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						                          English Translation for Reference Only





            AUGUST 2011

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

                    KONKA GROUP CO., LTD

                                Important Notice
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the directors,
supervisors and senior executives of KONKA GROUP CO., LTD (hereinafter referred
to as the Company), hereby assure that there are no false records, misleading
statements or significant omissions in this report, and they would shoulder any
individual as well as joint responsibility concerning the authenticity, accuracy and
completeness of the contents.
This Interim Report has been examined and approved by the 14th Session of the
Seventh Board of Directors of the Company.
No director, supervisor or senior executive has declared that he or she cannot
guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of this report, or that he or she
has any objections.
After careful examination, the Third Session of the Seventh Supervisory Committee
believes that the Interim Report 2011 and its Summary have faithfully, accurately and
completely reflected the financial status, business achievement, corporate
administration and business development of the Company in the interim of 2011.
Chairman of the Board of the Company Mr. Hou Songrong, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Yang Rong and Person in Charge of Accounting work Mr. Ruan Renzong hereby
confirm that the Financial Report in the Interim Report is true and complete.
The Interim Financial Report of the Company has not been audited.
This report was prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any difference
in interpretation between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


I. Company Profile………………………………………………………………… .3
II. Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Principal Shareholders………5
III. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ……………8
IV. Report of the Board of Directors ………………………………………………8
V. Significant Events…………………………………………………………… .... 14
VI. Financial Report……………………………………………………………….25
VII. Documents Available for Reference…………………………………………..25

                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

                              I. Company Profile
(I) Basic information of the Company
1. Legal Name of the Company in Chinese: 康佳集团股份有限公司
   Abbreviation in Chinese: 康佳集团
   Legal Name of the Company in English: KONKA GROUP CO., LTD.
   Abbreviation in English: KONKA GROUP
2. Legal Representative: Chairman of the Board, Mr. Hou Songrong
3. Secretary of Board of Directors: Mr. Xiao Qing
   Securities Affairs Representative: Mr. Wu Yongjun
   Contact Address: Konka Group Co., Ltd., Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen,
   Tel.: 0755-26608866
   Fax: 0755-26601139
   E-mail: szkonka@konka.com
4. Registered (Office) Address: Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
   Post Code: 518053
   Internet Website: http://://www.konka.com
   E-mail: szkonka@konka.com
5. Newspaper Designated for Disclosing the Information of the Company: Securities
   Times and etc.
   Internet Website Designated by CSRC for Publishing the Interim Report:
   The Place Where the Interim Report is Prepared and Placed: Secretariat of the
   Board of Directors of the Company
6. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange
   Short Form of the Stock: Shen Konka A, Shen Konka B
   Stock Code: 000016, 200016
7. Date of the Initial Registration: 1 Oct. 1980
   Place of the Initial Registration: Shenzhen City
8. Registration Code of Enterprise Business License: 440301501121863
9. Registration Code of Tax: 440301618815578
10. CPA firm engaged by the Company
   Name: RSM China Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
   Address: 8-9/F, Block A, Corporate Square, 35 Financial Street, Xicheng District,

                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

(II) Main financial data and indices
1. Main accounting data and financial indices (Unit: RMB Yuan)
                                               At the end of reporting         At the end of last       Increase/decrease
                                                          period                      year                    (%)
                Total assets                          17,272,230,545.38 16,466,895,565.00                            4.89%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                      3,781,226,435.96 3,998,647,232.73                             -5.44%
             of listed company
            Share capital (share)                     1,203,972,704.00 1,203,972,704.00                              0.00%
     Net assets per share attributable to
      shareholders of listed company                                   3.14                     3.32                -5.42%
                                               In the reporting period         The same period of       Increase/decrease
                                                        (Jan.-Jun.)                 last year                 (%)
             Operating revenue                        6,865,103,919.76 7,940,183,795.09                          -13.54%
              Operating profit                         -254,020,614.69            32,449,533.57                 -882.82%
                 Total profit                          -175,902,661.96            80,297,180.96                 -319.06%
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                       -195,000,941.75            50,887,520.39                 -483.20%
               listed company
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of
      listed company after deducting                   -219,848,387.35            35,625,098.49                 -717.12%
        non-recurring gain and loss
   Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                           -0.1620                   0.0423             -482.98%
  Diluted earnings per share (yuan/share)                          -0.1620                   0.0423             -482.98%
                  ROE (%)                                             -5.00%                    1.30%               -6.30%
      Net return on equity deducting
                                                                      -5.64%                    0.91%               -6.55%
      non-recurring gain and loss (%)
   Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                           5,538,058.12           -1,968,450.22                  381.34%
   Net cash flows per share arising from
                                                                      0.0046              -0.0016                387.50%
      operating activities (yuan/share)
2. Items of non-recurring gains and losses (Unit: RMB Yuan)
                                                                                                            Note (if
                                    Items                                           Amount
Profit and loss from disposal of non-current assets                                   903,069.82
Governmental grants counted into the current profit and loss, except for
the one closely related with the normal operation of the company and
gained constantly at a fixed amount or quantity according to certain
standard based on state policies
Profit or loss from change in fair value by holding tradable financial
assets and liabilities, and investment income from disposal of tradable
financial assets and liabilities as well as salable financial assets,             14,666,723.60
excluding the effective hedging businesses related with the normal
operations of the company

                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

Other non-operating income and expenses besides the above items                       5,013,984.10
Minority interest effect                                                               -705,241.76
Income tax effect                                                                    -8,100,457.66
                                   Total                                             24,847,445.60                  -
3. There existed no difference between the domestic and overseas financial statements
of the Company.

         II. Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Principal

(I) Particular about changes in share capital
During the reporting period, the Company’s total number of shares and share
structure both remained unchanged.

(II) Time to list and trade for shares subject to moratorium
                                                                                                                  Unit: share
                           Number of shares can be listed       Balance of shares        Balance of shares
                             newly after expiration of          subject to trading         not subject to
         Time                                                                                                        Remark
                                    moratorium                     moratorium                    trading
 30 Mar. 2010                              198,381,940              198,381,940                               0
Note: 1. In accordance with commitments made by OCT Group Corporation when
implemented share merger reform, the shares subject to trading moratorium can be
listed for trading or transferred since 30 Mar. 2008. While since 30 Mar. 2010, all
shares subject to trading moratorium can be listed for trading. However, by the
disclosing date of this report, OCT Group Corporation holding shares subject to
trading moratorium had never applied to Shenzhen Stock Exchange for release of
shares subject to trading moratorium.
2. Shares subject to trading moratorium in the table excluded shares subject to trading
moratorium held by senior executives.

(III) Particulars about shares held by top ten shareholders and top ten
shareholders with tradable shares
                                                                                                                Unit: Share
                                      Number of          Number of shares                           increased
                                                                                     Time to
        Name of shareholders          shares held         subject to trading                        shares to
No.                                                                                  be listed                     Moratorium
        subject to moratorium          subject to        moratorium applied                         be listed
                                                                                 and traded
                                      moratorium                actually                              and
      Overseas Chinese Town
1                                      198,381,940                198,381,940         Unknown                 0         Notes
      Group Company

                                                                                 English Translation for Reference Only

     Note: 1. The original shareholder of the Company, Overseas Chinese Town Group
     Company, promised not to trade or transfer the non-tradable shares of Konka Group
     within 24 months since the day those shares were authorized with listing and
     circulating rights in A share market. After the expiration of the aforesaid commitment,
     the total former non-circulating shares of Konka Group listing at the Stock Exchange
     shall not exceed five percent of the Konka Group’s total share number within 12
     months, and not exceed 10 percent within 24 months.
     2. In accordance with commitments made by OCT Group Corporation (original
     non-tradable shareholders of the Company) when implemented share merger reform,
     the shares subject to trading moratorium can be listed for trading or transferred since
     30 Mar. 2008. While since 30 Mar. 2010, all shares subject to trading moratorium can
     be listed for trading. However, by the disclosing date of this report, OCT Group
     Corporation holding shares subject to trading moratorium had never applied to
     Shenzhen Stock Exchange for release of shares subject to trading moratorium.
     3. In the table, shares subject to trading moratorium held by senior executives of the
     Company were out of consideration.

     (IV) Particulars about shareholders and holding shares
Total number of
Particulars about shares held by top ten shareholders
                                                                                             Shares held subject    Shares
                                         Nature of      Proportion of
       Name of shareholder                                               Total shares held       to trading        pledged or
                                        shareholder     share held (%)
                                                                                                moratorium          frozen
OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN                  State-owned
                                                                19.00%      228,754,783             198,381,940                 0
ENTERPRISES CO.                         corporation
HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                                          4.65%       55,963,774                        0     Unknown
                                     non-state-owned             3.12%       37,609,344                        0     Unknown
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                2.19%       26,400,625                        0     Unknown
CNCA        A/C      COMPAGNIE
FINANCIERE        EDMOND        DE                               1.00%       11,999,997                        0     Unknown
                                      Foreign natural
NAM NGAI                                                         0.98%       11,760,520                        0     Unknown
DONGGUAN                  HUIHUA
                                     non-state-owned             0.35%        4,213,711                        0     Unknown
                                     Domestic natural
XIA RUI                                                          0.31%        3,700,000                        0     Unknown

                                                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

 BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                   0.29%        3,484,659                         0        Unknown
                                        non-state-owned                    0.26%        3,096,700                         0        Unknown
 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to moratorium
                                                           Numbers of shares not subject to
                  Name of shareholder                                                                       Type of shares
                                                                  moratorium held
 HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                                                            55,963,774    Domestically listed foreign shares
 ABC-CHINAAMC STABLE GROWTH FUND                                                    37,609,344         Renminbi ordinary shares
 OVERSEAS          CHINESE         TOWN     GROUP
                                                                                    30,372,843         Renminbi ordinary shares
 GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                  26,400,625    Domestically listed foreign shares
                                                                                    11,999,997    Domestically listed foreign shares
 NAM NGAI                                                                           11,760,520    Domestically listed foreign shares
                                                                                     4,213,711         Renminbi ordinary shares
 CO., LTD.
 XIA RUI                                                                             3,700,000         Renminbi ordinary shares
 BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                             3,484,659    Domestically listed foreign shares
                                                                                     3,096,700         Renminbi ordinary shares
 CO., LTD.
                                                     Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation, the first principal shareholder,
                                                     neither has any related relationship with other shareholders, nor has joined in
 Explanation on associated relationship among
                                                     any consistent actions; the Company is not aware whether the other
 the aforesaid shareholders or acting-in-concert
                                                     shareholders have joined in any consistent action or have related
                                                     relationships among them.

       (V) Particulars about shareholders holding over 5% shares
                                                    Legal         Date of          Registered
                      Type of       Nature of
    Name                                           represent      foundati          capital                 Main operations
                     shares held    enterprise
                                                     ative           on        (RMB’0000)
                                                                                                 Development and operation of real
   Overseas           Domestic       Wholly                                                      estate and hotels; operation of tourism
                                                   Ren              Nov.
Chinese Town          corporate     state-funde                               RMB 560,000        and    relevant        cultural    industries;
                                                   Kelei           1985
Enterprises Co.        shares       d company                                                    manufacture       of      electronics     and
                                                                                                 supporting packing products.

       (VI) Particulars about the controlling shareholder and actual controller
       In the reporting period, the first principal shareholder and actual controller of the
       Company remained unchanged, both being Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co..

                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

 III. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
(I) Shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company
1. During the reporting period, no directors or supervisors held shares of the
2. Mr. Wang Youlai, the Company’s Vice CEO, held 6,600 Shen Konka A-shares
(including 4,950 shares subject to trading moratorium). And no other senior
executives of the Company held shares of the Company. Such a situation remained
unchanged during the reporting period.
3. In the reporting period, directors, supervisors and senior executives of the
Company neither hold stock options of the Company nor be granted restricted shares.

(II) Change of directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company in the
reporting period
1. During the reporting period, members of both the Board of Directors and the
Supervisory Committee remained unchanged.
2. During the reporting period, senior executives of the Company remained

                    IV. Report of the Board of Directors
(I) Business review for the reporting period
The Company specializes in production and operation of color TVs, digital mobile
phones, consumer appliances, set-top boxes, LED products as well as the supporting
products (such as high-frequency heads, molds, injection, packages, etc), and belongs
to the industries of electronics manufacture and telecommunication equipment
For the reporting period, the Company achieved a total sales income of RMB 6.865
billion, down 13.54% from a year earlier; a net profit of RMB -0.195 billion, down
483.20% as compared with the same period of last year; and an EPS of RMB -0.1620.
In the reporting period, in face of market challenges, the Company kept to the
“product first” strategy and launched the fist Android intelligent TV in China,
accelerating functional transformation and industry upgrading of color TVs.
Meanwhile, seizing opportunities arising from the rapid spread of the 3D TV, the
Company cooperated with BesTV to launch online 3D video and five major product
series (including over 30 new products with 988PD as the representative), making
breakthroughs in the intelligent operation system, intelligent human-machine
interaction and intelligent application.
At the same time, the Company achieved great results in terms of its inventories,
inventory turnover, inventory structure and its sales structure, with a spectacular
performance concerning the inventory turnover day.
1. The Company’s main business income for the reporting period showed a
year-on-year decrease of 13.54% due to the following factors:

                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

(1) Domestic markets became weaker and the CRT color TV business showed a sharp
The government continued to hold down the real estate sector, which caused a distinct
slide in the commercial housing trading volume. Besides, rising living costs forced
consumers to adopt a more hesitant attitude towards purchase of bulk commodities
such as household appliances. As a result, the sales volume of household appliances
was affected to some degree. According to statistics from AVC, for the first half of
2011, the domestic color TV retail volume and retail sales value went down 0.6% and
2.6% respectively from a year earlier.
Meanwhile, affected by the general shift of picture tube TVs to flat panel TVs in the
color TV sector, the sales volume of picture tube TVs dropped rapidly. According to
statistics from AVC, the sales volume of picture tube TVs in the first half of the year
showed a considerable drop of 55.4% from a year earlier, becoming the primary factor
to pull down domestic market demands. Consequently, the Company’s picture tube
TV business dropped dramatically, with the sales income down by over RMB 0.3
(2) The rapid spread of intelligent cell phones brought challenges to the Company’s
cell phone business.
During the reporting period, under the promotion of operators, the market share of
intelligent cell phones continued to expand, bringing great challenges to the market
share of home-made cell phones (with low and middle-end products as the
mainstream). Statistics from SINO Market Research showed that the sales proportion
of intelligent cell phones increased from 29.21% in June 2010 to 49.90% in May 2011.
Intelligent cell phones spread over the market in an extremely rapid way, with a high
average unit price and a high profitability. In face of the fast spread of intelligent cell
phones, the intelligent cell phone products launched by the Company were still in a
weaker position to compete with the top brands.
(3) High-end products were lacking in the consumer appliance business.
In the Company’s consumer appliance business during the first half of 2011, some star
products worked well as the main mid-end products for sale, giving a great
performance in the sales volume and profits generated. But the lack of high-end
products prevented the sales from further growth.
(4) Export income decreased.
Due to a rising exchange rate of Renminbi against the US dollar, chaotic overseas
markets, the export environment became harsher. Consequently, export income
showed a slide as compared with the same period of last year.
All the aforesaid factors led to the year-on-year decrease of the Company’s main
business income.

2. The net profit achieved by the Company for the reporting period decreased from a
year earlier due to the following factors:
(1) The profitability of the color TV business was affected by the following elements.
A. The low-price dumping strategy of foreign brands kept pulling down prices of
home-made color TVs.

                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

Taking advantage of the overcapacity of domestic color TVs, foreign brands adopted
the OEM strategy in China, squeezing manufacturing costs with a great number of
orders and then carrying out an aggressive low-price dumping strategy in the domestic
market to enlarge their market shares in China. With a squeezed market share,
domestic brands were forced to follow the price reduction strategy, which led to a
lower profitability for domestic brands.
B. The production capacity for all-in-one TVs was insufficient, which affected the
manufacturing efficiency.
The system that the Company currently adopts for color TV manufacturing is a
traditional one with three separate manufacturing links, namely, back lighting, liquid
crystal models (LCM), and whole LCD TVs. The system has flaws of high labor
demand, high production costs and high expenses on packing and transportation.
However, an all-in-one plant can organically integrate the manufacturing techniques
of back lighting, LCMs and whole LCD TVs, effectively integrate the production
layout, and ensure a smooth flow of labor and materials, which thus increased the
overall production efficiency of the three manufacturing links. But currently, the
Company only has a small all-in-one production capacity in Kunshan Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd.. The insufficient all-in-one TV production capacity led to a
relatively high cost and low profitability, affecting the Company’s overall efficiency
and profitability.
C. Sales costs increased.
In order to maintain and enlarge the market share under fierce competition, the input
for sales promotion in the color TV business was increased in the first half of the year.
Meanwhile, sales rebates for customers in some major chain marketing channels
increased year by year, working as another force to pull down the gross profit rate of
D. Inventory falling price losses affected the Company’s overall profitability.
The Company had an optimistic expectation towards the peak selling season of the
spring of 2011 and thus held good stocks for the season. However, as a matter of fact,
the market weakened sharply in the first quarter of 2011. The stocks were high and
prices for the upstream product—panels—kept decreasing, which led to great losses
of the Company on falling prices and inventory disposal for the reporting period.
(2) In terms of the cell phone business, due to the fact that the intelligent cell phone
products launched by the Company were not competitive enough, its low and mid-end
cell phone products encountered great challenges, which led to the decrease of the
sales income and profitability of the cell phone business.
(3) In terms of the consumer appliance business, the lack of high-end products
seriously affected the profitability for the first half of 2011. Meanwhile, in order to
expand the consumer appliance business, the Company started to set up subsidiaries
for the business during the reporting period, which increased operating expenses on
the business, as well as affecting its profitability.
(4) Rising costs of raw materials and labor kept narrowing the room for gross profit.
This year, international prices for bulk raw materials soared to high levels, of which
prices for main raw materials for manufacturing color TV—oil, copper, tin, steel,

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

etc.—showed particularly huge increases. Rising prices of raw materials brought up
the manufacturing cost for whole TVs while retail prices for whole TVs kept
decreasing. As a result, the gross profit room for products became smaller and smaller.
At the same time, due to the general rise of minimum wage levels throughout the
country, the rise of CPI, the implementation of the housing accumulation fund
mechanism in Shenzhen and other factors, salaries for employees (excluding the staff
for manufacturing) and expenses on housing accumulation funds increased in the first
half of the year, which led to a year-on-year increase of the labor cost.
(5) Financial expenses, as well as taxes and fares paid, increased.
As at 30 Jun. 2011, the short-term borrowings of the Company stood at RMB 7.745
billion. Along with the increase of the total financing and the financing cost, the
financial expense of the Company for the first half of 2011 increased by RMB 48.90
million from a year earlier.
During the reporting period, favor obtained by the Company on the city maintenance
tax on foreign-invested enterprises and educational surcharges was cancelled, and
therefore the said taxes paid by the Company increased over the same period of last

3. Analysis to monetary funds
As at 30 Jun. 2011, the monetary funds balance of the Company stood at RMB 5.952
billion, of which cash and bank deposits were RMB 1.24 billion while other monetary
funds were RMB 4.712 billion. Other monetary funds referred to marginal deposits
for security that could not be drawn at any time such as the pledged deposits for the
Company’s NDF business and the term-deposits for international trade financing. To
be specific, the pledged deposits for NDF transactions stood at RMB 3.639 billion and
those for US dollar loans and wealth management transactions stood at RMB 1.073
billion. After making various pledged deposits, term deposits and marginal deposits
for security, the Company obtained foreign-currency borrowings from banks through
financing and wealth management transactions for supplementing funds needed in the
Company’s import business.

(II) Analysis on financial indices of the Company
                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Items                       Jan.– Jun. 2011      Jan.–Jun. 2010
                                                                                            year-on-year (%)
           Operating income                 6,865,103,919.76       7,940,183,795.09                 -13.54%
             Operating cost                 5,836,932,046.71       6,700,253,316.40                 -12.88%
        Administrative expense                248,089,584.88        246,449,124.58                     0.67%
            Selling expense                   961,655,238.85        927,839,634.02                     3.64%
           Financial expense                   71,427,282.01          22,524,675.26                 217.11%
            Operating profit                 -254,020,614.69          32,449,533.57               -882.82%
 Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                             -195,000,941.75          50,887,520.39               -483.20%
     Net cash flows from operating              5,538,058.12          -1,968,450.22                 381.34%

                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

                Items                    30 Jun. 2011        31 Dec. 2010
             Total assets             17,272,230,545.38   16,466,895,565.00                     4.89%
    Owners’ equity attributable to
                                       3,781,226,435.96    3,998,647,232.73                  -5.44%
    shareholders of the Company
         Accounts receivable           1,641,154,052.09    1,971,135,371.91                 -16.74%
             Fixed assets              1,518,309,751.12    1,488,368,667.79                     2.01%
           Retained profit               489,705,628.97     696,746,297.76                  -29.72%
Explanation and analysis on changes of some main items:
(1) Monetary funds stood at RMB 5,951,638,518.24 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up 58.1% as
compared with the opening amount, which was mainly because NDF transactions
increased and marginal deposits for security increased accordingly.
(2) Interest receivable stood at RMB 17,784,105.49 as at 30 Jun. 2011, down 29.7%
as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly because interest received
offset against receivable items.
(3) Long term equity investment stood at RMB 221,462,840.44 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up
94.69% as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly due to the new
equity investment in Yingrui Optoelectronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. during
the reporting period.
(4) Short-term borrowings stood at RMB 7,745,543,756.64 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up
30.9% as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly because overseas
payments increased and NDF transactions and overseas advances increased
(5) Notes payable stood at RMB 1,378,401,734.05 as at 30 Jun. 2011, down 32.16%
as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly domestic purchases
decreased and notes payable decreased accordingly.
(6) Long-term borrowings stood at RMB 610,000,000.00 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up
19.61% as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly fixed assets,
construction in process and purchases increased and long-term borrowings were
obtained for satisfying relevant capital needs.
(7) Business taxes and surtaxes for the first half of 2011 were RMB 17,163,873.16, up
1058.56% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the increase of the city
maintenance tax on foreign-invested enterprises and educational surcharges.
(8) Financial expense for the first half of 2011 was RMB 71,427,282.01, up 217.11%
from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the increase of interest expense for new
borrowings obtained by the Company.
(9) Income from fair value changes for the first half of 2011 was RMB 14,666,723.60,
up 374.92% from a year earlier, which was mainly because for unsettled NDF
contracts, the fair value changes arising from the NDF exchange rate for the period
from the balance sheet date to the settlement date being lower than the original NDF
contractual exchange rate were recorded into income from fair value changes.
(10) Investment income for the first half of 2011 was RMB -79,052.57, down
102.38% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the decrease of long-term

                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

equity investment income measured at the equity method.
(11) Non-business income for the first half of 2011 was RMB 81,233,539.84, up
55.13% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the increase of income from tax
rebates on embedded software.
(12) Non-business expense for the first half of 2011 was RMB 3,115,587.11, down
31.02% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the decrease of losses on fixed
asset disposal.
(13) Income tax expense for the first half of 2011 was RMB 14,971,357.93, down
24.33% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the decrease of profits.

(III) Particulars about main operations classified according to industries,
products and regions and statement of their comparison with those of the same
period of last year
1. Main operations classified according to industries and products
                                                         Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                 Main operations classified according to industries
                                                                                YoY                YoY            YoY
                                                            Gross profit   increase/decreas increase/decrea increase/decr
Industry/product Operating income     Operating cost
                                                                rate        e of operating    se of operating ease of gross
                                                                               income              cost        profit rate
Electronics              681,510.91    578,935.27               15.05%           -13.61%           -13.21%        -0.39%
                                 Main operations classified according to products
Color TVs                509,959.65    435,570.17               14.59%           -15.63%           -14.68%        -0.96%
Cell phones              64,431.36       55,210.94              14.31%           -33.75%           -35.35%           2.12%
appliances               65,801.83       52,960.36              19.52%              1.86%              3.97%      -1.63%
Other                    41,318.07       35,193.79              14.82%            82.85%              73.87%         4.40%
Total                    681,510.91    578,935.27               15.05%           -13.61%           -13.21%        -0.39%

2. Main operations classified according to regions
                                                 Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                             YoY increase/decrease of operating
              Region                     Operating income
              Domestic                                 533,786.30                                          -7.86%
              Overseas                                 147,724.62                                         -29.52%
               Total                                   681,510.91                                         -13.61%

(IV) Operation of shareholding companies whose earnings influenced over 10%
of the net profit of the Company
No shareholding company with earnings influencing over 10% of the net profit of the
Company existed in the reporting period.

(V) Major problems and difficulties met in operation during the first half of the

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

1. Due to the facts that the government’s continuous restrictive policy on real estate
restrained the rigid demand for household appliances and that the picture tube TV
business showed sharp weakness, the domestic sales volume and value for color TVs
decreased from a year earlier.
2. Due to chaotic overseas markets, the export environment became harsher.
Consequently, export income showed a slide as compared with the same period of last
3. The low-price dumping strategy adopted by foreign brands kept pulling down the
prices for home-made products. Meanwhile, the expense on chain marketing channels,
as well as the R&D and manufacturing costs, kept rising. As a result, the profitability
of the Company’s products registered some decrease.

(Ⅵ) Investments made by the Company
1. In the reporting period, the Company neither raised funds nor made significant
investments with raised funds.
2. Particulars about significant projects invested with non-raised funds
In the reporting period, the Company did not invest in any significant project with
non-raised funds.

(VII) Fair value measurement
At the end of the reporting period, the Company’s assets measured at fair values were
financial assets available for sale, i.e. Vanke A shares held by the Company.
As for a financial asset available for sale, the Company initially measured it in
accordance with its fair value when it was obtained. The relevant trading expense was
recorded into the initially recognized amount. The gain/loss arising from its fair value
changes was directly recorded into owners’ equity and transferred into current
gains/losses when the financial asset was de-recognized. The fair value of a financial
asset available for sale was its market value.
For details of the influence on owners’ equity measured at fair value during the
reporting period, please refer to the Notes to the Financial Statements.

                              V. Significant Events
(I) Corporate governance
In the reporting period, in strict compliance with the Company Law, the Securities
Law and other relevant laws, regulations and rules governing corporate governance of
listed companies, as well as the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company
kept optimizing its corporate governance structure, promoted compliance with
applicable laws and regulations in its operation, and performed the information
disclosure duty strictly in accordance with the Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange. All directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company
performed their duties diligently. The Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of
Directors and the Supervisory Committee all operated in compliance with relevant
laws and regulations. The Company’s existing internal control rules played the role of

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

supervision, control and guidance effectively in its production and operation.
Independence and transparency of the Company, together with a professional board of
directors, ensured that every decision of the Company was made in a scientific
procedure. The actual corporate governance situation of the Company was in line with
regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing corporate governance of listed

(Ⅱ) Progress of the implementation of internal control regulations
In accordance with the Announcement on Conducting Experimental Work of Internal
Control Standards of Listed Companies in Shenzhen Administration Area
(Shen-Zheng-Ju-Gong-Si-Zi [2011] No.31), the Company was listed as one of the key
experimental companies to carry out internal control standards in Shenzhen
Administration Area. As required by the announcement, the Company arranged
activities of internal control at once, and reported the progress of internal control to
Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.
On 26 Apr. 2011, the 9th Session of the 7th Board of Directors of the Company
reviewed and passed the Work Plan on Conducting Internal Control Standards of
Konka Group Co., Ltd. for Y2011. In the reporting period, the construction of internal
control of the Company went smoothly, with no difference from the scheduled
progress in the work plan. Details about the implementation of internal control are as
1. For the purpose of carrying forward the construction of internal control, the
Company set up a leading group, a work group, a special department for internal
control, as well as internal control work groups of all related subordinate companies,
and defined duties of the aforesaid organs.
2. The Company engaged a management consulting organ to assist in construction of
internal control.
3. The Company laid down the Work Plan on Conducting Internal Control Standards
of Konka Group Co., Ltd. for Y2011, which was reviewed and passed by the session
of the Board of Directors on 26 Apr., and was publicly announced on 28 Apr.
4. The Company conducted plenty of trainings for related staffs of the Company in
terms of the content, meaning, implementing procedures and measures of internal
control standards.
5. As reviewed and passed by the Board session and the Shareholders’ General
Meeting, the Company decided to engage RSM China Certified Public Accountants to
audit on internal control of the Company in 2011.
6. The Company combed procedures, identified risks, compiled the manuscript for
internal control work, searched defects, and reported defects for departments in
functional center of the headquarters, Dongguan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., Anhui
Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., Dongguan Konka
Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co., Ltd.,
Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd., and Anhui Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd. By now, the Summary of Defects in Internal Control and
Rectification Plan (for Y2011) has been submitted to the leading group of internal

                                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

control of the Company for deliberation.
7. The Company is preparing and improving descriptions of key businesses and the
control matrix.

(III) Particulars about profit distribution, capitalization and share issuance
Examined and approved at the 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting, the
Company’s profit distribution plan for the year 2010 was detailed as follows:
Plan of profit distribution: based on the total shares of 1,203,972,704 shares at the end
of 2010, a cash dividend of RMB 0.1 (tax included) was distributed for every 10
shares to all the shareholders. And a total dividend of RMB 12,039,727.04 was
distributed, with the rest of the retained profit carried forward for distribution in the
future years.
The said profit distribution plan had been implemented, with the date of record and
the ex-dividend date for A shares respectively on 8 Jul. 2011 and 11 Jul. 2011, and the
last trading date, the ex-dividend date and the date of record for B shares respectively
on 8 Jul. 2011, 11 Jul. 2011 and 13 Jul. 2011.

(IV) Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
In the reporting period, the Company was not involved in any significant lawsuits or

(V) Other significant events, as well as analysis and explanation on their
influence and relevant solutions
1. Equity of other listed companies held by the Company
                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                       Proportion                              Gains and
                                                                                                            Changes in owners’
              Short form of       Initial investment   in the equity           Book value at   losses in                          Accounting       Source of
 Stock code                                                                                                 equity in reporting
                 stock                 amount           of the said             period-end     reporting                             entry           stock
                                                        company                                 period

                                                                                                                                   Financial       Subscript

                                                                                                                                     assets         ion of
  000002         Vanke               2,311,748.07           0.00%               991,269.50          0.00           38,712.30
                                                                                                                                  available for      new

                                                                                                                                      sale           stock

                                                                                                                                   Financial       Subscript

                                                                                                                                     assets         ion of
  600891      ST CHURIN                866,310.16           0.00%               866,310.16          0.00          0.00
                                                                                                                                  available for    corporate

                                                                                                                                      sale          shares

   Total                      -      3,178,058.23                     -        1,857,579.66          0.00       38,712.30                      -             -

Notes: 1. The equities of other listed companies held by the Company as shown in the
table above were those included in the accounting items of long-term equity
investment and financial assets available for sale.
2. The gains and losses in the reporting period in the table above referred to the effect
of an investment on the consolidated net profit of the Company in the reporting

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2. Statement on derivatives investment
                                                     For each NDF portfolio transaction conducted by the company, the yield
                                                     to maturity is fixed, so no risk will occur.
                                                     The major risks that may arise from the NDF portfolio transactions
                                                     conducted by the Company include:
                                                     1. The risk due to the possible bankruptcy of the deposit pledge bank. If
Analysis on Risks of Positions of Derivatives
                                                     the deposit pledge bank becomes bankrupt, the deposit pledged in such
Held and Explanations on Control Measures
                                                     bank may be difficult to be recovered in full.
during the Period of Report (including but not
                                                     2. The risk due to the possible bankruptcy of the bank engaging in
limited to the market risk, liquidity risk, credit
                                                     overseas NDF portfolio business. In case of the bankruptcy, the earnings
risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc).
                                                     on NDF portfolio business may not be paid.
                                                     The Company always engages in NDF transactions with large-sized
                                                     banks such as Bank of China, which have steady operations and sound
                                                     credit standing with a low possibility of becoming bankrupt, so we do not
                                                     consider the loss arising from the possible bankruptcy of such banks.
The changes to the market prices and the fair
value of the derivatives invested in the Period of
                                                     As the yield to maturity is fixed for the NDF portfolio business conducted
Report, and the methods and setting of relevant
                                                     by the Company, no changes have taken place to the fair value.
assumptions and parameters to be disclosed in
the analysis on the fair value of the derivatives.
Notes on any major change in the basic
                                                     Up to the Date of Announcement, there is no special accounting method
principals of accounting policies and accounting
                                                     applicable to the NDF portfolio business conducted by the Company, and
of the Company’s derivatives comparing with
                                                     the accounting principles are subject to the Accounting Standards for
those of last reporting period in this reporting
                                                     Business Enterprises.
Notes on whether there is any significant change
to the accounting policies and principles The Company’s independent director believes that conducting the NDF
applicable to the derivatives invested by the business is necessary for the Company because it can benefit the
Company during the Period of Report, and the Company from RMB floating exchange rates, enabling the Company to
specific opinions of the independent director(s), achieve the risk-free fixed income, and that as the Company is improving
the sponsor or the financial consultant on the its internal control system for the derivatives investment, the specific risk
Company’s derivatives investments and the risk control measures taken are enforceable.
Positions of derivatives investments held at the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Percentage of
                                                                                                                 amount of
                               Amount of contract at the     Amount of contract at end Profit & loss during
    Type of contract                                                                                             contract at
                                        beginning                   of the Period            reporting period
                                                                                                                end of period
                                                                                                                  to the net

                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                                   assets at end
                                                                                                                   of the period
   NDF Portfolio Business               4,179,146,301.79              4,423,375,536.73        5,449,989.72            116.98%
               Total                    4,179,146,301.79              4,423,375,536.73        5,449,989.72            116.98%
  3. In the reporting period, the Company held no equities of financial enterprises such
  as commercial banks, securities banks, insurance companies, trust companies and
  futures companies, as well as companies to be listed.

  (VI) Significant asset acquisition, sale and reorganization
  1. In the reporting period, the Company did not conduct any significant asset
  acquisition, swap-in, sale, swap-out or reorganization.
  2. In the reporting period, there existed no transferring of property rights or creditor’s
  rights and liabilities, for the Company did not conduct any significant asset
  acquisition, swap-in, sale or swap-out.

