Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2010-37 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Simplified Report of Change in Equity Name of the listed company: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Share listing place: Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Stock code: 000055,200055 Entity responsible for this information disclosure: Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Location: B500-2 Huaying Building, 97 Nanshang Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen Mail address: B500-2 Huaying Building, 97 Nanshang Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen Property of the change in equity: decrease Date of issue: November 5, 2010Statement of the announcer: 1. This report is produced by the announcer in accordance with “The Securities Law of PRC” (the “Security Law”), “Administration Rules of Acquisition of Listed Companies” (the “Acquisition Rules”), “Formats and Criteria of Listed Company Information Disclosing Article 15 – Report on Change of Equity” (the “Article 15”), and other relative laws and regulations. 2. The announcer has been authorized and approved to sign this report. 3. According to the articles of the Securities Law, Acquisition Rules, and Article 15, this report is fully announcing the change of announcer’s equities in China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (“Fangda Group”). As of the issuing date of this report, the announcer is not increasing or decreasing any of the Company’s shares held by him/her by any means other than those described in this report. 4. Causation of this change in share equity was the reducing of unconditional shares held by Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. has accumulated to over 5% of the total shares placed by Fangda Group. 5. Share decreasing of the announcer was according to the terms set out in this report. Neither any other party or entity was entrusted or authorized to provide explanation or statement on this report and its contents. I. Definitions The short forms are defined as the followings in this report unless they are described otherwise: Entity responsible for this information disclosure: Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Fangda Group (the Company): China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Report, the Report, this Report: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd., Report on Change of EquitiesII. Profiles of the Announcer (I) Basic information: Name of company: Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Registered address: B500-2 Huaying Building, 97 Nanshang Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen Legal representative: Wang Shengguo Registered capital: RMB19.780992 million Business license No.440301104059587 Type of business: limited liability Business range: investment in business Business term: June 12, 2001 – June 12, 2021 Mail address: B500-2 Huaying Building, 97 Nanshang Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen (II) Directors and major executives of the Announcer: Name Gender Position Nationality Permanent residence Residence in other country or region Other positions taken Wang Shengguo M Chairman China China None Director of Fangda Group, Chairman of Board of Shenzhen Fangda Automatic System Co., Ltd. Zhou Zhigang M Director China China None Director of Fangda Group and Secretary of the Board Xiong Jianwei M Director China China None Director of Fangda Group, Chairman of Board of Shenzhen Fangda Decoration Co., Ltd. (III) Particulars about holding of over 5% of shares of other public companies by the Announcer: As of the date of this report being signed, the Announcer is not holding or controlling over 5% of any other public company’s shares.III. Objectives of Shareholding (I) Purpose of share decrease: For the needs of the company’s own business operation (II) The Announcer may continues to reduce its shareholding in Fangda Group according to its own business practice in the following 12 months. IV. Way of Change (I) Way of change in equities: sold through the trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (II) Change of shareholding situation of the Announcer: Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. (“Shilihe”) announced its shareholding position by the previous equity change statement dated May 17, 2008, which was 32,224,440 shares and 8.31% of the total. During the period from May 17, 2008 to the closing of Stock Exchange on November 4, 2010, Shilihe has sold out totally 20,059,839 unconditional shares of Fangda Group. Which accounts for 5% of the total shares of Fangda Group. As of November 4, 2010, Shilihe was holding 16,707,328 shares of Fangda Group, and accounted to 3.31% of the total shares of Fangda Group. V. Share trading situation for the last 6 months Share trading of the announcer in last six months previous to the issuing date of this report: No. Date Shares sold Price range (RMB/share) 1 2010.5.5-2010.6.4 160,000 12.35-12.51 2 2010.6.5-2010.7.4 0 --- 3 2010.7.5-2010.8.4 0 --- 4 2010.8.5-2010.9.4 0 --- 5 2010.9.5-2010.10.4 0 --- 6 2010.10.5-2010.11.4 3,360,000 11.01VI. Other Significant Events No other information to be disclosed by the Announcer other than those have been disclosed by this report. VII. Document Ready for Inquiring 1. Copies of business registrations of the Announcer; 2. Official copy of this report. Statement of the Announcer There isn’t any false record, misleading statement, or major omission in this report. And the Announcer will assume individual and joint liabilities for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of this report. Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Legal representative: Wang Shengguo November 5, 2010Schedule: Simplified Report of Change in Equity Basic Information Name of the listed company China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Location of the listed company Fangda Building, Kejinan Rd. 12, High-tech Zone, Shenzhen Stock ID Fangda Group, Fangda B Stock Code 000055、200055 The Announcer Name Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Place where the announcer was incorporated B500-2 Huaying Building, 97 Nanshang Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen Amount of share equity changed Increase □ Decrease√ No change in amount but the holder Is there any action in concert? No □ Yes √ If the Announcer is the first shareholder of the listed company? Yes □ No √ If the announcer is the practical dominator of the listed company? Yes □ No √ Way of change Trade through the stock exchange √ Trade by contract □ State-owned shares transfer or change □ Indirect transfer □ Obtain of newly placed shares□ Execution of court orders□ Inherited □ Gift □ Others □ Amount and portion of Announcer’s shares in the listed company before the change Share holding:32,224,440 Share portion: 8.31% Amount and portion of Announcer’s shares in the listed company after the change Amount of change: 20,059,839 Rate of change: 5% Whether the Announcer is planning to change in the coming 12 months? Yes √ No □ Whether the announcer was trading the shares in the secondary market in the last 6 months? Yes √ No □ Entity responsible for this information disclosure: Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. Legal representative: Wang Shengguo Date of issue: November 5, 2010