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						                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.



         August 2013

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

             I. Important Reminders, Catalogue & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that
this report is factual, accurate and complete without any false record, misleading statement or
material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.

Hou Songrong, company principal, Yang Rong, chief of the accounting work, and Xu Youshan,
chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report
enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                      Term                                                         Contents
                                             s to

Company, the Company, the Group                      Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Telecommunication Technology                         Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Video     &        Communication   Systems   Refer   Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co.,
Engineering                                   s to   Ltd.
Precision Mold                                       Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Konka Household Appliances                           Shenzhen Konka Household Appliances Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Information Network                                  Shenzhen Konka Information Network Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Plastic Products                                     Shenzhen Konka Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Shushida                                             Shenzhen Shushida Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Fittings Technology                                  Shenzhen Konka Electronic Fittings Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Mudanjiang Appliances                                Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Shanxi Konka                                         Shanxi Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Chongqing Konka                                      Chongqing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Chongqing Electronic                                 Chongqing Konka Automotive Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Chongqing Qingjia                                    Chongqing Qingjia Electronics Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Anhui Konka                                          Anhui Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Anhui Household Appliances                           Anhui Konka Household Appliances Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Changshu Konka                                       Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Kunshan Konka                                        Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Dongguan Konka                                       Dongguan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Dongguan Packing                                     Dongguan Konka Packing Materials Co., Ltd.
                                              s to
Dongguan Mould Plastic                       Refer   Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                           s to
Boluo Konka                                        Boluo Konka PCB Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Boluo Precision                                    Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Nanhai Institute                                   Konka (Nanhai) Development Center
                                            s to
Hong Kong Konka                                    Hong Kong Konka Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Konka Household Appliances Investment              Konka Household Appliances Investment & Development Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Konka Household Appliances International   Refer
                                                   Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co., Ltd.
Trading                                     s to
Konka America                                      Konka America, Inc.
                                            s to
Konka Europe                                       Konka (Europe) Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Xutongda                                           Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Konka Optoelectronic                               Shenzhen Konka Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Wankaida                                           Shenzhen Wankaida Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Kunshan Kangsheng                                  Kunshan Kangsheng Investment Development Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Anhui Tongchuang                                   Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household Appliances Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Indonesia Konka                                    Indonesia Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Shushida Logistics                                 Shenzhen Shushida Logistics Service Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Beijing Konka Electronic                           Beijing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.
                                            s to
Kunshan Jielunte                                   Kunshan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.
                                            s to
Wuhan Jielunte                                     Wuhan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.
                                            s to
Chuzhou Jielunte                                   Chuzhou Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.
                                            s to
CSRC                                               China Securities Regulation Commission
                                            s to
SZSE                                               Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                            s to
CSRC Shenzhen Bureau                               Shenzhen Bureau of China Securities Regulation Commission
                                            s to

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Yuan, Ten thousand Yuan, One Hundred   Refer
                                               RMB Yuan, RMB Ten thousand, RMB One Hundred Million Yuan
Million Yuan                            s to

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                             II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company
 Stock abbreviation                          SKJA, SKJB                               Stock code        000016, 200016

 Stock abbreviation after change (if any)    N/A

 Stock exchange listed with                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange

 Chinese name of the Company                 康佳集团股份有限公司

 Abbr. of the Chinese name of the
 Company (if any)

 English name of the Company (if any)        KONKA GROUP CO.,LTD

 Abbr. of the English name of the
                                             KONKA GROUP
 Company (if any)

 Legal representative of the Company         Hou Songrong

II. Contact information
                                                        Company Secretary                     Securities Affairs Representative

 Name                                       Xiao Qing                                      Wu Yongjun

                                            Secretariat to the Board of Directors,         Secretariat to the Board of Directors,
                                            Konka     Group     Co.,   Ltd.,   Overseas    Konka     Group    Co.,   Ltd.,   Overseas
 Contact address
                                            Chinese     Town,     Nanshan      District,   Chinese    Town,     Nanshan      District,
                                            Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China            Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
 Tel.                                       0755-26608866                                  0755-26608866

 Fax                                        0755-26600082                                  0755-26600082

 E-mail                                     szkonka@konka.com                              szkonka@konka.com

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website
address and email address of the Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of
the Company did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the
2012 Annual Report.

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the
                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by
CSRC for disclosing this report and the location where this report is placed did not change during
the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2012 Annual Report.

3. Change of the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No.
and organizational code did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be
found in the 2012 Annual Report.

4. Other relevant information

Did any change occur to other relevant information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                              III. Accounting & Business Highlights

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change
of the accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                                   Reporting period           Same period of last year            YoY +/-(%)

 Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                           9,421,399,281.00               7,038,923,137.77                       33.85%

 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           40,547,673.62                   11,467,291.68                      253.59%
 the Company (RMB Yuan)
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
 the Company after extraordinary gains                     13,903,675.19                  -38,396,824.01                      136.21%
 and losses (RMB Yuan)
 Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                         2,271,690,220.43               1,115,585,087.77                      103.63%
 (RMB Yuan)

 Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                        0.0337                         0.0095                      254.74%

 Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                      0.0337                         0.0095                      254.74%

 Weighted average ROE (%)                                          1.00%                          0.29%                          0.71%
                                                  As at the end of the
                                                                              As at the end of last year          YoY +/-(%)
                                                   reporting period

 Total assets (RMB Yuan)                              15,127,738,418.65                16,562,917,198.06                        -8.67%

 Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                         4,074,979,574.84               4,043,591,538.85                         0.78%
 the Company (RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under
international and Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the       Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                      Company                                              Company

                                   Reporting period        Same period of last year        Closing amount          Opening amount

 According to Chinese
                                        40,547,673.62                  11,467,291.68        4,074,979,574.84         4,043,591,538.85
 accounting standards

 Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
 Naught                                           0.00                          0.00                       0.00                    0.00
 According to international             40,547,673.62                  11,467,291.68        4,074,979,574.84         4,043,591,538.85

                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under
overseas and Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the       Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                         Company                                            Company

                                      Reporting period      Same period of last year         Closing amount          Opening amount

 According to Chinese
                                           40,547,673.62                 11,467,291.68        4,074,979,574.84         4,043,591,538.85
 accounting standards

 Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
 Naught                                             0.00                          0.00                     0.00                      0.00
 According to overseas
                                           40,547,673.62                 11,467,291.68        4,074,979,574.84         4,043,591,538.85
 accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas
accounting standards
No difference

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Item                                            Amount                           Explanation
 Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including
 the offset part of asset impairment provisions)

 Government grants recognized in the current period, except for
 those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at
 certain quotas or amounts according to the country’s unified

 Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial
 assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment
 income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable
 financial liabilities and financial assets available for sales
 except for effective hedging related with normal businesses of
 the Company

 Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above                            1,044,270.80

 Other gain/loss items that meet the definition of an
 extraordinary gain/loss

 Less: Income tax effects                                                                9,029,984.87
         Minority interests effects (after tax)                                           445,956.17
 Total                                                                                 26,643,998.43                                    --

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the
definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any
extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent
gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                         IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview
The Company specializes in production and operation of color TVs, digital mobile phones,
consumer appliances, set-top boxes, LED products as well as the supporting products (such as
molds, injection, packages, etc), and belongs to the industries of electronics manufacture and
telecommunication equipment manufacture.
In the reporting period, the color TV domestic market kept a high-speed growth. In its color TV
business, guided by the overall strategy of “building the brand, enlarging the size, adjusting the
structure and taping the potential”, the Company maintained its leading position in product and
technology through a fast integration of the up-stream and down-stream resources of the industrial
chain. Its sales growth was higher than the average in the industry, with an improved sales structure
and quality. When compared with the same period of last year, the operating efficiency increased
steadily with a higher profitability.
For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 9.421 billion, up
33.85% over the same period of last year; net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company of
RMB 40.5477 million, up 253.59% on the year-on-year basis; and EPS of RMB 0.0337/share.

II. Main business analysis

I. Operating revenues and net profit increased over the same period of last year due to the following
(I) In the domestic sale of color TVs, the Company seized the market opportunities arising from the
implementation of the energy saving and consumer benefiting policy; adopted “building the brand,
enlarging the size, adjusting the structure and taping the potential” as the operational policy; gave
play to the integration and coordination effects of R&D, production, supply and sale; tried to build
the “UD First Brand”; carried out the “perfect living room” strategy; reformed management; and
innovated in marketing. As a result, the operating performance and quality improved thoroughly.
(II) In the cell phone business, the Company captured the development trend of intelligent cell
phones and launched the first internet cell phone—“Fangao”, marking a significant breakthrough in
internet products.
(III) In the consumer appliance business, the Company adhered to the healthy strategy and launched
the third generation cloud ion healthy refrigerator that could degrade pesticide, which solidified its
leading position in the healthy appliance field and brought it to a higher position in the consumer
appliance industry.
(IV) In export, the Company took the initiative to adjust the sales structure, boosting a sharp
                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

increase in the sales volume of flat-panel TVs. At the same time, it worked hard to tap the customer
potential in the traditional regions, which ensured a stable sales income from export.
(V) As for the emerging business lines such as digital networks, large-sized LED screens and home
appliances, the Company innovated in marketing channel, product and incentive mechanism,
realizing a healthy and rapid development.
II. Influence of the R&D input, technical innovation and independent innovation on the core
competitiveness and the position in the industry in the reporting period
In the reporting period, the Company continued to enhance the R&D input and laid a solid
foundation for the implementation of product differentiation through constantly developing new
products, studying new techniques, altering the existing equipment and enriching the product
variety and series. Meanwhile, it continuously carried out measures such as technical innovation
and rational suggesting to constantly increase the production efficiency and core competitiveness to
maintain the leading momentum in the industry.

YoY change of major financial data:
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Same period of last
                        Reporting period                                YoY +/-%          Main reasons for change
                                                                                        See “main business
 Operating revenues       9,421,399,281.00       7,038,923,137.77             33.85%
                                                                                        Operating revenues
 Operating costs          7,835,777,505.69       5,722,506,955.64             36.93%
                                                                                        The sales promotion
                                                                                        expenses, the maintenance
                                                                                        expenses, the expenses on
 Selling expenses         1,211,403,089.80         974,573,637.23              24.3%    disposal of disused
                                                                                        electrical appliances and
                                                                                        electronics and the labor
                                                                                        cost increased.
                            312,936,108.52         276,316,995.50             13.25%

                                                                                        The loan interest decreased
 Financial expenses          -21,707,338.29        109,770,636.77           -119.78%    and the gain on fluctuations
                                                                                        of exchange rates increased.
 Income tax expenses         23,047,922.18           31,688,114.67           -27.27%

 R&D input                  101,602,125.00          86,676,360.00             17.22%

 Net cash flows from
                          2,271,690,220.43       1,115,585,087.77            103.63%
 operating activities

 Net cash flows from
                             -68,371,493.46        626,347,799.26           -110.92%
 investing activities

 Net cash flows from
                          -1,272,989,661.59      -1,091,566,617.92           -16.62%
 financing activities

                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Net increase in cash
                                 945,263,306.86          645,673,472.24                46.40%
 and cash equivalents

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
In the reporting period, the color TV domestic market kept a high-speed growth. In its color TV
business, guided by the overall strategy of “building the brand, enlarging the size, adjusting the
structure and taping the potential”, the Company maintained its leading position in product and
technology through a fast integration of the up-stream and down-stream resources of the industrial
chain. Its sales growth was higher than the average in the industry, with an improved sales structure
and quality. When compared with the same period of last year, the operating efficiency increased
steadily with a higher profitability.

Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the
Company such as share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports,
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed
documents such as share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports,
Review the progress of the previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:
During the reporting period, adhering to the annual operational plan, the Company overcame
difficulties and steadily pushed forward all the operational and management tasks. As a result, the
product structure improved significantly, the operating efficiency increased and the profitability also
increased. For more details about the progress, see “overview” and “main business analysis”.

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Increase/decrea    Increase/decrea    Increase/decrea
                                                                        se of operating    se of operating      se of gross
                                                         Gross profit
                Operating revenues   Operating costs                      revenues over    costs over the     profit rate over
                                                          rate (%)
                                                                        the same period    same period of     the same period
                                                                        of last year (%)    last year (%)     of last year (%)

 Classified by industry:

 Electronic       9,329,229,395.36    7,783,071,113.88       16.57%             33.73%            37.15%              -2.08%

 Classified by product:

 Color TVs        7,478,282,465.06    6,178,528,941.50       17.38%             45.07%            48.62%              -1.98%

                                                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Cell phones            686,575,916.65            618,861,444.21            9.86%                21.45%                  24.96%              -2.53%

                        785,194,995.56            665,864,686.59            15.2%                     9.37%                 14.8%            -4.01%

 Other                  379,176,018.10            319,816,041.58           15.65%                -29.51%                -27.72%              -2.09%

 Total              9,329,229,395.36             7,783,071,113.88          16.57%                33.73%                  37.15%              -2.08%

 Classified by region:

 Domestic           7,782,919,179.42         6,314,646,566.63              18.87%                44.38%                  49.32%              -2.68%

 Overseas           1,546,310,215.94         1,468,424,547.25               5.04%                 -2.47%                    1.56%            -3.77%

IV. Core competitiveness analysis
The Company’s capability in R&D, the marketing network and manufacture constitutes its
competitive edges. Through resource integration, the Company will vigorously try to make
substantial breakthroughs in intelligent products, cloud computing, application of the internet
technology, application software, etc.. It will also try to enhance the strength and thickness of
technical innovations to increase its overall competitiveness.

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties
                                                         Investments in external parties
    Investment amount in the reporting              Investment amount in the same period of
              period (RMB Yuan)                                 last year (RMB Yuan)

                           462,198,731.89                                       472,423,533.19                                               -2.16%
                                                           Particulars about investees
                                                                                                         Proportion of the Company’s investment
               Name of investee                                     Main business                         in the investee’s total equity interests

(2)Equity-holdings in financial enterprises
                             Initial                                                                  Closing
                                         Opening        Opening        Closing      Closing                        s in the
                            investme                                                                   book
 Enterpris     Enterpris                 equity-h       equity-h      equity-h      equity-h                       reportin    Account       Equity
                             nt cost                                                                   value
  e name       e variety                  oldings        olding        oldings       olding                        g period     ing title    source
                             (RMB                                                                     (RMB
                                          (share)       ratio (%)      (share)      ratio (%)                      (RMB
                             Yuan)                                                                    Yuan)

 Total                          0.00                0      --                   0       --               0.00          0.00          --        --

(3)Securities investments
 Variety      Code of      Name        Initial       Numbe        Shareh        Numbe        Shareh      Closing     Gain/lo        Accoun   Source

                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

    of      securiti         of     investm      r of         olding          r of       olding     book           ss for        ting           of
 securiti      es      securiti     ent cost    shares        percent        shares      percent    value        reportin        title        stock
    es                       es      (RMB      held at         age at        held at      age at    (RMB             g
                                     Yuan)     period-        period-        period-     period-    Yuan)         period
                                                begin          begin          end          end                    (RMB

 Total                                  0.00              0      --                  0      --        0.00           0.00         --            --

Shareholdings in other listed companies:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The Company held common shares of Vanke A at the end of the reporting period, with the initial
investment cost being RMB 2,311,748.07, the opening fair value being RMB 1,187,177.20 and the
closing fair value being RMB 1,155,503.50.

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1)Wealth management entrustment
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                       Related                                                                     Princip        Impair
                                               Amoun                                     Paymen                                              gain/los
  Name                     -party                                                                     al           ment
            Relatio                 Product        t          Beginni        Ending         t                                  Predict         s in
   of                  transact                                                                    actually       provisi
               n                    variety    entruste       ng date         date       determi                               ed gain       reportin
 trustee                   ion or                                                                  recover        on (if
                                                  d                                      nation                                                 g
                            not                                                                      ed            any)

 Total                                                  0       --             --          --                0             0             0            0
 Source of the entrusted funds                 Inapplicable

 Cumulative overdue principals and gains                                                                                                              0

 Lawsuit (if applicable)                       Inapplicable

(2)Derivative investments
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                                                               ion of
                       Related      Type of                                              Openin    Impair                      closing
                                                Initial                                                          Closing                     gain/los
                           -party   derivati                                                g       ment                       investm
 Operat     Relatio                            investm        Beginni        Ending                              investm                       s in
                       transact       ve                                                 investm   provisi                       ent
   or          n                                 ent          ng date         date                                  ent                      reportin
                           ion or   investm                                                ent      on (if                     amount
                                               amount                                                            amount                         g
                            not       ent                                                amount     any)                        in the

                                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                   0          --            --                  0                0                0       0%                  0
 Capital source for derivative investment          Inapplicable
 Lawsuit (if applicable)                           Inapplicable

(3)Entrustment loans
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                   Loan         Interest               Guarantor or           Use of funds by
                          Borrower                                party or
                                                                                  amount             rate                   pawn               the borrower

 Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household Appliances                                                                                                 Turnover of the
                                                                  No               30,000                  6%     Naught
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                   operating funds
 Kunshan Kangsheng Investment Development Co.,                                                                                               Turnover of the
                                                                  No               20,500                  6%     Naught
 Ltd.                                                                                                                                        operating funds
 Total                                                                 --          50,500             --                     --                        --
 Extension, overdue loans or lawsuits (if any)                    Naught

 Countermeasures for extension overdue loans or
 lawsuits (if any)

3. Use of raised funds

(1)Overview of the use of raised funds
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                    General utilization of the raised funds

(2)Projects invested with raised funds as promised
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                            Project                                                                             when
                                                                                               ment                                                     Materia
                            change                                               Accum                           the          Profit
                                       Raised        Invest                                   progres                                                          l
   Projects invested        d or not                               Input         ulative                    project          generat        Reach
                                       capital        ment                                    s up to                                                       change
 with raised capital as     (includi                               in the         input                     reaches           ed in           the
                                       input          after                                     the                                                         in the
     promised and             ng                                   reporti        up to                          the              the       expecte
                                         as          adjust                                   period-                                                       project
   investments with         partiall                                   ng          the                      expecte          reporti        d profit
                                       promis         ment                                     end                                                          feasibil
  over-raised capital          y                                   period        period-                          d               ng        or not
                                         ed            (1)                                    (%)(3)                                                         ity or
                            change                                               end (2)                        usable       period
                                                                                                =                                                            not
                              d)                                                                            conditi

 Projects invested with raised capital as promised

 Investments of over-raised capital

 Total                         --              0              0             0             0     --                --                    0      --              --

                                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Amount, usage and                Inapplicable
 Change          of       the     Inapplicable
 Adjustment of the                Inapplicable
 Advanced input and               Inapplicable
 Idle raised capital for          Inapplicable
 Outstanding          raised
 funds      in        project
 implementation and

(3)Change of raised-funds-invested projects
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                        funds                                          Investme                                            Material
                                                                                                   when the
                                     planned                         Actual               nt                      Profit                   change in
                                                      Actual                                        project                    Reach the
  Project             Project           to be                       cumulativ          progress                 generated                     the
                                                     input for                                     reaches                     expected
    after             before        input for                       e input by         up to the                  in the                   after-chan
                                                     reporting                                        the                      profit or
  change              change             the                        period-en          period-en                reporting                  ge project
                                                      period                                       expected                       not
                                     project                          d (2)            d (%)(3)                   period                   feasibility
                                        after                                          =(2)/(1)                                             or not

 Total                  --                       0             0              0           --          --                   0      --           --
 Reasons                for             change,
 decision-making             procedure         and
 relevant        information        disclosure
 (explain one project by one project)

 Reason      for        failing    to     reach
 scheduled progress or projected
 income (explain one project by one

 Explanation on significant changes
 in feasibility of projects after change

(4)Projects invested with raised funds
            Overview of the project                                    Disclosure date                         Index for the disclosed information

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                Compa                      Main
                  ny      Industry     products/servi   Registered capital    Total assets      Net assets       Operating revenues   Operating profit      Net profit
                variety                      ces

Konka           Subsidi   Manufact      and sale of
                                                        RMB 266,670,000       682,761,563.96    339,426,815.39      141,075,344.78     -22,958,283.87       -21,620,999.21
Electronic        ary       ure         multimedia
Co., Ltd.                                products

                                         Import and
Hongkong                                  export of
                Subsidi   Internatio   electro-mecha
Konka Co.,                                                  HKD 500,000      1,414,500,317.22    54,592,673.25     1,208,460,257.33    -40,881,811.64       -40,880,538.34
                  ary      nal trade      nical and
Ltd.                                      electronic

Appliances                               Import and
                Subsidi   Internatio
                                          export of         HKD 50,0000      2,168,980,985.93    36,717,125.26     2,059,444,722.82     73,255,354.41       73,255,354.41
International     ary      nal trade
Trading Co.,
                                       and sale of
Konka           Subsidi   Manufact     appliances
Household                                                RMB 78,190,000       201,887,414.78    103,761,395.97      197,486,465.83       3,900,830.02         3,897,546.79
                  ary       ure        such as
Co., Ltd.
                                       and washing
Anhui                                  Production
                                       and sale of
Konka                                  household
                Subsidi   Manufact     appliances
Tongchuang                                              RMB 180,000,000       988,556,689.46    104,563,369.51      694,242,005.63     -36,387,905.70       -27,788,741.60
                  ary       ure        such as
Household                              refrigerators
                                       and washing
Appliances                             machines

                                                                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd.

                                      and sale of
Video      &
               Subsidi   Manufact    LED display
Communica                                           RMB 15,000,000    184,484,983.64    -6,298,541.66    37,498,128.26     -9,082,884.06        -8,784,235.52
                 ary       ure       screens and
tion Systems
Co., Ltd.

Wankaida                 Software        and
Science and              developm   maintenance     RMB 10,000,000    132,860,986.87   128,139,128.31     6,613,920.00    -10,556,702.09       -10,354,284.20
Technology                  ent      of software
Co., Ltd.

Kangsheng                           Development,
               Subsidi     Real     operation and
Investment                                          RMB 350,000,000   603,921,520.97   316,572,650.46                     -10,465,950.70       -10,453,950.70
                 ary      estate    investment of
Developmen                            real estate
t Co., Ltd.
Dongguan                            Production
Konka          Subsidi   Manufact   and sale of
Mould                               mould and       RMB 10,000,000    391,954,010.54   104,663,939.55   147,123,108.16     10,794,536.37         9,138,757.43
Plastic Co.,     ary       ure      plastic
Ltd.                                products
                                      and sale of
Precision      Subsidi   Manufact
                                        plastic     RMB 40,000,000    297,028,734.03    99,536,781.60    96,810,329.43      7,105,822.99         5,998,936.37
Mold             ary       ure
                                     products and
ng Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen        Shareh
Refond         olding    Manufact
                                    and sale of     RMB 107,000,000   772,209,636.36   567,006,873.73   294,382,839.75     28,696,953.44       26,182,088.13
Optoelectro     compa      ure
nics    Co.,       ny
                                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
EnRay Tek
Optoelectro    Shareh
              olding    Manufact
nics                               and sale of   USD 50,000,000   449,036,494.34   237,567,613.22   31,981,068.27    -51,302,064.20       -36,836,629.89
               compa      ure
(Shanghai)                         LED
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

5. Significant projects of investments with non-raised funds

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                   Total                                Cumulative actual
                                                 Input for the                                Project
      Project name                planned                                input as at the                        Project earnings
                                               reporting period                              progress
                                 investment                                period-end

                                                                                                          The project is still in the
 Kunshan Shui Yue Zhou                                                                                    input period and has not yet
                                    200,000             5,017.38                48,027.64      24.01%
 Estate                                                                                                   generated income and
           Total                    200,000             5,017.38                48,027.64           --                  --
 Date when the relevant interim
 announcement was disclosed on the            6 Jul. 2010
 designated website (if any)
 Index to the relevant interim
 announcement disclosed on the                www.cninfo.com.cn
 designated website (if any)

VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sept. 2013

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the
period-begin to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations
on the reasons:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” of last


IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment
of the cash dividend plan and the plan for turning capital reserve into share capital:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
As reviewed at the 2012 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting, the profit allocation plan for 2012
was decided as follows:
Dividend distribution plan: Based on the Company’s total share capital of 1,203,972,704 shares as
at the end of 2012, the Company distributed a cash dividend of RMB 0.1 (tax included) to every 10

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

shares. The distributed profits aggregated RMB 12,039,727.04 and the retained profit was carried
forward into the next year for distribution.
The profit allocation plan has been carried out. For A-shares, the date of record was 13 Jun. 2013
and the ex-dividend date was 14 Jun. 2013; for B-shares, the last trading date was 13 Jun. 2013, the
ex-dividend date was 14 Jun. 2013 and the date of record was 18 Jun. 2013.

X. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period
 Bonus shares for every 10 shares (share)                                                                                                0
 Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB Yuan) (tax
 Shares turned from capital reserve for every 10
 shares (share)
 Total shares as the basis for the allocation
 preplan (share)
 Total cash dividends (RMB Yuan) (tax included)                                                                                      0.00
 Distributable profit (RMB Yuan)                                                                                                     0.00
                             Details about the profit allocation or turning capital reserve into share capital
 The Board of Directors of the Company did not put forward any proposal on profit allocation or turning capital reserve into share
 capital for the reporting period.

XI. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period
      Time of               Place of            Way of            Visitor                              Main discussion and materials
     reception             reception            reception          type                                  provided by the Company

                                                                                                  Market situation of color TV business
                                                                                                  in 2013, marketing channel of color
                          Conference                                        China Galaxy
                                            Field             Institutio                          TV business, pricing tendency of
 29 Jan. 2013            Room of the                                        Securities Co.,
                                            research          n                                   panel in 2013 and progress of the
                           Company                                          Ltd.
                                                                                                  renovation of land of the headquarter
                                                                                                  plants area
                                                                                                  Market situation of color TV business
                                                                                                  in 2013, marketing channel of color
                          Conference                                        Securities Co.,
                                            Field             Institutio                          TV     business,   progress   of      the
 4 Feb. 2013             Room of the                                        Ltd., Fortune
                                            research          n                                   renovation of land of the headquarter
                           Company                                          One Assets
                                                                                                  plants area and development trend of
                                                                                                  OLED panel
                                                                            Co., Ltd.
                                                                            CITIC Securities      Market situation of color TV business
                                                                            Co., Ltd.,            in 2013, marketing channel of color
                                            Field             Institutio    Industrial            TV business, pricing tendency of
 26 Feb. 2013            Room of the
                                            research          n             Securities Co.,       panel in 2013, progress of the
                                                                            Ltd. and UBS          renovation of land of the headquarter
                                                                            Securities Co.        plants area and cell phone business
                          Conference                                        CCB Principal         Market situation of color TV business
 27 Feb. 2013                               Field             Institutio
                         Room of the                                        Asset                 in 2013, pricing tendency of panel in

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                   Company                               Management            2013 and cell phone business
                                research    n
                                                         Co., Ltd.
                                                         Yinhua Fund
                                                         Co., Ltd.,
                                                         Beijing Star          Market situation of color TV business
                  Conference                             Rock Investment       in   2013,   cell   phone      business,
                                Field       Institutio
 28 Feb. 2013     Room of the                            Management            marketing    channel   of   color   TV
                                research    n
                   Company                               Co., Ltd., Citic      business and development trend of
                                                         Securities Co.,       OLED panel
                                                         Ltd. and Haitong
                                                         Securities Co.,
                                                         Securities Co.,
                                                                               Progress of the renovation of land of
                  Conference                             Ltd. and
                                Field       Institutio                         the headquarter plants area, operating
 21 Mar. 2013     Room of the                            Shenzhen
                                research    n                                  strategy in 2013 and the Company’s
                   Company                               Harmony Asset
                                                                               plan on solving the matters of B-share
                                                         Co., Ltd.

                                    V. Significant Events
I. Corporate governance
In the reporting period, in strict compliance with the Company Law, the Securities Law and other
relevant laws, regulations and rules governing corporate governance of listed companies, as well as
the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company kept optimizing its corporate governance
structure, promoted compliance with applicable laws and regulations in its operation, and performed
the information disclosure duty strictly in accordance with the Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange. All directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company performed their
duties diligently. The Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory
Committee all operated in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The Company’s existing
internal control rules played the role of supervision, control and guidance effectively in its
production and operation. Independence and transparency of the Company, together with a
professional board of directors, ensured that every decision of the Company was made in a
scientific procedure. The actual situation of the Company’s governance was in compliance with the
Company Law and the relevant CSRC requirements.

II. Significant lawsuits or arbitrations

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration during the reporting period.

                                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

III. The media’s doubts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such a case in the reporting period where most of the media raised the same doubt
about the Company.

IV. Bankruptcy and reorganization

No bankruptcy or reorganization occurred in the reporting period.

V. Asset transaction

1. Asset acquisition

                                                                                                                   ip between
 Transa                                                          Influen
                      Transa                                                         Ratio of the                  transaction
  ction                                                           ce on                                  Relate
            Asset     ction                    Influence on                           net profit                    party and              Disclos
  party                          Progre                             the                                  d-part
           acquire    price                           the                        contributed by                           the                ure      Disclos
   or                                 ss                         Compa                                        y
            d or      (RMB                        Company’s                     the asset to the                   Company                 date       ure
 ultimat                          (note                            ny’s                                 transa
           bought      Ten                         operation                         Company to                    (applicable              (note     index
   e                                  2)                         gain/lo                                  ction
             in       thousa                        (note 3)                     the total profit                         for                5)
 control                                                         ss (note                                or not
                       nd)                                                               (%)                       related-par
   ler                                                              4)

2. Sale of assets

                                            Net                 Ratio                                   Relati    Whet
                                           profit               of the                                  onshi     her or         Whet
                                           contri                net                                      p        not          her or
                                                       Influe                                                                      not
                                           buted                profit                                  betwe      the             the
                               Trans                   nce of
                                           by the               contri                    Relate       en the     owner          credit
                               action                   the                                                                        or’s
                                           asset                buted          Pricin     d-part        transa     ship           right
 Trans               Date      price                    sale                                                                                  Discl    Discl
           Asset                           from                 to the           g             y        ction     of the           and
 action               of       (RMB                    on the                                                                   liabilit      osure    osure
           sold                             the                 Comp           princi     transa        party     asset            ies
 party               sale       Ten                    Comp                                                                                   date     index
                                           period                any            ple        ction         and      involv        involv
                               thous                    any                                                                         ed
                                           -begin               by the                    or not         the      ed has          have
                               and)                    (note
                                           to the               asset                                  Comp       been            been
                                                         3)                                                                       fully
                                            date                sale to                                  any      fully          transf
                                             of                  the                                    (appli    transf         erred

                                            sale                 total                                  cable     erred

                                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                  (RMB                profit                        for
                                  Ten                 (%)                          relate
                                  thous                                            d-part
                                  and)                                               y
                                            er will
                                            ve a
                                            certai              listed
                                            n                   for
                                            amou                transf
                                            nt of               er
                                            premi               basin
                                                                g on
         60%                                um,
Chon                                                            the
         equity                             which
qing                                                            apprai
         of                                 will
Machi                                                           sal
nere     Chon                               benefi              value
&        gqing                              t to                of the
                  17                                                                                        10
Electr   Konk            6,939.             the                 net               Inappl
                  Jul.                  0               0%               No                 No      No      Nov.
onics    a                  81              increa              assets            icable
                  2013                                                                                      2012
Holdi    Electr                             se of               of
ng       onics                              cash                60%
(Grou                                                           equity
         co.,                               flow
p).,                                                            of
         Ltd                                and
Ltd                                                             Chon
                                            veme                Konk
                                            nt of               a
                                            the                 Electr
                                            financ              onic
                                            ial                 Co.,

                                            condit              Ltd.

                                            ion of

Note: Announcement on Listing to Transfer 60% Equity of the Subsidiary Chongqing Konka
Electronic     Co.,     Ltd.     (Announcement      No.:  2012-39),     published   on

                                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

3. Business combination


VI. Implementation of equity incentive and its influence

The Company did not conduct equity incentive expire the disclosure of the report.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions arising from routine operation

                                                                                ion in              Obtaina
                                                                                 the                  ble
                                                                 Transacti      total               market
 Related               Type of    Content               Trans         on       amount      Mode      price
                                             Pricing                                                                      Disclos
 transact   Relatio      the      s of the              actio     amount         s of       of      for the    Disclos
                                             principl                                                                       ure
   ion            n    transact   transact                   n    (RMB         transact   settlem   transact   ure date
                                                e                                                                          index
  party                  ion           ion              price         Ten      ions of      ent     ion of
                                                                 thousand)       the                  the
                                                                                same                 same
                                                                                kind                 kind

            Under                 Purchas
             the       Purchas    ing the                                                                                 The
 Huali                                                  Mark                                                   27
             same      e of       packagi    Agreed                                                                       Forecas
 Packing                                                et        1,948.19      0.34%     In cash              April
             actual    commo      ng         price                                                                        ting
 Co.,                                                   price                                                  2013
             contro    dities     materia                                                                                 Public
             ller                 ls                                                                                      Notice
            Under                 Purchas                                                                                 on
            the        Purchas    ing the                                                                                 Routine
 ai Huali                                               Mark                                                   27
            same       e of       packagi    Agreed                                                                       Related
 Packing                                                et            502.22    0.09%     In cash              April
            actual     commo      ng         price                                                                        Transac
 Co.,                                                   price                                                  2013
            controll   dities     materia                                                                                 tion for
            er                    ls                                                                                      Y2013
 Huali      Under                 Purchas                                                                                 (public
 (Huizh     the        Purchas    ing the                                                                                 notice
                                                        Mark                                                   27
 ou)        same       e of       packagi    Agreed                                                                       No.
                                                        et            489.23    0.09%     In cash              April
 Packing    actual     commo      ng         price                                                                        2013-0
                                                        price                                                  2013
 Co.,       controll   dities     materia                                                                                 5),
 Ltd.       er                    ls                                                                                      http://w
 Huizho     Under      Purchas    Purchas                                                                                 ww.cni
                                                        Mark                                                   27
 u Huali    the        e of       ing the    Agreed                                                                       nfo.co
                                                        et             40.58    0.01%     In cash              April
 Packing    same       commo      packagi    price                                                                        m.cn
                                                        price                                                  2013
 Co.,       actual     dities     ng

                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Ltd.       controll                 materia
           er                       ls
en OCT                              Purchas
           the         Purchas
Water                               ing                   Mark                                                      27
           same        e of                    Agreed
and                                 water                 et             449.79    0.08%       In cash              April
           actual      commo                   price
Power                               and                   price                                                     2013
           controll    dities
Co.,                                power
Overse     Under                    Purchas
as         the         Purchas      ing
                                                          Mark                                                      27
Chinese    same        e of         hotel      Agreed
                                                          et               7.71    0.01%       In cash              April
Town       actual      commo        room       price
                                                          price                                                     2013
Hotel      controll    dities       catering
Group      er                       services
           the                      Selling
en OCT                 sales of                           Mark                                                      27
           same                     liquid     Agreed
East                   commo                              et                21      0.8%       In cash              April
           actual                   crystal    price
Co.,                   dities                             price                                                     2013
           controll                 display
Tianfu     Under
OCT        the                      Selling
                       sales of                           Mark                                                      27
Industri   same                     liquid     Agreed
                       commo                              et                38     1.45%       In cash              April
al         actual                   crystal    price
                       dities                             price                                                     2013
Develo     controll                 display
pment      er
Total                                             --           --    3,496.72        --           --        --           --           --
Details of large amount of sales returns       Inapplicable
                                               The Company has published the Forecasting Public Notice on Routine Related
                                               Transaction for Y2013 (public notice No. 2013-05) on Securities Times, Shanghai
As for the prediction on the total amount
                                               Securities News, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao as well as
of routine related-party transactions to be
                                               the Internet website designated by CSRC http://www.cninfo.com.cn on 27 Apr.
occurred in the reporting period by
                                               2013. In the reporting period, the basis for pricing, transaction price, transaction
relevant types, the actual performance in
                                               amount and settlement methods of raw materials purchased by the Company were
the reporting period
                                               basically in accordance with the forecast. The total amount was RMB 34,967,200
Reason for significant difference
                                               The transaction price was fixed by referring to the market price, which had not any
between the transaction price and the
                                               significant difference with the market price.
market price

                                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

2. Related-party transactions arising from acquisition and sale of assets

                                                                                 value       Marke          Transf
                                                                   of the                                                           Gain/l
 Relate                                  Conten                                  of the       t fair           er
                              Type                     Pricin      transfe                                               Mode        oss
   d                                       ts of                                 transfe      value         price                              Disclo       Disclo
               Relatio        of the                     g             rred                                                of       (RMB
 transac                                    the                                   rred       (RMB           (RMB                                 sure        sure
                 n         transac                     princip         asset                                             settle      Ten
  tion                                    transac                                 asset        Ten           Ten                                 date       index
                              tion                       le        (RMB                                                  ment       thousa
 party                                     tion                                  (RMB        thousa         thousa
                                                                       Ten                                                           nd)
                                                                                  Ten          nd)           nd)

3. Significant related-party transactions arising from joint investment in external parties

                                                                                                                     Total assets    Net assets         Net profit
                                                                                 Main             Registered
       Joint                               Pricing                                                                   of investee     of investee        of investee
                     Relation                                 Investee         business of        capital of
  investor                                principle                                                                  (RMB Ten        (RMB Ten           (RMB Ten
                                                                                investee           investee
                                                                                                                     thousand)       thousand)          thousand)

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

Was there any credit or liability with any related party for non-operating purpose?
√ Yes □ No
                                                                                             Non-operating            Opening       incurred in          Closing
                                          Variety of
  Related          Relationsh                                                                     capital              balance       reporting           balance
                                           credit or                   Reason
   party                 ip                                                                  occupation or           (RMB Ten         period            (RMB Ten
                                                                                                   not?               thousand)     (RMB Ten            thousand)

                                                              In order to reduce
                                                              the fund cost, the

 Shenzhen                                                     Company lent

 Overseas         Actual               Credit or              money from
 Chinese          controller           liabilities            Shenzhen Overseas
                                                                                             No                         130,000       -110,000              10,000
 Town             of the               Payables to            Chinese Town
 Group Co.,       Company              related parties        Group Co., Ltd
 Ltd                                                          through entrusted

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

5. Other significant related-party transactions
In order to meet the development of the existing business capital need and reduce fund cost, the
Company reviewed and approved the Proposal on Borrowing Loans from OCT ENTERPRISES CO
on the 42nd Session of the 7th Board of Directors, which agreed the Company to apply on increasing
a line of loans not over RMB 3 billion from OCT ENTERPRISES CO. The balance of the line of
loan was not over 150 million at any time. According to the market condition, the interest rate of the
aforesaid loans was lower than the interest rate of other financial institution loans in the same period.
In predict the corresponding interest rate amount of this year and the aforesaid line of loans was not
over RMB 90 million.

Index for the interim reports on significant related-party transactions disclosed on the relevant
      Title of the interim announcement           Disclosure date                   Disclosure website

 Announcement of Related Transaction      27 Apr. 2013                  www.cninfo.com.cn

VIII. Significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing


Particulars about trusteeship
Any trusteeship event with an over-10% influence on the total profit of the Company for the
reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


Particulars about contracting
There was no contracting assets occurred or incurred to the Company during or before but continue
to the reporting period
Any contracting event with an over-10% influence on the total profit of the Company for the
reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


Particulars about leasing
The company had small amount of housing assets leasing, during the reporting period, there was no
single event with an over-10% influence on the total profit of the Company for the reporting period.

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Any leasing event with an over-10% influence on the total profit of the Company for the reporting
There was no leasing assets occurred or incurred to the Company during or before but continue to
the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                     Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                                                                                                                               tee for
                        date of                       Actual
                       relevant                     occurrence          Actual
   Guaranteed                       Amount for                                             Type of     Period of    Execute    related
                     announceme                     date (date         guarantee
       party                         guarantee                                            guarantee    guarantee    d or not   party or
                       nt on the                        of              amount
                      guarantee                     agreement)

 Jielunte Mould      21 Jul. 2012      1,620.85                                    0                    5 years       No         No
 Plastic Co., Ltd.

