China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 1 Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2010-28 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) §1 Important Declaration 1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report. This is the summary abstracted from the complete version of Semi-Annual Report 2004, which is published synchronously on the Internet ( for details please refer to the complete version. 1.3 Directors other than the followings presented the Board Meeting on which this report was examined: Name of the director absented Position Reason for not presenting the meeting Name of consignee Wang Shengguo Director Business engagement Xiong Jianwei Dong Likun Independent Director Business engagement Guo Jinlong 1.3 The financial statements carried in this report are not audited. 1.4 Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman, Mr. Lin Kebing, the Financial Principal, and Ms. Liu Jie, the Accounting Manager hereby declares that: The financial statements carried in this annual report are of authentic and complete. §2 Company Profile 2.1 Company Profile Stock ID Fangda Group, Fangda B Stock Code 000055、200055 Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange Secretary of the Board Representative of Stock Affairs Name Zhou Zhigang Address Fangda Town, Xili Longjing, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, PRC Tel. 86(0755)26788571 ext. 6 622 Fax. 86(0755)26788353 Email. zqb@fangda.comChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 2 2.2 Financial Highlights 2.2.1 Financial Highlights In RMB Yuan Ended this report term Ended previous year Increase/decrease (%) Gross Assets 1,881,201,955.11 1,482,814,012.11 26.87% Owners’ equity to shareholders of the listed company 984,993,051.24 623,295,593.57 58.03% Share capital 504,606,604.00 426,786,359.00 18.23% Net asset per share attributable to the shareholders of the listed company (Yuan/share) 1.95 1.46 33.56% Report term (Jan-Jun) Same period last year Increase/decrease (%) Turnover 423,379,762.74 369,945,313.89 14.44% Operation profit 23,172,085.73 25,017,739.00 -7.38% Total profit 36,785,520.86 26,150,179.58 40.67% Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 33,608,581.42 30,076,634.28 11.74% Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 13,165,642.02 9,643,894.57 36.52% Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.074 0.066 12.12% Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.074 0.066 12.12% Net return on equity (%) 5.28% 5.22% 0.06% Cash flow generated by business operation, net -39,527,323.06 45,029,475.86 -187.78% Net Cash flow per share generated by business operation (yuan/share) -0.08 0.11 -172.73% 2.2.2. Non-recurring gain and loss items √ applicable □ not applicable In RMB Yuan Non-recurring gain and loss items Amount Note (if applicable) Gain/loss of non-current assets 10,727,318.70 Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely related to the Company’s common business, comply with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount. 3,673,500.00 Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property measured at fair value in follow-up measurement 6,553,456.32 Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -787,383.57 Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common businesses 3,176,516.97 Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity -31,051.22 Influenced amount of income tax -2,869,417.80 Total 20,442,939.40 -China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 3 2.2.3 Diversity between the Domestic and the International Accounting Standards √ applicable □ not applicable In RMB Yuan Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company Owners’equity to shareholders of the listed company Current term Amount of last term End of term Beginning of term On IAS 33,608,581.42 30,076,634.28 989,756,449.48 628,058,991.81 On domestic accounting standard 33,608,581.42 30,076,634.28 984,993,051.24 623,295,593.57 Individual and total of adjustment according to IAS Interest capitalized in years prior to adopting of the new accounting standard 0.00 0.00 4,763,398.24 4,763,398.24 Total of differences between the IAS and domestic accounting standard 0.00 0.00 4,763,398.24 4,763,398.24 Statement on differences between the IAS and Chinese Accounting Standard Differences of owners’ equity were the part of interest of previous years being capitalized according to the new accounting standard. §3 Changes in Share Capital & Particulars about Shareholders 3.1. Statement of Changes in Shares √ applicable □ not applicable in shares Before the change Changed (+,-) After the change Amount Proportion Issuing of new shares Bonus shares Transferred from reserves Others Sub-total Amount Proportion I. Shares with conditional subscription 65,073 0.02% 47,945,200 4,555 47,949,755 48,014,828 9.52% 1. State-owned shares 2. State-owned legal person shares 