方大集团股份有限公司 CHINA FANGDA GROUP CO., LTD. Annual Report 2010 Table of Contents I. Company Profile .......................................................................................................................... 2 II. Financial Highlight .................................................................................................................... 3 III. Particulars About the Capital Share and Shareholders ....................................................... 6 IV. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees ........ 10 V. Administrative Structure......................................................................................................... 13 VI. Particulars about the Shareholders’ Meeting ...................................................................... 16 VII. Report of the Board of Directors ......................................................................................... 17 VIII. Report of the Supervisory Committee ............................................................................... 29 IX. Significant Events ................................................................................................................... 30 X. Financial Report ....................................................................................................................... 35 XI. Documents For Reference ................................................................................................... 35 Important Prompt The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report. This report has been examined and passed by the 28th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors. All of the 7 directors presented the meeting personally. This report is prepared both in English and Chinese. When there is any conflict in interpreting, the Chinese version shall prevail. Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman, and Mr. Lin Kebing, the Financial Principal hereby declares that: The financial statements carried in this annual report are of authentic and complete. I. Company Profile 1. Legal Name of the Company in Chinese and English In Chinese: 方大集团股份有限公司 (abbreviation:方大集团) In English: CHINA FANGDA GROUP CO., LTD. (abbreviation:CFGC ) 2. Legal Representative: Mr. Xiong Jianming 3. Secretary of the Board: Mr. Zhou Zhigang Securities affair liaison: Ms. Wang Shuiying Address: Fangda Town, Xili Longjing, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, PRC Post code: 518055 Tel: 86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622 Fax: 86(755) 26788353 Email: zqb@fangda.com 4. Registered Address of the Company: Fangda Building, Kejinan 12th Avenue, High-tech Zone, Shenzhen, PR China. Post code: 518057 Head office: Technology Building, Fangda Town, Xili Longjing, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, PRC Post code: 518055 Website: http://www.fangda.com Email: fd@fangda.com 5. Official Medias of Information Disclosure China Securities Journal, Security Times, Shanghai Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily Place where Annual Reports are available: Secretary Office of the Board of Directors. Website assigned by China Securities Regulatory Commission for the disclosing of Annual Report: http://www.cninfo.com.cn 6. Abbreviations and Codes of the Stock and the Stock Exchange Where Listed A Stock: Fangda Group 000055 Shenzhen Stock Exchange B Stock: Fangda B 200055 Shenzhen Stock Exchange 7. Miscellaneous Information of the Company Initial registration date and place: December 13th, 1995, Shenzhen Bureau of Industry & Commerce Administration Business license number: 440301501124785 Tax registration number: No.440305192448589 Organization code: 19244858-9 Public accountants invited by the Company: Ascenda Certified Public Accountants Office address: A-12/F, Global Trade Center, 36 Beishanhuan Rd. East, Dongcheng District, Beijing II. Financial Highlight 1. Major Accounting Data of Year 2010 (in RMB Yuan) Items Amount Operation profit 49,637,958.64 Total profit 67,655,340.40 Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 55,063,374.25 Net profit attributable to the owners of the PLC after deducting of non-recurring 25,603,881.05 gains/losses Cash flow generated by business operation, net -31,187,262.97 Note: Non-recurring gains amounted to RMB29,459,493.20, details are as the followings: In RMB Non-recurring gain and loss items Amount Gain/loss of non-current assets 7,068,397.05 Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely related to the Company’s common business, comply with the national 5,537,950.00 policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount. Gain/loss from debt reorganization -434,040.66 Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee placement fee and -1,273,987.08 integration fee Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities 3,176,516.97 and sellable financial assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common businesses Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property measured at fair 13,921,217.90 value in follow-up measurement Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 5,845,075.37 Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity -93,798.81 Influenced amount of income tax -4,287,837.54 Total 29,459,493.20 2. Influences of adjustment on net profit and net asset according to IAS In RMB Net profit attributable to the Owners’ equity to shareholders of the shareholders of the listed company listed company Amount of last Current term End of term Beginning of term term On IAS 55,063,374.25 44,052,511.46 1,014,754,137.31 628,058,991.81 On domestic accounting 55,063,374.25 44,052,511.46 1,009,990,739.07 623,295,593.57 standard Individual and total of adjustment according to IAS Capitalizing of borrowing 0.00 0.00 4,763,398.24 4,763,398.24 expenses Total of differences between the IAS and domestic 0.00 0.00 4,763,398.24 4,763,398.24 accounting standard Statement on differences The different of owners’ equity attributable to the listed company on IAS was between the IAS and Chinese mainly the part of interest capitalized in years previous to application of the Accounting Standard new accounting standard on January 1, 2007. 3. Major financial data and accounting indices for latest 3 years In RMB Increase/decrease 2010 2009 Year 2008 (%) Turnover (yuan) 1,161,933,356.48 912,979,118.31 27.27% 784,720,562.64 Gross profit (RMB) 67,655,340.40 45,108,302.29 49.98% 16,312,073.26 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company 55,063,374.25 44,052,511.46 24.99% 23,260,881.91 (yuan) Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 25,603,881.05 21,304,916.08 20.18% 2,391,027.81 and after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss(RMB) Net Cash flow generated by -31,187,262.97 46,698,915.92 -166.78% 23,093,735.18 business operation (RMB) Increase/decrease End of 2010 End of 2009 End of 2008 (%) Gross Assets (RMB) 1,991,161,158.84 1,482,814,012.11 34.28% 1,395,570,931.42 Owners’ equity attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 1,009,990,739.07 623,295,593.57 62.04% 559,715,901.95 (yuan) Capital shares (shares) 504,606,604.00 426,786,359.00 18.23% 426,786,359.00 4. According to the document “Information Disclosure Criteria No. 9 for PLCs” (Revised 2010) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company calculates net income on asset ratio, basic earnings per share, and diluted earnings per share on weighted average basis for year 2010. Details are: Earnings per share Weighted (yuan/share) average net Diluted income/asset Basic earnings earnings per ratio (%) Items per share share Net profit attributable to common shareholders of 6.76% 0.11 0.05 the Company Net profit attributable to the common owners of the PLC after deducting of non-recurring 3.14% 0.11 0.05 gains/losses 5. Change of owners’ equity in 2010 (shares, RMB yuan) Total of equity attributable Surplus Items Share capital Capital reserves Retained profit to the owners of the parent reserves co. Beginning 426,786,359 80,622,488.67 13,360,180.84 102,526,565.06 623,295,593.57 of term Increased 77,820,245 288,641,671.73 4,474,797.13 55,063,374.25 426,000,088.11 this term Decreased - 34,830,145.48 - 4,474,797.13 39,304,942.61 this term End of 504,606,604 334,434,014.92 17,834,977.97 153,115,142.18 1,009,990,739.07 term Issuing of new providing of Cause of shares, Premium of Profit of the surplus change transferred share placing year reserves from reserves III. Particulars About the Capital Share and Shareholders 1. Statement of Changes in Shares In shares Before the change Changed (+,-) After the change Transferred Issuing of Bonus Amount Proportion from Others Sub-total Amount Proportion new shares shares reserves I. Shares with conditional 65,073 0.02% 47,945,200 4,555 47,949,755 48,014,828 9.52% subscription 1. State-owned shares 2. State-owned legal person shares 3. Other domestic shares 0 0 47,945,200 47,945,200 47,945,200 9.50% Incl. Non-government domestic legal person 0 0 18,200,000 18,200,000 18,200,000 3.61% shares Domestic natural 29,745,200 29,745,200 29,745,200 5.89% person shares 4. Share held by foreign investors Incl. Shares held by foreign legal persons Foreign natural person shares 5. Management shares 65,073 0.02% 4,555 4,555 69,628 0.01% II. Shares with unconditional 426,721,286 99.98% 29,870,490 29,870,490 456,591,776 90.48% subscription 1. Common shares in 217,405,903 50.94% 15,218,413 15,218,413 232,624,316 46.10% RMB 2. Foreign shares in 209,315,383 49.04% 14,652,077 14,652,077 223,967,460 44.38% domestic market 3. Foreign shares in overseas market 4. Others III. Total of capital shares 426,786,359 100.00% 47,945,200 29,875,045 77,820,245 504,606,604 100.00% Change of conditional shares in shares Conditional Conditional Name of the Released Increased Date of shares at shares at end of Reason of condition shareholder this year this year releasing beginning of year year Management shares 48,117 0 with restriction to Xiong Jianming 3,368 51,485 sale Management shares 16,956 0 with restriction to Wang Shengguo 1,187 18,143 sale Tieling Xinxin Issuing of new Jul 15 Copper Industry 0 0 11,200,000 11,200,000 shares 2011 Co., Ltd. Issuing of new Jul 15 0 0 Chen Binblin 10,000,000 10,000,000 shares 2011 Issuing of new Jul 15 0 0 Shi Baozhong 