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方 大B:2012年年度报告(英文版)2013-03-22  

						                     China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

    2012 Annual Report

         Feb. 2013

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                    I. Important Statement, Table of Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no
significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will
accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the Report.
    Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Lin Kebin, the Chief Financial Officer,
and Mr. Chen Yonggang, the manager of accounting department declare: the Financial
Report carried in this report is authentic and completed.
    Directors other than the following ones have attended the Board meeting to review the
annual report.
                             Position of absent
Name of absent director                                  Reason                 Name of proxy
Shao Hanqing              Independent director    Business engagement      Guo Jinlong
Wang Shengguo             Director                Business engagement      Xiong Jianwei
     The Board meeting reviewed and approved the profit distribution preplan: distributing
cash dividend of RMB0.3 for each ten shares to all shareholders on the basis of all shares of
the Company on December 31, 2012 and no dividend share is issued to shareholders.
    Forward-looking statements involved in this report including future plans do not make
any material promise to investors. Investors should pay attention to investment risks.

                                                                                                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                                Table of Contents

I. Important Statement, Table of Contents and Definitions ......................................................................................................................2
II. Company Profile .................................................................................................................................................................................7
III. Financial Highlight ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
IV Board of Directors’ Report ...............................................................................................................................................................14
V Significant Events ..............................................................................................................................................................................34
VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders .....................................................................................................................................41
VII Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees ........................................................................47
VIII Corporation Governance ................................................................................................................................................................55
IX Internal Control ................................................................................................................................................................................65
X Financial Statements ..........................................................................................................................................................................68
XI Documents for Reference ...............................................................................................................................................................208

                                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report


               Terms                                      Description
                             ed as
Fangda Group, company, the   Defin
                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
Company                      ed as
                             Defin Articles of Association of China Fangda Group Co.,
Articles of Association
                             ed as Ltd.
                             Defin Meetings of shareholders of China Fangda Group Co.,
Meeting of shareholders
                             ed as Ltd.
Board of Directors                 Board of Directors of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
                             Defin Supervisory Committee of China Fangda Group Co.,
Supervisory Committee
                             ed as Ltd.
Banglin Co.                        Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Shilihe Co.                        Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Shengjiu Co.                       Shengjiu Investment Ltd.
                             ed as
Fangda Decoration                  Shenzhen Fangda Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Fangda Automatic                   Shenzhen Fangda Automatic System Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Fangda New Material                Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Shenyang Fangda                    Shenyang Fangda Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
                             Defin Shenzhen Fangda Guoke Optical & Electronics Co.,
Fangda Guoke
                             ed as Ltd.
Shenzhen Woke                      Shenzhen Woke Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Hong Kong Junjia                   Hong Kong Junjia Group Co., Ltd.
                             ed as
Fangda Aluminium                   Jiangxi Fangda New Type Aluminum Co., Ltd.
                             ed as

                                                    China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Fangda Yide Co.                       Shenzhen Fangda Yide New Material Co., Ltd.
                                ed as
Dongguan New Material                 Dongguan Fangda New Material Co., Ltd.
                                ed as
Kexunda Co.                           Shenzhen Kexunda Software Co., Ltd.
                                ed as
Fangda Property                       Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd.
                                ed as
Chengdu Fangda                        Chengdu Fangda New Material Co., Ltd.
                                ed as
Shenyang Decoration                   Fangda Decoration Engineering (Shenyang) Co., Ltd.
                                ed as
CSRC                                  China Securities Regulatory Commission
                                ed as
SZSE                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                ed as
Sponsor, Zhongshan Securities         Zhongshan Securities Co., Ltd.
                                ed as

                                                     China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                  Major Risk Statement
     The Company has specified market, management and production and operation risks in
this report. Please review the potential risks and measures mentioned in the discussion and
analysis of future development in IV. Board of Directors’ Report.

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                            II. Company Profile

1. Company profiles

Stock ID                   Fangda Group, Fangda B         Stock code              000055, 200055
Modified stock ID (if
Stock Exchange             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
Chinese abbreviation       Fangda Group
English name (if any) CHINA FANGDA GROUP CO., LTD.
English abbreviation
(if any)
Legal representative       Xiong Jianming
                           Fangda Building, Kejinan 12th Avenue, High-tech Zone, Shenzhen, PR
Registered address
Zip code                   518057
                           Technology Building, Fangda Town, Xili Longjing, Nanshan District,
Office address
                           Shenzhen, PRC
Zip code                   518055
Website                     http://www.fangda.com
Email                      fd@fangda.com

2. Contacts and liaisons

                                          Secretary of the Board       Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                Zhou Zhigang                       Guo Linchen
                                    Fangda Town, Xili Longjing,        Fangda Town, Xili Longjing,
Address                             Nanshan District, Shenzhen,        Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
                                    PRC                                PRC
Tel.                                86(755)26788571 ext. 6622          86(755)26788571 ext. 6622
Fax                                 86(755)26788353                    86(755)26788353
Email                               zqb@fangda.com                     zqb@fangda.com

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

3. Information disclosure and inquiring

Information disclosure and
                                        China Securities Journal, Security Times, Shanghai
inquiring Press medias of
                                        Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
information disclosure
Website assigned by CSRC to release
the online reports
Place for information inquiry           Secretarial Office of the Board

4. Registration changes

                  Registration      Registration       Business   Tax registration Organization
                     date              place       license number     number          code
                                  Bureau of
First           December 31,                     440301501124 440301192448
                                  Industry &                               19244858-9
registration    1995                             785          589
Registration at
the end of the September 5,                      440301501124 440301192448
                                  Administration                           19244858-9
reporting       2012                             785          589
                                  of Shenzhen
Changes in main businesses
since the listing of the Company
                                  In 1996, the Company listed it’s A and B shares and the
                                  controlling shareholder is Shenzhen Fangda Group Co., Ltd. On
                                  August 25, 2000, the controlling shareholder changed its name
Changes in the controlling        into Shenzhen Fangda Economic Development Co., Ltd. On July
shareholders (if any)             5, 2002, the controlling shareholder changed into Shenzhen
                                  Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd. By the end of this
                                  reporting period, the controlling shareholder remains the
                                  Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd..

5. Other information

Public accountants employed by the Company
Public accountants           Grant Thornton (special general partner)
                             4th Floor, Scitech Place, 22 Jianguomen Wai Avenue, Chaoyang
                             District, Beijing, China
Signing accountant names Liu Wei, Chen Zhaoxin

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Sponsor engaged by the Company to perform continued supervision and guide during the reporting
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                           Period of supervision
     Sponsor name           Office address         Representatives
                                                                                and guide
                                                                         The period started on
                                                                         July 15, 2010 and
                                                                         ended on November 7,
                                                                         2012. The sponsor has
                                                                         submitted the sponsor
                        29th Floor, New World                            report to CSRC. Given
Zhongshan Securities    Center, 6009 Yitian                              that the fund raised
                                               He Lihui, Cui Lei
Co., Ltd.               Road, Futian District,                           from non-public issue
                        Shenzhen                                         of the Company in 2010
                                                                         has not been fully used,
                                                                         the sponsor will
                                                                         continue to perform
                                                                         supervision and guide
                                                                         for the use of the fund.
Financial advisor engaged by the Company to perform continued supervision and guide during the
reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                       III. Financial Highlight

1. Financial Highlight

The Company retroactively adjusts or restates financial statistics of the previous years because of
changes in account policies and correction of accounting errors.
□ Yes √ No
                                  2012              2011                                    2010
                                                                       e (%)
Turnover (RMB)               1,397,901,424.59 1,348,776,366.53               3.64% 1,161,933,356.48
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed     24,948,377.20     65,503,925.58             -61.91%      55,063,374.25
company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
the shareholders of the
listed company and after
                                 7,361,274.38    51,005,479.89             -85.57%      25,603,881.05
deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss
Net cash flow generated
by business operation          59,262,071.37    -57,045,495.85                         -31,187,262.97
Basic earnings per share
                                         0.03              0.09            -66.67%                 0.08
Diluted earnings per share
                                         0.03              0.09            -66.67%                 0.08
Net income on asset ratio
                                         2.3%            6.28%              -3.98%               6.76%
                               End of 2012       End of 2011                            End of 2010
                                                                       e (%)
Total asset (RMB)            2,327,802,889.51 2,163,325,598.14                7.6% 1,991,161,158.84
Net assets attributable to
the listed company’s
shareholders (owners’
                             1,098,612,195.57 1,073,843,444.65               2.31% 1,009,990,739.07
interests attributable to
shareholders of listed
company) (RMB)

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

2. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards

                                                                                                  In RMB
                             Net profit attributable to the          Net profit attributable to the
                          shareholders of the listed company      shareholders of the listed company
                           Current term          Previous term     Closing amount Opening amount
On Chinese
                            24,948,377.20          65,503,925.58 1,098,612,195.57 1,073,843,444.65
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to International Accounting Standards
On international
                            24,948,377.20          65,503,925.58 1,103,375,593.81 1,078,606,842.89
accounting standards

2. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the overseas
and Chinese account standards

                                                                                                  In RMB
                             Net profit attributable to the          Net profit attributable to the
                          shareholders of the listed company      shareholders of the listed company
                           Current term          Previous term     Closing amount Opening amount
On Chinese
                            24,948,377.20          65,503,925.58 1,098,612,195.57 1,073,843,444.65
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
On IAS                      24,948,377.20          65,503,925.58 1,103,375,593.81 1,078,606,842.89

3. Explanation of the differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting

Net assets attributable to the listed company’s shareholders calculated according to the IAS is
RMB4763398.24 higher than that calculated according to the domestic accounting standards,
mainly attributable to the capitalization of borrow expenses before the domestic Enterprise
Accounting Standard was implemented on January 1, 2007.

3. Accidental gain/loss item and amount

                                                                                                  In RMB
               Item                       2012            2011             2010              Notes
Non-current asset disposal
                                       260,038.90       -690,807.78     7,068,397.05
gain/loss (including the write-off

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

part for which assets impairment
provision is made)
Subsidies accounted into the
current income account (except
the government subsidy closely
                                      6,275,756.00   1,988,650.00    5,537,950.00
related to the enterprise’s
business and based on unified
national standard quota)
Capital using expense charged to
non-financial enterprises and
accounted into the current
income account
Gain/loss from debt
                                                         3,959.20     -434,040.66
Enterprise reorganization
expenses, such as employee
settlement and integration
Gain/loss from change of fair
value of transactional financial
asset and liabilities, and
investment gains from disposal
of transactional financial assets
                                      3,448,207.99     99,342.47     3,176,516.97
and liabilities and sellable
financial assets, other than valid
period value instruments related
to the Company’s common
Gain/loss from change of fair
value of investment property
                                     12,290,834.22 10,815,131.20 13,921,217.90
measured at fair value in
follow-up measurement
Other non-business income and
                                       917,890.35    6,080,071.96    5,845,075.37
expenditures other than the above
Other gain/loss items satisfying
the definition of non-recurring                       878,478.35
gain/loss account
Influenced amount of income tax       5,353,185.48   4,616,278.41    4,287,837.54
Influenced amount of minority
                                      1,432,471.24     60,101.30        93,798.81
shareholders’ equity (after-tax)
Total                                17,587,102.82 14,498,445.69 29,459,493.20               --

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental
gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement of
Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                  IV Board of Directors’ Report

1. Summary

      In 2012, the global economy remains complex and the economy recovery is increasingly
sluggish. Facing greater economic uncertainties, the Company has continued to innovate its
technology and improve its management based on its competitiveness to achieve continued, stable
and solid growth. During the reporting period, the Company recorded an operating revenue of
RMB1,397,901,400, hitting the previous high; the new order volume totaled RMB1.934 billion, up
15% year-on-year; by the end of this reporting period, the order reserve reached RMB1.427billion.
The operating cash flow amounted to RMB59,262,100. The order reserve and cash flow has paved
the way for the Company’s operation in 2013.
       1. Continuing to make headway in curtain wall system and material market exploration
      In 2012, the Company aggressively promoted the curtain wall system and material business to
increase investment in hardware facilities and marketing. The Company accelerated the
construction of national industry base and adhered to the market strategy of focusing on
energy-saving and environmental-friendly high-end products based on its solid brand equity. In
addition to consolidating its market share in the south China market, the Company continued to
expand its shares in the northeast, north, east and southwest China markets and has made
remarkable headway. In 2012, the Company won bids in totally 28 high-end curtain wall projects
including the Shenzhen Excellence Meilin Central Plaza North, Jiangsu Xinhua Daily News Center,
Shanghai Jiading Cultural Activity Center, Chengdu Jinniu Wanda Plaza, Wuhan Central Cultural
Zone K5 Hanjie Wanda Plaza, Shenyang 12th National Games Operation Center and Hainan Green
Town Qingshuiwan Westin Hotel and Resort. The increase in orders shows a continued and strong
growth momentum.
      While exploring the market, the Company actively organized its designing, purchase,
production end engineering to delivery products to customers as soon as possible. In the reporting
period, the sales revenue from the curtain wall system and material business reached
RMB1,260,903,500, up 42% year-on-year.
      Underpinned by years’ experience and continued investment in hardware facilities, the
Company has build a solid foundation and brand equity in the curtain wall system and material
industry with strong expertise and operating and management capabilities. Fangda curtain wall
system has emerged as the most competitive brand in the industry. Driven by the policy of
“accelerating urbanization and improving the quality of urbanization” made on the economic
development meeting of the central government in the late 2012, the Company has taken measures
to fuel the development of its curtain wall system and material business, to create higher operating
revenue and profit for the company.
      2. Strengthening internal management of metro equipment production and expanding oversea
      In the report period, the company product metro platform screen door has won the bidding for
Singapore Dashi Line Extension, Dongguan Urban Rail R2 Line and Xi’an Qujiang Light Rail

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Project for its advantages of “advanced performance, stable quality, reliable operation, perfect
outlook and high safety”. The Singapore Dashi Line Extension is one of the major and busiest rail
line in Singapore and is the company’s another breakthrough after the Hong Kong and Taiwan
metro platform screen door projects to pave the way for oversea market expansion.
     The company joined this industry from 1999 and is one of the first enterprises of this industry.
Now the company has come to take the first place in the metro platform screen door product market
for its market share, brand influence, intellectual property, industrial standard and engineering
service. Through years’ development, the Company has obtained the core technology in developing
metro screen doors and owned 223 related patents, including 58 invention patents, accounting for
over half of aggregate obtained by domestic peers. In addition, the Company owned four software
copyrights. In 2013, the Company will take advantage of the opportunity created by the 19-city and
25-rail construction plan issued by the State Development and Reform Commission to secure more
     In the reporting period, the Wuhan metro 2nd line screen door project department was given the
Outstanding Unit title.
     3. Fangda Town renewal project performed according to the plan
     In the reporting period, the Company’s Fangda Town project lying in Shenzhen Nanshan Xili
Longjing has been fitted into 2012 Shenzhen Urban Renewal Plan The First Projects by Shenzhen
Planning and Land Resources Committee and has been ratified by Shenzhen City Government.
Currently the Company is formatting the Fangda Town renewal plan and will put it into
construction as soon as it is ratified to elevate the value of the Company. The Fangda Town
renovation plan was approved and implemented, boosting the Company's brand equity. To
accelerate the project and realize the long-term development of the Company, the 16th meeting of
the 6th Board of Directors has approved the renewal construction plan of Fangda Town, which will
be constructed by Fangda Property, a fully-owned subsidiary of the Company, with a registered
capital of RMB10 million.
     4. Industrial base construction taking shape
     In the reporting period, the Company has basically completed the development plan and
construction of production bases in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Nanchang and Dongguan
Songshanhu, completing the national business landscape with Shenzhen as the headquarters,
Songshanhu as the base in south China region, Beijing as the base in the north, Chengdu in the
southwest and Shanghai and Nanchang in the east. The business landscape will pave the way for the
Company to increase its markets share and elevate overall competitiveness, helping the Company
boost production and growth.
     5. Internal control construction improved continuously
     The company has established internal control system by efforts for two years that the work of
rules performance has been basically finished and the internal control work has been pushed into
the consolidation stage. In order to strengthen the foundation made by the previous efforts, in the
report period the Company has optimized the internal control organizational structure, rules and
regulations, operation system and information system to improve the company operation
management and raise the risk protection capability.
     6. Vigorously pushing forward personnel recruitment, training and reserves
     Along with the industrial scale expansion and new manufacturing bases putting in use, the
company needs a large number of personnel for management, technology and manufacturing.

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Therefore, the Company improved its talent introduction, selection, motivation and training
mechanisms. In 2012, the Company has created nearly 10,000 jobs and recruited more graduates
than in the previous years and 23% of them are graduates of the universities within the national 211
project thus to make the company a sufficient talent reserves.
     7. Technical innovation
     In the reporting period, the Company has paid 71.99 million yuan to push forward the research
and development for new product, new draft, new technology, new structure focusing on cleaner
production, safety production, energy efficient to make the company product more low carbon
environment-friendly and provide the company guarantee for sustainable development.
     8. Others
     In the reporting period, the Company won the title of “Guangdong Top 500” and “Shenzhen
Top 100” and was selected in the “2012 Top 100 Listed Companies in China” and “Charitable
     In the reporting period, Fangda Decoration, a fully-owned subsidiary of the Company, won six
“National Construction Engineering Decoration” prizes and five 2011 Shenzhen Decoration Jinpeng
prizes and a series of titles and prizes including the China Top-50 Building Curtain Wall Providers,
Guangdong Outstanding QC Team, 2009-2012 Sci & Tech Innovation Company and Guangdong
Construction Engineering Jinjiang Prize.
     In reporting period, the fully-owned subsidiary Fangda New Material obtained a practical new
type patent, adding the patents to 26, including 10 patents, ranking top among domestic competitors.
In the reporting period, Fangda Aluminium Plate was given the title of 2002-2012 Most Influential
Chinese Aluminium Composite Plate Brand and 2010-2012 Product Quality Certificate. Fangda
New Material was accredited as National Nanchang High-Tech Zone 20th Anniversary Outstanding
Enterprise and AAA Standard Good Practice Enterprise.

2. Main business analysis

1. Summary

The actual operating performance is over 20% lower or higher than the annual forecast result
disclosed earlier.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

2. Revenue

     In the report period, the new orders of curtain wall systems and materials amounted to
RMB1.94 billion. New orders of metro screen doors amounted to RMB68 million and the operating
revenue grew 3.64% year-on-year.
The physical sales revenue is high the labor service revenue
√ Yes □ No
     Industry                Item              2012                 2011            YOY change (% )

Curtain wall        Sales                       2,035,505              1,721,342                18.25%
system and          Output                      2,069,565              1,755,255                17.91%
materials           Inventory                         54,076               41,510               30.27%
                    Sales                              1,400                1,650              -15.15%
Metro screen door Output                               1,407                1,800              -21.83%
                    Inventory                            76                    83               -8.43%
Explanation for a year-on-year change of over 30%
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Major orders on hand
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
      In the report period, new orders for curtain wall systems and materials amounted to RMB1.94
billion. By December 31, 2012, the order reserve reached RMB1.89 billion, compared with
RMB1.35 year-on-year.
      In the report period, new orders for metro screen doors amounted to RMB68 million. By the
end of the period, the order reserve amounted to RMB200 million, compared with RMB140 million
year-on-year. All previous orders will be completed before 2005.
Major changes or adjustment of products or services in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Main customers
Total sales amount to top 5 customers
Proportion of sales to top 5 customers in
the annual sales
Information of the Company's top 5 customers
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Costs

                                                                                                In RMB

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                       2012                           2011

  Industry        Item                     Proportion in                  Proportion in YOY change
                              Amount         operating       Amount         operating     (% )
                                             costs (%)                      costs (%)
Metal        Raw            736,768,455.                   692,187,816.
                                                69.57%                          70.79%             6.4%
production   materials                22                             46
Metal                       62,039,282.2                   48,952,424.6
             Labor                               5.86%                           5.01%           26.7%
production                             4                              2
Metal                       218,488,650.                   201,206,036.
             and onsite                         20.63%                          20.58%             8.6%
production                            25                             20
Metal                       41,674,557.0                   35,459,016.6
             Others                              3.94%                           3.63%           17.5%
production                             5                              5
Metal                       1,058,970,94                   977,805,293.
             Total                                100%                            100%             8.3%
production                          4.76                             93
Railroad     Raw            43,219,619.1                   54,449,697.6
                                                71.47%                          74.22%          -20.6%
industry     materials                 6                              7
             Labor          5,355,339.41         8.86% 5,694,319.18              7.76%              -6%
             and onsite     7,386,677.35        12.21% 9,758,641.48              13.3%          -24.3%
             Others         4,512,824.33         7.46% 3,458,576.68              4.71%           30.5%
Railroad                    60,474,460.2                   73,361,235.0
             Total                                100%                            100%          -17.6%
industry                               5                              1
                                                                                                In RMB
                                       2012                           2011

  Product         Item                     Proportion in                  Proportion in YOY change
                              Amount         operating       Amount         operating     (% )
                                             costs (%)                      costs (%)
Curtain wall
             Raw            736,768,455.                   692,187,816.
system and                                      69.57%                          70.79%             6.4%
             materials                22                             46
Curtain wall
                            62,039,282.2                   48,952,424.6
system and Labor                                 5.86%                           5.01%           26.7%
                                       4                              2
Curtain wall Installation   218,488,650.        20.63% 201,206,036.             20.58%             8.6%

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

system and    and onsite                 25                          20
materials     expenses
Curtain wall
                             41,674,557.0                 35,459,016.6
system and Others                                 3.94%                         3.63%           17.5%
                                        5                            5
Curtain wall
                             1,058,970,94                 977,805,293.
system and Total                                  100%                           100%             8.3%
                                     4.76                           93
Metro screen Raw             43,219,619.1                 54,449,697.6
                                                 71.47%                        74.22%          -20.6%
door         materials                  6                            7
Metro screen
             Labor           5,355,339.41         8.86% 5,694,319.18            7.76%              -6%
Metro screen
             and onsite      7,386,677.35        12.21% 9,758,641.48            13.3%          -24.3%
Metro screen
             Others          4,512,824.33         7.46% 3,458,576.68            4.71%           30.5%
Metro screen                 60,474,460.2                 73,361,235.0
             Total                                100%                           100%          -17.6%
door                                    5                            1
Main suppliers
Purchase amount of top 5 suppliers (RMB)                                              175,094,166.67
Proportion of purchase amount of top 5
suppliers in the total annual purchase                                                         15.04%
amount (%)
Information of the Company’s top 5 suppliers
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Expenses

To be provided

5. R&D expenses

     The curtain wall system and material R&D projects of the Company mainly include the R&D
of the high-efficiency energy-saving curtain wall, new material R&D and process improvement
project, development of metro screen door controlling system, development of communication
protocols. The projects aim to standardize products, reduce energy consumption, optimize the
production process and elevate production efficiency, elevate the Company’s energy efficiency,
reduce production and installation costs and develop environmental-friendly and competitive
     The total R&D expense in the report period accounts for 6.55% of the latest audited net assets

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

and 5.15% of the latest audited operating revenue.

5. Cash flow

                                                                                               In RMB
          Item                     2012                     2011                YOY change (% )
Subtotal of operating
                                1,307,973,426.84         1,252,726,153.03                       4.41%
activity cash inflows
Subtotal of operating
                                1,248,711,355.47         1,309,771,648.88                      -4.66%
activity cash outflows
Cash flow generated by
                                   59,262,071.37           -57,045,495.85
business operation, net
Subtotal of investment
                                   19,972,926.99            87,017,437.58                     -77.05%
activity cash inflows
Subtotal of investment
                                  107,622,445.60           165,395,766.81                     -34.93%
activity cash outflows
Cash flow generated by
investment activities,            -87,649,518.61           -78,378,329.23                      11.83%
Subtotal of fund raising
                                  770,368,873.33           397,000,000.00                      94.05%
activity cash inflows
Subtotal of fund raising
                                  801,936,873.47           430,340,014.63                      86.35%
activity cash outflows
Cash flow generated by
fund raising activities,          -31,568,000.14           -33,340,014.63                      -5.31%
Net increasing of cash
                                  -60,009,635.92          -168,701,706.37                     -64.43%
and cash equivalents
Explanation for a year-on-year change of over 30%
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
In this report period, the net cash flow generated by operating activities increased from RMB-57.4
million to RMB59.26 million. This is mainly attributable to the Company’s increased efforts in
collective receivables and note payment percentage.
The cash inflow of investment activities reduced 77.05% year-on-year, mainly attributable to
amount received from matured short-term financial products purchased with ideal capital and
deposit received for infrastructure construction projects;
The cash outflow of investment activities reduced 34.93% year-on-year, mainly attributable to the
purchase of short-term financial products with idle capital;
The cash inflow of fund raising activities increased 94.05% year-on-year, mainly attributable to the
cash received of short-term borrowings and issue of short-term financing bonds;
The cash outflow of fund raising activities increased 86.35% year-on-year, mainly attributable to

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

repayment of short-term borrowings;
Explanation of major difference between the cash flow generated by operating activities and the net
profit in the year.
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The cash flow generated by operating activities during the report period is RMB52.82 million
higher than the net profit of the year, main attributable to the assets impairment, which does not
involves cash outflow;

3. Business composition

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                           Year-on-year Year-on-year Year-on-year
                                Operation     Gross profit change in     change in     change in
                                  cost         rate (%)      operating   operating    gross profit
                                                           revenue (%) costs (%)        rate (%)
Metal          1,260,903,46 1,058,970,94
                                                   16.01%           6.42%            8.3%         -1.46%
production             6.71         4.76
Railroad       83,977,888.2 60,474,460.2
                                                   27.99%        -14.51%         -17.57%           2.67%
industry                  6            5
               1,358,528.81 4,238,572.08
Curtain wall
             1,260,903,46 1,058,970,94
system and                                         16.01%           6.42%            8.3%         -1.46%
                     6.71         4.76
Metro screen 83,977,888.2 60,474,460.2
                                                   27.99%        -14.51%         -17.57%           2.67%
door                    6            5
               1,358,528.81 4,238,572.08
               1,218,323,61 1,033,772,60
Domestic                                           15.15%            0.1%            2.5%         -1.99%
                       2.70         4.56
               127,916,271. 89,911,372.5
Overseas                                           29.71%         62.05%          60.92%             0.5%
                         08            3
Main business statistics adjusted in the recent one year with the statistics criteria adjusted in the
report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

IV. Assets and Liabilities

1. Major changes in assets

                                                                                                   In RMB
                    End of 2012               End of 2011
                             Proportio                  Proportio Change               Notes
                Amount       n in total    Amount       n in total (% )
                              assets                     assets
                                                                       Cash payment for
                                                                       energy-saving curtain wall
Monetary       278,283,96                 324,780,35                   and electronic optical curtain
                               11.95%                    15.01% -3.06%
capital              8.61                       0.77                   wall production expansion
                                                                       project and metro screen
                                                                       door production expansion
Account        774,890,80                 664,333,49
                               33.29%                    30.71% 2.58%
receivable           5.30                       8.11
               269,120,19                 254,419,90
Inventory                      11.55%                     11.76% -0.21%
                     1.36                       7.08
Investment     258,405,76                 277,705,94
                                  11.1%                  12.84% -1.74%
real estate          2.09                       9.35
               341,555,81                 316,775,39
Fixed assets                   14.67%                    14.64% 0.03%
                     0.21                       8.58
                                                                       Continuous investment for
Construction 175,138,69                   81,799,896                   energy-saving and electronic
                                  7.52%                    3.78% 3.74%
in process         4.28                           .43                  optical curtain wall
                                                                       production expansion

2. Major changes in liabilities

                                                                                                   In RMB
                        2012                      2011
                             Proportio                  Proportio Change               Notes
                Amount       n in total    Amount       n in total (% )
                              assets                     assets
                                                                       Issue short-term financing
Short-term     181,970,00               387,000,00              -10.07
                                  7.82%                  17.89%        bonds of RMB200 million,
loans                0.00                     0.00                  %
                                                                       reducing short-term loans

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                In RMB
                                         ve changes
                            Gain/loss       in fair              Amount
                                                    Impairment             Amount
               Opening     caused by        value               purchased                    Closing
Item                                                provided in           sold in the
               amount      changes in    accounting               in the                     amount
                                                     the period             period
                            fair value     into the               period
3. Sellable
            2,198,000.0 1,533,000.0
                      0           0
             2,198,000.0 1,533,000.0
                       0           0
Investment 277,705,94 12,290,834. 1,200,647.2                                               254,766,25
real estate      9.35          22           6                                                     6.33
              279,903,94 13,823,834. 1,200,647.2                                            254,766,25
                    9.35          22           6                                                  6.33
Major changes in the assets measurement property of the Company in the report period
□ Yes √ No

5 Core Competitiveness Analysis

(1) Curtain wall system and material
     1. Expertise and brand competitiveness
     In response to the national call for energy saving and emission reduction, the Company has
aggressively develop solar electric and optimal and energy-saving curtain walls, developing a series
of domestic and global leading solar and energy-saving curtain wall products. The Company owns
336 curtain wall and material patents (including 34 invention patents) and one software copyright,
ranking top among domestic peers. It has achieved many firsts in the industry and created
incomparable brand equity, making it an optimal choice in the domestic high-end curtain wall and
material market.
     2. Focusing on the high-end market to edge out competitors
     Amid the fierce market competition, the Company has focused on the high-end energy-saving
curtain wall market and technical integration to improve high-end project quality. Moreover, it has
focused resources on high-end curtain wall engineering and won several Luban awards, Zhan
Tianyou Civil Engineering awards and Classic Construction for the 50th Anniversary of the
Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, High-Quality Construction, White Magnolia Prize

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

and Customer Satisfactory Engineering and the title of “Top 10 Competitive Chinese Curtain Wall
Provider”. The Company has build a leading brand and created a clear edge in the high-end curtain
wall market.
     3. Well-developed industry base landscape
     Thanks to continued investment in facilities, the Company has established a national business
landscape with Shenzhen as the headquarters, Dongguan Songshanhu as the base in the south,
Beijing in the north, Chengdu in the southwest and Shanghai and Nanchang in the east. The
Dongguan Songshanhu and Nanchang bases are the largest and most advanced curtain wall system
and material production bases in China and across the world, fueling the Company to increase its
market share and competitiveness.
(2) Rail transport equipment business
     1. Technical advantage
     Through continued independent innovation, the Company has developed the global leading
metro screen door system with full intellectual property right and broken the monopoly of overseas
competitors. The Company has also compiled the Rail Transport Station Screen Door Standard,
which is the first of its kind in China. The standard was approved in April 2006 and was
implemented on March 1, 2007. As the first standard in the industry in China, the standard has
played a key role in guiding the development of China’s rail transport screen door industry and
enabled the Company a dominant lead in the industry. Currently, the Company has 223 metro
screen door patents, including 58 invention patents, accounting for half of the aggregate of domestic
competitors. The Company also has four computer software copyrights.
     2. Brand equity
     So far, the Company has undertaken rail screen door projects in cities including Beijing,
Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Wuhan, Xi’an, Dalian,
Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore. The Fangda screen door system has grasped a leading market
share and established incomparable brand influence thanks to its patents, standard and maintenance
services. The Company has emerged as the Chinese No.1 and global No.3 screen door provider,
building a large competitive edge in the global market.

VI. Investment

1. External equity investment

(1) The Company has no external investment in the report period.

(2) The Company does not hold shares in financial enterprises in the report period.

(3) Securities investment

                            Numbe Openin          Numbe Closin
                    Initial                                      Closin
                              r of     g           r of      g          Gain/lo Accou
Securit      Abbrev invest                                       g book
        Code                 shares shareh        shares shareh           ss    nting Source
  ies        iation ment                                          value
                            held at olding        held at olding        (RMB) item
                     cost                                        (RMB)
                            beginni (%)           end of (%)

                                                                China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                      ng of            the
                                       the           period
                                     period          (share)
Total                         0.00         0    --          0      --        0.00     0.00     --       --
Notes to shareholding in other listed companies
The Company holds no share in other listed companies.

2. Trust wealth management, investment in derivatives and entrustment loan

(1) The Company has no trust wealth management in the report period.

(2) The Company has no investment in derivatives in the report period.

(3) The Company has no entrustment loan in the report period.

3. Use of raised capital

(1) Overview

                                                                                              In RMB10,000
Total amount of the raised capital                                                                  33,658.69
Total raised capital invested in the report
Total accumulative raised capital invested                                                          27,055.36
Amount of raised capital of which the
purpose was changed in the report period
Accumulative amount of raised capital of
which the purpose has been changed
Proportion of raised capital of which the
purpose has been changed (%)
                                      Notes to use of raised capital
By the end of the report period, the Company has strictly comply with the Instruction on Standard
Operation of PLCs on the Main Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and provisions for use and
management of raised capital of the Company to deposit and use the raised capital.

(2) Promised raised-capital-based projects

                                                                                              In RMB10,000
Project promised  If   Promis Adjust Invest Accum Invest Date Profit Wheth Any
 to be invested invest ed total ed total ment ulative ment when realize er the major

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

  with the raised ment invest invest in the invest progres the d in the estimat change
   capital and    project ment ment report ment s by project period e profit in the
investment of the    is   of the  (1) period by the the end becom          is feasibil
 excessive raised change raised              end of of the    e         realize ity
      capital        d    capital             the period( useable          d
                  (includ                    period %)(3)     as
                    ing                       (2)      = propos
                  partial                            (2)/(1) ed
Promised investment projects
1. Energy-saving
and PV curtain                           8,198.4 21,465.
                  Yes      21,000 27,000                 79.5% 31,                            No
wall production                                8      83
expansion project
2. PSD                                                             Decem
                           12,658. 6,658.6 2,957.3 5,589.5   83.94
production        Yes                                              ber 31,                    No
                                69       9       6       3      %
expansion project                                                  2012
Subtotal of
promised                   33,658. 33,658. 11,155. 27,055.
                     --                                      --       --           0    --       --
investment                      69      69      84      36
Investment of excessive raised capital
Subtotal of
investment of
                     --          0       0      0       0    --       --           0    --       --
excessive raised
                           33,658. 33,658. 11,155. 27,055.
Total                --                                      --       --           0    --       --
                                69      69      84      36
Reason or
situation that not The construction progress of the Dongguan Technology Zone was delayed and
on schedule (on is not ready for move-in.
specific project)
Notes to major
changes in          None
project feasibility
Amount, purpose
and use of
excessive raised
Changes in         Applicable

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

implementation     Occurred in previous years
place of
                   To improve the Company's industry landscape, simplify the Company’s
                   management and reduce management costs, the 24th meeting of the 5th term of
funded by raised
                   the Board of the Company approved the proposal of changing the
                   implementation place of the energy-saving and photo-electric curtain wall
                   production expansion project and increasing the implementation entities and
                   changed the implementation place to Dongguan, Guangdong.

