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						           黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co.,


          2013 Annual Report

                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                      I. Important Notes

1.The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee,directors , supervisors and Senior Executives
of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or
important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity,
accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.
2.The situation of the director who failed to attend

 Position of the director      Name of the director        Reason for failure to
                                                                                            Name of proxy
  who failed to attend         who failed to attend              attend
 Director                    Zhu Jinming                 Business trip                Yang Baichang

3. Daxin Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.( LLP)issued standard unqualified auditors' report
for the Company.

4. Mr.Yang Baichang, Person in charge of the Company, Ms. Lu Lihua, Chief financial officer and
the Ms. Ma Li, the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the
accounting )hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in
this Annual Report .

5. The profit allocation plan or the capitalization from capital public reserve during the report peri
od examined by the Board of Directors: considering the interests of shareholders and the long-ter
m development, the profit allocation plan of the company in 2013 was as belows. Based on the Co
mpany’s total share capital of RMB 235,000,000 as at December 31, 2013,the Company would dis
tribute cash dividend to all the shareholders at the rate of RMB 1.00 for every 10 shares (with tax
inclusive), the estimated allotting profit of RMB 23.500,000 and the balance of RMB 411,069,646
.73 are carried over to the next allocation. Also, the bonus shares allocation and the capitalization f
rom capital public reserve will not be conducted for the company this year.

6. Whether the controlling shareholder and its related parties did not occupy the funds of the
Company for operation.

7. Whether the Company did not provide guarantee in violation of specified decision-making

                            黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Table of Contents

I.      Important Notes, Contents & Definition
II.     Company profile
III. Summary of Accounting Data and Financial indexes

IV. Report of the Board of Directors

V. Important Events

VI. Particulars about Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

VII.Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees

VIII. Company Administration Structure

IX. Internal Control

X. Financial Report

XI. List of Documents Available for Inspection

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

I.Definition and Major Risk Warning
In this report, medium, the following words and expressions shall have the following meaning unless
otherwise defined:
 Definition of frequently mentioned words and expressions
 Company, The Company, We,                                             Huangshi      Dongbei    Electrical
                                                 Refers to
 Dongbei Electrical Appliance                                          Appliance Co., Ltd.
 Dongbei        Group,     Controlling                                 Huangshi                  Dongbei
                                                 Refers to
 shareholder                                                           Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd
 Daxin, Daxin Certified Public                                         Daxin Certified Public Accountants
                                                 Refers to
 Accountants                                                           Co., Ltd. ( LLP)
 Report period                                   Refers to             2013
                                                                       China      Securities   Regulatory
 CSRC                                            Refers to
                                                                       The Securities Law of the
 The Securities Law                              Refers to
                                                                       People’s Republic of China
                                                                       The Company Law of the
 The Company Law                                 Refers to
                                                                       People’s Republic of China
                                                                       The Articles of association of
 Articles, The Articles of association           Refers to             Huangshi      Dongbei    Electrical
                                                                       Appliance Co., Ltd.
                                                                       RMB Yuan , RMB             million
 Yuan, Million Yuan, billion Yuan                Refers to
                                                                         Yuan,RMB billion Yuan

2. Reminder of Major Risks:
The Company has described the possible risks in this year’s report in order to attract attention from the
investors. For more refer to the ― Report of the future development discussion by Board of Directors‖.

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                         II.Company profile

1. Information of the Company
 Chinese name of the Company                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司
 Abbr. of the Chinese name of the Company         东贝 B 股
 English name of the Company                      Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd
 Legal representative of the Company              Yang Baichang

2. Contact person and contact manner

                                                Board secretary             Securities affairs Representative
 Name                                  Lu Lihua                            Huang Jie
                                       No.6, Jinshan East Road,            No.6, Jinshan East Road,
                                       Economic       &      Technology    Economic        &      Technology
 Contact address
                                       Development Zone, Huangshi          Development Zone, Huangshi
                                       City, Hubei Province.               City, Hubei Province.
 Tel                                   0714-5415858                        0714-5415858
 Fax                                   0714-5415858                        0714-5415858
 E-mail                                stock@donper.com                    stock@donper.com

3.Basic Information about the Company

                                                        No.6, Jinshan East Road, Economic & Technology
 Registered Address:
                                                        Development Zone, Huangshi City, Hubei Province.
 Postal code of Registered address                      435000
                                                        No.6, Jinshan East Road, Economic & Technology
 Business Address
                                                        Development Zone, Huangshi City, Hubei Province.
 Postal code of Business address                        435000
 Website:                                              http://www.donper.com
 E-mail                                                 stock@donper.com

4.The Place for Placing the Annual Report and the Information Disclosure

                                                        Shanghai Securities Daily and          Hong    Kong
 Newspapers for Information Disclosure
                                                        Commercial Daily
 Internet Website for Publishing the Annual Report      www.sse.com.cn
 The Place for Placing the Annual Report                Securities Dept. of the Company

5.Stock Profile

                                       Stock Condition of the Company
                               Stock exchange for
           Type                                            Stock Abbreviation             Stock Code
                             Shanghai          Stock
 B share                                                Dongbei B                   900956

6.The change of the registration in the report period
(1)Basic Information
The registration remained in the report period

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

(2)Change of main operation of the Company since its listing
The Company was listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange in July 1999. Business Scope: Production and
sales of refrigerating compressors and electrical motors of compressors, development and consultation
of high-tech products.

(3)Change of controlling shareholder since the listing of the Company
After the completion of the issuance of B shares, the registered capital of the Company was RMB
235,000,000.00, which was divided into 235,000,000.00 shares with par value of RMB 1 per share.
117,600,000 shares are owned by the state. Huangshi State-owned Assets Administration entrusted
Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group Company to hold these shares.

According to the Agreement for Conversion of Debts in Shares and the approval document issued by
State Economic and Trading Commission for approving the implementation of conversion of debts
into shares by Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd., Huangshi Dongbei
Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd., the original controlling shareholder of the Company,
contributed capital with its main operating assets (including 50.04% equity of the Company held by it)
and established Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. jointly with three asset
management company, i.e., Orient, Xinda and Huarong on September 10, 2002. After the
establishment of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd., the Company's controlling
shareholder changed from Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd. to Huangshi
Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. As the 117.60 million shares held by Huangshi Dongbei
Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd. are state-owned shares, the equity transfer is subject to the
approval of Ministry of Finance. Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd. agreed to
entrust Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. to manage the 117.60 million
state-owned shares held by it before obtaining the approval of Ministry of Finance.
On March 28, 2005, the State Council approved changing 117.60 million state-owned shares of
Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. held by Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine
Industrial Co. (originally named as Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd. and
later renamed as Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Industrial Co.) into 117.60 state-owned
legal person shares held by Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. with the Approval
of Change of Holder of State-owned Shares of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. (Guo
Zi Chan Quan (2005) No. 197 Document).

7.Other Relevant Information

                                                                          Hubei Daxin Certified Public
                                                  Name                    Accountants Co., Ltd. ( Special
                                                                          General Partnership)
                                                                          16/F, Zhiyin Media Square,
 Certified public accountants engaged by the      Business Address
                                                                          No.31, Zhongbei Road, Wuhan
                                                  Names       of    the
                                                  Certified      Public   Zhang Ling
                                                  Accountants as the      Jiang Yanhong

                                黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                     III.Summary of Accounting Data and Financial indexes

I.Main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company in the last three years as of the end of
the report period
(1)Main accounting data
                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                             Changed over
     Main accounting data                2013                 2012                                     2011
                                                                             last year(%)
Operating income                    4,264,031,820.89     4,115,881,689.22               3.60     4,001,367,095.40
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed            93,824,776.19        60,515,708.87               55.04        44,933,406.39
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring           gain/loss
                                      54,216,908.08        58,325,054.43                -7.04       37,576,447.66
attributable to the shareholders
of listed company
Cash flow generated by
                                      52,733,441.69       323,081,079.29               -83.68       26,244,601.54
business operation, net
                                        End of               End of          Changed over             End of
                                         2013                 2012           last year(%)            2011
Net assets attributable to the
shareholders of the listed           897,432,610.64       803,800,900.15               11.65       650,290,917.83
Gross assets                        3,851,675,304.29     3,807,985,913.82               1.15     3,688,983,839.64
 (2)Main Financial date

                                                                             Changed over
     Main Financial indexes               2013                2012                                     2011
                                                                             last year(%)
Basic earning per
                                                 0.399               0.258              54.65                 0.191
Diluted gains per
                                                 0.399               0.258              54.65                 0.191
Basic earning per share after
deducting     of  non-recurring                  0.231               0.248              -6.85                  0.16
Weighted average net asset                                                   Increased by
                                                 11.03                8.89                                     6.97
earning ratio(%)                                                                   2.14%
Net income on asset, weighted
and deducted non-recurring                        6.37                8.57                                     5.83
                                                                               by 2,2%

II.Items and amount of non-operating gains and losses:

                                                                                                   In RMB
  Items of non-operating
                                    Amount (2013)              Amount (2012)                    Amount(2011)
     gains and losses
Gain/loss form disposal of
                                         31,109,041.33                -11,388,425.50                -6,795,070.26
non-current assets.
Governmental        Subsidy               8,607,485.00                   10,055,161                 17,599,671.23

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

accounted      as    current
gain/loss, except for those
subsidies at with amount
or quantity fixed by the
national government and
closely related to the
Company’s         business
Capital occupation charges
on            non-financial
enterprises     that     are              393,827.10
recorded into current gains
and losses
Net profit or loss from
beginning of the year to
acquisition date from
subsidiaries       acquired                                        1,450,615.72
under category of business
combinations          under
common control
Other          non-business
income and expenditures                 6,722,899.04               2,161,537.69   -1,682,340.42
other than the above
Influenced amount of
                                         -200,396.48                235,652.07     -425,161.48
minor shareholders’ equity
Influenced amount of
                                        -7,024,987.88               -323,885.54   -1,340,140.34
income tax
            Total                      39,607,868.11               2,190,655.44   7,356,958.73

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I.Discussion and analysis of the Company's operation in the report period by the board of directors
Under the condition of macroeconomic recession and increasingly drastic competition in industry, the
company has seized the market focused on the oriented product of efficient and ultra-efficient
compressor, firstly become the largest supplier of Haier, and is respectively granted ―Appliance Core
Award‖ of China Household Electrical Appliances Association (CHEAA), ―The Best Supplier‖ of
Turkey Arcelik, ―Strategic Core Supplier‖ in America and other honors in 2013. Over the past year, in
the situation of slow recovery of global economy and sluggish growth of domestic economy, the
company has still insisted on struggling, improving and striving to enhance its competitiveness.
Therefore, the growth in the disadvantage condition has been achieved for the core industry of
compressors of the company, and the production and sales of the oriented product of ―Donper‖
compressor have consecutively ranked in the first for nine years in the country.

      (1) Production and operation
     In the report period, the Company earned operating income of RMB 4.264 billion, which
increased by 3.60% year on year. Its operating profit was RMB 153.22 million. which increased by
33% year on year. The compressor output was 24.41 million. which increased by 20.57% year on year.
The compressor sales was 24.02 million , which increased by 20.02% year on year.

(2) In the year, the Company focused on the following work:
(1) Develop the main industry market and strive to achieve the rapid growth in China and abroad
In 2013, the company has paid close attention to international and domestic markets, and timely
adjusted the marketing strategy along the front of the market according to the changes in the market
demand. For the domestic market, the company has grasped the opportunity of energy saving and
benefiting policy, adjusted and optimized the product structure for all the users and made high
efficiency and large-sized sales having an increase of 38% and 32% compared with the last period. In
terms of the market segments, the company has further consolidated the strategic customers, actively
developed medium and small enterprises of household electrical appliances around Yangtze River
Delta and Pearl River Delta, implemented the differentiated marketing strategy, expanded the market
share gap, and developed 32 new customers. For the international market, the company has further
consolidated the strategic customers in Asia, Europe and America, mainly developed some large
customers with strong risk-resisting abilities and the market gap in Eastern Europe, built new R&D
center in Italy, set up the office in Egypt, laid the solid foundation for the development of international
market, and yearly exported the compressors of 4.35 million sets, with an increase of 13.1% compared
with the previous year.
(2) Focus on the technological innovation and strive to improve the core competitiveness of
enterprise.The company has relied on state-level enterprise technical centers, research and
development centers in Europe, academician workstations and post-doctoral workstations, and
strengthened the cooperation with universities and research institutions at home and abroad to focus
on the R&D of compressors of high-efficiency, frequency-convert, and new materials
manufactured.The Efficiency ratio of ultra-efficient compressors in L series have reached the
advanced level of the world, while the compressors of the energy conservation and material saving of
A series have been further perfected on the development of high-efficiency while small-sized model,
and have been realized the large-scale selling. In 2013, the identification for 32 samples and 22
product appraisement has been finished. Until now, the company owns 268 technical patents,
including 14 invention patents, 209 new utility patents and 45 appearance patents.

(3) Integrate various resources and improve the operational efficiency
In 2013, the company has implemented the strategy of ―Strengthening Enterprises through Talent‖,
introduced various technical experts, and cultivated the first Post-Doctor Fellow from the
Post-Doctoral Research Center. At the same time, the company has formulated the talent motivation

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

policy, recognized the first skilled, professional and superior junior employees as the senior talent of
enterprise, improved and widen the pathway to promote for employees. In 2013, the company has
continuously developed the excellent performance management, continually implemented the perfect
production and various labor competitions, sustained to improve the motivation and creativity of
employee, and refined the management. To take full advantage of existing technology, personnel,
marketing, equipment and other resources, and improve the usage of resources and the efficiency of
management, the company has conducted the effective integration for all resources of bases, made the
production organization more scientific and rational, with an increase of 17% for the production
efficiency. Also, the occupation of funds has dramatically declined, and the inventory turnover has
been improved.

(I) Analysis on principal Business

1. Sheet of change analysis of relevant items of profit statement and cash flow statement
                                                                                               In RMB
                                             Amount in this         Amount in last
 Subject                                                                                    Proportion(%)
                                             period                 period
 Business income                               4,264,031,820.89       4,115,881,689.22                       3.60
 Business cost                                 3,722,178,577.67       3,601,140,046.86                       3.36
 Sales expenses                                   94,364,407.59          87,836,539.81                       7.43
 Administrative expenses                         276,766,392.41         217,671,475.97                      27.15
 Financial expenses                               45,573,451.97          72,505,144.46                     -37.15
 Cash flow generated by operation
                                                   52,733,441.69        323,081,079.29                     -83.68
 activities, net
 Net cash flow generated by investment
                                                  -78,134,673.94        -10,807,708.60
 Net cash flow generated by financing
                                                   -4,242,484.74       -306,929,464.87
 R& D expenses                                   132,294,587.81         127,461,146.03                      3.79

2. Earning
(1)Analysis of factors driving the change of business income
In 2013, The Company earned operating income of RMB 4,264,031,820.89. which increased by
3.60% year on year. The amount of income from domestic sales was RMB3,380,959,066.88 , which
increased by 0.85% year on year ,The amount of income from foreign sales was RMB 739,559,909.16.
which increased by 5.97% year on year ,The major factor driving the growth of business income is the
growth of product sales volume.

(2)Analysis of factors affecting product income of the Company mainly engaged in sales of physical

In 2013, The business income of the Company from compressor was RMB3,676,136,257.13 , which
increased by 2.02% year on year. The business income of the company from cast of automobile parts
was RMB 414,903,259.01, which decreased by 1.15% year on year. The business income of the
company from solar water heaters was respectively RMB 29,479,459.90. which increased by 8.43%
year on year.

(3) Major customers

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

  Items                                       Business income         Proportion(%)
  Customers1                                  803,723,943.43          18.85
  Customers 2                                 190,109,699.49          4.46
  Customers 3                                 173,424,852.53          4.07
  Customers 4                                 129,784,097.44          3.04
  Customers 5                                 110,637,834.02          2.59
  Total                                       1,407,680,426.91        33.01

(1)Cost analysis sheet
                                                                                                 In RMB

                           The Status of key business in terms of industry of business
                                                                                                    Change of
                                                                                         ecrease of
 On                              Amount in this     Proportion     Amount in last                   profit over
                   Items                                                                     key
 industry                          period              (%)           period                          the same
                                                                                                     period of
                                                                                                     last year
 Manufactu Cost of key
                               3,607,966,188.71         96.93 3,548,626,543.62               98.54         1.67
 ring          business
 The Status of key business in terms of production of business
                                                                                                    Change of
                                                                                         ecrease of
 On                              Amount in this     Proportion     Amount in last                   profit over
                   Items                                                                     key
 production                        period              (%)           period                          the same
                                                                                                     period of
                                                                                         cost(%) last year
 Compress       Cost of key
                               3,221,468,219.29          86.55   3,159,440,503.90            87.73         1.96
 ors            business
                Cost of key
 and                             365,059,625.42           9.81     369,405,482.93            10.26        -1.18
 ors casting
                Cost of key
 water                             21,438,344.00          0.58      19,780,556.79              0.55        8.38

The selling expenses for current period were RMB 94,364,407.59, which increased by 7.43% year on
year.which increased mainly due to the increase of transportation expenses with the increase of sales

The administrative expenses for current period were RMB 276,766,392.41. which increased by
27.15% year on year, mainly due to the Company has increased investment in R&D in the period

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

The financial expenses for current period were RMB 45,573,451.97, which decreased by 37.15% year
on year,
Mainly due to the acceleration of funds used to reduce the cash flow, as well as low-cost funding to fi
ght, reduced financing costs.

5.R&D expenditure
(1)R&D expenditure statement
                                                                                             In RMB
 R&D expenditure in current period                                                           132,294,587.81
 Total R&D expenditure                                                                       132,294,587.81
 Proportion of total R&D expenditure to net
 assets (%)
 Proportion of total R&D expenditure to
 operating income (%)

6.Cash flow

Items                                           2013                2012               Proportion
Cash flow generated by operation
                                            52,733,441.69         323,081,079.29       -83.68
activities, net
Net cash flow generated by investment
                                            -78,134,673.94        -10,807,708.60
Net cash flow generated by financing
                                            -4,242,484.74         -306,929,464.87
In current period, net cash flows from operating activities were RMB 52,733,441.69, which decreased
by 83.68% year on year, Mainly due to the increase in paying cash to buy merchandise stocking.

In current period, net cash flows from investing activities were RMB-78,134,673.94, which decreased
year on year,Mainly due to the increase of paying cash of purchasing fixed assets and other projects

In current period, net cash flows from financing activities were RMB-4,242,484.74, which increased
year on year ,Mainly due to the increase of loans during this period

(II)The Status of key business in terms of industry of business , production and Area
1.The Status of key business in terms of industry of business and production
                                                                                              In RMB

                         The Status of key business in terms of industry of business
                                                                      crease of
                                                                                     crease of   Change of
 On            Income from key       Cost of key          Gross          key
                                                                                        key         Gross
 industry          business            business        profit(%) business
                                                                                     business    profit(%)
 Manufactu                                                                                         Increased
               4,120,518,976.04    3,607,966,188.71          12.44           1.73         1.67
 ring                                                                                              by 0.06%
                       The Status of key business in terms of production of business
                                                                   Increase/de Increase/de
                                                                                                 Change of
    On         Income from key       Cost of key         Gross       crease of     crease of
 production        business           business        profit(%)      key           key
                                                                     business      business

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                                                         turnover       cost(%)
 Compresso                                                                                            Increased
                3,676,136,257.13      3,221,468,219.29          12.37            2.02         1.96
 rs                                                                                                   by 0.05%
 casting and                                                                                          Increased
                   414,903,259.01         365,059,625.42        12.01         -1.15          -1.18
 Compresso                                                                                            by 0.02%
 rs casting
 Solar water                                                                                          Increased
                    29,479,459.90          21,438,344.00        27.28            8.43         8.38
 heater                                                                                               by 0.04%

2.Table of the status of main operation in terms of Area
                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                     Increase or decrease of rate of profit from
            Area                      Income from operation
                                                                      operation over the previous year(%)
 Domestic sales                                  3,380,959,066.88                                             0.85
 Foreign sales                                     739,559,909.16                                             5.97

(III)Analysis on Assets and liabilities
1.Assets and liabilities statement

                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                              Year-end balance      Proportion
     Name          Year-end balance       Proportion(%)                                            proportion
                                                                in last period       (%)
 Long      term
 share equity          5,579,199.37                 0.15      85,938,693.12          2.26            -93.51
                      14,031,259.01                 0.36         2,704,170.88        0.07          418.87
 in progress
 Receipts in a
                      14,762,754.06                 0.38     115,050,703.41          3.02             87.17
Long-term equity investment decrease,
Mainly due to the transfer of equity of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. from Co
ntrolling subsidiary of Wuhu Abaur .
Construction in progress increased,
Mainly           due         to         the         casting          Luo      bridge         project
 and gold Hill technology projects into infrastructure projects.

Decreased in receipts in advance,Mainly due to Controlling subsidiary Wuhu Abaur transfer RMB
69.30 million balance in advances from Yellowstone property spin-equity in the opening, the equity tr
ansfer of business change procedures were completed in October 2013.

 (IV)Analysis of core competitiveness
In the report period, The company's core competitiveness has no significant changes

(V).The investment of the Company
1.Entrusted money management by non-finance companies and derivatives investment

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

(1).Entrusted asset management

The Company did not entrust others with asset management in this report period.

(2)Entrusted Loans
The company did not entrust loans in the report period;

                                                       黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

 2.Analysis on principal subsidiaries and Mutual shareholding companies

                                                                    Registered                Total assets
                                                                      capital    Shareholding (RMB’0000        Net assets         Net profit
      Company Name                Business Scope                  (RMB’0000)      ratio (%)      )           (RMB’0000)      (RMB’0000)
Huangshi          Dongbei
Electromechanical GroupProduction and sales of solar water
Solar Energy Co., Ltd.    heaters                          2,486.12              83.03      9770.70          6201.65           530.59

                          Production and sales of refrigeration
                                       compressor ,
                                     Compressor    and
Wuhu Abaur Mechanical &
Electrical Co.,Ltd        Electrical Organ casting          5,000.00             75         195948.53        48081.87          8485.14
                          Casting of small and medium-sized
Huangshi           Dongbeicast products, house renting and
Foundry Co., Ltd.         parking service.                  3,281.41             51.28      41746.69         8168.78           143.91

                        Sales of Refrigeration Compressor,
Huangshi         DongbeiRefrigeration Equipment and Parts ,
International Trade Co.,Photoelectric products and solar water
Ltd.                    heater ,etc.                          USD 1 million 100%            1681.24          625.02            50.83

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

3.Projects invested with the non-raised capital
                                                                                                   In RMB
                       Total                                   invested in
     Name                             Project progress                           accumulatively        Earnings
                    investment                                the reporting
                                 Because of the early Eg
Invested in Egypt
                                 political crisis, the Egy
                                 ptian investment acquis
                                 ition project suspend
On January 10, 2011,The first provisional shareholders' general meeting of the Company in 2011
examined and adopted the Proposal for Investing Compressor Project in Egypt, The Company plans to
establish Dongbei (Egypt) Electromechanical Co., Ltd. in Egypt to acquire the operating assets of
Egypt MCMC Company (a compressor manufacturer in Egypt) and build it into a production base for
developing overseas market, Since 2011, because Egyptian domestic political instability, the project
has not been substantive input by the company

II.Explanation of the Board of Directions Concerning the ― non-standard audit report‖ issued by the
CPAs firm for the reporting period.
(1) Explanation of the Board of Directions and Supervisory Committee Concerning the ― non-standard
audit report‖ issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period.

√Not applicable

(II) Explain and analyse the change and effects of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and
measurement methods.

√Not applicable

(III)Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in the
reporting period.

√Not applicable

III.The proposal of profit distribution or conversion of the capital reserve into share capital
(1)Formulation, implementation or adjustment of cash dividend policy
      According to the Notice of Further Implementing the Matters Concerning Distribution of Cash
Dividends by Listed Companies (Zheng Jia Fa (2012) No. 37 Document) issued by CSRC on May 4,
2012 and the requirements of Hubei Securities Regulatory Bureau and Shanghai Stock Exchange, the
sixth meeting of the fifth board of directors of the Company held on October 26, 2012 examined and
adopted the proposal for implementing the dividend distribution document of CSRC and revising the
clauses of the Articles of Association of the Company in respect of profit distribution. The adoption of
this proposal perfected the Company's profit distribution policy, improved the transparency of profit
distribution, protected public investors' lawful rights and interests and enhanced the level of the
Company's overall standardized operation. This proposal was examined and adopted at the second
provisional shareholders' general meeting in 2012 held on November 23, 2012.

                                 黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

(II)If the Company makes profit in the report period and the undistributed profit for the parent
company is positive but the Company fails to make a preplan for cash dividend distribution, the
Company shall disclose the reasons for such failure and the use and use plan of undistributed profit in

√Not applicable

(III)The Company's plan for preplan for profit distribution or capitalization of capital surplus for the
recent three years (including the report period)

                                                                                                  In RMB
 Year                                                                                                Ratio of net
                                                   Number of                        Net profit
                                                   shares for                     attributable to
                  Number of         Amount of       every 10       Amount of       shareholders
                 bonus shares       dividends     shares after     cash bonus        of listed
                 for every 10      for every 10      capital        (Included      company in
                                                                                                       of listed
                    shares            shares         surplus           tax)        consolidated
                                                                                                     company in
                                                  capitalizatio                    statement of
                                                        n                           bonus year
     2013                    0                1               0     23,500,000    93,824,776.19              25.05
     2012                    0                0               0              0    60,515,708.87
     2011                    0                0               0              0    44,933,406.39

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                         V. Important Events

I Major lawsuits ,Arbitration affairs and Query form media
In the reporting year, the Company had never been involved in any material lawsuit ,arbitration and
Query form media.

II.Particulars of fund occupation and progress of debt repayment in the report period

√Not applicable

III. Matters concerning bankruptcy and reorganization
In the report year, the Company was not involved in matters concerning bankruptcy or reorganization.

IV.Asset transactions or enterprise merger

1. The Company's acquisition or disposal of assets or enterprise merger have been disclosed in
provisional announcements and there has been no change of subsequent implementation

         Summary and type of matters                                      Inquiry indexing
                                                    Refer to the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange:
                                                    1. April 24, 2013, Announcement of Resolutions of the 7th
                                                    meeting of the fifth board of directors of
                                                    Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. No.:201
                                                    2. August 13, 2013, Announcement of Resolutions of the
 The proposal for the disposal of certain idle as   first Provisional of the Meeting of the board of directors
 sets                                               of
                                                    Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. No.:201
                                                    3.August13,2013,The proposal for the disposal of certain i
                                                    dle assets as well as Announcement of Related
                                                    Transaction                                             of
                                                    Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. No.:201
                                                    Refer to the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange:
 The Announcement about the change of busin
 ess controlling shareholder equity transfer is c   October 31, 2013,The Announcement
 ompleted of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical App        about the change of business controlling shareholder equit
 liance Co., Ltd.                                   y transfer is completed of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical A
                                                    ppliance Co., Ltd.No.: 2013-011.

