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                                                                                              Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

Stock Code: 000020 200020          Public Notice No.: 2021-21        Short Form of the Stock: SHEN HUAFA-A, SHEN HUAFA-B

                              Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                              The Third Quarterly Report for 2021
    The Company and whole members of the BOD guarantee that the information disclosed is true,
    accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious records, misleading statements or
    important omissions.

Important content reminder:
1. Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading
statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all
responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of
the whole contents.
2. Principal of the Company, Person in Charge of Accounting Works and Person in
Charge of Accounting Organ (Accounting Officer) hereby confirm that the Financial
Report of the Third Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
3. Whether the Third Quarterly Report has been audited or not

□Yes          √No

I. Main financial data

(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□Yes √No
                                                                                                            Increase/decrease from
                                                       Increase/decrease in
                                                                                                                  year-begin to
                                                       the period compared           Year-begin to
                                Current period                                                               period-end compared
                                                       with the same period           period-end
                                                                                                             with the same period
                                                       of the previous year
                                                                                                              of the previous year
    Operating income
                                   211,898,917.91                      5.85%               603,532,726.46                 20.49%

    Net profit attributable
    to shareholders of the            1,123,649.14                   -33.33%                 8,113,011.63                 67.24%
    listed company (Yuan)

                                                                              Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

    Net profit attributable
    to shareholders of the
    listed company after
                                               554,781.27                     -49.95%             7,332,980.06                      72.67%
    non-recurring gains
    and losses (Yuan)

    Net cash flow arising
    from operating                           ——                      ——                     -24,053,649.58                   -275.69%
    activities (Yuan)

    Basic earnings per
                                                     0.004                    -33.33%                     0.0288                    68.42%
    share (Yuan /Share)

    Diluted earnings per
                                                     0.004                    -33.33%                     0.0288                    68.42%
    share (Yuan /Share)

    Weighted average ROE                             0.33%                     -0.19%                     2.17%                      0.71%
                                                                                          Increase/decrease at the period-end compared
                                   End of current period        End of previous year
                                                                                                with the end of the previous year

    Total assets (Yuan)                  669,050,137.81               627,779,621.06                                                 6.57%
    Net assets attributable
    to shareholder of listed             344,361,748.92               336,248,737.29                                                 2.41%
    company (Yuan)

(ii) Items and amounts of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan
                                                                                           Amount from
                                                                   Amount for the           year-begin to                 Note

    Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset
    (including   the      write-off   that    accrued     for              21,059.60               21,059.60
    impairment of assets)

    Government       subsidy      recorded     in    current
    gains/losses (except those closely related to the
    Company’s       normal     operation,     and      those
                                                                          345,453.35              345,453.35
    continuously enjoyed on a fixed or quantitative
    basis with certain standards in accordance with
    national policy regulations)

    Gains/losses of entrusting others to invest or
                                                                           88,894.00              238,661.58
    manage assets
    Other non-operating income and expenses other
                                                                          113,460.92              174,857.04
    than the above
    Total                                                            568,867.87                   780,031.57                --
Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses:

                                                                        Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company does not have other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses
Explanation on those non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring gain/loss
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company does not have the non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring gain/loss

(iii) Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial index and explanations of

