大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 2006年中期报告 目录 一、重要提示 3 二、公司基本情况 3 三、股本变动及股东情况 4 四、董事、监事和高级管理人员 5 五、管理层讨论与分析 5 六、重要事项 7 七、财务会计报告(未经审计) 11 八、备查文件目录 28 一、重要提示 1、本公司董事会及其董事保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。 2、公司全体董事出席董事会会议。 3、公司中期财务报告未经审计。4、公司负责人刘平芹先生,主管会计工作负责人戚树智先生及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)姜生国先生声明:保证中期报告中财务报告的真实、完整。 二、公司基本情况 (一)基本情况简介 1、 公司法定中文名称:大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 公司法定中文名称缩写:大化B股 公司法定英文名称:DAHUA GROUP DALIAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO.,LTD 公司法定英文名称缩写:DLHG 公司B股上市交易所:上海证券交易所 公司B股简称:大化B股 公司B股代码:9009512、 公司注册地址:辽宁省大连市甘井子区工兴路10号 公司办公地址:辽宁省大连市甘井子区工兴路10号 邮政编码:116032 公司国际互联网网址:www.dahuagf.com 公司电子信箱:dhjtdlhuagong@sina.com3、 公司法定代表人:刘平芹4、 董事会秘书:周魏 电话:0411-86893436 传真:0411-86671948 E-mail:dhjtdlhuagong@sina.com 联系地址:大化集团大连化工股份有限公司证券部 公司证券事务代表:李晓峰 电话:0411-86893436 传真:0411-86671948 E-mail:dhjtdlhuagong@sina.com 联系地址:大化集团大连化工股份有限公司证券部5、 公司信息披露报纸名称:上海证券报、中国证券报、香港商报(英文) 登载公司中期报告的中国证监会指定国际互联网网址:www.sse.com.cn 公司中期报告备置地点:大化集团大连化工股份有限公司证券部(二)主要财务数据和指标 1、主要会计数据和财务指标 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 本报告期末 上年度期末 本报告期末比上年 度期末增减(%) 流动资产 543,840,211. 544,071,679 -0.04 59 .95 流动负债 319,156,284. 250,957,473 27.18 70 .07 总资产 768,968,958. 776,887,671 -1.02 86 .19 股东权益(不含少数股 449,812,674. 525,930,198 -14.47 东权益) 16 .12 每股净资产(元) 1.64 1.91 -14.14 调整后的每股净资产( 1.62 1.91 -15.18 元) 报告期(1-6 上年同期 本报告期比上年同 月) 期增减(%) 净利润 -76,117,523. 16,424,141. -563.45 96 77 扣除非经常性损益的净 -87,398,370. 16,486,643. -630.12 利润 80 73 每股收益(元) -0.28 0.060 -566.67 净资产收益率(%) -16.93 3.19 减少20.12个百分点 经营活动产生的现金流 139,936,491. -9,974,204. 1,502.98 量净额 13 68 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2、扣除非经常性损益项目和金额 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 非经常性损益项目 金额 扣除公司日常根据企业会计制度规定计提的资产减 -1,772,213.32 值准备后的其他各项营业外收入、支出 以前年度已经计提各项减值准备的转回 13,053,060.16 合计 11,280,846.84 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 三、股本变动及股东情况 (一)股份变动情况表 报告期内,公司股份总数及股本结构未发生变化。 (二)股东情况 1、股东数量和持股情况 单位:股 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 报告期末股东 17,725 总数 前十名股东持股情况 股东名称 股东性 持股 持股总数 报告期 股份 持有非 质押或冻 质 比例 内增减 类别 流通股 结的股份 (%) 数量 数量 大化集团 国有股 63.6 175,000, 0 未流 175,000 有限责任 东 4 000 通 ,000 公司 益生堂药 外资股 0.41 1,120,00 0 已流 业有限公 东 0 通 司 SCBHKA/C 外资股 0.20 561,000 561,00 已流 KGINVEST 东 0 通 MENTSASI ALIMITED 田耕 外资股 0.20 542,100 542,10 已流 东 0 通 张胜强 外资股 0.18 489,700 140,00 已流 东 0 通 易琳 外资股 0.16 449,470 338,77 已流 东 1 通 曾惠明 外资股 0.16 435,800 0 已流 东 通 裘阿海 外资股 0.15 414,000 -110,0 已流 东 00 通 何立新 外资股 0.14 372,100 372,10 已流 东 0 通 吴滨 外资股 0.13 370,000 0 已流 东 通 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 前十名流通股股东持股情况 股东名称 持有流通股的数量 股份种类 益生堂药业有限公司 1,120,000 境内上市外资股 SCBHKA/CKGINVESTMENTSASIALIM 561,000 境内上市外资股 ITED 田耕 542,100 境内上市外资股 张胜强 489,700 境内上市外资股 易琳 449,470 境内上市外资股 曾惠明 435,800 境内上市外资股 裘阿海 414,000 境内上市外资股 何立新 372,100 境内上市外资股 吴滨 370,000 境内上市外资股 徐耀中 350,500 境内上市外资股 上述股东关联关系或一致行动关 公司未知前十名流通股东之间是否存在关 系的说明 联关系,是否是一致行动人。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司前十名股东中,国有法人股大化集团有限责任公司与其他股东不存在关联关系,也不属于《上市公司股东持股变动信息披露管理办法》中规定的一致行动人,公司未知其他股东是否存在关联关系,是否是一致行动人。2、控股股东及实际控制人变更情况本报告期内公司控股股东及实际控制人没有发生变更。 四、董事、监事和高级管理人员 (一)董事、监事和高级管理人员持股变动 报告期内公司董事、监事、高级管理人员持股未发生变化。 (二)新聘或解聘公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的情况 2006年6月16日9:00公司召开2005年年度股东大会,选举产生公司第四届董事会和第四届监事会。股东大会选举刘平芹先生、宋孚成先生、王伟廷先生、俞洪先生、付世宁先生、戚树智先生为公司董事会董事,选举董群先先生、于立先生、张丽女士为公司董事会独立董事,上述人员组成公司第四届董事会;股东大会选举李华女士、王兆波先生、毕重新先生为公司监事会监事,上述监事与公司职工代表大会选举产生的职工代表监事赵国伦先生、张为钢先生组成第四届监事会。上述董事、监事除董群先先生任职期限为两年外,其余任职期限皆为三年。 2006年6月16日召开的四届一次董事会选举刘平芹先生为公司董事长,选举宋孚成先生、王伟廷先生为公司副董事长。 2006年6月16日召开的四届一次监事会选举李华女士为公司监事会主席。 四届一次董事会续聘戚树智先生为公司总经理,续聘姜树林先生、肖正吉先生、李建涛先生为公司副总经理,续聘姜生国先生为公司财务总监,续聘周魏先生为公司董事会秘书,以上人员任期三年。 五、管理层讨论与分析 (一)管理层讨论与分析 1、公司经营成果及财务状况 2006年上半年,由于市场原油、原料煤价格持续走高,致使外供给公司的主要原料合成氨价格大幅升高,使公司主导产品成本升高,而公司的主导产品纯碱市场价格较上年同期有较大程度的下滑,这使公司主营业务收入减少较大,同时由于搬迁改造方案的实施,公司于2006年6月停产了联碱生产装置,影响6月份主营业务收入6800万元,这也将影响下半年主营业务收入4.06亿元。 2006年上半年,公司的主营业务收入较上年同期减少21045万元,上半年亏损7612万元。 报告期内,公司生产纯碱27.75万吨,生产氯化铵11.43万吨。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 金额(人民币元) 增减(% 本期数 上年同期数 ) 股东权益 449,812,674.16 525,930,198.12 -14.47 流动负债 319,156,284.70 250,957,473.07 27.18 主营业务收入 421,414,246.23 631,866,593.35 -33.31 管理费用 8,507,142.36 45,349,077.93 -81.24 净利润 -76,117,523.96 16,424,141.77 -563.45 经营活动产生的现金流 139,936,491.13 -9,974,204.68 1,502.9 量净额 9 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (1)股东权益减少14.47%,主要原因是公司上半年亏损使股东权益减少; (2)流动负债增加27.18%,主要是公司银行贷款增加3600万元,应付账款增加3300万元,虽然预付账款减少4800万元,但其他应付款增加了4200万元,从而使公司流动负债增加; (3)、主营业务收入减少33.31%,主要原因是公司的主导产品纯碱市场价格较上年同期有较大程度的下滑,同时由于搬迁改造工作的实施,公司于2006年6月停产了联碱生产装置,这影响6月份主营业务收入6800万元,从而使主营业务收入减少; (4)管理费用较上年同期减少81.24%,主要原因是上年同期公司计提的坏账准备较大使上年管理费用较高,而报告期内,公司转回期初计提的减值准备1300万元冲减管理费用,这使公司管理费用教上年同期减少较大; (5)净利润较上年发生较大亏损,主要原因是公司主导产品成本升高,而主导产品纯碱市场价格较上年同期有较大程度的下滑,造成公司较大程度的亏损; (6)经营活动产生的现金流量净额较上年同期有较大程度的增加,主要原因是控股股东大化集团有限责任公司以搬迁改造资金,偿还了所欠公司的1.33亿元欠款所致。2、在经营中出现的问题与困难及解决方案 (1)由于纯碱行业产能过剩,供需矛盾加大,市场竞争加剧,产品价格下滑较大,这对公司经营业绩带来严重影响,同时原油价格居高不下,导致生产主要原料合成氨价格上涨,公司生产成本上升。 为解决上述不利因素,公司努力抓好经济运行,做好节能挖潜降耗工作,以降低产品成本。 (2)公司在6月份停产了联碱生产装置,企业生产能力受到严重影响。同时由于公司正在实施搬迁改造,对当前生产装置不再大量资金投入,只是保证维持运行状态,这也对正常生产带来风险。 为解决上述问题,公司对氨碱生产装置进行检修整顿,并适当扩大了氨碱的生产能力,维持了市场的连续性。同时,公司还加强设备的维护保养和巡回检查,强化工艺操作,并加强修旧利废,确保了氨碱生产装置安全平稳运行。 (3)由于公司正在实施搬迁改造,已经停产了联碱生产装置,部分员工已放假,因此员工的安心和稳定对当前生产经营及搬迁改造工作都有重大影响。 为稳定员工人心,公司加强了员工的思想教育,并坚持正常管理,同时以轮训方式开展了对员工的技术培训,以适应新项目的技术要求。同时,公司还通过择优上岗、择优使用,确保员工安心当前生产,并为搬迁改造提供必要的人员准备。 (二)公司主营业务及其经营状况 1、主营业务分行业、产品情况表 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 分行业或 主营业务 主营业务成 主营业 主营 主营业 主营业务 分产品 收入 本 务利润 业务 务成本 利润率比 率(%) 收入 比上年 上年同期 比上 同期增 增减(% 年同 减(% ) 期增 ) 减( %) 分行业 化工行业 421,414,2 479,514,82 -13.79 -33.3 -14.58 减少24.9 46.23 7.88 1 5个百分 点 分产品 氨碱纯碱 184,855,3 209,800,26 -13.49 3.65 18.72 减少14.4 61.39 1.75 1个百分 点 联碱双产 229,189,2 260,993,30 -13.88 -47.8 -28.89 减少30.3 品(纯碱 89.43 0.51 5 6个百分 和氯化铵 点 ) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 其中:报告期内上市公司向控股股东及其子公司销售产品或提供劳务的关联交易金额118,541,558.83元人民币。2、主营业务分地区情况 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 地区 主营业务收入 主营业务收入比上年同期增 减(%) 东北地区 185,849,888.43 -29.56 广东地区 74,537,090.67 -11.44 境外 73,161,381.41 -61.20 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 由于公司产品销售市场价格较上年同期有较大程度的下滑,同时公司搬迁改造也对生产经营产生影响,这使公司主营业务收人较上年同期减少较大,各地区的主营业务收人也减少较大。 3、主营业务及其结构发生重大变化的原因说明 由于搬迁改造工作的实施,公司于2006年6月停产了联碱生产装置,公司将无联碱产品,这影响6月份主营业务收入6800万元,也将影响下半年主营业务收入4.06亿元。4、主营业务盈利能力(毛利率)与上年相比发生重大变化的原因说明 由于原料价格上扬,成本上升,同时公司的主导产品市场价格较上年有较大程度的下滑,从而使公司上半年出现较大亏损,毛利率为负数,因此较上年的盈利相比发生重大变化。 5、利润构成与上年度相比发生重大变化的原因分析 由于公司上半年出现较大亏损,因而使利润构成与上年相比发生重大变化。 (三)公司投资情况 1、报告期内,公司无募集资金或前期募集资金使用到本期的情况。2、报告期内,公司无非募集资金投资项目。 (四)公司财务状况、经营成果分析 (五)董事会下半年的经营计划修改计划 由于实施搬迁改造,公司已停产联碱生产装置,故公司下半年将停止生产氯化铵23.75万吨、减少生产纯碱23.25万吨,影响主营业务收入4.06亿元。 公司下半年计划生产纯碱21万吨,实现主营业务收入3.47亿元。 (六)预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能为亏损或者与上年同期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及说明 进入2006年,由于市场原油、原料煤价格持续走高,致使外供给公司的主要原料合成氨价格上扬,同时公司的主导产品纯碱市场价格较上年有较大程度的下滑,公司上半年亏损7612万元,预计三季度市场难有根本好转,同时由于实施搬迁改造,公司已停产联碱生产装置,下半年将减少主营业务收入4.06亿元,因此,预计公司三季度累计净利润会出现较大亏损。 六、重要事项 (一)公司治理的情况 公司严格按照《公司法》、《证券法》和中国证监会有关法律法规的要求,不断完善公司法人治理结构、建立现代企业制度、加强内控制度建设、规范公司运作。报告期内,根据中国证监会及上海证券交易所的相关规定和要求,公司修订了《公司章程》、《股东大会议事规则》、《董事会议事规则》、《监事会议事规则》等,按照《上市公司治理准则》等规范性文件的要求,不断完善公司治理结构。 (二)重大诉讼仲裁事项 本报告期公司无重大诉讼、仲裁事项。 (三)资产交易事项 本报告期公司无收购及出售资产、吸收合并事项。 (四)报告期内公司重大关联交易事项 1、与日常经营相关的关联交易(1)、购买商品、接受劳务的重大关联交易 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方名 关联交易内 关联交易定 关联交易金 占同类 关联交易 称 容 价原则 额 交易比 结算方式 例(%) 大化集团 购买原材料 市场价格, 206,458,424 56.22 通过往来 有限责任 、水、电、 无可供比较 .03 帐结算 公司 蒸汽、合成 市场价格的 氨等 协商定价 大化集团 购买原盐 市场价 1,579,512.9 0.43 通过往来 复州湾盐 7 帐结算 场 大连华迪 购买包装物 市场价 7,319,968.0 1.99 通过往来 实业总公 0 帐结算 司 大化集团 购买焦炭 市场价 20,613,780. 5.61 通过往来 大连博尔 00 帐结算 化工有限 公司 大化集团 支付排渣运 市场价 9,389,503.1 52.28 通过往来 有限责任 输装卸费 3 帐结算 公司 大化集团 支付运输装 市场价 820,831.50 4.57 通过往来 大连汽车 卸费 帐结算 运输有限 公司 大连华迪 支付修理费 市场价 524,208.26 2.92 通过往来 实业总公 等 帐结算 司 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 本公司向控股股东大化集团有限责任公司购买原材料、水、电、蒸汽、合成氨等。本公司向母公司的全资子公司大化集团复州湾盐场购买原盐。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大连华迪实业总公司购买包装物。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大化集团大连博尔化工有限公司购买焦炭。本公司向控股股东大化集团有限责任公司支付排渣运输装卸费。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大化集团大连汽车运输有限公司支付运输装卸费。本公司向母公司的参股子公司支付大连华迪实业总公司修理费等。(2)、销售商品、提供劳务的重大关联交易 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方名 关联交易内 关联交易定 关联交易金 占同类 关联交易 称 容 价原则 额 交易比 结算方式 例(%) 大化集团 销售纯碱、 市场价,无 18,357,715. 4.36 通过往来 有限责任 氯化铵等 可供比较市 83 帐结算 公司 场价格的双 方协商定价 大化国际 销售出口纯 市场价 46,895,328. 11.13 通过往来 经济贸易 碱、氯化铵 86 帐结算 公司 等 大化集团 销售出口纯 市场价 26,266,052. 6.19 通过往来 大连冠林 碱、氯化铵 55 帐结算 国际贸易 等 有限公司 大化集团 销售粗氯化 市场价 24,282,419. 5.76 通过往来 大连瑞霖 铵等 47 帐结算 有限公司 大连宏图 销售纯碱、 市场价 1,677,624.0 0.40 通过往来 经销公司 氯化铵等 0 帐结算 大连华迪 销售纯碱、 市场价 1,062,418.1 0.25 通过往来 实业总公 氯化铵等 2 帐结算 司 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 本公司向控股股东大化集团有限责任公司销售纯碱、氯化铵等。本公司向母公司的全资子公司大化国际经济贸易公司销售出口纯碱、氯化铵等。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大化集团大连冠林国际贸易有限公司销售出口纯碱、氯化铵等。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大化集团大连瑞霖有限公司销售粗氯化铵等。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大连宏图经销公司销售纯碱、氯化铵等。本公司向母公司的参股子公司大连华迪实业总公司销售纯碱、氯化铵等。 本公司的生产工艺决定了公司必须从控股股东采购合成氨、蒸汽、水、电等原料及动力,以满足生产需要,故此关联交易还将持续下去。 基于公司的生产历史延续,决定了公司在采购及销售方面与控股股东及其他关联企业发生大量的的关联交易,该等关联交易构成了本公司经营收入、成本和利润的重要组成。公司的关联单位为公司提供运输、维护等综合性服务,长期以来保证了公司生产经营的有序进行,且降低了公司的运营成本。公司与同各关联方的关联交易均通过往来帐结算,公司通过往来帐以采购的大化复州湾盐场原盐盐款,抵偿其母公司大化集团有限责任公司所欠本公司欠款。往来帐每月结算一次,余额以现金支付。 由于公司与控股股东在生产工艺上的紧密关联性,控股股东的生产状况将直接影响公司的生产状况,反之亦然。 2006年上半年公司从控股股东大化集团有限责任公司采购水电蒸汽、合成氨等原材料价值2.06亿元,占公司总采购金额的56.22%,由于公司与控股股东在生产工艺上的紧密关联性,公司必须依赖控股股东提供相关原材料。 本公司与关联方相互销售或采购产品、劳务等交易,有市场价格的按市场价格进行,无可供比较市场价格的按双方协议确定的价格进行。公司与各关联方的各项关联交易保持了持续性,关联交易价格保持了一贯性,关联交易未损害公司和股东的利益。 关联交易执行情况与预计比较说明: 公司对2006年度日常关联交易进行了预计,并于2005年年度股东大会审议通过。报告期内,公司向大化集团有限责任公司采购水、电、蒸汽、合成氨等预计全年发生额为5.73亿元,实际上半年发生2.06亿元,预计向大化集团有限责任公司采购金额占同类交易比例为54.13%,实际为56.22%。虽然数额上有一定程度的降低,但比例是相当的,数额降低,主要是公司在6月份停产了联碱生产装置,向大化集团有限责任公司采购数额减少。除上述情况外,公司实际发生的关联交易与预计关联交易未有明显差异。 2、关联债权债务往来 单位:万元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方名称 与上市公 上市公司向关联方 关联方向上市公司提供 司的关系 提供资金 资金 发生额 余额 发生额 余额 大化集团有限责 控股股东 13,292.62 0 任公司 合计 / 13,292.62 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 报告期内上市公司向控股股东及其子公司提供资金的发生额0万元人民币,上市公司向控股股东及其子公司提供资金的余额0万元人民币。 关联债权债务形成原因: 鉴于公司帐务处理的延续,公司与控股股东大化集团有限责任公司间的购销业务与非购销业务的往来一直记录于“其他应收款—集团公司”项下,因而形成了与控股股东之间的债权债务关系。由于业务往来发生频繁,经营性往来与非经营性往来都记录于“其他应收款”帐下,其帐目发生额及余额被视为非经营性的关联债权债务。 关联债权债务清偿情况: 截止到2006年6月21日,控股股东大化集团有限责任公司通过以搬迁改造资金偿还欠款的方式清偿所欠公司全部欠款。 与关联债权债务有关的承诺: 控股股东大化集团有限责任公司承诺于2006年9月30日前清偿欠款,其履行了还款承诺。 关联债权债务对公司经营成果及财务状况的影响: 大化集团有限责任公司以搬迁改造资金偿还欠款,给公司的搬迁改造提供了资金支持。 2006年上半年资金被占用情况及清欠进展情况: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 大股东及其附属企 报告期 清 清 清欠时间(月份) 期初数 期末数 业非经营性占用上 清欠总 欠 欠 市公司资金的余额 额(万 方 金 (万元) 元) 式 额 ( 万 元 ) 13,292. 0 13,292. 现金清偿 215.9 3 62 62 8 现金清偿 5,000 4 .00 现金清偿 306.2 5 8 现金清偿 7,770 6 .36 大股东及其附属企 截止到2006年6月21日,控股股东大化集团有限责任公 业非经营性占用上 司已清偿所欠公司全部欠款。 市公司资金及清欠 情况的具体说明 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3、其他重大关联交易1)、本公司根据与大化集团有限责任公司签订的《土地租赁协议》,本年度公司向其缴纳土地租赁费1,980,000.00元,上半年已缴纳990,000.00元。 2)、本公司根据与大化集团有限责任公司签订的《商标使用权协议》,本年度公司向其缴纳商标使用费1,020,000.00元,上半年已缴纳510,000.00元。 3)、期末6000万元工商银行贷款由大化集团提供担保。 (五)托管情况 本报告期公司无托管事项。 (六)承包情况 本报告期公司无承包事项。 (七)租赁情况 本报告期公司无租赁事项。 (八)担保情况 本报告期公司无担保事项。 (九)委托理财情况 本报告期公司无委托理财事项。 (十)承诺事项履行情况 2006年3月23日,公司控股股东大化集团有限责任公司承诺,其将在2006年9月30日前以搬迁改造资金偿还全部欠款。截止到2006年6月21日,大化集团有限责任公司通过以搬迁改造资金偿还欠款的方式,清偿了所欠公司全部欠款,履行了其还款承诺。 未股改公司的股改工作时间安排说明 由于中国证监会尚未对B股公司的股权分置改革工作做出计划安排,故公司等待相关政策要求出台后再进行股权分置改革工作。 (十一)公司、董事会、董事受处罚及整改情况 报告期内公司、公司董事会及董事均未受中国证监会的稽查、行政处罚、通报批评及证券交易所的公开谴责。 (十二)其它重大事项 本报告期内公司无其它重大事项。 (十三)信息披露索引 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 事项 刊载的报刊名称及版面 刊载日 刊载的互联 期 网网站及检 索路径 临2006-001:第一季度 中国证券报B09版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 业绩预亏公告 券报C17版、香港商报(英 4月5日 m.cn )A11版 临2006-002:预计2006 中国证券报C22版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 年日常关联交易公告 券报C11版、香港商报(英 4月21 m.cn )B7版 日 临2006-003:三届十六 中国证券报C22版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 次董事会决议公告及召 券报C13版、香港商报(英 4月21 m.cn 开2005年股东大会的通 )B8版 日 知 临2006-004:三届十次 中国证券报C22版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 监事会决议公告 券报C13版、香港商报(英 4月21 m.cn )B8版 日 临2006-005:2006年半 中国证券报C22版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 年度业绩预亏公告 券报C13版、香港商报(英 4月21 m.cn )B8版 日 2005年度报告摘要 中国证券报C23版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 券报C11版、香港商报(英 4月21 m.cn )B7版 日 2006年第一季度报告 中国证券报C23版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 券报C11版、香港商报(英 4月21 m.cn )B8版 日 临2006-006:控股股东 中国证券报C15版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 还款进展公告 券报B30版、香港商报(英 5月16 m.cn )B9版 日 临2006-007:关于联碱 中国证券报C15版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 生产装置停产搬迁的公 券报B30版、香港商报(英 5月16 m.cn 告 )B9版 日 临2006-008:关于控股 中国证券报A19版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 股东清偿欠款的进展性 券报B36版、香港商报(英 6月13 m.cn 公告 )B7版 日 临2006-009:2005年股 中国证券报C002版、上海 2006年 www.sse.co 东大会决议公告 证券报B20版、香港商报( 6月17 m.cn 英)B6版 日 临2006-010:四届一次 中国证券报C002版、上海 2006年 www.sse.co 董事会决议公告 证券报B20版、香港商报( 6月17 m.cn 英)B6版 日 临2006-011:四届一次 中国证券报C002版、上海 2006年 www.sse.co 监事会决议公告 证券报B20版、香港商报( 6月17 m.cn 英)B6版 日 临2006-012:关于控股 中国证券报C002版、上海 2006年 www.sse.co 股东清偿全部欠款的公 证券报B18版、香港商报( 6月21 m.cn 告 英)B5版 日 临2006-013:关于控股 中国证券报B07版、上海证 2006年 www.sse.co 股东清偿全部欠款的补 券报B18版、香港商报(英 6月28 m.cn 充公告 )B7版 日 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 七、财务会计报告(未经审计) (一)财务报表 资产负债表2006年06月30日 编制单位: 大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 单位: 元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 附注 期末数 期初数 流动资产: 货币资金 476,375,486.4 303,506,692.8 4 3 短期投资 应收票据 4,307,721.00 10,316,672.23 应收股利 应收利息 应收账款 22,491,223.81 27,480,604.26 其他应收款 3,941,268.05 126,157,277.2 1 预付账款 0 0 应收补贴款 0 0 存货 33,446,237.33 76,113,863.54 待摊费用 3,278,274.96 496,569.88 一年内到期的长期债权投资 其他流动资产 流动资产合计 543,840,211.5 544,071,679.9 9 5 长期投资: 长期股权投资 长期债权投资 长期投资合计 其中:合并价差 其中:股权投资差额 固定资产: 固定资产原价 801,571,803.0 807,836,252.4 1 6 减:累计折旧 576,979,134.9 567,176,578.0 9 6 固定资产净值 224,592,668.0 240,659,674.4 2 0 减:固定资产减值准备 9,215,264.08 9,215,264.08 固定资产净额 215,377,403.9 231,444,410.3 4 2 工程物资 在建工程 9,751,343.33 1,371,580.92 固定资产清理 固定资产合计 225,128,747.2 232,815,991.2 7 4 无形资产及其他资产: 无形资产 长期待摊费用 其他长期资产 无形资产及其他资产合计 递延税项: 递延税款借项 资产总计 768,968,958.8 776,887,671.1 6 9 流动负债: 短期借款 96,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 应付票据 应付账款 127,932,829.8 94,699,606.65 7 预收账款 34,476,730.53 82,875,558.07 应付工资 应付福利费 588,349.61 1,810,525.97 应付股利 应交税金 -9,959,585.66 -16,626,381.9 1 其他应交款 其他应付款 70,117,960.35 28,198,164.29 预提费用 预计负债 一年内到期的长期负债 其他流动负债 流动负债合计 319,156,284.7 250,957,473.0 0 7 长期负债: 长期借款 应付债券 长期应付款 专项应付款 其他长期负债 长期负债合计 递延税项: 递延税款贷项 负债合计 319,156,284.7 250,957,473.0 0 7 少数股东权益 所有者权益(或股东权益): 实收资本(或股本) 275,000,000.0 275,000,000.0 0 0 减:已归还投资 实收资本(或股本)净额 275,000,000.0 275,000,000.0 0 0 资本公积 228,687,247.8 228,687,247.8 4 4 盈余公积 15,404,353.58 15,404,353.58 其中:法定公益金 0 7,501,041.59 未分配利润 -69,278,927.2 6,838,596.70 6 拟分配现金股利 外币报表折算差额 减:未确认投资损失 所有者权益(或股东权益)合计 449,812,674.1 525,930,198.1 6 2 负债和所有者权益(或股东权益 768,968,958.8 776,887,671.1 )总计 6 9 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司法定代表人:刘平芹 主管会计工作负责人:戚树智 会计机构负责人:姜生国 利润及利润分配表2006年1-6月 编制单位: 大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 附注 本期数 上年同期数 一、主营业务收入 421,414,246.2 631,866,593.3 3 5 减:主营业务成本 479,514,827.8 561,345,314.4 8 3 主营业务税金及附加 581,322.57 二、主营业务利润(亏损以“- -58,100,581.6 69,939,956.35 ”号填列) 5 加:其他业务利润(亏损以“- -774,173.54 -931,891.81 ”号填列) 减:营业费用 8,210,440.89 7,211,641.99 管理费用 8,507,142.36 45,349,077.93 财务费用 -1,247,027.80 -39,299.11 三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号 -74,345,310.6 16,486,643.73 填列) 4 加:投资收益(损失以“-”号 填列) 补贴收入 营业外收入 0 28,548.04 减:营业外支出 1,772,213.32 91,050.00 四、利润总额(亏损总额以“- -76,117,523.9 16,424,141.77 ”号填列) 6 减:所得税 减:少数股东损益 加:未确认投资损失(合并报表 填列) 五、净利润(亏损以“-”号填 -76,117,523.9 16,424,141.77 列) 6 加:年初未分配利润 6,838,596.70 -19,772,137.2 3 其他转入 六、可供分配的利润 -69,278,927.2 -3,347,995.46 6 减:提取法定盈余公积 提取法定公益金 提取职工奖励及福利基金(合并 报表填列) 提取储备基金 提取企业发展基金 利润归还投资 七、可供股东分配的利润 -69,278,927.2 -3,347,995.46 6 减:应付优先股股利 提取任意盈余公积 应付普通股股利 转作股本的普通股股利 八、未分配利润(未弥补亏损以 -69,278,927.2 -3,347,995.46 “-”号填列) 6 补充资料: 1.