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                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                              ANNUAL REPORT 2020


             ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                  April 2021

                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2020

        Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Shenzhen Zhongheng HUAFA Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,
misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall
take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
Li Zhongqiu, Principal of the Company, Yang Bin, person in charger of
accounting works and Wu Ai’jie, person in charge of accounting organ
(accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of 2020 Annual
Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.
Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the
Report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment for investors. Majority
investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.

Risks factors are being well-described in the Report, found more in risks factors
and countermeasures disclosed in Prospects for Future Development of the
Board of Directors’ Report.

The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and
capitalizing of common reserves either.

                                                                                     SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT 2020


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation ........................................................... 2

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes ............................................................ 5

Section III Summary of Company Business............................................................................... 10

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Operation ................................................................ 11

Section V Important Events ........................................................................................................ 23

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders............................................. 42

Section VII Preferred Stock ........................................................................................................ 50

section VIII Convertible Bonds.......................................................................................................51

Section IX Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees ........ 52

Section X Corporate Governance ............................................................................................... 60

Section XI Corporate bond ......................................................................................................... 66

Section XII Financial Report ...................................................................................................... 67

Section XIII Documents available for reference ...................................................................... 198

                                                                          SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT 2020


                     Items            Refers to                                  Contents

    Company, Shen HUAFA               Refers to   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.

    Hengfa Technology                 Refers to   Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd.

    HUAFA Property                    Refers to   Shenzhen Zhongheng HUAFA Property Co., Ltd

    HUAFA Lease                       Refers to   Shenzhen HUAFA Property Lease Management Co., Ltd

    HUAFA Trade                       Refers to   Wuhan Zhongheng HUAFA Trade Co., Ltd.

                                                  Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co.,
    Wuhan Zhongheng Group             Refers to

    HK Yutian                         Refers to   Hong Kong Yutian International Investment Co., Ltd.

    Hengsheng Photo-electricity       Refers to   Wuhan Hengsheng Photo-electricity Industry Co., Ltd.

    Hengsheng Yutian                  Refers to   Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial Co., Ltd.

    Yutian Henghua                    Refers to   Shenzhen Yutian Henghua Co., Ltd.

    HUAFA Hengtian                    Refers to   Shenzhen HUAFA Hengtian Co., Ltd.

    HUAFA Hengtai                     Refers to   Shenzhen HUAFA Hengtai Co., Ltd.

                                                  Shenzhen Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd., now renamed as Shenzhen
    Shenzhen Vanke                    Refers to
                                                  Vanke Development Co., Ltd.

    Vanke Guangming                   Refers to   Shenzhen Vanke Guangming Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

     V& T Law Firm                    Refers to   Shenzhen V& T Law Firm

    Zhongheng Semiconductor (former               Shenzhen Zhongheng Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (former “Zhongheng
                                      Refers to
    “Huafa Technology ”)                        Huafa Technology Co., Ltd”)

                                                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                 Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes

I. Company profile

    Short form of the stock         Shen HUAFA A, Shen HUAFA B              Stock code                  000020, 200020

    Stock exchange for listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Name of the Company (in

    Short form of the Company
    (in Chinese)

    Foreign name of the
                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
    Company (if applicable)

    Legal representative            Li Zhongqiu

    Registrations add.              411 Bldg., Huafa (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

    Code for registrations add      518031

    Offices add.                    6/F, East Tower, No.411 Building, Huafa (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

    Codes for office add.           518031

    Company’s     Internet   Web

    E-mail                          huafainvestor@126.com.cn

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                         Secretary of the Board                    Rep. of security affairs

    Name                                        Niu Zhuo

                                                618, 6/F, East Tower, Huafa Building,
    Contact add.                                No.411 Building, Huafa (N) Road,
                                                Futian District, Shenzhen

    Tel.                                        0755-86360201

    Fax.                                        0755-86360206

    E-mail                                      huafainvestor@126.com.cn

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

    Newspaper appointed for information disclosure         Securities Times; Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    Website for annual report publish appointed by         http://www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                                                          SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT 2020


    Preparation place for annual report                       Office of the Board of SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.

IV. Registration changes of the Company

    Organization code                              Before change: 61883037-2; after changed: 91440300618830372G

                                                   Before the change of controlling shareholders: the main business was production and
                                                   sales of color TV, printed circuit board and injection molded parts etc. After the
    Changes of main business since listing
                                                   change of controlling shareholders: the main business gradually adjusted to
    (if applicable)
                                                   production and sales of injection molded parts, foam part (light packaging materials)
                                                   and LCD whole machine.

                                                   The Company’s predecessor was Shenzhen Huafa Electronic Co., LTD, which was
                                                   founded in 1981, initiated and established by three legal persons-- Shenzhen
                                                   Electronics Group Co., LTD, China Zhenhua Electronic Group Co., LTD and Hong
                                                   Kong Luks Industrial Co., LTD. In June 2005, Wuhan Zhongheng Group transferred
    Previous     changes     for   controlling     the 44.12% equity of company, held by original first and second largest shareholder
    shareholders (if applicable)                   of the Company Shenzhen Electronics Group Co., LTD and China Zhenhua
                                                   Electronic Group Co., LTD, and equity transfer formalities completed in April 2007;
                                                   Wuhan Zhongheng Group became the controlling shareholder of the Company. In
                                                   September 2007, the company officially changed its name to “Shenzhen Zhongheng
                                                   HUAFA Co., Ltd”.

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company

    Name of CPA                           WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP

    Offices add. for CPA                  15/F College International Mansion, No.1 Zhi Chun Road, Haidian District, Beijing

    Signing Accountants                   Fan Zhang, Yang Ting
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
 □ Yes √ No

                                                                                            Changes over last
                                                   2020                    2019                                            2018

    Operating income(RMB)                        691,742,269.12         721,557,440.51                  -4.13%          637,046,707.03

    Net profit attributable to                     6,830,187.40            5,460,049.15                 25.09%             3,295,022.72

                                                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2020

    shareholders of the listed

    Net profit attributable to
    shareholders of the listed
    company after deducting                     4,103,393.55             4,843,096.96                   -15.27%            1,535,043.65
    non-recurring gains and

    Net cash flow arising from
                                              59,719,269.60             74,463,707.01                   -19.80%          -21,894,459.66
    operating activities(RMB)

    Basic earnings per
                                                      0.0241                   0.0193                   24.87%                    0.0116

    Diluted earnings per
                                                      0.0241                   0.0193                   24.87%                    0.0116

    Weighted average ROE                               2.05%                    1.67%                    0.38%                    1.02%

                                                                                          Changes over end of
                                         Year-end of 2020         Year-end of 2019                                   Year-end of 2018
                                                                                                last year

    Total assets(RMB)                        627,779,621.06           614,163,899.86                     2.22%           617,090,153.46

    Net assets attributable to
    shareholder of listed                    336,248,737.29           329,428,049.89                     2.07%           323,968,000.74

The lower of the company’s net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit (gain)/loss for the last three financial years is
negative, and the audit report for the latest year indicates that there is uncertainty about the company’s ability to continue as a going
□Yes √No
The lower of the net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit (gain)/loss is negative
□Yes √No

VII. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or

                                                                                             SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                            ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

VIII. Quarterly main financial index

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                        Q1                    Q2                    Q3               Q4

    Operating income                                   87,800,584.55        212,902,836.83        200,183,800.78   190,855,046.96

    Net profit attributable to
    shareholders of the listed                           -400,741.17          3,566,338.72          1,685,488.94     2,496,470.28

    Net profit attributable to
    shareholders of the listed
                                                         -208,179.52          3,376,075.98          1,108,517.51      344,348.95
    company after deducting
    non-recurring gains and losses

    Net cash flow arising from
                                                        7,931,308.59         13,268,903.65         -7,509,489.19    46,028,546.55
    operating activities

Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in the company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report
□Yes √ No

IX. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                         Item                                  2020                2019              2018            Note

    Gains/losses      from    the    disposal     of
    non-current asset (including the write-off                 817,533.49            9,298.34          49,159.75
    that accrued for impairment of assets)

    Governmental        subsidy reckoned        into
    current gains/losses (not including the
    subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration                       2,728,618.05          534,380.00       3,795,820.00
    according to national standards, which are
    closely relevant to enterprise’s business)

    Gain/loss of entrusted investment or assets
                                                               165,317.73          180,964.60         326,439.49

    Switch back of provision for depreciation
    of account receivable and contractual
    assets    which        were     singly   taken
    depreciation test

                                                                                      SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                     ANNUAL REPORT 2020

    Other non-operating income and
    expenditure except for the aforementioned         -385,232.40           -424,941.86          -167,795.70

    Loss on assignment of claims                                                                -2,158,200.00

    Less: Impact on income tax                         599,443.02            236,650.57             85,444.47

    Total                                            2,726,793.85            616,952.19         1,759,979.07               --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to
the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

                                                                     SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                            Section III. Summary of Company Business

I. Main businesses of the company in the reporting period

After years of development, the company has gradually formed two main businesses in industry and property
management. Among them, the industrial business mainly includes injection molding, polylon (light-weight
packaging materials), and complete machine production and sales of liquid crystal display, property management
business is mainly the lease of its own property.

II. Major changes in main assets

1. Major changes in main assets

                 Major assets                                 Note of major changes

 Equity assets                      No major change

 Fixed assets                       No major change

 Intangible assets                  No major change

 Construction in progress           No major change

2. Main overseas assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Core competitiveness analysis

All industrial lands of the Company located in Shenzhen were taken into the first batch of plan under 2010
Shenzhen urban upgrade planning. In the future, development and operation of self-owned land resources would
become the income source of the Company on a long-term and stable basis.

                                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                  Section IV. Discussion and Analysis of Operation

1. Introduction
2020 was a very unusual year, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic caused the company's important
subsidiary in Wuhan to be affected by the epidemic, the resumption of work and production was later than in other
areas of the country, and the loss of orders was relatively serious. Faced with such a difficult business
environment, all employees of the company worked together to actively overcame the adverse effects of the
epidemic, complied with the industry environment and the adjustment of national policies, broke through thinking
and management strategies, and achieved good operating results.

In 2020, the company achieved operating revenue of 691.7423 million yuan, a decrease of 4.13% on a
year-on-year basis, total profits of 8.82 million yuan, increased by 13.76% compared with the same period last
year, net profit amounted to 6.8302 million yuan, a 25.09% up from a year earlier.

●Video service business achieved annual operating income of 396.06 million yuan, an increase of 19.29% on a
year-on-year basis, operation profit amounted as 6.4795 million yuan with 132.49% up from a year earlier. During
the reporting period, the Video Business Division adjusted the product structure and optimized the sales ratio of
each brand of products. The sales ratio of AOC, VSCN and VSC series brands have increased, which opened
online sales channels such as Jingdong while completing existing customer orders, and sold 900,000 LCD
monitors in 2020, an increase of 9.68% over last year.
●Injection molding business achieved annual operating income of 185.4917 million yuan, a decrease of 25.86%
over the same period last year, operation profit amounted as 548,600 yuan, an increase of 2.39% from a year
earlier. With the unceasingly fierce competition in the market, the profit margin of injection molding was
squeezed, but the new production line put into production by this business division at the end of 2018 gave full
play to its automation advantages in 2020, which greatly improved production efficiency and reduced production
costs. The injection molding division achieved annual sales volume of 9,900 tons, completed the annual sales
●Polylon business achieved annual operating income of 35.8333 million yuan, a decrease of 44.30% over the
same period last year. Actual sales for the year were 2,500 tons, basically reaching the sales target. In order to
better fulfill the sales target of 2021, the EPS business division maintained existing orders, increased the
proportion of structural parts orders, developed new customer resources, and strive to accept more domestic and
foreign large-scale household appliance customers’ orders.
●The property rental business achieved annual operating income of 40.5875 million yuan, an increase of 4.55%
from a year earlier, operating profit amounted as 6 million yuan with a growth of 7.86% over that of lat year. In
2020, the company optimized the structural proportion of commercial tenants, and the occupancy rate was greatly
improved, at the same time, the company strictly controlled costs and reduced unnecessary expenditures.

                                                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Therefore, the company’s overall rental profits increased significantly compared with the previous year.

II. Main business analysis

1. Introduction

See the “I-Introduction” in “Discussion and Analysis of Operation”

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Constitute of operating income

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                           2020                                       2019
                                                Ratio in operation                        Ratio in operation
                              Amount                                      Amount                                  y-o-y (+,-)
                                                     income                                    income

 Total operation
                            691,742,269.12                    100%       721,557,440.51                 100%             -4.13%

 According to industries

 Display                    396,060,015.82                 57.26%        332,014,645.59             46.01%               19.29%

 Plastic injection
                            185,491,674.08                 26.82%        250,187,919.33             34.67%              -25.86%

 EPS products                35,833,322.61                  5.18%         64,330,319.24               8.92%             -44.30%

 Property leasing            40,587,453.21                  5.87%         38,819,374.89               5.38%               4.55%

 Scrap income                   424,864.96                  0.06%         30,416,394.86               4.22%             -98.60%

 Utilities and others        33,344,938.44                  4.82%          5,788,786.60               0.80%             476.03%

 According to products

 Display                    396,060,015.82                 57.26%        332,014,645.59             46.01%               19.29%

 Plastic injection
                            185,491,674.08                 26.82%        250,187,919.33             34.67%              -25.86%

 EPS products                35,833,322.61                  5.18%         64,330,319.24               8.92%             -44.30%

 Property leasing            40,587,453.21                  5.87%         38,819,374.89               5.38%               4.55%

 Scrap income                   424,864.96                  0.06%         30,416,394.86               4.22%             -98.60%

 Utilities and others        33,344,938.44                  4.82%          5,788,786.60               0.80%             476.03%

 According to region

 Overseas                    89,452,347.92                 12.93%         46,013,771.11               6.38%              94.40%

 Central China              559,316,357.64                 80.86%        632,345,774.07             87.64%              -11.55%

 South China                 42,973,563.56                  6.21%         43,197,895.33               5.99%              -0.52%

                                                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                  ANNUAL REPORT 2020

(2) About the industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the company’s operating income
or operating profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                             Increase/decrea   Increase/decrea
                        Operating                           Gross profit                                              se of gross
                                         Operating cost                      se of operating   se of operating
                         income                                ratio                                                  profit ratio
                                                                              income y-o-y       cost y-o-y

 According to industries

 Display              396,060,015.82     369,785,369.91            6.63%            19.29%            19.09%                 0.15%

 injection            185,491,674.08     168,053,472.02            9.40%            -25.86%           -24.71%               -1.39%

 EPS products          35,833,322.61      37,890,056.81           -5.74%            -44.30%           -39.07%               -9.07%

                       40,587,453.21       5,329,922.72           86.87%              4.55%           115.05%               -6.75%

 According to products

 Display              396,060,015.82     369,785,369.91            6.63%            19.29%            19.09%                 0.15%

 injection            185,491,674.08     168,053,472.02            9.40%            -25.86%           -24.71%               -1.39%

 EPS products          35,833,322.61      37,890,056.81           -5.74%            -44.30%           -39.07%               -9.07%

                       40,587,453.21       5,329,922.72           86.87%              4.55%           115.05%               -6.75%

 According to region

 Overseas              89,452,347.92      78,686,490.50           12.04%            94.40%            87.74%                 3.13%

 Central China        528,166,573.20     497,562,335.89            5.79%            -12.05%           -10.28%               -1.86%

 South China           40,353,544.60       4,809,995.07           88.08%              4.55%           115.05%               -5.54%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one year’s scope of period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Income from physical sales larger than income from labors

√ Yes      □ No

     According to                                                                                                Increase/decrease(
                                  Item               Unit                  2020                2019
         industries                                                                                                  +,-) y-o-y

 Display                Sales volume          Set                             900,704              821,188                   9.68%

                                                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                        Output               Set                               876,231               881,992                -0.65%

                        Storage              Set                                16,555                41,028               -59.65%

                        Sales volume         Ton                               9,902.24            10,701.62                -7.47%
 Plastic injection
                        Output               Ton                              10,272.97            10,538.27                -2.52%
                        Storage              Ton                                918.25                547.52                67.71%

                        Sales volume         Ton                               2,511.02             3,902.94               -35.66%

 EPS products           Output               Ton                               2,508.54             3,886.34               -35.45%

                        Storage              Ton                                214.41                216.89                -1.14%

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Storage of display declined mainly due to the soaring sales volume in the period. Storage of plastic injection hardware mainly due to
the stock up in the Period. Order from EPS declined in the Period.

(4) Fulfillment of the company’s signed significant sales contracts up to this reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Constitute of operation cost

Category of products
                                                                                                                             In RMB

     Category of                                      2020                                  2019
      products             Item                               Ratio in                              Ratio in
                                           Amount                                Amount                              se(+,-) y-o-y
                                                           operation cost                        operation cost

 Display             Raw materials      356,756,101.94               96.48%   297,635,346.58             95.85%              0.63%

 Display             Labor wages          4,188,729.59               1.13%      8,056,874.03              2.59%             -1.46%

 Display             Depreciation         3,420,883.01               0.93%      2,707,468.22              0.87%              0.06%

 injection           Raw materials      128,039,531.19               76.19%   188,922,768.85             84.54%             -8.35%

 injection           Labor wages         13,052,940.69               7.77%     19,712,637.41              8.82%             -1.05%

 injection           Depreciation         3,694,753.86               2.20%      3,758,398.37              1.68%              0.52%

 injection           Utilities            6,028,382.94               3.59%      6,020,663.99              2.69%              0.90%

                                                                                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT 2020

 EPS products                Raw materials        20,188,707.50             53.28%         37,579,378.81               60.43%            -7.15%

 EPS products                Labor wages           3,585,503.44              9.46%          9,502,156.33               15.28%            -5.82%

 EPS products                Depreciation          1,331,746.04              3.51%          1,545,988.21                 2.49%            1.02%

 EPS products                Energy                6,500,077.80             17.16%         11,106,824.84               17.86%            -0.70%


(6) Whether the changes in the scope of consolidation in Reporting Period

√Yes □No

 Combined Percentage Constitute                   Combining    Basis for Income of the       Net profit of Income of Net profit
      party           of equity the basis for        date     determinin     combined        the combined        the        of the
                     acquired in        the                   g the date party from the party from the combined combined
                     enterprise    enterprise                     of        beginning of     beginning of      party         party
                     combinatio combination                   combinatio the period of       the period of during the during the
                         n             under                      n        combination to combination to compariso comparison
                                      the same                               the date of      the date of     n period      period
                                      control                               combination      combination
Ruth          Co.,     100.00%                     2020.11.10 Equity Tr
Ltd.                                                          ansfer A

Ruth Co., Ltd was established in Hong Kong dated 25 October 2020 with registered capital of HK$ 10,000.00, no actual capital
contributed and has not yet commenced production and operation activities.

(7) Major changes or adjustment in business, product or service of the Company in Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major sales and main suppliers

Major sales client of the Company

 Total top five clients in sales (RMB)                                                                                           430,413,456.39

 Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five

 Ratio of related parties in annual total sales among the
 top five clients

Information of top five clients of the Company

     Serial                             Clients                             Sales (RMB)                     Proportion in total annual sales

 1               No.1                                                             178,588,504.49                                        28.93%

                                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

 2            No.2                                                          115,083,586.10                                18.64%

 3            No.3                                                           53,115,268.80                                  8.60%

 4            No.4                                                           44,794,067.79                                  7.26%

 5            No.5                                                           38,832,029.21                                  6.29%

 Total                              --                                      430,413,456.39                                69.72%

Other situation of main clients
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Main suppliers of the Company

 Total purchase amount from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                              396,183,756.23

 Proportion in total annual purchase amount for top five

 Ratio of related parties in annual total sales among the
 top five suppliers

Information of top five suppliers of the Company

     Serial                       Supplier                          Purchase (RMB)              Proportion in total purchase

 1             No.1                                                         152,365,734.55                                26.35%

 2             No.2                                                         132,041,813.88                                22.83%

 3             No.3                                                          74,847,951.50                                12.94%

 4             No.4                                                          24,318,911.86                                  4.21%

 5             No.5                                                          12,609,344.44                                  2.18%

 Total                               --                                     396,183,756.23                                68.51%

Other notes of main suppliers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                         2020                2019                                   Note of major changes
                                                                               e(+,-) y-o-y

 Sales expense                      15,417,760.60           20,879,256.97            -26.16%

                                    34,481,219.11           38,034,071.63             -9.34%

 Financial expense                  12,640,702.89            9,946,778.92            27.08%

 R&D expenses                        7,285,833.84            6,649,163.02              9.58%

                                                                                   SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                  ANNUAL REPORT 2020

4. R&D investment

√Applicable □Not applicable
 Investment of the R&D expenses for the year mainly conducts in order to reducing the production costs and increase productivity.
R&D investment of the Company

                                              2020                             2019                      Ratio changes (+,-)

 Number of R&D (people)                                      76                                 65                        16.92%

 Ratio of number of R&D                                   9.07%                              8.72%                         0.35%

 R&D investment (RMB)                              7,399,966.31                     7,525,869.98                          -1.67%

 R&D investment accounted
                                                          1.07%                              1.04%                         0.03%
 for R&D income

 R&D investment
                                                            0.00                              0.00
 capitalization (RMB)

 Capitalization R&D
 investment accounted for                                 0.00%                              0.00%
 R&D investment

The reason of great changes in the proportion of total R&D investment accounted for operation income than last year
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
Reason for the great change in R&D investment capitalization rate and rational description
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                Item                          2020                             2019                  Increase/decrease(+,-) y-o-y

 Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                580,631,785.58                   567,726,597.98                            2.27%
 operation activity

 Subtotal of cash out-flow
                                                520,912,515.98                   493,262,890.97                            5.61%
 from operation activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                                  59,719,269.60                    74,463,707.01                         -19.80%
 operating activities

 Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                  56,951,415.71                    75,379,501.53                         -24.45%
 investment activity

 Subtotal of cash out-flow
                                                  60,471,921.66                    78,288,039.15                         -22.76%
 from investment activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                                  -3,520,505.95                    -2,908,537.62                         -21.04%
 investment activities

 Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                  34,380,634.80                  215,911,217.10                          -84.08%
 financing activity

                                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

 Subtotal of cash out-flow
                                                   96,093,364.01                     278,912,458.77                            -65.55%
 from financing activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                                  -61,712,729.21                     -63,001,241.67                                2.05%
 financing activities

 Net increased amount of cash
                                                   -6,594,072.28                       8,683,852.01                           -175.93%
 and cash equivalent

Main reasons for y-o-y major changes in aspect of relevant data
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Bank loans declined in the Period.
Reasons of major difference between the cash flow of operation activity in report period and net profit of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Analysis of the non-main business

√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                  Amount          Ratio in total profit    Description of formation            Whether be sustainable

 Investment                                                               Income from short-term
                                     165,317.73                 1.81%                                      N
 income                                                                   financial products

                                                                          Mainly due to the current
                                                                          accrued for inventory loss
 Asset impairment                    170,241.33                 1.93%                                      N
                                                                          and loss     of intangible
                                                                          assets impairment

                                                                          Mainly     due       to   the
 Non-operating                                                            government       grants   not
                                     488,657.30                 5.34%                                      N
 income                                                                   related to the day-to-day
                                                                          activities of the business

 Non-operating                                                            Mainly due to the tax
                                     408,809.90                 4.47%                                      N
 expense                                                                  delay charge paid.

IV. Assets and liability

1. Major changes of assets composition

New revenue standards or new leasing standards implemented by the Company at first time since 2020 and adjusted relevant items of
the financial statement on beginning of the year when implemented the Standards
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                           Year-end of 2020               Year-end of 2020             Ratio              Notes of major changes

                                                                                          SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                                           Ratio in                       Ratio in       changes
                        Amount                             Amount
                                          total assets                   total assets

                     60,968,053.5                        38,095,501.0
 Monetary fund                                 9.71%                          6.20%       3.51%
                                    8                               0

 Account              128,063,911.                       138,755,691.
                                             20.39%                         22.59%        -2.19%
 receivable                       79                                43

                     70,166,013.4                        66,971,551.9
 Inventory                                    11.18%                        10.90%        0.28%
                                    9                               6

 Investment real     47,224,662.2                        48,952,992.5
                                               7.52%                          7.97%       -0.45%
 estate                             7                               7

 equity                                        0.00%                          0.00%       0.00%

                     193,605,444.                        198,229,817.
 Fixed assets                                30.83%                         32.28%        -1.45%
                                  53                                31

 Construction in
                       740,000.00              0.12%                          0.00%       0.12%

 Short-term          12,527,808.0                        24,633,898.2
                                               1.99%                          4.01%       -2.02%
 loans                              0                               0

                     61,000,000.0                        73,000,000.0
 Long-term                                     9.71%                         11.89%       -2.18%
                                    0                               0

2. Assets and liability measured by fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3.Assets right restriction till end of reporting period

                                  Item                                      Ending book value                   Restriction reasons

 Monetary fund                                                                           30,917,064.25      Note deposit, judicial freeze
Receivable financing                                                                      6,752,967.68             Pledge of notes
 Account receivable
 Investment real estate                                                                  35,526,155.89           Secured bank loans
 Fixed assets                                                                            12,577,333.12          Secured bank loans
 Disposal of fixed assets                                                                92,857,471.69             Court seizure
 Intangible assets                                                                        6,799,575.98          Secured bank loans
                                  Total                                                 185,430,568.61 --

                                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2020

V. Investment

1. Overall situation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. The major equity investment obtained in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. The major non-equity investment doing in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no securities investment in the Period.

(2) Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no derivatives investment in the Period.

5. Application of raised proceeds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no application of raised proceeds in the Period.

VI. Sales of major assets and equity

1. Sales of major assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no sales of major assets in the reporting period.

2. Sales of major equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Analysis of main holding company and stock-jointly companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

The condition of major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies which have an impact on the company’s net profit by more than 10%

     Name of        Type of             Main     Registered       Total                         Operating     Operating
                                                                                Net assets                                    Net profits
  companies        companies        business       capital        assets                        revenue        profits

 Hengfa                            Production    181,643,11     486,156,92      226,199,03     648,768,70     2,287,769.      3,045,356.
 Technolog                         and Sales     1.00                  0.70           3.23            5.56               88           05
 y Co., Ltd.

 Zhongheng                         Property
                                                 1,000,000.     8,958,666.      -621,839.9      5,711,449.    1,897,153.      1,709,517.
 Huafa            Subsidiary       Manageme
                                                 00                        85              8           55                42           40
 Property                          nt
 Co., Ltd.

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                 Methods of acquiring and disposing of            Impact on overall production and
               Name of companies
                                                subsidiaries during the reporting period                     performance

 Ruth Co., Ltd.                                 Transfer agreements                            None

Description of the major holding and joint-stock corporations
No operating activities yet.

VIII. Structured vehicle controlled by the Company

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Future Development Prospects

(一)Operation analysis

As an important subsidiary of Wuhan Constant Fa Technology Co., Ltd., the pressure of Wuhan Constant Fa
Technology Co., Ltd. is increasing due to the intensification of market competition and the shortage of raw and
auxiliary materials supply. The core to solve the dilemma is to improve the added value of technology and
profitability through technological upgrading. In the context of downstream consumer demand upgrading, by
increasing research and development of new products, adjusting and improving the product structure, improving
the production process, improve production efficiency; At the same time, the supply channels of raw and auxiliary
materials should be expanded to avoid material shortage affecting production.
For a certain period of time, property leasing is still another important business for the development of the
company. Making full use of self-owned property to provide business of operation, leasing and service will bring
certain contributions to the cash flow of the company. After the urban renewal project is gradually implemented
and implemented, it will bring a long-term and stable source of income for the company.

                                                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT 2020

(二)New Annual Business Plan

◆Industrial Business Upgrade

Although affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, all colleagues in the company continued to work hard to serve
existing customers, vigorously expanded the market, and gained more market share; actively looked for
high-quality technology projects in consumer electronics, and gradually realized industrial upgrading through
technology optimization and management optimization; at the same time, it strengthened management, improved
production efficiency, improved product quality, and made full use of the geographical advantages of the company
to make the business bigger and stronger.

◆Promote the urban renewal project

Speed up the promotion of renewal unit project of Huafa District, Gongming Street, Guangming New District,
Shenzhen and the renewal project renovation progress of Huafa Building, Huaqiang North Street, Futian District,
Shenzhen, accelerate the settlement of project procedures, and strive to make stage progress as early as possible.

◆Continue to focus on strengthening the company’s internal control

In 2020, the company will further optimize the corporate governance structure and improve the internal control
system and process and strictly implement and improve the executive ability of relevant system in accordance
with the governance requirements of listed companies, the company’s management and relevant departments will
execute the administrative provisions for approval procedures of fund utilizing, management system of related
transactions, working system of internal audit, internal reporting system of major information in strict accordance
with the requirements of internal control documents.

X. Reception of research, communication and interview

1. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                 Main content
                    Reception                      Reception                         and        Basic situation index
      Time                            Way                          Object
                     location                        type                         information     of investigation

                                                                                Operation of
                  Office of the                                                 the Company
                  BOD locates                                                   and progress
 2020-01-04                       communicatio   Other         Individual                       N/A
                  in 6/F, Huafa                                                 of the urban
                  Building                                                      renewal

                                                         SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT 2020

 Reception (times)                                                                     20

 Number of hospitality                                                                  0

 Number of individual reception                                                        20

 Number of other reception                                                              0

 Disclosed, released or let out major undisclosed

                                                                                      SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                     ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                                          Section V. Important Events

I. Profit distribution plan of common stock and capitalizing of common reserves plan

Formulation, Implementation and Adjustment of common stock Profit Distribution Policy Especially Cash Dividend policy during
the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Profit distribution plan (pre-plan) of common stock and capitalizing of common reserves plan (pre-plan) in latest three years
(including the reporting period)
In recent three years the Company accumulated retained net profit is negative and it did not have the conditions for profit distribution,
so the Company did not undertake profit allocation in recent years and no capital reserve shall be converted into share capital either.

Cash dividend of common stock in latest three years (including the reporting period)
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                                         Ratio of the
                                                                                       Ratio of the
                                                                                                                          total cash
                                                     Ratio of the                       cash bonus
                                                                                                                        bonus (other
                                      Net profit     cash bonus in                       by other
                                     attributable      net profit                      ways in net
                                                                      Proportion                                         included) in
                                      to common       attributable                        profit
                                                                        for cash                                          net profit
                   Amount for           stock         to common                        attributable      Total cash
                                                                       bonus by                                          attributable
     Year for      cash bonus        shareholders        stock                          to common          bonus
                                                                         other                                           to common
 bonus shares          (tax            of listed     shareholders                         stock          (including
                                                                       ways(i.e.                                            stock
                    included)        company in        of listed                       shareholders     other ways)
                                                                         share                                          shareholders
                                     consolidation     company                           of listed
                                                                      buy-backs)                                           of listed
                                     statement for   contained in                        company
                                      bonus year     consolidation                     contained in
                                                                                                                         contained in
                                                      statement                        consolidation

 2020                         0.00   6,830,187.40           0.00%             0.00           0.00%              0.00           0.00%

 2019                         0.00   5,460,049.15           0.00%             0.00           0.00%              0.00           0.00%

 2018                         0.00   3,295,022.72           0.00%             0.00           0.00%              0.00           0.00%

The Company gains profits in reporting period and the retained profit of common stock shareholders provided by parent company is
positive but no plan of cash dividend proposed of common stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                             ANNUAL REPORT 2020

II. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for the Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either for
the year.

III. Implementation of commitment

1. Commitments that the actual controller, shareholders, related party, offeror and committed party as the
Company etc. have fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                        Type of
                                                                                               Commitmen   Commitmen
     Commitments           Promise    commitme        Content of commitments                                            Implementation
                                                                                                 t date      t term

                                                    The     enterprise      and         its
                                                    subsidiaries         will          not
                                                    participate     directly            or
                                                    indirectly in operation of
                                                    the       business                with
                                                    competitive of Shen Huafa
                          Wuhan                                                                            since 12
                                                    and its controlling subsidiary                                      In normal
                          Zhonghen                                                            2007-03-29   April 2007
                                                    concerned,     and          not      to                             implementing
                          g Group                                                                          throughout
                                                    damage the interest of the
                                                                                                           the year
                                                    Shen      Huafa        and          its
                                                    controlling    subsidiary           by
                                                    making use of the potential
                                                    controlling-ship of the Shen
Commitments for
                                                    Huafa either
share reform
                                                    The     enterprise      and         its
                                                    subordinate enterprise shall
                                                    avoid a related transaction as
                                                    far as possible with Shen
                                                    Huafa and its controlling                              Implement
                          Wuhan                     subsidiary, as for the related                         since 12
                                                                                                                        In normal
                          Zhonghen                  dealings occurred inevitable              2007-03-29   April 2007
                          g Group                   or have reasonable cause, the                          throughout
                                                    enterprise promise to follow                           the year
                                                    the principle of fair-ness,
                                                    justice and open-ness, signed
                                                    the agreement in line with
                                                    the    laws,   perform            legal

                                                                            SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                                       program, fulfill information
                                       disclosure     obligation      and
                                       relevant approval procedures
                                       according to the relevant
                                       laws,       regulations        and
                                       “Listing    Rules”      of   the
                                       Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
                                       guarantee not to damage the
                                       legal interest of Shen Huafa
                                       and its shareholders through
                                       related transactions

                                       After acquisition and assets
                                       restructuring, guarantee to
                                       have an independent staff,
                            Wuhan                                                        since 12
                                       owns        independent        and                             In normal
                            Zhonghen                                        2007-03-29   April 2007
                                       completed       assets,        and                             implementing
                            g Group                                                      throughout
                                       independent in aspect of
                                                                                         the year
                                       business,      financial       and
                                       institution from Shen Huafa

Commitments in
report of
acquisition or equity

Commitments in
assets reorganization

Commitments        make
in    initial     public
offering              or

Equity          incentive
                                       Regarding the lawsuit with
                                       Shenzhen Vanke: 1. If the
                                       arbitration judges Shenzhen
                                       Vanke to win, the arbitration
                                       losses caused by the contract                     Implemente
Other commitments           Wuhan
                                       disputes shall be undertaken                      d since 20   In normal
for medium and small        Zhonghen                                        2016-12-20
                                       by Wuhan Zhongheng Group                          December     implementing
shareholders                g Group
                                       in full; 2. The contingent                        2016
                                       losses and risks arising from
                                       the termination of relevant
                                       contracts shall be undertaken
                                       by Wuhan Zhongheng Group

                                                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                                                         in advance.