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Item                                   January-September January-September                 Changes       Reason
                                       2021              2020                              ratio
                                                                                                         Salary for R&D from Hengfa
R&D expenses                                 5,653,280.67                  4,313,254.44         31%
Other income                                    345,453.35                   645,623.00         -46%     Government subsidy of Hengfa
                                                                                                         Gains on acceptance margin
Investment income                               238,661.58                   103,172.15         131%
                                                                                                         from Hengfa
                                                                                                         Disposal the company’s
Asset disposal income                            21,059.60                    -93,373.67       -123%
                                                                                                         Government subsidy received
                                                                                                         at the period-end was less than
Non-operating income                            394,744.60                   681,877.61         -42%
                                                                                                         those received in the same
                                                                                                         period last year
Non-operating expenses                        219,887.56              7,302.38 2911%                     Disposal of fixed assets
            Item                       September 30, 2021 September 30, 2021 Changes                     Reason
                                                                                                         Decrease in the amount of
Accounts receivable financing                5,774,948.69                25,436,468.30          -77%
                                                                                                         promissory note
                                                                                                         Due to the impact of
                                                                                                         international epidemic, some
                                                                                                         raw materials are in short
                                                                                                         supply in the market, inventory
Inventory                                   98,556,230.42                61,964,943.06          59%
                                                                                                         of the Company are increased
                                                                                                         in an appropriated amount
                                                                                                         according to the operation
Other current assets                            741,380.21                   234,014.36         217%     VAT retention credit
                                                                                                         The contract signed through
Long-term prepaid expenses                      568,577.93                   135,529.27         320%     system, and the expenses to be
                                                                                                         amortized increased
                                                                                                         Borrowings of Hengfa
Thhe Short-term loan                        39,841,600.00                13,660,894.00          192%
                                                                                                         Account received in advance
Contract liabilities                            574,325.56                 2,575,945.15         -78%
                                                                                                         Borrowings increased in the
Interest payable                                124,190.30                     32,583.49        281%     period, and the interest
Non-current liabilities          due                                                                     Reclassification of long-term
                                                                         12,000,000.00         -100%
within one year                                                                                          loans

                                                                     Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

II. Shareholders Information

(i) Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and
top ten common shareholders

                                                                                                                             Unit: Share
                                                                      Total preference
                                                                      shareholders with voting
    Total common shareholders at the
                                                            20,191    rights recovered at end of                                    0
    end of report period
                                                                      reporting period (if
                                                        Top ten shareholders
                                                                               Amount of           Information of shares pledged,
    Shareholder’s        Nature of     Proportion of       Amount of
                                                                               restricted                  tagged or frozen
        name             shareholder     shares held        shares held
                                                                               shares held         State of share       Amount
    Wuhan                                                                                        Pledged               116,100,000
    New Science &
                       non-state-owne         42.13%         119,289,894                     0
    Technology                                                                                   Frozen                119,289,894
                       d legal person
    Group Co., Ltd
    SEG (HONG                                                                                    Pledged                            0
                       Overseas legal
    KONG) CO.,                                  5.85%         16,569,560                     0
                       person                                                                    Frozen                             0
    GOOD HOPE                                                                                    Pledged                            0
    CORNER             Overseas legal
                                                2.50%           7,072,000                    0
    INVESTMEN          person                                                                    Frozen                             0
    TS LTD.
    Changjiang                                                                                   Pledged                            0
                       Overseas legal
    Brokerage                                   1.89%           5,355,249                    0
                       person                                                                    Frozen                             0
    Co., Ltd.
    Guoyuan                                                                                      Pledged                            0
                       Overseas legal
    Brokerage                                   1.37%           3,870,117                    0
                       person                                                                    Frozen                             0
    (Hong Kong)
                       Overseas                                                                  Pledged                            0
    Li Zhongqiu                                 1.00%           2,830,000                    0
                       nature person                                                             Frozen                             0
                       Domestic                                                                  Pledged                            0
    Jin Guoping                                 0.86%           2,443,500                    0
                       nature person                                                             Frozen                             0
                       Domestic                                                                  Pledged                            0
    Huang Xuelin                                0.66%           1,880,503                    0
                       nature person                                                             Frozen                             0
    China                                                                                        Pledged                            0
    Securities                                  0.60%           1,708,873                    0
                       legal person                                                              Frozen                             0
    Hong Kong
    Co., Ltd.
                       Domestic                                                                  Pledged                            0
    Li Wei             non-state-owne           0.57%           1,610,000                    0
                       d legal person                                                            Frozen                             0
                                        Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held

             Shareholder’s name               Amount of unrestricted shares held                           Type of shares
                                                                                                       Type             Amount