V.Implementation and its influence of equity incentive plan
√Not applicable

VI.Material related transactions

 (I) Asset acquisition and disposal related transactions
1.Matters that have been disclosed in provisional announcements and there has been no change or dev

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

elop of subsequent implementation.

                   Summary of matters                                       Inquiry indexing
                                                         Refer to the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange:
                                                         1. December 20, 2013 , Announcement of
                                                         Resolutions of the third Provisional of the Meeting
                                                         of      the      board       of     directors    of
 The                                                     Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. N
 Proposal of the purchase of commercial housing.         o.:2013-014.
                                                         2.       December          20,      2013,      The
                                                         Proposal of the purchase of commercial housing as
                                                         well as related Transactions                     of
                                                         Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.No

VII. Significant contracts and the status of their performance
(1)The trust, contracting and renting matters

√Not applicable

                                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

(2). Particulars of guarantee
                                                                                                                                               In RMB’0000

                         Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company(Barring the guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)
  Name                                     nce               Guara
    of                          Amo        date     Guara                       Wheth       Whether
                                                              ntee                                                                              Whether
                                                     ntee                                  guarantee                          whether                       Relations
 guarant                warra unt of (date of                 the      Type of     er                    Guarantee                             provided
             Relation                                the                                   exceed the                   anti-guarantee exist                hip
    ee                  ntee guara agreem startin expirat guarantee             termin delinquency       demurrage
                                                                                                                               or not
                                                                                                                                               to related
  target                         ntee      ent                ion                ated                                                            parties
                                                    g date                                    date
 Huangsh                shi
 i                      Dongb
 Dongbei                ei                          Janua    Janua    Guarantee                                                                             Controlli
 Electrica   The        Electr                                        with joint                                                                             ng
 l           Company    omech    1,000              ry 24,   ry 24,   responsibili   No     No                            No                   Yes          sharehold
 Applianc               anical                      2013     2014     ty                                                                                    ers
 e    Co.,              Group
 Ltd.                   Co.,
 Huangsh                shi
 i                      Dongb
 Dongbei                ei                          Marc     Marc     Guarantee                                                                             Controlli
 Electrica   The        Electr                                        with joint                                                                             ng
 l           Company    omech    1,000              h 13,    h 12,    responsibili   No     No                            No                   Yes          sharehold
 Applianc               anical                      2013     2014     ty                                                                                    ers
 e    Co.,              Group
 Ltd.                   Co.,
 Huangsh                Huang                                                                                                                               Contral
 i                      shi                                                                                                                                 subsidia
                                                    April    April    Guarantee
 Dongbei                Dongb
             The                                                      with joint                                                                            ry     of
                        ei       1,000              26,      26,      responsibili   No     No                            No                   Yes
 l                      Electr                                                                                                                              the
                                                    2013     2014     ty
 Applianc               omech                                                                                                                               parent
 e    Co.,              anical                                                                                                                              compan

                                                    黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Ltd.                  Group                                                                                                y
Huangsh               Huang                                                                                                control
i                     shi                                                                                                  subsidia
Dongbei               Dongb                     June2           Guarantee
                                                        June2                                                              ry of
Electrica   The       ei                         0,             with joint
l           Company   Refrig    1,000                    0,20   responsibili   No     No                        No   Yes   the
Applianc              erating                            14     ty                                                         parent
e    Co.,             Co.,                                                                                                 compan
Ltd.                  Ltd.                                                                                                 y
                      gshi                                                                                                 Control
                      Dong                                                                                                 subsidia
i                                              Septe Septe Guarantee
          The         bei                                                                                                  ry     of
Electric                                       mber mber with joint
          Compan Refri          1,000                                      No        No                         No   Yes   the
al                                             4,      4,      responsibi
          y           gerati                                                                                               parent
Applia                                         2013 2014 lity
                      ng                                                                                                   compan
                      Co.,                                                                                                 y
                      gshi                                                                                                 Control
                      Dong                                                                                                 subsidia
i                                              Dece Dece Guarantee
          The         bei                                                                                                  ry     of
Electric                                       mber mber with joint
          Compan Refri          1,000                                      No        No                         No   Yes   the
al                                             3,      2,      responsibi
          y           gerati                                                                                               parent
Applia                                         2013 2014 lity
                      ng                                                                                                   compan
                      Co.,                                                                                                 y
Total amount of guarantee in the report (Barring the
guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)
Total balance of guarantee in the report(A)(Barring the
guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)
                                            Guarantees provided by the Company to its controlled subsidiaries

                                                       黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Total amount of guarantees provided to subsidiaries in the
report period
Total balance of guarantees provided to subsidiaries at the
end of the report period(B)
                         Total amount of guarantees provided by the company (including the guarantees provided to controlled subsidiaries)
Total amount of guarantee(A+B)                                                                                                             53,707
Proportion of the total guarantee in the net assets of the
Of which :
Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial
controllers and the related parties(C)
Guarantees provided to objects with over70%in
liability/capital rate, directly or indirectly(D)
Amount of guarantee over 50% of the net asset(E)                                                                                          8,835.4
Total of the above 3*(C+D+E)                                                                                                                53,707

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

(3)Other Significant of contracting
The Company was not involved in contracted business in this report period.

VIII. Performance of commitments

√Not applicable

IX. Engagement or dismissal of certified public accountants' firm
                                                                                           In RMB

 Whether change certified public
 accountants' firm:
                                             Original appointed                   Now appointing
 Domestic     certified     public
                                      Daxin      Certified      Public    Daxin      Certified      Public
 accountants engaged by the
                                      Accountants Co., Ltd.(LLP)          Accountants Co., Ltd.(LLP)
 Remuneration for the domestic
 certified  public     accountants                                   45                                45
 Recompense by the Company
 Time for the domestic certified
 public accountants serves by the     13                                  13

               Name                            Recompense                              Name
                                      Daxin      Certified      Public
 CPAs firm for the internal control                                                                    15
                                      Accountants Co., Ltd.(LLP)

X. Penalty to the Company and its directors, supervisors and senior executives, shareholders holding
over 5% of total shares, actual controller or buyer and particulars about rectification
In the report period, the Company and its directors, supervisors and senior executives, shareholders
holding over 5% of total shares, actual controller or buyer were not subject to investigation,
administrative penalty and public reprimand by CSRC or public condemnation by stock exchange.

XI.Other important events Notes.
   The Company had no other important events in the report period.

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

              VI. Particulars about Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders
I. The changes in share capital
(1) The changes in share capital
1.The changes in share capital

                                                                                     In shares’0000
                                Before the
                                                    Increase or decrease this time (+/-)     After the change
                             Quanti proport      Share     Bon    Capitaliz    oth           Quanti     proport
                             ty      ion         allotme   us     ation of     er     Sub    ty         ion
                                                 nt        shar   common              tota
                                                           es     reserve               l
 I. Share with conditional
                             12,000     51.06                                                12,000       51.06
 1.State-owned shares
 2.State-owned       legal
                             11,760     50.04                                                11,760       50.04
 person shares
 3.Other domestic shares        240       1.02                                                  240        1.02
 Of which : Non-state
 owned domestic legal           240       1.02                                                  240        1.02
 person shares
 Domestic natural person
 4.Foreign shareholding
 Of which:Foreign legal
 person shares
  Foreign natural person
 II.     Shares       with
 unconditional               11,500     48.94                                                11,500       48.94
 1.Common shares in
 2.Foreign shares in
                             11,500     48.94                                                11,500       48.94
 domestic market
 3.Foreign shares in
 overseas market
 III. Total of capital
                             23,500       100                                                23,500        100
(II)Change in conditional shares
The Company has not changed in conditional shares of the Report period .
II. Issue and listing of shares

 (1) The issue of shares in the previous three years
  In the latest three years, the Company issued neither new share nor derived securities.

(2) Change of total shares, shareholder structure and assets and liabilities structure of the Company

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

In the report period, there was no change of total shares or shareholder structure caused by distribution
of bonus shares, rights issue, etc.

(3) Existing staff shares
  At the end of the report period, the Company did not have staff shares.

III.Shareholders and actual controlling shareholder

1. Number of shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                               In Shares

                                                                       Total shareholders at the
                                                                     end of the 5th day from the
    Total shareholders in the reporting period           19,583                                          19,347
                                                                         date of disclosing the
                                                                             annual report
                        Particulars about the shareholding of the top ten shareholders
                                            Share       Total                        Quantity of    Quantity of
                            Properties of                                 or
   Shareholder name                        propor quantity of                        Conditional     Pledged or
                            shareholder                              decrease
                                           tion % shares held                        shares held    frozen shares
                                                                    in the year
 Huangshi      Dongbei State-owned
 Electromechanical         legal            50.04 117,600,000                  0      117,600,000     No
 Group Co., Ltd.           person
 Sun Menglin               natural            1.20    2,809,283         -51,678                                            未
 Hu Jiaying                natural            0.44    1,025,136 1,025,136                                           未知
 Changzhou Zhongke
 Electric manufacture                         0.34      800,000                0          800,000     No
                           wned legal
 Co., Ltd.
 Chen Lei                  natural            0.26      609,358         413,778                                     未知
 Wang Yujie                natural            0.21      484,000          27,000                                     未知
                           Foreign                                                                   Unkno
 NOMINEES        (H.K.)                       0.18      428,000         138,000                                     未知
                           Legal person                                                                 wn
 Zhang Zhiping             natural            0.18      422,500         419,500                                     未知
 PACIFIC-YAMAICHI Foreign                                                                            Unkno
                                              0.18      412,000         412,000                                     未知
 INTERNATIONAL(H Legal person                                                                           wn

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

 Jiang Zhongfa             natural             0.17         400,000                 0                                 未知
                              Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares
                                                        Quantity of
            Name of the shareholder                                                  Type and Quantity of shares
                                                  unrestricted shares held
                                                                                 Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Sun Menglin                                                      2,809,283
                                                                                 Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Hu Jiaying                                                       1,025,136
                                                                                Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Chen Lei                                                           609,358
                                                                                 Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Wang Yujie                                                         484,000
 SHENYIN WANGUO NOMINEES (H.K.)                                                  Foreign shares placed in domestic
 LTD.                                                                                                    exchange
                                                                                 Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Zhang Zhiping                                                      422,500
                                                                                  Foreign shares placed in domestic
 INTERNATIONAL(HK)                                                  412,000
                                                                                  Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Jiang Zhongfa                                                      400,000
                                                                                  Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Ma Limei                                                           320,656
                                                                                  Foreign shares placed in domestic
 Qin Weiqi                                                          311,100

IV.Brief introduction of the controlling shareholder and actual controller
(1) The controlling shareholder
 1. Legal

                                                                                      In RMB’0000
                                                            Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co.,
 Legal representative                                       Yang Baichang
 Date of Establishment                                      January 18,2002
 Organization Code                                          73683763-9
 Registered Capital                                                                             24,184.29

                                                            Production and sales of refrigerating compressors
 Main business                                              and electrical motors of compressors, development

                                                            and consultation of high-tech products.

(2) Actual controller
                                                                                      In RMB billion
 Name                                                       China Orient Asset Management Company

                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

 Legal representative                                 Zhang Zhiai
 Registered Capital                                                                                  10
                                                      Acquisition, Manage and disposal of Bad assets of
 Main business
                                                       financial institution

2.The block diagram of the property right and control relationship between the Company and the
actual controller

V. Other corporate shareholders holding over 10% of total shares of the Company
   As of the end of the report period, the Company did not have other shareholders who held above
10% shares.

VII.Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees

1.Change of shareholding and particulars about remuneration

                                                           黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

(I) The change of shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior executives who currently hold their posts or left their posts in the report period and
particulars about their remuneration

                                                                                                                                                     In share
                                                                                                                       The total amount
                                           Begin                   Share                                                                           The total
                                                                            Shares        Increase or                   of remuneration
                                            ning     Expiratio     s held                                              received from the       remuneration from
                                                                            held at     decrease in the
                                            date     n date of     at the                                 Reason of                           shareholder or other
 Name      Position       Sex      Age                                        the          amount of                    Company in the
                                             of       office       year-                                  the change                         related -parties in the
                                                                            year-e       shares for the                  report period
                                           office      term        begin                                                                         report period
                                                                              nd             year                        (RMB’0000)
                                           term                     ning                                                                         (RMB’0000)
                                                                                                                        (Before tax)
 Yang                                      May
          of      the                               May      27,
 Baicha                 Male          59   28,                         0            0                 0
          board of                                  2014
 ng                                        2011
 Zhu                                       May
                                                    May      27,
  Jinmi   Director      Male          51   28,                         0            0                 0
  ng                                       2011
 Fang     Director                                  May      27,
                        Male          50   28,                         0            0                 0                              45.35
 Zeyun    and GM                                    2014
 Liao                                      May
                                                    May      27,
 Hangan   Director      Male          51   28,
                                                                       0            0                 0
 g                                         2011
 Cao        and                                     May      27,
                        Male          59   28,                         0            0                 0                              25.13
 Lijian     Deputy                                  2014
 Ruan                                      May
                                                    May      27,
 Zhengy   Director      Male          44   28,                         0            0                 0
 a                                         2011
 Yu       Independe                                 May      27,
                        Male          49   28,                         0            0                 0                                  5
 Yumiao   nt director                               2014
 Zhao     Independe                                 May      27,
                        Male          60   28,                         0            0                 0                                  5
 Dayou    nt director                               2014

                                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Lu                                       May
         Independe                               May        27,
Yanyin                 Female       55   28,                        0          0               0           5
         nt director                             2014
g                                        2011
Jiang                                            May        27,
         Supervisor    Male         46   28,                        0          0               0
Min                                              2014
Wang                                     May
                                                 May        27,
Huashe   Supervisor    Male         35   28,                        0          0               0        14.55
ng                                       2011
Jiang                                            May        27,
         Supervisor    Male         38   28,                        0          0               0        14.55
Zhian                                            2014
         GM and                          May
Lu                                               May        27,
         Secretary     Female       44   28,                        0          0               0        23.34
Lihua                                            2014
         to      the                     2011
Hu       DeputyG                                 May        27,
                       Male         42   28,                        0          0               0        25.13
Bing      M                                      2014
Guo                                      May
         DeputyG                                 May        27,
Shuiqu                 Male         62   28,                        0          0               0         9.84
          M                                      2014
an                                       2011
Huang    DeputyG                                 May        27,
                       Female       36   28,                        0          0               0        24.56
 Bo       M                                      2014
 Total        /           /     /            /          /           0          0               0   /   197.45

                            黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Yang Baichang: He served as board chairman and President of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical
Co., Ltd.From 2002 to May 2010, And he served as Board Chairman of Huangshi Dongbei
Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd.and board chairman of the Company since May 2010.

Zhu Jinming: He has served as director and Vice president Manager of Huangshi Dongbei
Electromechanical Co., Ltd.From 2002 to May 2010, and he served as Director and President of
Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd.and Director of the Company since May 2010.

Fang Zeyun: He served as Deputy General Manager of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical appliance Co.,
Ltd.and he served as general manager of Huangshi Dongbei Refrigeration Co., Ltd.. and now acts as
director and General Manger of the Company.

.Liao Hangang:He served as board secretary of the Company, He now served as Director of the
Company and Assistant President of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Co., Ltd.

Cao Lijian:He served as Director of Technical innovation Dept , Director of Technical Development
Dept , Assistant general manager of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd .and now served
as Director and Deputy General manager of the Company.

Ruan Zhengya: He served as general manager of Changzhou Luoke Electric Co., Ltd.since 2004, He
was served as director of the company since May 2008.

Yu Yumiao:He served as professor and Doctor tutor of the Economic and Management faculty
accounting department of Wu Han University since 2004, he was employed as independent director of
the Company since May 2008.

Zhao Dayou: He now serves as director of Tourism Planning, Research and Development Center of
Three Gorges University, deputy director of Three Gorges Culture, Economy and Social Development
Research Center of Hubei University Culture and Social Science Key Research Base, member of
Yichang City Planning Commission and Yichang CPPCC, technical consultant of People's
Government of Xiling District, part-time professor of Chongqing Three Gorges College and academic
pacesetter of Three Gorges University for regional economy. He now served as Independent director
of the Company.

Lu Yanying::She served as Teacher of School of Management, Huazhong University Of Science &
Technology and School of Management, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical
Engineering,and now acts as professor of Economics and Management School of Wuhan University .
She served as Independent Director of the Company since May 2011.

Jiang Min:He served as Director of Financial Department of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical
Group Co., Ltd., and now acts as assistant president of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group
Co., Ltd,He served as Supervisor of the Company since May 2011.

Wang Huasheng:He served as Manager of Manager's Office from 2004 to March 2008, He served as
supervisor of the Company since June 2006.He now served as Manager of Manager’s Office of
Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd

Jiang    Zhian:     :    He      served     as      director    of     process    workshop    of
Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd . He now served as director of workshop of Huangshi
Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd., He served as supervisor of the Company since May 2011.

Lu Lihua : She served as Director of Financial Department of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance

                                黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Co., Ltd since 2005, She now served as Assistant General Manager and Secretary to the Board of the

Hu Bing:He served as assistant General manager of Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd
And Assistant General Manager of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd ,He now served
Deputy general manager of the company.

Guo Shuiquan:He served as department Deputy manager and Manger of Wuhan Office of China
Orient Asset Management Company ,He was employed as Deputy general manager of the Company
since October 25, 2006.

Huang Bo:He served as director of Manager office, Manager of Purchasing Dept and Assistant
General Manager of Huangshi Refrigerating Co., Ltd from 2005 to March 2008, He worked of the
Company from 2005 to now, He served as director of Quality and Assistant General Manager ,He now
served as Deputy general manger of the Company.

II.Particulars about duty performance of directors, supervisors and senior executives who currently
hold their posts or left their posts in the report period
(1) Posts held at corporate shareholders

                   Name of corporate                             Starting date of term of     Expiry date of term of
      Name                                     Position
                     shareholder                                          office                      office
                  Dongbei Group         Board chairman
 Zhu Jinming      Dongbei Group         President
                                        Board       secretary
 Liao Hangang     Dongbei Group         and         Assistant
 Jiang Min          Dongbei Group       Assistant president
(2).Posts held at other units

                    Name of other                               Starting date of term       Expiry date of term of
      Name                                    Position
                         units                                         of office                    office
 Ruan Zhengya      Luoke Electric       General Manager
                   Co., Ltd.
                   China      Orient
                   Asset                Manager            of
 Guo Shuiquan      Management           Department
                   .Wuhan office
                   Wuhan                professor          of
 Yu Yumiao
                   University           economics         and
                   Angel Yeast Co.,     Independent
                   Ltd.                 Director
                   Adhesive             Independent
                   Industry    Co.,     Director
                   Jingshan Light       Independent

                                黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                   Industry             Director
                   Machinery Co.,
                   Three     Gorges
 Zhao Dayou                             Professor
                   Research     and
                   Center of Three
                   Wuhan                professor         of
 Lu Yanying
                   University           economics        and
                   Jinglun              Independent
                   Electronic           Director
                      XinhuaYangsh      Independent
                      eng Biology       Director
                      Co., Ltd.

III. Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives
 The         decision-making
 procedure for remuneration
                               The shareholders' general meeting decided the remuneration .
 of directors, supervisors
 and senior executives:
 The        determine       of According to the Dongbei B senior management compensation management
 remuneration of the basis practices, the formation of a resolution submitted by the Remuneration Com
 of directors, supervisors mittee of the Board, the final resolution was made by the shareholders' meeti
 and senior executives         ng
 Total actual remuneration
 of all directors, supervisors Refer to the chapter I,(1) The change of shareholding of directors, supervisors
 and senior management in and senior executives who currently hold their posts or left their posts in the
 the end of the report report period and particulars about their remuneration

IV. Change in directors, supervisors and senior executives
   Directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company were in office and had on changes in
 reporting period.

V. The structure of employees in the parent Company and the principal subsidiaries

(1)Particulars of Employees
 The number of employees in the parent Company                                                          2,987
 The number of employees in the principal
 Total                                                                                                  3,967
 Parent Company and subsidiaries are required to
 bear the costs of retired employees.
                                          Divided by function

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                       Type                                                    Person
               Production personnel                                                                       3,133
                  Sales personnel                                                                            60
                Technical personnel                                                                         401
                Financial personnel                                                                          31
              Administrative personnel                                                                      342
                       Total                                                                              3,967
                                            Education status
                        Type                                              Total(Person)
              Junior college and above                                                                    1,230
 Technical secondary shool and Senior High School                                                         2,737
                        Total                                                                             3,967

(2) Remuneration policy
According to business development of company status, developed a level of remuneration and benefits
 policies that adapted to the development stage, is committed to create a happy life for the employees.

(3) Training plan
Staff training is divided into two blocks:
1. pre-job training: training new employees to achieve three level training
So that new employees are familiar with and agree with the corporate culture to adapt to work as soon
as possible.
2.job training: to carry out a variety of training in accordance with the annual training plan
Enhance staff skills and qualities to ensure that employees complete tasks.

(4)Staffs’ Professional Structure Chart:

(5)Staffs’ Education Background Structure Chart:

黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                   黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                   VIII. Company Administration Structure
1.Particulars about corporate governance and insider registration and management
During the report period, the company has strictly fulfilled the requirements of ―Corporate Law‖,
―Securities Law‖, ―Articles of Association‖, China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shanghai
Stock Exchange, the relevant laws and regulations and the regular documents, continuously improved
the corporate governance structure, strengthened the information disclosure, standardized the
company’s operation, and enhanced the governance level of the company. The shareholders meeting,
the Board of Directors, the Supervisor Committee and the management of the company shall have
clear rights and duties, and the corporate governance structure of the company has basically met the
modern enterprise system and the requirements of ―Governance Rules of Listed Companies‖. To
continually strengthen the relevant standard governance, the company has issued ―Annual Evaluation
Report of Internal Control for Dongbei B Shares in 2012‖, ―Audit Report of Internal Control for
Dongbei B Shares‖, ―Management Method of Foreign Investment for Dongbei B Shares‖ and other
series of standard governance system of the company according to the relevant laws and regulations of
China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The company has abided by ―Registration and Filing System on Learners of Inside Information for
Dongbei B Shares‖, ―Confidential System of Inside Information for Dongbei B Shares‖ and
―Registration and Management System on Learners of Inside Information for Donper B Shares‖ to
conscientiously do the registration and record on learners of inside information well, and timely fill in
the registration form of inside information learners. Also, the company has arranged the relevant
personnel to systematically learn above documents to improve everyone’s sense of confidentiality.
2. Brief Introduction of Shareholders' General Meeting

                                                                                Name and
                          Date of          Description of                        layout of
      Matter                                                Resolution                         Disclosure date
                          Meeting            proposals                        newspapers for
 2012                                  The statement
 Shareholders’                        of Shareholder
                   May 24, 2013                        Adoption           www.sse.com.cn April 26, 2013
 general                               s' General Mee
 meeting                               ting
1.To examined the Proposal for the Work Report of the Board of Directors For 2012;
2. To examined the Proposal for the work Report of the Supervisory Committee for 2012;
3. To examined the Proposal for the annual report for 2012 and its summary;
4. To examined the Proposal for the Final Accounting Report for 2012;
5. To examined the Proposal for the Preplan for Profit Distribution for 2012;
6. To examined the Proposal for Renewing the Engagement of Certified Public Accountants and the
Proposal for Internal Audit Institution;
7. To examined the Proposal Concerning the Credit Line for the Company for 2013;
8. To examined the Proposal Concerning Guarantee Provided by the Company in 2013;
9.To examined the Proposal for The information of Daily Related Transactions of 2012 and Announcement of
Expected Daily related transactions in 2013;
10.Examination of the proposal of the 2012 Annual Report of the Independent Directors' Work

3. Routine work of the board of directors

(1). Board meetings and resolutions
             Whether                                                                                  Attenda
   Name         the                              Attendance of board meetings                         nce of
             independ                                                                                   the

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                ent                                                                                sharehol
             directors                                                                               ders’
                                                                                         on the
                                                   Number                               why not       The
                             The                      of                               personall   attendanc
                         supposed     Attendan    meetings                              y attend    e record
                                                                  ce                                   of
                          times of      ce in     attendanc                Absence         the
                         attendanc     person        e by                  (times)      meeting    sharehold
                            e this     (times)    means of                               of the      ers’
                            year                  communi                               board of    general
                                                    cation                              director    meeting
                                                                                       for twice
             No          6                    6           5                        0   No          1
             No          6                    6           5                        0   No          0
             No          6                    6           5                        0   No          1
             No          6                    6           5                        0   No          1
             No          6                    5           5           1            0   No          1
             No          6                    6           5                        0   No          1
             Yes         6                    6           5                        0   No          0
             Yes         6                    6           5                        0   No          0
             Yes         6                    6           5                        0   No          1

 The number of the meetings of the board of
 directors within the year
 Of which: Number of field meetings                                                                       1
 Number of meetings held by means of

(2). The information of the objection made by independent directors to relevant matters of the
 In the report period,independent directors of the Company did not make objection to the proposals
examined at board meetings and those not examined at board.

4. Statement of the supervisory committee on the risks faced by the Company
The supervisory committee has no objection to the supervised matters in the report period.

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

5. Particulars about mechanism of appraisal of senior executives and establishment and
implementation of stimulation mechanism in the report period
In the report period, based on sales revenue, profits and other indicators, and completed in accordance
with the actual situation, comprehensive evaluation on the company's senior management. At the same
 time as the establishment of an effective incentive and restraint mechanisms to mobilize senior manag
ement enthusiasm for work, improve the management level of enterprises, encourage enterprises to ac
hieve organizational goals and sustainable development, according to the "People's Republic of China
Company Law", "Corporate Governance Guidelines "and other relevant provisions of international la
ws and regulations, combined with the actual situation of the company, developed a" Huangshi Dongb
ei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. senior management compensation management Salary Measures. "
The Company conducted comprehensive appraisal of its senior executives according to indicators
including sales income and profit and the actual result. In the future, the Company will unceasingly
improve appraisal and stimulation mechanism according to actual situation. The Company conducted
comprehensive appraisal of its senior executives according to indicators including sales income and
profit and the actual result.
In order to establish an effective incentive and restraint mechanism, mobilize the enthusiasm of the se
nior management, improve the enterprise management level, promote the enterprise to achieve the obj
ectives and sustainable development. According to "People's Republic of China Company Law", "Cor
porate Governance Guidelines" and other relevant international laws and regulations, combined with t
he actual situation of the company, "Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. senior manage
ment compensation management approach." was developed.

