康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 KONKA GROUP CO., LTD. THE FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT 2011 §1 Important Notes 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors and senior executives of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading statement or material omission and will take individual and/or joint liabilities for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report. 1.2 Financial statements for the first quarter of 2011 have not been audited by an accounting firm. 1.3 Mr. Hou Songrong, the Company principal, Mr. Yang Rong, the head of the accounting work, and Mr. Ruan Renzong, the principal of the accounting organ (the accounting principal), hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in the quarterly report is true and complete. [English translation for reference only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.] §2 Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices Unit: RMB Yuan 31 Mar. 2011 31 Dec. 2010 Increase/decrease Total assets (Yuan) 16,586,142,965.53 16,466,895,565.00 0.72% Owners’ equity attributable to 3,910,578,691.17 3,998,647,232.73 -2.20% shareholders of the Company (Yuan) Share capital (share) 1,203,972,704.00 1,203,972,704.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the Company 3.248 3.321 -2.20% (Yuan/share) Jan.-Mar. 2011 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Increase/decrease Gross revenue (Yuan) 3,339,537,004.10 4,266,791,664.59 -21.73% Net profit attributable to -76,863,006.20 35,625,229.27 -315.75% shareholders of the Company (Yuan) Net cash flows from operating 143,042,023.14 62,308,666.72 129.57% activities (Yuan) Net cash flows per share from 0.119 0.052 128.85% operating activities (Yuan/share) Basic EPS (Yuan/share) -0.0638 0.0296 -315.54% Diluted EPS (Yuan/share) -0.0638 0.0296 -315.54% Weighted average ROA (%) -1.94% 0.91% -2.85% Weighted average ROA after deducting -2.26% 0.62% -2.88% non-recurring gains and losses (%) Items of non-recurring gains and losses √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Notes (if Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount applicable) 1 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets -143,644.71 Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses, excluding those related closely to the routine business of the Company and 18,273,604.46 continuously enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or ratios according to state policies and regulations Gains/losses from fair value changes of transactional financial assets and liabilities held by the Company, and investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets -5,370,646.17 available for sale, excluding effective hedging business related to the Company’s common operations Other items of gains and losses in compliance with the definition of non-recurring 2,951,548.93 gains and losses Minority interests effects -1,967,753.44 Income tax effects -1,322,820.49 Total 12,420,288.58 - 2.2 Total number of shareholders and shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium at the end of the reporting period Unit: share Total number of shareholders at the 115,886 end of the reporting period Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium Shares not subject to trading Full name of shareholder moratorium held at the Type of share period-end Domestically listed foreign HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED 53,454,049 shares Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation 30,372,843 RMB ordinary shares Domestically listed foreign GAOLING FUND,L.P. 26,400,625 shares Domestically listed foreign NAM NGAI 11,760,720 shares Domestically listed foreign BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED 10,053,460 shares CNCA A/C COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE EDMOND DE Domestically listed foreign 9,999,997 ROTHSCHILD shares Guangzhou Municipal Engineering 6,028,135 RMB ordinary shares Supervision Co., Ltd. Xia Rui 3,800,000 RMB ordinary shares Domestically listed foreign YHG INVESTMENT, L.P. 2,967,661 shares Gan Xiaoyan 2,841,178 RMB ordinary shares §3 Significant Events 3.1 Significant changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators as well as reasons for these changes √Applicable □Non-applicable I. In the reporting period, income from main businesses of the Company registered a year-on-year decrease of 21.73% due to the following reason: Influenced by the increasingly complicated overall economy condition, macro 2 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 regulation and control of the State, as well as RMB appreciation, the desire of residents to consume was restrained and the export environment deteriorated in 2011, which brought about reduction in total sales volume and sales income of main businesses of the Company, and led to a year-on-year decrease of 21.73% in income of the Company’s main businesses in the reporting period. II. In the reporting period, net profit of the Company registered a year-on-year decrease of 315.75% due to the following reasons: 1. The year-on-year decrease of sales income resulted in a higher expense ratio and declined profitability. 