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方 大B:第六届董事会第十八次会议决议公告(英文版)2013-02-21  

						Stock Code: 000055, 200055                                 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B

Announcement No. 2013-02

                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       Resolutions of the 18th Session of the 6rd Term of Board

The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the
truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record,
misleading statement or significant omission carried in this announcement.
The Board of Directors of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (the Company) served the notices of
convening the board meeting by facsimile and writing on February 17, 2013. The 18th session of
the 6th term of Board was held in term of telecommunication voting. It was complying with the
provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of Association. The following proposals were
examined and adopted as resolutions with all seven votes in favor:
The proposal to use the idle capital raised by share issuing to support working capital for a
temporary period of time.
It was proposed to continue using the not-more-than RMB30 million of idle raised capital to
support the working capital upon approving of this proposal. The amount is not more than 10% of
the net amount of raised capital and will no longer than 6 months. This will not alter the proposed
functions of the capital raised, and will not influence the normal operation of the capital raised. As
of February 4, 2013, the Company has already returned the sum of RMB30 million, which was
temporarily used for working capital, to the special account for raised capital. Meanwhile the
sponsoring institutes and their representatives were informed about the situation.

The above is for the attention of the shareholders.

                                                      China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                           The Board of Directors
                                                             February 22, 2013