7,000,000 7,000,000 shares 2011 Issuing of new Jul 15 0 0 Zhang Xu 7,000,000 7,000,000 shares 2011 Zhongrong Issuing of new Jul 15 International Trust 0 0 7,000,000 7,000,000 shares 2011 Co., Ltd. Issuing of new Jul 15 0 0 Shen Cangqiong 5,745,200 5,745,200 shares 2011 65,073 47,949,755 48,014,828 Total 0 - - 2. Share placing and listing (1) In the report term, the Company issued privately 47.9452 million A shares to six particular investors at price of RMB7.30 each. Totally RMB349.99996 million was raised. The shares were listed on July 15, 2010. The Company hadn’t issued shares in prior three years. (2) In the report term, common reserve capitalizing plan for year 2009 was implemented: basing on the total of 426,786,359 capital shares, 0.7 bonus share was given to each 10 shares of the entire shareholders, namely the capital shares have been increased by 29,875,045 shares. Among them, 15,222,968 were allotted to A shareholders at 0.7 to 10 basis; 14,652,077 shares were allotted to B shareholders at 0.7 to 10 basis as well. The capital shares of the Company was increased up to 456,661,404 shares after completion of this capitalization. In the report term, the Company issued 47.9452 million A shares privately. Upon completion of this private issue, the capital shares have increased to 504,606,604 shares including 280,639,145 A shares and 223,967,459 B shares. (3) No employees’ shares issued in the Company 3. Shareholders and shareholding status (ended December 31 2010, in shares) Total of shareholders 63,780 (including 42,319 A-share holders, and 21,461 B-share holders) at the end of report term Top 10 Shareholders Name of the Properties of Share Total Conditional Pledged or frozen shareholder shareholder proportion % shares shares Shenzhen Banglin Domestic Technologies non-state-owned 9.09% 0 0 Development Co., 45,849,515 legal person Ltd. Domestic Shenzhen Shilihe non-state-owned 2.36% 0 0 Investment Co., Ltd. 11,907,328 legal person Tieling Xinxin Domestic Copper Industry Co., non-state-owned 2.22% 11,200,000 N/A 11,200,000 Ltd. legal person Domestic natural Chen Binblin 1.98% 10,000,000 N/A person 10,000,000 Hong Kong Onforce Overseas legal International Co., 1.63% 0 0 person 8,200,000 Ltd. Domestic natural Shi Baozhong 1.39% 7,000,000 N/A person 7,000,000 Domestic natural Zhang Xu 1.39% 7,000,000 N/A person 7,000,000 Zhongrong Domestic International Trust non-state-owned 1.39% 7,000,000 N/A 7,000,000 Co., Ltd. legal person Domestic natural Shen Cangqiong 1.14% 5,745,200 N/A person 5,745,200 Domestic natural Li Xiaohua 0.57% 0 N/A person 2,878,600 Top 10 holders of unconditional shares Name of the shareholder Unconditional shares Category of shares Shenzhen Banglin Technologies 45,849,515 A shares Development Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Shilihe Investment 11,907,328 A shares Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Onforce 8,200,000 B shares International Co., Ltd. Li Xiaohua 2,878,600 A shares Cao Yifan 2,330,010 B shares Yu Baixiang 1,537,118 B shares Chen Lihong 1,536,777 B shares Zhen Fan 1,295,242 B shares Zhongrong International Trust 1,227,098 A shares Co., Ltd. – Huian No.6 Xiao Gengning 1,020,086 B shares Notes to relationship Among the top 10 shareholders, Banglin and Onforce are parties with action in concert. Banglin and or “action in Shilihe are assolicated. As for the other holders of current shares, the Company has not been concert” among the informed any situation of related parties or action in concert parties. top ten shareholders. 4. Profile of the controlling shareholder: Name of the Share Legal Date Registered Business scope shareholder proportion % representative incorporated capital Industrial investment, Shenzhen Banglin developing of electronic Technologies 2002 RMB30 products, technical 9.09% Chen Jinwu Development Co., June 7th million consulting, domestic Ltd. commerce, material trading 5. The investors of Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd.- the controlling shareholder of the Company are natural persons, in which Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of the Company is holding 85% of the shares, thus he’s the substantial controller of the Company. Mr. Xiong Jianming is a resident of Peoples’ Republic of China. He has been the Chairman and President of the Company for the past five years. 6. Neither the controlling shareholder nor the substantial controller of the Company has changed in the report term. 7. Chart of the controlling relationship between the practical controller and the Company 98% Xiong Jianming 85% Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd. Onforce International Ltd. 0.014% 9.09% 1.63% China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 8. Other legal person shareholders who are holding over 10% of the shares In the report term, no legal person shareholders who are holding over 10% of the shares. 9. In the report term, except for those held by the directors, supervisors, and executives which are frozen according to the law, none of the shares of the Company was under restriction of sale. IV. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees 1. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management (1) Profiles Remuneration Shares Shares accepted from held at the held at Shares Cause of Names Position Sex Age Job term the company in beginning the end increased change report term of term of term (RMB0’000) Capital Xiong Chairman, M 53 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 64,156 68,647 4,491 reserves 91.99 Jianming president capitalized Director, Capital Wang Vice M 53 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 22,608 24,191 1,583 reserves 47.38 Shengguo president capitalized Xiong Director M 42 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 40.05 Jianwei Director, Zhou Secretary of M 48 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 32.66 Zhigang the Board Dong Independent M 68 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 8.00 Likun Director Guo Independent M 49 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 8.00 Jinlong Director Shao Independent F 72 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 8.00 Hanqing Director Host of the Yu Guoan Supervisory M 51 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 22.58 Committee Song Supervisor M 49 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 3.00 Wenqing Zhen Hua Supervisor F 51 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 29.81 Yang Vice M 57 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 27.26 Xiaozhuan President Vice Lin Kebin president and M 33 2008.6.6-2011.6.6 0 0 ----- 31.91 CFO Total --- --- --- ----- 86,764 92,838 6074 ----- 350.64 Note: The Company hasn’t conducted any share option incentive program. None of the directors, supervisors and executives is holding share options or conditional shares. None of them is getting paid from the shareholding parties or other related parties. (2) Status of directors and supervisors taking positions in shareholding parties Get remuneration or Name Name of the shareholder Job taken Job term not Xiong Since Mar. 23 Onforce International Ltd. Chairman No Jianming 2001 Since Oct. 19 Chairman No Wang Shenzhen Shilihe Investment 2006 Shengguo Co., Ltd. General Since Sept. 29 No Manager 2003 Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Since Jun 12 Xiong Jianwei Director No Co., Ltd. 2001 Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Since Oct. 19 Zhou Zhigang Director No Co., Ltd. 2006 Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Since Oct. 19 Zhen Hua Supervisor No Co., Ltd. 2006 (3) Working experiences of current directors, supervisors and executives in recent five years Mr. Xiong Jianming: PHD; senior engineer; part-time professor of Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Nanchang University. He was once employed by Jiangxi Provincial Machinery Design Academe, Administration Bureau of Shekou District of Shenzhen government, etc. He’s now assuming Chairman of the Board and President of our company, Deputy to the 10th People’s Congress of Guangdong Province, Deputy to the 3rd People’s Congress of Shenzhen City, member of Commission of Legislative Affairs, Deputy Director of China Construction Metal Structure Association, Deputy Director of Shenzhen League of Industry and Economy, Chief Director of Shenzhen Semiconductor Lighting Industry Commission, and Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen Nanshan Charity Society. Mr. Wang Shengguo: Master degree; Visiting Scholar from University of Essen; senior engineer. He once held such positions as Chief Engineer of Design Institute of the 2nd Heavy Machinery factory of Machinery Industrial Ministry. Mr. Wang is now assuming Director and Vice President of our company. Mr. Xiong Jianwei: MBA. He is now assuming director of our company. Mr. Zhou Zhigang, bachelor’s degree. Currently director, secretary of Board, and head of Securities Dept. Mr. Guo Jinlong, member of China Democratic League, master of economics, certified accountant, certified tax consultant, deputy professor. He once was project manager and department leader of Pan-China Shenzhen CPA Ltd., chief of Profession Division, assistant to chief secretary, vice chief secretary of Shenzhen CPA Association. At present he’s independent director of Shenzhen Tefa Information Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Agriculture Product Co., Ltd., partner of ShineWing Certified Public Account, off-campus instructor of Management School of Sun Yat-Sen University, and independent director of the Company. Ms. Shao Hanqing, professor, doctorial course instructor. Once she was the Vice Director General of Shenzhen Bureau of Planning, assistant to the Mayor, Vice Chief Secretary of the City Government, standing commissioner of city council, PR director, and vice chief secretary of Shenzhen Political Consultative Conference. At present she’s the vice chief of China Production Association, chief of Shenzhen Production Association, commissioner of enterprise research centre of National Economics and Trade Committee, part-time professor of China People’s University, and independent director of the Company. Mr. Dong Likun, bachelor’s degree, licensed lawyer. Once he was the head of Shanghai