3. Other domestic shares 47,945,200 47,945,200 47,945,200 9.50% Incl. Non-government domestic legal person shares 18,200,000 18,200,000 18,200,000 3.61% Domestic natural person shares 29,745,200 29,745,200 29,745,200 5.89% 4. Share held by foreign investors Incl. Shares held by foreign legal persons Foreign natural person shares 5. Management shares 65,073 0.02% 4,555 4,555 69,628 0.01% II. Shares with unconditional subscription 426,721,286 99.98% 29,870,490 29,870,490 456,591,776 90.48% 1. Common shares in RMB 426,721,286 99.98% 29,870,490 29,870,490 456,591,776 90.48% 2. Foreign shares in domestic market 217,405,903 50.94% 15,218,413 15,218,413 232,624,316 46.10% 3. Foreign shares in overseas market 209,315,383 49.04% 14,652,077 14,652,077 223,967,460 44.38% 4. Others III. Total of capital shares 426,786,359 100.00% 47,945,200 29,875,045 77,820,245 504,606,604 100.00% 3.2 Top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of unconditional shares in sharesChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 4 Total of shareholders 62,303 Top 10 Shareholders Name of the shareholder Properties of shareholder Share proportion % Total shares Conditional shares Pledged or frozen Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd. Domestic non-state-owned legal person 9.09% 45,849,515 0 0 Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Domestic non-state-owned legal person 3.98% 20,067,328 0 0 Hong Kong Onforce International Co., Ltd. Overseas legal person 1.98% 10,000,000 0 0 China Construction Bank – Shangtou Morgan Small-middle size stock investment fund Domestic non-state-owned legal person 0.81% 4,096,669 0 0 Bank of China – Haifutong Stock & Securities Investment Fund Domestic non-state-owned legal person 0.79% 4,009,807 0 0 China Industrial & Commercial Bank – Galaxy Yintai Financing Investment Fund Domestic non-state-owned legal person 0.59% 2,999,999 0 0 China Industrial & Commercial Bank – Nuo’an Stock Investment Fund Domestic non-state-owned legal person 0.50% 2,540,955 0 0 Qian Weimin Domestic natural person 0.48% 2,400,000 0 0 Cao Yifan Domestic natural person 0.42% 2,113,910 0 0 NATWEST SECURITIES HONG KONG LIMITED Overseas natural person 0.36% 1,797,000 0 0 Top 10 holders of unconditional shares Name of the shareholder Unconditional shares Category of shares Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd. 45,849,515 RMB common shares Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. 20,067,328 RMB common shares Hong Kong Onforce International Co., Ltd. 10,000,000 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange China Construction Bank – Shangtou Morgan Small-middle size stock investment fund 4,096,669 RMB common shares Bank of China – Haifutong Stock & Securities Investment Fund 4,009,807 RMB common shares China Industrial & Commercial Bank – Galaxy Yintai Financing Investment Fund 2,999,999 RMB common shares China Industrial & Commercial Bank – Nuo’an Stock Investment Fund 2,540,955 RMB common shares Qian Weimin 2,400,000 RMB common shares Cao Yifan 2,113,910 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange NATWEST SECURITIES HONG KONG LIMITED 1,797,000 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange Notes to relationship or “action in concert” among the top ten shareholders. Among the top 10 shareholders, Banglin and Onforce are parties with action in concert. Banglin and Shilihe are associated. As for the other holders of current shares, the Company has not been informed any situation of related parties or action in concert parties.China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 5 3.3 Change in Controlling Shareholder and the Substantial Dominator □applicable √ not applicable §4 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives 4.1 Changes in Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives √ applicable □ not applicable Name Position Shares held at the beginning of term Amount of shares increased in the report term Amount of shares decreased in the report term Shares held at the end of term Incl. Conditional shares Share option held at end of term Cause of change Xiong Jianming Chairman 64,156 4,491 0 68,647 51,485 0 Capital reserves capitalized Wang Shengguo Director 22,608 1,583 0 24,191 18,143 0 Capital reserves capitalized §5 Report of the Board of Directors 5.1 Principal business segments on industries/products In RMB10 thousand Segments on industries On industry or product Turnover Operation cost Gross profit ratio (%) Increase/decreas e of turnover over the same period of last year (%) Increase/decreas e of operation cost over the same period of last year (%) Increase/decrease of gross profit ratio over the same period of last year (%) Metal production 32,220.85 25,925.82 19.54% -2.59% -3.73% 0.95% Railroad industry 7,201.57 5,947.25 17.42% 423.25% 399.17% 3.97% Segments on products Glass wall products 25,861.98 20,417.60 21.05% 8.41% -0.73% 