Completed            on

If the commitments is
not fulfilled on time,
shall    explain     the    Not applicable
specify reason and the
next work plan

2. Concerning assets or project of the Company, which has profit forecast, and reporting period still in
forecasting period, explain reasons of reaching the original profit forecast

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in period.

V. Explanation from Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors
(if applicable) for “Qualified Opinion” that issued by CPA

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation
method compared with the financial report of last year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method

VII. Major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement

□Applicable √Not applicable
No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.

VIII. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s

√Applicable □Not applicable

 Combined Percentage Constitute              Combining    Basis for Income of the     Net profit of Income of Net profit
     party       of equity the basis for       date      determinin     combined      the combined    the       of the
              acquired in         the                    g the date party from the party from the combined combined
               enterprise    enterprise                      of        beginning of   beginning of    party      party

                                                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                combinatio combination                   combinatio the period of     the period of during the during the
                    n         under the                      n        combination to combination to compariso comparison
                             same control                               the date of    the date of   n period    period
                                                                       combination    combination
Ruth     Co.,      100.00%                  2020.11.10      Equity
Ltd.                                                      Transfer
Ruth Co., Ltd was established in Hong Kong dated 25 October 2020 with registered capital of HK$ 10,000.00, no actual capital
contributed and has not yet commenced production and operation activities.

IX. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Accounting firm appointed

 Name of domestic accounting firm                                       WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP

 Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (in 10 thousand

 Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting

 Name of domestic CPA                                                   Fan Zhang, Yang Ting

 Consecutive years for auditing service from domestic CPA               1

 Name of foreign accounting firm (if applicable)                        N/A

 Remuneration for foreign accounting firm (in 10 thousand
 Yuan) (if applicable)

 Continuous life of auditing service for foreign accounting firm
 (if applicable)

 Name of foreign CPA                                                    N/A

 Consecutive years for auditing services from foreign CPA (If
Re-appointed accounting firms in this period
□Yes √ No
Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor

√Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company employed WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP as internal control audit institutions in the year.

X. Particular about delisting after annual report disclosed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                          SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT 2020

XI. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting period

XII. Significant lawsuits and arbitration of the Company

√Applicable          □Not applicable
                           Amount of
      The basic              money                                      The results and
                                             Predicted           in                         Execution of
     situation of           involved                                       effects of                        Disclosure   Disclosure
                                             liabilities   litigation                       the litigation
      litigation             (in 10                                        litigation                           date         index
                                              (Y/N)        (Arbitrati                       (Arbitration)
     (Arbitration)          thousand                                     (Arbitration)

                                                                                            In September
                                                                                            Shenzhen                      http://www
                                                                                            Vanke applied                 .cninfo.co
                                                                                            for                           m.cn/cninf
                                                           Ruling on
                                                                                            compulsory                    o-new/discl
 In September                                                                               execution. In                 osure/szse_
 2016, Wuhan                                                                                October 2019,                 main/bullet
                                                           2017; put
 Zhongheng Group                                                                            due to the                    in_detail/tr
 Co., Ltd. and the                                                                          application of                ue/120440
 Company and                                                                                "objection to                 6606?anno
 Shenzhen Vanke                                                                             execution"                    unceTime=
                                                           n for
 were applied for                                                                           and "no                       2018-02-09
 arbitration due to                                                                         execution" by                  ;
                                                           ng by the    Found more in
 the dispute case of                                                                        the outsider,                 http://www
                               46,460    N                 Company      notice of the                        2018-02-09
 “Contract for the                                                                         the execution                 .cninfo.co
                                                           and          Company
 Cooperative                                                                                procedure                     m.cn/new/d
 Operation of the                                                                           was                           isclosure/d
 Old Projects at                                                                            terminated. If                etail?plate=
 Huafa Industrial                                                                           the outsider's                szse&stock
                                                           er, the
 Park, Gongming                                                                             application                   Code=0000
 Street,                                                                                    was rejected                  20&annou
                                                           n was
 Guangming New                                                                              by Shenzhen                   ncementId
 District”.                                                                                intermediate                  =12053268
                                                           by the
                                                                                            people's                      46&annou
                                                                                            court,                        ncementTi
                                                                                            Shenzhen                      me=2018-0
                                                                                            Vanke has the                 8-25
                                                                                            right to
                                                                                            continue to

                                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                                                                                         apply for
                                                                                         resumption of

 In March 2016,
 the Company and
                                                         trial                                                        http://www
 HUAFA Property
                                                         decides                                                      .cninfo.co
 suit against
                                                         the                                                          m.cn/cninf
                                                         Company                                                      o-new/discl
                                                         wins the                                                     osure/szse_
 Environmental                                                                           Completion
                                                         lawsuit                                                      main/bullet
 Technology Co.,             947.26    N                              Implementing       of              2016-09-14
                                                         on 15                                                        in_detail/tr
 Ltd., and                                                                               enforcement
                                                         March                                                        ue/120270
 Shenzhen Yidaxin
                                                         2018, and                                                    2423?anno
 Technology Co.,
                                                         has                                                          unceTime=
 Ltd. for contract
                                                         applied                                                      2016-09-14
 violation and
                                                         for                                                          07:41
 refuse to move the

 Application for                                                                                                      m.cn/new/d
 arbitration in case                                                                                                  isclosure/d
 of contract dispute                                                  A decision was                                  etail?plate=
 between the V&T                                                      issued and the                                  szse&stock
 Law Firm and                                                         Company’s                                      Code=0000
                            1,940.2    N                 n has                           Implementing    2018-11-14
 Shenzhen                                                             motion to                                       20&annou
 Zhongheng Huafa                                                      dismiss was                                     ncementId
 Co., Ltd. and                                                        denied                                          =12056020
 Wuhan                                                                                                                53&annou
 Zhongheng Group                                                                                                      ncementTi

XIII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No penalties or rectifications during the reporting period.

XIV. Integrity of the company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                               SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT 2020

          XV. Implementation of the company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or
          other employee incentives

          □ Applicable √ Not applicable
          The Company had no stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive in the reporting period.

          XVI. Major related transaction

          1. Related transaction with routine operation concerned

          √Applicable □Not applicable
                           Co                                   ed                        Whethe
                           nte                                trans    Pro                r over    Clear
                   Type     nt                        Rela    actio   port     limit                 ing                             Date
                     of     of                         ted       n     ion                    the   form
                                                                              approv                                                  of
          Relat    relat   rel                        trans    amo      in                approv     for      Available similar                 Index of
          ionsh      ed    ate    Pricing principle   actio    unt    simi    ed (in                relate                           discl
d party                                                                                       ed                market price                   disclosure
            ip     trans    d                           n       (in    lar                            d
                                                                                10                                                   osur
                   actio   tra                         pric     10    tran                limited   trans
                     n      ns                          e     thous   sacti   thousan               actio                             e
                           act                                 and     ons                or not      n
                                                                              d Yuan)
                           ion                                Yuan                        (Y/N)
                                                                                                             The         average
                                                                                                             market price refers
                                                                                                             to the price of
                                                                                                             products    of    the
                                 In principle, the                                                           same specification
                                 transaction price                                                           that can be found
          Shari                                                                                                                              6013&orgId=
Hong                             of purchased raw                                                            in the website of
          ng                                                                                                                                 gssz0000020
Kong                             materials is                                                                globally renowned
          the                                                                                                                                &announcem
Yutian                           determined at                                                      Teleg    professional
          same                                                                                                                               entTime=202
Interna                    Di    approximately 1%     15,2    15,2                                  raphi    market      research    2020
          contr   Purc                                                38.5    16,208.                                                        0-01-22、
tional                     spl   lower than the       36.5    36.5                        N         c        companies               -01-
          ollin   hase                                                 3%            94                                                      http://www.cn
Invest                     ay    prevailing average   7          7                                  transf   (http://www.displa      22
          g                                                                                                                                  info.com.cn/n
ment                             market price, with                                                 er       ysearch.com) and
          share                                                                                                                              ew/disclosure
Co.,                             reference to the                                                            LCD professional
          holde                                                                                                                              /detail?stock
Ltd.                             respective                                                                  market      research
          r                                                                                                                                  Code=000020
                                 bargaining power                                                            companies
                                 of both parties.                                                            (http://www.witsvi
                                                                                                             ew.com) that are
                                                                                                             recognized in the

                                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

heng                                                                                       Teleg
Photo-                    Di                                                               raphi
          contr   Purc                             9,25    9,25   23.4   13,592.                                Ditt
electri                   spl   Ditto                                              N       c        Ditto              Ditto
          ollin   hase                             2.23    2.23   0%          4                                 o
city                      ay                                                               transf
Industr                                                                                    er
y Co.,

heng                                                                                       Teleg
Photo-                    Di    Synchronize with                                           raphi
          contr   Purc                             3,95    3,95   100.   16,310.                                Ditt
electri                   spl   the market                                         N       c        Ditto              Ditto
          ollin   hase                             1.95    1.95   00%        88                                 o
city                      ay    situation                                                  transf
Industr                                                                                    er
y Co.,

Yutian                                                                                     Teleg
Interna                   Di    Synchronize with   11,5                                    raphi
          contr                                           11,50   31.1   27,184.                                Ditt
tional            Sales   spl   the market         08.3                            N       c        Ditto              Ditto
          ollin                                            8.36   2%          8                                 o
Invest                    ay    situation          6                                       transf
ment                                                                                       er

heng                                                                                       Teleg
Photo-                    Di    Synchronize with                                           raphi
          contr                                    4,10    4,10   11.1   8,495.2                                Ditt
electri           Sales   spl   the market                                         N       c        Ditto              Ditto
          ollin                                    5.68    5.68   0%          5                                 o
city                      ay    situation                                                  transf
Industr                                                                                    er
y Co.,

Wuhan     Shari           M     Synchronize with                                           Teleg
                                                   299.    299.   20.1   1,631.0                                Ditt
Hengs     ng      Sales   ate   the market                                         N       raphi    Ditto              Ditto
                                                   03       03    5%          9                                 o
heng      the             ria   situation                                                  c

                                                                                                 SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Photo-      same               l                                                                        transf
electri     contr                                                                                       er
city        ollin
Industr     g
y Co.,      share
Ltd.        holde

Total                                         --            --      53.8    --                  --           --            --          --           --
Detail of sales return with
major amount involved

Report           the        actual
                                      In the reporting, Hengfa Technology purchased LCD monitors from HK Yutian with US $ 22.12 million approximately,
implementation of the daily
                                      92.75% of the annual amount predicted at the beginning of the year; purchased LCD monitor from Hengsheng
related    transactions     which
                                      Photo-electricity with US $ 13.61 million approximately, 68.07% of the annual amount predicted at the beginning of the
were projected about their
                                      year; purchasing LCD Display from Hengsheng Photo-electricity with about US$ 5.81 million, 24.23% of the annual
total amount by types during
                                      amount predicted at the beginning of the year; sold LCD Display whole machine to HK Yutian with US$ 16.67 million
the       reporting       period(if
                                      approximately, 41.68% of the annual amount predicted at the beginning of the year.
Reasons for major differences
between trading price and             N/A
market reference price

            2. Related transactions by assets acquisition and sold

            □Applicable      √Not applicable
            No above mentioned transactions occurred

            3. Main related transactions of mutual investment outside

            □ Applicable      √ Not applicable
            No main related transactions of mutual investment outside for the Company in reporting period.

            4. Contact of related credit and debt

            □ Applicable      √ Not applicable
            No contact of related credit and debt during the reporting period.

            5. Other related transactions

            □ Applicable      √ Not applicable
            The company had no other significant related transactions in reporting period.

                                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

XVII. Significant contract and implementations

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No trusteeship for the Company in reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No contract for the Company in reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No leasing for the Company in reporting period.

2. Major guarantees

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                                    In 10 thousand Yuan

                      Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                             Related                                                                                         Guaran
        Name of the          Announc                                       Actual                                   Implem    tee for
                                          Guarante    Actual date of                   Guarantee      Guarantee
         Company              ement                                      guarantee                                   ented   related
                                           e limit      happening                          type          term
        guaranteed           disclosur                                     limit                                     (Y/N)    party
                              e date                                                                                          (Y/N)


                                              Guarantee of the Company and the subsidiaries
                             Related                                                                                         Guaran
        Name of the          Announc                                       Actual                                   Implem    tee for
                                         Guarante     Actual date of                   Guarantee      Guarantee
         Company              ement                                      guarantee                                   ented   related
                                           e limit      happening                          type          term
        guaranteed           disclosur                                     limit                                     (Y/N)    party
                              e date                                                                                          (Y/N)

 Wuhan Hengfa                                                                          Joint
 Technology Co.,                            30,000                         3,356.33    liability     One year       N        N
 Ltd.                                                                                  guarantee

                                                                                         SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                                                                        Total amount of actual
 Total    amount      of    approving
                                                                        occurred guarantee for
 guarantee for subsidiaries in                                30,000                                                             3,356.33
                                                                        subsidiaries     in    report
 report period (B1)
                                                                        period (B2)
                                                                        Total balance of actual
 Total    amount      of     approved
                                                                        guarantee for subsidiaries
 guarantee for subsidiaries at the                            30,000                                                             1,252.78
                                                                        at the end of reporting
 end of reporting period (B3)
                                                                        period (B4)

                                             Guarantee of the subsidiaries for the subsidiaries
                             Related                                                                                  Comple
      Name of the            Announc                                      Actual                                         te
                                         Guarante     Actual date of                     Guarantee        Guarantee               tee for
         Company              ement                                      guarantee                                    implem
                                          e limit       happening                             type          term                  related
      guaranteed             disclosur                                     limit                                      entatio
                              e date                                                                                  n or not

                           Total amount of guarantee of the Company (total of three above mentioned guarantee)
                                                                        Total amount of actual
 Total    amount      of    approving
                                                                        occurred      guarantee      in
 guarantee     in   report      period                        30,000                                                             3,356.33
                                                                        report                 period
                                                                        Total balance of actual
 Total    amount      of     approved
                                                                        guarantee at the end of
 guarantee at the end of report                               30,000                                                             1,252.78
                                                                        report                 period
 period (A3+B3+C2)

 The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
 net assets of the Company (that is A4+ B4+C4)


Explanation on compound guarantee

(2) Guarantee outside against the regulation

□Applicable √Not applicable
No guarantee outside against the regulation in Period.

3. Entrust others to cash asset management

(1) Trust financing

√Applicable    □Not applicable
Trust financing in the period
                                                                                                                      In 10 thousand Yuan

                                                                                    SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2020

            Type                  Capital sources         Amount occurred           Outstanding balance         Overdue amount

 Bank financial
                              Own funds                                  5,500                            0                      0

 Total                                                                   5,500                            0                      0

Details of the single major amount, or high-risk trust investment with low security, poor fluidity and non-guaranteed
□Applicable       √Not applicable
Entrust financial expected to be unable to recover the principal or impairment might be occurred
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
The company had no entrusted loans in the reporting period.

4.Material contracts for daily operations

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

5. Other material contracts

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
No other material contracts for the Company in reporting period.

XVIII. Social responsibility

1. Performance of social responsibility

Not applicable

2. Execution of social responsibility of targeted poverty alleviation

(1) Targeted poverty alleviation scheme

Not applicable

(2) Summary of targeted poverty alleviation

Not applicable

(3) Targeted poverty alleviation effect

                        Index                       Unit of measure                      Quantity /implementation

                                                                                  SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2020

 I. Overall condition                                   ——                                     ——

 II. Poverty alleviation by items                       ——                                     ——

     1.Industry development                             ——                                     ——

     2.Shift employment                                 ——                                     ——

     3. Relocating in other places                      ——                                     ——

     4. Education                                       ——                                     ——

     5. Health                                          ——                                     ——

     6.Ecological protection                            ——                                     ——

     7. Reveal all the details                          ——                                     ——

     8. Society                                         ——                                     ——

     9.Other                                            ——                                     ——

 III. Award received (content and grade)                ——                                     ——

(4) Follow-up targeted poverty alleviation scheme

Not applicable

3. Environmental protection

The listed Company and its subsidiary whether belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department

□ Yes √No
The listed Company and its subsidiary don’t belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department

XIX. Explanation on other significant events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(i) The Company signed Asset Exchange Contract with Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial
Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Zhongheng Group) on 29 April 2009 (details were referred to in
the announcement dated 30 April 2009), and pursuant to the contract, since part of the assets of the Company
(namely two parcel of industrial lands located at Huafa road, Gongming town, Guangming new district, Shenzhen
(the property certificate No. were SFDZ No.7226760 and SFDZ No.7226763, No. of parcels were A627-005
andA627-007, and the aggregate area was 48,200 sq.m) were the lands listed in the first batch of plan for 2010
Shenzhen urbanization unit planning preparation plan. For promotion of such urbanization project and joint
cooperation, the Company has not completed the transfer procedures in respect of the aforesaid land.

The Company convoked the first extraordinary meeting of the Board in 2015 on February 16, 2015 and the first
extraordinary general meeting of the Board in 2015 on March 4, 2015, which considered and approved the

                                                                       SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020

“Motion on promoting and implementing the urban renewal project for the renewal units of Huafa area at
Gongming street, Guangming new district, Shenzhen”, specified that the Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group
shall obtain the corresponding compensatory consideration for removal from the respectively owned project plots
and the respectively contributed and constructed above-ground buildings before the land development, it is
estimated that the compensatory consideration obtained by the Company accounts for 50.5% of the total
consideration and Wuhan Zhongheng Group accounts for 49.5% by calculation.

The sixth extraordinary meeting of the board of directors in 2015 and the third extraordinary general meeting of
2015 have considered and adopted the “Proposal on the project promotion and implementation of urban renewal
and the progress of related transactions of ‘the updated units at Huafa Area, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New
District, Shenzhen’”, the company has signed the “Agreement on the cooperation of urban renewal project of the
updated units at Huafa Area, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen”, “Contract for the
cooperative venture of reconstruction project for Huafa Industrial Park, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New
District” and “Agreement on housing acquisition and removal compensation and resettlement” with Wuhan
Wuhan Zhongheng Group, Shenzhen Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shenzhen Vanke”),
and Shenzhen Vanke Guangming Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Vanke

On 12 September 2016, Shenzhen Vanke applied for arbitration in respect of “Agreement on the cooperation of
urban renewal project of the updated units at Huafa Area, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen”
against the Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group. Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) has
given a ruling in August 2017. On August 29, 2018, the court accepted the compulsory execution application of
Shenzhen Vanke. In October 2019, as a number of outsiders filed an “execution objection” and applied for “no
execution” to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court ruled to terminate
the enforcement procedure on March 20, 2020. If the “execution objection” and “no execution” proposed by
outsiders are rejected according to law, Shenzhen Vanke may continue to apply to the Shenzhen Intermediate
People’s Court to resume execution. In mid April 2020, Heng semiconductor sued the company in Shenzhen
intermediate people's court, requiring the company to transfer the above two pieces of land and compensate for the
economic loss of 52 million yuan. As of the disclosure date of this report, the case has not yet been
concluded.Progress of the case found more in the Notices released on Juchao website dated 14 Sept. 2016, 1 Nov.
2016, 16 Nov. 2016, on 18 Feb. 2017, 24 March 2017, 25 April 2017, 1 July 2017, 18 August 2017, 9 Feb. 2018,
25 Aug. 2018 and 7 Sept. 2018 respectively.

(ii) On 31 December 2015, the 88,750,047 shares held by Wuhan Zhongheng Group, are pledge to China
Merchants Securities Assets Co., Ltd. with due date of 31 December 2016. On 1 Feb. 2016, Wuhan Zhongheng
Group pledge the 27,349,953 shares held to China Merchants Securities Assets Co., Ltd. with due date of 31
December 2016. The above-mentioned pledged shares are deferred by Wuhan Zhongheng Group; pledge expired
on 31 December 2017. The trading day for repurchase put off to the date when pledge actually removed. Till end

                                                                        SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2020

of this period released, controlling shareholder still not removed the pledge and the Company has apply by letter,
relevant Notice of Presentment on Stock Pledge from Controlling Shareholder was released. Found more in notice
released on Juchao website date 2 Feb. 2018.

Wuhan Zhongheng Group received the first-instance judgment of Guangdong Higher People’s Court to the
“pledged securities repurchase dispute” case sued by China Merchants Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd. in
March 2021. Wuhan Zhongheng Group refused to accept the judgment and has appealed to the Supreme People's
Court, the judgment of first instance has not yet taken effect. For details, please refer to the company
announcement issued by the company on www.cninfo.com.cn on March 19, 2021.

(iii) The controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng Group holds 119,289,894 shares of the Company’ stock,
accounting for 42.13% of the total share capital of the Company, of which 116,489,894 shares were judicially frozen
by Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Intermediate Court") on September
27, 2016, which were frozen again by the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court on December 14, 2018, with a
frozen period of 36 months; the remaining 2,800,000 shares were frozen by the Shenzhen Intermediate People's
Court on May 29, 2019, and were frozen again by the Higher People’s Court of Guangdong Province on July 5,
2019. For details, please refer to the company’s announcements published on Juchao Website dated October 27,
2016, January 11, 2019, May 31, 2019 and August 7, 2019.

(iv) On September 29, 2016, the company and its controlling shareholder, Wuhan Zhongheng Group, signed the
“Agency Contract” with V&T Law Firm. On October 8, 2016, the three parties also signed the “Supplemental
Agreement for Agency Contract”, it was agreed that V&T acted as an agent for the company and Wuhan
Zhongheng Group to deal with the arbitration case with Shenzhen Vanke. After losing the lawsuit, due to
differences in the payment of attorney fees, V&T sued our company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group to the
Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, and applied to the court to seize a bank account under our company’s
name and part of our company dormitories, please refer to “Other Announcements on the Progress Involving
Litigation and Arbitration” (Announcement Numbers: 2018-43, 2019-02) released by our company on Juchao
Website dated November 14, 2018 and March 6, 2019. 02. In November 2019, the Shenzhen Court of
International Arbitration ruled that the company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group paid the corresponding fees.
According to the “Agency Contract” and “Supplemental Agreement for Agency Contract” signed by the three
parties, the loss of the arbitrament in this case was borne by Wuhan Zhongheng Group, so it had no impact on the
company’s profit. For details, see the company’s “Other Announcements on the Progress Involving Litigation and
Arbitration” (Announcement No.: 2019-34) released on Juchao Website dated November 25, 2019.

XX. Significant event of subsidiary of the Company

□ Applicable √Not applicable

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

      Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in Share Capital

1. Changes in Share Capital

                                                                                                                           In Share
                                  Before the Change             Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)          After the Change
                                                        New                    zation
                                            Proporti                Bonus                                       Amoun    Proport
                                  Amount               shares                    of       Others     Subtotal
                                               on                   shares                                        t        ion
                                                       issued                  public
 I. Restricted shares                  0     0.00%          0             0          0           0         0         0    0.00%

     1. State-owned shares

     2. State-owned legal
 person’s shares

     3. Other domestic shares

      Including: Domestic
 legal person’s shares

        Domestic natural
 person’s shares

     4. Foreign shares

      Including: Foreign legal
 person’s shares

        Foreign natural
 person’s shares

                                  283,161    100.00                                                             283,16    100.00
 II. Unrestricted shares                                    0             0          0           0         0
                                     ,227         %                                                              1,227        %

                                  181,165                                                                       181,16
     1. RMB ordinary shares                 63.98%          0             0          0           0         0             63.98%
                                     ,391                                                                        5,391

     2. Domestically listed       101,995                                                                       101,99
                                            36.02%          0             0          0           0         0             36.02%
 foreign shares                      ,836                                                                        5,836

     3. Overseas listed foreign

     4. Others

                                  283,161    100.00                                                             283,16    100.00
 III. Total shares                                          0             0          0           0         0
                                     ,227         %                                                              1,227        %

Reasons for share changed

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress of shares buy-back
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Implementation progress of the reduction of repurchases shares by centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes of restricted shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Securities issuance and listing

1. Security offering (without preferred stock) in Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes of total shares and shareholders structure as well as explanation on changes of assets and
liability structure

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Existing internal staff shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Particulars about shareholder and actual controller of the Company

1. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding

                                                                                                                     In Share

 Total                            Total common                     Total preference                   Total
 common                           stock                            shareholders                       preference
                         21,840                          22,456                                   0                      0
 stock                            shareholders at                  with voting                        shareholders
 shareholders                     end of last                      rights recovered                   with voting

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 in reporting                   month before                        at end of                              rights
 period-end                     annual report                       reporting period                       recovered at
                                disclosed                           (if applicable)                        end of last
                                                                    (found in note 8)                      month before
                                                                                                           annual report
                                                                                                           disclosed (if
                                                                                                           (found in note

                        Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

                                                  Total                                               Number of share pledged/frozen
                                                                          Amoun          Amount
                                                              Change         t of           of
                                      Proport    lders at
     Full name of      Nature of       ion of                     s in     restrict      un-restri
                                                 the end
     Shareholders     shareholder     shares                  report            ed         cted       State of share        Amount
                                        held        of
                                                              period       shares         shares
                                                                            held           held

 Wuhan              Domestic                                                                          Pledged               116,100,000
                                                  119,28                                 119,289,
 Zhongheng          non-state-owne    42.13%                  0                      0
                                                   9,894                                      894     Frozen                119,289,894
 Group              d legal person

 SEG (HONG                                                                                            Pledged                        0
                    Overseas legal               16,569,                                  16,569,
 KONG) CO.,                             5.85%                 0                      0
                    person                           560                                      560     Frozen                         0

 GOOD HOPE                                                                                            Pledged                        0
 CORNER             Overseas legal               7,072,0                                  7,072,0
                                        2.50%                 0                      0
 INVESTMENTS        person                               00                                      00   Frozen                         0

 Changjiang                                                                                           Pledged                        0
                    Overseas legal               5,355,2                                  5,355,2
 Brokerage                              1.89%                 0                      0
                    person                               49                                      49   Frozen                         0
 (Hong Kong)
 Co., Ltd.

 Guoyuan                                                                                              Pledged                        0
                    Overseas legal               3,870,1                                 3,870,11
 Brokerage                              1.37%                 0                      0
                    person                               17                                       7   Frozen                         0
 (Hong Kong)

                    Overseas nature              2,830,0                                  2,830,0     Pledged                        0
 Li Zhongqiu                            1.00%                 0                      0
                    person                               00                                      00   Frozen                         0

 LI SHERYN          Overseas nature              1,446,1                                  1,446,1     Pledged                        0
                                        0.51%                 0                      0
 ZHAN MING          person                               00                                      00   Frozen                         0

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 China Merchants                                                                                     Pledged                            0
                      State-owned                       1,413,8                            1,413,8
 Securities Hong                             0.50%                0                 0
                      legal person                           88                                88    Frozen                             0
 Kong Co., Ltd.

 Shengyin                                                                                            Pledged                            0
                      Overseas legal                    1,408,6                            1,408,6
 Investment Co.,                             0.50%                0                 0
                      person                                 00                                00    Frozen                             0

                      Domestic nature                   1,041,0                            1,041,0   Pledged                            0
 Li Senzhuang                                0.37%                0                 0
                      person                                 73                                73    Frozen                             0

 Strategy investors or general
 corporation comes top 10
 shareholders due to rights issue (if
 applicable) (see note 3)

                                            Among the top ten shareholders, Li Zhongqiu is the actual controller of Wuhan Zhongheng
                                            New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. and is a party acting in concert.
 Explanation        on         associated   Shengyin Investment Co., Ltd. is an overseas wholly-owned subsidiary of Wuhan
 relationship among the aforesaid           Zhongheng group.The Company neither knew whether there exists associated
 shareholders                               relationship among the other shareholders, nor they belong to consistent actors that are
                                            prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity
                                            Changes of Listed Companies.

 Description of the above
 shareholders in relation to
 delegate/entrusted voting rights and
 abstention from voting rights.

                                     Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                                                                Type of shares
         Shareholders’ name                  Amount of un-restrict shares held at Period-end
                                                                                                             Type           Amount

                                                                                                     RMB common
 Wuhan Zhongheng Group                                                               119,289,894                           119,289,894

 SEG (HONG KONG) CO., LTD.                                                              16,569,560   listed foreign         16,569,560

                                                                                         7,072,000   listed foreign          7,072,000

 Changjiang Securities Brokerage
                                                                                         5,355,249   listed foreign          5,355,249
 (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

 Guoyuan Securities Brokerage
                                                                                         3,870,117   listed foreign              3,870,117
 (Hong Kong) Limited

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 Li Zhongqiu                                                                           2,830,000   listed foreign           2,830,000

 LI SHERYN ZHAN MING                                                                   1,446,100   listed foreign           1,446,100

 China Merchants Securities Hong
                                                                                       1,413,888   listed foreign           1,413,888
 Kong Co., Ltd.

 Shengyin Investment Co., Ltd.                                                         1,408,600   listed foreign           1,408,600

 Li Senzhuang                                                                          1,041,073   listed foreign           1,041,073

                                            Among the top ten unrestricted shareholders, Li Zhongqiu is the actual controller of
 Expiation on associated relationship       Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. and is a party
 or consistent actors within the top 10     acting in concert.Shengyin Investment Co., Ltd. is an overseas wholly-owned subsidiary
 un-restrict shareholders and between       of Wuhan Zhongheng group.
 top 10 un-restrict shareholders and        The Company neither knew whether there exists associated relationship among the other
 top 10 shareholders                        shareholders, nor they belong to consistent actors that are prescribed in Measures for the
                                            Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.

 Explanation on top 10 shareholders
 involving     margin    business     (if   N/A
 applicable) (see note 4)

Whether top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back
agreement dealing in reporting period
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

Nature of controlling shareholders: Foreign-funds controlling
Type of controlling shareholders: legal person
     Controlling shareholders       person/person in      Date of foundation         Organization code      Main operation business
                                    charge of the unit
                                                                                                            Production,    sales    of
                                                                                 91420114711954601          computers,     TV      set,
 Wuhan Zhongheng Group           Li Zhongqiu             March 21, 1996
                                                                                 W                          display, other hardware
                                                                                                            and computer software;

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                                               development of internal
                                               data          communication
                                               network,        building        of
                                               packing       materials        and
                                               light      weight       building
                                               material for packaging;
                                               management of exports
                                               business for the own
                                               products                       and
                                               technologies           for     the
                                               Company and member
                                               enterprise;      management
                                               of export business on raw
                                               material, apparatus and
                                               instrument,           machinery
                                               equipment, spare parts
                                               and     technologies          (not
                                               including        goods         and
                                               technologies that import
                                               and export are national
                                               restricted or prohibited );
                                               dry clean and steam iron
                                               service; copy & print;
                                               business             information
                                               consulting;                  house
                                               tenancy;                property
                                               management; wholesale
                                               and        retails     of      the
                                               hardware metal products,
                                               plastic products, audio
                                               electronic             products,
                                               electronic           equipment,
                                               textile, toys, clothing &
                                               shoes, luggage, bedding
                                               article,                 general
                                               merchandise,             curtain,
                                               household appliances and
                                               building              materials;
                                               development                     of
                                               real-estate and sales of
                                               commercial             housings
                                               (projects       with     special
                                               provision of the state can
                                               be         operation          after

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 Equity of other
 domestic/oversea listed
 company control by
                                     Not applicable
 controlling shareholder as
 well as stock-joint in report

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period

3. Actual controller and persons acting in concert

Nature of actual controller: Overseas nature person
Type of actual controller: Natural person

                                                                                         Enjoy the residence rights in the other
         Actual controller’s name            Relationship            Nationality
                                                                                                 country or area (Y/N)

                                           Li Zhongqiu
 Li Zhongqiu                                                      Hong Kong          N

                                           Person acting in
                                           concert (including
 Li Li                                     agreement,             P.R.C              N
                                           relatives, share the
                                           same controlling)

 Main occupation in position               Chairman and General Manager

 Listed companies in and out of
 China that controlled in last 10          The Company

Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No changes of actual controllers for the Company in reporting period.
Property right and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company is as follow:

          Li Zhongqiu                                 Li Li (Son of Li Zhongqiu)

                  51%                                                49%

     Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd


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                   Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

Actual controller controlling the Company by entrust or other assets management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% shares held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Limitation and reducing the holdings of shares of controlling shareholders, actual controllers,
restructuring side and other commitment subjects

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                      Section VII. Preferred Stock

□ Applicable   √Not applicable
The Company had no preferred stock in the Period.

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                                   Section VIII. Convertible Bonds

□ Applicable   √Not applicable
The Company had no convertible bonds in the Period.

