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						Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                            KONKA GROUP CO., LTD.

                         Report for the Third Quarter of 2014


                                                   October 2014

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                Section I. Important Reminders

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors,
supervisors and senior management staff of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report is factual, accurate and
complete without any false record, misleading statement or material omission. And
they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
Except for the following Directors, the others attended the board session for
reviewing this report.
     Name of Directors not       Position of Directors not      Reason of not attending
       attended the board            attended the board           the boars session in       Name of mandatory
       session in person             session in person                   person

    Wang Xiaowen                 Director                       On a business trip        Wu Siyuan

Wu Siyuan, company principal, Huang Zhiqiang, chief of the accounting work, and Xu
Youshan, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that
the Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy
between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

     Section II. Financial Highlights & Change of Shareholders

I. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years
due to change of the accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
√ Yes □ No
                                                                             31 Dec. 2013
                                       30 Sept. 2014                                                             se (%)
                                                            before adjustment        after adjustment       after adjustment
    Total assets (RMB Yuan)          16,060,816,760.49      15,743,284,335.49        15,743,284,335.49                    2.02%

    Net assets attributable to
    shareholders of the Company       4,074,965,048.90          4,080,458,151.63     4,080,458,151.63                    -0.13%
    (RMB Yuan)

                                                                     YoY                                           YoY
                                      Jul.-Sept. 2014       increase/decrease        Jan.-Sept. 2014         increase/decrea
                                                                     (%)                                         se (%)

    Operating revenues (RMB
                                      5,069,587,917.51                      -1.10%   13,467,888,459.14                   -7.42%

    Net profit attributable to
    shareholders of the Company            2,219,144.43                    116.30%       47,579,255.05                   14.45%
    (RMB Yuan)

    Net profit attributable to
    shareholders of the Company
                                       -109,015,082.18                 -780.26%        -280,948,661.71           -18,592.25%
    after   extraordinary   gains
    and losses (RMB Yuan)

    Net cash flows from operating
                                              --                      --               954,710,313.21                -47.99%
    activities (RMB Yuan)

    Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                     0.0018                  100.00%                 0.0395                14.49%

    Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                   0.0018                  100.00%                 0.0395                14.49%

    Weighted average ROE (%)                        0.05%                    0.02%                  1.16%                 0.14%

Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                 Amount as of Jan.-Sept.
                                    Item                                                                            Note
    Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the
    offset part of asset impairment provisions)
    Government grants recognized in the current period, except for
    those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

    certain quotas or amounts according to the country’s unified
    Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial
    assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment
    income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable
    financial liabilities and financial assets available for sales,
    except for effective hedging related with normal businesses of the
    Non-operating incomes and expenses other than the above                                2,299,991.71
    Less: Income tax effects                                                              104,573,675.54
            Minority interests effects (after tax)                                           -474,887.64
    Total                                                                                 328,527,916.76       --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss
according to the definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary
Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the
said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company during the reporting period.
II. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at
the period-end
1. Total number of common shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten common
shareholders at the period-end
                                                                                                           Unit: share
    Total number of common
    shareholders at the period-end
                                     Shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders

                                           Sharehold                                        Pledged or frozen shares
                                                                         Number of
            Name of         Nature of         ing        Number of the
                                                                         restricted         Status of       Number of
          shareholder      shareholder     percentag      shares held
                                                                         shares held          shares         shares
                                             e (%)

                                                                                             Pledged            0
    OCT      ENTERPRISES   State-owned
                                               21.75%      261,873,466   198,381,940
    CO.                    corporation                                                        Frozen            0

    HOLY TIME GROUP        Foreign                                                           Pledged            0
                                                3.87%       46,533,615                0
    LIMITED                corporation                                                        Frozen            0

                           Foreign                                                           Pledged            0
    GAOLING FUND,L.P.                           2.19%       26,400,625                0
                           corporation                                                        Frozen            0

    China Resources                                                                          Pledged            0
    SCP Trust Co., Ltd.
    -Extraordinary                             1.58%       19,060,288                0
                           wned                                                               Frozen            0
    No. 18 Capital

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                            Domestic                                                          Pledged              0
    Sun Zhenxiang                               1.17%       14,093,988                 0
                            individual                                                            Frozen           0

    Guoyuan Securities                                                                        Pledged              0
    Broker (HK) Co.,                            1.13%       13,650,000                 0
                            corporation                                                           Frozen           0

    Warburg Trust Co.,      Domestic                                                          Pledged              0
    Ltd.-Shijie Haoyu      non-state
                                                1.00%       12,097,900                 0
    No. 11 Assembled        owned                                                                 Frozen           0
    Funds Trust             corporation

                            Foreign                                                           Pledged              0
    NAM NGAI                                    0.97%       11,690,520                 0
                            individual                                                            Frozen           0
    GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                              Pledged              0
    SECURITIES(HONGKO                           0.72%           8,695,062              0
                            corporation                                                           Frozen           0

                            Domestic                                                          Pledged          5,447,381
    Li Yichao                                   0.48%           5,733,081              0
                            individual                                                            Frozen           0

                            Shareholdings of the top ten non-restricted common shareholders
                                                Number of non-restricted                      Type of shares
              Name of shareholder               common shares held at the
                                                                                           Type                Number

    OCT ENTERPRISES CO.                                              63,491,526   RMB ordinary share           63,491,526
                                                                                  Domestically listed
    HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                                          46,533,615                                46,533,615
                                                                                  foreign share
                                                                                  Domestically listed
    GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                26,400,625                                26,400,625
                                                                                  foreign share
    China Resources SCP Trust Co., Ltd.
                                                                     19,060,288   RMB ordinary share           19,060,288
    -Extraordinary No. 18 Capital Trust

    Sun Zhenxiang                                                    14,093,988   RMB ordinary share           14,093,988