Adjustment of      Applicable
the                Occurred in the report period
way of             On March 9, 2012, the 1st provisional shareholders’ meeting of the Company
investment         approved the adjustment proposal to put the RMB60 million for the metro
funded by raised   screen door production expansion to the energy-saving and photo-electric
capital            curtain wall production expansion project.
Pre-investment On September 30, 2010, it was decided to use the raised capital of
and replacement RMB4,347,753.09 to replace the investment made previously by Fangda
by raised capital Automatic RMB1,403,503.00 and Fangda Decoration RMB2,944,250.09. This
                  has been verified by CPA with report 天健正信审(2010)专字第 020722 号.
                    On March 28, 2011, payment of RMB20 million was made from idle proceeds
                    to Fangda Decoration; and RMB10 million was made to Fangda Automatic. On
                    August 19, 2011, the returned idle capital RMB30 million was transferred to
                    raised capital account. On August 23, 2011, payment of RMB20 million was
Idle raised capital made from idle raised capital to Fangda Decoration; and RMB10 million was
used as working made to Fangda Automatic. On February 16, 2012, the returned idle capital
capital             RMB30 million into the raised capital account. On 22.02.12, payment of
                    RMB20 million was made from idle proceeds to Fangda Decoration; and
                    RMB10 million was made to Fangda Automatic. On 15.08.12, the returned idle
                    capital RMB30 million was transferred to raised capital account. On August 17,
                    2012, payment of RMB20 million was made from idle proceeds to Fangda
                    Decoration; and RMB10 million was made to Fangda Automatic. Both were not
                    over six months.
Surplus of
investment and     Inapplicable
Use plan of
retained fund      Inapplicable
from financing
Problem or         None

                                                                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

situation in using
of raised capital
and disclosing

(3) Altering of projects financed by raised capital

                                                                                               In RMB10,000
                     Total                   Accumul     Investme                                Any
                  investme                      ative        nt      Date                       major
                     nt of        Actual       actual    progress when the           Whether change
         Correspo                                                            Profit
                    raised      investme     investme      by the project               the     in the
 Altered nding                                                              realized
                  capital in     nt in the   nt by the     end of become             estimate feasibilit
 project promised                                                            in the
                      the         report       end of       the     useable          profit is y after
          project                                                            period
                   altered        period         the     period(%     as             realized     the
                   project                     period    )(3)=(2)/ proposed                    alteratio
                      (1)                        (2)        (1)                                    n
1.          1.
Energy-s    Energy-s
aving       aving
and PV      and PV
curtain     curtain                          21,465.8              March
                         27,000 8,198.48                   79.5%                                    No
wall        wall                                    3              31, 2013
producti    producti
on          on
expansio    expansio
n project   n project
2. PSD      2. PSD
producti    producti                                    Decemb
on          on        6,658.69 2,957.36 5,589.53 83.94% er 31,                                      No
expansio    expansio                                    2012
n project   n project
                        33,658.6 11,155.8 27,055.3
Total          --                                           --         --              0     --          --
                               9        4        6
                            The screen door project in Nanchang aimed to use a plant in Dafang
                            Jiangxi new material industry zone as the production base. This can
                            reduce the investment of RMB60 million for new plant, office and
Alteration reason,          facilities. According to the resolution of the 24th meeting of the 5th
decision-making process and term of the Board, the proposal of changing the implementation
information disclosure (by place of the energy-saving and photo-electric curtain wall production
project)                    expansion project and increasing the implementation entities was
                            approved to change the implementation place to Dongguan,
                            Guangdong. As a new factory and part of the office and facilities
                            must be built in Dongguan, the investment is forecast to increase to

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                RMB75 million. Given the alteration of the two projects, the capital
                                RMB 60 million for the screen door project is transferred to the
                                curtain wall project, while the insufficient part made up by the
                                self-owned capital.
Reason or situation that not
                             The construction progress of the Dongguan Technology Zone was
on schedule (on specific
                             delayed and is not ready for move-in.
Notes to major changes in
project feasibility after the   None

4. Analysis of major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies

Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies
                                  Main                                    Operati
                                         Register Total
Compan                          products                Net asset Turnover ng Net profit
             Type      Industry            ed     asset
  y                                or                    (RMB) (RMB) profit (RMB)
                                         capital (RMB)
                                services                                  (RMB)
Fangda                    Curtain
         Type of Decorati         310,000, 1,169,24 360,350, 1,113,87 46,684, 40,895,57
Decorati                  wall
         subsidiary on            000.00 5,430.70 748.56 9,757.68 907.77           8.89
on                        system
Fangda                      Metro
        Type of Railroad                  105,000, 290,962, 186,987, 88,294,4 4,434,8 3,405,863.
Automat                     screen
        subsidiary industry               000.00     171.13 656.29      00.68 35.80           97
ic                          door
Fangda              Metal
         Type of             Aluminu 99,328,8 302,467, 106,920, 210,469, -5,870, -3,686,73
New                 producti
         subsidiary          m sheet 00.00      038.31 165.20 238.74 635.86           1.27
Material            on
Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies
   Fangda Decoration, a leading high-end curtain wall system producer in China, is mainly
involved in design, production and engineering of various building curtain wall systems, windows,
doors, interior design and furniture.
    Fangda Automatic is China’s largest and world’s third largest metro screen door R&D,
production and engineering company.
    Fangda New Material is one of the largest producers of aluminum sheets and composite
aluminum sheets.

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

5. The Company has no major project financed not by raised capital in the report period.

7. Entities on which the Company has control power

There is entity on which the Company has control power.

8. Future Prospect

(1) Future Prospect
      In 2013, the Company will seek to maintain the solid growth momentum. Facing new
opportunities and challenges, the Company will continue to develop its curtain wall system and
material business to become a leader in the high-end market, making headway in ultra-high,
ultra-large, key areas and exports. In addition, the Company will become a domestic leader in plate
deep processing industry and consolidate its position in the domestic metro screen door market and
aggressively expand globally. Around the aim of collecting receivables, reducing costs, improving
quality and controlling risks, the Company has continued to make progress in technology,
production and business development and has reinforced the technical management, production
designing and intellectual property right protection. The Company will continue to upgrade its five
production bases in Dongguan Songshanhu, Nanchang, Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, further
improving its business landscape and pushing forward the Fangda Town renovation program. It will
step up the efforts to recruit and train professionals in various fields and strengthen staff training to
improve staff’s capabilities, responsibility awareness, cohesion, dedication and loyalty to the
Company. In addition, the Company will continue to improve its HR system to meet demands of
corporate development.

(2) Risks facing the Company and measures
      1. Market risks and measures
      The deepening adjustment of the domestic real-estate industry will bring the risk of tougher
competition for the construction curtain wall industry. To cope with the risk, the Company will take
a solid business strategy, reducing management costs and increasing the efforts to recover
receivables on the one hand, and boosting technical innovation, improving product quality, reducing
product costs and improving the economy profits on the other hand, thus improving the Company’s
competitiveness and risk resistance.
      2. Management risks and measures
      With the development and expansion of the national business landscape, the Company faces
severe management risks and urgently needs a large number of management, technical and senior
technical professionals. Therefore, the Company will further improve its recruitment, selection,
incentive and training programs and the internal control system, play full play to IT tools and
improve work efficiency and management.
      3. Production and operation risks and measures
      The macro-economy and market demand have added to the fluctuation in prices of main raw
materials such as aluminum and steel and labor, affecting the Company’s profitability and creating
additional production and operation risks for the Company. Therefore, with aim of collecting
receivables, reducing costs, improving quality and controlling risks, the Company will strengthen
                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

the risk forecast and final accounting management and increase the risk awareness in production
and operation, reduce purchase and production costs, raising efficiency and management, thus
maintaining the rapid and stable development of the Company.
(3) Future capital demand for development
     In 2013, the Company’s business development needs another working capital of RMB400
million. The Company plans to meet the demand through bank loans and issue of financing bonds;
the energy-saving and photo-electric curtain wall production expansion project and metro screen
door production expansion project need RMB66 million, all of which will be financed by the raised

9. Statement of the Board on the “non-standard auditors’ report” issued by the CPA on the current
report period

The Company’s auditor Grant Thornton (limited liability partnership) issued the standard opinion
auditor’s report for the Company’s 2012 financial statement.

10. Statement of changes to accounting policies, estimates and audit methods compared with the
financial report of the previous year

Changes to accounting policies, estimates and audit methods compared with the financial report of
the previous year

11. Statement of retrospective restatement of major accounting errors in the report period

There is no major accounting errors that need to be corrected in the report period.

12. Statement of change in the financial statement consolidation scope compared with the previous
financial report

Three companies are newly added as the Company established the Shenzhen Fangda Property
Development Co., Ltd. through investment during the report period and Fangda New Material Co.,
Ltd. and Fangda Decoration (Shenyang) Co., Ltd through investment by Fangda Decoration.

13. Profit distribution and dividend payment of the Company

Establishment, implementation or adjustment of profit distribution policies especially the cash
dividend policy during the report period
     According to the Notice about Implementing of Cash Dividend Plan issued by CSRC, with
regarding of the Company’s practice, the Company has revised some of the articles of the Articles
of Association involve with profit distribution. The Shareholders’ Rewarding Plan 2012-2014 was
produced (the Rewarding Plan). The revising proposal and the Rewarding Plan was examined and
adopted at the 12th meeting of the 6th term of Board as well as the 3rd provisional shareholders’
meeting 2012. The decision making procedures comply with the regulations.

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

        The Company conducts profit distribution strictly according to the Articles of Association.
The current cash dividend policies are complying with the Articles of Association and resolutions of
the shareholders’ meeting. The dividend standards and rates are clear and specific, a mature
decision making program has been established, the independent directors are performing their
duties effectively, mid-small shareholders have been given sufficient opportunities to express their
opinions, and their legal benefits are protected.
     The Articles of Association (Revised) and The Shareholders’ Rewarding Plan 2012-2014 were
published on www.cninfo.com.cn on July 5, 2012.

The profit distribution preplan and capitalization preplan during the report period comply with
requirements of the Articles of Association.
Profit distribution and reserve capitalizing pre-plans or plans over the recent three years (including
the reporting period)
2010: No profit distribution, capital reserve is capitalized base on the total of 504,606,604 capital
shares, 5 bonus shares were issued to each 10 shares of the entire shareholders.
2011: No profit distribution and reserve capitalizing.
2012: A cash dividend of RMB0.30 (including tax) for each ten shares is issued to all shareholders
on the basis of 706,909,905 shares with a total amount of RMB 22,707,297.15, on December 31,
2012. No dividend share or capitalization share is issued in the year.
Cash dividends for the recent three years
                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                  Proportion in the net
                                                       Net profit attributable
                                                                                 project attributable to
                              Cash dividend            to shareholders in the
          Year                                                                     shareholders in the
                              (including tax)          consolidated financial
                                                                                 consolidated financial
2012                               22,707,297.15                24,948,377.20                      91.02%
2011                                            0.00            65,503,925.58                           0%
2010                                            0.00            55,063,374.25                           0%
No cash dividend is proposed despite the Company records profits in the report period and a
positive undistributed profit.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

14. Social responsibilities

     In the reporting period , the Company has positively assumed social responsibilities by: paying
taxes RMB88.92 million, up 18.97% year-on-year; achieving export revenue USD20.89 million, up
66.79%; donating RMB120,000 and investing RMB718,500 to create nearly 10,000 jobs; inputting
RMB1.91 million in employee knowledge and skill training. The company has invested
RMB70,560,000 to promote development of new draft, technology, product structure and patent
according to clean, safety and efficient production to make contribution for environmental

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

15. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the reporting period

                                                                                      Main content
  Time/date         Place           Way            Visitor            Visitor         involved and
                                                                                    materials provided
December 26,             Onsite                                                    Business and future
             The Company                      Institution        Investment
2012                     investigation                                             development
Between Jan.                   Telephone
              Off site                                           Public            Business and future
1, 2012 and                    communicatio Individual
              reception                                          investor          development
Dec. 31, 2012                  n

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                            V Significant Events

1. Significant lawsuit and arbitration

The Company faces no significant lawsuit, arbitration or media questioning event.

2. Non-operating capital use by the controlling shareholder or related parties in the reporting term

No capital adoption or repaying by the controlling shareholder or related parties occurred in the
report term, Grant Thornton has provided special statement on this issue. See
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on March 23, 2013 for the disclosure reference.

3. Bankruptcy and capital reorganizing


4. Assets trade

The Company has no assets acquisition, sales or merger during the reporting period.

5. Implementation and influences of share equity incentive program

The Company has not implemented a share equity incentive program during the reporting period.

6. The Company has no significant related transaction in the report period

7. Significant contracts and performance

1. Asset entrusting, leasing, contracting

(1) No asset entrusting in the report period

(2) No contracting in the report period

(3) Leasing

The Company leases investment real estates and obtained a lease income of RMB36.18 million in
the report period.
Projects that create gains accounting for over 10% of the Company’s total profit in the report period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Contrac        Leased Amount Starting              Stop    Lease Pricing Influenc Related Relatio
 t-out         assets involve date                 date   income basis e on the transacti nship

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

 party                      d by the                    (in               Compa        on
                             leased                   RMB10                 ny
                             assets                    ,000)
       Shenzhe                                                       39.50%
       n                                                             of the
The    Yachan Part of                                                total
                                    July 1, June 30,        Monthl
Compan g Color Fangda         8,162                  772.09          profit in No
                                    2005    2013            y rental
y      Printing Town                                                 the
       Co.,                                                          report
       Ltd.                                                          period

2. Guarantee

                                                                                        In RMB10,000
         External guarantees made by the Company (exclude those made for subsidiaries)
                                 Actual date
                 Date of Guarant occurring    Actual                                  Compl Relate
   Guarantee                                            Type of
                disclosur   ee    (signing amount of                        Term      eted or d party
  provided to                                          guarantee
                    e     amount   date of   guarantee                                  not or not
                                                 Total of external
Total of external
                                                 guarantee actually
guarantee approved in the                      0                                                      0
                                                 occurred in the report
report term (A1)
                                                 term (A2)
                                                 Total of external
Total of external
                                                 guarantee actually
guarantee approved as of                       0                                                      0
                                                 occurred as of end of
end of report term (A3)
                                                 report term (A4)
                                Guarantee provided to subsidiaries
                                  Actual date
                 Date of Guarante occurring    Actual                                 Compl Relate
  Guarantee                                              Type of
                disclosur   e      (signing amount of                       Term      eted or d party
  provided to                                           guarantee
                    e     amount    date of   guarantee                                 not   or not
Fangda          February     50,000 June 29,      28,776.74 Joint         since      No

                                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Decoration   21, 2012             2012                   liability   engage of
                                                                     to 2 years
                                                                     upon due
                                                                     of debt
                                                                     engage of
Fangda       February             May 24,                Joint       contract
                         12,000               1,035.92                          No
Decoration   21, 2012             2012                   liability   to 2 years
                                                                     upon due
                                                                     of debt
                                                                     engage of
Fangda       April 20,            April 16,              Joint       contract
                         14,285                                                 No
Decoration   2012                 2012                   liability   to 2 years
                                                                     upon due
                                                                     of debt
                                                                     engage of
Fangda       February             July 27,               Joint       contract
                         25,000               4,803.16                          No
Automatic    21, 2012             2012                   liability   to 2 years
                                                                     upon due
                                                                     of debt
                                                                     engage of
Fangda       August               September              Joint       contract
                         550.62                550.62                           No
Automatic    19, 2010             29, 2010               liability   to 2 years
                                                                     upon due
                                                                     of debt
                                                                     engage of
Fangda       April 20,            April 16,              Joint       contract
                          7,142                                                 No
Automatic    2012                 2012                   liability   to 2 years
                                                                     upon due
                                                                     of debt
Fangda New   February             June 6,                Joint
                          5,800                894.23
Material     21, 2012             2012                   liability
                                                                     engage of
Fangda New   February             July 17,               Joint
                          5,000                796.09                contract No
Material     21, 2012             2012                   liability
                                                                     to 2 years
                                                                     upon due

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                           of debt
                                                  Total of guarantee to
Total of guarantee to
                                                  subsidiaries actually
subsidiaries approved in               119,777.62                                                51,693
                                                  occurred in the report
the report term (B1)
                                                  term (B2)
                                                  Total of balance of
Total of guarantee to                             guarantee actually
subsidiaries approved as               119,777.62 provided to the                            36,856.76
of the report term (B3)                           subsidiaries as of end
                                                  of report term (B4)
Total of guarantee provided by the Company (total of the above two)
Total of guarantee                                Total of guarantee
approved in the report                 119,777.62 occurred in the report                         51,693
term (A1+B1)                                      term (A2+B2)
                                                  Total of guarantee
Total of guarantee
                                                  occurred as of the end
approved as of end of                  119,777.62                                            36,856.76
                                                  of report term
report term (A3+B3)
Percentage of the total guarantee occurred
(A4+B4) on net asset of the Company
Guarantees provided to the shareholders,
substantial controllers and the related parties                                                        0
Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to
objects with over 70% of liability on asset ratio                                                      0
Amount of guarantee over 50% of the net asset
Total of the above 3 (C+D+E)                                                                           0
Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the
guarantees not due yet
Statement of external guarantees violating the

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(1) The Company has no external guarantee that violates the procedure in the report period.

3. No other significant contract

8. Fulfilling of commitments

1. Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report term or carried over
from previous terms

2. The Company made no prediction or commitment on the profitability of future.

9. Engaging and dismissing of CPA

CPA engaged currently
Domestic public accountants name         Grant Thornton (special general partner)
Remuneration for the domestic public
accountants (in RMB10,000)
Consecutive years of service by the
domestic public accountants
Name of certified accountants of the
                                         Liu Wei, Chen Zhaoxin
domestic public accountants
Overseas public accountants name (if
Remuneration for the overseas public
accountants (in RMB10,000)
Consecutive years of service by the
overseas public accountants (if any)
Name of certified accountants of the
overseas public accountants (if any)
Whether the CPA is replaced
√ Yes □ No
Whether the CPA is replaced in the auditing period
□ Yes √ No
Whether the approval process is completed to replace the CPA
√ Yes □ No
Details of the CPA replacement and change
  Ascenda Certified Public Accountants – the former auditing body of the Company has merged
with Jingdu Tianhua CPA (limited liability partnership). Jingdu Tianhua CPA was remained as the
legal entity after the merger and renamed to “Grand Thornton China (limited liability partnership)”.
For purpose of keeping the coherence and stability of external auditing work, the Auditing
Committee proposed to hire Grand Thornton China (limited liability partnership) as the CPA of the

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Company for year 2012. The auditing fee will be RMB1.3 million, and with term of one year. This
was to the consent of the Board of Directors in advance.
Engaging of internal control audit CPA, financial advisor and sponsor
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
This year, the Company engaged Grand Thornton China (limited liability partnership) as the
financial statement and internal control auditing CPA with a fee of RMB1.3 million.

9. Statement of the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if applicable) on the
“non-standard auditors’ report” issued by the CPA on the current report period


11. Punishment and rectification


12. Trade suspension and termination after the disclose of the annual report


13. Other material events

   (1) On January 7, 2012, the Company published an announcement on the approval of the
application for issuing of short term bonds on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily,
Securities Times and HKCD;
   (2) On April 11, 2012, the Company published an announcement on the progress of the
application for urban renovation plan on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily,
Securities Times and HKCD;
   (3) On June 19, 2012, the Company published an announcement on the 10th meeting of the 6th
term of the Board, on which the proposal of suspending the operation of Shenyang Fangda, a
controlling subsidiary, was approved on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily,
Securities Times and HKCD;
   (4) On July 5, 2012, the Company published an announcement on the 10 th meeting of the 6th
term of the Board, on which The Shareholders’ Rewarding Plan 2012-2014 was approved on China
Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times and HKCD;
   (5) On November 19, 2012, the Company published an announcement on the completion of
issuance of the first phase of the short-term bonds on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities
Daily, Securities Times and HKCD.

14. Material events of subsidiaries

    On June 18, 2012, the 10th meeting of the 6th term of the Board approved the proposal of

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

suspending the operation of controlling subsidiary Shenyang Fangda. The announcement of the
proposal was published on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times,
HKCD and www.cninfo.com.cn.

15. Bond issuance


                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                            VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

一、 Changes in shares

No change in the Company’s shares in the report period

2. Share placing and listing

1. Share issuing in latest three years

 Name of the
                           Price of issue                                 Approved    Date when
  shares and                                   Amount        Date of
              Date of issue (or interest                                 amount to be trading is
    derivate                                    issued       listing
                               rate)                                        listed    terminated
issued         June 4, 2010 RMB7.3            47,945,200 July 15, 2010      47,945,200
Statement of security issuing in latest three years
      In 2010, the Company issued privately 47,945,200 A shares to six particular investors at price
of RMB7.30 each. Totally RMB349,999,960 was raised. The shares were listed on July 15, 2010.
The Company hadn’t issued shares in prior three years. The Company has not issued securities in
the last three years in addition to the above-mentioned one.

2. Statement of changes in share number and shareholder structure, assets and liabilities structure


3. Current employees’ shares


3. Shareholders and the substantial controller of the Company

1. Shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                 In share
                                            Number of shareholders by the end of the
Number of shareholders in
                                     73,145 5th date day before the disclosure date of
the reporting period
                                            the annual report

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                             Top 10 shareholders of the Company
                                       Numb                                Pledging or freezing
                                        er of                  Amou
                                       shares Chang             nt of
                                        held e in              shares
Name of the Properties of Shareholding at the the              witho
shareholder shareholder       (%)      end of report             ut Share status          Amount
                                         the    ing             sales
                                       report period           restric
                                         ing                    tion
Banglin      Domestic                        No
Technologies non-state           9.09%       chang
Development legal person                     e
Co., Ltd.
Fangda        Domestic
Group         non-state          4.06%         New
Industry Co., legal person
Shilihe       Overseas                   21,33 Increa
Investment    legal person               9,867 se
Co., Ltd.
              Domestic                       No
Shilihe                                17,86
              non-state          2.36%       chang
Investment                             0,992
              legal person                   e
Co., Ltd.
              Domestic                       No
Wang                                   16,80
              natural            2.22%       chang
Shaolin                                0,000
              person                         e
                                         3,337, Increa
Cao Yifan     natural            0.44%
                                            465 se
            Domestic                          No
Chen Lihong natural               0.3%        chang
            person                            e
Jiangxi       Domestic
International non-state          0.27%          New
Trust Co.,    legal person

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Ltd Capital
Credit                                    1,930,
            non-state             0.25%          New
Transaction                                  000
            legal person
                                          1,670, Decre
Zheng Fan     natural             0.22%
                                             426 ase
A strategic investor or
ordinary legal person
becomes the Top10          None
shareholder due a stock
                            Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology
                            Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties
Notes to top ten
                            action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co.,
shareholder relationship or
                            Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties.
"action in concert"
                            The Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related
                            parties among the other holders of current shares.
                             Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
                                                                           Category of shares
                                 Amount of shares without sales
 Name of the shareholder
                            restriction at the end of the year (Note 4) Category of    Amount
Shenzhen Banglin                                                     RMB
Technologies Development                                  68,774,273 common               68,774,273
Co., Ltd.                                                            shares
Liaoning Fangda Group
                                                          30,765,226 common               30,765,226
Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                     shares listed
Shengjiu Investment Ltd.                                  21,339,867                      21,339,867
                                                                     in domestic

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Shenzhen Shilihe
                                                              17,860,992 common            17,860,992
Investment Co., Ltd.
Wang Shaolin                                                  16,800,000 common            16,800,000
                                                                         shares listed
Cao Yifan                                                      3,337,465                    3,337,465
                                                                         in domestic
                                                                         shares listed
Chen Lihong                                                    2,305,365                    2,305,365
                                                                         in domestic
Jiangxi International Trust                                              RMB
Co., Ltd Capital Trust                                         2,050,000 common             2,050,000
Contract (Jinshi No.199)                                                 shares
SOOCHOW Securities
Customer Credit
                                                               1,930,000 common             1,930,000
Transaction Guarantee
Securities Account
                                                                         shares listed
Zhen Fan                                                       1,670,426                    1,670,426
                                                                         in domestic
No action-in-concert or
                              Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology
related parties among the
                              Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties
top10 unconditional
                              action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co.,
shareholders and between
                              Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties.
the top10 unconditional
                              The Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related
shareholders and the top10
                              parties among the other holders of current shares.
Statement of shareholders
participating in margin       None
trade (if any)

2. Profile of the controlling shareholders

Legal person
 Name of controlling   Legal    Date of        Organization
                                                                Registered capital   Main business
    shareholder      representa establis          code

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                        tive/respo hment
                                                                                 developing of
Shenzhen Banglin                                                                 electronic
Technologies           Chen        June 7,                                       products,
                                           72984005-5             RMB 30 million
Development Co.,       Jinwu       2001                                          technical
Ltd.                                                                             consulting,
                                                                                 material trading
                     The 2012 annual report of Banglin Technologies has not been audited and
financial condition,
                     the company will continue to engage in the investment business.
cash flow and future
development strategy
Stock ownership of
other domestic and
overseas listed
company controlled     The controlling shareholders hold no share in other listed companies.
or whose shares are
held by controlling
Changes in controlling shareholders in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Substantial controller of the Company

Natural person
                                                             Right of residence in another country or
  Name of substantial controller         Nationality
Xiong Jianming                      Chinese                 Yes
Occupation and position over the
                                 Chair of the Board and president of the Company
last five years
Profiles of domestic and overseas
                                  The controller held no share in other listed companies in the last
listed companies in which the
                                  ten years.
controller held shares
Change in the substantial controller in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

7. Chart of the controlling relationship

Controlling over the Company by the substantial controller through trust or other asset management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Other legal person shareholders with over 10% of total shares


4. Statement on share increasing proposal raised by the shareholders or their action-in-concert
parties in the reporting period

                                                                    Initial    date of the
  Name of                                 Actual      Actual
              Number of Proportion of                             disclosure     share
shareholder/                            number of proportion of
              shares to be shares to be                          date of the increase plan
action-in-co                              shares      shares
               increased    increased                                share    implementati
ncert parties                           increased   increased
                                                                increase plan      on
                                                                           March 21,
Technologies     35,000,000          4.62%             0             0%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                           March 6,
Investment                                    8,892,747            1.17%
Other matters
    On March 20, 2012, the 8th meeting of the 6th term of the Board approved the proposal to issue
no more than 35 million non-public A-shares to the first majority shareholder Banglin Technologies,

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

which subscribed for the issue with RMB cash. The proposal was not approved at the meeting and
issuance was not implemented.

       VII Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees

1. Changes in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

                                                                   of                Decreas
                                                                         Increase                of
                                                                shares                  ed
                                             Starting End                d shares              shares
                   Job                                         held at                shares
 Name Position                 Sex   Age      date of date of             in this             held at
                  status                                       beginni                in this
                                             the term the term            period               end of
                                                                 ng of               period
                                                                          (share)               the
                                                                  the                (share)
        an,      In                          Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
Jianmin                    M            55                     102,971           0         0 102,971
        presiden office                      2011     2014
       , vice In                             Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
Shengg                     M            55                     36,286            0         0 36,286
       presiden office                       2011     2014
Xiong            In                          Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
        Director           M            44
Jianwei          office                      2011     2014
Zhou             In                          Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
        secretar           M            50
Zhigang          office                      2011     2014
        y of the
Guo              In                          Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
        dent               M            51
Jinlong          office                      2011     2014
Shao   Indepen
                In                           Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
Hanqin dent                F            74
                office                       2011     2014
g      director
Huang           In                           Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
       dent                M            50
Yaying          office                       2011     2014

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Zhen             In                              Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
         tee                 F              53
Hua              office                          2011     2014
Yu    Supervi In                                 Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
                             M              53
Guoan sor     office                             2011     2014
Cao      Supervi In                              Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
                             F              34
Naisi    sor     office                          2011     2014
Yang   Vice
                In                               Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
Xioazh presiden              M              59
                office                           2011     2014
uan    t
Lin      presiden In                             Mar. 25, Mar. 25,
                             M              35
Kebin    t and    office                         2011     2014
Wei              In                              Jul. 29, Mar. 25,
        presiden             M              44
Yuexing          office                          2011     2014
Total       --          --       --    --           --       --      139,257         0         0 139,257

2. Office Description

Working experiences of current directors, supervisors and senior management in recent five years
      Mr. Xiong Jianming: PHD Management; senior engineer; part-time professor of Beijing
Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Nanchang University. He was once employed
by Jiangxi Provincial Machinery Design Academe, Administration Bureau of Shekou District of
Shenzhen government, etc, deputy to the 10th People’s Congress of Guangdong Province, deputy to
the 2nd and 3rd People’s Congress of Shenzhen City. He’s now assuming Chairman of the Board and
President of the Company, member of the 5th Shenzhen Committee of CPPCC, standing member of
the 5th Nanshan Committee of CPPCC, founder and president of the Shenzhen Semiconductor
Lighting Association, vice president of the Federation of Shenzhen Industries, vice president of the
SGCC, president of the Nanshan Industry and Commerce Association and Honorary Chairman of
Shenzhen Nanshan Charity Society.
      Mr. Wang Shengguo: Master degree; Visiting Scholar from University of Essen, senior
engineer. He once held such positions as Chief Engineer of Design Institute of the 2nd Heavy
Machinery factory of Machinery Industrial Ministry. Mr. Wang is now a Director and Vice
President of the Company.
      Mr. Xiong Jianwei: MBA. He is now a Director of the Company.
      Mr. Zhou Zhigang, bachelor’s degree. He is currently a Director, Secretary of Board, and head

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

of the Securities Dept.
      Ms. Shao Hanqing, professor, doctorial course instructor. Once she was the Vice Director
General of Shenzhen Bureau of Planning, assistant to the Mayor, Vice Chief Secretary of the City
Government, standing commissioner of city council, PR director, and vice chief secretary of
Shenzhen Political Consultative Conference. At present she’s the honorary vice chief of China
Production Association, part-time professor of China People’s University, and independent director
of Shenzhen Zhonghang Health Club Co., Ltd., Xingli (HK) Co., Ltd. and the Company.
      Mr. Guo Jinlong, member of China Democratic League, master of economics, certified
accountant, certified tax consultant, deputy professor. He once was associate instructor and lecturer
of Shanxi University of Finance & Economics, audit assistant of the Shenzhen Shekou Zhonghua
Certified Accountants, a project manager and department leader of Pan-China Shenzhen CPA Ltd.,
chief of Profession Division, assistant to chief secretary, vice chief secretary of Shenzhen CPA
Association. At present he’s independent director of Shenzhen Tuori New Energy Co., Ltd.,
Rainbow Shopping Mall Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Zhonghang Health Club Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Hanyu
Medical Joint Stock Limited, partner of ShineWing Certified Public Account, member of the 5 th
Shenzhen Committee of CPPCC, member of the 5th council of the Chinese Institute of CPA and an
independent director of the Company.
      Huang Yaying, professor of law, certified lawyer and senior visiting scholar of UNSW. Senior
visiting scholar of the Law School of UNSW. At present he’s the dean of Law School of Shenzhen
University, standing commissioner of Shenzhen People’s Congress, member of the Shenzhen
Commission of Legal Affairs, member of the Shenzhen Legal Affair Office Expert Consultation
Committee, committee member and certified arbitrator of Shenzhen Court of International
Arbitration and South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, member
and arbitrator of the Shenzhen Arbitration Commission, arbitrator of China International Trade
Arbitration Committee, Xi’an Arbitration Committee, Hainan Arbitration Committee and Huizhou
Arbitration Committee; standing member of the China Academy of Arbitration Law and the
Chinese Society of Private International Law, lawyer of the Guangdong Guoxin Law Firm and an
independent director of the Company. He is the standing director of the China Academy of
Arbitration Law and Institute of China Private International Law, lawyer of the Guangdong Guoxin
Law Firm and independent director of the Company.
      Ms. Zhen Hua: Bachelor degree. She is now Supervisory Committee meeting convener,
Chairwoman of Trade Union, and Director of President Office of the Company.
      Mr. Yu Guoan, doctor degree, once associate professor of North-east University, chief
technical officer, head of IT department. He is now a supervisor of the Company.
      Ms. Cao Naisi, bachelor degree, once head of auditing department, deputy chief of HR
department, general manager of the Beijing Branch of the Shenzhen Fangda Decoration, at present
she’s a supervisor of the Company and vice general manager of Fangda Decoration.
      Mr. Yang Xiaozhuan: Bachelor degree; senior engineer. He once worked for Hubei Provincial
machinery Industry Department and held such positions as managing director of the 2nd Machine
Tool Factory of Hubei, and Deputy Manager of Shenzhen Jinxin Investment Co., Ltd. Mr. Yang is
now assuming Vice President and chief of the Enterprise Management Department of the Company.
      Mr. Lin Kebin, bachelor’s degree. At present he’s the Vice President and CFO of the
      Mr. Wei Yuexing, bachelor degree, engineer. Once he was chief engineer of Jiangxi Auto

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Switch Factory. Currently he’s the vice president of the Company, and general manager of Fangda
Decoration, a fully-owned subsidiary of the Company.
Offices held at shareholders entities
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                  Whether any
                                                         Starting               remuneration is
                                                                    End date of
   Name              Shareholder entity       Office    date of the                paid at the
                                                                     the term
                                                           term                   shareholder
Xiong                                                  Oct. 6,
             Shengjiu Investment Ltd.       Chairman                               No
Jianming                                               2011
Wang         Shenzhen Shilihe Investment               Oct. 19,
                                            Chairman                               No
Shengguo     Co., Ltd.                                 2006
Wang         Shenzhen Shilihe Investment    General    Sep. 29,
Shengguo     Co., Ltd.                      manager    2003
Xiong        Shenzhen Shilihe Investment               Jun. 12,
                                            Director                               No
Jianwei      Co., Ltd.                                 2001
Zhou         Shenzhen Shilihe Investment               Oct. 19,
                                            Director                               No
Zhigang      Co., Ltd.                                 2006
             Shenzhen Shilihe Investment    Superviso Oct. 19,
Zhen Hua                                                                           No
             Co., Ltd.                      r         2006
Offices held at other entities
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                  Whether any
                                                         Starting               remuneration is
                                                                    End date of
Name                    Entity name           Office    date of the                paid at the
                                                                     the term
                                                           term                   shareholder
Guo          ShineWing Certified Public
                                            Partner    Dec. 2005                   Yes
Jinlong      Account
Guo          Shenzhen Tuori New Energy      Independe
                                                        Feb. 2013 Feb. 2016        Yes
Jinlong      Co., Ltd.                      nt director
Guo          Rainbow Shopping Mall Co.,     Independe
                                                        Jul. 2010   Jul. 2013      Yes
Jinlong      Ltd.                           nt director
Guo          Shenzhen Zhonghang Health      Independe
                                                        Aug. 2010 Aug. 2013        Yes
Jinlong      Club Co., Ltd.                 nt director
Guo          Shenzhen Hanyu Medical Joint Independe Oct. 2012       Oct. 2015      Yes

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Jinlong     Stock Limited                    nt director
Shao        Shenzhen Zhonghang Health        Independe
                                                         Aug. 2010 Aug. 2013           Yes
Hanqing     Club Co., Ltd.                   nt director
Shao                                         Independe
            Xingli (HK) Co., Ltd.                        May. 2009                     Yes
Hanqing                                      nt director
Huang       Law School of Shenzhen
                                             Dean          Jul. 2009                   Yes
Yaying      University
            Guangdong Guoxin Law Firm        Lawyer        May. 2009                   No
            The above-mentioned three are independent directors of the Company.

