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南 玻B:2013年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2013-10-21  

						      CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.


       Chairman of the Board:
            ZENG NAN

           October 2013
  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                 The Third Quarter Report 2013

                             THE THIRD QUARTER REPORT 2013

I. Important Note

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities
jointly and severally, for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.

Except for the following director, others are present the meeting of the Board for deliberating the Third Quarter
Report of the Company in person.
    Name of director absent               Position                  Reason for absence              Name of authorized director
Chen Chao                          Independent Director      On business trip                 Zhang Jianjun

Chairman of the Board & CEO of the Company Mr. Zeng Nan, CFO Mr. Luo Youming and principle of the
financial department Mr. Zhang Guoming hereby confirm the truthfulness and completeness of the Financial
Report in the Third Quarter Report of 2013.

This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese and
English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

II. Main accounting data and changes of shareholders

(I) Main accounting data and indices

Whether retrospective adjustment has been carried out on financial reports of previous periods or not
□Yes    √ No
                                                             30 September 2013            31 December 2012
Total assets(RMB)                                                    15,995,988,781               14,335,809,746              11.58%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                      7,129,286,699                6,816,210,753               4.59%
listed company(RMB)
                                                         The 3rd quarter of Increase/Decrease in From 1 January in comparison with
                                                                            comparison with the to 30 September
                                                               2013                                              the same period of
                                                                            same period of 2012       2013
Total business revenue(RMB)                                  2,114,679,495               8.57%     5,651,645,278               6.77%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                               273,932,669               74.84%     627,652,415               55.83%
company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
company after deducting non-recurring gains and                239,984,898               66.00%     563,127,877              112.56%
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                        --                   --                    1,097,503,560             -20.64%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                  0.13               62.50%              0.30             57.89%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                0.13               62.50%              0.30             57.89%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                            3.94%                1.67%            9.02%                3.19%

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                   The Third Quarter Report 2013

Non-recurring items deducted and amounts
√Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                       Amount from the beginning of year to
                                         Items                                                                              Note
                                                                                        the end of the report period(RMB)
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                                               3,026,189
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses (excluding the
fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental subsidies closely related to the                                    74,430,284
business of the company according to the unified national standard)
Gains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financial assets
and financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related to normal
business of the Company, and investment income from disposal of transactional
financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for sale
Other non-operating income and expenditure except the abovementioned                                              10,313,390
Less: Impact on income tax                                                                                        16,331,882
        Amount of minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)                                                        7,345,443
Total                                                                                                             64,524,538      --
Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons.
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(II) Total of shareholders at the end of the report period and particulars about the shares held by the top
     ten shareholders
Total of shareholders at the end of the report period                                                                          219,570
                                        Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                  Proportion                        Amount of     Number of share
                                                  Nature of                       Amount of                        pledged/frozen
             Name of shareholder                                   of shares                         restricted
                                                 shareholder                      shares held
                                                                   held (%)                         shares held Share status Amount
                                             State-owned legal
China Northern Industries Corporation                                   3.62%       75,167,934               0
                                             Domestic non
Xin Tong Chan Industrial Development
                                             state-owned legal          3.01%       62,520,000               0
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                             Domestic non
Shenzhen International Holdings
                                             state-owned legal          2.88%       59,778,813               0
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                             Domestic non
ICBC-Lion Stock Securities Investment
                                             state-owned legal          1.33%       27,607,605               0
                                             Domestic non
ICBC- Lion Value Growth Stock
                                             state-owned legal          0.96%       20,000,000               0
Securities Investment Funds
BBH A/C Vanguard Emerging Markets            Overseas legal
                                                                        0.77%       15,990,664               0
Stock Index Fund                             person
                                             Domestic non
CMBC?Yinhua Shenzhen 100 Index
                                             state-owned legal          0.72%       14,947,870               0
Grading Securities Investment Fund
                                             Domestic non
BOC- E-fund Shenzhen Stock 100 ETF           state-owned legal          0.58%       12,102,219               0
                                             Domestic non
ICBC- Rongtong Shenzhen Stock 100
                                             state-owned legal          0.58%       11,988,410               0
Index Securities Investment Funds
Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong)          Overseas legal
                                                                        0.51%       10,643,598               0
Limited                                      person

