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       Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer
        Technologies Co., Ltd.

       2024 Semiannual Report

                   August, 2024

                 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Section 1    Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the
Supervisory Board, and Senior staff members of Bingshan Refrigeration &
Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the Company)
hereby confirm that there are not any important omissions, fictitious
statements or serious misleading carried in this report, and shall take all
responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completeness of the whole contents.

All directors have attended this Board meeting of the Company.

There is no significant risk having adverse influence on attainment of the
Company's future development strategy and business targets. The
paragraph " Management discussion and analysis" in Section 3 of this
Semiannual Report describes major risks , including the risk of increasing
market competition risk and the accounts receivable is on the high side. See
the related sections for the countermeasures to be taken by the Company.

The Company plans to distribute no cash dividends, no bonus shares and
convert no reserve fund into capital stock.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Ji Zhijian,
Financial Majordomo Mrs. Wang Jinxiu, and the head of Accounting
Department Mrs. Wu Bin hereby confirm that the financial report of the
semi-annual report is true and complete.

This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of
any discrepancy between the two above-mentioned versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

                                     Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report


Section 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions ...................................................... 2
Section 2 About the Company and Main Financia Indicators ........................................................... 6
Section 3 Management Discussion and Analysis ................................................................................. 8
Section 4 Corporate Governance ....................................................................................................... 15
Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility .......................................................................... 16
Section 6 Important Items .................................................................................................................. 17
Section 7 Change in Share Capital and Shareholders' Information ................................................. 19
Section 8 Information on Preferred Stock .......................................................................................... 21
Section 9 Bond Related Information .................................................................................................. 22
Section 10 Financial Report ............................................................................................................... 23

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                        Reference Documents

1.   The accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the legal representative, the financial
     majordomo and the accountants in charge.
2. The original copies of all the Company's documents and the original copies of the bulletins published on the
newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period.
3.   Time for reference: from Monday to Friday 8:00 - 11:30 (am)     1:00 - 4:30 (pm)
     Liaison persons: Mr. Song Wenbao, Ms Du Yu

     Tel: 0086-411-87968130

     Fax: 0086-411-87968125

                                 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

         Defined item         Stands for                                        Meaning

Reporting period             Stands for From Jan. 1, 2024 to Jun. 30, 2024

The Company, this Company    Stands for Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co.,Ltd.
                                        Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd.,one of the subsidiaries of the Company where
Bingshan Engineering Company Stands for
                                        the Company holds 100% of its shares.
                                        Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd., one of the subsidiaries of the Company
Wuxin Refrigeration          Stands for
                                        where the Company holds 100% of its shares.
                                        Sonyo Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Formerly Panasonic Appliances Compressor (Dalian)
Sonyo Compressor             Stands for Co., Ltd. one of the subsidiaries of the Company, where the Company holds100% of its
Sonyo Refrigeration          Stands for Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Formerly Panasonic Refrigeration     (Dalian) Co.,
                                        Ltd., one of the subsidiary of the Company, where the Company holds 100% of its shares.
                                        Sonyo Refrigeration System (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Formerly Panasonic Appliances Refrigeration
Sonyo Refrigeration System   Stands for System (Dalian) Co., Ltd., one of the subsidiary of the Company, where the Company holds
                                        100% of its shares.

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

         Section 2 About the Company and Main Financial Indicators

I.   Company information

 Short form of the stock                         Bingshan; Bingshan B
 Stock code                                      000530; 200530
 Listed stock exchange                           Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Legal name in Chinese                           冰山冷热科技股份有限公司
 Short form of legal name                        冰山冷热
 Legal English name                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
 Abbreviation of legal English name              Bingshan
 Legal representative                            Ji Zhijian

II. Contact persons and information

                    Secretary of the Board of Directors         Authorized representative for securities affairs
Name          Song Wenbao                                      Du Yu
              No.106, Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and    No.106, Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and
              Technological Development Zone                   Technological Development Zone
Tel.          0411-87968130                                    0411-87968822
Fax           0411-87968125                                    0411-87968125
E-mail        000530@bingshan.com                              000530@bingshan.com

III. Other situations

1. Contact of company
If the registered address, office address and zip code, website, email box of the Company had any change in the
report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Information disclosure and place of preparation
If the information disclosure and the place of preparation had any change in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The name of newspaper for information disclosure selected by the Company, the address of the website designated
by China Securities Regulatory Commission for carrying semi-annual report, the place where the semi-annual
report of the Company is prepared had no change in the report period. Refer to the Annual Report for 2023 for
IV. Main accounting data and financial indicators

Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due to change in the
accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes?
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                       Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                            Increase/decrease compared with
                                                                    2024.1-6              2023.1-6
                                                                                                              the same period of last year
Operating revenue                                                2,463,277,349.70 2,327,536,713.05                                     5.83%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies        78,529,977.92        57,414,399.22                                 36.78%

Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed companies
                                                                   67,346,978.95        45,458,170.52                                 48.15%
after the deduction of non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flow from operating activities                           -32,585,984.75       -126,794,196.98                                74.30%

Basic earnings per share                                                        0.09                 0.07                             28.57%

Diluted earnings per share                                                      0.09                 0.07                             28.57%

Weighted average return on net asset yield                                     2.55%             1.87% Increase 0.68 percentage points

                                                                                                            Increase/decrease compared with
                                                                   2024.6.30             2023.12.31

Total assets                                                     7,788,630,011.01 8,162,848,294.25                                    -4.58%

Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                                 3,101,519,724.53 3,047,513,577.75                                     1.77%
   V.1.Difference of accounting data between as per Chinese accounting standards and as per
   International Accounting Standards
   □ Applicable √ Not applicable
   2. Difference of accounting data between as per Chinese accounting standards and as per
   Foreign Accounting Standards
   The difference of accounting data between as per Chinese Accounting Standards and as per International
   Accounting Standards was 0.

   VI. Non-recurring profits and losses and their amounts

                                                          item                                                             Amount
  Disposal gains and losses of non-current asset                                                                           9,966,883.60

  Government subsidies included in current profit or loss                                                                 11,780,248.61

  The gain or loss of fair value changes arising from the holding of financial assets and financial
  liabilities by non-financial enterprises and the loss or profit arising from the disposal of them,                    -14,510,310.64
  apart from the effective hedging for the normal business operation
  When the investment cost of a subsidiary, associate or joint venture is less than that of the
  investment, an enterprise shall enjoy the income generated by the fair value of the identifiable
  net assets of the invested entity
  Allowance for impairment reversal of receivables tested separately for impairment                                           395,042.85

  Gains and losses on debt restructuring                                                                                   1,025,738.67
  Other non-operating revenue or expense                                                                                   4,208,840.20
  Influence on income tax                                                                                                  1,723,736.42
  Influence on minority shareholders                                                                                          -40,292.10
  Total                                                                                                                   11,182,998.97

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                   Section 3 Management discussion and analysis
I. The Company’s Main business during the reporting period
Focusing on the hot and cold industry, the Company is committed to the development of industrial
refrigeration and heating business, commercial refrigeration business, air conditioning and environment
business, engineering and service business and new business fields, covering the key areas of the hot and
industry chain and creating a complete hot and cold industry chain.
The Company's main products include piston type, screw type, vortex type, lithium bromide absorption
refrigeration machines/units, as well as pressure vessels, combination warehouses, controlled atmosphere
fresh-keeping warehouses, refrigeration stations, etc. The company provides product sales and
comprehensive solutions for both domestic and international markets, with self operated sales as the main
focus and channel sales as a supplement.
In the first half of 2024, rigid demands such as food safety, energy security, consumption upgrading, energy
conservation and carbon reduction will benefit the refrigeration and air conditioning industry; At the same
time, the refrigeration and air conditioning industry is also facing challenges such as intensified market
competition, difficulties in improving efficiency, and difficulties in recovering payments. In the face of
opportunities and challenges, the company focuses on the hot and cold business, continues to deeply
cultivate advantageous segmented markets such as cold chain logistics, petrochemicals, beer and dairy
products, ship refrigeration, ice and snow venues, and environmental simulation, vigorously expands new
businesses such as CCUS and energy storage thermal management, and actively expands and seizes the
domestic market.
1. Industrial refrigeration and heating business
Industrial refrigeration is an important field reflecting the core technology of the Company. After years of
development, the Company has been close to the technical level of the main international competitors in the
field of industrial refrigeration, and has achieved catching up in some fields. Based on the traditional
refrigeration, the Company realizes the balance of cold and heat through the utilization of heat, which greatly
improves the energy utilization rate.
During the reporting period, the Company actively served high-end customers, signed multiple projects in
the field of integrated petroleum refining and chemical engineering, and the influence of the iceberg brand in
the industry continued to increase.
2. Commercial refrigeration business
Commercial refrigeration is the Company's core business. In China, the Company takes the lead in opening
up the green intelligent cold chain from the first kilometer of the field to the last 100 meters of the residential
community, which is the competitive advantage of the Company.
Focusing on food refrigeration, the Company has patented products pre-cooling from the field, all kinds of
quick freezing equipment and refrigeration facilities of various specifications, and China's leading experience
in the design and installation of large-scale ammonia and carbon dioxide refrigerators. On the basis of
absorbing the relevant experience of Japan, Europe and the United States, combined with China's new needs,
to provide newer products, better solutions and fresher experience for the field of food freezing and
During the reporting period, the Company signed multiple key projects, including supply and marketing cold
chain logistics and Linshui County cold chain logistics park.
3. Air conditioning and environment business
In recent years, relying on the complete industrial chain, the Company has continuously carried out

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

transformation and upgrading in the field of air conditioning and environment, developed more
energy-saving and environmental protection products around the blue sky project, and accelerated the
transformation and upgrading from air treatment to environmental governance.
At present, the Company has developed a series of innovative products around the market segments of
commercial air conditioning, central air conditioning and special air conditioning, and provides
corresponding solutions in different segments around these innovative products. For hospitals, electronic
factories, high-end real estate, rail transit and other fields, provide targeted solutions.
During the reporting period, the subsidiary of the Company, Bingshan Air Conditioning, vigorously
developed its air source heat pump business.
4. Engineering and service business
Cold and hot engineering and service are the Company's advantageous business fields. In recent years, the
Company has realized transformation and upgrading from the manufacturer of cold and hot equipment to the
service provider of comprehensive solution of cold and hot through the development of engineering and
service industry, and realized the dual wheel drive of the enterprise, and provided more professional and
accurate services to each segment market, and constantly created new value for customers and realized
common growth.
At present, the Company focuses on petrochemical technology, refrigeration, central air conditioning, ice and
snow engineering, artificial environment and other market segments. Relying on the enterprise's industrial
chain, value chain and ecosystem, the Company provides services from consulting, planning, design to
manufacturing, installation, commissioning and service in the whole process and life cycle. At the same time,
according to the needs of customers, promote the combination of industry and finance, and provide services
for customers through the form of project general contracting and financial leasing.
During the reporting period, the Company successfully signed multiple key projects, including the
pharmaceutical logistics project of China National Pharmaceutical Group, the Great Wall Motors Wind
Tunnel, and the Baotou Vanke Ice and Snow Center.
5. New business
With the deepening of China's economic transformation and upgrading, as well as the continuous
introduction of environmental governance policies, the domestic industrial energy conservation and
environmental protection industry is growing rapidly, the level of energy conservation and consumption
reduction of enterprises and the comprehensive utilization of resources is constantly improving, and the
energy industrial structure has changed. Strengthening the optimal utilization of energy has become a
development trend. For low-grade energy recycling, the Company provides customers with a series of
energy-saving, environmental protection, efficient new products, in line with the national strategic
requirements of energy conservation, carbon reduction and sustainable development, and contributes
professional wisdom to the national carbon peak and carbon neutral strategy.
During the reporting period, the Company made good progress in new businesses such as CCUS, and energy
storage thermal management.
II. Analysis of core competence
The Company focuses on main business of cold and heat; independent R&D and joint venture partnerships are
cooperate with each other effectively; capital resources integration and business model innovation are in a positive
interaction; the community of business and interest are being multi-storey created; the develop mode with
Bingshan characteristic are formed.
The Company has the integrated cold-heat industrial chain for offering kinds of comprehensive solution services,
including design, manufacture, installation and maintenance etc., and can satisfy individual requirements

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

The Company possesses a mature and solid marketing networks and after-sale service network on/off-line, and
can offer high quality and high value-added services more initiative and faster for clients from around the city.

Following the technical route of cold and heat balance, the Company has independently developed a series of
energy-saving, environment-friendly, efficient and intelligent cold and heat technologies and products, and
actively fulfilled the dual carbon responsibility.
While promoting the transformation and upgrading of its inherent business in an orderly manner, the Company
actively cultivates new momentum for development, and the path of sustainable growth is increasingly clear.
During the reporting period, the Company focused on the hot and cold business, deeply cultivated the market
segment, and steadily improved its sales force, product force, technical force, engineering force and service force,
so as to further enhance its core competitiveness.
III. Analysis of main business
In the first half of 2024, the Company focused on the hot and cold business, deeply cultivated segmented
markets, solidly improved core competitiveness, effectively expanded industry influence, and continuously
strengthened its main business. In the first half of 2024, the Company achieved an operating revenue of
2,463.28 million yuan, an increase of 5.83% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company was78.53 million yuan, , an increase of 36.78% year-on-year.
During the reporting period, the Company continued to strive and develop steadily. Optimize incentive
policies for all employees and strengthen market and product planning. Utilize differentiation advantages and
strengthen the exploration of new fields. Guided by customer needs, accelerate the development of
innovative products. Continuously promote product standardization, serialization, and modularization, and
Optimize business processes. The -95℃ ethylene ultra-low temperature cascade unit was selected as an
innovative product at the 2024 China Refrigeration Exhibition

During the reporting period, the Company's subsidiary, Bingshan Engineering Company, continued to
deepen its efforts in segmented markets. In the field of product business, actively serving high-end customers,
and signing multiple projects in the field of integrated petroleum refining and chemical engineering. In the
field of engineering, multiple key projects such as the Cold Chain Logistics Park project in Linshui County,
the Pharmaceutical Logistics project of China National Pharmaceutical Group, the Great Wall Motors Wind
Tunnel, and the Baotou Vanke Ice and Snow Center have successfully won the bid. In the field of energy
industry, CCUS projects and energy storage thermal management projects have been rapidly promoted.

During the reporting period, the Company's subsidiary Wuhan New World Refrigeration continued to
optimize its products and solutions. Standardized design is solidly promoted, and integrated operation is
carried out pragmatically. Deeply cultivate the Hubei market and showcase local advantages. Professional
support for energy security, with a significant increase in orders in the coal mining industry. The
explosion-proof refrigeration device for mining has been selected as an innovative product at the 2024 China
Refrigeration Exhibition.

During the reporting period, the Company's subsidiary, Sonyo Compressor, achieved independent innovation
and qualitative growth. Actively expanding the European market and experiencing rapid growth in export
revenue. Effectively responding to the rise in raw material prices and steadily improving actual profitability.

                                    Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

  Safely switch ERP systems and pragmatically establish a digital foundation platform. The development of
  R32 refrigerant key models has been completed, and the development of specialized models in the energy
  storage field is accelerating. The high-efficiency vortex compressor for ultra-low ambient temperature air
  source heat pump with an evaporation temperature of -42℃ was selected as an innovative product at the
  2024 China Refrigeration Exhibition.

  During the reporting period, the subsidiary of the Company, Sonyo Refrigeration, focused on industrial
  energy conservation and amplified synergistic effects. Establish an overseas business unit to assist in the
  export of lithium bromide absorption refrigeration units. Accelerate the development of new energy
  efficiency products and actively respond to the upgrading of energy efficiency standards. A new product of
  hybrid air energy heat pump, filling the gap in the domestic industry. Stirling waste heat power generation
  units were selected as innovative products at the 2024 China Refrigeration Exhibition.

  During the reporting period, the Company's subsidiary, Sonyo Refrigerator, responded to national policies
  and accelerated its transformation and upgrading. Dedicated to the research and application of energy storage
  technology, the orders for energy storage and heat exchange systems have significantly increased, and the
  production capacity has rapidly increased. The world's first marine carbon dioxide transcritical refrigeration
  equipment, carbon capture system, has been independently developed and applied in an orderly manner.

  Main financial data variations as compared to the same period of last year
                                                                                             Monetary unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       Same period of last   Increase or decrease from the
                                     Report period                                                           Reason for variation
                                                              year             same period of last year
Operating revenue                   2,463,277,349.70    2,327,536,713.05                            5.83%
Operating cost                      2,057,904,806.74    1,941,335,530.42                            6.00%
Selling and distribution expenses     110,159,991.36       98,211,645.02                           12.17%
Administrative expenses               121,498,382.07      103,515,309.49                           17.37%
Financial expenses                     12,342,559.76       16,077,482.38                          -23.23%
Income tax                             11,651,682.59       13,930,271.56                          -16.36%
R&D expenses                           78,544,862.47       68,628,817.97                           14.45%
Net cash flow coming from
                                      -32,585,984.75     -126,794,196.98                           74.30%
operating activities
Net cash flow coming from
                                        2,166,996.85      -27,907,124.82                          107.77%
investment activities
Net cash flow coming from
                                      -92,008,608.30       62,233,047.18                        -247.85%
fund-raising activities
Net increase in cash and cash
                                     -120,146,306.61      -92,995,256.59                          -29.20%
  The net cash flow generated from operating activities has significantly increased year-on-year, mainly due to an
  increase in sales orders and improved collection of payments;
  The net cash flow generated from investment activities increased significantly year-on-year, mainly due to the
  disposal of machinery and equipment by Sonyo Compressor;
  The net cash flow generated from financing activities has significantly decreased year-on-year, mainly due to the
  acquisition of large bank merger and acquisition loans in the same period last year.

                                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

        Sales income and costs
                                                Report period                             Same period of last year               Increase or decrease
                                                        Proportion to the                                Proportion to the       from the same period
                                       Amount                                          Amount
                                                           Sales costs                                      Sales costs               of last year
        Total sales income        2,463,277,349.70                        100% 2,327,536,713.05                           100%                   5.83%
        By industry
        Refrigeration and
        air-conditioning          2,386,331,445.01                   96.88% 2,270,473,198.19                          97.55%                     5.10%
        Others                       76,945,904.69                       3.12%        57,063,514.86                    2.45%                    34.84%
        By product
        Industrial products       1,716,685,325.75                   69.69% 1,585,107,993.25                          68.10%                     8.30%
        Installation project        659,660,080.04                   26.78%   671,524,488.91                          28.85%                    -1.77%
        Other products and
                                     86,931,943.91                       3.53%        70,904,230.89                    3.05%                    22.60%

        Domestic sales            2,111,543,473.72                   85.72% 2,089,711,721.20                          89.78%                     1.04%
        Foreign sales               351,733,875.98                   14.28%   237,824,991.85                          10.22%                    47.90%

        Main business structure
                                                                                                                       Monetary unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                       of operating                       Increase/decrease of gross profit
                                                                          Gross                       of operating costs
                       Operating revenue        Operating costs                     revenues from the                       from the same period of last
                                                                          profit                        from the same
                                                                                      same period of                                    year
                                                                                                      period of last year
                                                                                         last year
By industry
Refrigeration    and
                         2,386,331,445.01           2,024,384,701.81       15.17%                5.10%                5.89%       Decrease 0.63 percentage points
By product

Industrial products      1,716,685,325.75           1,401,067,777.27       18.39%                8.30%                8.56%         Decrease 0.19 percentage points

Installation project        659,660,080.04            614,506,743.32        6.84%               -1.77%               -0.69%       Decrease 1.01 percentage points
Other products and
                               9,986,039.22             8,810,181.22       11.78%              -27.85%            266.38%         Decrease70.85 percentage points
By region
Domestic sales           2,034,597,569.03           1,750,403,469.75       13.97%                0.10%                1.55%   Decrease1.23 percentage points

Foreign sales               351,733,875.98            273,981,232.06       22.11%               47.90%               45.60%   Increase1.24 percentage points

        IV. Analysis of the non-main business
        □Applicable√Not applicable

        V. Analysis of assets & liabilities
        1. Remarkable change in assets
                                                                                                                       Monetary unit: RMB yuan
                                          30-6-2024                                31-12-2023
                                                   Proportion to                            Proportion to             Proportion increase/decrease.
                                      Amount                                  Amount
                                                  the total assets                         the total assets
    Monetary funds                 779,683,254.82               10.01%     951,039,570.11                11.65%         Decrease 1.64 percentage points
    Accounts receivable          1,822,615,451.67               23.40% 1,576,433,924.16                  19.31%        Increase 4.09 percentage points

                                                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

  Contract assets                     234,649,990.35               3.01%        237,076,878.71                     2.90%             Increase   0.11 percentage points
  Inventories                       1,444,472,018.25               18.55% 1,638,139,479.14                        20.07%         Decrease 1.52 percentage points
  Investment property                 120,704,807.72               1.55%        123,589,681.50                     1.51%              Increase 0.04 percentage points
  Long-term equity
                                      534,636,892.01               6.86%        521,274,947.50                     6.39%              Increase 0.47 percentage points
  Fixed assets                      1,253,644,762.42               16.10% 1,291,851,402.46                        15.83%             Increase 0.27 percentage points
  Construction in progress            95,741,358.83                1.23%        114,801,351.21                     1.41%         Decrease 0.18 percentage points
  Right of use assets                 25,726,346.96                0.33%           30,548,057.08                   0.37%         Decrease 0.04 percentage points
  Short-term loans                    288,761,386.17               3.71%        262,287,784.38                     3.21%              Increase 0.50 percentage points
  Contract liabilities                659,709,451.48               8.47%        787,685,294.53                     9.65%             Decrease 1.18 percentage point
  Long-term loans                     595,200,000.00               7.64%        679,700,000.00                     8.33%             Decrease 0.69 percentage points
  Lease liabilities                   21,771,928.91                0.28%           24,134,986.97                   0.30%         Decrease 0.02 percentage points
        2. The main overseas assets
        □ Applicable √ Not applicable
        3. Assets & liabilities which are measured by fair value
        √ Applicable □ Not applicable
        The beginning number is 164,024,771.63 yuan for other non-current financial assets measured by fair value.
        Changes in the profit and loss of the fair value in this period is -14,510,310.64 yuan, and the final number is
        149,514,460.99 yuan.
        3. Restrictions on asset rights at the end of reporting period
        √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                             Items                                 2024.6.30                                                  Reasons
         Monetary fund                                               61,389,225.45              Guarantee money; Frozen funds in bank accounts
         Notes Receivable                                              9,019,138.38                                             Pledge
         Fixed assets                                                96,317,982.43                                              Pledge
         Intangible assets                                             8,266,573.44                                             Pledge
         Financing of receivables                                    93,473,070.22                                              Pledge
         investment property                                         39,307,513.52                                              Pledge

        VI. Analysis of investments
        1.The overall situation
        √ Applicable □ Not applicable
         Investment in the report period (yuan)                Investment in the same period of last year (yuan) Amount of variation
                                          534,636,892.01                                                          560,434,511.74                         -4.60%

        2.The significant equity investment during the reporting period
        □ Applicable √ Not applicable
        3 The significant non-equity investment during the reporting period
        □Applicable √Not applicable
        4.The financial asset investment
        (1) The securities investment
        √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                    Changes in the     Accumulative
                         Initial      Accounting                                                        Current
Stock      Stock                                   Book value at profit and loss of change of fair                 Report period Book value in the     Accounting       Source
                       investment    measurement                                                         sale
code    abbreviation                               the beginning   the fair value in   value credited              profit and loss        ending        subjects        of funds
                          cost          model                                                           amount
                                                                     this period         to equity

                                                   Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

          Guotai                     fair value                                                                                                                  Own
 601211              10,910,008.00                     162,340,919.04   -14,510,310.64                      -10,146,307.44   147,830,608.40    Non-current
          Jun’an                    measurement                                                                                                                 funds
                                                                                                                                              financial assets

          total      10,910,008.00 --                  162,340,919.04   -14,510,310.64                      -10,146,307.44   147,830,608.40                       --

            (2) Derivative investment
          □Applicable √ Not applicable
          During the reporting period, the Company does not exist derivative investment.
          VII. The material assets and equity sale
          1. The material assets sale
          □Applicable √Not applicable
          2. The material equity sale
          □Applicable √Not applicable

          VIII. Analysis of major subsidiary companies and mutual shareholding companies
          √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                           Unit: ten thousand yuan (except for registered capital)

  Company name            Type                    The main business           registered capital   total assets       net assets                           Net profit

Sonyo Compressor    shareholding          Scroll Compressor                   442,396,700 yuan     174,173.19          124,916.13       75,823.18            8,983.56
                                          Pipe system connectors,
                    mutual                high-speed rail connectors,
  Bingshan Metal
                    shareholding          hydraulic valve bodies,           USD 18.0645 million     38,775.23            34,441.70      21,834.13            3,016.99
                    company               automotive engine parts,
          Subsidiary companies obtained or disposed in the reporting period
          □Applicable √Not applicable
          IX. The structured corporate bodies which the Company controlled
          □Applicable √Not applicable
          X. Main risks the company faces and response measures
          (1)Increasing market competition risk
          Countermeasures: focus on hot and cold industries, deeply cultivate segmented markets; quickly enhance product
          and engineering capabilities; orderly improving the level of intelligent manufacturing and service-oriented
          manufacturing; accelerate the transformation and upgrading of inherent undertakings, improve quality and
          efficiency; accelerate the cultivation of new driving forces and increase differentiated competitive advantages.
          (2)Risk of high level of trade receivables
          Countermeasures: strictly implement the project management system and further strengthen the management of
          accounts receivable; enhance quality of contract through intensified customer credit assessment and contract
          appraisal; effective control of increase in trade receivables by reduction of guarantee deposits, and taking bank
          credit instruments as guarantee deposits; improve contract execution through stricter review on goods delivery,
          intensified control on project construction and acceptance, and post-sale service; prepare special composition
          solutions and incentive policy to accelerate settlement of trade receivables with relatively long aging.

                                        Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                        Section 4 Corporate governance
      I. Shareholders’ general meeting convened in the reporting period
                                                                             The proportion of
Session number of meeting                   The type of the meeting                                  date        Disclosing date Disclosing index
                                                                             participate investors
                                            Annual Shareholders’ General                               May                      http://www.cnin
2023Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting                                          29.42%                         May 24,2024
                                            Meeting                                                   23,2024                       fo.com.cn

      II. Changes of directors, supervisors, senior managers of the Company
      √Applicable □√ Not applicable
       Name            Position held            Type                  Date                                    Reason

      Yin Xide       General Manager         Dismissal          Jan 1,2024                   Company development needs
     Cai Liyong      General Manager        Appointment         Jan 1,2024                   Company development needs
      Yin Xide        Vice Chairman          Leave office       Apr 9,2024                  Resignation due to job changes
   Dono Shigeru             Director         Leave office       Apr 9,2024                  Resignation due to job changes
     Cai Liyong             Director         Be elected        May 23,2024           Elected by general meeting of shareholders
  Kinoshita Ayumu           Director         Be elected        May 23,2024           Elected by general meeting of shareholders

      III. Profit distribution and dividend payment
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      IV.The implementation and effect of equity incentive
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                Section 5 Environmental and social responsibility
I.Major environmental issues

The listed company and its subsidiaries whether belong to heavy pollution industry formulated by the state
environmental protection department
√Yes □ No
Bingshan Sonyo Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd. are the
key pollutant discharge unit announced by the environmental protection departments.
Administrative penalties imposed for environmental problems during the reporting period
□Yes √ No

Measures and effects taken by the Company to reduce carbon emissions
During the reporting period, the Company continuously optimized its energy consumption system through energy
utilization efficiency improvement, promotion of renewable energy utilization, and digital energy transformation,
and orderly built a green, low-carbon, and innovative zero carbon park.

During the reporting period, the Company collaborated with customers to complete multiple energy-saving and
carbon reduction projects based on high-efficiency energy-saving compressors, green refrigerants, CCUS, cold
and hot coupling, and extremely low charging technologies, creating good economic and social benefits.
II.Social responsibilities
In the first half of 2024, the Company continued to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty
alleviation, docking and communication with Songlin Village, and funded to support its rural street lighting
project. At present, 50 street lights have been installed on the road section where villagers travel. At the same
time, the Company regularly organizes volunteers to Songlin Village to give loving help to families suffering
from illness.

                 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                Section 6 Important items
I. Commitments made by the actual controller, shareholders, related parties,
purchasers, the company and other relevant parties that have completed their
performance during the reporting period and have not completed their
performance as of the end of the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Non-operation capital occupation by holding shareholders and their related
parties in the listed company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III. Foreign guarantee in violation of regulations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Engagement and dismissal of the accounting firm
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V. Explain to the “non standard audit report” of this reporting period from the
board of directors, board of supervisors of the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable
VI. Explain to the “non standard audit report” last year from the board of
directors of the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable
VII. Bankruptcy restructuring related matters
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VIII. Major lawsuit issues
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no major lawsuit issues in the reporting period.
IX. Punishment and rectification
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
X. The credibility of Companies and its controlling shareholder, actual controller
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The controlling shareholder of the Company and the Company don’t exist situation such as
unfulfilled the court’s effective judgments or failed to pay duly a large amount of debt during the
reporting period.
XI. Important associated transactions
1. Important associated transactions
In the reporting period, the total amount of normal associated transactions between the Company and
associated parties was 390,223 thousand yuan, accounting for 42.51% of the budgeted amount for
the year 2024. This included 105,770 thousand yuan, accounting for 33.79% of the budgeted amount
for the year 2024, for purchasing supporting products for package projects from associated parties,
and 286,460 thousand yuan, accounting for46.99% of the budgeted amount for the year 2023, from
selling supporting parts and components to associated parties.
2.Associated transactions related to purchases or sales of assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3.Important associated transactions with joint external investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4.Current associated rights of credit and liabilities
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Current associated rights of credit and liabilities with related financial
companies or financial companies that the company holds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6. Other associated transactions
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
On January 23, 2024, reviewed and approved by the ninth and 19th Board meeting of the company,
                 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

the company's subsidiary Sonyo Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd. and Panasonic. Wanbao (Guangzhou)
Compressor Co., LTD. (" Matsushita Wanbao Compressor ") signed a transfer agreement to transfer
some of its machinery and equipment and supporting inspection tools and molds to Matsushita
Wanbao Compressor at a transaction price of $27.4661,800. The related party transaction has been
XII.Major contract and its performance
1. Hosting, contracting and leasing status
(1) the hosting status
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(2) the contracting status
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(3) the leasing status
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company signed rental contract with MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and rent #
6 workshop building located on No. 106 Liaohe East Rd, Dalian Economic and Technology
Development Zone to MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. The rental area is 15,259.04
square meters, and the rental term till 16th July, 2029. The annual rent fee for the current reporting
period is RMB 1.9 million Yuan.
The Company signed rental contract with Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd., and rent out the
whole land and house of the Company’s old plant locating at No. 888, Southwest Road, Shahekou
District, Dalian to Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd., with rental land area of 167,165.61
square meters and housing area of 105,652.43 square meters. The lease term is from April 1, 2017 to
December 31, 2036. The annual rent fee for the current reporting period is RMB 4.51 million Yuan.

