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              August 2015

                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

         Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior

executives of SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. (hereinafter

referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious

statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,

and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality,

accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and
has no share converted from capital reserve either.

Li Zhongqiu, principal of the Company, Cao Li, person in charger of accounting
works and Wu Aijie, person in charge of accounting organ (accounting principal)
hereby confirm that the Financial Report of Semi-Annual Report 2015 is
authentic, accurate and complete.

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the
semi-annual report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment for
investors. Majority investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Semi-Annual Report 2015 ................................................................................................................. 1

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase .................................................................. 1

Section II Company Profile ............................................................................................................. 3

Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes .................................................... 4

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................... 6

Section V Important Events ............................................................................................................ 16

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders............................................... 25

Section VII Preferred Stock……………………………………………………………………….29

Section VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ....................................................... 30

Section IX Financial Report ............................................................................................................ 32

Section X Documents Available for Reference ........................................................................... 122

                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                 Items               Refers to                               Definition

Company, Shen Huafa                  Refers to SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.

Hengfa Technology                    Refers to Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd.

Huafa Property Company               Refers to Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Property Co., Ltd

Huafa Lease Company                  Refers to Shenzhen Huafa Property Lease Management Co., Ltd

Huafa Trade Company                  Refers to Wuhan Zhongheng Huafa Trade Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Zhongheng Group                Refers to Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd

HK Yutian Company                    Refers to Hong Kong Yutian International Investment Co., Ltd.

Hengsheng Photoelectricity Company   Refers to Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity Industry Co., Ltd.

Hengsheng Yutian Company             Refers to Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial Co., Ltd.

Yutian Henghua Company               Refers to Shenzhen Yutian Henghua Co., Ltd.

Huafa Hengtian Company               Refers to Shenzhen Huafa Hengtian Co., Ltd.

Huafa Hengtai Company                Refers to Shenzhen Huafa Hengtai Co., Ltd.

Wuhan New Oriental                   Refers to Wuhan New Oriental Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                        Section II Company profile

I. Company Profile
Short form for share           SHEN HUAFA-A, SHEN HUAFA- B               Code for share                 000020, 200020

Listing stock exchange         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 深圳中恒华发股份有限公司

Abbr. of Chinese name of the
Company(if applicable)

English name of the
                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
Company(if applicable)

Legal Representative           Li Zhongqiu

II. Contact person and ways

                                                        Secretary of the Board                     Rep. of securities affairs

Name                                         Zhong Ke                                     Niu Yuxiang

                                             6/F, East Tower, Huafa (N) Road, Futian      6/F, East Tower, Huafa (N) Road, Futian
Contact adds.
                                             District, Shenzhen                           District, Shenzhen

Tel.                                         (0755) 83352206                              (0755)61389198

Fax.                                         (0755) 61389001                              (0755)61389001

E-mail                                       hwafainvestor@126.com.cn                     hwafainvestor@126.com.cn

III. Others

1. Way of contact

Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period or
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,
found more details in Annual Report 2014.

2. Information disclosure and preparation place

Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparation
place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2014.

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

3. Registration changes of the Company

Whether registration has changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Date/place for registration of the Company, registration number for enterprise legal license, number of taxation registration and
organization code have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2014.

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

        Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes   √ No

                                                                                                         Increase/decrease in this
                                                  Current period            Same period of last year
                                                                                                               report y-o-y

Operating revenue (RMB)                                 248,734,629.86                366,621,826.36                         -32.15%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                          14,177,311.03                  1,455,936.93                      873.76%
the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                        -8,240,712.21                  1,039,567.88                     -892.71%

non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                         17,028,593.73               -188,587,686.53                       109.03%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                               0.0501                      0.0051                      882.35%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                             0.0501                      0.0051                      882.35%

Weighted average ROE                                               4.92%                       0.53%      4.39 percentage points up

                                                                                                         Increase/decrease in this
                                               End of current period           End of last period       report-end over that of last

Total assets (RMB)                                    1,172,778,771.75              1,162,740,984.93                          0.86%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                        295,528,580.77                281,351,269.74                          5.04%
listed company(RMB)

II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

The Company has no difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in reporting period

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

The Company has no difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting rules and
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in reporting period

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                  Item                                          Amount                             Note

Profit and loss of assets delegation on others’ investment or

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

Other gains/losses qualify the definition of non-recurring gains
and losses

Less: Impact on income tax                                                            7,576,494.92

Total                                                                                22,418,023.24                   --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to
the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                        Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

For the first half year of 2015, the macro economy of China went through new normal operation in general, with
trending and periodic decline. Domestic demands for appliances products were weak with increasing competition.
As an industrial manufacturer providing ancillary products and services for home appliance industry, the
Company made adequate measures to challenge the new economic condition and market pressure from this
industry. In particular, it continued to optimize product structure, strengthen internal management and asset
management, save energies and cut down consumption and maintain well performance. Meanwhile, the Company
actively explored new channels for its transformation and upgrade, so as to ensure sustainable growth of its future
results. During the reporting period, the Company realized operating profit of RMB12,974,600, with an increase
of 741.66%; realized net profit of RMB14,177,300, with an increase of 873.76%.

In respect of industry production: the plastic injection segment continued to further develop market potential,
consolidate and improve existing customer resources during the reporting period. it increased market share of
Haier air conditioners and undertook new series of products. Meanwhile, it increased share of orders for TCL
products to continue remain the leading position in regional market. The polystyrene segment vigorously carried
out reasonable recommendations to decrease costs, improve efficiency, strengthen costs management, enhance
refined management, inspire working enthusiasm and staff passion to participate in corporate management,
despite of increasing price of raw materials, increase of human resource costs, decrease of selling price and
increasingly furious market competition. As for the video communication segment, subject to guarantee for basic
production, it further increased injection in research and development resulting in relatively great progress in this
aspect. In particular, the segment presented various products with different size, which totally changed the
traditional design model, especially realized integration of LCM and general sets of super thin and narrow, which
fully reflected the innovative features and cost advantages in respect of its products and improved the gross profit
margin as well.

In respect of property leasing: the first to three floors of our own property Huafa Building recorded slow progress
in lease invitation due to the negative business environment arising from construction of subway line No.7 in
Huaqiangbei business district. During the reporting period, the Company adjusted commercial strategies
accordingly, trying to introduce the major businesses suitable to the surrounding electronic business and living
facilities so as to form healthy interactive promotion with other businesses.

II. Main business analysis

Y-o-y changes of main financial data
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                               Current period           Same period of last year   Y-o-y increase/decrease   Reasons for changes

Operation revenue                      248,734,629.86            366,621,826.36                   -32.15% Decrease of the sales

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


Operation cost                        207,463,525.37           326,921,602.88                    -36.54% Sales declined

Sales   expenses                        5,131,770.58             5,564,699.14                     -7.78%

Administrative expenses                18,594,919.77            19,519,931.83                     -4.74%

                                                                                                           Interest of the long-term
Financial cost                         30,393,198.67            10,209,515.26                   197.69%
                                                                                                            loans increased

                                                                                                           Deferred income tax
Income tax expense                       -708,871.91               640,767.95                   -210.63%
                                                                                                           expenses decreased

                                                                                                           Intercourse funds
Net cash flow arising
                                       17,028,593.73          -188,587,686.53                   109.03% received from units
from operation activities

Net cash flow arising
                                                                                                           Income from the
from investment                        10,529,763.03             -2,820,541.76                  473.32%
                                                                                                           financial products

Net cash flow arising                                                                                      Interest of long-term
                                      -28,950,224.51           424,887,205.90                   -106.81%
from financing activities                                                                                  loans paid increased

Net increase of cash and                                                                                   Interest of loans paid
                                       -1,362,306.90           233,520,462.11                   -100.58%
cash equivalent                                                                                            increased

Major changes on profit composition or profit resources in reporting period
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
No major changes on profit composition or profit resources occurred in reporting period

The future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private
placing memorandum and recapitalize statement
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
No future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private
placing memorandum and recapitalize statement

Review on the previous business plan and its progress during reporting period
Implementing well-organised as originally planned

III. Constitution of main business

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                        Increase or
                                                                                             Increase or
                                                                        decrease of                        Increase or decrease of
                                                                                            decrease of
                        Operating                        Gross profit    operating                          gross profit ratio over
                                        Operating cost                                     operating cost
                         revenue                            ratio      revenue over                          same period of last
                                                                                          over same period
                                                                      same period of                                 year
                                                                                             of last year
                                                                         last year
According to industries

                                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                                             3.43 percentage points
Monitors                74,499,745.27    70,560,597.57   5.29%     -47.04%         -48.89%

Plastic injection                                                                            2.12 percentage points
                      111,689,128.46    103,189,257.33   7.61%     -23.24%         -21.44%
hardware                                                                                                     down

                                                                                             1.78 percentage points
Foam pieces             34,661,675.11    29,900,031.12   13.74%    -16.58%         -18.27%

According to products

                                                                                             3.43 percentage points
Monitors                74,499,745.27    70,560,597.57   5.29%     -47.04%         -48.89%

Plastic injection                                                                            2.12 percentage points
                      111,689,128.46    103,189,257.33   7.61%     -23.24%         -21.44%
hardware                                                                                                     down

                                                                                             1.78 percentage points
Foam pieces             34,661,675.11    29,900,031.12   13.74%    -16.58%         -18.27%

According to region

                                                                                             2.57 percentage points
Hong Kong               65,650,225.45    63,428,099.47   3.38%     -45.87%         -47.28%

                                                                                             0.33 percentage points
Central China         155,200,323.39    140,221,786.55   9.65%     -30.45%         -30.70%

IV. Core competitive-ness analysis

1. All industrial lands of the Company located in Shenzhen were taken into the first batch of plan under 2010
Shenzhen urban upgrade unit planning formulation plan. In future, development and operation of self-owned land
resources would become the income source of the Company on a long-term and stable basis and new profit
growth point.
2. The Company has three plants in Wuhan economic technology park with an area of nearly 80,000 square meters
where various famous enterprises are located in this area. Benefiting from radiation radius requirements for
processing matching services, the Company enjoys superior and stable customer resources and has formed a good
long-term cooperative relationship; in particular, its injection molding business and polystyrene businesses have
been operated for many years with steady management group and abundant production experiences, which makes
the Company enjoying high recognition and annual production capacity and scale in the forefront of Central

V. Investment analysis

1. Situation of equity investment outside

(1) Situation of investment outside

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                     SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

The Company had no investment outside in the Period.

 (2)Holding equity of financial enterprise

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no equity of financial enterprise held in the Period.

 (3)Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no securities investment in the Period.

(4) Statement of holding other listed companies’ equity
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no other listed company’s equity held in the Period

2. Trust financing, investment of derivatives and entrustment loan

 (1) Trust financing

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            In 10 thousand Yuan

                                                                                                Amount of reserve
                                                                                                   of            for
                         Whether                                                    Determin                                           Actual
             Related                             Amount Start date End date                     principal devaluati
 Name of                  related                                                     ation                                Estimated gains/loss
            relationsh                 Type       of trust of    trust of   trust                actual         on of
  trustee                trade or                                                   method of                               income      es in
                ip                               financing financing financing                   taking       withdrawi
                         not (Y/N)                                                   reward                                            period
                                                                                                back in        ng (if
                                                                                                 period       applicable

CITIC                                Trust
                                                            2014-12- 2015-12- By
Trust Co., N/A           N           financial     10,000                                                 0                    1,200       590
                                                            26        25            contract
Ltd.                                 products

CITIC                                Trust
                                                            2014-12- 2015-12- By
Trust Co., N/A           N           financial     10,000                                                 0                    1,200       590
                                                            26        25            contract
Ltd.                                 products

CITIC                                Trust
                                                            2014-12- 2015-12- By
Trust Co., N/A           N           financial     10,000                                                 0                    1,200       590
                                                            26        25            contract
Ltd.                                 products

CITIC                                Trust
                                                            2014-12- 2015-12- By
Trust Co., N/A           N           financial     10,000                                                 0                    1,200       590
                                                            26        25            contract
Ltd.                                 products

                                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

            CITIC                               Trust
                                                                       2014-12- 2015-12- By
            Trust Co., N/A         N            financial     10,000                                                    0                  1,200         590
                                                                       26          25            contract
            Ltd.                                products

            Total                                             50,000        --          --           --                 0                  6,000       2,950

            Capital resource                                Owned fund

            Overdue un-received principal and
            accumulated earnings amount

            Lawsuit involved (if applicable)                N/A

            Disclosure date for approval from the
            Board for trust financing (if applicable)

            Disclosure date for approval from board of
            shareholders for trust financing (if            2014-08-09

            (2) Investment of derivatives
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable
            The Company has no derivatives investment in the Period

            (3) Entrustment loan
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable
            The Company has no entrustment loan in the Period

            3. Application of raised proceeds

            □ Applicable √ Not applicable
            The Company has no application of raised proceeds in the Period

            4. Main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies

            √ Applicable □ Not applicable
            Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies
                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

Company                                 Main products or                                                                    Operating      Operating
                    Type   Industries                        Register capital     Total assets       Net Assets                                             Net profit
     name                                      service                                                                      revenue          profit

                                        R&D, production,
                                        sales of products
Technolog Subsidia Production
                                        and import and      181,643,111.00       498,642,690.01 199,741,491.96 221,470,121.90 -3,173,973.76                -2,126,765.71
y               ry         sales
                                        export business

    Huafa                  Property     Property leasing
Property                   manageme and management          1,000,000.00           1,000,373.86           -343,520.71       1,103,334.00    175,344.35          175,294.35
Company                    nt           of self-owned

                                                           SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


                                  Property leasing
Huafa                  Property
            Subsidia              and management
Hengtian               manageme                        1,000,000.00           999,385.37       999,385.37                0.00   -554.63          -554.63
            ry                    of self-owned
Company                nt

                                  Property leasing
Huafa                  Property
            Subsidia              and management
Hengtai                manageme                        1,000,000.00         1,000,169.89     1,000,169.89                0.00   229.89           229.89
            ry                    of self-owned
Company                nt

        5. Major project invested by non-raised funds

        □ Applicable √ Not applicable

        No major project invested by non-raised funds in Period

        VI. Prediction of business performance from January – September 2015

        Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
        warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason
        □ Applicable √ Not applicable

        VII. Explanation from the Board and Supervisory Committee for “Qualified Opinion” from
        the CPA of this year’s
        □ Applicable √ Not applicable

        VIII. Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” of previous year from the Board

        □ Applicable √ Not applicable

        IX. Implementation of profit distribution in reporting period

        Implementation or adjustment of profit distribution plan in reporting period, cash dividend plan and shares converted from capital
        reserve in particular
        □ Applicable √ Not applicable
        Previous year’s profit distribution plan was no profit distribution and shares converted from capital reserve either

        X. Profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserves in the Period

        □ Applicable √ Not applicable
        The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either for
        the semi-annual year

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

XI. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
       Time                Place          Way             Type      Reception     Contents discussed and material provided

                                      Telephone                                 Communicating operation situation of the
                     Headquarter of                               Individual
Jan. to June 2015                     communicatio Individuals                  Company, assets status and process of city
                     the Company                                   investor
                                      n                                         update projects and private placement

                                                         SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                               Section V. Important Events

I. Corporate governance

The actual condition of the corporate governance shows no difference with the Company Law and relevant requirement from CSRC.

II. Lawsuits

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
□Applicable     √Not applicable
The Company had no significant lawsuits or arbitrations in the Period.
Other lawsuits
□Applicable     √Not applicable

III. Question from media

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
No universal questioned by media in reporting period

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no bankruptcy reorganization occurred.

V. Transaction in assets

1. Assets acquisition

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                   Ratio of the
                                                                                                   Relate      Relationship
Counterpa Assets Trading                                           Impact on       net profit in                                 Discl
                                                                                                     d           with the
   rty or   purcha price (in                       Impact on       gains/losse total net profit                                  osure
                                    Progress                                                       transac     counterparty
 ultimate      sed or    10                       Company’s           s of the       of the                                     date Disclosure index
                                    (note 2)                                                       tion or    (applicable to
controlling replac thousand                     business (note 3) Company           Company,                                     (note
                                                                                                    not         the related
   party         ed     Yuan)                                          (note 4)   contributed by                                     5)
                                                                                                   (Y/N)       transactions)
                                                                                    the assets

                                 part of the
                                               Benefit a lot for                                             Control by the
                                 shops are                                                                                                http://www.cninfo
Wuhan       Shop                               the property                                                  same controlling 2015
                                 completed                                                                                                .com.cn/finalpage
New         along        1,250                 leasing             0                      0.00% Y            shareholders        -06-1
                                 the                                                                                                      /2015-06-10/1201
Oriental    street                             development of                                                and ultimate        0
                                 ownership                                                                                                129010.PDF
                                               the Company                                                   controlling party

                                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

           2. Sales of assets

           □ Applicable √ Not applicable
           The Company did not sell assets in the Period

           3. Business combination

           □ Applicable √ Not applicable
           The Company has no business combined in the Period

           VI. Implementation of the company’s equity incentive and the effects
           □ Applicable √ Not applicable
           No equity incentive in reporting period

           VII. Significant related transaction

           1. Related transaction connected to routine operations

           √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                              Related      on in     Trading
                                                                                                                over the Related
Related                                                                      transactio     the       limit
              Related     Related    Related                     Related                                        approve transacti       Similar      Date of
transacti                                           Pricing                  n amount amount approved                                                            Index of
             relations transaction transaction                  transactio                                         d            on   market price disclosur
     on                                            principal                  (in 10       of the     (in 10                                                    disclosure
                  hip      type      content                     n price                                        limited settleme       obtained            e
 parties                                                                     thousand      same      thousand
                                                                                                                 or not   nt mode
                                                                              Yuan)       transact    Yuan)

                                    Purchasin                                                                                        The average
                                    g LCD                                                                                            market price
             controlli                           Synchronize                                                              Telegrap
HK                                  overall                                                                                          refers to the 2015-04
             ng          Purchase                d with the      5,187.21 5,187.21 25.00%             47,116.3 N          hic
Yutian                              monitor                                                                                          price of same -28
             sharehol                            market                                                                   transfer
                                    machine                                                                                          specification
                                    set                                                                                              s which is                 http://ww
                                                 Confirmed                                                                           searched                   w.cninfo.c
                                                 with 1% of                                                                          from                       om.cn/fina
                                                 current                                                                             through the                lpage/201
             Same                                market                                                                              world                      5-04-28/1
             controlli              Purchasin average                                                                     Telegrap famous                       20092093
ng                                                                                                                                                   2015-04
             ng          Purchase   g LCD        price in          299.19       299.19     1.44%       9,178.5 N          hic        professional               0.PDF
Photoele                                                                                                                                             -28
             sharehol               monitors     principle,                                                               transfer market
             der                                 and refer to                                                                        survey
                                                 both their                                                                          company
                                                 bargaining                                                                          website
                                                 power                                                                               http://www.

                                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                                                                                               authority in
                                                                                                                                               the industry
           Same                     Sales LCD According
                                                                                                                                               and LCD
           controlli                overall        to the                                                                      Telegrap
HK                                                                                                                                             professional 2015-04
           ng           Sales       monitor        customer           6,014.54 6,014.54 24.18% 35,857.34 N                     hic
Yutian                                                                                                                                         market               -28
           sharehol                 machine        sales order                                                                 transfer
           der                      set            price sure

Total                                                       --          --         11,500.94            -- 92,152.14     --          --                  --               --       --

Details of returned large sales                    N/A

Predict on total amount of daily related           In the reporting period, Hengfa Technology Company purchased LCD from Hengsheng Photoelectricity
trade on the way in this period according Company with $ 489,400 approximately, 3.26% of the annual amount predicted at the beginning of the year;
to classification, as well as actual               purchased LCD from HK Yutian Company with $ 8,484,700, approximately, 11.02% of the annual amount
implementation in reporting period (if             predicted at the beginning of the year; sold LCD whole machine to HK Yutian Company with $ 983,800
applicable)                                        approximately, 16.79% of the annual amount predicted at the beginning of the year.

Reasons for major differences between
trading price and market reference price           Not applicable
(if applicable)

         2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
         √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                      Book          value of    Market                          Transact
                                 Relate                              value of      the assets fair value Transfer Related         ion
                                           Related                                                                                              Date
     Related                       d                                the assets transferred       (in 10     price (in transacti gains/los
                    Related                transacti    Pricing                                                                                     of             Index of
  transaction                    transac                            transferred      (in 10     thousand       10       on       ses (in
                  relationship                on        principal                                                                              disclos            disclosure
     parties                      tion                                (in 10       thousand Yuan) (if thousan settleme               10
                                           content                                                                                                 ure
                                  type                              thousand       Yuan) (if applicabl d Yuan) nt mode thousand
                                                                      Yuan)        applicable      e)                            Yuan)

                 Control by                            Determine
                 same                                  by two                                                                                                 http://www.cninfo.
  Wuhan                          Assets Shop
                 controlling                           parties                                                                                 2015-0 com.cn/finalpage/
  New                             acqui purchasi                             653       1,283                  1,250 In cash                0
                 shareholder                           based on                                                                                6-10           2015-06-10/12011
  Oriental                        sition ng
                 and ultimate                          the market                                                                                             29010.PDF
                 controlling                           price

                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


Reasons of major difference of the
                                           Not applicable
transfer price and book value or the
appraisal value (if applicable)

Impact on Company’s operation results     The transactions makes the assets and liability increased without affected the operation result in the
and financial status                       Period

     3. Related transaction from jointly investment outside
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     No related transaction from jointly investment outside occurred in Period

     4. Credits and liability of related party
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
     Whether have non-operation related liabilities and credits relations or not
     □Yes√ No
     The Company had no non-operation related liabilities or credits relations

     5. Other related transactions

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     The Company had no other related transactions in the reporting period

     VIII. Non-business capital occupying by controlling shareholders and its related parties

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     No non-business capital occupied by controlling shareholders and its related parties in Period

     IX. Major contract and implantation

     1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

     (1) Trusteeship

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     The Company had no trusteeship in the reporting period.

