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						FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                               2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                      FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.

                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report

                           October, 2016

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                             Section 1          Important Notes

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby
individually and collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this Quarterly Report and confirm that there are neither material omissions nor errors which
would render any statement misleading.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report.

Mr. Xu Dongsheng, the Company leader, Mr. Chen Zhuo, chief financial officer, and Mr. Tian Hui, the
manager of the accounting department (treasurer) hereby confirm the authenticity, accuracy and
completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Quarterly Report.

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                    2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

       Section 2 Financial Summary and Change of Shareholders

I. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Have the accounting data of the previous year undergone retroactive adjustment or restatement due to the change of
accounting policy and/or correction of accounting errors, etc.?

                                                                                                  Increase/decrease of the
                                      End of the reporting                                          end of the Reporting
                                                                   End of the previous year
                                             period                                               Period vs the end of the
                                                                                                        previous year

    Total assets, in CNY                    3,990,719,087.18                4,246,670,045.02                        -6.03%

    Net assets attributable to the
    Company’s shareholders, in
                                            2,372,769,004.61                2,299,215,650.21                         3.20%

                                                          Increase/decrease                              Increase/decrease
                                                                                     from year
                                                             of the Reporting                             of the reporting
                                                                                  beginning to the
                                     Reporting period         Period vs the                             period vs the same
                                                                                     end of the
                                                          same period of the                               period of the
                                                                                  Reporting Period
                                                              previous year                              previous year (%)

    Operating revenue, in CNY          754,607,535.18                    -3.76%   2,234,135,318.36                  -9.47%

    Net profit attributable to the
    Company’s shareholders, in         47,988,842.36                    43.23%     108,321,268.16                   1.60%

    Net profit attributable to the
    Company’s shareholders less
                                        47,744,294.43                    52.19%     107,356,110.63                   3.90%
    the non-recurring items, in

    Net cash flows arising from
                                            --                      --              291,041,032.07                 12.27%
    operating activities, in CNY

    Basic earning per share
                                                 0.1090                  27.78%                0.2469               -9.03%

    Diluted earning per share
                                                 0.1090                  27.78%                0.2469               -9.03%

    Net assets-income ratio,
                                                 0.02%                   3.18%                 0.05%               -26.97%
    weighted average

                                                                                                                        In CNY

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                                2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                                                                        From year beginning to
                                  Items                                 the end of the reporting                      Notes

                                                                                                        Gain/Loss from disposal of
    Gain and loss from disposal of non-current assets,
                                                                                                        partial obsolete office fixed
    including the part offset with the provision for impairment                     -227,443.75
                                                                                                        assets in the reporting
    of assets

    Government subsidy recognized in current gain and loss
                                                                                                        Government subsidy
    (excluding those closely related to the Company’s
                                                                                   1,296,015.95         counted to the current gain
    business and granted under the state’s policies according
                                                                                                        and loss
    to certain quota of amount or volume)

    Income and expenses from the business other than the                                                Other various non-operating
    above items                                                                                         revenue and expenditure

    Less: Amount affected by the income tax                                          254,374.74

    Total                                                                            965,157.53                        --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring
gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it
is necessary to explain the reason.

II. Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the
Reporting Period

1. Statement of Total Shareholders of Common Shares and the Referred Shares with the Voting
Power Recovered and the Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders
                                                                                                                                In shares

                                                                     Total shareholders of
    Total shareholders of common
                                                                      preferred shares with
    shares at the end of the                                38,418                                                                      0
                                                                      voting power recovered
    reporting period
                                                                      (if any)

                                           Shares held by the Top Ten Common Shareholders

                                                                                 Number of                  Pledged or frozen
    Shareholders’       Nature of          Proportion of      Number of
                                                                                  restricted          Status of the
        Names          Shareholders          shares held       shares held                                                    Q’ty
                                                                                 shares held             shares

                       State   corporate
    International                                 37.15%       162,977,327                     0
    Holdings Limited

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text



    Eagle-Wens –
    Junye Flexible                       2.08%   9,131,232   4,674,329
    No. 3 Assets



    Manulife Teda

    Fund –

    Minsheng Bank -

    Manulife Teda
    Value Growth
    Oriented                             2.07%   9,093,259   9,093,259
    issuance No.

    351 Asset



    Sws Mu



    Bank – China      Domestic

    Resources Szitic   non-state
                                         1.92%   8,429,118   8,429,118
    Trust – Ruihua    corporate

    Fixed Growth       shareholder

    Hedge Fund No.

    2 Assembled

    Funds Trust Plan


                       State corporate
    Region                               1.13%   4,976,551   4,976,551
    Investment Co.,


FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                                       2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

    Manulife Teda

    Fund – ICBC –

    Manulife Teda
    Trade Orient                                        1.04%           4,546,630           4,546,630
    No. 1 Assets



                         Domestic natural
    Dai Wen                                               0.46%           2,009,321                   0


    International        Overseas
                                                        0.46%           2,000,000                     0
    Securities (Hong     corporate

    Kong) Limited

    Manulife Teda
    Fund –
    ICBC –FORTUN                                       0.38%           1,667,097           1,667,097
    E Securities Co.,

    China Merchants
    Securities (HK)                                     0.30%           1,316,969                     0
    Co., Limited

                                            Shareholding of the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted Shares

                                                         Quantity of Non-restricted Shares Held                         Share type
              Shareholder’s Name
                                                                                                               Share type            Quantity

    AVIC International Holdings Limited                                                  162,977,327        A-shares            162,977,327

    Golden Eagle-Minsheng

    Bank-Golden Eagle-Wens – Junye
                                                                                            4,456,903       A-shares                 4,456,903
    Flexible Configuration No. 3 Assets

    Management Plan

    Dai Wen                                                                                 2,009,321       A-shares                 2,009,321

    Essence International Securities
                                                                                            2,000,000       B-shares                 2,000,000
    (Hong Kong) Limited

    China Merchants Securities (HK) Co.,
                                                                                            1,316,969       B-shares                 1,316,969

    Vanguard Investment Australia Ltd.

