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						                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

Stock Code: 000055, 200055 Stock ID: Fangda Group, Fangda B Announcement No. 2014-30

  China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.                         2014 First Quarter Report

                                                            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

                                    I Important Statement

        The members of the Board and the Company guarantee that the

announcement is free from any false information, misleading statement or

material omission and are jointly and severally liable for the information’s

truthfulness, accuracy and integrity.

    Directors other than the following ones have attended the Board meeting to

review the quarterly report.

 Name of absent director   Position of absent director         Reason                     Name of proxy
      Guo Wanda              Independent director        Business engagement              Huang Yaying
     Xiong Jianwei                  Director             Business engagement             Wang Shengguo

    Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Lin Kebin, the Chief

Financial Officer, and Mr. Chen Yonggang, the manager of accounting

department declare: the Financial Report carried in this report is authentic and


                                                                          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

                    2. Financial Highlight and Changes in Shareholders

1. Financial Highlight

The Company retroactively adjusts or restates financial statistics of the previous years because of changes in
account policies and correction of accounting errors.
□ Yes √ No
                                                     Report period                Last period               Year-on-year change (%)

Turnover (yuan)                                     355,756,883.37              302,138,499.27                        17.75%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                    11,482,984.40               11,212,202.96                         2.42%
the listed company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
of the listed company and after deducting           12,517,571.36               10,738,339.51                         16.57%
of non-recurring gain/loss (RMB)

Net cash flow generated by business
                                                   -136,031,996.42              -41,819,154.03
operation (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                   0.0152                      0.0148                            2.7%

Diluted Earnings per share (yuan/share)                 0.0152                      0.0148                            2.7%

Weighted average net income/asset ratio
                                                        0.98%                       1.02%                             -0.04%

                                                     Report period            End of the last year          Year-on-year change (%)

Total asset (RMB)                                  2,727,017,804.82            2,599,557,542.57                       4.9%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                   1,149,415,418.10            1,160,639,730.85                       -0.97%
of the listed company (RMB)

Accidental gain/loss item and amount
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                      Amount at the end of the
                               Items                                                                              Notes
                                                                           report period

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the write-off part
for which assets impairment provision is made)

Subsidies accounted into the current income account (except the
government subsidy closely related to the enterprise’s business            137,250.67
and based on unified national standard quota)

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above              29,835.91

Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of non-recurring                                     Return from reverse report of
gain/loss account                                                                                    treasury bonds

                                                                             China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                         -209,141.32

Total                                                                        -1,034,586.96                           --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental
gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement of
Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
              Items                         Amount                                              Reason

Other gain/loss items
satisfying the definition of
                                                     57,776.37 Return from reverse report of treasury bonds
non-recurring gain/loss

2. Number of shareholders and top 10 shareholders' shareholding at the end of the report

                                                                                                                                  In share

Number of shareholders at the end of
the reporting period

                                                          Top 10 Shareholders

                          Properties of     Shareholding        Number of         Conditional              Pledging or freezing
                           shareholder          (%)                shares            shares         Share status           Amount

 Shenzhen Banglin
                          non-state legal      9.09%            68,774,273             0                 Pledged          32,510,000
 Development Co.,

Shengjiu Investment       Foreign legal
                                               4.65%            35,202,057             0
          Ltd.                 person

  Shenyin Wanguo
                               Others           4%              30,270,000             0
Repurchase Account

                        Domestic natural
    Huang Jupei                                3.7%             28,017,643             0

  Shenzhen Shilihe
                          non-state legal      2.36%            17,860,992             0
Investment Co., Ltd.

                        Domestic natural
   Wang Shaolin                                2.17%            16,411,700             0

        Jiang Jing      Domestic natural       1.41%            10,635,440             0

                                                                           China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report


      Bank of
 Communication -
 Huaan Chuangxin             Others            1.04%           7,856,590                0
  Investment Fund

   CCB - Huaan
   Hi-Tech Stock
                             Others            0.73%           5,559,583                0
  Investment Fund

                       Domestic natural
     Cao Yifan                                 0.48%           3,620,865                0

                                               Top 10 holders of unconditional shares

                                                                                                      Category of shares
             Shareholder                       Amount of shares without sales restriction        Category of

   Shenzhen Banglin Technologies                                                               RMB common
                                                              68,774,273                                           68,774,273
        Development Co., Ltd.                                                                      shares

                                                                                               Foreign shares
       Shengjiu Investment Ltd.                               35,202,057                      listed in domestic   35,202,057

Shenyin Wanguo Securities Agreement                                                            RMB common
                                                              30,270,000                                           30,270,000
         Repurchase Account                                                                        shares