  (VII) Significant related transactions
  1. Related transactions with the principal shareholder and its subsidiaries
  During the first half of 2011, there existed some related transactions between the
  Company and its controlling shareholder—Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises
  Co.—and its subsidiaries, mainly involving payments for property management fee,
  water and electricity charges, land use fee and purchasing fee for goods. All the
  involved transactions were conducted fairly based on normal market prices, with no
  harm done to the Company and the other shareholders of the Company. For more
  details, please refer to “5. Transactions with related parties” in the “Note VIII:
  Related parties and related transactions" in the accounting statements of the financial
  2. Implementation of related transactions arising from routine operation (Unit: RMB)
  Notes: Proportion in the same type of transaction refers to the proportion in raw
  Type of      classification
                                                                               implemented        Proportion in the same
  related      according to                    Related parties
                                                                              amount in the       kind of transactions (%)
transactions    product or
                                                                             first half of 2011
               labor service
                                Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.               13,753,884.21                            0.24
Purchase of Raw material
                                Huali Packaging (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.            3,906,092.28                            0.07
    raw        for color TV
                                Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd             12,903,160.58        32,091,327.37       0.22
                Instruction Guangzhou Panyu Hualiyoude Color Printing
                                                                               1,528,190.30                            0.03
                  books         & Packaging Co., Ltd.
  materials for color TV use.
  (1) The Company has published the Forecasting Public Notice on Routine Affiliated
  Transaction (public notice No. 2011-12) on Securities Times, Shanghai Securities
  News, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao as well as the Internet
  website designated by CSRC http://www.cninfo.com.cn on 28 Apr. 2011. In the
  reporting period, the basis for pricing, transaction price, transaction amount and

                                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

           settlement methods of raw packaging material purchased by the Company from Anhui
           Huali Packaging Co., Ltd, Huali Packaging (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huali
           Packaging Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Panyu Hualiyoude Color Printing & Packaging
           Co., Ltd., were basically in accordance with the forecast.
           (2) Business transactions between the Company and the above affiliated enterprises
           were carried out based on the general market operation rules and the principle of
           fairness and justice. The Company treated such enterprises as equally as other
           transaction enterprises, and there was no damage to interests of the Company and all
           of its shareholders.
           (3) Associated transactions of the Company with the above affiliated parties occurred
           in daily operation of the Company. They were carried out based on the principle of
           public bidding, and were necessary. The Company would continue the cooperation of
           fairness and mutual benefits with them, given the operation and development of the
           Company was stable. The aforesaid associated transactions were beneficial for
           maintaining the long-term cooperation between the Company and affiliated parties as
           well as promoting development of the Company’s production and operation.
           3. In order to cut down fund cost, since 2010, the Company has borrowed capital at
           call totaling to RMB 900 million from its principal shareholder, Overseas Chinese
           Town Enterprises Co., by means of entrusted loans. Interest rate of the aforesaid loans
           was lower than the one-year interest rate of bank loans. It was beneficial for the
           Company to reduce fund cost and realize sustainable development of the Company’s
           4. Guarantees between the Company and the affiliated parties
           In the reporting period, no guarantee occurred between the Company and the
           affiliated parties.
           5. Joint external investment between the Company and the affiliated parties
           In the reporting period, the Company did not involve in joint external investment with
           affiliated parties.
           6. In the reporting period, the Company did not conduct any other significant related

           (VIII) Significant contracts and their implementation
           1. In the reporting period, the Company did not hold in trust, contract or lease assets
           of other companies, or vice versa.
           2. In the reporting period, the Company did not entrust others with financial affairs.

           (IX) Commitments made by shareholders
   Commitment          Promisor                               Contents of commitment                              Implementation
                                    (1) No trading or transferring of the non-tradable shares of Konka Group held Up until now, no
                                    by OCT Group would be conducted within 24 months since the date when shares subject to
Commitment made                     those shares became tradable in the A-share market.                         trading
                    Chinese Town
in the share reform                 (2) After the expiration of the aforesaid commitment, the originally moratorium have
                    Enterprises Co.
                                    non-tradable shares of Konka Group sold by OCT Group through listing at the been traded or
                                    stock exchange would not exceed 5% of Konka Group’s total shares within 12 transferred.

                                                                                               English Translation for Reference Only

                                             months, and not exceed 10% within 24 months.
concerning         share        Naught                                            Naught                                             Naught
trading moratorium
Commitment in the
acquisition report or
                                Naught                                            Naught                                             Naught
the report on equity
Commitment         made
in   the     significant        Naught                                            Naught                                             Naught
asset reorganization
Commitment         made
                                Naught                                            Naught                                             Naught
in the issuance
Other commitments
(including                      Naught                                            Naught                                             Naught
supplementary ones)

             (X) Particulars about reception of visit and investigation of the Company in the
             reporting period
             In the reporting period, the Company enthusiastically listened to the phone calls and
             accepted the visits and investigations from the investors, as well as answered their
             questions. During the reception, the Company provided materials, which had been
             disclosed, to the visitors, in accordance with provisions in Guidelines of Fair
             Information Disclosure for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
             Administrative Methods for Information Disclosure of Konka Group Co., Ltd. and
             Investor Relations Management System of Konka Group Co., Ltd. Besides, the
             Company provided objective, true, accurate and complete information for visitors,
             which reflected actual operation and management; meanwhile, no significant
             non-public information was disclosed or leaked out. In the reporting period, the main
             particulars about reception of visit and investigation of the Company were as follows:
                                         Reception     Reception
              Reception time                                            Visitor            Main discussion and materials provided by the Company
                                           place         way
                                     Conference                         BOC
                                                         Field                             Development tendency of color TV industry in 2011, and
                  5 Jan. 2011        room of the                     International
                                                        research                                     market situation of color TV business
                                         Company                   (China) Limited
                                     Conference                                            Market situation of color TV business, mobile phone
                                                         Field       Fortune SG
                17 Feb. 2011         room of the                                           business, and consumer appliance business, and export
                                                        research        Fund
                                         Company                                           information of Y2010
                                                         Field          CITIC              Sales channel of TV in countryside, and sales prospect of
                22 Feb. 2011         room of the
                                                        research      Securities           3D TV
                                                         Field        Industrial           Market   competition    of   color   TV   business,   and
               15 Mar. 2011          room of the
                                                        research      Securities           commissioning of LCM project
                16 May 2011          Conference          Field          CICC               Particulars about the Company’s color TV business, the

                                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

                     room of the     research                      development of its LED business, and the sales prospect
                      Company                                      of its 3D TV.

(XI) Other significant events
In the reporting period, the Company, its Board of Directors and directors received no
investigations, administrative punishment or criticism by circular from CSRC, as well
as no punishment from other administrative authorities or open criticism from the
stock exchange.

(XII) Index for information disclosed
1. Public Notice on Resolutions of the Fourth Session of the Seventh Board of
Directors; Public Notice No.: 2011-01, Disclosure Date: 23 Feb. 2011.
2. Public Notice on Resolutions of the Sixth Session of the Seventh Board of
Directors; Public Notice No.: 2011-03, Disclosure Date: 5 Mar. 2011.
3. Public Notice on Resolutions of the Seventh Session of the Seventh Board of
Directors; Public Notice No.: 2011-05, Disclosure Date: 16 Mar. 2011.
4. Public Notice on Earnings Forecast for the First Quarter of 2011; Public Notice No.:
2011-08, Disclosure Date: 15 Apr. 2011.
5. Public Notice on Receiving the Tax Rebate; Public Notice No.: 2011-09, Disclosure
Date: 21 Apr. 2011.
6. Public Notice on Work Plan for the Implementation of Internal Control Rules in
2011; Disclosure Date: 28 Apr. 2011.
7. Public Notice on Changes of Partial Accounting Policies; Public Notice No.:
2011-14, Disclosure Date: 28 Apr. 2011.
8. Public Notice on Receiving the Tax Rebate; Public Notice No.: 2011-23, Disclosure
Date: 22 Jun. 2011.
9. Public Notice on Implementation of Dividends Distribution Plan for Y2010; Public
Notice No.: 2011-24, Disclosure Date: 2 Jul. 2011.
10. Public Notice on Earnings Forecast for the First Half of 2011; Public Notice No.:
2011-28, Disclosure Date: 15 Jul. 2011.
All the said public notices were disclosed on Securities Times, Shanghai Securities
News, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn.

(XIII) Explanation on capital flows and guarantees between the Company and its
related parties
1. Capital flows between the Company and its related parties by 30 Jun. 2011
                                                                  (Unit: RMB’0000)
                                                                                               Whether or
                                                                                               not        an
   Name of                      Accounting Opening                Closing Occupation Repayment capital
                    with the                         Debit Credit
 related party                     entry    balance               balance    way        way    occupation
                                                                                               by document
                                                                                               No. 56
Shenzhen OCT Subsidiary
Real      Estate and affiliated               121.22  4.13   0.64 124.71 Operating     Cash         No
Co., Ltd.        company of

                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

Shenzhen OCT and affiliated
Property        company of       Other
                                                 7.74   0.00    0.00     7.74   Operating   Cash          No
Management the                   receivables
Co., Ltd.       controlling
Shenzhen OCT and affiliated
Water       and company of       Other
                                               103.34 446.80 423.34    126.80   Operating   Cash          No
Power      Co., the              receivables
Ltd.            controlling
Chinese Town Controlling         Other
                                                 0.00   65.43   0.43    65.00   Operating   Cash          No
Enterprises     shareholder      receivables
                and affiliated
                company of       Other
Chinese Town                                     8.00   0.00    0.00     8.00   Operating   Cash          No
                the              receivables
Service Station
Co., Ltd.
                and affiliated
Anhui Huali
                company of       Other
Packing Co.,                                     1.00   0.00    1.00     0.00   Operating   Cash          No
                the              receivables
                and affiliated
Shenzhen OCT company of          Accounts
                                               380.80 579.11 409.85    550.06   Operating   Cash          No
East Co., Ltd. the               receivable
Shanghai        Subsidiary
Overseas        and affiliated
Chinese Town company of          Accounts
                                               55.07    0.00    0.00    55.07   Operating   Cash          No
Investment      the              receivable
Development controlling
Co., Ltd.       shareholder
Chengdu         Subsidiary
Tianfu          and affiliated
Overseas        company of       Accounts
                                               361.72   0.00 214.60    147.12   Operating   Cash          No
Chinese Town the                 receivable
Industry Co., controlling
Ltd.            shareholder
Beijing         Subsidiary
Century         and affiliated
Overseas        company of       Accounts
                                                 6.25   90.00 173.94   -77.69   Operating   Cash          No
Chinese Town the                 receivable
Industry Co., controlling
Ltd.            shareholder
Taizhou         and affiliated
Overseas        company of       Accounts
                                               -68.40 123.00    0.00    54.60   Operating   Cash          No
Chinese Town the                 receivable
Co., Ltd.       controlling
 2. Guarantee events
 (1) In order to cut down fund cost, the Company convened the Second Special
 Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2010 on 17 Dec. 2010 to decide on financing for
 its wholly owned subsidiary (Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co.,
 Ltd. or Hongkong Konka Co., Ltd.) in overseas with the financing line of USD 100

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

million, and adopting the USD exchange rate forward lock-up instrument to lock up
the maturity exchange rate, the Company could circularly use the financing line
within five years; in accordance with the requirements of the bank, it was approved at
the session that the Company provided guarantee to the contracted bank (including
contracted bank at home and abroad), which provided capital for the Company’s
overseas wholly owned subsidiary.
(2) In order to meet the requirements of Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household
Appliances Co., Ltd. on routine operating capital and maintain its normal operation,
after the review and approval from the Second Special Shareholders’ General Meeting
for Y2011 held by the Company on 25 Jul. 2011, Anhui Konka Tongchuang
Household Appliances Co., Ltd. planned to apply to the bank for a credit line not
exceeding RMB 410 million, and the Company would provide the credit guarantee of
this credit line for it, with the guarantee term of one year. Meanwhile, Chuzhou
Tongchuang Investment and Construction Co., Ltd. provided counter-guarantee for
50% of this credit guarantee line (as RMB 205 million) to Konka Group.
Other than the above guarantee events, the Company and its controlling subsidiaries
had no other external guarantees.
3. Special explanation and independent opinion of independent directors on the
Company’s provision of external guarantees and executing the Circular of CSRC on
Certain Issues Regarding Regulating Capital Flows between Listed Companies and
Related Parties and Regarding Provisional of External Guarantees by Listed
Companies (ZJF [2003] No. 56)
According to the Circular of CSRC on Certain Issues Regarding Regulating Capital
Flows between Listed Companies and Related Parties and Regarding Provisional of
External Guarantees by Listed Companies (ZJF [2003] No. 56), as the independent
directors of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), we
conducted specific examinations on the capital flows between the Company and its
related parties, as well as on the external guarantees provided by the Company. And
we hereby express our independent opinions as follows:
1. Up to 30 Jun. 2011, the principal shareholder of the Company had not occupy any
capital of the Company; and the capital occupation by some related parties of the
principal shareholder (Shenzhen OCT Real Estate Co., Ltd., Shenzhen OCT Property
Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen OCT Water & Power Co., Ltd., etc.) was mainly
resulted from the deposit collection and other timing differences arising from routine
business contacts.
2. Since 2010, in order to cut down fund cost, the Company borrowed capital totaling
to RMB 900 million from the principal shareholder (Overseas Chinese Town
Enterprises Co.) by means of entrusted loans successively. Interest rate of the
aforesaid loans was lower than the one-year interest rate of bank loans. It was
beneficial for the Company to reduce fund cost and realize sustainable development
of the Company’s businesses.
3. The operational capital flows between the Company and its principal shareholder
and the related parties of the principal shareholder during the first six months of 2011
were specified as follows:

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

(1) There were related transactions concerning the Company’s purchase of raw
materials from Anhui Huali Packing Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huali Packing Co., Ltd., and
Guangzhou Panyu Hualiyoude Color Printing & Packing Co., Ltd., which were
subsidiaries indirectly controlled by the principal shareholder of the Company. The
said related transactions had been submitted to and approved by the relevant board
meetings, which were later disclosed to the public.
(2) There were related transactions concerning sales of LCD between the Company’s
subsidiaries and the subsidiaries of the principal shareholder (Shenzhen Overseas
Chinese Town East Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industry Development Co.,
Ltd., etc.).
As for the related transactions above, the Company conducted settlements with the
affiliated parties at regular intervals according to the agreement in contracts, and the
Company had no non-operating capital flows.
4. Particulars about external guarantees
(1) In order to cut down fund cost, the Company convened the Second Special
Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2010 on 17 Dec. 2010 to decide on financing for
its wholly owned subsidiary (Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co.,
Ltd. or Hongkong Konka Co., Ltd.) in overseas with the financing line of USD 100
million, and adopting the USD exchange rate forward lock-up instrument to lock up
the maturity exchange rate, the Company could circularly use the financing line
within five years; in accordance with the requirements of the bank, it was approved at
the session that the Company provided guarantee to the contracted bank (including
contracted bank at home and abroad), which provided capital for the Company’s
overseas wholly owned subsidiary.
(2) In order to meet the requirements of Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household
Appliances Co., Ltd. on routine operating capital and maintain its normal operation,
after the review and approval from the Second Special Shareholders’ General Meeting
for Y2011 held by the Company on 25 Jul. 2011, Anhui Konka Tongchuang
Household Appliances Co., Ltd. planned to apply to the bank for a credit line not
exceeding RMB 410 million, and the Company would provide the credit guarantee of
this credit line for it, with the guarantee term of one year. Meanwhile, Chuzhou
Tongchuang Investment and Construction Co., Ltd. provided counter-guarantee for
50% of this credit guarantee line (as RMB 205 million) to Konka Group.
As at 30 Jun. 2011, except the above guarantee events, the Company hadn’t provided
any external guarantee, and operated in a standard way.
To sum up, we believed that there was no breach of the regulation of Zheng-Jian-Fa
[2003] No. 56 Document in the Company.

                  Independent Director: Feng Yutao, Yang Haiying and Zhang Zhong

(XIV) Significant asset mortgages
As approved at the 12th Session of the 7th Board of Directors and the 2nd Special
Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2011, the Company applied to Bank of China for
a comprehensive credit line not exceeding RMB 5.3 billion with a term of one year.

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

At the same time, the Company provided a bank acceptance bill of RMB 1.3 billion
for Bank of China as pledge:

                              VI. Financial Report
The semi-annual financial report 2011 of the Company (unaudited) is attached behind.

                  VII. Documents Available for Reference
1. Text of the semi-annual report 2011 carrying the signature of Chairman of the
Board of Directors;
2. Text of financial report carrying the signatures and seals of person in charge of the
Company, chief in charge of accounting and person in charge of the accounting organ;
3. Texts of all documents disclosed on newspapers designated by CSRC during the
reporting period;
4. Text of the Company’s Articles of Association;
5. Other relevant materials.

                                                                   Board of Directors
                                                                 Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                    27 Aug. 2011

                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

                   Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                   For the Six Months Ended 30 June 2011


Balance Shhet
Income Statement
Cash Flow Statement
Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
Notes to Accounting Statements

Legal representative: Hou Songrong
Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

                                                Balance Sheet
     Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                        30 Jun. 2011          Unit: (RMB) Yuan

                                                 Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                      Consolidation          The Company         Consolidation         The Company
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                      5,951,638,518.24    5,188,512,419.35      3,764,409,203.04        3,409,946,242.24
  Settlement reserves
  Intra-group lendings
  Transactional financial assets
  Notes receivable                    3,345,905,625.57    3,008,868,154.27      4,149,313,159.56        4,068,533,543.35
  Accounts receivable                 1,641,154,052.09    1,071,287,083.86      1,971,135,371.91        1,312,217,694.50
  Accounts paid in advance              396,372,477.91        893,694,466.85      446,971,672.32          347,600,391.31
   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance           premiums
   Receivable          reinsurance
contract reserves
   Interest receivable                  17,784,105.49          17,768,393.82        25,298,029.66          24,924,331.91
   Dividend receivable
   Other accounts receivable            97,710,248.56         767,953,425.81        92,135,651.57         574,826,602.17
   Financial assets purchased
under agreements to resell
   Inventories                        3,318,187,450.20    2,469,702,993.38      3,723,636,130.09        2,974,345,102.16
   Non-current assets due within
1 year
   Other current assets
Total current assets                 14,768,752,478.06   13,417,786,937.34     14,172,899,218.15      12,712,393,907.64
Non-current assets:
  Loans by mandate and
advances granted
  Available-for-sale    financial
                                          1,857,579.66         1,857,579.66          1,830,598.36           1,830,598.36
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment           221,462,840.44    1,653,402,169.87        113,754,190.13        1,653,402,169.87
  Investing property
  Fixed assets                        1,518,309,751.12        365,671,823.43    1,488,368,667.79          375,450,201.99
  Construction in progress              297,643,887.39        231,479,801.44      231,508,246.34          149,152,895.63
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                     197,378,996.37         26,006,703.52      191,483,451.66           18,318,487.30
  R&D expense
  Goodwill                                3,943,671.53                               3,943,671.53
  Long-term deferred expenses           10,713,219.90          4,171,440.38         11,480,636.02           4,206,829.66

                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

  Deferred income tax assets                 252,168,120.91        193,324,595.73      251,626,885.02          193,331,071.24
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                2,503,478,067.32   2,475,914,114.03       2,293,996,346.85        2,395,692,254.05
Total assets                              17,272,230,545.38   15,893,701,051.37     16,466,895,565.00      15,108,086,161.69
     Legal representative: Hou Songrong
     Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
     Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                             Balance Sheet (Continued)
     Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                             30 Jun. 2011          Unit: (RMB) Yuan

   Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                 7,745,543,756.64    5,264,368,730.52     5,917,298,397.16       4,777,121,394.26
     Borrowings      from      Central
     Customer bank deposits and
   due to banks and other financial
     Intra-group borrowings
     Transactional            financial
                                              50,290,398.26         49,939,747.92       64,957,121.86          64,606,471.52
     Notes payable                         1,378,401,734.05    2,268,457,408.36     2,031,883,915.56       1,788,018,888.54
     Accounts payable                      2,148,401,471.83    1,999,120,590.67     2,390,131,711.56       2,039,562,054.50
     Accounts received in advance            272,113,130.89    1,107,461,440.46        316,613,909.66         973,828,552.00
     Financial    assets     sold   for
     Handling        charges        and
   commissions payable
     Employee’s          compensation
                                             171,524,366.14         63,665,190.49      218,113,645.42          82,383,027.98
     Tax payable                            -151,413,271.59     -135,968,301.46       -170,794,740.44        -148,912,324.33
     Interest payable                         17,727,760.76         17,634,688.45       26,751,070.30          25,983,184.76
     Dividend payable                         22,186,063.56         12,039,727.04        7,976,122.23
     Other accounts payable                  865,962,566.92    1,030,294,103.47        798,367,146.17      1,127,044,568.53
     Reinsurance             premiums
     Insurance contract reserves
     Payables for acting trading of
     Payables         for       acting
   underwriting of securities

                                                                             English Translation for Reference Only

  Non-current liabilities due
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                12,520,737,977.46 11,677,013,325.92 11,601,298,299.48 10,729,635,817.76
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                     610,000,000.00        600,000,000.00     510,000,000.00         500,000,000.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables                        30,000,000.00                            30,000,000.00
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred          income         tax
                                               563,067.21                                563,067.21
  Other non-current liabilities            102,256,145.11         58,990,005.14     100,896,753.51          65,493,757.54
Total non-current liabilities              742,819,212.32        658,990,005.14     641,459,820.72         565,493,757.54
Total liabilities                        13,263,557,189.78 12,336,003,331.06 12,242,758,120.20 11,295,129,575.30
Owners’            equity         (or
shareholders’ equity)
  Paid-up capital (or share
                                         1,203,972,704.00   1,203,972,704.00      1,203,972,704.00      1,203,972,704.00
  Capital reserves                       1,272,260,192.91   1,249,130,026.33      1,272,239,687.12      1,249,109,520.54
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                         809,307,995.80        809,307,995.80     809,307,995.80         809,307,995.80
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                         489,705,628.97        295,286,994.18     696,746,297.76         550,566,366.05
  Foreign exchange difference                5,979,914.28                            16,380,548.05
Total      equity   attributable    to
                                         3,781,226,435.96   3,557,697,720.31      3,998,647,232.73      3,812,956,586.39
owners of the Company
Minority interests                         227,446,919.64                           225,490,212.07
Total owners’ equity                    4,008,673,355.60   3,557,697,720.31      4,224,137,444.80      3,812,956,586.39
Total liabilities and owners’
                                         17,272,230,545.38 15,893,701,051.37 16,466,895,565.00 15,108,086,161.69

  Legal representative: Hou Songrong
  Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
  Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                                              English Translation for Reference Only

                                                Income Statement
  Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                             Jan.-Jun. 2011           Unit: (RMB) Yuan

                                                  Reporting period                        Same period of last year
                                         Consolidation        The Company          Consolidation          The Company
I. Total operating revenues             6,865,103,919.76     6,784,805,647.51     7,940,183,795.09       7,565,353,506.27
Including: Sales income                 6,865,103,919.76     6,784,805,647.51     7,940,183,795.09       7,565,353,506.27
          Interest income
          Premium income
          Handling      charge    and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                7,133,712,205.48     7,106,721,568.81     7,905,714,013.79       7,632,624,904.44
Including: Cost of sales                5,836,932,046.71     6,096,290,932.02     6,700,253,316.40       6,686,604,551.61
          Interest expenses
          Handling      charge    and
commission expenses
          Net claims paid
          Net amount withdrawn
for     the    insurance    contract
          Expenditure on policy
          Reinsurance premium
          Taxes       and   associate
                                           17,163,873.16         12,534,755.83         1,481,488.39             422,417.70
          Selling and distribution
                                         961,655,238.85          755,344,777.49     927,839,634.02         786,219,597.76
          Administrative expenses        248,089,584.88          193,040,863.60     246,449,124.58         139,578,001.27
          Financial expenses               71,427,282.01         49,510,239.87       22,524,675.26          16,253,542.17
          Asset impairment loss            -1,555,820.13                               7,165,775.14           3,546,793.93
Add: Gain/(loss) from change
                                           14,666,723.60         14,666,723.60       -5,334,908.00          -4,190,488.00
in fair value (“-” means loss)
        Gain/(loss)              from
                                              -79,052.57                               3,314,660.27         19,103,481.38
investment (“-” means loss)
Including: share of profits in
associates and joint ventures
Foreign exchange gains (“-”
means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means
                                        -254,020,614.69       -307,249,197.70        32,449,533.57         -52,358,404.79
        Add:           non-operating       81,233,539.84         67,048,288.03       52,364,509.45          38,868,524.81

                                                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

      Less:            non-operating
                                                  3,115,587.11              977,614.17         4,516,862.06           1,693,970.37
Including:            loss          from
                                                  1,166,107.60              704,953.24            283,324.10            212,460.68
non-current asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)         -175,902,661.96          -241,178,523.84           80,297,180.96         -15,183,850.35
      Less: Income tax expense                   14,971,357.93            2,061,120.99         19,784,172.49          3,273,079.51
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)            -190,874,019.89          -243,239,644.83           60,513,008.47         -18,456,929.86
      Attributable to owners of
                                            -195,000,941.75          -243,239,644.83           50,887,520.39         -18,456,929.86
the Company
      Minority           shareholders’
                                                  4,126,921.86                                 9,625,488.08
VI. Earnings per share
      (I)     Basic    earnings      per
                                                       -0.1620                 -0.2020                0.0423                   -0.0153
      (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                       -0.1620                 -0.2020                0.0423                   -0.0153
Ⅶ.      Other        comprehensive
                                            -10,380,127.980                 20,505.79          4,422,665.48             -368,752.26
Ⅷ.         Total     comprehensive
                                            -201,254,147.87          -243,219,139.04           64,935,673.95         -18,825,682.12
      Attributable to owners of
                                            -205,381,069.73          -243,219,139.04           55,310,185.87         -18,825,682.12
the Company
      Attributable to minority
                                                  4,126,921.86                    0.00         9,625,488.08                      0.00
   Legal representative: Hou Songrong
   Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
   Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                   Cash Flow Statement
   Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                    Jan.-Jun. 2011            Unit: (RMB) Yuan

                                                            Reporting period                         Same period of last year
                                                    Consolidation          The Company           Consolidation        The Company
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash        received       from    sale   of
                                                      8,347,235,513.35      7,297,760,150.20      9,468,101,045.07    7,778,062,165.90
commodities and rendering of service
  Net increase           of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the
central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed

                                                                                    English Translation for Reference Only

from other financial institutions
      Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
      Net cash received from reinsurance
      Net increase of deposits of policy
holders and investment fund
      Net increase of disposal of tradable
financial assets
      Cash         received      from      interest,
handling charges and commissions
      Net      increase          of     intra-group
      Net increase of funds in repurchase
      Tax refunds received                              171,455,747.39       77,270,969.80        141,105,164.31      30,175,004.83

      Other cash received relating to
                                                        117,213,527.35     364,345,701.19         147,423,140.63     425,771,643.58
operating activities
Subtotal           of     cash    inflows     from
                                                       8,635,904,788.09   7,739,376,821.19      9,756,629,350.01   8,234,008,814.31
operating activities
      Cash paid for goods and services                 6,659,586,300.84   5,267,876,797.16      7,753,978,854.62   6,844,247,948.81

      Net increase of customer lendings
and advances
      Net increase of funds deposited in
the central bank and amount due from
      Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts
      Cash for paying interest, handling
charges and commissions
      Cash for paying policy dividends
      Cash paid to and for employees                    616,159,060.44     339,639,511.81         548,892,574.34     309,818,063.70

      Various taxes paid                                652,198,342.60     513,248,833.19         776,122,648.52     612,827,937.88

      Other cash payment relating to
                                                        702,423,026.09     870,706,065.78         679,603,722.75     576,323,747.24
operating activities
Subtotal           of     cash   outflows     from
                                                       8,630,366,729.97   6,991,471,207.94      9,758,597,800.23   8,343,217,697.63
operating activities
Net         cash        flows    from    operating
                                                           5,538,058.12    747,905,613.25          -1,968,450.22    -109,208,883.32
II.     Cash            flows    from    investing
      Cash received from retraction of
                                                                                                       95,940.00             95,940.00

                                                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

   Cash        received       from        return    on
                                                                                                          10,529.35             10,529.35
   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and                           1,803,291.38       1,260,901.38         30,098,396.52      26,603,217.52

other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units
        Other cash received relating to
investing activities
          Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                              1,803,291.38       1,260,901.38         30,204,865.87      26,709,686.87
investing activities
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                      204,047,766.40       87,909,071.33        170,905,523.41      77,165,340.26

   Cash paid for investment                                107,787,702.88                                                20,000,000.00

   Net increase of pledged loans
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units
   Other cash payments relating to
                                                                                                      69,000,000.00      69,000,000.00
investing activities
Subtotal        of     cash    outflows            from
                                                           311,835,469.28       87,909,071.33        239,905,523.41     166,165,340.26
investing activities
Net      cash        flows     from        investing
                                                          -310,032,177.90     -86,648,169.95        -209,700,657.54    -139,455,653.39
III.    Cash         Flows    from         Financing
       Cash      received       from          capital
       Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments by                           4,919,598.14

       Cash received from borrowings                      4,233,076,590.37   2,627,255,835.43      1,231,028,524.94   1,003,818,000.00

       Cash received from issuance of
       Other cash received relating to
                                                          1,269,634,401.11   1,225,182,395.05      1,599,292,865.39   1,458,579,686.30
financing activities
Subtotal        of     cash     inflows            from
                                                          5,507,630,589.62   3,852,438,230.48      2,830,321,390.33   2,462,397,686.30
financing activities
       Repayment of borrowings                            1,601,003,120.78   1,364,191,120.50      1,896,587,469.09   1,630,445,526.14

       Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                            63,150,611.44       49,063,483.40          7,815,231.89       3,095,860.70
distribution of dividends or profit
        Including: dividends or profit
paid      by    subsidiaries         to     minority

                                                                        English Translation for Reference Only

      Other cash payments relating to
                                           2,859,728,837.35   2,814,264,619.68        500,024,110.99     479,005,766.00
financing activities
Sub-total     of cash   outflows   from
                                           4,523,882,569.57   4,227,519,223.58      2,404,426,811.97   2,112,547,152.84
financing activities
Net    cash    flows    from   financing
                                            983,748,020.05    -375,080,993.10         425,894,578.36     349,850,533.46
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                             -8,858,781.80       -2,935,845.02         -5,576,575.02      -3,777,925.59
changes on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                            670,395,118.47     283,240,605.18         208,648,895.58      97,408,071.16
      Add: Opening balance of cash
                                            569,524,994.01     255,364,835.76         749,501,416.29     341,440,119.99
and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                           1,239,920,112.48    538,605,440.94         958,150,311.87     438,848,191.15
   Legal representative: Hou Songrong
   Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
   Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                                                                                                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

                                                       Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                     30 Jun. 2011                                                                     Unit: (RMB) Yuan
                                                                                                                        Reporting period
                                                                                     Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                                           Less:                                Gener
                      Items                            Paid-up capital                              cifi                                                                                          Total owners’
                                                                                           treasu                               al risk                                      Minority interests
                                                          (or share      Capital reserve             c        Surplus reserve             Retained profit     Others                                 equity
                                                                                            ry                                  reserv
                                                           capital)                                 rese
                                                                                           stock                                  e
I. Balance at the end of the previous year             1,203,972,704.00 1,272,239,687.12                       809,307,995.80              696,746,297.76   16,380,548.05       225,490,212.07    4,224,137,444.80

  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year               1,203,972,704.00 1,272,239,687.12                       809,307,995.80              696,746,297.76   16,380,548.05       225,490,212.07    4,224,137,444.80

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-”
                                                                               20,505.79                                                  -207,040,668.79   -10,400,633.77         1,956,707.57    -215,464,089.20
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                          -195,000,941.75                          4,126,921.86    -190,874,019.89

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                             20,505.79                                                                    -10,400,633.77                          -10,380,127.98

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                     20,505.79                                                  -195,000,941.75   -10,400,633.77         4,126,921.86    -201,254,147.87

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                 -12,039,727.04                         -2,170,214.29     -14,209,941.33

                                                                                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3.      Appropriations    to   owners      (or
                                                                                                                      -12,039,727.04                    -2,170,214.29     -14,209,941.33
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
     1. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                   1,203,972,704.00 1,272,260,192.91        809,307,995.80         489,705,628.97   5,979,914.28    227,446,919.64   4,008,673,355.60

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                                                              Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                                                                                                                                     English Translation for Reference Only

                                           Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Continued)
Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                     30 Jun. 2011                                                                   Unit: (RMB) Yuan
                                                                                                                          Last year
                                                                                   Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                                            s: Spe
                      Items                            Paid-up capital                     trea cifi
                                                                                                                         al risk                                      Minority interests Total owners’ equity
                                                          (or share      Capital reserve sur     c     Surplus reserve             Retained profit    Others
                                                           capital)                         y rese
                                                                                           stoc rve
I. Balance at the end of the previous year             1,203,972,704.00 1,257,449,727.58                809,307,995.80              613,778,898.84   -9,141,464.66        230,900,111.89      4,106,267,973.45

  Add: change of accounting policy                                                                                                   11,059,264.64                        -11,059,264.64

  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year               1,203,972,704.00 1,257,449,727.58                809,307,995.80              624,838,163.48   -9,141,464.66        219,840,847.25      4,106,267,973.45

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-”
                                                                           14,789,959.54                                             71,908,134.28   25,522,012.71          5,649,364.82        117,869,471.35
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                     83,947,861.32                         17,241,633.63        101,189,494.95

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                           -210,040.46                                                             25,522,012.71                               25,311,972.25

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                   -210,040.46                                             83,947,861.32   25,522,012.71         17,241,633.63        126,501,467.20

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity

                                                                                                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                       -12,039,727.04                        -11,592,268.81       -23,631,995.85

     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3.      Appropriations    to   owners      (or
                                                                                                                 -12,039,727.04                        -11,592,268.81       -23,631,995.85
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
     1. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other                                                               15,000,000.00                                                                                       15,000,000.00

IV. Closing balance                                   1,203,972,704.00 1,272,239,687.12    809,307,995.80        696,746,297.76   16,380,548.05        225,490,212.07     4,224,137,444.80

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                                                          Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                                                                                                                             English Translation for Reference Only

                                                  Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company
Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                  30 Jun. 2011                                                              Unit: (RMB) Yuan
                                                                                                                 Reporting period
                                                                                                          cifi                        General
                      Items                            Paid-up capital (or                       treasu
                                                                             Capital reserve               c      Surplus reserve      risk     Retained profit     Total owners’ equity
                                                         share capital)                           ry
                                                                                                          rese                        reserve
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                1,203,972,704.00    1,249,109,520.54                       809,307,995.80                550,566,366.05       3,812,956,586.39

  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                  1,203,972,704.00    1,249,109,520.54                       809,307,995.80                550,566,366.05       3,812,956,586.39

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-”
                                                                                     20,505.79                                                    -255,279,371.87        -255,258,866.08
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                  -243,239,644.83        -243,239,644.83

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                                   20,505.79                                                                                 20,505.79

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                           20,505.79                                                    -243,239,644.83        -243,219,139.04

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                         -12,039,727.04         -12,039,727.04

     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

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     2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3.      Appropriations    to   owners      (or
                                                                                                                       -12,039,727.04       -12,039,727.04
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
     1. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                   1,203,972,704.00   1,249,130,026.33        809,307,995.80        295,286,994.18     3,557,697,720.31

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                                                 Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                                                                                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

                                       Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company (Continued)
Prepared by: Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                  30 Jun. 2011                                                          Unit: (RMB) Yuan
                                                                                                                  Last year
                                                                                                          cifi                      General
                      Items                            Paid-up capital (or                       treasu
                                                                             Capital reserve               c     Surplus reserve     risk     Retained profit     Total owners’ equity
                                                         share capital)                           ry
                                                                                                          rese                      reserve
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                1,203,972,704.00    1,249,319,561.00                     809,307,995.80                568,427,245.02       3,831,027,505.82

  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                  1,203,972,704.00    1,249,319,561.00                     809,307,995.80                568,427,245.02       3,831,027,505.82

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-”
                                                                                   -210,040.46                                                   -17,860,878.97         -18,070,919.43
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                  -5,821,151.93          -5,821,151.93

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                                 -210,040.46                                                                             -210,040.46

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                         -210,040.46                                                    -5,821,151.93          -6,031,192.39

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                       -12,039,727.04         -12,039,727.04

     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

     2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3.      Appropriations    to   owners      (or
                                                                                                                       -12,039,727.04       -12,039,727.04
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
     1. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                   1,203,972,704.00   1,249,109,520.54        809,307,995.80        550,566,366.05     3,812,956,586.39

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                                                 Head of the accounting work: Yang Rong
Head of the accounting department: Ruan Renzong

                                                                 English Translation for Reference Only

                                Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                            Notes to Financial Statements

                               For the First Half of 2011
         (All currency amounts are expressed in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
                         (English Translation for Reference Only)

I. Company Profile
1. Establishment
Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “the Company”), is a
joint-stock limited company reorganized from the former Shenzhen Konka Electronic Co.,
Ltd. in August 1991 upon approval of the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality,
and has its ordinary shares (A-share and B-share) listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange with
prior consent from the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch. On
August 29, 1995, the Company, renamed to “Konka Group Co., Ltd.”, obtained corporate
business license (registration No.: 440301501121863) with its main business falling into
electronic industry.