2. Prices of up-stream LCD panels kept relatively firm, and prices of bulk materials, including copper, aluminum, steel and petroleum, soared, which resulted in the rising cost of manufacturing, sustainably dropping retail prices of products, as well as lower profitability. III. Monetary funds were up 32.40% as compared to the year-begin, which was mainly because NDF transactions increased and security deposits increased accordingly. IV. Long-term borrowings were up19.61% as compared to the year-begin, which was mainly due to capital needs arising from fixed asset acquisitions, construction in process and purchases. V. Business taxes and surcharges were up 545.33% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to increase of the city maintenance tax that foreign-invested enterprises were required to pay and the educational surcharges. VI. Non-business income was up 39.14% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to new earnings from the tax rebates for embedded software and increase of government subsidies. 3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions 3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.4 Others √Applicable □Non-applicable Progress in construction of internal control in the 1st quarter of 2011: I. The Company set up a leading group and a work group for internal control construction, as well as a special department of internal control. (I) The Company set up a leading group with Hou Songrong (chairman of the Board) as the group leader, Yang Haiying (director and chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee under the Board) and Chen Yuehua (president) as deputy group leaders, and other senior executives as members. (II) The Company set up a work group with Yang Rong (CFO) as the group leader to account for specific work about implementing internal control standards. 3 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 (III) The Company set up the Internal Control and Risk Management Department to be responsible for events concerning internal control construction of the Company. II. The Company conveyed the spirit of documents relating to internal control to the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as senior and medium executives of the Company. III. The Company convened the Meeting of Mobilizing Construction Promotion of Internal Control to intensify the efforts of publicity and education for standardizing internal control of the Company. IV. The Company engaged Shenzhen Dezhirui Enterprise Management Consultation Co., Ltd. as the advisory organ for internal control of the Company. V. In consideration of the convenience of audit, the Company initially decided to engage RSM China Certified Public Accountants to account for internal control audit for the Company in 2011. The above item is to be submitted to the Board Session and Shareholders’ General Meeting for deliberation. VI. The Company has compiled Work Plan for Implementing Internal Control. 3.3 Commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and actual controller Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares, actual controller and other related parties in the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period √Applicable □Inapplicable Commitments Covenanter Description Execution (1) To promise that non-tradable shares of Konka Group held by it will not get listed or transferred within 24 months since the day it acquires the right of listing and trading in A share market. Up to now, there are no OCT Group (2) At the expiration of the previously Share Reform Commitment shares subject to moratorium Corporation mentioned period, original non-tradable listed or Transferred. shares of Konka Group traded through listing at Stock Exchange will not exceed 5% of total shares of Konka Group within 12 months and not exceed 10% within 24 months. Commitments made in acquisition report or report None None None on changes in equity Commitments made in of significant assets None None None reorganization Commitments made upon None None None issuance of shares Other commitments (additional None None None commitments) 3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin year-on-year change of the accumulative net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons 4 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5 Other significant events 3.5.1 Securities investments □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period Main discussion and Time Place Way of reception Visitor information provided by the Company Development tendency of color TV Conference room of the BOC International 5 Jan. 2011 Field research industry in 2011, and market Company (China) Limited situation of color TV business Market situation of color TV Conference room of the business, mobile phone business, 17 Feb. 2011 Field research Fortune SG Fund Company and consumer appliance business, and export information of Y2010 Conference room of the Sales channel of TV in countryside, 22 Feb. 2011 Field research CITIC Securities Company and sales prospect of 3D TV Market