出售、处置部门或被投资单位 所得收益 2.自然灾害发生的损失 3.会计政策变更增加(或减少)利 润总额 4.会计估计变更增加(或减少)利 润总额 5.债务重组损失 6.其他 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司法定代表人:刘平芹 主管会计工作负责人:戚树智 会计机构负责人:姜生国 现金流量表2006年1-6月 编制单位: 大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 附注 本期数 一、经营活动产生的现金流量: 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 252,887,227.42 收到的税费返还 0 收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 172,264,710.55 现金流入小计 425,151,937.97 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 241,530,841.92 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 37,966,683.67 支付的各项税费 1,531,742.57 支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 4,186,178.68 现金流出小计 285,215,446.84 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 139,936,491.13 二、投资活动产生的现金流量: 收回投资所收到的现金 其中:出售子公司收到的现金 取得投资收益所收到的现金 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期 资产而收回的现金 收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 现金流入小计 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期 1,031,621.17 资产所支付的现金 投资所支付的现金 支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 现金流出小计 1,031,621.17 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 -1,031,621.17 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: 吸收投资所收到的现金 其中:子公司吸收少数股东权益性投 资收到的现金 借款所收到的现金 102,000,000.00 收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 现金流入小计 102,000,000.00 偿还债务所支付的现金 66,000,000.00 分配股利、利润或偿付利息所支付的 2,011,988.68 现金 其中:支付少数股东的股利 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 其中:子公司依法减资支付给少数股 东的现金 现金流出小计 68,011,988.68 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 33,988,011.32 四、汇率变动对现金的影响 -24,087.67 五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 172,868,793.61 补充材料 1、将净利润调节为经营活动现金流 量: 净利润 -76,117,523.96 加:少数股东损益(亏损以“-”号填 列) 减:未确认的投资损失 加:计提的资产减值准备 -6,413,203.46 固定资产折旧 14,387,151.66 无形资产摊销 长期待摊费用摊销 待摊费用减少(减:增加) 2,781,705.08 预提费用增加(减:减少) 处理固定资产、无形资产和其他长期 资产的损失(减:收益) 固定资产报废损失 1,757,367.72 财务费用 24,087.67 投资损失(减:收益) 递延税款贷项(减:借项) 存货的减少(减:增加) 43,114,900.72 经营性应收项目的减少(减:增加) 109,155,769.27 经营性应付项目的增加(减:减少) 63,449,503.29 其他 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 139,936,491.13 2.不涉及现金收支的投资和筹资活 动: 债务转为资本 一年内到期的可转换公司债券 融资租入固定资产 3、现金及现金等价物净增加情况: 现金的期末余额 476,375,486.44 减:现金的期初余额 303,506,692.83 加:现金等价物的期末余额 减:现金等价物的期初余额 现金及现金等价物净增加额 172,868,793.61 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司法定代表人:刘平芹 主管会计工作负责人:戚树智 会计机构负责人:姜生国 资产减值准备明细表2006年1-6月 编制单位: 大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期初余额 本 本期减少数 期末余额 期 因资产价 其他原 合计 增 值回升转 因转出 加 回数 数 数 坏账准备合 137,209, 6,639,8 6,639,85 130,569,8 计 703.56 56.70 6.70 46.86 其中:应收 123,749, 123,749,7 账款 778.10 78.10 其他应收款 13,459,9 6,639,8 6,639,85 6,820,068 25.46 56.70 6.70 .76 短期投资跌 价准备合计 其中:股票 投资 债券投资 存货跌价准 14,208,5 6,413,2 6,413,20 7,795,364 备合计 67.59 03.46 3.46 .13 其中:库存 商品 产成品 6,413,20 6,413,2 6,413,20 0 3.46 03.46 3.46 原材料 7,795,36 7,795,364 4.13 .13 长期投资减 值准备合计 其中:长期 股权投资 长期债权投 资 固定资产减 9,215,26 9,215,264 值准备合计 4.08 .08 其中:房屋 、建筑物 机器设备 9,215,26 9,215,264 4.08 .08 无形资产减 值准备 其中:专利 权 商标权 在建工程减 值准备 委托贷款减 值准备 资产减值合 160,633, 13,053, 13,053,0 147,580,4 计 535.23 060.16 60.16 75.07 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司法定代表人:刘平芹 主管会计工作负责人:戚树智 会计机构负责人:姜生国 按中国证监会发布的《公开发行证券公司信息披露编报规则》第9号的要求计算的净资产收益率及每股收益: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 报告期利润 净资产收益率(%) 每股收益 全面摊薄 加权平均 全面摊薄 加权平均 主营业务利润 -12.92 -11.91 -0.21 -0.21 营业利润 -16.53 -15.24 -0.27 -0.27 净利润 -16.93 -15.60 -0.28 -0.28 扣除非经常性损益后的净利润 -19.43 -17.91 -0.32 -0.32 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司概况 大化集团大连化工股份有限公司是1997年经大连市人民政府批准,以大化集团有限责任公司为发起人,以其下属碱厂为主体重组并发行境内上市外资股(B股)的股份有限公司。 本公司是国内特大型的综合性纯碱生产企业之一,其重组主体—原大化集团有限责任公司碱厂具有60多年的生产历史,生产的产品为纯碱、粗铵(农业氯化铵)、精铵及碳酸氢铵。其主导产品纯碱年生产能力约80万吨,产品质量卓越,曾荣获国家经济委员会颁发的国家质量奖金奖, 其“工联”牌纯碱2003年获国家名牌产品称号。公司生产的粗铵年生产能力约48万吨,其“大地”牌氯化铵2005年9月获国家名牌产品称号。2005年底公司职工人数为2,496人。 本公司于1997年9月发行”B股”10,000万股,发行价格为人民币2.58元。1997年10月21日在上海交易所上市。 (二)公司主要会计政策、会计估计和会计报表的编制方法 1、会计准则和会计制度: 公司执行《企业会计准则》和《企业会计制度》等有关财务会计法规的规定。 2、会计年度:本公司会计年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。3、记账本位币:本公司的记账本位币为人民币。4、编制基础、记账基础和计价原则: 本公司会计核算以权责发生制为基础,各项财产物资在取得时按实际成本计价,期末以可变现净值与账面价值孰低计价。 5、外币业务核算方法: 公司发生的外币业务,以当月1日外汇市场中间汇率折合人民币记账,决算日货币性项目中的外币余额按决算日外汇市场中间汇率折合为人民币余额进行调整,因汇率不同而产生的折合本位币差额按会计制度规定记入相关科目核算。 6、现金及现金等价物的确定标准: 为公司持有的期限短(指自购买日起3个月内到期)、流动性强、易于转换为已知金额现金、价值变动风险很小的投资。 7、短期投资核算方法: 公司期末短期投资按成本与市价孰低法计价,并以单项短期投资市价低于成本的差额计提短期投资跌价准备。 8、应收款项坏账损失核算方法 坏账的确认标准为: (1)因债务人破产或死亡,以其破产财产或遗产清偿后,仍不能收回的应收款项; (2)因债务人逾期未履行偿债义务超过三年,且具有明显特征或依据表明无法收回的应收款项。 坏账的核算方法: 公司的坏账核算采用备抵法,期末公司对应收款项(包括应收账款和其他应收款)按账龄分析法计提坏账准备, 同时符合下列条件的应收款项在计提一般坏账准备的基础上增提特别坏账准备: (1)期末欠款余额较大,一般为30万元以上; (2)本期无任何业务发生的客户欠款余额,或本期有业务发生的客户欠款中,经双方同意暂时搁置的以前年度形成的欠款余额; (3)本公司经多次催收未果,还款困难较大的客户。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 账龄分析法 帐龄 应收帐款计提比例(%) 其他应收款计提比例( %) 1年以内(含1年) 5 5 1-2年 10 10 2-3年 30 30 3-4年 50 50 4-5年 70 70 5年以上 100 100 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 9、存货核算方法: 公司存货按实物形态分为原材料、包装物、在产品、产成品等。原材料中修理用备件和包装物因采购和领用频繁,按计划成本计价,其他大宗存货因采购和领用次数少、耗量大,按实际成本计价,发出计价采用加权平均法。低值易耗品按一次摊销法摊销。期末在产品按主要材料成本计价。存货的盘存采用“永续盘存制”,并于每年的12月末进行盘点。存货跌价准备的计提方法:期末按单个存货项目的成本高于其可变现净值的差额提取。 10、长期投资核算方法: 长期股权投资按投资时实际支付的价款或确定的价值记账,对拥有被投资单位20%股权以下或超过20%股权但不具有重大影响的投资采用成本法核算;对拥有被投资单位20%(含20%)股权以上或虽不足20%股权但有重大影响的投资采用权益法核算;对拥有被投资单位50%(不含50%)股权以上或虽不足50%股权但具有实质控制权的子公司,编制合并会计报表。 长期投资减值准备的计提方法:公司于资产负债表日对长期投资逐项进行考核,对投资项目市价下跌或被投资单位经营状况恶化,已导致其可收回金额低于账面价值,且降低的价值在可预计的未来期间内不可恢复,则将可收回金额低于长期投资账面价值的差额作为长期投资减值准备。 11、固定资产计价、折旧方法和减值准备的计提方法: (1) 固定资产计价和折旧方法: 固定资产是指为生产商品、提供劳务、出租或经营管理而持有的,使用年限超过一年,单位价值较高的有形资产。 固定资产以取得时的实际成本入帐,并从其达到预定可使用状态的次月起,采用直线法(年数平均法)提取折旧。 各类固定资产的估计残值率、折旧年限和年折旧率如下: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 类别 折旧年限(年) 残值率(%) 年折旧率(%) 房屋及建筑物 8—45 12.12—2.15 机器设备 9—22 10.78—4.41 运输设备 6—12 16.17—8.08 其他设备 9—14 10.78—6.93 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 固定资产为使用期限在一年以上,单位价值在2,000元以上的房屋建筑物、机械设备、运输设备以及其他与生产经营有关的设备、器具、工具等。 固定资产按照会计制度的规定以取得时的成本入账。其中:购入或自建固定资产按实际成本计价;通过非货币交易和债务重组换入的固定资产,其入账价值分别按《企业会计准则—非货币性交易》和《企业会计准则—债务重组》的规定确定。 固定资产折旧采用直线法计提,按原值的3-5%预留残值,按各类固定资产的原值扣除预留残值和估计经济使用年限,分类计提折旧。 (2) 减值准备的计提方法: 期末按单项固定资产账面净值与可收回金额孰低计价,对可收回金额低于账面价值的差额,按单项资产计提固定资产减值准备。对存在下列情况之一的固定资产,全额计提减值准备:1)长期闲置不用,在可预见的未来不会再使用,且已无转让价值的固定资产;2)由于技术进步等原因,已不可使用的固定资产;3)虽然固定资产尚可使用,但使用后产生大量不合格品的固定资产;4)已遭毁损,以致于不再具有使用价值和转让价值的固定资产;5)其他实质上已经不能再给企业带来经济利益的固定资产。 12、在建工程核算方法: 在建工程按实际成本核算。与购建在建工程直接相关的借款利息支出和外币折算差额,在该项资产交付使用前,计入该项资产的成本。在所购建项目达到预定可使用状态时转为固定资产。 期末在建工程按单项工程账面价值与可收回金额孰低计价,对可收回金额低于账面价值的差额,计提在建工程减值准备。对存在下列情况之一的在建工程,计提减值准备: 1)长期停建并且预计在未来3年内不会重新开工的在建工程; 2)所建项目无论在性能上,还是在技术上已经落后,并且给企业带来的经济利益具有很大的不确定性; 3)其他足以证明在建工程已经发生减值的情形。 13、借款费用的会计处理方法: 借款费用的确认原则:因购建固定资产专门借入的款项发生的利息、折价或溢价的摊销和汇兑差额,在符合《企业会计准则—借款费用》规定的条件下,计入该项资产的成本;其他的借款利息、折价或溢价的摊销和汇兑差额,于当期确认为费用,因安排专门借款而发生的辅助费用,按以上原则处理。如果辅助费用金额较小,于当期确认为费用。 因购建固定资产而发生的专门借款费用在同时满足以下三个条件时,且在所购建的固定资产达到预定可使用状态前发生的,开始资本化,计入所购建固定资产成本。 1)为购建固定资产而以支付现金、转移非现金资产或承担债务形式的支出已经发生。 2)借款费用已经发生; 3)为使资产达到预定可使用状态所必要的购建活动已经开始。 资产达到预定可使用状态前发生的非正常中断时间超过三个月的,中断期间的借款费用和资产达到预定可使用状态后发生的借款费用计入当期财务费用。 14、收入确认原则: 本公司系以商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬已经转移,本公司不再对该商品实施继续管理权和实际控制权,相关的收入已经收到或取得了收款的证据,与交易相关的经济利益很可能流入企业,并且与销售该商品有关的成本能够可靠的计量时,确认为商品销售收入实现。 15、所得税的会计处理方法: 所得税的会计处理采用应付税款法。 16、主要会计政策、会计估计变更及重大会计差错更正 (1) 会计政策变更 根据《公司法》及财政部财企〔2006〕67号文要求,公司对2005年12月31日的公益金结余,转作盈余公积。 (2) 会计估计变更 无 (3) 会计差错更正 无 (三)税项: 1、主要税种及税率 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 税种 计税依据 税率 增值税 17%、13% 城建税 7% 企业所得税 33% 教育费附加 3% 地方教育费 1% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2、优惠税负及批文 根据大连市国家税务局大国税直税函(2002)2号文件的批复,当期生产的农用氯化铵免征增值税,免征增值税的农用氯化铵进项税记入销售成本。 3、其他说明 房产税、车船牌照使用税、印花税等,按有关规定计缴。 (四)会计报表附注 1、货币资金 单位:元 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期末数 期初数 人民币金额 人民币金额 现金: 296.84 128.97 银行存款: 49,412,403.26 47,506,563.86 其他货币资金: 426,962,786.34 256,000,000.00 合计 476,375,486.44 303,506,692.83 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 银行存款中期末外币存款463,599.65美元,折合人民币3,706,942.80元,期末汇率为1:7.996. 其他货币资金为公司的控股股东-大化集团有限责任公司(以下简称“大化集团”)偿还的欠款,该款项根据相关规定,专项用于公司的搬迁改造。该项资金依据大连市财政局审批同意的资金使用计划批复文件进行使用。 2、应收票据 (1) 应收票据分类 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 种类 期末数 期初数 银行承兑汇票 4,307,721.00 10,316,672.23 合计 4,307,721.00 10,316,672.23 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3、应收账款 (1) 应收账款帐龄 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 账龄 期末数 期初数 账面余额 坏账准备 账面余 坏账准备 额 金额 比 金 比例 例 额 一年 17,227,9 11 861,395. 25,084, 16 1,254,204.57 以内 09.60 .7 48 091.68 .5 8 9 一至 3,033,19 2. 303,319. 986,716 0. 98,671.65 二年 0.82 07 08 .45 65 二至 1,605,76 1. 481,728. 2,205,2 1. 661,579.16 三年 0.92 10 28 63.85 46 三至 5,619,33 3. 3,348,53 10,586, 7. 9,661,082.85 四年 8.10 84 2.79 916.37 00 四至 10,586,9 7. 10,586,9 12,715, 8. 12,422,146.96 五年 16.37 24 16.37 301.10 41 五年 108,167, 73 108,167, 99,652, 65 99,652,092.91 以上 886.10 .9 886.10 092.91 .8 7 9 合计 146,241, 10 123,749, 151,230 10 123,749,778.10 001.91 0 778.10 ,382.36 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) 应收帐款坏帐准备变动情况 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期初余额 期末余额 应收帐款坏帐准备 123,749,778.10 123,749,778.10 ━━━━━━━━━━━ォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォォ? (3) 本报告期应收帐款中无持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位的欠款 无持有本公司5%(含5%)以上股份的股东单位欠款。前五名欠款单位累计总欠款金额39,405,883.57元,占应收账款总额的26.67%。 4、其他应收款 (1) 其他应收款帐龄 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 账龄 期末数 期初数 账面余额 坏账准备 账面余额 金额 比例 金额 比例 一年 4,120,05 38.29 206,002 132,797,133.9 95.11 6,639,856.7 以内 0.63 .53 1 0 一至 3,013,58 28.00 2,986,3 3,332,362.78 2.39 3,332,362.7 二年 0.20 60.25 8 二至 140,000. 1.30 140,000 三年 00 .00 五年 3,487,70 32.41 3,487,7 3,487,705.98 2.50 3,487,705.9 以上 5.98 05.98 8 合计 10,761,3 100 6,820,0 139,617,202.6 100 13,459,925. 36.81 68.76 7 46 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 前五名欠款单位累计总欠款金额10,761,336.81元,占其他应收款总额的100%。 (2) 其他应收款坏帐准备变动情况 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期初余额 本期减少数 期末余额 转出数 合计 其他应收款坏帐准 13,459,925. 6,639,856. 6,639,856.7 6,820,068. 备 46 70 0 76 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) 本报告期其他应收帐款中无持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位的欠款 5、预付帐款 本报告期预付帐款中无持有公司5%(含5%)以上表决权股份的股东单位的欠款 6、存货 (1) 存货分类 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期末数 期初数 账面余额 跌价准备 账面价值 账面余额 跌价准备 账面价值 原材 33,565,3 7,795,36 25,769,99 32,278,7 7,795,364 24,483,3 料 62.11 4.13 7.98 16.51 .13 52.38 在产 3,148,30 3,148,300 5,074,10 5,074,10 品 0.24 .24 1.90 1.90 产成 -4,047,2 -4,047,28 47,420,2 6,413,203 41,007,0 品 82.03 2.03 60.55 .46 57.09 包装 8,575,22 8,575,221 5,549,35 5,549,35 物 1.14 .14 2.17 2.17 合计 41,241,6 7,795,36 33,446,23 90,322,4 14,208,56 76,113,8 01.46 4.13 7.33 31.13 7.59 63.54 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 产成品期末较期初减少51,467,542.58元并为负数,主要原因是期末产成品已全部销售并预售所致。 7、待摊费用 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 类别 期初数 本期增加数 本期摊销数 期末数 保险费 496,569.88 3,244,023.82 462,318.74 3,278,274.96 合计 496,569.88 3,244,023.82 462,318.74 3,278,274.96 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 8、固定资产 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期初数 本期增加数 本期减少数 期末数 一、原价合计: 807,836,252 159,000.00 6,423,449.4 801,571,803 .46 5 .01 其中:房屋及建 245,504,274 245,504,274 筑物 .58 .58 机器设备 551,921,717 6,423,449.4 545,498,268 .45 5 .00 电子设备 运输设备 9,378,050.4 159,000.00 9,537,050.4 4 4 其他设备 1,032,209.9 1,032,209.9 9 9 二、累计折旧合 567,176,578 14,468,638. 4,666,081.7 576,979,134 计: .06 66 3 .99 其中:房屋及建 144,921,443 2,543,632.4 147,465,076 筑物 .70 6 .16 机器设备 414,527,233 11,565,109. 4,666,081.7 421,426,261 .70 33 3 .30 电子设备 运输设备 6,965,200.0 309,659.25 7,274,859.2 4 9 其他设备 762,700.62 50,237.62 812,938.24 三、固定资产净 240,659,674 224,592,668 值合计 .40 .02 其中:房屋及建 筑物 机器设备 电子设备 运输设备 四、减值准备合 9,215,264.0 9,215,264.0 计 8 8 其中:房屋及建 筑物 机器设备 9,215,264.0 9,215,264.0 8 8 电子设备 运输设备 五、固定资产净 231,444,410 215,377,403 额合计 .32 .94 其中:房屋及建 筑物 机器设备 电子设备 运输设备 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 本期累计折旧减少均由报废固定资产所致。固定资产均未用于抵押或担保。 根据大连市政府的统一规划,公司及公司控股股东-大化集团有限责任公司将实行搬迁改造,对于搬迁改造固定资产的损失,大化集团将以固定资产公允价值与账面净值孰高的数额进行补偿。 9、在建工程 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期末数 期初数 帐面余额 减值准 帐面净额 帐面余额 减值准 帐面净额 备 备 在建工 9,751,343 9,751,343 1,371,580 1,371,580 程 .33 .33 .92 .92 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (1) 在建工程项目变动情况 单位: 币种: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目名称 期初数 本期增加 资金来源 期末数 干法排渣 914,755.8 7,584,339.27 自筹 8,499,095 2 .09 21#外冷器 442,093.3 自筹 442,093.3 2 2 淡液塔 201,932.30 自筹 201,932.3 0 25#外冷器 257,504.30 自筹 257,504.3 0 其他零星支出 14,731.78 335,986.54 自筹 350,718.3 2 合计 1,371,580 8,379,762.41 / 9,751,343 .92 .33 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) 在建工程减值准备 在建工程中无资本化的利息。截止2006年6月30日,本公司在建工程未发现有可收回金额低于账面价值的情形。 10、短期借款(1) 短期借款分类: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期末数 期初数 担保借款 96,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 合计 96,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 期末贷款中6000万元为工商银行贷款,由大化集团有限责任公司担保;3600万元为华夏银行贷款,由大连重工-起重集团有限公司担保。 11、应付帐款:应付账款期末余额较期初增加33,233,223.22元,主要原因是期末欠款增加。 12、预收帐款: 预收账款期末余额比期初减少48,398,827.54元,主要原因为付货增加所致。13、应付福利费: 应付福利费较期初减少1,222,176.36元。14、应交税金: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期末数 期初数 计缴标准 增值税 -5,159,337.22 -11,866,469.73 17%、13% 所得税 -4,821,292.60 -4,821,292.60 33% 个人所得税 7,161.07 37,814.33 按规定 印花税 13,883.09 23,566.09 按规定 合计 -9,959,585.66 -16,626,381.91 / ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 15、其他应付款:(1) 欠持公司5%以上股份股东的款项情况如下: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 股东名称 期末数 期初数 大化集团有限责任公司 15,558,304.59 0 合计 15,558,304.59 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 公司欠大化集团大连博尔化工有限公司采购焦炭款1400万元,工程未结算款2000万元。 16、股本 股份变动情况表 单位:万股 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 本次变动前 本次变动增减(+,-) 本次变动 后 数量 比例 发行 送 公积金 其 小 数量 比 新股 股 转股 他 计 例 一、未上市流通股份 1、发起人股份 17,5 63.6 17,5 63. 00 4 00 64 其中: 国家持有股份 境内法人持有 17,5 63.6 17,5 63. 股份 00 4 00 64 境外法人持有 股份 其他 2、募集法人股 份 3、内部职工股 4、优先股或其 他 未上市流通股 17,5 63.6 17,5 63. 份合计 00 4 00 64 二、已上市流通股份 1、人民币普通 10,0 36.3 10,0 36. 股 00 6 00 36 2、境内上市的 外资股 3、境外上市的 外资股 4、其他 已上市流通股 10,0 36.3 10,0 36. 份合计 00 6 00 36 三、股份总数 27,5 100 27,5 100 00 00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 17、盈余公积: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期初数 本期增加 本期减少 期末数 法定盈余公积 7,903,311.9 7,501,041.5 15,404,353. 9 9 58 法定公益金 7,501,041.5 7,501,041.59 0 9 合计 15,404,353. 15,404,353. 58 58 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 根据《公司法》及财政部财企〔2006〕67号文要求,公司对2005年12月31日的公益金结余,转作盈余公积。 18、未分配利润: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 期末数 净利润 -76,117,523.96 加:年初未分配利润 6,838,596.70 其他转入 减:提取法定盈余公积 提取法定公益金 未分配利润 -69,278,927.26 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 19、主营业务收入及主营业务成本 (1) 分行业主营业务 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 行业名称 本期数 上年同期数 营业收入 营业成本 营业收入 营业成本 化工行业 421,414,246 479,514,827 631,866,593 561,345,314 .23 .88 .35 .43 合计 421,414,246 479,514,827 631,866,593 561,345,314 .23 .88 .35 .43 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) 分产品主营业务 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 产品名称 本期数 上年同期数 营业收入 营业成本 营业收入 营业成本 氨碱纯碱 184,855,36 209,800,26 178,354,041 176,713,18 1.39 1.75 .31 4.13 联碱双产品(纯碱 229,189,28 260,993,30 439,499,182 367,050,81 和氯化铵) 9.43 0.51 .52 2.80 其他产品 7,369,595. 