Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2012-16 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. The Resolutions of the 2nd Shareholders’ Provisional Meeting 2012 The directors, supervisors, management and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or significant omission carried in this announcement. I. Important Statement The following proposals are denied at the Shareholders’ Meeting: Proposal II. The proposal of the plan to issue A-shares privately in year 2012 (special resolution) Proposal III. The proposal of the preplan to issue A-shares privately in year 2012 (special resolution) Proposal VI. The proposal to enter the conditional share subscribing contract with Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. Proposal VII. The proposal about subscribing of shares privately by the largest shareholder that is a related transaction II. Important prompt No changing or adding of proposals during the meeting. III. Particulars of the meeting 1. Time and date of the meeting: (1) Onsite meeting: 8:30 AM, April 5 (Thursday), 2012 (2) Online voting: April 4 – April 5, 2012 Voting through trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange: 9:30-11:30 AM, 13:00-15:00 PM, April 5, 2012; voting through website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange: any time between 15:00 PM April 4 and 15:00 PM April 5, 2012. 2. Venue: the multifunction hall at the 1st floor of Fangda Building 3. Way of meeting: onsite voting and online voting 4. Caller: The Board of Directors of the Company 5. Host: Chairman Xiong Jianming 6. Circular on calling of the meeting was served on March 21, 2012. The agendas and relative issues about the meeting were released by China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Shanghai Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily (English), and dated March 21, 2012. 7. Presenting of delegates: the directors, supervisors, executives, legal attorney, and representative of the sponsor presented or observed the meeting. The meeting was complying with the Company Law, Share Listing Rules, and the Articles of Association of the Company. IV. Particulars about the delegates presented the meeting 1. General situation Number of shareholders (proxies): 479 representing 211978333 shares accounted for 28.01% of the total voting shares. In which: (1) Number of shareholders (proxies) at the onsite meeting: 16, representing 166454006 shares accounted for 21.99% of total voting shares. (2) Number of shareholders (proxies) at online voting: 463, representing45524327 shares accounted for 6.01% of total voting shares. 2. Presenting of A-share holders: Number of A-share holders (proxies): 438, representing157564241 shares accounted for 37.43% of total voting A-shares. 3. Presenting of B-share holders: 41, representing 54,414,092 shares accounted for 16.20% of total voting B-shares. IV. Voting results of the proposals (I) The proposal to apply for issuing of A-shares privately Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 211,978,333 152,209,050 71.80% 27.61% 1252561 0.59% in the 58,516,722 meeting A-share 157,564,241 104,960,880 49.51% 24.27% 0.54% holders 51,448,230 1,155,131 B-share 54,414,092 47,248,170 22.29% 3.33% 97,430 0.05% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is approved. (II) The proposal of the plan to issue A-shares privately in year 2012 (special resolution) 1. Way of issuing Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,757,944 46.43% 52.63% 1046708 0.94% in the 58,667,325 meeting A-share 94 70,826,005 18,277,894 16.40% 46.29% 0.85% holders 51,598,833 9278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 58,667,325 The proposal is denied. 2. Type and face value of shares to be issued Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.65% 1046708 0.94% in the 58,684,525 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.30% 0.85% holders 51,616,033 949278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 3. Amount to be issued Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.65% 1046708 0.94% in the 58,684,525 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.30% 0.85% holders 51,616,033 949,278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 4. Objects and way of subscription Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,699,644 46.38% 52.88% 824158 0.74% in the 58,948,175 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,219,594 16.34% 46.54% 0.65% holders 51,879,683 726,728 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 5. Pricing ex-date and price Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,698,044 46.38% 52.82% 898828 0.81% in the 58,875,105 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,217,994 16.34% 46.39% 0.81% holders 51,709,183 898828 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.43% 0 0.00% holders 7,165,922 The proposal is denied. 6. Arrangement of trade-limitation period Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.65% 1046708 0.94% in the 58,684,525 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.30% 0.85% holders 51,616,033 949,278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 7. Place of listing Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.65% 1046708 0.94% in the 58,684,525 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.30% 0.85% holders 51,616,033 949,278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 8. Projected amount and usage of the proceeds Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.65% 1046708 0.94% in the 58,684,525 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.30% 0.85% holders 51,616,033 949,278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 9. Distribution plan of retained profit prior to this issuing of new shares Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.67% 0.91% in the 58,712,025 1,019,208 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.33% 0.83% holders 51,643,533 921,778 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. 10. Expiration period of the resolution Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,740,744 46.42% 52.65% 0.94% in the 58,684,525 1,046,708 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,260,694 16.38% 46.30% 0.85% holders 51,616,033 949,278 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. (III) The proposal of the preplan to issue A-shares privately in year 2011 (special resolution) Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111,471,977 51,701,894 46.38% 52.59% 1.03% in the 58,618,922 1,151,161 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,221,844 16.35% 46.25% 0.95% holders 51,550,430 1,053,731 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. (IV) The proposal of the feasibility report on application of the proceeds from issuing of A-shares privately in year 2012 was approved Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 211978333 152,208,250 71.80% 27.61% 0.58% in the 58,531,472 1,238,611 meeting A-share 211,978,333 104,960,080 49.51% 24.28% 0.54% holders 51,462,980 1,141,181 B-share 合计 47,248,170 22.29% 3.33% 97,430 0.05% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is approved. (V) The proposal on requesting the shareholders’ meeting to authorize the Board to practice the private issuing of A-shares with full authority was approved Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 211978333 152,208,250 71.80% 27.47% 0.73% in the 58,231,472 1,538,611 meeting A-share 211,978,333 104,960,080 49.51% 24.14% 0.68% holders 51,162,980 1,441,181 B-share 合计 47,248,170 22.29% 3.33% 97,430 0.05% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is approved. (VI) The proposal to enter the conditional share subscribing contract with Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111471977 51,701,894 46.38% 52.41% 1.21% in the 58,421,272 1,348,811 meeting A-share 40,645,972 18,221,844 16.35% 46.07% 1.12% holders 51,352,780 1,251,381 B-share 111,471,977 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. (VII) The proposal about subscribing of shares privately by the largest shareholder that is a related transaction Rate of Representing In favor Objection Objection Waived Waiving in Shares (shares) (shares) Rate (shares) Rate favor Entire shareholders 111471977 51,701,894 46.38% 52.28% 1.33% in the 58,282,772 1,487,311 meeting A-share 70,826,005 18,221,844 16.35% 45.94% 1.25% holders 51,214,280 1,389,881 B-share 40,645,972 33,480,050 30.03% 6.34% 97,430 0.09% holders 7,068,492 The proposal is denied. As the related parties, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd., Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd., and Mr. Xiong Jianming avoided from voting of the above proposal (II), (III), (VI), and (VII). V. Lawyers’ opinion 1. Name of the law firm: V&T Law Firm 2. The Lawyers: Guo Leiming, Zhang Jing 3. Conclusive opinion: The convening and holding procedures, the qualifying of attendees, and voting procedures of the meeting were complying with the provisions of the related laws and the Articles of Association. Therefore, in our opinion, the resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting are legal and valid. VI. Documents for reference 1. The Letter of Legal Opinions 2. Resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meeting The above is for the attention of the shareholders. China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. April 6, 2012