业务 38,818,407.39 20,460,958.68 37,960,565.09 19,866,523.34 合计 865,152,662.96 632,864,781.89 764,696,209.76 555,081,324.79 31、营业税金及附加 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 计缴标准 营业税 18,095,509.80 18,068,762.14 详见附注三 城市维护建设税 1,315,814.20 1,195,445.22 详见附注三 教育费附加 648,125.84 542,629.15 详见附注三 合计 20,059,449.84 19,806,836.51 -- 32、财务费用 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 利息支出 3,262,669.77 2,301,412.59 减﹕利息收入 3,712,297.14 4,392,445.75 汇兑差额 4,991.48 128,555.25 其他 509,378.99 684,379.73 合计 64,743.10 (1,278,098.18) 33、投资收益 (1)投资收益明细情况 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 成本法核算的长期股权投资收益 4,764,996.70 14,399,788.69 权益法核算的长期股权投资收益 67,557,944.54 46,347,678.87 处置长期股权投资产生的投资收益- 3,698,148.66 持有可供出售金融资产等期间取得的投资收益924,285.00 961,365.00 处置交易性金融资产取得的投资收益350,444.61 - 处置可供出售金融资产等取得的投资收益8,595,232.67 17,630,900.37 合计 82,192,903.52 83,037,881.59 (2)按权益法核算的重大长期股权投资收益 单位:人民币元 被投资单位 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 本期比上年同期增减 变动的原因 上海浦东国际机场货运站 有限公司 41,245,955.82 21,860,935.66 去年同期因受金融危机影响而 导致业务量大幅下滑 本集团投资收益汇回不存在重大限制。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 37 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 34、营业外收入 (1)营业外收入明细如下: 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 非流动资产处置利得合计 6,585,865.18 7,811,215.40 其中:固定资产处置利得 6,585,865.18 7,811,215.40 政府补助 1,139,204.74 4,814,811.33 罚款收入 487,212.99 - 其他 770,399.42 3,691.30 合计 8,982,682.33 12,629,718.03 (2)政府补助明细 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 说明 财政返还 1,139,204.74 938,968.17 -- 优惠乘车补贴 - 1,397,950.83 注 油价补贴 - 1,615,392.33 注 其他财政拨款 - 600,000.00 注 递延收益 - 262,500.00 注 合计 1,139,204.74 4,814,811.33 -- 注:因2009 年6 月上海锦江公共交通有限公司股权转让而使得上述经营性补贴减少。 35、营业外支出 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 非流动资产处置损失合计 515,958.78 106,711.48 其中:固定资产处置损失 515,958.78 106,711.48 其他 25,643.28 40,232.16 合计 541,602.06 146,943.64 36、所得税费用 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 当期所得税费用 21,505,366.16 22,556,012.94 递延所得税费用 22,632.04 26,651.06 合计 21,527,998.20 22,582,664.00 37、基本每股收益和稀释每股收益的计算过程 计算基本每股收益时,归属于普通股股东的当期净利润为: 单位:人民币元 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 归属于普通股股东的当期净利润 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 其中:归属于持续经营的净利润 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 计算基本每股收益时,分母为发行在外普通股加权平均数,计算过程如下: 单位:人民币元 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 年初发行在外的普通股股数 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 加:本期发行的普通股加权数 - - 减:本期回购的普通股加权数 - - 期末发行在外的普通股加权数 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 每股收益 单位:人民币元 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 按归属于母公司股东的净利润计算: 基本每股收益 0.253 0.254 稀释每股收益 不适用 不适用 按归属于母公司股东的持续经营净利润计算: 基本每股收益 0.253 0.254 稀释每股收益 不适用 不适用 按归属于母公司股东的终止经营净利润计算: 基本每股收益 不适用 不适用 稀释每股收益 不适用 不适用 注:本集团于2010 年6 月30 日不存在稀释性潜在普通股。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 38 五 合并财务报表项目注释 - 续 38、其他综合收益 单位:人民币元 项目 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 可供出售金融资产产生的利得(损失)金额 (45,465,038.00) 72,454,545.54 减:可供出售金融资产产生的所得税影响 (11,366,259.50) 18,113,636.38 前期计入其他综合收益当期转入损益的净额 5,955,241.23 5,390,632.22 合计 (40,054,019.73) 48,950,276.94 39、现金流量表补充资料 (1)现金流量表补充资料 单位:人民币元 补充资料 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 1.将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量: 净利润 164,122,660.06 155,545,555.33 加:资产减值准备 固定资产折旧 108,115,310.69 105,999,640.13 无形资产摊销 539,790.02 539,790.06 投资性房地产摊销及折旧 385,879.62 385,879.62 长期待摊费用摊销 6,477.94 6,477.90 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产的损失(收益以“-” 号填列) (6,069,906.40) (7,704,503.92) 财务费用(收益以“-”号填列) 3,262,669.77 2,301,412.59 投资损失(收益以“-”号填列) (82,192,903.52) (83,037,881.59) 递延所得税资产减少(增加以“-”号填列) 22,632.04 26,651.06 存货的减少(增加以“-”号填列) (2,925,764.44) 15,235,628.75 经营性应收项目的减少(增加以“-”号填列) (8,208,566.61) (5,206,690.40) 经营性应付项目的增加(减少以“-”号填列) 43,196,579.74 30,212,469.47 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 220,254,858.91 214,304,429.00 2.现金及现金等价物净变动情况: 现金的年末余额 658,760,517.75 664,838,920.69 减:现金的年初余额 549,074,409.21 609,605,573.31 现金及现金等价物净(减少)增加额 109,686,108.54 55,233,347.38 (2)现金和现金等价物的构成 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 一、现金 658,760,517.75 549,074,409.21 其中:库存现金 473,475.71 394,607.62 可随时用于支付的银行存款 658,287,042.04 548,679,801.59 二、期末现金及现金等价物余额 658,760,517.75 549,074,409.21上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 39 六、 关联方及关联交易 1、本企业的母公司情况 单位:人民币元 母公司名称 关联关系 企业类型 注册 地 法人 代表 业务性质 注册资本 母公司对 本企业的 持股比例 (%) 母公司对 本企业的 表决权比 例(%) 本企业 最终控制方 组织机构代码 锦江国际(集 团)有限公司 (“锦江集团”) 母公司 有限责任 公司( 国 有独资) 上海 俞敏亮国有资产经营与管理,企业投 资及管理,饭店管理,游乐业 配套服务,国内贸易,物业管 理,自有办公楼、公寓租赁, 产权纪经及相关项目咨询。 2,000,000,000 38.54 锦江集团 享有的表 决权比例 与持股比 例一致 锦江国际 (集团)有限 公司(“锦江 集团”) 13222031-2 2、本企业的子公司情况 本企业的子公司情况详见附注四1。 3、本企业的合营和联营企业情况 本企业的合营和联营企业情况详见附注五10。 4、本集团的其他关联方情况 其他关联方名称 其他关联方与本公司关系 上海锦江饭店有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海锦江旅游有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海锦江国际酒店物品有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海旅行社有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海国旅国际旅行社股份有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海食品(集团)有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海华亭海外旅游公司 控股股东之子公司 上海锦江国际旅游股份有限公司 控股股东之子公司 锦江之星旅馆有限公司 控股股东之子公司 锦江国际集团(香港)有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海银河宾馆有限公司 控股股东之子公司 上海锦江国际酒店(集团)股份有限公司新锦江大酒店 控股股东之子公司 上海东锦江大酒店有限公司 控股股东之子公司 以上各公司统称为锦江集团下属公司。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 40 六、 关联方及关联交易 - 续 5、关联交易情况 (1)购销商品、提供和接受劳务的关联交易 单位:人民币元 2010 年1 月1 日至6 月30 日止期间2009 年1 月1 日至6 月30 日止期间 关联方 关联交易类型 关联交易内容 金额 占同类交易 金额的比例(%) 金额 占同类交易 金额的比例(%) 锦江集团下属公司提供劳务车辆营运业务收入3,144,765.00 - 5,216,403.00 - 锦江集团下属公司购销商品汽车销售业务收入369,731.50 - - - 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司 购销商品采购物品867,600.00 - 1,092,399.30 - 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司 购销商品采购固定资产支出108,908,400.00 43 41,496,923.08 36 锦江集团下属公司接受劳务管理费用(注1) 148,042.77 100 131,941.16 100 锦江集团下属公司接受劳务管理费用195,310.00 - - - 定价原则及决策程序:根据本公司与各关联方签订的有关综合服务协议、产品购销合同等协议的规定定价。重大关联交易需经董事会批准通过。 注1:应支付给锦江集团及其下属公司的管理费以酒店经营收入的2%和酒店经营利润的4%计算加总,作为其提供服务的酬劳,服务包括一般行政、市场推广及采购等。 (2)关联租赁情况 租赁收入 单位:人民币元 出租方名称承租方名称租赁资产情况 租赁收益租赁收益确定依据租赁收益对公司影响 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司 上海石油集团长乐加油站有限公司 房屋及建筑物 99,996.00 租赁合同不重大 租赁费用 单位:人民币元 出租方名称承租方名称 租赁资产情况租赁起始日租赁终止日 租赁费用租赁费用确定依据租赁费用对公司影响 锦江集团 锦江汽车 土地使用权2003 年12 月1 日2013 年11 月30 日1,500,000.00 租赁合同不重大 锦江集团(注) 锦江投资 房屋注注58,116.00 租赁合同不重大 注:本集团租赁锦江集团的房屋到期后不再续签合同,仅支付少量租赁费用,如按原合同价格计算,本期未计的租赁费用为人民币780,000.00 元。 (3)关联担保情况 单位:人民币元 担保方被担保方担保金额担保起始日担保到期日担保是否已经履行完毕 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司 上海永达风度汽车销售服务有限公司 6,000,000.00 2009 年12 月10 日2010 年12 月9 日否 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司 上海永达风度汽车销售服务有限公司 7,600,000.00 2010 年1 月8 日2011 年1 月7 日否 (4)关联方资金拆借 本期及上年度: 单位:人民币元 关联方 拆借金额起始日到期日本期末余额说明 上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司 50,768,000.00 2001 年2012 年12,692,000.57 --上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 41 六、 关联方及关联交易 - 续 6、关联方应收应付款项 单位:人民币元 项目名称 关联方2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 应收账款 锦江集团 - 34,707.00 应收账款 锦江集团下属公司563,536.00 366,183.00 预付款项 锦江集团下属公司35,900.00 23,600.00 预付款项 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司19,003,225.89 21,335,467.19 应付账款 上海永达风度汽车销售服务有限公司7,578,356.33 7,606,516.33 应付账款 锦江集团下属公司48,950.00 - 应付票据 上海锦江汽车销售服务有限公司102,815,360.00 - 应付股利 锦江集团 63,777,160.57 - 其他应付款 锦江集团 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 其他应付款 上海锦江客运有限公司576,121.12 295,820.15 其他应付款 锦江集团下属公司44,343,078.19 43,687,077.29 七、 或有事项 1、为其他单位提供债务担保形成的或有负债及其财务影响 本期,子公司上海锦江汽车服务有限公司为上海永达风度汽车销售服务有限公司人民币13,600,000.00 元 (2009 年:人民币13,600,000.00 元)的短期借款提供担保,详见附注六、5(3)。 本期,子公司上海锦江汽车服务有限公司为上海锦江亿马汽车销售服务有限公司人民币4,000,000.00 元 的票据贴现提供担保。 本期,子公司上海锦江商旅汽车服务股份有限公司为上海南站长途客运有限公司人民币12,500,000.00 元 (2009 年:人民币12,500,000.00 元)的短期借款提供担保。 八、 承诺事项 1、重大承诺事项 (1)资本承诺 人民币千元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 已签约但尚未于财务报表中确认的 - 工程合同 - 32,791 合计 - 32,791 (2)经营租赁承诺 至资产负债表日止,本集团对外签订的不可撤销的经营租赁合约情况如下: 人民币千元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 不可撤销经营租赁的最低租赁付款额: 资产负债表日后第1 年 8,340 8,119 资产负债表日后第2 年 6,319 6,430 资产负债表日后第3 年 6,505 6,331 以后年度 6,478 6,858 合计 27,642 27,738 九、 资产负债表日后事项 截止资产负债表日,本集团不存在需要披露的重大非调整事项。 十、 其他重要事项 1、以公允价值计量的资产和负债 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期公允价值 变动损益 计入权益的累计 公允价值变动 2010 年6 月30 日 金融资产 可供出售金融资产 160,853,050.30 - 68,864,710.82 112,496,535.04 截止资产负债表日,本集团不存在需要披露的其他重要事项上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 42 十、 其他重要事项 - 续 2、其他 2(1)、分部报告 本集团按《企业会计准则解释第3 号》的规定确定报告分部并披露分部信息,不再执行《企业会计准则第35 号—分部报告》关于确定地区分部和业务分部以 及按照主要报告形式、次要报告形式披露分部信息的规定。 根据本集团的内部组织结构、管理要求及内部报告制度,本集团的经营业务划分为4 个报告分部,这些报告分部是以经营分部为基础确定的。集团的管理层定 期评价这些报告分部的经营成果,以决定向其分配资源及评价其业绩。本集团各个报告分部提供的主要产品及劳务分别为车辆营运业务、汽车销售业务、酒店 及相关业务以及低温物流业务等。 分部报告信息根据各分部向管理层报告时采用的会计政策及计量标准披露,这些计量基础与编制财务报表时的会计与计量基础保持一致。 (1)分部报告信息 单位:人民币元 车辆营运业务 汽车销售业务 酒店及相关业务 低温物流业务 未分配项目 合计 项目 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 本期累计数 上年同期累计数 营业收入: 对外交易收入 535,801,316.88 492,390,681.17 280,678,988.35 224,527,231.20 9,853,950.34 9,817,732.30 38,818,407.39 37,960,565.09 15,389,400.30 14,487,245.11 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 分部间交易收入 - - - - - - - - - - - - 分部营业收入合计 535,801,316.88 492,390,681.17 280,678,988.35 224,527,231.20 9,853,950.34 9,817,732.30 38,818,407.39 37,960,565.09 15,389,400.30 14,487,245.11 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 报表营业收入合计 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 营业成本 348,817,844.00 322,697,657.08 261,864,278.15 210,781,682.69 1,721,701.06 1,735,461.68 20,460,958.68 19,866,523.34 3,856,123.64 2,572,108.87 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 营业税金及附加16,744,765.40 16,708,801.16 623,567.92 527,187.22 552,721.28 493,662.36 2,138,395.24 2,077,185.77 - - 20,059,449.84 19,806,836.51 销售费用 61,814,885.53 58,702,677.43 5,972,123.47 2,727,451.68 4,422,526.40 4,367,911.46 245,152.99 286,504.80 - - 72,454,688.39 66,084,545.37 管理费用 29,433,533.77 29,956,790.88 9,022,901.91 6,159,707.77 810,116.23 796,432.62 10,404,426.79 10,844,329.73 6,554,623.23 6,551,913.16 56,225,601.93 54,309,174.16 分部营业成本合计456,811,028.70 428,065,926.55 277,482,871.45 220,196,029.36 7,507,064.97 7,393,468.12 33,248,933.70 33,074,543.64 10,410,746.87 9,124,022.03 785,460,645.69 697,853,989.70 分部营业利润(亏损) 78,990,288.18 64,324,754.62 3,196,116.90 4,331,201.84 2,346,885.37 2,424,264.18 5,569,473.69 4,886,021.45 4,978,653.43 5,363,223.08 95,081,417.57 81,329,465.17 调节项目: 财务费用 - - - - - - - - - - 64,743.10 (1,278,098.18) 投资收益 - - - - - - - - - - 82,192,903.52 83,037,881.59 营业利润 78,990,288.18 64,324,754.62 3,196,116.90 4,331,201.84 2,346,885.37 2,424,264.18 5,569,473.69 4,886,021.45 4,978,653.43 5,363,223.08 177,209,577.99 165,645,444.94 (2)本集团所有对外交易收入均在中国,本集团所有资产均在中国。 (3)本集团无占收入总额10%以上的客户。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 43 十、 其他重要事项 - 续 2、其他 - 续 2(2)、金融工具及风险管理 本集团的主要金融工具包括货币资金、股权投资、借款、可供出售金融资产、应收账款、应付账款等, 各项金融工具的详细情况说明见附注五。与这些金融工具有关的风险,以及本集团为降低这些风险所采 取的风险管理政策如下所述。本集团管理层对这些风险敞口进行管理和监控以确保将上述风险控制在限 定的范围之内。 I. 风险管理目标和政策 本集团从事风险管理的目标是在风险和收益之间取得适当的平衡,将风险对本集团经营业绩的负面影响 降低到最低水平,使股东及其其他权益投资者的利益最大化。基于该风险管理目标,本集团风险管理的 基本策略是确定和分析本集团所面临的各种风险,建立适当的风险承受底线和进行风险管理,并及时可 靠地对各种风险进行监督,将风险控制在限定的范围之内。 I.1 市场风险 I.1.1. 外汇风险 外汇风险指因汇率变动产生损失的风险。本集团的主要业务活动以人民币计价结算,因此外汇风险对本 集团的经营业绩不会产生重大影响。 I.1.2. 其他价格风险 本集团持有的分类为可供出售金融资产的投资在资产负债表日以公允价值计量。因此,本集团承担着证 券市场变动的风险。 I.2 信用风险 2010 年6 月30 日,可能引起本集团财务损失的最大信用风险敞口主要来自于合同另一方未能履行义务 而导致本集团金融资产产生的损失以及本集团承担的财务担保,具体包括: ?合并资产负债表中已确认的金融资产的账面金额;对于以公允价值计量的金融工具而言,账面价值 反映了其风险敞口,但并非最大风险敞口,其最大风险敞口将随着未来公允价值的变化而改变。 为降低信用风险,本集团控制信用额度、进行信用审批,并执行其他监控程序以确保采取必要的措施回 收过期债权。此外,本集团于每个资产负债表日审核每一单项应收款的回收情况,以确保就无法回收的 款项计提充分的坏帐准备。因此,本集团管理层认为本集团所承担的信用风险已经大为降低。 本集团的流动资金存放在信用评级较高的银行,故流动资金的信用风险较低。 本集团采用了必要的政策确保所有销售客户均具有良好的信用记录。本集团无其他重大信用集中风险。 I.3 流动风险 管理流动风险时,本集团保持管理层认为充分的现金及现金等价物并对其进行监控,以满足本集团经营 需要,并降低现金流量波动的影响。本集团管理层对银行借款的使用情况进行监控并确保遵守借款协议。 于资产负债表日,除其他应付款中部分押金、保证金及重组欠款将于1 年后到期外,本集团其他金融资 产和金融负债的到期日均在一年以内。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 44 十、 其他重要事项 - 续 2、其他 - 续 2(2)、金融工具及风险管理 - 续 II. 公允价值 金融资产和金融负债的公允价值按照下述方法确定: ?具有标准条款及条件并存在活跃市场的金融资产及金融负债的公允价值分别参照相应的活跃市场 现行出价及现行要价确定; ?其他金融资产及金融负债(不包括衍生工具)的公允价值按照未来现金流量折现法为基础的通用定价 模型确定或采用可观察的现行市场交易价格确认; 本集团管理层认为,财务报表中按摊余成本计量的金融资产及金融负债的账面价值接近该等资产及负债 的公允价值。 III. 敏感性分析 本集团采用敏感性分析技术分析风险变量的合理、可能变化对当期损益或股东权益可能产生的影响。 由于任何风险变量很少孤立的发生变化,而变量之间存在的相关性对某一风险变量的变化的最终影响金 额将产生重大作用,因此下述内容是在假设每一变量的变化是独立的情况下进行的。 利率和汇率可能发生的合理变动对当期损益和权益的影响均不重大。 本集团因持有以公允价值计量的金融资产而面临价格风险。股票市场价格的波动对股东权益的影响如下: 人民币千元 本期 上年同期 项目 期末股价变动 对利润的影响 对股东权益的影响对利润的影响 对股东权益的影响 可供出售金融 资产 上涨10% - 8,407 - 12,064 可供出售金融 资产 下跌10% - (8,407) - (12,064)上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 45 十一、母公司财务报表主要项目注释 1、货币资金 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 项目 外币金额 折算率 人民币金额 外币金额 折算率 人民币金额 现金: 人民币 82,199.50 1.0000 82,199.50 88,189.05 1.0000 88,189.05 银行存款: 人民币 380,935,417.08 1.0000 380,935,417.08 330,297,821.25 1.0000 330,297,821.25 合计 -- -- 381,017,616.58 -- -- 330,386,010.30 2、其他应收款 (1)其他应收款按种类披露: 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 种类 账面余额 坏账准备 账面余额 坏账准备 金额 比例(%) 金额 比例(%) 金额 比例(%) 金额 比例(%) 单项金额重大的其他应收款 40,184,500.00 94 - - 90,184,500.00 99 - - 其他不重大其他应收款 2,716,640.55 6 - - 548,786.55 1 - - 合计 42,901,140.55 100 - - 90,733,286.55 100 - - 本集团将金额为人民币1,000 万元以上的其他应收款确认为单项金额重大的其他应收款。 其他应收款账龄如下: 单位:人民币元 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 账龄 金额 比例 (%) 坏账准备 账面价值 金额 比例 (%) 坏账准备 账面价值 1 年以内 2,685,740.55 6 - 2,685,740.55 50,548,686.55 56 - 50,548,686.55 1 至2 年 30,800.00 0 - 30,800.00 - - - - 2 至3 年 - - - - 18,184,500.00 20 - 18,184,500.00 3 年以上 40,184,600.00 94 - 40,184,600.00 22,000,100.00 24 - 22,000,100.00 合计 42,901,140.55 100 - 42,901,140.55 90,733,286.55 100 - 90,733,286.55 (2)本报告期其他应收款余额中无应收持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位款项。 3、可供出售金融资产 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 公允价值 年初公允价值 可供出售权益工具 96,417,656.40 139,393,876.31 可供出售金融资产系本公司持有的其他上市公司股票,期末公允价值以期末收盘价确认。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 46 十一、母公司财务报表主要项目注释 – 续 4、长期股权投资 (1)长期股权投资明细如下: 单位:人民币元 被投资单位 核算 方法 初始投资成本年初数 增减变动 2010 年6 月30 日 在被 投资 单位 持股 比例 (%) 在被投资单位表 决权比例(%) 在被投资 单位持股 比例与表 决权比例 不一致的 说明 减值准备 本期 计提 减值 准备 本期现金 红利 上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司 权益法84,628,129.42 100,937,251.82 (6,073,256.61) 94,863,995.21 49.5 50 注2 - - 11,650,016.27 锦海捷亚国际货运有限公司 权益法40,254,477.70 113,410,820.93 (5,362,474.41) 108,048,346.52 50 与持股比例一致 - - 13,000,000.00 世联锦江物流有限公司 权益法3,012,675.00 - - - 25 与持股比例一致 - - - 上海锦海捷亚物流管理有限公司 成本法52,000,000.00 52,000,000.00 - 52,000,000.00 65 与持股比例一致 - - - 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司 成本法538,135,811.60 538,135,811.60 - 538,135,811.60 95 与持股比例一致 - - - 上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司(注1) 成本法71,250,000.00 95,000,000.00 (23,750,000.00) 71,250,000.00 95 与持股比例一致 - - - 上海尚海食品有限公司(注1) 成本法23,750,000.00 - 23,750,000.00 23,750,000.00 95 与持股比例一致 - - - 上海东锦江大酒店有限公司 成本法16,555,237.81 16,555,237.81 - 16,555,237.81 1.87 与持股比例一致 - - - 上海寰球纸制品有限公司 成本法746,253.00 746,253.00 - 746,253.00 10 与持股比例一致 746,253.00 - - 国泰君安证券股份有限公司 成本法47,649,967.00 47,649,967.00 - 47,649,967.00 <=5% 与持股比例一致 - - 4,764,996.70 国泰君安投资管理股份有限公司 成本法31,974,279.24 31,974,279.24 - 31,974,279.24 <=5% 与持股比例一致 2,500,000.00 - - 上海国嘉实业股份有限公司 成本法650,000.00 650,000.00 - 650,000.00 <=5% 与持股比例一致 650,000.00 - - 山东国泰股份有限公司 成本法555,000.00 555,000.00 - 555,000.00 <=5% 与持股比例一致 555,000.00 - - 合计 -- 911,161,830.77 997,614,621.40 (11,435,731.02) 986,178,890.38 -- -- -- 4,451,253.00 - 29,415,012.97 注1:原上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司以存续分立的方式进行分拆,新设立上海尚海食品有限公司。 注2:根据公司章程,本集团对上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司的表决权比例为50%。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 47 十一、 母公司财务报表主要项目注释 – 续 5、投资性房地产 按成本计量的投资性房地产 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数 本期增加本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、账面原值合计 24,591,016.05 - - 24,591,016.05 1.房屋、建筑物 24,591,016.05 - - 24,591,016.05 二、累计折旧和累计摊销合计 3,536,825.54 221,178.24 - 3,758,003.78 1.房屋、建筑物 3,536,825.54 221,178.24 - 3,758,003.78 三、投资性房地产账面净值合计 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 1.房屋、建筑物 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 四、投资性房地产减值准备累计金额合计- - - - 1.房屋、建筑物 - - - - 五、投资性房地产账面价值合计 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 1.房屋、建筑物 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 本期折旧和摊销额人民币221,178.24 元。 6、固定资产 固定资产情况 单位:人民币元 项目 年初余额本期增加本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、账面原值合计: 74,678,243.39 57,642.00 - 74,735,885.39 其中:房屋及建筑物60,235,578.11 - - 60,235,578.11 机器设备 5,314,470.10 - - 5,314,470.10 电子设备、器具及家具 5,075,285.97 57,642.00 - 5,132,927.97 其他运输设备160,223.90 - - 160,223.90 酒店改造 3,892,685.31 - - 3,892,685.31 二、累计折旧合计: 28,361,611.49 1,513,128.89 - 29,874,740.38 其中:房屋及建筑物20,348,634.84 790,604.28 - 21,139,239.12 机器设备 2,322,068.67 98,492.46 - 2,420,561.13 电子设备、器具及家具 3,731,679.47 219,464.39 - 3,951,143.86 其他运输设备132,184.80 - - 132,184.80 酒店改造 1,827,043.71 404,567.76 - 2,231,611.47 三、固定资产账面净值合计 46,316,631.90 - - 44,861,145.01 其中:房屋及建筑物39,886,943.27 - - 39,096,338.99 机器设备 2,992,401.43 - - 2,893,908.97 电子设备、器具及家具 1,343,606.50 - - 1,181,784.11 其他运输设备28,039.10 - - 28,039.10 酒店改造 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 四、减值准备合计 - - - - 其中:房屋及建筑物- - - - 机器设备 - - - - 电子设备、器具及家具 - - - - 其他运输设备- - - - 酒店改造 - - - - 五、固定资产账面价值合计 46,316,631.90 - - 44,861,145.01 其中:房屋及建筑物39,886,943.27 - - 39,096,338.99 机器设备 2,992,401.43 - - 2,893,908.97 电子设备、器具及家具 1,343,606.50 - - 1,181,784.11 其他运输设备28,039.10 - - 28,039.10 酒店改造 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 截至2010 年6 月30 日止,无固定资产所有权受到限制。 固定资产说明:(1) 账面原值本期增加中,因购置而增加人民币57,642.00 元。(2) 累计折旧本期增加 中,本期计提折旧人民币1,513,128.89 元。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 48 十一、母公司财务报表主要项目注释 – 续 7、递延所得税资产/递延所得税负债 (一)递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债不以抵销后的净额列示 (1)已确认的递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 递延所得税资产: 资产减值准备 1,112,813.25 1,112,813.25 尚未支付费用 605,884.89 628,516.93 小计 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 计入其他综合收益的可供出售金融 资产公允价值变动 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 小计 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 (2)截止2010 年6 月30 日,无未确认递延所得税资产。 (3)引起暂时性差异的资产或负债项目对应的暂时性差异 单位:人民币元 项目 暂时性差异金额 2010 年6 月30 日: 可抵扣暂时性差异和可抵扣亏损: 资产减值准备 4,451,253.00 尚未支付费用 2,423,539.56 小计 6,874,792.56 应纳税暂时性差异: 计入其他综合收益的可供出售金融资产公允价值变动 77,295,862.84 小计 77,295,862.84 年初数: 可抵扣暂时性差异和可抵扣亏损: 资产减值准备 4,451,253.00 尚未支付费用 2,514,067.69 小计 6,965,320.69 应纳税暂时性差异: 计入其他综合收益的可供出售金融资产公允价值变动 125,320,927.19 小计 125,320,927.19 8、其他非流动资产 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 预付投资款 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 合计 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 其他非流动资产的说明:系预付国泰君安证券股份有限公司的投资款。上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 49 十一、 母公司财务报表主要项目注释 – 续 9、应付职工薪酬 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数本期增加本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 一、工资、奖金、津贴和补贴 - 5,240,431.49 (5,240,431.49) - 二、职工福利费 - 239,339.90 (239,339.90) - 三、社会保险费 - 803,848.40 (803,848.40) - 其中:医疗保险费 - 260,957.63 (260,957.63) - 基本养老保险费- 477,735.26 (477,735.26) - 失业保险费 - 43,433.55 (43,433.55) - 工伤保险费 - 10,860.98 (10,860.98) - 生育保险费 - 10,860.98 (10,860.98) - 四、住房公积金 - 159,276.32 (159,276.32) - 五、辞退福利 - - - - 六、其他 2,723,437.25 101,104.22 (319,893.61) 2,504,647.86 其中:工会经费和职工教育经费 210,183.22 101,104.22 (229,365.44) 81,922.00 内退职工补助 2,513,254.03 - (90,528.17) 2,422,725.86 合计 2,723,437.25 6,544,000.33 (6,762,789.72) 2,504,647.86 应付职工薪酬中无属于拖欠性质的金额。 10、资本公积 单位:人民币元 项目 年初数本期增加本期减少 2010 年6 月30 日 资本溢价 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 其中:投资者投入的资本 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 其他综合收益(注1) 93,990,695.40 - (36,018,798.22) 57,971,897.18 其他资本公积 113,847,436.01 - - 113,847,436.01 其中:原制度资本公积转入(注2) 113,847,436.01 - - 113,847,436.01 合计 474,056,358.31 - (36,018,798.22) 438,037,560.09 注1:详见附注十一14。 注2:原制度资本公积转入可用于增资、冲减同一控制下企业合并产生的合并差额等。 11、未分配利润 单位:人民币元 项目 金额 提取或分配比例 年初未分配利润 341,446,110.42 -- 加:本期净利润 24,936,406.77 -- 减:提取法定盈余公积2,493,640.68 注(1) 应付普通股股利 165,483,032.10 注(2) 期末未分配利润 198,405,844.41 -- 注(1) :提取法定盈余公积。根据公司章程规定,法定盈余公积金按净利润之10%提取。公司法定盈余 公积金累计额公司注册资本50%以上的,可不再提取。 注(2):本期已批准的现金股利,于2010 年6 月18 日经股东大会批准,公司按已发行之股份551,610,107 股 (每股面值人民币1 元)计算,以每10 股向全体股东派发现金红利3 元(含税)),在本期转入应付股利。 12、营业收入、营业成本 (1)营业收入 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 主营业务收入 10,984,205.42 9,817,732.30 营业成本 1,942,879.30 1,735,461.68 (2) 营业收入(分行业) 单位:人民币元 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 行业名称 营业收入 营业成本 营业收入 营业成本 酒店及相关业务 10,984,205.42 1,942,879.30 9,817,732.30 1,735,461.68 合计 10,984,205.42 1,942,879.30 9,817,732.30 1,735,461.68上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 50 十一、 母公司财务报表主要项目注释 – 续 13、投资收益 (1)投资收益明细情况 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 成本法核算的长期股权投资收益 4,764,996.70 211,089,406.16 权益法核算的长期股权投资收益 13,214,285.25 11,029,899.25 持有可供出售金融资产等期间取得的投资收益 924,285.00 961,365.00 处置交易性金融资产取得的投资收益 350,444.61 - 处置可供出售金融资产等取得的投资收益 8,595,232.67 17,626,139.46 合计 27,849,244.23 240,706,809.87 (2)按成本法核算的重大长期股权投资收益 单位:人民币元 被投资单位 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 本期比上年同期增减 变动的原因 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司 - 134,939,617.48 该公司本期未分配利润 上海锦海捷亚物流管理有限公司 - 61,750,000.00 该公司本期未分配利润 国泰君安证券股份有限公司 4,764,996.70 14,294,990.10 该公司分配的红利下降 合计 4,764,996.70 210,984,607.58 -- (3)按权益法核算的重大长期股权投资收益 单位:人民币元 被投资单位 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 本期比上年同期增减 变动的原因 上海大众新亚出租汽车有限公司 5,576,759.66 7,360,245.53 -- 锦海捷亚国际货运有限公司 7,637,525.59 3,669,653.72 上年同期受金融危机影响而 导致业务量大幅下滑 合计 13,214,285.25 11,029,899.25 -- 14、其他综合收益 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 1.可供出售金融资产产生的利得(损失)金额 (40,084,742.66) 60,383,209.04 减:可供出售金融资产产生的所得税影响 (10,021,185.67) 15,095,802.26 前期计入其他综合收益当期转入损益的净额 5,955,241.23 5,388,122.11 小计 (36,018,798.22) 39,899,284.67 合计 (36,018,798.22) 39,899,284.67 15、现金流量表补充资料 (1)现金流量表补充资料 单位:人民币元 补充资料本期累计数 上年同期累计数 1.将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量: 净利润 24,936,406.77 234,813,908.73 加:固定资产折旧1,513,128.89 1,572,149.03 无形资产摊销18,372.00 18,372.00 投资性房地产摊销及折旧 221,178.24 221,178.24 投资损失(收益以“-”号填列) (27,849,244.23) (240,706,809.87) 递延所得税资产减少(增加以“-”号填列) 22,632.04 26,651.06 存货的减少(增加以“-”号填列) 21,995.07 36,697.20 经营性应收项目的减少(增加以“-”号填列) 47,507,500.65 3,298,251.03 经营性应付项目的增加(减少以“-”号填列) (50,223,404.58) (3,257,374.22) 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 (3,831,435.15) (3,976,976.80) 2.现金及现金等价物净变动情况: 现金的年末余额 381,017,616.58 326,394,657.96 减:现金的年初余额 330,386,010.30 260,262,892.62 现金及现金等价物净增加额 50,631,606.28 66,131,765.34上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 51 十一、 母公司财务报表主要项目注释 – 续 15、现金流量表补充资料– 续 (2)现金和现金等价物的构成 单位:人民币元 项目 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 一、现金 381,017,616.58 330,386,010.30 其中:库存现金 82,199.50 88,189.05 可随时用于支付的银行存款 380,935,417.08 330,297,821.25 二、期末现金及现金等价物余额 381,017,616.58 330,386,010.30 16、母公司关联交易情况 (1)购销商品、提供和接受劳务的关联交易 单位:人民币元 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 关联方 关联交易类型 关联交易内容 金额 占同类交易 金额的比例(%) 金额 占同类交易 金额的比例(%) 锦江集团下属 公司(注) 接受劳务 管理费用 148,042.77 100 131,941.16 100 定价原则及决策程序:根据本集团与各关联方签订的有关综合服务协议、产品购销合同等协议的规定定 价。重大关联交易需经董事会批准通过。 注:应支付给锦江集团及其下属公司的管理费以酒店经营收入的2%和酒店经营利润的4%计算加总,作 为其提供服务的酬劳,服务包括一般行政、市场推广及采购等。 (2)关联租赁情况 租赁费用 单位:人民币元 出租方 名称 承租方 名称 租赁资产 情况 2010 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 2009 年1 月1 日至 6 月30 日止期间 租赁费用确定 依据 租赁费用对 公司影响 锦江集团 锦江投资 房屋 58,116.00 58,116.00 租赁合同(注) 不重大 注:本集团租赁锦江集团的房屋到期后不再续签合同,仅支付少量租赁费用,如按原合同价格计算,本 期未计的租赁费用为人民币780,000.00 元。 17、母公司关联方应收应付款项 单位:人民币元 项目名称 关联方 2010 年6 月30 日 年初数 其他应收款 上海吴淞罗吉冷藏有限公司(注) 18,184,500.00 18,184,500.00 其他应收款 上海锦海捷亚物流管理有限公司 - 343,960.36 其他应收款 上海锦江国际低温物流发展有限公司(注) 22,000,000.00 22,000,000.00 其他应收款 上海锦江汽车服务有限公司(注) - 50,000,000.00 预付账款 锦江集团下属公司 35,900.00 23,600.00 应付股利 锦江集团 63,777,160.57 - 其他应付款 锦江集团下属公司 54,673.37 431,073.55 注:系对子公司的无息资金拆借。 十二、 财务报表之批准 本公司的公司及合并财务报表于2010 年8 月27 日已经本公司董事会批准。 * * *财务报表结束* * *上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 2010 年上半年度财务报告 52 2010年6月30日止补充资料 1、非经常性损益明细表 单位:人民币元 项目 金额 说明 非流动资产处置损益 6,069,906.40 -- 计入当期损益的政府补助(与企业业务密切相关,按照国家统一标准定额或定量享受的政府补 助除外) 1,139,204.74 -- 计入当期损益的对非金融企业收取的资金占用费 - -- 除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债 产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债和可供出售金融资产 取得的投资收益 8,945,677.28 -- 单独进行减值测试的应收款项减值准备转回 - -- 除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出 1,231,969.13 -- 所得税影响额 (3,825,086.66) -- 少数股东权益影响额(税后) (297,747.81) -- 合计 13,263,923.08 -- 2、净资产收益率及每股收益 本净资产收益率和每股收益计算表是中国会计股份有限公司(以下简称“锦江投资”)按照中国证券监督管理委员 会颁布的《公开发行证券公司信息披露编报规则第09 号 - 净资产收益率和每股收益的计算及披露》(2010 年修 订)的有关规定而编制的。 每股收益 报告期利润 加权平均净资产收益率(%) 基本每股收益 稀释每股收益 归属于公司普通股股东的净利润 7.01% 0.253 不适用 扣除非经常性损益后 归属于公司普通股股东的净利润 6.35% 0.229 不适用Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd Stock Code of A share: 600650 Stock Code of B Share: 900914 Semi-Annual Report 2010Contents I. Important Notice…………………………………………………………………….2 II. Company Profile……………………………………………………………………2 III. Changes in Share capital and Particulars about Shareholders……………………..4 IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Superior Managers…………………5 V. Report of the Board of Directors…………………………………………………...5 VI. Significant Events……………………………………………...………………….6 VII. Financial Report…………………………...……………………………………...9 VIII. Documents Available for Reference……………………………………………..9I. Important Notice (I) The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors and senior executives of Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that there are no any omissions, fictitious or serious misleading statements carried in the report and will take all responsibilities, individual and joint for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the report. (II) Directors absent from the Board Meeting Name Title Explanation Name of consignee Liu Yongzhang Independent director On business Lu Honggui Cai Qingfeng Director On business Yang Yuanping (III) Chairman as well as person in charge of the Company Shen Maoxing, CEO Yang Yuanping, person in charge of accounting affirms as well as CFO Yuan Zhening and person in charge of accounting firm also being Chief Accountant Liu Chaohui declare to confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this Semi-Annual Report is authentic and complete. (IV) Whether there were non-operating capital occupation by controlling shareholder or related parties of the Company? No. (V) Whether there was external guarantee for others going against stated decision-making procedure? No. II. Company Profile (I) Company profile Legal Name of the Company in Chinese 上海锦江国际实业投资股份有限公司 Abbreviation 锦江投资 Legal Name of the Company in English Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. Abbreviation JJTZ Legal Representative Shen Maoxing (II) Contact information Secretary of the Board Securities Affairs Representative Name Yuan Zhening Huang Yuechong Contact address 28/F, 100 Yan’an Road East, Shanghai 28/F, 100 Yan’an Road East, Shanghai Tel. 63218800 63218800 Fax: 63213119 63213119 E-mail: dshms@jjtz.com zqdb@jjtz.com (III) Introduce to the Company Registered Address 1 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai Post Code 200120Office Address 28/F, 100 Yan’an Road East, Shanghai Post Code 200002 Internet website http://www.jjtz.com E-mail dshms@jjtz.com (IV) Information disclosure and preparation place Newspaper chosen for information disclosure of the Company Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao Internet website designated by CSRC for publishing the annual report http://www.sse.com.cn The place where the annual report is prepared and placed 28/F, 100 Yan’an Road East, Shanghai (V) Stock of the Company Stock of the Company Type Stock exchange listed Abbr. of stock Stock code Abbr. of stock before the change A-share Shanghai Stock exchange Jin Jiang Investment 600650 Xin Jin Jiang B-share Shanghai Stock exchange Jin Tou B Gu 900914 Xin Jin B Gu (VI) Other relevant information Initial Registration Date 24 Feb. 1993 Initial Registration Place 161 Changle Road, Shanghai Registration Number of Business License for Corporation 310000400037314 Tax registration number Local Tax Hu Zi 310115607200690 Organization code 607200690 Name of Certified Public Accounts engaged by the Company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd Office address of Certified Public Accounts engaged by the Company 30/F, the Bund Center, 222 Yan’an Road East, Shanghai (VII) Financial accounting data and financial index Unit: RMB Yuan At the end of this report period At the period-end of last year Increase/decrease of the period-end compared with the end of last year (%) Total assets 2,954,985,573.32 2,707,598,992.30 9.14 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) 1,877,371,552.83 1,943,007,985.34 -3.38 Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of listed company (Yuan/share) 3.40 3.52 -3.41In the report period (Jan.