Social Science Institute International Law Division, dean of Law School of Shenzhen University, peoples’ delegate of Shanghai, commissioner of Guangdong Political Consultative Conference, standing commissioner of Shenzhen People’s Congress. At present he’s the professor of Law School of Shenzhen University, senior researcher of Hong Kong & Macao Institute of National Government Development Researching Center, and independent director of the Company. Mr. Yu Guo’an: doctorial degree. Once he’s the deputy professor of Northeast University, general manager of the technical center of the Company. At present he’s the chief technical officer of the Company and the convener of the Supervisory Committee. Mr. Song Wenqing: Bachelor’s degree. Currently the supervisor of the Company. Ms. Zhen Hua: Bachelor degree. She is now assuming supervisor, Chairwoman of Trade Union, Director of HR Dept. and Director of President Office of our company. Mr. Yang Xiaozhuan: Bachelor degree; senior engineer. He once worked for Hubei Provincial machinery Industry Department and held such positions as managing director of the 2nd Machine Tool factory of Hubei, and Deputy Manager of Shenzhen Jinxin Investment Co., Ltd. Mr. Yang is now assuming Vice President of our company several other positions. Mr. Lin Kebin, bachelor’s degree. At present he’s the Vice President and CFO of the Company. (4) Particulars about the salaries of the current directors, supervisors and senior management (tax included) Through the approval of 2007 Shareholders’ General Meeting, the allowance was RMB80 thousand per year for independent directors of the 5th term Board of Directors, RMB60 thousand for directors, and RMB30 thousand per year for the supervisors of the 5th term Supervisory Committee. Through the approval of the 1st meeting of the 5th term Board of Directors, the payments to senior management were formed by basic salary and floating salary based upon their achievement. All of the current directors, supervisors and executives of the Company took remunerations from the Company and took no remunerations from the shareholding parties. Remunerations of current directors, supervisors and executives are totaled to RMB3.5062 million. (5) None of the directors, supervisors and executives has changed in the report term. 2. Particulars about the employees There are totally 2289 employees currently in the Company, among which, 596 production employees, 97 sales employees, 135 technical employees, 54 accounting employees, 1145 engineering administrative, and 262 other administrative employees. Among them, 1727 employees hold intermediate vocational certificate and above, account for 75.44% of total employees. V. Administrative Structure 1. Company Administration The Company carried out its business operation strictly following with the Company Law, Securities Law and relative regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. And the administration structure has been further improved without conflict with the laws and regulations. 1) Particulars about the administration of the Company in the report term: According to the Company Law, Securities Law, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Share Listing Rules, Enterprise Accounting System and Enterprise Accounting Standard, the Company has produced the Shareholders’ Meeting Criteria, Working Regulations of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee Meeting Criteria, President Work Criteria, Independent Director Working Criteria, Internal Control Criteria, Information Disclosure Criteria, Proceed Administration Regulations, Accounting Criteria, Internal Auditing Criteria, Manpower Management Regulations, Legal Affair Administration Rules, and Purchase Regulations. These have composed a mature and effective internal control system covering all aspects of the business operation including investment decision-making, related transactions, financial management, R&D management, HRM, executive management, purchase management, production and sales management and information disclosure. All of them have been implemented smoothly and there isn’t any major defect or fraudulent practices in executing of the internal control system. The internal control system was designed under principles of scientific, rational, and standardization, and with reference to the Company’s practical business operations. 2) Establishing and operation of internal financial controlling system The Company has established independent accounting structure and deployed reasonable jobs and responsibilities. Professional accounting personnel were employed to ensure smooth operation of the system. The Company has established the “Accounting Regulations”, “Accounting Seal Regulations”, “Cashier Regulations”, “Accounting Calculation Criteria”, “Online Banking Criteria”, “Payment Authorization Regulations”, “Financial Documentation Criteria”, “Accounting Authorization Regulations”, “Proceeds Administration Regulations”, “Related Transaction Regulations”, and “External Investment Regulations”. These have been effectively controlling over the business operations. The Company has also established clear and effective accounting documentation, booking and reporting procedures. All transactions can be recorded timely, accurately, and completely, to ensure preparing of financial statements is complying with the accounting standard. Verifications were taken on book value and substantial assets to make sure they are according to each other. Configuration of accounting positions has ensured frankly and objectively reflection of financial situations, business performance and cash flow. No major fault exist in the internal controlling of financial reporting system in the report term. To exercise the “Fundamental accounting work regulatory inspection in PLCs” (证局发〔2010〕 109 号) issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the Company produced “The operation plan for fundamental accounting work regulatory inspection” on April 14, 2010. As approved at the 10th meeting of the 5th term of Board, the special leading team was founded with the President as the leader. From April 16 to May 21, the Company performed full inspection on the fundamental accounting works according to the “Questionnaire on Fundamental Accounting Works” and “Common Problems of Accounting Works in PLCs” provided by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, and come out with the “Self-investigation report on fundamental accounting works”. According to the results of self-inspection, the Company performed a number of measures to improve its accounting works. As of December 31, 2010, all of the problems have been resolved and come out with the “Self-investigation report on fundamental accounting works” which was approved by the Auditing Committee and the Board of Directors. 3) In the report term, the Company was fully executing the circulars issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission and National Government State-owned Asset Administrative Commission, namely “Circular about capital transaction and providing of external guarantees by listed companies” [Zheng-Jian-Fa (2003)56], and “Circular about collectively resolve the problems regard capital adoption and illegal guarantees of listed companies” [Zheng-Jian-Fa (2005)37. No capital of the Company was adopted by the holding shareholder or providing guarantees to external parties. The Company has been improving its business operation and preventing risks to guard the benefits of the Company and the shareholders. 4) In the report term, the Company has convened and held the Shareholders’ Meetings strictly according to the regulations and ensure the shareholders are able to execute their legal rights. 5) In the report term, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee have been executing their duties strictly according to the law and regulations. Convening and holding of the board meetings and the Supervisory Committee meetings were carried out with the legal procedures. Both of the Board and the Committee have been executing their duties diligently, and defending the legal interests of the Company and the whole shareholders. The Company had never provided the main shareholder or the substantial controller of the Company any unreleased information in the year of 2010. 6) Summary of the administrative improvement operation In the report term, according to the “Circular about the administrative improvement operation in PLCs” issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company has accomplished all of the reforming processes before June 2008. No retained problems to be handled in the report term. 7) No trade competition or related transactions occurred due to company reconstruction in the report term. 2. Performance of the Independent Directors There are totally 3 independent directors of the Company, which exceeds 1/3 of the total number of directors. During the report term, the independent directors were performing their duties earnestly and independently, and exactly according with the terms of the “Article of Association”, “Rules of the Board of Directors”, and “Rules for the Independent Directors”. They issued independent opinions on significant issues of the Company, and performed consultancy functions as independent directors should have done. Independent directors’ presenting of board meetings in the report term: Name of Times of board Presented Entrusted Absented Note Independent meetings to personally proxies to Director present (times) present (times) Dong Likun 10 8 2 - Asked for leaving due business engagement Guo Jinlong 10 10 0 - Shao Hanqing 10 10 0 - The independent directors didn’t raise any demurral on the proposals adopted by the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ Meeting, not other events of the Company during the report term. 3. The Company is completely separated from the controlling shareholder in aspects of businesses, personnel, assets, organizations, and accounting. The Company has its own completed businesses and capacity of independent business operation. In the aspect of business: the company has its own purchasing, production, sales, and customer service system which performing independently. There is not any material related transactions occurred with the controlling shareholders. In personnel: The labor management, personnel and salary management are operated independently from the controlling shareholder. The senior managements take salaries from the Company and none of them takes senior management position in the controlling party. In assets: The company owns its production, supplementary production system and accessory equipments independently, and possesses its own industrial properties, non-patent technologies, and trademark. In organization: The production and business operation, executive management, and department setting are completely independent from the controlling shareholder. No situation of combined office exists. The Company adjusts its organizing structure only for its own practical requirement of development and management. In accounting: The company has its own independent accounting and auditing division, established independent and completed accounting system and management rules, has its own bank account, and exercise its liability of taxation independently. 