    Guoyuan Securities Broker (HK)                                                Domestically listed
                                                                     13,650,000                                13,650,000
    Co., Ltd.                                                                     foreign share
    Warburg Trust Co., Ltd.-Shijie
                                                                     12,097,900   RMB ordinary share           12,097,900
    Haoyu No. 11 Assembled Funds Trust
                                                                                  Domestically listed
    NAM NGAI                                                         11,690,520                                11,690,520
                                                                                  foreign share
    GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                             Domestically listed
                                                                      8,695,062                                 8,695,062
    LIMITED                                                                       foreign share
    Li Yichao                                                         5,733,081   RMB ordinary share            5,733,081

    Explanation        on       associated    The first majority shareholder OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO.
    relationship or/and persons acting        has no related-party relationship with other shareholders and they are
    in concert among the above-mentioned      not acting-in-concert parties, either. Except for that, the Company
    shareholders:                             does not know whether the other shareholders are related parties and

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                              whether they are acting-in-concert parties.

    Explanation   on     the     Top    10
                                              Sun Zhenxiang holds 14,093,988 A-shares through a client credit trading
    shareholders participating in the
                                              guarantee securities account of GF Securities Co., Ltd.
    margin trading business (if any)

Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common
shareholders of the Company carry out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
No shareholder of the Company carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

2. Total number of preferred share holders and shareholdings of the top ten preferred
share holders at the period-end

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                       Section III. Significant Events

I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the
reporting period, as well as reasons for the changes
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
(I) In the reporting period, our internet oriented strategy produced initial results,
with the product structure improved and the sales proportion of intelligent TVs
increased to some extent. However, affected by the drop in the domestic sales volume
and amount of color TVs, the domestic sales income of our color TVs registered a
certain decrease, leading to a certain decrease in the main business profit.
(II) In the reporting period, we focused on enhancing the internet oriented strategy,
with details as follows:
1. We unveiled the E-strategy to build an intelligent TV-Internet operation platform.
With high responsiveness and being always one among the first to notice the
development trends in the industry, we put forward to build the first intelligent
TV-Internet operation platform in China. We not only could deepen the intelligent
TV division to include content production and distribution platforms, but also were
likely to build the largest precision marketing platform of it to achieve maximum
value. Under this strategic goal, we put forward the strategic slogan of
“E-dominance”and unveiled the Group’ E-strategy for the first time. The E-strategy
consists of two cores—E-end and E-platform, the “1+1 Strategy” for short. “E-end”
refers to the extremely easy-to-use TV intelligent end, the household internet
control center. “E-platform” refers to the open and easily enjoyable intelligent
TV Internet operation. For Konka, E-end is the technical support and hardware basis
for E-platform; and E-platform is E-end in the aggregate, platform and internet forms.
E-platform is the future of the Company, and the most important product in the future.
Konka E-platform is a fully open platform for content and application suppliers in
the vertical direction and for counterparts in the horizontal direction. In the
vertical direction, E-platform is a platform of information renewal. Through
information exchange among users on E-platform, we can analyze and integrate data
and renew information to help explore new production functions, application contents
and business modes, which helps form an interest community of the up-and-down-stream
industries. In the horizontal direction, E-platform helps us study the big picture
of the TV industry and promotes the formulation of exchange standards in the industry.
In this way, it will grow into a more convenient, faster and stronger operation
platform, as well as the hub with the richest contents and applications and a highland
for added value.
In the reporting period, our internet oriented consciousness deepened. We initiated
a series of activities and explorations, our products began to show the internet
oriented trend and we became more internet oriented in the specific work.
2. The Company proactively searched for opportunities to strengthen foreign
corporation such as the Internet and application content.
(1) The Company achieved strategic corporation with Youku Tudou Group and the latter

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

offered video software services for the Internet TV promoted by the Company and
implanted the function and service of Youku TV App into the full line of products
of the Company.
(2) Joining hands with Tencent Games, we launched the E-TV Game TV. The Konka E-TV
High-end Quality TV will carry selected Tencent games such as Seep Up, GunZ Dash,
QQ Fight the Landlord Poker Game and National War Planes.
3. The Company launched the YI-TV best series and the YIUI professional TV control
(1) In the reporting period, we launched three best series of YI-TV 9800, YI-TV 6680
and YI-TV 1800, as well as the YIUI professional TV control system. As such, we
implemented the “1+1 Strategy” to attract consumer attention with better products
and use experience. The YIUI system is a professional TV control system designed for
intelligent TVs, making intelligent control easier, more direct and more thorough.
(2) In the reporting period, we launched the E-TV Slim LED TV with only 1.28cm in
thickness, which represents the newest product of the internet superlative idea. With
this crucial new product launched and the whole new strategy, our entertainment
oriented transformation will speed up and a new world for intelligent TVs will begin.
4. We have invited international top star Fan Bingbing as our new spokesperson. The
re-start of the spokesperson plan is an important step for us to rebuild our brand
towards young people and fashion.
5. We also start a strategic cooperation with Sichuan TV (a provincial TV station
in China), which is a crucial move for us to transform towards the internet and young
people. We will carry out in-dept cooperation with Sichuan TV in terms of resources,
contents, marketing channels and consumers to deal with the fundamental reform us,
as a household appliance maker, face in business structure, product R&D and marketing
mode under the internet impact.
(III) Analysis to the changes of main financial indicators
                                                        Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
            30 Sept. 2014/
                            31 Dec. 2013/ Increase/decre Increase/decr
    Item     Jan.-Sept.                                                Main reason for the change
                           Jan.-Sept. 2013     ase         ease (%)
                                                                       ① A prepayment of RMB
                                                                       488,063,979 for land in
Prepayments     70,404.84        16,427.29     53,977.54       328.58% the current period; ②
                                                                       Prepayments for materials
                                                                                    Term deposits and wealth
                         798.96                289.84             509.12    175.65% management products
                                                                                      New wealth management
current              38,311.60                   0.00           38,311.60         -
                                                                                      products, etc.

