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						                                    KONKA GROUP CO., LTD.
                                   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2012

                                      I. Important Notes
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as directors, supervisors
and senior management staff of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the
Company”) ensure that this report carries no false information, misleading statements
or significant omissions and will take individual and/or joint responsibilities for
the factuality, accuracy and integrality of all the information disclosed in this
All directors were present at the board session for reviewing this report.
The financial statements for the first half of 2012 have not been audited by a CPAs
Hou Songrong, company principal, Yang Rong, head of the accounting work and Xu Youshan,
head of the accounting department (person-in-charge of accounting) hereby declare
that they guarantee the factuality and completeness of the financial report carried
in this report.
English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                     II. Company Profile
     (I)Basic information
A-share code              000016                           B-share code           200016
A-share abbreviation      SKJA                             B-share abbreviation   SKJB
Stock exchange listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of the
Abbr. of the legal Chinese
name of the Company
Legal English name of the
                           KONKA GROUP CO.,LTD.
Abbr. of the legal English
                           KONKA GROUP
name of the Company
Legal representative of
                           Hou Songrong
the Company
Registered address        Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Postal code for the
registered address
Office address             Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Postal code for the office
Internet website of the
Email address             szkonka@konka.com

       (II)For contact
                                             Secretary to the Board           Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                   Xiao Qing
                                       Konka Group Co., Ltd., Overseas Konka Group Co., Ltd., Overseas
Contact address
                                       Chinese Town, Shenzhen, China          Chinese Town, Shenzhen, China
Tel.                                   0755-26608866                          0755-26608866
Fax                                    0755-26601139                          0755-26601139
E-mail                                 szkonka@konka.com                      szkonka@konka.com

       (III)About information disclosure and where the semi-annual report is placed
Newspapers designated by the Company
                                     Securities Times, etc.
for information disclosure
Internet website designated by CSRC
for disclosing the semi-annual report
Where the semi-annual report is placed Secretariat to the Board of Directors, Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                     III. Financial and Business Highlights
(I)Major accounting data and financial indexes
Any retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Major accounting data

                                         Reporting period     Same period of last
         Major accounting data                                                            Increase/decrease (%)
                                           (Jan.-Jun.)               year
Gross operating revenues (RMB Yuan)        7,038,923,137.77       6,865,103,919.76                              2.53%
Operating profit (RMB Yuan)                  -31,803,924.69        -254,020,614.69                            87.48%
Total profit (RMB Yuan)                       43,164,908.88        -175,902,661.96                            124.54%
Net    profit   attributable  to
shareholders of the Company (RMB              11,467,291.68        -195,000,941.75                            105.88%
Net    profit    attributable  to
shareholders of the Company after
                                             -38,396,824.01        -219,848,387.35                            82.53%
deducting non-recurring gains and
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flow from         operating
                                           1,115,585,087.77            5,538,058.12                      20,043.98%
activities (RMB Yuan)
                                       As at the end of this As at the end of last
                                                                                          Increase/decrease (%)
                                         reporting period              year
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                   14,831,013,390.83      16,906,453,313.31                            -12.28%
Owners ’ equity attributable to
shareholders of the Company (RMB           4,002,985,758.82       4,009,723,963.82                            -0.17%
Share capital (share)                      1,203,972,704.00       1,203,972,704.00                                0%

       Major financial indexes
        Major financial indexes         Reporting period    Same period of last         Increase/decrease (%)

                                           (Jan.-Jun.)                year
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                          0.0095                     -0.162                       105.86%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                        0.0095                     -0.162                       105.86%
Basic EPS after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB                -0.0319                    -0.1826                        82.53%
Fully diluted ROE(%)                             0.2865%                    -5.157%                       5.4435%
Weighted average ROE(%)                            0.29%                        -5%                            5.29%
Fully diluted ROE after deducting
                                                  -0.9592%                   -5.8142%                        4.855%
non-recurring gains and losses(%)
Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                    -0.96%                     -5.64%                            4.68%
non-recurring gains and losses(%)
Net cash flow per share        from
operating   activities         (RMB                 0.9266                     0.0046                    20,043.98%
                                       As at the end of this As at the end of last
                                                                                         Increase/decrease (%)
                                        reporting period              year
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders of the Company (RMB                    3.3248                     3.3304                        -0.17%
Liability/asset ratio(%)                          71.48%                     74.94%                        -3.46%
Notes to major accounting data and financial indexes before the end of this reporting period
(please write an adjustment note if there’s any retrospective adjustment)

( II ) Accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting
1. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the
international and Chinese accounting standards respectively
□ Applicable√ Inapplicable
2. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the
overseas and Chinese accounting standards respectively

□ Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Specific items involving significant difference

                                                                                         Involved provisions of
      Items involving                                                                     international and/or
                               Amount (RMB Yuan)             Reason for the difference
  significant difference                                                                   overseas accounting
           N/A                                           0              N/A                       N/A
4. Notes to accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting standards

(III)Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                   Items                                       Amount (RMB Yuan)   Notes
Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                                  8,236,511.30
Tax rebate, reduction or exemption due to un-authorized approval or the lack
of formal approval documents
Government grants recognized in the current year, except for those acquired
in the ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts         25,452,246.34
according to the country’s unified standards
Capital occupation fees received from non-financial enterprises that are
included in current gains and losses
Gains generated when the investment costs of the Company ’ s acquiring
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are less than the fair value of
identifiable net assets in the investees attributable to the Company in the
acquisition of the investments
Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses through entrusting others to invest or manage assets
Various asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as natural
Gains and losses on debt restructuring
Enterprise reorganization expenses, such as expenses on employee settlement
and integration
Gains and losses on the parts exceeding the fair value when prices of
transactions become unfair
Net current gains and losses from the period-begin to the combination date
of subsidiaries due to business combinations under the same control
Gains and losses on contingent matters which are irrelevant to the normal
operation of the Company
Gains and losses on fair value changes of transactional financial assets and
liabilities, and investment gains on disposal of transactional financial
assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, except for
the effective hedging business related to the Company’s normal operation
Reversal of impairment provisions for accounts receivable which are
separately tested for impairment signs
Gains and losses on entrustment loans from external parties
Gains and losses on fair value changes of investing properties for which the
fair value method is adopted for subsequent measurement
Current gain and loss effect due to a just-for-once adjustment to current
gains and losses according to requirements of taxation and accounting laws
and regulations
Custodian fee income from entrusted operations with the Company
Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the items above                    4,604,289.99
Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains
and losses
Minority interests effects                                                           -388,785.02
Income tax effects                                                                -15,342,346.40

Total                                                                                                              49,864,115.69              --

Explanation given by the Company to “other gain and loss items that meet the definition of
non-recurring gains and losses” and when it recognizes a non-recurring gain and loss item as
a recurring one according to the nature and features of its ordinary business
                                                           Amount involved (RMB
                         Item                                                                                         Notes
Investment       income     from      disposal        of
long-term equity investment

IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
(I)Changes in share capital
1. Statement of changes of shares
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: Share
                            Before the change                             Increase/decrease (+, -)                             After the change
                                                           Issuance                 Capitalizati
                                              Proportion               Bonus                                                                  Proportion
                            Number                         of new                  on of public    Others      Subtotal       Number
                                                  (%)                 shares                                                                     (%)
                                                            shares                  reserve fund
I. Shares subject to
trading moratorium              198,388,540       16.48%                                              -6,600      -6,600        198,381,940        16.48%

1. State-owned shares

2. State-owned legal
person shares                   198,381,940       16.48%                                                                        198,381,940        16.48%

3.   Other   domestic
Including: Shares held
by   domestic    legal
      Shares held by
domestic individuals
4. Shares held by
overseas shareholders
Including: Shares held
by    overseas   legal
      Shares held by
overseas individuals

5. Shares held by
senior   management                  6,600            0%                                              -6,600      -6,600                  0            0%

II. Shares not subject
to trading moratorium      1,005,584,164          83.52%                                               6,600       6,600      1,005,590,764        83.52%

1. Ordinary shares
denominated in RMB              599,908,360       49.83%                                               6,600       6,600        599,914,960        49.83%

2. Domestically listed
foreign shares                  405,675,804       33.69%                                                                        405,675,804        33.69%

3. Overseas listed
foreign shares

4. Others

III. Total shares        1,203,972,704.00           100%                                                                   1,203,972,704.00          100%

Approval of share changes (if applicable)

Transfers in share changes
Influence of share changes on the latest financial indexes such as EPS and net assets per share
(if any)
Other contents that the Company thinks necessary or is asked by securities regulators to be
Shares held by senior executives were 6,600 shares of A-share of Shen Konka that held by former
Vice President Mr. Wang Youlai. In terms of Mr. Wang Youlai has resigned from the post of Vice
President of the Company in Dec. 2011, according to relevant regulations, shares of the Company
that held by Mr. Wang Youlai was released for listing in Jun. 2012.
2. Changes in shares subject to trading moratorium
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                     Unit: Share

                Shares subject Releasing from
                                                              Shares subject
                  to trading      trading     Increase in the                    Reason for
   Number of                                                    to trading                            Date of
                moratorium at moratorium in      reporting                         trading
 shareholders                                                 moratorium at                          releasing
                     the       the reporting      period                         moratorium
                                                              the period-end
                 period-begin      period
Overseas                                                                       Commitment      in
Chinese Town                                                                   the           share
                   198,381,940              0              0     198,381,940                         Unknown
Group                                                                          splitting
Corporation                                                                    reform
                                                                               Subject         to
                                                                               within half a
Wang Youlai              6,600          6,600              0               0                         Jun. 2012
                                                                               year     of     the
                                                                               resignation of
Total              198,388,540          6,600              0     198,381,940            --              --
(II)Issuance and listing of securities
1. Securities issues in the previous three years
□Applicable √Inapplicable
2. Changes of the Company’s share number and structure, as well as the corresponding changes
in its asset-liability structure
□Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Existing employee shares
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(III)Shareholders and actual controller
1. Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period
The Company had 100,085 shareholders in total at the end of the reporting period.
2. Shareholding of the top ten shareholders

                                                                                                 Unit: Share

                          Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                      Shareholdin               Number of           Pledged or frozen shares
                                                  Total shares
Name of shareholder (full Nature of        g                   non-tradabl
                                                  held at the                       Status of     Number of
          name)           shareholder percentage                 e shares
                                                   period-end                        shares        shares
                                          (%)                      held

ENTERPRISES CO.            corporation          19%       228,754,783 198,381,940      N/A            0

HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                       4.81%        57,880,800          0     Unknown

GAOLING FUND,L.P.                             2.19%        26,400,625          0     Unknown
                                               1.2%        14,496,595          0     Unknown
MIXED TYPE FUND           wned

NAM NGAI                   natural            0.98%        11,760,520          0     Unknown

                                              0.88%        10,589,505          0     Unknown
STOCK FUND                  wned

ICBC - UBS    SDIC  RUIFU non-state-o
                                              0.86%        10,391,976          0     Unknown

                                               0.5%         6,000,000          0     Unknown
MIXED TYPE FUND             wned
ABC - CHINA   POST   CORE non-state-o
                           wned                0.5%         6,000,000          0     Unknown

LI YICHAO                  natural            0.45%         5,391,181          0     Unknown
Notes of particulars of shareholders

Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                             Unit: Share
                                                 Number of tradable       Type and number of shares
               Name of shareholder
                                                     shares held            Type               Number
HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                                    57,880,800     B-share               57,880,800
OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO.                      30,372,843     A-share               30,372,843
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                          26,400,625     B-share               26,400,625
ICBC-GF LARGE-CAP GROWTH MIXED TYPE FUND                  14,496,595     A-share               14,496,595
NAM NGAI                                                   11,760,520     B-share               11,760,520
ABC-CHINA POST CORE GROWTH STOCK FUND                     10,589,505     A-share               10,589,505
ICBC-UBS SDIC RUIFU CLASSIFICATION STOCK FUND             10,391,976     A-share               10,391,976
ABC-CHINA AMC STABLE GROWTH MIXED TYPE FUND                 6,000,000     A-share                6,000,000
ABC-CHINA POST CORE SELECTED STOCK FUND                    6,000,000     A-share                6,000,000
LI YICHAO                                                   5,391,181     A-share                5,391,181

Explanation on associated relationship or/and persons acting in concert among the above-mentioned
SELECTED STOCK FUND are under the same fund manager. The first majority shareholder OVERSEAS
CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO. has no related-party relationship with other shareholders and they
are not acting-in-concert parties, either. Except for that, the Company does not know whether
the other shareholders are related parties and whether they are acting-in-concert parties.

3. Controlling shareholder and actual controller
(1)Change of the controlling shareholder and actual controller
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(2)Particulars about the controlling shareholder and actual controller
Is there a new actual controller?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

Name of the actual controller                      Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation
Type of the actual controller                      SASAC

Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation is a large-scale state-owned enterprise, which was
founded on Nov. 11, 1985 with the approval of the State Council and belongs to one of the central
enterprises of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.
Its legal representative is Mr. Ren Kelei. Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation has a
registered capital of RMB 6.1 billion, and the core businesses cover the tourism, real estate,
hotels and telecommunication.
(3)Illustration on the relationship between the Company and its actual controller

                                SASAC of the State Council

                                 OCT Group Corporation

                                        19% (A shares)
                                 Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(4)The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
□Applicable √Inapplicable
4. Other corporate shareholders with a shareholding over 10%
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(IV)Convertible corporate bonds
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                         V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
        (I)Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management
                                                                                        Sharehol Shareholdi                                                       Receives
                                                                            Sharehol     ding        ng                                                           payment
                                                                            ding at increase      decrease    Shareholdi Including:                                 from
                                         Beginning date of Ending date of     the       during     during     ng at the   restricted                 Reasons for shareholde
      Name    Position    Gender   Age                                                                                                 held at the
                                            office term     office term     period-b     this       this      period-end shares held                   change   r units or
                                                                             egin       reportin reporting     (share)     (share)                                 other
                                                                            (share) g period       period                                                         related
                                                                                        (share)   (share)                                                         units?
             Chairman     Male     43    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        No
Su Zheng     Director     Male     55    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        Yes
             Director     Female   42    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        Yes
He Haibin    Director     Male     37    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        Yes
Feng Yutao Director       Male     44    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        No
             Director     Female   44    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        No
             Director     Male     43    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        No
             Supervisor   Male     58    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        Yes
Hao Gang     Supervisor   Male     38    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        Yes
Liu Yong     Supervisor   Male     40    17 Dec. 2010     17 Dec. 2013         0           0         0            0           0            0                        No
             President    Male     48    25 Apr. 2012     25 Apr. 2014         0           0         0            0           0            0                        No

Cheng        Vice
                         Male     49   25 Apr. 2012   25 Apr. 2014   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
Dahou        President
He Jianjun               Male     42   25 Apr. 2012   25 Apr. 2014   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
Xiao Qing                Male     42   17 Dec. 2010   17 Dec. 2013   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
Yang Rong    CFO         Female   37   25 Apr. 2012   25 Apr. 2014   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
Mu Gang                  Male     42   25 Apr. 2012   25 Apr. 2014   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
Lin Gaike                Male     40   25 Apr. 2012   25 Apr. 2014   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
Liu Fengxi               Male     40   25 Apr. 2012   25 Apr. 2014   0        0    0         0          0   0        No
  Total             --    --      --          --            --       0        0    0         0          0   0   --   --

Equity incentives granted to directors, supervisors and senior management during the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(II)Post-holding particulars
Post-holding in shareholders units

√Applicable □Inapplicable
 Name of the
                                                                                               payment from
 holding any     Name of the shareholder     Position in the     Beginning date Ending date of
 post in any              unit               shareholder unit    of office term office term
                                           Standing    committee
                Overseas Chinese Town      member    of    Party
 Dong Yaping                                                     1 Mar. 2008                          Yes
                Group Corporation          Committee,       Vice
                                           General Manager
                                           Standing    committee
                                           member    of    Party
                                           Committee,     Deputy
                Overseas Chinese Town      Secretary of Party
     Su Zheng                                                    1 Mar. 2008                          Yes
                Group Corporation          Committee         and
                                           Secretary          of
                                           Inspecting Discipline
                                           Standing    committee
                Overseas Chinese Town
Wang Xiaowen                               member    of    Party 1 Mar. 2008                          Yes
                Group Corporation          Committee
                                           Standing    committee
                Overseas Chinese Town
Hou Songrong                               member    of    Party 1 Mar. 2008                          No
                Group Corporation          Committee
                Overseas Chinese Town      Chief of Enterprise
 He Haibin                                                       1 Feb. 2010                          Yes
                Group Corporation          Management Department
                Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Chief of Inspection
     Hao Gang                                                 1 Mar. 2010                             Yes
                Town Co., Ltd.            Office

Notes to
                Except the above situation, other directors, supervisors and senior management didn’t hold any
                position in the shareholders’ units.
Post-holding in other units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Name of the
person                                                                             Ending
                                                                           ng date
                                                                                   date of Receives payment
holding any             Name of other unit          Position in other unit   of
                                                                                   office from other unit?
post in other                                                              office
                Chinese Young Entrepreneurs’
Hou Songrong                                        Vice chairman                                    No
Hou Songrong Central Enterprise Youth Federation Standing member                                     No
Wang Xiaowen Central Enterprise Youth Federation Vice chairman                                       No
Wang Xiaowen Accounting Society of ShenZhen         Vice chairman                                    No
 Dong Yaping Shenzhen Foundation for Justice and Vice President                                      No

                Advisory Committee of Shenzhen
Dong Yaping                                             Member                                            No
                Municipal Government
                Expert Evaluation Committee for
Dong Yaping                                             Member                                            No
                Shenzhen Mayor Quality Award
Dong Yaping Chinese Culture Promotion Society           Member of the presidium                           No
                                                        Vice President, GM of
 Feng Yutao Ambarella Inc.                                                                                Yes
                                                        Chinese Area
                Hamburg Fritz und Mark Certified
Yang Haiying                                            Senior Accountant                                 Yes
                Public Accountants
Zhang Zhong Beijing Zhonglun Law Firm                   Lawyer and Copartner                              Yes
Notes to
post-holding Hou Songrong, Wang Xiaowen and Dong Yaping all took part-time job in other units, while Feng Yutao,
in other        Yang Haiying and Zhang Zhong were the independent directors of the Company.

(III)Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management
                            Remuneration of directors and supervisors of the Company was submitted for review and
procedure      for    the
                            approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting after the review and approval of the Board
remuneration           of
                            of Directors. And the remuneration of senior management was approved by the Board of
directors, supervisors
and senior management
Basis for determining The Board of Directors determined the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior
the remuneration of management, and referred to the following factors: a. scope of jobs and responsibility
directors, supervisors shouldered; b. actual profit of the Company; c. market remuneration level in the same
and senior management industry and same area.

Actual payment of the During the reporting period, there were a total of 18 directors, supervisors and senior
remuneration       of management, 13 persons of who actually received remuneration from the Company. The total
directors, supervisors amount of remuneration paid for the directors, supervisors and senior management was
and senior management RMB 2,595,400 during the reporting period.

(IV)Change of directors, supervisors and senior management
   Name          Position         Way of change         Date of change                  Reason for change
                 President          Reengaged            25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session
              Vice President        Reengaged            25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session
He Jianjun    Vice President        Reengaged            25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session
Yang Rong            CFO            Reengaged            25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session
 Mu Gang      Vice President        Reengaged            25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session
Lin Gaike     Vice President        Reengaged            25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session
Liu Fengxi    Vice President      Newly engaged          25 Apr. 2012             Engaged by the Board Session

Number of on-job employees                                                                                      17,969
Number of retired employees for whom the Company shall
bear expenses
                                             Function structure
                  Type of function                                Number of personnel
Production                                                                                12,029
Sale                                                                                          3,150
Technical                                                                                     1,123
Financial                                                                                       542
Administration                                                                                1,125
                                             Level of education
                 Level of education                               Number of personnel
Post doctors                                                                                      3
Doctors                                                                                         11

Masters                                                                                         183

Bachelors                                                                                     2,601

Junior college graduates                                                                      3,888

High school graduates and below                                                           11,283

Notes to the employee particulars:


                  VI. Report of the Board of Directors
(I)Discussion and analysis by the management
The Company specializes in production and operation of color TVs, digital mobile phones,
consumer appliances, set-top boxes, LED products as well as the supporting products (such
as molds, injection, packages, etc), and belongs to the industries of electronics
manufacture and telecommunication equipment manufacture.
Since 2012, due to unfavorable domestic and overseas economic environments, the continuous
restriction on house purchasing, etc., demand for household appliances was weak. In face
of market challenges, the Company kept to the “product first” strategy and accelerated
functional transformation and business upgrading of its products, which further optimized
its product structure. As a result, the operating efficiency steadily increased as compared
with the same period of last year and the profitability also improved.
For the reporting period, the Company achieved a total sales income of RMB 7.039 billion,
up 2.53% from a year earlier; a net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
of RMB 11.4673 million, up 105.88% over the same period of last year; and an EPS of RMB
A. The operating revenues increased due to the following reasons:
a. In terms of the domestic sale of color TVs, the Company adhered to intelligent cloud
TVs, promoting innovations and popularization of these products. Meanwhile, it developed
a lot of differential 3D TVs, intelligent TVs, LED TVs, etc., which further optimized the
product structure and helped realize healthy development of the color TV business. For
the reporting period, despite a considerable year-on-year drop of the sales volume and
income in the color TV industry, the color TV sales income of the Company saw some growth
over the same period of last year.
b. In terms of the consumer appliance business, the Company adhered to the “healthy product”
strategy, formulated a differential product strategy, enhanced product planning and design,
improved the product structure, promoted refrigerator products to a higher grade and thus
came to a higher position in the consumer appliance industry.
c. In terms of export, the Company took the initiative to adjust the marketing structure
and the sales volume of flat-panel TVs increased significantly. At the same time, it worked
hard to tap the purchasing potential in traditional districts, which ensured a stable total
sales income from export.
d. As for emerging business lines regarding the digital network, household appliances for
a better life quality, etc., the Company made innovations in terms of marketing channels,
products and the incentive mechanism, which helped realize a healthy and rapid development
of the emerging business lines.
B. The net profit soared over the same period of last year due to the following reasons:
a. In terms of the color TV business, the Company developed a lot of differential products
and greatly improved its product structure. As a result, the profitability improved greatly
as compared with the same period of last year and the gross profit rate increased from
14.59% of the same period of last year to 19.36% of the reporting period.
b. In terms of export, the Company increased its gross profit rate through improving the
existing product structure. And the profitability increased as a result.
c. As for the consumer appliance business, some achievements were made in terms of cost
reduction, the operating efficiency increased and the profitability also improved.
C. Influence of the Company’s R&D input, technical innovations and independent innovations
on its core competitiveness and position in the industry
During the reporting period, the Company enhanced R&D input, developed new products and
techniques, upgraded equipment and enriched the product range so as to lay a solid
foundation for the Company to carry out the product differentiation strategy. At the same
time, it conducted many activities to encourage technical innovations and helpful advices
to help increase the production efficiency and core competitiveness so that it could keep
a leading position in the industry.

Is the Company’s actual business performance 20% lower or higher than any earning forecast
or business plan for the reporting period which has been publicly disclosed earlier?
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

Analysis to the business and performances of the Company ’ s main subsidiaries and
stock-participating companies:
A. Dongguan Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.
With its 100% equity held directly and indirectly by the Company and registered capital
of RMB 266.67 million, Dongguan Konka is engaged in production and operation of color TV.
At the end of the reporting period, the subsidiary’s total assets were RMB 590,979,467.44
and the net assets were RMB 359,274,781.10. The operating revenue for the first half of
2012 was RMB 124,169,094.17, the operating profit was RMB 19,981,981.70 and the net profit
was RMB 19,013,127.78.
B. Kunshan Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.
With its 100% equity directly held by the Company and registered capital of RMB 350 million,
Kunshan Konka Electronics Co., Ltd. is engaged in doing researches for, designing and
producing LCD modules and flat-panel TVs. At the end of the reporting period, the
subsidiary ’ s total assets were RMB 475,861,371.28 and the net assets were RMB
383,317,714.70. The operating revenue for the first half of 2012 was RMB 637,291,618.73,
the operating profit was RMB 9,707,822.0 and the net profit was RMB 14,791,332.61.
C. Anhui Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.
With its 78% equity held by the Company and registered capital of RMB 140 million, Anhui
Konka is engaged in production and operation of color TV. At the end of the reporting period,
the subsidiary ’ s total assets were RMB 439,142,017.65 and the net assets were RMB
357,444,411.02. The operating revenue for the first half of 2012 was RMB 700,907,822.86,
the operating profit was RMB 19,357,419.38 and the net profit was RMB 14,398,450.19.
D. Hong Kong Konka Co., Ltd.

With its 100% equity held by the Company and registered capital of HKD 500 thousand, Hong
Kong Konka is engaged in export and import of electromechanical and electronic products.
At the end of the reporting period, the subsidiary’s total assets were RMB 2,786,065,887.91
and the net assets were RMB 119,735,087.09. The operating revenue for the first half of
2012 was RMB 1,092,190,280.89, the operating profit was RMB 17,478,324.2 and the net profit
was RMB 18,275,655.18.
E. Shenzhen Konka Telecommunication Technology Co., Ltd

With its 100% equity directly and indirectly held by the Company and registered capital
of RMB 120 million, Shenzhen Konka Telecommunication Technology Co., Ltd. is engaged in
the business of developing, producing and selling digital mobile communication equipment
and mobile phone products. At the end of the reporting period, the subsidiary’s total
assets were RMB 592,695,175.79 and the net assets were RMB 3,235,758.72. The operating
revenue for the first half of 2012 was RMB 569,707,620.46, the operating profit was RMB
-20,947,589.10 and the net profit was RMB -20,191,112.55.

All risk factors that might have adverse impact on the Company’s effort to realize its
future development strategy and business goals:
A. Risk regarding a possible price battle in the household appliance industry
Due to many factors such as the weak consumer demand, the pressure from annual business
objectives on companies, the supply and demand changes of the local color TV industrial
chain, the stimulation of the energy-saving subsidy and the price competition among
household appliance makers, the risk of a price battle in the household appliance industry
in the second half of the year is looming.
B. E-commerce will affect the future development of color TVs and consumer appliances.
E-commerce has the characteristics of rapidness and convenience and more and more companies
attaché greater importance to it. Household appliance makers also start to carry out
e-commerce. All View Consulting predicts that the online purchase of household appliances
will maintain growth at a high speed in the coming few years and it may exceed 100 billion,
account for 14% of the total household appliance market scale and become the third biggest
marketing channel for household appliances by 2015. As such, e-commerce will produce
profound influence on the future development of color TVs and consumer appliances in China.
C. Development of intelligent TV terminals will change the business mode of color TVs.
Promoted by color TV brands at home and abroad, intelligent TV terminals will embrace a
rapid development in 2012. Under the expectation that intelligent TV terminals and its
clients will grow at a high speed, more and more entities will take part in various links
of the intelligent TV industrial chain and some substantial breakthroughs may be seen in
terms of the business mode innovation of intelligent TVs.
D. The rapid penetration of intelligent cellphones will change the competition situation
of the cellphone industry.
Intelligent cellphones are now in a rapid growth. Due to more and more new intelligent
cellphones and the operators’ subsidy policy, market prices for domestic intelligent
cellphones are in a downward track and at the same time fiercer competition appear in
middle-end and low-end markets.

1. Main business lines and their operating results

(1)Main business lines classified by industries and products

                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Increase/decre Increase/decre
                                                                       ase of
                                                                                        ase of       ase of gross
                                                          Gross      operating
Industries/pro                                                                      operating cost profit rate
               Operating revenue   Operating cost         profit      revenue
    ducts                                                                            compared with compared with
                                                         rate (%) compared with
                                                                                    the same period the same period
                                                                  the same period
                                                                                     last year (%) last year (%)
                                                                   last year (%)
Electronics     6,976,145,869.85 5,674,892,770.60          18.65%           2.36%           -1.98%             3.6%

Color TVs        5,154,996,482.76 4,157,141,389.91    19.36%             1.09%        -4.56%           4.77%

Cell phones       565,319,642.38    495,262,014.07    12.39%        -12.26%           -10.3%         -1.92%

                  717,953,215.54    580,042,564.86    19.21%             9.11%         9.52%         -0.31%

Other             537,876,529.17    442,446,801.76    17.74%         30.18%           25.72%           2.92%

Explanation to the main business performances classified by industries and products:
When compared with the same period of last year, the operating revenue increased 2.36%,
the operating cost decreased 1.98% and the gross profit rate increased 3.6%. To be specific,
as for the color TV business, the operating revenue increased 1.09%, the operating cost
decreased 4.56% and the gross profit rate increased 4.77%; in terms of the cellphone
business, the operating revenue decreased 12.26%, the operating cost decreased 10.3% and
the gross profit rate decreased 1.92%; and in terms of the consumer appliance business,
the operating revenue increased 9.11%, the operating cost increased 9.52% and the gross
profit rate decreased 0.31%.

Explanation to the reasons for any significant year-on-year change of the gross profit
In the reporting period, in terms of the color TV business, the Company adhered to
intelligent cloud TVs, promoting innovations and popularization of these products.
Meanwhile, it developed a lot of differential 3D TVs, intelligent TVs, LED TVs, etc.,
further optimizing the product structure. As a result, the operating efficiency for the
reporting period increased steadily over the same period of last year and the profitability
also improved.

(2)Main business lines classified by regions

                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Increase/decrease compared with the
              Region                        Operating revenue
                                                                              same period last year (%)
Domestic                                              5,390,594,971.28                                0.99%

Overseas                                              1,585,550,898.57                                7.33%
Explanation to the main business performances classified by regions:
The domestic operating revenue increased 0.99% from a year earlier and the overseas
operating revenue increased 7.33% over the same period of last year.

Explanation to the main business structure:
For the reporting period, the color TV business accounted for 73.89% of the main business
operating revenues and the domestic operating revenue accounted for 77.27%.

(3)Reasons for significant changes in main business and its structure
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(4)Reasons for significant changes in profitability of main business (gross profit rate)
compared with that in the last year

√Applicable □Inapplicable

The gross profit rate of the Company’s color TV business increased during the reporting

(5)Analysis on reasons of significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the last

√Applicable □Inapplicable

The profitability of the color TV business of the reporting period increased over the same
period of last year.

(6)Business nature, main products/services, net profit and other particulars about
subsidiaries which had an impact over 10% on the Company’s net profit for the reporting
√Applicable □Inapplicable

The investment earnings from the stock-participation subsidiary Shenzhen Refond
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. had an impact over 10% on the Company’s net profit. Refond is
a company listed on the GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 300241), with the Company
holding 19.34% of its shares indirectly. Refond is mainly engaged in LED optoelectronics
manufacture, with its main products being LED. According to its business performance
forecast, its net profit for the first half of 2012 attributable to shareholders of the
Company was RMB 18-20.51 million.

(7) Problems and difficulties encountered in operation
A. Risk regarding a possible price battle in the household appliance industry
B. E-commerce will affect the future development of color TVs and consumer appliances.
C. Development of intelligent TV terminals will change the business mode of color TVs.
D. The rapid penetration of intelligent cellphones will change the competition situation
of the cellphone industry.

2. Internal control rules in relation to fair value measurement

√Applicable □Inapplicable

The Company defined the scope of application of the fair value measurement, conducted
confirmed measurement on the businesses relating to fair value measurement, strictly
implemented the decision-making and approving procedures concerning the purchase and sale
of the projects relating to fair value measurement, made clear the purchasing and holding
purposes, and disclosed the relevant information according to the share listing rules.
In terms of the institution, the Company strengthened its supervision on the management
team, to prevent the use of fair value to manipulate the Company’s financial information.
At the same time, the Company strengthened its efforts in providing relevant trainings
to its financial personnel and punishing those violating the relevant laws and regulations.
Items related to fair value measurement:

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Gains/losses on Accumulative fair
                                             fair value changes   value changes
           Item             Opening amount                                          provisions for the   Closing amount
                                             in the reporting     recorded into
                                                                                    reporting period
                                                  period             equity

Financial assets
Including:            1.
Financial          assets
measured      at    fair
value whose changes
are     recorded    into
current     gains    and

Of which: derivative
financial assets

Available-for-sale           6,408,065.70        -4,496,523.44      -1,266,515.97                           1,045,232.10
financial assets

Subtotal of financial
                             6,408,065.70        -4,496,523.44      -1,266,515.97                           1,045,232.10

                            22,101,173.97        22,101,173.97                                                       0.00

Investing property

biological assets


Total                       22,101,173.97        22,101,173.97                                                       0.00

Where the value estimation technique was adopted to determine fair value for the same or similar items

within the two years, is there any significant difference between the value estimation results? If yes,
please state in detail.

□ Yes □ No √ Inapplicable

3. Foreign-currency financial assets and liabilities held

√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               on fair value
                                                                fair value        Impairment
                                                changes in
           Item             Opening amount                       changes       provisions for the   Closing amount
                                                               recorded into   reporting period

Financial assets
Including: 1. Financial
assets measured at fair
value whose changes are
recorded into current
gains and losses

Of   which:   derivative
financial assets

2.        Loans      and
                              365,769,233.20                                                         273,130,826.95

3.   Available-for-sale
financial assets

4.       Held-to-maturity

Subtotal of financial
                              365,769,233.20                                                         273,130,826.95

Financial liabilities       1,813,082,157.91 22,101,173.97                                           278,372,879.10


1. General utilization of the raised funds

□Applicable √Inapplicable

2. Projects promised to be invested with raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Change of projects invested with raised funds

□Applicable √Inapplicable

4. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(III)Revision of the Board of Directors’ business plan for the second half
of the year

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(IV)Business performance estimate for Jan.-Sept. 2012

Warnings of estimated possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during
the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same
period of last year, as well as the reasons

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(V)Explanation of the Board of Directors on “Non-standard Auditing Report”
issued by the CPA firm for the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VI)Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the
issues involved in the “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by the CPA firm
for last year

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VII)State the discussion results of the Board of Directors on the reasons
and influence of the Company’s accounting policy and estimate alterations or
significant accounting error correction

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VIII)Formulation and execution of the Company’s cash dividend policy
The cash dividend policy of the Company is clearly stated in its Articles of Association,
with explicit dividend standards and ratios, as well as sound decision-making procedures
and mechanisms. Independent directors have faithfully performed their duties and performed
their function well by giving minority shareholders opportunities to express their opinion
and demands and effectively safeguarding their lawful interests. The Company has strictly
executed the cash dividend policy in the Articles of Association, and cash dividend
distribution of the Company is in line with the Articles of Association and relevant
resolutions of the Shareholders’ General Meeting.
According to the spirit of the CSRC Notice on Further Implementing Matters Related to Cash
Dividend Distribution of Listed Companies (Zheng-Jian-Fa [2012] No. 37) and the CSRC
Shenzhen Bureau Notice on Seriously Implementing the CSRC Notice on Further Implementing
Matters     Related     to    Cash   Dividend    Distribution    of    Listed    Companies
(Shen-Zheng-Ju-Gong-Si-Zi [2012] No. 43), taking into account its actual situation, the
Company communicated with independent directors and some floating share holders on the
topic of the planning for returns for shareholders and carried out special discussions
in terms of the arrangements for returns for shareholders, profit distribution, especially
how to improve the decision-making procedure and mechanism for matters in relation to cash
dividends. Meanwhile, it listened to minority shareholders’ opinions and requirements
via hotlines, fax, email, the Company ’ s website, etc. so as to decide a proper
decision-making procedure for matters in relation to cash dividends that was in line with
the Company’s future development. And a reasoning report was formed. According to the
Reasoning Report on Matters in Relation to Returns for Shareholders, the Company revised
its Articles of Association and formulated the Return for Shareholder Planning for the
Coming Three Years (2012-2014) according to the profit distribution plan and its plans
for the coming three years. Meanwhile, as required by the said Notice, the Company convened
a board session and a general meeting, at which the Reasoning Report on Matters in Relation
to Returns for Shareholders, the Return for Shareholder Planning for the Coming Three Years
(2012-2014) and the Proposal on Revising the Articles of Association was reviewed and
approved. In order to further listen to the opinions of minority shareholders, the voting
on the Return for Shareholder Planning for the Coming Three Years (2012-2014) adopted both
on-site voting and online voting to protect legal rights and interests of minority

(IX)Pre-plan for profit distribution or turning capital reserve into share

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(X)The accumulative retained profit as at the end of 2011 is a positive number
but the Company has not put forward a cash dividend pre-plan.
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XI)Other matters that need to be disclosed
In accordance with the Notice on Conducting Experimental Work of Internal Control Standards
of Listed Companies in Shenzhen Administration Area (Shen-Zheng-Ju-Gong-Si-Zi [2011] No.31)
and the Notice on Doing a Better Job in Implementation of Internal Control Regulations
in Listed Companies in Shenzhen (Shen-Zheng-Ju-Fa [2012] No. 105), the Company undertook
standardizing work of internal control and submitted process of internal control to
Shenzhen SRC with requirements.
During the reporting period, the Company mainly accomplished the following specific work
in relation to internal control improvement:
A. According to the work plan for the internal control self-appraisal phase, the Company
rectified the internal control defects found in the appraisal.
B. RSM China Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. audited the internal control of the
Company for 2011 and the Company rectified the internal control defects found in the audit.
C. The internal audit department of the Company worked out and disclosed the 2011 Annual
Internal Control Self-Appraisal Report.
D. The Company conducted work such as comb of process, recognition of risks, preparation
of manuscript of internal control, check of flaws, report of flaw and so on to the Digital

(XII)The Company’s liabilities, credit changes and future cash arrangements
for debt-clearing (Only listed companies with convertible corporate bonds are
required to fill the table below.)

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                              VII. Significant Events

(I)Corporate governance
In the reporting period, in strict compliance with the Company Law, the Securities Law
and other relevant laws, regulations and rules governing corporate governance of listed
companies, as well as the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company kept optimizing
its corporate governance structure, promoted compliance with applicable laws and
regulations in its operation, and performed the information disclosure duty strictly in
accordance with the Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. All directors,
supervisors and senior executives of the Company performed their duties diligently. The
Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee all
operated in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The Company’s existing internal
control rules played the role of supervision, control and guidance effectively in its
production and operation. Independence and transparency of the Company, together with a
professional board of directors, ensured that every decision of the Company was made in
a scientific procedure. The actual corporate governance situation of the Company was in
line with regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing corporate governance of listed
(II)Execution of the plans for profit distribution, turning capital reserve
into share capital or new share issuance which had been made in the previous
period and were carried out in the reporting period

√Applicable □Inapplicable

Upon review of the 2011 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting, the 2011 annual profit
distribution plan was determined as follows:
Dividend Plan: Based on the total share capital of 1,203,972,704 shares at the end of 2011,
the Company distributed RMB 0.1 (tax included) as cash bonus for every 10 shares to all
shareholders. The total distributed dividends on shares were RMB 12,039,727.04 and the
retained profit was carried forward for distribution for the coming years.
The said profit distribution plan was already carried out, with the date of record for
A-shares on 6 Jul. 2012, the ex-dividend date for A-shares on 9 Jul. 2012; the last trading
date for B-shares on 6 Jul. 2012, the ex-dividend date for B-shares on 9 Jul. 2012 and
the date of record for B-shares on 11 Jul. 2012.

(III) Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

□Applicable √Inapplicable

The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration during the reporting period.