4. Assessment and motivation system of the senior management The Company adopts a salary system for senior management formed by basic salary and floating salary based upon assessment of their achievement. In accordance with “The detailed assessment rules of target management for the supervisory and service departments of year 2010” and “The detailed assessment rules for subsidiaries of year 2010”, the senior management are assessed on their capability of innovation, basic quality, performance, accomplishment of profit and account collecting goals. The results of assessment form the foundation of floating salary or penalty. VI. Particulars about the Shareholders’ Meeting The Company held 2 shareholders’ meetings in the report term. The followings are the details: I. Calling of Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2009 The Company announced the convening of the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2009 and the agendas on February 27, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Daily, Shanghai Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. The meeting was held in the multi-function hall at the 1st floor of Fangda Building on March 22, 2010. The resolutions were published on March 23, 2009 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Daily, Shanghai Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. II. Calling of the 1st provisional shareholders’ meeting 2010 The Company announced calling of the 1st Provisional Shareholders’ Meeting 2010 and the agendas on November 24, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Daily, Shanghai Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. The meeting was held in the multi-function hall at the 1st floor of Fangda Building on December 10, 2010. The resolutions were published on August 18, 2009 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Daily, Shanghai Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. VII. Report of the Board of Directors 1. Business review of the report term (1) General business situation In the report term, the Company has been seizing the great opportunities brought by national policies on energy saving and environmental protection industry, kept exploring the direction of creative development. As result, the Company’s products in this area have been enhanced. In the report term, the Company has realized historical business turnover of RMB1.162 billion, an increase of 27.27% over last year; net profit of RMB55.0634 million, and growth of 24.99% over last year. New orders were amounted to RMB1.552 billion. As of the end of report term, the Company has reserved orders up to RMB1.1745 billion, which was 101% of the turnover in 2010, increased by 24.75% over the beginning of year. These have laid a solid foundation for the business development in 2011. (2) Main business operations Our business include new-type building materials, composite materials, metal wares, metal frames, environmental equipment and apparatus, fire fighting equipment, optical-mechanical-electrical integrated products, polymer materials and their products, fine chemical products, mechanical equipment, optical materials and devices, electronic displayer, audio-visual device, transport facilities, metro platform screen doors, a variety of HAVC equipment, water supply and drainage equipment, central air-conditioner and their parts and components, semiconductors and their components. Integrated circuits, lighting products and equipment, solar-energy products and their R&D. design, production. construction, sales and after-sales service ,property management, property leasing and parking-lot service. 1) Sales of curtain wall and materials realized significant growth In the report term, the Company kept enhance its strategic target in expanding of energy-saving curtain wall and materials, moving toward the high-end products of environmental protection. Depending on the core technical advantages, the Company has been consolidating its current market and exploring the markets in Bohai Seashore Area and Yangtzi River Delta Area. As result, the Company has achieved great increase in amount of orders. In the report term, the Company has won in multiple bidding competitions including Shenyang Xingmo’er, Xi’an Gardening Fair, China Asean (Liuzhou) Industrial Products Trade Center, Dalian Wanda House, Sanya Phoenix Island, and Shenzhen Jianli Construction, amounted to RMB1.1759 billion, both production volume and sales volume have reached the highest record of the Company. Sales income of curtain wall products was RMB956.2659 million, a 20.15% of growth over last year. As of the end of report term, the Company has reserved orders amounted up to RMB816 million. Along with the rapid growth of the whole industry, curtain wall products will contribute greater profitability to the Company. In the report term, the Company has received overseas orders amounted to USD13.046 million. 2) Great effort has been paid on exploring of railroad product market Following with the development of railroad transportation in developed cities of the country, the railroad has been helping to pull the economic growth. PSD system is one of the important parts of metro system. As the leading enterprise in this area of the country, the Company has been further consolidating its advantages in technologies, reputation, and marketing force. With its own core technologies, the PSD products of the Company have won in bidding competition for the metro projects of Xi’an and Dalian. The PSD project orders have entered the peak period of engineering in the report term. The projects of Shenyang Metro Line 1, Nanjing Metro Line 1, Shenzhen Metro Line 1 extension, Shenzhen Metro Line 2, and Shenzhen Metro Line 4 were carried forward smoothly. Among them, the PSD systems of Nanjing Metro Line 1, Shenzhen Metro Line 2, and Shenyang Metro Line 1 have been completed and put into operation. All of them were working well and received high comments and multiple awards from the owners. In the report term, the sales income of railroad products was RMB150.9017 million, a 106.62% of increase over last year. The Company was holding both leading places in technologies and market competition, and will realize rapid growth along with the development of domestic municipal railroad transportation. The Company set its foot in the area of railroad products manufacturing since 1999, and has been the earliest enterprise in this area. Great investments have been made in term of manpower, capital, and assets. After years of development, the Company is now holding the core technologies of PSD system, among them are 197 patents, including 45 invention patents, count for over half of this area in the whole country, and 4 copyright patents. Meanwhile the Company thinks highly protection of intelligence properties. In the report term, the Company sued to Guangzhou Middle Court against Panasonic Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. for its illegal adoption of two patent technologies. And claiming for terminating of the illegal adoption and RMB10 million of compensation. 3) Accelerate the development of LED industry In the report term, to further improve the industrial chain and expanding of LED production, the Company has completed the construction of production base of Shenyang Fangda Semiconductor Lighting Co., Ltd. Shifting of the semiconductor lighting industry from Shenzhen to Shenyang has been accomplished. Up to then, the Company has formed a completed industrial chain covering external products, chips, encapsulation, mounting products and engineering projects. The whole chain has been put into operation and achieved great productivity and quality. This is the brand new start point of the Company in the semiconductor lighting industry. As one of the newest fruit, the high-power-low-attenuation LED products has been the leading technologies in the area, which means greatly in increasing the quality of the chips, LED, and engineering lighting projects. 4) Successful private offering of new A shares The Company’s development capability in energy-saving curtain wall and PSD was enhanced continuously, which lead to great increasing of orders and market share. However the conflict between productivity and increasing orders was becoming more severe. To solve the problem, the Company successfully issued 47.9452 million A shares to particular subscribers privately and raised RMB349.99996 million of proceed, which will be used to enlarge the productivities of energy-saving curtain wall and PSD. 5) In the report term, the Company has won multiple awards including the “Top 100 enterprise of Shenzhen”, “The top 100 competitors of PLCs”, “The top 500 construction material manufacturers”, “The top 100 manufacturers of Guangdong 2010”, “Demonstrative Enterprises of Guangdong”, and “Best enterprise in manpower legislation 2010”. Fangda Decoration – one of the fully-owned subsidiaries of the Company, was certified national high-tech enterprise. Up to then, all of the subsidiaries of the Company have been certified national high-tech enterprises. Multiple high-end products of Fangda New Material (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. have been certified for Green Construction Product. The new inpatient building of Hubei Hospital of Cancer, to which Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. provided internal and external decoration aluminum sheet, has won Luban Award, the highest award of the country in architecture. 