                     27 Apr.                                                               General
 Konka     Mould                          4,631                                    0                    3 years       No         No
                     2013                                                                 guarantee
 Plastic Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Total       actual        occurred
 Total external guarantee line
                                                                  amount           of       external
 approved during the reporting                           4,631                                                                         0
                                                                  guarantee            during    the
 period (A1))
                                                                  reporting period (A2)

 Total external guarantee line                                    Total       actual        external
 that has been approved at the                        6,251.85    guarantee balance at the end                                         0
 end of the reporting period (A3)                                 of the reporting period (A4)

                                     Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                        Disclosur                                                                                              Guaran
                        e date of                                                                                              tee for
                        relevant                     Actual                                                                       a
                                     Amount                             Actual
                        announce                   occurrence                              Type of     Period of    Execute    related
  Guaranteed party                      for                            guarantee
                        ment on                   date (date of                           guarantee    guarantee    d or not   party or
                                    guarantee                           amount
                            the                    agreement)                                                                    not
                        guarantee                                                                                              (Yes/N
                         amount                                                                                                  o)

 Hong Kong Konka       1st Dec.        63,000     16 Jul. 2012              6,111          General       1 year       No         No

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.               2010                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         1st Dec.                                                        General
                                      63,000   29 Oct. 2012               3,024                          1 year    No        No
Co., Ltd.               2010                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         1st Dec.                                                        General
                                      63,000   19 Nov. 2012               3,024                          1 year    No        No
Co., Ltd.               2010                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         1st Dec.                                                        General
                                      63,000   27 Nov. 2012               9,072                          1 year    No        No
Co., Ltd.               2010                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         1st Dec.                                                        General
                                      63,000   3 Dec. 2012               15,120                        1 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.               2010                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         13 Dec.                                                         General
                                     126,000   14 Mar. 2013              29,610                        2 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.               2011                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         13 Dec.                                                         General
                                     126,000   25 Mar. 2013               8,883                        2 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.               2011                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         13 Dec.                                                         General
                                     126,000   22 May 2013             14,538.64                       1 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.               2011                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         13 Dec.                                                         General
                                     126,000   27 May 2013             11,938.27                       1 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.               2011                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         13 Dec.                                                         General
                                     126,000   7 Jun. 2013              5,584.38                       1 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.               2011                                                           guarantee

Hong Kong Konka         13 Dec.                                                         General
                                     126,000   27 Jun. 2013              12,600                          1 year    No        No
Co., Ltd.               2011                                                           guarantee

Anhui Konka
                        2nd Jun.                                                        General
Household                             41,000   31 May 2013                3,000                          1 year    No        No
                        2012                                                           guarantee
Appliances Co.,
Total guarantee line approved                                    Total      actual       occurred
for the subsidiaries during the                                  amount of guarantee for the
                                                             0                                                           86,154.29
reporting period                                                 subsidiaries        during      the
 (B1)                                                            reporting period (B2)

Total guarantee line that has                                    Total      actual      guarantee
been    approved        for    the                               balance for the subsidiaries
                                                    400,000                                                             122,505.29
subsidiaries at the end of the                                   at the end of the reporting
reporting period (B3)                                            period (B4)

Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)
                                                                 Total      actual       occurred
Total guarantee line approved
                                                                 amount of guarantee during
during the reporting period                           4,631                                                              86,154.29
                                                                 the       reporting          period

Total guarantee line that has                                    Total      actual      guarantee
                                                 406,251.85                                                             122,505.29
been approved at the end of the                                  balance at the end of the

                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 reporting period                                                     reporting period (A4+B4)

 Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net
 assets of the Company (%)

 Of which:

 Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and
 related parties (C)

 Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party
 whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or                                                                   122,505.29
 indirectly (D)

 Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net
 assets (E)

 Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                             122,505.29
                                                                      Currently, the guaranteed parties are in normal operation and a
 Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of
                                                                      good financial position. Therefore, the possibility for the
 liquidation due to immature guarantee (if any)
                                                                      Company to fulfill the joint responsibility of repayment is small.
 Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
 violation of the prescribed procedure (if any)

Particulars about guarantees provided in a compound way
There was no guarantee provided in a compound way in the Company.

3. Other significant contracts

                                                  value                                         Transac
                                      of                                                                                            Executi
                                                   of                       Base                 tion     Related
                                   involve                 Evaluat                                                                    on
 Signing                                      involve                      day for   Pricing     price     -party
              Signing   Signing    d assets                  ion                                                      Relatio       progres
 compan                                       d assets                 evaluati      principl   (RMB      transact
              person     date      (RMB                    agency                                                     nship         s up to
    y                                             (RMB                     on (if       e        Ten       ion or
                                     Ten                   (if any)                                                                 period-
                                                  Ten                       any)                thousan     not
                                   thousan                                                                                           end
                                              thousan                                             d)
                                    d) (if
                                                  d) (if

4. Other significant transactions

There was no other significant transaction occurred during or before but continue to the reporting

                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

IX. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s
shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

                                                                                          Time of
                                                       Commitme                                            Period of
                  Commitment                                           Contents           making                           Fulfillment
                                                        nt maker                                          commitment

 Commitment on share reform                              Naught            Naught

 Commitment in acquisition reports or reports
                                                         Naught            Naught
 on equity changes

 Commitments made upon the assets
                                                         Naught            Naught

 Commitments made upon IPO or refinancing                Naught            Naught

 Other commitments made to minority
                                                         Naught            Naught

 Executed in time or not?                              Yes

 Detailed reason for failing to execute and the
 next plan (if any)

X. Engagement and disengagement of the CPAs firm

Has the semi-annual financial report been audited or not?
□ Yes √ No

XI. Punishment and rectification

                                                                   Type of
  Name of the           Type of the                                                 Conclusion (if                        Disclosure
                                              Reason          investigation/p                          Disclosure date
    punished             punished                                                       any)                                 index

Particulars about rectification:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XII. Explanation on other significant events

  (I)Index for information disclosure during the reporting period

    No.                 Time                     Name of announcement                                         Page
                                      Forecasting Public Notice on Annual
  2013-01             2013-1-26                                                                Securities Times B13, Ta Kung Pao B2
                                      Performance for Y2012
                                      Announcement on Resolutions of the 42nd
  2013-02             2013-4-27                                                            Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                                      Session of the 7th Board of Directors
                                      Announcement on Resolutions of the 8th
  2013-03             2013-4-27                                                            Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                                      Session of the 7th Board of Supervisors
  2013-04             2013-4-27       Announcement on Holding Annual General               Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                          Meeting of 2012
                          Forecasting Public Notice on Routine Related
  2013-05     2013-4-27                                                      Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                          Transaction for Y2013
                          Abstract of Annual report 2012 of Konka Group
  2013-06     2013-4-27                                                      Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                          Co., Ltd.
  2013-07     2013-4-27   Annual report 2012 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.        Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
  2013-08     2013-4-27   Announcement on Related Party Transaction          Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                          Announcement on Provision of Guarantees by
  2013-09     2013-4-27                                                      Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                          Controlled Subsidiaries for External Parties
                          The First Quarter Report 2013 of Konka Group
  2013-10     2013-4-27                                                      Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                          Co., Ltd.
                          Abstract of the First Quarter Report 2013 of
  2013-11     2013-4-27                                                      Securities Times B109, Ta Kung Pao A21
                          Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                          Announcement on Resolutions of Annual
  2013-12     2013-5-21                                                       Securities Times B41, Ta Kung Pao B3
                          General Meeting of 2012
                          Announcement on the Implementation of the
  2013-13     2013-6-5                                                        Securities Times B28, Ta Kung Pao B4
                          2012 Annual Dividend Plan
                          Announcement on Dissolution of Liquidation of
  2013-14     2013-6-6                                                       Securities Times B17, Ta Kung Pao B10
                           Controlled Subsidiaries
                          Announcement on Resolutions of the 43rd
  2013-15     2013-6-6                                                       Securities Times B17, Ta Kung Pao B10
                          Session of the 7th Board of Directors
                          Announcement on Resignation of the
  2013-16     2013-6-18                                                       Securities Times B53, Ta Kung Pao B9
                          Company’s Vice President
                          Announcement on the Progress of the Urban
  2013-17     2013-6-29                                                       Securities Times B20, Ta Kung Pao B3
                          Renewal Plan

(II)Progress of urban renewal projects of the Company headquarters
On 14 Oct. 2011, the 2nd Administration Bureau directly under the Urban Planning, Land and
Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality unveiled the Circular on Plant Renewal Unit
Planning (Draft) of the Headquarters of Konka Group in Nanshan District, Shenzhen on Shenzhen
Economic Daily, which meant that the Company’s Plant Renewal Unit Planning (Draft) of the
Headquarters passed the examination of the Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of
Shenzhen Municipality through a technological conference. In 2012, Land and Resources
Commission of Shenzhen Municipality issued Reply to the examination and approval of Plant
Renewal Unit Planning (Draft) of the Headquarters of Konka Group in Nanshan District. Plant
Renewal Unit Planning (Draft) of the Headquarters of Konka Group in Nanshan District has been
examined and approved by the Architecture and Environmental Art Commission of City Planning
Commission of Shenzhen. Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality examined
the Project of Plant Renewal of the Headquarters of Konka Group, issued Construction Land
Planning Permit (License No. ZG-2013-0006) and approved the Company headquarters’ conduction
of Urban Plant Renewal construction land Planning. The 2nd Administration Bureau directly under
the Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality issued Shenzhen
state-owned land use right transfer income payment notice in 2013, the Company totally paid RMB
1,492,931,087 Yuan for the aforesaid project.
      The Company recently received Comment Letter about Konka as Main Implementer of Plant
Renewal of the Headquarters of Konka Group Project from the restructuring office of Chengzhong

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Village in Nanshan District of Shenzhen, the main content of the Comment Letter was as follows:
     In recent, the Restructuring Office of Chengzhong Village in Nanshan District of Shenzhen
received the comment letter about opposing Konka as main implementer of Plant Renewal of the
Headquarters of Konka Group Project from OCT Group Co., Ltd. The OCT Group Co., Ltd was
against the Konka as the only main implementer of Plant Renewal of the Headquarters of Konka
Group Project and recognized that there are historical and residual property rights disputes in the
ground (T309-0056, the land area of 37251.8 square meters) of the Plant Renewal Unit of the
Headquarters of Konka Group, and the related procedures should be suspended and dealt with after
the OCT Group Co., Ltd and Konka Group negotiating the solutions.

                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                              VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

I. Change in shares

                           Before the change                   Increase/decrease (+, -)                  After the change

                                                    Issuance               zation
                                        Proporti       of      Bonus         of       Othe     Subt                   Proporti
                          Amount                                                                        Amount
                                        on (%)        new      shares      public         rs   otal                   on (%)
                                                     shares               reserve
 I. Restricted shares    198,381,940    16.48%                                                         198,381,940    16.48%
 2. Share held by
 state-owned             198,381,940    16.48%                                                         198,381,940    16.48%
 5. Share held by
 senior management                 0           0%                                                                0          0%
 II. Non-restricted      1,005,590,76
                                        83.52%                                                        1,005,590,764   83.52%
 shares                             4
 1.          Renminbi
                         599,914,960    49.83%                                                         599,914,960    49.83%
 ordinary shares

 2.       Domestically
 listed        foreign   405,675,804    33.69%                                                         405,675,804    33.69%
 III. Total shares                        100%                                                        1,203,972,704     100%
Reason for the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Approval of the change in shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Transfer of share ownership
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Effects of the change in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to
common shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company considered necessary or were required by the securities regulatory
authorities to disclose
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Change of the total shares, shareholder structure, asset structure and liability structure
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

II. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                        Unit: share
 Total number of shareholders at
 the end of the reporting period
                         Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5%
                                      Shareh                     Increase/d                                Pledged or frozen shares
                                                                                             Number of
                        Nature of     olding     Total shares      ecrease      Number of
      Name of                                                                                non-restric
                        sharehold percent         held at the    during the      restricted                 Status of     Number
    shareholder                                                                               ted shares
                            er          age       period-end      reporting     shares held                   shares      of shares
                                        (%)                         period

 OCT                                                                                                       Pledged or
                           ed                                                198,381,94
 ENTERPRISES                          19%      228,754,783              0                  30,372,843                            0
                       corporatio                                                     0                      frozen
 HOLY TIME             Foreign                                                                             Pledged or
 GROUP                 corporatio   4.83%       58,200,560       -629,440              0   58,200,560                            0
 LIMITED               n
                       Foreign                                                                             Pledged or
                       corporatio   2.19%       26,400,625              0              0   26,400,625                            0
 FUND,L.P.                                                                                                   frozen
                       Foreign                                                                             Pledged or
 NAM NGAI              natural      0.98%       11,760,520              0              0   11,760,520                            0
                                                                                                           Pledged or
 LI YICHAO              natural     0.45%        5,447,381         56,200              0     5,447,381                           0
                       Domestic                                                                            Pledged or
 XIA RUI                natural     0.42%        5,006,500              0              0     5,006,500                           0
 CAMMY                 non-state-                                                                          Pledged or
 MEMBRANE              owned        0.31%        3,745,864     3,745,864               0     3,745,864                           0
 TECHNOLOGY            corporatio
 YHG                   Foreign                                                                             Pledged or
 INVESTMENT,           corporatio   0.25%        2,967,661              0              0     2,967,661                           0
 L.P.                  n
                       non-state-                                                                          Pledged or
                       owned        0.24%        2,878,561     1,143,500               0     2,878,561                           0
 LTD                                                                                                         frozen
                       Domestic                                                                            Pledged or
 GAN XIAOYAN           natural      0.24%        2,841,178              0              0     2,841,178                           0
 Strategic investor or general
 corporation becoming a top ten
 shareholder due to placing of
 new shares (if any)

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Explanation    on       associated    The first majority shareholder OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO. has no
 relationship   or/and     persons     related-party relationship with other shareholders and they are not acting-in-concert parties,
 acting in concert among the           either. Except for that, the Company does not know whether the other shareholders are related
 above-mentioned shareholders:         parties and whether they are acting-in-concert parties.
                    Particulars about shareholdings of the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted shares
                                           Number of non-restricted shares held at the                   Type of shares
        Name of shareholder
                                                           period-end                               Type             Number

 HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                                                              58,200,560    listed   foreign        58,200,560

                                                                                                    RMB ordinary
 OCT ENTERPRISES CO.                                                                  30,372,843                            30,372,843

 GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                    26,400,625    listed   foreign        26,400,625

 NAM NGAI                                                                             11,760,520    listed   foreign        11,760,520

                                                                                                    RMB ordinary
 LI YICHAO                                                                             5,447,381                             5,447,381

                                                                                                    RMB ordinary
 XIA RUI                                                                               5,006,500                             5,006,500
                                                                                                    RMB ordinary
 MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY                                                                   3,745,864                             3,745,864
 CO., LTD                                                                                           share
 YHG INVESTMENT, L.P.                                                                  2,967,661    listed foreign           2,967,661
                                                                                                    RMB ordinary
 GZSZJL CO., LTD                                                                       2,878,561                             2,878,561

                                                                                                    RMB ordinary
 GAN XIAOYAN                                                                           2,841,178                             2,841,178

 Explanation      on        associated
 relationship or/and persons acting       The first majority shareholder OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO. has no
 in concert among the top ten             related-party relationship with other shareholders and they are not acting-in-concert parties,
 tradable shareholders and between        either. Except for that, the Company does not know whether the other shareholders are
 the top ten tradable shareholders        related parties and whether they are acting-in-concert parties.
 and the top ten shareholders

 Explanation on shareholders              Gan Xiaoyan held 2,814,178 shares of the Company through the account of Customer
 participating in the margin trading      credit trading collateral securities.
 business (if any)(see Note 4)

Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

□ Yes √ No

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

              VII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff

I. Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Shareholdings of directors, supervisors and senior management staff did not change in the reporting
period. For details, see the 2012 Annual Report.
II. Directors, supervisors and senior management staff who left their posts
     Name          Position           Type              Date                      Reason

 Liu Fengxi     President        On the post    25 Apr. 2013   Job demand
 Li Hongtao     Vice president   Employed       25 Apr. 2013   Job demand
 Chen Yuehua                     Leave office   25 Apr. 2013   Personal reason
 Mu Gang                         Leave office   18 Jun. 2013   Personal reason

                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                            VIII. Financial Statements

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB Yuan
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                            Closing balance                             Opening balance

 Current Assets:

   Monetary funds                                             1,967,916,106.35                            1,728,946,511.11

   Settlement reserves

   Intra-group lendings

   Transactional financial assets

   Notes receivable                                           3,116,490,790.65                            5,033,056,004.97

   Accounts receivable                                        2,328,416,523.74                            1,975,605,771.07

   Accounts paid in advance                                     176,815,074.95                              183,008,022.27

   Premiums receivable

   Reinsurance premiums receivable

   Receivable      reinsurance   contract

   Interest receivable                                               1,354,814.02                             7,171,998.73

    Dividend receivable

   Other accounts receivable                                    772,983,032.05                              316,590,715.96

   Financial assets purchased under
 agreements to resell

   Inventories                                                3,578,641,728.16                            4,059,339,049.25

   Non-current assets due within 1

   Other current assets

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Total current assets                     11,942,618,069.92                          13,303,718,073.36

Non-current assets:

  Loans by mandate and advances

  Available-for-sale financial assets           1,155,503.50                             1,187,177.20

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable

  Long-term equity investment                 462,198,731.89                           472,423,533.19

  Investing property                          232,967,740.24                           235,680,171.89

  Fixed assets                            1,845,273,643.19                           1,887,836,271.02

  Construction in progress                     51,140,977.31                            50,682,893.85

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                           288,786,964.40                           290,280,443.01

  R&D expense

  Goodwill                                      3,943,671.53                             3,943,671.53

  Long-term deferred expenses                   7,996,783.63                             6,261,286.45

  Deferred income tax assets                  291,656,333.04                           310,903,676.56

  Other non-current assets

Total of non-current assets               3,185,120,348.73                           3,259,199,124.70

Total assets                             15,127,738,418.65                          16,562,917,198.06

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                   4,867,487,486.36                           5,456,351,486.48

  Borrowings from Central Bank

  Customer bank deposits and due to
banks and other financial institutions

  Intra-group borrowings

  Transactional financial liabilities

  Notes payable                               430,984,500.20                           846,746,137.62

  Accounts payable                        3,088,961,265.75                           2,735,993,787.52

  Accounts received in advance                346,055,109.32                           441,836,467.09

  Financial assets sold for repurchase

  Handling charges and commissions

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


  Employee’s compensation payable            237,393,383.38                           305,003,416.73

  Tax payable                                 -68,892,000.44                          -231,087,836.60

  Interest payable                             33,716,566.61                            27,651,352.67

  Dividend payable

  Other accounts payable                  1,632,455,077.29                           1,364,756,260.46

  Reinsurance premiums payable

  Insurance contract reserves

  Payables for acting trading of

  Payables for acting underwriting of

  Non-current liabilities due within 1
                                              110,000,000.00                           810,000,000.00

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                10,678,161,388.47                          11,757,251,071.97

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                                                                 400,000,000.00

  Bonds payable

  Long-term payables                           30,000,000.00                            30,000,000.00

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities                         2,511,814.54                             2,511,814.54

  Deferred income tax liabilities                563,067.21                                563,067.21

  Other non-current liabilities               142,165,597.94                           125,743,462.22

Total non-current liabilities                 175,240,479.69                           558,818,343.97

Total liabilities                        10,853,401,868.16                          12,316,069,415.94

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’

  Paid-up capital (or share capital)      1,203,972,704.00                           1,203,972,704.00

  Capital reserves                        1,272,396,573.19                           1,272,420,328.46

  Less: Treasury stock

  Specific reserves

  Surplus reserves                            827,291,207.52                           827,291,207.52

  Provisions for general risks

  Retained profits                            753,993,650.68                           725,485,704.10

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

   Foreign exchange difference                              17,325,439.45                               14,421,594.77

 Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                         4,074,979,574.84                            4,043,591,538.85
 the Company

 Minority interests                                        199,356,975.65                              203,256,243.27

 Total    owners’    (or   shareholders’)
                                                         4,274,336,550.49                            4,246,847,782.12

 Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                       15,127,738,418.65                            16,562,917,198.06
 shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                             Person-in-charge of the accounting
work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                     Closing balance                             Opening balance

 Current Assets:

   Monetary funds                                        1,403,071,490.96                            1,232,222,002.19

   Transactional financial assets

   Notes receivable                                      2,913,770,620.86                            4,745,072,740.14

   Accounts receivable                                   1,373,117,631.16                            1,236,932,980.35

   Accounts paid in advance                                171,517,644.94                              194,043,254.39

   Interest receivable                                          4,016,480.63                             7,894,632.07

   Dividend receivable

   Other accounts receivable                             1,295,552,861.08                              743,098,527.06

   Inventories                                           2,220,248,414.98                            2,840,661,422.34

   Non-current assets due within 1

   Other current assets

 Total current assets                                    9,381,295,144.61                           10,999,925,558.54

 Non-current assets:

   Available-for-sale financial assets                          1,155,503.50                             1,187,177.20

   Held-to-maturity investments                            505,000,000.00                              395,000,000.00

   Long-term accounts receivable

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

  Long-term equity investment             1,693,717,169.87                           1,693,717,169.87

  Investing property                          232,967,740.24                           235,680,171.89

  Fixed assets                                538,655,218.20                           555,870,405.39

  Construction in progress                      6,832,156.54                             5,584,347.15

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                            26,621,500.91                            24,518,958.53

  R&D expense


  Long-term deferred expenses                   1,408,626.61                             1,811,365.14

  Deferred income tax assets                  195,846,005.81                           223,333,764.57

  Other non-current assets

Total of non-current assets               3,202,203,921.68                           3,136,703,359.74

Total assets                             12,583,499,066.29                          14,136,628,918.28

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                   2,277,480,809.66                           2,451,684,485.86

  Transactional financial liabilities

  Notes payable                               214,774,553.79                           597,563,690.81

  Accounts payable                        3,722,657,627.27                           3,664,516,644.48

  Accounts received in advance                646,335,858.62                         1,197,059,751.70

  Employee’s compensation payable            128,036,951.53                           164,101,581.67

  Tax payable                                 -71,560,150.50                          -245,006,993.34

  Interest payable                             25,569,914.12                            19,388,598.90

  Dividend payable

  Other accounts payable                  1,562,199,833.24                           1,189,885,260.79

  Non-current liabilities due within 1
                                              100,000,000.00                           800,000,000.00

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                 8,605,495,397.73                           9,839,193,020.87

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                                                                 400,000,000.00

  Bonds payable

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

   Long-term payables

   Specific payables

   Estimated liabilities

   Deferred income tax liabilities

   Other non-current liabilities                              81,977,202.20                               78,428,442.55

 Total non-current liabilities                                81,977,202.20                           478,428,442.55

 Total liabilities                                        8,687,472,599.93                         10,317,621,463.42

 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’

   Paid-up capital (or share capital)                     1,203,972,704.00                          1,203,972,704.00

   Capital reserves                                       1,249,266,406.61                          1,249,290,161.88

   Less: Treasury stock

   Specific reserves

   Surplus reserves                                          827,291,207.52                           827,291,207.52

   Provisions for general risks

   Retained profits                                          615,496,148.23                           538,453,381.46

   Foreign exchange difference

 Total     owners’    (or    shareholders’)
                                                          3,896,026,466.36                          3,819,007,454.86

 Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                         12,583,499,066.29                         14,136,628,918.28
 shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                            Person-in-charge of the accounting
work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

3. Consolidated income statement

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                      Jan.-Jun. 2013                            Jan.-Jun 2012

 I. Total operating revenues                              9,421,399,281.00                          7,038,923,137.77

 Including: Sales income                                  9,421,399,281.00                          7,038,923,137.77

           Interest income

           Premium income

           Handling          charge      and

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

commission income

II. Total operating cost                          9,394,355,334.09                           7,101,902,409.35

Including: Cost of sales                          7,835,777,505.69                           5,722,506,955.64

          Interest expenses

          Handling            charge       and
commission expenses


          Net claims paid

          Net amount withdrawn for the
insurance contract reserve

          Expenditure          on      policy

          Reinsurance premium

          Taxes and associate charges                  33,034,164.50                            24,480,585.29

          Selling       and      distribution
                                                  1,211,403,089.80                             974,573,637.23

          Administrative expenses                     312,936,108.52                           276,316,995.50

          Financial expenses                          -21,707,338.29                           109,770,636.77

          Asset impairment loss                        22,911,803.87                            -5,746,401.08

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair
value (“-” means loss)

        Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                                       -8,176,580.12                             9,074,172.92
means loss)

Including:      share     of     profits    in
                                                       -8,197,695.92                             3,873,147.41
associates and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (“-” means

III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                18,867,366.79                           -31,803,924.69

        Add: non-operating income                      45,954,814.02                            77,248,515.09

        Less: non-operating expense                     5,125,852.63                             2,279,681.52

Including: loss from non-current asset
                                                        3,868,800.73                             1,877,844.62

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                    59,696,328.18                            43,164,908.88

        Less: Income tax expense                       23,047,922.18                            31,688,114.67

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                       36,648,406.00                            11,476,794.21

        Including: Net profit achieved
by combined parties before the

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


      Attributable to owners of the
                                                                 40,547,673.62                               11,467,291.68

      Minority shareholders’ income                             -3,899,267.62                                    9,502.53

 VI. Earnings per share                               --                                           --

      (I) Basic earnings per share                                     0.0337                                      0.0095

      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                  0.0337                                      0.0095

 Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                                  2,880,089.41                               -6,165,769.64

 Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                                 39,528,495.41                                5,311,024.57

 Attributable      to    owners   of      the
                                                                 43,427,763.03                                5,301,522.04

 Attributable to minority shareholders                           -3,899,267.62                                    9,502.53

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                               Person-in-charge of the accounting
work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

4. Income statement of the Company

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                        Jan.-Jun. 2013                               Jan.-Jun 2012

 I. Total sales                                             9,702,218,724.14                             6,774,153,821.67

 Less: cost of sales                                        8,499,715,386.70                             5,866,640,366.34

 Business taxes and surcharges                                   21,482,263.96                               15,134,191.37

 Distribution expenses                                          943,734,400.78                            781,809,952.93

 Administrative expenses                                        139,566,110.08                            177,679,601.14

 Financial costs                                                 -6,425,825.96                               25,071,725.43

 Impairment loss                                                 15,096,511.60                               -5,645,488.93

 Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
 value (“-” means loss)

 Gain/(loss)      from   investment    (“-”
                                                                     21,115.80                                5,201,025.51
 means loss)

 Including: income form investment
 on associates and joint ventures

 II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                          89,070,992.78                             -59,574,872.13

 Add: non-business income                                        28,874,525.07                               43,160,949.62

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Less: non-business expense                                       1,367,346.85                               1,048,741.89

 Including: loss from non-current asset
                                                                   708,641.08                                  913,357.22

 III. Total profit    (“-” means loss)                        116,578,171.00                            -17,462,664.40

 Less: income tax expense                                        27,495,677.19                               8,603,275.51

 IV. Net profit      (“-” means loss)                          89,082,493.81                            -26,065,939.91

 V. Earnings per share                                --                                           --

 (I) Basic earnings per share

 (II) Diluted earnings per share

 VI. Other comprehensive income                                     -23,755.27                               -3,372,392.58

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                 89,058,738.54                            -29,438,332.49

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                               Person-in-charge of the accounting
work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                      Jan.-Jun. 2013                               Jan.-Jun 2012

 I.    Cash     flows     from      operating

      Cash     received      from   sale   of
                                                           10,162,808,854.72                            8,092,349,440.39
 commodities and rendering of service

      Net increase of deposits from
 customers and dues from banks

      Net increase of loans from the
 central bank

      Net increase of funds borrowed
 from other financial institutions

      Cash received from premium of
 original insurance contracts

      Net cash received from reinsurance

      Net increase of deposits of policy
 holders and investment fund

      Net increase of disposal of tradable

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

financial assets

      Cash         received      from      interest,
handling charges and commissions

      Net      increase          of     intra-group

      Net increase of funds in repurchase

      Tax refunds received                                  153,435,412.27                           144,868,848.62

      Other cash received relating to
                                                            205,805,076.79                           176,013,167.48
operating activities

Subtotal           of     cash    inflows     from
                                                       10,522,049,343.78                           8,413,231,456.49
operating activities

      Cash paid for goods and services                  5,650,732,166.65                           5,097,741,993.05

      Net increase of customer lendings
and advances

      Net increase of funds deposited in
the central bank and amount due from

      Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts

      Cash for paying interest, handling
charges and commissions

      Cash for paying policy dividends

      Cash paid to and for employees                        861,559,419.57                           700,612,998.13

      Various taxes paid                                    954,929,345.27                           916,629,121.57

      Other cash payment relating to
                                                            783,138,191.86                           582,662,255.97
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                        8,250,359,123.35                           7,297,646,368.72
operating activities

Net         cash        flows    from    operating
                                                        2,271,690,220.43                           1,115,585,087.77

II.     Cash         flows       from    investing

      Cash received from withdrawal of

      Cash received from return on
                                                              2,048,223.48                             7,179,366.22

      Net cash received from disposal of                     29,550,434.18                            16,187,781.02

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

       Other cash received relating to
investing activities

          Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                        31,598,657.66                          1,481,302,329.85
investing activities

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                   99,970,151.12                            101,544,530.59

  Cash paid for investment

  Net increase of pledged loans

  Net        cash       paid     to      acquire
subsidiaries and other business units

  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                        99,970,151.12                            854,954,530.59
investing activities

Net      cash        flows    from    investing
                                                        -68,371,493.46                           626,347,799.26

III. Cash Flows from Financing

      Cash      received       from      capital

      Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments by

      Cash received from borrowings                 2,508,372,133.01                           3,784,211,969.43

      Cash received from issuance of

      Other cash received relating to
                                                    1,089,113,577.37                           2,437,886,588.09
financing activities

Subtotal        of     cash    inflows     from
                                                    3,597,485,710.38                           6,222,098,557.52
financing activities

      Repayment of borrowings                       4,376,015,648.31                           4,753,774,207.18

      Cash paid for interest expenses
                                                        85,282,170.19                             56,263,690.71
and distribution of dividends or profit

                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

        Including: dividends or profit
 paid by subsidiaries to minority

        Other cash payments relating to
                                                                 409,177,553.47                         2,503,627,277.55
 financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                              4,870,475,371.97                          7,313,665,175.44
 financing activities

 Net     cash        flows     from   financing
                                                             -1,272,989,661.59                         -1,091,566,617.92

 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                  14,934,241.48                               -4,692,796.87
 changes on cash and cash equivalents

 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 945,263,306.86                           645,673,472.24

        Add: Opening balance of cash
                                                                 824,043,169.37                           646,451,050.70
 and cash equivalents

 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                              1,769,306,476.23                          1,292,124,522.94

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                                Person-in-charge of the accounting
work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                        Jan.-Jun. 2013                            Jan.-Jun 2012

 I.    Cash      flows        from    operating

      Cash     received        from   sale     of
                                                              8,169,470,748.42                          7,124,507,661.06
 commodities and rendering of service

      Tax refunds received                                       100,561,758.82                               61,104,715.33

      Other cash received relating to
                                                                 131,778,571.89                           161,389,435.13
 operating activities

 Subtotal       of     cash     inflows      from
                                                              8,401,811,079.13                          7,347,001,811.52
 operating activities

      Cash paid for goods and services                        4,399,419,343.02                          4,824,139,171.90

      Cash paid to and for employees                             486,682,695.14                           389,770,210.49

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

      Various taxes paid                               733,498,583.63                            736,696,148.57

      Other cash payment relating to
                                                       567,857,933.56                            482,313,091.81
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                   6,187,458,555.35                            6,432,918,622.77
operating activities

Net         cash    flows     from    operating
                                                   2,214,352,523.78                              914,083,188.75

II.     Cash       flows      from    investing

      Cash received from retraction of

      Cash received from return on
                                                        11,780,384.78                             17,082,012.91

      Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and                     22,513,818.18                             15,963,344.44
other long-term assets

      Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

        Other cash received relating to
                                                        30,000,000.00                          1,303,077,858.53
investing activities

             Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                        64,294,202.96                          1,338,780,539.96
investing activities

      Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                   52,560,352.69                             41,707,809.09

      Cash paid for investment

      Net      cash     paid     to    acquire
subsidiaries and other business units

      Other cash payments relating to
                                                       140,000,000.00                            683,210,000.00
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                       192,560,352.69                            724,917,809.09
investing activities

Net         cash    flows     from    investing
                                                       -128,266,149.73                           613,862,730.87

III. Cash Flows from Financing

       Cash        received    from     capital

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

       Cash received from borrowings                  142,130,800.00                         1,191,078,585.00

       Cash received from issuance of

       Other cash received relating to
                                                  1,089,113,577.37                           2,375,113,115.31
 financing activities

 Subtotal       of     cash    inflows   from
                                                  1,231,244,377.37                           3,566,191,700.31
 financing activities

       Repayment of borrowings                    2,001,719,302.86                           2,050,979,015.67

       Cash paid for interest expenses
                                                       60,306,800.51                            31,087,175.19
 and distribution of dividends or profit

        Other cash payments relating to
                                                      407,569,308.18                         2,476,365,375.37
 financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                  2,469,595,411.55                           4,558,431,566.23
 financing activities

 Net     cash        flows    from   financing
                                                  -1,238,351,034.18                           -992,239,865.92

 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                        4,658,418.09                            -5,883,183.55
 changes on cash and cash equivalents

 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                      852,393,757.96                           529,822,870.15

        Add: Opening balance of cash
                                                      365,891,615.75                           275,892,343.00
 and cash equivalents

 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                  1,218,285,373.71                             805,715,213.15

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                     Person-in-charge of the accounting
work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

                                                                                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                 Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                             Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                               Less:    Speci                       Gener
                  Item                                                                                                                                               Minority         Total owners’
                                       Paid-up capital                         treas     fic                        al risk
                                                           Capital reserve                       Surplus reserve              Retained profit        Others          interests           equity
                                      (or share capital)                        ury     reser                       reserv
                                                                               stock     ve                            e

 I. Balance at the end of                                  1,272,420,328.4                                                                                                           4,246,847,782.1
                                      1,203,972,704.00                                            827,291,207.52              725,485,704.10      14,421,594.77   203,256,243.27
 the previous year                                                       6                                                                                                                         2

       Add:        change        of
 accounting policy

       Correction of errors in
 previous periods


 II.          Balance    at     the                        1,272,420,328.4                                                                                                           4,246,847,782.1
                                      1,203,972,704.00                                            827,291,207.52              725,485,704.10      14,421,594.77   203,256,243.27
 beginning of the year                                                   6                                                                                                                         2

 III. Increase/ decrease in
 the period (“-” means                                        -23,755.27                                                        28,507,946.58    2,903,844.68     -3,899,267.62     27,488,768.37

       (I) Net profit                                                                                                             40,547,673.62                     -3,899,267.62     36,648,406.00

       (II)                   Other
                                                                -23,755.27                                                                         2,903,844.68                         2,880,089.41
 comprehensive incomes

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)         -23,755.27        40,547,673.62    2,903,844.68     -3,899,267.62     39,528,495.41

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners

       1. Capital paid in by

       2.    Amounts         of
share-based            payments
recognized        in    owners’

       3. Others

  (IV) Profit distribution                           -12,039,727.04                                     -12,039,727.04

       1. Appropriations to
surplus reserves

       2. Appropriations to
general risk provisions

       3. Appropriations to
                                                     -12,039,727.04                                     -12,039,727.04
owners (or shareholders)

       4. Other

  (V)                   Internal
carry-forward of owners’

       1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from        capital      public

       2. New increase of
                                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves
for making up losses

     4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1. Withdrawn for the

     2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other
                                                1,272,396,573.1                                                                       4,274,336,550.4
IV. Closing balance          1,203,972,704.00                     827,291,207.52   753,993,650.68   17,325,439.45   199,356,975.65
                                                              9                                                                                     9

                                                                                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2012
                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                           Jan.-Jun. 2012
                                                                       Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                           Less:                                 Gener
               Item                                                                                                                                         Minority        Total owners’
                                    Paid-up capital                        treas    Specific       Surplus      al risk      Retained
                                                         Capital reserve                                                                     Others         interests          equity
                                    (or share capital)                      ury      reserve       reserve       reserv        profit
                                                                           stock                                   e

 I. Balance at the end of the       1,203,972,704.0      1,275,686,262.                          809,307,995                709,679,408.   11,077,592.9   226,903,292.
 previous year                                    0                 22                                   .80                          84              6            66

   Add:             retrospective
 adjustment due to business
 combination under the same

   Add: change of accounting

   Correction of errors in
 previous periods


 II. Balance at the beginning       1,203,972,704.0      1,275,686,262.                          809,307,995                709,679,408.   11,077,592.9   226,903,292.
 of the year                                      0                 22                                   .80                          84              6            66

 III. Increase/ decrease in the                                                                                                            -2,793,377.0
                                                          -3,372,392.58                                                     -572,435.36                       9,502.53        -6,728,702.47
 period (“-” means decrease)                                                                                                                        6

   (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                             9,502.53        11,476,794.21
   (II) Other comprehensive                                                                                                                -2,793,377.0
                                                          -3,372,392.58                                                                                                       -6,165,769.64
 incomes                                                                                                                                              6

                                                                                                                            11,467,291.6   -2,793,377.0
   Subtotal of (I) and (II)                               -3,372,392.58                                                                                       9,502.53         5,311,024.57
                                                                                                                                       8              6

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners

     1. Capital paid in by

     2.       Amounts         of
share-based           payments
recognized in owners’ equity

     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                           -12,039,727.04
     1.   Appropriations      to
surplus reserves

     2.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for            -12,039,727.
making up losses                                 04

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward
of owners’ equity

     1.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
capital public reserves

     2.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for

                                                                                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
 making up losses

      4. Other

 (Ⅵ) Specific reserve

      1. Withdrawn for the

      2. Used in the period

 (Ⅶ) Other
                                   1,203,972,704.0     1,272,313,869.                      809,307,995              709,106,973.       8,284,215.9    226,912,795.
 IV. Closing balance                                                                                                                                                   4,229,898,554.01
                                                 0                64                               .80                        48                 0             19

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                              Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company

Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                           Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                Less:                                      General
                     Item                        Paid-up capital (or                                     Specific                                        Retained       Total owners’
                                                                        Capital reserve      treasur                 Surplus reserve         risk
                                                     share capital)                                      reserve                                          profit           equity
                                                                                            y stock                                         reserve
                                                                                                                                                      538,453,381.4    3,819,007,454.8
 I. Balance at the end of the previous year          1,203,972,704.00   1,249,290,161.88                               827,291,207.52
                                                                                                                                                                  6                  6
   Add: change of accounting policy

   Correction of errors in previous periods


                                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       538,453,381.4 3,819,007,454.8
II. Balance at the beginning of the year         1,203,972,704.00   1,249,290,161.88        827,291,207.52
                                                                                                                                   6                6
III. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-”
                                                                          -23,755.27                                   77,042,766.77     77,019,011.50
means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                                                                                       89,082,493.81     89,082,493.81

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                        -23,755.27                                                        -23,755.27

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                -23,755.27                                   89,082,493.81     89,058,738.54

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by

     1. Capital paid in by owners

     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity

     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                              -12,039,727.04
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

     2. Appropriations to general risk

     3. Appropriations to owners           (or                                                                          -12,039,727.0
shareholders)                                                                                                                       4

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’

     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves

     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
      3. Surplus reserves for making up

      4. Other

 (Ⅵ) Specific reserve

      1. Withdrawn for the period

      2. Used in the period

 (Ⅶ) Other
                                                                                                                                                       615,496,148.2    3,896,026,466.3
 IV. Closing balance                                 1,203,972,704.00    1,249,266,406.61                                 827,291,207.52
                                                                                                                                                                   3                  6

Jan.-Jun. 2012
                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Jan.-Jun. 2012
                    Item                        Paid-up capital (or                                   Specific                        General risk       Retained       Total owners’
                                                                        Capital reserve     treasur              Surplus reserve
                                                  share capital)                                      reserve                              reserve        profit           equity
                                                                                            y stock
                                                                                                                                                      388,644,203.0    3,654,480,998.4
 I. Balance at the end of the previous year        1,203,972,704.00     1,252,556,095.64                         809,307,995.80
                                                                                                                                                                  0                  4
   Add: change of accounting policy

   Correction of       errors   in   previous

                                                                                                                                                      388,644,203.0    3,654,480,998.4
 II. Balance at the beginning of the year          1,203,972,704.00     1,252,556,095.64                         809,307,995.80
                                                                                                                                                                  0                  4
 III. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-”                                                                                                          -38,105,666.9
                                                                           -3,372,392.58                                                                                -41,478,059.53
 means decrease)                                                                                                                                                   5

   (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                       -26,065,939.91

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes             -3,372,392.58                                      -3,372,392.58
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                     -3,372,392.58                                     -29,438,332.49
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by

     1. Capital paid in by owners

     2.      Amounts    of       share-based
payments recognized in owners’ equity

     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                       -12,039,727.04
     1.    Appropriations    to      surplus

     2. Appropriations to general risk

     3. Appropriations to owners (or                                            -12,039,727.0
shareholders)                                                                               4

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’

     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves

     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for making up

     4. Other

                                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
 (Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1. Withdrawn for the period

     2. Used in the period

 (Ⅶ) Other
                                                                                                                      350,538,536.0    3,613,002,938.9
 IV. Closing balance                  1,203,972,704.00   1,249,183,703.06                 809,307,995.80
                                                                                                                                  5                  1

Legal representative: Hou Songrong                                Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Yang Rong

Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan

                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

III. Company Profile
1. Establishment
Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “the Company”), is a joint-stock
limited company reorganized from the former Shenzhen Konka Electronic Co., Ltd. in August
1991 upon approval of the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality, and has its ordinary
shares (A-share and B-share) listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange with prior consent from the
People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch. On August 29, 1995, the
Company, renamed to “Konka Group Co., Ltd.”, obtained corporate business license (registration
No.: 440301501121863) with its main business falling into electronic industry.