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        According to the new
                                                                                        , other
                                                                                        investments where the
                      3,592.99                  94.20             3,498.79    3,714.22% Company did not have
                                                                                        control, joint control
                                                                                        over or significant
                                                                                        influence on the invested
                                                                                        parties were restated as
                                                                                        financial assets.
n in                 12,727.14              4,992.40              7,734.74      154.93% Plant and infrastructure
progress                                                                                expenses increased.
Long-term                                                                                 Subsidiaries secured more
                     93,810.43                 500.00            93,310.43   18,662.09%
borrowings                                                                                long-term borrowings.
Operating                                                                                 The color TV business was
                 1,346,788.85         1,454,728.81          -107,939.97          -7.42%
revenues                                                                                  of a smaller size.
                                                                                        The relevant costs
                 1,147,158.39         1,211,548.70              -64,390.30       -5.31% decreased as the sales of
                                                                                        color TVs decreased.
                                                                                        The exchange loss caused
                     12,688.40            -3,074.88              15,763.28      512.65% by exchange rate
                                                                                        fluctuations increased.
                                                                                        The subsidiary sold shares
                                                                                        of Refond Optoelectronics
                                                                                        and Konka Video &
                     42,250.88            -1,065.21              43,316.09    4,066.45% Communication was
                                                                                        transferred. As a result,
                                                                                        investment gains
                                                                                        The subsidiary sold shares
received as
                     14,227.44                 304.59            13,922.85    4,571.01% of Refond
received                                                                                Wealth management
relating to                                                                             products came to the
                    120,247.20                        -         120,247.20            -
other                                                                                   solution pay upon maturity
investing                                                                               in the current period.
Cash paid
relating to
                                                                                          Wealth management
other               156,518.35                        -         156,518.35            -
                                                                                          products were bought.

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

II. Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and
explanation on solutions
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
(I) Progress of urban renewal projects of the Company headquarters of Konka
1. According to the application of the Company, The Restructuring Office of Chengzhong
Village in Nanshan District of Shenzhen issued the Circular of the Main Implementer
of the Renewal Project of the Headquarters of Konka Group in Nanshan District,
Shenzhen in Nov. 2012, which publicized Konka Group as the main implementer of the
Renewal Project of the Headquarters of Konka Group.
2. In August, 2013, Overseas Chinese Town Group submitted the Comment Letter of
Opposing Konka Group to be the Only Subject of: Implementation of the Urban Updating
Projects of Konka Headquarter Plant” for application to stop the formalities of Konka
Group headquarter plant and handle it after appropriate discussion between Overseas
Chinese Town Group and the Company. According to the Comment Letter, the Shenzhen
Nanshan Reconstruction Office of Urban Village (old village) released the Comment
Letter of Konka Group to be the Subject of Implementation of Urban Updating Projects
of Konka Headquarter Plant in August, 2013 to coordinate the rights and interests
of all Parties and make suggestions to the Comment Letter.
Since then, although through negotiated by the relevant parties, there had not reached
consensus on “whether Konka has the right to be as the sole implementer of plant
renewal of the headquarters”.
3. In order to resolve the differences and promote the implementation of urban
updating projects of Konka headquarter plant, according to the 53 meeting of the
7 Board of Directors, the Company decided to submit the dispute of Konka Group to
be the only subject of implementation of the urban updating projects to Shenzhen Court
of International Arbitration. In order to promote the implementation of urban
updating projects of Konka headquarter plant, according to the resolution of 54
meeting of the 7 Board of Directors, Konka Group shall pay the land funds for the
projects in advance before the arbitration result. If the arbitral agency identifies
the Company as the only development subject, the Company should continue implementing
the project. If the arbitral agent asserts that the Company could not be the only
development subject, the development plan should be discussed and agreed by the
Company and OCT Group to handle the transfer formalities of the land and share the
paid prices on land.
4. On 10 Mar., 2014, the Company has applied to Shenzhen Court of International
Arbitration for arbitration of the subject of implementation of urban updating
project of Konka headquarter plant to regard Overseas Chinese Town Group as the
respondent and the Company as the only subject of implementation to develop the urban
updating project of Shenzhen Nanshan Konka Group headquarter plant.
During 16 April, 2014 to 17 June, 2014, four court sessions were held by Shenzhen
Court of International Arbitration. Overseas Chinese Group and the Company submitted
the request for arbitration, evidence materials, written pleas and defending
Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