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          Section IX. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior

                                          Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                   Amoun        Amoun
                                                                                    t of         t of
                                                                       Shares                                          Shares
                                                    Start                          shares       shares
                                                              End      held at                               Other     held at
                       Workin                       dated                          increas      decreas
                                   Sex                       date of                                                   period-
               Title                        Age       of               period-                               changes
  Name                 g status   (F/M)                      office                 ed in        ed in
                                                              term     begin                                 (share)    end
                                                    term                            this         this
                                                                       (Share)                                         (Share)
                                                                                   period       period
                                                                                   (Share)      (Share)

 Li                    Current                               Septem
           Chairm                                  July 8,             2,830,0                                         2,830,0
 Zhongq                ly in      M           56             ber 11,                        0            0         0
           an                                      2007                     00                                              00
 iu                    office                                2022

 Jiang     Vice        Current                     Septem    Septem
 Junmin    Chairm      ly in      M           42   ber 12,   ber 11,           0            0            0         0          0
 g         an          office                      2019      2022

 Chen                  Current                     Septem    Septem
 Zhigan                ly in      M           47   ber 12,   ber 11,           0            0            0         0          0
 g                     office                      2019      2022

 Zheng     Indepen     Current                     Septem    Septem
 Chunm     dent        ly in      F           55   ber 12,   ber 11,           0            0            0         0          0
 ei        director    office                      2019      2022

           Indepen     Current                     Septem    Septem
           dent        ly in      M           42   ber 12,   ber 11,           0            0            0         0          0
           director    office                      2019      2022

 Yang      Indepen     Current                     Septem    Septem
 Xiongw    dent        ly in      M           50   ber 12,   ber 11,           0            0            0         0          0
 en        director    office                      2019      2022

           an of
                       Current                     January   Septem
 Huang     the
                       ly in      F           58   16,       ber 11,           0            0            0         0          0
 Yanbo     Supervi
                       office                      2012      2022

 Chen      Supervi     Current    F           34   Novem     Septem            0            0            0         0          0

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 Qin          sor           ly in                               ber 6,            ber 11,
                            office                              2015              2022

                            Current                             October           Septem
 Wu           Supervi
                            ly in     F                    49   10,               ber 11,             0         0             0   0        0
 Aijie        sor
                            office                              2019              2022

              Manage        Current                             Novem             Septem
              r, Chief      ly in     M                    48   ber 6,            ber 11,             0         0             0   0        0
              Financi       office                              2015              2022

                                                                August            October
 Tang         General       Leave
                                      F                    43   23,               21,                 0         0             0   0        0
 Ganyu        Manage        office
                                                                0013              2020

                            Current                             October           Septem
 Niu          ry of
                            ly in     F                    38   25,               ber 11,             0         0             0   0        0
 Zhuo         the
                            office                              2019              2022

                                                                                                 2,830,0                              2,830,0
 Total              --         --         --          --              --                --                      0             0   0
                                                                                                     00                                   00

II. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

       Name                  Title             Type                        Date                                     Reasons

                                                                October 21,
 Tang Ganyu              General          Leave office                                       Personal reasons

III. Post-holding

Professional background, major working experience and present main responsibilities in Company of directors,
supervisors and senior executive
Li Zhongqiu: Male, was born in 1964 with Master of Engineering, members of the Hubei Political Consultative
Conference, May the first of labor medalist of Wuhan. He serves as Chairman of Wuhan Zhongheng New Science
& Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. since 1996. And he serves as Chairman and the General Manager of the
Company since July 2007.
Jiang Junming, male, born in February 1978 in Dalian, Liaoning, Han nationality, holds a bachelor degree in Law
from Shenyang University of Technology and a master degree in Finance from Peking University. He is currently

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deputy general manager of Risk Control Department of Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. He has served
successively as legal assistant of Shenzhen Gemdale Real Estate Co., Ltd., legal supervisor of Shenzhen Maoye
(Group) Co., Ltd., legal deputy manager of Shenzhen Changcheng Investment Holding Co., Ltd., legal affairs post
of Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd., and partner of Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm.
Chen Zhigang, male, born in 1973, master of business administration, he is currently the assistant to chairman of
Wuhan Zhongheng Group. He has successively served as supervisor, investment manager and securities affairs
representative of Wuhan Huaxin High-Tech Co., Ltd., financial director, secretary of the board of directors and
executive deputy general manager of Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd., and director
of the Company, etc.
Ms. Zheng Chunmei, Chinese nationality, without permanent residency abroad, female, born in 1965. She
graduated from the Department of Economics and Management of Wuhan University in June 1986, in 1990, she
was awarded the certificate of completion of the University Teachers Training Course of International Accounting
and International Finance and Taxation (Co-sponsored by the World Bank and the State Education Commission)
of the School of Economics, Xiamen University, she received a master’s degree in business management
(accounting) from Wuhan University in 1997 and a doctorate degree in economics from Wuhan University in
2005. She acted as a visiting scholar at St. Mary's University in Canada, Seoul National University in South Korea,
and Ohio State University in the United States. She has been teaching at Wuhan University since June 1986, and is
currently a professor and a doctoral tutor in the School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University, a
member of Canadian Management Science (ASAC), an independent director of Routon Electronics Co., Ltd., and
Wuhan Accelink Co., Ltd.
Yang Xiongwen, male, born in 1970, Doctor of Civil and Commercial Law, Renmin University of China, a
visiting scholar at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, he is currently a professor at the School of Law of
South China University of Technology, a senior engineer, a member of the Local People’s Congress of Panyu
District (2016.9.26), a member of the Supervision and Judicial Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the
17th Local People’s Congress of Panyu District, a member of the Legal Committee of the Guangdong Provincial
Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association, a part-time attorney of Guangdong
Hanrui Law Firm, and is concurrently serving as deputy secretary general and executive director of China
Intellectual Property Law Research Association.
Wu Weihua, male, born in 1978, master of law at Peking University, he is currently General Manager of Shenzhen
Headquarters of Huajin Securities Co., Ltd. Investment Bank, he once served as General Manager of Investment
Banking Division 3 of Founder Securities Underwriting Sponsor Co., Ltd., served as the managing director of the
investment banking department and principal of the M & A financing business department of Huachuang
Securities Co., Ltd.; the managing director of the investment banking department and principal of Shenzhen
business department of Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd.; executive deputy general manager of the investment
banking department X of Guosen Securities Co., Ltd.; assistant director of the investment banking department of
Dapeng Securities Co., Ltd.; auditor of Shenzhen Tianjian Xinde Certified Public Accountants.
Huang Yanbo: female, born in 1962, a university background and a senior accountant. She served as financial
director of Wuhan Zhongda Shopping Mall since 1985 to 1998; and worked as financial manager of Wuhan

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Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. from 1998 to 2007 and GM assistant in charge
of auditing supervise from 2007 to 2011; she serves as CFO of the Company from 2012 to 2016; she serves as
deputy GM of Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. since October 2016, and
the supervisor of the Company since January 2012 and she is the chairman of supervisory committee of the
Company since August 2013.
Chen Qin: Female, born in 1986, bachelor degree, human resources professional. Worked on administrative work
in Merida Bicycle (China) Co., Ltd. from July 2002 to July 2003, engaged in purchasing work in Hui Pu
Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. from August 2003 to September 2004, and served as the administration manager
in Huake United Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. from September 2004 to 2005 October; works in the Company
since October 2005 and serves as supervisor of the Company since 2015.
Wu Aijie, female, born in 1971, bachelor degree, she is currently the person in charge of the company’s
accounting organization. She successively served as the accounting director of Wuhan No. 2 Pharmaceutical
Factory, Wuhan Benben Electronics Co., Ltd., Wuhan Hengsheng Photo-electricity Industry Co., Ltd., and Wuhan
Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd
Yang Bin, male, born in April 1972, a master degree holder graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University. He once
served as the executive deputy general manager and secretary of the board of Shenzhen China Agricultural
University Technology Co., Ltd., an independent director of Livzon Group, and an independent director of CTL
Testing. Now served as the Supervisor of Shenzhen Moyi Investment Co., Ltd., he used to be the company's
director and secretary to the board of directors, and now serves as the company's deputy general manager and
chief financial officer.
Niu Zhuo, former name was Niu Yuxiang, female, born in 1982, master, intermediate economist. From July 2006
to August 2010, she worked on securities affairs at Shenzhen OFILM Technology Co., Ltd. From September 2010
to present, she has been serving in the Company, she once held the posts of deputy director of the office of the
board of directors, securities affairs representative, and currently holds the post of the company’s board secretary.

Post-holding in shareholder’s unit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                        Position in                                       remuneration
                                                                       Start dated of   End date of
     Name                 Name of shareholder’s unit   shareholder                                           from
                                                                        office term     office term
                                                          ’s unit n                                      shareholder’s
                                                                                                           unit (Y/N)

                  Wuhan Zhongheng Group and its                        March 21,
 Li Zhongqiu                                            Chairman                                      N
                  subsidiaries                                         1996

 Jiang                                                  Deputy
                  Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                         July 2, 2018                   Y
 Junming                                                GM

 Chen                                                   Assistant to   January 1,
                  Wuhan Zhongheng Group                                                               Y
 Zhigang                                                the            2019

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                                                              Deputy           October 12,
 Huang Yanbo      Wuhan Zhongheng Group                                                                          Y
                                                              GM               2016

Post-holding in other unit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                Position in     Start dated of   End date of         remuneration
      Name                    Name of other units
                                                                other unit n     office term     office term         from other unit

                   Wuhan University                            Teacher         June 1, 1986                       Y

 Zheng                                                         Independen      October 1,
                   Jinglun Electronics Co., Ltd.                                                                  Y
 Chunmei                                                       t director      2015

 Zheng                                                         Independen      August 1,
                   Wuhan Guangxun Technology Co., Ltd.                                                            Y
 Chunmei                                                       t director      2016

                                                                               January 1,
 Wu Weihua         Huajin Securities Co., Ltd.                 GM                                                 Y

 Yang                                                                          August 1,
                   South China University of Technology        Teacher                                            Y
 Xiongwen                                                                      2008

 Yang                                                          Part-time       January 14,
                   Guangdong Hanrui Law Firm                                                                      N
 Xiongwen                                                      lawyer          2021

 in other unit

Punishment of securities regulatory authority in recent three years to the company’s current and outgoing directors, supervisors and
senior management during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Mr. Yang Bin, deputy general manager and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, due to the failure to urge and organize the
information disclosure work for the temporary announcement of Shenzhen China Agricultural University Technology Co., Ltd. in
accordance with relevant regulations during his tenure as Secretary of the Board of Directors of Shenzhen China Agricultural
University Science and Technology Co., Ltd., in August 2018, he was given a warning and fined 30000 yuan by Shenzhen Securities
Regulatory Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

IV. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, recognition basis and payment for directors, supervisors and senior executives
Remuneration of directors and supervisors are determined by general meeting, and the allowance standard for
each independent director is RMB 60, 000 per year (tax included).
Remuneration of senior management is determined by the board based on the unified remuneration management

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system and actual completion of operational targets, and the “Proposal of Basic Remuneration for High-ranking
Managers of the Company” was deliberated and approved in 2nd extraordinary meeting of the Board for year of

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
                                                                                                                     In 10 thousand Yuan

                                                                                                      Total               Whether
                                                                                                  remuneration          remuneration
      Name                Title             Sex (F/M)            Age                              obtained from        obtained from
                                                                                                  the Company          related party of
                                                                                                  (before taxes)        the Company

                                                                              Currently in
 Li Zhongqiu        Chairman, GM        M                                56                                   49.9    N

                                                                              Currently in
 Jiang Junming      Vice Chairman       M                                42                                      0    Y

                                                                              Currently in
 Chen Zhigang       Director            M                                47                                      0    Y

                    Deputy General
                    Manager, Chief                                            Currently in
 Yang Bin                               M                                48                                   34.6    N
                    Financial                                                 office

 Zheng              Independent                                               Currently in
                                        F                                55                                      6    N
 Chunmei            director                                                  office

 Yang               Independent                                               Currently in
                                        M                                42                                      6    N
 Xiongwen           director                                                  office

                    Independent                                               Currently in
 Wu Weihua                              M                                50                                      6    N
                    director                                                  office

                                                                              Currently in
 Huang Yanbo        Supervisor          F                                58                                      0    Y

                                                                              Currently in
 Chen Qin           Supervisor          F                                34                                   14.7    N

                    Deputy General
 Tang Ganyu                             F                                43   Leave office                     24     N

                    Employee                                                  Currently in
 Wu Aijie                               F                                49                                14.26      N
                    supervisor                                                office

                    Secretary of the                                          Currently in
 Niu Zhuo                               F                                38                                   25.4    N
                    Board                                                     office

 Total                        --               --                 --                   --                 180.86              --

Delegated equity incentive for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period

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□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Particulars of workforce

1. Number of Employees, Professional composition, Education background

 Employee in-post of the parent Company (people)                                                                           12

 Employee in-post of main Subsidiaries (people)                                                                          1,120

 The total number of current employees (people)                                                                          1,132

 The total number of current employees to receive pay (people)                                                           1,132

 Retired employee’ s expenses borne by the parent Company
 and main Subsidiaries (people)

                                                     Professional composition

              Category of professional composition                        Numbers of professional composition (people)

 Production personnel                                                                                                     914

 Sales personnel                                                                                                           33

 Technical personnel                                                                                                       94

 Financial personnel                                                                                                       18

 Administrative personnel                                                                                                  73

 Total                                                                                                                   1,132

                                                      Education background
 Category of education background                                 Numbers (people)
 Master and on-the-job graduate students                                                                                    6

 Undergraduate                                                                                                             65

 Junior college                                                                                                            84

 Other                                                                                                                    977

 Total                                                                                                                   1,132

2. Remuneration Policy

The company’s directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors and senior management personnel are
monthly paid by basic pay and performance pay, and the annual remunerations are paid after annual assessment;
the company’s independent directors are paid 60,000 Yuan per person per year as allowances (including tax), the
travel expenses for attending the board meeting and stockholders' meeting and the necessary expenses generated
by exercising their powers in accordance with relevant laws and regulations can be applied for reimbursement
according to the company’s regulations; the remuneration ordinary employees are decided by the positions,
including probationary period salary regular employee salary, and the company pays social security and public
accumulated funds for them in accordance with the national regulations.

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3. Training programs

(1) The directors, supervisors and senior management personnel actively participate in the relevant training and
assessment organized by the regulatory agencies, such as Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Securities
Regulatory Bureau, etc.
(2) The company regularly or irregularly organizes professional training for employees according to the
departments and division of labor, including internal training and external training, therein to, internal training are
provided by specialized personnel in the company; external training are provided by organizing employees to
participate in the trade associations and the training organized by supervision department.
(3) Organize staff in all positions to actively participate in the learning and assessment of technical professional
qualifications required by different positions.

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                  Section X. Corporate Governance

I. Corporate governance of the Company

During the reporting period, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the "Company Law", "Securities Law",
and "Governance Norms of Listed Companies", and the relevant rules and requirements promulgated by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission, the company has constantly improved the corporate governance structure,
established a sound internal control system, enhanced the level of standard operation, strictly followed the
provisions of the production and management control and the financial management and control and the
information disclosure and control, carried out the work on the basis of the "Articles of Association", "Rules of
Procedure of the Board of Directors”, "Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors”, “Working System of the
Independent Directors”, and “Working Rules of the General Manager”, and ensured that the shareholders' meeting,
the board of directors and the board of supervisors can perform their duties and responsibilities normally. The
company's governance meets the requirements on the documents of governance norms of listed companies issued
by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Is there any difference between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance for
listed company from CSRC?
□Yes √ No

There are no differences between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance
for listed company from CSRC.

II. Independent of the Company relative to controlling shareholders’ in aspect of businesses,
personnel, assets, organization and finance

During the reporting period, the company’s controlling shareholder - Wuhan Zhongheng Group has separated the
business, personnel, assets, organization and finance from the controlling shareholders in accordance with the laws
and regulations of the "Company Law" and "Articles of Association", and had the independent and complete
business system and the capabilities of independent management.
1. Personnel: The company fully and independently operates in the labor, personnel and salary management
systems and has established the independent management system, all of the company's senior executives are
working in the Company and receive the salaries, no senior executive has held a post in both the Company and the
controlling shareholder’s company, and no financial staff has held a post in two or more of the related companies.
2. Assets: The company has the clear property rights with the controlling shareholders and the capabilities of
independent management, possesses the full rights to control the production system, supporting facilities and land
use rights, no major shareholder has occupied or dominated the assets.
3. Finance: The company has established the independent, complete, standardized financial accounting system and
financial management system, and the corresponding internal control system and internal audit system in

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accordance with the requirements of the" Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" to make the independent
financial decisions.
4. Organization: the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and other internal organizations are sound and
operate independently, the organization is completely separated from the controlling shareholders, all organizations
of the company are set up based on the norms and requirements of the listed company and the company’s actual
business features which have the independent office addresses and there is no mixed operation or co-working, and
the controlling shareholders legally exercise the investors’ rights and undertake the corresponding obligations.
5. Business: the company has the completely independent business operation system, the capabilities of
independent management, the independent purchasing system, production system and marketing system, doesn’t
depend on the controlling shareholders to gain profits or have the horizontal competition relationship with the
controlling shareholders or the subsidiaries.

III. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. In the report period, the Company held annual general meeting and extraordinary
shareholders’ general meeting

1. Shareholders’ General Meeting in the report period

                                          Ratio of investor                                                 Index of
 Session of meeting               Type                              Date          Date of disclosure
                                            participation                                                  disclosure

 2020 First
                        Extraordinary                                                                  ode=000020&ann
                        shareholders’               6.26%    February 11, 2020   February 12, 2020    ouncementId=120
                        general meeting                                                                7302289&orgId=g
 general meeting

 Annual General
                        AGM                         48.03%    May 22, 2020                             ouncementId=120
 Meeting of 2019

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2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors

1. The attending of independent directors to Board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting

                    The attending of Board Meeting and shareholders’ general meeting by independent directors

                        Times of                                                                       Absent the
                         Board                           Times of                                           Board
                                        Times of                        Times of                                       presented in
      Independent       meeting                         attending by                    Times of       Meeting for
                                       present in                       entrusted                                      shareholders
        director      supposed to                       communicati                     Absence        the second
                                         person                         presence                                        ’ general
                      attend in the                         on                                             time in a
                     report period                                                                     row (Y/N)

 Zheng Chunmei                     5                0               5               0              0   N                             2

 Yang Xiongwen                     5                0               5               0              0   N                             2

 Wu Weihua                         5                0               5               0              0   N                             2

Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Independent directors come up with objection about Company’s relevant matters
□Yes √No
Independent directors has no objections for relevant events in reporting period

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors

The opinions from independent directors have been adopted

√ Yes □ No
Explanation on advice that accepted/not accepted from independent directors

Advises about the Company from independent directors are all accepted in the reporting period.

VI. Duty performance of the special committees under the board during the reporting period

1. Duty performance of the audit committee
During the reporting period, the work carried out by the audit committee mainly included: listening to the
company's annual operating, financial and internal audit work, continuing to concern and guide the company’s
financial affairs and internal audit supervision, carrying forward the audit work to the company’s annual financial
report, sending a letter to urge the audit report to be submitted on time, communicating with the certified public
accountants time after time during the annual audit, objectively evaluating the annual audit work of the accounting

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firm, and making the resolution to agree to re-appoint the accounting firm.
2. Remuneration & appraisal committee
During the reporting period, the remuneration & appraisal committee has audited remuneration of the company’s
directors, supervisors and senior management which was considered to be consistent with the actual situation and
in line with the provisions of relevant laws and the regulations of remuneration and appraisal system.
3. The nominations committee
During the reporting period, the nominations committee has investigated the proposal for the supplement of
independent directors, and made the decision to agree to submit to the board of directors for consideration.
4. The Strategic Committee
In the reporting period, the Strategic Committee puts forward reasonable suggestions for the strategic
development of the Company by combining with actual situation of the Company.

VII. Works from Supervisory Committee

The Company has risks in reporting period that found in supervisory activity from supervisory committee
□ Yes √ No
Supervisory committee has no objection about supervision events in reporting period.

VIII. Examination and incentives of senior management

During the reporting period, in order to enable the senior management to better perform their duties and maintain
the interests of the company and its shareholders, the company has variable paid the remuneration to urge the
company's management to work more diligently and ensure the realization of the company's development strategy
and operation target accordingly to the “Staff rank and basic salary system” and the performance assessment and
combining with the company's actual operating conditions.

IX. Internal Control

1. Details of major defects in IC appraisal report that found in reporting period

□Yes √ No

2. Appraisal Report of Internal Control

 Disclosure date of full internal control
                                             April 27, 2021
 evaluation report

 Disclosure index of full internal control
                                             Juchao Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 evaluation report

 The ratio of the total assets of units
 included in the scope of evaluation                                                                      100.00%
 accounting for the total assets on the

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 company's       consolidated    financial

 The ratio of the operating income of
 units included in the scope of evaluation
 accounting for the operating income on                                                                                           100.00%
 the company's consolidated financial

                                                   Defects Evaluation Standards

                  Category                                    Financial Reports                           Non-financial Reports

                                             1. General deficiencies: the amount of             1. General deficiencies: when facing
                                             direct property loss is between 50,000             low-risk matters in the process of
                                             yuan and 150,000 yuan, penalized by the            business operation, the unit being
                                             district-level      (including   district-level)   inspected didn’t take corresponding
                                             government sector but not having a                 internal control measures and respond
                                             negative impact on the company’s regular          effectively;
                                             disclosure; 2. Important deficiencies: the         2. Important deficiencies: when facing
                                             amount of direct property loss is between          matters at a moderate risk level in the
                                             150,000 yuan and 450,000 yuan, penalized           process of business operation, the unit
 Qualitative criteria
                                             by    the     provincial    level    (including    being       inspected       didn’t      take
                                             provincial level) government sector but            corresponding        internal         control
                                             not having a negative impact on the                measures and respond effectively;
                                             company’s regular disclosure; 3. Major            3. Major deficiencies: when facing
                                             deficiencies: the amount of direct property        high-risk matters in the process of
                                             loss is more than 450,000 yuan, penalized          business operation, the unit being
                                             by the government sector and having a              inspected didn’t take corresponding
                                             negative impact on the company’s regular          internal control measures and respond
                                             disclosure;                                        effectively.

                                             1. It belongs to important deficiency if the
                                             misstatement of the company’s cash on
                                             hand, bank deposits, notes receivable, and
                                             notes payable caused by internal control
                                             deficiencies is less than RMB 1000 Yuan;           General     deficiencies:      misstatement
                                             it belongs to major deficiency if the              index 1 ≥0.5‰, and misstatement
                                             misstatement caused by internal control            index 2 < 0.5‰;
 Quantitative standard                       deficiencies is greater than or equal to           Important      deficiencies:     0.5‰     ≤
                                             RMB 1000 Yuan.                                     misstatement index 2 < 1‰;
                                             2. Other deficiencies in internal controls:        Major deficiencies: misstatement index
                                             general deficiencies: misstatement index 1         2≥1‰
                                             ≥ 0.5 ‰, and misstatement index 2 < 0.5
                                             ‰; important deficiencies: 0.5 ‰ ≤
                                             misstatement index 2 <1 ‰; major
                                             deficiencies: misstatement index 2 ≥ 1 ‰

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 Amount        of   significant   defects     in
 financial reports

 Amount        of   significant   defects     in
 non-financial reports

 Amount of important defects in financial

 Amount        of    important    defects     in
 non-financial reports

X. Auditing report of internal control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                   Deliberations in Internal Control Audit Report

 We believe that the Huafa Company was in accordance with the "basic norms of internal control" and the relevant provisions and
 maintained effective internal control of financial reporting in all material respects

 Disclosure details of audit report
 of internal control

 Disclosure details of audit report
                                            April 27, 2021
 of internal control

 Disclosure date of audit report of
                                            Juchao Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 internal control (full-text)

 Opinion type of auditing report of
                                            Standard unqualified

 Whether the non-financial report
 had major defects

Carried out modified opinion for internal control audit report from CPA
□Yes √ No
The internal control audit report, issued by CPA, has concerted opinion with self-evaluation report, issued from the Board
√ Yes □ No

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                                   Section XI. Corporate Bond

Whether the Company has a corporation bonds that issuance publicly and listed on stock exchange and without
due on the date when annual report approved for released or fail to cash in full on due

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                                   Section XII. Financial Report

I. Audit report

 Type of audit opinion                                        Standard unqualified opinion

 Signing date of audit report                                 April 23, 2021

 Name of audit institute                                      DAXIN Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

 Document serial of audit report                              Da Xin Shen Zi[2021] No.: 5-10006

 Name of CPA                                                  Fan Zhang, Yang Ting

                                                  Text of Audit report
To all shareholders of SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.:

I. Auditing opinions

We have audited the financial statement under the name of SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HUAFA CO., LTD.
(hereinafter referred to as the Company), including the consolidated and parent Company’s balance sheet of 31
December 2020 and profit statement, and cash flow statement, and statement on changes of shareholders’ equity
for the year ended, and notes to the financial statements for the year ended.

In our opinion, the Company’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Enterprises
Accounting Standards and Enterprises Accounting System, and they fairly present the financial status of the
Company and of its parent company as of 31 December 2020 and its operation results and cash flows for the year

II. Basis of opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Financial Statements” section of the auditor’s report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the
Certified Public Accountants of China’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, and we have fulfilled our
other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our

III. Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of
the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
these matters.

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(i) Revenue recognition

1. Description of the matter

As stated in Note V (33) to the consolidated statement of your company, the main business income from display and
injection molded foam of 2020 recognized by your company was RMB 623,096,462.06, accounting for 90.08% of
operating income. The revenue generated from the sale of products is recognized when the control of the product
has been transferred to the customer, for domestic sales, the income is confirmed by the other party’s receipt of the
product, for export sales, the income is confirmed by the relevant customs declaration documents when the
product has been shipped and the declaration formalities have been completed.

Since income is one of your company’s key performance indicators, in order to prevent the inherent risks of
manipulating the time point of income recognition for achieving specific goals or expectations, we identify the
authenticity of income recognition for displays and injection molded foam as key audit items.

2. Audit response

(1) We understand, evaluate, and test the design and implementation of key internal controls related to the revenue
cycle, and test the effectiveness of internal controls;

(2) Select samples to inspect the sales contract or order, check the invoice, outbound order, receipt, customs
declaration and freight bill of lading, identify the contract terms and conditions related to the risks and reward
transfer of the ownership of the goods, and evaluate whether the time point of revenue recognition meets the
requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

(3) Enquire the business information of major customers to identify whether there is related relationship; conduct
terminal sales penetrating inspections on related transactions; check the rationality and fairness of the related

(4) For the income transactions recorded before and after the balance sheet date, select samples, check the
outbound order, receipt, logistics records, bills of lading and other supporting documents to assess whether the
income is recorded in the appropriate accounting period;

(5) Send correspondence to significant customers to confirm the amount of current sales revenue and account
receivable balance, and maintain controls over the correspondence during the sending process.

(ii) Related transaction

1. Description of the matter

As stated in Note IX (4) to the consolidated statement of your company, your company purchased a total of 284
million yuan of materials and finished products from the related parties, Hong Kong Yutian International
Investment Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectric Industry Co., Ltd., and sold a total of 198 million yuan
of goods to the related parties, Hong Kong Yutian International Investment Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Hengsheng
Photoelectric Industry Co., Ltd. As the related transactions involve a large amount of money, and for the same
related party at the same time there are sales and purchase business, there is a risk of circular transactions, we

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classify the related transaction as a key audit matter.

2. Audit response

(1) Understand, evaluate and test the internal control of your company’s related relationships and related

(2) Obtain the related party relationship table compiled by your company, and conduct appropriate background
investigation to identify and verify related parties through Internet information inquiry;

(3) Obtain a list of related transactions of your company, understand the commercial reasons of related
transactions, check related contracts or agreements, invoices, customs declarations, etc. of related transactions,
and conduct letter confirmation for the accrual and balance of major related transactions to verify whether the
accounting treatment is appropriate;

(4) Understand the authorization and approval procedures for related transactions of your company, check the
procurement and sales vouchers to third parties, compare the purchase and sales prices of related parties and
non-related parties, and verify whether the related transactions are fair;

(5) Obtain the related party’s final procurement and sales lists to the third party provided by your company, check
the relevant contract agreements and bank slip of the procurement and sales of the related party to the third party,
and verify the authenticity of the transaction and whether it constitutes a transaction cycle.

(iii) Material arbitration

1. Description of the matter

As stated in Note XII (1) (2)to the consolidated statement, on August 16, 2017, the South China International
Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission made a ruling of HNGZSC [2017] No. D376, ruled that your
company and Wuhan Zhongheng had to pay a total of 234 million yuan of liquidated damages and other cost.On
November 5, 2019, the South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission issued the ruling
HNGZSC [2019] No. D618 that your company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group should pay V&T Law Firm the
lawyer fee of RMB 19,402,000 and the liquidated damages. Your company believed that case [2017] No. D376
(Vanke arbitration case for short) had problems in the arbitration procedure and the determination of the so-called
breach of contract facts, and the ruling results damaged the company’s legitimate rights and interests. Your
company believed that the liability for breach of contract in the Vanke arbitration case should be fully borne by
Wuhan Zhongheng Group and Wuhan Zhongheng promised to bear all arbitration losses in full. If the company
paid in advance due to the execution of the case, it will immediately request Wuhan Zhongheng to fulfill its
commitment and eliminate the impact.

Your company believed that case [2019] No. D618 (referred to as the lawyer fee arbitration case) was caused by
the Vanke arbitration case, there’s a close causal relationship between the two cases, and Wuhan Zhongheng
Group issued a Commitment Letter to Shenzhen Hwafa in December 2016 that Wuhan Zhongheng Group shall
bear the full amount if the arbitration determines that Vanke wins the lawsuit and the disputes caused by the

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contract lead to arbitration losses. As the case has not yet been completed, and the uncertainty of the division of
liability for fault of internal performance the defaulting entity and the possibility of the transfer of interest in
Wuhan Zhongheng, the management needs to make significant judgments and estimates on whether the matter is
recognized as the estimated liability or the current profits or losses, so we recognize the major arbitration matter
as a key audit matter.

As stated in Note XII (3) to the consolidated statement, on April 17, 2020, Zhongheng Semiconductor sued your
company , demanding that your company transfer ownership pf the aforesaid two plots of land and compensate
economic losses of 52 million yuan. Zhongheng Semiconductor has promised your company that its main appeal
is the transfer of land to its name. If it wins, it will waive its claim for financial compensation. Since the case has
not yet been heard in court, the management needs to make significant judgments and estimates on whether the
matter is recognized as an estimated liability or current profit and loss. Therefore, we recognize the significant
arbitration matter as a key audit matter.

2. Audit response

(1) Understand the company’s policies and procedures for determining major issues by conducting inspections,
consulting with management and corporate legal counsel;

(2) Collect your company’s asset replacement contracts, asset replacement and related transaction announcements
and old contracts, cooperation agreement between your company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group, and the
Arbitration Award HNGZSC [2017] No. D376. related to this major issue, your company’s application for repeal
of arbitration, the ruling of Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court for rejection, the enforcement notice of
Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court, and the Arbitration Award HNGZSC [2019] No. D618, counsel's legal
opinion and other documents and materials, and understand the supporting evidence for the management of your
company to make judgments on the important matters;

(3) Engage legal experts to make independent judgments on the matter, and make independent judgments on legal
special opinions issued by legal experts;

(4) Sending a communication letter to company’s legal counsel to get an update on the progress of major litigation
cases, and determine if there is a material impact on the company’s financial statements;

(5) Check whether the major arbitration matter is sufficiently and properly disclosed in the financial report.

IV. Other information

The management of the Company (the “Management”) is responsible for other information which includes the
information covered in the Company’s 201X annual report excluding the financial statement and our audit report.

The audit opinion issued by us for the financial statement has not covered other information, for which we do not
issue any form of assurance opinions.

Considering our audit on financial statements, we are liable to read other information, during which, we shall
consider whether other information differs materially from the financial statements or that we understand during
our audit, or whether there is any material misstatement.

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Based on the works executed by us, we should report the fact if we find any material misstatement in other
information. In this regards, we have nothing to report.

V. Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the financial statements

The management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the Accounting
Standards for Enterprise to secure a fair presentation, and for the design, establishment and maintenance of the
internal control necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing matters (if applicable) related to going concern and using the going
concern assumption unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has
no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

VI. Responsibilities of the auditor for the financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audit report that includes our audit opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
with the CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or
error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to
influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with the CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

(1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for audit opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

(2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances.

(3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
related disclosures made by the management.