                                                                      Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

    Wuhan Zhongheng New Science
                                                                                               RMB common
    & Technology Industrial Group                                               119,289,894                          119,289,894
    Co., Ltd
    SEG (HONG KONG) CO., LTD.                                                    16,569,560    listed foreign         16,569,560
                                                                                   7,072,000   listed foreign           7,072,000
    Changjiang Securities Brokerage
                                                                                   5,355,249   listed foreign           5,355,249
    (Hongkong) Co., Ltd.
    Guoyuan Securities Brokerage
                                                                                   3,870,117   listed foreign           3,870,117
    (Hong Kong) Limited
    Li Zhongqiu                                                                    2,830,000   listed foreign           2,830,000
                                                                                               RMB common
    Jin Guoping                                                                    2,443,500                            2,443,500
                                                                                               RMB common
    Huang Xuelin                                                                   1,880,503                            1,880,503
    China Merchants Securities Hong
                                                                                   1,708,873   listed foreign           1,708,873
    Kong Co., Ltd.
    Li Wei                                                                         1,610,000   listed foreign           1,610,000
    Explanation     on     associated   Among the top ten shareholders, Li Zhongqiu is the actual controller of Wuhan Zhongheng
                                        New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. and is a party acting in concert. The
    relationship among the aforesaid    Company neither knew whether there exists associated relationship among the other
    shareholders                        shareholders, nor they belong to consistent actors that are prescribed in Measures for the
                                        Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.
                                        Among the top ten shareholders, Jin Guoping holds 73,200 shares through ordinary
    Explanation       on     top 10
                                        accounts, 2,370,300 shares through credit securities accounts, totaling 2,443,500 shares;
    shareholders involving margin
                                        Huang Xuelin holds 629,902 shares through ordinary accounts, and 1,250,601 shares
    business (if applicable)
                                        through credit securities accounts, totaling 1,880,503 shares.

(ii) Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred
stock held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Other significant events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(i) The Company signed Asset Exchange Contract with Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial
Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Zhongheng Group) on 29 April 2009 (details were referred to in
the announcement dated 30 April 2009), and pursuant to the contract, since part of the assets of the Company
(namely two parcel of industrial lands located at Huafa road, Gongming town, Guangming new district, Shenzhen
(the property certificate No. were SFDZ No.7226760 and SFDZ No.7226763, No. of parcels were A627-005
andA627-007, and the aggregate area was 48,200 sq.m) were the lands listed in the first batch of plan for 2010
Shenzhen urbanization unit planning preparation plan. For promotion of such urbanization project and joint

                                                            Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

cooperation, the Company has not completed the transfer procedures in respect of the aforesaid land.
The Company convoked the first extraordinary meeting of the Board in 2015 on February 16, 2015 and the first
extraordinary general meeting of the Board in 2015 on March 4, 2015, which considered and approved the
“Motion on promoting and implementing the urban renewal project for the renewal units of Huafa area at
Gongming street, Guangming new district, Shenzhen”, specified that the Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group
shall obtain the corresponding compensatory consideration for removal from the respectively owned project plots
and the respectively contributed and constructed above-ground buildings before the land development, it is
estimated that the compensatory consideration obtained by the Company accounts for 50.5% of the total
consideration and Wuhan Zhongheng Group accounts for 49.5% by calculation.
The sixth extraordinary meeting of the board of directors in 2015 and the third extraordinary general meeting of
2015 have considered and adopted the “Proposal on the project promotion and implementation of urban renewal
and the progress of related transactions of ‘the updated units at Huafa Area, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New
District, Shenzhen’”, the company has signed the “Agreement on the cooperation of urban renewal project of the
updated units at Huafa Area, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen”, “Contract for the
cooperative venture of reconstruction project for Huafa Industrial Park, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New
District” on 26 August 2015, and “Agreement on housing acquisition and removal compensation and
resettlement” with Wuhan Wuhan Zhongheng Group, Shenzhen Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as “Shenzhen Vanke”), and Shenzhen Vanke Guangming Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “Vanke Guangming”).
On 12 September 2016, Shenzhen Vanke applied for arbitration in respect of “Agreement on the cooperation of
urban renewal project of the updated units at Huafa Area, Gong Ming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen”
against the Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group. Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) has
given a ruling in August 2017. On August 29, 2018, the court accepted the compulsory execution application of
Shenzhen Vanke. In October 2019, as a number of outsiders filed an “execution objection” and applied for “no
execution” to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court ruled to terminate
the enforcement procedure on March 20, 2020. If the “execution objection” and “no execution” proposed by
outsiders are rejected according to law, Shenzhen Vanke may continue to apply to the Shenzhen Intermediate
People’s Court to resume execution. In April 2020, Zhongheng Semiconductor sued the company to Shenzhen
Intermediate People’s Court, and requested the company to transfer the above mentioned two pieces of lands and
compensate the economic loss of 52 million yuan, the company received the first trial verdict in the case in May
2021. and the company appealed to the supreme people’s court against the judgment, which has not yet entered
into force. Progress of the case found more in the Notices released on Juchao website dated 14 Sept. 2016, 1 Nov.
2016, 16 Nov. 2016, on 18 Feb. 2017, 24 March 2017, 25 April 2017, 1 July 2017, 18 August 2017, 9 Feb. 2018,
25 Aug. 2018, 7 Sept. 2018, 21 Apr. 2020, 3 Jun, 2021 and 22 Jul. 2021 respectively.
(ii) On 31 December 2015, the 88,750,047 shares held by Wuhan Zhongheng Group, are pledge to China
Merchants Securities Assets Co., Ltd. with due date of 31 December 2016. On 1 Feb. 2016, Wuhan Zhongheng
Group pledge the 27,349,953 shares held to China Merchants Securities Assets Co., Ltd. with due date of 31
December 2016. The above-mentioned pledged shares are deferred by Wuhan Zhongheng Group; pledge expired