2. Share Capital Changes upon Establishment
On November 27, 1991, with approval from the SRYFZ No. 102 [1991] document as issued by the
People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch, Shenzhen Konka Electronic
Co., Ltd., during December 8—December 31, 1991, has issued 128,869,000 RMB ordinary shares
(A-share) at a par value of RMB1.00 per share, of which the original net assets were converted into
98,719,000 state-owned institutional shares, 30,150,000 new shares were issued, including
26,500,000 circulating shares issued to the public and 3,650,000 staff shares issued to the staff of
the Company.
On January 29, 1992, with approval from the SRYFZ No. 106 [1991] document as issued by the
People’s Bank of China Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch, Shenzhen Konka Electronic
Co., Ltd., during December 20, 1991— January 31, 1992, has issued to investors abroad
58,372,300 RMB special shares (B-share) at a par value of RMB1.00 per share, of which
48,372,300 shares held by the former foreign investor and founder—Hong Kong Ganghua
Electronic Group Co., Ltd. are converted into foreign legal person’s shares, and 10,000,000
B-shares are issued additionally.
On April 10, 1993, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1992 was adopted at
the second general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the SZBF No. 2
[1993] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the Company began to
perform dividend policy for FY 1992 as of April 30, 1993: distributing RMB 0.90 in cash plus 3.5
bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The total capital stock reached 187,473,150
shares after this distribution.
On April 18, 1994, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1993 was adopted at
the third general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the SZBF No. 115
[1994] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the Company began to
perform dividend policy for FY1993 as of June 10, 1994: distributing RMB 1.10 in cash plus 5
bonus shares (including 4.4 profit bonus shares and 0.6 bonus share capitalized from capital public
reserve) for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The total capital stock reached 281,209,724 shares

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

after this distribution and capitalization from capital public reserve.
On June 2, 1994, in accordance with the provisions that “staff shares could go public and be
transferred six months after listing”, as jointly promulgated by the State Commission for
Restructuring the Economic System and the State Council’s Securities Commission, the staff
shares of the Company was planned to be listed on the flow on June 6, 1994, with the prior consent
of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
On October 8, 1994, the Proposal on Negotiable Bonus Shares of B-Share Corporate Shareholders
1992 was adopted at the 1994 interim general meeting of shareholders of the Company. With
approval from the SZBF No. 224 [1994] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory
Office, the 16,930,305 bonus shares for FY 1992 granted to foreign legal persons were listed and
negotiated at B-share market on October 26, 1994.
On February 6, 1996, the Proposal on Share Allotment Modes 1996 was adopted at the 1996
interim general metering of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the SZBF No. 5
[1996] document as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, and reexamination from the
ZJPSZ No. 16 [1996] document and ZJGZ No. 2 [1996] document as issued by China Securities
Regulatory Commission, on July 16, 1996 and October 29, 1996, all shareholders were
respectively allotted three shares for every ten existing shares held at RMB 6.28/A-share and HKD
5.85/B-share. Corporate shareholders took their respective existing shares as bases for full
subscription of the allocable shares. The total capital stock reached 365,572,641 shares after this
On January 25, 1998, the Plan on Share Allotment 1998 was adopted at the 1998 interim general
meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the ZZBZ No. 29 [1998] document
as issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, and ZJSZ No.64 [1998] document as issued
by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on July 15, 1998, negotiable A-shares were allotted
in proportion of 3:10 at RMB 10.50/A-share. For such reasons as continued weakness in B-share
secondary market (lower than share allotment price), B-share negotiation and allotment plan was
canceled, and the corporate shareholders of the Company waived the preemptive right. The total
capital stock reached 389,383,603 shares after this allotment.
On June 30, 1999, the Proposal on Profit Distribution and Capitalization from Capital Public
Reserve 1998 was adopted at the eighth general meeting of shareholders of the Company. On
August 20, 1999, the profit distribution for FY 1998 was carried out: all shareholders were
presented RMB3.00 in cash for every 10 shares, plus 2 shares capitalized from capital public
reserve. The total capital stock reached 467,260,323 shares after this capitalization.
On June 30, 1999, the Plan on A-Share Issue for Capital Increase was adopted at the eighth general
meeting of shareholders of the Company. With approval from the ZJFXZ No.140 [1999] document
as issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, on November 1, 1999, 80,000,000 A-shares
were additionally issued to the public at RMB15.50/share. The total capital stock reached
547,260,323 shares after this additional issue.
                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

On May 30, 2000, the Plan on Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout 1999 was adopted at the
ninth general meeting of shareholders of the Company. On July 25, 2000, the profit distribution for
FY 1999 was carried out: all shareholders were distributed RMB4.00 in cash plus 1 bonus shares
for every 10 shares. The total capital stock reached 601,986,352 shares after this distribution.
On April 3, 2008, the 7th meeting of the sixth Board of Directors was convened, during which the
following resolutions were discussed and adopted: based on the total capital stock of 601,986,352
shares for the year ended December 31, 2007, capitalization from capital public reserve was made
to all shareholders at a proportion of 1:1, namely 10 new shares for every 10 existing shares. And
the said resolution was subject to approval by the 2007 annual general meeting of shareholders
convened on May 26, 2008. The Company, in June 2008, implemented the capitalization from
capital public reserve and went through the formalities for transfer registration with China
Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited. On December 16, 2008, with approval
from the SMGZF No. 2662 [2008] document as issued by Shenzhen Bureau of Trade and Industry,
the Company was agreed to increase its share capital, and went through the formalities for
registration of changes with the administration for industry and commerce on April 10, 2009. The
total capital stock reached 1,203,972,704 shares after change.

3. Approved business scope: research and development, production and operation of such
household appliances as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and personal electronic
appliances; manufacturing and application of home AV, IPTV set-top boxes, digital TV receivers
(including ground receiving equipment of satellite television broadcasting), digital products,
mobile communication equipments and terminal products, daily-use electronic products,
automotive electronic products, satellite navigation systems, intelligent transportation systems,
fire-fighting and security systems, office equipments, computers, displays, large screen display
systems; LED (OLED) back light, illumination, light-emitting devices, and packaging thereof;
electronic parts and components, moulds, plastic and rubber products, and packing materials, and
technical consultancy and after-sale paid services of related products( except mobile phone, the
other products in the above business scope are manufactured in other places outside Shenzhen);
wholesale, retail, import & export and relevant support services of the aforesaid products
(including spare parts) (Commodities subject to state trading management are not involved.
Products involved in quota, license management and other specified management shall be subject
to the relevant state provisions.); sale of self-developed technological achievements; provision of
maintenance services, technical consultant service for electronic products; ordinary cargo
transportation, domestic freight forwarding, warehousing services; consultancy on enterprise
management; and self-owned property leasing and management services, recovery of waste
electrical appliances and electronic products (excluding dissembling) (operated by branch offices);
and outsourcing services of information technology and business procedures by means of

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

undertaking services, including management and maintenance of system application, management
of information technology, bank background service, financial settlement, human resource service,
software development, call center, data processing and business process outsourcing services.
Designing, producing and selling wireless radio and television emission devices (operating within
the valid date of license); designing and installing wireless, cable television system; integrating
and installing systems; designing and selling security products and monitoring products; providing
business display equipments and solutions to suppliers.

4. The parent company, as well as the actual controller of the Company is Overseas Chinese Town
Group Co., Ltd., and the ultimate controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the State Council.

5. The financial statements of the Company were submitted upon approval of the Board of
Directors on 29 Aug. 2013.

6. A check list of corporate names and their abbreviations mentioned in this Report
                               Corporate name                                        Abbreviation

 Shenzhen Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd.                     Telecommunication Technology

                                                                           Video & Communication Systems
 Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                              Precision Mold

 Shenzhen Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                               Konka Electronic

 Shenzhen Konka Information Network Co., Ltd.                                    Information Network

 Shenzhen Konka Plastic Products Co., Ltd.                                         Plastic Products

 Shenzhen Shushida Electronic Co., Ltd.                                               Shushida

 Shenzhen Electronic Fittings Technology Co., Ltd.                               Fittings Technology

 Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd.                                   Mudanjiang Appliances

 Shaanxi Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                 Shaanxi Konka

 Chongqing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                             Chongqing Konka

 Chongqing Konka Automotive Electronic Co., Ltd.                                 Chongqing Electronic

 Chongqing Qingjia Electronics Co., Ltd.                                          Chongqing Qingjia

 Anhui Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                   Anhui Konka

 Anhui Konka Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                                  Anhui Household Appliances

 Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                               Changshu Konka

 Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                Kunshan Konka

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                               Corporate name                                    Abbreviation

Dongguan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                            Dongguan Konka

Dongguan Konka Packing Materials Co., Ltd.                                    Dongguan Packing

Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.                                     Dongguan Mould Plastic

Boluo Konka PCB Co., Ltd.                                                        Boluo Konka

Boluo Konka Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                                     Boluo Precision

Konka (Nanhai) Development Center                                              Nanhai Institute

Hongkong Konka Co., Ltd.                                                      Hongkong Konka

Konka Household Appliances Investment & Development Co., Ltd.       Konka Household Appliances Investment

                                                                         Konka Household Appliances
Konka Household Appliances International Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                             International Trading

KONKA AMERICA,INC.                                                           KONKA AMERICA

Konka (Europe) Co., Ltd.                                                        Konka Europe

Konka (Kunshan) Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.                             Kunshan Real Estate

Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd.                                         Xutongda

Shenzhen Konka Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.                           Konka Optoelectronic

Shenzhen Wankaida Science and Technology Co., Ltd.                                Wankaida

Kunshan Kangsheng Investment Development Co., Ltd.                           Kunshan Kangsheng

Anhui Konka Tongchuang Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                         Anhui Tongchuang

Indonesia Konka Electronics Co., Ltd.                                          Indonesia Konka

Shenzhen Shushida Logistics Service Co., Ltd.                                 Shushida Logistics

Beijing Konka Electronic Co., Ltd.                                         Beijing Konka Electronic

Kunshan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.                                      Kunshan Jielunte

 Wuhan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.                                        Wuhan Jielunte

 Chuzhou Jielunte Mould Plastic Co. , Ltd.                                     Chuzhou Jielunte

V. Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and early errors
1. Basis for the preparation of financial statements
With the going-concern assumption as the basis, the Group prepared its financial statements in
light of the actual transactions and events, as well as the Basic Standard and 38 specific standards
of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC on
15 Feb. 2006, the Application Guidance of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the
Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other regulations issued
thereafter (jointly referred to as “the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”), and the
Rules for Preparation Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15—General

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2010) by China Securities Regulatory Commission
In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, accounting activities of the
Group were conducted on the accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments, the financial
statements were prepared on the basis of historical costs. Where impairment occurred in an asset,
the corresponding impairment provision was withdrawn according to relevant rules.

2. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements for the first half of 2013 prepared by the Group are in compliance with
the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, factually and completely
presenting the Company’s and the Group’s financial positions as at 30 Jun. 2013, and operating
results, cash flows and other relevant information for the six months then ended. Furthermore,
these financial statements, in all material respects, are also in line with relevant disclosure
requirements for financial statements and notes thereof stipulated in the Rules for Preparation
Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15—General Regulations for
Financial Reporting (revised in 2010) by CSRC.

3. Fiscal period
The Group’s accounting periods are divided into annual periods (yearly) and interim periods. The
interim period is a reporting period which is shorter than a full fiscal year. Gregorian calendar is
adopted for fiscal year of the Company, namely from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. every year.

4. Recording currency
Renminbi (RMB) is the prevailing currency used in the main economic circumstances of the
Company and its domestic subsidiaries. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as
the recording currency. When preparing the financial statements, the Group adopted RMB as the
recording currency.
5. Accounting methods for business combinations under the same control and not under the
same control
(1) Business combinations under the same control
A business combination refers to a transaction or event bringing together two or more separate
enterprises into one reporting entity. Business combinations are divided into business combinations
under the same control and those not under the same control.
Business combinations under the same control
A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which all the
enterprises involved in the combination are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

before and after the business combination and on which the control is not temporary. In a business
combination under the same control, the party which obtains control of other enterprise(s) involved
in the business combination on the combining date is the combining party, and the other
enterprise(s) involved in the business combination is (are) the combined party. The "combining
date" refers to the date on which the combining party obtains actual control on the combined party.
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be
measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As
for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and
the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the
additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be
offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
The direct cost for the business combination of the combining party shall be recorded into the
profits and losses at the current period.
(2) Business combinations not under the same control
A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which the
combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both
before and after the business combination. In a business combination not under the same control,
the party which obtains the control on other combining enterprise(s) on the purchase date is the
acquirer, and other combining enterprise(s) is (are) the acquiree. The "acquisition date" refers to
the date on which the acquirer actually obtains the control on the acquiree.
As for business combinations not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair
values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity
securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and intermediary
agency fees for auditing, legal, consulting services, etc. and other administrative expenditures
incurred for the business combination, which were recorded in the profits and losses at the current
period when incurred. The trading expenditures arising from the acquirer’s issuance of equity or
liabilities securities as the consideration for the business combination are recorded in the initial
recognition amount for the equity or liabilities securities. The contingent consideration involved is
recorded in the combination costs according to its fair value on the acquisition date. Where new or
further evidence against the existing circumstances on the acquisition date occurs within 12
months after the acquisition date, which makes it necessary to adjust the contingent consideration,
the combined business reputation is adjusted accordingly. For a business combination realized by
two or more transactions of exchange, in the Group’s consolidated financial statements, as for the
equity interests of the acquiree held by the Group before the acquisition date, they are re-measured
according to their fair value on the acquisition date. The difference between their fair value and
their carrying amount is recorded in investment gains for the period comprising the acquisition
date. Other comprehensive incomes arising from the equity interests of the acquiree held by the
Group before the acquisition date are transferred to investment gains at the current period. The
                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

combination costs are the summation of the fair value on the acquisition date of the equity interests
of the acquiree held by the Group before the acquisition date and the fair value on the acquisition
date of the equity interests of the acquiree acquired by the Group on the acquisition date.
The combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained in the combination
are both measured at their fair values on the acquisition date. The positive balance between the
combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets the acquirer obtains from the
acquiree is recognized as business reputation. The acquirer shall, pursuant to the following
provisions, treat the balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable
net assets it obtains from the acquiree: a. it shall reexamine the measurement of the fair values of
the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquiree as well as
the combination costs; b. if, after the reexamination, the combination costs are still less than the
fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree, it shall record the balance into
the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the unrecognized deductible temporary differences of the acquiree obtained by the acquirer
due to their not satisfying the recognition criteria for deferred income tax assets on the acquisition
date, if new or further information within 12 months after the acquisition date shows that the
relevant circumstances on the acquisition date has existed and that the economic benefits arising
from the deductible temporary differences of the acquiree on the acquisition date are expected to
be realized, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized and the business
reputation is written down in the mean time. If the business reputation is not sufficient to offset,
the difference is recognized in the profits and losses at the current period. Except for the aforesaid
circumstance, the recognized deferred income tax assets in relation to the business combination are
recorded in the profits and losses at the current period.

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1)Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(a) Ascertainment of the consolidation scope
The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be confirmed based on the control. Control
means the Company can decide the financial and manage policy of investee entity and have
authority to earn the benefit from the investee entity. The consolidation scope includes the
Company and all its subsidiaries. The Company’s subsidiaries refer to the enterprises or entities
controlled by the Company.
(b) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The Group consolidates a subsidiary from the date when the Group obtains actual control over the
subsidiary’s net assets and production and operation decision-making and de-consolidates it from
the date when such control ceases. As for a disposed subsidiary, its operating results and cash
flows before the disposal date are properly included in the consolidated income statement and the

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

consolidated cash flow statement. As for a subsidiary disposed in the current period, the opening
accounts in the consolidated balance sheet are not restated. For a subsidiary acquired in a business
combination not under the same control, its operating results and cash flows after the acquisition
date are properly included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow
statement, and the opening accounts and comparative accounts in the consolidated financial
statements are not restated. For a subsidiary acquired in a business combination under the same
control or a merged party under merge and consolidation, its operating results and cash flows for
the period from the beginning of the reporting period to the combination date are properly included
in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and the
comparative accounts in the consolidated financial statements are restated in the mean time.
In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where a subsidiary adopts different
accounting policies or accounting periods from those of the Company, the subsidiary’s financial
statements are adjusted according to the Company’s accounting policy and accounting periods. For
a subsidiary obtained in a business combination not under the same control, its financial statements
are adjusted on the basis of the fair value of its identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.
All significant balances, transactions and unrealized profits within the Group are offset in the
preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
The portions in a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and net current profits and losses that are not
attributable to the Company are separately presented, as minority interests and minority
shareholder gains and losses respectively, under the shareholders’ equity item and the net profit
item in the consolidated financial statements. The portion in the subsidiary’s current net gains and
losses that belongs to minority interests is presented as “minority shareholder gains and losses”
under the net profit item in the consolidated income statement. Where the subsidiary’s losses
attributable to minority shareholders exceed the portion in the subsidiary’s opening owners’ equity
attributable to minority shareholders, minority interests are offset.
Where the Company loses control over a former subsidiary due to disposal of some equity
investment or other reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured according to the fair
value on the date when such control ceases. The summation of the consideration obtained from the
equity disposal and the fair value of the residual equity interests, minus the portion in the former
subsidiary’s net assets measured on a continuous basis from the acquisition date that is attributable
to the Company according to its former shareholding ratio in the subsidiary, is recorded in the
investment gains for the reporting period when the Company’s control over the subsidiary ceases.
Other comprehensive incomes in relation to the former equity investment in the subsidiary are
transferred to the investment gains at the current period when the Company’s control over the
subsidiary ceases. Later on, subsequent measurement is carried out on the residual equity interests
in accordance with the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.2—Long-term Equity
Investment” or the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22—Recognition and

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Measurement of Financial Instruments” and other relevant regulations. For more details, please
refer to “12. V. in the eighth chapter “Long-term Equity Investment” or “9. V. in the eighth chapter
“Financial Instruments”.
(2) Relevant accounting methods shall be disclosed if the same subsidiary purchases then
sells, or sells then purchases stock equities in two consecutive accounting years
There existed not same subsidiary purchasing then selling, or selling then purchasing stock equities
in two consecutive accounting years.

7. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents
The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. The
term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and highly
liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to
an insignificant risk of change in value.

8. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency financial statements
(1) Foreign currency businesses
(a) Translation of foreign currency transactions
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the Group shall convert the
amount in a foreign currency into amount in its Renminbi at the spot exchange rate (generally refer
to the middle price of market exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China, the same
below) on the day the transaction is occurred. Of which, as for such transactions as foreign
exchange or involving in foreign exchange, the Company shall converted into amount in the
Renminbi at actual exchange rate the transaction is occurred.
(b) Treatment method for the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary
On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot exchange
rate on the date. Exchange differences are recorded in the profits and losses at the current period
except for the following circumstances: ① Exchange differences arising from the special foreign
currency borrowings for the acquisition and construction of assets eligible for capitalization are
treated in accordance with the principle of borrowing cost capitalization; ② Exchange differences
arising from the net investment hedging instruments in an overseas operation are recorded in other
comprehensive incomes and can be recognized in the profits and losses at the current period only
when the net investment is disposed (the balance was recorded into other comprehensive income,
or current profits and losses until the net investment being disposed); and ③ Exchange
differences arising from changes in the carrying balances other than the amortized costs of foreign
currency monetary items available for sale are recorded in other comprehensive incomes.

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical costs are translated into RMB at the
spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at
the fair value are translated at the spot exchange rate on the fair value confirming date, from which
the exchange difference is treated as change in fair value (including change in exchange rate) and
recorded in the profit and loss of the current period, or treated as other comprehensive incomes and
recorded in the capital reserves.
(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
Where the consolidated financial statements involve an overseas operation and foreign currency
monetary items form in a substantial basis on the net investment in the overseas operation,
exchange differences arising from exchange rate changes are recorded in the “translation
difference of foreign currency statements” item under the owners’ equity item; and recorded in the
profits and losses at the reporting period of the disposal when the overseas operation is disposed.
The foreign currency financial statements of an overseas operation are translated in RMB in
accordance with the following methods: The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be
translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items,
except the ones as “retained profits”, others shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time
when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the profits statements shall be translated
at the average exchange rate of the current period on transaction date. The opening retained profit
is the closing retained profit as of the previous year after translation; The closing retained profit is
measured and stated according to profit distribution items after translation; And the difference
between the asset items and the summation of the liability and shareholders’ equity items after
translation, as the translation difference of foreign currency statements, is recognized in other
comprehensive incomes and is presented separately under the shareholders’ equity item in the
balance sheet. Where an overseas operation is disposed and the Group’s control on the overseas
operation ceases, the foreign currency statement translation difference in relation to the overseas
operation and presented under the shareholders’ equity items in the balance sheet is, all or
according to the disposal rate of the overseas operation, transferred to the profits and losses at the
reporting period comprising the disposal.
Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows generated by overseas subsidiaries are translated at the
average exchange rate for the current period on the date when the cash flow is generated. The
influence on cash due to change of exchange rate shall be presented separately under the cash flow
The opening amounts and the actual amounts in the previous year are presented on the basis of the
translated financial statements for the previous year.

9. Financial instruments
(1) Classification of financial instruments

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Classification of financial assets
Financial assets in the initial confirmation shall be divided into financial assets which are
calculated by fair value and whose variation shall be reckoned into current gains and losses,
held-to-maturity investment, loads, account receivables and available-for-sale financial assets.
Classification of financial liabilities
Financial liabilities in the initial confirmation shall be divided into financial liabilities which are
calculated by fair value and whose variation shall be reckoned into current gains and losses and
other financial liabilities.
(2) Recognition basis and measurement of financial instruments
(a) Recognition basis and measurement of financial instruments
Financial assets bought in and sold out in the conventional way are recognized and de-recognized
in accordance with the transaction dates. In the initial recognition, financial assets are divided into
financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current profits and
losses, held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts receivables, and available-for-sale
financial assets. In the initial recognition, a financial asset is measured at its fair value. For a
financial asset measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses,
the relevant trading expenditures are directly recorded in the gains and losses at the current period.
And the trading expenditures for the other financial assets are recorded in the initially recognized
① Financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current profits and
Such financial assets include transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to be
measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses.
A transactional financial asset refers to a financial asset meeting any of the following requirements:
A. The purpose to acquire the financial asset is mainly for selling or repurchase of it in the near
future; B. Forming a part of the identifiable combination of financial instruments which are
managed in a centralized way and for which there are objective evidences proving that the Group
may manage the combination by way of short-term profit making in the near future; and C. Being
a derivative instrument, excluding the designated derivative instruments which are effective
hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the derivative
instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments for which there is no
quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be
settled by delivering the said equity instruments.
Financial asset complying with one of following conditions can be measured at fair value when
being initially recognized and changes in that financial asset are recorded in gains and losses of the
current period: A. The designation can eliminate or greatly reduce situations where related profits
or losses were in inconformity due to different measurement base of the financial asset; B. The

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

formal written document of concerning risk management or investment strategy of the Group has
stated that the Group shall manage and assess on financial asset group and financial asset and
financial liability group on the basis of fair value, and report to key management staffs.
A transactional financial asset, which is measured at the fair value and changes thereof are
recorded in gains and losses of the current period, is subsequently measured at the fair value. The
gains and losses arising from the fair value changes, as well as the dividend and interest incomes
from the financial asset, are recorded in the gains and losses for the current period.
② Held-to-maturity investments
A held-to-maturity investment refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of
maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the Group holds for a definite
purpose or the Group is able to hold until its maturity.
A held-to-maturity investment is subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the
actual interest rate method. The gains or losses arising from de-recognition, impairment or
amortization of the investment are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
The actual interest rate method refers to the method by which the post-amortization costs and the
interest incomes of different installments or interest expenses are calculated in light of the actual
interest rates of the financial assets or financial liabilities (including a set of financial assets or
financial liabilities). The actual interest rate refers to the interest rate adopted to cash the future
cash flow of a financial asset or financial liability within the predicted term of existence or within a
shorter applicable term into the current carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.
When calculating the actual interest rate, the Group predicts the future cash flow (not taking into
account the future credit losses) on the basis of taking into account all the contractual provisions
concerning the financial asset or financial liability. The various fee charges, trading expenses,
reduced values, premiums, etc., which are paid or collected by the parties to a financial asset or
financial liability contract and which form a part of the actual interest rate, are also taken into
account in the determination of the actual interest rate.
③ Loans and accounts receivable
Loans and accounts receivable refer to the non-derivative financial assets for which there is no
quoted price in the active market and of which the repo amount is fixed or determinable. The
financial assets defined by the Group as loans and accounts receivable include notes receivable,
accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividend receivable, other receivables, etc..
Loans and accounts receivable are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using
the actual interest rate method. The gains or losses arising from de-recognition, impairment or
amortization of the loans and accounts receivable are recorded in the profits and losses for the
current period.
④ Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets include the non-derivative financial assets which are designated

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as available for sale when they are initially recognized, as well as the financial assets other than the
financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses,
loans and accounts receivable and held-to-maturity investments.
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at their fair values. Impairment
losses and the exchange differences of foreign currency monetary financial assets in relation to the
amortized cost are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. Other gains or losses
arising from fair value changes are recognized as other comprehensive incomes and recorded in
the capital reserves, and transferred out and recorded in the profits and losses for the current period
when the financial asset is de-recognized.
Interest obtained during the period of holding an available-for-sale financial asset and the cash
dividends declared and distributed by an invested party are recorded in investment gains.
(b) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial liabilities measured at
fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses and other financial
liabilities. Financial liabilities are initially recognized at their fair values. As for a financial liability
measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, the relevant
trading expense is directly recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. As for other
financial liabilities, the relevant trading expenses are recorded in the initially recognized amounts.
① Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains
and losses
Such financial liabilities are divided into transactional financial liabilities and financial liabilities
designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and
losses in the initial recognition under the same conditions where such financial assets are divided
into transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to be measured at fair values and
whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial recognition.
Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and
losses are subsequently measured at their fair values. Gains or losses arising from the fair value
changes, as well as the dividend and interest expenses in relation to the said financial liabilities, are
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
② Other financial liabilities
As for a derivative financial liability connected to an equity instrument for which there is not
quoted price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and which must
be settled by delivering the equity instrument, it is subsequently measured on the basis of costs.
Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the
actual interest rate method. Gains or losses arising from de-recognition or amortization of the said
financial liabilities are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
③ Financial guarantee contract

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For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial liability measured at
its fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period,
which shall be initially recognized by fair value, and the subsequent measurement shall be made
after they are initially recognized according to the higher one of the following: a. the amount as
determined according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies;               b. the
surplus after accumulative amortization as determined according to the principles of the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues is subtracted from the initially recognized
(c) Derivative instrument and embedded derivative instrument
Derivative instrument shall be initially measured at its fair value on the signing date for relevant
contracts, and made the follow-up measurement at fair value. The changes in the fair value of the
derivative instrument shall be recorded into gain/loss at current period.
Where a mixed instrument including an embedded derivative instrument fails to be designated as a
financial asset or financial liability measured at its fair value and of which the variation is included
in the current profits and losses, and it can simultaneously meet the two conditions that there is no
close relationship between it and the principal contract in terms of economic features and risks, as
well as there is no close relationship between it and the principal contract in terms of economic
features and risks. Then the embedded derivative instrument shall be separated from the mixed
instrument and treated as an independent derivative instrument. Where it is impossible to make an
independent measurement when it is obtained or subsequently on the balance sheet date, the mixed
instrument shall be designated entirely as a financial asset or financial liability measured at its fair
value and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses.
(d) The offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
When the Group has the legal right to offset the confirmed financial assets and financial liabilities,
and can execute this legal right now, meanwhile, the Group plans to settle them at their net amount
or realize the financial assets and pay off the financial liabilities at the same time, the financial
assets and financial liabilities should be listed in the balance sheet by the amount after their offset
with each other. Apart from this, the financial assets and financial liabilities should be listed in the
balance sheet respectively and should not offset with each other.
(e) Equity instruments
The "equity instruments" refers to the contracts which can prove that the Group holds the surplus
equities of the assets after the deduction of all the debts. For equity instruments, the consideration
received in the issuance of equity instruments after deducting the transaction cost shall be recorded
in the owners’ equity.
The owners’ equity decreased from the Group’s various distributions (excluding the dividend
distribution) to the owners of equity instruments, the Group shall not make it as the change in the

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fair value of equity instruments.
(3) Recognition and measurement of financial asset transfers
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it is
terminated: ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are
terminated; ② The said financial asset has been transferred and nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or ③ The said financial asset has
been transferred. And the Group has ceased its control on the said financial asset though it neither
transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
Where the Group neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of a financial asset, and it does not cease its control on the said financial asset, it
recognizes the relevant financial asset and liability accordingly according to the extent of its
continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset. The term "continuous involvement in the
transferred financial asset" refers to the risk level that the enterprise faces resulting from the
change of the value of the financial asset.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the
difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is recorded in the profits and losses of the
current period: (1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; and (2) The sum of
consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair
value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes.
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the book
value of the transferred financial asset is apportioned between the portion whose recognition has
been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped according to their respective
relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is included into
the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The summation of the consideration received from
the transfer and the portion of the accumulative amount of changes in the fair value originally
recorded in other comprehensive incomes which corresponds to the portion whose recognition has
been stopped; and (2) The amortized carrying amounts of the aforesaid amounts.
(4) De-recognition of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the
recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Group (debtor) enters
into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of any
new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is
substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it terminates the
recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time recognizes the new financial
Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

concerned shall include into the profits and losses of the current period for the gap between the
book value which has been terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid
(including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed)
(5) Ascertainment of fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The “fair value” refers to the amount, at which both parties to a transaction who are familiar with
the condition exchange assets or clear off debts under fair conditions. As for the financial
instrument for which there is an active market, the Group determines its fair value using the quoted
price in the active market. The quoted prices in the active market refer to the prices, which are
easily available from the stock exchange, brokers, industry associations, pricing service institutions,
etc. at a fixed term, and which represent the prices at which actually incurred market transactions
are made under fair conditions. Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, the
Group adopts value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques
mainly include the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest
market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other
financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the
option pricing model, etc.
(6) Impairment testing methods and provision withdrawing methods of financial assets
(excluding account receivables)
For the financial assets other than the financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes
are recorded in current gains and losses, the Group runs a check on their carrying amounts on
every balance sheet date. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such a financial asset
has been impaired, an impairment provision is made.
The Group carries out a separate impairment test for every financial asset which is individually
significant. As for a financial asset which is individually insignificant, an impairment test is carried
out separately or in the financial asset group with similar credit risk. Where the financial asset
(individually significant or insignificant) is found not impaired after the separate impairment test,
it is included in the financial asset group with similar credit risk and tested again on the group
basis. Where the impairment loss is recognized for an individual financial asset, it is not included
in the financial asset group with similar credit risk for an impairment test.
① Impairment of held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts receivable
Where a financial asset measured on the basis of costs or amortized costs is impaired, the carrying
amount of the said financial asset is written down to the current value of the predicted future cash
flow. The amount written down is recognized as the impairment loss of the asset and is recorded in
the profits and losses for the current period. Where a financial asset is recognized as having
suffered from any impairment loss, if there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the
said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after
such loss is recognized, the impairment losses as originally recognized are reversed. The reversed

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

carrying amount of the said financial asset does not exceed the amortized cost of the said financial
asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
When it judged that the decrease of fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument
investment is serious and not temporarily after comprehensive considering relevant factors, it
reflected that the available-for-sale equity instrument investment occurred impairment. Of which,
the “serious decline” refers to the accumulative decline range of the fair value over 20%; while the
“non-temporary decline” refers to the consecutive decline time of the fair value over 12 months.
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the
decrease of the fair value of the capital reserve which is directly included are transferred out and
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. The accumulative losses transferred out
are the balance obtained from the initially obtained cost of the said financial asset after deducting
the principals as taken back, the amortized amount, the current fair value and the impairment loss
originally recorded in the profits and losses.
Where the impairment loss has been recognized for an available-for-sale financial asset, if, within
the accounting periods thereafter, there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said
financial asset has been restored and the restoration is objectively related to the events that occur
after the impairment loss was recognized, the originally recognized impairment loss is reversed.
The impairment losses on the available-for-sale equity instrument investments are reversed and
recognized as other comprehensive incomes, and the impairment losses on the available-for-sale
liability instruments are reversed and recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
The impairment loss incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price
in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or incurred to a derivative
financial asset which is connected with the said equity instrument investment and which must be
settled by delivering the said equity investment, is not reversed.
(7) Reclassifying undue held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale financial assets
and illustrating intention or basis of ability to change
There existed not reclassification of undue held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale
financial assets in the Company.

10. Recognition and withdrawing methods of bad debt provision of accounts receivables
Receivables include account receivables and other accounts receivables.
(1) Recognition of provision for bad debts:
The Group shall test the carrying amount of receivables on the balance sheet date. Where there is
any objective evidence proving that such receivables have been impaired, an impairment provision
shall be made.
① debtor has serious financial difficult;

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② debtor goes against the contract clause (for instance, breach of faith or overdue paying interests
or principal);
③ debtors has a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
④ other objective evidence proving such accounts receivable has been impaired;
(2) Withdraw method of provision for bad debts
① The recognition criteria and method of individual provision for bad debts of receivables that
are individually significant
The Group recognized the receivables with amount above RMB 20 million and other receivables
above 10 million as receivables with significant single amounts and withdrawn the provision for
bad debts.
The Group made an independent impairment test on receivables with significant single amounts,
the financial assets without impairment by independent impairment test should be included in
financial assets portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment test. Receivables was
recognized with impairment should no longer be included in receivables portfolio with similar
credit risk to take the impairment test.
② The recognition and method of provision for bad debts of receivables by credit risk portfolio
A. Recognition of credit risk group
Receivables that are not individually significant and individually significant but without
impairment by independent impairment test, are grouped on the basis of similarity and relevance of
credit risk. This credit risk usually reflects the debtor’s ability to repay all the due accounts in
accordance with contract for such assets, which also are related with the measurement on future
cash flow of the examined assets.

(1) Bad debt provision for individual significant accounts receivables

 Recognition of individual significant       Individual amounts with accounts receivables over 20 millions, Individual amounts
 accounts                                    with other accounts receivables over 10 millions

                                             Individual accounts receivables with significant amounts shall be individually made
 Withdrawing method of individual            impairment test. As for financial assets without impairment after the impairment test,
 accounts with significant amounts and       it shall be included into financial assets groups similar to credit risk and made
 individual withdrawn of bad debt            impairment test. As for accounts receivables affirmed with impairments after the test,
 provision                                   it shall not be included into financial assets groups similar to credit risk and made
                                             impairment test.

(2) Accounts receivables withdrawn bad debt provision on the basis of groups

            Name of group                Withdrawing method                                Recognition basis

                                                                   Defining group on the basis of accounts receivables aging as
 Aging group                         Aging analyzing method
                                                                   credit risk

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                                    Balance percentage              Defining group on the basis of credit risk of whether the
 Relevant parties group
                                    method                          obligator is related to the Group

In the group, withdrawal method for provision for bad debts by aging analysis
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                       Proportion of provision for bad debts        Proportion of provision for bad debts of other
                                          of accounts receivable(%)                        accounts receivable(%)

 Within 1 year(including 1 year,
                                                                          2%                                                         2%
 the same below)

 1-2 years                                                                5%                                                         5%

 2-3 years                                                              20%                                                      20%

 3-4 years                                                              50%                                                      50%

 4-5 years                                                              50%                                                      50%

 Over 5 years                                                          100%                                                     100%

In the group, withdrawal method for provision for bad debts by balance percentage
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, withdrawal method for provision for bad debts by other methods
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
                    Name of group                                                           notes

 Group related to the Group                             Without withdrawal

(3) Receivables with insignificant amount but being individually withdrawn the provision for bad

                                                A. Receivables exist dispute with the other parties or involving lawsuit and
 Reason for individual withdrawal of            arbitration;
 provision for bad debts                        B. Receivables exist obvious indication showing that the debtors are likely to fail
                                                to perform the duty of repayment.

                                                The Group made independent impairment test on receivables with insignificant
                                                amount but with the following characteristics, if any objective evidence shows that
 Withdrawal methods for bad debts
                                                the accounts receivable has been impaired, impairment loss shall be recognized on
                                                the basis of the gap between the current values of the future cash flow lower than
                                                its book value so as to withdraw provision for bad debts.

11. Inventory
(1) Classification
The Group’s inventories are classified as non-property inventories and property inventories. And
the non-property inventories include raw materials, goods in process, merchandise on hand, goods
delivered and circulating materials, etc; while the property inventories include property in process

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

and finished property, etc.
① The finished property refers to the finished and held-for-sale property.
②   The property in process (development costs) refers to the unfinished property with the
development purpose for sale.

(2) Pricing method of outgoing and obtaining inventories
Pricing method: weighted average method
The inventories shall be measured in light of their cost when obtained. The cost of inventory
consists of purchase costs, processing costs and other costs. Inventory is accounted by weight
average method upon receiving and giving. For merchandise on hand shall be accounted by
planned cost, if the difference between planned cost of and actual cost of raw materials is
accounted through the cost variance item, and the planned cost is adjusted to the actual cost
according to the cost difference which the carryover and given-out inventory should shoulder in
the period.
The property inventories are initially measured at the costs, and the costs of the developed property
include the land premium, expenditures for supporting infrastructures, expenditures for
construction and installation projects, the borrowing costs before the completion of the developed
project and other expenses occurred during the development process.
①   The public supporting facilities recorded the development costs at the actual costs, the
amortization upon completion was transferred to the costs of houses and other available-for-sale
property, while as for the supporting facilities with operating value and beneficiary rights owned
by the Group as well as available for individual sale and measurement, which shall be recorded
into the “investment property”.
② For the accounting policies on borrowing costs occurred for developing property, please refer
to Note V. 16 in the eighth chapter “Pricing of borrowing Costs”.

(3) Recognition standard of net realizable value and withdrawal method of depreciation
reserves for inventories
The net realizable value refers, in the ordinary course of business, to the account after deducting
the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale
price of inventories. The net realizable value of inventories shall be fixed on the basis of valid
evidence as well as under consideration of purpose of inventories and the effect of events after
On the balance sheet date, the inventories shall be measured according to the cost or the net
realizable value, whichever is lower. If the net realizable value is lower than the cost, it shall
withdraw the depreciation reserves for inventories, which was withdrawn in accordance with the
balance that the cost of individual inventory item exceeding the net realizable value.

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After withdrawing the depreciation reserves for inventories, if the factors, which cause any
write-down of the inventories, have disappeared, causing the net realizable value of inventories is
higher than its carrying amount, the amount of write-down shall be reversed from the original
amount of depreciation reserve for inventories. The reversed amount shall be included in the
profits and losses of the current period.

(4) Inventory system for inventories
Inventory system for inventories: Perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
Low-value consumption goods:
Amortization method: one-off amortization method
Packing articles
Amortization method: one-off amortization method

The Company shall amortize the low-value consumption goods and packing through the one-off
amortization method.

12. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of investment cost
The initial cost of the long-term equity investment formed in business combination shall be
ascertained in accordance with the following provisions: For the business combination under the
same control, it shall regard the share of the carrying amount of the owner's equity of the combined
party on the date of combination as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. For the
business combination under different control, the combination costs shall be the sum of the fair
values of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
Company; the commission fees for audit, law services, assessment & consultancy services and
other relevant expenses occurred in the business combination by the combining party, shall be
recorded into current profits and losses upon their occurrence; the transaction expense from the
issuance of equity securities or bonds securities which are as consideration for combination by the
combining party, should be recorded as the initial amount of equity securities and bonds securities.
Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other long-term
equity investments shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed in accordance with the
ways of gaining, such as actual cash payment paid by the Group, the fair value of equity securities
issued by the Group, the agreed value of the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or
original carrying amount of exchanged assets from non-monetary assets exchange transaction, the
fair value of the long-term equity investments, etc. The expenses, taxes and other necessary

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

expenditures directly related with gaining the long-term equity investments shall also be recorded
into investment cost.

