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						                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     2015 Interim Report

        August 2015

                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

    I. Important Statement, Table of Contents and Definitions

    The members of the Board and the Company guarantee that the

interim report is free from any false information, misleading statement or

material omission and are jointly and severally liable for the

informations truthfulness, accuracy and integrity.

    Directors other than the following ones have attended the Board

meeting to review the interim report.

                           Position of absent
Name of absent director                                Reason                    Name of proxy
        Lin Bin           Independent director   Business engagement              Guo Wanda
    Huang Yaying          Independent director   Business engagement              Guo Wanda
    Xiong Jianwei               Director         Business engagement           Wang Shengguo

    The Company will distribute no cash dividends or bonus shares and

has no reserve capitalization plan.

    Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Lin Kebin, the Chief

Financial Officer, and Mr. Chen Yonggang, the manager of accounting

department declare: the Financial Report carried in this report is

authentic and completed.

    Forward-looking statements involved in this report including future

plans do not make any material promise to investors. Investors should

pay attention to investment risks.

                                                                                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Table of Contents

I. Important Statement, Table of Contents and Definitions..............................................................................................................2
II. Company Profile ...............................................................................................................................................................................6
III Financial Highlight ............................................................................................................................................................................8
IV Board of Directors’ Report ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
V Significant Events............................................................................................................................................................................23
VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders .............................................................................................................................30
VII Preferred Shares ...........................................................................................................................................................................35
VIII Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management ..............................................................................36
IX Financial Statements .....................................................................................................................................................................37
X Documents for Reference ............................................................................................................................................................134

                                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


                     Terms                                               Description

Fangda Group, company, the Company            China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Articles of Association                       Articles of Association of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Meeting of shareholders                       Meetings of shareholders of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors                            Board of Directors of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Supervisory Committee                         Supervisory Committee of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Banglin Co.                                   Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd.

Shilihe Co.                                   Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd.

Shengjiu Co.                                  Shengjiu Investment Ltd.

                                     Refers Formally Shenzhen Fangda Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., now
Fangda Jianke, Fangda Decoration
                                       to     renamed as Shenzhen Fangda Jianke Group Co., Ltd.

Fangda Automatic                              Shenzhen Fangda Automation System Co., Ltd.

Fangda New Material                           Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd.

Fangda New Resource                           Shenzhen Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd.

Fang SOZN                                     Guangdong Fangda SOZN Lighting Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Fangda                               Shenyang Fangda Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Woke                                 Shenzhen Woke Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong Junjia                     Refers Hong Kong Junjia Group Co., Ltd.

                                                            2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


Fangda Aluminium                        Jiangxi Fangda New Type Aluminum Co., Ltd.

Dongguan Fangda New Material            Dongguan Fangda New Material Co., Ltd.

Kexunda Co.                             Shenzhen Kexunda Software Co., Ltd.

Fangda Property                         Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd.

                               Refers Formerly Chengdu Fangda New Material Co., Ltd, now renamed as
Chengdu Fangda Jianke
                                 to     Chengdu Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd.

Shihui International                    Shihui International Holding Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Decoration                     Fangda Decoration Engineering (Shenyang) Co., Ltd.

CSRC                                    China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZSE                                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange

                                                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                         II. Company Profile

1. Company Profile

Stock ID                     Fangda Group, Fangda B            Stock code                     000055、200055

Modified stock ID (if any)   None

Stock Exchange               Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name                 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

English name (if any)        Fangda Group

English name (if any)        CHINA FANGDA GROUP CO., LTD.

English abbreviation (if any) CFGC

Legal representative         Xiong Jianming

2. Contacts and liaisons

                                               Secretary of the Board                Representative of Stock Affairs

Name                                   Zhou Zhigang                             Guo Linchen
                                                                          th                                       th
                                       20F, Fangda Building, Kejinan 12         20F, Fangda Building, Kejinan 12
                                       Avenue, Hi-Tech Zone, Shenzhen           Avenue, Hi-Tech Zone, Shenzhen

Tel.                                   86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622               86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622

Fax                                    86(755)26788353                          86(755)26788353

Email                                  zqb@fangda.com                           zqb@fangda.com

3. Other Information

1. Liaison

Changes to the Company’s registration address, office address, post code, website or email during the
report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Company’s registration address, office address, post code, website or email have not changed during
the report period. See Annual Report 2014 for details.

2. Information disclosure and inquiring

Changes to the information disclosure and inquiring place
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Please refer to the 2014 annual report for the newspapers and websites where the Company’s

                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

information is disclosed. The inquiry address of the interim report has remained unchanged during the
report period.

3. Registration changes

Whether the registration has changed during the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Please refer to 2014 annual report for the Company’s registration date and address, business license
No., tax registration No. and organization registration code, which have remained unchanged during the
report period.

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                             III Financial Highlight

1. Financial Highlight

The Company retroactively adjusts or restates financial statistics of the previous years because of
changes in account policies and correction of accounting errors.
□ Yes √ No
                                                This report period         Same period last year        Year-on-year change (%)

Turnover (yuan)                                     1,150,115,523.53               822,792,739.02                       39.78%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                       51,317,648.87                40,769,958.24                       25.87%
the listed company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company and
                                                       35,487,052.40                39,669,548.38                      -10.54%
after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss (RMB)

Net cash flow generated by business
                                                     -274,712,071.19               -268,552,729.61                       2.29%
operation (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                              0.07                          0.05                   40.00%

Diluted Earnings per share
                                                                   0.07                          0.05                   40.00%

Weighted average net income/asset
                                                                4.07%                        3.49%                       0.58%

                                             End of the report period         End of last year           Year-on-year change

Total asset (RMB)                                   4,044,758,394.03              3,662,719,900.41                      10.43%

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                  1,262,312,157.68              1,234,930,863.46                       2.22%

2. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                 Net profit attributable to the shareholders of   Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
                                              the listed company                                 the listed company

                                    This period              Last period             Closing amount          Opening amount

                                                                          2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

On Chinese accounting
                                     51,317,648.87               40,769,958.24      1,262,312,157.68     1,234,930,863.46

Items and amounts adjusted according International Accounting Standards

On international accounting
                                     51,317,648.87               40,769,958.24      1,267,075,555.92     1,239,694,261.70

2. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
overseas and Chinese account standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no difference in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards during the report period.

3. Explanation of the differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
      Net assets attributable to the listed company’s shareholders calculated according to the IAS is
RMB4,763,398.24 higher than that calculated according to the domestic accounting standards, mainly
attributable to the capitalization of borrow expenses before the domestic Enterprise Accounting
Standard was implemented on January 1, 2007.

3. Accidental gain/loss item and amount

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                             Items                                       Amount                         Notes

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the write-off
part for which assets impairment provision is made)

Subsidies accounted into the current income account
(except the government subsidy closely related to the
enterprise’s business and based on unified national
standard quota)

Gain from entrusted investment or assets management                              295,002.74

Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional financial
asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of
transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable                  2,676,854.00
financial assets, other than valid period value instruments
related to the Company’s common businesses

Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property
measured at fair value in follow-up measurement

                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                           6,395,082.75

     Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity

Total                                                         15,830,596.47                  --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental
gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement
of Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No circumstance that should be defined as recurrent profit and loss according to Explanation
Announcement of Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss occurs in the report period.