7.27% Aluminum products 6,358.87 5,508.22 13.38% -31.31% -13.54% -17.81% Metro screen door products 7,201.57 5,947.25 17.42% 423.25% 399.17% 3.97% 5.2 Major businesses segment on regions In RMB10 thousand Regions Turnover Change of income over last year % Home sales 39,073.33 28.56% Export 1,102.69 -76.39% 5.3 Major Change in the Principal Business or its Structure □applicable √ not applicableChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 6 5.4 Major Change in the Profitability (Gross Profit Rate) of the Major Business over the Previous Year √ applicable □ not applicable Gross profit ratio of aluminum products has decreased by 18%, which was caused by increasing of billet price from RMB12846 per ton of the same period of last year to RMB15815 per ton, a 23% of increase. 5.5 Cause of Major Change in the Profit Composition over the Previous Year □applicable √ not applicable 5.6 Using of proceeds from financing actions 5.6.1 Application of Proceeds Raised through Share Offering √ applicable □ not applicable In RMB10 thousand Total of proceeds 33,538.51 Total of proceeds changed to other use in the report term 0.00 Total of proceeds in the report term 0.00 Accumulated proceeds changed to other use 0.00 % of accumulated proceeds changed to other use 0.00% Total of proceeds invested 0.00 Project set by the prospectus Change d for other use (includi ng partially changed ) Total of proceeds to be invested as proposed Adjusted total amount of investme nt Amount to be invested to the end of report term as proposed (1) Invested in the report term Accumul ated investme nt at end of report term (2) Difference between the proposed and actual accumulat ed investment at end of report term (3)=(2)-(1) Investm ent progress at end of report term (%) (4)=(2)/( 1) Date when the project become useable as proposed Gains realized in the report term Gains as expecte d? Major change in feasibil ity? Energy-saving curtain wall and PV curtain wall production expanding project No 21,000.0 0 21,000.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 2011.12.31 0.00 No No Expanding of PSD project No 14000.0 12,538.5 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 2011.12.31 0.00 No No Total - 35000 33,538.5 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 - - Reason or situation that not on schedule (on specific project) None Statement on major change in feasibility None Change of location of project to invest Not applicable Adjustment on implementation of project invested Not applicable Pre-investment and replacement by proceeds Not applicable Idle proceed used as working capital Not applicable Surplus of investment and causation Not applicable Application plan of retained fund from financing Will be used in production expanding of energy-saving curtain wall and PSD project. Problem or situation in using of proceeds and disclosing NoneChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 7 5.6.2 Change of Projects □applicable √ not applicable 5.7 Revising of business plan for the 2nd half of year by the Board of Directors □applicable √ not applicable 5.8 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be of deficits; or in comparison with the same period of the previous year, give the warning of great change and the notice to the reasons. □applicable √ not applicable 5.9 Statement of the Board on the Non-standard Opinion Presented by the Certified Public Accountants □applicable √ not applicable 5.10 Statement of the Management on the Change and the Treatment Result of the Issues Involved in the Non-standard Opinion Presented by the Certified Public Accountants in the Previous Year. □applicable √ not applicable §6 Significant Events 6.1 Acquisition and disposal of assets, reorganization of assets 6.1.1 Acquisition of assets □applicable √ not applicable 6.1.2 Selling of assets √ applicable □ not applicable In RMB10 thousand The other party of trade Assets disposed Date of disposal Price Profit contributed by the sold assets from the beginning of year until the day of being sold Gain/los s from disposal of the asset Related transactio n or not Pricing policy Comple tely transfer red or not Debt & credit transfer red or not Relations hip with the other party Nanchang High-Tech Zone Administrati on Committee Land of Aluminum Co. Jan 18, 2010 3,060.43 1,072.40 1,072.40 No market price Yes Yes Not applicabl eChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 8 6.1.3 Since the Report on Assets Reorganization or Public Notice on Acquisition/Sales of Assets has been published, the progress of the event and the influence upon the operation result and financial position in the report period. √ applicable □ not applicable The Land Retrieving Agreement has been engaged between Fangda Aluminum and Nanchang High-Tech Zone Administration Committee, and the land using rights was deregistered. 