                                        IX. Internal Control

1. Statement on responsibilities for internal control and particulars about construction of internal
control system
The board of directors of the Company and all directors hereby guarantee that there are no false record,
misleading statement or material omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability
for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of its contents.
   Establishing, improving and effectively implementing internal control system is the responsibility
of the board of directors of the Company. The supervisory committee shall supervise the establishment
and implementation of internal control system by the board of directors. The management shall be
responsible for organizing and leading the daily operation of internal control system of the Company.
The Company's internal control target: To reasonably ensure the lawfulness and conformance of the
Company's operation management, safety of assets, truthfulness and completeness of financial report
and relevant information, improve the Company's management efficiency and effect and help the
Company implement its development strategy.

The Board of Directors has authorized Department of Discipline Inspection, Auditing and Supervision
to be in charge of the specific implementation of evaluation of internal control. To ensure the smooth
progress of the relevant work, the company has set up the leading group and working group for the
evaluation of internal control, where, the leading group is composed of general manager and vice
general manager in charge of Finance, who are responsible for the arrangement, improvement,
communication and coordination of evaluation and the recognition and rectification decision of
defects. Also, the company has established the working group for the evaluation of internal control
composed of Department of Discipline Inspection, Auditing and Supervision, Securities Department
and other personnel of relevant departments, who are in charge of the special implementation of

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

supervision and evaluation of internal control.

     The Company established a leading team and a work team for internal control evaluation.
According to the principles, contents, procedures and methods of evaluation and report form specified
in Management Standards of Internal Control Evaluation, the work team formulated work scheme for
internal control evaluation and was responsible for organizing the implementation of internal control
evaluation and evaluating main risk fields and units within the scope of evaluation.

   Daxin Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.(LLP) audited the internal control of the Company and
issued Auditor's Report on Internal Control.
Refer to the appendix for details of the auditor's report on internal control.

2. Statement on auditor's report on internal control

     The Company prepared and disclosed Report on Self-evaluation of Internal Control for 2013.
Hubei Daxin Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. audited the internal control of the Company and
issued Auditor's Report on Internal Control. The full text of the said report was published at the
website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (http: / / www.sse.com.cn).
Refer to the appendix for details of the auditor's report on internal control.

3. The system of ascertaining responsibilities for material errors in annual report and the status of its

In accordance with the relevant requirements stipulated in China Securities Regulatory Commission,
the company has formulated ―Responsibility Claim System on Significant Error of Information
Disclosure in Annual Report‖, and implemented the responsibility claim system for the charger of
information disclosure in annual report to perfect the management of information disclosure and
improve the quality and transparency of information disclosure.
     In the report period, the Company did not make material errors of annual report information

                                          X. Financial Report

      The Company's annual financial report has been audited by Zhang Ling and Jiang Yanhong, the
certified public accountants of Daxin Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.( LLP) and they issued
standard unqualified auditor's report.

I.Auditor’s Report
                                            Auditor’s Report

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                                             Da Xin Shen Zi (2014)No.: 2-00418
To all shareholders of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.

We audited accompanying financial statements of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), including Consolidation and parent Company balance
sheet on December 31, 2013, Consolidation and parent Company profit statement, Consolidation and
parent Company cash flow statement for the year 2013 and Consolidation and parent Company
statement of change in shareholders' equity and the notes to financial statements.

  I. Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
Preparation of financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Such responsibility
(1) Prepare the financial statements according to business enterprises regulation, so that making
reasonable accounting estimate;
(2) Design, implementation and maintenance of internal control related to the preparation of
financial statements so that financial statements are free from ma terial misstatement caused by
fraudulent practices or errors.

II. Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our
audit and to report our opinion solely to you, as a body, and for no other purpose. We conducted our
audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, Those standards require that we comply
with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the
consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures
in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error, In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control
relevant to the Group’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in
order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control. An audit also includes
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated
financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion.

III. Opinion
      In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with
the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and give a fair view, in all material
aspects, of the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2013 and its operating results
and cash flow for 2013.

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Daxin Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. ( LLP)
                                                 Chinese C.P.A.: Zhang Ling
Beijing China                                  Chinese C.P.A.: Jiang Yanhong

                                                                                         April 22, 2014

2.Financial Statements (Attached hereinafter)
3..Notes to Financial Statements(Attached hereinafter)

                         XI. List of Documents Available for Inspection

1. Financial statements bearing the seal and signature of legal representative and financial controller;
2. The original of the auditor's report bearing the seal of the certified public accountants' firm and the
signature of C.P.A.;
3. The original of all the Company's documents and the original manuscripts of announcements
publicly disclosed on the newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the
report period.

                                                                Chairman of the board : Yang Baichang
                                                        Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       April 24, 2014

                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

II.Financial statements

                               Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                        December 31,2013

Prepared by: Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.

                                                                          In RMB
                  Items                   Notes      Year-end balance      Year-beginning balance
 Current asset:
         Monetary fund                                  528,112,035.59             521,359,521.85
           Settlement provision
             Outgoing call loan
          Trading financial assets
               Bill receivable                          733,301,431.98             657,525,845.38
            Account receivable                          999,871,333.83             943,995,814.72
       Prepayments                                      127,409,973.54             125,900,657.97
  Insurance receivable
 Reinsurance receivable
  Provisions of Reinsurance contracts
    Interest receivable
    Dividend receivable
  Other account receivable                               10,294,402.66              12,339,013.33
 Repurchasing of financial assets
    Inventories                                         528,984,793.37             472,290,956.37
 Non-current asset due in 1 year
    Other current asset
 Total of current assets                              2,927,973,970.97           2,733,411,809.62
 Non-current assets:
 Loans and payment on other’s behalf
 Disposable financial asset
 Expired investment in possess
  Long-term receivable
  Long term share equity investment                       5,579,199.37              85,938,693.12
  Property investment                                     3,876,879.92               4,041,924.08
    Fixed assets                                        816,542,012.66             897,357,746.33
    Construction in progress                             14,031,259.01               2,704,170.88
 Engineering material
    Fixed asset disposal
    Production physical assets
  Gas & petrol
  Intangible assets                                      75,740,680.14              76,632,250.44
  R & D petrol
 Long-germ expenses to be amortized                        1,031,854.03
 Differed income tax asset                                 6,899,448.19              7,899,319.35

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  Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                             923,701,333.32   1,074,574,104.20
Total of assets                                       3,851,675,304.29   3,807,985,913.82
Current liabilities
   Short-term loans                                     682,506,600.00    624,687,160.00
   Loan from Central Bank
  Deposit received and hold for others
  Call loan received
   Trade off financial liabilities
   Bill payable                                         736,273,961.21    851,268,224.15
   Account payable                                      940,272,373.02    902,931,397.23
  Advance payment                                        14,762,754.06    115,050,703.41
   Selling of repurchased financial
  Fees and commissions receivable
  Employees’ wage payable                               42,108,898.55     38,280,810.34
  Tax payable                                            29,510,041.41     34,494,893.12
  Interest payable                                          960,328.49      1,075,348.55
  Dividend payable                                       10,009,121.12     10,009,121.12
   Other account payable                                190,061,481.50    139,515,163.73
  Reinsurance fee payable
  Insurance contract provision
  Entrusted trading of securities
Entrusted selling of securities
Non-current liability due in 1 year                                       122,520,360.00
Other current liability
Total of current liability                            2,646,465,559.36   2,839,833,181.65
Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term loan                                       121,440,000.00      1,440,000.00
  Bond payable
   Long-term payable                                     20,784,033.34     20,172,708.34
  Special payable                                         5,000,000.00      5,000,000.00
  Expected liabilities
Differed income tax liability
  Other non-current liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                        147,224,033.34      26,612,708.34
Total of liability                                    2,793,689,592.70   2,866,445,889.99
Owners’ equity
   Share capital                                        235,000,000.00    235,000,000.00
  Capital reserves                                      190,111,836.26    190,111,836.26
   Less:Shares in stock
  Special reserves
   Surplus reserves                                      37,944,193.35     36,008,607.48
  Common risk provision
   Undistributed profit                                 434,569,646.73    342,680,456.41
Different of foreign currency
Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                        897,432,610.64    803,800,900.15
parent company
   Minority shareholders’ equity                       160,553,100.95    137,739,123.68

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 Total of owners’ equity                                1,057,985,711.59            941,540,023.83
 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                3,851,675,304.29          3,807,985,913.82

Legal representative :Yang Baichang

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                                    Balance sheet of Parent Company

                                            December 31, 2013

Prepared by: Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           In RMB
             Items                 Notes            Year-end balance            Year-beginning balance
 Current asset:
 Monetary fund                                              279,658,871.30                253,364,683.15
 Trading financial assets
 Bill receivable                                            258,130,401.42                345,600,983.38
 Account receivable                                         706,933,185.41                689,028,356.67
 Prepayments                                                187,524,627.07                215,084,693.74
 Interest receivable
 Dividend receivable
 Other account receivable                                     8,403,825.26                  9,868,968.85
 Inventories                                                412,601,513.10                329,861,629.59
 Non-current asset due in 1
 Other current asset
 Total of current assets                                  1,853,252,423.56               1,842,809,315.38
 Non-current assets:
 Disposable financial asset
 Expired investment in
 Long-term receivable
 Long term share equity
                                                                62,646,277.60               62,646,277.60
 Property investment
 Fixed assets                                               459,862,876.50                512,501,644.76
 Construction in progress                                     7,866,927.30                  1,220,538.41
 Engineering material
 Fixed asset disposal
 Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol

                                 黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Intangible assets                                             35,456,430.70     36,592,026.31
R & D petrol
Long-germ expenses to be
Differed income tax asset                                      5,958,099.04      6,733,933.94
Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                  571,790,611.14     619,694,421.02
Total of assets                                            2,425,043,034.70   2,462,503,736.40
Current liabilities
Short-term loans                                             429,229,890.00    292,478,300.00
Trade        off    financial
Bill payable                                                 278,227,961.21    515,882,039.69
Account payable                                              470,193,678.60    453,072,135.26
Advance payment                                              464,648,456.39    416,427,513.73
Employees’ wage payable                                      17,205,724.65     18,181,724.65
Tax payable                                                   22,588,647.68     28,874,995.74
Interest payable
Dividend payable
Other account payable                                         30,550,834.86     41,589,409.75
Non-current liability due in
1 year
Other current liability
Total of current liability                                 1,712,645,193.39   1,889,026,478.82
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan                                               120,000,000.00
Bond payable
Long-term payable                                             19,737,433.34     20,172,708.34
Special payable
Expected liabilities
Differed       income      tax
Other             non-current
Total      of     Non-current
                                                             139,737,433.34     20,172,708.34
Total of liability                                         1,852,382,626.73   1,909,199,187.16
Owners’ equity
Share capital                                                235,000,000.00    235,000,000.00
Capital reserves                                              90,801,937.51     90,801,937.51
Less:Shares in stock
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                                              37,944,193.35     36,008,607.48
Provision of general risk
Undistributed profit                                         208,914,277.11    191,494,004.25
Total of owners’ equity                                     572,660,407.97    553,304,549.24
Total of liabilities and
                                                           2,425,043,034.70   2,462,503,736.40
owners’ equity

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

  Legal representative :Yang Baichang

  Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

  Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                                     Consolidated Profit Statement
                                       January- December 2013

                                                                                    In RMB

                     Items                    Notes        Amount in this period   Amount in last period
I. Income from the key business                                4,264,031,820.89        4,115,881,689.22
Incl:Business income                                          4,264,031,820.89        4,115,881,689.22
       Interest income
Insurance fee earned
Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                         4,156,917,715.75        4,003,893,637.86
Incl:Business cost                                             3,722,178,577.67        3,601,140,046.86
Interest expense
Fee and commission paid
Insurance discharge payment
Net claim amount paid
Insurance policy dividend paid
Insurance policy dividend paid
Reinsurance expenses
Business tax and surcharge                                        16,338,806.29            20,079,175.07
Sales expense                                                     94,364,407.59            87,836,539.81
Administrative expense                                           276,766,392.41           217,671,475.97
Financial expenses                                                45,573,451.97            72,505,144.46
Asset impairment loss                                              1,696,079.82             4,661,255.69
Add:Gains from change of their value
(―-‖for loss)
Investment gain(―-‖for loss)                                   53,619,106.25             -948,147.10
Incl: investment gains from affiliates
Gains from currency exchange(―-‖for loss)
III. Operational profit(―-‖for loss                           160,733,211.39           111,039,904.26
Add:Non-business income                                          17,583,256.81            17,725,652.38
Less:Non business expenses                                       25,178,079.66            13,435,950.06
Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current
IV.Total profit(―-‖for loss)                                   153,138,388.54           115,329,606.58
Less:Income tax expenses                                         36,499,635.08            11,926,562.60
V. Net profit(―-‖for net loss)                               116,638,753.46           103,403,043.98
Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                                                   93,824,776.19           60,515,708.87
parent company

                                 黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Minority shareholders’ equity                                 22,813,977.27             42,887,335.11
VI. Earnings per share:
(I)Basic earnings per share                                          0.399                    0.258
(II)Diluted earnings per share                                         0.399                    0.258
VII. Other comprehensive income                                  -193,065.70
VIII. Total comprehensive income                              116,530,888.07           103,403,043.98
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                               93,631,710.49            60,515,708.87
the owner of the parent company
Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                               22,813,977.27             42,887,335.11
minority shareholders

  Legal representative :Yang Baichang

  Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

  Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                                  Profit statement of the Parent Company

          January-December 2013                                            In RMB

                      Items                     Notes      Amount in this period    Amount in last period
   I. Income from the key business                             3,442,662,929.72         3,063,408,638.18
       Less:Business cost                                     3,186,542,998.43         2,794,147,941.04
   Business tax and surcharge                                       4,378,444.73            10,459,890.73
          Sales expense                                           46,570,311.77             48,352,128.95
     Administrative expense                                      150,287,563.96           139,816,429.43
        Financial expenses                                        18,992,150.64             40,217,872.87
     Asset impairment loss                                            891,011.02             3,767,861.66
   Add:Gains from change of for value
   (―-‖for loss)
   Investment gain(―-‖for loss)
       Incl: investment gains from affiliates
   II. Operational profit(―-‖for loss)                         35,000,449.17            26,646,513.50
     Add:Non-business income                                       8,205,664.89            10,766,755.26
     Less:Non- business expenses                                  23,063,170.43             9,008,668.68
   Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current
   III.Total profit(―-‖for loss)                                 20,142,943.63            28,404,600.08
       Less:Income tax expenses                                      787,084.90             4,431,665.15
   IV. Net profit(―-‖for net loss)                             19,355,858.73            23,972,934.93
   V. Earnings per share:
   (I)Basic earnings per share
     (II)Diluted earnings per share
   VI. Other comprehensive income

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                     19,355,858.73            23,972,934.93

Legal representative :Yang Baichang

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                               Consolidated Cash flow statement

          January –December 2013                         In RMB

                                                                   Amount in this     Amount in last
                      Items                               Notes
                                                                     period             period
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or rending of
                                                                   3,108,162,316.39   3,220,073,239.44
Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept
for brother company
Net increase of loans from central bank
Net increase of inter-bank loans from other
financial bodies
Cash received against original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase of client deposit and investment
Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
Cash received as interest, processing fee and
Net increase of inter-bank fund received
Net increase of repurchasing business
Tax returned                                                          70,517,904.05      62,816,791.54
Other cash received from business operation                           80,104,845.18      57,010,873.94
Sub-total of cash inflow                                           3,258,785,065.62   3,339,900,904.92
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
                                                                   2,574,609,794.76   2,530,576,134.01
Net increase of client trade and advance
Net increase of savings n central bank and brother
Cash paid for original contract claim
Cash paid for interest, processing fee and
Cash paid for policy dividend
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                               320,588,279.25     290,071,402.54
Taxes paid                                                           132,742,874.61      88,693,425.57
Other cash paid for business activities                              178,110,675.31     107,478,863.51
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                 3,206,051,623.93   3,016,819,825.63
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                        52,733,441.69     323,081,079.29

                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

II.Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment retrieving                        64,171,600.00
Cash received as investment gains
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                22,306,101.77      1,729,449.21
intangible assets, and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment
                                                                86,477,701.77     71,029,449.21
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,
                                                               164,612,375.71     48,864,957.81
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                                                           32,972,200.00
Net increase of loan against pledge
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
Other cash paid for investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
                                                               164,612,375.71     81,837,157.81
Net cash flow generated by investment                          -78,134,673.94     -10,807,708.60
III.Cash flow generated by financing
Cash received as investment
Incl: Cash received as investment from minor
Cash received as loans                                       1,807,005,294.00   1,504,776,351.60
Cash received from bond placing
Other financing –related ash received
Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities           1,807,005,294.00   1,504,776,351.60
Cash to repay debts                                          1,751,706,214.00   1,751,840,051.60
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                     59,541,564.74      59,865,764.87
Incl: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to
minor shareholders
Other cash paid for financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing
                                                             1,811,247,778.74   1,811,705,816.47
Net cash flow generated by financing                            -4,242,484.74   -306,929,464.87
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash
and cash equivalents
V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                    -29,836,782.69      5,343,905.82
Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                               471,346,311.99    466,002,406.17
beginning of term
VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                               441,509,529.30    471,346,311.99
end of term

Legal representative :Yang Baichang

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                                 黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                             Cash flow statement of the Parent Company
        January-December 2013                                                          In RMB

                                                                      Amount in this       Amount in last
                       Items                                 Notes
                                                                        period               period
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or rending of
                                                                     1,931,434,656.68     1,900,010,578.68
Tax returned                                                           63,311,839.73       56,397,462.22
Other cash received from business operation                           22,539,935.22        22,253,137.56
Sub-total of cash inflow                                             2,017,286,431.63     1,978,661,178.46
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
                                                                     1,683,951,811.21     1,471,504,813.20
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                160,026,575.26       151,937,751.04
Taxes paid                                                            17,952,370.49        19,984,705.07
Other cash paid for business activities                               151,883,829.26       68,740,421.66
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                   2,013,814,586.22     1,712,167,690.97
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                         3,471,845.41        266,493,487.49
II.Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment retrieving
Cash received as investment gains
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                      22,295,139.06         1,310,045.41
intangible assets, and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Other cash receivable for investment activities
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                 22,295,139.06         1,310,045.41
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,
                                                                     119,386,737.81         21,886,390.70
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                                                                     29,972,200.00
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
Other cash paid for investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
                                                                     119,386,737.81         51,858,590.70
Net cash flow generated by investment                                 -97,091,598.75       -50,548,545.29
III.Cash flow generated by financing
Cash received from absorbing investment
Cash received as loans                                               1,378,830,876.00      996,225,975.00
Cash received from bond placing
Other financing –related ash received
Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities                   1,378,830,876.00      996,225,975.00
Cash to repay debts                                                  1,244,599,646.00     1,202,824,125.00
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                           32,641,828.34        38,321,413.09
Other cash paid for financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities                1,277,241,474.34     1,241,145,538.09
Net cash flow generated by financing                                  101,589,401.66      -244,919,563.09

                               黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash
and cash equivalents
V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                       7,969,648.32   -28,974,620.89
Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                239,540,473.29   268,515,094.18
beginning of term
VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end
                                                                247,510,121.61   239,540,473.29
of term

   Legal representative :Yang Baichang

   Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

   Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                                                            黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                                     Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity

                                        January-December 2013                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                 Amount in this period
                                                    Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                            Less:                              Comm                                      Minor      Total of
        Items                                                        alize
                                               Capital      Share               Surplus        on risk Attributable                  shareholders   owners’
                        Share Capital                                  d                                                 Other
                                              reserves       s in               reserves       provisi    profit                       ’ equity     equity
                                                            stock                                on
I.Balance at the end                        190,111,836.2                                              342,680,456.4                 137,739,123    941,540,0
                        235,000,000.00                                       36,008,607.48
of last year                                            6                                                           1                        .68        23.83
Add: Change of
Correcting         of
previous errors
II.Balance at the
                                            190,111,836.2                                              342,680,456.4                 137,739,123    941,540,0
beginning of current    235,000,000.00                                      36,008,607.48
                                                        6                                                          1                         .68        23.83
III.Changed in the                                                                                                      -193,065.7   22,813,977.    116,445,6
                                                                              1,935,585.87             91,889,190.32
current year                                                                                                                     0           27         87.76
                                                                                                                                     22,813,977.    116,638,7
(I) Net profit                                                                                       93,824,776.19
                                                                                                                                             27         53.46
( II )        Other                                                                                                   -193,065.7                  -193,065.
misc.income                                                                                                                      0                         70
                                                                                                                        -193,065.7   22,813,977.    116,445,6
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                  93,824,776.19
                                                                                                                                 0           27         87.76
(III) Investment or
decreasing of capital
by owners
1. Capital inputted
by owners
2.Amount of shares
paid and accounted
as owners’ equity
(IV)Profit                                                                  1,935,585.87             -1,935,585.87

                                                            黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

1.Providing of
                                                                               1,935,585.87                 -1,935,585.87
surplus reserves
  2.Providing        of
common             risk
3.Allotment to the
owners (or
(V) Internal
transferring of
owners’ equity
  1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)
  2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or
to capital shares)
  3.Making up
losses by surplus
4. Other
(VI) Special
1. Provided this year
2.Used this term
IV. Balance at the                          190,111,836.2                                                  434,569,646.7      -193,065.7    160,553,100     1,057,985
                           235,000,000.00                                     37,944,193.35
end of this term                                        6                                                              3               0            .95        ,711.59

                                                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                                                    Amount in last year
                                                     Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                                   Speci                     Com                                                               Total
                                                         Less:                                                                                Minor
         Items                                                      alize                    mon                                                                of
                                             Capital      Shar                 Surplus                Attributable                         shareholders’
                          Share Capital                               d                       risk                          Other                           owners
                                            reserves      es in               reserves                   profit                               equity
                                                                   reser                     provi                                                          ’ equity
                                                                     ve                      sion

                                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

I.Balance at the        235,000,000.0                                 33,710,743.9           284,462,611.0
                                        97,117,562.81                                                        217,818,262.02   9,179.8
end of last year                    0                                            9                       3
 caused by merger
 of entities under
 common control
Add: Change of
Correcting        of
previous errors
                        235,000,000.0                                 33,710,743.9           284,462,611.0
        Other                           97,117,562.81                                                        217,818,262.02   9,179.8
                                    0                                            9                       3
II.Balance at the
beginning of                            92,994,273.45                 2,297,863.49           58,217,845.38   -80,079,138.34
current year
\ III.Changed in
                                                                                             60,515,708.87    42,887,335.11   3,043.9
the current year
  (I) Net profit
  ( II ) Other
                                                                                             60,515,708.87    42,887,335.11   3,043.9
misc.income                                                                                                                         8
Total of (I) and (II)                   92,994,273.45                                                                         2,200.0
(III) Investment or                                                                                                            -29,97
decreasing of                           92,994,273.45                                                                         2,200.0
capital by owners                                                                                                                   0
1. Capital inputted
by owners
2 . Amount of
shares paid and
accounted        as
owners’ equity

                                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

                                                                      2,297,863.49            -2,297,863.49
1.Providing of
                                                                      2,297,863.49            -2,297,863.49
surplus reserves
  2.Providing      of
common           risk
3.Allotment to the
owners (or
(V) Internal
transferring of
owners’ equity
  1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)
  2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital
  3.Making up
losses by surplus
4. Other
(VI) Special
1. Provided this
2.Used this term
IV. Balance at the      235,000,000.0   190,111,836.2                 36,008,607.4           342,680,456.4
                                                                                                              137,739,123.68   0,023.8
end of this term                    0               6                            8                       1

   Legal representative :Yang Baichang

   Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

                                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                                               Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

                                     January-December 2013                                  In RMB

                                                                                    Amount in this period
                                                                       Less:    Specia                    Commo
              Items                                       Capital     Shares     lized      Surplus        n risk    Attributable    Total of owners’
                                       Share Capital
                                                         reserves        in     reserv      reserves      provisio      profit            equity
                                                                       stock       es                        n
                                       235,000,000.0   90,801,937.5                      36,008,607.4                191,494,004.2
 I.Balance at the end of last year                                                                                                    553,304,549.24
                                                   0              1                                    8                         5
 Add: Change of accounting
 Correcting of previous errors
 II.Balance at the beginning of        235,000,000.0   90,801,937.5                       36,008,607.4               191,494,004.2
 current year                                      0              1                                  8                           5
 III.Changed in the current year                                                          1,935,585.87               17,420,272.86     19,355,858.73
    (I) Net profit                                                                                                 19,355,858.73     19,355,858.73
    (II)Other misc.income
   Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                          19,355,858.73     19,355,858.73
 (III) Investment or decreasing
 of capital by owners
 1. Capital inputted by owners
 2.Amount of shares paid and
 accounted as owners’ equity
   3. Other
    (IV)Profit allotment                                                                1,935,585.87               -1,935,585.87
 1.Providing of surplus reserves                                                          1,935,585.87               -1,935,585.87
   2.Providing of common risk
 3.Allotment to the owners (or

                                                   黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

  (V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
  1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
  2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
  3.Making up losses by
surplus reserves.
4. Other
(VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2.Used this term
IV. Balance at the end of this    235,000,000.0   90,801,937.5                       37,944,193.3              208,914,277.1
term                                          0              1                                  5                          1

                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                Amount in last year
                                                                  Less:    Specia                   Commo
              Items                                 Capital      Shares     lized     Surplus        n risk    Attributable    Total of owners’
                                  Share Capital
                                                   reserves         in     reserv     reserves      provisio      profit            equity
                                                                  stock       e                        n
I.Balance at the end of last      235,000,000.0   90,613,062.8                      33,710,743.9               169,818,932.8
year                                          0              1                                   9                         1
Add: Change of accounting
Correcting of previous errors
II.Balance at the beginning of    235,000,000.0   90,613,062.8                      33,710,743.9               169,818,932.8
current year                                  0              1                                 9                           1
III.Changed in the current
                                                   188,874.70                       2,297,863.49               21,675,071.44     24,161,809.63
   (I) Net profit                                                                                            23,972,934.93     23,972,934.93
   (II)Other misc.income
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                     23,972,934.93     23,972,934.93
(III) Investment or decreasing                     188,874.70                                                                       188,874.70

                                                     黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2013 年年度报告

  of capital by owners
  1. Capital inputted by owners                      188,874.70                                                        188,874.70
  2.Amount of shares paid and
  accounted as owners’ equity
    3. Other
     (IV)Profit allotment                                                          2,297,863.49   -2,297,863.49
  1.Providing of surplus
                                                                                     2,297,863.49   -2,297,863.49
    2.Providing of common risk
  3.Allotment to the owners (or
    (V) Internal transferring of
  owners’ equity
    1. Capitalizing of capital
  reserves (or to capital shares)
    2. Capitalizing of surplus
  reserves (or to capital shares)
    3.Making up losses by
  surplus reserves.
  4. Other
  (VI) Special reserves
  1. Provided this year
  2.Used this term
  IV. Balance at the end of this    235,000,000.0   90,801,937.5                     36,008,607.4   191,494,004.2
  term                                          0              1                                8               5

Legal representative :Yang Baichang

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Lu Lihua

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ma Li

                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                      Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
                                 Notes to Financial Statements
                          (January 1, 2013-December 31, 2013)
(Referring to notes to consolidated financial statements unless separately stated. Currency: RMB)

I. Company Profile
This Company is a joint stock company limited jointly promoted and established Huangshi Dongbei
Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd. (The Company is now renamed as Huangshi Dongbei
Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd.), Changzhou Luoke Refrigerating Electrical Co., Ltd. (The
Company is now renamed as Changzhou Zhongke Electrical Manufacturing Co., Ltd..), Changshu
Bixi Radio Factory.( The Company is now renamed as Changshu Tianyin Electromechanical Co.,
Ltd.), Zhuji Electrical Machinery.( The Company is now renamed as Zhejiang Lisheng
Electromechanical Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), Shaoxing Pressing Factory(The Company is now
renamed as Shaoxing Xingbei Pressing Co., Ltd.),Wuhan Xinhua Hardware Factory (The Company
is now renamed as Wuhan Xinhua Pressing Co., Ltd.), which was registered at Industrial and
Commercial Administration of Hubei Province on March 10, 1999.
      On May 28, 1999, the Company was approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission to
issue 100,000,000 domestically listed foreign investment shares (B shares). B shares were listed and
traded at Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 15, 1999. Over-allotment option for 15,000,000 shares
was fully exercised before August 13, 1999.
      After the completion of the issuance of B shares, the registered capital of the Company was
RMB 235,000,000.00, which was divided into 235,000,000.00 shares with par value of RMB 1 per
share. 117,600,000 shares are state-owned shares, which are held by Dongbei Refrigerating Machine
Group Co. according to the entrustment by Huangshi State-owned Asset Administration. The other
five promoters hold 2,400,000 shares. 115,000,000 shares are negotiable B shares.
      The Company obtained WJMZSZ (1999) No. 0098 approval certificate on October 21, 1999
and obtained QGEZZ No. 002678 business license on November 2, 1999, becoming a sign-foreign
joint venture company limited.
      On September 10, 2002, Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group Co., Ltd. (now
renamed as Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Industrial Co.), the original controlling
shareholder of the Company, established Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "Dongbei Electromechanical Group") with three asset management
companies, i.e., Oriental, Huarong and Xinda with main operating assets (including 50.04% equity
of the Company held by it) according to the Agreement for Conversion of Creditor's Rights into
Shares and the approval document issued by State Economic and Trading Commission to approve
the conversion of creditor's rights into shares by Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machine Group
Co., Ltd. After Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. was founded, the controlling
shareholder of the company Refrigerating Machine Group Company was transferred to Huangshi
Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. Because the nature of the 117.6 million shares of equity
held by Refrigerating Machine Group Company was state shares, the equity transfer must be
appoved by the Ministry of Finance. Huangshi Dongbei Cooler Group Company agreed to
commission Huanshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. to manage the 117.6 million
shares of state equity.
On March 28, 2005, under GuoZiChanQuan [2005] No.197 Reply to Issues Related to Change of
Stated-Owned Holder for Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd, State Council agreed to
change the 117,600,000 state-owned shares of Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co, Ltd held
by Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machinery Industry Corp. (the name of former Huangshi
Dongbei Refrigerating Group Corp. was changed as Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Machinery
Industry Corp.) to be held by Huangshi Dongbei Electromachinery(Group) Co., Ltd., with the

                                              - 58 -
                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

changed nature of equity as state-owned legal-representative share.
Registered Address: No.6, Jinshan East Road, Economic & Technology Development Zone,
Huangshi City, Hubei Province.
     Business licence registration number: 420000400004635
Registered Capital : RMB 235,000,000.00
Legal Representative:Yang Baichang
Business scope: Production and sales of refrigerating compressors and electrical motors of
compressors, development, production and consultation of high-tech products.