                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                            IV Board of Directors Report

1. Summary

     In the first half of 2015, the Chinese economic growth continued slowing down. Under the
leadership of the Board of Directors, the Company reacted positively to the gloomy economy thanks to
the hard work and diligence of all employees. In the report period, the Company recorded a sales
income of RMB1,150,115,500, up 39.78% year on year. The net profit attributed to owners of the parent
reached RMB51,317,600, up 25.87% year on year. The revenue from main businesses continued
growing. By the end of the report period, the Company had secured new orders worth
RMB1,691,785,400, which 147.10% of the operating revenue in H1 2015, paving the way for the
Company to complete the whole year’s sales target.
     1、 Curtain wall system and material industry continued growing rapidly
     As the Chinese economy continues growing and urbanization accelerates, the demand for high-end
building curtain walls continues swelling. With technical, hardware, brand and service advantages, the
Company has focused on the high-end curtain wall market and continued increasing the share in the
high-end curtain wall system and material market. In the first half of 2015, the Company won a series of
energy-saving and low-carbon high-end curtain wall and material projects including Shenzhen Swan
Lake Gargen I, Shanghai Tongshan road renovation project, Xining (Kangmei) International Chinese
Medicine Exchange Center, Kunming Dianhai Gudu Harbor, office building No.7 of Guiyang International
Financial Center I, and the main stadium of Dongying China Petroleum Equipment Industry International
Exchange Center. For secured high-end curtain wall and material orders, the Company vigorously
started design, purchase, production and construction of Shenzhen Alibab/Ali Cloud, Chengdu Alibaba
base, Nanchang Wandamao, Xining Wanda Square, Chengdu Wanda Ruihua Hotel, Shanghai Vanke
Jade, SOHO Shanghai Bund, Huawei Xi’an Global Exchange Technology Center and software plant.
The Upper Hills of 300m high, Shenzhen China Energy Storage Building, and Chongqing Tianhe
International Center curtain wall projects have been implemented as planned. In the first half, the
business recorded a sales income of RMB922,733,800, up 21.75% year on year.
     In the first half, Fangda Jianke was given the title as Enterprise with Outstanding Efficiency by
Shenzhen Outstanding Efficiency Promotion Committee and outstanding project team and suppliers by
     2. New energy business takes a great leap
     The Company has taken a great leap in the new energy industry over the past year. Since the
inception of Fangda New Energy in last July, the Company has signed PV power plant construction
agreements in Nanchang, Pingxiang, Xinyu and Longnan, Jiangxi with a total capacity of 1.1GW.
Besides, the Company started the construction of two solar PV power plants in Pingxiang and Dongguan
Songshanhu in the first half and plans to realize grid-connected power generation in 2015. The
Company will adopt the Internet+ management mode. As the Company continues implementing the PV
power plant development plan, the business will bring stable income and profit for the Company and
become a major business segment and source of income. In the first half, the Company increased
promotion of LED products through advertisements on CCTV 1, Jiangsu Satellite and Hunan TV station,
stabilizing and broadening channels. Currently, the sales network has expanded to nearly 80,000 stores

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

across the country. Now, the Company has more than 30 automatic production lines and intelligent R&D
devoces with a monthly LED bulb production capability of 10 million and more than 100 patented
     3. Rail transport equipment industry enjoys a bright outlook
     In 2015, the rail transport equipment industry was outlined as a key industry in the China
Manufacturing 2025 plan. Moreover, the one belt one road become a national development strategy.
Over recent years, China has continued increasing investment in rail transport construction. According to
the plan, about 50 cities will have rail transport by 2020 with a total mileage of 7,395km. The Company
takes the opportunity to increase its market share, promote brand equity, participate in the formulation of
industry standard and improve engineering services. The Company has won bids in Lanzhou, Xiamen,
Wuhan, Hefei and Naning, consolidating the leadership in the industry in China. Through more than a
decade’s development, the Company has applied screen door products with intellectual property rights
in more than 20 Chinese cities as well as Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In the first half, the metro
screen door sales revenue increased 105.48% year-on-year. As the China Manufacturing 2025 plan
continues to be implemented, the industry will continue growing rapidly.
     4. Fangda Town renovation project
    The project has been implemented as scheduled based previous engineering. The underground
construction has been completed. The Company has opened the sales center and the project has been
proceeded as scheduled.
     5. Others
     Given the orders and sales has continued growing, the Company has established cooperation
relationships with many suppliers. Thanks to good credit record, the Company has signed supply chain
financing cooperation agreement with banks. The relationships will help the Company build the industry
chain financing platform.
     The Company will continue hiring high-quality professionals and providing training for existing
employees to optimize the labor structure and improve management efficiency.

2. Main business analysis

Year-on-year changes in major financial data
                                                                                                                In RMB
                         This report period    Same period last year      YOY change (% )          Cause of change

                                                                                                Increase in projects in
Turnover                    1,150,115,523.53         822,792,739.02                    39.78%

Operation cost               940,487,258.35          668,447,444.31                    40.70% Increase in revenue

                                                                                                Increase in advertising
Sales expense                  41,009,137.46          18,245,120.86                   124.77%

Administrative expense         75,547,311.64          67,185,503.16                    12.45%

                                                                                                Increase in average
Financial expenses             25,609,734.67          11,047,478.14                   131.82%

Income tax expenses            16,168,196.04            4,362,903.54                  270.58% Increase in deferred

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   income tax

R&D investment                     39,856,514.35         41,228,960.53                    -3.33%

Cash flow generated
by business                       -274,712,071.19      -268,552,729.61
operations, net

Cash flow generated
                                                                                                   Maturity of financial
by investment                     148,325,056.01         -3,392,292.06
activities, net

Net cash flow
generated by financing            236,132,790.12        313,893,052.10                   -24.77%

Net increase in cash                                                                               Maturity of financial
                                  109,732,694.75         41,940,681.64                  161.64%
and cash equivalents                                                                               products

Major changes in profit composition or sources during the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The profit composition or sources of the Company have remained largely unchanged during the report
Delay of future development and plan disclosed in the Company’s IPO prospectus, fund raising
prospectus and capital reorganization report into this report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No future development and plan disclosed in the Company’s IPO prospectus, fund raising prospectus
and capital reorganization report is delayed into this report period.
Implementation of business plans disclosed in previous periods in this period
     In the report period, the Company recorded a sales income of RMB1,150,115,500, up 39.78% year
on year. The net profit attributed to owners of the parent reached RMB51,317,600, up 25.87% year on
year. The revenue from main businesses continued growing. By the end of the report period, the
Company had secured new orders worth RMB1,691,785,400, which 147.10% of the operating revenue
in H1 2015, paving the way for the Company to complete the whole year’s sales target. In the report
period, the Company increased investment in new energy businesses, especially in the construction of
solar power PV power plants. In the first half of this year, the Company has started construction of solar
power PV power plants in Pingxiang and Dongguan Songshanhu, and plans to adopt the Internet+
management method. The Company decided to cancel the private A-share issuance to protect investors’
interests and withdraw the application to CSRC. The PV power plant construction projects will be funded
by the capital raised by the Company. The Fangda Town renovation project has been commenced and
conducted as scheduled. All the business plans were fulfilled in 2015.