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                      The Third Quarter Report 2013

                                   Particulars about shares held by the top ten unrestricted shareholders
                                                                                  Amount of unrestricted       Share type and amount
                              Name of shareholder
                                                                                      shares held             Share type      Amount
China Northern Industries Corporation                                                          75,167,934      A-share       75,167,934
Xin Tong Chan Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                      62,520,000      A-share       62,520,000
Shenzhen International Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                           59,778,813      A-share       59,778,813
ICBC-Lion Stock Securities Investment Funds                                                    27,607,605      A-share       27,607,605
ICBC- Lion Value Growth Stock Securities Investment Funds                                      20,000,000      A-share       20,000,000
BBH A/C Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund                                             15,990,664       B-share      15,990,664
CMBC?Yinhua Shenzhen 100 Index Grading Securities Investment Fund                             14,947,870      A-share       14,947,870
BOC- E-fund Shenzhen Stock 100 ETF                                                             12,102,219      A-share       12,102,219
ICBC- Rongtong Shenzhen Stock 100 Index Securities Investment Funds                            11,988,410      A-share       11,988,410
Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited                                                    10,643,598       B-share      10,643,598
                                                                                  Among shareholders as listed above, the 2nd and the 3rd
                                                                                  shareholders are holding enterprises of Shenzhen
                                                                                  International Holdings Co., Ltd.; the 4th and the 5th
                                                                                  shareholders share the same fund management under
Statement on associated relationship or consistent action among the above
                                                                                  Lion Fund Management Co., Ltd. Except for this, It is
                                                                                  unknown whether other shareholders belong to related
                                                                                  party or have associated relationship regulated by the
                                                                                  Management Regulation of Information Disclosure on
                                                                                  Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.
Explanation on shareholders involving margin business (if applicable)             N/A

Whether has a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period
□Yes    √ No

III. Significant Events

(I) The situation and causes for the substantial changes of the main items in the accounting statements
    and financial indices

                                                 Note     30 September 2013        31 December 2012                         Rate
                                                                                                            reased amount
   Cash at bank and on hand                      (1)                   66,493                   47,442             19,051    40%
   Notes receivable                              (2)                   51,833                   29,980            21,853      73%
   Advances to suppliers                         (3)                   10,977                    7,001             3,976      57%
   Other current asset                           (4)                  102,312                   16,750            85,562     511%
   Development expenditure                       (5)                      1,200                    361               839     232%
   Long-term prepaid expense                     (6)                       667                     271               396     146%
   Other non-current assets                      (7)                      1,211                  5,186             -3,975    -77%
   Short-term borrowings                         (8)                  244,429                  168,805            75,624      45%
   Notes payable                                 (9)                      8,557                 18,349             -9,792    -53%
   Advances from customers                       (10)                  20,581                   13,541             7,040      52%
   Interest payable                              (11)                  16,193                    3,509            12,684     361%
   Other payables                                (12)                  79,936                   16,597            63,339     382%
   Long-term borrowings                          (13)                  33,978                   71,111           -37,133     -52%
   Other non-current liabilities                 (14)                  45,590                   28,737            16,853      59%

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                     The Third Quarter Report 2013

                                                            From 1 January to        From 1 January to     Increased/Dec
                                                 Note                                                                          Rate
                                                           30 September 2013        30 September 2012      reased amount
      Revenue                                    (15)                565,165                  529,306             35,859         7%
      Cost of sales                              (16)                  398,525                 409,822            -11,297       -3%
      Selling and distribution expenses          (17)                   19,413                   17,383             2,030      12%
      General and administrative expenses        (18)                   41,529                   37,725             3,804      10%
      Investment income                          (19)                       43                    6,261            -6,218      -99%
      Income tax expenses                        (20)                   19,812                    9,499            10,313     109%