2. Guaranteeing status
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
China Development Fund provides support for the Company's cold chain green intelligent equipment
and service industrialization base project, and provides special funds to the controlling shareholder
of the Company, Bingshan Group. The above-mentioned special fund amount is 160 million yuan,
with a term of 10 years and a rate of 1.2%. After the above special funds are in place, Bingshan
Group has fully allocated them to the Company in a one-time manner without increasing the rate.
The implementation of the above-mentioned special funds requires the Company to provide
guarantees and continue until the reporting period. This guarantee is in the form of a guarantee for
the controlling shareholder, but in fact, it is a guarantee for the Company to obtain financial support
for itself.
The Company provided guarantees for its client Guizhou Waterfall Cold Chain Food Investment Co.,
Ltd.; s Liuyang Zhongjie Technology Investment Co., Ltd; Shandong Jiechuang Energy Technology
Co., Ltd.,; and Shaanxi Yiming Food Co., Ltd. and Jilin Fuyu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
based on financing leasing business, which lasted until the reporting period. The projects isare
currently being fulfilled normally, and the guaranteed shareholders and relevant natural persons have
provided the Company with a full amount of joint and several liability guarantee and counter
guarantee. The overall risk of the Company's guarantee is controllable.The above guarantee matters
have been reviewed by the board of directors and are being fulfilled normally.
3.Entrusted Financial Management
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Major contract of daily operation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Other important contracts
□Applicable √Not applicable
XIII. Description of other important matters
□Applicable √Not applicable
XV. Major matters of the company's subsidiaries
□Applicable √Not applicable

                                    Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                       Section 7 Change in Share Capital and Shareholders'
              I. Change in share capital
              1. Change in share capital
                                                                      Shares                                            Shares
                                                                 (before change)                                 (after change)
                            items                                                               Changes
                                                              number        proportion                          number        proportion
     I. Non-circulating share capital with restricted
                                                              1,670,894              0.20%         23,270       1,694,164               0.20%
     trade conditions
     Other domestic shares                                    1,670,894           0.20%            23,270       1,694,164             0.20%
     II. Circulating share capital                          841,541,613          99.80%           -23,270     841,518,343            99.80%
     1. Domestically listed ordinary shares                 600,041,613          71.16%           -23,270     600,018,343            71.16%
     2. Domestically listed foreign shares                  241,500,000          28.64%                 0     241,500,000            28.64%
     III. Total shares                                      843,212,507         100.00%                 0     843,212,507           100.00%

              The reason for the Change in share capital
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              Approval of changes in shares
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              The influence of change in share capital on the recent year and recent issue for basic earnings per
              share ,diluted earnings per share and net assets per share.
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              2. The restricted shares changes
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              II. Securities issuance and listing
              1. Securities issuance in the report period
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              III. Shareholders and actual controller
            1.Number of shareholders and their shareholding
Total number of shareholders in the reporting           Total number of shareholders as of the last month
                                               51,190                                                                                       0
period                                                  before disclosure of the annual report
                                                          Shareholding of top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                         Number of
                                                                                                                          Number of
                       Name                                        Nature                    Proportion Total number                      shares or
                                                                                                                          with sale
                                                        Domestic      non-state-owned
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                                20.27%       170,916,934              0                0
                                                        legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                Overseas legal person                    8.72%       73,503,150              0                0
Zhang Sufen                                             Domestic natural person                  1.18%        9,930,000              0                0
Chen Xianlai                                            Domestic natural person                  0.87%        7,356,500              0                0
Lin Zhenming                                            Foreign natural person                   0.80%        6,730,000              0                0
Cao Yifan                                               Domestic natural person                  0.60%        5,088,400              0                0
Li Xiaohua                                              Domestic natural person                  0.48%        4,056,608              0                0
Xue Hong                                                Domestic natural person                  0.43%        3,660,000              0                0
Zhan Changcheng                                         Domestic natural person                  0.36%        3,007,827              0                0
Chen Yong                                               Domestic natural person                  0.35%        3,000,000              0                0
                                          Shareholding of top ten shareholders without sale restriction

                             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                               Number of shares without
                            Name                                                                       Type of shares
                                                                     sale restriction
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                170,916,934    RMB denominated ordinary shares
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                        73,503,150    Domestically listed foreign shares
Zhang Sufen                                                                       9,930,000   RMB denominated ordinary shares
Chen Xianlai                                                                      7,356,500   RMB denominated ordinary shares
Lin Zhenming                                                                      6,730,000   Domestically listed foreign shares
Cao Yifan                                                                         5,088,400   Domestically listed foreign shares
Li Xiaohua                                                                        4,056,608   RMB denominated ordinary shares
Xue Hong                                                                          3,660,000   Domestically listed foreign shares
Zhan Changcheng                                                                   3,007,827   Domestically listed foreign shares
Chen Yong                                                                         3,000,000   RMB denominated ordinary shares

                                                                Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association relationship
Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions of the with Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. among the above shareholders.
above shareholders                                              Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 26.6% of Dalian Bingshan Group
                                                                Co., Ltd.'s equity.

            At the end of the report period, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 51,190,
            including 44,161A-share shareholders and 7,029 B-share shareholders.

            If the Company shareholders had any agreed repurchase transaction in the report period
            □ Yes √ No
            IV. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior managers
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable
            V. Variation in controlling shareholders or actual controllers
            Variation in controlling shareholders in the report period
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable
            There were no changes in the controlling shareholder in the reporting period.
            Variation in actual controllers in the report period
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                 Section 8 Information on Preferred Stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting period, the Company didn’t own preferred stock.

                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                    Section 9 Bond Related Information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting period, the Company didn’t own Bond.

                                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                            Section 10 Financial Report

           I. The Company's semiannual financial report has not been audited.
           II. Accounting statement

                                                     BALANCE SHEET
               Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.   June 30, 2024   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                     30-June-2024                            1-Jan-2024
                                                           Consolidation     Parent Company       Consolidation    Parent Company
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                             779,683,254.82       66,606,428.27     951,039,570.11     177,430,880.63
Financial assets which are measured by fair value and
which changes are recorded in current profit and loss
Derivative financial assets
Transaction financial assets
Notes receivable                                           252,970,529.69       39,845,134.12     353,428,922.42      64,984,113.98
Accounts receivable                                     1,822,615,451.67       643,587,099.41 1,576,433,924.16       612,933,182.91
Receivables financing                                      233,756,806.93        8,195,563.11     303,585,218.53      13,562,917.97
Accounts paid in advance                                   138,528,922.61       59,064,338.78     153,388,660.48      62,988,427.81
Other receivables                                           48,582,815.99       37,547,310.48      41,396,223.27     138,883,665.74
     Interest receivables
     Dividend receivable                                     3,856,753.95        9,919,648.18          14,495.00     110,000,000.00
Inventories                                             1,444,472,018.25       342,546,991.86 1,638,139,479.14       394,763,078.40
Contract assets                                            234,649,990.35      112,017,902.53     237,076,878.71     106,401,142.42
Assets held for sale
Non-current asset due within one year
Other current assets                                        18,375,813.80        4,219,681.80      26,074,342.33          3,046,484.01
Total current assets                                    4,973,635,604.11 1,313,630,450.36 5,280,563,219.15 1,574,993,893.87
Non-current assets:
Finance asset held available for sales
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term account receivable
Long-term equity investment                                534,636,892.01 2,959,504,194.27        521,274,947.50 2,930,381,144.87
Other Non-current financial assets                         149,514,460.99      148,199,318.49     164,024,771.63     162,709,629.13
Investment property                                        120,704,807.72       85,819,185.00     123,589,681.50      86,587,170.43
Fixed assets                                            1,253,644,762.42       607,126,963.25 1,291,851,402.46       632,491,373.17
Construction in progress                                    95,741,358.83       43,838,871.81     114,801,351.21      42,867,809.00
Right of use assets                                         25,726,346.96       12,704,287.08      30,548,057.08      13,360,039.29
Engineering material
Disposal of fixed asset
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset
Intangible assets                                         204,523,392.65        66,464,362.37     210,554,161.22      68,437,853.58

                                   Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Expense on Research and Development
Goodwill                                                   286,402,171.93                      286,402,171.93
Long-term expenses to be apportioned                         6,669,816.32      3,874,703.37      5,346,321.60      4,434,379.95
Deferred income tax asset                                  117,187,047.63     28,797,141.79    113,648,859.53     27,809,290.39
Other non-current asset                                     20,243,349.44                       20,243,349.44
Total non-current asset                                  2,814,994,406.90 3,956,329,027.43 2,882,285,075.10 3,969,078,689.81
                        Total assets                     7,788,630,011.01 5,269,959,477.79 8,162,848,294.25 5,544,072,583.68
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                                           288,761,386.17    239,000,000.00    262,287,784.38   219,000,000.00
Financial liabilities which are measured by fair value
and which changes are recorded in current profit and
Derivative financial liabilities
Transaction financial liabilities
Notes payable                                              473,387,058.60    108,188,273.53    670,720,999.48   172,920,936.32
Accounts payable                                         1,713,399,811.85    401,732,354.17 1,655,835,363.01    418,383,161.14
Accounts received in advance
Contract liabilities                                       659,709,451.48     67,521,215.43    787,685,294.53   108,021,877.17
Wage payable                                                77,299,270.67         96,755.62    149,497,113.46     12,109,637.82
Taxes payable                                               24,473,962.16      2,862,935.83     22,216,492.26      3,523,630.66
Other accounts payable                                     273,853,346.24    169,072,808.41    278,804,152.17   174,010,076.60
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable                                       28,169,531.21     25,829,531.21        533,156.00        533,156.00
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year                167,387,808.69    150,823,737.30    150,645,347.64   134,539,973.21
Other current liabilities                                  178,406,947.50     27,727,729.65    203,315,864.43     69,349,185.65
Total current liabilities                                3,856,679,043.36 1,167,025,809.94 4,181,008,411.36 1,311,858,478.57
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                                            595,200,000.00    595,200,000.00    679,700,000.00   679,700,000.00
Bonds payable
    Preferred stock
    Perpetual bond
Lease liability                                             21,771,928.91     10,207,189.04     24,134,986.97     10,878,947.77
Long-term account payable                                    3,114,213.58                       10,331,937.30
Long-term wage payable
Special Payable
Anticipation liabilities                                     5,260,925.79                        4,544,802.88
Deferred income                                             95,585,957.96     59,253,457.96     98,274,267.80     61,369,767.80
Deferred income tax liabilities                             54,586,516.13     20,538,090.09     60,811,462.07     22,714,636.67
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                              775,519,542.37    685,198,737.09    877,797,457.02   774,663,352.24
                       Total liabilities                 4,632,198,585.73 1,852,224,547.03 5,058,805,868.38 2,086,521,830.81
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital                                              843,212,507.00    843,212,507.00    843,212,507.00   843,212,507.00

                                 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Other equity instruments
Preferred stock
Perpetual bond
Capital public reserve                                        717,097,098.38           755,146,592.54        717,097,098.38         755,146,592.54
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income                                       2,208,669.73            1,246,569.06          2,208,669.73            1,246,569.06
Special preparation                                              1,221,919.03                                     449,374.96
Surplus public reserve                                        888,012,501.22           888,012,501.22        867,159,439.34         867,159,439.34
Generic risk reserve
Retained profit                                               649,767,029.17           930,116,760.94        617,386,488.34         990,785,644.93
Total owner’s equity attributable to parent company       3,101,519,724.53                               3,047,513,577.75
Minority interests                                             54,911,700.75                                  56,528,848.12
Total owner’s equity                                      3,156,431,425.28 3,417,734,930.76 3,104,042,425.87 3,457,550,752.87
       Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity         7,788,630,011.01 5,269,959,477.79 8,162,848,294.25 5,544,072,583.68
          Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian     Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu     Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

                               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                       INCOME STATEMENT
       Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.         January-June, 2024         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    January-June, 2024                        January-June, 2023
                                                             Consolidation      Parent Company      Consolidation         Parent Company
I. Total sales                                               2,463,277,349.70     404,710,898.61    2,327,536,713.05        561,507,191.57
II. Total operating cost                                     2,397,140,315.69     404,710,898.61    2,244,978,370.92        561,507,191.57
Including: Operating cost                                    2,057,904,806.74     339,217,302.07    1,941,335,530.42        462,573,454.21
            Taxes and associate charges                        16,689,713.29        5,763,490.09       17,209,585.63          6,734,597.24
            Selling and distribution expenses                 110,159,991.36       19,927,691.26       98,211,645.02         24,951,968.65
            Administrative expenses                           121,498,382.07       34,913,506.10      103,515,309.49         31,968,790.92
            R&D expenses                                       78,544,862.47       15,423,258.65       68,628,817.97         15,845,215.75
            Financial expense                                  12,342,559.76       13,823,860.36       16,077,482.38         14,942,066.91
                   Including: interest expense                 17,709,510.30       13,883,042.92       19,165,466.43         14,246,006.33
                              interest income                   5,243,901.48          548,479.34        5,451,984.39              735,367.41
Add: Other income                                              17,755,779.69        1,535,146.86        1,814,789.04              100,000.00
     Gain/(loss) from investment                               22,493,222.27       27,406,700.78        6,848,068.69         29,661,828.13
          Including: income from investment on
                                                               17,218,698.46       16,979,803.35
affiliated enterprise and jointly enterprise                                                                  90,409.95        -183,975.05
     Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (loss as “-“)     -14,510,310.64     -14,510,310.64        4,364,003.20          4,364,003.20
     Credit impairment loss (loss as “-“)                    -16,406,220.89      -5,253,420.94      -19,302,777.86         -5,984,187.92
     Assets impairment loss (loss as “-“)                     4,917,988.18        -1,332,255.11      -4,905,134.78         -1,472,892.79
     Gain/(loss) from asset disposal (loss as “-“)           10,550,303.70             2,703.81             51,209.01                 0.00
III. Operating profit                                          90,937,796.32      -16,509,645.16       71,428,499.43         31,159,848.51
Add: non-business income                                        5,475,673.43             4,624.78       4,268,645.77                9,639.35
Less: non-business expense                                      5,508,956.59          504,989.76        2,257,797.99               70,000.00
IV. Total profit                                               90,904,513.16      -17,010,010.14       73,439,347.21         31,099,487.86
Less: Income tax                                               11,651,682.59       -2,490,563.24       13,930,271.56          2,686,238.79
V. Net profit                                                  79,252,830.57      -14,519,446.90       59,509,075.65         28,413,249.07
(I) Net profit from continuous operation                       79,252,830.57      -14,519,446.90       59,509,075.65         28,413,249.07
(II)Net profit from discontinuing operation
Net profit attributable to parent company                      78,529,977.92      -14,519,446.90       57,414,399.22         28,413,249.07
Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                          722,852.65                            2,094,676.43
VI. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive
After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes
attributable to owners of the Company
(I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be
reclassified into gains and losses
1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined
benefit plan upon re-measurement
2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in
invests that cannot be reclassified into gains and losses
under the equity method
(II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be
reclassified into gains and losses
1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in
invests that will be reclassified into gains and losses
                                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

under the equity method
2. Gains and losses on fair value changes of
available-for-sale financial assets
3. Gains and losses on reclassifying held-to-maturity
investments into available-for-sale financial assets
4. Effective hedging gains and losses on cash flows
5. Foreign-currency financial statement translation
After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes
attributable to minority shareholders
VII Total comprehensive income                                        79,252,830.57                                   59,509,075.65        28,413,249.07
Total comprehensive income attributable to parent
company                                                               78,529,977.92
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
shareholders                                                              722,852.65
VIII. Earnings per share
(I) basic earnings per share                                                        0.09                                         0.07
(II) diluted earnings per share                                                     0.09                                         0.07
         Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                               CASH FLOW STATEMENT
          Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. January -June, 2024    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     January -June, 2024                January -June, 2023
                                                               Consolidation    Parent Company    Consolidation    Parent Company
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing
labor services                                               1,907,077,005.37    356,957,447.68 1,897,060,493.23    416,876,256.09

Write-back of tax received                                     18,755,550.59                        9,988,890.50
Other cash received concerning operating activities            63,426,981.44      10,607,266.66   52,698,239.72       7,689,232.01
 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities 1,989,259,537.40      367,564,714.34 1,959,747,623.45    424,565,488.10
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving
labor service                                              1,393,125,399.43      407,046,581.00 1,457,105,820.91    474,452,446.24

Cash paid to/for staff and workers                             407,925,055.02     61,958,999.87   369,826,569.78     62,530,285.96
Taxes paid                                                     96,739,099.30      15,612,910.27   107,685,392.77     28,543,318.27
Other cash paid concerning operating activities                124,055,968.40     24,913,279.32   151,924,036.97     26,003,055.24
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities 2,021,845,522.15      509,531,770.46 2,086,541,820.43    591,529,105.71
     Net cash flows arising from operating activities          -32,585,984.75 -141,967,056.12 -126,794,196.98 -166,963,617.61
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Cash received from recovering investment
Cash received from investment income                             4,378,498.20    114,364,003.20     5,796,799.24     24,022,304.24
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and
other long-term assets                                         31,636,572.34                          434,242.64           30,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
units                                                                                                                           0.00

Other cash received concerning investing activities                                                                             0.00
    Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities          36,015,070.54     114,364,003.20     6,231,041.88     24,052,304.24
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other
long-term assets                                               33,848,073.69       2,253,533.50   22,081,215.68       6,203,763.76

Cash paid for investment                                                          16,000,000.00                     145,285,500.00
Net cash paid for achievement of subsidiaries and other
business units                                                                                    12,056,951.02

Other cash paid concerning investing activities
    Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities         33,848,073.69      18,253,533.50   34,138,166.70     151,489,263.76
     Net cash flows arising from investing activities            2,166,996.85     96,110,469.70   -27,907,124.82 -127,436,959.52
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from absorbing minority
shareholders' equity investment by subsidiaries
Cash received from loans                                       252,063,418.15    209,000,000.00   345,525,821.90    316,000,000.00
Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning financing activities            13,464,836.83                        6,600,000.00
    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities          265,528,254.98    209,000,000.00   352,125,821.90    316,000,000.00
Cash paid for settling debts                                   282,052,013.02    248,700,000.00   252,466,250.00    246,450,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest
paying                                                         14,844,254.68      13,433,120.25   15,175,950.51      13,745,417.12
Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to
minority shareholders

                                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Other cash paid concerning financing activities                       60,640,595.58           9,783,735.91          22,250,574.21           1,267,500.00
   Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                357,536,863.28         271,916,856.16        289,892,774.72          261,462,917.12
     Net cash flows arising from financing activities                -92,008,608.30         -62,916,856.16          62,233,047.18         54,537,082.88
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate               2,281,289.59                   644.35         -526,981.97
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                       -120,146,306.61 -108,772,798.23                -92,995,256.59 -239,863,494.25
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period
-begin                                                               670,440,335.98         173,113,251.05        921,663,803.17          361,032,768.50
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
period–end                                                          550,294,029.37          64,340,452.82        828,668,546.58          121,169,274.25
         Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

                                            Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                     Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd 2024.01-06 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
             Items                                              Lessen:         Other                                         Retained          Minority             Total of
                                                    Capital                                 Special     Surplus                                  equity            owners’ equity
                                 share capital                 treasury comprehens                                             profits
                                                    suplus                                preparation   reserve
                                                                 stock      ive income
I. balance at the end of last
                                   843,212,507.00 717,097,098.38                2,208,669.73     449,374.96 867,159,439.34    617,386,488.34    56,528,848.12 3,104,042,425.87
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                   843,212,507.00 717,097,098.38                2,208,669.73     449,374.96 867,159,439.34    617,386,488.34    56,528,848.12 3,104,042,425.87
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                                       772,544.07   20,853,061.88   32,380,540.83     -1,617,147.37         52,388,999.41
means decrease)
(I)     Total     comprehensive
                                                                                                                              78,529,977.92           722,852.65      79,252,830.57
(II) Capital increased and
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments        recognized      in
owners’ equity
  4. Other
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                                   20,853,061.88   -46,149,437.09    -2,340,000.02        -27,636,375.23
  1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                                              20,853,061.88   -46,149,437.09                         -25,296,375.21
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                                                -2,340,000.02         -2,340,000.02
  3. Others
  (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
  2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves make up
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve                                                                             772,544.07                                                              772,544.07
1. Withdrawn for the period                                                                      772,544.07                                                              772,544.07
2. Used in the period
(VI) Other
  IV. Balance at the end of this
                                   843,212,507.00 717,097,098.38                2,208,669.73    1,221,919.03 888,012,501.22   649,767,029.17    54,911,700.75 3,156,431,425.28

                     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

                                           Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                             Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
            Items                                                 Lessen:         Other       Special                          Retained        Minority           Total of
                                                       Capital                                           Surplus                                equity          owners’ equity
                                 share capital                    treasury comprehens preparatio                                profits
                                                       suplus                                            reserve
                                                                    stock      ive income        n
I. balance at the end of last
                                843,212,507.00 717,097,098.38                     2,208,669.73                825,226,634.15 618,445,922.58     54,077,970.99 3,060,268,802.83
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                843,212,507.00 717,097,098.38                     2,208,669.73                825,226,634.15 618,445,922.58     54,077,970.99 3,060,268,802.83
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                                                                    57,414,399.22      2,094,676.42      59,509,075.64
means decrease)
(I)    Total    comprehensive
                                                                                                                              57,414,399.22      2,094,676.42      59,509,075.64
(II) Capital increased and
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments      recognized     in
owners’ equity
  4. Other
 (III) Profit distribution
 1. Withdrawing surplus
public reserve
 2. Distribution to all owners
 3. Others
 (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
 1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
 2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
 3. Surplus reserves make up
 4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VI) Other
  IV. Balance at the end of this
                                  843,212,507.00 717,097,098.38                   2,208,669.73                825,226,634.15 675,860,321.80     56,172,647.41 3,119,777,878.47

                    Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian    Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

                                             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                      STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNERS’ EQUITY
                                                                           Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
             Items                                       Other                     Lessen:           Other                                                            Total of owners’
                                                                      Capital                                        Special        Surplus                                equity
                                     share capital      equity                   treasury       comprehensive                                      Retained profits
                                                                      suplus                                       preparation      reserve
                                                      instrument                    stock           income
I. balance at the end of last
                                     843,212,507.00                755,146,592.54                  1,246,569.06                   867,159,439.34     990,785,644.93   3,457,550,752.87
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                     843,212,507.00                755,146,592.54                  1,246,569.06                   867,159,439.34     990,785,644.93   3,457,550,752.87
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                                                                         20,853,061.88     -60,668,883.99     -39,815,822.11
means decrease)
(I)     Total     comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                     -14,519,446.90     -14,519,446.90
(II) Capital increased and
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments        recognized      in
owners’ equity
  4. Other
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                        20,853,061.88     -46,149,437.09     -25,296,375.21
  1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                                                                   20,853,061.88     -20,853,061.88
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                                                     -25,296,375.21     -25,296,375.21
  3. Others
  (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
  2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves make up
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period                                                                                        1,403,878.98                                            1,403,878.98
2. Used in the period                                                                                             -1,403,878.98                                           -1,403,878.98
(VI) Other
 IV. Balance at the end of this                                                                                                                                       3,417,734,930.76
                                     843,212,507.00                755,146,592.54                  1,246,569.06                   888,012,501.22     930,116,760.94
period                                                                                                                                                                               8

                     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian     Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

                                             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                     Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd                            2023.01-06                Unit: RMB
                                                                           Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
             Items                                       Other                     Lessen:           Other                                                            Total of owners’
                                                                      Capital                                        Special        Surplus                                equity
                                     share capital      equity                   treasury       comprehensive                                      Retained profits
                                                                      suplus                                       preparation      reserve
                                                      instrument                    stock           income
I. balance at the end of last
                                     843,212,507.00                755,146,592.54                  1,246,569.06                   825,226,634.15     936,931,213.43   3,361,763,516.18
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                     843,212,507.00                                                1,246,569.06                   825,226,634.15     936,931,213.43   3,361,763,516.18
this year                                                          755,146,592.54
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                                                                                            19,981,124.00       19,981,124.00
means decrease)
(I)     Total     comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                      28,413,249.07       28,413,249.07
(II) Capital increased and
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments        recognized      in
owners’ equity
  4. Other
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                           -8,432,125.07       -8,432,125.07
  1. Withdrawing surplus
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                                                      -8,432,125.07       -8,432,125.07
  3. Others
  (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
  2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves make up
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period                                                                                        1,403,878.98                                            1,403,878.98
2. Used in the period                                                                                             -1,403,878.98                                           -1,403,878.98
(VI) Other
 IV. Balance at the end of this
                                     843,212,507.00                755,146,592.54                  1,246,569.06                   825,226,634.15     956,912,337.43   3,381,744,640.18

                     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian     Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Wu Bin

               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

III. General Information
 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd (the “Company”) was
 reorganized and reformed from main part of former Dalian Refrigeration Factory. On
 December 8, 1993, the Company went to the public as a listed Company at Shenzhen Stock
 Exchange Market. On March 20, 1998, the company successfully went to the public at B
 share market and listed at Shenzhen Stock Exchange Market with total share capital of

 According to the 13th meeting of the 6th generation of board, extraordinary general meeting
 for 2015 fiscal year and ' Restricted share incentive plan (draft)' , the Company planned to
 introduce A ordinary shares to incentive objectives, which was 10,150,000 number of shares
 would be granted to 41 share incentive objectives at granted price of RMB5.56Yuan per share.
 Up to March 12th ,2015, the Company received new added share capital of
 RMB10,150,000Yuan and the share capital had been verified by DaHua Certified Public
 Accountants, and had been issued the capital verification report Dahuayanzi [2015]000086 on
 March12th , 2015.

 The general meeting for 2015 fiscal year held on 21st April 2016 approved the profit
 distribution policy for the year of 2015, which agrees the profit distribution based on the total
 360,164,975 number of shares as share capital, paid share dividend of 5 common shares for
 every 10 shares through capital reserve. The policy stated above was fully implemented on
 5th May 2016, and the registered capital was altered to 540,247,462.00Yuan.

 The 17thmeeting of the 6th generation of board was held on 4th June 2015 and the 2nd interim
 shareholders’ meeting was held on 24th June 2015, meeting deliberated and passed the
 proposal of non-public offering of ‘A shares’. China’s Securities Regulatory Commission
 issued SFC license [2015]3137 on 30th December, 2015, approving that new non-public
 offering cannot exceeded 38,821,954 number of shares. The company implemented the post
 meeting procedures for China’s Securities Regulatory Commission, which is regarding
 adjustment of bottom price and the number of the shares issued after the implementation of
 profit distribution policy of 2015 in May, 2016, and accordingly revised the upper limit of
 non-public offering of share to58,645,096 number of new ‘A shares’. The company issued the
 non-public offering of 58,645,096 number of ‘A shares’ to 7 investors, and as a result, the
 total number of shares of the company is changed to 598,892,558 shares, and the par value is
 1yuan per share and the total share capital is 598,892,558.00Yuan. The share capital stated
 above has been verified by DaHua Certified Public Accountants, and has been issued the
 capital verification report Dahuayanzi [2016]000457 on 31st May 2016.

 According to the ‘Restricted Share Incentive Plan(draft) of Dalian Refrigeration Company

             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Limited for the year of 2016’ and the ‘Proposal regarding the shareholders’ meeting
authorized the board of directors to implement the Restricted Share Incentive Plan’ approved
on the 3rdprovisional general meeting held on 13th September 2016, the 9th meeting of the 7th
generation of board deliberated and passed the ‘Proposal about granting the restricted shares
to incentive targets’ on September 20th, 2016 and set 20th September 2016 as share granted
date, and granted 12,884,000 number of restricted shares to 188 incentive targets at granted
price of 5.62Yuan per share. By 22ndNovember, 2016, the company has actually received the
newly subscribed registered share capital of 12,884,000Yuan subscribed by incentive targets.
The share capital stated above has been verified by DaHua Certified Public Accountants, and
has been issued the capital verification report Dahuayanzi [2016]001138 on 23rdNovember,

On May 20th, 2017,       the general meeting for 2016 fiscal year was held and profit
appropriation scheme for 2016 FY was approved, which was every 10 shares will be
increased by 4 shares through capital reserve based on the total 611,776,558 number of shares.
After the profit appropriation scheme, the registered capital               was changed to

On December 18, 2017, the Company held the third extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of
2017 which reviewed and approved the Proposal on Repurchasing and Cancelling Part
Restricted Stocks of the 2016 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan”. On March 8, 2018, after the
completion of repurchase and cancellation, the Company implemented the corresponding
capital reduction procedures according to law, and the registered capital of the Company was
changed from 856,487,181 Yuan to 855,908,981 Yuan.

