方 大B:公告(英文版)2012-04-24
Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2012-23
China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
The members of the Board and the Company guarantee for the truthfulness, acuracy, and
completeness of this announcement, and no false record, misleading statement or material ommission
in this announcement.
I. Recent winning of bidding completition
Shenzhen Fangda Automatic System Co., Ltd. – one of the fully-owned subwsidiaries, has recently won
in the bidding competitions for the semi-height screen door system of Singapore Metro Dashi Extention.
Shenzhen Fangda Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. – one of the fully-owned subsidiaries, has recently
won in the bidding competitions of Changchun Marine Time Center, Wuxi Coastal City, Tianjing Wanda
Central Hotel and Office Building.
II. Influences of the above projects on the Company
1. The above projects are totalled to RMB166.7954 million, account for 12.37% of the business turnover
of 2011. Implementation of these projects will contribute to the growth of profit in 2012 and succeding
years. But the actual situation is dependent on the payments, construction progress, acceptance, and
settlement. The actual influence on the Company’s performance of 2012 and succeding years shall be
dependent on the practice of the projects too.
2. No related relationship between the Company and the employers of the above projects.
3. The above projects make no impairment on the independency of the Company, and will not make the
Company dependent on the employers of the projects.
III. Risk analysis
All of the parties of the above projects are capable to fulfill the contracts, though unpredicatible and
force majeur factors may influence the fulfilling of the contracts.
IV. Documents for reference
Contracts and Letter of Winning in Bidding Competition.
The above is for the attention of the shareholders.
The Board of Directors of
China Fangd Group Co., Ltd.
April 24, 2012