(1)    The increase of cash at bank and on hand was mainly due to the increase of bank savings.
(2)        The increase of notes receivable was mainly because part of the subsidiaries of the Company have an increased proportion
           in note collection.
(3)        The increase of advances to suppliers was mainly because amount paid in advance for purchasing equipment increased in
           the report period.
(4)        The increase of other current assets was mainly because the Company transferred shares of Shenzhen CSG Float Glass
           Co., Ltd., and adjusted the fixed assets, construction in progress and intangible assets into the non-current assets held for
(5)        The increase of development expenditure was mainly because more qualified R&D expenses are collected in the item of
           development expenditure.
(6)        The increase of long-term prepaid expense was mainly due to the increased of mold expenses.
(7)        The decrease of other non-current assets was mainly because the share acquisition, prepaid at end of last year, was
           transfer-out due to the completion of ownership transfer in the year.
(8)        The increase of short-term borrowings was mainly because the 1.1 billion short-term financing bonds issued in the repot
(9)        The decrease of notes payable was mainly because payment via bank acceptance reduced in the report period.
(10)       The increase of advances from customers was mainly due to increase of the advance from goods.
(11)       The increase of interest payable was mainly because the provision for bond interest payable in the report period has not
           been paid yet.
(12)       The increase of other payables was mainly because the Company received advance payment for subsidiary equity transfer.
(13)       The decrease of long-term borrowings was mainly because subsidiaries of the Company paid back the long-term
(14)       The increase of other non-current liabilities mainly because subsidiaries of the Company received government subsidies.
(15)       The increase of revenue was mainly due to increase of sales volume as well as sales price for part of products comparing
           with the same period of last year.
(16)       The decrease of cost of sales was mainly because the Company implemented dropping cost & improving efficiency which
           made the production cost per unit declined.
(17)       The increase of selling and distribution expenses was mainly because expenses related to sales increased due to the sales
           increase in the report period.
(18)       The increase of general and administrative expenses was mainly because new subsidiaries set up and part of the
           subsidiaries came into commercial operation, which brought more staff remuneration, office expenses, taxes ect., at the
           same time the performance award for management was higher than same period of last year.
(19)       The decrease of investment income was mainly because the Company sold the equity of subsidiary at the same period of
           last year.
(20)       The increase of income tax expenses was mainly due to the increase of pre-tax profit comparing with the same period in
           last year.

(II) The progress of material events and the analysis of the solutions

Detail as bellow:

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                          The Third Quarter Report 2013

                      Overview                                               Indexes of website for interim Notice
                                                                The Notice (Notice No.: 2013-022) was published on China
Expiration of repurchase certain domestic-listed
                                                     2013-08-06 Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial
foreign shares (B shares)
                                                                Daily and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
The CSG transferred 19% equity of Shenzhen CSG                  The Notice (Notice No.: 2013-024) was published on China
Display Technology Co., Ltd. to Shenzhen Xingshi     2013-08-21 Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial
Investment Co., Ltd.                                            Daily and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
The CSG planned to transfer 100% equity of                      The Notice (Notice No.: 2013-028) was published on China
Shenzhen CSG Float Glass Co., Ltd. to Jinshidai      2013-09-28 Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial
Investment Consultant (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                      Daily and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

(III) Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report period or carried over from
      previous period