(IV) Bankruptcy or reorganization events

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(V) Holding equity of other listed companies and joint financial enterprises

1. Securities investment

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes to securities investment:

2. Holding equity of other listed companies

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                         Initial     Proportion    Closing      Gain/los   Change of
              Stock    investment     in the       carrying     s in the   owners’    Accounting   Stock
Stock code
              abbr.    amount (RMB   company’s   amount (RMB   reportin    equity       title      source
                          Yuan)        total           Yuan)    g period during the

                                         equity (%)                   (RMB         reporting
                                                                      Yuan)       period (RMB

                                                                                                                n of
  000002         WKA    2,311,748.07              0%   1,045,232.10      0.00 168,926.40                    additionall
                                                                                                for sale

Total                   2,311,748.07         --        1,045,232.10      0.00 168,926.40           --            --

Notes to holding equity of other listed companies:

3. Holding equity of non-listed financial enterprises

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes to holding equity of non-listed financial enterprises

4. Trading stocks of other listed companies

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                         Number of shares
                   Opening number of bought in/sold out Closing number of Used capital (RMB Investment income
   Stock name
                        shares           in the reporting       shares                 Yuan)              (RMB Yuan)

  Churin Group                 702,000            -702,000                    0                 0.00        5,110,011.59
The Company sold new shares obtained through subscription and thus gained a total investment
income of RMB 0.00 during the reporting period.

Notes to trading stocks of other listed companies:
During the reporting period, the Company sold out all the 702,000 shares of floating shares
of Churin Group.

(VI) Assets transaction events

1. Purchase of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes to purchase of assets:

2. Sale of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes to sale of assets:

3. Exchange of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes to exchange of assets:

4. Business combination

□Applicable √Inapplicable

5. Progress of these events after the publication of the assets reorganization report or
public notices on the purchases or sales of assets, as well as the influences of these
events on the operation results and financial status of the Company in this reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VII) Explanation on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period
proposed or implemented by the principal shareholders and act-in-concert

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VIII) Implementation situation and influence of equity incentive plan of the

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(IX) Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                        Reason for
                                      Type of the                    principle of Transactio Transactio Proportion in      Settlement    Influence on
                                                    Content of the                                                                                      Market price    difference
                                      related-par                        the        n price    n amount    same kind of method of the the profits
  Related party       Relationship                  related-party                                                                                        (RMB Ten      between the
                                          ty                         related-par    (RMB Ten   (RMB Ten    transactions related-part        of the
                                                     transaction                                                                                         thousand)     transaction
                                      transaction                        ty         thousand) thousand)        (%)       y transaction     Company
                                                                                                                                                                       price and the
                                                                                                                                                                       market price
                     Under the same                 Purchasing
Anhui Huali                           Purchasing                                                                                         No direct
                     actual                         packing          Agreed price               1,001.16          0.17% In cash                                        Inapplicable
Packing Co., Ltd.                     goods from                                                                                         influence
                     controller                     materials
                     Under the same                 Purchasing
Shanghai Huali                        Purchasing                                                                                         No direct
                     actual                         packing          Agreed price                 545.92             0.1% In cash                                      Inapplicable
Packing Co., Ltd.                     goods from                                                                                         influence
                     controller                     materials
                     Under the same                 Purchasing
Huizhou Huali                         Purchasing                                                                                         No direct
                     actual                         packing          Agreed price                 391.39          0.07% In cash                                        Inapplicable
Packing Co., Ltd.                     goods from                                                                                         influence
                     controller                     materials
Shenzhen Overseas Under the same
                                      Purchasing hotel room                                                                              No direct
Chinese Town Hotel actual                                            Market price                  30.18          0.01% In cash                                        Inapplicable
                                      goods from catering                                                                                influence
Group Co., Ltd.      controller
                     Under the same                 Purchasing
Shenzhen OCT Water                    Purchasing                                                                                         No direct
                     actual                         water and        Agreed price                 380.42          0.06% In cash                                        Inapplicable
and Power Co., Ltd                    goods from                                                                                         influence
                     controller                     power
                     Under the same
Shenzhen OCT East                     Selling                                                                                            No direct
                     actual                         Selling LCD      Agreed price                   43.5          0.88% In cash                                        Inapplicable
Co., Ltd                              products to                                                                                        influence
Chengdu Tianfu OCT Under the same Selling           Selling LCD      Agreed price                     38          0.77% In cash          No direct                     Inapplicable

Industrial         actual           products to                                                                                  influence
Development Co., controller
OCT Urban
Entertainment      Under the same
                                    Selling                                                                                      No direct
Investment         actual                         Selling LCD   Agreed price                    240          4.87% In cash                                    Inapplicable
                                    products to                                                                                  influence
Company of         controller
Wuhan OCT Industry Under the same
                                    Selling                                                                                      No direct
Development Co., actual                           Selling LCD   Agreed price                 771.75         15.67% In cash                                    Inapplicable
                                    products to                                                                                  influence
Ltd.               controller
                   Under the same
InterContinental                    Selling                                                                                      No direct
                   actual                         Selling LCD   Agreed price                   69.5          1.41% In cash                                    Inapplicable
Hotels Group                        products to                                                                                  influence
Shenzhen Window of Under the same
                                    Selling                                                                                      No direct
the World Co.,     actual                         Selling LCD   Agreed price                    0.5          0.01% In cash                                    Inapplicable
                                    products to                                                                                  influence
Ltd.               controller
Total                                                                --          --                                      --            --            --             --
Details of large amount of sales returns                        Naught
                                                                Related transactions of the Company with the above related parties occurred in daily operation of the
                                                                Company. They were carried out based on the principle of public bidding, and were necessary. The Company
Necessity and continuity of related-party transaction as well
                                                                would continue the cooperation of fairness and mutual benefits with them, given the operation and
as reason of choosing the related party (but not other
                                                                development of the Company was stable. The aforesaid related transactions were beneficial for maintaining
transaction parties) to conduct the said transaction
                                                                the long-term cooperation between the Company and related parties as well as promoting development of
                                                                the Company’s production and operation.
                                                            Business transactions between the Company and the above related enterprises were carried out based on
Impacts of related-party transaction on independency of the the general market operation rules and the principle of fairness and justice. The Company treated such
Company                                                         enterprises as equally as other transaction enterprises, and there was no damage to interests of the Company
                                                                and all of its shareholders. They did not affect the independence of the Company.

Dependant degree of the Company on related party and relevant Main business of the Company would not rely on the related parties in a significant manner due to the
solutions for the dependence (if any)                          related-party transactions above.
                                                           The Company has published the Forecasting Public Notice on Routine Related Transaction for Y2012 (public
As for the prediction on the total amount of routine notice No. 2012-14) on Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong
related-party transactions to be occurred in the reporting Ta Kung Pao as well as the Internet website designated by CSRC http://www.cninfo.com.cn on 27 Apr. 2012.
period by relevant types, the actual performance in the In the reporting period, the basis for pricing, transaction price, transaction amount and settlement
reporting period                                               methods of raw materials purchased by the Company from Anhui Huali Packing Co., Ltd., Huizhou Huali Packing
                                                               Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Huali Packing Co., Ltd., were basically in accordance with the forecast.
                                                               1. In the reporting period, no guarantee occurred between the Company and the related parties. 2. In the
                                                               reporting period, the Company did not involve in joint external investment with related parties. 3. The
                                                               aforesaid related-party transactions were fair transactions with rational pricing, which did no harm to
Explanation on related-party transaction
                                                               the interests of the Company and its shareholders. When the relevant proposals were being reviewed, related
                                                               directors stepped aside from the voting. And the voting procedure was in line with applicable laws and

Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation
                                                                                                             Purchasing products and receiving labor services from related
                                        Selling products and providing labor services to related parties
            Related party
                                         Transaction amount (RMB Ten       Proportion in same kind of         Transaction amount (RMB Ten       Transaction amount (RMB Ten
                                                   thousand)                    transactions (%)                       thousand)                         thousand)

Anhui Huali Packing Co., Ltd.                                          0                                0%                         1,001.16                            0.17%
Shanghai Huali Packing Co., Ltd.                                       0                                0%                           545.92                             0.1%
Huizhou Huali Packing Co., Ltd.                                        0                                0%                           391.39                            0.07%
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Hotel
                                                                       0                                0%                            30.18                            0.01%
Group Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co., Ltd                                  0                                0%                           380.42                            0.06%
Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                                         43.5                            0.88%                                    0                             0%
Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industrial
                                                                     38                            0.77%                                    0                             0%
Development Co., Ltd

OCT Urban Entertainment Investment
                                                                    240                           4.87%                                0                              0%
Company of Shenzhen
Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co.,
                                                                771.75                           15.67%                                0                              0%
InterContinental Hotels Group                                       69.5                          1.41%                                0                              0%
Shenzhen Window of the World Co., Ltd.                              0.5                           0.01%                                0                              0%
Total                                                         1,163.25                           23.61%                        2,349.07                            0.41%

Of which: the total amount of related-party transactions of the Company selling products to the controlling shareholder and subsidiaries during the reporting period

stood at RMB 11.6325 million.

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Significant related-party transitions with joint investments

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Significant credits and liabilities with related parties

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Is there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?

□ Yes √ No
                                                        Funds provided by the Company to the related party (RMB Funds provided by the related party to the Company (RMB Ten
                                                                            Ten thousand)                                                  thousand)
           Related-party                 Relationship
                                                          Opening     Incurre Repaid Closing   Interes Intere    Opening    Incurred Repaid       Closing   Inter Interest
                                                          balance    d amount amount balance t income st cost    balance     amount   amount      balance   est     cost


For non-operating purposes:
N/A                                      N/A
For operating purposes:
                                         Under the same
Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                                   110.7            22.05   88.65
                                         actual controller
Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industrial            Under the same
                                                             112.36           93.31   19.05
Development Co., Ltd                     actual controller
Taizhou Overseas Chinese Town Co., Under the same
                                                             19.81            15.1     4.71
Ltd.                                     actual controller
OCT Urban Entertainment Investment Under the same
                                                                57      240             297
Company of Shenzhen                      actual controller
                                         Under the same
InterContinental Hotels Group                                    0    69.5             69.5
                                         actual controller
Shenzhen Splendid China Development Under the same
                                                                 0    55.6             55.6
Co., Ltd.                                actual controller
                                         Under the same
Shenzhen Window of the World Co., Ltd.                           0      0.5             0.5
                                         actual controller
Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co., Under the same
                                                                 0    86.35           86.35
Ltd.                                     actual controller
                                         Under the same
Interlaken OCT Hotel                                             0      8.3             8.3
                                         actual controller
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town           Under the same
                                                                 8        0               8
Service Station Co., Ltd.                actual controller

Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Real Under the same
                                                             121.63       0           121.63
Estate Co., Ltd.                         actual controller

Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town          Under the same
                                                                   7.74        0             7.74
Property Management Co., Ltd            actual controller

                                        Under the same
Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co., Ltd                             96.34    22.02           118.35
                                        actual controller
                                        Under the same
Anhui Huali Packing Co., Ltd.                                                                                         844.49             157.09       687.4
                                        actual controller
Shenzhen Huali Packing & Trading Co., Under the same
                                                                                                                         6.4                 0          6.4
Ltd                                     actual controller
                                        Under the same
Huizhou Huali Packing Co., Ltd.                                                                                       727.82             420.69      307.13
                                        actual controller
                                        Under the same
Shanghai Huali Packing Co., Ltd.                                                                                      500.92             16.43       484.49
                                        actual controller
                                        The Company’s
Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co.                                                                                 60,000    40,000              100,000      2,172.68
                                        parent company
Subtotal                                                         533.57   482.27 130.46    885.38                  62,079.63    40,000 594.21     101,485.42     2,172.68
                         Total                                                                                     61,546.06 39,053.98            100,600.04     2,172.68
Funds provided by the Company to the controlling
shareholder and its subsidiaries in the reporting period 482.27
(RMB Ten thousand)

Including: Amount incurred for non-operating purposes
(RMB Ten thousand)
Balance of the funds provided by the Company to the
controlling shareholder and its subsidiaries (RMB Ten 885.38
Including: Balance of the non-operating amount (RMB Ten
                                                            The Company carried out routine business with subordinates of the majority shareholder, which incurred credits
Reason for any credit or liability with the related party
                                                            and liabilities with related parties.

Debt-clearing progress of the credit or liability with
the related party

Commitments made about the credit or liability with the
related party

Influence of the credit or liability with the related
party on the Company’s operating results and financial No direct influence

Capital occupation during the reporting period and debt-clearing progress
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The accountability plan put forward by the Board of Directors when the Company had not completed collecting the capital occupied for non-operating purposes by the
end of the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

5. Other significant related-party transactions
In the reporting period, in order to cut down fund cost, the Company borrowed capital at call
totaling RMB 1 billion from principal shareholder—OCT Group—by means of entrusted loans.
Interest rate of the aforesaid loans was lower than the one-year interest rate of bank loans.
It was beneficial for the Company to reduce fund cost and realize sustainable development of
the Company’s businesses.

(X) Significant contracts and execution

1. The trust, contract and lease whose profits reaching more than 10% (including 10%) of the
total profits of the Company in the reporting period

(1) Status of trust

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2)Particulars about contracting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand
         Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                 Disclosur                                                                               Guarante
                 e date of                                  Actual                                       e for a
                           Amount for occurrence                           Type of    Period of Executed
Guaranteed party relevant                                 guarantee                                      related
                           guarantee date (date of                        guarantee   guarantee or not
                 announcem                                  amount                                       party or
                    ent                                                                                    not
Naught                                 0                              0               0
                                                          Total actual occurred
Total external guarantee line
                                                            amount of external
approved during the reporting                   11,500                                                             0
                                                          guarantee during the
         period (A1)
                                                          reporting period (A2)
Total external guarantee line                           Total actual external
that has been approved at the                          guarantee balance at the
                                                11,500                                                             0
end of the reporting period                              end of the reporting
            (A3)                                             period (A4)
                            Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                 Disclosur                                                                               Guarante
                 e date of                                  Actual                                       e for a
                           Amount for occurrence                           Type of    Period of Executed
Guaranteed party relevant                                 guarantee                                      related
                           guarantee date (date of                        guarantee   guarantee or not
                 announcem                                  amount                                       party or
                    ent                                                                                    not
Konka    Household 1 Dec.
                                 189,000 31 Oct. 2011         86,617.83   Warranty        3 years     No      No
Appliances         2010

Trading Co., Ltd./
Hong   Kong    Konka
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen       Konka
Telecommunication 9 Jul.
                                  50,000 20 Jun. 2012           24,040   Warranty      1 year       No       No
Technology      Co., 2011
Total guarantee line approved                            Total actual occurred
for the subsidiaries during                             amount of guarantee for
    the reporting period                        41,000                                                            0
                                                        the subsidiaries during
               (B1)                                    the reporting period (B2)
Total guarantee line that has                           Total actual guarantee
   been approved for the                                    balance for the
                                               400,000                                                   110,657.83
subsidiaries at the end of the                         subsidiaries at the end of
   reporting period (B3)                               the reporting period (B4)
Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)
                                                         Total actual occurred
Total guarantee line approved
                                                       amount of guarantee during
during the reporting period                     52,500                                                            0
                                                         the reporting period
Total guarantee line that has
                                                        Total actual guarantee
been approved at the end of
    the reporting period                       411,500 balance at the end of the                         110,657.83
                                                       reporting period (A4+B4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net
assets of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual
controller and related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed
party whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70%                                                   110,657.83
directly or indirectly (D)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of
net assets (E)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                       110,657.83
                                                          Currently, the guaranteed parties are in normal operation
Explanation on the possibility of fulfilling the joint and a good financial position. Therefore, the possibility
responsibility of repayment due to immature guarantees for the Company to fulfill the joint responsibility of

                                                          repayment is small.
Explanation on provision of guarantees for external
parties in violation of the prescribed procedure

3. Entrusted financial management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Performance of significant contracts relevant to routine operation
During the reporting period, the significant contracts relevant to routine operation signed by
the Company were executed normally according to terms of the contracts.
5. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
(XI) Explanation on issuing corporate bonds
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XII) Performance of commitments
1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in
the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                 Commitmen                                           Commitment
  Commitment                                    Contents                            ent     Fulfillment
                  t maker                                               time
                          (1) No trading or transferring of the
                          non-tradable shares of Konka Group held by OCT
                                                                                          Up until now,
                Overseas Group would be conducted within 24 months since
                                                                                          no     shares
                 Chinese the date when those shares became tradable in
                                                                                          subject    to
Commitments        Town   the A-share market; (2) After the expiration of
made in a share Enterpris the aforesaid commitment, the originally 30 Mar. 2006   4 years
reform           es Co. non-tradable shares of Konka Group sold by OCT
                                                                                          have     been
                   (OCT   Group through listing at the stock exchange
                                                                                          traded     or
                 Group) would not exceed 5% of Konka Group’s total
                          shares within 12 months, and not exceed 10%
                          within 24 months.
made in an
                  Naught                        Naught                            Naught      Naught
report or
report on
equity changes
made in an        Naught                        Naught                            Naught      Naught
asset exchange
made in share     Naught                        Naught                            Naught      Naught
made to           Naught                        Naught                            Naught      Naught
fulfilled in     √ Yes □ No □ Inapplicable
time or not
reasons for

failing to
fulfill the
commitment and
the plan for
the next step
Whether a
commitment is
made regarding
the horizontal
competition      □ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Period for the
solution of the Inapplicable
Way of solving
the problems
Fulfillment of
the commitment
2. The Company’s assets or projects exist profitable prediction and the reporting period is
in such prediction period, it states the profits from the assets or projects reaching original
prediction and relevant reasons
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XIII) Items of other comprehensive income
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Items                                 Jan.-Jun. 2012        Jan.-Jun. 2011
1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial
                                                                      -4,496,523.44            26,981.30
Less:   Effects    on   income    tax   generating    from
                                                                      -1,124,130.86             6,475.51
available-for-sale financial assets
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in
prior period
Subtotal                                                              -3,372,392.58            20,505.79
2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive
income as per equity method
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in
the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per
equity method
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in
prior period
3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument
Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow hedging

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in
prior period
The adjustment value that is the converted initial
recognition amount of arbitrage project
4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements              -2,793,377.06         -10,400,633.77
Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that
recognized into current profit and loss
Subtotal                                                                  -2,793,377.06         -10,400,633.77
5. Other
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that
included into other comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in
prior period
Total                                                                     -6,165,769.64         -10,380,127.98

(XIV) Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting
                    Place of       Way of                                         Main discussion and materials
Time of reception                             Visitor type          Visitor
                    reception     reception                                         provided by the Company
                    Conference                                                    Development trends of the
   6 Feb. 2012      Room of the               Institution Chongyang Investment color TV industry in 2012,
                      Company                                                     color TV export
                                                                                  Development trends of the
                                    Field                                         color TV industry, price
  21 Feb. 2012      Room of the               Institution Zexi Investment
                                  research                                        trends of panels, competition
                                                                                  among intelligent TV makers
                                                                                  Development trends of the
                                    Field                                         color TV industry in 2012,
  24 Feb. 2012      Room of the               Institution Ping An UOB Fund
                                  research                                        prospects of 3D TVs and
                                                                                  intelligent TVs
                                    Field                                         Competition among
   5 Mar. 2012      Room of the               Institution Founder Securities
                                  research                                        intelligent TV makers
                                                                                  The color TV product
                                                                                  structure, price trends of
                    Conference                                                    panels in 2012, development
                                    Field                    China Merchants
  30 Mar. 2012      Room of the               Institution                         trends of the color TV,
                                  research                   Securities
                      Company                                                     consumer appliance and
                                                                                  cellphone business lines in
                                                                                  Growth of the color TV
                                    Field                                         industry in 2012, progress of
   10 May 2012      Room of the               Institution Yinhua Fund
                                  research                                        the intelligent TV project,
                                                                                  rebuilding progress of the

                                                                                 plants of the headquarters
                                                                                 The general situation of the
                  Conference                                                     color TV industry in 2012,
   11 May 2012    Room of the                Institution China Post Fund         rebuilding progress of the
                    Company                                                      plants of the headquarters,
                                                                                 prospects of the LED industry
                                                                                 Growth of the color TV
                                   Field                                         industry in 2012, rebuilding
   16 May 2012    Room of the                Institution GF Fund
                                  research                                       progress of the plants of the
                                                                                 Market demands for color TVs,
                  Conference                                                     cellphones and consumer
   16 May 2012    Room of the                Institution ChinaAMC                appliances; rebuilding
                    Company                                                      progress of the plants of the
                                                                                 Influence of the
                                                           Haitong Securities,   energy-saving subsidy policy
                                   Field                   Sinolink Securities, on the color TV industry, the
   24 May 2012    Room of the                Institution
                                  research                 Manulife Teda Fund,   Company’s product structure,
                                                           Fullgoal Fund, etc.   development trends of color
                                                                                 TV products
                                                           Guosen Securities     Growth of the color TV
                                                           (HK), Manulife Asset industry in 2012, influence
                  Conference                               Management, BOC       of the energy-saving subsidy
   25 May 2012    Room of the                Institution International           policy on the color TV
                    Company                                (China), Haitong      industry, operation of the
                                                           Securities, Penghua   Kunshan crystal liquid module
                                                           Fund, etc.            production line
(XV) Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm
Has this interim report been audited?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

Has the CPAs firm been changed?
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

(XVI) Particulars about punishment and rectification order received by the Company,
its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders, actual controller and
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XVII) Explanation on other significant events

√Applicable □Inapplicable

During the reporting period, the Company, its Board of Directors and directors received no

investigations, administrative punishments or notices of criticism from CSRC, or punishments
from other administrative services divisions, or denouncement from the stock exchange.
(XVIII) Particulars about significant changes in the profitability, asset status
and credit status of the Company’s convertible bonds guarantor
(Only listed companies which issue convertible corporate bonds are required to fill the form below.)

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XIX) Index for information disclosure
                                 Newspapers for
                                                                                Internet website for disclosing
           Event             disclosing information      Publishing date
                                                                            information and the searching approach
                               and relevant page
Announcement on
Resolutions of the 22 Securities Times B9; Ta                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                        7 Jan. 2012
Session of the 7 Board Kung Pao B3                                         01-07/60416818.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
of Directors
Announcement on
                             Securities Times B9; Ta                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Related-party                                           7 Jan. 2012
                             Kung Pao B3                                   01-07/60416817.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on 2011
                             Securities Times C16; Ta                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Annual Business Results                                 20 Jan. 2012
                             Kung Pao A21                                  01-20/60468826.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on
Resolutions of the 24 Securities Times D17; Ta                             http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                        8 Mar. 2012
Session of the 7 Board Kung Pao B19                                        03-08/60639812.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
of Directors
Announcement on
                             Securities Times D17; Ta                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Related-party                                           8 Mar. 2012
                             Kung Pao B19                                  03-08/60639811.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on              Securities Times D68; Ta                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                        6 Apr. 2012
Receiving Tax Rebates        Kung Pao A19                                  04-06/60786788.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on the
Business Result              Securities Times B24; Ta                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                        14 Apr. 2012
Forecast for the First Kung Pao B2                                         04-14/60830033.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Quarter of 2012
2011 Annual Preliminary Securities Times B24; Ta                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                        14 Apr. 2012
Earnings Forecast            Kung Pao B2                                   04-14/60830034.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Abstract of the 2011
                             Securities Times C8; Ta                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Annual Report of Konka                                  27 Apr. 2012
                             Kung Pao B19                                  04-27/60921189.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Group Co., Ltd.
Abstract of the First
                             Securities Times C8; Ta                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Quarter Report 2012 of                                  27 Apr. 2012
                             Kung Pao B19                                  04-27/60921213.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Notice on Convening the
                             Securities Times C8; Ta                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
2011 Annual                                             27 Apr. 2012
                             Kung Pao B19                                  04-27/60921200.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholders’ General

Announcement on
Resolutions of the 26 Securities Times C8; Ta                                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                27 Apr. 2012
Session of the 7 Board Kung Pao B19                                            04-27/60921199.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
of Directors
Announcement on
Resolutions of the 5                 Securities Times C8; Ta                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                27 Apr. 2012
Session of the 7                     Kung Pao B19                              04-27/60921206.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Supervisory Committee
Announcement on
Expected Routine
                                     Securities Times C8; Ta                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Operation                                                       27 Apr. 2012
                                     Kung Pao B19                              04-27/60921188.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Transactions for 2012
Announcement on
Provision of Guarantees
                                     Securities Times C8; Ta                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
by Controlled                                                   27 Apr. 2012
                                     Kung Pao B19                              04-27/60921219.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Subsidiaries for
External Parties
Announcement on
Progress of the Urban                Securities Times D12; Ta                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                3 May 2012
Renewal Application                  Kung Pao B5                               05-03/60942993.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Plan Project
Announcement on
Resolutions of the 27 Securities Times B11; Ta                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                2 Jun. 2012
Session of the 7 Board Kung Pao B17                                            06-02/61079517.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
of Directors
Announcement on
                                     Securities Times B11; Ta                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Provision of Guarantees                                         2 Jun. 2012
                                     Kung Pao B17                              06-02/61079516.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
for External Parties
Announcement on
                                     Securities Times B11; Ta                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Related-party                                                   2 Jun. 2012
                                     Kung Pao B17                              06-02/61079515.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on Adding
New Proposals for the                Securities Times B11; Ta                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                2 Jun. 2012
2011 Annual General                  Kung Pao B17                              06-02/61079514.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Announcement on
                                     Securities Times B16; Ta                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
Resolutions of the 2011                                         16 Jun. 2012
                                     Kung Pao B2                               06-16/61144540.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
Annual General Meeting
Announcement on
Resolutions of the 29 Securities Times B16; Ta                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                30 Jun. 2012
Session of the 7 Board Kung Pao B8                                             06-30/61200993.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn
of Directors
Notice on Convening the Securities Times B16; Ta                               http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                                30 Jun. 2012
1        Special General             Kung Pao B8                               06-30/61200988.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn

Meeting for 2012
Announcement on the
Implementation of the       Securities Times B16; Ta                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                                       30 Jun. 2012
2011 Annual Dividend        Kung Pao B8                                     06-30/61200986.PDF?www.cninfo.com.cn

                                      VIII. Financial Report
(I) Auditor’s report
Has this interim report been audited?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
(II) Financial statements
Consolidated statements or not?

√Yes □No □ Inapplicable
The monetary unit in the financial statements of the financial report is RMB Yuan if not specified otherwise.

Monetary unit of notes to financial statements: RMB Yuan
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
             Item                    Note                30 Jun. 2012                        31 Dec. 2011
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                                 3,331,826,971.35                  2,701,892,431.70
  Settlement reserves
  Intra-group lendings
  Transactional        financial
                                                                              0.00                             0.00
  Notes receivable                                               3,012,622,153.19                  4,865,963,486.09
  Accounts receivable                                            1,667,207,173.47                  1,893,039,292.61
  Accounts paid in advance                                         228,142,821.97                    574,363,453.07
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance           premiums
  Receivable      reinsurance
contract reserves
  Interest receivable                                                 28,962,219.29                   43,626,559.44
  Dividend receivable                                                         0.00                             0.00
  Other accounts receivable                                        131,803,213.55                    134,333,284.70
  Financial assets purchased
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                                                    3,282,265,364.96                  2,829,591,759.41
  Non-current      assets      due
                                                                              0.00                             0.00
within 1 year
  Other current assets                                             225,620,000.00                    911,000,000.00
Total current assets                                             11,908,449,917.78                13,953,810,267.02
Non-current assets:

  Loans by mandate and advances
                                            1,045,232.10        6,408,065.70
financial assets
                                                    0.00                 0.00
  Long-term            accounts
                                                    0.00                 0.00
  Long-term equity investment             271,291,808.59      271,188,014.48
  Investing property                      238,392,603.53      241,105,035.18
  Fixed assets                          1,749,203,938.08    1,779,259,823.65
  Construction in progress                128,580,100.45      118,905,008.92
  Engineering materials                             0.00                 0.00
  Disposal of fixed assets                          0.00                 0.00
  Production biological assets                      0.00                 0.00
  Oil-gas assets                                    0.00                 0.00
  Intangible assets                       204,589,658.97      194,383,622.95
  R&D expense                                       0.00                 0.00
  Goodwill                                  3,943,671.53        3,943,671.53
  Long-term deferred expenses               6,186,430.50        10,152,203.66
  Deferred income tax assets              319,330,029.30      327,297,600.22
  Other non-current assets                          0.00                 0.00
Total of non-current assets             2,922,563,473.05    2,952,643,046.29
Total assets                            14,831,013,390.83   16,906,453,313.31
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                 5,302,455,422.71    6,835,265,235.56
  Borrowings from Central Bank
  Customer bank deposits and
due to banks and other
financial institutions
  Intra-group borrowings
  Transactional        financial
                                                    0.00        22,101,173.97
  Notes payable                           800,098,547.40      799,094,173.72
  Accounts payable                      2,156,311,311.81    2,530,352,186.42
  Accounts received in advance            225,842,713.29      349,544,262.93
  Financial assets sold for
  Handling     charges       and
commissions payable
  Employee ’ s    compensation
                                          173,671,625.06      267,353,845.13
  Tax payable                             -178,340,648.85       33,174,908.08
  Interest payable                          28,945,599.55       26,446,960.89
  Dividend payable                          12,039,727.04                0.00

  Other accounts payable                              912,137,652.48                 1,029,139,182.06
  Reinsurance premiums payable
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading
of securities
  Payables     for     acting
underwriting of securities
  Non-current liabilities due
                                                                0.00                              0.00
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities                                     0.00                              0.00
Total current liabilities                           9,433,161,950.49                11,892,471,928.76
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                              1,010,000,000.00                   610,000,000.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables                                    30,000,000.00                   30,000,000.00
  Specific payables                                             0.00                              0.00
  Projected liabilities                                 17,413,925.02                   20,163,356.00
  Deferred        income     tax
                                                          563,067.21                     1,370,569.08
  Other              non-current
                                                      109,975,894.10                   115,820,202.99
Total non-current liabilities                       1,167,952,886.33                   777,354,128.07
Total liabilities                                   10,601,114,836.82               12,669,826,056.83
Owners ’        equity      (or
shareholders’ equity)
  Paid-up capital (or share
capital)                                            1,203,972,704.00                 1,203,972,704.00

  Capital reserves                                  1,272,313,869.64                 1,275,686,262.22
  Less: Treasury stock                                          0.00                              0.00
  Specific reserves                                             0.00                              0.00
  Surplus reserves                                    809,307,995.80                   809,307,995.80
  Provisions for general risks                                  0.00                              0.00
  Retained profits                                    709,106,973.48                   709,679,408.84
  Foreign exchange difference                           8,284,215.90                    11,077,592.96
Total equity attributable to
                                                    4,002,985,758.82                 4,009,723,963.82
owners of the Company
Minority interests                                    226,912,795.19                   226,903,292.66
Total    owners ’           (or
                                                    4,229,898,554.01                 4,236,627,256.48
shareholders’) equity
Total liabilities and owners’
                                                    14,831,013,390.83               16,906,453,313.31
(or shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                  Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

2. Balance sheet of the Company

                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item                Note   30 Jun. 2012               31 Dec. 2011
Current Assets:
 Monetary funds                                  2,841,909,924.33          2,197,167,892.05
  Transactional        financial
 Notes receivable                                2,834,023,415.54          4,731,536,936.35
 Accounts receivable                               877,003,523.28          1,272,793,163.17
 Accounts paid in advance                          158,316,307.83            115,891,757.12
 Interest receivable                                 29,417,774.83            42,999,483.89
  Dividend receivable
 Other accounts receivable                         527,627,254.10            590,667,690.98
 Inventories                                     2,119,253,026.44          2,090,143,386.96
  Non-current     assets     due
within 1 year
 Other current assets                              225,620,000.00            859,000,000.00
Total current assets                             9,613,171,226.35         11,900,200,310.52
Non-current assets:
                                                     1,045,232.10              6,408,065.70
financial assets
                                                   380,000,000.00            350,000,000.00
  Long-term             accounts
 Long-term equity investment                     1,490,917,169.87          1,492,617,169.87
 Investing property                                238,392,603.53            241,105,035.18
 Fixed assets                                      558,880,485.61            581,214,987.66
 Construction in progress                            8,915,744.66              6,056,730.30
 Engineering materials
 Disposal of fixed assets
 Production biological assets
 Oil-gas assets
 Intangible assets                                   24,329,866.23            25,294,452.23
 R&D expense
 Long-term deferred expenses                         2,709,193.70              3,796,432.62
 Deferred income tax assets                        241,474,450.53            249,756,554.62
 Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                      2,946,664,746.23          2,956,249,428.18
Total assets                                     12,559,835,972.58        14,856,449,738.70
Current liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings                           1,629,352,469.83          2,198,202,318.15

  Transactional        financial
  Notes payable                           708,404,683.04      519,958,870.11
  Accounts payable                      2,293,326,087.03    4,033,093,915.06
  Accounts received in advance          2,327,872,392.40    2,472,654,742.04
  Employee ’ s     compensation
                                            80,464,521.98     134,487,974.49
  Tax payable                             -151,751,205.96       43,998,499.95
  Interest payable                          26,236,780.43       24,313,785.67
  Dividend payable                          12,039,727.04
  Other accounts payable                  950,913,023.51    1,078,512,870.69
  Non-current liabilities due
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities               7,876,858,479.30    10,526,983,605.13
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                  1,000,000,000.00      600,000,000.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Projected liabilities
  Deferred        income     tax
  Other              non-current
                                            69,974,554.37       74,177,633.26
Total non-current liabilities           1,069,974,554.37      674,985,135.13
Total liabilities                       8,946,833,033.67    11,201,968,740.26
Owners ’        equity      (or
shareholders’ equity)
  Paid-up capital (or share
                                        1,203,972,704.00    1,203,972,704.00
  Capital reserves                      1,249,183,703.06    1,252,556,095.64
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                        809,307,995.80      809,307,995.80
  General risk provision
  Retained profits                        350,538,536.05      388,644,203.00
  Foreign exchange difference
Total    owners ’           (or
                                        3,613,002,938.91    3,654,480,998.44
shareholders’) equity
Total liabilities and owners’
                                        12,559,835,972.58   14,856,449,738.70
(or shareholders’) equity

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                  Note   Jan.-Jun. 2012             Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Total operating revenues                        7,038,923,137.77          6,865,103,919.76
Including: Sales income                            7,038,923,137.77          6,865,103,919.76
      Interest income
      Premium income
      Handling    charge      and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                           7,101,902,409.35          7,133,712,205.48
Including: Cost of sales                           5,722,506,955.64          5,836,932,046.71
      Interest expenses
      Handling   charge       and
commission expenses
      Net claims paid
      Net amount withdrawn for
the insurance contract reserve
      Expenditure    on    policy
      Reinsurance premium
      Taxes    and     associate
                                                      24,480,585.29             17,163,873.16
      Selling and distribution
expenses                                            974,573,637.23             961,655,238.85

     Administrative expenses                        276,316,995.50             248,089,584.88
     Financial expenses                             109,770,636.77              71,427,282.01
     Asset impairment loss                            -5,746,401.08             -1,555,820.13
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
                                                      22,101,173.97             14,666,723.60
fair value (“-” means loss)
    Gain/(loss)          from
                                                      9,074,172.92                 -79,052.57
investment (“-” means loss)
Including: share of profits in
associates and joint ventures
Foreign exchange gains (“-”
means loss)
III. Business profit ( “ - ”
                                                    -31,803,924.69            -254,020,614.69
means loss)
    Add: non-operating income                         77,248,515.09             81,233,539.84
    Less:          non-operating
                                                      2,279,681.52               3,115,587.11
Including:      loss     from
                                                      1,877,844.62               1,989,220.58
non-current asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means
                                                      43,164,908.88           -175,902,661.96
    Less: Income tax expense                          31,688,114.67             14,971,357.93

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                               11,476,794.21                   -190,874,019.89
    Including:   Net    profit
achieved by combined parties
before the combinations
    Attributable to owners of
                                                               11,467,291.68                   -195,000,941.75
the Company
    Minority      shareholders ’
                                                                   9,502.53                      4,126,921.86
VI. Earnings per share                                   --                               --
    (I)   Basic     earnings   per
                                                                     0.0095                             -0.162
    (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                     0.0095                             -0.162
Ⅶ .    Other       comprehensive
                                                               -6,165,769.64                   -10,380,127.98
Ⅷ .    Total       comprehensive
                                                               5,311,024.57                    -201,254,147.87
    Attributable to owners of
                                                               5,301,522.04                    -205,381,069.73
the Company
    Attributable to minority
                                                                   9,502.53                      4,126,921.86
Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this report period, the net profit achieved by the
merged parties before the business mergers was RMB 0.