3. Annual Remunerations of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

Decision making procedures, basis and actual payment of remunerations of the Directors,
Supervisors and Senior Executives
1. Remuneration schemes for directors and supervisors are proposed by the Remuneration and
Assessment Committee of the Board, and implemented upon approval of the Board and the
Shareholders’ Meetings; the remuneration schemes for executives are approved and implemented
by the Board.
Remuneration for directors and supervisors are decided by the shareholders’ meeting.
Remunerations for executives are composed of wages and performance bonus as decided by the
Payment on monthly basis
Remunerations of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company During the
reporting period
                                                               Total    remunerati
                                                                                     on during
   Name       Position       Sex       Age        Job status remunerati on from the
                                                                on      shareholdin
                                                                          g party
Xiong       Chairman,                                           1,190,590.8
                      M                       55 In office                            0.00 843,054.89
Jianming    president                                                     9
            vice         M                    55 In office       616,303.89           0.00 461,533.18
            Director     M                    44 In office       575,110.52           0.00 402,905.01
Zhou        Director,
                         M                    50 In office       442,541.11           0.00 332,944.66
Zhigang     secretary of

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

               the Board
Guo            Independen
                          M                    51 In office       80,000.00           0.00 67,199.36
Jinlong        t director
Shao           Independen
                          F                    74 In office       80,000.00           0.00 67,199.36
Hanqing        t director
Huang          Independen
                          M                    50 In office       80,000.00           0.00 67,199.36
Yaying         t director
Zhen Hua       Committee F                     53 In office      413,021.11           0.00 310,455.23
Yu Guoan Supervisor M                          53 In office       30,000.00           0.00 25,920.00
Cao Naisi      Supervisor F                    34 In office      356,217.00           0.00 281,399.50
Yang      Vice
                           M                   59 In office      419,689.04           0.00 315,658.68
Xioazhuan president
Lin Kebin president        M                   35 In office      465,975.61           0.00 352,162.24
          and CFO
Wei            Vice
                           M                   44 In office      550,090.52           0.00 398,092.05
Yuexing        president
                                                                5,299,539.6                  3,925,723.5
   Total            --         --         --           --                             0.00
                                                                          9                            2
Equity incentive programs provided for the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the
Company during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Resigned and Dismissed Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives


5. Changes in Key Technical Team or Personnel during the Reporting Period (excluding directors,
supervisors and senior executives)

No change

6. Employees

                                   Employees (by December 31, 2012)
                               Fangda Group       Fangda Decoration (main Other                          Total
                               (parent)           subsidiary)             subsidiaries

                                                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Number of employees in                64               1,131                   1,685          2880
Retired employees on the              0                   0                       0                0
Company’s expense
  Categories of professions   Fangda Group   Fangda Decoration (main      Other               Total
                              (parent)       subsidiary)                  subsidiaries
Production                              0                869                  1,005           1874
Sales & Marketing                       0                 14                    83              97
Technicians                             0                114                   135             249
Finance & Accounting                    9                 13                    30              52
Executive                              55                121                   432             608
   Categories of education    Fangda Group   Fangda Decoration (main      Other               Total
                              (parent)       subsidiary)                  subsidiaries
High school or below                   23                744                  1,088           1855
College diploma                         6                113                   252             371
Bachelor                               32                264                   337             633
Master’s degree                        2                 10                     8              20
Doctor’s degree                        1                  0                     0               1

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Staff remuneration policy: The Company’s staff remuneration comprises post wage, performance
wage, allowance and annual bonus. The Company has set up an economic responsibility assessment
system according to the annual operation target and responsibility indicators for all departments.
The performance wage is determined by the economic indicators, management indicators,
optimization indicators and internal control. The annual bonus is determined by the Company's
annual profit and fulfillment of targets set for various departments. The staff remuneration and
welfare will be adjusted according to the Company’s business operation and changes in the local
standard of living and price index.

Staff training program: The Company has established the staff training and re-education system and
has implemented training programs relating to the Company’s business. To reach the training goal,
the Company will organization examinations and the HR department will record the results of such
examinations as basis for annual assessment and adjustment in positions.

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                  VIII Corporation Governance

1. Overview

       The Company carried out its business operation strictly following with the Company Law,
Securities Law and relative regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange. And the administration structure has been further improved without conflict with
the laws and regulations. Particulars about the administration of the Company in the report term:
According to the Company Law, Securities Law, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Share Listing Rules,
Enterprise Accounting System and Enterprise Accounting Standard, the Company has produced the
Shareholders’ Meeting Criteria, Working Regulations of the Board of Directors, Supervisory
Committee Meeting Criteria, President Work Criteria, Independent Director Working Criteria,
Internal Control Criteria, Information Disclosure Criteria, Proceed Administration Regulations,
Accounting Criteria, Internal Auditing Criteria, Manpower Management Regulations, Legal Affair
Administration Rules, Purchase Regulations, Rules of Bidding Invitation, Investor Reception and
Promotion, New Subscription Internal Control, Hedge Operation Internal Control, CPA Selection
and Employing, Accounting of Fair Value, Information Insider Registration, External Information
User Administration, Finance and Accounting Responsibility Management, Rules of Related
Transaction, External Investment Administration, and Internet Information Disclosure. These have
composed a mature and effective internal control system covering all aspects of the business
operation including investment decision-making, related transactions, financial management, R&D
management, HRM, executive management, purchase management, production and sales
management and information disclosure. All of them have been implemented smoothly and there
isn’t any major defect or fraudulent practices in executing of the internal control system. The
internal control system was designed under principles of scientific, rational, and standardization,
and with reference to the Company’s practical business operations.
      In the reporting period, the Company has revised the Information Insider Registration Scheme,
Articles of Association and has formulated The Shareholders’ Rewarding Plan 2012-2014, and
Regulations for Information Disclosure Relating to Inter-bank Bond Market Debt Financing Tool of
Fangda Group Co., Ltd. Revising of these regulations may provide stronger support to standard
operation of the Company.
       By the end of the reporting period, the corporate governance complies with the Chinese laws
and requirements regarding corporate governance of listed companies issued by CSRC.
Incompliance with the Company Law and related requirements of CSRC
□ Yes √ No
Implementation of corporate governance activities and establishment and implementation of
insider registration and management system
The Company has revised the “Information Insider Registration Scheme” according to the
requirement of CSRC in February 2012. The revised Information Insider Registration Scheme is
published on www.cninfo.com.cn. No situation was found in the report period that any of the
insiders had been trading the Company’s shares taking advantages of the material information they

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

could get access to, neither informed by the supervisory authorities regarding inspection or
correction notice.

2. Annual and extraordinary shareholder meetings held during the report period

1. Annual shareholder meeting during the report period

                                                                                          Index for
                                                                        Date of
    Meeting           Date           Proposal        Resolution                          information
                                 (1) Reviewing
                                 The Board of
                                 Directors’ Work
                                 Report 2011;
                                 (2) reviewing
                                 Annual Report
                                 2011; (3)
                                                                                      of The
                                                                                      Resolutions of
                                 Report 2011;
                                 (4) reviewing
                                                                                      Meeting 2011
                                 the proposal of
                                                                                      was published
2011 Annual                                       All the                             on China
                                 distribution and
Shareholder      May 10, 2012                     proposals are     May 11, 2012      Securities
Meeting                                           approved                            Journal,
                                 of common
                                 reserves for
                                 year 2011; (5)
                                 reviewing the
                                 Annual Report
                                                                                      Times, HKCD
                                 2011 and the
                                 Summary; (6)
                                 reviewing the
                                 proposal about
                                 applying for
                                 integrated bank
                                 credit, and
                                 providing of
                                 guarantee for
                                 the fully-owned

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                 resolution); (7)
                                 reviewing the
                                 proposal on
                                 revising the
                                 Articles of
                                 resolution); (8)
                                 listening the
                                 work reports of

2. Extraordinary shareholder meetings during the report period

                                                                                        Index for
                                                                      Date of
    Meeting           Date          Proposal        Resolution                         information
                             (1) Proposal of
                             Revising the
                             Articles of
                             Association;                                        The
                             (2) Proposal of                                     announcement
                             Revising the                                        of 1st
                             Working Rules                                       Provisional
                             of the Board;                                       Shareholders’
                             (3) Proposal on                                     Meeting 2012
                             External                                            was published
                             Investment; (4)                                     on China
1st Provisional                              All the
                             Proposal on                                         Securities
Shareholders’ March 9, 2012                 proposals are        March 10, 2012
                             Applying for                                        Journal,
Meeting 2012                                 approved
                             Loans from the                                      Shanghai
                             Banks to                                            Securities
                             Support                                             Daily,
                             Working                                             Securities
                             Capital; (5)                                        Times, HKCD
                             Proposal to                                         and
                             Provide                                             www.cninfo.co
                             Guarantees for                                      m.cn.
                             the Bank Loans
                             for the

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                               (6) Proposal to
                               Adjust the
                               Amount of
                               Investment in
                               Curtain Wall
                               Curtain Wall
                               Expanding and
                               (1) The
                               proposal to
                               apply for
                               issuing of
                               privately; (2)
                               The proposal of                                     The
                               the plan to                                         announcement
                               issue A-shares                                      of 2nd
                               privately in                                        Provisional
                               2012; (3) The                                       Shareholders’
                               proposal of the                                     Meeting 2012
                               preplan to issue                                    was published
                               A-shares                                            on China
2nd Provisional                                 Proposal (2),
                               privately in                                        Securities
Shareholders’ April 5, 2012                    (3), (6) and (7) April 6, 2012
                               year 2012; (4)                                      Journal,
Meeting 2012                                    denied
                               The proposal of                                     Shanghai
                               the feasibility                                     Securities
                               report on                                           Daily,
                               application of                                      Securities
                               the proceeds                                        Times, HKCD
                               from issuing of                                     and
                               A-shares                                            www.cninfo.co
                               privately in                                        m.cn.
                               year 2012; (5)
                               The proposal
                               on requesting
                               meeting to

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                               authorize the
                               Board to
                               practice the
                               private issuing
                               of A-shares
                               with full
                               authority; (6)
                               The proposal to
                               enter into the
                               contract with
                               Co., Ltd.; (7)
                               The proposal
                               subscribing of
                               shares privately
                               by the largest
                               that is a related
                               (1) Proposal of                                    The
                               Revising the                                       announcement
                               Plan of                                            of 3rd
                               Providing                                          Provisional
                               Guarantees to                                      Shareholders’
                               Fully-Owned                                        Meeting 2012
                               Subsidiaries of                                    was published
                               the Company;                                       on China
3rd Provisional                                All the
                               (2) Proposal of                                    Securities
Shareholders’ July 20, 2012                   proposals are    July 21, 2012
                               Reviewing The                                      Journal,
Meeting 2012                                   approved
                               Shareholders’                                     Shanghai
                               Rewarding                                          Securities
                               Plan                                               Daily,
                               2012-2014; (3)                                     Securities
                               Proposal of                                        Times, HKCD
                               Revising the                                       and
                               Articles of                                        www.cninfo.co
                               Association;                                       m.cn.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                 (4) Proposal of
                                 Guarantee to
                                 Subsidiaries of
                                 the Company.
                                                                                       of 4th
                                                                                       Meeting 2012
                                                                                       was published
                                 Proposal on                                           on China
4th Provisional
                December 21,     engaging of the Proposal            December 22,      Securities
                2012             CPA for year approved               2012              Journal,
Meeting 2012
                                 2012                                                  Shanghai
                                                                                       Times, HKCD

3. Performance of independent directors during the report period

1. Independent directors’ presenting of board meetings and shareholders’ meetings in the report

                       Independent directors’ presenting of board meetings
                   Time of
                                                                                            Absent for
    Name of         board
                                Presented Presented by Presented by                           two
  independent     meetings                                                    Absent
                                personally  telecom       proxy                            consecutive
    director     should have
Shao Hanqing               11             5             5                1              0 No
Guo Jinlong                11             5             5                1              0 No
Huang Yaying               11             4             5                2              0 No
Time of presence by
independent directors at

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

shareholders’ meetings
Statement for absence for two consecutive board meetings

2. Objection raised by independent directors

Any objection raised by independent directors against the Company’s related issues
□ Yes √ No

3. Other statement for performance of independent directors

Adoption of suggestion proposed by independent directors
√ Yes □ No
Statement for suggestion adopted or not by the Company
      (1) During the report period, the Company’s independent directors have paid attention to the
Company’s operation and performed their duties independent in accordance with applicable laws,
regulations and Articles of Association of the Company and have proposed many professional
suggestions for improving the Company’s system and routine operation decision-making. During
the report period, independent directors have made independent and just opinion on issues that need
independent directors’ opinions, playing positive roles in improving the Company’s supervisory
system and protecting the rights and interests of the Company and shareholders.
      (2) Independent opinions issued in 2012
    Name Time of independent                     Issue involved                 Type of Disclosure
                   opinion                                                    independen    of the
                                                                               t opinion independent
    Shao      February 21, 2012 Using part of the idle financing proceeds       Agreed       Yes
  Hanqing                         to supplement working capital and
     Guo                          adjustment in use of the raised fund in
   Jinlong                        projects
   Huang       March 20, 2012 Related transaction
   Yaying      April 18, 2012 Use of the Company’s fund by controlling
                                  shareholder and other affiliates and
                                  guarantee made by the Company
                                  Internal control self evaluation report
                                  No cash dividend proposal was raised
                                  though the Company made profit in 2012
                                  and the reserve capitalizing pre-plan
                                  Remuneration of directors and senior
                                  executives in 2011
                July 4, 2012      Revision of provisions relating to profit
                                  distribution in the Articles of Association

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                              The Shareholders’ Rewarding Plan
              July 26, 2012   Use of fund and external guarantees made
                              controlling shareholder and other
                              affiliates in the first half of 2012
             August 17, 2012 Using another part of the idle financing
                              proceeds to supplement working capital
             October 26, 2012 Engaging the auditor for 2012

4. Performance of specific committees under the Board

      (1) Performance of the Development Strategy Committee
     During the report period, the Development Strategy Committee of the Company has performed
its duties in accordance with the Working Regulations for Development Strategy Committee and
played its role in the decision-making process of the Company. Two meetings were convened and
details are disclosed as follows:
     1. On April 18, 2012, the 2nd meeting of the Development Strategy Committee of the 6th term of
the Board was held to review: (1) the Company’s production and operation in 2011; (2) the
production and operation plan for 2012; (3) the Company’s development strategic plan between
2012 and 2016. The meeting mainly studied and discussed the production and operation in 2012
and the development strategy for 2012.
      2. On July 26, 2012, the 3rd meeting of the Development Strategy Committee of the 6th term of
the Board was held to view the Company’s production and operation in the first half of 2012 and
studied the fulfillment of the business plan in the first half of the year and places to be improved in
the second half.
      (2) Performance of the Auditing Committee
      During the report period, five Auditing Committee meetings are held to review issues
including the arrangement of audit, regular financial reports, engaging the CFA, general regulations
for internal control and use of the fund raised. Details of the meetings are disclosed as follows:
      1. On April 13, 2012, the 5th meeting of the Auditing Committee of the 6th term of the Board
was held to review the financial statements with the initial opinion issued by the CFA for 2011 and
approve the auditor report issued by the CFA. After the CFA issued to final auditor’s opinion, the
Auditing Committee submitted the resolution on the annual financial statements to the Board and
issued the summary report on the auditing of the CFA for this year.
      2. On April 18, 2012, the 6th meeting of the Auditing Committee of the 6th term of the Board
was held to review and approve: (1) the audited financial statements for 2011; (2) unaudited 2012
1st quarter financial statements; (3) 2011 financial performance; (4) the internal audit of the
Company in 2011; (5) the internal audit plan of the Company in 2012; (6) the internal control
self-evaluation in 2011; (7) investigation report for the use of raised fund in the fourth quarter of
2011; (8) the investigation report for the use of raised fund in the first quarter of 2012.
      3. On July 26, 2012, the 7th meeting of the Auditing Committee of the 6th term of the Board
was held to review and approve: (1) unaudited 2012 semi-year financial statements; (2) the 2012
semi-year financial performance; (3) the internal audit report for the first half of 2012; (4)
investigation report for the use of raised fund in the second quarter of 2012.

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     4. On October 15, 2012, the 8th meeting of the Auditing Committee of the 6th term of the Board
on which the proposal of engaging the CFA for 2012 was approved.
     5. On October 29, 2012, the 9th meeting of the Auditing Committee of the 6th term of the Board
was held, on which (1) the 2012 third quarter financial statements; (2) investigation report for the
use of raised fund in the third quarter of 2012 were reviewed.
     (3) Performance of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee
During the report period, the Remuneration and Assessment Committee issued the Working
Regulations for Remuneration and Assessment Committee. On the 1st meeting of the Remuneration
and Assessment Committee of the 6th term of the Board held on April 18, 2012, the committee
reviewed the main financial indicators and business performance in 2011 and reviewed performance
of duties by the Company’s directors and senior executives. The committee believes that the
directors and senior executives have worked diligently and fulfilled the business target and other
tasks in 2011. The remunerations for directors, supervisors and senior executives disclosed in the
2011 annual report comply with the Company’s remuneration policy.

5. Performance of Supervisory Committee

Risks for the Company discovered by the Supervisory Committee
□ Yes √ No
No disagreement with supervisory issues by the Supervisory Committee during the report period.

6. Independence of the Company from the controlling shareholder in aspects of businesses,
personnel, assets, organizations, and accounting

       The Company is completely separated from the controlling shareholder in aspects of
businesses, personnel, assets, organizations and accounting. The Company has its own completed
businesses and capacity of independent business operation.        In the aspect of business: the
Company has its own purchasing, production, sales, and customer service system which performing
independently. There is not any material related transactions occurred with the controlling
     In personnel: The labor management, personnel and salary management are operated
independently from the controlling shareholder. The senior managements take salaries from the
Company and none of them takes senior management position in the controlling party.
     In assets: The Company owns its production, supplementary production system and accessory
equipments independently, and possesses its own industrial properties, non-patent technologies, and
     In organization: The production and business operation, executive management, and
department setting are completely independent from the controlling shareholder. No situation of
combined office exists. The Company adjusts its organizing structure only for its own practical
requirement of development and management.
     In accounting: The company has its own independent accounting and auditing division,
established independent and completed accounting system and management rules, has its own bank

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

account, and exercise its liability of taxation independently.

7. Competition


8. Assessment and motivation of senior executives

The Company has implemented a remuneration system that combines post wage and performance
bonus. The wages and bonus are determined by on the assessment of senior executives’ innovation
capabilities, general quality, performance, fulfillment of profit and payment collection targets in the
Implementation Regulations for 2012 Supervisory and Management Department Target
Management and Assessment and Implementation Regulations for 2012 Subordinate Unit

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                         IX Internal Control

1. Internal Control Construction

        In 2012, the Company continued to improve internal control regulations as planned based on
the internal control improvement plan and quarterly work targets. Around the risk control, the
program has focused on internal environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and
communication and internal supervision, substantially improving the Company’s internal control
system and revising the internal control manual.
1. Internal environment: According to changes in business of the group and subsidiaries, the
corporate governance team has streamlined the organizational structure of the group; by reviewing
the existing rules and implementation of these rules, the group’s rules and regulations were
streamlined and updated on the OA platform, realizing the IT management of corporate rules and
2. Risk assessment: According to the Company’s business development and changes in the internal
and external environment, the corporate governance team has completed the risk assessment and
analysis on the corporate and business level through questionnaire and interviews with the
assistance of the management. The program has discovered major risks face the group in 2012 and
updated the list of risks in the internal control manual.
3. Controlling activities: The Corporate governance team and Information Management Department
have communicated with the management and business department of each company under the
group to fully review and modify business processes and updated them on the OA system.
According to the external and internal control requirements, defects were rectified and processes
were improved. The controlling activity regulations were added according to new companies and
businesses and the internal control manual was modified.
 4. Information and communication: The Information Management Department was separated from
Technical Management Department. The Information Management Department’s duties were
regulated, paving the way for IT construction; the IT management and communication of corporate
rules and regulations were realized; the supplier and customer sharing database was established;
specific personnel were send to participate in internal control training and shared experience within
the company; the website was updated, optimizing the communication channels between the
company and its investors, customers and suppliers.
5. Internal supervision: The Company continued to adopt the 3-level risk prevention and
supervisory system in 2012. In addition, under the lead and support of the Auditing Committee, the
Audit and Supervision Department has strengthened the management on internal auditing and
reviewed main risky links in routing operation and the improvement and implementation of the
groups’ internal control system, authentication and integrity of financial information and efficiency
and effects of operating activities. Any problems discovered were sent to related departments to
prevent and reduce risks, supporting the implementation of the internal control system and helping
prevent internal control, financial and legal risks.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

2. Board’s statement on internal control responsibility

The Board acknowledges its responsibility of establishing, improving and performing internal
control and has fulfilled its guide and supervisory responsibility for the establishment and
implementation of internal control and guarantee the authentication of financial statements and
safety and integrity of assets.

3. Basis for establishment of the internal financial statement control

The internal financial statement control system is established based on the Accounting Law,
Accounting Criteria for Enterprises, Implementation Guidelines for Enterprise Internal Control and
related guidelines, Guide for Internal Control of Listed Companies and other regulatory documents
issued by supervisory authorities.

4. Internal control self-evaluation report

Major internal control defects discovered in the report period in the internal control self-evaluation
No major defect is found in the report period
Date of disclosure of the
internal control                March 23, 2013
self-evaluation report
Source of disclosure of the
internal control            www.cninfo.com.cn
self-evaluation report

5. Internal control audit report

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                            Comments in the internal control audit report
We believe that Fangda Group has been following with the Enterprise Accounting Standard in
preparing of the Financial Statements. The Financial Statements is reflecting, in all important
aspects, the financial situation of Fangda Group as of December 31, 2012, and the business
performance and cash flow of year 2012.
Date of disclosure of the
internal control audit          March 23, 2013
Source of disclosure of the
internal control audit      www.cninfo.com.cn
Non-standard internal control audit report by the CFA
□ Yes √ No

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Consistency between the internal control audit report and self-evaluation report
√ Yes □ No

6. Establishment and implementation of the Retrospective Rules of Material False Information in
Annual Report

The Company has adopted the Retrospective Rules of Material False Information in Annual Report.
It will contribute to recognize and process material false in the procedures. The Company has been
implementing the regulations diligently and no such material false or omission was found in the
report period.

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                      X Financial Statements

1. Auditors’ report

Type                                              Standard opinion auditor’s report
Issued on                                         March 21, 2013
                                                  Grant Thornton CPA (limited liability
Report No.                                        致同审字(2013)第 350ZA0780 号
                                         Auditors’ Report
                                         Auditors’ report


To the shareholders of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.:
     We have audited the Financial Statements of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (“Fangda Group”)
attached hereafter, including the Balance Sheet and Consolidated Balance Sheet ended December
31, 2012 and the Income Statement, Consolidated Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement,
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, Statement on Change of Shareholders’ Equity, Consolidated
Statement on Change of Shareholders’ Equity of the year 2012, as well as the Notes to the Financial
     1. Executives’ responsibilities on the Financial Statements
     Preparing of the Financial Statements according to Enterprise Accounting Standard is the
responsibility of the management of the Company. This responsibility includes: (1) to prepare the
financial statements according to the accounting standard, and ensure its fair reflection of business
position; (2) to design, implement and maintain the internal control system related to producing of
the Financial Statements, to prevent the Financial Statements from major false presentation due to
cheating or error.
     2. Responsibilities of the CPA
     Our responsibilities are to issue auditing opinions on the Financial Statements basing on the
auditing works we’ve done on them. We carried out the auditing works with compliance to Chinese
CPA Auditing Standard, which requires us to plan and implement our works on the basis of
professional ethic standards, and obtain reasonable guarantee that the Financial Statements are free
of major false statements.
     An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider the internal control relevant to
the entity’s preparation of financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the
accounting polices used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management,
as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
     We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our audit opinion.

     3. Auditors’ Opinions
     We believe that Fangda Group has been following with the Enterprise Accounting Standard in
preparing of the Financial Statements. The Financial Statements is reflecting, in all important
aspects, the financial situation of Fangda Group as of December 31, 2012, and the business
performance and cash flow of year 2012.

Grand Thornton CPA                                    CPA China
(limited liability partnership)

                                                      CPA China

Beijing, China                                March 21, 2013

2. Financial statements

Unit for statements in notes to financial statements: RMB yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               In RMB
              Items                   Beginning balance                     Ending balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                            278,283,968.61                       324,780,350.77
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan

                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     Transactional financial
     Notes receivable                7,638,780.88                         6,303,353.88
     Account receivable           774,890,805.30                       664,333,498.11
     Prepayment                    22,006,159.22                        25,444,369.81
     Insurance receivable
     Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of
Reinsurance contracts
     Interest receivable               72,833.33                            201,961.11
     Dividend receivable
     Other receivables             57,339,556.28                        53,412,523.94
     Repurchasing of
financial assets
     Inventory                    269,120,191.36                       254,419,907.08
     Non-current assets due
in 1 year
     Other current assets
Total of current assets          1,409,352,294.98                    1,328,895,964.70
Non-current assets:
     Disburse of consigned
     Sellable financial assets                                            2,198,000.00
    Investment held until
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity
     Investment real estate       258,405,762.09                       277,705,949.35
     Fixed assets                 341,555,810.21                       316,775,398.58
     Construction in process      175,138,694.28                        81,799,896.43
     Engineering materials
     Disposal of fixed assets
     Productive biological

                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets           102,380,382.21                       110,599,955.27
     R&D expense                      67,700.00                            914,683.63
     Goodwill                                                            8,197,817.29
    Long-term amortizable
                                    4,710,860.65                         2,600,195.30
     Deferred income tax
                                  36,191,385.09                        33,637,737.59
     Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets      918,450,594.53                       834,429,633.44
Total of assets                 2,327,802,889.51                    2,163,325,598.14
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans            181,970,000.00                       387,000,000.00
    Loans from Central
     Deposit received and
held for others
     Call loan received
      Transactional financial
     Notes payable               160,779,777.03                        39,058,058.47
     Account payable             411,846,031.72                       324,340,008.15
     Prepayment received          77,741,903.02                       124,950,664.78
     Selling of repurchased
financial assets
    Fees and commissions
    Employees’ wage
                                  23,945,272.55                        20,432,966.02
     Taxes payable                33,686,577.98                        41,002,265.87
     Interest payable               1,954,557.27                           780,979.73
     Dividend payable
     Other payables               41,340,056.86                        36,783,207.38
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract

                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     Entrusted trading of
     Entrusted selling of
     Non-current liabilities
due in 1 year
     Other current liabilities      200,000,000.00
Total of current liabilities       1,133,264,176.43                      974,348,150.40
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable                     7,700.00                            14,700.00
     Special payables
     Anticipated liabilities                                                  288,000.00
      Deferred income tax
                                     36,210,286.40                        32,597,637.16
      Other non-current
Total of non-current liabilities     36,217,986.40                        36,920,337.16
Total liabilities                  1,169,482,162.83                    1,011,268,487.56
Owners’ equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share
                                    756,909,905.00                       756,909,905.00
     Capital reserves                80,299,867.64                        80,479,493.92
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                30,494,542.94                        24,676,077.16
     Common risk provisions
     Retained profit                230,907,879.99                       211,777,968.57
     Difference caused by
translation of foreign
currency statements
Total of owner’s equity
                                   1,098,612,195.57                    1,073,843,444.65
belong to the parent company
     Minority interests              59,708,531.11                        78,213,665.93

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Total of owners’ equity (or
                                            1,158,320,726.68                      1,152,057,110.58
shareholders’ equity)
Total of liability and owners’
equity (or shareholders’                   2,327,802,889.51                      2,163,325,598.14

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                             In RMB
             Items                  Beginning balance                     Ending balance
Current assets:
     Monetary capital                         25,790,604.84                          24,587,261.80
     Transactional financial
     Notes receivable
     Account receivable                         5,157,141.38                           5,603,561.80
     Prepayment                                   20,271.85                              122,369.00
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable                      39,356,000.00                          57,338,200.00
     Other receivables                       512,298,790.52                         265,169,612.63
     Non-current asset due in
1 year
     Other current assets
Total of current assets                      582,622,808.59                         352,821,005.23
Non-current assets:
     Sellable financial assets                                                         2,198,000.00
    Investment held until
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity
                                             669,733,745.58                         659,733,745.58
     Investment real estate                  254,766,256.33                         271,841,967.35
     Fixed assets                             87,649,932.55                          57,299,884.44

                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     Construction in process         1,701,315.00                           298,019.24
     Engineering materials
     Disposal of fixed assets
     Productive biological
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets               9,352,376.54                         9,910,673.85
     R&D expense
    Long-term amortizable
     Deferred income tax
                                   12,333,214.12                        14,415,297.03
     Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets      1,035,612,311.82                    1,015,697,587.49
Total of assets                  1,618,235,120.41                    1,368,518,592.72
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans             180,000,000.00                       210,000,000.00
      Transactional financial
     Notes payable
     Account payable                 1,849,090.36                         1,851,490.36
     Prepayment received              753,108.70                            693,045.60
    Employees’ wage
                                     1,479,449.88                         1,251,357.38
     Taxes payable                    826,456.83                            655,031.17
     Interest payable                1,954,557.27                           441,980.00
     Dividend payable
     Other payables                83,515,779.52                        66,697,963.87
     Non-current liabilities
due in 1 year
     Other current liabilities    200,000,000.00
Total of current liabilities      470,378,442.56                       281,590,868.38
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans
     Bond payable

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     Long-term payable
     Special payables
     Anticipated liabilities
      Deferred income tax
                                                  36,210,286.40                       32,186,364.40
      Other non-current
Total of non-current liabilities                  36,210,286.40                       32,186,364.40
Total liabilities                                506,588,728.96                      313,777,232.78
Owners’ equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share
                                                 756,909,905.00                      756,909,905.00
     Capital reserves                             39,799,212.26                       41,078,838.54
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                             30,494,542.94                       24,676,077.16
     Common risk provisions
     Retained profit                             284,442,731.25                      232,076,539.24
     Difference caused by
translation of foreign
currency statements
Total of owners’ equity (or
                                               1,111,646,391.45                    1,054,741,359.94
shareholders’ equity)
Total of liability and owners’
equity (or shareholders’                      1,618,235,120.41                    1,368,518,592.72

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              In RMB
             Items                 Amount of the Current Term      Amount of the Previous Term
1. Total revenue                               1,397,901,424.59                    1,348,776,366.53
     Incl. Business income                     1,397,901,424.59                    1,348,776,366.53
              Interest income

                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

              Insurance fee
           Fee and
commission received
2. Total business cost             1,402,248,272.24                    1,288,791,101.81
       Incl. Business cost         1,145,066,535.43                    1,087,992,839.87
              Interest expense
           Fee and
commission paid
discharge payment
              Net claim
amount paid
             Net insurance
policy reserves provided
            Insurance policy
dividend paid
              Business tax and
                                     23,902,902.35                        26,747,672.42
              Sales expense          35,114,854.91                        29,317,746.35
                                    122,677,890.24                       105,614,972.87
                                     24,771,976.76                        19,752,495.44
              Asset impairment
                                     50,714,112.55                        19,365,374.86
      Plus: gains from change
                                     12,290,834.22                        10,815,131.20
of fair value (“-“ for loss)
                Investment gains
                                       3,448,207.99                            99,342.47
(“-“ for loss)
            Incl. Investment
gains from affiliates and joint
                Exchange gains
(“-“ for loss)
3. Operational profit (“-“ for     11,392,194.56                        70,899,738.39

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

    Plus: non-operational
                                                  11,817,267.06                        11,383,948.30
    Less: non-operational
                                                   3,662,524.43                         3,123,596.57
             Incl. Loss from
                                                     220,018.04                         2,343,990.35
disposal of non-current assets
4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                  19,546,937.19                        79,160,090.12
    Less: Income tax
                                                  13,103,694.81                        19,779,966.86
5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                 6,443,242.38                        59,380,123.26
      Including: Net profit
realized by the entity taken                               0.00
over before the takeover
     Net profit attributable to
                                                  24,948,377.20                        65,503,925.58
the owners of parent company
     Minor shareholders’
                                                  -18,505,134.82                       -6,123,802.32
6. Earnings per share:                       --                                   --
     (1) Basic earnings per
                                                           0.03                                  0.09
     (2) Diluted earnings per
                                                           0.03                                  0.09
7. Other misc. incomes                              -179,626.28                        -1,651,220.00
8. Total of misc. incomes                          6,263,616.10                        57,728,903.26
      Total of misc. incomes
attributable to the owners of                     24,768,750.92                        63,852,705.58
the parent company
      Total misc gains
attributable to the minor                         -18,505,134.82                       -6,123,802.32
Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB0.