(4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern assumption and, based on the
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material

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uncertainty exists, we are required by the CAS to draw users’ attention in audit report to the related disclosures in
the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify audit opinion. Our conclusions are based
on the information obtained up to the date of audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the
Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

(5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial
statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

(6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business
activities within the Company to express audit opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the
direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for audit opinion.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguard measures.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in the auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in the auditor’s report because of the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be
expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

II. Financial Statement

Statement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY

1. Consolidated balance sheet

                                                      December 31, 2020
                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                         December 31, 2020                     December 31, 2019

 Current assets:

      Monetary funds                                              60,968,053.58                        38,095,501.00

      Settlement provisions

      Capital lent

      Transaction financial assets

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        Derivative financial assets

        Note receivable                         20,240,464.79

        Account receivable                     128,063,911.79   138,755,691.43

        Receivable financing                    10,057,385.11    42,096,834.02

        Accounts paid in advance                39,643,255.11    23,007,637.46

        Insurance receivable

        Reinsurance receivables

        Contract reserve of reinsurance

        Other account receivable                 4,466,949.96     6,351,361.16

           Including: Interest receivable

                  Dividend receivable

        Buying back the sale of financial

        Inventories                             70,166,013.49    66,971,551.96

          Contractual assets

        Assets held for sale

        Non-current asset due within one

        Other current assets                     4,255,643.19     1,395,071.36

 Total current assets                          338,198,437.05   316,673,648.39

 Non-current assets:

        Loans and payments on behalf

        Debt investment

        Other debt investment

        Long-term account receivable

        Long-term equity investment

        Investment in other equity

        Other non-current financial

        Investment real estate                  47,224,662.27    48,952,992.57

        Fixed assets                           193,605,444.53   198,229,817.31

        Construction in progress                  740,000.00

        Productive biological asset

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      Oil and gas asset

       Right-of-use assets

      Intangible assets                         40,820,657.80    42,968,600.44

      Expense on Research and


      Long-term expenses to be
                                                    77,445.31      309,781.15

      Deferred income tax asset                  7,383,734.13     6,803,360.00

      Other non-current asset                       66,000.00      225,700.00

 Total non-current asset                       289,917,944.04   297,490,251.47

 Total assets                                  627,779,621.06   614,163,899.86

 Current liabilities:

      Short-term loans                          12,527,808.00    24,633,898.20

      Loan from central bank

      Capital borrowed

      Trading financial liability

      Derivative financial liability

      Note payable                              37,416,381.20    16,761,590.51

      Account payable                           98,318,239.88   108,804,905.20

      Accounts received in advance                                 356,446.21

       Contractual liability                      287,140.66

      Selling financial asset of

      Absorbing deposit and interbank

      Security trading of agency

      Security sales of agency

      Wage payable                               5,737,366.59     5,877,341.25

      Taxes payable                             14,204,642.62    12,877,944.98

      Other account payable                     27,608,281.01    28,027,592.62

           Including: Interest payable              26,335.66        89,365.28

                        Dividend payable

      Commission charge and
 commission payable

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      Reinsurance payable

      Liability held for sale

      Non-current liabilities due
                                                12,000,000.00     12,000,000.00
 within one year

      Other current liabilities                 18,322,972.81

 Total current liabilities                     226,422,832.77    209,339,718.97

 Non-current liabilities:

      Insurance contract reserve

      Long-term loans                           61,000,000.00     73,000,000.00

      Bonds payable

         Including: Preferred stock

                      Perpetual capital

        Lease liability

      Long-term account payable

      Long-term wages payable

      Accrual liability                             64,411.00         64,411.00

      Deferred income                             4,043,640.00      2,331,720.00

      Deferred income tax liabilities

      Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                  65,108,051.00     75,396,131.00

 Total liabilities                             291,530,883.77    284,735,849.97

 Owner’s equity:

      Share capital                            283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

      Other equity instrument

         Including: Preferred stock

                      Perpetual capital

      Capital public reserve                   146,577,771.50    146,587,271.50

      Less: Inventory shares

      Other comprehensive income

      Reasonable reserve

      Surplus public reserve                    77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

      Provision of general risk

      Retained profit                          -170,881,854.46   -177,712,041.86

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 Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                                                  336,248,737.29                   329,428,049.89
 parent company

      Minority interests

 Total owner’ s equity                                           336,248,737.29                   329,428,049.89

 Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                           627,779,621.06                   614,163,899.86

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Wu Aijie

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company

                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                             December 31, 2020                December 31, 2019

 Current assets:

      Monetary funds                                                     966,379.17                  3,494,245.90

      Trading financial assets

      Derivative financial assets

      Note receivable

      Account receivable

      Receivable financing

      Accounts paid in advance                                            73,685.03

      Other account receivable                                     93,922,057.92                    97,165,023.85

         Including: Interest receivable


      Inventories                                                         14,806.50                        14,806.50

      Contractual assets

      Assets held for sale

      Non-current assets maturing
 within one year

      Other current assets                                                                                173,950.26

 Total current assets                                              94,976,928.62                   100,848,026.51

 Non-current assets:

      Debt investment

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      Other debt investment

      Long-term receivables

      Long-term equity investments             186,618,400.00   186,608,900.00

      Investment in other equity

      Other non-current financial

      Investment real estate                    23,957,898.42    25,166,301.06

      Fixed assets                              96,674,476.52    98,410,024.38

      Construction in progress                    740,000.00

      Productive biological assets

      Oil and natural gas assets

      Right-of-use assets

          Intangible assets                      4,408,763.52     4,553,709.24

      Research and development costs


      Long-term deferred expenses

      Deferred income tax assets                 7,443,826.11     7,367,646.35

      Other non-current assets

 Total non-current assets                      319,843,364.57   322,106,581.03

 Total assets                                  414,820,293.19   422,954,607.54

 Current liabilities

      Short-term borrowings

      Trading financial liability

      Derivative financial liability

      Notes payable

      Account payable                           10,745,840.16    10,745,840.16

      Accounts received in advance                                   57,266.01

      Contractual liability                         79,195.32

      Wage payable                               1,476,601.12     1,220,979.02

      Taxes payable                              7,892,878.33     8,489,130.72

      Other accounts payable                    21,304,919.43    19,100,375.42

           Including: Interest payable

                  Dividend payable

      Liability held for sale

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      Non-current liabilities due
                                                12,000,000.00     12,000,000.00
 within one year

      Other current liabilities                       3,959.77

 Total current liabilities                      53,503,394.13     51,613,591.33

 Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans                           61,000,000.00     73,000,000.00

      Bonds payable

         Including: preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

      Lease liability

      Long-term account payable

      Long term employee
 compensation payable

      Accrued liabilities                           64,411.00         64,411.00

      Deferred income

      Deferred income tax liabilities

      Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                  61,064,411.00      73,064,411.00

 Total liabilities                             114,567,805.13    124,678,002.33

 Owners’ equity:

      Share capital                            283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

      Other equity instrument

         Including: preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

      Capital public reserve                   146,587,271.50    146,587,271.50

      Less: Inventory shares

      Other comprehensive income

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                           77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

      Retained profit                          -206,887,603.69   -208,863,486.54

 Total owner’s equity                         300,252,488.06    298,276,605.21

 Total liabilities and owner’s equity         414,820,293.19    422,954,607.54

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3. Consolidated Profit Statement

                                                                                      In RMB

                        Item                   2020                    2019

 I. Total operating income                            691,742,269.12          721,557,440.51

       Including: Operating income                    691,742,269.12          721,557,440.51

               Interest income

               Insurance gained

               Commission charge and
 commission income

 II. Total operating cost                             686,630,062.93          713,911,668.31

       Including: Operating cost                      613,228,694.51          634,502,127.35

               Interest expense

               Commission charge and
 commission expense

              Cash surrender value

              Net amount of expense of

              Net amount of withdrawal
 of insurance contract reserve

               Bonus expense of
 guarantee slip

               Reinsurance expense

               Tax and extras                           3,575,851.98            3,900,270.42

               Sales expense                           15,417,760.60           20,879,256.97

               Administrative expense                  34,481,219.11           38,034,071.63

               R&D expense                              7,285,833.84            6,649,163.02

               Financial expense                       12,640,702.89            9,946,778.92

                      Including: Interest
                                                        8,508,919.02           10,638,951.99

                                                         838,314.39              631,958.95

       Add: other income                                2,264,506.66             259,080.00

             Investment income (Loss is
                                                         165,317.73              180,964.60
 listed with “-”)

             Including: Investment
 income on affiliated company and joint

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                      The termination of
 income recognition for financial assets
 measured by amortized cost(Loss is
 listed with “-”)

               Exchange income (Loss is
 listed with “-”)

               Net exposure hedging
 income (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Income from change of fair
 value (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Loss of credit impairment
                                                 207,383.73     190,618.99
 (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Losses of devaluation of
                                                 170,241.33    -385,333.82
 asset (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Income from assets disposal
                                                 817,533.49        9,298.34
 (Loss is listed with “-”)

 III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                8,737,189.13   7,900,400.31

          Add: Non-operating income              488,657.30     334,950.66

          Less: Non-operating expense            408,809.90     484,592.52

 IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   8,817,036.53   7,750,758.45

          Less: Income tax expense              1,986,849.13   2,290,709.30

 V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                6,830,187.40   5,460,049.15

     (i) Classify by business continuity

          1.continuous operating net profit
                                                6,830,187.40   5,460,049.15
 (net loss listed with ‘-”)

          2.termination of net profit (net
 loss listed with ‘-”)

     (ii) Classify by ownership

          1.Net profit attributable to
                                                6,830,187.40   5,460,049.15
 owner’s of parent company

          2.Minority shareholders’ gains
 and losses

 VI. Net after-tax of other
 comprehensive income

     Net after-tax of other comprehensive

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 income attributable to owners of parent

       (i) Other comprehensive income
 items which will not be reclassified
 subsequently to profit of loss

               1.Changes of the defined
 benefit plans that re-measured

               2.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that
 cannot be transfer to gain/loss

               3.Change of fair value of
 investment in other equity instrument

               4.Fair value change of
 enterprise's credit risk

               5. Other

        (ii) Other comprehensive income
 items which will be reclassified
 subsequently to profit or loss

               1.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that can
 transfer to gain/loss

               2.Change of fair value of
 other debt investment

               3.Amount of financial
 assets re-classify to other
 comprehensive income

               4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment

               5.Cash flow hedging

               6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements


     Net after-tax of other comprehensive
 income attributable to minority

 VII. Total comprehensive income               6,830,187.40   5,460,049.15

           Total comprehensive income          6,830,187.40   5,460,049.15

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 attributable to owners of parent

       Total comprehensive income
 attributable to minority shareholders

 VIII. Earnings per share:

        (i) Basic earnings per share                                         0.0241                                       0.0193

      (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                        0.0241                                       0.0193

As for the enterprise combined under the same control, net profit of 0 Yuan achieved by the merged party before combination while 0
Yuan achieved last period.

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Wu Aijie

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                       Item                                 2020                                         2019

 I. Operating income                                                 37,262,114.01                                38,216,680.42

       Less: Operating cost                                            6,784,029.31                                 7,304,872.41

             Taxes and surcharge                                        935,273.64                                  1,302,971.22

             Sales expenses

             Administration expenses                                 17,981,589.32                                15,825,546.36

             R&D expenses

             Financial expenses                                        7,719,720.37                                 8,665,845.55

                      Including: interest
                                                                       7,717,101.68                                 8,631,842.66

                              Interest income                             10,145.09                                    16,312.01

       Add: other income                                                   5,145.25

             Investment income (Loss is
 listed with “-”)

             Including: Investment
 income on affiliated Company and
 joint venture

                      The termination of
 income recognition for financial
 assets measured by amortized cost

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 (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Net exposure hedging
 income (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Changing income of fair
 value (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Loss of credit impairment
                                                -304,719.05     557,038.21
 (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Losses of devaluation of
 asset (Loss is listed with “-”)

               Income on disposal of
 assets (Loss is listed with “-”)

 II. Operating profit (Loss is listed
                                                4,452,834.73   5,674,483.09
 with “-”)

          Add: Non-operating income               89,455.80      11,431.87

          Less: Non-operating expense                433.38     440,391.48

 III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with
                                                4,541,857.15   5,245,523.48

          Less: Income tax                      2,565,974.30   2,253,579.61

 IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                1,975,882.85   2,991,943.87

          (i) continuous operating net
                                                1,975,882.85   2,991,943.87
 profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)

          (ii) termination of net profit (net
 loss listed with ‘-”)

 V. Net after-tax of other
 comprehensive income

          (i) Other comprehensive income
 items which will not be reclassified
 subsequently to profit of loss

                  1.Changes of the defined
 benefit plans that re-measured

                  2.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that
 cannot be transfer to gain/loss

                  3.Change of fair value of
 investment in other equity instrument

                  4.Fair value change of
 enterprise's credit risk

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

                5. Other

         (ii) Other comprehensive
 income items which will be
 reclassified subsequently to profit or

                1.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that can
 transfer to gain/loss

                2.Change of fair value of
 other debt investment

                3.Amount of financial
 assets re-classify to other
 comprehensive income

                4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment

                5.Cash flow hedging

                6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements


 VI. Total comprehensive income                         1,975,882.85            2,991,943.87

 VII. Earnings per share:

         (i) Basic earnings per share

        (ii) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                      In RMB

                    Item                       2020                    2019

 I. Cash flows arising from operating

        Cash received from selling
 commodities and providing labor                      570,954,717.52          553,928,004.01

        Net increase of customer deposit
 and interbank deposit

         Net increase of loan from
 central bank

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

      Net increase of capital borrowed
 from other financial institution

      Cash received from original
 insurance contract fee

      Net cash received from
 reinsurance business

      Net increase of insured savings
 and investment

      Cash received from interest,
 commission charge and commission

      Net increase of capital borrowed

      Net increase of returned business

      Net cash received by agents in
 sale and purchase of securities

      Write-back of tax received                  126,477.24

      Other cash received concerning
                                                 9,550,590.82    13,798,593.97
 operating activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                               580,631,785.58   567,726,597.98
 operating activities

      Cash paid for purchasing
 commodities and receiving labor               416,696,575.23   378,873,939.95

      Net increase of customer loans
 and advances

      Net increase of deposits in
 central bank and interbank

      Cash paid for original insurance
 contract compensation

      Net increase of capital lent

      Cash paid for interest,
 commission charge and commission

       Cash paid for bonus of
 guarantee slip

      Cash paid to/for staff and
                                                58,223,463.86    64,417,822.74

      Taxes paid                                11,877,060.89    12,372,419.54

      Other cash paid concerning                34,115,416.00    37,598,708.74

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 operating activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                               520,912,515.98   493,262,890.97
 operating activities

 Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                59,719,269.60    74,463,707.01

 II. Cash flows arising from investing

      Cash received from recovering

      Cash received from investment
                                                  147,502.66       180,964.60

      Net cash received from disposal
 of fixed, intangible and other                  1,803,913.05      198,536.93
 long-term assets

      Net cash received from disposal
 of subsidiaries and other units

      Other cash received concerning
                                                55,000,000.00    75,000,000.00
 investing activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                56,951,415.71    75,379,501.53
 investing activities

      Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                 5,471,921.66     3,288,039.15
 intangible and other long-term assets

      Cash paid for investment

      Net increase of mortgaged loans

      Net cash received from
 subsidiaries and other units obtained

      Other cash paid concerning
                                                55,000,000.00    75,000,000.00
 investing activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                60,471,921.66    78,288,039.15
 investing activities

 Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                -3,520,505.95    -2,908,537.62

 III. Cash flows arising from financing

      Cash received from absorbing

        Including: Cash received from
 absorbing minority shareholders’
 investment by subsidiaries

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      Cash received from loans                        34,380,634.80           215,911,217.10

      Other cash received concerning
 financing activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                      34,380,634.80           215,911,217.10
 financing activities

      Cash paid for settling debts                    56,765,100.20           267,928,436.03

      Cash paid for dividend and
                                                       8,639,896.64            10,984,022.74
 profit distributing or interest paying

      Including: Dividend and profit
 of minority shareholder paid by

      Other cash paid concerning
 financing activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                      96,093,364.01           278,912,458.77
 financing activities

 Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                      -61,712,729.21          -63,001,241.67

 IV. Influence on cash and cash
 equivalents due to fluctuation in                     -1,080,106.72             129,924.29
 exchange rate

 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                       -6,594,072.28            8,683,852.01

      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                      36,645,061.61            27,961,209.60
 equivalents at the period -begin

 VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                      30,050,989.33            36,645,061.61
 equivalents at the period -end

6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company

                                                                                      In RMB

                  Item                         2020                    2019

 I. Cash flows arising from operating

      Cash received from selling
 commodities and providing labor                      28,455,496.04            31,130,517.17

      Write-back of tax received                           4,854.01

      Other cash received concerning
                                                      12,618,059.59           126,052,122.79
 operating activities

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 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                               41,078,409.64   157,182,639.96
 operating activities

      Cash paid for purchasing
 commodities and receiving labor                1,580,720.38     5,137,335.48

      Cash paid to/for staff and
                                                1,943,628.52     3,853,129.50

      Taxes paid                                5,824,850.36     3,503,529.69

      Other cash paid concerning
                                               15,908,119.05   130,808,236.27
 operating activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                               25,257,318.31   143,302,230.94
 operating activities

 Net cash flows arising from operating
                                               15,821,091.33    13,880,409.02

 II. Cash flows arising from investing

      Cash received from recovering

      Cash received from investment

      Net cash received from disposal
 of fixed, intangible and other                 1,590,000.00         1,000.00
 long-term assets

      Net cash received from disposal
 of subsidiaries and other units

      Other cash received concerning
 investing activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                1,590,000.00         1,000.00
 investing activities

      Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
 intangible and other long-term assets

      Cash paid for investment

      Net cash received from
 subsidiaries and other units obtained

      Other cash paid concerning
 investing activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow from
 investing activities

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 Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                                        1,590,000.00                                    -227,914.40

 III. Cash flows arising from financing

      Cash received from absorbing

      Cash received from loans                                          1,000,000.00                                  90,000,000.00

      Other cash received concerning
 financing activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                        1,000,000.00                                  90,000,000.00
 financing activities

      Cash paid for settling debts                                     12,000,000.00                                 105,000,000.00

      Cash paid for dividend and
                                                                        7,717,101.68                                   8,631,842.66
 profit distributing or interest paying

      Other cash paid concerning
 financing activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                       19,717,101.68                                 113,631,842.66
 financing activities

 Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                      -18,717,101.68                                 -23,631,842.66

 IV. Influence on cash and cash
 equivalents due to fluctuation in                                          -2,451.00                                         1,311.90
 exchange rate

 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                       -1,308,461.35                                  -9,978,036.14

      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                        2,046,143.44                                  12,024,179.58
 equivalents at the period -begin

 VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                          737,682.09                                   2,046,143.44
 equivalents at the period -end

7. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Current period
                                                                                                                                In RMB


                                          Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company                           Min       Tota
      Item                      Other                                                                                  ority       l
                   Sha                       Capi    Less    Othe    Reas      Surp     Prov    Reta   Othe   Subt
                                equity                                                                                 inter     own
                    re                        tal      :       r     onab      lus      ision   ined    r     otal
                             instrument                                                                                ests      ers’

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

                    cap          Per          reser     Inve   com     le     reser      of    profi          equit
                    ital         pet           ve       ntor   preh   reser    ve       gene     t             y
                                 ual                     y     ensi    ve               ral
                                 cap    Ot              shar   ve                       risk
                                 ital   her              es    inco
                                 sec                           me

                                              146,                            77,3             -177    329,   329,
 I. Balance at      ,16
                                              587,                            91,5             ,712,   428,   428,
 the end of the     1,2
                                              271.                            93.2             041.    049.   049.
 last year          27.
                                                50                                  5            86     89      89

 Changes of

 correction of
 the last period

 under the
 same control


                                              146,                            77,3             -177    329,   329,
 II. Balance at     ,16
                                              587,                            91,5             ,712,   428,   428,
 the beginning      1,2
                                              271.                            93.2             041.    049.   049.
 of this year       27.
                                                50                                  5            86     89      89

 III. Increase/
 Decrease in
                                               -9,5                                            6,83    6,82   6,82
 this year
                                              00.0                                             0,18    0,68   0,68
 (Decrease is
                                                    0                                          7.40    7.40   7.40
 listed with

     (i) Total                                                                                 6,83    6,83   6,83
 comprehensiv                                                                                  0,18    0,18   0,18
 e income                                                                                      7.40    7.40   7.40

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     (ii) Owners’
 devoted and

 invested by

 2. Capital
 invested by
 holders of
 other equity

 3. Amount
 reckoned into
 owners equity

 4. Other

 (III) Profit

 1. Withdrawal
 of surplus

 2. Withdrawal
 of general

 for owners (or

 4. Other

 (IV) Carrying

 1. Capital

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 conversed to
 capital (share

 2. Surplus
 conversed to
 capital (share

 3. Remedying
 loss with

 earnings from
 the defined
 benefit plans

 earnings from
 e income

 6. Other


 1. Withdrawal
 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the report

                                     -9,5                     -9,5   -9,5
 (VI)Others                          00.0                     00.0   00.0
                                        0                       0      0

                                     146,      77,3   -170    336,   336,
 IV. Balance at   ,16
                                     577,      91,5   ,881,   248,   248,
 the end of the   1,2
                                     771.      93.2   854.    737.   737.
 report period    27.
                                       50        5      46     29     29

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

Last period
                                                                                                                                      In RMB


                                             Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company

                                   Pe                           Othe
                                   rpe                            r                            Prov                                   Total
                                                          :             Reas                                                 Mino
                    Sha            tua           Capi            com              Surp         ision   Reta                           owne
      Item                                               Inve           onab                                                  rity
                           Pr                                                                                                          rs’
                    re              l             tal           preh                  lus       of     ined    Othe   Subt
                           efe                           ntor             le                                                 intere
                    cap            ca            reser           ensi             reser        gene    profi    r     otal            equit
                           rre             Oth            y             reser                                                 sts
                    ital           pit            ve             ve                   ve        ral      t                             y
                           d               er            shar            ve
                                   al                            inco                          risk
                           sto                            es
                                   sec                           me

                                                 146,                             77,3                 -183           323,
 I. Balance at      ,16                                                                                                               323,9
                                                 587,                             91,5                 ,172,          968,
 the end of the     1,2                                                                                                               68,00
                                                 271.                             93.2                 091.           000.
 last year          27.                                                                                                                0.74
                                                   50                                      5             01            74

 Changes of

 correction of
 the last

 under the
 same control


 II. Balance at     283                          146,                             77,3                 -183           323,            323,9
 the beginning      ,16                          587,                             91,5                 ,172,          968,            68,00
 of this year       1,2                          271.                             93.2                 091.           000.             0.74

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

                     27.              50       5    01     74

 III. Increase/
 Decrease in
                                                   5,46   5,46   5,460
 this year
                                                   0,04   0,04   ,049.
 (Decrease is
                                                   9.15   9.15     15
 listed with

     (i) Total                                     5,46   5,46   5,460
 comprehensi                                       0,04   0,04   ,049.
 ve income                                         9.15   9.15     15

     (ii) Owners’
 devoted and

 invested by

 2. Capital
 invested by
 holders of
 other equity

 3. Amount
 reckoned into
 equity with

 4. Other

 (III) Profit

 of surplus

 of general

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文


 for owners

 4. Other

 (IV) Carrying

 1. Capital
 conversed to
 capital (share

 2. Surplus
 conversed to
 capital (share

 loss with

 from the
 benefit plans

 from other
 ve income

 6. Other


深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文


 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the report


 IV. Balance                                     146,                          77,3               -177              329,
                   ,16                                                                                                           329,4
 at the end of                                   587,                          91,5               ,712,             428,
                   1,2                                                                                                           28,04
 the report                                      271.                          93.2               041.              049.
                   27.                                                                                                             9.89
 period                                           50                                 5              86                89

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

Current period
                                                                                                                                 In RMB


                                   Other equity
                                    instrument                               Other
                                      Perp                         Less:    compr        Reaso     Surplu     Retai
                    Share                                 l                                                                     Total
      Item                            etual                        Invent   ehensi       nable        s       ned
                    capit   Prefe                       public                                                         Other   owners’
                                      capit      Othe               ory       ve         reserv    reserv     profi
                     al     rred                        reserv                                                                 equity
                                        al         r               shares   incom          e          e         t
                            stock                         e
                                      secur                                   e

 I. Balance at      283,1                               146,58                                     77,391
                                                                                                              863,             298,276,
 the end of the     61,22                               7,271.                                     ,593.2
                                                                                                              486.              605.21
 last year           7.00                                     50                                          5

 Changes of

 correction of
 the last period

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文


 II. Balance at       283,1                146,58       77,391
                                                                 863,    298,276,
 the beginning        61,22                    7,271.   ,593.2
                                                                 486.     605.21
 of this year          7.00                       50        5

 III. Increase/
 Decrease in                                                     1,97
 this year                                                       5,88
 (Decrease is                                                    2.85
 listed with “-”)

     (i) Total                                                   1,97
 comprehensive                                                   5,88
 income                                                          2.85

     (ii) Owners’
 devoted and

 invested by

 2. Capital
 invested by
 holders of
 other equity

 3. Amount
 reckoned into
 owners equity

 4. Other

 (III) Profit

 1. Withdrawal
 of surplus

 2. Distribution
 for owners (or

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 3. Other

 (IV) Carrying
 owners’ equity

 1. Capital
 conversed to
 capital (share

 2. Surplus
 conversed to
 capital (share

 3. Remedying
 loss with
 surplus reserve

 earnings from
 the defined
 benefit plans

 earnings from

 6. Other


 1. Withdrawal
 in the report

 2. Usage in the
 report period


 IV. Balance at    283,1                   146,58       77,391   -206,
 the end of the    61,22                       7,271.   ,593.2   887,

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 report period        7.00                                       50                                       5     603.             488.06

Last period
                                                                                                                                  In RMB


                                  Other equity
                                      Perp              Capit
                    Shar                                              Less:   compr              Surpl
                             Pref     etual               al                           Reason                                   Total
          Item       e                                            Invent      ehensi              us      Retaine
                             erre     capit             public                          able                           Other   owners’
                    capit                        Othe                 ory      ve                reserv   d profit
                              d         al              reserv                         reserve                                 equity
                     al                           r               shares      incom                e
                             stoc     secu                e
                              k        ritie

 I. Balance at                                          146,5                                    77,39    -211,85
                    161,                                                                                                       295,284,
 the end of the                                         87,27                                    1,593    5,430.4
                    227.                                                                                                         661.34
 last year                                               1.50                                      .25           1

 Changes of

 correction of
 the last


 II. Balance at                                         146,5                                    77,39    -211,85
                    161,                                                                                                       295,284,
 the beginning                                          87,27                                    1,593    5,430.4
                    227.                                                                                                         661.34
 of this year                                            1.50                                      .25           1

 III. Increase/
 Decrease in
 this year                                                                                                2,991,9              2,991,94
 (Decrease is                                                                                                 43.87                3.87
 listed with

     (i) Total
                                                                                                          2,991,9              2,991,94
                                                                                                              43.87                3.87
 e income

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     (ii) Owners’
 devoted and

 invested by

 2. Capital
 invested by
 holders of
 other equity

 3. Amount
 reckoned into
 owners equity

 4. Other

 (III) Profit

 of surplus

 for owners

 3. Other

 (IV) Carrying

 1. Capital
 conversed to
 capital (share

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文


 2. Surplus
 conversed to
 capital (share

 3. Remedying
 loss with

 earnings from
 the defined
 benefit plans

 earnings from
 e income

 6. Other


 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the report


 IV. Balance at                             146,5                              77,39   -208,86
                  161,                                                                               298,276,
 the end of the                             87,27                              1,593   3,486.5
                  227.                                                                                605.21
 report period                               1.50                                .25        4

III. Company profile

(1)The registration place of the enterprise, the form of organization and the headquarters address

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Shenzhen Zhongheng HUAFA Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Company or the Company),
established on 8 December 1981. Uniform social credit code 91440300618830372G.
Registered place and head office of the Company: 411 Bldg., Huafa (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Legal representative: Li Zhongqiu
Registered capital: RMB 283,161,227.00

(2) The nature of the business and the main business activities. (for example, the industry in which the
company operates, the main products or services it offers, the nature of its customers, its sales
strategy, nature of its regulatory environment etc.)
The Company belongs to the computer, telecommunication and manufacturing of other electronic equipment.
Business scope: producing and sales of vary color TV set, liquid crystal display, LCD (operates in branch),
radio-recorder, sound equipment, electronic watch, electronic game and computers, the printed wiring board,
precision injection parts, light packaging material (operates in Wuhan) and hardware (including tool and mould)
for various electronic products and supporting parts, plating and surface treatment and tin wire, development and
operation of real estate (Shen Fang Di Zi No.: 7226760) and property management. Funded affiliated companies
in Wuhan and Jilin. Setting up branches in capital of the province (Lhasa City excluded) in China and
municipality directly under the central government.

(3)Relevant party offering approval reporting of financial statements and date thereof
The financial statement has been deliberated and approved by BOD on 15 April 2021. According to Article of
Association, the statement shall be submitted for deliberation in shareholders general meeting.

(4) Consolidation scope of the financial statement for the year
Consolidate scope in the Period: subsidiaries including Shenzhen HUAFA Property Lease Management Co., Ltd
(no annual inspection in 2011, and business license revoke on 1 April 2014), Shenzhen Zhongheng HUAFA
Property Co., Ltd, Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen HUAFA Hengtian Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
HUAFA Hengtai Co., Ltd. More of subsidiaries found in “Note VII. Equity in other subjects”.

IV. Preparation basis of Financial Statements

1. Preparation basis

Base on the running continuously and actual transactions and events, in line with the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprise – Basic Standards and specific principle of accounting standards issued by the Ministry of
Finance (hereinafter collectively referred to as Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise), the Company
prepared and formulate the financial statement lies on the followed important accounting policy and estimation.

2. Going concern

The Company expects that the production and sales will be in a virtuous cycle within 12 months from the end of

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he reporting period, and there is no risk that affects the continued operations.

V. Important accounting policy and estimation

Notes on specific accounting policies and accounting estimation:
The following disclosure has covered the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates formulated by the Company
according to the actual production and operation characteristics.

1. Declaration of obedience to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise

The Financial Statements of the Company are up to requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise
and also a true and thorough reflection to the relevant information as the Company’s financial position dated 31st
December 2020 and the operation results as well as cash flow for the year of 2020.

2. Accounting period

The Company’s accounting year is Gregorian calendar year, namely from 1 st January to 31st December of every

3. Business cycle

The Company’s business cycle is one year (12 months) as a normal cycle, and the business cycle is the
determining criterion for the liquidity of assets and liabilities of the Company.

4. Bookkeeping standard currency

The Renminbi (RMB) is taken as the book-keeping standard currency.

5. Accounting methods for consolidation of enterprises under the same control or otherwise

1. Consolidation of enterprises under the same control
Where the Company for long term equity investment arising from business combination under common control
satisfies the combination consideration by payment of cash, transfer of non-cash assets or assumption of debt, the
carrying value of the net assets of the acquire in combined financial statement of the ultimate controller shared by
the Company as at the combination date shall be deemed as the initial investment cost of such long term equity
investment. If the equity instrument issued by combining party are consider as the combination consideration,
than the total value of the issuing shares are consider as the share capital. The difference between the initial cost of
long-term equity investment and book value of consideration (or total face value of the shares issued) paid, capital
surplus adjusted; if the capital surplus not enough to written down, than retained earning adjusted.
2. Business combination not under common control

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As for business combination not under common control, combination costs refer to the sum of the fair value of the
assets paid, liabilities occurred or assumed as well as equity securities issued by the acquirer to obtain control over
the acquire as at the acquisition date. As for acquiree that obtained by consolidation not under the same control,
the qualified confirmation of identified assets, liability and contingency liabilities should calculated by fair value
on day of purchased. If the consolidation cost larger than the fair value amount of identified net assets from
acquiree’s, the differences should be recognized as goodwill. If the consolidation cost less than the fair value
amount of identified net assets from acquiree’s, the differences should reckoned into current non-operating

6. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

1. Consolidation financial statement range
The Company includes all the subsidiaries (including the separate entities controlled by the Company) into
consolidated financial statement, including companies controlled by the Company, non-integral part of the
investees and structural main body.

2. Centralize accounting policies, balance sheet dates and accounting periods of parent and subsidiaries.
As for the inconsistency between the subsidiaries and the Company in the accounting policies and periods, the
necessary adjustment is made on the subsidiaries’ financial statements in the preparation of the consolidated
financial statements according to the Company’s accounting policies and periods.

3. Offset of consolidated financial statement
The consolidated financial statements shall be prepared on the basis of the balance sheet of the parent company
and subsidiaries, which offset the internal transactions incurred between the parent company and subsidiaries and
within subsidiaries. The owner’s equity of the subsidiaries not attributable to the parent company shall be
presented as minority equity under the owner’s equity item in the consolidated balance sheet. The long term equity
investment of the parent company held by the subsidiaries, deemed as treasury stock of the corporate group as
well as the reduction of owners’ equity, shall be presented as “Less: treasury stock” under the owners’ equity item
in the consolidated balance sheet.

4. Accounting for acquisition of subsidiary through combination
For subsidiaries    acquired    under     enterprise   merger     involving     enterprises    under     common   control,
the assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows of the subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial
statements from the      beginning      of the financial   year       in which the    combination took       place. When
preparing    the    consolidated      financial statements,     for      the subsidiaries     acquired    from    business
combination not involving entities under common control, the identifiable net assets of the subsidiaries are
adjusted on the basis of their fair values on the date of acquisition.

5. Accounting treatment of disposal subsidiaries

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In the case of partial disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of control, in the
consolidated financial statements, the difference between the disposal price and the net asset share corresponding
to the disposal of long-term equity investments and enjoying the subsidiaries’ continued calculation from the
purchase date or the merger date is used to adjust the capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium). If the
capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings are adjusted.
If the control power of the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity investment, etc., when preparing
the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity shall be re-measured according to its fair value on the
date of loss of control. The sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the
remaining equity minus the difference between the share of the original subsidiary’s net assets that should be
continuously calculated from the purchase date or the merger date is included in the current investment income
when the control is lost and also offsets goodwill. Other comprehensive income related to the equity investment of
the original subsidiary is converted into current investment income when the control is lost.