(2) Follow-up measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of profits
and losses
The long-term equity investment that the Company does not have joint control or significant
influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be
reliably measured, it shall be measured by adopting the cost method; a long-term equity investment
that the Company has joint control or significant influences over the invested entity shall be
measured by employing the equity method; a long-term equity investment that the Company does
not have control, joint control or significant influence on the invested entity, as well as its fair
value can be reliably measured, it shall be accounted as financial assets available-for-sale.
Moreover, long-term equity investment adopting the cost method in the financial statements, and
which the Company has control on invested entity.
① Long-term equity investment measured by adopting cost method
The price of a long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method shall be
included at its initial investment cost, the return on investment at current period shall be
recognized in accordance with the cash dividend or profit announced to distribute by the invested
entity, except the announced but not distributed cash dividend or profit included in the actual
payment or consideration upon gaining the investment.
②Long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method
If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company's attributable share of
the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the initial cost of the
long-term equity investment may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity
investment is less than the Company's attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's
identifiable net assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and
losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously.
When measured by adopting equity method, the investment profits or losses at current period shall
be the attributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested entity. The investing enterprise
shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains
the investment, and in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting periods, recognize
the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net
profits of the invested entity. For the profits and losses of unrealized insider dealing between the
Group and joint-operative enterprise or co-operative enterprise, the investment profits and losses
shall be recognized after the part attributable to the Group calculated by proportion of shares held
being offset. However, if the losses of unrealized insider dealing between the Group and
joint-operative enterprise or co-operative enterprise was attributed to the impairment losses of the
transferred assets in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8— Asset
Impairment, which shall not be offset. The other comprehensive profits from invested entity shall

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

be recognized as other comprehensive profits after adjusting the book value of long-term equity
investment, and then recorded into capital reserves
The Group shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the
long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the
net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has the
obligation to undertake extra losses, it shall be recognized as the estimated liabilities in accordance
with the estimated duties and then recorded into investment losses at current period. If the invested
entity realizes any net profits later, the Group shall, after the amount of its attributable share of
profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses, resume recognition of its
attributable share of profits.
For the long-term equity investment on joint-enterprise and co-operative enterprise held by the
Group before the initial execution of New Accounting Standards for Enterprise, if there existed the
balance of debtor for equity investment related with such long-term equity investment, which shall
be recorded into current profits and losses with the amount by straight-line amortization in the
remained period.
③ Acquiring shares of minority interest
In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the long-term equity
investment increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and the attributable net assets on the
subsidiary calculated by the increased shares held since the purchase date (or combination date),
the capital reserves shall be adjusted, if the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained
profits shall be adjusted.
④ Disposal of long-term equity investment
In the preparation of financial statements, the Company disposed part of the long-term equity
investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling right on them, the balance between the
disposed price and attributable net assets of subsidiaries by disposing the long-term equity
investment shall be recorded into owners’ equity; where the Company losses the controlling right
by disposing part of long-term equity investment on such subsidiaries, it shall treated in
accordance with the relevant accounting policies in Note IV. 4 (4) “Method on preparation of
combined financial statements”.
For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book value of
the disposed equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded into current profits and losses;
for the long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method, the other comprehensive
income originally recorded into owners’ equity shall be transferred into current profits and losses
by proportions upon the disposal. The remained equity shall be recognized as long-term equity
investment or other relevant financial assets in accordance with the book value, and carried out the
follow-up measurement in accordance with the above accounting policies for the long-term equity
investment or financial assets. If the measurement method of remained equity is transferred from
cost method to equity method, it shall be subject to retrospective adjustment in accordance with
relevant rules and stipulations.

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(3) Recognition basis of joint control and significant influences
The term "control" refers to the power to determine the financial and operating polices of an
enterprise and obtain benefits from its operating activities of the enterprise. The term "joint
control" refers to the control over an economic activity in accordance with the contracts and
agreements, which does not exist unless the investing parties of the economic activity with one an
assent on sharing the control power over the relevant important financial and operating decisions.
The term "significant influences" refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the
financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not to control or do joint control together with
other parties over the formulation of these policies. When ascertaining whether or not it is able to
control or have significant influences on an invested entity, an enterprise shall take into
consideration the invested enterprises' current convertible corporate bonds and current executable
warrants held by the investing enterprise and other parties, as well as other potential factors
concerning the voting rights.

(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment
The Group shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of
possible impairment of the long-term equity investment. Where there is sign of impairment, the
Group shall estimate the recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment. Where the
recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment is lower than its book value, which balance
shall be withdrawn the provision for impairment and recorded into current profits and losses.
Once any loss of impairment of the long-term equity investment is recognized, it shall not be
switched back in the future accounting periods.

13. Investment real estates
The term "investment real estates" refers to the real estates held for generating rent and/or capital
appreciation. Investment real estates of the Group include the right to use any land which has
already been rented; the right to use any land which is held and prepared for transfer after
appreciation; and the right to use any building which has already been rented. Besides, as for the
vacant buildings held for operating lease, if the Board (or similar institution) made a written
resolution, and clearly expressed to hold it as operating lease with no change in the short time,
which shall be listed as investment real estates.
The initial measurement of the investment real estate shall be made at its cost. Subsequent
expenditures incurred for an investment real estate is included in the cost of the investment real
estate when it is probable that economic benefits associated with the investment real estate will
flow to the Group and the cost can be reliably measured, otherwise the expenditure is recognized
in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
The Group shall make a follow-up measurement to the investment real estates by employing the
cost pattern on the date of the balance sheet. An accrual depreciation or amortization shall be made
for the investment real estates in the light of the accounting policies of the use right of buildings or

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

For details of impairment test method and withdrawal method of impairment provision of
investment real estates, please refer to Note IV. 34 in the eighth chapter “Impairment of
Non-current Non-financial Assets”.
When owner-occupied real estate or inventories are changed into investment real estate or
investment real estate is changed into owner-occupied real estate, whose book value prior to the
change shall be the entry value after the change.
When an investment real estate is changed to an owner-occupied real estate, it is transferred to
fixed assets or intangible assets at the date of such change. When an owner-occupied real estate is
changed to be held to earn rental or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset or intangible asset is
transferred to investment real estate at the date of such change. If the fixed asset or intangible asset
is changed into investment real estate measured by adopting the cost pattern, whose book value
prior to the change shall be the entry value after the change; if the fixed asset or intangible asset is
changed into investment real estate measured by adopting the fair value pattern, whose fair value
on the date of such change shall be the entry value after the change
An investment real estate is derecognized on disposal or when the investment real estate is
permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal.
The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an investment real estate less its
carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognized in profit or loss in the period in
which it is incurred.

14. Fixed assets
(1) Recognized standard of fixed assets
The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as
follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or
business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.

(2) Recognition basis and pricing method of fixed assets by finance lease
The "finance lease" shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of an asset. Its ownership may or may not eventually be transferred. The
fixed assets by finance lease shall adopt the same depreciation policy for self-owned fixed assets.
If it is reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when
the lease term expires, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over its useful life. If it is not
reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset at the expiry of
the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over the shorter one of the lease term or
its useful life.

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(3) Category of fixed assets and depreciation
The initial measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost after considering the effect of
expected discard expenses. The Group shall withdraw the depreciation of fixed assets by adopting
the straight-line method since the second month of its useful life. Useful life, expected net salvage
value and annual depreciation rate of each fixed assets are as below:
                                                        Expected net salvage value
    Category of fixed assets     Useful life (Y)                                      Annual deprecation rate(%)

 Housing and building                          20-40                         10%                           2.25-4.50

 Machinery equipments                              10                        10%                                9.00

 Transportation vehicle                             5                        10%                               18.00

 Electronic equipments                              5                        10%                               18.00

 Other equipments                                   5                        10%                               18.00

(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment on
fixed assets
For details, please refer to Note IV. 34 in the eighth chapter “Impairment of non-current non
financial assets”

(5) Other explanations
The follow-up expenses related to a fixed asset, if the economic benefits pertinent to this fixed
asset are likely to flow into the enterprise and its cost can be reliably measured, shall be recorded
into cost of fixed assets and ultimately recognized as the book value of the replaced part; otherwise,
they shall be included in the current profits and losses.
When the Group sells, transfers or discards any fixed assets, or when any fixed assets of the Group
is damaged or destroyed, the Group shall deduct the book value of the fixed assets as well as the
relevant taxes from the disposal income, and include the amount in the current profits and losses.
The Group shall check the useful life, expected net salvage value and depreciation method of the
fixed assets at the end of the year at least, if there is any change, it shall be regarded as a change of
the accounting estimates.

15. Construction in progress
(1) Classification
Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs,
borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization before the fixed assets being ready for their
intended us and other relevant costs.

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(2) Standard and time-point of transformation of construction in progress into fixed assets
Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended

(3) Testing method and provision withdrawal method for impairment of construction in
For details of the testing method of impairment and withdraw method of impairment provision on
construction in progress, please refer to Note IV.34 in the eighth chapter “Impairment of
non-current non financial assets”.

16. Borrowing costs
(1) Recognition basis of capitalized borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums
on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. If
borrowing costs meet the following three conditions simultaneously, it shall be capitalized:
1   Expenditures have happened;
2   Borrowing costs have happened;
3   Necessary constructions or activities in order to make assets reaching expected usable or
    salable stage have happened.

(2) Period of capitalized borrowing costs
Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to the acquisition
and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall start to be capitalized
when the asset disbursements have already incurred, the borrowing costs has already incurred and
the acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset
for its intended use or sale have already started; When the qualified asset under acquisition and
construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale, it shall stop to be capitalized. Other
borrowing costs shall be recognized as costs upon their occurrence.

(3) Period of suspension of capitalization
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally
and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended until the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset resume

(4) Calculating method of amounts of capitalized borrowing costs
The to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual interests

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incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned
on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment; the enterprise
shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount on the general borrowing by
multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing
used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average
interest rate of the general borrowing.

17. Biological assets

18. Oil and gas assets

19. Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets
The term "intangible asset" refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets possessed or controlled
by enterprises which have no physical shape.
The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost. The costs related with           the
intangible assets, if the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into          the
enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably, shall be recorded into             the
costs of intangible assets; otherwise, it shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon          the
The use right of land gained is usually measured as intangible assets. For the self-developed and
constructed factories and other constructions, the related expenditures on use right of land and
construction costs shall be respectively measured as intangible assets and fixed assets. For the
purchased houses and buildings, the related payment shall be distributed into the payment for use
right of land and the payment for buildings, if it is difficult to be distributed, the whole payment
shall be treated as fixed assets.
For intangible assets with a finite service life, from the time when it is available for use, the cost
after deducting the sum of the expected salvage value and the accumulated impairment provision
shall be amortized by straight line method during the service life. While the intangible assets
without certain service life shall not be amortized.

(2) Life estimation of intangible assets with finite life
At the end of period, the Group shall check the service life and amortization method of intangible
assets with finite service life, if there is any change, it shall be regarded as a change of the
accounting estimates. Besides, the Group shall check the service life of intangible assets without
certain service life, if there is any evidence showing that the period of intangible assets to bring the
economic benefits to the enterprise can be prospected, it shall be estimated the service life and
amortized in accordance with the amortization policies for intangible assets with finite service life.

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

              Item           Estimated useful life                                    Basis

 Domestic trade mark
                          5 years                    Validity of trade mark registration
 registration fee

 Patent and proprietary
                          5-10 years                 Benefit period of patent and proprietary technology

 Software and others      5-10 years                 Benefit period of assets

 Land usage right         50 years                   Usage life of land

(3) Recognition basis of intangible assets with indefinite life
Judging from available situation, if there is any intangible asset with unambiguous evidence that
the usage life of intangible assets can’t be estimated, it shall be defined as intangible assets with
indefinite life.

(4) Withdrawal method of impairment provision for intangible assets
For details, please refer to Note IV. 34 in the eighth chapter “Impairment of non-current non
financial assets”.

(5) Standard of dividing research stage and development stage of internal R&D project of the
Research stage: Research is planned investigation with a intention to obtain new technology and
knowledge, including activities to obtain knowledge; research achievement or research, evaluation
of the appliance and ultimate choice of other knowledge; research of materials, devices, products,
processes, systems or substitutes of services; configuration, design, evaluation and ultimate choice
of new or modified materials, devices, products, processes, systems or substitutes of services.
Development stage: Development refers to application of research achievements or other
knowledge in a plan or design before commercial production or usage in order to produce new or
substantially modified materials, devices and products, etc.

(6) Expenditures for research and development
The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be
classified into research expenditures and development expenditures.
Expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon
the occurrence.
The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise
may be confirmed as intangible assets when they satisfy the following conditions simultaneously,
otherwise,it shall be recorded into current profits and losses.
① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
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② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved,
including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by
applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the
intangible assets will be used internally;
④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible
assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources;
⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
If the expenditures for research and expenditures for development can not be distinguished from
each other, all the expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into current profits
and losses.

20. Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year
(one year excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods.
Long-term deferred expense shall be amortized averagely within benefit period.

21. Assets transference with counter purchase conditions

22. Estimated liabilities
(1) Recognition basis of estimated liabilities
The obligation pertinent to a Contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated liability when the
following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: (1) That obligation is a current obligation of the
enterprise; (2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of
performance of the obligation; and (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable

(2) Calculating method of estimated liabilities
On the balance sheet date, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty,
time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the Contingencies to measure the estimated
liabilities in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the
current obligation.
When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated liabilities of an
enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation should be separately
recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained.
Besides, the amount recognized for the reimbursement should not exceed the book value of the
estimated liabilities.

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

23. Stock payment and equity instrument
(1) Classification of stock payment
Stock payment refers to awards of equity instrument in order to obtain services form employees
and other parties, or transactions of liabilities on the basis of equity instruments.
(2) Recognition of fair value of equity instruments
(3) Recognition basis of the best estimation of available equity instrument
(4) Relevant accounting methods for implementation, revise and termination of stock
payment plan

24. Counter-purchase of the Company stocks

25. Revenue
(1) Specific standard of time recognition of revenues from selling goods
(a) Revenues from selling goods
No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met
simultaneously: the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred
to the buyer by the enterprise; the enterprise retains neither continuous management right that
usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; the relevant
amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant economic benefits may flow
into the enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable
way. The recognition of revenue from exported goods: For good exported by way of FOB, the
revenue shall be recognized once the goods were delivered to the carrier designated by the
purchaser; for goods exported by way of CIF, the revenue shall be recognized once the goods reach
the port of the purchase.
(b) Recognition method of revenue from sales of property
(c) It can recognize the realization of revenue of sales after signing the sales contract, the property
completed and accepted as qualified, reaching the deliverable conditions agreed on the sales contract
and the property payment totally paid according to the sales contract

(2) Recognition basis of revenues from releasing the right to use assets
(a) Royalty revenue
In accordance with relevant contract or agreement, the amount of royalty revenue should be
recognized as revenue on accrual basis.
(b) Interest revenue
The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the length
of time for which the Group’s monetary fund is used by others and the agreed interest rate;
(c) Property rental revenue
For details about the recognition method of property rental revenue, please refer to Note IV. 28

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

“Operating lease, Finance lease”.

(3) Revenue from providing labor services
If the Company can reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it
provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing the
percentage-of-completion method on the date of the balance sheet. The completed proportion of a
transaction concerning the providing of labor services shall be decided by the proportion of the
labor service already provided to the total labor service to provide.
The outcome of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services can be measured in a
reliable way, means that the following conditions shall be met simultaneously: ① The amount of
revenue can be measured in a reliable way; ② The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow
into the enterprise; ③ The schedule of completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a
reliable way; and ④ The costs incurred or to be incurred in the transaction can be measured in a
reliable way.
If the outcome of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services can not be measured in a
reliable way, the revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance
with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred and expected to be compensated, and make
the cost of labor services incurred as the current expenses. If it is predicted that the cost of labor
services incurred could not be compensated, thus no revenue shall be recognized.
Where a contract or agreement signed between Group and other enterprises concerns selling goods
and providing of labor services, if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services
can be distinguished from each other and can be measured respectively, the part of sale of goods
and the part of providing labor services shall be treated respectively. If the part of selling goods
and the part of providing labor services can not be distinguished from each other, or if the part of
sale of goods and the part of providing labor services can be distinguished from each other but can
not be measured respectively, both parts shall be conducted as selling goods.

(4) Recognition basis of completion progress of contracts when confirming revenues from
providing services and constructing contracts in a way of completion percentage

20. Government subsidies
(1) Classification
A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by the Group
from the government, but excluding the capital invested by the government as the owner of the
enterprise. Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and
government subsidies pertinent to income.

(2) Accounting method

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If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or
receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair
value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal
amount. The government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in
the current profits and losses.
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally
distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and
losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance
with the circumstances as follows: those subsidies used for compensating the related future
expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in
the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or those
subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be
directly included in the current profits and losses.
Where it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall be
treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: if there is the deferred
income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset against, but the
excessive part shall be included in the current profits and losses; or if there is no deferred income
concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

27. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
Generally speaking, deferred income tax assets are from deductible temporary differences. When
deductible temporary differences occur from differences between fair value of assets, liabilities and
its tax basis, and enough taxable incomes are estimated retrievable in the future by taking
advantages of the deductible temporary differences, deferred income tax assets shall be confirmed
by retrievable taxable income tax which can be used to deduct deductible temporary differences.
No deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the deductible temporary difference of initial
recognition of assets and liabilities arising from the transaction which is not business combination,
the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount or deductible loss be
affected at the time of transaction. Besides, no deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the
deductible temporary difference related to the investments of the subsidiary companies, associated
enterprises and joint enterprises, which are not likely to be reversed in the expected future or is not
likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up such deductible
temporary differences. Otherwise, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets
arising from a deductible temporary difference basing on the extent of the amount of the taxable
income that is likely to be acquired to make up such deductible temporary differences
For any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the
corresponding deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future
taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.
                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

On the balance sheet date, the deferred income assets shall be measured at the tax rate applicable
to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to
be settled.
The book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If it is
unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against the benefit of the deferred income tax
asset, the book value of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down. Any such write-down
should be subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be
(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities are from taxable temporary differences. During the transferring
period, taxable temporary differences would increase taxable incomes and income tax payable,
which leads to the outflow of economic benefits of enterprises. Therefore, those referred to as tax
payable of enterprises shall be confirmed as liabilities.
No deferred tax liability is recognized for a temporary difference arising from the initial
recognition of goodwill, the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than
a business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible
loss). Besides, no deferred tax assets is recognized for the taxable temporary differences related to
the investments of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises, and the
investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences as well as the
temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future. Otherwise, the Group
should recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising form other taxable temporary
On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate
applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are
expected to be settled.

28. Operating leases and finance leases
(1) Accounting method of operating leases
(a) Business of operating leases recorded by the Group as the lessee
The rent expenses from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee in the relevant asset costs
or the profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of
the lease term. The initial direct costs shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current
period. The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in
which they actually arise.
(b) Business of operating leases recorded by the Group as the lessor
The rent incomes from operating leases shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current
period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

of great amount shall be capitalized when incurred, and be recorded into current profits and losses
in accordance with the same basis for recognition of rent incomes over the whole lease term. The
initial direct costs of small amount shall be recorded into current profits and losses when incurred.
The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which
they actually arise.

(2) Accounting method of finance leases
(a) Business of finance leases recorded by the Group as the lessee
On the lease beginning date, the Group shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased
asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the
entering value in an account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering
value in an account of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded
amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges.
Besides, the initial direct costs directly attributable to the leased item incurred during the process
of lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be recorded in the asset value of the
current period. The balance through deducting unrecognized financing charges from the minimum
lease payments shall be respectively stated in long-term liabilities and long-term liabilities due
within 1 year.
Unrecognized financing charges shall be adopted by the effective interest rate method in the lease
term, so as to calculate and recognize current financing charges. The contingent rents shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.
(b) Business of finance leases recorded by the Group as the lessor
On the beginning date of the lease term, the Group shall recognize the sum of the minimum lease
receipts on the lease beginning date and the initial direct costs as the entering value in an account
of the financing lease values receivable, and record the unguaranteed residual value at the same
time. The balance between the sum of the minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and the
unguaranteed residual value and the sum of their present values shall be recognized as unrealized
financing income. The balance through deducting unrealized financing incomes from the finance
lease accounts receivable shall be respectively stated in long-term claims and long-term claims due
within 1 year.
Unrecognized financing incomes shall be adopted by the effective interest rate method in the lease
term, so as to calculate and recognize current financing revenues. The contingent rents shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.

(3) Accounting method of leaseback

29. Available-for-sale assets
(1) Recognition standard of available-for-sale assets
(2) Accounting method of available-for-sale assets
                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

30. Asset securitization services

31. Hedge accounting

32. Change in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
In the reporting period, did any change in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
□ Yes √ No
Three is not change in major accounting policies and accounting estimates in the reporting period.
(1) Change in accounting policies
Did any accounting policies changed in the Group during the reporting period?
Yes √ No
(2) Change in accounting estimates
Did any accounting estimate changed in the Group during the reporting period?
Yes √ No

33. Corrections of prior accounting errors
Did any corrections of prior accounting error?
Yes √ No
In this period, the Group has no matter related to correction of prior-period errors.
(1) Retrospective restatement method
Did any corrections of prior accounting error by retrospective restatement method?
Yes √ No
(2) Perspective application method
Did any corrections of prior accounting error by Perspective application method?
Yes √ No

23. Other accounting policies, accounting estimates and compilation methods of financial
Employee compensation
The Group recorded the employee compensation payables as liabilities during the service period of
The Group joins in the employee social security system established by the government institution
in accordance with relevant rules and laws, which include the basic retirement insurance, medical
insurance and other social insurances, as well as the housing accumulation fund, and relevant
expenditures should be recorded into cost of relevant assets or current profits and losses upon the

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

If an enterprise cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the
relevant labor contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of
encouraging the employee to accept a layoff, and the following conditions are met concurrently,
the enterprise shall recognize the expected liabilities incurred due to the compensation for the
cancellation of the labor relationship with the employee, and shall simultaneously record them into
the profit or loss for the current period: the enterprise has formulated a formal plan on the
cancellation of labor relationship or has brought forward a proposal on voluntary layoff and will
execute it soon; and the enterprise is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of
labor relationship or the layoff proposal.
The inside employee retirement plan is treated by adopting the same principle with the above
dismission welfare. The group would recorded the salary and the social security insurance fees
paid and so on from the employee’s service terminative date to normal retirement date into current
profits and losses (dismission welfare) under the condition that they meet the recognition
conditions of estimated liabilities.
Impairment of non-current non-financial assets
For the non-current non-financial assets, such as fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible
assets with finite service life, investment real assets measured by cost mode as well as long-term
equity investment on subsidiaries, co-operative enterprise and joint-operative enterprise, etc., are
tested for impairment if there is any indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance date.
If there is any sign of possible assets impairment, the Group shall estimate the recoverable amount
and made the impairment tests. No matter whether there is any sign of possible assets impairment,
the good will, intangible assets without certain service life, intangible assets not ready for use shall
be subject to impairment test every year.
If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its
book value, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the amount by
which the asset’s book value exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher
of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows expected to
be derived from the asset. The fair value of an asset shall be determined in light of the basis of the
price as stipulated in the sales agreement. Where there is no sales agreement but there is an active
market of assets, the fair value of the asset shall be determined according to the price bidden by the
buyer of the asset; Where there is no sales agreement and no active market of assets, the fair value
of an asset shall be estimated in light of the best information available. The disposal expenses shall
include the relevant legal expenses, relevant taxes, trucking charge as well as the direct expenses
for bringing the assets into a marketable state. The current value of the expected future cash flow
of an asset shall be determined by the discounted cash with an appropriate discount rate, on the
basis of the expected future cash flow generated during the continuous use or final disposal of an
asset. A provision for asset Impairment is determined and recognized on an individual asset basis.
If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
amount of the group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

For the goodwill separately listed in the financial statements, during the impairment test, the book
value of this goodwill is allocated to the related asset group or groups of asset group which is
expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test
indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or groups of asset group including the
goodwill allocated is lower than its book value, the corresponding impairment loss is recognized.
The impairment loss is first deducted from the book value of goodwill allocated to the asset group
or groups of asset group, and then deducted from the book value of the remaining assets of the
asset group or groups of asset group pro rata with goodwill.
Once the asset impairment loss mentioned above is recognized, it is not allowed to be reversed
even if the value is recovered in the subsequent periods.
Critical accounting judgments and estimates
Due to the inside uncertainty of operating activity, the Group needed to make judgments, estimates
and assumption on the book value of the accounts without accurate measurement during the
employment of accounting policies. And these judgments, estimates and assumption were made
basing on the prior experience of the senior executives of the Group, as well as in consideration of
other factors. These judgments, estimates and assumption would also affect the report amount of
income, costs, assets and liabilities, as well as the disclosure of contingent liabilities on balance
sheet date. However, the uncertainty of these estimates was likely to cause significant adjustment
on the book value of the affected assets and liabilities.
The Group would check periodically the above judgments, estimates and assumption on the basis
of continuing operation. For the changes in accounting estimates only affected on the current
period, the influence should be recognized at the period of change occurred; for the changes in
accounting estimates affected the current period and also the future period, the influence should be
recognized at the period of change occurred and future period.
On the balance sheet date, the Group needed to make judgments, estimates and assumption on the
accounts in the following important items:
(1) Categorization of leasing
In accordance with Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 – Leasing, the Group categorized
the leasing into operating lease and finance lease. During the categorization, the management level
needed to make analysis and judgment on whether all the risk and compensation related with the
leased assets had been transferred to the leasee, or whether the Group had already undertaken all
the risk and compensation related with the leased assets.
(2) Provision for bad debts
In accordance with the accounting policies of accounts receivable, the Group measured the losses
for bad debts by adopting allowance method. The impairment of accounts receivable was based on
the appraisal of the recoverability of accounts receivable. The impairment of accounts receivable
was dependent on the judgment and estimates. The actual amount and the difference of previous

                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

estimates would affect the book value of accounts receivable and the withdrawal and reversal on
provision for bad debts of accounts receivable during the period of estimates being changed.
(3) Provision for falling price of inventories
In accordance with the accounting policies of inventories, for the inventories that the costs were
more than the net realizable value as well as out-of-date and dull-sale inventories, the Group
withdrew the provision for falling price of inventories on the lower one between costs and net
realizable value. Evaluating the falling price of inventories needed the management level gain the
valid evidence and take full consideration of the purpose of inventories, influence of events after
balance sheet date and other factors, and then made relevant judgments and estimates. The actual
amount and the difference of previous estimates would affect the book value of inventories and the
withdrawal and reversal on provision for bad debts of inventories during the period of estimates
being changed.
(4) The fair value of financial instrument
For the financial instruments without active market, the Group recognized the fair value by various
methods. These evaluation methods included discounted cash flow mode analysis, etc. The Group
needed to estimate the future cash flow, credit risk, fluctuation rate of market and relativity and
other factors, as well as choose the property discount rate. Due to the uncertainty of relevant
assumptions, so their changes would affect the fair value of financial instrument.
(5) The impairment of financial assets available for sale
The Group judged whether the financial assets available for sale were impaired relying heavily on
the judgment and assumption of the management team, so as to decide whether recognized the
impairment losses in the income statement. During the process of making the judgment and
assumption, the Group needed to appraise the balance of the cost of the investment exceeding its
fair value and the continuous period, the financial status and business forecast in a short period,
including the industrial situation, technical reform, credit level, default rate and risk of
(6) Provision for impairment of non-financial non-current assets
The Group made a judgment on the non-current assets other than financial assets whether they had
any indication of impairment on the balance sheet date. For the intangible assets without finite
service life, other than the annual impairment test, they should be subject to the impairment test
when there was any indication of impairment. For other non-current non-financial assets, it should
subject to impairment test when there was indication of impairment showing that the book value
can’t be recoverable.
When the book value of the assets or assets portfolio was more than the recoverable amount, which
was the higher one between the net amount of fair value after deducting the disposal expenses and
the discounted amount of the estimated future cash flow, it means impairment incurred.
The net amount of fair value after deducting the disposal expenses should be fixed the price in the
sale agreement for similar assets in the fair transaction minus the increased costs directly
attributable to the assets disposal.

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

When estimated the discounted value of future cash flow, the Group needed to make important
judgment on the output, selling price, relevant costs and the discount rate for calculating the
discounted amount, etc. When estimated the recoverable amount, the Group would adopt all the
available documents, including the predictions for relevant output, selling price and relevant
operating costs arising from reasonable and supportive assumptions.
The Group made the impairment test on goodwill at least one time per year, which required to
predict the discounted amount of the future cash flow of the assets or assets portfolio with the
distributed good will, for which, the Group needed to predict the future cash flow of the assets or
assets portfolio, and adopt the property discounted rate to decide the discounted amount of future
cash flow.
(7) Depreciation and amortization
For the investment real estate, fixed assets and intangible assets, the Group withdrew the
depreciation and amortization by adopting the straight-line method during the service life after full
consideration of the salvage value. The Group checked the service life periodically so as to decide
the amount of depreciation and amortization at each reporting period. The service life was fixed by
the Group in accordance with the previous experience of the similar assets and the expected
technical update. If there was any significant change on the previous estimates, the depreciation
and amortization expenses should be adjusted.
(8) Expenditures for development
When fixing the amount of capitalization, the management level of the Group needed to make
assumption on the predicted future cash flow, property discounted rate and estimated beneficiary
period for relevant assets.
(9) Deferred income tax assets
Within the limit that it was likely to have sufficient taxable profits to offset the losses, the Group
recognized the deferred income tax assets by all the unused tax losses, which needed the
management level of the Group to estimate time and amount of the future taxable profits incurred
with many judgments, as well as integrate strategy of tax payment, to decide the amount of
deferred income tax assets which should be recognized.
(10) Income tax
During the routine operating activities, there were some uncertainty in the ultimate tax treatment
and calculation for parts of transactions. Some accounts of such transaction could be listed as
pre-tax expenditures only after the approval of taxation authorities. If there were any differences
between the ultimate result of recognition for these taxation maters and their initial estimates, the
differences would affect the current income tax and deferred income tax at the period of ultimate
(11) Estimated liabilities
The Group made the estimation on product quality guarantee, predicted loss of contract and the
fine for delayed delivery, etc. and withdrew the relevant provision for estimated liabilities in
accordance the provisions of contract, current knowledge and experience. Under the condition that

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

the contingent event has formed a current duty and fulfilling the duty is likely to cause the
economical interest outflow the Group, the Group measures the estimated liabilities in accordance
with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the current duty. The
recognition and measurement of estimated liabilities were heavily relied on the judgment of the
management team. During the process of making judgment, the Group needed to appraise the
relevant risks, uncertainty and the time value of money and etc.
Of which, the Group estimated the liabilities basing on the after-sale services commitments to the
customers upon the sale, repair and reform of goods. When estimating the liabilities, the Group has
fully taken the consideration of the latest repair experience, but which may not reflect the repair
situation in the future. Any increase / decrease of the provision for estimated liabilities may affect
the profits and losses in the future periods.

V. Taxation
1. Main taxes and tax rate
                Category of taxes                         Basis                          Particulars on tax rates

                                           Calculated the output tax at 17% of
                                          taxable income and paid the VAT by
 VAT                                         the amount after deducting the                       17%

                                          deductible withholding VAT at current

                                             Paid by 5% of taxable business
 Business tax                                            income                                    5%

                                            Paid at 7% of the circulating tax
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                                            7%
                                                      actually paid

                                                                                   Paid at 25% of the taxable income,
                                                                                     Hong Kong company at 16.5%,
                                                                                    Telecommunication Technology,
                                           Paid by current income taxable and
 Enterprise income tax                                                            Chongqing Konka, Dongguan Mould
                                                applicable income tax rate
                                                                                     and plastic, Dongguan Konka,
                                                                                  Precision Mold, Kunshan Konka and
                                                                                       Anhui Tongchuang at 15%.

                                            Paid at 3% of the circulating tax
 Education surtax                                                                                  3%
                                                      actually paid

                                            Paid at 2% of the circulating tax
 Local education surtax                                                                            2%
                                                      actually paid

Income tax rate of subsidiaries and branch factories

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

As for the transportation revenue of the logistic business of the Company’s subsidiary Shushida
Logistics, it originally paid the business tax at the rate of 5%. While in accordance with the Notice
on Carrying out the Pilot of Change on Charging the Business Taxes of Transportation Industry
and Partial Modern Service Industry to Value Added Taxes in Eight Provinces and Cities including
Bejing issued by the Ministry of Finance and the National Taxation Bureau (CS [2012] No. 71)
and other regulations, the revenue of logistic business was changed to charge the VAT since 1 Sept.
2012, with the tax rate of 3%.
In accordance with the Notice on Printing the Administration Method on Charging and Use of the
Treatment Funds of Discarded Electronic Appliance and Electric Products issued by the Ministry
of Finance, Ministry of Environmental Protection, National Development and Reform Commission,
Ministry of Industry and Information, General Administration of Customs and National Taxation
Bureau (CZ [2012] No. 34), and the Administration Method on Charging and Use of the Treatment
Funds of Discarded Electronic Appliance and Electric Products issued by National Taxation
Bureau (GJSWZJGG [2012] No. 41), the domestic manufacturer of the electrical appliances and
electronic products of PRC started to pay the treatment funds for discarded electrical appliance and
electronic products according the sales volume (trusted processing amount) and relevant charging
standards from 1 Jul. 2012. According to the regulations, the Group’s charging standards were
RMB 13 per set of TV, RMB 12 per set of refrigerator and RMB 7 per set of washing machine.
Pursuant to “Temporary Method of Taxation Management for Trans-regional Operating Enterprises
in Income Tax” by SAT, resident enterprises that establish trans-regional business organizations,
locations within China without corporate capacity, are finalization tax enterprises and implement
tax management method of “Aggregate calculation, hierarchic management, local prepay,
collecting liquidation, financial transference” executed on 1 January. 2008.
Pursuant to the above method, from 1 January 2008, the Company aggregately imposes tax on
sales branch companies of the Company at the year-end in line with the local business income tax.
Except for Telecommunication technology and precision mould with tax rate of 15%, tax rate of
companies set up in Shenzhen in 3013 are 25%. In addition, tax rate of nonlocal companies is 25%,
of companies in HK is 16.5%, and Chongqing Qingjia, Dongguan Plastic Mould, Anhui
Tongchuang and Kunshan Konka is 15%.

2. Tax preference and approved document
(1) On 30 Nov. 2011, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company-Shenzhen Konka
Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise No.
GF201144200088 jointly issued by Shenzhen Bureau of Science Technology & Information,
Shenzhen Financial Bureau, Shenzhen Municipal State Taxation Bureau, and Shenzhen Municipal

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Local Taxation Bureau, valid for three years. In light of the relevant tax regulations, Shenzhen
Konka Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. would be entitled to the relevant preferential
policies concerning the hi-tech enterprise from 2011 to 2013 for consecutive three years, and be
levied the business income tax at the preferential tariff of 15%.
(2) The Company’s subsidiary—Chongqing Qingjia Electronics Co., Ltd. is levied the business
income tax at the preferential tariff of 15% from 1 Jan. 2011 to 31 Dec. 2020 in accordance with
CS (2011) No. 58 Notice on Relevant Tax Policies on Deeply Implementing the western
development strategy.
(3) On 12 Sept. 2012, the Company’s subsidiary— Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic was filed for
the high-tech enterprise certification by Ministry of Science and Technology, and received
Certificate of High-Tech Enterprise with No. GF201244000053, was valid for three years.
According to relevant taxation regulations, Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic would enjoy relevant
preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for successive three years since 2012 and was levied
at the preferential enterprise income tax rate of 15%.
(4) On 23 Feb. 2011, the Company’s subsidiary—Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing
Co., Ltd. gained the Certificate of Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Department of Science &
Technology, Finance Bureau, National Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau of Shenzhen
(No. GR201144200236) with valid term of three years. In accordance with relevant stipulations of
taxation, Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will enjoy relevant preferential
policies for high-tech enterprises for successive three years since 2010 and was levied at the
preferential enterprise income tax rate of 15%.
(5) On 8 Nov. 2011, Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary gained the
Certificate of Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Department of Science & Technology, Finance
Bureau, National Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau of Jiangsu province (No.
GR201132000506) with valid term of three years. In accordance with relevant stipulations of
taxation, Kunshan Konka Electronic Co., Ltd. will enjoy relevant preferential policies for
high-tech enterprises for successive three years since 2011 and was levied at the preferential
enterprise income tax rate of 15%.
(6) On 3 Jul. 2012, the Company’s subsidiary Anhui Tongchuang received the Certificate of
Hi-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Department of Science & Technology, Finance Bureau,
National Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau of Anhui Province (No. GR201234000074)
with valid term of three years. In accordance with relevant stipulations of taxation, Anhui
Tongchuang will enjoy relevant preferential policies for high-tech enterprises for successive three
years since 2012 and was levied at the preferential enterprise income tax rate of 15%.