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              In RMB

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

              Items                  Amount of the Current Term        Amount of the Previous Term
1. Turnover                                           46,185,831.72                        44,378,065.25
       Less: Operation cost                           11,267,937.63                        11,314,912.66
            Business tax and
                                                       3,731,267.21                         3,494,969.54
            Sales expense                                -15,831.98                           609,975.58
                                                      20,145,309.77                        20,079,220.00
            Financial expenses                         5,685,040.38                         4,461,333.17
            Asset impairment
                                                        326,187.02                            427,828.17
      Plus: gains from change
                                                      13,791,134.22                        11,008,729.20
of fair value (“-“ for loss)
             Investment gains
                                                      43,904,207.99                        57,402,644.44
(“-“ for loss)
          Incl. Investment
gains from affiliates and joint
2. Operational profit (“-“ for
                                                      62,741,263.90                        72,401,199.77
    Plus: non-operational
                                                       2,164,511.06                         2,063,986.79
    Less: non-operational
                                                        188,570.17                            475,666.63
          Incl. Loss from
                                                         61,363.27                            233,537.63
disposal of non-current assets
3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                      64,717,204.79                        73,989,519.93
    Less: Income tax
                                                       6,532,547.00                         5,578,528.02
4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                    58,184,657.79                        68,410,991.91
5. Earnings per share:                           --                                   --
     (1) Basic earnings per
     (2) Diluted earnings per
6. Other misc. incomes                                -1,279,626.28                        -1,651,220.00
7. Total of misc. incomes                             56,905,031.51                        66,759,771.91

                                                      China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           In RMB
            Items               Amount of the Current Term      Amount of the Previous Term
1. Net cash flow from
business operation
     Cash received from sales
of products and providing of                1,282,311,735.70                    1,207,779,388.52
     Net increase of customer
deposits and capital kept for
brother company
    Net increase of loans
from central bank
      Net increase of
inter-bank loans from other
financial bodies
     Cash received against
original insurance contract
     Net cash received from
reinsurance business
    Net increase of client
deposit and investment
     Net increase of trade
financial asset disposal
     Cash received as
interest, processing fee, and
      Net increase of
inter-bank fund received
     Net increase of
repurchasing business
     Tax returned                               1,234,080.09                         2,188,518.65
    Other cash received
                                               24,427,611.05                       42,758,245.86
from business operation
Sub-total of cash inflow from               1,307,973,426.84                    1,252,726,153.03

                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

business activities
    Cash paid for purchasing
                                 951,259,916.91                     1,045,527,627.48
of merchandise and services
     Net increase of client
trade and advance
     Net increase of savings
in central bank and brother
     Cash paid for original
contract claim
     Cash paid for interest,
processing fee and
     Cash paid for policy
     Cash paid to staffs or
                                 131,600,289.66                       115,606,746.78
paid for staffs
     Taxes paid                   65,938,208.39                        59,068,854.01
     Other cash paid for
                                  99,912,940.51                        89,568,420.61
business activities
Sub-total of cash outflow
                                1,248,711,355.47                    1,309,771,648.88
from business activities
Cash flow generated by
                                  59,262,071.37                       -57,045,495.85
business operation, net
2. Cash flow generated by
     Cash received from
                                   1,500,000.00                        51,000,000.00
investment recovery
     Cash received as
                                   3,448,207.99                             99,342.47
investment profit
     Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets,
                                  11,002,219.00                          5,948,411.61
intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
     Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
     Other investment-related
                                   4,022,500.00                        29,969,683.50
cash received

                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Sub-total of cash inflow due
                                  19,972,926.99                       87,017,437.58
to investment activities
     Cash paid for
construction of fixed assets,
                                 105,572,445.60                       95,845,766.81
intangible assets and other
long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment                                          51,000,000.00
     Net increase of loan
against pledge
     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other
operational units
     Other cash paid for
                                   2,050,000.00                       18,550,000.00
investment activities
Subtotal of investment
                                 107,622,445.60                      165,395,766.81
activity cash outflows
Cash flow generated by
                                 -87,649,518.61                      -78,378,329.23
investment activities, net
3. Cash flow generated by
     Cash received from
     Incl. Cash received as
investment from minor
     Cash received as loans      570,368,873.33                      397,000,000.00
     Cash received from bond
     Other financing-related
cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                 770,368,873.33                      397,000,000.00
financing activities
     Cash to repay debts         775,500,000.00                      407,000,000.00
     Cash paid as dividend,
                                  25,336,873.47                       23,046,670.20
profit, or interests
     Incl. Dividend and profit
paid by subsidiaries to minor
     Other cash paid for           1,100,000.00                           293,344.43

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due
                                               801,936,873.47                      430,340,014.63
to financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                               -31,568,000.14                      -33,340,014.63
4. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                       -54,188.54                            62,133.34
5. Net increase of cash and
                                               -60,009,635.92                     -168,701,706.37
cash equivalents
     Plus: Balance of cash
and cash equivalents at the                    300,177,008.78                      468,878,715.15
beginning of term
6. Balance of cash and cash
                                               240,167,372.86                      300,177,008.78
equivalents at the end of term

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            In RMB
            Items                Amount of the Current Term      Amount of the Previous Term
1. Net cash flow from
business operation
     Cash received from sales
of products and providing of                    36,847,528.40                       40,782,560.14
     Tax returned
    Other cash received
                                               538,398,509.55                      460,822,732.71
from business operation
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                               575,246,037.95                      501,605,292.85
business activities
    Cash paid for purchasing
                                                12,764,972.21                       12,416,456.66
of merchandise and services
     Cash paid to staffs or
                                                 8,821,194.92                         7,361,345.99
paid for staffs
     Taxes paid                                  4,414,910.67                         4,030,680.64
     Other cash paid for                       753,501,483.51                      522,851,939.32

                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

business activities
Sub-total of cash outflow
                                779,502,561.31                       546,660,422.61
from business activities
Cash flow generated by
                                -204,256,523.36                      -45,055,129.76
business operation, net
2. Cash flow generated by
     Cash received from
                                    400,000.00                        20,000,000.00
investment recovery
     Cash received as
                                 61,886,407.99                        44,000,944.44
investment profit
     Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets,
                                    536,535.00                               8,040.00
intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
     Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
     Other investment-related
cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow due
                                 62,822,942.99                        64,008,984.44
to investment activities
     Cash paid for
construction of fixed assets,
                                   4,269,332.69                         1,761,027.93
intangible assets and other
long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment     10,000,000.00                        21,000,000.00
     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other
operational units
     Other cash paid for
investment activities
Subtotal of investment
                                 14,269,332.69                        22,761,027.93
activity cash outflows
Cash flow generated by
                                 48,553,610.30                        41,247,956.51
investment activities, net
3. Cash flow generated by
     Cash received from

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

     Cash received as loans                        180,000,000.00                       210,000,000.00
     Cash received from bond
     Other financing-related
cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                   380,000,000.00                       210,000,000.00
financing activities
     Cash to repay debts                           210,000,000.00                       200,000,000.00
     Cash paid as dividend,
                                                    11,993,687.78                        11,858,872.50
profit, or interests
     Other cash paid for
                                                     1,100,000.00                            293,344.43
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due
                                                   223,093,687.78                       212,152,216.93
to financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                   156,906,312.22                         -2,152,216.93
4. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                                -56.12                             -1,066.93
5. Net increase of cash and
                                                     1,203,343.04                         -5,960,457.11
cash equivalents
     Plus: Balance of cash
and cash equivalents at the                         24,337,261.80                        30,297,718.91
beginning of term
6. Balance of cash and cash
                                                    25,540,604.84                        24,337,261.80
equivalents at the end of term

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing           Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                 Amount of the Current Term
                              Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                                             Minor Total of
                           Capita Capita Less: Speci Surpl Com Retain Other shareho owners’
                           l paid   l    Share al     us   mon  ed      s    lders’ equity

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                           in (or reserv s in reserv reserv risk profit             equity
                           share es stock es           es provis
                           capita                           ions
                         756,9 80,47                 24,67          211,7                   1,152,0
1. Balance at the end of                                                           78,213,
                         09,90 9,493.               6,077.          77,96                  57,110.5
last year                                                                           665.93
                          5.00     92                   16           8.57                         8
    Plus: Change of
accounting policy
          Correcting of
previous errors
2. Balance at the          756,9 80,47               24,67          211,7                   1,152,0
beginning of current       09,90 9,493.             6,077.          77,96                  57,110.5
year                        5.00     92                 16           8.57                         8
3. Amount of change in                              5,818,         19,12
                                 -179,6                                            -18,505 6,263,6
current term (“-“ for                              465.7         9,911.
                                  26.28                                            ,134.82 16.10
decrease)                                                8            42
                                                                                   -18,505 6,443,2
(1) Net profit                                                     8,377.
                                                                                   ,134.82 42.38
                                 -179,6                                                       -179,62
(2) Other misc. income
                                  26.28                                                          6.28
                                 -179,6                                            -18,505 6,263,6
Total of (1) and (2)                                               8,377.
                                  26.28                                            ,134.82 16.10
(3) Investment or
decreasing of capital by
1. Capital input by
2. Amount of shares
paid and accounted as
owners’ equity
3. Others
                                                    5,818,         -5,818
(4) Profit allotment                                 465.7         ,465.7
                                                         8              8
1. Providing of surplus                             5,818,         -5,818
reserves                                             465.7         ,465.7

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                              8              8
2. Common risk
3. Allotment to the
owners (or
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring
of owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
                         756,9 80,29                      30,49         230,9                  1,158,3
4. Balance at the end of                                                               59,708,
                         09,90 9,867.                    4,542.         07,87                  20,726.
this term                                                                               531.11
                          5.00     64                        94          9.99                       68
Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                       Amount of Last Year
                              Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                            Capita                                                  Minor
                                                                 Com                        Total of
            Items           l paid Capita   Less: Speci Surpl                      shareho
                                                                 mon Retain
                            in (or   l      Share al       us                 Other lders’ owners’
                                                                 risk   ed                   equity
                            share reserv     s in reserv reserv                 s   equity
                                                                provis profit
                            capita es       stock es       es
                         504,6 334,4                      17,83         153,1                  1,094,3
1. Balance at the end of                                                               84,337,
                         06,60 34,01                     4,977.         15,14                  28,207.
last year                                                                               468.25
                          4.00 4.92                          97          2.18                       32

                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

adjustment caused by
merger of entities under
common control
    Plus: Change of
accounting policy
          Correcting of
previous errors
2. Balance at the          504,6 334,4    17,83         153,1                  1,094,3
beginning of current       06,60 34,01   4,977.         15,14                  28,207.
year                        4.00 4.92        97          2.18                       32
3. Amount of change in 252,3 -253,9      6,841,         58,66
                                                                        -6,123, 57,728,
current term (“-“ for 03,30 54,52       099.1        2,826.
                                                                        802.32 903.26
decrease)                1.00 1.00            9            39
                                                                        -6,123, 59,380,
(1) Net profit                                         3,925.
                                                                        802.32 123.26
(2) Other misc. income          ,220.0
                                -1,651                  65,50
                                                                        -6,123, 57,728,
Total of (1) and (2)            ,220.0                 3,925.
                                                                        802.32 903.26
                                     0                     58
(3) Investment or
decreasing of capital by
1. Capital input by
2. Amount of shares
paid and accounted as
owners’ equity
3. Others
                                         6,841,        -6,841
(4) Profit allotment                      099.1        ,099.1
                                              9             9
                                         6,841,        -6,841
1. Providing of surplus
                                          099.1        ,099.1
                                              9             9

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

2. Common risk
3. Allotment to the
owners (or
4. Others
                          252,3 -252,3
(5) Internal transferring
                          03,30 03,30
of owners’ equity
                           1.00 1.00
1. Capitalizing of        252,3 -252,3
capital reserves (or to   03,30 03,30
capital shares)            1.00 1.00
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
                         756,9 80,47                 24,67          211,7                   1,152,0
4. Balance at the end of                                                           78,213,
                         09,90 9,493.               6,077.          77,96                  57,110.5
this term                                                                           665.93
                          5.00     92                   16           8.57                         8

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                              In RMB
                                               Amount of the Current Term
            Items         paid in             Less:                                      Total of
                                    Capital           Special Surplus n risk Retaine
                            (or              Shares                                      owners’
                                   reserves          reserves reserves provisio d profit
                           share            in stock                                      equity

                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

1. Balance at the end of    756,909 41,078,         24,676,             232,076
last year                    ,905.00 838.54          077.16              ,539.24
    Plus: Change of
accounting policy
          Correcting of
previous errors
2. Balance at the                                                                1,054,7
                            756,909 41,078,         24,676,             232,076
beginning of current                                                             41,359.
                             ,905.00 838.54          077.16              ,539.24
year                                                                                  94
3. Amount of change in
                                   -1,279,6         5,818,4              52,366, 56,905,
current term (“-“ for
                                      26.28           65.78               192.01 031.51
                                                                         58,184, 58,184,
(1) Net profit
                                                                          657.79 657.79
                                   -1,279,6                                        -1,279,6
(2) Other misc. income
                                      26.28                                           26.28
                                   -1,279,6                              58,184, 56,905,
Total of (1) and (2)
                                      26.28                               657.79 031.51
(3) Investment or
decreasing of capital by
1. Capital input by
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as
owners’ equity
3. Others
                                                    5,818,4             -5,818,4
(4) Profit allotment
                                                      65.78                65.78
1. Providing of surplus                             5,818,4             -5,818,4
reserves                                              65.78                65.78
2. Common risk
3. Allotment to the
owners (or shareholders)
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

of owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
4. Balance at the end of     756,909 39,799,                      30,494,             284,442
this term                     ,905.00 212.26                       542.94              ,731.25
Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                      Amount of Last Year
            Items            paid in             Less:                                      Total of
                                       Capital           Special Surplus n risk Retaine
                               (or              Shares                                      owners’
                                      reserves          reserves reserves provisio d profit
                              share            in stock                                      equity
1. Balance at the end of     504,606 295,033                      17,834,             170,506 987,981
last year                     ,604.00 ,359.54                      977.97              ,646.52 ,588.03
    Plus: Change of
accounting policy
          Correcting of
previous errors
2. Balance at the         504,606 295,033                         17,834,             170,506 987,981
beginning of current year ,604.00 ,359.54                          977.97              ,646.52 ,588.03
3. Amount of change in                -253,95
                             252,303                              6,841,0              61,569, 66,759,
current term (“-“ for               4,521.0
                              ,301.00                               99.19               892.72 771.91
decrease)                                   0
(1) Net profit                                                                         68,410, 68,410,

                                                China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                           991.91 991.91
                                     -1,651,2                                        -1,651,2
(2) Other misc. income
                                        20.00                                           20.00
                                     -1,651,2                              68,410, 66,759,
Total of (1) and (2)
                                        20.00                               991.91 771.91
(3) Investment or
decreasing of capital by
1. Capital input by
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as
owners’ equity
3. Others
                                                      6,841,0             -6,841,0
(4) Profit allotment
                                                        99.19                99.19
1. Providing of surplus                               6,841,0             -6,841,0
reserves                                                99.19                99.19
2. Common risk
3. Allotment to the
owners (or shareholders)
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring    252,303
of owners’ equity            ,301.00
1. Capitalizing of capital          -252,30
reserves (or to capital             3,301.0
shares)                                   0
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(7) Others
4. Balance at the end of   756,909 41,078,                     24,676,             232,076
this term                   ,905.00 838.54                      077.16              ,539.24

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

III. General Information

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (the “Company” or the “Group”) is a joint stock company registered
in Shenzhen, Guangdong and was approved by the Government of Shenzhen with Document 深府
办函(1995)194号, and was founded, on the basis of Shenzhen Fangda Construction Material Co.,
Ltd., by way of share issuing in October 1995. The Registration No. of the Company’s business
license is: 440301501124785; registered address: Fangda Building, Kejinan Road 12, High-tech
Zone, Shenzhen. Mr. Xiong Jianming is the legal representative.

The Company issued foreign currency shares (B shares) and local currency shares (A shares) and
listed in November 1995 and April 1996 respectively in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On June 12,
1997, as approved by Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce with Document 深招商复[1997]0192号, the
Company was re-registered to a Sino-foreign joint venture. Registration routines were completed
with Shenzhen Commerce and Industry Administration on November 12, 1997. In October 1999,
the Company started to use the current name.

The “profit distribution and capitalizing plan 2010" was adopted on the Shareholders’ Annual
Meeting 2010. Which was: basing on the total capital shares of 504,606,604 shares, 5 bonus share
was added to each 10 shares to all shareholders, totally 252,303,301 shares was capitalized with
face value of RMB1. In May 2011, the Company’s registered capital was changed to

The Company has established a corporate governance structure that comprises shareholders’
meeting, board of directors and supervisory committee. Currently, the Company sets up the
President Office, Administrative Department, HR Department, Enterprise Management Department,
Financial Department, Audit and Supervisory Department, Securities Department, Technology
Department and IT Department and has established subsidiaries including Fangda Decoration,
Fangda Automatic, Fangda New Material, Shenyang Fangda and Fangda Property.

The business scope includes new-type building materials, composite materials, metal wares, metal
frames,      environmental     equipment     and     apparatus,     fire    fighting   equipment,
optical-mechanical-electrical integrated products, polymer materials and their products, fine
chemical products, mechanical equipment, optical materials and devices, electronic displayer,
audio-visual device, transport facilities (exclude restricted items and produces under export
certification, and their design, developing, installation, construction, technical consulting, and
training. Managing and leasing of properties under possession (Fangda Building at Ke-Ji-Nan Road
12, and Fangda Town at Longzhu Road 4), parking services of Fangda Building.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

IV. Main Accounting Policies, Estimations and Retrospection of Previous Accounting Errors

(I) Basis for the preparation of financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Enterprise Accounting Standard
– Basic Standards and 38 specific accounting principles issued in February 2006 by the Ministry of
Finance and its application guide, interpretation and other related provision (collectively “Enterprise
Accounting Standards”). The Company has also disclosed related financial information according to
the requirement of the Regulations of Information Disclosure No.15 – General Provisions for
Financial Statements (Revised in 2010) issued by the CSRC.

Except for subsidiaries that have stopped operating, the financial statements are prepared on the
basis of continuous operation. The financial statements for subsidiaries that have stopped operating
(Shenyang Fangda, Fangda Aluminum and Fang Yide) are prepared on the basis of discontinuous

The Company's audit is based on the accrual basis. Except for some financial entrustments and
property held for investment, the financial statements are prepared based on historical costs. In case
of any asset impairment, the impairment provision will be made as required.

(II). Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

The financial report and statements are prepared with compliance to the requirement of the
Enterprise Accounting Standard. They reflect the financial position as of December 31, 2012, and
business performance and cash flow situation in Year 2012 of the Company frankly and completely.

(III). Fiscal Period

The fiscal year of the Group is the solar calendar year, that is from January 1 to December 31.

(IV). Bookkeeping standard money

The Company takes RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping.

(V). Accounting treatment of the entities under common and different control

(1) Consolidation of entities under common control

Assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party are calculated at their book value with the
merged parties at the merger day in addition to the adjustment made given the difference in
accounting policies. The differences between the book value of net assets and the book value of
consideration price (or the total of face value of share issued) are adjusted to the capital reserve
(share capital premium). If the share capital premium is not enough to offset the difference, it will
be adjusted to the retained gains.

The direct expenses arising from the merger are included in profits and losses in the current period.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(2) Consolidation of entities under different control

For merger of entities under different control, the merger cost is the fair value of the asset paid,
liability undertaken, and equity securities issued for exchanging of control power over the entities at
the day of acquisition. On the acquisition day, the assets and liabilities (if any) acquired by the
Company from the acquired party are recognized on the fair value.

Agency expenses and other administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal
services occurred relating to the merger of entities are accounted into current income account when
occurred. The transaction fees of equity certificates or liability certificates issued by the purchaser
for payment for the acquisition are accounted at the initial amount of the certificates.

If the merger costs exceed the fair value of the recognizable net assets of the acquired party in the
merger, it is recognized as goodwill and measured based the costs after the accumulative
impairment provision is deducted; if the fair value exceeds the costs, it is included in the income
statement for the period after being re-examined.

(VI). Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidation scope for the consolidated financial statements includes the Company and all

The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on financial statements
of the Company and subsidiaries and according to other related information and adjusted as
long-term equity investment of subsidiaries through the equity method. During preparation of
consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and period of the Company and
subsidiaries must be the same. Major transactions and balances between companies are offset.

The part of the shareholders’ equity in subsidiaries not owned the Company is separately listed
under the shareholders’ equity as minority shareholders’ equity in the consolidated balance sheet.
The part of the subsidiaries’ net profits and losses for the current period that belongs to minority
shareholders is listed as minority shareholders’ profits and losses under net profit in the
consolidated income statement. If the losses of subsidiaries shared by the minority shareholders
exceed the part of the owners’ equity of the subsidiaries at the beginning of the period, the
excessive part will offset the minority shareholders’ equity.

(2) Accounting methods for the share equity of the same subsidiary purchased and sold in two
consecutive accounting years

(VII) Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

Cash refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used at any time for payment. Cash equivalent
refers to the investments with short term, strong liquidity and small risk of value fluctuation that are
held by the Company and easily converted into cash with known amount.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(VIII) Foreign exchange business and foreign exchange statement translation

(1) Foreign currencies

Trades of the Company made in foreign currencies are translated into RMB basing on the spot
exchange rate on the date when the trade is conducted.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency items are translated on the spot exchange rate of the
balance sheet date. The exchange differences caused by the difference in exchange rates on the
balance sheet date and initial recognizing date or previous balance sheet date are included in the
current profits and losses. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign currency and on historical costs
are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

(2) Translation of foreign exchange statement

(IX) Financial instrument

Financial instrument refers to a company’s financial assets and contracts that form other units of
financial liabilities or equity instruments.

(1) Classification of financial instruments

Financial assets are categorized as: financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted
into current income account, loans, account receivables and disposable financial assets.
Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account

It includes transactional financial assets and financial assets measured by fair value and with
variations accounted into current gain/loss account at initial recognition. The financial assets are
further measured by fair value with the gain/loss created by variations in fair value and related
dividends and interest accounted into the current gain/loss account.


Receivables refer to non-derivative financial assets without quotations but with fixed recoverable
amount or can be confirmed, including receivable accounts and other receivables. Receivables
adopt the effective interest method and are further measured by amortized cost. Gain/loss generated
at final recognition, impairment or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

Sellable financial assets

Sellable financial asset refers to those sellable non-derivate financial assets recognized initially and
financial assets other than the above-mentioned types of financial assets. Sellable financial assets
are further measured by fair value and the premium/discount is amortized by the effective interest
method and recognized as interest income. Other than the exchange difference of impairment loss
and foreign exchange monetary financial assets, which is recognized as current gain and loss, the
variations in fair value of sellable financial assets is recognized as other comprehensive gain and

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

accounted in capital reserve. When it is derecognized and transferred out, it is accounted into the
current gain/loss account. Dividends and interest income related to sellable financial assets are
accounted into the current gain/loss account.
The Company’s financial liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities Other financial liabilities
adopt the effective interest method and are further measured by amortized cost. Gain/loss generated
at final recognition or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

(2) Recognition and measurement of financial instruments

The Company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes one party in the financial
instrument contract.
Financial asset is derecognized when:

(1) The contractual right to receive the cash flows of the financial assets is terminated;

(2) The financial asset is transferred and meets the following de-recognition condition.

Financial asset transactions in regular ways are recognized and de-recognized on the transaction
Financial assets are measured at the fair value at the initial recognition. For financial assets
measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account, related transaction
expenses are accounted into the current income. For other financial assets, the related transaction
expenses are accounted into the initial recognized amounts.

(3) Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer

The transfer of financial assets refers to transferring or delivering the financial assets to another
party (receiver) other than the issuing party of the financial assets.

Recognition of the financial asset is terminated as soon as all of the risks and rewards attached to
the financial asset have been transferred to the receiver. Whereas if all of the risks and rewards
attached to the financial assets are reserved, recognition of the financial asset shall not be

When the Company neither transfers nor reserve almost all risks and rewards attached to the
financial assets, it will be handled as: When the controlling power over the financial asset is given
up, the financial assets will be derecognized and the generated assets and liabilities will be
recognized; when the controlling power is not given up, financial asset and related liability shall be
recognized according to the extend the Company is involving in the financial asset.

(4) De-recognition conditions of financial liabilities

When partial or all of the current responsibilities attached to such financial liabilities, the partial or

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

all of the financial liabilities are derecognized. When the Company (debtor) and creditor enter into
an agreement to replace the existing financial liabilities by undertaking new financial liabilities and
the contract terms for the new financial liabilities are essentially different from those for the
existing one, the existing financial liabilities will be derecognized and new financial liabilities will
be recognized.

(5) Recognition of fair value of financial assets and liabilities

For financial assets in an active market, the Company uses the prevailing quotations or asking
prices to determine the fair value.

If there is no active market, the Company uses evaluation techniques to determine the fair value.
The results derived from the adoption of valuation technologies reflect the trading prices that may
be adopted in arm’s length basis transactions on the valuation date. Valuation techniques include
using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, if available,
reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, a discounted
cash flow analysis and option pricing models.

The Company has adopted valuation techniques that have been widely accepted by market
participants and proven reliable by previous effective transaction prices. When using valuation
techniques to determine financial instruments’ fair value, the Company has managed to use all
market parameters that market participants would consider during financial instrument pricing and
transaction prices observable in the current market for same financial instruments to examine the
effectiveness of the valuation techniques.

(6) Impairment test and provision of financial assets (excluding receivables)

The Company checks the book value of financial assets on the balance sheet date. Impairment
provision will be made in case of objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets.
Objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets refers to events actually occur after
the initial recognition of financial assets, with influence on the estimated future cash flows of the
financial assets and can be reliably measured by the Company.

Financial assets measured at amortized cost

If there is objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets, the book value of the
financial assets will be written down to the present value of the estimated future cash flow
(excluding undiscovered future credit loss). The write-down amount is accounted into the current
gain/loss account. The present value of the estimated future cash flow is determined by the original
effective discount rate with the value of the guarantee considered.

Conduct impairment test separately for major financial assets. If there is objective evidence
suggesting impairment, determine the impairment loss and account it into the current gain/loss
account. Conduct impairment test for other financial assets including financial assets combination
with similar credit risk features. Test financial assets without impairment separately (including
major and minor financial assets) and conduct impairment test in the financial assets combination

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

with similar credit risk features. Conduct impairment test for financial assets separately recognized
as impaired excluding financial assets combination with similar credit risk features.

After the Company recognizes impair loss to financial assets measured by amortized cost, if there is
object evidence suggesting that the value of the financial assets is restored objectively due to an
event after the loss, the recognized impairment loss can be reversed and accounted into the current
gain/loss account. The book value after the reversal must not exceed the amortized cost of the
financial assets on the reversal date assuming that no impairment provision was made.

Sellable financial assets

If there is objective evidence suggesting impairment to the financial assets, the accumulative loss
generated by the decrease in the fair value that has been directed accounted into capital reserve
should be transferred out and accounted into the current gain/loss account. The transferred
accumulative loss is the balance of the initial acquisition cost of the sellable financial assets after
the recovered principal and amortized amount, current fair value and impair loss that has been
accounted into the gain/loss account are deducted.

For the sellable debt instruments recognized as impaired, if the fair value increases in the following
accounting period objectively due to an event after the original impair loss is recognized, the
impairment loss will be reversed and accounted into the current gain/loss account. Impairment loss
incurred in investment of sellable equity instrument is not reversed through the gain/loss account.

Financial assets measured at cost

If there is no quotation in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably or the
derivative financial assets that linked to the equity instrument and can only settled by delivering the
equity instrument is impaired, the difference between the book value of the financial assets and the
current value recognized by discounting the future cash flow against the market yield of similar
financial assets in the current market is recognized as the impairment loss and accounted into the
current gain/loss account. The impairment loss cannot be reversed after being recognized.

(7) The basis of reclassifying the immature investment held until maturity as sellable financial
assets, indicating changes in the intention or capability of holding the investment

10. Recognition standard and provision method for receivable bad debt provision

Receivables include receivable accounts, other receivables and prepayment.
The Company divides receivable accounts into project receivables and product receivables. Project
receivables are those recognized at percentage according to the construction contract, product
receivables are those formed in other ways.

(1) Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

Judging basis or standard of major individual         For the current year, the Company recognizes
amount                                                project receivables over RMB8 million

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                      (inclusive) as “individual receivable with
                                                      large amount” while recognizes product
                                                      receivables over RMB2 million (included) as
                                                      “individual receivable with large amount” and
                                                      other receivables over RMB1 million
                                                      (included) as “individual receivable with large
                                                   The Company performs impairment
                                                   examination individually on each large
                                                   amount receivables, and recognizes
Provision method for account receivable with major
                                                   impairment and provides bad debt provision
individual amount and bad debt provision provided
                                                   when the impairment is recognized based on
                                                   objective evidence. Those not impaired are
                                                   accounted along with the minor amount
                                                   receivables and recognized in risk groups.

(2) Recognition and providing of bad debt provisions on groups

            Group            Providing method                        Grouping basis
Account age                 Aging method           Account age
Receivable accounts
                            Other method           Consolidation scope
Receivables adopting the aging method in the group
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                            Providing rate for receivable
            Age                                              Providing rate for other receivables %
                                    account %
Within 1 year (inclusive)                              3%                                             3%
1-2 years                                             10%                                           10%
2-3 years                                             30%                                           30%
Over 3 years                                          50%                                           50%
3-4 years                                             50%                                           50%
4-5 years                                             50%                                           50%
Over 5 years                                          50%                                           50%
Receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Receivables adopting other methods in the group
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                    Group                                           Method
Receivable accounts consolidated           Individual recognition method

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(3) Account receivable with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

Reasons for separate bad debt
                                      Long account age or deterioration of customer creditability
                                      According to the difference between the present value of future
Method of bad debt provision
                                      cash flow and the book value

(XI) Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

The Company’s inventories include purchased materials, raw materials, low-value consumables,
OEM materials, products in process, semi-finished goods, finished goods, agency goods, and
construction in process.

(2) Pricing of delivering inventory

Weighted average method
Inventories are measured at cost when procured. Raw materials, products in process, commodity
stocks and goods shipped in transit are measured by the weighted average method.

Construction contracts are measured by the effective cost, including direct and indirect expenses
generated before the contracts are fulfilled. Costs generated and recognized accumulatively by
construction in process and settled payment are listed in the balance sheet as offset net amounts.
The excessive part of the sum of the generated costs and recognized gross profit (loss) over the
settled payment is listed inventories; the excessive part of the settled payment over the sum of the
generated costs and recognized gross profit (loss) is listed as the prepayment received.

Travel and bidding expenses generated by execution of contracts, if they can be separated and
reliably measured and it is likely to enter into contracts, are accounted as the contract cost when the
contracts are entered into; or into the current gain/loss account if the conditions are not met.

(3) Recognition of inventory realizable value and providing of impairment provision

On the balance sheet date, inventories are accounted depending on which is lower between the cost
and the net realizable value. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value, the impairment
provision will be made.

At overall verification of inventories at the end of year, when the net realizable value is lower than
the cost, provisions for impairment of inventories shall be drawn. Provisions for impairment of
inventories shall be accounted according to the difference between the cost of individual inventory
items and the net realizable value.

The Company generally made inventory impairment provision individually or by categories.
Including: for inventories such as finished products or materials which will be directly sold, in the

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

normal operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated selling price less sales
expenses and relative taxations; For those inventories need further processing, in the normal
operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated sales price less costs to make it
finished, less estimated sales expenses, and less relative taxation. At the balance sheet day,
inventories with contract prices will be determined for realizable value separately from those
without contract prices. Inventories with similar purpose or final use, produced and to be sold in the
same district and cannot be separated for valuation will be provided together; inventory of a large
quantity and with low prices are provided by categories. On the balance sheet day, if the influence
of the inventory value write-down has disappeared, the impairment provision will be reversed
within the provided amount.

(4) Inventory system

 Perpetual inventory system
The Company uses perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortizing of low-value consumables and packaging materials

Low price consumable
Once-off amortization basis
Low-value consumables are amortized on on-off amortization basis at using.
On-off amortization basis
Packages are amortized on on-off amortization basis at using.

(XII) Long-term share equity investment

(1) Recognition of initial investment costs

All the long-term share equity investments of the Company are the investment in subsidiaries:
Investment of the Company in subsidiaries is valued at investment costs. For long-term share equity
investment formed by shareholding and merger. Retrospective or retrieved investment is adjusted to
the cost of long term equity investment.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

The Company uses cost basis in subsequent measurement of investment in subsidiaries, and
adjusted on equity basis when preparing the consolidated financial statement. For the long-term
equity investment measured on the cost basis, except for the announced cash dividend or profit
included in the practical cost or price when the investment was made, the cash dividends or profit
distributed by the invested entity are recognized as investment gains in the current gain/loss

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(3) Basis for recognition of common control and major influence on invested entities

(4) Impairment examination and providing of impairment provision

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.
Impairment test is conducted annually for goodwill generated by mergers and intangible assets that
have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense
and the present value of the predicted future cash flow. The Company estimates the recoverable
amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is hard to estimate the recoverable amount on
the individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset group that the
assets belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the
group is independent from those generated by other assets or assets groups.