2. Share Capital Changes upon Establishment
On November 27, 1991, with approval from the SRYFZ No. 102 [1991] document as issued
by the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch, Shenzhen Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd., during December 8—December 31, 1991, has issued 128,869,000 RMB
ordinary shares (A-share) at a par value of RMB1.00 per share, of which the original net
assets were converted into 98,719,000 state-owned institutional shares, 30,150,000 new
shares were issued, including 26,500,000 circulating shares issued to the public and
3,650,000 staff shares issued to the staff of the Company.
On January 29, 1992, with approval from the SRYFZ No. 106 [1991] document as issued by
the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch, Shenzhen Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd., during December 20, 1991— January 31, 1992, has issued to investors
abroad 58,372,300 RMB special shares (B-share) at a par value of RMB1.00 per share, of
which 48,372,300 shares held by the former foreign investor and founder—Hong Kong
Ganghua Electronic Group Co., Ltd. are converted into foreign legal person’s shares, and
10,000,000 B-shares are issued additionally.
On April 10, 1993, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1992 was
adopted at the second general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from
the SZBF No. 2 [1993] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the
Company began to perform dividend policy for FY 1992 as of April 30, 1993: distributing
RMB 0.90 in cash plus 3.5 bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The total
capital stock reached 187,473,150 shares after this distribution.
On April 18, 1994, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1993 was
adopted at the third general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the
SZBF No. 115 [1994] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the
Company began to perform dividend policy for FY1993 as of June 10, 1994: distributing
RMB 1.10 in cash plus 5 bonus shares (including 4.4 profit bonus shares and 0.6 bonus share
capitalized from capital public reserve) for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The total
capital stock reached 281,209,724 shares after this distribution and capitalization from capital

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public reserve.
On June 2, 1994, in accordance with the provisions that “staff shares could go public and be
transferred six months after listing”, as jointly promulgated by the State Commission for
Restructuring the Economic System and the State Council’s Securities Commission, the staff
shares of the Company was planned to be listed on the flow on June 6, 1994, with the prior
consent of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
On October 8, 1994, the Proposal on Negotiable Bonus Shares of B-Share Corporate
Shareholders 1992 was adopted at the 1994 interim general meeting of shareholders of the
Company. With approval from the SZBF No. 224 [1994] document as issued by Shenzhen
Securities Regulatory Office, the 16,930,305 bonus shares for FY 1992 granted to foreign
legal persons were listed and negotiated at B-share market on October 26, 1994.
On February 6, 1996, the Proposal on Share Allotment Modes 1996 was adopted at the 1996
interim general metering of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the SZBF No.
5 [1996] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, and reexamination
from the ZJPSZ No. 16 [1996] document and ZJGZ No. 2 [1996] document as issued by
China Securities Regulatory Commission, on July 16, 1996 and October 29, 1996, all
shareholders were respectively allotted three shares for every ten existing shares held at
RMB 6.28/A-share and HKD 5.85/B-share. Corporate shareholders took their respective
existing shares as bases for full subscription of the allocable shares. The total capital stock
reached 365,572,641 shares after this allotment.
On January 25, 1998, the Plan on Share Allotment 1998 was adopted at the 1998 interim
general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the ZZBZ No. 29
[1998] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, and ZJSZ No.64 [1998]
document as issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on July 15, 1998,
negotiable A-shares were allotted in proportion of 3:10 at RMB 10.50/A-share. For such
reasons as continued weakness in B-share secondary market (lower than share allotment
price), B-share negotiation and allotment plan was canceled, and the corporate shareholders
of the Company waived the preemptive right. The total capital stock reached 389,383,603
shares after this allotment.
On June 30, 1999, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Capitalization from Capital Public
Reserve 1998 was adopted at the eighth general meeting of shareholders of the Company. On
August 20, 1999, the profit distribution for FY 1998 was carried out: all shareholders were
presented RMB3.00 in cash for every 10 shares, plus 2 shares capitalized from capital public
reserve. The total capital stock reached 467,260,323 shares after this capitalization.
On June 30, 1999, the Plan on A-Share Issue for Capital Increase was adopted at the eighth
general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the ZJFXZ No.140
[1999] document as issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on November 1,
1999, 80,000,000 A-shares were additionally issued to the public at RMB15.50/share. The
total capital stock reached 547,260,323 shares after this additional issue.
On May 30, 2000, the Plan on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1999 was adopted at
the ninth general meeting of shareholders of the Company. On July 25, 2000, the profit
distribution for FY 1999 was carried out: all shareholders were distributed RMB4.00 in cash
plus 1 bonus shares for every 10 shares. The total capital stock reached 601,986,352 shares
after this distribution.
On April 3, 2008, the 7th meeting of the sixth Board of Directors was convened, during
which the following resolutions were discussed and adopted: based on the total capital stock
of 601,986,352 shares for the year ended December 31, 2007, capitalization from capital
public reserve was made to all shareholders at a proportion of 1:1, namely 10 new shares for

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every 10 existing shares. And the said resolution was subject to approval by the 2007 annual
general meeting of shareholders convened on May 26, 2008. The Company, in June 2008,
implemented the capitalization from capital public reserve and went through the formalities
for transfer registration with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited.
On December 16, 2008, with approval from the SMGZF No. 2662 [2008] document as
issued by Shenzhen Bureau of Trade and Industry, the Company was agreed to increase its
share capital, and went through the formalities for registration of changes with the
administration for industry and commerce on April 10, 2009. The total capital stock reached
1,203,972,704 shares after change.

3. Approved business scope: research and development, production and operation of such
household appliances as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and personal electronic
appliances; manufacturing and application of home AV, IPTV set-top boxes, digital TV
receivers, digital products, cell phones, mobile communication equipments and terminal
products, daily-use electronic products, automotive electronic products, satellite navigation
systems, satellite television receiving system, intelligent transportation systems, fire-fighting
and security systems, office equipments, computers, displays, large screen display systems;
LED (OLED) back light, illumination, light-emitting devices, and packaging thereof;
electronic parts and components, moulds, plastic and rubber products, and packing materials,
and technical consultancy and after-sale paid services of related products; wholesale, retail,
import & export and relevant support services of the aforesaid products (including after-sale
spare parts) (Commodities subject to state trading management are not involved. Products
involved in quota, license management and other specified management shall be subject to
the relevant state provisions.); sale of self-developed technological achievements; provision
of maintenance services for electronic products; domestic freight forwarding; warehousing
services; consultancy on enterprise management; and self-owned property leasing and
management services, recovery of waste electrical appliances and electronic products
(excluding dissembling) (operated by branch offices), and outsourcing services of
information technology and business procedures by means of undertaking services in the way
of outsourcing, including management and maintenance of system application, management
of information technology, bank background service, financial settlement, human resource
service, software development, call center, and data processing.

4. The parent company, as well as the actual controller of the Company is Overseas Chinese
Town Group Co., Ltd., and the ultimate controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the State Council.

5. The financial statements of the Company have been approved for issue by the Board of
Directors on 25Aug. 2011.

6. A check list of corporate names and their abbreviations mentioned in this Report
                          Corporate name                                   Abbreviation
 Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd.          Telecommunication Technology
 Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co.,   Video & Communication Systems
 Ltd.                                                                     Engineering
 Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                    Precision Mold
 Shenzhen Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                     Konka Electronic

                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

                           Corporate name                                Abbreviation
Shenzhen Konka Information Network Co., Ltd.                         Information Network
Shenzhen Konka Plastic Products Co., Ltd.                               Plastic Products
Shenzhen Shushida Electronic Co., Ltd.                                      Shushida
Shenzhen Electronic Fittings Technology Co., Ltd.                     Fittings Technology
Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd.                        Mudanjiang Appliances
Shaanxi Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                      Shaanxi Konka
Chongqing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                   Chongqing Konka
Chongqing Konka Automotive Electronic Co., Ltd.                      Chongqing Electronic
Chongqing Qingjia Electronics Co., Ltd.                               Chongqing Qingjia
Anhui Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                         Anhui Konka
Anhui Konka Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                       Anhui Household Appliances
Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                    Changshu Konka
Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                      Kunshan Konka
Dongguan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                    Dongguan Konka
Dongguan Konka Packing Materials Co., Ltd.                            Dongguan Packing
Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.                             Dongguan Mould Plastic
Boluo Konka PCB Co., Ltd.                                                Boluo Konka
Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                              Boluo Precision
Konka (Nanhai) Development Center                                       Nanhai Institute
Hongkong Konka Co., Ltd.                                               Hongkong Konka
                                                                Konka Household Appliances
Konka Household Appliances Investment & Development Co., Ltd.
                                                                Konka Household Appliances
Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                   International Trading
KONKA AMERICA,INC.                                                   KONKA AMERICA
Konka (Europe) Co., Ltd.                                                 Konka Europe
Konka (Kunshan) Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.                     Kunshan Real Estate
Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.                                  Xutongda
Shenzhen Konka Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.                   Konka Optoelectronic
Shenzhen Wankaida Science and Technology Co., Ltd.                         Wankaida
Kunshan Kangsheng Investment Development Co., Ltd.                   Kunshan Kangsheng
Indonesia Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.                                  Indonesia Konka
Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                 Anhui Tongchuang

II. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

With the going-concern assumption as the basis, the Group prepared its financial statements
in light of the actual transactions and events, as well as the Basic Standard and 38 specific
standards of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of
Finance of the PRC on 15 Feb. 2006, the Application Guidance of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises, the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
and other regulations issued thereafter (jointly referred to as “the Accounting Standards for

                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

Business Enterprises”), and the Rules for Preparation Convention of Disclosure of Public
Offering Companies No.15—General Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2010)
by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, accounting activities
of the Group were conducted on the accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments, the
financial statements were prepared on the basis of historical costs. Where impairment
occurred in an asset, the corresponding impairment provision was withdrawn according to
relevant rules.

III. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Group are in compliance with the requirements of
the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, factually and completely presenting the
Company’s and the Group’s financial positions as at 30 Jun. 2011, and operating results, cash
flows and other relevant information for the six months then ended. Furthermore, these
financial statements, in all material respects, are also in line with relevant disclosure
requirements for financial statements and notes thereof stipulated in the Rules for Preparation
Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15—General Regulations for
Financial Reporting (revised in 2010) by CSRC.

IV. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates

1. Fiscal period
The Group’s accounting periods are divided into annual periods (yearly) and interim periods.
The interim period is a reporting period which is shorter than a full fiscal year. Gregorian
calendar is adopted for fiscal year of the Company, namely from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. every

2. Recording currency
Renminbi (RMB) is the prevailing currency used in the main economic circumstances of the
Company and its domestic subsidiaries. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt
RMB as the recording currency. When preparing the financial statements for Y2010, the
Group adopted RMB as the recording currency.

3. Accounting methods for business combinations
A business combination refers to a transaction or event bringing together two or more
separate enterprises into one reporting entity. Business combinations are divided into
business combinations under the same control and those not under the same control.
(1) Business combinations under the same control
A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which all the
enterprises involved in the combination are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties
both before and after the business combination and on which the control is not temporary. In
a business combination under the same control, the party which obtains control of other
enterprise(s) involved in the business combination on the combining date is the combining
party, and the other enterprise(s) involved in the business combination is (are) the combined
party. The "combining date" refers to the date on which the combining party obtains actual

                                                                    English Translation for Reference Only

control on the combined party.
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be
measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date.
As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining
party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the
shares issued), the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital
is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
The direct cost for the business combination of the combining party shall be recorded into the
profits and losses at the current period.
(2) Business combinations not under the same control
A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which the
combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties
both before and after the business combination. In a business combination not under the same
control, the party which obtains the control on other combining enterprise(s) on the purchase
date is the acquirer, and other combining enterprise(s) is (are) the acquiree. The "acquisition
date" refers to the date on which the acquirer actually obtains the control on the acquiree.
As for business combinations not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the
fair values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and
the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and
intermediary agency fees for auditing, legal, consulting services, etc. and other administrative
expenditures incurred for the business combination, which were recorded in the profits and
losses at the current period when incurred. The trading expenditures arising from the
acquirer’s issuance of equity or liabilities securities as the consideration for the business
combination are recorded in the initial recognition amount for the equity or liabilities
securities. Where an adjustment to the combination costs is likely to occur and can be
measured reliably, the contingent consideration is recognized and the subsequent
measurement has an influence on business reputation. The contingent consideration involved
is recorded in the combination costs according to its fair value on the acquisition date. Where
new or further evidence against the existing circumstances on the acquisition date occurs
within 12 months after the acquisition date, which makes it necessary to adjust the contingent
consideration, the combined business reputation is adjusted accordingly. For a business
combination realized by two or more transactions of exchange, in the Group’s consolidated
financial statements, as for the equity interests of the acquiree held by the Group before the
acquisition date, they are re-measured according to their fair value on the acquisition date.
The difference between their fair value and their carrying amount is recorded in investment
gains for the period comprising the acquisition date. Other comprehensive incomes arising
from the equity interests of the acquiree held by the Group before the acquisition date are
transferred to investment gains at the current period. The combination costs are the
summation of the fair value on the acquisition date of the equity interests of the acquiree held
by the Group before the acquisition date and the fair value on the acquisition date of the
equity interests of the acquiree acquired by the Group on the acquisition date.
The combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained in the
combination are both measured at their fair values on the acquisition date. The positive
balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets the
acquirer obtains from the acquiree is recognized as business reputation. The acquirer shall,
pursuant to the following provisions, treat the balance between the combination costs and the
fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree: a. it shall reexamine the
measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

obtains from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; b. if, after the reexamination, the
combination costs are still less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from
the acquiree, it shall record the balance into the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the unrecognized deductible temporary differences of the acquiree obtained by the
acquirer due to their not satisfying the recognition criteria for deferred income tax assets on
the acquisition date, if new or further information within 12 months after the acquisition date
shows that the relevant circumstances on the acquisition date has existed and that the
economic benefits arising from the deductible temporary differences of the acquiree on the
acquisition date are expected to be realized, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are
recognized and the business reputation is written down in the mean time. If the business
reputation is not sufficient to offset, the difference is recognized in the profits and losses at
the current period. Except for the aforesaid circumstance, the recognized deferred income tax
assets in relation to the business combination are recorded in the profits and losses at the
current period.

4. Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1) Ascertainment of the consolidation scope
The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be confirmed based on the control.
Control means the Company can decide the financial and manage policy of investee entity
and have authority to earn the benefit from the investee entity. The consolidation scope
includes the Company and all its subsidiaries. The Company’s subsidiaries refer to the
enterprises or entities controlled by the Company.
(2) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The Group consolidates a subsidiary from the date when the Group obtains actual control
over the subsidiary’s net assets and production and operation decision-making and
de-consolidates it from the date when such control ceases. As for a disposed subsidiary, its
operating results and cash flows before the disposal date are properly included in the
consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement. As for a subsidiary
disposed in the current period, the opening accounts in the consolidated balance sheet are not
restated. For a subsidiary acquired in a business combination not under the same control, its
operating results and cash flows after the acquisition date are properly included in the
consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and the opening
accounts and comparative accounts in the consolidated financial statements are not restated.
For a subsidiary acquired in a business combination under the same control or a merged party
under merge and consolidation, its operating results and cash flows for the period from the
beginning of the reporting period to the combination date are properly included in the
consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and the
comparative accounts in the consolidated financial statements are restated in the mean time.
In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where a subsidiary adopts
different accounting policies or accounting periods from those of the Company, the
subsidiary’s financial statements are adjusted according to the Company’s accounting policy
and accounting periods. For a subsidiary obtained in a business combination not under the
same control, its financial statements are adjusted on the basis of the fair value of its
identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.
All significant balances, transactions and unrealized profits within the Group are offset in the
preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
The portions in a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and net current profits and losses that are

                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

not attributable to the Company are separately presented, as minority interests and minority
shareholder gains and losses respectively, under the shareholders’ equity item and the net
profit item in the consolidated financial statements. The portion in the subsidiary’s current
net gains and losses that belongs to minority interests is presented as “minority shareholder
gains and losses” under the net profit item in the consolidated income statement. Where the
subsidiary’s losses attributable to minority shareholders exceed the portion in the subsidiary’s
opening owners’ equity attributable to minority shareholders, minority interests are offset.
Where the Company loses control over a former subsidiary due to disposal of some equity
investment or other reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured according to the fair
value on the date when such control ceases. The summation of the consideration obtained
from the equity disposal and the fair value of the residual equity interests, minus the portion
in the former subsidiary’s net assets measured on a continuous basis from the acquisition date
that is attributable to the Company according to its former shareholding ratio in the
subsidiary, is recorded in the investment gains for the reporting period when the Company’s
control over the subsidiary ceases. Other comprehensive incomes in relation to the former
equity investment in the subsidiary are transferred to the investment gains at the current
period when the Company’s control over the subsidiary ceases. Later on, subsequent
measurement is carried out on the residual equity interests in accordance with the
“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.2—Long-term Equity Investment” or the
“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22—Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments” and other relevant regulations. For more details, please refer to “10.
Long-term Equity Investment” or “7. Financial Instruments” under the Note IV.

5. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents
The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any
time. The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase
date) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash
and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

6. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency financial statements
(1) Translation of foreign currency transactions
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the Group shall convert
the amount in a foreign currency into amount in its Renminbi at the spot exchange rate
(generally refer to the middle price of market exchange rate published by the People’s Bank
of China, the same below) on the day the transaction is occurred. Of which, as for such
transactions as foreign exchange or involving in foreign exchange, the Company shall
converted into amount in the Renminbi at actual exchange rate the transaction is occurred.
(2) Treatment method for the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency
non-monetary items:
On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot
exchange rate on the date. Exchange differences are recorded in the profits and losses at the
current period except for the following circumstances: ① Exchange differences arising from
the special foreign currency borrowings for the acquisition and construction of assets eligible
for capitalization are treated in accordance with the principle of borrowing cost capitalization;
② Exchange differences arising from the net investment hedging instruments in an overseas

                                                                 English Translation for Reference Only

operation are recorded in other comprehensive incomes and can be recognized in the profits
and losses at the current period only when the net investment is disposed; and ③ Exchange
differences arising from changes in the carrying balances other than the amortized costs of
foreign currency monetary items available for sale are recorded in other comprehensive
Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical costs are translated into RMB at
the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The foreign currency non-monetary items
measured at the fair value are translated at the spot exchange rate on the fair value
confirming date, from which the exchange difference is treated as change in fair value
(including change in exchange rate) and recorded in the profit and loss of the current period,
or treated as other comprehensive incomes and recorded in the capital reserves.

(3) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
Where the consolidated financial statements involve an overseas operation and foreign
currency monetary items form in a substantial basis on the net investment in the overseas
operation, exchange differences arising from exchange rate changes are recorded in the
“translation difference of foreign currency statements” item under the owners’ equity item;
and recorded in the profits and losses at the reporting period of the disposal when the
overseas operation is disposed.
The foreign currency financial statements of an overseas operation are translated in RMB in
accordance with the following methods: The asset and liability items in the balance sheets
shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s
equity items, except the ones as “retained profits”, others shall be translated at the spot
exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the
profits statements shall be translated at the average exchange rate of the current period on
transaction date. The opening retained profit is the closing retained profit as of the previous
year after translation; The closing retained profit is measured and stated according to profit
distribution items after translation; And the difference between the asset items and the
summation of the liability and shareholders’ equity items after translation, as the translation
difference of foreign currency statements, is recognized in other comprehensive incomes and
is presented separately under the shareholders’ equity item in the balance sheet. Where an
overseas operation is disposed and the Group’s control on the overseas operation ceases, the
foreign currency statement translation difference in relation to the overseas operation and
presented under the shareholders’ equity items in the balance sheet is, all or according to the
disposal rate of the overseas operation, transferred to the profits and losses at the reporting
period comprising the disposal.
Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows generated by overseas subsidiaries are translated
at the average exchange rate for the current period on the date when the cash flow is
generated. The influence on cash due to change of exchange rate shall be presented
separately under the cash flow statement.
The opening amounts and the actual amounts in the previous year are presented on the basis
of the translated financial statements for the previous year.

7. Financial instruments
(1) Ascertainment of fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The “fair value” refers to the amount, at which both parties to a transaction who are familiar

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with the condition exchange assets or clear off debts under fair conditions. As for the
financial instrument for which there is an active market, the Group determines its fair value
using the quoted price in the active market. The quoted prices in the active market refer to the
prices, which are easily available from the stock exchange, brokers, industry associations,
pricing service institutions, etc. at a fixed term, and which represent the prices at which
actually incurred market transactions are made under fair conditions. Where there is no active
market for a financial instrument, the Group adopts value appraisal techniques to determine
its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the parties,
who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will,
the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same
essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc..
(2) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
Financial assets bought in and sold out in the conventional way are recognized and
de-recognized in accordance with the transaction dates. In the initial recognition, financial
assets are divided into financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are
recorded in current profits and losses, held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts
receivables, and available-for-sale financial assets. In the initial recognition, a financial asset
is measured at its fair value. For a financial asset measured at fair value and whose changes
are recorded in current gains and losses, the relevant trading expenditures are directly
recorded in the gains and losses at the current period. And the trading expenditures for the
other financial assets are recorded in the initially recognized amount.
① Financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current profits
and losses
Such financial assets include transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to
be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses.
A transactional financial asset refers to a financial asset meeting any of the following
requirements: A. The purpose to acquire the financial asset is mainly for selling in the near
future; B. Forming a part of the identifiable combination of financial instruments which are
managed in a centralized way and for which there are objective evidences proving that the
Group may manage the combination by way of short-term profit making in the near future;
and C. Being a derivative instrument, excluding the designated derivative instruments which
are effective hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts,
and the derivative instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments
for which there is no quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably
measured, and which shall be settled by delivering the said equity instruments.
Financial asset complying with one of following conditions can be measured at fair value
when being initially recognized and changes in that financial asset are recorded in gains and
losses of the current period: A. The designation can eliminate or greatly reduce situations
where related profits or losses were in inconformity due to different measurement base of the
financial asset; B. The formal written document of concerning risk management or
investment strategy of the Group has stated that the Group shall manage and assess on
financial asset group and financial asset and financial liability group on the basis of fair value,
and report to key management staffs.
A transactional financial asset, which is measured at the fair value and changes thereof are
recorded in gains and losses of the current period, is subsequently measured at the fair value.
The gains and losses arising from the fair value changes, as well as the dividend and interest
incomes from the financial asset, are recorded in the gains and losses for the current period.

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② Held-to-maturity investments
A held-to-maturity investment refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of
maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the Group holds for a
definite purpose or the Group is able to hold until its maturity.
A held-to-maturity investment is subsequently measured according to the amortized cost
using the actual interest rate method. The gains or losses arising from de-recognition,
impairment or amortization of the investment are recorded in the profits and losses for the
current period.
The actual interest rate method refers to the method by which the post-amortization costs and
the interest incomes of different installments or interest expenses are calculated in light of the
actual interest rates of the financial assets or financial liabilities (including a set of financial
assets or financial liabilities). The actual interest rate refers to the interest rate adopted to
cash the future cash flow of a financial asset or financial liability within the predicted term of
existence or within a shorter applicable term into the current carrying amount of the financial
asset or financial liability.
When calculating the actual interest rate, the Group predicts the future cash flow (not taking
into account the future credit losses) on the basis of taking into account all the contractual
provisions concerning the financial asset or financial liability. The various fee charges,
trading expenses, reduced values, premiums, etc., which are paid or collected by the parties
to a financial asset or financial liability contract and which form a part of the actual interest
rate, are also taken into account in the determination of the actual interest rate.
③ Loans and accounts receivable
Loans and accounts receivable refer to the non-derivative financial assets for which there is
no quoted price in the active market and of which the repo amount is fixed or determinable.
The financial assets defined by the Group as loans and accounts receivable include notes
receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividend receivable, other receivables,
Loans and accounts receivable are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost
using the actual interest rate method. The gains or losses arising from de-recognition,
impairment or amortization of the loans and accounts receivable are recorded in the profits
and losses for the current period.
④ Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets include the non-derivative financial assets which are
designated as available for sale when they are initially recognized, as well as the financial
assets other than the financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded
in current gains and losses, loans and accounts receivable and held-to-maturity investments.
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at their fair values. Impairment
losses and the exchange differences of foreign currency monetary financial assets in relation
to the amortized cost are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. Other gains
or losses arising from fair value changes are recognized as other comprehensive incomes and
recorded in the capital reserves, and transferred out and recorded in the profits and losses for
the current period when the financial asset is de-recognized.
Interest obtained during the period of holding an available-for-sale financial asset and the
cash dividends declared and distributed by an invested party are recorded in investment

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(3) Impairment of financial assets
For the financial assets other than the financial assets measured at fair values and whose
changes are recorded in current gains and losses, the Group runs a check on their carrying
amounts on every balance sheet date. Where there is any objective evidence proving that
such a financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision is made.
The Group carries out a separate impairment test for every financial asset which is
individually significant. As for a financial asset which is individually insignificant, an
impairment test is carried out separately or in the financial asset group with similar credit risk.
Where the financial asset (individually significant or insignificant) is found not impaired
after the separate impairment test, it is included in the financial asset group with similar
credit risk and tested again on the group basis. Where the impairment loss is recognized for
an individual financial asset, it is not included in the financial asset group with similar credit
risk for an impairment test.
①Impairment of held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts receivable
Where a financial asset measured on the basis of costs or amortized costs is impaired, the
carrying amount of the said financial asset is written down to the current value of the
predicted future cash flow. The amount written down is recognized as the impairment loss of
the asset and is recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. Where a financial
asset is recognized as having suffered from any impairment loss, if there is any objective
evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is
objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment
losses as originally recognized are reversed. The reversed carrying amount of the said
financial asset does not exceed the amortized cost of the said financial asset on the day of
reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from
the decrease of the fair value of the capital reserve which is directly included are transferred
out and recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. The accumulative losses
transferred out are the balance obtained from the initially obtained cost of the said financial
asset after deducting the principals as taken back, the amortized amount, the current fair
value and the impairment loss originally recorded in the profits and losses.
Where the impairment loss has been recognized for an available-for-sale financial asset, if,
within the accounting periods thereafter, there is any objective evidence proving that the
value of the said financial asset has been restored and the restoration is objectively related to
the events that occur after the impairment loss was recognized, the originally recognized
impairment loss is reversed. The impairment losses on the available-for-sale equity
instrument investments are reversed and recognized as other comprehensive incomes, and the
impairment losses on the available-for-sale liability instruments are reversed and recorded in
the profits and losses for the current period.
The impairment loss incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted
price in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or incurred to a
derivative financial asset which is connected with the said equity instrument investment and
which must be settled by delivering the said equity investment, is not reversed.
(4) Recognition and measurement of financial asset transfers
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it is

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terminated: ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset

are terminated; ② The said financial asset has been transferred and nearly all of the risks and

rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or ③ The said
financial asset has been transferred. And the Group has ceased its control on the said
financial asset though it neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of the financial asset.
Where the Group neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of a financial asset, and it does not cease its control on the said financial asset, it
recognizes the relevant financial asset and liability accordingly according to the extent of its
continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset. The term "continuous involvement
in the transferred financial asset" refers to the risk level that the enterprise faces resulting
from the change of the value of the financial asset.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the
difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is recorded in the profits and losses
of the current period: (1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; and (2) The sum
of consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes of
the fair value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes.
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the
book value of the transferred financial asset is apportioned between the portion whose
recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped
according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of
the following 2 items is included into the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The
summation of the consideration received from the transfer and the portion of the
accumulative amount of changes in the fair value originally recorded in other comprehensive
incomes which corresponds to the portion whose recognition has been stopped; and (2) The
amortized carrying amounts of the aforesaid amounts.
(5) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial liabilities measured
at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses and other financial
liabilities. Financial liabilities are initially recognized at their fair values. As for a financial
liability measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses,
the relevant trading expense is directly recorded in the profits and losses for the current
period. As for other financial liabilities, the relevant trading expenses are recorded in the
initially recognized amounts.
① Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current
gains and losses
Such financial liabilities are divided into transactional financial liabilities and financial
liabilities designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current
gains and losses in the initial recognition under the same conditions where such financial
assets are divided into transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to be
measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the
initial recognition.
Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains
and losses are subsequently measured at their fair values. Gains or losses arising from the fair

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value changes, as well as the dividend and interest expenses in relation to the said financial
liabilities, are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
② Other financial liabilities
As for a derivative financial liability connected to an equity instrument for which there is not
quoted price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and which
must be settled by delivering the equity instrument, it is subsequently measured on the basis
of costs. Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost
using the actual interest rate method. Gains or losses arising from de-recognition or
amortization of the said financial liabilities is recorded in the profits and losses for the
current period.
③ Financial guarantee contract
For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial liability
measured at its fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period, which shall be initially recognized by fair value, and the subsequent
measurement shall be made after they are initially recognized according to the higher one of
the following: a. the amount as determined according to the Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies; b. the surplus after accumulative amortization as
determined according to the principles of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 -
Revenues is subtracted from the initially recognized amount.
(6) De-recognition of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may
the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Group
(debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial
liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding
the new financial liability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financial
liability, it terminates the recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time
recognizes the new financial liability.
Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise
concerned shall include into the profits and losses of the current period for the gap between
the book value which has been terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid
(including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has
(7) Derivative instrument and embedded derivative instrument
Derivative instrument shall be initially measured at its fair value on the signing date for
relevant contracts, and made the follow-up measurement at fair value. The changes in the fair
value of the derivative instrument shall be recorded into gain/loss at current period.
Where a mixed instrument including an embedded derivative instrument fails to be
designated as a financial asset or financial liability measured at its fair value and of which the
variation is included in the current profits and losses, and it can simultaneously meet the two
conditions that there is no close relationship between it and the principal contract in terms of
economic features and risks, as well as there is no close relationship between it and the
principal contract in terms of economic features and risks. Then the embedded derivative
instrument shall be separated from the mixed instrument and treated as an independent
derivative instrument. Where it is impossible to make an independent measurement when it is
obtained or subsequently on the balance sheet date, the mixed instrument shall be designated
entirely as a financial asset or financial liability measured at its fair value and of which the

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variation is included in the current profits and losses.
(8) The offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
When the Group has the legal right to offset the confirmed financial assets and financial
liabilities, and can execute this legal right now, meanwhile, the Group plans to settle them at
their net amount or realize the financial assets and pay off the financial liabilities at the same
time, the financial assets and financial liabilities should be listed in the balance sheet by the
amount after their offset with each other. Apart from this, the financial assets and financial
liabilities should be listed in the balance sheet respectively and should not offset with each
(9) Equity instruments
The "equity instruments" refers to the contracts which can prove that the Group holds the
surplus equities of the assets after the deduction of all the debts. For equity instruments, the
consideration received in the issuance of equity instruments after deducting the transaction
cost shall be recorded in the owners’ equity.
The owners’ equity decreased from the Group’s various distributions (excluding the dividend
distribution) to the owners of equity instruments, the Group shall not make it as the change in
the fair value of equity instruments.

8. Receivables
Receivables include account receivables and other accounts receivables.
(1) Recognition of provision for bad debts:
The Group shall test the carrying amount of receivables on the balance sheet date. Where
there is any objective evidence proving that such receivables have been impaired, an
impairment provision shall be made.
① Debtor has serious financial difficult;

② Debtor goes against the contract clause (for instance, breach of faith or overdue paying
interests or principal);
③ Debtors has a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

④ Other objective evidence proving such accounts receivable has been impaired;

(2) Withdraw method of provision for bad debts
① The recognition criteria and method of individual provision for bad debts of receivables
that are individually significant
The Group recognized the receivables with amount above RMB 20 million and other
receivables above 10 million as receivables with significant single amounts and withdrawn
the provision for bad debts.
The Group made an independent impairment test on receivables with significant single
amounts, the financial assets without impairment by independent impairment test should be
included in financial assets portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment test.
Receivables was recognized with impairment should no longer be included in receivables
portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment test.

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② The recognition and method of provision for bad debts of receivables by credit risk
A. Recognition of credit risk group
Receivables that are not individually significant, and individually significant but without
impairment by independent impairment test, are grouped on the basis of similarity and
relevance of credit risk. This credit risk usually reflects the debtor’s ability to repay all the
due accounts in accordance with contract for such assets, which also are related with the
measurement on future cash flow of the examined assets.
Recognition of different groups:
               Item                                           Recognition basis of group
 Aging group                                                  Age of accounts receivable

 The group of related parties of
                                         Whether the debtor is the related party among the group or not
 the Group

B. Withdrawal method of provision for bad debts recognized by credit risk group
For the impairment test implemented by groups, the amount of provision for bad debts was
appraised and recognized in accordance with the structure of accounts receivable group and
similar characteristics of credit risk (the debtor’s ability to pay off the loans in accordance
with the provisions of contract), experience of losses, current economic status and the
predicted losses in the accounts receivable group.
Withdrawal methods of provision for bad debts on different groups
               Item                                              Withdrawal method
 Age group                                                         Aging analysis
 Related parties groups within the
                                                                   No withdrawal

In the group, withdrawal method for provision for bad debts by aging analysis
                                                                              Proportion of provision for bad
                                        Proportion of provision for bad
               Age                                                               debts of other accounts
                                       debts of accounts receivable(%)
Within 1 year(including 1 year, the
                                                         2                                     2
same below)
1-2 years                                                5                                     5
2-3 years                                               20                                    20
3-5 years                                               50                                    50
Over 5 years                                            100                                   100
Impairment of prepayment: The prepayment shall be subject to the individual impairment test
on the balance sheet date. The provision for bad debts should be measured as per the balance
between the carrying amount and the present value of the cash flow in future if there is an
objective evidence for the impairment occurrence.
③ Receivables with insignificant amount but being individually withdrawn the provision for
bad debts
The Group made independent impairment test on receivables with insignificant amount but
with the following characteristics, if any objective evidence shows that the accounts

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receivable has been impaired, impairment loss shall be recognized on the basis of the gap
between the current values of the future cash flow lower than its book value so as to
withdraw provision for bad debts:
A. Receivables existing dispute with the other parties or involving lawsuit and arbitration;
B. Receivables exist obvious indication showing that the debtors are likely to fail to perform
the duty of repayment, etc..
(3) Reversal of provision for bad debts
If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said receivables has been
restored, and it is objectively related to the events occurred after such loss is recognized, the
impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be
any more than the post-amortization costs of the said accounts receivable on the day of
reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.

9. Inventory
(1) Classification
Inventories are classified as: raw materials, goods in process, merchandise on hand, goods
delivered, circulating materials and etc.
(2) Pricing method of outgoing and obtaining inventories
The inventories shall be measured in light of their cost when obtained. The cost of inventory
consists of purchase costs, processing costs and other costs. Inventory is accounted by weight
average method upon receiving and giving. For merchandise on hand shall be accounted by
planned cost, if the difference between planned cost of and actual cost of raw materials is
accounted through the cost variance item, and the planned cost is adjusted to the actual cost
according to the cost difference which the carryover and given-out inventory should shoulder
in the period.
(3) Recognition standard of net realizable value and withdrawal method of depreciation
reserves for inventories
The net realizable value refers, in the ordinary course of business, to the account after
deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from
the estimated sale price of inventories. The net realizable value of inventories shall be fixed
on the basis of valid evidence as well as under consideration of purpose of inventories and
the effect of events after balance-sheet-date.
On the balance sheet date, the inventories shall be measured according to the cost or the net
realizable value, whichever is lower. If the net realizable value is lower than the cost, it shall
withdraw the depreciation reserves for inventories, which was withdrawn in accordance with
the balance that the cost of individual inventory item exceeding the net realizable value.
After withdrawing the depreciation reserves for inventories, if the factors, which cause any
write-down of the inventories, have disappeared, causing the net realizable value of
inventories is higher than its carrying amount, the amount of write-down shall be reversed
from the original amount of depreciation reserve for inventories. The reversed amount shall
be included in the profits and losses of the current period.
(4) Inventory system for inventories: Perpetual inventory system.
(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
The Company shall amortize the low-value consumption goods and packing through the
one-off amortization method.

