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						              China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                   August 2015

                             China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

         Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality,
accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and
has no share converted from capital reserve either.

Yan Zhigang, principal of the Company, Wei Pingxiao, person in charger of
accounting works and Zhou Feifei, person in charge of accounting organ
(accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the
Semi-Annual Report 2015 is authentic, accurate and complete.

                                                                      China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase ............................................................................................................................2
Section II Company profile .....................................................................................................................................................................5
Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes ..............................................................................................................7
Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ...........................................................................................................................................9
Section VII. Preferred Stock ..................................................................................................................................................................38
Section IX Financial Report .....................................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

                                            China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                        Items               Refers to                                 Definition

The Listed Company, Company, the Company,
                                            Refers to China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
China National Accord, the Group

Sinopharm Holding                           Refers to Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company

“Twelfth Five-Year”                       Refers to Year of 2011 to 2015

Company Law                                 Refers to Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

Securities Law                              Refers to Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

Yuan, 10 thousand Yuan, 100 million Yuan    Refers to RMB, RMB 10 thousand, RMB 100 million

Terminology:                                Refers to

Direct selling                              Refers to A sales method that the drug directly sold to the hospital

GMP certification                           Refers to Good Manufacture Practice of Drugs certification

GSP certification                           Refers to Good Supplying Practice certification

                                                        That is CMS, and information system processing workflow &
Supply Chain Management                     Refers to
                                                        procurement, inventory & sales documents

Company profile                             Refers to

Sinopharm                                   Refers to China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation

Sinopharm (CNCM LTD)                        Refers to China National Medicines Corporation Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou                 Refers to Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                   Refers to Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                   Refers to Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou Co., Ltd.

Zhijun Pharmaceutical                       Refers to Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

China National Zhijun (Suzhou)              Refers to China National Zhijun (Suzhou) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Zhijun Medicine Trading                     Refers to Shenzhen Zhijun Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.

China National Zhijun (Shenzhen) Pingshan   Refers to China National Zhijun (Shenzhen) Pingshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Main Luck Pharmaceuticals                   Refers to Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceuticals Inc.

                                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                            Section II Company profile

I. Company Profile
Short form for share           Sinopharm Accord, Accord B               Code for share               000028, 200028

Listing stock exchange         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司

Abbr. of Chinese name of the
Company(if applicable)

English name of the
                               China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
Company(if applicable)

Abbr. of English name of the
                               Sinopharm Accord
Company(if applicable)

Legal Representative           Yan Zhigang

II. Contact person and ways

                                                                                   Secretary of the Board

Name                                                     Chen Changbing

                                                         Accord Pharm. Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Contact adds.

Tel.                                                     +(86)755 25875195

Fax.                                                     +(86)755 25195435

E-mail                                                   0028@szaccord.com.cn; gyyz0028@sinopharm.com

III. Others

1. Way of contact

Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,
found more details in Annual Report 2014.

2. Information disclosure and preparation place

The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparation
place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2014.

                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

3. Registration changes of the Company

Date/place for registration of the Company, registration number for enterprise legal license, number of taxation registration and
organization code have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2014.

                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

        Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes   √ No

                                                                                                           Increase/decrease in this
                                                    Current period           Same period of last year
                                                                                                                 report y-o-y

Operating revenue (RMB)                                12,813,803,166.77             11,612,642,434.28                          10.34%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                          387,319,252.33                349,213,988.51                          10.91%
the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                        373,659,153.79                326,526,104.00                          14.43%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                          448,239,578.83               -484,715,807.96                       192.47%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                 1.068                        1.073                         -0.47%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                               1.068                        1.073                         -0.47%

Weighted average ROE                                                 7.85%                      10.39%                          -2.54%

                                                                                                           Increase/decrease in this
                                                End of current period           End of last period        report-end over that of last

Total assets (RMB)                                     13,812,656,490.46            12,828,941,540.90                           7.67%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                        5,079,400,685.82              4,764,607,822.09                          6.61%
listed company(RMB)

II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International Accounting
Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting rules and

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                               Item                                         Amount                            Note

                                                                                                The compensation for housing
                                                                                                demolition income obtained from
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
                                                                                 4,114,941.12 disposal of investment real estate
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)
                                                                                                by subsidiary Sinopharm Holding

Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and
                                                                                                Mainly contained various of
losses(while closely related with the normal business of the
                                                                                10,567,256.16 special subsidies and financial
Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion
governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard)
Reversal of impairment reserve for account receivable with
separate impairment testing

                                                                                                The entrusted service providing
                                                                                                for Sinopharm Holding and
Trustee fee obtained from entrusted management                                    375,000.00
                                                                                                China National Pharmaceutical
                                                                                                Foreign Trade Corporation

                                                                                                The relocation reward and
                                                                                                compensation for arrange due to
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
                                                                                 2,189,460.15 cessation of business received by
aforementioned items
                                                                                                subsidiary Sinopharm Holding

Less: impact on income tax                                                       4,051,085.07

Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)                  2,103,582.14

Total                                                                           13,660,098.54                  --

                                             China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                         Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

In connection with pharmaceutical industry, the year 2015 was especially tough. Intensified releases of medical
reform policies further increased existence pressure for pharmaceutical industry, resulting in slow growth of this
industry. During the first half year, we made various progresses as scheduled according to our annual operation
subjects of “adapt to new normal, hold new business opportunities and achieve new development” in addition to
focusing on our business operation, we also conducted compliance and honest career related activities actively.
We also developed new business in an orderly manner in addition to increasing efficiency for our traditional
businesses. Emphasis has been put on economic and party construction works both, and progresses have been
made in both traditional and innovative businesses.

(I) the overall economic operation of China National Accord for the first half year of 2015
China National Accord realized operating income of RMB12.814 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of
10.34%, and realized net profit attributable to parent company of RMB387 million, representing a year-on-year
increase of 10.91%.

The distribution segment realized operating income of RMB11.962 billion, representing a year-on-year increase
of 11.72%, and realized net profit attributable to parent company of RMB218 million, representing a year-on-year
increase of 31.97%.

The pharmaceutical segment realized operating income of RMB859 million, representing a year-on-year decrease
of 6.05%, and realized net profit attributable to parent company of RMB122 million, representing a year-on-year
decrease of 11.01%.

(II) Major works completed by China National Accord for the first half year of 2015
1. Innovative operation model and ideas
The distribution segment accelerated overall extension of supply chain to upstream and downstream market by
leverage on VMI united stock project and smart chain project. 161 new VMI stock projects were increased during
the first half year and 5 smart chain projects including Meizhou People Hospital were newly established. We set
supply chain functions in Guangxi and Shenzhen regions, remarking the general implementation of supply chain
model in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.

Considering the serious overstock of new medicine approval, the pharmaceutical segment changed its mind
actively to focus on production capability improvement and further development of some major varieties,
increasing supports for current operation.

                                          China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

2. Continuous enhancement in integrated operation capability
Information integration management project for distribution segment has completed application of three modules
including rebate, first operation and payables. Logistics integration management platform project has completed
application of cost control module. As the cold chain management systems in Dongguan and Huizhou linked to
the network and applied respectively, our capability of logistics integration management would be improved
continuously. Besides, steady enhancement was recorded in integrated procurement efficiency.

The pharmaceutical segment carried out relevant works to improve platform management efficiency. Six major
processes including product and distribution synergy, industrialization and product pricing were emphasized in
connection with industrial management projects. Through overall diagnosis and optimization, the Group was able
to consolidate management foundation for industrial platforms.

3. Promote network construction and enhance network value
The distribution segment participated in establishing Zhuhai Company. Till now, there are 30 subsidiaries,
covering 35 cities in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. Through construction of DTC pharmacies, Guangzhou
Company was granted qualification required to operate as a chain pharmacy. The chain management department
has been set to incorporate DTC pharmacies into integrated management and 12 DTC pharmacies all obtained
medical insurance qualification. New equipment warehouses commenced construction in Guangfo logistics center,
Zhanjiang delivery center and Meizhou delivery center, aiming to perfect our logistics network.

Marketing of the pharmaceutical segment was based on its secondary distribution system. The segment recorded
good performance through cooperation with Jointown to carry out complimentary service for purchases. Besides,
the segment also introduced certain Chinese traditional medicine varieties such as Jian’erqing solution to
secondary distribution system, commencing marketing for OTC brands.

4. Orderly progress of new business
As for distribution segment, management platform has been completed for medical equipment business, realizing
online place of orders in Zhongshan third hospital and tumour hospital. The Group also actively developed
marketing network for vaccine products, increased resources on developing non-vaccine products and
consolidated development foundation as CDC overall product service provider. As for medical treatment
cooperation projects, we entered into contracts for five projects including South Five Hospital and Meizhou
People Hospital. Internet upgrade for distribution e-commerce B2B business has been completed with new
function of pharmaceutical enquiry. Industrial internationalization is being promoted steadily and Pingshan base
officially kicked off EU certification.

5. Accelerate base construction and quality certification
Shenzhen Medical Materials Processing Plant has totally completed new version GMP certification reform project,

                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015
and has submitted declaration materials required for new version GMP certification to the provincial drug
management bureau on 23 June, which is subject to site inspection. This represents a meaningful progress for the
plant to become TCM drug pieces processing plant in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.

As for pharmaceutical segment, the comprehensive R&D building and auxiliary projects including dining room
and dormitory buildings for Pingshan Base have completed seal roof projects successfully. Three batches of trial
production were completed and the base passed site inspection required for new version GMP certification on 30
June and is about to obtain the new GMP certificate soon.

II. Main business analysis

Y-o-y changes of main financial data
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                               Current period           Same period of last year   Y-o-y increase/decrease     Reasons for changes

Operating revenue                12,813,803,166.77            11,612,642,434.28                    10.34%

Operating costs                  11,801,661,040.42            10,626,767,657.24                    11.06%

Sales expenses                         262,074,106.01            271,149,210.54                    -3.35%

Administration expenses                203,589,373.35            215,813,783.67                    -5.66%

Finance expenses                        58,639,672.40             70,931,725.10                   -17.33%

Income tax expenses                     95,348,854.50             86,331,296.75                    10.45%

R&D input                               33,640,577.40             32,143,996.40                     4.66%

                                                                                                             The amount received
                                                                                                             from merchandising and
Net cash flow arising
                                       448,239,578.73           -484,715,807.96                   192.47% labor service provided
from operating activities
                                                                                                             increased on a y-o-y
                                                                                                             basis in the Period

                                                                                                             The investment for
Net cash flow arising
                                                                                                             infrastructural project
from investment                        -79,800,820.06           -118,785,713.60                    32.82%
                                                                                                             decreased than the same
                                                                                                             period of last year

                                                                                                             The amount of capital
                                                                                                             increase from private
Net cash flow arising                                                                                        placement received in the
                                       -65,104,388.08            914,932,902.63                  -107.12%
from financing activities                                                                                    same period of last year,
                                                                                                             and no such business in
                                                                                                             the Period.

Net increase of cash and
                                       303,343,621.01            311,437,219.28                    -2.60%
cash equivalent

                                               China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

III. Constitution of main business

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                               Increase or      Increase or      Increase or
                                                                               decrease of     decrease of    decrease of gross
                                                               Gross profit
                      Operating revenue    Operating cost                   operating revenue operating cost   profit ratio over
                                                                            over same period over same period same period of
                                                                               of last year     of last year      last year
According to industries

Medical business       11,909,286,905.74   11,271,115,377.12        5.36%            11.71%            11.87%            -0.13%

                          844,054,995.84     514,953,649.33        38.99%            -5.71%            -3.21%            -1.58%

Logistics and
warehousing                15,603,383.33      11,165,053.51        28.44%            22.75%            31.36%            -4.69%


Lease and other
                            3,923,324.72        1,198,252.92       69.46%           -23.49%            -6.40%            -5.58%

According to region

Domestic sales         12,738,740,992.41   11,770,569,151.72        7.60%            10.34%            11.09%            -0.63%

Foreign sales              34,127,617.22      27,863,181.16        18.36%            18.45%            26.96%            -5.47%

IV. Core competence analysis

1. Improved distribution network
The Company owns completed pharmaceutical distribution network in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces,
covering almost all the medical institutions and large chain pharmacies rated as second-class or above in
Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and also providing medicine distribution services for third end consumers as
represented by various individual pharmacies, community medical service outlets, small clinics and new rural
cooperative medical insurance. The Company fully takes advantage of its distribution network to provide
value-added service and create value for customers.
2. Leading smart supply chain
Benefiting from the core smart supply chain, the Company effectively expanded supply chain service and thus
realized resource sharing and effective coordination between the upstream and downstream through promotion of
central inventory management projects and hospital pharmacy smart inventory management project.
3. High efficient integrated management
In connection with pharmaceutical distribution, the Company continues to strengthen integrated operation system
in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, focusing on integration of procurement and basic operation between these
two provinces; cooperation in respect of businesses relating to medical equipments, consumables and vaccine
was accelerated between these two provinces, thus to realize management synchronization of Guangdong and
Guangxi provinces. In connection with pharmaceutical industry, the Company adopted professionalism and

                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015
integration as guidance to improve the platform structure with “three centers and three bases”, resulting in
continuous enhancement of industrial integrated operation.
4. Abundant product resources
In connection with pharmaceutical distribution, the Company established vast cooperation with thousands of
domestic manufacturers and business enterprises, and established steady business relationship with hundreds of
import and joint venture manufacturers, to diversify its variety resources. In connection with pharmaceutical
industry, the Company mainly focused on medicines relating to anti-infection, respiratory system, digestive
system and cardiovascular as well as great health area. It owns modern pharmaceutical R&D and production bases
qualified with international standards, and certain production lines for powder injection, orally-taken solid
preparations and active pharmaceutical ingredient with EU authentication. The Company has launched a number
of famous products with leading market share through establishing strict quality management and control system.
5. Domestic brands with unique influences
The Company’s brands and distribution share the same principles with the industrialized sub-brands and those
owned by controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Benefiting from the strong influence as a central
enterprise, the Company takes an increasing significant position in this industry in terms of recognition and

V. Investment analysis

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                          Investment outside

                                                Investment in the same period of last
    Investment in the reporting (RMB)                                                                  Changes
                                                             year’s (RMB)

                              1,002,980.00                                         0.00                                100.00%

                                                           Invested company

                                                                                          Equity proportion in invested company
                  Name                                      Main business
                                                                                                  for Listed company

                                             Wholesale of drugs and medical devices
Sinopharm Holding Zhuhai Co., Ltd.                                                                                      10.00%

(2) Holding equity of financial enterprise

The Company has no equity of financial enterprise held in the Period

                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

(3) Securities investment

The Company has no securities investment in the Period

(4) Explanation on equity of other listed company held

The Company had no equity of other listed company held in Period.

2. Trust management, derivative investment and entrust loans

(1) Trust financing

The Company has no trust financing in the Period

(2) Investment of derivatives
The Company has no derivatives investment in the Period

(3) Entrustment loan
The Company has no entrustment loan in the Period

3. Application of raised proceeds

Use condition of the raised capital found more in Special Report on Raised Capital Deposit and Practical Usage released on 20
August 2015 (disclosure on Juchao Website, Notice No.: 2015-31)

4. Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies analysis

Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                          Industry   Main products or Registered                               Operation Operation
   Name          Type                                                Total assets Net assets                          Net profit
                          involved        service          capital                             revenue     profit
                               Production for
                               raw medicine of
Shenzhen                       processing for
           Subsidiar Manufactu traditional patent 200,000,00 1,035,852,3 443,688,20 748,004,49 150,677,1 134,171,922.
Pharmaceut                     medicine,
           y         re        production of      0.00             96.80       2.18       3.30     89.66          24
ical Co.,
                               chemical material
Ltd.                           of medicine;
                               Import and export
                               trade are treated
                               by authorized
Sinopharm                            Chinese
             Subsidiar                                   1,000,000,0 5,679,262,6 1,187,621,6 7,108,179,1 125,797,5 94,545,153.0
Holding                  Commerce traditional patent
             y                                           00.00             40.65       92.15       22.22      25.27                1
Guangzhou                            medicine,

                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Co., Ltd.                            chemical
                                     medicine with
                                     features of
                                     treatment and
                                     diagnosis, shaped
                                     packing food,
                                     products, and
                                     commodity and
                                     technique hold by
                                     self-support and
                                     agency as well as
                                     import & export
                                     of technology

5. Major project invested by non-raised funds

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                     In ten thousand Yuan

                     Total             Amount                                                                                  Disclosure
                                                       accumulative                                     Disclosure date
    Project       investment        invested in this                    Progress         Earnings                                index
                                                         till end of                                    (if applicable)
                    planned             period                                                                            (if applicable)

                                                                                     The project                          “China
                                                                                     covers                               National
(Pingshan)                                                                           approximately                        Accord:
Medicine R&D                                                                         73352    M2   in                     Announcement
                         88,137            7,099.58         42,909.25       65.00%                      2014-03-22
Manufacturing                                                                        total,                               of     Increasing
Base                                                                                 positioning as                       Investment
                                                                                     the production                       Amount”(Notic
                                                                                     base of                              e              No.:

                                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                                  essential                        2014-18)
                                                                                  medicines and                    released   on
                                                                                  special drugs, a                 Juchao Website
                                                                                  base of modern
                                                                                  and massive
                                                                                  health products
                                                                                  as well as the
                                                                                  processing base

Total                    88,137         7,099.58       42,909.25        --               --              --              --

VI. Prediction of business performance from January – September 2015

Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

VII. Explanation from the Board and Supervisory Committee for “Qualified Opinion” from
the CPA of this year’s

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

VIII. Explanation from the Board for “Qualified Opinion” of last year’s

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IX. Implementation of profit distribution in reporting period

The profit distribution scheme for year of 2014 was deliberated and approved in the Shareholders General
Meeting of 2014 on April 25, 2015, calculating based on the Company’s total existing shares of 362,631,943
shares, and the Company distribute RMB 2.00 (including tax) dividend per ten shares to all shareholders in cash.
On May 16, 2015, Board of Directors issued Announcement on Implementation of the 2014 Equity Distribution
Plan (published on Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
http://www.cninfo.com.cn), the 2014 Annual Profit Distribution Plan was implemented, and dividend for social
public shareholders distributed to shareholders’ account on 22 May 2015 (A shares) and 26 May 2015 (B shares)
                                           Special explanation on cash dividend policy

                                                  China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Satisfy regulations of General Meeting or requirement of Article
of Association (Y/N):

Well-defined and clearly dividend standards and proportion

Completed relevant decision-making process and mechanism

Independent directors perform duties completely and play a
proper role (Y/N):

Minority shareholders have opportunity to express opinions and
demands totally and their legal rights are fully protected   (Y/N):

Condition and procedures are compliance and transparent while
                                                                      Not applicable
the cash bonus policy adjusted or changed      (Y/N):

X. Profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserves in the Period

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

XI. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

                                                                                                               Contents discussed and
         Time                Place                 Way                    Type              Reception
                                                                                                                  material provided

                                                                                       Haitong Securities,
                                                                                       China Galaxy
                                                                                       Securities, Harvest
                                                                                       Fund, Guotai Junan
                                                                                       Securities, Founder
                                                                                                             Knew the influence of
                                                                                       Securities, Century
                                                                                                             medical reform policy to
                     Accord Pharm.                                                     Securities,
2015-04-24                                Field research        Institution                                  the development of the
                     Bldg.                                                             Chonghe
                                                                                                             industry. No material
                                                                                       Dongguan Hongde
                                                                                       Harvest Fund,
                                                                                       Guosen Securities,
                                                                                       Bosera Funds

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                              Section V. Important Events

I. Corporate governance

The Company established and improved legal person governance structure in strict compliance with the
requirements of Company Law, Securities Law and Governance Principles of Listed Issuer. Currently, the
Company enjoys sound legal person governance structure, healthy governance system and standardized operation.
The Company has definite and balanced terms of reference in respect of its general meeting, board of directors,
board of supervisors and manager level which exercise voting right, decision-making right, supervision right and
execution right respectively under standardized operation.
The Company has prepared working procedures applicable for general meeting, board of directors and board of
supervisors, working system applicable for the strategy committee, nomination committee, risk internal control
and audit committee, remuneration and performance committee, general manager and secretary to the board, and
prepared governance system relating to information disclosure, connected transaction, fund raising, performance
of social responsibility, inside information and insider management, investor relation management, engagement of
CPA, prevention of occupying listed issuer’s capital by substantial shareholders and related parties. During the
reporting period, the Company made amendment to the Articles of Association, detailed methods for convening,
composition and working procedures for general meeting, so as to meet regulatory requirements and demands for
corporate governance.
Meanwhile, by adherence to its annual target, the Company made on-going improvement of internal control
system and the operation mechanism thereof in response to various market and environment changes based on
overall analysis and evaluation of risks. During the reporting period, the Company made overall identification and
evaluation of potential risks arising from internal and external environment changes, adjustment of business
pattern, additional business, and adjustment of internal responsibilities and duties. The Company upgraded and
supplemented 2015 annual risk database, pursuant to which, it amended and improved 2015 system procedure
(internal control) document system and internal control self-evaluation standards, to ensure applicability and
effectiveness of its management. Management of its subsidiaries was also improved through half-year internal
control self-evaluation and site inspection as far as the Company and its business segments concerned.
As a state-owned holding listed company, the Company also executed the relevant provisions on state-owned
assets management required by controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Details are set out below:
             Information          Relationship with the
 Serial                                                          Type            Basis for submitted       Submitted cycle
           submitted object         listed company
   1      Sinopharm     Group                                Financial     Needs of consolidated statement
                                 First largest shareholder                                                 Regular
          Co., Ltd.                                          statement     of largest shareholder

   2                                                                       Management       method       of
          China       National
                                                             Assets        state-owned    property    right
          Pharmaceutical            Actual controller        Evalution     transfer and equity investment Temporary
                                                             Report ect.   management of China National
          Group Corporation
                                                                           Pharmaceutical Group Corp.
In September of 2007, the Company's board of directors and board of supervisors approved the "Bill on

                                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Implementing Staff Report of Insider Trading Information and Governance on Non-standard Special Information
Disclosure" which agreed that the Company implements enforcement of secrecy and staff report system for
insider trading information when conducting relevant provisions of the management of state-owned assets,
regularly submitting the financial statements to major shareholders and reporting to the major shareholder about
state-owned assets disposal.

II. Lawsuits of the Company

The Company has no significant lawsuits and arbitrations in reporting period

III. Question from media

No universal questioned by media in reporting period

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

In reporting period, the Company has no bankruptcy reorganization occurred.

V. Transaction in assets

1. Assets acquisition

The Company had no assets acquisition in the Period.

2. Sales of assets

The Company did not sell assets in the Period

3. Business combination

The Company has 34 subsidiaries in consolidation scope till end of the Reporting Period in total

VI. Implementation and its influence of equity incentive

The company had not yet made the plan of equity incentive in the reporting.

VII. Insignificant related transactions

1. Related transaction with routine operations concerned

(1) The related transaction with routine operations concerned found more in the “X. Related parties and related transaction” in
“Section IX. Financial Report”;
(2) The related transactions are settled by cash and notes, disclosed on 22 March 2015, and disclosure on Juchao Website with Notice
No.: 2015-09;
(3) According to the “Routine Related Transaction for year of 2015” deliberated and approved by the Board dated 21 March 2015,

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

during the reporting period, sales of related parties representing 45.29% in total estimated for the whole year, procurement of related
parties takes 40.99% in total estimated for the whole year, loan interest expenditure of the related parties representing 4.31% in total
estimated for the whole year, the note buyer discount interest expenditure of related parties representing 11.25% in total estimated for
the whole year, income of housing leasing of related parties representing 51.84% in total estimated for the whole year, house
equipment leasing expenses of the related parties representing 48.11% in total estimated for the whole year, income from provide
service to related parties representing 41.98% in total estimated for the whole year and the expenditure from receiving service by
related parties representing 42.41% in total estimated for the whole year.

2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
No related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets in Period

3. Related transaction from jointly investment outside
No related transaction from jointly investment outside occurred in Period

4. Current related liabilities and debts

(1) No non-operating related credits and debts transaction

(2) The related credits and debts transaction with routine operation concerned found more in “X. Related Party and Related
Transactions” carried in the “Section IX . Financial Report”

5. Other significant related transactions

The company had no other significant related transactions in reporting period.

VIII. Non-business capital occupying by controlling shareholders and its related parties

No non-business capital occupied by controlling shareholders and its related parties in Period

IX. Significant contracts and its implementation

1. Trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship
Instruction of trusteeship
1. As subordinate companies of majority shareholder, Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd. (“Nanhai Medicine”) and Guangdong Dong
Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines Co., Ltd. (“Dong Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines”) both operate pharmaceutical
distribution business within Guangdong, which partially overlaps with the pharmaceutical distribution business and geographical
location of the Company and constitutes peer competition. In July 2013, to solve the problem of peer competition, majority
shareholder entrusted Sinopharm Accord and Sinopharm Accord agreed to take over the management of the above two companies.
2. As a subordinate enterprise of the de facto controller, Guangdong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., ltd. operates

                                                  China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

pharmaceutical distribution business within Guangdong, which partially overlaps with the pharmaceutical distribution business and
geographical location of the Company and constitutes peer competition. In September 2013, to solve the problem of peer competition,
majority shareholder entrusted Sinopharm Accord and Sinopharm Accord agreed to take over the management of the above

(2) Contract

The Company had no contract in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

The Company had no leasing in the reporting period.

2. Guarantees

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   In ten thousand Yuan

                      External guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)
                        Related                                                                                             Guarante
                                                 Actual date of                                                  Complete
    Name of the        Announce                                                                                                e for
                                      Guarantee happening (Date     Actual           Guarantee     Guarantee     implemen
     Company              ment                                                                                               related
                                        limit      of signing   guarantee limit        type          term          tation
    guaranteed         disclosure                                                                                              party
                                                  agreement)                                                       (Y/N)
                          date                                                                                                (Y/N)
Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General       2015.5.15-20
Medicine Trading 2015-03-21              30,000 2015-05-15                  6,000                                   No         Yes
                                                                                    guarantee     16.5.14
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General       2015.06.18-2
Medicine Trading 2015-03-21              25,000 2015-06-18             12,507.64                                    No         Yes
                                                                                    guarantee     016.06.15
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General       2015.05.28-2
Medicine Trading 2015-03-21              20,000 2015-05-28                10,500                                    No         Yes
                                                                                    guarantee     016.02.15
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General       2014.4.4-202
Medicine Trading 2013-08-20              20,000 2014-04-04               2,174.36                                   No         Yes
                                                                                    guarantee     2.4.3
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General       2014.7.17-20
Medicine Trading 2014-03-22              40,000 2014-07-17                     20                                   No         Yes
                                                                                    guarantee     20.7.17
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Total actual occurred external
    Total approving external
                                                          75,000  guarantee in report period                                36,947.97
 guarantee in report period (A1)
   Total approved external                                          Total actual balance of
 guarantee at the end of report                          135,000 external guarantee at the end                                 31,202
         period ( A3)                                               of report period (A4)
                                             Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
    Name of the         Related       Guarantee   Actual date of      Actual         Guarantee     Guarantee     Complete Guarante

                                          China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015
        Company     Announce     limit   happening (Date guarantee limit       type        term       implemen      e for
       guaranteed      ment                 of signing                                                 tation or   related
                    disclosure             agreement)                                                     not       party
Holding                                                                    General     2014.12.12-2
                    2014-08-16     5,000 2014-12-12             3,009.64                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   015.10.31

Holding                                                                    General     2014.6.30-20
                    2014-03-22    10,000 2014-06-30             3,457.06                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   15.6.29

Holding                                                                    General     2014.9.9-201
                    2014-08-16    40,000 2014-09-19            22,942.57                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   5.9.18

Holding                                                                    General     2015.5.6-201
                    2015-03-21    35,000 2015-05-06             31,424.5                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   6.5.6

Holding                                                                    General     2014.7.16-20
                    2014-03-22    35,000 2014-07-16            30,733.78                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   15.7.15

Holding                                                                    General     2015.5.20-20
                    2015-03-21    35,000 2015-05-20            15,934.19                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   16.5.20

Holding                                                                    General     2014.4.30-20
                    2014-03-22    30,000 2014-04-30            19,477.88                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   15.4.30

Holding                                                                    General     2014.6.25-20
                    2014-03-22    40,000 2014-06-25             25,016.4                                 No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   15.6.8

Holding                                                                    General     2014.8.19-20
                    2014-03-22    10,000 2014-08-19                                                      No         Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                             guarantee   15.8.18

                                                                           General     2014.12.09-2
Holding             2014-08-16    10,000 2014-12-09                                                      No         Yes
                                                                           guarantee   015.12.08
Guangzhou Co.,

                                          China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


Holding                                                                 General     2015.5.15-20
                    2015-04-24   121,600 2015-05-15         28,079.34                              No      Yes
Guangzhou Co.,                                                          guarantee   16.5.14

Holding                                                                 General     2015.5.20-20
                    2015-03-21     3,500 2015-05-20            693.01                              No      Yes
Guangdong                                                               guarantee   16.5.20
Yuexing Co., Ltd.

Holding                                                                 General     2014.7.16-20
                    2014-03-22     5,000 2014-07-16          1,201.92                              No      Yes
Guangdong                                                               guarantee   15.7.15
Yuexing Co., Ltd.

Holding                                                                 General     2014.9.19-20
                    2014-03-22     5,000 2014-09-19                                                No      Yes
Guangdong                                                               guarantee   15.9.18
Yuexing Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2014.7.16-20
Holding Foshan      2014-03-22     1,000 2014-07-16                                                No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2014.10.25-
Holding Guangxi     2014-03-22     6,000 2014-10-25               650                              No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   2015.10.25
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2014.6.26-20
Holding Guangxi     2014-03-22    20,000 2014-06-26         10,517.24                              No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   15.6.26
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2014.7.16-20
Holding Guangxi     2014-03-22    30,000 2014-07-16          16,965.9                              No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2014.4.19-20
Holding Guangxi     2014-03-22    15,000 2014-04-19         11,218.85                              No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   15.4.18
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2014.9.19-20
Holding Guangxi     2014-03-22    10,000 2014-09-19                                                No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   15.9.18
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2015.5.29-20
Holding Guangxi     2015-03-21    10,000 2015-05-29             1,925                              No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   16.5.29
Co., Ltd.

                                                                        General     2015.5.1-201
Holding Guangxi     2015-03-21     6,000 2015-05-12          5,548.78                              No      Yes
                                                                        guarantee   5.12.29
Co., Ltd.

                                        China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                      General     2014.7.16-20
Holding Jiangmen 2014-03-22      3,000 2014-07-16          1,743.71                              No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   15.7.15
Renren Co., Ltd.

                                                                      General     2014.11.6-20
Holding Liuzhou    2014-03-22    9,000 2014-11-06          7,565.36                              No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

                                                                      General     2015.3.20-20
Holding Liuzhou    2015-03-21    5,000 2015-05-21          3,229.96                              No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   16.3.19
Co., Ltd.

                                                                      General     2014.9.9-201
Holding Liuzhou    2014-08-16    4,000 2014-09-09          3,234.63                              No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   5.9.8
Co., Ltd.