     (2) Contract

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     The Company had no contract in the reporting period.

     (3) Leasing

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

The Company had no leasing in the reporting period.

2. Guarantee

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         In 10 thousand Yuan

                     Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                                                Actual date of                                                       Complete Guarante
    Name of the         Announce
                                     Guarantee happening (Date     Actual               Guarantee        Guarantee   implemen    e for
     Company               ment
                                       limit      of signing   guarantee limit            type             term       tation or related
    guaranteed          disclosure
                                                 agreement)                                                              not     party
                                             Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
                                                Actual date of                                                       Complete Guarante
    Name of the         Announce
                                     Guarantee happening (Date     Actual               Guarantee        Guarantee   implemen    e for
     Company               ment
                                       limit      of signing   guarantee limit            type             term       tation or related
    guaranteed          disclosure
                                                 agreement)                                                              not     party
Hengfa                                                                                Joint liability
                       2015-04-28        30,000                            9,589.85                     1 year       N           N
Technology                                                                            guaranty

                                                                    Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving
                                                                    occurred guarantee for
guarantee for subsidiaries in                              30,000                                                                14,689.14
                                                                    subsidiaries in report period
report period (B1)

                                                                    Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved
                                                                    guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                          30,000                                                                 9,589.85
                                                                    the end of reporting period
end of reporting period (B3)

                                            Guarantee of the subsidiaries for the subsidiaries
                                                Actual date of                                                       Complete Guarante
    Name of the         Announce
                                     Guarantee happening (Date     Actual               Guarantee        Guarantee   implemen    e for
     Company               ment
                                       limit      of signing   guarantee limit            type             term       tation or related
    guaranteed          disclosure
                                                 agreement)                                                              not     party
Total amount of guarantee of the Company (total three abovementioned guarantee)
Total amount of approving                                         Total amount of              actual
guarantee in report period                                 30,000 occurred guarantee in        report                            14,689.14
(A1+B1+C1)                                                        period (A2+B2+C2)
Total amount of approved                                          Total balance of             actual
guarantee at the end of report                             30,000 guarantee at the end of      report                             9,589.85
period (A3+B3+C3)                                                 period (A4+B4+C4)
The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
net assets of the Company(A4+ B4+C4)


Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
related parties(D)

The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed
parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or

                                                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


     Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
     Company exceed 50%(F)

     Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(D+E+F)                                                                                    0

     Explanation on guarantee with composite way

     (1) Guarantee outside against the regulation

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     No guarantee outside against the regulation in Period

     3. Other material contracts
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     The Company had no other material contracts in the reporting period.

     4. Other material transactions

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     The Company had no other material transactions in the reporting period.

     X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the
     Company in reporting period or occurred in the previous reporting period but continued to
     reporting period
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                     Commitmen                                 Dated for
  Commitments                             Contents                         Commitment term                          Implementation
                       t party                                commitment

Share Merger
                     N/A         N/A

                                                                                              The Company held the 3rd meeting of the Board and the 3rd
                                 Within 1 year after
                                                                                              meeting of supervisors respectively on 18 April 2014 to
                                 transferred of this
                                                                                              consider and approve the resolution on change of assets
                                 equity      acquisition:
                                                                                              injection   commitment     from   controlling   shareholder,
                                 1. Injected relevant
                                                                                              pursuant to which, our controlling shareholder Wuhan
Commitments     in               capital     of     plastic                12 April 2007 to
                     Wuhan                                                                    Zhongheng Group’s proposal on its commitment change
report          of               injection        business                  11 April 2008;
                     Zhongheng                                2007-03-29                      plan relating to that “within a year commencing from the
acquisition     or               into the Company;                         13 May 2014 to
                     Group                                                                    date when it is approved at general meeting, Wuhan
equity change                    2.70% equity of the                        12 May 2015
                                                                                              Zhongheng Group will sell the street shops in the first floor
                                                                                              of phase I of“Yutian Happiness Sea”Project to the
                                 Photoelectricity will
                                                                                              Company in cash ”was approved. The above commitment
                                 inject      into      the
                                                                                              change plan has been considered and approved at the 2013
                                                                                              annual general meeting held on 13 May 2014. During the

                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                                  reporting period, our wholly-owned subsidiary Hengfa
                                                                                  Science and Technology signed property purchase and sale
                                                                                  contract with Wuhan New East (the wholly-owned
                                                                                  subsidiary of Wuhan Zhongheng Group). According to
                                                                                  consideration at the 2nd extraordinary board meeting for
                                                                                  2015, the Company has finished property transfer
                                                                                  registration for No. 1# and 2# properties, and will complete
                                                                                  property transfer registration for No. 6# and 7# properties
                                                                                  by 16 March 2016.

Commitments in       N/A          N/A

Commitments in       N/A          N/A
initial public
offering or

Other                N/A          N/A
commitments to
shareholders of
the Company

Completed on
time or not (Y/N)

      XI. Engagement and non-reappointment of CPA
      Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not
      □ Yes     √ No
      The semi-annual report had not been audited.

      XII. Penalty and rectification

      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      The Company had no penalty or rectification in the reporting period.

      XIII. Risk disclosure of delisting with laws and rules violated

      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      The Company has no delisting risks with laws and rules violated in Period

      XIV. Other material events

      √ Applicable □ Not applicable
      (I) The Company signed Asset Exchange Contract with Wuhan Zhongheng Group on 29 April 2009 (details were

                                          SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

referred to in the announcement dated 30 April 2009), and the contract was executed well (details were set out in
the 2010 annual report). Pursuant to the contract, since part of the assets of the Company (namely two parcel of
industrial lands located at Huafa road, Gongming town, Guangming new district, Shenzhen (the property
certificate No. were SFDZ No.7226760 and SFDZ No.7226763, No. of parcels were A627-005 and A627-007,
and the aggregate area was 48,200 sq.m)) were the lands listed in the first batch of plan for 2010 Shenzhen
urbanization unit planning preparation plan. For promotion of such urbanization project and joint cooperation, the
Company has not completed the transfer procedures in respect of the aforesaid land.

The Company convoked the first extraordinary meeting of the Board in 2015 on February 16, 2015 and the first
extraordinary general meeting of the Board in 2015 on March 4, 2015, which considered and approved the
“Motion on promoting and implementing the urban renewal project for the renewal units of Hwafa area at
Gongming street, Guangming new district, Shenzhen”, specified that the Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group
shall obtain the corresponding compensatory consideration for removal from the respectively owned project plots
and the respectively contributed and constructed above-ground buildings in accordance with Shenzhen urban
renewal policies and regulations and the provision of relevant governmental departments before the land
development, it is estimated that the compensatory consideration obtained by the Company accounts for 50.5% of
the total consideration and Wuhan Zhongheng Group accounts for 49.5% by calculation.
The Company convened the 5th extraordinary board meeting for 2015 and the 2nd extraordinart general meeting
for 2015 on 15 June and 2 July 2015 respectively, to consider and approve the resolution on implementation of
urban refresh project of “refresh units in Huafa region, Gongming street, Guangming new district, Shenzhen” and
related transaction. Pursuant to which, the series of agreements entered into between the Company and Shenzhen
Qianhai Zhongzheng City Development Management Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Zhongzheng Yutian Real Estate
Company (subsidiaries of CITIC Group) as well as the controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng New Science
and Technology Industrial Group Company in respect of the urban refresh project of “refresh units in Huafa
region, Gongming street, Guangming new district, Shenzhen” became effective officially and put into
implementation. Those agreements included: Cooperation Framework Agreement relating to Gongming Huafa
Refresh Project and Cooperation Framework Agreement relating to the urban refresh project of “refresh units in
Huafa region, Gongming street, Guangming new district, Shenzhen” dated 2 June 2015, and the Cooperation
Agreement relating to Gongming Huafa Urban Refresh Project and Relocation Compensation Agreement relating
to Gongming Huafa Urban Refresh Project dated 15 June 2015.

Due to the official effection and implementation of the above agreements, the Company would be granted with
relocation compensation of RMB500 million in cash and compensated commercial properties with GFA not less
than 100,000 square meter (among which, 700,000 sq.m can be retained by the Company and 300,000 can be sold
externally.). It is predicted for the Company to obtain corresponding income in the coming four years, which will
enable it to improve its income and assets scale and ensure steady development in a long term. The detailed
prediction based on construction schedule is as follows: RMB500 million cash will be granted to the Company in
2015; in 2016, it will be granted with such commercial properties as held for own use; in 2017, it will be granted

                                           SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

with such commercial properties as available for sale; in 2018, upon completion of project construction and filing
for equity transfer registration, the Company will settle the final income with assistance from third auditor. As for
the profit earned from the project, the Company will receive corresponding income based on its land interest’s
proportion of 50.5%. Details are set out in the announcement published at Juchao information website
(www.cninfo.com.cn) on 16 June and 3 July 2015.
 (II) With purpose of further optimize the capital structure, improve financial status of the Company and
providing necessary caital condition and liquidity for the upgrade of industry business transformation,
specialization of the property operation and development of large-scale, the Company plans to private offering
A-share. Controlling shareholder - Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd. subscribe 87.6
million shares at most in cash, fund raised no more than 599.184 million Yuan (issuance cost included) in total,
the fund are raised for debt payment and supplement current capital in order to laying a solid foundation of the
sustainable development of the Company. Relevant private placment of A-share has been deliberated and
approved by third extraordinary meeting fo 2015 of the Board, and shall submite for approval by general meeting
and implemente after verify by CSRC, found more in notice released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
dated 20 March 2015 and 20 May 2015.

(III)our controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng Group holds 116,489,894 shares of the Company, accounting
for 41.14% of our total share capital. Because related companies of Wuhan Zhongheng Group were involved in
debt dispute and the creditors applied for property preservation, the above shares were judicially sealed on 14
October 2014. During the reporting period, the seal has been released. Details are set out in the announcement
published at Juchao information website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on 8 May 2015.

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

    Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders
I. Changes in Shares
                                                                                                                           In share
                                  Before the Change          Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)        After the Change
                                                                   Bon Capitalizat
                                                                    us   ion of                                         Proportio
                                  Amount        Proportion shares                  Others Subtotal        Amount
                                                                  share public                                             n
                                                                     s  reserve
I. Restricted shares              116,489,894       41.14%       0     0           0      0           0   116,489,894     41.14%

1.State shareholding                        0

2. State-owned corporate

3. Other domestic shares          116,489,894                                                             116,489,894     41.14%

Including: domestic
                                  116,489,894       41.14%                                                116,489,894     41.14%
corporate shares

     Domestic nature
person shares

4. Foreign shares                           0

Including: Foreign
corporate shares

     Foreign nature person

II. Unrestricted shares           166,671,333       58.86%                                                166,671,333     58.86%

1. RMB Ordinary shares             64,675,497       22.84%                                                 64,675,497     22.84%

2. Domestically listed
                                  101,995,836       36.02%                                                101,995,836     36.02%
foreign shares

3. Foreign listed foreign

4. Other                                    0

III. Total shares                 283,161,227    100.00%                                                  283,161,227 100.00%

Reasons for share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                         SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

      Other information necessary to disclose for the Company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      Explanation on changes of total shares and shareholder structure as well as assets and liability structure
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable

      II. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding
                                                                                                                                                 In share

                                                                          Total preference shareholders
Total common shareholders at                                              with voting rights recovered at
                                                                 30,469                                                                               0
period-end                                                                end of reporting period (if
                                                                          applicable) (see Note 8)

                     Particulars about shares held above 5% by common shareholders or top ten common shareholders

                                                      Total common                  Amount of        Amount of              Number of share
                                             Proporti                Changes
                                                       shareholders                   restrict       un-restrict                pledged/frozen
      Full name of           Nature of         on of
                                                                     in report
      Shareholders          shareholder       shares at the end of                   common           common            State of
                                               held                   period                                                            Amount
                                                       report period                shares held      shares held         share

                        Domestic                                                                                       Pledge            116,489,894
Wuhan Zhongheng
                        non-state-owned       41.14%     116,489,894 0              116,489,894                    0
Group                                                                                                                  Freeze                         0

SEG (HONG KONG)                                                                                                        Pledge                         0
                        Foreign corporate      5.58%      16,569,560 0                           0   16,569,560
CO., LTD.                                                                                                              Freeze                         0

GOOD HOPE                                                                                                              Pledge                         0
                        Foreign corporate      4.91%      13,900,000 0                           0   13,900,000
INVESTMENTS                                                                                                            Freeze                         0

                        Domestic nature                                                                                Pledge                         0
Ye Guoqing                                     0.81%        2,303,657                            0      2,303,657
                        person                                                                                         Freeze                         0

                        Domestic                                                                                       Pledge                         0
Heilan Group            non-state-owned        0.42%        1,192,273                            0      1,192,273
                                                                                                                       Freeze                         0

Everbright Securities                                                                                                  Pledge                         0
                        Foreign corporate      0.40%        1,134,500                            0      1,134,500
(H.K.) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                       Freeze                         0

                        Domestic nature                                                                                Pledge                         0
BINGHUA LIU                                    0.31%          876,213                            0       876,213
                        person                                                                                         Freeze                         0

China Construction                                                                                                     Pledge                         0
Bank- Morgan
Stanley Huaxin                                 0.30%          860,822                            0       860,822
                        corporate                                                                                      Freeze                         0
Multi-factor Selected
Stock Fund

Li Jianting             Domestic nature        0.26%          749,965                            0       749,965 Pledge                               0

                                                           SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                         person                                                                                  Freeze                        0

GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                                     Pledge                        0
SECURITIES(HONG Foreign corporate                0.25%         703,857                          0      703,857
                                                                                                                 Freeze                        0

Strategy investors or general corporate
becomes top 10 shareholders due to rights N/A
issued (if applicable)

                                               Among the top ten shareholders, Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial
                                               Group Co., Ltd. neither bears associated relationship with other shareholders, nor belongs to
Explanation on related relationship or         the consistent actor that are prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of
concerted action among the                     Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies. The Company neither knew whether there
abovementioned shareholders                    exists associated relationship among the other tradable shareholders, nor they belong to
                                               consistent actors that are prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of
                                               Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.

                                    Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict common shares held

                                               Amount of listed common shares held                         Type of shares
              Shareholders’ name
                                                           at period-end                              Type                       Amount

SEG (HONG KONG) CO., LTD.                                                  16,569,560 Domestically listed foreign shares           16,569,560

                                                                           13,900,000 Domestically listed foreign shares           13,900,000

Ye Guoqing                                                                  2,303,657 RMB common share                              2,303,657

Heilan Group                                                                1,192,273 RMB common share                              1,192,273

Everbright Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd.                                      1,134,500 Domestically listed foreign shares            1,134,500

BINGHUA LIU                                                                   876,213 Domestically listed foreign shares              876,213

China Construction Bank- Morgan
Stanley Huaxin Multi-factor Selected                                          860,822 RMB common share                                860,822
Stock Fund

Li Jianting                                                                   749,965 RMB common share                                749,965

                                                                              703,857 Domestically listed foreign shares              703,857

Shenzhen Guohong Lianhe Investment
Management Co., Ltd. – Guohong Phase I                                       666,933 RMB common share                                666,933
Security Investment Fund

Expiation on associated relationship or Among the top ten unrestricted shareholders, the Company neither knew whether there exists
consistent actors within the top 10 associated relationship among the other tradable shareholders, nor they belong to consistent
un-restrict common shareholders and actors that are prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder
between top 10 un-restrict common Equity Changes of Listed Companies. Among the top ten shareholders, Wuhan Zhongheng
shareholders      and    top   10    common Group neither bears associated relationship with other shareholders, nor belongs to the
shareholders                                   consistent actor that are prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of

                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                           Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.

Explanation on top 10 shareholders In top ten shareholders, Ye Guoqing holds 2,303,657 shares of the Company, among which,
involving     margin      business     (if 1,552,857 shares are held through the credit account, representing 67.41% of the total shares
applicable)(see note4)                     held, and takes 0.55% of the total shares of the Company

     Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement
     dealing in reporting period
     □ Yes √ No
     The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back
     agreement dealing in reporting period.

     III. Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller

     Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     Changes of controlling shareholders had no change in reporting period.
     Changes of actual controller in reporting period
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     Changes of actual controller in reporting period had no change in reporting period.

     IV. Share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in reporting period from
     shareholder of the Company and its concerted action person
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
     As far as the Company know, there are no share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in Period from shareholder of the
     Company and its concerted action person

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                      Section VII. Preferred Stock

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
The Company had no preferred stock in the reporting.

                                                         SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

            Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                         Increasing Decreasing                         Restricted       Restricted
                                           Shares                                       Shares                                           Restricted shares
                                                         shares held shares held                       shares be        shares be
                             Working       held at                                      held at                                           be awarded at
                 Title                                     in this       in this                      awarded at        awarded in
     Name                      status     period-beg                                   period-end                                           period-end
                                                           period        period                       period-begin      the period
                                          in (Share)                                    (Share)                                              (Share)
                                                          (Share)        (Share)                        (Share)          (Share)

Li                          Currently
            Chairman                                 0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Zhongqiu                    in office

Li          Vice            Currently
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Yongping chairman           in office

Chen        Director        Office-leav
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Zhigang                     ing

Wang                        Currently
            Director                                 0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Feng                        in office

Li          Independe Currently
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Xiaodong nt director in office

Qiu         Independe Currently
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Daliang     nt director in office

Zhang       Independe Currently
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Zhaoguo     nt director in office

Huang       of           the Currently
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Yanbo       Supervisor in office

            Supervisor Currently
Geng Qu                                              0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
                            in office

Zhao                        Currently
            Supervisor                               0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Xiangfeng                   in office

Tang        Deputy          Currently
                                                     0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Ganyu       GM              in office

Weng                        Office-leav
            of the                                   0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
Xiaojue                     ing

Cao Li      CFO                                      0               0             0              0                 0                0                    0
                            in office

                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Zhong Ke of the                                    0         0          0          0             0              0                0
                            in office

Total              --              --              0         0          0          0             0              0                0

II. Resignation and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

        Name                   Title            Type             Date                                Reasons

Chen Zhigang           Director           Office-leaving   2015-04-23       Resign from director due to physical cause

                       Secretary of the                                     Resign from secretary of the Board due to personal
Weng Xiaojue                              Office-leaving   2015-05-10
                       Board                                                reasons

                       Secretary of the
Zhong Ke                                  Appointment      2015-05-11       Appointed as new secretary of the Board

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                         Section IX. Financial Report

I. Audit reports

Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not
□ Yes √ No
The financial report of this semi-annual report was unaudited

II. Financial statements

Units in Notes of Financial Statements is RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                In RMB

                    Item                               Closing balance                   Opening balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                                      34,048,950.83                 28,819,357.68

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial liability

     Notes receivable                                                    35,207,249.84                100,821,063.85

     Accounts receivable                                            145,030,926.38                    112,425,468.57

     Accounts paid in advance                                        116,306,225.46                        5,669,119.87

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables
     Contract reserve of reinsurance
     Interest receivable                                                 15,333,333.33

     Dividend receivable

     Other receivables                                                   10,648,891.50                109,094,812.29

     Purchase restituted finance asset

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

       Inventories                                             33,889,198.54                   30,880,050.55

       Divided into assets held for sale
       Non-current asset due within one
       Other current assets                                   500,000,000.00                  500,000,000.00

Total current assets                                          890,464,775.88                  887,709,872.81

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Finance asset available for sales

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment property                                     30,647,285.20                   31,274,663.74

       Fixed assets                                           194,192,938.12                  186,438,814.34

       Construction in progress                                 3,083,170.00                    2,853,356.00

       Engineering material

       Disposal of fixed asset

       Productive biological asset

       Oil and gas asset

       Intangible assets                                       47,119,537.85                   47,866,685.21
    Expense           on   Research       and
    Long-term          expenses      to    be
                                                                  310,208.20                     345,658.24
       Deferred income tax asset                                6,960,856.50                    6,251,934.59

       Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                                       282,313,995.87                  275,031,112.12

Total assets                                                 1,172,778,771.75               1,162,740,984.93

Current liabilities:

       Short-term loans                                       151,607,991.73                  138,114,376.32