10. Long-term equity investment

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(1) Recognition of investment cost
The initial cost of the long-term equity investment formed in business combination shall be
ascertained in accordance with the following provisions: For the business combination under
the same control, it shall regard the share of the carrying amount of the owner's equity of the
combined party on the date of combination as the initial cost of the long-term equity
investment. For the business combination under different control, the combination costs shall
be the sum of the fair values of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the
equity securities issued by the Company; the commission fees for audit, law services,
assessment & consultancy services and other relevant expenses occurred in the business
combination by the combining party, shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon
their occurrence; the transaction expense from the issuance of equity securities or bonds
securities which are as consideration for combination by the combining party, should be
recorded as the initial amount of equity securities and bonds securities.
Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other
long-term equity investments shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed in
accordance with the ways of gaining, such as actual cash payment paid by the Group, the fair
value of equity securities issued by the Group, the agreed value of the investment contract or
agreement, the fair value or original carrying amount of exchanged assets from non-monetary
assets exchange transaction, the fair value of the long-term equity investments, etc. The
expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related with gaining the long-term
equity investments shall also be recorded into investment cost.
(2) Follow-up measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of profits
and losses
The long-term equity investment that the Company does not have joint control or significant
influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value
cannot be reliably measured, it shall be measured by adopting the cost method; a long-term
equity investment that the Company has joint control or significant influences over the
invested entity shall be measured by employing the equity method; a long-term equity
investment that the Company does not have control, joint control or significant influence on
the invested entity, as well as its fair value can be reliably measured, it shall be accounted as
financial assets available-for-sale.
Moreover, long-term equity investment adopting the cost method in the financial statements,
and which the Company has control on invested entity.
① Long-term equity investment measured by adopting cost method
The price of a long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method shall be
included at its initial investment cost, the return on investment at current period shall be
recognized in accordance with the cash dividend or profit announced to distribute by the
invested entity, except the announced but not distributed cash dividend or profit included in
the actual payment or consideration upon gaining the investment.
②Long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method
If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company's attributable
share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the
initial cost of the long-term equity investment may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a
long-term equity investment is less than the Company's attributable share of the fair value of
the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the difference shall be included
in the current profits and losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be

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adjusted simultaneously.

When measured by adopting equity method, the investment profits or losses at current period
shall be the attributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested entity. The investing
enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity
when it obtains the investment, and in accordance with the accounting policies and
accounting periods, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the
invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity. For the profits and losses
of unrealized insider dealing between the Group and joint-operative enterprise or
co-operative enterprise, the investment profits and losses shall be recognized after the part
attributable to the Group calculated by proportion of shares held being offset. However, if the
losses of unrealized insider dealing between the Group and joint-operative enterprise or
co-operative enterprise was attributed to the impairment losses of the transferred assets in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8— Asset Impairment, which
shall not be offset. The other comprehensive profits from invested entity shall be recognized
as other comprehensive profits after adjusting the book value of long-term equity investment,
and then recorded into capital reserves

The Group shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the
long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially
form the net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero. However, if the
Group has the obligation to undertake extra losses, it shall be recognized as the estimated
liabilities in accordance with the estimated duties and then recorded into investment losses at
current period. If the invested entity realizes any net profits later, the Group shall, after the
amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the
un-recognized losses, resume to recognize its attributable share of profits.

For the long-term equity investment on joint-enterprise and co-operative enterprise held by
the Group before the initial execution of New Accounting Standards for Enterprise, if there
existed the balance of debtor for equity investment related with such long-term equity
investment, which shall be recorded into current profits and losses with the amount by
straight-line amortization in the remained period.

③ Acquiring shares of minority interest
In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the long-term
equity investment increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and the attributable net
assets on the subsidiary calculated by the increased shares held since the purchase date (or
combination date), the capital reserves shall be adjusted, if the capital reserves are not
sufficient to offset, the retained profits shall be adjusted.

④ Disposal of long-term equity investment
In the preparation of financial statements, the Company disposed part of the long-term equity
investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling right on them, the balance between
the disposed price and attributable net assets of subsidiaries by disposing the long-term
equity investment shall be recorded into owners’ equity; where the Company losses the
controlling right by disposing part of long-term equity investment on such subsidiaries, it

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shall treated in accordance with the relevant accounting policies in Note IV. 4 (2) “Method on
preparation of combined financial statements”.
For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book
value of the disposed equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded into current
profits and losses; for the long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method,
the other comprehensive income originally recorded into owners’ equity shall be transferred
into current profits and losses by proportions upon the disposal. The remained equity shall be
recognized as long-term equity investment or other relevant financial assets in accordance
with the book value, and carried out the follow-up measurement in accordance with the
above accounting policies for the long-term equity investment or financial assets. If the
measurement method of remained equity is transferred from cost method to equity method, it
shall be subject to retrospective adjustment in accordance with relevant rules and
(3) Recognition basis of joint control and significant influences
The term "control" refers to the power to determine the financial and operating polices of an
enterprise and obtain benefits from its operating activities of the enterprise. The term "joint
control" refers to the control over an economic activity in accordance with the contracts and
agreements, which does not exist unless the investing parties of the economic activity with
one an assent on sharing the control power over the relevant important financial and
operating decisions. The term "significant influences" refers to the power to participate in
making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not to control
or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. When
ascertaining whether or not it is able to control or have significant influences on an invested
entity, an enterprise shall take into consideration the invested enterprises' current convertible
corporate bonds and current executable warrants held by the investing enterprise and other
parties, as well as other potential factors concerning the voting rights.
(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment
The Group shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign
of possible impairment of the long-term equity investment. Where there is sign of
impairment, the Group shall estimate the recoverable amount of the long-term equity
investment. Where the recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment is lower than
its book value, which balance shall be withdrawn the provision for impairment and recorded
into current profits and losses.
Once any loss of impairment of the long-term equity investment is recognized, it shall not be
switched back in the future accounting periods.

11. Fixed assets
(1)Recognized standard of fixed assets
The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features
as follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service,
renting or business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.
(2) Category of fixed assets and depreciation
The initial measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost after considering the effect
of expected discard expenses. The Group shall withdraw the depreciation of fixed assets by
adopting the straight-line method since the second month of its useful life. Useful life,
expected net salvage value and annual depreciation rate of each fixed assets are as below:

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

                                                             Expected net               Annual
    Category of fixed assets          Useful life (Y)        salvage value          deprecation rate
                                                                (%)                   (%)
 Houses and buildings                     20-40                  10.00                 2.25-4.50
 Machinery equipments                       10                  10.00                      9.00
 Transportation vehicle                     5                   10.00                     18.00
 Electronic equipments    other              5                  10.00                     18.00
 Other equipments                           555                 10.00                    18.00
The "expected net salvage value" refers to the expected amount that the Group may obtain
from the current disposal of a fixed asset after deducting the expected disposal expenses at
the expiration of its expected useful life.

(3) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment on
fixed assets
For details, please refer to Note IV. 16 “Impairment of non-current non financial assets”.

(4) Recognition basis and pricing method of fixed assets by finance lease
The "finance lease" shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of an asset. Its ownership may or may not eventually be
transferred. The fixed assets by finance lease shall adopt the same depreciation policy for
self-owned fixed assets. If it is reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the
ownership of the leased asset when the lease term expires, the leased asset shall be fully
depreciated over its useful life. If it is not reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain
the ownership of the leased asset at the expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully
depreciated over the shorter one of the lease term or its useful life.

(5) Other explanations
The follow-up expenses related to a fixed asset, if the economic benefits pertinent to this
fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise and its cost can be reliably measured, shall be
recorded into cost of fixed assets and ultimately recognized as the book value of the replaced
part; otherwise, they shall be included in the current profits and losses.
When the Group sells, transfers or discards any fixed assets, or when any fixed assets of the
Group is damaged or destroyed, the Group shall deduct the book value of the fixed assets as
well as the relevant taxes from the disposal income, and include the amount in the current
profits and losses.
The Group shall check the useful life, expected net salvage value and depreciation method of
the fixed assets at the end of the year at least, if there is any change, it shall be regarded as a
change of the accounting estimates.

12. Construction in progress
Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs,
borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization before the fixed assets being ready for
their intended us and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed
assets when the assets are ready for their intended use
For details of the testing method of impairment and withdraw method of impairment
provision on construction in progress, please refer to Note IV. 16 “Impairment of non-current

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

non financial assets”.

13. Borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or
premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency
borrowings. Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable
to the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall
start to be capitalized when the asset disbursements have already incurred, the borrowing
costs has already incurred and the acquisition and construction or production activities which
are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started; When the
qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use
or sale, it shall stop to be capitalized. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as costs
upon their occurrence.

The to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual interests
incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests
earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment;
the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount on the general
borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the
accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of
the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in
light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.

During the period of capitalization, the exchange balance on foreign currency special
borrowings shall be capitalized; the exchange balance on foreign currency general
borrowings shall be recorded into current profits and losses.

The term “assets eligible for capitalization” refers to the fixed assets, investment real estate,
inventories and other assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may
take quite a long time to get ready for its intended use or for sale.

Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted
abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the
borrowing costs shall be suspended until the acquisition and construction or production of a
qualified asset resume again

14. Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets
The term "intangible asset" refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets possessed or
controlled by enterprises which have no physical shape.
The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost. The costs related with
the intangible assets, if the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow
into the enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably, shall be
recorded into the costs of intangible assets; otherwise, it shall be recorded into current profits
and losses upon the occurrence.
The use right of land gained is usually measured as intangible assets. For the self-developed
and constructed factories and other constructions, the related expenditures on use right of
land and construction costs shall be respectively measured as intangible assets and fixed

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assets. For the purchased houses and buildings, the related payment shall be distributed into
the payment for use right of land and the payment for buildings, if it is difficult to be
distributed, the whole payment shall be treated as fixed assets.

For intangible assets with a finite service life, from the time when it is available for use, the
cost after deducting the sum of the expected salvage value and the accumulated impairment
provision shall be amortized by straight line method during the service life. While the
intangible assets without certain service life shall not be amortized.

At the end of period, the Group shall check the service life and amortization method of
intangible assets with finite service life, if there is any change, it shall be regarded as a
change of the accounting estimates. Besides, the Group shall check the service life of
intangible assets without certain service life, if there is any evidence showing that the period
of intangible assets to bring the economic benefits to the enterprise can be prospected, it shall
be estimated the service life and amortized in accordance with the amortization policies for
intangible assets with finite service life.

(2) Expenditures for research and development
The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be
classified into research expenditures and development expenditures.
Expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into current profits and losses
upon the occurrence.
The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an
enterprise may be confirmed as intangible assets when they satisfy the following conditions
simultaneously, otherwise,it shall be recorded into current profits and losses.

① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;

② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;

③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be
proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products
manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the
intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally;
④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the
intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other
resources; and
⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
If the expenditures for research and expenditures for development can not be distinguished
from each other, all the expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into
current profits and losses.

(3) Testing method of impairment and withdraw method of impairment provision for
intangible assets
For details, please refer to Note IV. 16 “Impairment of non-current non financial assets”.

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15. Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one
year that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term deferred
expense shall be amortized averagely within benefit period.

16. Impairment of non-current non-financial assets
For the non-current non-financial assets, such as fixed assets, construction in progress,
intangible assets with finite service life, investment real assets measured by cost mode as
well as long-term equity investment on subsidiaries, co-operative enterprise and
joint-operative enterprise, etc., are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an
asset may be impaired at the balance date. If there is any sign of possible assets impairment,
the Group shall estimate the recoverable amount and made the impairment tests. No matter
whether there is any sign of possible assets impairment, the good will, intangible assets
without certain service life, intangible assets not ready for use shall be subject to impairment
test every year.
If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less
than its book value, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the
amount by which the asset’s book value exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable
amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the
future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. The fair value of an asset shall be
determined in light of the basis of the price as stipulated in the sales agreement. Where there
is no sales agreement but there is an active market of assets, the fair value of the asset shall
be determined according to the price bidden by the buyer of the asset; Where there is no sales
agreement and no active market of assets, the fair value of an asset shall be estimated in light
of the best information available. The disposal expenses shall include the relevant legal
expenses, relevant taxes, trucking charge as well as the direct expenses for bringing the assets
into a marketable state. The current value of the expected future cash flow of an asset shall be
determined by the discounted cash with an appropriate discount rate, on the basis of the
expected future cash flow generated during the continuous use or final disposal of an asset. A
provision for asset Impairment is determined and recognized on an individual asset basis. If it
is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
amount of the group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is
the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.
For the goodwill separately listed in the financial statements, during the impairment test, the
book value of this goodwill is allocated to the related asset group or groups of asset group
which is expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of
the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or groups of asset group
including the goodwill allocated is lower than its book value, the corresponding impairment
loss is recognized. The impairment loss is first deducted from the book value of goodwill
allocated to the asset group or groups of asset group, and then deducted from the book value
of the remaining assets of the asset group or groups of asset group pro rata with goodwill.
Once the asset impairment loss mentioned above is recognized, it is not allowed to be
reversed even if the value is recovered in the subsequent periods.

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17. Estimated liabilities
The obligation pertinent to a Contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated liability when
the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: (1)That obligation is a current
obligation of the enterprise; (2)It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the
enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation; and (3)The amount of the obligation
can be measured in a reliable way.
On the balance sheet date, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the risks,
uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the Contingencies to
measured the estimated liabilities in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary
expenses for the performance of the current obligation.
When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated liabilities of
an enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation should be
separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will
be obtained. Besides, the amount recognized for the reimbursement should not exceed the
book value of the estimated liabilities.

18. Revenue
(1) Revenue from selling goods
No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met
simultaneously: the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been
transferred to the buyer by the enterprise; the enterprise retains neither continuous
management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over
the sold goods; the relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the
relevant economic benefits may flow into the enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to
be incurred can be measured in a reliable way. The recognition of revenue from exported
goods: For good exported by way of FOB, the revenue shall be recognized once the goods
were delivered to the carrier designated by the purchaser; for goods exported by way of CIF,
the revenue shall be recognized once the goods reach the port of the purchase.
(2) Revenue from providing labor services
No revenue from providing labor services may be recognized unless the labor has been
provided and the relevant payment has been received and gained the proof of collection. No
revenue from property management may be recognized unless the property management
service has been provided, and the economic interest related with such service can flow into
the enterprise, as well as the cost related with such service can be reliably measured.
Where a contract or agreement signed between Group and other enterprises concerns selling
goods and providing of labor services, if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing
labor services can be distinguished from each other and can be measured respectively, the
part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services shall be treated respectively. If
the part of selling goods and the part of providing labor services can not be distinguished
from each other, or if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services can be
distinguished from each other but can not be measured respectively, both parts shall be
conducted as selling goods.

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(3) Royalty revenue
In accordance with relevant contract or agreement, the amount of royalty revenue should be
recognized as revenue on accrual basis.
(4) Interest revenue
The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the
length of time for which the Group’s monetary fund is used by others and the agreed interest

19. Government subsidies
A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by the
Group from the government, but excluding the capital invested by the government as the
owner of the enterprise. Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent
to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income.
If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received
or receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured
at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at
its nominal amount. The government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be
directly included in the current profits and losses.
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally
distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits
and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in
accordance with the circumstances as follows: those subsidies used for compensating the
related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and
shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses
are recognized; or those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses
incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.
Where it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall
be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: if there is the
deferred income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset against,
but the excessive part shall be included in the current profits and losses; or if there is no
deferred income concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the
current profits and losses.

20. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Current income tax
On the balance sheet date, the current income tax liabilities (or assets) incurred in the current
period or prior periods shall be measured on the basis of the expected payable (refundable)
amount of income tax, which is calculated according to the tax law. The taxable income
which is the basis to calculate current income tax is the pre-tax accounting profits at the
period after adjustment in accordance with the stipulations of relevant tax laws
(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

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The balance between the book value of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities and its
taxable amount, as well as the temporary difference between the book value of those
unrecognized as assets and liabilities but with clear taxable amount and the taxable amount
should adopt law of liabilities for balance sheet to recognize deferred income tax assets and
deferred income tax liabilities.
No deferred tax liability is recognized for a temporary difference arising from the initial
recognition of goodwill, the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction
other than a business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit
(or deductible loss). Besides, no deferred tax assets is recognized for the taxable temporary
differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and
joint enterprises, and the investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary
differences as well as the temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted
future. Otherwise, the Group should recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising form
other taxable temporary difference.
No deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the deductible temporary difference of
initial recognition of assets and liabilities arising from the transaction which is not business
combination, the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount or
deductible loss be affected at the time of transaction. Besides, no deferred taxable assets
should be recognized for the deductible temporary difference related to the investments of
the subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises, which are not likely to
be reversed in the expected future or is not likely to acquire any amount of taxable income
tax that may be used for making up such deductible temporary differences. Otherwise, the
Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from a deductible temporary
difference basing on the extent of the amount of the taxable income that is likely to be
acquired to make up such deductible temporary differences
For any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the
corresponding deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent that the amount of
future taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall
be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be
recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.
The book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If
it is unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against the benefit of the deferred
income tax asset, the book value of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down. Any
such write-down should be subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient
taxable income will be available.
(3) Income tax expense
Income tax expense includes current income tax and deferred income tax.
Except the current income tax and deferred income tax, which was recognized as other
comprehensive income or related with the transactions or events directly recorded in the
owner's equities, should be recorded in other comprehensive income or owners’ equity, and
the book value of deferred income tax from business combination after adjusting the good
will, the other expenses or income of current income tax and deferred income tax should be

                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

recorded into current profits and losses.
(4) The offset of income tax
When the Group has the legal right to settle with net amount, and intends to settle, purchase
assets, liquidate liabilities with net amount at the same time, the current income tax assets
and current income tax liabilities of the Group shall be listed by the net amount after the
When the Group has the legal right to settle current income tax assets and current income tax
liabilities with net amount, as well as the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities are related with the income tax that the same taxation authority collects towards the
same tax payer or different tax payer, but during every period of reversal for significant
deferred income tax assets and liabilities in the future, if the tax payer intends to settle the
current income tax assets and liabilities or purchase assets and liquidate liabilities with the
net amount, the Group’s deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall
be listed as the net amount after offset.

21. Leasing
The “finance lease” shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of an asset. The ownership of it may or may not eventually
be transferred. Except financial lease, the other leases are operating lease.

22. Employee compensation
The Group recorded the employee compensation payables as liabilities during the service
period of employee.
The Group joins in the employee social security system established by the government
institution in accordance with relevant rules and laws, which includes the basic retirement
insurance, medical insurance and other social insurances, as well as the housing
accumulation fund, and the relevant expenditures should be recorded into cost of relevant
assets or current profits and losses upon the occurrence.
If an enterprise cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the
relevant labor contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of
encouraging the employee to accept a layoff, and the following conditions are met
concurrently, the enterprise shall recognize the expected liabilities incurred due to the
compensation for the cancellation of the labor relationship with the employee, and shall
simultaneously record them into the profit or loss for the current period: the enterprise has
formulated a formal plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or has brought forward a
proposal on voluntary layoff and will execute it soon; and the enterprise is unable to
unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff proposal.
The inside employee retirement plan is treated by adopting the same principle with the above
dismission welfare. The group would recorded the salary and the social security insurance
fees paid and so on from the employee’s service terminative date to normal retirement date
into current profits and losses (dismission welfare) under the condition that they meet the
recognition conditions of estimated liabilities.

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23. Change in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1) Change in accounting policies
No accounting policy changed in the Group in the reporting period.
(2) Change in accounting estimates
No accounting estimates changed in the Group in the reporting period..

24. Corrections of prior accounting errors
In this period, the Group has no matter related to correction of prior-period errors.

25. Critical accounting judgments and estimates
Due to the inside uncertainty of operating activity, the Group needed to make judgments,
estimates and assumption on the book value of the accounts without accurate measurement
during the employment of accounting policies. And these judgments, estimates and
assumption were made basing on the prior experience of the senior executives of the Group,
as well as in consideration of other factors. These judgments, estimates and assumption
would also affect the report amount of income, costs, assets and liabilities, as well as the
disclosure of contingent liabilities on balance sheet date. However, the uncertainty of these
estimates were likely to cause significant adjustment on the book value of the affected assets
and liabilities.
The Group would check periodically the above judgments, estimates and assumption on                 the
basis of continuing operation. For the changes in accounting estimates only affected on             the
current period, the influence should be recognized at the period of change occurred; for            the
changes in accounting estimates affected the current period and also the future period,             the
influence should be recognized at the period of change occurred and future period.
On the balance sheet date, the Group needed to make judgments, estimates and assumption
on the accounts in the following important items:
(1) Categorization of leasing
In accordance with Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 – Leasing, the Group
categorized the leasing into operating lease and finance lease. During the categorization, the
management level needed to make analysis and judgment on whether all the risk and
compensation related with the leased assets had been transferred to the leasee, or whether the
Group had already undertaken all the risk and compensation related with the leased assets.
(2) Provision for bad debts
In accordance with the accounting policies of accounts receivable, the Group measured the
losses for bad debts by adopting allowance method. The impairment of accounts receivable
was based on the appraisal of the recoverability of accounts receivable. The impairment of
accounts receivable was dependent on the judgment and estimates. The actual amount and
the difference of previous estimates would affect the book value of accounts receivable and

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

the withdrawal and reversal on provision for bad debts of accounts receivable during the
period of estimates being changed.
(3) Provision for falling price of inventories
In accordance with the accounting policies of inventories, for the inventories that the costs
were more than the net realizable value as well as out-of-date and dull-sale inventories, the
Group withdrew the provision for falling price of inventories on the lower one between costs
and net realizable value. Evaluating the falling price of inventories needed the management
level gain the valid evidence and take full consideration of the purpose of inventories,
influence of events after balance sheet date and other factors, and then made relevant
judgments and estimates. The actual amount and the difference of previous estimates would
affect the book value of inventories and the withdrawal and reversal on provision for bad
debts of inventories during the period of estimates being changed.
(4) The fair value of financial instrument
For the financial instruments without active market, the Group recognized the fair value by
various method. These evaluation methods included discounted cash flow mode analysis, etc..
The Group needed to estimate the future cash flow, credit risk, fluctuation rate of market and
relativity and other factors, as well as choose the property discount rate. Due to the
uncertainty of relevant assumptions, so their changes would affect the fair value of financial
(5) The impairment of financial assets available for sale
The Group judged whether the financial assets available for sale were impaired relying
heavily on the judgment and assumption of the management team, so as to decide whether
recognized the impairment losses in the income statement. During the process of making the
judgment and assumption, the Group needed to appraise the balance of the cost of the
investment exceeding its fair value and the continuous period, the financial status and
business forecast in a short period, including the industrial situation, technical reform, credit
level, default rate and risk of counterparty.
(6) Provision for impairment of non-financial non-current assets
The Group made a judgment on the non-current assets other than financial assets whether
they had any indication of impairment on the balance sheet date. For the intangible assets
without finite service life, other than the annual impairment test, they should be subject to the
impairment test when there was any indication of impairment. For other non-current
non-financial assets, which should subject to impairment test when there was indication of
impairment showing that the book value can’t be recoverable.
When the book value of the assets or assets portfolio was more than the recoverable amount,
which was the higher one between the net amount of fair value after deducting the disposal
expenses and the discounted amount of the estimated future cash flow, it means impairment
The net amount of fair value after deducting the disposal expenses should be fixed the price
in the sale agreement for similar assets in the fair transaction minus the increased costs
directly attributable to the assets disposal.
When estimated the discounted value of future cash flow, the Group needed to make

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important judgment on the output, selling price, relevant costs and the discount rate for
calculating the discounted amount, etc. When estimated the recoverable amount, the Group
would adopt all the available documents, including the predicts for relevant output, selling
price and relevant operating costs arising from reasonable and supportive assumptions.
The Group made the impairment test on goodwill at least one time per year, which required
to predict the discounted amount of the future cash flow of the assets or assets portfolio with
the distributed good will, for which, the Group needed to predict the future cash flow of the
assets or assets portfolio, and adopt the property discounted rate to decide the discounted
amount of future cash flow.
(7) Depreciation and amortization
For the investment real estate, fixed assets and intangible assets, the Group withdrew the
depreciation and amortization by adopting the straight-line method during the service life
after full consideration of the salvage value. The Group checked the service life periodically
so as to decide the amount of depreciation and amortization at each reporting period. The
service life was fixed by the Group in accordance with the previous experience of the similar
assets and the expected technical update. If there was any significant change on the previous
estimates, the depreciation and amortization expenses should be adjusted.
(8) Expenditures for development
When fixing the amount of capitalization, the management level of the Group needed to
make assumption on the predicted future cash flow, property discounted rate and estimated
beneficiary period for relevant assets.
(9) Deferred income tax assets
Within the limit that it was likely to have sufficient taxable profits to offset the losses, the
Group recognized the deferred income tax assets by all the unused tax losses, which needed
the management level of the Group to estimate time and amount of the future taxable profits
incurred with many judgments, as well as integrate strategy of tax payment, to decide the
amount of deferred income tax assets which should be recognized.
(10) Income tax
During the routine operating activities, there were some uncertainty in the ultimate tax
treatment and calculation for parts of transactions. Some accounts of such transaction could
be listed as pre-tax expenditures only after the approval of taxation authorities. If there were
any differences between the ultimate result of recognition for these taxation maters and their
initial estimates, the differences would affect the current income tax and deferred income tax
at the period of ultimate recognition.
(11) Estimated liabilities
The Group made the estimation on product quality guarantee, predicted loss of contract and
the fine for delayed delivery, etc. and withdrew the relevant provision for estimated liabilities
in accordance the provisions of contract, current knowledge and experience. Under the
condition that the contingent event has formed a current duty and fulfilling the duty is likely
to cause the economical interest outflow the Group, the Group measures the estimated
liabilities in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance
of the current duty. The recognition and measurement of estimated liabilities were heavily

                                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

relied on the judgment of the management team. During the process of making judgment, the
Group needed to appraise the relevant risks, uncertainty and the time value of money and
Of which, the Group estimated the liabilities basing on the after-sale services commitments
to the customers upon the sale, repair and reform of goods. When estimating the liabilities,
the Group has fully taken the consideration of the latest repair experience, but which may not
reflect the repair situation in the future. Any increase / decrease of the provision for estimated
liabilities may affect the profits and losses in the future periods.

V. Taxation
1. Main taxes and tax rate
          Category of taxes                                Particulars on tax rates

                                    Calculated the output tax at 17% of taxable income and paid the VAT
    VAT                             by the amount after deducting the deductable withholding VAT at
                                    current period.

    Business tax                    Paid by 5% of taxable business income
    Urban      maintenance    and
                                    Paid at 7% of the circulating tax actually paid
    construction tax
                                    In the year of 2011, 24% for the companies incorporated in
                                    Shenzhen except Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology
                                    and Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering
    Enterprise income tax
                                    with the income tax of 15%; 25% for the companies incorporated in
                                    other places; 16.5% for Hongkong Konka; 15% for Dongguan
                                    Konka Mould Plastic and Dongguan Konka.

Remark: According to the relevant stipulations by the Interim Measures for the
Administration of Collection of Business Income Tax for Trans-regional Business Operations,
where a resident enterprise sets up a business institution or establishment without the
qualification of legal person across the regions within the territory of China, this resident
enterprise shall be a consolidated taxpayer enterprise, and shall be governed by the
administrative measures for enterprise income tax, namely “uniform calculation,
level-by-level administration, pre-payment in place, consolidated settlement, and transfer to
treasury”. These measures shall be implemented as from the date of 1 Jan. 2008.
In accordance with the measures mentioned above, the sales branches of the Company in all
parts of the country shall, as from the date of 1 Jan. 2008, prepay the business income tax,
and the Company shall make the uniform settlement in the yearend.

2. Tax preference and approved document
On 16 Dec. 2008, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company-Shenzhen Konka
Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise
jointly issued by Shenzhen Bureau of Science Technology & Information, Shenzhen
Financial Bureau, Shenzhen Municipal State Taxation Bureau, and Shenzhen Municipal
Local Taxation Bureau, valid for three years. In light of the relevant tax regulations,
Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. would be entitled to the relevant
preferential policies concerning the hi-tech enterprise for three years in succession since 2008,

                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

and be levied the business income tax at the preferential tariff of 15%.
The company and subsidiary companies incorporated in Shenzhen except Konka
Telecommunication Technology Co., Ltd gradually implemented the legal tax rate five years
after the implementation of the new tax law and implemented the tax rate of 24% in 2011
according to the relevant regulations in GF No. 39 (2007) Notice by the PRC State Council
on the Implementation of the Grandfathering Preferential Policies under the PRC Enterprise
Income Tax Law.
On 10 Nov. 2009, the subsidiary company Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic of the Company
was filed for the high-tech enterprise certification by Ministry of Science and Technology,
valid for three years. According to relevant taxation regulations, Dongguan Konka Mould
Plastic would enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for successive
three years since 2009 and was levied at the preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%.
On 8 Oct. 2008, Guangdong Boluo Office of State Administration of Taxation approved the
application of Bokang Precision Electronics for tax preferential in BGSH No. (2008) 94 and
thus Bokang Precision Electronics was exempted from the corporate income tax in year 2008
and 2009 and will be levied at 50% of the corporate income tax rate from year 2010 to year
On December 31, 2009, subsidiary of the Company- Konka Video & Communication
Systems Engineering obtained the Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise jointly issued by
Science Industry Trade and Information Technology Commission of Shenzhen Municipality,
Finance Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen Municipal State Taxation Bureau,
and Shenzhen Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, valid for three years. In light of the relevant
tax regulations, Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering would be entitled to
the relevant preferential policies concerning the hi-tech enterprise for three years in
succession since 2009, and be levied the business income tax at the preferential tariff of 15%.
On 26 Sep. 2010, Dongguan Konka Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary gained the
Certificate of Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Department of Science & Technology,
Finance Bureau, National Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau of Guangdong
province with valid term of three years. In accordance with relevant stipulations of taxation,
Konka will enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for successive three
years since 2010 and was levied at the preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%.

                                                                                                                                     English Translation for Reference Only

     Ⅵ. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements
     1. Subsidiaries
     Subsidiaries obtained through establishment or investment
                                                                                                                                                 Monetary unit:RMB 0000
                                                                                                                                                        Net Investment
                                                                                                                                    End. actual           Balance for
Name of subsidiary   Enterprise nature   Registration place         Business nature             Registered capital                  investment            Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                     amount               Materially
Telecommunication             Limited    Shenzhen             Mobile     communication
                                                                                            RMB12,000.00             70848057-2        12,000.00                         ---
   Technology                company     Guangdong            products
     Video &
 Communication                Limited    Shenzhen             Development and sales of
                                                                                            RMB1,500.00              72858645-4                                          ---
     Systems                 company     Guangdong            commercial televisions                                                       900.00
                              Limited    Shenzhen
 Precision Mold                                               Moulds                        RMB1,596.88              61881661-8                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong                                                                                         739.50
                              Limited    Shenzhen
 Konka Electronic                                             Electronic equipment          RMB830.00                61881678-1                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong                                                                                       1,073.25
   Information                Limited    Shenzhen             Manufacturing and selling
                                                                                            RMB3,000.00              73416472-5                                          ---
    Network                  company     Guangdong            digital network products                                                   3,000.00
                              Limited    Shenzhen             Plastic            product
 Plastic Products                                                                           RMB950.00                61881662-6                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong            manufacturing                                                                950.00
                              Limited    Shenzhen             Video and audio products
    Shushida                                                                                RMB4,200.00              70841244-9                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong            and components                                                             4,200.00
     Fittings                 Limited    Shenzhen             Technological R&D of
                                                                                            RMB6,500.00               793892132                                          ---
   Technology                company     Guangdong            electronic components                                                      6,500.00
   Mudanjiang                 Limited    Mudanjiang
                                                              Electronic equipment          RMB6,000.00              60610286-1                                          ---
    Electronic               company     Heilongjiang                                                                                    3,600.00

                                                                                                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                                                                     Monetary unit:RMB 0000
                                                                                                                                                            Net Investment
                                                                                                                                        End. actual           Balance for
Name of subsidiary   Enterprise nature   Registration place         Business nature                 Registered capital                  investment            Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                         amount               Materially
 Shaanxi Konka                           Xianyang Shaanxi     Color television products         RMB6,950.00              62310230-2                                          ---
                             company                                                                                                         5,529.48
Chongqing Konka                          Chongqing            Color television products         RMB4,500.00              62192098-5                                          ---
                             company                                                                                                         2,700.00
                                                              Development and sales of
   Chongqing                  Limited
                                         Chongqing            automotive         electronic     RMB3,000.00              78155925-2                                          ---
    Electronic               company                                                                                                         1,710.00
                              Limited                         Electronic frequency
Chongqing Qingjia                        Chongqing                                              RMB1,500.00              62192187-3                                          ---
                             company                          modulators and tuners                                                            600.00
  Anhui Konka                            Chuzhou Anhui        Color television products         RMB14,000.00             61056872-8        12,278.09                         ---
Anhui Household               Limited                         Manufacturing and selling
                                         Chuzhou Anhui                                          RMB7,819.00              74890634-7                                          ---
   Appliances                company                          household appliances                                                           8,087.17
                              Limited                         Manufacturing and selling
 Changshu Konka                          Changshu Jiangsu                                       RMB2,465.00              62822347-X                                          ---
                             company                          electronic products                                                            2,027.89
                                                              Researching, designing and
                              Limited                         manufacturing           liquid
 Kunshan Konka                           Kunshan Jiangsu                                        RMB35,000.00             68053275-5        35,000.00                         ---
                             company                          crystal modules and flat
                                                              panel television
                              Limited    Dongguan             Television    and       audio
Dongguan Konka                                                                                  RMB26,667.00             61811698-8        26,667.00                7,478.40
                             company     Guangdong            products
                              Limited    Dongguan             Plastic               product
Dongguan Packing                                                                                RMB1,000.00               722456042                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong            manufacturing                                                                  1,000.00

                                                                                                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                                                                   Monetary unit:RMB 0000
                                                                                                                                                          Net Investment
                                                                                                                                      End. actual           Balance for
Name of subsidiary   Enterprise nature   Registration place         Business nature               Registered capital                  investment            Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                       amount               Materially
Dongguan Mould                Limited    Dongguan             Manufacturing moulds and
                                                                                              RMB1,000.00              75109846-7                                          ---
      Plastic                company     Guangdong            plastic products                                                             1,000.00
                              Limited                         Manufacturing and selling
  Boluo Konka                            Bolo Guangdong                                       RMB4,000.00              72112128-3                                          ---
                             company                          electronic products                                                          2,428.52
                              Limited                         Manufacturing and selling
 Boluo Precision                         Bolo Guangdong                                       RMB1,500.00              79931620-8                                          ---
                             company                          electronic products                                                          1,125.00
                              Limited    Foshan               R&D of flat panel display
 Nanhai Institute                                                                             RMB50.00                 68243005-8                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong            technologies and products                                                       50.00
                                                              Exporting and importing
Hongkong Konka                           Hong Kong China      machinery and electronic        HKD50.00                      ---                                            ---
                             company                                                                                                          78.18
Konka Household
                              Limited                         Investment               and
   Appliances                            Hong Kong China                                      HKD50.00                      ---                                            ---
                             company                          shareholding                                                                    53.06
Konka Household
   Appliances                 Limited
                                         Hong Kong China      International trade             HKD50.00                      ---                                            ---
   International             company                                                                                                          53.31
    KONKA                     Limited
                                         USA                  Selling electronic products     USD100.00                     ---                                            ---
   AMERICA                   company                                                                                                         806.25
  Konka Europe                           Europe               Selling electronic products     EUR2.50                       ---                                            ---
                             company                                                                                                          26.15
  Kunshan Real                Limited
                                         Kunshan Jiangsu      Real estate investment          RMB20,000.00             69670961-5        20,000.00                         ---
      Estate                 company