competition of color TV Conference room of the Industrial 15 Mar. 2011 Field research business, and commissioning of LCM Company Securities project 3.6 Derivative investments √Applicable □Inapplicable When the Company operated every NDF portfolio, yield to maturity is fixed and there is no risk. Main risks of NDF portfolio are as follows: 1. Risk from closing of bank pledged deposit, in case the bank close downs, the pledged deposit is probably hard to call back in full. Analysis on risks and control measures of derivative products held in the report period (including but not 2. Risk from foreign bank operated NDF portfolio being closed. limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, In case the foreign bank closes down, it is not possible to operation risk, law risk, etc.) receive income from NDF portfolio. The Company always chooses large-sized bank similar as Bank of China to cooperate to start NDF portfolio. Theses banks chosen by the Company operated stably and healthily with good assets and credit, the probability of closing was small. It is basically out of consideration of loss from closing brought to the Company Changes of market prices or fair values in the report period of the invested derivatives. And the analysis Yield to maturity of NDF portfolio business operated by the on the fair value of the derivatives should include Company is fixed and there is no change in fair value. the specific use methods and the relevant assumptions and parameters. Whether significant changes occurred to the Up to the public notice date, there is no special accounting Company’s accounting policy and specific method for NDF portfolio business and accounting principle was accounting principles of derivatives in the report in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business period compared to the previous report period Enterprises. Independent directors of the Company considered that NDF portfolio business is good for benefit from fluctuation of rate Specific opinion from independent directors, of RMB and get fixed income without risks, so it is necessary sponsors or financial consultants on the Company’s at some certain. The Company is gradually perfecting internal derivatives investment and risk control control for investment on derivative products, and it is feasible to adopted directed measures for risk control. 5 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 3.6.1 Derivative investments held at the end of the reporting period √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Proportion of the closing contract Gain or loss in Opening contract Closing contract amount in the Type of contract the reporting amount amount closing net period assets of the Company NDF portfolio business 3,730,957,365.86 4,179,146,301.79 7,094,223.92 106.87% Total 3,730,957,365.86 4,179,146,301.79 7,094,223.92 106.87% §4 Attachments 4.1 Balance sheet Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd. 31 Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Closing balance Opening balance Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company Current Assets: Monetary funds 4,983,920,088.20 4,283,639,598.19 3,764,409,203.04 3,409,946,242.24 Settlement reserves Lendings to banks and other financial institutions Transactional financial assets Notes receivable 4,212,264,075.39 3,971,787,163.31 4,149,313,159.56 4,068,533,543.35 Accounts receivable 1,487,429,731.81 919,374,606.11 1,971,135,371.91 1,312,217,694.50 Accounts paid in advance 409,591,202.26 234,829,714.75 446,971,672.32 347,600,391.31 Premiums receivable Reinsurance premiums receivable Receivable reinsurance contract reserves Interest receivable 17,063,270.59 17,047,558.92 25,298,029.66 24,924,331.91 Dividend receivable Other accounts receivable 100,713,004.68 739,622,457.59 92,135,651.57 574,826,602.17 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 3,038,923,249.83 2,211,661,636.56 3,723,636,130.09 2,974,345,102.16 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets Total current assets 14,249,904,622.76 12,377,962,735.43 14,172,899,218.15 12,712,393,907.64 Non-current assets: Entrusted loans and advances granted Available-for-sale 1,885,734.06 1,885,734.06 1,830,598.36 1,830,598.36 financial assets Held-to-maturity investments Long-term accounts receivable Long-term equity 113,754,190.13 1,653,402,169.87 113,754,190.13 1,653,402,169.87 6 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 investment Investing property Fixed assets 1,528,148,802.84 370,562,550.19 1,488,368,667.79 375,450,201.99 Construction in progress 225,260,042.63 164,691,027.92 231,508,246.34 149,152,895.63 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 199,118,613.53 26,275,830.51 191,483,451.66 18,318,487.30 R&D expense Goodwill 3,943,671.53 3,943,671.53 Long-term deferred 12,060,601.70 4,708,308.95 11,480,636.02 4,206,829.66 expenses Deferred income tax assets 252,066,686.35 193,317,838.67 251,626,885.02 193,331,071.24 Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 2,336,238,342.77 2,414,843,460.17 2,293,996,346.85 2,395,692,254.05 Total assets 16,586,142,965.53 14,792,806,195.60 16,466,895,565.00 