On May 4, 2018, the Company held the 21st meeting of the seventh board of directors which
reviewed and approved the Proposal on Repurchasing and Cancelling Party Restricted Stocks
of the 2015 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. On June 29, 2018, after the completion of
repurchase and cancellation, the Company implemented the corresponding capital reduction
procedures according to law, and the registered capital of the Company was changed from
855,908,981 Yuan to 855,434,087 Yuan.

On January 17,2019, the Company held the first extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of 2019
which reviewed and approved the Proposal on terminating the implementation of 2016
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan of the Company and logouting the restricted stock. On March
4,2019, the Company has completed the capital reduction process, and the registered capital
of the Company was changed from 855,434,087 Yuan to 843,212,507 Yuan.

On December 20th, 2019, the Company held the 7th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors
and approved to change the Company’s name from Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited to
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

  The Company is in industrial manufacturing sector, mainly engaged in industrial refrigeration,
  refrigerated and frozen food storage, and manufacture and installation of central
  air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The scope of business includes research and
  development, design, manufacture, sale, lease, installation and repair of refrigeration and heat
  equipment, accessories, spare parts, and energy-saving and environmental protection products;
  Technical services, technical consultation, technical promotion; Design, construction,
  installation repair and maintenance of complete sets of refrigeration and air conditioning
  projects, mechanical and electrical installation projects, steel structure projects, anti-corrosion
  and heat preservation works; Rental of premises; Transport of ordinary goods; Property
  management; Low temperature storage; Import and export of goods and technologies. (With
  the exception of projects subject to approval according to law, independently carry out
  business activities according to law with the business license).

  This financial report was approved and issued by the Board of Directors of the Company on
  August 14, 2024.

IV. Financial Statements Preparation Basis

  (1) Preparing basis

  The group’s financial statements are prepared according to the actual occurred transactions
  and events, and in accordance with ‘Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises’, its
  application guidelines, interpretations and other relevant provisions promulgated by the
  Ministry of Finance (collectively referred to as "Accounting Standards for Business
  Enterprises") and " No. 15 of Information Disclosure and Reporting Rules for Publicly Listed
  Companies - General Provisions for Financial Reports" (revised in 2023) promulgated by the
  China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "CSRC").

  (2) Going concern

  The group has assessed the capacity to continually operate within 12 months since June 60,
  2024, and hasn’t found the major issues impacting on the sustainable operation ability. The
  Company’s financial statements are prepared on the basis of going concern assumption.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

  1. Declaration for compliance with accounting standards for business enterprises

  The financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of
  Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the
  financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group truly and fully.

  2. Accounting period

                    Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

      The group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period from Jan 1 to Dec 31.

      3. Operating cycle

      The group sets twelve months for one operating cycle.

      4. Functional currency

      The group adopts RMB as functional currency.

      5. Materiality criteria set up method and basis

      The financial statements preparation and disclosure are in line with materiality. For those
      matters to be disclosed and need judgement for materiality, materiality criteria set up method
      and basis are as follows:

                                          In the notes
                                             to the
Disclosures involved by materiality
                                            financial     Materiality criteria set up method and basis

Significant receivables with individual                   Single provision is over 10 million Yuan and
                                          Note VI.3
provision for bad debts                                   represents more than 10% of the total provision
Collection or reverse of significant                      Single provision is over 10 million Yuan and
                                          Note VI.3
receivables                                               represents more than 10% of the total provision
                                                          Single provision is over 10 million Yuan and
Significant receivables written off       Note VI.3
                                                          represents more than 10% of the total provision
Significant construction in progress                      Single project budget over 30 million Yuan
                                                          The book value of long-term equity investment
                                                          in a single investee accounts for more than 10%
                                                          of the group's net assets and the amount is
Significant JV or associates              Note VIII.3     greater than 100 million Yuan, or the gain or
                                                          loss on investment under the long-term equity
                                                          investment equity method accounts for more
                                                          than 10% of the group's consolidated net profit
                                                          Subsidiary’s net assets are more than10% of the
Significant subsidiary                                    group asses and its net profit is more than 10%
                                                          of consolidated profit

      6. Accounting for business combination under same control and not under same control

      (1) Business combination under the same control

              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

Business combination under the same control is the situation where entities participating the
merger are controlled by the same party or controlled by parties under same ultimate control
before and after merger and the control is not temporary.

The group, as an acquirer, the assets and liabilities that the group obtained in a business
combination under the same control should be measured on the basis of their carrying amount
of the acqiree in the ultimate control party’s consolidated financial statements on the
combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by
the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the capital
surplus shall be adjusted. If the capital surplus is not sufficient to be offset, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted.

(2) Business combination not under same control

Business combination not under the same control is the situation where entities participating
the merger are not controlled by the same party or not controlled by parties under same
ultimate control before and after merger.

When the group is an acquirer, for a business combination not under same control, the asset,
liability and contingent liability obtained, shall be measured at the fair value on the
acquisition date. The difference, when combination cost exceeds proportionate share of the
fair value of identifiable net assets of acquire should be recognized as goodwill. If the
combination cost is less than proportionate share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of
acquiree, firstly, fair value of identifiable asset, liability or contingent liability shall be
reviewed, and so the fair value of non-monetary assets or equity instruments issued in the
combination consideration , after review, still the combination cost is less than proportionate
share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquire, the difference should be recognized
as non-operating income.

If a business consolidation not under common control is finally achieved in stages, when
preparing the consolidated financial statements, the acquirer shall remeasure its previously
held equity interest in the acquiree at its fair value on acquisition date and recognize the gain
or loss as investment income for the current period. Other comprehensive income, under
equity method accounting rising from the interest held in acquiree in relation to the period
before the acquisition, and changes in the value of its other equity other than net profit or loss,
other comprehensive income and profit appropriation shall be transferred to investment gain
or loss for the period in which the acquisition incurs, excluding the other comprehensive
income from the movement on the remeasurement of ne asset or liability of defined benefit

7. Criteria of control judgment and method of preparation of consolidated financial

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Consolidation scope is determined on the control basis including the Company and all
subsidiaries controlled by the Company. Control criteria is that the group has the power over
the investees, enjoy the variable return by involving the relative activities of the investees and
also has the impact on the return amount through the power over the investees.

If subsidiaries adopt different accounting policy or have different accounting period from the
parent company, appropriated adjustments shall be made in accordance with the Company
policy in preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

All significant intergroup transactions, outstanding balances and unrealized profit shall be
eliminated in full when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Portion of the
subsidiary’s equity not belonging to the parent, profit, loss for the current period, portion of
other comprehensive income and total comprehensive belonging to minority interest, shall be
presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under “minority interest of
equity”, minority interest of profit and loss”, “other comprehensive income attributed to
minority interest” and “total comprehensive income attributed to minority interest” title.

If a subsidiary is acquired under common control, its operation results and cash flow shall be
consolidated since the beginning of the consolidation period. When preparing the comparative
consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made to relevant items of comparative
figures as regarded that reporting entity established through consolidation has been always
existing since the point when the ultimate controlling party starts to have the control.

If a subsidiary is acquired not under common control, its operation results and cash flow shall
be consolidated since the beginning of the consolidation period. In preparation of the
consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made to subsidiary’s financial
statements based on the fair value of its all identifiable assets, liability or contingent liability
on the acquisition date.

When the group partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary without
losing the control over it, in the consolidated financial statements, the difference, between
disposals price and respective disposed value of share of net assets in the subsidiary since the
acquisition date or combination date, shall be adjusted for capital surplus or share premium,
no enough capital surplus, then adjusted for retained earnings.

When the group partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary and lose
the control over it, in preparation of consolidated financial statements, remaining share of
interest in the subsidiary shall be remeasured on the date of losing control. Sum of the share
disposal consideration and fair value of remaining portion of shareholding minus the share of
the net assets in the subsidiary held based on the previous shareholding percentage since the

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acquisition date or combination date, the balance of above is recognized as investment
gain/loss for the period and goodwill shall be written off accordingly. Other comprehensive
income relevant to share investment in subsidiary shall be transferred to investment gain /loss
for the period on the date of losing control.

When the group partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary and lose
the control over it by stages, if all disposing transactions are bundled, each individual
transaction shall be seen as a transaction of disposal of a subsidiary by losing control. The
difference between the disposal price and       the share of the net assets in the subsidiary held
before the date of losing control, shall be recognize as other comprehensive income until the
date of losing control where it is transferred into investment gain/ loss for the current period.
If the equity investment in the subsidiary is disposed of by stages through multiple
transactions until the control is lost, and it is not a bundled transaction, each transaction shall
be accounted for separately according to whether the control is lost.

8. Cash and cash equivalent

The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Company refers to cash on hand and bank
deposit. The cash equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three
months or less) and liquid investments which are readily convertible to known amounts of
cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Translation of foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency transaction

Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank
of China (“PBOC”) on the 1st day of the month when the transactions are accounted initially.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items should be converted into reporting
currency at the balance sheet date’s spot exchange rate. Exchange differences should be taken
into the current profits and losses except special foreign currency borrowings for construction
and producing assets which are qualifying for assets capitalization, should be capitalized.
Foreign currency non-monetary items, which are recorded in historical cost, should be still
recorded at the spot exchange rate when the transaction occurred and no change on reporting
currency amount. Foreign currency non-monetary items, which are measured at fair value,
should be recorded in the spot exchange rate at the date measuring the fair value and the
differences should be recognized as profit and loss from fair value changes and included in
the current profits and losses. Invested capital in foreign currency shall be converted into
reporting currency at FX rate at when the investment is received, and no foreign exchange
difference arises between capital received and monetary items.

10. Financial instruments
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(1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

The group shall recognize a financial asset or a financial liability when becoming party to the
contractual provisions of the instrument.

An entity shall derecognize a financial asset(or a part of it or a group of similar financial asset)
when, and only when: 1) the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset
expire, or 2) the entity transfers contractual rights to receive the cash flows of a financial asset,
or assumes a contractual obligation to pay those cash flows received to the 3rd party in full
amount in time according to the ‘passing-through’ agreement and the entity substantially
transfers all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset in nature, or the entity
neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the
financial asset, but the entity has not retained control.

Financial liabilities shall be derecognized if the obligation of the liability is fulfilled,
cancelled or expired. An exchange between an existing borrower and lender of debt
instruments with substantially different terms shall be accounted for as an extinguishment of
the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability. Similarly, a
substantial modification of the terms an existing financial liability shall be accounted for as an
extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial
liability. The difference between the carrying amount of a financial liability extinguished and
the consideration paid, including any non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, shall
be recognized in profit or loss.

A regular way purchase or sale of financial assets shall be recognized and derecognized, as
applicable, using trade date accounting or settlement date accounting.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

At initial recognition, the group shall classify financial assets as measured at amortized cost,
fair value through other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss on the
basis of both the group’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual
cash flow characteristics of the financial asset. Only when the business model for managing
the financial assets is changed, the affected financial assets shall be reclassified.

In determining the business model, the group considers, among others, the way in which the
company evaluates and reports the performance of financial assets to key management
personnel, the risks affecting the performance of financial assets and the way in which they
are managed, and the way in which the relevant business managers are remunerated. In
assessing whether the objective is to collect contract cash flows, the group needs to make an
analytical judgment on the reasons, timing, frequency and value of the sale of the financial
assets before the maturity date.

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In determining the contract cash flow characteristics, the group is required to determine
whether the contract cash flow is only the payment of principal and interest based on the
outstanding principal, (including the assessment of the time value of money correction,
judging any significant difference between it and the baseline cash flow/ for financial assets
containing early repayment characteristics, is required to determine whether the fair value of
early repayment features is very small).

Financial assets are measured at fair value at the initial recognition, but accounts receivable or
notes receivable arising from the sale of goods or provision of services, etc., do not contain a
significant financing component or do not consider the financing component of less than one
year, the initial measurement is based on the transaction price.

For financial assets that are measured at fair value, the related transaction costs are directly
included in current profit or loss, and those costs of other categories of financial assets are
included in their initial recognized amounts.

Financial assets subsequent measurement based on the classification

1) A financial asset measured at amortized cost

A financial asset shall be measured at amortized cost if both of the following conditions are
met: ①the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial
assets in order to collect contractual cash flows;②the contractual terms of the financial asset
give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on
the principal amount outstanding. The financial assets of this category include: monetary fund,
receivable, notes receivable and other receivables.

2) Debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

A financial asset shall be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if both
of the following conditions are met: ①the financial asset is held within a business model
whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial
assets and ②the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash
flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
The effective interest rate is applied to interest income. A gain or loss arising from a financial
asset measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, which is not part of
hedging relationship shall be recognized in other comprehensive income apart from interest
income, impairment loss and foreign exchange difference. When this type of financial assets
is derecognized, accumulated gain or loss previously in the other comprehensive income shall
be out of it and accounted into retained earnings when the financial asset is derecognized. The
financial assets of this category include: receivable financing.

3) Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
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The group may make an irrevocable election for particular investments in equity instruments
that it would be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, but once the
election is made, it is irrevocable. The group only recognizes the dividend (apart from the
dividend as investment cost pay back) into profit and loss and fair value movement
subsequently will be recognized into comprehensive income and no need for impairment
provision. When this type of financial assets is derecognized, accumulated gain or loss
previously in the other comprehensive income shall be out of it and accounted into retained
earnings when the financial asset is derecognized. The financial asset of this category is
equity instruments.

4) A financial asset measured as fair value through profit or loss

Apart from classified as the amortized cost financial assets and as fair value through other
comprehensive income financial assets, a financial asset is classified as fair value through
profit or loss. The group shall subsequently measure this financial asset at its fair value,
except for hedging accounting, any gain or loss on FVTPL shall be accounted into profit and
loss. The financial assets of this category include: tradable financial asset other non-current
financial asset.

A financial asset shall be classified as fair value through profit or loss if it is recognized
contingent consideration through business combination, which is not under same control

(3) Classification, basis for recognition and measurement of financial liability

Except for the financial guarantee contract, commitments to provide a loan at a belowmarket
interest rate and financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not
qualify for derecognition or when the continuing involvement approach applies, the group
shall initially classify all financial liabilities as it measured at amortized cost or financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. For financial liabilities that are measured at fair
value, the related transaction costs are directly included in current profit or loss, and those
costs of other categories of financial assets are included in their initial recognized amounts.

Financial liabilities subsequent measurement based on the classification

1) Financial liabilities as it subsequently measured at amortized cost

Effective interest method is applied to financial liabilities as subsequently measured at
amortized cost

2) Financial liability as it measured at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liability measured at fair value through profit or loss including tradable financial
liability (derivative instrument of financial liability included) and designated as financial

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liability measured at fair value through profit or loss. Tradeable financial liability (including
derivate instrument of financial liability) are subsequently measured at fair value. The net
gain or loss arising from changes in fair value are recorded in profit or loss for the period in
which they are incurred. Financial liability designated as it measured at fair value through
profit or loss shall be subsequently measured at fair value, except for changes in fair value
caused by changes in the group's own credit risk, which are recognized in other
comprehensive income, other changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss for the
current period; The group recognizes all fair value changes (including the amount affected by
changes in its own credit risk) in profit or loss if the inclusion of changes in fair value
caused by changes in its own credit risk in other comprehensive income would cause or
widen the accounting mismatch in profit or loss for the current period.

(4) Financial instrument impairment

Based on expected credit loss, the group shall apply the impairment requirements for the
followings: ① a financial asset measured at amortized cost; ② debt investment measured
at fair value and changes in fair value is through other comprehensive income; ③ lease
receivable; ④ a contractual asset and financial guarantee contract.

Expected credit loss is the weighted average of credit losses with the respective risks of a
default occurring as the weights. A credit loss herein is referred to as the present value, at
original effective rate, of the difference between the contractual cash flows that are due to the
group under the contract; and the cash flows that the Company expects to receive, that's the
present value of the total cash shortage. The group shall measure expected credit losses of a
financial instrument in a way that reflects: ①an unbiased and probabilityweighted amount
that is determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes; ② the time value of money;
and ③reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort at
the reporting date about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic

Expected credit loss of financial instrument is assessed individually and portfolio. The group
assesses the expected credit loss based on the portfolio in accordance with the common
characteristics of credit risk which involves type of financial instrument, credit risk grade, and
age of trade receivables.

When assessing expected credit losses, the group considers all reasonable and supportable
information, including that which is forward-looking. In making these judgments and
estimates, the group extrapolates the expected changes in the debtor's credit risk based on
historical repayment data combined with factors such as economic policies, macroeconomic
indicators and industry risks. Different estimates may affect the provision for impairment, and
the provision already made may not equal the actual amount of impairment losses in the
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  1) Impairment testing method of receivable and contract asset

  For receivable, notes receivable and contract asset etc., which don’t contain significant
  financing component and arise from sales of products and service provision, the group adopts
  simplified method to account expected credit loss provision at an amount equal to the whole
  lifetime expected credit losses.

  For lease premium receivable, trade receivable containing significant financing component,
  and contract asset, the group adopts simplified method to account expected credit loss
  provision at an amount equal to the whole lifetime expected credit losses.

  The group determines the expected credit loss of trade receivable on the basis of portfolios
  with common characteristics of credit risk, which are considered by expected credit loss
  measurement reflection, by reference to historical experience of credit loss and by
  comparison of receivable past due days/ receivable age with default risk rate, unless the single
  credit loss is separately recognized for contractual payments that is significant in amount and
  credit impaired. If certain client is significant different from others in terms of credit risk
  characteristics, or the client’s credit risk has significantly increased, such as experiencing
  severe finance difficulty, its expected credit loss is obviously higher than it to be at
  accounting age, the group will make separate credit loss provision for this client’s receivable.

  ① Portfolio category and recognition basis of receivable ( contract asset)

  The group classifies accounts receivable (and contract assets) according to the similarity and
  relevance of credit risk characteristics based on information such as age, nature of payments,
  credit risk exposure, historical debt collection, etc. For accounts receivable (and contract
  assets), the group determines that aging is the primary factor affecting its credit risk and
  therefore, the group assesses its expected credit losses on the basis of aging portfolios. The
  group calculates the overdue age based on the payment date agreed in the contract.

  No expected credit loss is recognized for receivables from related party within consolidated
  scope as the group assesses its credit risk is relatively low.

  ② Portfolio category and recognition basis of notes receivable

Portfolio category                           Expected credit loss accounting estimate policy
                                         Lower credit risk assessed by the management, no
Bank acceptance note portfolio
                                         expected credit loss recognition
Commercial acceptance note               Same as receivables portfolio and provided for excepted
portfolio                                credit loss allowance based on expected credit loss rate

 2) Impairment testing method of debt investment, other debt investment, loan commitments
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  and financial guarantee contracts

With the exception of financial assets (such as debt investments, other debt investments), loan
commitments and financial guarantee contracts for which the simplified measurement method
is adopted above, the group adopts the general method (three-stage method) for the provision
of expected credit losses. At each balance sheet date, the group assesses whether its credit risk
has increased significantly since the initial recognition, and if the credit risk has not increased
significantly since the initial recognition, in the first stage, the group measures the loss
provision at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss over the next 12 months and
calculates interest income based on the carrying balance and effective interest rate; If the
credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition but no credit impairment
has occurred, in the second stage, the group measures the loss provision at an amount
equivalent to the expected credit loss over the entire duration and calculates interest income
based on the carrying balance and effective interest rate; If credit impairment occurs after
initial recognition, in the third stage, the group measures the loss provision at an amount
equivalent to the expected credit loss over the entire duration and calculates interest income at
amortized costs and effective interest rates. For financial instruments with only low credit risk
at the balance sheet date, the group assumes that their credit risk has not increased
significantly since initial recognition

The whole life expected credit loss refers to the expected credit loss caused by all possible
default events during the whole expected life of the financial instrument. Expected credit
losses over the next 12 months are expected credit losses resulting from defaults on financial
instruments that may occur within 12 months after the balance sheet date (or if the expected
duration of the financial instrument is less than 12 months) and are part of the overall
expected credit losses over the life of the financial instrument.

Criteria of significant increase in credit risk and definition of credit impaired assets are
disclosed on Note X.1

(5) Recognition and measurement of transfer of financial assets

A financial asset is derecognized when the financial asset has been transferred together with
substantial all risks and rewards to the transferee. A financial asset can not be derecognized
when the substantial all risks and rewards to the financial asset has been retained. When the
all risks and rewards of the financial asset are neither transferred nor retained, but the group
has given up its control of the financial asset, the financial asset shall be derecognized and
recognize the asset and liability originated. Where control of the financial asset is not
relinquished, the relevant financial asset shall be recognized according to the extent to which
it continues to be involved in the transferred financial asset, and the relevant liability shall be
recognized accordingly.
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In the case where the financial asset as a whole qualifies for the derecognition conditions, the
difference between the carrying value of transferred financial asset at the derecognition date
and the sum of the consideration received for transfer and the accumulated amount of changes
in fair value in respect of the amount of partial derecognition ( financial assets involved in
transfer must qualify the following conditions: ① the financial asset is held within a
business model whose objective is not only for collecting contractual cash flows but also for
sale; ②the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows
that are solely payments of principal and interest based on the principal amount outstanding) ,
that was previously recorded under other comprehensive income is transferred into profit or
loss for the period.

In the case where only part of the financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying
amount of financial asset being transferred is allocated between the portions that to be
derecognized and the portion that continued to be recognized according to their relative fair
value. The difference between the amount of consideration received for the transfer and the
accumulated amount of changes in fair value that was previously recorded in other
comprehensive income for the asset partially qualified for derecognition (financial assets
involved in transfer must qualify the following conditions:① the financial asset is held
within a business model whose objective is not only for collecting contractual cash flows but
also for sale; ; ②the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to
cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest based on the principal amount
outstanding ) and the above-mentioned allocated carrying amount is charged to profit or loss
for the period.

Where the assets continue to be involved by providing financial guarantees for the transferred
financial assets, the assets that continue to be involved in the same form are recognized at the
lower of the carrying value of the financial assets and the amount of the financial guarantees.
Financial guarantee amount means the maximum amount of consideration received that will
be required to be repaid.

(6) Distinguish between financial liability and equity instrument and accounting

Financial liability and equity instrument shall be distinguished in accordance with the
following standards: ① if the group cannot unconditionally avoid paying cash or financial
asset to fulfil a contractual obligation, the contractual obligation is qualified or financial
liability. For certain financial instrument, although there are no clear terms and conditions to
include obligation of paying cash or other financial liability, contractual obligation may
indirectly be formed through other terms and conditions. ② the group’s own equity
instrument shall also be considered whether it is the substitute of cash, financial asset or it is
the remaining equity, after the issuer deducts liability, enjoyed by the equity holder , if it must

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or can be used to settle a financial asset. If the former, the instrument is a financial liability of
the issuer, otherwise it is an equity instrument of the issuer. In certain circumstances, financial
instrument contract is classified as financial liability, if financial instrument contract specifies
the Company must or can use its own equity to settle the financial instrument, the contractual
amount of right or obligation equals to that of the numbers of own equity instrument available
or to be paid multiplied by fair value when settling, nevertheless the amount is fixed, or
varied partially or fully based on the its own equity’s market price(such as interest rate,
certain commodity’s or financial instrument’s    price variance).

When classifying a financial instrument (or its component) in the consolidated statements, the
group takes all terms and conditions agreed by the its member and instrument holder into
consideration. If the group because of the instrument, as a whole, bears settlement obligation
by paying cash, other financial asset or other means resulted in financial liability, the
instrument shall be classified as financial liability.

(7) Derivative financial instrument

The group uses derivative financial instruments such as foreign exchange forward contracts,
commodity forward contracts and interest rate swaps to hedge exchange rate risk, commodity
price risk and interest rate risk respectively. Derivative financial instruments are initially
measured at their fair value on the date the derivative transaction contract is signed, and are
subsequently measured at their fair value. A derivative instrument with a positive fair value is
recognized as an asset and a negative fair value is recognized as a liability.

Except hedging accounting, all gain or loss from the FV movement of derivative instrument
shall be recognized in the income statement.

(8) Financial asset and financial liability offset

Financial asset and financial liability shall be presented in the balance sheet separately and
cannot be offset, unless the following conditions are all met: ①the Company has the legal
right to recognized offset amount and the right is enforceable. ②the Company plans to
receive or a legal obligation to pay cash at net amount.

11. Inventories

Inventories are raw material, low-valuable consumable, goods on transit, working-in-progress,
finished goods, and cost to fulfil the contract etc.

The inventories are processed on perpetual inventory system, and are measured at their actual
cost on acquisition. Weighted average cost method is taken for measuring the inventory
dispatched or used. Low value consumables and packaging materials is recognized in the
income statement by one-off method.

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At the balance sheet date, inventory is measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
If the cost of the inventory is higher than its net realizable value, a provision is made for the
decline in the price of the inventory and it is accounted in the current profit or loss. Net
realizable value is the amount of the estimated selling price of inventory in daily activities
less the estimated costs to be incurred at completion, estimated selling expenses and related

Impairment provision for the group's raw materials/goods in stock/WIP/ cost to fulfil the
contract is made on an individual inventory item, and when determining its net realizable
value, the inventory of goods in stock and materials used for sale are determined at the
estimated selling price of the inventory less estimated selling expenses and related taxes;
Inventory of materials held for use in production is determined at the estimated selling price
of the finished goods produced less the estimated costs to be incurred up to completion,
estimated selling expenses and

12. Contract asset and contact liability

(1) Contract asset

Contract asset is an entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the
entity has transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the
passage of time. For example, the group sold two goods that can be clearly distinguished to
the client, then the group has the right to consideration in exchange of the goods because one
of the goods are delivered, but the consideration’s collection is conditioned on the other
goods delivery, in this case, the right to consideration shall be recognized as contract asset.

Expected credit loss recognition of contract asset is referred to the Note III、10 Provision for
impairment of financial assets.

(2) Contract liability

An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity has
received consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer. If a customer pays
consideration, or the group has a right to an amount of consideration that is unconditional
before the group transfers a good or service to the customer, the group shall present the
contract as a contract liability when the payment is made or the payment is due (whichever is

13. Assets relevant to contract cost

(1) Assets recognition methods in relation to contract cost

Assets relevant to contract cost in the group include cost to fulfill the contract and cost to
obtain a contract. Cost to fulfill the contract is presented under inventory and other

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non-current assets. Cost to obtain a contract is presented under other current assets and other
non-current assets.

If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract with a customer are not within the scope of
another Standard such as inventory , fixed assets or intangible assets , an entity shall
recognize an asset from the costs incurred to fulfill a contract only if those costs meet all of
the following criteria: the costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract,
including direct labor, direct materials and overheads which is clearly stated to be borne by
the client and any other cost in line with the contract; the costs enhance resources of the group
that will be used in performance obligations in the future; and the costs are expected to be

An asset as the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer shall be recognized
if the group expects to recover those costs. The group may recognize the incremental costs of
obtaining a contract as an expense when incurred if the amortization period of the asset t is
one year or less. The incremental costs of obtaining a contract are those costs that the group
incurs to obtain a contract with a customer that it would not have incurred if the contract had
not been obtained (for example, a sales commission). Other expenses incurred in order to
obtain a contract rather than the incremental cost, and expected to be recovered (regardless of
whether the contract is obtained such as travelling expenses) shall be recognized as an
expense when incurred, unless those costs are explicitly chargeable to the customer.

(2) Amortization of asset relevant to contract cost

An asset recognized in accordance with contract cost shall be amortized on a systematic basis
that is consistent with the transfer to the customer of the goods or services to which the asset

(3) Impairment of asset relevant to contract cost

If the carrying value of the group's assets related to the contract cost is higher than the
following two differences, the group will make the impairment provision for the excessive
part and recognize the asset impairment loss: ① The remaining consideration that the group
is expected to obtain due to the transfer of the commodities related to the asset; ② Estimate
the costs to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods

14. Long-term equity investment

Long term equity investments are the equity investment in subsidiary, in associated company
and in joint venture.

(1) Judgement on control, joint control and significant influence

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Equity investments in which the group has a significant impact on the investee are
investments in associates.

Significant influence refers to having the power to participate in the decision-making of the
financial and operational policies of the investee, but not being able to control or jointly
control the formulation of these policies with other parties. Significant influence exists when
the entity directly or indirectly owned 20% or more but less than 50% voting shares in the
investee, unless there is explicit evidence that the company cannot participate in the
production and operation decisions of the investee or have control over the investee.

When having less than 20% voting shares, the group’s significant influence still exists if the
followings are taken into accounts: representation on the board of directors or equivalent
governing body of the investee, participation in financial or operating activities
policy-making processes, material transactions between the investor and the investee,
interchange of managerial personnel or provision of essential technical information etc.

The group’s joint venture investment is an equity investment whereby the parties have jointly
control over it and have rights to the net assets of the investee. Joint control is the
contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions
about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. The
group’s judgement on joint control is based on the joint arrangement that all participants or
combinations of participants collectively control the arrangement and that decisions relating
to the activities of the arrangement must be made with the unanimous consent of those
participants who collectively control the arrangement.

(2) Accounting

The group initially measures the long-term investment in line with the initial cost for
acquiring the investment.

The initial investment cost for long-term equity investment acquired through business
combination under common control, is the carrying amount presented in the consolidated
financial statements of the share of net assets at the combination date in the acquired
company. If the carrying amount of net assets at the combination date in the acquired
company is negative, investment shall be recognized at zero.

If long-term equity investment is acquired through business combination not under common
control, initial investment cost shall be the combination cost. If the equity investment of
investee not under common control is acquired by stages and it’s not a bundled transaction,
the carrying amount of the equity investment held previously plus newly increased investment
cost are taken as the initial investment cost.