II.Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and early errors
1. Basis for the preparation of financial statements
The preparation of financial statements of the company based on continuous operation.Base on
actual transactions and events occurring, according to the ministry of finance issued ―Accounting
Standards for Enterprises - Basic Standards‖ on 15th February 2006 and 38 items of specific
accounting standards, application guidelines of accounting standards which was promulgated after,
accounting standards interpretation and other requirements (hereafter named ―Enterprise Accounting
Standard‖), based on the significant accounting policies described below, and will have the
preparation to the accounting estimation.
2.Statement for complying with the accourting standard
The financial statements prepared by the Company comply with the requirements of corporate
accounting standards. They truly and completely reflect the financial situations in December 31,
2013, operating results, equity changes and cash flow, and other relevant information of the
company in 2013.
3.Accounting Period:
   Fiscal year: The fiscal year of the Company starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 on the
Gregorian calendar.
4.Standard currency for bookkeeping:
If the account standard money is the other currency in addition to RMB
5.The accounting solution of business combinations under the same and different control
(1)Corporate merger under same control
      For the corporate merger under same control, the method of equity should be adopted to do
accounting treatment. Except for the adjustments due to different accounting policies, the assets and
liabilities of the party being merged should be measured according to the original book value and
goodwill will not form. The difference between the book value of the merging price and the book
value of net assets obtained from merger should be adjusted in capital surplus. If the capital surplus
is not enough to be deducted, the retained income should be adjusted.The direct related occurring
costs of the conduct of business merger reckon in profit or loss.
(2)Corporate merger under different controls
      With the merger under the different control, the merger cost is the assets to pay, liabilities
incurred or taken and the fair value of the issued equity securities which a buyer gains the control
from the acquiree on the purchase date.
The combination cost is the sum of each single transaction cost for the enterprise combination
achieved by multiple transactions step by step. All the relevant direct expense paid by the purchaser
for the conduct of business combination should be accounted into current profit and loss. In case of
any future events defined in merger contract whose predictable occurrence could influence the
merger cost and the related amount could be reliably calculated at merger date, such amount should
also be included in merger cost.
The acquiree acquired during the business merger not under same control met the conditions of
confirmation can be identified as assets, loans and contingent liabilities, which are measured with the
fair value at the date of purchase. The balance of the identifiable net assets’ fair value, which is the
merger cost from the buyer that is more than the acquiree confirmed, regarded as goodwill.

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                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

Contrarily, less than the acquiree confirmed, after reviewing the merger cost still less than the
acquiree confirmed in the balance of the identifiable net assets’ fair value, reckoned in the profit and

6. The method of drawing up the Consolidation financial statements
The company has real control to the subsidiary and special purpose entity which are included in
the scope of Consolidation financial statements.
     The combining financial statements are in accordance with the ―No. 33 Accounting Standards
for Enterprises –Consolidation Financial Statements‖ and the related requirements for drawing up,
offsetting the context of all major transactions and exchanges when is in merger. The subsidiary
equity not belong the part of parent company, but is as minority interests presented separately in the
Consolidation financial statements.
     Subsidiaries and the company adopted accounting policies or be inconsistent in the accounting
period, in preparing Consolidation financial statements, in accordance with the company accounting
policies or has the necessary adjustments to financial statements of the subsidiary during the
accounting period.
     The business merger acquired subsidiaries under the different control, in preparing
Consolidation financial statements, based on the fair value of identifiable net assets on the
purchase date to adjust their individual financial statements; be under the same control, subsidiary
acquired by the enterprise merger, will be regard as the enterprise merger at the beginning of the
current period when the combination has already occurred, the current period from the beginning of
the merger, its assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows would include in the Consolidation
financial statements.
7. The determination standard in cash and cash equivalents
The cash has been confirmed when the company drew up the cash flow sheet, it referred to the cash
can be used to pay the deposit at any time
The cash listed in the cash flow statement refers to the cash in store and the cash can be obtained at
any time. Cash equivalent means the holding period of the company is short, strong liquidity and low
risk of value fluctuation .
8.The foreign currency business and the translation of foreign currency financial statement
(1)The foreign currency translation services
     The company with the foreign occurring currency transactions, which used the standard money
by the spot exchange rate on the transaction date to enter an item in an account.
The balance sheet date, For monetary items of foreign currency, the spot exchange rate at the date of
balance sheet shall be used in conversion. The exchange balance due to the difference between the
spot exchange rate at the date of balance sheet and the spot exchange rate at initial confirmation or at
the date of previous balance sheet shall be attributed to the profit and loss of current period, except
the exchange balance due to the special loans of foreign currency meeting the conditions of
capitalization shall be attributed to the cost of related assets based on capitalization during the
For the non-monetary items of foreign currency measured with historical cost, still the spot exchange
rate at the date of transaction shall be used, and the amount of recording currency shall not be
changed. For the non-monetary items of foreign currency measured with fair value, the spot
exchange rate at the date of the fair value confirmation shall be used in conversion, the difference
between the amount of recording currency after conversion and that of initial recording currency is

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made as the change of fair value, which shall be attributed to the profit and loss of current period or
confirmed as other composite income and attributed to capital reserves.
(2)The foreign currency financial statements
     The company with the subsidiaries, joint ventures and integrated enterprises and so on, will use
the different functional currency account after the conversion by the foreign currency financial
statements, and will have an accounting practice and an editing to the combined financial statements.
     The assets in the balance sheet and liabilities items, by using the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date, all equity projects except the item of ―Undistributed Profits‖, other items were
calculated by the spot exchange rate. With the income and expense items, it was determined by a
systematic and rational approach, and calculated by the approximate exchange rate of the spot
exchange rate to convert on the transaction date. The converting differences generated by the foreign
currency financial statements, and all equity items in the balance sheet are listed separately.
     The foreign currency cash flows are determined in accordance with systematical and reasonable
way, and calculated by the spot exchange rate on the approximate exchange rate. The impact of the
changing exchange rate to the cash amount, is shown separately in the cash flow statement
In disposal of overseas operation, the conversion difference of the foreign currency statements
related the overseas operation shall be transferred into the profit and loss of current period in whole
or as per the ratio in disposal of the overseas operation.

9.Financial instruments
(1)The classification of financial instruments, recognition and measurement
The financial instruments classified as financial assets or financial liabilities
      The financial assets at the initial recognition are classified as: by measuring at the fair value and
its alternation are reckoned into the financial assets of the profit or loss (included trading financial
assets and the fair value and its alternation are designated into the financial assets of the profit or
loss), the held-to-maturity investment, receivables, and available-for-sale financial assets. Except the
receivables beyond the financial assets classification, which depend on the company and their
subsidiaries have the intention and ability to hold on.
      The financial liabilities at the initial recognition are classified as: by measuring at the fair value
and its alternation are reckoned into the financial liabilities of the profit or loss (included trading
financial liabilities and the fair value and its alternation are designated into the financial liabilities of
the profit or loss) and other financial liabilities.
The company became a party in the financial instrument contract; it was recognized as the financial
asset or the financial liability.
The financial assets or financial liabilities are initially recognized as the fair value of the company.
The subsequent measurement shall be disposed by classification: the financial assets measured with
fair value and having its change attributed to the profit and loss of current period, the salable
financial assets and the financial liabilities measured with fair value and having its change attributed
to the profit and loss of current period, shall be measured with the fair value; the financial guarantee
contracts and the loan commitment with the loan below the interest rate in the market shall be
measured again according to the following amounts, whichever is bigger: one is in accordance with
the ―Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 13 – Contingent Events‖ after the initial confirmation,
another is the balance of the initially recognized amount less the accumulative amortization amount
which is recognized in accordance with the principle of the ―Accounting Standards for Enterprises

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No. 14 – Revenue‖; held-to-maturity investments, loan and receivables and other financial liabilities
shall be measured as per amortized cost.
      The financial assets or financial liabilities are measured in the follow-up changes in the fair
value gains or losses, except the hedging, are processed in accordance with the following: 1. By
measuring at fair value through alteration to calculate the profit or loss of its financial assets or the
fair value gains or losses from the alteration in the financial liabilities, they will go into the profits or
losses of fair value; the interest or cash dividends acquired in the holding assets period, are
recognized as investment income; when it is in the disposition, the received actual amount and the
balance in the amount initially recorded, are identified as the investment income, simultaneously
adjusted the profit and loss from the fair value alteration. 2. The fair value alteration of
available-for-sale financial assets is included in capital surplus, the interest calculated by the
effective method in the holding period, and is reckoned in the investment income; when it is in the
disposition, the actual amount received and the balance from the book value by deducting the fair
value alternation which directly included in capital surplus, then are recognized as the investment
(2)The confirmation of the transferring in financial assets and measurement
      The company confirmed the transferring of financial assets based on: when the ownership of
financial assets is transferring almost all of the risks and rewards, neither transferring nor retaining
them, but give up the control of financial assets, and should terminate and recognize it as financial
capital .
      The measurement in the transferring of financial assets: the financial assets satisfied the
termination conditions, it should be transferred by measuring; it meant the transferring of the book
value in financial assets and consideration received from the transferring, and the balance in the
changing amount of fair value which directly included in capital surplus, then reckoned in the profit
and loss.
      The financial assets in transferring meets the termination and confirmation conditions, it will be
transferred the book value of the total financial assets between the part of termination and
recognition and the part not be terminated and confirmed, according to their relative fair value to
apportion, and put the book value of the confirmation and termination and the received recognition
and the balance in the changing amount of fair value which directly included in capital surplus, then
reckoned in the profit and loss.
(3)The termination and confirmation conditions of financial liabilities
      The financial liabilities termination and confirmation conditions: when the existing obligations
of the financial liabilities have been fully or partly lifted, it should be terminated and confirmed the
financial liabilities or a part of it.
(4)The financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized at fair value method
      The fair value recognition method in the financial assets and financial liabilities: if there is an
active market for financial instruments, the quote from the active market to determine the fair value;
if not, adopting valuation techniques to determine the fair value.
      The valuation techniques include the prices in recent market which referring to be familiar with
the situation and voluntary parties to the recent transaction, also include the current fair value of
other same financial assets, and the cash flow. When using a valuation technique, maximum the
priority to use the market parameters, reduce the use in its related parameters of the company and

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certain subsidiaries.
(5)The impairment of financial assets
     The company will have the assets devaluating check to the book value on the balance date, and
measure at fair value through profit or loss. When the objective evidence showed the financial assets
devaluating, it should have the test on it, and have a preparation to the provision for asset losses in
accordance with the result.
For the financial assets with significant individual amount, a depreciation test shall be conducted
separately; for the financial assets with insignificant individual amount, the company shall make
separately for depreciation test, or the similar feature of credit risks included in the portfolio of
financial assets for loss test. Separate tests without depreciation of financial assets (including the
amount of major and non-major individual financial assets), shall be included in a similar credit risk
characteristics of financial assets in the portfolio to pay test again. The depreciation loss of financial
assets which has been confirmed individually shall not be included in a similar credit risk feature of
a portfolio of financial assets for depreciation test.
If the held-to-maturity investments, liabilities and receivables are depreciated, the company shall
write down the book value to the estimated current value of future cash flow, and the reduced
amount shall be made as depreciation loss, which shall be attributed to the profit and loss of current
period. When the salable financial asset is depreciated, the aggregate losses due to decrease of fair
value, originally attributed to the capital reserves, shall be transferred out and attributed to the profit
and loss of current period; the transferred cumulative losses is the balance of the initially attained
financial asset costs deducted the reclaimable principal and amortization amount, the current fair
value and the loss from depreciation initially attributed to profit and loss.

  The objective evidences that the Company uses to determine the impairment are as follows::

  ①Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor;

②A breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;

③The lender, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, grants to

the borrower a concession that the lender would not otherwise consider;

  ④It becomes probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial re-organization;

  ⑤The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties;
   ⑥observable data indicates that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows
from a group of financial assets
since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified with the
individual financial assets in the group, including: (i) Adverse changes in the payment status of
borrowers in the group or (ii) an increase in the unemployment rate in the geographical area of the
borrowers, a decrease in property prices for mortgages in the relevant area, or adverse changes in

industry conditions that affect the borrowers.
  ⑦Significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market,
economic or legal environment in which the borrower operates, and indicates that the cost of the

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investment in the equity instrument may not be recovered;

      ⑧A significant or non-temporary decrease in fair value of equity investment instruments;
The criteria made by the company for the fair value of equity instrument investment available for
sale suffering serious drop is that: if there is significant decline in the fair value of individual
financial assets available for sale and beyond the holding cost of 50%. Thus, the depreciation
provision is required and the depreciation loss is confirmed for the serious depreciation that is
recognized for the financial assets available for sale.
The criteria made by the company for the fair value of equity instrument investment available for
sale suffering non-temporary drop is that: if there is significant decline in the fair value of individual
financial assets available for sale, the drop is expected to belong to the non-temporary one with over
one year of duration, and no fundamental change is in whole duration, the depreciation provision is
required and the depreciation loss is confirmed for the non-temporary depreciation that recognized
for the financial assets available for sale.
   ⑨Other objective evidences for the depreciation of financial assets.
(6)The reclassification of financial assets
The held-to-maturity investment is postdated and has been reclassified as available-for-sale financial
assets for the main judging:
     1)There is no available financial resource which has the sustainable support to the financial
assets, and let its investments hold to maturity.
2)The management has no intention to hold to maturity
3)     Be restricted by laws and administrative regulations or other reasons, the financial assets
difficult in hold to maturity
4)Other indicates the company does not have ability to hold to maturity
      The held-to-maturity investment is important and postdated have reclassified as
available-for-sale financial assets which are require approval by the directorate’s decision.

10.Account receivables
The receivables of the company mainly include accounts receivable, long-term receivables and other
receivables. If there is an objective evidence in the date of balance sheet of assets and liabilities
indicating such financial assets depreciated, the company shall confirm the depreciation losses
according to the difference between the book value and the estimated current value of future cash

1.Account receivable belong t individual significance and individually assessed for impairment

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Judgment criteria or          The receivable with single amount exceeding RMB 5million (including RMB5 million)
amount standard of            shall be confirmed as the receivable with significant single amount. The receivable with
material specific amount      single amount exceeding RMB3 million (including RMB3 million) shall be confirmed
or amount criterial           as the receivable with significant single amount.

Provision   method     with
                              The depreciation loss test is conducted separately, and if an objective evidence indicates
material specific amount      depreciation of the receivable, the company shall confirm the depreciation losses and
                              appropriate the depreciation provisions according to the difference by which the current
and provision of specific
                              value of future cash flow is lower than its book value.
bad debt preparation

 2.Appropriation of receivables of provisions for doubtful accounts by groups
Determining the basis The receivables with significant single amount but not depreciated after separate testing, and
of groups                 the receivables with non-significant single amount but not depreciated after separate testing.
Appropriation method
for provisions for
                          Appropriate provisions for doubtful accounts according to aging analysis method
accounts by groups
Appropriate provisions for doubtful accounts according to aging analysis method in a group, as follows:
                                                    Appropriation Ratio of              Appropriation Ration of Other
             Account Age
                                                       Receivables (%)                         Receivables (%)
    Within 1 year(including 1 year)                             2                                      2
               1-2 years                                        5                                      5
                2-3years                                        30                                    30
               3-4 years                                        60                                    60
             Over 4 years                                       100                                   100
   3.Account receivable with non-material specific amount but specific bad debt preparation
Reason for bad debt provision     Difficultly recoverable receivables estimated
                                  The depreciation loss test is conducted separately, and if an objective evidence
Method of appropriation of        indicates depreciation of the receivable, the company shall confirm the depreciation
                                  losses and appropriate the depreciation provisions according to the difference by
bad debt provision                which the current value of future cash flow is lower than its book value.

(1)Category of inventories
Inventories refers to finished goods or merchandise the company holds for sale during its daily operation, work in
process, materials consumed during the process of production or services etc. It mainly include raw materials,
materials for cyclic use, materials for consigned processing, packaging materials, low-value consumables, work in
process, self-made unfinished goods, finished goods (merchandise inventories) etc.
  (2)Accounting for outgoing inventories
Raw materials are accounted for at planned cost, which can be adjusted to be actual cost by reference to the difference
between the monthly actual cost carryforward of materials and the planned cost; work in process and merchandise
inventory are accounted for at actual cost while outgoing merchandise inventory are accounted for by use of the
weighted average method.
  (3)Basis for determining net realizable value of inventory and method of appropriating provisions for inventories

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In the date of balance sheet of assets and liabilities, the provision for depreciation of inventories shall be valuated and
appropriated as per the lower between the cost and net realizable value of individual inventory; but for the inventories
big quantity and varieties and lower unit price, appropriated as per the type of the inventory.
The basis for deciding net realizable value: ① the net realizable value of the finished goods is the balance of estimated
selling price reducing by the related tax; ② for the material held for production, if the net realizable value of the
finished goods produced by such material is higher than cost, the material shall still be measured as per cost; if the
dropping of the price of material indicates the net realizable value of finished goods is below cost, the net realizable
value shall be decided by the balance of estimated selling price reducing by the estimated cost, estimated selling
expenses and related tax. ③ there is any material to be sold, the net realizable value is the price selling in the market.
(4)Inventories system
The company implements the perpetual inventories system.
(5) Amortization of low cost and short lived articles and packing
Packaging materials, low-value consumables and other materials for cyclic use are amortized by use of the one-off
amortization method.
12.Long-term equity investments
   1.Determining initial investment cost
(1)The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination under common
control is determined at the book value of the acquired equity while in the case of business combination not under
common control the combination costs is taken as the initial investment cost;
(2)The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment acquired by cash is the paid purchasing price;
(3)For long-term equity investments acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost is the fair value
of the issued equity securities;
(4)The initial investment cost of long-term equity investments contributed by investors is the value set by the relevant
contract or agreement;
(5)For investments acquired through exchange of non-monetary assets or debt restructuring, the initial investment cost
is determined in accordance with relevant rules and regulations.
2.Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit and loss
Long-term equity investments are subsequently measured by use of equity method or cost method. For long-term
equity investments accounted for by equity method, the company recognizes the investment income according to its
entitlement to the net realized profit or loss of the invested business and adjusts the investments. It calculates its share
when it is announced to distribute profits or cash dividends, and reduces the book value of the long-term equity
investments accordingly.
By cost method the book value of long-term equity investments remain unchanged except for additional commitments
or withdrawal of investments. The company recognizes the investment income by calculating its share of the
announced distributable profits or cash dividends.
The company uses the equity method to account for the long-term equity investments that are under common control
or over which the company has significant influence while using the cost method for the others.
3.Basis for determining common control or significant influence over invested business
①The basis for determining common control over an invested business is that there must be the two or more
co-operating parties jointly making decisions on the financial and operating policies of the invested business
according to the contract or agreement between or among them.
②When the company owns over 20% up to 50% of the voting capital of an invested business, its influence over the
invested business is significant. Or if the ownership is less 20% but one of the following conditions is satisfied, the
company still has significant influence:
①. There are representative(s) appointed in the board of directors or similar power organizations;
②. It is involved in the policy formulation of the invested business
③. There are managerial staff being sent to the invested business
④. It is dependent on the technologies or technical documents of the invested business
⑤. There are other conditions proved the company has significant influence over the invested business.
4.Impairment testing method and appropriation of impairment provisions
As of the balance sheet date, the company should review whether there are signs indicating impairment of long-term

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equity investments. If such impairing signs do exist, an impairment test should be conducted to recognize the
recoverable amount and impairment provisions should be set aside according to the book value or the recoverable
amount, whichever is lower. Subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is prohibited once it is appropriated.
The impairment testing method: a test should be conducted to measure the recoverable amount of the long-term equity
investments indicated of impairment.
The recoverable amount is the higher of the net fair value for sale of a long-term equity investment and the present
value of estimated prospective cash flows.
The net fair value for sale of a long-term equity investment is, if there is a price set by an agreement of fair transaction,
the agreement price less relevant taxes while if there is no such an agreement of fair transaction but active markets of
similar assets exist, its net fair value is the market price less relevant taxes. Or if it is impossible to reliably estimate
the net fair value for sale, the recoverable amount of such a long-term equity investment is its estimated prospective
cash flows during the held period and by the time of final disposal.
13.Investing real estate
  (1)Types and measurement model of investing real estate
There are several types of the company’s investing real estate: land use rights for lease, buildings for lease and land
use rights held for transfer after value being added.
The investing real estate of the company is measured at cost initially and then by use of the cost model subsequently.
  (2)Accounting by use of cost model
The lease-out buildings among the investing real estate of the company is depreciated by use of the life averaging
method. The detailed accounting policy is the same as that for fixed assets.
The land use rights and those held for transfer after value being added are amortized by use of the straight-line method.
The accounting policy is the same as that for intangible assets. Depreciation period follows:

                                                                      Residual value rate       Annual depreciation rate
        Classification                  Lifetime(years)
                                                                             (%)                         (%)
       House and Building                        40                             5                          2.375

The investing real estate of the company is measured at cost initially and then by use of the cost model subsequently.
As of the balance sheet date,The company checks the investment real estate if there exits the evidence of depreciation
occurring possibly; if there is evidence indicating the depreciation, the company shall conduct the depreciation test to
confirm the reclaimable amount, and the provision for depreciation shall be appropriated as per the lower between the
book value and the recoverable amount, also the loss from depreciation, once being appropriated, not be returned in
the accounting periods afterwards.

14.Fixed assets
  (1)Recognition conditions of fixed assets

     Fixed assets refer to as the tangible assets possessed for producing goods, providing labor, lease or management

with more than one fiscal year of service life. Fixed assets are recognized when satisfying the following conditions:

(1)The economic benefits related to such fixed assets can flow into the enterprise;

(2)The cost of such fixed assets can be measured reliably.