       Loan from central bank
    Absorbing deposit and interbank
       Capital borrowed

       Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

       Derivative financial liability

       Notes payable                                           27,176,095.34                   39,994,397.62

       Accounts payable                                        64,369,030.05                   65,547,836.32

       Accounts received in advance                             2,075,716.36                     727,331.06
     Selling        financial     asset    of
   Commission               charge        and
commission payable
       Wage payable                                             3,706,958.14                    6,208,793.90

       Taxes payable                                           16,842,989.80                   18,552,046.85

       Interest payable

       Dividend payable

       Other accounts payable                                  38,405,825.75                   24,179,349.31

       Reinsurance payables

       Insurance contract reserve

       Security trading of agency

       Security sales of agency

       Divided into liability held for sale
       Non-current liabilities due within 1
Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                     304,184,607.17                  293,324,131.38

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                                        570,300,000.00                  585,300,000.00

       Bonds payable

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual capital

       Long-term account payable

       Long-term wages payable

       Special accounts payable

       Projected liabilities                                    2,765,583.81                    2,765,583.81

       Deferred income

       Deferred income tax liabilities

       Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                 573,065,583.81                  588,065,583.81

Total liabilities                                             877,250,190.98                  881,389,715.19

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                                283,161,227.00                    283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

       Including: preferred stock

                  Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve                                       109,496,837.33                    109,496,837.33

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                                            77,391,593.25                 77,391,593.25

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                              -174,521,076.81                  -188,698,387.84
Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                                  295,528,580.77                    281,351,269.74
parent company
Minority interests

Total owner’s equity                                             295,528,580.77                    281,351,269.74

Total liabilities and owner’s equity                            1,172,778,771.75                 1,162,740,984.93

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Cao Li

Person in charge of accounting institute: Wu Aijie

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company

                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                            Closing balance                   Opening balance

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                                     8,739,785.00                 14,802,258.59

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial liability

     Notes receivable
     Accounts receivable                                                1,857,222.07                     1,857,222.07

     Account paid in advance                                                                             1,005,472.83

                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

     Interest receivable                                   15,333,333.33

     Dividends receivable

     Other receivables                                     64,240,586.56                  106,214,702.41

     Inventories                                               14,806.50                       14,806.50

     Divided into assets held for sale

     Non-current assets maturing within
one year

     Other current assets                                 500,000,000.00                  500,000,000.00

Total current assets                                      590,185,733.46                  623,894,462.40

Non-current assets:

     Available-for-sale financial assets

     Held-to-maturity investments

     Long-term receivables

     Long-term equity investments                         186,608,900.00                  187,608,900.00

     Investment property                                   30,647,285.20                   31,274,663.74

     Fixed assets                                          97,915,961.10                  100,029,320.14

     Construction in progress                               3,083,170.00                    2,853,356.00

     Project materials

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Productive biological assets

     Oil and natural gas assets

     Intangible assets                                      5,205,964.98                    5,278,437.84

     Research and development costs


     Long-term deferred expenses                             266,666.65                      291,666.67

     Deferred income tax assets                             7,056,901.94                    7,056,901.94

     Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                                  330,784,849.87                  334,393,246.33

Total assets                                              920,970,583.33                  958,287,708.73

Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                                 19,700,000.00                   20,000,000.00

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Derivative financial liability

                                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

       Notes payable

       Accounts payable                                       9,740,367.33                   10,745,840.16

       Accounts received in advance                           1,723,873.14                      420,611.24

       Wage payable                                            758,998.32                      724,418.36

       Taxes payable                                         11,000,041.63                   11,286,781.44

       Interest payable

       Dividend payable

       Other accounts payable                                18,681,688.18                   56,873,489.93

       Divided into liability held for sale

       Non-current liabilities due within 1

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                    61,604,968.60                  100,051,141.13

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                                      570,300,000.00                  585,300,000.00

       Bonds payable

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual capital

       Long-term account payable

       Long-term wages payable

       Special accounts payable

       Projected liabilities                                  2,765,583.81                    2,765,583.81

       Deferred income

       Deferred income tax liabilities

       Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                               573,065,583.81                  588,065,583.81

Total liabilities                                           634,670,552.41                  688,116,724.94

Owners’ equity:

       Share capita                                         283,161,227.00                  283,161,227.00

       Other equity instrument

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual capital

       Capital public reserve                               109,496,837.33                  109,496,837.33

                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus reserve                                      77,391,593.25                      77,391,593.25

     Retained profit                                    -183,749,626.66                     -199,878,673.79

Total owner’s equity                                    286,300,030.92                     270,170,983.79

Total liabilities and owner’s equity                    920,970,583.33                     958,287,708.73

3. Consolidated Profit Statement

                                                                                                    In RMB

                   Item                      Current Period                   Last Period

I. Total operating income                                248,734,629.86                     366,621,826.36

Including: Operating income                              248,734,629.86                     366,621,826.36

     Interest income

     Insurance gained

     Commission charge and commission

II. Total operating cost                                 265,260,708.90                     365,080,280.21

Including: Operating cost                                207,463,525.37                     326,921,602.88

     Interest expense

     Commission charge and commission

     Cash surrender value

     Net amount of expense of

     Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

     Bonus expense of guarantee slip

     Reinsurance expense

     Operating tax and extras                                  3,677,294.51                    3,005,524.09

     Sales expenses                                            5,131,770.58                    5,564,699.14

     Administration expenses                                  18,594,919.77                  19,519,931.83

     Financial expenses                                       30,393,198.67                  10,209,515.26

     Losses of devaluation of asset                                    0.00                    -140,992.99

     Add: Changing income of fair

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

value(Loss is listed with “-”)

         Investment income (Loss is listed
                                                                  29,500,643.47                           0.00
with “-”)

         Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture

         Exchange income (Loss is listed
with “-”)

III. Operating profit     (Loss is listed with
                                                                  12,974,564.43                   1,541,546.15

         Add: Non-operating income                                  807,053.65                      652,682.97

              Including: Disposal gains of
non-current asset

         Less: Non-operating expense                                313,178.96                       97,524.24

              Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset

IV. Total Profit     (Loss is listed with “-”)                  13,468,439.12                   2,096,704.88

         Less: Income tax expense                                   -708,871.91                     640,767.95

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                     14,177,311.03                   1,455,936.93

     Net profit attributable to owner’s of
                                                                  14,177,311.03                   1,455,936.93
parent company

   Minority shareholders’ gains and

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

          (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

                1. Changes as a result of
re-measurement of net defined benefit
plan liability or asset

                2. Share of the other
comprehensive income of the investee
accounted for using equity method which
will not be reclassified subsequently to
profit and loss

         (II) Other comprehensive income

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

               1. Share of the other
comprehensive income of the investee
accounted for using equity method which
will be reclassified subsequently to profit
or loss

               2. Gains or losses arising
from changes in fair value of
available-for-sale financial assets

               3. Gains or losses arising
from reclassification of held-to-maturity
investment as available-for-sale financial

               4. The effect hedging portion
of gains or losses arising from cash flow
hedging instruments

               5. Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign currency
financial statements

               6. Other

  Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to minority

VII. Total comprehensive income                                        14,177,311.03                                 1,455,936.93

     Total comprehensive income
                                                                       14,177,311.03                                 1,455,936.93
attributable to owners of parent Company

     Total comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

         (i) Basic earnings per share                                          0.0501                                       0.0051

         (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                       0.0501                                       0.0051

Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0 Yuan before combination, and
realized 0 Yuan at last period for combined party

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Cao Li

Person in charge of accounting institute: Wu Aijie

                                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company

                                                                                                        In RMB

                     Item                          Current Period                   Last Period

I. Operating income                                                 26,161,173.96                 19,690,535.70

         Less: Operating cost                                        3,256,287.14                  3,355,943.00

              Operating tax and extras                               1,655,383.66                  1,326,375.12

              Sales expenses

              Administration expenses                                9,218,109.84                 10,625,182.87

              Financial expenses                                    25,557,934.72                  5,283,456.79

              Losses of devaluation of asset                                                        168,721.11

         Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)

            Investment income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

            Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint venture

II. Operating profit      (Loss is listed
                                                                    15,973,458.58                 -1,069,143.19
with “-”)

   Add: Non-operating income                                          157,306.00                     88,333.00

              Including: Disposal gains of
non-current asset

         Less: Non-operating expense                                     1,717.45

              Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset

III. Total Profit    (Loss is listed with
                                                                    16,129,047.13                   -980,810.19

         Less: Income tax expense                                                                    -42,180.28

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                    16,129,047.13                   -938,629.91

V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

          (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

                1. Changes as a result of
re-measurement of net defined benefit
plan liability or asset

                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

              2. Share of the other
comprehensive income of the investee
accounted for using equity method
which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit and loss

           (II) Other comprehensive
income items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

              1. Share of the other
comprehensive income of the investee
accounted for using equity method
which will be reclassified subsequently
to profit or loss

              2. Gains or losses arising
from changes in fair value of
available-for-sale financial assets

              3. Gains or losses arising
from reclassification of held-to-maturity
investment as available-for-sale
financial assets

              4. The effect hedging
portion of gains or losses arising from
cash flow hedging instruments

              5. Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign
currency financial statements

              6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive income                                   16,129,047.13                    -938,629.91

VII. Earnings per share:

       (i) Basic earnings per share

       (ii) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Item                        Current Period                   Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating

     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                              183,618,610.88                    197,910,143.89

                                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

       Net increase of customer deposit
and interbank deposit

       Net increase of loan from central

       Net increase of capital borrowed
from other financial institution

       Cash received from original
insurance contract fee

  Net cash received from reinsurance

       Net increase of insured savings
and investment

       Net increase of amount from
disposal financial assets that measured
by fair value and with variation
reckoned into current gains/losses

       Cash received from interest,
commission charge and commission

       Net increase of capital borrowed

       Net increase of returned business

       Write-back of tax received

       Other cash received concerning
                                                            109,260,397.00                   12,763,483.79
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                            292,879,007.88                  210,673,627.68
operating activities

       Cash     paid     for    purchasing
commodities       and    receiving    labor                 221,324,808.05                  351,029,497.12

       Net increase of customer loans and

       Net increase of deposits in central
bank and interbank

       Cash paid for original insurance
contract compensation

       Cash paid for interest, commission
charge and commission

       Cash paid for bonus of guarantee

                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                    31,468,469.13                   29,924,620.37

     Taxes paid                                            11,053,191.84                    5,286,876.42

     Other    cash     paid    concerning
                                                           12,003,945.13                   13,020,320.30
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                          275,850,414.15                  399,261,314.21
operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                           17,028,593.73                 -188,587,686.53

II. Cash flows arising from investing

     Cash received from recovering

     Cash received from investment

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term                                                          50,000.00

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                                           14,166,666.65                       50,000.00

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                            3,537,547.11                    2,870,541.76
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment

     Net increase of mortgaged loans

     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units obtained

     Other    cash     paid    concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                                            3,636,903.62                    2,870,541.76

Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                           10,529,763.03                   -2,820,541.76

III. Cash flows arising from financing

     Cash received from absorbing

                                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


     Including: Cash received from
absorbing       minority      shareholders’
investment by subsidiaries

     Cash received from loans                                   172,101,597.40                    799,000,437.23

     Cash received from issuing bonds

     Other cash received concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                                172,101,597.40                    799,000,437.23

     Cash paid for settling debts                               174,100,580.11                    364,293,982.29

     Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                                    26,951,241.80                   9,819,249.04
distributing or interest paying

     Including: Dividend and profit of
minority shareholder paid by

     Other      cash   paid     concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                                201,051,821.91                    374,113,231.33

Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                -28,950,224.51                    424,887,205.90

IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                                      29,560.85                       41,484.50
exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                    -1,362,306.90                 233,520,462.11

     Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                    22,392,147.12                  50,704,319.86
equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                    21,029,840.22                 284,224,781.97
equivalents at the period -end

6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company

                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Item                            Current Period                   Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating

     Cash received from selling                                     28,713,390.03                  18,611,154.73

                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

commodities and providing labor

     Write-back of tax received

     Other cash received concerning
                                                           22,742,334.43                   50,396,603.18
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                           51,455,724.46                   69,007,757.91
operating activities

     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers                     2,961,727.35                    2,542,177.05

     Taxes paid                                             2,995,386.87                    2,250,010.47

     Other    cash     paid    concerning
                                                           25,812,424.01                  289,661,908.46
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                           31,769,538.23                  294,454,095.98
operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                           19,686,186.23                 -225,446,338.07

II. Cash flows arising from investing

     Cash received from recovering

     Cash received from investment

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                               21,011.00                     882,600.00
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment                                                               1,000,000.00

     Net      cash     received     from
subsidiaries and other units

                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

     Other      cash   paid    concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                                               21,011.00                    1,882,600.00

Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                           14,145,655.65                   -1,882,600.00

III. Cash flows arising from financing

     Cash received from absorbing

     Cash received from loans                              14,700,000.00                  627,000,000.00

     Cash received from issuing bonds

     Other cash received concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                           14,700,000.00                  627,000,000.00

     Cash paid for settling debts                          29,999,965.00                  187,890,800.00

     Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                           24,604,032.66                    7,130,341.85
distributing or interest paying

     Other      cash   paid    concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                           54,603,997.66                  195,021,141.85

Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                          -39,903,997.66                  431,978,858.15

IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                               9,682.19                       12,367.49
exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                           -6,062,473.59                  204,662,287.57

     Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                           14,802,258.59                   18,575,925.94
equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                            8,739,785.00                  223,238,213.51
equivalents at the period -end

7. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

This Period
                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                       This Period

                                             Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
                                equity instrument
       Item                                                Less:     Other                   Provisio         Minorit Total
                                      Perpet                                 Reason
                       Share                       Capital Invento   compre          Surplus n     of Retaine y         owners’
                                      ual                                    able
                       capital Prefer capita       reserve ry        hensive         reserve general d profit interests equity
                               red           Other                           reserve
                                      l                    shares    income                  risk
                       283,16                                                                           -188,69
I. Balance at the                                   109,496                             77,391,                         281,351
                       1,227.                                                                           8,387.8
end of the last year                                ,837.33                              593.25                          ,269.74
                           00                                                                                 4
Changes         of
accounting policy
correction of the
last period

 combine under
 the same control

II. Balance at the 283,16                           109,496                             77,391,
beginning of this 1,227.                                                                                8,387.8
                                                    ,837.33                              593.25                          ,269.74
year                   00                                                                                     4
III.       Increase/
Decrease in this                                                                                        14,177,          14,177,
year (Decrease is                                                                                       311.03            311.03
listed with “-”)
 (i)          Total                                                                                     14,177,          14,177,
                                                                                                        311.03            311.03
 (ii)      Owners’
devoted        and
decreased capital
1.Common shares
invested         by
2. Capital invested
by holders of other
equity instruments
3.        Amount
reckoned      into
owners equity with

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

4. Other
(III)         Profit
1. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
2. Withdrawal of
general         risk
3. Distribution for
owners           (or
4. Other
(IV)       Carrying
forward internal
owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
2. Surplus reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
3. Remedying loss
with        surplus
4. Other
(V)     Reasonable
1. Withdrawal in
the report period

2. Usage in the
report period


IV. Balance at the 283,16                            109,496                              77,391,
end of the report 1,227.                                                                                 1,076.8
                                                      ,837.33                              593.25                         ,580.77
period                 00                                                                                      1

Last Period
                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                         Last Period

                                             Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company
                                     Other                                                                      Minorit
       Item                                                 Less:      Other                   Provisio                  Total
                                 equity instrument                             Reason                           y
                       Share                        Capital Invento    compre          Surplus n     of Retaine interest owners’
                                                                               able                                      equity
                       capital Prefer Perpet        reserve ry         hensive         reserve general d profit s
                               red    ual     Other                            reserve
                                                            shares     income                  risk
                               stock capita

                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                     283,16                                                   -196,38
I. Balance at the                      109,496                   77,391,                  273,663
                     1,227.                                                   6,008.1
end of the last year                   ,837.33                   593.25                   ,649.47
                         00                                                        1
Changes         of
accounting policy
correction of the
last period

combine under the
same control

II. Balance at the 283,16              109,496                   77,391,
beginning of this 1,227.                                                      6,008.1
                                       ,837.33                   593.25                   ,649.47
year                   00                                                          1
III.       Increase/
Decrease in this                                                              7,687,6     7,687,6
year (Decrease is                                                              20.27        20.27
listed with “-”)
  (i)            Total                                                        7,687,6     7,687,6
                                                                               20.27        20.27
  (ii)      Owners’
devoted            and
decreased capital
1.Common shares
invested            by
2. Capital invested
by holders of other
equity instruments
3.        Amount
reckoned      into
owners equity with
4 Other
(III)        Profit
1. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
2. Withdrawal of
general      risk

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

3. Distribution for
owners          (or
4. Other
(IV)       Carrying
forward internal
owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
2. Surplus reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
3. Remedying loss
with      surplus
4. Other

(V) Reasonable

1. Withdrawal in
the report period

2. Usage in the
report period


IV. Balance at the 283,16                         109,496                             77,391,
end of the report 1,227.                                                                               8,387.8
                                                   ,837.33                             593.25                               ,269.74
period                 00                                                                                      4

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

This Period
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                      This Period
                                   equity instrument
                                                                               Other                                        Total
          Item          Share           Perpetu                      Less:                                     Retaine
                                                         Capital               comprehe Reasonab Surplus
                                                                     Inventory                                            owners’
                       capital Preferre al               reserve               nsive    le reserve reserve     d profit
                                        capital Other                shares                                                equity
                               d stock                                         income
I. Balance at the      283,161,                          109,496,8                                 77,391,59              270,170,9
end of the last year    227.00                               37.33                                      3.25                 83.79

                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

     Add: Changes
of     accounting
correction of the
last period


II. Balance at the 283,161,                                                   -199,87
                                   109,496,8                      77,391,59             270,170,9
beginning of this                                                             8,673.7
                     227.00           37.33                            3.25                83.79
year                                                                               9
III.       Increase/
Decrease in this                                                              16,129, 16,129,04
year (Decrease is                                                             047.13         7.13
listed with “-”)
  (i)            Total                                                        16,129, 16,129,04
                                                                              047.13         7.13
  (ii)      Owners’
devoted            and
decreased capital
1.Common shares
invested     by
2. Capital invested
by holders of other
equity instruments
3.        Amount
reckoned      into
owners equity with
4. Other
(III)         Profit
1. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
2. Distribution for
owners (or

3. Other
(IV)       Carrying
forward internal
owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
2. Surplus reserves

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

conversed      to
capital    (share
3. Remedying loss
with      surplus
4. Other
(V)     Reasonable
1. Withdrawal in
the report period

2. Usage in the
report period


IV. Balance at the 283,161,                                                                                   -183,74
                                                        109,496,8                                 77,391,59              286,300,0
end of the report                                                                                             9,626.6
                     227.00                                 37.33                                      3.25                 30.92
period                                                                                                               6

Last period
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                     Last period
                                   equity instrument
                                                                              Other                                        Total
       Item            Share            Perpetu                     Less:                                     Retaine
                                                        Capital               comprehe Reasonab Surplus
                                                                    Inventory                                            owners’
                       capital Preferre al              reserve               nsive    le reserve reserve     d profit
                                        capital Other               shares                                                equity
                               d stock                                        income
I. Balance at the 283,161,                              109,496,8                                 77,391,59              264,828,0
end of the last year 227.00                                 37.33                                      3.25                 77.42
     Add: Changes
of     accounting
correction of the
last period


II. Balance at the 283,161,                                                                                   -205,22
                                                        109,496,8                                 77,391,59              264,828,0
beginning of this                                                                                             1,580.1
                     227.00                                 37.33                                      3.25                 77.42
year                                                                                                                 6
III.       Increase/
Decrease in this                                                                                              5,342,9 5,342,906
year (Decrease is                                                                                               06.37          .37
listed with “-”)


 (i)         Total                                                5,342,9 5,342,906
                                                                   06.37        .37
 (ii)     Owners’
devoted        and
decreased capital
1.Common shares
invested     by
2. Capital invested
by holders of other
equity instruments
3.        Amount
reckoned      into
owners equity with
4. Other
(III)        Profit
1. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
2. Distribution for
owners (or

3. Other
(IV)       Carrying
forward internal
owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
2. Surplus reserves
conversed        to
capital      (share
3. Remedying loss
with      surplus
4. Other
(V)     Reasonable
1. Withdrawal in
the report period

2. Usage in the
report period


                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

IV. Balance at the 283,161,                                                                           -199,87
                                                   109,496,8                              77,391,59             270,170,9
end of the report                                                                                     8,673.7
                     227.00                            37.33                                   3.25                83.79
period                                                                                                     9

I I I . Basic information of the Company
Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company, and together referred to the Group
with its subsidiaries) was established on 8 December 1981 with business license No. 440301501120670. The legal
representative is Mr. Li Zhongqiu and registered address is block 411, Huafa North road, Futian district,

The Company operates as a manufacturer of computer, telecommunication and other electronic equipments. The
operation scope: production and operation of printed circuit board for various color TV, liquid crystal displayer,
liquid crystal screen (produced and operated in branches), recorder, audio equipments, electronic watch, game
video, refined plastic injection parts, light package materials (produced and operated in Wuhan), hardware
components (including molds), coating and surface processing, tin wire, development of properties (SFDCD
No.7226760) and property management. The Company establishes associate companies in Wuhan and Jilin, and
sets branches in provincial capitals (other than Lhasa) and direct municipal cities.