3. Business composition

                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                     Year-on-year        Year-on-year       Year-on-year
                       Turnover      Operation cost   Gross margin
                                                                         change in         change in      change in gross

                                                              2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                              operating       operating costs      margin


                 922,733,838.21 764,311,734.54      17.17%          21.75%            22.01%            -0.17%

                  96,966,572.45     73,765,384.45   23.93%          105.48%         101.59%              1.47%


Curtain wall
system and       922,733,838.21 764,311,734.54      17.17%          21.75%            22.01%            -0.17%

Metro screen
                  96,966,572.45     73,765,384.45   23.93%          105.48%         101.59%              1.47%


Domestic                           921,926,180.23   17.17%          40.29%            40.61%            -0.19%

4 Core Competitiveness Analysis

(1) Curtain wall system and material
       1. Expertise and brand competitiveness
    In response to the national call for energy saving and emission reduction, the Company has
aggressively develop solar electric and optimal and energy-saving low-carbon curtain walls, developing
a series of domestic and global leading solar and energy-saving curtain wall products. The Company
owns 383 curtain wall and material patents (including 24 invention patents) and one software copyright,
ranking top among domestic peers. It has achieved many firsts in the industry and created incomparable
brand equity, making it an optimal choice in the domestic high-end curtain wall and material market.
FANGDA is a nationwide well-known trademark in China.
       2. Focusing on the high-end market to edge out competitors
     Amid the fierce market competition, the Company has focused on the high-end energy-saving
curtain wall market and technical integration to improve high-end project quality. Moreover, it has
focused resources on high-end curtain wall engineering and won several Luban awards, Zhan Tianyou
Civil Engineering awards and Classic Construction for the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the
People’s Republic of China, High-Quality Construction, White Magnolia Prize and Customer Satisfactory
Engineering and the title of “Top 10 Competitive Chinese Curtain Wall Provider”. The Company has build
a leading brand and created a clear edge in the high-end curtain wall market.
       3. Well-developed industry base landscape
     Thanks to continued investment in facilities, the Company has established a national business
landscape with Shenzhen as the headquarters, Dongguan Songshanhu as the base in the south, Beijing
in the north, Chengdu in the southwest and Shanghai and Nanchang in the east. The Dongguan
Songshanhu and Nanchang bases are the largest and most advanced curtain wall system and material

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

production bases in China and across the world, fueling the Company to increase its market share and
    4. General solutions
   The Company has integrated the design, production, management and engineering of curtain wall
systems to enjoy technological, cost, quality and service advantages.
   (2) New energy industry
    The new energy business mainly comprises solar power PV application, PV construction and LED
    1. Technical advantage
     With more than ten years’ experience in developing solar energy PV power generating curtain wall
technology, the Company is the earliest company that masters the intelligent property right in the
designing, production and integration of solar energy PV curtain wall systems and is a pioneer in the
application of PV curtain wall technology. The Company built the first solar energy PV integrated building
curtain wall system in China – Shenzhen Fangda Building photoelectric curtain wall system.
    2. Relation with other industries
     Distributed solar power PV power generation is closely related to the Company’s existing
businesses. Most distributed solar power PV systems are closely related to construction. Moreover, the
Company has more than 10 years' experience in electrical product integration. The Company also has
more than 20 years’ experience in construction management and has the level-1 construction curtain
wall engineering qualification and electrical installation engineering qualification.
   (3) Rail transport equipment business
    1. Technical advantage
      Through continued independent innovation, the Company has developed the global leading metro
screen door system with full intellectual property right and broken the monopoly of overseas competitors.
The Company has also compiled the Rail Transport Station Screen Door Standard, which is the first of
its kind in China. The standard was approved in April 2006 and was implemented on March 1, 2007. As
the first standard in the industry in China, the standard has played a key role in guiding the development
of China’s rail transport screen door industry and enabled the Company a dominant lead in the industry.
Currently, the Company has 219 metro screen door patents, including 40 invention patents. The
Company also has four computer software copyrights.
    2. Brand equity
    So far, the Company has undertaken railway screen door projects in most domestic cities, Hong
Kong, Taipei and Singapore. The Fangda screen door system has grasped a leading market share and
established incomparable brand influence thanks to its patents, standard and maintenance services.
The Company has emerged as the Chinese No.1 and global No.3 screen door provider, building a large
competitive edge in the global market.
    (4) Real Estate
    The Fangda Town renovation project is well-positioned and enjoys express transport, unique
landscape resoures, preferential policies and moderate competition in the district. The project will buoy
the Company’s net assets and total assets, bring strong cash flows for the Company, provide capital
support for the development of businesses, and gain experience in the real-estate development industry.

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

VI. Investment

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no external investment in the report period.

(2) Financial enterprise share held

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company held no stake in financial companies in the report period.

(3) Securities investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                           Number                Number
                                           of shares             of shares
                                 Initial    held at    Opening    held at    Closing
Securitie           Abbreviat                                                            book     Gain/los Accounti
             Code               investme beginnin sharehol        end of     sharehol                                    Source
    s                     ion                                                            value    s (RMB) ng item
                                 nt cost   g of the     ding       the         ding
                                            period                period
                                            (share)               (share)

                    Sino Oil                                                                                 Transacti
                    and Gas 16,263,6 100,000,                    100,000,               16,087,6 2,676,85 onal           Purchas
Stock       00702                                        0.56%                 0.56%
                    Holdings       75.00        000                   000                 44.00       4.00 financial e
                    Ltd                                                                                      assets

                                16,263,6 100,000,                100,000,               16,087,6 2,676,85
Total                                                    --                     --                              --          --
                                   75.00        000                   000                 44.00       4.00

Disclosure date of approval
by the Board of Directors of    11.03.14
securities investment

Disclosure date of securities
investment approval by the
Shareholders’ Meeting (if

(4) Notes to shareholding in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company holds no stock of other list companies in the report period.