When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the
Company writes down the book value to the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is
accounted into the current income account and the assets impairment provision is made.

For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized
through reasonable measures since the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be
amortized to related assets groups are amortized to related combination of asset groups. The related
asset groups or combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the synergistic
effect of mergers and must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Company.

When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or
combination of asset groups related to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or
combination of asset groups without goodwill and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize
the related impairment loss. Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the
book value with recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value,
recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

(XIII) Investment real estates

Investment real estates are held for rent or capital appreciation, or both. The Company’s investment
real estates include land use right, land use right held for appreciation and transfer and leased

For investment real estates with an active real estate transaction market and the Company can
obtain market price and other information of same or similar real estates to reasonably estimate the
investment real estates’ fair value, the Company will use the fair value mode to measure the
investment real estates subsequently. Variations in fair value are accounted into the current
gain/loss account.

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

The fair value of investment real estates is determined with reference to the current market prices of
same or similar real estates in active markets; when no such price is available, with reference to the
recent transaction prices and consideration of factors including transaction background, date and
district to reasonably estimate the fair value; or based on the estimated lease gains and present value
of related cash flows.

For an investment real estate whose fair value is proven unable to be obtained continuously and
reliably by objective evidence, the real estate will be measured at cost basis until it is disposed and
no residual value remains as assumed.

The difference of the proceeds from sales, transfer, retirement or destruction of investment real
estates with book value and related taxes deducted is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

(XIV) Fixed assets

(1) Conditions for fixed asset recognition

Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods,
providing services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one accounting year
of service life. The fixed assets can only be recognized hen economic interests related to the fixed
assets are very likely to flow into the company and the costs of the fixed assets can be reliably
measured. The Company measures fixed assets at the actual costs when the fixed assets are obtained

(3) Recognition and pricing of financing leased fixed assets

The Company measures the leased assets as the lower of the fair value and the present value of
minimum lease payment of the leased assets on the starting date of the lease and records the
minimum lease payment as long-term payable and the difference between the two as unrecognized
financing expense. The initial direct expense is accounted into asset value. Unrecognized financial
cost is recognized as financial cost at actual interest basis to the periods of the leasing period. The
Company adopts the depreciation policy same as the self-owned fixed assets to made provision for
depreciation of leased assets.

(3) Depreciation of fixed assets

The Company adopts the straight age average basis to make depreciation provision. The Company
will start to make the depreciation provision when the fixed assets reach the preset serviceable
condition and stop to make the depreciation provision when it is derecognized or categorized as
non-current assets held for sales. Without considering depreciation provision, the Company
determines annual depreciation rates for various fixed assets according to types, predicted service
life and residual value:
           Type              Useful year (year)       Residual rate %      Annual depreciation rate %
Houses & buildings                             45                    10%                               2%

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Equipment & machinery                          10                    10%                               9%
Electronic equipment                            5                    10%                             18%
Transport equipment                             5                    10%                             18%

(4) Impair test and impairment provision for fixed assets

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.
Impairment test is conducted annually for goodwill generated by mergers and intangible assets that
have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense
and the present value of the predicted future cash flow. The Company estimates the recoverable
amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is hard to estimate the recoverable amount on
the individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset group that the
assets belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the
group is independent from those generated by other assets or assets groups.

When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the
Company writes down the book value to the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is
accounted into the current income account and the assets impairment provision is made.

For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized
through reasonable measures since the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be
amortized to related assets groups are amortized to related combination of asset groups. The related
asset groups or combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the synergistic
effect of mergers and must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Company.

When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or
combination of asset groups related to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or
combination of asset groups without goodwill and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize
the related impairment loss. Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the
book value with recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value,
recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

(5) Others

For fixed assets for which depreciation provision is made, the depreciation rate will be determined
after the accumulative depreciation provision amount is deducted.
At end of each fiscal year, verification will be made on the useful life, predicted retained value, and
depreciation basis.

The useful life will be adjusted if the useful life is different from the predicted one; the net residual

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

value will be adjusted if the net residual value is different from the predicted one.
Overhaul cost generated by regular examination on fixed assets is recognized as fixed assets costs
when there is evidence proving that it meets fix assets recognition conditions. If not, it will be
accounted into the current gain/loss account. Depreciation provision will be made for fixed assets
between two regular overhauls.

(XV) Construction in process

(1) Categories of construction in process

(2) Standard and timing for transferring construction in process into fixed assets

Construction in process will be transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the preset service

(3) Impair test and impairment provision for construction in process

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.
Impairment test is conducted annually for goodwill generated by mergers and intangible assets that
have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense
and the present value of the predicted future cash flow. The Company estimates the recoverable
amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is hard to estimate the recoverable amount on
the individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset group that the
assets belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the
group is independent from those generated by other assets or assets groups.

When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the
Company writes down the book value to the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is
accounted into the current income account and the assets impairment provision is made.

For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized
through reasonable measures since the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be
amortized to related assets groups are amortized to related combination of asset groups. The related
asset groups or combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the synergistic
effect of mergers and must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Company.

When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or
combination of asset groups related to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or
combination of asset groups without goodwill and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize
the related impairment loss. Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the
book value with recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value,
recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.

                                                                China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

(XVI) Borrowing expenses

(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing expenses

Borrowing expenses occurred to the Company that can be accounted as purchasing or production of
asset satisfying the conditions of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.
Borrowing expenses start to be capitalized when all of the followings are satisfied:

(1) Asset expense has already occurred. Asset expenses include cash payment, non-cash asset
transferring, or undertaking of debt with interest done for purchasing or producing of assets;

(2) The borrowing expense has already occurred;

(3) Purchasing or production activity, which is necessary for the asset to reach the useful status, has
already started.

(2) During borrowing expense capitalization

When the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions has reached its usable or sellable status,
capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be terminated. Borrowing expenses incurred after assets
that meet capitalization conditions reach the service or sales conditions are accounted into the
current gain/loss account according to the actual amounts.

(3) Capitalization suspension period

If the construction or production of assets satisfying the capitalizing conditions is suspended
abnormally for over 3 months, capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended. During the
normal suspension period, borrowing expenses will be capitalized continuously.

(4) Calculation of the capitalization amount of borrowing expense

(XVII) Biological assets

(XVIII) Oil and gas assets

(XIX) Intangible assets

(1) Pricing of intangible assets

(2) Useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life

Intangible assets are initially measured at costs and the useful life will be determined when obtained.
Where the useful life is limited, the intangible assets will be amortized within the predicted useful
life by using the amortization method that can reflect predicted realization way of the economic

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

benefit of the assets; whether the realization way cannot be reliably confirmed, use the straight-line
method. If the useful life is uncertain, the intangible assets are not amortized.
         Items            Estimated useful life                          Basis
Land using right          Beneficial age          Average age
Patent                    10 years                Average age
Industrial property and
                        10 years                  Average age
special tech
Software                  5, 10 years             Average age
                          10 years or beneficial
Other intangible assets                          Average age

(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets without definite useful life

(4) Provision of intangible assets impairment

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.
Impairment test is conducted annually for goodwill generated by mergers and intangible assets that
have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense
and the present value of the predicted future cash flow. The Company estimates the recoverable
amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is hard to estimate the recoverable amount on
the individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset group that the
assets belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the
group is independent from those generated by other assets or assets groups.

When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the
Company writes down the book value to the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is
accounted into the current income account and the assets impairment provision is made.

For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized
through reasonable measures since the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be
amortized to related assets groups are amortized to related combination of asset groups. The related
asset groups or combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the synergistic
effect of mergers and must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Company.

When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or
combination of asset groups related to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or
combination of asset groups without goodwill and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize
the related impairment loss. Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the
book value with recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value,
recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

(3) Specific standard for distinguish between research and development stage

The Company divides internal R&D project expenses into research and development expenses.
Development expenses can only be capitalized when the following conditions are satisfied: the
technology is feasible for use or sales; there is the intention to use or sell the intangible assets; it can
be proven that the product generated by the intangible assets is demanded or the intangible assets in
demanded; if the intangible is used internally, it can be proven that it is useful; with necessary
technical and financial resources and other resources to complete the development of the intangible
assets and the intangible assets can be used or sold; the development expense can be reliably
measured. If not, the development expense is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

If a research project meets the above-mentioned conditions and passes the technical and economic
feasibility study, the project will enter the development stage.

Expenses in the development stage capitalized are listed as development expense on the balance
sheet and transferred to intangible assets when the project reaches the useful condition.

(6) Audit of internal research and development expenses

The research expenses are accounted the current gain/loss account.
Development expenses are capitalized if they meet the capitalization conditions; if not, accounted
into the current income account.

(XX) Long-term amortizable expenses

The Company’s long-term amortizable expenses are measured at the actual costs and amortized
averagely based on the beneficial term. For long-term amortizable expenses that are not beneficial
in the subsequent account periods, the residual value is fully accounted into the current gain/loss

(XXI) Transfer of assets without repurchase conditions

(XXII) Anticipated liabilities

(1) Recognition standards of anticipated liabilities

When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following
conditions are satisfied, they are recognized as expectable liability in the balance sheet:

(1) This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Company;

(2) Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Company;

(3) Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(3) Measurement of anticipated liabilities

Expected liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation on the expenses to exercise the
current responsibility, and with considerations to the relative risks, uncertainty, and periodic value
of currency. When the periodic value of currency is with major influence, then the best estimation
will be determined at the discount of future cash outflow. The book value of expected liability is
revised at balance sheet day, and adjustment will be made to reflect current best estimation.

If liquidation has confirmed that the expenses will be compensated fully or partly by a third or other
party, the compensation amount can only be recognized individually as assets when the recovery of
the amount is almost certain. The compensation must not exceed the book value of the recognized

(XXIII) Share payment and equity instruments

(1) Share payment category

(2) Recognition of fair value of equity instruments

(3) Basis for recognition of the best estimation of realizable equity instruments

(4) Related accounting treatment of implementation, modification and suspension share payment

(XXIV) Repurchase of the Company’s shares

(XXV) Revenue

(1) Specific judgment standard of recognition time of goods sales revenue

When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the sales of goods are recognized as sales income
according to the contract amount received or receivable from the buyer: (1) Main risks and rewards
attached to the ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer; (2) No succeeding power
of administration or effective control is reserved which are usually attached to ownership; (3)
Amount received can be reliably measured; (4) Related financial benefit may inflow to the
Company; (5) Relative costs, occurred or will occur, can be reliably measured.

(2) Basis for recognition of revenue from demising of asset using rights

The revenue is recognized when the financial benefit in connection with the demising of asset using
right was received and the amount can be reliably measured.

(3) Basis for recognition of revenue from providing of labor services

If they are not in the same year, then use the estimation on percentage basis when it is possible.

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

The completion percentage is the costs occurred on the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of providing of labor service must meet the following
conditions: A. the revenue can be reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow
into the company; C. the completion can be determined reliably; D. costs incurred or will be
incurred can be reliably measured.

If the result cannot be reliably estimated, use the service cost amount of the compensation obtained
or will be obtained to recognize the revenue of the providing of labor service and recognize the
incurred labor service cost as the current expense. If no compensation can be obtained for incurred
labor service cost, no revenue can be recognized.

(4) Basis and method for recognition of contract completion progress when the revenue from
providing of labor service and construction contracts is recognized on the competition percentage.

On the balance sheet day, the Company recognizes the contract income and costs using the
completion percentage method if the result of the construction contract can be reliably estimated. If
not, such contracts are treated differently. If the contract cost can be recovered, the revenue is
recognized according to the actual contract costs that can be recovered and the contract cost is
recognized as the current expense; if not, the contract cost is recognized as the current expense and
no revenue is recognized.

If the estimated total costs exceed the total revenue, the Company recognizes the estimated loss as
the current expense.

The competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred in the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of a construction contract must meet the following conditions:
A. the revenue can be reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow into the
company; C. the completion cost can be clearly distinguished and determined reliably; D. the
completion and costs that will be incurred for completion of the contract can be reliably recognized.

     Metro screen door projects of the Company and Shenzhen Fangda Automatic System, and
curtain wall project of Fangda Decoration are individual construction contracts. They are accounted
by the following means:

Construction contracts completed within a fiscal year are recognized for their income and cost upon

Income and expenses of the construction contracts carried over-year are recognized on percentage
basis at balance sheet day when all of the following conditions are satisfied: contract income can be
reliably measured, relative financial benefit can inflow to the Company; progress of the project and
costs to complete the contract can be reliably recognized; cost occurred to complete the contract can
be clearly distinguished and reliably measured, which enables comparing of actual cost with
predicted cost.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Contract costs are direct and indirect expenses occurred since the date when the contract is engaged
till the completion day. The competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred
in the total cost.

Construction contracts completed in current term are recognized for income according to the actual
total income of the contract less income recognized in previous terms; meanwhile, the total costs of
the contract less costs recognized in previous terms are recognized as current contract costs. If the
total contract cost is predicted to be greater than the predicted total income, the predicted loss shall
be recognized as current cost instantly.

Parts of the curtain wall project under Fangda Decoration are outsourced, and administrative fees
are collected at the agreed rate. For these construction contracts, income will be recognized when
ongoing payment for the project is received and corresponding costs are transferred.

Revenue of products for domestic sales is recognized when the Company delivers the products and
receives the sales payment or obtains the payment voucher; revenue for products for overseas sales
is recognized at departure of the products.

(XXVI) Government subsidy

(1) Type

(2) Accounting method

Government subsidy is only recognized when the required conditions are met and the subsidy is

When a government subsidy is monetary capital, it is measured at the received or receivable amount.
If there is objective evidence indicating that the subsidy is given based on fixed amount, it can be
measured at the receivable amount, otherwise it is recognized at the received amount. None
monetary capital are measured at fair value; if no reliable fair value available, recognized at RMB1.

Government subsidies in connection with capital are recognized as differed income, and amortized
straight to its useful life, and accounted into current income account. Government subsidies in
connection with gains, which are used to cover current expenses or losses, are recognized as current
gain/loss, if used to cover future expenses or losses, recognized as differed gains, and recorded to
current income account to the period when the expenses are recognized. Government subsidy
measured at the nominal amount is accounted into current income account.

If a recognized government subsidy needs to be returned, if there are relative differed gains, the
balance of differed gains will be setoff, the exceeded part shall be recorded into current income
account; if there is no relative differed gain, record to current income account directly.

                                                               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(XXVII) Differed income tax assets and differed income tax liabilities

(1) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax assets

For Deductible temporary difference, deductible loss and tax deduction that can be accounted in
subsequent years, the Company recognizes the incurred deferred income tax assets to the extent to
the future income tax proceeds that is very likely to be received for deducting Deductible temporary
difference, Deductible loss and tax deduction, unless the Deductible temporary difference is
generated in following transactions: (1) the transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not
affect the accounting profit or taxable proceeds; (2) for the taxable temporary difference related to
investment in subsidiaries, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized when the
following condition is met: the temporary difference is very likely to be reversed in the foreseeable
future and it is very likely to receive the taxable proceeds that can be used to deduct the Deductible
temporary difference.

(2) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax liabilities

The taxable temporary difference recognizes the related deferred income tax liabilities, unless the
taxable temporary difference is created by the following transactions: (1) Initial recognition of
goodwill, or of assets or liabilities generated in transactions with the following features: the
transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable
proceeds; (2) For taxable temporary difference related to investment in subsidiaries, the reversal
timing for the temporary difference can be controlled and the difference is unlikely to be reversed in
the foreseeable future.

(XXVIII) Operational leasing and financial leasing

(1) Accounting of operational leasing

The Company as the leasor: Rentals from operational leasing are recognized as current gains on
straight basis to the periods of leasing. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current income
The Company as the leasee: Rentals in operational leasing are recorded to relative capital cost or
current income account on straight basis to the periods of leasing. Initial direct expenses are
recorded to current income account.

(2) Accounting of financial leasing

The Company as the leasor: In financial leasing, the book value of financial rental is the sum of
lowest amount of the rent and the initial expenses since the date when the lease is started. The
difference between the sum of lowest rental, initial direct expense and unsecured balance and the
current value is recognized as the unrealized financial income. Unrealized financial income is
recognized as financial income at actual interest basis to the periods of the leasing period.
The Company as the leasee: The Company measures the leased assets as the lower of the fair value
and the present value of minimum lease payment of the leased assets on the starting date of the

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

lease and records the minimum lease payment as long-term payable and the difference between the
two as unrecognized financing expense. The initial direct expense is accounted into asset value.
Unrecognized financial cost is recognized as financial cost at actual interest basis to the periods of
the leasing period. The Company adopts the depreciation policy same as the self-owned fixed assets
to made provision for depreciation of leased assets.

(3) Accounting of sale and lease-back

(XXIX) Assets held for sales

(1) Recognition standard

(2) Accounting treatment

(XXX) Asset securitization

(XXXI) Accounting of hedging

(XXXII) Major changes in accounting policies and estimates

Changes in major accounting estimates in the report period
□ Yes √ No
No change in major accounting estimates in the report period

(1) Changes in accounting policies

Changes in major accounting policies in the report period: no
□ Yes √ No
No change in major accounting policies in the report period

(2) Changes in accounting estimates

Changes in major accounting estimates in the report period
□ Yes √ No
No change in major accounting estimates in the report period

(XXXIII) Correction of previous accounting faults

Faults in previous accounts in the current report period
□ Yes √ No

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(1) Retrospective restatement method

Faults in adoption of the retrospective restatement method in the report period
□ Yes √ No

(2) Prospective application method

Faults in adoption of the prospective application method in the report period
□ Yes √ No

(XXXIV) Other major accounting policies, accounting estimates and preparation of financial

V Taxation

1. Major taxes and tax rates

                Tax                             Tax basis                          Tax rate
Business tax                         Taxable income                    6%、17%
Business tax                         Taxable income                    3%、5%
City maintenance and construction
                                  Taxable turnover                     7%
Enterprise income tax                Taxable income                    12.5%、15%、25%
Income tax rates for branches and factories

2. Tax preference and approval

(1) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Shenzhen Commission of
Trade Industry and IT, Shenzhen Commission of Finance, Shenzhen National Tax Bureau, and
Shenzhen Local Tax Bureau on October 29, 2009, Fangda Decoration was entitled to enjoy a tax
preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2009-2011) since the qualifications
were awarded.

(2) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Shenzhen Commission of
Trade Industry and IT, Shenzhen Commission of Finance, Shenzhen National Tax Bureau, and
Shenzhen Local Tax Bureau on October 29, 2009, Fangda Automatic was entitled to enjoy a tax
preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2009-2011) since the qualifications
were awarded.

(3) As approved by Nanchang High-tech Zone Tax Bureau with document 洪高国税发(2008)74
号, Fangda New Material enjoys “2 free 3 half” policy since 2008. The rate is cut by half in 2010,
12.5% in 2011 and 2012.

     The certifications for the above-mentioned three subsidiaries have expired in 2011 and have

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

been reviewed and approved in 2012. The Company is forecast to obtain the renewed certification
in 2013 and the enterprise income tax for the three subsidiaries is provisionally collected at 15% in

(3) Others

VI Merger of enterprises and consolidated financial statements

1. Subsidiaries

(1) Subsidiaries founded or acquired from investment

                                                                                               In RMB
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       Type Regist      Regist       invest comp                Conso Minor
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                                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                                         in the
                                                                                           st in
                                                                                          at the
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                    Desig          Desig
Shenz               ning,          ning,
hen                 manuf          manuf
Fangd               acturi         acturi
a                   ng,            ng,
       owne                310,0           310,0
Decor         Shenz and            and
       d                   00,00           00,00   100% 100% Yes
ation         hen install          install
       subsid              0.00             0.00
Engin               ation          ation
eering              of             of
Co.,                curtai         curtai
Ltd.                n              n
                    walls          walls
                   Install      techni
                   ation        cal
      Fully-       and          devel
      owne         proces 105,0 oping, 183,7
Auto         Shenz
      d            sing 00,00 install 70,00        100% 100% Yes
matic        hen
      subsid       of      0.00 ation, 0.73
      iary         metro        and
                   screen       sales
                   door         of

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                      Produ            R&D,
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Fangd    Fully-
                      ution            ction
a Yide   owne                 USD3            3,200,
                Shenz of               of
New      d                    ,200,0           000.0   100% 100% Yes
                hen new-t              new-t
Mater    subsid               00.00                0
                      ype              ype
ial      iary
                      comp             comp
                      osite            osite
                      materi           materi
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Fangd                                  ype
a New                                  materi
       Fully-       materi
Mater                      USD1        als,
       owne         als                        12,00
ials          Nanch        2,000,      comp
       d            comp                      0,000.   100% 100% Yes
(Jiang        ang          000.0       osite
       subsid       osite                         00
xi)                        0           materi
       iary         materi
Co.,                                   als,
Ltd.                                   produ

                                                     China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                    walls           ws,
                   Desig            Desig
                   n,               n,
                   produ            produ
                   ction,           ction,
                   sales            sales
                   and              and
                   install          install
                   ation            ation
                   of               of
Fangd Fully-
                   curtai           curtai
a New owne                 20,00             20,00
             Nanch n wall           n wall
Type d                     0,000.           0,000.   100% 100% Yes
             ang alumi              alumi
Alumi subsid               00                   00
                   num              num
num iary
                   materi           materi
                   als,             als,
                   doors,           doors,
                   windo            windo
                   ws               ws
                   and              and
                   sectio           sectio
                   nal              nal
                   materi           materi

                                                  China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                     als          als
         owne               HKD
Junjia          Hong Invest       Invest 10,00
         d                  10,00                 100% 100% Yes
Group           Kong ment         ment    0.00
         subsid             0.00
                   Manu           Manu
                   facturi        facturi
                   ng of          ng of
                   semic          semic
                   onduc          onduc
                   tor            tor
                   lightin        lightin
                   g              g
                   materi         materi
                   al and         al and
                   chips;         chips;
                   lightin        lightin
                   g              g
Sheny              source         source
ang                encap          encap
Fangd              sulati         sulati
a                  on;            on;
Semi-              devel 200,0    devel                                  59,70 -18,50
       olled Sheny                        10,88   64.58 64.58
condu              oping, 00,00   oping,                      Yes       8,531. 5,134.
       subsid ang                          5.21      %     %
ctor               design 0.00    design                                    11     82
Lighti             ing,           ing,
ng                 manuf          manuf
Co.,               acturi         acturi
Ltd.               ng,            ng,
                   engin          engin
                   eering         eering
                   ,              ,
                   install        install
                   ation          ation
                   and            and
                   tradin         tradin
                   g of           g of
                   semic          semic
                   onduc          onduc
                   tor            tor
                   lightin        lightin
                   g              g

                                                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                   syste         syste
                   m             m
                                 nt and
Shenz              are
hen                and
      Fully-                     comp
Kexu               softw
      owne                1,000, uter 1,000,
nda          Shenz are,
      d                   000.0 softw 000.0      100% 100% Yes
Softw        hen syste
      subsid              0      are       0
are                m
      iary                       devel
Co.,               integr
Ltd.               ation,
                   Devel         Devel
                   opme          opme
Shenz              nt and        nt and
hen                operat        operat
Fangd              ing of        ing of
a     Fully-       real          real
Prope owne         estate 10,00 estate 10,00
rty   d            on     0,000. on     0,000.   100% 100% Yes
Devel subsid       land 00       land       00
opme iary          of            of
nt                 which         which
Co.,               land          land
Ltd.               use           use
                   right         right
                   is            is

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                     legall       legall
                     y            y
                     obtain       obtain
                     ed by        ed by
                     the          the
                     Comp         Comp
                     any;         any;
                     proper       proper
                     ty           ty
                     mana         mana
                     geme         geme
                     nt           nt
Notes to subsidiaries founded or acquired from investment

(2) Subsidiaries acquired by mergers of companies under the common control

                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                                               e of
                                                                              Amou             st in
                                                                              nt for            the
                                             ce of
                                                                              deduc           parent
                                     Actua other
                                                                               ting            after
                                        l    items
                                                          Propo               minor           deduc
       Type Regist      Regist       invest comp                Conso Minor
                               Busin                Share rtion                 ity            ting
Subsi of      ered Busin ered         ment osing                lidate ity
                                ess                 holdin of                 gain/l            the
diary subsid addres ess capita       at the net                 statem intere
                               scope                g (%) votes               oss in          excess
       iary     s          l         end of invest               ents    sts
                                                            %                   the             ive
                                       the ment
                                                                              minor            part
                                     period in
                                                                                ity           of the
                                                                              intere           loss
                                                                                sts           shared

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                                             in the
                                                                                               st in
                                                                                              at the
                                                                                             of the
Notes to subsidiaries acquired by mergers of companies under the common control

(3) Subsidiaries acquired by mergers of companies not under the common control

                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                              e of
                                            Balan                                              the
                                                                              nt for
                                             ce of                                           owner
                                     Actua other                                                s’
                                        l    items                                           intere
                                                          Propo               minor
       Type Regist      Regist       invest comp                Conso Minor                   st in
                               Busin                Share rtion                 ity
Subsi of      ered Busin ered         ment osing                lidate ity                     the
                                ess                 holdin of                 gain/l
diary subsid addres ess capita       at the net                 statem intere                parent
                               scope                g (%) votes               oss in
       iary     s          l         end of invest               ents    sts                  after
                                                            %                   the
                                       the ment                                              deduc
                                     period in                                                ting
                                            subsid                                             the
                                             iaries                                          excess
                                                                                             of the

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                                                  in the
                                                                                                    st in
                                                                                                   at the
                                                                                                  of the
Notes to subsidiaries acquired by mergers of companies not under the common control

2. Operational entities of control powers generated by special purpose entities or trust operation or

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                     Major assets and liabilities balance recognized
                              Business with the
          Name                                          at the end of the period in consolidated
2. Notes to operational entities of control powers generated by special purpose entities or trust
operation or lease

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

3. Notes to changes in the consolidation scope

Notes to changes in the consolidation scope
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Three entities are added into the consolidation this year. The reason is
The Company established the Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd. through
investment during the report period and Fangda New Material Co., Ltd. and Fangda Decoration
Engineering (Shenyang) Co., Ltd through investment by Fangda Decoration.
No entity is removed from the consolidation this year.

4. New entities added to the consolidation and removed from the consolidation during the report

Subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operational entities through trusted operation or lease
newly added into the consolidation
                                                                                               In RMB
                                              Net asset at end of the       Net profit of the current
                                                      period                         period
Chengdu Fangda New Material Co., Ltd.                     18,501,014.68                  -1,498,985.32
Fangda Decoration Engineering
                                                           4,938,447.19                     -61,552.81
(Shenyang) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Fangda Property Development
                                                           9,986,611.10                     -13,388.90
Co., Ltd.
Subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operational entities through trusted operation or lease
removed from the consolidation
                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                            Net profit between the
                                            Net assets on the disposal
                  Name                                                     beginning of the year and
                                                                               the disposal day
Notes to entities newly added and removed from the consolidation

5. Merger of companies under the common control during the report period

                                                                                                In RMB
                      Basis for                         Revenue                     Operational
                                                                      Net profit
                    judgment of                       between the                   activity cash
                                      Substantial                    between the
                     merger of                        beginning of                 flow between
                                     controller of                  consolidation
  Merged party       companies                            the                            the
                                     the common                     period and the
                      under the                      consolidation                 consolidation
                                        control                     consolidation
                      common                         period and the                period and the
                       control                       consolidation                 consolidation

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                            day                                 day
Notes to mergers of companies under the common control

6. Merger of companies not under the common control during the report period

                                                                                                  In RMB
       Merged party                 Goodwill amount                 Goodwill calculation method
Notes to mergers of companies not under the common control

7. Subsidiaries lost due to loss of control in shares during the report period

                 Company                          Disposal day          Gain/loss recognition method
Notes to subsidiaries lost due to loss of control in shares during the report period

8. Counter purchase in the report period

                                                                            Calculation method of
                            Basis for judgment of     Recognition method of
     Shell borrower                                                         goodwill recognized or
                              counter purchase            merger costs
                                                                               current gain/loss
Notes to counter purchase

9. Merger by absorption in the report period

                                                                                                  In RMB
                 Type                           Merged assets                    Merged liabilities
   Merger by absorption under the
                                            Project         Amount            Project        Amount
         common control
 Merger by absorption not under the
                                            Project         Amount            Project        Amount
         common control
Notes to merger by absorption

10. Foreign exchange rate of major statement items of overseas operational entities

VII Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                 Closing amount                              Opening amount
       Project           Foreign    Exchang                        Foreign     Exchang
                                                      RMB                                     RMB
                        exchange     e rate                       exchange      e rate

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Cash:                       --          --         10,565.48        --           --           27,427.37
RMB                         --          --           9,340.48       --           --           25,877.99
US Dollar
HK Dollar                  1,510.76                  1,225.00      1,911.16 0.8107%             1,549.38
Bank deposits:              --          --                          --           --      310,876,944.80
RMB                         --          --                          --           --      310,189,424.04
US Dollar                10,831.08 6.2855%         68,078.75     109,114.69 6.3009%          687,520.76
HK Dollar
Other monetary
                            --          --      26,117,466.56       --           --       13,875,978.60
RMB                         --          --      26,116,643.85       --           --       12,590,607.47
US Dollar                   130.89 6.2855%            822.71     203,998.02 6.3009%        1,285,371.13
HK Dollar
Total                       --          --                          --           --      324,780,350.77
Amounts with limitation of use, deposited abroad, with potential recovering risk should be
separately explained.
1. RMB12 million among the balance of bank deposit at end of year was frozen by the court for the
lawsuit involved by Fangda Decoration.
2. Balance of RMB26,117,466.56 under other monetary capital was mainly deposit for bank
accepted notes and letter of guarantee, including deposit of RMB26,116,595.75 for accepted notes
and guarantee letter which are not regarded as cash equivalent at preparing of cash flow statement.

2. Transactional financial assets

(1) Transactional financial assets

                                                                                                 In RMB
                    Item                           Closing fair value           Opening fair value

(2) Transactional financial assets with realization limitation

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                         Sales condition or other realization
                 Item                                                                 Closing amount

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(3) Notes to hedging tools and related hedging transactions

3. Notes receivable

(1) Classification of notes receivable

                                                                                                 In RMB
                  Type                          Closing amount                 Opening amount
Bank acceptance                                           5,668,780.88                     6,303,353.88
Commercial acceptance                                     1,970,000.00
Total                                                     7,638,780.88                     6,303,353.88

(2) Pledged notes receivable at the end of period

                                                                                                 In RMB
        Issuer           Date of issue       Expired on             Amount                 Notes

(3) Notes of which the issuer is unable to perform and transferred into account receivable, and notes
endorsed to other parties but remaining immature

Notes transferred into account receivable due to the failure of the issuer to perform
                                                                                                 In RMB
        Issuer           Date of issue       Expired on             Amount                 Notes
Notes endorsed to other parties but remaining immature
                                                                                                 In RMB
        Issuer           Date of issue       Expired on             Amount                 Notes
Erdos Yixing
                      September 12,
Logistics Group                          March 12, 2013             1,000,000.00 Bank acceptance
Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Xinjiekou
                  November 15,
Department Store                         May 15, 2013               1,000,000.00 Bank acceptance
Co., Ltd.
PPG (Tianjin) Co., December 12m
                                         March 17, 2013             1,000,000.00 Bank acceptance
Ltd                2012
Shandong Xintong
                 November 28,
Aluminum Co.,                            February 9, 2013             907,277.00 Bank acceptance
Henan Yongtong
                      October 18, 2012   March 28, 2013               880,000.00 Bank acceptance
Aluminum Co.,

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Total                          --                    --                  4,787,277.00             --
Notes to discounted or pledge commercial acceptance

4. Receivable dividend

                                                                                                       In RMB
                  Opening                                        Closing
       Item                         Increase     Decrease                        Reason         Impairment
                  amount                                         amount
Including:             --              --            --             --                --               --
Including:             --              --            --             --                --               --

5. Receivable interest

(1) Receivable interest

                                                                                                       In RMB
        Item           Opening amount          Increase            Decrease                Closing amount
Band deposit
                             201,961.11                                  129,127.78               72,833.33
Total                        201,961.11                                  129,127.78               72,833.33

(2) Overdue interest

                                                                                                       In RMB
              Borrower                      Overdue time (day)                         Amount

(3) Notes to receivable interest

6. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories

                                                                                                       In RMB
                                    Closing amount                           Opening amount
                         Remaining book         Bad debt         Remaining book
         Type                                                                   Bad debt provision
                             value              provision            value
                         Amount Proporti Amount Proporti Amoun Proporti Amount Proportio

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                 on (%)              on (%)        t      on (%)                  n (%)
Account receivable
with major
individual amount 9,063,81                4,399,85
                                  0.97%            48.54%
and bad debt          3.50                    0.00
provision provided
Account receivable for which bad debt provision is made by group
Including:                                            786,01
                     902,557,        132,330,                       121,679,7
receivable out of             96.68%          14.66% 3,262.7 97.43%                                15.48%
                       074.71          232.91                           64.63
the consolidation                                          4
                     902,557,        132,330,                       121,679,7
Subtotal                      96.68%          14.66% 3,262.7 97.43%                                15.48%
                       074.71          232.91                           64.63
Account receivable
with minor
individual amount 21,956,5                21,956,5             20,731,              20,731,78
                                  2.35%               100%                 2.57%                     100%
and bad debt         06.84                   06.84              784.64                   4.64
provision provided
                     933,577,             158,686,                                  142,411,5
Total                              --                  --      5,047.3      --                       --
                       395.05               589.75                                      49.27
Notes to account receivable
The Company divides receivable accounts into project receivables and product receivables. Project
receivables are those recognized at percentage according to the construction contract, product
receivables are those formed in other ways.

For the current year, the Company recognizes project receivables over RMB8 million (inclusive) as
“individual receivable with large amount” while recognizes product receivables over RMB2 million
(included) as “individual receivable with large amount”.

Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at
the end of the period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                        In RMB
                                   Remaining          Bad debt         Providing rate
           Description                                                                        Reason
                                   book value         provision             (%)
                                                                                        Provided based
Gulf international trading FZE      9,063,813.50     4,399,850.00                48.54% on the predicted

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                                           part according
                                                                                           to negotiation
                                                                                           with the
Total                                9,063,813.50        4,399,850.00         --                  --
In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                           In RMB
                              Closing amount                                 Opening amount
                   Remaining book value                         Remaining book value
        Age                                    Bad debt                                         Bad debt
                                   Proporti    provision                           Proporti     provision
                     Amount                                        Amount
                                   on (%)                                          on (%)
Less than 1 year
Including:              --            --            --                  --            --           --
Subtotal for
less than 1       457,699,537.55 49.03%        13,730,986.12                  59.05% 14,291,881.61
1-2 years         239,346,914.90 25.64%        23,934,691.50 98,991,085.32 12.27% 9,899,108.54
2-3 years          40,453,779.30     4.33%     12,136,133.80 39,121,436.82           4.85% 11,736,431.05
Over 3 years      165,056,842.96 17.68%        82,528,421.49                  21.26% 85,752,343.43
3-4 years          52,041,465.65     5.58%     26,020,732.82 46,442,957.34           5.75% 23,192,179.77
4-5 years          44,852,453.92      4.8%     22,426,226.96 46,031,564.00           5.71% 23,015,782.00
Over 5 years       68,162,923.39      7.3%     34,081,461.70 79,030,165.54            9.8% 39,544,381.66
                                                                786,013,262.7                 121,679,764.6
Total             902,557,074.71      --      132,330,232.91                          --
                                                                            4                             3
Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                        In RMB
                       Remaining book
    Description                       Bad debt provision Providing rate (%)                   Reason
                                                                                       Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable              803,340.45          803,340.45                   100%
                                                                                       unlike to be

                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Curtain wall
                   660,625.41   660,625.41                100% unlike to be
project payment
Curtain wall
                   634,619.39   634,619.39                100% unlikely to be
project payment
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   563,320.60   563,320.60                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   547,441.48   547,441.48                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   487,785.66   487,785.66                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   430,629.58   430,629.58                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   378,425.30   378,425.30                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   378,237.57   378,237.57                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   354,177.00   354,177.00                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Curtain wall
                   346,573.70   346,573.70                100% unlike to be
project payment
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Curtain wall
                   316,861.34   316,861.34                100% unlike to be
project payment
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable   315,000.00   315,000.00                100% unlike to be
                                                               Aged over 5 years,
Curtain wall
                   300,000.00   300,000.00                100% unlike to be
project payment

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Subtotal of other
                         15,439,469.36          15,439,469.36                   100%
minor receivables
Total                    21,956,506.84          21,956,506.84            --                     --

(2) Written-back or recovered account receivable during the report period

                                                                                                     In RMB
                                              Basis for
                                                                 provided amount
                                           recognition of                         Written-back or
        Description         Reason                                  before the
                                          original bad debt                      recovered amount
                                                                   write-back or
Bad debt provision for account receivable with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                          In RMB
                      Remaining book
    Description                           Bad debt amount Providing rate (%)                Reason
Notes to account receivable with minor individual amount but triggering substantial risks after
being grouped

(3) Written-off account receivable during the report period

                                                                                                     In RMB
     Entity           Nature           Time             Amount                Reason
Ji'an business
                                   December 31,
department        Loan                                   58,364.55 Unrecoverable No
(Liu Dayan)
                                   December 24,
Optical           Loan                                   63,571.36 Unrecoverable No
Electron Co.,
Notes to written-off account receivable

(4) Shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company and owing any
account receivable to the Company at the end of period

                                                                                                     In RMB
                                      Closing amount                           Opening amount
                               Remaining book      Bad debt        Remaining book            Bad debt

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                  value       provision            value             provision
                                               amount                                 amount

(5) Top 5 account receivable entities

                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                Percentage in the
                     Relationship with
        Entity                             Amount               Term              total account
                      the Company
                                                                                 receivable (%)
Health & Holiday
Resort Apartment
Center of Sanya  Non-affiliated
                                            7,252,738.29 Less than 1 year                    0.78%
Fenghuang Island party
Development Co.,
Health & Holiday
Resort Apartment
Center of Sanya  Non-affiliated
                                           37,316,362.17 1-2 years                               4%
Fenghuang Island party
Development Co.,
International Fund                         32,932,386.27 Less than 1 year                    3.53%
Bureau III, No.1                           31,316,556.02 1-2 years                           3.35%
Construction Co.,
Chengdu Fulai
Real Estate      Non-affiliated
                                           29,837,569.76 Less than 1 year                      3.2%
Development Co., party
Investment and                             25,339,264.10 Less than 1 year                    2.71%
Development Co.,
Total                        --           163,994,876.61          --                        17.57%

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(6) Account receivable from affiliates

                                                                                                  In RMB
                           Relationship with the                                Percentage in the total
           Entity                                         Amount
                                 Company                                        account receivable (%)

(7) De-recognized account receivable

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                       Gain or loss related to the
               Item                   De-recognized amount

(8) Amounts of assets and liabilities involved continuously in securitization of account receivable

                                                                                                  In RMB
                    Item                                        Closing amount

7. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by categories

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                   Closing amount                         Opening amount
                       Remaining book         Bad debt         Remaining book
                                                                                    Bad debt provision
       Type                value              provision            value
                                   Proport        Proport        Proporti                         Proport
                       Amount              Amount         Amount                      Amount
                                   ion (%)        ion (%)        on (%)                           ion (%)
Other receivables
with major
individual amount 1,220,316        1,220,316       1,220,316                         1,220,316.
                             1.68%            100%                          1.82%               100%
and bad debt             .84              .84             .84                                84
provision provided
Other receivables for which bad debt provision is made by group
                       68,469,39    94.33 11,129,83   16.26 63,039,80        9,627,283.             15.27
receivable out of                                                     93.91%
                            2.43       %       6.15      %       7.84                90                %
the consolidation
Subtotal               68,469,39    94.33 11,129,83   16.26 63,039,80 93.91% 9,627,283.             15.27

                                                                    China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                          2.43          %           6.15        %          7.84                      90          %
Other receivables
with minor
individual amount 2,895,928        2,895,928       2,865,928                                 2,865,928.
                             3.99%            100%                                  4.27%               100%
and bad debt             .16              .16             .16                                        16
provision provided
                     72,585,63              15,246,08               67,126,05                13,713,528
Total                              --                      --                        --                     --
                          7.43                   1.15                    2.84                        .90
Notes to other receivables
Other receivables with an individual amount of RMB1 million (inclusive) are receivables with
major individual amount.
Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the
end of the period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                          In RMB
                     Remaining book
    Description                               Bad debt amount Providing rate (%)                   Reason
                                                                                          Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit        1,220,316.84              1,220,316.84                     100% unlike to be
Total                     1,220,316.84              1,220,316.84               --                     --
In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                           In RMB
                                 Closing amount                                     Opening amount
                                                                         Remaining book
                     Remaining book value
        Age                                           Bad debt                                     Bad debt
                                            Propo     provision                           Propo    provision
                        Amount              rtion                        Amount           rtion
                                             (%)                                           (%)
Less than 1 year
Subtotal for less                           43.15                                          55.8
                       31,319,141.04                   942,761.14 37,459,135.30                    1,123,917.85
than 1 year                                    %                                             %
                                            25.64                           13.64
1-2 years              18,616,091.35              1,861,609.14 9,156,077.06                          915,607.70
                                               %                               %
2-3 years                4,708,070.26 6.49 1,412,421.08 3,122,696.47 4.65                            936,808.94

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                             %                                        %
                                       19.05                            19.82
Over 3 years          13,826,089.78          6,913,044.79 13,301,899.01                    6,650,949.41
                                          %                                %
                                        7.86                           7.99
3-4 years               5,706,414.81         2,949,520.79 5,362,196.23                     2,681,098.02
                                          %                              %
                                        3.06                           3.17
4-5 years               2,220,633.18         1,110,316.59 2,124,964.42                     1,062,482.21
                                          %                              %
                                        8.13                           8.66
Over 5 years            5,899,041.78         2,853,207.41 5,814,738.36                     2,907,369.18
                                          %                              %
Total                 68,469,392.43     --       11,129,836.15 63,039,807.84     --        9,627,283.90
Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                         In RMB
                     Remaining book
   Description                      Bad debt provision Providing rate (%)                 Reason
                                                                                  Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit         300,000.00              300,000.00                100% unlike to be
                                                                                  Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit         224,875.84              224,875.84                100% unlike to be
                                                                                  Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit         159,800.00              159,800.00                100% unlike to be
                                                                                  Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit         150,000.00              150,000.00                100% unlike to be
                                                                                  Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit         101,282.55              101,282.55                100% unlike to be
                                                                                  Aged over 5 years,
Total of other
                         1,959,969.77            1,959,969.77                100% unlike to be
small amounts
Total                    2,895,928.16            2,895,928.16          --                     --

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(2) Written-back or recovered other receivables during the report period

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                Basis for
                                                                 provided amount
                                             recognition of                       Written-back or
     Description            Reason                                  before the
                                            original bad debt                    recovered amount
                                                                   write-back or
Bad debt provision for other receivables with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                           In RMB
                       Remaining book
   Description                             Bad debt amount      Providing rate (%)          Reason
Notes to other receivables with minor individual amount but triggering substantial risks after being

(3) Written-off other receivables during the report period

                                                                                                  In RMB
     Entity            Nature            Time           Amount           Reason
Notes to written-off other receivables

(4) Shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company and owing any other
receivables to the Company at the end of period

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                         Closing amount                      Opening amount

              Entity                                Bad debt                                Bad debt
                                Remaining book                      Remaining book
                                                    provision                               provision
                                    value                               value
                                                     amount                                  amount

(5) Nature and description of major other receivables

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                         Nature or        Percentage in the total other
         Entity                   Amount
                                                        description             receivables (%)

                                                               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(6) Top 5 other receivable entities

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                                        Percentage in the
                       Relationship with
       Entity                                    Amount                 Term                total other
                        the Company
                                                                                         receivables (%)
Zhejiang Jiayue      Non-affiliated
                                                 6,898,000.00 Less than 1 year                         9.5%
Industrial Co., Ltd. party
Xin Song                                             1,150.00 1-2 years                                  0%
Xin Song                                         1,433,887.00 2-3 years                              1.98%
Xin Song                                         1,290,290.61 Over 3 years                           1.77%
Cixi Greentown
Real Estate      Non-affiliated
                                                 2,278,926.90 1-2 years                              3.14%
Development Co., party
Wang Weihong                                     2,247,209.98 1-2 years                                3.1%
Investment and         Non-affiliated
                                                 2,120,543.15 1-2 years                              2.92%
Commercial             party
       Total                   --               16,270,007.64             --                        22.41%

(7) Other receivables from affiliates

                                                                                                    In RMB
                            Relationship with the                                 Percentage in the total
         Entity                                            Amount
                                  Company                                         other receivables (%)
         Total                          --                      16,270,007.64                       22.41%

(8) De-recognized other receivables

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                         Gain or loss related to the
                Item                    De-recognized amount

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(9) Amounts of assets and liabilities involved continuously in securitization of other receivables

                                                                                                  In RMB
                 Item                                          Closing amount

8. Prepayment

(1) Account age of prepayments

                                                                                                  In RMB
                           Closing amount                               Opening amount
    Age                                         Proportio                                     Proportio
                         Amount                                        Amount
                                                  n (%)                                         n (%)
Less than 1
                                19,468,827.77     84.33%                     23,321,608.14       91.66%
1-2 years                        1,166,643.73       5.1%                        978,242.79        3.84%
2-3 years                         373,124.18       1.75%                        264,158.92        1.04%
Over 3
                                  997,563.54       8.82%                        880,359.96        3.46%
Total                           22,006,159.22      --                        25,444,369.81         --
Notes to account age of prepayments
84% of prepayments are aged less than 1 year.

(2) Top 5 prepayment entities

                                                                                                  In RMB
                     Relationship with
        Entity                                  Amount               Time                 Reason
                      the Company
Wujiang Nanbo
                  Non-affiliated                                                    Transaction
Engineering Glass                               2,003,280.43
                  party                                                             unfinished
Co., Ltd.
Litong Aluminum
Industry         Non-affiliated                                                     Goods not
(Guangdong) Co., party                                                              delivered
Shanghai Chifei      Non-affiliated
                                                1,570,281.30                        Unsettled
Industrial Co., Ltd. party

                                                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Wanxiang                 Non-affiliated                                                    Unsettled quality
Aluminum Co.,            party                                                             dispute
Jiangsu Kaiteer
New-type            Non-affiliated                                                         Transaction
Decorative          party                                                                  unfinished
Materials Co., Ltd.
Total                            --                   7,198,341.61            --                     --
Notes to major prepayment entities

(3) Shareholders holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company and involved in
any prepayment of the Company at the end of period

                                                                                                          In RMB
                                            Closing amount                         Opening amount

               Entity                                    Bad debt                                Bad debt
                                     Remaining book                      Remaining book
                                                         provision                               provision
                                         value                               value
                                                          amount                                  amount

(4) Notes to prepayment

9. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                                          In RMB
                                  Closing amount                                Opening amount
        Item            Remaining      Depreciatio                   Remaining Depreciation
                                                   Book value                               Book value
                        book value     n provision                   book value provision
                                       1,474,828.1 41,951,443.8 37,888,262.6                      37,526,360.2
Raw materials       43,426,271.98                                                   361,902.41
                                                 1            7            4                                 3
Product in                                                         16,207,626.7                   16,207,626.7
                        6,219,310.56              6,219,310.56
process                                                                       8                              8
Finished goods               1,984,145.1              14,367,024.0              10,757,841.8
               10,455,612.27             8,471,467.16              3,609,182.26
in stock                               1                         8                         2
Asset formed
                212,353,564.6 2,014,344. 210,339,220. 183,792,677.                                183,792,677.
by construction
                            5         59           06           32                                          32
Low price
                            8,043.45                    8,043.45          263.29                          263.29

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

OEM materials       2,130,706.26               2,130,706.26     624,811.54                     624,811.54
Materials in
                                                              5,430,367.04                   5,430,367.04
                                                                 79,959.06                      79,959.06
                   274,593,509.1 5,473,317. 269,120,191. 258,390,991.              254,419,907.
Total                                                                 3,971,084.67
                               7         81           36           75                        08

(2) Inventory depreciation provision

                                                                                                   In RMB
                        Opening    Provision made          Decrease
                                                                                        Closing balance
        Item        balance of book in the current
                                                   Write-back    Write-off               of book value
                         value          period
Raw materials            361,902.41       1,520,419.78                    407,494.08         1,474,828.11
Finished goods
                        3,609,182.26      2,312,280.05                  3,937,317.20         1,984,145.11
in stock
Asset formed by
construction                              2,177,084.57                    162,739.98         2,014,344.59
Total                   3,971,084.67      6,009,784.40                  4,507,551.26         5,473,317.81

(3) Inventory depreciation provision

                                                                                      Proportion of
                                                                                 written-back amount in
            Item                       Basis                  Reason
                                                                                  the closing balance of
                                                                                 the inventory item (%)
                           Realizable net value is
Raw materials              lower the realizable
                        Realizable net value is
Finished goods in stock lower the realizable
Asset formed by            Predicted construction
construction contract      contract loss
Notes to inventory
The depreciation provision made for assets generated by construction contracts in the current period
is mainly attributable to the full Hainan Tianyi engineering costs of Shenyang Fangda, a subsidiary
of the Company.

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                 In RMB
                Item                        Closing amount                    Opening amount
Notes to other current assets

11. Sellable financial assets

(1) Sellable financial assets

                                                                                                 In RMB
                       Item                        Closing fair value           Opening fair value
Sellable equity instruments                                                                2,198,000.00
Total                                                                                      2,198,000.00
No investment held until mature is reclassified as sellable financial assets in the period.
Notes to sellable financial assets
The Company sold the 700,000.00 tradable shares in Tianjin Global Magnetic Card Co., Ltd. in the
current period.

(2) Long-term creditor's investment in sellable financial assets

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                             Expired      Opening                receivable Closing
   Item       Type       Par value investmen                            Interest
                                               on         balance                    and    balance
                                     t cost
Notes to long-term creditor's investment in sellable financial assets

12. Investment held until mature

(1) Investment held until mature

                                                                                                 In RMB
               Item                 Closing balance of book value Opening balance of book value
Notes to investment held until mature

(2) Investment held until mature remaining immature and sold in the report period

                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                              Proportion in the amount before the
            Item                        Amount
                                                                           sales (%)
Notes to investment held until mature remaining immature and sold in the report period

13. Long-term receivables

                                                                                                In RMB
            Type                      Closing amount                         Opening amount

14. Investment in joint venture and associated companies

                                                                                                In RMB
                       Property of
                         voting                                                             Net profit
 Name of                                         Closing         Closing          Total
             Shareholdi rights of    Closing                                                  of the
 invested                                          total         total net     operating
              ng (%)       the     total assets                                              current
  entity                                        liabilities       assets        revenue
                        Company                                                              period
1. Joint venture
2. Associated company
Notes to major differences between the significant accounting policies of joint ventures and
associated companies and the accounting policies and estimates of the Company

15. Long-term share equity investment

(1) Details of long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                In RMB
                                             Shareh ion of
                                                                    betwee          Provisi
                                              olding voting                 Impair           Cash
                Invest Openin        Closin                           n the           on
Investe Audit                                 in the rights                  ment           dividen
                 ment    g    Change    g                            shareh          made
d entity method                              investe in the                 provisi         d in the
                 cost balance        balance                         olding         in this
                                             d entity investe                 on            period
                                                                       and          period
                                               (%) d entity

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(2) Restriction for transfer of capital to invested companies

                                                                                                   In RMB
     Long-term share equity
investment of which the transfer                                       Accumulative unrecognized loss
of capital to invested companies                                           in the current period
           is restricted
Notes to long-term share equity investment

16. Investment real estates

(1) Investment real estate measured at costs

                                                                                                   In RMB
                     Opening balance of                                              Closing balance of
      Item                                     Increase            Decrease
                        book value                                                      book value
I Original total
                                               4,428,890.85                                  4,428,890.85
book value
1. Houses &
                                               4,428,890.85                                  4,428,890.85
II Accumulative
total depreciation                               789,385.09                                    789,385.09
and amortization
1. Houses &
                                                 789,385.09                                    789,385.09
III Total net
book value of
                                               3,639,505.76                                  3,639,505.76
investment real
1. Houses &
                                               3,639,505.76                                  3,639,505.76
IV Total book
value of
                                               3,639,505.76                                  3,639,505.76
investment real
1. Houses &
                                               3,639,505.76                                  3,639,505.76
                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                           Current period
Depreciation and amortized amount for the current                                               38,327.08

                                                               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Impairment provision for investment real estate for the
current period

(2) Investment real estate measured at fair value

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                    Increase                     Decrease
                                               Transferr Gain/loss                Closing
                            Opening             ed from caused by       Transferr
           Item                                                                     fair
                           fair value Purchase own use changes Disposal ed to own
                                         d                                         value
                                                   or     in fair          use
                                               inventory value
                            184,908,                1,821,93               4,363,68 24,169,06 158,197,
1. Total costs
                              305.38                    0.12                   2.00      5.10 488.40
                            184,908,                1,821,93               4,363,68 24,169,06 158,197,
(1) Houses & buildings
                              305.38                    0.12                   2.00      5.10 488.40
2. Total changes in fair    92,797,6                            13,791,1 1,500,30 8,519,710 96,568,7
value                          43.97                               34.22     0.00        .26   67.93
                            92,797,6                            13,791,1 1,500,30 8,519,710 96,568,7
(1) Houses & buildings
                               43.97                               34.22     0.00        .26   67.93
3. Total book value of      277,705,                1,821,93 13,791,1 5,863,98 32,688,77 254,766,
investment real estate        949.35                    0.12    34.22     2.00      5.36 256.33
                            277,705,                1,821,93 13,791,1 5,863,98 32,688,77 254,766,
(1) Houses & buildings
                              949.35                    0.12    34.22     2.00      5.36 256.33
State the investment properties which have changed the measurement basis and those which are not
licensed yet. State the reason and expected completion date.
(1) Transfer of real estate and change of measurement basis

1. The investment real estate measured at costs increases by RMB4,428,890.85 as the
   workshop No.1 and No.4 located in Fangda High-Tech Party on the Gaoxin Avenue,
   Nanchang were changed from own use to lease;

2. The investment real estate measured at fair value increases by RMB1,821,930.12 as the
   room 802 of Fangda Science & Technology Building is changed from own use to lease as
   approved at the 9th meeting of the 6th term of the Board of the Company;

 3. The investment real estate measured at fair value increases by RMB32,688,775.36 as the entire
18th floor of the Fangda Science & Technology Building was changed to own use as approved at the
9th meeting of the 6th term of the Board of the Company and as the 5th and 15th floors were changed
to own use as approved at the 17th meeting of the 6th term of the Board of the Company.

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(2) Failure to obtain the ownership certificate

     Among the investment property, the workshop No.2 and No.3 located on Beihuan Road
in Nanshan Shenzhen have not been granted the certificate of property, their book value at end
of year was RMB30,084,655.76. The property will be renovated and the Company will not
apply for the property certification.

17. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                  In RMB
                          Opening                                                            Closing
         Item            balance of               Increase                 Decrease         balance of
                         book value                                                         book value
1. Original total book 522,610,516.8                                                      579,485,800.9
                                                      65,918,690.85        9,043,406.74
value:                             0                                                                  1
                       245,739,655.7                                                      287,520,705.0
Houses & buildings                                    49,320,417.75        7,539,368.44
                                   4                                                                  5
      Equipment & 227,823,431.0                                                           237,818,748.4
                                                      10,259,628.14          264,310.80
machinery                     8                                                                       2

Transportation         12,354,809.80                   3,984,508.53          552,712.00 15,786,606.33
Electronics and other
                      36,692,620.18                    2,354,136.43          687,015.50 38,359,741.11
          --             balance of      Increase       Provision          Decrease
                         book value
2. Total accumulative 203,584,092.1                                                       222,752,425.1
                                                      21,420,734.92        2,252,401.87
depreciation:                     3                                                                   8
Houses & buildings     33,398,583.72                   6,897,132.95          971,227.44 39,324,489.23
      Equipment & 144,632,453.3                                                           154,763,867.2
                                                      10,294,231.56          162,817.63
machinery                     3                                                                       6

Transportation          7,621,039.34                   1,182,323.92          497,440.80 8,305,922.46
Electronics and other 17,932,015.74                    3,047,046.49          620,916.00 20,358,146.23

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

          --             balance of                       --
                         book value
3. Total net fixed      319,026,424.6                                                356,733,375.7
assets book value                   7                                                            3
                        212,341,072.0                                                248,196,215.8
Houses & buildings                                        --
                                    2                                                            2
      Equipment &
                  83,190,977.75                           --                         83,054,881.16

Transportation           4,733,770.46                     --                           7,480,683.87
Electronics and other
                      18,760,604.44                       --                         18,001,594.88
5. Total impairment
                         2,251,026.09                     --                         15,177,565.52
Houses & buildings        853,819.00                      --                           1,131,563.50
      Equipment &
                         1,397,207.09                     --                         14,046,002.02
Electronics and other
5. Total fixed assets   316,775,398.5                                                341,555,810.2
book value                          8                                                            1
                        211,487,253.0                                                247,064,652.3
Houses & buildings                                        --
                                    2                                                            2
      Equipment &
                  81,793,770.66                           --                         69,008,879.14

Transportation           4,733,770.46                     --                           7,480,683.87
Electronics and other
                      18,760,604.44                       --                         18,001,594.88
The depreciation amounts to RMB21,420,734.92. The original value of transfer of construction
progress into the fixed original assets amounts to RMB25,117,936.15.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets

                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                       Accumulative        Impairment
      Item             Book value                                        Net book value          Notes
                                       depreciation         provision
Houses &
                   46,273,742.05        2,362,418.01         277,744.50 43,633,579.54
Equipment &
                  105,585,374.34 61,097,276.35 12,648,794.93 31,839,303.06
                         926,291.99       526,960.26                          399,331.73
Electronics and
                       7,826,686.65     3,926,690.43                        3,899,996.22
other devices

(3) Fixed assets leased through financial leasing

                                                                                                     In RMB
          Item                      Book value                                         Net book value
Electronics and other
                                            24,500.00                   4,397.40                  20,102.60

(4) Fixed assets lend through financial leasing

                                                                                                     In RMB
                         Type                                           Closing book value

(5) Fixed assets held for sales at the end of the period

                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                  Estimated disposal Estimated disposal
         Item                Book value           Fair value
                                                                       expense             time

(6) Fixed assets without ownership certificate

                                                                           Estimated time to obtain the
                Item                              Reason
Houses in Urumuqi for
                                      Historical reasons
offsetting debt
2. Complex on the Beihuan
Road, Nanshan District,               To be renovated
3. Office building on the             To be renovated

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Beihuan Road, Nanshan
District, Shenzhen
4. No.5 automatic screen door
factory, Nanchang Fangda                                              The certificate can be obtained
                                 Applying for
High-tech park of Fangda                                              in 2013
5. Houses in Dalian of Fangda                                         The certificate can be obtained
Decoration for offsetting debt                                        in 2014
6. No.2 factory on Beihuan
Road, Nanshan District,          To be renovated
7. No.3 factory on Beihuan
Road, Nanshan District,          To be renovated
8. Shenyang Fangda extension
                                 Entering into liquidation
9. Shenyang Fangda dorm and
                                 Entering into liquidation
workshop 2#
10. Dinning hall and power
                                 Entering into liquidation
station of Shenyang Fangda
Notes to fixed assets
As the Company plans to renovate the Fangda Town, it will not apply for ownership certificates for
properties without the property ownership certificate on the Beihuan Road, Nanshan District,

18.Construction in process

(1) Construction in process

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                 Closing amount                             Opening amount
         Item           Remaining Impairment            Remaining Impairment
                                             Book value                      Book value
                        book value provision            book value provision
Nanchang Fangda
Technology Garden                                                3,597,740.
Automatic PSD                                                            17
Dongguan Songshan
                     173,369,43                  173,369,43 72,128,582                      72,128,582.3
Lake Fangda Southern
                           0.56                        0.56         .31                                1
Technology Garden

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Painting line                                                                            2,557,696.60
Bacterium of spraying                                          2,324,786.
system                                                                 32
Gas project                                                    669,225.64                  669,225.64
Fangda Town            1,701,315.0                1,701,315.
reconstruction project           0                        00
Installation of
machines and             67,948.72                67,948.72 521,865.39                     521,865.39
                        175,138,69               175,138,69 81,799,896                   81,799,896.4
                              4.28                     4.28         .43                             3

(2) Changes in major construction in process

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                  Propor                                 Includi
                                  tion of                       Accu        ng:
                     Transf       engine                       mulati    capital
          Openi                                                                      t          Closin
                     erred Other ering Project                   ve        ized          Capita
     Budge ng Increa                                                             capital          g
Name                  into decrea invest progre                capital   interes            l
       t  amoun se                                                               ization        amoun
                     fixed   se    ment    ss                   ized      t for          source
            t                                                                      rate           t
                     assets        in the                      interes      the
                                  budget                          t      current
                                    (%)                                  period
Techn                                                                                  Raised
ology 14,306         13,339 16,937                                                     and
              3,597,                           118.39
Garde ,990.1          ,920.7 ,660.9                   100.00                           self-rai
             740.17                                %
n          7               6      3                                                    sed
Autom                                                                                  fund
Dongg                                                                                  Raised
      197,10 72,128 101,24                                                                      173,36
uan                                             87.96                                  and
       2,366. ,582.3 0,848.                           96.97                                      9,430.
Songs                                              %                                   self-rai
          05       1     25                                                                          56
han                                                                                    sed

                                                                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Lake                                                                                           fund
         211,40 75,726 114,58 16,937                                                                   173,36
Total    9,356. ,322.4 0,769. ,660.9               --       --                          --       --     9,430.
             22      8     01      3                                                                        56
Notes to change in construction in process

(3) Impairment provisions for construction in process

                                                                                                      In RMB
        Item                            Increase         Decrease         Closing amount         Reason

(4) Progress of major construction in process

                Item                        Project progress                             Notes

(5) Notes to construction in process

19. Engineering materials

                                                                                                      In RMB
               Item                                     Increase           Decrease          Closing amount
Notes to engineering materials

20. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                      In RMB
                                  Opening book
               Item                                     Closing book value            Reason for disposal
Progress of fixed assets to be disposed for over one year

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

21. Productive biological assets

(1) Measured at costs

                                                                                                 In RMB
                        Opening balance                                              Closing balance of
        Item                                  Increase            Decrease
                         of book value                                                  book value
1. Planting
2. Livestock raising
3. Forestry
4. Fishery

(2) Measured at fair value

                                                                                                 In RMB
                         Opening book                                                  Closing book
        Item                                  Increase            Decrease
                            value                                                         value
1. Planting
2. Livestock raising
3. Forestry
4. Fishery
Notes to productive biological assets

22. Petroleum assets

                                                                                                 In RMB
                         Opening balance                                              Closing balance
        Item                                  Increase             Decrease
                          of book value                                                of book value
Notes to petroleum assets

23. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                 In RMB
                          Opening balance                                             Closing balance
         Item                                    Increase           Decrease
                           of book value                                               of book value
1. Original total book
                             138,877,554.27      1,897,193.27            37,409.40      140,737,338.14
Land using rights of           8,543,250.00                                                8,543,250.00

                                                     China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Fangda Town (phase
I) (Note 4)
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase          4,783,050.00                                            4,783,050.00
III) (Note 5)
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden
                           11,064,548.41                                          11,064,548.41
on Gaoxin Road
Nanchang (Note 6)
Land using rights of
Shenyang Fangda            42,038,791.23                                          42,038,791.23
(Note 7)
Dongguan land using
                           40,041,465.75                                          40,041,465.75
rights (note 3)
Patent and classified
                           27,885,795.89     166,525.00                           28,052,320.89
Computer software           4,520,652.99   1,730,668.27           37,409.40         6,213,911.86
2. Total accumulative
                           28,277,599.00   4,557,857.66            4,364.50       32,831,092.16
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase          4,046,999.12     160,054.48                             4,207,053.60
I) (Note 4)
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase          1,426,943.25      95,661.00                             1,522,604.25
III) (Note 5)
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden
                            1,433,622.22     232,595.24                             1,666,217.46
on Gaoxin Road
Nanchang (Note 6)
Land using rights of
Shenyang Fangda             3,426,350.10     840,775.82                             4,267,125.92
(Note 7)
Dongguan land using
                             867,565.14      800,829.36                             1,668,394.50
rights (note 3)
Patent and classified
                           15,199,269.02   1,881,228.88                           17,080,497.90
Computer software           1,876,850.15     546,712.88            4,364.50         2,419,198.53
3. Total net intangible
                          110,599,955.27   -2,660,664.39          33,044.90      107,906,245.98
assets book value

                                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase        4,496,250.88    -160,054.48                             4,336,196.40
I) (Note 4)
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase        3,356,106.75     -95,661.00                             3,260,445.75
III) (Note 5)
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden
                          9,630,926.19    -232,595.24                             9,398,330.95
on Gaoxin Road
Nanchang (Note 6)
Land using rights of
Shenyang Fangda          38,612,441.13    -840,775.82                           37,771,665.31
(Note 7)
Dongguan land using
                         39,173,900.61    -800,829.36                           38,373,071.25
rights (note 3)
Patent and classified
                         12,686,526.87   -1,714,703.88                          10,971,822.99
Computer software         2,643,802.84   1,183,955.39           33,044.90         3,794,713.33
4. Total impairment
                                         5,525,863.77                             5,525,863.77
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase
I) (Note 4)
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase
III) (Note 5)
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden
on Gaoxin Road
Nanchang (Note 6)
Land using rights of
Shenyang Fangda
(Note 7)
Dongguan land using
rights (note 3)
Patent and classified
                                         5,525,863.77                             5,525,863.77
Computer software
Total book value of
                        110,599,955.27   -8,186,528.16          33,044.90      102,380,382.21
intangible assets

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase            4,496,250.88         -160,054.48                             4,336,196.40
I) (Note 4)
Land using rights of
Fangda Town (phase            3,356,106.75          -95,661.00                             3,260,445.75
III) (Note 5)
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden
                              9,630,926.19         -232,595.24                             9,398,330.95
on Gaoxin Road
Nanchang (Note 6)
Land using rights of
Shenyang Fangda              38,612,441.13         -840,775.82                           37,771,665.31
(Note 7)
Dongguan land using
                             39,173,900.61         -800,829.36                           38,373,071.25
rights (note 3)
Patent and classified
                             12,686,526.87        -1,714,703.88                            5,445,959.22
Computer software             2,643,802.84        -4,341,908.38          33,044.90         3,794,713.33
The total amortization amounts to RMB4,557,857.66.

(2) Development project expenses

                                                                                                 In RMB
                       Opening                       Accounted into Recognized as Closing amount
      Item                             Increase
                       amount                        current income   intangible
                                                         account        assets
The share of R&D expenses in the total cost of R&D
The share of intangible asset formed by internal R&D of the period in the closing total book value
of intangible assets
Statement on R&D projects, including single account over RMB1 million basing on evaluation
results. Please provide the evaluation body and basis of evaluation

24. Goodwill

                                                                                                 In RMB
Invested entity or item of       Opening                                       Closing
                                              Increase       Decrease                       impairment
        goodwill                 balance                                       balance
Shenzhen Woke                8,197,817.29                   8,197,817.29                    8,197,817.2

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Fangda Yide                                                                                 746,519.62
Total                      8,197,817.29                    8,197,817.29
Basis for impairment testing and provision of goodwill

1. The Company acquired the 100% control power over Shenzhen Woke Co. by merger of
   enterprise under common control in May 2007. The difference between the initial
   investment cost and recognizable fair value of the investee has formed the goodwill of
   RMB8,197,817.29. As the parent Shenyang Fangda has been liquidated according to the
   resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the company's business has been suspended. As
   obvious impairment has been caused, the goodwill was fully used to make the impairment
   provision this year.