  (2)Category and depreciation method of fixed assets

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The fixed assets of the company are divided into property, plant and equipment, electronic devices, vehicles etc,
which are depreciated by use of the life averaging method. According to the nature and use of different types of the
fixed assets, the company determines their useful life and estimated residual value. It reviews the useful life, residual
value and depreciation methods at the end of each year and makes adjustments accordingly if there are differences
from original estimated figures. Except for the fixed assets that have been terminated for depreciation but remained in
use and the lands that are separately priced and accounted for, the company appropriates depreciation for all fixed

                                                                     Residual value rate       Annual depreciation rate
        Classification                  Lifetime(years)
                                                                           (%)                         (%)
Houses and buildings                           10-20                          5                         9.5-4.75

Machinery equipments                           5-10                           5                          19-9.5

Transportation equipments                       4-8                           5                       23.75-11.88

Other equipments                                3-5                           5                       31.67-19.00
   (3)Impairment testing method and provision appropriation method of fixed assets
As of the balance sheet date, the company reviews whether there are signs indicating impairment of fixed assets.
When such signs do exist, impairment tests should be conducted to recognize the recoverable amount of fixed assets,
and impairment provisions are set aside by reference to the lower of the book value and the recoverable amount. Once
an impairment loss is appropriated, it is prohibited for reversal in subsequent accounting periods.
The reclaimable amount of the fixed assets shall be decided based on the higher between the net amount of the fair
value of the assets deducted by the disposal expense and the current value of the assets in future cash flow. The net
amount of the fair value of the fixed assets deducted by the disposal expense, shall be decided based on the price in
sales agreement deducted by the disposal expense directly attributed to the assets if there is the price in sales
agreement for fair transaction. If there is no sales agreement for fair transaction but active market for the assets or
transaction price of similar assets of same industry, the company shall make the market price reduced by disposal
expense to decide the amount.
   (4)Determining basis and valuation method for a fixed asset under a financing lease
      The basis for determining a fixed asset under a financing lease is that all the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of the fixed asset have been transferred substantively in the lease. Specifically, it must satisfy one or more
of the following conditions: ① By expiration of the lease, the ownership of the asset under the lease has been
transferred to the lessee; ② the lessee has the option to purchase the asset under the lease and the purchasing price set
is far lower than the asset’s fair value at the time the option being exercised, which is why it needs to be reasonably
sure that the lessee would exercise such an option from the very commencement date of the lease; ③ even if the
ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term covers most of the asset’ useful life; ④ the present value of
the minimum payment the lessee makes on the lease commencement date is almost equal to the asset’s fair value of
the lease commencement date; ⑤ the asset under the lease is so special that only the lessee can use it without large
renovation being carried out.
A fixed asset under a financing lease is valued initially at the asset’s fair value or the present value of the minimum
lease payment as of the lease commencement date, whichever is lower. It is also the book entry value of the asset.
For subsequent valuation of a fixed asset under a financing lease, depreciation and impairment provisions are
appropriated in accordance with the depreciation policy the same as that for self-owned fixed assets.
15.Construction in progress
(1)Category of construction in progress
There are two categories of construction in progress in the company: self-operated construction and subcontracted-out
(2)Criteria and timing for conversion of construction in progress into fixed assets
The company converts its construction in progress into fixed assets when the construction is competed for the
intended use. To be eligible for the intended use, the construction in progress must satisfy one of the following

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①. The physical construction (including installation) of the fixed asset has been completed or completed
②. Trial production or operation has been run and proved that the asset can normally operate or steadily produce
qualified products, or the trial operation results show that the asset can normally work or be open for business;
③. Expenses on the constructed fixed asset seldom or almost no longer arise;
④. The purchased or constructed fixed asset has met or substantially matched the design or contract requirements.
(3)Impairment testing method and provision appropriation for construction in progress
On the balance sheet date the company reviews whether there are signs indicating impairment of its construction in
progress. If such signs do exist, it runs an impairment test to recognize the recoverable amount of fixed assets and set
aside impairment provisions by reference to the book value or the recoverable amount, whichever is lower. Reversal
of an impairment loss is prohibited in subsequent accounting periods once it is appropriated.
The construction in progress indicated of impairment should be tested to find out the recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount of construction in progress is determined by the asset’s fair value after deduction of its
disposing expenses or its estimated prospective cash flows, whichever is lower.
16.Borrowing costs
     (1)Recognition criteria for borrowing costs capitalization
The borrowing costs of the company, which can be directly attributed to acquisition, construction or production of
capitalization eligible assets, are capitalized and counted in the cost of the relevant asset while other borrowing costs
are recognized as expenses when incurred and counted in the profit and loss of a current accounting period.
Capitalization eligible assets refer to fixed assets, investing real estate, inventory etc., which need to attain the
intended use or sale through acquisition, construction or production activities over a long period.
  (2)Calculation of capitalized amount
A capitalization period refers to the period from the commencement to the termination of the capitalization of
borrowing costs, which excludes the suspension period of the borrowing costs capitalization.
A capitalization suspension period means that the acquisition, construction or production is abnormally interrupted for
consecutive three months so the capitalization of the borrowing costs should be suspended.
Calculation of a capitalized amount: ① for a special borrowing, it is determined at the interest expenses of the special
borrowing arising in a current period less the interest income from the credit line balance being deposited in a bank or
the income from temporary investment of the balance; ② for the assets using general borrowings, the capitalized
amount is determined by the weighted average excess of the assets’ accumulated expenses over their special
borrowings multiplying the capitalization rate of the used general borrowings while the capitalization rate is
determined by calculating the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings; ③ for a borrowing at a discount
or premium, the actual interest rate method is used to determine amortization for each accounting period and adjust
interest amount of each period.
The actual interest rate method is a method of calculating unextinguished discounts or premiums or interest expenses
at the actual interest rate. The actual interest rate is the rate used to derive the present book value of the borrowing
from discounting of the prospective cash flows arising throughout the expected duration of the borrowing.
17. .Intangible assets
   (1)Measurement of intangible assets
The company measures its intangible assets initially at cost. A purchased intangible asset has the actual paid price and
relevant expenses as its actual cost. For the intangible assets contributed by the investors, the actual cost is the value
set by the investment contract or agreement but if the contract or agreement value is not fair, the actual cost is
determined at fair value. The cost of the intangible assets developed in house is the total expenses incurred to attain
the intended use.
Subsequent measurements are performed on intangible assets in the following ways: ① for an intangible asset with a
finite useful life, the company adopts the straight-line method for its amortization, and the useful life and the
amortization method are reviewed at the end of each fiscal year and will be adjusted accordingly if they are different
from the original estimates. ② Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are not amortized but a review will be
conducted so if there are concrete evidences indicating that the useful life is finite, such assets will have an estimated
useful life and be amortized by use of the straight-line method.

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(2)Estimation of a finite useful life of intangible assets
For the intangible assets with limited service life, the company generally considers the following factors when
estimating the service life: ① the general life cycle of the products produced by use of the asset and the available
information of the service life of similar assets; ② the estimation of current situation of stage such as technology, craft,
and future development trend; ③ the market demands for the products or the services produced or offered by the asset;
④ an anticipative action taken by current or potential competitors; ⑤ the anticipative maintenance expenditure that is
in order to maintain the capacity of economic benefits produced by the asset, and the ability to pay for the related
expenses expected by the company; ⑥ the relevant regulations of laws or similar constraints in the period of the asset
control, such as the special privilege of use period and the lease term, etc.; ⑦ the associations with the service life of
other assets held by the company.
   (3)Recognition of an indefinite useful life
The company is unable to foresee the period that an intangible asset can bring the company economic benefits, or the
useful life of the asset is uncertain. Such an asset can be recognized as an intangible asset with an indefinite useful
Recognition of an indefinite useful life is based on: ① contractual rights or other legal rights but there are no
contractual or legal provisions limiting the service life; ② the fact that it is impossible to determine the economic life
of the intangible asset even when the conditions of the same industry or relevant experts’ opinions are taken into
      At the end of each year, the indefinite useful life of an intangible asset is reviewed upward from the level of the
  department that uses the asset, which conducts a basic review, to assess whether there are changes in the basis for
  recognizing an indefinite useful life.
   (4)Impairment testing method and provision appropriation of intangible assets
On the balance sheet date the company reviews whether there are signs indicating impairment of an intangible asset. If
such signs do exist, it will conduct an impairment test to recognize the recoverable amount of the asset and
appropriate an impairment provision by reference to the book value or the recoverable amount, whichever is lower.
Once appropriated, an impairment loss is prohibited from reversal in following accounting periods.
An intangible asset that there are signs indicating impairment should be tested to find out its recoverable amount.
The recoverable amount of an intangible asset is the higher of the fair value after deduction of its disposing expenses
and the present value of its estimated prospective cash flows.
(5)Criteria for the research phase and the development phase of an in-house R & D project and capitalization criteria
for expenses incurred during the development phase
The expenses of an in-house R & D project during the research phase are counted in the profit and loss of a current
accounting period when incurred.
The expenses of such a project incurred during the development phase are recognized as an intangible asset when
satisfying the following conditions:
a. There is technical feasibility in the asset in question being completed for use or sale;
b. There is intention of completing and using or selling the asset.
c. The intangible asset is deemed economically profitable when it is proven that there is a market for the products
produced by such an asset or the asset itself, or that the asset is useful if it is utilized in-house;
d. There are sufficient technical, financial and other support for completion of the development of the intangible asset
and capability of using or selling it;
e. The expenses attributable to the development phase of the asset can be measured reliably.
The criteria for dividing the research phase and the development phase of an in-house R & D project are: the survey
phase for obtaining new technology and knowledge, which is planned and exploratory, is deemed the research phase;
and the phase that before commercial production or use, research results and other knowledge are applied to a specific
program or design to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices, products etc. is deemed the
development phase, which is purposeful and probable for achievements.
18. Long-term expenses to be amortized
The long-term expenses to be amortized of the company refer to all the expenses paid but the benefiting period of
which is over one year (not including one year). They are mainly parking fee, housing decoration expenses etc. The
long-term expenses to be amortized are amortized over the benefiting period of expense items. For the long-term

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expenses to be amortized that cannot be benefiting in future accounting periods, the amortized value of the expense
items are all counted in the profit and loss of a current accounting period.
19.Estimated liabilities
(1)Recognition criteria for estimated liabilities
Estimated liabilities refer to realistic, reliably measurable obligations undertaken by the company, the fulfillment of
which probably cause outflow of economic benefits.
(2)Methodology of measuring estimated liabilities
An estimated liability is measured initially at best estimate of the expenses necessary for fulfillment of a realistic
obligation. If there is a continuous range of the necessary expenses, whereby the likelihood of possible outcomes is
the same, the best estimate can be the median while if there are multiple items involved, the best estimate can be
calculated and determined by reference to all the possible outcomes and the relevant likelihood.
As of the balance sheet date the book value of the estimated liabilities should be reviewed so that if there are concrete
evidences indicating that the book value cannot genuinely reflect the present best estimate, the book value should be
adjusted by reference to the best estimate.
20.Share-based payments and equity instruments
1. Share-based payments refer to transactions in which the company grants equity instruments or assume the liabilities
that are determined based on equity instruments in order to obtain services by employees or other parties. The
payments are settled in two ways: by equity and by cash
2. Equity settled payments for services by employees are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted
to the employees. Those granted to obtain services by other parties are measured at the service fair value of the date
that the services are received, and if the fair value of the services by other parties cannot be measured reliably, the
payments will be measured at the equity instrument fair value of the service receiving date.
3. The fair value of equity instruments can be determined as below:
 (1) If there are active markets, the fair value is determined based on the quoted price in active markets;
 (2) If there are no active markets, reasonable valuation techniques can be adopted to determine the fair value, e.g., by
reference to the prices used by well-informed and willing parties in their recent market transactions, the present fair
value of other financial instruments substantially in the same nature, the discounted cash flows technique, option
pricing model etc.
4. For those settled by cash, the fair value is measured by reference to the fair value of the undertaken liabilities,
which is calculated and determined based on shares and other equity instruments.
5. The best estimate of exercisable equity instruments can be determined by reference to subsequent information, e.g.,
the latest information on change in the number of employees who can exercise their options.
   (1) Sales of Goods
Goods sales revenues are recognized according to the contractual or agreement price received or receivable from the
purchasing party when the Goods the company sells satisfy the following conditions: ① the main risks and rewards of
the ownership of Goods have been transferred to the purchasing party; ② the company neither reserves the continuing
control right related to the ownership nor exert effective control over the sold merchandise; ③ the received amount
can be measured reliably; ④ the relevant economic benefits are probable to flow into the company; ⑤ and the
relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.
If a contract or agreement adopts deferred payments, it actually has a financing nature. Therefore, the sales revenue is
determined according to the fair value of the receivable contractual or agreement payments.
(2)Labor services
If the result of the labor service provided can be estimated reliably in the date of balance sheet of assets and liabilities,
the company shall adopt the completion percentage method to confirm the income from rendering of service and
determine the completion progress at the percentage of the incurred costs in the estimated total costs.If the result of
the labor service provided cannot be estimated reliably in the date of balance sheet of assets and liabilities, the
company shall dispose separately according to the following situation: ① the service cost which has occurred is
expected to get compensation, the company shall confirm the income from rendering of service as per the service cost
which has already occurred, and carry forward the service cost as per the same amount; ②if the service cost which has

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already occurred is expected not to get compensation, the company shall attribute the service cost which has already
occurred into the profit and loss of current period, and not confirm the labor service.
   (3)Alienation of asset use rights
The company recognizes the revenues from alienation of asset use rights when the economic benefits related to the
alienation can flow in and the received amount can be measured reliably.
  22. Governmental subsidies
  (1)Types of governmental subsidies
There are mainly two types of governmental subsidies: one related to assets and the other related to income
The government grants of long-term assets acquired by the company and used for purchase and construction or
formed by other methods are the government grants related to assets, and the government grants used to compensate
for the expenses or loss already occurred or appeared in the future period are the income-related government grants.
Also, the government grants that acquired by the company either used to purchase the equipment and other long-term
assets, or used to compensate for labor cost, purchasing service fee, management charge and other expenses, are
belong to the government grants related to assets and incomes, which should be divided into two parts of the
assets-related one and the income-related one, and should be accounted separately. If unable to distinguish, the whole
government grants shall be classed as the grants related to assets.
   (2)Accounting treatment for governmental subsidies
Assets related governmental subsidies are recognized as deferred income and counted in the profit and loss of a
current period after being averagely allocated over the useful life of the related assets. Governmental subsidies
measured in a nominal amount are directly counted in a current period. Income related governmental subsidies are
treated as follows: ① The subsidies that are used to compensate relevant expenses or losses of subsequent periods are
recognized as deferred income and counted in the profit and loss of a current period when the company recognizing
the relevant expenses. ② Those used to compensate incurred relevant expenses or losses are counted in the profit and
loss of a current period.
23.Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
The company recognizes its deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities as below:
(1)Based on the difference between the book value of assets and liabilities and the taxable base (for items not
recognized as assets or liabilities while their taxable base can be determined in accordance with the provisions of the
tax law, the taxable base is the difference), the company calculates and recognizes deferred income tax assets or
liabilities at the tax rate applicable when it is time to recover the assets or liquidate the liabilities.
(2)Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the limit of taxable income, which can be achieved probably and be
utilized to offset deductible temporary differences. If there are concrete evidences indicating that sufficient taxable
income can be achieved probably in a future period to offset deductible temporary differences as of the balance sheet
date, then the company will recognize the deferred income tax asset that were not recognized in a previous period. If
not, the company will write down the book value of deferred income tax assets.
(3)For the deductible temporary differences related to the investments on the subsidiaries and associate enterprises,
deferred income tax liabilities are recognized unless the company can control the reversal time of the temporary
differences and such differences probably will not be reversed in the foreseeable future. Deferred income tax assets
will be recognized for the deductible temporary differences related to the investments on the subsidiaries and associate
enterprises when such differences can be reversed probably in the foreseeable future and it is probable to achieve
taxable income in the future, which can be utilized to offset the deductible temporary differences.
If all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a leased asset are transferred to the lessee according to the
terms and conditions of the lease, such a lease is a finance lease while others are operating leases.
25. Held-for-sale assets
   (1)Recognition criteria for held-for-sale assets
The following conditions must be satisfied simultaneously: resolution has been made by the company on disposal of
the asset in question; the company has signed an irrevocable transfer agreement with the transferee; and transfer of
such an asset will be completed in a year.
   (2)Accounting treatment for held-for-sale assets
For a held-for-sale fixed asset, its estimated residual value should be adjusted to reflect the amount after the disposing

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expenses being deducted from its fair value but the adjusted residual value should not exceed the original asset book
value at the time that the held-for-sale conditions are satisfied. The excess of the original book value over the
estimated residual value after adjustment will be recognized as asset impairment loss and counted in the profit and
loss of a current period.
Other held-for-sale noncurrent assets are treated as above, which include individual assets and disposed groups. A
disposed group refers to a group of assets as a whole sold or disposed in other ways.
26.Accounting policies, accounting estimates and early errors
(1) Description for main change of accounting policies
The company doesn’t have any change in accounting policies in this period.
(2) Description for main change of accounting estimates
Description for no change of accounting estimates

27.The earlier correction for accounting errors
The company doesn’t have any earlier correction for accounting errors in this period.
III. Taxes
     (1) Tax type and Tax Ratio

            Type                                              Tax basis                                Tax Ratio
                                  13% of sales amounts are belong to the domestic sales revenue
            VAT                   and 17% is the VAT of total output, and the implementation of       13%、17%
                                  ―exemption, withholding and drawback‖ is for the export sales.

                                  Should be accounted and paid according to 5% of                         5%
       Business tax
                                  taxable income.
Tax for city maintenance Should be accounted and paid according to 7% of the                              7%
and construction:                 payable current taxes.
                                  Should be accounted and paid according to 3% of                         3%
   Fees for education:
                                  payable current taxes.
                                  Should be accounted and paid according of payable                   15%、25%
 Enterprise income tax
                                  income tax.
(2) Tax incentives
1. In 2011, the company has been examined and recognized as the hi-tech enterprise by Hubei Provincial Hi-tech
Enterprise Recognition and Management Committee, with the validity of three years, and 15% of income tax
accounted for the enterprise in this period.

2. Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Solar Energy Co., Ltd. is subsidiary of the Company, is enterprise

engaged in civil welfare. According to the Circular of Tax Preference Policy for Promoting Employment of the

Disabled issued by Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration (Cai Shui (2007) No.92), the company

enjoyed the preferential policy of refund of value added tax within limit when levied and deduction of additional

corporate income tax. In 2011, the company has been examined and recognized as the hi-tech enterprise by Hubei

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Provincial Hi-tech Enterprise Recognition and Management Committee, with the validity of three years, and 15% of

income tax accounted for the enterprise in this period.

3. In 2011, the Controllding Subsidiary Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd has been examined and

recognized as the hi-tech enterprise by Hubei Provincial Hi-tech Enterprise Recognition and Management Committee,

with the validity of three years, and 15% of income tax accounted for the enterprise in this period.

4. In 2013, the Controllding Subsidiary Huangshi Dongbei Founding Co., Ltd. has been examined and recognized as

the hi-tech enterprise by Hubei Provincial Hi-tech Enterprise Recognition and Management Committee, with the

validity of three years, and 15% of income tax accounted for the enterprise in this period.

IV. Enterprises Consolidated and Consolidated Financial statement
The company includes the subsidiaries that it has actual control over and the entities of special purposes in its
consolidated financial statements.
The consolidated financial statements of the company are complied in accordance with the requirements of The
Enterprise Accounting Principle No. 33 – Consolidated Financial Statements and the relevant provisions, and
significant internal transactions within the consolidation scope have been eliminated in consolidation. The
shareholders’ equity of the subsidiaries, which are not attributable to the parent company, is listed separately as
minority shareholders’ equity under the shareholders’ equity in the consolidated financial statement.
If a subsidiary adopts different accounting policies or periods, necessary adjustment should be made on the financial
statements of the subsidiary according to the company’s accounting policies or periods when consolidated financial
statements are compiled.
For a subsidiary acquired through business combination not under common control, when consolidated
financial statements are compiled, adjustment should be made on one individual financial statement
based on the fair value of its net identifiable assets at the purchase date . As to a subsidiary acquired
through business combination under common control, it is deemed that the combination has occurred at
the beginning of the combination year so that its assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows
should be included in consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the combination year.

(1)Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment

                                                 黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                      Re                                                                 of other
                                                                                                                Voting        er         Equity
                      gist                                                               projects     Share
             Type of             Natu      Registe                            Closing                           power         merge      of
Full name of          ere                                Scope of                         for net     holdin
             subsidia            re of      red                                actual                           ratio         the        minority
 subsidiary            d                                 business                      investment     g ratio
                ry               busi      capital                          investment                          (%)           statem     sharehol
                      pla                                                                   of        (%)
                                 ness                                                                                         ents or    der
                      ce                                                                subsidiary
Wuhu Ab               W          Ma                   Production
aur Mech       Limi   uh         nuf                  and sales of
                                           50,00                                                                                          110,25
 anical         ted   u          actu                 Compressor            33,339,80
                                           0,000.                                                     75.00       75.00        Yes       5,096.1
   &           Com               ring                     and                    0.00
                                              00                                                                                               7
Electrical     pany                                   Compressor
 Co.,Ltd                                               Machine

(2)Subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control

                                                                                             of other               Votin
                                                                                                          Share                 mer
              Type                                                                Closing   projects                g                   Equity of
                                         Natur                                                            holdi                 ge
 Full name of  of Register                        Registered    Scope of           actual    for net                powe                minority
                                          e of                                                            ng                    the
  subsidiary subsid ed place                       capital      business         investmen investmen                r ratio             sharehold
                                         busin                                                            ratio                 stat
              iary                                                                    t        t of                 (%)                 er
                                          ess                                                             (%)                   em
                                                                                                                                s or
 Huangshi        Li
                       Huang             Man
  Dongbei                                                      Production
                 ed        shi           ufact
 Electromec     Co                                              and sales
                mp                                24,861,1                        22,485,2                 83.0     83.0        Ye      10,524,2
   hanical                                                      of solar
                any                                  62.85                           02.90                  3        3           s         08.10
Group Solar                                                         water
Energy Co.,                                                      heaters
 Huangshi       Li                                             Casting of
                       Huang             Man
  Dongbei                                                      small and
                ed     shi               ufact    32,814,0                        20,000,0                 51.2     51.2        Ye      39,773,7
  Foundry       Co                                   78.23      medium               00.00                  8        8           s         96.68
  Co., Ltd.                                                         casts
  Dongbei        Li     BVI              Com                    Sales of
Internationa    mit                      merc                  Refrigerati
l Trade Co.,     ed                       e                        on
    Ltd.        Co                                             Compresso          6,632,40                 100.     100.        Ye
                mp                                                 r,                 0.00                  00       00          s
                any                                            Refrigerati

                                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

Full name of       Type Register                     Scope of
                                               Registered         Closing   Balance                    Share     Votin     Wh       Equity of
 subsidiary         of ed place      Natur           business
                                                capital            actual   of other                   holdi     g         eth      minority
                  subsid              e of         and Parts , investmen projects                      ng        powe      er       sharehold
                   iary              busin         Photoelect         t     for net                    ratio     r ratio   mer      er
                                      ess              ric                investmen                    (%)       (%)       ge
                                                    products                  t of                                         the
                                                    and solar             subsidiary                                       stat
                                                      water               essentially                                      em
                                                   heater ,etc.                                                            ent
1.The explanation of the changes of combination scope                                                                      s or
There is no changes of the combination scope at this reporting period.                                                     not

    V.Notes to items of consolidated financial statements
1. Monetary capital

     (1)Classification of Monetary capital
                                           Balance at period end                                Balance at period beginning

           Items                                   Exchan     Amount equivalent                        Exchange            Amount equivalent
                            Foreign amount                       to RMB         Foreign amount                                to RMB
                                                   ge rates                                            rates

  Cash:                            ——             ——               2,194.95         ——                  ——                    35,211.46

 Including:RMB                     ——             ——               2,168.09         ——                  ——                     2,749.70

            Euro                            3.19    8.4189                26.86            3,902.78        8.3176                      32,461.76

 Bank deposit                       ——             ——        257,966,904.97          ——                  ——               297,336,788.95
 Including:RMB                     ——             ——        225,715,533.03          ——                  ——               237,932,518.85

               USD                 3,747,815.81     6.0969        22,850,058.21         8,444,575.38       6.2855                  53,078,378.56

           Euro                    1,116,691.46     8.4189         9,401,313.73          760,542.89        8.3176                   6,325,891.54

 Other         monetary
                                    ——             ——        270,142,935.67          ——                  ——               223,987,521.44
 Including:RMB                     ——             ——        270,142,834.03          ——                  ——               223,987,521.44

           USD                             16.67    6.0969               101.64          ——                  ——                  ——
           Total                    ——             ——        528,112,035.59          ——                  ——               521,359,521.85

(2)Other Monetary capital

                        Items                                   Balance at period end                  Balance at period beginning

Paper margin                                                                  201,126,415.67                               203,987,521.44
Domestic Margin credit                                                             7,000,000.00                             20,000,000.00
Loan Margin                                                                    62,016,520.00
                        Total                                                 270,142,935.67                               223,987,521.44

2. Bills receivables

     (1) Classification of Bills receivables

                                           黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                   Items                             Balance at period end                    Balance at period beginning

   Bank acceptance                                                 670,346,572.09                              652,879,845.38
   Trade acceptance                                                 39,734,859.89                                 4,646,000.00
   Letter of credit                                                 23,220,000.00
                    Total                                          733,301,431.98                              657,525,845.38
  Notes : The third subsidiary of Huangshi Dongbei Founding Co., Ltd. has acquired RMB 8.305 million of domestic
  L/C by pledging the book value of RMB 8.305 million of commercial acceptance bills to China Everbright Bank Co.,
   (2) As of December 31, 2013,Top 5 notes receivable of largest pledged amounts as follows
                      Issuing Unit                           Issuing Date      Maturity Date             Amount             Notes
1.Qingdao Haidayuan Procurement Services Co., Ltd.            2013/9/24          2014/3/24            9,857,273.50
2. Qingdao Haidayuan Procurement Services Co., Ltd.          2013/10/23          2014/4/23            9,837,263.55
3. Qingdao Haidayuan Procurement Services Co., Ltd.           2013/7/23          2014/1/23            9,498,756.19
4. Qingdao Haidayuan Procurement Services Co., Ltd.           2013/7/23          2014/1/23            9,428,725.23
5. Qingdao Haidayuan Procurement Services Co., Ltd.           2013/9/24          2014/3/24            9,356,187.62
  (3) As of December 31, 2013, Top 5 of largest amounts of notes receivable with endorsement but not matured as
                       Issuing Unit                          Issuing Date       Maturity Date         Amount          Notes
  1.Guangdong Homa Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.                2013/7/19          2014/1/19         21,498,360.00
  2.Guangdong Homa Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.                2013/7/21          2014/1/21         21,405,097.60
  3.Suning Yunnan Group Co., Ltd. Suning
                                                               2013/7/18          2014/1/18         10,000,000.00
  Procurement Center
  4.Shanghai Suning Yunshang Sell Co., Ltd.                    2013/7/5            2014/1/5         10,000,000.00
  5.Suning Yunnan Group Co., Ltd. Suning
                                                               2013/7/5            2014/1/5         10,000,000.00
  Procurement Center

  3.Account receivables
  (1) Classification of account receivables
                                                                                     Balance at period end
                                                                                                      Bad debt reserve
                                                                             Book balance
                                                                          Amount        Proportio
                                                                                                        Amount         ion
  1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
  provision provided individually
                                                                    1,032,996,621.9                   33,125,288.0
  2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                                   100.00                        3.21
                                                                                  1                              8
                                                                    1,032,996,621.9                   33,125,288.0
        Group 1(Account age Analysis )                                                 100.00                        3.21
                                                                                  1                              8
                                                                    1,032,996,621.9                   33,125,288.0
                            Subtotal of group                                            100.00                        3.21
                                                                                  1                              8

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                  Balance at period end
                                                                                                   Bad debt reserve
                                                                          Book balance
                                                                       Amount          Proportio
                                                                                                       Amount           ion
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad
debt provision is provided
                                                                  1,032,996,621.9                    33,125,288.0
                              Total                                                     100.00                         3.21
                                                                                1                               8

                                                                               Balance at period beginning
                                                                                                   Bad debt reserve
                                                                          Book balance
                                                                       Amount         Proportio
                                                                                                      Amount            on
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
provision provided individually
                                                                     975,340,703.1                  31,344,888.4
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                                   100.00                          3.21
                                                                                 7                             5
                                                                     975,340,703.1                  31,344,888.4
      Group 1(Account age Analysis )                                                 100.00                          3.21
                                                                                 7                             5
                                                                     975,340,703.1                  31,344,888.4
                      Subtotal of group                                                100.00                          3.21
                                                                                 7                             5
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad
debt provision is provided
                                                                     975,340,703.1                  31,344,888.4
                              Total                                                    100.00                          3.21
                                                                                 7                             5
Notes:The accounts receivable with significant individual amount and appropriation of provisions for doubtful
accounts individually, refers to the receivables of single amount beyond RMB5 million (including RMB5 million), if
there is no depreciation after depreciation test made, the company shall appropriate provisions for doubtful accounts
according to account age.
In groups, the receivables status of provisions for doubtful accounts shall be appropriated according to aging analysis
                                 Amount at period end                                Amount at period beginning
   Account                                                Bad debt                                                 Bad debt
     age                                   Proportio                                               Proportio
                    Book balance                           reserve          Book balance                            reserve
                                               n(%)                                                  n(%)

 Within 1 year     1,012,887,093.47         98.05       20,041,789.07        958,705,378.98         98.30       19,085,271.88
 1-2 years              5,389,936.74         0.53          269,496.83           4,240,442.09         0.43           212,022.11
 2-3 years              2,577,709.32         0.25          773,312.80            482,982.50          0.05           144,894.75
 3-4 years                  252,982.50       0.02          151,789.50                22,999.72       0.00            13,799.83
 4-5 years
 Over 5 years          11,888,899.88         1.15       11,888,899.88         11,888,899.88          1.22       11,888,899.88

                                                  黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                       Amount at period end                                   Amount at period beginning
    Account                                                        Bad debt                                                     Bad debt
      age                                           Proportio                                                Proportio
                            Book balance                            reserve             Book balance                             reserve
                                                        n(%)                                                   n(%)

      Total                 1,032,996,621.91         100.00       33,125,288.08         975,340,703.17         100.00         31,344,888.45
Notes 1:For the accounts of shareholder unit holding the company of 5% (including 5%) or more of voting power
shares in the accounts receivable, the details please see the notes ―6. The affiliated party and the related transaction,
6. The accounts receivable and payable of the affiliated party‖;
Notes2:The details of receivables from affiliated party please see the notes ―6. The affiliated party and the related
transaction, 6. The accounts receivable and payable of the affiliated party‖.
     Notes 3:The details of receivables from Pledge at the end               of the period please see the Note 5 of the notes of the
important items in consolidated Financial Statements, note 16 Short-term loan.