                                                                      General     2014.9.17-20
Holding Zhanjiang 2014-03-22     1,500 2014-09-17          1,460.09                              No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                       General     2014.5.27-20
                   2014-03-22    5,000 2014-05-27          2,569.23                              No      Yes
Pharmaceutical                                                        guarantee   15.5.27
Co., Ltd.

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                       General     2014.7.16-20
                   2014-03-22    3,000 2014-07-16           2,927.9                              No      Yes
Pharmaceutical                                                        guarantee   15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                       General     2015.1.1-201
                   2014-08-16    2,000 2015-01-01            320.38                              No      Yes
Pharmaceutical                                                        guarantee   5.7.1
Co., Ltd.

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                       General     2015.1.4-201
                   2014-03-22    3,000 2015-01-04               441                              No      Yes
Pharmaceutical                                                        guarantee   5.10.24
Co., Ltd.

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                       General     2014.8.28-20
                   2014-03-22    6,000 2014-08-28                                                No      Yes
Pharmaceutical                                                        guarantee   15.8.27
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                      General     2014.8.25-20
Pharmaceutical     2014-03-22   20,000 2014-08-25          2,281.56                              No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   15.8.25
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                      General     2014.7.16-20
Pharmaceutical     2014-03-22    5,000 2014-07-16                                                No      Yes
                                                                      guarantee   15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

                                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General      2014.10.8-20
Pharmaceutical       2014-03-22          2,000 2014-10-08                                                          No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    15.10.8
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                    General      2014.10.8-20
Medicine Trading 2014-03-22              1,000 2014-10-08                                                          No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    15.10.8
Co., Ltd.

Holding Shenzhen                                                                    General      2015.1.23-20
                     2014-03-22           500 2015-01-23                                                           No       Yes
Chinese Medicine                                                                    guarantee    15.7.15
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    General      2014.10.27-2
Holding Shenzhen 2014-08-16              2,000 2014-10-27               1,948.17                                   No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    015.10.27
Yanfeng Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    General      2014.7.16-20
Holding Shenzhen 2014-03-22              7,000 2014-08-16               6,462.11                                   No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    15.7.15
Yanfeng Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    General      2015-.05.28-
Holding Shenzhen 2015-03-21              2,000 2015-05-28                   1,600                                  No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    2016.2.15
Yanfeng Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    General      2015.5.15-20
Holding Shenzhen 2015-03-21              3,000 2015-05-15                 379.55                                   No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    16.5.14
Yanfeng Co., Ltd.

Holding                                                                             General      2014.7.16-20
                     2014-03-22          1,000 2014-07-16                 784.46                                   No       Yes
Shaoguang Co.,                                                                      guarantee    15.7.15

                                                                                    General      2014.7.16-20
Holding Shenzhen 2014-03-22              1,000 2014-07-16                 546.22                                   No       Yes
                                                                                    guarantee    15.7.15
Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                               Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving
                                                               occurred     guarantee    for
guarantee for subsidiaries in                          221,100                                                          452,625.37
                                                               subsidiaries in report period
report period (B1)
                                                               Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved
                                                               guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                      569,100                                                          266,290.39
                                                               the end of reporting period
end of reporting period (B3)
                                          Guarantee of the subsidiaries for the subsidiaries
                                               Actual date of                                                   Complete Guarante
   Name of the       Announce
                                    Guarantee happening (Date     Actual             Guarantee    Guarantee     implemen    e for
    Company             ment
                                      limit      of signing   guarantee limit          type         term         tation or related
   guaranteed        disclosure
                                                agreement)                                                          not     party
Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of three abovementioned guarantee)
   Total amount of approving                                        Total amount of actual
                                                       296,100                                                          489,573.34
   guarantee in report period                                     occurred guarantee in report

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015
         (A1+B1+C1)                                                   period (A2+B2+C2)
   Total amount of approved                                          Total balance of actual
  guarantee at the end of report                          704,100 guarantee at the end of report                     297,492.39
      period (A3+B3+C3)                                               period (A4+B4+C4)
The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
net assets of the Company (that is A4+ B4+C4)


 (1) Guarantee outside against the regulation

No guarantee outside against the regulation in Period
3. Other significant contract
The Company had no other significant contract in Period.

4. Other material transactions
The Company had no other material transactions in the reporting period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the
Company in reporting period or extending to reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                    Commitment      Commitment
  Commitments         Accepter                        Contents                                                   Implementation
                                                                                        time            period

Share Merger

                                   As a large pharmaceutical commercial
                                   enterprise whose business involves
                                   pharmaceutical wholesale and retail,
                                   Sinopharm Holding may overlap with the
                                   Company in geographical segmentation
                                   during its future business development. To
                                   avoid the potential peer competition brought
                                   by such geographical overlap, Sinopharm
Commitments in                     Holding undertakes that, upon the transfer of
report of           Sinopharm      shares of Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou it                        Long-term     Normally
acquisition or      Holding        held to Accord Pharma, “1. it will not                         effective     implement
equity change                      newly-establish or broaden within
                                   Guangdong any business operation that
                                   actually compete with that of Accord
                                   Pharma, or set up any new subsidiaries or
                                   subordinate enterprises who engage in such
                                   business. 2. it will enter into business
                                   delineation with Accord Pharma and
                                   Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou, thereby
                                   giving the three parties clear geographical

                                             China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                              areas to carry out pharmaceutical wholesale
                              and retail businesses, so as to avoid potential
                              peer competition. Apart from above,
                              Sinopharm Holding will no longer
                              newly-establish any enterprise that may
                              compete with Accord Pharma in the
                              production and R&D of pharmaceutical

Commitments in

                              Sinopharm Holding has undertaken in the
                              Letter of Undertaking from Sinopharm
                              Group Co. Ltd. on Avoiding Peer
                              Competition that, “I. the Company and the
                              enterprises it wholly-owns, controls or has de
                              facto control over (excluding Sinopharm
                              Accord and its controlled enterprises,
                              similarly hereinafter) do not exist any
                              business or operation that would constitute
                              substantive peer competition with Sinopharm
                              Accord and its controlled enterprises. II. the
                              Company and the enterprises it wholly-owns,
                                                                                                         shareholder is
                              controls or has de facto control over will not
                                                                                                         implement in
                              engage in, participate in or carry out in
                                                                                                         real earnest,
                              Guangdong and Guangxi any business or
Commitments                                                                                              Sinopharm
                              activities that would constitute substantive
make in initial   Sinopharm                                                                  Long-term   Accord will
                              competition with the pharmaceutical               2013-09-05
public offering or Holding                                                                   effective   actively urged
                              commercial businesses of Sinopharm
re-financing                                                                                             the controlling
                              Accord. III. the Company and the enterprises
                                                                                                         shareholder and
                              it wholly-owns, controls or has de facto
                                                                                                         actual controller
                              control over will not engage in, participate in
                                                                                                         to fulfill
                              or carry out any business or activities that
                              would constitute substantive competition
                              with the pharmaceutical industrial businesses
                              of Sinopharm Accord. IV. the Company will
                              not make use of its control over Sinopharm
                              Accord to damage the legal interests of
                              Sinopharm Accord and other shareholders
                              (especially minority shareholders). The
                              Letter of Undertaking takes effect since the
                              date of issue and will remain effective during
                              the entire period when the Company has
                              been the controlling shareholder or

                               China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

            connected party of Sinopharm Accord.
            During the validity of the Undertaking, the
            Company will indemnify in time Sinopharm
            Accord from any loss which may arise out of
            the Company’s violation of the

            Sinopharm Holding has undertaken in the
            Letter of Undertaking from Sinopharm
            Group Co. Ltd. on Standardization of the
            Connected Transactions with China National
            Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. that, “I.
            during the period when the Company takes
            control     over         Sinopharm         Accord,           the
            Company and the companies or enterprises it
            directly or indirectly controls (hereinafter
            referred to as “Connected Party”) will strictly
            standardize the connected transactions with
            Sinopharm       Accord           and      its        controlled
            enterprises.       II.     for         those         connected
            transactions beyond avoidance or out of                                                     Controlling
            reasonable      causes,          the     Company            and                             shareholder is
            Connected Party will enter into standardized                                                implement in
            connected       transaction            agreement            with                            real earnest,
            Sinopharm Accord                  according to law.                                         Sinopharm
Sinopharm   Sinopharm Accord will perform approval                                          Long-term   Accord will
Holding     procedure according to relevant laws, rules                                     effective   actively urged
            and    regulations,         other         standardization                                   the controlling
            documents and its constitutional documents,                                                 shareholder and
            and   fulfill      its    obligation            to     disclose                             actual controller
            information on connected transactions. III.                                                 to fulfill
            for those connected transactions beyond                                                     commitments
            avoidance or out of reasonable causes, the
            Company         and       Connected             Party       will
            determine       the        prices        of          connected
            transactions based on the prices of same or
            similar     transactions          entered            into    by
            independent third parties of no connection
            while following the principles of open, fair
            and just to ensure the fairness. IV. when the
            board or shareholders’ meeting of Sinopharm
            Accord votes on the relevant connected
            transactions involving the Company and
            other enterprises it controls, the Company
            will perform obligations including that

                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

            necessary           interested      directors           and
            shareholders shall be abstained from voting
            according to relevant regulations, and follow
            the   legal        procedures     for     approval       of
            connected          transactions     and       fulfill    its
            information disclosure obligation. V. the
            Company guarantees to attend shareholders’
            meeting according to the constitutional
            documents of Sinopharm Accord, exercise its
            corresponding         rights      and     assumed       its
            corresponding obligations in an equitable
            manner, not to take advantage of its standing
            as controlling shareholder to seek unjust
            interests, or to use connected transactions to
            illegally transfer capital or profit out of
            Sinopharm Accord, or to prejudice the legal
            interests of Sinopharm Accord and other
            shareholders             (especially            minority
            shareholders). VI. the Letter of Undertaking
            takes effect since the date of issue and will
            remain effective during the entire period
            when the Company has been the controlling
            shareholder or connected party of Sinopharm
            Accord.       During        the    validity      of     the
            Undertaking, the Company will indemnify in
            time Sinopharm Accord from any loss that
            may arise out of the Company’s violation of
            the Undertaking.”

            ”Sinopharm Group has undertaken in the
            Letter of Undertaking from China National
            Pharmaceutical          Group       Corporation         on
                                                                                        shareholder is
            Avoiding the Peer Competition with China
                                                                                        implement in
            National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                        real earnest,
            that, “I. in the coming five years, Sinopharm
            Group intends to take appropriate measures
Sinopharm                                                                  Long-term    Accord will
            including replacement or acquisition of 2013-10-16
Group                                                                      effective    actively urged
            assets or equity reorganization to solve the
                                                                                        the controlling
            problem       of     peer    competition         between
                                                                                        shareholder and
            Weiqida and Sinopharm Accord.                    II. apart
                                                                                        actual controller
            from the matters disclosed in the past and in
                                                                                        to fulfill
            the Letter of Undertaking, the Company and
            the enterprises it wholly-owns, controls or
            has   de      facto     control     over      (excluding

                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

            Sinopharm      Accord         and      its    controlled
            enterprises, similarly hereinafter) do not
            directly engage in, participate in or carry out
            within the PRC any business or activities that
            would constitute substantive competition
            with the production and operation of
            Sinopharm           Accord.          The         relative
            undertakings in respect of avoiding peer
            competition given by the Company in the
            past remain valid.        III. the Company will
            not take advantage of its control over
            Sinopharm Accord to damage the legal
            interests of Sinopharm Accord                 and other
            shareholders            (especially            minority
            shareholders).           IV.     the         Letter   of
            Undertaking takes effect since the date of
            issue and will remain effective during the
            entire period when the Company has been
            the de facto controller or connected party of
            Sinopharm Accord.”

            Sinopharm Group has undertaken in the
            Letter of Undertaking from China National
            Pharmaceutical        Group         Corporation       on
            Standardization         of       the         Connected
            Transactions with China National Accord
            Medicines Corporation Ltd              that, “I. during
            the period when the Company takes control                                            Controlling
            over Sinopharm Accord, the Company and                                               shareholder is
            the companies or enterprises it directly or                                          implement in
            indirectly controls (hereinafter referred to as                                      real earnest,
            “Connected Party”) will strictly standardize                                       Sinopharm
Sinopharm   the connected transactions with Sinopharm                                Long-term   Accord will
Group       Accord and its controlled enterprises. II. for                           effective   actively urged
            those     connected          transactions        beyond                              the controlling
            avoidance or out of reasonable causes, the                                           shareholder and
            Company and Connected Party will enter                                               actual controller
            into    standardized      connected          transaction                             to fulfill
            agreement        with        Sinopharm           Accord                              commitments
            according to law. Sinopharm Accord will
            perform approval procedure according to
            relevant laws, rules and regulations, other
            standardization         documents             and     its
            constitutional documents, and fulfill its
            obligation     to     disclose      information       on

                                               China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                connected     transactions.      III.     for       those
                                connected transactions beyond avoidance or
                                out of reasonable causes, the Company and
                                Connected Party will determine the prices of
                                connected transactions based on the prices of
                                same or similar transactions entered into by
                                independent third parties of no connection
                                while following the principles of open, fair
                                and just to ensure the fairness. IV. when the
                                board or shareholders’ meeting of Sinopharm
                                Accord votes on the relevant connected
                                transactions involving the Company and
                                other enterprises it controls, the Company
                                will perform obligations including that
                                necessary      interested        directors           and
                                shareholders shall be abstained from voting
                                according to relevant regulations, and follow
                                the   legal   procedures      for       approval      of
                                connected     transactions       and      fulfill     its
                                information disclosure obligation. V. the
                                Company guarantees not to take advantage
                                of its standing as actual controller to seek
                                unjust   interests,   or    to    use      connected
                                transactions to illegally transfer capital or
                                profit out of Sinopharm Accord, or to
                                prejudice the legal interests of Sinopharm
                                Accord and other shareholders (especially
                                minority shareholders).”VI. the Letter of
                                Undertaking takes effect since the date of
                                issue and will remain effective during the
                                entire period when the Company has been
                                the actual controller or connected party of
                                Sinopharm Accord.

commitments to
shareholders of
the Company

Completed on
time or not (Y/N)

XI. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

The semi-annual report of the Company has not been audit

                                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

XII. Penalty and rectification

The Company had no penalty or rectification in the reporting period.

XIII. Risk announcement of the violation of delisting

The Company has no violation of delisting risks in the Period

XIV. Explanation on other significant events

No explanation on other significant events for the Company in reporting period.

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

     Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders
I.Changes in share capital
                                                                                                                                In share
                                  Before the Changes           Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)           After the Changes
                                               Proporti             Bonus reserve-co                  Subtot                 Proportio
                                   Amount                 issued                         Others                 Amount
                                               on                   shares     nverted                  al                   n
I. Restricted shares               74,484,531 20.54%                                                            74,484,531     20.54%

2. State-owned legal
                                   74,482,543 20.54%                                                            74,482,543     20.54%
person’s shares

3. Other domestic
                                       1,988     0.00%                                                               1,988      0.00%

Including: Domestic legal
                                       1,988     0.00%                                                               1,988      0.00%
person’s shares

II. Unrestricted shares           288,147,412 79.46%                                                           288,147,412     79.46%

1. RMB ordinary shares            233,261,812 64.32%                                                           233,261,812     64.32%

2. Domestically listed
                                   54,885,600 15.14%                                                            54,885,600     15.14%
foreign shares

III. Total shares                 362,631,943 100.00%                                                          362,631,943 100.00%

Reasons for share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common

shareholders of Company in latest year and period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose for the Company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Explanation on change of the shareholder’s structure and total shares, the structure of assets and balance of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Number of shareholders and share-holding

                                                                                                                                In Share

Total common shareholders at                                          Total preference shareholders
                                                             16,448                                                                  0
period-end                                                            with voting rights recovered at

                                                     China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                                                      end of reporting period (if
                                                                      applicable) (see Note 8)

                    Particulars about shares held above 5% by common shareholders or top ten common shareholders

                                                       Number                                             Number of share pledged/frozen
                                                                                    of       Amount of
                                         Proportion common Changes in
                        Nature of                                               restricted un-restricte
 Shareholders                            of shares      shares      reporting
                       shareholder                                              common d common State of share              Amount
                                           held         held at      period
                                                                                 shares shares held

Sinopharm           State-owned                        184,942,2                74,482,54 110,459,74
Group Co., Ltd. corporate                                      91                        3            8

                    Domestic non
Council for
                    state-owned              2.12% 7,700,000                                  7,700,000
Social Security
Fund – 116

                    Domestic non
Council for
                    state-owned              2.01% 7,298,555                                  7,298,555
Social Security
Fund – 106

FIRST STATE         Overseas corporate       1.94% 7,032,720                                  7,032,720

BOC- Harvest        Domestic non
Theme Selected state-owned                   1.25% 4,524,288                                  4,524,288
Mix Stock Fund corporate

China Life
Insurance Co.,
Ltd. – tradition
                    Domestic non
                    state-owned              1.24% 4,497,385                                  4,497,385

New China Life
Insurance Co.,
                    Domestic non
Ltd. – Bonus –
                    state-owned              1.16% 4,199,772                                  4,199,772
bonuses -

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015


Bank of China
Ltd. – Fullgoal Domestic non
Zhongzheng         state-owned                1.10% 3,984,794                              3,984,794
SOE Reform         corporate
Index Grade
Securities Fund

                   Overseas corporate         1.02% 3,707,803                              3,707,803

Bank of China
Limited –
Harvest            Domestic non
Advanced           state-owned                0.93% 3,356,223                              3,356,223
Manufacture        corporate

                                        BOC- Harvest Theme Selected Mix Stock Fund and Bank of China Limited – Harvest
Explanation on associated               Advanced Manufacture Investment Fund shares the same administrator as Harvest Fund
relationship among the aforesaid        Management Co., Ltd.; it is unknown that there exists associated relationship or belongs to the
shareholders                            consistent actionist among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the Management
                                        Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

                                Particular about top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                             Amount of un-restrict common shares held at                      Type of shares
                                                              period-end                                   Type           Amount

                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                           110,459,748                            110,459,748

National Council for Social Security                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                      7,700,000                                7,700,000
Fund – 116                                                                                       shares

National Council for Social Security                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                      7,298,555                                7,298,555
Fund – 106                                                                                       shares

HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG                                                                               Domestically
FIRST STATE CHINA GROWTH                                                              7,032,720 listed foreign                 7,032,720
FD                                                                                                shares

BOC- Harvest Theme Selected Mix                                                                   RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,524,288                                4,524,288
Stock Fund                                                                                        shares

China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. –                                                                 RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,497,385                                4,497,385
tradition –general insurance                                                                     shares

                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

products -005L-CT001 Shen

New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
– Bonus – Individual bonuses -                                                      4,199,772                               4,199,772
-018L-FH002 Shen

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. –
                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Fullgoal Zhongzheng SOE Reform                                                        3,984,794                               3,984,794
Index Grade Securities Fund

                                                                                      3,707,803 listed foreign                3,707,803

Bank of China Limited – Harvest
                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Advanced Manufacture Investment                                                       3,356,223                               3,356,223

Expiation on associated relationship
                                       BOC- Harvest Theme Selected Mix Stock Fund and Bank of China Limited – Harvest
or consistent actors within the top
                                       Advanced Manufacture Investment Fund shares the same administrator as Harvest Fund
10 un-restrict common shareholders
                                       Management Co., Ltd.; it is unknown that there exists associated relationship or belongs to the
and between top 10 un-restrict
                                       consistent actionist among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the Management
common shareholders and top 10
                                       Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.
common shareholders

There are no buy-back agreement in reporting period between the top 10 common shareholders and the top 10 un-restricted common

III. Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of controlling shareholders had no change in reporting period.
Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of actual controller in reporting period had no change in reporting period.

IV. Share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in reporting period from
shareholder of the Company and its concerted action person
√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                        Disclosure date
  Shareholders/         Number of         Ratio of the        Number of         Ratio of the       Initial disclosure
                                                                                                                            for the
 person acting in      overweight as     overweight as        overweight         overweight            date for
                                                                                                                        overweight plan
       concert            planned           planned            actually           actually         overweight plan

Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Other explanation

                                               China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

The Company published the announcement relating to stabilizing stock price of the Company (No.2015-23) on 11 July 2015, in
which, Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd (our controlling shareholder) undertook to increase shareholding of the Company with amount no
less than RMB20 million where the Company experienced substantial decrease of stock price, and undertook not to reduce
shareholding of the same within six months upon completion of such increase of shareholding.

                                              China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                                      Section VII. Preferred Stock

The Company has no preferred stock in reporting period

                                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2015

                 Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives
Shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives have no changes in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report

II. Resignation and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives
Directors, supervisors and senior executives have no changes in reporting period, found more in Annual Report 2014.

                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015

                                     Section IX Financial Report

I.Report of the Auditors

Consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2015 haven’t been audited.

II.Financial Statements

All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated.

1. Consolidated balance sheets

                                                   30 June 2015

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                              Item                                30 June 2015             31 December 2014

Current assets

   Cash at bank and on hand                                             1,161,871,173.03          867,562,115.54

   Notes receivable                                                       513,528,605.78          618,995,440.09

   Accounts receivable                                                  7,858,941,849.11         7,018,312,673.19

   Advances to suppliers                                                  107,416,097.51           96,043,154.40

   Dividends receivable                                                    35,190,000.00                      0.00

   Other receivables                                                       40,817,703.37           28,574,927.90

   Inventories                                                          2,227,123,375.20         2,322,333,262.87

   Other current assets                                                    19,345,048.23           40,308,591.47

Total current assets                                                   11,964,233,852.23        10,992,130,165.46

Non-current assets

   Long-term equity investments                                           151,691,888.29          157,604,846.85

   Investment properties                                                   79,822,727.80           73,836,850.51

   Fixed assets                                                           711,040,468.46          745,557,829.35

   Construction in progress                                               401,040,277.87          330,218,696.56

   Intangible assets                                                      141,209,184.60          144,383,753.87

   Development costs                                                        5,619,315.47             5,619,315.47

   Goodwill                                                                79,378,833.15           79,378,833.15

   Long-term prepaid expenses                                              36,193,800.15           39,154,232.03

                                                                  CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                     OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                  For the six months ended 30 June 2015

   Deferred income tax assets                                                     82,146,152.88            85,146,479.50

   Other non-current assets                                                      160,279,989.56           175,910,538.15

Total non-current assets                                                        1,848,422,638.23         1,836,811,375.44

TOTAL ASSETS                                                                   13,812,656,490.46        12,828,941,540.90

Current liabilities

   Short-term borrowings                                                        1,980,929,436.95         1,517,954,528.88

   Notes payable                                                                1,373,483,568.02         1,468,166,640.64

   Accounts payable                                                             4,341,666,286.09         3,988,878,234.03

   Advances from customers                                                        44,995,822.24            40,339,905.63

   Employee benefits payable                                                     109,332,233.24           171,958,142.88

   Taxes payable                                                                  99,088,331.76            77,445,669.46

   Interests payable                                                                9,717,998.71             6,666,712.19

   Other payables                                                                372,225,973.50           412,347,201.51

   Current portion of long-term borrowings                                          7,649,200.00             4,000,000.00

Total current liabilities                                                       8,339,088,850.51         7,687,757,035.22

Non-current liabilities

    Long-term borrowings                                                          54,628,776.85            39,695,448.00

    Long-term employee benefits
                                                                                    2,582,100.00             2,896,000.00

    Payables for specific projects                                                  1,287,000.00             1,287,000.00

    Deferred Income                                                              167,418,485.85           176,366,201.15

    Deferred income tax liabilities                                               23,454,624.92            24,297,076.57

    Other non-current liabilities                                                 45,427,343.31            45,427,343.31

Total non-current liabilities                                                    294,798,330.93           289,969,069.03

Total liabilities                                                               8,633,887,181.44         7,977,726,104.25


    Share capital                                                                362,631,943.00           362,631,943.00

    Capital surplus                                                             1,863,894,533.34         1,863,894,533.34

    Surplus reserve                                                              181,315,971.50           181,315,971.50

    Undistributed profits                                                       2,671,558,237.98         2,356,765,374.25

     Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company                 5,079,400,685.82         4,764,607,822.09

  Minority interest                                                               99,368,623.20            86,607,614.56

Total owners' equity                                                            5,178,769,309.02         4,851,215,436.65

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY                                          13,812,656,490.46        12,828,941,540.90

                                      OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                      For the six months ended 30 June 2015
 Legal                            Principal in charge              Head of accounting
 representative: 闫志刚           of accounting : 魏平孝           department: 周菲菲

2. Company balance sheets

                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                          Item    30 June 2015                    31 December 2014

Current assets

   Cash at bank and on hand                 232,835,112.63                   257,173,314.81

   Notes receivable                          48,985,487.44                    47,389,669.59

   Accounts receivable                      561,068,339.16                   513,791,982.48

   Advances to suppliers                          554,159.82                   5,047,755.80

   Interest receivable                           1,858,738.27                  1,890,165.10

   Dividends receivable                      35,190,000.00                               0.00

   Other receivables                      1,348,979,769.50                  1,111,423,809.76

   Inventory                                167,275,611.58                   184,880,147.05

   Other current assets                           308,889.73                   2,560,096.51

Total current assets                      2,397,056,108.13                 2,124,156,941.10

Non-current assets

   Long-term equity investments           2,766,091,382.67                 2,772,004,341.23

   Investment properties                         4,783,775.56                  5,272,980.96

   Fixed assets                              17,097,985.55                    17,175,509.65

   Construction in progress                 372,904,448.40                   299,290,846.13

   Intangible assets                         36,137,443.18                    36,923,545.12

   Long-term prepaid expenses                    5,128,145.16                  5,681,186.10

   Deferred income tax assets                    2,860,992.26                  2,800,803.02

   Other non-current assets                  46,273,400.39                    68,103,087.93

Total non-current assets                  3,251,277,573.17                 3,207,252,300.14

TOTAL ASSETS                              5,648,333,681.30                 5,331,409,241.24

Current liabilities

   Short-term borrowings                    189,000,000.00                   202,000,000.00

   Notes payable                            334,129,756.08                   274,584,574.89

   Accounts payable                         325,216,434.35                   314,477,971.19

   Advances from customers                        516,073.73                     322,008.81

   Employee benefits payable                 14,064,062.51                    20,339,767.52

                                                          CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                             OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                          For the six months ended 30 June 2015
   Taxes payable                                                      11,696,128.98                        13,695,533.72

   Interests payable                                                     438,062.59                            86,831.07

   Other payables                                                    197,284,728.88                       447,928,781.45

Total current liabilities                                          1,072,345,247.12                     1,273,435,468.65

Non-current liabilities

   Long-term borrowings                                               54,628,776.85                        39,695,448.00

   Long-term employee benefits
                                                                         226,000.00                           226,000.00

   Payables for specific projects                                        800,000.00                           800,000.00

   Deferred income                                                     5,000,000.00                         5,000,000.00

   Deferred income tax liabilities                                     3,774,569.00                         3,773,319.00

Total non-current liabilities                                         64,429,345.85                        49,494,767.00

Total liabilities                                                  1,136,774,592.97                     1,322,930,235.65


   Share capital                                                     362,631,943.00                       362,631,943.00

   Capital surplus                                                 1,869,692,921.70                     1,869,692,921.70

   Surplus reserve                                                   181,315,971.50                       181,315,971.50

   Undistributed profits                                           2,097,918,252.13                     1,594,838,169.39

Total owners' equity                                                4,511,559,088.33                    4,008,479,005.59

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY                              5,648,333,681.30                     5,331,409,241.24

3. Consolidated and company income statements

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Item              For the six months ended 30 June 2015     For the six months ended 30 June 2014

I.Sales                                                     12,813,803,166.77                          11,612,642,434.28

Including: Sales                                            12,813,803,166.77                          11,612,642,434.28

II.Cost of Sales                                            12,359,627,721.82                          11,219,447,997.45

Including: Cost of Sales                                    11,801,661,040.42                          10,626,767,657.24

   Taxes and surcharges                                         26,443,689.75                              27,472,713.53

   Selling and distribution expenses                           262,074,106.01                             271,149,210.54

   Administration expenses                                     203,589,373.35                             215,813,783.67

   Financial expenses – net                                    58,639,672.40                              70,931,725.10

   Asset impairment losses                                       7,219,839.89                               7,312,907.37

Add: Investment income                                          28,274,061.44                              23,595,722.50

                                                                CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                   OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Including: Share of profits of associates                               28,274,061.44                              23,595,722.50

III. Operating profit                                                  482,449,506.39                             416,790,159.33

Add: Non-operating income                                               12,982,289.46                              28,336,065.33

Including: Gain on disposal of
                                                                            10,297.36                                 500,989.54
 non-current assets

Less: Non-operating expenses                                              440,680.38                                1,207,497.35

Including: Loss on disposal of
                                                                          225,404.59                                   64,238.16
 non-current assets

IV. Total profit                                                       494,991,115.47                             443,918,727.31

Less: Income taxes expenses                                             95,348,854.50                              86,331,296.75

V. Net profit                                                          399,642,260.97                             357,587,430.56

    Attributable to equity holders of the
                                                                       387,319,252.33                             349,213,988.51

    Minority interest                                                   12,323,008.64                               8,373,442.05

VI. Other comprehensive income                                                   0.00                                       0.00

VII. Total comprehensice income                                        399,642,260.97                             357,587,430.56

    Attributable to equity holders of the
                                                                       387,319,252.33                             349,213,988.51

    Minority interest                                                   12,323,008.64                               8,373,442.05

VIII. Earnings per share

    (1) Basic earnings per share                                                1.068                                      1.073

    (2) Diluted earnings per share                                              1.068                                      1.073
 Legal                                      Principal in charge                         Head of accounting
 representative: 闫志刚                     of accounting : 魏平孝                      department: 周菲菲

4. Company income statements

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                    For the six months ended 30 June 2015        For the six months ended 30 June 2014

I.Sales                                                              1,409,915,735.50                           1,344,533,386.96

Less: Cost of sales                                                  1,350,096,101.89                           1,290,912,374.30

      Taxes and surcharges                                               2,742,214.76                               3,819,156.69

      Selling and distribution expenses                                 22,711,056.43                              23,395,202.86

      Administration expenses                                          22,137,614.50                               23,650,902.47

      Financial expenses – net                                        -32,319,843.63                             -30,937,200.09

      Asset impairment losses                                             293,938.78                                  153,394.98

                                                                CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                   OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Add: Investment income                                                 542,787,180.98                            480,544,087.23

Including: Share of profits of associates                               28,274,061.44                             23,595,722.50

II. Operating profit                                                   587,041,833.75                            514,083,642.98

Add: Non-operating income                                                   97,780.77                                705,252.60

Including: Gain on disposal of non-current
                                                                                 0.00                                      0.00

Less: Non-operating expenses                                                     0.02                                      0.08

Including: Loss on disposal of non-current
                                                                                 0.00                                      0.00

III. Total profit                                                      587,139,614.50                            514,788,895.50

Less: Income taxes expenses                                             11,533,143.16                              8,808,140.45

IV. Net profit                                                         575,606,471.34                            505,980,755.05

V. Other comprehensive income                                                    0.00                                      0.00

VI. Total comprehensice income                                         575,606,471.34                            505,980,755.05

VII. Earnings per share

    (1)Basic earnings per share                                                  N/A                                        N/A