6) Undertaking social responsibilities Along with the prosperity of industrial development, the Company has been undertaking social responsibilities. In the report term, the Company has paid RMB59.03 million of taxes, which was a 15% of increase over last year, made donation of RMB200 thousand to Yushu Qinghai – the county attacked by major earthquake this year. Meanwhile ,the Company has been think highly the legal rights of the employees according to the Law of Labor. Products taking over 10% of the turnover or gross profit are curtain wall and railroad products. In the report term, the Company has overcome the major influences brought by financial crisis and macro adjustment of the country, none of them has made major impact on the Company’s financial situation and business operation, so in the predictable future. The Company made no prediction or commitment on the profitability of future. During the report period, the distribution of major business turnover and profit in term of industries, product categories, and territories were as follows: In RMB0’000 Segments on industries Change of On industry or Operation Gross profit Change of cost Gross profit ration Turnover income over last product cost ratio (%) over last year % increased/decreased year % Metal 95,626.59 79,557.49 16.80% 20.15% 21.19% -0.71% production Railroad 15,090.17 12,941.96 14.24% 106.62% 113.92% -2.92% industry Segments on products Glass wall 76,351.68 63,922.94 16.28% 18.04% 17.58% 0.33% products Aluminum 19,274.91 15,634.55 18.89% 29.33% 38.61% -5.43% products Railroad 15,090.17 12,941.96 14.24% 106.62% 113.92% -2.92% products Regions Turnover Change of income over last year % Domestic 106,108.10 31.05% Overseas 5,455.46 -19.38% Total 111,563.56 27.16% We purchased from the top 5 suppliers at the amount of RMB196.4414 million, which is 22.67% of the yearly purchase total amount; we got the total sales of RMB364.6674 million accounts for 31.39% in the main business income. (3) Capital structure in the report term At the end of report term, the Company has total assets of RMB1.99116 billion, including RMB396.67 million of receivable account takes 19.92% of the total assets, RMB280.29 million of inventory account for 14.08% of total assets, investment property of RMB271.23 million account for 13.62%, fixed asset of RMB240.55 million account for 12.08% of total asset, construction in process of RMB56.76 million account for 2.85% of total asset, and short-term borrowings of RMB397 million account for 19.94% of total asset. No long-term borrowings. In the report term, the Company uses fair value in accounting of investment properties, sellable financial assets, and hedging contracts. Recognition of investment property fair value was on the “Property Evaluation Report” 深同诚评字(2011A)01YQC 第 002 号 issued by Shenzhen Tongzhicheng Property Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd. Recognition of sellable financial assets was on closing quotation at the end of report term, and calculated according to the “Formula of Fair Value of Shares with Definite Locking Period and Issued Privately”. Hedging contracts are measured at settlement price at end of report term. In the report term, the operational expenses and administration expenses has increased by 34.5% and 37.46% respectively, which was caused by increasing of manpower and expanding of Fangda Decoration, and founding of branches in Beijing and Shanghai. Financial expenses has not changed significantly. Income tax expenses has increased by 137%, which was caused by (1) increasing of profit; (2) fluctuation of investment property fair value. (4) Composition of cash flow in the report term In the report term, the net cash flow from business operation was RMB-31.1873 million, which was caused by increasing of purchase orders, prepayment for materials and overdue of some project payments. Net cash flow from investment was RMB-54.0975 million, which was caused by purchasing of land using right in Dongguan and investment on construction of production base in Shenyang. Net cash flow from financing was RMB343.4309 million, which was caused by private issuing of A shares. (5) The business status and performance analysis of the major subsidiaries of our company. & joint-stock companies. By December 31,2010, we wholly own 7 subsidiary enterprises, they are Shenzhen Fangda Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd, Jiangxi Fangda New-type Aluminum Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Fangda Yide New Material Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Fangda Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Junjia Groups Co, Ltd., Dongguan Fangda New Materials Co., Ltd., and a holding subsidiary, that is Shenyang Fangda semiconductor lighting Co,. Ltd. Shenzhen Fangda Decoration Engineering Co. Ltd is one of the largest manufacturers in curtain walls which is specialized in the design, manufacture and installation of curtain walls and indoor & outdoor windows and doors, also specialized in the design and manufacture of furniture. Shenzhen Fangda Automation Systems Co., Ltd is the 1st in the country and 3rd in the world manufacturer specialized in the development, manufacture and installation of platform screen doors. Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co,. Ltd and Shenzhen Fangda Yidexin new material Co., Ltd are specialized in the manufacture and sales of aluminum sheet, clad aluminum and other new-type building materials, which is the largest in the country. Shenyang Fangda semiconductor lighting Co,. Ltd is specialized in the R&D, manufacture and sales of GAN-based integrated circuit and their parts and components which are the middle or finished products. Dongguan Fangda New Materials Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in designing, manufacturing, and installation of multiple types of curtain walls, glass walls, doors and windows, fences, and interior roof; power supply and air-conditioning system designing and installation. At present the company is under construction. (6) Particulars about the special projects under the Company’s control There is no such special projects. 2. Prospectus and business plan for 2011 In year 2011, the Company will carry on the steady growth achieved in 2010 by further expanding technical innovation, enhance curtain wall business and aluminum material business. The leading position of PSD business will be consolidated and extend to overseas market. The Company will do its best to keep it at the high-end of LED industry and concentrate on combination of LED engineering and curtain wall engineering. Meanwhile the Company will further improve its management system and increase business efficiency. In year 2011, the Company will further consolidate its advantages in market reputation and marketing force. Construction of production bases in Dongguan and Nanchang will be accelerated to support rapid growth of the Company’s productivity. Issuing of short-term bonds will be pushed forward to satisfy the needs of current capital and lower financial costs. The internal controlling system will be enhanced to catch up with the development of securities market. An incentive manpower management system will be established to let the employees progress along with the Company. Intelligent property protection will be further enhanced. The IT system will be further improved to support high efficiency management. A better enterprise culture will let the employees more fit into the enterprise. Capital needs and application plan The capital demand for production expanding projects of energy-saving curtain wall and PV curtain wall and PSD products will be RMB190 million. The Company still need RMB400 million to satisfy the need of working capital, which was planned to be supported by bank loans. 3. Investment in the report term (1) Application of fund raised Application of Proceeds from Share Placing In RMB Yuan Total of proceeds 33,658.69 Total of proceeds invested this year 2,571.17 Total of proceeds changed to other use in the report term 0.00 Accumulated proceeds changed to other use 0.00 Total of proceeds invested 2,571.17 % of accumulated proceeds changed to other use 0.00% If investment Investment Date when Total of Total Accumulated progress at end Project promised to be project changed the project Profit Major proceeds to investment Invested investment at of report Gains as invested by the (including become realized change in be invested after this year end of report expected? proceeds partially term(%)(3)= useable as this year feasibility? as proposed adjustment term (2) change) (2)/(1) proposed Project set by the prospectus Energy-saving curtain wall and PV curtain No 21,000.00 21,000.00 2,200.73 2,200.73 10.48% Dec 31 2011 0.00 Yes No wall production expanding project Expanding of PSD No 12,658.69 12,658.69 370.44 370.44 2.93% Dec 31 2011 0.00 Yes No project Subtotal of investment - 33,658.69 33,658.69 2,571.17 2,571.17 - - 0.00 - - promised Investment project of premium surplus Not Not applicable No 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 No applicable Repaying of bank - - - - - loans (if any) Used as current capital - - - - - (if any) Subtotal of premium - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 - - proceeds Total - 33,658.69 33,658.69 2,571.17 2,571.17 - - 0.00 - - Reason or situation that not on schedule None (on specific project) Statement on major None change in feasibility Amount, usage and progress of premium Not applicable surplus Applicable Change of location of According to the needs of business development, and approved by the 24th meeting of the 5th term of Board, the location of energy saving project to invest curtain wall and PV wall project was changed from Nanchang to Dongguan Guangdong. Adjustment on implementation of Not applicable project invested Applicable Pre-investment and On September 30, 2010, it was decided to use the raised capital to replace RMB4,347,753.09 of investment made previously by Fangda replacement by Automatic (1,403,503.00) and Fangda Decoration (4,347,753.09). This has been verified by CPA with report 天健正信审(2010)专字第 proceeds 020722 号. Applicable Idle proceed used as Since Sept. 28, 2010, the Company decided to use RMB30 million of proceeds to support working capital. On September 30, 2010, RMB20 working capital million was paid to Fangda Decoration, and RMB10 million to Fangda Automatic. Both were not over six months. Surplus of investment Not applicable and causation Application plan of retained fund from Will be used in production expanding of energy-saving curtain wall and PSD project. financing Problem or situation in using of proceeds None and disclosing (2) Non- raising -fund investment Shenyang Fangda Semiconductor Lighting Co., Ltd. was founded by the Company and Shenyang Hunan New Area State-asset Administration Co., Ltd. At present the company has been partially put into production. And investment of RMB62.63 million has been input. On November 12, 2010, one of the subsidiaries of the Company won in bidding competition for the using right of land located in Dongguan Songshanhu North Industrial Town (宗地编号 2010T107 号) with RMB40.01 million. This land will be used to construct production base of the Company. 