On 31 July, 2014, the Company received the consent award from Shenzhen Court of
International Arbitration (No. HNGZC [2014] D97) with decisions:
(1) Rejecting the request of Konka Group to be the only subject of implementation
of Urban Updating Projects of Shenzhen Nanshan Konka Group Headquarter Plant.
(2) Rejecting the request about counsel fees from Konka Group.
(3) Rejecting the counterclaim about counsel fees from Overseas Chinese Town Group.
(4) The arbitration fee of this case is 490,926.54 Yuan, totally assuming by Overseas
Chinese Town Group. The repaid 29,050 Yuan by Overseas Chinese Town Group could be
included in the arbitration fees paid by Overseas Chinese Town Group.
(5) The case with a counterclaim arbitration fee of RMB 29050, shall be borne fully
by the OCT Group. OCT Group prepaid RMB 29050 as the arbitration fee that OCT Group
shall bear.
5. The Company received the Letter of the Joint Development of the Renewal Project
of Headquarter of Konka Group from OCT Group in Sep. 2014, for sooner promote the
renewal events of the city land of headquarter of Konka Group and fully maintain the
interests of the Konka Group as well as the broad masses of the investors, the
cooperative development proposal suggested by the OCT Group Co., Ltd. was as follows:
(I) OCT Group Co., Ltd. and Konka Group jointly set up the renewal transformation
project of developing headquarter of Konka Group by joint venture company.
(II) The equity propotion of the joint venture company was: OCT Group Co., Ltd. of
40% while Konka Group of 60%.
The Company presented the Proposal on the Renewal Project of the Joint Development
                                                         rd                 th
of Headquarter of Konka Group with OCT Group to the 63 Session of the 7 Board of
Directors for review. When the Board of Directors were making the decision, affiliated
directors such as Mr. Wu Siyuan, Mr. Su Zheng, Mrs. Wang Xiaowen and Mr. He Haibin
avoided the voting, while the rest of the 3 Independent Directors voted down the
proposal. In view of the divergence of the shareholders of Konka Group was rather
big about the corporative development proposal on the renewal project of headquarter
of Konka Group, and the OCT Group Co., Ltd. had not made any specified statement on
the corporative development proposal put forward by it, the Independent Directors
could not judge the fairness as well as the reasonability of the proposal. Thus the
3 Independent Directors of the Company made abstention vote for the proposal which
led the proposal deprecated by the Board of Directors of the Company.
                                                                                          Index to the relevant
           Overview of the significant event                    Date of disclosure    announcement disclosed on the
 1. Announcement on receiving Letter of Joined Efforts
 In Developing Konka Group Headquarters Factory Urban
                                                                       30 Sep. 2014               www.cninfo.com.cn
 Renewal Projects from Overseas Chinese Town Group
 Co,. Ltd.
                                   rd             th
 2. Resolution Announcement on 63 Meeting of 7
                                                                       30 Sep. 2014               www.cninfo.com.cn
 Session of Board of Directors

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

II. Other significant event: about the relevant events of the sale of inventory
fractional share
The Company due to the implementation of the equity distribution business which came
into being 29,978 fractional shares of A share and 234 B of share. In order to solve
the fractional share problems left over by history, the Company, in Jul. 2014 signed
Sale of Fractional Share Agreement of China Clearing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
Entrusted by Listed Company with registered company and entrusted China Clearing Co.,
Ltd. Shenzhen Branch with dealing with the sale of fractional share. In Aug. 2014
the actual income of the sale of the A share (Including interest) was RMB 149,328.22
and the B share HK$ 716.92 which had been classified into the bank account of the
Company and was included in capital reserve subject in accordance with the

III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’
s shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such commitments in the reporting period.
IV. Predict the 2014 annual operating results
Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made
during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting
period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as
well as explanations on the reasons
□Applicable √Inapplicable
V. Securities investment
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                            Number     Shareh
                                  Initia                        Number   Shareh            Gain/l
                                              of       olding
                                     l                            of     olding   Closin   oss in
 Variet      Code                           shares     percen
                      Name of     invest                        shares   percen   g book   report   Accoun   Source
  y of        of                             held       tage
                      securi        ment                         held     tage    value      ing     ting      of
 securi     securi                            at         at
                       ties         cost                          at       at      (RMB    period   title     stock
  ties       ties                           period     period
                                    (RMB                        period   period   Yuan)     (RMB
                                            -begin     -begin
                                   Yuan)                         -end     -end             Yuan)
                                             ning       ning
                                                                                                    Availa   Subscr
                                                                                                    ble-fo   iption
                                  2,311,     117,31             117,31            1,076,            r-sale    of ad
 Stock      000002    Vanke A                           0.00%             0.00%              0.00
                                  748.07          0                  0            905.80             finan   dition
                                                                                                    cial a   al iss
                                                                                                    ssets    ue
 Other securities
 investments held at                0.00           0     --          0    --        0.00     0.00     --       --
                                  2,311,     117,31             117,31            1,076,
 Total                                                   --               --                 0.00     --       --
                                  748.07          0                  0            905.80
 Disclosure date of the
 board announcement on

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 approval of the
 securities investment
 Disclosure date of the
 general meeting
 announcement on approval           Inapplicable
 of the securities
 investment (if any)
Shareholdings in other listed companies
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company did not have any shareholding in any other listed company in the reporting
VI. Investments in derivatives
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company did not invest in any derivative in the reporting period.
VII. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company did not receive any research, visit and interview in the reporting period.
VIII.the Newly Promulgated or Amended Accounting Standards
According to the ,we analyzed the influence of the accounting policy changes on
our financial position and operating results, as well as the influence of important
standard changes on our consolidated financial statements. Our consolidated
financial statements were mainly affected by the change of the long-term equity
investment-related standard, with details as follows:
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Basic                     1 Jan. 2013                          31 Dec. 2013
                       transaction          Capital             Retained                            Retained
     Investee                                                                Capital reserve
                       information          reserve             earnings                            earnings
                         [Note 1]            (+/-)               (+/-)                                   (+/-)
                                         39,188,772.96      -39,188,772.96    39,188,772.96      -39,188,772.96
  s Co., Ltd.
       Total                             39,188,772.96      -39,188,772.96    39,188,772.96      -39,188,772.96

[1] According to the new , concerning long-term equity investments measured at
the equity method, in regard to changes of other comprehensive incomes and other
changes of owners’ equity of an investee other than net gains and losses and profit
allocation, the investing party shall measure its share of profit according to its
shareholding percentage in the investee, which shall be debited to other
Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

comprehensive incomes and other equity changes and credited to “other comprehensive
incomes” and “capital reserve—other capital reserve”. As such, the changes of
other comprehensive incomes and other changes of owners’ equity of Shenzhen Refond
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. other than net gains and losses and profit allocation as
a result of investment increase, etc. that had been recorded into gains and losses
in previous periods were retrospectively adjusted according to the new accounting
standards, adding them to “capital reserve—other capital reserve” and reducing
them from “opening retained profits”.
[2] A positive number means increase and a negative number means decrease.

According to the rules for balance sheet preparation in the new , where an enterprise is involved in bu
siness in relation to “other comprehensive incomes” it shall have the
 “other comprehensive incomes” item in accounting treatment. When the
enterprise carries out accounting treatment on other comprehensive incom
es, it shall treat them under the “other comprehensive incomes” item
and separate them from the “capital reserve” item. We restated the ca
pital reserve on available-for-sale financial assets as other comprehens
ive incomes and included the foreign-currency statement translation diff
erence in the “other comprehensive incomes” item.

