Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2013-28
Result Forecast for the First Three Quarters in 2013 of China
Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
The members of the Board and the Company guarantee that the
announcement is free from any false information, misleading statement or
material omission.
I. Result forecast
1. Period: between January 1, 2013 and September 30, 2013
2. Forecast: a substantial year-on-year rise
(1) Result forecast for the period between January 1, 2013 and September 30,
Item This period Same period last year
Net profit YoY rise: 182.94%-215.59%
attributable to
the shareholders
Profit: RMB52,000,000-RMB58,000,000 RMB18,378,300
of the listed
Basic earning
RMB0.07 – RMB0.08 RMB0.02
per share
(2) Result forecast for the period between 01.07.13 and September 30, 2013:
Item This period Same period last year
Net profit YoY rise: 120.40%-225.02%
attributable to
the shareholders Profit: RMB5,735,000
of the listed Profit: RMB12,640,000-RMB18,640,000
Basic earning
RMB0.017 – RMB0.025 RMB0.01
per share
II. Auditing for the earning forecast
This earning forecast is not audited by a certified accountant.
III. Reason
The substantial increase in turnover is attributable to an increase in orders,
which leads to a rise in the profit from the main business.
IV. Others
This forecast is only a preliminary estimate made by the Company’s financial
department. The actual profit for the third quarter of 2013 will be announced in the
2013 third quarter report. Investors should be aware of investment risks.
The above is for the attention of the shareholders.
China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors
October 11, 2013