    (2)Diluted earnings per share                                                N/A                                        N/A

5. Consolidated and company cash flows statements
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                   For the six months ended 30 June
                          Item                                                          For the six months ended 30 June 2014

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

     Cash received from sales of        goods or
                                                                  13,538,599,427.81                           11,799,950,691.25
         rendering of services

     Refund of taxes and surcharges                                      1,412,100.00                              6,571,540.44

     Cash received relating to
                                                                        40,061,810.25                             53,448,437.56
           other operating activities

                 Sub-total of cash inflows                        13,580,073,338.06                           11,859,970,669.25

     Cash paid for goods and services                             12,323,623,570.32                           11,553,683,051.08

     Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                           346,227,791.38                            304,214,026.96

     Payments of taxes and surcharges                                  297,175,090.54                            302,590,124.70

     Cash paid relating to other
                                                                       164,807,307.09                            184,199,274.47
          operating activities

                 Sub-total of cash outflows                       13,131,833,759.33                           12,344,686,477.21

    Net cash flows from operating activities                           448,239,578.73                           -484,715,807.96

II. Cash flows from investing activities

                                              CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                 OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                              For the six months ended 30 June 2015
  Net cash received from disposal of

     fixed assets, intangible assets and            4,695,691.53                         904,370.80

     other long-term assets

  Cash received from disposal of

     subsidiaries and other business                        0.00                        3,598,827.09


  Sub-total of cash inflows                         4,695,691.53                        4,503,197.89

  Cash paid to acquire fixed     assets,

     intangible assets and other                   84,244,511.59                      123,288,911.49

     long-term assets

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
                                                     252,000.00                                 0.00
     and other business units

                Sub-total of cash outflows         84,496,511.59                      123,288,911.49

   Net cash flows from investing
                                                  -79,800,820.06                     -118,785,713.60

III. Cash flows from financing

  Cash received from investments                    1,470,000.00                    1,929,065,413.47

  Including: Cash receivables for

     dividends or profit to minority                1,470,000.00                                0.00

     shareholders of subsidiaries

  Cash received from borrowings                    99,576,626.12                      177,215,892.08

  Cash received relating to other
                                                            0.00                       52,376,797.32
     financing Activities

                  Sub-total of cash inflows       101,046,626.12                    2,158,658,102.87

  Cash repayments of borrowings                    14,333,727.61                    1,093,663,188.17

  Cash payments for interest expenses

     and distribution of dividends or             127,751,125.57                      146,826,227.89


  Including: Cash payments for

     dividends or profit to minority                1,032,000.00                        1,098,000.00

     shareholders of subsidiaries

  Cash payments relating to other
                                                   24,066,161.02                        3,235,784.18
     financing activities

                Sub-total of cash outflows        166,151,014.20                    1,243,725,200.24

 Net cash flows from financing
                                                  -65,104,388.08                      914,932,902.63

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate                     9,250.42                            5,838.21

                                                                 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                    OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                 For the six months ended 30 June 2015
   changes on cash

V. Net increase in cash                                               303,343,621.01                            311,437,219.28

Add: Cash at beginning of period                                      854,212,006.84                          1,097,948,354.45

VI. Cash at end of period                                           1,157,555,627.85                          1,409,385,573.73

6. Company cash flows statements

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                   Item                      For the six months ended 30 June 2015     For the six months ended 30 June 2014

I. Cash flows from operating


  Cash received from sales of     goods or
                                                                    1,506,941,667.17                          1,421,640,664.70
     rendering of services

  Cash received relating to other
                                                                        6,475,294.32                             12,486,044.81
     operating activities

               Sub-total of cash inflows                            1,513,416,961.49                          1,434,126,709.51

  Cash paid for goods and services                                  1,463,172,714.22                          1,439,943,602.26

  Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                       30,095,211.91                             26,913,040.68

  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                     24,640,593.24                             13,548,247.06

  Cash paid relating to other
                                                                       17,001,372.02                             12,903,407.44
     operating activities

               Sub-total of cash outflows                           1,534,909,891.39                          1,493,308,297.44

 Net cash flows from operating
                                                                      -21,492,929.90                            -59,181,587.93

II. Cash flows from investing activities

  Cash received from returns on
                                                                      165,748,512.00                            169,306,012.82

  Net cash received from     disposal of

     fixed assets, intangible assets                                            0.00                                    700.00

     and other long-term assets

  Cash received from disposal of

     subsidiaries and other business                                2,144,319,315.47                          1,663,852,850.00


       Sub-total of cash inflows                                    2,310,067,827.47                          1,833,159,562.82

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,                                   65,650,551.69                             65,829,878.73

                                          CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                             OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                          For the six months ended 30 June 2015
     intangible assets and other

     long-term assets

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
                                                 252,000.00                         1,518,000.00
     and other business units

  Cash paid relating to other investing
                                            2,382,714,617.00                    2,859,000,089.73

       Sub-total of cash outflows           2,448,617,168.69                    2,926,347,968.46

 Net cash flows from investing
                                             -138,549,341.22                    -1,093,188,405.64

III. Cash flows from financing

  Cash received from investments                        0.00                    1,929,065,413.47

  Cash received from borrowings                64,933,328.85                       58,095,448.00

  Cash received relating to other
                                              183,994,821.13                      258,472,602.86
     Financing activities

       Sub-total of cash inflows              248,928,149.98                    2,245,633,464.33

  Cash repayments of borrowings                10,000,000.00                      925,000,000.00

  Cash payments for interest expenses

     and distribution of dividends or          79,224,081.04                       85,892,357.94


  Cash payments relating to other
                                               24,000,000.00                       82,919,213.08
     financing activities

       Sub-total of cash outflows             113,224,081.04                     1,093,811,571.02

 Net cash flows from financing
                                              135,704,068.94                    1,151,821,893.31

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                        0.00                            1,201.00
 changes on cash

V. Net decrease in cash                       -24,338,202.18                         -546,899.26

Add: Cash at beginning of period              257,173,314.81                      218,342,947.03

VI. Cash at end of period                     232,835,112.63                      217,796,047.77

                                                                                                                    CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                                                                       OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                    For the six months ended 30 June 2015
7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

                                                                   For the six months ended 30 June 2015

                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                         For the six months ended 30 June 2015

                   Item                                      Attributable to the shareholders of the Company
                                                                                                                                  Minority interest     Total owners’ equity
                                           Paid-in capital       Capital surplus     Surplus reserves     Undistributed profits

1. Balance at 31 December 2014              362,631,943.00 1,863,894,533.34            181,315,971.50          2,356,765,374.25        86,607,614.56        4,851,215,436.65

2. Balance at 1 January 2015                362,631,943.00 1,863,894,533.34            181,315,971.50          2,356,765,374.25        86,607,614.56        4,851,215,436.65

3. Movements for this period                            0.00                  0.00                 0.00         314,792,863.73         12,761,008.64          327,553,872.37

  (1)Comprehensive income                               0.00                  0.00                 0.00         387,319,252.33         12,323,008.64          399,642,260.97

  (2)Capital contribution and
                                                        0.00                  0.00                 0.00                    0.00          1,470,000.00            1,470,000.00
     withdrawals by owners

  Capital contribution by owners                        0.00                  0.00                 0.00                    0.00          1,470,000.00            1,470,000.00

  (3)Profit distribution                                0.00                  0.00                 0.00          -72,526,388.60         -1,032,000.00          -73,558,388.60

 Profit distribution to shareholders (or
                                                        0.00                  0.00                 0.00          -72,526,388.60         -1,032,000.00          -73,558,388.60
     equity owners)

4. Balance at 30 June 2015                  362,631,943.00 1,863,894,533.34            181,315,971.50          2,671,558,237.98        99,368,623.20        5,178,769,309.02

                                                                                                                    CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                                                                       OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                    For the six months ended 30 June 2015

                                                                    For the year ended 31 December 2014

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                         For the year ended 31 December 2014

                   Item                                      Attributable to the shareholders of the Company
                                                                                                                                  Minority interest      Total owners’ equity
                                           Paid-in capital       Capital surplus     Surplus reserves     Undistributed profits

1. Balance at 31 December 2013              288,149,400.00           5,750,338.57      144,855,634.40          1,806,002,285.06        71,879,406.54         2,316,637,064.57

2. Balance at 1 January 2014                288,149,400.00           5,750,338.57      144,855,634.40          1,806,002,285.06        71,879,406.54         2,316,637,064.57

3. Movements for this period                  74,482,543.00 1,858,144,194.77             36,460,337.10          550,763,089.19         14,728,208.02         2,534,578,372.08

  (1)Comprehensive income                               0.00                  0.00                 0.00         652,497,176.03         17,343,991.84           669,841,167.87

  (2)Capital contribution and
                                              74,482,543.00 1,858,144,194.77                       0.00                    0.00          3,210,000.00        1,935,836,737.77
     withdrawals by owners

  Capital contribution by owners              74,482,543.00 1,855,144,194.77                       0.00                    0.00          3,210,000.00        1,932,836,737.77

  Others                                                0.00         3,000,000.00                  0.00                    0.00                   0.00            3,000,000.00

  (3)Profit distribution                                0.00                  0.00       36,460,337.10          -101,734,086.84         -5,825,783.82           -71,099,533.56

  Appropriation to surplus reserves                     0.00                  0.00       36,460,337.10           -36,460,337.10                   0.00                     0.00

 Profit distribution to shareholders (or
                                                        0.00                  0.00                 0.00          -65,273,749.74         -5,825,783.82           -71,099,533.56
     equity owners)

4. Balance at 31 December 2014              362,631,943.00 1,863,894,533.34            181,315,971.50          2,356,765,374.25        86,607,614.56         4,851,215,436.65

                                                                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015

8. Company statement of changes in owners’ equity

                                                          For the six months ended 30 June 2015
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                             For the six months ended 30 June 2015
                                        Paid-in capital             Capital surplus          Surplus reserves      Undistributed profits    Total share holders’ equity

1. Balance at 31 December 2014                  362,631,943.00       1,869,692,921.70            181,315,971.50         1,594,838,169.39             4,008,479,005.59

2. Balance at 1 January 2015                    362,631,943.00       1,869,692,921.70            181,315,971.50         1,594,838,169.39             4,008,479,005.59

3. Movements for this period                               0.00                       0.00                  0.00          503,080,082.74               503,080,082.74

  (1)Comprehensive income                                  0.00                       0.00                  0.00          575,606,471.34               575,606,471.34

  (2)Profit distribution                                   0.00                       0.00                  0.00           -72,526,388.60              -72,526,388.60

  Profit distribution to shareholders
                                                           0.00                       0.00                  0.00           -72,526,388.60              -72,526,388.60
  (or equity owners)

4. Balance at 30 June 2015                      362,631,943.00       1,869,692,921.70            181,315,971.50         2,097,918,252.13             4,511,559,088.33

                                                                                                       CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                                                          OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                       For the six months ended 30 June 2015

                                                          For the year ended 31 December 2014

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                              For the year ended 31 December 2014
                                        Paid-in capital            Capital surplus          Surplus reserves      Undistributed profits     Total share holders’ equity

1. Balance at 31 December 2013                 288,149,400.00           14,548,726.93           144,855,634.40         1,222,346,090.09              1,669,899,851.42

2. Balance at 1 January 2014                   288,149,400.00           14,548,726.93           144,855,634.40         1,222,346,090.09              1,669,899,851.42

3. Movements for this period                    74,482,543.00       1,855,144,194.77             36,460,337.10           372,492,079.30              2,338,579,154.17

  (1)Comprehensive income                                 0.00                       0.00                  0.00          474,226,166.14                474,226,166.14

  (2)Capital contribution and
                                                74,482,543.00       1,855,144,194.77                       0.00                      0.00            1,929,626,737.77
       withdrawals by owners

  Capital contribution by owners                74,482,543.00       1,854,582,870.47                       0.00                      0.00            1,929,065,413.47

  Others                                                  0.00             561,324.30                      0.00                      0.00                  561,324.30

  (3)Profit distribution                                  0.00                       0.00        36,460,337.10          -101,734,086.84                -65,273,749.74

  Appropriation to surplus reserves                       0.00                       0.00        36,460,337.10            -36,460,337.10                           0.00

  Profit distribution to shareholders
                                                          0.00                       0.00                                 -65,273,749.74               -65,273,749.74
  (or equity owners)

4. Balance at 31 December 2014                 362,631,943.00       1,869,692,921.70            181,315,971.50         1,594,838,169.39              4,008,479,005.59

                                                     CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                        OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                     For the six months ended 30 June 2015
III.Profile of company

China National Accord Medicines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “the Company”), formerly known
as Shenzhen Health Mineral Water Co., Ltd., was approved by the People’s Government of Shenzhen
with SFBF (1993) No.356 document to establish on 1 February 1993 through stock restructure as a
company limited by shares. In March 1993, with the approval from the Shenzhen Branch of the People’s
Bank of China, the Company issued 30 million A-shares (including 16.5 million public shares, 3.5 million
employee shares and 10 million corporation shares) and 20 million B-shares. After this issuance, the
Company’s share capital was RMB105 million. Through transfer of capital surplus to share capital and
bonus issues for years, the share capital of the Company increased to RMB362,631,900. up to 30 June

In November 2000, the Company entered into an Assets Exchange Agreement with Shenzhen Investment
Management Company, the original main shareholder of the Company, to exchange all the assets and
liabilities of the Company as of 31 August 2000 for Shenzhen Investment Management Company’s 100%
equity interests in 11 pharmaceutical companies and certain properties as well as 51% equity interests in
Shenzhen Tefa Modern Computer Co., Ltd. On December 29, 2000, the above assets exchange proposal
was approved by shareholder’s voting in the second extraordinary general meeting in 2000. The
transaction was completed on 8 January 2001.

On 18 February 2004, the Company’s original main shareholder, Shenzhen Investment Management
Company, entered into a Stock Transfer Agreement with Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as “Sinopharm Group”) to transfer its 43.33% shares in the Company to Sinopharm Group. The legal
procedures of the above equity transfer were completed on 9 December 2004. At the same time, as
approved by GZCQ (2004) No.525 document from the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the State Council and ZJGSZ (2004) No.94 document from the China
Securities Regulatory Commission, the nature of these shares was transferred from state-owned stock to
state-owned legal entity stock and Sinopharm Group became the top shareholder of the Company.

On 14 April 2006, the Company’s proposal on reformation of segregated stocks was approved. To gain
liquidity for the restricted stocks of the Company, the holders of the restricted stocks of the Company
agreed to pay the following consideration: based on the stock registration as of 27 April 2006, the
Company issued bonus shares on 28 April 2006 at the ratio of 3 shares to every 10 A-shares to liquidated
A-share holders which went public on the same day. After this bonus issue, the total number of shares of
the Company remained unchanged with corresponding changes in the composition of share holdings.

In March 14, 2014, the company issued 74,482,543ordinary shares (A shares) through the non public
offering. Par value per share is RMB 1 yuan. The shares shall not be transferred within 36 months since
the issued day. As of 30 June, 2015, the total share capital was 362,631,943.

The approved scope of business of the Company and its subsidiaries (together “the Group”) includes
wholesale of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, bulk pharmaceutical drugs, chemical preparations,
bulk antibiotic drugs, antibiotic preparations, biochemical drugs, biological products (including vaccines
and in vitro diagnostic reagents), psychotropic drugs and preparations, narcotic drugs, toxic drugs for
medical use, protein assimilation preparation and peptide hormones; trade of dietary supplement;
research, development and consultation services of pharmaceutical packaging materials and
pharmaceutical industry products; industrial investment holding; domestic trade (other than special
licensing), sale of ambulances; trade of second-class and third- class medical equipments; project
investment; property management and lease of self-owned properties; pharmacovigilance and medical
information consulting; parking operation; logistics and related services; package agency business;
logistic design; operating various types of goods and import and export of technology (not attached
directory of import and export commodities), but excluded the import and export of goods and technology

                                                       CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                          OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                       For the six months ended 30 June 2015
the State limits or prohibit the company.

The Company is registered with Shenzhen Administration for Industry & Commerce. Its business license
number is 440301103040048 and the serial number of the license is N24657. The operation period of the
Company is from 2 August 1986 to 2 August 2036. The registered capital of the Company is RMB362,
631,900. The legal representative of the Company is Yan Zhigang.

These financial statements were authorised for issue by the board of directors of the Company on 18
August, 2015.

Subsidiaries consolidated in the financial statements are listed in Note IX.

New subsidiaries include Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Medical Management Co., Ltd. (here after
referred as “Guangzhou Medical”) (Note VIII).

IV.Basis of preparation

1. Basis of preparation

The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Basic Standard and specific standards of
the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance on 15 February 2006
and those updated afterwards, and other relevant regulations issued thereafter (hereafter collectively
referred to as the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”), and the disclosure
requirements in the Preparation Convention of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
to the Public No.15 – General Rules on Financial Reporting issued by the China Securities Regulatory

2. Going concern

This financial statement is prepared on the basis of going concern.

V.Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

The group determines the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates according to the
production management characteristics, shown mainly on the bad debt provision withdrawing method for
account receivable, measurement of inventory, depreciation for PP&E and amortization for intangible
asset, judgement basis for capitalization of development expenditure, measurement model for investment
property, recognition timing of revenue.

1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements of the Company for the period ended 30 June 2015 are in compliance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely present the financial position of
the Group and the Company as of 30 June 2015 and the operating results, cash flows and other

                                                         CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                            OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                         For the six months ended 30 June 2015
information of the Group and the Company for the period then ended.

2. Accounting period

The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

3. Functional currency

The functional currency is Renminbi (RMB).

4. Business combinations involving enterprises under common control and Business combinations
involving enterprises not under common control

(a) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are
measured at the carrying amount. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained
from the combination and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an
adjustment to capital surplus (share premium). If the capital surplus (share premium) is not sufficient to
absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against retained earnings. Costs directly
attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are
included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities.

(b) Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are
measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s
interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill;
where the cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s
identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly
attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are
included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities.

5. Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its

Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated
from the date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination
involving enterprises under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from
the date when it, together with the Company, comes under common control of the ultimate controlling party.

                                                       CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                          OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                       For the six months ended 30 June 2015
The portion of the net profits realised before the combination date is presented separately in the
consolidated income statement.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting
periods of the Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are
adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and the accounting period of the Company. For
subsidiaries acquired from business combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the
individual financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable
net assets at the acquisition date.

All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised profits are eliminated in the consolidated
financial statements. The portion of a subsidiary’s equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profits,
losses and comprehensive income for the period not attributable to the Company are recognised as
minority interests and presented separately in the consolidated financial statements within equity, net
profits and total comprehensive income respectively. Unrealised gain or loss from selling assets to
subsidiaries fully offsets the net income attributable to equity holders of the company. Unrealised gain or
loss from purchasing assets from subsidiaries offsets the net income attributable to equity holders of the
company and atrributable to the minority interest by the distribution proportion regarding the company and
the subsidiary Unrealised gain or loss from transaction between subsidiaries offsets the net income
attributable to equity holders of the company and atrributable to the minority interest by the distribution
proportion regarding the company and the selling side of the subsidiaries.

If different recognition perspectives for the same transaction arise within different accounting identities
setup, there is adjustment for the transaction from the Group’s perspective.

6. Cash and cash equivalent

Cash and cash equivalent comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and
short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are
subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

7. Foreign currency translation

Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of
the transactions.

At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB
using the spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these
translations are recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign
currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying
assets, which are capitalised as part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in
foreign currencies that are measured at historical costs are translated at the balance sheet date using the
spot exchange rates at the date of the transactions. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is
presented separately in the cash flow statement.

                                                            CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                               OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                            For the six months ended 30 June 2015
8. Financial Instruments

(a) Financial assets
(i) Classification of financial assets
Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss, receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity
investments. The classification of financial assets depends on the Group’s intention and ability to hold the
financial assets. The Group currently holds the financial assets including receivables. Receivables,
including notes receivables, accounts receivable and other receivables, are non-derivative financial assets
with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.

(ii) Recognition and measurement
Financial assets are recognised at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the financial instrument. The transaction expenses are included in receivables’
original book value, which is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

(iii) Impairment of financial assets
The Group assesses the carrying amounts of receivables other than those at fair value through profit or
loss at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, an
impairment loss is provided for. The objective evidence are matters occur after the financial assets been
recognised, affect its estimated future cash flow and could be measured accuractly by the Group. When
an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortised cost has occurred, the amount of loss is
provided for at the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of its estimated
future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence
that the value of the financial asset recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an event occurring
after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed and the
amount of reversal is recognised in profit or loss.

(iv) Derecognition of financial assets
A financial asset is derecognised when any of the below criteria is met: (i) the contractual rights to receive
the cash flows from the financial asset expire; (ii) the financial asset has been transferred and the Group
transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or (iii)
the financial asset has been transferred and the Group has not retained control of the financial asset,
although the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the
financial asset.

On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the sum of the
consideration received and the cumulative changes in fair value that had been recognised directly in equity,
is recognised in profit or loss.

(b) Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial liabilities at fair

                                                                CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                   OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                For the six months ended 30 June 2015
value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities of the Group mainly
comprise other financial liabilities, including payables and borrowings

Payables, including notes payable, accounts payable and other payables, are recognised initially at fair
value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently
carried at amortised costs using the effective interest method.

Other financial liabilities with maturities no more than one year are classified as current liabilities. Other
financial liabilities with maturities over one year but are due within one year at the balance sheet date are
classified as the current portion of non-current liabilities. Others are classified as non-current liabilities.

A financial liability is derecognised or partly derecognised when the current obligation is discharged or
partly discharged. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability or the derecognised
part of the financial liability and the consideration paid is recognised in profit or loss.

9. Receivables

(1)Receivables with amounts that are individually significant and subject to separate assessment
for provision for bad debts

                                                               Receivables with amounts that are individually significant
                                                               are subject to assessment for impairment on the individual
                                                               basis. If there exists objective evidence that the Group will
The criterion for determing individually significant amounts not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a
                                                               provision for impairment of that receivable is made.
                                                               The criterion for determing individually significant amounts
                                                               is that any individual amount is more than RMB5 million.

                                                               The amount of the present value of the future cash flows
The method of providing for bad debts for those individually
                                                               expected to be derived from the receivable below its
significant amounts
                                                               carrying amount.

(2)Receivables that are subject to provision for bad debts on the grouping basis

                        Grouping basis                                            provision for bad debts

Receivables with amounts that are not individually
significant and those receivables that have been
individually assessed for impairment and have not been                                            The ageing of receivables
found impaired are classified into certain groupings based
on their credit risk characteristics.

                                                               CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                  OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                               For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk level are analysed below:

                                           Provision ratios used for accounts         Provision ratios used for other
                                                       receivables                             receivables

Within 1 year (including 1 year )                                          0.00%                                    0.00%

1 to 2 years                                                               5.00%                                    5.00%

2 to 3 years                                                               10.00%                                 10.00%

More than 3 years                                                          20.00%                                 20.00%

(3)Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant but subject to separate
assessment for provision for bad debts

                                                             There exists objective evidence that the Group will not be
The reason for making separate assessment for provision
                                                             able to collect the amount under the original terms of the
for bad debts

                                                             The provision for bad debts is determined based on the
                                                             amount of the present value of the future cash flows
The provision for bad debts
                                                             expected to be derived from the receivable below its
                                                             carrying amount.

10. Inventories

(a) Classification
Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods, delegate processing supplies and
turnover materials, and are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

(b) Costing of inventories
Cost is determined on the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress
comprises raw materials, direct labour and an allocation of systematically allocated overhead
expenditures incurred based on normal operating capacity.

(c) Basis for determining net realisable values of inventories and method for making provision for decline
in the value of inventories

Provisions for declines in the value of inventories are determined at the excess amount of the carrying
value of the inventories over their net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined based on the
estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and
estimated costs necessary to make the sale and related taxes.

(d) The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(e) Amortisation methods of low value consumables and packaging materials

                                                         CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                            OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                         For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Turnover materials include low value consumables and packaging materials, which are expensed when

11. Long-term equity investments

Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries
and the Group’s long-term equity investments in its associates.

Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. Associates are the
investees that the Group has significant influence on their financial and operating policies.

Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial statements,
and adjusted by using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Interests
in associates are accounted for using the equity method.

(a) Determination of investment cost
For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination: for long-term equity
investments acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the
investment cost shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of owners’ equity of the party
being absorbed at the combination date; for long-term equity investment acquired through a business
combination involving enterprises not under common control, the investment cost shall be the combination

(b) Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit and loss
For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the initial
investment costs, and cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are recognised as
investment income in profit or loss.

For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost
of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
net assets at the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is measured at the initial investment
cost; where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s
identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is included in profit or loss and the cost of the
long-term equity investment is adjusted upwards accordingly.

For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, the Group recognises the
investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group discontinues
recognising its share of net losses of an investee after the carrying amount of the long-term equity
investment together with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the investor’s net
investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losses
and the criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on contingencies
are satisfied, the Group continues recognising the investment losses and the provisions. For changes in

                                                           CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                              OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                           For the six months ended 30 June 2015
owners’ equity of the investee other than those arising from its net profit or loss, other comprehensive
income, and profit distribution, the Group adjusts the book value of the investment and records capital
surplus accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit
distribution or cash dividends declared by an investee. The unrealised profits or losses arising from the
intra-group transactions amongst the Group and its investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s
equity interest in the investees, and then based on which the investment gains or losses are recognised.
For the loss on the intra-group transaction amongst the Group and its investees attributable to asset
impairment, any unrealised loss is not eliminated.

(c) Basis for determing existence of control, jointly control or significant influence over investees
Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the investee so as to obtain benefits
from its operating activities. In determining whether the Company is able to exercise control over the
investee, the effect of potential voting rights over the investee is considered, such as convertible debts and
warrants currently exercisable, etc.

Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the
investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies.

(d) Impairment of long-term equity investments
The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates is reduced to the
recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount.

12. Investment properties

Investment properties, including land use rights that have already been leased out, buildings that are held
for the purpose of leasing, and buildings that are being constructed or developed for the purpose of
leasing in future, are measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred in relation to an
investment property are included in the cost of the investment property when it is probable that the
associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and their costs can be reliably measured; otherwise,
the expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties. Buildings and
land use rights are depreciated or amortised to their estimated net residual values over their estimated
useful lives. The estimated useful lives, the estimated net residual values that are expressed as a
percentage of cost and the annual depreciation (amortisation) rates of investment properties are as

                                                                               Annual depreciation (amortisation)
                          Estimated useful lives    Estimated residual value

Buildings                             20-35 years                        5%                          2.71% to 4.75%

Land use rights                       30-50 years                        0%                          2.00% to 3.33%

                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015
When an investment property is transferred to owner-occupied properties, it is reclassified as fixed asset
or intangible asset at the date of the transfer. When an owner-occupied property is transferred out for
earning rentals or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset or intangible asset is reclassified as investment
properties at its carrying amount at the date of the transfer.

The investment property’s estimated useful life, net residual value and depreciation (amortisation) method
applied are reviewed and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end.

An investment property is derecognised on disposal or when the investment property is permanently
withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The net amount of
proceeds from sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an investment property after its carrying amount and
related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

The carrying amount of an investment property is reduced to the recoverable amount if the recoverable
amount is below the carrying amount .

13. Fixed assets


Recoginition and initial measurement of fixed assets
Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, other equipment and
leasehold improvements.

Fixed assets are recognised when it is probable that the related economic benefits will flow to the Group
and the costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially
measured at cost at the acquisition date. The fixed assets contributed by the State shareholders at the
reorganisation of the Company into a corporation entity are recognised based on the revaluated amounts
approved by the state-owned assets administration department.

Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is
probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably
measured. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent
expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

(2)Depreciation methods

                                                                    Estimated residual        Annual
                      Depreciation methods Estimated useful lives
                                                                          value          depreciation rates

Buildings              straight-line method      20-35 years               5%            2.71% to 4.75%

Machinery and
                       straight-line method      5-14 years                5%             6.79% to 19%

                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Motor vehicles          straight-line method    5-10 years               5%             9.50% to 19.00%

Other equipment         straight-line method    3-10 years               5%             9.50% to 31.67%

                        straight-line method   Within 5 years            0%              Above 20.00%

14. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, installation
costs, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalisation and other costs necessary to bring the fixed
assets ready for their intended use. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets
are ready for their intended use, and depreciation begins from the following month. The carrying amount of
construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than
the carrying amount.

15. Borrowing costs

The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of a fixed asset that
needs a substantially long period of time for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as
part of the cost of the asset when expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and
the activities relating to the acquisition and construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its
intended use have commenced. The capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under
acquisition or construction becomes ready for its intended use and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter
are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended
during periods in which the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset is interrupted abnormally and the
interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the acquisition or construction is resumed.

For the specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset qualifying for
capitalisation, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by deducting any
interest income earned from depositing the unused specific borrowings in the banks or any investment
income arising on the temporary investment of those borrowings during the capitalisation period.

For the general borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset qualifying for
capitalisation, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying the
weighted average effective interest rate of general borrowings, to the weighted average of the excess
amount of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amount of specific borrowings. The effective
interest rate is the rate at which the estimated future cash flows during the period of expected duration of
the borrowings or applicable shorter period are discounted to the initial amount of the borrowings.

16. Intangible assets

(1)Valuation method.Useful life.Impairment test

Intangible assets include land use rights, computer softwares, technology patents,trademarks and

                                                       CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                          OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                       For the six months ended 30 June 2015
distribution network, which initially recognised at cost. Intangible assets contributed by state-owned
shareholders during the company reorganisation were recorded based on the valuation amount approved
by the state-owned assets supervision and management department.

(a) Land use rights
A land use right granted by government with a infinite useful life would not be amortised. Other land use
rights are amortised on the straight-line basis over their approved useful period. If the acquisition costs of
land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reliably allocated between the land use rights
and the buildings, all of the acquisition costs are recognised as fixed assets.

(b) Computer softwares
Computer softwares purchased by the Group are initially measured at cost, which are amortised on the
straight-line basis over their approved useful period of 3 to 5 years.

(c) Trademarks and Technology Patents
Trademarks are amortised on the straight-line basis over their effective periods as stipulated by law of 5 to
10 years. Technology Patents are amortised on the straight-line basis over their effective useful period of 5

(d) Distribution network
Distribution network includes customer relationships and distribution channels, which is amortised on the
straight-line basis over its approved useful live of 20 years.

(e) Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method
For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is
performed at each year-end, with adjustment made as appropriate.

For an intangible asset without a definite useful life, review of its useful life are performed at each

(2)Internal research and development

(a) Research and development
The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the
research phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and whether there is
material uncertainty that the research and development activities can form an intangible asset at end of
the project.

Expenditure for investigation, evaluation and selection of production process researches is recognised in
profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred. Expenditure on the designation, measurement of the final
utilization of the production process before mass production, is capitalised only if all of the following
conditions are satisfied:

                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015

    development of the production process has been fully demonstrated by the technical team;
    management has approved the budget of drug production development;
    market research analysis suggests that the products produced by the new production technology are
    able to be promoted;
   adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the ability to use or
   sell the intangible asset; and
   the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably

Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in
the period in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not
recognised as an asset in a subsequent period. Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is
presented as development costs in the balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the date that
the asset is ready for its intended use.