    -Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock                                                        1,190,485       A-shares                 1,190,485
    Index Fund (VEIEX)

    Li Zengjie                                                                              1,181,800       A-shares                 1,181,800

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                             2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

    China Merchants Securities                                                      1,174,000     A-shares              1,174,000

    Liu Caixiang                                                                    1,135,200     A-shares              1,135,200

    Hu Yongtian                                                                       891,400     A-shares                891,400

                                              Among the top 10 shareholders, China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited is a
    Note to the associated relationship or
                                              wholly-owned subsidiary of China Merchants Securities Co., Limited and the two
    consistent action among the aforesaid
                                              are persons acting in concert, and all the 2,490,969 shares held by them are
                                              outstanding shares, taking 0.57% of the Company’s total shares.

    Note to the top 10 shareholders of

    common shares involved in margin          Inapplicable
    financing & securities lending (if any)

Was any of the top 10 shareholders of commons shares or any of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted commons
shares involved in any contractual repurchase trade?

2. Total shareholders of preferred shares and statement of shareholding by the top 10
shareholders of preferred shares

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                  2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                                   Section 3          Significant Events

I. Changes in Items of the Major Accounting Statements and Financial Indicators and
the Causes during the Reporting Period

I. Items in Balance Sheet
                                                    Opening        Change rate
              Items               Ending balance                                             Cause of Change
                                                    balance           (%)

                                                                                 It mainly refers to that the notes
                                                                                 receivable were due at the beginning of
        Notes receivable            4,812,452.93    7,197,788.08       -33.14%
                                                                                 the year and the payment concerned
                                                                                 was recovered.

                                                                                 It mainly refers to that the partial
          Prepayments              34,068,040.16   48,869,563.60       -30.29% advance payment for goods got settled
                                                                                 ended the reporting period.

                                                                                 Ended the reporting period, the advance
    Other non-current assets       13,347,286.42    5,118,833.65      160.75% payment for long term assets increased
                                                                                 in comparision with year beginning

                                                                                 Trad accounts payable during the
       Accounts payable            63,383,403.37 155,939,686.54        -59.35% reporting period decreased over the
                                                                                 beginning of the year.

                                                                                 It mainly referred to that the year-end
Remuneration payable to the
                                   25,719,412.15   39,396,747.95       -34.72% bonus payable to employees for year
                                                                                 2015 was paid at the beginning of 2016.

                                                                                 It mainly refers to the interest of    “12
                                                                                 YADA BOND” for year 2015 payable at
        Interest payable            1,435,529.64   19,211,630.02       -92.53%
                                                                                 the beginning of the year was already
                                                                                 paid at the beginning of 2016.

                                                                                 The long term bank loan due within a
    Non-current liabilities due
                                   17,210,000.00 108,914,000.00        -84.20% year increased over the beginning of the
          within a year

                                                                                 Expenses provided at the end of the
     Other current liabilities     10,431,342.62    1,988,252.38      424.65% reporting period increased over the
                                                                                 beginning of the reporting period.

                                                                                 Specific project loan for Guangming
     Long term borrowings                          90,994,964.33        38.29% New Zone Watch Industrial Base during
                                                                                 the reporting period increased over the

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                   2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                                                                                  beginning of the year.

                                                                                  “12 YADA Bond” was redeemed on
        Bonds payable                           - 399,823,760.28       -100.00%
                                                                                  February 29, 2016

                                                                                  The translation reserve as at the end of
Other comprehensive income         -8,038,615.37   -17,145,189.71       -53.11% the reporting period increased over the
                                                                                  beginning of the reporting period.

II. Items in Profit Statement
                                                   Same Period of
                                    Reporting                       Change rate
            Items                                  the Previous                               Cause of Change
                                     period                            (%)

                                                                                  Reserve for bad debt of accounts
    Loss from impairment of                                                       receivable provided during the reporting
                                   1,909,350.83        797,169.61      139.52%
            assets                                                                period increased over the same period
                                                                                  of the previous year.

                                                                                  The government subsidy received
                                                                                  during the reporting period decreased
     Non-operating income            442,044.51      2,842,638.40       -84.45%
                                                                                  over the same period of the previous

                                                                                  Loss from scrapped non-current assets
                                                                                  during the reporting period increased
    Non-operating expenses            95,903.50         33,411.19      187.04%
                                                                                  over the same period of the previous

                                                                                  The gross interest rate increased
                                                                                  stimulated by downsizing inefficient
                                                                                  shops, strict control over expenditures,
          Total profit            63,596,712.02     43,982,574.31        44.60%
                                                                                  adjustment of income structure, etc. and
                                                                                  the overall earning power increased to
                                                                                  some extent.

                                                                                  It was mainly due to increase of the total
     Income tax expenses          15,748,647.67     10,202,545.06        54.36%
                                                                                  profit during the reporting period.

III. Cash Flow Statement Items
                                    From year
                                 beginning to the Same Period of
                                                                    Change rate
            Items                  end of the      the Previous                               Cause of Change
                                   Reporting           Year

Net amount of cash received                                                       It mainly refers to disposal of partial
                                   4,142,748.05        196,417.11     2009.16%
from disposal of fixed assets,                                                    inefficient fixed assets during the

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                    2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 intangible assets and other                                                       reporting period
      long term assets

                                                                                   Bank loan during the reporting period
     Cash received from
                                                1,560,609,499.9          -44.52% decreased over the same period of the
         borrowings            865,749,959.13
                                                                0                  previous year.