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Trust wealth management, investment in derivatives and entrustment loan

(1) Wealth management

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   In RMB10,000
                                                                            Earning Principal Impairm
                        Related                                                                                            gain/loss
           Relation                  Type of             Start              reconitio recovere         ent      Estimate
 Trustee                transacti               Amount           End date                                                   in the
             ship                    product              date                  n         d         provision    return
                             on                                                                                             report
                                                                             method    actually      (if any)

                                    Non-prot                                Estimate
CCB,       Non-affili
                                    ected                                   d annual
Shenzhe ated            No                        3,000 31.12.14 21.01.15                3,000                       5.6         5.6
                                    floating                                yield of
n Branch party
                                    earning                                 3.12%

                                    Non-prot                                Estimate
Shenzhe Non-affili
                                    ected                                   d annual
n OCT      ated         No                        1,000 31.12.14 03.01.15                1,000                      0.34       0.34
                                    floating                                yield of
Sub-bra party
                                    earning                                 3.12%

                                    Non-prot                                Estimate
Bank of                             ected                                   d annual
           ated         No                        3,000 26.12.14 04.01.15                3,000                      2.07       2.07
China                               floating                                yield of
                                    earning                                 2.5%

Bank of                             Earning-                                d annual
           ated         No                        1,000 08.01.15 23.01.15                1,000                      1.81       1.81
China                               protected                               yield of

Bank of                             Earning-                                d annual
           ated         No                         850 12.02.15 02.03.15                      850                   1.97       1.97
China                               protected                               yield of

BOC,       Non-affili
                                    Earning-                                d annual
Shenzhe ated            No                        6,800 31.12.14 04.01.15                6,800                      2.33       2.33
                                    protected                               yield of
n Branch party

                                    Non-prot                                Estimate
BOC,       Non-affili
                                    ected                                   d annual
Shenzhe ated            No                        4,000 08.01.15 22.01.15                4,000                      4.99       4.99
                                    floating                                yield of
n Branch party
                                    earning                                 3.25%

BOC,       Non-affili               Non-prot                                Estimate
                        No                        1,000 08.01.15 13.01.15                1,000                      0.43       0.43
Shenzhe ated                        ected                                   d annual

                                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

n Branch party                       floating                                    yield of
                                     earning                                     3.12%

                                     Non-prot                                    Actual
BOC,        Non-affili
                                     ected                                       annual
Shenzhe ated             No                           1,500 16.02.15 16.03.15                   1,500                   5.35       5.35
                                     floating                                    yield of
n Branch party
                                     earning                                     4.65%


Total                                               22,150     --        --          --        22,150                  24.89      24.89

Source of fund                                  Self-owned fund

Principal and return due but not

Lawsuit (if any)                                None

Disclosure date of approval
announcement (if any)

Disclosure date of Shareholders'
Meeting approval announcement (if               None

(2) Derivative investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       In RMB10,000
                                                                                                                      n of
Derivativ                                                                                                              nt       Actual
                                                                                   Initial   Impairm Closing
    e                    Related                                                                                    amount gain/loss
            Relation                                Initial   Start              investme       ent      investme
investme                 transacti       Type                         End date                                       in the     in the
              ship                              amount        date                   nt      provision      nt
   nt                         on                                                                                     closing    report
                                                                                  amount      (if any)   amount
operator                                                                                                              net       period
                                                                                                                    assets in

Shangha                              Shangha
i Futures None           No          i          8,398.82 05.01.15 15.10.15                               4,837.71     3.83%       58.51
Exchang                              aluminu

                                                                            2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

e                                 m

Total                                       8,398.82      --        --             0           4,837.71     3.83%      58.51

Capital source                              Self-owned fund

Lawsuit (if any)                            None

Disclosure date of derivative
investment approval by the Board of         None
Directors (if any)

Disclosure date of derivative
investment approval by the                  None
Shareholders’ Meeting (if any)

Risk analysis and control measures for To prevent the risk of fluctuation of raw material prices, the Company adopted
the derivative holding in the report        the aluminum futures exchanged at the domestic futures exchange to provide
period (including without limitation        hedging for aluminum as a raw material for the Company. The Company has set
market, liquidity, credit, operaton and     up and implemented the Provicial Regulations on China Fangda Group
legal risks)                                Domestic Futures Hedging to prevent risks.

Changes in the market price or fair
value of the derivative in the report
                                            The fair value of the derivative should be calculated with the open quotation of
period, the analysis of the derivative’s
                                            the futures market and should be reviewed regularly to ensure effective
fair value should disclose the method
used and related assumptions and

Material changes in the accounting
policies and rules related to the
derivative in the report period
compared to last period

Oppinions of independent directors on
the Company’s derivative investment        None
and risk controlling

(3) Trusted loans

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company borrowed no trust loan in the report period.

3. Use of raised capital

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company used no raised capital in the report period.

4. Analysis of major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                            Registered     Total                                  Operatio
 Company           Type         Industry     products                                    Net assets Turnover                  Net profit
                                                              capital     assets                                  n profit
                                            or services

Fangda                                                     500,000,0 2,653,232, 766,865,8 867,657,9 46,747,7 26,318,553.
                Subsidiary   Decoration wall
Jianke                                                     00.00            138.94               50.15    87.24      53.96             43

Fangda                       Railroad                      105,000,0     416,155,5 199,664,3 98,245,30 12,963,2 11,139,440.
                Subsidiary                  screen
Automatic                    industry                      00.00                34.14            35.39     2.25      30.21             71

Kexunda                      Railroad       developme 1,000,000. 75,374,38 9,458,359.2 8,651,281. 6,427,27
                Subsidiary                                                                                                    6,683,645.11
Co.                          industry       nt, system 00                         9.97              4        99       2.00

5. Major projects of non-raised capital

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                             In RMB10,000

                   Planne Investment
                                            investment                               Disclosure
                     d       in the                         Progres      Profit
      Project                              by the end of                                 date (if        Disclosure source (if any)
                   invest    report                             s        status
                                            the report                                    any)
                    ment     period
                                                                                     December          Resolutions of the 8 Meeting
                                                                                                 of the 7 Board of Directors
Jiangxi                                                                              25, 2014    (2014-60),      Resolution of the 1

Pingxiang PV                                                                         and         Extraordinary Shareholders’
                   16,766        177.48            177.48     1.06%                              Meeting 2015 (2015-03), published
power plant                                                                          January 14, on China Securities Journal,
project                                                                              2015        Shanghai Securities Daily,
                                                                                                 Securities Times, HKCD (English)
                                                                                                 and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

Total              16,766        177.48            177.48      --          --               --                       --

VI. Forecast of operating performance between January and September in 2015

Warning and reasons of possible net loss or substantial change from the last period between the
beginning of the year and the end of the next report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

VII. Statement of the Board on the “non-standard auditors report” issued by the CPA
on the current report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Statement of the Board of Directors on the Non-standard Auditors Report for H1

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Implementation of Profit Distribution of the Company in the Report Period

Profit distribution plans implemented during the report period, especially cash dividend and reserve
capitalization plans
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
    The 2014 Profit Distribution Proposal was approved on the 28th meeting of the 6th Board of Director
held on 25.03.15 and will be confirmed after being reviewed at the 2014 General Shareholders' Meeting
held on 17.04.15. A cash dividend of RMB0.30 (tax inclusive) will be paid on each ten shares to all
shareholders on the basis of 756,909,905 shares with a total amount of RMB22,707,297.15. The
planning, review and implementation procedure of the profit distribution complies with related laws and
regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association. The profit distribution plan was implemented on
June 9, 2015 (see the Announcement on Implementation of the 2014 Equity Distribution Plan 2015-18).

                                     Explanation of Cash Dividend Distribution Policies

Comply with the Articles of Association or resolution made
at the General Shareholders' Meeting

Clear and definite distribution standard and proportion       Yes

Decision-making procedure and mechanism                       Yes

Independent directors fulfill their duties                    Yes

Middle and small shareholders express their opinions and
claims. There rights are well protected.