17. Impairment of long-term assets

Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, long-term prepaid
expenses and investment properties measured using the cost model and long-term equity investments in
subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an asset
may be impaired at the balance date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable
amount of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are
recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the
future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and
recognised on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an
individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A
group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements,intangible assets with infinite useful lives
and capitalized development expenditures are tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of
whether there is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, the carrying value of
goodwill is allocated to the related asset groups or groups of asset groups which are expected to benefit
from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable
amount of an asset group or group of asset groups, including the goodwill allocated, is lower than its
carrying amount, the corresponding impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss is first deducted
from the carrying amount of goodwill that is allocated to the asset group or group of asset groups, and then
deducted from the carrying amounts of other assets within the asset groups or groups of asset groups in
proportion to the carrying amounts of other assets.

Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the
subsequent periods.

                                                      CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                         OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                      For the six months ended 30 June 2015
18. Long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditure for improvements to fixed assets under operating
leases, and other expenditures that have been made but should be recgonised as expenses over more
than one year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortised on the
straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure net of
accumulated amortisation.

19. Employee benefit

(1)Short-term employee benefits

Short-term employee benefits include wages or salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff welfare,
medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing funds, and union running costs
and employee education costs. The employee benefits are recognised in the accounting period in which
the service has been rendered by the employees, and as costs of assets or expenses to whichever the
employee service is attributable.

(2)Post-employment benefits

The Company classifies post-employment benefit plans into either defined contribution plans and defined
benefit plans. Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Company
pays fixed contributions into a separate fund and will have no obligation to pay further contributions; and
defined benefit plans are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans. During the
reporting period, the Company's post-employment benefits mainly include basic pensions, unemployment
insurance and enterprise annuity, both of which belong to the defined contribution plans.

Basic pensions

The Company’s employees participate in the defined basic pension insurance plan set up and
administered by local labour and social protection authorities. Basic pensions are provided monthly
according to stipulated bases and proportions to local labour and social security institutions. When
employees retire, local labour and social security institutions have a duty to pay the basic pension
insurance to them. The amounts payable are recognised as liabilities based on the above provisions in the
accounting period in which the service has been rendered by the employees, and as costs of assets or
expenses to whichever the employee service is attributable.

(3)Termination benefits

The group recognizes the debt and the gain or loss, when offering compensation for terminating the labor
contract before the due date, or encouraging the staff to resign voluntarily, at the earlier date when the
group cannot unilaterally withdraw the labor relation plan or recognize the cost relating to recombinant
involving the payment of termination benefits.

                                                       CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                          OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                       For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Retirement benefits

The group provides retirement benefits to employees who accept the internal retirement arrangements.
Retirement benefits refer to the salary and social security contributions provided to those staff who
voluntarily quit the job with approval from the management team, before the retirement age. The group
offers retirement benefits from the date when the arrangement begins, to the date when the staff reaches
the retirement age. The group accounts the retirement benefits referring to the accounting treatment for
the termination benefits. Liability including salary and social security contributions is recognized when
conditions of termination benefits recognition meet, regarding to the period from the staff leaves the
position to the normal retirement date. Difference arising from the changes in actuarial assumptions for
retirement benefits and adjustments in welfare standard, will be accounted in the current profits and

Retirement benefits that are expected to be paid within one year from the balance sheet date is disclosed
as current liability.

20. Provisions

Provisions for product warranties, onerous contracts etc. are recognised when the Group has a present
obligation, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and
the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related
present obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time value
of money, are taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect
of the time value of money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future
cash outflows. The increase in the discounted amount of the provision arising from passage of time is
recognised as interest expense.

The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the
current best estimate.

21. Revenue

The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or
receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is
shown net of discounts and returns.

Revenue can be recognized on condition that the transaction-related economic interest is expected to be
satisfied, the amount is able to reliably measured, and the following recognition conditions are met:

(a) Sale of goods
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the

                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015
goods are transferred to the buyer, the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the
degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold, and it is probable that
the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and the relevant revenue
and costs can be measured reliably.

(b) Rendering of services
The Group provides freight,storage and other service to external parties. The freights are recognised as
revenue right after the goods are transported to the place of delivery according to contracts or agreements,
received and confirmed by the purchasers. Other revenue is determined in accordance with the amount
provided in the service period stipulated in the contract.

(c) Transfer of asset use rights
Interest income is determined by using the effective interest method, based on the length of time for which
the Group’s cash is used by others.

Income from an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.

(d) Customer Loyalty Programme
The group offers loyalty points programmes where points earned through the purchase of goods can only
be redeemed for goods provided by Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. or other free goods. The
fair value of the consideration received or receivable in respect of the initial sale is allocated between the
award credits and the other components of the sale. Fair value of award points is measured on the basis
of the value of the awards (that is, goods or services) for which they could be redeemed, the fair value of
the award credits should take account of expected forfeitures as well as the discounts or incentives that
would otherwise be offered to customers who have not earned award credits from an initial sale.

22. Government grants

(1)Judging basis and accounting treatments of Related to assets Government grants

Government grants are transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group
at nil consideration, including refund of taxes and financial subsidies, etc.

A government grant is recognised when the conditions attached to it can be complied with and the
government grant can be received. For a government grant in the form of transfer of monetary assets, the
grant is measured at the amount received or receivable. For a government grant in the form of transfer of
non-monetary assets, it is measured at fair value; if the fair value is not reliably determinable; the grant is
measured at nominal amount.

A government grant related to an asset is grant received aimed to create long-term asset by contructing or
other methods. And government grant related to income is any grant other than government grant related
to an asset.

                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015

A government grant related to an asset is recognised as deferred income, and evenly amortised to profit or
loss over the useful life of the related asset. Government grants measured at nominal amounts are
recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period.

(2)Judging basis and accounting treatments of Government grants related to income

For government grants related to income, where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or
losses to be incurred by the Group in the subsequent periods, the grant is recognised as deferred income,
and included in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; where the grant is
a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred by the Group, the grant is recognised
immediately in profit or loss for the current period.

23. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences
arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences).
Deferred tax asset is recognised for the deductible losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years
for deduction of the taxable profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax liability is recognised for
a temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax
liability is recognised for the temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or
liabilities due to a transaction other than a business combination, which affects neither accounting profit
nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax
liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised
or the liability is settled.

Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax
credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the
deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:

- The deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority;

-   That tax payer has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries
and associates, except where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary
difference, and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. When
it is probable that the temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates will be
reversed in the foreseeable future and that the taxable profit will be available in the future against which
the temporary differences can be utilised, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognised.

                                                      CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                         OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                      For the six months ended 30 June 2015

24. Operating leases

Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the
lease, and are either capitalised as part of the cost of related assets or charged as an expense for the
current period.

25. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(a) Governmental medical reserve funds and specially approved reserving materials
Appointed by the PRC Government, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (“CNPGC") is
responsible for purchasing, allocating and providing the governmental medical reserves, which include the
medical products, traditional Chinese medicine and medical appliances for nation-wide emergency rescue
and disaster relief. Appointed by the Government of Guangxi Province, Sinopharm Medicine Holding
Guangxi Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Guangxi”), a subsidiary of the Company, is responsible for purchasing,
allocating and providing the medical reserves, which include the medical products needed for common
disease and emergencies triggered by major disasters, epidemics and other situations in Guangxi
Province. In accordance with the regulation of CNPGC, as being the enterprise who bears the obligation
for specially approved medical reserving materials, the medical reserve funds received from the PRC
Government or local government are recognised in other Non-current liabilities. The Group reserves the
specially approved medical reserving materials according to the reserve program (by category and by
quantity), applies dynamic management and recognises in other non-current assets.

(b) Dividend distribution
Cash dividends distribution is recognised as a liability in the period in which it is approved by the annual
shareholders’ meeting.

(c) Segment information
The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organisation structure, management
requirements and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments
which is determined on the basis of operating segments.

An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) the
component is able to earn revenues and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2) whose operating
results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions about resources to be
allocated to the segment and to assess its performance, and (3) for which the information on financial
position, operating results and cash flows is available to the Group. If two or more operating segments
have similar economic characteristics and satisfy certain conditions, they are aggregated into one single
operating segment.

(d) Critical accounting estimates
The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgments applied based on

                                                         CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                            OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                         For the six months ended 30 June 2015
historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be

Critical accounting estimates and key assumptions

The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material
adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined

(i) Accounting estimates on impairment of goodwill
The Group tests annually whether goodwill has suffered any impairment. The recoverable amount of asset
groups and groups of asset groups is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived
from them. These calculations require use of estimates.

If management revises the gross margin that is used in the calculation of the future cash flows of asset
groups and groups of asset groups, and the revised gross margin is lower than the one currently used, the
Group would need to recognise further impairment against goodwill and fixed assets.

If management revises the pre-tax discount rate applied to the discounted cash flows, and the revised
pre-tax discount rate is higher than the one currently applied, the Group would need to recognise further
impairment against goodwill and fixed assets.

If the actual gross margin/pre-tax discount rate is higher/lower than management’s estimates, the
impairment loss of goodwill previously provided for is not allowed to be reversed by the Group.

(ii) Accounting estimates on impairment of accounts receivable
In accordance with the Group’s accounting policy, the Group’s management tests annually whether
receivables have suffered any impairment, Impairment of receivables has been assessed by taking into
account the customers’ credit history and financial position together with the current market conditions.
Even if the Group’s management has made bad debt provision for the expected loss at its best estimate,
there is a possibility that changes in customers’ financial position or market conditions will alter the result.

(iii) Accounting estimates on impairment of inventories
In accordance with the Group’s accounting policy, the Group’s management estimates the net realizable
value of the inventory. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated selling price in the
ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to
make the sale and related taxes. Even if the Group’s management has made stock provision for the
expected impairment at its best estimate, there is a possibility that changes in market conditions will alter
the result.

                                                                CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                   OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                For the six months ended 30 June 2015

1. The types and rates of taxes

                   Type                                 Taxable base                               Tax rate

Value added tax (“VAT”)                  Taxable value added amount (Tax
                                           payable is calculated using the taxable
                                           sales amount multiplied by the effective 0%.3%.6%.11%.13% or 17%
                                           tax rate less deductible VAT input of
                                           current period)

Business tax                               Rental income, interest income and

City maintenance and construction tax VAT and business tax                           7%

Enterprise income tax (“EIT”)            Taxable income                            10%.15%.25%

The enterprises of different corporate income tax rate are disclosured as below:

                    Name of Companies                                                Income Tax Rate

Sinopharm Medicine Holding Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                  15%

Sinopharm Medicine Holding Guangxi Co., Ltd.                                              15%

Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Logistics Co., Ltd.                                             15%

Sinopharm Holding Wuzhou Co., Ltd.                                                        15%

Sinopharm Beihai                                                                          15%

Sinopharm Holding Yulin Co., Ltd.                                                         15%

Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Medical Management Co., Ltd                                   10%

2. Tax preferences

In 2012, the subsidiary Sinopharm Medicine Holding Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan Pharmaceutical Co.,
Ltd.(“Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan”) obtained the certificate of High and New Technology Enterprises with
effective period of 3 years, 2012 to 2014. As relevant preferential tax treatment has expires on December
31, 2014, Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan has been renewing the certificate. Assuming there is no change on
relevant laws and regulations, we consider Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan still can got the certificate with
effective period of 3 years, 2015 to 2017. Hence, Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan uses the income tax rate of
15% for the six months ended 30 June 2015.

In 2014, the subsidiary Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“Zhijun Medicine”) obtained the
certificate of High and New Technology Enterprises with effective period of 3 years, 2014 to 2016.

                                                     CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                        OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                     For the six months ended 30 June 2015

Under the relevant regulations of article 28 of the Corporate Income Tax Law, the applicable tax rates for
Zhijun Medicine and Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pingshan in year 2015 are 15% (2014: 15%).

In 2014, the subdidiary Sinopharm Guangxi Logistics Co., Ltd (“Guangxi Logistics”) got the approval from
local tax bureau of Guangxi Province, and was entitled with a Western Development preferential tax rate
of 15% from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020. In 2015, the subdidiary Sinopharm Holding Guangxi,
Sinopharm Holding Beihai Co., Ltd(“Sinopharm Holding Beihai”), Sinopharm Holding Yulin Co.,
Ltd(“Sinopharm Holding Yulin”), Sinopharm Holding Wuzhou Co., Ltd(“Sinopharm Holding Wuzhou”) got
the aforementioned approval as well. Hence, they were entitled with a preferential tax rate of 15% from 1
January 2014 to 31 December 2020, from 28 February 2014 to 31 December 2020, from 1 January 2015
to 31 December 2020 and from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2020, respectively.

In 2015, Guangzhou Medical, which was the ou established lately this year as a subsidiary of Sinopharm
Holding Guangzhou, was treated as a small low-profit enterprise, and was entitled with a low income tax
rate, which was 10%.

VII.Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Cash at bank and on hand


               Items                         30 June 2015                      31 December 2014

Cash on hand                                                77,018.59                             41,627.16

Cash at bank                                         1,157,478,609.26                       854,170,379.68

Other cash balances                                      4,315,545.18                        13,350,108.70

Total                                                1,161,871,173.03                       867,562,115.54

At 30 June 2015, other cash balances include deposits for bank acceptance notes and depostis for letter
of credit.

2.Notes receivable

(1)Types of notes receivable


               Items                         30 June 2015                      31 December 2014

Bank acceptance notes                                  277,058,160.24                       260,984,531.31

Trade acceptance notes                                 236,470,445.54                       358,010,908.78

Total                                                  513,528,605.78                       618,995,440.09

                                                                        CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                           OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015
(2)As at the end of this period, pledged notes receivable


                                Items                                    The pledged notes receivables at the end of this period

Bank acceptance notes                                                                                                      4,929,266.00

Total                                                                                                                      4,929,266.00

(3)As at the end of this period, the endorsed or the discounted undue notes receivables of the


                                                  Recognition terminated at the end of       Recognition not terminated at the end of
                                                                this period                                this period

Bank acceptance notes                                                    818,527,470.71                                            0.00

Trade acceptance notes                                                                0.00                               134,570,639.59

Total                                                                    818,527,470.71                                  134,570,639.59

3. Accounts receivable

(1)The accounts receivable and related provision for bad debts


                                                 30 June 2015                                     31 December 2014

                            Carrying amount Bad debt provision                      Carrying amount      Bad debt provision
                             amount      % of      amount % of total Net book amount % of total          amount     % of total
                                         total            balance value              balance                        balance

  significant are
                            38,112,28              16,137,              21,974,6 27,306,                 17,714,7                9,592,0
  subject to separate                   0.48%                42.34%                             0.39%                 64.87%
                                9.40                611.94                77.46 785.00                      27.50                 57.50

receivable accounts                                                                7,001,1                                       7,000,7
                            7,791,68     98.84 1,934,0                  7,789,75                         368,802.
  within similar credit                                         0.02%              30,510.     99.40%                    0.01% 61,707.
                            6,980.69         %       32.23              2,948.46                               84
  risk group                                                                           38                                            54

individually not
  significant but
                            53,439,5               6,225,3              47,214,2 14,714,                 6,756,00                7,958,9
  individually                          0.68%                11.65%                             0.21%                 45.91%
                               43.36                 20.17                23.19 908.91                       0.76                 08.15
  evaluated for

                                                                    CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                       OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                    For the six months ended 30 June 2015
                                                                                7,043,1                                         7,018,3
                            7,883,23 100.00 24,296,                 7,858,94                            24,839,5
Total                                                       0.31%               52,204.    100.00%                     0.35% 12,673.
                            8,813.45       %    964.34              1,849.11                                31.10
                                                                                    29                                                19

As at the end of this period, impairment provision for accounts receivable individually significant are analysed:

Accounts receivable(by                                                  30 June 2015
        currency unit)       Accounts receivable         Bad debt provision               Rate            Assessment for impairment

 Guangdong Liyuan                                                                                         Disputed receivable with
Pharmaceutical Co.,                    14,517,375.00           14,517,375.00                    100.00% higher risk of recoverability
Ltd                                                                                                       which has filed a lawsuit

Qinzhou Second                                                                                            High uncertainty in
                                       11,793,056.40               589,652.82                     5.00%
People's Hospital                                                                                         recoverability

Affiliated hospital of
                                                                                                          High uncertainty in
Youjiang medical                        6,539,414.40               326,970.72                     5.00%
college for Nationalities

Tibet Naqukanghui
                                                                                                          High uncertainty in
Pharmaceutical Co.,                     5,262,443.60               703,613.40                    13.37%

Total                                  38,112,289.40           16,137,611.94               --                          --

Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk level:

                                                                              30 June 2015
                                        Accounts receivable            Bad debt provision                           Rate

Within 1 year                                  7,754,118,802.17                                 0.00                             0.00%

1 to 2 years                                     36,482,005.89                      1,824,100.31                                 5.00%

2 to 3 years                                       1,073,026.03                      107,302.60                                 10.00%

Over 3 years                                           13,146.60                          2,629.32                              20.00%

Total                                          7,791,686,980.69                     1,934,032.23                                 0.02%

(2)Recovered or reversed bad debt amount, and Bad debt provision in this period

Bad debt provision in this year is RMB2,086,948.76. Recovered or reversed bad debt amount adds up to

Important recovered or reversed bad debt items are listed below:

                                                               CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                  OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                               For the six months ended 30 June 2015
            Name of company                 Recovered or reversed amount                       Way of recovery

Tibet Naqukanghui Pharmaceutical
                                                                    2,493,739.10                            Amount received
Co., Ltd

Zengcheng Zhengguo Institute of
                                                                        13,526.22                           Amount received

Conghua City, Jiang Po Street
                                                                        60,843.00                           Amount received
Community Health Service Center

Total                                                               2,568,108.32                      --

(3)As at 30 June 2015, the top five accounts receivable by customer are summariesd as below:

As at 30 June 2015, the top five accounts receivable by customer are summariesd as below:

                                                                Bad debt provision
                                         Amount                                          % of the total accounts receivable

Total amount of the top five
                                           593,390,063.69                       450.00                               7.53%
accounts receivables

(4)Analysis of account receivables that are terminated recognition due to financial asset transfer:
By 30 June 2015, accounts receivable of RMB70,499,859.45 has been factored to financial institute(2014
semi-annual: RMB912,614,815.13). The corresponding loss is RMB1,673,457.26 (2014 semi-annual:

4. Advances to suppliers

(1)The aging of advances to suppliers is analysed below:


                                         30 June 2015                                    31 December 2014
                                amount            % of total balance             amount               % of total balance

Within 1 year                   107,181,913.91                  99.78%               95,744,012.90                  99.69%

1 to 2 years                         54,628.60                   0.05%                   66,286.50                   0.07%

2 to 3 years                             200.00                  0.00%                 213,144.00                    0.22%

Above 3 years                      179,355.00                    0.17%                   19,711.00                   0.02%

Total                           107,416,097.51            --                         96,043,154.40            --

(2)The top five advances to suppliers by customer are summarized

As at 30 June 2015, the top five advances to suppliers by customer are summarized as below:

                                                                          Amount                 Proportion of total balance

                                                                      CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                         OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                      For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Total amount of top five advances to                                       44,975,556.30                                        41.87%

5. Dividends receivable


            Projects(or investees)                            30 June 2015                                31 December 2014

 Shenzhen Wanle Medical Co.,
                                                                           35,190,000.00                                             0.00
Ltd.(“Wanle Medical”)

Total                                                                      35,190,000.00                                             0.00

6. Other receivables

(1)Other receivables and related provision for bad debts by category:

                                             30 June 2015                                          31 December 2014

                          Carrying amount Bad debt provision                     Carrying amount Bad debt provision
           Types                                                      Net book                                               Net book
                                     % of total                                            % of total
                                                                       value                                                   value
                          amount       amount amount          rate               amount      amount amount          rate

     significant are
                          8,980,0                 8,980,00 100.00                8,980,0                8,980,00
  subject to separate                 17.28%                              0.00              22.23%                 100.00%           0.00
                            00.00                    0.00        %                00.00                    0.00

Receivable accounts
                          38,092,                 290,150.            37,802,2 25,447,                  219,614.             25,227,573.
  within similar credit               73.29%                 0.76%                          63.01%                  0.86%
                           414.75                      82                63.93 187.91                        23                        68
          risk group

   Individually not
        significant but
                          4,899,4                 1,884,03            3,015,43 5,959,9                  2,612,55             3,347,354.2
         individually                   9.43%                38.45%                         14.76%                 43.84%
                            78.95                    9.51                 9.44    05.13                    0.91                         2
        evaluated for

                          51,971,                 11,154,1            40,817,7 40,387,                  11,812,1             28,574,927.
Total                                100.00%                 21.46%                        100.00%                 29.25%
                           893.70                   90.33                03.37 093.04                     65.14                        90

As at 30 June 2015, impairment provision for other receivables individually significant:

                                                                                 30 June 2015
 Other receivables(by company)
                                          Other receivables      Bad debt provision              Rate               Assessment for

                                                               CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                  OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                               For the six months ended 30 June 2015

Shenzhen Yinghai Technology                                                                          Uncertainty in
                                           8,980,000.00          8,980,000.00             100.00%
Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                 recoverability

Total                                      8,980,000.00          8,980,000.00            --                      --

Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk group:

                                                                        30 June 2015
                                    Other receivables              Bad debt provision                         Rate

Within 1 year                                35,276,001.51                                 0.00                          0.00%

1 to 2 years                                   1,572,662.01                           78,633.10                          5.00%

2 to 3 years                                     372,325.35                           37,232.54                        10.00%

Over 3 years                                     871,425.88                       174,285.18                           20.00%

Total                                        38,092,414.75                        290,150.82                             0.00%

(2)Bad debt provision of Other receivables, Important recovered or reversed items this period

Bad debt provision of Other receivables this period is RMB94,528.23with the recovered or reversed
amount to be RMB201,854.32.

(3)Other receivables written off for the six months ended 30 June,2015

Other receivables written off for the six months ended 30 June, 2015 is RMB550,648.72.

(4)Other receivables by nature are analysed below:


                Nature                                  30 June 2015                              31 December 2014

Deposit                                                            15,778,888.88                                 11,871,118.11

Petty cash advance to employees                                        9,539,942.63                               6,131,979.57

Receivable of equity transaction                                       8,980,000.00                               8,980,000.00

Receivable due from related party                                      1,596,860.68                               1,899,766.89

Others                                                             16,076,201.51                                 11,504,228.47

Total                                                              51,971,893.70                                 40,387,093.04

(5)The top 5 parties that owe the largest amounts of other receivable balances


                                                                       CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                          OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                       For the six months ended 30 June 2015
         Company Name                     Nature                  Balance         Aging           % of total amount Provision of bad debt

Shenzhen Yinghai Technology Receivable of equity
                                                                  8,980,000.00   Over 5 years              17.28%         8,980,000.00
Investment Co., Ltd.            transaction

Guangzhou people's Court of

Yuexiu District ,Guangzhou,     Litigation deposit                5,388,080.00   Within 1 year             10.37%                  0.00

Guangdong Province

Guangxi Autonomous Region
                                Collective housing repair
Housing Reformed System                                           1,911,494.23   Over 5 years               3.68%                  0.00
Finance Department

Sinopharm Group Medicine
                                deposit                           1,215,000.00    1 to 2 years              2.34%                  0.00
Logistic Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen pharmaceutical
health care products import and Operational transactions          1,157,860.00   Over 5 years               2.23%         1,157,860.00
Export Co.,Ltd.

Total                                         --               18,652,434.23                --             35.90%        10,137,860.00

7. Inventories

(1)Inventories by category


                                          30 June 2015                                           31 December 2014
                         Book value           Provision      Net book value         Book value         Provision      Net book value

Raw materials          118,658,121.30      3,602,497.94      115,055,623.36      144,596,922.64     3,596,085.79      141,000,836.85

Work in
                       22,510,603.41       4,239,079.92       18,271,523.49       25,031,852.48     6,537,971.20       18,493,881.28

Finished goods 2,108,855,510.54 17,210,005.22 2,091,645,505.32 2,174,537,205.97 14,519,470.94 2,160,017,735.03

processing                881,565.64                  0.00         881,565.64      1,288,334.79               0.00       1,288,334.79

Low cost
                         1,476,730.37         207,572.98        1,269,157.39       1,551,729.58         19,254.66        1,532,474.92

Total               2,252,382,531.26 25,259,156.06 2,227,123,375.20 2,347,006,045.46 24,672,782.59 2,322,333,262.87

(2)Provision for declines in value of inventories


                              31 December            Current period increase         Current period decrease
          Items                                                                                                         30 June 2015
                                 2014                 Increases         Others   Reversal or written off     Others

                                                                   CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                      OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                   For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Raw materials                  3,596,085.79       1,695,665.90           0.00           1,689,253.75          0.00 3,602,497.94

Work in progress               6,537,971.20                 0.00         0.00           2,298,891.28          0.00 4,239,079.92

Finished goods                14,519,470.94       9,397,728.09           0.00           6,707,193.81          0.00 17,210,005.22

Low cost
                                   19,254.66          188,318.32         0.00                    0.00         0.00      207,572.98

Total                         24,672,782.59      11,281,712.31           0.00         10,695,338.84           0.00 25,259,156.06

8. Other Current Asset


                    Items                                   30 June 2015                               31 December 2014

Corporate income tax to be deducted                                        7,289,470.37                                 808,216.55

VAT to be deducted                                                        12,055,577.86                              39,475,078.08

Other                                                                                0.00                                 25,296.84

Total                                                                     19,345,048.23                              40,308,591.47

9. Long-term equity investments


                     31 December                                                                                          Provision
    Investees                            Additional      Share of         Dividend      Provision of     30 June 2015
                            2014                                                                                           ending
                                        investment      profit or loss    declared      impairment


Shenzhen Wanle
                    157,604,846.85              0.00 28,160,061.44 35,190,000.00               0.00 150,574,908.29             0.00
Medical Co., Ltd.

HoldingZhuhai                      0.00 1,002,980.00      114,000.00             0.00          0.00        1,116,980.00        0.00
Co., Ltd.

Sub total           157,604,846.85 1,002,980.00 28,274,061.44 35,190,000.00                    0.00 151,691,888.29             0.00

Total               157,604,846.85 1,002,980.00 28,274,061.44 35,190,000.00                    0.00 151,691,888.29             0.00

                                                     CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                        OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                     For the six months ended 30 June 2015

10. Investment Properties


                    Items                     Buildings            Land use rights           Total


    1.31 December 2014                          148,033,589.95          21,829,816.24       169,863,406.19

    2. Increase in Current period                 11,626,330.36                      0.00    11,626,330.36

    Transferred from fixed assets                 11,626,330.36                      0.00    11,626,330.36

    3. Decrease in Current period                 3,155,759.25             825,876.78         3,981,636.03

    Other outflow                                 3,155,759.25             825,876.78         3,981,636.03

    4.30 June 2015                              156,504,161.06          21,003,939.46       177,508,100.52

II.Accumulated depreciation/ amortisation

    1.31 December 2014                           91,404,525.86            3,322,029.82       94,726,555.68

    2. Increase in Current period                 4,339,222.38             285,776.83         4,624,999.21

    Provision or depreciation                      3,611,236.42            285,776.83         3,897,013.25

    Transferred from fixed assets                   727,985.96                       0.00      727,985.96

    3. Decrease in Current period                 2,685,594.38             280,587.79         2,966,182.17

    Other outflow                                 2,685,594.38             280,587.79         2,966,182.17

    4.30 June 2015                               93,058,153.86            3,327,218.86       96,385,372.72

III.Provision for impairment loss

    1.31 December 2014                            1,300,000.00                       0.00     1,300,000.00

    2. Increase in Current period                         0.00                       0.00             0.00

    3.Decrease in Current period                          0.00                       0.00             0.00

    4.30 June 2015                                1,300,000.00                       0.00     1,300,000.00

IV.Net book value

    1.30 June 2015 Net book value                62,146,007.20          17,676,720.60        79,822,727.80

    2.31 December 2014 Net book value            55,329,064.09          18,507,786.42        73,836,850.51

In 2015 semi annual, the amount of depreciation and amortization were RMB3,897,013.25 (2014 semi

In 2015 semi annual, the Group changed the use of buildings with a carrying amount of
RMB10,898,344.40 (Cost: RMB11,626,330.36, accumulated depreciation:RMB727,985.96) The relative
fixed assets and intangible assets were respectively transferred into investment properties at the date of
change in use.