                                                                                             Commit- Commit-
        Commitments                Promisee               Content of commitments              ment    ment
                                                                                               date   term
                                               The Company has implemented share merger
                                               reform in May 2006. Till June 2008, the share
                                               of the original non-tradable shareholders which
                                               holding over 5% total shares of the Company
                                               had all released. Therein, the original
                                               non-tradable shareholder Shenzhen
                               The original    International Holdings (SZ) Limited (with                        By the end of
                               non-tradable    former name of Yiwan Industrial Development                      the report
                               shareholder     (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ) and Xin Tong Chan                         period, the
                               Shenzhen        Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                      above
                               International   both are wholly-funded subsidiaries to                           shareholders
Commitments for                Holdings (SZ) Shenzhen International Holdings Limited           2006-05          of the
Share Merger Reform            Limited and Xin (hereinafter Shenzhen International for short)  -22              Company
                               Tong Chan       listed in Hong Kong united stock exchange                        have strictly
                               Industrial      main board. Shenzhen International made                          carried out
                               Development     commitment that it would strictly carry out                      their
                               (Shenzhen) Co., related regulations of Securities Law,                           promises.
                               Ltd.            Administration of the Takeover of Listed
                                               Companies Procedures and Guiding Opinions
                                               on the Listed Companies’ Transfer of Original
                                               Shares Released from Trading Restrictions
                                               issued by CSRC during implementing share
                                               decreasingly-held plan and take information
                                               disclosure responsibility timely.
Commitments in report of
acquisition or equity change
Commitments in assets
Commitments in initial public
offering or re-financing
Other commitments for
medium and small
Completed on time or not      Yes
Detail reasons for
un-complement and further     Not applicable

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        The Third Quarter Report 2013

IV. Financial Statement

(I) Financial Statement

 i. Consolidated Balance Sheets
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                              Unit: RMB
                               Items                Ending balance                 Beginning balance
Current assets:
 Cash at bank and on hand                                     664,928,938                     474,421,278
 Notes receivable                                             518,330,903                     299,804,348
 Accounts receivable                                          326,557,011                     276,814,461
 Advances to suppliers                                        109,770,882                      70,007,569
 Other receivables                                             63,619,573                      63,047,384
 Dividends receivable                                                      -                             -
 Inventories                                                  464,733,634                     367,293,857
 Other current assets                                       1,023,121,803                     167,499,349
Total current asset                                         3,171,062,744                   1,718,888,246
Non-current assets:
 Available-for-sale financial assets                          107,100,000                     109,955,459
 Long-term receivable                                                      -                             -
 Long-term equity investment                                               -                             -
 Fixed assets                                               9,080,942,058                   9,418,430,703
 Construction in process                                    2,412,501,721                   1,934,725,631
 Intangible assets                                          1,041,168,742                     929,486,926
 Development expenditure                                       12,003,492                       3,610,292
 Goodwill                                                       3,039,946                       3,039,946
 Long-term prepaid expenses                                     6,672,584                       2,713,907
 Deferred income tax assets                                   149,386,782                     163,100,004
 Other non-current assets                                      12,110,712                      51,858,632
Total non-current assets                                   12,824,926,037                  12,616,921,500
Total Assets                                               15,995,988,781                  14,335,809,746
Current liabilities:
 Short-term loans                                           2,444,287,529                   1,688,049,571
 Notes payable                                                 85,574,550                     183,487,216
 Account payable                                            1,231,450,063                   1,120,003,975
 Advances from customers                                      205,807,758                     135,413,065
 Employee benefits payable                                    124,815,589                     104,895,290
 Taxes payable                                                154,314,715                     134,645,371
 Interest payable                                             161,926,040                      35,091,990
 Dividends payable                                                   687,627                      687,627
 Other payables                                               799,359,181                     165,969,155
 Current portion of non-current liabilities                   397,395,140                     481,687,841
 Other current liabilities                                           629,627                      526,872
Total current liabilities                                   5,606,247,819                   4,050,457,973
Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings                                         339,778,361                     711,112,961

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                          The Third Quarter Report 2013