     (2)The top 5 debtors of accounts receivable

 Name                            Relationship with the                                                                   Proportion to total
                                                                    Amount                     Aging
                                 Company                                                                               accounts receivalbe(%)
            Client 1               Non-related parties                185,849,807.27        Within 1 year                      17.99
            Client 2               Non-related parties                 85,673,757.00        Within 1 year                       8.29
            Client 3               Non-related parties                 76,143,838.79        Within 1 year                       7.37
            Client 4               Non-related parties                 54,870,564.36        Within 1 year                       5.31
            Client 5               Non-related parties                 35,788,722.75        Within 1 year                       3.46
                    Total                  ——                       438,326,690.17            ——                           42.42

                    (3)Account receivable include the following foreign currency balances

                                             Year-end balance                                    Year-beginning balance
 Currency of Name                                Exchange                               Original
                              Original currency     rate    RMB equivalent              currency    Exchange rate RMB equivalent
                                                              120,987,958.3            20,132,461.1                126,542,584.3
 USD                             19,844,176.28      6.0969                                                6.2855
                                                                          6                       1                            1
 Euro                             3,185,679.81      8.4189 26,819,919.75               1,919,845.48       8.3176 15,968,506.76
                                                              147,807,878.1                                        142,511,091.0
            Total                   ——            ——                                  ——          ——
                                                                          1                                                    7


     (1) Analysis of Aging
                                               Amount at period end                           Amount at period beginning
              Age                          Amount                                              Amount
                                                                   Proportion(%)                                             Proportion(%)

Within 1 year                                  110,027,505.50         86.36                         106,448,034.86              84.55

1-2 years                                          8,257,489.69        6.48                            13,354,042.28            10.61

                                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                            Amount at period end                                     Amount at period beginning
            Age                           Amount                                                     Amount
                                                                    Proportion(%)                                                  Proportion(%)

2-3 years                                        3,496,665.00              2.74

Over 3 years                                     5,628,313.35              4.42                              6,098,580.83              4.84

            Total                           127,409,973.54             100.00                              125,900,657.97             100.00
     (2) As of December 31, 2013, The top five companies according to the Prepayment
 Name                   Relationship      with     Amount                    Proportion%             Time                      Reasons for pending
                        the Company                                                                                            account

        Client 1        Related parties                   15,860,270.00             12.45                 Within 1 year

        Client 2        Non-related parties               12,758,283.45             10.01                 Within 1 year

        Client 3        Non-related parties               11,788,423.25             9.25                  Within 1 year

        Client 4        Non-related parties                 9,643,200.00            7.57                  Within 1 year

        Client 5        Related parties                     7,573,626.46            5.94                  Within 1 year
               Total            ——                      57,623,803.16             45.22                     ——-                      ——

Notes 1:For the accounts of shareholder unit holding the company of 5% (including 5%) or more of voting power
shares in the Prepayment, the details please see the notes ―6. The affiliated party and the related transaction, 6. The
accounts receivable and payable of the affiliated party‖;
Notes 2:The details of receivables from affiliated party please see the notes ―6. The affiliated party and the related
transaction, 6. The accounts receivable and payable of the affiliated party‖.

5.Other receivables

     (1) Classification of other receivables

                                                                                                    Amount at period end
                                                                                                                            Bad debt reserve
                                                                                           Book balance
                                Type                                                                                                       Proporti
                                                                                    Amount                                                  on of
                                                                                                           )              Amount           provisio
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision
provided individually
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                                 11,488,095.30        100.00          1,193,692.64         10.39
     Group 1(Account age Analysis )                                                11,488,095.30        100.00          1,193,692.64         10.39
                          Subtotal of group                                          11,488,095.30        100.00          1,193,692.64         10.39

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                             Amount at period end
                                                                                                                    Bad debt reserve
                                                                                 Book balance
                             Type                                                                                                   Proporti
                                                                             Amount                                                  on of
                                                                                                    )              Amount           provisio
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad debt
provision is provided
                             Total                                            11,488,095.30      100.00            1,193,692.64      10.39

                                                                                       Balance at period beginning
                                                                                                                    Bad debt reserve
                                                                                  Book balance
                                                                             Amount                                                   n of
                                                                                              Proportion(%)        Amount
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
provision provided individually
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                         13,617,025.78       100.00           1,278,012.45       9.39

      Group 1(Account age Analysis )                                       13,617,025.78       100.00           1,278,012.45       9.39

                       Subtotal of group                                     13,617,025.78       100.00           1,278,012.45       9.39
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad
debt provision is provided
                             Total                                           13,617,025.78       100.00           1,278,012.45       9.39

Notes1:The Other receivable with significant individual amount and appropriation of provisions for doubtful accounts
individually, refers to the receivables of single amount beyond RMB3 million (including RMB3 million), if there is no
depreciation after depreciation test made, the company shall appropriate provisions for doubtful accounts according to
account age.
Notes 2: There is no amount due from shareholders with more than 5%(including 5%) of the voting shares of the
Company in prepayment.

In groups, other receivables status of provisions for doubtful accounts shall be appropriated according to aging
analysis method.
                                     Amount at period end                                      Amount at period beginning
  Account    age                                          Bad debt reserve                                    Proportion(   Bad debt reserve
                      Book balance        Proportion(%)                              Book balance                 %)

 Within 1 year            9,173,615.52      79.85               182,503.98               9,687,005.52          71.14               193,373.13

 1-2 years                728,286.55         6.34               36,414.33              2,242,496.06            16.47              112,124.80
 2-3 years                777,455.57         6.77             233,236.67                 168,000.00            1.23                50,400.00
 3-4 years                168,000.00         1.46             100,800.00               1,493,524.20            10.97              896,114.52
 4-5 years                614,737.66         5.35             614,737.66                      26,000.00        0.19                26,000.00

                                           黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                      Amount at period end                                     Amount at period beginning
 Account         age                                           Bad debt reserve                            Proportion(   Bad debt reserve
                       Book balance           Proportion(%)                             Book balance           %)

 Over 5 years                  26,000.00            0.23             26,000.00
     Total              11,488,095.30          100.00             1,193,692.64           13,617,025.78      100.00         1,278,012.45
(2) The nature or contents for bigger amounts of other receivables

                Unit Name                                         Amount                The nature or contents of other receivables
 Export Drawback                                                     6,997,530.47      Export Drawback Receivable
                       Total                                         6,997,530.47                           ——
     (3) The top five companies according to the other receivable
 Name                      Relationship      with    the   Amount                                               Proportion%
          Client 1             Non-related parties                    6,997,530.47           Within 1 year                60.91
          Client 2               Related parties                          971,843.60         Within 1 year                 8.46
          Client 3             Non-related parties                        398,000.00         Within 1 year                 3.46
          Client 4               Related parties                          393,827.10      Within 1 year                    3.43
          Client 5             Non-related parties                        168,000.00        3- 4 years                     1.46

            Total                     ——                            8,929,201.17             ——                       77.72

     1. Classification of inventories

                                                              Balance in year-end                                Balance in year-begin
 Items                                          Bad debt            Book Value                            Bad debt      Book Value
                       Book balance                                                    Book balance
                                                provision                                                 provision
 Raw materials           111,035,587.47                             111,035,587.47      82,970,353.13                      82,970,353.13

                         150,807,221.14                             150,807,221.14     160,178,616.19                     160,178,616.19
                         267,141,984.76                             267,141,984.76     229,141,987.05                     229,141,987.05
         Total           528,984,793.37                             528,984,793.37     472,290,956.37                     472,290,956.37

                                                     黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

7. Investment to the affiliated enterprise
                           Lega                  Proporti
                    Regis        Nature                                            Total                       Total business
                              l          Registe on of Proportion                                                               Net profits of the
                    tratio          of                             Amount at      closing Total closing net
   Name      Type          repre           red sharehol of voting                                           income amounts of
                      n          busine                             year-end    liabilities assets amounts                       current period
                           senta         capital ding power(%)
                    place           ss                                           amounts                     the current period
                            tive                   (%)
Huangshi Limite
Aibo           d Huan              Real    10                     215,323,763.6 209,023,
                           Jinmi                  30.00   30.00                                6,300,543.03                         -1,639,845.95
Property Compa gshi               estate million                              7    220.64
Co.,Ltd.      ny
            Limite          Liu
               d Huan Chua Agricu 20                                            49,043,6
Precision                                         30.00   30.00   66,720,779.93               17,677,169.50     19,570,015.27          256,039.40
            Compa gshi nson lture million                                           10.43
              ny              g
e Co., Ltd.

    8.Long-term Equity investment

                                                                                           tion of   Proportio
                           Accou                                                           shares      n of
                           nting    Investmen    Amount at    Increase or      Amount at   held in    voting     Depreciation   Cash dividend
      Invested unit
                           metho      t cost     year-begin    decrease         year-end   invest    power in      reserve      for this period
                             d                                                              ment     invested
                                                                                            units(   units (%)
 Huangshi       Dongbei     Cost
 Refrigerating     Co.,    metho    10,000.00    10,000.00                     10,000.00    0.48       0.48
 Ltd.                        d
 Huangshi       Dongbei     Cost
                                    79,944,35    79,944,35    -79,944,3
 Electromechanical         Metho                                                           41.42      41.42
                                         1.78         1.78        51.78
 Group Co., Ltd.             d
 Huangshi Aibo Property             3,000,000    2,054,841    -491,953.        1,562,888
                           metho                                                           30.00      30.00
                                          .00          .79          79               .00
  Co.,Ltd.                   d
 Hubei Jinling Precision            6,000,000    3,929,499                     4,006,311
                           metho                              76,811.82                    30.00      30.00
                                          .00          .55                           .37
 Agriculture Co., Ltd.       d

                                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                          tion of   Proportio
                           Accou                                                          shares      n of
                           nting    Investmen    Amount at    Increase or     Amount at   held in    voting     Depreciation      Cash dividend
      Invested unit
                           metho      t cost     year-begin    decrease        year-end   invest    power in      reserve         for this period
                             d                                                             ment     invested
                                                                                           units(   units (%)
                                                85,938,69 -80,359,4 5,579,199
          Total             ——          ——                                            ——       ——
                                                      3.12        93.75           .37
Notes : In this period, Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd., the holding subsidiary of the company, has transferred all the holding equity of
41.42% of Huangshi Donper Mechanical and Electrical Group Co., Ltd. to Jiangsu Luoke Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd.

                                            黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

 9.Investment real estate
                                                        Balance in       Increase at this      Decrease at       Balance in
                        Items                           year-begin            period            this period       year-end

               I.Total of original value                6,934,630.00                                             6,934,630.00
                Houses and buildings                    6,934,630.00                                             6,934,630.00

 II.Total of Accumulative depreciation and
                                                        2,892,705.92          165,044.16                         3,057,750.08
      Accumulative amortization
 Houses and buildings                                   2,892,705.92          165,044.16                         3,057,750.08
  III.Reserve for impairment of investment
                  real estate
 Houses and buildings
      IV.Book value of investment real estate           4,041,924.08                                             3,876,879.92
                Houses and buildings                    4,041,924.08                                             3,876,879.92
 Notes:The depreciation of this period was RMB165,044.16.

 10.Fixed assets

                                           Balance in         Increase at this         Decrease at this         Balance in
                Items                      year-begin                period                  period             year-end

 I.Total of Original price             1,425,113,278.28          59,645,014.01           138,384,958.27       1,346,373,334.02
 Houses and buildings                      417,516,590.21            5,103,037.62                              422,619,627.83

 Machinery and equipment                   963,454,292.23        48,519,927.27           136,793,659.20        875,180,560.30

 Transportation equipment                   21,649,251.14            3,174,486.58             649,737.50        24,174,000.22

 Other                                      22,493,144.70            2,847,562.54             941,561.57        24,399,145.67
 II. Total of accumulated
                                           527,755,531.95        97,398,436.76              95,322,647.35      529,831,321.36
 Houses and buildings                       84,122,509.94        17,924,846.34                                 102,047,356.28

 Machinery and equipment                   414,983,255.20        69,465,246.29              93,849,907.69      390,598,593.80

 Transportation equipment                   14,697,489.87            4,228,728.01             617,250.63        18,308,967.25
 Other                                      13,952,276.94            5,779,616.12             855,489.03        18,876,404.03
III.Total Net book value of
                                           897,357,746.33                                                      816,542,012.66
Fixed assets
 Houses and buildings                      333,394,080.27                                                      320,572,271.55
 Machinery and equipment                   548,471,037.03                                                      484,581,966.50

 Transportation equipment                    6,951,761.27                                                        5,865,032.97
 Other                                       8,540,867.76                                                        5,522,741.64

IV.    Total    of   Reserve    for

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                     Balance in         Increase at this     Decrease at this         Balance in
            Items                    year-begin               period              period               year-end

 Houses and buildings

Machinery and equipment
Transportation equipment
V. Total book value of fixed
                                    897,357,746.33                                                    816,542,012.66
 Houses and buildings               333,394,080.27                                                    320,572,271.55
Machinery and equipment             548,471,037.03                                                    484,581,966.50

Transportation equipment               6,951,761.27                                                     5,865,032.97
Other                                  8,540,867.76                                                     5,522,741.64
Notes 1:In this period was there RMB 97,398,436.76 set aside as depreciations, and the original price of the fixed
assets converted from a construction in process was RMB 2,840,470.59.
Notes 2:This period of fixed assets mortgage please see the notes V,Consolidated financial statements of important
notes 25, Long-term loan .
Notes 3:In this period, the machine devices of subsidiary workshop with the original value of RMB 108,924,624.63
yuan and the net value of RMB 31,896,150.42 are disposed, which has been sold to Huangshi Aibo Technology Co.,
Ltd. after the public auction by the Huangshi Jiacheng Property Transaction Co., Ltd., with the sale price of RMB
22,047,275.88 .

    11.Construction in progress
                                        Balance in year-end                       Balance in year-begin
          Items                              Bad debt       Book Value                  Bad debt      Book Value
                             Book balance                               Book balance
                                             provision                                 provision
  Equipment installation      1,508,012.75                 1,508,012.75 1,934,690.56                 1,934,690.56
  The Phase III project of
                              6,904,171.58                 6,904,171.58     769,480.32                    769,480.32
 Construction funds of Da
                              5,065,000.00                 5,065,000.00
 zhi Luoqiao new plant
 ERP software installatio
 n project                     554,074.68                     554,074.68

          Total               14,031,259.01                 14,031,259.01   2,704,170.88                  2,704,170.88

Notes : In this period the constructions in process worth RMB 2,840,470.59 were converted into fixed assets.

12..Intangible assets

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                      Amount at period   Increase in current        Decrease in         Amount at period
               Items                     beginning              period             current period             end

I.Total of original value                84,948,511.35          1,312,875.20                        -      86,261,386.55

Land use right                           81,058,310.92          1,249,200.00                               82,307,510.92

Software                                  2,090,200.43            63,675.20                                 2,153,875.63
Non Patent technology                     1,800,000.00                                                      1,800,000.00
II.Total             accumulative
                                          8,316,260.91          2,204,445.50                        -      10,520,706.41
Land use right                            7,428,215.21          1,798,367.06                                9,226,582.27

Software                                    708,045.70           226,078.44                                   934,124.14
Non Patent technology                       180,000.00           180,000.00                                   360,000.00
III.Total     book     value     of
                                         76,632,250.44                                                     75,740,680.14
intangible assets
Land use right                           73,630,095.71                                                     73,080,928.65

Software                                  1,382,154.73                                                      1,219,751.49
Non Patent technology                     1,620,000.00                                                      1,440,000.00
IV. Total impairment provision
Land use right
Non Patent technology
V.     Book    value    Total    of
                                         76,632,250.44                                                     75,740,680.14
intangible assets
Land use right                           73,630,095.71                                                     73,080,928.65

Software                                  1,382,154.73                                                      1,219,751.49
Non Patent technology                     1,620,000.00                                                      1,440,000.00
Notes 1:The amortization of this period was RMB 2,204,445.50.
Notes 2. This period of intangible assets mortgage please see the notes V,Consolidated financial statements of
important notes 25, Long-term loan .
       13. Deferred income tax assets

(1)Recognized deferred income tax assets

                              Items                             Amount at period end          Amount at period beginning
Deferred income tax assets
     Provision for bad debt                                                    5,096,726.92                   5,187,111.53

Estimated losses on warranty (refund, repair and                               1,802,721.27                   2,712,207.82

                                           黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                              Items                                 Amount at period end            Amount at period beginning
                              Total                                                 6,899,448.19                        7,899,319.35

(2) Temporary Differences Corresponding to the Assets or Liabilities that incurred such Differences

                                  Items                                                            Amount
             Bad debt provision for accounts receivable                                                                 32,787,237.97

              Bad debt provision for other receivables                                                                   1,190,941.50

    Estimated losses on warranty (refund, repair and replace)                                                           12,018,141.81

                            Subtotal                                                                                    45,996,321.28
     14. Reserve for impairment of assets
                                                                                 Decrease for the current
                                          Balance at period   Provision at               period                    Amount at
                                             beginning         this period                       Switch            period end
                                                                                Switch back
I.Provision for bad debts                     32,622,900.90    1,696,079.82                                         34,318,980.72

Total                                         32,622,900.90    1,696,079.82                                         34,318,980.72

               15. Assets under Restriction

                                                        Ending balance of the
                        Item                                                                       Restriction reason
                                                         period (RMB’0000)
I.Assets in use for guarantee
Buildings, land and plant and machinery                                 18,043.25   Loan pledges
II.Other assets under restriction
                                                                                    Due to issued bank acceptance and loan p
Bills receivables                                                       15,581.02
Account receivables                                                     14,098.75   Loan pledges
                        Total                                           47,723.02

Notes : Bill receivables , account receivables , please see ―Notes on Items of Consolidated Financial Statements 16
Short-term Borrowings‖ and 25.Long-term Borrowings.

     16.Short-term loan
                  Condition                          Amount at period end                          Amount at period beginning
Impawn loan                                                         244,041,070.00                               105,853,700.00

Mortgage loan                                                                                                     31,427,500.00

        Guaranteed loan                                             390,787,230.00                               408,208,660.00

        Credit loan                                                   47,678,300.00                               79,197,300.00

                      Total                                         682,506,600.00                               624,687,160.00

Notes 1:The company offered RMB 30 million deposit in current period to the Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.

                                    黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

Huangshi Tieshan Branch to get USD 4.8 million short-term borrowings.
Notes 2:The company offered RMB 32.0165 million deposit in current period to the Xingye Bank .Wuhan Branch to
get USD 5 million short-term borrowings.
Notes 3:The company offered USD 16.0343 million and Euro 5.1346 million posit in current period to the
ICBC .Huangshi Tieshan Branch to get USD 20.50 million short-term borrowing.
Notes 4:As Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd. offered guarantee, the company obtained the USD
3 million short-term loan from China Construction Bank , Huangshi Tieshan Branch; the company obtained the USD
17.80 million and RMB 25 million short-term loan from Bank of Communications ,Tieshan Branch; the company
obtained the RMB 50 million short-term loan from Agricultural Bank of China, Shihuiyao Branch.

Notes 5:As the Company offered guarantee to the second-tier subsidiary of Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical
 Co.,Ltd., obtained USD 1.9 million and RMB 20 million short-term loan from Xingye Bank, Wuhu Branch; obtained
USD 2 million short-term loan from China Merchants Bank, Wuhu Branch; obtained USD 2 million and RMB 20 mill
ion short-term loan from CITIC Bank, Wuhu Branch; obtained RMB 30 million short-term loan from the Export-Impo
rt Bank of China, Anhui Branch; obtained RMB 30 million short-term loan from Wuhu Yangzi Rural Commercial Ba
nk; obtained RMB 20 million short-term loan from Huishang Bank, Wuhu Economy Development Zone Branch.

Notes6:As the Company offered guarantee to the second-tier subsidiary of Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Gr
oup Solar Energy Co., Ltd., obtained RMB 3 million short-term loan from SPD Bank, Wuhan Lingjiaohu Branch,
obtained RMB 5 million short-term loan from China Merchants Bank, Huangshi Jinghua Road Branch.

Note 7: The company offered guarantee to third-tier subsidiary of Huangshi Dongbei and offered RMB 8.305 million
commercial acceptance bills as pledge to obtain RMB 39.305 million short-term loans from China Everbright Bank,
Wuhan Development Zone Branch.
As the Company offered guarantee the third-tier subsidiary of Huangshi Dongbei Founry Co., Ltd., it obtained RMB 2
0 million short-term loan from Hubei Bank, Huangshi Xinxialu Branch, it obtained RMB 10 million short-term loan
from            SPD        Bank            ,      Wuhan              Branch          Lingjiaohu        Sub-Branch,
obtained RMB 20 million short-term loan from Bank of Communications, Huangshi Tieshan Branch.

       17.Bill payable
                                               Amount at period end                  Amount at period beginning
 Bank acceptance                                              736,273,961.21                        851,268,224.15
                   Total                                      736,273,961.21                        851,268,224.15
Notes :The ending balance of Bill payable for this period included RMB 736,273,961.21 due next accounting period.