                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(7) According to the CS No. [2011] 100 Article issued by Ministry of Finance and State
Administration of Taxation, if the ordinary VAT payer sells software products developed by itself,
the VAT is levied at the rate of 17% and after that, the part of actual tax burden of VAT which
exceeds 3% can enjoy the policy of refunding taxes immediately after levying taxes. Video
engineering and information network of the Company and its subsidiaries can enjoy such favorable

3. Other notes

Ⅵ. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Subsidiaries
(1) Subsidiaries obtained through establishment or investment
                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                               unt of   Balan
                                                                                                                         ce of
                                                                                                               equit    parent
                                                                                                               y of     comp
                                                                 Balan                                                  any’s
                                                                                                               the      equity
                                                                 ce of
                                                                                                               minor     after
                                                                 other                       Whet                       deduc
                                                      Actua                                                    ity       ting
                                                                 items      Shar              her                          the
                                                        l                           Votin              Equit   share
                                                                 substa       e             conso                       differ
                                                      invest                          g                y of    holde     ence
 Name     Type                       Regist                      ntially    holdi            lidati                       that
                   Regist   Busin             Busin   ment                          right               the    rs
   of       of                        ered                       consti      ng                ng                        loss
                   ration    ess               ess    amou                          prop              minori   used         of
 subsid   subsid                     capita                      tuting     prop            financ                      minor
                   place    nature            scope   nt at                         ortio                ty    to          ity
  iary     iary                        l                             net    ortio              ial
                                                       the                            n               shareh   offset   intere
                                                                 invest       n              state                         sts
                                                      period                         (%)              olders   profit   excee
                                                                 ment        (%)             ment                           d
                                                      -end                                                     and
                                                                     to                     or not                      equity
                                                                                                               loss     obtain
                                                                 subsid                                                 ed by
                                                                 iaries                                                 minor
                                                                                                               minor       ity
                                                                                                               ity      holder
                                                                                                               intere       s
 Shenz                                        Produ                                         Yes
          Wholl             Manu
  hen              Shenz                      ction
          y-own             factur
 Konk              hen,              RMB      and     12,00
           ed               ing      12,00                                  100%    100%
   a               Guan                       sales   0.00
          subsid            indust
 Telec             gdong                      of
           iary             ry
 ommu                                         mobil

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

nicati                                      e
 ons                                        comm
Techn                                       unicat
ology                                       ion
Co.,                                        produ
 Ltd.                                       cts

Shenz                                                                               Yes
  &                       Manu
         Holdi    Shenz                     of
Com                       factur
          ng      hen,             RMB      LED      1,500.                                  -251.9
munic                     ing      1,500.                           60%     60%
         subsid   Guan                      displa   00                                      4
ation                     indust
          iary    gdong                     y
Syste                     ry
                                            s and

Shenz                                                                               Yes
Precis                    Manu
         Holdi    Shenz                     sales
 ion                      factur
          ng      hen,             RMB      of       4,000.         46.31   52.49            5,344.
Moul                      ing      4,000.
         subsid   Guan                      plasth   00             %       %                13
  d                       indust
          iary    gdong                     etics
Manu                      ry

Shenz    Holdi    Shenz   Sales    RMB      Produ                                   Yes
                                                     830.0                                   -912.4
                                   830.0                            51%     51%
hen       ng      hen,    of                ction    0                                       4

                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Konk       subsid   Guan     electr            and
a           iary    gdong    onic              sales
Electr                       applia            of
onic                         nce               house
Co.,                                           hold
Ltd.                                           applia

Shenz                                                                                   Yes
     a     Wholl             Manu
                    Shenz                      sales
Infor      y-own             factur
                    hen,              RMB      of        3,000.
matio       ed               ing      3,000.                            100%   100%
                    Guan                       digital   00
     n     subsid            indust
                    gdong                      netwo
Netw        iary             ry

Shenz                                                                                   Yes
           Wholl             Manu              ction
     a              Shenz
           y-own             factur            and
Plasti              hen,              RMB
            ed               ing      950.0    sales                    100%   100%
     c              Guan                                 0
           subsid            indust            of
Produ               gdong
            iary             ry                plasth

                                               Produ                                    Yes
           Wholl             Manu              sales
Shush               Shenz
           y-own             factur            of
    ida             hen ,            RMB
            ed               ing      4,200.   electr                   100%   100%
Electr              Guan                                 00
           subsid            indust            onic
    onic            gdong
            iary             ry                produ

Shenz      Wholl    Shenz    Invest                                                     Yes
    hen    y-own    hen,     ment     RMB      Invest    6,500.
                                      6,500.                            100%   100%
Konk        ed      Guan     holdin            ment      00
     a     subsid   gdong    g

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Electr      iary

                                               Produ                                  Yes
njiang              Muda
                             Manu              and
Arctic     Holdi    njiang
                             factur   RMB      sales
Ocean       ng      ,                                   6,000.                                 1,286.
                             ing      6,000.   of                      60%   60%
Appli      subsid   Huilo                               00                                     34
                             indust   00       multi-
ances       iary    ngjian
                             ry                media
    Co.,            g

                                               Produ                                  Yes
                             Manu              and
Konk       Holdi    Xiany
                             factur   RMB      sales
     a      ng      ang,                                6,950.                                 2,923.
                             ing      6,950.   of                      60%   60%
Electr     subsid   Shaan                               00                                     87
                             indust   00       multi-
    onic    iary    xi
                             ry                media

                                               Produ                                  Yes
                             Manu              and
Konk       Holdi
                             factur   RMB      sales
a           ng      Chon                                4,500.                                 550.2
                             ing      4,500.   of                      60%   60%
Electr     subsid   gqing                               00                                     2
                             indust   00       multi-
onic        iary
                             ry                media

Chon                                           Produ                                  Yes
gqing                                          ction
Konk       Holdi                               and
                             factur   RMB
     a      ng      Chon                       sales    3,000.                                 -724.4
                             ing      3,000.                           57%   57%
Eurot      subsid   gqing                      of       00                                     2
                             indust   00
omoti       iary                               Eurot
    ve                                         omoti
Electr                                         ve

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

onic                                        electr
 Co.,                                       onic
 Ltd.                                       equip

                                            Produ                                   Yes
Chon                                        and
gqing                                       sales
Qingji   Holdi                              of
                          factur   RMB
  a       ng      Chon                      electr   1,500.                                  1,140.
                          ing      1,500.                           40%     40%
Electr   subsid   gqing                     onic     00                                      85
                          indust   00
onic      iary                              turner
 Co.,                                       s and
 Ltd.                                       3D

                                            Produ                                   Yes
Anhui                                       ction
Konk                      Manu              and
  a               Chuz    factur   RMB      sales
          ng                                         14,00                                   4,939.
Electr            hou,    ing      14,00    of                      78%     78%
         subsid                                      0.00                                    00
onic              Anhui   indust   0.00     multi-
 Co.,                     ry                media
 Ltd.                                       produ

                                            Produ                                   Yes
Anhui                                       house
Konk                      Manu              hold
  a               Chuz    factur   RMB      applia
          ng                                         7,819.         96.46   97.45            265.2
Appli             hou,    ing      7,819.   nce
         subsid                                      00             %       %                5
ance              Anhui   indust   00       like
 Co.,                     ry                refrig
 Ltd.                                       erator
                                            s and
                                                     2,465.                                  804.7
Chan     Holdi    Chan    Manu     RMB      Produ                   60%     60%     Yes
                                                     00                                      3

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

gshu      ng      gshu,    factur   2,465.   ction
Konk     subsid   Jiangs   ing      00       and
  a       iary    u        indust            sales
Electr                     ry                of
onic                                         electr
Co.,                                         onic
Ltd.                                         produ
Konk                                         cts
  a                                          and
Electr                                       electr
onic                                         onic
Co.,                                         transf
Ltd.                                         ormer

                                             Produ                                   Yes
Kuns                                         sales
 han                                         of
         Wholl             Manu
Konk              Kuns                       liquid
         y-own             factur   RMB
  a               han,                       crysta   35,00
          ed               ing      35,00                            100%   100%
Electr            Jiangs                     l        0.00
         subsid            indust   0.00
onic              u                          modul
          iary             ry
Co.,                                         es and
Ltd.                                         multi-

                                             Produ                                   Yes
         Wholl             Manu              and
Konk              Dong
         y-own             factur   RMB      sales
  a               guan,                               26,66
          ed               ing      26,66    of                      100%   100%
Electr            Guan                                7.00
         subsid            indust   7.00     multi-
onic              gdong
          iary             ry                media

Dong                                         Produ                                   Yes
guan     Wholl             Manu              ction
Konk     y-own             factur   RMB      and
                  guan,                               1,000.
  a       ed               ing      1,000.   sales                   100%   100%
                  Guan                                00
Packi    subsid            indust   00       of
 ng       iary             ry                plasti
Mater                                        c

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 ials                                       produ
Co.,                                        cts
Ltd.                                        and

                                            Produ                                    Yes
Konk                      Manu
         Holdi    Dong                      sales
  a                       factur   RMB
          ng      guan,                     of        1,000.         59.73   59.73            -4,533
Moul                      ing      1,000.
         subsid   Guan                      mould     00             %       %                .28
  d                       indust   00
          iary    gdong                     s and
Plasti                    ry
c Co.,

                                            Produ                                    Yes
Boluo                     Manu              -faced
         Holdi    Boluo
Konk                      factur   RMB      and
          ng      ,                                  4,000.                                  349.6
a PCB                     ing      4,000.   doubl                    51%     51%
         subsid   Guan                                00                                      3
Co.,                      indust   00       e-face
          iary    gdong
Ltd.                      ry                d

Boluo                                       Produ                                    Yes
Konk                                        ction
  a      Wholl            Manu              and
Precis   y-own            factur   RMB      sales
                  ,                                   1,125.
 ion      ed              ing      1,500.   of                       100%    100%
                  Guan                                00
Techn    subsid           indust   00       high-
ology     iary            ry                densit
Co.,                                        y
Ltd.                                        circuit

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


                                            R&D                                     Yes
                                            of flat
                          Resea             panel
(Nanh    Wholl
                  Fosha   rch               displa
 ai)     y-own
                  n,      and       RMB     y
Devel     ed                                          50.00         100%   100%
                  Guan    devel     50.00   techn
opme     subsid
                  gdong   opme              ologie
  nt      iary
                          nt                s and

                                            Expor                                   Yes
Hong     Wholl
                  Hong                      ting
Kong     y-own            Intern
                  Kong              HKD     machi
Konk      ed              ationa                      54.00         100%   100%
                  ,                50.00   nery
a Co.,   subsid           l trade
                  China                     and
Ltd.      iary

Konk                                                                                Yes
ances                     Invest
         y-own    Hong
Invest                    ment      HKD     Invest
          ed      Kong,                               53.00         100%   100%
ment                      holdin    50.00   ment
         subsid   China
  &                       g

Konk     Wholl    Hong    Intern    HKD     Expor                                   Yes
                                                      53.00         100%   100%
  a      y-own    Kong,   ationa    50.00   t and

                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

House     ed      China   l trade            impor
hold     subsid                              t      of
Appli     iary                               electr
ances                                        onic
Intern                                       produ
ationa                                       cts

                                             Sales                                      Yes
KON      Wholl
 KA      y-own            Intern
                  The               USD1     electr      806.0
AME       ed              ationa                                        100%    100%
                  USA               00.00    onic        0
RICA     subsid           l trade
,INC.     iary

Konk              Frank                      Sales                                      Yes
  a               furt,                      of
         y-own            Intern
(Euro             Germ              EUR2     electr
          ed              ationa                         26.00          100%    100%
 pe)              any,              .50      onic
         subsid           l trade
Co.,              Europ                      produ
Ltd.              e                          cts

Dong                                         Produ                                      Yes
guan                                         ction
Xuton                     Manu               and
         Holdi    Dong
 gda                      factur    RMB      sales
          ng      guan                                   500.0          46.31   52.49            577.4
Moul                      ing       500.0    of
         subsid   Guan                                   0              %       %                3
  d                       indust    0        mould
          iary    gdong
Plasti                    ry                 s and
c Co.,                                       plasti
Ltd.                                         cs

Shenz                                        Devel                                      Yes
 hen                                         opme
Konk                                         nt,
  a      Wholl                               sales
Optoe    y-own                      RMB      and
                  hen                                    1,000.
lectro    ed              R&D       1,000.   maint                      100%    100%
                  guang                                  00
 nic     subsid                     00       enanc
Techn     iary                               e      of
ology                                        techn
Co.,                                         ologie
Ltd.                                         s like

                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


                                                Devel                                     Yes
                                                nt and
         Wholl               Softw              maint
 aida             Shenz
         y-own               are       RMB      enanc
Scien             hen                                      1,000.
          ed                 devel     1,000.   e     of                  100%   100%
ce and            Guan                                     00
         subsid              opme      00       softw
Techn             gdong
          iary               nt                 are

Kuns                                                                                      Yes
heng     Wholl
                  Kuns       Prope              operat
Invest   y-own                         RMB
                  han        rty                ion        35,00
ment      ed                           35,00                              100%   100%
                  Jiangs     indust             and        0.00
Devel    subsid                        0.00
                  u          ry                 invest
opme      iary
                                                of real

Anhui                                           Produ                                     Yes
Konk                                               and
  a                                               sales
Tongc    Wholl               Manu               house
huang    y-own    Chuz       factur    RMB
House     ed          hou     ing      18,00        nce                   100%    100%
hold     subsid   Anhui      indust      0.00    refrig
Appli     iary                    ry            erator
                                                 s and
ances                                           washi
 Co.,                                                ng
 Ltd.                                                ne

Indon                                                                                      Yes
         Holdi                                  Sales
 esia                        Intern                 of
          ng      Indon                USD1     electr     975.0                                   139.6
Konk                         ationa                                        51%     51%
         subsid       esia             50.00     onic          0                                     2
  a                          l trade            produ
          iary                                     cts

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


 Shenz                                                                                    Yes
 Shush     Wholl
                    Shenz                      Ordin
    ida    y-own                      RMB         ary
                     hen     Logist            freigh     1,000.
 Logist     ed                        1,000.                             100%    100%
                    Guan      ics                    t       00
    ics    subsid                        00    transp
                    gdong                          ort
 Servic     iary
 e Co.,

Beijin                                                                                    Yes
g                            Sales
Konk                           of              Sales
           y-own                      RMB          of
a                   Beijin   house             electr     3,000.
            ed                        3,000.                             100%    100%
Electr                g      hold               onic         00
           subsid                        00    produ
onic                         applia               cts
Co.,                          nce

 Kuns                                                                                     Yes
 Jielun                                        Produ
                             Manu               ction
     te    Holdi    Kuns                          and
                             factur   RMB
 Moul       ng       han                        sales
                                                          10,00          46.31   52.49            5,344.
                              ing     10,00         of
     d     subsid   Jiangs                                 0.00             %       %               74
                             indust     0.00    s and
 Plasti     iary      u
                               ry              plasth
     c                                           etics
 Co. ,
Wuha                                            Produ
n                                                ction
Jielun                       Manu                  and
te                  Wuha     factur   RMB        sales
           ng                                             3,000.         46.31   52.49            1,611.
Moul                n        ing      3,000.         of
           subsid                                            00             %       %               87
d and               Hubei    indust   00       mould
Plasti                       ry                  s and
c Co.,                                          plasth
Ltd.                                              etics
Chuz                                           Produ
hou                                            ction
Jielun                       Manu              and
te                  Chuz     factur   RMB      sales
           ng                                             2,000.         46.31   52.49            1,080.
Moul                hou      ing      2,000.   of
           subsid                                            00             %       %               10
d and               Anhui    indust   00       mould
Plasti                       ry                s and
c Co.,                                         plasth
Ltd.                                           etics
Note: ① The Company holds 46.31% of shares of Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold
Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Konka Household Appliances Investment & Development Co., Ltd, a
                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

subsidiary company of the Company, is entrusted to manage 6.18% shares held by Shenzhen
Dingshengxin Mould Technology Consultation Co., Ltd. After the entrustment, the percentage of
voting rights of the Company increases to 52.49%. Therefore, the financial statements of Shenzhen
Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are combined into the consolidated financial
statements. Xutongda is a wholly funded subsidiary of Dongguan Konka Mould Plastic Co., Ltd
and is also combined into the consolidated financial statements.
② The Company holds 40.00% shares of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd that all senior
managers of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd are appointed and dismissed by the Company.
Among the directors, half of them or over half are dispatched directly or indirectly by the
Company. Moreover, in Chongqing Qingjia,             70% to 80% of its products are sold to the
Company and thus the Company has absolute influence and control over the production and
operation of Chongqing Qingjia Electronic Co., Ltd., which is combined into the consolidated
financial statement.
③ Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. held 100% equity of Dongguan
Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., and the Company is the actual controller of Dongguan
Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., for the Company indirectly held 46.31% shares and 52.49
voting right of Dongguan Xutongda Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., which is combined into the
consolidated financial statement.
④ Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. held 100% equity of Kunshan
Jielunte Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., and the Company is the actual controller of Shenzhen Konka
Precision Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd., for the Company indirectly held 46.31% shares and 52.49
voting right of Kunshan Jielunte Mould Plastic Co., Ltd., which is combined into the consolidated
financial statement.
⑤ Anhui Tongchuang is a limited company jointly invested and established by the Company and
Chuzhou Tongchuang Construction Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as “Tongchuang
Construction”) with registration capital of RMB 180 million, of which each party invested in RMB
90 million respectively on contract. As to 31 Dec. 2010, Anhui Tongchuang with a paid-up capital
of RMB 120 million (including paid-up capital of RMB 90 million of the Company, 75.00% of
total paid-up capital; and paid-up capital of RMB 30 million of Tongchuang Construction, 25.00%
of total paid-up capital ). According to contract sign by two parties, Tongchuang Construction has
the rights of transferring stock ownership three years after the establishment of Anhui Tongchuang
Company. Meanwhile, the Company can repurchase the said stock ownership and contracted with
Tongchuang Investment Company that the Company shall receive fixed investment gains at 2% of
actual capital invested by the Group annually. So the Company can conduct actual control to Anhui
Tongchuang Company, and combines it into the consolidated financial statement.

(2) Subsidiaries obtained by corporation combination under the same control
                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
 Name   Type   Regist   Busin   Regist   Busin   Actua     Balan   Shar   Votin   Whet     Equit Amo    ce of
  of     of    ration    ess     ered     ess      l       ce of    e      g      her      y of unt of

                                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 subsid   subsid   place    nature   capita   scope   invest     other     holdi   right   conso the      equit        equity
  iary     iary                        l              ment       items      ng     prop     lidati minori y of          after
                                                      amou       substa    prop    ortio      ng     ty   the           ting
                                                      nt at      ntially   ortio     n     financ shareh minor           the
                                                       the       consti      n      (%)       ial  olders ity           ence
                                                      period     tuting     (%)             state         share         loss
                                                      -end           net                    ment          holde           of
                                                                 invest                    or not         rs             ity
                                                                 ment                                     used         intere
                                                                     to                                   to           excee
                                                                 subsid                                   offset          d
                                                                 iaries                                   profit       obtain
                                                                                                          and          ed by
                                                                                                          loss           ity
                                                                                                          of           holder
                                                                                                          minor           s
Notes of subsidiaries obtained by corporation combination under the same control

(3) Subsidiaries obtained by corporation combination not under the same control

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                              unt of    ce of
                                                                 Balan                                        y of     any’s
                                                                 ce of                                                 equity
                                                                                                              the       after
                                                                 other                      Whet              minor    deduc
                                                      Actua                                                             ting
                                                                 items     Shar              her              ity         the
                                                        l                          Votin              Equit
                                                                 substa      e             conso              share    differ
                                                      invest                         g                y of              ence
 Name     Type                       Regist                      ntially   holdi            lidati            holde      that
                   Regist   Busin             Busin   ment                         right               the
   of       of                        ered                       consti     ng                ng              rs        loss
                   ration    ess               ess    amou                         prop              minori                of
 subsid   subsid                     capita                      tuting    prop            financ             used     minor
                   place    nature            scope   nt at                        ortio                ty                ity
  iary     iary                        l                             net   ortio              ial             to
                                                       the                           n               shareh            intere
                                                                 invest      n              state             offset      sts
                                                      period                        (%)              olders            excee
                                                                 ment       (%)             ment              profit       d
                                                                     to                    or not             and      equity
                                                                 subsid                                       loss     ed by
                                                                 iaries                                       of       minor
                                                                                                              minor    share
                                                                                                              ity      holder

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Notes of subsidiaries obtained by corporation combination not under the same control

2. Special entities or business entities established through trusted operation or leases
                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Main business contact         Closing balance of major assets and liabilities
                                 with the Company               confirmed in the consolidation statement

Other notes of special entities or business entities established through trusted operation or leases

3. Notes of change in consolidation scope
Notes of change in consolidation scope
Wuhan Jielunte and Chuzhou Jielunte were subsidiaries newly established this year and included
into the consolidation scope.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Subsidiaries that newly and no longer combined into consolidation scope in the reporting

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by
entrusted operation or lease that newly included in the consolidated scope

                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Name                                Closing net assets          Net profit in current period
 Wuhan Jielunte                                                   30,021,772.34                          21,772.34
 Chuzhou Jielunte                                                 20,117,432.92                         117,432.92
The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by
entrusted operation or lease that not longer included in the consolidated scope
                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Net profit from year-begin
                    Name                         Net asset at the disposal date
                                                                                         to disposal date
Other notes of entities in consolidation scope and entities not longer combined into consolidation
There was not entity not longer combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period.

5. Business combination under same control during the reporting period

                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                           Cash flow
                                                                                                          arising from
                                                                       The                The
                         Judgment basis                                                                    operating
                                               Actual              consolidated      consolidated
                           of business                                                                      activities
   The combined                             controller of          income from      net profit from
                          combination                                                                       between
       party                                  the same            period-begin to   period-begin to
                         under the same                                                                   period-begin
                                               control             combination       combination
                             control                                                                           and
                                                                       date              date
Other notes to business combination under same control

6. Business combination not under same control during the reporting period

                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
     The combined party                   Amount of goodwill                     Calculation method of goodwill
Other notes to business combination not under same control:

7. Subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period

                                                                                     Recognition method of gains and
             Name of subsidiary                             Disposal date
Other notes to subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting

8. The counter purchases in the reporting period

                                                                                               Calculation method of
                                                                                               goodwill recognized or
                                  Judgment basis of               Recognition method of
    The backdoor party                                                                          included into current
                                   counter purchase                 combination costs
                                                                                               gains and losses in the
Other notes to counter purchases

9. Mergers in the reporting period

                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
             Type of merger                        Main assets merged in                  Main liabilities merged in
     Mergers under the same control                Item                Amount               Item             Amount
   Mergers not under the same control              Item                Amount               Item             Amount
Other notes to mergers

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

10. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities
                                                Item of assets and liabilities

                          30 June 3013                                                31 December 2013

                      USD 1 =6.1787 RMB                                             USD 1 =6.2855 RMB

                      HKD 1=0.79655 RMB                                            HKD 1 =0.81085 RMB

                     IDR 100= 0.06187 RMB                                          IDR 100= 0.06480 RMB

                      EUR 1=8.0536 RMB                                              EUR 1 =8.3176 RMB

                      GBP 1 =9.4213 RMB                                             GBP 1 =10.1611 RMB

                                          Item of income, expense and cash flow

                      First half year of 2013                                       First half year of 2012

                      USD 1 = 6.2321 RMB                                            USD 1 = 6.3129 RMB

                      HKD 1 =0.8037 RMB                                             HKD 1=0.81295 RMB

                     IDR 100=0.063335 RMB                                          IDR 100= 0.06867 RMB

                      EUR 1 =8.1856 RMB                                             EUR 1 =8.01675 RMB

                      GBP 1 =9.7912 RMB                                             GBP 1 =9.9890 RMB

(Ⅶ) Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                            Amount in                                            Amount in
         Item                                Exchange                                         Exchange
                             foreign                     Amount in RMB            foreign                 Amount in RMB
                                                rate                                             rate
                             currency                                            currency
        Cash:                   --               --          14,153.64              --            --           1,861,577.93

        RMB                     --               --          6,694.80               --            --           1,858,311.95

        HKD                  380.09          0.79655          302.76              586.00       0.81085           475.16

         USD                 746.61           6.1787         4,613.08             444.01       6.2855            2,790.82

         IDR               4,110,229.00                      2,543.00                            —

     Bank deposit:              --               --      1,769,292,322.5            --            --          822,181,591.44

                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


        RMB                      --           --                                  --             --         610,781,217.62

        HKD                13,336,018.35   0.79655        10,622,805.42      14,932,810.88    0.81085       12,108,269.70

         USD               46,245,328.99    6.1787       285,736,014.23      31,371,330.00     6.2855       197,184,494.72

         EUR                79,035.35       8.0536         636,519.09         206,307.43       8.3176        1,715,982.68

         GBP                    1.32        9.4213            12.44              1.32         10.1611           13.41

        MOP                                  —                                                 —

                                           0.000618                          604,341,524.5    0.000648
         IDR               66,200,457.11                    40,958.22                                         391,613.31
                                              7                                   9              0

 Other monetary funds:           --           --         198,609,630.12           --             --         904,903,341.74

        RMB                      --           --         198,609,630.12           --             --         904,336,296.87
         USD                                 —                               90,214.76        6.2855         567,044.87
         Total                   --           --                                  --             --        1,728,946,511.11

Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen,
deposited overseas or with potential collecting risks:
The balance of other monetary funds at the end of the period includes marginal deposits that
cannot be withdrawn freely, of which RMB 176,035,077.61 is used as a loan pledge; and RMB
9,029,241.40 is used as engineering margins; RMB 8,751,039.64 is used as marginal deposits for
internal guarantee and external loan, RMB 4,794,271.47 is used as bank acceptance margins.

2. Trading financial assets

(1) Trading financial assets

                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                  Closing fair value                Opening fair value

(2) Trading financial assets with realizable limit

                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                   Trading restriction or other significant
                  Item                                                                                  Closing balance
                                                            limits in realization

                                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(3) Hedging instruments and notes to relevant hedging transaction

3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Category                               Closing balance                      Opening balance

 Bank acceptance bill                                                    3,114,768,205.63                    5,032,534,742.17

 Commercial acceptance bill                                                 1,722,585.02                           521,262.80

                         Total                                           3,116,490,790.65                    5,033,056,004.97

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
     Issuing entity               Date of issuance       Expiring date                 Amount                  Remark

 Suning Procurement
 center of Suning           8 March 2013             7 September 2013                   37,443,320.18
 Appliance Co., Ltd.

 Suning Procurement
 center of Suning           22 February 2013         21 August 2013                     36,050,185.99
 Appliance Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Jingdong
 Information                26 April 2013            24 July 2013                       29,824,741.52
 Technology Co., Ltd

 Beijing Jingdong
 Information                29 May 2013              26 August 2013                     27,956,476.45
 Technology Co., Ltd

 Shenzhen GOME
 Electrical Appliance       22 January 2013          22 July 2013                       20,529,500.00
 Co., Ltd

 Total                                   --                    --                      151,804,224.14            --

(3) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the
contract or agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period

Accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract or agreement
                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
    Issuing entity               Date of issuance       Expiring date                 Amount                  Remark

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

There were no notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute
the contract or agreement at the period-end.

Undue notes endorsed to other parties by the Company
                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
        Issuing entity           Date of issuance           Expiring date                   Amount                       Remark

 Feilong Electrical
 Appliance Group Co.,      11 Jan. 2013                 11 July 2013                         14,500,000.00

 Fujian Suning
 Yunshang Commercial       27 Apr. 2013                 27 Oct. 2013                         10,000,000.00
 Co., Ltd

 Xiamen Fuxia Suning
                           30 Jan. 2013                 30 July 2013                         10,000,000.00
 Appliance Co., Ltd.

 Xiamen Fuxia Suning
                           30 Jan. 2013                 30 July 2013                         10,000,000.00
 Appliance Co., Ltd.

 Xiamen Fuxia Suning
                           30 Jan. 2013                 30 July 2013                         10,000,000.00
 Appliance Co., Ltd.

 Total                                  --                        --                         54,500,000.00                  --

Note of discounted or pledged commercial acceptant bill

4. Dividends receivable

                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                          Does relevant
                         Opening                                                   Closing           Reason for
         Item                                Increase          Decrease                                                   account occur
                         balance                                                   balance              unsettled

       Of which            --                   --                 --                 --                   --                    --
       Of which            --                   --                 --                 --                   --                    --


5. Interest receivable

(1) Interest receivable

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        Increase in current       Decrease in current
            Item                Opening balance                                                                     Closing balance
                                                              period                       period

                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Income      from      fixed
                                       7,171,998.73              21,392,625.77               27,209,810.48                    1,354,814.02

            Total                      7,171,998.73              21,392,625.77               27,209,810.48                    1,354,814.02

(2) Overdue interest

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
               Borrowing entity                          Overdue days (day)                           Amount of overdue interest

(3) Notes to interest receivable

6. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories

                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Closing balance                                            Opening balance
                                    Book balance         Bad debt provision              Book balance              Bad debt provision
                                            Proportio                 Proportio        Amoun      Proportio                    Proportion
                                 Amount                 Amount                                                   Amount
                                             n (%)                        n (%)          t         n (%)                          (%)
 Accounts           receivable
 with significant single                                                               103,35
                                 103,357,               5,167,86                                                 5,167,865.
 amount and individually                       3.98%                            5%     7,300.0       4.61%                              5%
                                  300.00                     5.00                                                       00
 withdrawn      bad      debt                                                                0
 Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
                                 2,476,10               245,880,                                                243,194,00
 Aging group                                 95.36%                        9.93%       24,691.     94.53%                          11.48%
                                 7,681.74                 593.00                                                      4.11

                                 2,476,10               245,880,                                                243,194,00
 Subtotal of the groups                      95.36%                        9.93%       24,691.     94.53%                          11.48%
                                 7,681.74                 593.00                                                      4.11

 Accounts           receivable
 with insignificant single
                                 17,077,0               17,077,0                       19,269,                  17,383,610
 amount and individually                       0.66%                       100%                      0.86%                        90.21%
                                   36.55                   36.55                       259.03                           .68
 withdrawn      bad      debt

                                 2,596,54               268,125,                                                265,745,47
 Total                                         --                          --          51,250.       --                            --
                                 2,018.29                 494.55                                                      9.79

Notes to category of accounts receivable:

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

There was no accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company during the reporting period.
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Provision for bad          Withdrawing
     Content of accounts receivable            Book balance                                                                   Reason
                                                                        debt amount         proportion(%)

    Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd.          103,357,300.00            5,167,865.00                          5%      litigation, please
                                                                                                                        refer to VIII, (11)

                 Total                          103,357,300.00            5,167,865.00                --                         --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Closing balance                                              Opening balance
                    Book balance                                                 Book balance
 Aging                                                  Provision for bad                                                 Provision for
                                           Proportio                                                       Proportio
                    Amount                              debts                    Amount                                   bad debts
                                           n                                                               n
 Within 1 year

 Including:                   --                --                 --                     --                    --                  --

 Within 1 year        2,180,795,199.67         88.08%            38,493,643.92                                 86.08%        36,476,541.94

 Subtotal of                                                                      1,823,695,794.4
                      2,180,795,199.67         88.08%            38,493,643.92                                 86.08%        36,476,541.94
 within 1 year                                                                                    6

 1-2 years                64,452,370.51         2.6%             3,222,618.53         69,265,131.92            3.27%          3,463,256.60

 2-3 years                27,094,308.00        1.09%             5,418,861.60         21,634,147.72            1.02%          4,326,829.54

 Over 3 years            203,765,803.56        8.23%          198,745,468.95      204,129,617.73               9.63%       198,927,376.03

 3 to 4 years               9,289,640.83       0.38%              4,644,820.42         9,653,455.00            0.46%           4,826,727.50

 4 to 5 years                751,028.40        0.03%               375,514.20            751,028.40            0.03%             375,514.20

 Over 5 years            193,725,134.33        7.82%            193,725,134.33    193,725,134.33               9.14%        193,725,134.33

 Total                2,476,107,681.74          --              245,880,593.00                                  --          243,194,004.11

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                     Withdrawal proportion
          Category               Book balance           Provision for bad debts                                         Reason

                                                                                                                There are problems in
 Client                              17,077,036.55               17,077,036.55                           100%
                                                                                                                business operation

 Total                               17,077,036.55               17,077,036.55                 --                          --

(2) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                     Amount of the accrued
                                                          Recognition basis of
    Content of accounts              Reversed or                                       bad debt provision         Reversed or collected
                                                           original bad debt
           receivable              collected reason                                    before reversal or               amount

The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or
insignificant single amount but individually made impairment test at the end of reporting period:
                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of accounts                                                                      Withdrawing
                                 Book balance              Bad debt amount                                              Reason
          receivable                                                                   proportion(%)

Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after
grouping by credit risks characteristics:

(3) The write-off accounts receivable

                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                      Whether arising
                        Nature of accounts
   Name of entity                               Write-off time          Write-off amount       Write-off reason      from related party
                                                                                                                     transaction or not?
Notes to write off of accounts receivable:

(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%)
voting rights of the Company

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                      Closing amount                                     Opening amount

                                                                    Amount of                                           Amount of
            Name of entity
                                          Book balance           withdrawal of bad           Book balance           withdrawal of bad
                                                                  debt provision                                      debt provision

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(5) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:

                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                           The relationship with
        Name of entity                                     Amount                      Aging                Proportion
                               the Company

 Suning Procurement
 center of Suning
                           Non-related company             199,326,474.32   Within one year                          7.68%
 Yunshang Group Co.,

 GOME Electrical
                           Non-related company             192,416,014.98   Within one year                          7.41%
 Appliances Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Pangu
                           Non-related company             103,357,300.00   4-5years                                 3.98%
 Investment Co., Ltd.

                           Non-related company             219,443,816.80   Within one year                          8.45%

 Beijing Jingdong
 Information               Non-related company              46,060,316.85   Within one year                          1.77%
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 Total                              --                     760,603,922.95               --                          29.29%

(6) The amounts due from related parties

                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               The relationship with the
 Name of entity                                               Amount                           Proportion
 Shenzhen OCT East Co.,
                               Related party                                    385,260.00                           0.01%
 Chengdu Tianfu OCT
 Industrial Development Co.,   Related party                                    190,512.40                           0.01%
 Shenzhen OCT East
                               Related party                                     83,000.00                               0%
 Interlaken Hotel
 Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd          Related party                                     61,600.00                               0%

 OCT Urban Entertainment
 Investment Company of         Related party                                   2,033,400.00                          0.08%
 Shenzhen Splendid China
                               Related party                                     76,500.00                               0%
 Development Co., Ltd.
 Wuhan OCT Industry
                               Related party                                    555,193.00                           0.02%
 Development Co., Ltd.
 OCT Hotel Group               Related party                                     69,500.00                               0%
 Shenzhen Ruifeng              Related party                                   6,279,883.01                          0.23%

                                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Photoelectron Co., Ltd.
 Total                                                --                                      9,734,848.41                               0.35%

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                Gains or loses related to the termination of
                    Item                                   Amount of termination

(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list
amount of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Item                                                                  Period-end

7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                             Closing balance                                              Opening balance

                                  Book balance              Provision for bad debts           Book balance              Provision for bad debts
                                            Proport                           Propor                      Propor                       Proport
                             Amount         ion (%)           Amount           tion         Amount         tion           Amount       ion (%)
                                                                               (%)                         (%)
 Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group
                           807,825,890                                          4.31      342,551,165.9                25,960,449.9
 Aging group                                 100%           34,842,858.19                                    100%                        7.58%
                                      .24                                            %               3                             7

                           807,825,890                                          4.31      342,551,165.9                25,960,449.9
 Subtotal of group                           100%           34,842,858.19                                    100%                        7.58%
                                      .24                                            %               3                             7

                           807,825,890                                                    342,551,165.9                25,960,449.9
          Total                                  --         34,842,858.19       --                            --                          --
                                      .24                                                            3                             7

Notes to category of other accounts receivable:
There was no other accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting
rights of the Company during the reporting period.
Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt
□ Applicable √Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that withdraws provision for bad debts by aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Period-end                                                Period-begin

                                Book balance                                            Book balance
         Aging                                                   Provision for                                         Provision for bad
                                                   Propo                                               Propo
                              Amount                               bad debts           Amount                                debts
                                                   rtion                                               rtion
 Within 1 year

                                                   94.44                                               86.28
 Within 1 year                762,918,386.12                     13,764,655.14      295,547,016.92                           6,959,834.96
                                                         %                                                      %

 Subtotal of within 1                              94.44                                               86.28
                              762,918,386.12                     13,764,655.14      295,547,016.92                           6,959,834.96
 year                                                    %                                                      %

                                                    1.59                                                   4.93
 1-2 years                     12,842,495.25                         642,124.76      16,893,232.69                            844,661.63
                                                         %                                                      %

                                                    1.02                                                   3.64
 2-3 years                      8,205,927.95                       1,641,185.59      12,488,300.00                           2,497,660.00
                                                         %                                                      %

                                                    2.95                                                   5.15
 Over 3 years                  23,859,080.92                     18,794,892.70       17,622,616.32                         15,658,293.38
                                                         %                                                      %

                                                    0.85                                                   0.32
 3 to 4 years                   6,884,783.54                       3,442,391.77       1,084,020.35                            542,010.18
                                                         %                                                      %

 4 to 5 years                   3,243,592.90       0.4%            1,621,796.45       2,844,625.54                           1,422,312.77

 Over 5 years                  13,730,704.48       1.7%          13,730,704.48       13,693,970.43         4%              13,693,970.43

 Total                        807,825,890.24        --           34,842,858.19      342,551,165.93         --              25,960,449.97

In the group, other accounts receivable that withdrawn provision for bad debts by balance
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that withdrawn provision for bad debts by other methods:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but withdrawn provision for bad debts individually
accounts receivable:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Basis for
 Content of other accounts   Reason for reversed                                   Accrued amount before            Amount of reversed or
                                                         determination of bad
         receivable             or recovered                                        reversal or recovery                 recovered
                                                             debts provision

Withdrawal of closing individually significant or insignificant but provisions for bad debts
individually accounts receivable:

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
        Content                    Book balance           Amount of bad debts           Withdrawal percentage                Reason

Notes of individually insignificant but was of big risk after grouped by credit risk other accounts receivable:

(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the reporting period

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Nature of other                                                                             Whether arising from
 Name of company               accounts            Write off date       Write off amount       Write off reason           related party
                               receivable                                                                              transactions or not

Notes of written-off of other accounts receivable:

(4) Other accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of
the voting shares of the Company

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        Closing amount                                      Opening amount

                                                                         Amount of                                           Amount of
              Name of entity
                                              Book balance             withdrawal bad            Book balance             withdrawal bad
                                                                       debt provision                                      debt provision

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Nature or details of the
        Name of entity                          Amount                                                      Proportion of the total (%)


(6) Information of top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Relationship with the                                                                Proportion of the total
     Name of entity                                             Amount                          Aging
                                     Company                                                                                  (%)

 State energy
 people-benefit bureau         Non-related party                    645,004,650.00      Within one year                               79.84%
 (energy conservation

 energy conservation
                               Non-related party                     22,763,810.00      Within one year                               2.82%

 Yikang Building               Non-related party                     14,311,273.77      Within five years                             1.77%

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Trading
                                Non-related party                    10,000,000.00     Within one year                             1.24%
 Center of Real Estate

 Yunnan Bureau of
 Radio and Television           Non-related party                      2,429,934.00    Within one year                              0.3%
 (cash deposit)

            Total                         --                        694,509,667.77               --                               85.97%

(7) Information of the amounts due from related parties

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Relationship with the
        Name of entity                                                            Amount                              Aging
 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese
                                     Related party                                           80,000.00                             0.01%
 Town Gas Station Co., Ltd.
 Shenzhen OCT Real Estate
                                     Related party                                        1,209,064.86                             0.15%
 Co., Ltd
 Shenzhen       OCT       Property
                                     Related party                                           77,402.65                             0.01%
 Management Co., Ltd
 Shenzhen OCT Water and
                                     Related party                                        1,184,055.35                             0.15%
 Power Co., Ltd
                Total                                --                                   2,550,522.86                             0.32%

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                            Gains or loses related to the termination of
                        Item                              Amount of termination

( (9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets,
please list amount of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
 Item                                                                                     Closing balance

8. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
    Aging                               Closing balance                                               Opening balance

                                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                               Proportio                                             Proportio
                                   Amount                                                 Amount
                                                                 n (%)                                                 n (%)
 Within 1
                                             163,213,417.17      92.31%                           177,723,515.26         97.11%
 1 year to 2
                                              11,616,126.56       6.57%                             4,266,804.57           2.33%
 2 years to 3
                                               1,985,531.22       1.12%                             1,017,702.44           0.56%
 Over 3
                                                        0.00            0%                                  0.00                0%
 Total                                       176,815,074.95        --                             183,008,022.27           --
Notes of aging of prepayment
(1) The top five prepayments are RMB 34,730,380.36, accounting for 18.92% of the prepayments.
(2) There is not shareholder entity with 5% (including 5%) shareholding of prepayment in the
reporting period.

(2) Information of the top 5 prepayment

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Relationship with the
     Name of entity                                            Amount                   Aging             Reason for unsettled

 POLYURETHANES                Non-related party                  9,718,855.83   Within one year          Materials non-arrival

 Shenzhen Hot Media
                              Non-related party                  7,215,000.00   Within one year          Within contract
 Co., Ltd.

 Mingxin Electronic
                              Non-related party                  7,146,524.78   Within one year          Materials non-arrival
 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Huaxintai
                              Non-related party                  6,240,000.00   Within one year          Materials non-arrival
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Shengxu
                              Non-related party                  4,409,999.75   Within one year          Materials non-arrival
 Development Co., Ltd.

 Total                                  --                      34,730,380.36             --                        --

Notes to main units of prepayment:

(3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of
the voting shares of the Company in prepayment

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       Closing amount                              Opening amount
             Name of entity
                                               Book balance         Amount of           Book balance            Amount of

                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                withdrawal of bad                                     withdrawal of bad
                                                                  debt provision                                          debt provision

(4) Notes of prepayment

9. Inventory

(1) Category

                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Closing balance                                            Opening balance

          Item                             Provision for                                              Provision for
                     Book balance                              Book value         Book balance                                Book value
                                           falling price                                              falling price

                     1,399,000,798.9       355,562,537.    1,043,438,261.         1,511,033,412.      354,267,390.1         1,156,766,022.
 Raw materials
                                     3                00                93                    83                      0                    73

 Construction                              144,510,959.    202,510,758.0          396,059,068.9       144,510,959.1          251,548,109.8
 contract assets                                      16                    3                  6                      6                    0

                     2,124,264,731.6       258,479,060.    1,865,785,671.         2,499,040,813.      262,423,287.2         2,236,617,525.
 Inventory goods
                                     2                53                09                    22                      9                    93

 Turnover material    17,393,292.97        1,113,082.34    16,280,210.63          11,195,627.07        1,136,395.24          10,059,231.83

                                                           450,626,826.4          403,899,840.8                              403,899,840.8
 Development costs   450,626,826.48
                                                                            8                  4                                           4

 Goods in transits                                                                     448,318.12                               448,318.12

                     4,338,307,367.1       759,665,639.    3,578,641,728.         4,821,677,081.      762,338,031.7         4,059,339,049.
                                     9                03                16                    04                      9                    25

(2) Provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Opening book                                                   Decrease                           Closing book
         Category                                   Increase
                           balance                                          Reversal           Written off                   balance
 Raw materials           354,267,390.10              8,398,274.34                                 7,103,127.44              355,562,537.00

                         144,510,959.16                                                                                     144,510,959.16
 contract assets

 Inventory goods         262,423,287.29              2,470,165.82                                 6,414,392.58              258,479,060.53

 Turnover material         1,136,395.24                                                             23,312.90                 1,113,082.34

 Total                   762,338,031.79            10,868,440.16                               13,540,832.92                759,665,639.03

                                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(3) Details of provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                                                                  Proportion of reversal of
                                    Basis on provision for falling
             Item                                                               Reasons for reversal             provision for impairment of
                                            price of inventories
                                                                                                                inventories to closing balance

                                    Net realizable value less than
 Raw materials

                                    Net realizable value less than
 Construction contract assets       costs

                                    Net realizable value less than
 Inventory goods

                                    Net realizable value less than
 Turnover material

Notes of inventory:

10. Other current assets

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                                          Closing balance                              Opening balance

Notes of other current assets:

11. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Information of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                             Closing fair value                    Opening fair value
           Available-for-sale equity instruments                               1,155,503.50                           1,187,177.20
                            Total                                              1,155,503.50                           1,187,177.20
In the reporting period, the Company reclassified the held-to-maturity investment into
available-for-sale financial assets, a total of RMB0.00 was reclassified, which takes 0% of total
matured investment before reclassification.
Notes of available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets are ordinary stocks of Vanke Co., Ltd. hold by the Company.