 Bonds payable                                                                 1,989,900,542                  1,986,624,288
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                                  28,713,638                     32,046,701
 Other non-recurring liabilities                                                 455,901,294                    287,373,063
Total non-current liabilities                                                  2,814,293,835                  3,017,157,013
Total liabilities                                                              8,420,541,654                  7,067,614,986
Owners’ equity
 Paid-in capital                                                               2,075,335,560                  2,075,335,560
 Capital surplus                                                               1,379,201,271                  1,381,031,988
 Special reserves                                                                 14,670,451                     14,831,266
 Surplus reserves                                                                678,216,577                    678,216,577
 Undistributed profits                                                         2,982,129,661                  2,665,777,580
 Different on translation of foreign currency financial statements                  -266,821                      1,017,782
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company                     7,129,286,699                  6,816,210,753
 Minority equity                                                                 446,160,428                    451,984,007
Total owners’ equity                                                          7,575,447,127                  7,268,194,760
Total Liabilities and Owners’ Equity                                         15,995,988,781                 14,335,809,746
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan              CFO:Luo Youming          Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

ii. Balance Sheets of the Company
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                Items                                 Ending balance                 Beginning balance
Current assets:
 Cash at bank and on hand                                                        354,617,021                    139,915,851
 Notes receivable                                                                            -                             -
 Accounts receivable                                                                         -                             -
 Advances to suppliers                                                                       -                             -
 Other receivables                                                             3,086,591,423                  1,753,686,199
 Dividends receivable                                                             86,385,405                               -
 Inventories                                                                                 -                             -
 Other current assets                                                                        -                             -
Total current asset                                                            3,527,593,849                  1,893,602,050
Non-current assets:
 Available-for-sale financial assets                                              82,145,700                     84,335,860
 Long-term receivable                                                          2,251,331,465                  2,281,424,431
 Long-term equity investment                                                   4,719,776,137                  4,635,634,350
 Fixed assets                                                                     12,704,721                     13,311,942
 Construction in process                                                          25,224,044                     10,254,145
 Intangible assets                                                                 2,760,585                      3,093,435
 Development expenditure                                                               331,428                      134,999
 Goodwill                                                                                    -                             -
 Long-term prepaid expenses                                                        2,615,637                               -
 Deferred income tax assets                                                                  -                             -
 Other non-current assets                                                                    -                   22,806,000
Total non-current assets                                                       7,096,889,717                  7,050,995,162
Total Assets                                                                  10,624,483,566                  8,944,597,212
Current liabilities:

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                            The Third Quarter Report 2013

 Short-term loans                                                                 2,097,000,000                    750,000,000
 Notes payable                                                                                 -                               -
 Account payable                                                                         139,750                         29,790
 Advances from customers                                                                       -                               -
 Employee benefits payable                                                            20,696,953                     4,833,381
 Taxes payable                                                                         1,377,446                         72,283
 Interest payable                                                                     25,884,543                     3,115,745
 Dividends payable                                                                       687,627                       687,627
 Other payables                                                                     881,830,140                    842,603,141
 Current portion of non-current liabilities                                         150,000,000                                -
 Other current liabilities                                                                     -                               -
Total current liabilities                                                         3,177,616,459                  1,601,341,967
Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings                                                                          -                   140,000,000
 Bonds payable                                                                    1,989,900,542                  1,986,624,288
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                                      16,126,175                    16,673,715
 Other non-recurring liabilities                                                      11,897,000                     8,897,000
Total non-current liabilities                                                     2,017,923,717                  2,152,195,003
Total liabilities                                                                 5,195,540,176                  3,753,536,970
Owners’ equity
 Paid-in capital                                                                  2,075,335,560                  2,075,335,560
 Capital surplus                                                                  1,417,669,168                  1,418,767,193
 Special reserves                                                                              -                               -
 Surplus reserves                                                                   678,216,577                    678,216,577
 Undistributed profits                                                            1,257,722,085                  1,018,740,912
 Different on translation of foreign currency financial statements                             -                               -
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company                        5,428,943,390                  5,191,060,242
 Minority equity                                                                               -                               -
Total owners’ equity                                                             5,428,943,390                  5,191,060,242
Total Liabilities and Owners’ Equity                                            10,624,483,566                  8,944,597,212
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                CFO:Luo Youming          Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