The Company establishes general meeting, board of directors and supervisors. General meeting serves as the
power organ which exercises legal rights to govern our operating policies, proceeds raising, investment and profit
distribution. The board of directors reports to general meeting, and is entitled to exercise legal rights on our
operation decisions. Our management is responsible for implementing resolutions of general meeting and board of
directors, and presides over operation and management.

Financial report disclosed approved date: 21st August 2015

Compare with beginning of the Period, Yutian Henghua Company decreased due to the sales in the Period. Found
more in relevant content of ‘IX. Equity in other entity” in the Note and “VIII. Change of consolidation scope”

IV. Basis of preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation base

The financial statements were stated in compliance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises and other
relevant regulations, in respect of the actual transactions and proceedings, on a basis of ongoing operation, as well
as the accounting policy and estimation carried in the “Important accounting policy and estimation” in the Notes.

                                           SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

2. Going concern

The Group has sustainable operation ability within 12 months since end of the Period, and there are no major
events that impact sustainable operation ability of the Company.

V. Major Accounting Policies and Estimation

Specific accounting policies and estimation attention:
The specific accounting policy and estimation formulated by the Group in line with the real operational
characteristics and relevant accounting standards including operation cycle, recognition and measure of bad debt
provision of the account receivable, send out stocks and valuate, classification and depreciation method of fixed
assets, amortization of intangible assts, revenue recognition and measures etc.
1. Statement on observation of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
Financial statements prepared by the Company were in accordance with requirements of Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises, which truly and completely reflected the financial information of the Company, such as
financial position, operation achievements and cash flow.

2. Accounting period

The accounting period of the Group is the calendar date from 1 January to 31 December.
3. Business cycles
Business cycles of the Group is 12 months, and consider as the liquidity standards of the assets and liabilities

4. Recording currency

The Company’s reporting currency is the RMB Yuan.

5. Accountant arrangement method of business combination under common control and not under common
As acquirer, the Company measures the assets and liabilities acquired through business combination under
common control at their carrying values as reflected in the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate
controller as of the combination date. Capital reserve shall be adjusted in respect of any difference between
carrying value of the net assets acquired and carrying value of the combination consideration paid. In case that
capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the Company would adjust retained earnings.

The acquiree’s net identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities acquired through business combination
not under common control shall be measured at fair value as of the acquisition date. The cost of combination
represents the fair value of the cash or non-cash assets paid, liabilities issued or committed and equity securities
issued by the Company as at the date of combination in consideration for acquiring the controlling power in the
acquiree, together with the sum of any directly related expenses occurred during business combination(in case of

                                             SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

such business combination as gradually realized through various transactions, the combination cost refers to the
sum of each cost of respective separate transaction). Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s
interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets acquired, the difference is recognized as goodwill;
where the cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable
net assets, the Company shall firstly make further review on the fair values of the net identifiable assets, liabilities
or contingent liabilities acquired as well as the fair value of the non-cash assets portion of combination
consideration or the equity securities issued by the Company. In case that the Company finds the cost of
combination is still lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets after
such further review, the difference is recognized in non-operating income for the current period when combination

6. Measures on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements
The Company shall put all the subsidiaries controlled and main body structured into consolidated financial
Any difference arising from the inconformity of accounting year or accounting policies between the subsidiaries
and the Company shall be adjusted in the consolidated financial statements.
All the material inter-company transactions, non-extraordinary items and unrealized profit within the combination
scope are written-off when preparing consolidated financial statement. Owners’ equity of subsidiary not
attributable to parent company and current net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and total
comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders are recognized as non-controlling interests, minority
interests, other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders and total comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders in consolidated financial statement respectively.

As for subsidiary acquired through business combination under common control, its operating results and cash
flow will be included in consolidated financial statement since the beginning of the period when combination
occurs. When preparing comparative consolidated financial statement, the relevant items in previous year’s
financial statement shall be adjusted as if the reporting entity formed upon combination has been existing since
the ultimate controller commenced relevant control.

As for equity interests of the investee under common control acquired through various transactions which
eventually formed business combination, the Company shall supplement disclosure of the accounting treatment in
consolidated financial statement in the reporting period when controlling power is obtained. For example, as for
equity interests of the investee under common control acquired through various transactions which eventually
formed business combination, adjustments shall be made as if the current status had been existing when the
ultimate controller commenced control in connection of preparing consolidated financial statement; in connection
with preparing comparative statement, the Company shall consolidate the relevant assets and liabilities of the
acquiree into the Company’s comparative consolidated financial statement to the extent not earlier than the timing
when the Company and the acquiree are all under control of the ultimate controller, and the net assets increased

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due to combination shall be used to adjust relevant items under owners’ equity in comparative statement. In order
to prevent double computation of the value of the acquiree’s net assets, the relevant profits and losses, other
comprehensive income and change of other net assets recognized during the period from the date when the
Company acquires original equity interests and the date when the Company and the acquiree are all under ultimate
control of the same party (whichever is later) to the date of combination in respect of the long-term equity
investment held by the Company before satisfaction of combination shall be utilized to offset the beginning
retained earnings and current gains and losses in the period as the comparative financial statement involves,

As for subsidiary acquired through business combination not under common control, its operating results and cash
flow will be included in consolidated financial statement since the Company obtains controlling power. When
preparing consolidated financial statement, the Company shall adjust the subsidiary’s financial statement based on
the fair value of the various identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities recognized as of the acquisition

As for equity interests of the investee not under common control acquired through various transactions which
eventually formed business combination, the Company shall supplement disclosure of the accounting treatment in
consolidated financial statement in the reporting period when controlling power is obtained. For example, as for
equity interests of the investee not under common control acquired through various transactions which eventually
formed business combination, when preparing consolidated financial statement, the Company would re-measure
the equity interests held in the acquiree before acquisition date at their fair value as of the acquisition date, and
any difference between the fair value and carrying value is included in current investment income. in case that the
equity interests in acquiree held by the Company before the relevant acquisition date involves other
comprehensive income at equity method and change of other owners’ equity (other than net gains and losses, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution), then the equity interests would transfer to investment gains and
losses for the period which the acquisition date falls upon. The other comprehensive income arising from change
of the net liabilities or net assets under established benefit scheme as acquiree’s re-measured such scheme is

The transaction with non-controlling interest to dispose long-term equity investment in a subsidiary without losing
control rights over the subsidiary, the difference between the proceeds from disposal of interests and the decrease
of the shared net assets of the subsidiary is adjusted to capital premium (share premium). In case capital reserve is
not sufficient to offset the difference, retained earnings will be adjusted.

As for disposal of part equity investment which leads to losing control over the investee, the Company would
re-measure the remaining equity interests at their fair value as of the date when the Company loses control over
the investee when preparing consolidated financial statement. The sum of consideration received from disposal of
equity interest and fair value of the remaining equity interest, less the net assets of the original subsidiary

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attributable to the Company calculated based on the original shareholding proportion since the acquisition date or
the date then consolidation commences, is included in investment gains and losses for the period when control is
lost, meanwhile to offset goodwill. Other comprehensive income related to equity interest investment in original
subsidiaries is transferred into current investment gains and losses upon lost of control.

If the disposal of the equity investment of a subsidiary is realized through multiple transactions until loss of
control and is a package deal, the accounting treatment of these transactions should be dealt with as one
transaction    of disposal of the subsidiary until loss of control. However, before the Company loses total
control of the subsidiary, the differences between the actual disposal price and the share of the net assets of the
subsidiary disposed of in every transaction should be recognized as     other    comprehensive     income     in   the
consolidated financial statements, and transferred to profit or loss when losing control.
7. Accounting treatment for joint venture arrangement and joint controlled entity
The joint venture arrangement of the Company consists of joint controlled entity and joint venture. As for jointly
controlled entity, the Company determines the assets held and liabilities assumed separately as a party to the
jointly controlled entity, recognizes such assets and liabilities according to its proportion, and recognizes relevant
income and expense separately under relevant agreement or according to its proportion. As for asset transaction
relating to purchase and sales with the jointly controlled entity which does not constitute business activity, part of
the gains and losses arising from such transaction attributable to other participators of the jointly controlled entity
is only recognized.
8. Determining standards of the cash and cash equivalents
Cash in the cash flow statement comprises the Group’s cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn
on demand. Cash equivalents are short-term (within 3 moths), highly liquid investments held by the Group, that
are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in
9. Foreign currency business and foreign currency financial statement conversion
(1) Foreign currency business

As for the foreign currency business, the Company converts the foreign currency amount into RMB amount
pursuant to the spot exchange rate as of the business day. As at the balance sheet date, monetary items expressed
by foreign currency are converted into RMB pursuant to the spot exchange rate as of the balance sheet date. The
conversion difference occurred is recorded into prevailing gains and losses, other than the disclosure which is
made according to capitalization rules for the exchange difference occurred from the special foreign currency
borrowings borrowed for constructing and producing the assets satisfying condition of capitalization.
(2) Conversion of foreign currency financial statement
Spot exchange rate as of the balance sheet date is adopted for conversion of assets and liabilities in foreign
currency balance sheet; as for the items in statement of owners’ equity except for “Undistributed profit”,
conversion is made pursuant to the spot exchange rate of business day; income and expense items in income
statement then are also converted pursuant to the spot exchange rate of transaction day. Difference arising from

                                             SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

the aforementioned conversions shall be listed separately in items of other comprehensive income. Spot exchange
rate as of the occurrence date of cash flow is adopted for conversion of foreign currency cash flow. The amount of
cash affected by exchange rate movement shall be listed separately in cash flow statement.

10. Financial instrument

While the Company comes to party of the finacnal instrument contract, recognized a financial assets or financial
(1) Financial assets

1) Classification, recognition and measurement for financial assts
In consideration of investment targets and economic essence, the Company groups the financial assets owned by it
as four categories, namely financial liability measured by fair value and whose movement is recorded into
prevailing gains and losses, held-to-maturity investment, accounts receivables, as well as financial assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss consist of financial assets held for trading and those designated
as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss at initial recognition. The Group shall classify financial assets
as financial assets held for trading as long as they meet one of the following conditions: the purpose of acquiring
the financial assets is to sell them within a short time; they fall under a portfolio of identifiable financial
instruments for centralized management, and there is objective evidence that the Company has managed the
portfolio in a manner for making profits within a short time; they fall under derivative instruments, except those
designated as effective hedging instruments, financial guarantee contracts and equity-linked investments that are
not quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be measured reliably and have to be settled through
delivery. The Group shall designate financial instruments as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss at
initial recognition only when they meet one of the following conditions: The designation can eliminate or
significantly reduce inconsistencies in terms of recognition and measurement of relevant gains or losses caused by
different measurement bases of the financial instruments. The formal written documents of corporate risk
management or investment strategies have recorded that the financial portfolio is managed and assessed on the
basis of the fair value and this is reported to the key management personnel. The financial instrument is a hybrid
instrument containing one or more embedded derivatives, unless the embedded derivatives do not significantly
change the cash flow of the hybrid instrument or obviously should not be separated from the relevant hybrid
instrument. The hybrid instrument contains embedded derivatives that need to be separated but cannot be
measured separately on the acquisition date or on the subsequent balance sheet date. This type of financial assets
designated by the Group mainly comprises of financial assets held for trading, which shall be subsequently
measured at fair value. Changes in fair value shall be accounted for in gains or loss from changes in fair value.
The interests or cash dividends acquired while the Group holds the assets shall be recognized as investment gains.
In the process of disposal, the balance between its fair value and the initial booked amount shall be recognized as
investment gains or loss and gains or loss from changes in fair value will be adjusted.

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Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed
maturity dates that the Group has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Held-to –maturity
investments using the effective interest method are subsequently measured at amortized cost, the amortization or
impairment and gains or losses are recognized upon termination arising and are recognized in the profit or loss for
the current period.

Trade receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
active market. Trade receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost at effective interest method. Gains
or losses arising from amortization, depreciation and de-recognition shall be included in profit or loss for the

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated or not classified as other financial
assets. In this type of asset, the equity instruments without quoted price in an active market and whose fair value
cannot be reliably measured and the derivative financial instruments related to and settled by delivery of an equity
instrument, are subsequently measured at cost; the other instruments in an active market, although there is no
active market price or the market price but the fair value can be reliably measured, are measured at fair value, and
the changes in fair value are recognized in other comprehensive income. These financial assets are subsequently
measured at fair value, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gain and loss of monetary financial
assets, the change in fair value of available for sale financial assets are recognized directly in shareholders’ equity,
when the financial asset is derecognized, the cumulative amount of changes in fair value recognized directly in
equity before is recognized in the income statement. Interests of available for sale debt instruments held by
investment which are calculated by the effective interest method, and cash dividends related to available for sale
equity instruments declared by the investee issued are recognized as investment income in profit or loss. Equity
instrument investment for which fair value cannot be measured reliably and which is not quoted in an active
market shall be measured at cost.

2) Recognition and measure for the transfer of financial assets
The financial assets meet one of following requirements will be terminated recognition: ① The contract rights of
collecting cash flow of the financial assets is terminated; ②The financial assets has already been transferred, and
the Company has transferred almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership to the transferee; ③
The financial assets has been transferred, even though the Company has neither transferred nor kept almost all
risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership, the Company has given up controlling the financial assets.

If the enterprise has neither transferred or kept almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership,
nor given up controlling the financial assets, then confirm the relevant financial assets according to how it
continues to involve into the transferred financial assets and confirm the relevant liabilities accordingly.

                                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

If the entire transfer of financial assets satisfies the demand for derecognition, reckon the balance between the
book value of the transferred financial assets and the sum of consideration received from transfer and fluctuation
accumulated amount of fair value formerly reckoned in other consolidated income in the current profits and

If part transfer of financial assets satisfies the demand for derecognition, apportion the integral book value of the
transferred financial assets between the derecognized parts and the parts not yet derecognized according to each
relative fair value, and reckon the balance between the sum of consideration received from transfer and fluctuation
accumulated amount of fair value formerly reckoned in other consolidated income that should be apportioned to
the derecognized parts and the apportioned aforementioned carrying amounts in the current profits and losses.

3) Impairment testing and accounting treatment for financial assets
Except for the financial assets which are measured by fair value and whose fair value change is recorded into
prevailing gains and losses, the Company will make check in the carrying value of other financial assets as at the
balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence proving impairment of certain financial assets, the Company then
makes provision for impairment.

When the financial assets calculated by amortized cost decrease in value, count and draw the provision for
impairment according to the balance between present value and book value of predicted future cash flows
(Excluding future credit losses that haven’t occurred yet.). If there is any objective evidence to indicate that the
financial assets has recovered and is objectively connected with matters occurred after confirming the losses, the
formerly confirmed impairment losses will be reversed and reckoned in current profits and losses.

When the financial assets has impairment, the accumulating losses previously and directly reckoned in
shareholder's equity and formed due to shrinkage of fair value will be transferred and reckoned in impairment
losses. As for the debt instrument investment available for sale with confirmed impairment losses, if its fair value
rises after and it is objectively connected with matters occurred after confirming the primary impairment losses,
the formerly confirmed impairment losses will be reversed and reckoned in current profits and losses. And the
debt instrument investment available for sale with confirmed impairment losses shall be directly reckoned in
stockholder's equity if its fair value rises after.

(2)Financial liability

1) Classification, determining basis and measure of the financial liability

                                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

When making the initial recognition for financial liabilities, the Company classifies the financial liabilities into
ones which are measured by fair value and whose change is recorded into prevailing gains and losses, and other
financial liabilities.

Financial liabilities which are measured by fair value and whose change is recorded into prevailing gains and
losses include tradable financial liabilities and financial liabilities which are measured by fair value and whose
change is recorded into prevailing gains and losses at the initial recognition day. Follow-up measurements are
made by fair value. Recorded into prevailing gains and losses are the gains or losses formed through fair value
change and dividend and interest expenditure regarding to the financial liabilities.

As for other financial liabilities, effective interest rate method is adopted and follow-up measurement is made
according to amortized cost.

2) De-recognition condition for financial liability
As for the financial liabilities with its whole or part present obligations released, the company shall de-realize
such financial liabilities or part of it. if the company enters into agreement with its creditor to substitute for the
existing financial liabilities by means of assuming new financial liabilities, then the company shall de-realize the
existing financial liabilities and realize the new financial liabilities provided that the contract clauses of the new
and the existing financial liabilities are different in substance. If the company makes substantial amendment to the
whole or part contract clauses of the existing financial liabilities, it shall de-realize the existing financial liabilities
or part of it. Meanwhile, the financial liabilities with amendment to its clauses shall be realized as new financial
liabilities. In case of derecognizing of financial liabilities in whole or part, the difference between the carrying
value of such de-realized financial liabilities and consideration paid shall be recorded in current gains and losses.

(3) Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

The Group measures the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities at the price of the principal market.
If there is no principal market, the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities shall be measured at the
price of the most advantageous market, and a valuation technique which is applicable at that time and has
sufficient data as well as other information support will be adopted. The Group categories inputs for the fair value
measurements into three levels. The Group would use the inputs by the order of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can
access at the measurement date. Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are
observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the
asset or liability. The Group will give priority to the use of the Level 1 of the input value, finally using Level 3 of
input values. The level of measurement result of fair value depends on the lowest level of the input which means
material to measurement of fair value in general.

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11. Account receivables

(1)Account Receivable withdrawal on single significant amount and with bad debt provision accrued for
single item

                                                                      The Company’s account receivable with above RMB 500,000 in
Determine basis or amount standards for single significant
                                                                      single item is defined as account receivables with significant
                                                                      amount in single item.

Withdrawal method for account with single significant amount and      Withdrawal bad debt provision according to difference between
withdrawal single item bad debt provision                             the current value of future cash flow and book values

(2) Receivables with bad debt provision accrual by credit portfolio

                             Combination                                                 Bad debt provision accrual

Age group                                                             Age analysis method

In combination, accounts whose bad debts provision was accrued by age analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                 Account age                                Rate for receivables                     Rate for other receivables
Within 1 year (one year included)                                                    0.00%                                        0.00%

1-2 years                                                                           5.00%                                        5.00%

2-3 years                                                                          10.00%                                        10.00%

Over 3 years                                                                        30.00%                                        30.00%

In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Account receivable with minor single amount but with withdrawal bad debt provision for single item

                                                                      Account receivable which can not be reflected its risk
Reasons for withdrawal single item bad debt provision                 characteristic while accrual the bad debt provision in line with
                                                                      combination for those account with minor amount

                                                                      Accrual bad debt reserves according to the difference of present
Withdrawal method for bad debt provision
                                                                      value of future cash flow lower its book value

12. Inventories

The Company’s inventories are including raw materials, product in process, stock goods, low-value consumption
goods, semi-finished goods and work in process-outsourced etc.

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The inventory taking system shall be on a perpetual basis. Inventories are initially measured at cost. When
inventories are delivered, first-in-first-out method is adopted to determine the actual cost of inventories delivered.
Packaging materials and low-value consumable are amortised by one-time written-off.

For inventories with tremendous number and relatively low unit price, inventory impairment loss is provided
according to the type of inventory. For other inventories, inventory impairment provision is provided at the
difference of cost of a single item of inventory exceeding its net realizable value. Net realizable value of
goods-in-stock, work-in-progress or held-for-sale raw materials are determined by their estimated sales less the
related selling expenses and taxes. Net realizable value for raw material for held for production are determined by
the estimated selling price of finished goods less the estimated cost to completion, selling expenses and taxes.

13. Long-term equity investment

Long-term equity investment of the Company is mainly about investment in subsidiary, investment in associates
and investment in joint-ventures.

Our judgment of joint control is based on the fact that all participants involved or groups of participants jointly
control the arrangement, and that policies of relevant activities must be unanimously agreed by participants who
jointly control the arrangement.

When the Group owns 20% or above but less than 50% of the voting right of the investee directly, or indirectly
through subsidiaries, it is considered to have a material influence on the investee. If the voting right in the investee
is less than 20%, the influence on investee will be decided based on facts and circumstances including
representatives in the board of directors of similar authority of the investee, or participation in the process of
formulating the financial and operating policies of the investee, having significant transactions with the investee,
dispatching management personnel to the investee, and providing key technology and data to the investee.

An investee that is under the control of the Group is deemed as a subsidiary of the Group. For long-term equity
investments acquired through a business combination under common control, they will be used as the initial
investment cost of long-term equity investment according to the share of the merged party in the book value of net
assets in the financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of merger. If the book value of net
assets of the merged party at the date of merger is negative, long-term equity investment cost is recognized as nil.