                                                              CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                 OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                              For the six months ended 30 June 2015

In 2015 semi annual, the Group changed the use of buildings with a carrying amount of RMB1,015,453.86
(Cost: RMB3,981,636.03, accumulated depreciation:RMB2,966,182.17) The relative investment
properties were transferred into fixed assets and intangible assets respectively for self use at the date of

11. Fixed Assets

(1)Fixed Assets


                                        Machinery and                                      Leasehold
          Items          Buildings                       Motor vehicles    Other                             Total
                                         equipment                                        improvements


  1.31 December
                       542,206,947.63 490,373,556.86 56,105,467.78 207,135,443.61 30,798,145.75 1,326,619,561.63

  2. Current period
                         4,855,073.81     6,435,426.09      957,198.38    3,110,411.11     8,051,071.93    23,409,181.32
other additions

    (1)purchase          1,699,314.56     3,483,394.68      957,198.38    2,675,411.11     1,362,064.66    10,177,383.39

    (2)Transfer from
Construction in                  0.00     2,952,031.41             0.00    435,000.00      6,689,007.27    10,076,038.68

    (3)Increase in
                                 0.00             0.00             0.00            0.00           0.00               0.00
Enterprise merger

    (4) Transfer to
investment               3,155,759.25             0.00             0.00            0.00           0.00      3,155,759.25

  3. Current period
                        11,626,330.36     1,011,077.61    1,044,076.00     536,404.25      2,441,552.96    16,659,441.18

    (1)Disposal or
                                 0.00     1,011,077.61    1,044,076.00     536,404.25      2,441,552.96     5,033,110.82

    (2)Transfer to
investment              11,626,330.36             0.00             0.00            0.00           0.00     11,626,330.36

  4.30 June 2015       535,435,691.08 495,797,905.34 56,018,590.16 209,709,450.47 36,407,664.72 1,333,369,301.77

II. Accumulated

  1.31 December
                       142,633,804.31 235,009,650.93 33,060,080.55 128,375,890.50 18,665,819.09           557,745,245.38

  2. Current period     11,420,762.50    19,918,999.90    2,671,525.52 10,490,631.85       2,232,082.95    46,734,002.72

                                                                 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                    OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                 For the six months ended 30 June 2015
other additions

     (1)Provision          8,735,168.12      19,918,999.90    2,671,525.52 10,490,631.85          2,232,082.95     44,048,408.34

     (2) Transfer to
investment                 2,685,594.38                0.00             0.00              0.00            0.00      2,685,594.38

  3. Current period
                             727,985.96        956,352.11       848,899.47         512,032.25     2,382,281.75      5,427,551.54

     (1)Disposal or
                                      0.00     956,352.11       848,899.47         512,032.25     2,382,281.75      4,699,565.58

     (2)Transfer to
investment                   727,985.96                0.00             0.00              0.00            0.00        727,985.96

  4.30 June 2015         153,326,580.85 253,972,298.72 34,882,706.60 138,354,490.10 18,515,620.29                 599,051,696.56

III. Provision for
diminution in value

  1.31 December
                           2,449,969.17      20,855,885.66              0.00           2,873.43       7,758.64     23,316,486.90

  2. Current period
                                      0.00             0.00             0.00              0.00            0.00               0.00
other additions

  3. Current period
                                      0.00       39,350.15              0.00              0.00            0.00         39,350.15

  Disposal or
                                      0.00       39,350.15              0.00              0.00            0.00         39,350.15

  4.30 June 2015           2,449,969.17      20,816,535.51              0.00           2,873.43       7,758.64     23,277,136.75

IV. Net book value

  1.30 June 2015
                         379,659,141.06 221,009,071.11 21,135,883.56 71,352,086.94 17,884,285.79                  711,040,468.46
Net book value

  2.31 December
                         397,123,174.15 234,508,020.27 23,045,387.23 78,756,679.68 12,124,568.02                  745,557,829.35
2014 Net book value

(2)Temporary idle fixed assets

                                        accumulated      Provision of     Net book
       Items              Cost                                                                            Notes
                                        depreciation     impairment            value

                                                                                         Machinery and equipments subjected to
                                                                                         a provision by management in the past
machinery and
                      55,544,750.19     34,044,756.62 20,644,827.73       855,165.84 year because the machinery and
                                                                                         equipments were left temporarily idle
                                                                                         and expectedly no longer in use due to

                                                                CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                   OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                For the six months ended 30 June 2015
                                                                                   the strategic adjustments of

In 2015 semi annual, details of the depreciation are charged as below:

                                          For the six months ended 30 June 2015    For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Cost of goods sold                                                 24,199,873.36                              19,978,061.91

Selling expenses                                                    2,710,530.24                               1,016,530.46

General and administrative expenses                                13,633,937.70                              20,256,417.51

Research and development expenses                                   3,504,067.04                               4,035,789.44

Total                                                              44,048,408.34                              45,286,799.32

12. Construction in progress

(1)Construction in progress


                                          30 June 2015                                  31 December 2014
          Items             Carrying      Provision of                                       Provision of
                                                           Net book value Carrying amount                    Net book value
                            amount        impairment                                         impairment

Research &               369,661,249.55             0.00 369,661,249.55 298,665,439.18                0.00 298,665,439.18
Manufacturing Base

Zhijun      Production
Technological              9,720,528.90             0.00     9,720,528.90   14,214,138.81             0.00 14,214,138.81

Transformation             6,062,283.79             0.00     6,062,283.79    6,062,283.79             0.00     6,062,283.79
Project etc

Peinan Project             3,398,466.80    1,500,000.00      1,898,466.80    3,398,466.80    1,500,000.00      1,898,466.80

Other projects            13,697,748.83             0.00    13,697,748.83    9,378,367.98             0.00     9,378,367.98

Total                    402,540,277.87    1,500,000.00 401,040,277.87 331,718,696.56        1,500,000.00 330,218,696.56

                                                                                                                          CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT
                                                                                                                             OF CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                          For the six months ended 30 June 2015

           (2)Significant changes of construction in progress


                                                                                                                          Cost up                                   Borrowing
                                                                                                                                         Constru                                     Weighted
                                                                              Transfer out    Current                      to date                  Accumulated        cost
                                                31 December Current period                                                               ction in                                    average Financed
        Name of Project     Budget of Project                                     during       period     30 June 2015     out of                    capitalized    capitalized
                                                   2014         additions                                                                progress                                    interest       by
                                                                              current year    disposals                    budget                   borrowing cost in 2015 semi
                                                                                                                                           (%)                                       rate (%)
                                                                                                                            (%)                                       annual

Pingshan Pharmaceutical                                                                                                                                                                           Working
   Researc& Development      881,370,300.00 298,665,439.18 70,995,810.37               0.00        0.00 369,661,249.55     42.00%           65% 15,738,784.07 7,274,927.93             5.48% capital and
   Manufacturing Base                                                                                                                                                                           borrowings

Zhijun Production                                                                                                                                                                                 Working
   Workshop Technological    105,340,000.00 14,214,138.81 4,649,009.96        9,142,619.87         0.00    9,720,528.90    34.00%           39%              0.00             0.00     0.00%        capital
   Transformation Project

Sewage Transformation                                                                                                                                                                             Working
                                6,300,000.00     6,062,283.79          0.00            0.00        0.00    6,062,283.79    87.00%           99%              0.00             0.00     0.00%
Project etc.                                                                                                                                                                                        capital

Peinan Project                 40,000,000.00     3,398,466.80          0.00            0.00        0.00    3,398,466.80    28.00%           70%              0.00             0.00     0.00%

Other projects                          0.00     9,378,367.98 5,777,231.05      933,418.81 524,431.39 13,697,748.83           0.00           0.00            0.00             0.00     0.00%

Total                       1,033,010,300.00 331,718,696.56 81,422,051.38 10,076,038.68 524,431.39 402,540,277.87                   --           -- 15,738,784.07 7,274,927.93         5.48%             --

           In 2015 semi annual, the amounts that construction in progress transferred into fixed asset were RMB10,076,038.68 (2014 semi annual:
           RMB16,173,324.53), and long term prepaid expense were RMB524,431.39 (2014 semi annual: RMB5,331,507.83).

                                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

13. Intangible asset

(1)Intangible asset


                                                      Proprietary    Computer
              Items                 Land use rights                                 Trademarks Sales network       Total
                                                      technology      software

I. Cost

       1.31 December 2014           143,702,078.73 53,901,204.72 24,133,676.24 196,850.00 33,657,142.86

       2. Current period
                                        825,876.78            0.00    101,566.65                                 927,443.43
additions                                                                                 0.00          0.00

        (1)purchase                            0.00           0.00    101,566.65          0.00          0.00     101,566.65

        (2)Transferred from
                                        825,876.78                                                               825,876.78
investment properties                                         0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00

       3. Current period
decreases                                      0.00           0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00               0.00

       4. 30 June 2015              144,527,955.51 53,901,204.72 24,235,242.89 196,850.00 33,657,142.86

II. Accumulated amortization

       1.31 December 2014            36,737,160.08 49,952,578.71 16,678,752.94 196,850.00 4,376,904.76

       2.Current period additions     1,723,345.09     160,190.28    1,377,048.75         0.00    841,428.58    4,102,012.70

        (1)Provision                  1,442,757.30     160,190.28    1,377,048.75         0.00    841,428.58    3,821,424.91

        (2)Transferred from
                                        280,587.79                                                               280,587.79
investment properties                                         0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00

       3.Current period
decreases                                      0.00           0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00               0.00

       4.30 June 2015                38,460,505.17 50,112,768.99 18,055,801.69 196,850.00 5,218,333.34

III. Provision for impairment

       1.31 December 2014                      0.00 3,000,000.00      264,952.19          0.00          0.00    3,264,952.19

       2.Current period additions              0.00           0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00               0.00

       3.Current period
decreases                                      0.00           0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00               0.00

       4.30 June 2015                          0.00 3,000,000.00      264,952.19          0.00          0.00    3,264,952.19

                                                                          国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

IV. Net book value

  1.30 June 2015 Net book                                                                                           141,209,184.6
                                  106,067,450.34       788,435.73     5,914,489.01        0.00 28,438,809.52
value                                                                                                                             0

  2.31 December 2014 Net                                                                                            144,383,753.8
                                  106,964,918.65       948,626.01     7,189,971.11        0.00 29,280,238.10
book value                                                                                                                        7

There is no intangible asset recognized through internal research and development for the six months
ended 30 June 2015.

14. Expenditures on research and development


                                                       Current period additions      Current period decreases
                                      31 December      Expenditures on               Confirmed
               Projects                                                                           Recognized in 30 June 2015
                                         2014              internal         Other as Intangible
                                                                                                  profit and loss
                                                        development                    asset

Projects of cardiovascular and
  cerebrovascular diseases                      0.00        9,203,191.09      0.00         0.00    9,203,191.09              0.00
  treatment subtotal

 Projects of respiratory system
                                         18,117.29          3,252,049.44      0.00         0.00    3,252,049.44         18,117.29
    diseases treatment subtotal

Projects of antibiotics preparation
  and powder injection projects                 0.00       10,147,492.59      0.00         0.00 10,147,492.59                0.00

Projects of digestive system
                                                0.00          784,285.27      0.00         0.00      784,285.27              0.00
  diseases treatment etc.

Projects of antibiotics crude
                                      5,357,691.17          1,403,029.86      0.00         0.00    1,403,029.86 5,357,691.17
  drugs etc.

Projects of Chinese patent
                                                0.00        1,411,464.74      0.00         0.00    1,411,464.74              0.00

Other Projects                          243,507.01          7,439,064.41      0.00         0.00    7,439,064.41       243,507.01

                Total                 5,619,315.47         33,640,577.40      0.00         0.00 33,640,577.40 5,619,315.47

Expenditures on research and development incurred in 2015 semi annual amount to RMB33,640,577.40
(2014 semi annual: RMB32,143,996.40),the total amount is recognised in profit or loss for the current
period, RMB 33,640,577.40 (2014 semi annual: RMB32,143,996.40) was recognized in profit and loss
and as development cost.

                                                                    国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

15. Goodwill

(1)Goodwill cost


                                                 Current period additions      Current period decreases
                          31 December 2014                                                                      30 June 2015
                                                  Business combination                 Disposal

Sinopharm Group
Zhijun(Suzhou)                 33,869,393.32                          0.00                               0.00 33,869,393.32
Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

Sinopharm Jiangmen             27,392,317.73                          0.00                               0.00 27,392,317.73

Sinopharm Yanfeng              16,868,644.87                          0.00                               0.00 16,868,644.87

Sinopharm Zhaoqing              2,594,341.53                          0.00                               0.00    2,594,341.53

Sinopharm Shaoguan              1,686,496.80                          0.00                               0.00    1,686,496.80

Sinopharm Meizhou               1,610,819.66                          0.00                               0.00    1,610,819.66

Sinopharm Huizhou                 923,184.67                          0.00                               0.00     923,184.67

Sinopharm Zhanjiang               282,135.55                          0.00                               0.00     282,135.55

Sinopharm Dongguan                  1,499.02                          0.00                               0.00       1,499.02

         Total                 85,228,833.15                          0.00                               0.00 85,228,833.15

(2)Provision of impairment loss


                                               Current period additions     Current period decreases
                          31 December 2014                                                                 30 June 2015
                                                      Provision                    Disposal

Sinopharm Group
Zhijun(Suzhou)                 5,850,000.00                        0.00                           0.00           5,850,000.00
Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

The method of goodwill impairment testing process, parameter and recognition of impairment loss:
The recoverable amount of asset groups and groups of asset groups is calculated by using the
estimated cash flows according to the five-year budget approved by management. Management
determines budgeted gross margin based on historical experience and forecast on market development.
The discount rates determined by management are the pre-tax interest rates which reflect the risks
specific to the related asset groups and groups of asset groups. The above assumptions are used to
assess the recoverable amount of each asset group and group of asset groups within the corresponding
operating segment.

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

16. Long term prepaid expense


                                              Current period            Current period      Other current period
        Projects        31 December 2014                                                                           30 June 2015
                                                 additions               amortization                  decreases

improvements                37,049,985.15          631,192.60              3,924,374.78                     0.00     33,756,802.97

Other                        2,104,246.88          671,015.69                338,265.39                     0.00       2,436,997.18

Total                       39,154,232.03        1,302,208.29              4,262,640.17                     0.00     36,193,800.15

17. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1)Deferred income tax assets


                                           30 June 2015                                          31 December 2014
        Projects         Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax            Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax
                             differences                   assets                        differences                assets

Provision for
                                83,987,447.48                19,550,683.04                  85,594,942.59            20,930,880.12
impairment of assets

Deductible losses              112,951,621.20                26,733,778.60                  96,865,385.40            23,331,434.22

Accrued expenses                76,744,301.48                12,937,865.54                  56,704,614.52              9,771,547.36

Accrued payroll                 39,765,973.43                 8,525,803.34                  59,051,247.05            13,595,697.03

Deferred revenue                73,336,376.37                10,873,434.87                  82,178,700.44            13,634,799.37

Other                           12,992,430.69                 3,524,587.49                  15,528,485.56              3,882,121.40

Total                          399,778,150.65                82,146,152.88                395,923,375.56             85,146,479.50

(2)Deferred income tax liabilities


                                           30 June 2015                                          31 December 2014
        Projects         Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax            Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax
                             differences                  liabilities                    differences               liabilities

Business combination
  involving entities
                                37,533,864.40                 9,383,466.10                  38,630,083.24              9,657,520.81
  not under common

Changes in fair value           41,700,386.71                10,265,203.43                  43,284,539.27            10,821,134.82

Other                           15,223,821.56                 3,805,955.39                  15,273,683.76              3,818,420.94

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Total                             94,458,072.67               23,454,624.92             97,188,306.27                  24,297,076.57

(3)The net value of deferred income tax assets/liabilities after the offset


                                                       The net value of                                       The net value of
                            Offseting value of                                   Offseting value of
                                                     deferred income tax                                    deferred income tax
                           deferred income tax                                  deferred income tax
         Projects                                    assets/liabilities after                               assets/liabilities after
                             assets/liabilities                                   assets/liabilities
                                                           the offset                                             the offset
                              30 June 2015                                       31 December 2014
                                                         30 June 2015                                       31 December 2014

Deferred income tax
                                              0.00            82,146,152.88                        0.00                85,146,479.50

deferred income tax
                                              0.00            23,454,624.92                        0.00                24,297,076.57

(4)Unrecognised deferred tax assets


                Projects                                  30 June 2015                                 31 December 2014

deductible losses                                                           1,627,172.87                                1,627,172.87

Total                                                                       1,627,172.87                                1,627,172.87

(5)Unrecognised deferred tax assets in respect of deductible losses due next year


              Year                      30 June 2015                    31 December 2014                        Notes

                                                                                                For those loss-making
                                                                                                subsidiaries, as the large
                                                                                                uncertainty of being able to gain
                                                                                                enough taxable income to
                                                                                                utilise the deductible losses in
              2015                                1,627,172.87                   1,627,172.87 the future, the Group does not
                                                                                                recognise deferred tax assets
                                                                                                arising from accumulated
                                                                                                losses amounting to RMB
                                                                                                1,627,172.87tax deductible
                                                                                                under the tax law.

Total                                             1,627,172.87                   1,627,172.87                     --

                                                             国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

18. Other non-current assets


                 Projects                     30 June 2015                       31 December 2014
Medical reserve fund                                    40,991,298.70                          42,039,659.05
Prepayment for project and equipment                    49,038,690.86                          63,620,879.10

Non-monetary compensation of
                                                        70,250,000.00                          70,250,000.00

Total                                                  160,279,989.56                         175,910,538.15

19. Short term borrowings


                 Projects                     30 June 2015                       31 December 2014

Guaranteed     borrowings                              483,029,496.81                         459,757,465.32

Unsecured borrowings                                 1,363,329,300.55                         966,752,021.57

Discounted notes                                       134,570,639.59                          91,445,041.99

Total                                                1,980,929,436.95                       1,517,954,528.88

On 30 June 2015, unsecured borrowings of RMB 1,318,329,300.55(31 December 2014:
RMB966,752,021.57) are guaranteed by the Company and its subsidiaries, and unsecured borrowing of
RMB5,000,000.00(31 December 2014: Nil) without a secured party. Meanwhile, unsecured borrowing of
RMB40,000,000.00 is borrowed from the Sinopharm Group Financial Co., Ltd. (“Group Financial Co.”).

On 30 June 2015, bank borrowings of RMB483,029,496.81 (31 December 2014: RMB459,757,465.32)
are guaranteed by Sinopharm Group.

On 30 June 2015, the weighted average interest rate of short-term borrowings is 5.16% per annum (31
December 2014: 5.50%).

In 30 June 2015, there has been no unpaid due short-term borrowings (December 31, 2014: Nil).

20. Notes paybale


                category                     30 June 2015                        31 December 2014

Trade acceptance notes                                  84,312,289.57                         380,502,886.42

                                                       国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Bank acceptance notes                           1,289,171,278.45                          1,087,663,754.22

Total                                           1,373,483,568.02                          1,468,166,640.64

21. Accounts payable

(1)Accounts payable


                Projects               30 June 2015                          31 December 2014

Trafe paybale                                 4,341,666,286.09                            3,988,878,234.03

Total                                         4,341,666,286.09                            3,988,878,234.03

(2)Account payable aged over 1 year


                                                                   Reasons that accounts payable have not
                Projects               30 June 2015
                                                                                been settled

Trade payable                                   117,267,739.44 Transactions were not closed yet.

Total                                           117,267,739.44                       --

22.Advances from customers

(1)Advances from customers


                Projects               30 June 2015                          31 December 2014

Sales received in advance                        44,995,822.24                                 40,339,905.63

Total                                            44,995,822.24                                 40,339,905.63

(2)Advances from customers aged over 1 year


                                                                   Reasons that accounts payable have not
                Projects               30 June 2015
                                                                                been settled

Sales received in advance                             838,999.27 Other

Total                                                 838,999.27                     --

                                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

23. Employee benefits payable

(1)Employee benefits payable


        Projects          31 December 2014     Current period additions Current period decreases      30 June 2015

1.Short term employee
                              168,068,439.41           257,019,483.59            319,167,959.18     105,919,963.82
benefits payable

2. Defined contribution
                                2,166,584.27             23,713,303.03            23,383,974.13       2,495,913.17
plans payable

3. Termination benefits
                                1,723,119.20                823,094.45             1,629,857.40         916,356.25

Total                         171,958,142.88           281,555,881.07            344,181,790.71     109,332,233.24

(2)Short term employee benefits payable


        Projects          31 December 2014     Current period additions Current period decreases   30 June 2015

1.Wages and salaries,
 bonuses, allowances          150,384,510.97           217,647,902.41            280,622,410.82      87,410,002.56
 and subsidies

2.Staff welfare                   973,559.02             10,051,487.39            10,879,915.40         145,131.01

3.Social security
                                  355,247.78             10,538,816.65            10,560,455.72         333,608.71

                                  300,176.39              8,698,124.94             8,743,930.26         254,371.07
 Medical insurance

 Work injury insurance             28,672.53                772,825.21               746,019.73          55,478.01

 Maternity insurance               26,398.86              1,067,866.50             1,070,505.73          23,759.63

4.Housing funds                   542,776.75             10,851,697.93            10,673,190.21         721,284.47

5.Labor union funds
  and employee                 14,939,701.87              7,399,732.45             5,704,360.88      16,635,073.44
  education funds

6.Others                          872,643.02                529,846.76               727,626.15         674,863.63

Total                         168,068,439.41           257,019,483.59            319,167,959.18     105,919,963.82

(3)Defined contribution plans payable


        Projects          31 December 2014     Current period additions Current period decreases   30 June 2015

                                                                   国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

1.Basic pensions                     421,293.14        20,302,829.74              20,105,119.79         619,003.09

                                      44,419.92         1,224,114.20               1,268,534.12               0.00

                                    1,700,871.21        2,186,359.09               2,010,320.22       1,876,910.08

Total                               2,166,584.27       23,713,303.03              23,383,974.13       2,495,913.17

(4)Termination benefits payable

                                                    30 June 2015                        31 December 2014

Retirement benefits payable – within 1 year                        437,621.37                        1,115,000.00

Other dismission benefits(Note i)                                   478,734.88                          608,119.20

Total                                                               916,356.25                        1,723,119.20

(i) For year 2015 semi annual, the amount that the group provided other termination benefits for severing
labor relations was RMB629,131,63, no amount that the group wrote off other termination benefits for
needless payments of severing labor relation. (For year 2014, the amount that the group provided other
termination benefits for severing labor relations was RMB223,425.95 , the amount that the group wrote
off other termination benefits for needless payments of severing labor relation was RMB2,335,000.00).

24.Tax payable


                Projects                           30 June 2015                         31 December 2014

Value-added-tax payable                                           33,847,774.12                      10,022,374.90

Business tax payable                                                938,366.47                          943,302.08

Enterprise income tax payable                                     47,052,910.34                      52,868,801.89

Individual income tax payable                                      3,417,037.68                       1,514,928.86

City maintenance and construction tax
                                                                   2,432,194.11                         787,872.30

Anti-flood fund payable                                            5,885,914.98                       7,950,610.72

Stamp duty tax payable                                             2,067,427.82                       1,198,400.07

Real estate tax payable                                             947,637.41                          923,420.99

Educational surcharge payable                                      1,747,168.03                         571,654.75

Land use tax payable                                                 471,111.34                         426,390.62

Other tax payables                                                  280,789.46                          237,912.28

Total                                                             99,088,331.76                      77,445,669.46

                                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

25. Interest payable


                Projects                      30 June 2015                           31 December 2014

Long term borrowing interests payable                           154,157.50                               56,519.97

Short term borrowing interests payable                        9,563,841.21                          6,610,192.22

Total                                                         9,717,998.71                          6,666,712.19

26. Other payable

(1)Other payable by nature are analysed below:


                Projects                      30 June 2015                           31 December 2014

Accrued selling and distribution
                                                         209,996,940.53                           187,784,029.00

Payables for construction in progress
                                                             51,858,585.90                         70,267,980.15
and equipment

Amount collected on behalf of third
                                                             20,132,302.46                         44,057,463.73

Deposit                                                      13,968,153.31                         19,495,588.90

Equity transaction payable                                    9,330,197.17                          9,330,197.17

Other                                                        66,939,794.13                         81,411,942.56

Total                                                    372,225,973.50                           412,347,201.51

(2)Significant other payable aged over 1 year


                                                                             Reasons that accounts payable have
                Projects                      30 June 2015
                                                                                      not been settled

Return of deposits that the project
                                                             89,229,338.17 Transactions were not closed yet.
quality margin and other deposits

Total                                                        89,229,338.17                   --

27. Current portion of long-term borrowings


                Projects                      30 June 2015                           31 December 2014

Promotion rewards program                                     7,649,200.00                          4,000,000.00

                                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

 - due within one year

Total                                                                    7,649,200.00                            4,000,000.00

28. Long term borrowings


               Projects                                 30 June 2015                             31 December 2014

Unsecured borrowings                                                    23,028,776.85                            8,095,448.00

Entrusted borrowings                                                    31,600,000.00                           31,600,000.00

Total                                                                   54,628,776.85                           39,695,448.00

As at 30 June 2015, the entrusted borrowing of RMB31,600,000.00 was lent by Sinopharm Group
through Group Financial Co.(31 December 2014: RMB31,600,000.00). As at 30 June 2015, the
weighted average interest rate of long-term borrowings is 5.42% per annum. (31 December 2014:

29. Long term employee benefits


               Projects                                30 June 2015                            31 December 2014

Early retirement benefits payable                                     2,582,100.00                               2,896,000.00

Total                                                                 2,582,100.00                               2,896,000.00

30. Payables for specific projects


                                                     Current period    Current period
         Projects             31 December 2014                                          30 June 2015 Reasons of formation
                                                       additions         decreases

 Sepecial funds granted by             852,000.00              0.00              0.00       852,000.00
                                                                                                          Government grants

 Government grants for
                                       435,000.00              0.00              0.00       435,000.00 Government grants
  ERP system construction

Total                                1,287,000.00              0.00              0.00      1,287,000.00            --

31. Deferred income


                                                      Current period     Current period                         Reasons of
        Projects             31 December 2014                                                30 June 2015
                                                         additions         decreases                             formation

Government grants                   153,119,166.83       2,110,000.00       5,841,041.01     149,388,125.82       Government

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告


Promotion Rewards                                                                                             Fair value of
                                     23,247,034.32     4,721,146.71      9,937,821.00      18,030,360.03
 Program                                                                                                          rewards

Total                            176,366,201.15        6,831,146.71     15,778,862.01   167,418,485.85           --

Projects involve Government grant:

  Government grants        31 December        Current year Amount recognized as Other                        Related to
                                                                                            30 June 2015
        program                2014              addtions non-operating income change                       income/assets

Resettlement                                                                                                    Related to
                            86,349,075.41            0.00        1,349,204.28       0.00 84,999,871.13
Compansation(i)                                                                                                       assets

Cephalosporin Solid
                                                                                                                Related to
  Preparations              13,845,923.14            0.00             986,653.71    0.00 12,859,269.43
  Development Project

Guangxi Logistics                                                                                               Related to
                              8,084,052.18           0.00             218,203.20    0.00     7,865,848.98
  Project                                                                                                             assets

Stomach medicine
  domestic clinical                                                                                             Related to
                              5,000,000.00           0.00                   0.00    0.00     5,000,000.00
  research and                                                                                                        assets
  development project

                                                                                                                Related to
  pharmaceutical R & D        5,000,000.00           0.00                   0.00    0.00     5,000,000.00
  base engineering

Cephalosporin Powder
  Injection Passing                                                                                             Related to
                              4,505,783.82           0.00             328,008.24    0.00     4,177,775.58
  EU-GMP                                                                                                              assets

New Cephalosporin                                                                                               Related to
                              3,962,385.17           0.00             458,022.30    0.00     3,504,362.87
  R&D Project                                                                                                         assets

                                                                                                                Related to
Medical R&D Center II         3,877,620.85           0.00             410,659.98    0.00     3,466,960.87

Cardiovascular system
  targeted drug                                                                                                 Related to
                              3,000,000.00           0.00                   0.00    0.00     3,000,000.00
  development                                                                                                         assets

A comprehensive
  experimental modern                                                                                           Related to
                              2,700,000.00           0.00             150,000.00    0.00     2,550,000.00
  service industry                                                                                                    assets

                                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Enteric coated pellets
                                                                                                                    Related to
  industry research and           2,508,837.40          0.00               3,500.00     0.00     2,505,337.40
  development project

Cefpirome Sulfate R&D                                                                                               Related to
                                  2,386,456.55          0.00             129,898.44     0.00     2,256,558.11
 Project                                                                                                                assets

Shaaban raw materials
                                                                                                                    Related to
 and tablets R&D                          0.00 1,500,000.00                     0.00    0.00     1,500,000.00

New Cephalosporin                                                                                                   Related to
                                  1,219,393.90          0.00             305,246.76     0.00      914,147.14
  R&D Project                                                                                                           assets

                                                                                                                    Related to
Shared Logistics Center           1,225,468.70          0.00             469,146.60     0.00      756,322.10

                                                                                                                    Related to
Other projects                    9,454,169.71    610,000.00           1,032,497.50     0.00     9,031,672.21

Total                           153,119,166.83 2,110,000.00            5,841,041.01     0.00 149,388,125.82                    --

(i) Because the Nanning Government planned to reconstruction of the old urban area, a subsidiary of the
company, Guangxi Logistics, which located in Nanning Longteng Road need to relocate. According to
compensation agreement signed in May, 2012, the company obtained RMB120,250,000.00
compensation for the demolition carried out by the government, including cash compensation amounted
RMB50,000,000.00 and another physical compensation amounted RMB70,250,000.00 would be
received in year 2015 when completion( Note VII(18)). Amounting to RMB93,320,000.00 relating to
capital expenditure for reconstruction was recognised as deferred income, which would be amortised to
profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset; others was recognised in profit or loss in 2012.

32. Other non-current liabilities


                 Projects                               30 June 2015                             31 December 2014

Medical reserve funds                                                 45,427,343.31                              45,427,343.31

Total                                                                 45,427,343.31                              45,427,343.31

33. Share Capital

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                               Movements (+.—)
                  31 December
                                     Issue new                      reserved funds                          30 June 2015
                         2014                     Stock dividend                        Other    Subtotal
                                       shares                      transfer to shares

Listed shares     362,631,943.00           0.00             0.00                0.00      0.00       0.00       362,631,943.00

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

34. Capital reserve


                                                         Current period           Current period
          Projects          31 December 2014                                                               30 June 2015
                                                            additions               decreases

Capital surplus                  1,855,144,194.77                         0.00                     0.00      1,855,144,194.77

Other Capital reserve                  8,750,338.57                       0.00                     0.00            8,750,338.57

Total                            1,863,894,533.34                         0.00                     0.00      1,863,894,533.34

35. Surplus reserve


                                                         Current period           Current period
          Projects          31 December 2014                                                               30 June 2015
                                                            additions               decreases

Statutory surplus                                                         0.00                     0.00
                                     181,315,971.50                                                              181,315,971.50

Total                                181,315,971.50                       0.00                     0.00          181,315,971.50

36. Undistributed profits


                                                      For the six months ended 30 June     For the six months ended 30 June
                                                                   2015                                   2014

Undistributed profits at the beginning of year                          2,356,765,374.25                     1,806,002,285.06

Adjustment of retained earnings(add +,minus -)                                      0.00                                   0.00

Adjusted undistributed profits at the beginning
                                                                        2,356,765,374.25                     1,806,002,285.06
of year

Add:net profit attributable to the
                                                                          387,319,252.33                         349,213,988.51
shareholders of the company

Less: Dividend                                                             72,526,388.60                          65,273,749.74

Ending balance of undistributed profits                                 2,671,558,237.98                     2,089,942,523.83

37. Sales and cost of sales


                              For the six months ended 30 June 2015                For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                     Income                Expenses                  Income                  Expenses

Revenue of main
                                12,772,868,609.63         11,798,432,332.88       11,574,073,952.48         10,617,207,480.60

                                                                    国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Other operating
                                40,934,557.14            3,228,707.54           38,568,481.80           9,560,176.64

Total                      12,813,803,166.77        11,801,661,040.42      11,612,642,434.28       10,626,767,657.24

38. Tax and surcharges


               Projects                  For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Business tax                                                     2,983,841.85                           3,581,457.89

City maintenance and construction tax                           12,685,982.46                          13,024,580.97

Educational surcharge                                            9,308,250.19                           9,436,144.77

Other                                                            1,465,615.25                           1,430,529.90

Total                                                           26,443,689.75                          27,472,713.53

39. Selling and distribution expenses


               Projects                  For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Employees payroll and welfare benefits                         112,490,739.45                         107,196,450.96

Transportation charges                                          27,939,051.39                          29,308,866.99

Promotion and marketing expenses                                46,124,636.39                          52,602,362.06

Conference expenses                                              4,354,342.75                           4,356,232.26

Travel allowances                                                7,496,122.39                          10,809,167.49

Entertainment expenses                                          10,897,298.61                          10,185,826.51

Advertising expenses                                             4,705,456.10                           8,223,830.25

Storage expenses                                                 4,518,164.34                           7,333,195.42

Office allowances                                                1,582,850.88                           2,282,804.11

Rental expenses                                                 13,666,951.13                          13,392,366.19

Depreciation expenses                                            2,937,090.09                           2,684,307.23

Other                                                           25,361,402.49                          22,773,801.07

Total                                                         262,074,106.01                          271,149,210.54

40. General and administrative expense


               Projects                  For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Employees payroll and welfare benefits                        104,170,785.32                          105,475,000.33

                                                               国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Research and development expenses                          33,640,577.40                          32,143,996.40

Depreciation expenses                                      16,379,344.44                          19,869,820.88

Taxations                                                  11,862,094.67                          13,423,589.20

Entertainment expenses                                      4,101,888.76                           4,307,392.51

Amortisation of intangible assets                           2,819,911.80                           3,836,803.22

Office allowances                                           3,053,398.52                           2,991,765.13

Rental expenses                                             2,508,540.85                           3,342,744.39

Vehicle management expenses                                 3,060,128.18                           3,182,775.19

Conference expenses                                           117,497.36                             210,047.70

Maintenance and other charges                               1,561,358.97                             923,970.27

Travel allowances                                           1,572,653.34                            1,849,511.74

Utilities                                                   2,496,765.25                           3,972,594.42

Other                                                      16,244,428.49                          20,283,772.29

Total                                                     203,589,373.35                         215,813,783.67

41. Financial expense


               Projects             For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Interest expenses                                          66,320,510.56                          86,209,674.28

Less: interest income                                      -2,669,578.08                           -4,223,008.09

     discount in cash                                      -8,821,521.20                         -17,547,093.60

Gain and loss from exchanges                                 -536,717.77                             107,893.77

Other                                                       4,346,978.89                           6,384,258.74

Total                                                      58,639,672.40                          70,931,725.10

42. Asset impairment loss


               Projects             For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Bad debt                                                     -649,892.85                           -1,655,386.78

Declines in values of inventories                           7,869,732.74                           8,968,294.15

Total                                                       7,219,839.89                           7,312,907.37

43. Gain from investment


                                                                   国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                  Projects              For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Share of profit of investees under
                                                               28,274,061.44                               23,595,722.50
equity method

Total                                                          28,274,061.44                               23,595,722.50

The investment income from long-term investment under equity method represented the profit from
Wanle Medical, Sinopharm Zhuhai. The increase was due to improved business performance of the
associates. There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Group.