(2) Long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    Initial                                       Interest in        Accrued
                                                                    Matured          Opening                                         Closing
    Item         Category       Par value         investment                                           the           accounts
                                                                      date           balance                                         balance
                                                     cost                                         reporting         receivable

                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                     period         or received

Notes of long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets:

12. Held-to-maturity investment

(1) Information

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                              Closing book balance                                  Opening book balance

Notes of held-to-maturity investment:

(2) Information of held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period but was not

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                                 Amount                             Percentage of the investment amount before sales

Notes of undue held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period:

13. Long-term accounts receivable

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                Category                               Closing balance                                         Opening balance

14. Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Percentage         Voting
                                                                                                                  operation       Net profit of
   Name of            of holding     percentage of   Total closing      Total closing         Net closing
                                                                                                                 revenue of       the reporting
   investee          shares of the   the Company        assets              liabilities          assets
                                                                                                                the reporting        period
                      Company         in investee
 I. Joint ventures

 II. Associated enterprises
 Plastic                   31.25%         31.25%     4,342,832.14       1,859,714.87          2,483,117.27                             -400.00
 Products Co.,
                                                     772,209,636.       205,202,762.          567,006,873.      294,382,839.      26,182,088.1
 Refond                    19.34%         19.34%
                                                                 36                   63                  73                75                3

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 ics Co., Ltd
 EnRay       Tek
                                                    449,036,494.     211,468,881.           237,567,613.      31,981,068.2         -36,836,629.
 ics                      36%               36%
                                                             34                    12                    22              7                    89
 Co., Ltd.
                                                    13,771,194.9                            12,127,609.3
 Energy                   30%               30%                      1,643,585.59
                                                              3                                           4
 Co., Ltd

                          38%               38%

 Konka Green                                        550,695,227.                            541,727,812.
                          39%               39%                      8,967,415.73
 Technology                                                  75                                          02
 Co., Ltd

Notes if significant differences exist between the important accounting policies and accounting
estimations of joint ventures, associated enterprises and the Company:

15. Long-term equity investment

(1) List of long-term equity investment

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Share                                          impair          Cash
                                                                                    Voting       ences
                                                                     holding                                  Impair     ment           bonus
              Accoun   Initial    Openin     Increas                               percent       betwee
 Investe                                                Closing      percent                                   ment     provisi         in the
                ting   investm      g        e/decre                                age in        n the
       e                                                balance          age in                               provisi    on in         reportin
              method   ent cost   balance     ase                                   investe      share
                                                                     investe                                    on           the          g
                                                                                        e       holding
                                                                           e                                            reportin        period
                                                                                                age and

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 age in
g          Equity   3,750,0   688,16              688,04
                                        -125.00               31.25%   31.25%
Plastic    method   00.00     7.99                2.99
s Co.,
Refond                        102,67              105,71
           Equity   27,606,             3,036,5                                                                2,027,1
Optoele                       8,758.9             5,269.3     19.34%   19.34%
           method   942.51              10.46                                                                  05.38
ctronics                      3                   9
                    148,03    129,04
Optoele    Equity                       -13,261   115,781
                    6,152.8   2,663.3                         36%      36%
ctronic    method                       ,186.76   ,476.60
                    6         6
Energy     Cost     5,983,9   3,649,7             3,649,7
                                                              30%      30%
Technol    method   65.19     28.08               28.08
Dekon      Cost     3,000,0   7,137,4             7,137,4
                                                              30%      30%
Electro    method   00.00     24.83               24.83
nic Co.,
           Cost     1,300,0   1,300,0             1,300,0                                  1,300,0
nics                                                          8.33%    8.33%                         0.00
           method   00.00     00.00               00.00                                    00.00
tion of
           Cost     100,00    100,00              100,00                                   100,00
Enterpr                                                                                              0.00
           method   0.00      0.00                0.00                                     0.00

                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Invest    Cost     485,00    485,00    485,00                                 485,00
                                                   1%      1%                            0.00
ment      method   0.00      0.00      0.00                                   0.00
ogy       Cost     5,000,0   5,000,0   5,000,0
                                                   9.62%   9.62%
Engine    method   00.00     00.00     00.00
en CTU    Cost     1,153,0   1,153,0   1,153,0
                                                   11.5%   11.5%
Hi-tech   method   00.00     00.00     00.00
          Cost     2,400,0   2,400,0   2,400,0
l                                                  6%      6%
          method   00.00     00.00     00.00
l         Cost     2,400,0   2,400,0   2,400,0
                                                   4.26%   4.26%
Engine    method   00.00     00.00     00.00
          Equity   15,473,   15,473,   15,473,
INTER                                              38%     38%
          method   790.00    790.00    790.00

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                          202,80    202,80                202,80
 Green         Equity
                         0,000.0   0,000.0               0,000.0         39%       39%
 Technol       method
                               0         0                     0
                          419,48    474,30                464,08
                                             -10,224                                                1,885,0             2,027,1
 Total              --   8,850.5   8,533.1               3,731.8         --       --         --                  0.00
                                             ,801.30                                                  00.00               05.38
                               6         9                     9

(2) Information of the limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
   Item that with limitation on the
                                                                                           Investment losses unrecognized in
   capability to transfer capital to                   Reason for limitation
                                                                                                    current period
Notes of long-term equity investment:
Shenzhen Konka Energy Technology Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Konka Electronic Co., Ltd adopted cost
method because the companies did not participate in production, management and ran out of

16. Investment property

(1) Investment property calculated by cost
                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
             Item          Opening book balance             Increase                   Decrease          Closing book balance
 I. Total original
                                   241,105,035.18                                                                241,105,035.18
 book value
 1. Property and
                                   241,105,035.18                                                                241,105,035.18
 II. Total
                                     5,424,863.29             2,712,431.65                                         8,137,294.94
 depreciation and
 1. Property and
                                     5,424,863.29             2,712,431.65                                         8,137,294.94

 III. Total net book               235,680,171.89            -2,712,431.65                                       232,967,740.24

                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 value of fixed assets
 1. Property and
                                 235,680,171.89              -2,712,431.65                                                232,967,740.24
 V. Total book value
 of investment                   235,680,171.89              -2,712,431.65                                                232,967,740.24
 1. Property and
                                 235,680,171.89              -2,712,431.65                                                232,967,740.24

                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                Reporting period

 Amount of depreciation and amortization in the reporting period                                                            2,712,431.65

(2) Investment property calculated by fair value

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                   Increase                           Decrease

                                                                                   Variable                  Transferri
                                    Opening                      real estate                                                    Closing
                 Item                                                              loss and                       ng to
                                    fair value    Purchase             or                      Disposal                        fair value
                                                                                   gain of                   self-used
                                                                                  fair value                real estate

Notes of investment property that altered calculated mode and failed to accomplish certification of property, and
notes of reason that the fail accomplish and estimated accomplish date:

17. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Opening book                                                    Decrease in the            Closing book
             Item                                   Increase in the reporting period
                                 balance                                                       reporting period             balance

   I. Total original book     3,303,329,675.7                                                                         3,230,719,188.1
                                                             45,226,917.48                     117,837,405.09
            value                    4                                                                                         3

   Including: Houses and      1,650,180,180.5                                                                         1,641,701,875.5
                                                                764,597.08                      9,242,902.09
         buildings                   2                                                                                         1

                              1,092,685,079.5                                                                         1,025,062,658.3
        Machineries                                          26,727,348.13                     94,349,769.27
                                     1                                                                                         7

            Vehicles           80,292,410.89                  3,258,012.60                      1,665,952.30              81,884,471.19
        Electronics           278,352,008.65                  5,029,177.20                      3,505,047.20          279,876,138.65
     Other equipments         201,819,996.17                  9,447,782.47                      9,073,734.23          202,194,044.41

      II. Accumulated          Opening book        Increase in              Withdrawal in      Decrease in the            Closing book
        depreciation             balance            reporting           reporting period       reporting period             balance

                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


  Including: Houses and        1,391,644,362.1                                                               1,372,197,757.6
                                                    67,001,921.02                         86,448,525.51
        buildings                     0                                                                             1

       Machineries              349,507,955.55      19,703,774.22                          637,476.08        368,574,253.69

         Vehicles               632,748,212.94      31,048,761.72                         73,538,161.18      590,258,813.48
     II. Accumulated
                                53,097,988.44        3,413,808.48                          1,189,452.84       55,322,344.08
        Electronics             222,809,444.94       4,829,715.47                          3,987,016.23      223,652,144.18
    Other equipments            133,480,760.23       8,005,861.13                          7,096,419.18      134,390,202.18
                                Opening book                                                                  Closing book
              --                                                              --
                                  balance                                                                       balance

 III. The net book value of     1,911,685,313.6                                                              1,858,521,430.5
        fixed assets                  4                                                                             2

  Including: Houses and        1,300,672,224.9                                                               1,273,127,621.8
        buildings                     7                                                                             2

       Machineries              459,936,866.57                                --                             434,803,844.89

         Vehicles               27,194,422.45                                 --                              26,562,127.11
        Electronics             55,542,563.71                                 --                              56,223,994.47
    Other equipments            68,339,235.94                                 --                              67,803,842.23
   IV. Total impairment
                                23,849,042.62                                 --                              13,247,787.33
  Including: Houses and
                                 1,412,531.97                                 --                              1,412,531.97
       Machineries              17,367,644.79                                 --                              7,095,824.27

         Vehicles                 988,860.93                                  --                               952,210.68
        Electronics              2,380,461.92                                 --                              2,275,540.80
    Other equipments             1,699,543.01                                 --                              1,511,679.61

  V. Total book value of       1,887,836,271.0                                                               1,845,273,643.1
       fixed assets                   2                                                                             9

  Including: Houses and        1,299,259,693.0                                                               1,271,715,089.8
        buildings                     0                                                                             5

       Machineries              442,569,221.78                                --                             427,708,020.62

         Vehicles               26,205,561.52                                 --                              25,609,916.43
        Electronics             53,162,101.79                                 --                              53,948,453.67
    Other equipments            66,639,692.93                                 --                              66,292,162.62

Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB 67,001,921.02; original value of RMB
10,886,036.04 was transferred into fixed assets from construction project.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets
                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Original book            Accrued            Impairment
       Item                                                                             Net book value           Note
                               value              depreciation          provision

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Houses           and
                             34,571,929.56         13,556,192.91              164,726.07         20,851,010.58
 Machineries                 26,629,748.50         21,682,986.44            2,567,177.93          2,379,584.13

 Vehicles                     6,074,191.70          4,372,079.56            1,187,731.05               514,381.09

 Electronics                 25,448,632.36         22,865,422.00              788,843.74          1,794,366.62

 Other equipments             9,168,938.06          8,606,766.10              171,511.72               390,660.24

 Total                      101,893,440.18         71,083,447.01            4,879,990.51         25,930,002.66

(3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease
                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                Item                    Original book value              Accumulated depreciation               Net book value

(3) Fixed assets leased in from operating lease
                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Category                                                       Closing book value

 Houses and buildings                                                                                                     71,637,573.40

(5) Information of hold-for-sale fixed assets at period-end

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                      Estimated expense on          Estimated time for
               Item                   Book value               Fair value
                                                                                            disposal                     disposal

(6) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property

               Item                                      Reason                                   Estimated time of completion

 Integrate building of            Already gained land use right, the property right
                                                                                                         Cannot be estimated
 Chongqing Konka                  was under progress.
                                  The license for using state-owned land has not been
 Yikang building of Konka
                                  obtained and the certificate of title to house property                Cannot be estimated
                                  cannot be handled temporarily.
 Jingyuan office building         -                                                                      Cannot be estimated

 Henan office building            Under progress                                                                2013

 R&D mansion                      Under progress                                                                2013

                                  The license for using state-owned land has not been
 Main plant of Mudangjiang
                                  obtained and the certificate of title to house property                Cannot be estimated
 electric appliances etc.
                                  cannot be handled temporarily.

                                  The license for using state-owned land has not been
 Office building of Changshu
                                  obtained and the certificate of title to house property                Cannot be estimated
 Konka Color TV etc.
                                  cannot be handled temporarily.

 Kunshan Konka factories and      Under progress                                                                2013

                                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 dormitory buildings

Notes of fixed assets:
The Group obtained RMB 55,000,000.00 of bank loans by pledge of RMB 45,601,993.50 of
houses and buildings, RMB 5,547,226.46 of land usage right.
18. Construction in progress
(1) Construction in progress
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                       Book           Impairment                           Book           Impairment
                                                                       Book value                                          Book value
                                      balance          provision                          balance          provision
                                    17,966,177.0                       17,966,177.0     16,813,365.0
 Office building project                                                                                                   16,813,365.00
                                                0                                 0                  0

                                    10,039,487.9                       10,039,487.9
 Hotel project                                                                          7,745,435.95                        7,745,435.95
                                                5                                 5

 Gallery project                    1,643,881.07                       1,643,881.07     1,643,881.07                        1,643,881.07

                                    6,022,205.78                       6,022,205.78     7,052,589.78                        7,052,589.78

                                    15,469,225.5                       15,469,225.5     17,427,622.0
 Other fragmental projects                                                                                                 17,427,622.05
                                                1                                 1                  5

                                    51,140,977.3                       51,140,977.3     50,682,893.8
 Total                                                                                                                     50,682,893.85
                                                1                                 1                  5

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Increa                                                             ng:     Capital
                       Openi                 Transf                Project              Capital                                  Closin
                                    se in                                                           capital   ization   Source
 Name                   ng                   erred      Other       input    Project    ization                                     g
           Budge                                                                                    ization      of       of
   of                              reporti     to       decrea     percen    proces        of
             t         balanc                                                                          of     interes   fundin   balanc
 project                             ng      fixed        se       tage of      s       interes
                                                                                                    interes    t rate     g
                           e                 assets                budget                   t                                       e
                                   period                                                            t this     (%)
           29,000      16,813                                                                                                    17,966
 office                            1,152,
            ,000.0     ,365.0                                                                                                     ,177.0
 buildin                           812.00
                   0           0                                                                                                        0

 Kunsh     560,00                                                                                                                10,039
                       7,745,      2,294,
 an         0,000.                                                                                                                ,487.9
                       435.95      052.00
 Hotel           00                                                                                                                     5

                                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


 an           23,000
                           1,643,                                                                                                    1,643,
 Galler        ,000.0
                          881.07                                                                                                    881.07
 y                 0

               7,500,      7,052,                1,030,                                                                              6,022,
              000.00      589.78                 384.00                                                                             205.78

 fragme       42,000      17,427                                                                                                    15,469
                                      7,897,     9,855,
 ntal          ,000.0      ,622.0                                                                                                    ,225.5
                                     255.50      652.04
 project           0             5                                                                                                         1

              661,50      50,682     11,344      10,886                                                                             51,140
 Total         0,000.      ,893.8     ,119.5     ,036.0                  --         --                              --       --      ,977.3
                   00            5        0          4                                                                                     1

Notes of changes in construction in progress:

(3) Impairment provision of construction in progress

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                          Increase in           Decrease in                                  Reason for
            Item               Opening balance                                                       Closing balance
                                                     reporting period         reporting period                               withdrawal

(4) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress

                        Item                                   Process of the project                               Remark

 Kunshan office building project                   61.95%

 Kunshan Hotel project                             1.79%

 Kunshan Gallery project                           7.15%

((5) Notes of construction in progress

19. Engineering materials

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                              Increase in          Decrease in
                        Item                       Opening balance                                                       Closing balance
                                                                          reporting period       reporting period

                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Notes of engineering materials:

20. Clearance of fixed assets

                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                 Reason for transferring to
                   Item                 Opening book value          Closing book value

Notes of clearance process of fixed assets with a clearance term of over 1 year since the transfer
into fixed assets:

21. Productive biological assets

(1) Calculated by cost

                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Opening book
           Item                                          Increase                 Decrease             Closing book balance

 I. Planting industry

 II. Livestock industry

 III. Forestry

 IV. Aquaculture

(2) Calculated by fair value
                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Opening book
           Item                                          Increase                 Decrease             Closing book balance

 I. Planting industry

 II. Livestock industry

 III. Forestry

 IV. Aquaculture

Notes of Productive biological assets

22. Oil and gas assets

                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Opening        book   Increase in reporting    Decrease in reporting
            Item                                                                                       Closing book balance
                          balance               period                   period

Notes of oil and gas assets:

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

23. Intangible assets

(1) Information

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Increase in reporting     Decrease in reporting
               Item                  Opening book balance                                                     Closing book balance
                                                                   period                    period

 I. Total original book value        368,444,870.84         3,481,867.94                                      371,926,738.78

 Land use right                      303,488,845.78                                                           303,488,845.78

 Trademark            registration
                                     3,007,341.61                                                             3,007,341.61
 costs in foreign countries

 Patents   and        proprietary
                                     42,075,173.87          247,863.26                                        42,323,037.13

 Others                              19,873,509.58          3,234,004.68                                      23,107,514.26

 II.   Total      accumulated
                                     75,263,345.22          4,975,346.55                                      80,238,691.77

 Land use right                      30,942,368.10          3,330,417.18                                      34,272,785.28

 Trademark            registration
                                     3,007,341.61           0.00                                              3,007,341.61
 costs in foreign countries

 Patents   and        proprietary
                                     31,770,877.61          651,183.09                                        32,422,060.70

 Others                              9,542,757.90           993,746.28                                        10,536,504.18

 III. Total provisions for
                                     293,181,525.62         -1,493,478.61             0.00                    291,688,047.01

 Land use right                      272,546,477.68         -3,330,417.18             0.00                    269,216,060.50

 Trademark            registration
                                     0.00                   0.00                      0.00                    0.00
 costs in foreign countries

 Patents   and        proprietary
                                     10,304,296.26          -403,319.83               0.00                    9,900,976.43

 Others                              10,330,751.68          2,240,258.40              0.00                    12,571,010.08

 IV. Total book value                2,901,082.61                                                             2,901,082.61

 Land use right

 Trademark            registration
 costs in foreign countries

 Patents   and        proprietary
                                     2,901,082.61                                                             2,901,082.61


 Total original book value           290,280,443.01         -1,493,478.61             0.00                    288,786,964.40

                                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 of intangible assets

 Land use right                   272,546,477.68               -3,330,417.18              0.00                        269,216,060.50

 Trademark         registration
                                  0.00                         0.00                       0.00                        0.00
 costs in foreign countries

 Patents     and   proprietary
                                  7,403,213.65                 -403,319.83                0.00                        6,999,893.82

 Others                           10,330,751.68                2,240,258.40               0.00                        12,571,010.08

Amortization was of 4,975,346.55 in the reporting period.

(2) Company development expense

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                  Decrease in reporting period
                                                        Increase in
           Item           Opening balance                                   Recognized into                                  Closing balance
                                                  reporting period                                 Recognized as
                                                                                                  intangible assets

Development expense percentage of total expenditure of R&D projects in the reporting period.
Percentage intangible assets arising from inner R&D of the Company of closing book value of
intangible assets
Notes of R&D projects of the Company, those that include individual value of more than RMB 1
million and recognized with a basis of assessed value, please disclose name of evaluation authority
and method of evaluation:

24. Goodwill

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
 Name of investee or event that                                 Increase in the      Decrease in the
                                         Opening balance                                                 Closing balance         provision at
 generated goodwill                                            reporting period      reporting period
 Purchasing equity of
                                         3,943,671.53                                                   3,943,671.53
 Total                                   3,943,671.53                                                   3,943,671.53

Notes of test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method:
More details please refer to IV 34 in the eighth chapter “Impairment of non-current and
non-financial assets”

25. Long-term amortization expense

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Opening                                 Amortization                              Closing               Reason for
         Item                                  Increase                              Other decrease
                         balance                                   balance                                 balance             other decrease

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Decoration          2,547,457.90      732,244.22     613,016.21        4,004.58         2,662,681.33

 Other               3,713,828.55      2,400,039.12   779,765.37                         5,334,102.30

 Total               6,261,286.45      3,132,283.34   1,392,781.58      4,004.58         7,996,783.63       --


26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset
Recognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:
                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                              Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Deferred income tax assets
 Provision for assets impairment                                     210,683,591.59                        205,571,058.00
 Fair value changes of available-for-sale
 financial assets that recognized into capital                          289,061.15                               281,142.72
 Off-set unrealized profits from intra-group
                                                                      11,190,679.88                         11,190,679.88
 Guarantee expense                                                    21,999,724.15                         15,908,757.86
 Other non-current liabilities-deferred
                                                                      26,862,364.55                         25,525,174.64
 Deductible losses and others                                         20,630,911.72                         52,426,863.46

 Subtotal                                                            291,656,333.04                        310,903,676.56

 Deferred income tax liabilities:

 Fixed assets of appreciation on appraisal                              563,067.21                               563,067.21

 Subtotal                                                               563,067.21                               563,067.21

List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:
                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                               Closing balance                       Opening balance

 Deductible temporary differences                                      25,123,531.62                         29,015,090.67

 Deductible losses                                                     74,711,275.37                         63,665,559.14

 Total                                                                 99,834,806.99                         92,680,649.81

Unrecognized deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities that will expire in the
following fiscal year:
                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
            Year                    Closing balance       Opening balance                         Remark

List of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:
                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Temporary differences amount
                                                                      As at 30 Jun. 2013                               As at 1 Jan. 2013

 Taxable differences item

 Deductible differences items

(2) List of net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities after
Notes of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                               Deductible                                         Deductible
                                                Deferred income                temporary           Deferred income                temporary
                                                     tax assets or            differences or          tax assets or             differences or
                                                     liabilities at      taxable temporary            liabilities at          taxable temporary
                                                      period-end              differences at          period-begin              differences at
                                                                               period-end                                        period-begin
         Deferred income tax assets:                291,656,333.04                                 310,903,676.56
      Deferred income tax liabilities                563,067.21                                       563,067.21
Particulars of the counter off-set between deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                                            Counter off-set amount in the reporting period

Notes of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:

27. List of provision for assets impairment
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                      Opening book              Increase in            Decrease in reporting period               Closing book
                                          balance            reporting period          Reversal            Written off              balance
 I. Provision for bad debt             298,228,748.37            15,902,876.56         3,859,512.85           590,471.32         309,681,640.76
 II. Provision for inventory
                                       762,338,031.79            10,868,440.16                            13,540,832.92          759,665,639.03
 falling price
 III. Impairment provision of
                                          1,885,000.00                    0.00                                                      1,885,000.00
 long-term equity investment
 IV. Impairment provision of
                                        23,849,042.62                                                     10,601,255.29           13,247,787.33
 fixed assets
 V. Impairment provision of
                                          2,901,082.61                                                                              2,901,082.61
 intangible assets
 Total                               1,089,201,905.39            26,771,316.72         3,859,512.85       24,732,559.53

Notes of the list of assets impairment:

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                    Closing balance                         Opening balance

Notes of other non-current assets:

29. Short-term loan
 (1) Category
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                    Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Pledge loan                                                                2,926,968,078.67                       2,641,579,639.42
 Mortgage loan                                                                55,000,000.00                           55,000,000.00
 Credit loan                                                                1,885,519,407.69                       2,659,771,847.06
 Entrusted loan                                                                                                      100,000,000.00
 Total                                                                      4,867,487,486.36                       5,456,351,486.48

Notes of category of short-term loan:

1) The category of the mortgage assets of the mortgage loans and the amount, please refer to the section VIII, VII, 17th and section

VIII, VII, 23rd.

2) The pledge loans were the USD loans gained from the pledge for the bank deposits as well as the notes receivables, which was

because the Group wanted to carry out overseas payment business. The pledged RMB deposits please refer to section VIII, VII, 1st

and the pledged notes receivables please refer to section VIII, VII, 3rd.

(2) List of unsettled mature short-term loan
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Amount of                                                      Reason for
  Name of creditor                          Rate of loan            Usage                                     Estimated settle date
                               loan                                                      unsettlement

RMB** was paid back after the Balance Sheet Date.

Notes of short-term loan, for those gaining extended term, notes term of extension and new maturity day:

30. Trading financial liabilities
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                   Closing fair value                       Opening fair value

Notes of trading financial liabilities:

31. Notes payable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Category                                   Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Trade acceptance bill                                                       429,480,886.23                          846,746,137.62
 Bank acceptance bill                                                          1,503,613.97
 Total                                                                       430,984,500.20                          846,746,137.62

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

RMB 430,984,500.20 will be due in next fiscal period.
Notes of notes payable:

32. Accounts payable


                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                              Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Within 1 year                                                  3,043,072,958.57                         2,686,331,707.29
 1 year to 2 years                                                  4,269,175.51                             7,156,630.71
 2 years to 3 years                                                 5,597,071.65                            14,513,984.42
 Over 3 years                                                      36,022,060.02                            27,991,465.10
 Total                                                          3,088,961,265.75                         2,735,993,787.52

 (2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the

                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Entity                            Closing balance                        Opening balance

 (3) Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year

                                                                                 Reason for        Whether pay after the

                            Item                         Amount                 unsettlement      Balance Sheet Date or

   Installation project                                     25,534,055.98        Unsettled                 No

   Exterior wall project                                     3,877,746.61        Unsettled                 No

   Project supervision fee                                   3,040,000.00        Unsettled                 No

                            Total                           32,451,802.59

33. Advance from customers


                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Item                           Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Within 1 year                                                      328,038,720.75                         418,357,441.25
 1 year to 2 years                                                    5,146,136.44                          11,504,576.23
 2 years to 3 years                                                   4,971,521.75                           2,647,309.25
 Over 3 years                                                         7,898,730.38                           9,327,140.36

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                                           346,055,109.32                         441,836,467.09

 (2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares
of the Company

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Entity                                     Closing balance                            Opening balance

 (3) Notes of significant advance from customers aging over one year

 The significant advance from customers aging over one year was the unsettled sales amounts.

34. Payroll payable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                   Increase in reporting             Decrease in reporting
         Item          Opening book balance                                                                       Closing book balance
                                                             period                         period
 I. Salary, bonus,
                                286,063,426.11               683,518,211.39                   757,901,543.47            211,680,094.03
 allowance, subsidy
 II. Employee
                                  2,095,684.52                40,916,555.98                       36,781,245.56           6,230,994.94
 III. Social
                                  5,493,167.06                89,273,000.61                       89,010,218.10           5,755,949.57
                                  1,446,451.87                19,917,606.49                       19,742,203.13           1,621,855.23
 Medical insurance
 2. Basic
 endowment                        3,532,013.23                62,050,634.77                       61,987,393.00           3,595,255.00
 3. Annuity
                                                                      1,100.00                          880.00                   220.00
 4. Unemployment
                                   225,334.89                  3,714,508.78                        3,649,112.57             290,731.10
 insurance expense
 5. Maternity
                                   124,075.12                  1,391,919.72                        1,457,834.99                58,159.85
 6. Employment
                                   165,291.95                  2,197,230.85                        2,172,794.41             189,728.39
 injury insurance
 IV. Housing fund                 1,472,945.22                14,200,301.95                       14,453,626.41           1,219,620.76
 V. Dismissal
                                   163,910.53                  1,175,786.46                        1,188,558.80             151,138.19
 VI. Other                        9,714,283.29                21,874,090.81                       19,232,788.21          12,355,585.89
 Total                          305,003,416.73               850,957,947.20                   918,567,980.55            237,393,383.38

RMB 0.00 is the amounts in arrears in the payroll payable.

The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB 10,437,526.24, the non-monetary benefits are RMB 0.00, and the

compensation for terminating the labor contract is RMB 0.00.

                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

The estimated distribution date and amount as well as other arrangements for payroll payable:

35. Taxes payable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                          Closing balance                   Opening balance
 VAT                                                                            -101,272,398.14                   -274,015,057.88
 Business tax                                                                        998,290.75                         1,151,251.13
 Corporate income tax                                                            -17,710,897.87                        -6,187,617.27
 Personal income tax                                                               2,678,451.52                         2,876,020.13
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                            1,430,802.51                         4,239,904.85
 Education surtax                                                                    789,707.27                         2,365,376.38
 Deposing funds of waste electrical and electronic
                                                                                  21,735,952.47                        30,671,882.00
 Other                                                                            22,458,091.05                         7,810,404.06
 Total                                                                           -68,892,000.44                   -231,087,836.60

Notes of taxes payable: for the taxable income of branch companies and factories approved to be inter-adjusted by their local tax
authorities, the Company shall specified their calculation procedure:

36. Interest payable

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                          Closing balance                   Opening balance
 Interest payable on long-term borrowings that interest
 was paid by stages and principle was repay upon due
 Interest payable on short-term borrowings                                        33,560,894.43                        25,886,463.78
 Non-current liabilities interests due within one year                               155,672.18
 Total                                                                            33,716,566.61                        27,651,352.67


37. Dividends payable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                   Reason for unsettlement over 1
            Name of entity                   Closing balance               Opening balance


38. Other accounts payable

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Within 1 year                                                                1,525,872,855.76                   1,181,207,444.47

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 1 year to 2 years                                              55,385,052.97                          120,523,681.87
 2 years to 3 years                                             20,247,975.65                            29,156,204.12
 Over 3 years                                                   30,949,192.91                            33,868,930.00
 Total                                                       1,632,455,077.29                        1,364,756,260.46

 (2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company

                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Name of entity                 Closing balance                           Opening balance

 (3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year

                                                                                              Whether return after the
                       Name of creditor             Amount          Reason for unsettlement
                                                                                                   reporting date

  Shanghai Shensi Logistics Co., Ltd.                4,500,000.00      Guarantee money                  No

  Shanghai Yude International Logistics Co., Ltd.    2,650,000.00      Guarantee money                  No

  Shanghai Yongxin Color Picture Tube Co., Ltd.      2,075,485.15      Guarantee money                  No

  Chuzhou Jinshida Motor Transport Co., Ltd.         2,000,000.00      Guarantee money                  No

  Chuzhou Henglida Logistics Co., Ltd.               2,000,000.00      Guarantee money                  No

  Chuzhou Nanqiao Jingwei Motor Transport Co.,
                                                                       Guarantee money                  No
  Ltd.                                               2,000,000.00

  Xianyang Weiye Logistics Co., Ltd.                 2,000,000.00      Guarantee money                  No

                             Total                  17,225,485.15

  (4) Notes of other accounts payable with significant amount

                     Name of creditor                 Closing amount                          Nature or content

  Gome Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                    Energy-saving subsidies

  Zhenhua Group (Kunshan) Construction Proj
                                                                                              Guarantee money
  ects Co., Ltd.                                                         5,400,000.00

  Shanghai Shensi Logistics Co., Ltd.                                    4,500,000.00         Guarantee money

  Shanghai Yude International Logistics Co., Ltd.                        2,650,000.00         Guarantee money

                          Total                                        18,259,250.00

39. Estimated liabilities
                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                            Increase in reporting      Decrease in reporting
              Item                  Opening balance                                                                   Closing balance
                                                                   period                     period
 Dismissal welfare                           2,511,814.54                                                                   2,511,814.54
 Total                                       2,511,814.54                                                                   2,511,814.54

Notes of estimated liabilities:

40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year


                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Long-term loan due within 1 year                                           110,000,000.00                                810,000,000.00
 Total                                                                      110,000,000.00                                810,000,000.00

 (2) Long-term loan due within 1 year
 Long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Credit loan                                                                  10,000,000.00                                10,000,000.00
 Entrusted loan                                                             100,000,000.00                                800,000,000.00
 Total                                                                      110,000,000.00                                810,000,000.00

RMB 0.00 of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.
Top five long-term loans due within 1 year
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Closing balance             Opening balance
                      Starting       Ending                                         Foreign
   Creditor                                         Currency     Rate (%)                          RMB          curren
                        date          date                                       currency                                  RMB balance
                                                                                                  balance        cy
 CCB OCT             16 Sep.       1 Aug.                                                                                  100,000,000.0
                                                   RMB Yuan            3.7%
 Branch              2010          2013                                                                                                 0
 CCB OCT             15 Apr.       31 July                                                                                 100,000,000.0
                                                   RMB Yuan          5.42%
 Branch              2010          2013                                                                                                 0
 CCB OCT             31 Dec.       31 July                                                                                 300,000,000.0
                                                   RMB Yuan          3.92%
 Branch              2010          2013                                                                                                 0
 Internation         10 Dec.       10 Dec.                                                     10,000,000.0
                                                   RMB Yuan            0.3%                                                10,000,000.00
 al Trust            2010          2013                                                                     0
 Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 ustrial Ban
 k, Shenzhe     12 July         31 July                                                                                                300,000,000.0
                                                  RMB Yuan               4.96%
 n Citizens'    2012            2013                                                                                                                 0
  Center Br

 CCB OCT                        12 Dec.                                                                  100,000,000.
                9 Jan. 2012                       RMB Yuan               5.28%
 Branch                         2016                                                                               00
                                                                                                         110,000,000.                  810,000,000.0
 Total                 --               --             --               --                --                                --
                                                                                                                   00                                0

Mature loan of long-term loan due within 1 year:
                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
     Name of                                                      Annual rate                                    Reason for        Estimated date
                     Amount of loan          Overdue date                                      Usage
     creditor                                                           (%)                                     unsettlement       of completion
RMB* of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.
Top five long-term loans due within 1 year

 (3) Bonds payable due within 1 year

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                              Opening                         paid in       Closing
                               Issuance                       Issuing                      interest in                                     Closing
   Name         Par value                       Term                          interest                          the         interest
                                 date                         amount                           current                                     balance
                                                                              payable                        reporting      payable


 (4) Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                           Accrued                Closing
     Creditor               Term             Initial amount        Rate (%)                                                            Conditions
                                                                                           interest               balance
Notes of long-term accounts payable due within 1 year:

41. Other current liabilities

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                     Closing book balance                             Opening book balance

42. Long-term loan

 (1) Category of long-term loan

                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                   Closing balance                                        Opening balance
 Credit loan                                                                     10,000,000.00                                          10,000,000.00
 Entrust loan②                                                                 100,000,000.00                                    1,200,000,000.00

 Less: Long-term loans due within one year
                                                                               -110,000,000.00                                       -810,000,000.00
 (annotations VII, 29th)

 Total                                                                                                                               400,000,000.00

Notes of category:

 (2) The top five long-term loans
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                           Closing balance                    Opening balance
                   Starting          Ending                                            Foreign
   Creditor                                       Currency       Rate (%)                                   RMB            currenc
                     date             date                                             currency                                         RMB amount
                                                                                                           amount            y
 Bank, Shen
 zhen             9 Jan. 2012     1 Jun. 2015    RMB Yuan             5.51%
 CCB OCT          17 Mar.         4 Mar.                                                                                                 100,000,000.
                                                 RMB Yuan             5.67%
 Branch           2011            2016                                                                                                            00
 CCB OCT                          12 Dec.                                                                 100,000,000                    100,000,000.
                  9 Jan. 2012                    RMB Yuan
 Branch                           2016                                                                            .00                             00
                                                                                                          100,000,000                    400,000,000.
 Total                   --               --           --             --                  --                                 --
                                                                                                                  .00                             00
Notes of long-term loan: for the long-term loans arising from mature loans with extended term, the Company shall explain the
conditions of extension, principal, interest, expected repayment arrangement:

43. Bonds payable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                            Opening            Closing        paid in        Closing
                                 Issuance                   Issuing                                                                         Closing
   Name        Par value                        Term                        interest           interest         the          interest
                                   date                     amount                                                                          balance
                                                                            payable            payable       reporting       payable

Notes of bonds payable, including the conditions and date of conversion of the convertible corporate bonds:

44. Long-term payable

                                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 (1) The top five long-term payable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Accrued                                   Conditions of
         Company               Term         Initial amount          Rate (%)                               Closing balance
                                                                                           interest                                    loan
                                              30,000,000.00                  2%            300,000.00           30,000,000.00
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 (2) List of the financing lease payable under the long-term loan

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                             Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                              Foreign currency                  RMB                   Foreign currency            RMB
RMB 0 was guarantee for the Company’s financing lease provided by the independent third party.
Notes of the long-term payable:

45. Specific payable

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                          Increase in          Decrease in
                                         Opening                                                      Closing
              Item                                           reporting          reporting                                       Note
                                         balance                                                      balance
                                                              period              period
Notes of specific payable:

46. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                    Closing book balance                            Opening book balance
 Deferred income                                                               142,165,597.94                                   125,743,462.22
 Total                                                                         142,165,597.94                                   125,743,462.22

Notes of other non-current liabilities, including each government grants relevant to assets and income received in the reporting

period and their closing amounts:

     Of which, the list of deferred incomes as follows:
                                  Item                                          Closing balance                      Opening balance
   Government subsidy relevant to assets
   Subsidies for supporting equipment of Kunshan liquid crystal
                                                                                             22,815,000.00                      24,570,000.00
   module project
   Fund for flat panel display industry in 2008                                               9,499,999.99                      10,000,000.00
   R&D and industrialization of large size liquid crystal display
                                                                                              7,200,000.00                       8,400,000.00
   Key technology and industrialization of LED Backlight of                                   5,000,000.00                       5,000,000.00

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

   flat TV set
   Industrialization project of large size liquid crystal display
                                                                                         8,000,000.00                 9,200,000.00
   R&D and industrialization of integrated module of flat TV
                                                                                         3,075,000.00                 3,525,000.00
   R&D and industrialization of integrated DTMB                                          5,329,999.94                 6,149,999.96
   Special Funds for Strategic Emerging Industry Development
                                                                                         5,400,000.00                 5,400,000.00
   (High-end New Electronic Information)
   Research and Development of Terminal and Supporting Core
                                                                                         3,750,000.00                 3,750,000.00
   Chip Based on AVS/DRA
   Research, Development and Industrialization of New
                                                                                         3,750,000.00                 3,750,000.00
   Hunan-interactive Smart Television
   Special Funds of Guidance for Technological Innovation and
                                                                                         3,000,000.00                 3,000,000.00
   Achievement Transformation
   Research, Development and Industrialization of System of
                                                                                         2,950,000.00                 3,000,000.00
   New Terminal Application Service for Internet
   Research      and    Development      Project   to    Support
   Next-generation Smart Terminal System for Internet
   Others                                                                               40,162,046.02                30,854,910.27

   Government subsidy relevant to earnings
   Others                                                                               12,233,551.99                 9,143,551.99
                                                                                       142,165,597.94               125,743,462.22

47. Share capital
                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                       Opening          Issuing                     Capitalizatio
                                                                                                                    Closing balance
                       balance           new       Bonus shares         n of public         Other       Subtotal
                                        shares                           reserves
 Total shares                                                                                                      1,203,972,704.00

Notes of changes in share capital, for those action of increasing capital or decreasing capital in the reporting period, the Company

shall disclose the name of the accounting firm executing the capital verification and document number of the capital verification

report; for joint-stock companies running for less than three years, only the net assets shall be specified for particulars before

establishment; while for case of totally changing the limited liability companies into joint-stock companies, capital verification on

the establishment shall be specified:

48. Treasury stock
 Notes of treasury stock:

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

49. Special reserves
 Notes of special reserves:

50. Capital reserves

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                      Opening balance                 Increase               Decrease             Closing balance
 Capital premium           (share
                                           1,211,366,082.55                                                         1,211,366,082.55
 capital premium)
 Other capital reserves                      61,054,245.91                                          23,755.27           61,030,490.64
 Total                                     1,272,420,328.46                                         23,755.27       1,272,396,573.19

The increase of other capital reserves in the reporting period was due to the available-for-sale financial assets—changes i
n the fair value, and the decrease in the reporting period was due to the disposal of the available-for-sale financial asset

51. Surplus reserves

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                      Opening balance                 Increase                Decrease            Closing balance
 Statutory surplus reserves                 573,228,941.95                                                            573,228,941.95
 Discretional surplus reserves              254,062,265.57                                                            254,062,265.57
 Total                                      827,291,207.52                                                            827,291,207.52

Notes of surplus reserves: for surplus reserves transferred to share capital, compensating losses and distributed as dividends,

relevant resolutions shall be explained:

According to the rules of Companies Act, the Articles, the Company extracted the statutory surplus reserves according to

 the 10% of the net profits. If the accumulated amount of the statutory surplus reserves was more than 50% of the regi

stered capital of the Company, could no more extract any.

The Company could extract discretional surplus reserves after extracted statutory surplus reserves. Through approved, the

discretional surplus reserves could be used to make up the losses of the previous years or to increase the share capital.