2. The Company acquired the minority share equities of Fangda Yide Co. in August 2007.
   The difference between the initial investment cost and recognizable fair value of the
   investee has formed the goodwill of RMB746,519.62. For Fangda Yide was not in good
   business operation for successive years, impairment provision has been provided fully
   upon the goodwill.

25. Long-term amortizable expenses

                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                           Reason for
                 Opening                                     Other          Closing
    Item                        Increase      Amortized                                      other
                 amount                                     decrease        amount
Epoxy floor     1,396,350.00     46,839.00    160,653.35                  1,282,535.65
decoration of
                               1,532,900.00    51,096.66                  1,481,803.34
Upgrading of
rented by
Fangda           584,482.05                    65,549.39                    518,932.66
Upgrading of     484,575.87                   138,636.40                    345,939.47

                                                       China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

rented by
Upgrading of
rented by
Fangda          134,787.38     3,000.00   104,090.56                     33,696.82
Office room
decoration of
                             258,361.30    60,284.30                    198,077.00
factory of
                              90,600.00    34,514.29                     56,085.71
maintenance                   90,781.20    25,217.00                     65,564.20
of Chengdu
service of                    75,471.70                                  75,471.70
renovation of
Fangda                       595,569.50    24,815.40                    570,754.10
of Chengdu                    52,059.26    52,059.26
decoration of                 82,000.00                                  82,000.00

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Total          2,600,195.30 2,827,581.96      716,916.61                   4,710,860.65          --
Notes to long-term amortizable expenses

1. The amortization of long-term amortizable expenses amounts to RMB716,916.61.

 2. The closing long-term amortizable expenses are up 81.17% from the opening expenses, mainly
due to the expense of RMB1,614,900.00 for upgrading of workshop rented by Fangda Decoration
Nanchang Branch; and the expense of RMB 595,569.50 for construction of the Jinshan factory of
Fangda Decoration Shanghai Branch.

26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not presented as net amount after neutralization

Recognized deferred income tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                                 In RMB
                  Item                         Closing amount                  Opening amount
Deferred income tax assets:
Assets impairment provision                             32,418,119.65                    29,413,806.15
Opening expense                                                                                 5,766.40
Deductible loss                                          1,230,904.81                      2,887,267.88
Unrealizable gross profit                                  999,329.06
Anticipated liabilities                                                                       63,149.39
Reserved expense                                         1,126,545.59                        978,405.58
Reserved wage                                              416,485.98                        289,342.19
Subtotal                                                36,191,385.09                    33,637,737.59
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Adjustment of fair value of
                                                        36,210,286.40                    32,148,137.16
investment real estate
Adjustment of fair value of sellable
financial assets
Subtotal                                                36,210,286.40                    32,597,637.16
Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                                 In RMB
                  Item                         Closing amount                  Opening amount
Deductible temporary difference                         68,279,939.00                    28,784,639.04

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Deductible loss                                         67,503,116.48                       58,123,591.73
Total                                                 135,783,055.48                        86,908,230.77
Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years
                                                                                            In RMB
        Year              Closing amount       Opening amount                       Notes
2012                                               10,378,557.33
2013                            9,604,482.62       10,026,221.51
2014                            7,864,870.78         7,864,870.78
2015                            7,695,652.54         7,695,652.54
2016                           22,158,289.57       22,158,289.57
2017                           20,179,820.97
Total                          67,503,116.48       58,123,591.73                      --
Details of taxable differences and deductible differences
                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                             Temporary difference
                                               End of the period             Beginning of the period
Differences in taxable items
Adjustment of fair value of investment
                                                        144,841,145.61                     129,689,276.00
real estate
Adjustment of fair value of sellable
financial assets
Subtotal                                                144,841,145.61                     131,487,276.00
Deductible different items
Assets impairment provision                             191,819,859.24                     170,659,472.15
Deductible loss                                             5,578,451.34                    11,549,071.51
Unrealizable gross profit                                   4,288,919.75
Reserved expense                                            5,874,734.27                     5,007,105.42
Reserved wage                                               2,776,573.23                     2,314,737.55
Anticipated liabilities                                                                       420,995.96
Opening expense                                                                                 38,442.67
Subtotal                                                210,338,537.83                     189,989,825.26

(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amount after neutralization

Items of combination of deferred income tax assets and liabilities after deduction
                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                              Deferred          Deductible or
                                       Deferred          Deductible or
                                                                             income tax             taxable
                                      income tax             taxable
                                                                              assets or           temporary
                                       assets or           temporary
                                                                          liabilities after    difference after
              Item                 liabilities after    difference after
                                                                         the deduction at     the deduction at
                                  the deduction at     the deduction at
                                                                           the beginning        the beginning
                                    the end of the       the end of the
                                                                            of the report        of the report
                                     report period        report period
                                                                               period                period
Deferred income tax assets          36,191,385.09                          33,637,737.59
Deferred income tax liabilities     36,210,286.40                          32,597,637.16
Details of deduction between the deferred income tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                                       In RMB
                  Item                                             Deducted amount
Notes to deferred income tax assets and liabilities

27. Details of assets impairment provision

                                                                                                       In RMB
                           Opening                                      Decrease                  Closing
         Item             balance of          Increase                                           balance of
                          book value                           Write-back       Write-off        book value
                         157,096,465.4                                                         175,018,461.3
1. Bad debt provision                  18,213,088.26            158,980.60       132,111.72
                                     1                                                                     5
2. Inventory
                          3,971,084.67      6,009,784.40                       4,507,551.26 5,473,317.81
depreciation provision
7. Fixed assets
                          2,251,026.09 12,926,539.43                                           15,177,565.52
impairment provision
12. Intangible assets
                                            5,525,863.77                                         5,525,863.77
impairment provision
13. Goodwill
                             746,519.62     8,197,817.29                                         8,944,336.91
impairment provision
                         164,065,095.7                                                         210,139,545.3
Total                                  50,873,093.15            158,980.60 4,639,662.98
                                     9                                                                     6
Notes to details of assets impairment

28. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                       In RMB
                Item                           Closing amount                      Opening amount
Notes to other non-current assets

                                                                China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

29. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                     In RMB
                 Item                             Closing amount                  Opening amount
Loan by pledge                                               1,970,000.00                   177,000,000.00
Guarantee loan                                                                              177,000,000.00
Borrowings with security and
Borrowings with security and
Total                                                    181,970,000.00                     387,000,000.00
Notes to classification of short-term borrowings

1. At the end of the period, the borrowings with security and security of RMB180 million are
   pledged with Fangda Science & Technology Building (with a pledge limit of
   RMB112,530,000). The remaining RMB67,467,900 is borrowed by credit.

2. The remaining pledge borrowing amounts to RMB1.97 million at the end of the period,
   pledged by discounting the commercial acceptance with recourse of the Fangda

3. The short-term borrowings decreased 52.98% from that in the beginning of the period as
   the Company issued new short-term financing bonds to repay band borrowings.

(2) Mature but not repaid short-term borrowings

                                                                                                     In RMB
   Borrower         Amount       Interest rate         Use              Reason
                                                                                         repayment term
No amount is repaid after the balance sheet day.
Statement on short-term loans, including due but extended short-term loans, the extending
conditions and extended expiration date

30. Transactional financial liabilities

                                                                                                     In RMB
                 Item                            Closing fair value              Opening fair value
Notes to transactional financial liabilities

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

31. Notes payable

                                                                                              In RMB
                 Type                      Closing amount                  Opening amount
Commercial acceptance                               20,537,464.06                       7,373,068.26
Bank acceptance                                    140,242,312.97                     31,684,990.21
Total                                              160,779,777.03                     39,058,058.47
Amount due in next fiscal term will be RMB160,779,777.03.
Notes to notes payable
The amount of outstanding notes has increased 311.64% at the end of the period from the beginning,
which was caused by the increase of band acceptance settlement the Fangda Decoration, Fangda
New Material and Fangda Automatic.

32. Account payable

(1) Account payable

                                                                                              In RMB
                 Item                      Closing amount                  Opening amount
Trade payable                                      275,758,548.18                    217,554,998.46
Construction payable                                19,344,300.41                       9,760,197.62
Installation service payable                       109,523,707.17                     95,797,692.44
Others                                               7,219,475.96                       1,227,119.63
Total                                              411,846,031.72                    324,340,008.15

(2) Accounts payable to shareholders holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the
Company in the report period

                                                                                              In RMB
                 Entity                    Closing amount                  Opening amount

(3) Notes to large accounts payable aged over one year

33. Prepayment

(1) Prepayment

                                                                                              In RMB
                   Item                      Closing amount                 Opening amount
Engineering payment                                  70,888,842.64                   119,560,552.08

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Material loan                                        6,099,951.68                       4,697,067.10
Others                                                   753,108.70                       693,045.60
Total                                               77,741,903.02                    124,950,664.78

(2) Prepayments from shareholders holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company
in the report period

                                                                                              In RMB
                  Entity                     Closing amount                 Opening amount

(3) Notes to large prepayments aged over one year

34. Employees’ wage payable

                                                                                              In RMB
                  Opening balance                                                Closing balance of
        Item                            Increase               Decrease
                   of book value                                                    book value
1. Wage, bonus,
allowance and         17,481,799.52    118,442,801.36          114,356,876.34         21,567,724.54
2. Employee
                                          3,232,442.51            3,232,442.51
3. Social
                               52.50      9,470,546.61            9,470,599.11
medical                        12.60      2,512,369.23            2,512,381.83
Basic pension                  36.75      5,953,475.19            5,953,511.94
                                0.52       412,861.46               412,861.98
Labor injury
                                1.58       369,061.90               369,063.48
                                1.05       222,778.83               222,779.88
4. Housing
                                          3,389,395.54            3,389,395.54
6. Others              2,951,114.00        739,516.17             1,313,082.16          2,377,548.01
Total                 20,432,966.02    135,274,702.19          131,762,395.66         23,945,272.55
The Company does not own any wage to employees.

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

The work union fund and staff education fund amount to RMB2,377,548.01 without a
non-monetary welfare amount of 0 and compensation for termination of employment of
Time of payment of wage payable to employees and amount
1. The wage for December 2012 and annual bonus for 2012 are reserved in the balance of
   employees’ wage payable and will be paid in January and February 2013.

35. Taxes payable

                                                                                              In RMB
                    Item                        Closing amount                Opening amount
VAT                                                     -4,757,677.68                   1,895,422.63
Business tax                                            23,400,077.35                 18,030,603.08
Enterprise income tax                                   10,068,399.05                 15,046,043.63
Personal income tax                                        444,142.16                     440,103.00
City maintenance and construction tax                    1,845,487.01                   2,677,051.21
Land using tax                                             639,180.73                     989,909.39
Property tax                                               909,940.53                     367,346.01
Education surtax                                           955,231.71                   1,245,684.67
Local education surtax                                      95,693.78                     198,932.54
Others                                                      86,103.34                     111,169.71
Total                                                   33,686,577.98                 41,002,265.87
Statement on tax payable. Please provide the calculating processes when taxable income is balanced
between branch companies or factories as approved by the Tax Bureau.

1. Fangda Decoration and Fangda Automatic adopt the consolidated taxation basis for enterprise
    income tax. The parent consolidates the enterprise income tax of subsidiaries, which is paid by
    the subsidiaries according to the proportions approved by the tax bureau.
 2. The enterprise income tax payable this year is to be consolidated by the tax department.

36. Interest payable

                                                                                              In RMB
                    Item                        Closing amount                Opening amount
Short-term borrowing interest payable                      316,201.11                     780,979.73
Short-term bond interest payable                         1,638,356.16
Total                                                    1,954,557.27                     780,979.73

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Notes to interest payable

37. Dividend payable

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                             Reason for overdue for
            Entity                 Closing amount      Opening amount
                                                                                  over 1 year
Notes to dividend payable

38. Other payables

(1) Other payables

                                                                                                 In RMB
                  Item                          Closing amount                  Opening amount
Performance and quality deposit                           20,513,800.46                  19,298,642.24
Deposit                                                    6,846,769.95                    7,320,939.27
Reserved expense                                           7,248,198.58                    4,527,846.10
Others                                                     6,731,287.87                    5,635,779.77
Total                                                     41,340,056.86                  36,783,207.38

(2) Other payables to shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company in
the report period

                                                                                                 In RMB
                 Entity                         Closing amount                  Opening amount

(3) Notes to large other payables aged over one year

(4) Description of large other payables

(39) Anticipated liabilities

                                                                                                 In RMB
          Item           Opening amount        Increase           Decrease           Closing amount
Others                         288,000.00                             288,000.00
Total                          288,000.00                             288,000.00
Notes to anticipated liabilities

                                                                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

(1) Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                      In RMB
                Item                            Closing amount                     Opening amount

(2) Long-term loans due within 1 year

Long-term loans due within 1 year
                                                                                                      In RMB
                Item                            Closing amount                     Opening amount
Among the long-term loans due in 1 year, the loans overdue but extended amount to RMB0.00.
Top 5 long-term loans due in 1 year
                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                 Closing amount          Opening amount
Borrower Start day      End day Currency                         Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic
                                         rate (%)
                                                                exchange currency exchange currency
Overdue loans among long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                  Annual                                         Estimated
                                Overdue                                           Overdue
  Borrower       Amount                         interest rate        Use                         repayment
                                 time                                              reason
                                                    (%)                                             term
No amount is repaid after the balance sheet day.
Notes to long-term loans due within 1 year

(3) Bonds payable due within 1 year

                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                    Opening Current           Closing
                    Date of                Amount                    Interest          Closing
  Bond    Par value              Term               interest accrued          interest
                     issue                 of issue                    paid            balance
                                                    payable interest          payable
Notes to bonds payable due within 1 year

(4) Long-term payables due within 1 year

                                                                                                      In RMB
                                 Initial        Interest rate     Accrued         Closing        Borrowing
  Borrower         Term
                                amount              (%)           interest        balance        conditions
Notes to long-term payables due within 1 year

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

41. Other current liabilities

                                                                                              In RMB
                                        Closing balance of book
                 Item                                               Opening balance of book value
Short-term debentures                              200,000,000.00
Total                                              200,000,000.00
Notes to other current liabilities
On November 15, 2012, the Company issued the first short-term debenture in 2012:

Short-term debenture                  Fangda Group’s First Short-term Debenture in 2012
Abbreviation                                                12 FANGDA GROUP CP001
Code                            41260080                Term                     365 days
Interest calculation Repayment of capital        Issuing day          November 15, 2012
basis                        with interest
Actual amount of          RMB200 million Planned amount of               RMB200 million
issue                                                   issue
Par price             RMB100/par value of       Interest rate 6.50% (one-year shibor on
                                 RMB100                           the issuing day+2.10%)
Main underwriter                                                 Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.

42. Long-term borrowings

(1) Classification of long-term borrowings

                                                                                              In RMB
                 Item                        Closing amount                Opening amount
Notes to classification of long-term borrowings

(2) Top-5 long-term borrowings

                                                                                              In RMB
                                                         Closing amount          Opening amount
Borrower Start day       End day Currency               Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic
                                          rate (%)
                                                       exchange currency exchange currency
Statement on long-term loans. For long-term loans overdue but extended for another period, please
provide the conditions, principal, interest rate, and repayment arrangement.

43. Bond payable

                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                  China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                        Opening Current           Closing
                       Date of                 Amount                    Interest          Closing
  Bond       Par value              Term                interest accrued          interest
                        issue                  of issue                    paid            balance
                                                        payable interest          payable
Statement on bonds payable, including the condition and time of converting of the convertible

44. Long-term payables

(5) Top 5 long-term payables

                                                                                                       In RMB
                                     Initial      Interest rate    Accrued         Closing        Borrowing
    Entity             Term
                                    amount            (%)          interest        balance        conditions

(2) Details of finance leasing payments in long-term payables

                                                                                                       In RMB
                                               Closing amount                       Opening amount
              Entity                                                           Foreign
                                 Foreign currency            RMB                                   RMB
Guarantee provided by the 3rd party for the leasing finance amounts to RMB0.
Notes to long-term payables

45. Special payables

                                                                                                       In RMB
                              Opening                                       Closing
          Item                                 Increase      Decrease                          Remarks
                              amount                                        amount
Notes to special payables

46. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                       In RMB
                                               Closing balance of book
                   Item                                                     Opening balance of book value
Photon crystal project (Note 2)                                                                  1,200,000.00
Environment and energy-saving
projects (Note 3)
Graphic background production and
extension and chip making (Note 4)
Purchase of equipment for                                                                          650,000.00

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

semi-conductor lighting technical
development project (Note 5)
Fund for optical-electric product
projects (Note 6)
High Luminance low reduction direct
plug LED industrial development                                                            800,000.00
(Note 7)
Total                                                                                    4,020,000.00
Notes to other non-current liabilities, including asset-related and income-related government
subsidy and closing balances:
Notes: The closing other non-current liabilities amount to RMB0, which is mainly because the
Shenyang Fangda is liquidated and the unamortized government subsidy related to capital is

47. Capital share

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                  Change (+,-)
              Opening                             Transferred                               Closing
              amount        Issued new   Bonus                                              amount
                                                     from        Others       Subtotal
                               shares    shares
Total of
             756,909,90                                                                    756,909,90
                   5.00                                                                          5.00
Notes to changes in capital shares. Name of CPA and number of verification report shall be
provided if capital increasing or decreasing occurred in the report period; as for shareholding
limited companies incorporated for less than three years, only net asset is required for the years
prior to incorporation; for shareholding limited companies reformed from limited companies shall
provide the capital verification at incorporation.

48. Shares in stock

Notes to shares in stock

49. Special reserves

Notes to special reserves

50. Capital reserves

                                                                                               In RMB
           Item             Opening amount        Increase            Decrease       Closing amount

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Capital premium (share
                               38,238,222.48                                             38,238,222.48
capital premium)
Other capital reserves         42,241,271.44            68,873.72         248,500.00 42,061,645.16
Total                          80,479,493.92            68,873.72         248,500.00 80,299,867.64
Notes to capital reserves

1. The other capital reserves increase RMB68,873.72 as the entire 18th floor of Fangda Building is
    transferred from lease to own use as approved by the 9th meeting of the 6th term of the Board.
    The excessive part of the book value on the transfer day over the fair value is accounted into
    capital reserves.
 2. Other capital reserves decrease RMB248,500.00 attributable to the sales of financial assets held
for sales and change in the transferred accumulative fair value.

51. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                 In RMB
          Item              Opening amount          Increase            Decrease       Closing amount
Statutory surplus
                               24,676,077.16         5,818,465.78                        30,494,542.94
Total                          24,676,077.16         5,818,465.78                        30,494,542.94
Notes to surplus reserves. Please state the related resolutions of the Board on capitalizing of
reserves, making up losses, and dividends.
Note: The increase in the surplus reserve is attributable to the 10% provision on the after-tax net
profit of the parent according to Articles of Association of the Company.

52. Providing of common risk provisions

Notes to providing of common risk provisions

53. Retained profit

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                       Provided or
                 Item                                  Amount                          distributed
Adjustment on retained profit of
                                                               211,777,968.57               --
previous year
Total of retained profit at beginning
of year adjusted (+ for increase, - for                                     0.00            --

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Retained profit adjusted at beginning
                                                                 211,777,968.57               --
of year
Plus: Net profit attributable to owners
                                                                  24,948,377.20               --
of the parent
Less: Statutory surplus reserves                                    5,818,465.78
Closing retained profit                                          230,907,879.99               --
Details of retained profit adjusted at beginning of year
1) Retrospective adjustment due to adopting of the Enterprise Accounting Standard and related
regulations, included the retained profit by RMB0.
2) Variation of accounting policies, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
3) Correction of material accounting errors, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
4) Change of consolidation range caused by merger of entities under common control, influenced
the retained profit by RMB0.
5) Other adjustment influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
Statement on retained profit: for companies issued their securities for the first time, if the
accumulated profit before the issuing is shared by the new and existing shareholders as approved by
the shareholders’ meeting, shall be described particularly; if the accumulated profit before the
issuing is shared only by existing shareholders as approved by the shareholders’ meeting, the
Company shall provide the details of dividend payable to the existing shareholders as audited by

54. Operational revenue and costs

(1) Operation incomes and costs

                                                                                                   In RMB
                 Item                  Occurred in current period        Occurred in previous period
Major business turnover                           1,346,239,883.78                      1,296,010,404.05
Other business income                                51,661,540.81                         52,765,962.48
Operation cost                                    1,145,066,535.43                      1,087,992,839.87

(2) Business segments (by industries)

                                                                                                   In RMB
                                   Occurred in current term             Occurred in previous period
                               Turnover         Operation cost          Turnover         Operation cost
                            1,260,903,466.7                  1,184,798,163.0
Metal production                            1,058,970,944.76                 977,805,293.93
                                          1                                5
Railroad industry             83,977,888.26       60,474,460.25        98,230,586.47       73,361,235.01

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Light production             1,358,528.81       4,238,572.08       12,981,654.53       13,232,303.96
                          1,346,239,883.7                  1,296,010,404.0 1,064,398,832.9
Total                                     1,123,683,977.09
                                        8                                5               0

(3) Business segments (by products)

                                                                                               In RMB
                               Occurred in current term             Occurred in previous period
                             Turnover        Operation cost         Turnover         Operation cost
Curtain wall system and   1,260,903,466.7                  1,184,798,163.0
                                          1,058,970,944.76                 977,805,293.93
materials                               1                                5
Metro screen door           83,977,888.26      60,474,460.25       98,230,586.47       73,361,235.01
LED products                 1,358,528.81       4,238,572.08       12,981,654.53       13,232,303.96
                          1,346,239,883.7                  1,296,010,404.0 1,064,398,832.9
Total                                     1,123,683,977.09
                                        8                                5               0

(4) Business segments (by regions)

                                                                                               In RMB
                               Occurred in current term             Occurred in previous period
                             Turnover        Operation cost         Turnover         Operation cost
                          1,218,323,612.7                  1,217,075,545.4 1,008,524,582.4
Domestic                                  1,033,772,604.56
                                        0                                4               6
Overseas                   127,916,271.08      89,911,372.53       78,934,858.61       55,874,250.44
                          1,346,239,883.7                  1,296,010,404.0 1,064,398,832.9
Total                                     1,123,683,977.09
                                        8                                5               0

(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                             Percentage in total turnover of the
        Customer            Major business turnover
                                                                       Company %
No.1                                    127,697,605.19                                          9.13%
No.2                                     98,678,088.95                                          7.06%
No.3                                     63,918,598.74                                          4.57%
No.4                                     50,503,017.94                                          3.61%
No.5                                     50,236,149.70                                          3.59%
Total                                   391,033,460.52                                         27.96%

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Notes to operating revenue

55. Income from contract projects

                                                                                                   In RMB
Fixed price           Contract                        Accumulative    recognized
                                        Amount                                      Settled amount
contract              project                         occurred costs gross profit
                                                                       (loss “-”)
Cost-plus             Contract                        Accumulative      recognized
                                        Amount                                        Settled amount
contract              project                         occurred costs    gross profit
                                                                         (loss “-”)
Notes to contract projects

56. Business tax and surcharge

                                                                                                   In RMB
                                 Occurred in current   Occurred in
              Item                                                                     Rate
                                        term         previous period
Business tax                          16,383,394.34      18,666,270.42
City maintenance and
                                       3,229,213.03       3,581,884.49
construction tax
Education surtax                       1,874,597.52       1,974,228.40
Property tax                           1,420,866.42       1,354,473.46
Land using tax                           160,203.19         158,106.93
Others                                   834,627.85       1,012,708.72
Total                                 23,902,902.35      26,747,672.42                   --
Notes to business tax and surcharge

57. Sales expense

                                                                                                   In RMB
               Item                     Occurred in current term         Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                           15,069,546.86                       10,825,555.42
Freight and miscellaneous
                                                        7,060,994.29                          6,146,199.77
After-sales service                                        29,568.03                           633,197.88
Travel costs                                            3,835,444.59                          3,112,536.64

                                                    China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Entertainment costs                            2,917,590.98                        1,477,665.74
Material consumption                            732,100.87                           652,982.57
Office costs                                   1,843,898.62                          904,822.67
Advertisement and exhibition
Rental                                          940,454.70                           719,897.99
Test and experiment costs                       475,562.36                         1,165,719.66
Consultant costs                                397,084.13                           246,149.90
Export credit insurance                           39,456.00                          866,909.35
Others                                         1,773,153.48                        1,589,359.07
Total                                         35,114,854.91                      29,317,746.35

58. Management expenses

                                                                                         In RMB
               Item             Occurred in current term       Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                  57,492,415.23                       49,208,779.84
Depreciation and amortization                 21,703,660.11                      16,156,234.59
Agencies                                       2,197,604.30                        3,773,845.87
Tax                                            4,716,869.72                        4,471,893.17
Maintenance costs                              6,376,839.36                        2,037,983.11
Water and electricity                          1,777,188.22                        2,101,335.16
Office expenses                                2,249,701.54                        2,544,556.04
Travel costs                                   2,675,487.85                        4,067,852.87
R&D                                            4,596,146.75                        2,744,431.85
Entertainment costs                            1,872,551.30                        2,154,541.69
Rental                                         2,743,677.38                        3,146,641.06
Moving                                                                                39,118.30
Lawsuit                                        3,680,011.46                        5,218,326.92
Material consumption                            653,471.63                           563,765.22
Property management fee                        1,670,194.62                        1,609,835.89
Others                                         8,272,070.77                        5,775,831.29
Total                                       122,677,890.24                      105,614,972.87

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

59. Financial expenses

                                                                                                In RMB
               Item                    Occurred in current term         Occurred in previous period
Less: Interest income                                -3,502,021.02                       -6,252,460.01
Acceptant discount                                    1,266,488.89
Exchange gain/loss                                      -12,022.85                        1,299,160.88
Commission charges and others                         1,775,569.62                        1,488,995.48
Total                                                24,771,976.76                      19,752,495.44

60. Income from fair value fluctuation

                                                                                                In RMB
 Source of income from fluctuation of
                                            Occurred in current term     Occurred in previous period
              fair value
Investment real estate measured at fair
                                                       12,290,834.22                    10,815,131.20
Total                                                  12,290,834.22                    10,815,131.20
Notes to income from fair value fluctuation

61. Investment income

(1) Details of investment gains

                                                                                                In RMB
                   Item                     Occurred in current term     Occurred in previous period
Gains from sellable financial assets
and similar
Others                                                                                       99,342.47
Total                                                    3,448,207.99                        99,342.47

(2) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by costs

                                                                                                In RMB
                                  Occurred in current Occurred in        Reason for change from the
         Invested entity
                                         term        previous period          previous period

(3) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by equity

                                                                                                In RMB

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                  Occurred in current Occurred in         Reason for change from the
         Invested entity
                                         term        previous period           previous period
Statement on investment gains, please state whether or not there are material constrains on
retrieving of investment gains.
The change is attributable to the sales of the 700,000.00 tradable shares in Tianjin Global Magnetic
Card Co., Ltd.

62. Assets impairment loss

                                                                                                 In RMB
                       Item                   Occurred in current term Occurred in previous period
1. Bad debt loss                                          18,054,107.66                  16,501,823.05
2. Inventory depreciation loss                             6,009,784.40                    2,009,732.81
7. Fixed assets impairment loss                           12,926,539.43                      853,819.00
12. Intangible assets impairment loss                      5,525,863.77
13. Goodwill impairment loss                               8,197,817.29
Total                                                     50,714,112.55                  19,365,374.86

63. Non-business income

(1) Non-business income

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                  Amount accounted
                                     Occurred in current Occurred in previous
                Item                                                                into the current
                                            term               period
                                                                                  accidental gain/loss
Total of gains from disposal of
                                               1,082.24                3,295.49                 1,082.24
non-current assets
Including: Gains from disposal
                                               1,082.24                3,295.49                 1,082.24
of fixed assets
Government subsidy                         6,275,756.00          1,988,650.00              6,275,756.00
Penalty income                               365,324.04             177,600.27               365,324.04
Payable account not able to be
                                             416,900.14              47,898.40               416,900.14
Others                                     4,758,204.64          9,166,504.14              4,758,204.64
Total                                     11,817,267.06         11,383,948.30            11,817,267.06

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(2) Details of government subsidies

                                                                                               In RMB
                            Occurred in current      Occurred in
           Item                                                                    Notes
                                   term            previous period
Photon crystal project            1,200,000.00
High Luminance low
reduction direct plug LED             800,000.00
industrial development
Purchase of equipment for
semi-conductor lighting
                                      650,000.00         100,000.00
technical development
Environment and
energy-saving projects
Graphic background
production and extension              450,000.00         230,000.00
and chip making
Private enterprise and
SME development fund IT
construction project
Fund for optical-electric
product projects
Shenzhen hi-tech industry
Nanchang Hi-Tech District
Financial Bureau export               327,200.00         127,700.00
credit insurance subsidy
Nanchang Hi-Tech inland
freight subsidy
Nanchang Financial
Bureau 2011 on-job                    236,700.00
training subsidy
Nanchang Hi-Tech 2011
inland freight subsidy
Shenzhen Nanshan
District science and
                                      150,000.00         400,000.00
technology development

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Nanchang Hi-Tech District
                                      120,000.00            100,100.00
export subsidy
Nanchang Hi-Tech District
2011 Award for Great Tax              100,000.00
LED fluorescent light
manufacturing technology
R&D and application
2010 foreign trade
development fund
Nanchang science and
technology insurance                                        172,300.00
Shenzhen core enterprise
Other minor subsidies                  75,717.00            142,500.00
Total                                6,275,756.00         1,988,650.00                   --
Notes to non-business income
Major projects are disclosed as follows:

 1. Fangda Decoration recovered the revenue of RMB1,061,386.08 related to the Shenzhen
    Department Store Corporation case;

 2. Income of RMB1,320,811.22 from disposal of wastes;
  3. Fangda Yide recognized a non-business income of RMB981,648.97 according to a court

64. Non-business expenses

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                                     Amount accounted
                                         Occurred in current       Occurred in        into the current
                                                term             previous period         accidental
Total of losses from disposal of
                                                    220,018.04       2,343,990.35             220,018.04
non-current assets
Including: Losses from disposal of
                                                    220,018.04       2,427,783.27             220,018.04
fixed assets
Loss from debt reorganization                                             3,959.20

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Donation                                         120,000.00          233,000.00             120,000.00
Penalty and overdue fine                          99,350.01            11,645.94             99,350.01
Others                                        3,223,156.38           447,208.16           3,223,156.38
Total                                         3,662,524.43         3,123,596.57           3,662,524.43
Notes to non-business expense
   Major projects are disclosed as follows:

1. Fangda Aluminium recognized a loss of 1,444,216.08 in unrecoverable land demolition
2. Fangda New Material recognized a difference in the last engineering installment of totally
 3. Fangda Automatic recognized a quality compensation of RMB525,170.00 for the Taipei MRT
Route project.