44. Non-operating income


                               For the six months ended 30 For the six months ended 30
             Projects                                                                    Amount in Non-routine items
                                        June 2015                  June 2014

Gain on disposal of
                                                  10,297.36                500,989.54                         10,297.36
non-current assets

Including: Gain on disposal
                                                  10,297.36                500,989.54                         10,297.36
of fixed assets

Government grants                             10,567,256.16             14,575,338.73                      10,567,256.16

Write off payments                               146,039.32                811,269.33                        146,039.32

Reversal of payments                                   0.00             11,862,275.78                               0.00

Other                                          2,258,696.62                586,191.95                       2,258,696.62

Total                                         12,982,289.46             28,336,065.33                      12,982,289.46

Classified as this period profit Government grants:

                               For the six months ended 30 For the six months ended 30   Government grants related to
Government grants Projects
                                        June 2015                  June 2014                       income

Government-funded interest
                                               1,635,195.84              1,049,200.00               Related to income

Industry grant                                         0.00              3,277,100.00               Related to income

Tax return                                             0.00              6,060,187.00               Related to income

Other                                          3,091,019.31                754,793.53               Related to income

Resettlement compensation-
                                               1,349,204.28              1,349,204.28                Related to assets
amortization of assets

Others                                         4,491,836.73              2,084,853.92                Related to assets

Total                                         10,567,256.16             14,575,338.73                 --

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

45. Non-operating expenses


                                  For the six months ended 30 For the six months ended 30
               Projects                                                                     Amount in Non-routine items
                                          June 2015                   June 2014

Loss on disposal of
                                                  225,404.59                   64,238.16                     225,404.59
non-current assets

Including: Losses on
                                                  225,404.59                   64,238.16                     225,404.59
disposal of fixed assets

Donations                                                0.00                 410,000.00                            0.00

Other                                             215,275.79                  733,259.19                     215,275.79

Total                                             440,680.38                1,207,497.35                     440,680.38

46. Income taxes expenses

(1)Income taxes expenses


                   Projects                For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Current income tax                                                93,190,979.53                           91,607,455.92

Deferred income tax                                                2,157,874.97                            -5,276,159.17

Total                                                             95,348,854.50                           86,331,296.75

(2)The reconciliation from income tax calculated based on applicable tax rates and total profit
presented in the consolidated financial statements to the income tax expenses is listed below:


                              Projects                                  For the six months ended 30 June 2015

Total profit                                                                                             494,991,115.47

Income tax expenses calculated at applicable tax rates                                                   123,747,778.87

Differences in preferential tax rates of certain companies                                                -25,937,299.98

Income not subject to tax                                                                                  -6,965,840.39

Deferred tax changes with tax rate adjustments                                                              1,009,834.20

Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                                                    3,494,381.80

Income tax                                                                                                95,348,854.50

47. Cash flow statements

(1)Cash received relating to other operating activities

                                                                     国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告


                  Projects                For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Withdraw deposits for bank acceptance
                                                                  9,034,563.52                           7,107,945.50
notes and depostis for letter of credit

Interest income                                                   2,669,578.08                           4,223,008.09

Government grants except tax return                               4,926,078.35                           2,700,000.00

Rental income                                                    10,585,370.80                           8,320,925.55

Other                                                            12,846,219.50                          31,096,558.42

Total                                                            40,061,810.25                          53,448,437.56

(2)Cash paid relating to other operating activities


                  Projects                For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Market development expenses                                      46,124,636.39                          52,602,362.06

Research and development expesnses                               10,782,478.49                          11,553,667.63

Rental expenses                                                  16,175,491.98                          16,066,215.94

Entertainment expenses                                           14,999,187.37                          14,493,219.02

Travel expenses                                                   9,068,775.73                          12,658,679.23

Advertising expenses                                              4,705,456.10                           8,223,830.25

Office expenses                                                   4,636,249.40                           6,610,987.93

Other                                                            58,315,031.63                          61,990,312.41

Total                                                          164,807,307.09                          184,199,274.47

(3)Cash received relating to other investing activities


                  Projects                For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Cash received from acquiring
                                                                          0.00                           3,598,827.09

Total                                                                     0.00                           3,598,827.09

(4)Cash received relating to other financing activities

                  Projects                For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Entrusted borrowings borrowed from
                                                                          0.00                          31,600,000.00

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Other                                                                     0.00                          20,776,797.32

Total                                                                     0.00                          52,376,797.32

(5)Cash payments relating to other financing activities


                 Projects                 For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

Other                                                            24,066,161.02                           3,235,784.18

Total                                                            24,066,161.02                           3,235,784.18

48. Supplementary information of cash flow statements

(1)Supplementary information of cash flow statements


        Supplementary information         For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

1.Reconciliation of net profit to cash
                                                           --                                    --
flows from operating activities:

Net profit                                                      399,642,260.97                         357,587,430.56

Add: Provision for assets impairment                              7,219,839.89                           7,312,907.37

Depreciation of fixed assets and
                                                                 47,945,421.59                          48,039,480.50
investment     properties

Amortisation of intangible assets                                 3,821,424.91                           3,836,803.21

Amortisation of long-term prepaid
                                                                  4,262,640.17                           4,039,734.82

Losses on disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other                                      -4,114,941.12                           -436,751.38
non-current assets

Financial expenses                                               66,674,714.71                          89,553,352.23

Investment losses                                                -28,274,061.44                        -23,595,722.50

Decrease of deferred tax assets                                   3,000,326.62                           -9,520,865.56

Increase of deferred tax liabilities                                -842,451.65                            331,955.70

Decrease of inventory                                            88,388,515.28                        -368,787,212.56

Decrease in operating receivables                               -753,547,929.22                       -691,530,669.43

Increase in operating payables                                  605,029,254.51                          91,345,803.58

Other                                                             9,034,563.51                           7,107,945.50

Net cash flow from operating activities                         448,239,578.73                        -484,715,807.96

                                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

2.Significant non-cash investing
                                                             --                                            --

3.Movement of cash                                           --                                            --

Cash on 30 June 2015                                              1,157,555,627.85                               1,409,385,573.73

Less:Cash on 31 December 2014                                      854,212,006.84                                1,097,948,354.45

Net increase in cash                                               303,343,621.01                                  311,437,219.28

(2)Composition of cash and cash equivalents


                         Programs                                 30 June 2015                          31 ecember 2014

1.Cash                                                                  1,157,555,627.85                           854,212,006.84

Including: Cash on hand                                                          77,018.59                                41,627.16

              Call deposits with banks                                  1,157,478,609.26                           854,170,379,68

2.Cash equivalents

Including:Bonds investment matured within three

3.Cash and cash equivalents                                             1,157,555,627.85                           854,212,006.84

Including: restricted cash and cash equivalents of
                                                                                       0.00                                    0.00
the parent company and its subsidiaries

49. Assets with restricted ownership or use right


                   Projects                    Net book value on 30 June 2015                     Reson of restriction

                                                                                     Bank acceptance notes and depostis for
Cash at bank and on hand                                             4,315,545.18
                                                                                     letter of credit

                                                                                     The pledged notes receivables are used
Notes receivable                                                     4,929,266.00 as guarantee for for issurance of bank
                                                                                     acceptance notes.

Total                                                                 9,244,811.18                         --

50. Foreign currencies projects


                                         Financial assets
                                                                                                 Financial assets denominated
              Projects              denominated in foreign             Exchange rate
                                                                                                                in RMB

                                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Cash at bank and on hand                    --                                  --

Including:US Dollars                                     0.58                             6.1136                               3.55

Accounts receivables                        --                                  --

Including:US Dollars                             1,803,480.17                             6.1136                     11,026,180.45

              HK Dollars                          289,854.06                              0.7900                        228,984.71

Accounts payable                            --                                  --

Including:US Dollars                              786,632.20                              6.1136                      4,806,322.74

VIII. Alteration of consolidated financial statement scope

Guangzhou Medical was established By Sinopharm Guangzhou, which is a subsidiary of the Company,
and Guangzhou Huaqiao medical investment co., Ltd by cash RMB1,530,000.00 and RMB 1,470,000.00,
respectively. Sinopharm Guangzhou accounted for 51% of its shares.

IX. Shares and rights in other companies

1. Subsidiaries

                                Place of             Place of        Nature of       Equity interest held (%)
         Company name                                                                                           Mode of acquisition
                                operation           registration     business           Direct      Indirect

Sinopharm Holding Guilin Co.,
                                       Guilin             Guilin     Commercial                     100.00%                  Set up

Sinopharm Holding Baise Co.,
                                       Baise              Baise      Commercial                     100.00%                  Set up

Sinopharm Holding
                                  Zhongshan                          Commercial          100.00%                             Set up
  Zhongshan Co., Ltd.                               Zhongshan

Sinopharm Holding Guigang
                                    Guigang            Guigang       Commercial                     100.00%                  Set up
  Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Beihai                      Beihai             Beihai      Commercial                     100.00%                  Set up

Zhijun Pharm                                                                                                              Business
                                   Shenzhen                        Manufacturing         100.00%                          involving
                                                                                                                  enterprises under
                                                                                                                   common control

Sinopharm Holding Jianmin                                                                                                 Business
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            combinations
                                   Shenzhen          Shenzhen        Commercial          100.00%                          involving
                                                                                                                  enterprises under
                                                                                                                   common control

                                                           国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding Material                                                                        Business
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                    combinations
                               Shenzhen    Shenzhen    Commercial     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Shenzhen Zhijun                                                                                   Business
 Pharmaceutical Trade Co.,                                                                    combinations
 Ltd.                          Shenzhen    Shenzhen    Commercial     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                                        Business
 Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                                          combinations
                               Shenzhen    Shenzhen       Service     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Sinopharm Holding                                                                                 Business
 Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                          combinations
                              Guangzhou Guangzhou      Commercial     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Sinopharm Holding                                                                                 Business
  Guangdong Hengxing                                                                          combinations
  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.    Guangzhou Guangzhou      Commercial     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Sinopharm Holding Yulin                                                                           Business
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                   combinations
                                   Yulin       Yulin   Commercial               100.00%           involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Sinopharm Medicine Holding                                                                        Business
 Liuzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                            combinations
                                Liuzhou     Liuzhou    Commercial      51.00%                     involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Guangxi Chinese Herbal                                                                            Business
  Pieces                                                                                      combinations
                                Liuzhou     Liuzhou Manufacturing               51.00%            involving
                                                                                          enterprises under
                                                                                           common control

Guangdong Huixin Investment                                                                       Business
                              Guangzhou Guangzhou         Service     100.00%
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                   combinations

                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Holding Foshan                                                                        Business
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                  combinations
                                Foshan     Foshan   Commercial      100.00%                     involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Holding                                                                               Business
  Guangdong Yuexing Co.,                                                                    combinations
  Ltd.                       Guangzhou Guangzhou    Commercial      100.00%                     involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Holding                                                                               Business
  Guangdong Logistics Co.,                                                                  combinations
  Ltd.                       Guangzhou Guangzhou        Service     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Guangxi                                                                               Business
                               Nanning    Nanning   Commercial      100.00%                     involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                                       Business
  Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                                       combinations
                               Nanning    Nanning       Service               100.00%           involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Zhijun (Shenzhen) Pingshan                                                                      Business
                              Shenzhen   Shenzhen Manufacturing     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Holding Wuzhou                                                                        Business
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                 combinations
                               Wuzhou     Wuzhou    Commercial                99.90%            involving
                                                                                        enterprises under
                                                                                         common control

Sinopharm Group Zhijun                                                                          Business
  (Suzhou) Pharmaceutical                                                                   combinations
                                Suzhou     Suzhou Manufacturing     100.00%
  Co. Ltd.                                                                                      involving
                                                                                        enterprises under

                                                          国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                                                                                          common control

Sinopharm holding Dongguan                                                                       Business
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                  combinations
                              Dongguan    Dongguan    Commercial     100.00%
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common

Sinopharm Holding Zhanjiang                                                                      Business
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                  combinations
                              Zhanjiang   Zhanjiang   Commercial     100.00%
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common

Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                                       Business
   Yanfeng Co.,Ltd                                                                           combinations
                              Shenzhen    Shenzhen    Commercial      51.00%
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common

Sinopharm Holding Meizhou                                                                        Business
   Co., Ltd.                                                                                 combinations
                               Meizhou     Meizhou    Commercial     100.00%
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common

Sinopharm Holding Huizhou                                                                        Business
   Co., Ltd.                                                                                 combinations
                               Huizhou     Huizhou    Commercial     100.00%
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common
Sinopharm Holding Zhaoqing                                                                       Business
  Co., Ltd.
                              Zhaoqing    Zhaoqing    Commercial     100.00%
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common
Sinopharm Holding Jiangmen                                                                       Business
  Renren Co., Ltd.
                              Jiangmen    Jiangmen    Commercial     100.00%                     involving
                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                           under common

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding Shaoguan                                                                                                       Business
  Co., Ltd.
                                           Shaoguan    Shaoguan        Commercial             70.00%
                                                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                                                           under common
Sinopharm Holding Shantou                                                                                                        Business
  Co., Ltd.
                                            Shantou      Shantou       Commercial             70.00%
                                                                                                                           enterprises not
                                                                                                                           under common
Sinopharm Holding
  Guangzhou Medical                       Guangzhou Guangzhou          Commercial                        51.00%                     Set up
  Management Co., Ltd.

2. Associates

(1) Financial information of the nonsignificant cooperative and joint venture


                                                          30 June 2015                                 31 December 2014

Associates                                                        --                                             --

Book value of investment                                               151,691,888.28                                      157,604,846.85

Total Amount according to the
                                                                  --                                             --
shareholding proportions

--Net profit                                                            28,274,061.44                                       50,415,836.33

-- Other comprehensive income                                                       0.00                                               0.00

-- Total comprehensive income                                                       0.00                                               0.00

X. Related party relationships and significant related party transactions

1. The parent company

                                                                                           The proportions of
                                                                                                                      The proportions of
                                                                                           equity interests in
                            Place of                                    Registered                                    voting rights in the
 The parent company                          Principal business                            the Company held
                           registration                                   capital                                Company held by the
                                                                                             by the parent
                                                                                                                       parent company

                                          Industrial Investment        2,767,095,089
Sinopharm Group         Shanghai                                                                       51.00%                      51.00%
                                          Holding, Trustee of                   yuan

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                                      enterprise, Assets
                                      Distribution and retail of
                                      medicines and
                                      products, etc

The Company’s ultimate controlling equity holder is CNPGC.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

The general background and other related information of the subsidiaries is set out in Note IX (1).

3. Associates

Associates consolidated in the financial statements are listed in Note VII (9).
The associates which have balance formed from related party transactions with us shows as below:
                     Company nace                                           Relationship with the Company

Wanle Medical                                                 Associate

4. Other related parties

                  Other related parties                                     Relationship with the Company

Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.              Controlled by Sinopharm Group

China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines Co.,
                                                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines Co., Ltd.          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                                                国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Yixin Medicine Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Foshan Nanhai Medicine Group Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Suzhou Co., Ltd.       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.               Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.               Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding (Yangzhou) Chinese Western Medicine
                                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Branch Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.               Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National
                                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain Co., Ltd.      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Western
                                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Shan`xi Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                                               国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Jiangmen Chain Co., Ltd.    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd.             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co., Ltd.     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical logistics center
                                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Longyan Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Ningde Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Lerentang Tangshan Medicine Co., Ltd.        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Shanghai Nuoyun Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd.         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Qingdao Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Shanghai Donghong Medicine Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Wuhu Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Anqing Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Huaian Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Sanming Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Lerentang Qinhuangdao Medicine Co., Ltd.     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding ChiFeng Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang New Kashi Pharmaceutical
                                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding HongKong Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Shanxi Guoyi Drug Store Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Zhoukou Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Shangqiu Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jingmen Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Shanghai Nutraceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.              Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Beijing Kangchen Bio-Pharmaceutical
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Nanping Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Tongliao Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Puyang Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangzhou Chain
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Macheng Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Huaideju Pharmaceutical (Xiamen) Co.,
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Guoda Shenyang Tianyitang Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Dandong Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Biological Product Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Qianxinan Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Changde Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Anyang Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Kaifeng Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Xinyu Co., Ltd.                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.               Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong Co., Ltd. Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hunan Guoda Minshengtang Drug
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Store Chain Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin Biological
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Medical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang Pharmaceutical
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Liaocheng Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                                                    国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Shanghai Merro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Jining Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Group Financial Co.                                         Controlled by CNPGC

Guang dong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. Controlled by CNPGC

Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by CNPGC

Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.                           Controlled by CNPGC

Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.          Controlled by CNPGC

China National Pharmaceutical Industry Medicine
                                                            Controlled by CNPGC
distribution Co. Ltd.

Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                               Controlled by CNPGC

Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.            Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm Group Weiqida Medicine Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by CNPGC

Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by CNPGC

China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.       Controlled by CNPGC

Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.          Controlled by CNPGC

Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by CNPGC

Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm Group Shanghai Medicine Device Co., Ltd.          Controlled by CNPGC

Guizhou Longlife Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by CNPGC

Guangdong Medi-World Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.               Controlled by CNPGC

China Sinopharm International Corporation                   Controlled by CNPGC

Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by CNPGC

China National Scientific Instruments & Materials Imp/Exp
                                                            Controlled by CNPGC
Shenzhen CO., Ltd

Heilongjiang Sinopharm Medical Herbs Co., Ltd.              Controlled by CNPGC

Beijing Fusheng Tiandi Property Management Ltd.             Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm (Shanghai) E-Health Co,.Ltd.                      Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medicine Device Co., Ltd.         Controlled by CNPGC

Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry               Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and Medical
                                                            Controlled by CNPGC
Industry Design Institute

China State Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry            Controlled by CNPGC

Foshan Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by CNPGC

                                                                     国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Group Beijing Medical equipment Co., Ltd.        Controlled by CNPGC

Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.               Controlled by CNPGC

The Fourth Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Zhonglian Group     Controlled by CNPGC

Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
                                                           Controlled by CNPGC
Development Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Fosun
                                                           Shareholders have signigicant influence on Sinopharm Group

Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.               Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                    Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Shanghai Chaohui Pharmecurical Co., Ltd.                   Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital                 Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Jiangsu Huanghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                    Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                   Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Wang Yang                                                  Family member of minority interest of subsidiary

Shaoguan Wujiang District Muyang Medicine Information
                                                           Controlled by minority interest of subsidiary
Consultant Co., Ltd.

Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                 Associate of Sinopharm Group

Shanghai Wanli Medical Beauty Clinic Limited               Associate of Sinopharm Group

Sino-Swed Pharmaceutical Corp.Ltd.                         Associate of CNPGC

China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      Associate of CNPGC

Shanghai Sailun Biological Technology Co., Ltd.            Associate of CNPGC

Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine trading Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of Wanle Medical

Jiang Meng Renren Medical instrument Co., Ltd.             Controlled by subsidiary's key management

Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
                                                           Controlled by CNPGC
Development Co., Ltd.

Changchun Changsheng Gene Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         Associate of CNPGC

Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.               Controlled by CNPGC

Foshan Chancheng District Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd          Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Foshan Chanyixing Medicine Development Co Ltd              Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Sinopharm (Shanghai) E-Health Co,.Ltd.                     Controlled by CNPGC

China National Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.           Controlled by CNPGC

Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medical Inspection Co., Ltd Controlled by CNPGC

                                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine(Wuhu) Co., Ltd.          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Shanghai Likang Pharmaceutical Co.
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.         Controlled by CNPGC

Shanghai Nutraceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.              Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Chenzhou Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Fuyang Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Group                                           The Parent Company

Sinopharm Holding Shanghai management consulting
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Guoda Fumei Pharmaceutical
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Guoda Shenyang Tianyitang Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co., Ltd.      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hebei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Huaideju Pharmaceutical (Xiamen) Co.,
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Huainan Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Luoyang Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Nanping New Power Co., Ltd.             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Nanyang Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Linfen Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Sichuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Kangmin Pharmaceutical Co.
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Hongkong International Co. Ltd          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay Pharmaceutical
                                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd.

Handan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                            Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Hetian Region Ankang Chain Drugstore Co., Ltd.            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

NanJing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.                            Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Nanjing Iron & Steel Group International Trade Co., Ltd   Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Ningxia Guoda Drug StoreChain Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Qinghai Medical Pharmaceutical Material Co., Ltd.            Controlled by CNPGC

Qinghai Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by CNPGC

Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmacertical Co.,
                                                             Controlled by CNPGC

Shanghai Institute of biomedical Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd      Controlled by CNPGC

Shenzhen Wanle Medical Co., Ltd.                             Associate

Sichuan Hexin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                       Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

Sichuan Jiang You Zhong Ba Science and Technology
                                                             Controlled by CNPGC
Development Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Kang Daxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  Associate of CNPGC

Suzhou Erye Pharmaceutical Limited Company                   Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm

China scientific equipment company                           Controlled by CNPGC

CNPGC                                                        Controlled by CNPGC

China Traditional Chinese Medicine Co.                       Controlled by CNPGC

5. Related party transactions

(1)Purchase/Sales of goods, Purchase/Rendering of servic

Purchase of goods / Purchase of service

                                            For the six                                              For the six months
                      Related party                        Approved trading      Whether exceed
  Related party                          months ended                                                     ended
                       transactions                              limit              trading limit
                                          30 June 2015                                                 30 June 2014

Holding Sub         Purchase of
                                          473,896,462.97                       No                         448,119,799.98
Marketing Center goods
Co., Ltd.

                    Purchase of
Sinopharm Group                           220,482,005.40                       No                         220,264,634.58

China National
                    Purchase of
Medicines Co.,                            182,000,081.49    2,700,000,000.00 No                           156,923,025.22

                    Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                             44,774,861.25                       No                          40,529,477.76

                    Purchase of
Wanwei Medicine                            37,187,026.99                       No                          26,430,381.62
trading Co., Ltd.

                                                   国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Guang dong
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     24,983,541.39         No                          26,699,952.31
Foreign Trade
Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Wanbang
Pharmacy             Purchase of
                                   21,718,308.34         No                          16,787,691.74
Marketing Co.,       goods

Foshan Nanhai
Uptodate &           Purchase of
                                   14,813,289.21         No                           3,370,955.43
Special Medicines goods
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Guizhou                    11,777,123.06         No                          15,495,788.70
Co., Ltd.

Yaoyou               Purchase of
                                   11,561,348.52         No                           8,795,511.61
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

Lanzhou Institute
                     Purchase of
of Biological                      10,770,840.00         No                           5,425,700.00
Products Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     10,095,226.43         No                          21,242,409.32
Group Ltd.

Rongsheng            Purchase of
                                    8,372,573.00         No                          16,530,660.00
Pharmacy Co.,        goods

                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                      4,514,443.50         No                           4,677,786.37
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Institute of
                     Purchase of
Biological                          3,936,356.00         No                           3,348,300.00
Products Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Dong
Fang Uptodate & Purchase of
                                    3,073,788.88         No                           2,964,854.03
Special Medicines goods
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Purchase of         2,980,769.22         No                           1,277,376.15

                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Weiqida Medicine goods
Co., Ltd.

Haisiman             Purchase of
                                   2,290,382.37         No                           4,965,950.85
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

Holding Beijing
                     Purchase of
Tianxing Puxin                     2,062,006.33         No                                   0.00
Biological Medical
Co., Ltd.

Tongjitang           Purchase of
                                   1,658,359.36         No                           1,067,484.63
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Beijing                    1,633,846.16         No                           2,202,461.51
Co., Ltd.

China National
Instruments &        Purchase of
                                   1,549,539.30         No                                   0.00
Materials Imp/Exp goods
Shenzhen CO.,

                     Purchase of
Holding Beijing                    1,368,186.29         No                             491,441.87
Huahong Co., Ltd.

Beijing Huasheng
                     Purchase of
Biotechnology                      1,165,876.23         No                           1,260,683.77
Development Co.,

Shyndec              Purchase of
                                    993,581.20          No                             969,389.51
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group
Rongsheng            Purchase of
                                    760,017.61          No                             555,012.76
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Purchase of         624,526.11          No                             200,653.94

                                                国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Chemical Reagent goods
Co., Ltd.

China Otsuka
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     589,739.54         No                             346,591.41
Co., Ltd.

Anhui Jingfang
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     535,332.58         No                             335,214.26
Co., Ltd.

China National
Pharmaceutical       Purchase of
                                   530,655.75         No                             497,742.52
Foreign Trade        goods
Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Hexin
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     441,452.30         No                                   0.00
Co., Ltd.

Holding Chengdu Purchase of
                                   346,153.85         No                                   0.00
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group
Zhonglian            Purchase of
                                   343,373.23         No                             221,943.60
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co. Ltd.

Foshan Nanhai        Purchase of
                                   338,654.17         No                             118,741.27
Medicine Co., Ltd. goods

Sinopharm Group
                     Purchase of
Southwest                          305,128.20         No                              10,165.02
Medicine Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group
                     Purchase of
Chemical Reagent                   161,323.08         No                              83,248.85
Suzhou Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Hongqi
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     240,758.99         No                              80,871.78
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group
                     Purchase of
Guorui Medicine                    234,240.60         No                             257,749.58
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Hubei                      229,075.88         No                           2,027,299.39
Co., Ltd.

                                                国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Guilin South
                     Purchase of
pharmaceutical                     226,311.99         No                             206,809.88
Co., Ltd.

Fengliaoxing         Purchase of
                                   168,830.34         No                                   0.00
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                     150,992.73         No                              65,307.69
Co., Ltd

                     Purchase of
Holding Hunan                      130,865.31         No                           9,009,304.51
Co., Ltd.

Humanwell            Purchase of
                                   122,603.64         No                              22,017.09
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Luoyang                     97,094.01         No                                   0.00
Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Modern
Hasen (Shangqiu) Purchase of
                                    87,488.42         No                             139,950.72
Pharmacertical       goods
Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Jiang You
Zhong Ba Science
                     Purchase of
and Technology                      63,716.82         No                                   0.00
Development Co.,

Xingsha              Purchase of
                                    60,354.91         No                              51,784.45
Pharmaceuticals      goods
(Xiamen) Co., Ltd.

Hunan Dongting
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                      53,955.90         No                              47,235.90
Co., Ltd.

Suzhou Erye
                     Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                      49,594.02         No                                   0.00
Limited Company

Sinopharm Guoda Purchase of
                                    48,160.32         No                               6,981.60
Drug                 goods

                                               国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Chain Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Institute
of biomedical        Purchase of
                                   39,205.99         No                                   0.00
Pharmaceutical Co. goods

                     Purchase of
Holding Dalian                     11,282.05         No                                   0.00
Co., Ltd.

Fengliaoxing         Purchase of
                                    9,415.93         No                                   0.00
Pharmaceutical       goods
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Hainan                      5,864.40         No                                   0.00
Hongyi Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Shan`xi                     5,230.38         No                               6,123.49
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group
                     Purchase of
Medical                              632.48          No                                   0.00
Inspection Co.,

                     Purchase of
Holding Suzhou                       187.18          No                              -4,919.87
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Shanxi                          0.00         No                             261,572.93
Co., Ltd.

Holding Beijing
                     Purchase of
Kangchen                                0.00         No                           1,023,607.50
al Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Henan                           0.00         No                              20,782.77
Co., Ltd.

                     Purchase of
Holding Dezhou                          0.00         No                              14,666.67
Co., Ltd.

                                             国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   Purchase of
Holding Hainan                       0.00          No                              51,342.54
Co., Ltd.

                   Purchase of
Holding Fujian                       0.00          No                             491,008.63
Co., Ltd.

                   Purchase of
Holding Ningxia                      0.00          No                               2,569.50
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Yixin    Purchase of
                                     0.00          No                              61,102.56
Medicine Co., Ltd. goods

Holding            Purchase of
                                     0.00          No                             131,917.94
Heilongjiang Co., goods

Jiangsu Huanghe
                   Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                       0.00          No                               4,935.91
Co., Ltd

Sinopharm Group
Shanghai           Purchase of
                                     0.00          No                              11,219.09
Medicine Device    goods
Co., Ltd.

Shandong Lu Ya
                   Purchase of
Pharmaceutical                       0.00          No                             349,143.80
Co., Ltd.

Guizhou Longlife
                   Purchase of
Pharmacertical                     -25.64          No                              -7,666.67
Co., Ltd.

                   Purchase of
Holding Macheng                   -214.86          No                           4,228,615.37
Co., Ltd.

Medi-World         Purchase of
                                  -427.18          No                                -329.44
Pharmacertical     goods
Co., Ltd.

Holding Sanyi      Purchase of
                                 -1,054.87         No                                   0.00
Medicine(Wuhu)     goods
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Wanle Purchase of       -7,097.80         No                          15,230,871.29

                                                           国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Medical Co., Ltd.    goods

                     Purchase of
Holding Jiangsu                         -19,408.20                   No                          32,365.44
Co., Ltd.

Pharmaceutical       Other labor
                                     31,325,674.00                   No                               0.00
and Medical          service
Industry Design

                     Designing fee    1,129,620.00                   No                       2,855,000.00
and Medical
Industry Design

Sinopharm Group Transportation
Medicine Logistic and warehousing      922,860.39                    No                         791,201.60
Co., Ltd.            charges

                     management        527,358.49                    No                       5,372,663.52
and Medical                                          82,000,000.00
Industry Design

Sinopharm Group Information
Medicine Logistic system               443,026.99                    No                         284,905.66
Co., Ltd.            maintenance

China scientific
                     Other labor
equipment                              192,500.00                    No                               0.00

Shanghai Institute Research and
of Pharmaceutical development          175,471.70                    No                         202,500.00
Industry             expenses

Reed Sinopharm
Exhibitions Co.,                        34,000.00                    No                          44,000.00

                     Research and
                     development        16,500.00                    No                               0.00
(Xiamen) Co., Ltd.