-Jun.) The same period of last year Increase/decrease of this report period year-on-year (%) Operating profit 177,209,577.99 165,645,444.94 6.98 Total profit 185,650,658.26 178,128,219.33 4.22 Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 -0.40 Net profit after non-recurring gains and losses attributable to shareholders of listed company 126,511,326.24 114,860,631.23 10.14 Basic earnings per share (Yuan) 0.253 0.254 -0.39 Basis earnings per share after non-recurring gains and losses (Yuan) 0.229 0.208 10.10 Diluted earnings per share (Yuan) 0.253 0.254 -0.39 Weighted average return on net assets (%) 7.01 7.43 0.42 Net cash flow arising from operating activities 220,254,858.91 214,304,429.00 2.78 Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities (Yuan) 0.399 0.389 2.57 2. Items and amount of non-recurring gains and losses Unit: RMB Yuan Items Amount Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 6,069,906.40 Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses, excluding government subsidies with close relationship with the Company’s business and rationed government grants in line with the united standard 1,139,204.74 Gain/loss from change of fair value arising from tradable financial asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of tradable financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, other than valid hedging business related to the Company’s common businesses 8,945,677.28 Other non-operating income and expenditure 1,231,969.13 Impact on income tax -3,825,086.66 Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax) -297,747.81 Total 13,263,923.08 III. Changes in share capital and particulars about shareholders (I) Statement on changes in share capital On 26 Feb. 2010, tradable shares subject to conditional sales amounting to 551,610,107 shares listed to circulate for the fourth time. By now, share capital of the Company totaling 551,610,107 shares had been listed for trade. The change of share structure is as follows: Unit: Share Before the change Increase/decrease (+, - ) After the changeNumber Propo rtion (%) Issua nce of new shar es Bonu s share s Capital ization of public reserve fund Other (listing of tradable shares subject to trading moratorium) Subtotal Number Prop ortio n (%) I. Shares subject to trading moratorium 157,425,450 28.54 -157,425,450 -157,425,45 0 0 0 1. State-owned shares 2. Shares held by state-owned corporation 157,425,450 28.54 -157,425,450 -157,425,45 0 0 0 3. Other shares held by domestic investors Including: shares held by domestic non-state-owned corporation Shares held by domestic natural person 4. Shares held by foreign investors Including: Share held by foreign corporation Share held by foreign natural person II. Shares not subject to trading moratorium 394,184,657 71.46 157,425,450 157,425,450 551,610,107 100 1. RMB ordinary shares 233,134,625 42.26 157,425,450 157,425,450 390,560,075 70.80 2. Domestically listed foreign shares 161,050,032 29.20 161,050,032 29.20 3. Overseas listed foreign shares 4. Others III. Total shares 551,610,107 100 0 0 551,610,107 100 (II) Introduction about shareholders and actual controller 1. Number of shareholders and shares held Unit: Share Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period 69,373 (shareholders of B-share: 39,657) Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders Name of shareholders Nature of shareholders Proporti on of shares held (%) Total shares held Increase/d ecrease Shares subject to trading moratorium Shares pledged or frozenJin Jiang International Holding Co., Ltd. State-owned corporation 38.54 212,586,460 No HTHK-VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS-CHINA B SHARE FUND Other 0.74 4,069,113 Unknown Shanghai International Trust Co., Ltd State-owned corporation 0.72 3,955,121 Unknown Cai Qingfeng Foreign natural person 0.71 3,894,935 Unknown Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel Co., Ltd. State-owned corporation 0.68 3,761,493 Unknown Hu Jiaying Domestic natural person 0.66 3,641,310 Unknown Hu Huaixu Domestic natural person 0.66 3,639,597 -233,400 Unknown CCB - ICBC Credit Suisse Sustaining Growth Stock Fund Other 0.64 3,507,617 3,507,617 Unknown CCB-China International Alpha Stock Fund Other 0.61 3,344,192 3,344,192 Unknown HANG SENG CONSUMER SECTOR FLEXIPOWER FUND Other 0.56 3,096,926 2,509,696 Unknown Particulars about shares not subject to trading moratorium held by the top ten shareholders Name of shareholders Shares not subject to trading moratorium held Type of share Jin Jiang International Holding Co., Ltd. 212,586,460 RMB ordinary share HTHK-VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS-CHINA B SHARE FUND 4,069,113 Domestically listed foreign shares Shanghai International Trust Co., Ltd 3,955,121 RMB ordinary share Cai Qingfeng 3,894,935 Domestically listed foreign shares Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel Co., Ltd. 3,761,493 RMB ordinary share Hu Jiaying 3,641,310 Domestically listed foreign shares Hu Huaixu 3,639,597 RMB ordinary share CCB-ICBC Credit Suisse Sustaining Growth Stock Fund 3,507,617 RMB ordinary share CCB-China International Alpha Stock Fund 3,344,192 RMB ordinary share HANG SENG CONSUMER SECTOR FLEXIPOWER FUND 3,096,926 Domestically listed foreign shares Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten shareholders or acting-in-concert Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, there are associated relationship and concerted actions between the 1st shareholder and the 5th shareholder. Jin Jiang International Holdings Co., Ltd, controlling shareholder of the Company, is also actual controller of Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel Co., Ltd. It is unknown whether there is associated relationship or action-in-concert among other shareholders.2. Changes in controlling shareholder and actual controller During the report period, the controlling shareholder and actual controller remained unchanged. IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Superior Managers (I) Changes in shares held by directors, supervisors and superior manager During the report period, shares held by directors, supervisors and superior manager of the Company remained unchanged. (II) Directors, supervisors and superior manager dismissed or engaged During the report period, the Company neither engaged nor dismissed directors, supervisors or senior executives. V. Report of the Board of Directors (I) Discussion and Analysis of overall operation of the Company during the report period During the report period, the Company insisted on scientific outlook on development, focused on strategic goal of the Company, caught chance from economic revival and Expo 2010 Shanghai China, pushed the whole work and strengthened inner management, and economy of the Company increased stably, operating presented tendency of raise and further enhanced core competitive power and ability of sustainable development. In the report period, 300 vehicles increased in passenger transportation business (profitable vehicle exceeded 9,500 units), structure of “Project 1”of “Jin Jiang 100 Car Center” Project located Base No. 100, Wuzhong Road has been ceiled and Mazda 4S Station practised at the beginning of the year; modern logistics business further developed distinctive and value-added business, strengthened to develop customer, enhanced oversea sales, focused on development of bonded logistics service; as for logistics & warehousing business, the Company signed agreement on joint project on low temperature logistics together with Mitsui & Co. Ltd., civil construction, water and electricity and installation of ultra-low temperature equipment of has been basically finished. During the report period, the Company realized operating income amounting to RMB 880,540,000, with an increase of RMB 101,360,000 year-on-year, up 13.01%; operating profit amounting to RMB 177,210,000, with an increase of RMB 11,560,000 year-on-year, up 6.98%; net profit amounting to RMB 139,780,000, with a decrease of RMB 560,000 year-on-year, down 0.40%.;Net profit decreased compared with that of the same period of last year, mainly because non-operating income decreased in the report period. (II) Main business of the Company and their operation status 1. Statement on main business classified according to industries and products Unit: RMB Yuan Industry Operating income Operating cost Gross profit Changes of operating Changes of operating Changes of gross profitratio (%) income over last year (%) cost over last year (%) ratio over last year (%) Vehicle operation and relevant business 535,801,316.88 348,817,844.00 34.90 8.82 8.09 0.44 Auto sales 280,678,988.35 261,864,278.15 6.70 25.01 24.23 0.58 Low-temperature logistics and relevant business 38,818,407.39 20,460,958.68 47.29 2.26 2.99 0.38 Of which: During the report period, related transaction that the Company offer products and labor service to its controlling shareholders and subsidiaries amount to RMB 3,510,000. Note: Operating income from auto sales increased 25%, mainly because the Company increase a enterprise engaging auto sales compared with the same period of last year. 2. Main businesses classified according to regions Unit: (RMB) Yuan Region Operating revenue Increase/ decrease over the same period of last year (%) Shanghai 880,542,063.26 13.01 3. Operational status of joint stock companies (applicable only when the returns of investment in the company exceed 10% of the Company’s net profit) Unit: (RMB) Yuan Name of company Busine ss scope Net profit Investment yield contributed by joint stock company Proportion in net profit of the listed Company (%) Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. Wareh ousing 206,229,779.15 26,809,871.29 19.18 4. Analysis to reason for great change in profit composing compared with the same period of last year Unit: RMB Yuan Items of profit income Amount of current period Amount of the same period of last year Increase /decreas e ratio (%) Explanation on reason for change Operating income 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 13 Mainly because operating income from sales of cars increased 25% year-on-year Operating cost 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 14 Mainly because operating cost for sales of cars increased 24% year-on-year income form investment in affiliated enterprise and joint ventures 67,557,944.54 46,347,678.87 46 Mainly because income from investment in Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. increased RMB 19,390,000year-on-year Other composite income -40,054,019.73 48,950,276.94 - Mainly because fair value of financial assets available for sales decreased in the report period influenced by market (III) Investments by the Company 1. Use of raised funds In the report period, the Company did not raise any funds or use any funds raised in the previous periods. 2. Projects invested by non-raised funds In the report period, the Company did not launch any project invested by non-raised funds. VI. Significant Events (I) Corporate governance In the report period, in strict compliance with the Company Law, Securities Law, regulations concerning corporate governance issued by CSRC and the Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Stock Listing, the Company constantly perfected its corporate governance structure and regulated its operation. The shareholders’ general meetings, boards of directors, boards of supervisors and the manager teams of the Company and its holding subsidiaries all worked in a regulated way with clear rights and responsibilities; Meanwhile, the Company took effective measures to strengthen the management of relationship with investors and strictly control its information disclosure, so as to make sure the factuality, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information disclosure. In the report period, according to the regulations newly issued by securities regulatory authorities, the Company further amended System on Management of Insider and User of International Information, which greatly perfected its governance. (II) Implementation of profit distribution plan in the report period Approved by the 2009 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting of the Company on 18 Jun. 2010, the Company came up with its profit distribution plan specified as follows: based on the Company’s total shares of 551,610,100 shares at the end of the year 2009, cash dividend of RMB 3.00 (tax included) was to be distributed to all the shareholders for every 10 shares. On 13 and 16 Jul. 2010, the Company disclosed the public notice concerning profit distribution implementation on Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao. As disclosed in the public notice, the date of record for A-share was 16 Jul. 2010; for B-share, the last trading date was 16 Jul. 2010, and the date of record 21 Jul. 2010. Ex-dividend date: 19 Jul. 2010. Date of Payment: 13 Aug. 2010. And the distribution of dividends for all the shareholders was completed as scheduled.(III) Implementation of cash dividend policy in the report period The Company carried out the distribution of cash dividends in the report period, for details of which please refer to (II) of this Section. The Company implemented cash dividend distribution, which was in line with relevant regulations stipulated in Articles of Association. (IV) Significant lawsuits and arbitrations The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration in the report period. (V) Event relating to bankruptcy and reorganization In the report period, there was no event relating to bankruptcy and reorganization. (VI) Equity of other listed companies and financial enterprises held by the Company 1. Equity of other listed companies held by the Company Unit: (RMB) Yuan Stock code Short form of stock Initial investment amount Proportion in the company’s shares (%) Book value at period-end Gains/ losses in report period Changes in owners’ equity in report period 601328 JTYH 14,142,941.50 <5 61,808,504.77 894,285.00 -20,882,673.17 600655 YYSC 1,994,384.78 <1 25,626,174.84 0 -4,526,866.10 600643 AJGF 2,567,507.16 <1 10,219,855.83 0 -4,143,736.48 601727 SDGF 497,340.08 <1 8,143,080.00 0 -2,382,030.00 600631 BLGF 722,460.04 <1 5,131,287.80 0 -1,425,249.33 600642 SNGF 280,000.00 <1 1,155,000.00 30,000.00 -414,000.00 600082 HTFZ 90,000.00 <1 412,631.80 0 -198,853.41 Total 20,294,633.56 / 112,496,535.04 924,285.00 -33,973,408.49 Notes: The equities mentioned above all belonged to the accounting entry of available-for-sale financial assets and came from the subscription of corporate shares. 2. Equity of non-listed financial enterprises held by the Company Name of entity Initial investment amount (RMB) Amount of shares held (share) Proportion in equity of the company Book value at period-end (RMB) Gains/ losses in report period (RMB) Changes of owners’ equity in report period (RMB) Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd 47,649,967 47,649,967 1.014 47,649,967 4,764,996 0 Total 47,649,967 47,649,967 / 47,649,967 4,764,996 0 Note: Te equities mentioned above all belonged to the accounting entry of long-term equity investment and came from subcription of corporate shares. On 6 Apr. 2007, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Proposal on Increasing Investment in Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd., deciding to subscribeanother 14,130,000 shares of Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.. The Company had paid for the share subscription. And the relevant stock rights would be confirmed upon CSRC’s approving the plan of increasing investment in Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.. After the rights confirmation, the shares of Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. held by the Company would aggregate 61,780,000 shares. (VII) Assets transaction 1. Sales of assets On 23 May, wholly-owned subsidiary company of Mitsui & Co., Ltd--Mitsui & Co.(Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. acquired 38.33% equity of Shanghai Jin Jiang International Cold Logistics development Co., Ltd. held by the Company and 5% equity held by Shanghai Jin Jiang Auto Service Co., Ltd with consideration of RMB 79,374,778.50 and RMB 10,354,132.50 respectively. (For details, please refer to public notice with No. L 2010-005 published on Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao as well as http://www.sse.com.cn dated 25 May. 2010). The transaction is in progress of transfer at present. (VIII) Significant related transactions In the report period, the Company did not conduct any significant related transactions. (IX) Significant contracts and their execution 1. Particulars about trusteeship, contracting and leasing affairs, which brought profit over 10% (including 10%) of total profit in the report period. (1) Particulars about trusteeship affairs The Company was not involved in any significant trusteeship affair in the report period. (2) Particulars about contracting affairs The Company was not involved in any significant contracting affair in the report period. (3) Particulars about leasing affairs The Company was not involved in any significant leasing affair in the report period. 2. Guarantees Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan External guarantees provided by the Company (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries) Guarantee provider Relationship between guarantee provider and the listed Company Guaranteed party Amou nt of guara ntee Beginni ng date of guarant ee Expiri ng date of guaran tee Type of guarantee Whethe r or not guarant ee has been fully accomp lished Whet her an over due guar antee Whet her count er guara ntee exists Whethe r or not a guarant ee provide d for related partyShanghai Jin Jiang Auto Service Co., Ltd Holding subsidiary of the Company Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Vehicle Selling Co., Ltd 360 24 Nov. 2009 24 May 2010 General guarantee Yes No Yes No Shanghai Jin Jiang Auto Service Co., Ltd Holding subsidiary of the Company Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Vehicle Selling Co., Ltd 400 6 Feb. 2009 5 Feb. 2010 General guarantee Yes No Yes No Shanghai Jin Jiang Auto Service Co., Ltd Holding subsidiary of the Company Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Vehicle Selling Co., Ltd 600 10 Dec. 2009 9 Dec. 2010 General guarantee No No Yes No Shanghai Jin Jiang Auto Service Co., Ltd Holding subsidiary of the Company Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Vehicle Selling Co., Ltd 760 8 Jan. 2010 7 Jan. 2011 General guarantee No No Yes No Shanghai Jin Jiang Business and Travel Auto Service Co., Ltd Affiliated company of the Company’s holding subsidiary Shanghai South Station Long-distance Passenger Transport Co., Ltd 1,250 20 Dec. 2009 19 Dec. 2010 General guarantee No No Yes No Total amount of external guarantees in report period (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries) 2,964 Total balance of external guarantees at period-end (A) (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries) 2,242 Guarantees provided by the Company for holding subsidiaries Total amount of guarantees for holding subsidiaries in report period 400 Total balance of guarantees for holding subsidiaries at period-end(B) 400 Total amount of guarantees provided by the Company (including guarantees for subsidiaries) Total amount of guarantees(A+B) 2,642 Proportion of total guarantee amount in the Company’s net assets (%) 1.41 3. Particulars about trust financing The Company was not involved in any significant trust financing affair in the report period. 4. Other significant contracts The Company was not involved in any other significant contract in the report period. (X) Particulars about fulfillment of commitments 1. Commitments made by the Company, shareholders holding over 5% shares and actual controller and their execution, as well as such commitments carried down from previous periods and their execution Commitments made by JinJiang International (Group) Co., Ltd.: Contents of commitment Fulfillment of commitment 1. Within the following 12 months after it acquires the right to list at A share market, the non-tradable shares All theheld by it shall not get listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange. 2. After expiration of the previous commitment, the proportion of the shares sold at Shanghai Stock Exchange in the Company’s total shares will not exceed 5% within 12 months, and will not exceed 10% within 24 months; And where the shares which are sold and become tradable in Shanghai Stock Exchange reach 1% of the Company’s total shares, the Company shall make a relevant public notice within two workdays since the occurrence of the sale. commitment has been fulfilled on 26 Feb. 2010 (1) By the date of this semi-yearly report’s being disclosed, whether or not there still existed commitments concerning business performance of which the execution had not been fully accomplished: No (2) By the date of this semi-yearly report’s being disclosed, whether or not there still existed commitments concerning asset injection and integration of which the execution had not been fully accomplished: No (X) Engagement and dismissal of CPA firm by the Company Unit: (RMB) Yuan Whether to engage another CPA firm No Engagement Name of domestic Certified Public Accounts Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd (XII) Punishment on the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders and actual controller, as well as particulars about relevant rectification In the report period, the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders and actual controller did not receive any investigation, administrative punishment, criticism by circular from CSRC, or any official criticism from stock exchanges. (XIII) Explanation on other significant events Resolution on Transferring Shares of Shanghai Eastern Jinjiang Hotel Co., Ltd was reviewed and approved at the 9th Meeting of 6th Board of Directors on 27 May 2010. In order to execute development strategy and carry out principal on adjustment of assets structure of “Centralization capital to core industry”, the Company decided to transfer 1.87% equity of Shanghai Eastern Jinjiang Hotel Co., Ltd held by way of listing in Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange. On 3 Aug. 2010, Jin Jiang International Holding Co., Ltd. acquired 1.87% equity of Shanghai Eastern Jinjiang Hotel Co., Ltd through Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange (For details please refer to public notice with No. L2010-011 published in Shanghai Securities News, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and website http://www.sse.com.cn). (XIV) Index for information disclosed Information disclosed Name and page number of the newspapers for disclosure Date of disclosure Public Notice on Listing of Shares Subject to Trading Moratorium Shanghai Securities News A7 23 Feb. 2010 Public Notice on Resolutions of the 7th Meeting of the 6th Shanghai Securities News B41, Hong 9 Apr. 2010Board of Directors Kong Ta Kung Pao B9 Public Notice on Resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the 6th Supervisory Committee Shanghai Securities News B41, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao 9 Apr. 2010 Public Notice on Estimated Routine Related Transactions in 2010 Shanghai Securities News B41, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao B9 9 Apr. 2010 The Annual Report 2009 Shanghai Securities News B41, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao B9 9 Apr. 2010 The 1st Quarterly Report 2010 Shanghai Securities News B98, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao A25 30 Apr. 2010 Public Notice on Progress of Introduction of Strategic Partner to Acquire and Increase Capital of Shanghai Jin Jiang International Cold Logistics Development Co., Ltd Shanghai Securities News B32, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao B10 25 May 2010 Public Notice on Resolutions of the 9th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors Shanghai Securities News B35, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao B9 28 May 2010 Public Notice on Resolutions of the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting 2009 Shanghai Securities News 23, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao B3 19 Jun. 2010 Notes: The disclosed information as mentioned above can all be found at the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange http://www.sse.com.cn. (VII) Financial report The Financial report has not been audited. 1. Financial statement (attached); 2. Notes to financial report (attached). (VIII) Documents for Reference 1. Text of this semi-annual report with the signature of Legal Representative; 2. Text of the financial report with the signatures and seals of the head of the Company, Person-in-charge of accounting and Person-in-charge of the accounting agency; 3. Original texts of all the Company’s documents and public notices disclosed in the report period on the newspapers designated by CSRC. Chairman of the Board: Shen Maoxing Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. 