As for the package deals which acquire equity of investee under the same control through multiple deals and
ultimately form merger, accounting for long term equity investment in financial statements of parent company
shall be further disclosed during the period when the Company acquires control. For business combination
resulted in an enterprise under common control by acquiring equity of the absorbing party under common control
through a stage-up approach with several transactions, these transactions will be judged whether they shall be treat
as “transactions in a basket”. If they belong to “transactions in a basket”, these transactions will be accounted for a

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transaction in obtaining control. If they are not belong to “transactions in a basket”, the initial investment cost of
the long-term equity investment shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the owner’s equity
under the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. The
difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the aggregate of the carrying amount of
the long-term equity investment before merging and the carrying amount the additional consideration paid for
further share acquisition on the date of combination shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is
insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

Long-term equity investment required through enterprise combined under the same control, the combination costs
shall consider as the initial investment cost.

As for the package deals which acquire equity of investee not under the same control through multiple deals and
ultimately form merger, accounting for long term equity investment in financial statements of parent company
shall be further disclosed during the period when the Company acquires control. For instance, for shareholding
which obtained by different transactions in stages and become business combination finally, if it belongs to
package transaction, the accounting method for which each transaction applies will treat as one transaction which
obtains control. If it does not belong to package transaction, Initial investment cost will be the sum of the carrying
value of the equity investment which it originally holds, and initial investment cost will change to cost method.
For shareholding which it holds before the date of acquisition which uses equity method, other related
comprehensive income which use equity method for accounting shall not be adjusted, such investment shall use
the same accounting basis as the invested company when it directly dispose related assets or liabilities upon
disposal. For shareholding which it holds before acquisition and accounted for under fair value method in the
available-for-sale financial assets, the accumulated change in fair value which is originally included in other
comprehensive income shall be change to profit or loss for the current period on the date of combination.

Aside from the long-term equity investments acquired through business merger, long-term equity investments
acquired by cash will be used as investment cost according to the actual payment of the purchase price; long-term
equity investments acquired through issuance of equity securities will be used as investment cost according to the
fair value of the equity securities issued; long-term equity investments from investors will be used as investment
cost according to the investment contracts or agreement value; if company owns long-term equity investments
which are acquired through debt restructuring, non-monetary assets exchange and other means, investment cost
shall be determined according to the provisions of relevant accounting standards of enterprises and practical
situation of company.

The Group’s investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method and using equity method for the
investments in joint ventures and associates.

Investments in subsidiaries are adjusted by equity method when there is addition or recovery of investment,
include the amount of the additional investment costs paid and the fair value of the related transaction costs of
equity investments. The cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are recognised as

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investment income in profit or loss.

Subsequent measurement adopts the long-term equity investment accounted by equity method. Increase or
decrease the book value of long-term equity investments according to the variations of other investment unit
owners’ rights and interests. Determination of the reversionary shares of net income and loss of the investee
should be based on the fair value of the identifiable assets when investment is made according to the accounting
policies and accounting period of the Group. And offset the internal profits and losses caused between associated
enterprises and joint ventures. Calculate the parts attributable to investment enterprise according to share-holding
proportion, confirm after the adjustment to net profit of the investee.

For long-term equity investment, the balance between its book value and actual payment will be accounted into
the profit of the current period. When handling the long-term equity investment accounted by equity method
which is accounted into owners’ equity due to the changes in owners’ equity aside from the net income and loss of
the investee, the parts which were accounted into owners’ equity shall be transferred into profit and loss of
investment of current period according to corresponding proportion.

If the Group loses joint control or material influence on investee due to disposal of certain equity investment and
other reasons, any retained interests shall be calculated according to the financial assets available for sale. The
balance between book value and fair value of retained interests on the date of losing joint control or material
influence will be accounted into current profit and loss. Other comprehensive income recognized in original
equity investment using equity method shall be treated under accounting method subject to the basis on which the
relevant assets or liabilities of the investee at the termination of equity method calculation.

When the Group loses control over the investee due to disposal of certain long-term equity interest, and the
retained equity could have joint control or significant impact on the investee, the retained equity shall be measured
by equity method, the difference between the carrying value of the equity and the consideration on disposal shall
be recognized as investment income, and the retained equity shall be adjusted to be measured by equity method. If
the retained equity after disposal fails to have joint control or significant impact on the investee, accounting
treatment shall be made according to relevant provisions of the available for sale financial assets, the difference
between the carrying value of the equity and the consideration on disposal shall be recognized as investment
income, and the difference between the fair value and the carrying value of the retained equity shall be recognized
as profit and loss of investment income in the period in which they are incurred.

As to the transactions incurred by our step-by-step disposal of equity till a complete loss of the controlling

if they are not a package deal, our company would make accounting treatment separately for each of them; if they
are a package deal, our company would treat them as deals incurred by disposing subsidiary till losing controlling
interest and make corresponding accounting treatment. But, before losing control, the difference between the
disposing price of each deal and the carrying value of long-term equity investment corresponding to the disposed

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equity, shall be recognized as other comprehensive income and be transferred to the profits and losses of the
current period when control ceases.

14. Investment real estate

Measurement mode
Measured by cost method
Depreciation or amortization method
Investment real estate of the Company are with depreciation accural or amotization by straight-line method
The predicted service life and net rate of salvage value and annual depreciation (amortization) for every
investment real estate of the Company are listed as follows:
                                                                     Predicted rate of salvage value    Depreciation rate per
                Type                 Depreciation term(Year)
                                                                                  (%)                       annum (%)

        Land use rigths                          50                              10.00                              1.80

      Houses and buildings                      5-50                             10.00                          1.80-18.00

15. Fixed assets

(1) Confirmation conditions

Fixed assets of the Company represent the tangible assets which have the followed characteristic simultaneously:
held by the Company for purpose of producing commodities, providing labor service, leasing or operational
management, service life exceeds one year, and unit price exceeds RMB 2,000.

Fixed assets shall be recognized while the economic benefit (with such assets concerned) is likely flow to the
Group, and the cost can be measured reliably. The Group’s fixed assets including house and buildings, machinery
equipment, molding tools, transportation equipment, instrument equipment, tool equipment and office facilities.

(2) Depreciation method

                                                                                                          Depreciation rate per
         Type                      Method                 Depreciation term     Rate of salvage value

Houses and buildings      Straight-line depreciation 20-50                    10.00%                    1.80-4.50

Machinery equipment       Straight-line depreciation 10                       10.00%                    9.00

Molding tools             Straight-line depreciation 3                        10.00%                    30.00

                          Straight-line depreciation 5                        10.00%                    18.00

Instrument equipment      Straight-line depreciation 5                        10.00%                    18.00

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Tool equipment          Straight-line depreciation 5                 10.00%                 18.00

Office facilities       Straight-line depreciation 5                 10.00%                 18.00

16. Construction in process

From the date on which the fixed assets built by the Company come into an expected usable state, the projects
under construction are converted into fixed assets on the basis of the estimated value of project estimates or
pricing or project actual costs, etc. Depreciation is calculated from the next month. Further adjustments are made
to the difference of the original value of fixed assets after final accounting is completed upon completion of

17. Borrowing costs

In terms of the borrowing costs involving fixed assets, investment real estate and stocks directly attributable to
over one year construction or production to achieve its intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing
costs can commence only when all of the conditions are satisfied; expenditures for the asset are being incurred,
borrowing costs are being incurred, and activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the
asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. When the qualified asset
under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the
borrowing costs shall be ceased. The amount of other borrowing costs shall be recognized as an expense in the
period in which they are incurred. If the qualified asset is interrupted abnormally during construction or
production, and interruption has lasted for three consecutive months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended till construction or production resumes.

Capitalization shall be exercised for interest expense actually occurred from special borrowings in current period
after deduction of the interest income arising from unutilized borrowing capital which is saved in banks or
deduction of investment income obtained from temporary investment; For recognization of capitalized amount of
common borrowing, it equals to the weighted average of the assets whose accumulated expense or capital
disburse is more than common borrowing times capitalization rate of occupied common borrowing. Capitalization
rate is determined according to weighted average interest rate of common borrowing.

18. Intangible assets

(1) Evaluation, service life and impairment test

The Company holds intangible assets including land use right, trademark, patent technology and non-patent
technology etc.; intangible assets are measured according to the effective costs paid for obtaining the assets. For
those intangible assets purchased in by the Company, their effective cost consist of actual payment and relevant
other expenditure; for the intangible assets input by investors, effective cost is determined according to the value

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agreed in investment contracts and agreements, while if the agreed value is not fair, then effective value is
confirmed according to fair value. As for the intangible assets owned by acquiree which required through the
combination under the different control, and the assets are not recognized in their finacnial statemetns, recognized
such assets as intangible assets by fair value while initially recognized the assets.

Land use right is averagely amortized according to its transfer term commencing from the sate of transfer;
trademark use-rights averagely amortized by 10 years; patent technology, non-patent technology and other
intangible assets is averagely amortized according to the shortest of their predicted service life, beneficial term
concluded by contract and effective term regulated by laws. Amortization amount is recorded in assets cost and
current gains and losses relevant to beneficial objectives. Re-examination on predicted service life and
amortization method of the intangible assets which have limited service life shall be conducted at the end of each
year. If changed, it would be treated as change of accounting estimation.

19. Impairment of long-term assets

On each balance sheet date, long-term equity investment, investment real estate under cost model measurement,
fixed assets, projects under construction, productive biological assets measured at cost method, oil and gas assets,
and intangible assets with limited useful life will be tested for impairment. If there is any impairment indicator for
the intangible asset, the intangible asset will be tested for impairment. As to goodwill and intangible assets with
infinite useful life, impairment test will be performed annually at the end of the year. If the book value of the
assets exceeds its recoverable amount after the impairment test, the impairment loss is recognised as an
impairment loss of these assets and the amount shall not be reversed in the subsequent accounting period.

20. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses of the Company refer to the expense which has been paid out while should be
amortized from the current period and periods thereafter, with amortization term over 1 year (excluding 1 year).
Such expense is averagely amortized during the beneficial period. If such long-term deferred expense could not
bring benefit to following accounting periods, the unamortized value of the item shall be fully transferred to
current gains and losses.

21. Staff remuneration

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term remuneration

Short-term remuneration includes: staff salary, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff benefits, social insurances
like medical insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, housing fund, labor union funds
and staff education funds, as well as the non-monetary benefits. During the accounting period when staff provides

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services, the short-term remuneration actually occurred is recognized as liabilities and shall be included in current
gains and losses or related asset costs according to the beneficial items. Among which, the non-monetary benefits
are measured by fair value.

(2) Accounting treatment of retirement benefits

Retirement benefit mainly including the defined contribution plans. Among which, the defined contribution plans
including basic pension, un-employmetn insurance and annuity, the corresponding payable funds shall reckoned
into relevant assets’ cost or current gains.losses while occurred.

(3) Accounting treatment of Dismission welfare

Termination benefits are incurred when the Group terminates the employment relationship with employee before
the expiry of the employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employee to accept
voluntary redundancy. If the Group has a formal plan for termination of employment relationship or has made an
offer for voluntary redundancy which will be implemented immediately, and the Group cannot unilaterally
withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy offer, a provision for the compensation payable arising
from the termination of employment relationship with employees is recognised with a corresponding charge to the
profit or loss for the period. Termination benefits are accounted for as other long term staff remuneration if the
benefits are not expected to be fully settled within 12 months after the end of annual reporting period.

Employee internal retirement plan is adopted according to the same principles as set out above as retirement
benefits. The salary and social insurance contribution to be paid for the internal retired employees for the period
from cease of service to their normal retirement dates shall be included in profit or loss for the period as
retirement benefits when conditions required for recognition of projected liabilities are met.

 (4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits

Other long term employee benefits provided by the Company to employees are accounted for under defined
withdraw plan if satisfying such plan, otherwise would be accounted for under defined income plan.

22. Accrual liability

If the business in connection with such contingencies as a security involving a foreign party, commercial
acceptance bill discount, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, etc. meets all of the following
conditions, the Company will confirm the aforesaid as liabilities: the obligation is an existing obligation of the
Company; performance of the obligation is likely to cause economic benefits to flow out of the enterprise; the

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amount of the obligation is reliably measurable.

A provision shall be initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present
obligation. Considering the factors, such as risk, uncertainties, and time value of money related to the
contingencies. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate shall be determined by
discounting the related future cash outflows. Carrying value of predicted liabilities is reviewed on each balance
sheet date, and if any change thereof is found, carrying value will be adjusted to reflect the best estimate.

23. Share-based payment

The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured at the fair value of the
equity instruments granted to the employees. As to a equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee
services, if the right cannot be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed
performance conditions are met, then on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained
in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments, be included in
the relevant costs or expenses and the capital reserves at the fair value of the equities instruments on the date of
the grant.

A cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured in accordance with the fair value of liability calculated and
confirmed based on the shares or other equity instruments undertaken by an enterprise. As to a cash-settled
share-based payment instruments, if the right may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the
liability undertaken by the enterprise shall, on the date of the grant, be included in the relevant costs or expenses,
and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly. As to a cash-settled share-based payment, if the right may not be
exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified performance conditions are met, on each
balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained in the current period shall, based on the best
estimate of the information about the exercisable right, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the
corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the enterprise.

An enterprise shall, on each balance sheet date and on each account date prior to the settlement of the relevant
liabilities, re-measure the fair values of the liabilities and include the changes in the current profits and losses.

In case the Group cancels the granted equity instruments during the vesting period (other than those canceled due
to failure to meet exercisable conditions), it shall be deemed as accelerated exercise thereof, which means the
remaining equity-based payment plan during vesting period shall be deemed as all exercisable conditions have
been met, and all expenses for the remaining vesting period shall be recognized in the period in which granted

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equity instruments are cancelled.

24. Revenue

The revenue of the Group is mainly revenue from sales of goods, provision of labor services, transference of
assets use right and construction contracts. Revenue recognition principles are as follows:

(1) Sales of goods: Revenue recognition principle of sales of goods by the Group is as follows: The revenue from
selling goods shall be realized, when main risks and rewards related to the ownership of goods have been
transferred to buyers, and the Group doesn’t hold continuing management rights or effective control rights of
goods, the amount of relevant revenue can be measured reliably and relevant economic benefits may flow into the
Group, and related cost incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.

(2) Revenue from provision of services: revenue from the rendering of services is recognised only when all of the
following conditions are satisfied: (a) the amount of revenue and costs for the transaction involving the rendering
of services can be measured reliably; (b) the associated economic benefits can flow into the Group; (c) and the
stage of completion of the service can be measured reliably. When the provision of services is commenced and
completed in different accounting year, the revenue is recognised percentage of completion method at the balance
sheet date the outcome of the transaction can be estimated reliably. The percentage of completion shall be
determined by the cost incurred and the estimated whole cost. When the outcome of a transaction involving the
rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably and it is probable that the cost incurred will be recovered,
revenue shall be recognised only to the extent of the expenses recognised that are recoverable. When the outcome
of a transaction cannot be estimated reliably and it is not probable that the costs incurred will be recovered,
revenue is not recognised and the costs incurred are recognised as an expense for the year.

(3) Revenue from transference of assets: the revenue from transference of right to use assets shall be recognized
when the economic benefits related to transactions may flow into the Group and the amount of relevant revenue
can be measured reliably.

25. Government grants

(1) Determination bases for government grant of capital nature and the relevant accounting treatment

For government grant of capital nature, the grants are obtained to purchase or construct any form of long-term
assets. Government grants related to assets are recognised as deferred income over the useful lives of the related
assets and are averagely allocated into profit or loss for the period.

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(2) Determination bases for government grant related to income and the relevant accounting treatment

Government grant related to income refers to that other than government grant related to assets. This type of grant
is recognised as deferred income if it is used to make up relevant expenses or losses for subsequent periods, and
shall be included in profit or loss for the period in which relevant expenses are recognised. If it is used to make up
incurred expenses or losses, it shall be included in profit or loss for the period directly.

26. Deferred Income Tax Assets and Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
A deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability shall be determined by a difference (temporary difference) between
the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base. The deferred tax asset shall be recognized for the carry
forward of unused deductible losses that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which
the deductible losses can be utilized. For temporary difference arising from initial recognition of goodwill, no
corresponding deferred income tax liabilities will be recognized. For temporary difference arising from initial
recognition of assets and liabilities occurred in the transaction related to non business combination which neither
affect accounting profit nor assessable income (or deductable losses), no corresponding deferred income tax assets
and deferred income tax liabilities will be recognized. As of the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and
deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the effective tax rate applicable to the period when recovery of
assets or settlement of liabilities occur. The Company recognizes deferred income tax assets to the extent of future
assessable income tax which is likely to be obtained to offset deductable temporary difference, deductable losses
and tax credits.

27. Lease

 (1) Accounting treatment of operating lease

The operating lease is the lease apart from the financial lease. The Company, as a lease holder, accounts the rents
into current period by straight line method during the term of the lease. The Company, as a leaser, accounts the
rental income into current period by straight line method during the term of the lease.

 (2) Accounting treatment of finance lease

The financial lease is the lease in which all risks and returns related to the ownership of assets are transferred in
substance. The Company as a lease holder, on the date of lease, the financial lease is recognized as the fixed asset
at lower cost of fair value of the rental asset and the NPV of minimum payment of leasing. The minimum payment
of leasing is recognized as long-term payable and the difference is accounted into unrecognized financing

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28. Change of the major accounting policy and estimation

(1) Changes of major accounting policies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Changes of important accounting estimate

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Taxation
1. Major taxes and tax rates
                     Tax                                       Basis                                        Tax rate

VAT                                          Revenue from the good sales                    17%
Operation tax                                Taxable income                                 5%
City maintaining & construction tax
                                             Taxable turnover tax                           7%
Corporation income tax
                                             Taxable income tax                             25%
Educational surtax                           Taxable turnover tax                           3%

Housing property tax                         70% of the original house value                1.2%

Disclose reasons for different taxpaying body

                            Taxpaying body                                                    Income tax rate

VII. Notes to major items in consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Item                                 Closing balance                               Opening balance

Cash on hand                                                                   655,371.60                                  516,454.17

Cash in bank                                                               20,374,468.62                               21,875,692.95

Other monetary fund                                                        13,019,110.61                                  6,427,210.56

Total                                                                      34,048,950.83                               28,819,357.68

Other explanation
(1)Other monetary fund at period-end refers to the margin of bank acceptance.
(2)Among the monetary fund at period-end, 13,019,110.61 Yuan have restriction. And monetary fund of 6,427,210.56 Yuan
restricted at beginning of the Period.

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2. Note receivables

(1) Classification of notes receivable

                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                                          Closing balance                                         Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                                  35,207,249.84                                          100,821,063.85

Total                                                                                 35,207,249.84                                          100,821,063.85

(2) Notes receivable already pledged by the Company at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                 Item                                                                   Amount pledge at period-end

Bank acceptance bill                                                                                                                          25,084,823.02

Total                                                                                                                                         25,084,823.02

(3) Notes endorsement or discount and undue on balance sheet date

                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                             Amount derecognition at period-end                     Amount not derecognition at period-end

Bank acceptance bill                                                                  26,982,245.99

Commercial acceptance bill                                                             4,213,950.93

Total                                                                                 31,196,196.92

3. Accounts receivable

 (1) Accounts receivable by category:

                                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                Closing balance                                                      Opening balance

                            Book balance            Bad debt reserve                         Book balance               Bad debt reserve
        Category                                                              Book
                                                                 Accrual                                                            Accrual      Book value
                        Amount          Ratio      Amount                     value        Amount         Ratio       Amount
                                                                  ratio                                                              ratio

Account receivable
with single
significant amount                                                                         7,649,789.
                        7,649,789.11      4.88% 6,227,694.47       81.41% 1,422,094.64                       6.17%   6,227,694.47       81.41%     1,422,094.64
and withdrawal bad                                                                                11

debt provision

Receivables with bad    143,731,032.                                        143,608,831. 111,125,57
                                         91.82%     122,200.33      0.09%                                   89.67%     122,200.33        0.11%   111,003,373.93
debt provision                   07                                                   74        4.26

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accrual by credit

Accounts with single
minor amount but
with bad debts           5,160,953.41    3.30% 5,160,953.41         100.00%                                  4.16%    5,160,953.41         100.00%              0.00
provision accrued

                         156,541,774.             11,510,848.2                145,030,926. 123,936,31
Total                                   100.00%                                                                      11,510,848.21                    112,425,468.57
                                  59                        1                          38        6.78

Account receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at period end:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                           In RMB

         Account                                                                    Closing balance
     receivable(units)           Account receivable                Bad debt reserve                      Accrual ratio                         Reasons

Shenzhen Portman
                                          2,555,374.75                        2,555,374.75                           100.00% Irrecoverable
Bowling Club Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                     The client has financial
Hong Kong Haowei
                                          1,870,887.18                          448,792.54                             23.99% strain, unable to collected
Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                     on time

TCL Ace Appliance
                                          1,325,431.75                        1,325,431.75                           100.00% Irrecoverable
(Huizhou) Co., Ltd.

Qingdao Haier Parts
                                          1,225,326.15                        1,225,326.15                           100.00% Irrecoverable
Purchasing Co., Ltd.