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Holding Shanghai Other labor
                                                 3,600.00                    No                                     0.00
management          service
consulting branch

Sinopharm Group Research and
Chemical Reagent development                     1,625.64                    No                                 765.39
Suzhou Co., Ltd.    expenses

                    Other labor
Holding Shenyang                                      0.00                   No                            400,619.60
Co., Ltd.

Holding Guoda       Product
Drug Store          promotion                         0.00                   No                               21,266.28
Guangdong Co.,      expense

Holding Guoda
                    promotion                         0.00                   No                                2,500.00
Pharmacy Co.,

Sales of goods /Rendering of service

                                  Content of related party   For the six months ended    For the six months ended
        Related party
                                       transactions               30 June 2015                 30 June 2014

Sinopharm Holding Hunan
                                Sales of goods                          77,915,186.98                   72,105,886.82
Co., Ltd.

Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &
                                Sales of goods                          76,833,546.36                   66,588,829.16
Special Medicines Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                Sales of goods                          47,623,472.79                   26,390,588.97
Shandong Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Sichuan
                                Sales of goods                          43,440,891.95                               0.00
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Hainan
                                Sales of goods                          42,611,254.30                   39,682,622.73
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Beijing
                                Sales of goods                          40,646,909.68                   34,745,031.52
Co., Ltd.

Foshan Nanhai Medicine
                                Sales of goods                          40,499,542.53                   31,285,279.06
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group (Tianjin)
                                Sales of goods                          37,385,364.68                   28,100,874.23
Eastern Bokang

                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang
                             Sales of goods    34,684,209.72                    36,907,139.61
Medicine Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drug Store Guangdong Co., Sales of goods       34,048,558.78                    33,487,776.29

Sinopharm Holding Hubei
                             Sales of goods    32,219,359.25                    43,201,513.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Beijing
                             Sales of goods    31,818,003.87                    30,414,890.53
Huahong Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Xinjiang
Special Drugs National       Sales of goods    31,056,792.97                    27,779,324.67
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Ningxia
                             Sales of goods    21,192,630.53                    22,098,551.90
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store Guangxi Chain Co.,     Sales of goods    16,268,845.77                    14,748,263.80

Sinopharm Group              Sales of goods    15,579,638.74                    12,503,255.00

Sinopharm Holding Sub
                             Sales of goods    15,497,277.04                    28,351,930.01
Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Tianjin
                             Sales of goods    15,395,118.07                    11,864,858.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Southwest
                             Sales of goods    15,212,888.04                    15,688,262.79
Medicine Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou
                             Sales of goods    15,099,938.24                    12,934,486.31
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Hainan
                             Sales of goods    12,678,051.93                    11,565,687.67
Hongyi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Nantong
                             Sales of goods    12,309,543.99                    13,355,319.76
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang
Special Drugs Western        Sales of goods    11,741,123.13                    12,691,533.61
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang
                             Sales of goods    11,611,214.64                    18,471,568.26
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou
                             Sales of goods     9,718,182.05                     6,648,904.14
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Yunnan     Sales of goods     9,419,118.45                     7,109,332.86

                                             国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou
                            Sales of goods     9,282,821.20                    10,859,701.89
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Henan
                            Sales of goods     8,870,236.38                     5,559,429.50
Co., Ltd.

Foshan Chancheng District
                            Sales of goods     8,798,005.75                             0.00
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Guangdong Dong Fang
Uptodate & Special          Sales of goods     7,213,575.88                     8,344,388.58
Medicines Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shanxi
                            Sales of goods     5,999,416.05                     4,114,435.39
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shanxi
                            Sales of goods     5,960,444.74                     4,197,414.13
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                            Sales of goods     5,782,044.41                     7,224,474.70
Shenyang Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guizhou
                            Sales of goods     5,116,359.93                     3,259,653.28
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Chengdu
                            Sales of goods     4,656,653.54                             0.00
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store Jiangmen Chain Co.,   Sales of goods     4,525,339.36                     3,321,010.31

Sinopharm Holding
                            Sales of goods     3,443,566.66                     4,182,733.84
Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                            Sales of goods     3,253,616.01                     4,493,029.85
Yangzhou Co., Ltd.

Foshan Chancheng District
                            Sales of goods     3,007,579.36                     5,086,729.68
Central Hospital

China National Medicines
                            Sales of goods     2,441,499.27                     2,670,378.79
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Gansu
                            Sales of goods     2,123,949.16                     1,325,545.44
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Qinghai
                            Sales of goods     2,037,902.58                     1,238,266.68
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Qingdao
                            Sales of goods     1,789,913.20                     2,209,254.70
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Fujian
                            Sales of goods     1,708,344.06                     2,324,732.15
Co., Ltd.

                                                国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding
                               Sales of goods     1,604,406.39                     1,731,905.99
Yancheng Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Wuxi
                               Sales of goods     1,593,582.85                     2,131,601.56
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co.,
                               Sales of goods     1,580,127.02                     2,349,302.00

Sinopharm Holding Inner
                               Sales of goods     1,529,454.28                     1,417,306.25
Mongolia Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                               Sales of goods     1,307,427.35                       887,680.93
Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Lerentang
                               Sales of goods     1,254,769.21                       927,692.31
Tangshan Medicine Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Suzhou
Kangmin Pharmaceutical Co. Sales of goods         1,125,856.31                             0.00

Sinopharm Holding Lunan
                               Sales of goods       978,264.96                       736,160.68
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou
                               Sales of goods       910,548.70                     4,958,689.10
Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Yaoyou
                               Sales of goods       794,871.79                    12,201,923.07
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Longyan
                               Sales of goods       794,650.72                       662,502.50
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Tianjin
                               Sales of goods       777,435.92                     1,095,282.10
North Medicine Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Taizhou
                               Sales of goods       732,858.62                       895,744.78
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               Sales of goods       660,609.25                       932,349.94
Quanzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Dalian
                               Sales of goods       607,011.05                       809,692.99
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               Sales of goods       591,571.81                     5,591,245.35
Chongqing Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Ningde
                               Sales of goods       464,264.03                       528,805.48
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shan`xi
                               Sales of goods       442,999.38                       540,110.85
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Putian
                               Sales of goods       381,461.55                       633,318.71
Co., Ltd.

                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding
Changzhou Medical logistics Sales of goods        356,495.77                       282,139.32
center Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Anqing
                             Sales of goods       327,912.83                       622,112.83
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu
                             Sales of goods       309,194.86                       177,248.72
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Lerentang
Qinhuangdao Medicine Co., Sales of goods          307,179.50                       142,871.79

Sinopharm Holding Anhui
                             Sales of goods       301,567.25                        -6,872.42
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Changde
                             Sales of goods       281,577.44                       356,700.14
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Sanming
                             Sales of goods       237,305.65                       131,856.84
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi
                             Sales of goods       228,099.69                        83,923.13
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Yantai
                             Sales of goods       227,815.40                       302,765.11
Co., Ltd.

Jiang Meng Renren Medical
                             Sales of goods       199,355.46                             0.00
instrument Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Guorui
                             Sales of goods       134,615.38                             0.00
Medicine Co., Ltd.

Qinghai Medical
Pharmaceutical Material Co., Sales of goods       113,333.33                             0.00

Hetian Region Ankang Chain
                             Sales of goods        92,155.52                             0.00
Drugstore Co., Ltd.

China National Scientific
Instruments & Materials      Sales of goods        81,230.76                       121,846.17
Imp/Exp Shenzhen CO., Ltd

Shanghai Merro
                             Sales of goods        77,694.03                       459,604.35
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Guang dong South
Pharmaceutical Foreign       Sales of goods        76,327.18                     1,122,538.67
Trade Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Suzhou
                             Sales of goods        68,948.73                       243,203.42
Co., Ltd.

                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Shanghai Donghong
                             Sales of goods        63,538.46                       493,594.87
Medicine Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Medicine
                             Sales of goods        57,692.30                             0.00
Logistic Co., Ltd.

Beijing Fusheng Tiandi
                             Sales of goods        56,697.41                        25,673.07
Property Management Ltd.

Shenzhen Wanle Medical
                             Sales of goods        51,295.73                             0.00
Co., Ltd.

Foshan Chanyixing Medicine
                             Sales of goods        50,322.00                             0.00
Development Co Ltd

China Sinopharm
                             Sales of goods        44,871.79                     2,318,706.88
International Corporation

Shanxi Guoyi Drug Store
                             Sales of goods        43,794.85                         5,794.87
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding ChiFeng
                             Sales of goods        25,969.23                        77,907.69
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                             Sales of goods        24,094.37                        10,584.63
Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Kang Daxin
                             Sales of goods        16,615.38                             0.00
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Anyang
                             Sales of goods        14,905.98                         5,962.39
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                             Sales of goods        14,423.93                         3,646.14
Qianxinan Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Dezhou
                             Sales of goods        12,923.07                         7,179.49
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                             Sales of goods        11,282.05                             0.00
Liaocheng Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang
Xinte Karamay                Sales of goods        11,075.89                         7,179.49
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                             Sales of goods        11,068.38                        20,757.26
Changzhou     Co., Ltd.

Heilongjiang Sinopharm
                             Sales of goods        11,025.63                         7,948.71
Medical Herbs Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Shanghai
Likang Pharmaceutical Co.    Sales of goods        10,829.08                       182,188.03

Sinopharm Holding            Sales of goods        10,660.51                        20,740.51

                                                国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

(Yangzhou) Chinese Western
Medicine Branch Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Beijing
Kangchen                       Sales of goods        10,568.21                     1,038,706.67
Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Jining
                               Sales of goods        10,461.52                         7,179.49
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Xinyu
                               Sales of goods         6,478.65                             0.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Nanping
                               Sales of goods         3,743.58                             0.00
New Power Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               Sales of goods         3,692.31                             0.00
Chenzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Shangqiu
                               Sales of goods         3,226.50                             0.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Zhoukou
                               Sales of goods         2,726.38                         7,047.05
Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Wanli Medical
                               Sales of goods         2,136.75                             0.00
Beauty Clinic Limited

Sinopharm Holding Shanxi
                               Sales of goods         1,923.07                             0.00
Linfen Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm (Shanghai)
                               Sales of goods         1,846.16                         2,025.63
E-Health Co,.Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang
                               Sales of goods           931.62                         2,683.77

Sinopharm Holding Puyang
                               Sales of goods           305.98                             0.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Huaian
                               Sales of goods             0.00                        86,030.77
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Jinan
                               Sales of goods             0.00                        76,153.85
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               Sales of goods             0.00                        41,329.43
HongKong Co., Ltd.

Guoda Shenyang Tianyitang
Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,      Sales of goods             0.00                        36,923.07

Sinopharm Holding Wuhu
                               Sales of goods             0.00                         9,230.76
Co., Ltd.

Huayi Pharmaceutical Co.,      Sales of goods             0.00                         7,521.36

                                                        国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告


Sinopharm Holding Kaifeng
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         6,444.44
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         5,733.34
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Dandong
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         5,429.06
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Nanping
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         4,530.60
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Tongliao
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         4,487.18
Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Nutraceuticals
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         3,316.24
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Tongyu Information
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                         2,564.10
Technology Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang
                               Sales of goods                     0.00                           427.36
Biological Product Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Nuoyun Marketing
                               Sales of goods              -155,982.92                           846.15
Consulting Co., Ltd.

China National Medicines       Dispatching and
                                                          2,856,084.27                     2,172,980.55
Co., Ltd.                      transportation charges

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                               Dispatching and
Drug Store Guangdong Co.,                                 2,418,885.86                     1,689,083.80
                               transportation charges

Sinopharm Group Medicine       Dispatching and
                                                          2,046,871.70                     3,255,073.15
Logistic Co., Ltd.             transportation charges

Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &       Dispatching and
                                                          1,615,666.54                     1,768,562.85
Special Medicines Co., Ltd.    transportation charges

Foshan Nanhai Medicine         Dispatching and
                                                          1,327,072.71                     1,395,859.92
Co., Ltd.                      transportation charges

Sinopharm Group                Entrusted revenue            250,000.00                       250,000.00

Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine
                               Consultation revenue         183,714.43                       131,079.23
trading Co., Ltd.

China National
Pharmaceutical Foreign         Entrusted revenue            125,000.00                       125,000.00
Trade Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drug Store Guangzhou           Parking fees                   8,500.00                         6,000.00
Chain Co., Ltd.

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Shenzhen Wanle Medical
                                 Consultation revenue                             0.00                         52,160.54
Co., Ltd.

Winteam Pharmaceutical
                                 Consultation revenue                             0.00                           6,314.42
Group Ltd.


The Group as leaser:


            Lessees                 Type of assets use for   Rental income of this period   Rental income of last period

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store Guangxi Chain Co.,         Building                                      822,778.08                     814,333.74

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store Guangxi Chain Co.,         Building                                      165,900.00                     165,900.00

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co., Building                                            195,084.00                     304,695.00

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store Guangxi Chain Co.,         Building                                      189,384.72                     190,707.72

Sinopharm Group
Guangdong Medicine Device Building                                             141,900.00                     135,144.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co., Building                                             52,783.38                      51,246.00

China National Medicines
                                 Building                                       43,200.00                      43,200.00
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co., Building                                             30,000.00                      30,000.00

China National
Pharmaceutical Industry          Building                                            0.00                      21,600.00
Medicine distribution Co. Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drug Store Guangzhou             Building                                      141,050.00                            0.00
Chain Co., Ltd.

                                                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding Sub
                              Building                                           32,400.00                            0.00
Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

The Group as lessee:

                                                              Lease expenses of this
           Leasers               Type of assets use for                                      Lease expenses of last period

Sinopharm Group Medicine
                              Equipment                                     3,750,000.00                      3,750,000.00
Logistic Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Medicine
                              Building                                      3,540,000.00                      3,540,000.00
Logistic Co., Ltd.

Shaoguan Wujiang District
Muyang Medicine
                              Building                                          484,969.92                      324,789.24
Information Consultant Co.,

Wang Yang                     Building                                          276,000.00                      276,000.00

Foshan Nanhai Medicine
                              Building                                          128,160.00                      110,880.00
Group Co., Ltd.

(3)Guarantees provided

As a guarantor

                                                  Beginning date of        Maturity date of         Guarantee obligation
       Guarantee               Amount
                                                 guarantee contract       guarantee contract              expired

Sinopharm Holding
                                30,096,431.81 12 December 2014          31 October 2015          No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                34,570,639.59 30 June 2014              29 June 2015             No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               229,425,743.53 19 September 2014         18 September 2015        No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               314,245,039.27 06 May 2015               06 May 2016              No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               307,337,775.28 16 July 2014              15 July 2015             No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               159,341,870.32 20 May 2015               20 May 2016              No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                               194,778,819.03 30 April 2014             30 April 2015            No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

                                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Holding
                           250,163,981.05 25 June 2014          08 June 2015         No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                           280,793,407.86 15 May 2015           14 May 2016          No
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
Guangdong Yuexing            6,930,103.40 20 May 2015           20 May 2016          No
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
Guangdong Yuexing           12,019,194.50 16 July 2014          15 July 2015         No
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                             6,500,000.00 25 October 2014       25 October 2015      No
Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                           105,172,399.18 26 June 2014          26 June 2015         No
Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                           169,659,032.18 16 July 2014          15 July 2015         No
Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                           112,188,535.57 19 April 2014         18 April 2015        No
Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                            19,250,027.34 29 May 2015           29 May 2016          No
Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                            55,487,759.61 12 May 2015           29 December 2015     No
Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
Jiangmen Renren Co.,        17,437,149.43 16 July 2014          15 July 2015         No

Sinopharm Medicine
Holding Liuzhou Co.,        75,653,561.29 06 November 2014      15 July 2015         No

Sinopharm Medicine
Holding Liuzhou Co.,        32,299,557.53 20 March 2015         19 March 2016        No

Sinopharm Medicine
Holding Liuzhou Co.,        32,346,299.52 09 September 2014     08 September 2015    No

Sinopharm Holding
                            14,600,944.46 17 September 2014     15 July 2015         No
Zhanjiang Co.,      Ltd.

Sinopharm Group
Zhijun (Suzhou)
                            25,692,321.48 27 May 2014           27 May 2015          No
Pharmaceutical Co.

                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Sinopharm Group
Zhijun (Suzhou)
                       29,279,000.00 16 July 2014             15 July 2015           No
Pharmaceutical Co.

Sinopharm Group
Zhijun (Suzhou)
                        3,203,849.81 01 January 2015          01 July 2015           No
Pharmaceutical Co.

Sinopharm Group
Zhijun (Suzhou)
                        4,410,000.00 04 January 2015          24 October 2015        No
Pharmaceutical Co.

Shenzhen Zhijun
Pharmaceutical Co.,    22,815,555.20 25 August 2014           25 August 2015         No

Sinopharm holding
Shenzhen Yanfeng       19,481,663.78 27 October 2014          27 October 2015        No

Sinopharm holding
Shenzhen Yanfeng       64,621,126.80 16 July 2014             15 July 2015           No

Sinopharm holding
Shenzhen Yanfeng       16,000,000.00 28 May 2015              15 February 2016       No

Sinopharm holding
Shenzhen Yanfeng        3,795,523.03 15 May 2015              14 May 2016            No

Sinopharm Holding
                        7,844,562.13 16 July 2014             15 July 2015           No
Shaoguan Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                        5,462,230.84 16 July 2014             15 July 2015           No
Material Co., Ltd.

As guarantee

                                       Beginning date of         Maturity date of     Guarantee obligation
       Guarantor      Amount
                                       guarantee contract       guarantee contract          expired

Shenzhen Zhijun
Pharmaceutical Co.,    60,000,000.00 15 May 2015              14 May 2016            No

Shenzhen Zhijun       125,076,375.12 18 June 2015             15 June 2016           No

                                                                        国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

  Pharmaceutical Co.,

  Shenzhen Zhijun
  Pharmaceutical Co.,          105,000,000.00 28 May 2015                 15 February 2016          No

  Shenzhen Zhijun
  Pharmaceutical Co.,            21,743,592.63 04 April 2014              03 April 2022             No

  Shenzhen Zhijun
  Pharmaceutical Co.,                200,000.00 17 July 2014              17 July 2020              No

 Sinopharm Guangzhou as guarantee

                                                    Beginning date of         Maturity date of          Guarantee obligation
          Guarantor             Amount
                                                   guarantee contract       guarantee contract                expired

  Sinopharm Group              483,029,496.81 03 June 2014                03 June 2015              No



         Related Party          Amount                Effective date           Maturity date                   Notes

  Borrowed from-

  Group Financial Co.            40,000,000.00 28 February 2015           28 February 2016          Short-term borrowings

  CNPGC                          31,600,000.00 07 May 2014                07 May 2017               Entrusted loan

 (5)Interest Expense


                                                                        For the six months ended For the six months ended
          Related Party                Type of transaction
                                                                             30 June 2015                  30 June 2014

                             Interest paid for the loans from related
CNPGC                                                                                  839,572.50                    260,700.00
                             Interest paid for the loans from Group
Group Financial Co.                                                                    667,955.53                 3,976,833.33
                             Financial Co

Sinopharm Holding Sub
                             Charges of discounted notes payable                       284,004.78                 2,421,609.56
Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group              Charges of discounted notes payable                       391,286.97                    520,387.02

Sinopharm Group              Interest paid for the loans from related
                                                                                                 0.00             5,039,990.23

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Group Financial Co.               Charges of discounted notes payable                                 -               425,990.03

                                   Total                                                2,182,819.78            12,645,510.17

 (6)Interest Revenue


                                                                              For the six months ended For the six months ended
          Related Party                       Type of transaction
                                                                                    30 June 2015             30 June 2014

  Group Financial Co.               Deposit interest                                        15,368.24                   12,702.39

 6. Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties

 (1)Accounts receivable from related parties


                                                          30 June 2015                             31 December 2014
       Nature           Related parties                             Provision for bad                       Provision for bad
                                                   Cost                                      Cost
                                                                         debts                                   debts

                      Foshan Nanhai
                      Uptodate & Special         26,157,549.60                   0.00       23,756,856.11                  0.00
                      Medicines Co., Ltd.

 Accounts             Sinopharm Holding
                                                 22,437,075.54                   0.00      25,600,093.77                   0.00
 receivable           Hunan Co., Ltd.

 Accounts             Sinopharm Holding
                                                 14,977,399.36                   0.00      12,892,087.23                   0.00
 receivable           Beijing Co., Ltd.

 Accounts             Sichuan
                                                 14,953,509.29                   0.00      12,494,740.26                   0.00
 receivable           Pharmaceutical
                      Co., Ltd.

                      Sinopharm Group
                      (Tianjin) Eastern
                      Bokang                     14,282,156.22                   0.00        7,484,251.20                  0.00
                      Co., Ltd.

 Accounts             Sinopharm Holding
                                                 13,325,378.92                   0.00      10,216,514.39                   0.00
 receivable           Shandong Co., Ltd.

 Accounts             Foshan Nanhai
                                                 11,927,363.32                   0.00       11,979,793.06                  0.00
 receivable           Medicine Co., Ltd.

 Accounts             Sinopharm Holding
                                                 11,246,067.76                   0.00      15,916,697.65                   0.00
 receivable           Hainan Co., Ltd.

                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

             Sinopharm Holding
             Beijing Huahong      10,995,794.33       0.00        7,890,664.87               0.00
             Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Le
             -Ren-Tang            10,449,518.90       0.00      14,234,771.99                0.00
             Medicine Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Chancheng District
                                  10,112,360.98       0.00                0.00               0.00
receivable   Pharmaceutical
             Co., Ltd

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Guoda Drug Store
                                   9,172,073.04       0.00        9,704,626.52               0.00
receivable   Guangdong Co.,

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   9,100,475.63       0.00      20,947,735.07                0.00
receivable   Hubei Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Group
             Xinjiang Special
             Drugs National        8,678,282.94       0.00      14,901,575.66                0.00
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   7,169,150.84       0.00        6,219,986.94               0.00
receivable   Tianjin Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Group
             Southwest             6,661,956.37       0.00        6,859,315.42               0.00
             Medicine Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Group       6,438,154.10       0.00        5,347,281.64               0.00

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   5,684,798.06       0.00        5,904,534.60               0.00
receivable   Ningxia Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   5,424,259.60       0.00        2,924,497.97               0.00
receivable   Nantong Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Guoda
Accounts     Drug Store
                                   5,058,806.52       0.00        6,589,054.06               0.00
receivable   Guangxi Chain
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   4,985,313.27       0.00        5,268,486.11               0.00
receivable   Wenzhou Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   4,051,845.16       0.00        4,591,981.10               0.00
receivable   Sub Marketing

                                                 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

             Center Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Xinjiang Special
             Drugs Western        3,660,969.04       0.00        3,770,263.86               0.00
             Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Hainan Hongyi        3,430,886.34       0.00        2,604,871.82               0.00
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  3,173,457.36       0.00        1,826,590.08               0.00
receivable   Shanxi Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Group
             Medicine Logistic    2,822,507.06       0.00        3,521,227.69               0.00
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  2,521,730.78       0.00        1,505,859.96               0.00
receivable   Yunnan Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  2,285,855.98       0.00        2,847,145.76               0.00
receivable   Jinzhou Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  2,234,798.32       0.00        1,854,656.73               0.00
receivable   Shanxi Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  2,202,113.85       0.00        2,762,374.20               0.00
receivable   Henan Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  1,855,407.42       0.00        1,239,408.42               0.00
receivable   Fuzhou Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Chengdu
                                  1,803,998.02       0.00          38,660.00                0.00
receivable   Pharmaceutical
             Co., Ltd.

             Guangdong Dong
Accounts     Fang Uptodate &
                                  1,774,774.56       0.00        2,350,070.03               0.00
receivable   Special Medicines
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  1,718,409.42       0.00        1,358,428.16               0.00
receivable   Shenyang Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  1,527,501.10       0.00         896,848.13                0.00
receivable   Guizhou Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Heilongjiang Co.,    1,485,109.28       0.00        1,642,680.23               0.00

Accounts     Foshan               1,323,020.35       0.00        4,522,094.66               0.00

                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

receivable   Chancheng District
             Central Hospital

Accounts     China National
                                   1,237,132.12       0.00        2,388,847.85               0.00
receivable   Medicines Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   1,008,763.00       0.00        1,476,745.88               0.00
receivable   Yangzhou Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Guoda
Accounts     Drug Store
                                    972,206.70        0.00        1,251,757.35               0.00
receivable   Jiangmen Chain
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    799,078.44        0.00         568,341.65                0.00
receivable   Gansu Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    697,049.29        0.00         494,390.88                0.00
receivable   Jilin Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Guoda Pharmacy         650,520.00        0.00         598,180.00                0.00
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    618,717.00        0.00         344,726.94                0.00
receivable   Qinghai Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Lerentang
                                    490,080.00        0.00         328,497.80                0.00
receivable   Tangshan
             Medicine Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    488,264.80        0.00        6,756,555.98               0.00
receivable   Zhejiang Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    445,918.51        0.00         231,074.80                0.00
receivable   Longyan Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    439,635.28        0.00         241,355.80                0.00
receivable   Taizhou Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    431,411.13        0.00         825,483.13                0.00
receivable   Xuzhou Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    427,455.68        0.00         563,011.50                0.00
receivable   Yancheng Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Suzhou Kangmin
                                    400,872.00        0.00                0.00               0.00
receivable   Pharmaceutical
             Co. Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    398,134.14        0.00         786,713.14                0.00
receivable   Wuxi Co., Ltd.

                                               国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  394,478.36       0.00         864,753.84                0.00
receivable   Fujian Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  389,653.72       0.00         536,255.16                0.00
receivable   Dalian Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Chongqing Co.,       337,466.49       0.00        2,248,998.17               0.00

             Sinopharm Holding
             Inner Mongolia       323,446.74       0.00         327,343.79                0.00
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Lerentang
                                  322,920.00       0.00          30,744.72                0.00
receivable   Qinhuangdao
             Medicine Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  267,786.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
receivable   Putian Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  193,278.43       0.00         565,976.79                0.00
receivable   Qingdao Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Quanzhou Co.,        185,925.12       0.00         179,570.31                0.00

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Changzhou
                                  140,553.67       0.00         246,140.48                0.00
receivable   Medical logistics
             center Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Tianjin North        139,080.00       0.00         559,722.27                0.00
             Medicine Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  131,198.27       0.00         160,260.67                0.00
receivable   Changde Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  115,002.00       0.00          70,416.00                0.00
receivable   Ningde Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  105,842.56       0.00          84,878.70                0.00
receivable   Shan`xi Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  103,769.29       0.00         208,244.76                0.00
receivable   Jiangsu Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   94,500.00       0.00         197,948.00                0.00
receivable   Anqing Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   85,512.00       0.00          80,520.00                0.00
receivable   Yantai Co., Ltd.

                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

             Qinghai Medical
             Pharmaceutical       70,050.00       0.00          25,500.00                0.00
             Material Co., Ltd.

             China Sinopharm
             International        52,500.00       0.00                0.00               0.00

             Jiang Meng
Accounts     Renren Medical
                                  50,087.10       0.00          39,045.20                0.00
receivable   instrument Co.,

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  47,921.10       0.00          45,812.40                0.00
receivable   Jiangxi Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  35,439.59       0.00            8,640.00               0.00
receivable   Sanming Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  33,420.00       0.00         177,054.00                0.00
receivable   Suzhou Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Shanxi Guoyi Drug
                                  30,300.00       0.00          15,060.00                0.00
receivable   Store Co., Ltd.

             Foshan Chanyixing
Accounts     Medicine
                                  18,484.40       0.00          32,786.80                0.00
receivable   Development Co

             Guang dong South
Accounts     Pharmaceutical
                                   6,912.00       0.00          39,331.20                0.00
receivable   Foreign Trade Co.,

             Sinopharm Holding
             Nanping New           4,380.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
             Power Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   3,190.00       0.00            5,755.00               0.00
receivable   Zhoukou Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
             Chinese Western       1,992.80       0.00          44,332.00                0.00
             Medicine Branch
             Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   1,500.00       0.00         426,089.07                0.00
receivable   Anhui Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                   1,090.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
receivable   Xinxiang Co.,Ltd

                                           国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                  500.00       0.00            2,180.00               0.00
receivable   Shangqiu Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Beijing Kangchen
                                    0.00       0.00            7,728.00               0.00
receivable   Bio-Pharmaceutica
             l Co., Ltd.

             Shanghai Tongyu
Accounts     Information
                                    0.00       0.00            3,000.00               0.00
receivable   Technology Co.,

Accounts     Sinopharm Holding
                                    0.00       0.00          45,804.00                0.00
receivable   Puyang Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Hongkong
                                    0.00       0.00          63,009.89                0.00
receivable   International Co.

             Sinopharm Holding
Accounts     Beijing Tianxing
                                    0.00       0.00            1,711.00               0.00
receivable   Puxin Biological
             Medical Co., Ltd.

             Sinopharm Group
Accounts     Shanghai Likang
                                    0.00       0.00         128,320.00                0.00
receivable   Pharmaceutical
             Co. Ltd.

Accounts     Nutraceuticals
                                    0.00       0.00            2,320.00               0.00
receivable   (Shanghai) Co.,

             Sinopharm Holding
             Changzhou     Co.,     0.00       0.00          27,600.00                0.00

             Donghong               0.00       0.00         224,610.00                0.00
             Medicine Co., Ltd.

             Shanghai Nuoyun
Accounts     Marketing
                                    0.00       0.00         100,000.00                0.00
receivable   Consulting Co.,

             Shenzhen Wanwei
             Medicine trading       0.00       0.00            1,200.00               0.00
             Co., Ltd.

                                                       国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                        4,874,345.98       0.00        3,940,454.90               0.00
                   Hunan Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                        4,515,746.05       0.00        3,326,140.88               0.00
                   Hainan Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Guoda
                   Drug Store
Notes receivable                        4,074,440.19       0.00        3,379,828.22               0.00
                   Guangxi Chain
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable   Hainan Hongyi        3,239,255.56       0.00        2,487,781.91               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                        2,014,138.07       0.00         233,786.00                0.00
                   Tianjin Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group
                   (Tianjin) Eastern
Notes receivable   Bokang               1,871,320.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                        1,255,125.58       0.00         200,000.00                0.00
                   Shandong Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         900,000.00        0.00         183,647.00                0.00
                   Yancheng Co., Ltd.

Notes receivable                         875,741.95        0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Chongqing Yaoyou
Notes receivable   Pharmaceutical        724,410.89        0.00        1,661,088.00               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         256,360.80        0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Anhui Co., Ltd.

                   Ningxia Guoda
Notes receivable   Drug StoreChain       250,000.00        0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         213,812.80        0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Wuhu Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         167,232.00        0.00         539,043.12                0.00
                   Shenyang Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         142,297.20        0.00         366,032.00                0.00
                   Chongqing Co.,

                                                     国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告


                   Sinopharm Holding
                   Guoda Drug Store
Notes receivable                        134,851.25       0.00         989,431.36                0.00
                   Guangdong Co.,

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                        105,451.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                        100,000.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Ningxia Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         99,733.50       0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Nanyang Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group
                   Xinjiang Special
Notes receivable   Drugs National        97,300.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                         68,664.00       0.00          36,456.00                0.00
                   Yantai Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable   Sub Marketing         26,000.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
                   Center Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                              0.00       0.00         148,911.00                0.00
                   Shan`xi Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                              0.00       0.00         378,000.00                0.00
                   Hubei Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
                   Hunan Guoda
Notes receivable   Minshengtang               0.00       0.00         184,000.00                0.00
                   Drug Store Chain
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                              0.00       0.00         223,074.00                0.00
                   Zhejiang Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                              0.00       0.00          12,800.00                0.00
                   Taizhou Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                              0.00       0.00         100,000.00                0.00
                   Anyang Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                              0.00       0.00          42,183.00                0.00
                   Huainan Co., Ltd.