6.2 Guarantees √ applicable □ not applicable In RMB10 thousand External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries) Guarantee provided to Date and Ref. of the announcement about the guarantee Amount of the guarantee Actual date of occurring (signing date of agreements Actual amount of guarantee Type of guarantee Term Completed or not Related party or not Total of external guarantee approved in the report term (A1) 0.00 Total of external guarantee actually occurred in the report term (A2) 0.00 Total of external guarantee approved as of end of report term (A3) 0.00 Total of external guarantee actually occurred as of end of report term (A4) 0.00 Guarantee provided to controlled subsidiaries Guarantee provided to Date and Ref. of the announcement about the guarantee Amount of the guarantee Actual date of occurring (signing date of agreements Actual amount of guarantee Type of guarantee Term Completed or not Related party or not Fangda Decoration No. 2101-06 on Feb 12 2010 20,000.00 Mar 18 2010 15,086.86 joint liability 2 yrs upon expiration of the main contract No No Fangda Decoration No. 2101-06 on Feb 12 2010 7,000.00 Mar 18 2010 1,164.23 joint liability 2 yrs upon expiration of the main contract No No Fangda Decoration No. 2101-06 on Feb 12 2010 5,000.00 Feb 23, 2010 5,000.00 joint liability 2 yrs upon expiration of the main contract No No Fangda Automatic No. 2101-06 on Feb 12 2010 25,000.00 Apr 15 2010 11,017.81 joint liability 2 yrs upon expiration of the main contract No No Fangda Automatic No. 2101-06 on Feb 12 2010 6,000.00 April 20, 2010 2,091.54 joint liability 2 yrs upon expiration of the main contract No No Fangda New Material No. 2101-06 on Feb 12 2010 5,000.00 Jun 13, 2010 1,600.00 joint liability 2 yrs upon expiration of the main contract No No Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved in the report term (B1) 88,800.00 Total of guarantee to subsidiaries actually occurred in the report term (B2) 7,888.63 Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved as of the report term (B3) 88,800.00 Total of balance of guarantee actually provided to the subsidiaries as of end of report term (B4) 47,059.72 Total of guarantee provided by the Company (i.e. total of the above two items) Total of guarantee approved in the report term (A1+B1) 88,800.00 Total of guarantee occurred in the report term (A2+B2) 7,888.63 Total of guarantee approved as of end of report term (A3+B3) 88,800.00 Total of guarantee occurred as of the end of report term 47,059.72 Percentage of the total guarantee occurred (A4+B4) on net asset of the Company 47.78% In which: Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial controllers and the related parties (C) 0.00 Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to objects with over 70% of liability on asset ratio (D) 21,291.08 Amount of guarantee over 50% of the net asset (E) 0.00 Total of the above 3 * (C+D+E) 21,291.08 Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the guarantees not due yet NoneChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 9 6.3 Non-operational credit/debt with related parties □applicable √ not applicable 6.4 Material Lawsuits/Arbitrations □applicable √ not applicable 6.5 Notes to the other Significant Events and their Influences and Analysis on the Solutions √ applicable □ not applicable a. Hangzhou City Xinyu Building No. 2, 3, 5, 6 energy saving glass curtain wall project was obtained at the end of December 2007 with contract value of RMB163.70 million. It was started in May 2008. The whole contract amount was increased up to RMB174.2864 million in June 2009 Block 5 and 6 have been finished and accepted, where 2 and 3 are basically finished. b. The curtain wall project of block 3# and 4# of Sanya Phoenix Island Recreation Resort is contracted with RMB72.540231 million, which is on schedule according to the contract. c. Shenyang Xinmo’er Shopping Mall was contracted with RMB139.90 million, and Dalian Wanda Center was contracted with RMB58.971009 million, both of them are on schedule. d. Shenzhen Jiali Plaza phase II is contracted with RMB105.08 million, and is on schedule according to the contract. e. Shenzhen Metro Line 1 PSD system is contracted with RMB79.8586 million, which is on schedule as the contract. f. f. Shenzhen Metro Line 2 PSD system is contracted with RMB169.256 million, which is on schedule. g. Nanjing Metro PSD is contracted with RMB59.52 million, which is on schedule as contracted. h. Wuhan Railway Line 2 phase I PSD system is contracted with RMB80.8598 million, and is on schedule according to the contract. 