8,721,265. 14,013,369. 17,581,317 41 62 52 .50 其中:关联交易 118,541,55 134,722,48 247,343,121 242,618,86 8.83 1.61 .79 8.16 合计 421,414,24 479,514,82 631,866,593 561,345,31 6.23 7.88 .35 4.43 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) 分地区主营业务 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 地区名称 本期数 上年同期数 营业收入 营业成本 营业收入 营业成本 东北地区 185,849,888 211,478,588 263,855,276 234,409,027 .43 .04 .06 .25 广东地区 74,537,090. 84,815,755. 84,161,509. 74,769,085. 67 47 60 40 境外 73,161,381. 83,237,893. 188,569,851 167,520,488 41 01 .45 .66 其他地区 87,865,885. 99,982,591. 95,279,956. 84,646,713. 72 36 24 12 其中:关联交易 118,541,558 134,722,481 247,343,121 242,618,868 .83 .61 .79 .16 合计 421,414,246 479,514,827 631,866,593 561,345,314 .23 .88 .35 .43 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 20、主营业务税金及附加: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 本期数 上年同期数 计缴标准 城建税 369,932.54 教育费附加 211,390.03 3%、1% 合计 581,322.57 / ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 21、其他业务利润: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 本期数 上年同期数 收入 成本 利润 收入 成本 利润 劳务 1,814,878 2,589,05 -774,173 2,225,819 3,157,71 -931,891 费 .24 1.78 .54 .55 1.36 .81 合计 1,814,878 2,589,05 -774,173 2,225,819 3,157,71 -931,891 .24 1.78 .54 .55 1.36 .81 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 22、财务费用 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 本期数 上年同期数 利息支出 2,011,988.68 减:利息收入 3,293,273.46 71,598.99 汇兑损失 75,186.30 减:汇兑收益 40,929.32 其他 32,299.88 合计 -1,247,027.80 -39,299.11 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 23、营业外收入: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 本期数 上年同期数 处置固定资产净收益 0 26,548.04 罚款收入 0 2,000.00 合计 0 28,548.04 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 24、营业外支出: 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 项目 本期数 上年同期数 承兑汇票损失 91,050.00 固定资产清理损失 1,757,367.72 捐赠支出 7,550.00 滞纳金及罚款支出等 7,295.60 合计 1,772,213.32 91,050.00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 25、收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金172,264,710.55元,其中主要为本年度收到的公司的控股股东大化集团有限责任公司偿还的欠款。26、支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金4,186,178.68元,为本公司管理费用、销售费用及制造费用付现支出。 (五)关联方及关联交易 1、存在控制关系关联方的基本情况 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方名 注册地址 主营业务 与本 经济 法 称 公司 性质 人 关系 代 表 大化集团 大连市甘井 生产与销售复合肥料、硫酸 控股 有限 邢 有限责任 子区工兴路 、硝酸、硝酸铵、硝酸钠、 股东 责任 学 公司 10号 煤焦油、氨水等 公司 朴 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2、存在控制关系关联方的注册资本及其变化情况 单位:万元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方名称 注册资本期初数 注册资本增减 注册资本期末数 大化集团有限责任公司 305,785 305,785 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3、存在控制关系的关联方所持股份及其变化情况 单位:万元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方 关联方 关联方所持 关联方 关联方所 关联方 关联方所持 名称 所持股 股份比例期 所持股 持股份增 所持股 股份比例期 份期初 初数(%) 份增减 减比例( 份期末 末数(%) 数 %) 数 大化集 17,500 63.64 17,500 63.64 团有限 责任公 司 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 4、不存在控制关系关联方的基本情况 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方名称 关联方与本公司关系 大化国际经济贸易公司 母公司的全资子公司 大连宏图经销公司 母公司的参股子公司 大连华迪实业总公司 母公司的参股子公司 大连华迪实业包装制品厂 母公司的参股子公司 大连华迪汽车修配厂 母公司的参股子公司 大连复州湾盐场 母公司的全资子公司 大化集团大连博尔化工有限公司 母公司的参股子公司 大化集团大连瑞霖有限公司 母公司的参股子公司 大化集团大连汽车运输有限公司 母公司的参股子公司 大化集团大连冠林国际贸易有限公司 母公司的参股子公司 大化集团大连轮船有限公司 母公司的参股子公司 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 5、关联交易情况 (1) 购买商品、接受劳务的关联交易 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方 关联交 关联交易 本期数 上年同期数 易内容 定价原则 金额 占同类 金额 占同类 交易金 交易金 额的比 额的比 例(%) 例(%) 大化集团 购买原 市场价, 206,458,42 56.22 242,860,66 44.73 有限责任 材料、 无可供比 4.03 5.44 公司 水、电 较市场价 、蒸汽 格的双方 等 协商定价 大化集团 购买原 市场价 1,579,512. 0.43 69,331,982 13.68 复州湾盐 盐 97 .06 场 大连华迪 购买包 市场价 7,319,968. 1.99 7,384,749. 1.46 实业总公 装物 00 00 司 大化集团 购买焦 市场价 20,613,780 5.61 21,925,740 4.32 大连博尔 炭 .00 .00 化工有限 公司 大化集团 排渣运 市场价 9,389,503. 52.28 13,565,349 57.54 有限责任 输装卸 13 .36 公司 费 大化集团 运输装 市场价 820,831.50 4.57 1,657,424. 7.03 大连汽车 卸费 60 运输有限 公司 大连华迪 修理费 市场价 524,208.26 2.92 421,553.58 1.79 实业总公 等 司 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) 销售商品、提供劳务的关联交易 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 关联方 关联交 关联交易 本期数 上年同期数 易内容 定价原则 金额 占同类 金额 占同类 交易金 交易金 额的比 额的比 例(%) 例(%) 大化集团 销售纯 市场价, 18,357,71 4.36 24,373,836 3.86 有限责任 碱、氯 无可供比 5.83 .90 公司 化铵等 较市场价 格的双方 协商定价 大化国际 销售出 市场价 46,895,32 11.13 149,561,11 23.67 经济贸易 口纯碱 8.86 5.87 公司 、氯化 铵等 大化集团 销售出 市场价 26,266,05 6.19 39,008,735 6.17 大连冠林 口纯碱 2.55 .58 国际贸易 、氯化 有限公司 铵等 大化集团 销售粗 市场价 24,282,41 5.76 28,549,848 4.52 大连瑞霖 氯化铵 9.47 .00 有限公司 等 大连宏图 销售纯 市场价 1,677,624 0.40 5,088,000. 0.81 经销公司 碱、氯 .00 00 化铵等 大连华迪 销售纯 市场价 1,062,418 0.25 761,585.44 0.12 实业总公 碱、氯 .12 司 化铵等 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) 其他关联交易 1、本公司根据与大化集团有限责任公司签订的《土地租赁协议》,本年度公司向其缴纳土地租赁费1,980,000.00元,上半年已缴纳990,000.00元。 2、本公司根据与大化集团有限责任公司签订的《商标使用权协议》,本年度公司向其缴纳商标使用费1,020,000.00元,上半年已缴纳510,000.00元。 3、期末6000万元工商银行贷款由大化集团提供担保。 6、关联方应收应付款项 单位:元 币种:人民币 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 应收应付款项 关联方 期初金额 期末金额 名称 应收账款 大连富美达新材料科技有限公 225,106.12 0 司 其他应收款 大化集团有限责任公司 132,926,218 0 .66 应付账款 大化集团复州湾盐场 5,037.22 0 预收账款 大化国际经济贸易公司 16,172,090. 0 42 预收账款 大化集团大连冠林国际贸易有 1,765,572.1 0 限公司 0 预收账款 大连华迪实业总公司 564,659.05 0 预收账款 大连宏图经销公司 200,395.84 0 预收账款 大化集团大连瑞霖有限公司 1,452,348.0 0 0 其他应付款 大化集团有限责任公司 0 15,558,304 .59 其他应付款 大化集团大连汽车运输有限公 0 285,402.30 司 其他应付款 大化集团大连博尔化工有限公 547,630.20 13,140,664 司 .32 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (六)或有事项:无 (七)承诺事项:无 (八)资产负债表日后事项:无 (九)其他重要事项: 1、关于大股东占用资金问题 截止到2006年6月21日,公司控股股东大化集团有限责任公司通过以搬迁改造资金偿还欠款的方式,清偿所欠公司全部欠款。 2、由于搬迁改造工作的实施,公司于2006年6月停产了联碱生产装置,其影响6月份主营业务收入6800万元,这也将使下半年主营业务收入减少4.06亿元。 八、备查文件目录 1、载有法定代表人、主管会计工作负责人、会计主管人员签名并盖章的会计报表。 2、报告期内在《上海证券报》、《中国证券报》、《香港商报》公开披露过的所有公司文件的正本及公告的原稿。 3、以上文件被置于公司证券部。 董事长:刘平芹大化集团大连化工股份有限公司2006年8月18日 Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2006 Content I. Important Notes 3 II. Company Profile 3 III. Change in Stock Capital & Particulars about Stockholders 4 IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Staffs 6 V. Discussion and analysis of senior executives 6 VI. Significant Events 9 VII. Financial Accounting Report (not audited) 14 VIII. Documents Available for Reference 35 I. Important Notes 1. The Board of Directors of the Company and its members ensure that, the information contained in this report does not have any false statement, misleading representation and significant omissions, and will take several and joint responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents. 2. All the members of Board of Directors attended the meeting. 3. Co.’s interim report has not been audited.4. Mr. Liu Pingqin, the principal of the Company, Mr. Qi Shuzhi, the principal in charge of accounting work, Mr. Jiang Shengguo, the principal of finance department (accounting officer), declare that this Interim financial report is guaranteed to keep true and complete. II. Company Profile (I) Company Profile 1、 Legal Name of the Company: In Chinese: 大化集团大连化工股份有限公司 Abbreviation: Dahua B Legal name in English: DAHUA GROUP DALIAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Abbreviation: DLHG Stocks exchange for Listing: Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock Name: Dahua B Stock Code: 900951 2、 Registered address of Co.: No. 10 Gongxing Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning Office address of Co.: No. 10 Gongxing Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning Zip Code: 116032 Website: www.dahuagf.com E-mail: dhjtdlhuagong@sina.com 3、 Legal Representative: Liu Pingqin 4、 Secretary of Board: Zhou Wei Telephone: 0411-86893436 Fax: 0411-86671948 E-mail: dhjtdlhuagong@sina.com Address: Securities Department, Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Securities representative: Li Xiaofeng Telephone: 0411-86893436 Fax: 0411-86671948 E-mail: dhjtdlhuagong@sina.com Address: Securities Department, Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. 5、 The newspaper name of publishing company information: Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily (in English) Internet Website for Publishing the Co.'s Interim Report appointed by China Securities Supervising Committee: www.sse.com.cn Site for the Co.'s Interim Report Reserved: Securities Department, Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (II) Highlights of accounting data and business data 1. Highlights of accounting data and business data Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Endperiodofth Endperiodoffir Increaseordecreaseatper isreport stsemiannual iodendofthisreportcompa redwithperiodendoflasty ear(%) CurrentAss 543,840,211.5 544,071,679.95 -0.04 ets 9 CurrentLia 319,156,284.7 250,957,473.07 27.18 bilities 0 TotalAsset 768,968,958.8 776,887,671.19 -1.02 s 6 Stockholde 449,812,674.1 525,930,198.12 -14.47 rs’Equity 6 (excluding minorshare holders’e quity) Netassetsp 1.64 1.91 -14.14 ershare(Yu an) Netassetsp 1.62 1.91 -15.18 ershareaft erAdjusted (Yuan) ReportingPeri Figureatsamepe Increaseordecreasecompa od(Jan.toJun. riodlastyear redwiththesameperiodlas ) tyearinthisreportperiod (%) Netprofit -76,117,523.9 16,424,141.77 -563.45 6 Netprofita -87,398,370.8 16,486,643.73 -630.12 fternon-re 0 curringgai nandloss Earningspe -0.28 0.060 -566.67 rshare(Yua n) Earningsra -16.93 3.19 Decrease20.12% teofnetass ets(%) NetCashFlo 139,936,491.1 -9,974,204.68 1,502.98 wfromOpera 3 tingActivi ties ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2. Items of Non-recurrent profit and loss Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ItemsofNon-recurrentprofitandloss Amount Otherdailynon-operatingrevenueandexpenditurea -1,772,213.32 fterreductionofprovisionsfordepreciationofass etswithheldaccordingtothestipulationsofcompan yaccountingsystem Carry-backofdepreciationprovisionsallocatedin 13,053,060.16 previousyears Total 11,280,846.84 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ III. Change in Stock Capital & Particulars about Stockholders (1) Change of Stock Capital During the report period, company's total shares and shares structure remained unchanged.(II) A Brief Account about Stockholders 1. Number of stockholders and stocks held by stockholders: Unit: share ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Totalnumbero 17,725 fstockholder satendofrepo rtingperiod Particularsaboutstocksheldbythetop10stockholders Nameofsh Nature Holdin TotalH Increa Share Numbero Numberof areholde ofshar gRatio olding seorde Categ fnon-cu sharespl r eholde (%) shares crease ory rrentsh edgedorf r (%) inRepo ares rozen rtingP eriod DahuaGro state- 63.64 175,00 0 untra 175,000 upCo.,Lt ownedS 0,000 dable ,000 d. hareho lder Yishengt Foreig 0.41 1,120, 0 trada angPharm ncapit 000 ble acyCo.,L alshar td. eholde r SCBHKA/C Foreig 0.20 561,00 561,00 trada KGINVEST ncapit 0 0 ble MENTSASI alshar ALIMITED eholde r TianGeng Foreig 0.20 542,10 542,10 trada ncapit 0 0 ble alshar eholde r ZhangShe Foreig 0.18 489,70 140,00 trada ngqiang ncapit 0 0 ble alshar eholde r YiLin Foreig 0.16 449,47 338,77 trada ncapit 0 1 ble alshar eholde r ZengHuim Foreig 0.16 435,80 0 trada ing ncapit 0 ble alshar eholde r QiuAhai Foreig 0.15 414,00 -110,0 trada ncapit 0 00 ble alshar eholde r HeLixin Foreig 0.14 372,10 372,10 trada ncapit 0 0 ble alshar eholde r WuBin Foreig 0.13 370,00 0 trada ncapit 0 ble alshar eholde r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Particularsaboutcurrentstocksheldbythetop10stockholders: Nameofshareholder Tradablesha ShareCategory resheld YishengtangPharmacyCo.,Ltd. 1,120,000 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly SCBHKA/CKGINVESTMENTSASIALIMITED 561,000 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly TianGeng 542,100 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly ZhangShengqiang 489,700 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly YiLin 449,470 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly ZengHuiming 435,800 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly QiuAhai 414,000 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly HeLixin 372,100 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly WuBin 370,000 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly XuYaozhong 350,500 Foreign-investedsto ckslisteddomestical ly Explanationofassociatedrelations TheCo.isnotawarewhetherotherstoc hiporconsistentactionofaboveshar kholdersareinassociatedrelations eholders hiporwhethertheyareconsistentact ors. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Among the top ten stockholders, the Dahua Group Co., Ltd. holding state-owned Legal Person's Stock has no associated relationship with other stockholders, which is not an consistent actor provided in the “Methods for Management on the Revelation of the Information about Change of Stocks Held by Listed Corporations”. The Co. is not aware whether other stockholders are in associated relationship or whether they are consistent actors.2. Change in holding shareholder and actual controlling person During the report period, company's holding shareholder and actual controlling persons remained unchanged. IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Staffs (I) Change in Shares held of Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives In the reporting period, there is no change in shares held of Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives. (II) Particulars about newly employed or dismissed Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives The Company's shareholder meeting of Year 2005 was held at 9:00 on Jun. 16, 2006, having selected 4th board of directors and 4th board of supervisors. The shareholder meeting selected Mr. Liu Pingqin, Mr. Song Fucheng, Mr. Wang Weiyan, Mr. Yu Hong, Mr. Fu Shining, Mr. Qi Shuzhi as directors, and selected Mr. Dong Qun, Mr. Yu Li and Ms. Zhang Li as independent director, with above members consisting of 4th board of directors; the meeting selected Ms. Li Hua, Mr. Wang Zhaobo and Mr. Bi Chongxin as supervisors, with above supervisors and the selected staff representative supervisors Mr. Zhao Guolun, Mr. Zhang Weigang in Staff Representative Meeting consisting of 4th board of directors. Among above supervisors, except that Mr. Dong Qun will assume a term of office for two years, all other members will work for a term of office in three years. On the 1st meeting of 4th board of directors held on Jun. 16, 2006, Mr. Liu Pingqin was selected as president of company, and Mr. Song Fucheng and Mr. Wang Weiyan were selected as the vice president. Meanwhile, on the 1st meeting of 4th board of directors held on Jun. 16, 2006, Ms. Li Hua was selected as the Chairwoman of Supervisor. The meeting of directors resumes the contract with Mr. Qi Shuzhi as the general manager of company, and the contracts with Mr. Jiang Shulin, Mr. Xiao Zhengji, Mr. Li Jiantao as the vice general managers, and contract with Mr. Jiang Shengguo as general financial supervisor, and as well as the contract with Mr. Zhou Wei as secretary of the board of director, with the contract period for three years. V. Discussion and analysis of senior executives (I) Discussion and analysis of senior executives 1. Company operation achievement and financial condition In the first half year of 2006, the raised price of crude oil and raw coal causes the price raise of synthetic ammonia, the major raw material for company. As the cost for major products of company has increased, while the price for the major product pure soda of company has greatly dropped compared with that in the same period last year, income from main business has decreased seriously. At the same, the implementation of relocation and reforming plan has forced the company to stop operation of production facilities for combined soda products in Jun. 2006, resulting reduction of main business income of 68 million Yuan and 406 million Yuan of main business income for the second half year of 2006. In the first half year of 2006, the income from main business is RMB 210.45 million Yuan, with deficit in RMB 76.12 million Yuan in the first half year. During the report period, company produced 277,500 tons of pure soda and 114,300 tons of ammonium chloride. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amount(RMBYuan) Increme Amountofthisper Figureatsameperiod ntorDec iod lastyear rement( %) Stockholders'Equity 449,812,674.16 525,930,198.12 -14.47 CurrentLiabilities 319,156,284.70 250,957,473.07 27.18 MainBusinessincome 421,414,246.23 631,866,593.35 -33.31 Managementexpenses 8,507,142.36 45,349,077.93 -81.24 Netprofit -76,117,523.96 16,424,141.77 -563.45 NetCashFlowfromOpera 139,936,491.13 -9,974,204.68 1,502.9 tingActivities 9 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1) The stockholders' equity reduces 14.47% due to company's deficit in first half year; 2) The current liabilities increased 27.18%, since the company bank loan increases in RMB 36 million Yuan causing accounts payable increased for RMB 33 million Yuan, and although accounts prepaid reduces RMB 48 million Yuan while other accounts payable increase RMB 42 million Yuan, causing increased current liabilities; 3) The income from main business has decreased 33.31%, since the price for the major product pure soda of company has greatly dropped compared with that in the same period last year. At the same, the implementation of relocation and reforming project has forced the company to stop operation of production facilities for combined products in Jun. 2006, resulting reduction of main business income of 68 million Yuan, having caused income reduction in income from main business. 4) The management expenses reduce 81.24%, since the provisions for bad accounts in the same period last year is relatively high, causing great management expenses last year. While in the report period, the company withdrew the provision for depreciation RMB 13 million for management expenses, causing great reduction in management expenses compared with that last year. 5) The net profit is great deficit, since the cost for major product of company has increased while the market price of major product pure soda has dropped seriously, causing great loss for company. 6) The net cash flow from operating activities has increased greatly compared with that at the same period last year, since the holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. has refunded the balance due RMB 133 million Yuan with the funds for relocation and rebuilding. 2. Problems and Difficulties Existing in Operation & Solutions thereto (1) Due to overproduction capacity in pure soda industry, great confliction between supply and demand, and severe competition, the product price will drop seriously, which will cause serious influence for the operating achievements. Meanwhile, the price of crude oil remains high has caused the major raw material of company synthetic ammonia to rise in price, leading to increase in company production cost. To solve above adverse factors, the company will try to control economy operation, put emphasis on energy saving and reducing power consumption so as to reduce product costs. (2) The company stops the production facilities for combined soda in June, causing serious influence for company's production capacity. At the same time, as the company is undergoing moving and relocation, the company will not invest great amount of funds on current production facility but maintain at current operation status, which will also bring risks for normal production. To solve above problems, the company carried out overhaul and consolidation, and enlarged the production capacity for ammonia soda, maintaining continuous marketing proportion. Besides, the company has strengthened the maintenance care and patrol inspection, rectified technological process, solidified repair and waste recycle, so as to guarantee the safety operation of ammonia soda production facilities. (3) As the company is undergoing relocation and reforming project, the production facilities for combined soda has been stopped and some staff have been dismissed temporarily, so staff's attitude and stability will have great impact upon the current production operation and relocation & reform work. To maintain staff, the company carries out ideological education on staff and maintains normal management, the company carried out technical training on staff in turn so as to satisfy the technical requirement for new projects. At the same time, the company will select from excellent staff to arrange work to guarantee staff to stably work and provide sufficient personnel preparation for relocation and reform work. (II) The main business and its operating situation 1. Main business sub-trade and products details Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Industry/ MainBusin MainBusine Mainbu Incre Increas Increase Products essincome sscost siness aseor eordecr ordecrea profit decre easeofm seofmain rate(% aseof ainbusi business ) mainb nesscos profitra usine tcompar tecompar ssinc edwitht edwithth omeco hesamep esameper mpare eriodla iodlasty dwith styear( ear(%) thesa %) meper iodla styea r(%) Sub-trade Chemicalt 421,414,2 479,514,82 -13.79 -33.3 -14.58 Decrease rade 46.23 7.88 1 24.95% Inproduct s AmmoniaSo 184,855,3 209,800,26 -13.49 3.65 18.72 Decrease da&PureSo 61.39 1.75 14.41% da TwoProduc 229,189,2 260,993,30 -13.88 -47.8 -28.89 Decrease tsbyCombi 89.43 0.51 5 30.36% nedWay(Pu reSoda&Am moniumChl oride) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Of which: the associated trade amount of selling products or providing labors to holding shareholder and subordinate company by listed company within reporting period RMB 118,541,558.83 Yuan2. Main business details (in regions) Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ InArea MainBusinessincome Increaseordecreaseofmainb usinessincomecomparedwith thesameperiodlastyear(%) North-eastArea 185,849,888.43 -29.56 GuangdongArea 74,537,090.67 -11.44 Overseas 73,161,381.41 -61.20 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ As the market price of sales products dropped dramatically in the first half year compared with that price at the same period last year, meanwhile the relocation and reform project of company has great impact upon the business operation. As a result, the company's income from main business reduced dramatically compared with the same period last year and so did the income of main business in different regions. 3. Explanation on changes of main business and business structure The implementation of relocation and reform project has forced the company to stop operation of combined soda manufacture facilities in Jun. 2006, so the company will mainly deal with non-combined soda products, which has caused income loss of 68 million Yuan for June and will reduce 406 million Yuan in main business income for the second half year. 4. Explanation on reduction of main business profitability (gross profit rate) compared with that last year As price rise of raw materials caused cost increase, and the market price of company's major products reduced dramatically compared with that last year, this leads to company's deficit in the first half year, with gross profit rate in negative number, causing great reduction in profit compared with that last year. 5. Analysis on reasons of changes of profit structure compared with that last year As the company is in great deficit in the first half year, the great changes occurred in profit structure compared with that last year. (III) Investing Situation of the Co. 1. During the reporting period, the Co. has made no fund-raising or any situation that post-phase funds have been used in current period. 2. There is no Investment project with raised Funds within the Reporting Period (IV) Financial Condition & Operating Achievements (V) Operation scheme change program for the second half year from board of directors As the relocation & reform project is still undergoing and the company has stopped operation of combined soda production facilities, in the second half year, the company plans to cancel the production plan of 237,500 tons of ammonium chloride, and 232,500 tons of pure soda, which will reduce the income from main business for 406 million Yuan. The company plans to produce 210,000 tons of pure soda in the second half year, achieving 347 million Yuan for income from main business. (VI) Warning and explanation on possible deficit of accumulated net profit from beginning of year to period end of next report period or great reduction compared with the same period last year Since 2006, as the market price for crude oil and raw coal is maintaining at a high price, which leads to raised price of synthetic ammonia the major raw material supplied to company, at the same time, the market price of major product pure soda decreased dramatically compared with that last year, the company has a deficit of 76.12 million Yuan in the first half year. Meanwhile, such situation in market is estimated to continue for the next three seasons, while the implementation of relocation and reforming project has forced the company to stop the operation of combined soda production facilities, and this will reduce 406 million Yuan for income from main business. As a result, the accumulated net profit of company will be in large deficit. VI. Significant Events (I) Administrating Condition of the Co. Strictly adhering to the requirements specified in "Law of Corporations", "Law of Securities" as well as relevant laws, rules and regulations formulated by China Securities Supervising Committee, the Co. has been constantly perfecting the legal person administrating structure of the Co., establishing modern enterprise system, strengthening internal control system and standardizing the operation of the Co. Within the report period, according the related stipulations and requirement from China Securities Supervising Committee and Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company has modified "Articles of Corporation", "discussion regulations of Shareholder's Meeting", " Rules of Procedure for Director Meetings " and " Rules of Procedure for Supervisor Meetings ", meanwhile perfecting the administrating structure of the Co. as per the promulgations in such standard documents as "Administrative Code for Listed Corporations". (II) Major lawsuits or arbitration cases In this reporting period, no major lawsuits or arbitration cases occurred in the company. (III) Item of assets transaction For this reporting period, there were no matters of purchasing or selling assets, annexation or mergence. (IV) Major Associated Transactions within the reporting period 1. Associated transactions with daily operation (1) Major associated transactions for purchasing commodities or accepting labor services Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofRe Contentofa Pricingprin Amountofass Proport Modeofset lations ssociatedt ciplesforas ociatedtran ioninam tlementof ransaction sociatedtra saction ountoft associate nsaction hesimil dtransact artrans ion action( %) DahuaGro Purchasing Marketprice 206,458,424 56.22 Come-and- upCo.,Lt rawmateria ,noagreedpr .03 goaccount d. ls,electri iceforaffor settlemen city,steam dablemarket t andsynthet price icammonia DahuaGro Purchasera MarketPrice 1,579,512.9 0.43 Come-and- upFuzhou wsalt 7 goaccount wanSaltF settlemen ield t DalianHu Purchasepa MarketPrice 7,319,968.0 1.99 Come-and- adiIndus ckage 0 goaccount trialGen settlemen eralCorp t oration DahuaGro Purchaseco MarketPrice 20,613,780. 5.61 Come-and- upDalian ke 00 goaccount BoerChem settlemen icalIndu t stryCo., Ltd. DahuaGro Paysforsla MarketPrice 9,389,503.1 52.28 Come-and- upCo.,Lt gdischarge 3 goaccount d. ,transport settlemen t DahuaGro Paysfortra MarketPrice 820,831.50 4.57 Come-and- upDalian nsport,dis goaccount Automoti assembly settlemen veTransp t ortCo.,L td. DalianHu PaysforRep MarketPrice 524,208.26 2.92 Come-and- adiIndus airexpense goaccount trialGen s settlemen eralCorp t oration ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The company purchases raw materials, electricity, steam and synthetic ammonia etc. from holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. The company purchases raw salt from Dahua Group Fuzhouwan Salt Field, the parent company's whole-funded holding company. The company purchases package from Dalian Huadi Industrial General Corporation, the Parent company's share-participating company. The company purchases coke from Dahua Group Dalian Boer Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., the Parent company's share-participating company. The company pays the holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. expenses for transport, disassembly, slag discharge. The company pays the parent company's share-participating company Dahua Group Dalian Automotive Transport Co., Ltd. the expenses for transport, disassembly. The company pays the parent company's share-participating company Dalian Huadi Industrial General Corporation for Repair expenses. (2) Major associated transactions for selling commodities or offering labor services Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofRel Contentofa Pricingprin Amountofas Proporti Modeofse ations ssociatedt ciplesforas sociatedtr oninamou ttlement ransaction sociatedtra ansaction ntofthes ofassoci nsaction imilartr atedtran ansactio saction n(%) DahuaGrou salesofpur Marketprice 18,357,715 4.36 Come-and pCo.,Ltd. esoda,ammo ,noagreedpr .83 -goaccou niumchlori iceforaffor ntsettle de dablemarket ment price DahuaInte salesofpur MarketPrice 46,895,328 11.13 Come-and rnational esoda,ammo .86 -goaccou Economics niumchlori ntsettle &TradeCo. de ment DahuaGrou salesofpur MarketPrice 26,266,052 6.19 Come-and pDalianGu esoda,ammo .55 -goaccou anlinInte niumchlori ntsettle rnational de ment TradingCo .,Ltd. DahuaGrou salesofrou MarketPrice 24,282,419 5.76 Come-and pDalianRu ghammonium .47 -goaccou ilinCo.,L chloride ntsettle td. ment DalianHon salesofpur MarketPrice 1,677,624. 0.40 Come-and gtuDistri esoda,ammo 00 -goaccou butionCo. niumchlori ntsettle de ment DalianHua salesofpur MarketPrice 1,062,418. 