                                                                                   It mainly refers to the borrowing
  Other fund-raising related                                                       returned to AVIC International Holdings
                                   992,669.19 151,274,743.60             -99.34%
       cash payments                                                               amounting to CNY 150 million in the
                                                                                   same period of the previous year.

II. Progress of Significant Events and their Influences and Notes to Analysis on

1. About Non-public Issuing of A-shares
The 18th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors held on April 16, 2015 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the
Plan for Non-public Issuing of A-shares to the Specified Investors and other relevant proposal(s). For the detail, refer to
the Announcement on the Resolutions of the 18th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors. 2015-008;

On June 2, 2015,the Company received the Official Reply to some Issues concerning Non-public Issuing of A-shares by
FIYTA Holdings Ltd. (GUO ZI CHAN QUAN [2015] No. 415 from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the State Council. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the Official Reply of the State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council to some Issues concerning Non-public Issuing
2015-08 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

2014 Annual General Meeting held on June 17, 2015 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Plan for Non-public
Issuing of A-shares to the Specified Investors and other relevant proposals, for the detail, refer to the Announcement on
the Resolution of 2014 Annual General Meeting 2015-020 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
and www.cninfo.com.cn.

On July 1, 2015, the Company received the Notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Accepting the
Application for Administrative Licensing issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (No. 152013). For
the detail, refer to the Announcement on Accepting Application for Non-public Issuing of A-shares by China Securities
Regulatory Commission 2015-021 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn;

On September 8, 2015, the Company received the Notice on the Feedback Opinions of China Securities Regulatory
Commission on Examination of the Administrative Licensing Project            (No. 152013). For the detail, refer to the
Announcement on the Receiving of the Notice on the Feedback Opinions of China Securities Regulatory Commission on
Examination of the Administrative Licensing Project 2015-034 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial
Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn;

The Company and the relevant intermediary carefully studied and implemented the Feedback Opinions, supplemented
the materials and submitted reply to the questions according to the requirements of the Feedback Opinions. For the detail,
refer to the Announcement on the Reply to the Feedback Opinions on the Application for Non-public Issuing of A-shares

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                   2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

2015-035, disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn;

The 17th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors and 2014 Annual General Meeting reviewed and approved the Profit
Distribution Plan for Year 2014. According to the relevant provisions of the Rules for Implementation on Non-public
Issuing of Listed Companies, etc., if the Company had ex-rights/ex-dividend events such as dividend distribution, bonus
shares distribution, conversion of capital reserve into share capital, etc., during the period from the pricing benchmark to
the issuing day, the issuing price would be adjusted correspondingly. Within the authorization by the Board of Directors,
the Company made adjustment of the plan of the non-public issuing of A-shares. For the detail, refer to the
Announcement on Adjustment of the Issuing Price and Issuing Volume of the A-shares to be Issued in a Non-public Way
2015-036, disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

In compliance with the Feedback Opinions, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Indication of Risk of
Diluting the Immediate Returns from the Non-public Issuing and the Measures the Company Intends to Take 2015-037
and the Announcement on the Penalty Given or Supervision Measures Taken by the Securities Regulatory Authority and
the Stock Exchange in the Past Five Years 2015-038;

On October 30, 2015, the application for non-public issuing of A-shares was approved by CSRC Securities Issuance
Examination Committee. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on Approval of the Application for Non-public Issuing
of A-shares by CSRC Securities Issuance Examination Committee, 2015-042;

On November 17, 2015, the Company received the Official Reply to FIYTA Holdings Ltd. for Approval of Non-public
Issuing of Shares of (ZHENG JIAN XU KE [2015]No. 2588). For the detail, refer to the Announcement on Approval of the
Application for Non-public Issuing of A-shares by China Securities Regulatory Commission 2015-043;

On January 15, 2016, the Company’s A-shares issued in a non-public way got listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
the Company published the announcement for listing and the announcement on the related commitments. For the detail,
refer to the Report on the Non-public Issuing and Announcement on Listing 2016-003 and the Announcement on the
Commitments for the Shares Issued in a Non-public Way 2016-004.

2. Engagement of CPAs
The 11th meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors held on October 25, 2016 reviewed and approved the Proposal on
Engagement of CPAs, and planned to engage Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP as the Company’s independent
auditor and auditor of the Company’s internal controls for year 2016. For the detail, refer to the Announcement on the
Resolutions of the 11th Meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors 2016-036 and the Announcement on Engagement of the
CPAs 2016-037. The matter is subject to review and approval by the General Meeting before implementation.

                                                                                      Website where the provisional
     Summary of Significant Events                 Date of Disclosure
                                                                                   reports are disclosed for inquiry index

 Report on the Non-public Issuing and
                                          January 14, 2016                         www.cninfo.com.cn
 Announcement on Listing 2016-003

 Announcement on the Commitments
 for the Shares Issued in a Non-public    January 14, 2016                         www.cninfo.com.cn
 Way 2016-004

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                 2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 Announcement on the Resolution of
 the 11th Meeting of the Eighth Board       October 27, 2016                     www.cninfo.com.cn
 of Directors 2016-036

 Announcement on Engagement of
                                            October 27, 2016                     www.cninfo.com.cn
 the CPAs 2016-037

III. Commitments Completed in Implementation by the Company, its Shareholders, Actual
Controller, Acquirer, Directors, Directors, Senior Executives or other Related Parties during the
Reporting Period or Uncompleted in Implementation by the End of the Reporting Period
                                                     Commitment                  Time of     Commitment    Implementati
             Commitments                 Promisers                Description
                                                        type                    commitment    deadline      on status

 Commitment for Equity Separation


 Commitments in the acquisition report

 or the written report on change of


 Commitment made at the time of asset


FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                              2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text