6.5.1 Securities investment □applicable √ not applicable 6.5.2 Particulars about shareholding in other listed companies √ applicable □ not applicable In RMB Yuan Stock Code Stock ID Initial investment Share portion Book value at the end of term Gain/loss of the report term Change of owners’ equity in the report term Accounting subject Source of shares 600800 ST Magnetic Card 4,850,000.00 0.11% 3,150,000.00 0.00 -325,200.55 Disposable financial asset Debt paid in kind Total 4,850,000.00 - 3,150,000.00 0.00 -325,200.55 - - 6.5.3 Statement of capital adoption by the main shareholder and its affiliates □applicable √ not applicable 6.5.4 Fulfilling of commitment issues by the Company, shareholders, and substantial controller □applicable √ not applicable 6.5.5 Profit distribution or capitalizing of common reserves proposed by the Board for the current term □applicable √ not applicableChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 10 6.5.6 Misc. income items In RMB Yuan Items Occurred current term Amount occurred in same period last year 1. Gains (losses) from sellable financial assets -346,410.96 1,335,017.58 Less: Income tax influence of sellable financial assets -21,210.41 224,466.42 Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms 2,694,453.18 5,697,539.05 Sub-total -3,019,653.73 -4,586,987.89 2. Shares in the other misc. income subjects in the investee on equity basis Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on equity basis Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms Sub-total 3. Amount of gains (or losses) from cash flow hedge instrument -1,648,500.00 Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments -217,125.00 Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms 2,845,166.75 Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target project 0.00 Sub-total -4,276,541.75 4. Difference from translating of foreign currency financial statements Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and transferred to current gain/loss Sub-total 5. Others Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc. incomes Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred into current gain/loss in previous terms Sub-total Total -7,296,195.48 -4,586,987.89 6.6 Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews No such investigation, communication or visiting happened in the report term. §7 Financial Report 7.1 Auditor’s Opinion Financial Report √Not audited □ Audited 7.2 Financial Statements 7.2.1 Balance Sheet Prepared by China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Ended June 30, 2010 RMB Yuan Items Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent companyChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 11 Current asset: Monetary capital 523,519,163.98 349,594,745.51 225,638,874.09 42,274,488.50 Settlement provision Outgoing call loan Transactional financial assets Notes receivable 8,070,000.00 620,000.00 Account receivable 357,101,578.77 7,451,835.71 333,653,242.73 10,360,034.57 Prepayment 36,209,525.12 701,288.42 14,855,691.29 142,638.53 Insurance receivable Reinsurance receivable Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable Interest receivable 360,525.00 Dividend receivable 36,684,034.95 68,300,000.00 Other account receivable 70,078,325.63 129,111,756.41 34,909,899.09 254,201,660.72 Repurchasing of financial assets Inventories 229,991,139.43 198,970,648.46 Non-current asset due in 1 year Other current asset 3,315,075.00 Total of current asset 1,224,969,732.93 523,543,661.00 812,323,955.66 375,278,822.32 Non-current assets Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed Disposable financial asset 3,150,000.00 3,150,000.00 7,520,445.42 3,496,410.96 Expired investment in possess Long-term receivable Long-term share equity investment 2,997,216.45 327,121,953.02 2,997,216.45 327,121,953.02 Investment properties 266,051,135.12 257,499,735.12 259,497,678.80 251,001,478.80 Fixed assets 233,736,037.79 55,249,492.19 259,250,051.32 56,120,248.80 Construction in process 30,610,742.11 294,639.00 18,327,957.02 Engineering goods Fixed asset disposal 868.59 455,423.65 Production physical assets Gas & petrol Intangible assets 73,727,303.53 10,027,409.94 78,469,313.92 10,270,993.34 R&D expense 1,932,314.17 1,185,899.73 Goodwill 8,197,817.29 8,197,817.29 Long-term amortizable expenses Differed income tax asset 35,828,787.13 18,931,696.57 34,588,252.85 18,497,571.25 Other non-current asset Total of non-current assets 656,232,222.18 672,274,925.84 670,490,056.45 666,508,656.17 Total of assets 1,881,201,955.11 1,195,818,586.84 1,482,814,012.11 1,041,787,478.49 Current liabilities Short-term loans 380,000,000.00 210,000,000.00 370,000,000.00 210,000,000.00 Loan from Central Bank Deposit received and hold for others Call loan received Trade off financial liabilitiesChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 12 Notes payable 40,340,505.65 24,166,495.62 Account payable 224,234,762.07 1,905,140.36 200,145,847.34 7,653,666.23 Prepayment received 77,498,633.15 693,045.60 82,972,481.39 771,848.60 Selling of repurchased financial assets Fees and commissions receivable Employees’ wage payable 4,384,143.46 1,482.00 4,583,925.93 10,251.76 Tax payable 23,697,138.07 1,196,786.72 30,026,775.63 1,156,239.74 Interest payable 498,637.50 275,262.50 557,551.25 323,688.75 Dividend