iii. Consolidated Income Statement in the report period
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                    Items                             Balance of this period          Balance of last period
I. Revenue                                                                        2,114,679,495                  1,947,809,464
 Incl. Business income                                                            2,114,679,495                  1,947,809,464
II. Cost                                                                          1,761,346,267                  1,739,427,606
 Incl. Cost of sales                                                              1,470,567,648                  1,460,092,713
       Tax and surcharges                                                            12,161,293                     14,067,914
       Selling and distribution expenses                                             66,187,447                     68,298,247
       General and administrative expenses                                          151,273,988                    137,745,946
       Financial expenses-net                                                        63,215,026                     60,177,826
       Asset impairment losses                                                        -2,059,135                      -955,040
       Investment gains (‘-‘ for loss)                                                       -                               -
III. Operating profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                              353,333,228                    208,381,858
 Add: Non-operating income                                                           48,209,438                     16,215,764

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                               The Third Quarter Report 2013

 Less: Non-operational expenses                                                           335,950                          685,629
           Incl. Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                   211,620                          526,917
IV. Total profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                     401,206,716                       223,911,993
 Less: Income tax expenses                                                             84,387,184                        39,063,624
V. Net profit (‘-‘ for net loss)                                                    316,819,532                       184,848,369
 Attributable to equity holders of the company                                        273,932,669                       156,677,476
 Minority interests                                                                    42,886,863                        28,170,893
VI. Earnings per share:                                                         --                                 --
 - Basic                                                                                       0.13                            0.08
 - Diluted                                                                                     0.13                            0.08
VII. Other comprehensive incomes                                                        6,786,471                        -9,171,897
VIII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                     323,606,003                       175,676,472
 Total comprehensive incomes attributable to equity holders of the
                                                                                      280,719,084                       147,505,579
 Total comprehensive incomes attributable to Minority interests                        42,886,919                        28,170,893
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                   CFO:Luo Youming       Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

iv. Income Statement of the Company in the report period
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                      Items                           Balance of this period             Balance of last period
I. Revenue                                                                                        -                               -
 Less: Cost of sales                                                                              -                               -
           Tax and surcharges                                                                     -                               -
           Selling and distribution expenses                                                      -                               -
           General and administrative expenses                                         18,694,888                         6,492,555
           Financial expenses-net                                                      11,269,214                         1,902,340
           Asset impairment losses                                                          4,078                           -20,701
           Investment gains (‘-‘ for loss)                                           75,685,182                                 -
II. Operating profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                  45,717,002                        -8,374,194
 Add: Non-operating income                                                                 12,285                         5,000,000
 Less: Non-operational expenses                                                             2,839                           11,077
           Incl. Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                     2,839                           11,077
III. Total profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                     45,726,448                        -3,385,271
 Less: Income tax expenses                                                                        -                               -
IV. Net profit (‘-‘ for net loss)                                                    45,726,448                        -3,385,271
V. Earnings per share:                                                          --                                 --
VI. Other comprehensive incomes                                                         5,145,207                        -6,982,760
VII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                       50,871,655                       -10,368,031
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                   CFO:Luo Youming       Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

v. Consolidated Income Statement from 1 Jan. 2013 to 30 Sept. 2013
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                      Items                           Balance of this period             Balance of last period
I. Revenue                                                                           5,651,645,278                  5,293,059,949
 Incl. Business income                                                               5,651,645,278                  5,293,059,949
II. Cost                                                                             4,813,081,700                  4,876,317,005
 Incl. Cost of sales                                                                 3,985,245,701                  4,098,220,248

  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                The Third Quarter Report 2013