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

                              Section IV. Financial Statements

I. Financial statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                                  Closing balance                 Opening balance
 Current Assets:
     Monetary funds                                              2,319,723,495.89           1,843,743,089.94

     Settlement reserves

     Intra-group lendings
   Financial assets measured at
 fair value and of which changes
 are recorded into current gains
 and losses
     Notes receivable                                            3,104,168,556.70           4,150,779,374.32

     Accounts receivable                                         2,494,794,615.74           2,460,996,984.92

     Accounts paid in advance                                      704,048,371.54             164,272,929.59

     Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance              premiums
   Receivable            reinsurance
 contract reserves
     Interest receivable                                             7,989,609.01               2,898,419.90

     Dividend receivable

     Other accounts receivable                                     239,714,052.22             298,749,414.95
   Financial assets purchased
 under agreements to resell
     Inventories                                                 3,563,217,183.36           3,582,669,024.26

     Assets held for sale
   Non-current assets due within
 1 year
     Other current assets                                          383,115,952.51

 Total current assets                                           12,816,771,836.97          12,504,109,237.88

 Non-current assets:
   Loans by mandate and advances
   Available-for-sale financial
                                                                    35,929,905.80                 941,999.30
     Held-to-maturity investments

     Long-term accounts receivable

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

     Long-term equity investment                                   383,840,853.78     446,155,499.42

     Investing property                                            233,780,636.14     237,986,524.12

     Fixed assets                                                1,867,232,799.50   1,908,503,979.80

     Construction in progress                                      127,271,430.84       49,924,027.97

     Engineering materials

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Production biological assets

     Oil-gas assets

     Intangible assets                                             352,681,475.25     359,585,571.12

     R&D expense

     Goodwill                                                        3,914,638.11       3,943,671.53

     Long-term deferred expenses                                    25,824,096.64       13,405,084.94

     Deferred income tax assets                                    213,569,087.46     218,728,739.41

     Other non-current assets

 Total of non-current assets                                     3,244,044,923.52   3,239,175,097.61

 Total assets                                                   16,060,816,760.49   15,743,284,335.49

 Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                                       4,892,499,557.55   5,239,069,764.48

     Borrowings from Central Bank
   Customer bank deposits and due
 to banks and other financial
     Intra-group borrowings
   Financial         liabilities
 measured at fair value and of
 which changes are recorded into
 current gains and losses
     Notes payable                                                 678,781,200.04     565,137,790.84

     Accounts payable                                            3,028,010,614.23   3,341,804,144.12

     Accounts received in advance                                  423,952,034.02     482,716,035.68
   Financial       assets   sold   for
   Handling     charges            and
 commissions payable
   Employee ’ s        compensation
                                                                   275,019,168.12     332,090,987.76
     Tax payable                                                   -62,223,550.11     -94,670,496.91

     Interest payable                                               27,697,187.96       34,945,870.48

     Dividend payable                                                        0.00

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

     Other accounts payable                                      1,403,468,592.04    1,391,396,130.97

     Reinsurance premiums payable

     Insurance contract reserves
   Payables for acting trading of
   Payables      for       acting
 underwriting of securities
     Liabilities held for sale
   Non-current liabilities due
                                                                     1,755,444.00        1,755,444.00
 within 1 year
     Other current liabilities

 Total current liabilities                                      10,668,960,247.85   11,294,245,671.42

 Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term borrowings                                          938,104,312.91        5,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

     Long-term payables                                             30,195,300.25       31,366,530.13

     Specific payables

     Estimated liabilities                                             911,085.41          911,085.41
   Deferred          income       tax
     Other non-current liabilities                                 136,811,615.70      131,658,369.11

 Total non-current liabilities                                   1,106,022,314.27      168,935,984.65

 Total liabilities                                              11,774,982,562.12   11,463,181,656.07
 Owners ’         equity (or
 shareholders’ equity)
   Paid-up capital (or share
                                                                 1,203,972,704.00    1,203,972,704.00
     Capital reserves                                           1,270,100,956.66    1,313,594,715.74

     Less: Treasury stock

     Specific reserves

 Other comprehensive incomes                                       18,640,444.51       16,179,316.17

     Provisions for general risks                                  847,908,466.28      847,908,466.28

     Retained profits                                              734,342,477.45      698,802,949.44

     Foreign exchange difference

     Minority interests                                          4,074,965,048.90    4,080,458,151.63
 Total    owners   ’       (or
                                                                   210,869,149.47      199,644,527.79
 shareholders’) equity
 Total liabilities and owners’
                                                                 4,285,834,198.37    4,280,102,679.42
 (or shareholders’) equity
 Current Assets:                                                16,060,816,760.49   15,743,284,335.49

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
2. Balance sheet of the Company
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                Closing balance        Opening balance
 Current Assets:
     Monetary funds                                                 1,522,391,082.42       1,118,577,010.98
   Financial assets measured at fair value and of
 which changes are recorded into current gains and
     Notes receivable                                               2,991,528,723.74       3,963,969,934.07

     Accounts receivable                                            1,746,011,407.34       1,543,050,476.67

     Accounts paid in advance                                         796,777,222.68         239,011,903.60

     Interest receivable                                               31,935,760.50          12,151,753.22

     Dividend receivable

     Other accounts receivable                                        377,421,582.25         668,297,184.77

     Inventories                                                    2,210,069,583.82       2,333,107,085.15

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current assets due within 1 year

     Other current assets                                             369,115,952.51

 Total current assets                                              10,045,251,315.26       9,878,165,348.46

 Non-current assets:

     Available-for-sale financial assets                               15,629,905.80             941,999.30