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                       Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

4. Income statement of the Company

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item                  Note        Jan.-Jun. 2012                     Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Total sales                                            6,774,153,821.67                 6,784,805,647.51
Less: cost of sales                                       5,866,640,366.34                 6,096,290,932.02
Business taxes and surcharges                                  15,134,191.37                     12,534,755.83
Distribution expenses                                         781,809,952.93                   755,344,777.49
Administrative expenses                                       177,679,601.14                   193,040,863.60
Financial costs                                                25,071,725.43                     49,510,239.87
Impairment loss                                                -5,645,488.93
Add: gain/(loss) from change in
                                                               21,760,628.97                     14,666,723.60
fair value (“-” means loss)
Gain/(loss) from investment
(“-” means loss)
Including:     income   form
investment on associates and
joint ventures
II. Business profit (“-” means
                                                              -59,574,872.13                   -307,249,197.70

Add: non-business income                                    43,160,949.62                 67,048,288.03
Less: non-business expense                                  1,048,741.89                     977,614.17
Including:      loss     from
                                                              913,357.22                     704,953.24
non-current asset disposal
III. Total profit (“-” means
                                                           -17,462,664.40               -241,178,523.84
Less: income tax expense                                    8,603,275.51                  2,061,120.99
IV. Net profit   (“-” means
                                                           -26,065,939.91               -243,239,644.83
V. Earnings per share                                 --                           --
(I) Basic earnings per share
(II) Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other comprehensive income                              -3,372,392.58                     20,505.79
VII. Total comprehensive
                                                           -29,438,332.49               -243,219,139.04

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                       Jan.-Jun. 2012                     Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Cash flows     from     operating
  Cash received from sale          of
commodities and rendering          of             8,092,349,440.39                   8,347,235,513.35
  Net increase of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the
central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
  Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
  Net    cash    received         from
reinsurance business
  Net increase of deposits of
policy holders and investment fund
  Net increase of disposal of
tradable financial assets
  Cash received from interest,
handling charges and commissions
  Net increase    of     intra-group
  Net increase of         funds    in
repurchase business
  Tax refunds received                                144,868,848.62                    171,455,747.39
  Other cash received relating to
                                                      176,013,167.48                    117,213,527.35
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                     8,413,231,456.49      8,635,904,788.09
operating activities
  Cash paid for goods and services   5,097,741,993.05      6,659,586,300.84
  Net   increase   of    customer
lendings and advances
  Net increase of funds deposited
in the central bank and amount due
from banks
  Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts
  Cash for paying interest,
handling charges and commissions
  Cash for paying policy dividends
  Cash paid to and for employees          700,612,998.13    616,159,060.44
  Various taxes paid                      916,629,121.57    652,198,342.60
  Other cash payment relating to
                                          582,662,255.97    702,423,026.09
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                     7,297,646,368.72      8,630,366,729.97
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                     1,115,585,087.77         5,538,058.12
II. Cash flows from investing
  Cash received from withdrawal of
  Cash received from return on
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets         16,187,781.02      1,803,291.38
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business
    Other cash received relating
to investing activities              1,455,277,858.53

      Subtotal of cash inflows
                                     1,481,302,329.85         1,803,291.38
from investing activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and             101,544,530.59    204,047,766.40
other long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment                                  107,787,702.88
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                          854,954,530.59    311,835,469.28
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing
                                                     626,347,799.26             -310,032,177.90
III. Cash Flows from Financing
   Cash received     from     capital
   Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments                                                   4,919,598.14
by subsidiaries
   Cash received from borrowings                 3,784,211,969.43              4,233,076,590.37
   Cash received from issuance of
   Other cash received relating to
financing activities                             2,437,886,588.09              1,269,634,401.11

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                 6,222,098,557.52              5,507,630,589.62
financing activities
   Repayment of borrowings                       4,753,774,207.18              1,601,003,120.78
   Cash paid for interest expenses
and distribution of dividends or                      56,263,690.71               63,150,611.44
    Including:    dividends or
profit paid by subsidiaries to
minority shareholders
    Other cash payments relating
                                                 2,503,627,277.55              2,859,728,837.35
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                 7,313,665,175.44              4,523,882,569.57
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                                -1,091,566,617.92                983,748,020.05
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash                         -4,692,796.87               -8,858,781.80
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                     645,673,472.24              670,395,118.47
    Add: Opening balance of cash
and cash equivalents                                 646,451,050.70              569,524,994.01

VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                                 1,292,124,522.94              1,239,920,112.48
cash equivalents

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                      Jan.-Jun. 2012                Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Cash flows      from     operating
  Cash received from sale          of
commodities and rendering          of            7,124,507,661.06              7,297,760,150.20
  Tax refunds received                                61,104,715.33               77,270,969.80

  Other cash received relating to
                                          161,389,435.13    364,345,701.19
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                     7,347,001,811.52      7,739,376,821.19
operating activities
  Cash paid for goods and services   4,824,139,171.90      5,267,876,797.16
  Cash paid to and for employees          389,770,210.49    339,639,511.81
  Various taxes paid                      736,696,148.57    513,248,833.19
  Other cash payment relating to
                                          482,313,091.81    870,706,065.78
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                     6,432,918,622.77      6,991,471,207.94
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
activities                                914,083,188.75    747,905,613.25

II. Cash flows from investing
  Cash received from retraction of
  Cash received from return on
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets         15,963,344.44      1,260,901.38
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business
    Other cash received relating
to investing activities              1,303,077,858.53

      Subtotal of cash inflows
                                     1,338,780,539.96         1,260,901.38
from investing activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and              41,707,809.09      87,909,071.33
other long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                          724,917,809.09      87,909,071.33
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                          613,862,730.87    -86,648,169.95
III. Cash Flows from Financing
   Cash received    from   capital
   Cash received from borrowings     1,191,078,585.00      2,627,255,835.43
   Cash received from issuance of

   Other cash received relating to
                                     2,375,113,115.31      1,225,182,395.05
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                     3,566,191,700.31      3,852,438,230.48
financing activities
   Repayment of borrowings           2,050,979,015.67      1,364,191,120.50
   Cash paid for interest expenses
and distribution of dividends or           31,087,175.19      49,063,483.40
    Other cash payments relating
                                     2,476,365,375.37      2,814,264,619.68
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                     4,558,431,566.23      4,227,519,223.58
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
activities                            -992,239,865.92       -375,080,993.10

IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash              -5,883,183.55      -2,935,845.02
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                          529,822,870.15    283,240,605.18
    Add: Opening balance of cash
                                          275,892,343.00    255,364,835.76
and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                          805,715,213.15    538,605,440.94
cash equivalents

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

Reporting period                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                 Reporting period
                                                 Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                     Less: Speci
         Item          Paid-up capital                                         General                                     Minority
                                         Capital     treas fic      Surplus                                                             Total owners’ equity
                          (or share                                              risk    Retained profit      Others       interests
                                         reserve      ury reser     reserve
                          capital)                                             reserve
                                                     stock ve
I. Balance at the end 1,203,972,704.0 1,275,686,262              809,307,995.8
                                                                                            709,679,408.84 11,077,592.96 226,903,292.66      4,236,627,256.48
of the previous year                 0           .22                         0
  Add:    change    of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors
in previous periods
II. Balance at the 1,203,972,704.0 1,275,686,262                 809,307,995.8
                                                                                           709,679,408.84 11,077,592.96 226,903,292.66       4,236,627,256.48
beginning of the year            0           .22                             0
III.        Increase/
decrease of amount in
                                   -3,372,392.58                                              -572,435.36 -2,793,377.06        9,502.53         -6,728,702.47
the year (“-” means
  (I) Net profit                                                                            11,467,291.68                      9,502.53         11,476,794.21
  (II)           Other
                                        -3,372,392.58                                                       -2,793,377.06                       -6,165,769.64
comprehensive incomes
  Subtotal of (I) and
                                        -3,372,392.58                                       11,467,291.68 -2,793,377.06        9,502.53          5,311,024.57
  (III) Capital paid
in and reduced by                0.00           0.00 0.00 0.00           0.00      0.00              0.00           0.00           0.00                  0.00
    1. Capital paid in
by owners
    2.    Amounts   of
share-based payments
recognized in owners’
    3. Others
  (IV)          Profit
                                    0.00          0.00 0.00 0.00            0.00    0.00   -12,039,727.04        0.00            0.00    -12,039,727.04
    1. Appropriations
to surplus reserves
    2. Appropriations
to    general    risk
    3. Appropriations
to     owners     (or                                                                      -12,039,727.04                                -12,039,727.04
    4. Other
  (V)          Internal
carry-forward        of             0.00          0.00 0.00 0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00         0.00            0.00              0.00
owners’ equity
    1. New increase of
capital    (or    share
capital) from capital
public reserves
    2. New increase of
capital    (or   share
capital) from surplus
    3.         Surplus
reserves for making up
    4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve                                                                                                                              0.00
    1. Withdrawn for
the period
    2. Used in the
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance       1,203,972,704.0 1,272,313,869            809,307,995.8           709,106,973.48 8,284,215.90 226,912,795.19   4,229,898,554.01
                                         0          .64                              0

Last year

                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                           Last year
                                                           Equity attributable to owners of the Company
             Item              Paid-up capital                        Specifi                   General                                     Minority     Total owners’
                                                 Capital      treas               Surplus
                                  (or share                             c                        risk     Retained profit      Others      interests        equity
                                                 reserve      ury                 reserve
                                  capital)                            reserve                   reserve

I. Balance at the end of the 1,203,972,704.0 1,272,239,687                      809,307,995.8                                             225,490,212.0 4,224,137,444
                                                                                                           696,746,297.76 16,380,548.05
previous year                              0           .12                                  0                                                         7           .80

  Add:         retrospective
adjustments due to business
combinations under the same

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction of errors in
previous periods


II.      Balance    atthe 1,203,972,704.0 1,272,239,687                         809,307,995.8                                             225,490,212.0 4,224,137,444
                                                                                                           696,746,297.76 16,380,548.05
beginning of the year                   0           .12                                     0                                                         7           .80

III. Increase/ decrease of
                                                                                                                            -10,400,633.7              -215,464,089.
amount in the year (“-”                         20,505.79                                               -207,040,668.79                 1,956,707.57
                                                                                                                                        7                         20
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                          -195,000,941.75                 4,126,921.86

  (II) Other comprehensive                                                                            -10,400,633.7                   -10,380,127.9
incomes                                                                                                           7                               8

                                                                                                      -10,400,633.7              -201,254,147.
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                20,505.79                                 -195,000,941.75                 4,126,921.86
                                                                                                                  7                         87
  (III) Capital paid in and
                                   0.00       0.00 0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00             0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00
reduced by owners

    1. Capital paid in by

    2.          Amounts      of
share-based           payments
recognized      in   owners ’

    3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution         0.00       0.00 0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00 -12,039,727.04              0.00 -2,170,214.29
    1. Appropriations to
surplus reserves

    2. Appropriations to
general risk provisions

    3. Appropriations to                                                                                                              -14,209,941.3
                                                                                    -12,039,727.04                    -2,170,214.29
owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                          3

    4. Other

  (V)                 Internal
carry-forward of owners’          0.00       0.00 0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00             0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00

    1.    New     increase   of
capital (or share capital)
from      capital         public


    2.     New    increase   of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves

    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses

    4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

    1. Withdrawn for the

    2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other
                                  1,203,972,704.0 1,272,260,192             809,307,995.8                                                227,446,919.6 4,008,673,355
IV. Closing balance                                                                                     489,705,628.97 5,979,914.28
                                                0           .91                         0                                                            4           .60

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company
Reporting period                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Reporting period
                 Item               Paid-up capital (or                                 Specific                     General risk                     Total owners’
                                                          Capital reserve   treasury               Surplus reserve                  Retained profit
                                       share capital)                                   reserve                        reserve                            equity

I. Balance at the end of the                                                                                                                          3,654,480,998.4
                                        1,203,972,704.00 1,252,556,095.64                           809,307,995.80                  388,644,203.00
previous year                                                                                                                                                       4

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction of errors in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning                                                                                                3,654,480,998.4
                                1,203,972,704.00 1,252,556,095.64                  809,307,995.80          388,644,203.00
of the year                                                                                                                               4

III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in the year ( “ - ”                        -3,372,392.58                                          -38,105,666.95 -41,478,059.53
means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                                                                           -26,065,939.91 -26,065,939.91

  (II) Other comprehensive
                                                    -3,372,392.58                                                             -3,372,392.58

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                          -3,372,392.58                                          -26,065,939.91 -29,438,332.49

  (III) Capital paid in and
                                           0.00              0.00    0.00   0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00              0.00
reduced by owners

    1. Capital paid in by

    2.        Amounts      of
share-based          payments
recognized     in   owners ’

    3. Others

  (IV) Profit distribution                 0.00              0.00    0.00   0.00            0.00    0.00 -12,039,727.04 -12,039,727.04

    1.    Appropriations   to
surplus reserves

    2.    Appropriations   to
general risk provisions

    3.    Appropriations   to
                                                                                                           -12,039,727.04 -12,039,727.04
owners (or shareholders)

    4. Other

  (V)               Internal
carry-forward of owners ’                     0.00             0.00      0.00      0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00                 0.00

    1.   New   increase   of
capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves

    2.   New   increase   of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves

    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses

    4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

    1. Withdrawn for the

    2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                1,203,972,704.00 1,249,183,703.06                       809,307,995.80                  350,538,536.05

Last year

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Last year
                                                                         Less:                              General
             Item              Paid-up capital (or                                 Specific     Surplus                                     Total owners’
                                                      Capital reserve   treasury                             risk      Retained profit
                                 share capital)                                     reserve     reserve                                         equity
                                                                         stock                              reserve

I. Balance at the end of the                                                                809,307,995.8
                                   1,203,972,704.00   1,249,109,520.54                                             550,566,366.05   3,812,956,586.39
previous year                                                                                           0

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction of errors in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning                                                                809,307,995.8
                                   1,203,972,704.00   1,249,109,520.54                                             550,566,366.05   3,812,956,586.39
of the year                                                                                             0

III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in the year (“-”means                               20,505.79                                                               -255,258,866.08
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                     -243,239,644.83
  (II) Other comprehensive
                                                             20,505.79                                                                     20,505.79
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                   20,505.79                                                               -243,219,139.04
  (III) Capital paid in and
                                              0.00               0.00         0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00               0.00
reduced by owners

    1. Capital paid in by

    2.        Amounts        of
share-based             payments
recognized in owners’equity

    3. Others

  (IV) Profit distribution                    0.00               0.00         0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00 -12,039,727.04      -12,039,727.04

    1.   Appropriations      to
surplus reserves

    2.   Appropriations      to
general risk provisions

    3.   Appropriations      to
                                                                                                                  -12,039,727.04    -12,039,727.04
owners (or shareholders)

    4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward
                                             0.00               0.00         0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00               0.00
of owners’ equity

    1.   New   increase      of
capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves

    2.   New   increase      of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves

    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses

    4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

    1.   Withdrawn    for   the

    2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance               1,203,972,704.00   1,249,130,026.33                                             295,286,994.18   3,557,697,720.31

(III) Company Profile
1. Establishment
Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “the Company”),
is a joint-stock limited company reorganized from the former Shenzhen Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd. in August 1991 upon approval of the People’s Government of
Shenzhen Municipality, and has its ordinary shares (A-share and B-share) listed on
Shenzhen Stock Exchange with prior consent from the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen
Special Economic Zone Branch. On August 29, 1995, the Company, renamed to “Konka
Group Co., Ltd. ” , obtained corporate business license (registration No.:
440301501121863) with its main business falling into electronic industry.

2. Share Capital Changes upon Establishment
On November 27, 1991, with approval from the SRYFZ No. 102 [1991] document as issued
by the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch, Shenzhen Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd., during December 8—December 31, 1991, has issued 128,869,000
RMB ordinary shares (A-share) at a par value of RMB1.00 per share, of which the
original net assets were converted into 98,719,000 state-owned institutional shares,
30,150,000 new shares were issued, including 26,500,000 circulating shares issued
to the public and 3,650,000 staff shares issued to the staff of the Company.
On January 29, 1992, with approval from the SRYFZ No. 106 [1991] document as issued
by the People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch, Shenzhen Konka
Electronic Co., Ltd., during December 20, 1991— January 31, 1992, has issued to
investors abroad 58,372,300 RMB special shares (B-share) at a par value of RMB1.00
per share, of which 48,372,300 shares held by the former foreign investor and founder
—Hong Kong Ganghua Electronic Group Co., Ltd. are converted into foreign legal
person’s shares, and 10,000,000 B-shares are issued additionally.
On April 10, 1993, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1992 was
adopted at the second general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval
from the SZBF No. 2 [1993] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory
Office, the Company began to perform dividend policy for FY 1992 as of April 30,
1993: distributing RMB 0.90 in cash plus 3.5 bonus shares for every 10 shares to
all shareholders. The total capital stock reached 187,473,150 shares after this
On April 18, 1994, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1993 was
adopted at the third general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval
from the SZBF No. 115 [1994] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory
Office, the Company began to perform dividend policy for FY1993 as of June 10, 1994:
distributing RMB 1.10 in cash plus 5 bonus shares (including 4.4 profit bonus shares

and 0.6 bonus share capitalized from capital public reserve) for every 10 shares
to all shareholders. The total capital stock reached 281,209,724 shares after this
distribution and capitalization from capital public reserve.
On June 2, 1994, in accordance with the provisions that “staff shares could go public
and be transferred six months after listing”, as jointly promulgated by the State
Commission for Restructuring the Economic System and the State Council’s Securities
Commission, the staff shares of the Company was planned to be listed on the flow
on June 6, 1994, with the prior consent of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office
and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
On October 8, 1994, the Proposal on Negotiable Bonus Shares of B-Share Corporate
Shareholders 1992 was adopted at the 1994 interim general meeting of shareholders
of the Company. With approval from the SZBF No. 224 [1994] document as issued by
Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the 16,930,305 bonus shares for FY 1992
granted to foreign legal persons were listed and negotiated at B-share market on
October 26, 1994.
On February 6, 1996, the Proposal on Share Allotment Modes 1996 was adopted at the
1996 interim general metering of shareholders of the Company. With approval from
the SZBF No. 5 [1996] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office,
and reexamination from the ZJPSZ No. 16 [1996] document and ZJGZ No. 2 [1996] document
as issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on July 16, 1996 and October
29, 1996, all shareholders were respectively allotted three shares for every ten
existing shares held at RMB 6.28/A-share and HKD 5.85/B-share. Corporate
shareholders took their respective existing shares as bases for full subscription
of the allocable shares. The total capital stock reached 365,572,641 shares after
this allotment.
On January 25, 1998, the Plan on Share Allotment 1998 was adopted at the 1998 interim
general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the ZZBZ No. 29
[1998] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, and ZJSZ No.64
[1998] document as issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on July 15,
1998, negotiable A-shares were allotted in proportion of 3:10 at RMB 10.50/A-share.
For such reasons as continued weakness in B-share secondary market (lower than share
allotment price), B-share negotiation and allotment plan was canceled, and the
corporate shareholders of the Company waived the preemptive right. The total capital
stock reached 389,383,603 shares after this allotment.
On June 30, 1999, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Capitalization from Capital
Public Reserve 1998 was adopted at the eighth general meeting of shareholders of
the Company. On August 20, 1999, the profit distribution for FY 1998 was carried
out: all shareholders were presented RMB3.00 in cash for every 10 shares, plus 2

shares capitalized from capital public reserve. The total capital stock reached
467,260,323 shares after this capitalization.
On June 30,1999, the Plan on A-Share Issue for Capital Increase was adopted at the
eighth general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the ZJFXZ
No.140 [1999] document as issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on
November 1, 1999, 80,000,000 A-shares were additionally issued to the public at
RMB15.50/share. The total capital stock reached 547,260,323 shares after this
additional issue.
On May 30, 2000, the Plan on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1999 was adopted
at the ninth general meeting of shareholders of the Company. On July 25, 2000, the
profit distribution for FY 1999 was carried out: all shareholders were distributed
RMB4.00 in cash plus 1 bonus shares for every 10 shares. The total capital stock
reached 601,986,352 shares after this distribution.
On April 3, 2008, the 7th meeting of the sixth Board of Directors was convened, during
which the following resolutions were discussed and adopted: based on the total
capital stock of 601,986,352 shares for the year ended December 31, 2007,
capitalization from capital public reserve was made to all shareholders at a
proportion of 1:1, namely 10 new shares for every 10 existing shares. And the said
resolution was subject to approval by the 2007 annual general meeting of shareholders
convened on May 26, 2008. The Company, in June 2008, implemented the capitalization
from capital public reserve and went through the formalities for transfer
registration with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited. On
December 16, 2008, with approval from the SMGZF No. 2662 [2008] document as issued
by Shenzhen Bureau of Trade and Industry, the Company was agreed to increase its
share capital, and went through the formalities for registration of changes with
the administration for industry and commerce on April 10, 2009. The total capital
stock reached 1,203,972,704 shares after change.

3. Approved business scope: research and development, production and operation of
such household appliances as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and
personal electronic appliances; manufacturing and application of home AV, IPTV
set-top boxes, digital TV receivers (including ground receiving equipment of
satellite television broadcasting), digital products, mobile communication
equipments and terminal products, daily-use electronic products, automotive
electronic products, satellite navigation systems, intelligent transportation
systems, fire-fighting and security systems, office equipments, computers, displays,
large screen display systems; LED (OLED) back light, illumination, light-emitting
devices, and packaging thereof; electronic parts and components, moulds, plastic

and rubber products, and packing materials, and technical consultancy and after-sale
paid services of related products( except mobile phone, the other products in the
above business scope are manufactured in other places outside Shenzhen); wholesale,
retail, import & export and relevant support services of the aforesaid products
(including spare parts) (Commodities subject to state trading management are not
involved. Products involved in quota, license management and other specified
management shall be subject to the relevant state provisions.); sale of
self-developed technological achievements; provision of maintenance services,
technical consultant service for electronic products; ordinary cargo transportation,
domestic freight forwarding, warehousing services; consultancy on enterprise
management; and self-owned property leasing and management services, recovery of
waste electrical appliances and electronic products (excluding dissembling)
(operated by branch offices); and outsourcing services of information technology
and business procedures by means of undertaking services in the way of outsourcing,
including management and maintenance of system application, management of
information technology, bank background service, financial settlement, human
resource service, software development, call center, and data processing.

4. The parent company, as well as the actual controller of the Company is Overseas
Chinese Town Group Co., Ltd., and the ultimate controller is the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

5. The financial statements of the Company were submitted upon approval of the Board
of Directors on 24 Aug. 2012.

6. A check list of corporate names and their abbreviations mentioned in this Report
                      Corporate name                                  Abbreviation
Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd.        Telecommunication Technology
Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering     Video & Communication Systems
Co., Ltd.                                                             Engineering
Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                Precision Mold
Shenzhen Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                 Konka Electronic
Shenzhen Konka Information Network Co., Ltd.                      Information Network
Shenzhen Konka Plastic Products Co., Ltd.                           Plastic Products
Shenzhen Shushida Electronic Co., Ltd.                                  Shushida
Shenzhen Electronic Fittings Technology Co., Ltd.                 Fittings Technology
Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd.                     Mudanjiang Appliances
Shaanxi Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                   Shaanxi Konka
Chongqing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                Chongqing Konka
Chongqing Konka Automotive Electronic Co., Ltd.                   Chongqing Electronic

                       Corporate name                                  Abbreviation
Chongqing Qingjia Electronics Co., Ltd.                              Chongqing Qingjia
Anhui Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                        Anhui Konka
Anhui Konka Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                      Anhui Household Appliances
Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                   Changshu Konka
Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                     Kunshan Konka
Dongguan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                   Dongguan Konka
Dongguan Konka Packing Materials Co., Ltd.                           Dongguan Packing
Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.                            Dongguan Mould Plastic
Boluo Konka PCB Co., Ltd.                                               Boluo Konka
Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                            Boluo Precision
Konka (Nanhai) Development Center                                    Nanhai Institute
Hongkong Konka Co., Ltd.                                              Hongkong Konka
Konka Household Appliances Investment & Development Co.,        Konka Household Appliances
Ltd.                                                                    Investment
                                                                Konka Household Appliances
Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                   International Trading
KONKA AMERICA,INC.                                                     KONKA AMERICA
Konka (Europe) Co., Ltd.                                               Konka Europe
Konka (Kunshan) Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.                    Kunshan Real Estate
Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.                                Xutongda
Shenzhen Konka Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.                 Konka Optoelectronic
Shenzhen Wankaida Science and Technology Co., Ltd.                       Wankaida
Kunshan Kangsheng Investment Development Co., Ltd.                   Kunshan Kangsheng
Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                Anhui Tongchuang
Indonesia Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.                                 Indonesia Konka
Shenzhen Shushida Logistics Service Co., Ltd.                       Shushida Logistics
Beijing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                               Beijing Konka Electronic
Kunshan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.                                Jielunte

( Ⅳ ) Main accounting policies, accounting                       estimates       and
corrections of prior accounting errors
1. Basis for the preparation of financial statements
With the going-concern assumption as the basis, the Group prepared its financial
statements in light of the actual transactions and events, as well as the Basic
Standard and 38 specific standards of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
issued by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC on 15 Feb. 2006, the Application Guidance
of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Interpretation of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and other regulations issued thereafter (jointly
referred to as “the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”), and the Rules
for Preparation Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15 —

General Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2010) by China Securities
Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, accounting
activities of the Group were conducted on the accrual basis. Except for some
financial instruments, the financial statements were prepared on the basis of
historical costs. Where impairment occurred in an asset, the corresponding
impairment provision was withdrawn according to relevant rules.

2. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The financial statements for the reporting period prepared by the Group are in
compliance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, factually and completely presenting the Company’s and the Group’
financial positions as at 30 Jun. 2012, and operating results, cash flows and other
relevant information for the first half of the year. Furthermore, these financial
statements, in all material respects, are also in line with relevant disclosure
requirements for financial statements and notes thereof stipulated in the Rules for
Preparation Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No. 15—General
Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2010) by CSRC.

3. Fiscal period
The Group’s accounting periods are divided into annual periods (yearly) and interim
periods. The interim period is a reporting period which is shorter than a full fiscal
year. Gregorian calendar is adopted for fiscal year of the Company, namely from 1
Jan. to 31 Dec. every year.

4. Recording currency
Renminbi (RMB) is the prevailing currency used in the main economic circumstances
of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries. The Company and its domestic
subsidiaries adopt RMB as the recording currency. When preparing the financial
statements for the reporting period, the Group adopted RMB as the recording currency.
Recording currency for overseas subsidiaries of the Company
The overseas subsidiaries of the Company adopt the prevailing currency used in the
main economic circumstances as the recording currency, and translate it into RMB
when preparing the financial statements.

5. Measurement method for the business combination under the same control and
business combination not under the same control

(1) Business combination under the same control
A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which
all the enterprises involved in the combination are ultimately controlled by the
same party or parties both before and after the business combination and on which
the control is not temporary. In a business combination under the same control, the
party which obtains control of other enterprise(s) involved in the business
combination on the combining date is the combining party, and the other enterprise(s)
involved in the business combination is (are) the combined party. The "combining
date" refers to the date on which the combining party obtains actual control on the
combined party.
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination
shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on
the combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets
obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid
by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital
shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset,
the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
The direct cost for the business combination of the combining party shall be recorded
into the profits and losses at the current period.
(2) Business combinations not under the same control
A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which
the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the
same parties both before and after the business combination. In a business
combination not under the same control, the party which obtains the control on other
combining enterprise(s) on the purchase date is the acquirer, and other combining
enterprise(s) is (are) the acquiree. The "acquisition date" refers to the date on
which the acquirer actually obtains the control on the acquiree.
As for business combinations not under the same control, the combination costs shall
be the fair values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities
incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange
for the control on the acquiree, and intermediary agency fees for auditing, legal,
consulting services, etc. and other administrative expenditures incurred for the
business combination, which were recorded in the profits and losses at the current
period when incurred. The trading expenditures arising from the acquirer’s issuance
of equity or liabilities securities as the consideration for the business
combination are recorded in the initial recognition amount for the equity or

liabilities securities. The contingent consideration involved is recorded in the
combination costs according to its fair value on the acquisition date. Where new
or further evidence against the existing circumstances on the acquisition date
occurs within 12 months after the acquisition date, which makes it necessary to
adjust the contingent consideration, the combined business reputation is adjusted
accordingly. For a business combination realized by two or more transactions of
exchange, in the Group’s consolidated financial statements, as for the equity
interests of the acquiree held by the Group before the acquisition date, they are
re-measured according to their fair value on the acquisition date. The difference
between their fair value and their carrying amount is recorded in investment gains
for the period comprising the acquisition date. Other comprehensive incomes arising
from the equity interests of the acquiree held by the Group before the acquisition
date are transferred to investment gains at the current period. The combination costs
are the summation of the fair value on the acquisition date of the equity interests
of the acquiree held by the Group before the acquisition date and the fair value
on the acquisition date of the equity interests of the acquiree acquired by the Group
on the acquisition date.
The combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained in
the combination are both measured at their fair values on the acquisition date. The
positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable
net assets the acquirer obtains from the acquiree is recognized as business
reputation. The acquirer shall, pursuant to the following provisions, treat the
balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net
assets it obtains from the acquiree: a. it shall reexamine the measurement of the
fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it
obtains from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; b. if, after the
reexamination, the combination costs are still less than the fair value of the
identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree, it shall record the balance
into the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the unrecognized deductible temporary differences of the acquiree obtained
by the acquirer due to their not satisfying the recognition criteria for deferred
income tax assets on the acquisition date, if new or further information within 12
months after the acquisition date shows that the relevant circumstances on the
acquisition date has existed and that the economic benefits arising from the
deductible temporary differences of the acquiree on the acquisition date are
expected to be realized, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized
and the business reputation is written down in the mean time. If the business
reputation is not sufficient to offset, the difference is recognized in the profits

and losses at the current period. Except for the aforesaid circumstance, the
recognized deferred income tax assets in relation to the business combination are
recorded in the profits and losses at the current period.

6. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

(1) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
1) Ascertainment of the consolidation scope
The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be confirmed based on the
control. Control means the Company can decide the financial and manage policy of
investee entity and have authority to earn the benefit from the investee entity.
The consolidation scope includes the Company and all its subsidiaries. The Company’
s subsidiaries refer to the enterprises or entities controlled by the Company.
2) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The Group consolidates a subsidiary from the date when the Group obtains actual
control over the subsidiary ’ s net assets and production and operation
decision-making and de-consolidates it from the date when such control ceases. As
for a disposed subsidiary, its operating results and cash flows before the disposal
date are properly included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated
cash flow statement. As for a subsidiary disposed in the current period, the opening
accounts in the consolidated balance sheet are not restated. For a subsidiary
acquired in a business combination not under the same control, its operating results
and cash flows after the acquisition date are properly included in the consolidated
income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and the opening accounts
and comparative accounts in the consolidated financial statements are not restated.
For a subsidiary acquired in a business combination under the same control or a merged
party under merge and consolidation, its operating results and cash flows for the
period from the beginning of the reporting period to the combination date are
properly included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash
flow statement, and the comparative accounts in the consolidated financial
statements are restated in the mean time.
In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where a subsidiary
adopts different accounting policies or accounting periods from those of the Company,
the subsidiary’s financial statements are adjusted according to the Company’s
accounting policy and accounting periods. For a subsidiary obtained in a business
combination not under the same control, its financial statements are adjusted on
the basis of the fair value of its identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.
All significant balances, transactions and unrealized profits within the Group are

offset in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
The portions in a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and net current profits and
losses that are not attributable to the Company are separately presented, as minority
interests and minority shareholder gains and losses respectively, under the
shareholders’ equity item and the net profit item in the consolidated financial
statements. The portion in the subsidiary’ current net gains and losses that belongs
to minority interests is presented as “minority shareholder gains and losses” under
the net profit item in the consolidated income statement. Where the subsidiary’
s losses attributable to minority shareholders exceed the portion in the subsidiary’
s opening owners’ equity attributable to minority shareholders, minority interests
are offset.
Where the Company loses control over a former subsidiary due to disposal of some
equity investment or other reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured
according to the fair value on the date when such control ceases. The summation of
the consideration obtained from the equity disposal and the fair value of the
residual equity interests, minus the portion in the former subsidiary’s net assets
measured on a continuous basis from the acquisition date that is attributable to
the Company according to its former shareholding ratio in the subsidiary, is recorded
in the investment gains for the reporting period when the Company’s control over
the subsidiary ceases. Other comprehensive incomes in relation to the former equity
investment in the subsidiary are transferred to the investment gains at the current
period when the Company’s control over the subsidiary ceases. Later on, subsequent
measurement is carried out on the residual equity interests in accordance with the
“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.2—Long-term Equity Investment”
or the “ Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22— Recognition and
Measurement of Financial Instruments” and other relevant regulations. For more
details, please refer to “10. Long-term Equity Investment” or “7. Financial
Instruments” under the Note IV.

(2) As for the event about purchasing and then selling (or selling and then purchasing)
equities of the same subsidiary in a consecutive two fiscal years, the Company shall
disclose relevant accounting treatment methods
The Company had no such situation about purchasing and then selling (or selling and
then purchasing) equities of the same subsidiary in a consecutive two fiscal years.

7. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents
The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment
at any time. The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term ( within 3 months

from the purchase date) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible
to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change
in value.

8. Foreign currency and accounting method for foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency business
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the Group shall
convert the amount in a foreign currency into amount in its Renminbi at the spot
exchange rate (generally refer to the middle price of market exchange rate published
by the People’s Bank of China, the same below) on the day the transaction is occurred.
Of which, as for such transactions as foreign exchange or involving in foreign
exchange, the Company shall converted into amount in the Renminbi at actual exchange
rate the transaction is occurred.
(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
1) Translation method for the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency
non-monetary items:
On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items are translated at
the spot exchange rate on the date. Exchange differences are recorded in the profits
and losses at the current period except for the following circumstances: ① Exchange
differences arising from the special foreign currency borrowings for the acquisition
and construction of assets eligible for capitalization are treated in accordance
with the principle of borrowing cost capitalization; ② Exchange differences
arising from the net investment hedging instruments in an overseas operation are
recorded in other comprehensive incomes and can be recognized in the profits and
losses at the current period only when the net investment is disposed (the balance
was recorded into other comprehensive income, or current profits and losses until
the net investment being disposed); and ③ Exchange differences arising from
changes in the carrying balances other than the amortized costs of foreign currency
monetary items available for sale are recorded in other comprehensive incomes.
Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical costs are translated into
RMB at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The foreign currency
non-monetary items measured at the fair value are translated at the spot exchange
rate on the fair value confirming date, from which the exchange difference is treated
as change in fair value (including change in exchange rate) and recorded in the profit
and loss of the current period, or treated as other comprehensive incomes and
recorded in the capital reserves.
2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

Where the consolidated financial statements involve an overseas operation and
foreign currency monetary items form in a substantial basis on the net investment
in the overseas operation, exchange differences arising from exchange rate changes
are recorded in the “translation difference of foreign currency statements” item
under the owners’ equity item; and recorded in the profits and losses at the
reporting period of the disposal when the overseas operation is disposed.
The foreign currency financial statements of an overseas operation are translated
in RMB in accordance with the following methods: The asset and liability items in
the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet
date. Among the owner’s equity items, except the ones as “retained profits”, others
shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred.
The income and expense items in the profits statements shall be translated at the
average exchange rate of the current period on transaction date. The opening retained
profit is the closing retained profit as of the previous year after translation;
The closing retained profit is measured and stated according to profit distribution
items after translation; And the difference between the asset items and the summation
of the liability and shareholders ’ equity items after translation, as the
translation difference of foreign currency statements, is recognized in other
comprehensive incomes and is presented separately under the shareholders’ equity
item in the balance sheet. Where an overseas operation is disposed and the Group’
s control on the overseas operation ceases, the foreign currency statement
translation difference in relation to the overseas operation and presented under
the shareholders’ equity items in the balance sheet is, all or according to the
disposal rate of the overseas operation, transferred to the profits and losses at
the reporting period comprising the disposal.
Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows generated by overseas subsidiaries are
translated at the average exchange rate for the current period on the date when the
cash flow is generated. The influence on cash due to change of exchange rate shall
be presented separately under the cash flow statement.
The opening amounts and the actual amounts in the previous year are presented on
the basis of the translated financial statements for the previous year.

9. Financial instruments
(1) Category of financial instruments
Category of financial assets
In the initial recognition, financial assets are divided into financial assets
measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current profits and losses,
held-to-maturity     investments,    loans     and   accounts    receivables,     and

available-for-sale financial assets.
Category of financial liabilities
In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial
liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains
and losses and other financial liabilities.
(2) Recognition basis and measurements for financial instruments
Recognition basis and measurements for financial instruments
Financial assets bought in and sold out in the conventional way are recognized and
de-recognized in accordance with the transaction dates. In the initial recognition,
financial assets are divided into financial assets measured at fair values and whose
changes are recorded in current profits and losses, held-to-maturity investments,
loans and accounts receivables, and available-for-sale financial assets. In the
initial recognition, a financial asset is measured at its fair value. For a financial
asset measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and
losses, the relevant trading expenditures are directly recorded in the gains and
losses at the current period. And the trading expenditures for the other financial
assets are recorded in the initially recognized amount.
① Financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current
profits and losses
Such financial assets include transactional financial assets and financial assets
designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current
gains and losses.
A transactional financial asset refers to a financial asset meeting any of the
following requirements: A. The purpose to acquire the financial asset is mainly for
selling or repurchase of it in the near future; B. Forming a part of the identifiable
combination of financial instruments which are managed in a centralized way and for
which there are objective evidences proving that the Group may manage the combination
by way of short-term profit making in the near future; and C. Being a derivative
instrument, excluding the designated derivative instruments which are effective
hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts,
and the derivative instruments which are connected with the equity instrument
investments for which there is no quoted price in the active market, whose fair value
cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be settled by delivering the said equity
Financial asset complying with one of following conditions can be measured at fair
value when being initially recognized and changes in that financial asset are
recorded in gains and losses of the current period: A. The designation can eliminate
or greatly reduce situations where related profits or losses were in inconformity

due to different measurement base of the financial asset; B. The formal written
document of concerning risk management or investment strategy of the Group has stated
that the Group shall manage and assess on financial asset group and financial asset
and financial liability group on the basis of fair value, and report to key management
A transactional financial asset, which is measured at the fair value and changes
thereof are recorded in gains and losses of the current period, is subsequently
measured at the fair value. The gains and losses arising from the fair value changes,
as well as the dividend and interest incomes from the financial asset, are recorded
in the gains and losses for the current period.
② Held-to-maturity investments
A held-to-maturity investment refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a
fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the
Group holds for a definite purpose or the Group is able to hold until its maturity.
A held-to-maturity investment is subsequently measured according to the amortized
cost using the actual interest rate method. The gains or losses arising from
de-recognition, impairment or amortization of the investment are recorded in the
profits and losses for the current period.
The actual interest rate method refers to the method by which the post-amortization
costs and the interest incomes of different installments or interest expenses are
calculated in light of the actual interest rates of the financial assets or financial
liabilities (including a set of financial assets or financial liabilities). The
actual interest rate refers to the interest rate adopted to cash the future cash
flow of a financial asset or financial liability within the predicted term of
existence or within a shorter applicable term into the current carrying amount of
the financial asset or financial liability.
When calculating the actual interest rate, the Group predicts the future cash flow
(not taking into account the future credit losses) on the basis of taking into account
all the contractual provisions concerning the financial asset or financial liability.
The various fee charges, trading expenses, reduced values, premiums, etc., which
are paid or collected by the parties to a financial asset or financial liability
contract and which form a part of the actual interest rate, are also taken into
account in the determination of the actual interest rate.
③ Loans and accounts receivable
Loans and accounts receivable refer to the non-derivative financial assets for which
there is no quoted price in the active market and of which the repo amount is fixed
or determinable. The financial assets defined by the Group as loans and accounts
receivable include notes receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable,

dividend receivable, other receivables, etc..
Loans and accounts receivable are subsequently measured according to the amortized
cost using the actual interest rate method. The gains or losses arising from
de-recognition, impairment or amortization of the loans and accounts receivable are
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
④ Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets include the non-derivative financial assets
which are designated as available for sale when they are initially recognized, as
well as the financial assets other than the financial assets measured at fair values
and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, loans and accounts
receivable and held-to-maturity investments.
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at their fair values.
Impairment losses and the exchange differences of foreign currency monetary
financial assets in relation to the amortized cost are recorded in the profits and
losses for the current period. Other gains or losses arising from fair value changes
are recognized as other comprehensive incomes and recorded in the capital reserves,
and transferred out and recorded in the profits and losses for the current period
when the financial asset is de-recognized.
Interest obtained during the period of holding an available-for-sale financial asset
and the cash dividends declared and distributed by an invested party are recorded
in investment gains.

Recognition basis and measurements for financial liabilities
In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial
liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains
and losses and other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities are initially
recognized at their fair values. As for a financial liability measured at fair value
and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, the relevant trading
expense is directly recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. As
for other financial liabilities, the relevant trading expenses are recorded in the
initially recognized amounts.
① Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in
current gains and losses
Such financial liabilities are divided into transactional financial liabilities and
financial liabilities designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes
are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial recognition under the same
conditions where such financial assets are divided into transactional financial
assets and financial assets designated to be measured at fair values and whose

changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial recognition.
Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in
current gains and losses are subsequently measured at their fair values. Gains or
losses arising from the fair value changes, as well as the dividend and interest
expenses in relation to the said financial liabilities, are recorded in the profits
and losses for the current period.
② Other financial liabilities
As for a derivative financial liability connected to an equity instrument for which
there is not quoted price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably
measured and which must be settled by delivering the equity instrument, it is
subsequently measured on the basis of costs. Other financial liabilities are
subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the actual interest rate
method. Gains or losses arising from de-recognition or amortization of the said
financial liabilities are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
③ Financial guarantee contract
For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial
liability measured at its fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period, which shall be initially recognized by
fair value, and the subsequent measurement shall be made after they are initially
recognized according to the higher one of the following: a. the amount as determined
according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies;    b.
the surplus after accumulative amortization as determined according to the
principles of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues is
subtracted from the initially recognized amount.

