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方 大B:2013年半年度报告摘要(英文版)2013-07-29  

						                                                                    China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.          2013 Interim Report Summary

Stock Code: 000055, 200055                   Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B                  Announcement No. 2013-20

                                   China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                   2013 Interim Report Summary

1 Important Declaration

(1) This is the summary abstracted from the complete version of Interim Report, which is published
synchronously on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) or website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange designated
by CSRC for details please refer to the complete version.

(2) Company Profile

Stock ID                                  Fangda Group, Fangda B          Stock code                      000055, 200055
Modified stock ID (if any)                None
Stock Exchange                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
           Contacts and liaisons                      Secretary of the Board                      Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                      Zhou Zhigang                                     Guo Lingchen
Tel.                                      86(755)26788571 ext. 6622                        86(755)26788571 ext. 6622
Fax                                       86(755)26788353                                  86(755)26788353
Email                                     zqb@fangda.com                                   zqb@fangda.com

2. Financial Highlight and Changes in Shareholders

(1) Financial highlights

The Company retroactively adjusts or restates financial statistics of the previous years because of changes in
account policies and correction of accounting errors.
□ Yes √ No
                                                    This report period            Same period last year       Year-on-year change (%)
Turnover (yuan)                                             736,828,039.88                  529,289,597.80                      39.21%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                             39,361,593.42                   12,643,297.40                     211.32%
the listed company (yuan)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders
of the listed company and after deducting                    37,591,750.20                    5,980,785.25                     528.54%
of non-recurring gain/loss (RMB)
Net cash flow generated by business
                                                              1,089,862.59                  -68,069,752.93
operation (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                                    0.05                          0.02                         150%
Diluted Earnings per share (yuan/share)                                  0.05                          0.02                         150%
Weighted average net income/asset ratio
                                                                     3.54%                           1.17%                          2.37%
                                                 End of this report period      End of the same period last   Year-on-year change (%)

                                                                  China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.         2013 Interim Report Summary

Total asset (RMB)                                         2,482,878,735.44           2,327,802,889.51                        6.66%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                          1,115,433,276.12           1,098,612,195.57                        1.53%
of the listed company (RMB)

(2) Top 10 Shareholders

Number of shareholders by the
end of the report period
                                                          Top 10 Shareholders
                                         Properties of     Shareholdi Number of      Conditional           Pledging or freezing
     Name of the shareholder
                                         shareholder          ng       shares          shares           Share status    Amount
Shenzhen Banglin Technologies       Domestic non-state
                                                               9.09%   68,774,273                  0
Development Co., Ltd.               legal person
Liaoning Fangda Group Industry Domestic non-state
                                                               4.06%   30,765,226                  0
Co., Ltd.                      legal person
Shengjiu Investment Ltd.            Foreign legal person       2.82%   21,339,867                  0
                                    Domestic natural
Huang Jupei                                                    2.64%   20,012,177                  0
Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Domestic non-state
                                                               2.36%   17,860,992                  0
Ltd.                             legal person
Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.'s
                                    Others                     2.22%   16,800,000                  0
agreed repurchase account
Everbright Securities Customer
                                    Domestic non-state
Credit Transaction Guarantee                                   1.71%   12,956,515                  0
                                    legal person
Securities Account
                                    Domestic natural
He Yansong                                                     0.64%    4,851,228                  0
                                    Domestic natural
Zhao Zuwen                                                     0.59%    4,502,213                  0
                                    Domestic natural
Cao Yifan                                                      0.41%    3,136,865                  0
                                                           Among the above-mentioned shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology
                                                           Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties
Notes to top ten shareholder relationship or "action in    action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd.
concert"                                                   and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The
                                                           Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related parties
                                                           among the other holders of current shares.
Statement of shareholders participating in margin trade
(if any)

 (3) Changes in controlling shareholder or substantial controller

Change in controlling shareholder in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Change in the substantial controller in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Management Discussion and Analysis

     During the report period, the Chinese economic slowdown continues and the pressure on the economy is
likely to increase. Subdued by the tightened money supply, the Company has adhered to the its main business
including the curtain wall and screen door based on independent innovation and has increased the market share
thanks to its outstanding brand equity, technology and services. Increases in orders, projects, sales revenue and

                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.   2013 Interim Report Summary