                                                                                                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                                                                                           Monetary unit:RMB 0000
                                                                                                                                                                                     Net Investment
                                                                                                                                                              End. actual                Balance for
Name of subsidiary   Enterprise nature   Registration place          Business nature                Registered capital                                        investment                 Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                                                amount                   Materially
                              Limited    Dongguan              Manufacturing moulds and
    Xutongda                                                                                   RMB500.00                            69649113-4                                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong             plastic products                                                                                       500.00
                                                               Technology development,
     Konka                    Limited    Shenzhen
                                                               sales and maintenance of        RMB1,000.00                          55719393-8                                                          ---
  Optoelectronic             company     Guangdong                                                                                                                 1,000.00
                                                               liquid crystal mode
                              Limited    Shenzhen              Development and
    Wankaida                                                                                   RMB1,000.00                          55718505-7                                                          ---
                             company     Guangdong             maintenance of software                                                                             1,000.00
    Kunshan                   Limited    Kunshan
                                                               Real estate investment          RMB35,000.00                         55806907-4                    35,000.00                             ---
   Kangsheng                 company     Jiangsu
                              Limited                          Selling electronic
 Indonesia Konka                         Djakarta Indonesia                                    USD150.00                                    ---                       974.85                            ---
                             company                           products
                              Limited    Chuzhou               Manufacture of house
Anhui Tongchuang                                                                               RMB18,000.00                         55922811-0                                                          ---
                             company     Anhui                 appliances in refrigeration                                                                         6,970.26
                                                                       Is consolidated                                                            Amount of equity of the minority
                                 Share holding                                            Equity of the        Amount of equity of the
                                               Voting proportion          financial                                                                  shareholders used to offset
        Name of subsidiary        proportion                                                 minority         minority shareholders used                                                   Note
                                                     (%)                 statement                                                                  income/loss of the minority
                                     (%)                                                  shareholders        to offset minority interest
                                                                          applied?                                                                          shareholder

                                          100.00              100.00        Yes                                                        ---                                         ---            ---
             Technology                                                                                 ---
      Video & Communication
                                           60.00               60.00        Yes                                                        ---                                         ---            ---
       Systems Engineering                                                                        711.62
          Precision Mold                   46.31               52.49        Yes                1,765.19                                ---                                         ---            ①
         Konka Electronic                  51.00               51.00        Yes                   -963.22                              ---                                         ---            ---
                                                                                                                                              English Translation for Reference Only

                                                           Is consolidated                                                      Amount of equity of the minority
                         Share holding                                       Equity of the        Amount of equity of the
                                       Voting proportion      financial                                                            shareholders used to offset
  Name of subsidiary      proportion                                           minority          minority shareholders used                                            Note
                                             (%)             statement                                                            income/loss of the minority
                             (%)                                             shareholders        to offset minority interest
                                                              applied?                                                                    shareholder

 Information Network            100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
   Plastic Products             100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
       Shushida                 100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
  Fittings Technology           100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
Mudanjiang Electronic            60.00            60.00         Yes               1,819.20                                ---                                    ---          ②
    Shaanxi Konka                60.00            60.00         Yes               4,304.74                                ---                                    ---          ---
  Chongqing Konka                60.00            60.00         Yes                  617.97                               ---                                    ---          ---
 Chongqing Electronic            57.00            57.00         Yes                  -548.86                              ---                                    ---          ---
  Chongqing Qingjia              40.00            40.00         Yes               1,620.51                                ---                                    ---          ③
     Anhui Konka                 78.00            78.00         Yes               6,068.26                                ---                                    ---          ---
   Anhui Household
                                 96.46            97.45         Yes                                                       ---                                    ---          ---
      Appliances                                                                     232.19
   Changshu Konka                60.00            60.00         Yes                  818.28                               ---                                    ---          ---
   Kunshan Konka                100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
   Dongguan Konka               100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
  Dongguan Packing              100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
Dongguan Mould Plastic           59.73           100.00         Yes               4,562.99                                ---                                    ---          ---
     Boluo Konka                 51.00            51.00         Yes                  980.53                               ---                                    ---          ---
   Boluo Precision              100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
   Nanhai Institute             100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
   Hongkong Konka               100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
   Konka Household
                                100.00           100.00         Yes                                                       ---                                    ---          ---
Appliances Investment                                                                        -

                                                                                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

                                                             Is consolidated                                                      Amount of equity of the minority
                           Share holding                                       Equity of the        Amount of equity of the
                                         Voting proportion      financial                                                            shareholders used to offset
  Name of subsidiary        proportion                                           minority          minority shareholders used                                            Note
                                               (%)             statement                                                            income/loss of the minority
                               (%)                                             shareholders        to offset minority interest
                                                                applied?                                                                    shareholder

   Konka Household
Appliances International          100.00           100.00         Yes                                                       ---                                    ---          ---
        Trading                                                                                -
 KONKA AMERICA                    100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
    Konka Europe                  100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
 Kunshan Real Estate              100.00           100.00         Yes                                                       ---                                    ---          ---
       Xutongda                    46.31           100.00         Yes                  772.62                               ---                                    ---          ④
 Konka Optoelectronic             100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
       Wankaida                   100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
 Kunshan Kangsheng                100.00           100.00         Yes                          -                            ---                                    ---          ---
   Indonesia Konka                 51.00            51.00         Yes                  -17.32                               ---                                    ---          ⑤
  Anhui Tongchuang                100.00           100.00         Yes                                                       ---                                    ---          ⑥

                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

Note: ① The Company holds 46.31% of shares of Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic
Co., Ltd. Konka Household Appliances Investment & Development Co., Ltd, a
subsidiary company of the Company, is entrusted to manage 6.18% shares held by
Shenzhen Dingshengxin Mould Technology Consultation Co., Ltd. After the
entrustment, the percentage of voting rights of the Company increases to 52.49%.
Therefore, the financial statements of Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd are
combined into the consolidated financial statements. Xutongda is a wholly funded
subsidiary of Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd and is also combined into the
consolidated financial statements.
② The original Chinese name of Mudanjiang Konka Industrial Co., Ltd. has been
changed to Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. since 1 Jun.
③The Company holds 40.00% shares of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd that
all senior managers of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd are appointed and
dismissed by the Company. 70 to 80% of its products are sold to the Company and
thus the Company has absolute influence and control over the production and
operation of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd.
④The Company directly holds 46.31% shares of Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic
Co., Ltd. and its controlling company Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is actual controlled by the Company that the Company
combined Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd. into the consolidated financial
⑤ Indonesia Konka was established through joint investment by the Company’s
wholly-owned subsidiary Hong Kong Konka and Mr. Chen Yongyuan, with the
registration capital amounting to USD 1.5 million, of which Hongkong Konka
invested USD 765,000 in cash and thereby owned 51% equity; Mr. Chen Yongyuan
invested USD 735,000 in cash and thereby owned 49% equity.
⑥Anhui Tongchuang is a limited company jointly invested and established by the
Group and Chuzhou Tongchuang Construction Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer
to as “Tongchuang Construction”) with registration capital of RMB 180 million, of
which each party invested in RMB 90 million repectively on contract. As to 31 Dec.
2010, Anhui Tongchuang with a paid-up capital of RMB120 million (including
paid-up capital of RMB 90 million of the Company, 75.00% of total paid-up capital;
and paid-up capital of RMB 30 million of Tongchuang Construction, 25.00% of total
paid-up capital ). According to contract sign by two parties, Tongchuang Construction
has the rights of transferring stock ownership three years after the establishment of
Anhui Tongchuang Company. Meanwhile, the Company can repurchase the said stock
ownership and contracted with Tongchuang Investement Company that the Group
shall receive fixed investment gains at 2% of actual capital invested by the Group
annually. As the Group holds 100% voting rights that the Group can be able to
conduct actual control to Anhui Tongchuang Company, so the Group combines it into

                                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

           consolidation scope.
           2. Entities newly combined into consolidation in the reporting period
           Subsidiaries newly combined into consolidation in this period:
                                             Method of                                                         Net profit of this
                 Name                                                       Closing net assets
                                            establishment                                                              period
            Indonesia Konka           Newly established                               9,456,136.78                          -353,552.83

           Ⅶ. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements
           Unless otherwise specified, in the following notes to the items in the consolidated
           financial statements (including notes to main items in the financial statements of the
           parent company), the beginning of the period refers to the day of 31 Dec. 2010; the
           end of the period refers to the day of 30 Jun. 2011; the previous period refers to the 1st
           half of Y2010; and the current period refers to the 1st half of Y2011.
           1. Monetary funds
                                             Closing balance                                               Opening balance
                                               Translated                                Amount in          Translated
                          Amount in            exchange           Amount in                foreign          exchange              Amount in
                        foreign currency          rate          renminbi (yuan)           currency             rate             renminbi (yuan)
Cash on hand:                                                          6,652.03                                                      583,655.56
  RMB                         5,759.41           1.0000                5,759.41                      ---              ---            582,654.78
  HKD                           845.17           0.8316                  702.84                  777.10       0.8509                      661.25
  USD                             14.86          6.4716                     96.17                 37.97       6.6227                      251.46
  EUR                             10.00          9.3612                     93.61                 10.00       8.8065                       88.07
Bank deposit:                         ---                ---   1,239,913,460.45                      ---              ---       568,941,338.45
  RMB                                 ---        1.0000         961,917,312.14                       ---              ---       422,170,009.56
  HKD                   27,042,865.10            0.8316          22,488,846.62         66,928,338.25          0.8509             56,951,315.68
  USD                   39,441,120.24            6.4716         255,247,153.75         13,189,441.25          6.6227             87,323,581.81
  JPY                                 ---                ---                    ---                  ---              ---                     ---
  EUR                        27,790.03           9.3612             260,147.94            283,476.00          8.8065               2,496,431.40
  Others                              ---                ---                    ---                  ---              ---                     ---
Other monetary
                                      ---                ---   4,711,718,405.76                      ---              ---     3,194,884,209.03
  RMB                                 ---                ---   4,711,718,405.76                      ---              ---     3,194,884,209.03
  HKD                                 ---                ---                    ---                  ---              ---                     ---
         Total                                                 5,951,638,518.24                                               3,764,409,203.04

           Remark: The balance of other monetary funds at the end of the period includes
           marginal deposits that cannot be withdrawn freely, totaling RMB 4,711,718,405.76, of
           which RMB 3,638,619,336.40 is used as USD loan pledge for NDF service; RMB
           1,071,634,544.94 is used as USD loan pledge.

                                                                             English Translation for Reference Only

          2. Transactional financial assets
                          Item                         Closing fair value                   Opening fair value
    Derivative financial instruments (NDF)                                   ---                                      ---

          3. Notes receivable
          (1) Category of notes receivable
                Category                              Closing balance                            Opening balance
    Banker's acceptance bill                           3,344,005,625.57                             4,147,113,159.56
    Commercial acceptance bill                                1,900,000.00                               2,200,000.00
                  Total                                3,345,905,625.57                             4,149,313,159.56

          (2) The balance of notes used as pledge in the accounts receivable at the end of the
          period amounts to RMB 1,742,860,618.53.
          (3) Particulars on top five largest amount of mortgaged notes receivable at period-end
             Issuing entity            Issuing date        Maturity date             Amount                Remark
    Gansu GOME Logistics
                                       2010.12.29             2011.06.29           10,000,000.00
    Co., Ltd.
    Gansu GOME Logistics
                                       2010.12.29             2011.06.29           10,000,000.00
    Co., Ltd.
    GOME                 Electrical
    Appliances              Holding    2011.01.24             2011.07.24           10,000,000.00
    GOME                 Electrical
    Appliances              Holding    2011.01.24             2011.07.24           10,000,000.00
    Shaanxi                 Suning
                                       2010.01.06             2011.01.06           10,000,000.00
    Appliance Co., Ltd.
                 Total                                                             50,000,000.00

          (4) There was no particulars occurred as the issuing entity failed to accomplish
          commitment so coverts notes receivable into accounts receivable.
          (5) Notes that are endorsed but not due at the end of the period (top five in amount)
           Issuing entity             Issuing date    Maturity date          Amount         confirm           Remark
                                                                                             or not
Changsha Tongcheng Holdings
                                      2011.01.20        2011.07.20           6,000,000.00          Yes
CO., Ltd.
Jiangsu      Pengrun         GOME
                                      2011.05.19        2011.11.18           5,000,000.00          Yes
Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu      Pengrun         GOME
                                      2011.05.19        2011.11.18           5,000,000.00          Yes
Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

            Issuing entity                          Issuing date       Maturity date               Amount         confirm             Remark
                                                                                                                   or not
Hefei Department Store Group
                                                    2011.01.21          2011.07.21             5,000,000.00            Yes
Co., Ltd.
Wuhan Industrial and Trading
                                                    2011.01.24          2011.07.24             3,100,000.00            Yes
Co., Ltd.
                Total                                                                         24,100,000.00

        4. Accounts receivable
        (1) Accounts receivable listed by category
                  Category                                                                 Closing balance
                                                                   Book balance                                   Bad debt reserves
                                                            Amount                Proportion (%)             Amount             Proportion (%)

Accounts receivable, of which single
item   is large in          amount and is               266,739,847.88                    14.23              8,435,515.96                     3.16
individually     allotted     for     bad    debt

 Accounts receivable, of which bad                                     ---                   ---                         ---                   ---
 debt provision is allotted in group

Aging groups                                           1,607,709,297.22                   85.77           224,859,577.05                     13.99

Subtotal of groups                                     1,607,709,297.22                   85.77           224,859,577.05                     13.99

Accounts receivable, of which single
item is not large in amount but is                                     ---                   ---                         ---                   ---
individually     allotted     for     bad    debt

                    Total                              1,874,449,145.10                  100.00           233,295,093.01                     12.45

                                                                                            Opening balance
                    Category                                         Book balance                                  Bad debt reserves
                                                              Amount                Proportion (%)            Amount           Proportion (%)

  Accounts receivable, of which single
  item is large in amount and is                           103,357,300.00                     4.68          5,167,865.00                     5.00
  individually     allotted     for    bad     debt

  Accounts receivable, of which bad debt                                 ---                       ---                  ---            ---
  provision is allotted in group

                                                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

    Aging groups                                     2,104,326,025.58                95.32       231,380,088.67                  11.00

    Subtotal of groups                               2,104,326,025.58                95.32       231,380,088.67                  11.00

    Accounts receivable, of which single
    item is not large in amount but is                              ---                  ---                    ---        ---
    individually    allotted   for   bad    debt

                       Total                         2,207,683,325.58               100.00       236,547,953.67                  10.71

          (2) Accounts receivable listed by aging
                                                    Closing balance                                    Opening balance
                                           Amount                  Proportion (%)                Amount               Proportion (%)
  Within one year                     1,530,872,384.53                          81.67      1,867,472,155.11                        84.59
  One to two years                         32,532,270.41                         1.74           20,118,124.36                       0.91
  Two to three years                    111,418,356.17                           5.94          114,150,283.43                       5.17
  Three to four years                       6,425,979.91                         0.34           19,447,783.10                       0.88
  Four to five years                       28,658,428.46                         1.53           22,281,946.29                       1.01
  Over five years                       164,541,725.62                           8.78          164,213,033.29                       7.44
  Total                               1,874,449,145.10                       100.00        2,207,683,325.58                       100.00

          (3)Provision for bad debt
          ①Provision for bad debt of accounts receivable, of which single item is large in
          amount and is individually allotted for bad debt provision
                                                                Provision for bad        Withdrawal
           Content                      Book amount                                                                    Reason
                                                                      debt                proportion
Beijing Pangu Investment                103,357,300.00              5,167,865.00               5%                Involved in lawsuit
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                       Significant individual
Other clients                           163,382,547.88              3,267,650.96               2%

          Note: For details please refer to No. 1 (1) in Note Ⅸ.
          ②Accounts receivable, of which bad debt provision is allotted in group
          Accounts receivable, of which bad debt provision is allotted in group by aging
          analysis method
                                             Closing balance                                        Opening balance
                                     Book balance                                          Book balance
          Age                                                   Provision for                                          Provision for
                                                   Proportion                                          Proportion
                                Amount                            bad debt              Amount                           bad debt
                                                      (%)                                                 (%)
 Within one year         1,367,489,836.65              85.06    37,534,335.81 1,867,472,155.11             88.75        37,502,391.30
 One to two years              32,532,270.41            2.02       759,911.21        20,118,124.36           0.96        4,146,452.11
 Two to three years             8,061,056.17            0.50     1,582,176.40        10,792,983.43           0.51        2,089,786.34
 Three to four years            6,425,979.91            0.40     4,735,740.45        19,447,783.10           0.92        6,649,923.67
 Four to five years            28,658,428.46            1.78    15,705,687.56        22,281,946.29           1.06       16,778,501.96

                                                                                    English Translation for Reference Only

        Over five years         164,541,725.62           10.24 164,541,725.62   164,213,033.29             7.80         164,213,033.29
              Total            1,607,709,297.22      100.00 224,859,577.05 2,104,326,025.58             100.00          231,380,088.67

               ③There are no accounts receivable, of which single item is not large in amount but is
               individually allotted for bad debt provision, at the period-end.
               (4) There were no accounts receivables from shareholder entities holding more than
               5% (including 5%) voting shares of the Company in the reporting period.
               (5) The top five accounts receivable in amount totaled to RMB 246,258,147.88,
               accounting for 13.14% of accounts receivable.
               (6) For accounts receivable from related parties, please refer to Note VIII. 6.
               (7) List of original amount of foreign accounts receivable and its exchange rate:
                                              Closing balance                              Opening balance
                                   Foreign                                      Foreign
                     Items                        Exchange        RMB                        Exchange             RMB
                                   currency                                     currency
                                                    rate        (Converted)                      rate        (Converted)
                                    amount                                      amount
               USD               57,826,082.15      6.4716 374,227,273.24 47,209,951.11        6.6227 312,657,343.22
               HKD                1,199,298.30      0.8316        997,336.47    929,998.16     0.8509             791,363.33
               AU                    49,764.00      6.9276        344,745.09     49,764.00     6.7139             334,110.52
               CAD                                                               41,500.29     6.6160             274,565.92

               5. Advance Payment
               (1) The advance payment is listed on the basis of account age
                                            Closing balance                                             Opening balance
                                               Proportion       Provision for                               Proportion          Provision for
       Age                    Amount                                                 Amount
                                                   (%)             bad debt                                       (%)             bad debt
Within one year           392,642,513.13            97.46                 ---      441,765,887.67                  97.37           195,841.84
One to two years             4,387,143.05            1.09       1,692,023.36         6,607,994.99                   1.46         1,692,023.37
Two to three years           2,447,659.42            0.61       1,927,640.73         1,927,640.73                   0.43         1,927,640.73
Over three years             3,403,748.44            0.84       2,888,922.04         3,374,576.91                   0.74         2,888,922.04
      Total               402,881,064.04           100.00       6,508,586.13       453,676,100.30                 100.00         6,704,427.98

               Note: ① The Company prepaid an account on material purchase for Changsha
               LG-Philips Shuguang Electronic Co., Ltd (hereinafter refer to as “LG.Philips”), but
               LG. Philips defaulted on advance payment of RMB 8,575,429.64 for the Company
               that the Company sued LG. Philips before Peoples’ Court of Shenzhen Nanshan
               District for civil suit on 11 Jun. 2009. The Company requested judgement against LG.
               Philips for paying overdue RMB 8,575,429.64 and shoulder all lawsuit expenses.
               After mediation, there still left RMB 1.48 million accounts behind up to the approval
               for publication date of this financial report.
               (2) Five entities with the highest amount of advance payments
                                                                               English Translation for Reference Only

            Name                    with the             Amount                       Age                  Reason
People’s Government of
                                  Non-related                                                         Within the term of
Zhouzhuang Town,                                        171,264,786.20        Within one year
                                     party                                                                 contract
Anhui Construction Fourth         Non-related
                                                          45,450,600.00       Within one year         Unfulfilled project
Engineering Co., Ltd                 party
China Tenth Metallurgy
Group Limited                                             11,210,500.00       Within one year         Unfulfilled project
Huai’an Zhenhuai
Construction                                               5,000,600.00       Within one year         Unfulfilled project
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Luyao
Industrial Equipment                                       3,360,000.00       Within one year         Unfulfilled project
Co., Ltd.
            Total                                       236,286,486.20

   (3) In the advance payment in the reporting period, no shareholder entity that
   holds 5% or more shares of the Company owes debts to the Company.
   (4) List of original amount of foreign advance payment and its exchange rate:
                             Closing balance                                        Opening balance
              Foreign currency    Exchange      RMB (Converted)    Foreign currency     Exchange RMB (Converted)

   USD              amount
                     596,724.61      rate
                                    6.4716         3,861,762.99           amount
                                                                           596,724.61        rate
                                                                                            6.6227     3,951,928.07
   HKD                 2,033.95     0.8316             1,691.43              2,033.95       0.8509          1,730.75
   JPY                              0.0802         1,717,136.00         21,400,000.00       0.0788     1,686,320.00

   6. Interest receivable
                                                     Increase in this         Decrease in this
      Item                Opening balance                                                             Closing balance
                                                         period                    period
Income from
NDF portfolio
                             25,298,029.66                          ---          10,529,923.40            14,768,106,26
renminbi pledge
Interest income
from fixed                                   ---         3,015,999.23                           ---        3,015,999.23
      Total                  25,298,029.66               3,015,999.23            10,529,923.40            17,784,105.49

   7. Other receivables

                                                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

      (1) Other receivables are listed below as per category
                                                                                 Closing balance
                                                         Book balance                           Provision for bad debt
                                                                        Proportion                                Proportion
                                                   Amount                  (%)                Amount                 (%)

 Other receivables, of which single item
 is large in amount and is individually                     ---                     ---                  ---                   ---
 allotted for bad debt provision

 Other receivables, of which bad debt                       ---                     ---                  ---                   ---
 provision is allotted in group
 Aging group                                    112,586,240.16               100.00         14,875,991.60                 13.26
 Subtotal of groups                             112,586,240.16               100.00         14,875,991.60                 13.26

 Other receivables, of which single item
 is not large in amount but is individually                 ---                     ---                  ---                   ---
 allotted for bad debt provision

                   Total                        112,586,240.16               100.00         14,875,991.60                 13.22

                                                                                 Opening balance

                                                         Book balance                            Provision for bad debt
                                                                        Proportion                                Proportion
                                                   Amount                  (%)                Amount                 (%)
                                                            ---                     ---                  ---                   ---
 Other receivables, of which single item
 is large in amount and is individually
 allotted for bad debt provision
                                                            ---                     ---                  ---                   ---
 Other receivables, of which bad debt
 provision is allotted in group
 Aging group                                    107,061,884.75               100.00         14,926,233.18                 13.94
 Subtotal of groups                             107,061,884.75               100.00         14,926,233.18                 13.94

 Other receivables, of which single item
 is not large in amount but is individually                 ---                     ---                  ---                   ---
 allotted for bad debt provision

                   Total                        107,061,884.75               100.00         14,926,233.18                 13.94

      (2) Other receivables are listed on the basis of account age
                                              Closing balance                                       Opening balance
       Age                                                  Proportion                                              Proportion
                                   Amount                                                   Amount
                                                                  (%)                                                   (%)
 Within one year                   92,324,008.27                        82.00             88,894,214.40                        83.03
One to two years                    2,925,045.82                          2.60              1,210,980.97                         1.13
Two to three years                  1,275,057.82                          1.13              3,231,043.54                         3.02

                                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

                                           Closing balance                                        Opening balance
        Age                                                 Proportion                                              Proportion
                                  Amount                                                 Amount
                                                                (%)                                                      (%)
Three to four years                3,333,703.27                         2.96             1,241,520.17                           1.16
Four to five years                 2,125,913.23                         1.89             1,878,381.78                           1.75
 Over five years                  10,602,511.75                         9.42           10,605,743.89                            9.91
        Total                    112,586,240.16                       100.00          107,061,884.75                       100.00

        (3) Provision for bad debt
        ①As at the period-end, there were no other receivables, of which single item is large
        in amount and is individually allotted for bad debt provision.
        ②Other receivables, of which bad debt provision is allotted in group
        Other receivables, of which bad debt provision is allotted in group by aging analysis
                                       Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                 Book balance                                      Book balance
          Age                                             Provision for                                         Provision for
                                           Proportion                                         Proportion
                                                            bad debt                                               bad debt
                           Amount             (%)                               Amount              (%)
 Within one year        92,324,008.27            82.00    1,138,162.98      88,894,214.40            83.03        1,142,249.64
 One to two years         2,925,045.82             2.60     208,116.54         1,210,980.97           1.13          214,684.49
 Two to three years       1,275,057.82             1.13     660,853.32         3,231,043.54           3.02          646,208.71
 Three to four years      3,333,703.27             2.96     765,107.28         1,241,520.17           1.16          827,733.79
 Four to five years       2,125,913.23             1.89   1,501,239.73         1,878,381.78           1.75        1,489,612.66
 Over five years         10,602,511.75             9.42 10,602,511.75       10,605,743.89             9.91       10,605,743.89
         Total          112,586,240.16          100.00 14,875,991.60 107,061,884.75                 100.00       14,926,233.18

        ③As at the period-end, there were no other receivables, of which single item is not
        large in amount but is individually allotted for bad debt provision.
        (4) There were no other receivables from shareholder entities holding more than 5%
        (including 5%) voting shares of the Company in the reporting period.
        (5) Five entities owing the highest amount of other receivables
                                       Relationship                                                           Proportion in
                Name                     with the                  Amount                  Age               other receivables
                                         Company                                                                   (%)
   Shenzhen             Social
                                       Non-related                                       Within
   Insurance             Fund
                                           party                                         one year
   Management Bureau                                               2,284,428.33                                           2.03
   Deposit for the activity
   of     “promoting    home          Non-related                                       One to
   appliances               to             party                                       four years
   countryside”                                                   2,100,000.00                                           1.87

                                                                              English Translation for Reference Only

                                   Related party
                                    not within                                         One to
OCT Water and Power                consolidation                                      five years
Co., Ltd                              scope                   1,893,600.81                                            1.68
                                   Related party
Shenzhen      OCT      Real         not within                                         One to
Estate Co., Ltd                    consolidation                                      five years
                                      scope                   1,216,264.86                                            1.08
Shenzhen           Municipal       Non-related                                         One to
Bureau of Finance                      party                  1,114,965.00            two years                       0.99
           Total                                              8,609,259.00                                            7.65
   (6) For details about accounts receivable from related parties please refer to No. 6 in
   Note. Ⅷ.

   8. Inventories
   (1) Categories of inventories
                                                                  Closing balance
                                      Book balance                 Impairment reserve                    Book value
Raw materials                           1,700,506,262.25                 128,001,903.17                1,572,504,359.08
Semi-finished products                    315,673,383.62                 122,027,301.36                  193,646,082.26
Stock                                   1,962,360,420.74                 419,997,626.81                1,542,362,793.93
Goods in transit                               4,234,896.72                               ---              4,234,896.72
Turnover materials                             6,100,572.01                   661,253.80                   5,439,318.21
           Total                        3,988,875,535.34                 670,688,085.14                3,318,187,450.20

                                                                 Opening balance
                                     Book balance                Impairment reserve                     Book value
Raw materials                          1,406,355,293.86                 128,296,659.30                  1,278,058,634.56
                                         336,279,067.87                 122,027,301.36                   214,251,766.51
Stock                                  2,637,517,152.90                 419,890,224.45                  2,217,626,928.45
Goods in transit                           4,967,594.35                                 ---                4,967,594.35
Turnover materials                         9,392,460.02                      661,253.80                    8,731,206.22
           Total                       4,394,511,569.00                 670,875,438.91                  3,723,636,130.09

    (2) Changes in impairment provision of inventories
                                                                        Decrease in this period
                                                   Allotment of the
             Item              Opening balance                          Recovered       Write-off Closing balance
                                                                         amount          amount
   Raw materials                128,296,659.30                    ---           --- 294,756.13 128,001,903.17
   Semi-finished products       122,027,301.36                    ---           ---                --- 122,027,301.36
   Stock                        419,890,224.45          251,637.09              --- 144,234.73 419,997,626.81

                                                                                        English Translation for Reference Only

      Turnover materials               661,253.80                          ---             ---            ---            661,253.80
                Total              670,875,438.91           251,637.09                     --- 438,990.86 670,688,085.14

        (3) Provision for impairment of inventories and reason for recovery
                                                                                                                Proportion of recovered
                             Basis for allotting provision
                                                                      Reason for recovery in                      provision in closing
              Item                 for impairment of
                                                                                  this period                   balance of the inventory
                                                                                                                   in this period (%)
        Raw                         Net realizable value is                                        ---                                       ---
        materials                   lower than cost
        Semi-finished               Net realizable value is                                        ---                                       ---
        products                    lower than cost
                                    Net realizable value is                                        ---                                       ---
                                    lower than cost

      9. Financial assets available for sale
                Item                                  Closing fair value                                  Opening fair value
  Equity instruments available
                                                                     1,857,579.66                                         1,830,598.36
  for sale

      10. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                    Increase               Decrease
                     Item                        Opening balance                                                                   Closing balance
                                                                                  in this period         in this period
Investment on jointly funded enterprises                             ---                         ---                      ---              ---
Investment on affiliated enterprises                  93,178,765.30               107,787,702.88                79,052.57           200,887,415.61
Other equity investments                              21,975,424.83                              ---                      ---        21,975,424.83
Less: provisions for depreciation of
                                                       1,400,000.00                              ---                      ---          1,400,000.00
long-term equity investments
                     Total                           113,754,190.13               107,787,702.88                79,052.57           221,462,840.44

      (1) Categories of long-term equity investment
       (2) List of long-term equity investment
                                  Accounting                                     Opening                                         Closing
       Invested entity                               investment                                  Increase/decrease
                                    method                                       balance                                         balance
Chongqing Jingkang Plastic
                                 Equity method        3,750,000.00               977,160.30              -79,052.57              898,107.73
Products Co., Ltd
Shenzhen                Refond
                                 Equity method       36,923,786.00         48,303,426.94                           ---     48,303,426.94
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
Enray Tek Optoelectronic
                                 Equity method 148,036,152.86              40,248,449.98           107,787,702.88 148,036,152.86
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Konka Energy Equity method                   5,983,965.19           3,649,728.08                          ---          3,649,728.08

                                                                                        English Translation for Reference Only

                                     Accounting                                 Opening                                    Closing
       Invested entity                                 investment                             Increase/decrease
                                       method                                   balance                                    balance
Technology Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Dekon Electronic
                                     Cost method        3,000,000.00           7,137,424.83                    ---        7,137,424.83
Co., Ltd
Fehong       Electronics      Co.,
                                     Cost method        1,300,000.00           1,300,000.00                    ---        1,300,000.00
Shenzhen Association of
Enterprises with Foreign             Cost method          100,000.00            100,000.00                     ---         100,000.00
Shenzhen              Make-plan
Investment       Development         Cost method          485,000.00            485,000.00                     ---         485,000.00
Co., Ltd
IGRS               Information
Technology        Engineering        Cost method        5,000,000.00           5,000,000.00                    ---        5,000,000.00
Center Co., Ltd
Shenzhen                   Julong
                                     Cost method        2,000,000.00           2,000,000.00                    ---        2,000,000.00
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
Shenzhen CTU Hi-tech Ltd             Cost method        1,153,000.00           1,153,000.00                    ---        1,153,000.00
Shenzhen        Digital       TV
National Engineering Lab             Cost method        2,400,000.00           2,400,000.00                    ---        2,400,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai        Digital       TV
National Engineering R&D             Cost method        2,400,000.00           2,400,000.00                    ---        2,400,000.00
Center Co., Ltd.
              Total                                                         115,154,190.13      107,708,650.31 222,862,840.44

                                                                        of difference
                                       Proportion                       between the                      Impairment         Cash
                                                     of voting
                                       of shares                           equity                        provision        dividends
                                                      rights in                         Impairment
            Invested entity            held in the                       percentage                      allotted of       of the
                                                        the                               provision
                                        invested                    and vote right                       the current       current
                                       entity (%)                   percentage in                          period          period
                                                     entity (%)
                                                                        the invested
 Chongqing Jingkang Plastic
                                            31.25         31.25                                    ---              ---         ---
 Products Co., Ltd
 Shenzhen                     Refond
                                            25.87         25.87                                    ---              ---         ---
 Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
 Shenzhen        Konka        Energy
                                            30.00         30.00                                    ---              ---         ---
 Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                                                 English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                of difference
                                      Proportion                                between the                        Impairment      Cash
                                                        of voting
                                      of shares                                    equity                          provision     dividends
                                                         rights in                                Impairment
         Invested entity              held in the                                percentage                        allotted of    of the
                                                               the                                 provision
                                       invested                                 and vote right                     the current    current
                                      entity (%)                                percentage in                        period       period
                                                        entity (%)
                                                                                the invested
  Shenzhen Dekon Electronic
                                          30.00                      ---                                    ---            ---            ---
  Co., Ltd
  Fehong Electronics Co., Ltd.               8.33                8.33                            1,300,000.00              ---            ---
  Shenzhen      Association      of
  Enterprises     with      Foreign             ---                  ---                          100,000.00               ---            ---
  Shenzhen                  Julong
                                          10.00                10.00                                        ---            ---            ---
  Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
  Shenzhen              Make-plan
  Investment        Development              1.00                1.00                                       ---            ---            ---
  Co., Ltd
  IGRS               Information
  Technology         Engineering             9.62                9.62                                       ---            ---            ---
  Center Co., Ltd
  Shenzhen CTU Hi-tech Ltd                11.50                11.50                                        ---            ---            ---
  Shenzhen        Digital      TV
  National Engineering Lab                   6.00                6.00                                       ---            ---            ---
  Co., Ltd.
  Shanghai        Digital      TV
  National Engineering R&D                   4.26                4.26                                       ---            ---            ---
  Center Co., Ltd.
  Enray Tek Optoelectronic
                                          36.00                36.00                                        ---            ---            ---
  Co., Ltd
                Total                                                                            1,400,000.00              ---            ---

       (3) Particulars about affiliated entities
                                                                                                                       on of
                                       Regis                                                                           shares
                                                      Legal                                                                       of voting
                         Nature of     tratio                          Business                                       held in
 Invested entity                                 represen                                     Registered capital                 rights in the
                         enterprise      n                                 nature                                       the
                                                      tative                                                                       invested
                                       place                                                                         invested
                                                                                                                                  entity (%)
Chongqing                Company       Chon           Wang           Manufacture             RMB12,000,000.00           31.25             31.25

                                                                                        English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                                on of
                                       Regis                                                                    shares
                                                 Legal                                                                          of voting
                          Nature of    tratio                  Business                                         held in
    Invested entity                             represen                           Registered capital                          rights in the
                          enterprise     n                       nature                                            the
                                                 tative                                                                         invested
                                       place                                                                  invested
                                                                                                                                entity (%)
  Jingkang Plastic        of limited   gqing Xiaoyon         and process
  Products Co., Ltd        liability               g         of mode
  Shenzhen Refond         Company                           Manufacturin
                                       Shenz     Gong
  Optoelectronics         of limited                        g and selling     RMB35,566,667.00                     25.87              25.87
                                         hen    Weibin
  Co., Ltd                 liability                        LEDs
  Shenzhen     Konka                                        New energy
  Energy                               Shenz     Dong       products for
                          of limited                                          RMB20,000,000.00                     30.00              30.00
  Technology     Co.,                    hen    Yaping      mobile
  Ltd                                                       equipment
  EnRayTek                Company                           Manufacturin
                                       Shang     Zhang
  Optoelectronics         of limited                        g and selling     USD20,833,333.33                     36.00              36.00
                                         hai     Rujing
  Co., Ltd.                liability                        LEDs