7. Determination criteria of cash and cash equivalent

The cash recognized in the preparation of the cash flow statements, is the Company’s storage cash and deposits
available for payment anytime. The cash equivalents recognized in the preparation of the cash flow statements
refers to the investment held by the Company with characteristic of short-term, strong mobility, easy transfer to
known sum cash and has slim risk from value changes.

8. Foreign currency exchange and the conversion of foreign currency statements

1. Foreign currency exchange
The approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate on transaction occurred should be used for standard
money conversion while foreign currency exchange occurred On the balance sheet day, the monetary items are
converted on the current rate on the balance sheet day, concerning the exchange differences between the spot
exchange rate on that date and initial confirmation or the sport exchange rate on previously balance sheet date,
should reckoned in to current gains/losses except the capitalizing on exchange differences for foreign specific
loans, which was reckoned into cost for capitalizing. The non-monetary items measured on the historic cost are
still measured by the original bookkeeping rate with the sum of the bookkeeping standard currency unchanged.
Items of non-monetary foreign currency which was calculated by fair value, should converted by spot exchange
rate on the confirmation day of fair value, difference between the converted amount of bookkeeping currency and
original amount of bookkeeping currency, was treated as changes of fair value (including exchange rate changed)
reckoned into current gains/losses or recognized as other consolidated income.
2. Conversion of foreign currency financial statements
Upon the conversion of the foreign currency financial statements of the controlling subsidiaries, joint enterprises,
and the affiliated enterprises on the bookkeeping standard currency different from the Company’s, the accounting
check and preparation of the consolidated financial statements are made. Assets and liabilities items in the balance

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sheet are converted on the current rate on the balance sheet day; owners’ equity items besides the “retained profit”
item, the other items are converted on the actual rate. Items of revenue and expenses in profit statement, should
converted by the approximate exchange rate of spot exchange rate on occurring date. The conversion difference of
the foreign currency financial statements is listed specifically in the owners’ equity in the balance sheet. If the
foreign cash flow determined by rational system method, the approximate exchange rate of spot exchange rate on
occurring date should prevail. The cash influenced by the rate fluctuation is listed specifically in the cash flow
statement. As for the foreign operation, the conversion difference of the foreign currency statement related to the
foreign operation is transferred in proportion into the disposal of the current loss/gain.

9. Financial instrument

1. Category and recognition of financial instrument
Financial instrument is the contract that taken shape of the financial asses for an enterprise and of the financial
liability or equity instrument for other units.
(1) Financial assets
The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions as financial assets measured at
amortized cost: ① The Company’s business model for managing financial assets is to collect contractual cash
flows as its goal; ② The contractual terms of the financial assets stipulate that the cash flow generated on a
specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount.
The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions as financial assets measured at fair
value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income: ① The Company’s business model for
managing financial assets is to collect contractual cash flows and sell the financial assets as its goal; ② The
contractual terms of the financial assets stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only for the
payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount
For investment in non-trading equity instruments, the Company may irrevocably designate it as a financial asset
measured at fair value and its changes included in other comprehensive income at initial recognition. The
designation is made on the basis of a single investment, and the relevant investment meets the definition of equity
instruments from the perspective of the issuer.
Except for financial assets classified as financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets measured
at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the Company classifies the financial
assets as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit or loss. At the
initial recognition, if the accounting mismatch can be eliminated or reduced, the Company can irrevocably
designate the financial asset as a financial asset measured at fair value and its changes are included in the current
profit and loss.
When the Company changes the business model for managing financial assets, it will reclassify all affected related
financial assets on the first day of the first reporting period after the business model has been changed, and will
apply future applicable methods from the date of reclassification for relevant accounting treatment, no retroactive

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adjustments shall be made for previously recognized gains, losses (including impairment losses or gains) or
(2) Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in
the current profit or loss, financial liabilities formed by the transfer of financial assets that does not meet the
conditions for derecognition or continues to be involved in the transferred financial assets, and financial liabilities
measured at amortized cost at initial recognition. All financial liabilities are not reclassified.
2. Measurement of financial instruments
The initial recognition of the Company’s financial instruments is measured at fair value. For financial assets and
financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit and loss, the
related transaction costs are directly included in the current profit and loss; for other types of financial assets or
financial liabilities, the related transaction costs are included in the initial recognition amount. For the accounts
receivable or bills receivable arising from the sale of products or the provision of labor services, not containing or
not considering significant financing components, the Company shall use the amount of consideration expected to
be received as the initial recognition amount. The subsequent measurement of financial instruments depends on
their classification.
(1) Financial assets
① Financial assets measured at amortized cost. After initial recognition, such financial assets are measured at
amortized cost by using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from financial assets that are
measured at amortized cost and do not belong to any hedging relationship are included in the current profit or loss
when they are derecognized, reclassified, amortized in accordance with the effective interest rate method, or
recognized for impairment.
② Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit and loss. After
initial recognition, for such financial assets (except for a part of financial assets that belong to the hedging
relationship), the fair value is used for subsequent measurement, and the resulting gains or losses (including
interest and dividend income) are included in the current profit and loss.
③ Investment in debt instruments measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive
income. After initial recognition, the subsequent measurement of such financial assets is conducted at fair value.
Interest, impairment losses or gains calculated by using the effective interest rate method and the exchange gains
and losses are included in the current profit and loss, and other gains or losses are included in other
comprehensive income. In derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other
comprehensive income are transferred out of other comprehensive income and included in the current profit and
(2) Financial liabilities
① Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit and loss. Such
financial liabilities include transactional financial liabilities (including derivatives that belong to financial
liabilities) and financial liabilities designated to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the
current profit and loss. After initial recognition, the subsequent measurement of such financial liabilities is at fair

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value, except for those related to hedge accounting, gains or losses (including interest expenses) resulting from
changes in the fair value of transactional financial liabilities are included in the current profit and loss. If a
financial liability designated to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit or
loss, the amount of change in the fair value of the financial liability caused by changes in the enterprise’s own
credit risk is included in other comprehensive income, other changes in fair value are included in the current profit
and loss. If the impact of changes in the financial liability’s own credit risk included in other comprehensive
income causes or expands the accounting mismatch in profit or loss, the Company will include all gains or losses
on the financial liability in the current profit and loss.

② Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. After initial recognition, such financial liabilities are
measured at amortized cost by using the effective interest method.

3. The Company’s methods for confirming the fair value of financial instruments
If the financial instrument has an active market, the fair value is determined by the quoted price in the active
market; if the financial instrument doesn’t have an active market, the fair value is determined by adopting the
valuation technique. Valuation techniques mainly include market approach, income approach and cost approach.

In limited circumstances, if the recent information used to determine fair value is insufficient, or the range of
possible estimated amounts of fair value is widely distributed, and the cost represents the best estimate of fair
value within this range, the cost may represent the appropriate estimates of fair value within this distribution range.
The Company uses all information on the performance and operation of the investee gettable after the initial
recognition date to determine whether the cost represents the fair value or not.
4. Confirmation basis and measurement method for the transfer of liabilities of financial assets
(1)Financial assets
If the Company’s financial asset meets one of the following conditions, it shall be terminated for confirmation: ①
The contract right to receive the cash flow of the financial asset is terminated; ② The financial asset has been
transferred, and the Company has transferred almost all risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset; ③
The financial asset has been transferred, although the Company has neither transferred nor retained almost all the
remuneration in the ownership of the financial asset, it has not retained control of the financial asset.

If the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all the remuneration in the ownership of financial assets, and
retains control over the financial assets, the relevant financial assets are recognized according to the extent that
they continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets, and the related liabilities are accordingly

If the transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the following two
amounts shall be included in the current profit and loss: ① The book value of the transferred financial assets on
the date of derecognition; ② The sum of the consideration received for the transfer of financial assets and the

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amount corresponding to the derecognized part of the cumulative amount of changes in fair value that was directly
included in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as financial
assets measured at fair value and their changes are included in other comprehensive income).

If partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for derecognition, the book value of the transferred
financial assets as a whole is apportioned respectively according to the relative fair value on the transfer date
between the derecognition portion and the non- derecognition portion, and then the difference of following two
amounts is included in the current profit and loss: ①The book value of the derecognition part on the
derecognition date; ② The sum of the consideration received in the derecognition part and the amount
corresponding to the derecognized part of the cumulative amount of changes in fair value that was directly
included in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as financial
assets measured at fair value and their changes are included in other comprehensive income).

(2)Financial liability
If the current obligation of the financial liability (or part of it) has been discharged, the Company derecognizes the
financial liability (or part of the financial liability).

If the financial liability (or part of it) is derecognized, the Company shall include the difference between its book
value and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or liabilities assumed) into the current
profit and loss.

10.Note receivable

1. How to determine expected credit losses
Based on expected credit losses, the Company makes impairment accounting treatment and confirm loss
provisions for financial assets (including receivables) measured at amortized cost and financial assets (including
receivables financing) that are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive
income, and lease receivables.
The Company assesses on each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of relevant financial instruments has
increased significantly since initial recognition, and divides the process of credit impairment of financial
instruments into three stages, and adopts different accounting treatment methods for financial instruments
impairment at different stages: (1) In the first stage, if the credit risk of a financial instrument has not increased
significantly since its initial recognition, the Company shall measure the loss provisions according to the expected
credit losses of the financial instrument in the next 12 months, and calculate the interest income according to its
book balance (i.e. without deducting impairment) and actual interest rate; (2) In the second stage, if the credit risk
of a financial instrument has increased significantly since the initial recognition but no credit impairment has
occurred, the Company shall measure the loss provisions according to the expected credit losses of the financial

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instrument during the entire duration, and calculate the interest income according to its book balance and actual
interest rate; (3) In the third stage, if the credit impairment occurs after initial recognition, the Company shall
measure loss provisions based on the expected credit losses of the financial instrument for the entire duration, and
calculate the interest income according to its book balance and actual interest rate.
(1) Methods of measuring loss provisions for financial instruments with lower credit risk
For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company can directly make the
assumption that the credit risk of the instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition
without comparing with the credit risk at the initial recognition.
If the default risk of financial instruments is low, the debtor’s ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations
is strong in the short term, and even if there are adverse changes in the economic situation and operating
environment over a long period of time, it may not necessarily reduce the borrower’s ability to fulfill the
contractual cash flow obligations, the financial instrument shall be considered to have lower credit risk.
(2) Methods of measuring loss provisions for accounts receivable and lease receivables
①Receivables that do not contain significant financing components. For the receivables formed by transactions
regulated by “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.14-Revenue” and without containing significant
financing components, the Company adopts a simplified method, that is, it always calculates the loss provisions
based on the expected credit losses for    the entire duration.
Based on the nature of financial instruments, the Company assesses whether credit risk has increased significantly
on the basis of individual financial assets or financial assets portfolios. The Company divides the notes receivable
and accounts receivable into several portfolios based on the characteristics of credit risk, and calculates the
expected credit losses on the basis of the portfolios, the basis for determining the portfolios is as follows:
Accounts receivable portfolio 1: A portfolio that uses the aging of accounts receivables as credit risk
Accounts receivable portfolio 2: Combination of related parties included in the scope of consolidated statements
Notes receivable portfolio 1: Same as the division of accounts receivable portfolio
Notes receivable portfolio 2: Management evaluates that this type of fund is bank acceptance portfolio with lower
credit risk
For the accounts receivable and notes receivable being divided into portfolio 1, the Company refers to the
historical credit loss experience, combines with the current conditions and the prediction of future economic
situation, and prepares a comparison table of the aging of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss rate of
the entire duration, and calculates the expected credit losses.
For accounts receivable and notes receivable being divided into portfolio 2, the Company refers to historical credit
loss experience, combines with the current conditions and the predictions of future economic conditions, and
calculates the expected credit losses of 0% through default risk exposure and expected credit loss rate for the
entire duration.
②Accounts receivables and leases receivables that contain significant financing components. For accounts
receivables that contain significant financing components and leases receivables regulated by “Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21-Leases”, the Company measures loss provisions in accordance with the

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general method, that is, the “third stage” model.

(3) Methods of measuring loss reserves for other financial assets
For financial assets other than the above, such as debt investment, other debt investment, other receivables,
long-term receivables other than lease receivables, etc., the Company uses the general method, that is, the
three-stage model to measure loss reserves.
When measuring the credit impairment of financial instruments, the Company considers the following factors in
assessing whether the credit risk has increased significantly:
The Company divides other receivables into a number of portfolios based on the nature of the money, and
calculates the expected credit loss on the basis of the portfolio. The basis for determining the portfolio is as
Other receivables portfolio 1: A portfolio of unrelated parties with provision for impairment in accordance with
the expected loss rate
Other receivables portfolio 2: A portfolio of related parties included in the scope of the consolidated statement
For other receivables classified into portfolio 1, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combines
with current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, compiles a comparison table of accounts
receivable aging and expected credit loss rate of the entire duration, and calculates the expected credit loss.
For other receivables classified into portfolio 2, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combines
with current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, and calculates an expected credit loss of 0%
through the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate of the entire duration .

(4)Accrual method of bad debt provision for those accrual by account age as the portfolio

               Account age               Expected credit loss rate of receivable (%) Expected credit loss rate of other receivable
Within one year (one year included)                          0                                             0

1-2 years                                                    5                                             5
2-3 years                                                    10                                           10
Over 3 years                                                 30                                           30
2. Accounting treatment methods of expected credit losses
In order to reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since initial recognition, the Company
remeasures the expected credit losses on each balance sheet date, and the resulting increase or reversal of the loss
provisions should be counted as an impairment loss or gain and included in the current profit and loss, and based
on the type of financial instrument, offsets the book value of the financial asset listed in the balance sheet or
includes in the estimated liability (loan commitment or financial guarantee contract) or includes in other
comprehensive income (debt investments measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other
comprehensive income).

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11. Account receivable

Same as 10. Note receivable

12.Receivable financing

Same as 10. Note receivable

13. Other account receivable

Determination and accounting treatment on the expected credit losses of other account receivable

Same as 10. Note receivable

14. Inventory

1. Categories of inventory
The inventory is goods or manufactured products held for sale, products in process, and materials and matters
utilized in the production or supply of labor. Mainly including raw material, revolving materials (wrappage and
low-value consumption goods etc.), outside processing materials, goods in process, semi-finished goods, stocks
and so on.

2. Accounting method for inventory delivery
When inventories are issued, the actual cost is determined by the first in first out method.

3. Accrual method inventory falling price reserves
On the balance sheet day, the inventory is measured on the lower one between the cost and the net realizable value,
and the provision for the falling price reserves is accrued on each inventory item; however, as for the inventory of
large quantity and low price, the provision is accrued on the inventory category.

4. Inventory system
Inventory system of the Company is perpetual inventory system

5. Amortization method for the low-value consumables and wrap page
Low-value consumables and packages are amortized by one-point method

15. Long-term equity investment

1. Recognition of initial investment cost

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For a long-term equity investment obtained by a business combination, if it is a business combination under the
same control, take the share of the combine party obtained in the book value of the net assets in the consolidated
financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the combination date as the initial investment cost; in the
case of the consolidation of enterprises not under the same control, recognized as the initial cost is the recognized
consolidation cost on the purchase day. As for the long term equity investment obtained by cash payment, the
initial investment cost is the actual purchase payment. As for the long term equity investment obtained by the
equity securities offering, the initial investment cost is the fair value of the equity securities. As for the long-term
equity investment obtained by debt reorganization, initial investment cost of such investment should determine by
relevant regulation of the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.12- Debt Reorganization”; as for the
long term equity investment obtained by the exchange of the non-monetary assets, the initial investment cost is
recognized on the relevant rules in the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No. 7- Exchange of
Non-Monetary Assets”

2. Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition
Where the company has a control over the investee, long-term equity investments are measured using cost method.
Long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are measured using equity method. Where part of
the equity investments of an investor in its associates are held indirectly through venture investment institutions,
common fund, trust companies or other similar entities including investment linked insurance funds, such part of
equity investments indirectly held by the investor shall be measured at fair value through profit or loss according
to according to relevant requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22—Recognition
and measurement of Financial Instruments regardless whether the above entities have significant influence on
such part of equity investments, while the remaining part shall be measured using equity method.

3. Basis of conclusion for common control and significant influence over the investee
Joint control over an investee refers to where the activities which have a significant influence on return on certain
arrangement could be decided only by mutual consent of the investing parties sharing the control, which includes
the sales and purchase of goods or services, management of financial assets, acquisition and disposal of assets,
research and development activities and financing activities, etc.; Significant influence on the investee refers to
that: significant influence over the investee exists when holding more than 20% but less than 50% of the shares
with voting rights or even if the holding is below 20%, there is still significant influence if any of the following
conditions is met: there is representative in the board of directors or similar governing body of the investee;
participation in the investee’s policy setting process; assign key management to the investee; the investee relies on
the technology or technical information of the investing company; or major transactions with the investee.

16. Investment real estate

Measurement for investment real estate
Cost method

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Depreciation or amortization method

The types of investment real estate of the Company include the leased land use rights, leased buildings, and land
use rights held and prepared for transfer after appreciation. Investment real estate is initially measured at cost and
subsequently measured by using the cost model.

The leased buildings in the Company’s investment property adopts straight-line depreciation to calculate and
distill depreciation, specific accounting policy are same as part of the fixed assets. The leased land use rights in
the investment property and the land use rights to be transferred after appreciation adopt straight-line amortization,
specific accounting policy are same as part of the intangible assets.

17. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition

Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets holding for purpose of producing goods, providing labor services, leasing
or operation management, which has one accounting fiscal year of using life. Meanwhile as up to the following
conditions, they are recognized: the economic interest related to the fixed assets probably flow into the Company;
the cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation method

                                                                                                    Annual depreciation
        Category           Depreciation method   Depreciation life (year)           Salvage rate

 House building                                  20-50                      10.00                  1.80-4.50

 Machinery equipment                             10                         10.00                  9.00

 Mold equipment                                  3                          10.00                  30.00

 Transportation           Straight-line
                                                 5                          10.00                  18.00
 equipment                depreciation

 Instrument equipment                            5                          10.00                  18.00

 Tool equipment                                  5                          10.00                  18.00

 Office equipment                                5                          10.00                  18.00

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(3) Recognition basis, valuation and depreciation method for fixed assets under financing lease

The fixed assets under financing lease are the lease that has substantially transferred all the risks and rewards
associated with asset ownership. The initial valuation of the fixed assets under financing lease is to take the lower
one between the fair value of the leased assets and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the start
date of the lease period as the entry value; the subsequent valuation of the fixed assets under financing lease
adopts the depreciation policy consistent with the own fixed assets to make depreciation and impairment

18. Construction in process

Construction in process of the Company divided as self-run construction and out-bag construction. The
Construction in process of the Company carried forward as fixed assets while the construction is ready for the
intended use. Criteria of the expected condition for use should apply one of the follow conditions: The substance
construction (installation included) of the fixed assets has completed all or basically; As the projects have been in
test production or operation, and the results show that the assets can operate properly and produce the qualified
products stably, or the test operation result shows the assets can operate or open properly. The expenditure of the
fixed assets on the construction is a little or little. The fixed assets of the project constructed have been up to the
requirements of the design or contract, or basically up to.

19. Borrowing expenses

1. Recognition principle on capitalization of borrowing expenses
As for the Company’s actual borrowing expenses directly attributable to the assets construction or production, it is
capitalized and reckoned into the relevant assets cost; as for other borrowing expenses, it is recognized on the
actual sum and reckoned into the current loss/gain. The assets up to the capitalization are assets as the capital
assets, investment real estate, and inventory reaching the expectant availability or sale ability.

2. Calculation of the capitalization
Capitalization term: the period from the time starts to capitalization to the time the capitalization ends. The period
of capitalization suspended is not included. The capitalization of borrowing expenses should be suspended while
the abnormal interrupt, which surpass three months continuously, in the middle of acquisition or construction or

As for the borrowing of the specific borrowing,         the capitalization sum is recognized on the current actual
interest expenses less the interest income of the borrowing capital not utilized but deposited in the bank or the
return of the temporary investment; As for the appropriation of the general borrowing, the capitalization sum is

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recognized on the weighted average of, the accumulative assets expenditure above the specific borrowing, and
times the capitalization rate of the appropriation; As for the discount or premium of the borrowing, the discount or
premium to be diluted in every accounting period is recognized in the actual rate method.

The effective interest method is the method for the measurement of the diluted discount or premium or interest
expenses on the actual interest rate; and the actual interest rate is the interest rate used in the discount of the future
cash flow in the expectant duration period as the current book value of the borrowing.

20. Intangible assets

(1) Accounting method, service life and impairment test

1. Recognition principle on capitalization of borrowing expenses
As for the Company’s actual borrowing expenses directly attributable to the assets construction or production, it is
capitalized and reckoned into the relevant assets cost; as for other borrowing expenses, it is recognized on the
actual sum and reckoned into the current loss/gain. The assets up to the capitalization are assets as the capital
assets, investment real estate, and inventory reaching the expectant availability or sale ability.

2. Calculation of the capitalization
Capitalization term: the period from the time starts to capitalization to the time the capitalization ends. The period
of capitalization suspended is not included. The capitalization of borrowing expenses should be suspended while
the abnormal interrupt, which surpass three months continuously, in the middle of acquisition or construction or

As for the borrowing of the specific borrowing,          the capitalization sum is recognized on the current actual
interest expenses less the interest income of the borrowing capital not utilized but deposited in the bank or the
return of the temporary investment; As for the appropriation of the general borrowing, the capitalization sum is
recognized on the weighted average of, the accumulative assets expenditure above the specific borrowing, and
times the capitalization rate of the appropriation; As for the discount or premium of the borrowing, the discount or
premium to be diluted in every accounting period is recognized in the actual rate method.

The effective interest method is the method for the measurement of the diluted discount or premium or interest
expenses on the actual interest rate; and the actual interest rate is the interest rate used in the discount of the future
cash flow in the expectant duration period as the current book value of the borrowing.

(2) Accounting policies for internal research and development expenditure

Specific criteria for the research phase and development phase of internal R&D projects, and specific criteria for

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development phase expenditures to qualify for capitalization

Expenditures for internal research and development projects at the research phase shall be included in the current
profit or loss when incurred; expenditures incurred at the development phase and recognized as intangible assets
shall be transferred to intangible assets accounting.

21. Long-term assets impairment

Long-term equity investments, investment properties measured at cost and long-term assets such as fixed assets,
construction in progress, productive biological assets at cost method, oil and gas assets, intangible assets and
goodwill are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance date. If
the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying amount,
a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the amount by which the asset’s carrying
amount exceeds its recoverable amount.

The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future
cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognized on
the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the
recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the smallest
group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

Goodwill arising from a business combination is tested for impairment at least at each year end, irrespective of
whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying
amount of goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated from the acquisition date on a reasonable
basis to each of the related asset groups; if it is impossible to allocate to the related asset groups, it is allocated to
each of the related set of asset groups. If the carrying amount of the asset group or set of asset groups is higher
than its recoverable amount, the amount of the impairment loss first reduced by the carrying amount of the
goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then the carrying amount of other assets (other
than the goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups, pro rata based on the carrying amount of each

Once the impairment loss of such assets is recognized, it is not be reversed in any subsequent period.

22. Long-term deferred expenditure

The Company’s long-term deferred expenditure are expenses paid out and with one year above (one-year
excluded) benefit period. The long-term deferred expenses are diluted by periods according to the benefit period.

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As the long-term deferred expenses cannot enable the accounting period’s beneficiary, all dilution values of the
project undiluted yet, are transferred into the current loss/gain.

23. Contract liability

The company presents the obligation to transfer goods or provide services to customers for consideration received
or receivable as a contract liability.

24. Employees remuneration

(1) Accounting for short-term benefits

In the period of employee services, short-term benefits are actually recognized as liabilities and charged to profit
or loss, or if otherwise required or allowed by other accounting standards, to the related costs of assets for the
current period. At the time of actual occurrence, The Company’s employee benefits are recorded into the profits
and losses of the current year or assets associated costs according to the actual amount. The non-monetary
employee benefits are measured at fair value. Regarding to the medical and health insurance, industrial injury
insurance, maternity insurance and other social insurances, housing fund and labor union expenditure and
personnel education that the Company paid for employees, the Company should recognize corresponding
employees benefits payable according to the appropriation basis and proportion as stipulated by relevant
requirements and recognize the corresponding liabilities and include these expenses in the profits or losses of the
current period or recognized as respective assets costs.

(2) Accounting for post-employment benefits

During the accounting period in which an employee provides service, the amount payable calculated under
defined contribution scheme shall be recognized as a liability and recorded in profit and loss of the current period
or in assets. In respect of the defined benefit scheme, the Company shall use the projected unit credit method and
attribute the welfare obligations calculated using the formula stipulated by the defined benefit scheme to the
service period of the employee, and record the obligation in the current profit and loss or related assets cost.

(3) Accounting for termination benefits

The Company recognizes a liability and expenses in the current profit or loss for termination benefits at the earlier
of the following dates: when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits; and when the
Company recognizes costs for restructuring involving the payment of termination costs.

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(4) Accounting for other long-term employee benefits

The Company provides other long-term employee benefits to its employees. For those falling within the scope of
defined contribution scheme, the Company shall account for them according to relevant requirements of the
defined contribution scheme. In addition, the Company recognizes and measures the net liabilities or net assets of
the other long-term employee benefits according to relevant requirements of the defined contribution scheme.

25. Accrual liability

The obligation related to contingencies is the current obligation assumed by the company, and performing this
obligation may result in an outflow of economic benefits, and this obligation can be determined as the estimated
liabilities when the amount can be reliably measured. The Company makes initial measurement in accordance
with the best estimate for performing the related current obligation, if the expenditure as needed has a continuous
range, and the likelihood of occurrence of various results in this range is the same, the best estimate is determined
by the median value within the range; if a number of items are involved, the best estimate is determined by the
calculation of various possible outcomes and related probabilities.

At the balance sheet date, the book value of estimated liabilities should be rechecked, if there is conclusive
evidence indicates that this book value cannot truly reflect the current best estimate, and then the book value
should be adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate.

26. Revenue (income)

Accounting policy for recognition and measurement of revenue(income)
The Company recognizes revenue based on the transaction price allocated to the performance obligations at the
time when it has fulfilled the performance obligations in the contract, that is, when the customer obtains control
rights of the relevant goods or services. Obtaining control rights of related goods means being able to lead the use
of the goods and obtain almost all economic benefits from them. Performance obligations refer to the Company's
commitment to transfer clearly distinguishable goods to customers in the contract. The transaction price refers to
the amount of consideration that the Company expects to be entitled to receive due to the transfer of goods to the
customer, not including the amount collected on behalf of a third party and the amount that the Company expects
to return to the customer.
Whether the performance obligation is to be performed within a certain period of time or at a certain point of time
depends on the terms of the contract and relevant legal provisions. If the performance obligation is performed
within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes revenue in accordance with the progress of the
performance. Otherwise, the Company recognizes revenue at a certain point when the customer obtains control
rights of the relevant assets.

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The Company's specific revenue recognition methods:
The sales contract between the Company and the customer usually only contains the performance obligation for
the transferred goods. The Company’s performance obligation for the transfer of goods does not meet the three
conditions for performance within a certain period of time, therefore, the Company usually recognizes revenue at
the time-point of completion of the inspection of incoming on the basis of comprehensive consideration of the
following factors, i.e. for domestic sales, the revenue is recognized when the product has been sent out and the
other party has signed for confirmation. For export sales, the revenue is recognized by the relevant customs
declaration documents when the product has been shipped and customs declaration procedures have been
The house lease contract signed by the Company and the customer usually only contains the performance
obligation for the provision of lease and property services, the Company recognizes revenue according to the
progress of performance when a performance obligation is performed within a certain period of time, i.e. as
agreed in the lease contract, revenue is recognized when related payments are received or evidence of collections
is obtained.

Different business models of similar business resulted in different accounting policies for revenue recognition

27. Government subsidy

1.Category of government subsidy and accounting treatment
Governments subsidy of the Company refer to the monetary and non-monetary assets obtained from government
for free (excluding the capital invested by government as an owner). If the government grants are monetary assets,
it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If the government grants are non-monetary
assets, it shall be measured at fair value; if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured at the
nominal amount.

Government grants related to daily activities are included in other income in accordance with the economic
business. Government grants not related to daily activities are included in the non-operating income and

Government grants that the government documents clearly stipulate to be used for the purchase and establishment
or forming long-term assets in other way are recognized as government grants related to assets. For the
government grants that the government documents do not clearly specify the subsidy target and can form
long-term assets, the part corresponding to the asset value is recognized as the government grants related to the
assets, and the rest is recognized as the government grants related to the income. For the government grants which
are difficult to be distinguished, recognize the whole as the government grants related to the income. Government
grants related to assets are recognized as deferred income. The amount recognized as deferred income is included
in the current profit and loss in a reasonable and systematic manner within the useful life of the relevant asset.

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Government grants other than government grants related to assets are recognized as government grants related to
income. If the government grants related to the income are used to compensate the related expenses or losses of
the enterprise in the future period, recognize them as deferred income and include them in the current profit and
loss during the period of recognizing the related expenses. The government grants used to compensate the relevant
expenses or losses incurred by the enterprise are directly included in the current profit and loss.

The Company obtained the policy preferential loan interest subsidy, and the finance allocated the interest subsidy
funds to the loan bank, and the loan bank provides loans to the Company at a preferential interest rate, take the
actual amount of the loan received as the entry value of the loan, and calculate the relevant borrowing costs
according to the loan principal the policy preferential interest rate. If the finance directly appropriates the interest
subsidy funds to the Company, the Company will offset the relevant borrowing costs with the corresponding
interest subsidy.

2. Time points to recognize the government grants
Government grants are recognized when they meet the conditions attached to government grants and can be
received. Government grants measured in accordance with the amount receivable are recognized when there is
conclusive evidence at the end of the period that it meets the relevant conditions stipulated in the financial support
policy and is expected to receive financial support funds. Other government grants other than government grants
measured in accordance with the receivable amount are recognized when the grant is actually received.

28. Deferred income tax asset / deferred income tax liability

1. Where there is difference between the carrying amount of the assets or liabilities and its tax base, (as for an item
that has not been recognized as an asset or liability, if its tax base can be determined in light of the tax law, the tax
base shall recognized as the difference) the deferred income tax and deferred income tax liabilities shall be
determined according to the applicable tax rate in period of assets expected to recover or liability expected to pay
2. The deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is
most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. On balance sheet date,
if there have concrete evidence of obtaining, in future period, enough taxable amounts to deduct the deductible
temporary difference, the un-confirmed deferred income tax assets in previous accounting period shall be
recognized. If there has no enough taxable amounts, obtained in future period, to deducted the deferred income tax
assets, book value of the deferred income tax assets shall be kept in decreased.
3. The taxable temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies and associated enterprises
shall recognized as deferred income tax liability, unless the Company can control the time of the reverse of
temporary differences and the temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the expected future. As for the

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deductible temporary difference related to the investment of the subsidiary companies and associated enterprises,
deferred income tax assets shall be recognized while the temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the
expected future and it is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the
deductible temporary differences.

29. Leasing

(1) Accounting treatment for operating lease

Operating lease payments are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease, and are either
included in the cost of related asset or charged to profit or loss for the period.

(2) Accounting treatment for finance lease

Accounting treatment for finance lease: At the commencement of the lease term, the Group records the leased
asset at an amount equal to the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum
lease payments. The difference between the recorded amounts is accounted for as unrecognized finance charge,
using the effective interest method amortization during the lease term. Minimum lease payments deducting
unrecognized financing charges are listed as long-term payable.

30. Changes in important accounting policies and estimates

(1) Changes in important accounting policies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

      Content and reason of changes in
                                                  Approval    procedure                       Note
            accounting policies
1. Change in accounting policies and basis
The revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No. 14- Revenue (hereinafter referred to as New
Revenue Standard) was released by the Ministry of Finance in 2017. the Company implemented the New Revenue
Standards and Notice since 1 Jan. 2020. and relevant content of the accounting polices are adjusted.

The new revenue standards replaced the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14-Revenue" and
"Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 15-Construction Contracts" (collectively referred to as the
"original revenue standards") promulgated by the Ministry of Finance in 2006. Under the original revenue
standards, the Company used the transfer of risk rewards as the judgment standard for the timing of revenue
recognition. The new revenue standards introduce the “five-step method” of revenue recognition and
measurement, and provide more guidance for specific transactions or events. Under the new revenue standards,
the Company uses the transfer of control as the judgment standard for revenue recognition. For the specific

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accounting policies of revenue recognition and measurement, please refer to "Note III. (22) Revenue".
The Company has adjusted relevant accounting policies in accordance with the specific provisions of the new
revenue standards on specific matters or transactions. According to the provisions of the new revenue standards,
the contract assets or contract liabilities are listed in the balance sheet based on the relationship between
performance obligations and customer payments. At the same time, the Company provides more disclosures on
income-related information disclosure requirements in accordance with the new revenue standards, such as
information related to important contracts or business and performance obligations and information related to
transaction prices allocated to the remaining performance obligations, including the usual performance time of
performance obligations, the important payment terms, the nature of the goods the company promises to transfer
(including the explanation of whether the company is an agent), the company’s expected return to customers and
other similar obligations, the expected refund to the customer assumed by the company and other similar
obligations, the type of quality assurance and related obligations.
The Company reviews revenue sources and customer contract procedures to assess the impact of the new revenue
standards on financial statements. The Company’s revenue is mainly derived from the sale of goods, and revenue
is recognized when the goods are delivered or the service acceptance is completed. The adoption of the new
revenue standards has no significant impact on the Company except for the presentation of financial statements.
The Company adjusts the amount of retained earnings and financial statements related items of January 1, 2020
based on the cumulative influence number of the first implementation of the new revenue standards, and does not
adjust the information for the comparable period. The Company only adjusts the cumulative influence number of
the contract that has not been completed on the first implementation date.