0.25 Come-and diIndustr esoda,ammo 12 -goaccou ialGenera niumchlori ntsettle lCorporat de ment ion ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The company sells pure soda, ammonium chloride to the holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. expenses. The company sells export pure soda, ammonium chloride etc. to the Parent Company's whole-funded holding company Dahua International Economics & Trade Co.. The company sells export pure soda, ammonium chloride etc. to Dahua Group Dalian Guanlin International Trading Co., Ltd., the parent company's share-participating company. The company sells rough ammonium chloride etc. to Dahua Group Dalian Ruilin Co., Ltd., the Parent company's share-participating company. The company sells pure soda, ammonium chloride etc. to Dalian Hongtu Distribution Co., the Parent company's share-participating company. The company sells pure soda, ammonium chloride etc. to Dalian Huadi Industrial General Corporation, the Parent company's share-participating company. The associated transactions will be sustained for the reason that the Co. must, in virtue of its production technologies, purchase such raw materials as synthetic ammonia, steam, water and electricity as well as other power from the holding stockholder in order to meet the requirements for production. As the production history will have to be sustained, the purchase & sales of Co. has to deal with associated transactions a lot with the holding shareholder and other associated company, and such associated transaction has been integrated into one of major components for the operating income, sales and profit of the Co. The associated companies provide transportation, maintenance etc. comprehensive service, having guaranteed smooth and normal production and business operation of the Co., greatly reduced the operating cost of company. The associated transactions among the Co. with related associated parties are settled through come-and-go accounts, as the company purchases raw salt from Dahua Group Fuzhouwan Salt Field to offset the balance due its parent company Dahua Group Co., Ltd. should pay to this Co. The come-and-go accounts are settled on a monthly basis, with balance paid in cash. As the production technology is closely connected with the holding shareholder, the production situation of holding shareholder will directly influence that of the Co, and vice versa. In the first half year of 2006, the Co. purchased water supply, electricity, steam and synthetic ammonia etc. raw materials from its holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. for a value of 206 million Yuan, covering 56.22% of the total purchase amount. The close connection in technological process between the company and its holding shareholder forces the Co. to rely on its holding shareholder to supply related raw materials. The products sales & purchase and offering labor services between the Co. and associated parties are carried out in accordance with the market price or negotiated price agreed by the two parties. All the transactions between the Co. and associated parties are continuing with consistent transaction price, and such transactions never harm the benefits of the Co. and shareholders. Explanation on comparison of associated transaction executions and budget: The Co. has made budget for the daily associated transactions in 2006, which has been discussed and passed through 2005 Annual Stockholder Meeting. Within report period, the budget amount in the whole year for the Co. to purchase water supply, electricity, steam and synthetic ammonia etc. from Dahua Group Co., Ltd. is 573 million Yuan, to be covering 54.13% of total purchase amount; while the actual amount is 206 million Yuan, covering 56.22% of total purchase amount. Though the purchase amount reduced somehow, its proportion still keeps high. The reason for such reduction in purchase amount is because that the Co. stopped the production facilities for combined soda in June, causing great decrease in purchase amount from Dahua Group Co., Ltd. Except above situations, the actual associated transactions doesn’t have any obvious difference in budget associations. 2. Associated creditor's rights & debtor's responsibility exchange Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofRelations Relation Fundsthatlistedco Fundsthatassociatedp withlist mpanyprovidestoas artyprovidestolisted edcompan sociatedparty company y Actualam Balance Actualamount Balanc ount e DahuaGroupCo.,L HoldingS 13,292.62 0 td. harehold er Total / 13,292.62 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Within report period, the actual amount of funds that listed company provides to its holding shareholders and subordinate company is 0 Yuan, and the balance of funds that listed company provides to its holding shareholders and subordinate company is 0 Yuan. Reason for forming such associated creditor's rights & debtor's responsibility: Such situation continues from company accounts handling, as the purchase & sales business and non-purchase & sales business between the Co. and its holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. are always recorded in the item "other accounts receivable – group company", thus forming the associated creditor's rights & debtor's responsibility. As the high frequent business transactions, the business or non-business transactions are recorded in item "Other accounts receivable", the actual amount and balance under this item is deemed as the non-business associated creditor's rights and debtor's responsibility. Liquidation for such associated creditor's rights & debtor's responsibility: By the end of Jun. 21st 2006, the holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. has fully repaid all the balance due with the compensation funds for relocation and rebuilding. Related commitments for associated creditor's rights & debtor's responsibility: The holding shareholder-Dahua Group Co., Ltd. commits to repay all the balance due before Sept. 30, 2006, and it has fulfilled its commitment for repayment. Impact of associated creditor's rights and debtor's responsibility upon company operation achievement and financial condition: Dahua Group Co., Ltd. repaid the balance due with its funds for relocation and rebuilding, giving great support in funds for the relocation and reform work for the Co. Impropriated funds and its liquidation progress in the first half year of 2006: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Balanceofim To Li Li LiquidatedTime(month) Amoun Amou propriatedf ta qu qu tatbe ntby undsfornon- ll id id ginni thee businessuse iq at at ngofp ndof fromlistedc ui in ed eriod peri ompanybybig da gm am od shareholder te od ou anditsaffil da e nt iatedcompan mo (t y(tenthousa un en ndYuan) tw th it ou hi sa nr nd ep Yu or an tp ) er io d( te nt ho us an dY ua n) 13,29 0 13,292.62 Liqu 215.98 3 2.62 idat edin cash Liqu 5,000.00 4 idat edin cash Liqu 306.28 5 idat edin cash Liqu 7,770.36 6 idat edin cash Specificexp BytheendofJun.21st2006,theholdingshareholderDahuaGrou lanationabo pCo.,Ltd.hasfullyliquidatedallthebalanceduetotheCo. utimpropria tedfundsfor non-busines susefromlis tedcompanyb ybigshareho lderanditsa ffiliatedco mpanyandits liquidation status ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3. Other Major Associated Transactions 1) According to the “Land Leasing Agreement” signed between Dahua Group Co., Ltd. and the company, the company is to pay land rent 1,980,000.00 Yuan in this year and has paid 990,000.00 Yuan in the first half year. 2) According to the “Trademark Use Right Agreement” signed between Dahua Group Co., Ltd. and the company, the company is to pay trademark use expense of 1,020,000.00 Yuan in this year and has paid 510,000.00 Yuan in the first half year. 3) The loan of RMB 60,000,000.00 Yuan from Industrial & Commercial Bank was guaranteed by Dahua Group Co., Ltd. (V) Trusting There were no major cases of the Co. trusting in this reporting period. (VI) Contracting There were no major cases of the Co. contracting in this reporting period. (VII) Renting There were no major cases of the Co. renting in this reporting period. (VIII) Guarantee There were no major cases of the Co. guarantee in this reporting period. (IX) Financial entrustment status There were no major cases of the financial entrustment in this reporting period. (X) Commitment implementation issues On Mar. 23, 2006, the holding shareholder-Dahua Group Co., Ltd. commits to repay all the balance due before Sept. 30, 2006 with its relocation and reform funds. By the end of Jun. 21st 2006, Dahua Group Co., Ltd. has fully repaid all the balance due with the compensation funds for relocation and rebuilding, and fulfilled its commitment of repayment. About shareholding reform time schedule for company haven't reformed to shareholding system As China Securities Supervising Committee has not made any schedule for stock rights assignment reform work of B share companies, the Co. will carry out stock rights assignment reform only after the related policy is officially released. (XI) Penalty and Reconstruction Status of company, board of directors, directors Within the reporting period, none of the Board of Directors and directors was checked, administratively punished or criticized by circulating notices by China Securities Monitor Council. (XII) Other Significant Matters There were no other important matters in this reporting period. (XIII) Information disclosure index ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Issues Nameandcoverofpublished Publis Publishedi newspapersandpagenumber heddat nternetweb e siteandret rievalpath Temp.2006-001:Publica LayoutB09inChinaSecurit Apr.5, www.sse.co tionondeficitin1stqua iesJournal,LayoutC17inS 2006 m.cn rter hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L ayoutA11inHongKongComme rcialDaily(English) Temp2006-002:Publicat LayoutC22inChinaSecurit Apr.21 www.sse.co iononbudgetdailyassoc iesJournal,LayoutC11inS ,2006 m.cn iatedtransactionsin20 hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L 06 ayoutB7inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) Temp2006-003:Publicat LayoutC22inChinaSecurit Apr.21 www.sse.co iononresolutionof16th iesJournal,LayoutC13inS ,2006 m.cn meetingofboardofdirec hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L torsof3rdsessionandno ayoutB8inHongKongCommer ticetohold2005AnnualS cialDaily(English) hareholders'Meeting Temp.2006-004:Publica LayoutC22inChinaSecurit Apr.21 www.sse.co tiononresolutionof10t iesJournal,LayoutC13inS ,2006 m.cn hmeetingofsupervisors hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L of3rdsession ayoutB8inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) Temp.2006-005:Publica LayoutC22inChinaSecurit Apr.12 www.sse.co tiononestimateddefici iesJournal,LayoutC13inS ,2006 m.cn tforfirsthalfyearof20 hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L 06 ayoutB8inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) AbstractofAnnualRepor LayoutC23inChinaSecurit Apr.21 www.sse.co t2005 iesJournal,LayoutC11inS ,2006 m.cn hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L ayoutB7inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) 1stQuarterReport2006 LayoutC23inChinaSecurit Apr.21 www.sse.co iesJournal,LayoutC11inS ,2006 m.cn hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L ayoutB8inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) Temp.2006-006:Publica LayoutC15inChinaSecurit May16, www.sse.co tiononshareholder'sre iesJournal,LayoutB30inS 2006 m.cn paymentprogress hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L ayoutB9inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) Temp.2006-007:Publica LayoutC15inChinaSecurit May16, www.sse.co tiononstoppingcombine iesJournal,LayoutB30inS 2006 m.cn dsodaproductionfacili hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L tyforrelocation ayoutB9inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) Temp.2006-008:Publica LayoutA19inChinaSecurit Jun.13 www.sse.co tiononshareholder'sli iesJournal,LayoutB36inS ,2006 m.cn quidatingbalancedue hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L ayoutB7inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) Temp.2006-009:Publica LayoutC002inChinaSecuri Jun.17 www.sse.co tiononresolutionof200 tiesJournal,LayoutB20in ,2006 m.cn 5shareholder'smeeting ShanghaiSecuritiesNews, LayoutB6inHongKongComme rcialDaily(English) Temp.2006-010:Publica LayoutC002inChinaSecuri Jun.17 www.sse.co tiononresolutionof1st tiesJournal,LayoutB20in ,2006 m.cn meetingofboardofdirec ShanghaiSecuritiesNews, torsof4thsession LayoutB6inHongKongComme rcialDaily(English) Temp.2006-011:Publica LayoutC002inChinaSecuri Jun.17 www.sse.co tiononresolutionof1st tiesJournal,LayoutB20in ,2006 m.cn meetingofboardofsuper ShanghaiSecuritiesNews, visorsof4thsession LayoutB6inHongKongComme rcialDaily(English) Temp.2006-012:Publica LayoutC002inChinaSecuri Jun.21 www.sse.co tiononsettlingshareho tiesJournal,LayoutB18in ,2006 m.cn lder'sliquidationonba ShanghaiSecuritiesNews, lancedue LayoutB5inHongKongComme rcialDaily(English) Temp.2006-013:Supplem LayoutB07inChinaSecurit Jun.28 www.sse.co entaryPublicationonse iesJournal,LayoutB18inS ,2006 m.cn ttlingshareholder'sli hanghaiSecuritiesNews,L quidationonbalancedue ayoutB7inHongKongCommer cialDaily(English) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ VII. Financial Accounting Report (not audited) (I) Financial accounting report Balance sheet Jun. 30, 2006 Filed by: Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Remarks Amountbytheen Amountatbegi dofperiod nningofperio d CurrentAssets: Cashfund 476,375,486.4 303,506,692. 4 83 Short-terminvestment Notesreceivable 4,307,721.00 10,316,672.2 3 Shareprofitreceivable Interestreceivable AccountsReceivable 22,491,223.81 27,480,604.2 6 OtherAccountsReceivable 3,941,268.05 126,157,277. 21 AccountsPrepaid 0 0 SubsidyReceivable 0 0 Inventory 33,446,237.33 76,113,863.5 4 Expensestobeapportioned 3,278,274.96 496,569.88 Long-termbondinvestmentduew ithinoneyear OthercurrentAssets TotalcurrentAssets 543,840,211.5 544,071,679. 9 95 Long-terminvestment: Long-termshareinvestment: Long-termbondinvestment: Totallong-terminvestment Ofwhich:mergedpricedifferen ce Ofwhich:shareinvestmentpric edifference FixedAssets: OriginalpriceoffixedAssets 801,571,803.0 807,836,252. 1 46 Less:accumulateddepreciatio 576,979,134.9 567,176,578. n 9 06 NetvalueoffixedAssets 224,592,668.0 240,659,674. 2 40 Less:fixedAssetswaitingford 9,215,264.08 9,215,264.08 epreciation NetvalueoffixedAssets 215,377,403.9 231,444,410. 4 32 Engineeringmaterial on-constructionproject 9,751,343.33 1,371,580.92 Clearing-upoffixedAssets TotalfixedAssets 225,128,747.2 232,815,991. 7 24 Intangibleassetsandotherass ets: Intangibleassets Long-termexpensestobeapport ioned Otherlong-termassets Totalintangibleassetsandoth erassets Deferredtax: Debititemofdeferredtax TotalAssets 768,968,958.8 776,887,671. 6 19 CurrentLiabilities: Short-termloan 96,000,000.00 60,000,000.0 0 Notespayable AccountsPayable: 127,932,829.8 94,699,606.6 7 5 Accountspre-received 34,476,730.53 82,875,558.0 7 Wagespayable Welfarepayable 588,349.61 1,810,525.97 Shareprofitpayable Taxpayable -9,959,585.66 -16,626,381. 91 OtherAccountspayable OtherAccountsPayable 70,117,960.35 28,198,164.2 9 Withholdingexpenses EstimatedLiabilities Long-termliabilitiesduewith inoneyear OthercurrentLiabilities Totalcurrentliabilities 319,156,284.7 250,957,473. 0 07 Long-termliabilities: Long-termloan Bondpayable Long-termaccountpayable Specialaccountspayable Otherlong-termliabilities Totallong-termliabilities Deferredtax: Credititemofdeferredtax Totalliabilities 319,156,284.7 250,957,473. 0 07 Minorstockholders'Equity Owner’sEquity(orstockholde r’sequity): Paid-upcapital(orsharecost) 275,000,000.0 275,000,000. 0 00 Less:investmentreturned Netvalueofpaid-upcapital(or 275,000,000.0 275,000,000. sharecost) 0 00 CapitalPublicReserveFund 228,687,247.8 228,687,247. 4 84 SurplusPublicReserveFund 15,404,353.58 15,404,353.5 8 Ofwhich:LegalPublicWelfareF 0 7,501,041.59 und UndistributedProfits -69,278,927.2 6,838,596.70 6 Cashshareprofitplannedtobed istributed Conversionpricedifferencefo rforeigncurrencyreport Less:unconfirmedinvestmentl oss Totalowner’sEquity(orstock 449,812,674.1 525,930,198. holder’sequity) 6 12 Totalliabilitiesandowner’s 768,968,958.8 776,887,671. Equity(orstockholder’sequi 6 19 ty) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Legal Representative: Liu Pingqin Principal in charge of accounting work: Qi Shuzhi Principal of finance department: Jiang Shengguo Profit and Loss Statement Jan. to Jun. 2006 Filed by: Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Remarks Amountofthisp Figureatsame eriod periodlastye ar I.MainBusinessincome 421,414,246.2 631,866,593. 