       Tax and surcharges                                                              35,397,059                         31,093,001
       Selling and distribution expenses                                              194,130,191                        173,833,081
       General and administrative expenses                                            415,288,040                        377,254,068
       Financial expenses-net                                                         182,853,289                        193,530,038
       Asset impairment losses                                                           167,420                           2,386,569
 Add: Investment gains (‘-‘ for loss)                                                  432,000                          62,612,488
III. Operating profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                838,995,578                        479,355,432
 Add: Non-operating income                                                             96,501,015                         96,036,837
 Less: Non-operational expenses                                                         8,731,152                          1,543,465
         Incl. Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                    499,831                           1,007,710
IV. Total profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                     926,765,441                        573,848,804
 Less: Income tax expenses                                                            198,115,399                         94,992,390
V. Net profit (‘-‘ for net loss)                                                    728,650,042                        478,856,414
 Attributable to equity holders of the company                                        627,652,415                        402,770,661
 Minority interests                                                                   100,997,627                         76,085,753
VI. Earnings per share:                                                          --                                 --
 - Basic                                                                                        0.30                            0.19
 - Diluted                                                                                      0.30                            0.19
VII. Other comprehensive incomes                                                       -3,482,748                         -4,936,175
VIII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                     725,167,294                        473,920,239
 Total comprehensive incomes attributable to equity holders of the
                                                                                      624,169,788                        397,789,655
 Total comprehensive incomes attributable to Minority interests                       100,997,506                         76,130,584
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                 CFO:Luo Youming          Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

vi. Income Statement of the Company from 1 Jan. 2013 to 30 Sept. 2013
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                      Items                            Balance of this period             Balance of last period
I. Revenue                                                                               741,079                           1,257,853
 Less: Cost of sales                                                                       41,575                            70,566
         Tax and surcharges                                                                        -                               -
         Selling and distribution expenses                                                         -                               -
         General and administrative expenses                                           41,489,374                         14,791,978
         Financial expenses-net                                                        28,792,555                         11,129,772
         Asset impairment losses                                                         -770,213                           300,078
 Add: Investment gains (‘-‘ for loss)                                               612,760,982                        805,030,048
II. Operating profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                 543,948,770                        779,995,507
 Add: Non-operating income                                                              6,339,325                         10,501,000
 Less: Non-operational expenses                                                             6,580                            11,735
         Incl. Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                       6,580                            11,735
III. Total profit (‘-‘ for loss)                                                    550,281,515                        790,484,772
 Less: Income tax expenses                                                                         -                               -
IV. Net profit (‘-‘ for net loss)                                                   550,281,515                        790,484,772
V. Earnings per share:                                                           --                                 --
VI. Other comprehensive incomes                                                        -1,642,620                         -4,156,114
VII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                      548,638,895                        786,328,658
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                 CFO:Luo Youming          Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

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   CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                The Third Quarter Report 2013