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Apart from the long-term equity investments acquired through business combination, the cost
of investment for the long-term equity investments acquired by cash payment is the amount of
cash paid, relevant direct expense, tax and other necessary expenses for the investment. For
long-term equity investment acquired by issuing equity instruments, the cost of investment is
the fair value of the equity instrument issued.

The Company adopts cost model for investment in subsidiary on separate financial statement.
Under cost model, the long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost.
When more investment is added, it shall increase the carrying amount of investment by
adjusting the fair value of additional investment and relevant transaction expenses. Cash
dividend or profit declared by investee shall be recognized as investment gain/loss for the
period based on the proportion share in the investee.

The Company adopts equity method for investment in joint venture and affiliate. Under
equity method, if the initial investment cost is greater than the share of fair value of the
identifiable net assets in the investee, the initial investment cost of long-term equity
investment is no need to be adjusted; If the initial investment cost is less than the share of fair
value of the identifiable net assets in the investee , the difference shall be recorded into the
current profit and loss, and the cost of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted at the
same time.

Long-term equity investment subsequently, under equity method, shall be adjusted for it
carrying amount according to the share of equity increase or decrease in the investee. The
Company shall recognize its share of the investee’s net gain or losses after the investee’s net
profit adjustment, based on the fair value of the investee’s individual identifiable assets at
the acquisition date, after making appropriate adjustments thereto in conformity with the
accounting policies and accounting period, and offsetting the unrealized profit or loss from
the inter-group transactions, not constituting the business, between the entity and its
associates and joint ventures according to the shareholding attributable to the group (full
amount of loss shall be recognized if the inter-group transaction is impairment loss). The
group recognizes net losses incurred by investee to the extent that the carrying value of
long-term equity investments and other long-term interests substantially constituting net
investments in investee are written down to zero, except where the group is obliged to bear
additional losses.

The difference between the book value of long-term equity investment and actual acquisition
cost shall be recognized in the gain or loss of investment when the long-term equity
investment is disposed of.

For long-term investments accounted under equity method, other comprehensive income
recorded shall be accounted on the same basis as the investee directly disposing of related
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assets or liability when equity method is not used any longer. The movements of
shareholder’s equity, other than the net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit
distribution previously recorded in the shareholder’s equity of the Company are recycled to
investment income for the period on disposal.

If the remaining equity after the partially disposal is still accounted for under the equity
method, the relevant other comprehensive income previously recognized under the equity
method, is treated on the same basis as the direct disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities
by the investee and is carried forward on a proportional basis, and the owner's equity, which
is apart from net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution of the
investee, shall be recognized and proportionally transfers to current investment income.

Where the entity has no longer joint control or significant influence in the investee company
as a result of partially disposal of the investment, the remaining investment will be accounted
for in line with the Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments Standard -No 22
of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises(No7 Caikuai [2017]), and the difference
between the fair value of remaining investment at the date of losing joint control or
significant influence and its carrying amount shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the
Where the entity has no longer control over the investee company as a result of partially
disposal of the investment, the remaining investment will be changed to be accounted for
using equity method providing remaining joint control or significant influence over the
investee company. The difference between carrying amount of disposed investment and
consideration received actually shall be recognized as investment gain or loss for the period,
and investment shall be adjusted accordingly as if it was accounted for under equity model
since acquisition. Where the entity has on longer joint control or significant influence in the
investee as a result of disposal, the investment shall be accounted for in accordance with the
Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments Standard -No 22 of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises(No7 Caikuai [2017]), and difference between the carrying
amount and disposal consideration shall be recognized as investment gain or loss for the
period, and the difference between the fair value of remaining investment at the date of losing
control and its carrying amount shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the year.

15. Investment property
Investment property is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both and includes
property, building and use right of land. They are measured at cost model.
Investment property is depreciated or amortized on straight line basis and its expected useful
life, net residual value rate and annual depreciation rate is as follows:

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                               Useful life      Estimated net residual value rate     Annual depreciation rate
                                (years)                       (%)                                (%)
Use right of land                  50                          0                                 2
Property and Buildings             40                         3/10                           2.25-2.43

    16. Fixed assets

 Recognition criteria of fixed assets: defined as the tangible assets which are held for the
 purpose of producing goods, rendering services, leasing or for operation & management, and
 have more than one year of useful life.

 Fixed assets shall be recognized when the economic benefit probably flows into the group and
 its cost can be measured reliably. Fixed assets include: building, machinery, transportation
 equipment, electronic equipment and others.

 All fixed assets shall be depreciated unless the fixed assets had been fully depreciated and are
 still being used and land is separately measured. Straight-line depreciation method is adopted
 by the group. Estimated net residual value rate, useful life, depreciation rate as follows:

                                             Useful life    Estimated net residual   Annual depreciation
No                  Category
                                              (years)           value rate (%)        rate (%)
1       Property and Buildings                 20-40               3、5、10               2.25-4.85
2       Machinery equipment                     5-22         0.5-1、3、5、10              4.09-19.90
3       Transportation equipment                5-12           1、3、5、10                 7-33.33
4       Electronic equipment &others            3-15          0-1、3、5、10                6-33.33

 The group should review the estimated useful life, estimated net residual value and
 depreciation method at the end of each year. If any change has occurred, it shall be regarded
 as a change in the accounting estimates.

    17. Construction in progress

 The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual construction
 expenditure, including the necessary construction expenditure incurred during the
 construction period, the capitalized borrowing cost and other related expenses before the
 construction reaches the condition expected for use.

 Constructions in progress are transferred to fixed assets based on the construction budget and
 actual costs on the date when completing and achieving estimated usable status, and the fixed
 assets should be depreciated in the next month. Adjustment will be made upon confirmation
 of their actual values after implementing the completion and settlement procedures.

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The construction in progress shall be transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the expected
usable state, and the criteria are as follows:

Items                                              Criteria of transferring to FA
Property and Buildings      Earlier of actual starting of use and completion of inspection
Machinery equipment         Earlier of actual starting of use and completion of installation / inspection

18. Intangible asset

The group’s intangible assets include use right of land, patents, non-patented technologies and
others. They are measured at actual cost at acquisition day. For acquired assets, the actual cost
is measured at actual price paid and relevant other expenses. Invested intangible asset shall be
measured at actual cost as contracted or agreed value, however fair value will be taken if the
contracted or agreed value is not fair.

(1) Useful life and the basis for recognition, estimation, amortization method or review

Use right of land shall be amortized evenly within the amortization period since the remised
date. Patents, technologies and other intangible assets are amortized over the shortest of their
estimated useful life, contractual beneficial period and useful life specified in the law.
Amortization charge is included in the cost of assets or expenses, as appropriate, for the
period according to the usage of the assets. At the end of the year, for definite life of
intangible assets, their estimated useful life and amortization method shall be assessed. Any
change shall be treated as change on accounting estimate.

(2) The scope and accounting of research and development

The group separates the expenditure on internal research and development projects into
research phase expenditure and development phase expenditure. At research phase,
expenditure are expenses directly relevant to research activity, including R&D employee’s
salary, materials, depreciation, technology cooperation cost and assessment testing fees. At
development phase, expenses can be capitalized only when meeting the following conditions:
(a)the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for
use or sale.

(b)its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it.

(c)how the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. Among other
things, the entity can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible
asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the
intangible asset.

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(d)the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the
development and to use or sell the intangible asset.

(e)its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its

Any expenditure not qualifying for the above conditions shall be accounted into profit and
loss account.

The projects expenditure will go to the development stage and start to be capitalized after
meeting the above conditions, and passing the technical feasibility and economic feasibility
studies, and being approved after evaluation.

19. Impairment of long-term assets

The group assesses whether there is any indication that long-term equity investment,
investment property under cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use
asset and intangible assets with definite useful life may be impaired. If there is any indication
that an asset may be impaired, the asset will be tested for impairment. Goodwill and
intangible asset with infinite useful life and development cost not reaching available for use
status, are tested for impairment annually no matter there is any indication of impairment or

(1) Non-current asset impairment excluding financial asset (expect goodwill)

When testing the impairment, the group recognized the recoverable amount of an asset, which
the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows
expected to be derived from the asset. After impairment test, any difference of carrying
amount over its recoverable amount shall be recognized as impairment loss.

The group estimates recoverable amount based on an individual asset. If it is not possible to
estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount is determined
on the basis of the asset groups or asset portfolio to which the asset belongs. Asset portfolio is
determined based on whether the major cash inflow generated by the asset group is
independent from the cash inflow of other assets or the asset portfolio.

Net amount which FV less disposal cost is reference to the agreed sale price or observable
market price for similar asset within the arm length transaction. When estimating the present
value of future cash flows, management must estimate the expected future cash flows of the
asset or group of assets and select an appropriate discount rate to determine the present value
of future cash flows.

(2) Goodwill impairment

The group allocates the carrying value of the goodwill generated from the business
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combination to the relevant asset group or to the relevant asset group combination which is
difficult to allocate to the relevant asset group,in a reasonable way from the date of purchase.
When conducting impairment tests on goodwill contained within the related asset group or
asset group combination, if there are signs of impairment in the asset group or asset group
combination related to goodwill, the impairment test shall firstly be conducted on the asset
group or asset group combination excluding goodwill, and the recoverable amount shall be
calculated and compared with the relevant carrying value so to recognize the corresponding
impairment loss; Then, an impairment test is conducted on the asset group or asset group
combination containing goodwill to compare the carrying value with the recoverable amount.
If the recoverable amount is lower than the carrying value, the impairment loss amount is first
offset against the carrying value of goodwill allocated to the asset group or asset group
combination, and then offset the carrying value of the asset group and asset group
combination based on the proportion of the carrying value of other assets in the asset group or
asset group combination without goodwill.

The methodology, parameters and assumptions of the goodwill impairment test are referred in
Notes VI.19.

Once the impairment loss on the assets is recognized, it can not be reversed in a subsequent

20. Long-term prepaid expense

The group's long-term prepaid expense refers to landscape fees, renovation &decoration
expenses and other expenses paid and should be allocated over 1year.It will be amortized
evenly within its beneficial period. The remaining unamortized expense should be charged
into income statement if long-term prepaid expense can not bring the beneficial inflows.
Landscape fees will be amortized for 10 years and renovation& decoration fees will be
amortized for 5-10 years.

21. Employee benefits

Employee’s benefit comprises short-term benefit, post-employment benefit, termination
benefit and other long-term employee’s benefit.

Short-term benefit includes salary, bonus, allowance, welfare, social insurance, housing funds,
labor union expense, staff training expense, during the period in which the service rendered
by the employees, the actually incurred short term employee benefits shall be recognized as
liability and shall be recognized in P&L or related cost of assets based on benefit objective
allocated from the service rendered by employees.

Post-employment benefits include the basic pension scheme and unemployment insurance etc.
Based on the risk and obligation borne by the Company, post-employment benefits are
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classified into defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan. For defined contribution
plan, liability shall be recognized based on the contributed amount made by the Company to
separate entity at the balance sheet date in exchange of employee service for the period and it
shall be recorded into current profit and loss account or relevant cost of assets in accordance
with beneficial objective.

Other long-term employee’s benefit refers to all other employee benefits other than short-term
benefit, post-employment benefit and termination benefit.

22. Provision

When the Company has transactions such as commitment to externals, discounting the trade
acceptance note, unsettled litigation or arbitration which meets the following criterion,
provision should be recognized: It is the Company's present obligation; carrying out the
obligation will probably cause the Company's economic benefit outflow; the obligation can
be reliably measured.

Provision is originally measured on the best estimate of outflow for paying off the present
obligations. When determining the best estimate, need to consider the risk, uncertainty, time
value of monetary relevant to contingent items. The group needs to review the present best
estimate and accordingly adjust the carrying value of the provision account.

23. Revenue recognition and measurement

The group recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled its contractual performance obligations, i.e.
when the customer has obtained control of the relevant goods or services. Control right of
goods or services refers to the ability to direct the use of, and obtain substantially all of the
remaining benefits from, the asset.

If the contract between the group and the customer meets the following five conditions at the
same time, the group has fulfilled the performance obligation when the customer obtains the
control of the relevant goods or services, and the revenue is recognized:

1) the parties to the contract have approved the contract and promised to fulfill their own

2) the contract specifies the rights and obligations of parties related to the transferred

3) the contract has explicit payment terms related to the transferred goods;

4) the contract has commercial substance, where the performance of the contract will change
the company's future cash flow risk, time distribution or amount;

5) the consideration to which the company is entitled as a result of the transfer of goods to the

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customer is likely to be recovered.

When the group transfers control of a good or service over time, it satisfies a performance
obligation and recognizes revenue over time only if one of the following criteria is met,
otherwise it shall be the performance obligation at a point in time.

(1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity’s
    performance as the entity performs

(2) the group’s performance creates or enhances an asset (for example, work in progress)
    that the customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced

(3) the group’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the entity and
    the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date

(1) Revenue policy from sales

The group’s revenue mainly includes income from sale of goods and installation of the whole
set of refrigeration engineering project.

Based on the actual situation, the group recognizes the revenue as the followings;

1) Domestic sales: the sales contract with customers generally includes the performance of
obligation of transferring goods. The group recognizes the revenue at the time when the
arrival acceptance is completed by customers, having taken all followings into consideration:
present debt collection right entitled to the sales of goods, the transfer of the main risks and
rewards in the ownership of the goods, the transfer of the legal ownership entitled to the
goods, the transfer of physical assets, the acceptance of goods by customers.

2) Export sales: the group will recognize the sales revenue after completing the customs
declaration and export procedures.

Revenue from installation of the whole set of refrigeration engineering project. In the
refrigeration installation contract between the group and the customer, since the equipment
sales and installation services cannot be distinguished separately, the entire project contract is
regarded as a single performance obligation, and the revenue of the single performance
obligation is recognized at the completion of the customer acceptance. when a performance
obligation over time is satisfied, revenue shall be recognized within the contract term
according to the performance progress, which is determined by the percentage of the
cumulative actual cost to expected total contract cost. When the performance progress can not
be estimated reasonably, the group recognizes the revenue to the extent where the already
incurred cost can be compensated until the performance progress can be decided.

(2) Determining and allocating the transaction price

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If the contract includes two or more performance obligations, at the inception date of contract,
the group shall allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation identified in the
contract on a relative standalone selling price ratio basis and measure the revenue at the
allocated transaction price to each performance. If any solid evidence indicates that contract
discount is only relevant to one or some (not all) performance obligations, the discount shall
be allocated into the one or these performance obligations.

An amount of consideration can vary because of cash discounts, price guarantee. The group
determines the best estimate of the variable consideration in line with the expectation or the
amount that most probably incurred, but includes, in the transaction price, the variable
consideration not exceeding the amount that is highly unlikely to result in a material reversal
of cumulative revenue recognized when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated.

The group accounts for consideration payable to a customer as a reduction of the transaction
price and, therefore, of revenue unless the payment to the customer is in exchange for a
distinct good or service. Accordingly, the revenue shall be recognized at the later of the
revenue recognition and the consideration paid to a customer.

For sales with a right of return, the group recognizes the revenue for the consideration
expected to have the right to receive arising from transferring the goods to customers when
the customer receives the control right over the relevant goods, and recognizes the expected
refund amount as provision. At the same time, receivable of return cost, as an asset, shall be
recognized for the carrying value of the returned goods when it is expected to be transferred
less expected cost for getting it back (including decline in value) and net amount of the above
asset cost shall be carried over to the cost. At every balance sheet date, the group will reassess
the future sales returns and remeasure the above assets and liabilities.

Where a significant financing component exists in the contract, the transaction price shall be
measured at the assumed price that the payment is made by cash when the client receives the
control right of goods or services. The difference between the promised consideration and the
determined transaction price shall be amortized within the contract period using effective
interest rate, and it is the discounting rate at which the dominated price of the contract
consideration is discounted to the cash price.

According to the agreement or the regulation etc., the group provide warranty for the goods
sold and it is the quality assurance for promising the goods are in commodity with the agreed
standards and shall be accounted for as Note III、22 provision.

24. Government grants

Government grant shall be recognized only when all attached conditions are met and the grant
is possibly received. Where a government grant is in the form of a transfer of monetary asset,

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it is measured at the amount received. Where a government grant is made on the basis of
fixed amount or conclusive evidence indicates relevant conditions for financial support are
met and expect to probably receive the fund, it is measured at the amount receivable. Where a
government grant is in the form of a transfer of non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair
value. If fair value cannot be determined reliably, it is measured at a nominal amount of
RMB1 Yuan.

Assets-related government grant is the government fund obtained by the group for the
purpose of long-term assets purchase and construction or establishment in the other forms.
Income-related grants are the grant given by the government apart from the assets-related
grants. If no grant objective indicated clearly in the government documents, the group shall
judge it according to the principle mentioned above. If the grant is difficult to be separated, it
shall be considered as income-related grant as a whole.

Assets-related government grants are recognized as deferred income, which shall be evenly
amortized to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. Any assets are sold,
transferred, disposed of or impaired earlier than their useful life expired date, the remaining
balance of deferred income which hasn’t been allocated shall be carried forward to the
income statement when the assets are disposed of.

Income-related government grants that is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be
incurred in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and credited to the relevant
period when the related expenses are incurred. Government grants relating to compensation
for related expenses or losses already incurred are charged directly to the profit or loss for the
period. Government grants related to daily business, shall be recognized as other income in
accordance with business nature or offsetting related expenses, otherwise, shall be recognized
as non-operating income or expenses.

25. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

The deferred income tax assets or the deferred income tax liabilities should be recognized
according to the differences (temporary difference) between the carrying amount of the assets
or liabilities and its tax base and the difference between the carrying amount of tax base item
and its tax base.

Deferred tax liability shall be recognized for all taxable temporary difference apart from the
followings : (1) temporary differences arise from the initial recognition of goodwill or the
initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from non-business combinations that do not
affect accounting profits or taxable income (or deductible losses); (2) The group is able to
control the timing of the reversal of taxable temporary differences related to investments in
subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, and such temporary differences are likely not to be

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reversed in the foreseeable future.

The group recognizes deferred income tax assets for deductible temporary differences,
deductible losses, and tax deductions that are likely to be obtained to offset future taxable
income, except for the following situations: (1) the initial recognition of assets or liabilities
arising from non-business combination transactions where temporary differences do not affect
accounting profits or taxable income (or deductible losses); (2) Deductible temporary
differences related to investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures that cannot
simultaneously meet the following conditions: temporary differences are likely to be reversed
in the foreseeable future, and taxable income is likely to be obtained in the future to offset
deductible temporary differences.

The group recognizes deferred income tax assets for all unused deductible losses to the extent
that there is likely to be sufficient taxable income to offset the deductible losses. The
management uses plenty of judgment to estimate the timing and amount of future taxable
income, combined with tax planning strategies, to determine the amount of deferred income
tax assets, which results in uncertainty.

On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
measured at the applicable tax rate during the expected period of asset recovery or liability

When the following conditions are met simultaneously, the group shall present the deferred
income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities at the net amount after offsetting: The
group has the legal right to settle the current income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities at the net amount; Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
related to the income tax levied by the same tax collection and management authority on the
same taxpayer or on different taxpayers. However, in the future, within the term when each
significant deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability to be reversed, the
involved taxpayers intend to settle the current income tax assets and liabilities on a net basis
or acquire assets and settle debts simultaneously.

26. Lease

(1) Lease identification

Lease: A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset (the underlying
asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

At inception of a contract, the group shall assess whether the contract is, or contains, a lease.
A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an or
many identified assets for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

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For a contract that is, or contains several leases, the group shall separate the contract and
account each lease separately. The group shall account for each lease component separately
from non-lease components of the contract if the contract contains lease and non-lease
components. Each leasing part is accounted for according to the leasing standards, while the
non-leasing part is accounted for according to other applicable accounting standards. If the
contract includes both leasing and non-leasing parts, the group, as the lessor, will split the
leasing and non-leasing parts and conduct accounting treatment separately. Each leasing part
will be accounted for according to the leasing standards, while the non-leasing part will be
accounted for according to other applicable accounting standards. As the lessee, the group
chooses not to separate the lease and non-lease, and joins each leased part and its non- leased
parts separately into a lease, accounting treatment shall be carried out in accordance with
leasing standards; However, if the contract includes embedded derivative instruments that
should be split, the group will not merge them with the leasing portion for accounting

(2) As a leasee

1) Recognition

At the commencement date, the group as a lessee shall recognize a right-of-use asset and a
lease obligation except short-term lease and low value asset lease.

Right-of-use assets represents a lessee’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term,
and is initially measured at cost.

The cost of the right-of-use asset shall comprise:

① the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability,

② any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives
received, which is the incremental cost for the lease

③ any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee which is the incremental cost

④ an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the
underlying asset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to
the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease, unless those costs are incurred
to produce inventories. Where the group remeasures the lease liability in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the leasing standard, the carrying value of right-of-use asset is adjusted

The group shall follow the following principles when determining the depreciation life of the
right-of-use asset: if the ownership of the leased asset can be reasonably determined at the
end of the lease term, depreciation shall be calculated and deducted during the remaining

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service life of the leased asset; Where it is not certain that the ownership of the leased asset
can be acquired at the end of the lease term, depreciation shall be calculated at the shorter of
the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset. The depreciation amount
shall be accounted into cost of assets or profit and loss account.

At the commencement date, a lessee shall measure the lease liability at the present value of
the lease payments that are not paid at that date.

The lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability comprise the following
payments for the right to use the underlying asset during the lease term that are not paid at the
commencement date: ① fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments) less any
lease incentives receivable;② variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate,
initially measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date;③ the exercise price
of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option; ④ payments
of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lessee will certainly exercise an option to
terminate the lease during the lease term;⑤ amounts expected to be payable by the lessee
under residual value guarantees.

When calculating the present value of the lease payments, interest rate implicit in the lease
shall be used. If the rate cannot be readily determined, the group shall use the lessee’s
incremental borrowing rate. Interest on the lease liability in each period during the lease term
shall be calculated based on a constant periodic rate of interest, and be recognized as in profit
or loss unless its capitalization.

After the lease commencement date, the group increases the carrying amount of lease liability
when recognizing the interest on lease liability and; decreases the carrying amount of lease
liability when making lease payment. The group remeasures the lease liability in accordance
with the present value of revised lease payment, when the followings incur: ①change of
in-substance fixed payments (subject to original discounting rate) ② change of amounts
expected to be payable under residual value guarantees(subject to original discounting rate)
③ change of an index or a rate used for future lease payments(subject to revised discounting
rate) ④ change in assessment of a buy option(subject to revised discounting rate) ⑤
change in assessment of a renew option or termination option or actual situation(subject to
revised discounting rate).

2) Short-term lease and low value asset lease

The group has chosen not to recognize the right-of-use asset and lease liability for short-term
lease (lease term less than 12 months) and low value asset (30,000 Yuan) when it is single
leased new asset. In this case, lease payment will be accounted directly in profit or loss or on
the straight-line basis in profit or loss.

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3) Sales and lease back

The group, as a seller and a lease within the sales and lease back transaction, assesses whether
the transfer of the asset is a sale. If the transfer of assets is not a sale, the group shall continue
to recognize the transferred assets and at the same time recognize a financial liability equal to
the transfer income (Note VI. 34 lease). If the transfer of assets is a sale, the group shall
measure the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous
carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right of use retained by the group. Accordingly,
the group shall recognize only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights
transferred to the buyer-lessor.

(3) As a lessor

The group, as a lessor, classified it as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks
and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset unless an operating lease.

1) Financing lease

At the commencement date, the group shall recognize the lease payment receivable and
derecognize of finance lease asset. When initially measuring the lease payment receivable, net
lease investment value shall be used for the lease payment receivable.

Net lease investment value equals to the any residual value guarantees plus the PV of undue
lease receivable discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease. The group shall recognize
interest income over the lease term based on a constant periodic rate. The variable lease
payment obtained by the group related to operating leases, which are not included in the net
lease investment, shall be accounted for in the current profit and loss when actually incurred

2) Operating lease

Lease payment received shall be recognized as lease income on a straight-line basis within the

The initial direct expenses incurred by the group in relation to operating leases are capitalized
to the cost of leasing the underlying asset and are recognized in profit or loss by instalments
over the lease period on the same basis as rental income. Variable lease payments made by the
group in relation to operating leases that are not included in lease collections are recognized
in profit or loss for the period when they are actually incurred.

The group shall account for a modification to an operating lease as a new lease from the
effective date of the modification, considering any received in advance or lease payments
receivable relating to the original lease as part of the lease payments receivable for the new

27. Fair value measurement
              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

The group measures investment property, derivative financial instruments and equity
instruments at fair value at each balance sheet date. Fair value refers to the price that market
participants can receive by selling an asset or can pay for transferring a liability in an orderly
transaction that takes place on the measurement date.

Assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements are
determined to belong to the different fair value level based on the lowest level of input values
that are significant to the fair value measurement as a whole: level 1 input is the unadjusted
quoted price for identical asset or liability available at the active market on the measurement
date; level 2 input is the directly or indirectly observable input for relevant asset or liability
apart from level 1 input; level 3 input is the unobservable input for relevant asset or liability.

(For levels 1 and 2) For financial instruments traded in an active market, the group determines
their fair value by their active market quotes; For financial instruments that are not traded in
an active market, the group uses valuation techniques to determine their fair value, and the
valuation model used is mainly the discounted cash flow model. The input of valuation
techniques mainly includes: risk-free interest rate of debt, credit premium and liquidity
premium; estimator coefficient. and liquidity discount of equity.

(For level 3) The fair value of level 3 is determined on the basis of the group's valuation
models, such as the discounted cash flow model. The group also considers the initial
transaction price, recent transactions of the same or similar financial instruments, or full
third-party transactions of comparable financial instruments. As at 31 December 2023, level 3
financial assets measured at fair value are valued by using significant unobserved inputs such
as discount rates, but their fair value is not materially sensitive to reasonable changes in these
significant unobserved inputs.

The group uses the market approach to determine the fair value of unlisted equity investments.
This requires the group to determine comparable listed companies, select market coefficient,
estimate liquidity discounts, etc., and is therefore subject to uncertainty.

                               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

               VI. Taxation

                1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

            Tax                              Tax base                                          Tax rate
Value-added tax (VAT)            Sales revenue or Purchase                              5%、6%、9%、13%
City construction tax            Value-added tax payables                                         7%
Education surcharge              Value-added tax payables                                         3%
Local education surcharge        Value-added tax payables                                         2%
Enterprise income tax(EIT)       Current period taxable profit                               15% or 25%
                                 70% of cost of own property or
Real estate tax                                                                              1.2% or 12%
                                 revenue from leasing property
Land use tax                     Land using right area                             Fixed amount per square meter
Other tax                                                            According to the relevant provisions of the state and local

               Notes for tax entities with different EIT rate

               Tax entities                                                                         EIT rate
               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co. ,Ltd                            15%
               Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd.                                             25%
               Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd.                                                   25%
               Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.                                    15%
               Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd.                                           15%
               Dalian Bingshan-RYOSETSU Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.                             25%
               Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd.                                      15%
               Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd                                          25%
               Dalian Universe Thermal Technology Co.,Ltd.                                             15%
               Chengdu Bingshan Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd.                                    25%
               Wuhan New World Air-conditioning Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd                     25%
               Wuhan Lanning Energy Technology Co., Ltd                                                25%
               Sonyo Compressor(Dalian)Co.,Ltd.                                                        15%
               Sonyo Refrigeration System (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                           15%
               Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                                  15%

                2. Tax preference

                The Company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd
                December, 2020 approved by Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau,
                Dalian State Tax Bureau and Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200646, and
                the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for

               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. obtained
the qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd December, 2020 approved by
Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200672, and the validity duration is three
years. According to the tax law, Bingshan Air-conditioning can be granted for the preferential
tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd. obtained the
qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 16th November, 2018 approved by
Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR20181200562, and the validity duration is three
years. According to the tax law, Bingshan Guardian can be granted for the preferential tax
policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

The Company’s subsidiary, Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd obtained the
qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 15th November, 2018 approved by
Hubei Science Technology Bureau, Hubei Finance Bureau, Hubei State Tax Bureau and Hubei
Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR201842000605, and the validity duration is three
years. According to the tax law, Wuhan New World Refrigeration can be granted for the
preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Universe Thermal Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the
qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd December, 2020 approved by
Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200570, and the validity duration is three
years. According to the tax law, Universe can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

The Company’s subsidiary, Sonyo Compressor(Dalian)Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to
as“ Sonyo Compressor” obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises on
22nd October, 2021 approved by Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau,
Dalian State Tax Bureau and Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202121200268, and
the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for
the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

The Company’s subsidiary, Sonyo Refrigeration System (Dalian) Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred
to as“ Sonyo Refrigeration System” obtained the qualification of high and new technology
enterprises on 9th October, 2020 approved by Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian
Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is

                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

 GR202021200465, and the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the
 Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in
 three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to
 as“ Sonyo Refrigeration System” obtained the qualification of high and new technology
 enterprises on 22th October, 2021 approved by Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian
 Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is
 GR202121200368, and the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the
 Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in
 three years.

(2)According to the Announcement on the Policy of Value added Tax Deduction for Advanced
Manufacturing Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of
Taxation (Announcement No. 43 of 2023 of the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation), from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027, advanced
manufacturing enterprises are allowed to deduct an additional 5% of the deductible input tax
amount for the current period to offset the payable value-added tax amount. The tax collection
and management matters of enterprises enjoying this policy shall be implemented in accordance
with the current collection and management regulations. The Company and its subsidiaries,
Bingshan Air Conditioning, Bingshan Guardian, Wuxin Refrigeration, Nevis, Sonyo
Compressor, Sonyo Refrigeration, enjoy this preferential policy.

VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

  The financial statement data disclosed below, unless otherwise specified, "beginning" refers
  to January 1, 2024, "end of period" refers to June 30, 2024, "current period" refers to the
  period from January 1 to June 30, 2024, and "previous period" refers to the period from
  January 1 to June 30, 2023, with the currency unit being RMB yuan.

  1. Cash and cash in bank

Item                                                 Closing Balance          Opening Balance
Cash on hand                                                   29,993.92                  70,750.93

Cash in bank                                              725,560,608.32             863,950,616.72

Other cash and cash equivalents                            54,092,652.58              87,018,202.46

Total                                                     779,683,254.82             951,039,570.11

  2. Notes receivable

  (1) Category of notes receivable

                             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

        Items                                                         Closing Balance                 Opening Balance
        Bank acceptance             notes                                      228,910,196.23                    335,914,443.51

        Commercial acceptance             notes                                  24,060,333.46                    17,514,478.91

        Total                                                                  252,970,529.69                    353,428,922.42

                                             Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance

                                                   Provision for                                              Provision for
        Items               Booking balance                            Book         Booking balance
                                                    bad debts                                                  bad debts                Book value
                            Amount        %       Amount        %                    Amount        %         Amount     %

                            254,467,46   100.     1,496,936.    0.5   252,970,     354,313,722.6   100.      884,800.   0.25              353,428,922.42
Notes receivable with
                                  6.48      00%          79     9%     529.69                 1    00%            19          %
provision for bad
debts by combination

                            228,910,19   89.96          0.00          228,910,     335,914,443.5   94.8                                   335,914,443.51
Bank acceptance bill              6.23        %                        196.23                 1       1%
                            25,557,270   10.04    1,496,936.    5.8   24,060,3     18,399,279.10   5.19      884,800.   4.81               17,514,478.91
trade acceptance draft            .25         %          79     6%       33.46                         %          19          %
                            254,467,46   100.0    1,496,936.    0.5   252,970,     354,313,722.6   100.      884,800.   0.25              353,428,922.42
                                  6.48      0 %          79     9%     529.69                 1    00%            19          %

        Provision for bad debts by combination:

                                                                         Closing Balance
                                             Booking balance                Bad debt provision                Provision ratio
             acceptance draft
             Trade acceptance
                                                       25,557,270.25                     1,496,936.79                             5.86%
        Instructions for determining the basis for this combination:
        If the bad debt provision for bills receivable is accrued according to the general model of
        expected credit loss, please refer to the disclosure method of other receivables to disclose the
        relevant information of bad debt provision:
        Applicable Not applicable

             (2) Provision for bad debts for the current period:
        Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                            Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                         Opening                           Change during the year                                   Closing
                           balance       Accrued       Collected/reversed      Written-off         Others           Balance
Bad debt
provision for              884,800.19    612,136.60                                                                 1,496,936.79

notes receivable
Total                      884,800.19    612,136.60                                                                 1,496,936.79

        Among them, the amount of bad debt provision recovered or reversed in the current period is
        Applicable Not applicable
        (3)Notes receivable pledged by the company at the end of the period
        Items                                                                  Closing pledged amount
        Bank acceptance notes                                                                             9,019,138.381
        Total                                                                                             9,019,138.381

        (4) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted but not mature at the end of year:

        Item                                      Closing amount no more                    Closing amount still
                                                           recognized                           recognized
        Bank acceptance notes                                                                            135,963,419.37

        Trade acceptance draft
        Total                                                                                            135,963,419.37

           3. Accounts receivable

            (1) Category of accounts receivable

                                                                      Closing Balance
                  Items                  Booking balance                     Provision
                                                                                                           Booking value
                                        Amount                %          Amount                 %
           Bad debt provision
                                           13,741,982.96      0.57%         10,934,432.50       79.57%          2,807,550.46
           on individual basis
           Bad debt provision
                                        2,388,393,221.67    99.43%         568,585,320.46       23.81%       1,819,807,901.21
           on group
           Including: aging as
           characteristics of           2,388,393,221.67    99.43%         568,585,320.46       23.81%       1,819,807,901.21

           credit risk
                   Total                2,402,135,204.63    100.00%        579,519,752.96       24.13%       1,822,615,451.67


                        Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                               Opening balance
              Items                   Booking balance                        Provision
                                                                                                      Booking value
                                    Amount                %           Amount                  %
      Bad debt provision
                                       14,372,020.85        0.67%         11,564,470.39      80.47%         2,807,550.46
      on individual basis
      Bad debt provision
                                    2,127,265,193.70       99.33%     553,638,820.00         26.03%     1,573,626,373.70
      on group
      Including: aging as
      characteristics of            2,127,265,193.70       99.33%     553,638,820.00         26.03%     1,573,626,373.70

      credit risk
                Total               2,141,637,214.55      100.00%     565,203,290.39         26.39%     1,576,433,924.16

     Provision for bad debts by combination:
                                                                     Closing Balance
                                                Booking balance               Provision                         %
within 1 year                                          1,301,074,181.07                     68,714,806.97         5.28%
1-2 years                                                400,639,842.63                     66,935,742.62        16.71%
2-3 years                                                237,416,081.96                     72,207,829.48        30.41%
3-4 years                                                138,724,686.87                     68,344,784.17        49.27%
4-5 years                                                 64,992,086.64                     46,835,814.72        72.06%
more than 5 years                                        245,546,342.50                    245,546,342.50       100.00%
Total                                                  2,388,393,221.67                    568,585,320.46

        Instructions for determining the basis for this combination:
        If the bad debt provision for accounts receivable is accrued according to the general model of
     expected credit loss, please refer to the disclosure method of other receivables to disclose the
     relevant information of bad debt provision:
     Applicable Not applicable

        Disclosure by age

                              Aging                                                       Closing Balance
  Within1 year                                                                                              1,206,206,773.36

  1to 2 years                                                                                                  467,224,285.85

  2 to 3 years                                                                                                 261,707,912.29

  More than 3 years                                                                                            466,996,233.13

     3 to 4 years                                                                                              149,532,670.91

     4 to 5 years                                                                                               70,107,609.72

     More than 5 years                                                                                         247,355,952.50

  Total                                                                                                     2,402,135,204.63

          2) Bad debt provision accrued and written-off (withdraw)

        Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                          Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                    Opening                          Change during the period                              Closing
                    balance         Accrued         Collected/reversed    Written-off      Others          Balance
Bad debt
                 565,203,290.39   15,906,178.09                           2,003,152.37    413,436.85    579,519,752.96
for accounts

               3) Accounts receivable written off in current period

       Item                                                                Written off amount
       Receivable actually written off                                                              2,003,152.37

       4. Contract asset

            (1) contract asset

                                                                      Closing Balance
                                               Booking balance           Provision         Carrying amount
      Undue warranty                                256,845,119.22        37,891,429.09         218,953,690.13

      Unsettled receivable of revenue
                                                     23,639,529.92         7,943,229.70          15,696,300.22
      recognized over time
      Total                                         280,484,649.14        45,834,658.79         234,649,990.35


                                                                      Opening balance
                                               Booking balance           Provision         Carrying amount
      Undue warranty                                265,440,261.85        37,369,046.20         228,071,215.65

      Unsettled receivable of revenue
                                                     18,840,435.97         9,834,772.91           9,005,663.06
      recognized over time
      Total                                         284,280,697.82        47,203,819.11         237,076,878.71

            (2) Significant change of the account

                       Items                        Amount                           Reason
      Undue warranty                                 -9,117,525.52          The warranty has expired
      Unsettled receivable of revenue
                                                      6,690,637.16           Settled during the year
      recognized over time
      Total                                          -2,426,888.36                        —

                               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

               (3) Category of contract asset based on bad debt provision method

                                                                        Closing Balance
                   Items                  Booking balance                       Provision
                                                                                                           Booking value
                                          Amount                %           Amount              %
           Bad debt provision
                                              1,709,948.80      0.61%         1,709,948.80     100.00%
           on individual basis
           Bad debt provision
                                            278,774,700.34     99.39%        44,124,709.99     15.83%            234,649,990.35
           on group
           Including: aging as
           characteristics of               278,774,700.34     99.39%        44,124,709.99     15.83%            234,649,990.35

           credit risk
           Total                         280,484,649.14       100.00%      45,834,658.79     16.34%            234,649,990.35


                                                                        Opening Balance
                   Items                  Booking balance                       Provision
                                                                                                               Booking value
                                          Amount                %           Amount              %
           Bad debt provision
                                              1,709,948.80      0.60%         1,709,948.80     100.00%
           on individual basis
           Bad debt provision
                                            282,570,749.02     99.40%        45,493,870.31     16.10%              237,076,878.71
           on group
           Including: aging as
           characteristics of               282,570,749.02     99.40%        45,493,870.31     16.10%              237,076,878.71

           credit risk
           Total                         284,280,697.82      100.00%       47,203,819.11     16.60%              237,076,878.71

               1) Bad debt provisions on individual basis

                              Opening balance                                           Closing Balance
        Name             Accounts       Provision for        Accounts          Provision for      Proportion
                         receivable       bad debts          receivable          bad debts               (%)
Other                                                                                                                Recovery is not
                      1,709,948.80        1,709,948.80       1,709,948.80        1,709,948.80        100.00%
companies2                                                                                                               expected
Total                 1,709,948.80        1,709,948.80       1,709,948.80        1,709,948.80        100.00%                 —

                       Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

     2) Bad debt provisions on group basis

                                                                  Closing Balance
               Aging                     Accounts              Provision for          Drawing proportion
                                        receivable               bad debts
Within 1 year                            144,248,727.79           9,219,318.83                                6.39%

1 to 2 years                              77,587,058.42          12,304,576.52                               15.86%

2 to 3 years                              30,378,613.98           8,397,875.48                               27.64%

3 to 4 years                              12,036,340.78           4,224,543.50                               35.10%

4 to 5years                               11,745,124.21           7,199,560.50                               61.30%

Over 5 years                               2,778,835.16           2,778,835.16                              100.00%

 Total                                   278,774,700.34          44,124,709.99                    —

    (3) Bad debt provision of current period

  Category                                        Accrued                    Written-off        Others     Reason
  Undue warranty                              230,413.19                                -              -      -

  Unsettled receivable of revenue
                                                              1,599,573.50              -              -      -
  recognized over time
  Total                                       230,413.19      1,599,573.50              -              -      -

  5. Receivables financing
                    Items                                 Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
  Bank acceptance notes                                              233,756,806.93                               303,585,218.53

                   Total                                             233,756,806.93                               303,585,218.53

     (2) Category of accounts receivable based on bad debt provision method

                                                              Closing Balance
          Items                  Booking balance                       Provision
                                                                                                  Booking value
                                 Amount               %            Amount             %
  Bad debt provision                                 100.00
                                 233,756,806.93                                  -          -          233,756,806.93
  on group
  Including: bank                                    100.00
                                 233,756,806.93                                  -          -          233,756,806.93
  acceptance notes
  Total                          233,756,806.93                                  -          -          233,756,806.93


                       Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                             Opening balance
          Items                   Booking balance                     Provision
                                                                                             Booking value
                                  Amount              %         Amount             %
 Bad debt provision
                                 303,585,218.53     100.00                                     303,585,218.53
 on group
 Including: aging as
 characteristics of              303,585,218.53     100.00                                     303,585,218.53

 credit risk
 Total                           303,585,218.53     100.00                                     303,585,218.53

    (3) Pledged notes receivable up to the end of year.

 Items                                                                    Closing pledged amount
 Bank acceptance notes                                                                       93,473,070.22

 Total                                                                                       93,473,070.22

 6. Other receivables

            Items                       Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
  Dividends receivable                              3,856,753.95                                14,495.00

  Other receivable                                 44,726,062.04                            41,381,728.27

               Total                               48,582,815.99                            41,396,223.27

     (1) Dividends receivable

     1)     Classification of Dividends Receivable

                       Items(or Investee)                          Closing Balance       Opening Balance
Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.                                                                     14,495.00
Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing
Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Jingxue Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd                       3,220,344.00

                              Total                                     3,856,753.95               14,495.00

      2)Provision for bad debts
 Applicable Not applicable

     (2). Other receivables

    1) Other receivables categorized by nature

                               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

          Nature                                              Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
          Receivables and Payables                                       34,738,561.35                         33,092,423.14

          Guarantee deposits                                             29,747,420.17                         30,103,093.46
          Petty cash                                                      8,401,964.79                          3,669,152.52
          Others                                                          8,606,067.79                         11,397,105.01
          Total                                                          81,494,014.10                         78,261,774.13

            2) Provision for bad debts
                                            The first phase             The second phase           The third phase

    Provision for bad debts                                           Expected Credit Loss    Expected Credit Loss for      Total
                                      Expected credit losses in the
                                                                      for the duration (No      the duration (Credit
                                           next 12 months
                                                                       Credit Devaluation)    impairment has occurred)
Balance on January 1, 2024                         2,343,658.22                                        34,536,387.64 36,880,045.86
The balance of January 1, 2024 in
the current period
Provision for current period                          115,785.80                                                           115,785.80
Reversal for current period                                                                                227,879.60      227,879.60
Balance on June 30, 2024                           2,459,444.02                                        34,308,508.04 36,767,952.06

                   Changes in book balances with significant changes in loss provisions in the current
                   Applicable Not applicable
                   Disclosure by age
                                       Aging                                                        Closing Balance
          Within 1 year                                                                                                     27,950,486.12
          1-2 years                                                                                                          6,187,521.09
          2-3 years                                                                                                          7,688,282.27
          Over 3 years                                                                                                      39,667,724.62
               3-4 years                                                                                                     4,261,745.97
               4-5 years                                                                                                    26,248,376.58
               Over 5 years                                                                                                  9,157,602.07
          Total                                                                                                             81,494,014.10

            3) Provisions for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

          Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                 Change during the year
                               Opening                                                                                   Closing
  Category                                        Accrued             Collected/re    Written-
                               balance                                                                 Others            Balance
                                                                        versed               off
  Provision for bad
  debts of other           36,880,045.86                                112,093.80                                   36,767,952.06

  Total                    36,880,045.86                                112,093.80                                   36,767,952.06

                             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

          4) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors

                                                                                                       % of
                                                                                                                  Closing Balance
 Name            Category          Closing Balance                       Aging                        the total
                                                                                                                   of Provision
Top 1           Current funds        2,476,894.20                       2-3 years                       3.04%         756,691.18

Top 2             Deposit            2,392,247.50                3-4 years;4-5 years                   2.94%       1,575,384.95

Top 3             Deposit            2,289,088.39                     Within 1 year                     2.81%          83,780.64

Top 4             Depositt           2,000,000.00                     Within 1 year                     2.45%          73,200.00

Top 5             Bid bond           1,500,000.00                     Within 1 year                     1.84%          54,900.00

Total                               10,658,230.09                                                      13.08%       2,543,956.77

        7. Prepayments

          (1) Aging of prepayments

                                             Closing Balance                               Opening Balance
                                        Amount              Percentage                 Amount             Percentage
        Within 1 year                 113,311,496.96                 81.80%         133,068,644.50                86.75%
        1 to 2 years                   16,349,159.19                 11.80%           12,010,696.67               7.83%
        2 to 3 years                    1,850,596.33                 1.34%             2,578,747.06               1.68%
        Over 3 years                    7,017,670.13                 5.06%             5,730,572.25               3.74%
        Total                         138,528,922.61                                153,388,660.48

          (2) Prepayments from the top 5 debtors based on closing balance

             The sum of top 5 of prepayment is 39,815,722.29 Yuan, represents 28.74% of closing
        balance of prepayment.

          8. Inventories

         (1) Categories of inventories

                                                                         Closing Balance
                                                Book value           Provision for decline            Net book value
        Cost to fulfill the contract             453,842,876.54                  14,074,313.21           439,768,563.33
        Finished goods                           406,168,338.21                  36,966,658.16           369,201,680.05
        Raw materials                            262,073,826.11                  31,148,421.11           230,925,405.00
        Working in progress                      209,044,328.75                     9,302,035.15         199,742,293.60
                                                     42,567,703.17                                        42,567,703.17
        semi-finished products
        Materials on consignment
                                                      2,374,698.53                    60,394.18             2,314,304.35
        for further processing

                                  Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                                              Closing Balance
                                                      Book value          Provision for decline         Net book value
               Goods on transit                        151,877,178.72                 247,347.75           151,629,830.97

               Properties written off debtors
               Low-value consumable                        8,322,237.78                                      8,322,237.78
               Total                                 1,536,271,187.81              91,799,169.56         1,444,472,018.25


                                                                              Opening Balance
                                                      Book value          Provision for decline         Net book value
               Cost to fulfill the contract           657,703,661.17              15,425,401.03          642,278,260.14
               Finished goods                         524,399,789.91              47,832,216.91          476,567,573.00
               Raw materials                          282,868,685.78              31,011,520.30          251,857,165.48
               Working in progress                    211,744,888.60              10,130,805.54          201,614,083.06
               Goods on transit                        35,347,357.53                            -          35,347,357.53
                                                       21,317,653.86                  60,394.18            21,257,259.68
               semi-finished products
               Materials on consignment
                                                           8,313,813.04             821,759.89              7,492,053.15
               for further processing
               Properties written off debtors              2,708,646.00            1,149,186.00             1,559,460.00
               Low-value consumable                         166,267.10                          -            166,267.10
               Total                                1,744,570,762.99             106,431,283.85         1,638,139,479.14

                  (2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories

                                                     Increase                                Decrease
                        Opening                                                                                             Closing
     Item                                                       Others            Reverse/              Others
                        Balance            Accrual                                                                          Balance
                                                              transferred       Written- off        transferred
Raw materials          31,011,520.30          448,436.77                           119,847.87             191,688.09     31,148,421.11

Working in
                       10,130,805.54       -197,486.31                             631,284.08                               9,302,035.15
Finished goods         47,832,216.91     -4,461,266.43                           5,395,161.04           1,009,131.28     36,966,658.16

Cost to fulfill
                       15,425,401.03          661,488.10          48,297.56      2,060,873.48                            14,074,313.21
the contract
Materials on
                          60,394.18                                                                                           60,394.18
for further
Goods on                  821,759.89                             960,833.72      1,535,245.86                                247,347.75

                                    Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. 2024 Semiannual Report

                                                           Increase                             Decrease
                         Opening                                                                                                Closing
     Item                                                             Others         Reverse/              Others
                          Balance                Accrual                                                                        Balance
                                                                  transferred       Written- off         transferred
written off              1,149,186.00       -1,149,186.00

Total                  106,431,283.85       -4,698,013.87          1,009,131.28      9,742,412.33          1,200,819.37     91,799,169.56

                    Accrual for provision for decline in the value of inventories

                                                           Basis for net realizable value                Reasons for
                                                                      recognition                   reverse/write-off
                  Raw materials                       The amount deducting the expected                     Sold
                  WIP                                 cost to product completion, selling                   Sold
                  Finished goods                       expense and relative tax from the                    Sold
                  Cost to fulfill the contract                estimated selling price.                      Sold

                    9. Other current assets

          Item                                                                       Closing Balance         Opening Balance
          Input VAT to be deducted                                                       10,785,442.98              18,112,002.39
          Contract acquisition cost                                                       3,454,783.55                 4,532,291.00
          Prepaid income tax presented at net amount after offsetting                     2,790,775.12                 3,216,096.82
          Prepaid VAT                                                                     1,122,081.99                  198,895.83
          Prepaid expenses                                                                  222,730.16                    15,056.29
          Total                                                                          18,375,813.80              26,074,342.33

             10.Long-term equity investments

                                                                           Gains and                                                         Provision
                             Beginning                                        losses         Adjustment of                  Cash bonus or       for                                      Provision for
         Investee                                                                                            Change                                                   Ending balance
                              balance                                      recognized            other                         profits      impairment                                   impairment
                                               Increased       Decreased                                     of other                                    Others
                                                                            under the        comprehensive                  announced to       of the
                                                                             equity             income                          issue         current
                                                                             method                                                           period
Associates                               —            —            —                 —             —            —                —          —         —                  —               —
Dalian Honjo Chemical
                                9,892,253.52               -           -      15,246.33                  -              -                            -                 9,907,499.85                  -
Co., Ltd
Keihin-Grand Ocean
Thermal Technology             57,579,975.00               -           -   -1,810,055.67                 -              -                            -            - 55,769,919.33                    -
Dalian Fuji Bingshan
                               67,610,418.09               -           -    1,246,957.50                 -              -                            -            - 68,857,375.59                    -
Vending Machine Co., Ltd.
MHI Bingshan
Refrigeration (Dalian)         16,543,655.54               -           -      86,728.24                  -              -                            -            - 16,630,383.78                    -
Dalian Fuji Bingshan
Vending Machine Sales Co.,                 -               -           -                                 -              -                            -            -                                  -
Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation
                              144,354,903.91               -           -            *.**                 -              -   -3,220,344.00            -            -             *.**                 -
Technology Co.,Ltd (N4)
Dalian Bingshan Metal                                                                                                                                                 187,960,208.1
                              173,250,850.13               -           -   14,709,358.00                 -              -                            -            -                                  -
Technology Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                               3
Dalian Bingshan Group
Huahuida Financial Leasing     46,050,456.55               -           -            *.**                 -              -     -636,409.95            -            -             *.**                 -
Co., Ltd
Wuhan Sikafu Power
                                5,992,434.76               -           -      236,717.06                 -              -                            -            -    6,229,151.82                  -
Control Equipment Co., Ltd
Total                         521,274,947.50               -           -   17,218,698.46                 -              -   -3,856,753.95            -                  534,636,892.01               -

11.Other non-current financial assets

Item                                          Closing Balance            Opening Balance
Financial assets classified as FVTPL                 149,514,460.99             164,024,771.63
Including: equity instruments                        149,514,460.99             164,024,771.63
Total                                                149,514,460.99             164,024,771.63

12. Investment property

  (1) Investment property measured as cost model

                   Item                                      Land-use-rights        Total
 I. Initial cost                              —                   —                —
 1. opening balance                        246,173,617.85       26,094,438.38    272,268,056.23

 2. addition                                 2,708,646.00                          2,708,646.00

 (1) FA\transferred from CIP                 2,708,646.00                          2,708,646.00

 3. decrease                                 2,040,449.10                          2,040,449.10

 4. closing balance                        246,841,814.75       26,094,438.38    272,936,253.13

 II. Accumulated depreciation                 —                   —                —
 1. opening balance                        135,327,893.16       13,350,481.57    148,678,374.73

 2. addition                                 3,032,199.55          450,573.07      3,482,772.62

 (1) accrued/amortization                    3,032,199.55          450,573.07      3,482,772.62

 (2) FA\transferred from CIP
 3. decrease                                 1,078,887.94                          1,078,887.94

 4. closing balance                        137,281,204.77       13,801,054.64    151,082,259.41

 III. Impairment reserve                      —                   —                —
 1. opening balance                                      -                  -                 -
 2. addition                                 1,149,186.00                          1,149,186.00

 3. decrease                                             -                  -                 -
 4. closing balance                          1,149,186.00                          1,149,186.00

 IV. Book value                               —                   —                —
 1. Closing book value                     108,411,423.98       12,293,383.74    120,704,807.72

 2. Opening book value                     110,845,724.69       12,743,956.81    123,589,681.50

 (3) Investment property without ownership certificate

                  Item                           Book value                                    Reason
                                                               Because the land use right and the plant’s ownership
                                                               belong to different person, the deed of the plant was
                  Plant                          11,948,814.34
                                                               not obtained. In 2023, the land use right is obtained,
                                                               the certificate of the plant ownership is in progress
                                                                  The documents are not ready in full, the certificate of
                  Rihang Apartment                2,160,406.10
                                                                  the building ownership can not be dealt with

                      13. Fixed assets

                  Items                                          Closing Book Value                Opening Book Value
                  Fixed asset                                             1,253,644,762.42                   1,291,851,402.46
                  Fixed asset disposal                                                     -                                -
                  Total                                                   1,253,644,762.42                   1,291,851,402.46

                      (1) Fixed assets detail

                                         Property&            Machinery        Transportation
Item                                                                                              Other equipment           Total
                                         buildings            equipment        equipment

I. Initial cost                             —                    —                 —                 —                      —

1.Opening balance                    984,762,292.94      1,860,863,124.51      26,414,272.96       248,448,105.42        3,120,487,795.83

2. Increase                              2,922,844.32         39,226,092.18     1,204,795.64         7,794,362.81           51,148,094.95

(1) Purchase                                                   3,041,861.42       902,583.25         1,153,274.43               5,097,719.10

(2) Transferred from
                                           882,395.22         36,184,230.76       302,212.39         6,641,088.38           44,009,926.75

(3) Acquired from business


(4) financial lease                       2,040,449.10                                                                           2,040,449.10

3. Decrease                                636,530.29      111,613,712.10       2,179,224.55        23,595,006.86          138,024,473.80

(1) Disposal                               636,530.29      111,613,712.10       2,179,224.55        23,595,006.86          138,024,473.80

(2) transferred int investment


4.Closing balance                    987,048,606.97      1,788,475,504.59      25,439,844.05       232,647,461.37        3,033,611,416.98

II. Accumulated depreciation                —                    —                 —                 —                      —

1.Opening balance                    343,048,484.83      1,281,264,893.77      18,926,836.54       169,991,538.16        1,813,231,753.30

2. Increase                           11,144,597.59           48,424,088.72       654,511.37         4,530,800.14           64,753,997.82

(1) Accrued                           10,065,709.65           48,424,088.72       654,511.37         4,530,800.14           63,675,109.88

(2) Acquired from business


(3) financial lease                      1,078,887.94                                                                           1,078,887.94

                                      Property&          Machinery       Transportation
Item                                                                                      Other equipment          Total
                                       buildings         equipment       equipment

3. Decrease                              520,800.09     87,390,091.46     1,375,783.82      19,733,764.00         109,020,439.37

(1) Disposal                             520,800.09     87,390,091.46     1,375,783.82      19,733,764.00         109,020,439.37

(2) transferred int investment


4.Closing balance                    353,672,282.33   1,242,298,891.03   18,205,564.09     154,788,574.30       1,768,965,311.75

III. Impairment reserve                   —                —                 —               —                    —

1.Opening balance                      1,125,906.87     10,009,682.05       286,519.26       3,982,531.89         15,404,640.07

2. Increase

(1)Acquired from business


3. Decrease                                               3,082,763.06                       1,320,534.20             4,403,297.26

(1) Disposal                                              3,082,763.06                       1,320,534.20             4,403,297.26

4.Closing balance                      1,125,906.87       6,926,918.99      286,519.26       2,661,997.69         11,001,342.81

IV.Book value                             —                —                 —               —                    —

1.Closing book value                 632,250,417.77     539,249,694.57    6,947,760.70      75,196,889.38       1,253,644,762.42

2.Opening book value                 640,587,901.24     569,588,548.69    7,200,917.16      74,474,035.37       1,291,851,402.46

                     (2) Fixed assets without ownership certificate

              Item               Book value                                     Reason

                                               Up to June 30,2024, sum of net book value of the buildings without
                                               ownership certificate is 24,654,106.29 Yuan, they are all
                                               self-constructed buildings, which is the property of Sonyo Compressor
              -constructe        24,654,106.29
                                               (Dalian)Co., Ltd.
              d buildings
                                               Because the land right where the buildings stand on are not obtained,
                                               ownership certificate of the buildings are not ready.