Cash dividend distribution policies are adjusted or revised
according to law

X Profit Distribution and Reserve Capitalization Plan in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company distributed no cash dividends or bonus shares and has no reserve capitalization plan.

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

XI. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the reporting

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                         Main content involved
    Time/date          Place             Way          Visitor             Visitor
                                                                                        and materials provided

                                Onsite                             China Galaxy        Business and future
21.01.15         Shenzhen                       Institution
                                investigation                      Securities          development

                                                                   Hang Seng
                                Onsite                             Research            Business and future
28.04.15         Shenzhen                       Institution
                                investigation                      Institute,          development
                                                                   Shenzhen Yujin
                                                                   Investment Co.,

                                Onsite                             Guotai Junan        Business and future
26.05.15         Shenzhen                       Institution
                                investigation                      Securities          development

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                      V Significant Events

I. Corporate Governance

The corporate governance complies with the Company Law and related requirements of CSRC.

II. Lawsuit

Significant lawsuit and arbitration
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company has no significant lawsuit or arbitration affair in the report period.
Other lawsuit
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Media questioning

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company has no significant affair that arouses media questioning.

IV. Bankruptcy and capital reorganizing

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company has no bankruptcy or reorganization events in the report period.

V. Assets trade

1. Assets acquisition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company required no assets in the report period.

2. Assets sales

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company sold no assets in the report period.

3. Enterprise merger

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company merged no company in the report period.

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

VI. Implementation and influences of share equity incentive program

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made or implemented no option incentive scheme in the report period.

VII. Material related transactions

1. Related transactions related to routine operation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no related transaction related to daily operating in the report period.

2. Related transactions related to assets transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no related transaction of assets requisition and sales in the report period.

3. Related transactions related to joint external investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no related transaction of joint external investment in the report period.

4. Related credits and debts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company had no related debt in the report period.

(5) Other related transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company has no other significant related transaction in the report period.

VIII. Non-operating capital use by the controlling shareholder or related parties in the
reporting term

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder and its affiliates occupied no capital for non-operating purpose of the
Company during the report period.

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

IX. Significant contracts and performance

1. Asset entrusting, leasing, contracting

(1) Asset entrusting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no custody in the report period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no contract in the report period

(3) Leasing

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The lease of real estate property held for investment reached RMB12,830,370.75 between January and
June 2015,
Projects that create gains accounting for over 10% of the Company’s total profit in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company leased no rojects that create gains accounting for over 10% of the Company’s total profit
in the report period.

2. Guarantee

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                             In RMB10,000
                  External guarantees made by the Company (exclude those made for subsidiaries)

                                           Actual date of
   Guarantee       Date of     Guarantee     occurring      Actual amount    Type of                    Complet Related
   provided to    disclosure    amount     (signing date of of guarantee    guarantee                   ed or not    party

                                 Guarantee between the Company and its subsidiaries

                                           Actual date of
   Guarantee       Date of     Guarantee     occurring      Actual amount    Type of                    Complet Related
   provided to    disclosure    amount     (signing date of of guarantee    guarantee                   ed or not    party

Fangda Jianke     11.03.14        36,000 03.09.14               34,374.23 Joint liability engage of     No          No
                                                                                        contract to 2

                                                      2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
Fangda Jianke   11.03.14   20,000 20.10.14   17,078.37 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
Fangda Jianke   11.03.14   25,000 09.09.14   23,257.53 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
Fangda Jianke   11.03.14   20,000 16.06.14   19,761.78 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
Fangda Jianke   11.03.14   21,428 30.09.14    7,637.87 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
Fangda Jianke   08.11.14   15,000 11.11.14       7,000 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
Fangda Jianke   11.03.14   15,000 19.01.15    2,594.32 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
                11.03.14   20,000 03.09.14   13,472.28 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                      engage of
                08.11.14    5,000 11.11.14       2,660 Joint liability contract to 2 No       No
                                                                      years upon
                                                                      due of debt

                                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               engage of
Fangda New
                     11.03.14         7,080 11.04.14                   1,466.83 Joint liability contract to 2 No         No
                                                                                               years upon
                                                                                               due of debt

                                                                                               engage of
Fangda New
                     11.03.14         8,000 05.05.14                   6,879.97 Joint liability contract to 2 No         No
                                                                                               years upon
                                                                                               due of debt

                                                                                               engage of
Fangda Property 23.03.13            130,000 03.02.15                  14,105.37 Joint liability contract to 2 No         No
                                                                                               years upon
                                                                                               due of debt

                                                                                               engage of
                     26.08.14         2,000 29.01.15                      2,000 Joint liability contract to 2 No         No
Fangda SOZN
                                                                                               years upon
                                                                                               due of debt

                                                                                               engage of
                     25.12.14         2,000 07.04.15                    1,966.8 Joint liability contract to 2 No         No
Fangda SOZN
                                                                                               years upon
                                                                                               due of debt

                                                               Total of guarantee to
Total of guarantee to
                                                               subsidiaries actually
subsidiaries approved in the                         216,000                                                             95,199.84
                                                               occurred in the report term
report term (B1)

                                                               Total of balance of
Total of guarantee to
                                                               guarantee actually provided
subsidiaries approved as of                          326,508                                                         154,255.34
                                                               to the subsidiaries as of end
the report term (B3)
                                                               of report term (B4)

                                              Guarantee provided to subsidiaries

                                              Actual date of
   Guarantee           Date of    Guarantee     occurring      Actual amount        Type of                  Complet Related
   provided to       disclosure    amount     (signing date of of guarantee       guarantee                  ed or not     party

Total of guarantee provided by the Company (total of the above three)

Total of guarantee approved                                    Total of guarantee occurred
                                                     216,000                                                             95,199.84
in the report term                                             in the report term

                                                                           2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(A1+B1+C1)                                                   (A2+B2+C2)

Total of guarantee approved                                  Total of guarantee occurred
as of end of report term                             326,508 as of the end of report term                        154,255.34
(A3+B3+C3)                                                   (A4+B4+C4)

Percentage of the total guarantee occurred (A4+B4+C4)
on net asset of the Company


Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial
controllers and the related parties (D)

Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to objects with
over 70% of liability on asset ratio (E)

Amount of guarantee over 50% of the net asset (F)            0

Total of the above 3 (D+E+F)                                 0

Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the
guarantees not due yet (if any)

Statement of external guarantees violating the procedure
(if any)

(1) Incompliant external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no incompliant external guarantee in the report period.

3. Other significant contract

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company entered into no other significant contract in the report period.

4. Other related transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no other significant transaction in the report period.

X. Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report term or
carried over from previous terms

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company and shareholders with more than 5% stakes in the Company made no guarantee in the
report period or before report period but remaining effective in the report period.

                                                              2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

XI. Engaging and dismissing of CPA

Whether the interim financial report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The interim report for H1 2015 has not been audited. This year, the Company engaged Grand
Thornton China (limited liability partnership) as the financial statement and internal control
auditing CPA with a fee of RMB1.3 million.