2.Impact from the changes in accounting policies

Summary of impacts on items of consolidated balance sheet and parent company’s dated 1 Jan. 2020 when
implemented the New Revenue Standard:
  Item of consolidated balance sheet    Balance before accounting policy Impact from new revenue          Balance after accounting
                                         changed (dated 31 December              standard                policy changed (dated 1 Jan.
                                                    2019)                                                           2020)
Account received in advance                                  356,446.21                -356,446.21
Contract liability                                                                      331,322.82                          331,322.82
Other current liability                                                                  25,123.39                           25,123.39

      Item of balance sheet of parent     Balance before accounting       Impact from new revenue          Balance after accounting
                company’s                 policy changed (dated 31              standard                policy changed (dated 1 Jan.
                                               December 2019)                                                       2020)
Account received in advance                                  57,266.01                      -57,266.01

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Contract liability                                                                       54,539.06                 54,539.06
Other current liability                                                                   2,726.95                  2,726.95

(2)Changes in important accounting estimates

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3) Adjustment the financial statements at the beginning of the first year of implementation of new revenue
standards and new leasing standards since 2020

Whether needs to adjust the balance sheet at the beginning of the year
√Yes □No

Consolidate balance sheet

                                                                                                                    In RMB

               Item                      2019-12-31                      2020-01-01                  Adjustments

 Current assets:

      Monetary fund                             38,095,501.00                 38,095,501.00

      Settlement provisions

      Capital lent

      Trading financial

      Derivative financial

      Note receivable

      Account receivable                       138,755,691.43                138,755,691.43

      Receivable financing                      42,096,834.02                 42,096,834.02

      Accounts paid in
                                                23,007,637.46                 23,007,637.46

      Insurance receivable


      Contract reserve of
 reinsurance receivable

      Other account
                                                  6,351,361.16                  6,351,361.16

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           Including: Interest


         Buying back the sale
 of financial assets

         Inventory                     66,971,551.96    66,971,551.96

         Contract assets

         Assets held for sale

         Non-current asset due
 within one year

         Other current assets           1,395,071.36     1,395,071.36

 Total current assets                 316,673,648.39   316,673,648.39

 Non-current assets:

         Loans and payments
 on behalf

         Debt investment

         Other debt investment

         Long-term account

         Long-term equity

         Investment in other
 equity instrument

         Other non-current
 financial assets

         Investment real estate        48,952,992.57    48,952,992.57

         Fixed assets                 198,229,817.31   198,229,817.31

         Construction in

         Productive biological

         Oil and gas asset

         Right-of-use assets

         Intangible assets             42,968,600.44    42,968,600.44

         Expense on Research
 and Development

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         Long-term expenses
                                          309,781.15      309,781.15
 to be apportioned

         Deferred income tax
                                        6,803,360.00     6,803,360.00

         Other non-current
                                          225,700.00      225,700.00

 Total non-current asset              297,490,251.47   297,490,251.47

 Total assets                         614,163,899.86   614,163,899.86

 Current liabilities:

         Short-term loans              24,633,898.20    24,633,898.20

         Loan from central

         Capital borrowed

         Trading financial

         Derivative financial

         Note payable                  16,761,590.51    16,761,590.51

         Account payable              108,804,905.20   108,804,905.20

         Account received in
                                          356,446.21             0.00

         Contract liability                               331,322.82    331,322.82

         Selling financial asset
 of repurchase

         Absorbing deposit and
 interbank deposit
     Security trading of
         Security sales of

         Wage payable                   5,877,341.25     5,877,341.25

         Taxes payable                 12,877,944.98    12,877,944.98

         Other account payable         28,027,592.62    28,027,592.62

           Including: Interest
                                           89,365.28        89,365.28


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      Commission charge
 and commission payable

      Reinsurance payable

      Liability held for sale

      Non-current liabilities
                                       12,000,000.00    12,000,000.00
 due within one year

      Other current liability                               25,123.39   25,123.39

 Total current liabilities            209,339,718.97   209,339,718.97

 Non-current liabilities:

      Insurance contract

      Long-term                        73,000,000.00    73,000,000.00

      Bonds payable

 Preferred stock

 capital securities

      Lease liability

      Long-term account

      Long-term wages

      Accrual liability                    64,411.00        64,411.00

      Deferred income                   2,331,720.00     2,331,720.00

      Deferred income tax

      Other non-current

 Total non-current liabilities         75,396,131.00    75,396,131.00

 Total liabilities                    284,735,849.97   284,735,849.97

 Owner’s equity:

      Share capital                   283,161,227.00   283,161,227.00

      Other equity

 Preferred stock


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 capital securities

        Capital public reserve        146,587,271.50        146,587,271.50

        Less: Inventory shares

        Other comprehensive

        Reasonable reserve

        Surplus public reserve         77,391,593.25         77,391,593.25

        Provision of general

        Retained profit               -177,712,041.86       -177,712,041.86

 Total owner’ s equity
 attributable to parent               329,428,049.89

        Minority interests

 Total owner’ s equity               329,428,049.89        329,428,049.89

 Total liabilities and owner’
                                      614,163,899.86        614,163,899.86
 s equity

Explanation on adjustment
Balance sheet of parent company
                                                                                            In RMB

              Item                2019-12-31            2020-01-01            Adjustments

 Current assets:

        Monetary fund                    3,494,245.90          3,494,245.90

        Trading financial

        Derivative financial

        Note receivable

        Account receivable

        Receivable financing

        Accounts paid in

        Other account
                                       97,165,023.85         97,165,023.85

          Including: Interest

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         Inventory                         14,806.50        14,806.50

         Contract assets

         Assets held for sale

         Non-current asset due
 within one year

         Other current assets             173,950.26      173,950.26

 Total current assets                 100,848,026.51   100,848,026.51

 Non-current assets:

         Debt investment

         Other debt investment

         Long-term account

         Long-term equity
                                      186,608,900.00   186,608,900.00

         Investment in other
 equity instrument

         Other non-current
 financial assets

         Investment real estate        25,166,301.06    25,166,301.06

         Fixed assets                  98,410,024.38    98,410,024.38

         Construction in

         Productive biological

         Oil and gas asset

         Right-of-use assets

         Intangible assets              4,553,709.24     4,553,709.24

         Expense on Research
 and Development


         Long-term expenses
 to be apportioned

         Deferred income tax
                                        7,367,646.35     7,367,646.35

         Other non-current

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 Total non-current asset              322,106,581.03   322,106,581.03

 Total assets                         422,954,607.54   422,954,607.54

 Current liabilities:

         Short-term loans

         Trading financial

         Derivative financial

         Note payable

         Account payable               10,745,840.16    10,745,840.16

         Account received in
                                           57,266.01             0.00

         Contract liability                                 54,539.06   54,539.06

         Wage payable                   1,220,979.02     1,220,979.02

         Taxes payable                  8,489,130.72     8,489,130.72

         Other account payable         19,100,375.42    19,100,375.42

           Including: Interest


         Liability held for sale

         Non-current liabilities
                                       12,000,000.00    12,000,000.00
 due within one year

         Other current liability                             2,726.95    2,726.95

 Total current liabilities             51,613,591.33    51,613,591.33

 Non-current liabilities:

         Long-term                     73,000,000.00    73,000,000.00

         Bonds payable

 Preferred stock

 capital securities

         Lease liability

         Long-term account

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      Long-term wages

      Accrual liability                    64,411.00              64,411.00

      Deferred income

      Deferred income tax

      Other non-current

 Total non-current liabilities          73,064,411.00         73,064,411.00

 Total liabilities                    124,678,002.33         124,678,002.33

 Owner’s equity:

      Share capital                   283,161,227.00         283,161,227.00

      Other equity

 Preferred stock

 capital securities

      Capital public reserve          146,587,271.50         146,587,271.50

      Less: Inventory shares

      Other comprehensive

      Reasonable reserve

      Surplus public reserve           77,391,593.25          77,391,593.25

      Retained profit                 -208,863,486.54       -208,863,486.54

 Total owner’ s equity               298,276,605.21         298,276,605.21

 Total liabilities and owner’
                                      422,954,607.54         422,954,607.54
 s equity

Explanation on adjustment

(4) Retrospective adjustment of early comparison data description when initially implemented the new
revenue standards and new leasing standards since 2020

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

VI. Taxes

1. Major tax and tax rate

                   Taxes                                     Taxation basis                                Tax rate

 VAT                                           Domestic sales revenue                       13%, 9%, 6%, 5%, 3%

 Consumption tax                               Turnover tax payable                         7%

 Corporate income tax                          Taxable income                               15%, 25%

 Educational surtax                            Turnover tax payable                         3%

 Local educational surtax                      Turnover tax payable                         2%, 1.5%

 Property tax                                  70% of original value of the property        1.2%

Explain the different taxation entity of the enterprise income tax

                           Taxation entity                                                   Income tax rate

 Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.                                   25%

 Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd.                                    15%

2. Tax preferences

According to the “Measures for the Determination of High-tech Enterprises”, and through the enterprise
application, expert review, and public announcement and other procedures, the Company’s wholly-owned
subsidiary, Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd., has been identified as a high-tech enterprise, and obtained the
“High-tech Enterprise Certificate” jointly issued by the Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province,
Hubei Provincial Finance Department, Hubei Provincial Office, SAT, and Local Taxation Bureau of Hubei
Province on December 1, 2020, the certificate number is GR202042003237, which is valid for 3 years. The
applicable corporate income tax rate of the subsidiary Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd. for 2020 was 15%.

3. Other


VII. Notes to main items in consolidated financial statement

1. Monetary fund

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Item                                    Closing balance                            Opening balance

 Cash on hand                                                                 138,673.02                                 432,301.32

 Bank deposit                                                               30,141,013.39                             37,660,862.75

 Other monetary fund                                                        30,688,367.17                                  2,336.93

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 Total                                                                      60,968,053.58                                  38,095,501.00

Other explanation

2. Note receivable

(1) Category

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                      Item                                     Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Commercial acceptance bill                                                 20,240,464.79

 Total                                                                      20,240,464.79

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                          Opening balance

                                                       Bad debt
                             Book balance                                            Book balance          Bad debt provision
         Category                                      provision       Book                                                         Book
                         Amoun      Proport     Amoun        Accrua    value       Amoun     Proport                  Accrual       value
                             t        ion          t         l ratio                  t        ion                      ratio



Accrual of bad debt provision on single basis:
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                           Closing balance
                                  Book balance               Bad debt provision            Accrual ratio              Accrual causes

Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                 Closing balance
                                              Book balance                     Bad debt provision                   Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
If the provision for bad debts of note receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please refer to
the disclosure of other receivables to disclose related information about bad-debt provisions:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2) Notes endorsement or discount and undue on balance sheet date

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                      Item                        Amount derecognition at period-end           Amount not derecognition at period-end

 Commercial acceptance bill                                                                                                18,309,336.77

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 Total                                                                                                                                18,309,336.77

3. Account receivable

(1) Category

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                               Opening balance

                                                       Bad debt
                         Book balance                                                  Book balance           Bad debt provision
         Category                                      provision         Book                                                              Book
                        Amoun       Proport     Amoun        Accrua      value    Amoun           Proport       Amoun       Accrual        value
                           t          ion          t         l ratio                    t           ion           t           ratio

 Account receivable
 with bad debt          13,146,                 13,146,      100.00               13,146,                       13,146,      100.00
                                     9.31%                                 0.00                    8.65%
 provision accrual      290.18                  290.18             %                  290.18                    290.18            %
 on a single basis


 Account receivable
                        128,07                                           128,06       138,75
 with bad debt                        90.69     9,893.7                                                         4,188.0                    138,755,
                        3,805.5                               0.01%     3,911.7   9,879.4         91.35%                     0.00%
 provision accrual                          %           8                                                             6                     691.43
                               7                                              9             9
 by combination


 Combination 1:
 Take account ages
                        128,07                                           128,06       138,75
 of receivables as a                  90.69     9,893.7                                                         4,188.0                    138,755,
                        3,805.5                               0.01%     3,911.7   9,879.4         91.35%                     0.00%
 combination of                             %           8                                                             6                     691.43
                               7                                              9             9
 credit risk

                        141,22                                           128,06       151,90
                                     100.00     13,156,                                            100.00       13,150,                    138,755,
 Total                  0,095.7                               9.32%     3,911.7   6,169.6                                    8.66%
                                            %   183.96                                                    %     478.24                      691.43
                               5                                              9             7

Accrual of bad debt provision on single basis: 13146290.18
                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                   Book balance              Bad debt provision                 Accrual ratio                 Accrual causes

 Shenzhen Portman
 Bowling Club Co.,                     2,555,374.75                    2,555,374.75                       100.00%         Uncollectible

 Hong Kong Haowei
                                       1,870,887.18                    1,870,887.18                       100.00%         Uncollectible
 Industrial Co., Ltd.

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                               1,325,431.75    1,325,431.75   100.00%   Uncollectible

 Qingdao Haier Parts
                               1,225,326.15    1,225,326.15   100.00%   Uncollectible
 Procurement Co., Ltd.

 Multimedia                      579,343.89     579,343.89    100.00%   Uncollectible
 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Huixin
 Video Technology Co.,           381,168.96     381,168.96    100.00%   Uncollectible

 Shenzhen Wandelai
 Digital Technology              351,813.70     351,813.70    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Dalong
                                 344,700.00     344,700.00    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Keya
                                 332,337.76     332,337.76    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Qunping
                                 304,542.95     304,542.95    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 China Galaxy
 Electronics (Hong               288,261.17     288,261.17    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Kong) Co., Ltd.

 Dongguan Weite
                                 274,399.80     274,399.80    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Chuangjing                      247,811.87     247,811.87    100.00%   Uncollectible

 Hong Kong New
 Century Electronics             207,409.40     207,409.40    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenyang Beitai
                                 203,304.02     203,304.02    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Xinfang Weiye
                                 193,000.00     193,000.00    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 TCL Electronics (Hong
                                 145,087.14     145,087.14    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Kong) Co., Ltd.

 Huizhou TCL Xinte
                                 142,707.14     142,707.14    100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronics Co., Ltd.

 Sky Worth – RGB                133,485.83     133,485.83    100.00%   Uncollectible

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 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Other                                 2,039,896.72                 2,039,896.72                  100.00%   Uncollectible

Accrual of bad debt provision on single basis:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                         Closing balance
                                  Book balance             Bad debt provision           Accrual ratio            Accrual causes

Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio: 9893.78
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                 Accrual ratio

 Within one year                                  127,954,502.85

 1-2 years                                              50,840.84                          2,542.04                           5.00%

 2-3 years                                              65,934.11                          6,593.41                           10.00%

 Over 3 years                                            2,527.77                             758.33                          30.00%


 Total                                            128,073,805.57                           9,893.78                 --

Explanation on portfolio basis:
Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                 Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                 Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                 Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose related information about bad-debt provisions:

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

□ Applicable √Not applicable
By account age
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                            Account ages                                                            Book balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                                                                    127,954,502.85


 1-2 years                                                                                                                     50,840.84

 2-3 years                                                                                                                     65,934.11

 Over 3 years                                                                                                             13,148,817.95

      3-4 years                                                                                                                 2,527.77

      Over 5 years                                                                                                        13,146,290.18

 Total                                                                                                                  141,220,095.75

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or reversal in the period

Bad debt provision accrual in the period:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                  Amount changed in the period
                         Opening                                                                                            Closing
      Category                                                    Collected or
                          balance            Accrual                                 Written-off           Other            balance
 Take account
 ages of
 receivables as a
                               4,188.06            5,705.72                                                                     9,893.78
 combination of
 credit risk

 Total                         4,188.06            5,705.72                                                                     9,893.78

Including major amount bad debt provision that collected or reversal in the period:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Company                           Amount collected or reversal                        Way of collection

(3) Top 5 account receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                 Closing balance     of account         Proportion in total account        Closing balance of bad debt
                                          receivable                      receivables at year-end                  provision

 Hong Kong Yutian
                                                   41,513,718.58                              29.40%
 International Investment

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 Co., Ltd.

 Qingdao Haidayuan
 Purchasing Service Co.,                       41,499,152.56                               29.39%

 Hefei Hangjia Display
                                                 8,224,775.00                               5.82%
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 ViewSonic Technology
                                                 5,925,987.00                               4.20%
 (China) Co., Ltd.

 Xiamen Edmond
 Electronic Technology                           5,510,646.01                               3.90%
 Co., Ltd.

 Total                                        102,674,279.15                               72.71%

4. Receivable financing

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                                  Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Bank acceptance draft                                                     10,057,385.11                               42,096,834.02

                     Total                                                 10,057,385.11                               42,096,834.02

Receivable financing Changes in the period and changes in fair value
□ Applicable √Not applicable
If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose related information about bad-debt provisions:
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other explanation:

5. Accounts paid in advance

(1) By account age

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                              Closing balance                                       Opening balance
        Account ages
                                    Amount                    Proportion                   Amount                   Proportion

 Within one year                      39,454,164.61                     99.52%              22,879,096.29                    99.44%

 1-2 years                               106,781.00                        0.27%               128,541.17                        0.56%

 2-3 years                                82,309.50                        0.21%

 Total                                39,643,255.11                --                       23,007,637.46               --

Explanation on reasons of failure to settle on important account paid in advance with age over one year:

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(2) Top 5 account paid in advance at ending balance by prepayment object

                Company                         Closing balance                  Proportion in total accounts paid
                                                                                         in advance (%)
Hong Kong Yutian International Investment                    27,025,766.19                    68.40
Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haidacheng Purchasing Service                         3,942,243.48                     9.87
Co., Ltd.
AU Optronics Co., Ltd.                                        2,214,440.14                     5.55
Guangzhou Huitong Electronics Co., Ltd.                       1,818,784.80                     4.55
Haier Digital Technology (Qingdao) Co.,                       1,294,732.59                     3.24
                     Total                                   36,295,967.20                    91.62

Other explanation:

6. Other account receivable

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                     Item                        Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Other account receivable                                         4,466,949.96                                  6,351,361.16

 Total                                                            4,466,949.96                                  6,351,361.16

(1) Other account receivable

1) Other account receivable by nature

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                     Nature                    Closing book balance                          Opening book balance

 Margin & deposit                                                 1,681,688.00                                  1,583,408.99

 Borrow money                                                     2,124,073.12                                  1,944,700.12

 Intercourse funds                                                8,924,093.42                                 11,534,893.51

 Rental receivable                                                6,224,167.48                                  5,847,389.48

 Other                                                             364,429.79                                        505,560.36

 Less: Bad debt provision                                     -14,851,501.85                                  -15,064,591.30

 Total                                                            4,466,949.96                                  6,351,361.16

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2) Accrual of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                     Phase I                  Phase II                      Phase III

                                                      Expected credit losses for   Expected credit losses for
                                 Expected credit
   Bad debt provision                                    the entire duration       the entire duration (with         Total
                            losses over next 12
                                                           (without credit              credit impairment
                                                        impairment occurred)               occurred)

 Balance on1 Jan. 2020                 252,531.52                                              14,812,059.78        15,064,591.30

 Balance of 1 Jan. 2020
                                      ——                      ——                          ——                   ——
 in the period

 Accrual in current
                                      -252,531.52                        111.75                      39,330.32         -213,089.45

 Balance on Dec. 31,
                                                                         111.75                14,851,390.10        14,851,501.85

Change of book balance of loss provision with amount has major changes in the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
By account age
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                          Account ages                                                          Book balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                                                                  3,100,690.03


 1-2 years                                                                                                             297,671.40

 2-3 years                                                                                                             312,212.44

 Over 3 years                                                                                                       15,607,877.94

      3-4 years                                                                                                       1,446,706.00

      4-5 years                                                                                                        943,020.00

      Over 5 years                                                                                                  13,218,151.94

 Total                                                                                                              19,318,451.81

3) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or reversal in the period

Bad debt provision accrual in the period:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                           Amount changed in the period
       Category                                          Collected or                                            Closing balance
                        balance          Accrual                          Written-off            Other

 Phase I               252,531.52       -252,531.52                                                                           0.00

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 Phase II                                   111.75                                                                                  111.75

 Phase III                             39,330.32                                                                             14,851,390.10

 Total                                -213,089.45                                                                            14,851,501.85

Including the important amount collected or switches back in the period:
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                  Company                         Amount collected or switches back                        Way of collection

4) Top 5 other receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                              Proportion in total
                                                                                                                         Closing balance of
        Company              Nature             Closing balance          Account ages         other receivables
                                                                                                                         bad debt provision
                                                                                                   at period-end

 Portman               Rental receivable                4,021,734.22   Over 3 years                        20.82%             4,021,734.22

 Shenzhen Jifang
 Investment Co.,       Rental receivable                1,380,608.00   Over 3 years                         7.15%             1,380,608.00

 Fujian Jielian
 Electronics Co.,      Margin & deposit                   800,000.00   Over 3 years                         4.14%               240,000.00

 Compensation for
                       Intercourse funds                  555,785.81   Over 3 years                         2.88%               555,785.81
 traffic accidents

 Hebei Botou Court     Intercourse funds                  520,021.00   Over 3 years                         2.69%               520,021.00

 Total                          --                      7,278,149.03           --                          37.67%             6,718,149.03

7. Inventories

Whether companies need to comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry

(1) Category

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                       Closing balance                                               Opening balance

                                       Inventories fall                                               Inventories fall
         Item                              provision or                                                 provision or
                     Book balance                               Book value          Book balance                              Book value
                                             contract                                                     contract
                                           performance                                                  performance

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

                                         costs                                               costs
                                      impairment                                         impairment
                                       provision                                          provision

 Raw materials      39,735,101.27     1,691,320.92     38,043,780.35    33,817,180.23     2,844,484.06    30,972,696.17

                    27,562,913.38     1,673,369.82     25,889,543.56    27,590,425.68       486,362.31    27,104,063.37

 semi-finished       6,213,029.56        29,363.73      6,183,665.83     8,775,225.16       232,090.00     8,543,135.16

 Low priced and
 easily worn             159,646.13     110,622.38         49,023.75       463,639.07       111,981.81         351,657.26

 Total              73,670,690.34     3,504,676.85     70,166,013.49    70,646,470.14     3,674,918.18    66,971,551.96

(2) Inventories fall provision or contract performance costs impairment provision

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                            Current increased                 Current decreased
                      Opening                                                                                  Closing
         Item                                                            Reversal or
                         balance       Accrual            Other                             Other              balance

 Raw materials       2,844,484.06     -1,153,163.14                                                        1,691,320.92

                         486,362.31   1,187,007.51                                                         1,673,369.82

 semi-finished           232,090.00    -202,726.27                                                              29,363.73

 Low priced and
 easily worn             111,981.81       -1,359.43                                                            110,622.38

 Total               3,674,918.18      -170,241.33                                                         3,504,676.85

8. Other current assets

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                  Item                                Closing balance                        Opening balance

 Value-added tax to be deducted                                     4,255,643.19                           1,352,757.06

 Advance payment of income tax                                                                                  42,314.30

 Total                                                              4,255,643.19                           1,395,071.36

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Other explanation:

9. Investment real estate

(1) Investment real estate measured at cost

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                     Construction in
           Item               House and building    Land use right                      Total

 I. Original book value

 1. Opening balance                133,661,686.94                                      133,661,686.94

 2. Current increased

 (1) Outsourcing

 (2) Inventory\fixed
 assets\construction in
 process transfer-in

 (3) Increased by

 3. Current decreased

 (1) Disposal

 (2) Other transfer-out

 4. Closing balance                133,661,686.94                                      133,661,686.94

 II. Accumulated
 depreciation and

 1. Opening balance                 84,708,694.37                                       84,708,694.37

 2. Current increased                1,728,330.30                                        1,728,330.30

 (1) Accrual or
                                     1,728,330.30                                        1,728,330.30

 3. Current decreased

 (1) Disposal

 (2) Other transfer-out

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 4. Closing balance                   86,437,024.67                                                                            86,437,024.67

 III. Impairment

 1. Opening balance

 2. Current increased

 (1) Accrual

 3. Current decreased

 (1) Disposal

 (2) Other transfer-out

 4. Closing balance

 IV. Book value

 1. Ending book value                 47,224,662.27                                                                            47,224,662.27

 2. Opening book value                48,952,992.57                                                                            48,952,992.57

10. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Item                                     Closing balance                                 Opening balance

 Fixed assets                                                              100,747,972.84                                  105,372,345.62

 Disposal of fixed assets                                                      92,857,471.69                                   92,857,471.69

 Total                                                                     193,605,444.53                                  198,229,817.31

(1) Fixed asset

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                               Means of
                   House         Machinery                       Office          Instrument      Tool             Mold
      Item                                    transportati                                                                          Total
                   building      equipment                     equipment         equipment     equipment       equipment

 I. Original
 book value

 1. Opening       73,200,617     94,646,254    6,170,584.       7,180,143.        3,211,408.   8,754,968.      21,193,658        214,357,63
 balance                   .41          .95            89                 39             06             35               .84           5.89

 2. Current                      5,422,808.                                                                     3,757,301.       10,005,633
                                                               148,429.93         41,519.97    635,574.26
 increased                              01                                                                               61                 .78

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 (1)                        5,422,808.                                                       3,757,301.   10,005,633
                                                      148,429.93    41,519.97   635,574.26
 Purchasing                        01                                                               61           .78

 n in


 3. Current                 4,906,595.   2,580,776.                                                       7,781,197.
                                                       42,281.72    21,550.00   229,994.56
 decreased                         42           07                                                               77

                            4,906,595.   2,580,776.                                                       7,781,197.
 Disposal or                                           42,281.72    21,550.00   229,994.56
                                   42           07                                                               77

 4. Closing    73,200,617   95,162,467   3,589,808.   7,286,291.   3,231,378.   9,160,548.   24,950,960   216,582,07
 balance              .41          .54          82           60           03           05           .45         1.90


 1. Opening    18,788,535   61,361,126   3,689,064.   5,980,483.   2,573,318.   3,809,126.   12,783,635   108,985,29
 balance              .27          .34          83           22           14           76           .71         0.27

 2. Current    2,046,963.   4,793,077.                                          1,158,027.   3,623,442.   12,823,677
                                         743,045.69   328,344.54   130,775.11
 increased            65           51                                                  82           90           .22

               2,046,963.   4,793,077.                                          1,158,027.   3,623,442.   12,823,677
 (1) Accrual                             743,045.69   328,344.54   130,775.11
                      65           51                                                  82           90           .22

 3. Current                 3,839,103.   1,901,876.                                                       5,974,868.
                                                       38,053.55    19,395.00   176,439.88
 decreased                         69           31                                                               43

                            3,839,103.   1,901,876.                                                       5,974,868.
 Disposal or                                           38,053.55    19,395.00   176,439.88
                                   69           31                                                               43

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 4. Closing    20,835,498      62,315,100   2,530,234.      6,270,774.      2,684,698.   4,790,714.     16,407,078      115,834,09
 balance                 .92          .16          21              21              25            70             .61           9.06

 n reserves

 1. Opening

 2. Current

 (1) Accrual

 3. Current

 Disposal or

 4. Closing

 IV. Book

 1. Ending     52,365,118      32,847,367   1,059,574.      1,015,517.                   4,369,833.      8,543,881.     100,747,97
 book value              .49          .38          61              39                            35             84            2.84

 2. Opening    54,412,082      33,285,128   2,481,520.      1,199,660.                   4,945,841.      8,410,023.     105,372,34
 book value              .14          .61          06              17                            59             13            5.62

(2) Fixed assets leasing-out by operational lease

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                               Item                                                      Ending book value

 House building                                                                                                         800,418.77

(3) Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                  Item                                   Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Renovation of Gongming Huafa Electric
                                                                         92,857,471.69                                92,857,471.69

 Total                                                                   92,857,471.69                                92,857,471.69

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Other explanation

11. Construction in process

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Construction in process                                                      740,000.00

 Total                                                                        740,000.00

(1) Construction in process

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                        Closing balance                                         Opening balance
         Item                               Impairment                                            Impairment
                     Book balance                            Book value         Book balance                      Book value
                                            provision                                              provision

 Huafa Building
 Reconstruction            240,000.00                            240,000.00

 Electronic City
                           500,000.00                            500,000.00

 Total                     740,000.00                            740,000.00

12. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                       Non-patented            Computer
           Item            Land use right         Patent right                                                      Total
                                                                        technology             software

 I. Original book

 1. Opening
                             55,415,814.36                                                      3,533,396.41      58,949,210.77

 2. Current

 (1) Purchasing

 (2) Internal R&D

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 (3) Increased by

 3. Current
                                                420,000.00      420,000.00

 (1) Disposal                                   420,000.00      420,000.00

 4. Closing balance    55,415,814.36           3,113,396.41   58,529,210.77

 II. Accumulated

 1. Opening
                       15,205,546.53            665,635.90    15,871,182.43

 2. Current
                        1,445,488.89            282,453.75     1,727,942.64

 (1) Accrual            1,445,488.89            282,453.75     1,727,942.64

 3. Current

 (1) Disposal

 4. Closing balance    16,651,035.42            948,089.65    17,599,125.07

 III. Depreciation

 1. Opening
                                                109,427.90      109,427.90

 2. Current

 (1) Accrual

 3. Current

 (1) Disposal

 4. Closing balance                             109,427.90      109,427.90

 IV. Book value

 1. Ending book
                       38,764,778.94           2,055,878.86   40,820,657.80

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 2. Opening book
                           40,210,267.83                                                              2,758,332.61          42,968,600.44

The proportion of intangible assets form by internal R&D in total book value of intangible assets at period-end 0.00%

13. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                         Amortized in
          Item          Opening balance        Current increased                                 Other decreased         Closing balance

 Amortization of
                              309,781.15                                         232,335.84                                      77,445.31
 cloud service fees

 Total                        309,781.15                                         232,335.84                                      77,445.31

Other explanation

14. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets without offset

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                             Closing balance                                            Opening balance
           Item             Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax           Deductible temporary           Deferred income tax
                                 differences                    assets                        differences                   assets

 Provision for assets
                                     28,458,252.74                 6,761,085.38                 28,835,877.80                 6,787,257.25

 Accrual liability                        64,411.00                  16,102.75                       64,411.00                   16,102.75

 Deferred income                      4,043,640.00                  606,546.00

 Total                               32,566,303.74                 7,383,734.13                 28,900,288.80                 6,803,360.00

(2) Amount of deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability after trade-off

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                         Ending balance of            Trade-off between the          Opening balance of
                            Trade-off between the
                                                        deferred income tax            deferred income tax           deferred income tax
           Item              deferred income tax
                                                         assets or liabilities        assets and liabilities at      assets or liabilities
                             assets and liabilities
                                                            after off-set                  period-begin                  after off-set

 Deferred income tax
                                                                   7,383,734.13                                               6,803,360.00

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(3) Deferred income tax asset without recognized

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                           Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Deductible temporary differences                                  3,163,837.81                                      3,163,837.81

 Deductible loss                                                   4,098,904.69

 Total                                                             7,262,742.50                                      3,163,837.81

(4) Deductible losses of un-recognized deferred income tax assets expired on the followed year

                                                                                                                           In RMB

             Year                   Ending amount                     Opening amount                       Note


 2022                                        742,401.79

 2023                                        404,207.57

 2024                                       1,318,067.59

 2025                                       1,634,227.74

 Total                                      4,098,904.69                                                        --

Other explanation:

15. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance
                     Item                Book         Impairment                       Book        Impairment
                                                                      Book value                                      Book value
                                        balance        provision                       balance      provision

 Advance payment for equipment          66,000.00                       66,000.00   225,700.00                        225,700.00

 Total                                  66,000.00                       66,000.00   225,700.00                        225,700.00

Other explanation:

16. Short-term borrowings

(1) Category

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                           Closing balance                              Opening balance

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 Loan in pledge                                                                                                    12,000,000.00

 Secured portfolio loan                                               12,527,808.00                                12,633,898.20

 Total                                                                12,527,808.00                                24,633,898.20

Explanation on category of short-term loans:

17. Notes payable

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                  Category                               Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Bank acceptance draft                                                37,416,381.20                                16,761,590.51

 Total                                                                37,416,381.20                                16,761,590.51

Totally 0 Yuan due note payable are paid at period-end

18. Account payable

(1) Account payable

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                     Item                                Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                  85,862,573.31                                95,647,603.05

 Over one year                                                        12,455,666.57                                13,157,302.15

 Total                                                                98,318,239.88                               108,804,905.20

(2) Major account payable over one year

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                     Item                                Closing balance                Reasons for non-payment or carry over

 Shenzhen Yuehai Global Logistics Co.,
                                                                       2,858,885.97     Without settlement

 LG                                                                    1,906,267.50     Without settlement

