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方 大B:资本公积金转增股本方案实施公告(英文版)2011-04-19  

						Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement
No. 2011-15

                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
               Announcement on Capitalizing of Common Reserves

The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for
the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false
record, misleading statement or significant omission carried in this

The common reserves capitalizing plan of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. for year
2010 was approved by the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2010 held on March 25,
2011. The resolutions of the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting were released on March
26, 2011 by China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Times, Securities Times,
Hong Kong Commercial Daily (English), and www.cninfo.com.cn.
I. Capitalizing of capital reserves of year 2010
The capital reserve capitalizing plan of 2010 is: base on the total capital shares of
504,606,604, capitalizing of common reserves will be 5 share upon each 10 shares to
the whole shareholders. Totally 252,303,302 shares are capitalized. The total of
capital shares will increase up to 756,909,906 shares.
II. The registration date and ex-dividend date
A shares:
1. Registration date: April 25, 2011
2. Ex-dividend date: April 26, 2011
B shares:
1. The final trading day: April 25, 2011
2. Ex-dividend date: April 26, 2011
3. Registration date: April 28, 2011
III. Objects of bonus shares allotting
All A share holders registered in Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository &
Clearing Corporation Ltd. at closing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the afternoon of
April 25, 2011.
All B share holders registered in Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository &
Clearing Corporation Ltd. at closing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the afternoon of
April 28, 2011 (the final trading date will be April 25, 2011).
IV. Way of bonus share allotting

1. The bonus A shares will be registered to shareholders’ stock accounts directly on
April 26, 2011.
2. The bonus B shares will be registered to shareholders’ stock accounts directly on
April 28, 2011.
For B share holders who altered their stock managing agencies on April 28, 2011, the
bonus shares are only available at the original managing agencies or banks.
V. The listing date of the newly added negotiable shares
A shares: April 26, 2011
B shares: April 29, 2011
VI. Change of capital share structure
Upon completion of common reserve capitalizing this time, the total capital shares of
the Company will be 756,909,906 shares. The following are the changes in share
structure: in shares
                                                      Increased this        After the change
                            Before the change
                                      Proportion in                                 Proportion in
                        Amount of                      Amount of        Amount of
                                       the capital                                   the capital
                         shares                         shares           shares
                                         shares                                        shares
I. Total of conditional
                        48,014,828    9.52%           24,007,414       72,022,242   9.52%
current shares
State-owned shares
State-owned       legal
person shares
non-state-owned legal 18,200,000      3.61%           9100000          27,300,000   3.61%
person shares
Domestic        natural
                        29,745,200    5.89%           14872600         44,617,800   5.89%
person shares
Legal person shares
Foreign legal person
Executive shares        69,628        0.01%           34,814           104,442      0.01%
II.      Total       of
unconditional current 456,591,776     90.48%          228,295,888 684,887,664 90.48%
A shares                232,624,316   46.10%          116,312,158 348,936,474 46.10%
B shares              223,967,460 44.38%              111,983,730 335,951,190 44.38%
H shares and other
III. Total of capital
                      504,606,604 100%                252,303,302 756,909,906 100%

VII. Upon completion of this common reserve capitalizing, diluted to the new
amount of capital shares, say 756,909,906 shares, the earnings per share of 2010
will be RMB0.08.
VIII. Enquiry address:

Address: Fangda Town, Longjing, Xili, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong.
Post code: 518055
Liaisons: Zhou Zhigang, Guo Linchen
Tel: 0755-26788571 ext. 6622
Fax: 0755-26788353
IX. Documents for reference
Resolutions and announcement of the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2010, China
Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

The above is for the attention of the shareholders.

                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                               The Board of Directors
                                                      April 19, 2011