4. Change in accounting policies, accounting estimations, or the correction of the previous important mistakes None of change in accounting policies, accounting estimations, or the correction of the previous important mistakes occurred in the report term. 5. Disclosing of internal controlling system related to measuring of fair value, and relative information On April 17, 2009, the Company produced “Internal controlling system on measuring of fair value”, which was aiming to regular the recognition basis and process in measuring of fair value of investment properties, shares of other PLCs, and so others. Subjects related to measuring of fair value: In RMB Yuan Accumulative Impairment Gain/loss from change in fair value provisions Amount at end Items Initial amount change of fair accounted into provided in the of term value in the term equities current term Financial assets: Incld. 1. Financial assets accounted at fair value and changes accounted into current gain/loss account Incld: Derivate financial assets 2. Sellable financial 7,520,445.42 -3,173,445.42 4,347,000.00 assets Subtotal of financial 7,520,445.42 -3,173,445.42 0.00 4,347,000.00 assets Financial liabilities Investment properties 259,497,678.80 13,921,217.90 271,226,332.73 Production physical assets Others Total 270,333,199.22 10,606,142.90 -3,173,445.42 275,573,332.73 6. Foreign currency financial assets in possession At end of report term, the Company was holding RMB31,195,215.28 of receivable account in foreign currency. 7. Influence on profitability by the changes in the financial instruments for measuring fair value and the changes in the fair value of investment property: In the report term, change of fair value of investment property has increased the profit by RMB10,591,618.604, change of sellable financial assets and hedging contracts in fair values made no impact on the profit. 8 Ascenda (Beijing)Certified Public accountants audited the Financial Report of 20109 year and issued the standard audit report without classified opinions. 9. Routine works of the Board (1) Board meetings and resolutions 1) The 13th meeting of the 5th term of Board was held on January 12, 2010 by telecommunication. The resolutions were published by Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily dated January 19, 2010. 2) The 14th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of February 10, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by February 12, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 3) The 15th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of February 25, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by February 27, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 4) The 16th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the morning of March 19, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by March 20, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 5) The 17th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of April 22, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fanda Technologies Building. The 1st Quarterly Report 2010 was examined and passed at the meeting. 6) The 18th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held on May 17, 2010 by telecommunication voting. The “Self-investigation Report on Fundamental Accounting Works” was examined and adopted. 7) The 19th meeting of the 5th term of Board was held on June 28, 2010 by telecommunication. The resolutions adopted were: (1) The proposal to setup special bank accounts in China Construction Bank OCT branch and CITIC Bank Jinshan Branch for proceeds from share issuing. (2) The proposal on engaging of “The 3rd party supervisory agreement on proceeds from private issuing of A shares” with above banks and Zhongshan Securities Co., Ltd.- the sponsor of share placing. 8) The 20th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of August 5, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by August 10, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 9) The 21th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of August 17, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by August 19, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 10) The 22nd meeting of the 5th term of Board was held on September 17, 2010 by telecommunication. The resolutions were published by Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily dated September 29, 2010. 11) The 23rd meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of October 21, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by October 23, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 12) The 24th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of November 22, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by November 24, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 13) The 25th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of December 23, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by December 25, 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 14) The 26th meeting of the 5th term of Board of Directors was held in the afternoon of December 29, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The “Improving plan on problems discovered by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office” was adopted at the meeting. (2) Executing of the resolutions of Shareholders’ General Meeting by the Board of Directors As authorized by the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the following jobs have been done: 1) The private placing of A shares was accomplished; 2) The capitalizing of capital reserves for year 2009 was accomplished; 3) The proposal of relocating the energy-saving curtain wall and PV curtain wall expanding project and adding of new operation entity was accomplished; 4) To sign the contract about applying for general credit limits and credit guarantee with the bank; (3) General report on the performance of the audit committee that subordinate to the board of directors Auditing Committee established under the Board performs auditing works of the Company, supervise execution of internal controlling system, obtain financial information and business operation in accordance with the “Rules of Auditing Committee” established by the Company. According to the requirement of document 深证局发【2010】109 号文 issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the Company has produced working plan for first stage (self-inspection stage), self-inspection report, and improving report for the 2nd stage (improving stage). Auditing Committee sent two letters, since the date of annual report had been decided, to discus and decide the timetable with the CPA. The Committee examined the financial statements prepared by the Company before the CPA, and provided written opinions on the business operation reflected in the financial statement. In the auditing process, the Committee keeps communicate with the CPA, and sent another letter to make sure the Auditing Report will be provided on schedule. The Committee examined the Financial Statement again after the CPA provided primary opinions, listened to the report on major problems discovered in the auditing process, and basically accepted the opinions. Upon providing of final opinion by the CPA, the Auditing Committee submitted to the Board the voting result on the Financial Statement and the Report on Auditing Process by the CPA of the Year, accepted the Financial Statement 2010, and deems that the CPA has fulfilled the missions entrusted by the Company and auditing works on the Financial Statement 2010. The Committee recommend the Board and the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting to extend the service of Ascenda Certified Public Accountants to the year 2011. (4) General report of the Development Strategy Committee The Development Strategy Committee provided opinions on the business target and plan of year 2010, and performed inspection on the business operation of the year. The Committee deems that the Company has basically achieved the target of 2010 set previously, and laid a good foundation for future development. The business plan and target set by the executives of the Company are to the consent of the Development Strategy Committee. They are deemed as ensuring the health growth of the Company. (5) Report of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee Basing on the “Rules of Remuneration and Assessment Committee”, the Remuneration and Assessment Committee subordinate to the Board had listened to the company’s main financial index and the performance of the operation objectiveness in 2010 and also find out director, senior executives performance. They think director and senior executive industrious, fulfill their duty well and in aid of the achievement of company’ operation objectiveness. The wage information disclosed in 2010 Annual Report are complying with the salary scheme. 