                     14. Construction-in-progress

                 Item                                      Closing book value              Opening book value
                 Construction-in-progress                             95,741,358.83                  114,801,351.21
                 Construction materials                                                                           -
                 Total                                                95,741,358.83                  114,801,351.21

               (1) Construction-in-progress details

                                      Closing balance                                              Opening balance
                      Book balance         Provision       Book Value            Book balance          Provision        Book value
Buildings &
                       26,288,761.17                           26,288,761.17      26,282,803.78                    -        26,282,803.78
Improvement of
                       65,017,811.59                           65,017,811.59      83,833,793.88                    -        83,833,793.88
Software of
intelligent             4,434,786.07                            4,434,786.07       4,684,753.55                    -         4,684,753.55
Total                   95,741,358.83                          95,741,358.83     114,801,351.21                    -    114,801,351.21

               (2) Change in the significant construction in progress

                                 Opening                                  Transfer to                                       Closing
          Name                                        Increase                                         Other
                                 balance                                FA/ Intangible                                      balance
Buildings &
                                24,020,836.00           1,082,917.03                                                          25,103,753.03
Improvement of
                                59,648,413.52          11,316,124.61           29,429,534.50                                  41,535,003.63
Total                           83,669,249.52        12,399,041.64             29,429,534.50                             66,638,756.66


                                       Percent of
                                                         Progress        Accumulated         accumulate         Interest
                                      investment                                                                            Source of
        Name           Budget                               of            capitalized        d capitalized   capitalization
                                        against                                                                               funds
                                                       construction         interest          interest of        Rate
                                                                                               the year
 Buildings &                                                                                                                        Self-
                      29,847,212.07         84.11%    84.11%                             -               -              -
 reconstruction                                                                                                                  financing
 Improvement                                                                                                                        Self-
                      61,976,842.27         67.02%    67.02%                             -               -              -
 of machinery                                                                                                                    financing
 Total               91,824,054.34         —                  —                       —             —              —           —

    15. Right-of-use assets

                              Property/                        Transportation     Electronic
Item                                          Machinery                                           Land use right       Total
                              buildings                          equipment        equipment
I. Initial cost                  —              —                 —               —                —               —
1.Opening balance             22,301,098.69     1,500,407.13                         996,991.93       15,403,548.97   40,202,046.72

2. Increase                      347,837.26                          172,876.68      350,368.66                          871,082.60

(1) lease in                     347,837.26                          172,876.68      350,368.66                          871,082.60

(2) business combination
3. Decrease                    1,890,701.96                                                                            1,890,701.96

(1) Disposal                   1,890,701.96                                                                            1,890,701.96

(2) transferred into FA
4.Closing balance             20,758,233.99     1,500,407.13         172,876.68    1,347,360.59       15,403,548.97   39,182,427.36

II. Accumulated
1.Opening balance              5,090,415.92      637,746.67                          162,220.54        3,763,606.51    9,653,989.64

2. Increase                    3,286,620.55      893,316.69          48,405.49       111,330.62          709,689.66    5,049,363.01

(1) Accrued                    3,286,620.55      893,316.69          48,405.49       111,330.62          709,689.66    5,049,363.00

(2) business combination
3. Decrease                    1,247,272.25                                                                            1,247,272.25

(1) Disposal                   1,247,272.25                                                                            1,247,272.25

(2) transferred into FA
4.Closing balance              7,129,764.22     1,531,063.36         48,405.49       273,551.16        4,473,296.17   13,456,080.40

                          Property/                       Transportation       Electronic
Item                                      Machinery                                             Land use right        Total
                          buildings                         equipment          equipment

III. Impairment reserve      —              —                —                 —                 —                —

1. Opening balance                    -               -                    -                -                    -                 -
2. Increase                           -               -                    -                -                    -                 -
3. Decrease                           -               -                    -                -                    -                 -
4.Closing balance                     -               -                    -                -                    -                 -
IV. Book value               —              —                —                 —                 —                —
1. Closing book value     13,628,469.77      -30,656.23         124,471.19      1,073,809.43        10,930,252.80    25,726,346.96

2. Opening book value     17,210,682.77      862,660.46                           834,771.39        11,639,942.46    30,548,057.08

            16. Intangible assets
Item                         Land use right          Patent                         Others         Total
I. Initial cost                     —                 —             —              —            —

1.Opening balance            240,905,737.40       17,630,188.82   5,773,680.00   74,249,345.48   338,558,951.70

2. Increase                                          234,044.24                                      234,044.24

(1) Purchase

(2) Transferred from
                                              -      234,044.24              -

(3) increase via merge

3. Decrease                                   -               -              -        5,700.00           5,700.00

(1) Disposal                                  -               -              -        5,700.00           5,700.00

4.Closing balance            240,905,737.40       17,864,233.06   5,773,680.00   74,534,754.18   339,078,404.64

II. Accumulated
                                    —                 —             —              —            —

1.Opening balance             71,901,377.46       10,470,188.25   4,773,708.00   40,847,535.60   127,992,809.31

2. Increase                    1,689,106.10        1,901,733.62    250,002.00     2,715,079.79     6,555,921.51

(1) Accrued                    1,689,106.10        1,901,733.62    250,002.00     2,715,079.79     6,555,921.51

(2) Increase from merger                                                              5,700.00           5,700.00

3. Decrease                                                                           5,700.00           5,700.00

(1) Disposal

4.Closing balance             73,590,483.56       12,371,921.87   5,023,710.00   43,556,915.39   134,543,030.82

III. Impairment
                                    —                 —             —              —            —

1. Opening balance                                                                  11,981.17        11,981.17

2. Increase

(1) Increase from merger

3. Decrease

(1) Disposal

4.Closing balance                                                                   11,981.17        11,981.17

IV. Book value                      —                 —             —              —            —

1. Closing book value        167,315,253.84        5,492,311.19    749,970.00    30,965,857.62   204,523,392.65

2. Opening book value        169,004,359.94        7,160,000.57    999,972.00    33,389,828.71   210,554,161.22

              17. Goodwill

            (1) Original cost of goodwill
                                                         Increased during          Decreased during
                                                            current year             current year
               Name                                     Enterprises                                          Closing Balance
                                                          merger        Other     Disposal       Other
Sonyo Compressor (Dalian)Co.,
Ltd                                  240,922,872.80                 -         -              -           -    240,922,872.80
Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,
Ltd.(N1)                              38,056,663.52                           -              -           -     38,056,663.52
Sonyo Refrigeration System
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.                     5,671,836.12                           -              -           -      5,671,836.12
Dalian Universe Thermal
Technology Co., Ltd.                   1,440,347.92                           -              -           -      1,440,347.92
Dalian Bingshan Group
Engineering Co., Ltd                     310,451.57                           -              -           -        310,451.57
                Total                286,402,171.93                           -              -           -    286,402,171.93

                (2) Goodwill impairment provision

                   In the year 2015, the book value of equity investment of Dalian Universe Thermal Technology
             Co., Ltd exceeds the fair value of the proportion of the acquired company’s identifiable net asset.
             The difference between the book value of equity investment of 48, 287,589.78 Yuan and the
             identifiable net asset’s fair value of Dalian Sanyo High-efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd of
             46,847,241.86 Yuan on the acquisition date of July 31st ,2015 is recognized as goodwill of
             1,440,347.92 Yuan on The Company consolidated financial report at the end of the year.

                   In the year 2016, Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd purchases shares of Dalian
             Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd and gains control. The transferred price is based on the
             net asset of Dalian BingshanBaoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd on June 30th, 2016. Negotiated with
             Dalian Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd’s shareholder Baoan Water Project (China)
             Limited Company, the transfer price is the combination cost on the purchasing date which is
             5,359,548.42 Yuan, the fair value of proportion of Dalian BingshanBaoan Leisure Industry
             Company’s identifiable net asset is 5,049,096.85 Yuan on the purchasing day, therefore, goodwill is
             310,451.57Yuan on the purchasing date. Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd absorbed
             Dalian Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd in 2019.

                   In 2022, the Company purchased 60% of the shareholdings of Sonyo Compressor (Dalian)Co.,
             Ltd from Sanyo Electric (China)Co., Ltd, and negotiated with Sanyo Electric (China)Co., Ltd to
             determine the share transfer consideration of 929,148,000.00 Yuan. After the transaction, Sonyo
             Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd became a subsidiary. This transaction is a business combination not
             under same control, cost of combination is the FV of previous shareholdings on acquisition date plus
             60% shareholdings acquisition consideration, which is 1,548,580,000Yuan in total. Goodwill of
             240,922,872.80 Yuan is recognized for the difference between the share of FV of net identifiable
             asset of acquiree, 1,307,657,127.20Yuan and cost of combination on acquisition date.

                   In 2022, the Company purchased 30% of the shareholdings of Sonyo Refrigeration System
             (Dalian) Co., Ltd. from Panasonic Corporation of china Co., LTD and 25% shareholdings of Sonyo
        Refrigeration System (Dalian) Co., Ltd from Panasonic Appliances cold Chain (Dalian)Co.Ltd. The
        negotiated share transfer consideration of 81,735,060.00 Yuan. After the transaction, Sonyo
        Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd became a subsidiary. This transaction is a business combination not
        under same control, cost of combination is the FV of previous shareholdings on acquisition date plus
        55% shareholdings acquisition consideration, which is 111,456,900.00Yuan in total. Goodwill of
        5,671,836.12 Yuan is recognized for the difference between the share of FV of net identifiable asset
        of acquire, 105,785,063.87Yuan and cost of combination on acquisition date.

             In 2023, the Company purchased 40% of the shareholdings of Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,
        Ltd. from Panasonic Corporation of China Co., LTD and 60% shareholdings of Sonyo Refrigeration
        (Dalian) Co., Ltd from Sanyo Electric (China)Co., Ltd. This transaction is a business combination
        not under same control, cost of combination is the consideration of 145,285,500.00 Yuan for share
        transfer. Goodwill of 38,056,663.52Yuan is recognized for the difference between the share of FV of
        net identifiable asset of acquire. 107,228,836.48Yuan and cost of combination on acquisition date.

             The book value of goodwill from business combination shall be allocated into the relevant asset
        group using the reasonable method since acquisition date, and be tested for impairment on related
        asset groups containing goodwill by professional appraisal companies or use evaluation models to
        predict the recoverable amount of related asset groups containing goodwill in accordance with the
        present value of future cash flows including gross profit rate, sales growth rate (1%-8%), discount
        rate(10.74%-11.62%) and other parameters in the next 5 years. No goodwill impairment has been
        found when the recoverable amount of asset group for testing is higher than its book value.

             18. Long-term unamortized expense

                                     Opening                                            Other           Closing
  Item                                                Increase        Amortization
                                     Balance                                           Decrease         balance
Greenland of new factory            3,048,061.06                  -      60,473.82                -    2,987,587.24
Employee’s dormitory use
                                    1,458,257.10                  -      61,910.34                -    1,396,346.76
Membership fee for golf               374,000.00                  -       8,250.00                -      374,000.00
Renovation and rebuilding             142,091.33    2,140,100.03        662,892.59                -    1,619,298.77
Amortization of instruments           315,236.61        34,159.28        53,233.74                -      287,912.15
Technology entrance fee of
                                         8,675.50                         4,004.10                -          4,671.40
cold and heat machinery
Total                               5,346,321.60    2,174,259.31        850,764.59                -    6,669,816.32

           19. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

           (1) Deferred tax assets without offsetting

                                       Closing balance                            Opening balance
        Item                      Deductible       Deferred tax             Deductible
                                                                                             Deferred tax assets
                              temporary difference    assets            temporary difference
Provision for
impairment of              158,107,274.82       23,879,587.90          153,519,850.70     23,185,410.37
Unrealized profit
from internal               13,034,503.47        1,955,175.52           13,034,503.47      1,955,175.52
Provision for
                           469,307,071.89       87,157,474.76          445,951,688.75     81,048,834.24
credit impairment
Lease liability             48,162,137.72        7,224,320.65           52,799,814.74      8,006,670.79
FA depreciation             48,341,817.50        7,251,272.62           48,341,817.47      7,251,272.60
Accrued sales
                            17,125,319.07        2,568,797.86           17,125,319.07      2,568,797.86
                            11,170,890.18        2,792,722.55           11,170,890.18      2,792,722.55
Deductible loss             11,170,890.18        2,792,722.55            4,544,802.83        714,830.47
Safety cost                  4,544,802.58          714,830.47              449,375.00         67,406.25
Others                         449,374.99          67,406.25             1,138,175.07        170,726.26

Total                      770,243,192.22     133,611,588.58           748,076,237.28    127,761,846.91

    (2) Deferred tax liabilities without offsetting

                                       Closing balance                         Opening balance
Item                              Taxable                                  Taxable
                                                 Deferred tax                            Deferred tax
                                temporary                                temporary
                                                   liabilities                             liabilities
                                 difference                               difference
Revaluation increase in
business combination
                               226,989,506.93      36,614,853.11        253,978,835.91   38,096,825.39
asst not under same
Change on FV of other
non-current financial          147,830,608.40      20,538,090.09        151,430,911.13   22,714,636.67
FA depreciation                 44,399,117.74         6,659,867.65       44,655,750.06    6,698,362.51
Use right of asset              47,422,042.57         7,198,246.23       48,864,566.94    7,414,624.88
Total                          466,641,275.64      71,011,057.08        498,930,064.04   74,924,449.45

    (3) Net deferred tax asset or liability

                  Offset amount at     Closing balance of       amount at the      Opening balance of
                     the year-end       net of DTA/DTL          beginning of        net of DTA/DTL
                                                                     the year
Deferred tax
                       13,858,113.88          117,187,047.63     14,112,987.38           113,648,859.53
Deferred tax
                       13,858,113.88          54,586,516.13      14,112,987.38            60,811,462.07

            (4) Unrecognized deferred tax assets details

         Item                                          Closing balance                   Opening balance
         Deductible temporary difference                         238,347,385.17                 227,656,543.59
         Deductible loss                                         540,443,485.76                 553,968,553.34
         Total                                                   778,790,870.93                 781,625,096.93

            (5) Unrecognized deductible loss of deferred tax assets expired years

         Year                           Closing balance             Opening balance             Notes
         2024                                     7,735,166.14           7,735,166.14             —
         2025                                     8,950,922.50           8,950,922.50             —

         2026                                   54,629,003.37           54,629,003.37             —

         2027                                   67,364,986.52           67,364,986.52             —

         2028                                   50,668,863.57           55,969,301.70             —

         2029                                   39,791,411.14           39,791,411.14             —

         2030                                   11,891,689.57            7,689,545.97             —

         2031                                148,080,122.08            126,221,649.87             —

         2032                                   30,573,496.42           44,819,905.64             —

         2033                                120,757,824.45            140,796,660.49             —
         Total                               540,443,485.76            553,968,553.34             —

            20. Other non-current asset

                                 Closing Balance                                       Opening balance
Category                                               Carrying                                           Carrying
                 Book value         Provision                           Book value        Provision
                                                       amount                                               amount
offset           21,770,721.00     1,527,371.56       20,243,349.44    21,770,721.00     1,527,371.56    20,243,349.44

Total            21,770,721.00     1,527,371.56       20,243,349.44    21,770,721.00     1,527,371.56    20,243,349.44

            21. Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

         Item                                                      At the period end
                                       Book value          Carrying amount           Type       Restriction
         Monetary fund                61,389,225.45              61,389,225.45       Frozen   deposit/ frozen
                                                                                               bank account
         Notes receivable              9,019,138.38               9,019,138.38    Pledged         Pledged
         Financing of receivable      93,473,070.22              93,473,070.22    Pledged         Pledged

FA                           96,317,982.43         64,407,217.20     Pledged       Pledged
Intangible asset              8,266,573.44          5,339,198.53     Pledged       Pledged
Investment property          39,307,513.52         31,767,806.11     Pledged       Pledged
Total                       307,773,503.44        265,395,655.89       —             —


Item                                           At the beginning of the period
                             Book value         Carrying amount       Type       Restriction
Monetary fund               110,277,531.37         110,277,531.37     Frozen    deposit/ frozen
                                                                                bank account
Notes receivable               4,939,655.20          4,939,655.20    Pledged       Pledged
Financing of receivable      99,078,000.87          99,078,000.87    Pledged       Pledged
FA                           89,720,897.99          60,540,912.88    Pledged       Pledged
Intangible asset               8,266,573.44          5,421,865.27    Pledged       Pledged
Investment property          38,955,728.90          32,097,825.31    Pledged       Pledged
Total                       351,238,387.77         312,355,790.90      —             —

22. Short-term borrowing

     (1) Category of short-term borrowing

Loan category                               Closing balance            Opening balance
Credit loan                                     288,761,386.17                  256,686,746.70
Factoring loan                                                                    2,976,345.47
Pledged loan                                                                      2,624,692.21
Total                                           288,761,386.17                  262,287,784.38

     23. Notes payable

Notes Category                              Closing balance            Opening balance
Bank acceptance notes                            473,387,058.60                 670,720,999.48
Commercial acceptance notes                                                                     -
Total                                            473,387,058.60                 670,720,999.48

     24. Accounts payable

Item                                        Closing balance            Opening balance
Material payments                               858,168,853.48                  931,983,444.51
Project payments                                718,516,448.54                  675,076,736.92
Equipment payments                               82,234,334.87                   43,234,911.60
Others                                           54,480,174.96                    5,540,269.98
Item                                    Closing balance               Opening balance
Total                                       1,713,399,811.85                1,655,835,363.01

   25. Other accounts payable

Item                                    Closing balance               Opening balance
Interest payable                                             -                                -
Dividend payable                               28,169,531.21                      533,156.00
Other accounts payable                       245,683,815.03                   278,270,996.17
Total                                        273,853,346.24                   278,804,152.17

  25.1 Dividend payable

Item                                    Closing balance               Opening balance

Ordinary share dividend                         28,169,531.21                     533,156.00
Total                                           28,169,531.21                     533,156.00

  25.2 Other accounts payable

    (1) Other payables categorized by payments nature

Payments nature                         Closing balance               Opening balance
Supplier platform                            179,831,763.69                   179,737,197.47
Apply for reimbursement         and
                                               12,025,209.42                   24,617,613.80
Payable factoring                              10,731,132.68                   22,407,941.90
Cash pledge and security deposit               16,109,515.90                   14,448,796.02
Agency fees                                       7,611,936.96                  5,317,884.69
Repair                                            2,258,382.73                  4,676,404.47
Trade mark and royalty                            3,478,520.00                  2,531,401.13
Receipts under custody                            1,648,291.27                    830,631.83
Others                                         11,989,062.38                   23,703,124.86
Total                                        245,683,815.03                   278,270,996.17

   26. Contract liability

    (1) Contract liability

Item                                                    Closing balance     Opening balance
Received in advance due from unrealized revenue            659,709,451.48     787,685,294.53
Total                                                      659,709,451.48     787,685,294.53

   (2) Contract liability over 1 year
  Item                                                         Closing balance      Unsettled reason
  Company 2                                                         26,296,421.13   Not complete yet
  Total                                                             26,296,421.13         —

        27. Employee’s payable

        (1) Category of employee’s payable

Item                                                Increase            Decrease        Closing balance
Short-term employee’s
                              149,352,510.11      330,503,868.23       403,077,969.02      76,778,409.32
Post-employment benefit
–defined contribution               11,203.35    32,065,281.62         32,065,281.62           11,203.35

Termination benefits                133,400.00      1,872,401.09         1,496,143.09          509,658.00

Total                         149,497,113.46      364,441,550.94       436,639,393.73      77,299,270.67

        (2) Short-term employee’s payables

Item                                                Increase            Decrease        Closing balance
Salaries, bonus,
                              136,231,457.30       261,568,825.93      331,712,678.52      66,087,604.71
allowance, and subsidy
Welfare                                       -     12,307,531.53       12,307,531.53

Social insurance                     6,925.69       27,341,233.60       27,341,233.60           6,925.69

Include: Medical
                                      6,654.11      22,612,308.30       22,612,308.30           6,654.11
        On-duty injury
                                                        70,609.85           70,609.85
        Maternity insurance             271.58       2,402,446.78        2,402,446.78             271.58

Housing funds                      178,155.98       24,388,299.94       24,386,364.70          180,091.22

Labor union and training
                                  4,008,680.40       4,897,977.23        6,553,281.69       2,353,375.94
Reward bonus and welfare
                                  8,927,290.74                             776,878.98       8,150,411.76
Total                         149,352,510.11       330,503,868.23      403,077,969.02      76,778,409.32

       (3) Defined contribution plan

Item                                               Increase                Decrease        Closing balance
Pension                            10,863.84       31,054,696.84           31,054,696.84          10,863.84

                                        339.51      1,010,584.78            1,010,584.78             339.51
Total                              11,203.35       32,065,281.62           32,065,281.62          11,203.35

        28. Tax payable

Item                                             Closing balance                   Opening balance
Value-added tax                                             6,308,999.33                       5,013,411.92

Enterprise income tax                                      11,775,937.57                      10,958,503.00

Individual income tax                                         232,314.80                         514,426.82
City maintenance and construction tax                         947,858.68                         551,839.60
Real estate tax                                             2,588,627.13                       2,589,711.66

Land use tax                                                1,313,306.40                       1,313,078.49
Stamp duty                                                    628,754.40                         879,269.28
Education surcharge                                           677,041.94                         394,171.13
River toll fee                                                  1,121.91                           2,080.36
Total                                                      24,473,962.16                      22,216,492.26

        29. Non-current liabilities due within one year

Item                                             Closing balance                   Opening balance
Bond payable due within one year                     144,200,000.00                         119,400,000.00
Long-term payable due within one year                     14,407,861.78                      24,636,926.13
Lease obligation due within one year                       8,779,946.91                       6,608,421.51
Total                                                 167,387,808.69                        150,645,347.64

        30. Other current liabilities

Item                                             Closing balance                   Opening balance
Notes payable endorsed not
                                                      131,243,722.64                        148,957,983.15
Output Vat to be carried forward                          47,163,224.86                      54,357,881.28
Total                                                 178,406,947.50                        203,315,864.43

        31. Long-term borrowing

        (1) Category of long-term borrowing

Category                                         Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
Pledged loan                                         595,200,000.00                          609,700,000.00
Guarantee loan                                                                                70,000,000.00
 Total                                                      595,200,000.00                       679,700,000.00

            32. Lease obligation

          (1) Details of lease obligation

       Category                                            Closing balance              Opening balance
       Lease payment                                                55,820,322.30              38,276,477.18
       Less: unrecognized finance expense                           25,268,446.48               7,533,068.70
       Non-current liability due within 1 year                       8,779,946.91               6,608,421.51
       Net lease liability                                          21,771,928.91              24,134,986.97

          33. Long term accounts payable

                             Item                          Closing Balance              Opening Balance
       Long term accounts payable                                    3,114,213.58              10,331,937.30
       Special fund payable                                                     -                             -
       Total                                                         3,114,213.58              10,331,937.30

           33.1Category by nature

       Nature                                              Closing Balance              Opening Balance
       Financial lease borrowings                                    3,114,213.58              10,331,937.30
       Total                                                         3,114,213.58              10,331,937.30

          34. Provision

       Nature                       Closing Balance        Opening Balance                    Reason
       Warranty                         5,260,925.79                 4,544,802.88    Service after sales
       Open litigation                               -                          -               —
       Total                            5,260,925.79                 4,544,802.88               —

          35. Deferred income

           (1) Category of deferred income

Item                           Opening Balance           Increase            Decrease           Closing Balance
Government subsidy                   98,274,267.80       8,851,270.31         11,539,580.15            95,585,957.96

Total                                98,274,267.80       8,851,270.31         11,539,580.15            95,585,957.96

       36.Share capital

               Opening          New                        Transfer
Item                                         Share                                            Closing balance
                balance        share                     from capital     others   Subtotal
                               issued                       reserve
share       843,212,507.00              -            -                -        -          -      843,212,507.00

   37.Capital reserves

Items                                                    Increase            Decrease         Closing Balance
Share premium                669,193,413.27                           -                  -      669,193,413.27
Other capital reserves        47,903,685.11                           -                  -       47,903,685.11
Total                        717,097,098.38                           -                  -      717,097,098.38

          38.Other comprehensive income

             Items                                  Amount for the   Less:Previously recognized     Less:          After-tax       After-tax attribute   Closing Balance
                                                     period before    in profit or loss into other   income       attribute to the      to minority
                                                      income tax        comprehensive income           tax        parent company        shareholder
I.Later can’t reclassified into
profit and loss of other                        -                -                               -            -                  -                     -                      -
comprehensive income
II. Later reclassified into profit
and loss of other                    2,208,669.73                -                               -            -                  -                     -          2,208,669.73
comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income
that can be transferred to profit    2,208,669.73                -                               -            -                  -                     -          2,208,669.73
or loss under the equity method
Other comprehensive income
total                                2,208,669.73                -                               -            -                  -                     -          2,208,669.73

   39. Special reserve

Item                           Opening Balance         Increase       Decrease       Closing Balance
Manufacturing safety                  449,374.96       1,653,011.07   880,467.00          1,221,919.03

Total                                 449,374.96       1,653,011.07   880,467.00          1,221,919.03

   40.Surplus reserves

Item                                   Opening                                            Closing
                                                           Increase       Decrease
                                        Balance                                          Balance
Statutory surplus reserve             373,398,755.92                                   373,398,755.92

Discretionary surplus reserve         493,760,683.42      20,853,061.88                514,613,745.30

Total                                 867,159,439.34      20,853,061.88                888,012,501.22

   41.Undistributed profits

Item                                                            2024-06-30            2023-06-30
Closing balance of last year                                    617,386,488.34         618,445,922.58
Add: Adjustments to the opening balance of
       undistributed profits
    Including: additional retrospective adjustments
    according to the new accounting standards
     Change on accounting policy                                                           -65,810.05
     Correction of prior period significant errors                                                    -
       Change on combination scope under same
     Other factors                                                                                    -
Opening balance of current year                                 617,386,488.34         618,380,112.53
Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of
parent company in the year
Less: Provision for statutory surplus reserves                                          10,426,530.94
        Provision for any surplus reserves                        20,853,061.88         31,510,869.01
        Provision of general risk                                                                     -
        Dividends payable for common shares                       25,296,375.21          8,432,125.07
        Common stock dividends converted to equity                                                    -
        Others                                                                                        -
Closing balance of current year                                 649,767,029.17         617,386,488.34

 42.Operating revenue and cost
    (1) Details
          Items                                                      2024.01-06                                            2023.01-06
                                                        Sales revenue              Cost of sales       Sales revenue                Cost of sales
          Revenue from principle operation               2,386,331,445.01          2,024,384,701.81    2,270,473,198.19                 1,911,835,081.08
          Revenue from other operation                       76,945,904.69            33,520,104.93       57,063,514.86                   29,500,449.34
          Total                                          2,463,277,349.70          2,057,904,806.74    2,327,536,713.05                 1,941,335,530.42
    (2) Main revenue and COS details
                                                     Northeast China                           Central China                                  Total
Contract classification
                                             Sales revenue       Cost of sales       Sales revenue     Cost of sales          Sales revenue           Cost of sales
Classified by products                       2,359,095,419.78   1,976,383,349.72      104,181,929.92     81,521,457.02        2,463,277,349.70        2,057,904,806.74

        Manufacture products                 1,634,662,922.44   1,331,335,419.87       82,022,403.31     69,732,357.40        1,716,685,325.75        1,401,067,777.27
        Project installation                   646,726,293.92     605,493,229.78       12,933,786.12      9,013,513.54          659,660,080.04          614,506,743.32
        Other products and service              77,706,203.42      39,554,700.07        9,225,740.49      2,775,586.08           86,931,943.91           42,330,286.15

Classified by geography location             2,359,095,419.78   1,976,383,349.72      104,181,929.92     81,521,457.02        2,463,277,349.70        2,057,904,806.74
         domestic                            2,007,361,543.80   1,702,402,117.66      104,181,929.92     81,521,457.02        2,111,543,473.72        1,783,923,574.68

        overseas                               351,733,875.98     273,981,232.06                   -                   -        351,733,875.98          273,981,232.06

Timing of goods transferred                  2,359,095,419.78   1,976,383,349.72      104,181,929.92     81,521,457.02        2,463,277,349.70        2,057,904,806.74
      At a point                             2,343,039,094.08   1,961,997,073.96      104,181,929.92     81,521,457.02        2,447,221,024.00        2,043,518,530.98
      Over the time                             16,056,325.70      14,386,275.76                   -                   -         16,056,325.70           14,386,275.76

Total                                        2,359,095,419.78   1,976,383,349.72      104,181,929.92     81,521,457.02        2,463,277,349.70        2,057,904,806.74

   43.Taxes and surcharges

Items                                          2024.01-06           2023.01-06
City construction tax                               4,191,721.90         5,012,891.14

Education surcharge                                 2,740,655.69         3,301,354.09

Property tax                                        5,346,186.58         4,723,080.56
Land use tax                                        2,714,905.32         2,298,123.17
Vehicle and vessel tax                                 49,121.12            25,563.36

Stamp duty                                          1,389,274.77         1,468,333.41

Others                                                257,847.91           380,239.90

Total                                              16,689,713.29        17,209,585.63

   44 Administrative expenses

Items                                        2024.01-06            2023.01-06
Employee benefit                              62,779,122.02             53,003,618.73

Official expense                              12,880,098.25             15,910,410.28

Depreciation expense                          12,380,628.31              8,217,650.71

Maintenance and repair expense                  2,660,876.68             6,583,200.78

Long-term assets amortization                   4,696,609.89             4,936,405.08

Travel expense                                  2,907,381.61             2,422,233.31

Design consultant and test service expense      6,150,789.45             2,380,415.42

Safety production cost                          1,286,894.88             1,623,788.07

Business entertaining expense                   1,358,411.52               867,329.66

Insurance expense                               1,050,875.97               530,569.43

Advertisement expense                             317,148.02               189,697.37

Transportation expense                              5,558.70                 6,098.57

Other taxes and fee                                                      1,067,493.02

Technology development expense                                              25,630.70

Patent trade mark use                           5,813,169.52             4,282,306.43

Other expense                                   7,210,817.25             1,468,461.93

Total                                         121,498,382.07           103,515,309.49

  45.Selling expenses

Items                                          2024.01-06           2023.01-06
Employee benefit                                   70,800,262.71        59,354,505.34

Official business expense                           8,848,020.72         8,819,360.04

Maintenance and repair expense                      6,826,899.98         7,646,873.54

Travel expense                                      9,885,383.72         9,530,742.36

Business entertaining expense                       5,864,137.26         5,902,755.80

Advertisement and bids expense                      2,944,327.33         2,876,171.77

Depreciation expense                                1,228,970.66           459,564.35

Transportation expense                                                   1,630,180.10

Other expense                                       3,761,988.98         1,991,491.72

Total                                             110,159,991.36        98,211,645.02

   46.Technology development expense

Items                                         2024.01-06           2023.01-06
Employee benefit                               49,067,952.99           47,345,348.39

Raw material                                   11,856,892.82            6,471,854.49

Depreciation and amortization expense           7,715,801.12            3,474,989.41

Expenses for intermediate tests and product
                                                2,138,988.55            4,825,843.30
trial production
Patent application maintenance expense          2,056,213.48            2,277,613.96

Consulting expense                              1,846,639.56            1,428,004.16

Other expense                                   3,862,373.95            2,805,164.26

Total                                          78,544,862.47           68,628,817.97

   47.Financial expenses

Items                                         2024.01-06           2023.01-06
Interest expenses                               17,854,195.43           19,165,466.43

Less: interest income                            5,243,901.48            5,451,984.39

Add: exchange loss                              -1,656,875.61           -1,094,669.21

Add: others expenditure                          1,389,141.42            3,458,669.55

Total                                           12,342,559.76           16,077,482.38

   48.Other income

Items                                         2024.01-06           2023.01-06
Input VAT accelerated deduction
Government subsidy                              16,801,793.96            1,615,317.51

Insurance premium refund
Personal income tax handling fee refund            145,820.73              180,238.52

Job stability subsidy                              808,165.00               19,233.01

VAT deduction for recruiting poor people
Gain on debt restructuring
Land and property tax preference
VAT return
Total                                           17,755,779.69            1,814,789.04

   49.Gain on fair value change e(loss listed as “-”)

Source of gain on FV change                             2024.01-06          2023.01-06
Other noncurrent financial assets                         -14,510,310.64         4,364,003.20

Total                                                     -14,510,310.64         4,364,003.20

   50.Investment income

Items                                                   2024.01-06          2023.01-06
Long-term equity investment gain under
                                                           17,218,698.46            90,409.95
equity method
Gain from disposal of long-term equity
Gain from FV remeasurement of the shares
on obtaining control
Gain from holding of other noncurrent
                                                            4,364,003.20         5,782,304.24
financial assets
Gain from disposal of other no-current
financial assets
Gain on debt restructuring                                    910,520.61           975,354.50

Discounting fees for bank acceptance note
Dividend received for other equity
instrument held
Total                                                      22,493,222.27         6,848,068.69

   51.Credit impairment loss (loss listed as “-”)

Items                                                   2024.01-06          2023.01-06
Bad debt loss on notes receivable                            -612,136.60           514,834.55

Bad debt loss on receivable                               -15,906,178.09       -19,995,280.81

Bad debt loss on other receivable                             112,093.80           -32,931.60

Bad debt loss on long term receivable                                              210,600.00

Total                                                     -16,406,220.89       -19,302,777.86

   52.Assets impairment losses (loss listed as “-”)

Items                                                     2024.01-06        2023.01-06
Loss on impairment of inventory and cost to
                                                             3,548,827.87       -2,121,034.16
fulfill the contract obligation
Loss of contract asset impairment                            1,369,160.31       -2,784,100.62

Impairment on other non-current asset
Impairment on construction in progress
Total                                                        4,917,988.18       -4,905,134.78

   53.Gain on assets disposal (loss listed as “-”)

                          Item                                  2024.01-06                  2023.01-06
        Gain on non-current assets disposal                          10,550,303.70                   51,209.01
        Including: gain on non-current assets
                                                                     10,550,303.70                   51,209.01
        disposal not classified as held for sale
        Including: gain on fixed assets disposal                     10,550,303.70                   51,209.01
                     gain on intangible assets disposal
                   gain on early derecognition of use
        right asset
        Total                                                        10,550,303.70                   51,209.01

              54. Non-operating income

        (1)      Non-operating income list

                                                                                          Amounts recognized into
                     Item                        2024.01-06            2023.01-06        non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                               for the period
Accept donations                                                          17,838.20

Government subsidy                                                        18,820.00

Loss claimed reverse
Penalty received                                   3,067,629.25        1,042,969.59
                                                   2,123,403.42        2,123,403.42
Payables that cannot be paid
Creditor giving up
Gain on disposal of non-current asset                     1,481.98        48,523.49

Contract withdrawn and received in advance
transferred to non-operating income
Other items                                          283,158.78        3,159,314.49

Total                                              5,475,673.43        4,268,645.77

              55.Non-operating expenses

                                                                                         Amounts recognized into
                     Item                       2024.01-06              2023.01-06        non-recurring profit or
                                                                                             loss for the period
   Non-current assets scrap loss                   4,420,396.06           1,941,578.53

   Outward donation                                                         250,000.00

   Expected loss for open litigation                 516,107.28

   Others                                            572,453.25              66,219.46

   Total                                           5,508,956.59           2,257,797.99

             56. Income tax expenses

             (1) Income tax expenses

         Items                                            2024.01-06                   2023.01-06
         Current income tax expenses                             16,005,090.09               16,860,971.82

         Deferred income tax expenses                            -4,728,395.28               -2,930,700.26

         Others                                                     374,987.78

         Total                                                   11,651,682.59               13,930,271.56

             (2)   Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

Items                                                                                  Current year
Consolidated total profit this year                                                          90,904,513.16

Income tax expenses at applicable tax rate                                                   13,635,676.97

Effect on subsidiary applied to different tax rate                                            1,544,532.63

Effect on prior period income tax adjustment                                                  1,429,671.34

Effect on non-taxable income                                                                    -33,845.90

Effect on non-deductible cost, expense and loss                                                 -701,527.88
Effect on use of deductible loss from unrecognized deferred tax assets in
the prior period
Deferred tax assets recognized for prior period temporary difference                           -1,412,044.18
Effect on temporary difference or deductible loss from unrecognized
deferred tax assets this year
R&D expenditure accelerated deduction                                                          -1,325,109.53

Others                                                                                         -133,972.44

Income tax expense                                                                           11,651,682.59

         57. Other comprehensive income

              Refer to the note for details.