                                                                          Total              Total net        Total
                                                   Total assets                                                                Net Profit of
                                                                     liabilities at         assets at the   operating
                Invested entity                   at the end of                                                                 the current
                                                                      the end of             end of the     income of
                                                    the period                                                                     period
                                                                      the period               period       the period
                                                  (RMB’0000)                                                                  (RMB’0000)
                                                                     (RMB’0000) (RMB’0000) (RMB’0000)
Chongqing Jingkang Plastic
                                                             500                  184                316                 ---                -25
Products Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Refond Optoelectronics Co., Ltd                   34,151           12,442                21,709           14,451              2,051
Shenzhen Konka Energy Technology Co., Ltd                  1,378               164                 1,214                 ---                 ---
EnRayTek Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.                         33,201            1,381                31,820                   2            -896

        (4) Breakdown of provision for impairment of long-term equity investment
                                                  Opening           Increase of the           Decrease of the            Closing
                                                  balance               period                     period                balance

        Other long-term equity
        investment:Electronics Co., Ltd
           Feihong                              1,300,000.00                          ---                    --- 1,300,000.00
              Shenzhen Association of
                                                 100,000.00                           ---                    ---     100,000.00
              Enterprises with Foreign
                         Total                  1,400,000.00                          ---                    --- 1,400,000.00

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

11. Fixed asset
(1) Particulars on fixed asset
                                                         Increase of     Decrease of current
                Item                  Beg. balance                                                End. balance
                                                        current period         period
I. Total original book value         2,793,552,964.23 107,115,532.10          53,323,476.89      2,847,345,019.44
Including: housings and buildings    1,226,527,835.11    2,860,585.56          1,260,346.97      1,228,128,073.70
      Mechanical equipment           1,006,503,214.65   69,293,234.63         17,654,465.15      1,058,141,984.13
      Electronic equipment            308,850,848.89    21,639,860.38          6,828,916.87        323,661,792.40
               Vehicles                61,459,703.12     5,253,059.94          1,245,390.72          65,467,372.34
        Other equipment               190,211,362.46     8,068,791.59         26,334,357.18        171,945,796.87
II. Accumulated depreciation
Total accumulated depreciation       1,285,561,193.31   61,815,036.49         37,831,098.43      1,309,545,131.37
Including: housings and buildings     279,739,482.55    15,523,519.40            348,611.95        294,914,390.00
      Mechanical equipment            596,149,730.71    29,625,527.87         10,178,857.85        615,596,400.73
      Electronic equipment            231,712,489.41     7,800,114.24          6,549,877.98        232,962,725.67
               Vehicles                40,975,001.12     3,549,649.71            905,129.97          43,619,520.86
        Other equipment               136,984,489.52     5,316,225.27         19,848,620.68         122,452,094.11
III. Total net book value            1,507,991,770.92                                            1,537,799,888.07
Including: housings and buildings     946,788,352.56                                               933,213,683.70
      Mechanical equipment            410,353,483.94                                               442,545,583.40
      Electronic equipment             77,138,359.48                                                 90,699,066.73
               Vehicles                20,484,702.00                                                 21,847,851.48
        Other equipment                53,226,872.94                                                 49,493,702.76
IV.    Total      provisions   for
                                       19,623,103.13                             132,966.18          19,490,136.95
Including: housings and buildings        1,247,805.91                                     ---         1,247,805.91
      Mechanical equipment             13,590,767.05                              39,858.46          13,550,908.59
      Electronic equipment               2,328,124.26                             75,584.52           2,252,539.74
               Vehicles                   954,364.64                                      ---           954,364.64
        Other equipment                  1,502,041.27                             17,523.20           1,484,518.07
V. Total book value                  1,488,368,667.79                                            1,518,309,751.12
Including: housings and buildings     945,540,546.65                                               931,965,877.79
      Mechanical equipment            396,762,716.89                                               428,994,674.81
      Electronic equipment             74,810,235.22                                                 88,446,526.99
               Vehicles                19,530,337.36                                                 20,893,486.84
        Other equipment                51,724,831.67                                                 48,009,184.69
Note: Depreciation amount in current period was RMB 61,815,036.49. Original value
of fixed assets transferred from project in process in current period was RMB
(2) For details about fixed assets mortgaged, please refer to 6 in Note. Ⅻ.
(3) Details of fixed assets whose certificates of title are not prepared

                                                                                                 English Translation for Reference Only

                                                Reason for the absence of             Estimated time for winding up
                           Items                                                                                            Book value
                                                     certificate of title                 the certificate of title
                 Dongguan Konka Mould                                                 The winding up time cannot be
                      Plastic Co., Ltd.                                                         estimated
                 Main        plant        of    The license for using                 The winding up time cannot be
                 Mudangjiang         electric   state-owned land has not                        estimated
                 appliances etc.                been obtained and the
                                                certificate of title to house
                                                property cannot be
                                                handled temporarily.
                                                The license for using                 The winding up time cannot be
                                                state-owned land has not                        estimated
                 Office     building      of
                                                been obtained and the
                 Changshu Konka Color                                                                                        1,826,104.32
                                                certificate of title to house
                 TV etc.
                                                property cannot be
                                                handled temporarily.
                 Yikang     building      of    The license for using                 The winding up time cannot be
                 Konka Group                    state-owned land has not                        estimated
                                                been obtained and the
                                                certificate of title to house
                                                property cannot be
                                                handled temporarily.
                 Jingyuan office building                                             The winding up time cannot be
                 Office building in Xi’an                                            The winding up time cannot be
                            ect.                                                                estimated
                           Total                                                                                           114,203,804.09

                    12. Construction in progress
                    (1) Information about construction in progress
                                                                     End. balance                                           Beg. balance
                   Items                                             Impairment                                             Impairment
                                                Book balance                             Book value         Book balance                    Book value
                                                                      provision                                              provision
R&D building
                                                215,425,720.48                  ---     215,425,720.48 146,372,908.92                 --- 146,372,908.92
of Konka Group
Module assembly line engineering
                                                               ---              ---                   ---    6,425,000.00             ---    6,425,000.00
of Kunshan Konka Electronics Co., Ltd
Equipments pending for installment                             ---              ---                   ---   15,991,356.88             ---   15,991,356.88
1# supplimental plant projectof Kunkang          24,250,295.74                  ---      24,250,295.74      14,503,292.40             ---   14,503,292.40
Second phase of No. D warehouse
                                                 24,978,875.15                  ---      24,978,875.15      24,587,544.15             ---   24,587,544.15
Other projects                                   32,988,996.02                  ---      32,988,996.02      23,628,143.99             ---   23,628,143.99
                   Total                        297,643,887.39                  ---     297,643,887.39 231,508,246.34                 --- 231,508,246.34

                                                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

        (2) Change of significant construction in progress
                                                                                   Amount of
                                                      Increase of the       construction-in-progress         Other
     Name              Budget        Beg. balance                                                                         End. balance
                                                      current period       transferred to fixed assets      decrease
                                                                              in the current period

                    566.56 million   146,372,908.92   69,052,811.56                                   ---         ---    215,425,720.48
of        Konka

assembly line
of      Kunshan      15.03million      6,425,000.00                 ---                    6,425,000.00           ---                ---
Co., Ltd

pending       for    20.13million     15,991,356.88                 ---                15,991,356.88              ---                ---
plant                46.90million     14,503,292.40      9,747,003.34                                 ---         ---     24,250,295.74

Second phase
of      No.    D
                     38.08million     24,587,544.15       391,331.00                                  ---         ---     24,978,875.15

                     45.48million     23,628,143.99   19,154,636.68                        9,793,784.65           ---     32,988,996.02

     Total                           231,508,246.34   98,345,782.58                    32,210,141.53              ---    297,643,887.39

        13. Intangible assets
        (1) Details of intangible assets
                                             Beg. Book              Increase of the         Decrease of the             End. Book
                                               balance                    period                 period                  balance
 I. Total original book value               250,165,101.54                9,774,525.58           142,727.55          259,796,899.57
 Land use right                             198,051,739.09                           ---         142,727.55          197,909,011.54

                                                                                English Translation for Reference Only

                                     Beg. Book                Increase of the         Decrease of the     End. Book
                                       balance                      period                period            balance
Trademark registration costs in
                                       2,861,026.61                  146,315.00                    ---      3,007,341.61
foreign countries
Patents and proprietary
                                      39,751,497.52                 1,206,349.58                   ---     40,957,847.10
Others                                 9,500,838.32                 8,421,861.00                   ---     17,922,699.32
II. Total accumulated damage          55,780,567.27                 3,736,253.32                   ---     59,516,820.59
Land use right                        18,686,525.98                 1,984,537.02                   ---     20,671,063.00
Trademark registration costs in
                                       2,590,934.66                   67,382.50                    ---      2,658,317.16
foreign countries
Patents and proprietary
                                      27,885,150.82                  767,024.87                    ---     28,652,175.69
Others                                 6,617,955.81                  917,308.93                    ---      7,535,264.74
III. Total provisions for
                                       2,901,082.61                          ---                   ---      2,901,082.61
Land use right                                     ---                                                                   ---
Trademark registration costs in
                                                   ---                                                                   ---
foreign countries
Patents and proprietary
                                       2,901,082.61                                                         2,901,082.61
Others                                             ---                                                                   ---
IV. Total book value                191,483,451.66                                                       197,378,996.37
Land use right                      179,365,213.11                                                       177,237,948.54
Trademark registration costs in
                                        270,091.95                                                            349,024.45
foreign countries
Patents and proprietary
                                       8,965,264.09                                                         9,404,588.80
Others                                 2,882,882.51                                                        10,387,434.58
    (2) The amortized amount of the current period is renminbi 3,736,253.32.
    (3) The increase of intangible assets of the Company in the current period is caused
    by the purchase of software equipments and special technique.
    (4) For pledges with intangible assets, see No. 6 in Note Ⅻ.

    14. Goodwill
    (1) Particulars about goodwill
Name of invested entity                                                                                    Impairment
                                              Increase of            Decrease of
   or items forming          Beg. balance                                               End. balance     provision at the
                                                 the period           the period
         goodwill                                                                                        end of the period
 Purchase of shares of
                              3,943,671.53                    ---               ---     3,943,671.53                     ---
 subsidiary companies
    (2) For details about method to test goodwill impairment and provision for
    impairment, please refer to No. 16 in Note Ⅳ.

                                                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

    (3) By 30 Jun. 2011, the book value of the goodwill of the Company is not higher than
    the amount that can be recovered.

    15. Long-term expenses to be apportioned
                                           Increase of         Amortization                                             Reason for
     Item                 Beg. balance      the current        of the current                        End. balance          other
                                              period              period                                                 decrease
Decoration                5,724,919.14 1,227,933.40            1,241,082.77                ---         5,711,769.77
platform                  2,040,117.94                 ---        670,154.76               ---         1,369,963.18
Other                     3,715,598.94 2,135,309.31            2,219,421.30                ---         3,631,486.95
     Total            11,480,636.02 3,363,242.71               4,130,658.83                ---        10,713,219.90

    16. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities
    (1) Recognized deferred income tax assets
                                                   End. balance                                        Beg. balance
                                                                                                              Deductible temporary
           Items                   Deferred income              temporary           Deferred income
                                                                                                                differences and
                                      tax assets             differences and            tax assets
                                                                                                                deductible losses
                                                             deductible losses
Provision                   for
                                    183,120,654.12              846,358,008.18         182,572,942.72                846,105,110.44
Change       of     the     fair
value of the financial
assets that are recorded                 316,914.86                1,320,478.57                  323,390.37            1,347,459.87
into the capital reserves
and available for sale
Warranty expenses                      4,266,660.83               28,444,405.52             4,266,660.83              28,444,405.52
Other             non-current
liabilities-deferred                  21,866,001.81               88,883,757.54         21,866,001.81                 90,883,757.54
Estimation                   by
transactional       financial
instruments                and        15,505,553.16               64,606,471.52         15,505,553.16                 64,606,471.52
derivative          financial
Other                                 27,092,336.13             119,858,978.14          27,092,336.13                119,858,978.14
         Total                      252,168,120.91            1,149,472,099.47         251,626,885.02             1,151,246,183.03

    (2) Recognized deferred income tax liabilities
                                              End. balance                                            Beg. balance
                             Deferred income tax Deductible temporary               Deferred income              Deductible

                                                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

                                       assets              differences and                tax assets            temporary
                                                          deductible losses                                  differences and
                                                                                                             deductible losses
         Appreciation          of
                                         563,067.21             2,252,268.84                 563,067.21            2,252,268.84
         fixed assets
         Fair value change
         in      transactional                   ---                           ---                     ---                     ---
         financial assets
                 Total                   563,067.21             2,252,268.84                 563,067.21            2,252,268.84

              17. Particulars about assets impairment
                                                                                            Decrease in current period
                                                                          Allotment of
                       Items                     Beg. balance                               Recovered        Write-off      End. Balance
                                                                    the current period
                                                                                              amount          amount
I. Bad debt reserves                            258,178,614.83              1,497,537.25 3,359,301.73 1,637,179.61 254,679,670.74
Including: Accounts receivable                  236,547,953.67              1,411,416.41 3,060,281.22 1,603,995.85 233,295,093.01
         Other receivables                       14,926,233.18                86,120.84      103,178.66       33,183.76     14,875,991.60
         Advance payments                         6,704,427.98                               195,841.85                      6,508,586.13
II. Inventory falling price reserves            670,875,438.91               251,637.09                      438,990.86 670,688,085.14
Including: Raw materials                        128,296,659.30                                               294,756.13 128,001,903.17
         Stock                                  419,890,224.45               251,637.09                      144,234.73 419,997,626.81
         Semi-finished products                 122,027,301.36                                                             122,027,301.36
         Turnover materials                            661,253.80                                                                 661,253.80
III. Provisions for depreciation of
                                                  1,400,000.00                                                               1,400,000.00
long-term equity investments
IV. Provision for impairment of fixed assets     19,623,103.13                                               132,966.18     19,490,136.95
Including: Housings and buildings                 1,247,805.91                                                               1,247,805.91
         Machinery equipment                     13,590,767.05                                                39,858.46     13,550,908.59
         Vehicles                                      954,364.64                                                   0.00          954,364.64
         Electronic equipment                     2,328,124.26                                                75,584.52      2,252,539.74
         Other equipment                          1,502,041.27                                                17,523.20      1,484,518.07
V. Provision for impairment
                                                  2,901,082.61                                                               2,901,082.61
of intangible assets
Including: Patent rights                          2,901,082.61                                                               2,901,082.61
                       Total                    952,978,239.48              1,749,174.34 3,359,301.73 2,209,136.65 949,158,975.44
              (1) Recovered amount of bad debt withdrawals deducting bad debt reserves in the
              current period decreased Renminbi 54,307.26 compared with bad debt loss occurred
              under assets impairment on Note Ⅶ. 42, for the following reason: there were gains
              and losses of foreign currency exchange when made bad debt reserves for Hongkong
              Konka, KONKA AMERICA, Konka Europe and Konka Household Appliances
              International Trading.

                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

     18. Assets with restricted proprietary rights or use rights
               Item                      End. Book value                       Reason of restriction
 Subtotal of assets for guarantee           53,934,264.56
 Including: Fixed assets                    48,132,884.10                Applied for guaranteed loan
         Intangible assets                   5,801,380.46                Applied for guaranteed loan
 Subtotal of assets with
 restricted proprietary rights
 of use rights caused by other
 reasons                                 6,454,579,024.29
 Including: Notes receivable             1,742,860,618.53      Applied for comprehensive credit and NDF pledge
         Bank deposit                    4,711,718,405.76                    Applied for NDF service
               Total                     6,508,513,288.85

     19. Short-term borrowings
                   Item                               End. balance                             Beg. balance
 Pledged borrowings                                          5,981,644,344.93                      5,526,633,513.58
 Collateral borrowings                                         58,000,000.00                           20,000,000.00
 Assigned borrowings                                          306,768,842.04                                         ---
 Credit borrowings                                           1,399,130,569.67                        370,664,883.58
                 Total                                       7,745,543,756.64                      5,917,298,397.16
     (1) Collateral borrowings are USD loans obtained with the pledge of bank deposit and
     notes accountable to develop NDF service. For details about pledged renminbi
     deposits, see No. 1 of Note Ⅶ and about notes accountable see No. 3 of Note Ⅶ.
     (2) For pledges for pledge borrowings, see No. 5 in Note Ⅴ.

     20. Transactional financial liabilities
                               Item                                  End. fair value             Beg. fair value
Derivative financial liabilities (NDF)                                   50,290,398.26              64,957,121.86

     21. Notes payable
            Category                                End. balance                              Beg. balance
 Banker's acceptance bill                             1,378,401,734.05                             2,031,883,915.56
 Total                                                1,378,401,734.05                             2,031,883,915.56
     Note: The amount due in the next accounting period is renminbi 1,378,401,734.05, or
     accounts payable to related parties, see No. 6 in Note Ⅷ.

     22. Accounts payable
     (1) Particulars about accounts receivable
             Account age                          End. balance                                Beg. balance
 Within one year                                       2,078,295,220.18                            2,298,501,841.00
 One to two years                                            7,794,483.97                              61,574,962.37

                                                                              English Translation for Reference Only

Two to three years                                            34,691,335.15                             16,406,384.70
Three years or longer                                         27,620,432.53                             13,648,523.49
               Total                                     2,148,401,471.83                            2,390,131,711.56
   (2) In the accounts payable in the current reporting period, no account is payable to
   shareholder entity that holds 5% or more voting shares of the Company.
   (3) Accounts payables with more than one year are unsettled purchase accounts.
   (4) For information about accounts payable to related parties, see No. 6 of Note Ⅷ.
   (5) Balance of foreign currency included in accounts payable:
                                 End. amount                                       Beg. amount
                Foreign          Exchange        Renminbi            Foreign        Exchange        Renminbi
                currency            rate        (converted)          currency          rate        (converted)
                 amount                                               amount

    USD        90,447,194.21        6.4716      585,338,062.06     92,534,827.16       6.6227

    HKD         4,764,901.37        0.8316        3,962,491.98     76,673,420.46       0.8509
    Total                                       589,300,554.04                                    678,071,813.30

   23. Advance receipts
   (1) List of advance receipts
            Account age                                End. balance                               Beg. balance
 Within one year                                              232,018,477.59                         271,284,966.30

 One to two years                                              12,426,029.82
 Two to three years                                              3,493,440.95                           9,833,590.12
 Three years or longer                                         24,175,182.53                           27,162,681.12
               Total                                          272,113,130.89                         316,613,909.66
   (2) In the advance receipts in the current reporting period, no advance payment is
   received from shareholder entity that holds 5% or more voting shares of the Company.
   (3) Advance receipts with more than one year is unsettled sales expense.
   (4) For information about advance receipts from other related parties in the current
   reporting period, see No. 6 of Note Ⅷ.
   (5) Balance of foreign currency under advance receipts:
                                    End. amount                                     Beg. amount
                       Foreign      Exchange       Renminbi            Foreign        Exchange       Renminbi
                      currency         rate       (converted)         currency           rate       (converted)
                       amount                                          amount
    USD              8,004,107.98      6.4716     51,799,385.20       9,414,588.34       6.6227 62,349,994.20
    HKD              1,997,081.68      0.8316      1,660,773.13       1,222,035.83       0.8509     1,039,830.29
    Euro               109,910.68      9.3612      1,028,895.86        146,902.62        8.8065     1,293,697.92
    CAD                                                                105,073.30        6.6160       695,164.95

   24. Accrued payroll
                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

                                                     Increase of the       Decrease of the
                  Item              Beg. balance                                                 End. balance
                                                         period                period
      I. Payroll, bonus,
      allowance and                 189,882,636.03    462,936,988.51        515,531,826.05       137,287,798.49
      II. Welfare expenses            2,932,052.61     38,489,284.05         33,468,690.68         7,952,645.98
      III. Social insurance
                                     12,677,250.70     69,623,068.49         66,058,950.49        16,241,368.70
      Including: 1. Medical
                                      5,680,401.21     14,839,576.50         13,779,801.82         6,740,175.89
      2. Basic endowment
                                      6,018,728.14     49,446,920.48         47,120,307.26         8,345,341.36
      3. Pension expense                 11,491.31         37,186.98                32,053.21          16,625.08
      4.        Unemployment
                                       564,224.67       2,702,340.97           2,643,216.93          623,348.71
      5. Maternity insurance             57,401.66        977,099.53             905,498.21          129,002.98
      6. Insurance against
                                       345,003.71       1,619,944.03           1,578,073.06          386,874.68
      injuries at work
      IV. Public reserve for
                                      1,802,999.29     14,406,145.88         13,820,173.95         2,388,971.22
      housing construction
      V. Labor union
      expenditure and
                                      7,078,281.24      3,897,859.44           6,406,341.38        4,569,799.30
      expenses for education
      of employees
      VI. Non-monetary
                                               ---                   ---                  ---                  ---
      VII.      Welfare       for
                                       779,514.48         212,967.36             190,561.50          801,920.34
      VIII. Other                     2,960,911.07     14,981,615.96         15,660,664.92         2,281,862.11
                Total               218,113,645.42    604,547,929.69        651,137,208.97       171,524,366.14
      Note: There isn’t any accrued payable unpaid.

      25. Tax payable
                     Item                                End. balance                           Beg. balance
VAT                                                               -168,605,177.09                   -226,624,340.63
Business tax                                                           588,961.73                        818,857.23
Corporate income tax                                               10,660,814.12                      46,752,828.32
Urban maintenance and construction
                                                                       497,736.35                      1,967,787.42
Educational Surtax                                                     352,708.61                        894,134.87
Personal income tax                                                  1,950,532.37                      2,745,496.03
Flood control fund, fund for
                                                                     1,336,693.13                        718,715.04
embankment, fund for water

                                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

                     Item                              End. balance                          Beg. balance
conservancy and fund for river
Others                                                             1,804,459.19                      1,931,781.28
                    Total                                       -151,413,271.59                   -170,794,740.44
   Note: Income tax belongs to subordinated subsidies of the Company is taxed by
   locating area, and makes final accounts and clearance by the Company at the end of
   the year. For details please refer to No. 1 of Note. Ⅴ.

   26. Interest payable
                           Items                              End. balance                   Beg. balance
Expense for interest on NDF USD loans                               15,635,151.61                   25,401,955.85
Loan fees                                                            2,092,609.15                    1,349,114.45
                           Total                                    17,727,760.76                   26,751,070.30

   27. Dividends payable
                                                                                      Reason for fail to make
            Item                   End. balance                Beg. balance
                                                                                       payment over 1 years
                                          804,527.20                 804,527.20         Temporarily unpaid
Development Co., Ltd
OCT Group                               2,287,547.83                          ---
Dividends fund                          9,752,179.21                          ---
Chongqing Machinery
& Electronics Holding                   1,446,809.53                          ---
(Group) Co., Ltd
                                          723,404.76                          ---
Dongyangyi Industry
                                        7,171,595.03               7,171,595.03         Temporarily unpaid
Co., Ltd
           Total                       22,186,063.56               7,976,122.23

   28. Other payables
   (1) Particulars about other payables
                   Item                           End. balance                             Beg. balance
Within one year                                              742,036,252.22                        689,387,503.18
One to two years                                              64,695,341.01                         46,835,446.09
Two to three years                                            27,103,554.35                         28,907,765.32
Three years or longer                                         32,127,419.34                         33,236,431.57
                   Total                                     865,962,566.92                        798,367,146.16
   (2) In other payables in the current reporting period, no other payables to shareholder
   entity that holds 5% or more voting shares of the Company.

                                                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

           (3) For other payables to related parties, see No. 6 in Note Ⅷ.
           (4) Other significant payables aging more than one year are mainly guarantees
           (5) Explanation for other payables with large amount
                     Creditor                                    End. balance                              Type or content

      China       Construction             Fourth
                                                                            20,000,000.00                     Guarantee money
      Engineering Division Cop., Ltd.
      Jiangsu     Jiangong        Construction
                                                                             4,908,500.01                     Guarantee money
                        Total                                               24,908,500.01

           29. Long-term borrowings
           (1) Categories of long-term borrowings
                          Items                                         End. balance                        Beg. balance
      Credit borrowings①                                                    10,000,000.00                          10,000,000.00
      Entrust loans②                                                       600,000,000.00                       500,000,000.00
                         Total                                              610,000,000.00                       510,000,000.00
           Explanation①: On 10 Dec. 2010, Konka (Kunshan) Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.,
           subsidy of the Company signed a contract with long-term borrowings of renminbi 10
           million with Jiangsu International Trust Corporation Ltd., of which the borrowings
           would be use for integrated development of LED Backlight of large size LCD TV,
           mode and whole set, and technology performance commercialization project.
           ②: On 15 Apr. 2010, OCT Group entrusted CCB Shenzhen Branch to allot an
           assigned loan of RMB 100 million to the Company, as a supplement of the Group’s
           current capital. On 16 Sep. 2010, OCT Group entrusted CCB Shenzhen Branch to
           allot an assigned loan of RMB 100 million to the Company, as a supplement of the
           Group’s current capital. On 13 Dec. 2010, Chinese Town Group entrusted CCB
           Shenzhen Branch to allot an assigned loan of RMB 300 million to the Company, as a
           supplement of the Group’s current capital. On 17 Mar. 2011, OCT Group entrusted
           CCB Shenzhen Branch to allot an assigned loan of RMB 100 million to the Company,
           as for supplement of the Group’s current capital. Please refer to No. 5(3) in Note Ⅷ
           for details.

           (2) Particulars about long-term borrowings
                                                                               End. balance                         Beg. date
                                  End. date
                 Beg. date                                              Foreign                        Foreign
  Creditor                            of            Rate    Currency
                borrowings                                              currency   RMB amount         currency          RMB amount
                                                                        amount                         amount
                                    1 Aug.
Shenzhen        16 Sep. 2010                        3.7%      RMB              --- 100,000,000.00             ---       100,000,000.00
CCB                                16 Nov.
                13 Dec. 2010                        3.93%     RMB              --- 300,000,000.00             ---       300,000,000.00
Shenzhen                            2013

                                                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                 End. balance                         Beg. date
                                    End. date
                    Beg. date                                             Foreign                        Foreign
  Creditor                              of         Rate       Currency
                   borrowings                                             currency     RMB amount        currency         RMB amount
                                                                          amount                         amount
                                      31 Jul.
Shenzhen          15 Apr. 2010                    5.68%         RMB              --- 100,000,000.00             ---       100,000,000.00
                                      4 Mar.
Shenzhen          17 Mar. 2011                    5.67%         RMB              --- 100,000,000.00             ---                     ---
                  10 Dec. 2010       10 Dec.
Trust                                             0.30%         RMB              ---     10,000,000.00          ---         10,000,000.00
          Total                                                                        610,000,000.00                     510,000,000.00

            30. Long-term payable accounts
            (1) Long-term payable accounts listed by category
                            Items                                         End. balance                         Beg. Balance
        Chuzhou       Tongchuang         Construction
                                                                               30,000,000.00                          30,000,000.00
        Investment Co., Ltd.
            (2) Particulars about long-term payable accounts
                                                                  Rate          Accrued                               Condition of
                Entity           Term        Initial amount                                     End. balance
                                                                  (%)            interest                                 loan
        Construction                         30,000,000.00        2.00
        Investment Co.,

            31. Other non-current liabilities
                         Item                                  Content                  End. balance                  Beg. balance
               Deferred income                          Government subsidy             102,256,145.11                  100,896,753.51
            Of which, details of deferred income is as follows:
                                 Item                                     End. balance                     Beg. balance
         (1) Government subsidy relevant to assets
         Subsidies for supporting equipment of Kunshan
                                                                                22,590,000.00                       22,590,000.00
         liquid crystal module project
         Fund for flat panel display industry in year 2008                      10,000,000.00                       10,000,000.00

                                                                                               English Translation for Reference Only

                               Item                                             End. balance                     Beg. balance
      Development of new type display technologies
      such as liquid crystal module (Ministry of                                                                        10,000,000.00
      Industry and Information Technology)
      R&D and industrialization of large size liquid
                                                                                        7,000,000.00                     7,000,000.00
      crystal display module
      Key technology and industrialization of LED
                                                                                        5,000,000.00                     5,000,000.00
      Backlight of flat TV set
      Others                                                                           34,539,699.14                    40,093,757.54
      (2) Government subsidy relevant to earnings
      Government subsidy on R&D of white goods                                         11,913,450.00                     5,000,000.00
      Other                                                                             1,212,995.97                     1,212,995.97
                              Other                                                   102,256,145.11                   100,896,753.51

         32. Share capital
                              Beg. balance                Increase/decrease of the current period (+/-)              End. balance
                                            Proport Newly             converte                                                        Proport
         Items                                                 ed
                             Amount          ion      issued          d from        Others     Subtotal            Amount               ion
                                             (%)      shares           public                                                           (%)
I. Shares subject to
trading moratorium
1. Shares held by
                                      ---       ---       --- ---             ---       ---               ---                   ---       ---
2. Shares held by
state-owned                198,381,940.00 16.48           --- ---             ---       ---               ---      198,381,940.00       16.48
3. Shares held by
                                 4,950.00       ---       --- ---             ---       ---               ---             4,950.00        ---
domestic investors
Total shares subject
to                trading 198,386,890.00 16.48            --- ---             ---       ---               ---      198,386,890.00       16.48
II.      Shares      not
subject to trading
1. RMB ordinary
                           599,910,010.00 49.83           --- ---             ---       ---               ---      599,910,010.00       49.83
2.       Domestically
                           405,675,804.00 33.69           --- ---             ---       ---               ---      405,675,804.00       33.69
listed foreign shares
3. Overseas listed
                                      ---       ---       --- ---             ---       ---               ---                   ---       ---
foreign shares
4. Others                             ---       ---       --- ---             ---       ---               ---                   ---       ---

                                                                                                     English Translation for Reference Only

                               Beg. balance             Increase/decrease of the current period (+/-)                             End. balance
                                         Proport Newly              converte                                                                      Proport
        Items                                                ed
                              Amount          ion   issued          d from        Others             Subtotal                   Amount             ion
                                              (%)   shares           public                                                                        (%)
  Total shares not
 subject to trading 1,005,585,814.00 83.52              --- ---             ---          ---                     ---           1,005,585,814.00     83.52
III. Total shares      1,203,972,704.00 100.00          --- ---             ---          ---                     ---           1,203,972,704.00 100.00

      33. Capital surplus
                                                                      Increase of the                  Decrease of
                    Item                 Beg. balance                                                                             End. balance
                                                                            period                      the period
    Capital premium                      1,211,366,082.55                                      ---                     ---       1,211,366,082.55
    Other capital surpluses                   60,873,604.57                       20,505.79                            ---          60,894,110.36
                Total                    1,272,239,687.12                         20,505.79                            ---      1,272,260,192.91

      34. Surplus reserve
                                                                       Increase of the                 Decrease of the
                      Item                      Beg. balance                                                                        End. balance
                                                                              period                        period
   Statutory surplus public reserves 555,245,730.23                                            ---                           --- 555,245,730.23
      Discretionary surplus public
                                               254,062,265.57                                  ---                           --- 254,062,265.57
                      Total                    809,307,995.80                                  ---                           --- 809,307,995.80
      Note: In accordance with regulations of Company Law, Articles of Association, the
      Company withdraws surplus reserve at a rate of 10% of net profit. When the statutory
      surplus public reserves accumulated to over 50% of the registered capital of the
      Company, then the withdrawal can be ceased.
      After the withdrawal of statutory surplus public reserves, the Group can withdraw
      discretionary surplus public reserves. With approval, discretionary surplus public
      reserves can be used to compensate prior year’s losses or increase share capital.

      35. Undistributed profits
      (1) Change of undistributed profits
                                                                                                                                   Withdrawal or
                                                        Amount in current                      Amount in previous
                           Items                                                                                                     distributed
                                                                  period                                period
   Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                               696,746,297.76                          613,778,898.84
   previous period before adjustment
   Total of undistributed profits at the
   beginning of the adjustment period                                              ---                                   ---

                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                     Withdrawal or
                                              Amount in current         Amount in previous
                  Items                                                                                distributed
                                                    period                      period
Undistributed profits at the beginning
                                                   696,746,297.76              613,778,898.84
of the period after adjustment
Add: Net income attributed to the
                                                  -195,000,941.75               50,887,520.39
parent company
Making up losses with surplus public
                                                                  ---                       ---
Other transfer-ins                                                ---                       ---
Less: Allotted statutory surplus public
                                                                  ---                       ---
Allotted discretionary surplus public
                                                                  ---                       ---
Payable dividends for ordinary stocks               12,039,727.04               12,039,727.04
Dividends of ordinary stock that are
                                                                  ---                       ---
converted into capital shares
Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                   489,705,628.97              652,626,692.19
   Note: According to resolutions made on Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2010 of
   the Company, the Company decided to distributed cash dividends of RMB 0.10 (taxed)
   to every ten shares for all shareholders based on total share capital of 1,203,972,704
   shares of the Company shares as at the end of 2010.
   (2) Particulars about subsidy withdrawing surplus reserves in the reporting period
   There was no subsidy withdrawing surplus reserves in the reporting period.

   36. Revenues and operating costs
   (1) Revenues and operating costs
                     Item                    Amount of the current period        Amount of the previous period
  Revenues from main operations                            6,815,109,144.09                       7,889,140,439.34
  Revenues from other operations                               49,994,775.67                        51,043,355.75
                Total revenues                             6,865,103,919.76                       7,940,183,795.09
  Costs of main operations                                 5,789,352,688.21                       6,670,792,642.95
  Costs of other operations                                    47,579,358.50                        29,460,673.45
                 Total costs                               5,836,932,046.71                       6,700,253,316.40
   (2) Main operations (by industries)
    Industry                Amount of the current period                  Amount of the previous period
                       Revenues              Operating costs              Revenues            Operating costs
                     6,815,109,144.09          5,789,352,688.21         7,889,140,439.34          6,670,792,642.95
   (3) Main operations (by products)
     Product category               Amount of the current period               Amount of the previous period

                                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

                                   Revenues         Operating costs            Revenues        Operating costs
Color             television
                                5,099,596,529.67   4,355,701,727.30      6,044,594,174.81      5,104,973,696.12
Mobile phone business             644,313,624.57     552,109,424.39        972,561,524.29        854,009,795.45
White goods business              658,018,271.84     529,603,595.74        646,013,862.15        509,390,405.51
Others                            413,180,718.01     351,937,940.78        225,970,878.09        202,418,745.87
           Total                6,815,109,144.09   5,789,352,688.21      7,889,140,439.34      6,670,792,642.95
 (4) Main operations (by regions)
                                Amount of the current period               Amount of the previous period
                               Revenues          Operating costs           Revenues          Operating costs
  Domestic sales           5,337,862,953.94      4,419,402,806.41       5,793,254,880.74    4,623,405,503.47
  Overseas sales           1,477,246,190.15      1,369,949,881.80       2,095,885,558.60    2,047,387,139.48
          Total            6,815,109,144.09      5,789,352,688.21       7,889,140,439.34 6,670,792,642.95
 (5) Revenues from the top five customers
                                              Revenues from the top five              Proportion to current
                                                      customers                       operating revenue (%)
 Jan. to Jun. 2011                                     1,497,073,082.59                                   21.81
 Jan. to Jan. 2010                                     2,005,136,373.82                                   25.42

 37. Taxes and surtax
                  Items                     Amount of the current period         Amount of the previous period
Business tax                                                     494,366.82                           723,818.88
Urban          maintenance           and
                                                               10,672,073.33                          258,052.35
construction tax
Educational Surtax                                              5,519,410.83                          268,742.95
Others                                                           478,022.18                           230,874.21
                  Total                                        17,163,873.16                        1,481,488.39
 Note: For accounting standard for all taxes and surtax please refer to Note Ⅴ. Tax.