52. Provision for general risk
 Notes of provision for general risk:

53. Retained profits
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                              Amount                          Withdrawal or distributed

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                                       725,485,704.10                  --
 Opening balance of retained profits after
                                                                                       725,485,704.10                  --
 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                           40,547,673.62               --
 Dividend of common stock payable                                                          12,039,727.04
 Closing retained profits                                                              753,993,650.68                  --

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB** opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB** opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB** opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB-9,515,279.08 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
5) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

Notes: as for IPO companies, if the accumulated profits were enjoyed by new and original shareholders according to the resolutions

made at the shareholders’ general meeting before public offering, the Company shall explain clearly; if the accumulated profits

were distributed before public offering and enjoyed by the original shareholders according to the resolutions made at the

shareholders’ general meeting, the Company shall clearly disclose the audited profits of dividends payable enjoyed by the original


54. Revenue and Cost of Sales

 (1) Revenue, Cost of Sales
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                Reporting period                          Same period of last year
 Sales of main business                                                 9,329,229,395.36                            6,976,145,869.85
 Other operating income                                                   92,169,885.64                                62,777,267.92
 Cost of sales                                                          7,835,777,505.69                            5,722,506,955.64

 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                     Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                       Revenue of sales          Costs of sales            Revenue of sales         Costs of sales
 Electronics industry                   9,329,229,395.36          7,783,071,113.88           6,976,145,869.85       5,674,892,770.60
 Total                                  9,329,229,395.36          7,783,071,113.88           6,976,145,869.85       5,674,892,770.60

 (3) Main business (Classified by product)
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                  Reporting period                                Same period of last year
                                     Revenue of sales           Costs of sales            Revenue of sales         Costs of sales
 Color television business            7,478,282,465.06           6,178,528,941.50          5,154,996,482.76        4,157,141,389.91
 Mobile phone business                    686,575,916.65            618,861,444.21           565,319,642.38          495,262,014.07
 White goods business                     785,194,995.56            665,864,686.59           717,953,215.54          580,042,564.86
 Others                                   379,176,018.09            319,816,041.58           537,876,529.17          442,446,801.76
 Total                                9,329,229,395.36           7,783,071,113.88          6,976,145,869.85        5,674,892,770.60

 (4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                  Reporting period                                Same period of last year
                                     Revenue of sales           Costs of sales            Revenue of sales         Costs of sales
 Domestic sales                       7,782,919,179.42           6,314,646,566.63          5,390,594,971.28        4,228,987,297.87
 Overseas sales                       1,546,310,215.94           1,468,424,547.25          1,585,550,898.57        1,445,905,472.73
 Total                                9,329,229,395.36           7,783,071,113.88          6,976,145,869.85        5,674,892,770.60

 (5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
               Customer                     Main business revenue                     Proportion of total business revenue (%)
 Suning Appliance                                          603,254,635.76                                                        6.4%
 Gome Electrical Appliances
 (including China Paradise
                                                           481,455,303.17                                                        5.11%
 Electronics Retail and Dazhong
                                                           410,807,755.96                                                        4.36%
 RT-MART                                                   162,066,611.26                                                        1.72%
 Wal-Mart                                                  125,357,665.20                                                        1.33%
 Total                                                  1,782,941,971.35                                                     18.92%


55. Revenue from the construction contracts
                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
 Fixed price                                                             Incurred           cumulative gross
                          Contract item           Amount                                                           Settled amount
 contract                                                             cumulative costs        profit (Losses
                                                                                            presented by “-”)
                                                                         Incurred           cumulative gross
 Cost plus contract       Contract item           Amount                                                           Settled amount
                                                                      cumulative costs        profit (Losses
                                                                                            presented by “-”)


                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

56. Business tax and surtax

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                      Same period of last
                  Item                    Reporting period                                      Calculation and payment standard
 Business tax                                    1,475,839.91                1,449,811.16
 Urban          maintenance     and
                                                18,018,626.18               12,262,073.87
 construction tax
 Education surtax                                8,371,564.25                5,688,845.13
 Local education surtax                          4,902,454.38                3,329,710.02
 Other                                            265,679.78                 1,750,145.11
 Total                                          33,034,164.50               24,480,585.29                      --


57. Selling expenses

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                               Report period                              Same period of last year
 Wages                                                                 162,510,473.38                               125,536,361.12
 Promotional activities                                                364,417,645.15                               296,229,638.52

 Logistic fees                                                         159,743,609.13                               150,457,267.50

 Advertising expenses                                                  159,060,890.75                               143,843,849.42
 Maintenance fees                                                      154,895,890.42                               109,597,299.76
 Travel expenses                                                        23,810,439.27                                22,325,068.31
 Social insurances                                                      34,261,911.29                                31,097,303.96
 Housing funds                                                             910,837.48                                   843,214.91
 Rental fees                                                            19,872,418.40                                19,273,416.62

 Business entertainment expenses                                        20,508,329.56                                16,674,709.77

 Employee benefits                                                      13,033,537.39                                11,563,829.96
 Deposing funds of waste electrical and
 electronic equipments
 Other                                                                  57,926,543.58                                47,131,677.38
 Total                                                                1,211,403,089.80                              974,573,637.23

58. Administration expenses

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                             Reporting period                             Same period of last year
 R&D expenses                                                          101,602,125.00                                86,676,360.00
 Wages                                                                  73,218,938.17                                56,611,879.35
 Depreciation                                                           16,897,047.83                                13,501,454.33
 Taxes fees and funds                                                   13,694,092.19                                10,656,528.94
 Business entertainment expenses                                        11,341,531.79                                10,854,959.85

                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Consulting advisers fees                                            4,990,559.53                                6,626,525.59
 Travel expenses                                                     6,794,316.49                                8,485,134.20
 Social insurances                                                   9,129,792.51                                6,907,461.31
 Labor union expenditures                                            5,258,947.85                                4,076,450.50

 Utilities                                                           4,090,061.80                                3,924,119.28

 Patent fees                                                         3,713,744.62                                3,098,210.35
 Other                                                             62,204,950.74                                64,897,911.80
 Total                                                            312,936,108.52                               276,316,995.50

59. Financial expenses

                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                             Reporting period                        Same period of last year
 Interest incomes                                                 107,675,645.05                               142,952,522.01
 Less: Interest costs                                              -25,539,623.72                              -67,960,768.60

 Less: Amount of interest capitalizatio

 Exchange gains or losses                                         -104,264,106.93                               30,604,139.19

 Less: Amount of exchange gains of
 losses capitalization
 Other                                                               3,165,589.83                                4,174,744.17
 Total                                                             -21,707,338.29                              109,770,636.77

60. Gains and losses from changes in fair value

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Source                             Reporting period                    Same period of last year

 Trading financial assets                                                                                       22,101,173.97

 Including: gains from the changes in fair value of
 derivative financial instruments
 Total                                                                                                          22,101,173.97


61. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                            Reporting period                    Same period of last year
 Long-term equity investment income accounted
                                                                         -8,197,695.92                           3,873,147.41
 by equity method
 Investment income arising from disposal of                                                                         91,013.92

                                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 long-term equity investments
 Investment income received from holding of
 available-for-sale financial assets
 Investment income received from
 available-for-sale financial assets
 Total                                                                       -8,176,580.12                             9,074,172.92

 (2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                       Same period of last
            Name of investee                  Reporting period                                    Reason for increase/decrease

 (3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                       Same period of last
            Name of investee                  Reporting period                                    Reason for increase/decrease
 Chongqing Jingkang Plastic                                -125.00              -67,676.23
 Shenzhen Refond Optoelectronics
                                                     5,063,615.84            5,358,632.82
 Co., Ltd
 EnRay Tek Optoelectronics
                                                   -13,261,186.76            -1,417,809.18
 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
 Total                                              -8,197,695.92            3,873,147.41                        --

Notes of investment income: make notes if there is significant limitation for recovery of investment income. If there is not anything

about the mentioned limitation, notes too:

62. Impairment losses

                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                                   Reporting period                  Same period of last year
 I. Bad debts losses                                                          12,043,363.71                           -6,594,988.81
 II. Inventory falling price losses                                           10,868,440.16                              848,587.73
 Total                                                                        22,911,803.87                           -5,746,401.08

63. Non-operating gains


                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                           The amount included in
                       Item                         Report period           Same period of last year      the current non-recurring
                                                                                                               gains and losses

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Total gains from disposal of non-current
                                                         12,182,289.25                  10,114,355.92               12,182,289.25
 Including:Gains from disposal of fixed
                                                         12,182,289.25                  10,114,355.92               12,182,289.25
 Government grants                                       31,471,202.07                  62,128,032.28               26,741,064.35
 Penalty income                                           1,535,922.81                   2,512,302.85                1,535,922.81
 Other                                                         765,399.89                2,493,824.04                 765,399.89
 Total                                                   45,954,814.02                  77,248,515.09               41,224,676.30

 (2) List of government grants
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                      Reporting period        Same period of last year                 Note
 R&D subsidy                                       2,731,240.32                4,540,230.00
 Refund on software tax                            4,730,137.72              36,675,785.94
 Establishment of development
 center for signal TV
 Patent subsidy                                                                  682,400.00
 Insurance subsidy from Shenzhen
 Finance Bureau
 Capital for technology
 performance commercialization
 Industrial subsidy capita.                                                    1,160,000.00
 Subsidy on power                                                              1,500,000.00
 Industrialization of large size
                                                   1,200,000.00                1,200,000.00
 liquid crystal display module
 R&D and industrialization of
 large size liquid crystal display                 1,200,000.00                1,200,000.00
 R&D and industrialization of
                                                    820,000.02                   820,000.02
 integrated DTMB
 Industry funds of panel display in
 Enterprise development special

 Finance discounts                                 5,000,000.00

 Other                                            13,386,924.00                9,049,235.09
 Total                                            31,471,202.07              62,128,032.28                    --

64. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                              Report period            Same period of last     The amount included

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               year                  in the current
                                                                                                                  non-recurring gains
                                                                                                                       and losses
 Loss on disposal of non-current assets                            3,868,800.73                1,877,844.62                3,868,800.73
 Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                       3,868,800.73                1,877,844.62                3,868,800.73
 External donation expense                                                                        15,000.00
 Other                                                               159,482.03                  125,770.06                    159,482.03
 Penalty expense                                                   1,097,569.87                  261,066.84                1,097,569.87
 Total                                                             5,125,852.63                2,279,681.52                5,125,852.63


65. Income tax expense

                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                         Reporting period                 Same period of last year
 Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant
                                                                                        3,800,578.66                     23,403,914.76
 Adjustment of income tax                                                              19,247,343.52                       8,284,199.91
 Total                                                                                 23,047,922.18                     31,688,114.67

66. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
Basic EPS is the basic earnings attributable to ordinary stockholders divided by the weighted average number of outstanding during

the year. The amount of the ordinary stock newly issued, according to the specific clauses of the distribution agreement, should be

calculated and established as of the date of receivable and consideration (generally issue date of stock).

  The numerator of diluted EPS, according to the ordinary shares attributable to ordinary stockholders, is established after the

adjustment of the factors as follows:

The interests of the dilutive potential ordinary shares which have been established as cost; (2) The income and cost from the

transformation of the dilutive potential ordinary shares; (3) The income tax impact related to the adjustment mentioned above.

The denominator of diluted EPS equals to the sum of the following two: (1) The weighted average of the ordinary shares which are

issued by the parent company in the basic EPS; (2) The weighted average of the increased ordinary shares for the presumptive

transformation of the dilutive potential ordinary shares to the ordinary shares.

Calculating the weighted average of the increased ordinary shares for the presumptive transformation of the dilutive potential

ordinary shares to the ordinary shares, if the dilutive potential ordinary shares were issued in the former period, should suppose that

the shares transform at the period-begin of the year. If the dilutive potential ordinary shares were issued in the year, the

transformation should be supposed to take place in the issue date.

         (1) List of the amount of basic EPS and diluted EPS each term
               Profits in report period                          Report period                         Same period of last year

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                          Basic EPS            Diluted EPS          Basic EPS        Diluted EPS

   Net profit attributable to common
                                                                     0.0337             0.0337            0.0095              0.0095
   shareholders of the Company
   Non-recurring gains and losses of net profit
   attributable to common shareholders of the
                                                                     0.0115             0.0115            -0.0319             -0.0319
   Company after deducting influence on
   income tax

      (2) Calculation procedure of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
      In the reporting period, the Company had not any diluted potential ordinary share, so the diluted earnings per share was equal

to basic earnings per share.

      ①When basic earnings per share are being calculated, the net profits attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares are:

                                       Item                                      Reporting period         Same period of last year
   Net profits attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the
   reporting period                                                                     40,547,673.62

   Of which: net profits attributable to sustainable operation                          40,547,673.62                  11,467,291.68

   Net profits attributable to terminated operation                                                 —                               —

   Non-recurring gains and losses of net profit attributable to

   common shareholders of the Company after deducting influence on                                                    -38,396,824.01

   income tax                                                                           13,903,675.19

   Of which: net profits attributable to sustainable operation                          13,903,675.19                 -38,396,824.01

   Net profits attributable to terminated operation                                                 —                               —

 ②While basic earnings per share are being calculated, the denominator is the average weighted number of ordinary shares issued

    publicly, and the calculation is as the following:

                                     Item                                      Reporting period           Same period of last year

   Ordinary shares publicly issued at the beginning of the period                     1,203,972,704.00              1,203,972,704.00
   Add: Weighted average number of ordinary shares issued in
                                                                                                     —                              —
   the reporting period
   Less:     Weighted      average    number      of   ordinary    share
                                                                                                     —                              —
   repurchased in the reporting period
   Weighted average number publicly issued at the end of the
                                                                                      1,203,972,704.00              1,203,972,704.00

67. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Item                                           Reporting period            Same period of last year
 1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                                -31,673.70                 -4,496,523.44
 Less:      Effects   on     income         tax   generating      from                        -7,918.43                 -1,124,130.86

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 available-for-sale financial assets
                             Subtotal                                      -23,755.27                 -3,372,392.58
 4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements           2,903,844.68                  -2,793,377.06
                             Subtotal                                   2,903,844.68                  -2,793,377.06
                              Total                                     2,880,089.41                  -6,165,769.64


68. Notes of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Item                                            Amount
 Government subsidy income                                                                            26,280,631.00
 Bargain money and deposit                                                                            24,675,043.20
 Interest income from bank deposits                                                                   22,396,921.55
 Income from waste                                                                                     8,133,586.58
 Repayment of individual borrowing                                                                     3,182,142.09
 Temporary received repair fund
 Income from fine and penalty                                                                            442,901.26
 Other expenses and current accounts                                                                 120,693,851.11
                                       Total                                                         205,805,076.79

Notes of other cash received relevant to operating activities

 (2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Item                                            Amount
 Out of pocket expenses                                                                              653,851,725.69
 Deposit, guarantee money and repair fund expense                                                     36,224,530.76
 Employee reserve fund                                                                                20,167,753.72
 Advanced payment                                                                                      6,582,536.16
 Bank charges                                                                                         16,482,745.75
 Donation expense
 Other expenses                                                                                       49,828,899.78
                                       Total                                                         783,138,191.86


 (3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities
                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Item                                            Amount


                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 (4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                                            Amount


 (5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                                            Amount
 Receipt and return of pledged RMB fixed deposits upon maturity                                                 1,089,113,577.37
                                     Total                                                                      1,089,113,577.37


 (6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                                            Amount
 Deposit of guarantee money used for pledge                                                                          407,569,308.18
 Other                                                                                                                 1,608,245.29
                                     Total                                                                           409,177,553.47


69. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Appendix of Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Supplemental information                            Reporting period                   Same period of last
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated
                                                                            --                                  --
 from operating activities
 Net profit                                                                      36,648,406.00                        11,476,794.21
 Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                         22,911,803.87                        -5,746,401.08
 Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of
                                                                                 67,001,921.02                        65,377,247.16
 productive biological assets
 Amortization of intangible assets                                                4,975,346.55                         4,004,748.59
 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                       1,392,781.58                         5,198,661.54
 Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
 intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains:                            -12,182,289.25                      -10,114,355.92
 Loss on retirement of fixed assets (gains: negative)                             3,868,800.73                         1,877,844.62
 Loss on fair value change (gains: negative)                                              0.00                       -22,101,173.97
 Financial cost (gains: negative)                                                79,391,178.80                        86,258,499.42

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                    8,176,580.12                         -9,074,172.92
 Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)                            19,247,343.52                          7,967,570.92
 Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease:
                                                                                              0.00                           -807,501.87
 Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                                         483,369,713.85                       -452,980,898.62
 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                               1,102,292,669.90                      2,433,695,876.94
 (gains: negative)
 Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease:
                                                                                 454,595,963.74                       -999,447,651.25
 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                            2,271,690,220.43                      1,115,585,087.77
 2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving
                                                                                --                                   --
 cash receipts and payment:
 3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                   --                                   --
    Closing balance of cash                                                    1,769,306,476.23                      1,292,124,522.94
    Less: Opening balance of cash                                                824,043,169.37                           646,451,050.70
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       945,263,306.86                           645,673,472.24

 (2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiary and other business units in the reporting

                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                      Occurred in same period of last
                   Supplementary Information                      Occurred in reporting period
 I. Information about acquisition of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                --                                   --
 business units:
 II. Information about disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                --                                   --
 business units:

 (3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                                        Closing amount                      Opening amount
 I. Cash                                                                       1,769,306,476.23                           824,043,169.37
 Including: cash in hand                                                                14,153.64                            169,522.85
    Bank deposit can be used for payment at any time                           1,769,292,322.59                      1,291,955,000.09
 III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                             1,769,306,476.23                           824,043,169.37

Note to Supplementary Information of Cash Flow Statement

The Company accounted the bank deposit balance as the “other currency assets” and this kind of cash deposits were not used for

payment at any time before expires, so it had been deducted in the Cash Flow Statement.

70. Note to changes in owners’ equity
Explain the “Other” items to be adjusted at the end of the first half year and the adjusted amount; the retroactive adjustment due to

consolidation of enterprises under the same control:

                                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

VIII. Accounting treatment of asset securitization business

1. Main transaction arrangements, accounting treatments and bankruptcy remoteness terms of asset

2. Special purpose entities that the company does not own but bears the risks
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Total assets at        Total liabilities         Net assets at                 Operating
                                                                                                                           Net profits of
       Name                the end of           at the end of             the end of                   revenue of                                      Remark
                                                                                                                          current period
                            period                   period                    period             current period

IX. Relationship and Related Party Transactions

1. Particulars about the parent company:
                                                                                                             Proporti       Proporti
                                                                                                              ons of        ons of
                                                                                                              parent        parent
 Name of                                                                                                     compan         compan
                                           Registrat          Legal                          Register                                     controlle      Organiz
  parent       Relation      Enterpri                                         Business                         y’s           y’s
                                               ion          represen                              ed                                        r of the      ation
 compan          ship        se nature                                         nature                       sharehol        voting
                                               place          tative                          capital                                     compan          code
       y                                                                                                      ding to       right to
                                                                                                               the            the
                                                                                                             compan         compan
                                                                                                              y (%)          y (%)
 OCT           Controlli     State-ow                                         property
 Group         ng            ned           Shenzhe        Ren                 industry      6.1                                                          1903461
                                                                                                                   19%            19%    SASAC
 Corporat      sharehol      sharehol      n              Kelei               and           Billion                                                      7-5
 ion           der           ding                                             electroni

Notes of the parent company of the Company:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
 Full-name                                                                                                              Proportio       Proportio
       of       Relations                        Registere                             Business         Registere          n of           n of          Organizat
                                    Type                         representa
 subsidiarie         hip                          d place                                nature         d capital         shares         voting         ion code
       s                                                                                                                 held (%)       right (%)
 Shenzhen       Controlli      Limited          Shenzhen         Li                  manufact           RMB                 100%             100%       70848057

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Konka       ng           company   ,          Hongtao       ure          12,000.00                           -2
Telecom      subsidiary             Guangdo
municatio                           ng
 gy Co.,
Video &
Communi      Controlli
                          Limited   ,             He         manufact     RMB                                 72858645
  cation     ng                                                                           60%          60%
                          company   Guangdo     Jianjun      ure          1,500.00                            -4
Systems      subsidiary
 ng Co.,
Precision    Controlli
                          Limited   ,            Lou         manufact     RMB                                 61881661
  Mold       ng                                                                         46.31%      52.49%
                          company   Guangdo     Yiliang      ure          1,596.88                            -8
Manufact     subsidiary
 ure Co.,
 Konka       Controlli
                          Limited   ,           Huang        Electrical   RMB                                 61881678
Electronic   ng                                                                           51%          51%
                          company   Guangdo    Zhongtian     Sales        830.00                              -1
  s Co.,     subsidiary
 Konka                              Shenzhen
Informati                 Limited   ,          Niu           manufact     RMB                                 73416472
             ng                                                                          100%         100%
   on                     company   Guangdo    Weidong       ure          3,000.00                            -5
Network                             ng
Co., Ltd.
 Konka       Controlli
                          Limited   ,            Sun         manufact     RMB                                 61881662
 Plastic     ng                                                                          100%         100%
                          company   Guangdo     Wenbo        ure          950.00                              -6
Products     subsidiary
Co., Ltd.
Shushida     Controlli
                          Limited   ,           Huang        manufact     RMB                                 70841244
Electronic   ng                                                                          100%         100%
                          company   Guangdo    Zhongtian     ure          4,200.00                            -9
  s Co.,     subsidiary

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Electronic    Controlli                                       Investme
                           Limited   ,                Niu                 RMB                                 79389213
s Fittings    ng                                              nt holdin                  100%         100%
                           company   Guangdo     Weidong                  6,500.00                            2
Technolo      subsidiary                                      g
    gy Co.,
      ng      Controlli
                           Limited        ng     Chuai        manufact    RMB                                 60610286
Appliance     ng                                                                          60%          60%
                           company   Heilongji   Rongwei      ure         6,000.00                            1
    s Co.,    subsidiary
    Konka     Controlli                          Su
                           Limited   Xianyang                 manufact    RMB                                 62310230
Electronic    ng                                 Zengmen                                  60%          60%
                           company   Shaanxi                  ure         6,950.00                            2
    s Co.,    subsidiary                         g
g Konka       Controlli
                           Limited   Chongqin    Zhang        manufact    RMB                                 62192098
Electronic    ng                                                                          60%          60%
                           company   g           Xian         ure         4,500.00                            5
    s Co.,    subsidiary
Konka A       Controlli
                           Limited   Chongqin                 manufact    RMB                                 78155925
utomobile     ng                                 Zeng Hui                                 57%          57%
                           company   g                        ure         3,000.00                            2
Electroni     subsidiary
cs Co.,
g Qingjia     Controlli
                           Limited   Chongqin    Wang         manufact    RMB                                 62192187
Electronic    ng                                                                          40%          40%
                           company   g           Xiaoyong     ure         1,500.00                            3
    s Co.,    subsidiary
    Konka     Controlli
                           Limited   Chuzhou     Gong         manufact    RMB                                 61056872
Electronic    ng                                                                          78%          78%
                           company   Anhui       Zhiping      ure         14,000.00                           -8
    s Co.,    subsidiary
Konka         Controlli
                           Limited   Chuzhou                  manufact    RMB                                 74890634
Appliance     ng                                 Mu Gang                                96.46%      97.45%
                           company   Anhui                    ure         7,819.00                            7
s Co.,        subsidiary

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Konka       Controlli
                          Limited     Changshu   Wang          manufact     RMB                                 62822347
Electronic   ng                                                                             60%          60%
                          company     Jiangsu    Youlai        ure          2,465.00                            X
  s Co.,     subsidiary
 Konka       Controlli
                          Limited     Kunshan    Huang         manufact     RMB                                 68053275
Electronic   ng                                                                            100%         100%
                          company     Jiangsu    Zhongtian     ure          35,000.00                           -5
  s Co.,     subsidiary
n Konka      Controlli
                          Limited     n          Huang         manufact     RMB                                 61811698
Electronic   ng                                                                            100%         100%
                          company     Guangdo    Zhongtian     ure          26,667.00                           -8
s Co.,       subsidiary
Donggua                               Donggua
n Packing                 Limited     n          Li            manufact     RMB                                 72245604
             ng                                                                            100%         100%
Materials                 company     Guangdo    Yunfei        ure          1,000.00                            -2
Co., Ltd.                             ng
n Konka      Controlli
                          Limited     n          Lou           manufact     RMB                                 75109846
 Mould       ng                                                                           59.73%      59.73%
                          company     Guangdo    Yiliang       ure          1,000.00                            -7
 Plastic     subsidiary
Co., Ltd.
 Konka       Controlli                Bolo
                          Limited                              manufact     RMB                                 72112128
 Printing    ng                       Guangdo    Lin Gaike                                  51%          51%
                          company                              ure          4,000.00                            -3
Plate Co.,   subsidiary               ng
             Controlli                Bolo
Precision                 Limited                              manufact     RMB                                 79931620
             ng                       Guangdo    Lin Gaike                                 100%         100%
Technolo                  company                              ure          1,500.00                            -8
             subsidiary               ng
 gy Co.,
 (Nanhai)    Controlli                Guangdo
                          n non-ent                                         RMB                                 68243005
 Develop     ng                       ngFosha    Lin Gaike     R&D                         100%         100%
                          erprise u                                         50.00                               8
 ment        subsidiary               n
Hongkon      Controlli                Hong
                          Limited                Huang         Internatio   HKD
g Konka      ng                       Kong                                                 100%         100%    —
                          company                Zhongtian     nal trade    50.00
Co., Ltd.    subsidiary               China
 Konka       Controlli    Limited     Hong       Niu           Investme     HKD            100%         100%    —

                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Househol      ng           company   Kong         Weidong       nt holding   50.00
      d       subsidiary             China
    nt Co.,
Appliance     Controlli              Hong
                           Limited                Niu           Internatio   HKD
       s      ng                     Kong                                                   100%         100%    —
                           company                Weidong       nal trade    50.00
Internatio    subsidiary             China
Co., Ltd.
KONKA         Controlli
                           Limited                Chang         Internatio   USD
AMERIC        ng                     USA                                                    100%         100%    —
                           company                Dong          nal trade    100.00
A,INC.        subsidiary
    Konka     Controlli              Frankfurt,
                           Limited                Chang         Internatio   EUR
(Europe)      ng                     German,                                                100%         100%    —
                           company                Dong          nal trade    2.50
Co., Ltd.     subsidiary             Europe
n                                    Donggua
Xutongda                   Limited   n,           Xiang         manufact     RMB                                 69649113
              ng                                                                           46.31%      52.49%
Mould                      company   Guangdo      Tianshun      ure          500.00                              -4
Plastic                              ng
Co., Ltd.
Optoelect     Controlli
                           Limited   ,            Lin                        RMB                                 55719393
     ronic    ng                                                R&D                         100%         100%
                           company   Guangdo      Gaike                      1,000.00                            8
Technolo      subsidiary
    gy Co.,
Wankaida      Controlli                                         Software
                           Limited   ,                                       RMB                                 55718505
Technolo      ng                                  Lin Gaike     developm                    100%         100%
                           company   Guangdo                                 1,000.00                            7
    gy Co.,   subsidiary                                        ent
Kangshen                   Limited   Kunshan,     Sun           Real         RMB                                 55806907
              ng                                                                            100%         100%
      g                    company   Jiangsu      Wenbo         estate       35,000.00                           -4

                                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Co., Ltd.
     ng                    Limited      Chuzhou,    Xu           manufact     RMB                                 55922811
              ng                                                                             100%         100%
  Electric                 company      Anhui       Qiansen      ure          18,000.00                           0
   s Co.,
  Konka       Controlli
                           Limited                  Chang        Internatio   USD
 Electronic   ng                        Indonesia                                              51%         51%    —
                           company                  Dong         nal trade    150.00
   s Co.,     subsidiary
 Shushida     Controlli                 Shenzhen
                           Limited                  Niu                       RMB                                 58791087
 Logistics    ng                        Guangdo                  Logistic                    100%         100%
                           company                  Weidong                   1,000.00                            0
  Service     subsidiary                ng
 Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Sales of
  Beijing     Controlli
                           Limited                  Chen         home ap      RMB                                 59067865
  Konka       ng                        Beijing                                              100%         100%
                           company                  Yuehua       pliances     3,000.00                            4
 Electronic   subsidiary

  Jielunte    Controlli
                           Limited      Kunshan     Lou          manufact     RMB                                 57672944
  Mould       ng                                                                            46.31%      52.49%
                           company      Jiangsu     Yiliang      ure          10,000.00                           3
  Plastic     subsidiary
 Co., Ltd.
 Jielunte     Controlli
                           Limited      Wuhan       Lou          manufact     RMB                                 06680713
 Mould        ng                                                                            46.31%      52.49%
                           company      Hubei       Yiliang      ure          3,000.00                            0
 Plastic      subsidiary
 Co., Ltd.
 Jielunte     Controlli
                           Limited      Chuzhou     Lou          manufact     RMB                                 06247828
 Mould        ng                                                                            46.31%      52.49%
                           company      Anhui       Yiliang      ure          2,000.00                            8
 Plastic      subsidiary
 Co., Ltd.

3. Particulars on joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company
    Item      Business     Registrati     Legal     Business     Registere    Proportio   Proportio   Relations   Organizat

                                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                Type         on place   represent        scope     d capital     n of        n of          hip      ion code
                                          ative                                holding      voting
                                                                                shares    rights (%)
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
Chongqin                                            Manufact
g                                                   uring and                                          Associate
Jingkang      Limited        Chongqin   Wang        processin                                          d            62192113
                                                                   12,000,00    31.25%       31.25%
Plastic       company        g          Xiaoyong    g of                                               enterprise   6
Products                                            module                                             s
Co., Ltd                                            products
                                                    Manufact                                           Associate
Refond                                                             RMB
              Limited                   Gong        uring and                                          d            71526660
Optoelect                    Shenzhen                              107,000,0    19.34%       19.34%
              company                   Weibin      selling                                            enterprise   3
ronics                                                             00.00
                                                    LEDs                                               s
Co., Ltd
                                                    Manufact                                           Associate
Optoelect                                                          USD
              Limited                   Zhang       uring and                                          d            56013355
ronics                       Shanghai                              50,000,00       36%         36%
              company                   Rujing      selling                                            enterprise   7
(Shanghai                                                          0.00
                                                    LEDs                                               s
) Co.,
                                                    products       RMB
Energy        Limited                   Dong                                                           The same     71520435
                             Shenzhen               for            20,000,00       30%         30%
Technolo      company                   Yaping                                                         controller   7
                                                    mobile         0.00
gy Co.,
                                                    t, etc.
NATION                                                             HKD
              Limited        Hong       Zhang       Investme                                           d
ALDEVE                                                             50,000,00       38%         38%                  —
              company        Kong       Xiaohui     nt                                                 enterprise
LOPME                                                              0.00
Konka                                               Manufact                                           Associate
Green         Limited                   Jiang       uring and                                          d            05933302
                             Shanghai                              520,000,0       39%         39%
Technolo      company                   Xiaoyi      selling                                            enterprise   -9
gy Co.,                                             LEDs                                               s

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

4. Other related parties of the Company
                     Name                                       Relationship                              Organization code
 Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                      Same actual controller                        75252879-9
 Shanghai OCT Investment Development
                                                 Same actual controller                        78589775-0
 Co., Ltd
 Chengdu      Tianfu    OCT         Industrial
                                                 Same actual controller                        78012858-1
 Development Co., Ltd
 Beijing Century OCT Industrial Co., Ltd         Same actual controller                        74005033-7
 Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd                            Same actual controller                        79457788-X
 Shanghai Tianxiang OCT Investment
                                                 Same actual controller                        74805502-8
 Co., Ltd
 Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd                  Same actual controller                        76276957X
 Chongqing Machinery & Electronics
                                                 Shareholder of subsidiary                     45041726-8
 Holding (Group) Co., Ltd
 OCT Hotel Group                                 Same actual controller                        71524077-X
 Shenzhen OCT Water and Power Co.,
                                                 Same actual controller                        19217869-7
 Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd               Same actual controller                        60737971-5
 Shenzhen Huayou Packaging Co., Ltd              Same actual controller                        76198355-8
 Shenzhen Huali Packing & Trading Co.,
                                                 Same actual controller                        61881654-6
 Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.               Same actual controller                        68061271-2
 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Gas
                                                 Same actual controller                        79932011-9
 Station Co., Ltd.
 Dongyangyi Industry Co., Ltd                    Shareholder of subsidiary                     70849783-3
 Wuhan OCT Industry Development Co.,
                                                 Same actual controller                        —
 Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                      Same actual controller                        69531802-2


5.Related party transactions
 (1) Purchase of goods, services received among the related-party
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                            Occurred in same period of
                                                                          Occurred in reporting period
                                                                                                                    last year
                                                                                               Proport                          Proport
                            Content of related     Pricing principle                            ion in                          ion in
 Name of company
                               transaction         of related parties                          transact                         transact
                                                                               Amount                          Amount
                                                                                                ions of                         ions of
                                                                                                    the                           the
                                                                                                same                             same

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               kind                           kind
 Anhui           Huali
                          Purchase of package
 Packaging        Co.,                            Negotiated price           19,481,890.89     0.34%        10,011,593.75     0.17%
 Shanghai        Huali
                          Purchase of package
 Packaging        Co.,                            Negotiated price            5,022,236.58     0.09%         5,459,192.10      0.1%
 Huali Packaging          Purchase of package
                                                  Negotiated price            4,892,321.12     0.09%         3,913,890.03     0.07%
 (Huizhou) Co.,Ltd.       materials
 Huizhou Huali
                          Purchase of package
 Packaging Co.,                                   Negotiated price             405,782.52      0.01%
 Shenzhen OCT
 Water and Power          Water and electricity   Negotiated price            4,497,926.08     0.08%         3,804,189.78     0.06%
 Co., Ltd
 Overseas Chinese
                          Hotel room repast       Negotiated price               77,082.20     0.01%           301,754.03     0.01%
 Town Hotel Group
 Co., Ltd.
 Shenzhen Refond
                          Purchase of raw
 Optoelectronics                                  Negotiated price           55,194,380.11     0.98%        14,739,517.96     0.29%
 Co., Ltd

Statement of sales of goods and rendering of services
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Occurred in same period of
                                                                         Occurred in reporting period
                                                                                                                 last year
                                                                                              Proport                        Proport
                                                                                              ion in                         ion in
                           Content of related     Pricing principle
 Name of company                                                                             transact                        transact
                               transaction        of related parties
                                                                             Amount           ions of       Amount           ions of
                                                                                                the                            the
                                                                                               same                           same
                                                                                               kind                           kind
 Shenzhen        OCT
                          Selling LCDs            Negotiated price             210,000.00       0.8%           435,000.00     0.88%
 East Co., Ltd
 Chengdu        Tianfu
 OCT         Industrial
                          Selling LCDs            Negotiated price             380,000.00      1.45%           380,000.00     0.77%
 Development Co.,
 OCT            Urban
 Investment               Selling LCDs            Negotiated price                                           2,400,000.00     4.87%
 Company            of

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Wuhan         OCT
                        Selling LCDs              Negotiated price                                                7,717,471.00          15.67%
 Development Co.,
                        Selling LCDs              Negotiated price                                                  695,000.00           1.41%
 Shenzhen Window
 of the World Co.,      Selling LCDs              Negotiated price                                                        5,000.00       0.01%
 Shenzhen Refond
                        Selling printed
 Optoelectronics                                  Negotiated price            12,498,597.92     41.41%                 60,563.99         0.18%
 Co., Ltd

 (2) Particulars about related trusteeship and guarantees
 Table of particulars about trusteeship/contracting of the company
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                             Trust / contract
 Name of                                                    Initial date of       Ending date of     Pricing basis
                                          Information of                                                                     income
 entrusting          Name of trustee                        being                 being              for the trust /
                                          entrusted/contr                                                                    recognized in
 party/contracte     /contractor                            entrusted/contr       entrusted/contr    contract
                                          acted assets                                                                       the reporting
 d                                                          act                   act                income

Information of entrusting management/contracted
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
 Name of                                                     Initial date of      Ending date of                             Trust / contract
                                          Information of                                              Pricing basis
 entrusting          Name of trustee                           entrusting/          entrusting/                               fee recognized
                                          entrusted/contr                                             for the trust /
 party/contracte     /contractor                                  being                 being                                in the reporting
                                            acted assets                                                 contract fee
 d                                                             contracted           contracted                                    period


 (3) Information of related-party lease
 Rental situation of the Company
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                              Rental income
                                                                                                      Pricing basis
                                          Category of the                                                                     recognized in
 Name of lessor      Name of lessee                           Initial date          Ending date       for the rental
                                           leased assets                                                                       the reporting

Lease situation of the Company
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                              Rental income
                                                                                                         Pricing basis
                                          Category of the                                                                     recognized in
 Name of lessor      Name of lessee                            Initial date         Ending date          for the rental
                                           leased assets                                                                       the reporting

                                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.


 (4) Information of related-party guarantee
                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                 Whether the
                                                                                                                                guarantee was
        Guarantor                Secured party       Guarantee amount             Initial date             Due date
                                                                                                                               accomplished or


 (5) Related-party call loan
                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
         Related party                Amount of call loan          Initial date                    Due date                        Note
 Loan from banks and other financial institutions

 OCT Group                                 100,000,000.00    9 Jan. 2012                    12 Dec. 2016                 Entrusted loan

 Lending to banks and other financial institutions

 (6) Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Type of                                                     Occurred in reporting           Occurred in same period of
                          related                              Pricing                       period                            last year
                                          Content of the
  Related party            party                            decision-makin
                                           transaction                                                  Proport                              Proport
                         transactio                          g procedures             Amount                            Amount
                                                                                                        ion (%)                             ion (%)

 (7) Other related-party transaction

6. Amounts due from/to related parties
Amount due from related parties
                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                      Closing amount                                  Opening amount
   Name of
                                 Related party                                         Bad debts                                    Bad debts
     item                                                    Book balance                                  Book balance
                                                                                       provision                                    provision
                    Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                   385,260.00               295,360.00              697,815.00          139,563.00
 Accounts           Chengdu Tianfu OCT Industrial
                                                                 190,512.40                  4,056.20                 512.40                 256.20
 receivable         Development Co., Ltd.
 Accounts           Shenzhen OCT East Interlaken
                                                                  83,000.00                16,600.00               83,000.00                4,150.00
 receivable         Hotel
                    Taizhou OCT Co., Ltd.                         61,600.00                  3,080.00              61,600.00                3,080.00
 Accounts           OCT Urban Entertainment
                                                               2,033,400.00               101,670.00          2,033,400.00                 86,568.00
 receivable         Investment Company of

                                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                  SHENZHEN SPLENDID
                  CHINA DEVELOPMENT                         76,500.00      72,675.00            76,500.00        72,675.00
                  COMPANY LTD.
 Accounts         Wuhan OCT Industry
                                                           555,193.00      27,180.08       1,243,374.00          24,867.48
 receivable       Development Co., Ltd.
                  Inter Continental Shenzhen                69,500.00       1,390.00            69,500.00         1,390.00
 Accounts         Shenzhen Refond
                                                          6,279,883.01    125,597.66            35,429.93          708.60
 receivable       Optoelectronics Co., Ltd
                  Shenzhen OCT East Co., Ltd                                                115,200.00
                  Shenzhen OCT Gas Station Co.,
 accounts                                                   80,000.00      40,000.00            80,000.00        40,000.00
                  Shenzhen OCT Real Estate Co.,
 accounts                                                 1,209,064.86   1,066,916.68      1,209,064.86       1,066,916.68
                  Shenzhen OCT Property
 accounts                                                   77,402.65      72,554.48            77,402.65        72,554.48
                  Management Co., Ltd
                  Shenzhen OCT Water and
 accounts                                                 1,184,055.35     23,681.11        348,938.41            6,978.77
                  Power Co., Ltd

Accounts payable to related-party of the Company
                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
     Name of item                         Related party                  Closing balance              Opening balance
 Accounts payable            Chongqing Jingkang Plastic Co., Ltd.                  202,407.08                   202,407.08
 Accounts payable            Shenzhen Dekon Electronic Co., Ltd                    356,545.32                   356,545.32
 Accounts payable            Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                     8,775,169.46                 4,344,588.65
                             Shenzhen Huali Packing and Trading
 Accounts payable                                                                   13,957.02                    13,957.02
                             Co., Ltd.
 Accounts payable            Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.                   2,611,613.05                   305,679.11
 Accounts payable            Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                  1,954,616.43                 3,237,533.41
                             Shenzhen Refond Optoelectronics Co.,
 Accounts payable                                                                  108,091.44                25,904,591.39
 Notes payable               Huali Packaging (Huizhou)Co.,Ltd.
 Notes payable               Anhui Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                     4,006,453.07                 4,006,453.07
 Notes payable               Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                    787,910.72                   787,910.72
                             Shenzhen Refond Optoelectronics Co.,
 Notes payable                                                                  15,733,563.63
 Other accounts
                             Shanghai Huali Packaging Co., Ltd.                    480,000.00                   480,000.00

                                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

X. Share-based Payment

 1. Overview of share-based payment
                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan


 2. Information of equity-settled share-based payment


 3. Information of cash-settled share-based payment


 4. Information of share-based payment service

 5. Modification, termination of share-based payment


1. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from unsettled litigation or arbitration
As of 19 Dec. 2007, the Design, Manufacture and Erection Contract for the Beijing Pangu Large-scale Outdoors Full-Color LED

Display Screen (Turn-key Project) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract Agreement”) was made by and between the subsidiary of

Company-Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Konka

Video & Communication) and Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Pangu Company”), stipulating

that the total project period shall be 120 days, the contracted budget price of total engineering payment shall be RMB 103,357,500.

With six apartments, hotels and commercial houses of 3,707.70 ㎡ at a total price of RMB 103,357,500 located at Beisihuan M.

Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing in pledge, Pangu Company and Konka Video & Communication entered into the Advance Sale

for Beijing Commercial Building (hereinafter referred to as the “ Advance Sale Contract ” ) numbered [Y581455], [Y581458],

[Y581459], [Y581460], [Y581461] and [Y581462]. Meanwhile, both parties have entered into the Supplementary Agreement with

provisions as follows: ① Beijing Pangu, prior to 30 Mar. 2009, shall pay the total construction cost amounting to RMB

103,357,500 in a lump sum to Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication. ② Termination of the Advance Agreement: The

agreement terminates automatically where Beijing Pangu deposits the payment of RMB 103,357,500 to the account of Shenzhen

Konka Video & Communication prior to 30 Mar. 2009. Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication returns pledged apartments and

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

receipts to Beijing Pangu and assists Beijing Pangu in canceling the Advance Agreement. The responsibilities and obligations of

both parties arising from the Advance Agreement are terminated.

After the completion of the project, Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication delivered LED displays to Beijing Pangu in Jul.

2008 prior to the start of Beijing Olympic Games. In Mar. 2009, the project was accepted after the joint acceptance inspection by

the involved engineering supervision entity, design entity, Beijing Pangu and Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication and

Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication delivered all engineering documents to Beijing Pangu. Shenzhen Konka Video &

Communication performed all its responsibilities under the agreement; however Beijing Pangu failed to perform its responsibilities.

As of the date when the financial report was approved to issue, Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication did not receive the

account receivable from Beijing Pangu amounting to RMB 103,357,500 and the Advance Agreement is not terminated.

Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication raised a civil litigation to Beijing Higher People’s Court on 13 Jul. 2009 and submitted

an application for attachment at the same day to seal up Apartment 1001, 1101, 1201, 1501, 1601 and 1701 in Unit 5 and Apartment

1001, 1101 and 901 in Unit 6 in Beijing Mogan 7 Star Plaza at Beisihuan M. Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing or freeze properties

or assets of the respondent, amounting to RMB 150,609,219.00.

On 17 Aug. 2009, Beijing Higher People’s Court issued GMCZ (2009) No. 4237 Civil Ruling Paper and sealed up the property

amounting to RMB 150,609,219 owned by Beijing Pangu.

After hearing, Beijing Higher People's Court consigned Beijing Price Certification Center to conduct the price identification for

involved project. The certification center provided price certification conclusion paper on January 17, 2011, identifying object cost

of RMB 100,837,125.00 Yuan. After the court opening for evidence, the certification center provided identified conclusion after

adjustment on March 21. The conclusion is identifying that the object cost is RMB 99,396,113.73 Yuan according to the amount on

volume method; the object cost is identified with RMB 103,274,987.25 Yuan according to the calculation of actual cost.