          18.Account payable
                                      Amount at period end                      Amount at period beginning
              Items               Amount(RMB)          Proportion(            Amount(RMB)

                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                         Amount at period end                       Amount at period beginning
              Items                 Amount(RMB)             Proportion(           Amount(RMB)
  Within 1 year                         864,202,989.66          91.91                646,739,853.16           71.64
  1-2 years                              28,509,025.77           3.03                252,492,333.07           27.96
  2-3 years                              43,933,561.41           4.67                     135,353.84           0.01
  Over 3 years                            3,626,796.18           0.39                   3,563,857.16           0.39
              Total                     940,272,373.02        100.00                 902,931,397.23          100.00
Notes 1:For the accounts of shareholder unit holding the company of 5% (including 5%) or more of voting power
shares in the accounts receivable, the details please see the notes ―6. The affiliated party and the related transaction,
6. The accounts receivable and payable of the affiliated party‖;
Notes2:The closing balance of account payable is more than the beginning balance, the details please see the notes
―VI. The affiliated party and the related transaction,6. The accounts receivable and payable of the affiliated party‖;
Note 3: the situation of significant account payable aged over one year at the end of period
19.Received in advance
                                              Amount at period end                      Amount at period beginning
               Items                     Amount(RMB)                Proportion(      Amount(RMB)
Within 1 year                                  13,814,294.02            93.58           110,987,713.93          96.47
1-2 years                                          372,962.09            2.53             3,905,422.44           3.39
2-3 years                                          422,902.06            2.86                      9.15          0.00
Over 3 years                                       152,595.89            1.03               157,557.89           0.14
               Total                           14,762,754.06            100.00          115,050,703.41         100.00

Notes1:There were no debts payable to the shareholders of the Company holding more than 5% (including 5%) of the
total shares of the Company.
Notes2:Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd., a controlled subsidiary, received RMB 69.30 million for equit
y assignment from Huangshi Property Exchange in advance at the beginning period. The procedures of change of indu
strial and commercial registration of this equity assignment were finished on October 2013..
Notes 3:The situation of significant Received in advance aged over one year at the end of period

20.Employee salary payable
                                                                 Increase in      Decrease in current
                                                                                                          Amount at period
                                      Amount at period
                                                              current period            period
               Items                    beginning                                                               end
1.Wage,bonus,subsidy                    20,262,398.81         247,309,622.59         243,908,360.26          23,663,661.14
2.Employee welfare                         2,115,475.50          26,847,336.73         25,711,133.28          3,251,678.95
3.Security insurance                                             37,014,789.52         37,014,789.52
                                                                 10,831,568.12         10,831,568.12                       -
Of Which: medical insurance

                                           黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                   Increase in       Decrease in current
                                                                                                           Amount at period
                                          Amount at period
                                                              current period               period
                Items                       beginning                                                            end

Basic        old-age       insurance
                                                                   22,057,240.95          22,057,240.95                      -
Unemployment insurance                                               1,855,589.95           1,855,589.95                     -

     Work injury insurance                                           1,683,562.12           1,683,562.12                     -

     Maternity insurance                                               586,828.38             586,828.38                     -

                                               1,022,692.27          8,532,741.68           9,555,433.95                     -
4. Public reserves for housing

5.     Union    funds     and     staff
                                              14,880,243.76          3,003,417.15           2,690,102.45       15,193,558.46
education fee
6.     Compensation        paid    for
                                                                       306,552.00             306,552.00                     -
termination of labor relationship
7.Other                                                              1,401,907.79           1,401,907.79                     -
             Total                        38,280,810.34      324,416,367.46 320,588,279.25       42,108,898.55
Notes:Temporarily, the company hasn’t made the payment of RMB 22.7285 million of annual performance funds in
2013, which is expected to be paid at the end of June, 2014.
       21. Taxes payable
                                                    Amount at period end                    Amount at period beginning
VAT                                                                  -14,510,513.93                           -3,000,090.88

Business tax                                                             149,557.24                               92,695.36

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                                       2,399,055.14                            4,744,264.26
Enterprise income tax                                                 33,126,241.98                           22,877,903.83

House tax                                                              2,887,832.00                            1,931,041.00

Land use tax                                                             679,208.62                              430,046.68

Individual income tax                                                    579,628.91                            1,590,189.77

Educational surtax                                                       917,270.83                            2,022,328.79
Local education development fund                                         162,188.52                            1,377,682.53

                                                                         168,434.46                            1,464,922.20
Embankment expenses
Stamp tax                                                              2,861,854.40                              854,052.38
Water construction      Fund                                              89,283.24                              109,857.20

                  Total                                                  29,510,041.41                           34,494,893.12

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

Notes :.The standards for main taxes and tax rates are described in "Note III of Financial Statements. Taxes"

    22.Dividend payable
                                                    Balance in year-end                   Balance in year-begin
 Hongkang Changxin Group Co., Ltd.                                10,009,121.12                          10,009,121.12
                   Total                                          10,009,121.12                          10,009,121.12

23.Other payable
                                              Balance in year-end                       Balance in year-begin
              Items                     Amount(RMB)              Proportion(          Amount(RMB)         Proportio
                                                                     %)                                     n(%)
          Within 1 year                       181,466,985.11        95.48                61,669,574.97      44.20
            1-2 years                           2,885,550.67         1.52                56,763,799.34      40.69
            2-3 years                             673,629.16         0.35                12,697,758.16         9.10

  Over 3 years                                  5,035,316.56         2.65                 8,384,031.26         6.01

              Total                           190,061,481.50        100.00              139,515,163.73      100.00

Notes 1:As of December 31, 2013, there is no other payable to an shareholder with 5% (include 5%) of total voting
shares of the company.

Notes 2:The situation of significant other payable aged over one year at the end of period

    24.Non-current liability due in 1 year

                                                     Balance in year-end                  Balance in year-begin
Long-term borrowings due within one year
                        Total                                                                 122,520,360.00

             (2) Long-term borrowings due within one year
                                                  Balance in year-end                     Balance in year-begin
             Mortgage loan
            Guaranteed loan                                                                                2,520,360.00

                      Total                                                                               122,520,360.00

       25. Long-term loan
                                                     Balance in year-end                   Balance in year-begin
                                                                       1,440,000.00                            1,440,000.00
             Entrusted loan
             Mortgage loan

                                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                              Balance in year-end                    Balance in year-begin
                     Total                                                     121,440,000.00                             1,440,000.00
Notes 1. Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd., the holding subsidiary of the company, has made the
mortgage of land and buildings for the company, at the price of RMB 180.4325 million to gain the long-term loans of
RMB 120 million from Wuhan branch of China Import and Export Bank.
Notes 2:The commissioned loan RMB 1.44 million was the financial working fund allocated by Huangshi Financial
Bureau to Huangshi Dongbei Foundry Co., Ltd..

             26..Long-term payable
                                                                                     Increase            Decrease
             Items                                                             for the current   for the current
                                                               Balance in                                               Balance in
                                                               year-begin           period           period              year-end
   The Special Technological
      Renovation Fund for
                                         5,350,000.00         4,837,291.67                          267,500.00         4,569,791.67
   Refrigeration Compressor
Importance Special funds                 4,500,000.00         4,068,750.00                          225,000.00         3,843,750.00
Compressor industrialization
                                       12,000,000.00         11,266,666.67                          600,000.00        10,666,666.67
Guarantee housing construction
funds in Huangshi City                        690,000.00                          690,000.00         32,775.00           657,225.00

Construction funds of Daye
                                         1,046,600.00                           1,046,600.00                           1,046,600.00
Luoqiao new plant
             Total                     23,586,600.00         20,172,708.34      1,736,600.00      1,125,275.00        20,784,033.34

   27.Share capital
                             Before this change                Increase/decrease this time (+ , - )           After this change
                                                           Issuing         Transferr
                                                Propo                nus                Othe Subt                              Propo
                             Amount                        of new           ed from                           Amount
                                                rtion                shar                 r       otal                         rtion
                                                            share           reserves
1. Shares with
conditional                  120,000,000.00      51.06                                                       120,000,000.00    51.06
1.State-owned share
2.State-owned legal
                             117,600,000.00      50.04                                                        117,600,000.00   50.04
person shares
   3.Other domestic
                               2,400,000.00      1.02                                                           2,400,000.00    1.02
   Including :
   Non-state owned
domestic       legal           2,400,000.00      1.02                                                           2,400,000.00    1.02
person shares
   Domestic nature
person shares

                                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                             Before this change               Increase/decrease this time (+ , - )             After this change
                                                          Issuing         Transferr
                                                Propo               nus                Othe Subt                               Propo
                             Amount                       of new           ed from                            Amount
                                                rtion               shar                 r       otal                          rtion
                                                           share           reserves
   Including :
Overseas        legal
person shares
   Foreign     nature
person shares
5. Executive shares
II Shares with
unconditional                115,000,000.00      48.94                                                        115,000,000.00   48.94
1.Common shares in
2.Foreign shares in
                             115,000,000.00      48.94                                                        115,000,000.00   48.94
domestic market
3.Foreign shares in
overseas market
III.Total of shares          235,000,000.00     100.00                                                        235,000,000.00   100.00

28. Capital reserve
                             Amount at period             Increase in current         Decrease in current       Amount at period
         Items                   beginning                      period                      period                      end

Share              capital
                                  180,001,555.45                                                                    180,001,555.45
Other capital surplus              10,110,280.81                                                                      10,110,280.81

         Total                    190,111,836.26                                                                    190,111,836.26

29. Surplus reserve
                                 Amount at period           Increase in current        Decrease in current      Amount at period
           Items                     beginning                    period                       period                   end

                                          36,008,607.48                1,935,585.87                                      37,944,193.35
Statutory surplus reserve
                                          36,008,607.48                1,935,585.87                                      37,944,193.35

30. Retained profits
                             Items                                                    Amount                       Extraction or
                                                                                                             distribution of the ratio
Before adjustment: Retained profit at the end of last year                               342,680,456.41                ——

                                              黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                              Items                                            Amount                           Extraction or
                                                                                                          distribution of the ratio
Adjustment: Retained profit at the beginning of current year                                                        ——
After Adjustment: Retained profit at the beginning of
                                                                                     342,680,456.41                ——
current year
Add : Net profit attributable to the owners of parent
                                                                                          93,824,776.19             ——
Less:Withdrawing statutory surplus public reserve                                         1,935,585.87            10.00%

    Distribution of common shares dividend
Retained profit at the end of current year                                               434,569,646.73
      31.Operating income and operating cost

      (1)Operating income
                                                                                                           Same period of the
                                                                            Report period                    previous year
                     Main business income                                         4,120,518,976.04             4,050,249,579.83

                    Other business income                                            143,512,844.85               65,632,109.39

                              Total                                               4,264,031,820.89             4,115,881,689.22

      (2)Operating cost
                                                                                                           Same period of the
                                                                            Report period                    previous year
                        Main business cost                                      3,607,966,188.71              3,548,626,543.62
                        Other business cost                                          114,212,388.96               52,513,503.24
Total                                                                             3,722,178,577.67             3,601,140,046.86
(3) Main operating (Industry)

                                         Report period                               Same period of the previous year
        Name                Income of Main           Cost of Main
                                                                          Income of Main operation Cost of Main operation
                                operation              operation
Manufacturing                4,120,518,976.04       3,607,966,188.71              4,050,249,579.83             3,548,626,543.62
Total                       4,120,518,976.04          3,607,966,188.71            4,050,249,579.83             3,548,626,543.62
      (4) Main operating (Product)

                                                        Report period                     Same period of the previous year
                Name                         Income of Main        Cost of Main         Income of Main        Cost of Main
                                                operation            operation             operation            operation
Compressor                                   3,676,136,257.13    3,221,468,219.29       3,603,331,566.27       3,159,440,503.90
Auto casting                                  414,903,259.01      365,059,625.42         419,731,255.85          369,405,482.93

Solar water heater                             29,479,459.90         21,438,344.00         27,186,757.71          19,780,556.79
                Total                        4,120,518,976.04    3,607,966,188.71       4,050,249,579.83       3,548,626,543.62

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

     (5) Main operating (Area)

                                                     Report period                           Same period of the previous year
                 Name                     Income of Main        Cost of Main               Income of Main       Cost of Main
                                             operation           operation                    operation           operation
 Domestic sales                           3,380,959,066.88           2,929,738,111.27     3,352,346,813.64 2,919,651,025.27
 Foreign sales                                739,559,909.16            678,228,077.44       697,902,766.19        628,975,518.35
                  Total                      4,120,518,976.04          3,607,966,188.71     4,050,249,579.83      3,548,626,543.62

 (6) The top five companies in the amount
 Items                                     business income                                Proportion(%)
                 Client 1                                             803,723,943.43                      18.85
                 Client 2                                             190,109,699.49                      4.46
                 Client 3                                             173,424,852.53                      4.07
                 Client 4                                             129,784,097.44                      3.04
                 Client 5                                             110,637,834.02                      2.59
 Total                                                               1,407,680,426.91                      33.01

     32.Business tax and subjoin
                                                                                                  Same period of the previous
 Items                            Standard
                                                                        Report period                        year
Business tax                                 5%                                   579,713.10
 Urban construction tax                      7%                                  7,838,519.25                       9,559,920.77
 Education surcharge                         3%                                  3,356,007.38                       3,769,941.35

                                             2%                                  1,047,997.08                       1,938,563.15
 Embankment expenses
 Local education surcharge                   2%                                  2,237,338.24                       3,721,304.33
 Water Construction Fund                  0.08%                                  1,279,231.24                       1,089,445.47
               Total                       ——                                16,338,806.29                       20,079,175.07

         33.Sales expenses
 Items                                                Accumulative total of current             Accumulative total of same
                                                                period                          period of the previous year
                          Total                                       94,364,407.59                             87,836,539.81
 The main details are as follows:
    Transport costs                                                        58,156,293.09                           52,091,962.65
    Travel expenses                                                          3,962,057.60                           3,386,133.43

           34..Administrative expenses
 Items                                                Accumulative total of current             Accumulative total of same
                                                                period                          period of the previous year
                          Total                                      276,766,392.41                            217,671,475.97

                                    黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

Items                                          Accumulative total of current         Accumulative total of same
                                                         period                      period of the previous year
The main details are as follows:
   Wage                                                          64,031,070.29                      68,332,383.71
   Travel expenses                                               24,064,266.61                      19,367,981.23
   Depreciation                                                  13,072,324.56                      13,034,919.32
   Repair fees                                                    2,625,082.52                        2,802,166.58
   Taxes                                                         15,046,920.76                      10,040,308.77
   Amortization                                                   4,892,712.02                        3,978,591.38
   R& D expenses                                                132,294,587.81                      86,372,308.48

        35. Financial expenses
Items                                          Accumulative total of current         Accumulative total of same
                                                         period                      period of the previous year
Interest expenses                                                42,566,324.11                       60,941,113.42
Less:Interest income                                            11,088,937.39                        9,494,445.45
Less:Exchange gains                                              1,300,431.54                         -227,155.66
Bills discounted rate                                            12,764,708.96                      16,561,978.17

                                                                  2,631,787.83                        4,269,342.66
Handling charges
Total                                                            45,573,451.97                      72,505,144.46

        36. Investment income

     (1) Investment income

 Items                                                                                    Accumulative total of
                                                             Accumulative total of
                                                                                           same period of the
                                                                current period
                                                                                             previous year
 Long-term equity investment income under equity
                                                                         -415,141.97                   -948,147.10
 Investment loss through disposal of long-term equity
                        Total                                          53,619,106.25                   -948,147.10
Notes . In this period, Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd., the holding subsidiary of the company, has
transferred all the holding equity of 41.42% of Huangshi Donper Mechanical and Electrical Group Co., Ltd. to
Jiangsu Luoke Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd., with the transferred price of RMB 133.4716 million and the
investment cost of RMB 79.9444 million.

    (2) Long term equity investment calculated via equity method:
                                                                Accumulative total of
                                     Accumulative total of
                Name                                             same period of the                Changed
                                         current period
                                                                    previous year
 Huangshi Aibo Property Co., Ltd.               -491,953.79               -415,373.50        The income accounted

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                            Accumulative total of
                                             Accumulative total of
                      Name                                                   same period of the                    Changed
                                                current period
                                                                               previous year
                                                                                                               by equity method
 Hubei    Jinling Precision Agriculture                                                                    The income accounted
                                                             76,811.82                   -532,773.60
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    by equity method
                      Total                                 -415,141.97                      -948,147.10

     37.Asset impairment losses
                                                                                         Accumulative total of same period of
                   Items                    Accumulative total of current period
                                                                                                 the previous year
1.Loss for bad debts                                                  1,696,079.82                              4,661,255.69
               Total                                                   1,696,079.82                                  4,661,255.69

     38. Non-operating income

     (1)Details of Non-operating income

                                       Amount of current period                               Amount of previous period
                                                      Included in the                                        Included in the
              Items                                 current amount of                                       current amount of
                                      Amount                                                 Amount
                                                       non-operating                                          non-operating
                                                      gains & losses                                          gains & losses
Total profits of non-current
                                           215,251.38                215,251.38                442,499.81               442,499.81
assets disposal
Including : Fixed asset
                                           215,251.38                215,251.38                442,499.81               442,499.81
disposal profits

Government subsidy                    11,536,728.62                 8,607,485.00             10,055,161.00          10,055,161.00
Quality of compensation                   5,543,296.17              5,543,296.17              7,227,991.57            4,412,962.44
Profit of debt restructuring                287,980.64                287,980.64
              Total                       17,583,256.81             14,654,013.19             17,725,652.38            14,910,623.25

               (2) Details of Governmental subsidies

                                                 Amount of current         Amount of previous
                                                                                                       Related to asset and profit
                                                          period                    period
 Brake Hub innovation award                                                             400,000.00            Related to profit
 VAT export rebates                                         2,929,243.62                                      Related to profit
 Imported Equipment discount payment                                                   1,410,000.00           Related to profit
 Government Technology Award                                1,655,500.00                618,000.00            Related to profit
 Financial subsidies revenue                                1,261,250.00               1,206,541.00           Related to profit

                                    黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                             Amount of current       Amount of previous
                                                                                               Related to asset and profit
                                                    period                   period
 Subsidy for patent application by
                                                         8,650.00                  25,120.00
 Huangshi Intellectual Property Office                                                                Related to profit
 Changjiang Quality Award                                                       1,000,000.00          Related to profit
 Huangshi Economic & Technological De
 velopment Zone Finance Bureau Award                                            2,090,500.00
 Fund                                                                                                 Related to profit
 Hubei Department of Finance Treasury
 Bureau Award Fund                                                                                    Related to profit
 Compressor production project amortizati
                                                  1,092,500.00                  905,000.00            Related to asset
 Science and Technology Award                         20,000.00                                       Related to asset
 Amortization of Huangshi construction of
                                                      32,775.00                                       Related to asset
 affordable housing funds
 Export base service platform project fund
 ing                                                                                                  Related to profit
 Land use tax return                              2,664,300.00                                        Related to profit
 Subsidies from social security center               796,510.00                                       Related to profit
 Patent grants from Trade Development
 Bureau                                                                                               Related to profit
 Welder Skills Competition Awards from
 Jingkai Zone Association                                                                             Related to profit
                   Total                         11,536,728.62               10,055,161.00

     39. Non-operating expenses

                                      Amount of current period                         Amount of previous period
                                                     Included in the                                  Included in the
              Items                                current amount of                                 current amount of
                                     Amount                                           Amount
                                                      non-operating                                    non-operating
                                                     gains & losses                                    gains & losses
Losses total from disposal of
                                    23,140,458.27            23,140,458.27            11,830,925.31          11,830,925.31
Non-current assets
Incl: loss of fixed assets
                                    23,140,458.27            23,140,458.27            11,830,925.31          11,830,925.31
Other                                2,037,621.39             2,037,621.39             1,605,024.75           1,605,024.75

              Total                 25,178,079.66            25,178,079.66            13,435,950.06          13,435,950.06

     40. Income tax expenses

                          Items                              Accumulated amount in              Accumulated amount in
                                                               current period                     previous year
                                                                    (RMB)                                 (RMB)

                                     黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                        Items                              Accumulated amount in                    Accumulated amount in
                                                                current period                         previous year
                                                                     (RMB)                                   (RMB)
Income tax calculated according to tax law and
                                                                           35,499,763.92                         12,425,389.48
relevant provisions in a current period
Deferred income tax                                                              999,871.16                          -498,826.88

                      Total                                                  36,499,635.08                         11,926,562.60
   41. Calculation of Basic earnings per share and Diluted earnings per share
Items                                              Code          Amount for this year              Amount for last year
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                    P0                            93,824,776.19                  60,515,708.87
ordinary shareholders (Ⅰ)
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
ordinary    shareholders    after deducting         P0                            54,216,908.08                  58,325,053.43
non-recuring gains and losses(Ⅱ)
Amount of stock at the year-beginning               S0                           235,000,000.00                235,000,000.00
Increase of amount of stock owing to capital
reserve transferred to share capital or             S1
distribution of stock dividend.
Increase of amount of stock owing to issue to
bonds newly or bonds issued to be transfer to        Si
Decrease of amount stock due to
purchase-back stock. Etc.
Decrease of amount of stock in the reporting
Amount of months in the reporting period.           M0                                        12                             12
Accumulated months since the sec9ond month
when increase of amount of stock
Accumulated months since the second month
when decrease of amount of stock.
Average weighted amount of stock
                                                     S                            235,000,000.00                 235,000,000.00
Basic eamings per share(Ⅰ)                                                               0.399                           0.258

Basic eamings per share(Ⅱ)                                                               0.231                           0.248
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
                                                    P1                             93,824,776.19                  60,515,708.87
of parent company after adjustment(Ⅰ)
Net profit attributable to the company’s
ordinary     shareholders     after    deducting
                                                    P1                             54,216,908.08                  58,325,053.43
non-recuring gains and losses after
Increase amount of average weighted of stock
owing to realization of warrants, stock options
and convertible bonds
Average weighted amount of stock
outstanding after consideration of diluted                                        235,000,000.00                 235,000,000.00

                                       黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

 Items                                               Code      Amount for this year            Amount for last year

 Diluted earnings per share(Ⅰ)                                                       0.399                           0.258

 Diluted earning per share(Ⅱ)                                                        0.231                           0.248
    (1) Basic earnings per share
     Basic earnings per share= P0÷S
     S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0– Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk
     Including:P0 Means net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of parent company or net profit attributable
to the company’s ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; S means average weighted
amount of common stock outstanding; S0 Means amount of common stock at the year-beginning; S1Means increase
of amount of common stock owing to capital reserve transferred to share capital or distribution of stock dividend Si
Means increase of amount of common stock owing to issue of bonds newly or bonds issued to be transfer to common
stock; Sj Means decrease of amount of common stock due to purchase-back common stock , etc; Sk Means decrease
of amount of common stock in the reporting period;Mi Means accumulated months since the second month when
increase of amount of common stock;Mj means accumulated months since the second month when decrease of
amount of common stock.Diluted earnings per share
(2)Diluted earnings per share
     Diluted earnings per share=P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ Increase amount of average wighted of
 common stock owing to realization of warrants, stock options and convertible bonds.
     Including,P1 Means net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company or net profit attributable to
   the company’s ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses after adjustment in
   consideration of the effect of dilutive potential ordinary share, regulated by accounting criteria for enterprises in
   china or other related regulations.when calculation of diluted earnings per share , all effects of net profit
   attributable to the company’s ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses after
   adjustment and average weighted amount of common stock outstanding, associated with dilutive potential
   ordinary share, calculating of diluted earnings per share to the degree that in minimum of EPS, According to their
   degree of descending order of diluted earnings per share referred.
  42. Note Cash flow statement
1. Other cash received from business operation
                                                                                                   Same period of the
                            Items                                  Report period                     previous year
Correlation between units                                                     54,546,966.10                   39,464,253.67

Fine and the quality of compensation                                           4,536,833.96                      461,206.49

  Interest income                                                             11,088,937.39                     9,494,445.45

Disburse payment of water & electricity fees                                   1,324,622.73                      293,307.14

         Government Subsidy                                                     8,607,485.00                     7,297,661.19

                                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                                        Same period of the
                             Items                                      Report period                     previous year
                             Total                                                 80,104,845.18                  57,010,873.94

2.Other cash payable related to operating activities
                                                                                                        Same period of the
                             Items                                      Report period                     previous year
Office and other expenses                                                         92,127,714.00                  71,906,295.19

       Water & electricity                                                         3,789,830.44                   3,379,673.20

Technology Development expenses                                                   45,922,279.33                   5,099,076.63

       Other unit between                                                         36,270,750.88                  25,949,038.37

Fine and the quality of compensation                                                       100.66                 1,144,780.12

                             Total                                               178,110,675.31                 107,478,863.51

  43. Supplement Information of Cash flow statement
  (1)Supplement Information of Cash flow statement
                                                                                                         Same period of the
                                     Items                                    Report period                previous year
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow from business operation
   Net profit                                                                      116,638,753.46               103,403,043.98

  Add:Provision from assets impairment                                                 1,696,079.82              4,661,255.69
Fixed assets depreciation,Oil and gas depreciation, Produce
                                                                                    97,563,480.92                99,502,506.71
matter depreciation
  Amortization of intangible assets                                                     2,204,445.50              2,187,387.11
  Amortization of long-term expenses to be amortized                                     161,601.69
   The loss from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                    22,723,033.31                11,388,425.50
   and other long-term assets
   Loss from scrapping of fixed assets                                                    202,173.58
   Loss from fair change
     Financial expenses                                                                 55,861,477.51             60,941,113.42
      Investment loss                                                                -53,619,106.25                  948,147.10
  Decrease of deferred tax assets                                                         999,871.16                 -498,826.88
 Increase of deferred tax Liabilities
  Decrease of inventories                                                            -56,693,837.00               -23,456,041.23
  Decrease of operating accounts receivable                                         -132,811,890.43              -223,051,385.28
  Increase of operating accounts payable                                                -2,192,641.58            287,055,453.17

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                                     Same period of the
                                 Items                                      Report period              previous year
   Net cash flow generated from operating activities                                52,733,441.69            323,081,079.29
II.Investment and financing activities not involving cash receipts
and expenditure
   Transferring debts to capital
Convertible corporate bond to mature within one year

Leasing fixed assets through financing
III.The information of net increase of cash and cash equivalent
Balance of cash at the End of the period                                           441,509,529.30            471,346,311.99
  Less: Balance of cash at the beginning of the period                             471,346,311.99            466,002,406.17
  Add: Balance of cash equivalent at the end of the period
Less: Balance of cash equivalent at the beginning of the period
      Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                                     -29,836,782.69              5,343,905.82

(2)Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                     Same period of the
                                 Items                                       Report period             previous year
                                                                                    441,509,529.30           471,346,311.99
I. Cash
                                                                                          2,194.95                35,211.46
Of which: Cash in stock
             Bank savings could be used at any time                                 257,966,904.97           297,336,788.95

Other monetary capital could be used at any time                                    183,540,429.38           173,974,311.58

     Usable money in Central Bank

     Money saved in associated financial bodies

     Money from associated financial bodies

II. Cash equivalents

Of which: bond investment which will due in three months
                                                                                    441,509,529.30           471,346,311.99
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period end
Notes :In   the ending balance of monetary capital, the amount of security deposit for the bills with a term of more than
three months is RMB 86,602,506.29.

    VI.Related parties and Related transactions
     1.Parent Company of the Company

                                             黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                             Parent        The
                                                                              Registe       compan       Parent
                      Relat              Regis                                    red                                 The ultimate       Organizat
                                                  Legal                                     y of the    compan
                                                 represe     Nature             capital     compan      y of the
                                                                                                                       controlling       ion
                      partie             addre                                                                        party of the        Code
                                                 ntative                      (RMB            y’s     compan
                        s                  ss                                                                           company
                                                                              ’0000)      sharehol    y’s vote
                                                                                              ding      ratio(%)
                                                           Production                                                   Huangshi
                      Paren      Limit            Yang
Huangshi Dongbei                                           and sales of                                                  Dongbei
                        t         ed     Huan                                 24,184.
Electromechanical                                Baicha     refrigeratio                      50.04       50.04       Electromecha        73683763-9
                      Com        Com                                            00
 Group Co., Ltd.                         gshi              n compress                                                  nical Group
                      pany       pany
                                                   ng      ors                                                          Co., Ltd.