3 35 Less:MainBusinesscost 479,514,827.8 561,345,314. 8 43 MainBusinesstaxandplus 581,322.57 II.ProfitofMainBusiness(los -58,100,581.6 69,939,956.3 sindicateswith“-”) 5 5 Plus:ProfitofotherBusiness( -774,173.54 -931,891.81 lossindicateswith“-”) Less:Operatingexpenses 8,210,440.89 7,211,641.99 Managementexpenses 8,507,142.36 45,349,077.9 3 Financialexpenses -1,247,027.80 -39,299.11 III.Operatingprofit(lossind -74,345,310.6 16,486,643.7 icateswith“-”) 4 3 Plus:Investmentearnings(los sindicateswith“-”) Subsidyincome Business-outincome 0 28,548.04 Less:Business-outexpenses 1,772,213.32 91,050.00 IV.Totalprofit(lossindicate -76,117,523.9 16,424,141.7 swith“-”) 6 7 Less:incometax Less:Minorstockholders'prof itandloss Plus:unconfirmedinvestmentl oss(Mergedreport) V.Netprofit(lossindicateswi -76,117,523.9 16,424,141.7 th“-”) 6 7 Plus:UndistributedProfitsat 6,838,596.70 -19,772,137. thebeginningofyear 23 Othertransfer VI:Profitscanbedistributed -69,278,927.2 -3,347,995.4 6 6 Less:WithheldSurplusPublicR eserveFund WithheldLegalPublicWelfareF und Withheldemployee’sbonusand welfarefunds(mergedreport) Withheldreservedfunds Withheldenterprisedevelopme ntfunds Profitreturnedtoinvestment VII:Profitscanbedistributed -69,278,927.2 -3,347,995.4 tostockholders 6 6 Less:PriorityShareprofitpay able WithheldanySurplusPublicRes erveFund CommonShareprofitpayable CommonSharetransferredassto ckcost VIII.UndistributedProfit(lo -69,278,927.2 -3,347,995.4 ssuncoveredindicateswith“- 6 6 ”) Supplementarymaterial: 1.Sales,disposaltheearnings fromdepartmentandinvestedun it 2.Lossduetonaturalhazard 3.Totalprofitincreased(orre duced)duetoaccountingpolicy alteration 4.Totalprofitincreased(orre duced)duetoaccountingestima tionalteration 5.Lossfromliabilitiesrecons truction 6.Others ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Legal Representative: Liu Pingqin Principal in charge of accounting work: Qi Shuzhi Principal of finance department: Jiang Shengguo Cash Flow Statement Jan. to Jun. 2006 Filed by: Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Remarks Amountofthisperiod I.CashFlowfromOperatingActivit ies Cashfromsellingcommoditiesorof 252,887,227.42 feringlaborservices Taxexpensesreturned 0 OthercashreceivedrelatedwithOp 172,264,710.55 eratingActivities SubtotalofCashinflow 425,151,937.97 Cashfrompurchasingcommoditieso 241,530,841.92 racceptinglaborservices Cashpaidtoemployeesandtobepaid 37,966,683.67 foremployees Varioustaxexpensespaid 1,531,742.57 OthercashpaidrelatedwithOperat 4,186,178.68 ingActivities SubtotalofCashoutflow 285,215,446.84 NetCashFlowfromOperatingActivi 139,936,491.13 ties II.CashFlowfromInvestment Cashreceivedfrominvestmentretu rn Ofwhich:Cashreceivedfromtransf erringsubordinatecompany Cashforacquiringinvestmentearn ings Cashfromdisposaloffixedassets, intangibleassetsandotherlong-t ermassets Othercashreceivedrelatedwithin vestmentActivities SubtotalofCashinflow Cashpaidforpurchasingfixedasse 1,031,621.17 ts,intangibleassetsandotherlon g-termassets Cashpaidforinvestment Othercashpaidrelatedwithinvest mentActivities SubtotalofCashoutflow 1,031,621.17 NetCashFlowfrominvestment -1,031,621.17 III.CashFlowfromfundraising: Cashreceivedfromabsorbinginves tment Ofwhich:Cashreceivedforabsorbi ngminorshareholder’sequityinv estment Cashreceivedfromloan 102,000,000.00 Othercashreceivedrelatedwithfu ndraisingactivities SubtotalofCashinflow 102,000,000.00 Cashpaidforrepayingdebts 66,000,000.00 Cashpaidfordistributingsharepr 2,011,988.68 ofit,profitorinterest Ofwhich:shareprofitpaidformino rStockholders’Equity Othercashpaidrelatedwithfundra isingactivities Ofwhich:cashpaidtominorStockho ldersduetosubordinatecompany’ scapitalreductionaccordingtore latedlaw SubtotalofCashoutflow 68,011,988.68 NetCashFlowfromfundraising 33,988,011.32 IV.Impactoncashduetoexchangera -24,087.67 techange V.NetIncrementofCash&CashEquiv 172,868,793.61 alent Supplementarymaterial I.CashFlowconvertingnetprofitf orOperatingActivities Netprofit -76,117,523.96 Plus:Profitandlossofminorstock holder(lossindicateswith“-”) Less:unconfirmedinvestmentloss Plus:withheldcapitaldepreciati -6,413,203.46 onpreparation DepreciationofFixedAssets 14,387,151.66 Intangibleassetsamortization Amortizationoflong-termexpense stobeapportioned Decreaseofexpensestobeapportio 2,781,705.08 ned(Less:increase) Increaseofwithheldexpenses(Les s:decrease) Lossfromdisposaloffixedassets, intangibleassetsandotherlong-t ermassets(Less:earning) Reportedworthlessnesslossoffix 1,757,367.72 edassets Financialexpenses 24,087.67 Lossofinvestment(Less:earnings ) Credititemofdeferredtaxpayment (Less:Debititem) Decreaseofgoodsinstock(Less:in 43,114,900.72 crease) Decreaseofoperationalitemsrece 109,155,769.27 ivable(Less:increase) Increaseofoperationalitemspaya 63,449,503.29 ble(Less:decrease) Others NetCashFlowfromOperatingActivi 139,936,491.13 ties 2.Investmentandfundraisingacti vitiesnotrelatedtocashincomean dexpenses: Convertingdebtstoinvestment ConvertibleCompanybondduewithi noneyear FundraisingrentintofixedAssets : 3.NetIncrementstatusofCash&Cas hEquivalent Cashfinalbalance 476,375,486.44 Less:Cashinitialbalance 303,506,692.83 Plus:balanceofcashequivalentat periodend Less:balanceofcashequivalentat periodbeginning NetIncrementofCash&CashEquival 172,868,793.61 ent ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Legal Representative: Liu Pingqin Principal in charge of accounting work: Qi Shuzhi Principal of finance department: Jiang Shengguo Details of Assets Provision for Depreciation Jan. to Jun. 2006 Filed by: Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Initial Incr Decreasedincurrentperiod FinalBala Balance ease Amountre Amountt Total nce dinc turneddu ransfer urre etoasset redduet ntpe svalueri ootherr riod se easons Totalprovis 137,209 6,639,8 6,639,85 130,569,8 ionforbadac ,703.56 56.70 6.70 46.86 count Ofwhich:Acc 123,749 123,749,7 ountsReceiv ,778.10 78.10 able OtherAccoun 13,459, 6,639,8 6,639,85 6,820,068 tsReceivabl 925.46 56.70 6.70 .76 e Totalshort- terminvestm entdepricep rovision Ofwhich:sto ckinvestmen t Bondinvestm ent: Totalinvent 14,208, 6,413,2 6,413,20 7,795,364 orydeprecia 567.59 03.46 3.46 .13 tionprovisi on Ofwhich:inv entorycommo dities Finishedpro 6,413,2 6,413,2 6,413,20 0 ducts 03.46 03.46 3.46 Rawmaterial 7,795,3 7,795,364 64.13 .13 Totallong-t erminvestme ntdepreciat ionprovisio n Ofwhich:Lon g-termshare holderright investment: Long-termbo ndinvestmen t: Totalfixeda 9,215,2 9,215,264 ssetsdeprec 64.08 .08 iationprovi sion Ofwhich:hou sing,constr uction Machineryeq 9,215,2 9,215,264 uipment 64.08 .08 Intangiblea ssetsdeprec iationprovi sion Ofwhich:pat entright Trademarkri ght On-construc tionproject depreciatio nprovision Trustedloan depreciatio nprovision TotalAssets 160,633 13,053, 13,053,0 147,580,4 depreciatio ,535.23 060.16 60.16 75.07 n ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Legal Representative: Liu Pingqin Principal in charge of accounting work: Qi Shuzhi Principal of finance department: Jiang Shengguo Calculate net Earnings Ratio of Net Assets and Earnings per Stock as per the requirements of the provisions specified in the No. 9 of Profiling and Submitting Provisions in Publishing Securities Company Information issued by China Securities Supervising Committee: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ProfitinReportingP Earningsrateofnetasset Earningspershare eriod s(%) OverallAppo WeightedA OverallAppo WeightedA rtioned verage rtioned verage Mainbusinessprofit -12.92 -11.91 -0.21 -0.21 Operatingprofit -16.53 -15.24 -0.27 -0.27 Netprofit -16.93 -15.60 -0.28 -0.28 Netprofitafternon- -19.43 -17.91 -0.32 -0.32 recurrentgainandlo ss ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Introduction of Enterprise Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company through the approval of Dalian Municipal Government in 1997, founded by Dahua Group Co., Ltd., by reconstructing its subordinate Soda Factory as the main body and listing overseas shares (B shares). Our company is one of the largest comprehensive pure soda manufacturing enterprise, and the reconstructed main body – the previous Soda Factory of Dahua Group Co., Ltd. has the production history for over 60 years, with the major products of pure soda, rough ammonia (agricultural ammonia chloride), refined ammonia and ammonium bicarbonate. The company's major product pure soda has the annual production capacity of about 800 thousand tons, and its supreme product quality has won the national golden metal issued by national economic committee, and the "Gonglian" Brand pure soda has been entitled with National Famous Brand Product in 2003. The company has the annual production capacity of about 480 thousand tons for rough ammonia, and its "Dadi" brand ammonium chloride was entitled with National Famous Brand Product in Sept. 2005. By the end of 2005, the employee number is 2,496. The company issued 100 million shares of “B share” in Sept. 1997, with the price of 2.58 Yuan per share. On Oct. 21, 1997, the company listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange. (II) Company’s major accounting policy, accounting estimation and filing method of accounting report 1. Accounting standards and accounting system: The Co. implemented the “Accounting Code for Enterprises”, “Accounting Rules for Enterprises” and relevant provisions on financial accounting. 2. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of company starts from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 in Gregorian calendar. 3. Accounting standard money: The accounting standard money of company is RMB. 4. Filing basis, accounting basis and valuation principle: The accounting audit of company is on accrual basis. All items of properties and materials is valuated according to the actual cost when purchase, and is valuated as per the lower one from convertible net value and book value. 5. Foreign currency accounting method: Foreign currency transactions are recorded in RMB at the market middle exchange rates on the 1st day of this month. 6. Judgment standard of Cash & Cash Equivalent: To convert the short-term (due within 3 month after the date of purchase), flexible flowability funds held by company into known amount cash and investment with less value fluctuation. 7. Short-term investment accounting method: The short-term investment at end of period are recorded with the lower one between the cost and market price, and are withheld for depreciation provision based on the price difference of short-term investment and the cost of single-item investment market price. 8. Valuation method for bad account loss of account receivable The judgment standard for bad account is: (1) Since the debtor goes bankruptcy or dies, account receivable can not be recovered even if it is reimbursed with bankruptcy properties or heritage; (2) When the debtor doesn’t perform the obligations of repaying the debts for over three years, there are obvious or uncovered accounts receivable with evidence thereto. The valuation method of bad account: The valuation method for bad accounts should take allowance method, and the account receivable (including the accounts receivable and other accounts receivable) should be withheld for bad account provision according to the analysis on the years of account at the end of period. At the same time, the accounts receivable conforming to the following standard should especially increase the bad accounts provision besides the commonly withheld bad accounts provision: (1) The balance due at the end of period is a huge number, generally considering of over RMB 300 thousand Yuan; (2) In this period, there is not any balance due to any transactions owed by clients, or in the balance due owed by client with certain transaction, there are some balance due caused in the last year, which are mutually agreed by two parties to temporarily suspend such balance due; (3) Though the company has urged many times to return the balance due, the client still has great difficulties in repaying. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ analysisontheyearsofaccount Yearsofaccount Withholdingproportionofa Withholdingproporti ccountreceivable(%) onofotheraccountrec eivable(%) Within1year(includi 5 5 ng1year) 1to2years 10 10 2to3years 30 30 3to4years 50 50 4to5years 70 70 Over5years 100 100 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 9. Inventory accounting method: The inventories are divided as raw material, package, in-product and finished products etc. according to the physical form. The spare parts and package among the raw materials, which are frequently to purchase and use, are valuated as per the planned cost. As other bulky inventories are not so frequently purchased and used, but consumed in large quantity, these inventories are recorded as per the actual cost and the outgo ones are recorded in Weighted Average. The low-value consumables are amortized in one-time amortization method. At the end of period, the products are recorded as per the cost of major raw materials. Inventory on hand utilizes “perpetual inventory system”, will be checked at the end of December of each year.Withholding method for inventory depreciation provision: withhold according to the price difference which cost of single-item inventory is higher than convertible net current value. 10. Longs-term investment accounting method: The long-term share investment are recorded as per the payment actual paid when investment or confirmed value. For the investment possessing under 20% shares in invested unit or over 20% shares but without significant influence, cost method will be taken for audit; for the investment with over 20% (including 20%) shares in invested unit or over 20% but with significant influence, equity method will be taken for unit; for the investment by subordinate company with over 50% (excluding 50%) shares in invested unit or under 50% but with working control, accounting report should be filed and merged. The withholding method for long-term investment depreciation provision: the company will check the Balance Sheet item by item for the long-term investment; if the investment item devalue in market price or the investment unit is under bad operating status, which has caused the recoverable amount is lower than the face value and moreover the depreciated value will not be recovered in the foreseeable future, the price difference which the recoverable amount lower than the face value of long-term investment will be taken as the long-term investment depreciation provision. 