                                                               Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

on 31 December 2017. The trading day for repurchase put off to the date when pledge actually removed. Till end
of this period released, controlling shareholder still not removed the pledge and the Company has apply by letter,
relevant Notice of Presentment on Stock Pledge from Controlling Shareholder was released. Found more in notice
released on Juchao website dated 2 Feb. 2018.
(iii) The controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng Group holds 119,289,894 shares of the Company’ stock,
accounting for 42.13% of the total share capital of the Company, of which 116,489,894 shares were judicially frozen
by Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Intermediate Court") on September
27, 2016, which were frozen again by the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court on December 14, 2018, with a
frozen period of 36 months; the remaining 2,800,000 shares were frozen by the Shenzhen Intermediate People's
Court on May 29, 2019, and were frozen again by the Higher People’s Court of Guangdong Province on July 5,
2019. For details, please refer to the company’s announcements published on Juchao Website dated October 27,
2016, January 11, 2019, May 31, 2019 and August 7, 2019.
(iv) Wuhan Zhongheng Group received the first-instance judgment of Guangdong Higher People’s Court to the
“pledged securities repurchase dispute” case sued by China Merchants Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd. in
March 2021. Wuhan Zhongheng Group refused to accept the judgment and has appealed to the Supreme People's
Court, the judgment of first instance has not yet taken effect. For details, please refer to the company
announcement issued by the company on Juchao Website dated March 19, 2021.
(v) On September 29, 2016, the company and its controlling shareholder, Wuhan Zhongheng Group, signed the
“Agency Contract” with V&T Law Firm. On October 8, 2016, the three parties also signed the “Supplemental
Agreement for Agency Contract”, it was agreed that V&T acted as an agent for the company and Wuhan
Zhongheng Group to deal with the arbitration case with Shenzhen Vanke. After losing the lawsuit, due to
differences in the payment of attorney fees, V&T sued our company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group to the
Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, and applied to the court to seize a bank account under our company’s
name and part of our company dormitories, please refer to “Other Announcements on the Progress Involving
Litigation and Arbitration” (Announcement Numbers: 2018-43, 2019-02) released on Juchao Website dated
November 14, 2018 and March 6, 2019. The Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration ruled that the company
and Wuhan Zhongheng Group paid the corresponding fees. The loss of the arbitrament in this case was borne by
Wuhan Zhongheng Group in whole, and found more on “Other Announcements on the Progress Involving
Litigation and Arbitration” (Announcement No.: 2019-34) released on Juchao Website dated November 25, 2019.