                                                                         of the

                                                                         investors of



                                                                         issuing -

                                                                         Caitong Fund


                                                                         Co., Ltd.,
                                         Fund Manag
                                                                         TEDA Fund
                                         ement Co.,
                                                                         Co, Ltd.,
                                         TEDA Fund
                                                                         Co., Ltd.,
                                         Co, Ltd.;
                                                          Comitmentfor   Golden Eagle                                    In process
                                         Xizang Invest
 Commitment made at IPO or                                restriction    Asset            January 15,                    of
                                         ment Co.,                                                       1 year
 re-financing                                             on sales of    Management       2016                           implementa
                                                          the shares     Co.,Ltd., Sws                                   tion
                                         Golden Eagle
                                                                         Mu Fund
                                         Asset Manag
                                         ement Co.,Lt
                                                                         Co., Ltd: the
                                         d.;     Sws Mu
                                                                         by them from
                                         Co., Ltd


                                                                         issuing shall

                                                                         not be

                                                                         transferred in

                                                                         12 months


                                                                         from the

                                                                         dater of


 Equity incentive comitment

 Other commitments to the minority


 Has the commitment been
 implemented in a timely way?

 In case any commitment has not yet
 been implemented within the deadline,

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                    2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 state in detail the specific cause of the

 failure and the future working plan

IV. Prediction of the Operation Results of Year 2016


V. Investment in Securities


VI. Investment in Derivatives


VII. Registry of such Activities as Reception of the Visitors of Research,
Communications, Interview, etc. during the Reporting Period


VIII. Outward Guarantee against the Regulations


IX. The Company’s Fund Occupied by its Controlling Shareholder or Related Party
for Non-operation Purpose


FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                              Section 4    Financial Statements

I. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Fiyta Holdings Ltd.
                                          September 30, 2016
                                                                                                      In CNY

                    Items                    Ending balance                      Opening balance

 Current assets:

       Monetary funds                                  478,024,625.22                      638,962,875.93

       Settlement Reserve

       Inter-bank lending

       Financial assets which were
 measured based on the fair value
 and its change was counted to the
 current gain and loss

       Derivative financial assets

       Notes receivable                                   4,812,452.93                        7,197,788.08

      Accounts receivable                              350,048,714.86                      304,725,676.29

       Prepayments                                      34,068,040.16                       48,869,563.60

       Insurance premium receivable

       Reinsurance accounts

      Accounts receivable
 reinsurance reserve

       Interest receivable

       Dividends receivable

       Other receivables                                46,463,965.00                       39,847,732.76

       Buying and selling back
 financial assets

       Inventories:                                   1,980,412,367.49                   2,092,691,019.29

      Assets classified as that held
 for sale

       Non-current assets due within a

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                           2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text


        Other current assets                  11,369,575.16                      15,796,773.56

 Total current assets                      2,905,199,740.82                   3,148,091,429.51

 Non-Current Assets:

        Loan provision and advances

        Available-for-sale financial
                                                 85,000.00                            85,000.00

        Held –to-maturity investment

        Long-term accounts receivable

        Long-term equity investment          42,837,994.24                       43,221,572.05

        Investment based real estate        210,090,383.62                      216,948,193.02

        Fixed assets                        349,903,620.68                      361,979,828.01

        Construction-in-progress            208,400,961.10                      173,189,274.57

        Engineering supplies

        Disposal of fixed assets

        Productive biological assets

        Oil and gas asset

        Intangible assets                    34,238,128.44                       36,429,626.66

        Development expenses


        Long-term expenses to be
                                            134,868,644.54                      155,704,564.39

        Deferred income tax asset            91,747,327.32                      105,901,723.16

        Other non-current assets             13,347,286.42                         5,118,833.65

 Total non-current assets                  1,085,519,346.36                   1,098,578,615.51

 Total assets                              3,990,719,087.18                   4,246,670,045.02

 Current liabilities:

        Short-term Loan                    1,236,099,739.12                     988,186,200.00

        Borrowings from central bank

        Receipt of deposits and
 deposits from other banks

        Loans from other banks

        Financial liabilities which were
 measured based on the fair value
 and its change was charged to the
 current gain and loss

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

       Derivative financial liabilities

       Notes payable

       Accounts payable                        63,383,403.37                      155,939,686.54

       Advance receipts                        17,796,322.82                       18,031,129.87

       Funds from selling out and
 repurchasing financial assets

       Service charge and
 commission payable

       Salaries payable to the
                                               25,719,412.15                       39,396,747.95

       Taxes payable                           61,109,919.91                       68,921,732.81

       Interest payable                         1,435,529.64                        19,211,630.02

       Dividends payable

       Other payables                          50,709,344.23                       48,131,616.20

       Reinsurance payable

       Insurance contract reserve

       Funds from securities trading

       Funds from underwriting
 securities agency

       Liabilities classified as that held
 for sale

       Non-current liabilities due within
                                               17,210,000.00                      108,914,000.00
 a year

       Other current liabilities               10,431,342.62                         1,988,252.38

 Total current liabilities                   1,483,895,013.86                   1,448,720,995.77

 Non-Current Liabilities:

       Long term borrowings                   125,838,844.52                       90,994,964.33

       Bonds payable                                                              399,823,760.28

            Including: preferred shares

                  Permanent liabilities

       Long term accounts payable

      Long term remuneration payable
 to employees

       Special accounts payable

       Predicted liabilities

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                        2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

       Deferred income                                     4,800,000.00                         4,300,000.00

       Deferred income tax liability

       Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                           130,638,844.52                      495,118,724.61

 Total liabilities                                     1,614,533,858.38                    1,943,839,720.38

 Owner’s equity

       Capital stock                                     438,744,881.00                      438,744,881.00

       Other equity instruments

         Including: preferred shares

                     Permanent liabilities

       Capital reserve                                 1,062,455,644.22                    1,062,455,644.22