11. Fixed asset, depreciation and withholding method for depreciation provision: (1) The fixed assets and depreciation method: Fixed assets refers to tangible assets with high unit value held for producing commodities, providing labor service, rent or operational administration, with over one year's service life. The fixed assets are taken in account when the actual cost is obtained, counting from the next month when it reaches to preset usable status, depreciated with straight line method (yearly average method). The estimated residual value rate, depreciation time and annual depreciation ratio of various fixed assets are listed as follows: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Category Depreciationtim Residualvalue Annualdepreciatio e(year) rate(%) nratio(%) housingandconst 8—45 12.12—2.15 ruction Machineryequipm 9—22 10.78—4.41 ent Transportatione 6—12 16.17—8.08 quipment Otherequipment 9—14 10.78—6.93 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The assets refer to the item that the operating period is over one year and the unit value is over 2,000 Yuan, such as building construction, machinery equipment, transportation equipment and other equipment, apparatus and tools related with business operation. The fixed assets are recorded in the purchased cost according to the stipulations of accounting system. Of which: the purchased or self-built fixed assets are recorded in actual cost; the fixed assets through non-currency transaction and debts reconstruction exchange will be recorded according to the stipulations in “Accounting Standards for PRC Enterprises – non-currency transaction” and “Accounting Standards for PRC Enterprises – debts reconstruction”. The fixed assets depreciation will be withheld in straight-line method, reserving 3-5% value and withhold the depreciation in classification conforming to the reserved value of original price of various fixed assets and estimated economic usage time. (2) Withholding method for provision of assets depreciation: At the end of period, it will be recorded as the lower one between the book net value of single item fixed assets and recoverable amount, for the recoverable amount is lower than book value, the single item assets will be withheld as fixed assets depreciation provision. For fixed assets under any of the following cases, the total amount should be withheld for depreciation provision. 1) The fixed assets without transferable value, left unused for long period and will not be used in the foreseeable future; 2) Due to the technological progress, the fixed assets could not be used; 3) Though the fixed assets could be used, large unqualified products will be manufactured if use such fixed assets; 4) Damaged to the degree that without any use value and transferable value; 5) The fixed assets which actually could not provide any economic benefit to the enterprise. 12. On-construction project accounting method: The on-construction project will be audited as per the actual cost. The loan interest expenditure and foreign currency conversion price difference related to on-construction project will be recorded into the cost of this sum of assets before such assets are capable to be used. The purchased item will be converted as fixed assets when it reaches to the usable status. At the end of period, it will be recorded as the lower one between the book value of single item project and recoverable amount, for the recoverable amount is lower than book value, the single item assets will be withheld as on-construction project depreciation provision. For on-construction project under any of the following cases, it should be withheld for depreciation provision as follows: 1) The on-construction project has been long-term suspended and will not restart in the near 3 years; 2) Such project falls far behind no matter in performance or technology, and brings great uncertainty in economic benefits that can give to the enterprise; 3) The evidence that can sufficient prove that depreciation has occurred for the on-construction project. 13. Accounting method for loan: The judgment principle on loan: The amortization and exchange difference on the interest, discount or premium occurring from special loan due to purchasing fixed assets, as long as in accordance with the condition stipulated in “Accounting Standards for PRC Enterprises – Loan”, will be recorded into the cost of such asset; the amortization and exchange difference of other loan interest, discount or premium will be considered as the expenses for this period; while the auxiliary expenses occurred for arranging special loan will be treated as per the above-mentioned principle. If the auxiliary expenses is of a small sum, it should be taken as the expense for this period. When the special loan occurred for purchasing fixed assets satisfy the following three conditions, and the purchased fixed assets have reached to the status before usage, the loan should be capitalized and recorded for the cost of purchasing fixed assets. 1) It has occurred for purchasing fixed assets such as paying cash, transferring non-currency assets or undertaking liabilities etc.; 2) The loan expense has occurred; 3) The purchase activities necessary for assets t reach the utilizable state have started. If the abnormal suspension time has exceeded three months after the capital has been ready for utilizable status, the loan expenses during suspension period and the loan expenses for the assets to reach the utilizable status will be recorded as the financial expenses for the current period. 14. Income confirmation principles: The major risk and remuneration for the ownership of above commodities have been transferred, and the company will not implement management right and actual control right on the commodities. The related income has been achieved or got evidence of receipt, and related economic benefit will probably flow into the enterprise. When the related cost for this commodity can reach to a reliable quantity, the income form the sales of commodity will be considered having achieved. 15. Accounting method for individual income tax: Accounting method for individual income tax is carried out according to the tax payable method. 16. The major accounting policy, accounting estimation and significant account error correction (1) Accounting policy modification According to the requirement in "Companies Law" and CQ (2006) No. 67 document from Ministry of Finance, the Co. transferred Public Welfare Fund balance on Dec. 31, 2005 as Surplus Public Reserve Fund. (2) Accounting estimation modification None (3) Accounting error correction None (III) Tax item: 1. Major categories of taxes and tax rate ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Categoryoftax Basisofcollectingtax Taxrate VAT 17%,13% Urbanconstructiontax 7% Enterpriseincometax 33% Educationexpenseplus 3% Regionaleducationfee 1% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2. Preferential tax payment and official document According to the reply upon DGSZSH (2002) No. 2 document issued by Dalian National Tax Bureau, the agricultural chloride ammonia produced in this period will be exempted from VAT, and the Income item of chloride ammonia for VAT exemption will be recorded into the sales cost. 3. Other explanations The housing property tax, vehicle license using tax, stamp tax etc. will be collected according to the related stipulations. (IV) Notes to accounting report 1. Cash fund Unit: Yuan ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountbytheendofperiod Amountatbeginningofperiod AmountinRMBYuan AmountinRMBYuan Cash: 296.84 128.97 Bankdeposit: 49,412,403.26 47,506,563.86 Othercashfund: 426,962,786.34 256,000,000.00 Total 476,375,486.44 303,506,692.83 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ At the end of period, the foreign capital deposit in bank is 463,599.65 USD, which is RMB 3,706,942.80 Yuan, with the exchange rate at the end of period of 1:7.996. Other currency funds are repaid balance due from the Co.'s holding shareholder – Dahua Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred as "Dahua Group"). According to the related stipulations, this sum will be used specially for the Co.'s relocation and reform. This fund should be used according to the reply document on funds usage schedule agreed by Dalian Financial Bureau. 2. Notes receivable (1) Category of Notes receivable Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Category Amountbytheendofp Amountatbeginning eriod ofperiod Banker'sacceptancebill 4,307,721.00 10,316,672.23 Total 4,307,721.00 10,316,672.23 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3. Accounts Receivable (1) Years of Accounts Receivable Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Yearso Amountbytheendofperiod Amountatbeginningofperiod faccou BookFaceBala Provisionforbadaccount BookFaceBalan Pro nt nce ce vis ion for bad acc oun t Amount Ra Amount Ratio ti o Within 17,227,9 11 861,395.4 25,084,09 16 1,254,204.57 1year 09.60 .7 8 1.68 .5 8 9 1to2ye 3,033,19 2. 303,319.0 986,716.4 0. 98,671.65 ars 0.82 07 8 5 65 2to3ye 1,605,76 1. 481,728.2 2,205,263 1. 661,579.16 ars 0.92 10 8 .85 46 3to4ye 5,619,33 3. 3,348,532 10,586,91 7. 9,661,082.85 ars 8.10 84 .79 6.37 00 4to5ye 10,586,9 7. 10,586,91 12,715,30 8. 12,422,146.96 ars 16.37 24 6.37 1.10 41 Over5y 108,167, 73 108,167,8 99,652,09 65 99,652,092.91 ears 886.10 .9 86.10 2.91 .8 7 9 Total 146,241, 10 123,749,7 151,230,3 10 123,749,778.10 001.91 0 78.10 82.36 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) Change in provisions for bad accounts in accounts receivable Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item InitialBalance FinalBalance Provisionforbadaccount 123,749,778.10 123,749,778.10 sinaccountreceivable ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) In the reporting period, there is no balance due in accounts receivable for the shareholder with over 5% voting right There is no balance due from the shareholder with over 5% shares.The total balance due for the top five units having owed the company amount to 39,405,883.57 Yuan, covering 26.67% of the accounts receivable. 4. Other Accounts Receivable (1) Years of account for other account receivable Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Year Amountbytheendofperio Amountatbeginningofperiod sofa d ccou BookFaceBalan Provisionforbadaccount BookFaceBalan Pro nt ce ce vis ion for bad acc oun t Amount Rat Amount Ratio io With 4,120,05 38. 206,00 132,797,1 95 6,639,856.70 in1y 0.63 29 2.53 33.91 .1 ear 1 1to2 3,013,58 28. 2,986, 3,332,362 2. 3,332,362.78 year 0.20 00 360.25 .78 39 s 2to3 140,000. 1.3 140,00 year 00 0 0.00 s Over 3,487,70 32. 3,487, 3,487,705 2. 3,487,705.98 5yea 5.98 41 705.98 .98 50 rs Tota 10,761,3 100 6,820, 139,617,2 10 13,459,925.46 l 36.81 068.76 02.67 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The total balance due for the top five units having owed the company amount to 10,761,336.81 Yuan, covering 100% of the other accounts receivable. (2) Change in provisions for bad accounts in other accounts receivable Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item InitialBa Decreasedincurrentp FinalBala lance eriod nce Transferr Total edamount Provisionforbadaccounts 13,459,92 6,639,856 6,639,85 6,820,068 inotheraccountreceivabl 5.46 .70 6.70 .76 e ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) In the reporting period, there is no balance due in other accounts receivable for the shareholder with over 5% (including 5%) voting right 5. Prepaid accounts In the reporting period, there is no balance due in prepaid accounts for the shareholder with over 5% (including 5%) voting right 6. Inventory (1) Category of inventory Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountbytheendofperiod Amountatbeginningofperiod BookFace Provisio BookFace BookFace Provision BookFace Balance nfordepr value Balance fordeprec value eciation iation Rawma 33,565,3 7,795,36 25,769,9 32,278,7 7,795,364 24,483,3 teria 62.11 4.13 97.98 16.51 .13 52.38 l In-pr 3,148,30 3,148,30 5,074,10 5,074,10 oduct 0.24 0.24 1.90 1.90 Finis -4,047,2 -4,047,2 47,420,2 6,413,203 41,007,0 hedpr 82.03 82.03 60.55 .46 57.09 oduct s Packa 8,575,22 8,575,22 5,549,35 5,549,35 ge 1.14 1.14 2.17 2.17 Total 41,241,6 7,795,36 33,446,2 90,322,4 14,208,56 76,113,8 01.46 4.13 37.33 31.13 7.59 63.54 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The amount of finished products is 51,467,542.58 Yuan less at period end than that at period beginning and it is a negative number, since the finished products at period end have been all sold and pre-sold. 7. Expenses to be apportioned Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Catego Amountatbegin Increasedincu Amortizedincu Amountbytheen ry ningofperiod rrentperiod rrentperiod dofperiod Insura 496,569.88 3,244,023.82 462,318.74 3,278,274.96 nce Total 496,569.88 3,244,023.82 462,318.74 3,278,274.96 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 8. Fixed Assets Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountatbeg Increasedin Decreasedin Amountbythe inningofper currentperi currentperi endofperiod iod od od I.Totalorigina 807,836,252 159,000.00 6,423,449.4 801,571,803 lprice .46 5 .01 Ofwhich:housin 245,504,274 245,504,274 gandconstructi .58 .58 on Machineryequip 551,921,717 6,423,449.4 545,498,268 ment .45 5 .00 Electronicequi pment Transportation 9,378,050.4 159,000.00 9,537,050.4 equipment 4 4 Otherequipment 1,032,209.9 1,032,209.9 9 9 II.Totalaccumu 567,176,578 14,468,638. 4,666,081.7 576,979,134 lateddepreciat .06 66 3 .99 ion: Ofwhich:housin 144,921,443 2,543,632.4 147,465,076 gandconstructi .70 6 .16 on Machineryequip 414,527,233 11,565,109. 4,666,081.7 421,426,261 ment .70 33 3 .30 Electronicequi pment Transportation 6,965,200.0 309,659.25 7,274,859.2 equipment 4 9 Otherequipment 762,700.62 50,237.62 812,938.24 3.TotalfixedAs 240,659,674 224,592,668 setsnetvalue .40 .02 Ofwhich:housin gandconstructi on Machineryequip ment Electronicequi pment Transportation equipment IV:Totalprovis 9,215,264.0 9,215,264.0 ionfordeprecia 8 8 tion Ofwhich:housin gandconstructi on Machineryequip 9,215,264.0 9,215,264.0 ment 8 8 Electronicequi pment Transportation equipment V.TotalfixedAs 231,444,410 215,377,403 setsnetvalue .32 .94 Ofwhich:housin gandconstructi on Machineryequip ment Electronicequi pment Transportation equipment ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The accumulated depreciation reduces since fixed assets are reported worthlessness. The fixed assets haven't been used for mortgage or guarantee. According to the standardized plan of Dalian Municipal Government, the Co. and its holding shareholder will carry out relocation and reform. For the loss from relocation and reform caused to fixed assets, Dahua Group will compensate upon between the higher value of impartial value of fixed assets and net account value. 9. On-construction project Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountbytheendofperiod Amountatbeginningofperiod BookFace Provisio NetbookF BookFace Provisi NetbookF Balance nfordepr acevalue Balance onforde acevalue eciation preciat ion on-cons 9,751,34 9,751,34 1,371,58 1,371,58 tructio 3.33 3.33 0.92 0.92 nprojec t ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (1) On-construction project alteration Unit: Currency: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Projectnam Amountatbeginning Increasedi Funds Amountbytheendof e ofperiod ncurrentpe sourc period riod e Dryprocess 914,755.82 7,584,339. Self- 8,499,095.09 slag 27 colle cted No.21Outsi 442,093.32 Self- 442,093.32 decoolingm colle achine cted Lightliqui 201,932.30 Self- 201,932.30 dtower colle cted No.25Outsi 257,504.30 Self- 257,504.30 decoolingm colle achine cted Otherminut 14,731.78 335,986.54 Self- 350,718.32 eexpenditu colle re cted Total 1,371,580.92 8,379,762. / 9,751,343.33 41 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) On-construction project depreciation provision There is no interest from capitalization of on-construction project. 