 Kunshan Zhongji Mould Co., Ltd.                                           766,775.87   Without settlement

 Total                                                                 5,531,929.34                          --

Other explanation:

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19. Accounts received in advance

(1) Accounts received in advance

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Item                               Closing balance                            Opening balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                                                                        0.00

 Over one year                                                                                                              0.00

 Total                                                                                                                      0.00

20. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                      Item                               Closing balance                            Opening balance

 Sales received in advance                                                 207,945.34                                 276,783.76

 Lease received in advance                                                   79,195.32                                 54,539.06

 Total                                                                     287,140.66                                 331,322.82

Amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting period
                                                                                                                          In RMB

             Item                      Change Amount                                     Reason for change

21. Wage payable

(1) Wage payable

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                       Increase during the        Decrease during the
           Item               Opening balance                                                                Closing balance
                                                              period                     period

 I. Short-term benefits                5,848,652.79           56,261,292.45               56,405,128.71            5,704,816.53

 II. Post-employment
 benefits-defined                        28,688.46               411,813.11                 407,951.51                 32,550.06
 contribution plans

 III. Dismiss welfare                                            466,848.37                 466,848.37

 Total                                 5,877,341.25           57,139,953.93               57,279,928.59            5,737,366.59

(2) Short-term benefits

                                                                                                                          In RMB

           Item               Opening balance          Increase during the        Decrease during the        Closing balance

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                                                         period                    period

 1. Wages, bonuses,
                                    4,854,064.03         49,082,761.05             49,227,170.16            4,709,654.92
 allowances andsubsidies

 2. Employee benefits                    754.00            4,958,298.97             4,958,298.97                   754.00

 3. Social insurance
                                       36,694.18           1,841,258.59             1,840,685.74                 37,267.03

                                       34,964.92           1,647,673.81             1,647,229.78                 35,408.95
 Medical insurance

                                         740.73                9,914.78                 9,887.21                   768.30
 injury insurance

                                         988.53              183,670.00               183,568.75                  1,089.78

 4. Housing
                                       24,310.00             373,870.44               373,870.44                 24,310.00
 accumulation fund

 5. Labor union
 expenditure and
                                     932,830.58                5,103.40                 5,103.40                932,830.58
 personnel education

 Total                              5,848,652.79         56,261,292.45             56,405,128.71            5,704,816.53

(3) Defined contribution plans

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                   Increase during the      Decrease during the
            Item              Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                         period                    period

 1. Basic endowment
                                       27,561.59             394,973.41               391,173.41                 31,361.59

 2. Unemployment
                                        1,126.87              16,839.70                16,778.10                  1,188.47

 Total                                 28,688.46             411,813.11               407,951.51                 32,550.06

Other explanation:

22. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                       Item                         Closing balance                           Opening balance

 VAT                                                                2,980,929.11                            3,192,458.47

 Corporate income tax                                              6,558,810.68                             7,032,715.76

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 Individual income tax                                            25,195.14                        30,265.20

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                      1,902,436.52                    1,050,282.59

 Property tax                                                    318,681.51                      310,683.11

 Land use tax                                                     33,280.48                        25,424.98

 Educational surtax                                              816,098.15                      450,889.35

 Local educational surtax                                        418,611.03                      234,049.86

 Dike fee                                                          1,665.00                         1,665.00

 Stamp tax                                                        28,895.00                        39,940.66

 Disposal fund of waste electrical
                                                             1,120,040.00                        509,570.00

 Total                                                      14,204,642.62                   12,877,944.98

Other explanation:

23. Other accounts payable

                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                      Closing balance                 Opening balance

 Interest payable                                                 26,335.66                        89,365.28

 Other payable                                              27,581,945.35                   27,938,227.34

 Total                                                      27,608,281.01                   28,027,592.62

(1) Interest payable

                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                      Closing balance                 Opening balance

 Interest of short-term loans payable                             26,335.66                        89,365.28

 Total                                                            26,335.66                        89,365.28

Significant overdue and unpaid interest:
                                                                                                      In RMB

                 Loan unit                     Overdue amount                 Reason for overdue

Other explanation:

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(2) Other accounts payable

1) Other account payable by nature

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                         Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Margin & deposit                                              11,523,316.67                               10,354,134.67

 Lease management fee                                           3,227,985.19                                3,251,610.67

 Intercourse funds                                              5,546,586.51                                8,544,383.61

 After sale and repairment                                      1,454,341.68                                1,747,809.47

 Energy consumption (water, electricity
 and steam)

 Shipping                                                           902,242.26

 Reserve fund                                                   1,346,345.00

 Other                                                          2,137,524.76                                4,040,288.92

 Total                                                         27,581,945.35                               27,938,227.34

2) Significant other account payable with over one year age

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                         Closing balance                Reasons for non-payment or carry over

 Shenzhen SED Property Development
                                                                1,853,393.35     Without settlement
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Huayongxing Environmental
                                                                1,000,000.00     Margin
 Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

 Linghang Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,
                                                                    656,345.28   Without settlement

 Shenzhen Tongxing Electronics Co., Ltd.                            578,259.83   Without settlement

 Shenzhen Yongdasheng Investment
                                                                    558,970.00   Margin
 Development Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                          4,646,968.46                          --

Other explanation

24. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                         Closing balance                           Opening balance

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 Long-term loans due within one year                                   12,000,000.00                            12,000,000.00

 Total                                                                 12,000,000.00                            12,000,000.00

Other explanation:

25. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Unterminated confirmation on note

 Pending sales tax                                                           13,636.04                               25,123.39

 Total                                                                 18,322,972.81                                 25,123.39
Changes in short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                              Interest   m and
                                     Bond        Issue   Openin                                    ment in
  Name        Face           Issue                                 Current    accrued    discoun                      Closing
                                     maturit     Amoun     g                                         the
 of bond      value          date                                   issue      at face      t                         balance
                                       y            t    balance                                   current
                                                                               value     amortiz

Other explanation:

26. Long-term loans

(1) Category

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Mortgage loan                                                         61,000,000.00                            73,000,000.00

 Total                                                                 61,000,000.00                            73,000,000.00
Description of Long-term loans classification:
Other explanation, including interest rate range:
Interest rate 9.5%

27. Accrual liability

                                                                                                                        In RMB

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                  Item                           Closing balance                      Opening balance                      Causes

 Pending action                                                64,411.00                            64,411.00   Business and labor disputes

 Total                                                         64,411.00                            64,411.00                  --
Other explanations, including important assumptions and estimation about important estimated liabilities:

28. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                      Increase during         Decrease during
           Item               Opening balance                                                           Closing balance             Causes
                                                         the period                 the period

                                   2,331,720.00           2,190,000.00                 478,080.00           4,043,640.00   transformation

 Total                             2,331,720.00           2,190,000.00                 478,080.00           4,043,640.00              --

Items involving Government subsidy:
                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                       Amount         Amount of
                                        New           reckoned
                                                                       included        cost and
                                       subsidy            in                                                                          Assets-rel
                     Opening                                           in other        expense          Other        Closing
  Liability                           increased      non-operat                                                                       ated/Inco
                         balance                                      income in        offset in      change         balance
                                        in the           ing                                                                         me-related
                                                                      the current     the current
                                       period         income in
                                                                        period          period
                                                      the period

 fund for
 tion and                                                                                                                            Assets-rel
                    1,800,000.00                                                                                   1,600,000.00
 upgrading                                                                                                                           ated
 for 2018

 fund for
 industrial          531,720.00                                                                                      472,640.00

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 project in

 funds for
 cal                                                                                                          1,971,000.00
 tion and
 tion in

                                      2,190,000.      478,080.0                                                               Assets-rel
 Total              2,331,720.00                                                                              4,043,640.00
                                             00              0                                                                ated

Other explanation:

29. Share capital

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                  Changes in the Period (+,-)

                       Opening                                                                                                 Closing
                                        Issuing new                     transfer from
                       balance                           Bonus shares                           Other         Subtotal         balance
                                          shares                             public

                     283,161,227.                                                                                            283,161,227.
 Total shares
                                 00                                                                                                      00

Other explanation:

30. Capital public reserve

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                             Increase during the        Decrease during the
             Item                  Opening balance                                                                   Closing balance
                                                                    period                       period

 Capital premium                         96,501,903.02                                                                    96,501,903.02

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 (equity premium)

 Other capital public
                                      50,085,368.48                                               9,500.00               50,075,868.48

 Total                               146,587,271.50                                               9,500.00              146,577,771.50

Other explanation, including changes and reasons of changes:
The decrease in other capital reserves in the current period was caused by the merger of enterprises under the same control.

31. Surplus public reserve

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                          Increase during the         Decrease during the
            Item                 Opening balance                                                                 Closing balance
                                                                 period                      period

 Statutory surplus
                                      21,322,617.25                                                                      21,322,617.25

 Discretionary surplus
                                      56,068,976.00                                                                      56,068,976.00

 Total                                77,391,593.25                                                                      77,391,593.25

Other explanation, including changes and reasons for changes:

32. Retained profit

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                         Item                                      Current period                            Last period

 Retained profit at the end of the previous period
                                                                               -177,712,041.86                      -183,172,091.01
 before adjustment

 Retained profit at period-begin after adjustment                              -177,712,041.86                      -183,172,091.01

 Add: net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                  6,830,187.40                             5,460,049.15
 parent company

 Retained profit at period-end                                                 -170,881,854.46                      -177,712,041.86

Details about adjusting the retained profits at the beginning of the period:
1) The retroactive adjustments to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations affect the retained
profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
2) The changes in accounting policies affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
3) The major accounting error correction affects the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan
4) Merge scope changes caused by the same control affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
5) Other adjustments affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan

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33. Operating revenue and cost

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                              Current Period                                         Last Period
                                   Revenue                      Cost                       Revenue                        Cost

 Main business                      617,385,012.51             575,728,898.74              646,532,884.16              596,169,654.97

 Other business                      74,357,256.61              37,499,795.77               75,024,556.35                 38,332,472.38

 Total                              691,742,269.12             613,228,694.51              721,557,440.51              634,502,127.35

Whether the lower of the audited net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gains and losses is negative
□Yes √No
Information relating to revenue:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

          Category                 Branch 1                    Branch 2                                                   Total








Information relating to performance obligations:
Information related to the transaction price apportioned to the remaining performance obligations:
The amount of income corresponding to the performance obligations that have been signed at the end of this reporting period but
have not yet been fulfilled or have not done with fulfillment is 0.00 yuan, among them, yuan of revenue is expected to be recognized
in YEAR, yuan of revenue is expected to be recognized in YEAR, and yuan of revenue is expected to be recognized in YEAR.
Other explanation

34. Tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                                  Current Period                                   Last Period

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                     1,016,287.94                                     804,287.45

 Educational surtax                                                          435,551.94                                      344,694.60

 Property tax                                                               1,037,125.69                                   1,521,853.12

 Land use tax                                                                434,724.29                                      579,168.99

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 Vehicle use tax                                                     360.00                     24,828.58

 Stamp tax                                                       421,993.80                    443,943.26

 Local education development fee                                 229,808.32                    181,494.42

 Total                                                          3,575,851.98                  3,900,270.42

Other explanation:

35. Sales expense

                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Item                      Current Period                  Last Period

 Employee compensation                                          3,181,384.76                  4,301,179.20

 Freight                                                                                      6,467,421.32

 Commodity inspection fee                                       2,648,430.44                   876,706.96

 Customs fee                                                      90,913.66                    143,589.91

 Commodity loss                                                 4,869,738.37                  3,797,231.43

 After-sales service fee                                        3,815,389.24                  4,383,391.47

 Business entertainment expense                                  198,137.01                    184,161.63

 Other                                                           613,767.12                    725,575.05

 Total                                                     15,417,760.60                     20,879,256.97

Other explanation:

36. Administrative expense

                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Item                      Current Period                  Last Period

 Salary                                                         9,921,865.34                 10,633,657.05

 Depreciation charge                                            2,208,645.49                  2,092,560.37

 Social insurance premium                                        799,110.40                   2,361,102.10

 Business entertainment expense                                 5,592,000.14                  4,726,829.54

 Employee benefits                                               790,303.01                    925,014.07

 Travel expenses                                                1,449,073.69                  1,012,373.74

 Depreciation and amortization cost                             1,605,138.91                  1,678,449.61

 Traffic expenses                                                572,727.46                    757,169.92

 Intermediary agency service fee                                1,919,335.23                  1,832,218.55

 Security fee                                                   2,098,103.57                  1,111,784.83

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 Repair cost                                                    2,991,269.94                  2,266,890.44

 Office expenses                                                1,095,896.50                   723,894.04

 Communication fee                                               150,322.79                    209,777.84

 Amortization of low cost and short lived
                                                                 271,997.21                    183,182.49

 Securities information disclosure fee                           283,386.75                    344,524.44

 Litigation fee                                                  150,400.00                     53,050.00

 Lease fee                                                      1,048,880.52                  4,395,032.42

 Staff education and labor union funds                            14,603.40                    117,653.63

 Water and electricity                                           152,374.57                    646,754.82

 Other expenses                                                 1,365,784.19                  1,962,151.73

 Total                                                      34,481,219.11                    38,034,071.63

Other explanation:

37. R& D expenses

                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Item                      Current Period                  Last Period

 Employee compensation                                          4,791,827.59                  4,804,190.42

 Direct material input                                          1,644,898.53                   390,914.57

 Depreciation and amortization                                   593,756.40                    650,145.58

 Power and manufacturing cost                                    120,699.24                    698,061.22

 Other                                                           134,652.08                    105,851.23

 Total                                                          7,285,833.84                  6,649,163.02

Other explanation:

38. Financial expense

                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Item                      Current Period                  Last Period

 Interest costs                                                 8,508,919.02                 10,638,951.99

 Less: Interest income                                           838,314.39                    631,958.95

 Exchange loss                                                  8,048,826.28                  4,801,837.04

 Less: exchange gains                                           3,248,154.95                  5,145,385.72

 Handing expense                                                 167,866.93                    281,574.56

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 Other expense                                                      1,560.00                         1,760.00

 Total                                                     12,640,702.89                         9,946,778.92

Other explanation:

39. Other income

                                                                                                       In RMB

                   Sources                     Current Period                     Last Period

 Three-agency handling fee for individual

 Provincial special fund for
 transformation and upgrading of                                  59,080.00                        59,080.00
 traditional industry for 2018

 Incentive fund for Wuhan industrial
 intelligent transformation demonstration                        200,000.00                       200,000.00
 project in 2019

 Special funds for industrial investment
 and technological transformation and                            219,000.00
 intelligent transformation in 2020

 Enterprise stabilization subsidy refund                         232,313.00

 Subsidies for training on behalf of

 2020 Caidian District Patent Award Fund                          12,000.00

 2020 Municipal Manufacturing and
 Internet Integration Development                                520,000.00
 Special Fund

 Total                                                          2,264,506.66                      259,080.00

40. Investment income

                                                                                                       In RMB

                      Item                        Current Period                   Last Period

 Investment income from financial products                           165,317.73                   180,964.60

 Total                                                               165,317.73                   180,964.60

Other explanation:

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41. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Item                                   Current Period                               Last Period

 Bad debt loss of other account receivable                                    213,089.45                                  196,278.74

 Credit impairment loss of account
                                                                               -5,705.72                                    -5,659.75

 Total                                                                        207,383.73                                  190,618.99

Other explanation:

42. Losses on assets impairment

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Item                                   Current Period                               Last Period

 II. Inventory falling price loss and
 impairment loss of contract performance                                      170,241.33                                 -275,905.92

 X. Impairment loss of Intangible assets                                                                                 -109,427.90

 Total                                                                        170,241.33                                 -385,333.82

Other explanation:

43. Asset disposal income

                                                                                                                                In RMB

        Source of asset disposal income                      Current Period                               Last Period

 Disposal gains arising from the disposal
 of not held for sale fixed assets                                            817,533.49                                     9,298.34
 \intangible assets

44. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                        Amount included in current
               Item                         Current Period                     Last Period
                                                                                                       non-recurring profits or losses

 Government subsidy                                   465,079.80                        275,300.00                        465,079.80

 Fine income                                                                               40,702.97

 Other                                                 23,577.50                           18,947.69                       23,577.50

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 Total                                                488,657.30                        334,950.66                    488,657.30

Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                impact    The special                                 Assets-rela
                  Issuing      Offering                                                    Amount in    Amount in
      Item                                    Nature            current       subsidy                                 ted/Income
                  subject       causes                                                     the Period   last period
                                                            gains/losse       (Y/N)                                    -related
                                                                s (Y/N)

                Wuhan                       with the
 and Trade
                Municipal                   local                                                                     Income-rel
 Developme                   Subsidy                        Y             N                210,900.00
                Bureau of                   support                                                                   ated
 nt Special
                Commerce                    policy for
                                            incentive to

 Steady                                     Subsidy
 growth in                                  obtained
 foreign                                    for
 trade of the                               conforms
 audited        Wuhan                       with the
 foreign        Municipal                   local                                                                     Income-rel
                             Subsidy                        Y             N                 90,400.00
 economic       Bureau of                   support                                                                   ated
 and trade      Commerce                    policy for
 developme                                  investment
 nt special                                 incentive to
 funds in                                   encourage
 2019                                       investment

                Wuhan                       conforms
 Funds for
                Municipal                   with the                                                                  Income-rel
 Foreign                     Subsidy                        Y             N                 36,100.00
                Bureau of                   local                                                                     ated
                Commerce                    support
 and Trade
                                            policy for
                                            incentive to

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 2020                                  for
 Municipal                             conforms
                Bureau of
 Foreign                               with the
 Economic                              local                              Income-rel
                in Wuhan     Subsidy                  Y   N   41,500.00
 and Trade                             support                            ated
 Developme                             policy for
 nt Special                            investment
 Fund                                  incentive to

                Futian                 with the
 nt subsidies
                District               local                              Income-rel
 for                         Subsidy                  Y   N   10,000.00
                Governme               support                            ated
                nt                     policy for
                                       incentive to

                                       with the
 Sewage fee                            local                              Income-rel
                Water Co.,   Subsidy                  Y   N   15,778.80
 refund                                support                            ated
                                       policy for
                                       incentive to

 Electricity    Power                                                     Income-rel
                             Subsidy   for            Y   N   60,401.00
 subsidy        Supply                                                    ated
                                       with the

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                                       policy for
                                       incentive to

 2018                                  conforms
 Municipal                             with the
               Ministry of
 Foreign                               local                               Income-rel
               Finance of    Subsidy                  Y   N    50,000.00
 Economic                              support                             ated
 and Trade                             policy for
 Funds                                 investment
                                       incentive to

 Job search
               Labor and               for
               employme                conforms
               nt                      with the
               administrat             local                               Income-rel
 subsidy                     Subsidy                  Y   N     6,000.00
               ion bureau              support                             ated
               of Wuhan                policy for
               Caidian                 investment
               District                incentive to

               branch of
 Award for                             with the
 excellent                             local                               Income-rel
               Developme     Award                    Y   N   200,000.00
 enterprises                           support                             ated
               nt Zone of
 in 2018                               policy for
                                       incentive to

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 Foreign                                  conforms
 trade funds                              with the
 at                                       local                                                               Income-rel
                account of   Subsidy                       Y      N                              17,300.00
 provincial                               support                                                             ated
 level in                                 policy for
 2018                                     investment
                                          incentive to

 Provincial                               conforms
 foreign                                  with the
                t of
 economic                                 local                                                               Income-rel
                Commerce     Subsidy                       Y      N                               2,000.00
 and trade                                support                                                             ated
                of Hubei
 developme                                policy for
 nt project                               investment
                                          incentive to

Other explanation:

45. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                             Amount included in current
               Item                    Current Period                 Last Period
                                                                                            non-recurring profits or losses

 Penalties and liquidated
                                                       7,302.38                484,592.52                         7,302.38

 Tax overdue fine                                   362,411.75                                                 362,411.75

 Other expenses                                      39,095.77                                                  39,095.77

 Total                                              408,809.90                 484,592.52

Other explanation:

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46. Income tax expense

(1) Statement of income tax expense

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                    Item                                  Current Period                              Last Period

 Current income tax expense                                                2,550,845.51                             2,264,212.71

 Deferred income tax expense                                               -580,374.13                                26,496.59

 Other                                                                       16,377.75

 Total                                                                     1,986,849.13                             2,290,709.30

(2) Adjustment on accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                Item                                                      Current Period

 Total profit                                                                                                       8,817,036.53

 Income tax based on statutory/applicable rate                                                                      2,204,259.13

 Impact by different tax rate applied by subsidies                                                                  -227,859.48

 Effect of adjusting the income tax in previous period                                                                16,377.75

 Impact on cost, expenses and losses that unable to deducted                                                        1,257,662.83

 Impact of deductible loss of un-recognized deferred income
 tax assets in the prior period of use

 The deductible temporary differences or deductible losses of
 the un-recognized deferred income tax assets in the Period

 Other (additional deduction for R&D expenses)                                                                      -833,098.80

 Income tax expense                                                                                                 1,986,849.13

Other explanation

47. Annotation of cash flow statement

(1) Cash received with other operating activities concerned

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                    Item                                  Current Period                              Last Period

 Unit intercourse account                                                  3,566,766.97                             2,484,797.74

 Collection management fee and utilities
                                                                            148,431.32                              2,977,706.16

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 Repayment from employees                                                    129,319.77                    160,311.00

 Margin, deposit                                                             296,101.74                   3,289,643.20

 Interest income                                                              13,328.40                    689,183.43

 Refunds                                                                        8,175.34                   597,038.28

 Claim deduction etc.                                                        756,526.93                    722,943.15

 Government subsidy                                                         4,477,329.40                  2,866,100.00

 Other                                                                       154,610.95                     10,871.01

 Total                                                                      9,550,590.82                 13,798,593.97

Note of cash received with other operating activities concerned:

(2) Cash paid with other operating activities concerned

                                                                                                                In RMB

                    Item                                   Current Period                  Last Period

 Unit intercourse account                                                   2,613,872.25                  1,975,618.44

 Borrowings paid by employees                                               2,384,958.00                   879,995.14

 Shipping fee                                                               6,995,192.43                  5,104,276.56

 Communication fee                                                          1,580,667.08                  4,471,380.81

 Utility bill                                                               2,697,056.69                  1,493,292.41

 Transportation expenses                                                     454,078.69                    870,970.33

 Repair cost                                                                3,396,243.22                  2,153,601.68

 Financial institution fee                                                    59,840.09                    120,224.97

 Other                                                                      1,582,172.00                  1,607,835.54

 Courier fee                                                                1,086,119.77

 After-sales service fee                                                     700,744.50                   1,055,553.88

 Inspection fee                                                              693,871.75                    310,390.97

 Office expenses                                                            1,286,080.79                   724,155.68

 Margin                                                                     2,244,276.97                  8,161,965.07

 Travel expenses                                                            4,424,533.42                  1,117,219.86

 Audit consulting fee                                                        377,867.92                   3,008,697.45

 Rental fees                                                                 193,840.43                   3,386,329.51

 Securities Information Disclosure Fee                                       283,386.75                    344,524.44

 Security fee                                                               1,060,613.25                   812,676.00

 Total                                                                  34,115,416.00                    37,598,708.74

Note of cash paid with other operating activities concerned:

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(3) Cash received with other investment activities concerned

                                                                                                               In RMB

                      Item                                Current Period                  Last Period

 Redemption of principal of financial
                                                                         55,000,000.00                  75,000,000.00

 Total                                                                   55,000,000.00                  75,000,000.00

Note of cash received with other investment activities concerned:

(4) Cash paid related with investment activities

                                                                                                               In RMB

                      Item                                Current Period                  Last Period

 Purchasing financial products                                           55,000,000.00                  75,000,000.00

 Total                                                                   55,000,000.00                  75,000,000.00

Note of cash paid related with investment activities:

(5) Cash paid related with financing activities

                                                                                                               In RMB

                      Item                                Current Period                  Last Period

 Bill margin                                                             30,688,367.17

 Total                                                                   30,688,367.17

Note of cash paid related with financing activities:

48. Supplementary information to statement of cash flow

(1) Supplementary information to statement of cash flow

                                                                                                               In RMB

          Supplementary information                          This Period                  Last Period

 1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                                                                    --                        --
 operation activities:

         Net profit                                                        6,830,187.40                  5,460,049.15

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       Add: Assets impairment provision                -377,625.06          -194,714.83

          Depreciation of fixed assets,
 consumption of oil assets and depreciation          14,552,007.52        11,730,115.29
 of productive biology assets

               Depreciation of right-of-use

          Amortization of intangible assets           1,727,942.64         1,772,198.84

          Amortization of long-term deferred
                                                       232,335.84           232,335.84

          Loss from disposal of fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long-term                 -817,533.49            -9,298.34
 assets (gain is listed with “-”)

          Losses on scrapping of fixed assets
 (gain is listed with “-”)

           Gain/loss of fair value changes
 (gain is listed with “-”)

           Financial expenses (gain is listed
                                                     13,309,590.35        10,295,403.31
 with “-”)

           Investment loss (gain is listed
                                                       -165,317.73          -180,964.60
 with “-”)

           Decrease of deferred income tax
                                                       -529,860.13           26,496.59
 asset ((increase is listed with “-”)

           Increase of deferred income tax
 liability (decrease is listed with “-”)

           Decrease of inventory (increase is
                                                     -3,024,220.20        -4,273,548.50
 listed with “-”)

          Decrease of operating receivable
                                                      4,984,706.25        18,484,235.02
 accounts (increase is listed with “-”)

          Increase of operating payable
                                                     21,335,650.21        31,121,399.24
 accounts (decrease is listed with “-”)

               Other                                  1,711,920.00

           Net cash flows arising from
                                                     59,719,269.60        74,463,707.01
 operating activities

 2. Material investment and financing not
                                                --                   --
 involved in cash flow

       Conversion of debt into capital

       Switching Company bonds due
 within one year

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       Financing lease of fixed assets

 3. Net change of cash and cash
                                                       --                                            --

      Balance of cash at period end                          30,050,989.33                                  36,645,061.61

      Less: Balance of cash equivalent at
                                                             36,645,061.61                                  27,961,209.60

      Add: Balance at year-end of cash

      Less: Balance at year-begin of cash

      Net increase of cash and cash
                                                             -6,594,072.28                                      8,683,852.01

(2) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                      Item                       Closing balance                              Opening balance

 I. Cash                                                     30,050,989.33                                  36,645,061.61

 Including: Cash on hand                                           138,673.02                                    432,301.32

           Bank deposit available for payment
                                                             29,912,316.31                                  36,212,760.29
 at any time

 III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at
                                                             30,050,989.33                                  36,645,061.61

Other explanation:

49. Assets with ownership or use right restricted

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                      Item                      Ending book value                         Reason for restriction

 Monetary funds                                              30,917,064.25      Bill deposit, judicial freeze

 Fixed assets                                                12,577,333.12      Loan mortgage

 Intangible assets                                            6,799,575.98      Loan mortgage

 Receivable financing                                         6,752,967.68      Bill pledge

 Investment real estate                                      35,526,155.89      Loan mortgage

 Disposal of fixed assets                                    92,857,471.69      Court closure

 Total                                                      185,430,568.61                           --

Other explanation:

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50. Item of foreign currency

(1) Item of foreign currency

                                                                                                           In RMB

                               Closing balance of foreign                               Ending RMB balance
               Item                                                Rate of conversion
                                       currency                                             converted

 Monetary funds                            --                              --                     9,763,489.57

 Including: USD                                 1,496,338.96   6.5249                             9,763,462.08


        HKD                                           32.66    0.8417                                      27.49

 Account receivable                        --                              --                    52,507,767.40

 Including: USD                                 8,047,290.55   6.5249                            52,507,767.40



 Long-term loans                           --                              --

 Including: USD



 Account paid in advance                                                                         30,287,750.94

 Including: USD                                 4,641,872.05   6.5249                            30,287,750.94

 Accounts payable                                                                                       23,508.43

 Including: USD                                     3,602.88   6.5249                                   23,508.43

 Account received in advance                                                                        133,512.50

 Including: USD                                   20,462.00    6.5249                               133,512.50

 Short-term borrowings                                                                           12,527,808.00

 Including: USD                                 1,920,000.00   6.5249                            12,527,808.00

Other explanation:

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(2) Explanation on foreign operational entity, including as for the major foreign operational entity,
disclosed main operation place, book-keeping currency and basis for selection; if the book-keeping
currency changed, explain reasons

□ Applicable √Not applicable

51. Government subsidy

(1) Government subsidy

                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                       Amount reckoned into current
            Category                 Amount                    Item for presentation

 2019 Central Foreign
 Economic and Trade
                                           210,900.00      Non-operating income                         210,900.00
 Development Special Fund
 Processing Trade Matters

 Steady growth in foreign
 trade of the audited foreign
 economic and trade                            90,400.00   Non-operating income                           90,400.00
 development special funds in

 2020 Provincial Special
 Funds for Foreign Economic                    36,100.00   Non-operating income                           36,100.00
 and Trade Development

 2020 Municipal Foreign
 Economic and Trade                            41,500.00   Non-operating income                           41,500.00
 Development Special Fund

 Government subsidies for
                                               10,000.00   Non-operating income                           10,000.00
 epidemic prevention

 Sewage fee refund                             15,778.80   Non-operating income                           15,778.80

 Electricity subsidy                           60,401.00   Non-operating income                           60,401.00

 Three-agency handling fee
                                                6,113.66   Other income                                       6,113.66
 for individual tax

 Special funds for industrial
 investment and technological
                                          2,190,000.00     Deferred income                              219,000.00
 transformation and intelligent
 transformation in 2020

 Enterprise stabilization
                                           232,313.00      Other income                                 232,313.00
 subsidy refund

 Subsidies for training on                1,016,000.00     Other income                               1,016,000.00

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 behalf of workers

 2020 Caidian District Patent
                                                             12,000.00      Other income                                          12,000.00
 Award Fund

 2020 Municipal
 Manufacturing and Internet
                                                            520,000.00      Other income                                         520,000.00
 Integration Development
 Special Fund

 Total                                                    4,441,506.46                                                         2,470,506.46

(2) Government grants rebate

□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other explanation:

VIII. Changes of consolidation scope

1. Enterprise combination under the same control

(1) Enterprise combination under the same control in Period

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

 Combined Percentage Constitute               Combining      Basis for Income of the       Net profit of Income of Net profit
      party       of equity the basis for        date       determinin      combined      the combined      the       of the
                 acquired in       the                      g the date party from the party from the combined combined
                 enterprise     enterprise                      of         beginning of    beginning of    party      party
                 combinatio combination                     combinatio the period of       the period of during the during the
                     n          under the                       n         combination to combination to compariso comparison
                               same control                                 the date of     the date of   n period    period
                                                                           combination     combination
Ruth      Co.,     100.00%                     2020.11.10      Equity
Ltd.                                                         Transfer

Other explanation:

(2) Consolidation cost

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                          Consolidation cost

 --cash                                                                                                                            9,500.00

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Contingent explanation of the consideration and its changes:
Other explanation:

(3) Book value of the assets/liabilities from combined party at date of combination

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                         Combination date                       At the end of the previous period

Contingent liabilities of the combined party assumed in the enterprise combination:
Ruth Co., Ltd was established in Hong Kong dated 25 October 2020 with registered capital of HK$ 10,000.00, no actual capital
contributed and has not yet commenced production and operation activities.

Other explanation:

IX. Equity in other subjects

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1) Constitute of enterprise group

                     Main operation      Registration                                 Share-holding ratio
      Subsidiary                                          Business nature                                             Acquired way
                         place              place                                 Directly            Indirectly

                                                          Property                                                   Investment
 Property Lease      Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                       60.00%
                                                          management                                                 establishment
 Co., Ltd

                                                          Property                                                   Investment
 HUAFA               Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                       100.00%
                                                          management                                                 establishment
 Property Co.,

 Wuhan Hengfa
                                                          Production &                                               Investment
 Technology          Wuhan             Wuhan                                          100.00%
                                                          sales                                                      establishment
 Co., Ltd.

                                                          Property                                                   Investment
 HUAFA               Shenzhen          Shenzhen                                       100.00%
                                                          management                                                 establishment
 Hengtian Co.,

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 HUAFA                                                      Property                                                  Investment
                     Shenzhen           Shenzhen                                         100.00%
 Hengtai Co.,                                               management                                                establishment

 Ruth Co., Ltd.      Hong Kong          Hong Kong           --                           100.00%
Explanation on share-holding ratio in subsidiary different from ratio of voting right:

Basis for controlling the invested entity with half or below voting rights held and without controlling invested entity but with over
half and over voting rights:

Major structured entity included in consolidates statement:

Basis of termination of agent or consignor:

Other explanation

X. The risk associated with financial instruments

The Group's main financial instruments include loans, receivables, payable, tradable financial assets, trading
financial liabilities, etc., please refer to the details of each financial instrument in Note V. The risks associated
with these financial instruments and the risk management policies adopted by the Group to reduce these risks are
described below. The management of the Group manages and monitors these risk exposures to ensure that the
above risks are controlled within the limits.
1. Various risk management objectives and policies

The objective of the Group's risk management is to strike a proper balance between risks and profits, minimize the
negative impact of risks on the Group's operating results, and maximize the benefits of shareholders and other
equity investors. Based on this risk management objectives, the Group's basic strategy for risk management is to
identify and analyze the risks faced by the Group, establish appropriate risk bottom lines and carry out risk
management, and timely and reliably monitor the risks control them within the limits.