27 Aug. 2010- 1 - SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Financial Statements for Six Months Ended June 30, 2010 (Not audited) 27 August, 2010SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 2 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS AT JUNE 30, 2010 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Unit: RMB Item Notes June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Item Notes June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Current assets: Current liabilities: Currency funds V 1 658,760,517.75 549,074,409.21 Short-term borrowings - - Accounts receivable V 3 43,786,570.97 38,396,261.33 Notes Payable V 18 109,170,960.00 - Advances to suppliers V 5 60,662,948.70 56,922,816.63 Accounts payable V 19 52,222,999.76 51,298,880.63 Dividends receivable V 2 30,132,458.67 4,040,836.87 Advances from customers V 20 96,945,582.84 98,009,797.19 Other receivables V 4 52,944,220.98 53,866,096.09 Employee benefits payable V 21 88,303,057.45 68,250,182.75 Inventories V 6 48,612,653.31 45,686,888.87 Tax payable V 22 29,421,919.35 25,639,778.57 Non-current assets due within one year V 7 4,230,666.67 4,230,666.67 Dividends payable V 23 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 Other current assets - Other payables V 24 269,699,698.14 253,038,056.93 Total current assets 899,130,037.05 752,217,975.67 Total current liabilities 831,766,327.69 517,106,529.62 Non-current assets: Non-current liabilities: Available-for-sale financial assets V 8 112,496,535.04 160,853,050.30 Deferred tax liabilities V 15 23,050,475.35 36,401,815.26 Long-term equity investments V 10.11 696,419,204.72 715,080,149.87 Other non-current liabilities V 25 49,148,947.49 49,401,859.45 Investment property V 9 34,708,196.96 35,094,076.58 Total non-current liabilities 72,199,422.84 85,803,674.71 Fixed assets V 12 877,790,064.81 746,495,416.64 TOTAL LIABILITIES 903,965,750.53 602,910,204.33 Construction in progress V 13 92,933,645.53 56,331,734.03 SHAREHOLDERS' EUQITY Intangible assets V 14 215,980,656.21 215,970,246.23 Share capital V 26 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 Long-term prepayments 84,212.20 90,690.14 Capital reserve V 27 442,540,461.43 482,469,111.16 Deferred tax assets V 15 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 Surplus reserve V 28 210,388,184.99 207,894,544.31 Other non-current assets V 17 23,724,322.66 23,724,322.66 Unappropriated profit V 29 672,832,799.41 701,034,222.87 Total non-current assets 2,055,855,536.27 1,955,381,016.63 Total shareholders' equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 1,877,371,552.83 1,943,007,985.34 Minority interests 173,648,269.96 161,680,802.63 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 2,051,019,822.79 2,104,688,787.97 TOTAL ASSETS 2,954,985,573.32 2,707,598,992.30 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 2,954,985,573.32 2,707,598,992.30 THE COMPANY BALANCE SHEET Unit: RMB Item Notes June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Item Notes June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Current assets: Current liabilities: Currency funds XI 1 381,017,616.58 330,386,010.30 Accounts payable 298,290.11 461,579.81 Accounts receivable 453,285.74 140,940.39 Advances from customers 441,591.15 335,751.23 Advances to suppliers 35,900.00 23,600.00 Employee benefits payable XI 9 2,504,647.86 2,723,437.25 Dividends receivable 29,415,012.97 - Tax payable 1,810,997.13 (6,687.40) Other receivables XI 2 42,901,140.55 90,733,286.55 Dividends payable 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 Inventories 83,675.04 105,670.11 Other payables 6,942,163.24 8,522,309.15 Total current assets 453,906,630.88 421,389,507.35 Total non-current liabilities 197,999,799.64 32,906,223.59 Non-current assets: Non-current liabilities: Available-for-sale financial assets XI 3 96,417,656.40 139,393,876.31 Deferred tax liabilities XI 7 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 Long-term equity investments XI 4 981,727,637.38 993,163,368.40 Total non-current liabilities 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 Investment property XI 5 20,833,012.27 21,054,190.51 TOTAL LIABILITIES 217,323,765.35 64,236,455.37 Fixed assets XI 6 44,861,145.01 46,316,631.90 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Construction in progress 134,383.00 - Share capital 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 Intangible assets 903,310.00 921,682.00 Capital reserve XI 10 438,037,560.09 474,056,358.31 Deferred tax assets XI 7 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 Surplus reserve 210,388,184.99 207,894,544.31 Other non-current assets XI 8 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 Unappropriated profit XI 11 198,405,844.41 341,446,110.42 Total non-current assets 1,161,858,830.96 1,217,854,068.06 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1,398,441,696.49 1,575,007,120.04 TOTAL ASSETS 1,615,765,461.84 1,639,243,575.41 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1,615,765,461.84 1,639,243,575.41 The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements. The financial statements on pages 2 to 55 were signed by the following: Head of the Company: Chief Financial Officer: Head of Accounting Department: Yang Yuan Ping Yuan Zhe Ning Liu Zhao HuiSHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 3 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Unit: RMB Item Notes For six months ended 30 June 2010 For six months ended 30 June 2009 I. Total operating income 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 Including: Operating income V 30 880,542,063.26 779,183,454.87 II. Total operating costs 785,525,388.79 696,575,891.52 Including: Operating costs V 30 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 Business taxes and levies V 31 20,059,449.84 19,806,836.51 Selling and distribution expenses 72,454,688.39 66,084,545.37 Administrative expenses 56,225,601.93 54,309,174.16 Financial expenses X 32 64,743.10 (1,278,098.18) Impairment loss in respect of assets - - Add: Changes of fair value of assets - - Investment income V 33 82,192,903.52 83,037,881.59 Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 67,557,944.54 46,347,678.87 III. Operating profit 177,209,577.99 165,645,444.94 Add: Non-operating income V 34 8,982,682.33 12,629,718.03 Less: Non-operating expenses V 35 541,602.06 146,943.64 Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets 515,958.78 106,711.48 IV. Total profit 185,650,658.26 178,128,219.33 Less: Income tax expenses V 36 21,527,998.20 22,582,664.00 V. Net profit 164,122,660.06 155,545,555.33 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 Profit attributable to minority interests 24,347,410.74 15,204,375.62 VI. Earnings per share: V 37 1. Basic earnings per share 0.253 0.254 2. Diluted earnings per share N/A N/A VII. Other comprehensive income V 38 (40,054,019.73) 48,950,276.94 VIII. Total comprehensive income 124,068,640.33 204,495,832.27 Comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the parent 99,846,599.59 189,083,826.17 Comprehensive income attributable to minority interests 24,222,040.74 15,412,006.10 The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 4 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 THE COMPANY INCOME STATEMENT Unit: RMB Item Notes For six months ended 30 June 2010 For six months ended 30 June 2009 I. Operating income XI 12 10,984,205.42 9,817,732.30 Less: Operating costs XI 12 1,942,879.30 1,735,461.68 Business taxes and levies 552,721.28 493,662.36 Selling and distribution expenses 4,422,526.40 4367,911.46 Administrative expenses 7,209,856.21 7,161,201.00 Financial expenses (1,907,725.20) (1,383,248.12) Impairment loss in respect of assets - - Add: Investment income XI 13 27,849,244.23 240,706,809.87 Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 13,214,285.25 11,029,899.25 II. Operating profit 26,613,191.66 238,149,553.79 Add: Non-operating income 27,800.00 3,611.30 Less: Non-operating expenses - - Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets - - III. Total profit 26,640,991.66 238,153,165.09 Less: Income tax expenses 1,704,584.89 3,339,256.36 IV. Net profit 24,936,406.77 234,813,908.73 V. Other comprehensive income XI 14 (36,018,798.22) 39,899,284.67 VI. Total comprehensive income (11,082,391.45) 274,713,193.40 The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 5 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unit: RMB Item Notes For six months ended 30 June 2010 For six months ended 30 June 2009 Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services 875,677,137.87 766,519,703.21 Receipts of tax refunds - - Other cash receipts relating to operating activities 43,245,279.60 87,675,854.21 Sub-total of cash inflows 918,922,417.47 854,195,557.42 Cash payments for goods purchased and services received 455,054,370.13 413,291,285.15 Cash payments to and on behalf of employees 169,399,972.56 155,713,840.79 Payments of all type of taxes 51,460,499.86 45,456,846.58 Other cash payments relating to operating activities 22,752,716.01 25,429,155.90 Sub-total of cash outflows 698,667,558.56 639,891,128.42 Net cash flows from operating activities V 39(1) 220,254,858.91 214,304,429.00 Cash flow from investing activities: Cash receipts from disposals and returns of investments 9,582,809.79 21,207,819.31 Cash receipts from returns on investments 66,166,994.20 123,166,318.18 Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 21,050,376.84 15,270,665.78 Net cash receipts from disposals of subsidiaries and other business units - 1,394,304.63 Other cash receipts relating to investing activities - - Sub-total of cash inflows 96,800,180.83 161,039,107.90 Cash payments to acquire and construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 288,279,871.02 118,117,807.48 Cash payments to acquire investments 6,036,421.50 - Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and other business units - - Other cash payments relating to investing activities - - Sub-total of cash outflows 294,316,292.52 118,117,807.48 Net cash flows from investing activities (197,516,111.69) 42,921,300.42 Cash flows from financing activities: Cash receipts from borrowings 102,815,360.00 - Sub-total of cash inflows 102,815,360.00 - Cash repayments of amounts borrowed - 25,000,000.00 Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit or interest expenses 15,867,998.68 176,992,382.04 Including: payments for distribution of dividends or profit to minorities of subsidiaries 12,254,573.41 8,883,502.45 Sub-total of cash outflows 15,867,998.68 201,992,382.04 Net cash flows from financing activities 86,947,361.32 (201,992,382.04) Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents - - Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 109,686,108.54 55,233,347.38 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 549,074,409.21 609,605,573.31 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents V 39(2) 658,760,517.75 664,838,920.69 The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 6 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 THE COMPANY CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unit: RMB Item Notes For six months ended 30 June 2010 For six months ended 30 June 2009 Cash flows from operating activities: Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services 10,671,860.07 9,557,094.29 Receipts of tax refunds - - Other cash receipts relating to operating activities 2,064,275.58 1,301,306.46 Sub-total of cash inflows 12,736,135.65 10,858,400.75 Cash payments for goods purchased and services received 3,507,073.81 3,085,065.63 Cash payments to and on behalf of employees 6,762,789.72 6,592,854.85 Payments of all type of taxes 601,783.43 3,921,616.55 Other cash payments relating to operating activities 5,695,923.84 1,235,840.52 Sub-total of cash outflows 16,567,570.80 14,835,377.55 Net cash flows from operating activities XI 15(1) (3,831,435.15) (3,976,976.80) Cash flow from investing activities: Cash receipts from disposals and returns of investments 9,582,809.79 21,202,538.64 Cash receipts from returns on investments 1,274,729.61 212,050,771.16 Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets - - Other cash receipts relating to investing activities 50,184,704.03 2,749,933.34 Sub-total of cash inflows 61,042,243.43 236,003,243.14 Cash payments to acquire and construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 192,025.00 87,034.00 Cash payments to acquire investments 6,036,421.50 - Sub-total of cash outflows 6,228,446.50 87,034.00 Net cash flows from investing activities 54,813,796.93 235,916,209.14 Cash flows from financing activities: Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit or interest expenses 350,755.50 165,807,467.00 Sub-total of cash outflows 350,755.50 165,807,467.00 Net cash flows from financing activities (350,755.50) (165,807,467.00) Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents - - Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 50,631,606.28 66,131,765.34 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 330,386,010.30 260,262,892.62 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents XI 15(2) 381,017,616.58 326,394,657.96 The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 7 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Unit: RMB For six months ended 30 June 2010 For six months ended 30 June 2009 Item Attributable to equity holders of the parent Attributable to equity holders of the parent Share capital Capital reserve Surplus reserve Unappropriated profit Minority interests Total shareholders’ equity Share capital Capital reserve Surplus reserve Unappropriated profit Minority interests Total shareholders’ equity I. Balance at December 31, 2009 551,610,107.00 482,469,111.16 207,894,544.31 701,034,222.87 161,680,802.63 2,104,688,787.97 551,610,107.00 437,051,678.24 183,594,684.76 621,386,177.73 215,181,242.84 2,008,823,890.57 II. Balance at January 1, 2010 551,610,107.00 482,469,111.16 207,894,544.31 701,034,222.87 161,680,802.63 2,104,688,787.97 551,610,107.00 437,051,678.24 183,594,684.76 621,386,177.73 215,181,242.84 2,008,823,890.57 III. Changes for the year (I) Net profit - - - 139,775,249.32 24,347,410.74 164,122,660.06 - - - 140,341,179.71 15,204,375.62 155,545,555.33 (II) Other comprehensive income - (39,928,649.73) - (125,370.00) (40,054,019.73) - 48,742,646.46 - - 207,630.48 48,950,276.94 Subtotal of (I) and (II) - (39,928,649.73) - 139,775,249.32 24,222,040.74 124,068,640.33 - 48,742,646.46 - 140,341,179.71 15,412,006.10 204,495,832.27 (III) Owner’s contributions and reduction in capital 1. Capital contribution from owners - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. Share-based payment recognised in shareholders' - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. Others (Note) - - - - - - - - - - (10,301,851.34) (10,301,851.34) (IV) Profit distribution 1. Transfer to surplus reserve - - 2,493,640.68 (2,493,640.68) - - - - 23,481,390.87 (23,481,390.87) - - 2. Distribution to shareholders - - - (165,483,032.10) (12,254,573.41) (177,737,605.51) - - - (165,483,032.10) (42,736,577.85) (208,219,609.95) IV. Balance at June 30,2010 551,610,107.00 442,540,461.43 210,388,184.99 672,832,799.41 173,648,269.96 2,051,019,822.79 551,610,107.00 485,794,324.70 207,076,075.63 572,762,934.47 177,554,819.75 1,994,798,261.55SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. - 8 - THE COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 THE COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Unit: RMB For six months ended 30 June 2010 For six months ended 30 June 2009 Item Share capital Capital reserve Surplus reserve Unappropriated profit Total shareholders’ equity Share capital Capital reserve Surplus reserve Unappropriated profit Total shareholders’ equity I. Balance at December 31, 2009 551,610,107.00 474,056,358.31 207,894,544.31 341,446,110.42 1,575,007,120.04 551,610,107.00 424,681,552.81 183,594,684.76 288,230,406.55 1,448,116,751.12 II. Balance at January 1, 2010 551,610,107.00 474,056,358.31 207,894,544.31 341,446,110.42 1,575,007,120.04 551,610,107.00 424,681,552.81 183,594,684.76 288,230,406.55 1,448,116,751.12 III. Changes for the year (I) Net profit - - - 24,936,406.77 24,936,406.77 - - - 234,813,908.73 234,813,908.73 (II) Other comprehensive income - (36,018,798.22) - - (36,018,798.22) - 39,899,284.67 - - 39,899,284.67 Subtotal of (I) and (II) - (36,018,798.22) - 24,936,406.77 (11,082,391.45) - 39,899,284.67 - 234,813,908.73 274,713,193.40 (III) Owner’s contributions and reduction in capital 1. Capital contribution from owners - - - - - - - - - - 2. Share-based payment recognised in shareholders' equity - - - - - - - - - - 3. Others - - - - - - - - - - (IV) Profit distribution 1. Transfer to surplus reserve - - 2,493,640.68 (2,493,640.68) - - - 23,481,390.87 (23,481,390.87) - 2. Distribution to shareholders - - - (165,483,032.10) (165,483,032.10) - - - (165,483,032.10) (165,483,032.10) IV. Balance at June 30, 2010 551,610,107.00 438,037,560.09 210,388,184.99 198,405,844.41 1,398,441,696.49 551,610,107.00 464,580,837.48 207,076,075.63 334,079,892.31 1,557,346,912.42 The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 9 - I. GENERAL Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is a limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), reformed from Shanghai Jin Jiang Tower, on February 24, 1993. The headquarters is located in Shanghai. The public shares to the society and the foreign capital shares issued by the Company have been formally listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange since 1993. Its controlling shareholder is the Jin Jiang International (Group) Co., Ltd. The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are engaged in vehicle operating, transportation services, travelling services, business services, hotel, property management, office leasing, development of real estate and providing field for stores. II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES 1. Basis of preparation of financial statements Basis of accounting and principle of measurement The Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value, the Group has adopted the historical cost as the principle of measurement of the financial statements. Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset impairment are made in accordance with relevant requirements. 2. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ("new CASs") The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with new CASs issued by the Ministry of Finance on February 15, 2006, and present truly and completely, the Company’s and Consolidated financial position as of June 30, 2010, and the Company’s and Consolidated results of operations and cash flows for six months ended June 30, 2010. 3. Accounting year The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. from January 1 to December 31. 4. Functional currency Renminbi (“RMB”) is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group operates. The functional currency of the Group is RMB. RMB is used as reporting currency to prepare the financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 10 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 5. Business combinations A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate enterprises into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises under common control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control. The Group recognises assets and liabilities obtained through a business combination at the combination date or acquisition date. A combination date or acquisition date is the date on which the absorbing party or acquirer effectively obtains control of the party being absorbed or acquired i.e. the date on which the net assets or control over production and operational decisions of the party being absorbed or acquired are transferred to the Group. 5.1 A business combination involving enterprises under common control A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory. The party that, on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is a party being absorbed. Assets and liabilities that are obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are measured at their carrying amounts at the combination date as recorded by the party being absorbed. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) is adjusted to capital premium in capital reserve. If the capital premium in capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings. Costs incurred by the absorbing party that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. 5.2 A business combination not involving enterprises under common control A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the combination. For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is the acquiree.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 11 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 5. Business combinations - continued 5.2 A business combination not involving enterprises under common control - continued For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for control of the acquiree. For a business combination achieved in stages that involves multiple exchange transactions, the cost of combination is the aggregate of the costs of individual transactions. When a business combination contract provides for an adjustment to the cost of combination contingent on a future event, the acquirer includes the amount of that adjustment in the cost of the combination if it is expected on the acquisition date that the occurrence of the future event is probable and the amount affecting the cost of combination can be measured reliably. The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that satisfy the recognition criteria, which are acquired in a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, are measured at their fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is accounted for as follows: firstly, the acquirer reassesses the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; then, if after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer recognises the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period. Goodwill arising in a business combination is tested for impairment annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is considered together with the related asset group or sets of asset groups. Namely, the carrying amount of goodwill, from the acquisition date, is allocated on a reasonable basis to each related asset group; if it is not possible to allocate to the related asset groups, it is allocated to each of the related sets of asset groups. When the recoverable amount of an asset group or a set of asset groups is less than its carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised accordingly. The amount of impairment loss first reduces the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduces the carrying amount of other assets (other than goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups, pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 12 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 5. Business combinations - continued 5.2 A business combination not involving enterprises under common control - continued The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. An asset’s fair value is the price in a sale agreement in an arm’s length transaction. If there is no sale agreement but an asset is traded in an active market, fair value is the current bid price. If there is no sale agreement or active market for an asset, fair value is based on the best information available. Costs of disposal include legal costs related to the disposal of the asset, related taxes, costs of removing the asset and direct costs to bring the asset into condition for its sale. Once an impairment loss on goodwill is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period. 6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating activities. The date on which the Group effectively obtains or loses control of its subsidiaries are considered as the combination date or acquisition date. For a subsidiary already disposed of, its operating results and cash flows before the disposal date are appropriately included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement; for a subsidiary disposed of during the current period, no adjustments are made to the opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet. Where a subsidiary has been acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the subsidiary’s operating results and cash flows after the acquisition date are appropriately included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and no adjustments are made to the opening balance and comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements. Where a subsidiary has been acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the subsidiary’s operating results and cash flows from the beginning of the reporting period to the combination date are appropriately included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and adjustments are made to the comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements accordingly. Major accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the subsidiary (ies) are defined according to the standardised accounting policies and accounting periods established by the Company. All significant intra-group accounts and transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries or between subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 13 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued The portion of a subsidiary’s equity that is not attributable to the parent is treated as minority interest and presented as “minority interest” in the consolidated balance sheet within owners’ equity. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributable to minority interest is presented in the consolidated income statement below the "net profit" line item as “minority interest”. 7. Cash and cash equivalents Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. 8. Translation of transactions denominated in foreign currencies On initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated by applying the spot exchange rate at the dates of the transactions. At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated to RMB using the spot exchange rate at that date. Exchange differences arising from the differences between the spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date and those spot rates used on initial recognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except for: (1) exchange differences arising from specific-purpose borrowings in foreign currencies that are eligible for capitalisation, which are capitalised during the capitalisation period and included in the cost of related assets; and (2) exchange differences arising from hedging instruments for foreign currency risk, which are treated under hedge accounting (3) exchange differences arising from foreign currency non-monetary available-for-sale items i.e. stocks and changes in book value of available-for-sale monetary items other than its unamortised cost, which are treated as other comprehensive income in capital reserve. Foreign currency non-monetary items carried at historical cost continue to be measured at the amounts in functional currency translated using the spot exchange rates at the dates of the transactions; foreign currency non-monetary items carried at fair value are translated using the spot exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Differences between the translated amount and the original amount of functional currency are accounted for as changes in fair value (including changes in foreign exchange rates) and included in profit or loss for the period or capital reserve of shareholders' equity.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 14 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 9. Financial instruments 9.1 Fair value of financial instruments Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. If there is an active market for a financial asset or financial liability, the quoted price in the active market is used to establish the fair value of the financial instrument by the Group. Quoted prices from an active market are prices that are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry group or pricing service agency etc, and represent prices of actual market transactions on an arm’s length basis. If no active market exists for a financial instrument, the Group establishes fair value by using a valuation technique, which includes using recent market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models. 9.2 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets All regular way purchase or sales of financial assets are recognised and derecognised on a settlement date basis. On initial recognition, financial assets are classified into the following categories: financial assets at ‘fair value through profit or loss’ (FVTPL), ‘held-to-maturity’ investments, ‘loans and receivables’ and ‘available-for-sale’ (AFS) financial assets. Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value. When a financial asset or financial liability is recognised initially, the Group measures it at its fair value. In the case of a financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs are charged to the profit or loss for the period. For other financial assets or financial liabilities, transaction costs are included in their initial recognition amounts. The Group does not hold held-to-maturity investments at present. 9.2.1. Financial assets at FVTPL Financial assets are classified as at FVTPL where the financial asset is either held for trading or it is designated as at FVTPL. All Financial assets at FVTPL of the Group are classified as held for trading. A financial asset is classified as held for trading if: (1) it has been acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the near future; or (2) it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking; or (3) it is a derivative, except for a derivative that is a designated and effective hedging instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price from an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. Financial assets at held for trading are subsequently measured at fair value, with gains or losses arising from changes in fair value as well as dividends and interest income related to such financial assets recognised in profit or loss for the current period.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 15 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 9. Financial instruments - continued 9.2 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued 9.2.2. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. The accounts receivable, dividends receivable and other receivable are included in this category. Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortisation are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. 9.2.3. AFS financial assets AFS financial assets are those non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available-for-sale or are not classified as (1) financial assets at FVTPL, (2) loans and receivables, and (3) held-to-maturity investments. AFS financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value (other than impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses resulted from foreign currency monetary assets which are recognised in profit or loss for the current period) are recognised directly in shareholders' equity, and are reversed and recognised in profit or loss for the period when such financial assets are derecognised. Interest received during the period in which the Group holds the AFS financial assets and cash dividends declared by the investee are recognised as investment income. 9.3 Impairment of financial assets The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets, other than those at FVTPL, at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that financial assets are impaired the Group determines the amount of any impairment loss. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired includes evidence arising from the following events: (1) Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor; (2) A breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments; (3) The lender, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, granting to the borrower a concession that the lender would not otherwise consider; (4) It becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization; (5) The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties;SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 16 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 9. Financial instruments - continued 9.3 Impairment of financial assets - continued (6) Observable data indicating that there is a measureable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a group of financial assets since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified with the individual financial assets in the group, including: - Adverse changes in the payment status of borrowers in the group; - National or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on the assets in the group; (7) Significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the issuer operates, and indicates that the cost of the investment in the equity instrument may not be recovered; (8) A significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an investment in an equity instrument below its cost; (9) Others For a financial asset that is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment. For a financial asset that is not individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment or include the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment. If the Group determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset (whether the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant), it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment. Assets for which an impairment loss is individually recognised will not be included in a collective assessment of impairment. - Impairment of loans and receivables The carrying amount of financial assets carried at cost or amortised cost is reduced to the present value of estimated future cash flows, with the reduced amount recognised as impairment losses and charged to profit or loss for the current period. If, after the recognition of impairment losses, the carrying amount of financial assets increases and the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment losses are reversed through profit or loss to the extent that the carrying amount of the financial assets at the date the impairment is reversed does not exceed what the amortised cost would have been had the impairment not been recognised.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 17 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 9. Financial instruments - continued 9.3 Impairment of financial assets - continued - Impairment of AFS financial assets Where AFS financial assets are impaired, accumulated losses due to decreases in fair value previously recognised directly in capital reserve are reversed and charged to profit or loss for the current period. The reversed accumulated losses are the asset's initial acquisition costs after deducting amounts recovered and amortised, current fair value and impairment losses previously recognised in profit or loss. If, in a subsequent period, the carrying amount of financial assets increases and the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment losses are reversed. The reversal of impairment losses of AFS equity instruments is recognised in equity, and the impairment losses of AFS debt instruments are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Impairment losses incurred by the following are not reversed: (1) investments in an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price in an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured; or (2) derivatives financial assets linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument. 9.4 Recognition and measurement of transfer of financial assets The Group derecognises a financial asset only when: (1) the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or (2) it transfers the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another entity; or (3) it transfers the financial asset, neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership but has not retained control over the financial assets. If an enterprise neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, and retains its control of the financial asset, it recognises the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognise an associated liability. The extent of the enterprise’s continuing involvement in the transferred asset is the extent to which it is exposed to changes in the value of the transferred asset. For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, the difference between the following two amounts is recognised in profit or loss for the current period: (1)the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised directly in equity.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 18 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 9. Financial instruments - continued 9.4 Recognition and measurement of transfer of financial assets - continued If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the transferred financial asset in its entirety is allocated between the part that continues to be recognised and the part that is derecognised, based on the relative fair values of those parts. In this case, the servicing asset retained is treated as a part that continues to be recognised. The difference between the following two amounts is included in profit or loss for the current period: (1)the carrying amount allocated to the part derecognised; and (2) the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and (if the transfer involves an available-for-sale financial asset) any cumulative gain or loss allocated to it that had been recognised directly in equity. 9.5 Recognition and measurement of financial liabilities On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified as either financial liabilities at ‘fair value through profit or loss’ (FVTPL) or ‘other financial liabilities’. Financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value. For financial liabilities classified as at fair value through profit or loss, related transaction cost are charged to profit or loss for the current period; for financial liabilities classified as other categories, related transaction costs are included in the initial recognition amounts. The Group does not hold financial liabilities at ‘fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)’ at present. 9.5.1 Other financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities linked to and which must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price in an active market) whose fair value cannot be measured reliably is subsequently measured at cost. Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method; gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortisation is recognised in profit or loss for the period. 9.5.2. Financial guarantee contract Financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financial liabilities at FVTPL are initially recognised at fair value, and are subsequently measured at the higher of the following two amounts: (1) the amount determined in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies; and (2) the amount initially recognised less cumulative amortisation recognised in accordance with the principles set out in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - RevenueSHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 19 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 9. Financial instruments - continued 9.6 Derecognition of financial liabilities The Group derecognises a financial liability (or part of it) only when the underlying present obligation (or part of it) is discharged. An agreement between the Group (an existing borrower) and an existing lender to replace the original financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially different terms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability. When the Group derecognises a financial liability or a part of it, the Group recognises the difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability) derecognised and the consideration aid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss for the period. 9.7 Offsetting a financial asset and a financial liability Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not offset. However, a financial asset and a financial liability is offset and the net amount presented in the balance sheet when both of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the Group has a legal right to set off the recognised amounts and the legal right is currently enforceable; and (2) the Group intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously. 9.8 Equity instruments An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Group after deducting all of its liabilities. The consideration received from issuing equity instruments, net of transaction costs, is added to owners’ equity. All types of distributions made by the Group to holders of equity instruments (excluding stock dividends) are deducted from owners’ equity. The Group does not recognise changes in the fair value of equity instruments. 10. Accounts receivable 10.1 Recognition and measurement of individually significant receivables Recognition of bad provision of individually significant receivables The Group recognises receivables of over RMB 10 million as individually significant receivables.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 20 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 10. Accounts receivable - continued 10.2 Recognition and measurement of bad provision of individually insignificant receivables but with significant risks after being grouped with similar credit risk characteristics Recognition of portfolios with similar credit risk characteristics Individually insignificant receivables but with significant risks after being grouped with similar credit risk characteristics are grouped based on the similarity and relevance of credit risk characteristics. The credit risks normally reflect debtors' capabilities of contractual repayment for all due receivables, as well as the future cash flow of the assets inspected. The Group performs accounts receivable provision test separately. 11. Inventories 11.1 Classification of inventories The Inventories are classified as merchandise, spare parts, consumable items, and food & beverage, etc. Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. 11.2 Measurement of the cost of delivered inventories Upon delivery, the Group uses the first-in, first-out cost formula to assign the actual cost of inventories, except that the weighted average cost formula is used to assign the actual cost of spare parts and consumable items of vehicle operating business. 11.3 Recognition of the net realisable value and measurement of provision for decline in value of inventories At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. If the cost of inventories is higher than the net realisable value, a provision for decline in value of inventories is recognised. For large quantity and low value items of inventories, provision may be made based on categories of inventories. For other inventories, the excess of cost over the net realisable value is generally recognised as provision for decline in value of inventories on an item-by-item basis. After provision for decline in value of inventories has been made, if the circumstances that previously caused inventories to be written down no longer exist which results in the net realisable value is higher than the carrying amount, the amount of the write-down is reversed in profit or loss for the current period; the reversal is limited to the amount originally provided for the decline in value of inventories.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 21 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 11. Inventories - continued 11.3 Recognition of the net realisable value and measurement of provision for in value decline of inventories - continued Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. The Group determines the net realisable value of inventories based on solid evidence obtained and after taking into consideration the purpose for which the inventory is held, and the effect of events occurring after the balance sheet date. 11.4 The stock count system for inventories The perpetual inventory system is adopted for stock count. 12. Long-term equity investments 12.1 Recognition of initial investment cost For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the shareholders’ equity of the party being absorbed at the date of combination. For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment acquired is the cost of acquisition. The long-term equity investment acquired through means other than a business combination is initially measured at its cost. 12.2 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit and loss Where the Group does not have joint control or significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured, a long-term equity investment is accounted for using the cost method. Where the Group can exercise joint control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term equity investment is accounted for using the equity method. Where the Group does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the investee and the fair value of the long-term equity investment can be reliably measured, the investment is accounted for as an available-for-sale financial asset. A long-term equity investment where the Group can exercise control over the investee is accounted for using the cost method. 12.2.1. A long-term equity investment accounted for using the cost method Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Investment income recognised is limited to the amount distributed to it out of accumulated net profits of the investee that arose after the investment was made. Any cash dividends or distributions received in excess of this amount are treated as return of initial investment cost to reduce the carrying amount of the investment.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 22 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 12. Long-term equity investments - continued 12.2 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit and loss - continued 12.2.2. A long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly. Under the equity method, investment income or loss represents the Group’s share of the net profits or losses made by the investee for the current period. The Group recognises its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on the fair values of the investee’s individual separately identifiable assets at the acquisition date, after making appropriate adjustments thereto in conformity with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Group. For the unrealized profit or loss between the Group and an associate or joint venture, the part belongs to the Group, calculated with ratio held by the Group, should be offset. Accordingly, the Group recognizes investment income. But if the unrealized loss is related with an impairment of the assets transferred between the Group and the investee, according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.8-Impairment of Assets, the loss cannot be offset. For any changes in shareholders' equity other than net profits or losses in the investee, the Group adjusts the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment and includes the corresponding adjustment in other comprehensive income of capital reserve. The Group’s share of net losses of the investee is recognised to the extent that the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the investor’s net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. If the Group has to assume additional obligations, the estimated obligation assumed is provided for and charged to the profit or loss as investment loss for the period. Where the investee records profits in subsequent periods, the Group resumes recognising its share of profits after setting off profits against the unrecognised share of losses. For a long-term equity investment in an associate or joint venture held prior to first-time adoption date of new CASs, if an equity investment debit balance associated with the investment exists, the amount amortised on a straight-line basis during the remaining period is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. 12.2.3 Acquisition of minority interests For the consolidated financial statements, the difference between the following two amounts is adjusted to capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. (1) the additional long-term equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests; and (2) the Group's interest of net assets calculated continually since acquisition date (or combination date) based on the additional share proportion.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 23 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 12. Long-term equity investments - continued 12.3 Criteria for recognition of joint control or significant influence over an investee “Control” is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating activities. “Joint control” is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Where an investing enterprise can exercise joint control over the investee, the investee is its jointly controlled enterprise. “Significant influence” is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control over those policies. Where an investing enterprise is able to exercise significant influence over an investee, the investee is its associate. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee (for example, warrants and convertible debts) held by the investing enterprises or other parties that are currently exercisable or convertible is considered. 12.4 Method of impairment provision of long-term investment The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that long-term equity investments may be impaired. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount is estimated for the individual asset. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the difference is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. Once an impairment loss on long-term equity investment is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 24 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 13. Investment property Investment property is a property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, comprising a land use right that is leased out, a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation and a building that is leased out. An investment property is initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred on an investment property are recognised as cost of the investment property only when: 1) it is probable that economic benefits associated with the investment property will flow to the Group; and 2) the cost of the investment property can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditures that fail to meet such recognition criteria is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. The Group uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of an investment property, and adopts the depreciation or amortisation policy consistent with that applicable to buildings or land use right. The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that investment properties may be impaired. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount is estimated for the individual asset. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the difference is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. Once an impairment loss on investment properties is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period. When a property held as owner-occupied property or inventories is transferred to investment property, or a property held as investment property is transferred to owner-occupied property, the carrying amount of a property before its transfer is regarded as the recorded amount after its transfer. When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the amount of any proceeds on disposal net of the carrying amount and related taxes is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 25 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 14. Fixed assets 14.1 Recognition of fixed assets Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes and have useful lives more than one accounting year. 14.2 Depreciation methods A fixed asset is initially measured at cost and the effect of any expected costs of abandoning the asset at the end of its use is considered. Depreciation is provided to write off the cost of each category of fixed assets over their estimated useful lives from the month after they are brought to working condition for the intended use, using the straight-line method. The useful lives, estimated net residual values rates and annual depreciation rates of each class of fixed assets are as follows: Category of fixed assets Useful life (years) Residual value Annual depreciation rates Buildings 20-50 years 4-10% 1.8-4.8% Plant and machinery 5-20 years 4-10% 4.5-19.2% Electronic equipment, furniture and fixtures 3-10 years 4-10% 9.0-32.0% Operational vehicles 4-10 years 4-10% 9.0-24% Other transportation equipment 5-10 years 4-10% 9.0-19.2% Hotel improvement 5 years - 20% Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life. 14.3 Impairment of fixed assets The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that fixed assets may be impaired. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount is estimated for the individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the difference is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. Once any impairment loss on fixed assets is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 26 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 14. Fixed assets and depreciation - continued 14.4 Others Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset is included in the cost of the fixed asset, only if it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the relevant cost can be measured reliably; meanwhile the carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. Other subsequent expenditure that fail to meet the capitalisation criteria is charged to profit or loss when incurred. The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied at least at each financial year-end. A change in the useful life or estimated net residual value of a fixed asset or the depreciation method used is accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group recognise the amount of any proceeds on disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or loss for the current period. 15. Construction in progress Cost of construction in progress is determined as the expenditure actually incurred for the construction, comprising all expenditure incurred for construction projects, and other related expenses. Construction in progress is reclassified as fixed assets when it has reached working condition for its intended use. The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that construction in progress may be impaired. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount is estimated for the individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the difference is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it is not reversed in a subsequent period. 16. Borrowing costs Borrowing costs include interest, amortisation of discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. The amount of borrowing costs incurred is recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 27 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 17. Intangible assets 17.1 Intangible assets An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned or controlled by the Group. An intangible asset is initially measured at cost. The expenditures incurred on an intangible asset is recognised as cost of the intangible asset only if: 1) it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group; and 2) the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Other expenditures on an intangible asset that fail to meet the recognition criteria are charged to profit or loss when incurred. Land-use right acquired is normally recognised as an intangible asset. Self-constructed buildings (e.g. plants), related land-use right and the buildings are separately accounted for as an intangible asset and fixed asset. For buildings purchased, the purchase consideration is allocated among the buildings and land-use right on a reasonable basis. In case there is difficulty in making a reasonable allocation, the consideration is recognised in full as fixed assets. An intangible asset with a finite useful life is amortised using the straight-line method over its useful life when the asset is available for use. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortised. For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortisation method at least at each financial year-end. A change in the useful life or the amortisation method used is accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate. For an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life, the Group reassesses the useful life of the asset in each accounting period. If there is evidence indicating that the useful life of that intangible asset is finite, the Group estimates the useful life of that asset and applies the amortisation policy applicable to an intangible asset with a finite useful life accordingly. 17.2 Impairment of intangible assets The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that intangible assets with finite useful life may be impaired. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount is estimated for the individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group determines the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the difference is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life or an intangible asset that is yet to be available for use is tested for impairment annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 28 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 18. Long-term prepayments Long-term prepayments are various expenditures incurred but that should be allocated over the current and future periods of more than one year. Long-term prepayments are evenly amortised over the respective beneficial period. 19. Revenue 19.1 Revenue from the sale of goods Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised only when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; (2) the Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold; (3) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; (4) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; and (5) the associated costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably. 19.2 Revenue arising from the rendering of services Where the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably, at the balance sheet date, revenue associated with the transaction is recognised using the percentage of completion method. The stage of completion of a transaction involving the rendering of services is determined according to the proportion of services performed to date to the total services to be performed. The outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; (2) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; (3) the stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably; and (4) the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably. Where the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably, revenue is recognised to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable and the service costs incurred are recognised as expenses for the current period; where the costs incurred are not expected to be recoverable, no service revenue is recognised. When the Group has entered into a contract or an agreement comprising both sales of goods and rendering of services, if the sale of goods component and the services rendering component can be separately identified and measured, the sale of goods component and the services rendering component are accounted for separately. If the sale of goods component and the services rendering component cannot be separately identified, or cannot be separately measured despite being separately identifiable, the contract as a whole is accounted for as a sale of goods.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 29 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 19. Revenue - continued 19.3. Income from royalties The amount of income from royalties is recognised according to the relevant contract or agreement on an accrual basis. 19.4. Interest income Interest income is determined according to the length of time for which the Group's monetary funds are used by others and the effective interest rate. 20. Government grants Government grants are the transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the Government to the Group at no consideration excluding capital contribution from the Government as an owner of the Group to the Group. Government grants are classified into Government grants related to assets and government grants related to income. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, the item is measured at the amount received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, the item is measured at fair value. If fair value is not reliably determinable, the item is measured at a nominal amount. A government grant measured at a nominal amount is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period. A government grant related to an asset is recognised as deferred income, and evenly amortised to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent periods, the grant is recognised as deferred income, and recognised in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the grant is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period. For the repayment of a government grant already recognised, if there is any related deferred income, the repayment is offset against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any excess is recognised in profit or loss for the current period; if there is no related deferred income, the repayment is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 30 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 20. Government grants - continued Government compensation for relocation of enterprises for public interest The Group's overall result of town planning, reservoir construction, shantytowns transformation, subsidence area of governance and other public interests of removal, the government received direct payments from the fiscal budget for the relocation compensation payments, as a special payment processing should be. Among them, belonging to the enterprises in the relocation and reconstruction occurred during the loss of fixed assets and intangible assets, the cost of expenses, losses and lay-off after the relocation of assets to compensate for the proposed new, self-specific to be transferred to deferred income payments, and in accordance with the nature of the assets in accordance with the relevant government grants and government subsidies and revenue-related accounts, obtain relocation compensation and deduct the amount transferred to deferred income balance after any, recognized as capital reserve. 21. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities 21.1 Current income taxes At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws. Taxable profits, which are the basis for calculating the current tax expense, are determined after adjusting the accounting profits before tax for the year in accordance with relevant requirements of tax laws. 21.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities Temporary differences arising from the difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base, or the difference between the tax base and the carrying amount of those items that are not recognised as assets or liabilities but have a tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, are recognised as deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are not recognised for taxable temporary differences related to (1) the initial recognition of goodwill; and (2) the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a business combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction. In addition, for taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, if the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future, the Group does not recognise the corresponding deferred tax liability. Except for the temporary differences above, the Group recognises deferred tax liabilities for all other temporary differences .SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 31 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 21. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued 21.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued Deferred tax assets are not recognised for deductible temporary differences related to the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a business combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction. In addition, the Group recognises the corresponding deferred tax asset for deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilised, except when both of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) it is not probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and (2) it is not probable that taxable profits will be available in the future, against which the temporary difference can be utilised. The Group recognises a deferred tax asset for the carryforward of deductible losses and tax credits to subsequent periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset. If it is probable that sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilised, the carrying amount of the deferred tax asset is reduced. Any such reduction in amount is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available. 21.3 Tax expense Tax expense comprises current tax expense and deferred tax expense. Current tax expense (current tax income) and deferred tax expense (deferred tax income) are included in profit or loss for the current period, except for: (1) current tax and deferred tax related to transactions or events that are directly recognised in owners’ equity, which are recognised directly in owners’ equity; (2) deferred tax arising from a business combination, which is adjusted against the carrying amount of goodwill. 21.4. Offsetting a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability Current tax assets and liabilities are offset when: (1)The Group has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities; and (2)the Group intends either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 32 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 21. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued 21.4. Offsetting a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability - continued Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when the deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on: (1) the same taxable entity; or (2) different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered. 22. Leases A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease. 22.1. Recording of operating leases by the Group as lessee Lease payments under an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Initial direct costs are charged to profit or loss for the current period. Contingent rents are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are actually incurred. 22.2. Recording of operating leases by the Group as lessor Lease income from operating leases is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Significant initial direct cost are capitalised when incurred and charged to profit or loss for the responding period according to the same basis for rental income recognition. Other insignificant initial direct costs are charged to profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred. Contingent rents are credited to profit or loss in the period in which they actually arise.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 33 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 23. Other major accounting policies 23.1 Employee benefits In the accounting period in which an employee has rendered services, the Group recognises the employee benefits for those services as a liability. Expenditures related to payments for employees' social welfare system established by the state, including pensions, medical insurance, housing funds and other social welfare contributions, are included in the cost of related assets or profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred. When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, if the Group has a formal plan for termination of employment relationship or has made an offer for voluntary redundancy which will be implemented immediately, and at the same time the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy offer, a provision is recognised for the compensation arising from termination of employment relationship with employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period. An internal retirement plan is accounted for using the same principles as described above. Salaries and social insurance contributions to be paid to the internally retired employees by the Group during the period from the date when the employee ceases to provide services to the normal retirement date are recognised in profit or loss for the period when the recognition criteria for provisions are met (termination benefits).SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 34 - II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES - continued 24. Basis of determining significant accounting policies and key assumptions and uncertainties in accounting estimates In the application of the Group’s accounting policies, the Group is required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of items in the financial statements that cannot be measured accurately. These judgements, estimates and assumptions are based on historical experience of the Group's management as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The aforementioned judgements, estimates and assumptions are reviewed regularly on a going concern basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods. - Critical judgements in applying accounting policies The following are the critical judgements that the Group has made in the process of applying the accounting policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in financial statements. The useful life of the operational license of taxi The useful year of the operational license of taxi held by the Group will not be expired. The Group management believes the operational license of taxi will be in use and bring in expected inflow economical benefits in the foreseeable future. Therefore its useful life is infinite. The management assess at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that the operational license of taxi may be impaired. III. TAXES 1. Taxes and tax rate Taxes Tax basis Tax rate Value added tax Value added tax (“VAT”) payable is VAT output deducting VAT input. 17% Business tax Deemed taxi operating income and long distance transportation income. Other vehicle operating income. Other service income. 3% 3% 5% Income tax Taxable income Note Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax 7% Education additional tax Turnover tax 3% River management fee Turnover tax 1%SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 35 - III. TAXES - continued 1. Taxes and tax rate - continued According to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax published on 16 March 2007, the origin income tax rate of the Company is 25% from 1 January 2008. The Company is located in Shanghai Pudong New Area and the effective income tax rates of the Company for the coming years are listed as below: Actual income tax rate Year 2008 18% Year 2009 20% Year 2010 22% Year 2011 24% Year 2012 and after 25% The following subsidiaries were registered in Pudong New Area, thus the effective income tax rate of these companies for this year is 22%. Except for the following subsidiaries, the income tax rate of other subsidiaries is 25%: Company names Actual income tax rate in 2010 Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. 22% Shanghai JHJ Logistic Management Co., Ltd. 22% Shanghai Jinjiang International Cold Logistics Development Co., Ltd. 22% Shanghai Jin Jiang Business and Travel Auto Services Co., Ltd. 22% Shanghai Pudong Friendship Automobile Services Co., Ltd. 22% Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Leasing Co., Ltd. 22% Shanghai Jinjia Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. 22%SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 36 - IV. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Subsidiaries (1) Subsidiaries set up or invested by the Group Unit: RMB Name Type Place of incorporation Legal representative Nature of business Registered capital Business scope The Group's actual investment at year end Balances of other items actually constitute the net investment in the subsidiaries Share proportion (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity (%) Included in consolidated financial statements Minority interests The amount of minority interests balances that have been offset by minority interest profit and loss The amount of current year loss contributed to minority shareholders in excess of the shareholders’ equity contributed to minority shareholders at the beginning of the year, that have been offset in the shareholders’ equity of the parent company Shanghai JHJ Logistic Management Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yang Yuan-Ping Service 80,000,000.00 Logistic management 52,000,000.00 - 65 The same as the shares Yes 78,904,444.77 - - (Note 1) Limited company Shanghai Zhang Guo-Mei Warehousing 75,000,000.00 Logistic management 75,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Shang Shi Food Co., Ltd. (Note 1) Limited company Shanghai Ding Zhi-Liang Warehousing/Leasing 25,000,000.00 Wholesale 25,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Dalian Jin Jiang Automobile Rental Co., Ltd. Limited company Dalian Shen Zheng-Dong Transportation 5,000,000.00 Car rental 5,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Driver Training Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yu Guo-Fu Transportation 5,000,000.00 Driver training 5,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Yi Ma Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Han Hui-Tian Trading 5,000,000.00 Car trading 5,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - -SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 37 - IV. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 1. Subsidiaries - continued (2) Subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control Unit: RMB Name Type Place of incorporation Legal representative Nature of business Registered capital Business scope The Group's actual investment at year end Balances of other items actually constitute the net investment in the subsidiaries Share proportion (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity (%) Included in consolidate d financial statements Minority interests The amount of minority interests balances that have been offset by minority interest profit and loss The amount of current year loss contributed to minority shareholders in excess of the shareholders’ equity contributed to minority shareholders at the beginning of the year, that have been offset in the shareholders’ equity of the parent company Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Rong Ping-Tao Transportation 338,486,272.11 Taxi service and car rental service 538,135,811.60 - 95 The same as the shares Yes 46,910,026.50 - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Business and Travel Auto Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Rong Ping-Tao Transportation 70,000,000.00 Bus services and consulting 104,170,372.98 - 80 The same as the shares Yes 26,636,113.21 - - Shanghai Pacific Passenger Transport Service Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Rong Ping-Tao Transportation 2,000,000.00 Coach Service 2,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Jin Jiang High-speed Transportation Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Xu Wen-Zhong Transportation 10,000,000.00 Coach Service 10,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Business and Travel Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Rong Ping-Tao Consulting and management 16,000,000.00 Investment and management service 16,000,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Pudong Friendship Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Wu Xiao-Guo Transportation 5,610,000.00 Taxi service and car rental service 4,927,263.00 - 87.83 The same as the shares Yes 2,630,169.90 - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Leasing Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Shen Zheng-Dong Rental service 3,300,000.00 Car rental 3,300,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Zhong You Jin You Oil Products Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Weng Zhi-Xiong Service 2,000,000.00 Gas & oil service 1,520,000.00 - 76 The same as the shares Yes 1,797,850.79 - -SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 38 - IV. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 1. Subsidiaries - continued (2) Subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control - continued Unit: RMB Name Type Place of incorporation Legal representative Nature of business Registered capital Business Scope The Group's actual investment at year end Balances of other items actually constitute the net investment in the subsidiaries Share proportion (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity (%) Included in consolidated financial statements Minority interests The amount of minority interests balances that have been offset by minority interest profit and loss The amount of current year loss contributed to minority shareholders in excess of the shareholders ’ equity contributed to minority shareholders at the beginning of the year, that have been offset in the shareholders ’ equity of the parent company Shanghai Jiading Jin Jiang Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yu Guo-Fu Transportation 5,000,000.00 Taxi service 3,500,000.00 - 70 The same as the shares Yes 2,417,603.08 - - Shanghai Jin Jia Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Shi Gen-Chang Trading 10,100,000.00 Car trading 10,100,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Toyota Automotive Sales Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Hua Qing-Jian Trading 10,000,000.00 Car trading 7,000,000.00 - 70 The same as the shares Yes 5,055,240.17 - - Shanghai Jinzhen Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yu Guo-Fu Service 800,000.00 Electronics 800,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Colorful Day Advertising Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yu Guo-Fu Advertisement 800,000.00 Advertising 640,000.00 - 80 The same as the shares Yes 293,156.81 - - Shanghai Toyota Automobile Repair Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Ding Yue-Hua Service 850,000.00 Car trading 850,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Zhenxing Taxi Management Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Wu Xiao-Guo Management 100,000.00 Taxi management 100,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Jinyue Automobile Consulting Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Ding Yue-Hua Consulting and management 300,000.00 Automobile service 300,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - -SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 39 - IV. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 1. Subsidiaries - continued (2) Subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control - continued Unit: RMB Name Type Place of incorporation Legal representative Nature of business Registered capital Business scope The Group's actual investment at year end Balances of other items actually constitute the net investment in the subsidiaries Share proportion (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity (%) Included in consolidated financial statements Minority interests The amount of minority interests balances that have been offset by minority interest profit and loss The amount of current year loss contributed to minority shareholders in excess of the shareholders ’ equity contributed to minority shareholders at the beginning of the year, that have been offset in the shareholders ’ equity of the parent company Shanghai Jinmao Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Gong Wen-Kai Trading 10,200,000.00 Car trading 5,100,000.00 - 50 >50 (Note 2) Yes 6,926,986.42 - - Shanghai Jinyong Automobile Repair Service Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Han Hui-Tian Service 10,000,000.00 Car repairing 8,000,000.00 - 80 The same as the shares Yes 2,054,827.58 - - Shanghai Nanpu Bridge Food Wholesale Market Management Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Ding Zhi-Liang Management 300,000.00 Food trading 300,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Wujing Refrigerated Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai He Wei-Guang Warehousing 50,000,000.00 Food storage 96,400,305.12 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Shanghai Wusong luoji Refrigerated Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Cen Jian-Rong Transportation 8,250,000.00 Logistics 8,250,000.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - -SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 40 - IV. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 1. Subsidiaries - continued (3) Subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises not under common control Unit: RMB Name Type Place of incorporation Legal representative Nature of business Registered capital Business scope The Group's actual investment at year end Balances of other items actually constitute the net investment in the subsidiaries Share proportion (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity (%) Included in consolidated financial statements Minority interests The amount of minority interests balances that have been offset by minority interest profit and loss The amount of current year loss contributed to minority shareholders in excess of the shareholders’ equity contributed to minority shareholders at the beginning of the year, that have been offset in the shareholders’ equity of the parent company Shanghai Jin Jiang Yaohua Taxi Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yu Guo-Fu Transportation 2,220,000.00 Taxi service 10,262,906.00 - 100 The same as the shares Yes - - - Note 1: Shanghai Shang Hai Food Co., Ltd. spinned off from Shanghai Jin Jiang International Cryogenic Logistics Development Co., Ltd. Note 2: According to this subsidiary’s Articles of Association, the Group holds more than 50% of the voting power.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 41 - IV. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 2. Subsidiaries that are newly included in (1) Subsidiary that is newly included within the scope of consolidation is the newly set up Shanghai Shang Shi Food Co., Ltd. in this year. Details please refer to Note IV, 1, Note 1. V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Currency funds Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Item Foreign Currency Exchange rate RMB Foreign Currency Exchange rate RMB Cash: RMB 473,475.71 1.0000 473,475.71 394,607.62 1.0000 394,607.62 Cash deposit: RMB 658,287,042.04 1.0000 658,287,042.04 548,679,801.59 1.0000 548,679,801.59 Total - - 658,760,517.75 - - 549,074,409.21 2. Dividends receivable Unit: RMB Item Balance at beginning of year Additions Reductions Balance at end of June 30, 2010 Aging within 1 year Including: (1) Shanghai Nissan Maintenance Center 8,220.08 266,053.65 - 274,273.73 (2) Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. - 4,764,996.70 - 4,764,996.70 (3) Shanghai Jinmao Jin Jiang Automobile Services Co., Ltd. 2,700,000.00 - (2,700,000.00) - (4) Shanghai Jin Jiang Jiayou Automobile Co., Ltd. - 1,443,171.97 (1,000,000.00) 443,171.97 (5) Shanghai Jin Jiang Sheshan Automobile Co., Ltd. 1,332,616.79 (1,332,616.79) (6))Shanghai Dazhong New Asia Co., Ltd. - 11,650,016.27 - 11,650,016.27 (7) JHJ International Transportation Co., Ltd. - 13,000,000.00 - 13,000,000.00 Total 4,040,836.87 31,124,238.59 (5,032,616.79) 30,132,458.67SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 42 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 3. Accounts receivable (1) Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying amount Bad debt provision Category Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Individually significant receivables - - - - - - - - Other insignificant receivables 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 100 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 100 Total 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 100 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 100 The Group considers accounts receivable over RMB10 million as individually significant accounts. The aging analysis of account receivable is as follows: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Aging Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision Carrying amount Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision Carrying amount Within 1 year 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 43,786,570.97 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 38,396,261.33 Total 44,137,085.81 100 (350,514.84) 43,786,570.97 38,746,776.17 100 (350,514.84) 38,396,261.33 (2) There are no accounts receivable from shareholders holding over 5% (inclusive) of the Group shares. (3) Top five clients Unit: RMB Name Relationship with group Amount Aging Proportion (%) Client 1 Third party 3,750,707.92 Within 1 year 8 Client 2 Third party 1,571,011.48 Within 1 year 4 Client 3 Third party 872,489.60 Within 1 year 2 Client 4 Third party 692,780.00 Within 1 year 2 Client 5 Third party 677,067.71 Within 1 year 2 Total -- 7,564,056.71 -- 18 (4)Accounts receivable of related party Details please refer to Note VI 6. 4. Other receivables (1) By categories: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying amount Bad debt provision Category Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Individually significant receivables - - - - 29,355,441.75 54 - - Other insignificant receivables 52,948,933.59 100 (4,712.61) 100 24,515,366.95 46 (4,712.61) 100 Total 52,948,933.59 100 (4,712.61) 100 53,870,808.70 100 (4,712.61) 100 The Group considers other receivables over 10 million as individually significant accounts.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 43 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 4. Other receivables - continued The aging analysis of other receivables is as follows: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Aging Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision Carrying amount Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision Carrying amount Within 1 year 49,501,475.65 93 (4,712.61) 49,496,763.04 50,255,501.68 93 (4,712.61) 50,250,789.07 1-2 years 2,913,073.48 6 - 2,913,073.48 2,652,243.12 5 - 2,652,243.12 2-3 years 500,768.61 1 - 500,768.61 740,802.45 1 - 740,802.45 Above 3 years 33,615.85 0 - 33,615.85 222,261.45 1 - 222,261.45 Total 52,948,933.59 100 (4,712.61) 52,944,220.98 53,870,808.70 100 (4,712.61) 53,866,096.09 (2) There are no other receivables from shareholders holding over 5% (inclusive) of the Group shares. (3)Top five entities Unit: RMB Name Relationship with group Amount Aging Proportion (%) Entity 1 Third party 3,388,697.63 Within one year 6 Entity 2 Third party 2,372,417.00 Within one year 4 Entity 3 Third party 1,801,303.29 Within one year 3 Entity 4 Third party 1,000,000.00 One to two years 2 Entity 5 Third party 839,625.00 Within one year 2 Total -- 9,402,042.92 -- 17 (4) Other receivables of related party. Details please refer to Note VI 6. 5. Advances to suppliers (1) The aging analysis of advances to suppliers is as follows: Unit: RMB Aging June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) Within 1 year 60,662,948.70 100 56,922,816.63 100 Total 60,662,948.70 100 56,922,816.63 100 (2) Top five suppliers Unit: RMB Name Relationship with group Amount Aging Nature Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Associate 19,003,225.89 Within 1 year Prepayments for car Supplier 2 Third party 11,474,853.22 Within 1 year Prepayments for car Supplier 3 Third party 7,339,480.25 Within 1 year Prepayments for car Supplier 4 Third party 6,470,398.74 Within 1 year Prepayments for car Supplier 5 Third party 3,858,718.00 Within 1 year Prepayments for car Total -- 48,146,676.10 -- -- (3) There are no advances to suppliers who are shareholders holding over 5% (inclusive) of the Company shares.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 44 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 5. Advances to suppliers- continued (4) Disclosure of advances to suppliers by supplier categories is as follows: Unit: RMB Categories June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Individually significant payments 30,478,079.11 33,596,755.40 Other insignificant payments 30,184,869.59 23,326,061.23 Total 60,662,948.70 56,922,816.63 The Group considers the advances to suppliers over 10 million as individually significant payments. 6. Inventories (1) By categories: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Item Cost Provision for the decline in value Carrying amount Cost Provision for the decline in value of inventories Carrying amount Merchandise 38,262,134.37 - 38,262,134.37 35,345,781.28 - 35,345,781.28 Spare parts 9,648,880.70 - 9,648,880.70 9,456,209.82 - 9,456,209.82 Consumable items 164,977.19 - 164,977.19 143,391.75 - 143,391.75 Food and beverages 536,661.05 - 536,661.05 741,506.02 - 741,506.02 Total 48,612,653.31 - 48,612,653.31 45,686,888.87 - 45,686,888.87 7. Non-current assets due within one year Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Long-term loan receivables (Note) 4,230,666.67 4,230,666.67 Note: Details please refer to Note V, 17, Note 2. 8. Available-for-sale financial assets Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 Fair value January 1, 2010 Fair value Available-for-sale equity instruments 112,496,535.04 160,853,050.30 Available-for-sale financial assets are other listed companies' shares held by the Group. Their fair value was measured using the respecitve closing market prices as at 30 June 2010.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 45 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 9. Investment property (1) Investment property measured using the cost model Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 I. Cost 40,148,721.51 - - 40,148,721.51 1. Buildings 27,201,946.71 - - 27,201,946.71 2. Land use right 12,946,774.80 - - 12,946,774.80 II.Accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortisation 5,054,644.93 385,879.62 - 5,440,524.55 1.Buildings 4,274,291.41 255,525.12 - 4,529,816.53 2.Land use right 780,353.52 130,354.50 - 910,708.02 III.Net 35,094,076.58 - - 34,708,196.96 1.Buildings 22,927,655.30 - - 22,672,130.18 2.Land use right 12,166,421.28 - - 12,036,066.78 IV.Provision for impairment loss - - - - 1.Buildings - - - - 2.Land use right - - - - V.Net book value 35,094,076.58 - - 34,708,196.96 1.Plant and buildings 22,927,655.30 - - 22,672,130.18 2.Land use right 12,166,421.28 - - 12,036,066.78 Provided for this year is amounted to RMB385,879.62。SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 46 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 10. A list of joint ventures and associates and their key financial information Unit: RMB Investee Type Country of incorporation Legal Representative Nature of business Registered capital Proportion of ownership interest held by the entity (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity Investee's total assets on June 30, 2010 Investee's total liabilities on June 30, 2010 Investee's total net assets on June 30, 2010 Investee's total operating income for the current period Investee's net profit for the current period Joint venture Shanghai Zhengdong Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Sino-foreign equity joint venture Shanghai Zhu Ming Hua Transportation USD7,900,000.00 50the same as the shares 84,642,349.26 12,545,663.14 72,096,686.12 21,848,944.77 4,951,967.64 Shanghai Jinmao Jin Jiang Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Wu Lin Transportation 22,000,000.00 50the same as the shares 65,922,429.85 10,712,720.05 55,209,709.80 16,804,880.01 2,137,214.27 Shanghai Dazhong New Asia Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Rong Ping Tao Transportation 30,000,000.00 49.5 50 205,912,278.32 52,938,653.89 152,973,624.43 58,326,161.31 11,755,586.85 JHJ International Transportation Co., Ltd. Sino-foreign equity joint venture Shanghai Yang Yuan Ping Transportation USD10,000,000.00 50the same as the shares 585,743,633.91 356,656,744.33 229,086,889.58 1,211,263,778.51 15,275,051.18 Shanghai Jing Jiang Jiayou Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yu Guo Fu Transportation 24,700,000.00 50the same as the shares 60,353,053.75 11,698,969.33 48,654,084.42 23,778,516.80 3,742,500.97 Shanghai Vehicle Driver Training Centre State-joint venture Shanghai Xu Shu Ren Services 4,340,000.00 33.33the same as the shares 129,373,459.41 20,255,042.01 109,118,417.40 28,351,250.71 9,779,222.74 Shanghai Jin Jiang Sheshan Automobile Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yao Hui Ying Transportation 1,000,000.00 50the same as the shares 16,146,820.61 3,100,386.86 13,046,433.75 6,542,976.96 1,249,263.21 Shanghai Petrol Group Changle Gas Station Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Wang Zhi Qiang Services 300,000.00 50the same as the shares 2,775,599.35 1,331,537.02 1,444,062.33 16,743,690.77 522,920.48 Shanghai Wanguo Automobile Driver Training Center State-joint venture Shanghai Zhang Yue Hua Transportation 20,000,000.00 50the same as the shares 73,176,044.17 12,254,668.88 60,921,375.29 16,290,266.16 2,104,311.80 Shanghai Nissan Maintenance Center State-joint venture Shanghai Zhang Jian Hua Transportation 2,918,000.00 50the same as the shares 10,396,851.79 889,325.51 9,507,526.28 2,143,887.60 (172,566.36) Shanghai Yongda Secondhand Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Han Hui Tian Trading 9,000,000.00 50the same as the shares 8,408,024.11 38,564.90 8,369,459.21 7,496,900.00 (7,222.89) Associate Nanjing Long Distance Passenger Terminal Group Co., Ltd. Limited company Nanjing Tian Ji Ren Transportation 110,000,000.00 23the same as the shares 871,805,541.70 636,807,522.25 234,998,019.45 275,596,118.25 13,664,418.33 Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. Sino-foreign equity joint venture Shanghai Chen Long Transportation 311,610,000.00 20the same as the shares 949,134,166.76 133,081,875.92 816,052,290.84 415,309,098.35 206,229,779.14 Shilian Jin Jiang Logistics Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai James David Ritchie Transportation USD10,000,000.00 25the same as the shares 952,235.13 48,875.75 903,359.38 - - Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Zhu Jian Hua Trading 15,000,000.00 40 the same as the shares 68,675,498.09 35,931,264.11 32,744,233.98 139,194,076.45 2,170,873.75 Shanghai Jin Jiang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Hua Qing Jian Transportation 10,000,000.00 30the same as the shares 29,238,642.87 9,351,112.75 19,887,530.12 10,300,269.00 3,891,459.76 Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Limited company Shanghai Yuan Zhe Ning Trading 5,000,000.00 30the same as the shares 35,526,108.61 27,078,840.50 8,447,268.11 196,914,918.06 1,804,943.04SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 47 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 11. Long-term equity investments (1) Details of long-term equity investments are as follows: Unit: RMB Investee Accounting method Initial investments Opening balance Changes Closing balance Proportion of ownership interest held by the entity (%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity Explanation of the voting right not consistent with proportion of ownership interest Provision for impairment loss Impairment loss for the year Cash dividends for the year Shanghai Nissan Maintenance Center Equity method 5,643,011.57 5,900,677.34 (364,648.89) 5,536,028.45 50 the same as the shares - - 266,053.65 Shanghai Wanguo Automobile Driver Training Center Equity method 42,105,806.17 40,575,633.64 (1,708,235.94) 38,867,397.70 50 the same as the shares - - 1,952,295.00 Shanghai Vehicle Driver Training Centre Equity method 33,105,611.21 31,426,720.56 (1,559,814.33) 29,866,906.23 33.33 the same as the shares - - 3,000,000.00 Shanghai Zhendong Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Equity method 21,211,895.00 39,251,933.00 (3,203,589.87) 36,048,343.13 50 the same as the shares - - 5,705,373.71 Shanghai Jinmao Jin Jiang Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Equity method 16,940,000.00 27,591,663.63 1,800,700.07 29,392,363.70 50 the same as the shares - - - Shanghai Dazhong New Asia Co., Ltd. Equity method 84,628,129.42 100,937,251.82 (6,073,256.61) 94,863,995.21 49.50 50 Note 1 - - 11,650,016.27 JHJ International Transportation Co., Ltd. Equity method 40,254,477.70 113,410,820.93 (5,362,474.41) 108,048,346.52 50 the same as the shares - - 13,000,000.00 Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. Equity method 6,000,000.00 12,229,344.09 868,349.50 13,097,693.59 40 the same as the shares - - - Shanghai Yongda Secondhand Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Equity method 4,500,000.00 4,287,622.95 (99,046.68) 4,188,576.27 50 the same as the shares - - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. Equity method 3,000,000.00 7,317,952.98 (1,351,693.91) 5,966,259.07 30 the same as the shares - - 2,519,131.84 Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Equity method 1,500,000.00 2,579,743.41 (164,608.64) 2,415,134.77 30 the same as the shares - - 531,860.27 Shanghai Jin Jiang Jiayou Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Equity method 14,614,900.00 23,898,963.71 428,078.59 24,327,042.30 50 the same as the shares - - 1,443,171.97 Shanghai Jin Jiang Sheshan Automobile Co., Ltd. Equity method 500,000.00 5,898,585.39 624,631.63 6,523,217.02 50 the same as the shares - - - Shanghai Petrol Group Changle Gas Station Co., Ltd. Equity method 150,000.00 460,571.03 261,460.26 722,031.29 50 the same as the shares - - - Nanjing Long Distance Passenger Terminal Group Co., Ltd. Equity method 25,300,000.00 32,587,752.11 (887,764.76) 31,699,987.35 23 the same as the shares - - 3,036,000.00 Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. Equity method 63,130,065.07 163,305,429.23 (1,869,031.16) 161,436,398.07 20 the same as the shares - - 43,114,986.98 Shilian Jin Jiang Logistics Co., Ltd. Equity method 3,012,675.00 - - - 25 the same as the shares - - - Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental Hotel Cost method 16,555,237.81 16,555,237.81 - 16,555,237.81 1.87 the same as the shares - - - Shanghai Global Paper Production Co., Ltd. Cost method 746,253.00 746,253.00 - 746,253.00 10 the same as the shares 746,253.00 - - Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. Cost method 47,649,967.00 47,649,967.00 - 47,649,967.00 <=5 the same as the shares - - 4,764,996.70 Guotai Junan Investment Management Co., Ltd. Cost method 31,974,279.24 31,974,279.24 - 31,974,279.24 <=5 the same as the shares 2,500,000.00 - - Shanghai Guojia Industry Co., Ltd. Cost method 650,000.00 650,000.00 - 650,000.00 <=5 the same as the shares 650,000.00 - - Shandong Guo Tai Co., Ltd. Cost method 555,000.00 555,000.00 - 555,000.00 <=5 the same as the shares 555,000.00 - - Shanghai South Station Long Distance Passenger Terminal Co., Ltd. Cost method 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 - 7,500,000.00 10 the same as the shares - - - Shanghai New Century Freight Co., Ltd. Cost method 2,240,000.00 2,240,000.00 - 2,240,000.00 11.20 the same as the shares - - - Tianjin Hualian Commercial Building Co., Ltd. Cost method 468,000.00 468,000.00 - 468,000.00 <=5 the same as the shares 468,000.00 - - Total - 473,935,308.19 719,999,402.87 (18,660,945.15) 701,338,457.72 -- -- -- 4,919,253.00 - 90,983,886.39SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 48 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 11. Long-term equity investments - continued (1) Details of long-term equity investments are as follows: - continued Note 1: According to the Articles of Association, the Group can hold 50% of the voting power on this entity. For long-term equity investments held by the Group on June 30, 2010, the investee's ability to transfer funds to the Group is not restricted.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 49 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 12. Fixed assets (1)Fixed assets Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 I.Cost: 1,678,307,187.72 251,127,759.52 (119,023,235.34) 1,810,411,711.90 Including: Buildings 154,732,612.72 751,450.00 (5,600.55) 155,478,462.17 Plant and machinery 45,366,348.20 119,280.00 (2,876,611.10) 42,609,017.10 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 25,647,159.88 655,949.02 (223,961.90) 26,079,147.00 Operational vehicles 1,438,293,782.56 249,601,080.50 (115,910,663.99) 1,571,984,199.07 Other transportation 10,374,599.05 - (6,397.80) 10,368,201.25 Hotel improvement 3,892,685.31 - - 3,892,685.31 II. Accumulated depreciation: 929,723,330.53 108,115,310.69 (107,305,434.68) 930,533,206.54 Including: Buildings 55,374,970.92 3,563,497.49 (4,207.91) 58,934,260.50 Plant and machinery 26,954,278.30 1,730,812.59 (2,310,292.60) 26,374,798.29 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 18,343,929.61 621,245.01 (212,684.45) 18,752,490.17 Operational vehicles 822,505,135.95 99,264,317.52 (104,772,171.81) 816,997,281.66 Other transportation 4,717,972.04 2,530,870.32 (6,077.91) 7,242,764.45 Hotel improvement 1,827,043.71 404,567.76 - 2,231,611.47 III. Net 748,583,857.19 - - 879,878,505.36 Including: Buildings 99,357,641.80 - - 96,544,201.67 Plant and machinery 18,412,069.90 - - 16,234,218.81 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 7,303,230.27 - - 7,326,656.83 Operational vehicles 615,788,646.61 - - 754,986,917.41 Other transportation 5,656,627.01 - - 3,125,436.80 Hotel improvement 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 IV. Provision for impairment loss 2,088,440.55 - - 2,088,440.55 Including: Buildings 1,980,444.87 - - 1,980,444.87 Plant and machinery 74,549.59 - - 74,549.59 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 33,446.09 - - 33,446.09 Operational vehicles - - - - Other transportation - - - - Hotel improvement - - - - V. Net book value 746,495,416.64 - - 877,790,064.81 Including: Buildings 97,377,196.93 - - 94,563,756.80 Plant and machinery 18,337,520.31 - - 16,159,669.22 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 7,269,784.18 - - 7,293,210.74 Operational vehicles 615,788,646.61 - - 754,986,917.41 Other transportation 5,656,627.01 - - 3,125,436.80 Hotel improvement 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 50 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 12. Fixed assets - continued (1)Fixed assets - continued As at June 30, 2010, there is no restriction on title of fixed assets. (2)Fixed assets with no certificates As at June 30, 2010, the certificate of the building with net book value of RMB8,762,219.20 (2009: RMB9,893,468.38) is not obtained. Details are as follows: Unit: RMB Item Value of the building Reason for not having certificates Estimated date for obtaining certificates No.88, Wuzhong Road, Building of Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd 8,762,219.20 The construction was built on the land rent under operating lease from related party. -- Notes to fixed assets: (1) Included in current year cost additions, acquisition of fixed assets is amounted to RMB110,326,711.52 and transfer from construction in progress is amounted to RMB140,801,048.00. (2) Included in current year cost reductions, disposals is amounted to RMB119,023,235.34. (3) Included in current year additions of accumulative depreciation, provided for this year is amounted to RMB108,115,310.69. (4) Included in current year reductions of accumulated depreciation, disposals is amounted to RMB107,305,434.68.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 51 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 13. Construction in progress (1)Details of construction in progress are as follows: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Item Original value Provision for impairment loss Net booking value Original value Provision for impairment loss Net booking value Vehicles before working condition 10,013,308.40 - 10,013,308.40 8,889,095.00 - 8,889,095.00 Quick claim center for vehicle traffic accidents 51,585,196.60 - 51,585,196.60 25,844,234.60 - 25,844,234.60 Ultra low temperature storage and logistic project 20,975,773.90 - 20,975,773.90 13,854,120.80 - 13,854,120.80 Others 10,359,366.63 - 10,359,366.63 7,744,283.63 - 7,744,283.63 Total 92,933,645.53 - 92,933,645.53 56,331,734.03 - 56,331,734.03SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 52 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 13. Construction in progress - continued (2)Movement of significant construction in progress Unit: RMB Item Budget At January 1, 2010 Additions Trasnfer to fixed assets Other transfer-out Proportion of construction investment in budget (%) Construction in progress Cumulative amount of interest capitalization Including: amount of interest capitalization for this year Ratio of interest capitalization for this year (%) Capital Source At December 31, 2009 Quick claim center for vehicle traffic accidents 65,000,000.00 25,844,234.60 25,740,962.00 - - 79 Framework construction has been completed and the decoration and installation phase has started. - - N/A Own capital 51,585,196.60 Ultra-low-temperature storage and logistics projects 34,000,000.00 13,854,120.80 7,121,653.10 - - 62 Acceptance has been obtained for construction and hydroelectric instalations - - N/A Own capital 20,975,773.90 Total -- 39,698,355.40 32,862,615.10 - - -- -- - - -- -- 72,560,970.50SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 53 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 14. Intangible assets (1)Intangible assets Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 Cost 225,578,250.55 550,200.00 - 226,128,450.55 Land use right 95,271,819.20 - - 95,271,819.20 Operational license of taxi 130,306,431.35 550,200.00 - 130,856,631.35 Accumulated amortisation 9,608,004.32 539,790.02 - 10,147,794.34 Land use right 3,577,652.20 539,790.02 - 4,117,442.22 Operational license of taxi 6,030,352.12 - - 6,030,352.12 Net 215,970,246.23 - - 215,980,656.21 Land use right 91,694,167.00 - - 91,154,376.98 Operational license of taxi 124,276,079.23 - - 124,826,279.23 Provision for impairment loss - - - - Land use right - - - - Operational license of taxi - - - - Net book value 215,970,246.23 - 215,980,656.21 Land use right 91,694,167.00 - 91,154,376.98 Operational license of taxi 124,276,079.23 - 124,826,279.23 Notes to intangible assets: (1) Included in current period cost additions, acquisition of intangible assets is amounted to RMB550,200.00. (2) Included in additions of accumulated amortisation of intangible assets, provided for this year is amounted to RMB539,790.02. Land use right with net book value of RMB42,106,800.00 is allocated by the government and has uncertain useful life. The Group management believes the land use right will be in use and bring in expected inflow economical benefits in the foreseeable future. Therefore, its useful life is uncertain. The useful year of the operational license of taxi held by the Group will not be expired. The Group management believes the operational license of taxi will be in use and bring in expected inflow economical benefits in the foreseeable future. Therefore its useful life is uncertain.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 54 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 15. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities 1. Presentation not offsetting deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (1) Recognized deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Deferred tax assets: Provision for impairment loss 1,112,813.25 1,112,813.25 Others 605,884.89 628,516.93 Total 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 Deferred tax liabilities: Accumulated changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets to other comprehensive income 23,050,475.35 36,401,815.26 Total 23,050,475.35 36,401,815.26 (2)Unrecognised deferred tax assets Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Deductible temporary differences 2,911,668.00 2,911,668.00 Deductible losses 3,611,254.18 3,611,254.18 Total 6,522,922.18 6,522,922.18 The Group has not recognised the deferred tax assets above due to the unpredictability of future taxable profit. (3)The deductible losses which are not recognised as deferred tax assets will expire as follows: Unit: RMB Period June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Note Year 2009 - - -- Year 2011 - - -- Year 2012 1,068,171.86 1,068,171.86 -- Year 2013 1,339,743.06 1,339,743.06 -- Year 2014 1,203,339.26 1,203,339.26 -- Total 3,611,254.18 3,611,254.18 --SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 55 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 15. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued 1. Presentation not offsetting deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued (4)Temporary difference Unit: RMB Item Temporary difference June 30, 2010: Deductible temporary differences and deductible losses: Provision for impairment loss 4,451,253.00 Others 2,423,539.56 Total 6,874,792.56 Taxable temporary differences: Accumulated changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets to the comprehensive income 92,201,901.43 Total 92,201,901.43 January 1, 2010: Deductible temporary differences and deductible losses: Provision for impairment loss 4,451,253.00 Others 2,514,067.69 Total 6,965,320.69 Taxable temporary differences: Accumulated changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets to the comprehensive income 145,607,261.10 Total 145,607,261.10 16. Provision for impairment loss of assets Unit: RMB Reductions Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reversals Write-off June 30, 2010 Bad debt provision 355,227.45 - - - 355,227.45 Provision for impairment loss of long-term equity investments 4,919,253.00 - - - 4,919,253.00 Provision for impairment loss of fixed assets 2,088,440.55 - - - 2,088,440.55 Total 7,362,921.00 - - - 7,362,921.00 17. Other non-current assets Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Prepayment for investment (Note 1) 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 Long-term loan receivables (Note 2) 12,692,000.57 12,692,000.57 Less: due within 1 year 4,230,666.67 4,230,666.67 Total 23,724,322.66 23,724,322.66 Note 1: The closing balance of RMB15,262,988.76 is prepayment to Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. for investment. Note 2: Other long-term loan receivable due from Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. is RMB50,768,000.00 non-interest bearing loan for its rental of buildings, equipments and plants. The long-term loan receivable is repayable in 12 equal annual repayments since January 1, 2001.