10. Short-term loan (1) Classification of short-term loan: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountbytheendofperiod Amountatbeginningofperiod Securedloan 96,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 Total 96,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 60 million Yuan loan at the period end is the loan from industrial and commercial bank, which is guaranteed by Dahua Group Co., Ltd.; while 36 million Yuan loan from Huaxia Bank is guaranteed by DHI & DCW Group Co., Ltd. 11. Accounts PayableThe balance of account payable at period end increases 33,233,223.22 Yuan than that at period beginning, due to increased balance due at period end. 12. Pre-received accounts The balance of pre-received at period end reduces 48,398,827.54 Yuan than that at period beginning, due to the increased payment.13. Welfare payable: The welfare payable reduces 1,222,176.36 Yuan than that at period beginning.14. Tax payable Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountbytheendofp Amountatbeginningo Collectionst eriod fperiod andard VAT -5,159,337.22 -11,866,469.73 17%、13% Incometax -4,821,292.60 -4,821,292.60 33% Individualinc 7,161.07 37,814.33 Asperstipula ometax tions Stamptax 13,883.09 23,566.09 Asperstipula tions Total -9,959,585.66 -16,626,381.91 / ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 15. Other Accounts Payable:(1) The amount that Co. should repay the shareholder with over 5% shares is as follows: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nameofshareholder Amountbytheendofperiod Amountatbeginningofperi od DahuaGroupCo.,Ltd 15,558,304.59 0 . Total 15,558,304.59 0 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The coke purchase amount that the Co. should repay is RMB 14 million Yuan to Dahua Group Dalian Boer Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., and unsettled engineering amount is RMB 20 million Yuan. 16. Stock Capital Change of Stock Capital Unit: ten thousand share ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Beforechan Increase&DecreaseduetotheChange(+ Afterchan ge ,-) ge Quant Rat Newly Bonu StocksTr Oth Subto Quan Rat ity io issue sSto ansferre ers tal tity io dstoc ckfr dfromRes k omPr ervedFun ofit ds s I.Stocksunlisted 1.Promot 17,50 63. 17,5 63. ers'Stoc 0 64 00 64 ks Includin g: Sharesho ldbythes tate Stockshe 17,50 63. 17,5 63. ldindome 0 64 00 64 sticlega lpersons Stockshe ldinfore ignlegal persons Others 2.Legalp ersons's tocksfro mplaceme nt 3.Intern alstaffs tocks 4.Prefer redstock sorother s Totalunl 17,50 63. 17,5 63. istedsto 0 64 00 64 cks II.Stockslisted 1.RMBord 10,00 36. 10,0 36. inarysto 0 36 00 36 cks 2.Foreig n-invest edstocks listeddo mestical ly 3.Foreig n-invest edstocks listedov erseas 4.Others Totallis 10,00 36. 10,0 36. tedstock 0 36 00 36 s III.Tota 27,50 100 27,5 100 lStocks 0 00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 17. Surplus Public Reserve Fund: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountatbeg Increasedin Decreasedinc Amountbythe inningofper currentperi urrentperiod endofperiod iod od LegalSurplusP 7,903,311.9 7,501,041.5 15,404,353. ublicReserveF 9 9 58 und LegalPublicWe 7,501,041.5 7,501,041.59 0 lfareFund 9 Total 15,404,353. 15,404,353. 58 58 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ According to the requirement in "Companies Law" and CQ (2006) No. 67 document of Ministry of Finance, the Co. transferred Public Welfare Fund balance on Dec. 31, 2005 as Surplus Public Reserve Fund. 18. Undistributed Profits: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountbytheendofperiod Netprofit -76,117,523.96 Plus:UndistributedProfitsatthebeginn 6,838,596.70 ingofyear Othertransfer Less:WithheldSurplusPublicReserveFun d WithheldLegalPublicWelfareFund UndistributedProfits -69,278,927.26 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 19. Main business income and main business cost (1) Main business in industry Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nameofindustry Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperiodlastye ar Businessinco Businessco Businessinco Businessco me st me st Chemicaltrade 421,414,246. 479,514,82 631,866,593. 561,345,31 23 7.88 35 4.43 Total 421,414,246. 479,514,82 631,866,593. 561,345,31 23 7.88 35 4.43 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) Main business in sub-products Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nameofproducts Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperiodlasty ear Businessin Businessco Businessinc Businessco come st ome st AmmoniaSoda&PureS 184,855,36 209,800,26 178,354,041 176,713,18 oda 1.39 1.75 .31 4.13 TwoProductsbyComb 229,189,28 260,993,30 439,499,182 367,050,81 inedWay(PureSoda& 9.43 0.51 .52 2.80 AmmoniumChloride) Otherproducts 7,369,595. 8,721,265. 14,013,369. 17,581,317 41 62 52 .50 Ofwhich:associate 118,541,55 134,722,48 247,343,121 242,618,86 dtrade 8.83 1.61 .79 8.16 Total 421,414,24 479,514,82 631,866,593 561,345,31 6.23 7.88 .35 4.43 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) Main business in regions Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ RegionName Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperiodlastye ar Businessinco Businessco Businessinco Businessco me st me st North-eastArea 185,849,888. 211,478,58 263,855,276. 234,409,02 43 8.04 06 7.25 GuangdongArea 74,537,090.6 84,815,755 84,161,509.6 74,769,085 7 .47 0 .40 Overseas 73,161,381.4 83,237,893 188,569,851. 167,520,48 1 .01 45 8.66 Otherarea 87,865,885.7 99,982,591 95,279,956.2 84,646,713 2 .36 4 .12 Ofwhich:associ 118,541,558. 134,722,48 247,343,121. 242,618,86 atedtrade 83 1.61 79 8.16 Total 421,414,246. 479,514,82 631,866,593. 561,345,31 23 7.88 35 4.43 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 20. Main Business tax and plus: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountofthisp Figureatsamepe Collectionstan eriod riodlastyear dard Urbanconstructionta 369,932.54 x Educationexpenseplu 211,390.03 3%,1% s Total 581,322.57 / ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 21. Other Business Profit: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperiodlastyear Income Cost Profit Income Cost Profit Serv 1,814,878 2,589,05 -774,173 2,225,819 3,157,71 -931,891 icec .24 1.78 .54 .55 1.36 .81 harg e Tota 1,814,878 2,589,05 -774,173 2,225,819 3,157,71 -931,891 l .24 1.78 .54 .55 1.36 .81 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 22. Financial expenses Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountofthisper Figureatsameperiodlast iod year Interestexpenditure 2,011,988.68 Less:Interestincome 3,293,273.46 71,598.99 Exchangeloss 75,186.30 Less:exchangeearnings 40,929.32 Others 32,299.88 Total -1,247,027.80 -39,299.11 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 23. Business-out income: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperio dlastyear Netearningsfromdisposaloffi 0 26,548.04 xedAssets Penaltyincome 0 2,000.00 Total 0 28,548.04 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 24. Business-out expenses: Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Item Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperio dlastyear Acceptancebillloss 91,050.00 Clearing-uplossoffixedAsset 1,757,367.72 s Donationexpenditure 7,550.00 Overduefineandpenaltyexpend 7,295.60 itureetc. Total 1,772,213.32 91,050.00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 25. Other cash received related with Operating Activities The Co. received 172,264,710.55 Yuan other cash received related operating activities, of which mainly comes from the balance due that holding shareholder repay in this year.26. Other cash paid related with Operating Activities Other cash paid related to operating activities is 4,186,178.68 Yuan, including the cash paid for management expenses, sales expenses and manufacturing expenses. (V) Relations and association transactions 1. Basic information for controlling relations ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofR Registere MainBusiness Relation Economic Legalrepr elation daddress withthis Type esentativ s company e DahuaGr No.10Gong Productionandsa HoldingS limitedl XingXuepu oupCo., xingRoad, lesofcompoundfe harehold iability Ltd. Ganjingzi rtilizer,sulfur er company District, icacid,nitricac Dalian,Li id,ammoniumnitr aoning ate,sodiumnitra te,coaltarandli quidnitrogen,et c. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2. Registered capital and alteration status of controlling relations Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofRela RegisteredCapitala Increaseordecrea RegisteredCapita tions tbeginningofthispe seofRegisteredCa latendofthisperi riod pital od DahuaGroup 305,785 305,785 Co.,Ltd. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3. Held shares and alteration status of controlling relations Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofR Shares Sharepropo Increas Proport Sharesh Sharepropo elation heldby rtionheldb eordecr ionofIn eldbyre rtionheldb s relati yrelations easeofS creaseo lations yrelations onsatb atbeginnin hareshe rdecrea atendof atendofper eginni gofperiod( ldbyrel seofSha period iod(%) ngofpe %) ations resheld riod byrelat ions(%) DahuaGr 17,500 63.64 17,500 63.64 oupCo., Ltd. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 4. Basic information of without controlling relations ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ NameofRelations Relationwiththiscompan y DahuaInternationalEconomics&TradeCo. Parentcompany'swhole-f undedholdingcompany DalianHongtuDistributionCo. Parentcompany'sshare-p articipatingcompany DalianHuadiIndustrialGeneralCorporation Parentcompany'sshare-p articipatingcompany DalianHuadiIndustrialPackingWareCorporatio Parentcompany'sshare-p n articipatingcompany DalianHuadiAutoGarage Parentcompany'sshare-p articipatingcompany DalianFuzhouwanSaltField Parentcompany'swhole-f undedholdingcompany DahuaGroupDalianBoerChemicalIndustryCo.,Lt Parentcompany'sshare-p d. articipatingcompany DahuaGroupDalianRuilinCo.,Ltd. Parentcompany'sshare-p articipatingcompany DahuaGroupDalianAutomotiveTransportCo.,Ltd Parentcompany'sshare-p . articipatingcompany DahuaGroupDalianGuanlinInternationalTradin Parentcompany'sshare-p gCo.,Ltd. articipatingcompany DahuaGroupDalianShipsCo.,Ltd. Parentcompany'sshare-p articipatingcompany ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 5. Associated transaction (1) Associated transactions for purchasing commodities or accepting labor services Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Relation Content Pricing Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperiod s ofassoc princip lastyear iatedtr lesfora Amount Proport Amount Proport ansacti ssociat ioninth ioninth on edtrans esimila esimila action rtransa rtransa ction ction DahuaGro Purchas Marketp 206,458,4 56.22 242,860,6 44.73 upCo.,Lt ingrawm rice,no 24.03 65.44 d. aterial agreedp s,elect ricefor ricitya afforda ndsteam blemark etprice DahuaGro Purchas MarketP 1,579,512 0.43 69,331,98 13.68 upFuzhou erawsal rice .97 2.06 wanSaltF t ield DalianHu Purchas MarketP 7,319,968 1.99 7,384,749 1.46 adiIndus epackag rice .00 .00 trialGen e eralCorp oration DahuaGro Purchas MarketP 20,613,78 5.61 21,925,74 4.32 upDalian ecoke rice 0.00 0.00 BoerChem icalIndu stryCo., Ltd. DahuaGro Expense MarketP 9,389,503 52.28 13,565,34 57.54 upCo.,Lt sforsla rice .13 9.36 d. gdischa rge,tra nsport DahuaGro Expense MarketP 820,831.5 4.57 1,657,424 7.03 upDalian sfortra rice 0 .60 Automoti nsport, veTransp disasse ortCo.,L mbly td. DalianHu Repaire MarketP 524,208.2 2.92 421,553.5 1.79 adiIndus xpenses rice 6 8 trialGen eralCorp oration ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (2) Associated transactions for selling commodities or offering labor services Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Relations Content Pricin Amountofthisperiod Figureatsameperiod ofassoc gprinc lastyear iatedtr iplesf Amount Proport Amount Proport ansacti orasso ioninth ioninth on ciated esimila esimila transa rtransa rtransa ction ction ction DahuaGrou salesof Market 18,357,71 4.36 24,373,83 3.86 pCo.,Ltd. puresod price, 5.83 6.90 a,ammon noagre iumchlo edpric ride eforaf fordab lemark etpric e DahuaInte salesof Market 46,895,32 11.13 149,561,1 23.67 rnational puresod Price 8.86 15.87 Economics a,ammon &TradeCo. iumchlo ride DahuaGrou salesof Market 26,266,05 6.19 39,008,73 6.17 pDalianGu puresod Price 2.55 5.58 anlinInte a,ammon rnational iumchlo TradingCo ride .,Ltd. DahuaGrou salesof Market 24,282,41 5.76 28,549,84 4.52 pDalianRu rougham Price 9.47 8.00 ilinCo.,L moniumc td. hloride DalianHon salesof Market 1,677,624 0.40 5,088,000 0.81 gtuDistri puresod Price .00 .00 butionCo. a,ammon iumchlo ride DalianHua salesof Market 1,062,418 0.25 761,585.4 0.12 diIndustr puresod Price .12 4 ialGenera a,ammon lCorporat iumchlo ion ride ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (3) Other associated trade 1. According to the “Land Leasing Agreement” signed between Dahua Group Co., Ltd. and the company, the company is to pay land rent 1,980,000.00 Yuan in this year and has paid 990,000.00 Yuan in the first half year. 2. According to the “Trademark Use Right Agreement” signed between Dahua Group Co., Ltd. and the company, the company is to pay trademark use expense of 1,020,000.00 Yuan in this year and has paid 510,000.00 Yuan in the first half year. 3. The loan of RMB 60,000,000.00 Yuan from Industrial & Commercial Bank was guaranteed by Dahua Group Co., Ltd. 6. Account receivable from relations Unit: RMB Yuan Currency: RMB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nameofaccountreceiv Relations InitialAmou FinalAmou ableandaccountpayab nt nt le AccountsReceivable DalianFumeidaNewMater 225,106.12 0 ialTechnologyCo.,Ltd. OtherAccountsReceiv DahuaGroupCo.,Ltd. 132,926,218 0 able .66 AccountsPayable: DahuaGroupFuzhouwanSa 5,037.22 0 ltField Accountspre-receive DahuaInternationalEco 16,172,090. 0 d nomics&TradeCo. 42 Accountspre-receive DahuaGroupDalianGuanl 1,765,572.1 0 d inInternationalTradin 0 gCo.,Ltd. Accountspre-receive DalianHuadiIndustrial 564,659.05 0 d GeneralCorporation Accountspre-receive DalianHongtuDistribut 200,395.84 0 d ionCo. Accountspre-receive DahuaGroupDalianRuili 1,452,348.0 0 d nCo.,Ltd. 0 OtherAccountsPayabl DahuaGroupCo.,Ltd. 0 15,558,30 e 4.59 OtherAccountsPayabl DahuaGroupDalianAutom 0 285,402.3 e otiveTransportCo.,Ltd 0 . OtherAccountsPayabl DahuaGroupDalianBoerC 547,630.20 13,140,66 e hemicalIndustryCo.,Lt 4.32 d. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (VI) Issues concerned: none (VII) Commitment issues: none (VIII) Issues after date of Balance sheet: none (IX) Other Significant Matters: 1. Impropriated funds of big shareholder By the end of Jun. 21st 2006, the holding shareholder Dahua Group Co., Ltd. has fully repaid all the balance due with the compensation funds for relocation and rebuilding. 2. The implementation of relocation and reform project has forced the company to stop operation of combined soda manufacture facilities In Jun. 2006, which has caused income loss of 68 million Yuan for June and will reduce 406 million Yuan in main business income for the second half year. VIII. Documents Available for Reference 1. The accounting statements with the signatures and seals of the legal representative, the chief in charge of accounting and the accountant-in-charge; 2. The originals of all the documents and announcements of the Co. openly revealed in “Shanghai Securities News”, “China Securities Journal” and “Hong Kong Commercial Daily” within the reporting period. 3. The above documents were placed in the Securities Department of the Co. Board chairman: Liu Pingqin Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Aug. 18, 2006