 38. Marketing expense
                   Items                      Amount of the current period         Amount of the previous period
Payroll                                                         111,918,458.59                      96,853,082.98
Expenses for promotion activities                               312,446,053.61                    284,885,620.52
Expenses for logistics                                          143,478,420.25                    154,253,697.05
Advertising expense                                             134,941,309.89                    141,386,288.63
Maintenance charges                                             113,834,903.13                    120,058,137.75
Travel charge                                                    22,712,553.53                      21,014,087.01
Rental charges                                                    9,002,877.33                       8,157,309.34
Entertainment expense                                            16,178,947.72                      16,441,438.66
Employees welfare cost                                           10,208,702.21                       9,164,329.30

                                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

                 Items                      Amount of the current period           Amount of the previous period
Other                                                         86,933,012.59                        75,625,642.78
                 Total                                       961,655,238.85                       927,839,634.02

 39. Administrative expense
                 Items                    Amount of the current period           Amount of the previous period
 R & D expenses                                             74,459,950.67                        69,910,330.14
 Payroll                                                    55,057,937.39                        49,819,743.70
 Depreciation expense                                       14,859,533.60                        15,726,148.30
 Entertainment expense                                      10,539,232.68                         9,811,466.53
 Taxes and fund                                              8,497,974.68                         6,167,390.04
 Travel charge                                               7,383,977.68                         5,115,461.44
 Consulting fees                                             4,310,479.16                         9,699,469.30
 Labor union expenditure                                     3,995,506.04                         3,506,907.83
 Patent fee                                                  3,405,123.93                         4,525,872.40
 Other                                                      65,579,869.05                        72,166,334.90
                 Total                                     248,089,584.88                       246,449,124.58

 40. Financial expenses
                   Items                    Amount of the current period         Amount of the previous period
Interest expense                                             94,460,660.38                       45,407,795.02
Less: Interest income                                        22,000,778.53                       17,312,267.96
Less: Capitalization of interest amount                                    ---                                  ---
Gains or losses on exchange                                  -10,539,580.86                     -14,070,868.38
Less: Capitalization of gains or losses
                                                                           ---                                  ---
on interest amount
Other                                                          9,506,981.02                       8,500,016.58
                   Total                                     71,427,282.01                       22,524,675.26

 41. Assets impairment loss
                                                           Amount of the current         Amount of the previous
                                                                   period                        period
Loss of bad debts                                                   -1,807,457.22                  6,528,387.45
Loss of inventory falling price                                       251,637.09                    410,409.19
Loss of impairment of fixed assets                                                 ---              226,978.50
                           Total                                    -1,555,820.13                  7,165,775.14

 42. Income from change of fair value
                                                           Amount of the current              Amount of the
    Source of income from change of fair value
                                                                  period                      previous period
Derivative financial instruments (NDF)                              14,666,723.60                 -5,334,908.00

                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

  43. Investment income
  (1) Particulars about income items
                                                              Amount of the current          Amount of the previous
                                                                        period                       period
Income from long-term equity investment measured
                                                                            -79,052.57                    3,304,130.92
by employing the equity method
Investment income from disposing transactional
                                                                                       ---                          ---
financial assets
Investment income from financial assets available for
                                                                                       ---                  10,529.35
                             Total                                          -79,052.57                    3,314,660.27
  (2) Income from long-term equity investment measured by employing the equity
                                             Amount of the               Amount of the
              Invested entity                                                                    Reason for change
                                             current period              previous period
Chongqing Jingkang Plastic Products
                                                     -79,052.57                  -362,925.26
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Refond Optoelectronics
                                                               ---           3,667,056.18
Co., Ltd
                   Total                             -79,052.57              3,304,130.92
  Note: No significant restriction is imposed on repatriation of the investment income of
  the Company.

  44. Non-operating income
                                                                                                           Amount recorded
                                                              Amount of the            Amount of the          into current
                                                              current period           previous period        non-recurred
                                                                                                             gains or losses
  Total revenue from disposing non-current assets                    2,892,290.40       16,504,673.61           2,892,290.40
  Including: Revenue from disposal of fixed assets                   2,892,290.40       16,504,673.61           2,892,290.40
           Revenue from disposal of intangible assets                            ---                ---                      ---
  Revenue from compensation                                                      ---                ---                      ---
  Revenue from penalty                                               2,180,265.38        2,304,406.68           2,180,265.38
  Government grants ( please refer to the following
                                                                72,266,954.72           30,041,542.90          13,069,367.50
  sheet: particulars about government grants)
  Other                                                              3,894,029.34        3,513,886.26           3,894,029.34
                             Total                              81,233,539.84           52,364,509.45          22,035,952.62
  Of which, particulars about government grants
                                                 Amount of the               Amount of the
                      Item                                                                                 Explanation
                                                 current period             previous period
  Refund on tax from Chuzhou Finance

                                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

                                               Amount of the                 Amount of the
                    Item                                                                               Explanation
                                                current period            previous period
 Government subsidy                                                              1,426,642.00
 Finance subsidy and social securities
 Grants for the top ten entities with big
 tax payment
 R&D subsidy                                                                     1,500,000.00
 Establishment of development center
 for signal TV
 Grants of Ministry of Industry and
 Information Technology for IPv6
 high-definition multi-functional
 Grants of Infrastructure Office of
 Shenzhen Finance Bureau for IPv6                     1,347,992.75
 high-definition displays
 Support for patent                                      618,000.00
 Refund on embedded software                         59,197,587.22              22,810,484.54
 Other                                                9,404,274.75                178,480.90
                    Total                            72,266,954.72              30,041,542.90

 45. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                   Amount recorded into
                                        Amount of the current       Amount of the previous
                  Item                                                                             current non-recurred
                                                period                         period
                                                                                                      gains or losses
 Total loss on disposal of
                                                 1,989,220.58                    2,091,536.04               1,989,220.58
 non-current assets
 Including: Loss of disposal on
                                                 1,989,220.58                    2,091,536.04               1,989,220.58
 fixed assets
          Losses on intangible assets                         ---                            ---                        ---
 Penalty expenses                                    470,922.65                    554,882.88                470,922.65
 Loss on restructuring liabilities                            ---                            ---                        ---
 Loss on exchange of non-monetary
                                                              ---                            ---                        ---
 External donation expense                             1,829.06                  1,534,878.00                   1,829.06
 Other                                               653,614.82                    335,565.14                653,614.82
                 Total                           3,115,587.11                    4,516,862.06               3,115,587.11
 46. Income tax expense
                                                           Amount of the current        Amount of the previous
                                                                    period                         period
Income tax of the current period calculated as per
                                                                      14,864,929.85                 19,067,278.11
the tax law and relevant regulations

                                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

                                                           Amount of the current         Amount of the previous
                                                                   period                        period
Adjustment of deferred income tax                                         106,428.08                    716,894.38
                          Total                                        14,971,357.93               19,784,172.49

 47. Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
 For the Company, the basic earnings per share shall be calculated by dividing the
 current net profits belonging to the shareholders of ordinary shares by the weighted
 average number of ordinary shares issued to the public. In accordance with the
 specific terms and clauses of the issuance contract, the number of newly issued
 ordinary shares shall be calculated and decided as of the date of receivable
 consideration (generally the date of issuance of stocks).
 Based on net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company of the
 current period, numerators of diluted earnings per share shall be determined after
 adjusting the following factors: (1) Interests of diluted potential ordinary shares
 recognized as expenses at the current period; (2) Incomes or expenses arising from the
 transfer of diluted potential ordinary shares; and (3) Income tax influence related to
 the aforesaid adjustment.
 Denominators of diluted earnings per share equal to the sum of the following two
 items: (1) The weighted average number of ordinary shares issued by the parent
 company in basic earning per share; and (2) The weighted average number of ordinary
 shares which are newly added due to the transfer of the assumed diluted potential
 ordinary shares to ordinary shares.
 When calculating the weighted average number of increased ordinary shares resulted
 from that the diluted potential ordinary shares convert into ordinary shares already
 issued, the diluted potential ordinary shares issued in prior periods shall be supposed
 to be converted at the beginning of the current period. The diluted potential ordinary
 shares issued in the current period shall be supposed to be converted on the date of
 (1) Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share of each period
                                           Jan.-Jun. 2011                              Jan.-Jun. 2010
   Profits of the reporting
            period                Basic earning per Diluted earnings Basic earning per          Diluted earnings
                                       share               per share             share              per share
Net profit attributable to
shareholder of ordinary                    -0.1620              -0.1620                0.0423              0.0423
shares of the Company
Net profit attributable to
shareholders    of    ordinary
shares of the Company after                -0.1826              -0.1826                0.0296              0.0296
deducting       non-recurring
gains and losses
 (2) Process of calculating basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
 ①Basic earnings per share corresponding to the net profits attributed to shareholders

                                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

     of common shares of the Company
     = Net profits attributed to shareholders of common shares of the Company / weighted
     mean of issued common share =-195,000,941.75÷1,203,972,704=-0.1620
     ②Basic earnings per share corresponding to the net profits of non-recurring gains and
     losses attributed to shareholders of common shares of the Company
     = Net profits of non-recurring gains and losses attributed to shareholders of common
     shares of the Company / weighted mean of issued common share =(-195,000,941.75
     ③The diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the consolidated net profits
     attributed to shareholders of common shares of the company adjusted according to the
     dilutive potential common share by the weighted mean of the adjusted issued common
     shares of the Company. In current period, no dilutive potential common share exists in
     the company; thus the diluted earnings per share is equal to the basic earnings per
     A When basic earnings per share are being calculated, the net profits attributable to
     shareholders of ordinary shares are:
                                                                                                 RMB Yuan
                        Item                                  Jan.-Jun. 2011                Jan.-Jun. 2010
Net profits attributable to shareholders of ordinary
                                                                  -195,000,941.75                  50,887,520.39
shares of the current period
Of which: net profits attributable to sustainable
                                                                  -195,000,941.75                  50,887,520.39
Net profits attributable to terminated operation
Net profits attributable to shareholders of ordinary
shares      of   the   Company      after   deducting             -219,848,387.35                  35,625,098.49
non-recurring profits and losses
Of    which: net profits attributable to sustainable
                                                                  -219,848,387.35                  35,625,098.49
Net profits attributable to terminated operation
     B. While basic earnings per share are being calculated, the denominator is the average
     weighted number of ordinary shares issued publicly, and the calculation is as the
                                                                                RMB Yuan
                         Item                                  Jan.-Jun. 2011                Jan.-Jun. 2010
Ordinary shares publicly issued at the beginning of
                                                                     1,203,972,704                 1,203,972,704
the period
Add: Weighted average number of ordinary shares
issued at the current period
Less: Weighted average number of ordinary share
repurchased at the current period
Weighted average number publicly issued at the end
                                                                     1,203,972,704                 1,203,972,704
of the period

     48. Other comprehensive income

                                                                           English Translation for Reference Only

                                     Item                                    Jan.-Jun. 2011         Jan.-Jun. 2010
1. Gains (losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                           26,981.30           -472,759.30
Less: Income tax influence of available-for-sale financial assets                     6,475.51           -104,007.04
      Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
                                                                                            ---                     ---
gain/loss in previous terms
                                 Subtotal                                            20,505.79           -368,752.26

2. Shares in other gains of investees on equity basis                                       ---                     ---
Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on
                                                                                            ---                     ---
equity basis
      Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
                                                                                            ---                     ---
gain/loss in previous terms
                                 Subtotal                                                   ---                     ---
3. Amount of gains (or losses) from cash flow hedge instrument                              ---                     ---
Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments                                   ---                     ---
      Net amount written into other gains and transferred
                                                                                            ---                     ---
into gain/loss in previous terms
      Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target
                                                                                            ---                     ---
                                 Subtotal                                                   ---                     ---
4. Difference from translating of foreign currency financial statements       -10,400,633.77            4,791,417.74
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and transferred to
current gain/loss
                                 Subtotal                                     -10,400,633.77            4,791,417.74
5. Others                                                                                   ---                     ---
Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc.
                                                                                            ---                     ---
      Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred
                                                                                            ---                     ---
into current gain/loss in previous terms
                                 Subtotal                                                   ---                     ---
                                     Total                                    -10,380,127.98            4,422,665.48

   49. Notes to the cash flow statement
   (1) Other cash received related with operating activities
                              Item                                  Jan.-Jun. 2011                Jan.-Jun. 2010
Mortgage-secured deposits                                                             ---                           ---
Temporary received repair fund                                              241,414.40                              ---
Interest income from bank deposits                                         7,267,814.80                 2,669,219.35
Bargain money and deposit                                                 10,034,963.98               37,451,891.50
Income from fine and penalty                                                755,110.29                   529,741.52
Repayment of individual borrowing                                          5,126,585.03                 4,698,037.40
Subsidies                                                                 21,570,900.00               59,143,601.52

                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

                            Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2011             Jan.-Jun. 2010
Income from scrap                                                 6,951,774.10                3,177,410.03
Other capital flow                                               65,264,964.75               39,753,239.31
                            Total                               117,213,527.35              147,423,140.63
   (2) Other cash paid related to operating activities
                             Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2011            Jan.-Jun. 2010
Cash paid for administration expenses                             70,642,640.86              67,931,157.18
Cash paid for operating expenses                                 452,749,226.72             421,857,012.79
Mortgage-secured deposits                                                      ---                          ---
Payment for pledges, guarantee and repair                         18,724,270.46              12,775,467.92
Employee reserve fund                                             20,754,058.65              17,759,859.20
Donation expense                                                     674,553.00               1,279,373.20
Advanced payment                                                  28,965,067.41              16,210,104.64
Penalty expense                                                       27,598.19                 196,832.36
Interest and handling fee                                         13,908,188.76              11,371,720.86
Other expenses and capital flow                                   95,977,422.04             130,222,194.60
                            Total                                702,423,026.09             679,603,722.75
   (3) Other cash receipts relating to investment activities
                             Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2011            Jan.-Jun. 2010

   (4) Other cash payments relating to investment activities
                             Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2011            Jan.-Jun. 2010
Payment of deposit for land bidding                                            ---           69,000,000.00
                            Total                                              ---           69,000,000.00
   (5) Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
                             Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2011            Jan.-Jun. 2010
Receipt and return of pledged renminbi fixed deposits upon
                                                               1,175,727,195.79           1,599,167,652.02
Receipt of pledged security deposits                              93,900,000.00                             ---
Discounted notes                                                               ---                          ---
Receipt from loans of other enterprises                                        ---                          ---
Other                                                                   7,205.32                125,213.37
                            Total                              1,269,634,401.11           1,599,292,865.39
   (6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                            Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2011             Jan.-Jun. 2010
Pledged RMB deposits                                             889,118,060.15                             ---
Pledged RMB fixed deposit                                      1,962,489,705.57             499,338,600.00
Other                                                              8,121,071.63                 685,510.99

                                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

                            Item                                Jan.-Jun. 2011             Jan.-Jun. 2010
                            Total                                 2,859,728,837.35             500,024,110.99

   50. Supplementary information about the cash flow statements
   (1) Information about converting net profits into cash for operating activities
                            Item                                Jan.-Jun. 2011             Jan.-Jun. 2010
1. Information about converting net profits into cash
for operating activities:
Net income / loss                                                 -190,874,019.89               60,513,008.47
Add: Asset impairment reserves                                       -1,555,820.13               7,165,775.14
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gases and production
                                                                    61,815,036.49               46,375,575.29
Amortization of intangible assets                                    3,736,253.32                3,807,056.42
Amortization of long-term expenses to be apportioned                 4,130,658.83                3,837,916.14
Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                     -2,367,987.15             -15,090,395.07
other long-term assets (or deduct: gains)
Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (or deduct: gains)                 641,804.35                  677,257.50
Losses on change of fair value (or deduct: gains)                  -14,666,723.60                5,334,908.00
Financial expenses (or deduct: gains)                               50,373,009.18               10,435,209.21
Investment losses (or deduct: gains)                                    79,052.57               -3,314,660.27
Decrease in deferred income tax assets (or deduct:
                                                                      -541,235.89               -3,947,149.58
Increase of deferred income tax liabilities (or deduct:
                                                                                 ---                           ---
Decrease in inventories (or deduct: increase)                      405,636,033.66             -633,578,753.55
Decrease in operating receivables (or deduct: increase)            588,457,586.06              375,059,094.98
Increase of operating payables (or deduct: decrease)              -899,325,589.68              140,756,707.10
Other                                                                            ---                           ---
Net cash flows from operating activities                             5,538,058.12               -1,968,450.22
2. investing and financing activities that do not involve
cash receipts and payments:
Conversion of debt into capital                                                  ---                           ---
Convertible bonds to be expired within one year                                  ---                           ---
Fixed assets under finance lease                                                 ---                           ---
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
Cash at the end of the period                                    1,239,920,112.48              958,150,311.87
Less: Cash at the beginning of the period                          569,524,994.01              749,501,416.29
Add: Cash equivalents at the end of the period                                   ---                           ---
Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                            ---                           ---
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                          670,395,118.47              208,648,895.58
   (2)Constitution of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

                               Item                                         Closing amount                 Opening amount
I. Cash                                                                       1,239,920,112.48                 958,150,311.87
       Of which: cash in hand                                                             6,652.03                    7,625.43
                 Bank deposits available for payment at any
time                                                                                                           958,142,686.44
                Other     monetary       capital    available    for
                                                                                                ---                            ---
payment at any time
                Accounts deposited in the Central Bank
                                                                                                ---                            ---
available for payment
II. Cash equivalents
Of which: Bond investment due with 3 months                                                     ---                            ---
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                               1,239,920,112.48                958,150,311.87
   Note: The Company measured bank insurance balance as other monetary capital and
   this type of security deposit shall not be used for payment before due, then the
   Company make relevant deduction in cash flow statement.

   Ⅷ. Related parties and related transactions
   1. Parent company of the Company
 Name of the
                                                   Nature of           Registration           Legal
       parent             Relationship                                                                        Business nature
                                                   enterprise             place           representative
                                                                                                               Tourism, real
                        The parent of the      State-owned                                                       estate and
OCT Group                                                               Shenzhen            Ren Kelei
                           Company                 holdings                                                      electronic
                                                                        Proportion of
                                               Proportion of                                   The final
  Name of the                                                           voting shares
                         Registered            shares held by                                   holding        Organization
       parent                                                            held by the
                           capital                 the parent                                 party of the          code
   company                                                             parent company
                                               company (%)                                     Company
 OCT Group                                           19.00                  19.00            OCT Group          19034617-5
   2. For information about subsidiary companies of the Company, see No. 1. Subsidies
   in Note. Ⅵ.
   3. Information about joint ventures and affiliated enterprises of the Company
   Please see No. 10(3) of Note. Ⅶ.
   4. Information about other related parties of the Company
           Name of other related party                       Relationship with the Company                 Organization code
Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                              Same actual controller                               75252879-9
Shanghai OCT Investment Development
                                                        Same actual controller                               78589775-0
Co., Ltd

                                                                              English Translation for Reference Only

Chengdu          Tianfu      OCT      Industrial
                                                   Same actual controller                            78012858-1
Development Co., Ltd
Beijing Century OCT Industrial Co., Ltd                  Same actual controller                      74005033-7
Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                                     Same actual controller                      79457788-X
Shanghai Tianxiang OCT Investment Co.,
                                                   Same actual controller                            74805502-8
Guangzhou Panyu Huali Youde Printing
                                                         Same actual controller                      72378549-7
and Packing Co., Ltd
Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                           Same actual controller                      76276957X
Chongqing        Machinery      &   Electronics
                                                         Shareholder of subsidiary                   45041726-8
Holding (Group) Co., Ltd
OCT Hotel Group                                          Same actual controller                      71524077-X
Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co., Ltd                    Same actual controller                      19217869-7
Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                        Same actual controller                      60737971-5
Shenzhen Huayou Packaging Co., Ltd                       Same actual controller                      76198355-8
Shenzhen Huali Packing & Trading Co., Ltd                Same actual controller                      618816546
Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.                        Same actual controller                      68061271-2
Shenzhen Window of the World Co., Ltd                    Same actual controller                      618845275
Changsha Window of the World Co., Ltd.                   Same actual controller                      616601592
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Gas
                                                         Same actual controller                      70849783-3
Station Co., Ltd.
Dongyangyi Industry Co., Ltd                             Shareholder of subsidiary                        ---
Shenzhen OCT Economic Development
                                                         Same actual controller                           ---

      5. Transactions among related parties
      (1) Transactions of buying commodities and accepting labor services
                                             Transactio            Jan.-Jun. 2011                    Jan.-Jun. 2010
                                             n pricing
                                                                              Percentage                         Percentage
              Related           Transactio   principle
                                                                              in the same                        in the same
               party            n content       and            Amount                            Amount
                                                                              transactions                       transaction
                                                                                  (%)                              s (%)
      Anhui             Huali                Negotiated
                                 package                    13,753,884.21               0.24   15,088,297.02           0.28
      Packaging Co., Ltd                       price
      Shanghai          Huali                Negotiated
                                 package                    12,903,160.58               0.22    6,193,885.44            0.11
      Packaging Co., Ltd                       price
      Shenzhen         Huayou                Negotiated
                                 package                                ---              ---               ---             ---
      Packaging Co., Ltd                       price
      Shenzhen          Huali    Buying      Negotiated                 ---              ---      559,711.13           0.01

                                                                               English Translation for Reference Only

                                               Transactio         Jan.-Jun. 2011                      Jan.-Jun. 2010
                                               n pricing
                                                                               Percentage                         Percentage
              Related             Transactio   principle
                                                                               in the same                        in the same
                  party           n content       and         Amount                              Amount
                                                                              transactions                        transaction
                                                                                   (%)                              s (%)
      Packing & Trading            package       price
      Co., Ltd                    materials
      Guangzhou           Panyu   Buying
      Huali Youde Printing         package                   1,528,190.30                0.03    2,229,370.73            0.04
      and Packing Co., Ltd        materials
      Huali          Packaging                 Negotiated
                                   package                   3,906,092.28                0.07    4,415,621.43            0.08
      (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.                          price
      Shenzhen        Overseas      Hotel
      Chinese Town Hotel            room                     1,062,529.69                0.02    1,433,646.22            0.03
      Group Co., Ltd.               repast
                                  Water and
      Shenzhen OCT Water                       Negotiated
                                   electric                  2,967,794.10                0.05    3,918,027.40            0.07
      and Power Co., Ltd                         price
      (2) Transactions of selling commodities and providing labor services
                                               Transactio         Jan.-Jun. 2011                      Jan.-Jun. 2010
                                               n pricing
                                                                             Percentage in                        Percentage
           Related                Transactio   principle
                                                                               the same                           in the same
            party                 n content       and         Amount                              Amount
                                                                             transactions                         transaction
                                                                                 (%)                                s (%)
Shenzhen OCT East Co.,             Selling     Negotiated
                                                            1,256,410.26                 3.22    4,949,658.12           18.97
Ltd                                 LCDs         price
Shanghai OCT Investment            Selling     Negotiated
                                                                       ---                ---               ---             ---
Development Co., Ltd                LCDs         price
Chengdu       Tianfu       OCT
Industrial Development Co.,        Selling                  1,435,897.44                 3.68               ---             ---
Ltd                                 LCDs
                                   Selling     Negotiated
Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                                                   ---                ---    1,051,282.05            4.03
                                    LCDs         price
Shanghai Tianxiang OCT             Selling     Negotiated
                                                                       ---                ---               ---             ---
Investment Co., Ltd                 LCDs         price
Beijing     Century        OCT     Selling     Negotiated
                                                                       ---                ---      769,230.77            2.95
Industrial Co., Ltd                 LCDs         price
Shenzhen Window of the             Selling     Negotiated
                                                                       ---                ---               ---             ---
World Co., Ltd.                     LCDs         price
Changsha Window of the             Selling     Negotiated
                                                                       ---                ---               ---             ---
World Co., Ltd.                     LCDs         price

                                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

(3) Capital loaned of related parties
        Related party            borrowed and                    Due date       Explanation          Remark
Overseas     Chinese    Town                       2010.04. 2011.03.                              Extended to 1
                                 100,000,000.00                                 Entrust loans
Enterprises Co. Ltd.                                    15          25                              Aug. 2013
Overseas     Chinese    Town                       2010.04. 2013.07.
                                 100,000,000.00                                 Entrust loans
Enterprises Co. Ltd.                                    15          31
Overseas     Chinese    Town                       2010.12. 2013.11.
                                 300,000,000.00                                 Entrust loans
Enterprises Co. Ltd.                                    13          16
Overseas     Chinese    Town                       2011.03. 2012.03.
                                 300,000,000.00                                 Entrust loans
Enterprises Co. Ltd.                                    01          03
Overseas     Chinese    Town                       2011.03. 2016.03.
                                 100,000,000.00                                 Entrust loans
Enterprises Co. Ltd.                                    17          04
Note: On 3 Mar. 2011, the 6th Session of the 7th Board of Directors reviewed and
approved Proposal on Loan Capital to Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co., Ltd.
and extended entrust loans due in 25 Mar. 2011 to 31 Jul. 2013.

6. Receivables and payables of related parties
(1) Receivables and accounts paid in advance of related parties
                                                                  Closing amount                     Opening amount
                        Item                                    Book           Provision for       Book           Provision for
                                                               balance           bad debt         balance           bad debt
Accounts receivable:
Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                                1,107,015.00            22,140.30 3,184,517.00             63,690.34
Beijing Century OCT Industrial Co., Ltd                        104,805.00          2,096.10       104,805.00          2,096.10
Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industrial Development Co., Ltd 1,608,200.00                   32,164.00       768,200.00         15,364.00
Shanghai OCT Investment Development Co., Ltd                   550,665.00         11,013.30       579,245.00         11,584.90
Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                                           546,000.00         10,920.00       546,000.00         10,920.00
Shenzhen Window of the World Co., Ltd.                          13,000.00            260.00        18,300.00            366.00
Changsha Window of the World Co., Ltd.                          20,000.00            400.00        20,000.00            400.00
                        Total                             3,949,685.00            78,993.70 5,221,067.00           102,325.24
Notes receivable:
Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                                               ---                ---   900,000.00                ---
                        Total                                            ---                ---   900,000.00                ---
Other receivables:
Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                                           ---             ---                ---             ---
Shenzhen OCT Gas Station Co., Ltd                               80,000.00         16,000.00        80,000.00         16,000.00
Shenzhen OCT Real Estate Co., Ltd                         1,216,264.86          897,825.32 1,228,504.86            897,825.32
Shenzhen OCT Property Management Co., Ltd                       77,402.65         77,402.65        77,402.65         77,402.65
Dongyangyi Industry Co., Ltd                                   490,000.00         24,500.00       490,000.00         24,500.00
Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co., Ltd                     1,893,600.81            37,872.02       785,798.74         15,715.97
                        Total                             3,757,268.32 1,053,599.99 2,661,706.25 1,031,443.94

                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

      (2) Accounts payable to and received in advance from related parties
                    Item                             Closing amount                Opening amount
Accounts payable:
Chongqing Jingkang Plastic Products Co.,
Ltd                                                            202,407.08                        56,188.95
Shenzhen Dekon Electronic Co., Ltd                             356,545.32                      356,545.32
Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                               7,174,874.99                    4,595,847.13
Shenzhen Huali Packing and Trading Co.,
Ltd                                                             13,957.02                        15,461.79
Guangzhou Panyu Huali Youde Printing
and Packing Co., Ltd                                           365,248.61                      650,767.53
Shenzhen Huayou Packaging Co., Ltd                                    169.91                        169.91
Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.                              612,534.76                      994,049.02
Huizhou Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                              782,519.85                                  ---
Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                            3,310,928.22                      328,134.65
                    Total                                   12,819,185.76                    6,997,164.30
Accounts received in advance:
Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                                                     ---                               ---
                    Total                                                ---                               ---
Other payables:
Guangzhou Panyu Huali Youde Printing
                                                                         ---                               ---
and Packing Co., Ltd
Chongqing       Machinery   &    Electronics
                                                                         ---                               ---
Holding (Group) Co., Ltd
Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                                  50,000.00                        50,000.00
Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                              480,000.00                      200,000.00
Shenzhen OTC Economic Development
                                                               105,000.00                      105,000.00
                    Total                                      635,000.00                      355,000.00
Notes payable
Guangzhou Panyu Huali Youde Printing
                                                             1,067,826.58                    2,286,302.79
and Packing Co., Ltd
Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.                            3,947,693.21                    5,039,323.50
Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                              12,791,354.08                   16,530,210.02
Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                           11,782,209.64                   21,198,235.01
Shenzhen Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                                        ---                     44,201.73
                    Total                                   29,589,083.51                   45,098,273.05

      IX. Contingent events
      1. Contingent liabilities and financial effects caused by pending litigation or
      (1) As of 19 Dec. 2007, the Design, Manufacture and Erection Contract for the
      Beijing Pangu Large-scale Outdoors Full-Color LED Display Screen (Turn-key

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

Project) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract Agreement”) was made by and
between the subsidiary of Company-Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication
Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Konka Video &
Communication) and Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the “Pangu Company”), stipulating that the total project period shall be 120 days, the
contracted budget price of total engineering payment shall be RMB 103,357,500.
With six apartments, hotels and commercial houses of 3,707.70 ㎡ at a total price of
RMB 103,357,500 located at Beisihuan M. Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing in
pledge, Pangu Company and Konka Video & Communication entered into the
Advance Sale for Beijing Commercial Building (hereinafter referred to as the
“Advance Sale Contract”) numbered [Y581455], [Y581458], [Y581459], [Y581460],
[Y581461] and [Y581462]. Meanwhile, both parties have entered into the
Supplementary Agreement with provisions as follows: ① Beijing Pangu, prior to 30
Mar. 2009, shall pay the total construction cost amounting to RMB 103,357,500 in a
lump sum to Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication. ② Termination of the
Advance Agreement: The agreement terminates automatically where Beijing Pangu
deposits the payment of RMB 103,357,500 to the account of Shenzhen Konka Video
& Communication prior to 30 Mar. 2009. Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication
returns pledged apartments and receipts to Beijing Pangu and assists Beijing Pangu in
canceling the Advance Agreement. The responsibilities and obligations of both parties
arising from the Advance Agreement are terminated.
After the completion of the project, Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication
delivered LED displays to Beijing Pangu in Jul. 2008 prior to the start of Beijing
Olympic Games. In Mar. 2009, the project was accepted after the joint acceptance
inspection by the involved engineering supervision entity, design entity, Beijing
Pangu and Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication and Shenzhen Konka Video &
Communication delivered all engineering documents to Beijing Pangu. Shenzhen
Konka Video & Communication performed all its responsibilities under the agreement,
however Beijing Pangu failed to perform its responsibilities. As of the date when the
financial report was approved to issue, Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication did
not receive the account receivable from Beijing Pangu amounting to RMB
103,357,500 and the Advance Agreement is not terminated.
Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication raised a civil litigation to Beijing Higher
People’s Court on 13 Jul. 2009 and submitted an application for attachment at the
same day to seal up Apartment 1001, 1101, 1201, 1501, 1601 and 1701 in Unit 5 and
Apartment 1001, 1101 and 901 in Unit 6 in Beijing Mogan 7 Star Plaza at Beisihuan
M. Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing or freeze properties or assets of the respondent,
amounting to RMB 150,609,219.00.
On 17 Aug. 2009, Beijing Higher People’s Court issued GMCZ (2009) No. 4237 Civil
Ruling Paper and sealed up the property amounting to RMB 150,609,219 owned by
Beijing Pangu.
As of the date when the financial report was approved to issue, Beijing Higher
People’s Court did not make the first-instance judgment on the litigation.
(2) The Company purchased color picture tunes from Shanghai Novel Color Picture
Tube Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred as “Shanghai Novel”) between late 1980s and
early 1990s. As to 1 Jul. 2009, the Company had an accounts receivable of RMB

                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

4,808,998.23 due from Shanghai Novel, of which, both parties had discrepancy on
nature of a payment for goods with RMB 4,168,825.44: The Company was of the
opinion that the account was the payment for goods paid in advance to Shanghai
Novel, but due to the production halt of Shanghai Novel, thus have not received the
goods so far; however, Shanghai Novel believed that the account was the payment for
goods in previous period but not payment in advance, so rejected to return the
payment in advance of the Company. For which, the Company had filed a lawsuit to
People’ Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, on 20 Nov. 2010, the court decreed that
Shanghai Novel return the payment for goods with RMB 4,808,998.23, and pay the
interest for the goods payment (The interest is calculated at the same level loan rate of
the People’s Bank of China at the same period, and paid from 22 Jul. 2009 to the due
date of payment fixed by the Court.). The defendant Shanghai Novel appealed to
Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court against its sentence. On 13 May 2011,
Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court made the final sentence of remaining the
original sentence.
2. Use of letters of credit
In the first half of 2011, the Company issued letters of credit with the total amount of
RMB 1.738 billion, of which the amount of RMB 1.2 billion was paid, while the other
amount of RMB 0.686 billion was not paid.
3. Other contingent liabilities and the effects on financial affairs
As of 30 Jun. 2011, the Group had no other significant contingent events that need to
be disclosed.