     Held-to-maturity investments                                     600,000,000.00         505,000,000.00

     Long-term accounts receivable

     Long-term equity investment                                    1,660,371,025.93       1,675,299,526.82

     Investing property                                               233,780,636.14         237,986,524.12

     Fixed assets                                                     593,113,062.93         599,950,784.99

     Construction in progress                                          40,259,292.56           8,713,508.63

     Engineering materials

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Production biological assets

     Oil-gas assets

     Intangible assets                                                 73,523,256.75          76,133,522.45

     R&D expense


Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

     Long-term deferred expenses                                    13,358,857.30        4,597,304.79

     Deferred income tax assets                                    188,378,978.51      183,062,820.76

     Other non-current assets

 Total of non-current assets                                     3,418,415,015.92    3,291,685,991.86

 Total assets                                                   13,463,666,331.18   13,169,851,340.32

 Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                                         575,796,101.90    1,023,913,426.22
   Financial liabilities measured at fair value and
 of which changes are recorded into current gains and
     Notes payable                                                 232,179,734.78      190,949,990.17

     Accounts payable                                            7,275,412,904.65    6,320,384,438.01

     Accounts received in advance                                  134,988,561.38      186,326,967.62

     Employee’s compensation payable                              136,204,213.46      187,697,895.87

     Tax payable                                                  -117,197,697.85      -92,265,968.33

     Interest payable                                                7,058,903.09       21,189,076.79

     Dividend payable

     Other accounts payable                                      1,175,805,947.11    1,243,478,983.84

     Liabilities held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

     Other current liabilities

 Total current liabilities                                       9,420,248,668.52    9,081,674,810.19

 Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term borrowings

     Bonds payable

     Long-term payables

     Specific payables

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities                                  77,823,660.73       74,192,786.56

 Total non-current liabilities                                      77,823,660.73       74,192,786.56

 Total liabilities                                               9,498,072,329.25    9,155,867,596.75

 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

     Paid-up capital (or share capital)                          1,203,972,704.00    1,203,972,704.00

     Capital reserves                                           1,250,283,488.79    1,250,133,590.04

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

     Less: Treasury stock

     Specific reserves

     Other comprehensive incomes                                        101,179.87                        0

     Provisions for general risks                                    847,908,466.28          847,908,466.28

     Provisions for general risks

 Retained profits                                                    663,328,162.99          711,968,983.25
 Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                                   3,965,594,001.93        4,013,983,743.57
 Current Assets:                                                  13,463,666,331.18       13,169,851,340.32

Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
3. Consolidated income statement for the reporting period
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                                      Jul.-Sept. 2014          Jul.-Sept. 2013
 I. Total operating revenues                                          5,069,587,917.51      5,125,888,856.21
     Including: Sales income                                          5,069,587,917.51     5,125,888,856.21
         Interest income
         Premium income
         Handling charge and commission income
 II. Total operating cost                                             5,286,732,376.10     5,155,561,503.95
   Including: Cost of sales                                           4,461,016,065.72     4,279,709,450.47
         Interest expenses
         Handling charge and commission expenses
         Net claims paid
       Net amount withdrawn for the insurance
 contract reserve
         Expenditure on policy dividends
         Reinsurance premium
         Taxes and associate charges                                     19,684,285.29        15,552,238.27
         Selling and distribution expenses                              603,920,274.15       672,680,950.49
         Administrative expenses                                        161,335,348.26       167,099,846.16
         Financial expenses                                              25,023,270.63        -9,041,427.05
       Asset impairment loss                                             15,753,132.05        29,560,445.61
   Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-”
 means loss)
       Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means
                                                                        156,068,719.20        -2,475,483.67
       Including: share of profits in associates
                                                                        150,388,087.59        -2,475,483.67
 and joint ventures
       Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)
 III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                -61,075,739.39       -32,148,131.41
     Add: non-operating income                                           87,715,844.22       130,589,476.80
     Less: non-operating expense                                          7,305,180.46         5,735,856.70
       Including: loss from non-current asset
                                                                          2,646,864.87         3,011,920.69

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

 IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                       19,334,924.37         92,705,488.69
   Less: Income tax expense                                                16,856,829.43         89,039,674.82
 V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                           2,478,094.94          3,665,813.87
   Including: Net profit achieved by combined
 parties before the combinations
   Attributable to owners of the Company                                    2,219,144.43          1,025,980.12
   Minority shareholders’ income                                             258,950.51          2,639,833.75
 VI. Earnings per share                                               --                          --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                 0.0018                0.0009
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                              0.0018                0.0009
 VII. Other comprehensive incomes                                             309,882.96           -749,852.99
 Including: Other comprehensive incomes items that
 cannot be reclassified as gains and losses in the
 subsequent accounting periods                                                229,818.89           -686,505.59
   Other comprehensive incomes items that will be
 reclassified as gains and losses in the subsequent
 accounting periods as relevant requirements are
 met                                                                           80,064.07            -63,347.40
 VIII. Total comprehensive incomes                                          2,787,977.90          2,915,960.88

     Attributable to owners of the Company                                                          276,127.13

     Attributable to minority shareholders                                                        2,639,833.75
Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
4. Income statement of the Company for the reporting period
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                Jul.-Sept. 2014            Jul.-Sept. 2013
 I. Total sales                                                      4,927,749,644.75         5,400,743,339.80
     Less: cost of sales                                            4,507,114,899.36          4,784,525,416.90
       Business taxes and surcharges                                    6,621,386.11              8,959,658.28
       Distribution expenses                                          475,996,986.70            513,502,645.20
       Administrative expenses                                        113,759,087.34            103,247,670.81
       Financial costs                                                     2,457,573.62           6,252,701.05
       Impairment loss                                                     7,528,125.66          30,219,405.32
   Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-”
 means loss)
     Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                        5,680,116.54
     Including: income form investment on associates
 and joint ventures
 II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                              -180,048,297.50            -45,964,157.76
   Add: non-business income                                            79,279,469.92            118,023,308.68
     Less: non-business expense                                            5,627,863.53           4,579,720.14
       Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                     1,173,968.94           2,409,461.96
 III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                -106,396,691.11             67,479,430.78
   Less: income tax expense                                           -26,577,644.05             18,220,744.94
 IV. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                    -79,819,047.06             49,258,685.84
 V. Earnings per share                                                --                         --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                               -0.0660                 0.0409