payable Other account payable 25,251,443.97 9,438,732.25 29,077,737.90 194,524,051.83 Reinsurance fee payable Insurance contract provision Entrusted trading of securities Entrusted selling of securities Non-current liability due in 1 year Other current liability 1,648,500.00 Total of current liability 777,553,763.87 223,510,449.43 741,530,815.06 414,439,746.91 Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Bond payable Long-term payable Special payable Contingent liabilities Differed income tax liability 25,649,790.27 25,249,508.88 22,622,907.36 21,285,505.98 Other non-recurring liabilities 5,200,000.00 4,250,000.00 Total of non-current liabilities 30,849,790.27 25,249,508.88 26,872,907.36 21,285,505.98 Total of liability 808,403,554.14 248,759,958.31 768,403,722.42 435,725,252.89 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Capital paid in (or share capital) 504,606,604.00 504,606,604.00 426,786,359.00 426,786,359.00 Capital reserves 330,891,119.92 292,921,839.54 80,622,488.67 35,682,213.36 Less: Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves 13,360,180.84 13,360,180.84 13,360,180.84 13,360,180.84 Common risk provision Retained profit 136,135,146.48 136,170,004.15 102,526,565.06 130,233,472.40 Different of foreign currency translation Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 984,993,051.24 947,058,628.53 623,295,593.57 606,062,225.60 Minor shareholders’ equity 87,805,349.73 91,114,696.12 Total of owners’ equity 1,072,798,400.97 947,058,628.53 714,410,289.69 606,062,225.60 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 1,881,201,955.11 1,195,818,586.84 1,482,814,012.11 1,041,787,478.49 7.2.2 Income Statement Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Jan-June 2010 RMB Yuan Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term Items Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent companyChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 13 I. Total revenue 423,379,762.74 18,558,245.60 369,945,313.89 17,409,790.44 Incl. Business income 423,379,762.74 18,558,245.60 369,945,313.89 17,409,790.44 Interest income Insurance fee earned Fee and commission received II. Total business cost 409,935,200.30 18,620,458.50 365,365,584.81 17,270,468.30 Incl. Business cost 339,167,650.59 4,777,841.15 299,542,925.11 4,470,349.48 Interest expense Fee and commission paid Insurance discharge payment Net claim amount paid Net insurance policy reserves provided Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expenses Business tax and surcharge 7,268,385.20 736,359.67 9,767,330.95 664,694.71 Sales expense 12,733,055.35 604,810.28 10,902,148.67 591,616.45 Administrative expense 39,721,901.51 9,680,484.63 31,629,232.39 8,874,149.42 Financial expenses 10,189,597.13 3,061,119.80 9,764,547.03 2,560,492.78 Asset impairment loss 854,610.52 -240,157.03 3,759,400.66 109,165.46 Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss) 6,553,456.32 6,498,256.32 3,515,396.52 2,249,337.72 Investment gain (“-“ for loss) 3,174,066.97 16,922,613.40 Incl. Investment gains from affiliates Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss) III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 23,172,085.73 6,436,043.42 25,017,739.00 2,388,659.86 Plus: Non business income 14,744,047.55 3,452,536.32 1,416,575.88 437,535.27 Less: Non-business expenses 1,130,612.42 400,960.00 284,135.30 1,826.51 Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 36,785,520.86 9,487,619.74 26,150,179.58 2,824,368.62 Less: Income tax expenses 6,486,285.83 3,551,087.99 -892,969.03 V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 30,299,235.03 5,936,531.75 27,043,148.61 2,824,368.62 Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company 33,608,581.42 5,936,531.75 30,076,634.28 2,824,368.62 Minor shareholders’ equity -3,309,346.39 -3,033,485.67 VI. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share 0.074 0.066 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.074 0.066 VII. Other misc. incomes -7,296,195.48 -325,200.55 -4,586,987.89 984,125.20 VIII. Total of misc. incomes 23,003,039.55 5,611,331.20 22,456,160.72 3,808,493.82 Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent company 26,312,385.94 5,611,331.20 25,489,646.39 3,808,493.82 Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders -3,309,346.39 -3,033,485.67 7.2.3 Cash Flow Statement Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Jan-June 2010 RMB Yuan Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term Items Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent companyChina Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 14 I. Net cash flow from business operation Cash received from sales of products and providing of services 392,653,009.60 16,630,116.26 406,547,823.93 26,234,711.17 Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company Net increase of loans from central bank Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies Cash received against original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of client deposit and investment Net increase of trade financial asset disposal Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission Net increase of inter-bank fund received Net increase of repurchasing business Tax returned 239,302.17 186,253.97 Other cash received from business operation 39,549,834.46 5,304,349.62 36,241,231.56 1,272,565.74 Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 432,442,146.23 21,934,465.88 442,975,309.46 27,507,276.91 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 346,365,488.62 6,267,741.94 315,924,312.50 6,323,133.66 Net increase of client trade and advance Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company Cash paid for original contract claim Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 32,596,329.65 2,943,955.51 26,817,645.66 2,538,136.69 Taxes paid 34,980,004.22 2,108,963.92 16,837,906.20 2,875,912.65 Other cash paid for business activities 58,027,646.80 8,989,344.74 38,365,969.24 3,787,931.62 Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 471,969,469.29 20,310,006.11 397,945,833.60 15,525,114.62 Cash flow generated by business operation, net -39,527,323.06 1,624,459.77 45,029,475.86 11,982,162.29 II. Cash flow generated by investing Cash received from investment retrieving 854,089.54 11,678,754.96 Cash received as investment gains 3,176,516.97 31,615,965.05 17,712,589.83 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets 2,372,184.95 1,220.00 1,220.00 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Other investment-related cash received 184,000.00 Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 6,402,791.46 31,615,965.05 29,576,564.79 1,220.00 Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 17,353,594.62 1,125,645.91 2,756,502.32 170,098.50 Cash paid as investment 4,916,722.80 Net increase of loan against pledge Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units Other cash paid for investment activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 17,353,594.62 1,125,645.91 7,673,225.12 170,098.50 Net cash flow generated by investment -10,950,803.16 30,490,319.14 21,903,339.67 -168,878.50 III. Cash flow generated by financing Cash received as investment 340,499,960.00 340,499,960.00 50,000,000.00China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 15 Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders Cash received as loans 276,000,000.00 152,821,754.51 508,535,659.25 275,765,541.22 Cash received from bond placing Other financing-related cash received 3,765.25 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 616,503,725.25 493,321,714.51 558,535,659.25 275,765,541.22 Cash to repay debts 266,000,000.00 210,000,000.00 457,198,471.49 229,000,000.00 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 9,008,860.25 5,156,671.25 10,843,491.21 6,130,606.65 Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders Other cash paid for financing activities 2,978,629.66 2,978,629.66 95,901,563.87 40,015,000.00 Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 277,987,489.91 218,135,300.91 563,943,526.57 275,145,606.65 Net cash flow generated by financing 338,516,235.34 275,186,413.60 -5,407,867.32 619,934.57 IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents -12,216.25 2.70 -12,120.33 -795.83 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 288,025,892.87 307,301,195.21 61,512,827.88 12,432,422.53 Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term 210,823,550.83 42,024,488.50 112,333,106.38 3,452,206.23 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 498,849,443.70 349,325,683.71 173,845,934.26 15,884,628.76China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 16 7.2.4 Change in Owners’ Equities (Consolidated) Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim 2010 in RMB yuan Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Items Capital paid in (or share capital) Capital reserves Less: Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves Common risk provision Retained profit Others Minor sharehol ders’ equity Total of owners’ equity Capital paid in (or share capital) Capital reserves Less: Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves Common risk provision Retained profit Others Minor sharehol ders’ equity Total of owners’ equity I. Balance at the end of last year 426,786, 359.00 80,622,4 88.67 13,360,1 80.84 102,526, 565.06 91,114,6 96.12 714,410, 289.69 426,786, 359.00 61,095,3 08.51 0.00 6,388,69 7.44 65,445,5 37.00 67,604,2 95.45 627,320, 197.40 Plus: Change of accounting policy 0.00 Correcting of previous errors 0.00 Others II. Balance at the beginning of current year 426,786, 359.00 80,622,4 88.67 13,360,1 80.84 102,526, 565.06 91,114,6 96.12 714,410, 289.69 426,786, 359.00 61,095,3 08.51 0.00 6,388,69 7.44 0.00 65,445,5 37.00 67,604,2 95.45 627,320, 197.40 III. Changed in the current year (“- “ for decrease) 77,820,2 45.00 250,268, 631.25 33,608,5 81.42 -3,309,3 46.39 358,388, 111.28 0.00 14,787,0 12.