X. Commitments
As of 30 Jun. 2011, the Group has no significant commitments that need to be

XI. Events after balance sheet date
Explanation on significant events after balance sheet date
1. In Aug. 2011, the Company signed a Comprehensive Credit Contract with
Shenzhen Development Bank OCT Branch, agreed that the total credit line of load
from Aug. 2011 to Jul. 2012 shall not exceed RMB 0.3 billion. As at the balance sheet
date, such contract was approved by the Bank, which was under the procedure of the

2. Aug. 2011, the Company continued to sign the Bank Credit Contract with
Shenzhen Branch of HSBC Bank (China), agreed that the total line of financing shall
not exceed USD 35 million from Aug. 2011 to Jul. 2012. (Of which, Credit for import
not exceed USD 30 million or line of circulating loan not exceed USD 10 million,
credit line for foreign currency not exceed USD 5 million). As at the balance sheet
date, such contract was approved by the Bank, which was under the procedure of the

XII. Other significant events

                                                                                                    English Translation for Reference Only

      1 .Assets and liabilities measured in fair value
                                                                                                              Change in
                                                                                                               fair value
                                                                                                                that is
                        Item                        Opening balance           Increase        Decrease         recorded           Closing balance
                                                                                                              into equity
                                                                                                               at current
      Financial assets available for
                                                          1,830,598.36                ---               ---    26,981.30            1,857,579.66
      Tradable financial assets                                     ---               ---               ---            ---                    ---

               Total financial assets                     1,830,598.36                ---               ---    26,981.30            1,857,579.66

      Financial liabilities measured at
      fair value and of which the
                                                         64,957,121.86                --- 14,666,723.60                ---         50,290,398.26
      change        was     recorded        into
      current period
      Other                                                         ---               ---               ---            ---                    ---

              Total financial liabilities                64,957,121.86                --- 14,666,723.60                ---         50,290,398.26

      2. Foreign currency financial assets and liabilities
                                                                                  Accumulated change in
                                                                                                              Withdrawal of
                                                         Gain/loss from the        fair value which was
                                                                                                              impairment in
         Item                  Opening balance change of fair value recorded in the gain/loss                                        Closing balance
                                                                                                               the period
                                                            in the period         from the change of fair
Financial assets

Monetary funds                   146,772,329.67                             ---                         ---                 ---        277,997,040.93
Loans and accounts
                                 314,057,382.99                             ---                         ---                 ---        375,569,354.80
                                                   ---                      ---                         ---                 ---                     ---
financial assets
Accounts paid in
                                   5,639,978.82                             ---                         ---                 ---           5,639,978.82
Subtotal of financial
                                 466,469,691.48                             ---                         ---                 ---        659,206,374.55
Financial liabilities

Accounts payable                 678,071,813.30                             ---                         ---                 ---        589,300,554.04
Derivative financial
                                  64,957,121.86             -14,666,723.60                              ---                 ---         50,290,398.26
liabilities (NDF)
Subtotal of financial
                                 743,028,935.16             -14,666,723.60                              ---                 ---        639,590,952.30
      3. Losses have occurred in Chongqing Electronic, Chongqing Konka and Mudanjiang
      Konka, subsidiary companies of the Company, in successive years and their operating
      activities are virtually stopped. As of the date of the financial report was approved to

                                                         English Translation for Reference Only

issue, the Company has not made any decision to stop operating activities of these
4. Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary, is under the
5. Shenzhen Konka Communication Technology Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary,
has finished the registration on changes with Administration of Industry and
Commerce, which business scope was changed from “Development & production &
operation of video telephone, wireless telephone ( not introducing assembly line),
digital mobile communication apparatus and mobile phone, multi-media
communication terminal equipment with 70% products sold in foreign market;
providing after-sale repair service, service for designing the outlook, structure and
electrical circuit.” to “Development & production & operation of communication
product, digital product, computer and auxiliary products as well as the after-sale
repair service; sales of self-developed software; providing technical consultant and
service for relevant products; wholesale, retail, import & export and relevant support
services of the aforesaid products (including spare parts) (Commodities subject to
state trading management are not involved. Products involved in quota, license
management and other specified management shall be subject to the relevant state
6. The subsidiary of the Company-Anhui Konka Household Appliance Co., Ltd.
signed the Ceiling Amount of Mortgage Contract numbered 2011 CZYD Zi No. 003
with Chuzhou Branch of Bank of China on 10 Jan. 2011. As stipulated, the business
for loan, trade financing, Guarantee, financial and other credit business (collectively
called “Single contract”) as well as the amended or supplemented parts signed from
10 Jan. 2011 to 10 Jan. 2014 were the main contracts under that contract. The
maximum principal balance of the secured debt of the contract was RMB 55,000,000,
with the following guaranties: the land tenancy numbering CGY (2007) No. 00144 at
original carrying value of RMB 3,357,100, net carrying value of RMB 3,049,300 and
assessed value of RMB 19,133,500; the land tenancy numbering CGY (2007) No.
00464 at original carrying value of RMB 2,996,800, net carrying value of RMB
2,752,100 and assessed value of RMB 17,244,900; the No. 00886 building of CFQZ
2008 Zi at original carrying value of RMB 15,250,600, net carrying value of RMB
13,929,200 and assessed value of RMB 27,108,800; the No. 20100006538 building of
FDQZC Zi at original carrying value of RMB 2,836,700, net carrying value of RMB
2,762,300 and assessed value of RMB 3,505,900; the No. 201000006539 building of
FDQZC Zi at original carrying value of RMB 21,620,000, net carrying value of RMB
21,052,500 and assessed value of RMB 27,461,200; the No. 009579 building of
CFQZ 2008 Zi at original carrying value of RMB 11,850,500, net carrying value of
RMB 10,388,900 and assessed value of RMB 23,717,000. Up to 30 Jun. 2011, the
mortgaged loan under the Ceiling Amount of Mortgage Contract of Anhui Household
Appliances was RMB 55 million.
7. On 28 Jun. 2011, the Company, Shenzhen Konka Communication Technology Co.,
Ltd. and Shenzhen Branch of Bank of China entered into the Credit Line Agreement
numbered “2011 ZZYEX Zi No. 000050”, stipulating that the loan amount valid from

                                                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

       28 Jun. 2011 to 28 Jun. 2012 shall not exceed the comprehensive credit line of RMB
       5,300,000,000 (Of which, line of bank acceptance bill as RMB 2.4 billion, line of
       trading financing as RMB 2.5 billion, line of L/C without guarantee as RMB 0.3
       billion, line of foreign currency transaction as RMB 0.1 billion). According to the
       Agreement, the Company shall be the accredited party, and Shenzhen Konka
       Communication Technology Co., Ltd. shall be the authorized withdrawer. On 28 Jun.
       2011, the Ceiling Amount Mortgage Contracts numbered ZZYSZE Zi [2011] No.
       0005 and No. 0006 were made between the Company and Shenzhen Branch of Bank
       of China, the Company’s subsidiary Konka Communication and Shenzhen Branch of
       Bank of China respectively. As stipulated, the Company’s banker’s acceptance bill of
       not less than RMB 1.3 billion and its margin account with No. 82100364308401001,
       shall be pledged to secure all liabilities incurred under the Credit Line Agreement.
       8. On 15 Apr. 2010, the Company and Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank
       entered into the Comprehensive Financing Line Contract numbered “Loan 2010 No.
       Zong 181 JTR”, stipulating that the loan amount valid from 15 Apr. 2010 to 14 Apr.
       2012 shall not exceed the total amount of RMB 1.33 billion (Of which, loan line of
       current capital is RMB 0.8 billion, guarantee line is RMB 0.8 billion, bank acceptance
       bill line of commercial bank is RMB 0.8 billion and the loan line for trade financing is
       RMB 1.33 billion).
       9. On 14 Apr. 2010, the company signed a Comprehensive Financing Line Contract
       numbered as “JYS 2010 OCT Zong Shou Zi No. 001” with Bank of Communications
       Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Branch, and agreed the total amount of credit line dated from 2
       Apr. 2010 to 8 Dec. 2011 not exceed RMB 1 billion ( Of which, loan line of current
       capital is RMB 0.15 billion, line of bank acceptance bill is RMB 0.2 billion, line of
       import documentary bill is RMB 0.15 billion, line of import letter of credit is RMB 1
       billion and import factoring financing is RMB 35 million)

       XIII. Note to the Financial Statements of the Company
       1. Accounts receivable
       (1) Accounts receivable are listed below as per category
                                                                               Closing. balance
               Category                                  Book balance                                 Bad debt reserves
                                                   Amount            Proportion (%)              Amount             Proportion (%)
Accounts      receivable          that    are
individually significant and individually                                                          1,242,508.13                 2.00
withdrawn bad debt reserves                       62,125,406.53                4.88
Accounts receivable withdrawn the bad
                                                                                                             ---                 ---
debt reserves by groups                                      ---                ----
Age group                                       1,074,915,694.16              84.50              199,593,563.52                18.57
Related parties group within the Group           135,082,054.82               10.62                          ---                 ---
Subtotal of group                               1,209,997,748.98              95.12              199,593,563.52                16.50
Accounts    receivable     that     are   not
individually significant but individually                                                                    ---                 ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves                                  ---                 ---

                                                                                            English Translation for Reference Only

                   Total                             1,272,123,155.51                100.00               200,836,071.65                  15.79

                                                                                       Opening balance
                   Category                                         Book balance                               Bad debt reserves
                                                           Amount               Proportion (%)            Amount             Proportion (%)
Accounts       receivable            that      are
individually significant and individually                              ---                  ---                       ---                   ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves
Accounts receivable withdrawn the bad
                                                                       ---                  ---                       ---                   ---
debt reserves by groups
Age groups                                             1,497,280,646.94                  98.96          200,836,071.65                 13.41
Related parties group within the Group                     15,773,119.21                  1.04                        ---                   ---
Subtotal of group                                      1,513,053,766.15                100.00           200,836,071.65                 13.27
Accounts      receivable      that     are     not
individually significant but individually                              ---                  ---                       ---                   ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves
                     Total                             1,513,053,766.15                100.00           200,836,071.65                 13.27

     (2) Accounts receivable listed by age
                                               Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                        Amount                   Proportion (%)               Amount                  Proportion (%)
     Within 1
                                            1,073,925,146.30                 84.42                1,316,746,315.99               87.03
     1-2 years                                 7,085,003.59                   0.56                   6,175,906.25                  0.41
     2-3 years                                 6,399,959.47                   0.50                   5,418,497.77                  0.36
     3-4 years                                   983,979.54                   0.08                     983,979.54                  0.06
     4-5 years                                22,905,288.68                   1.80                  22,905,288.68                  1.51
     Over 5 years                            160,823,777.93                  12.64                 160,823,777.93                10.63
           Total                            1,272,123,155.51             100.00                   1,513,053,766.16              100.00

     (3) Withdrawal of bad debt reserves
     ① No accounts receivable that are individually significant and individually
     withdrawn bad debt reserves at the end of reporting period.
     ② Accounts receivable withdrawn the bad debt reserves by groups
     In the group, accounts receivable withdrawn bad debt reserves by aging analysis
                                              Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                Book balance                                               Book balance
                                                 Proportion Bad debt reserves                             Proportio     Bad debt reserves
                             Amount                                                     Amount
                                                     (%)                                                    n (%)
  Within 1 year            876,717,684.95             81.56       25,432,656.61 1,300,973,196.78              86.89         26,675,164.74
  1-2 years                  7,085,003.59              0.66          308,795.31         6,175,906.25           0.41           308,795.31
  2-3 years                  6,399,959.47              0.60         1,083,699.56        5,418,497.76           0.36          1,083,699.56

                                                                                          English Translation for Reference Only

 3-4 years                     983,979.54         0.09           491,989.77          983,979.54              0.07          491,989.77
 4-5 years               22,905,288.68            2.13         11,452,644.34      22,905,288.68              1.53       11,452,644.34
 Over 5 years           160,823,777.93           14.96        160,823,777.93     160,823,777.93          10.74         160,823,777.93
        Total          1,074,915,694.16         100.00        199,593,563.52 1,497,280,646.94           100.00         200,836,071.65

       ③ Accounts receivable that are not individually significant but individually
       withdrawn bad debt reserves at the end of the reporting period

       (4) No accounts receivable were due from the shareholders of the Company who held
       over 5% (including 5%) shares with voting rights during the reporting period.

       (5) The total amount of the top five accounts receivable at the end of the current
       period is RMB 233,183,662.84, about 21.69% of the total accounts receivable.

       (6) Accounts receivable from related parties
                                                                                               Percentage in the
                                         Relationship with the                                                              Bad debts
             Name                                                          Amount                total accounts
                                               Company                                                                      provision
Anhui Konka Tongchuang
Household Appliances Co.,                Subsidiary company              135,082,054.82                       10.62                     ---
             Total                                                       135,082,054.82                       10.62                     ---

       (7) Amount of foreign currency accounts receivable and the exchange rate
                                            Closing balance                                     Opening balance
             Item           Amount in         Exchange                            Amount in        Exchange
                                                           Amount in RMB                                            Amount in RMB
                         foreign currency       rate                           foreign currency       rate

       USD                 29,652,393.35        6.4716        191,898,428.80      2,048,936.67        6.6227          13,569,492.88
       HKD                     1,005,690.54     0.8316            836,332.25        914,592.71        0.8509            778,226.94
       AUD                       49,764.00      6.9276            344,745.09         49,764.00        6.7139            334,110.52

       2. Other receivables
       (1) Other receivables are listed below as per category
                                                                                    Closing balance
                    Category                                    Book balance                             Bad debt reserves
                                                        Amount            Proportion(%)           Amount              Proportion(%)
Other accounts receivable that are
individually significant and individually                         ---                 ---                       ---                    ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves
Other accounts receivable withdrawn
                                                                  ---                 ---                       ---                    ---
the bad debt reserves by groups
Age groups                                             88,664,479.75                10.97          13,224,860.18                  14.92
Related parties group within the Group             719,894,483.27                   89.03          27,380,677.03                      3.80

                                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

Subtotal of group                             808,558,963.02                 100.00         40,605,537.21                      5.02
Other accounts receivable that are not
individually significant but individually                    ---                 ---                     ---                    ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves
                    Total                     808,558,963.02                 100.00         40,605,537.21                      5.02

                                                                              Opening balance
                 Category                                  Book balance                            Bad debt reserves
                                                 Amount               Proportion(%)           Amount          Proportion(%)
Other accounts receivable that are
individually significant and individually                    ---                 ---                     ---                    ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves
Other accounts receivable withdrawn
                                                             ---                 ---                     ---                    ---
the bad debt reserves by groups
Age groups                                    69,779,069.95                   11.34        13,224,860.18                    18.95
Related parties group within the Group       545,653,069.43                   88.66        27,380,677.03                     5.02
Subtotal of group                            615,432,139.38                  100.00        40,605,537.21                     6.60
Other accounts receivable that are not
individually significant but individually                    ---                 ---                     ---                    ---
withdrawn bad debt reserves
                    Total                    615,432,139.38                  100.00        40,605,537.21                     6.60

    (2) Other accounts receivable listed by age
                                    Closing balance                                       Opening balance
       Age                                            Proportion                                               Proportion
                             Amount                                                    Amount
                                                       (%)                                                   (%)
    Within 1
                            775,914,188.58                   95.95                      486,611,491.75                 79.07
    1-2 years                 1,737,583.57                     0.21                      53,712,406.01                  8.73
    2-3 years                  591,837.60                      0.07                      33,321,103.09                  5.41
    3-4 years                 2,639,172.32                     0.33                      15,402,853.82                  2.50
    4-5 years                 1,061,053.23                     0.13                       7,077,979.70                  1.15
    Over 5
                             26,615,127.72                     3.29                      19,306,305.01                  3.14
       Total                808,558,963.02                  100.00                      615,432,139.38              100.00

    (3) Withdrawal of bad debt reserves of other accounts receivable
    ①There was no other accounts receivable that are individually significant and
    individually withdrawn bad debt reserves at the end of the reporting period.
    ② Other accounts receivable withdrawn bad debt reserves by group
    In the group, other accounts receivable withdrawn bad debt reserves by aging analysis
           Age                        Closing balance                                     Opening balance

                                                                                     English Translation for Reference Only

                           Book balance                                         Book balance
                                      Proportion    Bad debt reserves                       Proportion       Bad debt reserves
                       Amount                                                Amount
                                        (%)                                                 (%)
Within 1 year      56,019,705.31           63.18          852,152.49 40,747,903.51                58.40            852,152.49
1-2 years              1,737,583.57          1.96         149,174.74       2,983,494.75             4.28           149,174.74
2-3 years               591,837.60           0.67         533,535.26       2,667,676.29             3.82           533,535.26
3-4 years              2,639,172.32          2.98         247,538.29         495,076.58             0.71           247,538.29
4-5 years              1,061,053.23          1.20       1,239,112.66       2,478,225.32             3.55         1,239,112.66
Over 5 years       26,615,127.72           30.01       10,203,346.74 20,406,693.50                29.24         10,203,346.74
    Total          88,664,479.75          100.00       13,224,860.18 69,779,069.95               100.00         13,224,860.18

③ No other accounts receivable that are not individually significant but individually
withdrawn bad debt reserves at the end of the reporting period

(4) No other accounts receivable were due from the shareholders of the Company who
held over 5% (including 5%) shares with voting rights during the reporting period.

(5) Other accounts receivable from related parties
                                                                                       Percentage in total
                                      Relationship with the                                                       Bad debt
                Name                                                   Amount            other account
                                            Company                                                               reserves
                                                                                        receivables (%)
Kunshan Kangsheng                      Subsidiary company            41,834,967.10                    5.17

Konka Electronic                       Subsidiary company             6,606,133.04                    0.82

Information Network                    Subsidiary company           235,034,422.91                  29.07

Chongqing Konka                        Subsidiary company            14,804,339.18                    1.83      14,804,339.18

Chongqing Electronic                   Subsidiary company            12,399,284.71                    1.53      12,399,284.71

Video       &    Communication
                                       Subsidiary company            99,590,585.85                  12.32
Systems Engineering
Anhui Household Appliances             Subsidiary company            63,110,344.36                    7.81

Dongguan Konka                         Subsidiary company           149,439,162.40                  18.48

Dongguan Mould Plastic                 Subsidiary company            18,654,164.70                    2.31

Boluo Konka                            Subsidiary company            21,798,173.99                    2.70

Boluo Precision                        Subsidiary company            54,780,795.66                    6.78

Nanhai Institute                       Subsidiary company              636,352.34                     0.08         177,053.14

Xutongda                               Subsidiary company             1,125,757.03                    0.14
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese             Subsidiary company of
                                                                         80,000.00                    0.01          16,000.00
Town Service Station Co.,               ultimate controller
Shenzhen OCT Real Estate              Subsidiary company of
                                                                      1,216,264.86                    0.15         897,825.32
Co., Ltd.                               ultimate controller
Shenzhen        OCT       Property    Subsidiary company of
                                                                         77,402.65                    0.01          77,402.65
Management Co., Ltd.                    ultimate controller

                                                                                        English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                          Percentage in total
                                        Relationship with the                                                         Bad debt
               Name                                                      Amount             other account
                                             Company                                                                  reserves
                                                                                           receivables (%)
Dongyangyi        Industry    Co.,   Subsidiary company of
                                                                          490,000.00                      0.06          24,500.00
Ltd.                                   ultimate controller
OCT Water and Power Co.,             Subsidiary company of
                                                                        1,893,600.81                      0.23          15,715.97
Ltd.                                     ultimate controller
               Total                                                  723,571,751.59                   89.50        28,412,120.97

Note: Chongqing Konka and Chongqing Electronic, the Company’s subsidiaries, had
not enough funds to pay off the arrearage, thus totally withdrew the bad debt reserves.

(6) The top five other receivables are all subsidiary companies of the Company.

3. Long-term equity investment
(1) Category of long-term equity investment
                                                                        Increase in          Decease in this
               Item                      Opening balance                                                                Closing balance
                                                                        this period              period
Investment       on    subsidiary
                                         1,744,259,154.56                         ---                       ---        1,744,259,154.56
Investment on joint ventures                              ---                     ---                       ---                      ---
Investment       on    associated
                                                          ---                     ---                       ---
enterprises                                                                                                                          ---

Other equity investments                    14,838,000.00                         ---                       ---           14,838,000.00

Less:         provisions       for
depreciation      of   long-term           105,694,984.69                         ---                       ---          105,694,984.69
equity investments

               Total                     1,653,402,169.87                         ---                       ---        1,653,402,169.87

(2) Breakdown of long-term equity investment
                             Accounting                                                  Increase/decrease
   Invested entity                            investment        Opening balance                                   Closing balance
                               method                                                        amounts
Mudanjiang Konka             Cost method     36,000,000.00            36,000,000.00                       ---       36,000,000.00
Shaanxi Konka                Cost method     44,869,809.80            44,869,809.80                       ---       44,869,809.80
Anhui Konka                  Cost method 122,780,937.98           122,780,937.98                          ---      122,780,937.98
Dongguan Konka               Cost method 274,783,988.91           274,783,988.91                          ---      274,783,988.91
Hongkong Konka               Cost method        781,828.61              781,828.61                        ---          781,828.61
Chongqing Konka              Cost method     27,000,000.00            27,000,000.00                       ---       27,000,000.00
Anhui         Household
                             Cost method      5,278,509.85             5,278,509.85                       ---        5,278,509.85
Konka Europe                 Cost method        261,482.50              261,482.50                        ---          261,482.50

                                                                               English Translation for Reference Only

                           Accounting                                           Increase/decrease
    Invested entity                      investment      Opening balance                             Closing balance
                             method                                                 amounts
Nanhai Konka               Cost method     500,000.00            500,000.00                    ---        500,000.00
Kunshan Konka              Cost method 350,000,000.00      350,000,000.00                      ---    350,000,000.00
Plastic Products           Cost method    4,655,000.00          4,655,000.00                   ---      4,655,000.00
Konka Electronic           Cost method   10,732,484.69         10,732,484.69                   ---     10,732,484.69
                           Cost method   90,000,000.00         90,000,000.00                   ---     90,000,000.00
Konka America              Cost method    8,062,500.00          8,062,500.00                   ---      8,062,500.00
Information Network        Cost method   22,500,000.00         22,500,000.00                   ---     22,500,000.00
Shushida                   Cost method   31,500,000.00         31,500,000.00                   ---     31,500,000.00
Video                  &
Communication              Cost method    9,000,000.00          9,000,000.00                   ---      9,000,000.00
Systems Engineering
Chongqing Electronic       Cost method   17,100,000.00         17,100,000.00                   ---     17,100,000.00
Fittings Technology        Cost method   48,750,000.00         48,750,000.00                   ---     48,750,000.00
Kunshan Real Estate        Cost method 200,000,000.00      200,000,000.00                      ---    200,000,000.00
Kunshan Kangsheng          Cost method 350,000,000.00      350,000,000.00                      ---    350,000,000.00
Anhui Tongchuang           Cost method   69,702,612.22         69,702,612.22                   ---     69,702,612.22
Konka Optoelectronic Cost method         10,000,000.00         10,000,000.00                   ---     10,000,000.00
Wankaida                   Cost method   10,000,000.00         10,000,000.00                   ---     10,000,000.00
Shenzhen Julong
Optoelectronics Co.,       Cost method    2,000,000.00          2,000,000.00                   ---      2,000,000.00
Feihong Electronics
                           Cost method    1,300,000.00          1,300,000.00                   ---      1,300,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Association
of Enterprises with        Cost method     100,000.00            100,000.00                    ---        100,000.00
Foreign Investment
Shenzhen Make-plan
                           Cost method     485,000.00            485,000.00                    ---        485,000.00
Development Co.,
IGRS Information
                           Cost method    5,000,000.00          5,000,000.00                   ---      5,000,000.00
Engineering Center
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen CTU
                           Cost method    1,153,000.00          1,153,000.00                   ---      1,153,000.00
Hi-tech Ltd.
Shenzhen Digital TV
National Engineering       Cost method    2,400,000.00          2,400,000.00                   ---      2,400,000.00
Lab Co., Ltd.

                                                                                              English Translation for Reference Only

                                    Accounting                                                 Increase/decrease
          Invested entity                             investment        Opening balance                                  Closing balance
                                     method                                                        amounts
    Shanghai Digital TV
    National Engineering          Cost method         2,400,000.00            2,400,000.00                       ---           2,400,000.00
    R&D Center Co., Ltd.
              Total                                                     1,759,097,154.56                         --- 1,759,097,154.56

                                                                  Explanations on
                      Proportion                                                                                provisio
                                        Proportion of       difference between the
                      of shares                                                                                    n            Cash dividends
                                       voting rights in     shareholding proportion          Impairment
Invested entity       held in the                                                                               withdra          at the current
                                        the invested              and voting rights           provision
                       invested                                                                                  wn at              period
                                         entity (%)               proportion in the
                      entity (%)                                                                                   the
                                                                   invested entity
                        60.00               60.00                                     ---   36,000,000.00                ---                  ---
Shaanxi Konka           60.00               60.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---

Anhui Konka             78.00               78.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---
                       100.00              100.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---
                       100.00              100.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---
                        60.00               60.00                                     ---   27,000,000.00                ---                  ---
                                                            Anhui Konka indirectly
                                                            held 4.48% equities of
                                                            Anhui             Household
                                                            Appliances,           while
Household                6.55               97.45                                                         ---            ---                  ---
                                                            Aahui         Tongchuang
                                                            indirectly held 86.42%
                                                            shares       of      Anhui
                                                            Household Appliances.
Konka Europe           100.00              100.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---

Nanhai Konka           100.00              100.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---
                       100.00              100.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---
                       100.00              100.00                                     ---                 ---            ---                  ---
                        51.00               51.00                                     ---   10,732,484.69                ---                  ---

                                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

                                                       Explanations on
                   Proportion                                                                        provisio
                                  Proportion of     difference between the
                   of shares                                                                            n          Cash dividends
                                 voting rights in   shareholding proportion       Impairment
Invested entity    held in the                                                                       withdra        at the current
                                  the invested         and voting rights           provision
                    invested                                                                          wn at            period
                                   entity (%)          proportion in the
                   entity (%)                                                                          the
                                                        invested entity
ation                75.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
                    100.00           100.00                                ---   8,062,500.00                ---                 ---
                    100.00           100.00                                ---   22,500,000.00               ---                 ---
Shushida            100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Video         &
                     60.00            60.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
n        Systems
                     57.00            57.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
                    100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Kunshan Real
                    100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
                    100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
                    100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
                    100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Wankaida            100.00           100.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
                     10.00            10.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
s Co., Ltd.
Electronics           8.33            8.33                                 ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  English Translation for Reference Only

                                                      Explanations on
                  Proportion                                                                        provisio
                                 Proportion of     difference between the
                  of shares                                                                            n          Cash dividends
                                voting rights in   shareholding proportion       Impairment
Invested entity   held in the                                                                       withdra        at the current
                                 the invested         and voting rights           provision
                   invested                                                                          wn at            period
                                  entity (%)          proportion in the
                  entity (%)                                                                          the
                                                       invested entity
Association of
Enterprises           ---             ---                                 ---                 ---           ---                 ---
with Foreign
Investment          10.00            10.00                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Co., Ltd.
                     9.62            9.62                                 ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Center Co.,
Shenzhen CTU
                    11.50            11.50                                ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Hi-tech Ltd.
Digital TV
National             6.00            6.00                                 ---                 ---           ---                 ---
Lab Co., Ltd.
Digital TV
                     4.26            4.26                                 ---                 ---           ---                 ---
R&D Center
Co., Ltd.

       Total                                                                    105,694,984.69              ---                 ---

       Note: The reason for the difference between the investment ratio and voting rights of
       Anhui Tongchuang was that the Company signed a cooperative agreement with
       Administrative Committee of Chuzhou Economic Development Zone (hereinafter
       referred as “Administrative Committee”), agreeing on that the Administrative
       Committee could transfer its equities of Anhui Tongchuang after three years since

                                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

    Anhui Tongchuang’s establishment, besides, the Company could repurchase the
    equities with Administrative Committee gaining 2% of its investment amount as the
    fixed income.

    4. Operating revenues and operating costs
    (1) Operating revenues and operating costs
                      Item                                   Amount at this period                    Amount at last period
Revenues from main business                                              5,750,983,910.22                     6,524,311,285.69
Revenues from other business                                             1,033,821,737.29                     1,041,042,220.58
     Total operating revenues                                            6,784,805,647.51                     7,565,353,506.27

Costs of main business                                                   5,049,104,547.63                     5,651,885,943.38
Costs of other business                                                  1,047,186,384.39                     1,034,718,608.23
      Total operating costs                                              6,096,290,932.02                     6,686,604,551.61

    (2) Main business (by industries)
                                       Amount at this period                                Amount at last period
                             Operating revenues         Operating cost         Operating revenues            Operating cost

Electronic industry            5,750,983,910.22          5,049,104,547.63          6,524,311,285.69           5,651,885,943.38

    (3) Main business (by products)
                                         Amount at this period                           Amount at last period
      Name of product
                              Operating revenues        Operating cost         Operating revenues         Operating cost

    Color TV business           5,199,165,989.17         4,558,502,708.98        5,908,583,213.90         5,171,044,861.97

    Consumer appliances          545,724,450.62            484,589,423.88           605,118,826.33         469,960,034.65

    Other                           6,093,470.43             6,012,414.77            10,609,245.46           10,881,046.76

            Total               5,750,983,910.22         5,049,104,547.63        6,524,311,285.69         5,651,885,943.38

    (4) Main business (by regions)
                                        Amount at this period                            Amount at last period
      Name of region
                              Operating revenues        Operating cost       Operating revenues          Operating cost

    Domestic revenues           4,827,253,844.09       4,131,840,812.79        5,302,820,965.52           4,432,876,169.99

     Overseas revenues            923,730,066.13         917,263,734.84        1,221,490,320.16           1,219,009,773.39

            Total               5,750,983,910.22       5,049,104,547.63        6,524,311,285.68           5,651,885,943.38

    (5) Operating revenues from the top five customers
                                                   Total operating revenues from             Proportion in the total operating
                                                      the top five customers                revenue at the same period(%)
                    2011                                         1,825,651,639.09                          26.91
                    2010                                         2,373,699,674.51                          31.38

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       5. Investment income
       (1) List of investment income items
                           Invested entity                              Amount at this period         Amount at last period
Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting
                                                                                            ---               19,092,952.03
the cost method
Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting
                                                                                            ---                            ---
the equity method
Investment income from holding transactional financial assets                               ---                            ---
Investment income from holding financial assets available for
                                                                                            ---                   10,529.35
                               Total                                                        ---               19,103,481.38
       Remark: No significant restriction is imposed on repatriation of the investment
       income of the Company.

       (2) Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method
                            Invested entity                             Amount at this period         Amount at last period

Anhui Household Appliances                                                                      ---             19,092,952.03

Shaanxi Konka                                                                                   ---                           ---
                                Total                                                           ---             19,092,952.03

       6. Supplementary information to cash flow statement
                                 Item                                   Amount at this period         Amount at last period
I. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated
  from operating activities
Net profit                                                                      -243,239,644.83                -18,456,929.86
Add: Provision for assets impairment                                                            ---              3,546,793.93
       Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of productive
                                                                                  14,902,230.74                 15,906,582.84
biological assets
       Amortization of intangible assets                                             879,959.78                  1,132,162.65
       Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                  1,068,304.61                    995,701.01
       Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                                  -2,367,987.15                -15,090,395.07
intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)
       Loss on retirement of fixed assets (gains: negative)                          685,174.12                    221,059.86
       Losses from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                     -14,666,723.60                  4,190,488.00
       Financial cost (gains: negative)                                           38,821,080.62                  8,513,441.54
       Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                        ---            -19,103,481.38
       Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)                        6,475.51                    614,963.92
       Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease:
                                                                                                ---                           ---
       Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                                  504,642,108.78                -582,628,647.84
       Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                                575,743,550.67                 799,754,696.60
(gains: negative)

                                                                                   English Translation for Reference Only

                               Item                                    Amount at this period         Amount at last period
    Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease:
                                                                              -128,568,916.00                  -308,805,319.52
    Other                                                                                     ---                              ---
Net cash flows generated from operating activities                             747,905,613.25                  -109,208,883.32

II. Investing and financing activities that do not involving
cash receipts and payment:
  Conversion of debt into capital                                                             ---                              ---
  Convertible bond due within one year                                                        ---                              ---
  Fixed assets financed by finance leases                                                     ---                              ---
III. Changes in cash and cash equivalents

  Closing balance of cash                                                      538,605,440.94                  438,848,191.15

  Less: Opening balance of cash                                                255,364,835.76                  341,440,119.99

  Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                    ---                              ---

  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                                   ---                              ---

  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    283,240,605.18                   97,408,071.16

    XIV. Supplementary Information
    1. Non-recurring gains and losses
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                        Amount at this      Amount at last
                                                                                            period              period
    Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                                      903,069.82       14,413,137.27
    Return reduction and exemption of taxes surpassing approval or without
                                                                                                     ---                 ---
    official approval document
    Government grant recognized in current year, except for those acquired in the
    ordinary course of business or granted continuously in certain standard quota        13,069,367.50        7,373,346.55
    according to relevant national laws and regulations
    Included in current profit and loss against the non-financial enterprises funds
                                                                                                     ---                 ---
    occupation fee collected
    Profits and losses arising from business combination when the combined cost
                                                                                                     ---                 ---
    is less than the recognized fair value of net assets of the combined company
    Profit and loss of non monetary asset exchange                                                   ---                 ---
    Gains and losses from consigned others to invest or manage the assets                            ---                 ---
    Allotted asset depreciation reserves incurred by occasional cause such as
                                                                                                     ---                 ---
    natural calamities
    Debt restructuring gains and losses                                                              ---                 ---
    Enterprise restructured expenses such as employee relocating compensation
                                                                                                     ---                 ---
    and integration expense, etc.
    Profit and loss from transactions with obvious unfair transaction price                          ---                 ---
    Subsidiaries' Year-to-Date net profit/loss arising from business combination of
                                                                                                     ---                 ---
    entities controlled by a same company

                                                                                    English Translation for Reference Only

      Profits and losses arising from other accrued liabilities which are not related to
                                                                                                         ---              ---
      company's main business
      Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and
      tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment income from disposal of
      tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities and financial assets     14,666,723.60       -5,324,378.65
      available for sales except for effective hedging related with normal businesses
      of the Company
      Impairment reserves reversal of account receivables individually taking the
                                                                                                         ---              ---
      impairment tests
      Gains and losses from outside entrusted loans                                                      ---              ---
      Gains and losses from change in fair value of investment real estate adopting
                                                                                                         ---              ---
      the fair value mode to do the follow-up measurement
      The influence of the once-off adjustment of current period gains and losses on
      the gains and losses in current period in accordance with the laws and rules of                    ---              ---
      tax and accounting
      Fee and commission incomes arising from trusted customer asset management
                                                                                                         ---              ---
      Other non-operating income and expense other than above mentioned                      5,013,984.10        3,392,967.22
      Other non-recurring gains and losses in line with the definition of profit and
      loss items
                         Subtotal of non-recurring gains and losses                         33,653,145.02       19,855,072.39
      Effect on income tax                                                                   8,100,457.66        4,324,623.39
      Effect on minority interest(After tax)                                                    705,241.76      268,027.10
                                           Total                                            24,847,445.60       15,262,421.90
      Note: In the above table, “+” means gains or income, “-” means losses or expenditure.
      The recognition of the items of non-recurring gains and losses by the Company is in
      accordance with Explanatory Public Notice on Information Disclosure Of Companies
      Issuing Securities Publicly No. 1 — Non-recurring gains and losses of CSRC (ZJH
      Public Notice [2008] No. 43).

      2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS)
 Profit as of the reporting                                                                EPS (RMB/share)
                                       Weighted average ROE
             period                                                             Basic EPS                      Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to
common share holders of                                       -5.00%                       -0.1620                       -0.1620
the Company
Net profit attributable to
common share holders of
the        Company           after                            -5.64%                       -0.1826                       -0.1826
deducting          non-recurring
gains and losses
      Notes: (1) Weighted average ROE based on the net profit attributable to common
      share     holders    of     the    Company       =      -195,000,941.75     ÷

                                                       English Translation for Reference Only

(2) Weighted average ROE based on the net profit attributable to common share
holders of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses =
(-195,000,941.75-24,847,445.6) ÷ ( 3,998,647,232.73-195,000,941.75 ÷
(3) See Note VII 48 for calculation of basic and diluted EPS.

3. Abnormities of main items in the financial statements and explanation of
relevant reasons
(1) Monetary funds stood at RMB 5,951,638,518.24 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up 58.1% as
compared with the opening amount, which was mainly because NDF transactions
increased and marginal deposits for security increased accordingly.
(2) Interest receivable stood at RMB 17,784,105.49 as at 30 Jun. 2011, down 29.7%
as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly because interest received
offset against receivable items.
(3) Long term equity investment stood at RMB 221,462,840.44 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up
94.69% as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly due to the new
equity investment in Yingrui Optoelectronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. during
the reporting period.
(4) Short-term borrowings stood at RMB 7,745,543,756.64 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up
30.9% as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly because overseas
payments increased and NDF transactions and overseas advances increased
(5) Notes payable stood at RMB 1,378,401,734.05 as at 30 Jun. 2011, down 32.16%
as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly domestic purchases
decreased and notes payable decreased accordingly.
(6) Long-term borrowings stood at RMB 610,000,000.00 as at 30 Jun. 2011, up
19.61% as compared with the opening amount, which was mainly fixed assets,
construction in process and purchases increased and long-term borrowings were
obtained for satisfying relevant capital needs.
(7) Business taxes and surtaxes for the first half of 2011 were RMB 17,163,873.16, up
1058.56% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the increase of the city
maintenance tax on foreign-invested enterprises and educational surcharges.
(8) Financial expense for the first half of 2011 was RMB 71,427,282.01, up 217.11%
from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the increase of interest expense for new
borrowings obtained by the Company.
(9) Income from fair value changes for the first half of 2011 was RMB 14,666,723.60,
up 374.92% from a year earlier, which was mainly because for unsettled NDF
contracts, the fair value changes arising from the NDF exchange rate for the period
from the balance sheet date to the settlement date being lower than the original NDF
contractual exchange rate were recorded into income from fair value changes.
(10) Investment income for the first half of 2011 was RMB -79,052.57, down
102.38% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the decrease of long-term
equity investment income measured at the equity method.

                                                      English Translation for Reference Only

(11) Non-business income for the first half of 2011 was RMB 81,233,539.84, up
55.13% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the increase of income from tax
rebates on embedded software.
(12) Non-business expense for the first half of 2011 was RMB 3,115,587.11, down
31.02% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the decrease of losses on fixed
asset disposal.
(13) Income tax expense for the first half of 2011 was RMB 14,971,357.93, down
24.33% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the decrease of profits.