                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                    Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                                 0.00        0.00         100,000.00                0.00
                    Fuyang Co., Ltd.

                    Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                                 0.00        0.00          39,055.91                0.00
                    Lunan Co., Ltd.

                    Sinopharm Holding
Notes receivable                                 0.00        0.00         119,016.00                0.00
                    Ningde Co., Ltd.

                    Sinopharm Le
Notes receivable    -Ren-Tang                    0.00        0.00          84,503.26                0.00
                    Medicine Co., Ltd.

                    NanJing Iron &
Notes receivable                                 0.00        0.00         200,000.00                0.00
                    Steel Co., Ltd.

                    Nanjing Iron &
                    Steel Group
Notes receivable                                 0.00        0.00         100,000.00                0.00
                    International Trade
                    Co., Ltd

                    China National
Notes receivable                                 0.00        0.00          30,000.00                0.00
                    Foreign Trade Co.,

                    Sinopharm Group
Other receivables   Medicine Logistic     1,215,000.00       0.00        1,215,000.00               0.00
                    Co., Ltd.

Other receivables   Sinopharm Group        250,000.00        0.00         250,000.00                0.00

                    China National
Other receivables                          131,823.93        0.00         250,000.00                0.00
                    Foreign Trade Co.,

                    Guang dong South
Other receivables                               36.75        0.00              36.75                0.00
                    Foreign Trade Co.,

                    China National
Other receivables                                0.00        0.00         184,730.14                0.00
                    Medicines Co., Ltd.

Advances to         Pharmaceutical
                                          6,142,166.67       0.00      16,612,166.67                0.00
suppliers           and Medical
                    Industry Design

Advances to         Winteam               5,003,400.42       0.00                0.00               0.00

                                                 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

suppliers     Pharmaceutical
              Group Ltd.

Advances to
              Rongsheng             389,600.00       0.00         118,628.00                0.00
              Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

              Wuhan Institute of
Advances to
              Biological Products   362,200.00       0.00         310,400.00                0.00
              Co., Ltd.

              Sinopharm Holding
Advances to
              Sub Marketing         301,360.00       0.00                0.00               0.00
              Center Co., Ltd.

Advances to   Shenzhen Wanle
                                     45,602.97       0.00          45,602.97                0.00
suppliers     Medical Co., Ltd.

              Shanghai Institute
Advances to
              of Pharmaceutical      40,000.00       0.00                0.00               0.00

Advances to
              Pharmaceutical         18,400.00       0.00                0.00               0.00

              Foshan Nanhai
Advances to
              Uptodate & Special      8,993.75       0.00             649.36                0.00
              Medicines Co., Ltd.

Advances to   China National
                                      5,541.40       0.00            8,608.07               0.00
suppliers     Medicines Co., Ltd.

Advances to   Sinopharm Holding
                                      3,884.87       0.00           11,581.25               0.00
suppliers     Suzhou Co., Ltd.

Advances to   Humanwell
                                      2,993.74       0.00                0.00               0.00
suppliers     Pharmaceutical
              Co., Ltd.

              Sinopharm Group
Advances to
              Guorui Medicine          957.26        0.00             957.26                0.00
              Co., Ltd.

              China National
Advances to   Pharmaceutical
                                       947.81        0.00                0.00               0.00
suppliers     Foreign Trade Co.,

Advances to   Sinopharm Holding
                                       214.86        0.00                0.00               0.00
suppliers     Macheng Co., Ltd.

Advances to   Guangdong Dong            46.55        0.00                0.00               0.00

                                                                   国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

suppliers            Fang Uptodate &
                     Special Medicines
                     Co., Ltd.

                     Sinopharm Group
Advances to
                     Chemical Reagent                      0.00         0.00            27,307.69               0.00
                     Co., Ltd.

Advances to          Sinopharm Holding
                                                           0.00         0.00             1,480.70               0.00
suppliers            Hunan Co., Ltd.

Advances to          Sinopharm Holding
                                                           0.00         0.00             4,386.00               0.00
suppliers            Fujian Co., Ltd.

Advances to          Sinopharm Holding
                                                           0.00         0.00              379.92                0.00
suppliers            Guizhou Co., Ltd.

                     China National
Advances to
                     Instruments &                         0.00         0.00       1,806,138.00                 0.00
                     Materials Imp/Exp
                     Shenzhen CO., Ltd

                     Beijing Huasheng
Advances to
                     Biotechnology                         0.00         0.00              437.62                0.00
                     Development Co.,

                     China National
Advances to
                     Pharmaceutical                        0.00         0.00               10.50                0.00
                     Industry Co., Ltd.

Advances to
                     Pharmaceutical                        0.00         0.00       5,138,698.55                 0.00
                     (Group) Co., Ltd.

(2)Accounts payables to related parties


            Nature                       Related parties          30 June 2015               31 December 2014

                                  Sinopharm Holding Sub
Accounts payable                                                       150,387,205.95                168,855,238.90
                                  Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

                                  China National Medicines
Accounts payable                                                        48,133,232.95                 40,965,238.69
                                  Co., Ltd.

Accounts payable                  Sinopharm Group                       42,205,548.33                 68,114,014.57

                                  Sino-Swed Pharmaceutical
Accounts payable                                                        16,496,283.73                  7,452,712.28

                                                   国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine
Accounts payable                                       10,050,520.04                 12,058,843.67
                   trading Co., Ltd.

                   Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy
Accounts payable                                        7,637,070.79                  5,511,809.11
                   Marketing Co., Ltd.

                   Guang dong South
Accounts payable   Pharmaceutical Foreign               6,826,776.18                  7,999,963.51
                   Trade Co., Ltd.

                   Chongqing Yaoyou
Accounts payable                                        6,508,613.00                  2,242,748.93
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Lanzhou Institute of
Accounts payable                                        3,440,560.00                  3,360,000.00
                   Biological Products Co., Ltd.

                   Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &
Accounts payable                                        3,401,035.52                  1,773,366.89
                   Special Medicines Co., Ltd.

                   Winteam Pharmaceutical
Accounts payable                                        2,119,154.16                  2,782,751.64
                   Group Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group Medicine
Accounts payable                                          810,654.51                    708,527.88
                   Logistic Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Beijing
Accounts payable                                          710,666.35                    388,738.14
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Beijing
Accounts payable                                          587,884.15                    310,189.92
                   Huahong Co., Ltd.

                   Shanghai Shyndec
Accounts payable                                          573,538.00                    220,866.53
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Beijing
Accounts payable   Tianxing Puxin Biological              457,929.43                          0.00
                   Medical Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group
Accounts payable   Rongsheng Pharmaceutical               422,264.41                     78,975.41
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Chongqing Haisiman
Accounts payable                                          401,573.21                  1,462,551.60
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Beijing Huasheng
Accounts payable                                          388,297.01                        637.01
                   Biotechnology Development
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Guizhou Tongjitang
Accounts payable                                          325,537.57                    282,671.52
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   China Otsuka
Accounts payable                                          264,611.06                    196,492.56
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                                                 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   Handan Pharmaceutical Co.,
Accounts payable                                        242,911.34                    263,842.34

                   Sinopharm Group Zhonglian
Accounts payable                                        235,048.83                    176,769.70
                   Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

                   Anhui Jingfang
Accounts payable                                        144,572.13                     31,541.61
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Qinghai Pharmaceutical
Accounts payable                                        138,453.45                          0.00
                   (Group) Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group Chemical
Accounts payable                                        135,240.19                    443,678.43
                   Reagent Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Hunan
Accounts payable                                        123,520.50                        249.04
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Yichang Humanwell
Accounts payable                                        110,894.07                     15,820.01
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Guilin South pharmaceutical
Accounts payable                                        103,018.41                     96,499.78
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Luoyang
Accounts payable                                         97,094.01                          0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Guangdong Dong Fang
Accounts payable   Uptodate & Special                    93,221.91                    661,951.36
                   Medicines Co., Ltd.

                   Shenyang Hongqi
Accounts payable                                         86,550.67                     97,796.06
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Suzhou Erye Pharmaceutical
Accounts payable                                         72,650.00                     92,623.93
                   Limited Company

                   Foshan Nanhai Medicine
Accounts payable                                         66,378.81                     62,758.66
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Accounts payable   Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co.,            62,589.80                     23,757.18

                   Hunan Dongting
Accounts payable                                         61,301.52                     47,614.27
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Xingsha
Accounts payable   Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen)              60,622.82                     39,113.92
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Foshan Dezhong
Accounts payable                                         60,002.93                     60,002.93
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Shandong Lu Ya
Accounts payable                                         53,469.45                     53,469.45
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                                                   国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   Sinopharm Holding Hubei
Accounts payable                                           46,014.36                 35,238,692.18
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Shanghai Institute of
Accounts payable   biomedical Pharmaceutical Co.           43,012.23                          0.85

                   Foshan Fengliaoxing
Accounts payable                                           40,514.97                    437,829.45
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Sichuan Hexin
Accounts payable                                           32,659.20                          0.00
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Guangdong Medi-World
Accounts payable                                           30,114.22                     30,541.40
                   Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.

                   Guizhou Longlife
Accounts payable                                           26,922.69                     26,948.33
                   Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Sanyi
Accounts payable                                           21,261.25                     22,356.76
                   Medicine(Wuhu) Co., Ltd.

                   Shanghai Modern Hasen
Accounts payable   (Shangqiu) Pharmacertical               20,881.84                     29,802.78
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Changchun Changsheng
Accounts payable   Gene Pharmaceutical Co.,                17,914.80                     17,914.80

                   Sinopharm Group Chemical
Accounts payable                                           17,583.33                     58,032.78
                   Reagent Suzhou Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group Shanghai
Accounts payable                                           16,603.02                     16,603.02
                   Medicine Device Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding
Accounts payable                                           16,197.93                     16,197.93
                   Liaocheng Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Dalian
Accounts payable                                           11,282.05                          0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group Beijing
Accounts payable                                            8,827.77                      8,827.77
                   Medical equipment Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu
Accounts payable                                            8,386.03                     27,794.23
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group Weiqida
Accounts payable                                            8,150.45                        201.73
                   Medicine Co., Ltd.

                   Shanghai Chaohui
Accounts payable                                            7,494.85                      7,494.85
                   Pharmecurical Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Shan`xi
Accounts payable                                            6,119.55                          0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   China National Scientific
Accounts payable   Instruments & Materials                 5,849.56                          0.00
                   Imp/Exp Shenzhen CO., Ltd

                   Shenzhen Wanle Medical
Accounts payable                                           4,444.06                      4,290.22
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Dezhou
Accounts payable                                           4,333.65                      4,333.65
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Foshan Fengliaoxing
Accounts payable                                           3,914.41                      3,914.41
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                   Shanghai Sailun Biological
Accounts payable                                           2,941.10                      2,941.10
                   Technology Co., Ltd.

                   Jiangsu Huanghe
Accounts payable                                           2,789.73                      2,789.73
                   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

                   Sinopharm Holding Huaideju
Accounts payable   Pharmaceutical (Xiamen)                 1,113.85                      1,113.85
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Chengdu Rongsheng
Accounts payable                                             794.87                        794.87
                   Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

                   The Fourth Pharmaceutical
Accounts payable                                             752.14                        752.14
                   Co., Ltd. of Zhonglian Group

                   Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Accounts payable   Fumei Pharmaceutical                      189.71                        189.71
                   (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Fujian
Accounts payable                                              51.00                          0.00
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Guizhou
Accounts payable                                              41.02                         41.02
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Sanming
Accounts payable                                              12.82                         12.82
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Group Southwest
Accounts payable                                               0.00                    222,265.56
                   Medicine Co., Ltd.

                   Sinopharm Holding Inner
Accounts payable                                               0.00                     78,106.98
                   Mongolia Co., Ltd.

                   China National
Accounts payable   Pharmaceutical Foreign                      0.00                    367,884.12
                   Trade Co., Ltd.

                   China State Institute of
Other payables                                         8,590,000.00                    150,000.00
                   Pharmaceutical Industry

Other payables     Sinopharm Group                     4,530,696.87                  4,330,696.87

                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                 Sinopharm Chongqing
Other payables   Pharmaceutical and Medical        4,030,000.00                  1,730,000.00
                 Industry Design Institute

                 Sinopharm Group Medicine
Other payables                                     2,900,553.36                     14,148.79
                 Logistic Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Shanghai
Other payables                                     1,660,431.38                  1,660,431.38
                 Co., Ltd.

                 China Traditional Chinese
Other payables                                     1,300,000.00                  1,300,000.00
                 Medicine Co.

                 Sinopharm Group Chemical
Other payables                                       240,944.50                    220,000.00
                 Reagent Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Other payables   Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co.,           72,000.00                          0.00

                 Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Other payables   Store Guangxi Chain Co.,             55,300.00                          0.00

                 Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Other payables   Drug Store Guangzhou                 46,000.00                          0.00
                 Chain Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Group
Other payables   Guangdong Medicine Device            44,000.00                     44,000.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Hainan
Other payables                                        20,000.00                     20,000.00
                 Hongyi Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Shanxi
Other payables                                        15,000.00                     15,000.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Tianjin
Other payables                                        10,000.00                     10,000.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Group (Tianjin)
Other payables   Eastern Bokang                       10,000.00                     10,000.00
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Group Southwest
Other payables                                         5,000.00                      5,000.00
                 Medicine Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Hubei
Other payables                                         5,000.00                      5,000.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Sub
Other payables                                         5,000.00                      5,000.00
                 Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

Other payables   Sinopharm Holding                     5,000.00                      5,000.00

                                                 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                 (Yangzhou) Chinese Western
                 Medicine Branch Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Wuxi
Other payables                                            5,000.00                      5,000.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang
Other payables                                            5,000.00                      5,000.00
                 Medicine Co., Ltd.

Other payables   CNPGC                                        0.00                    900,000.00

Notes payable    Sinopharm Group                     50,760,344.94                 72,843,584.86

                 Sinopharm Group Chemical
Notes payable                                            25,465.00                     45,110.30
                 Reagent Suzhou Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Beijing
Notes payable                                                 0.00                    212,400.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 China National Medicines
Notes payable                                        10,939,643.27                 10,591,195.40
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Holding Sub
Notes payable                                       161,338,460.37                140,809,327.41
                 Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

                 Chongqing Yaoyou
Notes payable                                         2,474,852.99                    918,825.60
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Shenyang Hongqi
Notes payable                                           149,450.00                          0.00
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy
Notes payable                                         1,000,209.72                  2,013,158.00
                 Marketing Co., Ltd.

                 Chongqing Haisiman
Notes payable                                         1,628,968.60                  2,071,879.20
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Guizhou Tongjitang
Notes payable                                         1,224,804.50                  1,228,680.00
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Anhui Jingfang
Notes payable                                           283,256.00                    477,198.00
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Winteam Pharmaceutical
Notes payable                                           318,943.43                          0.00
                 Group Ltd.

                 Lanzhou Institute of
Notes payable                                           794,447.76                    600,000.00
                 Biological Products Co., Ltd.

                 Shanghai Shyndec
Notes payable                                                 0.00                    223,384.80
                 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                 Sinopharm Group
Notes payable    Rongsheng Pharmaceutical                85,625.00                    308,385.00
                 Co., Ltd.

                 Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine
Notes payable                                         1,357,430.50                  1,291,900.00
                 trading Co., Ltd.

                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                          Sinopharm Guoda Drug
Advances from customers   Store Guangxi Chain Co.,               94,692.36                     94,692.36

                          Guang dong South
Advances from customers   Pharmaceutical Foreign                 43,920.00                    292,192.94
                          Trade Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Gansu
Advances from customers                                          11,003.00                     11,003.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou
Advances from customers                                           5,744.00                     11,530.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Suzhou
Advances from customers   Kangmin Pharmaceutical Co.              5,635.00                          0.00

                          Sinopharm Group Southwest
Advances from customers                                           2,456.00                          0.00
                          Medicine Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Chengdu
Advances from customers                                           1,450.09                      1,802.98
                          Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding
Advances from customers                                             755.62                        755.62
                          Chongqing Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang
Advances from customers                                             505.00                        505.00
                          Biological Product Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Lerentang
Advances from customers                                             291.52                          0.00
                          Tangshan Medicine Co., Ltd.

                          Chongqing Yaoyou
Advances from customers                                             203.47                          0.00
                          Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Sichuan
Advances from customers                                             100.00                        100.00
                          Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Jingmen
Advances from customers                                               1.00                          1.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang
Advances from customers                                               0.00                    329,098.00
                          Medicine Co., Ltd.

                          Guangdong Dong Fang
Advances from customers   Uptodate & Special                          0.00                    187,200.00
                          Medicines Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding
Advances from customers                                               0.00                    133,290.00
                          Yangzhou Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Advances from customers                                               0.00                    129,200.00
                          Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

Advances from customers   Sinopharm Holding Beijing                   0.00                     91,800.00

                                                         国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                          Co., Ltd.

                          Hetian Region Ankang Chain
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     63,128.00
                          Drugstore Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Longyan
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     59,508.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Anhui
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     44,302.05
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Shanxi
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     38,340.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     33,999.60
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Suzhou
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     32,220.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding ChiFeng
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     30,384.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Sub
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     24,741.60
                          Marketing Center Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co.,
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     16,496.52

                          Sinopharm Holding
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     16,320.00
                          Shandong Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Group Shanghai
Advances from customers   Likang Pharmaceutical Co.                   0.00                     12,620.00

                          Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang
Advances from customers                                               0.00                     11,652.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Tianjin
Advances from customers                                               0.00                      8,600.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu
Advances from customers                                               0.00                      4,833.00
                          Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding
Advances from customers                                               0.00                      1,872.00
                          Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.

                          Sinopharm Holding Hebei
Advances from customers                                               0.00                          3.48
                          Medical Co., Ltd.

Interests payable         CNPGC                                  60,291.18                     52,140.00

Interests payable         Group Financial Co.                    56,155.04                          0.00

                                                          国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

7. Commitment with related parties

Undertaking contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognised in balance sheet are anaylsed
as follows:

As a leasee
                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                        30 June 2015                   31 December 2014

Shaoguan Wujiang District Muyang Medicine
                                                              766.17                               640.52
Information Consultant Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                   729.00                                  0.00

Wang Yang                                                     248.40                                  0.00

Foshan Nanhai Medicine Group Co., Ltd.                         18.24                                  3.70

Total                                                       1,761.81                               644.22

As a leaser
                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                        30 June 2015                   31 December 2014

Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain
                                                              150.99                               275.25
Co., Ltd.
Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store(Shenzhen)
                                                              107.94                                10.25
Chain Co., Ltd.
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store
                                                               41.17                                54.03
Guangzhou Chain Co., Ltd.
Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medicine
                                                               14.19                                28.38
Device Co., Ltd.

Total                                                         314.29                               367.91

Guarantee (Unused quotas)
                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                        30 June 2015                   31 December 2014

Sinopharm Group                                             7,697.05                            10,024.25

Total                                                       7,697.05                            10,024.25

XI. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Commitments

(1) Capital commitments

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Capital expenditures contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognised in balance sheet are analysed as follows:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                          30 June 2015                            31 December 2014

Buildings, machinery and equipment                                             2,660.67                                       14,228.32

Total                                                                          2,660.67                                       14,228.32

(2) Operating lease commitments
The future minimum lease payments due under the signed irrevocable operating leases contracts are summarised as
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                          30 June 2015                            31 December 2014

Within one year                                                                3,585.99                                        2,446.33

Between 1 and 2 years                                                          2,682.19                                        2,407.97

Between 2 and 3 years                                                          2,489.98                                        2,364.04

Over 3 years                                                                 13,233.29                                        16,372.28

Total                                                                        21,991.45                                        23,590.62

XII. Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1)The accounts receivable and related provision for bad debts by category are analysed below:


                                          30 June 2015                                              31 December 2014

                                                 Bad debt
                      Carrying amount                                       Carrying amount Bad debt provision
                                  % of                                                  % of                                Book value
                                                                  value     amoun
                      amount      total       amount     rate                           total        amount     rate
                                 balance                                               balance

significant are
subject to separate      0.00     0.00%          0.00    0.00%      0.00      0.00      0.00%           0.00     0.00%              0.00

accounts within       561,068,    100.00                         561,068,               100.00                             513,791,982.
                                                 0.00    0.00%              1,982.                      0.00     0.00%
similar credit risk    339.16             %                       339.16                        %                                    48

                                                                                 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

individually not
significant but
individually              0.00     0.00%          0.00    0.00%         0.00       0.00    0.00%          0.00      0.00%               0.00
evaluated for

                       561,068,    100.00                            561,068,              100.00                                513,791,982.
Total                                             0.00    0.00%                  1,982.                   0.00      0.00%
                        339.16             %                          339.16                       %                                      48

The aging of accounts receivable and related provision for bad debts are analysed below:

                                                                                 30 June 2015
                                      Accounts receivable               Provision for bad debts                           rate

Within 1 year                                     561,068,339.16                                   0.00                                0.00%

Total                                             561,068,339.16                                   0.00                                0.00%

(2)The top five accounts receivable by customer are summariesd as below:

                                                                                                             % of the total accounts
                                                Amount                Bad debt provision amount

Total amount of the top five
                                                  149,192,318.92                                   0.00                               26.59%
accounts receivables

2. Other receivables

(1)Other receivables and related provision for bad debts by category are analysed below:


                                           30 June 2015                                            31 December 2014

                                                   Bad debt
                       Carrying amount                                          Carrying amount        Bad debt provision
   Classification                                                     Book
                                   % of                                                    % of                                  Book value
                       amount      total       amount     rate                  amount     total       amount      rate
                                  amount                                                  amount

significant are
                       8,980,00                8,980,00   100.00                8,980,0                8,980,00
subject to separate                0.66%                                0.00               0.80%                  100.00%               0.00
                          0.00                    0.00           %               00.00                    0.00

Receivable             1,349,02 99.25% 41,054.9           0.00% 1,348,9 1,111,4 99.10% 41,461.3                     0.00% 1,111,423,80

                                                                              国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

accounts within         0,824.40                    0              79,769. 65,271.                          0                           9.76
similar credit risk                                                    50         06

Individually not
significant but
                        1,157,86              1,157,86   100.00              1,157,8               1,157,86
individually                          0.09%                           0.00             0.10%                       100.00%              0.00
                               0.00              0.00         %                60.00                      0.00
evaluated for

                                                                   1,348,9 1,121,6
                        1,359,15      100.00 10,178,9                                  100.00 10,179,3                         1,111,423,80
Total                                                     0.75% 79,769. 03,131.                                       0.91%
                        8,684.40          %     14.90                                         %          21.30                          9.76
                                                                       50         06

As at 30 June 2015, impairment provision for other receivables individually significant are analysed as below:

                                                                         30 June 2015
  Other receivables(by
                                                                                                                      Assessment for
        company)                      Amount             Bad debt provision                 Rate

Shenzhen Yinghai
                                                                                                                 Uncertainty in
Technology Investment                  8,980,000.00               8,980,000.00                     100.00%
Co., Ltd.

Total                                  8,980,000.00               8,980,000.00               --                               --

Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk group are analysed below:

                                                                              30 June 2015
                                               Amount                   Bad debt provision                              Rate

Within 1 year                                  1,348,199,726.44                                   0.00                                0.00%

1 to 2 years                                          821,097.96                       41,054.90                                      5.00%

Total                                          1,349,020,824.40                        41,054.90                                      0.00%

(2)Other receivables by nature are analysed below


                      Nature                                 30 June 2015                                 31 December 2014

Amounts due from related parties                                      1,344,841,150.15                                   1,107,496,851.78

Petty cash advance to employees                                              2,329,088.34                                      1,050,529.32

Deposit                                                                      1,372,469.72                                      2,370,709.80

Purchasing rebates                                                            414,367.80                                                0.00

                                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Others                                                                  10,201,608.39                                   10,685,040.16

Total                                                                1,359,158,684.40                             1,121,603,131.06

(3)As at 30 June of 2015,the top 5 parties that owe the largest amounts of other receivable
balances are analysd as below:


     Company name            Nature              Balance               Aging            % of total amount Provision of bad debt

Sinopharm Yuexing                              209,700,000.00          Within 1 year                15.43%                       0.00

Suzhou Zhijun                                  177,949,000.00          Within 1 year                13.09%                       0.00

Sinopharm              Entrusted
                                               130,000,000.00          Within 1 year                 9.56%                       0.00
Guangzhou              borrowings

Sinopharm              Entrusted
                                               118,000,000.00          Within 1 year                 8.68%                       0.00
Zhanjiang              borrowings

Guangxi Logistics                               81,840,000.00          Within 1 year                 6.02%                       0.00

Total                          --              717,489,000.00              --                       52.78%                       0.00

3. Long-term equity investments


                                      30 June 2015                                           31 December 2014

                                      Provision for                                              Provision for
                  Carrying Amount                         Book Value       Carrying Amount                             Book Value
                                        impairment                                                 impairment

in                2,735,399,494.38 121,000,000.00 2,614,399,494.38 2,735,399,494.38 121,000,000.00 2,614,399,494.38

                   151,691,888.29               0.00      151,691,888.29        157,604,846.85             0.00        157,604,846.85
in associates

Total             2,887,091,382.67 121,000,000.00 2,766,091,382.67 2,893,004,341.23 121,000,000.00 2,772,004,341.23

(1)Investments in subsidiaries


                         Original          Increases in        Decreases in                          Provision for
      Investees                                                                     30 June 2015                        Impairment
                      investment cost     investment cost     investment cost                         impairment

Zhijun Medicine        204,903,284.87                  0.00                0.00     204,903,284.87              0.00             0.00

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                     60,054,911.04   0.00   0.00    60,054,911.04        0.00           0.00

Shenzhen            15,450,875.93    0.00   0.00    15,450,875.93        0.00           0.00

                     5,019,062.68    0.00   0.00     5,019,062.68        0.00           0.00

                  1,035,440,323.63   0.00   0.00 1,035,440,323.63        0.00           0.00

Zhijun Medicine      11,116,866.42   0.00   0.00    11,116,866.42        0.00           0.00

                    45,763,288.00    0.00   0.00    45,763,288.00        0.00           0.00

                    21,407,965.79    0.00   0.00    21,407,965.79        0.00           0.00

                    17,942,000.00    0.00   0.00    17,942,000.00        0.00           0.00

                    64,416,937.72    0.00   0.00    64,416,937.72        0.00           0.00

                    10,596,006.21    0.00   0.00    10,596,006.21        0.00           0.00

                   113,459,326.27    0.00   0.00   113,459,326.27        0.00           0.00

                    19,995,065.51    0.00   0.00    19,995,065.51        0.00           0.00

Suzhou Zhijun      265,900,000.00    0.00   0.00   265,900,000.00        0.00 121,000,000.00

                   504,048,985.28    0.00   0.00   504,048,985.28        0.00           0.00

                    70,769,864.65    0.00   0.00    70,769,864.65        0.00           0.00

                    38,207,800.00    0.00   0.00    38,207,800.00        0.00           0.00

                    21,281,900.00    0.00   0.00    21,281,900.00        0.00           0.00

                    37,850,830.38    0.00   0.00    37,850,830.38        0.00           0.00

                    16,644,200.00    0.00   0.00    16,644,200.00        0.00           0.00

Sinopharm           18,060,000.00    0.00   0.00    18,060,000.00        0.00           0.00

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                    106,000,000.00                0.00                 0.00   106,000,000.00              0.00               0.00

                     10,000,000.00                0.00                 0.00    10,000,000.00              0.00               0.00

                     13,580,000.00                0.00                 0.00    13,580,000.00              0.00               0.00

                      7,490,000.00                0.00                 0.00     7,490,000.00              0.00               0.00

Total              2,735,399,494.38               0.00                 0.00 2,735,399,494.38              0.00 121,000,000.00

(2)Investments in associates


                      31 December                                                      Provision
                                       Additional    Share of            Dividend                      30 Jnue 2015      ending
                          2014                                                             of
                                      investment      profit or loss     declared                                       balance


Wanle Medical        157,604,846.85             0.00 28,160,061.44 35,190,000.00                0.00 150,574,908.29          0.00

Sinopharm Zhuhai                 0.00 1,002,980.00        114,000.00            0.00            0.00    1,116,980.00         0.00

subtotal             157,604,846.85 1,002,980.00 28,274,061.44 35,190,000.00                    0.00 151,691,888.29          0.00

Total                157,604,846.85 1,002,980.00 28,274,061.44 35,190,000.00                    0.00 151,691,888.29          0.00

4. Sales and cost of sales


                           For the six months ended 30 June 2015               For the six months ended 30 June 2014

                              Revenue                      Cost                     Revenue                      Cost

Revenue of main
                            1,404,606,954.44             1,349,606,896.49        1,339,376,773.85             1,289,133,611.14

Other operating income           5,308,781.06                 489,205.40               5,156,613.11               1,778,763.16

Total                       1,409,915,735.50             1,350,096,101.89        1,344,533,386.96            1,290,912,374.30

5. Investment income


                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2015 For the six months ended 30 June 2014

                                                                     国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Gain on long-term equity investment
                                                                  514,513,119.54                              456,948,364.73
under cost method

Gain on long-term equity investment
                                                                   28,274,061.44                                23,595,722.50
under equity method

Total                                                             542,787,180.98                              480,544,087.23

XIII.Supplementary information

1. Non-routine items


                                                         amount                                       Notes

                                                                                   Mainly was compensation for demolition
Gains on disposal of non-current assets                             4,114,941.12 from disposal the investment real estate
                                                                                   by Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou.

                                                                                   Mainly contained various of special
Government grants related to income                                10,567,256.16
                                                                                   subsidies and financial discount.

Receivables impairment reversal by
individual assessment

                                                                                   Mainly comes from hosting service for
Entrusted management custody fee
                                                                     375,000.00 Sinopharm Group and China National
                                                                                   Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   Mainly was relocation rewards and
                                                                                   closed resettlement compensation for
Other non-operating income                                          2,189,460.15
                                                                                   demolition of Sinopharm Holding

Less:Tax impact of above non-routine

    Share of minority interests of above
non-routine items after tax

Total                                                              13,660,098.54                       --

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                           Earnings per share
Profit during the reporting period Weighted average return on equity (%)   Basic earnings per         Diluted earnings per
                                                                                   share                        share

Consolidated net profit
attributable to the shareholders                                  7.85%                       1.068                     1.068
of the Company

                                      国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

Consolidated net profit
attributable to the shareholders
                                   7.58%                 1.030                  1.030
of the Company, excluding
non-routine items

                                                                  国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年半年度报告

                   Section X. Documents Available for Reference
1. Accounting Statements carried with the signature and seals of legal representative, chief financial officer and
person in charge of accounting;
2. Original text of all documents of the Company as well as manuscript of the announcement disclosed in
reporting period on Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong Commercial Daily appointed by
the CSRC;
3. Annual Report carried with the personal signature of the Chairman;
    4. The Place Where the document placed: Office of Secretariat of the Board of Directors, Accord Pharm
Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