         1.     Subsidiary of the Company
                                                                                                       Register                compa
                                         Type                                                                         ny of                Organiza
                               Type of                                                                     ed                   ny of
                                                 Registe     Legal                                                     the                   tion
                                          of                                                             capital                 the
Full name of subsidiary        subsidi             red      represe                Nature                            compa                  Code
                                         Enter                                                                                 compa
                                 ary             address    ntative                                    (RMB           ny’s
                                         prise                                                                                   ny’s
                                                                                                       ’0000)      shareh

  Huangshi Dongbei
                               Control   Limit
                                                             Yang           Production and sales
  Electromechanical              ling     ed     Huangs                                                   2,486.12    83.03     83.03      70681674-9
                                                            Baicha          of solar energy water
                               subsidi   Com
Group Solar Energy Co.,                            hi         ng                    heater
                                  ary    pany
                                                                            Production and sales
                                                                              of refrigeration
    Wuhu Abaur                 Control   Limit
                                 ling     ed                                    compressor ,              5,000.00     75.00     75.00     78653614-7
   Mechanical &                subsidi   Com     Wuhu       Baicha
 Electrical Co., Ltd..                                        ng            Compressor        and
                                  ary    pany
                                                                              Electrical Organ

                                                                            Casting of small and
                               Control   Limit                               medium-sized cast
  Huangshi Dongbei               ling     ed     Huangs      Chen
                                                                                                          3,281.41     51.28     51.28     17841625-7
   Founry Co., Ltd.            subsidi   Com                Baoping           products, house
                                  ary    pany      hi
                                                                            renting and parking

                                                                           Sales of Refrigeration
                               Control   Limit
   Huangshi Dongbei                                                            Refrigeration
                                 ling     ed                 Wang                                            USD
International Trade Co.,                          BVI        Guhua         Equipment and Parts ,           100.00
                                                                                                                      100.00    100.00
                               subsidi   Com
          Ltd.                                                             Photoelectric products
                                  ary    pany
                                                                              and solar water
                                                                                heater ,etc.

     3.Affiliated enterprise

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                      Name                           Relationship with the Company

                                                     Affiliated enterprise
 Huangshi Aibo Property Co., Ltd.                                                                 55392272-6

                                                     Affiliated enterprise
 Hubei Jinling Precision Agriculture Co., Ltd.                                                    55392325-1

    Notes :The details of affiliated enterprise please see the Note 5 of the notes of the important items in
Consolidated Financial Statements, Note 7 Investment in Affiliated enterprise.
         4. Other related parties of the Company
                       Name                            Relationship with the Company
                                                      Also controlled by Huangshi
                                                       Dongbei Electromechanical                  73911098-8
   Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating     Co., Ltd.              Group Co., Ltd.
                                                      One of the shareholders of the
                                                       parent Company Huangshi
 Huangshi Aibo Technology Co., Ltd.                                                               79327755-1
                                                       Dongbei Electromechanical
                                                             Group Co., Ltd.
 Wuhu Farici Investment Co., Ltd.                    Other related party                          69896511-0

 Hubei Xingdong Investment Co., Ltd.                 Other related party                          58548062-7
                                                     One of the shareholders of the
                                                     parent Company Huangshi
 Jiangsu Luoke Electrical Co., Ltd.                                                               13730779-1
                                                     Dongbei       Electromechanical
                                                     Group Co., Ltd.
                                                     Related     party     controlled
 Huangshi Chenxin Photoelectric Co., Ltd.                                                         72578089-2
                                                     subsidiary Company
                                                     Related     party     controlled
 Huangshi Dongbei New Energy Co., Ltd                                                             58249444-1
                                                     subsidiary Company
                                                     Related     party     controlled
 Huangshi Jinling Property Services Co., Ltd.                                                     56831677-X
                                                     subsidiary Company
                                                     Related     party     controlled
 Wuhu Abaur Real estate Co., Ltd.                                                                 55781543-4
                                                     subsidiary Company
 Hubei Jinling Fine agricultural Linyang Co.,        Related     party     controlled
 Ltd.                                                subsidiary Company
                                                     Related     party     controlled
 Huangshi Jinbei Dairy Co., Ltd.                                                                  05002047-2
                                                     subsidiary Company

         5.Related transactions
         (1) Purchase goods and receiving services
                                                       Type of related       Accumulated amount in current period
        Name of related party            Method

                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                                        Pricing policy
                                                                                           Proportion    and decision
                                                                                               %            making
Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating                           Compressor                                         Market
                                           Purchase                                           4.09
Co., Ltd.                                                  parts          131,634,812.37                     price
Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating                                                                              Market
                                            Sales        Compressor                           0.48
Co., Ltd.                                                                  17,571,654.49                     price
Huangshi                  Dongbei                        Compressor                                         Market
                                           Purchase                                           1.36
Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd.                          parts           43,860,119.32                     price
Huangshi                  Dongbei                        Compressor                                         Market
                                            Sales                                           0.0051
Electromechanical Group Co., Ltd.                          parts              186,196.62                     price
                                                         Compressor                                         Market
Huangshi Aibo Technology Co., Ltd.         Purchase                                          12.93
                                                           parts          416,507,931.10                     price
Huangshi Aibo Technology Co., Ltd.          Sales         Material                            1.27
                                                                           46,793,861.78                     price
                                                          Machine                                           Market
Huangshi Aibo Technology Co., Ltd.          Sales                                            98.40
                                                         Equipment         22,047,275.88                     price
                                                         Compressor                                         Market
Jiangsu Luoke Electric Co., Ltd.           Purchase                                          14.09
                                                           parts          453,969,540.76                     price
                                                         Compressor                                         Market
Jiangsu Luoke Electric Co., Ltd.            Sales                                           0.0036
                                                           parts              132,144.32                     price
Jiangsu Luoke Electric Co., Ltd.            Sales       share transfer                      100.00
                                                                          133,471,600.00                     price
                                                        Commodity                                           Market
Huangshi Aibo Property Co., Ltd.           Purchase                        15,860,270.00    100.00
                                                          House                                              price
                                                        Agricultural                                        Market
Huangshi Jinbei Dairy Co., Ltd.            Purchase                         2,683,549.00     14.73
                                                         products                                            price
Hubei Jinling Fine Agriculture Co.,                     Agricultural                                        Market
                                           Purchase                         1,834,454.00     10.07
Ltd.                                                     products                                            price

         (2) Related Leasing
                                                           Lease                           Basis for
                                                                    Lease                            Lease revenue
                                               Type of commen                            determining
        Lesson                 Lessee                             terminati Lease income              impact on the
                                              asset lease cement                              lease
                                                                   on date                              company
                                                            date                            income
  Huangshi Dongbei     Huangshi Dongbei                                                   price when
                                                          October October                            smaller
  Electromechanical        Electrical         Land lease                        36,000.00 contract
                                                           2002      2052
   Group Co., Ltd.     Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                   being
Huangshi      Dongbei Huangshi Dongbei                                                    price when
                                                            July Non-fixe                            Smaller
Electrical   Appliance Refrigerating Co.,     House lease                    2,387,074.16 contract
                                                           2011     d term
Co., Ltd.              Ltd.                                                                  being
Huangshi      Dongbei                                                                     price when
                       Huangshi      Jinbei                June      June                            Smaller
Electrical   Appliance                        House lease                       93,024.00 contract
                       Dairy Co., Ltd.                     2012      2015
Co., Ltd.                                                                                    being

                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                              Lease                            Basis for
                                                                        Lease                            Lease revenue
                                                  Type of commen                             determining
        Lesson                 Lessee                                 terminati Lease income              impact on the
                                                 asset lease cement                               lease
                                                                       on date                              company
                                                               date                             income
Huangshi      Dongbei Huangshi Dongbei                                                        price when
                                                             January January                             Smaller
Electrical   Appliance New Energy Co.,           House lease                       102,600.00 contract
                                                               2013      2014
Co., Ltd.              Ltd                                                                       being
Huangshi    Dongbei
                    Huangshi Dongbei                                                          price when
Electromechanical                                            January Non-fixe                            Smaller
                    Refrigerating Co.,           House lease                     1,944,000.00 contract
Group Solar Energy                                             2009     d term
                    Ltd.                                                                         being
Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Abaur Mechani                                                                            price when
                       Jiangsu       Luoke                   February February                           Smaller
cal & Electrical Co.,L                           House lease                       306,540.00 contract
                       Electric Co., Ltd.                      2011      2014
         td.                                                                                     being
Wuhu Abaur Mechani                                                                            price when
                       Wuhu Abaur Proper                       July      June                            Smaller
cal & Electrical Co.,L                           House lease                         3,000.00 contract
                        ty Co., Ltd.                           2013      2015
         td.                                                                                     being
Wuhu Abaur Mechani Wuhu                 Farici                                                price when
                                                               July      June                            Smaller
cal & Electrical Co.,L Investment        Co.,    House lease                         7,200.00 contract
                                                               2013      2015
         td.           Ltd.                                                                      being

Notes 1: In October 2002, the Company signed Land Use Right Lease Agreement with Dongbei Electromechanical
Group. Dongbei Electromechanical Group agreed to lease the land covering area of 15,963.04 square metres located
at 5 Wuhuang Road, Tieshan District, Huangshi City to the Company for its use. The term of lease is 50 years.
Notes 2: In July 2011, the Company leased the factory buildings in Huangshi Huangjinshan Industrial Park with
floorage of 11976.48 square meters to Huangshi Dongbei Refrigeration Co., Ltd. for use. The contract does not
specify the expiration date of lease. As agreed, this contract will be automatically extended upon its expiration in case
both parties have no objection.
Notes 3: In January 2009, Huangshi Dongbei Electromechanical Group Solar Energy Co., Ltd. leased the factory
buildings in Dongbei Industrial Park (located at 5 Wuhuang Road, Tieshan District, Huangshi City, Hubei Province)
with floorage of 18000 square meters to Huangshi Dongbei Refrigeration Co., Ltd. for use. The lease term specified in
the contract is one year. As agreed, this contract will be automatically extended upon its expiration in case both parties
have no objection.

(4)Related Guarantee

     The details of affiliates guarantees please see Note 5 of the notes of the important items in consolidated financial

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

statements, Note16, short-term loans and Note 25, long-term loans.

         6. Bewtween funds of related parties

         Ⅰ. Bewtween funds of related parties
                                                                                                      Balance at period
         Name                           Related parties                      Balance at period end
   Account receivable     Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating        Co., Ltd.           10,794,555.97           4,434,797.28
 Account receivable       Huangshi Aibo Technology Co., Ltd.                                                4,639,814.95
                          Huangshi    Dongbei    Electromechanical
 Prepayments                                                                        11,570,725.53           5,819,937.40
                          Group Co., Ltd.
 Prepayments              Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Co., Ltd.                   3,854,076.14           5,984,023.45
 Prepayments              Huangshi Dongbei New Energy Co., Ltd                       3,971,000.00
    Ⅱ. Spreadsheet of Accounts Receivable from related parties
                                                                                                     Balance at period
         Name                           Related parties                     Balance at period end
                          Huangshi Dongbei Refrigerating Co.,
Account payable                                                                                            1,254,393.15
Account payable           Huangshi Aibo Technology Co., Ltd.                       46,512,989.29          46,857,105.03
Account payable           Jiangsu Luoke Electric Co., Ltd.                         59,240,544.89          52,832,770.71

       VII. Contingent events
       As of December 31, 2013, the Company did not have material contingent events to be disclosed.
    VIII.Commitments event

    As of December 31, 2013, no any significant commitment was made.

     IX. Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date.
As of the report date, the Company did not have Future items balance sheet items to be disclosed.

    X. Other significant events
On November 22, 2013, the second provisional Board of Directors of the company has examined and approved
―Proposal on Establishment of Subsidiary Invested in Wuhan Jiangxia District‖, and decided to set up a wholly owned
subsidiary in Wuhan, with the registered capital of RMB 8 million. The relevant procedure is being conducted.

     XI. Notes to Main items of financial statements of parent company

     1.Account receivables

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

     (1)Classification of Accounts receivables

                                                                                 Amount in year-end
                                                                        Book Balance           Bad debt provision
                                                                     Amount         Proportio     Amount        Proportio
                                                                                      n(%)                        n(%)
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
provision provided individually
                                                                  733,533,031.0                 26,599,845.5
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                                 100.00                       3.63
                                                                              0                            9
                                                                  733,533,031.0                 26,599,845.5
      Group 1(Account age Analysis )                                               100.00                       3.63
                                                                              0                            9
                                                                  733,533,031.0                 26,599,845.5
                      Subtotal of group                                              100.00                       3.63
                                                                              0                            9
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad
debtprovision is provided
                                                                  733,533,031.0                 26,599,845.5
                             Total                                                   100.00                       3.63
                                                                              0                            9

                                                                             Balance at period beginning
                                                                                                 Bad debt reserve
                                                                        Book balance
                                                                     Amount         Proportio
                                                                                                  Amount            on
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
provision provided individually
                                                                  714,850,688.9                 25,822,332.2
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                                 100.00                       3.61
                                                                              6                            9
                                                                  714,850,688.9                 25,822,332.2
      Group 1(Account age Analysis )                                               100.00                       3.61
                                                                              6                            9
                                                                  714,850,688.9                 25,822,332.2
                      Subtotal of group                                              100.00                       3.61
                                                                              6                            9
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad debt
provision is provided
                             Total                                 714,850,688.96     100.00    25,822,332.29      3.61

Notes 1: The accounts receivable with significant individual amount and appropriation of provisions for doubtful
accounts individually, refers to the receivables of single amount beyond RMB5 million (including RMB5 million), if
there is no depreciation after depreciation test made, the company shall appropriate provisions for doubtful accounts
according to account age.
Notes 2: The top five account receivables of the end of period added up to RMB438,326,690.17, 59.76 % of the total
In groups, the receivables status of provisions for doubtful accounts shall be appropriated according to aging analysis
   Account                      Amount at period end                                Amount at period beginning

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

        age                                                 Bad debt                                                Bad debt
                                          Proportion(                                               Proportio
                       Book balance                          reserve          Book balance                           reserve
                                              %)                                                      n(%)

 Within 1 year         719,245,389.20        98.05        13,958,575.18        700,326,944.50        97.97       13,703,499.77
 1-2 years                  68,824.89         0.01             3,441.24          2,165,920.32         0.30           108,296.02
 2-3 years                2,113,992.49        0.29           634,197.75            482,982.50         0.07           144,894.75
 3-4 years                 252,982.50         0.03           151,789.50               22,999.72       0.00            13,799.83
 4-5 years
 Over 5 years            11,851,841.92        1.62        11,851,841.92         11,851,841.92         1.66       11,851,841.92
        Total          733,533,031.00        100.00       26,599,845.59        714,850,688.96        100.00      25,822,332.29

(2)There are no receivables from any shareholders held over 5% (inclusive5%) voting shares of the Company.

(3) Account receivable include the following foreign currency balances
 Foreign                                 Year-end balance                                Year-beginning balance
    Currency of
                                             Exchange                         Original
          Name          Original currency      rate   RMB equivalent          currency        Exchange rate RMB equivalent
 USD                         11,884,756.66       6.0969     72,460,172.88     10,777,096.35             6.2855      67,739,439.12
 Euro                         3,185,679.81       8.4189     26,819,919.75      1,919,845.48             8.3176      15,968,506.77
           Total               ——             ——        99,280,092.63        ——               ——            83,707,945.89

2. Other receivables

     (1)Other Other receivables presented by types

                                                                                    Amount at period end
                                                                                                   Bad debt reserve
                                                                            Book balance

                              Type                                                                                    Proporti
                                                                                                                       on of
                                                                        Amount          Proportio
                                                                                                       Amount         provisio
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
provision provided individually
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                   9,506,498.15      100.00      1,102,672.89       11.60
        Group 1(Account age Analysis )                               9,506,498.15      100.00      1,102,672.89       11.60
                       Subtotal of group                               9,506,498.15      100.00      1,102,672.89       11.60
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad
debt provision is provided
                             Total                                     9,506,498.15      100.00      1,102,672.89       11.60

                              Type                                               Balance at period beginning

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                                   Bad debt reserve
                                                                          Book balance
                                                                                                                on of
                                                                       Amount        Proportio
                                                                                                  Amount       provisio
1. Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt
provision provided individually
2. Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups                 10,858,144.02    100.00     989,175.17        9.11
      Group 1(Account age Analysis )                               10,858,144.02    100.00     989,175.17        9.11
                       Subtotal of group                             10,858,144.02    100.00     989,175.17        9.11
3. Account receivable with minor individual amount but bad
debt provision is provided
                             Total                                   10,858,144.02    100.00     989,175.17        9.11
Notes:The Other receivable with significant individual amount and appropriation of provisions for doubtful accounts
individually, refers to the receivables of single amount beyond RMB3 million (including RMB3 million), if there is no
depreciation after depreciation test made, the company shall appropriate provisions for doubtful accounts according to
account age.
In groups, other receivables status of provisions for doubtful accounts shall be appropriated according to aging
analysis method.
                                   Amount at period end                             Amount at period beginning
   Account                                                Bad debt                                          Bad debt
     age                                                                                    Proportion(
                   Book balance     Proportion(%)          reserve           Book balance                    reserve

 Within 1 year      7,958,724.56        83.71              159,174.49           8,405,677.96     77.41        168,113.56
 1-2 years              6,200.15         0.07                    310.01         1,090,941.86     10.05         54,547.09
 2-3 years            758,835.78         7.98              227,650.73            168,000.00       1.55         50,400.00
 3-4 years            168,000.00         1.77              100,800.00           1,193,524.20     10.99        716,114.52
 4-5 years            614,737.66         6.47              614,737.66
     Total          9,506,498.15       100.00             1,102,672.89        10,858,144.02      100.00       989,175.17

   (2)There are no other receivables from any shareholders held over 5%(includive5%) voting shares of the


                                                   黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

   3.Long-term Equity investment
                                                                                         Percentage of
                                                    Beginnin                                                 of the
                              Accoun                                          Ending      the owned                     Impairme       Cash
                                       Investme     g balance                                               voting
     Invested business         ting                             Changes     balance of   shares of the                     nt        dividends
                                        nt cost       of the                                               shares of
                              method                                        the period     invested                     provision   this period
                                                       year                                              the invested
                                                                                         business (%)
Huangshi            Dongbei
                               Cost    22,485,20    22,485,20               22,485,20
Electromechanical    Group                                                                    83.03         83.03
                              method        2.90         2.90                    2.90
Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Abaur Mechanical &        Cost    33,339,80    33,339,80               33,339,80
                                                                                              75.00         75.00
Electrical Co.,Ltd.           Method        0.00         0.00                    0.00
Dongbei International Trade    Cost    6,821,274    6,821,274               6,821,274
                                                                                              100.00       100.00
 Co.,Ltd.                     Method         .70          .70                     .70
                               ——                 62,646,27               62,646,27
           Total                           ——                                               ——          ——
                                                         7.60                    7.60

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

    4.Operating income and operating cost

    (1)Operating income
                                                                                             Same period of the previous
                                                               Report period                            year
             Main business income                                    3,297,066,497.91                       2,977,443,528.39

             Other business income                                     145,596,431.81                         85,965,109.79

                      Total                                          3,442,662,929.72                       3,063,408,638.18

    (2)Operating cost
                                                                                             Same period of the previous
                                                               Report period                            year
                Main business cost                                   3,051,614,529.62                  2,711,030,915.13
                Other business cost                                    134,928,468.81                         83,117,025.91
Total                                                                3,186,542,998.43                       2,794,147,941.04
(3) Main operating (Industry)

                                                       Report period                    Same period of the previous year
                   Name                     Income of Main       Cost of Main          Income of Main      Cost of Main
                                                operation          operation              operation          operation
                                             3,297,066,497.9 3,051,614,529.6           2,977,443,528.3 2,711,030,915.1
                                                           1                  2                      9                  3
                                             3,297,066,497.9 3,051,614,529.6           2,977,443,528.3 2,711,030,915.1
                                                           1                  2                      9                  3
(4) Main operating (Product)

                                                      Report period                     Same period of the previous year
                   Name                     Income of Main      Cost of Main           Income of Main      Cost of Main
                                               operation          operation               operation          operation
Compressor                                     3,297,066,497.91     3,051,614,529.62     2,977,443,528.39      2,711,030,915.13
                   Total                       3,297,066,497.91     3,051,614,529.62     2,977,443,528.39      2,711,030,915.13
    (5) Main operating (Area)

                                                       Report period                    Same period of the previous year
                   Name                     Income of Main       Cost of Main          Income of Main      Cost of Main
                                                operation          operation              operation          operation
                                             2,688,862,039.3 2,486,515,646.5           2,473,429,629.4 2,254,117,878.8
Domestic sales
                                                           1                  0                      7                  2
Foreign sales                                 608,204,458.60 565,098,883.12             504,013,898.92 456,913,036.31
                                             3,297,066,497.9 3,051,614,529.6           2,977,443,528.3 2,711,030,915.1
                                                           1                  2                      9                  3
Notes:The top five sales revenues of this period added up to RMB 1,662,061,761.19, 48.28% of the total sales
  5. Supplement Information of Cash flow statement

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                                                                                     Same period of the
                                                                           Report period               previous year
 I.Adjusting net profit to net cash flow in operating activities
    Net profit                                                                      19,355,858.73             23,972,934.93
Add: Asset devaluation reserve provided                                                891,011.02              3,767,861.66
   Fixed assets depreciation,Oil and gas depreciation, Produce
                                                                                    57,929,382.25             61,003,532.44
 matter depreciation
   Amortization of intangible assets                                                 1,135,595.61              1,054,610.05
   Amortization of long-term expenses to be amortized
    The loss from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                    21,162,783.91              8,107,124.85
    and other long-term assets
    Loss from scrapping of fixed assets
    Loss from fair change
      Financial expenses                                                            28,431,296.67             38,321,413.09
       Investment loss
   Decrease of deferred tax assets                                                     775,834.90               -137,587.67
  Increase of deferred tax Liabilities
   Decrease of inventories                                                          -82,739,883.51           -53,657,729.75
   Decrease of operating accounts receivable                                        97,699,952.46            -56,965,965.16
   Increase of operating accounts payable                                        -141,169,986.63             241,027,293.05
      Net cash flow generated from operating activities                          3,471,845.41             266,493,487.49
II.Investment and financing activities not involving cash receipts
 and expenditure
   Transferring debts to capital
      Convertible corporate bond to mature within one year
   Leasing fixed assets through financing

 III、Net increase of cash and cash equivalent
 Balance of cash at the end of the period                                     247,510,121.61              239,540,473.29
   Less: Balance of cash at the beginning of the period                       239,540,473.29              268,515,094.18
   Add: Balance of cash equivalent at the end of the period
 Less: Balance of cash equivalent at the beginning of the period
       Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                                  7,969,648.32             -28,974,620.89
 Notes : In the ending balance of monetary capital, the amount of security deposit for the bills with a term of more than
 three months is RMB32,148,749.69.

                                        黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

     XII. Supplement Information

      1. Non-recurring gains and losses of current year

     (1)Calculation of non-recurring gains and losses below, in accordance with No.1, Information Disclosure

interpretative Bulletin for public offering of securities of enterprises , namely non-recurring gains and losses (Version

of 2008), China securities Regulatory Commission Announcement {2008} No.43 } Issued by China securities

regulatory commission.

                                          Items                                                 Amount             Notes
1.Gain/loss form disposal of non-current assets and Provision for impairment of
assets including the preparation of the write-off part .
2.Tax refund, deduction and exemption that is examined and approved by authority
exceeding or has no official approval document.
3.Governmental Subsidy accounted as current gain/loss, except for those subsidies
at with amount or quantity fixed by the national government and closely related to                8,607,485.00
the Company’s business operation.
4.Capital occupation fee collected from non-financial organizations and accounted
as current gain/loss.
5.Income from the exceeding part between investment cost of the Company paid for
obtaining subsidiaries, associates and joint-ventures and recognizable net assets fair
value attributable to the Company when acquiring the investment
6.Gains and losses from exchange of non-non-monetary assets
7.Gains and losses from assets under trusted investment or Management
8.Asset impairment provisions for force major such as natural disasters
9.Gain/loss from debt reorganization
10.Enterprise reorganization expenses, such as payment to stuff placement and
consolidation expenses
11.Gain/loss from trades obviously departed from fair value
12.Net gain/loss of current term from consolidation of subsidiaries under common
control from beginning of term to the consolidation date
13.Gain/loss from debt forecasting without connection to the main business
14.In addition to normal business with the company effective hedging related
business, holders of tradable financial assets, transactions and financial liabilities
arising from changes in fair value gains and losses, as well as the disposal of trading
of financial assets, trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets
gains return on investment;
15.Single impairment test for impairment of receivables transferred back to
16.Gains and losses obtained from external trusted loans
17.The use of fair value measurement model of follow-up to the fair value of real
estate investment gains and losses arising from changes
18.According to tax, accounting and other laws, regulations, the requirements of the
current Gain/loss for a one-time adjustment of the impact of the current Gain/loss;

                                         黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

                                           Items                                                    Amount                  Notes

19.Entrusted with the operating of the trust to obtain fee income
20.Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned
21.Other non-recurring Gains/loss items
22.Amount of influence of minority interests                                                             -200,396.48
23.Amount of influence of income tax                                                                    -7,024,987.88
                                           Total                                                          39,607,868.11
(2) The item and reason of recurrent profit and loss in the government grants accounted in current profit and loss:
                      Items                                        Amount                                  Reason
                                                                                              As per the relevant laws and
 Levy-refund VAT                                                            2,929,243.62
                                                                                                  regulations of taxes

     2.Return on equity and earnings per share

     (1)For this year
                                                                                           Earnings per share
                                                                    Weighted average
 Profit of the reporting period                                     return on equity                             Diluted
                                                                                           Basic earnings
                                                                    (%)                                        earnings   per
                                                                                           per share
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                  11.03               0.399                 0.399
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company
                                                                             6.37               0.231                 0.231
 after deduction of non-current gains and losses

(2)For last year

                                                                                           Earnings per share
                                                                    Weighted average
                   Profit of the reporting period                   return on equity                             Diluted
                                                                                           Basic earnings
                                                                    (%)                                        earnings   per
                                                                                           per share
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                   8.89               0.258                 0.258
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company
                                                                             8.57               0.248                 0.248
 after deduction of non-current gains and losses

3.Abnormal items of main financial statements and reasons for abnormality.

(1)Balance sheet

At the balance sheet, no significant contingencies need to be disclosed.

(2)Profit Statement
                                                    Amount at
                              Amount at                               Amount of            Magnitude of
         Items                                        period                                                        Notes
                              period end                               change               change%
 Investment income            53,619,106.25          -948,147.10      54,567,253.35          -5755.15             Notes 1

                                      黄石东贝电器股份有限公司 2012 年年度报告

 Financial expenses        45,573,451.97      72,505,144.46      -26,931,692.49         -37.14              Notes 2
 Income tax expenses       36,499,635.08      11,926,562.60       24,573,072.48         206.04              Notes 1
Note 1: The main reason of the investment incomes and the income tax expenses greatly increasing in this period is
that      an     increase      of     disposal     income       produced     by   the      second      subsidiary    of
Wuhu Abaur Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd. selling the equity, and accounted into the corresponding payable
income tax of enterprise.
Note 2: The main reason of the financial expenses significantly reducing in this period is that the company has greatly
used the lower interest of foreign loans after the analysis of international change in exchange rate in this period, to
result in the significant decrease of bill discounted and interest expenses.

XIII. Approval of the financial statement

The financial statement have been approved by the board of directors of the Company in April 24, 2014.Based on the

articles of association , the financial statements would be submitted to General Shareholders meeting .

                                                                     Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                          April 24, 2014