Skyworth Multimedia
                                            672,769.28                          672,769.28                           100.00% Irrecoverable
(Shenzhen) Co., Led.

Total                                     7,649,789.11                        6,227,694.47                    --                                 --

Account receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                        Closing balance
                                           Account receivable                           Bad debt reserve                                Accrual ratio

Sub item of within one year

Subtotal of within 1 year                                143,173,704.31

2-3 years                                                        224,990.00                                22,499.00                                      10.00%

Over 3 years                                                     332,337.76                                99,701.33                                      30.00%

Total                                                    143,731,032.07                                   122,200.33

Explanation on combination determines:
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion for account receivable:

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□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods for account receivable:

(2) Top 5 account receivables at ending balance by arrears party

Total year-end balance of top five receivables by arrears party amounting to 127,132,116.09 Yuan, takes 81.21 percent of the total
account receivable at year-end, bad debt provision accrual correspondingly at year-end amounting as 1,225,326.15 Yuan.

4. Advance payment

 (1) Advance payment by age

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                  Amount                      Ratio                     Amount                     Ratio

within one year                     116,306,225.46                    100.00%              4,042,321.66                    71.30%

1-2 years                                                                                  1,496,115.65                    26.39%

2-3 years                                                                                   130,682.56                     2.31%

Total                               116,306,225.46              --                         5,669,119.87             --

Explanation on important advance payment with over one year age without settled on-time:

(2) Top 5 advance payment at ending balance by prepayment object

Total year-end balance of top five advance payment by prepayment object amounting to 97,574,794.28 Yuan, takes 83.89 percent of
the total advance payment at year-end
Other explanation:

5. Interest receivable

(1) Category

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                                Closing balance                            Opening balance

Income from trust investment financial

Total                                                                   15,333,333.33

                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

(2) Major overdue interest

                                                                                                                                         Whether occurring
          Borrower                Closing balance                   Overdue time                       Overdue reasons               impairment or not (Y/N)
                                                                                                                                            and criterion

CITIC Trust Co., Ltd.                    15,333,333.33 2015-06-21                                                                    N

Total                                    15,333,333.33                       --                                --                                  --

Other explanation:

6. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable by category

                                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                               Closing balance                                                       Opening balance

                           Book balance           Bad debt provision                            Book balance           Bad debt provision
        Category                                                                  Book
                                                                 Accrual                                                                 Accrual        Book value
                        Amount         Ratio      Amount                          value       Amount       Ratio      Amount
                                                                  ratio                                                                   ratio

Other account
receivable with
single significant                                                                            5,662,187.
                        5,662,187.38    25.68% 5,662,187.38        100.00%            0.00                   4.70%    5,662,187.38          100.00%
amount and                                                                                           38

withdrawal bad debt
provision separately

Other receivables
with bad debt           10,716,323.2                                         10,648,891.5 109,162,24
                                        48.61%      67,431.78       0.63%                                   90.60%      67,431.78             0.06% 109,094,812.29
provision accrual by              8                                                       0        4.07

credit portfolio

Other accounts with
single minor amount
but with bad debts      5,668,513.51    25.71% 5,668,513.51        100.00%            0.00                   4.70%    5,668,513.51          100.00%
provision accrued

                        22,047,024.1              11,398,132.6               10,648,891.5 120,492,94
Total                                   100.00%                                                                      11,398,132.67                      109,094,812.29
                                  7                         7                             0        4.96

Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                             In RMB

        Other account                                                                Closing balance

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    receivable(units)          Account receivable           Bad debt reserve             Accrual ratio                  Reasons

Portman                                  4,021,734.22                  4,021,734.22                   100.00% Irrecoverable

Zhao Baomin                                564,646.35                   564,646.35                    100.00% Irrecoverable

Traffic accident
                                           555,785.81                   555,785.81                    100.00% Irrecoverable

Court of the Botou,
                                           520,021.00                   520,021.00                    100.00% Irrecoverable
Hebei Province

Total                                    5,662,187.38                  5,662,187.38              --                         --

In combination, other accounts receivable whose bad debts provision was accrued by age analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                               Closing balance
                                       Other accounts receivable             Bad debt provision                    Accrual ratio

Sub item of within one year

Subtotal of within 1 year                               9,908,210.94

1-2 years                                                328,685.91                           16,434.30                              5.00%

2-3 years                                                464,152.99                           46,415.30                             10.00%

Over 3 years                                              15,273.94                            4,582.18                             30.00%

Total                                                10,716,323.78                            67,431.78

Explanation on combination determines:
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion for other account receivable:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods for other account receivable:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Nature                               Ending book balance                             Opening book balance

Margin                                                                          440,955.24                                       330,400.00

Borrowing                                                                      2,687,342.89                                 2,472,108.12

Intercourse funds                                                              9,727,077.66                               107,947,763.80

Salary and utilities pay for another                                           1,163,783.36                                 1,832,111.50

Rent receivable                                                                7,545,893.39                                 7,181,456.09

Other                                                                           481,971.63                                       729,105.45

Total                                                                        22,047,024.17                                120,492,944.96

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(3) Top 5 other receivables at ending balance by arrears party

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                                Ratio in total ending
                                                                                                                        Ending balance of
        Company                Nature             Closing balance             Age                 balance of other
                                                                                                                         bad bet provision

Portman                 Rent receivable                 4,021,734.22 Over 3 years                            18.24%            4,021,734.22

Zhao Baomin             Rent receivable                    564,646.35 Over 3 years                            2.56%             564,646.35

Traffic accident
                        Intercourse funds                  555,785.81 Over 3 years                            2.52%             555,785.81

Court of the Botou,
                        Intercourse funds                  520,021.00 Over 3 years                            2.36%             520,021.00
Hebei Province

xStaff canteen          Intercourse funds                  489,214.70 Over 3 years                            2.22%             489,214.70

Total                            --                     6,151,402.08             --                          27.90%            6,151,402.08

7. Inventory

(1) Inventory classification

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                          Closing balance                                              Opening balance
        Item                                Depreciation                                                 Depreciation
                       Book balance                             Book value            Book balance                           Book value
                                              reserve                                                      reserve

Raw materials           17,930,509.53         1,260,134.51      16,670,375.02          16,000,026.71       1,260,134.51      14,739,892.20

Goods in process         1,584,869.44                             1,584,869.44          1,296,995.00                           1,296,995.00

Finished goods          12,939,566.09           549,643.94      12,389,922.15          12,222,310.12         549,643.94       11,672,666.18

consumption              1,030,435.17            51,587.59          978,847.58            440,625.54          51,587.59         389,037.95

                         2,224,645.36            33,070.70        2,191,574.66          2,740,898.61          33,070.70        2,707,827.91

Work in
process-outsource           73,609.69                                73,609.69             73,631.31                              73,631.31

Total                   35,783,635.28         1,894,436.74      33,889,198.54          32,774,487.29       1,894,436.74      30,880,050.55

(2) Inventory depreciation reserve
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                             Increase in the current period            Decrease in the current period
        Item          Opening balance                                                                                      Closing balance
                                              Accrual               Other         Switch back or            Other

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Raw materials                1,260,134.51                                                                                1,260,134.51

Finished goods                549,643.94                                                                                  549,643.94

consumption                    51,587.59                                                                                      51,587.59

                               33,070.70                                                                                      33,070.70

Total                        1,894,436.74                                                                                1,894,436.74

8. Other current assets

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance

Trust financial products                                                  500,000,000.00                             500,000,000.00

Total                                                                     500,000,000.00                             500,000,000.00

Other explanation:
Trust financing products represent “CITIC Qianjing Green City Investment Fund Collective Trust Plan” issued by CITIC Trust Co.,
Ltd, with annual expected yield rate of 12%. The term is 12 months, with interest paid at each quarter end. Products principal shall be
realized upon expiration of term.

9. Investment real estate

(1) Investment real estate measured at cost

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

            Item                  House and building         Land use rights     Construction in process              Total

I. original book value

     1.Opening balance                  107,661,686.94                                                               107,661,686.94

     2. increased in the

     (1) outsourcing

     (2) Inventory\fixed
assets\construction in
process transfer-in

        (3) increased by

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     3. decreased in the

     (1) disposal

     (2) other

     4.Closing balance       107,661,686.94                                           107,661,686.94

II. Accumulated
depreciation and

     1.Opening balance        76,387,023.20                                            76,387,023.20

     2. increased in the
                                627,378.54                                               627,378.54

     (1) accrual or
                                627,378.54                                               627,378.54

     3. decreased in the

     (1) disposal

     (2) other

     4.Closing balance        77,014,401.74                                            77,014,401.74

III. Depreciation reserves

     1.Opening balance

     2. increased in the

     (1) accrual

     3. decreased in the

     (1) disposal

     (2) other

     4.Closing balance

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IV. Book value

       1. Ending Book
                                          30,647,285.20                                                                                   30,647,285.20

       2. Opening Book
                                          31,274,663.74                                                                                   31,274,663.74

(2) Investment real estate measured by fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

10. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                 Houses and        Machinery        Transportatio        Tool            Office          Molding         Instrument
       Item                                                                                                                                   Total
                  buildings        equipment        n equipment        equipment        facilities        tools          equipment

I. original
book value:

                  218,393,134.33    79,156,580.89       4,141,422.87     9,391,187.88     5,804,317.08   12,334,943.70     3,043,325.06     332,264,911.81

increased in       13,000,000.00       58,252.43                           31,282.05        28,445.19     1,579,914.41       35,897.42       14,733,791.50

the Period

                   13,000,000.00       58,252.43                           31,282.05        28,445.19     1,579,914.41       35,897.42       14,733,791.50

in process

increased by

decreased in
the Period

disposal or

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

      4.Closing   231,393,134. 79,214,833.3                                            13,914,858.1                  346,998,703.
                                              4,141,422.87 9,422,469.93 5,832,762.27                  3,079,222.48
balance                    33            2                                                       1                            31


      1.Opening   67,614,462.4 50,560,780.9                                                                          145,234,488.
                                              2,759,043.05 6,600,313.27 5,208,507.72 9,919,995.33 2,571,385.40
balance                     0            0                                                                                    07

increased in      2,713,288.44 3,125,656.91    204,104.64   142,232.39     63,589.22    650,474.63      80,321.49 6,979,667.72
the Period

                  2,713,288.44 3,125,656.91    204,104.64   142,232.39     63,589.22    650,474.63      80,321.49 6,979,667.72

decreased in
the Period

disposal or

      4.Closing   70,327,750.8 53,686,437.8                                            10,570,469.9                  152,214,155.
                                              2,963,147.69 6,742,545.66 5,272,096.94                  2,651,706.89
balance                     4            1                                                       6                            79


                                558,539.32       5,220.01      5,325.93     5,029.81                    17,494.33     591,609.40

increased in
the Period


decreased in
the Period

disposal or

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                 558,539.32       5,220.01       5,325.93       5,029.81                      17,494.33     591,609.40

IV. Book

  1. Ending      161,065,383. 24,969,856.1                                                                                 194,192,938.
                                               1,173,055.17 2,674,598.34      555,635.52 3,344,388.15        410,021.26
Book value                 49             9                                                                                           12

  2. Opening 150,778,671. 28,037,260.6                                                                                     186,438,814.
                                               1,377,159.81 2,785,548.68      590,779.55 2,414,948.37        454,445.33
Book value                 93             7                                                                                           34

(2)Fixed assets temporarily idle

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                 Accumulated           Impairment
          Item         Original book value                                                      Book value                 Note
                                                  depreciation            provision

                                 430,718.00            308,414.27              98,614.27                23,689.46

Molding tools                   8,350,729.36         7,515,656.43                                    835,072.93

                                 207,000.00            186,300.00                                       20,700.00

                                   5,800.00              5,220.00                                         580.00

Total                           8,994,247.36         8,015,590.70              98,614.27             880,042.39

(3)Fixed assets rent out through operating lease

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                Item                                                        Ending book value

Houses and buildings                                                                                                      94,089,782.69

Machinery equipment                                                                                                         457,476.91

Total                                                                                                                     94,547,259.60

(4) Certificate of title un-completed

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Item                                     Book value                                      Reasons

                                                                                           Still in process of relevant property
Warehouse                                                                   2,769,858.68

New dormitory                                                               4,106,925.86 Still in process of relevant property

                                                      SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


Total                                                                            6,876,784.54

Other explanation

11. Construction in progress

 (1) Construction in progress

                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                        Closing balance                                                  Opening balance
          Item                            Depreciation                                                     Depreciation
                    Book balance                                  Book value        Book balance                                 Book value
                                            reserves                                                            reserves

Huafa Building
reconstruction          654,356.00                                   654,356.00            654,356.00                                   654,356.00

Gongming E-city
reconstruction        2,428,814.00                                 2,428,814.00           2,199,000.00                             2,199,000.00

Total                 3,083,170.00                                 3,083,170.00           2,853,356.00                             2,853,356.00

(2) Changes of major projects under construction

                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                                      Accumul including
                                           Fixed                                                         ated     : interest Interest
                                                        Other                   on of
                               Increase    assets                                                     amount capitaliz capitaliz
             Budget Opening                            decrease Closing        project                                                    Sourceof
  Item                         d in the transfer-i                                         Progress      of          ed     ation rate
                    balance                            d in the    balance investme                                                        funds
                               Period      n in the                                                   interest     amount     of the
                                                        Period                  nt in
                                           Period                                                     capitaliz    of the     year
                                                                                                       ation        year

                    654,356.                                       654,356.
reconstru                                                                                                                                Other
                         00                                             00

ng E-city
                    2,199,00 229,814.                              2,428,81
reconstru                                                                                                                                Other
                        0.00         00                                4.00

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


                        2,853,35 229,814.                  3,083,17
Total                                                                    --        --                                 --
                           6.00         00                     0.00

12. Intangible assets

(1) Particular about intangible assets

                                                                                                                      In RMB

          Item             Land use rights        Patent                                Software expenses     Total

I. original book

                               55,187,826.36                                                   661,878.97    55,849,705.33

     2. increased in
the Period

         (1) Purchase

         (2) internal

increased by

  3. decreased in the

         (1) disposal

                               55,187,826.36                                                   661,878.97    55,849,705.33

II. accumulated

                                  7,680,617.85                                                 302,402.27     7,983,020.12

     2. increased in
                                   722,204.40                                                    24,942.96     747,147.36
the Period

         (1) accrual               722,204.40                                                    24,942.96     747,147.36

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

      3. decreased in
the Period

        (1) disposal

                              8,402,822.25                                                       327,345.23          8,730,167.48

III. Depreciation


      2. increased in
the Period

        (1) accrual

      3. decreased in
the Period

      (1) disposal


IV. Book value

      1. Ending Book
                             46,785,004.11                                                       334,533.74         47,119,537.85

      2. Opening
                             47,507,208.51                                                       359,476.70         47,866,685.21
Book value

The intangible assets resulted by internal R&D takes 0.00% of the ending balance of intangible assets of the Company at period-end

13. Long-term unamortized expenses

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                              Increased in the     Amortized in the
           Item         Opening balance                                                   Other decrease       Closing balance
                                                   Period               Period

Membership charge
                                291,666.67                                  25,000.02                                  266,666.65
of the golf

Renovation costs                 53,991.57                                  10,450.02                                   43,541.55

Total                           345,658.24                                  35,450.04                                  310,208.20

Other explanation

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14. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

 (1) Deferred income tax assets un-offset

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                               Closing balance                                         Opening balance
           Item             Deductible temporary          Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax
                                  difference                      assets                    difference                      assets

Depreciation reserves of
                                      22,241,854.51                   5,560,538.64              22,241,854.51                  5,560,538.64

Deductible losses                      2,835,687.62                    708,921.91

Accrual liability                      2,765,583.81                    691,395.95                 2,765,583.81                   691,395.95

Total                                 27,843,125.94                   6,960,856.50              25,007,438.32                  6,251,934.59

(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities listed after off-set

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                           Ending balance of          Trade-off between the         Opening balance of
                            Trade-off between the
                                                          deferred income tax          deferred income tax          deferred income tax
           Item              deferred income tax
                                                        assets or liabilities after   assets and liabilities at   assets or liabilities after
                             assets and liabilities
                                                                 off-set                   period-begin                    off-set

Deferred income tax
                                                                      6,960,856.50                                             6,251,934.59

(3) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                                   Closing balance                                 Opening balance

Deductible losses                                                             13,272,785.11                                  27,567,291.70

Depreciation reserves of assets                                                3,153,172.51                                    3,153,172.51

Total                                                                        16,425,957.62                                   30,720,464.21

(4) Deductible losses of un-recognized deferred income tax assets expired on the followed year

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

              Year                        Ending amount                       Opening amount                            Note

2015                                                                                        142,552.20

2016                                                    220,463.95                          253,206.10

2017                                                  10,004,563.53                      24,123,775.77

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

2018                                               3,047,757.63                     3,047,757.63

Total                                             13,272,785.11                    27,567,291.70                --

Other explanation:

15. Short-term loans

(1)Types of short-term loans
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                               Closing balance                             Opening balance

Pledge loans                                                           21,000,000.00                                 15,000,000.00

Mortgage loans                                                        110,907,991.73                              103,114,376.32

Debt of honors                                                         19,700,000.00                                 20,000,000.00

Total                                                                 151,607,991.73                              138,114,376.32

Explanation on category of short-term loans:

16. Notes payable

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Type                               Closing balance                             Opening balance

Trade acceptance                                                       27,176,095.34                                 39,994,397.62

Total                                                                  27,176,095.34                                 39,994,397.62

Total notes payable matured un-paid at period-end amounting to 0.00 Yuan.

17. Account payable

(1) Account payable

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                               Closing balance                             Opening balance

Material money                                                         64,369,030.05                                 65,547,836.32

Total                                                                  64,369,030.05                                 65,547,836.32

(2)Important account payable with over one year account age

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                               Closing balance                     Reasons of un-paid or carry-over

Shenzhen YH Global Logistic Co., Ltd.                                     2,858,885.97 Not yet settled

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Taiwan LG Company                                                         1,906,267.50 Not yet settled

Total                                                                     4,765,153.47                      --

Other explanation:

18. Account received in advance

 (1) Account received in advance
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                       Item                             Closing balance                              Opening balance

Payment for goods                                                         2,075,716.36                                   727,331.06

Total                                                                     2,075,716.36                                   727,331.06

19. Wages payable

 (1) Wages payable

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                 Decreased during the
                Item           Opening balance       Increase during the year                                    Closing balance

I. Short-term compensation            6,213,887.72             29,217,994.15              31,719,829.91                 3,712,051.96

II. Post-employment
welfare- defined                         -5,093.82              2,135,912.69               2,135,912.69                    -5,093.82
contribution plans

Total                                 6,208,793.90             31,353,906.84              33,855,742.60                 3,706,958.14

(2) Short-term compensation

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                 Decreased during the
                Item           Opening balance       Increase during the year                                    Closing balance

1. Wages,bonuses,allowances
                                      5,388,866.30             25,335,162.30              27,881,415.84                 2,842,612.76
and subsidies

2. Welfare for workers
                                                                2,696,901.39               2,696,901.39                            0.00
and staff

3. Social insurance                      23,041.98                762,197.58                 762,197.58                    23,041.98

      Including: Medical
                                         23,041.98                662,823.12                 662,823.12                    23,041.98

                 Work injury
                                                                   41,697.88                    41,697.88                          0.00

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                    57,676.58                    57,676.58                      0.00

4. Housing accumulation
                                          24,310.00                379,315.10                379,315.10                   24,310.00

5. Labor union
expenditure and
                                         777,669.44                 44,417.78                         0.00               822,087.22
personnel education

6. Short-term
                                                                           0.00                                                 0.00
compensated absences

7. Short-term
                                                                           0.00                                                 0.00
profit-sharing plan

Total                               6,213,887.72                29,217,994.15             31,719,829.91                 3,712,051.96

(3) Defined contribution plans

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                  Decreased during the
            Item             Opening balance          Increase during the year                                Closing balance

1. Basic endowment
                                          -5,093.82              1,995,303.17              1,995,303.17                    -5,093.82

2. Unemployment
                                                                   140,609.52                140,609.52                         0.00

3. Enterprise annuity                                                                                                           0.00

Total                                     -5,093.82              2,135,912.69              2,135,912.69                    -5,093.82

Other explanation:

20. Tax payable

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Item                               Closing balance                              Opening balance

Value-added tax                                                            5,978,749.70                                 7,294,271.06

Business tax                                                               1,354,175.01                                 1,405,738.37

Enterprise income tax                                                      8,292,508.42                                 8,804,564.06

Individual income tax                                                        41,232.68                                    35,016.79

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                      105,923.19                                   124,888.48

Housing property tax                                                        670,622.69                                   452,346.57

                                           SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Tenure tax                                                         331,171.77                                  330,904.20

Educational surtax                                                   36,724.52                                  33,119.68

Other                                                                31,881.82                                  71,197.64

Total                                                         16,842,989.80                                18,552,046.85

Other explanation:

21. Other payable

(1) Classification of other payable according to nature of account
                                                                                                                   In RMB

                     Item                       Closing balance                             Opening balance

Margin and deposit                                            13,383,771.62                                11,080,224.58

Leasing management costs                                          1,205,215.89                                1,393,897.07

Equipment account payable                                          246,722.49                                  246,722.49

Intercourse funds                                             22,285,175.83                                   9,851,796.05

After-sale and repair                                              397,177.20                                  333,642.00

Other                                                              887,762.72                                 1,273,067.12

Total                                                         38,405,825.75                                24,179,349.31

(2) Significant other payable with over one year age

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                     Item                       Closing balance                     Reasons of un-paid or carry-over

Zhenxing Branch of CMBC                                           1,170,008.00 Not yet settled

Linghang Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                           656,345.28 Not yet settled

Shenzhen Ostar Display Electronic Co.,
                                                                   578,259.83 Not yet settled

Shenzhen Yongdasheng Investment
                                                                   558,970.00 Not yet settled
Development Co., Ltd.