On April 2, 2011, Beijing Higher People's Court held a court again for cross-examination with adjusted identification conclusion.

On May 15, 2012, Beijing Higher People's Court made the No. 4237 civil judgment of (2009) Gao-Min-Chu-Zi. The judgments

were: A. Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. shall, within 10 days after this verdict takes effect, hand over the six real estate units

under the Commercial House Pre-sale Contract of Beijing to Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co.,

Ltd. And Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. shall handle the real estate transfer formalities for Shenzhen Konka Video &

Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., with Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. bearing all the expenses and taxes arising

from these formalities. B. Other claims of Shenzhen Konka Video & Communication Systems Engineering Co., Ltd. are overruled.

C. Other claims of Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd.

Both parties refused to accept the verdict, and they had appealed against the Supreme People's Court. The Supreme People's Court

formed a collegial panel in law, and heard of the case on November 6, 2012 as well as made a No. 85 civil judgment of (2012)

Min-Yi-Zhong-Zi on December 15, 2012 of which the verdict: dismissed the appeal and upheld the original verdict.

Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. should satisfy the judgment from the effective date of the judgment within ten days according to

the law, and the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court had issued an enforcement notice that, Beijing Pangu Investment Co.,

Ltd. had not satisfied the obligations established by the court according to the enforcement notice.

The Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court had made the No. 00397 executive ruling of (2013) Er-Zhong-Zi according to law,

and should enforce according to law.

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

In the process of enforcement, the Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. had appealed to the Supreme Court for retrial. As
 on the date of approval of the financial report, the case was still under review for retrial in the Supreme People's Cour
t, and the Supreme Court had not yet ruled on whether had the retrial. The case filing investigation of the retrial in acc
ordance with the law would not affect the execution of No. 00397 Executive Orders of (2013) Er-Zhong-Zi.

2. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from loan guarantee offered to other companies
Other contingent liabilities and its financial effect:
1. Use of letters of credit
In the first half of 2013, the Company has issued letters of credit with a total amount of RMB 1.067 billion, made payment with a
total amount of RMB 1.142 billion; of which the amount of RMB 1.142 billion was used for the payment of letters of credit in the
first half of 2012. The remaining payment was converted into RMB 0.899 billion, of which including pending payment of RMB
0.539 billion to Konka Household Appliances International Trading. The unpaid amount was not include the amount of which had
established but the beneficiary had not surrendered documents.

2. Other contingent liabilities and the effects on financial affairs

As of 30 Jun. 2013,, the Group had not any other significant contingent events that need to be disclosed.

XII. Commitments

 1. Significant commitments

   (1) Capital commitments

                                                                                                                    RMB Yuan
                                Item                                         Closing amount                Opening amount
   Signed but not recognised in the financial statement
   Significant outsourcing contract                                                  50,980,000.00                   92,727,629.28
                               Total                                                 50,980,000.00                   92,727,629.28

 (2) Operating lease commitments
As of the date of balance sheet, the list of the Group’s operating lease contract which was foreign signed and
                                                                                                                    RMB Yuan
                                Item                                         Closing amount                Opening amount
   The least amount of the lease payment of the irrevocable
   operating leasing
   The 1st year of the date of balance sheet                                         13,622,553.56                   13,306,102.37
   The 2nd year of the date of balance sheet                                          7,810,312.92                    6,966,504.38
   The 3rd year of the date of balance sheet                                          6,275,877.19                    3,899,233.83
   Years after                                                                        6,435,684.93                    3,079,767.80
                               Total                                                 34,144,428.60                   27,251,608.38

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 (3) Other commitments
As of 30 Jun. 2013, the Group had not any other significant commitments that need to be disclosed.

 2. Fulfillment of previous commitments

XIII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

 1. Notes of significant events after the Balance Sheet Date
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                  Influence number on financial      Reason for failing to estimate
              Item                           Details
                                                                      status and operating results       the influence number

 2. Notes of profit distribution after Balance Sheet Date

 3. Notes of other events after Balance Sheet Date

The 40th meeting of the 7th board of directors of the Company which was held on 5 Apr. 2013 deliberated and passed Resolution

on the Transfer of the equity of CORIS International Development Co., Ltd. According to this resolution, the company decided to

transfer the 38% equity of the CORIS International Development Co., Ltd which was held by the wholly-owned subsidiary of

Konka Group------Hong Kong Konka Co., Ltd to the Shanghai Konka Green Technology Co., Ltd. The transfer price was

established on the basis of the net assets of CORIS International Development Co., Ltd after assessment. As of the date on which

the financial statements were authorized to be issued, the Company had finished the transferring procedures of the equity mentioned

above and received the transfer account.

XIV. Notes of other significant events

 1. Exchange of non-monetary assets

 2. Debt reorganization

 3. Business combination

 4. Lease

 5. Closing financial instruments that externally issued and convertible into shares

                                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 6. Assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Income from fair       Accrued fair
                                              value change in      value change that
           Item            Opening amount                                               impairment in      Closing amount
                                                the reporting       recognized in
                                                                                        reporting period
                                                   period               equity
 Financial assets
 Financial assets
                              1,187,177.20                               -31,673.70                           1,155,503.50
 available for sale
 Subtotal of financial
                              1,187,177.20                               -31,673.70                           1,155,503.50
 Total of above                       0.00                  0.00                 0.00               0.00              0.00
 Financial liabilities                0.00                  0.00                 0.00               0.00              0.00

 7. Financial assets and financial liabilities of foreign currency

                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Income from fair       Accrued fair
                                               value change in     value change that
           Item            Opening amount                                                impairment in     Closing amount
                                                the reporting        recognized in
                                                                                        reporting period
                                                   period               equity
 Financial assets
 Loans and accounts
                            379,433,571.80                                                 3,480,916.18     438,050,245.28
 Subtotal of
                            612,720,528.47                               -31,673.70                         764,334,113.68
 financial assets
                           1,005,327,932.43                                                                 572,779,912.46

 8. The main content of the pension plan and the significant changes.

 9. Others
(1) On 14 Oct. 2011, the 2nd Administration Bureau directly under the Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of

Shenzhen Municipality unveiled the Circular on Plant Renewal Unit Planning (Draft) of the Headquarters of Konka Group in

Nanshan District, Shenzhen on Shenzhen Economic Daily, which meant that the Company’s Plant Renewal Unit Planning (Draft)

of the Headquarters passed the examination of the Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality

through a technological conference.Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality approved and issued the

"Construction land planning license" (Shen-Gui-Tu-Xu ZG-2013-0006) of the update and reconstruction projects of the

headquarters factory of the Konka Group in 2013, which agreed to the plan of urban construction land renewal. The 2nd

Administration Bureau directly under the Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality issued the "Shenzhen

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

State-owned land use right transfer income payment notice" in 2013, and the total urban renewal amount of the Company’s

headquarters factory is of RMB1,492,931,087.

The Company recently received the "The Commitment Letter On the Konka Group of the Konka Group's headquarters factory

updated as the project implementation." issued by the Reconstruction Office of Shenzhen Nanshan District, Mid-Villages (Old

Village), and the “Commitment Letter” is as follows:

The Reconstruction Office of Shenzhen Nanshan District, Mid-Villages (Old Village) recently received “The Commitment Letter

On the Objection to the Konka Group as the Sole Implementation of the Main Propulsion of the ‘Urban renewal project of the

Konka Group’s headquarters factory’” by the OCT Group Corporation, which meant that the OCT Group Corporation objected to

the Konka Group as the sole implementation of the main propulsion of the urban renewal project of the Konka Group’s

headquarters factory, and considered that there is dissent of the historical situation as well as the remained legacy of property rights

of the parcel (T309-0056, with an area of 37251.8 square meters) involved with the unban renewal units of the Konka Group’s

headquarters factory. And proposed to suspend the relevant process procedure of the Konka Group’s headquarters factory. It would

deal with the project after the OCT Group Corporation and the Konka Group had properly negotiated the solution.

(2) The Company had held the Seventh Thirty-ninth Meeting of the Board of Directors, which adopted the "On the Result of

Guangming New District of Participating in the Land Bidding Auction"on 25 Mar. 2013, to authorize the Company's management

to participate in the competitive bidding, auction and listing of the industrial land in Shenzhen Guangming New District and to

conduct the corresponding deposits, payments for land use and so on.

According to the above resolutions, the Company signed up and participated in bidding the right to use of the No. A518-0103 parcel

which was sold by the Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality through public bidding, and had received

the“Bargain Confirmation”issued by the Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality on 28 Jun. 2013. The

Company had competed and owned of the land use right of the parcel with the amount of RMB 47,100,000.

(3) On 8 Nov. 2012, the Proposal on Transferring Equity Interests of Chongqing Konka Co., Ltd. was reviewed and approved at the

33rd Session of the 7th Board of Directors. Based on the net asset evaluation value (RMB 6,936,960,000 ) of 60% equity interests of

Chongqing Konka Co., Ltd., the Company intended to put 60% equity interests of Chongqing Konka Co., Ltd. for sale through

public listing. The Company listed and transferred its 60% equity interests of Chongqing Konka Co., Ltd. as well as the financial

claims of RMB 1,559,340,000 which the Chongqing Konka Co.,Ltd. owed the Company in the Chongqing United Assets and

Equity Exchange on 20 Jun.2013. After the listing period expired, there was one qualified intended assignee applied for transfer

through public solicitation, which the name was: Chongqing Machinery & Electronics Holding (Group)., Ltd., with the transfer

price of RMB 8,499,150,000. The equity transfer of this time adopted installment plan, and as of the approval date of the financial

report, the Company had received the first payment of RMB 2,549,750,000 (that was the 30% of the transfer price), as well as the

remained transfer price (that was the 70% f the transfer price), which should be paid off within one year from the date that the

equity transfer contract signed; as of the approval date of the financial report, the Company had not complete the transfer

formalities of the above equities.

(4) On 26 Dec.2011, the Proposal on Transferring Equity Interests of Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd. Was reviewed

and approved at the 21st Session of the 7th Board of Directors. According to the resolution of the above Board of directors, the

Company had listed and transferred its 60% equity of Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd. with the price of RMB

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

4,322,220,000 in Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange on 29 Dec. 2011. During the public listing period, there was

interested assignee associated with the Company of the above equity matters, while both of them had not come to an agreement on

the significant clauses of the equity transfer. The Company had decided to suspend the listing as well as the transfer of its 60%

equity of Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean Appliances Co., Ltd.

Because of the maturity of the operation period which promised by the Articles of Association of Mudanjiang Arctic Ocean

Appliances Co., Ltd., for properly disposing its assets, and through negotiated and reviewed at the 43rd Session of the 7th Board of

Directors, the Company drew up that to settle its accounts according the legal procedures.

(5) Changshu Konka Electronic Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary, is under the liquidation.

(6) On 28th Jun. 2012 the Company, Konka Communication and the Shenzhen branch of Bank of China Limited had signed Credit

Line Resolution (Zhen-Zhong-Yin-E-Xie-Zi[2012] No.000016). The resolution agreed that the loans should not exceed the general

credit line of RMB 5.3 billion from 28th Jun. 2012 to 28th Jun. 2013. In 2013 the resolution will be lengthened to 28th Dec. 2013

and the line of credit will be mainly used for trade finance. The resolution stipulated that the Company was granted credit and

Konka had the right to withdraw. On 28th Jun. 2012 the Company and the owned subsidiary Konka Communication had signed

Maximum         Pledge   Contract    (Zhen-Zhong-Yin-E-Xie-Zi[2012]           No.000016)     and    Maximum      Pledge      Contract

(Zhen-Zhong-Yin-E-Xie-Zi[2012] No.0003) with the Shenzhen branch of Bank of China Limited at the same time. The Company

and the owned subsidiary Konka Communication provided pledge guarantee for the debt included in the items of Credit Line

Resolution with the bank acceptance of more than RMB 1.3 billion and the margin account which the account number was


(7) On 27th Nov. 2012 the Company and the Shenzhen branch of China Construction Bank Corporation had signed General Credit

Line Contract of which the number was Jie-2012-E-0698-Group. The Contract stipulated that from 27th Nov. 2012 to 26th Nov.

2014 the bank would provide the general financing of which the total amount would not exceed RMB 2 billion (according to the

types and amounts of the itemized limits, the limit of current fund loan would be RMB 1.2 billion, the limit of guarantee would be

RMB 2 billion, the limit of the bank acceptance for the trade bills would be RMB 2 billion, the limit of import trade finance would

be RMB 2 billion and the limit of the other domestic trade finance would be RMB 2 billion (mainly in order to open the limit of

letter of credit).

XV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

 1. Accounts receivable

 (1) Accounts receivable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                            Closing balance                                        Opening balance
                                                          Provision for bad                                    Provision for bad
                                 Book balance                                         Book balance
         Category                                               debts                                                debts
                                             Propor                     Prop                        Propo                    Propo
                           Amount                         Amount                     Amount                   Amount
                                             tion                       ortio                       rtion                     rtion

                                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                    (%)                                       n                       (%)                            (%)
 Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
                              1,262,758,325.             80.17         202,075,214.                1,439,080,437     99.77         205,470,879.      14.28
 Aging group                                                                              16%
                                         96                  %                      83                       .54         %                     79        %
 Grouping of related
 parties within the           312,434,520.03                                                        3,323,422.60    0.23%
 Subtotal of the              1,575,192,845.                           202,075,214.       12.8     1,442,403,860                   205,470,879.      14.25
                                                     100%                                                           100%
 groups                                  99                                         83        3%             .14                               79        %
                              1,575,192,845.                           202,075,214.                1,442,403,860                   205,470,879.
 Total                                              --                                   --                         --                              --
                                         99                                         83                       .14                               79

Notes to category of accounts receivable:

Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end

□Applicable √Inapplicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Closing amount                                                           Opening amount
                          Book balance                                                               Book balance
    Aging                                      Propo                   Bad debts                                         Propo              Bad debts
                        Amount                 rtion                    provision                  Amount                rtion               provision
                                                (%)                                                                         (%)
 Within 1 year
 Including:      --                            --                --                       --                             --            --
 Within 1                                      84.61
                       1,068,324,900.91                                21,208,932.19               1,237,536,421.26         86%              25,296,267.23
 year                                                    %
 Subtotal of
 within 1              1,068,324,900.91                                21,208,932.19               1,237,536,421.26         86%              25,296,267.23
                                                    0.62                                                                      1.21
 1 to 2 years                 7,834,755.03                                391,737.75                  17,433,776.51                            871,688.83
                                                         %                                                                         %
                                                    0.39                                                                      0.33
 2 to 3 years                 4,985,227.00                                997,045.40                   4,743,247.12                            948,649.42
                                                         %                                                                         %
 Over 3                                        14.38                                                                     12.46
                         181,613,443.02                               179,477,499.49                 179,366,992.65                         178,354,274.31
 years                                                   %                                                                         %
 3 to 4 years                 3,802,858.66      0.3%                    1,901,429.33                   1,556,408.29                            778,204.15
                                                    0.04                                                                      0.03
 4 to 5 years                   469,028.40                                234,514.20                     469,028.40                            234,514.20
                                                         %                                                                         %
 Over 5                                        14.04                                                                     12.32
                         177,341,555.96                               177,341,555.96                 177,341,555.96                         177,341,555.96
 years                                                   %                                                                         %
 Total                 1,262,758,325.96             --                202,075,214.83               1,439,080,437.54           --            205,470,879.79

                                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

 (2) Information of accounts receivable reversed or recovered in reporting period
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Withdrawal amount of
                                                          Basis on recognition
     Content of accounts         Reason for reversal                                  bad debt provision       Reversed or recovered
                                                          of provision for bad
          receivable                 or recovery                                    before the reversal or             amount

The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single amount but

individually made impairment test at the end of report period:
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
   Content of accounts                                                              Withdrawal proportion
                                   Book value                 Bad debt amount                                          Reason
         receivable                                                                           (%)

Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit risks characteristic:

 (3) Information of accounts receivable that written off in reporting period
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                    Whether arising
 Name of company              Nature                   Date                Amount                   Reason         from related-party
                                                                                                                   transaction or not


 (4) Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company

in accounts receivable in report period
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                   Closing amount                                     Opening amount
         Name of company                                                                                       Withdrawal amount of
                                         Book balance            amount of bad           Book balance
                                                                                                                 bad debt provision
                                                                 debt provision

 (5)Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount

 (6) Top five accounts receivable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
    Name of company               Relationship                   Amount                     Term                  Proportion (%)

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Suning Commerce
 Group Co., Ltd.,
                           Non-related party                  199,326,474.32       Within 1 year                               12.65%
 Suning Purchase
 Gome Electrical
 Appliances Holding        Non-related party                  192,416,014.98       Within 1 year                               12.22%
 Co., Ltd.
 Beijing Jingdong
 Century Information       Non-related party                    46,060,316.85      Within 1 year                                2.92%
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 Shanghai Yixun
 e-Commerce                Non-related party                    24,886,811.60      Within 1 year                                1.58%
 Development Co., Ltd.

 Investment (China)
                           Non-related party                    22,387,399.11      Within 1 year                                1.42%
 Co., Ltd. (Shanghai
           Total                      --                      485,077,016.86                --                                 30.79%

 (7) Accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
       Name of company                     Relationship                      Amount                           Proportion (%)
 Anhui Konka                    Subsidiary of the Company                           38,664,173.53                              2.45%
 Hong Kong Konka                Subsidiary of the Company                          273,770,346.50                              17.38%
             Total                              --                                 312,434,520.03                              19.83%

RMB 0.00 was transferred from the accounts receivable not satisfying the conditions of termination recognition.

 (9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on the
arrangement of relevant transactions

2. Other accounts receivable

 (1) Other accounts receivable
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Closing amount                                       Opening amount
                                  Book balance              Bad debts provision          Book balance           Bad debts provision
          Category                              Propor                     Propo                      Prop
                               Amount                tion    Amount        rtion        Amount        ortio       Amount
                                                     (%)                    (%)                      n (%)

                                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Accounts receivable for which bad debts provision are made on the group basis
                                                         53.84                         4.34     317,395,991.        39.9    23,489,590.3       7.4
 Aging group                   730,192,609.39                     31,708,739.72
                                                             %                           %                27          %                9           %
 Grouping of related
                                                         44.02                                  449,192,126.   56.47
 parties within the            597,068,991.41                                          0%
                                                             %                                            18          %
                               1,327,261,600.            97.86                         2.39     766,588,117.   96.37        23,489,590.3       6.8
 Subtotal of the groups                                           31,708,739.72
                                             80              %                           %                45          %                9       3%
 Other accounts
 receivable with
 insignificant single                                                                           28,861,543.7        3.63    28,861,543.7      100
                                28,961,348.73           2.14%     28,961,348.73   100%
 amount but individually                                                                                   7          %                7           %
 withdrawn bad debt
                               1,356,222,949.                                                   795,449,661.                52,351,134.1
 Total                                              --            60,670,088.45   --                           --                             --
                                             53                                                           22                           6

Notes of category:

Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-en:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Closing amount                                                    Opening amount
                              Book balance                                                      Book balance
     Aging                                    Proport             Bad debt                                                        Bad debt
                           Amount                  ion            provision                   Amount                              provision
                                                                                                               ion (%)
 Within 1 year
 Including:           --                      --             --                   --                           --            --
 Within 1 year             696,076,734.78                         15,954,288.42               272,689,657.12   85.91%              6,232,680.11
 Subtotal of                                       95.34
                           696,076,734.78                         15,954,288.42               272,689,657.12   85.91%              6,232,680.11
 within 1 year                                           %
 1 to 2 years               17,120,198.06         2.34%             856,009.90                 24,551,980.71        7.75%          1,227,599.04
 2 to 3 years                  674,816.93         0.09%             134,963.39                  2,169,712.26        0.68%           433,942.45
 Over 3 years               16,320,859.62         2.23%           14,763,478.01                17,984,641.18        5.66%         15,595,368.79
 3 to 4 years                 2,584,056.54        0.35%            1,292,028.27                 2,520,388.89        0.79%          1,260,194.45
 4 to 5 years                  530,706.69         0.07%             265,353.35                  2,258,155.90        0.71%          1,129,077.95
 Over 5 years               13,206,096.39         1.81%           13,206,096.39                13,206,096.39        4.16%         13,206,096.39
 Total                     730,192,609.39          --             31,708,739.72               317,395,991.27         --           23,489,590.39

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                      Withdrawal proportion
     Content of group             Book value              Bad debt provision                                      Withdrawal reason
                                                                                                                Suspend production,
 Chongqing Konka                       15,651,883.98             15,651,883.98                          100%
                                                                                                                Suspend production,
 Chongqing Electronics                 13,309,464.75             13,309,464.75                          100%
 Total                                 28,961,348.73             28,961,348.73                  --                           --

 (2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Withdrawal amount of
                                                          Basis on recognition
  Content of other accounts      Reason for reversal                                    bad debt provision      Reversed or recovered
                                                           of provision for bad
          receivable                 or recovery                                       before the reversal or              amount

The withdrawal of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single amount but

individually made impairment test at the end of report period:
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
     Content of other                                                                  Withdrawal proportion
                                 Book balance             Amount of bad debts                                              Reason
   accounts receivable                                                                          (%)

Notes to other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit risks


 (3) Information of the write-off other accounts receivable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                 Whether arising from
                                                                                                Reason for
  Name of company             Nature           Date of written off           Amount                                      related-party


 (4) The other accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in the reporting period
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       Closing amount                                    Opening amount
         Name of company                                             Amount of bad                                       Amount of bad
                                           Book balance                                        Book balance
                                                                           debts                                              debts

                                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(5) Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount

(6) Top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
  Name of company               Relationship                  Amount                    Term               Proportion (%)
National energy saving
benefits of private
                           Non-related party                  645,004,650.00    Within 1 year                            47.56%
offices (energy
                           Subsidiary of the
Dongguan Konka                                                207,195,715.29    Within 1 year                            15.28%
                           Subsidiary of the
Information Network                                           143,951,281.37    Within 1 year                            10.61%
Video &
                           Subsidiary of the
Communication                                                 121,356,083.69    Within 1 year                             8.95%
Systems Engineering
                           Subsidiary of the
Boluo Precision                                                85,124,211.26    Within 1 year                             6.28%
          Total                       --                     1,202,631,941.61             --                             88.68%

(7) Other accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
     Name of company                       Relationship                     Amount                      Proportion (%)
Video & Communication
                                Subsidiary of the Company                        121,356,083.69                          8.94%
Systems Engineering
Konka Electronic                Subsidiary of the Company                         16,656,068.93                          1.23%
Dongguan Konka                  Subsidiary of the Company                        207,195,715.29                          15.28%
Boluo Konka                     Subsidiary of the Company                         22,036,930.15                          1.62%
Information Network             Subsidiary of the Company                        143,951,281.37                          10.61%
Boluo Precision                 Subsidiary of the Company                         85,124,211.26                          6.28%
Nanhai Institute                Subsidiary of the Company                            648,029.34                          0.05%
Xutongda                        Subsidiary of the Company                             95,671.38                          0.01%
Beijing Konka                   Subsidiary of the Company                              5,000.00                             0%
Chongqing Konka                 Subsidiary of the Company                         15,651,883.98                          1.15%
Chongqing electronics           Subsidiary of the Company                         13,309,464.75                          0.98%
Shenzhen OCT Gas Station        Subsidiary of the ultimate
                                                                                      80,000.00                          0.01%
Co., Ltd (deposit)              controller
Shenzhen          OCT    Real   Subsidiary of the ultimate
                                                                                   1,209,064.86                          0.09%
Estate Co., Ltd.                controller
Shenzhen OCT Property           Subsidiary of the ultimate
                                                                                      77,402.65                          0.01%
Management Co., Ltd.            controller
             Total                              --                               627,396,807.65                          46.26%

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

RMB** was transferred from the other accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination recognition.

 (9) If securitization is carried out on the other accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on

the arrangement of relevant transactions

3. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                            ations               Withdr
                                                                                             on                   awal
                                                                                           differen              amount
                                                                                             ces                   of
                                             Increas                Shareh      Voting                 Provisi              bonus
   The      Accoun      Initial   Openin                                                   betwee                impair
                                               e/      Closing      olding       right                 on for                 in
 investe      ting     investm       g                                                        n                   ment
                                             decreas   balance      proporti    proporti               impair               reportin
       e    method     ent cost   balance                                                  shareho               provisi
                                               e                    on (%)      on (%)                  ment                   g
                                                                                            lding                 on in
                                                                                           proporti              reportin
                                                                                           on and                   g
                                                                                           voting                period
            Cost       36,000,    36,000,              36,000,                                         36,000,
 iang                                                                    60%       60%            —
            method      000.00     000.00               000.00                                         000.00
 Shaanx     Cost       44,869,    44,869,              44,869,
                                                                         60%       60%            —
 i Konka    method      809.80     809.80               809.80
                        122,78     122,78               122,78
 Anhui      Cost
                       0,937.9    0,937.9              0,937.9           78%       78%            —
 Konka      method
                              8          8                    8
 Dongg                  274,78     274,78               274,78
 uan                   3,988.9    3,988.9              3,988.9          100%      100%            —
 Konka                        1          1                    1
            Cost        781,82     781,82               781,82
 ong                                                                    100%      100%            —
            method         8.61      8.61                  8.61
            Cost       27,000,    27,000,              27,000,                                         27,000,
 ing                                                                     60%       60%            —
            method      000.00     000.00               000.00                                         000.00
 Anhui                                                                                     Anhui
 Househ     Cost       5,278,5    5,278,5              5,278,5                             Konka
                                                                        6.55%   97.45%
 old        method       09.85      09.85                09.85                             indirect
 Applia                                                                                    ly held

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

nces                                                                 4.48%
Konka     Cost     261,48    261,48    261,48
                                                       100%   100%   —
Europe    method     2.50      2.50      2.50
Nanhai    Cost     500,00    500,00    500,00
                                                       100%   100%   —
Konka     method     0.00      0.00      0.00
Kunsha             350,00    350,00    350,00
n                  0,000.0   0,000.0   0,000.0         100%   100%   —
Konka                   0         0         0
          Cost     4,655,0   4,655,0   4,655,0
Product                                                100%   100%   —
          method    00.00     00.00     00.00
          Cost     10,732,   10,732,   10,732,                                  10,732,
Electro                                                51%    51%    —
          method   484.69    484.69    484.69                                   484.69
          Cost     90,000,   90,000,   90,000,
cation                                                 75%    100%   —
          method   000.00    000.00    000.00
          Cost     8,062,5   8,062,5   8,062,5                                  8,062,5
Americ                                                 100%   100%   —
          method    00.00     00.00     00.00                                     00.00
Inform    Cost     22,500,   22,500,   22,500,                                  22,500,
                                                       100%   100%   —
ation     method   000.00    000.00    000.00                                   000.00

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Shushi     Cost     31,500,   31,500,   31,500,
                                                        100%    100%    —
da         method   000.00    000.00    000.00
           Cost     9,000,0   9,000,0   9,000,0
on                                                       60%     60%    —
           method    00.00     00.00     00.00
ing        Cost     17,100,   17,100,   17,100,
                                                         57%     57%    —
Electro    method   000.00    000.00    000.00
           Cost     48,750,   48,750,   48,750,
Techno                                                  100%    100%    —
           method   000.00    000.00    000.00
                    350,00    350,00    350,00
n          Cost
                    0,000.0   0,000.0   0,000.0         100%    100%    —
Kangsh     method
                         0         0         0
           Cost     69,702,   69,702,   69,702,
Tongch                                                  100%    100%    —
           method   612.22    612.22    612.22
           Cost     10,000,   10,000,   10,000,
Optoele                                                 100%    100%    —
           method   000.00    000.00    000.00
Wankai     Cost     10,000,   10,000,   10,000,
                                                        100%    100%    —
da         method   000.00    000.00    000.00
Electro    Cost     1,300,0   1,300,0   1,300,0                                   1,300,0
                                                        8.33%   8.33%   —
nics       method    00.00     00.00     00.00                                      00.00
Associa    Cost     100,00    100,00    100,00                                    100,00
tion of    method     0.00      0.00      0.00                                       0.00

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Invest    Cost     485,00    485,00    485,00                                    485,00
                                                         1%      1%    —
ment      method     0.00      0.00      0.00                                       0.00
logy      Cost     5,000,0   5,000,0   5,000,0
                                                       9.62%   9.62%   —
Engine    method    00.00     00.00     00.00
en CTU    Cost     1,153,0   1,153,0   1,153,0
                                                       11.5%   11.5%   —
Hi-tech   method    00.00     00.00     00.00
          Cost     2,400,0   2,400,0   2,400,0
l                                                        6%      6%    —
          method    00.00     00.00     00.00
          Cost     2,400,0   2,400,0   2,400,0
Digital                                                4.26%   4.26%   —
          method    00.00     00.00     00.00

                                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Konka      Cost        30,000,    30,000,               30,000,
                                                                         100%   100%       —
 Electro    method      000.00     000.00                000.00
            Cost        10,000,    10,000,               10,000,
 Logisti                                                                 100%   100%       —
            method      000.00     000.00                000.00
                        202,80     202,80                202,80
 Green      Equity
                        0,000.0    0,000.0               0,000.0         39%         39%   —
 Techno     method
                              0          0                     0
                        1,799,8    1,799,8               1,799,8                                     106,17
 Total         --       97,154.    97,154.               97,154.         --      --             --   9,984.6
                             56         56                    56                                          9


The reason of the differences between shareholding proportion and voting right of Anhui Tongchuang was that, the Company and

the Cuzhou Chuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Council Secretary (hereinafter referred to as the “Council

Secretary ”) had signed the cooperation agreement, which promised that the Council Secretary could transfer its equity of Anhui

Tongchuang 3 years after the founding of the Anhui Tongchuang, and the Company could also repurchase the equity, as well as the

Council Secretary’s annual profits would fixed to be 2% of its investment amount.

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

 (1) Revenue, cost of sales

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                Item                           Reporting period                               Same period of last year
Main business revenue                                       7,585,146,118.79                                    5,555,762,901.33
Other business revenue                                      2,117,072,605.35                                    1,218,390,920.34
Total                                                       9,702,218,724.14                                    6,774,153,821.67
Cost of sales                                               8,499,715,386.70                                    5,866,640,366.34

(2) Main business (classified by industry)
                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Reporting period                                Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales           Cost of sales              Revenue of sales         Cost of sales
Electronic industry                7,585,146,118.79         6,399,306,613.49             5,555,762,901.33       4,646,847,998.99
Total                              7,585,146,118.79         6,399,306,613.49             5,555,762,901.33       4,646,847,998.99

(3) Main business (Classified by product)
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Reporting period                                Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales           Cost of sales              Revenue of sales         Cost of sales
Color TV business                  7,193,714,335.47         6,038,011,984.73             5,022,111,430.91       4,150,770,138.64
White goods business                 314,564,511.73              284,545,946.01            431,078,329.53        393,345,365.79
Others                                76,867,271.59               76,748,682.75            102,573,140.89        102,732,494.56
Total                              7,585,146,118.79         6,399,306,613.49             5,555,762,901.33       4,646,847,998.99

(4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Reporting period                                Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales           Cost of sales              Revenue of sales         Cost of sales
Domestic revenue                   6,691,973,676.52         5,507,625,473.12             4,679,606,395.39       3,770,500,571.28
Overseas revenue                     893,172,442.27              891,681,140.37            876,156,505.94        876,347,427.71
Total                              7,585,146,118.79         6,399,306,613.49             5,555,762,901.33       4,646,847,998.99

(5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers

                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                            Proportion of total
                       Name of customer                                  Total revenue of sales
                                                                                                            revenue of sales (%)
Suning appliance                                                                         603,254,635.76                   6.22%
Gome Electrical Appliances (including China Paradise
                                                                                         481,455,303.17                   4.96%
Electronics Retail and Dazhong Electronics)
RT-Mart                                                                                  162,066,611.26                   1.67%
Wal-Mart                                                                                 125,357,665.20                   1.29%

Metro                                                                                    104,022,230.28                   1.07%

                                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                                                    1,476,156,445.67                   15.21%


5. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income
                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                                      Reporting period                Same period of last year
 Investment income arising from disposal of long-term
 Investment income received from holding of
 available-for-sale financial assets etc.
 Investment income received from available-for-sale
 financial assets
 Total                                                                                  21,115.80                        5,201,025.51

 (2)Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Same period of
              Name of investee                    Reporting period                              Reason for increase/decrease YoY
                                                                            last year

 (3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method

                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Same period of
              Name of investee                    Reporting period                              Reason for increase/decrease YoY
                                                                            last year


6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Supplemental information                               Reporting period            Same period of last year
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
                                                                                    --                              --
 Net profit                                                                             89,082,493.81               -26,065,939.91
  Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                 15,096,511.60                 -5,645,488.93
  Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive
                                                                                        14,155,355.84                14,831,805.55
 biological assets
  Amortization of intangible assets                                                      1,074,662.30                    1,066,722.75
  Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                              414,627.07                     1,132,481.93
  Losses/gains on disposal of fix assets, intangible asset and other
                                                                                    -10,673,034.17                  -10,089,460.37
 long-term assets (gains: negative)

                                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

  Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets      (gains: negative)                          708,641.08                          913,357.22
  Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                                        -21,760,628.97
  Financial cost (income: negative)                                                     40,285,879.28                    15,834,773.93
  Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                        -21,115.80                     -5,201,025.51
  Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                  27,487,758.76                         8,282,104.09
  Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                                                                   -807,501.87
  Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                          610,239,785.09                 -29,959,639.48
   Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                                   1,160,265,454.56                2,466,488,556.12
 (increase: negative)
  Increase in accounts payable from operating activities (decrease:
                                                                                      266,235,504.36               -1,494,936,927.80
  Net cash flows generated from operating activities                               2,214,352,523.78                  914,083,188.75
 2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                                      --                                 --
 involvement of cash receipts and payments
 3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                               --                                 --
  Closing balance of cash                                                          1,218,285,373.71                  805,715,213.15
  Less: opening balance of cash                                                       365,891,615.75                 275,892,343.00
 The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        852,393,757.96                 529,822,870.15

7. Information of assets and liabilities recognized by evaluation value from the counter purchase

Information of assets and liabilities recognized by fair value from the counter purchase
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                          Method of recognised     Calculation process of
             Item                  Fair value                                                                  Original book value
                                                                 fair value                fair value
Notes of the long-term equity investment formed from the counter purchase:
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    The amount of long-term equity           Calculation process of long-term equity
                                                 investment from the counter purchase                       investment

XVI. Supplemental information

 1. Notes of non-recurrent profit and loss in reporting period

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Item                                             Amount                           Notes
 Losses and gains on disposal of non-current assets (Including
                                                                                     8,313,488.52                             8,236,511.30
 write-off part of the provision for assets impairment)
 Governmental subsidy included in the current profits and losses
 (is closely related with the business event, except for the
                                                                                   26,741,064.35                         25,452,246.34
 governmental subsidy that according to the national unity
 standard quota or the quantitative regal assets)
 In addition to the valid hedging activity associated with the                          21,115.80                        27,211,185.56

                                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 normal operation of the Company, the changes in fair value
 through gains or losses with which arising from the holding
 trading financial assets and the trading financial liabilities as
 well as the investment income that earning from the disposal of
 trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial
 Income and expenses of the other operation except for the
                                                                                         1,044,270.80                         4,604,289.99
 mentioned above
 The other items of gains and losses conforming the definition
 of non-recurring gains and losses
 Less: the effect of income tax                                                          9,029,984.87                        15,342,346.40
    The effect of minority interest (after tax)                                            445,956.17    388,785.02
 Total                                                                                  26,643,998.43                   --

According to the company's "public offering of securities of the Company Disclosure Explanatory Notice No. 1 - non-recurring

loss" definition for non-recurring items, as well as the "public offering of securities of the Company Disclosure Explanatory Notice

No. 1 - - non-recurring items "listed in non-recurring items defined as recurring items, should explain the reasons

□Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Accounting data differences according to the domestic and foreign accounting standards
 (1) Different situations of the net profits and net assets in the financial disclosure reports in accordance
with the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards at the same time

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Net profits belongs to the shareholders of the         Net assets belongs to the shareholders of the
                                                    listed companies                                     listed companies
                                      Current period
                                                                  Last period amount         Closing balance          Opening balance
 According to Chinese
                                          40,547,673.62                  11,467,291.68         4,074,979,574.84         4,043,591,538.85
 accounting standards
 Items and amounts adjusted in accordance with international accounting standards assets
 Naught                                              0.00                         0.00                      0.00                      0.00
 According to the
 international accounting                 40,547,673.62                  11,467,291.68         4,074,979,574.84         4,043,591,538.85

 (2) Different situations of the net profits and net assets in the financial disclosure reports in accordance
with the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards at the same time
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Net profits belongs to the shareholders of the         Net assets belongs to the shareholders of the
                                                    listed companies                                     listed companies
                                      Current period
                                                                  Last period amount         Closing balance          Opening balance

                                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 According to Chinese
                                           40,547,673.62            11,467,291.68        4,074,979,574.84        4,043,591,538.85
 accounting standards
 Items and amounts adjusted in accordance with international accounting standards assets
 Naught                                             0.00                      0.00                   0.00                      0.00
 According to the
 international accounting                  40,547,673.62            11,467,291.68        4,074,979,574.84        4,043,591,538.85

 (3) Notes of the reasons of the differences between the accounting data according to the domestic and
foreign accounting standards
 There was no any difference of the accounting data according to the domestic and foreign accounting standards in the reporting


 3. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       The weighted average                            EPS
          Profit in the reporting period
                                                            ROE (%)                    Basic EPS                 Diluted EPS
 Net profit attributable to the Company's
                                                                          1%                    0.0337                       0.0337
 common stock shareholders
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
 Company's common stock after deducting                                0.34%                    0.0115                       0.0115
 non-recurring gains and losses

4. Particulars on the abnormal conditions of main items in the financial statements of the Company and
relevant reasons.

(1) As to 30 Jun. 2013, closing amount of notes receivable was of RMB 3,116,490,790.65, with a decrease of 38.08% compared to
opening amount, for the reason of: withdrew of notes receivable and payment for goods of endorsement transfer;

(2) As to 30 Jun. 2013, closing amount of interests receivable was of RMB 1,354,814.02, with a decrease of 81.11% compared to

opening amount, for the reason of: the regular, pledged deposits decreased at the period-end.

(3) As to 30 Jun. 2013, closing amount of other accounts receivable was of RMB 772,983,032.05, with an increase of 144.16%

compared to opening amount, for the reason of: the state-owned energy savings subsidies increased in the reporting period.

(4) As to 30 Jun. 2013, closing amount of taxes payable was of RMB 68,892,000.44, with an increase of 70.19% compared to

opening amount, for the reason of: the VAT overpaid decreased in the reporting period.

(5) As to 30 Jun. 2013, closing amount of other non-recurring liabilities due within 1 year was of RMB 110,000,000.00, with a

decrease of 86.42% compared to opening amount, for the reason of: paid back the entrusted loans of OCT in the reporting period.

                                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

(6) As to 30 Jun. 2013, closing amount of long-term loans was of RMB 0.00, with a decrease of RMB 0.4 billion compared to

opening amount, for the reason of: paid back the entrusted loans of OCT in the reporting period.

(7) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of total operating income of first half of 2013 was of RMB 9,421,399,281.00, with an increase

of 33.85% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: influenced by the policy of the state-owned energy savings subsidy in

the reporting period, the sales scale of the color TV business increased.

(8) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of the operating costs of first half of 2013 was of RMB 7,835,777,505.69, with an increase of

36.93% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: the sales scale increased and the corresponding costs increased.

(9) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of business tax and surcharges of first half of 2013 was of RMB 33,034,164.50, with an

increase of 34.94% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: the actually paid turnover tax increased in the current year,

which led the urban construction taxes and additional taxes including educational surcharges and so on increased.

(10) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of sales costs of first half of 2013 was of RMB 1,211,403,089.80, with an increase of 24.3%

than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: the relevant promotion activities expenses and the maintenance fees of sales

increased, as well as the disposal funds of the newly increased waste electric goods and the labor charges went up.

(11) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of financial expenses of first half of 2013 was of RMB -21,707,338.29, with a decrease of

119.78% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: the interests loans decreased and the exchange rate changed, which led

the exchange gains increased in the reporting period.

(12) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of assets impairment losses of first half of 2013 was of RMB 22,911,803.87, with an

increase of 498.72% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: the withdrawal inventory falling price reserves and the bad

debts provision increased.

(13) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of non-operating incomes of first half of 2013 was of RMB 45,954,814.02, with a decrease

of 40.51% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: the software drawback received in the reporting period decreased

compared to the same period of last year.

(14) As to 30 Jun. 2013, occur amount of non-operating costs of first half of 2013 was of RMB 5,125,852.63, with an increase of

124.85% than that of the first half of 2012, for the reason of: disposed parts of the fixed assets in the reporting period.

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                    IX. Documents for Reference

I. Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of accounting work, and principal of
accounting institution (manager of finance department);

II. Originals of all documents and announcements of the Company ever disclosed on CSRC designated
disclosure media in the reporting period;

III. Other relevant materials.

                                                              Chairman of the Board of Directors: Hou Songrong
                                                                    The Board of Directors

                                                                     Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                        31 Aug. 2013