15,108,086,161.69 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 6,451,078,871.53 4,781,428,677.94 5,917,298,397.16 4,777,121,394.26 Borrowings from Central Bank Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions Transactional financial 54,995,754.61 54,645,104.27 64,957,121.86 64,606,471.52 liabilities Notes payable 1,879,988,901.06 1,516,297,447.57 2,031,883,915.56 1,788,018,888.54 Accounts payable 2,116,964,362.98 1,581,538,990.64 2,390,131,711.56 2,039,562,054.50 Accounts received in 238,655,055.87 1,158,428,152.92 316,613,909.66 973,828,552.00 advance Financial assets sold for repurchase Handling charges and commissions payable Employee’s compensation 171,880,619.54 70,002,256.61 218,113,645.42 82,383,027.98 payable Tax payable -141,962,164.54 -100,001,748.19 -170,794,740.44 -148,912,324.33 Interest payable 18,638,616.40 18,505,027.42 26,751,070.30 25,983,184.76 Dividend payable 7,976,122.23 7,976,122.23 Other accounts payable 907,959,422.33 1,352,948,924.02 798,367,146.17 1,127,044,568.53 Reinsurance premiums payable Insurance contract reserves Payables for acting trading of securities Payables for acting underwriting of securities Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 11,706,175,562.01 10,433,792,833.20 11,601,298,299.48 10,729,635,817.76 7 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 610,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 510,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 Bonds payable Long-term payables 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 Specific payables Estimated liabilities Deferred income tax 563,067.21 563,067.21 liabilities Other non-current 101,800,253.51 65,493,757.54 100,896,753.51 65,493,757.54 liabilities Total non-current 742,363,320.72 665,493,757.54 641,459,820.72 565,493,757.54 liabilities Total liabilities 12,448,538,882.73 11,099,286,590.74 12,242,758,120.20 11,295,129,575.30 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-up capital (or share 1,203,972,704.00 1,203,972,704.00 1,203,972,704.00 1,203,972,704.00 capital) Capital reserves 1,272,281,590.25 1,249,151,423.67 1,272,239,687.12 1,249,109,520.54 Less: Treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus reserves 809,307,995.80 809,307,995.80 809,307,995.80 809,307,995.80 Provisions for general risks Retained profits 619,883,291.55 431,087,481.39 696,746,297.76 550,566,366.05 Foreign exchange 5,133,109.57 16,380,548.05 difference Total equity attributable to 3,910,578,691.17 3,693,519,604.86 3,998,647,232.73 3,812,956,586.39 owners of the Company Minority interests 227,025,391.63 225,490,212.07 Total owners’ equity 4,137,604,082.80 3,693,519,604.86 4,224,137,444.80 3,812,956,586.39 Total liabilities and 16,586,142,965.53 14,792,806,195.60 16,466,895,565.00 15,108,086,161.69 owners’ equity 4.2 Income statement Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2011 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Total operating revenues 3,339,537,004.10 3,110,306,608.28 4,266,791,664.59 4,057,208,187.95 Including: Sales income 3,339,537,004.10 3,110,306,608.28 4,266,791,664.59 4,057,208,187.95 Interest income Premium income Handling charge and commission income II. Total operating cost 3,437,957,471.63 3,239,843,443.30 4,230,971,313.37 4,079,360,937.60 Including: Cost of sales 2,817,755,664.56 2,742,765,265.01 3,631,933,127.27 3,605,806,531.86 Interest expenses Handling charge and commission expenses Surrenders Net claims paid Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract reserve Expenditure on policy dividends 8 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 Reinsurance premium Taxes and associate 6,007,313.19 4,773,737.83 930,892.10 224,064.47 charges Selling and 483,483,090.52 373,504,088.52 460,555,582.14 387,981,203.70 distribution expenses Administrative 118,285,256.99 114,192,647.52 121,238,958.23 72,609,369.19 expenses Financial expenses 12,427,199.37 4,607,704.42 22,162,244.21 19,554,612.11 Asset impairment loss -1,053.00 -5,849,490.58 -6,814,843.73 Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value ( “ - ” means 8,440,753.40 8,440,753.40 985,330.00 985,330.00 loss) Gain/(loss) from 10,529.35 10,529.35 investment (“-” means loss) Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss) III. Business profit (“-” -89,979,714.13 -121,096,081.62 36,816,210.57 -21,156,890.30 means loss) Add: non-operating 21,735,865.80 2,825,912.12 15,621,101.47 13,303,772.47 income Less: non-operating 654,357.12 202,396.85 2,321,471.62 339,448.58 expense Including: loss from 143,644.71 136,573.38 1,704,521.45 112,753.59 non-current asset disposal IV. Total profit (“-” means -68,898,205.45 -118,472,566.35 50,115,840.42 -8,192,566.41 loss) Less: Income tax expense 6,429,621.19 1,006,318.31 10,299,651.96 2,994,487.15 V. Net profit ( “ - ” means -75,327,826.64 -119,478,884.66 39,816,188.46 -11,187,053.56 loss) Attributable to owners of -76,863,006.20 -119,478,884.66 35,625,229.27 -11,187,053.56 the Company Minority shareholders’ 1,535,179.56 4,190,959.19 income VI. Earnings per share (I) basic earnings per -0.0638 -0.0992 0.0296 -0.0093 share (II) diluted earnings per -0.0638 -0.0992 0.0296 -0.0093 share Ⅶ . Other comprehensive -11,205,535.35 41,903.13 4,383,088.36 -119,867.36 incomes Ⅷ . Total comprehensive -86,533,361.99 -119,436,981.53 44,199,276.82 -11,306,920.92 incomes Attributable to owners of -88,068,541.55 -119,436,981.53 40,008,317.63 -11,306,920.92 the Company Attributable to minority 1,535,179.56 0.00 4,190,959.19 0.00 shareholders Where there were business combinations under the same control in the reporting period, the combined parties achieved net profits of RMB 0.00 before the combinations. 