10. Dividend distribution plan or capitalizing of common reserves According to the Auditors’ Report issued by Ascenda Certified Public Accountants, the Company has realized net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of RMB55,063,374.25 in year 2010. As of the end of report term, the consolidated retained profit attributable to the parent company was RMB153,115,142.18. The parent company has realized the net profit of RMB44,747,971.25, surplus reserves was provided at RMB4,474,797.13, and the retained profit at the end of report term was RMB170,506,646.52. No profit distribution will be carried out for 2010 and all of the profits will be reserved for business expanding in 2011. The Company plans to capitalize the capital common reserves to the whole shareholders. As of December 31st 2010, the balance of capital reserves was audited to RMB295,033,359.54 and surplus reserves was RMB17,834,977.97. While RMB252,303,302 of capital reserves will be capitalized to capital shares. On the base of total capital shares amounted 504,606,604, 5 new shares will be added upon each 10 shares. Namely 5 new shares to each 10 A-shares, totally 140,319,572 shares are about to be added; and 5 new shares to each 10 B-shares, totally 111,983,730 are about to be added. The capital shares of the Company will become 756,909,906 after the capitalization. This profit distribution plan is subject to approval of the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2010. Dividend distribution of the latest three years In RMB Yuan Percentage in net profit Net profit attributable to the Cash dividend (tax attributable to owners of the Distributable profit of owners of the PLC in the included) PLC in the consolidated the year consolidated statement statement 2009 0 44,052,511.46 0 57,181,879.02 Year 2008 0 23,260,881.91 0 -20,153,902.80 year 2007 0 24,386,023.62 0 -3,393,994.68 Dividend accumulated in the latest three years over the 0.00% average annual net profit (%) No cash dividend proposal was raised though the Company is making profit for the report term. √ applicable □ not applicable Reason for making profit but not have any Plan for the profit not distributed dividend plan Reserved all for expanding in 2011 Used for business expanding 2011 11. Statement of the Board on responsibilities on internal control The Board of Directors thinks that the Company has established mature internal controlling system with considering of interior environment, risk evaluation, controlling operation, information and communication, and internal inspection, which have basically covered company management, financial management, information safety, and administration on subsidiaries. The system has been working effectively. Thus the Board of Directors deems that no major weakness in designing and executing of the internal controlling system. However the Board will further improve the operation flow, enhance training scheme and monitoring on operation of the system. 12. Executing of information insider administration regulations According to the requirement of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and China Securities Regulatory Commission Shenzhen Office, the Company has already established “Information insider registration criteria”, and “External information user regulations”, and executed strictly. In the report term, the Company has not found any behavior conducted by information insiders such as illegal trading of the Company’s shares before releasing of major information which may influence the share prices. No investigation or instruction received from regulatory authorities on this issue. 13. The Company hasn’t changed the official information disclosure presses and the website in the report term. VIII. Report of the Supervisory Committee 1. Meetings held in the report term, and the resolutions (1) The 8h meeting of the 5th term of Supervisory Committee was held in the afternoon of Feb 25, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The resolutions were published by Feb 27 2010 issues of Securities Times, China Securities Daily, Shanghai Securities Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (2) The 9th meeting of the 5th term of Supervisory Committee was held in the morning of April 22, 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fanda Technologies Building. The 1st Quarterly Report 2010 was examined and passed at the meeting. (3) The 10th meeting of the 5th term of Supervisory Committee was held in the afternoon of August 17 2010 in the meeting room on the 5th floor of Fanda Technologies Building. The Interim Report 2010 and the summary were examined at the meeting. (4) The 11th meeting of the 5th Supervisory Committee was held in the afternoon of October 21, 2010 in the meeting room at the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 was examined on the meeting. (5) The 12th meeting of the 4th Supervisory Committee was held in the afternoon of December 29, 2010 in the meeting room at the 5th floor of Fangda Technologies Building. The improving plan on problems discovered by routine investigation by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office.. 2. The Supervisory Committee issues the independent opinion on the following issues: (1) The Company has already established a mature internal control system and has been improving it constantly. The procedure of decision-making was in conformity with Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company. The directors and senior executives had no actions of breaking national laws and regulations and Articles of Association or damaging the interest of the Company when they performed their duties. (2) The Company has found the Information Disclosure System and was implemented strictly according to the rules. (3) Ascenda Certified Public Accountants issued standard auditing report without qualified opinion for the financial report of 2010. The financial report is frankly reflecting the financial situation and business performance of the Company. (4) The investment projects were the same with those promised in “Private share placing of A shares in 2009” at private issuing of A shares. (5) Asset purchasing or selling were on rational prices, and no under table transactions were conducted. No operation was done harming the shareholders’ interests or cause losses of the Company’s capital. (6) All of the related transactions in the report term were related to daily operation of the Company and made no impairment on the benefit of the Company or shareholders. 3. The Committee examined the Self-assessment Report on Internal Controlling and held no disagreeing opinion. IX. Significant Events 1. Significant lawsuit or arbitration issue in the report term 1. On March 31, 2010, the Company sued to the Middle Court of Guangzhou claiming for protection of the Company’s two patent rights violated by Panasonic Electronics (China) Ltd. in proceeding of PSD system of Guangzhou Metro. The claiming was to stop the violating activity and compensation of RMB10 million. This cash was accepted by the court and waiting for trial. 2. In 2010, Wang Weihong sued to Chongqing Middle Court claiming for the project payment of RMB1707, this case was not opened for trial yet and under paperwork. 2. No bankruptcy or restructuring issue happened in the report term 3. Holding of other PLCs’ equities and trading of other PLCs’ shares (1) Holding of other PLCs’ equities and participating in commercial banks, securities dealers, insurance companies, trust companies, and future. In RMB Gain/loss of Change of Stock Initial Share Book value at Accounting Source Stock ID the report owners’ equity Code investment portion the end of term subject of shares term in the report term ST Debt Disposable 600800 Magnetic 4,850,000.00 0.11% 4,347,000.00 0.00 584,519.45 paid in financial asset Card kind Total 4,850,000.00 - 4,347,000.00 0.00 584,519.45 - - (2) Trading of shares of other PLCs Name of Amount of shares Shares bought Amount at Shares sould in Capital Investment shares at beginning of in the report the end of the report term used income gained term term term Sihuan 971,989 0 971,989 0 0 3,176,516.97 Biology 4. Asset acquiring or selling nor takeover or merger events. (1) In the report term, the Company conducted neither asset acquiring or selling nor takeover or (2) Disposal of asset in the report term Profit contributed by the sold Gain/loss assets from Debt & from Related Completely Relationship The other Assets Date of the Pricing credit Price disposal transaction transferred with the party of trade disposed disposal beginning policy transferred of the or not or not other party of year or not asset until the day of being sold Nanchang High-Tech Land of Jan 18, market Not Zone Fangda 3,060.00 0.00 989.00 No Yes No 2010 price applicable Administration Aluminum Committee 5. No share option incentive program was implemented in the report term 6. Related transactions in the report term: (1) Particulars about the related parites Name of the parties Relation with the Company Organization code Shenzhen Fangda Special Supervisor Song Wenqing once Decoration Engineering Co., was director of this company Ltd. (former Shenzhen Fangda (Mr. Song has resigned from the 19229492-X Special Structure Co., Ltd.) position thus no relationship exist (Fangda Special Decoration) as of date of this report.) Song Wenqing Supervisor of the Company (2) Outsourced works Pricing Name of the Name of the Category of asset to Commence Termination Contract amount basis of employer contractor be offered date Date (RMB0’000) contracting Date of Fangda Completion Agreement Song Wenqing Project contracting winning in 772.94 Decoration of project price bidding Date of Fangda Fangda Special Completion Agreement Project contracting winning in 2,323.08 Decoration Decoration of project price bidding 7. Material contracts and guarantees (1) The Company has never been involved in such events as keeping as custodian, contracted or leased any other company’s assets and vice versa in the report period or extended from the previous years. (2) The Company conducted no illegal guarantee issues other than providing guarantee to the fully owned and controlled subsidiaries. The details are as the followings: External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries) Date and Actual date of Ref. of the Actual Guarantee Amount of occurring Type of Completed Related party announceme amount of Term provided to the guarantee (signing date guarantee or not or not nt about the guarantee