(3) Recognition basis and measurement of financial asset transfers
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition
of it is terminated: ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the
said financial asset are terminated; ②       The said financial asset has been
transferred and nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the
financial asset to the transferee; or ③ The said financial asset has been
transferred. And the Group has ceased its control on the said financial asset though
it neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of the financial asset.
Where the Group neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of a financial asset, and it does not cease its control
on the said financial asset, it recognizes the relevant financial asset and liability
accordingly according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred

financial asset. The term "continuous involvement in the transferred financial
asset" refers to the risk level that the enterprise faces resulting from the change
of the value of the financial asset.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping
recognition, the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is recorded
in the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The book value of the transferred
financial asset; and (2) The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and
the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in other
comprehensive incomes.
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the
recognition, the book value of the transferred financial asset is apportioned
between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose
recognition has not been stopped according to their respective relative fair value,
and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is included into
the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The summation of the consideration
received from the transfer and the portion of the accumulative amount of changes
in the fair value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes which
corresponds to the portion whose recognition has been stopped; and (2) The amortized
carrying amounts of the aforesaid amounts.

(4) De-recognition of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all
or in part may the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or
partly. Where the Group (debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to
substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of any new financial liability,
and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is
substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it
terminates the recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time
recognizes the new financial liability.
Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated,
the enterprise concerned shall include into the profits and losses of the current
period for the gap between the book value which has been terminated from recognition
and the considerations it has paid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred
out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed).

(5) Recognition method of fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The “fair value” refers to the amount, at which both parties to a transaction who
are familiar with the condition exchange assets or clear off debts under fair

conditions. As for the financial instrument for which there is an active market,
the Group determines its fair value using the quoted price in the active market.
The quoted prices in the active market refer to the prices, which are easily available
from the stock exchange, brokers, industry associations, pricing service
institutions, etc. at a fixed term, and which represent the prices at which actually
incurred market transactions are made under fair conditions. Where there is no active
market for a financial instrument, the Group adopts value appraisal techniques to
determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices
adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market
transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring
to other financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow
capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc..

(6) Withdrawal of impairment provision for financial assets (excluding accounts
For the financial assets other than the financial assets measured at fair values
and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, the Group runs a check
on their carrying amounts on every balance sheet date. Where there is any objective
evidence proving that such a financial asset has been impaired, an impairment
provision is made.
The Group carries out a separate impairment test for every financial asset which
is individually significant. As for a financial asset which is individually
insignificant, an impairment test is carried out separately or in the financial asset
group with similar credit risk. Where the financial asset (individually significant
or insignificant) is found not impaired after the separate impairment test, it is
included in the financial asset group with similar credit risk and tested again on
the group basis. Where the impairment loss is recognized for an individual financial
asset, it is not included in the financial asset group with similar credit risk for
an impairment test.
① Impairment of held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts receivable
Where a financial asset measured on the basis of costs or amortized costs is impaired,
the carrying amount of the said financial asset is written down to the current value
of the predicted future cash flow. The amount written down is recognized as the
impairment loss of the asset and is recorded in the profits and losses for the current
period. Where a financial asset is recognized as having suffered from any impairment
loss, if there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial
asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after
such loss is recognized, the impairment losses as originally recognized are reversed.

The reversed carrying amount of the said financial asset does not exceed the
amortized cost of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption
that no provision is made for the impairment.
② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses
arising from the decrease of the fair value of the capital reserve which is directly
included are transferred out and recorded in the profits and losses for the current
period. The accumulative losses transferred out are the balance obtained from the
initially obtained cost of the said financial asset after deducting the principals
as taken back, the amortized amount, the current fair value and the impairment loss
originally recorded in the profits and losses.
Where the impairment loss has been recognized for an available-for-sale financial
asset, if, within the accounting periods thereafter, there is any objective evidence
proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored and the
restoration is objectively related to the events that occur after the impairment
loss was recognized, the originally recognized impairment loss is reversed. The
impairment losses on the available-for-sale equity instrument investments are
reversed and recognized as other comprehensive incomes, and the impairment losses
on the available-for-sale liability instruments are reversed and recorded in the
profits and losses for the current period.
The impairment loss incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is
no quoted price in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured,
or incurred to a derivative financial asset which is connected with the said equity
instrument investment and which must be settled by delivering the said equity
investment, is not reversed.

(7) As for event about reclassifying the undue held-to-maturity investment into
available-for-sale financial assets, the Company shall state the basis of changes
in holding purpose or ability
The Company had no such event about reclassifying the undue held-to-maturity
investment into available-for-sale financial assets.

10. Recognition criteria and withdrawal methods for bad debts provision of accounts
Receivables include account receivables and other accounts receivables.
(1) Recognition of provision for bad debts:
The Group shall test the carrying amount of receivables on the balance sheet date.
Where there is any objective evidence proving that such receivables have been

  impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.
  ① debtor has serious financial difficult;
  ② debtor goes against the contract clause (for instance, breach of faith or overdue
  paying interests or principal);
  ③ debtors has a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
  ④ other objective evidence proving such accounts receivable has been impaired;

  (2) Withdraw method of provision for bad debts
  ① The recognition criteria and method of individual provision for bad debts of
  receivables that are individually significant
  The Group recognized the receivables with amount above RMB 20 million and other
  receivables above 10 million as receivables with significant single amounts and
  withdrawn the provision for bad debts.
  The Group made an independent impairment test on receivables with significant single
  amount, the financial assets without impairment by independent impairment test
  should be included in financial assets portfolio with similar credit risk to take
  the impairment test. Receivables was recognized with impairment should no longer
  be included in receivables portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment

  ② The recognition and method of provision for bad debts of receivables by credit
  risk portfolio
  A. Recognition of credit risk group
  Receivables that are not individually significant and individually significant but
  without impairment by independent impairment test, are grouped on the basis of
  similarity and relevance of credit risk. This credit risk usually reflects the
  debtor’s ability to repay all the due accounts in accordance with contract for such
  assets, which also are related with the measurement on future cash flow of the
  examined assets.
  Recognition of different groups:
              Item                              Recognition basis of group
                               Dividing accounts receivable into groups with debt age as
Aging group
                                            the credit risk characteristics
                               Dividing accounts receivable into groups with whether the
The group of related parties
                               debtor is the related party among the group or not as the
of the Group
                                                credit risk characteristics
  B. Withdrawal method of provision for bad debts recognized by credit risk group
  For the impairment test implemented by groups, the amount of provision for bad debts

    was appraised and recognized in accordance with the structure of accounts receivable
    group and similar characteristics of credit risk (the debtor’s ability to pay off
    the loans in accordance with the provisions of contract), experience of losses,
    current economic status and the predicted losses in the accounts receivable group.
    Withdrawal methods of provision for bad debts on different groups
               Item                                     Withdrawal method
  Age group                                              Aging analysis
  Related     parties   groups
                                                          No withdrawal
  within the Group

    In the group, withdrawal method for provision for bad debts by aging analysis
                                 Proportion of provision for    Proportion of provision
             Age                    bad debts of accounts        for bad debts of other
                                       receivable(%)         accounts receivable(%)
Within 1 year(including 1 year,
                                                   2                          2
the same below)
1-2 years                                          5                          5
2-3 years                                         20                         20
3-4 years                                         50                         50
4-5 years                                         50                         50
Over 5 years                                      100                        100
    Impairment of prepayment: The prepayment shall be subject to the individual
    impairment test on the balance sheet date. The provision for bad debts should be
    measured as per the balance between the carrying amount and the present value of
    the cash flow in future if there is an objective evidence for the impairment
    ③ Receivables with insignificant amount but being individually withdrawn the
    provision for bad debts
    The Group made independent impairment test on receivables with insignificant amount
    but with the following characteristics, if any objective evidence shows that the
    accounts receivable has been impaired, impairment loss shall be recognized on the
    basis of the gap between the current values of the future cash flow lower than its
    book value so as to withdraw provision for bad debts:
    A. Receivables exist dispute with the other parties or involving lawsuit and
    B. Receivables exist obvious indication showing that the debtors are likely to fail
    to perform the duty of repayment, etc..
    (3) Reversal of provision for bad debts
    If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said receivables
    has been restored, and it is objectively related to the events occurred after such
    loss is recognized, the impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall

be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. However,
the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs
of the said accounts receivable on the day of reverse under the assumption that no
provision is made for the impairment.
1) Bad debt provision for individually significant accounts receivable
                                                             The Group recognized the receivables with amount
Judgement basis or monetary standards of provision for bad above RMB 20 million and other receivables above 10
debts of the individually significant accounts receivable million as receivables with significant single
                                                             amounts and withdrawn the provision for bad debts.
                                                             The Group made an independent impairment test on
                                                             receivables with significant single amount, the
                                                             financial assets without impairment by independent
                                                             impairment test should be included in financial
Method of individual provision for bad debts of the
                                                             assets portfolio with similar credit risk to take the
individually significant accounts receivable
                                                             impairment test. Receivables was recognized with
                                                             impairment    should   no   longer   be   included   in
                                                             receivables portfolio with similar credit risk to
                                                             take the impairment test.

2) Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

                               Withdrawal method of bad
        Name of group           debt provision on the                     Recognition basis of group
                                     group basis
                                                          Dividing accounts receivable into groups with debt age
Aging group                    Aging analysis method
                                                          as the credit risk characteristics
                                                          Dividing accounts receivable into groups with whether
The group of related parties
                               Aging analysis method      the debtor is the related party among the group or not
of the Group
                                                          as the credit risk characteristics

In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                  Withdrawal proportion for          Withdrawal proportion for other accounts
                                   accounts receivable (%)                          receivable (%)
Within 1 year (including 1
                                                                2%                                                2%

1-2 years                                                       5%                                                5%
2-3 years                                                      20%                                                20%
Over 3 years
3-4 years                                                      50%                                                50%
4-5 years                                                      50%                                                50%

Over 5 years                                                  100%                                  100%

In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                Name of group                                           Note of method
The group of related parties of the Group     No withdrawal

3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad
debt provision is made individually
Reason of individually withdrawing bad debt provision:
The Group made independent impairment test on receivables with insignificant amount
but with the following characteristics, if any objective evidence shows that the
accounts receivable has been impaired, impairment loss shall be recognized on the
basis of the gap between the current values of the future cash flow lower than its
book value so as to withdraw provision for bad debts:
A. Receivables exist dispute with the other parties or involving lawsuit and
B. Receivables exist obvious indication showing that the debtors are likely to fail
to perform the duty of repayment, etc..
Withdrawal method for bad debt provision:
The Group recognized the impairment loss on the basis of the gap between the current
values of the future cash flow lower than its book value, and then withdrew relevant
provision for bad debts

11. Inventory
(1) Classification
Inventories are classified as: raw materials, goods in process, merchandise on hand,
goods delivered, circulating materials and development costs, etc..
Development cost refers to the unfinished property with the development purpose for
(2) Pricing method for outgoing inventories
□   First-in     first-out     method   √    Weighted       average   method   □      Specific
identification method □ Other
The inventories shall be measured in light of their cost when obtained. The cost
of inventory consists of purchase costs, processing costs and other costs. Inventory
is accounted by weight average method upon receiving and giving. For merchandise
on hand shall be accounted by planned cost, if the difference between planned cost
of and actual cost of raw materials is accounted through the cost variance item,
and the planned cost is adjusted to the actual cost according to the cost difference

which the carryover and given-out inventory should shoulder in the period.
(3) Recognition standard of net realizable value and withdrawal method of
depreciation reserves for inventories
The net realizable value refers, in the ordinary course of business, to the account
after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and
relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories. The net realizable value
of inventories shall be fixed on the basis of valid evidence as well as under
consideration of purpose of inventories and the effect of events after
On the balance sheet date, the inventories shall be measured according to the cost
or the net realizable value, whichever is lower. If the net realizable value is lower
than the cost, it shall withdraw the depreciation reserves for inventories, which
was withdrawn in accordance with the balance that the cost of individual inventory
item exceeding the net realizable value.
After withdrawing the depreciation reserves for inventories, if the factors, which
cause any write-down of the inventories, have disappeared, causing the net
realizable value of inventories is higher than its carrying amount, the amount of
write-down shall be reversed from the original amount of depreciation reserve for
inventories. The reversed amount shall be included in the profits and losses of the
current period.
(4) Inventory system for inventories
√ Perpetual inventory system □ Periodic inventory system □ Other
The inventory system for inventories is perpetual inventory system.
(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
Low-value consumption goods
Amortization method: one-off amortization method
The Company shall amortize the low-value consumption goods through the one-off
amortization method.
Packing articles
Amortization method: one-off amortization method
The Company shall amortize the packing articles through the one-off amortization

12. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment cost
The initial cost of the long-term equity investment formed in business combination
shall be ascertained in accordance with the following provisions: For the business
combination under the same control, it shall regard the share of the carrying amount
of the owner's equity of the combined party on the date of combination as the initial
cost of the long-term equity investment. For the business combination under
different control, the combination costs shall be the sum of the fair values of the

assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued
by the Company; the commission fees for audit, law services, assessment & consultancy
services and other relevant expenses occurred in the business combination by the
combining party, shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon their
occurrence; the transaction expense from the issuance of equity securities or bonds
securities which are as consideration for combination by the combining party, should
be recorded as the initial amount of equity securities and bonds securities.
Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other
long-term equity investments shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed
in accordance with the ways of gaining, such as actual cash payment paid by the Group,
the fair value of equity securities issued by the Group, the agreed value of the
investment contract or agreement, the fair value or original carrying amount of
exchanged assets from non-monetary assets exchange transaction, the fair value of
the long-term equity investments, etc. The expenses, taxes and other necessary
expenditures directly related with gaining the long-term equity investments shall
also be recorded into investment cost.
(2) Follow-up measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of
profits and losses
The long-term equity investment that the Company does not have joint control or
significant influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market
and its fair value cannot be reliably measured, it shall be measured by adopting
the cost method; a long-term equity investment that the Company has joint control
or significant influences over the invested entity shall be measured by employing
the equity method; a long-term equity investment that the Company does not have
control, joint control or significant influence on the invested entity, as well as
its fair value can be reliably measured, it shall be accounted as financial assets
Moreover, long-term equity investment adopting the cost method in the financial
statements, and which the Company has control on invested entity.
① Long-term equity investment measured by adopting cost method
The price of a long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method shall
be included at its initial investment cost, the return on investment at current
period shall be recognized in accordance with the cash dividend or profit announced
to distribute by the invested entity, except the announced but not distributed cash
dividend or profit included in the actual payment or consideration upon gaining the
②Long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method
If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company's
attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets
for the investment, the initial cost of the long-term equity investment may not be
adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the

Company's attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable
net assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current
profits and losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted

When measured by adopting equity method, the investment profits or losses at current
period shall be the attributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested
entity. The investing enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value of all
identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, and in
accordance with the accounting policies and accounting periods, recognize the
attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it
adjusts the net profits of the invested entity. For the profits and losses of
unrealized insider dealing between the Group and joint-operative enterprise or
co-operative enterprise, the investment profits and losses shall be recognized after
the part attributable to the Group calculated by proportion of shares held being
offset. However, if the losses of unrealized insider dealing between the Group and
joint-operative enterprise or co-operative enterprise was attributed to the
impairment losses of the transferred assets in accordance with the Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No. 8— Asset Impairment, which shall not be offset. The
other comprehensive profits from invested entity shall be recognized as other
comprehensive profits after adjusting the book value of long-term equity investment,
and then recorded into capital reserves

The Group shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book
value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests
which substantially form the net investment made to the invested entity are reduced
to zero. However, if the Group has the obligation to undertake extra losses, which
shall be recognized as the estimated liabilities in accordance with the estimated
duties and then recorded into investment losses at current period. If the invested
entity realizes any net profits later, the Group shall, after the amount of its
attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the
un-recognized losses, resume to recognize its attributable share of profits.

For the long-term equity investment on joint-enterprise and co-operative enterprise
held by the Group before the initial execution of New Accounting Standards for
Enterprise, if there existed the balance of debtor for equity investment related
with such long-term equity investment, which shall be recorded into current profits
and losses with the amount by straight-line amortization in the remained period.

③ Acquiring shares of minority interest
In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the

long-term equity investment increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and
the attributable net assets on the subsidiary calculated by the increased shares
held since the purchase date (or combination date), the capital reserves shall be
adjusted, if the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained profits
shall be adjusted.

④ Disposal of long-term equity investment
In the preparation of financial statements, the Company disposed part of the
long-term equity investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling right
on them, the balance between the disposed price and attributable net assets of
subsidiaries by disposing the long-term equity investment shall be recorded into
owners’ equity; where the Company losses the controlling right by disposing part
of long-term equity investment on such subsidiaries, it shall treated in accordance
with the relevant accounting policies in Note IV. 4 (2)— Method on preparation of
combined financial statements.
For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the
book value of the disposed equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded
into current profits and losses; for the long-term equity investment measured by
adopting equity method, the other comprehensive income originally recorded into
owners’ equity shall be transferred into current profits and losses by proportions
upon the disposal. The remained equity shall be recognized as long-term equity
investment or other relevant financial assets in accordance with the book value,
and carried out the follow-up measurement in accordance with the above accounting
policies for the long-term equity investment or financial assets. If the measurement
method of remained equity is transferred from cost method to equity method, it shall
be subject to retrospective adjustment in accordance with relevant rules and
(3) Recognition basis of joint control and significant influences
The term "control" refers to the power to determine the financial and operating
polices of an enterprise and obtain benefits from its operating activities of the
enterprise. The term "joint control" refers to the control over an economic activity
in accordance with the contracts and agreements, which does not exist unless the
investing parties of the economic activity with one an assent on sharing the control
power over the relevant important financial and operating decisions. The term
"significant influences" refers to the power to participate in making decisions on
the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not to control or do joint
control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. When
ascertaining whether or not it is able to control or have significant influences
on an invested entity, an enterprise shall take into consideration the invested
enterprises' current convertible corporate bonds and current executable warrants
held by the investing enterprise and other parties, as well as other potential

factors concerning the voting rights.
(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment
The Group shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is
any sign of possible impairment of the long-term equity investment. Where there is
sign of impairment, the Group shall estimate the recoverable amount of the long-term
equity investment. Where the recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment
is lower than its book value, which balance shall be withdrawn the provision for
impairment and recorded into current profits and losses.
Once any loss of impairment of the long-term equity investment is recognized, it
shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

13. Investment real estates
The term "investment real estates" refers to the real estates held for generating
rent and/or capital appreciation. Investment real estates of the Group include the
right to use any land which has already been rented; the right to use any land which
is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation; and the right to use any
building which has already been rented. Besides, as for the vacant buildings held
for operating lease, if the Board (or similar institution) made a written resolution,
and clearly expressed to hold it as operating lease with no change in the short time,
which shall be listed as investment real estates.
The initial measurement of the investment real estate shall be made at its cost.
Subsequent expenditures incurred for an investment real estate is included in the
cost of the investment real estate when it is probable that economic benefits
associated with the investment real estate will flow to the Group and the cost can
be reliably measured, otherwise the expenditure is recognized in profit or loss in
the period in which they are incurred.
The Group shall make a follow-up measurement to the investment real estates by
employing the cost pattern on the date of the balance sheet. An accrual depreciation
or amortization shall be made for the investment real estates in the light of the
accounting policies of the use right of buildings or lands.
For details of impairment test method and withdrawal method of impairment provision
of investment real estates, please refer to Note IV. 17. Impairment of Non-current
Non-financial Assets.
When owner-occupied real estate or inventories are changed into investment real
estate or investment real estate is changed into owner-occupied real estate, whose
book value prior to the change shall be the entry value after the change.
When an investment real estate is changed to an owner-occupied real estate, it is
transferred to fixed assets or intangible assets at the date of such change. When
an owner-occupied real estate is changed to be held to earn rental or for capital
appreciation, the fixed asset or intangible asset is transferred to investment real
estate at the date of such change. If the fixed asset or intangible asset is changed

into investment real estate measured by adopting the cost pattern, whose book value
prior to the change shall be the entry value after the change; if the fixed asset
or intangible asset is changed into investment real estate measured by adopting the
fair value pattern, whose fair value on the date of such change shall be the entry
value after the change
An investment real estate is derecognized on disposal or when the investment real
estate is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected
from its disposal. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage
of an investment real estate less its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses
is recognized in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred.

14. Fixed assets
(1)Recognized standard of fixed assets
The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess
the features as follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities,
rendering labor service, renting or business management; and their useful life is
in excess of one fiscal year.

(2) Recognition basis and pricing method of fixed assets by finance lease
The "finance lease" shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all
the risks and rewards related to the ownership of an asset. Its ownership may or
may not eventually be transferred. The fixed assets by finance lease shall adopt
the same depreciation policy for self-owned fixed assets. If it is reasonable to
be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when the
lease term expires, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over its useful life.
If it is not reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of
the leased asset at the expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully
depreciated over the shorter one of the lease term or its useful life.

(3) Category of fixed assets and depreciation
The initial measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost after considering
the effect of expected discard expenses. The Group shall withdraw the depreciation
of fixed assets by adopting the straight-line method since the second month of its
useful life.
The "expected net salvage value" refers to the expected amount that the Group may
obtain from the current disposal of a fixed asset after deducting the expected
disposal expenses at the expiration of its expected useful life.
                                                     Expected net salvage          Annual deprecation
 Category of fixed assets        Useful life (Y)
                                                           value (%)                      (%)
Housing and building        20-40                  10.00                    2.25-4.50
Machinery equipments        10                     10.00                    9.00

Electronic equipments and
                              5                 10.00                  18.00
Transportation vehicle        5                 10.00                  18.00

Other equipments              5                 10.00                  18.00
Fixed assets acquired under
                                    --                     --                       --
finance lease:
Of which: housing and
Machinery equipments
Electronic equipments and
Transportation vehicle

Other equipments

(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment
on fixed assets
For details, please refer to Note IV. 17— Impairment of non-current non financial

(5) Other explanations
The follow-up expenses related to a fixed asset, if the economic benefits pertinent
to this fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise and its cost can be reliably
measured, shall be recorded into cost of fixed assets and ultimately recognized as
the book value of the replaced part; otherwise, they shall be included in the current
profits and losses.
When the Group sells, transfers or discards any fixed assets, or when any fixed assets
of the Group is damaged or destroyed, the Group shall deduct the book value of the
fixed assets as well as the relevant taxes from the disposal income, and include
the amount in the current profits and losses.
The Group shall check the useful life, expected net salvage value and depreciation
method of the fixed assets at the end of the year at least, if there is any change,
it shall be regarded as a change of the accounting estimates.

15. Construction in progress
(1) Categories of construction in progress
Construction in progress is listed by actual projects.
(2) Standards and time of transferring construction in progress into fixed asset
Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises
construction costs, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization before the
fixed assets being ready for their intended us and other relevant costs. Construction

in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their
intended use.
(3) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of
construction in progress
For details of the testing method of impairment and withdraw method of impairment
provision on construction in progress, please refer to Note IV. 17— Impairment of
non-current non financial assets.

16. Borrowing costs
(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts
or premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign
currency borrowings. The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they
simultaneously meet the following requirements:
1) The asset disbursements have already incurred;
2) The borrowing costs has already incurred; and
3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary
to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started.
(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable
to the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, it shall start to be capitalized when the asset disbursements have
already incurred, the borrowing costs has already incurred and the acquisition and
construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for
its intended use or sale have already started; When the qualified asset under
acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale,
it shall stop to be capitalized. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as costs
upon their occurrence.
(3) Period of suspension of capitalization of borrowing costs
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is
interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months,
the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended until the acquisition
and construction or production of a qualified asset resume again.
(4) Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs
The to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual
interests incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the
income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank
or as a temporary investment; the enterprise shall calculate and determine the
to-be-capitalized amount on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted
average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus
the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The

capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted
average interest rate of the general borrowing.

17. Biological assets

18. Oil-gas assets

19. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing method of intangible assets
The term "intangible asset" refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets possessed
or controlled by enterprises which have no physical shape.
The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost.   The costs
related with the intangible assets, if the economic benefits related to intangible
assets are likely to flow into the enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can
be measured reliably, shall be recorded into the costs of intangible assets;
otherwise, it shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon the occurrence.
The use right of land gained is usually measured as intangible assets. For the
self-developed and constructed factories and other constructions, the related
expenditures on use right of land and construction costs shall be respectively
measured as intangible assets and fixed assets. For the purchased houses and
buildings, the related payment shall be distributed into the payment for use right
of land and the payment for buildings, if it is difficult to be distributed, the
whole payment shall be treated as fixed assets.

(2) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life
For intangible assets with a finite service life, from the time when it is available
for use, the cost after deducting the sum of the expected salvage value and the
accumulated impairment provision shall be amortized by straight line method during
the service life. While the intangible assets without certain service life shall
not be amortized.
At the end of period, the Group shall check the service life and amortization method
of intangible assets with finite service life, if there is any change, it shall be
regarded as a change of the accounting estimates. Besides, the Group shall check
the service life of intangible assets without certain service life, if there is any
evidence showing that the period of intangible assets to bring the economic benefits
to the enterprise can be prospected, it shall be estimated the service life and
amortized in accordance with the amortization policies for intangible assets with
finite service life.
         Item          Estimated useful life                      Basis
Foreign      trademark
                       5 years               Valid period of registered trade mark
registration fees

Patents and special                           Beneficiary period of patents and special
                    5-10 years
technologies                                  technologies
Software and others 5-10 years                Beneficiary period of assets
Land use right      50 years                  Period of land use right
(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets with uncertain useful life
In accordance with the available situation, if there is valid evidence showing that
it is unable to reasonably forecast the useful life of intangible assets, which shall
be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain useful life.
(4) Withdrawal of impairment provision of intangible assets
For details, please refer to Note IV. 17— Impairment of non-current non financial
(5) Criteria of separating the research phase and development phase of internal R&D
Research phase: the term "research" refers to the creative and planned investigation
to acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge. It includes
activities aiming to gain knowledge; application study, appraisal and final choice
of research results or other knowledge; research of the substitute of materials,
devices, products, working procedures, system or service; the allocation, design,
appraisal and final choice of possible substitute for the new or improved materials,
devices, goods, working procedures, system or service.
The term "development" refers to the application of research achievements and other
knowledge to a certain plan or design, prior to the commercial production or use,
so as to produce any new material, device or product, or substantially improved
material, devices and product.
(6) Calculation of the expenditures of internal R&D project
Expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into current profits
and losses upon the occurrence.
The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of
an enterprise may be confirmed as intangible assets when they satisfy the following
conditions simultaneously, otherwise,it shall be recorded into current profits and
① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits
shall be proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for
the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential
market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used
④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use
or sell the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies,
financial resources and other resources; and

⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
If the expenditures for research and expenditures for development can not be
distinguished from each other, all the expenditures for research and development
shall be recorded into current profits and losses.

20. Amortization method of long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period
over one year (one year excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current
and future periods. Long-term deferred expense shall be amortized averagely within
benefit period.

21. Assets transfer with repurchasing conditions

22. Estimated liabilities

(1) Criteria of estimated liabilities
The obligation pertinent to a Contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated
liability when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: (1)That
obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise; (2)It is likely to cause any
economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the
obligation; and (3)The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
(2) Measurement of estimated liabilities
On the balance sheet date, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the
risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the
contingencies to measure the estimated liabilities in accordance with the best
estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation.
When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated
liabilities of an enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the
compensation should be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually
certain that the reimbursement will be obtained. Besides, the amount recognized for
the reimbursement should not exceed the book value of the estimated liabilities.

23. Share-based payment and equity instruments
The term "share-based payment" refers to a transaction in which the Company grants
equity instruments or undertakes equity-instrument-based liabilities in return for
services from employee or other parties.

(1) Categories of share-based payment

(2) Recognition method of fair value of equity instruments

(3) Recognition basis of the best estimate of the vested equity instruments

(4) Accounting treatment relevant to implement, revise and terminate share-based
payment plan

25. Revenue

(1) Criteria for recognition time of revenue from sale of goods
No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are
met simultaneously: the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have
been transferred to the buyer by the enterprise; the enterprise retains neither
continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor
effective control over the sold goods; the relevant amount of revenue can be measured
in a reliable way; the relevant economic benefits may flow into the enterprise; and
the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.
(2) Recognition basis of revenue from transferring use rights of assets
1) Royalty revenue
In accordance with relevant contract or agreement, the amount of royalty revenue
should be recognized as revenue on accrual basis.
2) Interest revenue
The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with
the length of time for which the Group’s monetary fund is used by others and the
agreed interest rate.
(3) Recognition basis and method for the schedule of contracted project when
recognizing the revenue from providing labour services and construction contract
by percentage-of-completion method

26. Government grants

(1) Types
A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by the
Group from the government, but excluding the capital invested by the government as
the owner of the enterprise. Government subsidies consist of the government
subsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income.
(2) Accounting treatment method

If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of
the received or receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset,
it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a
reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount. The government subsidies
measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits
and losses.
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income,
equally distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included
in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes
shall be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: those
subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the
enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current
profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or
those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to
the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.
Where it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized,
it shall be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows:
if there is the deferred income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income
shall be offset against, but the excessive part shall be included in the current
profits and losses; or if there is no deferred income concerned to the government
subsidy, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

27. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
For the deferred income assets arising from deductible temporary difference, and
such deductible temporary difference arises from the difference between the book
value of assets and liabilities and its taxation basis, as well as the Group can
gain enough taxable income in the future to use such deductible temporary difference,
the Group shall recognize such deferred income tax assets to the extent of the amount
of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted
from the deductible temporary difference.
No deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the deductible temporary
difference of initial recognition of assets and liabilities arising from the
transaction which is not business combination, the accounting profits will not be
affected, nor will the taxable amount or deductible loss be affected at the time
of transaction. Besides, no deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the
deductible temporary difference related to the investments of the subsidiary
companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises, which are not likely to
be reversed in the expected future or is not likely to acquire any amount of taxable

income tax that may be used for making up such deductible temporary differences.
Otherwise, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from
a deductible temporary difference basing on the extent of the amount of the taxable
income that is likely to be acquired to make up such deductible temporary differences
For any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next
year, the corresponding deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent
that the amount of future taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax
deduction to be likely obtained.
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which
the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.
The book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed at each balance sheet
date. If it is unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against the
benefit of the deferred income tax asset, the book value of the deferred income tax
assets shall be written down. Any such write-down should be subsequently reversed
where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.

(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities
For the deferred income liabilities arising from taxable temporary difference, and
it will increase the Group’s taxable income and income tax payable during the
reversal period of taxable temporary difference, and further cause the economic
benefits outflow the Group, as well as form the taxes payable for the Group upon
the occurring period, which shall be recognized as liabilities.
No deferred tax liability is recognized for a temporary difference arising from the
initial recognition of goodwill, the initial recognition of assets or liabilities
due to a transaction other than a business combination, which affects neither
accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). Besides, no deferred tax
assets is recognized for the taxable temporary differences related to the
investments of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises,
and the investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary
differences as well as the temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the
excepted future. Otherwise, the Group should recognize the deferred income tax
liabilities arising form other taxable temporary difference.
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which
the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.

28. Operating lease and finance lease

(1) Accounting treatments of operating lease

1) Business of operating leases recorded by the Group as the lessee
The rent expenses from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee in the
relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the current period by using the
straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs
shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current period. The contingent
rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which
they actually arise.
2) Business of operating leases recorded by the Group as the lessor
The rent incomes from operating leases shall be recognized as the profits and losses
of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease
term. The initial direct costs of great amount shall be capitalized when incurred,
and be recorded into current profits and losses in accordance with the same basis
for recognition of rent incomes over the whole lease term. The initial direct costs
of small amount shall be recorded into current profits and losses when incurred.
The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period in which they actually arise.
(2) Accounting treatments of finance lease
1) Business of finance leases recorded by the Group as the lessee
On the lease beginning date, the Group shall record the lower one of the fair value
of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease
beginning date as the entering value in an account, recognize the amount of the
minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account of long-term account
payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and
the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges. Besides, the
initial direct costs directly attributable to the leased item incurred during the
process of lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be recorded
in the asset value of the current period. The balance through deducting unrecognized
financing charges from the minimum lease payments shall be respectively stated in
long-term liabilities and long-term liabilities due within 1 year.
Unrecognized financing charges shall be adopted by the effective interest rate
method in the lease term, so as to calculate and recognize current financing charges.
The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period in which they actually arise.
2) Business of finance leases recorded by the Group as the lessor
On the beginning date of the lease term, the Group shall recognize the sum of the
minimum lease receipts on the lease beginning date and the initial direct costs as
the entering value in an account of the financing lease values receivable, and record
the unguaranteed residual value at the same time. The balance between the sum of
the minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and the unguaranteed residual
value and the sum of their present values shall be recognized as unrealized financing
income. The balance through deducting unrealized financing incomes from the finance

lease accounts receivable shall be respectively stated in long-term claims and
long-term claims due within 1 year.
Unrecognized financing incomes shall be adopted by the effective interest rate
method in the lease term, so as to calculate and recognize current financing revenues.
The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period in which they actually arise.

29. Assets held for sale

(1) Recognition criteria of available-for-sale assets

(2) Accounting treatments of the assets held for sale

30. Capitalization of assets business

31. Hedging accounting

32. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates
Were the main accounting policies or estimates changed during the report period?
□Yes √No □ Inapplicable
(1) Change of accounting policies
Were the main accounting policies changed during the report period?
□Yes √No □ Inapplicable
(2) Change of accounting estimates
Were the main accounting estimates changed during the report period?
□Yes √No □ Inapplicable

33. Correction of previous accounting errors
Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the report period?
□Yes √No □ Inapplicable
(1) Retrospective restatement method
Was any previous accounting error adopting retrospective restatement method
discovered in the report period?
□Yes √No □ Inapplicable
(2) Prospective application method
Was any previous accounting error adopting prospective application method
discovered in the report period?
□Yes √No □ Inapplicable

34. Other main accounting policies and estimates as well as compilation method of
financial statements
Employee compensation

The Group recorded the employee compensation payables as liabilities during the
service period of employee.
The Group joins in the employee social security system established by the government
institution in accordance with relevant rules and laws, which include the basic
retirement insurance, medical insurance and other social insurances, as well as the
housing accumulation fund, and the relevant expenditures should be recorded into
cost of relevant assets or current profits and losses upon the occurrence.
If an enterprise cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the
expiration of the relevant labor contract or brings forward any compensation
proposal for the purpose of encouraging the employee to accept a layoff, and the
following conditions are met concurrently, the enterprise shall recognize the
expected liabilities incurred due to the compensation for the cancellation of the
labor relationship with the employee, and shall simultaneously record them into the
profit or loss for the current period: the enterprise has formulated a formal plan
on the cancellation of labor relationship or has brought forward a proposal on
voluntary layoff and will execute it soon; and the enterprise is unable to
unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the
layoff proposal.
The inside employee retirement plan is treated by adopting the same principle with
the above dismission welfare. The group would recorded the salary and the social
security insurance fees paid and so on from the employee’s service terminative date
to normal retirement date into current profits and losses (dismission welfare) under
the condition that they meet the recognition conditions of estimated liabilities.

Critical accounting judgments and estimates
Due to the inside uncertainty of operating activity, the Group needed to make
judgments, estimates and assumption on the book value of the accounts without
accurate measurement during the employment of accounting policies. And these
judgments, estimates and assumption were made basing on the prior experience of the
senior executives of the Group, as well as in consideration of other factors. These
judgments, estimates and assumption would also affect the report amount of income,
costs, assets and liabilities, as well as the disclosure of contingent liabilities
on balance sheet date. However, the uncertainty of these estimates was likely to
cause significant adjustment on the book value of the affected assets and
The Group would check periodically the above judgments, estimates and assumption
on the basis of continuing operation. For the changes in accounting estimates only
affected on the current period, the influence should be recognized at the period
of change occurred; for the changes in accounting estimates affected the current
period and also the future period, the influence should be recognized at the period
of change occurred and future period.

On the balance sheet date, the Group needed to make judgments, estimates and
assumption on the accounts in the following important items:
(1) Categorization of leasing
In accordance with Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 – Leasing, the Group
categorized the leasing into operating lease and finance lease. During the
categorization, the management level needed to make analysis and judgment on whether
all the risk and compensation related with the leased assets had been transferred
to the leasee, or whether the Group had already undertaken all the risk and
compensation related with the leased assets.
(2) Provision for bad debts
In accordance with the accounting policies of accounts receivable, the Group
measured the losses for bad debts by adopting allowance method. The impairment of
accounts receivable was based on the appraisal of the recoverability of accounts
receivable. The impairment of accounts receivable was dependent on the judgment and
estimates. The actual amount and the difference of previous estimates would affect
the book value of accounts receivable and the withdrawal and reversal on provision
for bad debts of accounts receivable during the period of estimates being changed.
(3) Provision for falling price of inventories
In accordance with the accounting policies of inventories, for the inventories that
the costs were more than the net realizable value as well as out-of-date and dull-sale
inventories, the Group withdrew the provision for falling price of inventories on
the lower one between costs and net realizable value. Evaluating the falling price
of inventories needed the management level gain the valid evidence and take full
consideration of the purpose of inventories, influence of events after balance sheet
date and other factors, and then made relevant judgments and estimates. The actual
amount and the difference of previous estimates would affect the book value of
inventories and the withdrawal and reversal on provision for bad debts of inventories
during the period of estimates being changed.
(4) The fair value of financial instrument
For the financial instruments without active market, the Group recognized the fair
value by various methods. These evaluation methods included discounted cash flow
mode analysis, etc.. The Group needed to estimate the future cash flow, credit risk,
fluctuation rate of market and relativity and other factors, as well as choose the
property discount rate. Due to the uncertainty of relevant assumptions, so their
changes would affect the fair value of financial instrument.
(5) The impairment of financial assets available for sale
The Group judged whether the financial assets available for sale were impaired
relying heavily on the judgment and assumption of the management team, so as to decide
whether recognized the impairment losses in the income statement. During the process
of making the judgment and assumption, the Group needed to appraise the balance of
the cost of the investment exceeding its fair value and the continuous period, the

financial status and business forecast in a short period, including the industrial
situation, technical reform, credit level, default rate and risk of counterparty.
(6) Provision for impairment of non-financial non-current assets
The Group made a judgment on the non-current assets other than financial assets
whether they had any indication of impairment on the balance sheet date. For the
intangible assets without finite service life, other than the annual impairment test,
they should be subject to the impairment test when there was any indication of
impairment. For other non-current non-financial assets, which should subject to
impairment test when there was indication of impairment showing that the book value
can’t be recoverable.
When the book value of the assets or assets portfolio was more than the recoverable
amount, which was the higher one between the net amount of fair value after deducting
the disposal expenses and the discounted amount of the estimated future cash flow,
it means impairment incurred.
The net amount of fair value after deducting the disposal expenses should be fixed
the price in the sale agreement for similar assets in the fair transaction minus
the increased costs directly attributable to the assets disposal.
When estimated the discounted value of future cash flow, the Group needed to make
important judgment on the output, selling price, relevant costs and the discount
rate for calculating the discounted amount, etc. When estimated the recoverable
amount, the Group would adopt all the available documents, including the predicts
for relevant output, selling price and relevant operating costs arising from
reasonable and supportive assumptions.
The Group made the impairment test on goodwill at least one time per year, which
required to predict the discounted amount of the future cash flow of the assets or
assets portfolio with the distributed good will, for which, the Group needed to
predict the future cash flow of the assets or assets portfolio, and adopt the property
discounted rate to decide the discounted amount of future cash flow.
(7) Depreciation and amortization
For the investment real estate, fixed assets and intangible assets, the Group
withdrew the depreciation and amortization by adopting the straight-line method
during the service life after full consideration of the salvage value. The Group
checked the service life periodically so as to decide the amount of depreciation
and amortization at each reporting period. The service life was fixed by the Group
in accordance with the previous experience of the similar assets and the expected
technical update. If there was any significant change on the previous estimates,
the depreciation and amortization expenses should be adjusted.
(8) Expenditures for development
When fixing the amount of capitalization, the management level of the Group needed
to make assumption on the predicted future cash flow, property discounted rate and
estimated beneficiary period for relevant assets.