         58. Notes to cash flow statement

             (1) Cash relevant to operating activities

             1) Cash received relevant to operating activities

         Items                                                      2024.01-06            2023.01-06
         Deposit returned                                              19,546,006.90         24,770,821.75
         Financial funds                                                6,153,512.71          2,325,523.26
         Lease premium received                                         4,827,543.24

         Government grants
         Interest income                                                3,021,045.94          1,634,285.14
         Receivable from the 3 party                                      160,267.63

   Compensation                                                         498,732.48
   Received travel expense refund                                       416,772.56        241,258.21
   Frozen money refund                                            18,333,197.58
   Others                                                         10,469,902.40        23,726,351.36

   Total                                                          63,426,981.44        52,698,239.72

        2) Cash paid relevant to operating activities

   Items                                                       2024.01-06            2023.01-06
   Expenditure                                                    82,964,653.33        86,955,990.40
   Deposit paid                                                   25,735,227.66        50,746,582.86
   Frozen accounts                                                  1,843,055.00

   Business travel borrowing                                        7,177,139.72        5,417,669.78
   Bank handling charges                                            1,611,363.39        1,876,929.71
   Unsettled AR/AP among non-related party                              608,227.80      1,796,642.94
   Others                                                           4,116,301.50        5,130,221.28

   Total                                                          124,055,968.40      151,924,036.97

        (2) Cash relevant to investing activities

        1) Significant cash received relevant to investing activities

   Items                                                       2024.01-06            2023.01-06
   Buy and build long-term assets                                 33,848,073.69

        (3) Cash relevant to financing activities

        1) Other cash received relevant to financing activities

Items                                                       2024.01-06               2023.01-06
Notes payable to supplier
Sale leaseback and financial lease                                13,464,836.83         6,600,000.00

Notes discounted
Total                                                             13,464,836.83         6,600,000.00

        2) Others cash paid relevant to financing activities

    Items                                                      2024.01-06            2023.01-06
    Payment of guarantee money
    Notes payable to supplier                                     29,687,571.06                     -
    Sale& leaseback and financial lease                           12,217,913.52           200,000.00
    Payment factoring                                             16,703,418.10
    Lease premium payable                                           2,031,692.90          343,314.14
    Finance lease deposit and handling fee                                             21,707,260.07
Discount interest on credit letter
Total                                60,640,595.58   22,250,574.21

3) Changes on liability relevant to financing activities

                                                                        Increased                         Decreased
                      Items                                                                                                        Closing Balance
                                              Balance                           Non- cash                         Non- cash
                                                              Cash change                       Cash change
                                                                                 change                            change

          Short-term borrowings              262,287,784.38   252,063,418.15                    225,328,358.49        261,457.87     288,761,386.17
          Long-term borrowings               679,700,000.00                                                      84,500,000.00       595,200,000.00
          Lease liability                     24,134,986.97       355,159.87     2,381,180.22     1,916,425.28     3,182,972.87       21,771,928.91
          Non-current liability due
                                             150,645,347.64     7,981,258.12   88,875,016.76    64,886,875.32    15,226,938.51       167,387,808.69
          within one year
          Long-term payable                   10,331,937.30     3,114,213.58                      9,737,082.59        594,854.71       3,114,213.58
          Other       payable-supplier
                                             179,737,197.47                    77,953,025.81    77,858,459.59                        179,831,763.69
          Total                            1,306,837,253.76   263,514,049.72   169,209,222.79   379,727,201.27   103,766,223.96    1,256,067,101.04

59. Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement

    (1) Information

Items                                                          2024.01-06        2023.01-06
1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating
                                                                  ——              ——
Net profit                                                       79,252,830.57     59,509,075.65

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                          11,488,232.70     24,207,912.64

      Provision for impairment of credit
      Depreciation of fixed assets, Amortization of
                                                                 67,157,882.50     66,602,534.41
mineral resources, and biological assets
      Depreciation of right-of-use assets                         5,049,363.00      7,629,958.28

      Amortization of intangible assets                           6,555,921.51      5,119,204.71

      Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                   850,764.59        790,082.45

      Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets,
                                                                -10,550,303.70        -51,209.01
and long-term assets (income listed with”-”)
      Losses on write-off of fixed assets (income listed
                                                                  4,418,914.08      1,893,055.04
      Change of fair value profit or loss                        14,510,310.64     -4,364,003.20

      Financial expense (income listed with”-”)                17,854,195.43     19,165,466.43

      Investment loss (income listed with”-”)                 -22,493,222.27     -6,848,068.69

      Decrease of deferred tax assets (increase listed
                                                                 -5,849,741.67     12,273,911.09
      Increase of deferred tax liabilities (decrease listed
                                                                 -3,913,392.37     -1,393,689.97
      Decrease of inventories (increase listed with”-”)       208,299,575.18   -169,798,737.23

      Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed
                                                                -72,167,535.80   -373,658,442.52
     Increase of operating payables (decrease listed
                                                               -333,049,779.14    232,128,752.94
Net cash flows arising from operating activities                -32,585,984.75   -126,794,196.98

2. Significant investment and financing activities
                                                                  —                —
unrelated to cash income and expenses
    Liabilities transferred to capital                                       -                   -
    Convertible bonds within 1 year                                          -                   -
    Financing leased fixed assets                                            -                   -

Items                                                        2024.01-06                 2023.01-06
3. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash
                                                                  —                         —
Closing balance of cash                                        550,294,029.37            828,668,546.58

Less: Opening balance of cash                                  670,440,335.98            921,663,803.17

Add: Closing balance of cash equivalent                                       -                             -
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalent                                      -                             -
Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                      -120,146,306.61            -92,995,256.59

    (2) Cash and cash equivalents

Items                                                        2024.01-06               2023.01-06
Cash                                                         550,294,029.37             670,440,335.98

Including: Cash on hand                                            8,731.54                  70,750.93

Bank deposit used for paying at any moment                   550,285,297.83             670,303,450.55

Other monetary fund for paying at any moment                                                 66,134.50

Deposit fund in central bank available for payment                        -                             -
Cash equivalent                                                           -                             -
Including: bonds investment with maturity in 3 months                     -                             -
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                 550,294,029.37             670,440,335.98

Cash and cash equivalents with restriction within the
                                                                          -                             -
Company and its subsidiaries of the group

    (3) Monetary fund not belonging to cash and cash equivalent

             Items                    2024.01-06         2023.01-06                  Reasons
Fixed term deposit                    168,000,000.00                              Held to maturity
Guarantee money for bank
                                       36,876,793.17     66,218,472.37        Guarantee money
acceptance note
Guarantee money for guarantee
                                       15,800,743.03     37,235,734.79        Guarantee money
Frozen                                  4,433,975.45                                  Frozen
Rural workers’ salary account
                                            250,983.28     3,191,970.58           Special account
Interest receivable                     4,026,730.52       4,026,730.52           Held to maturity
Rural workers guarantee fund
Total                                 229,389,225.45     106,646,177.74                 —

60. Change of shareholder’s equity


61. Monetary category of foreign currency
    (1)         Monetary category of foreign currency

                               Closing Balance            Exchange
          Item                                                             Closing Balance (RMB)
                              (foreign currency)             Rate
Cash                                    —                    —                      —
Including:USD                           2,459,454.74       7.1268                     17,528,042.04
           JPY                         327,878,608.00       0.0447                     14,656,173.78
              Euro                           243,961.67     7.6617                         1,869,161.13

Accounts receivable                     —                    —                      —
Including: USD                           7,824,447.04       7.1268                     55,763,269.16
             JPY                       123,625,890.00       0.0447                         5,526,077.28
             Euro                        1,143,852.30       7.6617                         8,763,853.17
             GBP                             177,717.86    9.043000                        1,607,102.61

Accounts payable                        —                    —                      —
Including: USD                               885,752.26     7.1268                         6,312,579.21
             GBP                             37,274.28      9.0430                           337,071.31
             JPY                        75,738,827.90       0.0447                         3,385,525.61

Other accounts payable                  —                    —                      —
Including: JPY                           8,304,510.00       0.0447                           371,211.60

62. Lease

       (1) As a lessor

           Operating lease

                                                      Include: income related to variable lease
        Items              Lease income               payments not included in lease payment
Office and plant                6,589,255.88                                                          -
Apartment                            74,477.16                                                        -
Total                           6,663,733.04                                                          -

63. Research and development expense

                             Items                                    2024.01-06       2023.01-06
Labor cost                                                            49,067,952.99    47,345,348.39
Material cost                                                         11,856,892.82        6,471,854.49
Depreciation and amortization                                          7,715,801.12        3,474,989.41
Expenses for intermediate tests and product trial
                                                                       2,138,988.55        4,825,843.30
Patent application maintenance expenses                                2,056,213.48        2,277,613.96

                                              Items                                  2024.01-06           2023.01-06
              Consulting fee                                                             1,846,639.56       1,428,004.16
              Others                                                                     3,862,373.95       2,805,164.26
              Total                                                                     78,544,862.47      68,628,817.97
                           Expensed R&D                                                 78,544,862.47      68,628,817.97

                           Capitalized R&D                                                           -                 -

              VII. Change of Consolidation Scope


              VIII. Interest in other entity

              1.Equity of subsidiaries

                        (1) Organization structure of group company

                                 Registered      Main                                         Shareholding (%)
                                                           Registere                                                Obtaining
    Name of subsidiaries           capital      business               Business nature
                                                           d address                          Direct     Indirect    method
                                 (10K)        address
Dalian Bingshan Group
                                  30,000.00      Dalian     Dalian       Installation          100          -        Establish
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Bingshan
Refrigeration Engineering          1,000.00     Chengdu    Chengdu         Service               -         51        Establish

Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Group
                                   1,800.00      Dalian     Dalian        Trading              100          -        Establish
Sales Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan
Air-conditioning Equipment         8,254.00      Dalian     Dalian     Manufacturing           100          -        Establish

Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Guardian
                                   5,070.07      Dalian     Dalian     Manufacturing           100          -        Establish
Automation Co., Ltd.
                                   5,757.87      Dalian     Dalian     Manufacturing           100          -        Establish
Quick Freezing Equipment
Co., Ltd.
Wuhan New World
Refrigeration Industrial Co.,     20,000.00      Wuhan      Wuhan      Manufacturing           100          -       Acquisition

Wuhan New World
                                   3,500.00      Wuhan      Wuhan        Installation            -         100       Establish
      Name of subsidiaries         Registered    Main      Registere   Business nature    Shareholding (%)         Obtaining
                                     capital    business   d address                                                method
Refrigeration Engineering          (10K)      address
Co., Ltd
Wuhan Lanning Energy
                                     2,200.00    Wuhan      Wuhan          Trading           -         100         Acquisition
Technology Co., Ltd.
Dalian Universe Thermal
                                     8,000.00    Dalian     Dalian      Manufacturing       55           -         Acquisition
Technology Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan
Engineering & Trading Co.,           3,000.00    Dalian     Dalian         Service          100          -         Acquisition

Sonyo Compressor
                                    44,239.67    Dalian     Dalian      Manufacturing       100          -         Acquisition
(Dalian)Co., Ltd.
Sonyo Refrigeration System
                                    10,500.00    Dalian     Dalian      Manufacturing       100          -         Acquisition
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Sonyo Refrigeration
                                    21,208.47    Dalian     Dalian      Manufacturing       100          -         Acquisition
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.

                     1)      All the proportion of shareholding in subsidiaries were the same with voting right.

                     2)      The Company held over 50% voting right in subsidiaries and could control these
                     subsidiaries with over 50% voting right.

                       (2) There are no significant non-subsidiaries.

                2.Change of equity share in subsidiary which is still under control

                       (1) Change of equity share in subsidiary


                        3.Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

              (1) The important affiliated companies

                                                                                 Shareholding (%)
 Name of joint ventures or                      Registered       Business                            Accounting
   affiliated companies                          address          nature                              methods
                                                                                 Direct   Indirect

Dalian Bingshan Metal                                                                                  Equity
                                   Dalian         Dalian      Manufacturing       49.00      -
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                   method
        1) The Company has the same percentage of shareholding and voting right in joint-venture or
            affiliated company.

        2) The Company doesn’t have joint venture or affiliated companies which have no significant
            influence although being held 20% or more voting rights.

(2) The key financial information of affiliated companies

                                                                                Closing balance/Current period

                                                                           Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.

           Current assets                                                                              348,867,456.94
           Including: Cash and cash equivalents
           Non-current assets                                                                            38,884,813.91
           Total assets                                                                                 387,752,270.85
           Current liabilities                                                                           43,335,222.77
           Non-current liabilities
           Total liabilities                                                                             43,335,222.77

           Total net asset
           Minority interests
           Equity to the parent company                                                                344,417,048.08
           Share of net assets according to the shareholding proportions                               172,208,524.04
           Adjusting events
           —Goodwill                                                                                   19,269,770.94
           —Unrealized profits of insider trading
           Book value of equity investment of affiliated companies                                     187,960,208.13
           Fair value of equity investment with public offer

                                                          Closing balance/Current period

                                                     Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.

Operating income                                                                 218,341,334.10
Financial expense
Income tax expense
Net profit                                                                        30,169,947.69
Net profit of discontinuing operation
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income                                                        30,169,947.69
The current dividends received from joint ventures


                                                                                   Opening balance/Last period

Items                                           Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending         Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation        Dalian Bingshan Metal
                                                     Machine Co., Ltd                   Technology Co., Ltd             Technology Co., Ltd.

Current assets                                                    392,953,074.08                    1,412,248,730.10                 371,483,253.15

Including: Cash and cash equivalents
Non-current assets                                                197,158,934.76                      302,148,077.97                  41,816,984.14
Total assets                                                      590,112,008.84                    1,714,396,808.07                 413,300,237.29
Current liabilities                                               345,312,560.80                      867,213,016.64                  66,769,535.67
Non-current liabilities                                            50,307,454.75                       38,312,160.00                           0.00
Total liabilities                                                 395,620,015.55                      905,525,176.64                  66,769,535.67
Total net asset
Minority interests                                                                                        251,106.06
Equity to the parent company                                      194,491,993.29                      808,620,525.37                 346,530,701.62
Share of net assets according to the
                                                                   95,301,076.71                      120,450,148.93                 169,800,043.79
shareholding proportions
Adjusting events                                                               -                                   -                              -
—Goodwill                                                            226,689.29                       20,390,060.33                  19,269,770.94
—Unrealized profits of insider trading                                        -                                   -                              -
--Others                                                                                                           -                              -
Book value of equity investment of affiliated
                                                                   95,527,766.00                      140,840,209.26                 189,069,814.73
Fair value of equity investment with public                                    -                                   -                              -

                                                                               Opening balance/Last period

Items                                       Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending         Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation        Dalian Bingshan Metal
                                                 Machine Co., Ltd                   Technology Co., Ltd             Technology Co., Ltd.

Operating income                                               95,101,008.52                      326,567,962.40                 233,048,775.05

Financial expense
Income tax expense
Net profit                                                      2,717,196.06                       15,601,156.92                  28,223,484.22
Net profit of discontinuing operation                                      -                                   -                              -
Other comprehensive income                                                 -                                   -                              -
Total comprehensive income                                     30,169,947.69                        2,717,196.06                  15,601,156.92
The current dividends received from joint

         (3) Summary financial information of insignificant affiliated companies

                           Items                              2024.01-06                   2023.01-06
        Affiliated company                                           —                       —
        Total book value of investment of affiliated
                                                                   346,676,683.88            77,435,611.67
        The total of following items according to the
        shareholding proportions                                     —                       —
             Net profit                                            12,308,014.93                247,249.62
             Other comprehensive income                            12,308,014.93                247,249.62

             Total comprehensive income

        (4) Significant restrictions of the ability of affiliated companies transferring funds to
               the Company.


        (5) Contingency related to joint venture or affiliated company need to be disclosed.


XI. Disclosure of Fair Value
 1. Amount and measurement level of the assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the
    period end

                                                  Fair value at the period end

                              1st level           2nd level               3rd level
                         measurement of        measurement of        measurement of            Total
                                FV                  FV                      FV

Financial assets
Continuously                              —                  —                      —                —
measured at FV

Receivable financing                            233,756,806.93                              233,756,806.93

Other non-current
                           147,830,608.40                                 1,683,852.59      149,514,460.99
financial asset

Total                      147,830,608.40       233,756,806.93            1,683,852.59      383,271,267.92

 2. Basis for Market price of first level measurement of fair value

 Equity instrument portion of the other noncurrent financial asset is measured at the unadjusted
 closing quoted price of Guotai Junan shares on stock market on June 28, 2024.

 3. For continuous and discontinuous 2nd level of FV, valuation technique adopted and
 key parameter quantitive and qualitive information.

 Bank acceptance notes (receivable financing) as measured at fair value through other
 comprehensive income is within this scope. Bank acceptance notes held by the group mainly
 are high credit grading from the large commercial bank. As the remaining maturity is short and
 credit risk is very low, on the balance sheet date, the book value of bank acceptance notes
 receivable is similar to fair value.

 4. For continuous and discontinuous 3rd level of FV, valuation technique adopted and
 key parameter quantitive and qualitive information.

 As of December 28, 2024, the book value of the share investment in Guotai Junan Investment
 Management Co.,Ltd and Wuhan Steel and Power Co.,Ltd is 1,683,852.59 Yuan. It is
 presented as other non-current financial asset in accordance with No.22- financial instrument
 recognition and measurement of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Having
 considered there is neither active market for invested company’s share nor market price is
 available for reference, and it is not feasible to obtain the relevant observable input value. FV
 of the investment is measured at cost by taking influence factor of FV into consideration.

 5. For continuous 3rd level of FV, adjusted information of opening and closing balance
 and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameter.


 6. Assets continuously measured at fair value have switched among different level during
   the year.


 7. Changes of valuation technique and reasons for changes


 8. Assets and liability are disclosed at FV rather than measured at FV


XII. Related Parties Relationship and Transactions

       i.   Related parties’ relationship

 1. Controlling shareholder and ultimate controller

   (1)             Controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
                           Registered       Business        Registered         Shareholding       Voting power
Parent company
                            address          nature      capital(10K) percentage (%)           percentage (%)

Dalian Bingshan
                             Dalian        Manufacture      15,858.00              20.27               20.27
Group Co., Ltd.

       Note: Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. is a Sino –foreign joint venture located No.106 Liaohe
       East Road, DDZ, Dalian, China. The legal representative of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. is
       Mr. Ji Zhijian, and the registered capital is RMB158.58 million. The registered business
       operation period is from 3rd July 1985 to 2nd July 2035. The business scope includes research,
       development, manufacture, sales, service and installment of refrigeration equipment, cooling
       and freezing equipment, different size of air-conditioners, petrochemical equipment, electronic
       and electronic- control products, home electronic appliance, environment protect equipment and
       etc. (unless the licenses needed)

       The Company’s ultimate controller is Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.

         2. Subsidiaries

       Referrer to the content in the Note “VIII. 1. (1) Organization structure of group company”.

         3. Affiliated company and joint venture

       The information of the affiliated company and joint venture please refers to the note “VIII. 3.(1)
       The significant affiliated company and joint venture’. The Company had transactions with
       related parties during the current period or last period, including:

        Names of the joint ventures or affiliated company                     Relationships with the Company
Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal Technology (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                      Affiliated company of the Company

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd.                                Affiliated company of the Company

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Sales Co., Ltd.                          Affiliated company of the Company

Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology Co., Ltd.                               Affiliated company of the Company

MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                 Affiliated company of the Company

Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd.                                               Affiliated company of the Company

Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.                                    Affiliated company of the Company

            Names of the joint ventures or affiliated company                Relationships with the Company
   Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.               Affiliated company of the Company

   Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment Co., Ltd.                           Affiliated company of its subsidiary

   Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida Commercial Factoring Co., LTD              Subsidiary of its affiliated company

   Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.                              Subsidiary of its affiliated company

   Shanghai Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.                            Subsidiary of its affiliated company

   Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.           Subsidiary of its affiliated company

   Keinin-Grand Ocean New energy Auto Parts (Changchun) Co., LTD            Subsidiary of its affiliated company

             4. Other related parties

                Name of related party                                       Related party relationship
Company under direct/indirect Control of Panasonic Co.,          Both parties are under the control of or significant
Ltd                                                                         influence by the same party
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
Sanyo Corporation
                                                                            influence by the same party
Panasonic Corporation of China Co., Ltd                          Directors of the Company also serve as directors
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities Co., Ltd.
                                                                            influence by the same party
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
                                                                            influence by the same party
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Control System Co., Ltd.
                                                                            influence by the same party
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.
                                                                            influence by the same party
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd
                                                                            influence by the same party
                                                                 Both parties are under the control of or significant
Dalian Shentong Electric Co., Ltd.
                                                                            influence by the same party
Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., LTD.                       Under control of the same ultimate controlling party
Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                     Under control of the same ultimate controlling party
Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.              Under control of the same ultimate controlling party
                                                              Directors and senior officers of the Company serve as
Dalian Zhonghuida Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd            directors and senior officers in Dalian Zhonghuida
                                                                  Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Company
Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                             Under control of the same ultimate controlling party

Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian) Equipment (Wuhan) Co., LTD            Under control of the same ultimate controlling party
                                                             The directors and senior officers of the Company shall
Dalian Kangyang Industry Group Co., LTD
                                                            serve as the directors and senior officers of the Company

     Note: Companies under direct/indirect Control of Panasonic Co., Ltd are:

     Panasonic Electric Taiwan Co.,Ltd,     Wanbao(Guangzhou) Compressor Co.,Ltd, Panasonic
     Electronic Devices(Jiangmen)Co.,Ltd, Panasonic R&D Center Suzhou Co.,Ltd Dalian Branch,
     Panasonic Procurement(CHINA)Co.,Ltd, Panasonic Industry (China) Co., Ltd. Panasonic
     Corporation, Panasonic Industry (China) Co., Ltd Shanghai Branch, Beijing 2nd Branch of
     Panasonic Electric Equipment (China)Co.,Ltd, Panasonic Electric Equipment (China)Co.,Ltd,
     Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Corporation, Panasonic Appliances
     Microwave Oven(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, Panasonic Motor(Hangzhou)Co.,Ltd., Panasonic Home
     Appliances Air-Conditioning(Guangzhou)Co.,Ltd., Panasonic Hong Kong Co., Limited,
     PANASONIC PROCUREMENT (CHINA) CO., LTD. Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.,
     Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd..

     Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning Malaysia SDN BHD, Panasonic Taiwan CO.,LTD.,
     Panasonic Sales Taiwan CO.,LTD, Panasonic Procurement Malaysia SDN BHD, Panasonic
     Hong Kong Co.,Ltd, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co.,Ltd.(Pex), Panasonic Life Solutions
     India, Panasonic Industry Sales Asia, Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH, Panasonic Industrial
     Devices Sales, Panasonic India Pvt Ltd(APIN), Panasonic Global Procurement, Panasonic
     DoBrasil Limited–Miam, Panasonic Corporation Appliances Company Heating&Cooling
     Solutions Bd Commercial Air-Conditioning, Panasonic Corporation Appliances Company,
     Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic Commercial Equipment Systems Taiwan Co.Ltd, Panasonic
     Commercial Equipment Systems Asia, Panasonic Automotive&Industrial, Panasonic Appliances
     Air-Conditioning Malaysia Sdn.BHD, Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning, Pacific.
     Panasonic Commercial Equipment Systems Asia Pacific, Panasonic Heating&Ventilation,
     Panasonic Appliances Air-conditioning, Panasonic A.P. SALES (THAILAND) CO., LTD

           ii.    Related Party transactions

      1. Purchase of goods, offer and receive labour services etc inter-group transactions

         (1)     Purchase of goods/receive labour services

Related party                                          Content           2024.01-06          2023.01-06
Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.        Purchases of goods      30,782,824.32       30,587,674.23
Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                  Purchases of goods      27,635,764.08        5,702,273.24
Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology Co., Ltd.   Purchases of goods       7,744,955.77       20,046,515.95
BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                              Purchases of goods       4,721,558.13        9,666,650.44
Company under direct/indirect Control of
                                                  Purchases of goods       6,077,302.57       16,061,957.06
Panasonic Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., LTD.         Purchases of goods      18,864,725.92       17,854,202.15
Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd                    Purchases of goods       3,902,513.39        3,063,274.33
Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co.,
                                                  Purchases of goods       1,729,423.88        1,028,124.44

Related party                                           Content         2024.01-06       2023.01-06
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Control System Co., Ltd.      Purchases of goods       111,504.43         8,276.00
Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.        Purchases of goods             0.00     1,254,598.22
Dalian Shentong Electric Co., Ltd.                                        3,788,058.16     3,224,632.53
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd      Purchases of goods         1,158.38       206,432.86
Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities Co., Ltd   Purchases of goods       349,724.76       816,701.77
Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd               Purchases of goods                          5,896.23
                                                     Receive labor
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                               1,886.80
Shanghai Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd       Purchases of goods       53,008.85
Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
                                                   Purchases of goods         1,715.65
Leasing Co., Ltd
Total                                                       —          105,766,125.09   109,527,209.45

         (2)    Sales of goods/ labour services provision

Related party                                            Content        2024.01-06       2023.01-06
Company under direct/indirect Control of
                                                      Sales of goods    144,059,445.50   131,295,821.04
Panasonic Co., Ltd
Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd                    Sales of goods     53,547,002.76   39,240,301.87

BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                   Sales of goods     44,032,558.17   24,322,577.92

Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.      Sales of goods     26,992,915.42   18,019,442.13
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd         Sales of goods      4,884,735.34   10,541,125.91

Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd                  Sales of goods      4,715,774.63     6,689,927.98

MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.         Sales of goods      3,738,455.62     5,233,706.75

Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.           Sales of goods      1,680,522.42     2,791,630.38

Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities Co., Ltd      Sales of goods        660,413.34     3,277,492.69

Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd                        Sales of goods         34,400.88       54,351.13

Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., LTD              Sales of goods      1,479,174.40       750,927.00

Linde Hydrogen Fueltech (Dalian) Co., Ltd             Sales of goods         66,878.51       536,171.21

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Control System Co., Ltd.         Sales of goods        251,472.27       25,708.47

Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.            Sales of goods        163,716.81

Dalian Shentong Electric Co., Ltd                     Sales of goods        112,355.73       194,881.40

Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd            Sales of goods         41,477.53

Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
                                                      Sales of goods                     26,645,039.63
Leasing Co., Ltd
Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment Co., Ltd.        Sales of goods                           1,946.90

Total                                                        —         286,461,299.33   269,621,052.41

         (3)    Assets Lease

         (1)    Assets rent out
                                                           Category of                                 Last period Lease
                        Lessee                                                   period Lease
                                                          assets rent out                                  Income
  Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd             Plant and office            392,463.94                 392,463.94
  Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd                    Land/property            4,506,673.78               4,009,659.86
  MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                Plant               1,904,761.90               1,904,761.90
  Linde Hydrogen Fueltech (Dalian) Co., Ltd                    Plant                                            398,985.66
  Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.             Plant                 163,259.51                 147,436.30
  Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment Co., Ltd                Plant                 496,132.49                 540,784.41
                                                         Plant /Employee
  Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                                                 1,281,178.90
  Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., Ltd.              Plant and office            461,009.22
  Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities Co., Ltd.           office                   5,284.40

               (2)    Assets under lease

                                                          Category of              Lease premium paid
                                                         assets rent in      2024.01-06            2023.01-06
           Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                                           Fixed asset           1,459,606.47      15,428,358.65
           Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
           Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                   Plant              1,700,966.97


                                        Interests on lease liabilities            Increased right-of-use assets
                                        2024.01-06        2023.01-06             2024.01-06               2023.01-06

Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                           456,010.73      1,549,756.51                         0.00                   0.00
Financial Leasing Co., Ltd

Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd           198,459.63

               (4)    Warranty provided by Related Parties

          The national development fund planned to support the Company’s intelligent and green
          equipment of cold chain and service industry base project, and provide the special fund to the
          controlling shareholder of the Company, Bingshan Group. Please refer to the “Note VI. 33 long
          term borrowings”.