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 56 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 18. Notes Payable Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Bank acceptance note 6,355,600.00 - Commercial acceptance note 102,815,360.00 - Total 109,170,960.00 - 19. Accounts payable (1) Details of accounts payables are as follows: Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Payable for goods and services 52,222,999.76 51,298,880.63 Total 52,222,999.76 51,298,880.63 (2) There are no accounts payable to shareholders who holding over 5% (inclusive) of the equity interests with voting power or related parties. 20. Advances from customers (1) Details of advances from customers are as follows: Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Advances from customers for sales of goods and services 96,945,582.84 98,009,797.19 Total 96,945,582.84 98,009,797.19 (2) There are no advance from customers from shareholders holding over 5% (inclusive) of the equity interests with voting power or related parties.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 57 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 21. Employee benefits payable Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 I. Wages or salaries, bonus, allowance, subsidies 6,026,003.24 110,468,254.89 (87,952,563.42) 28,541,694.71 II.Staff welfare 20,625,039.60 2,120,991.81 (4,193,910.56) 18,552,120.85 III.Social security contributions 9,953,938.20 63,345,709.76 (62,435,218.58) 10,864,429.38 Including: Premiums or contributions on medical insurance 2,716,296.01 18,674,024.03 (18,474,456.34) 2,915,863.70 Basic pension insurance 6,479,614.00 39,414,608.21 (38,878,622.77) 7,015,599.44 Unemployment insurance 460,050.89 3,851,337.45 (3,705,314.74) 606,073.60 Work injury insurance 79,766.40 687,816.13 (671,075.91) 96,506.62 Maternity insurance 218,210.90 717,923.94 (705,748.82) 230,386.02 IV.Housing fund 28,921.30 10,455,904.52 (10,431,089.02) 53,736.80 V.Dismiss benefits - 847,340.00 (847,340.00) - VI.Others 31,616,280.41 2,214,646.28 (3,539,850.98) 30,291,075.71 Including: Union fund and employee education fund 9,084,418.50 2,214,646.28 (2,189,695.51) 9,109,369.27 Subsidy for internal retired staffs 13,692,776.73 - (342,140.67) 13,350,636.06 Subsidy for retired staffs 8,839,085.18 - (1,008,014.80) 7,831,070.38 Total 68,250,182.75 189,452,847.26 (169,399,972.56) 88,303,057.45 No amount in arrear is included in employee benefits payable. 22. Tax payable Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Value added tax (510,447.09) 611,164.50 Business tax 3,396,708.17 3,128,899.89 Income tax 23,513,582.40 18,170,163.21 Individual income tax 997,443.21 953,433.92 Urban maintenance and construction tax 246,227.80 294,478.78 Others 1,778,404.86 2,481,638.27 Total 29,421,919.35 25,639,778.57 23. Dividends payable Unit: RMB Name June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Reasons for over 1 year overdue Dividends paid to shareholders 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 Not draw Including:Jin Jiang International (Group) Co., Ltd. 63,777,160.57 Not draw Dividends paid to minority shareholders - - -- Total 186,002,110.15 20,869,833.55 --SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 58 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 24. Other payables (1)Details of other payables are as follows: Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Deposit 107,466,611.96 104,285,409.94 Debt due from reform 39,821,129.93 39,821,129.93 Others 122,411,956.25 108,931,517.06 Total 269,699,698.14 253,038,056.93 The balance aged over one year mainly includes deposit and debt due from reform. (2) Other payables to shareholders holding over 5% (inclusive) of the entity interests with voting power or related parties are as follows: Unit: RMB Name of shareholder June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Jin Jiang International (Group) Co., Ltd. 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 Total 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 25. Other non-current liabilities Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Rehousing compensation 20,355,645.57 20,608,557.53 Deferred income 28,793,301.92 28,793,301.92 Total 49,148,947.49 49,401,859.45 26. Share capital Unit: RMB Additions/Reductions Opening balance Others Closing balance June 30, 2010 I. Restricted tradable shares 1. State-owned legal person shares 157,425,450.00 (157,425,450.00) - Sub-total 157,425,450.00 (157,425,450.00) - II. Tradable shares 1. Ordinary shares denominated in RMB 233,134,625.00 157,425,450.00 390,560,075.00 2. Foreign capital shares listed domestically 161,050,032.00 161,050,032.00 Sub-total 394,184,657.00 157,425,450.00 551,610,107.00 III.Total shares 551,610,107.00 - 551,610,107.00 On February 13, 2007, the Group arranged the tradable shares come on to the market for the first time, (only unit reform shaped tradable shares). The quantity was 113,304,788 shares, 20.54% of the total Group shares. On February 13, 2008, the Group arranged the tradable shares come on to the market for the second time, (only unit reform shaped tradable shares). The quantity was 35,795,572 shares, 6.49% of the total Group shares. On February 13, 2009, the Group arranged the tradable shares come on to the market for the third time, (only unit reform shaped tradable shares). The quantity was 27,580,505 shares, 5.00% of the total Group shares.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 59 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 26. Share capital - continued On February 26, 2010, the Group arranged the tradable shares come on to the market for the third time, (only unit reform shaped tradable shares). The quantity was 157,425,450 shares, 28.54% of the total Group shares. 27. Capital reserve Unit: RMB Item Opening Balance Additions Reductions Closing Balance June 30, 2010: Share premium 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 Including: Capital invested by investors 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 Other comprehensive income 111,780,115.90 - (39,928,649.73) 71,851,466.17 Other capital reserve 104,470,768.36 - - 104,470,768.36 Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system (Note 1) 98,665,171.28 - - 98,665,171.28 Realized consolidation adjustments by steps to an entity not under the same control 5,805,597.08 - - 5,805,597.08 Total 482,469,111.16 - (39,928,649.73) 442,540,461.43 Note (1) It can be used to increase the share capital and reverse the consolidation difference generated by business combination under the same control. 28. Surplus reserve Unit: RMB Item Opening balance Additions Closing balance June 30, 2010: Statutory surplus reserve 197,209,908.31 2,493,640.68 199,703,548.99 Discretionary surplus reserve 10,684,636.00 - 10,684,636.00 Total 207,894,544.31 2,493,640.68 210,388,184.99 The statutory surplus reserve can be used for making up losses of the Company, enlarge productive operation or increase share capital.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 60 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 29. Unappropriated profit Unit: RMB Item Amount Proportion of addition June 30, 2010: At beginning of year 701,034,222.87 Add:Net profit for attributable to shareholders of the parent for the year 139,775,249.32 Less:Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve 2,493,640.68 Note (1) Dividends payable 165,483,032.10 Note (2) At end of the period 672,832,799.41 Note1: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve According to the Articles of Association, the Company is required to transfer 10% of its net profit to the statutory surplus reserve. The transfer may be ceased if the balance of the statutory reserve has reached 50% of the Company registered capital. Note 2: Dividends payable As approved by shareholders’ meeting dated June 18, 2010, on the basis of 551,610,107 issued shares (with the par value of RMB1 per share), dividends of RMB3 (before tax) per each ten shares were distributed to all the shareholders.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 61 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 30. Operating income and operating costs (1) Operating income Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Principal operating income 865,152,662.96 764,696,209.76 Other operating income 15,389,400.30 14,487,245.11 Operating costs 636,720,905.53 557,653,433.66 (2) Principal operating activities (by industry) Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Category Operating income Operating costs Operating income Operating costs Vehicle operating and relevant business 535,801,316.88 348,817,844.00 492,390,681.17 322,697,657.08 Vehicle selling 280,678,988.35 261,864,278.15 224,527,231.20 210,781,682.69 Hotel and relevant business 9,853,950.34 1,721,701.06 9,817,732.30 1,735,461.68 Refrigerated logistics and relevant business 38,818,407.39 20,460,958.68 37,960,565.09 19,866,523.34 Total 865,152,662.96 632,864,781.89 764,696,209.76 555,081,324.79 31. Business taxes and levies Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Tax base Business tax 18,095,509.80 18,068,762.14 Note III Urban maintenance and construction tax 1,315,814.20 1,195,445.22 Note III Education additional tax 648,125.84 542,629.15 Note III Total 20,059,449.84 19,806,836.51 -- 32. Finance expenses Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Interest expenses 3,262,669.77 2,301,412.59 Less: Interest income 3,712,297.14 4,392,445.75 Exchange difference 4,991.48 128,555.25 Others 509,378.99 684,379.73 Total 64,743.10 (1,278,098.18)SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 62 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 33. Investment income (1)Details of invest income are as follows: Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Dividend from investment carried at cost 4,764,996.70 14,399,788.69 Gains recognised under equity method 67,557,944.54 46,347,678.87 Income from abandon the right of capital injection - 3,698,148.66 Gains on available-for-sale financial assets 924,285.00 961,365.00 Gains on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets 350,444.61 - Gains on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets 8,595,232.67 17,630,900.37 Total 82,192,903.52 83,037,881.59 (2)Significant investment income Unit: RMB Investee January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Reason Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. 41,245,955.82 21,860,935.66 Business volume decreased due to the financial crisis There is no significant restriction on remittance of the Company’s gains on investment. 34. Non-operating income (1)Details of non-operating income are as follows: Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Gains on disposal of non-current assets 6,585,865.18 7,811,215.40 Including: Gain on disposal of fixed assets 6,585,865.18 7,811,215.40 Government grants 1,139,204.74 4,814,811.33 Penalty income 487,212.99 - Others 770,399.42 3,691.30 Total 8,982,682.33 12,629,718.03SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 63 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 34. Non-operating income - continued (2)Details of government grants are as follows: Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Notes Refund from government 1,139,204.74 938,968.17 -- Subsidy for preferential price of public traffic - 1,397,950.83 Note Subsidy for gasoline price - 1,615,392.33 Note Others - 600,000.00 Note Deferred income - 262,500.00 Note Total 1,139,204.74 4,814,811.33 -- Note: Subsidy income has reduced because of the equity transfer of Shanghai Jin Jiang Public Transport Co., Ltd. in June, 2009. 35. Non-operating expenses Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Losses on disposal of non-current assets 515,958.78 106,711.48 Including: losses on disposal of fixed assets 515,958.78 106,711.48 Others 25,643.28 40,232.16 Total 541,602.06 146,943.64 36. Income tax Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Current tax expense 21,505,366.16 22,556,012.94 Deferred tax expense 22,632.04 26,651.06 Total 21,527,998.20 22,582,664.00SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 64 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 37. Calculation of basis earnings per share and diluted earnings per share Net profit for the current period attributable to ordinary shareholders is as follows: Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Net profit for the current period attributable to ordinary shareholders 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 Including: Net income from continuing operations 139,775,249.32 140,341,179.71 The denominator is the weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares and its calculation process is as follows: Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of year 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 Add: weighted average number of ordinary shares issued during the year - - Less: weighted average number of ordinary shares repurchased during the year - - Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the closing of year 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 Earnings per share Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Net profit for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent Basic earnings per share 0.253 0.254 Diluted earnings per share N/A N/A Net profit from continuing operations for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent Basic earnings per share 0.253 0.254 Diluted earnings per share N/A N/A Net profit from discontinued operations for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent Basic earnings per share N/A N/A Diluted earnings per share N/A N/A Note: The Group has no diluted potential ordinary shares on June 30, 2010. 38. Other comprehensive income Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 1.Fair value gain (loss) on of available-for-sale financial assets (45,465,038.00) 72,454,545.54 Less:Income tax relating to available-for-sales financial assets (11,366,259.50) 18,113,636.38 Amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income being reclassified to profit or loss 5,955,241.23 5,390,632.22 Total (40,054,019.73) 48,950,276.94SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 65 - V. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 39. Supplementary information to the cash flow statements (1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statements Unit: RMB Supplementary information January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities: Net profit 164,122,660.06 155,545,555.33 Add: Provision for asset impairment Depreciation of fixed assets 108,115,310.69 105,999,640.13 Amortization of intangible assets 539,790.02 539,790.06 Depreciation and amortization of investment property 385,879.62 385,879.62 Amortization of long-term prepayments 6,477.94 6,477.90 Gains on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (6,069,906.40) (7,704,503.92) Financial expenses 3,262,669.77 2,301,412.59 Gains arising from investments (82,192,903.52) (83,037,881.59) Decrease in deferred tax assets 22,632.04 26,651.06 Decrease (increase) in inventories (2,925,764.44) 15,235,628.75 Decrease (increase) in operating receivables (8,208,566.61) (5,206,690.40) Increase (decrease) in operating payables 42,196,579.74 30,212,469.47 Net cash flow from operating activities 220,254,858.91 214,304,429.00 2. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 658,760,517.75 664,838,920.69 Less:opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 549,074,409.21 609,605,573.31 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 109,686,108.54 55,233,347.38 (2) Cash and cash equivalents Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 Opening balance Cash 658,760,517.75 549,074,409.21 Including: Cash on hand 473,475.71 394,607.62 Bank deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand 658,287,042.04 548,679,801.59 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 658,760,517.75 549,074,409.21SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 66 - VI. RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS 1. Information of parent company Unit: RMB Company name Relationship Type Place of registratio n Legal representative Nature or type of business Registered capital Proportion of shareholdings (%) Proportion of voting power (%) Ultimate holding company Organization code Jin Jiang International (Group) Co., Ltd. (the 'Jin Jiang Group') Parent company Limited company (state-owned) Shanghai Yu Min Liang Travel, hotel 2,000,000,000 38.54 the same as the shares Jin Jiang Group 13222031-2 2. Subsidiaries information Details of subsidiaries please refer to Note IV 1. 3. Information of joint ventures and associates Details of joint ventures and associates please refer to Note V 9.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 67 - VI. RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS - continued 4. Other related parties Name Related party relationships Shanghai Jin Jiang Hotel Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Jin Jiang Travel Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotel Facility Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Travel Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Food (Group) Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Huating Overseas Tourist Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Jing Jiang International Travel Co., Ltd Fellow subsidiary Jin Jiang Inn Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Jin Jiang International Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Galaxy Hotel Co., Ltd. Fellow subsidiary Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd Xin Jin Jiang Hotel. Fellow subsidiary Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental Hotel Fellow subsidiary The above entities are called by a joint name of Jin Jiang Group Companies.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 68 - VI. RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS - continued 5. Significant transactions between the Group and related parties in the year (1)Purchases or sales of goods, rendering or receiving of services Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Name of related parties Transaction type Nature Amount Percentage (%) Amount Percentage (%) Jin Jiang Group Companies Rendering services Vehicle operating 3,144,765.00 - 5,216,403.00 - Jin Jiang Group Companies Purchases or sales of goods Vehicle operating 369,731.50 - - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Purchases or sales of goods Purchase of goods 867,600.00 - 1,092,399.30 - Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. Purchases or sales of goods Acquisition of fixed assets 108,908,400.00 43 41,496,923.08 36 Jin Jiang Group Companies Receiving services Management expense (Note 1) 148,042.77 100 131,941.16 100 Jin Jiang Group Companies Receiving services Management expense 195,310.00 - - - Pricing principle and process of decision-making: The Group set price according to the agreement on integrated service, products purchase and sales contracts signed by related parties. Significant related party transactions need approval of the board of directors.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 69 - VI. RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS - continued 5. Significant transactions between the Group and related parties in the year - continued (1) Purchases or sales of goods, rendering or receiving of services - continued Note 1:The management fee paid to Jin Jiang Group Companies is 2% of hotel income plus 4% of hotel and profit, as rewarding the service provided, including general administration, marketing, purchase and etc. (2)Leasing arrangements Rental income Unit: RMB Leaser Leasee Asset for leasement Rental income Recognition criteria for rental income Effect to the Group Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Shanghai Petrol Group Changle Gas Station Co., Ltd. Building 99,996.00 Rental contract Insignificant Rental expenses Unit: RMB Leaser Leasee Asset for leasement Beginning date Ending date Rental expenses Recognition criteria for rental expenses Effect to the Group Jin Jiang Group Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Land use right December 1, 2003 November 30, 2013 1,500,000.00 Rental contract Insignificant Jin Jiang Group(Note) The Company Building Note Note 58,116.00 Rental contract Insignificant Note: The Group need not pay for the rental expenses regarding parts of house leased from Jin Jiang Group. The rental expenses should be recognized as RMB780,000.00 in the current year assuming the original price is still effective.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 70 - VI. RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS - continued 5. Significant transactions between the Group and related parties in the year - continued (3)Guarantees Unit: RMB Guarantor Guarantee Amount Beginning date Ending date Completion of fulfillment Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. 6,000,000.00 December 10, 2009 December 9, 2010 No Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. 7,600,000.00 January 8, 2010 January 7, 2011 NoSHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 71 - VI. RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS - continued 5. Significant transactions between the Group and related parties in the year - continued (4) Provision of finance Current period and prior year: Unit: RMB Name of related parties Amount Beginning date Ending date Closing balance 2009 Note Shanghai Pudong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd. 50,768,000.00 2001 2012 12,692,000.57 -- 6. Balance due to/from related parties Unit: RMB Item Name of related parties June 30, 2010 Closing balance 2009 Accounts receivable Jin Jiang Group - 34,707.00 Accounts receivable Jin Jiang Group Companies 563,536.00 366,183.00 Advances to suppliers Jin Jiang Group Companies 35,900.00 23,600.00 Advances to suppliers Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. 19,003,225.89 21,335,467.19 Accounts payable Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. 7,578,356.33 7,606,516.33 Accounts payable Jin Jiang Group Companies 48,950.00 - Notes Payable Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. 102,815,360.00 - Dividends payable Jin Jiang Group 63,777,160.57 - Other payables Jin Jiang Group 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 Other payables Shanghai Jin Jiang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd 576,121.12 295,820.15 Other payables Jin Jiang Group Companies 44,343,078.19 43,687,077.29SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 72 - VII. CONTINGENCIES 1. Contingent liabilities The Group’s subsidiary Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. provided guarantee to Shanghai Yongda Fengdu Automobile Distribution and Services Co., Ltd. for the short-term borrowings of RMB13,600,000.00 (2009: RMB16,000,000.00), details please refer to note VI 5(3). The Group’s subsidiary, Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd., provided guarantee to the discounted notes of RMB4,000,000 for Shanghai Jin Jiang Yi Ma Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.. The Group’s subsidiary Shanghai Jin Jiang Business and Travel Auto Service Co., Ltd. provided guarantee to Shanghai South Station Long Distance Passenger Terminal Co., Ltd. for short-term borrowings of RMB12,500,000.00 (2009: RMB12,500,000.00). VIII. COMMITMENTS 1. Significant commitments (1) Capital commitments Unit: RMB'000 June 30, 2010 Closing balance 2009 Capital commitments that have been entered into agreements but have not been recognised in the financial statements - Construction contracts - 32,791 Total - 32,791 (2)Operating lease commitments As of the balance sheet date, the Group had the following commitments in respect of non-cancelable operating leases: Unit: RMB'000 June 30, 2010 Closing balance 2009 Minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating 1st year subsequent to the balance sheet date 8,340 8,119 2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date 6,319 6,430 3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date 6,505 6,331 Subsequent periods 6,478 6,858 Total 27,642 27,738 IX. NON-ADJUSTING EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE As of the balance sheet date, the Group has no further significant events to disclose.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 73 - X. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 1. Assets and liabilities at fair value Unit: RMB Item Opening balance Movement for the year Accumulated changes in fair value to shareholders’ equity June 30, 2010 Financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets 160,853,050.30 - 68,864,710.82 112,496,535.04 As of the balance sheet date, the Group has no further significant events to disclose. 3. Others 3(1). Segment report The Group identifies reportable segments and discloses segment information based on the rules of new CASs interpretation No.3, and will no longer adopt of rules of new CASs No.35-Segment Reporting that requires an enterprise identify business segments and geographical segments and disclose segment information based on primary reporting format and secondary reporting format. According to the Group's organization structure, internal management requirements and internal reporting system, the Group identifies its business activities into 4 reportable segments based on business segments. The management of the Group evaluates the performance of its operating segments and allocates resources to them based on their operation results, which is equivalent to the segment result. The products and services of the reportable segments are: vehicle operating business; automobile selling business; hotel and relevant business, and refrigerated logistics business. Segment information is prepared and presented under the accounting policies of internal reporting to the management, which is in conformity with the accounting policies used for preparing and presenting the Group's financial statements.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 74 - X. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS - continued 3. Others - continued 3(2). Segment report - continued (1)Segment report Vehicle operating and relevant business Automobile selling Hotel and relevant business Refrigerated logistics and relevant business January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Ja Operating income Revenue arising from external transactions 535,801,316.88 492,390,681.17 280,678,988.35 224,527,231.20 9,853,950.34 9,817,732.30 38,818,407.39 37,960,565.09 Revenue arising from inter-segment transactions - - - - - - - - Total segment operating income 535,801,316.88 492,390,681.17 280,678,988.35 224,527,231.20 9,853,950.34 9,817,732.30 38,818,407.39 37,960,565.09 Total operating income Operating costs 348,817,844.00 322,697,657.08 261,864,278.15 210,781,682.69 1,721,701.06 1,735,461.68 20,460,958.68 19,866,523.34 Business taxes and levies 16,744,765.40 16,708,801.16 623,567.92 527,187.22 552,721.28 493,662.36 2,138,395.24 2,077,185.77 Selling and distributions expenses 61,814,885.53 58,702,677.43 5,972,123.47 2,727,451.68 4,422,526.40 4,367,911.46 245,152.99 286,504.80 Administrative expenses 29,433,533.77 29,956,790.88 9,022,901.91 6,159,707.77 810,116.23 796,432.62 10,404,426.79 10,844,329.73 Total segment operating costs 456,811,028.70 428,065,926.55 277,482,871.45 220,196,029.36 7,507,064.97 7,393,468.12 33,248,933.70 33,074,543.64 Segment operating profit (loss) 78,990,288.18 64,324,754.62 3,196,116.90 4,331,201.84 2,346,885.37 2,424,264.18 5,569,473.69 4,886,021.45 Adjustment Financial expenses - - - - - - - - Investment income - - - - - - - - Operating profit 78,990,288.18 64,324,754.62 3,196,116.90 4,331,201.84 2,346,885.37 2,424,264.18 5,569,473.69 4,886,021.45 (2) All business and all operating assets of the Group are in China. (3)The Group does not have customer with over 10% of the total revenue.