(9) Deferred income tax assets
Within the limit that it was likely to have sufficient taxable profits to offset
the losses, the Group recognized the deferred income tax assets by all the unused
tax losses, which needed the management level of the Group to estimate time and amount
of the future taxable profits incurred with many judgments, as well as integrate
strategy of tax payment, to decide the amount of deferred income tax assets which
should be recognized.
(10) Income tax
During the routine operating activities, there were some uncertainty in the ultimate
tax treatment and calculation for parts of transactions. Some accounts of such
transaction could be listed as pre-tax expenditures only after the approval of
taxation authorities. If there were any differences between the ultimate result of
recognition for these taxation maters and their initial estimates, the differences
would affect the current income tax and deferred income tax at the period of ultimate
(11) Estimated liabilities
The Group made the estimation on product quality guarantee, predicted loss of
contract and the fine for delayed delivery, etc. and withdrew the relevant provision
for estimated liabilities in accordance the provisions of contract, current
knowledge and experience. Under the condition that the contingent event has formed
a current duty and fulfilling the duty is likely to cause the economical interest
outflow the Group, the Group measures the estimated liabilities in accordance with
the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the current duty.
The recognition and measurement of estimated liabilities were heavily relied on the
judgment of the management team. During the process of making judgment, the Group
needed to appraise the relevant risks, uncertainty and the time value of money and
Of which, the Group estimated the liabilities basing on the after-sale services
commitments to the customers upon the sale, repair and reform of goods. When
estimating the liabilities, the Group has fully taken the consideration of the latest
repair experience, but which may not reflect the repair situation in the future.
Any increase / decrease of the provision for estimated liabilities may affect the
profits and losses in the future periods.

(V) Taxation
1. Main taxes and tax rate
        Category of taxes                        Tax basis                      Tax rate
                                    Calculated the output tax at 17% of
                                    taxable income and paid the VAT by
VAT                                                                       17%
                                    the amount after deducting the
                                    deductible   withholding   VAT   at

                                         current period.
Consumption tax
                                         Paid by 5% of taxable business
Business tax                             income                         5%

Urban maintenance and construction Paid at 7% of the circulating tax
tax                                actually paid

                                                                            In the year of 2012, 25% for the
                                                                            companies incorporated in Shenzhen
                                         In the year of 2012, 25% for the
                                         companies incorporated in Shenzhen except Konka Telecommunication
                                         except Konka Telecommunication Technology and Precision Mold with
                                         Technology and Precision Mold with
                                                                            the income tax of 15% as well as
                                         the income tax of 15% as well as
                                         Wankaida with the income tax of Wankaida with the income tax of
Enterprise income tax
                                         12.5%; 25% for the companies 12.5%; 25% for the companies
                                         incorporated in other places; 16.5%
                                                                             incorporated in other places; 16.5%
                                         for the companies incorporated in
                                         Hong Kong; 15% for Chongqing for the companies incorporated in
                                         Qingjia and Dongguan Konka, and Hong Kong; 15% for Chongqing
                                         12.5% for Boluo Precision
                                                                             Qingjia and Dongguan Konka, and
                                                                            12.5% for Boluo Precision
                                         Paid at 3% of the circulating tax
Education surtax                                                           3%
                                         actually paid
The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory
According to the relevant stipulations by the Interim Measures for the
Administration of Collection of Business Income Tax for Trans-regional Business
Operations, where a resident enterprise sets up a business institution or
establishment without the qualification of legal person across the regions within
the territory of China, this resident enterprise shall be a consolidated taxpayer
enterprise, and shall be governed by the administrative measures for enterprise
income   tax,      namely   “ uniform   calculation,      level-by-level     administration,
pre-payment in place, consolidated settlement, and transfer to treasury”. These
measures shall be implemented as from the date of 1 Jan. 2008.
In accordance with the measures mentioned above, the sales branches of the Company
in all parts of the country shall, as from the date of 1 Jan. 2008, prepay the business
income tax, and the Company shall make the uniform settlement in the yearend.
In the year of 2012, 25% for the companies incorporated in Shenzhen except Konka
Telecommunication Technology and Precision Mold with the income tax of 15% as well
as Wankaida with the income tax of 12.5%; 25% for the companies incorporated in other
places; 16.5% for the companies incorporated in Hong Kong; 15% for Chongqing Qingjia
and Dongguan Konka, and 12.5% for Boluo Precision.

2. Tax preference and approved document
The wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company-Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications
Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise No.

GF201144200088 jointly issued by Shenzhen Bureau of Science Technology &
Information, Shenzhen Financial Bureau, Shenzhen Municipal State Taxation Bureau,
and Shenzhen Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, valid for three years. In light of
the relevant tax regulations, Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co.,
Ltd. would be entitled to the relevant preferential policies concerning the hi-tech
enterprise from 2011 to 2013 for consecutive three years, and be levied the business
income tax at the preferential tariff of 15%.
The wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company- Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication
Systems Engineering Co., Ltd. obtained the Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise No.
GR200944200457 jointly issued by Shenzhen Bureau of Science Technology &
Information, Shenzhen Financial Bureau, Shenzhen Municipal State Taxation Bureau,
and Shenzhen Municipal Local Taxation Bureau. Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication
Systems Engineering Co., Ltd. would be entitled to the relevant preferential
policies concerning the hi-tech enterprise from 2009 to 2011 for consecutive three
years, and be levied the business income tax at the preferential tariff of 15%.
The company and subsidiary companies incorporated in Shenzhen except Konka
Telecommunication Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication
Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., Precision Mould gradually implemented the legal tax
rate five years after the implementation of the new tax law and implemented the tax
rate of 25% in 2012 according to the relevant regulations in GF (2007) No. 39 Notice
by the PRC State Council on the Implementation of the Grandfathering Preferential
Policies under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law.
The Company’s subsidiary—Chongqing Qingjia Electronics Co., Ltd. is levied the
business income tax at the preferential tariff of 15% from 1 Jan. 2011 to 31 Dec.
2020 in accordance with CS (2011) No. 58 Notice on Relevant Tax Policies on Deeply
Implementing the western development strategy.
On 10 Nov. 2009, the Company’s subsidiary— Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic was filed
for the high-tech enterprise certification by Ministry of Science and Technology,
and received Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise with No. GR200944000021, was valid
for three years. According to relevant taxation regulations, Dongguan Konka Mould
Plastic would enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for
successive three years since 2009 and was levied at the preferential enterprise
income tax rate of 15%.
On 8 Oct. 2008, Guangdong Boluo Office of State Administration of Taxation approved
the application of Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd. for tax preferential
of “tax exemption for two years and 50% tax reduction for three years” in BGSH
(2008) No. 94 and thus Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd. started to enjoy
the said tax preferential policy (i.e. exempted from the enterprise income tax in
year 2008 and 2009 and will be levied at 50% of the enterprise income tax rate from
year 2010 to year 2012), so its applicable tax rate in 2012 was 12.5%.
On 26 Sep. 2010, Dongguan Konka Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary gained the

Certificate of Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Department of Science &
Technology, Finance Bureau, National Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau of
Guangdong province (No. GR-201044000209) with valid term of three years. In
accordance with relevant stipulations of taxation, Dongguan Konka Co., Ltd. will
enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for successive three
years since 2010 and was levied at the preferential enterprise income tax rate of
On 23 Feb. 2011, the Company ’ s subsidiary — Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. gained the Certificate of Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued
by Department of Science & Technology, Finance Bureau, National Taxation Bureau and
Local Taxation Bureau of Shenzhen (No. GR201144200236) with valid term of three years.
In accordance with relevant stipulations of taxation, Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech
enterprises for successive three years since 2010 and was levied at the preferential
enterprise income tax rate of 15%.
On 19 Oct. 2011, the Company and its subsidiary—Shenzhen Wankaida Science and
Technology Co., Ltd. received the Notice on Registration and Recording of Tax
Preference     from      Shenzhen     State      Administration      of     Taxation
(Shen-Guo-Shui-Nan-Jian-Mian-Bei-An [2011] No. 421), at which approved Wankaida
enjoy the tax exemption for the first two years since the earning year and 50% tax
reduction for the next three years(i.e. exempted from the enterprise income tax in
year 2010 and 2011 and will be levied at 50% of the enterprise income tax rate from
year 2012 to year 2014), and the enterprise income tax rate from year 2012 to year
2014 is 12.5%.
On 8 Nov. 2011, Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary gained
the Certificate of Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Department of Science &
Technology, Finance Bureau, National Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau of
Jiangsu province (No. GR201132000506) with valid term of three years. In accordance
with relevant stipulations of taxation, Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd. will
enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for successive three
years since 2011 and was levied at the preferential enterprise income tax rate of
3. Other explanations

(Ⅵ) Business combination and consolidated financial statements

General instruction of business combination and consolidated financial statements:
The Company’s consolidated financial statements and consolidated scope include the
Company and 39 controlled subsidiaries.
1. Subsidiaries

(1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                                                          Balance of
                                                                                                                                                                          equity after
                                                                                                                        The      The                            Deducti       the
                                                                                                                                        ded in
                                                                                                                      proport proport                             ble     difference
                                                                                          Actual amount of   Other                      conso
Subsidiari             Registered    Business       Registered   Curre                                                ion of ion of              Minority       minorit that loss of
                Type                                                     Business scope investments at essential                        lidat
    es                   place           nature      capital      ncy                                                 holding voting             interest          y       minority
                                                                                          the period-end investment                      ed
                                                                                                                      shares rights                             interes    interests
                                                                                                                      (%)     (%)                             ts        exceed
                                                                                                                                                                          obtained by
                                    and trading                          Mobile
Telecommun Limited     Shenzhen
                                    of     mobile 120,000,000.00 CNY     communication     120,000,000.00                100%     100% Yes              0.00
ications     company   Guangdong
                                    communicati                          products
                                    on products
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen     Limited   Shenzhen Production                               Development
                                                   15,000,000.00 CNY                        15,000,000.00                 60%      60% Yes       5,676,600.00
Konka        company   Guangdong and trading                             and sales of

Video       &                         of                                   commercial
Communicat                            commercial                           televisions
ion                                   televisions
g Co., Ltd.
                Limited   Shenzhen
Mold                                  Moulds           15,968,800.00 CNY   Moulds             15,970,000.00   46.31% 52.49% Yes   -25,066,600.00
                company   Guangdong
ing     Co.,
                                      Electronic                           Electronic
                                      equipment,                           equipment,
Konka           Limited   Shenzhen
                                      small             8,300,000.00 CNY   small              8,300,000.00      51%     51% Yes   -11,281,600.00
Electronic company        Guangdong
                                      household                            household
Co., Ltd.
                                      appliances                           appliances
Shenzhen                                                                   Manufacturing
                                      ng         and
Konka                                                                      and      selling
                Limited   Shenzhen selling
Informatio                                             30,000,000.00 CNY   digital            30,000,000.00    100%    100% Yes            0.00
                company   Guangdong digital
n     Network                                                              network
Co., Ltd.                                                                  products
Shenzhen        Limited   Shenzhen Plastic                                 Plastic
                                                        9,500,000.00 CNY                      9,500,000.00     100%    100% Yes            0.00
Konka           company   Guangdong product                                product

Plastic                            manufacturi                          manufacturing
Products                           ng
Co., Ltd.
                                   Video      and
                                   audio                                Video        and
Shushida     Limited    Shenzhen
                                   products         42,000,000.00 CNY   audio products     42,000,000.00   100%   100% Yes           0.00
Electronic company     Guangdong
                                   and                                  and components
Co., Ltd.
Electronic                         R&D        of                        R&D           of
             Limited    Shenzhen
Fittings                           electronic       65,000,000.00 CNY   electronic         65,000,000.00   100%   100% Yes           0.00
             company   Guangdong
Technology                         components                           components
Co., Ltd.
                       Mudanjiang Color                                 Color
Konka        Limited
                       Heilongjia television        60,000,000.00 CNY   television         60,000,000.00    60%    60% Yes   16,819,500.00
Industrial company
                           ng      products                             products
Co., Ltd.
                                   Color                                Color
Konka        Limited    Xianyang
                                   television       69,500,000.00 CNY   television         69,500,000.00    60%    60% Yes   30,212,200.00
Electronic company      Shaanxi
                                   products                             products
Co., Ltd.
                                   Color                                Color
Konka        Limited
                       Chongqing television         45,000,000.00 CNY   television         45,000,000.00    60%    60% Yes   5,715,300.00
Electronic company
                                   products                             products
Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Limited      Chongqing Development        30,000,000.00 CNY   Development        30,000,000.00    57%    57% Yes   -5,781,400.00

Konka         company               and sales of                          and sales of
Automotive                          automotive                            automotive
Electronic                          electronic                            electronic
Co., Ltd.                           equipment                             equipment
Qingjia       Limited               Electronic                            Electronic
                        Chongqing                     15,000,000.00 CNY                       15,000,000.00     40%     40% Yes   15,833,500.00
Electronic company                  tuners                                tuners
s Co., Ltd.
                                    Color                                 Color
Konka         Limited   Chuzhou
                                    television       140,000,000.00 CNY   television         140,000,000.00     78%     78% Yes   67,630,200.00
Electronic company      Anhui
                                    products                              products
Co., Ltd.
Anhui                               Manufacturi
Konka                               ng         and
              Limited   Chuzhou                                           and      selling
Household                           selling           78,190,000.00 CNY                       78,190,000.00   96.46% 97.45% Yes   2,601,100.00
              company   Anhui                                             household
Appliances                          household
Co., Ltd.                           appliance
Changshu                                                                  Manufacturing
                                    ng         and
Konka         Limited   Changshu                                          and      selling
                                    selling           24,650,000.00 CNY                       24,650,000.00     60%     60% Yes   8,124,000.00
Electronic company      Jiangsu                                           electronic
Co., Ltd.                                                                 products
Kunshan                             Researching                           Researching,
Konka         Limited   Kunshan     , designing                           designing and
                                                     350,000,000.00 CNY                      350,000,000.00    100%    100% Yes           0.00
Electronic company      Jiangsu     and                                   manufacturing
Co., Ltd.                           manufacturi                           liquid crystal

                                      ng     liquid                        modules      and
                                      crystal                              flat       panel
                                      modules and                          television
                                      flat    panel
Konka           Limited   Dongguan                                         Television and
                                      and     audio 266,670,000.00 CNY                        266,670,000.00    100%    100% Yes           0.00
Electronic company        Guangdong                                        audio products
Co., Ltd.
Konka                                                                      Plastic
                Limited   Dongguan    product
Packing                                                10,000,000.00 CNY   product             10,000,000.00    100%    100% Yes           0.00
                company   Guangdong manufacturi
Materials                                                                  manufacturing
Co., Ltd.
                                      Manufacturi                          Manufacturing
                Limited   Dongguan    ng     moulds                        moulds       and
Mould                                                  10,000,000.00 CNY                       10,000,000.00   59.73% 59.73% Yes   41,948,900.00
                company   Guangdong and plastic                            plastic
                                      products                             products
Co., Ltd.
                                      Manufacturi                          Manufacturing
                                      ng         and                       and      selling
Boluo                                 selling                              electronic
                Limited   Bolo
Konka     PCB                         electronic       40,000,000.00 CNY   products with       40,000,000.00     51%     51% Yes   5,941,300.00
                company   Guangdong
Co., Ltd.                             products                             single        or
                                      with single                          double     sided
                                      or     double                        circuit boards

                                       ng         and
Boluo                                  selling
                                                                            and     selling
Konka                                  electronic
             Limited   Bolo                                                 electronic
Precision                              products         15,000,000.00 CNY                      11,250,000.00   100%   100% Yes   0.00
             company   Guangdong                                            products with
Technology                             with      high
                                                                            high    density
Co., Ltd.                              density
                                                                            circuit boards
                                       R&D of flat
Konka                                  panel                                R&D    of   flat
(Nanhai)     Limited   Foshan          display                              panel display
                                                           500,000.00 CNY                        500,000.00    100%   100% Yes   0.00
Developmen company     Guangdong technologie                                technologies
t Center                               s          and                       and products
                                       and                                  Exporting and
Hongkong                               importing                            importing
             Limited   Hong     Kong
Konka Co.,                             machinery           500,000.00 HKD   machinery and        540,000.00    100%   100% Yes   0.00
             company   China
Ltd.                                   and                                  electronic
                                       electronic                           products
Konka        Limited   Hong     Kong Investment            500,000.00 HKD   Investment and       530,000.00    100%   100% Yes   0.00

Household company       China        and                                shareholding
Appliances                           shareholdin
Investment                           g
t Co., Ltd.
              Limited   Hong     Kong Internation                       International
Internatio                                             500,000.00 HKD                        530,000.00     100%    100% Yes           0.00
              company   China        al trade                           trade
Co., Ltd.
KONKA                                Selling                            Selling
AMERICA,IN              USA          electronic      1,000,000.00 USD   electronic         8,060,000.00     100%    100% Yes           0.00
C.                                   products                           products
Konka                                Selling                            Selling
(Europe)                Europe       electronic         25,000.00 EUR   electronic           260,000.00     100%    100% Yes           0.00
Co., Ltd.                            products                           products
                                     Manufacturi                        Manufacturing
              Limited    Dongguan ng       moulds                       moulds       and
Mould                                                5,000,000.00 CNY                      5,000,000.00    46.31% 52.49% Yes   11,639,500.00
              company   Guangdong and plastic                           plastic
                                     products                           products
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen      Limited    Shenzhen Technology                            Technology
                                                    10,000,000.00 CNY                      10,000,000.00    100%    100% Yes           0.00
Konka         company   Guangdong development                           development,

Optoelectr                          , sales and                           sales          and
onic                                maintenance                           maintenance of
Technology                          of      liquid                        liquid crystal
Co., Ltd.                           crystal                               mode
Wankaida                            Development                            Development
Science       Limited    Shenzhen          and                                    and
                                                      10,000,000.00 CNY                         10,000,000.00   100%   100% Yes          0.00
and           company   Guangdong maintenance                             maintenance of
Technology                          of software                             software
Co., Ltd.
              Limited   Kunshan     Real estate                            Real estate
Investment                                           350,000,000.00 CNY                        350,000,000.00   100%   100% Yes          0.00
              company   Jiangsu     investment                             investment
t Co., Ltd.
Konka                                                                     Manufacture of
                                     of house
Tongchuang Limited      Chuzhou                                                  house
                                    appliances       180,000,000.00 CNY                        120,000,000.00   100%   100% Yes          0.00
Household company       Anhui                                              appliances
Appliances                                                                refrigeration
Co., Ltd.
                                         Selling                             Selling
Konka         Limited
                        Indonesia electronic           1,500,000.00 USD    electronic           9,750,000.00     51%    51% Yes   3,296,100.00
Electronic company
                                     products                               products
s Co., Ltd.

             Limited   Shenzhen     Ordinary
Logistics                                         10,000,000.00 CNY   Ordinary cargo    10,000,000.00    100%    100% Yes           0.00
             company   Guangdong      cargo
Co., Ltd.
                                     Selling                             Selling
Konka        Limited
                        Beijing    electronic     30,000,000.00 CNY    electronic       30,000,000.00    100%    100% Yes           0.00
Electronic company
                                    products                            products
Co., Ltd.
                                   Manufacturi                        Manufacturing
             Limited    Kunshan     ng moulds                          moulds and
Mould                                            100,000,000.00 CNY                    100,000,000.00   46.31% 52.49% Yes   53,604,200.00
             company    Jiangsu    and plastic                           plastic
                                    products                            products
Co. , Ltd.

Other notes of Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment:
① The Company holds 46.31% of shares of Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Konka Household Appliances Investment
& Development Co., Ltd, a subsidiary company of the Company, is entrusted to manage 6.18% shares held by Shenzhen Dingshengxin Mould
Technology Consultation Co., Ltd. After the entrustment, the percentage of voting rights of the Company increases to 52.49%. Therefore,
the financial statements of Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are combined into the consolidated financial statements.
Xutongda is a wholly funded subsidiary of Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd and is also combined into the consolidated financial
② The Company holds 40.00% shares of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd that all senior managers of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co.,
Ltd are appointed and dismissed by the Company. 70% to 80% of its products are sold to the Company and thus the Company has absolute influence
and control over the production and operation of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd., which is combined into the consolidated financial

③ Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. held 100% equity of Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., and the Company
is the actuall controller of Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., for the Company indirectly held 46.31% shares and 52.49 voting
right of Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., which which is combined into the consolidated financial statement.
④ Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. held 100% equity of Kunshan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd., and the Company
is the actuall controller of Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd., for the Company indirectly held 46.31% shares and
52.49 voting right of Kunshan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd., which which is combined into the consolidated financial statement.
⑤ Anhui Tongchuang is a limited company jointly invested and established by the Company and Chuzhou Tongchuang Construction Investment
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as “Tongchuang Construction”) with registration capital of RMB 180 million, of which each party invested
in RMB 90 million repectively on contract. As to 31 Dec. 2010, Anhui Tongchuang with a paid-up capital of RMB 120 million (including paid-up
capital of RMB 120 million(including RMB 90 million of the Company, 75.00% of total paid-up capital; and paid-up capital of RMB 30 million
of Tongchuang Construction, 25.00% of total paid-up capital ). According to contract sign by two parties, Tongchuang Construction has
the rights of transferring stock ownership three years after the establishment of Anhui Tongchuang Company. Meanwhile, the Company can
repurchase the said stock ownership and contracted with Tongchuang Investement Company that the Company shall receive fixed investment
gains at 2% of actual capital invested by the Group annually. So the Company can conduct actual control to Anhui Tongchuang Company, and
combines it into the consolidated financial statement.
⑥ Indonesia Konka Electronics Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary newly established in 2011, and the Company held its 51% equity, so combines it
into the consolidation scope.

(2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                               Balance of
                                                                                  The                                          deducting
                                                        Actual                            The
                                                                                 prop             Inclu                           the
                                                        amount                           propo                       Deducti
                                                                                 orti             ded in                       difference
                        Busin Regis                       of          Other              rtion             Minorit     ble
                Regis                          Busin                             on of            conso                        that loss
Subsid                   ess     tered Curre            investm essential                  of                y       minorit
         Type   tered                           ess                              hold             lidat                            of
iaries                  natur capit     ncy             ents at investmen                votin             interes      y
                place                          scope                              ing              ed                           minority
                            e     al                      the              t               g                 t       interes
                                                                                 shar             state                        interests
                                                        period-                          right                         ts
                                                                                  es              ment                           exceed
                                                          end                            s(%)
                                                                                 (%)                                           equity

Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control:

(3) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                               Balance of
                                                                                                                               equity after
                                                       Actual                   The
                                                                                                  Inclu                         deducting
                                                       amount                  propo      The                        Deducti
                Regi                                              Other                           ded in                           the
                       Busin Regis                      of                     rtion proport               Minorit     ble
                ster                          Busin              essentia                         conso                        difference
Subsid                  ess     tered Curre           investm                   of      ion of               y       minorit
         Type   ed                             ess                    l                           lidat                        that loss of
iaries                 natur capit     ncy            ents at                  holdi voting                interes      y
                plac                          scope              investme                          ed                            minority
                        e        al                     the                     ng      rights               t       interes
                 e                                                    nt                          state                         interests
                                                      period-                  share     (%)                         ts
                                                                                                  ment                           exceed
                                                        end                    s(%)
                                                                                                                               obtained by


Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control:

2. Special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted
operation or lease

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other explanation on special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed
by entrusted operation or lease:

3. Explanation on changes in consolidated scope

Explanation on changes in consolidated scope:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No unit newly increased in the reporting period, the reason is as follows:
No unit decreased in the reporting period, the reason is as follows:

4. Subsidiaries that newly and no longer combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by
entrusted operation or lease that newly included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Net profit in current
                  Name                        Closing net assets

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by
entrusted operation or lease that not longer included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Net asset at the disposal Net profit from year-begin
                                                     date                to disposal date

Other notes to changes in consolidated scope:

5. Business combination under same control during the reporting period

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Judgment basis                     The                 The        Cash flow
                   of business                  consolidated        consolidated arising from
  The combined                   controller of
                   combination                   income from       net profit from  operating
     party                          the same
                  under the same                period-begin        period-begin   activities
                      control                  to combination      to combination    between

                                                        date             date      period-begin

Other notes to business combination under same control:

6. Business combination not under same control during the reporting period

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
    The combined party           Amount of goodwill             Calculation method of goodwill

Other notes to business combination not under same control:

7. Subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period

                                                                     Recognition method of gains
          Name of subsidiary                    Disposal date
                                                                             and losses

Other notes to subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting

8. The counter purchases in the reporting period

                                                                          Calculation method of
                                                                         goodwill recognized or
                            Judgment basis of      Recognition method of
  The backdoor party                                                      included into current
                             counter purchase        combination costs
                                                                         gains and losses in the

Other notes to counter purchases:

9. Mergers in the reporting period

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
           Type of merger               Main assets merged in         Main liabilities merged in
  Mergers under the same control          Item           Amount           Item         Amount

Mergers not under the same control        Item           Amount           Item         Amount

Other notes to mergers:

10. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities
                                   Item of assets and liabilities
                     30 Jun. 2012                                             2012年1月1日
                 USD 1 =RMB 6.3249                                         USD 1 = RMB 6.3009
                 HKD 1= RMB 0.8152                                         HKD 1= RMB 0.8107
                IDR 100= RMB 0.06771                                      IDR 100= RMB 0.06963
                EUR 1 = RMB 7.8710                                         EUR 1 = RMB 8.1625
                           Item of income, expense and cash flow
                    Jan.-Jun. 2012                                           Jan.-Jun. 2011
                 USD 1 =RMB 6.3129                                         USD 1 =RMB 6.5472
                 HKD 1= RMB 0.8130                                         HKD 1= RMB 0.8413
                IDR 100= RMB 0.06867                                      IDR 100= RMB 0.07571
                EUR 1 = RMB 8.0168                                         EUR 1 = RMB 9.0839

(Ⅶ) Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                                                                         Amount in
        Item        Amount in foreign Exchange                                            Exchange
                                                   Amount in RMB          foreign                    Amount in RMB
                        currency          rate                                             rate
Cash:                      --              --           169,522.85          --               --         1,821,014.39
RMB                        --              --           167,960.11          --               --         1,797,916.42
HKD                              79.27    0.8152               64.62             756.09     0.8107            612.96
USD                             236.86    6.3249             1,498.12            238.86     6.3009          1,505.03
IDR                                                                     30,130,662.07     0.000696         20,979.98
Bank deposit:              --              --                               --               --       644,630,036.31
RMB                        --              --       976,690,432.70          --               --       464,377,184.46
HKD                    14,821,511.88      0.8152      12,082,496.48 14,544,576.12           0.8107      11,791,287.86
USD                    46,471,227.05      6.3249    293,925,863.97 26,273,639.70            6.3009    165,547,576.41
EUR                     1,062,676.47       7.871      8,364,326.50        259,109.41        8.1625      2,114,980.56
GBP                                1.32   9.8169               12.96              1.18      9.7116              11.50
MOP                                                                              324.85     6.4093          2,082.07
IDR                 1,314,770,849.49 0.000677           890,231.34 1,144,497,271.         0.000696        796,913.45

CAD                                 267.23   6.1223            1,636.14
Other monetary                                        2,039,702,448.4
                               --            --                           --           --       2,055,441,381.00
funds:                                                               1
RMB                            --            --                           --           --       2,055,441,381.00

         Total                 --            --                           --           --       2,701,892,431.70

Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen,
deposited overseas or with potential collecting risks:
The balance of other monetary funds at the end of the period includes marginal deposits that
cannot be withdrawn freely, of which RMB 202,590,000.00 is used as a loan pledge; RMB
1,070,001,360.32 is used as credit deposit; and RMB 3,507,737.22               is used as engineering margins;
RMB 763,603,350.87 is used as marginal deposits for internal guarantee and external loan.

2. Trading financial assets

(1) Trading financial assets

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                              Closing fair value          Opening fair value
Trading bonds investment                                                   0.00                           0.00
Trading equity instruments investment                                      0.00                           0.00
The financial assets which are measured at
their fair values and the variation of which
                                                                           0.00                           0.00
is recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period
Derivative financial assets                                                0.00                           0.00
Hedging instruments                                                        0.00                           0.00
Others                                                                     0.00                           0.00
                    Total                                                  0.00                           0.00

(2) Trading financial assets with realizable limit

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Trading restriction or other
                 Item                                                                       Closing balance
                                             significant limits in realization

(3) Hedging instruments and notes to relevant hedging transaction

3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Category                         Closing balance                 Opening balance
Bank acceptance bill                                         3,012,121,248.05               4,864,855,284.64
Commercial acceptance bill                                        500,905.14                    1,108,201.45
                      Total                                  3,012,622,153.19               4,865,963,486.09

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end

                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
   Issuing entity         Date of issuance      Expiring date             Amount               Remark
Hunan Suning
                       12 Jan. 2012          12 Jul. 2012                  10,000,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
Hunan Suning
                       12 Jan. 2012          12 Jul. 2012                  10,000,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Suning
                       26 Mar. 2012          26 Sept. 2012                 10,000,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Suning
                       26 Mar. 2012          26 Sept. 2012                 10,000,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Purchase
Center of Suning       6 Jan. 2012           6 Jul. 2012                   10,000,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
 Total                           --                   --                   50,000,000.00         --

The balance of notes used as pledge in the notes receivable at the end of the period amounts
to RMB 2,043,027,553.18

(3) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the
contract or agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period

                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
  Issuing entity        Date of issuance       Expiring date              Amount              Remark
Total                           --                    --                           0.00         --
There were no notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute
the contract or agreement at the period-end.

Undue notes endorsed to other parties by the Company
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
      Issuing entity       Date of issuance        Expiring date          Amount                Remark
Shanghai Suning
                        26 Mar. 2012            26 Sept. 2012              10,000,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
International Far
Eastern Leasing Co., 31 Jan. 2012               31 Jul. 2012                4,211,635.00
Jiangsu Five-star
                        29 May 2012             29 Nov. 2012                4,200,000.00
Appliance Co., Ltd.
Chengdu GOME
Electrical Appliances 24 Feb. 2012              24 Aug. 2012                4,045,549.60
Co., Ltd.
Tengda Electrical
                        31 May 2012             30 Nov. 2012                3,000,000.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.
          Total                   --                     --                25,457,184.60          --

Note of discounted or pledged commercial acceptant bill:

4. Dividends receivable

                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
           Item             Opening balance           Increase           Decrease           Closing balance
Dividends     receivable
                                         0.00                    0.00               0.00                 0.00
aging within one year
Of which:
N/A                                      0.00                    0.00               0.00                 0.00
Dividends     receivable
                                         0.00                    0.00               0.00                 0.00
aging over one year
Of which:                         --                     --                 --                    --
N/A                                      0.00                    0.00               0.00                 0.00
Total                                    0.00                    0.00               0.00                 0.00


5. Interest receivable

(1) Interest receivable

                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Increase in current Decrease in current
          Item             Opening balance                                                 Closing balance
                                                     period             period

Income      from      NDF
renminbi           pledge        14,030,636.73                                14,030,636.73

Income from renminbi

exchange      into     US
                                 12,207,299.68             7,092,928.27       19,300,227.95
dollar             pledge


Income     from      fixed
                                 17,388,623.03            42,798,893.31       31,225,297.05             28,962,219.29
         Total                   43,626,559.44            49,891,821.58       64,556,161.73             28,962,219.29

(2) Overdue interest

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
            Borrowing entity                       Overdue days (day)                Amount of overdue interest
                   Total                                     --                                                   0.00

(3) Notes to interest receivable

6. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                        Book balance            Bad debt provision           Book balance            Bad debt provision
                                      Proport                  Proport                     Proport                  Proport
                       Amount                    Amount                     Amount                     Amount
                                      ion (%)                  ion (%)                     ion (%)                  ion (%)
                     103,357,300.00     5.43%   5,167,865.00         5%   103,357,300.00     4.84%   5,167,865.00         5%
amount     and
y withdrawn
bad      debt
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
Aging group       1,799,535,752.72 94.57% 230,518,014.25 12.81% 2,030,804,344.94 95.16% 235,954,487.33 11.62%

Subtotal of
                 1,799,535,752.72 94.57% 230,518,014.25 12.81% 2,030,804,344.94 95.16% 235,954,487.33 11.62%
the groups
nt      single
                              0.00         0%               0.00            0%              0.00            0%               0.00            0%
amount     and
y withdrawn
bad       debt
Total            1,902,893,052.72     --         235,685,879.25        --        2,134,161,644.94      --        241,122,352.33         --

Notes to category of accounts receivable:
There was no accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights
of the Company during the reporting period.
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Provision for bad          Withdrawing
 Content of accounts receivable             Book balance                                                                  Reason
                                                                       debt amount        proportion(%)
Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd.              103,357,300.00           5,167,865.00                        5% 涉及诉讼
                 Total                          103,357,300.00           5,167,865.00             --
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Closing balance                                                Opening balance
                             Book balance                                                 Book balance
        Aging                                            Provision for bad                                                Provision for
                                          Proportio                                                          Proport
                           Amount                              debts                     Amount                             bad debts
                                                n                                                                ion
Within 1 year
Including:                   --                 --               --                        --                    --            --
Within 1 year        1,556,113,899.79           86.47%       34,375,951.23             1,760,096,724.60 86.67%             38,082,568.82
Subtotal of
                     1,556,113,899.79           86.47%       34,375,951.23             1,760,096,724.60 86.67%             38,082,568.82
within 1 year
1-2 years                35,193,050.33           1.96%        1,759,652.51                57,834,325.78          2.85%      2,891,716.29
2-3 years                 9,411,267.59           0.52%        1,882,253.51                14,282,977.09           0.7%      2,856,595.42
Over 3 years             198,817,535.01         11.05%      192,500,157.00               198,590,317.47          9.78% 192,123,606.80
3 to 4 years              5,878,335.57           0.33%        2,939,167.79                 1,184,260.27          0.06%        592,130.14
4 to 5 years              6,756,420.47           0.38%        3,378,210.24                11,749,161.08          0.58%      5,874,580.54
Over 5 years             186,182,778.97         10.34%      186,182,778.97               185,656,896.12          9.14% 185,656,896.12
Total                1,799,535,752.72           --          230,518,014.25             2,030,804,344.94          --       235,954,487.33

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts
□Applicable√ Inapplicable

(2) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Amount of the accrued
                                                  Recognition basis of
  Content of accounts             Reversed or                             bad debt provision Reversed or collected
                                                   original bad debt
       receivable             collected reason                            before reversal or            amount

          Total                        --                    --                                           --
The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or
insignificant single amount but individually made impairment test at the end of reporting period:
 Content of accounts                                                         Withdrawing
                              Book balance            Bad debt amount                                   Reason
      receivable                                                           proportion(%)

        Total                                                                     --                     --

Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after
grouping by credit risks characteristics:

(3) The write-off accounts receivable

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                   Whether arising
                    Nature of accounts                                                            from related party
 Name of entity                             Write-off time    Write-off amount Write-off reason
                          receivable                                                               transaction or
N/A                 N/A                                                    0.00 N/A               N/A
      Total                  --                  --                        0.00        --                  --
Notes to write off of accounts receivable:

(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting
rights of the Company

□Applicable√ Inapplicable

(5) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:

(6) The amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                      The relationship
          Name of entity                                           Amount                        Proportion
                                      with the Company
Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd.           Related party                         886,515.00                        0.05%
Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industrial
                                      Related party                         190,512.40                        0.01%
Development Co., Ltd
Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                  Related party                          47,100.00                          0%
OCT Urban Entertainment Investment
                                      Related party                       2,970,000.00                        0.16%
Company of Shenzhen
OCT Hotel Group                       Related party                         695,000.00                        0.04%
Shenzhen Splendid China
                                      Related party                         556,000.00                        0.03%
Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Window of the World Co.,
                                      Related party                           5,000.00                          0%
Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co.,
                                      Related party                       2,150,483.00                        0.11%
Shenzhen OCT East Interlaken Hotel Related party                             83,000.00                          0%
               Total                         --                           7,583,610.40                        0.4%

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                          Gains or loses related to the termination
               Item                        Amount of termination
                                                                                         of recognition
N/A                                                                0.00                                        0.00
               Total                                               0.00                                        0.00

(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please
list amount of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                                 Period-end
N/A                                                                                                            0.00
Subtotal of assets                                                                                             0.00
N/A                                                                                                            0.00
Subtotal of liabilities                                                                                        0.00

7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                                     Provision for bad                                     Provision for bad
                            Book balance                                         Book balance
                                                           debts                                                 debts
        Category                            Propo                 Propor                          Prop                  Propor
                                            rtion                  tion                           orti                   tion
                            Amount                     Amount                     Amount                     Amount
                                             (%)                    (%)                            on                    (%)
Other        accounts
receivable that is
                                     0.00      0%            0.00         0%               0.00     0%             0.00
significant        and
provisions for bad
debts individually
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group
Aging group              150,616,753.61      100% 18,813,540.06 12.49%         153,482,074.33 100% 19,148,789.63 12.48%
Subtotal of group        150,616,753.61      100% 18,813,540.06 12.49%         153,482,074.33 100% 19,148,789.63 12.48%
Other        accounts
receivable that is
                                     0.00      0%            0.00         0%               0.00     0%             0.00        0%
insignificant      but
provisions for bad
debts individually
Total                    150,616,753.61      --     18,813,540.06    --        153,482,074.33      --    19,148,789.63    --

Notes to category of other accounts receivable:
There was no other accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights
of the Company during the reporting period.
Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt
□ Applicable √Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that withdraws provision for bad debts by aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Period-end                                          Period-begin
                                 Book balance                                       Book balance
          Aging                                              Provision for                                  Provision for bad
                                                    Propor                                         Propor
                                Amount                         bad debts           Amount                         debts
                                                    tion                                            tion
Within 1 year
Within 1 year                  121,039,545.44 80.36%           2,509,446.74     123,211,427.81 80.28%             3,776,808.23

Subtotal of within 1
                            121,039,545.44 80.36%          2,509,446.74    123,211,427.81 80.28%           3,776,808.23
1-2 years                       7,235,050.51     4.8%        361,752.53     12,589,330.20      8.2%          629,466.51
2-3 years                       5,910,873.55    3.92%      1,182,174.71      1,134,020.35     0.74%          226,804.07
Over 3 years                    16,431,284.11 10.92%     14,760,166.08      16,547,295.97 10.78%          14,515,710.82
3 to 4 years                    2,881,150.42    1.91%      1,440,575.21      2,853,325.54     1.86%        1,426,662.77
4 to 5 years                       461,085.64   0.31%        230,542.82      1,209,844.76     0.79%          604,922.38
Over 5 years                    13,089,048.05    8.7%    13,089,048.05      12,484,125.67     8.13%       12,484,125.67
Total                       150,616,753.61      --       18,813,540.06     153,482,074.33      --         19,148,789.63
In the group, other accounts receivable that withdrawn provision for bad debts by balance
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that withdrawn provision for bad debts by other methods:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but withdrawn provision for bad debts individually
accounts receivable:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        Basis for
Content of other accounts Reason for reversed                             Accrued amount before Amount of reversed or
                                                determination of bad
        receivable              or recovered                              reversal or recovery          recovered
                                                     debts provision
N/A                                                                                          0.00                   0.00
            Total                    --                    --                                0.00           --