XII. Punishment and rectification

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company received no penalty and made no correction in the report period.

XIII. Delisting due to law violation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company has no risks of delisting due to violating laws in the report period.

XIV. Other material events

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company had no other significant event to be explained in the report period.

                                                                           2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                    In share
                              Before the change                     Change (+,-)                       After the change

                                                      Issued            Transferr
                                           Proporti            Bonus                         Subto                 Proportio
                              Amount                   new              ed from     Others             Amount
                                             on                shares                          tal                     n
                                                      shares            reserves

I. Shares with trade
                                779,292     0.10%                                                        779,292      0.10%
restriction conditions

3. Other domestic
                                779,292     0.10%                                                        779,292      0.10%

       Domestic natural
                                779,292     0.10%                                                        779,292      0.10%
person shares

II. Shares without trading
                             756,130,613 99.90%                                                      756,130,613    99.90%
limited conditions

1. Common shares in
                             420,179,425 55.51%                                                      420,179,425    55.51%

2. Foreign shares in
                             335,951,188 44.39%                                                      335,951,188    44.39%
domestic market

III. Total of capital shares 756,909,905                                                             756,909,905 100.00%

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Approval of the change
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Share transfer
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Impacts on financial indicators including basic and diluted earnings per share, net assets per share
attributable to common shareholders of the company in the most recent year and period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Others that need to be disclosed as required by the securities supervisor
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Statement of changes in share number and shareholder structure, assets and liabilities structure
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                                         In share
                                                                  Number of shareholders of
Number of shareholders of
                                                                  preferred stocks of which
common shares at the end                               45,341                                                                   0
                                                                  voting rights recovered in the
of the report period
                                                                  report period (if any)

                  Shareholders holding 5% of the Company's common shares or top-10 shareholders

                                              Number                                                     Pledging or freezing
                                              common Change in Conditio Unconditio
                  Properties of    Sharehol    shares             the         nal          nal
                   shareholder       ding      held at          reporting   common     common Share status           Amount
                                              the end of         period     shares      shares
                                              the report

Banglin         Domestic
                                               68,774,2                                68,774,27
Technologies    non-state legal      9.09%                  0                                        Pledged          51,310,000
                                                       73                                        3
Development person
Co., Ltd.

                Foreign legal                  44,834,8                                44,834,88
Investment                           5.92%                  +6,989,289
                person                                 80                                        0

                Foreign legal                  30,988,6 +29,263,84                     30,988,69
SECURITIES(                          4.09%
                person                                 91 0                                      1

                Domestic natural               18,834,7                                18,834,70
Zhou Shijian                         2.49%                  -2,288,775
                person                                 06                                        6

Shilihe                                        17,860,9                                17,860,99
                non-state legal      2.36%                  0
Investment                                             92                                        2
Co., Ltd.

                                               15,169,8 +15,169,80                     15,169,80
Co.,Ltd.-Zifen Others                2.00%
                                                       00 0                                      0
g Prudent

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Trust Program

                 Domestic natural                 10,701,0 -19,300,00               10,701,00
Huang Jupei                              1.41%
                 person                                 00 0                                 0

                 Domestic natural                 9,596,71
Jiang Jing                               1.27%                +566,800              9,596,714
                 person                                   4

                 Domestic natural                 9,405,97
Yu Liandi                                1.24%                -715,952              9,405,971
                 person                                   1

Hong Kong        Foreign legal                    7,394,33
                                         0.98%                +5,951,637            7,394,335
Wanguo           person                                   5

A strategic investor or ordinary
legal person becomes the Top10
common share shareholder due
a stock issue (see note 3)

                                      Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co.,
                                      Ltd. and Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen
Notes to top ten shareholder
                                      Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd.
relationship or "action in concert"
                                      are related parties. The Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related
                                      parties among the other holders of current shares.

                                    Top 10 shareholders of unconditional common shares

                                                                                                    Category of shares
             Shareholder              Amount of common shares without sales restriction      Category of

Shenzhen Banglin Technologies                                                              RMB common
                                                                              68,774,273                          68,774,273
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                      shares

                                                                                           Foreign shares
                                                                                           listed in
Shengjiu Investment Ltd.                                                      44,834,880                          44,834,880

                                                                                           Foreign shares
                                                                                           listed in
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                          30,988,691                          30,988,691

                                                                                           RMB common
Zhou Shijian                                                                  18,834,706                          18,834,706

Shenzhen Shilihe Investment                                                                RMB common
                                                                              17,860,992                          17,860,992
Co., Ltd.                                                                                  shares

Yunnan International Trust                                                    15,169,800 RMB common               15,169,800

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Co.,Ltd.-Zifeng Prudent                                                                     shares
Struractural Securities
Investment Trust Program

                                                                                            RMB common
Huang Jupei                                                                   10,701,000                            10,701,000

                                                                                            RMB common
Jiang Jing                                                                      9,596,714                            9,596,714

                                                                                            RMB common
Yu Liandi                                                                       9,405,971                            9,405,971

                                                                                            Foreign shares
Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo                                                                   listed in
                                                                                7,394,335                            7,394,335
Securities                                                                                  domestic

No action-in-concert or related
parties among the top10
                                    Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co.,
unconditional common share
                                    Ltd. and Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen
shareholders and between the
                                    Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd.
top10 unconditional common
                                    are related parties. The Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related
share shareholders and the
                                    parties among the other holders of current shares.
top10 common share

                                    Zhou Shijian holds 18,834,706 shares of the Company through GF Securities
                                    customer credit transaction guarantee securities account; Huang Jupei holds
Top-10 common share                 10,700,000 shares of the Company through GF Securities customer credit transaction
shareholders participating in       guarantee securities account, Jiang Jing holds 9,596,714 shares of the Company
margin trade (if any)               through Everbright Securities customer credit transaction guarantee securities
                                    account; Yu Liandi holds 9,405,971 shares of the Company through GF Securities
                                    customer credit transaction guarantee securities account.

By the end of the trading day August 14, 2015, China Securities Finance Corporation Limited held 2,512,300 A-shares of the
Company, accounting for 0.33% of the aggregate.

By the end of the trading day August 14, 2015, Central Huijin Investment Ltd. held 841,900 A-shares of the Company, accounting
for 0.11% of the aggregate.

Agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10
shareholders of unconditional common shares in the report period
□ Yes √ No
No agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10
shareholders of unconditional common shares in the report period

3. Changes in controlling shareholder or actual controller

Changes in the controlling shareholder in the reporting period

                                                                   2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No change in the controlling shareholder in the report period
Change in the actual controller in the report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No change in the actual shareholder in the report period

4. Statement on share increasing proposal raised by the shareholders or their
action-in-concert parties in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                       Disclosure date
   Name of                                                           Actual       Initial disclosure
                   Number of      Proportion of   Actual number                                         of the share
  shareholder/                                                    proportion of     date of the
                   shares to be   shares to be      of shares                                           increase plan
action-in-concer                                                     shares       share increase
                    increased      increased        increased                                          implementation
    t parties                                                      increased            plan

                                                      6,989,289           0.92%
Investment Ltd.