vii. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement from 1 Jan. 2013 to 30 Sept. 2013
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                      Items                                        Balance of this period       Balance of last period
 I. Cash flow from operating activities
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                                6,441,452,937                6,214,902,734
  Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                               36,380,170                  112,452,601
  Cash received relating to other operating activities                                        127,597,354                   90,181,088
 Sub-total of cash inflow                                                                   6,605,430,461                6,417,536,423
  Cash paid for goods and services                                                          3,908,509,052                3,662,281,292
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                     624,712,597                  592,345,154
  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                            630,278,495                  483,528,672
  Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                            344,426,757                  296,463,674
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 5,507,926,901                5,034,618,792
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                                   1,097,503,560                1,382,917,631
 II. Cash flow from investing activities
  Cash received from disposal of investment                                                   424,980,000                                -
  Cash received from returns on investment                                                        432,000                      339,962
  Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                               15,845,601                    8,098,484
  long-term assets
  Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other companies                             210,000,000                   78,552,498
  Cash received relating to other investing activities                                        223,410,169                   43,531,540
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                    874,667,770                  130,522,484
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                            1,523,354,361                1,061,357,422
  Cash paid to acquire investments                                                                          -               27,068,998
  Cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other companies                                        39,001,200                                -
  Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                              7,000,000                    4,742,970
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 1,569,355,561                1,093,169,390
 Net cash flows from investing activities                                                    -694,687,791                 -962,646,906
 III. Cash flows from financing activities
  Cash received from capital contributions                                                     29,011,757                   52,855,285
  Incl. Cash received from capital contributions by minority interests of
                                                                                               29,011,757                   52,855,285
  Cash received from borrowing                                                              2,420,546,594                2,383,345,342
  Cash received from other financing activities                                                21,963,065                   36,000,000
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  2,471,521,416                2,472,200,627
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                                             2,119,935,939                2,297,104,281
  Cash payments for interests expenses and distribution of dividends or profit                535,919,793                  639,944,823
  Incl. Cash payments for dividends or profit to minority interests of
                                                                                              145,358,190                  123,764,085
  Cash payments relating to other financing activities                                          3,227,747                   44,774,967
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 2,659,083,479                2,981,824,071
 Net cash flows from financing activities                                                    -187,562,063                 -509,623,444
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                      -2,777,444                      601,947
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                 212,476,262                  -88,750,772
  Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year                                     447,736,537                  634,416,574
 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                             660,212,799                  545,665,802
Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                  CFO:Luo Youming               Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

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   CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                The Third Quarter Report 2013

viii. Cash Flow Statement of the Company from 1 Jan. 2013 to 30 Sept. 2013
 Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                      Items                                        Balance of this period       Balance of last period
 I. Cash flow from operating activities
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                                                -                            -
  Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                                            -                            -
  Cash received relating to other operating activities                                          4,802,370                    2,914,770
 Sub-total of cash inflow                                                                       4,802,370                    2,914,770
  Cash paid for goods and services                                                              2,615,637                                -
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                      14,523,157                   41,818,591
  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                                277,732                      232,259
  Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                             11,509,008                    9,507,157
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                    28,925,534                   51,558,007
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                                     -24,123,164                  -48,643,237
 II. Cash flow from investing activities
  Cash received from disposal of investment                                                   424,980,000                                -
  Cash received from returns on investment                                                    583,797,208                  526,634,274
  Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                                            -                       450
  long-term assets
  Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other companies                             115,000,000                   62,400,000
  Cash received relating to other investing activities                                          6,317,040                   15,500,000
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  1,130,094,248                  604,534,724
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                               15,321,209                    8,310,383
  Cash paid to acquire investments                                                            335,178,626                  203,105,620
  Cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other companies                                        39,001,200                                -
  Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                             21,807,800                  103,717,913
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                   411,308,835                  315,133,916
 Net cash flows from investing activities                                                     718,785,413                  289,400,808
 III. Cash flows from financing activities
  Cash received from capital contributions
  Cash received from borrowing                                                              2,314,288,442                  830,000,000
  Cash received from other financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  2,314,288,442                  830,000,000
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                                               957,288,442                  761,500,720
  Cash payments for interests expenses and distribution of dividends or profit                316,114,952                  374,762,405
  Cash payments relating to other financing activities                                      1,523,064,787                    2,221,645
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                 2,796,468,181                1,138,484,770
 Net cash flows from financing activities                                                    -482,179,739                 -308,484,770
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                       2,218,660                    -1,910,576
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                 214,701,170                  -69,637,775
  Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year                                     139,915,851                  229,898,569
 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                             354,617,021                  160,260,794
 Legal Representative:Zeng Nan                 CFO:Luo Youming               Manager of the financial department:Zhang Guoming

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  CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                 The Third Quarter Report 2013

(II) Auditor’s Report

Whether the third quarter report was audited or not
□Yes     √No
The third quarter report of the Company has not been audited

Board of Directors of
CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
22 October 2013

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