IV. Quarterly financial statements

(i) Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                                                   September 30, 2021
                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan
                      Item                       September 30, 2021                       December 31, 2020
    Current assets:

                                                Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

           Monetary fund                         42,948,262.54                             60,968,053.58
           Settlement provisions
           Capital lent
           Trading financial assets
           Derivative financial assets
           Note receivable                       43,892,072.62                             20,240,464.79
           Account receivable                   144,703,950.74                            128,063,911.79
           Receivable financing                   5,774,948.69                             10,057,385.11
           Accounts paid in advance              19,408,972.82                             39,643,255.11
           Insurance receivable
           Reinsurance receivables
         Contract reserve of reinsurance
           Other account receivable              29,057,128.91                              4,466,949.96
             Including: Interest receivable
                          Dividend receivable
         Buying back the sale of financial
           Inventories                           98,556,230.42                             70,166,013.49
           Contractual assets
           Assets held for sale
           Non-current asset due within one
           Other current assets                    741,380.21                               4,255,643.19
    Total current assets                        385,082,946.95                            337,861,677.02
    Non-current assets:
           Loans and payments on behalf
           Debt investment
           Other debt investment
           Long-term account receivable
           Long-term equity investment
         Investment in other equity
         Other non-current financial
           Investment real estate                45,928,414.57                             47,224,662.27
           Fixed assets                         189,772,693.25                            193,605,444.53
           Construction in progress                740,000.00                                 740,000.00
           Productive biological asset
           Oil and gas asset
           Right-of-use assets
           Intangible assets                     39,507,770.98                             40,820,657.80
        Expense on Research and
        Long-term expenses to be
                                                   568,577.93                                  77,445.31
           Deferred income tax asset              7,383,734.13                              7,383,734.13
           Other non-current asset                   66,000.00                                 66,000.00

                                               Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

    Total non-current asset                    283,967,190.86                            289,917,944.04
    Total assets                               669,050,137.81                            627,779,621.06
    Current liabilities:
         Short-term loans                       39,841,600.00                             12,527,808.00
         Loan from central bank
         Capital borrowed
         Trading financial liability
         Derivative financial liability
         Note payable                           33,139,828.80                             37,416,381.20
         Account payable                       131,338,903.49                             98,318,239.88
         Accounts received in advance
         Contractual liability                    574,325.56                                 287,140.66
         Selling financial asset of
        Absorbing deposit and interbank
         Security trading of agency
         Security sales of agency
         Wage payable                            4,376,465.86                              5,737,366.59
         Taxes payable                          11,979,156.41                             14,204,642.62
         Other account payable                  22,295,013.77                             27,608,281.01
            Including: Interest payable           124,190.30                                  26,335.66
                           Dividend payable
       Commission charge and
    commission payable
         Reinsurance payable
         Liability held for sale
         Non-current liabilities due
    within one year
         Other current liabilities              16,135,044.00                             18,322,972.81
    Total current liabilities                  259,580,337.89                            226,422,832.77
    Non-current liabilities:
         Insurance contract reserve
         Long-term loans                        61,000,000.00                             61,000,000.00
         Bonds payable
            Including: Preferred stock
                           Perpetual capital
         Lease liability
         Long-term account payable
         Long-term wages payable
         Accrual liability                          64,411.00                                 64,411.00
         Deferred income                         4,043,640.00                              4,043,640.00
         Deferred income tax liabilities
         Other non-current liabilities
    Total non-current liabilities               65,108,051.00                             65,108,051.00
    Total liabilities                          324,688,388.89                            291,530,883.77
    Owner’s equity:

                                                                    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

      Share capital                                                283,161,227.00                                283,161,227.00
      Other equity instrument
         Including: Preferred stock
                      Perpetual capital
      Capital public reserve                                       146,577,771.50                                146,577,771.50
      Less: Inventory shares
      Other comprehensive income
      Reasonable reserve
      Surplus public reserve                                        77,391,593.25                                 77,391,593.25
      Provision of general risk
      Retained profit                                             -162,768,842.83                            -170,881,854.46
 Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                                                   344,361,748.92                                336,248,737.29
 parent company
      Minority interests
 Total owner’ s equity                                            344,361,748.92                                336,248,737.29
 Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                            669,050,137.81                                627,779,621.06