(1) Market risk
The market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk that the fair value or the future cash flows of financial
instruments fluctuate due to the changes in market prices, including foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk and
other price risk.

1) Exchange rate risk

The Group's exchange rate risk is mainly related to US dollars and Hong Kong dollars. Except the Group's second
level subsidiary, Hengfa Technology Company’s monitor business has day-to-day operations in US dollars; other
principal business activities of the Group settle accounts in RMB. On December 31, 2020, except for the US

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dollar balance of assets and liabilities in below table and the sporadic Hong Kong dollar balance, the Group's
assets and liabilities are all RMB balance. The exchange rate risk arising from the assets and liabilities of the US
dollar, Hong Kong dollar balance may have an impact on the Group's operating results.
                  Item              December 31, 2020 (RMB conversion) December 31, 2019 (RMB conversion)
Monetary funds-USD                                          9,763,462.08                        1,687,939.31
Monetary funds-HKD                                                 27.49                           89,609.26
Account receivable-USD                                     52,507,767.40                       40,658,907.54
Account paid in advance- USD                               30,287,750.94                       15,930,428.80
Accounts payable-USD                                           23,508.43

Account received in advance-USD                               133,512.50

Short-term borrowings-USD                                  12,527,808.00                       12,633,898.20

The Company eyes on the influence from variation of exchange
2) Interest rate risk

The interest rate risk of the Group arises from bank loans. The financial liabilities of floating interest rate make
the Group face cash flow interest rate risk, and the financial liabilities of fixed rate make the Group face the
interest rate risk of fair value. The Group determines the relative proportion of fixed rate and floating interest rate
contracts based on the prevailing market environment. On December 31, 2020, the Group's interest-bearing debt
was mainly the fixed rate and floating interest rate loan contract denominated in Renminbi and US dollars,
amounting to RMB 12,527,808.00 (December 31, 2019: RMB 109,633,898.20).

The Group's risk of changes in the cash flow of financial instruments due to changes in interest rates is mainly
related to the floating interest rate bank loans. The Group's policy is to maintain the floating interest rate of these
loans so as to eliminate the fair value risk of the interest rate changes.

3) Price risk

The Group sells monitors and so on at market prices and is therefore affected by such price fluctuations.

(2) Credit risk

Credit risk refers to the risk that a party of the financial instrument does not fulfill its obligations and causes
property loss to another party. On December 31, 2020, the maximum credit risk exposure that may cause financial
losses to the Group is mainly attributable to the failure of the other party to fulfill its obligations resulting in the
losses of the Group's financial assets and the Group's financial guarantees, including:

The carrying amount of the financial assets recognized in the consolidated balance sheet; for the financial
instruments measured at fair value, the book value reflects its risk exposures but not the maximum risk exposure,
and its maximum risk exposure changes with the future changes in fair value.

In order to reduce the credit risk, the Group has set up a special department to determine the credit line, carry out
the credit approval, and implement other monitoring procedures to take necessary measures to recover the overdue
credit. In addition, the Group reviews the recovery of each individual receivable at every balance sheet date to
accrue sufficient provision for bad debts of uncollectible funds. As a result, the Group's management believes that

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the Group's credit risk has been greatly reduced.

The Group's working capital is deposited in banks with higher credit ratings, so the credit risk of working capital
is low.

The Group has adopted necessary policies to ensure that all customers have good credit records. In addition to the
top five account receivables, the Group has no other significant credit risk.

The total amount of the top five account receivables is: 102,674,279.15 Yuan.

(3) Liquidity risk

The liquidity risk is the risk that the Group is unable to fulfill its financial obligations on the due date. The Group's
approach to manage liquidity risk is to ensure that there is sufficient financial liquidity to fulfill its due debts but
not cause unacceptable losses or damages to the corporate reputation. The Group regularly analyzes the structure
and duration of liabilities to ensure there are sufficient funds. The management of the Group monitors the use of
bank loans and ensures the compliance with loan agreement, and conducts financing consultations with financial
institutions in order to maintain a certain line of credit and reduce the liquidity risk.

The financial assets and financial liabilities held by the Group based on the maturity of the undiscounted
outstanding contractual obligations are analyzed as follows:

Amount on December 31, 2020

           Item               Within one year    1-2years        2-3years       Over 3 years        Total
Financial assets
 Monetary funds                  60,968,053.58                                                    60,968,053.58
 Receivable financing            10,057,385.11                                                    10,057,385.11
 Account receivable             127,954,502.85      50,840.84       65,934.11    13,148,817.95   141,220,095.75
  Other            account        3,100,690.03     297,671.40      312,212.44    15,607,877.94    19,318,451.81
 Account       paid      in      39,743,291.88     106,781.00       82,309.50                     39,932,382.38
Financial liabilities
 Short-term borrowings           12,527,808.00                                                    12,527,808.00
 Notes payable                   37,416,381.20                                                    37,416,381.20
 Account payable                 86,151,700.58   12,455,666.57                                    98,607,367.15
 Other             accounts      27,245,869.26                                                    27,245,869.26
 Contract liabilities               287,140.66                                                      287,140.66
 Wage payable                     5,737,366.59                                                     5,737,366.59

2. Sensitivity analysis

The Group uses the sensitivity analysis technique to analyze the possible impacts of the reasonable and possible

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changes in risk variable on the currents profit and losses or the owner's equity. Since any risk variable rarely
changes in isolation, and the correlation among the variables has a significant effect on the final effect amount of a
certain risk variable changes, and the following contents are on the assumption that the change in each variable is

(1) Sensitivity analysis of foreign exchange risk

Sensitivity analysis of foreign exchange risk assumes that all overseas operating net investment hedges and cash
flow hedges are highly effective.

On the basis of the above assumptions, in case that other variable doesn’t change, the after-tax effect of the
possible and reasonable changes in the exchange rate on the current profits and losses are as follows:

      Item          Exchange rate                        2020                                        2019
                     fluctuation      Impact on net profit Impact on owner's Impact on net profit Impact on owner's
                                                                    equity                                        equity
 All foreign    5% appreciation of            3,993,707.59          3,993,707.59        -2,281,529.08             -2,281,529.08
  currency            the RMB
 All foreign 5% devaluation of the            -3,993,707.59         -3,993,707.59           2,281,529.08          2,281,529.08
  currency              RMB

XI. Related party and related transactions

1. Parent company of the enterprise

                                                                                                  ratio on the         Voting right ratio
   Parent company        Registration place      Business nature       Registered capital
                                                                                                 enterprise for        on the enterprise
                                                                                                parent company

                                               Production and
 Wuhan Zhongheng
                                               sales, real estate
 New Science &
                                               development and
 Technology             Wuhan                                          138000000                           42.13%                 42.13%
                                               sales, housing
 Industrial Group
                                               leasing and
 Co., Ltd

Explanation on parent company of the enterprise
The ultimate control of the enterprise is Li Zhongqiu.
Other explanation:

2. Subsidiary of the Enterprise

Found more in IX. Equity in other entity in the Note

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3. Other Related party

                       Other related party                              Relationship with the Enterprise

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Shenzhen Zhongheng Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Hengsheng Photo-electricity Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Hong Kong Yutian International Investment Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan New Oriental Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Zhongheng Property Management Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Optical Valley Display System Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Yutian Dongfang Property Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Xiahua Zhongheng Electronics Co. Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Zhongheng Yutian Trading Co,, Ltd

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Yutian Hongguang Real Estate Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Shenzhen Zhongheng Huayu Investment Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Famous Sky Capital Limited

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Yutian International Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Hong Kong Zhongheng Yutian Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Shenzhen Zhongheng Yongye Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Shenzhen Yutian Hengrui Co., Ltd.

                                                         Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate
 Wuhan Henglian Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

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Other explanation

4. Related transaction

(1) Goods purchasing, labor service providing and receiving

Goods purchasing/labor service receiving
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                     Whether over the
                                                               Trading limit
      Related party           Content        Current Period                         approved limited or         Last Period
                                                                                        not (Y/N)

 Hong Kong
 International         Purchasing            152,365,734.55     166,382,370.00      N                           122,172,251.41
 Investment Co.,

                       Purchasing              92,522,296.13    139,524,000.00      N                           110,747,651.72
 Industry Co., Ltd.

                       Purchasing              39,519,517.75    167,428,800.00      N                             28,387,151.42
 Industry Co., Ltd.

Goods sold/labor service providing
                                                                                                                           In RMB

           Related party                      Content               Current Period                        Last Period

 Hong Kong Yutian
 International Investment Co.,      Sales of display                       153,256,701.17                       107,934,645.13

 Wuhan Hengsheng
 Photo-electricity Industry         Sales of display                        41,056,775.49                        13,253,190.28
 Co., Ltd.

 Wuhan Hengsheng
 Photo-electricity Industry         Sales of materials                         2,900,164.83                        8,305,534.66
 Co., Ltd.

 Wuhan Hengsheng
 Photo-electricity Industry         Sales of foam parts                          90,175.49
 Co., Ltd.

 Wuhan Zhongheng Yutian             Sales of display                                                                    58,479.76

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 Trading Co., Ltd.

Explanation on goods purchasing, labor service providing and receiving

(2) Related guarantee

As the guarantor
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                                 Completed or not
      Secured party            Amount guarantee                  Start                      End

 Hengfa Technology
                                        36,000,000.00   April 20, 2018             April 20, 2022            N

As the secured party
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                                 Completed or not
         Guarantor             Amount guarantee                  Start                      End

 Li Zhongqiu                            90,000,000.00   July 01, 2019              July 01, 2022             N

Explanation on related guarantee

(3) Remuneration of key manager

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                     Item                                   Current Period                                Last Period

 Total                                                                       1,403,000.40                                1,443,000.00

5. Receivable/payable items of related parties

(1) Receivable

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                           Closing balance                             Opening balance
      ItemName              Related party
                                                  Book balance       Bad debt provision       Book balance        Bad debt provision

                        Hong Kong Yutian
 Account                International
                                                   41,513,718.58                               25,582,267.94
 receivable             Investment Co.,

                        Wuhan Hengsheng
                        Photo-electricity               12,676.70                                   350,779.63
                        Industry Co., Ltd.

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                      Wuhan Zhongheng
                      Yutian Trading                                                        58,479.76
                      Co., Ltd.

                      Hong Kong Yutian
 Accounts paid in     International
                                                  27,025,766.19                          13,902,631.23
 advance              Investment Co.,

 Total                                            68,552,161.47                          39,894,158.56

(2) Payable

                                                                                                                    In RMB

           ItemName                       Related party           Closing book balance            Opening book balance

                                  Wuhan Hengsheng
 Account payable                  Photo-electricity Industry                 6,795,240.85                    3,186,713.37
                                  Co., Ltd.

                                  Wuhan Hengsheng
 Notes payable                    Photo-electricity Industry                                                   138,355.71
                                  Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                                       6,795,240.85                    3,325,069.08

XII. Commitment or contingency

1. Contingency

2. Other

As of the date of this report, the company has no undisclosed commitments or contingencies that should be

XIII. Events after the balance sheet date

1. Explanation on other events after the balance sheet date

As of the date of this report, the company has no undisclosed after the balance sheet events that should be

XIV. Other important events

1. Other

1. Matters of adjudication of Southern International Arbitration Shen [2017] No. D376 from Southern China
International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission

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(1) Arbitration

In August 2015, Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shenzhen HUAFA”) and
Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Wuhan Zhongheng”)
signed the “Cooperation Agreement on Urban Renewal Project of Update Units at Huafa Industrial Park,
Gongming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen”. As Shenzhen HUAFA and Wuhan Zhongheng planned to
cooperate with Shenzhen Vanke Real Estate CO., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shenzhen Vanke”) on the Huafa
urban renewal project (hereinafter referred to as “Huafa Renovation Project) at Gongming Street, Guangming
New District, Shenzhen, both parties appointed that Shenzhen HUAFA entrusted Wuhan Zhongheng to represent
it in this cooperation, and established project company - Shenzhen Vanke Guangming Real Estate Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “Vanke Guangming”) as the subject of project implementation with Shenzhen Vanke;
Vanke Guangming signed “Demolition Compensation Agreement”               with Shenzhen HUAFA and Wuhan
Zhongheng, and paid the compensation for demolition.

On August 21, 2015, Shenzhen HUAFA, Wuhan Zhongheng and Shenzhen Vanke signed the “Cooperative
Operation Contract of Renovation Project at Huafa Industrial Park, Gongming Street, Guangming New
District”(hereinafter referred to as “Cooperative Operation Contract”), the contract refined and appointed the
cooperation model and operating steps of both sides. And then Shenzhen HUAFA, Wuhan Zhongheng and
Shenzhen Vanke signed the “Agreement on the Housing Acquisition and Removal Compensation and Settlement”.
After signing the above agreement, Shenzhen Vanke paid the cooperation price of 600 million Yuan to Wuhan
Zhongheng through Vanke Guangming.

In September 2016, Shenzhen Vanke filed an arbitration to South China International Economic and Trade
Arbitration Commission (hereinafter referred to as “South China Arbitration”) as Shenzhen HUAFA and Wuhan
Zhongheng violated the appointment of “Cooperative Operation Contract” and handled the “Confirmation of
Subject of Reconstruction Implementation” at an overdue time, and required Shenzhen HUAFA and Wuhan
Zhongheng to pay liquidated damages and attorneys' fees of 464.60 million yuan.

While filing the arbitration, Shenzhen Vanke also applied for property preservation of 400 million Yuan of
property under the name of Shenzhen Huafa and Wuhan Zhongheng to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court.
According to the ruling of Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court and “Notification of Sealing up, Seizing and
Freezing Assets” (The reference numbers are (2016) Yue 03 Cai Bao No. 51, (2016) Yue 03 Cai Bao No. 53), the
27 house properties (Note: the property within the scope of Huafa renovation project) under the name of Shenzhen
HUAFA and 116,489,894 shares (Note: of which 116,100,000 shares have been pledged) of Shenzhen HUAFA
stock held by Wuhan Zhongheng were frozen.
(2) Progress of arbitration

On November 12, 2016, the arbitration court held a hearing on this case.

In December 2016, Wuhan Zhongheng to Shenzhen HUAFA issued a “Commitment Letter” which included that if
the arbitration (Note: the case) ruled in favor of Shenzhen Vanke, the loss of arbitration caused by the contract
disputes should be fully assumed by our company. In the above contingent losses, if the judicial decision ruled

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your company to pay the compensation in advance, our company promised to pay your company in cash within
one month, if our company could not pay on time due to uncontrollable factors, our company would like to pay the
corresponding interest according to the benchmark interest rate of bank loans in the corresponding period.
Because the plots in the renovation project placed in our company hadn’t been applied for transfer procedures and
were still under your company’s name (Note: based on the “Asset Replacement Contract” signed by Wuhan
Zhongheng and Shenzhen HUAFA on April 29, 2009), therefore, there was no risk of compliance, at the same time,
our company promised to give priority to paying the above compensation with the compensation for demolition of
renovation project.
On August 16, 2017, South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission made the “Arbitral
Award” SCIA [2017] D376, according to the arbitral award, the applicant and counterclaim respondent in
arbitration case SCIA [2017] D376 were Shenzhen Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
“Applicant” and “Vanke”). The first respondent and the first applicant for counterclaim were Wuhan Zhongheng
New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Wuhan Zhongheng” and “First
Respondent”). The second respondent and the second applicant for counterclaim were Zhongheng Huafa. The
award results were as follows:
① The first respondent and the second respondent pay liquidated damages to the applicant with a base number of
RMB 600 million, calculating by the annual interest rate of 36% from October 1, 2015 to November 11, 2016;
② The first respondent and the second respondent pay the lawyer fees of RMB 1.4 million to the applicant due to
the case;
③ The first respondent and the second respondent pay the property preservation fees of RMB 10,000 to the
④ The arbitration fees for this request and case was RMB 3,101,515.00, the first respondent and the second
respondent should bear 70%, i.e. RMB 2,171,060.50, and the applicant should bear 30%, i.e. RMB 930,454.50.
The applicant had already paid the arbitration fees in full amount for this request which could be used as the
arbitration fees of this case and request and shall not be refunded. The first respondent and the second respondent
should directly pay RMB 2,171,060.50 to the applicant;
The arbitration fee of counterclaim in this case was RMB 76,050 which was undertaken by the first respondent
and the second respondent at their own expense. The first respondent and the second respondent paid the
arbitration fees in full amount for this request which could be used as the arbitration fees of this case and request
and shall not be refunded;
The actual expenses of the arbitrators in this case amounted to RMB 7,754.90, the first respondent and the second
respondent assumed 70%, i.e. RMB 5,428.43, and the applicant assumed 30%, i.e. RMB 2,326.47; the above
actual expenses of the arbitrators had been paid by the Commission, so the first respondent and the second
respondent and the applicant should directly pay RMB 5,428.43 and RMB 2,326.47 respectively to the
⑤ Reject the applicant’s other arbitration requests;

⑥ Reject the arbitration counterclaims of the first respondent and the second respondent.
In summary, Wuhan Zhongheng and Shenzhen Huafa should pay liquidated damages, interest, lawyer fees,
property preservation fees, and arbitration fees for this request to Vanke and pay actual expenses of the arbitrators

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in this case and pay the actual expenses incurred by the arbitrators in this case to South China International
Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
On February 7, 2018, the company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group applied to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s
Court to revoke the Ruling HNGZSC [2017] D376, the court made a judgment on August 16, 2018, rejecting the
company’s request for revocation. The company and its controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng Group
received the “Execution Notice of Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court” ([2018] Yue03Zhi No. 1870), and the
executor applied to the court for compulsory execution, the company was listed as dishonest person subject to
execution by Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court. On December 13, 2019, the company announced that it had
been removed from the list of dishonest persons subject to execution by the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s
The Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group received an enforcement decision in 2020, terminate the execution
process and wait for the conditions for continuation to be fulfilled before restarting.
(3) The response of the company’s management and the identification of the event
The company engaged lawyers to make an independent investigation and judgment on the event, and issued
special legal opinion that the reasons of Wuhan Zhongheng resulted in a failure of a net handover, and Wuhan
Zhongheng received the full amount of 600 million yuan paid by Vanke Guangming. Therefore, Wuhan
Zhongheng should bear all responsibilities for faults in response to the breach of contract. Wuhan Zhongheng
issued the Commitment Letter in December 2016, pledged that if the arbitration judged Vanke to win the case,
Wuhan Zhongheng should bear all arbitration losses caused by the contract dispute; after the award came into
effect, Wuhan Zhongheng issued the Confirmation Letter again on November 23, 2017 to divide the duty of
performance of the award; the independent directors of the company issued independent opinions after careful
study and judgment that Wuhan Zhongheng should bear all liability for satisfaction on the Award HNGZSC [2017]

2. Arbitration case of legal service contract dispute with V&T (Shenzhen) Law Firm
On March 12, 2018, the company received the arbitration notice No. SHEN DX20180087 from Shenzhen Court
of International Arbitration, V&T (Shenzhen) Law Firm requested to make a ruling that the Company and Wuhan
Zhongheng pay the delinquent lawyer’s fees of RMB 19,402,000 and the liquidated damages (The liquidated
damages shall take five ten-thousandths of a day as a standard based on RMB 19,402,000 from August 24, 2017 to
the date of payment of the above-mentioned lawyer’s fees, and the liquidated damages up to February 12, 2018
was RMB 1,678,273.00). The company should bear all the arbitration fees for this case.
On November 5, 2019, the company received the arbitration award HNGZSC [2019] D618 from Shenzhen Court
of International Arbitration, ruling that the company and its controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng New
Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd should pay Shenzhen V & T Law Firm the arrears of legal fees
of RMB 19,402,000 and the liquidated damages.
Guangdong Haibu Attorneys-at-Law engaged by the company made verification opinion on the legal
responsibility assumed for the performance of the arbitration result and believed that this case was caused by the
Vanke arbitration case No. SHEN DP20160334, and the net land was not handed over on time due to Wuhan
Zhongheng, and Wuhan Zhongheng Heng received 600 million yuan paid by Vanke Guangming in full, so the
company is not liable for compensation under the judgment of the Vanke case. The nature of the attorney fees of

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V&T Law Firm is deduction of royalties. V&T Law Firm's deduction for the company is 0, and V&T Law Firm's
attorney fees paid by the company is 0. In addition, Wuhan Zhongheng Group has issued a "Letter of
Commitment" to Shenzhen Huafa in December 2016, if the arbitration decides that Vanke wins the lawsuit,
Wuhan Zhongheng Group will bear the full amount of the arbitration losses caused by the contract disputes.
Wuhan Zhongheng Group, as the beneficiary of the "Entrusted Agency Contract", shall bear all the payment
responsibilities for the “Award” HNGZSC [2019] No. D618, and the company shall not be liable for the losses in
this case.
On November 17, 2020, the court enforced the attorney fees that Wuhan Zhongheng Group should assume. As a
joint defendant, the company was forced to enforce partial payment of 1,564,767.46 yuan, Wuhan Zhongheng
Group returned this partial payment to the listed company on the 24th of that month.
3. Dispute with Shenzhen Zhongheng Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (formerly known as "Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa
Technology Co., Ltd.") concerning land transfer

(1) Cause of the case
On April 29, 2009, the company signed an Asset Replacement Contract with Wuhan Zhongheng Group.
According to the contract, the company would use the the land use rights of two plots of land located at Huafa
Road, Gongming Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, i.e. land parcel number A627-0005 (real estate registration
number 8000101219) and A627-0007 (real estate registration number 8000101218), which are worth 18.55
million yuan, to increase capital to Shenzhen Zhongheng Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (former Zhongheng Huafa
Technology Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as "Zhongheng Semiconductor") and transfer ownership to
Zhongheng Semiconductor, Wuhan Zhongheng Group replaced the company's 100% equity in Zhongheng
Semiconductor with its 56% equity in Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd. For the main content of the
above-mentioned Asset Replacement Contract, please refer to the Announcement on Related Transactions of Asset
Replacement with Controlling Shareholders published by the company on Juchao Website dated April 30, 2009,
with the announcement number 2009-17. After Wuhan Zhongheng Group fulfilled its obligations under the Asset
Replacement Contract, the company transferred 100% of its equity in Zhongheng Semiconductor to Wuhan
Zhongheng Group on December 21, 2009; the company also handed over the above two plots of land to
Zhongheng Semiconductor for possession, management, and use, but the land use right has not been transferred to
Zhongheng Semiconductor.

(2) Case progress
On April 17, 2020, the company received the "Notice of Response" (2020) Yue 03 Min Chu No. 17 and other
related materials delivered by the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court of Guangdong Province. Zhongheng
Semiconductor sued the company and required the company and the third party (Wuhan Zhongheng Group) to
continue to perform the contract, and transfer ownership of the above two plots of land and compensate for
economic losses of 52 million yuan. The Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court has filed a case with the case
number (2020) Yue 03 Min Chu No. 17.
Since Zhongheng Semiconductor's main appeal is the transfer of land to its name, the company is reaching a
settlement with Zhongheng Semiconductor. The company promises to actively cooperate with the land transfer.
Zhongheng Semiconductor has issued a letter of commitment to the company promising to abandon the demand

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for economic compensation. As of the disclosure date of this report, the case has been heard in court and no results
have yet been issued.

XV. Principle notes of financial statements of parent company

1. Account receivable

(1) Category of account receivable

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                              Opening balance

                                                       Bad debt
                          Book balance                                                 Book balance          Bad debt provision
         Category                                      provision         Book                                                            Book
                         Amoun      Proport     Amoun        Accrua      value    Amoun          Proport       Amoun       Accrual       value
                            t         ion          t         l ratio                    t          ion           t           ratio

 Account receivable
 with bad debt           10,293,     100.00     10,293,      100.00               10,293,         100.00       10,293,      100.00
                                                                           0.00                                                            0.00
 provision accrual       424.29             %    424.29            %                  424.29             %     424.29            %
 on a single basis



                         10,293,                10,293,                           10,293,                      10,293,
                         424.29                  424.29                               424.29                   424.29

Accrual of bad debt provision on single basis: 10,293,424.29
                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                   Book balance              Bad debt provision                Accrual ratio                 Accrual causes

 Hong Kong Haowei
                                       1,870,887.18                    1,870,887.18                      100.00%         Uncollectible
 Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                       1,325,431.75                    1,325,431.75                      100.00%         Uncollectible

 Qingdao Haier Parts
                                       1,225,326.15                    1,225,326.15                      100.00%         Uncollectible
 Procurement Co., Ltd.

 Multimedia                                 579,343.89                  579,343.89                       100.00%         Uncollectible
 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 Shenzhen Huixin
 Video Technology Co.,                  381,168.96            381,168.96                 100.00%   Uncollectible

 Shenzhen Wandelai
 Digital Technology                     351,813.70            351,813.70                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Dalong
                                        344,700.00            344,700.00                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Keya
                                        332,337.76            332,337.76                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Qunping
                                        304,542.95            304,542.95                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 China Galaxy
 Electronics (Hong                      288,261.17            288,261.17                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Kong) Co., Ltd.

 Dongguan Weite
                                        274,399.80            274,399.80                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Hong Kong New
 Century Electronics                    207,409.40            207,409.40                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenyang Beitai
                                        203,304.02            203,304.02                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Xinfang Weiye
                                        193,000.00            193,000.00                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 TCL Electronics (Hong
                                        145,087.14            145,087.14                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Kong) Co., Ltd.

 Huizhou TCL Xinte
                                        142,707.14            142,707.14                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronics Co., Ltd.

 Sky Worth – RGB
                                        133,485.83            133,485.83                 100.00%   Uncollectible
 Electronic Co., Ltd.

 Other                                1,990,217.45          1,990,217.45                 100.00%   Uncollectible

 Total                               10,293,424.29         10,293,424.29            --                       --

Accrual of bad debt provision on single basis:
                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                  Closing balance
                                 Book balance        Bad debt provision        Accrual ratio           Accrual causes

Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                   In RMB

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                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                  Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                  Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                  Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Bad debt provision                  Accrual ratio

Explanation on portfolio basis:
If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose related information about bad-debt provisions:
□ Applicable √Not applicable
By account age
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                           Account ages                                                         Book balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                                                                            0.00

 1-2 years                                                                                                                      0.00

 2-3 years                                                                                                                      0.00

 Over 3 years                                                                                                         10,293,424.29

      3-4 years                                                                                                                 0.00

      4-5 years                                                                                                                 0.00

      Over 5 years                                                                                                    10,293,424.29

 Total                                                                                                                10,293,424.29

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(2) Top 5 account receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                               Closing balance of account       Proportion in total account     Closing balance of bad debt
                                       receivable                 receivables at year-end               provision

 Hong Kong Haowei
                                             1,870,887.18                            18.18%                    1,870,887.18
 Industrial Co., Ltd.

 APPLIANCE (HUIZHOU)                         1,325,431.75                            12.88%                    1,325,431.75
 CO., LTD.

 Qingdao Haier Parts
                                             1,225,326.15                            11.90%                    1,225,326.15
 Procurement Co., Ltd.

 SKYWORTH Multimedia
                                               579,343.89                             5.63%                       579,343.89
 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Huixin Video
                                               381,168.96                             3.70%                       381,168.96
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 Total                                       5,382,157.93                            52.29%

2、Other account receivable

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                             Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Other account receivable                                          93,922,057.92                              97,165,023.85

 Total                                                             93,922,057.92                              97,165,023.85

(1) Other account receivable

1) Other account receivable by nature

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                   Nature                           Closing book balance                      Opening book balance

 Margin & deposit                                                       304,608.00                                304,608.00

 Borrow money                                                       2,089,073.12                               1,869,073.12

 Intercourse funds                                                103,959,672.35                             107,488,541.28

 Rental receivable                                                  6,224,167.48                               5,847,389.48

 Other                                                                  162,006.14                                168,162.09

 Less: Bad debt provision                                          -18,817,469.17                            -18,512,750.12

 Total                                                             93,922,057.92                              97,165,023.85

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

2) Accrual of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                     Phase I                   Phase II                       Phase III

                                                       Expected credit losses for   Expected credit losses for
                                 Expected credit
   Bad debt provision                                     the entire duration       the entire duration (with              Total
                             losses over next 12
                                                            (without credit               credit impairment
                                                         impairment occurred)                occurred)

 Balance on1 Jan. 2020                         0.30                                              18,512,749.82            18,512,750.12

 Balance of 1 Jan. 2020
                                      ——                       ——                           ——                       ——
 in the period

 Accrual in current
                                               -0.30                      111.75                    304,607.70               304,719.15

 Balance on Dec. 31,
                                               0.00                       111.75                 18,817,357.42            18,817,469.17

Change of book balance of loss provision with amount has major changes in the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
By account age
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                           Account ages                                                           Book balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                                                                      14,726,087.85

 Within one year                                                                                                          14,726,087.85

 1-2 years                                                                                                                79,196,078.82

 2-3 years                                                                                                                   312,212.44

 Over 3 years                                                                                                             18,505,147.98

      Over 5 years                                                                                                        18,505,147.98

 Total                                                                                                                   112,739,527.09

3) Top 5 other receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                               Proportion in total
                                                                                                                      Closing balance of
         Company                 Nature            Closing balance        Account ages          other receivables
                                                                                                                      bad debt provision
                                                                                                  at year-end

 Wuhan Hengfa
                                                                        Within one year;
 Technology Co.,          Intercourse funds            84,133,311.06                                      74.63%
                                                                        1-2 years

                          Intercourse funds             8,958,256.81    Within one year                       7.95%
 Zhongheng HUAFA

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

 Property Co., Ltd

 Shenzhen HUAFA
                          Rental fee
 Property Leasing                                         4,558,859.15    Over 3 years                       4.04%             4,558,859.15
 Co., Ltd.

 Portman                  Intercourse funds               4,021,734.22    Over 3 years                       3.57%             4,021,734.22

 Shenzhen Jifang          Rental fee
                                                          1,071,160.00    Over 3 years                       0.95%             1,071,160.00
 Investment Co., Ltd      receivable

 Total                                --                102,743,321.24             --                                          9,651,753.37

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                             Closing balance                                            Opening balance
         Item                                  Impairment                                                 Impairment
                       Book balance                                 Book value          Book balance                          Book value
                                                provision                                                  provision

 Investment for
                      187,218,400.00              600,000.00      186,618,400.00       187,208,900.00       600,000.00       186,608,900.00

 Total                187,218,400.00              600,000.00      186,618,400.00       187,208,900.00       600,000.00       186,608,900.00

(1) Investment for subsidiary

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                               Changes in the period                                             Closing
                       Opening                                                                                Closing
 The invested                                                              Accrual of                                           balance of
                       balance             Additional        Reduce                                           balance
        entity                                                             impairment           Other                          impairment
                     (Book value)          investment       investment                                      (Book value)
                                                                            provision                                           provision

 Property                    0.00                                                                                               600,000.00
 Leasing Co.,

 HUAFA               1,000,000.00                                                                           1,000,000.00
 Property Co.,

 Hengfa              183,608,900.                                                                           183,608,900.
 Technology                      00                                                                                     00
 Co., Ltd.

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

                     1,000,000.00                                                                   1,000,000.00
 Hengtian Co.,

                     1,000,000.00                                                                   1,000,000.00
 Hengtai Co.,

 Ruth Co., Ltd.                                                                          9,500.00         9,500.00

                     186,608,900.                                                                   186,618,400.
 Total                                                                                   9,500.00                         600,000.00
                              00                                                                                  00

4. Operating revenue and cost

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                               Current Period                                       Last Period
                                    Revenue                       Cost                   Revenue                       Cost

 Main business                       37,262,114.01                6,784,029.31            38,216,680.42                 7,304,872.41

 Total                               37,262,114.01                6,784,029.31            38,216,680.42                 7,304,872.41

Information relating to revenue:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

          Category                  Branch 1                    Branch 2                                               Total








Information relating to performance obligations:
Information relating to the transaction price assigned to the remaining performance obligation:
At end of the period, the corresponding revenue amount for performance obligations that have been signed but have not been
performed or have not been performed is 0.00 yuan, of which, yuan expected to recognized as revenue in the year.
Other explanation:

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

XVI. Supplementary Information

1. Current non-recurring gains/losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Item                                       Amount                                        Note

 Gains/losses from the disposal of
 non-current asset

 Governmental subsidy reckoned into
 current gains/losses (not including the
 subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration                                        2,728,618.05
 according to national standards, which are
 closely relevant to enterprise’s business)

 Gain/loss of entrusted investment or assets

 Other non-operating income and
 expenditure except for the aforementioned                                  -385,232.40

 Loss on assignment of claims

 Less: Impact on income tax                                                  599,443.02

 Total                                                                     2,726,793.85                         --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √Not applicable

2. ROE and earnings per share

                                                                                                   Earnings per share
      Profits during report period              Weighted average ROE                 Basic earnings per         Diluted earnings per
                                                                                     share (RMB/Share)          share (RMB/Share)

 Net profits belong to common
 stock stockholders of the                                                2.05%                     0.0241                     0.0241

 Net profits belong to common
 stock stockholders of the
                                                                          1.23%                     0.0145                     0.0145
 Company after deducting
 nonrecurring gains and losses

深圳中恒华发股份有限公司 2020 年年度报告全文

                   Section XIII. Documents available for reference

I. Text of the Annual Report caring signature of the Chairman;
II. Financial statement carrying the signatures and seals of the person in charge of the Company, principal of the
accounting works and person in charge of accounting organ;
III. All documents of the Company and manuscripts of public notices that disclosed in the China Securities journal,
Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily designated by CSRC in the report period;
IV. Article of Association
V. Other relevant files.