                                                           2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                  VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company had no preferred share in the report period.

                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

   VIII Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, and Senior


1. Changes in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company’s Directors, supervisors and senior management shareholding has remained unchanged
during the report period. For details, please refer to the 2014 annual report.

2. Changes in the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company’s Directors, supervisors and senior management have remained unchanged during the
report period. For details, please refer to the 2014 annual report.

                                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                       IX Financial Statements

1. Auditors report

Whether the interim report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The financial statements have not been audited.

2. Financial statements

Unit for statements in notes to financial statements: RMB yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                               June 30, 2015
                                                                                                          In RMB
                 Items                       Closing balance                         Ending balance

Current asset:

    Monetary capital                                    373,005,361.74                            212,430,798.87

    Settlement provision

    Outgoing call loan

    Financial assets measured at
fair value with variations accounted                      16,087,644.00                            13,410,790.00
into current income account

    Derivative financial assets

    Notes receivable                                      22,508,576.56                            83,325,725.70

    Account receivable                                 1,358,125,736.41                         1,105,242,251.46

    Prepayment                                          121,554,195.91                             29,234,231.49

    Insurance receivable

    Reinsurance receivable

    Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable

    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other receivables                                    117,112,102.43                            48,950,647.67

                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       Repurchasing of financial

       Inventory                      1,043,866,524.38                           982,441,187.05

       Assets held for sales

       Non-current assets due in 1

       Other current assets               5,898,698.67                           234,986,107.72

Total current assets                  3,058,158,840.10                         2,710,021,739.96

Non-current assets:

       Loan and advancement

       Sellable financial assets

       Investment held until mature

       Long-term receivable

       Long-term share equity
                                        10,105,655.37                             11,048,660.43

       Investment real estate          258,635,247.12                            226,279,523.39

       Fixed assets                    483,208,904.28                            489,714,684.63

       Construction in process            1,245,195.61                               341,749.17

       Engineering materials

       Disposal of fixed assets               1,984.71                                 26,918.21

       Productive biological assets

       Gas & petrol

       Intangible assets                97,332,228.66                             98,947,331.09

       R&D expense

       Goodwill                         26,279,395.89                             26,279,395.89

       Long-term amortizable
                                          4,994,009.78                              4,119,362.63

       Deferred income tax assets       56,965,966.03                             52,616,656.38

       Other non-current assets         47,830,966.48                             43,323,878.63

Total of non-current assets            986,599,553.93                            952,698,160.45

Total of assets                       4,044,758,394.03                         3,662,719,900.41

Current liabilities

       Short-term loans               1,314,850,000.00                         1,100,000,000.00

       Loans from Central Bank

                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       Deposit received and held for

       Call loan received

       Financial liabilities measured at
fair value with variations accounted
into current income account

       Derivative financial liabilities        1,445,950.00

       Notes payable                        244,756,319.76                            227,266,485.57

       Account payable                      678,407,941.15                            685,108,346.73

       Prepayment received                  108,253,046.93                            122,285,231.14

       Selling of repurchased financial

       Fees and commissions payable

       Employees’ wage payable              26,915,651.60                             41,703,314.26

       Taxes payable                         59,813,185.81                             58,696,926.25

       Interest payable                        1,775,665.69                              2,055,911.11

       Dividend payable

       Other payables                        72,218,632.30                             47,425,682.44

       Reinsurance fee payable

       Insurance contract provision

       Entrusted trading of securities

       Entrusted selling of securities

       Liabilities held for sales

       Non-current liabilities due in 1
                                               6,000,000.00                              6,000,000.00

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                  2,514,436,393.24                         2,290,541,897.50

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                      141,053,670.40

       Bond payable

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual bond

       Long-term payable                                                                 6,000,000.00

       Long-term employees’ wage

       Special payables

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Anticipated liabilities                               481,740.34                              5,859,045.98

     Deferred earning                                  9,942,240.53                              10,049,892.04

     Deferred income tax liabilities                  58,084,961.27                              49,734,436.90

     Other non-current liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities                    209,562,612.54                               71,643,374.92

Total liabilities                                  2,723,999,005.78                           2,362,185,272.42

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                  756,909,905.00                              756,909,905.00

     Other equity tools

        Including: preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Capital reserves                                 79,099,220.38                              79,099,220.38

     Less: Shares in stock

     67. Other miscellaneous
                                                      -1,137,225.87                                   91,831.63

     Special reserves

     Surplus reserves                                 48,842,080.76                              48,842,080.76

     Common risk provisions

     Retained profit                                378,598,177.41                              349,987,825.69

Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                   1,262,312,157.68                           1,234,930,863.46
parent company

     Minor shareholders’ equity                      58,447,230.57                              65,603,764.53

Total of owners’ equity                           1,320,759,388.25                           1,300,534,627.99

Total of liabilities and owner’s
                                                   4,044,758,394.03                           3,662,719,900.41

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming       CFO: Lin Kebing                     Accounting Manager: Chen

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                        In RMB
                    Items                Closing balance                           Ending balance

Current asset:

     Monetary capital                                 80,684,551.99                              22,256,065.49

     Financial assets measured at
fair value with variations accounted

                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

into current income account

       Derivative financial assets

       Notes receivable

       Account receivable                  511,660.60                                 511,660.60

       Prepayment                                                                      50,903.86

       Interest receivable

       Dividend receivable              28,639,627.17                             28,639,627.17

       Other receivables               357,559,369.64                            254,604,163.79


       Assets held for sales

       Non-current assets due in 1

       Other current assets               1,051,197.12                            31,005,620.01

Total current assets                   468,446,406.52                            337,068,040.92

Non-current assets:

       Sellable financial assets

       Investment held until mature

       Long-term receivable

       Long-term share equity
                                      1,129,731,553.95                         1,130,674,559.01

       Investment real estate          231,282,493.46                            198,513,586.15

       Fixed assets                     58,959,843.98                             60,145,112.89

       Construction in process

       Engineering materials

       Disposal of fixed assets

       Productive biological assets

       Gas & petrol

       Intangible assets                  2,129,412.09                              2,256,575.64

       R&D expense


       Long-term amortizable
                                           355,896.09                                  81,367.47

       Deferred income tax assets       23,344,402.31                             22,623,560.72

       Other non-current assets        220,000,000.00                            220,000,000.00

Total of non-current assets           1,665,803,601.88                         1,634,294,761.88

                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total of assets                            2,134,250,008.40                         1,971,362,802.80

Current liabilities

       Short-term loans                     400,000,000.00                            350,000,000.00

       Financial liabilities measured at
fair value with variations accounted
into current income account

       Derivative financial liabilities

       Notes payable

       Account payable                          606,941.85                                606,941.85

       Prepayment received                      693,045.60                                832,772.45

       Employees’ wage payable                 851,100.80                               1,956,875.76

       Taxes payable                           1,553,431.48                               567,424.56

       Interest payable                         686,166.66                                659,266.67