4.3 Cash flow statement Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2011 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Cash flows from operating 9 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of 3,721,462,877.73 3,573,090,472.43 4,720,978,879.59 3,968,062,175.85 service Net increase of deposits from customers and dues from banks Net increase of loans from the central bank Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of deposits of policy holders and investment fund Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase of borrowings from banks and other financial institutions Net increase of funds in repurchase business Tax refunds received 45,877,507.67 363,019.79 65,799,521.84 9,037,696.26 Other cash received relating to operating 149,153,592.68 13,718,680.31 98,402,884.47 241,162,937.17 activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 3,916,493,978.08 3,587,172,172.53 4,885,181,285.90 4,218,262,809.28 operating activities Cash paid for goods and 2,785,013,363.54 3,136,831,594.09 3,753,815,185.01 3,410,254,933.72 services Net increase of customer lendings and advances Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from banks Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contracts Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions Cash for paying policy dividends Cash paid to and for 322,333,116.69 173,368,382.62 303,976,986.43 171,755,451.45 employees Various taxes paid 251,782,069.26 186,717,371.99 439,190,665.59 352,953,464.00 Other cash payment relating 414,323,405.45 218,610,286.46 325,889,782.15 290,804,472.03 to operating activities Subtotal of cash outflows 3,773,451,954.94 3,715,527,635.16 4,822,872,619.18 4,225,768,321.20 from operating activities 10 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 Net cash flows from operating 143,042,023.14 -128,355,462.63 62,308,666.72 -7,505,511.92 activities II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from disposal 95,940.00 95,940.00 of investments Cash received from return 10,529.35 10,529.35 on investments Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, 19,668.97 13,838.97 22,271,191.54 20,731,311.54 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units Other cash received relating to investing 13,640,000.00 activities Subtotal of cash inflows from investing 19,668.97 13,838.97 36,017,660.89 20,837,780.89 activities Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and 85,806,812.16 20,238,793.48 53,138,753.62 16,682,803.38 other long-term assets Cash paid for investment 10,000,000.00 Net increase of pledged loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows 85,806,812.16 20,238,793.48 53,138,753.62 26,682,803.38 from investing activities Net cash flows from investing -85,787,143.19 -20,224,954.51 -17,121,092.73 -5,845,022.49 activities III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from capital contributions Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments by subsidiaries Cash received from 2,006,423,470.26 1,595,848,027.04 453,343,192.74 376,230,000.00 borrowings Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received relating to financing 577,723,942.05 556,741,628.55 50,710,818.47 50,680,356.17 activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 2,584,147,412.31 2,152,589,655.59 504,054,011.21 426,910,356.17 financing activities Repayment of borrowings 766,955,668.57 563,143,668.29 76,033,174.10 34,206,000.00 Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of 18,481,017.71 16,906,835.84 1,173,792.71 1,139,872.98 dividends or profit Including: dividends or 11 康佳集团股份有限公司 2011 年第一季度季度报告全文 profit paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders Other cash payments relating to financing 1,088,468,656.07 987,545,936.53 396,763,432.50 376,230,000.00 activities Sub-total of cash outflows 1,873,905,342.35 1,567,596,440.66 473,970,399.31 411,575,872.98 from financing activities Net cash flows from financing 710,242,069.96 584,993,214.93 30,083,611.90 15,334,483.19 activities IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash -2,229,803.47 -1,171,711.11 -2,546,700.56 -2,665,106.35 and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and 765,267,146.44 435,241,086.68 72,724,485.33 -681,157.57 cash equivalents Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the 569,524,994.01 255,364,835.76 749,501,416.29 341,440,119.99 period-begin VI. Cash and cash equivalents 1,334,792,140.45 690,605,922.44 822,225,901.62 340,758,962.42 at the period-end 4.4 Auditor’s report Auditor’s opinion: un-audited Board of Directors Konka Group Co., Ltd. 28 Apr. 2011 12