Withdrawal of closing individually significant or insignificant but provisions for bad debts
individually accounts receivable:
        Content            Book balance         Amount of bad debts Withdrawal percentage                 Reason

         Total                                                                     --                       --

Notes of individually insignificant but was of big risk after grouped by credit risk other accounts

(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the reporting period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Nature of other                                                                Whether arising from
 Name of company        accounts          Write off date    Write off amount Write off reason          related party
                       receivable                                                                   transactions or not
N/A                                                                       0.00
        Total              --                   --                        0.00          --                  --

Notes of written-off of other accounts receivable:

(4) Other accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the
voting shares of the Company

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Nature or details of
        Name of entity                       Amount                                        Proportion of the total (%)
                                                                     the amount
Management Committee of
Development Zone of                              30,000,000.00 Compensation for land                              19.92%
              Total                              30,000,000.00           --                                       19.92%


(6) Information of top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Relationship with the                                                   Proportion of the
     Name of entity                                        Amount                    Aging
                                   Company                                                               total (%)
Management Committee
of Development Zone of Non-related party                   30,000,000.00 1 年以内                                 19.92%
Yunnan       Radio     and
                             Non-related party              2,429,934.00 1 年以内                                    1.61%
Television Bureau
Margin       of       home
appliances to rural Non-related party                       2,100,000.00 1 至 4 年                                   1.39%
Jiangxi        Broadcast
Television        Networks Non-related party                1,700,000.00 1 年以内                                    1.13%
Co., Ltd.
Biding office of the
State Administration
                             Non-related party              1,370,962.73 1 年以内                                    0.91%
of   Radio     Film    and
          Total                       --                   37,600,896.73              --                          24.96%

(7) Information of the amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
        Name of entity             Relationship with the                  Amount                        Aging

Shenzhen Overseas Chinese
                                 Related party                                     80,000.00                         0.05%
Town Gas Station Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen OCT Real Estate
                                 Related party                                  1,216,264.86                         0.81%
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen      OCT     Property
                                 Related party                                     77,402.65                         0.05%
Management Co., Ltd
Shenzhen OCT Water and
                                 Related party                                  1,183,539.44                         0.79%
Power Co., Ltd
              Total                          --                                 2,557,206.95                         1.7%

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                Gains or loses related to the termination
                    Item                         Amount of termination
                                                                                               of recognition
N/A                                                                      0.00                                         0.00
                 Total                                                   0.00                                         0.00

(9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please
list amount of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
Item                                                                            Closing balance
N/A                                                                                                                   0.00
Subtotal of assets                                                                                                    0.00
N/A                                                                                                                   0.00
Subtotal of liabilities                                                                                               0.00

8. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                      Opening balance
      Aging                                                Proportio                                            Proportio
                                  Amount                                               Amount
                                                             n (%)                                                n (%)
Within 1
                                       225,597,199.52         98.88%                       400,954,021.88           69.8%
1 year to 2
                                         2,203,926.29           0.97%                      173,373,636.61          30.19%
2 years to 3                                341,696.16          0.15%                              35,794.58        0.01%

Over 3
                                               0.00             0%                       0.00              0%
Total                       228,142,821.97                --                   574,363,453.07         --
Notes of aging of prepayment:

(2) Information of the top 5 prepayment

                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Relationship with the
      Name of entity                                   Amount          Aging         Reason for unsettled
KELON INTERNATIONAL                                                                  Materials not yet
                       Non-related party               23,185,499.93
INC                                                                                  delivered
HONG KONG EYANG                                                                      Materials not yet
                       Non-related party               12,491,490.76
TECHNOLOGY CO .LTD                                                                   delivered
                                                                                     Materials not yet
POLYURETHANES CO.,     Non-related party               12,104,301.29
                                                                                     Materials not yet
CO.,LTD. ZHUHAI        Non-related party                8,307,277.78
FOR INTERNATIONAL                                                                    During the contract
                       Non-related party                6,240,000.00
TECHNO-ECONOMIC                                                                      period
Total                           --                     62,328,569.76    --                       --

Notes to main units of prepayment:
There was no amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares
of the Company in prepayment

(3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(4) Notes of prepayment

9. Inventory

(1) Category

                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
         Item                        Closing balance                            Opening balance

                                         Provision for                                          Provision for
                     Book balance                           Book value       Book balance                          Book value
                                         falling price                                          falling price
                    1,342,756,702.2                       1,131,694,936.7 1,188,713,292.9 211,532,469.8
Raw materials
                                     9 211,061,765.53                    6                  3                3 977,180,823.10
Construction                                                                                     133,952,527.0
                    335,222,602.31 133,952,527.00 201,270,075.31 338,390,661.80                                  204,438,134.80
contract assets                                                                                              0
                    1,882,530,095.1                       1,519,588,492.7 1,953,192,692.1 362,163,605.0 1,591,029,087.1
Inventory goods                          362,941,602.37
                                     4                                   7                  1                0                  1
Turnover material       9,053,904.08         661,253.80      8,392,650.28      7,437,439.99         661,253.80     6,776,186.19
biological assets

Development costs
                    421,319,209.84                         421,319,209.84    50,167,528.21                         50,167,528.21
                    3,990,882,513.6                       3,282,265,364.9 3,537,901,615.0 708,309,855.6 2,829,591,759.4
Total                                    708,617,148.70
                                     6                                   6                  4                3                  1

(2) Provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Opening book                                         Decrease                     Closing book
        Category                                Increase
                           balance                                  Reversal        Written off              balance
Raw materials            211,532,469.83                                      0.00        470,704.30         211,061,765.53
                         133,952,527.00                                                                     133,952,527.00
contract assets
Inventory goods          362,163,605.00            848,587.73                            70,590.36          362,941,602.37
Turnover material            661,253.80                                                                          661,253.80
biological assets
Development costs
Total                    708,309,855.63            848,587.73                0.00        541,294.66         708,617,148.70

(3) Details of provision for falling price of inventories
                                                                                                Proportion of reversal of
                               Basis on provision for
                                                                                                provision for impairment of
             Item                    falling price of             Reasons for reversal
                                                                                                  inventories to closing
                             Net realizable value lower
Raw materials
                             than the cost
                             Net realizable value lower
Inventory goods
                             than the cost
Construction contract        Net realizable value lower
assets                       than the cost
                             Net realizable value lower
Turnover material
                             than the cost
Consumable biological


Notes of inventory:

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                Item                                Closing balance                        Opening balance
Short-term deposit, etc.                                       225,620,000.00                           911,000,000.00
                Total                                          225,620,000.00                           911,000,000.00

Notes of other current assets:

11. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Information of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                             Closing fair value                Opening fair value
Available-for-sale bonds
Available-for-sale equity instruments                                 1,045,232.10                      6,408,065.70
Total                                                   1,045,232.10               6,408,065.70
In the reporting period, the Company reclassified the held-to-maturity investment into
available-for-sale financial assets, a total of RMB0.00 was reclassified, which takes 0% of total
matured investment before reclassification.
Notes of available-for-sale financial assets

(2) Long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                Interest in
                                        Initial                                                  accounts
                                                      Matured      Opening         the                        Closing
      Item   Category      Par value   investment                                               receivable
                                                        date       balance      reporting                     balance
                                         cost                                                   or received
N/A                                          0.00                        0.00            0.00          0.00        0.00
Total           --             --            0.00        --              0.00            0.00          0.00        0.00

Notes of long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets:

12. Held-to-maturity investment

(1) Information

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                 Closing book balance                 Opening book balance

                  Total                                          0.00                               0.00

Notes of held-to-maturity investment:

(2) Information of held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period but was not matured

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Percentage of the investment amount before
             Item                       Amount
N/A                                                    0.00
            Total                                      0.00                      --

Notes of undue held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period:

13. Long-term accounts receivable

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
           Category                  Closing balance                          Opening balance
Financing leases                                              0.00                                  0.00
  Including: unrealized
                                                              0.00                                  0.00
financing gains
Installment sales                                             0.00                                  0.00
Installment offering service                                  0.00                                  0.00
Others                                                        0.00                                  0.00
Total                                                         0.00                                  0.00

14. Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                       tage of
           Natur                                                                                                                                  Total
                             Legal    Nature                           holdin       Voting
           e of Regist                                                                              Total                                       operation   Net profit of
Name of                      repres     of     Registered     Curren     g       percentage of                Total closing   Net closing
           enter ration                                                                             closing                                   revenue of the the reporting
investee                     entati busine       capital        cy     shares the Company in                   liabilities      assets
           prise place                                                                              assets                                      reporting       period
                              ve        ss                             of the      investee
                s                                                                                                                                period
I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises
Chongqin                               cture
g          Limit                       and
Jingkang ed         Chongq             proce
                             Xiaoyo             12,000,000.00 CNY      31.25%           31.25% 4,554,396.06    1,854,714.87    2,699,681.19                    -216,563.92
Plastic    compa     ing               ss of
Products ny                            mode
Co., Ltd                               produ
Shenzhen                              Manufa
Refond                                cturin
           ed       Shenzh   Gong
Optoelec                              g and    107,000,000.00 CNY      19.34%           19.34%
           compa     en      Weibin
tronics                               sellin
Co., Ltd                              g LEDs
Shenzhen                              New
Konka      Limit                      energy
Energy     ed       Shenzh   Dong     produc
                                                20,000,000.00 CNY         30%                 30%
Technolo compa       en      Yaping ts for
gy    Co., ny                         mobile
Ltd                                   equipm

EnRay Tek
Optoelec Limit
tronics ed     Shangh   Zhang                                                   421,683,141.
                                 g and    50,000,000.00 USD   36%         36%                  127,308,775.70   294,374,365.60   92,868.72 -3,938,359.00
(Shangha compa    ai    Rujing                                                           30
i) Co.,     ny
                                 g LEDs
IONAL    ed      Hong            Invest
                        Xiaohu            50,000,000.00 HKD   38%         38%
DEVELOPM compa   Kong            ment
ENT         ny

Notes if significant differences exist between the important accounting policies and accounting
estimations of joint ventures, associated enterprises and the Company:

15. Long-term equity investment

(1) List of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                        Share          Voting                                       impairment Cash bonus
                  Accounti                                                                                                           between the
                                Initial                          Increase/decre                       holding         percentage                     Impairment     provision in      in the
  Investee           ng                        Opening balance                     Closing balance                                  share holding
                             investment cost                          ase                            percentage          in                          provision          the          reporting
                   method                                                                                                           percentage and
                                                                                                     in investee      investee                                       reporting        period
                                                                                                                                    percentage in
Plastic                         3,750,000.00        823,395.44       -67,676.23         755,719.21        31.25%          31.25%                             0.00             0.00        0.00
Products Co.,
Refond            Equity
                               27,606,942.51     93,800,959.50     3,289,279.52      97,090,239.02        19.34%          19.34%                             0.00             0.00        0.00
Optoelectron method
ics Co., Ltd
Enray       Tek
Optoelectron                  148,036,152.86 137,649,716.63       -1,417,809.18 136,231,907.45                  36%           36%                            0.00             0.00        0.00
ic Co., Ltd
Konka Energy                    5,983,965.19      3,649,728.08              0.00      3,649,728.08              30%           30%                            0.00             0.00        0.00

Co., Ltd
Dekon             Cost
                           3,000,000.00   7,137,424.83            0.00   7,137,424.83     30%     30%          0.00    0.00   0.00
Electronic        method
Co., Ltd
Electronics                1,300,000.00   1,300,000.00            0.00   1,300,000.00   8.33%   8.33%   1,300,000.00   0.00   0.00
Co., Ltd.
of                Cost
                            100,000.00     100,000.00             0.00    100,000.00                     100,000.00    0.00   0.00
Enterprises       method
with Foreign
Investment                  485,000.00     485,000.00             0.00    485,000.00       1%     1%     485,000.00    0.00   0.00
Co., Ltd
Technology        Cost
                           5,000,000.00   5,000,000.00            0.00   5,000,000.00   9.62%   9.62%          0.00    0.00   0.00
Engineering       method
Center     Co.,
Julong                     2,000,000.00   2,000,000.00   -2,000,000.00                                         0.00    0.00   0.00

ics Co., Ltd
Shenzhen CTU Cost
                            1,153,000.00    1,153,000.00         0.00    1,153,000.00    11.5%      11.5%                 0.00    0.00   0.00
Hi-tech Ltd       method
Digital     TV
National                    2,400,000.00    2,400,000.00         0.00    2,400,000.00         6%        6%                0.00    0.00   0.00
Lab Co., Ltd.
Digital     TV
National          Cost
                            2,400,000.00    2,400,000.00         0.00    2,400,000.00    4.26%      4.26%                 0.00    0.00   0.00
Engineering       method
R&D      Center
Co., Ltd.
                           15,473,790.00   15,473,790.00         0.00   15,473,790.00        38%        38%               0.00    0.00   0.00
Total                --    218,688,850.56 273,373,014.48   -196,205.89 273,176,808.59   --         --         --   1,885,000.00   0.00   0.00

(2) Information of the limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee

                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
Item that with limitation on the
                                                                       Investment losses unrecognized
capability to transfer capital               Reason for limitation
                                                                             in current period
          to investee

Notes of long-term equity investment:

16. Investment property

(1) Investment property calculated by cost
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
         Item         Opening book balance        Increase           Decrease          Closing book balance
I. Total original
                            241,105,035.18                   0.00               0.00          241,105,035.18
book value
1. Property and
                            241,105,035.18                                                    241,105,035.18
2. Land use right
II. Total
                                      0.00          2,712,431.65                0.00            2,712,431.65
depreciation and
1. Property and
                                                    2,712,431.65                                2,712,431.65
2. Land use right
III. Total net book
value of fixed              241,105,035.18                   0.00               0.00          238,392,603.53
1. Property and
                            241,105,035.18                                                    238,392,603.53
2. Land use right
IV. Total
                                      0.00                   0.00               0.00                    0.00
1. Property and
2. Land use right
V. Total book value         241,105,035.18                   0.00               0.00          238,392,603.53

of investment
1. Property and
                             241,105,035.18                                                            238,392,603.53
2. Land use right

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Reporting period
Amount of depreciation and amortization in the reporting
Withdrawal amount of provision for impairment of investment
property in the reporting period

(2) Investment property calculated by fair value
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Notes of investment property that altered calculated mode and failed to accomplish certification
of property, and notes of reason that the fail accomplish and estimated accomplish date:

17. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Opening book                                           Decrease in the     Closing book
            Item                              Increase in the reporting period
                               balance                                             reporting period       balance

I. Total original book
value                      3,157,960,574.87                        50,340,854.82      33,429,240.05 3,174,872,189.64

Including:    Houses and
                           1,500,715,242.16                        23,029,768.41      14,953,211.78 1,508,791,798.79
Machineries                1,100,018,921.03                         8,739,872.21       7,447,740.27 1,101,311,052.97
Vehicles                     79,868,218.22                          3,399,885.61       2,906,465.73     80,361,638.10
Electronics                 277,221,524.60                          5,432,947.18         959,334.68    281,695,137.10
Other equipments            200,136,668.86                          9,738,381.41       7,162,487.59    202,712,562.68
                                               Increase in
II.          Accumulated    Opening book                         Withdrawal in   Decrease in the       Closing book
depreciation                  balance                           reporting period reporting period        balance

Including:    Houses and
                           1,353,108,219.57            0.00        65,377,247.16      18,402,298.89 1,400,083,167.84
Machineries                 314,153,561.09             0.00        18,322,151.36       1,575,964.33    330,899,748.12
Vehicles                    628,049,372.08             0.00        30,190,404.63       6,758,669.01    651,481,107.70
II.          Accumulated
                             50,788,109.76             0.00         3,324,406.66       2,854,976.26     51,257,540.16
Electronics                 221,449,586.69             0.00         6,895,584.22         825,406.88    227,519,764.03
Other equipments            138,667,589.95             0.00         6,644,700.29       6,387,282.41    138,925,007.83
             --             Opening book                                --                             Closing book

                                  balance                                                                       balance
III. The net book value
                        1,804,852,355.30                                 --                                 1,774,789,021.80
of fixed assets
Including:    Houses and
                              1,186,561,681.07                           --                                 1,177,892,050.67
Machineries                     471,969,548.95                           --                                  449,829,945.27
Vehicles                         29,080,108.46                           --                                    29,104,097.94
Electronics                      55,771,937.91                           --                                    54,175,373.07
Other equipments                 61,469,078.91                           --                                    63,787,554.85
IV. Total       impairment
                                 25,592,531.65                           --                                    25,585,083.72
Including:    Houses and
                                  1,412,531.97                           --                                    1,412,531.97
Machineries                      18,996,960.75                           --                                    18,989,512.82
Vehicles                          1,068,048.33                           --                                    1,068,048.33
Electronics                       2,414,407.59                           --                                    2,414,407.59
Other equipments                  1,700,583.01                           --                                    1,700,583.01
V. Total book value of
                              1,779,259,823.65                           --                                 1,749,203,938.08
fixed assets
Including:    Houses and
                              1,185,149,149.10                           --                                 1,176,479,518.70
Machineries                     452,972,588.20                           --                                  430,840,432.45
Vehicles                         28,012,060.13                           --                                    28,036,049.61
Electronics                      53,357,530.32                           --                                    51,760,965.48
Other equipments                 59,768,495.90                           --                                    62,086,971.84

Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB 65,377,247.16; original value of RMB26,852,105.58 was

transferred into fixed assets from construction project.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Original book       Accrued             Impairment
      Item                                                                            Net book value            Note
                              value         depreciation          provision
Houses              and
                             4,284,173.90        2,458,069.58                 0.00        1,826,104.32
Machineries                 52,838,644.40       43,032,311.52      8,287,231.30           1,519,101.58
Vehicles                     1,236,850.00        1,112,484.90          87,259.60                37,105.50
Electronics                 16,942,202.12       15,387,580.23      1,134,750.95             419,870.94
Other equipments             1,289,258.32        1,135,387.79         115,978.25                37,892.28

(3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(4) Information of hold-for-sale fixed assets at period-end
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                          Estimated expense on Estimated time for
             Item                  Book value            Fair value
                                                                                     disposal                diposal

(5) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property
           Item                                    Reason                            Estimated time of completion

Integrate building of         Already gained land use right, the property
                                                                                         Cannot be estimated
Chongqing Konka               right was under progress.
                              The license for using state-owned land has not
Yikang building of Konka
                              been obtained and the certificate of title to              Cannot be estimated
                              house property cannot be handled temporarily.
Jingyuan office building -                                                               Cannot be estimated

Henan office building         Under progress                                                      2012

Zhejiang office building Under progress                                                           2012

R&D mansion                   Under progress                                                      2012

                              The license for using state-owned land has not
Main plant of Mudangjiang
                              been obtained and the certificate of title to              Cannot be estimated
electric appliances etc.
                              house property cannot be handled temporarily.

Office     building      of The license for using state-owned land has not
Changshu Konka Color TV been obtained and the certificate of title to                    Cannot be estimated
etc.                          house property cannot be handled temporarily.

Notes of fixed assets:

18. Construction in progress
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Closing balance                               Opening balance

           Item                                 Impairment                                        ent
                               Book balance                    Book value       Book balance              Book value
                                                provision                                       provisi
1# supplimental plant
                                43,552,765.74         0.00     43,552,765.74    33,552,765.74      0.00 33,552,765.74
projectof Kunkang
Canteen and dormitory
project         of      new                                                     19,207,115.90      0.00 19,207,115.90
Plant     and     warehouse
project         of      new
                                68,082,581.79         0.00     68,082,581.79    51,882,983.13      0.00 51,882,983.13

Supplemental project of
                                   111,750.00         0.00         111,750.00      904,869.20      0.00     904,869.20
new industrial park
Other small projects            16,833,002.92         0.00     16,833,002.92    13,357,274.95      0.00 13,357,274.95
Total                          128,580,100.45         0.00 128,580,100.45 118,905,008.92           0.00 118,905,008.92

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 Increase in                                Project                        Including: Capitaliza
                                   Opening                     Transferred                                    Capitaliza                                     Closing
     Name of                                                                   Other         input    Project            capitalizatio tion of Source of
                     Budget                       reporting      to fixed                                      tion of
     project                       balance                                    decrease     percentage process            n of interest interest funding      balance
                                                   period         assets                                       interest
                                                                                           of budget                      this period rate (%)
plant                            33,552,765.74 10,000,000.00                                                       0.00         0.00                       43,552,765.74
                                                                                                                                               d capital
Kunkang             46,900,000

Canteen     and
project        of                19,207,115.90       7,746.96 19,214,862.86                                        0.00         0.00
                                                                                                                                               d capital
industrial          15,750,000

Plant       and
project        of                                                                                                                              Self-owne
                                 51,882,983.13 16,363,182.66                  163,584.00                           0.00         0.00                       68,082,581.79
new                                                                                                                                            d capital
park                59,160,000

project        of
new                                904,869.20                    793,119.20                                        0.00         0.00                          111,750.00
                                                                                                                                               d capital
park                13,420,000

Other     small 31,950,000 13,357,274.95 11,334,637.51 6,844,123.52 1,014,786.02                                   0.00         0.00           Self-owne   16,833,002.92

projects                                                                                                         d capital

                                                                                              0.00   0.00

Total         167,180,000 118,905,008.92 37,705,567.13 26,852,105.58 1,178,370.02   --   --   0.00   0.00   --      --       128,580,100.45

Notes of changes in construction in progress:

(3) Impairment provision of construction in progress
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 Increase in             Decrease in                                  Reason for
         Item            Opening balance                                                   Closing balance
                                              reporting period reporting period                                       withdrawal

Naught                                 0.00                  0.00                   0.00                 0.00
Total                                  0.00                  0.00                   0.00                 0.00            --

(4) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress
                   Item                                Process of the project                                Remark

(5) Notes of construction in progress
19. Engineering materials
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Increase in           Decrease in
                  Item                        Opening balance                                                   Closing balance
                                                                   reporting period reporting period

Naught                                                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00                     0.00
Total                                                       0.00                 0.00                 0.00                     0.00

Notes of engineering materials:

20. Clearance of fixed assets
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                    Reason for transferring to
                  Item                     Opening book value            Closing book value
Naught                                                          0.00                         0.00
Total                                                           0.00                         0.00                 --

Notes of clearance process of fixed assets with a clearance term of over 1 year since the transfer into fixed


21. Productive biological assets
(1) Calculated by cost
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2) Calculated by fair value
□Applicable √Inapplicable

22. Oil and gas assets
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Opening            book Increase in                 Decrease in reporting
           Item                                                                                              Closing book balance
                             balance                   reporting period          period

I. Total original book
                                                0.00                      0.00                        0.00                     0.00
1. Property rights of
proved mining area

2. Property rights of
unproved mining area
3. Well and relevant
II. Total accumulated
                                        0.00                   0.00                    0.00                   0.00
1. Property rights of
proved mining area
2. Well and relevant
facilities a
III. Total accumulated
oil and gas assets                      0.00                   0.00                    0.00                   0.00
1. Property rights of
proved mining area
2. Property rights of
unproved mining area
3. Well and relevant
IV. Total book value of
                                        0.00                   0.00                    0.00                   0.00
oil and gas assets
1. Property rights of
proved mining area
2. Property rights of
unproved mining area
3. Well and relevant

Notes of oil and gas assets:

23. Intangible assets
(1) Information
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Opening book        Increase in reporting Decrease in reporting
          Item                                                                                Closing book balance
                             balance                  period                period

I. Total original book
                            260,484,652.91            14,210,784.61                   0.00          274,695,437.52

Land use right              197,983,480.81            13,904,000.00                                 211,887,480.81

Trademark registration
costs     in     foreign        3,007,341.61                                                          3,007,341.61

Patents              and
proprietary                    41,519,762.51             204,647.86                                  41,724,410.37

Others                         17,974,067.98             102,136.75                                  18,076,204.73

II. Total accumulated
                             63,199,947.35    4,004,748.59   0.00   67,204,695.94

Land use right               22,901,677.04    2,711,330.34          25,613,007.38

Trademark registration
costs      in      foreign    2,736,982.56       73,533.56           2,810,516.12

Patents                and
proprietary                  29,930,759.18    1,029,600.71          30,960,359.89

Others                        7,630,528.57     190,283.98            7,820,812.55

III. Total provisions
                             197,284,705.56           0.00   0.00   207,490,741.58
for depreciation

Land use right               175,081,803.77                         186,274,473.43

Trademark registration
costs      in      foreign      270,359.05                             196,825.49

Patents                and
proprietary                  11,589,003.33                          10,764,050.48

Others                       10,343,539.41                          10,255,392.18

IV. Total book value          2,901,082.61            0.00   0.00    2,901,082.61

Land use right

Trademark registration
costs      in      foreign

Patents                and
proprietary                   2,901,082.61                           2,901,082.61


Total     original    book
value     of    intangible   194,383,622.95           0.00   0.00   204,589,658.97

Land use right               175,081,803.77                         186,274,473.43

Trademark registration
costs      in      foreign      270,359.05                             196,825.49

Patents                and
proprietary                   8,687,920.72                           7,862,967.87

Others                        10,343,539.41                                                               10,255,392.18

Amortization was of 4,004,748.59 in reporting period.

(2) Company development expense
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Decrease in reporting period
                                           Increase in
         Item       Opening balance                          Recognized into                   Closing balance
                                         reporting period                      Recognized as
                                                                             intangible assets
Naught                            0.00                0.00                  0.00               0.00                0.00
Total                             0.00                0.00                  0.00               0.00                0.00

Development expense percentage of total expenditure of R&D projects in the reporting period.
Percentage intangible assets arising from inner R&D of the Company of closing book value of intangible assets.

Notes of R&D projects of the Company, those that includes individual value of more than RMB 1 million and recognized

with a basis of assessed value, please disclose name of evaluation authority and method of evaluation:

(3) Information of intangible assets that failed to accomplish certification of property

24. Goodwill
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of investee or event                 Increase in the Decrease in the
                          Opening balance                                   Closing balance provision at
that generated goodwill                   reporting period reporting period
Purchasing equity of
                                  3,943,671.53                  0.00               0.00    3,943,671.53            0.00
Total                             3,943,671.53                  0.00               0.00    3,943,671.53            0.00

Notes of test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method:

25. Long-term amortization expense
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                     Amortization                                          Reason for
        Item    Opening balance     Increase                           Other decrease Closing balance
                                                       balance                                           other decrease

Decoration         4,743,005.83          45,243.00    1,283,408.34                 0.00   3,504,840.49

platform             621,045.32                                                            110,951.60
expenses                                                 510,093.72
Other              4,788,152.51     1,187,645.38      3,405,159.48                        2,570,638.41
Total             10,152,203.66     1,232,888.38      5,198,661.54                 0.00   6,186,430.50        --


26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are not listed as the net
value after offset
√Applicable □Inapplicable

Recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                          Closing balance                  Opening balance
Deferred income tax assets
Provision for assets impairment                             192,196,499.24                   193,208,892.50

Formation expenses

Deductible losses                                            68,287,381.12                    67,501,450.49
Fair value changes of available-for-sale
financial assets that recognized into                           316,628.99
capital reserves
Off-set    unrealized      profits   from
                                                             10,361,442.01                    10,361,442.01
intra-group transactions
Guarantee expense                                            21,301,437.67                    22,817,166.23
Other non-current liabilities-deferred
                                                             26,866,640.27                    27,917,410.00
Estimated value of trading financial
instruments,       derivative   financial                                                      5,491,238.99

Subtotal                                                    319,330,029.30                   327,297,600.22

Deferred income tax liabilities:
Estimated value of trading financial
instruments,       derivative   financial
Fair value changes on
available-for-sale financial assets
that recognized into capital reserves
Fixed assets of appreciation on appraisal                       563,067.21                       563,067.21
Subtotal                                                        563,067.21                       563,067.21

List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                           Closing balance                  Opening balance

Deductible temporary differences

Deductible losses


Unrecognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities that will expire in the following

fiscal year:

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
           Year                 Closing balance             Opening balance                         Remark

Total                                                                                                  --

List of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Temporary differences amount
                                                            As at 30 Jun. 2012                  As at 1 Jan. 2012

Taxable differences item

Deductible differences items


(2) List of net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities after
√Applicable □Inapplicable

Notes of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Deductible                                     Deductible
                                          Deferred income          temporary        Deferred income tax         temporary
                                          tax assets or       differences or            assets or            differences or
                                          liabilities at     taxable temporary        liabilities at        taxable temporary
                                            period-end        differences at           period-begin          differences at
                                                                period-end                                    period-begin
Deferred income tax assets:
Provision for assets impairment            192,196,499.24          879,391,093.91       193,208,892.50         881,429,512.43
Formation expense
Deductible losses                           68,287,381.12          292,788,843.74        67,501,450.49         292,221,156.76
Fair value changes of
available-for-sale financial
                                               316,628.99           1,266,515.97
assets that recognized into capital
Off-set unrealized profits from
                                            10,361,442.01          41,445,768.02         10,361,442.01          41,445,768.02
intra-group transactions
Guarantee expense                           21,301,437.67          97,807,749.25         22,817,166.23         103,870,663.47
Other non-current
                                            26,866,640.27          127,484,253.13        27,917,410.00         112,967,332.01
liabilities-deferred income
Estimated      value      of    trading
financial instruments, derivative                                                         5,491,238.99          22,101,173.97
financial instruments

Subtotal                               319,330,029.30     1,440,184,224.02      327,297,600.22 1,454,035,606.66
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Estimated     value    of    trading
financial instruments, derivative
financial instruments
Fair value changes on
available-for-sale financial
assets that recognized into capital
Fixed assets of appreciation on
                                            563,067.21         2,252,268.84          563,067.21      2,252,268.84
Subtotal                                    563,067.21         2,252,268.84          563,067.21      2,252,268.84

Particulars of the counter off-set between deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                                 Counter off-set amount in Jan.-Jun. 2012

Notes of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

27. List of provision for assets impairment
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Opening book        Increase in       Decrease in reporting period      Closing book
                               balance         reporting period      Reversal        Written off        balance

I. Provision for bad debt     266,421,416.28       2,070,056.79      8,665,045.60    -1,139,134.71 260,965,562.18
II.     Provision     for
                              708,309,855.63         848,587.73               0.00      541,294.66 708,617,148.70
inventory falling price
III. Impairment provision
of     available-for-sale
financial assets
IV. Impairment provision
of       held-to-maturity
V. Impairment provision of
long-term           equity      2,185,000.00               0.00                         300,000.00    1,885,000.00
VI. Impairment provision
                                        0.00               0.00                                               0.00
of investment property
VII. Impairment provision
                               25,592,531.65                                              7,447.93 25,585,083.72
of fixed assets
VIII. Impairment
provision of engineering
IX. Impairment provision
of construction in                      0.00               0.00                                               0.00
X. Impairment provision of
productive biological

    Including:     mature
productive     biological
XI. Impairment provision
                                        0.00           0.00                                                0.00
of oil gas assets
XII. Impairment provision
                               2,901,082.61            0.00                                        2,901,082.61
of intangible assets
XIII. Impairment
provision of goodwill
XIV. Others
Total                       1,005,409,886.17   2,918,644.52       8,665,045.60        -290,392.12 999,953,877.21

Notes of the list of assets impairment:

28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                           Closing balance                       Opening balance

Naught                                                                0.00                                 0.00
Total                                                                 0.00                                 0.00

Notes of other non-current assets:

29. Short-term loan
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                           Closing balance                       Opening balance

Pledge loan                                               2,628,834,123.70                     4,575,805,685.57
Mortgage loan                                                 55,000,000.00                       58,000,000.00
Guarantee loan                                                                                    35,000,000.00
Credit loan                                               2,357,314,886.40                     1,813,276,090.19
Other loans                                                  261,306,412.61                      353,183,459.80
Total                                                     5,302,455,422.71                     6,835,265,235.56

Notes of category of short-term loan:

(2) List of unsettled mature short-term loan
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Reason for
Name of creditor Amount of loan Rate of loan         Usage                               Estimated settle date
Naught                       0.00
Total                        0.00       --            --                      --                   --

RMB** was paid back after the Balance Sheet Date.

Notes of short-term loan, for those gaining extended term, notes term of extension and new maturity day:

30. Trading financial liabilities
                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                       Closing fair value               Opening fair value

Public trading bonds                                                     0.00
Financial   liabilities    designed    to
recognized with a basis on fair value and
with its changes recognized into current
gains and losses
Derivative financial liabilities                                         0.00               22,101,173.97
Other financial liabilities                                              0.00
Total                                                                    0.00               22,101,173.97

Notes of trading financial liabilities:

31. Notes payable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                Category                        Closing balance                  Opening balance

Trade acceptance bill                                           6,700,000.00                10,000,000.00
Bank acceptance bill                                          793,398,547.40               789,094,173.72
Total                                                         800,098,547.40               799,094,173.72

RMB800,098,547.40 will be due in next fiscal period.

Notes of notes payable:

32. Accounts payable

                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                        Closing balance                  Opening balance

Within 1 year                                                2,092,440,489.95            2,457,600,655.13
1 year to 2 years                                               38,489,071.07               39,130,063.07
2 years to 3 years                                              2,694,160.58                11,375,842.98
Over 3 years                                                    22,687,590.21               22,245,625.24
Total                                                        2,156,311,311.81            2,530,352,186.42

(2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares
of the Company
□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year:

33. Advance from customers

                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                            Closing balance              Opening balance

Within 1 year                                                      211,996,652.70                        327,188,528.90
1 year to 2 years                                                      2,679,484.70                        4,344,117.41
2 years to 3 years                                                     1,281,406.41                        2,169,291.93
Over 3 years                                                           9,885,169.48                        15,842,324.69
Total                                                              225,842,713.29                        349,544,262.93

(2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company
□Applicable √Inapplicable

Notes of significant advance from customers aging over one year:

34. Payroll payable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Increase in reporting    Decrease in reporting
         Item           Opening book balance                                                        Closing book balance
                                                      period                   period

I. Salary, bonus,
allowance,                    250,089,732.72          502,756,890.91            605,797,021.45            147,049,602.18
II. Employee
                                2,886,302.41           36,129,164.16             31,047,583.99              7,967,882.58
III. Social
                                5,031,936.87           80,519,641.55             78,105,664.75              7,445,913.67
                                1,196,239.84           19,775,550.91             18,789,766.23              2,182,024.52
Medical insurance
2. Basic endowment
                                3,473,581.15           54,511,906.42             53,258,746.82              4,726,740.75
3. Annuity payment                                         15,012.84                    14,818.82                 194.02
4. Unemployment
                                  124,186.24            2,915,558.16              2,839,062.15                200,682.25
insurance expense
5. Maternity
                                  112,348.84            1,297,347.09              1,260,711.27                148,984.66
6. Employment
                                  125,580.80            2,004,266.13              1,942,559.46                187,287.47
injury insurance
IV. Housing fund                1,120,775.76           15,322,803.73             14,618,105.03              1,825,474.46
V. Dismissal
                                  651,324.26              702,993.53                  859,445.39              494,872.40
VI. Other                       7,573,773.11           19,445,073.86             18,130,967.20              8,887,879.77
Including:        1.
Labour          union
budget            and           4,666,052.65            6,477,804.37              4,255,480.58              6,888,376.44
employee eduction
2. Other                        2,907,720.46           12,967,269.49             13,875,486.62              1,999,503.33
Total                         267,353,845.13          654,876,567.74            748,558,787.81            173,671,625.06

RMB 0.00 is the amounts in arrears in the payroll payable.

The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB4,666,052.65, the non-monetary benefits are RMB 0.00,

and the compensation for terminating the labor contract is RMB 0.00.

The estimated distribution date and amount as well as other arrangements for payroll payable:

35. Taxes payable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                              Closing balance                 Opening balance

VAT                                                             -204,093,308.73                  -32,374,859.22
Consumption tax                                                            0.00                              0.00
Business tax                                                         686,776.89                       636,010.23
Corporate income tax                                               4,099,862.45                     29,358,042.52
Personal income tax                                                1,723,618.74                      1,208,924.06
Urban maintenance and construction tax                               555,231.83                      5,634,688.93
Education surtax                                                     499,332.08                      4,107,450.46

Other                                                             18,187,837.89                     24,604,651.10
Total                                                           -178,340,648.85                     33,174,908.08

Notes of taxes payable: for the taxable income of branch companies and factories approved to be inter-adjusted

by their local tax authorities, the Company shall specified their calculation procedure:


36. Interest payable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                              Closing balance                 Opening balance

Interest payable on long-term borrowings that
interest was paid by stages and principle was
repay upon due                                                     1,439,416.66                       789,379.44

Interest of corporate bond

Interest payable on short-term borrowings                         27,506,182.89                     25,657,581.45

Total                                                             28,945,599.55                     26,446,960.89



37. Dividends payable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                  Reason for unsettlement over 1
         Name of entity             Closing balance         Opening balance

Dividends payable of common
                                         12,039,727.04                     0.00
Total                                    12,039,727.04                     0.00                --



38. Other accounts payable

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                             Closing balance                     Opening balance

Within 1 year                                                      800,706,465.94                    770,012,290.81
1 year to 2 years                                                     48,543,557.14                  181,502,423.11
2 years to 3 years                                                    10,882,907.28                   42,661,459.51
Over 3 years                                                          52,004,722.12                   34,963,008.63
Total                                                              912,137,652.48                  1,029,139,182.06

(2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares
of the Company
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year
                                                                                               return after
                                                                            Reason for
            Name of creditor                          Amount                                        the

China         Construction           Fourth           10,000,000.00        Guarantee money           No
Engineering Division Cop., Ltd.
                   Total                              10,000,000.00

(4) Notes of other accounts payable with significant amount
                                                                                               return after
                                                                            Reason for
            Name of creditor                          Amount                                        the

China         Construction           Fourth           10,000,000.00        Guarantee money           No
Engineering Division Cop., Ltd.
                   Total                              10,000,000.00

39. Estimated liabilities
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 Increase in reporting Decrease in reporting
           Item                Opening balance                                                   Closing balance
                                                        period                 period

  External offering
  Unsettled lawsuit
      Product quality

  Responsibility of
  Dismissal welfare            20,163,356.00                  0.00               2,749,430.98           17,413,925.02
 Loss contract to be
           Total               20,163,356.00                  0.00               2,749,430.98           17,413,925.02

Notes of estimated liabilities:


40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                       Closing balance                            Opening balance

Long-term loan due within 1 year                                          0.00                                      0.00
Bonds payable due within 1 year                                           0.00                                      0.00
Long-term accounts payable due within 1
                                                                          0.00                                      0.00
Total                                                                     0.00                                      0.00

(2) Long-term loan due within 1 year
Long-term loan due within 1 year

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                       Closing balance                            Opening balance

Pledge loan                                                               0.00
Mortgage loan
Guarantee loan
Credit loan

Total                                                                     0.00                                      0.00

RMB* of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.

Top five long-term loans due within 1 year

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Closing balance              Opening balance
               Starting      Ending                            Foreign                           Foreign
 Creditor                             Currency     Rate (%)                         RMB                         RMB
                 date         date                             currency                         currency
                                                                                  balance                     balance
                                                               balance                           balance
Naught                                                                                 0.00                         0.00
Total                --        --         --          --             --                0.00        --               0.00

Mature loan of long-term loan due within 1 year:

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

     Name of                                                                               Reason for      Estimated date
                  Amount of loan         Overdue date Annual rate (%)          Usage
     creditor                                                                             unsettlement     of completion
无                               0.00
Total                            0.00         --               --               --             --               --
RMB* of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.