of agreements guarantee Total of external guarantee actually occurred in the report Total of external guarantee approved in the report term (A1) 0.00 0.00 term (A2) Total of external guarantee approved as of end of report term Total of external guarantee actually occurred as of end of 0.00 0.00 (A3) report term (A4) Guarantee provided to controlled subsidiaries Date and Ref. of Actual date of the Actual Guarantee Amount of occurring Type of Completed Related party announcement amount of Term provided to the guarantee (signing date guarantee or not or not about the guarantee of agreements guarantee since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda Joint of contract to Announcement 20,000.00 Jun 29, 2010 12,358.00 No No Decoration liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-06 due of debt since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda Joint of contract to Announcement 12,000.00 Feb 10 2010 7,806.00 No No Decoration liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-07 due of debt since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda Joint of contract to Announcement 25,000.00 Jun 30 2010 8,701.00 No No Automatic liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-08 due of debt since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda Joint of contract to Announcement 6,000.00 Nov 03 2010 3,981.00 No No Automatic liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-09 due of debt since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda New Joint of contract to Announcement 5,000.00 Jun 13, 2010 5,000.00 No No Materials liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-10 due of debt since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda New Joint of contract to Announcement 5,800.00 Jun 25, 2010 4,430.00 No No Materials liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-11 due of debt since engage "2010-2-12 Fangda New Joint of contract to Announcement 2,700.00 Sept 29 2010 2,700.00 No No Materials liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-12 due of debt Fangda since engage August19, 2010 Decoration, Joint of contract to Announcement 10,000.00 Sept 06 2010 1,652.00 No No Fangda liabilities 2 years upon No. 2010-27 Automatic due of debt Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved in Total of guarantee to subsidiaries actually 86,500.00 56,140.53 the report term (B1) occurred in the report term (B2) Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved as of Total of balance of guarantee actually provided 86,500.00 46,629.00 the report term (B3) to the subsidiaries as of end of report term (B4) Total of guarantee provided by the Company (i.e. total of the above two items) Total of guarantee approved in the report term Total of guarantee occurred in the report term 86,500.00 56,140.53 (A1+B1) (A2+B2) Total of guarantee approved as of end of report term Total of guarantee occurred as of the end of report 86,500.00 46,629.00 (A3+B3) term Percentage of the total guarantee occurred (A4+B4) on net asset of the Company 46.17% In which: Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial controllers and the related parties (C) 0.00 Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to objects with over 70% of liability on asset ratio (D) 0.00 Amount of guarantee over 50% of the net asset (E) 0.00 Total of the above 3 * (C+D+E) 0.00 Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the guarantees not due yet None (3) No cash asset trusted to other parties or consigned loans occurred in the report term. (4) Other major contracts: a. Shenyhang Xingmo’er Shopping Mall was on schedule according to the contract. b. Shenzhen Jiali Construction Plaza curtain wall project was on schedule. c. China Asean (Liuzhou) Industrial Product Trade Center curtain wall project was on schedule. d. Sanya Phoenix Island Recreation Center curtain wall construction of block 1, 2, 3 and 4 were on schedule. e. Shenzhen Metro Line 2 PSD system has been completed and put into operation. 8. Engaging and dismissing of CPAs. As approved by the 15th meeting of the 5th term of Board and the Shareholders’ Meeting 2009, Ascenda Certified Public Accountants was engaged as the auditing body of year 2010. This is the 2nd time Ascenda Certified Public Accountants provides auditing service to the Company. The reward is RMB900 thousand. 9. No capital adoption or repaying by the controlling shareholder or related parties occurred in the report term, Ascenda CPA has provided special statement on this issue. 10. No motivating share bonus scheme was implemented, promoted, or terminated in the report term. 11. In the report term, none of the directors, supervisors, executives, shareholders, substantial dominators, buyer of the Company was investigated by relative departments, executed by legal & discipline departments, delivered to legal departments, appeared for crime, investigated or punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission, restricted to security market, criticized publicly, regarded as improper person, punished by other executive departments, or publicly condemned by the Stock Exchange. 12. No invalid trading of the Company’s shares by any of the directors, supervisors, executives or shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares. 13. Reception of investigation and visiting: N/A 14. Material events judged by the Board of Directors or according to Article 67 of Securities Law, and Article 17 of “Information Disclosure Criteria of PLCs (Trial)” (1) On March 30, 2010, the Company released the announcement on capitalizing of capital reserves on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (2) On April 13, 2010, the Company released the announcement on contracting of multiple projects including Sanya Phoenix Island International Recreation Center, China ASEAN Industrial Product Trading Center (Liu Zhou), and Shenyang Xin-Mo-Er Shopping Mall on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (3) On May 19, 2010, the Company released the announcement on contracting of Shenzhen Jiali Construction Plaza Phase II, and Shenzhen Baishida Plaza Phase II for curtain wall engineering on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (4) On July 14, 2010, the Company released announcement regarding private issuing of A shares in 2009 on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (5) On September 14, the Company released contracting of PSD system of Xi’an Metro Line 1 Phase I together with Xi’an Aviation Group on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (6) On November 16, 2010, the Company released the announcement on acquiring of land using rights of the land located in Dongguan Songshanhu on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (7) The 24th meeting of the 5th term of Board adopted the proposal on relocating of energy-saving and PV curtain wall production base and adding of executing entity. The resolutions was released on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily dated November 24, 2010. (8) On December 15, 2010, the Company released announcement on engaging of contracts for Section I of PSD system of Dalian Metro, single aluminum sheet supplying contract to Prince Norah University Town with Gulf Company UAE, and Fanshi Yifang Building developed by Cixi Fanshi Property Co., Ltd. on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. (9) On December 30, 2010, the Company released the announcement on the progress of lawsuit against Panasonic on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, and Hong Kong Commercial Daily. 15. Derivate instruments Derivate investment instruments Statement on analysing and controlling of risks The Company adopts aluminum future contract in domestic future with derivate investment in the report term market to avoid material price fluctuation risks. The Company has (including but not limited to market risks, established “Regulations of Hedging Instrument of China Fangda Group liquidity risks, credit risks, operation risks, and Co., Ltd.” 方(发)[2010]03 号, and implemented strictly. legal risks. Change of derivate instrument market price or Derivate instrument fair value is at quotation opened in the future fair value, information disclosing on the fair contract market, along with retrospective evaluation process, all of the value, relative estimation and setting of indexes hedging are highly effective. Statement on major alternation in accounting polices and accounting basis on derivate No major change happened instruments comparing with last year Hedging instruments are used strictly according to relative Particular comments of the independent regulations, and only used to secure the raw materials needed by the directors, sponsors, or financial consultants on Company. It is not manipulation of future contracts, thus effectively investment of derivate instruments and risk reduced the risks. This will benefit the steady development of the controlling Company. Derivate instruments in stock at end of report term In RMB Category of Amount of the contract Amount Gain/loss in the report Percentage of value of contracts contracts at beginning of term of the term on net asset at end of report contract at term % end of term Shanghai 22,928,770.00 0.00 -2,816,014.00 0.00% Aluminum Total 22,928,770.00 0.00 -2,816,014.00 0.00% X. Financial Report 1. Auditors’ Report Ascenda Certified Public Accountants issued standard Auditors’ Report without qualified opinion on the Company’s Financial Report 2010. (Attached hereafter) 2. Financial Statements (Attached) 3. Notes to Financial Statements (enclosed) XI. Documents For Reference 1. The original of Annual Report 2010 carrying the signature and seal of the Legal Representative (in both Chinese and English); 2. Financial Statement carrying the signatures and seals of legal representative and financial officer; 3. Original copy of the Auditors’ Report under the seal of the CPA and signed by and under the seal of certified accountants. 4. Originals of all documents and manuscripts of Public Notices of the Company disclosed in public in the newspapers as designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Legal representative: Mr. Xiong Jianming The Board of Directors of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. March 2, 2011