       Less: shares in stock

       Other comprehensive income                         -8,038,615.37                       -17,145,189.71

       Special reserve

       Surplus reserve                                   179,743,077.15                      179,743,077.15

       General risk reserve

       Retained earnings                                 699,864,017.61                      635,417,237.55

 Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                       2,372,769,004.61                    2,299,215,650.21
 the parent company

       Minority equity                                     3,416,224.19                         3,614,674.43

 Total owners’ equity                                 2,376,185,228.80                    2,302,830,324.64

 Total liabilities and owners’ equity                 3,990,719,087.18                    4,246,670,045.02

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng           Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo       Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

2. Balance Sheet, Parent Company

                                                                                                        In CNY

                       Items                  Ending balance                       Opening balance

 Current assets:

       Monetary funds                                    263,016,832.46                      513,869,824.81

       Financial assets which were
 measured based on the fair value and
 its change was counted to the current
 gain and loss

       Derivative financial assets

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

        Notes receivable

        Accounts receivable


        Interest receivable

        Dividends receivable

        Other receivables                    1,297,761,251.94                   1,527,756,817.18


        Assets classified as that held for

        Non-current assets due within a

        Other current assets                    4,280,480.90                         2,089,651.83

 Total current assets                        1,565,058,565.30                   2,043,716,293.82

 Non-Current Assets:

        Available-for-sale financial
                                                   85,000.00                            85,000.00

        Held –to-maturity investment

        Long-term accounts receivable

        Long-term equity investment          1,256,007,714.24                     814,121,292.05

        Investment based real estate          210,090,383.62                      216,948,193.02

        Fixed assets                          112,782,850.81                      113,553,719.50

        Construction-in-progress              208,400,961.10                      173,189,274.57

        Engineering supplies

        Disposal of fixed assets

        Productive biological assets

        Oil and gas asset

        Intangible assets                      27,921,396.73                       30,104,404.98

        Development expenses


        Long-term expenses to be
                                                4,761,661.31                         4,693,186.19

        Deferred income tax asset               1,081,888.10                         1,081,888.10

        Other non-current assets               13,347,286.42                         5,118,833.65

 Total non-current assets                    1,834,479,142.33                   1,358,895,792.06

 Total assets                                3,399,537,707.63                   3,402,612,085.88

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                             2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 Current liabilities:

       Short-term Loan                        990,000,000.00                      700,000,000.00

       Financial liabilities which were
 measured based on the fair value and
 its change was charged to the current
 gain and loss

       Derivative financial liabilities

       Notes payable

       Accounts payable                           245,339.76                        23,711,339.76

       Advance receipts                         3,139,028.93                         3,207,516.61

       Salaries payable to the
                                                2,269,460.10                         8,188,793.56

       Taxes payable                            4,404,146.09                         2,857,031.42

       Interest payable                         1,315,904.64                       18,170,745.35

       Dividends payable

       Other payables                          16,340,366.91                       17,550,238.03

       Liabilities classified as that held
 for sale

       Non-current liabilities due within
 a year

       Other current liabilities

 Total current liabilities                   1,017,714,246.43                     773,685,664.73

 Non-Current Liabilities:

       Long term borrowings                   119,861,928.00                       68,361,928.00

       Bonds payable                                                              399,823,760.28

            Including: Preferred shares

                  Permanent liabilities

       Long term accounts payable

      Long term remuneration payable
 to employees

       Special accounts payable

       Predicted liabilities

       Deferred income                          4,800,000.00                         4,300,000.00

       Deferred income tax liability

       Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                124,661,928.00                      472,485,688.28

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                    2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 Total liabilities                                                  1,142,376,174.43                   1,246,171,353.01

 Owner’s equity

       Capital stock                                                 438,744,881.00                      438,744,881.00

       Other equity instruments

         Including: preferred shares

                     Permanent liabilities

       Capital reserve                                              1,068,111,185.32                    1,068,111,185.32

       Less: shares in stock

       Other comprehensive income

       Special reserve

       Surplus reserve                                               179,743,077.15                      179,743,077.15

       Retained earnings                                             570,562,389.73                      469,841,589.40

 Total owners’ equity                                              2,257,161,533.20                   2,156,440,732.87

 Total liabilities and owners’ equity                              3,399,537,707.63                   3,402,612,085.88

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                     Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

3 Consolidated Statement of Profit in the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                    In CNY

                                             Amount incurred in the reporting
                     Items                                                         Amount incurred in the previous period

 I. Gross Revenue                                                 754,607,535.18                         784,087,458.61

       Including: revenue                                         754,607,535.18                         784,087,458.61

                Interest income

                Earned premium

                Service charge and
 commission income

 II. Total operating cost                                         691,537,557.81                         743,104,095.76

       Including: operating costs                                 438,098,536.83                         467,440,370.00

                Interest payment

                Service charge and
 commission payment

                Refunded premiums

 pay-out, net

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                         2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                  Net amount of
 reserves for reinsurance contract

                  Policy dividend


                  Business taxes and
                                             6,640,491.47                        6,937,700.88

                  Sales expenses           182,290,250.26                     199,194,695.14

                                            46,470,757.63                      47,489,993.69

                  Financial expenses        16,128,170.79                      21,244,166.44

                  Loss from impairment
                                             1,909,350.83                          797,169.61
 of assets

          Plus: Income from change of
 fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

                Investment income (loss
                                              180,593.64                           189,984.25
 is stated with “-“)

                  Including: income
 from investment in associates and            180,593.64                           189,984.25
 joint ventures

                Exchange income (loss
 is stated with “-“)

 III. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                            63,250,571.01                      41,173,347.10
 with “-“)

          Plus: Non-operating income          442,044.51                         2,842,638.40