          Funds borrow from /lent to related party
                                                                      Starting         Ending
            Name of the related party             Amount                                                Explanation
                                                                        date            date
                                                                                                        Project fund
        Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.          100,000,000.00    2016.03.14        2026.03.13         investment
        Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida           32,833,000.00     2022.09.29        2024.09.28          Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                           15,000,000.00     2023.12.25     2024.12.24    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida                                                         Sale and
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd             13,805,309.73     2021.11.10      2026.11.09   leaseback
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida                                                         Sale and
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd             12,000,000.00     2022.01.07     2025.01.06    leaseback
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida                                                         Sale and
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd              6,600,000.00     2023.02.24     2025.02.23    leaseback
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                            4,559,849.17     2023.08.31     2024.08.30    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                            3,499,485.17     2023.10.10     2024.10.09    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                            2,367,580.50     2023.12.22     2024.12.21    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida                                                         Sale and
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd              2,000,000.00      2024.1.24       2026.1.23   leaseback
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                            1,531,366.55     2023.09.08     2024.09.07    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                             1,000,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                             1,000,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                             1,000,000.00    2024.06.19     2026.06.18    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                               800,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                               800,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                               731,470.43    2023.10.17     2025.10.16    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                               700,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                               500,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                               500,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                               163,920.00    2023.12.15     2025.12.14    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                               400,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida
                                               300,000.00    2024.01.19     2026.01.18    Factoring
    Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd
    Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida                                                         Sale and
                                                20,000.00    2024.02.27     2024.08.26
    Financial Leasing Co., Ltd                                                            leaseback

           (5)   Asset transfer and debt restructuring among the related parties

Item                                               Transaction               2024.01-06   2023.01-06
                                        Purchase shareholdings of
Sanyo Corporation                                                                           87,171,300.00
                                        affiliated company
Panasonic Corporation of China Co.,     Purchase shareholdings of                           58,114,200.00

 Item                                                    Transaction            2024.01-06        2023.01-06
 Ltd                                          affiliated company

               (6)     Other transactions with related party


                iii.    Balances with Related party

        1.Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                   Closing Balance
        Item                                Related party                                      Bad debt
                                                                              Book Balance
Accounts receivable        Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                    66,429,811.00
Accounts receivable        BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                 27,030,808.53
Accounts receivable        Company under direct/indirect Control of
                                                                               23,342,611.08    978,476.89
                           Panasonic Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable        Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd                12,717,710.38    983,945.49

Accounts receivable        Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd        6,741,433.52    473,248.63

Accounts receivable        MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.          968,782.46     68,008.52

Accounts receivable        Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.          2,224,344.71     51,478.32

Accounts receivable        Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., LTD             4,073,840.15     68,774.31

Accounts receivable        Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities Co., Ltd       374,575.73     26,295.22

Accounts receivable        Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co.,
                                                                                7,751,655.11    554,508.82
Accounts receivable        Linde Hydrogen Fueltech (Dalian) Co., Ltd              786,500.99    131,660.27

Accounts receivable        Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
                                                                                        0.00          0.00
                           Leasing Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable        Dalian Fuji Bingshan Control System Co., Ltd.          54,200.00      13,515.83
                           Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co.,
Other receivable                                                                  400,000.00     14,640.00
Other receivable           Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd                0.00          0.00
                           Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment Co.,
Other receivable                                                                        0.00          0.00
Prepayment                 Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology Co., Ltd.              0.00          0.00

Prepayment                 Company under direct/indirect Control of
                                                                                    2,771.21          0.00
                           Panasonic Co., Ltd
Prepayment                 Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                         9,032.00          0.00
Prepayment                 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                    248,550.29          0.00
Prepayment                 Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd                0.00          0.00
                           Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Sales
Prepayment                                                                              0.00          0.00
                           Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 Closing Balance
        Item                              Related party                                      Bad debt
                                                                            Book Balance
                        Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co.,
Prepayment                                                                      432,849.88          0.00
Prepayment              Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., LTD                 6,660.00           0.00

Contract asset          Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd                    550,000.00    38,610.00


                                                                                  Opening Balance
          Item                             Related party                                        Bad debt
                                                                           Book Balance
 Accounts receivable         Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                84,045,272.25         4,997,695.76

 Accounts receivable         BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                             28,426,981.24         1,995,574.08

 Accounts receivable         Company under direct/indirect Control of
                                                                             12,595,875.91          174,589.96
                             Panasonic Co., Ltd
 Accounts receivable         Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd            10,199,546.41          807,170.38

 Accounts receivable         Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
                                                                              6,270,661.55          440,200.44
                             Co., Ltd
 Accounts receivable         MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,
                                                                              3,390,197.07          237,991.83
 Accounts receivable         Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.      2,791,425.71          200,691.99

 Accounts receivable         Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co.,
                                                                              1,606,085.44           52,796.80
 Accounts receivable         Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities
                                                                              1,072,064.56           75,258.93
                             Co., Ltd
 Accounts receivable         Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian)
                                                                                965,375.22           67,769.34
                             Co., Ltd.
 Accounts receivable         Linde Hydrogen Fueltech (Dalian) Co.,
                                                                                909,470.99          139,380.02
 Accounts receivable         Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                                                                138,450.00            9,719.19
                             Financial Leasing Co., Ltd
 Accounts receivable         Dalian Fuji Bingshan Control System Co.,
                                                                                 54,200.00            6,410.69
                             Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian)
 Other receivable                                                               100,000.00          100,000.00
                             Co., Ltd.
                             Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
 Other receivable                                                                48,000.00            7,608.00
                             Co., Ltd
                             Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment
 Other receivable                                                                 4,287.61                 156.93
                             Co., Ltd.
 Prepayment                  Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology
                             Co., Ltd.
 Prepayment                  Company under direct/indirect Control of
                             Panasonic Co., Ltd
 Prepayment                  Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                   636,235.00
 Prepayment                  BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                216,191.11

                                                                             Opening Balance
           Item                        Related party                                       Bad debt
                                                                      Book Balance
                         Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
 Prepayment                                                                176,869.45
                         Co., Ltd
                         Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
 Prepayment                                                                 77,000.00
                         Sales Co., Ltd.
                         Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian)
 Prepayment                                                                 74,297.11
                         Co., Ltd.
 Prepayment              Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co.,
 Contract asset          Dalian Bingshan Wisdom Park Co., Ltd              550,000.00          38,610.00

        2. Accounts Payable due from Related Party

                                                                           Closing           Opening
       Item                            Related party
                                                                           Balance           Balance
Accounts Payable     Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology Co., Ltd        58,581,762.77     65,052,640.75

Accounts Payable     BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                   18,018,414.59     21,731,458.82
Accounts Payable     Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co., Ltd                     10,001,475.64     10,067,451.24
Accounts Payable     Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd             11,644,244.95      9,745,165.83
Accounts Payable     Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd.                        1,543,794.51      6,672,533.86
Accounts Payable     Dalian Bingshan Part Technology Co., LTD               5,282,363.53      6,266,070.43
                     Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Environmental
Accounts Payable                                                                              2,896,300.00
                     Engineering Co., Ltd
                     Company under direct/indirect Control of
Accounts Payable                                                              240,738.74        864,418.25
                     Panasonic Co., Ltd
Accounts Payable     Dalian Spindle Environmental Facilities Co., Ltd         727,006.00        794,006.00
Accounts Payable     Dalian Fuji Bingshan Control System Co., Ltd.            329,479.00        502,571.47
Accounts Payable     Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.         236,195.26        126,241.74
Accounts Payable     Dalian Shentong Electric Co., Ltd                        353,924.27
                     Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida Commercial
Other payable                                                                                15,000,000.00
                     Factoring Co., Ltd.
                     Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
Other payable                                                               7,500,000.00      7,407,941.90
                     Leasing Co., Ltd.
                     Company under direct/indirect Control of
Other payable                                                               2,413,706.04      3,273,305.50
                     Panasonic Co., Ltd
Other payable        Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.         14,946.50         104,625.50
Other payable        Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co., Ltd                        618,018.00         91,779.71
                     Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Environmental
Other payable                                                                                    70,000.00
                     Engineering Co., Ltd
Other payable        Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.              70,000.00
                     Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
Other payable                                                               7,500,000.00
                     Leasing Co., Ltd.
Contract liability   Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.         544,738.32      2,337,426.58
Contract liability   Linde Hydrogen Fueltech (Dalian) Co., Ltd              2,117,926.65      2,138,974.27
                     Company under direct/indirect Control of
Contract liability                                                                              313,952.83
                     Panasonic Co., Ltd
Contract liability   Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co. Ltd                                            35,605.27

                                                                                 Closing            Opening
       Item                                Related party
                                                                                 Balance            Balance
Other current
                         Linde Hydrogen Fueltech (Dalian) Co., Ltd                  275,330.46         319,616.84
Other current
                         Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.            70,815.98         303,865.45
Other current            Company under direct/indirect Control of
liability                Panasonic Co., Ltd
Other current
                         Sonyo Cold Chain (Dalian)Co., Ltd                                                  4,628.68
                         Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
Lease payable                                                                     9,242,020.45         656,980.83
                         Leasing Co., Ltd
                         Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
liability due within                                                              4,988,748.38      25,140,961.04
                         Leasing Co., Ltd
1 year
                         Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
Long-term payable                                                                                   10,331,937.30
                         Leasing Co., Ltd
Short-term               Dalian Bingshan Group Huayida Commercial
borrowing                Factoring Co., Ltd.

                iv.     Related Party Commitment


                v.      Others


        XIII. Share-Based Payment

        XIV. Contingency & commitment

        1.    Commitment

        2.    Contingency
              Up to June 30, 2024, guarantee obligations undertaken by the Company due to financial

              The Company sold refrigerating house equipment to Guizhou Pubu Cold Chain Food
              Investment Co., Ltd (“Pubu Cold Chain”) in the form of financial leasing. The Company as
              a seller singed finance lease contract with Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
              Leasing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘Huahuida’) as both a buyer and a lessor and
              Pubu Cold Chain as a lessee. The contract price is 25.705million Yuan. In case the lease
              premium is delayed by the lessee, the Company needs to pay lease premium on behalf of

the lessee and be obliged to the buy back responsibility. Pubu Cold Chain issued an
unconditional, irrevocable and joint liability counter guarantee, and the Company is the
beneficiary. Guarantee scope covers the full liability because of the sales in the form of
finance lease. As at 31 December 2023, the balance of the guarantee obligation of the
financial lease is RMB 6.5958million Yuan.

The Company sold water chiller and heat pump to Shangdong Jiechuang Energy
Technology Co., Ltd (“Shandong Jiechuang”) in the form of financial lease. The Company
as a seller singed finance lease contract with Huahuida as both a buyer and a lessor and
Shandong Jiechuang as a lessee. The contract price is 6.998million Yuan. Shandong
Jiechuang had made 10% down payment, and remaining 6.2982million Yuan is underlined
the leasing contract amount. In case the lease premium is delayed by the lessee, the
Company needs to pay lease premium on behalf of the lessee and be obliged to the buy
back responsibility. Shandong Jiechuang issued an unconditional, irrevocable and
joint liability counter guarantee, and the Company is the beneficiary. Guarantee scope
covers the full liability because of the sales in the form of financial lease. As at 31
December 2023, the balance of the guarantee obligation of the financial lease is
RMB4.4262 million Yuan.

The Company sold refrigerating house equipment to Liuyang Zhongjie Technology
Investment Co., Ltd (“Liuyang Zhongjie”) in the form of financial lease. The Company as a
seller singed finance lease contract with Huahuida as both a buyer and a lessor and Liuyang
Zhongjie as a lessee. The contract price is 9.831million Yuan. In case the lease premium is
delayed by the lessee, the Company needs to pay lease premium on behalf of the lessee and
be obliged to the buy back responsibility. Liuyang Zhongjie issued an unconditional,
irrevocable and joint liability counter guarantee, and the Company is the beneficiary.
Guarantee scope covers the full liability because of the sales in the form of financial lease.
As at 31 December, 2023, the balance of the guarantee obligation of the financial lease is
RMB 5.3227million Yuan.

The Company sold refrigeration equipment, air conditioning and production line equipment
to Shanxi Yiming Food Co., Ltd (‘Shanxi Yiming’) in the form of financial lease. The
Company as a seller singed finance lease contract with Huahuida as both a buyer and a
lessor and Shanxi Yiming as a lessee. The contract price is 28.2311million Yuan. In case
the lease premium is delayed by the lessee, the Company needs to pay lease premium on
behalf of the lessee and be obliged to the buy back responsibility. Shareholders Shanxi
Yiming and nature person issued an unconditional, irrevocable and joint liability counter
guarantee, and the Company is the beneficiary. Guarantee scope covers the full liability
because of the sales in the form of financial lease. As at 31 December, 2023, the balance of
    the guarantee obligation of the financial lease is RMB 23.1802million Yuan.

    Dalian    Bingshan-RYOSETSU           Quick   Freezing   Equipment     Co.,Ltd   (‘Bingshan-
    RYOSETSU’), the subsidiary of the Company sold refrigeration equipment to Jilin Fuyu
    Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd (‘Jinlin Fuyu’) in the form of financial lease. Bingshan-
    RYOSETSU as a seller singed finance lease contract with Huahuida as both a buyer and a
    lessor and Jinlin Fuyu as a lessee. The contract price is 20.50million Yuan. In case the lease
    premium is delayed by the lessee, Bingshan- RYOSETSU needs to pay lease premium on
    behalf of the lessee and be obliged to the buy back responsibility. Shareholders Jinlin Fuyu
    and nature person issued an unconditional, irrevocable and joint liability counter guarantee,
    and Bingshan- RYOSETSU is the beneficiary. Guarantee scope covers the full liability
    because of the sales in the form of financial lease. As at 31 December, 2023, the balance of
    the guarantee obligation of the financial lease is RMB 18.8146million Yuan.

    Until June, 30, 2024, the balance of all guarantee obligation of the financial lease is RMB
    43.2458 million Yuan. There is no situation where the Company needs to undertake the
    liability as the lessees’ default.

    There are no other significant or contingent matters to be disclosed until June, 2024.

XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date
    The Company has no significant subsequent event after the balance sheet date.

XVI. Other Significant Events

  1. Error correction and effect in previous period

  2. Debt Restructuring

  3. Asset exchange
   (1) The exchange of non-monetary assets


   (2) The exchange of other assets


  4. Annuity Plan

  5. Operation termination

           6. Segment Information

         The management of the group divided the business into 2 segments based on the geographic
         area: Northeast China and Central China. The Northeast is the Company’s general headquarters
         and the subsidiaries registered in Dalian. The Central includes Chengdu Bingshan Refrigeration
         Engineering Co., Ltd, Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd and its subsidiary,
         Wuhan Lanning Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhan New World Air-conditioning Refrigeration
         Engineering Co., Ltd.
          (1) The basis and accounting policies of reporting segments
         The internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report scheme are
         the determination basis for the Company to set the operating segments. The segments are those
         satisfied the following requirements.

               1). The segment can generate revenue and incur expenses.

               2). The management personnel can regularly evaluate the operation results of segments and
                    allocate resource, assess its performance.

               3). The financial situation, operation results, cash flow and other accounting information of
                    segments can be acquired.

         The group confirms the report segments based on the operating segments. The transfer price
         among segments is set base on the market price. The assets and related expenses in common use
         are allocated to different segments based on their proportion of revenue.

         (2) The financial information of reporting segments

                                                                                     Amount unit : Yuan
                Items                    Northeast China        Central China           Offset                 Total
1 Operating income                         2,613,240,964.51      141,557,447.65      -291,521,062.46    2,463,277,349.70

2 Cost                                     2,211,567,490.91      118,896,974.75      -272,559,658.92    2,057,904,806.74

   Impairment loss on credit                 -12,075,577.73       -3,273,225.05        -1,057,418.11      -16,406,220.89

   Impairment loss on assets                     7,750,229.87       -573,479.69        -2,258,762.00        4,917,988.18

   Depreciation and amortization                24,004,527.58      4,167,694.29                           28,172,221.87
Investment income from associates
                                                17,960,407.98        236,717.06          -978,426.58      17,218,698.46
and joint venture
Operating profits(loss)                      130,086,549.47       -1,841,062.81        -37,340,973.50     90,904,513.16

Income tax                                      17,391,530.91     -1,194,021.92        -4,545,826.40      11,651,682.59

 Net profit(loss)                            112,695,018.56         -647,040.89        -32,795,147.10     79,252,830.57

Total assets                               6,263,302,975.74      469,380,019.82      1,055,947,015.45   7,788,630,011.01

                  Items                Northeast China        Central China            Offset                    Total
Total liabilities                        4,953,818,215.98      377,518,368.39        -699,137,998.64     4,632,198,585.73

         (3) Others


            7. Other important transactions and matters affect the investor's decision
         The group hasn’t had other important transactions and matters affect the investor's decision in
         this period.

         XVII. Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of Parent Company

            1. Accounts receivable

            (1) Bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method:

                        Aging                  Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
        Within 1 year                               476,166,210.47                              457,075,717.70

      1-2 years                                     134,074,263.69                              124,339,052.45

      2-3 years                                      72,249,248.71                              58,073,083.27

      Over 3 years                                  101,693,468.65                              109,679,441.52

                    3-4 years                        37,453,099.65                              49,782,646.14

                    4-5 years                           6,443,804.68                                2,186,288.76

                    Over 5 years                     57,796,564.32                              57,710,506.62

        Total                                       784,183,191.52                              749,167,294.94

            (2) Accounts receivable category

                                                                   Closing Balance
                 Item                      Booking balance                      Provision
                                                                                                      Booking value
                                        Amount                %           Amount            %
Bad debt provision on group            784,183,191.52        100.00%    140,596,092.11      17.93      643,587,099.41
(1) Accounting age as
    characters                         520,843,285.13        66.42%     140,596,092.11      26.99      380,247,193.02
(2) Related party within
    consolidation scope                263,339,906.39        33.58%                                    263,339,906.39

Total                                  784,183,191.52        100.00%    140,596,092.11      17.93      643,587,099.41


                                                             Opening Balance
                  Item                Booking balance                    Provision                  Booking
                                     Amount              %             Amount         %             balance

                                                                Opening Balance
                   Item                   Booking balance                     Provision               Booking
                                         Amount             %              Amount          %            balance
          Bad debt provision
                                       749,167,294.94       100.00      136,234,112.03    18.18     612,933,182.91
          on group
          (1) Accounting age
              as characters            492,240,628.86        65.71      136,234,112.03    27.68     356,006,516.83
          (2) Related party
              consolidation            256,926,666.08        34.29                    -        -    256,926,666.08
          Total                        749,167,294.94       100.00      136,234,112.03    18.18     612,933,182.91

              (3) Bad debt provision

                                                        Change during the year
  Category        Opening balance
                                         Accrued        Collected/                                           Balance
                                                                        Written-off         Other
  Bad debt
                    136,234,112.03       4,361,980.08    15,827.00                          31,654.00      140,596,092.11

  Total             136,234,112.03       4,361,980.08    15,827.00                          31,654.00      140,596,092.11

              (4) Based on closing balance ranking, sum of the top five significant receivable and contract
           asset are 178,761,262.44Yuan, representing19.45% of total receivables and contract asset at the
           year end. 53,489,231.85Yuan bad debt provision is provided respectively.

              2. Other Receivables

                           Item                         Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
           Interest receivable                                                  -                                 -
           Dividend receivable                                       9,919,648.18                  110,000,000.00
           Other receivable                                      27,627,662.30                      28,883,665.74
           Total                                                 37,547,310.48                     138,883,665.74

           2.1 Dividend receivable

                                  Item                                      Closing Balance           Opening Balance
Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing Co., Ltd                             636,409.95

Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd                       3,220,344.00

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd                                      3,202,894.23

Dalian Universe Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.                                        2,860,000.00

                               Item                                      Closing Balance          Opening Balance
Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing Co., Ltd                        636,409.95

Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd                   3,220,344.00

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd                                  3,202,894.23

Dalian Universe Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.                                    2,860,000.00

Sonyo Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd.                                                                      110,000,000.00

Total                                                                           9,919,648.18            110,000,000.00

             2.2 Other receivable

             (1) The category of other receivables

         Items                                        Closing Balance                 Opening Balance
         Receivables and payables                               20,517,925.84                   20,260,866.63
         Deposits                                                6,406,578.63                    8,478,407.11
         Petty cash                                              1,091,501.16                     580,451.46
         Total                                                  28,016,005.63                   29,319,725.20

             (2) Other receivable listed by account aging

                         Aging                        Closing Balance                 Opening Balance

         Within 1 year                                           2,550,383.89                   3,049,940.86
        1-2 years                                                1,676,604.63                   3,316,384.23
        2-3 years                                                2,095,617.00                   1,315,000.00
        Over 3 years                                            21,693,400.11                  21,638,400.11
                       3-4 years                                   105,000.00                  20,210,000.00
                       4-5 years                                20,180,000.00                     229,835.11
                       Over 5 years                              1,408,400.11                   1,198,565.00
         Total                                                  28,016,005.63                  29,319,725.20

             (3) Bad debt provision details

                                                      Change during the year
                          Opening                                                                     Closing
     Category                                         Collected/
                          balance       Accrued                         Written-off    Others        Balance
     Bad debt
                          436,059.46            -           47,716.13                                  388,343.33
     Total                436,059.46            -           47,716.13                                  388,343.33

             (5) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors

                                                        % of        Closing
  Name    Category                         Aging       the total   Balance of
                                                         OR        Provision
Top 1    Other deposit   1,100,000.00   Over5 years,      3.93%      40,260.00
Top 2     Bid deposit     800,000.00     2-3 years        2.86%      29,280.00
Top 3     Bid deposit     800,000.00     1-2 years        2.86%      29,280.00
Top 4     Bid deposit     300,000.00     2-3 years        1.07%      10,980.00
Top 5    Current funds    250,000.00     1-2 years        0.89%       9,150.00

Total         —         3,250,000.00       —           11.61%     118,950.00

     3. Long-term equity investments

     (1) Category of long-term equity investments

                                                               Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
                                       Closing Balance             Provision         Book Value           Opening Balance       Provision          Book Value
       Investment of subsidiaries           2,432,830,861.29                           2,432,830,861.29   2,416,830,861.29                   -   2,416,830,861.29
       Investment of affiliates
                                             526,673,332.98                             526,673,332.98      513,550,283.58                   -    513,550,283.58
       and JV
       Total                                2,959,504,194.27                           2,959,504,194.27   2,930,381,144.87                   -   2,930,381,144.87

     (2) Investments of subsidiaries

                                                               Provision for                     Increase/Decrease
                                                                                                                                                             Provision for
                                           Beginning           impairment
               Investee                                                                                     Provision for               Ending balance       impairment
                                            balance            at beginning      Increased        Decreased                    Others
                                                                                                            impairment                                        at year end
                                                                  of year
Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering
                                           293,749,675.77                                                                                   293,749,675.77
Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co.,
                                            20,722,428.15                                                                                   20,722,428.15
Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning
                                            53,272,185.00                        16,000,000.00                                              69,272,185.00
Equipment Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Guardian
                                            50,638,361.52                                                                                   50,638,361.52
Automation Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan-RYOSETSU Quick
                                            59,356,051.19                                                                                   59,356,051.19
Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd
Dalian Universe Thermal Technology
                                            48,287,589.78                                                                                   48,287,589.78
Co., Ltd

                                                                      Provision for                          Increase/Decrease
                                                                                                                                                                               Provision for
                                                   Beginning          impairment
                   Investee                                                                                             Provision for                   Ending balance         impairment
                                                    balance           at beginning          Increased         Decreased                        Others
                                                                                                                        impairment                                              at year end
                                                                         of year
 Wuhan New World Refrigeration
                                                   184,674,910.81                                                                                            184,674,910.81
 Industrial Co., Ltd
 Dalian Bingshan Engineering &
                                                    71,537,064.86                                                                                            71,537,064.86
 Trading Co., Ltd
 Sonyo Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd               1,380,455,603.23                                                                                        1,380,455,603.23
 Sonyo Refrigeration System (Dalian)
                                                   108,851,490.98                                                                                            108,851,490.98
 Co., Ltd
 Sonyo Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd             145,285,500.00                                                                                          145,285,500.00
 Total                                           2,416,830,861.29                            16,000,000.00                                               2,432,830,861.29

         (3) Joint ventures& affiliated companies

                                                                                   Gains and                                                                                               Provision
                                         Provision for                                         Adjustment
                         Beginning                                                    losses                                                     Provision                                    for
      Investee                           impairment                                              of other     Changes of     Cash bonus or                             Ending balance
                          balance                        Increased   Decreased     recognized                                                       for       Others                     impairment
                                         at beginning                                          comprehensi other equity    profits announced
                                                                                    under the                                                   impairment                                at year end
                                            of year                                             ve income
                                                                                 equity method
1. Affiliated company
Dalian Honjo
                          8,160,024.36                                                13,068.28                                                                           8,173,092.64
Chemical Co., Ltd
Keinin-Grand Ocean
Thermal Technology       57,579,975.00                                            -1,810,055.67                                                                          55,769,919.33
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Dalian Fuji Bingshan
Vending Machine Co.,     67,610,418.09                                             1,246,957.50                                                                          68,857,375.59

                                                                                    Gains and                                                                                               Provision
                                          Provision for                                         Adjustment
                         Beginning                                                     losses                                                      Provision                                   for
      Investee                            impairment                                              of other     Changes of     Cash bonus or                             Ending balance
                          balance                         Increased   Decreased     recognized                                                        for      Others                     impairment
                                          at beginning                                          comprehensi other equity    profits announced
                                                                                     under the                                                    impairment                               at year end
                                             of year                                             ve income
                                                                                  equity method
MHI Bingshan
Refrigeration (Dalian)    16,543,655.54                                                86,728.24                                                                          16,630,383.78
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Fuji Bingshan
Vending Machine
Sales Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Jingxue
Insulation Technology    144,354,903.91                                                    *.**                                    3,220,344.00                                   *.**
Co., Ltd
Bingshan Metal
Technical Service        173,250,850.13                                            14,709,358.00                                                                         187,960,208.13
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
                          46,050,456.55                                                    *.**                                      636,409.95                                   *.**
Financial Leasing
Co., Ltd
Total                    513,550,283.58                                            16,979,803.35                                   3,856,753.95                          526,673,332.98

   4. Operating revenue and cost

                                     2024.01-06                         2023.01-06
                             Revenue               Cost         Revenue               Cost
Revenue from main
                             385,581,466.34   327,057,614.66    533,710,281.94   442,877,817.72
Revenue from other
                             19,129,432.27    12,159,687.41      27,796,909.63    19,695,636.49
Total                        404,710,898.61   339,217,302.07    561,507,191.57   462,573,454.21

   5. Investment income

Items                                                          2024.01-06        2023.01-06
Long-term equity investment gain under cost method              6,062,894.23     24,063,498.94
Long-term equity investment gain under equity method           16,979,803.35         -183,975.05
Gain from holding of other non-current financial assets         4,364,003.20      5,782,304.24

Discounting fees for bank acceptance note
Gain from disposing long-term equity investment
Gain from disposal of other non-current financial assets
Gain on debt restructuring                                                  -                  -
Total                                                          27,406,700.78     29,661,828.13

   6. Others


XVIII. Approval of Financial Statements

  The parent and consolidated financial statements of the Company were approved by the Board
  of Directors of the Company on August 14, 2024.

XIX. Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements

1. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                      Earnings per share
 Profit of report period                          average return
                                                                      Basic           Diluted
                                                   on net assets
                                                                       EPS             EPS
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                             2.55%           0.09         0.09
 parent company
 Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains
 and losses attributable to shareholders of                  2.19%           0.08         0.08

 parent company

                                  Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd
                                                    August 14, 2024