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                       -0.0660                 0.0409

 VI. Other comprehensive income                                                                -63,347.40
 Including: Other comprehensive incomes items that
 cannot be reclassified as gains and losses in the
 subsequent accounting periods                                                                          0.00
   Other comprehensive incomes items that will be
 reclassified as gains and losses in the subsequent
 accounting periods as relevant requirements are met                                           -63,347.40
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                                            49,195,338.44

Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
5. Consolidated income statement for Jan.-Sept. 2014
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                             Jan.-Sept. 2014       Jan.-Sept. 2013
 I. Total operating revenues                                     13,467,888,459.14      14,547,288,137.21

     Including: Sales income                                     13,467,888,459.14      14,547,288,137.21

       Interest income

       Premium income

       Handling charge and commission income

 II. Total operating cost                                        13,922,489,483.67      14,549,916,838.04

     Including: Cost of sales                                    11,471,583,908.48      12,115,486,956.16

       Interest expenses

       Handling charge and commission expenses


       Net claims paid
     Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract
       Expenditure on policy dividends

       Reinsurance premium

       Taxes and associate charges                                   47,098,016.85          48,586,402.77

       Selling and distribution expenses                          1,759,788,635.00       1,884,084,040.29

       Administrative expenses                                      465,777,790.64         480,035,954.68

       Financial expenses                                           126,884,047.87         -30,748,765.34

       Asset impairment loss                                         51,357,084.83          52,472,249.48
   Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means
       Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)               422,508,837.83         -10,652,063.79

       Including: share of profits in associates and joint          152,108,088.99         -10,673,179.59

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

       Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)

 III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                               -32,092,186.70           -13,280,764.62

     Add: non-operating income                                         145,931,312.24           176,544,290.82

     Less: non-operating expense                                        11,341,121.48            10,861,709.33

       Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                   6,115,779.18             6,880,721.42

 IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                   102,498,004.06           152,401,816.87

     Less: Income tax expense                                           52,693,555.37           112,087,597.00

 V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                       49,804,448.69            40,314,219.87
   Including: Net profit achieved by combined parties
 before the combinations
     Attributable to owners of the Company                              47,579,255.05            41,573,653.74

     Minority shareholders’ income                                      2,225,193.64            -1,259,433.87

 VI. Earnings per share                                                  --                      --

     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                 0.0395                 0.0345

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                              0.0395                 0.0345

 VII. Other comprehensive incomes                                        2,568,338.32             2,130,236.42
 Including: Other comprehensive incomes items that cannot
 be reclassified as gains and losses in the subsequent                   2,467,158.45             2,217,339.09
 accounting periods
   Other comprehensive incomes items that will be
 reclassified as gains and losses in the subsequent                           101,179.87              -87,102.67
 accounting periods as relevant requirements are met
 VIII. Total comprehensive incomes                                      52,372,787.01            42,444,456.29

     Attributable to owners of the Company                              50,040,383.39            43,703,890.16

     Attributable to minority shareholders                               2,332,403.62            -1,259,433.87

Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
6. Income statement of the Company for Jan.-Sept. 2014
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                Jan.-Sept. 2014            Jan.-Sept. 2013
 I. Total sales                                                    13,383,758,078.78         15,102,962,063.94

     Less: cost of sales                                           12,000,413,762.42         13,284,240,803.60

       Business taxes and surcharges                                   23,583,446.31             30,441,922.24

       Distribution expenses                                        1,398,351,839.36          1,457,237,045.98

       Administrative expenses                                        309,854,623.79            242,813,780.89

       Financial costs                                                 30,428,246.25               -173,124.91

       Impairment loss                                                 35,304,837.36             45,315,916.92

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

   Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-”
 means loss)
       Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                260,851,094.05                 21,115.80
     Including: income form investment on associates
 and joint ventures
 II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                             -153,327,582.66           43,106,835.02

     Add: non-business income                                        112,639,833.40          146,897,833.75

     Less: non-business expense                                           7,236,599.91         5,947,066.99

       Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                    2,688,032.04         3,118,103.04

 III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                -47,924,349.17          184,057,601.78

     Less: income tax expense                                        -11,323,255.95           45,716,422.13

 IV. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                   -36,601,093.22          138,341,179.65

 V. Earnings per share                                               --                       --

     (I) Basic earnings per share                                              -0.0300                0.1150

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                           -0.0300                0.1150

 VI. Other comprehensive income                                            101,179.87              -87,102.67
 Including: Other comprehensive incomes items that
 cannot be reclassified as gains and losses in the                                0.00                  0.00
 subsequent accounting periods
   Other comprehensive incomes items that will be
 reclassified as gains and losses in the subsequent                        101,179.87              -87,102.67
 accounting periods as relevant requirements are met
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                     -36,499,913.35          138,254,076.98

Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
7. Consolidated cash flow statement for Jan.-Sept. 2014
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                Jan.-Sept. 2014          Jan.-Sept. 2013
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Cash received from sale of commodities and
                                                                    12,555,098,512.73     13,942,683,102.29
 rendering of service
   Net increase of deposits from customers and dues
 from banks
   Net increase of loans from the central bank
   Net increase of funds borrowed from other
 financial institutions
   Cash received from premium of original insurance
   Net cash received from reinsurance business
   Net increase of deposits of policy holders and
 investment fund
   Net increase of disposal of tradable financial