               Including: profit from
 disposal of non-current assets

          Less: Non-operating
                                                95,903.50                           33,411.19

                Including: Loss from
                                              143,573.63                             5,315.38
 disposal of non-current assets

 IV. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                            63,596,712.02                      43,982,574.31
 with “-“)

          Less: Income tax expense          15,748,647.67                      10,202,545.06

 V. Net Profit (net loss is stated with
                                            47,848,064.35                      33,780,029.25

          Net profit attributable to the    47,988,842.36                      33,505,446.25

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                   2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 parent company’s owner

       Minority shareholders’
                                        -140,778.01                          274,583.00

 VI. Net of other comprehensive
                                        -451,219.34                       -2,936,915.29
 income after tax

     Net of other comprehensive
 income after tax attributable to the   -471,302.37                       -3,074,460.73
 parent company’s owner

       (I) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss

              1. Movement of the
 net liabilities and net assets
 re-measured for setting the
 beneficial plan

              2. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method

       (II) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
                                        -471,302.37                       -3,074,460.73
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 in future

              1. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method in future

              2. Gain/loss from
 change in the fair value of the
 financial assets available for sale

              3. Gain/loss from
 which the held-to-maturity
 investment is re-classified as
 available-for-sale financial assets

              4. Valid part of the
 gain/loss from cash flow hedge

              5. Converted
 difference in Foreign Currency         -471,302.37                       -3,074,460.73

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                                2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                6. Others

 Net amount of the after-tax other
 comprehensive income
                                                                   20,083.03                              137,545.44
 attributable to minority

 VII. Total comprehensive income                               47,396,845.01                           30,843,113.96

        Total comprehensive income
 attributable to the owner of the                              47,517,539.99                          30,430,985.52
 parent company

        Total comprehensive income
 attributable to minority                                        -120,694.98                              412,128.44

 VIII. Earnings per share:

         (I) Basic earnings per share                                 0.1090                                  0.0853

         (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                      0.1090                                  0.0853

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                  Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo         Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

4. Statement of Profit in the Reporting Period, Parent Company

                                                                                                                In CNY

                                          Amount incurred in the reporting
                   Items                                                       Amount incurred in the previous period

 I. Revenue                                                    24,201,543.68                          23,288,510.10

         Less: Business costs                                   3,641,992.53                            3,551,411.17

             Business taxes and
                                                                 146,079.08                             1,358,561.78

             Sales expenses

             Administrative expenses                           13,057,505.42                          12,473,021.13

             Financial expenses                                 1,965,393.14                              -26,200.60

             Loss from impairment of

         Plus: Income from change of
 fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

             Investment income (loss
 is stated with “-“)

             Including: income from                                                                       189,984.25

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                       2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 investment in associates and joint

 II. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                           5,390,573.51                        6,121,700.87
 with “-“)

         Plus: Non-operating income           4,000.00                           162,288.80

               Including: profit from
 disposal of non-current assets

         Less: Non-operating

               Including: Loss from
 disposal of non-current assets

 III. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                           5,394,573.51                        6,283,989.67
 with “-“)

         Less: Income tax expense          1,122,895.86                        1,302,358.44

 IV. Net Profit (net loss is stated
                                           4,271,677.65                        4,981,631.23
 with “-“)

 V. Net of other comprehensive
 income after tax

         (I) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss

                 1. Movement of the
 net liabilities and net assets
 re-measured for setting the
 beneficial plan

                 2. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method

         (II) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 in future

                 1. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method in future

                 2. Gain/loss from

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                              2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 change in the fair value of the
 financial assets available for sale

                3. Gain/loss from
 which the held-to-maturity
 investment is re-classified as
 available-for-sale financial assets

                4. Valid part of the
 gain/loss from cash flow hedge

                5. Conversion
 difference in foreign currency

                6. Others

 VI. Total comprehensive income                               4,271,677.65                            4,981,631.23

 VII. Earnings per share:

         (I) Basic earnings per share                               0.0097                                  0.0113

         (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                    0.0097                                  0.0113

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo         Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

5. Consolidated Statement of Profit from Year Beginning to the End of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                              In CNY

                                        Amount incurred in the reporting
                  Items                                                      Amount incurred in the previous period

 I. Gross Revenue                                        2,234,135,318.36                        2,467,880,706.20

         Including: revenue                              2,234,135,318.36                        2,467,880,706.20

                Interest income

                Earned premium

                Service charge and
 commission income

 II. Total operating cost                                2,095,795,948.68                        2,333,109,565.41

         Including: operating costs                      1,319,761,817.34                        1,505,422,091.35

                Interest payment

                Service charge and
 commission payment

                Refunded premiums

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                        2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 pay-out, net

                 Net amount of
 reserves for reinsurance contract

                 Policy dividend


                 Business taxes and
                                           19,709,073.59                      22,016,317.43

                 Sales expenses           560,297,890.37                     585,491,923.06

                                          141,317,767.23                     147,621,170.34

                 Financial expenses        51,358,824.77                      72,133,953.23

                 Loss from impairment
                                            3,350,575.38                          424,110.00
 of assets

         Plus: Income from change of
 fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

               Investment income (loss
                                                 172.19                           440,000.00
 is stated with “-“)

               Including: income from
 investment in associates and joint              172.19                           440,000.00

               Exchange income (loss
 is stated with “-“)

 III. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                          138,339,541.87                     135,211,140.79
 with “-“)

         Plus: Non-operating income         1,844,404.79                        4,692,473.67

               Including: profit from
                                               10,962.91                           69,750.00
 disposal of non-current assets

         Less: Non-operating
                                             624,872.52                           378,811.78

               Including: Loss from
                                             238,406.66                            40,864.60
 disposal of non-current assets

 IV. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                          139,559,074.14                     139,524,802.68
 with “-“)