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 75 - X. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS - continued 3. Others - continued 3(2). Financial instruments and risk management The Group's major financial instruments include currency funds, equity investments, borrowings, available-for-sale financial assets, accounts receivable, accounts payable, etc. Details of these financial instruments are disclosed in Note V. The risks associated with these financial instruments and the policies on how to mitigate these risks are set out below. Management manages and monitors these exposures to ensure appropriate measures are implemented on a timely and effective manner. 1. Risk management objectives and policies The Group's risk management objectives are to achieve proper balance between risks and yield, minimize the adverse impacts of risks on the Group's operation performance, and maximize the benefits of the shareholders and other equity investors. Based on these risk management objectives, the Group's basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyse the industry's exposure to various risks, establish appropriate bottom line for risk tolerance and implement risk management, and monitor various risks in a timely and reliable manner to ensure risks are under control within certain limits. 1.1 Market risk 1.1.1. Currency risk Currency risk is the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The Group's other principal activities are denominated and settled in RMB. Currency risk arising from the foreign currency balance of assets and liabilities has no significant impact on the Group's performance. 1.1.2. Other price risk The Group's available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value at each balance sheet date. Therefore, the Group is exposed to the risks of changes in the equity securities price. 1.2. Credit risk As at June 30, 2010, the Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk which will cause a financial loss to the Group due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties and financial guarantees provided by the Group is arising from: ?The carrying amount of the respective recognised financial assets as stated in the consolidated balance sheet. For financial instruments measured at fair value, the carrying amount reflects the exposure to risks (but not the maximum exposure to risks); the maximum exposure to risks would vary according to the future changes in the fair value.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 76 - X. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS - continued 3. Others - continued 3(2). Financial instruments and risk management - continued 1. Risk management objectives and policies - continued 1.2. Credit risk - continued In order to minimise the credit risk, the Group controls credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to ensure that follow-up action is taken to recover overdue debts. In addition, the Group reviews the recoverable amount of each individual trade debt at each balance sheet date to ensure that adequate impairment losses are made for irrecoverable amounts. In this regard, the management of the Group consider that the Group’s credit risk is significantly reduced. The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies. The Group has adopted a policy of only dealing with creditworthy counterparties. The Group has no significant concentration of credit risk. 1.3. Liquidity risk In the management of the liquidity risk, the Group monitors and maintains a level of cash and cash equivalents deemed adequate by the management to finance the Group’s operations and mitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. On December 31, 2009, the financial assets and financial liabilities of the Group will mature within one year except for some deposit and debt due from reform of other payables. 2. Fair value The fair values of the financial assets and financial liabilities are determined as follows: ?The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities with standard terms and conditions and traded on active markets are determined with reference to quoted market bid prices and ask prices respectively; ?The fair value of other financial assets and financial liabilities (excluding derivative instruments) are determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models based on discounted cash flow analysis using prices or rates from observable current market transactions. The Group’s management believes the book value of the financial assets and financial liabilities carried at amortized cost in the financial statement is closed to the fair value.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 77 - X. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS - continued 3. Others - continued 3(2). Financial instruments and risk management - continued 3. Sensitivity analysis The Group adopts sensitivity analysis techniques to analyse how the entity's profit and loss forthe period and owners' equity would have been affected by changes in the relevant risk variables that were reasonably possible. As it is unlikely that risk variables will change in an isolated manner, and the interdependence between risk variables will have significant effect on the amount ultimately influenced by the changes in a single risk variable, the following items are based on the assumption that each risk variable has changes on a stand-alone basis. The reasonable changes in interest rate and exchange rate have little effect on the profit and equity in the period. The Group is exposed to the price risk arising from the financial assets which are measured at fair value. Changes in the price of stock market may have the following influences: Unit: RMB'000 January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Item Price fluctuation of the stock market Effects on profit Effects on shareholders' equity Effects on profit Effects on shareholders’ equity Available-for-sale financial assets Increasing 10% - 8,407 - 12,064 Available-for-sale financial assets Decreasing 10% - (8,407) - (12,064) XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Currency funds Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 Opening balance Item Foreign Currency Exchange rate RMB Foreign Currency Exchange rate RMB Cash: RMB 82,199.50 1.00 82,199.50 88,189.05 1.00 88,189.05 Cash deposit: RMB 380,935,417.08 1.00 380,935,417.08 330,297,821.25 1.00 330,297,821.25 Total -- -- 381,017,616.58 -- -- 330,386,010.30SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 78 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 2. Other receivables (1)By categories: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 Opening balance Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying amount Bad debt provision Categories Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%) Individually significant receivables 40,184,500.00 94 - - 90,184,500.00 99 - - Other insignificant receivables 2,716,640.55 6 - - 548,786.55 1 - - Total 42,901,140.55 100 - - 90,733,286.55 100 - - The company considers other receivables of over 10 million as individually significant accounts. The aging analysis of other receivables is as follows: Unit: RMB June 30, 2010 Opening balance Aging Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision Carrying amount Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision Carrying amount Within 1 year 2,685,740.55 6 - 2,685,740.55 50,548,686.55 56 - 50,548,686.55 1-2 years 30,800.00 0 - 30,800.00 - - - - 2-3 years - - - - 18,184,500.00 20 - 18,184,500.00 Above 3 years 40,184,600.00 94 - 40,184,600.00 22,000,100.00 24 - 22,000,100.00 Total 42,901,140.55 100 - 42,901,140.55 90,733,286.55 100 - 90,733,286.55 (2) There are no other receivables from shareholders holding over 5% (inclusive) of the Company shares. 3. Available-for-sale financial assets Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 Fair value January 1, 2010 Fair value Available-for-sale equity instruments 96,417,656.40 139,393,876.31 Available-for-sale financial assets are other listed companies' stocks held by the Company. The June 30, 2010 fair value was recognised based on period end market share price.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 79 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 4. Long-term equity investments (1) Details of long-term equity investments are as follows: Unit: RMB Investee Accounting method Initial investments Opening balance Changes June 30, 2010 Proportion of ownership interest held by the entity(%) Proportion of voting power held by the entity (%) Explanation of the voting right not consistent with proportion of ownership interest Provision for impairment loss Impair ment loss Cash dividends Shanghai Dazhong New Asia Co., Ltd. Equity method 84,628,129.42 100,937,251.82 (6,073,256.61) 94,863,995.21 49.5 50 Note 2 - - 11,650,016.27 JHJ International Transportation Co., Ltd. Equity method 40,254,477.70 113,410,820.93 (5,362,474.41) 108,048,346.52 50 The same as the shares - - 13,000,000.00 Shilian Jin Jiang Logistics Co., Ltd. Equity method 3,012,675.00 - - - 25 The same as the shares - - - JHJ Logistics Management Co., ltd. Cost method 52,000,000.00 52,000,000.00 - 52,000,000.00 65 The same as the shares - - - Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Cost method 538,135,811.60 538,135,811.60 - 538,135,811.60 95 The same as the shares - - - Shanghai Jinjiang International Cold Logistics Development Co., Ltd. (Note 1) Cost method 71,250,000.00 95,000,000.00 (23,750,000.00) 71,250,000.00 95 The same as the shares - - - Shanghai Shang Shi Food Co., Ltd. (Note 1) Cost method 23,750,000.00 - 23,750,000.00 23,750,000.00 95 The same as the shares - - - Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental Hotel Cost method 16,555,237.81 16,555,237.81 - 16,555,237.81 1.87 The same as the shares - - - Shanghai Global Paper Production Co., Ltd. Cost method 746,253.00 746,253.00 - 746,253.00 10 The same as the shares 746,253.00 - - Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. Cost method 47,649,967.00 47,649,967.00 - 47,649,967.00 <=5% The same as the shares - - 4,764,996.70 Guotai Junan Investment Management Co., Ltd. Cost method 31,974,279.24 31,974,279.24 - 31,974,279.24 <=5% The same as the shares 2,500,000.00 - - Shanghai Guojia Industry Co., Ltd. Cost method 650,000.00 650,000.00 - 650,000.00 <=5% The same as the shares 650,000.00 - - Shandong Guotai Co., Ltd. Cost method 555,000.00 555,000.00 - 555,000.00 <=5% The same as the shares 555,000.00 - - Total -- 911,161,830.77 997,614,621.40 (11,435,731.02) 986,178,890.38 -- -- -- 4,451,253.00 - 29,415,012.97 Note 1: The original Shanghai Jin Jiang International Cold Logistics Development Co., Ltd. is spined off in the form of division by continued existence and Shanghai Shang Shi Food Co., Ltd. is newly set up by the Group this year. Note 2: According to the entity's Articles of Association, the Company can hold 50% of the voting power on this entity.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 80 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 5. Investment property (1) Investment property measured using the cost model Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reductions June 30,2010 I.Cost 24,591,016.05 - - 24,591,016.05 1.Buildings 24,591,016.05 - - 24,591,016.05 II.Accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortisation 3,536,825.54 221,178.24 - 3,758,003.78 1.Buildings 3,536,825.54 221,178.24 - 3,758,003.78 III.Net 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 1.Buildings 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 IV.Provision for Impairment loss - - - - 1.Buildings - - - - V.Net book value 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 1.Buildings 21,054,190.51 - - 20,833,012.27 Provided for this year is amounted to RMB221,178.24.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 81 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 6. Fixed assets (1)Fixed assets Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 I.Cost: 74,678,243.39 57,642.00 - 74,735,885.39 Including: Buildings 60,235,578.11 - - 60,235,578.11 Plant & Machinery 5,314,470.10 - - 5,314,470.10 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 5,075,285.97 57,642.00 - 5,132,927.97 Transportation vehicles 160,223.90 - - 160,223.90 Hotel improvement 3,892,685.31 - - 3,892,685.31 II. Accumulated depreciation: 28,361,611.49 1,513,128.89 - 29,874,740.38 Including: Buildings 20,348,634.84 790,604.28 - 21,139,239.12 Plant & Machinery 2,322,068.67 98,492.46 - 2,420,561.13 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 3,731,679.47 219,464.39 - 3,951,143.86 Transportation vehicles 132,184.80 - - 132,184.80 Hotel improvement 1,827,043.71 404,567.76 - 2,231,611.47 III. Net 46,316,631.90 - - 44,861,145.01 Including: Buildings 39,886,943.27 - - 39,096,338.99 Plant & Machinery 2,992,401.43 - - 2,893,908.97 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 1,343,606.50 - - 1,181,784.11 Transportation vehicles 28,039.10 - - 28,039.10 Hotel improvement 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 IV. Provision for impairment loss - - - - Including: Buildings - - - - Plant & Machinery - - - - Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture - - - - Transportation vehicles - - - - Hotel improvement - - - - V. Net book value 46,316,631.90 - - 44,861,145.01 Including: Buildings 39,886,943.27 - - 39,096,338.99 Plant & Machinery 2,992,401.43 - - 2,893,908.97 Electronic equipment, furniture and fixture 1,343,606.50 - - 1,181,784.11 Transportation vehicles 28,039.10 - - 28,039.10 Hotel improvement 2,065,641.60 - - 1,661,073.84 As at June 30, 2010, there is no restriction on title of fixed assets. (1)Included in current year cost additions, acquisition of fixed assets is amounted to RMB57,642.00 (2)Included in current year additions of accumulated depreciation, provided for this year is amounted to RMB1,513,128.89SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 82 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 7. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities 1. Presentation not offsetting deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (1) Recognised deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Deferred tax assets: Provision for impairment loss of assets 1,112,813.25 1,112,813.25 Others 605,884.89 628,516.93 Total 1,718,698.14 1,741,330.18 Accumulated changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets to other comprehensive income 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 Total 19,323,965.71 31,330,231.78 (2) As at June 30, 2010, there is no unrecognised deferred tax assets. (3) Temporary difference Unit: RMB Item Temporary difference June 30, 2010 Deductible temporary differences and deductible losses: Provision for impairment loss 4,451,253.00 Others 2,423,539.56 Total 6,874,792.56 Taxable temporary differences: Accumulated changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets to the comprehensive income 77,295,862.84 Total 77,295,862.84 January 1, 2010 Deductible temporary difference and deductible losses: Provision for impairment loss 4,451,253.00 Others 2,514,067.69 Total 6,965,320.69 Taxable temporary differences: Accumulated changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets to the comprehensive income 125,320,927.19 Total 125,320,927.19 8. Other non-current assets Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Prepayment for investment 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 Total 15,262,988.76 15,262,988.76 The closing balance of RMB15,262,988.76 is prepayment to Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. for investment.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 83 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 9. Employee benefits payable Unit: RMB Item Opening balance Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 I. Wages or salaries, bonus, allowance, subsidies - 5,240,431.49 (5,240,431.49) - II.Staff welfare - 239,339.90 (239,339.90) - III.Social security contributions - 803,848.40 (803,848.40) - Including: Premiums or contributions on Medical insurance - 260,957.63 (260,957.63) - Basic pension insurance - 477,735.26 (477,735.26) - Unemployment insurance - 43,433.55 (43,433.55) - Work injury insurance - 10,860.98 (10,860.98) - Maternity insurance - 10,860.98 (10,860.98) - IV.Housing fund - 159,276.32 (159,276.32) - V.Dismiss benefits - - - - VI.Others 2,723,437.25 101,104.22 (319,893.61) 2,504,647.86 Including: Union fund and employee education fund 210,183.22 101,104.22 (229,365.44) 81,922.00 Subsidy for internal retired staffs 2,513,254.03 - (90,528.17) 2,422,725.86 Total 2,723,437.25 6,544,000.33 (6,762,789.72) 2,504,647.86 No amount in arrear is included in employee benefits payable. 10. Capital reserve Unit: RMB Item Opening balance Additions Reductions June 30, 2010 June 30, 2010: Share premium 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 Including: Capital invested by investors 266,218,226.90 - - 266,218,226.90 Other comprehensive income(Note 1) 93,990,695.40 - (36,018,798.22) 57971897.18 Other capital reserve 113,847,436.01 - - 113,847,436.01 Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system (Note 2) 113,847,436.01 - - 113,847,436.01 Total 474,056,358.31 - (36,018,798.22) 438,037,560.09 Note1: Details please refer to Notes XI, 14. Note2: It can be used to increase the share capital and reverse the consolidation difference generated by business combination under the same control.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 84 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 11. Unappropriated profit Unit: RMB Item Amount Appropriation or distribution June 30, 2010: At beginning of year 341,446,110.42 -- Add:Net profit for the year 24,936,406.77 -- Less:Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve 2,493,640.68 Note 1 Dividends payable 165,483,032.10 Note 2 At end of period 198,405,844.41 -- Note 1: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve According to the Articles of Association, the Company is required to transfer 10% of its net profit to the statutory surplus reserve. The transfer may be ceased if the balance of statutory surplus reserve has reached 50% of the Company registered capital. Note 2: Dividends payable As approved by shareholders’ meeting dated June 18, 2010, on the basis of 551,610,107 issued shares (with the par value of RMB1 per share), dividends of RMB3 (before tax) per each ten shares were distributed to all the shareholders.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 85 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 12. Operating income and operating costs (1) Operating income and operating costs Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Principal operating income 10,984,205.42 9,817,732.30 Operating costs 1,942,879.30 1,735,461.68 (2) Principal operating activities (by industry) Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Categories Operating income Operating costs Operating income Operating costs Hotel and relevant business 10,984,205.42 1,942,879.30 9,817,732.30 1,735,461.68 Total 10,984,205.42 1,942,879.30 9,817,732.30 1,735,461.68 13. Invest income (1)Details of invest income are as follows: Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Dividend from investment carried at cost 4,764,996.70 211,089,406.16 Gains recognised under equity method 13,214,285.25 11,029,899.25 Gains on available-for-sale financial assets 924,285.00 961,365.00 Gains on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets 350,444.61 - Gains on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets 8,595,232.67 17,626,139.46 Total 27,849,244.23 240,706,809.87 (2)Significant investment income at cost method: Unit: RMB Investee January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 The reason of fluctuation Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., ltd. - 134,939,617.48 The distributed profit decreased for the six months ended 2010 JHJ Logistics Management Co., Ltd. - 61,750,000.00 The distributed profit decreased for the six months ended 2010 Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. 4,764,996.70 14,294,990.10 The distributed dividends decreased for the six months ended 2010 Total 4,764,996.70 210,984,607.58 -- (3)Significant investment income at equity method: Unit: RMB Investee January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 The reason of fluctuation Shanghai Dazhong New Asia Co., Ltd. 5,576,759.66 7,360,245.53 -- JHJ International Transportation Co., Ltd. 7,637,525.59 3,669,653.72 Business volume decreased due to the financial crisis Total 13,214,285.25 11,029,899.25 --SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 86 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 14. Other comprehensive income Unit: RMB Item January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 1.Fair value gain (loss) on of available-for-sale financial assets (40,084,742.66) 60,383,209.04 Less:Income tax relating to available-for-sales financial assets (10,021,185.67) 15,095,802.26 Amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income being reclassified to profit or loss 5,955,241.23 5,388,122.11 Sub total (36,018,798.22) 39,899,284.67 Total (36,018,798.22) 39,899,284.67 15. Supplementary information to the cash flow statements (1)Supplementary information to the cash flow statements Unit: RMB Supplementary information January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities Net profit 24,936,406.77 234,813,908.73 Add:Depreciation of fixed assets 1,513,128.89 1,572,149.03 Amortization of intangible assets 18,372.00 18,372.00 Depreciation and amortization of investment property 221,178.24 221,178.24 Gains arising from investment (27,849,244.23) (240,706,809.87) Decrease of deferred tax assets 22,632.04 26,651.06 (Increase) decrease in inventories 21,995.07 36,697.20 Decrease (increase) in operating receivables 47,507,500.65 3,298,251.03 Increase in operating payables (50,223,404.58) (3,257,374.22) Net cash flow from operating activities (3,831,435.15) (3,976,976.80) 2. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 381,017,616.58 326,394,657.96 Less:opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 330,386,010.30 260,262,892.62 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 50,631,606.28 66,131,765.34 (2) Cash and cash equivalents Unit: RMB Item June 30, 2010 Opening balance Cash 381,017,616.58 330,386,010.30 Including: Cash on hand 82,199.50 88,189.05 Bank deposits that can be readily withdrawn 380,935,417.08 330,297,821.25 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 381,017,616.58 330,386,010.30SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 87 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 16. Significant transactions between the Company and related parties in the year (1) Purchases or sales of goods, rendering or receiving of services Unit: RMB January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Name of related parties Item Nature Amount Percentage (%) Amount Percentage (%) Jin Jiang Group Companies (Note) Receiving services Management fee 148,042.77 100 131,941.16 100 Pricing principle and process of decision-making: The Company set price according to the agreement on integrated service, products purchase and sales contracts signed by related parties. Significant related party transactions need approval of the board of directors. Note: The management fee paid to Jin Jiang Group Companies is 2% of hotel income plus 4% of hotel and profit, as rewarding the service provided, including general administration, marketing, purchase and etc. (2)Leasing arrangements Rental expenses Unit: RMB Leaser Leasee Asset for leasement January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 Recognition criteria for rental expenses Effect to the Company Jin Jiang Group The Company Building 58,116.00 58,116.00 Rental contract (Note) Insignificant Note: The Company need not pay for the rental expenses regarding parts of house leased from Jin Jiang Group. The rental expenses should be recognized as RMB780,000.00 in the current period assuming the original price is still effective.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 - 88 - XI. NOTES TO THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 17. Amount due to/from related parties Unit: RMB Item Related parties June 30, 2010 January 1, 2010 Other receivables Shanghai Wusong Luoji Refrigeration Co., Ltd.(Note) 18,184,500.00 18,184,500.00 Other receivables JHJ Logistics Management Co., Ltd. - 343,960.36 Other receivables Shanghai Jinjiang International Cold Logistics Development Co., Ltd. (Note) 22,000,000.00 22,000,000.00 Other receivables Shanghai Jin Jiang Automobile Service Co., Ltd. (Note) - 50,000,000.00 Advances to suppliers Jin Jiang Group Companies 35,900.00 23,600.00 Other payables Jin Jiang Group Companies 54,673.37 431,073.55 Note: It represents the borrowings to the subsidiaries without interest bearing. XII. APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Company and consolidated financial statements were approved by the board of directors and authorized for issue on August 27, 2010.SHANGHAI JIN JIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. FOR SIX MONTHS ENDED 2010 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1. Extraordinary gains and losses Unit: RMB Item Amount Note Profit or loss on disposals of non-current assets 6,069,906.40 -- Government grants recognised in profit and loss for the current year (except government grants that is highly business related and determined based on a fixed scale according to the national unified standard). 1,139,204.74 -- Interest income recognised in profit and loss for the current year from non-financial companies. -- Investment income from changes in fair value of held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities and disposals of financial assets, liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets except effective hedging transactions related to the Group's normal business 8,945,677.28 -- Reversal of specific bad debt provision -- Other non-operating net income. 1,231,969.13 -- Tax effect of non-recurring profit or loss (3,825,086.66) -- Net profit attributable to minority interest (after tax) (297,747.81) -- Total 13,263,923.08 -- 2. Return on net assets and earnings per share (“EPS”) The calculation of return on net assets and EPS has been prepared by Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd in accordance with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering No. 9 – Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (Revised 2010) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Profit for the reporting period Weighted average rate of return EPS on net assets (%) Basic Diluted Calculated based on net profit attributable to ordinary equity holders 7.01 0.253 N/A Calculated based on net profit attributable to ordinary equity holders after extraordinary gains and losses 6.35 0.229 N/A