Kangde International Co., Ltd.                                     247,513.68 Not yet settled

Total                                                             3,211,096.79                     --

Other explanation

22. Long-term loans

(1)Classification of long-term loans

                                                     SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Item                                   Closing balance                                   Opening balance

Mortgage loans                                                               570,300,000.00                                     585,300,000.00

Total                                                                        570,300,000.00                                     585,300,000.00

Explanation on category of long-term loans:
Other explanation, interest rate included collars:
Lending rate refers to the higher benchmark interest rate for loan of the Bank at the same time and the same level, the Period carried
out with 8.333%.

23. Accrual liability

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

               Item                        Closing balance                      Opening balance                              Causes

Pending action                                         2,765,583.81                             2,765,583.81 Commercial and labor disputes

Total                                                  2,765,583.81                             2,765,583.81                   --

Other explanation, including relevant explanation on important assumptions and estimations for the important accrual liability:
Found more in the explanation on “Contingency”

24. Share capital

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                    Changeduringthe year(+,-)

                      Opening                                                                                                         Closing
                                     New shares                          transferred
                       balance                        Bonus share                                 Other          Subtotal             balance
                                       issued                            from capital

Total shares      283,161,227.00                                                                                                283,161,227.00

Other explanation:

25. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                         Decreased during the
           Item                  Opening balance        Increase during the year                                            Closing balance

Capital premium (Share
                                       96,501,903.02                                                                                96,501,903.02
capital premium)

Other Capital reserves                 12,994,934.31                                                                                12,994,934.31

                                                      SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Total                                 109,496,837.33                                                                    109,496,837.33

Other explanation, including the changes in the Period and cause of changes:

26. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                            Increase during the       Decrease during this
           Item                 Opening balance                                                                  Closing balance
                                                                   period                    period

Statutory surplus
                                       21,322,617.25                                                                     21,322,617.25

Free surplus reserves                  56,068,976.00                                                                     56,068,976.00

Total                                  77,391,593.25                                                                     77,391,593.25

Explanation on surplus reserves, including the changes in the Period and cause of changes:

27. Retained profit

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                         Item                                       Current period                           Last period

Retained profits at the end of last year before
                                                                               -188,698,387.84                          -196,386,008.11

Retained profits at the beginning of the year after
                                                                               -188,698,387.84                          -196,386,008.11

Add: The net profits belong to owners of patent
                                                                                  14,177,311.03                            7,687,620.27
company of this period

Retained profit at period-end                                                  -174,521,076.81                          -188,698,387.84

Details about adjusting the retained profits at the beginning of the period:
1) The retroactive adjustments to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations affect the retained
profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
2) The changes in accounting policies affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
3) The major accounting error correction affects the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan
4) Merge scope changes caused by the same control affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
5) Other adjustments affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan

28. Operating income and cost

                                                                                                                                In RMB

           Item                                   Current Period                                       Last Period

                                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                  Income                Cost                        Income                     Cost

Main operating                     220,850,548.84       203,649,886.02              344,441,701.65             322,656,640.81

Other operating                     27,884,081.02         3,813,639.35               22,180,124.71               4,264,962.07

Total                              248,734,629.86       207,463,525.37              366,621,826.36             326,921,602.88

29. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                     Item                           Current Period                               Last Period

Business tax                                                         1,229,313.48                                 919,344.05

City maintenance and construction tax                                1,174,351.04                                 880,800.95

Educational surtax                                                    503,299.14                                  377,486.11

Housing property tax                                                  221,129.34                                  221,129.28

Tenure tax                                                            119,997.06                                  119,997.05

Local educational development charge                                  334,429.41                                  251,715.96

Other                                                                  94,775.04                                  235,050.69

Total                                                                3,677,294.51                                3,005,524.09

Other explanation:

30. Sales expenses

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                     Item                           Current Period                               Last Period

Wages                                                                2,561,706.55                                2,366,623.38

Transportation charge                                                1,360,594.47                                1,640,972.15

Inspection charges                                                    198,425.89                                      25,888.25

Customs fee                                                            82,077.60                                      42,010.48

Commodity wastage                                                     135,667.65                                  135,866.33

Other                                                                 793,298.42                                 1,353,338.55

Total                                                                5,131,770.58                                5,564,699.14

Other explanation:

31. Administration expenses

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                      SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                     Item                   Current Period                  Last Period

Salary                                                       2,529,243.66                  3,414,921.41

Depreciation charger                                         2,565,709.55                  2,222,108.41

Social insurance charge                                      3,374,203.85                  2,860,536.72

Entertainment expenses                                        858,681.46                   1,056,157.06

Tax and surcharge                                            2,272,979.33                  1,057,982.57

Welfare expenses of employee                                  855,496.44                   1,382,314.05

Travelling expenses                                           902,790.08                    812,526.04

Intangible assets amortization                                747,147.36                    747,147.33

Transportation fee                                            597,837.91                    578,267.87

Consulting fee                                                403,726.00                   1,525,594.57

Security fee                                                  455,580.56                    798,185.86

Repair charge                                                 543,829.14                    540,639.15

Auditing fee                                                  797,169.81                    763,171.95

Office costs                                                  435,606.13                    374,404.37

Communication expenses                                        195,132.09                    155,905.69

Low-value consumption goods
                                                               95,480.48                    313,042.21

Security information disclosure fee                           277,639.60                    181,550.56

Court costs                                                    15,849.00                       6,520.89

Other expenses                                                670,817.32                    728,955.12

Total                                                    18,594,919.77                    19,519,931.83

Other explanation:

32. Financial expenses

                                                                                                In RMB

                     Item                   Current Period                  Last Period

Interest expenses                                        28,796,081.34                    11,565,916.38

Less: Interest income                                          66,409.22                    158,372.81

Add: losses from exchange                                     427,093.90                  -1,276,739.86

Add: Other expenses                                          1,236,432.65                     78,711.55

Total                                                    30,393,198.67                    10,209,515.26

Other explanation:

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

33. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                                   Current Period                                Last Period

I. Bad debt loss                                                                   0.00                                   168,721.11

II. Inventory falling price loss                                                   0.00                                   -309,714.10

Total                                                                              0.00                                   -140,992.99

Other explanation:

34. Investment income

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                      Item                                     Current Period                               Last Period

Investment income from disposal of long-term
                                                                                    643.49                                       0.00
equity investment

Investment income from financial products
                                                                             29,499,999.98                                       0.00

Total                                                                        29,500,643.47                                       0.00

Other explanation:
Investment gains 643.49 Yuan arising from disposal of the      Yutian Henghua Company in the Period

35. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                                       Amount reckoned into current
              Item                       Current Period                      Last Period
                                                                                                        non-recurring gains/losses

Non-current assets disposal

Including: fixed assets disposal

Accepting donations                                       3,500.00                         74,500.00                         3,500.00

Account unable to paid                               623,987.65                        327,211.07                         623,987.65

Income from penal sum                                156,906.00                            88,333.00                      156,906.00

Income from penalty                                      22,240.00                          1,240.00                       22,240.00

Other                                                       420.00                              0.00                          420.00

Total                                                807,053.65                        652,682.97                         807,053.65

Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses:

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                                                                             In RMB

               Item                   Amount of this period           Amount of last period           Assets related/Income related

Other explanation:

36. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                                      Amount reckoned into current
               Item                      Current Period                     Last Period
                                                                                                       non-recurring gains/losses

Non-current assets disposal

Including: fixed assets disposal

Donations                                               50,000.00                                                         50,000.00

Other                                                  263,178.96                           172.73                       263,178.96

Total                                                  313,178.96                         97,524.24                      313,178.96

Other explanation:

37. Income tax expense

(1) Statement of income tax expense

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Item                                Current Period                                 Last Period

Current income tax expense                                                       50.00                                   145,199.68

Deferred income tax expenses                                               -708,921.91                                   495,568.27

Total                                                                      -708,871.91                                   640,767.95

(2) Adjustment on accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                               Item                                                         Current Period

Total profit                                                                                                           13,468,439.12

Income tax measured by statutory/applicable tax rate                                                                    3,367,109.78

Impact from in-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                     118,672.55

Impact on deductible losses of the deferred income tax assets
un-recognized previous

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

The deductible temporary differences or deductible losses of the
un-recognized deferred income tax assets in the Period

Income tax expense                                                                                                         -708,871.91

Other explanation
38. Items of statement of cash flow

 (1) Other cash received in relation to operation activities

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                     Item                                   Current Period                                 Last Period

Intercourse funds between the units                                       100,949,004.51                                  3,434,265.95

Collecting management fee and utilities
                                                                             5,401,204.38                                 4,913,980.50

Borrowing paid by the employee                                                791,229.19                                  1,261,913.53

Margin                                                                       2,052,549.70                                 2,994,951.00

Interest income                                                                 66,409.22                                   158,372.81

Total                                                                     109,260,397.00                                 12,763,483.79

The other cash received in relateion to operation activiteis in the Period including the Intercourse funds between the units, collecting
management fee and utilities, personal dealings, margin and other intercourse funds.

(2) Other cash paid in relation to operation activities

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                     Item                                   Current Period                                 Last Period

Intercourse funds between the units                                          2,097,872.27                                 1,865,088.02

Advances to employees                                                         943,718.19                                  1,217,820.00

Court costs                                                                     15,849.00                                     6,520.89

Deposit, margin                                                               424,257.00                                    286,550.00

Entertainment charge                                                          858,681.46                                  1,056,157.06

Utilities                                                                    1,944,134.86                                 1,528,542.54

Travelling expenses                                                           902,790.08                                    812,526.04

Transportation fee                                                           1,860,594.47                                 2,366,623.38

Transportation fee                                                            597,837.91                                    578,267.87

Repair charge                                                                 543,829.14                                    540,639.15

Auditing consulting fee                                                       403,726.00                                  1,525,594.57

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Security costs                                                                135,580.56                                  144,675.50

Handling charge of the financial institute                                    124,046.01                                    78,711.55

Office costs                                                                  435,606.13                                  374,404.37

Communication expenses                                                        195,132.09                                  155,905.69

Other                                                                         520,289.96                                  482,293.67

Total                                                                       12,003,945.13                               13,020,320.30

Other cash paid in relation to operation activity in the Period including the management expenses and sales expenses paid in cash, the
intercourse funds between the units, personal dealings, margin, collecting utilities and management fee etc.

(3) Cash paid related with investment activities

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                                   Current Period                                Last Period

The equity transfer amount received from
subsidiary disposal less than the balance of
                                                                               99,356.51                                         0.00
monetary fund held by subsidiary on
disposal date

Total                                                                          99,356.51


39. Supplementary information to statement of cash flow

(1) Supplementary information to statement of cash flow

                                                                                                                              In RMB

         Supplementary information                            This Period                                 Last Period

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                                                                   --                                          --
operation activities:

Net profit                                                                  14,177,311.03                                1,455,936.93

Add: Assets impairment provision                                                                                          -140,992.99

Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of
oil assets and depreciation of productive                                    6,979,667.72                                7,047,696.42
biology assets

Intangible assets amortization                                                747,147.36                                  747,147.33

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                    35,450.04                                  585,416.60

Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets(gain is

                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

listed with “-”)

Financial expenses (gain is listed with “-”)                        28,796,081.34                   12,009,100.55

Investment loss (gain is listed with “-”)                           -29,500,643.47

Decrease of deferred income tax
                                                                        -708,921.91                      495,568.27
asset( (increase is listed with “-”)

Decrease of inventory (increase is listed with
                                                                       -3,009,147.99                   -7,538,818.68

Decrease of operating receivable accounts
                                                                      10,817,171.40                  -151,010,599.10
(increase is listed with “-”)

Increase of operating payable accounts
                                                                      -11,305,521.79                  -52,188,141.86
(decrease is listed with “-”)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                                      17,028,593.73                  -188,587,686.53

2. Material investment and financing not
                                                                 --                             --
involved in cash flow

3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents:                      --                             --

Balance of cash at period end                                         21,029,840.22                  284,224,781.97

Less: Balance of cash equivalent at
                                                                      22,392,147.12                   50,704,319.86

Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                            -1,362,306.90                 233,520,462.11

(2) Net cash received from subsidiary disposal in the Period

                                                                                                             In RMB


Cash or cash equivalent received in the Period from subsidiary
disposal in the Period

Including:                                                                               --

Less: Cash and cash equivalent held by the Company on date of
controlling rights loss

Including:                                                                               --

Including:                                                                               --

Net cash received from subsidiary disposal                                                                -99,356.51

Other explanation:

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

(3) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                            Opening balance

Ⅰ. Cash                                                                   21,029,840.22                            22,392,147.12

Including: stock cash                                                        655,371.60                                 516,454.17

        Bank deposit available for payment
                                                                           20,374,468.62                            21,875,692.95
at any time

Ⅲ. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at
                                                                           21,029,840.22                            22,392,147.12

Other explanation:

40. Assets with ownership or use right restricted

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                      Item                               Ending book value                               Reason

Monetary fund                                                              13,019,110.61 Bank acceptance issued

Fixed assets                                                               45,395,043.78 Mortgage for Bank loans received

Intangible assets                                                          46,785,004.11 Mortgage for Bank loans received

Investment real estate                                                     30,647,285.20 Mortgage for Bank loans received

Total                                                                  135,846,443.70                       --

Other explanation:

41. Item of foreign currency

(1) Item of foreign currency

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                    Closing balance of foreign
               Item                                                    Rate of conversion          Ending RMB balance converted

Monetary fund                                   --                                --                                   8,979,741.05

Including: USD                                       1,464,052.07 6.1136                                               8,950,628.74

        HKD                                             36,915.98 0.78861                                                29,112.31

Accounts receivable                             --                                --                                47,655,564.45

Including: USD                                       7,795,008.58 6.1136                                            47,655,564.45

Account paid in advance                                                                                             17,502,107.31

                                                             SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Including: USD                                                   2,862,815.25 6.1136                                                               17,502,107.31

Short-term loans                                                                                                                                   45,898,231.90

Including: USD                                                   7,507,562.14 6.1136                                                               45,898,231.90

Accounts payable                                                                                                                                          7,266.62

Including: USD                                                          1,188.60 6.1136                                                                   7,266.62

Other explanation:

VIII. Change of consolidated range

1. Subsidiary disposal

Whether has the condition of loss controlling rights with disposing subsidiary on one time or not?
√Y □N
                                                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                            Differencebetween                                                                Other
                                                                             thedisposalprice                                                         comprehensive
                                                                                                                                      method and
                                                                       and proportion ofProportion                                                          income
                                                         Determinationthesubsidiary’snet ofthe Book valueof Fair valueofGainsorlosses                 transferred into
           Priceofthe                Wayofthe Time pointof basis forthe assetsenjoyin residual theresidual theresidual oftheresidual                      investment
                        Ratioofthe                                                                                                     theresidual
 Subsidiary equity                    equity controlright time pointof aspectofthe equityonequityon dateequityon date equity                          income ,which
                      equitydisposed                                                                                                   equity’s fair
            disposed                 disposed    lose      controlright consolidated datewhenwhen control when controlre-measured by                  related with the
                                                               lose financial statement, control rightslose rightslose fair value                            equity
                                                                       which isrespond torightslose                                                     investmentof
                                                                          thedisposal                                                                       original
                                                                          investment                                                                       subsidiary
                                                                ng rights
Yutian       1,000,00                              2015-04- resolutio                           0.00
                          100.00% Sell                                              643.49                  0.00         0.00         0.00                      0.00
Henghua            0.00                            30           n of the                          %

Other explanation:
Whether has the condition of loss controlling rights with disposing subsidiary on multiple steps through many transactions or not?
□Y √ N

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

IX. Equity in other entity

1. Equity in subsidiary

 (1) Constitute of enterprise group

                      Main operation                                                     Share-holding ratio
      Subsidiary                        Registered place    Business nature                                            Acquired way
                          place                                                    Directly            Indirectly

Huafa Lease                                                Property
                     Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                            60.00%                    Investment
Company                                                    management

 Huafa Property                                            Property
                     Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                          100.00%                     Investment
Company                                                    management

                                                           Production and
Technology           Wuhan             Wuhan                                             100.00%                     Investment

Huafa Hengtian                                             Property
                     Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                          100.00%                     Investment
Company                                                    management

Huafa Hengtai                                              Property
                     Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                          100.00%                     Investment
Company                                                    management

Explanation on share-holding ratio in subsidiary different from ratio of voting right:
Basis of the condition of controlling invested unit with half or below voting rights held and not controlling the invested unit with half
or above voting rights held
Basis for important structured entity and controls that included in consolidation range:
Basis for agent or client of the Company recognized:
Other explanation:

X. Risk related with financial instrument

Main financial instrument of the Company including loans, account receivable, account payable, transactional
financial assets and transactional financial liabilities etc; Risks concerned with the above mentioned financial
instrument, and the risk management policy takes for lower the risks are as follow: Management of the Company
manage and supervise the risk exposure in order to control the above mentioned risks in a limit range.

 1. Targets and policy for the risk manaegment
Aims of engaging in the risk management is to achieve equilibrium between the risk and benefit, lower the
adverse impact on performance of the Company to minimum standards, and maximized the benefit for

                                             SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

shareholders and other investors. Base on the risk management targets, the basic tactics of the risk management is
to recognized and analyzed the vary risks that the Company counted, established an appropriate risk exposure
baseline and carrying risk management, supervise the vary risks timely and reliably in order to control the risk in a
limited range.

(1) Market risks
Market risk of the financial instrument refers to the fair value of financial instrument or future cash flow due to
fluctuations in the market price changes and produces, mainly includes the exchange risks, IRR and other price

1) Foreign exchange (FX) risk

The Group’s foreign exchange exposure is mainly related to USD and HKD. Except for the displayer operations
conducted by the Company’s second level subsidiary Hengfa Science and Technology Company is denominated
in USD, other main business operations of the Group are settled in RMB. As of 30 June 2015, except for assets
and liabilities with balances in USD fragmentary HKD balances depicted as below, all other assets and liabilities
of the Group are denominated in RMB. The exchange rate risk arisen from those USD and HKD denominated
assets and liabilities may affect the results of operation of the Group. The Group closely monitors the influences
arising from change of interest rate.

          Item                           2015-6-30(RMB)                              2014-12-31(RMB)

Monetary fund –USD                                          8,950,628.74                                1,647,548.30

Monetary fund-HKD                                               29,112.31                                 131,467.38

Account receivable–USD                                    47,655,564.45                               23,844,905.37

Account paid in                                            17,502,107.31                                  599,151.38

Account payable–USD                                             7,266.62                                    7,294.32

Short-term loans–USD                                      45,898,231.90                               53,114,376.32

The Company keep an eye on the impact from exchange rate moverment
2) Interest rate risk (IRR)
The interest rate risk of the Group generated from interest-bearing debts such as bank borrowings. Financial
liabilities issued at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Financial liabilities issued at
fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the relative proportions of its
fixed rate and floating rate contracts depending on the prevailing market conditions. As at 30 June 2015, most of
the interest-bearing debts are floating borrowings contracts with floating rates in RMB and USD with total amount
of RMB721,907,991.73 (31 December 2014: RMB723,414,376.32).
Risk of cash flow movement of financial instruments arising from change of interest rate mainly relates to bank
borrowings at floating rate. The Group establishes policies to maintain floating rates for these borrowings, so as to
eliminate fair value risk of change of interest rate.