         Less: Income tax expense          31,528,361.21                      32,464,205.29

 V. Net Profit (net loss is stated with   108,030,712.93                     107,060,597.39

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                           2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text


            Net profit attributable to the
                                             108,321,268.16                     106,614,865.98
 parent company’s owner

            Minority shareholders’
                                                -290,555.23                          445,731.41

 VI. Net of other comprehensive
                                               9,198,679.33                        4,225,875.48
 income after tax

          Net of other comprehensive
 income after tax attributable to the          9,106,574.34                        4,088,715.53
 parent company’s owner

            (I) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss

                   1. Movement of the
 net liabilities and net assets
 re-measured for setting the
 beneficial plan

                   2. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method

            (II) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
                                               9,106,574.34                        4,088,715.53
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 in future

                   1. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method in future

                   2. Gain/loss from
 change in the fair value of the
 financial assets available for sale

                   3. Gain/loss from
 which the held-to-maturity
 investment is re-classified as
 available-for-sale financial assets

                   4. Valid part of the
 gain/loss from cash flow hedge

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                               2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

                5. Conversion
 difference in foreign currency                                9,106,574.34                            4,088,715.53

                6. Others

     Net amount of the after-tax
 comprehensive income
 attributable to minority                                        92,104.99                               137,159.95

 VII. Total comprehensive income                             117,229,392.26                         111,286,472.87

        Total comprehensive income
 attributable to the owner of the                            117,427,842.50                         110,703,581.51
 parent company

        Total comprehensive income
 attributable to minority                                       -198,450.24                              582,891.36

 VII. Earnings per share:

         (I) Basic earnings per share                               0.2469                                   0.2714

         (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                    0.2469                                   0.2714

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

6. Statement of Profit from Year Beginning to the End of the Reporting Period, Parent Company

                                                                                                               In CNY

                                        Amount incurred in the reporting
                  Items                                                       Amount incurred in the previous period

 I. Revenue                                                  73,346,749.19                            70,818,511.00

         Less: Business costs                                10,425,234.15                           10,497,922.56

             Business taxes and
                                                               2,202,125.40                            3,886,791.98

             Sales expenses

             Administrative expenses                         40,695,696.32                           37,513,075.12

             Financial expenses                                8,544,259.24                              163,512.56

             Loss from impairment of

         Plus: Income from change of

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                         2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 fair value (loss is stated with “-“)

               Investment income (loss
                                           135,344,832.55                     131,828,140.58
 is stated with “-“)

               Including: income from
 investment in associates and joint               172.19                           440,000.00

 II. Operating Profit (loss is stated
                                           146,824,266.63                     151,019,640.19
 with “-“)

         Plus: Non-operating income            116,119.88                          336,288.80

               Including: profit from
 disposal of non-current assets

         Less: Non-operating
                                              300,000.00                            14,678.42

               Including: Loss from
 disposal of non-current assets

 III. Total profit (total loss is stated
                                           146,640,386.51                     151,341,250.57
 with “-“)

         Less: Income tax expense            2,045,098.08                        4,210,297.94

 IV. Net Profit (net loss is stated
                                           144,595,288.43                     147,130,952.63
 with “-“)

 V. Net of other comprehensive
 income after tax

         (I) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss

                 1. Movement of the
 net liabilities and net assets
 re-measured for setting the
 beneficial plan

                 2. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income
 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method

         (II) Other comprehensive
 income which cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 in future

                 1. Share enjoyable in
 the other comprehensive income

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                               2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 in which the investee cannot be
 re-classified into the gain and loss
 under the equity method in future

                2. Gain/loss from
 change in the fair value of the
 financial assets available for sale

                3. Gain/loss from
 which the held-to-maturity
 investment is re-classified as
 available-for-sale financial assets

                4. Valid part of the
 gain/loss from cash flow hedge

                5. Conversion
 difference in foreign currency

                6. Others

 VI. Total comprehensive income                              144,595,288.43                         147,130,952.63

 VII. Earnings per share:

         (I) Basic earnings per share                               0.3296                                   0.3746

         (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                    0.3296                                   0.3746

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng                Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement from Year Beginning to the End of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                               In CNY

                                        Amount incurred in the reporting
                  Items                                                       Amount incurred in the previous period

 I. Net cash flows arising from
 operating activities:

         Cash received from sales of
                                                         2,507,629,254.14                         2,710,512,975.70
 goods and supply of labor

         Net increase of customers’
 deposit and due from banks

         Net increase of borrowings
 from the central bank

         Net increase of borrowings
 from other financial institutions

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

       Cash received from former
 insurance contract premium

       Net cash received from
 reinsurance business

       Net increase of insurance
 reserve and investment

       Net increase of financial
 assets which were measured
 based on the fair value and its
 change was counted to the current
 gain and loss

       Cash received from interest,
 service charge and commission

       Net increase of borrowings

       Net increase of fund from

       Rebated taxes received               69,388.94

       Other operation activity
                                         19,567,411.30                      66,770,510.80
 related cash receipts

 Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                      2,527,266,054.38                   2,777,283,486.50
 operating activity

       Cash paid for purchase of
 goods and reception of labor         1,419,582,686.24                   1,620,192,462.33

       Net increase of loans and
 advances to customers

       Net increase of due from
 central bank and due from banks

       Cash paid for indemnity of
 original insurance contract

       Cash paid for interest,
 service charge and commission

       Cash paid for insurance
 policy dividend

       Cash paid to and for staff      367,327,625.94                      370,380,904.77

      Taxes paid                       203,953,164.01                      201,711,794.01

       Other business activity
                                       245,361,546.12                      325,763,307.06
 related cash payments

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                      2,236,225,022.31                   2,518,048,468.17
 operating activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                       291,041,032.07                      259,235,018.33
 operating activities