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Chuai Guoxu

2. Consolidated Profit Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan
                   Item                                 Current period                             Last period
 I. Total operating income                                         603,532,726.46                                500,887,222.16
      Including: Operating income                                  603,532,726.46                                500,887,222.16
              Interest income
              Insurance gained
            Commission charge and
 commission income
 II. Total operating cost                                          592,280,418.87                                496,032,602.64
      Including: Operating cost                                    525,693,924.66                                436,770,935.85
              Interest expense
            Commission charge and
 commission expense
              Cash surrender value
            Net amount of expense of
             Net amount of withdrawal
 of insurance contract reserve
              Bonus expense of
 guarantee slip
              Reinsurance expense
              Tax and extras                                             2,180,093.13                              1,697,965.55
              Sales expense                                          18,991,695.17                                14,895,442.53
              Administrative expense                                 33,036,011.08                                29,667,000.90

                                                Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

               R&D expense                        5,653,280.67                              4,313,254.44
               Financial expense                  6,725,414.16                              8,688,003.37
                  Including: Interest
                                                  5,977,916.47                              6,620,657.92
                                                   234,372.30                                -694,194.83
       Add: other income                           345,453.35                                 645,623.00
            Investment income (Loss is
                                                   238,661.58                                 103,172.15
 listed with “-”)
          Including: Investment
 income on affiliated company and joint
                    The termination of
 income recognition for financial assets
 measured by amortized cost (Loss is
 listed with “-”)
            Exchange income (Loss is
 listed with “-”)
          Net exposure hedging
 income (Loss is listed with “-”)
          Income from change of fair
 value (Loss is listed with “-”)
            Loss of credit impairment
 (Loss is listed with “-”)
           Losses of devaluation of
 asset (Loss is listed with “-”)
            Income from assets disposal
                                                     21,059.60                                -93,373.67
 (Loss is listed with “-”)
 III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                10,507,482.12                               5,510,041.00
       Add: Non-operating income                   394,744.60                                 681,877.61
       Less: Non-operating expense                 219,887.56                                   7,302.38
 IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   10,682,339.16                               6,184,616.23
       Less: Income tax expense                   2,569,327.53                              1,333,529.74
 V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                  8,113,011.63                              4,851,086.49
     (i) Classify by business continuity
       1.continuous operating net profit
                                                  8,113,011.63                              4,851,086.49
 (net loss listed with ‘-”)
       2.termination of net profit (net
 loss listed with ‘-”)
     (ii) Classify by ownership
     1.Net profit attributable to
                                                  8,113,011.63                              4,851,086.49
 owner’s of parent company
      2.Minority shareholders’ gains
 and losses
 VI. Net after-tax of other
 comprehensive income
    Net after-tax of other comprehensive
 income attributable to owners of parent
      (i) Other comprehensive income
 items which will not be reclassified
 subsequently to profit of loss

                                                                     Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

              1.Changes of the defined
 benefit plans that re-measured
              2.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that
 cannot be transfer to gain/loss
             3.Change of fair value of
 investment in other equity instrument
               4.Fair value change of
 enterprise's credit risk
             5. Other
       (ii) Other comprehensive income
 items which will be reclassified
 subsequently to profit or loss
              1.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that can
 transfer to gain/loss
              2.Change of fair value of
 other debt investment
              3.Amount of financial
 assets re-classify to other
 comprehensive income
             4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment
             5.Cash flow hedging
              6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements
    Net after-tax of other comprehensive
 income attributable to minority
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                         8,113,011.63                               4,851,086.49
       Total comprehensive income
 attributable to owners of parent                                        8,113,011.63                               4,851,086.49
       Total comprehensive income
 attributable to minority shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per share:
      (i) Basic earnings per share                                            0.0288                                      0.0171
      (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                         0.0288                                      0.0171
Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0.00 Yuan before combination, and
realized 0.00 Yuan at last period for combined party