                                                                                               RMB common
             Huang Jupei                                      28,017,643                                           28,017,643

                                                                                               RMB common
Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd.                         17,860,992                                           17,860,992

                                                                                               RMB common
            Wang Shaolin                                      16,411,700                                           16,411,700

                                                                                               RMB common
                Jiang Jing                                    10,635,440                                           10,635,440

   Bank of Communication - Huaan                                                               RMB common
                                                               7,856,590                                           7,856,590
Chuangxin Securities Investment Fund                                                               shares

CCB - Huaan Hi-Tech Stock Securities                                                           RMB common
                                                               5,559,583                                           5,559,583
           Investment Fund                                                                         shares

                                                                                               Foreign shares
                Cao Yifan                                      3,620,865                      listed in domestic   3,620,865

Notes to top ten shareholder              Among the shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and

                                                                        China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

relationship or "action in concert"   Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology
                                      Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The
                                      Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related parties among the other
                                      holders of current shares.

Participation by top-10 shareholders in Huang Jupei holds 28,017,643 stocks of the Company through the GF Securities customer
financing bonds (if any)              credit transaction guarantee securities account.

Agreed re-purchasing in the report period
√ Yes □ No
The related shareholder of the Shenyin Wanguo Securities Agreement Repurchase Account is Wang Xue. There
were 30,270,000 stocks to be repurchased by the end of the report period, accounting for 4% of the Company's all

                                                              China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

                                       III Significant Events

1. Significant changes to major financial statement items and index in the report period and

      Item          Closing amount      Opening amount          Change                  Cause of change
                                                                             Maturity of instruments and
Notes receivable     13,408,398.15        21,898,770.43        -38.77%
                                                                             Increase in the material
  Prepayment         39,130,205.72        28,364,016.21         37.96%       prepayment in construction
Short-term loans    615,000,000.00       369,000,000.00         66.67%       Additional bank borrowing
  Prepayment                                                                 Income from settlement of
                    111,843,625.73       168,386,251.94        -33.58%
    received                                                                 projects in progress
Employees’ wage
                     16,188,559.58        30,182,851.80        -46.37%       Payment of annual bonus
Asset impairment
                     -5,304,966.95        -2,108,809.66                      Recovery of receivables
                                       Same period of last
      Item            This period                               Change       Reason
 Non-business                                                                Loss caused by long-term assets
                     1,790,684.83          139,892.44          1180.04%
    expenses                                                                 disposal
   Cash flow
  generated by                                                               Increase in projects in progress,
                    -136,031,996.42      -41,819,154.03
    business                                                                 account payment and guarantees
 operations, net
   Cash flow
                                                                             Payment of Dongguan
  generated by
                     -3,481,685.95       -15,633,266.86                      Songshanhu project in the same
                                                                             period last year
  activities, net
 Net cash flow
  generated by                                                               Additional short-term bank
                    239,340,250.00        -2,893,348.89
    financing                                                                borrowing

2. Progress of significant events and their impacts and solutions

      The progress of the Fangda Town renovation project: The 27th meeting of the 6th Board of Directors held on
January 7, 2014 and 2014 First Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on January 24, 2014 approved the
proposal of investment in Fangda Town renovation project through Shenzhen Fangda Property Development with
a total investment of about RMB2.5 billion.Currently, buildings on the land have been removed and the project is

                                                                         China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

implemented as planned.
             Significant events                          Date of disclosure                         Disclosure sources

Announcement of Resolutions of the 27th
Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
(2014-03), Announcement on Investment in
Fangda Town Renovation Project               January 9, 2014                          www.cninfo.com.cn
(2014-04), Notice on Holding on 2014 First
Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting

Announcement on Resolutions of the 2014
Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting          January 25, 2014                         www.cninfo.com.cn

3. Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report term or carried
over from previous terms

4. Forecast of operating performance between January and June in 2014

Warning and reasons of possible net loss or substantial change from the last period between the beginning of the
year and the end of the next report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Securities investment: None

6. Derivative investment: None

7. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the reporting period

                                                                                                       Main content involved and
    Time/date              Place                 Way               Visitor             Visitor
                                                                                                           materials provided

                                                Onsite                                                    Business and future
  March 13, 2014         Shenzhen                                 Institution        Goldstate
                                             investigation                                                   development
                                                                                   Securities and
                                                                                 Guosen Securities

                                                Onsite                                                    Business and future
  March 18, 2014         Shenzhen                                 Institution    Sinolink Securities
                                             investigation                                                   development

                                                Onsite                                                    Business and future
  March 19, 2014         Shenzhen                                 Institution    Essence Securities
                                             investigation                                                   development

                                                                                  China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2014 First Quarter Report

                  Board of Directors
           April 23, 2014