                                                SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

3) Price risk
Since the Group sells displayers at market price, it is influenced by fluctuation of market price accordingly.
(2) Credit risk
Credit risk refers to failure of performance by a party to financial instrument which results in property loss of
another party. As at 30 June 2015, the Group’s potential maximum exposure to credit risk is mainly because of the
counter-parties’ failure to perform their obligations leading to losses on financial assets of the Group and the
financial burden assumed by the Group, including: to reduce credit risk, a team, responsible for confirming credit
limitations, reviewing paper work related to credit, and executing supervisory procedures, has been built up within
the Group in order to ensure that necessary measures have been taken to retrieve expired claims. In addition, the
Group reviews the recoverability of each single receivable at each balance sheet date, ensuring sufficient bad-debt
provisions have been made for unrecoverable amounts. Therefore, the Management reckons that credit risks
exposure of the Group has been reduced significantly.
The liquidities of the Group are deposited in banks with high credit rating, thus the credit risk of liquidities is
relatively low.
The Group has adopted necessary policies to ensure that all clients have good credit history. The Group has no
significant concentration risk of credit except for that arising from the top 5 of accounts receivable.
Total top 5 account receivable amounting to 125,906,789.94 Yuan
(3) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Group could not engage the financial obligations at the maturity date. The
method of the Group to manage liquidity risk is to ensure adequate cash flows to perform obligations at maturity,
so that not to cause any unacceptable losses or damages of the Group reputation. The analysis of liabilities
structure and durations would be made periodically to ensure the cash is adequate. The Group monitors the usage
of bank borrowings and ensures compliance with the borrowing agreements. In the meantime, the Group would
make the financing negotiations with financial institutions to maintain credit lines and reduce liquidity risks.
The analysis of financial assets and financial liabilities held by the Group is analyzed as below, in terms of the
maturity of undiscounted remaining contractual obligations:

Balance dated 30 June 2015

           Item              within one year      1-2 years      2-3 years         Over 3 years            Total

Financial assets

 Monetary fund                  34,048,950.83                                                              34,048,950.83

 Note receivable                35,207,249.84                                                              35,207,249.84

 Account receivable            145,030,926.38                                                             145,030,926.38

 Other receivable               10,648,891.50                                                              10,648,891.50

 Account        paid    in     116,306,225.46                                                             116,306,225.46

 Other current assets          500,000,000.00                                                             500,000,000.00

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

 Financial liability

 Short-term loans                 151,607,991.73                                                                          151,607,991.73

 Note payable                       27,176,095.34                                                                           27,176,095.34

 Account payable                    64,369,030.05                                                                           64,369,030.05

 Other apayable                     34,771,705.15                            3,634,120.60                                   38,405,825.75

 Account     received     in         2,075,716.36                                                                            2,075,716.36

Wages payable                        3,706,958.14                                                                            3,706,958.14

 Long-term loans                                                                                   570,300,000.00         570,300,000.00

2. sensitivity analysis

The Group adopted sensitivity analysis of reasonableness and the probable change effect of risk variables on
equity or profit or loss. Since risk variables rarely change in isolation, the correlation between the variables can
bring significant influence to the financial statement. The following sensitivity analysis is assumed the risk
variable is independently carried out.

(1) Sensitive analysis on foreign exchange risk

Sensitive analysis assumption on foreign exchange risk: all overseas operating net investment hedge and cash
flow hedge are highly effective.

Based on the above assumption, with other variables remained unchanged, the possible reasonable change of
exchange rate has below tax effects on profit or loss and equity for the period
      Item                Exchange rate                     Jan. to Jun. 2015                             Jan. to Jun. 2014
                           movement             Impact on net profit   Impact on owners         Impact on net profit Impact on owners
                                                                             equity                                          equity
  All foreign       Yuan appreciation 5%                1,058,696.79            1,058,696.79           7,782,475.20          7,782,475.20
  All foreign       Yuan Depreciation 5%               -1,058,696.79            -1,058,696.79          -7,782,475.20        -7,782,475.20

XI. Related party and related transactions

1. Parent company of the enterprise

                                                                                            Share-holding ratio
                                                                                                                    Voting right ratio on
   Parent company          Registration place     Business nature      Registered capital   on the enterprise for
                                                                                                                       the enterprise
                                                                                                parent company

Wuhan Zhongheng
                          Wuhan                 Production and sales 34500000                             41.14%                 41.14%

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Explanation on parent company of the enterprise
Change of the registered capital
      Controlling shareholder                Opening balance         Increased             Decreased           Ending balance
      Wuhan Zhongheng Group                          34,500,000                     0                     0             34,500,000
  Shares helding or equity and changes
Controlling shareholder                         Holding amount                                    Holding ratio (%)
                                   Ending balance              Opening balance            Ending raio           Opening ratio
  Wuhan Zhongheng                       116,489,894.00               116,489,894.00                  41.14                   41.14

Ultimate controlling party of the Company is Li Zhongqiu
Other explanation:

2. Subsidiary of the Enterprise

Found more in “Constitute of the emperies”

3. Other related party

                       Other related party                                        Relationship with the Enterprise

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Hong Kong Yutian International Investment Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan New Oriental Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Zhongheng Property Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Guanggu Display System Co., Ltd

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Yutian Xingye Land Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Yutian Dongfang Land Co., Ltd.

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Xiahua Zhongheng Electronic Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Zhongheng Yutian Trade Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Wuhan Yutian Hongguang Zhiye Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Shenzhen Zhongheng Huayu Investment Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Famous Fky Capital Limited

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Yutian International Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controlling
Hong Kong Zhongheng Yutian Co., Ltd.

Other explanation

4. Related transaction

 (1) Goods purchasing, labor service providing and receiving

Goods purchasing/labor service receiving
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                 Trading limit       Whether over the limit
      Related party         Content         Current Period                                                          Last Period
                                                                   approved                  (Y/N)

Hong Kong Yutian
International          Commodities
                                              51,872,144.42        471,163,000.00 N                                    84,194,940.24
Investment Co.,        purchased

Wuhan Hengsheng
Photoelectricity                                  2,991,900.00      91,785,000.00 N                                    22,721,458.51
Industry Co., Ltd.

Goods sold/labor service providing
                                                                                                                             In RMB

           Related party                     Content                     Current Period                       Last Period

Hong Kong Yutian International
                                   Sales of LCD                                  60,145,369.93                       121,292,733.90
Investment Co., Ltd.


                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

(2) Related lease

As a lessor:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                    Lease revenue recognized in the      Lease revenue recognized in
               Lessee                  Type of assets lease
                                                                                 Period                          last Period

Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa
                                 Houses and buildings                                  1,472,769.00                      1,472,769.00
Technology Co., Ltd.

As a lessee:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                    Lease revenue recognized in the      Lease revenue recognized in
               Lessor                  Type of assets lease
                                                                                 Period                          last Period


(3). Related guarantee

As a guarantor
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                                              Guarantee completed or
      Secured party            Amount guarantee               Starting date               Expired date
                                                                                                                     not (Y/N)

Hengfa Technology
                                     70,000,000.00 2014-08-28                     2015-08-28                 N

Hengfa Technology
                                     48,000,000.00 2014-09-29                     2015-09-29                 N

As a secured party
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                                              Guarantee completed or
        Guarantor              Amount guarantee               Starting date               Expired date
                                                                                                                     not (Y/N)

Li Zhongqiu                          20,000,000.00 2014-12-04                     2015-12-04                 N


(4) Related party’s assets transfer and debt reorganization

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

          Related party                      Content                          Current Period                     Last Period

Wuhan New Oriental Real
                                 Shop purchase                                        12,500,000.00                               0.00
Estate Development Co., Ltd.

                                                     SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

(5) Remuneration of key manager

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                        Item                                   Current Period                              Last Period

Total remuneration                                                               733,423.26                                 741,672.20

5. Receivable/payable items of related parties

(1) Receivable item

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                               Closing balance                           Opening balance
          Item                 Related party
                                                    Book balance        Bad debt reserves       Book balance       Bad debt reserves

                          Hong Kong Yutian
Account receivable        International                41,747,156.33                               23,844,905.37
                          Investment Co., Ltd.

                          Hong Kong Yutian
Account paid in
                          International                16,789,018.56                                1,745,857.69
                          Investment Co., Ltd.

                          Wuhan Hengsheng
Account paid in
                          Photoelectricity             92,636,754.65
                          Industry Co., Ltd.

(2) Payable item

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                 Item                          Related party                Ending book balance            Opening book balance

                                     Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa
Account received in advance                                                                 598,775.24                      276,329.24
                                     Technology Co., Ltd.

                                     Wuhan Hengsheng
Account payables                     Photoelectricity Industry Co.,                                                        1,231,780.60

                                     Wuhan New Oriental Real
Other payables                                                                          10,500,000.00
                                     Estate Development Co., Ltd.

                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

XII. Commitment or contingency

1. Contingency

(1) Contingency on balance sheet date

1. Contingent liabilities arising from outstanding lawsuits or arbitrations

(1)Shanxi Hualing sued the Company for contract undertaking dispute

Shanxi Hualing sued the Company for contract undertaking dispute (SFFMECZ N0. 2441(2007)): Shanxi Hualing
demanded the Company to indemnify it against the losses suffered by Shanxi Hualing due to the Company’s sale
of printed circuit boards with implied quality defects from 30 May 2006 to 9 May 2007, with the subject amount
of RMB3,100,773.20. The Company received the relevant summons from People’s Court of Futian District,
Shenzhen on 14 January 2008. On 6 March 2008, the Court opened the first session where both parties completed
questioning of evidence.

The Company raised counterclaim in connection with this lawsuit on 12 November 2007, to sue Shanxi Hualing
for default of goods payments and relevant interests to the Company, with subject amount of RMB1, 054,290.19.
On 6 March 2008, the Court opened the first session where both parties completed questioning of evidence.

On 25 July 2009, People’s Court of Futian District, Shenzhen made judgment in respect of the above case
(SFFMECZ N0. 2441(2007)): the Company is required to pay default indemnification of RMB1,797,975.48 to
Shanxi Hualing within 10 days commencing from the effective date of the judgment, and Shanxi Hualing is
required to pay the remaining goods payment of RMB869,458.96 and relevant interest loss to the Company within
10 days commencing from the effective date of the judgment.

The Company appealed to the Intermediate People’s Court of Shenzhen on 31 August 2009 in respect of the
above judgment, and the Intermediate People’s Court of Shenzhen issued civil verdict in respect of the case on 22
March 2010 (SZFMEZZ N0. 2227(2009)): the civil verdict (SFFMECZ N0. 2441(2007)) issued by People’s Court
of Futian District , Shenzhen is withdrawn, and this case is returned to People’s Court of Futian District for retrial
since the Intermediate People’s Court of Shenzhen determines that the major facts haven’t been clearly stated and
evidence is insufficient in respect of this case in the original judgment.

On 5 May 2013, People’s Court of Futian District, Shenzhen made judgment in respect of the above case
(SFFMECZ N0. 9(2010)): the Company is required to pay default indemnification of RMB2, 386,995.81 to
Shanxi Hualing within 10 days commencing from the effective date of the judgment, and Shanxi Hualing is
required to pay the remaining goods payment of RMB869,458.96 and relevant interest loss to the Company within
10 days commencing from the effective date of the judgment.

The Company appealed to the Intermediate People’s Court of Shenzhen on 7 June 2013 in respect of the above
judgment. According to the existing judgment, the Company made provision of RMB2,360,203.26 for lawsuit

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

expenses and recognized the same as predicted liabilities.

(2)As at the date for authorization of publication of this financial report, this case is not concluded yet.
(2)Unexecuted labor dispute which is recognized as predicted liabilities in previous years
Pursuant to execution notice (SFFZZ No. 522—529 (2008)) issued by People's Court of Shenzhen in relation to
the labor disputes involving Cai Yaoqiang and other 13 persons, the arbitration awards No. 1069-1077, No. 1079,
No. 1081 and No. 1085-1087 (SLZC[2007]) issued by Shenzhen Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee have been
legally effective. As illustrated by Basic Corporate Information Credit Report, there is outstanding subject amount
of RMB38, 386.00 in total under the above disputes, and the Company has recognized the same as predicted
The former staff Yang Guangze sued the Company for indemnification for his salary, bonus, overtime payment,
housing provident fund and holiday compensation. Court has ruled the Company to pay illness leaving payment of
RMB23, 851.00 to Yang Guangze for the period from May 2007 to December 2008.
2. Other than the above mentioned contingent issues, the Group has no other significant contingent issues as of 30
June 2015.

XIII. Events after balance sheet date

1. Explanation on other events after balance sheet date

Till end of the date the financial reprot disclosed, the Company has no important evetns aftere balance sheet date need to disclosed

XIV. Other important events

1. Other

The Company has no other important evetns need to disclosed up to 30 June 2015

XV. Principle notes of financial statements of parent company

1. Account receivable

(1) Category

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                         Opening balance

                          Book balance         Bad debt reserves                   Book balance       Bad debt reserves
       Category                                                        Book
                                                          Accrual                                               Accrual    Book value
                        Amount      Ratio      Amount                  value      Amount   Ratio     Amount
                                                              ratio                                              ratio

Account receivable      5,094,41               3,672,31               1,422,094 5,094,4             3,672,319              1,422,094.6
                                    48.59%                 72.09%                          48.59%                 72.09%
with single                 4.36                   9.72                     .64    14.36                  .72                          4

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

significant amount
and withdrawal bad
debt provision

Receivables with bad
debt provision          557,327.                122,200.              435,127.4 557,327                    122,200.3
                                       5.32%                 21.93%                              5.32%                      21.93% 435,127.43
accrual by credit                 76                   33                       3        .76                       3

Accounts with single
minor amount but
                        4,832,15                4,832,15                             4,832,1               4,832,157
with bad debts                         46.09%               100.00%                             46.09%                    100.00%
                              7.56                  7.56                               57.56                     .56
provision accrued

                        10,483,8                8,626,67              1,857,222 10,483,                    8,626,677                    1,857,222.0
                            99.68                   7.61                      .07 899.68                         .61                              7

Account receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at period end:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                              Closing balance
Account receivable(units)
                                  Account receivable          Bad debt reserves                Accrual ratio                 Accrual ratio

                                          1,325,431.75                   1,325,431.75                      100.00% Irrecoverable

Skyworth Multimedia
                                            672,769.28                    672,769.28                       100.00% Irrecoverable
(Shenzhen) Co., Led.

Qingdao Haier Parts
                                          1,225,326.15                   1,225,326.15                      100.00% Irrecoverable
Purchasing Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                       The client has financial
Hong Kong Haowei
                                          1,870,887.18                    448,792.54                        23.99% strain, unable to collected
Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       on time

Total                                     5,094,414.36                   3,672,319.72                 --                           --

Account receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                                    Closing balance
                                           Account receivable                   Bad debt reserves                         Accrual ratio

Sub item of within one year

2-3 years                                                   224,990.00                           22,499.00                                 10.00%

Over 3 years                                                332,337.76                           99,701.33                                 30.00%

                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Total                                                     557,327.76                        122,200.33

Explanation on combination determines:
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion for account receivable:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods for account receivable:

(2) Top 5 receivables at ending balance by arrears party

Total receivables collected by arrears party for the Period amounting to RMB 5,475,583.32, takes 52.23 percent in closing balance of
the account receivables, RMB 4,053,488.68 are accrual correspondingly for bad debt reserves.

2. Other accounts receivable

(1) Category

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                          Opening balance

                           Book balance        Bad debt reserves                    Book balance       Bad debt reserves
        Category                                                       Book
                                                          Accrual                                                Accrual       Book value
                        Amount      Ratio      Amount                  value      Amount    Ratio     Amount
                                                              ratio                                               ratio

Other account
receivable with
single significant      10,221,0               10,221,0                           10,221,            10,221,04
                                    12.79%                100.00%          0.00              8.39%                100.00%            0.00
amount and                 46.53                  46.53                            046.53                 6.53
withdrawal bad debt
provision separately

Other receivables
with bad debt           64,303,2               62,709.0               64,240,58 106,277                                        106,214,70
                                    80.50%                    0.10%                         87.21% 62,709.06           0.06%
provision accrual by       95.62                      6                    6.56 ,411.47                                              2.41
credit portfolio

Other accounts with
single minor amount
                        5,359,98               5,359,98                           5,359,9            5,359,981
but with bad debts                   6.71%                100.00%          0.00              4.40%                100.00%            0.00
                             1.34                  1.34                             81.34                  .34
provision accrued

                        79,884,3               15,643,7               64,240,58 121,858              15,643,73                 106,214,70
                           23.49                  36.93                    6.56 ,439.34                   6.93                       2.41

Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                     SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

        Other account                                                      Closing balance
     receivable(units)            Other receivable         Bad debt reserves               Accrual ratio                Accrual ratio

Huafa Lease Company                      4,558,859.15                 4,558,859.15                      100.00% Irrecoverable

Portman                                  4,021,734.22                 4,021,734.22                      100.00% Irrecoverable

Zhao Baomin                                564,646.35                  564,646.35                       100.00% Irrecoverable

Traffic accident
                                           555,785.81                  555,785.81                       100.00% Irrecoverable

Court of the Botou, Hebei
                                           520,021.00                  520,021.00                       100.00% Irrecoverable

Total                                   10,221,046.53             10,221,046.53                    --                         --

In combination, other accounts receivable whose bad debts provision was accrued by age analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                              Closing balance
                                           Other receivable                  Bad debt reserves                       Accrual ratio

Sub item of within one year

Subtotal of within 1 year                             63,589,637.18

1-2 years                                               234,231.51                               11,711.58                           5.00%

2-3 years                                               464,152.99                           46,415.30                               10.00%

Over 3 years                                             15,273.94                               4,582.18                            30.00%

Total                                                 64,303,295.62                          62,709.06

Explanation on combination determines:
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion for other account receivable:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods for other account receivable:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                     Nature                                Ending book balance                               Opening book balance

Borrowing                                                                      2,012,455.74                                   2,119,400.72

Intercourse funds                                                             70,295,084.38                                 112,557,582.53

Income from rents                                                              7,545,893.39                                   7,181,456.09

Other                                                                                30,889.98

Total                                                                         79,884,323.49                                 121,858,439.34

                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

(3) Top 5 other receivables at ending balance by arrears party

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                             Ratio in total ending
                                                                                                                      Ending balance of
        Company               Nature            Closing balance             Book age           balance of other
                                                                                                                       bad bet provision

Huafa Lease
                       Intercourse funds                4,558,859.15 Over 3 years                           5.71%            4,558,859.15

                       Leasing expenses
Portman                                                 4,021,734.22 Over 3 years                           5.03%            4,021,734.22
                       receivable etc.

                       Leasing expenses
Zhao Baomin                                              564,646.35 Over 3 years                            0.71%              564,646.35
                       receivable etc.

Traffic accident
                       Intercourse funds                 555,785.81 Over 3 years                            0.70%              555,785.81

Court of the Botou,
                       Intercourse funds                 520,021.00 Over 3 years                            0.65%              520,021.00
Hebei Province

Total                           --                     10,221,046.53           --                          12.80%           10,221,046.53

3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                             Opening balance
        Item                              Depreciation                                                 Depreciation
                      Book balance                             Book value           Book balance                           Book value
                                            reserves                                                     reserves

Investment for
                      187,208,900.00          600,000.00      186,608,900.00        188,208,900.00         600,000.00     187,608,900.00

Total                 187,208,900.00          600,000.00      186,608,900.00        188,208,900.00         600,000.00     187,608,900.00

(1) Investment for subsidiary

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                                        Ending balance of
The invested entity Opening balance         Increased          Decreased       Closing balance                             impairment

Huafa Lease
                          600,000.00                                                   600,000.00                              600,000.00

 Huafa Property
                         1,000,000.00                                                 1,000,000.00

                      183,608,900.00                                                183,608,900.00

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Huafa Trade

Yutian Henghua
                          1,000,000.00                              1,000,000.00                0.00

Huafa Hengtian
                          1,000,000.00                                                1,000,000.00

Huafa Hengtai
                          1,000,000.00                                                1,000,000.00

Total                  188,208,900.00                   0.00        1,000,000.00    187,208,900.00               0.00        600,000.00

4. Operating income and cost

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                   Current Period                                        Last Period
                                      Income                          Cost                      Income                     Cost

Other business                           26,161,173.96                 3,256,287.14              19,690,535.70              3,355,943.00

Total                                    26,161,173.96                 3,256,287.14              19,690,535.70              3,355,943.00

Other explanation:

5. Investment gains

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                                      Current Period                                Last Period

Investment income from financial products                                     29,499,999.98

Total                                                                         29,499,999.98

XVI. Supplementary Information

1. Current non-recurring gains/losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                                           Amount                                       Note

Profit and loss of assets delegation on others’
investment or management

Other non-operating income and expenditure
except for the aforementioned items

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Other gains/losses satisfy qualification of the
non-recurring gains/losses

Less: Impact on income tax                                                  7,576,494.92

Total                                                                      22,418,023.24                        --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. REO and earnings per share

                                                                                                   Earnings per share
    Profits during report period                  Weighted average ROE                                               Diluted EPS
                                                                                   Basic EPS (RMB/Share)

Net profits belong to common stock
                                                                          4.92%                      0.0501                     0.0501
stockholders of the Company

Net profits belong to common stock
stockholders of the Company after
                                                                          -2.86%                    -0.0291                    -0.0291
deducting nonrecurring gains and

3. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

(1) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                          SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                         Section X. Documents Available for Reference

I. Text of semi-annual report with the signature of the Chairman;

II. Financial report carrying the signatures and seals of the unit leader, person in charge of the accounting works

and head of the accounting department;

III. All documents disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securiteis Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily

appointed by the CSRC;

IV. Article of Association;

V. Other relevant documents

【Note】The Report is prepared in bilingual versions of Chinese and English respectively, in the event of any
discrepancy in understanding the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