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,076,6 34.28 27,592,5 14.33 72,456,1 60.72 (I) Net profit 33,608,5 81.42 -3,309,3 46.39 30,299,2 35.03 30,076,6 34.28 -3,033,4 85.67 27,043,1 48.61 (II) Other misc. income -7,296,1 95.48 -7,296,1 95.48 -4,586,9 87.89 -4,586,9 87.89 Total of (I) and (II) -7,296,1 95.48 33,608,5 81.42 -3,309,3 46.39 23,003,0 39.55 0.00 -4,586,9 87.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,076,6 34.28 -3,033,4 85.67 22,456,1 60.72 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners 47,945,2 00.00 287,439, 871.73 335,385, 071.73 19,374,0 00.00 30,626,0 00.00 50,000,0 00.00 1. Capital inputted by owners 47,945,2 00.00 287,439, 871.73 335,385, 071.73 19,374,0 00.00 30,626,0 00.00 50,000,0 00.00 2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 0.00 3. Others 0.00 (IV) Profit allotment 0.00 1. Providing of surplus reserves 0.00 2. Common risk provision 0.00 3. Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 0.00 4. Others 0.00 (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 29,875,0 45.00 -29,875, 045.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 29,875,0 45.00 -29,875, 045.00 0.00 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 0.00 3. Making up losses by 0.00China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 17 surplus reserves 4. Others 0.00 0.00 (VI) Special reserves 1. Provided this year 2. Used this term IV. Balance at the end of this term 504,606, 604.00 330,891, 119.92 13,360,1 80.84 136,135, 146.48 87,805,3 49.73 1,072,79 8,400.97 426,786, 359.00 75,882,3 20.62 0.00 6,388,69 7.44 0.00 95,522,1 71.28 95,196,8 09.78 699,776, 358.12 7.2.5 Change in Owners’ Equities (Parent Co.) Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim 2010 in RMB yuan Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year Items Capital paid in (or share capital) Capital reserves Less: Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves Common risk provision Retained profit Total of owners’ equity Capital paid in (or share capital) Capital reserves Less: Shares in stock Special reserves Surplus reserves Common risk provision Retained profit Total of owners’ equity I. Balance at the end of last year 426,786,35 9.00 35,682,213. 36 13,360,180. 84 130,233,47 2.40 606,062,22 5.60 426,786,35 9.00 33,267,012. 81 0.00 6,388,697.4 4 67,490,121. 80 533,932,19 1.05 Plus: Change of accounting policy 0.00 Correcting of previous errors 0.00 Others 0.00 II. Balance at the beginning of current year 426,786,35 9.00 35,682,213. 36 13,360,180. 84 130,233,47 2.40 606,062,22 5.60 426,786,35 9.00 33,267,012. 81 0.00 6,388,697.4 4 67,490,121. 80 533,932,19 1.05 III. Changed in the current year (“- “ for decrease) 77,820,245. 00 257,239,62 6.18 5,936,531.7 5 340,996,40 2.93 0.00 984,125.20 0.00 0.00 2,824,368.6 2 3,808,493.8 2 (I) Net profit 5,936,531.7 5 5,936,531.7 5 2,824,368.6 2 2,824,368.6 2 (II) Other misc. income -325,200.5 5 -325,200.5 5 984,125.20 984,125.20 Total of (I) and (II) -325,200.5 5 5,936,531.7 5 5,611,331.2 0 0.00 984,125.20 0.00 0.00 2,824,368.6 2 3,808,493.8 2 (III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners 47,945,200. 00 287,439,87 1.73 335,385,07 1.73 0.00 1. Capital inputted by owners 47,945,200. 00 287,439,87 1.73 335,385,07 1.73 0.00 2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity 0.00 3. Others 0.00 (IV) Profit allotment 0.00 1. Providing of surplus reserves 0.00 2. Common risk provision 3. Allotment to the owners (or shareholders) 0.00 4. Others 0.00China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 18 (V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity 29,875,045. 00 -29,875,04 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares) 29,875,045. 00 -29,875,04 5.00 0.00 2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares) 0.00 3. Making up losses by surplus reserves 0.00 4. Others 0.00 0.00 (VI) Special reserves 1. Provided this year 2. Used this term IV. Balance at the end of this term 504,606,60 4.00 292,921,83 9.54 13,360,180. 84 136,170,00 4.15 947,058,62 8.53 426,786,35 9.00 34,251,138. 01 0.00 6,388,697.4 4 70,314,490. 42 537,740,68 4.87China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2010 (Summary) 19 7.3 Notes to the financial statements 7.3.1 In case of change in accounting policies, accounting estimation, or correction of accounting errors, please provide details of the change and the influence on data. □applicable √ not applicable 7.3.2 If the consolidation range of the financial report has changed significantly, please provide details and the influences on financial data □applicable √ not applicable 7.3.3 If the certified public accounts has issued a non-standard qualified opinion auditor’s report, list the relevant notes to the issues involved in the report. □applicable √ not applicable