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

   Cash received from interest, handling charges and
     Net increase of intra-group borrowings
     Net increase of funds in repurchase business
   Tax refunds received                                            358,329,202.50     330,667,945.66
   Other cash received          relating    to   operating
                                                                   235,861,761.39     271,528,552.11
 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities             13,149,289,476.62   14,544,879,600.06
   Cash paid for goods and services                              9,380,348,724.96    8,819,908,840.86
   Net increase of customer lendings and advances
   Net increase of funds deposited in the central
 bank and amount due from banks
   Cash for paying claims of the original insurance
   Cash for paying interest, handling charges and
     Cash for paying policy dividends
     Cash paid to and for employees                              1,323,467,590.83   1,255,507,234.76
   Various taxes paid                                              563,998,566.46   1,514,126,665.13
   Other cash payment relating to operating
                                                                   926,764,281.16   1,119,807,687.01
 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities            12,194,579,163.41   12,709,350,427.76
 Net cash flows from operating activities                          954,710,313.21   1,835,529,172.30
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
     Cash received from withdrawal of investments                   80,177,238.14       15,137,680.00
     Cash received from return on investments                      142,274,404.64        3,045,900.17
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                     8,486,488.23       29,604,684.18
 intangible assets and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                   238,782,351.98       20,818,708.75
 or other business units
   Other cash received relating to investing
 Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities              1,672,192,526.30       68,606,973.10
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible
                                                                   698,773,238.21     221,418,555.64
 assets and other long-term assets
     Cash paid for investment                                       25,623,300.00
     Net increase of pledged loans
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
 business units
   Other cash payments relating to investing
 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities             2,289,580,035.56     221,418,555.64
 Net cash flows from investing activities                         -617,387,509.26     -152,811,582.54
 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
    Cash received from capital contributions                         2,800,000.00
    Including: Cash     received from minority
 shareholder investments by subsidiaries
    Cash received from borrowings                                2,981,063,581.11   3,748,968,680.44
    Cash received from issuance of bonds
    Other cash received relating to financing
                                                                    29,200,869.52   1,137,986,353.39
 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities              3,013,064,450.63   4,886,955,033.83

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

    Repayment of    borrowings                                        2,741,806,676.36      5,127,267,806.62
    Cash paid for   interest expenses and distribution
                                                                         84,152,056.20        100,322,810.55
 of dividends or    profit
     Including:     dividends or profit paid by
 subsidiaries to    minority shareholders
     Other cash payments relating to financing
                                                                        598,450,810.48        511,026,566.30
 Sub-total of       cash      outflows     from   financing
                                                                      3,424,409,543.04      5,738,617,183.47
 Net cash flows from financing activities                              -411,345,092.41       -851,662,149.64
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
                                                                          9,106,902.07         18,504,467.98
 and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           -64,915,386.39        849,559,908.10
     Add: Opening balance of cash and cash
                                                                      1,771,489,421.21        824,043,169.37
 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                     1,706,574,034.82      1,673,603,077.47
Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
8. Cash flow statement of the Company for Jan.-Sept. 2014
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                     Jan.-Sept. 2014          Jan.-Sept. 2013
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Cash received from sale of commodities and
                                                                    9,534,307,204.66       10,873,897,439.73
 rendering of service
   Tax refunds received                                               172,815,986.06          247,594,244.97
   Other cash      received     relating     to   operating
                                                                      357,621,689.04          189,761,400.68
 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                10,064,744,879.76       11,311,253,085.38
   Cash paid for goods and services                                 7,404,978,331.51        5,996,294,072.12
     Cash paid to and for employees                                   729,796,739.00          698,252,961.51
     Various taxes paid                                               236,222,067.20        1,171,595,372.06
   Other cash       payment     relating    to    operating
                                                                      893,363,473.32          959,520,488.69
 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                9,264,360,611.03        8,825,662,894.38
 Net cash flows from operating activities                             800,384,268.73        2,485,590,191.00
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Cash received from retraction of investments                       301,267,191.25           20,818,708.75
   Cash received from return on investments                            13,460,524.61           13,570,488.72
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                        7,557,428.23           22,527,686.18
 intangible assets and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries
 or other business units
   Other cash      received     relating     to   investing
                                                                    1,202,472,043.31           30,000,000.00
 Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                 1,524,757,187.40           86,916,883.65
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible
                                                                      568,075,101.35          111,745,964.46
 assets and other long-term assets
   Cash paid for investment                                            12,523,300.00
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
 business units

Report for the Third Quarter of 2014 of Konka Group Co., Ltd.

   Other cash      payments     relating    to   investing
                                                                      1,646,000,000.00         140,000,000.00
 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                  2,226,598,401.35          251,745,964.46
 Net cash flows from investing activities                              -701,841,213.95         -164,829,080.81
 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
    Cash received from capital contributions
     Cash received from borrowings                                                             142,130,800.00
     Cash received from issuance of bonds
    Other cash received relating to financing
                                                                        353,481,347.13     1,137,986,353.39
 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                     353,481,347.13     1,280,117,153.39
    Repayment of borrowings                                                                2,610,797,519.55
    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution
                                                                         11,854,357.13           70,127,386.19
 of dividends or profit
   Other cash payments relating to financing
                                                                        595,599,703.87         509,344,082.83
 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                                        607,454,061.00     3,190,268,988.57
 Net cash flows from financing activities                              -253,972,713.87     -1,910,151,835.18
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
                                                                         -2,603,210.17           5,922,919.95
 and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                          -158,032,869.26         416,532,194.96
     Add: Opening        balance    of   cash    and   cash
                                                                      1,117,689,643.16         365,891,615.75
 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                       959,656,773.90         782,423,810.71
Legal representative: Wu Siyuan     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Huang
Zhiqiang         Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan
II. Audit report
Is this report audited?
□ Yes √ No
This report is not audited.

                                                                Chief of the Board of Directors: Wu Siyuan

                                                                          Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                             Board of Directors
                                                                                28 Oct. 2014