Top five long-term loan due within 1 year

(3)Bonds payable due within 1 year
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                              Accrued   Interest
                                                                    Opening                        Closing
                           Issuance                  Issuing                  interest paid in the              Closing
     Name     Par value                     Term                    interest                       interest
                             date                    amount                  in current reporting               balance
                                                                    payable                        payable
                                                                               period    period


(4) Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
     Creditor             Term          Initial amount      Rate (%)                     Closing balance    Conditions

Notes of long-term accounts payable due within 1 year:

41. Other current liabilities
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                                 Closing book balance               Opening book balance

Naught                                                                           0.00                                0.00
Total                                                                            0.00                                0.00


42. Long-term loan
(1)Category of long-term loan
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                                   Closing balance                    Opening balance

Pledge loan

Mortgage loan

Guarantee loan

Credit loan                                                             10,000,000.00                       10,000,000.00
Entrust loan                                                         1,000,000,000.00                      600,000,000.00
Total                                                                1,010,000,000.00                      610,000,000.00

Notes of category:

(2)The top five long-term loans
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Closing balance              Opening balance
                                                             Curre Rate          Foreign                     Foreign
   Creditor         Starting date           Ending date
                                                              ncy       (%)     currency      RMB amount     currency     RMB amount
                                                                                 amount                       amount

OCT Branch of
                   16 Sept. 2010         1 Aug. 2013        CNY          3.7%              100,000,000.00               100,000,000.00
OCT Branch of
                   15 Apr. 2010          31 Jul. 2013       CNY         5.42%              100,000,000.00               100,000,000.00
OCT Branch of
                   16 Nov. 2011          31 Jul. 2013       CNY         3.92%              300,000,000.00               300,000,000.00
OCT Branch of
                   17 Mar. 2011          4 Mar. 2016        CNY         5.67%              100,000,000.00               100,000,000.00
OCT Branch of
                   13 Mar. 2012          31 Jul. 2013       CNY         4.73%              300,000,000.00
Total                        --                  --              --      --        --      900,000,000.00       --      600,000,000.00

Notes of long-term loan: for the long-term loans arising from mature loans with extended term, the Company shall

explain the conditions of extension, principal, interest, expected repayment arrangement:

43. Bonds payable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                      Opening      Closing                   Closing
                             Issuance                   Issuing                                paid in the                Closing
      Name      Par value                    Term                     interest     interest                  interest
                                  date                  amount                                 reporting                  balance
                                                                      payable      payable                   payable

Notes of bonds payable, including the conditions and date of conversion of the convertible corporate bonds:

44. Long-term payable
(1) The top five long-term payable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Accrued                           Conditions of
      Company               Term         Initial amount     Rate (%)                            Closing balance
                                                                                  interest                               loan

Construction                              30,000,000.00                   2%       300,000.00     30,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
(2) List of the financing lease payable under the long-term loan
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Company                                Closing balance                              Opening balance

                                       Foreign currency                 RMB             Foreign currency          RMB

Naught                                                  0.00                     0.00                  0.00               0.00
Total                                                   0.00                     0.00                  0.00               0.00
RMB** was guarantee for the Company’s financing lease provided by the independent third party.

Notes of the long-term payable:

45. Specific payable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                  Increase in         Decrease in
                                    Opening                                              Closing
               Item                                reporting          reporting                                Note
                                    balance                                              balance
                                                    period              period

Naught                                     0.00
               Total                       0.00                0.00             0.00            0.00            --

Notes of specific payable:

46. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                             Closing book balance                   Opening book balance

Deferred income                                                       109,975,894.10                          115,820,202.99
Total                                                                 109,975,894.10                          115,820,202.99

Notes of other non-current liabilities, including each government grants relevant to assets and income received

in the reporting period and their closing amounts:
        Item                                                          Closing                      Opening balance
 (1) Government subsidy relevant to assets

        Subsidies for supporting equipment of                          29,740,000.00                    28,080,000.00
        Kunshan liquid crystal module project
        Fund for flat panel display industry in                        10,000,000.00                    10,000,000.00
        year 2008
        Development     of    new   type      display                                                                 -
        technologies such as liquid crystal
        module    (Ministry    of   Industry      and
        Information Technology)
        R&D and industrialization of large size                         9,600,000.00                    10,800,000.00
        liquid crystal display module
        Key technology and industrialization                            5,000,000.00                     5,000,000.00
        of LED Backlight of flat TV set
        Industrialization project of large                             10,400,000.00                    11,600,000.00
        size liquid crystal display module
        R&D      and    industrialization         of                    3,975,000.00                     4,425,000.00

       Item                                                           Closing                    Opening balance
       integrated module of flat TV set

       R&D      and      industrialization          of                    6,969,999.98              7,790,000.00
       integrated DTMB

       Others                                                         28,948,784.39                28,206,863.26

 (2) Government subsidy relevant to earnings

       Government subsidy on R&D of white                                 2,925,238.75              7,465,468.75

       Other                                                              2,416,870.98              2,452,870.98

       Total                                                          109,975,894.1

47. Share capital
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                         Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                      Opening                                                                                 Closing
                                     Issuing        Bonus            ion of
                      balance                                                       Other      Subtotal       balance
                                   new shares       shares           public
                 1,203,972,704                                                                        0      1,203,972,704
Notes of changes in share capital, for those action of increasing capital or decreasing capital in the reporting

period, the Company shall disclose the name of the accounting firm executing the capital verification and document

number of the capital verification report; for joint-stock companies running for less than three years, only

the net assets shall be specified for particulars before establishment; while for case of totally changing the

limited liability companies into joint-stock companies, capital verification on the establishment shall be


48. Treasury stock
Notes of treasury stock:

49. Special reserves
Notes of special reserves:

50. Capital reserves
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
Item                              Opening balance         Increase                  Decrease          Closing balance

Capital premium          (share
                                      1,211,366,082.55                                                    1,211,366,082.55
capital premium)

Other capital reserves                   64,320,179.67                                    3,372,392.58       60,947,787.09

Total                               1,275,686,262.22                         0.00         3,372,392.58 1,272,313,869.64


51. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
             Item              Opening balance           Increase                   Decrease             Closing balance

Statutory surplus reserves            555,245,730.23                                                        555,245,730.23

Discretional surplus
                                      254,062,265.57                                                        254,062,265.57

Reserve fund

Enterprise development


Total                                 809,307,995.80                         0.00                 0.00      809,307,995.80

Notes of surplus reserves: for surplus reserves transferred to share capital, compensating losses and distributed

as dividends, relevant resolutions shall be explained:

52. Provision for general risk
Notes of provision for general risk:

53. Retained profits
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Withdrawal or
                     Item                                           Amount                                distributed

Opening balance of retained profits
                                                                                     709,679,408.84           --
before adjustments

Adjustments     of   opening   balance    of
retained profits (“+” means add, “-”                                                                      --
means reduce)

Opening balance of retained profits
                                                                                     709,679,408.84           --
after adjustments

Add: Net profit attributable to owners
                                                                                      11,467,291.68           --
of the Company

Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus

Withdrawal     of    discretional   surplus


Withdrawal of provision for general

Dividend of common stock payable                                              12,039,727.04

Dividend of common stock converted into
share capital

Closing retained profits                                                      709,106,973.48         --

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB** opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB** opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB** opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB-9,515,279.08 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same

5) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

Notes: as for IPO companies, if the accumulated profits were enjoyed by new and original shareholders according

to the resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meeting before public offering, the Company shall explain

clearly; if the accumulated profits were distributed before public offering and enjoyed by the original

shareholders according to the resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meeting, the Company shall clearly

disclose the audited profits of dividends payable enjoyed by the original shareholders:

54. Revenue and Cost of Sales
(1) Revenue, Cost of Sales
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                            Reporting period                 Same period of last year

Sales of main business                                    6,976,145,869.85                       6,815,109,144.09

Other operating income                                        62,777,267.92                         49,994,775.67

Cost of sales                                             5,722,506,955.64                       5,836,932,046.71

(2)Main business (Classified by industry)
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Reporting period                        Same period of last year
        Name of industry
                               Revenue of sales       Costs of sales      Revenue of sales       Costs of sales
Electronics industry            6,976,145,869.85       5,674,892,770.60       6,815,109,144.09   5,789,352,688.21
Total                           6,976,145,869.85       5,674,892,770.60       6,815,109,144.09   5,789,352,688.21

(3)Main business (Classified by product)
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                             Reporting period                      Same period of last year
                               Revenue of sales           Costs of sales      Revenue of sales    Costs of sales

Color television business           5,154,996,482.76       4,157,141,389.91    5,099,596,529.67   4,355,701,727.30

Mobile phone business                565,319,642.38          495,262,014.07      644,313,624.57        552,109,424.39

White goods business                 717,953,215.54          580,042,564.86      658,018,271.84        529,603,595.74

Others                               537,876,529.17          442,446,801.76      413,180,718.01        351,937,940.78
Total                               6,976,145,869.85       5,674,892,770.60    6,815,109,144.09   5,789,352,688.21

(4) Main business (Classified by area)
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                             Reporting period                      Same period of last year
                               Revenue of sales           Costs of sales      Revenue of sales    Costs of sales

Domestic sales                      5,390,594,971.28       4,228,987,297.87    5,337,862,953.94   4,419,402,806.41
Overseas sales                      1,585,550,898.57       1,445,905,472.73    1,477,246,190.15   1,369,949,881.80
Total                               6,976,145,869.85       5,674,892,770.60    6,815,109,144.09   5,789,352,688.21

(5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers
55. Revenue from the construction contracts
□Applicable √Inapplicable


56. Business tax and surtax
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                             Same period of last
                Item                   Reporting period                            Calculation and payment standard

Consumption tax

Business tax                                 1,449,811.16             494,366.82

Urban      maintenance        and
                                            12,262,073.87          10,672,073.33
construction tax

Education surtax                             5,688,845.13           5,519,410.83

Resources tax

Local education surtax                       3,329,710.02
Other                                        1,750,145.11             478,022.18
Total                                       24,480,585.29          17,163,873.16                  --


57. Gains and losses from changes in fair value
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Source                      Reporting period          Same period of last year

Trading financial assets

Including: gains from the changes in fair
value of derivative financial instruments

Trading financial liabilities                            22,101,173.97                 14,666,723.60

Investment property calculated by fair value

Other                                                             0.00                          0.00

Total                                                    22,101,173.97                 14,666,723.60


58. Investment income
(1) List of investment income
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                       Reporting period          Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted
                                                                  0.00                          0.00
by cost method

Long-term equity investment income accounted
                                                          3,873,147.41                    -79,052.57
by equity method

Investment income arising from disposal of
long-term equity investments

Investment income received from holding of
trading financial assets

Investment income received from holding of
held-to-maturity investments

Investment income received from holding of
available-for-sale financial assets

Investment income received from disposal of
trading financial assets

Investment income received from holding of
held-to-maturity investments

Investment income received from
available-for-sale financial assets


Total                                                     9,074,172.92                    -79,052.57

(2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                             Same period of last
         Name of investee             Reporting period                              Reason for increase/decrease

Naught                                                0.00                   0.00
Total                                                 0.00                   0.00                --

(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                             Same period of last
         Name of investee             Reporting period                              Reason for increase/decrease

Chongqing Jingkang Plastic                      -67,676.23           -79,052.57

Shenzhen Refond
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd

EnRay Tek Optoelectronics
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Total                                         3,873,147.41           -79,052.57                  --

Notes of investment income: make notes if there is significant limitation for recovery of investment income.

If there isn’t the said limitation, notes too:

59. Impairment losses
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                               Reporting period            Same period of last year

I. Bad debts losses                                                 -6,594,988.81                     -1,807,457.22

II. Inventory falling price losses                                     848,587.73                       251,637.09

III. Impairment losses of available-for-sale
financial assets

IV. Impairment losses of held-to-maturity of

V.   Impairment    losses   of   long-term   equity

VI. Impairment losses of investment property

VII. Impairment losses of fixed assets

VIII. Impairment losses of engineering materials

IX. Impairment loss of construction in progress

X. Impairment losses of productive biological

XI. Impairment losses of oil and gas assets

XII. Impairment losses of intangible assets

XIII. Impairment losses of goodwill

XIV. Other

Total                                                                -5,746,401.08                   -1,555,820.13

60. Non-operating gains

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
Item                                                         Reporting period        Same period of last year

Total gains from disposal of non-current assets                      10,114,355.92                   2,892,290.40

Including:Gains from disposal of fixed assets                       10,114,355.92                   2,892,290.40

        Gains from disposal of intangible assets

Gains from debt reconstruction

Gains from non-monetary assets exchange

Acceptance of donations

Government grants                                                    62,128,032.28                   72,266,954.72
Penalty income                                                        2,512,302.85                   2,180,265.38
Other                                                                 2,493,824.04                   3,894,029.34
Total                                                                77,248,515.09                   81,233,539.84

(2) List of government grants
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                             Same period of last
                 Item                  Reporting period                                       Note

R&D subsidy                                  4,540,230.00
Industrialization       of     large
size liquid crystal display                  1,200,000.00
R&D and industrialization of
large    size     liquid     crystal         1,200,000.00
display module

R&D and industrialization of
integrated DTMB
Establishment of development
                                               799,999.98              800,000.00
center for signal TV
Grants of Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology for
IPV6              high-definition
multi-functional displays

Grants      of     Infrastructure
Office of Shenzhen Finance
Bureau            for          IPV6
high-definition displays

Patent subsidy                                 682,400.00              618,000.00
Insurance        subsidy       from          3,160,381.25

Shenzhen Finance Bureau

Capital for technology
performance commercialization
Industrial subsidy capita.                1,160,000.00
Subsidy on power                          1,500,000.00
Refund on software tax                   36,675,785.94           59,197,587.22
Other                                     9,049,235.09            9,404,274.75
Total                                    62,128,032.28           72,266,954.72                   --


61. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
Item                                                           Reporting period          Same period of last year

Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                  1,877,844.62                  1,989,220.58

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                             1,877,844.62                  1,989,220.58

         Loss on disposal of intangible assets

Loss on debt reconstruction

Loss on exchange of non-monetary assets

External donation expense                                                   15,000.00                      1,829.06
Other                                                                       261,066.84                  653,614.82
Penalty expense                                                             125,770.06                  470,922.65
Total                                                                   2,279,681.52                  3,115,587.11


62. Income tax expense
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                 Reporting period          Same period of last year

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and
                                                                       23,403,914.76                  14,864,929.85
relevant regulations

Adjustment of income tax                                                8,284,199.91                    106,428.08

Total                                                                  31,688,114.67                  14,971,357.93

63. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
①When basic earnings per share are being calculated, the net profits attributable to shareholders
of ordinary shares are:

                        Item                             Reporting period         Same period of last year

 Net profits attributable to shareholders                        11,467,291.68              -195,000,941.75
 of ordinary shares of the reporting period

 Of which: net profits attributable to                           11,467,291.68              -195,000,941.75

 sustainable operation

 Net profits attributable to terminated

 Net profits attributable to shareholders                                 -38,396,824.01            -219,848,387.35
 of ordinary shares of the Company after
 deducting non-recurring profits and losses

 Of      which: net profits attributable to                               -38,396,824.01            -219,848,387.35
 sustainable operation

 Net profits attributable to terminated                                                                           -

②While basic earnings per share are being calculated, the denominator is the average weighted
number of ordinary shares issued publicly, and the calculation is as the following:
                            Item                                    Reporting period        Same period of last year

Ordinary shares publicly issued at the                                   1,203,972,704.00          1,203,972,704.00
beginning of 2012

Add: Weighted average number of ordinary                                                -                         -
shares issued in 2012

Less: Weighted average number of ordinary                                               -                         -
share repurchased in 2012

Weighted average number publicly issued at                               1,203,972,704.00          1,203,972,704.00
the end of 2012

64. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Item                                    Reporting period        Same period of last year

1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial
                                                                                 -4,496,523.44                   26,981.30

Less:     Effects    on     income      tax   generating   from
                                                                                 -1,124,130.86                    6,475.51
available-for-sale financial assets

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the
current     period        that     recognized     into     other
comprehensive income in prior period

                            Subtotal                                             -3,372,392.58                   20,505.79

2. Interests in the investee entities ’                   other
comprehensive income as per equity method

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the
interests    in     the    investee      entities ’       other

comprehensive income as per equity method

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the
current      period   that     recognized   into   other
comprehensive income in prior period

                        Subtotal                                          0.00                      0.00

3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument

Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow
hedging instrument

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the
current      period   that     recognized   into   other
comprehensive income in prior period

The adjustment value that is the converted initial
recognition amount of arbitrage project

                        Subtotal                                          0.00                      0.00

4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial
                                                                 -2,793,377.06            -10,400,633.70

Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that
recognized into current profit and loss

                        Subtotal                                 -2,793,377.06            -10,400,633.70

5. Other

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others
that included into other comprehensive income

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the
current      period   that     recognized   into   other
comprehensive income in prior period

                        Subtotal                                          0.00                      0.00
                             Total                               -6,165,769.64            -10,380,127.98


65. Notes of Cash Flow Statement
(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                        Amount

Mortgage guarantee money
Temporary received repair fund                                                                 78,388.50
Interest income from bank deposits                                                         39,415,838.98
Bargain money and deposit                                                                  24,230,753.26
Income from fine and penalty                                                               1,374,313.61
Repayment of individual borrowing                                                          4,049,794.14
Subsidy income                                                                             9,514,851.33

Income from waste                                                           7,085,461.92
Other expenses and current accounts                                         90,263,765.74
                               Total                                      176,013,167.48

Notes of other cash received relevant to operating activities

(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities
                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                             Amount

Cash paid for administration expense                                        76,666,383.33
Cash paid for operation cost                                              327,287,067.43
Mortgage guarantee moeny
Deposit, guarantee money and repair fund expense                            25,454,338.25
Employee reserve fund                                                       22,014,098.37
Donation expense                                                                15,000.00
Advanced payment                                                            6,152,792.51
Penalty expense                                                                 39,534.09
Interest and charges                                                        23,512,137.36
Other expenses and current accounts                                       101,520,904.63
                               Total                                      582,662,255.97


(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities
                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                             Amount

Products such like short-term deposit etc.                               1,455,277,858.53
                               Total                                     1,455,277,858.53


(4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities
                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                             Amount

Products such like short-term deposit etc.                                753,410,000.00
                               Total                                      753,410,000.00


(5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities
                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                             Amount
Receipt and return of pledged RMB fixed deposits upon

Other                                                                                               159,444.00
                               Total                                                         2,437,886,588.09


(6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                 Amount
Deposit of RMB guarantee money used for pledge                                               2,474,431,673.60
Other                                                                                             29,195,603.95
                               Total                                                         2,503,627,277.55


66. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement
(1) Appendix of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
              Supplemental information                    Reporting period          Same period of last

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows
                                                                --                           --
generated from operating activities
Net profit                                                        11,476,794.21               -190,874,019.89
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                           -5,746,401.08                   -1,555,820.13
Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of
                                                                  65,377,247.16                   61,815,036.49
productive biological assets
Amortization of intangible assets                                    4,004,748.59                 3,736,253.32
Amortization of long-term deferred expense                           5,198,661.54                 4,130,658.83
Losses   on   disposal   of   property,   plant   and
equipment, intangible assets and other long-term                 -10,114,355.92                   -2,367,987.15
assets (gains: negative)
Loss on retirement of fixed assets (gains:
                                                                     1,877,844.62                   641,804.35
Loss on fair value change (gains: negative)                      -22,101,173.97               -14,666,723.60
Financial cost (gains: negative)                                  86,258,499.42                   50,373,009.18
Investment loss (gains: negative)                                 -9,074,172.92                       79,052.57
Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains:
                                                                     7,967,570.92                   -541,235.89
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
(decrease: negative)
Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                         -452,980,898.62               405,636,033.66
Decrease in accounts receivable from operating
                                                               2,433,695,876.94               588,457,586.06
activities (gains: negative)
Increase in payables from operating activities
                                                                -999,447,651.25               -899,325,589.68
(decrease: negative)

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                1,115,585,087.77                        5,538,058.12
2. Investing and financing activities that do not
involving                                                          --                               --
cash receipts and payment:
  Conversion of debt into capital
  Convertible bond due within one year
  Fixed assets financed by finance leases
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                       --                               --
  Closing balance of cash                                         1,292,124,522.94                 1,239,920,112.48
  Less: Opening balance of cash                                     646,451,050.70                   569,524,994.01
  Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents
  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         645,673,472.24                   670,395,118.47

(2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiary and other business units in the
reporting period
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                      Occurred in same period of last
            Supplementary Information                  Occurred in reporting period

I. Information about acquisition of subsidiaries
                                                                   --                               --
and other business units:
1. Price of the acquisition of subsidiaries and
other business units
2. Cash and cash equivalents paid for the
acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
    Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by
subsidiaries and other business units
3. Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries
and other business units
4. Net assets from the acquisition of subsidiaries                            0.00                                0.00
    Current assets
    Non-current assets
    Current liabilities
    None current liabilities
II. Information about disposal of subsidiaries and
                                                                   --                               --
other business units
1. Price of the disposal of subsidiaries and other
business units
2. Cash and cash equivalents received from the
disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
    Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by

subsidiaries and other business units
3. Net cash received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
4. Net assets from the disposal of subsidiaries                                0.00                                0.00
    Current assets
    Non-current assets
    Current liabilities
    None current liabilities

(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                 Closing amount                 Opening amount
I. Cash                                                            1,292,124,522.94                    646,451,050.70
Including: cash in hand                                                 169,522.85                      1,821,014.39
    Bank deposit can be used for payment at any time               1,291,955,000.09                    644,630,036.31
    Other monetary funds can be used for payment at
any time
    Deposits in central bank can be used for
    Deposits in other banks
    Call loans to banks
II. Cash equivalents
Including: bond investments due within three months
III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                  1,292,124,522.94                    646,451,050.70

Note to Supplementary Information of Cash Flow Statement

67. Note to changes in owners’ equity
Explain the “Other” items to be adjusted at the end of the first half year and the adjusted
amount; the retroactive adjustment due to consolidation of enterprises under the same control:
There wasn’t any adjustment.
(VIII) Accounting treatment of asset securitization business
1. Main transaction arrangements, accounting treatments and bankruptcy remoteness terms of asset

2. Special purpose entities that the company doesn’t own but bears the risks
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                Total assets at                    Net assets at      Operating
                                  liabilities at                                      Net profits of
     Name         the end of                        the end of       revenue of                           Remark
                                   the end of                                         current period
                     period                            period      current period

(Ⅸ) Relationship and Related Party Transactions
1. Particulars about the parent company:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                            ons of
                                                                                                         ons of
                   Enter                                                                   company’                Ultimate
Name of Rela               Registr Legal                                                                company’
                   prise                         Business          Registered      Curr       s                     controll Organizati
 parent     tion            ation represe                                                                s voting
                   natur                          nature            capital        ency sharehol                    er of the      on code
company ship                place ntative                                                                right to
                   e                                                                       ding to                     company
            Cont State                       Travel
OCT         roll -owne                       industry,                                                              OCT
Group       ing    d       Shenzhe Ren       property                                                               Group
                                                              6,100,000,000.00 CNY                19%         19%                19034617-5
Corporat shar share n                Kelei   industry and                                                           Corporat
ion         ehol holdi                       electronics                                                            ion
            der    ng                        industry

Notes of the parent company of the Company:
Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation is a large-scale state-owned enterprise, which was
founded on Nov. 11, 1985 with the approval of the State Council and belongs to one of the central
enterprises of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.
Its legal representative is Mr. Ren Kelei. Overseas Chinese Town Group Corporation has a
registered capital of RMB 6.1 billion, and the core businesses cover the tourism, real estate,
hotels and telecommunication

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
Full-name                                           Legal                                                               tion
                                                                                                           ion of
      of    Relationsh                Registered repres       Business          Registered        Curre                   of     Organizatio
                             Type                                                                          shares
subsidiar          ip                    place      entati     nature            capital           ncy                 voting      n code
      ies                                             ve                                                                right

Telecommu                                                    Mobile
            Controllin                              Huang
nication                   Limited    Shenzhen,              communicat
            g                                       Zhongt                    120,000,000.00 CNY              100%        100% 70848057-2
Technolog                  company    Guangdong              ion
            subsidiary                                ian
      y                                                      products

 Video & Controllin Limited           Shenzhen,       He     Developmen
                                                                               15,000,000.00 CNY                 60%       60% 72858645-4
Communica g                company    Guangdong     Jianju t and sales

  tion      subsidiary                              n    of
 Systems                                                 commercial
Engineeri                                                television
   ng                                                    s

            Controllin                             Lou
Precision                Limited   Shenzhen,
            g                                  Yilian Moulds               15,968,800.00 CNY   46.31% 52.49% 61881661-8
  Mold                   company   Guangdong
            subsidiary                              g

  Konka     Controllin                         Huang equipment,
                         Limited   Shenzhen,
Electroni g                                    Zhongt little                8,300,000.00 CNY      51%    51% 61881678-1
                         company   Guangdong
    c       subsidiary                             ian   appliances
                                                         ing         and
Informati Controllin
                         Limited   Shenzhen,       Liu   selling
   on       g                                                              30,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 73416472-5
                         company   Guangdong   Fengxi digital
 Network subsidiary

 Plastic                 Limited   Shenzhen,       Sun   product
            g                                                               9,500,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 61881662-6
Products                 company   Guangdong   Wenbo manufactur

                                                         Video       and
            Controllin                         Huang audio
                         Limited   Shenzhen,
Shushida g                                     Zhongt products             42,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 70841244-9
                         company   Guangdong
            subsidiary                             ian   and

Fittings Controllin                                Niu   R&D         of
                         Limited   Shenzhen,
Technolog g                                    Weidon electronic           65,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 70848057-2
                         company   Guangdong
    y       subsidiary                              g    components

            Controllin             Mudanjiang Chuai      Color
    g                    Limited
            g                      Heilongjia Rongwe television            60,000,000.00 CNY      60%    60% 72858645-4
Appliance                company
            subsidiary                 ng      i         products

            Controllin                         Su        Color
 Shaanxi                 Limited   Xianyang
            g                                  Zengme television           69,500,000.00 CNY      60%    60% 61881661-8
  Konka                  company   Shaanxi
            subsidiary                         ng        products

            Controllin                                   Color
Chongqing                Limited               Zhang
            g                      Chongqing             television        45,000,000.00 CNY      60%    60% 61881678-1
  Konka                  company               Xian
            subsidiary                                   products

Chongqing Controllin Limited                   Zeng      Developmen
                                   Chongqing                               30,000,000.00 CNY      57%    57% 73416472-5
Electron g               company               Hui       t and sales

ic            subsidiary                                  of
              Controllin                         Wang
Chongqing                  Limited                        coordinato
              g                      Chongqing   Xiaoyo                      15,000,000.00 CNY      40%    40% 61881662-6
    Qingjia                company                        r and
              subsidiary                         ng
              Controllin                         Gong     Color
    Anhui                  Limited   Chuzhou
              g                                  Zhipin television          140,000,000.00 CNY      78%    78% 70841244-9
    Konka                  company   Anhui
              subsidiary                         g        products
                                                          eof home
Ankang        Controllin                                  electronic
                           Limited   Chuzhou     Wang
Appliance g                                               s and white        78,190,000.00 CNY   96.46% 97.45% 793892132
                           company   Anhui       Youlai
s             subsidiary                                  home
              Controllin                                  ing         and
Changshu                   Limited   Changshu    Wang
              g                                           selling            24,650,000.00 CNY      60%    60% 60610286-1
    Konka                  company   Jiangsu     Youlai
              subsidiary                                  electronic

    Kunshan                Limited   Kunshan     Chen     manufactur
              g                                                             350,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 62310230-2
    Konka                  company   Jiangsu     Yuehua ing liquid
                                                          modules and
                                                          flat panel

              Controllin                         Yao      Television
Dongguan                   Limited   Dongguan
              g                                  Jianpi and       audio 266,670,000.00 CNY         100%   100% 62192098-5
    Konka                  company   Guangdong
              subsidiary                         ng       products

Dongguan                   Limited   Dongguan    Li       product
              g                                                              10,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 78155925-2
    Packing                company   Guangdong   Yunfei manufactur

Dongguan Controllin                              Lou      Manufactur
                           Limited   Dongguan
    Mould     g                                  Yilian ing moulds           10,000,000.00 CNY   59.73% 59.73% 62192187-3
                           company   Guangdong
    Plastic subsidiary                           g        and plastic


                                                            ing and
  Boluo                  Limited   Bolo            Lin      s products
            g                                                                 40,000,000.00 CNY    51%    51% 61056872-8
  Konka                  company   Guangdong       Gaike    such like
                                                            ed circuit
                                                            ing and
            Controllin                                      selling
  Boluo                  Limited   Bolo            Lin
            g                                               electronic        15,000,000.00 CNY   100%   100% 74890634-7
Precision                company   Guangdong       Gaike
            subsidiary                                      products as
                                                            density PCB
                                                            R&D of flat
 Nanhai                  Limited   Foshan          Lin      display
            g                                                                    500,000.00 CNY   100%   100% 62822347-X
Institute                company   Guangdong       Gaike    technologi
                                                            es          and

            Controllin                             Huang    importing
Hongkong                 Limited   Hong     Kong
            g                                      Zhongt machinery              500,000.00 HKD   100%   100% 68053275-5
  Konka                  company   China
            subsidiary                             ian      and

Household                                                   Investment
            Controllin                             Niu
Appliance                Limited   Hong Kong                and
            g                                      Weidon                        500,000.00 HKD   100%   100% 61811698-8
    s                    company   China                    shareholdi
            subsidiary                             g
Investmen                                                   ng

            Controllin                             Niu
Appliance                Limited   Hong Kong                Internatio
            g                                      Weidon                        500,000.00 HKD   100%   100% 722456042
    s                    company   China                    nal trade
            subsidiary                             g


            Controllin                                   Selling
  KONKA                  Limited                Chang
            g                      USA                   electronic        1,000,000.00 USD     100%   100% 75109846-7
 AMERICA                 company                Dong
            subsidiary                                   products

            Controllin             Frankfurt,            Selling
  Konka                  Limited                Chang
            g                      German,               electronic           25,000.00 EUR     100%   100% 72112128-3
 Europe                  company                Dong
            subsidiary             Europe                products

            Controllin                          Xiang
Dongguan                 Limited   Dongguan,             ing moulds
            g                                   Tiansh                     5,000,000.00 CNY   46.31% 52.49% 79931260-8
Xutongda                 company   Guangdong             and plastic
            subsidiary                          un

                                                         t,      sales
  Konka     Controllin
                         Limited   Shenzhen,    Lin      and
Optoelect g                                                               10,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 68243005-8
                         company   Guangdong    Gaike    maintenanc
  ronic     subsidiary
                                                         e of liquid

            Controllin                                        t and
                         Limited   Shenzhen,    Lin
Wankaida g                                               maintenanc       10,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% -
                         company   Guangdong    Gaike
            subsidiary                                         e of

                                                         Real estate
            Controllin                                   investment
 Kunshan                 Limited   Kunshan,     Sun
            g                                                  and       350,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% -
Kangsheng                company   Jiangsu      Wenbo
            subsidiary                                   developmen

  Anhui     Controllin                          Xia      e of house
                         Limited   Chuzhou,
Tongchuan g                                     Guangb appliances        180,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% -
                         company   Anhui
    g       subsidiary                          ei       refrigerat

            Controllin                                    Selling
Indonesia                Limited                Chang
            g                      Indonesia             electronic        1,500,000.00 USD      51%    51% -
  Konka                  company                Dong
            subsidiary                                    products

            Controllin                          Niu
Shushida                 Limited   Shenzhen               Ordinary
            g                                   Weidon                    10,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% -
Logistics                company   Guangdong                  cargo
            subsidiary                          g
 Beijing Controllin Limited                     Chen      Selling
                                   Beijing                                30,000,000.00 CNY     100%   100% 69649113-4
  Konka     g            company                Yuehua electronic

Electroni subsidiary                                  products

           Controllin                       Lou
 Kunshan                Limited   Kunshan            ing moulds
           g                                Yilian                 100,000,000.00 CNY   46.31% 52.49% 55719393-8
Jielunte                company   Jiangsu            and plastic
           subsidiary                       g

3. Particulars on joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                 rtion Proport                                                     Operatin
                                    Legal                                         of       ion of                                  Total assets g revenue Net profits                 Organi
            Business Registrat                Business    Registered Currenc                        Organizatio liabilities                                                 Relatio
     Item                         represent                                      holdi voting                                      at the end of     of       of current              zation
              Type    ion place                 scope      capital          y                         n code       at the end of                                            nship
                                    ative                                         ng       rights                                     period       current      period                code
                                                                                 share      (%)                                                    period
                                                                                 s (%)

I. Joint
               --        --          --          --           --            --    --        --          --                 --           --           --           --          --       --

d              --        --          --          --           --            --    --        --          --                 --           --           --           --          --       --

Chongqing                                     Manufactu
                                              ring and
            Limited               Wang        processin   12,000,000.            31.25              4,554,396.0
Plastic               Chongqing                                           CNY              31.25%                  1,854,714.87 2,699,681.19                  -216,563.92
            company               Xiaoyong    g of                   00                %                       6
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen                                      Manufactu
Refond      Limited               Gong        ring and    107,000,000            19.34
                      Shenzhen                                            CNY              19.34%
Optoelect company                 Weibin      selling              .00                 %
ronics                                        LEDs

Co., Ltd

Shenzhen                                     energy
Konka                                        products
             Limited               Dong                  20,000,000.
Energy                 Shenzhen              for                       CNY   30%     30%
             company               Yaping                        00
Technolog                                    mobile
y Co., Ltd                                   equipment
                                             , etc.
EnRay Tek
Optoelect                                    Manufactu
ronics       Limited               Zhang     ring and    50,000,000.                       421,683,141 127,308,775. 294,374,365. 92,868.7 -3,938,359.
                       Shanghai                                        USD   36%     36%
(Shanghai company                  Rujing    selling             00                               .30           70           60        2           00
) Co.,                                       LEDs
ONAL         Limited               Zhang     Investmen   50,000,000.
                       Hong Kong                                       HKD   38%     38%
DEVELOPME company                  Xiaohui   t                   00

4. Other related parties of the Company
                  Name                              Relationship                      Organization code

Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd               Same actual controller              75252879-9

Shanghai OCT Investment Development
                                         Same actual controller              78589775-0
Co., Ltd

Chengdu    Tianfu    OCT    Industrial
                                         Same actual controller              78012858-1
Development Co., Ltd

Beijing Century OCT Industrial Co.,
                                         Same actual controller              74005033-7

Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                     Same actual controller              79457788-X

Shanghai Tianxiang OCT Investment
                                         Same actual controller              74805502-8
Co., Ltd

Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd           Same actual controller              76276957X

Chongqing Machinery & Electronics
                                         Shareholder of subsidiary           45041726-8
Holding (Group) Co., Ltd

OCT Hotel Group                          Same actual controller              71524077-X

Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co., Ltd Same actual controller                 19217869-7

Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd        Same actual controller              60737971-5

Shenzhen Huayou Packaging Co., Ltd Same actual controller                    76198355-8

Shenzhen Huali Packing & Trading Co.,
                                         Same actual controller              61881654-6

Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.        Same actual controller              68061271-2

Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Gas
                                         Same actual controller              70849783-3
Station Co., Ltd.

Dongyangyi Industry Co., Ltd             Shareholder of subsidiary           -

Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co.,
                                         Same actual controller              69531802-2


5.Related party transactions
(1) Purchase of goods, services received among the related-party
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                           Occurred in same period
                                                            Occurred in reporting period
                                              Pricing                                           of last year
                    Content of related
 Name of company                            principle of                  Proportion in                     Proporti
                                          related parties        Amount    transactions        Amount         on in
                                                                           of the same                      transact

                                                                                     kind                          ions of
                                                                                                                   the same

Anhui          Huali Purchase of package
                                             Negotiated price 10,011,593.75              0.17%     13,753,884.21      0.24%
Packaging Co., Ltd materials

Shanghai       Huali Purchase of package
                                             Negotiated price      5,459,192.10             0.1%   12,903,160.58      0.22%
Packaging Co., Ltd materials

Guangzhou      Panyu
Huali Youde Color Purchase of package
                                             Negotiated price                                       1,528,190.30      0.03%
Printing         and materials
Packing Co., Ltd.
Huali      Packaging
                       Purchase of package
(Huizhou)                                    Negotiated price      3,913,890.03          0.07%      3,906,092.28      0.07%

Shenzhen Overseas
Chinese Town Hotel Hotel room repast         Market price           301,754.03           0.01%      1,062,529.69      0.02%
Group Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen OCT Water Water and
                                             Negotiated price      3,804,189.78          0.06%      2,967,794.10      0.05%
and Power Co., Ltd electricity

Statement of sales of goods and rendering of services

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                   Occurred in reporting       Occurred in same period of
                                                                          period                       last year

                                                                                    Proporti                       Proporti
                       Content of related                                            on in                          on in
 Name of company                              principle of
                          transaction                                               transact                       transact
                                             related parties          Amount                        Amount
                                                                                    ions of                        ions of
                                                                                    the same                       the same
                                                                                     kind                            kind
Shenzhen OCT East
                       Selling LCDs          Negotiated price          435,000.00      0.88%        1,256,410.26      3.22%
Co., Ltd
Chengdu Tianfu OCT
                       Selling LCDs          Negotiated price          380,000.00      0.77%        1,435,897.44      3.68%
Development     Co.,
OCT            Urban
Investment             Selling LCDs          Negotiated price        2,400,000.00      4.87%
Company           of
Wuhan OCT Industry
                       Selling LCDs          Negotiated price        7,717,471.00     15.67%
Development     Co.,

                     Selling LCDs          Negotiated price               695,000.00     1.41%
Shenzhen Window of
the World Co.,       Selling LCDs          Negotiated price                 5,000.00     0.01%

(2) Particulars about related trusteeship and guarantees
Table of particulars about trusteeship/contracting of the company
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                     Trust /
                         Informatio Amount of                  Initial       Ending      Pricing     contract
Name of    Name of                               Type of the                                                     tract
                         n of       the                        date of       date of     basis for income
entrusting trustee                               entrusted/                                                      income
                         entrusted/ entrusted/                 being         being       the trust / recognize
party/cont /contracto                            contracted                                                      effect on
                         contracted contracted                 entrusted/ entrusted/ contract        d in the
ractee     r                                     assets                                                          the
                         assets     assets                     contract      contract    income      reporting

Information of entrusting management/contracted

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                      Trust /     Entrustin
                         Informatio Amount of                     Initial      Ending     Pricing     contract         g /
Name of    Name of                               Type of the
                            n of          the                     date of      date of   basis for      fee       contracte
entrusting trustee                               entrusted/
                         entrusted/ entrusted/                 entrusting entrusting the trust / recognize        d income
party/cont /contracto                            contracted
                         contracted contracted                    / being      / being    contract    d in the    effect on
ractee     r                                       assets
                           assets     assets                   contracted contracted        fee      reporting         the
                                                                                                       period      Company


(3)Information of related-party lease
Rental situation of the Company

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Category Informatio                                             Pricing      income
                                                 Amount of                                                         income
 Name of       Name of     of the   n of the                    Initial        Ending    basis for recognize
                                                 the leased                                                       effect on
  lessor       lessee      leased     leased                       date         date     the rental d in the
                                                   assets                                                              the
                           assets     assets                                               income    reporting

Lease situation of the Company

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Category Informatio                                              Pricing      charges
                                                  Amount of                                                               income
 Name of    Name of         of the    n of the                     Initial      Ending      basis for recognize
                                                  the leased                                                          effect on
  lessor    lessee          leased     leased                       date         date       the lease    d in the
                                                    assets                                                                  the
                            assets     assets                                                charges     reporting


(4)Information of related-party guarantee
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                  Whether the
                                                                                                                guarantee was
    Guarantor         Secured party      Guarantee amount          Initial date             Due date
                                                                                                                accomplished or


(5)Related-party call loan
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
    Related party         Amount of call loan         Initial date                  Due date                       Note
Loan from banks and other financial institutions
OCT Group                        100,000,000.00 16 Sep. 2010                  1 Aug. 2013               Entrust loan

OCT Group                        100,000,000.00 15 Apr. 2010                  31 Jul. 2013              Entrust loan

OCT Group                        300,000,000.00 16 Nov. 2011                  31 Jul. 2013              Entrust loan

OCT Group                        100,000,000.00 17 Mar. 2011                  4 Mar. 2016               Entrust loan
OCT Group                        100,000,000.00 9 Jan. 2012                   12 Dec. 2016              Entrust loan
OCT Group                        300,000,000.00 13 Mar. 2012                  13 Jul. 2013              Entrust loan
Lending to banks and other financial institutions

(6)Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 Pricing method       Occurred in reporting       Occurred in same period of
                Type of                               and                      period                       last year
                related                          decision-makin
                               Content of the
Related party       party                         g procedures
                transacti                           for the          Amount     Proportion (%)         Amount     Proportion (%)
                     on                          related-party

(7)Other related-party transaction

6. Amounts due from/to related parties
Amount due from related parties

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
 Name of item                  Related party                   Closing balance                Opening balance

                Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                             886,515.00                        1,107,015.00

Accounts        Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industrial
                                                                       190,512.40                        1,123,600.00
receivable      Development Co., Ltd.

                Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd.                                   47,100.00                          198,100.00

Accounts        OCT Urban Entertainment Investment
                                                                     2,970,000.00                          570,000.00
receivable      Company of Shenzhen

                InterContinental Shenzhen                              695,000.00

receivable      COMPANY LTD.

                Shenzhen Window of the World Co., Ltd.                   5,000.00

Accounts        Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co.,
receivable      Ltd.

                Shenzhen OCT East Interlaken Hotel                      83,000.00

accounts        Shenzhen OCT Gas Station Co., Ltd                       80,000.00                           80,000.00

accounts        Shenzhen OCT Real Estate Co., Ltd                    1,216,264.86                        1,216,264.86

                Shenzhen OCT Property Management Co.,
accounts                                                                77,402.65                           77,402.65

accounts        Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co., Ltd                1,183,539.44                          963,359.57

Accounts payable to related-party of the Company

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
    Name of item                    Related party                   Closing balance              Opening balance

Accounts receivable Chongqing Jingkang Plastic Co., Ltd.                         202,407.08                202,407.08

Accounts receivable Shenzhen Dekon Electronic Co., Ltd                           356,545.32                356,545.32

Accounts receivable Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.              3,353,849.74   3,213,768.67

                         Shenzhen Huali Packing and Trading
Accounts receivable                                                13,957.02       13,957.02
                         Co., Ltd.

Accounts receivable Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.            2,178,794.25   2,832,456.06

Accounts receivable Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.           1,906,251.71   1,164,324.73
Notes payable            Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.        892,511.81    4,445,774.47
Notes payable            Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.         3,520,128.10   5,231,145.28
Notes payable            Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.      2,938,603.05   3,364,866.44
Receivables in           Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co.,
advance                  Ltd.Limited company
Other accounts
                         Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                       480,000.00
Other accounts           Shenzhen Huali Packing and Trading
                                                                   50,000.00       50,000.00
payable                  Co., Ltd.

(X) Share-based Payment
1. Overview of share-based payment
Total of each equity instrument granted
by the Company in the reporting period
Total of each equity instrument excised
by the Company in the reporting period
Total of each equity instrument expired
in the reporting period
Scope of excising price and remaining
contract term of stock options that
externally issued as at the period-end
Scope of excising price and remaining
contract term of other equity instruments
as at the period-end


2. Information of equity-settled share-based payment
                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
Recognition method on fair value of equity instruments
at the grant date
Recognition method on the best estimate of the number
of vesting equity instruments
Reason for significant differences of estimate between
the reporting period and the same period of last year
Accumulated     amount    of   equity-settled   share-based
payment in capital reserves
Total expense recognized for the equity-settle
share-based payment


3. Information of cash-settled share-based payment
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
Recognition method of fair value of liabilities that are
born by the Company and calculated basing on stocks or
other equity instruments
Accumulated amount of liabilities that arising from
cash-settled share-based payment
Total expense recognized for the cash-settle share-based


4. Information of share-based payment service
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
Total employee service exchanged by share-based payment
Total other service exchanged by share-based payment

5. Modification, termination of share-based payment
(XI) Contingency
1. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from unsettled litigation or
As of 19 Dec. 2007, the Design, Manufacture and Erection Contract for the Beijing Pangu Large-scale
Outdoors Full-Color LED Display Screen (Turn-key Project) (hereinafter referred to as the
“Contract Agreement”) was made by and between the subsidiary of Company-Shenzhen Konka Video
& Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Konka Video
& Communication) and Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Pangu
Company”), stipulating that the total project period shall be 120 days, the contracted budget
price of total engineering payment shall be RMB 103,357,500. With six apartments, hotels and
commercial houses of 3,707.70 ㎡ at a total price of RMB 103,357,500 located at Beisihuan M.
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing in pledge, Pangu Company and Konka Video & Communication entered
into the Advance Sale for Beijing Commercial Building (hereinafter referred to as the “Advance
Sale Contract”) numbered [Y581455], [Y581458], [Y581459], [Y581460], [Y581461] and [Y581462].
Meanwhile, both parties have entered into the Supplementary Agreement with provisions as follows:
① Beijing Pangu, prior to 30 Mar. 2009, shall pay the total construction cost amounting to RMB
103,357,500 in a lump sum to Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication. ② Termination of the Advance
Agreement: The agreement terminates automatically where Beijing Pangu deposits the payment of
RMB 103,357,500 to the account of Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication prior to 30 Mar. 2009.
Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication returns pledged apartments and receipts to Beijing Pangu
and assists Beijing Pangu in canceling the Advance Agreement. The responsibilities and

obligations of both parties arising from the Advance Agreement are terminated.
After the completion of the project, Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication delivered LED displays
to Beijing Pangu in Jul. 2008 prior to the start of Beijing Olympic Games. In Mar. 2009, the
project was accepted after the joint acceptance inspection by the involved engineering
supervision entity, design entity, Beijing Pangu and Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication and
Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication delivered all engineering documents to Beijing Pangu.
Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication performed all its responsibilities under the agreement,
however Beijing Pangu failed to perform its responsibilities. As of the date when the financial
report was approved to issue, Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication did not receive the account
receivable from Beijing Pangu amounting to RMB 103,357,500 and the Advance Agreement is not
Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication raised a civil litigation to Beijing Higher People’s Court
on 13 Jul. 2009 and submitted an application for attachment at the same day to seal up Apartment
1001, 1101, 1201, 1501, 1601 and 1701 in Unit 5 and Apartment 1001, 1101 and 901 in Unit 6 in
Beijing Mogan 7 Star Plaza at Beisihuan M. Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing or freeze properties
or assets of the respondent, amounting to RMB 150,609,219.00.

On 17 Aug. 2009, Beijing Higher People’s Court issued GMCZ (2009) No. 4237 Civil Ruling Paper
and sealed up the property amounting to RMB 150,609,219 owned by Beijing Pangu.
After hearing, Beijing Higher People's Court consigned Beijing Price Certification Center to
conduct the price identification for involved project. The certification center provided price
certification conclusion paper on January 17, 2011, indentifying object cost of RMB
100,837,125.00 yuan. After the court opening for evidence, the certification center provided
indentified conclusion after adjustment on March 21. The conclusion is identifying that the object
cost is RMB 99,396,113.73 yuan according to the amount on volume method; the object cost is
indentified with RMB 103,274,987.25 yuan according to the calculation of actual cost.
On April 2, 2011, Beijing Higher People's Court held a court again for cross-examination with
adjusted identification conclusion.

Beijing                         Higher                          People                         ’
s Court issued on 15 May 2012 the first instance verdict as follows: A. Beijing Pangu Inves
tment Co., Ltd. shall, within 10 days after this verdict takes effect, hand over the six re
al estate units of the Seven Star Morgan Square Apartments located on the North 4th Ring Mi
ddle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing under the Commercial House Pre-sale Contract of Beiji
ng to Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd.. And Beijing Pangu
 Investment Co., Ltd. shall handle the real estate transfer formalities for Shenzhen Konka
Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., with Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd.
 bearing all the expenses and taxes arising from these formalities. B. Other claims of Shen
zhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd. are overruled. C. Other clai
ms of Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. are overruled.

Currently, both parties have appealed to the Supreme Court. Up to the date when this financ
ial      report       is      approved         for       issue,      Beijing      Higher      People        ’
s Court has not made a new decision about this case.

2. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from loan guarantee offered to other
Other contingent liabilities and its financial effect:

1. Use of letters of credit
In the first half of 2012, the Company has issued letters of credit with a total amount of RMB2.113
billion, made payment with a total amount of RMB2.635billion; of which the amount of RMB0.995
billion was used for the payment of letters of credit in the first half of 2012. and RMB1.640
billion for that in 2011. The remaining payment was converted into RMB1.1billion, of which
including pending payment of RMB1.021 to Konka Household Appliances International Trading. The
pending payment excluding payment that was due but non-required by the counter party or cancelled
2. Other contingent liabilities and the effects on financial affairs
As of 30 Jun. 2012, the Group hasn’t any other significant contingent events that need to be
(XII) Commitments
1. Significant commitments
As of 30 Jun. 2012, the Group hasn’t any significant commitments issues that need
to be disclosed.
2. Fulfillment of previous commitments
(XIII)Events after the Balance Sheet Date
1. Notes of significant events after the Balance Sheet Date
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                           Influence number on     Reason for failing to
            Item                     Details               financial status and    estimate the influence
                                                            operating results              number

2. Notes of profit distribution after Balance Sheet Date
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
Drafted distributed profit or dividends
Profit or dividends claimed to distribute after review
and approval

3. Notes of other events after Balance Sheet Date
Notes of inportant events after Balance Shee Date:

(1) On 31 Jul. 2012, the Company returned back in advance the entrust loan of RMB 300 million
in the entrusted loan contract of Jian-Shen-Wei-Dai No. 2010018 signed between the           parent
company of Company—OCT Group and Shenzhen Branch of CBC.
(2) On 11 Jul. 2012, the Company signed an entrusted loan contract of Xin-Shen-Wei-Dai No. 003
with its parent company—OCT Group and Shenzhen Branch of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited.
According to the contract, OCT Group entrusted Shenzhen Branch of China CITIC Bank Corporation
Limited to provide a loan of RMB 300 million to the Company, with a valid period from 12 Jul.
2012 to 20 Apr. 2013 and an annual interest rate of 4.96%. And the Company will use the loan
as turnover capital.
(3) On 11 Jul. 2012, the Company signed an entrusted loan contract of Xin-Shen-Wei-Dai No. 003
with its parent company—OCT Group and Shenzhen Branch of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited.
According to the contract, OCT Group entrusted Shenzhen Branch of China CITIC Bank Corporation
Limited to provide a loan of RMB 200 million to the Company, with a valid period from 23 Jul.
2012 to 1 Jun. 2015 and an annual interest rate of 5.51%. And the Company will use the loan as
turnover capital.
(4) On 4 Jul. 2012, the Company, Shenzhen Konka Communication Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
Branch of Bank of China entered into the Credit Line Agreement numbered “2012 ZZYEX Zi No. 000016”
stipulating that the loan, valid from 4 Jul. 2012 to 4 Jul. 2013, shall not exceed the comprehensive
credit line of RMB 5,300,000,000 (Of which, line of bank acceptance bill as RMB 1 billion, line
of trading financing as RMB 3.9 billion, line of L/C without guarantee as RMB 0.3 billion, line
of foreign currency transaction as RMB 0.1 billion). According to the Agreement, the Company
shall be the accredited party, and Shenzhen Konka Communication Technology Co., Ltd. shall be
the authorized withdrawer. On 4 Jul. 2012, the Ceiling Amount Mortgage Contracts numbered ZZYEX
Zi [2012] No. 000016 and ZZYSZE Zi [2012] No. 0003 were made between the Company and Shenzhen
Branch of Bank of China, the Company’s subsidiary Konka Communication and Shenzhen Branch of
Bank of China respectively. As stipulated, the Company’s banker’s acceptance bill of not less
than RMB 1.3 billion and its margin account with No. 82100364308401001, shall be pledged to secure
all liabilities incurred under the Credit Line Agreement.
2. Notes about particulars of profit distribution after the Balance Sheet Date
On 20 Apr. 2012, the Group convened the 26th Session of the Seventh Board of Directors,
of which approved Preplan on Profit Distribution for Y2011: based on the total share
capital of 1,203,972,704 shares at the end of 2011, the Company distributed RMB0.10
(tax included) as cash bonus for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The above profit
distribution plan has been reviewed and appoved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting
2011 convened on 15 Jun. 2012, and the cash bonus has made payment in Jul. 2012.

(XIV) Notes of other significant events
1. Exchange of non-monetary assets
2. Debt reorganization
3. Business combination
4. Lease
5. Closing financial instruments that externally issued and convertible into shares
6. Main content and significant changes of annuity plan
7. Other significant events
1. Assets and liabilities calculated by fair value
                       Item                   31 Dec. 2011       Income from     Accrued fair       30 Jan. 2012
                                                                 fair value      value change
                                                                 change in            that is
                                                                 reporting           recognized
                                                                     period       into equity
Financial assets

Financial assets available for                 6,408,065.70    -4,496,523.44     -1,266,515.97       1,045,232.10

Total financial assets                         6,408,065.70    -4,496,523.44     -1,266,515.97       1,045,232.10

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities measured                22,101,173.97    22,101,173.97                                       -
at fair value and of which the
change     was      recorded     into
current year

Total financial liabilities                   22,101,173.97    22,101,173.97                                       -

2. Financial assets and financial liabilities of foreign currency
           Item                31 Dec. 2011      Income from             Accrued fair       Withdrawal of    30 Jun. 2012
                                                 fair value              value change       impairment in
                                                 change in                 that is           reporting
                                                 reporting               recognized             period
                                                   period                into equity
Financial assets

Monetary funds                  180,275,949.82                       -                  -                     315,266,130.13

Loans     and     accounts      365,769,233.20                       -                  -                     273,130,826.95

Accounts        paid     in       9,277,443.43                       -                  -                          3,643,238.11

Subtotal of financial           555,322,626.45                                                                592,040,195.19


Accounts payable        1,790,980,983.94               -           -              -    278,372,879.10

Derivative financial       22,101,173.97   22,101,173.97           -              -                 -
liabilities (NDF)

Subtotal of financial   1,813,082,157.91                                               278,372,879.10

3. On 14 Oct. 2011, the 2 Administration Bureau directly under the Urban Planning, Land and

Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality unveiled the Circular on Plant Renewal Unit
Planning (Draft) of the Headquarters of Konka Group in Nanshan District, Shenzhen on Shenzhen
Economic Daily, which meant that the Company’s Plant Renewal Unit Planning (Draft) of the
Headquarters passed the examination of the Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of
Shenzhen Municipality through a technological conference.
4. On 6 Jul. 2011, the People’s Government of Chuzhou Municipality issued the Reply on Agreeing
to Collect State-owned Land Use Right of Anhui Konka Electronics Co., Ltd. (Chu-Zheng-Mi [2011]
No. 140). On 1 Dec. 2011, the Administration Committee of Chuzhou Economic & Technological
Development Zone signed the Agreement with Anhui Konka, one of the Company’s subsidiaries.
According to the Agreement, Chuzhou Land Reserve Center would collect the use right of the
state-owned land with an area of 67,730 square meters (land certificate No. Chu-Guo-Yong [2007]
No. 00562) of Anhui Konka located at No. 99 Xin’an Road, Chuzhou Economic & Technological
Development Zone. The Administration Committee of Chuzhou Economic & Technological Development
Zone would pay a compensation of RMB 50 million to Anhui Konka in stages, i.e. RMB 10 million
before 31 Dec. 2011, RMB 10 million before 31 Jul. 2012 and the rest before 30 Nov. 2012. Up
to 30 Jun. 2012, Anuhui Konka received land compensation of RMB20 million in total.
5 On 26 Dec. 2011, the Proposal on Transferring Equity Interests of Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean
                                                           st                th
Appliances Co., Ltd. was reviewed and approved at the 21 Session of the 7 Board of Directors.
Based on the net asset evaluation value (RMB 43.2222 million) of 60% equity interests of Mudanjiang
Arctic Ocean (previously known as “Mudanjiang Konka Industrial Co., Ltd.”, and renamed as
“Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd.” in Mar. 2011), the Company intended to put 60%
equity interests of Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean for sale through public listing. On 18 Aug. 2012,
the Company decided to temporary cancel the sale of 60% equity interest of Mudanhuabg Arctic
Ocean through public listing. If the said equity was continued to be listing for sale, the Company
would perform responsibility of disclosing information in time.
6. Shaanxi Konka entered into shutdown stage due to market reason and the strategic adjustment
of the Company. On 12 Jan. 2012, the Plan of Shaanxi Konka about Economic Compensations for
Employees Dismissed due to Economic Reasons was reviewed and approved at the 7 Session of the

  4th Board of Directors of Shaanxi Konka, one of the Company’s subsidiaries. According to the
  Plan, the economic compensation for the relevant employees was about RMB 20.1634 million. As
  to 30 Jun. 2012, Shaanxi Konka recognized the book value of projected liability of RMB17.4139.
  7. Losses have occurred in Chongqing Electronic, Chongqing Konka and Mudanjiang Konka, subsidiary
  companies of the Company in successive years and their operating activities are virtually stopped.
  At of the date of the financial report was approved to issue, the Company has not made any decision
  to stop operating activities of these companies.
  8. Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary, is under the liquidation.
  (XV) Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company
  1. Accounts receivable
  (1) Accounts receivable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                                Book balance          Provision for bad debts            Book balance           Provision for bad debts
         Category                                                      Propor
                                               orti                                                Proporti                       Proport
                            Amount                    Amount           tion     Amount                          Amount
                                               on                                                  on (%)                         ion (%)
Accounts      receivable
with         significant
single      amount    and
withdrawn     bad    debt
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
Aging group                 1,074,876,547.38 100% 197,873,024.10 18.41% 1,410,932,829.02                95.63% 202,639,314.02 13.73%
Grouping     of   related
parties     within    the                                                          64,499,648.17        4.37%
Subtotal of the groups 1,074,876,547.38 100% 197,873,024.10 18.41% 1,475,432,477.19                      100% 202,639,314.02 13.73%
Accounts      receivable
with       insignificant
single      amount    but
withdrawn     bad    debt
Total                       1,074,876,547.38 --       197,873,024.10     --     1,475,432,477.19        --       202,639,314.02     --

  Notes to category of accounts receivable:

  Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end

  □Applicable √Inapplicable

  In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Closing balance                                            Opening balance
                        Book balance                                              Book balance
Aging                                    Propor     Provision for                                     Propor Provision for bad
               Amount                    tion         bad debts        Amount                         tion         debts
                                         (%)                                                          (%)
Within 1 year
Including:                --                --            --                        --                  --          --
Within 1
                        876,530,710.28 81.55%         17,367,768.39             1,224,466,900.04 82.99%          23,694,653.24

Subtotal of
within 1                876,530,710.28 81.55%         17,367,768.39             1,224,466,900.04 82.99%          23,694,653.24

1-2 years                14,421,466.70      1.34%       721,073.34                  5,819,116.98       0.39%        290,955.85

2-3 years                3,915,861.98       0.36%       783,172.40                  1,562,489.30       0.11%        312,497.86

Over 3 years            180,008,508.42 16.75%        179,001,009.97               179,084,322.70 12.14%         178,341,207.08

3-4 years                1,076,946.50       0.1%        538,473.25                       573,883.72    0.04%        286,941.86

4-5 years                  938,050.40       0.09%       469,025.20                       912,347.52    0.06%        456,173.76

Over 5 years            177,993,511.52 16.56%        177,993,511.52               177,598,091.46 12.04%         177,598,091.46
Total                 1,074,876,547.38      --       197,873,024.10             1,410,932,829.02        --      202,639,314.02

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2)Information of accounts receivable reversed or recovered in reporting period
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                Withdrawal amount of
                                                     Basis on recognition
  Content of accounts          Reason for reversal                               bad debt provision Reversed or recovered
                                                     of provision for bad
         receivable               or recovery                                   before the reversal or           amount

            Total                      --                       --                                                 --

The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single

amount but individually made impairment test at the end of report period:
 Content of accounts                                                            Withdrawal proportion
                                 Book value            Bad debt amount                                           Reason
        receivable                                                                         (%)

          Total                                                                              --                          --

Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit

risks characteristic:

(3) Information of accounts receivable that written off in reporting period
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                 Whether arising
 Name of company           Nature                   Date                 Amount                   Reason
                                                                                                                transaction or not

         Total                  --                   --                                            --                     --


(4) Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the

Company in accounts receivable in report period
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5)Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount
(6) Top five accounts receivable
(7) Accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
      Name of company                   Relationship                        Amount                           Proportion (%)

            Total                             --

RMB0.00 was transferred from the accounts receivable not satisfying the conditions of termination
(9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief
on the arrangement of relevant transactions
2. Other accounts receivable
(1) Other accounts receivable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Closing balance                                              Opening balance

                                                           Provision for bad                                         Provision for bad
                               Book balance                                         Book balance
                                                           debts                                                     debts
                                                   Propo                   Propor
                                                                                                           Proport                   Proport
                               Amount              rtion Amount            tion     Amount                           Amount
                                                                                                           ion (%)                   ion (%)
                                                   (%)                     (%)

Other               accounts
receivable             with
significant          single

amount and individually
withdrawn      bad      debt
Other accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
Aging group                     81,099,015.75 14.19% 15,692,163.20 19.35%       60,068,994.97        9.47% 15,691,056.86 23.97%
Grouping      of     related
                                490,489,766.41 85.81% 28,269,364.86 5.76% 574,176,780.82 90.53% 27,887,027.95               4.9%
parties within the Group
Subtotal of the groups          571,588,782.16    100% 43,961,528.06 7.69% 634,245,775.79             100% 43,578,084.81    6.87%
Other              accounts
receivable              with
insignificant         single
amount but individually
withdrawn      bad      debt
Total                           571,588,782.16    --    43,961,528.06   --     634,245,775.79        --    43,578,084.81    --

Notes of category:

Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at


□Applicable √Inapplicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                    Opening balance

                         Book balance                                        Book balance
    Aging                                Propor                                              Propor
                                                  Bad debt provision                                  Bad debt provision
                         Amount           tion                               Amount           tion
                                           (%)                                                (%)

Within 1 year
Including:                 --              --             --                  --              --              --
Within 1 year           59,998,626.96 73.98%             936,720.86          37,176,315.90 61.89%             637,171.03

Subtotal of
                        59,998,626.96 73.98%             936,720.86          37,176,315.90 61.89%             637,171.03
within 1 year

1-2 years                4,116,783.25     5.08%          205,839.16           4,287,927.40    7.14%           214,396.37

2-3 years                1,003,212.24     1.24%          200,642.45           2,819,738.85    4.69%           563,947.77

Over 3 years             15,980,393.3 19.70%           14,348,960.7           15,785,012.8 26.28%           14,275,541.7

3-4 years                2,801,779.50     3.45%        1,400,889.75           2,557,856.63    4.26%         1,278,928.32

4-5 years                  461,085.64     0.57%          230,542.82             461,085.64    0.77%           230,542.82

Over 5 years            12,717,528.16 15.68%           12,717,528.16         12,766,070.55 21.25%          12,766,070.55
Total                   81,099,015.75      --          15,692,163.20         60,068,994.97    --           15,691,056.86

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Content of group                                  Book value                      Bad debt provision
Grouping of related parties within group                                  490,489,766.41                       28,269,364.86
                       Total                                              490,489,766.41                       28,269,364.86

Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at


□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                Withdrawal amount of
                                                   Basis on recognition
Content of other accounts Reason for reversal                                    bad debt provision Reversed or recovered
                                                   of provision for bad
         receivable                 or recovery                                 before the reversal or         amount

            Total                       --                     --                                                --

The withdrawal of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant

single amount but individually made impairment test at the end of report period:
  Content of other                                                              Withdrawal proportion
                               Book balance        Amount of bad debts                                         Reason
accounts receivable                                                                      (%)

          Total                                                                           --                     --

Notes to other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping

by credit risks characteristics:

(3) Information of the write-off other accounts receivable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Whether arising from
                                             Date of written                            Reason for
 Name of company           Nature                                      Amount                               related-party
                                                   off                                   write-off

         Total                 --                  --                                          --                --


(4) The other accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the
voting shares of the Company in the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5) Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount
Other accounts with significant amount in the Company were current accounts receivable from

internal subsidiaries.
(6) Top five other accounts receivable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
   Name of company          Relationship             Amount                   Term              Proportion (%)
                        Subsidiary of the
Information Network                                  223,187,197.37 Within 1 years                         39.05%
Video & Communication Subsidiary of the
                                                     113,159,698.91 Within 1 years                          19.8%
Systems Engineering     Company
                        Subsidiary of the
Boluo Precision                                       83,694,752.73 1 year to 5 years                      14.64%
                        Subsidiary of the
Boluo Konka                                           21,976,930.15 1 year to 5 years                       3.84%
                        Subsidiary of the
Chongqing Konka                                       15,594,238.01 1 year to 5 years                       2.73%
        Total                     --                 457,612,817.17            --                          80.06%

(7) Other accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                        Proportion of total other
      Name of entity               Relationship                   Amount
                                                                                        accounts receivable (%)
Shenzhen OCT Gas Station Subsidiary of ultimate
                                                                           80,000.00                        0.01%
Co., Ltd (deposit)          controller
Shenzhen        OCT    Real Subsidiary of ultimate
                                                                       1,216,264.86                         0.21%
Estate Co., Ltd.            controller

OCT Water and Power Co., Subsidiary of ultimate
                                                                       1,183,539.44                         0.21%
Ltd.                     controller

Video & Communication
                            Subsidiary of the Company                 113,159,698.91                        19.8%
Systems Engineering
Konka Electronic            Subsidiary of the Company                 11,282,917.68                         1.97%
Chongqing Konka             Subsidiary of the Company                 15,594,238.01                         2.73%
Boluo Konka                 Subsidiary of the Company                 21,976,930.15                         3.84%
Information Network         Subsidiary of the Company                 223,187,197.37                       39.05%
Dongguan Mould Plastic      Subsidiary of the Company                  3,093,652.56                         0.54%

Chongqing Electronic        Subsidiary of the Company                 12,675,126.85                         2.22%
Boluo Precision             Subsidiary of the Company                 83,694,752.73                        14.64%
Nanhai Institute            Subsidiary of the Company                      642,962.34                       0.11%

Xutongda                    Subsidiary of the Company                  5,182,289.81                         0.91%
           Total                         --                           492,969,570.71                       86.25%

RMB** was transferred from the other accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination recognition.

(9) If securitization is carried out on the other accounts receivable as the underlying asset,

please brief on the arrangement of relevant transactions

3. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                                                        amount of
               Account                                                                                                             Explanations on differences                                        bonus in
                             Initial                         Increase/      Closing       Shareholding          Voting right                                         Provision for      impairment
The investee     ing                       Opening balance                                                                            between shareholding                                            reporti
                         investment cost                     decrease       balance       proportion (%)       proportion (%)                                         impairment       provision in
               method                                                                                                              proportion and voting right                                          ng

Mudanjiang     Cost
                           36,000,000.00     36,000,000.00               36,000,000.00                   60%               60% -                                       36,000,000.00
Konka          method

Shaanxi        Cost
                           44,869,809.80     44,869,809.80               44,869,809.80                   60%               60% -
Konka          method

Anhui Konka               122,780,937.98    122,780,937.98               122,780,937.98                  78%               78% -

Dongguan       Cost
                          274,783,988.91    274,783,988.91               274,783,988.91               100%                100% -
Konka          method

Hongkong       Cost
                              781,828.61        781,828.61                   781,828.61               100%                100% -
Konka          method

Chongqing      Cost
                           27,000,000.00     27,000,000.00               27,000,000.00                   60%               60% -                                       27,000,000.00
Konka          method

                                                                                                                                 Anhui Konka indirectly held

                                                                                                                                 4.48%    of   Anhui     Household
               Cost                                                                                                              Appliances,     while       Anhui
Household                   5,278,509.85      5,278,509.85                5,278,509.85               6.55%              97.45%
               method                                                                                                            Tongchuang    indirectly     held
                                                                                                                                 86.42%    shares      of    Anhui

                                                                                                                                 Household Appliances

Konka Europe                  261,482.50        261,482.50                   261,482.50               100%                100% -

Nanhai Konka                  500,000.00        500,000.00                   500,000.00               100%                100% -

Kunshan        Cost       350,000,000.00    350,000,000.00               350,000,000.00               100%                100% -

Konka             method

Plastic           Cost
                             4,655,000.00     4,655,000.00    4,655,000.00      100%      100% -
Products          method

Konka             Cost
                           10,732,484.69     10,732,484.69   10,732,484.69          51%    51% -   10,732,484.69
Electronic        method

ation                      90,000,000.00     90,000,000.00   90,000,000.00      100%      100% -

Konka             Cost
                             8,062,500.00     8,062,500.00    8,062,500.00      100%      100% -   8,062,500.00
America           method

Information Cost
                           22,500,000.00     22,500,000.00   22,500,000.00      100%      100% -   22,500,000.00
Network           method

Shushida                   31,500,000.00     31,500,000.00   31,500,000.00      100%      100% -

Video         &

Communicatio Cost
                             9,000,000.00     9,000,000.00    9,000,000.00          60%    60% -
n       Systems method


Chongqing         Cost
                           17,100,000.00     17,100,000.00   17,100,000.00          57%    57% -
Electronic        method

Fittings          Cost
                           48,750,000.00     48,750,000.00   48,750,000.00      100%      100% -
Technology        method

Kunshan Real Cost
                           200,000,000.00                                       100%      100% -
Estate            method

Kunshan           Cost
                           350,000,000.00   350,000,000.00   350,000,000.00     100%      100% -
Kangsheng         method

Anhui             Cost     69,702,612.22     69,702,612.22   69,702,612.22      100%      100% -

Tongchuang      method

Optoelectron             10,000,000.00   10,000,000.00                   10,000,000.00     100%       100% -

Wankaida                 10,000,000.00   10,000,000.00                   10,000,000.00     100%       100% -


Julong          Cost
                          2,000,000.00   2,000,000.00    -2,000,000.00                         10%     10% -    300,000.00    -300,000.00
Optoelectron method

ics Co., Ltd.

Electronics               1,300,000.00   1,300,000.00                    1,300,000.00     8.33%      8.33% -   1,300,000.00
Co., Ltd.



of              Cost
                            100,000.00     100,000.00                       100,000.00                    -     100,000.00
Enterprises method

with Foreign



Investment                  485,000.00     485,000.00                       485,000.00         10%     10% -    485,000.00

Co., Ltd.


Information Cost
                          5,000,000.00   5,000,000.00                    5,000,000.00     9.62%      9.62% -
Technology      method


Center Co.,


Shenzhen CTU Cost
                            1,153,000.00      1,153,000.00                   1,153,000.00          11.5%          11.5% -
Hi-tech Ltd. method


Digital TV
National                    2,400,000.00      2,400,000.00                   2,400,000.00               6%           6% -

Lab Co., Ltd.


Digital TV

National        Cost
                            2,400,000.00      2,400,000.00                   2,400,000.00          4.26%          4.26% -
Engineering method

R&D Center

Co., Ltd.

Konka                      30,000,000.00     30,000,000.00                   30,000,000.00          100%           100% -


Logistics                  10,000,000.00     10,000,000.00                   10,000,000.00          100%           100%
Service Co.,


Total             --     1,799,097,154.56 1,599,097,154.56   -2,000,000.00                   --              --             --   106,479,984.69   -300,000.00


4. Revenue and Cost of Sales
(1) Revenue, cost of sales
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                          Reporting period                    Same period of last year
Main business revenue                                   5,555,762,901.33                         5,750,983,910.22
Other business revenue                                  1,218,390,920.34                         1,033,821,737.29
Cost of sales                                           5,866,640,366.34                         6,096,290,932.02
Total                                                     907,513,455.33                           688,514,715.49

(2) Main business (classified by industry)
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Reporting period                     Same period of last year
    Name of industry
                              Revenue of sales          Cost of sales      Revenue of sales      Cost of sales
Electronic industry             5,555,762,901.33        4,646,847,998.99     5,750,983,910.22    5,049,104,547.63
Total                           5,555,762,901.33        4,646,847,998.99     5,750,983,910.22    5,049,104,547.63

(3) Main business (Classified by product)
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Reporting period                     Same period of last year
     Name of product
                              Revenue of sales          Cost of sales      Revenue of sales      Cost of sales
Color TV business               5,022,111,430.91        4,150,770,138.64     5,199,165,989.17    4,558,502,708.98
White goods business                 431,078,329.53       393,345,365.79       545,724,450.62      484,589,423.88
Others                               102,573,140.89       102,732,494.56         6,093,470.43          6,012,414.77
Total                           5,555,762,901.33        4,646,847,998.99     5,750,983,910.22    5,049,104,547.63

(4) Main business (Classified by area)
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Reporting period                     Same period of last year
         Name of area
                              Revenue of sales          Cost of sales      Revenue of sales      Cost of sales
Domestic revenue                4,679,606,395.39        3,770,500,571.28     4,827,253,844.09    4,131,840,812.79
Overseas revenue                     876,156,505.94       876,347,427.71       923,730,066.13      917,263,734.84
Total                           5,555,762,901.33        4,646,847,998.99     5,750,983,910.22    5,049,104,547.63

(5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers
5. Investment income
(1)List of investment income
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                                 Reporting period     Same period of last year
Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method

Investment income arising from disposal of long-term equity
Investment income received from holding of trading financial
Investment income received from holding of held-to-maturity
Investment income received from holding of available-for-sale
financial assets etc.
Investment income received from disposal of trading financial
Investment income received from holding of held-to-maturity
Investment income received from available-for-sale financial
Total                                                                 5,201,025.51

(2)Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Same period of
          Name of investee               Reporting period                      Reason for increase/decrease YoY
                                                                last year

Total                                                                                          --

(3)Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Same period of
          Name of investee               Reporting period                      Reason for increase/decrease YoY
                                                                last year

Total                                                                                          --


6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Supplemental information                     Reporting period       Same period of last year
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated
                                                                        --                           --
from operations:
 Net profit                                                           -26,065,939.91             -243,239,644.83
 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                 -5,645,488.93
 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and
                                                                       14,831,805.55                 14,902,230.74
productive biological assets
 Amortization of intangible assets                                      1,066,722.75                      879,959.78
 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                             1,132,481.93                  1,068,304.61
 Losses/gains on disposal of fix assets, intangible asset and
                                                                      -10,089,460.37                 -2,367,987.15
other long-term assets (gains: negative)

 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets (gains: negative)                 913,357.22                    685,174.12
 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)            -21,760,628.97             -14,666,723.60
 Financial cost (income: negative)                                        15,834,773.93              38,821,080.62
 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                        -5,201,025.51
 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                     8,282,104.09                     6,475.51
 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                  -807,501.87
 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                             -29,959,639.48             504,642,108.78
 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                      2,466,488,556.12             575,743,550.67
(increase: negative)
 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities
                                                                      -1,494,936,927.80           -128,568,916.00
(decrease: negative)
 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                     914,083,188.75             747,905,613.25
2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                           --                        --
involvement of cash receipts and payments
 Debt converted into capital
 Convertible company bonds due within 1 year
 Financing leased fixed assets
3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                     --                        --
 Closing balance of cash                                                805,715,213.15             538,605,440.94
 Less: opening balance of cash                                          275,892,343.00             255,364,835.76
 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent
 Less: opening balance of cash equivalents
 The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                          529,822,870.15             283,240,605.18

7. Information of assets and liabilities recognized by evaluation value from the
counter purchase
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
            Name of the asset or liability                  Evaluation value              Original book value


(XVI) Supplemental information
1. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           The weighted average ROE                       EPS
    Profit in the reporting period
                                                      (%)                  Basic EPS             Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to the Company’
                                                             0.29%                  0.0095                   0.0095
s common stock shareholders
Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the Company’s common stock after                        -0.96%                 -0.0319                   -0.0319
deducting non-recurring gains and losses

2. Particulars on the abnormal conditions of main items in the financial statements
of the Company and relevant reasons
(1) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of notes receivable was of RMB3,012,622,153.19,
with a decrease of 38.09% compared to operning amount, for the reason of: business
of endorsement of notes receivable used for payment of purchase was increased;
(2) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of advance payment was of RMB228,142,821.97,
with a reduce of 60.28% compared to opening amount, for the reason of: land deed
received from advance payment of land in period-begin was calculted by transferring
into development cost;
(3) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of interest receivable was of RMB28,962,219.29,
a decrease of 33.61% compared to opening amount, for the reason of: part of fixed
deposit was mature that led to the decrease of interest receivable;
(4) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of available-for-sale financial assets was
of RMB 1,045,232.10, with a reduce of 83.69% compared to opening amount, for the
reason of: the Company sold shares of Churin Group in reporting period;
(5) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of taxes payable was of -178,340,648.85, with
a decrease of 637.58%, for the reason of overpay VAT was increased at period-end;
(6) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of long-term borrowings was of
1,010,000,000.00, with an increase of 65.57%, for the reason of: the Company
compensated capital gap by long-term borrowings;
(7) As to 30 Jun. 2012, closing amount of trading financial liabilities were zero,
which was less than opening amount, for the reason of: income from fair value change
was reversed as NDF group business was mature in reporting period;
(8) As to 30 Jun. 2012, occur amount of taxes and surcharges of first half of 2012
was of RMB4,480,585.29, with an increase of 42.63% than that of the first half of
2011, for the reason of: local education surtax was increase in reporting period;
(9) As to 30 Jun. 2012, occur amount of financial expense of the first half of 2012
was of RMB 109,770,636.77, with an increase of 53.68% than that of the first half
of 2011, for the reason of: interest cost of was incease by the rising of long-term
borrowings and exchange rate fulctuated that led to the increase of exchange loss
in reporting period;
(10) As to 30 Jun. 2012, occur amount of income from fair value change in the first
half of 2012 was of RMB 2,101,173.97, with an increase of 50.69% than that of the
first half of 2011, for the reason of: income from fair value change was reversed
as NDF group business was mature in reporting period;
(11) As to 30 Jun. 2012, occur amount of investment income in the first half of 2012
was of RMB 9,074,172.92, with an increase of RMB 9,153,225.49 than that of the first
half of 2011, for the reason of: investment income was incresased by calculated in
equity method in reporting period and disposal income of available-for-sale
financial assets was increased;
(12) As to 30 Jun. 2012, occur amount of income tax expense was of RMB31,688,114.67,

      with an increase of 111.66% than that of the first half of 2011, for the reason of:
      profit in reporting period was increased than same period of last and deferred income
      tax assets was reversed.

                          IX. Documents for Reference

                                      Documents for Reference

1. Text of Semi-annul Report 2012 signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company;
2. Text of Financial statements signed and sealed by person in charge, principal of accounting
work, and manager of finance department;
3. In the reporting period, all texts of the Company’s documents have been publicly disclosed
in newspapers designated by CSRC;
4. Text of Articles of Association of the Company;
5. Other relevant materials.

                                    Chairman of the Board of Directors: Hou Songrong

                                                     The Board of Directors

                                                     Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                       28 August 2012