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Chuai Guoxu

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan
                  Item                                  Current period                                Last period

                                           Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

 I. Cash flows arising from operating
      Cash received from selling
 commodities and providing labor           383,981,831.41                            404,327,921.90
      Net increase of customer deposit
 and interbank deposit
       Net increase of loan from
 central bank
     Net increase of capital borrowed
 from other financial institution
      Cash received from original
 insurance contract fee
      Net cash received from
 reinsurance business
      Net increase of insured savings
 and investment
    Cash received from interest,
 commission charge and commission
        Net increase of capital borrowed
      Net increase of returned business
      Net cash received by agents in
 sale and purchase of securities
        Write-back of tax received           2,159,861.95                                105,447.58
      Other cash received concerning
                                            35,130,159.40                             18,415,376.92
 operating activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                           421,271,852.76                            422,848,746.40
 operating activities
      Cash paid for purchasing
 commodities and receiving labor           291,924,059.89                            316,753,970.40
      Net increase of customer loans
 and advances
      Net increase of deposits in
 central bank and interbank
      Cash paid for original insurance
 contract compensation
        Net increase of capital lent
    Cash paid for interest,
 commission charge and commission
        Cash paid for bonus of guarantee
     Cash paid to/for staff and
                                            54,527,895.49                             43,987,629.67
        Taxes paid                          19,266,205.32                              6,909,436.73
      Other cash paid concerning
                                            79,607,341.64                             41,506,986.55
 operating activities
 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                           445,325,502.34                            409,158,023.35
 operating activities
 Net cash flows arising from operating
                                           -24,053,649.58                             13,690,723.05
 II. Cash flows arising from investing

                                          Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

      Cash received from recovering
     Cash received from investment
                                             275,579.90                                  85,357.08
       Net cash received from disposal
 of fixed, intangible and other              100,950.00                                 213,913.05
 long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal
 of subsidiaries and other units
      Other cash received concerning
 investing activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                             376,529.90                              45,299,270.13
 investing activities
      Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                           3,919,845.12                               3,628,023.06
 intangible and other long-term assets
      Cash paid for investment
      Net increase of mortgaged loans
      Net cash received from
 subsidiaries and other units obtained
      Other cash paid concerning
 investing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                           3,919,845.12                              48,628,023.06
 investing activities
 Net cash flows arising from investing
                                           -3,543,315.22                             -3,328,752.93
 III. Cash flows arising from financing
      Cash received from absorbing
       Including: Cash received from
 absorbing minority shareholders’
 investment by subsidiaries
      Cash received from loans            86,967,694.00                              20,610,902.80
      Other cash received concerning
 financing activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                          86,967,694.00                              20,610,902.80
 financing activities
      Cash paid for settling debts        71,384,425.00                              40,370,812.20
      Cash paid for dividend and
                                           5,510,317.28                               6,089,776.45
 profit distributing or interest paying
      Including: Dividend and profit
 of minority shareholder paid by
      Other cash paid concerning
 financing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                          76,894,742.28                              46,460,588.65
 financing activities
 Net cash flows arising from financing
                                          10,072,951.72                             -25,849,685.85
 IV. Influence on cash and cash
 equivalents due to fluctuation in          -495,777.96                                -509,270.83
 exchange rate
 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                          -18,019,791.04                            -15,996,986.56
      Add: Balance of cash and cash       60,968,053.58                              36,645,061.61

                                                                Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. Third quarter 2021 report

 equivalents at the period-begin
 VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                42,948,262.54                              20,648,075.05
 equivalents at the period-end

(ii) Explanation on financial statement adjustment

1. Financial statement adjustment at the beginning of the first year when implementation of new leasing
standards from 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Retrospective adjustment of the comparative data for initial implementation of new leasing standards
from 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(iii) Audit report

Whether the 3rd quarterly report has been audited or not
□Yes √ No
The 3rd quarterly report of the Company has not been audited.

                                                                                                       Board of Directors of

                                                                                       Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                          October 22, 2021