 II. Cash flows arising from
 investment activities:

       Cash received from recovery
 of investment

       Cash received from
 investment income

       Net amount of cash received
 from disposal of fixed assets,
                                         4,142,748.05                           196,417.11
 intangible assets and other long
 term assets

       Net cash received from
 disposal of subsidiaries and other
 operating units

       Other investment related
 cash receipts

 Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                         4,526,498.05                           196,417.11
 investment activity

       Cash paid for
 construction/purchase of fixed
                                       134,423,973.14                      159,522,254.84
 assets, intangible assets and
 other long term assets

       Cash paid for investment

       Net increase of
 hypothecated loans

       Net cash received from
 payment by subsidiaries and other
 operating units

       Other investment related
 cash payments

 Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                       134,423,973.14                      159,522,254.84
 investment activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                       -129,897,475.09                    -159,325,837.73
 investment activities

 III. Cash flows arising from fund
 raising activities:

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                         2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

       Cash received from
 absorption of investment

       Incl.: Cash received from
 subsidiaries’ absorption of minority
 shareholders’ investment

       Cash received from
                                          865,749,959.13                    1,560,609,499.90

       Cash received from bond

       Other fund-raising related
 cash receipts

 Subtotal of cash flow in from fund
                                          865,749,959.13                    1,574,109,499.90
 raising activity

       Cash paid for liabilities
                                         1,079,796,531.30                   1,367,075,091.78

       Cash paid for dividend/profit
 distribution or repayment of             107,561,341.89                      112,344,442.93

       Including: Dividend and
 profit paid by subsidiaries to
 minority shareholders

       Other fund-raising related
                                              992,669.19                      151,274,743.60
 cash payments

 Subtotal of cash flow out from fund
                                         1,188,350,542.38                   1,630,694,278.31
 raising activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                          -322,600,583.25                      -56,584,778.41
 fund-raising activities

 IV. Influence from change of
 exchange rate upon cash and                  518,775.56                         1,489,506.86
 cash equivalents

 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                          -160,938,250.71                      44,813,909.05

       Plus: Opening balance of
                                          637,387,875.93                      114,880,070.54
 cash and cash equivalents

 VI. Ending balance of cash and
                                          476,449,625.22                      159,693,979.59
 cash equivalents

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                            2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng             Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

8. Cash Flow Statement from Year Beginning to the End of the Reporting Period, Parent

                                                                                                            In CNY

                                     Amount incurred in the reporting
                 Items                                                     Amount incurred in the previous period

 I. Net cash flows arising from
 operating activities:

       Cash received from sales of
                                                           73,576,715.84                          82,247,515.39
 goods and supply of labor

       Rebated taxes received                                  62,967.65

       Other operation activity
                                                          271,951,706.92                          22,238,816.99
 related cash receipts

 Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                                          345,591,390.41                         104,486,332.38
 operating activity

       Cash paid for purchase of
 goods and reception of labor

       Cash paid to and for staff                          42,004,181.00                          39,016,286.84

       Taxes paid                                           6,559,453.04                            7,574,468.57

       Other business activity
                                                           13,579,640.33                           11,010,953.47
 related cash payments

 Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                                           62,143,274.37                          57,601,708.88
 operating activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                                          283,448,116.04                          46,884,623.50
 operating activities

 II. Cash flows arising from
 investment activities:

       Cash received from recovery
 of investment

       Cash received from
                                                          135,728,410.36                         131,388,140.58
 investment income

       Net amount of cash received
 from disposal of fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long
 term assets

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                      2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

       Net cash received from
 disposal of subsidiaries and other
 operating units

       Other investment related
 cash receipts

 Subtotal of cash flow in from
                                       135,728,410.36                      131,488,940.58
 investment activity

       Cash paid for
 construction/purchase of fixed
                                        71,305,141.81                       71,195,437.30
 assets, intangible assets and
 other long term assets

       Cash paid for investment        442,270,000.00                       40,100,000.00

       Net cash received from
 payment by subsidiaries and other
 operating units

       Other investment related
 cash payments

 Subtotal of cash flow out from
                                       513,575,141.81                      111,295,437.30
 investment activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                       -377,846,731.45                      20,193,503.28
 investment activities

 III. Cash flows arising from fund
 raising activities:

       Cash received from
 absorption of investment

       Cash received from
                                       731,500,000.00                    1,246,000,000.00

       Cash received from bond

       Other fund-raising related
 cash receipts

 Subtotal of cash flow in from fund
                                       731,500,000.00                    1,246,000,000.00
 raising activity

       Cash paid for liabilities
                                       790,000,000.00                    1,073,000,000.00

       Cash paid for dividend/profit
 distribution or repayment of           96,961,707.75                       96,373,892.13

       Other fund-raising related          992,669.19                      151,274,743.60

FIYTA HOLDINGS LTD.                                                          2016 3rd Quarterly Report, Full Text

 cash payments

 Subtotal of cash flow out from fund
                                                       887,954,376.94                         1,320,648,635.73
 raising activity

 Net cash flow arising from
                                                      -156,454,376.94                           -74,648,635.73
 fund-raising activities

 IV. Influence from change of
 exchange rate upon cash and
 cash equivalents

 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                      -250,852,992.35                            -7,570,508.95

       Plus: Opening balance of
                                                       512,294,824.81                            35,485,566.79
 cash and cash equivalents

 VI. Ending balance of cash and
                                                       261,441,832.46                            27,915,057.84
 cash equivalents

Legal representative: Xu Dongsheng            Chief Financial Officer: Chen Zhuo          Person in charge of the
Accounting Department: Tian Hui

II. Auditors’ Report

Has the Third Quarterly Report been Audited

                                                                  Board of Directors of
                                                                  FIYTA Holdings Ltd.
                                                                  October 27, 2016