65. Income tax expenses

                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                               Occurred in previous
                      Item                       Occurred in current term
Income tax calculated according to the law and
                                                              11,618,150.98             17,199,784.69
regulations of current term
Adjustment of differed income tax                              1,485,543.83               2,580,182.17
Total                                                         13,103,694.81             19,779,966.86

66. Calculation of basic earning per share and diluted earning per share

Item                                             Code            Occurred in    Occurred in
                                                                current term previous period
Net profit attributable to common share           P1                           65,503,925.58
holders of the Company                                          24,948,377.20
Accidental gain/loss attributable to              F                            14,498,445.69
common share holders of the Company                             17,587,102.82
Net profit attributable to the common          P2=P1-F                         51,005,479.89
owners of the PLC after deducting of                             7,361,274.38
non-recurring gains/losses
Influence of diluting events on net profit        P3
attributable to common share holders of
the Company
Influence of diluting events on net profit        P4
attributable to the common owners of the

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

PLC after deducting of non-recurring
Opening share number                           S0               756,909,905         504,606,604
Amount of shares increased by                  S1                                   252,303,301
capitalizing of common reserves or share
Amount of shares increased by issuing of       Si
new shares or transforming of debt to
Number of months from the next month of        Mi                                              12
share increasing by issuing of new shares
or transferring of debts to the end of
report term
Amount of shares decreased by                  Sj
repurchasing of shares in the report term
Number of months since the next month          Mj
of share decreasing to the end of report
Amount of shares reduced                       Sk
Number of months in the report term            M0                        12                  12
Weighted average of common shares S=S0+S1+Si*                   756,909,905         756,909,905
issued outside                             Mi/M0-Sj*Mj/
Add: the weighted average of common            X1
shares increased assuming the diluting
potential common shares transferred into
issued common shares
Weighted average of common shares for X2=S+X1                   756,909,905         756,909,905
calculating diluted earning per share
  Including: Weighted average of
  common shares increased by conversion
  of corporate bonds
  Weighted average of common shares
  increased by exercising of subscription
  Weighted average of common shares
  increased by performance of repurchase
Earning per share attributable to common Y1=P1/S                         0.03                0.09
share holders of the Company
Basic earning per share attributable to the Y2=P2/S                      0.01                0.07
common owners of the PLC after
deducting of non-recurring gains/losses

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Basic earning per share attributable to        Y3= (P1+                  0.03                0.09
common share holders of the Company             P3)/X2
Diluted earning per share attributable to      Y4= (P2+                  0.01                0.07
the common owners of the PLC after              P4)/X2
deducting of non-recurring gains/losses

67. Other miscellaneous income

                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                               Occurred in previous
                      Item                         Occurred in current term
1. Amount of gain (loss) from sellable financial
                                                              1,533,000.00               -2,149,000.00
   Less: Income tax influence of
                                                                383,250.00                 -497,780.00
available-for-sale financial assets
Net amount written into other gains and
transferred into gain/loss in previous terms
                    Subtotal                                   -248,500.00               -1,651,220.00
5. Others                                                        91,831.63
   Less: Income tax influence by other
accounted into other misc. incomes
                    Subtotal                                     68,873.72
                      Total                                    -179,626.28               -1,651,220.00
Notes to other miscellaneous income

68. Notes to the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation

                                                                                                In RMB
                              Item                                            Amount
Interest income                                                                           3,631,146.87
Subsidy income                                                                            2,255,756.00
Retrieving of draft deposit net                                                             141,419.27
Retrieving of bidding deposits                                                            4,280,000.00
Operational trade received                                                                5,766,362.90
Others                                                                                    8,352,926.01
                             Total                                                      24,427,611.05

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(1) Notes to other cash inflow related to operation

(2) Other cash paid related to operation

                                                                                                 In RMB
                             Item                                             Amount
Sales expense                                                                            17,220,430.72
Management expenses                                                                      40,350,093.26
Bidding deposit paid                                                                     12,009,571.37
Net draft deposit net paid                                                                 6,517,836.18
Other trades                                                                             23,815,008.98
                             Total                                                       99,912,940.51
Notes to other cash paid related to operation

(3) Other cash received related to investment activities

                                                                                                 In RMB
                             Item                                             Amount
Bidding and contract deposit related to construction
                             Total                                                         4,022,500.00
Notes to other cash received related to investment activities

(4) Other cash paid related to investment activities

                                                                                                 In RMB
                             Item                                             Amount
Bidding deposit paid related to construction projects                                      2,050,000.00
                             Total                                                         2,050,000.00
Notes to other cash paid related to investment activities

(5) Other cash received related to financing

                                                                                                 In RMB
                             Item                                             Amount
Notes to other cash received related to financing

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(6) Other cash paid related to financing

                                                                                                   In RMB
                            Item                                                 Amount
Short-term bond financing costs                                                             1,100,000.00
                            Total                                                           1,100,000.00
Notes to other cash paid related to financing

69. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                   Amount of the current        Amount of the previous
             Supplementary Info.
                                                         period                        period
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                                                            --                            --
business operation
Net profit                                                   6,443,242.38                 59,380,123.26
Plus: Asset impairment provision                  50,714,112.55                19,365,374.86
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol
                                                            21,459,062.00                 16,403,878.73
depreciation, production goods depreciation
Amortizing of intangible assets                              4,557,857.66                   5,173,399.43
Amortizing of long-term amortizable
                                                                  716,916.61                   461,876.35
Loss from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term assets                    -910,370.11                   -760,047.25
(“-“ for gains)
Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)                    67,888.91                1,450,855.03
Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for
                                                           -12,290,834.22                 -10,815,131.20
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                        27,664,639.55                 23,698,010.18
Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                         -3,448,207.99                       -99,342.47
Decrease of deferred income tax asset
                                                            -2,553,647.50                  -2,225,237.39
(“-“ for increase)
Increase of deferred income tax asset
                                                             4,039,191.33                   4,805,419.56
(“-“ for decrease)
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                 -16,572,487.74                 26,059,387.31
Decrease of operational receivable items                  -127,562,194.03               -290,074,127.42

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(“-“ for increase)
Increase of operational receivable items
                                                          123,663,306.62                 81,643,448.27
(“-“ for decrease)
Others                                                    -16,726,404.65                   8,486,616.90
Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                           59,262,071.37                -57,045,495.85
2. Major investment and financing operation
                                                            --                           --
not involving with cash
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                  --                           --
Balance of cash at period end                             240,167,372.86                300,177,008.78
Less: Initial balance of cash                             300,177,008.78                468,878,715.15
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents -60009635.92                     -168701706.37

(2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries or businesses

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                               Occurred in previous
              Supplementary Info.               Occurred in current term
I. Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses               --                           --
II. Disposal of subsidiaries and businesses                 --                           --

(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                 In RMB
                       Item                           Closing amount             Opening amount
I. Cash                                                   240,167,372.86                300,177,008.78
Including: Cash in stock                                         10,565.48                    27,427.37
     Bank savings can be used at any time                 240,155,936.57                298,864,210.28
     Other monetary capital can be used at
                                                                   870.81                  1,285,371.13
any time
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                          240,167,372.86                300,177,008.78
end of term
Notes to supplementary data of cash flow statement

70. Notes to statement of change in owners’ equity

State the names and adjusted amount of the items of previous year, and retrospective adjustment on
merger of entities under common control.

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(VIII) Accounting treatment of capital securitization

1. State the main trade arrangement, accounting treatment, and bankruptcy isolating terms of capital

2. Entities on which the Company has no control power but undertake the risks

                                                                                               In RMB
                                           Net asset at                  Net profit of
               Closing total Closing total                revenue of
    Name                                   end of the                    the current        Notes
                  assets      liabilities                 the current
                                             period                        period

(IX) Related parties and transactions

1. Parent of the Company

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                       Share of
                                                         the                        Ultimat
                        Register Legal         Register parent                      e holder Organiz
        Relation Owners                Busines                             of the
 Parent                   ed represen            ed     co. in                       of the ation
         ship hip type                    s                                parent
                        address tative         capital   the                        Compan code
                                                       Compan                          y
        Controll                              Industri
        ing      Ltd.      Shenzhe Chen       al       30,000,                                729840
ogies                                                             9.09%     9.09%
        sharehol liability n       Jinwu      investm 000.00                                  05-5
        der                                   ent
n        Controll                         Industri
Shilihe ing       Ltd.     Shenzhe        al       19,780,                                    729844
                                   Shengg                         2.36%     2.36%
Investm sharehol liability n              investm 992.00                                      50-7
ent Co., der                              ent
Shengji Controll                    Xiong Industri                                            590466
                 Ltd.      Hong                     HKD10
u       ing                         Jianmin al                    2.82%     2.82%             83-000-
                 liability Kong                     ,000.00
Investm sharehol                    g       investm                                           10-11-2

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

ent Ltd. der                                   ent
Particulars about the parent of the Company

1. All of the investors of Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. – the holding
     shareholder of the Company, are natural persons. Among them, Chairman Xiong Jianming is
     holding 85% of the shares, and Mr. Xiong Xi – son of Mr. Xiong Jianming, is holding 15% of
     the shares.
  2. Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and
Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology
Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The Company
is not notified of other action-in-concert or related parties among the other holders of current shares.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                  In RMB
                               Register Legal             Register          Proporti
Subsidia Ownersh Ownersh                                           Sharehol          Organiza
                                 ed    represent Business   ed               on of
   ry     ip type ip type                                          ding (%)          tion code
                               address   ative            capital           votes %
Shenzhe                                      g,
n Fangda                                     manufact
Decorati                                     uring,
         ed        Ltd.      Shenzhe Xiong              310,000,                                1924441
on                                           and                              100%       100%
         subsidiar liability n       Jianwei            000.00                                  8-2
Engineer                                     installati
ing Co.,                                     on of
Ltd.                                         curtain
                                                     on and
n Fangda    Controll
Automat     ed        Ltd.      Shenzhe Lin                     105,000,                        7542542
                                                     ng of                    100%       100%
ic          subsidiar liability n       Kebin                   000.00                          9-3
System      ies
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhe                                     on and
n Fangda Controll Sino-for                  distributi
Yide      ed        eign    Shenzhe         on of      USD3,20                                  6192945
                                    Xioazhu                                   100%       100%
New       subsidiar joint   n               new-type 0,000.00                                   4-0
Material ies        venture                 composit
Co., Ltd.                                   e

                                                    China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                    joint                   on and
                    venture                 sales of
                    by the                  new-type
                    Compan                  materials
New       Controll
                    y and           Yang    composit USD12,0
Material ed                 Nanchan                                                    7485261
                    compani         Xioazhu e         00,000.0       100%       100%
s         subsidiar         g                                                          1-7
                    es in           an      materials 0
(Jiangxi) ies
                    Taiwan,                 and
Co., Ltd.
                    Hong                    producti
                    Kong or                 on of
                    Macao                   curtain
                  Ltd.                   on, sales
                  liability              and
                  (joint                 installati
                  venture                on of
        Controll by the                  curtain
New                              Yang
        ed        Compan Nanchan         wall       20,000,0                           1583066
Type                             Xioazhu                             100%       100%
        subsidiar y and     g            aluminu 00.00                                 4-0
Aluminu                          an
        ies       domestic               m
m Co.,
                  and                    materials
                  overseas               , doors,
                  compani                windows
                  es)                    and
Kong                  BODY                                                           3007554
            ed              Hong             Investme HKD10,
Junjia                CORPO                                          100%       100% -2000-04
            subsidiar       Kong             nt       000.00
Group                 RATE                                                           -10-4
Co., Ltd.
                                            turing of
g Fangda Controll
                                    Wang    ductor
Semi-co ed        Ltd.      Shenyan                   200,000,                         6625489
                                    Shenggu lighting              64.58% 64.58%
nductor subsidiar liability g                         000.00                           1-3
                                    o       material
Lighting ies
Co., Ltd.

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                on and
                                                ng of
                    Ltd.                        hardware
Shenzhe             liability                   and
n                   (Sole                       software,
          ed                  Shenzhe Lin                 1,000,00                         5840949
Kexunda             investme                    system                   100%       100%
          subsidiar           n       Kebin               0.00                             1-9
Software            nt by                       integrati
Co., Ltd.           legal                       on,
                    person)                     technical
                                                ment and
                                                g of real
Shenzhe                                         estate on
n Fangda    Controll                            land of
Property    ed                  Shenzhe Lin     which     10,000,0                         0589522
                      investme                                           100%       100%
Develop     subsidiar           n       Kebin   land use 00.00                             3-1
                      nt by
ment        ies                                 right is
Co., Ltd.                                       legally
                                                by the

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report


3. Joint ventures and affiliates

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                               of voting
Name of           Register Legal             Register
         Ownersh                                      Sharehol rights of Relation Organiza
invested            ed    represent Business   ed
          ip type                                     ding (%)    the     ship tion code
  entity          address   ative            capital
                                                                 y (%)
1. Joint venture
2. Associate

4. Other related parties

      Other related parties        Relationship with the Company           Organization code
Notes to other related parties

5. Related transactions

(1) Purchasing of goods and services

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                     Occurred in current      Occurred in previous
                                                           period                   period
                                     Pricing and                   Portion                     Portion
                       Related        decision                        in                          in
 Related party
                     transaction       making                      similar                     similar
                                       process        Amount                    Amount
                                                                   transac                     transac
                                                                    tions                       tions
                                                                     (%)                         (%)
Sales of goods and services
                                                                                               In RMB
                                                     Occurred in current      Occurred in previous
                                     Pricing and
                                                           period                   period
                       Related        decision
 Related party                                                     Portion                     Portion
                     transaction       making
                                       process        Amount         in         Amount           in
                                                                   similar                     similar

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                                     transac                     transac
                                                                      tions                       tions
                                                                       (%)                         (%)

(2) Related trusteeship or contracting

Related trusteeship or contracting in which the Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                           Gains from
Name of the Name of the situation of                        Terminating
                                              Start date                Pricing basis      the deal in
 employer   undertaker      the                                date
                                                                                          report period
Related trusteeship or contracting in which the Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                 In RMB
Name of the Name of the                                     Terminating               recognized in
                         situation of         Start date                Pricing basis
 employer   undertaker                                         date                     the report
                        the employer
Notes on the trusteeship and contracting:

(3) Related leasing

The Company is the lender
                                                                                                 In RMB
                               Category of                                                   Rental
Name of the Name of the
                                asset for  Starting date     Stop date     Pricing basis recognized in
  leasor      leasee
                                  lease                                                    the period
The Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                 In RMB
                                Category of                                                  Rental
Name of the Name of the
                                 asset for  Starting date    Stop date     Pricing basis recognized
  leasor      leasee
                                   lease                                                 in the period
Note to related leasing

(4) Related guarantees

                                                                                                 In RMB
                      Beneficiary     Amount                                             Completed or
   Guarantor                                          Start date         Due date
                        party        guaranteed                                             not
Note to related guarantees

                                                               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(5) Capital borrowing with related parties

                                                                                                    In RMB
   Related party     Borrowed amount           Start date              Due date               Notes
Borrow in
Lend out

(6) Asset transferring and debt reconstruction with related parties

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                            Occurred in current     Occurred in previous
                                                                  period                  period

                Type of                                                   Portion                   Portion
   Related                     Related      Pricing                          in                        in
    party                    transaction   principle                      similar                   similar
                  on                                          Amount                  Amount
                                                                          transac                   transac
                                                                           tions                     tions
                                                                            (%)                       (%)

(7) Other related transactions

6. Receivable and payables due with related parties

Receivables from related parties
                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                        End                    Beginning of the period
        Item               Related party   Remaining          Bad debt       Remaining         Bad debt
                                           book value         provision      book value        provision
Receivables to related parties
                                                                                                    In RMB
             Item                    Related party            Closing amount          Opening amount

(X) Share payment

1. Overall share payment

                                                                                                    In RMB
Notes to share payment

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

2. Share payment settled by equity

                                                                                                In RMB
Notes to share payment settled by equity

3. Share payment settled by cash

                                                                                                In RMB
Notes to share payment settled by cash

4. Service paid by shares

                                                                                                In RMB

5. Revising and termination of share payment

(XI) Contingent events

1. Contingent liabilities formed by material lawsuit or arbitration, and their influences on the
financial position

Plaintiff                     Defender              Case         Court   Target  Progress
Wang Weihong                    Fangda Engineering The 1 Middle RMB17.07             Loss
                            Decoration       dispute        Court of million and appraisal
                                                         Chongqing its interest
Note: In 2010, Wang Weihong sued to the 1 Middle Court of Chongqing against Fangda
Decoration – one of the Company’s subsidiaries, claiming for payment RMB17 million project
payment and interest, while Fangda Decoration claimed RMB18 million of project payment and
related loss. At present the trial process has been completed. Wang Weihong demanded loss
appraisal in the debate stage. And the bank deposit of RMB12 million of Fangda Decoration was
frozen by the court.

2. Contingent liabilities formed by providing of guarantee to other companies’ debts and their
influences on financial situation

Other contingent liabilities and their influences

(XII) Commitments

1. Major commitments

1. Details of guarantees provided between the Company and its subsidiaries for bank credits are:

1. Details of guarantees provided between the Company and its subsidiaries for bank credits by

                                                               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

December 31, 2012 are listed as follows:

      Company                    Amount                                     Notes

Fangda New Material                 50,000,000.00 No loan commitment under the credit item at
                                                                 the end of the report period
  Fangda Automatic                 250,000,000.00 No loan commitment under the credit item at
                                                                 the end of the report period
 Fangda Decoration                 500,000,000.00 No loan commitment under the credit item at
                                                                 the end of the report period
 Fangda Decoration                    6,818,027.50 Guaranteed by Fangda Decoration and Fangda
                                                     Automatic. This amount is the part used but
  Fangda Automatic                                                         not due in last year.

         Total                   1,199,088,067.50

2. Details of guarantees provided by subsidiaries for the Company for bank credits by December 31,
2012 are listed as follows:

          Company                             Amount                                  Notes

Fangda Decoration, Fangda                            142,850,000.00 The credit has not been used
Automatic                                                           at the end of the period.

The Company has no other commitments that should be disclosed by December 31, 2012.

2. Fulfilling of commitments made in previous periods

(XIII) Post-balance-sheet events

1. Notes to material post-balance-sheet events

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                        Influence on the
                                                                                    Reason for not able to
          Item                  Description          financial position and
                                                                                    estimate the influence
                                                     business performance

2. Notes to profit distribution in post balance sheet period

                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

3. Notes to other issues in post balance sheet period

(XIV) Other material events

1. Non-monetary asset exchange

2. Debt reconstruction

3. Enterprise merger

5. Leasing

5. Financial instruments issued to outside, convertible to shares

6. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                        changes in fair
                                                             value      Impairment
                          Opening         caused by                                         Closing
        Item                                              accounting provided in the
                          amount        changes in fair                                     amount
                                                            into the      period
Financial assets
3. Sellable
                         2,198,000.00    1,533,000.00
financial assets
Subtotal                 2,198,000.00    1,533,000.00
Investment real        277,705,949.3                                                     254,766,256.3
                                     12,290,834.22      1,200,647.26
estate                             5                                                                 3
                       279,903,949.3                                                     254,766,256.3
Total                                13,823,834.22      1,200,647.26
                                   5                                                                 3

7. Foreign currency financial assets and liabilities

                                                                                                 In RMB
                                          Gain/loss changes in fair
                          Opening         caused by        value                            Closing
        Item                                                        provided in the
                          amount        changes in fair accounting                          amount
                                            value         into the

                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Financial assets
3. Loans and
                        17,876,047.72                                  3,895,097.19 41,726,895.45
Subtotal                17,876,047.72          0.00            0.00    3,895,097.19 41,726,895.45
Financial liabilities             0.00                                                            0.00

8. Main contents of annual rewarding plan and material changes

9. Others

Fangda Town reconstruction project

According to Announcement “2012 Shenzhen Urban Renewal Plan The First Projects” (Draft)
issued by the Shenzhen Planning and Land Resources Committee on February 2, 2012, the
Company’s Fangda Town project in Longjing, Xili, Nanshan District has been incorporated into the
“2012 Shenzhen Urban Renewal Plan The First Projects” (Draft) by developed by Shenzhen
Planning and Land Resources Committee.

The land is the Company’s property and covers 41,645m2. The reconstruction includes renewal of
industrial functions and the area for public use accounts for no less than 15 of the reconstruction

(XV) Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent

1. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable

                                                                                               In RMB
                                  Closing amount                        Opening amount
                        Remaining book                    Remaining book
                                       Bad debt provision                Bad debt provision
                            value                             value
        Type                       Prop
                                                      Propo              Propo                  Propo
                         Amount            Amount     rtion   Amount     rtion      Amount      rtion
                                                       (%)                (%)                    (%)
Account receivable for which bad debt provision is made by group
                        8,455,543. 100              39.01 8,602,510.                   34.86
receivable out of                      3,298,401.79                  100% 2,998,948.29
                                17 %                   %          09                      %
the consolidation
Subtotal                8,455,543. 100 3,298,401.79 39.01 8,602,510. 100% 2,998,948.29 34.86

                                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                               17            %                          %            09                                 %
                       8,455,543.                                           8,602,510.
Total                             --             3,298,401.79 --                       --         2,998,948.29 --
                               17                                                   09
Notes to account receivable
Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at
the end of the period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                           In RMB
                         Closing amount                                             Opening amount
                Remaining book value                                    Remaining book value
   Age                             Propo              Bad debt                               Propo          Bad debt
                   Amount          rtion              provision             Amount           rtion          provision
                                    (%)                                                       (%)
Less than 1 year
Including: --                      --            --                --                        --        --
for less                                                                                     21.32
                     490,582.84 5.8%                   14,717.49             1,834,317.56                     55,029.53
than 1                                                                                          %
                                   14.15                                                     12.79
1-2 years           1,196,767.80                      119,676.78             1,100,443.75                    110,044.38
                                      %                                                         %
2-3 years           1,100,443.75                      330,133.13
Over 3                             67.04                                                     65.89
                    5,667,748.78         2,833,874.39                        5,667,748.78                   2,833,874.38
years                                 %                                                         %
3-4 years                                                                    5,667,748.78                   2,833,874.38
4-5 years           5,667,748.78         2,833,874.39
Total               8,455,543.17        --        3,298,401.79               8,602,510.09         --        2,998,948.29
Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(2) Written-back or recovered account receivable during the report period

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                               Basis for
                                                                provided amount
                                            recognition of                       Written-back or
     Description            Reason                                 before the
                                           original bad debt                    recovered amount
                                                                  write-back or
Bad debt provision for account receivable with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                          In RMB
                      Remaining book
    Description                            Bad debt amount Providing rate (%)               Reason
Notes to account receivable with minor individual amount but triggering substantial risks after
being grouped

(3) Written-off account receivable during the report period

                                                                                                  In RMB
     Entity          Nature              Time            Amount            Reason
Notes to written-off account receivable

(4) Shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company and owing any
account receivable to the Company at the end of period

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                     Closing amount                         Opening amount

          Entity                                 Bad debt
                           Remaining book                         Remaining book     Bad debt
                               value                                  value      provision amount

(5) Nature and description of major other account receivable

(6) Top 5 account receivable entities

                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                                      Percentage in the
                     Relationship with
       Entity                                   Amount                Term              total account
                      the Company
                                                                                       receivable (%)
Guangzhou Metro Non-affiliated                  1,196,767.80 1-2 years                            14.15%

                                                                China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Company                party
Guangzhou Metro Non-affiliated
                                                   1,100,443.75 2-3 years                            13.01%
Company         party
Guangzhou Metro Non-affiliated
                                                   5,667,748.78 Over 3 years                         67.03%
Company         party
Shenzhen Taishan
Online Tech Co.                                        229,669.84 Less than 1 year                    2.72%
Fuchuangtong           Non-affiliated
                                                        85,111.20 Less than 1 year                    1.01%
Technology Co.,        party
Dianlitong        Non-affiliated
                                                        61,959.17 Less than 1 year                    0.73%
Technologies Co., party
Shenzhen BORND
Optical and
Electronic                                              36,366.72 Less than 1 year                    0.43%
Technology Co.,
        Total                     --               8,378,067.26            --                        99.08%

(7) Account receivable from affiliates

                                                                                                     In RMB
                               Relationship with the                               Percentage in the total
         Entity                                                Amount
                                     Company                                       account receivable (%)


Amount of receivable transferred but not satisfying the conditions of termination recognition is

(9) If securitization is performed on target asset with purpose of receivable account, please brief the
related arrangements.

2. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables

                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                         Closing amount                                  Opening amount
                          Remaining book                  Bad debt              Remaining book                Bad debt
                              value                       provision                 value                     provision
           Type                             Prop                        Prop                   Prop         Prop
                                            ortio                       ortio                  ortio        ortio
                            Amount                      Amount                    Amount             Amount
                                              n                           n                      n            n
                                            (%)                         (%)                    (%)          (%)
Other receivables for which bad debt provision is made by group
Including: receivable
                                                0.43            25.6              0.75            27.1
out of the                2,213,985.94               567,657.33      1,996,058.81      540,923.81
                                                  %              4%                 %               %
Receivable accounts 510,652,461.9 99.5                                          263,714,477. 99.2
consolidated                    1 5%                                                      63 2%
                         512,866,447.8 99.9            0.11 265,710,536. 99.9            0.2
Subtotal                                    567,657.33                        540,923.81
                                     5 8%                %            44 7%               %
Other receivables
with minor individual
                                                0.02                     100                      0.03           100
amount and bad debt           77,046.00                  77,046.00                 77,046.00           77,046.00
                                                  %                       %                         %             %
provision provided
                         512,943,493.8                                          265,787,582.
Total                                  --              644,703.33 --                         --          617,969.81 --
                                     5                                                    44
Notes to other receivables
Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the
end of the period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                           In RMB
                            Closing amount                                            Opening amount
                  Remaining book value                               Remaining book value
    Age                             Propo            Bad debt                                Propo            Bad debt
                     Amount         rtion            provision             Amount            rtion            provision
                                     (%)                                                      (%)
Less than 1 year
Including:     --                   --          --                 --                        --          --
Subtotal for                             0.18                                                     0.35
                       953,182.40                      28,595.47                928,255.27                       27,847.66
less than 1                                %                                                        %

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                   0.04                                         0.02
1-2 years           203,000.00               20,300.00            50,699.54                        5,069.95
                                     %                                            %
2-3 years            50,699.54               15,209.86              2,729.00     0%                 818.70
Over 3                                                                          0.38
                  1,007,104.00 0.2%        503,552.00          1,014,375.00                  507,187.50
years                                                                             %
3-4 years             2,729.00     0%         1,364.50
4-5 years                                                           6,000.00     0%                3,000.00
Over 5                                                                          0.38
                  1,004,375.00 0.2%        502,187.50          1,008,375.00                  504,187.50
years                                                                             %
Total             2,213,985.94     --      567,657.33          1,996,058.81      --          540,923.81
Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables adopting other methods in the group
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Group                     Remaining book value               Bad debt provision
Receivable accounts consolidated                         510,652,461.91                               0.00
Total                                                    510,652,461.91                               0.00
Other receivables with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                         In RMB
                     Remaining book
    Description                     Bad debt provision Providing rate (%)                  Reason
                                                                                      Unlikely to
Trades                       44,546.00           44,546.00                   100%
Engineering                                                                           Unlikely to
                             24,000.00           24,000.00                   100%
payment                                                                               recover
                                                                                      Unlikely to
Deposit                       4,500.00            4,500.00                   100%
                                                                                      Unlikely to
Deposit                       4,000.00            4,000.00                   100%
Total                        77,046.00           77,046.00             --                     --

(2) Written-back or recovered other receivables during the report period

                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                                Basis for
                                                                 provided amount
                                             recognition of                       Written-back or
     Description            Reason                                  before the
                                            original bad debt                    recovered amount
                                                                   write-back or
Bad debt provision for other receivables with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                           In RMB
                     Remaining book
   Description                              Bad debt amount      Providing rate (%)          Reason
Notes to other receivables with minor individual amount but triggering substantial risks after being

(3) Written-off other receivables during the report period

                                                                                                   In RMB
     Entity           Nature              Time          Amount             Reason
Notes to written-off other receivables

(4) Shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company and owing any other
receivables to the Company at the end of period

                                                                                                   In RMB
                                         Closing amount                       Opening amount

           Entity                                    Bad debt                                Bad debt
                               Remaining book                        Remaining book
                                                     provision                               provision
                                   value                                 value
                                                      amount                                  amount

(5) Nature and description of major other receivables

(6) Top 5 other receivable entities

                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                       Percentage in the
                     Relationship with
       Entity                                    Amount                Term                total other
                      the Company
                                                                                        receivables (%)
Fangda Decoration Related party               327,191,171.50 Less than 1 year                      63.79%
Fangda Decoration Related party                  78,127,882.12 1-2 years                           15.23%
Fangda Decoration Related party                    350,445.31 Over 3 years                          0.07%

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Fangda New
                    Related party            67,401,375.40 Less than 1 year                     13.14%
HK Junhjia          Related party                   6,529.28 Less than 1 year                        0%
HK Junhjia          Related party                  49,352.88 1-2 years                           0.01%
HK Junhjia          Related party            30,330,898.93 Over 3 years                          5.91%
Shenyang Fangda Related party                 6,674,389.28 1-2 years                               1.3%
Shenyang Fangda Related party                     232,382.30 Over 3 years                        0.05%
Longevity           Non-affiliated
                                                  984,375.00 Over 3 years                        0.19%
Pharmaceutical      party
Co., Ltd.
        Total                --             511,348,802.00            --                        99.69%

(7) Other receivables from affiliates

                                                                                                In RMB
                          Relationship with the                               Percentage in the total
         Entity                                           Amount
                                Company                                       other receivables (%)
Fangda Decoration       Related party                      405,669,498.93                       79.09%
Fangda New Material Related party                            67,401,375.40                      13.14%
HK Junhjia              Related party                        30,386,781.09                       5.92%
Shenyang Fangda         Related party                         6,906,771.58                       1.35%
Kexunda                 Related party                          160,400.00                        0.03%
Shenzhen Woke           Related party                          110,450.91                        0.02%
Fangda Property         Related party                            17,184.00                           0%
         Total                       --                    510,652,461.91                       99.55%


Amount of other account receivable transferred but not satisfying the conditions of termination
recognition is RMB0.00.

(9) If securitization is performed on target asset with purpose of other receivable account, please
brief the related arrangements.

3. Long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                In RMB
Investe Audit Invest Openin Change Closin Shareh Proport Notes Impair Provisi Cash

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

d entity method ment    g                  g     olding ion of         to   ment     on dividen
                cost balance            balance in the voting      inconsi provisi made d in the
                                                investe rights      stence   on    in this period
                                               d entity in the     betwee          period
                                                  (%) investe        n the
                                                        d entity    shareh
                                                          (%)       olding
Fangda           305,00 305,00           305,00
Decora Cost     0,000.0 0,000.0         0,000.0 98.39% 98.39%
tion                  0       0               0
                19,800,                                                    19,800,
Alumin Cost                                        99%      99%
                 000.00                                                     000.00
Fangda          19,907,                                                    19,907,
       Cost                                        75%      75%
Yide             760.00                                                     760.00
HK              10,600.                                                    10,600.
       Cost                                       100% 100%
Junjia               00                                                         00
Fangda           170,38 170,38           170,38
Autom Cost      5,071.7 5,071.7         5,071.7 94.08% 94.08%
atic                  3       3               3
New             74,496, 74,496,         74,496,
       Cost                                        75%      75%
Materi           600.00 600.00           600.00
Shenya           109,56 108,85           108,85
ng     Cost     0,000.0 2,073.8         2,073.8    65%      65%
Fangda                0       5               5
Kexun           1,000,0 1,000,0         1,000,0
      Cost                                      100% 100%
da                00.00 00.00             00.00
                10,000,           10,000, 10,000,
Propert Cost                                      100% 100%
                 000.00            000.00 000.00
                 710,16 659,73           669,73
                                10,000,                                    39,718,            39,356,
Total      --   0,031.7 3,745.5         3,745.5    --       --       --
                                 000.00                                     360.00             000.00
                      3       8               8
Notes to long-term share equity investment

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

The Company has newly established Fangda Property according to the resolution of the 16th
meeting of the 6th term of the Board on October 29, 2012. The Fangda Town Project Development
Company was solely established by the Company with a registered capital of RMB10 million for
the reconstruction of Fangda Town. The investment of RMB10 million has been fully paid on
November 21, 2012.

4. Operational revenue and costs

(1) Turnover

                                                                                                In RMB
           Item               Occurred in current period            Occurred in previous period
Major business turnover                                                                   1,022,878.46
Other business income                         46,185,831.72                             43,355,186.79
Total                                         46,185,831.72                             44,378,065.25
Operation cost                                11,267,937.63                             11,314,912.66

(2) Business segments (on industries)

                                                                                                In RMB
                             Occurred in current period             Occurred in previous period
                            Turnover        Operation cost           Turnover         Operation cost
Railroad transport
                                                                      1,022,878.46          671,466.39
Total                                                      0.00       1,022,878.46          671,466.39

(3) Business segments (by products)

                                                                                                In RMB
                             Occurred in current period             Occurred in previous period
                            Turnover        Operation cost           Turnover         Operation cost
Railroad transport
                                                                      1,022,878.46          671,466.39
Total                                                      0.00       1,022,878.46          671,466.39

(4) Business segments (by regions)

                                                                                                In RMB
                             Occurred in current period             Occurred in previous period
                            Turnover        Operation cost           Turnover         Operation cost

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Domestic                                                           1,022,878.46          671,466.39
Total                                                  0.00        1,022,878.46          671,466.39

(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                                Percentage in total
                     Customer                      Total operating turnover      turnover of the
                                                                                   Company %
No.1                                                             7,720,939.93                16.72%
No.2                                                             7,022,261.70                 15.2%
No.3                                                             2,585,616.28                   5.6%
No.4                                                             2,488,021.20                 5.39%
No.5                                                             1,089,143.00                 2.36%
Total                                                           20,905,982.11                45.27%
Notes to operating revenue

5. Investment income

(1) Details of investment gains

                                                                                             In RMB
                                                Occurred in current        Occurred in previous
                                                      period                     period
Gains from long-term equity investment
                                                        39,356,000.00                57,338,200.00
measured by costs
Gains from sellable financial assets and
Others                                                                                    64,444.44
Total                                                   43,904,207.99                57,402,644.44

(2) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by costs

                                                                                             In RMB
                                     Occurred in     Occurred in Reason for change from the
           Invested entity
                                    current period previous period    previous period
                                                                    Decrease in profits and
Fangda Decoration                     39,356,000.00 49,195,000.00
Total                                 39,356,000.00 49,195,000.00                   --

                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

(3) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by equity

                                                                                                      In RMB
                                        Occurred in     Occurred in Reason for change from the
          Invested entity
                                       current period previous period    previous period
Notes to investment gains

6. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                       Amount of the current           Amount of the
                 Supplementary Info.
                                                             period                    previous period
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business
                                                                   --                           --
Net profit                                                    58,184,657.79                68,410,991.91
Plus: Asset impairment provision                       326187.02                    427828.17
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol
                                                               2,768,825.10                 2,210,970.53
depreciation, production goods depreciation
Amortizing of intangible assets                                     658,245.20                   637,358.82
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                        -6,525.64                225,265.79
assets, and other long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)                         67,888.91                    8,149.14
Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for gains)            -13,791,134.22               -11,008,729.20
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                          14,606,321.17                12,536,988.86
Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                           -43,904,207.99              -57,402,644.44
Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for
                                                               2,082,082.91                      746,700.07
Increase of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for
                                                               4,450,464.09                 4,831,827.95
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for
                                                            -246,906,847.34               -62,382,349.30
Increase of operational receivable items (“-“ for
                                                              17,207,519.64                 -4,297,488.06
Cash flow generated by business operation, net              -204,256,523.36               -45,055,129.76
2. Major investment and financing operation not
                                                                   --                           --
involving with cash
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                         --                           --
Balance of cash at period end                                 25,540,604.84                24,337,261.80

                                                               China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

Less: Initial balance of cash                                     24,337,261.80             30,297,718.91
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents            1203343.04                  -5960457.11

7. Assets and liabilities accounted by valuation under counter purchase

Assets and liabilities accounted by valuation under counter purchase
                                                                                                    In RMB
                                               Method of             Process of
                                                                                          Original book
         Item              Fair value       recognizing fair       calculating fair
                                                 value                  value
Long-term equity investment formed by counter purchase
                                                                                                    In RMB
                                     Amount of the long-term equity
                                                                            Process of calculating the
                Item                  investment formed by counter
                                                                          long-term equity investment

(XVI) Supplementary Information

1. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                        Weighted average net          Earning per share
       Profit of the report period       income/asset ratio Basic earnings per Diluted earnings
                                                (%)               share             per share
Net profit attributable to common
                                                        2.3%                     0.03                  0.03
shareholders of the Company
Net profit attributable to the
common owners of the PLC after
                                                       0.68%                     0.01                  0.01
deducting of non-recurring

2. Irregular situation and causes of items in the financial statements


                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2012 Annual Report

                                   XI Documents for Reference

1. The Annual Report 2011 and the Summary with signature of the legal representative (Chinese
and English);
2. Accounting Statements with signatures and seals of the legal representative and financial
principal and chief of accounting department;
3. Original copy of the Auditors’ Report under the seal of the CPA and signed by and under the seal
of certified accountants.
4. Originals of all documents and manuscripts of Public Notices of the Company disclosed in public
in the newspapers as designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