profit margin reflect the Company’s strong growth in various areas. During the report period, the Company
secured orders worth RMB1.578 billion, yielding operating revenue of RMB736,828,000, up 210% and 39.21%
year-on-year respectively. The net profit attributable to owners of the parent soared 211.32% to RMB39,361,600
and the net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss grew 528.54%, showing strong growth of the
profitability of main businesses. By the end of the report period, the order reserve totals RMB2.048 billion, which
accounts for 277.95% of the operating revenue of the first half of the year, bolstering the full year’s business
       1. Explosive increase in curtain wall system and material orders
      During the report period, the curtain wall system and material business, as main contributors of sales revenue
and profits of the Company, have maintained strong growth momentum, with an explosive increase in orders from
across the country. The Company has won bids in high-end low-carbon curtain wall projects including SOHO
China Shanghai Bund project, Beijing Yanxi Lake International Club (Core Island) villa, landscape tower and
hotel, Hebei Langfang Sheraton Hotel, Hebei Sanheyanjiao Seoul Town Sweet Home Phase I, Nanjing Heixi
General Hospital (Heixi Children Hospital), Fuzhou Rongqiao Riverbank Plaza, Fuzhou Huaban Building,
Xiamen Anmei Optical-Electric R&D Building, Chengdu Huazhi Plaza residential buildings, Nanjing Jiangsu
Bank Building, Guangzhou G.T. Land Holdings Zhujiang New Town D3-2 District, Shenzhen Electronics Group
Hitachi Industry Zone Renovation project, Shenzhen Rainbow Headquarters Building, Shenzhen CITIC Bank
Building, Shenzhen Vanke One City 1st District, Wuhan Wanda Central Cultural Zone J1 Hanxiu Theatre. In the
first half of the year, new orders of the curtain wall system and materials totaled RMB1.488 billion, generating
sales revenue of RMB671,324,100, up 176% and 42.24% year on year respectively.
Thanks to the outstanding technology, brand equity and services, Fangda curtain wall systems and material
products have emerged as the leading high-end products in China, boosting the market demand. To meeting the
expanding market demand, the Company has continued to improve the hardware facilities and boost the output
capacity. During the report period, the Dongguan Songshanhu Production Base was put into operation. The
curtain wall system and material business landscape has taken shape with Shenzhen as the headquarters,
Dongguan Songshanhu as the production base in the south, Beijing in the north, Chengdu in the southwest, and
Shanghai and Nanchang in the east. The production bases in Dongguan and Nanchang are the largest and most
modern ones in China and the world. Currently, all the five production bases have been put into operation,
boosting the Company’s output capability and paving the way to increase the market share and elevate
competiveness. Given the Company’s leading position in the curtain wall system and material industry, the curtain
wall system and material business is likely to maintain the fast growth over the past few years.
During the report period, Fangda Decoration, a wholly-owned subsidiary specialized in curtain wall design and
engineering, won the 2012 Guangdong Construction Engineering High Quality Prize and the title of Guangdong
Nationwide Well-known Brand. Jiangxi New Material, a wholly-owned subsidiary specialized in curtain wall
material production, won the title of 2012 Leader Manufacturer and its product Fangda single aluminum plate
2.0/2.5/3.0 won the title of Jiangxi Well-Known Products.
      2. Rail transport equipment business grasps opportunities to increase market shares
      As China’s urbanization accelerates, the urban rail transport construction embraces a gold development
opportunity. Riding the tide of massive rail transport construction, the Company has made remarkable headway in
market development, further increasing its market shares. Thanks to the leading performance, stable quality, high
reliability and pleasant outer appearance, the Company’s products have gained wide favor from customers. This
year, the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Fangda Automation won bids in a serious screen door projects
including Xi’an railway line No.3, Fuzhou railway line No.1, Nanchang railway line No.1, Shenzhen railway
Longhua line (screen door renovation) and Hubei inter-city railway (Wuhan high-speed railway) project. Projects
won by the subsidiary accounted for 60% of all the screen door projects in China, reflecting the Company’s strong
market position, brand equity and leading position in the domestic screen door industry. During the report period,
revenue from sales of screen doors has grown 33.72% year on year. After more than a decade’s innovation and
development, screen doors developed by the Company with intellectual property rights have been widely used in
more than 10 domestic cities including Beijing, Shenyang, Dalian, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Fuzhou, Xi’an,
Wuhan, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen as well as developed cities in the Asia-Pacific region
including Singapore, Hong Kong and Taipei. Currently, about 60% of metro cities have adopted Fangda's railway
screen doors, which have grasped the largest share in the domestic screen door market. As the Chinese economy
continues to grow and urbanization gathers steam, the country will further step up railway construction. Therefore,
the growth momentum for the domestic railway screen door industry will remain strong and bolster the
Company’s screen door business.
      3. Vigorously pace up the Fangda Town Renovation Project
      The Company’s Fangda Town project lying in Shenzhen Nanshan Xili Longjing has been fitted into 2012

                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.   2013 Interim Report Summary

Shenzhen Urban Renewal Plan The First Projects by Shenzhen Planning and Land Resources Committee and has
been ratified by Shenzhen City Government. Currently, the plan has been reviewed on the 2013 10th technical
session of the Shenzhen Urban Planning and Resources Commission and will be disclosed between June 25, 2013
and July 24, 2013. If the plan can be approved, the Company will implement it immediately, which will boost the
company’s value and bolster the Company’s long-term development.
     4. Play an active role in social charitable activities
     As an industry leader, the Company has continued playing an active role in social charitable activities and
seeing donations as part of its social responsibilities. After the earthquake in Ya'an on April 20, the Company
called on the staff to donate money for victims in the first place to help relieve the disaster. Employees of the
Company in cities across China including Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenyang, Nanchang and Dongguan
donated nearly RMB270,000. In addition, the Company donated another RMB50,000 to the Jiangxi Anle Hope
Primary School and RMB60,000 to Shenzhen Polytechnic to support students from poor families. The Company
has also received titles including Active Company in Social Charity and Charitable Enterprise.

4. Related issues involved the financial report

(1) Statement of changes to accounting policies, estimates and audit methods compared with the financial report
of the previous year


(2) Statement of retrospective restatement of major accounting errors in the report period


(3) Statement of change in the financial statement consolidation scope compared with the previous financial report


(4) Statement of the Board on the “non-standard auditors’ report” issued by the CPA on the current report period


                                                                  China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                         Board of Directors
                                                                          July 30, 2013