       Dividend payable

       Other payables                       375,721,848.04                            270,281,330.40

       Liabilities held for sales

       Non-current liabilities due in 1

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   780,112,534.43                            624,904,611.69

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans

       Bond payable

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual bond

       Long-term payable

       Long-term employees’ wage

       Special payables

       Anticipated liabilities

       Deferred earning

       Deferred income tax liabilities      106,043,571.56                             97,693,047.19

       Other non-current liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities            106,043,571.56                             97,693,047.19

Total liabilities                           886,156,105.99                            722,597,658.88

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                            756,909,905.00                            756,909,905.00

     Other equity tools

       Including: preferred stock

               Perpetual bond

     Capital reserves                                          38,598,565.00                             38,598,565.00

     Less: Shares in stock

     67. Other miscellaneous
                                                                   91,831.63                                  91,831.63

     Special reserves

     Surplus reserves                                          48,842,080.76                             48,842,080.76

     Retained profit                                          403,651,520.02                            404,322,761.53

Total of owners’ equity                                    1,248,093,902.41                          1,248,765,143.92

Total of liabilities and owner’s
                                                            2,134,250,008.40                          1,971,362,802.80

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                In RMB
                   Items                Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period

1. Total revenue                                            1,150,115,523.53                            822,792,739.02

     Incl. Business income                                  1,150,115,523.53                            822,792,739.02

            Interest income

            Insurance fee earned

            Fee and commission

2. Total business cost                                      1,114,562,764.23                            781,151,190.76

     Incl. Business cost                                      940,487,258.35                            668,447,444.31

            Interest expense

            Fee and commission paid

            Insurance discharge

            Net claim amount paid

            Net insurance policy
reserves provided

            Insurance policy dividend

                                                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


              Reinsurance expenses

              Business tax and
                                             17,537,240.22                            11,358,459.71

              Sales expense                  41,009,137.46                            18,245,120.86

              Administrative expense         75,547,311.64                            67,185,503.16

              Financial expenses             25,609,734.67                            11,047,478.14

              Asset impairment loss          14,372,081.89                              4,867,184.58

       Plus: gains from change of fair
value (“-“ for loss)

           Investment gains (“-“ for
                                              1,547,997.68                                969,118.50

           Incl. Investment gains from
                                              1,256,994.94                                -41,807.57
affiliates and joint ventures

           Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)

3. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)       72,546,518.29                            42,610,666.76

       Plus: non-operational income           3,425,924.45                              3,041,518.40

           Incl. Loss from disposal of
                                                50,854.12                                218,095.40
non-current assets

       Less: non-operational
                                             15,643,131.79                              2,061,903.28

           其中:Loss of non-current
                                               504,805.05                               1,569,906.67
assets disposal

4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)             60,329,310.95                            43,590,281.88

       Less: Income tax expenses             16,168,196.04                              4,362,903.54

5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)           44,161,114.91                            39,227,378.34

       Net profit attributable to the
                                             51,317,648.87                            40,769,958.24
owners of parent company

       Minor shareholders’ equity           -7,156,533.96                             -1,542,579.90

6. After-tax net amount of other misc.
                                             -1,229,057.50                                 35,700.00

  After-tax net amount of other misc.
                                             -1,229,057.50                                 35,700.00
incomes attributed to parent's owner

       (1) Other misc. incomes that
cannot be re-classified into gain and

              1. Change in net liabilities

                                                            2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

or assets due to re-measurement set
benefit program

            2. Shares enjoyed in other
misc. incomes that cannot be
reclassified into gain and loss by the
invested entity under the equity law

    (2) Other misc. incomes that will
                                                      -1,229,057.50                                35,700.00
be re-classified into gain and loss

            1. Shares enjoyed in other
misc. incomes that cannot be
reclassified into gain and loss by the
invested entity under the equity law

            2.Change in the fair value
of financial asset for sale

            3 Held-to-mature
investment reclassified as gain and
loss in the financial assets for sales

            4. Effective part in the gain
                                                      -1,229,057.50                                35,700.00
and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

            5. Translation difference of
foreign exchange statement

            6. Others

  After-tax net of other misc. income
attributed to minority shareholders

7. Total of misc. incomes                            42,932,057.41                            39,263,078.34

    Total of misc. incomes
attributable to the owners of the                    50,088,591.37                            40,805,658.24
parent company

    Total misc gains attributable to
                                                      -7,156,533.96                            -1,542,579.90
the minor shareholders

8. Earnings per share:

    (1) Basic earnings per share                              0.07                                       0.05

    (2) Diluted earnings per share                            0.07                                       0.05

Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB0.00, net
profit realized by parties merged during the previous period is RMB0.00.

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming        CFO: Lin Kebing                 Accounting Manager: Chen

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                   Items                 Amount occurred in the current period         Occurred in previous period

1. Turnover                                                      15,377,309.73                             14,332,254.25

       Less: Operation cost                                       1,670,215.88                               2,129,602.96

           Business tax and
                                                                  1,227,826.65                               1,179,113.66

           Sales expense

           Administrative expense                                11,276,930.71                             11,316,843.92

           Financial expenses                                     5,120,806.86                               5,364,994.52

           Asset impairment loss                                  1,246,405.99                                 -53,159.58

       Plus: gains from change of fair
value (“-“ for loss)

           Investment gains (“-“ for
                                                                  1,312,956.58                                 -41,807.57

           Incl. Investment gains from
                                                                  1,256,994.94                                 -41,807.57
affiliates and joint ventures

2. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                           28,916,987.53                              -5,646,948.80

       Plus: non-operational income                                 751,855.29                               1,326,268.74

           Incl. Loss from disposal of
                                                                      3,581.20                                  19,118.43
non-current assets

       Less: non-operational
                                                                      3,104.40                                327,022.34

           Incl. Loss from disposal of
                                                                      1,932.08                                125,522.34
non-current assets

3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                 29,665,738.42                              -4,647,702.40

       Less: Income tax expenses                                  7,629,682.78                              -1,100,761.67

4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                               22,036,055.64                              -3,546,940.73

5. After-tax net amount of other
misc. incomes

       (1) Other misc. incomes that
cannot be re-classified into gain and

              1. Change in net
liabilities or assets due to
re-measurement set benefit program

                                                                           2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

              2. Shares enjoyed in
other misc. incomes that cannot be
reclassified into gain and loss by the
invested entity under the equity law

       (2) Other misc. incomes that will
be re-classified into gain and loss

              1. Shares enjoyed in
other misc. incomes that cannot be
reclassified into gain and loss by the
invested entity under the equity law

              2.Change in the fair
value of financial asset for sale

              3 Held-to-mature
investment reclassified as gain and
loss in the financial assets for sales

              4. Effective part in the
gain and loss of arbitrage of cash

              5. Translation difference
of foreign exchange statement

              6. Others

6. Total of misc. incomes                                          22,036,055.64                              -3,546,940.73

7. Earnings per share:

       (1) Basic earnings per share

       (2) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                  Items                    Amount occurred in the current period         Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business

       Cash received from sales of
                                                                  880,753,505.06                            749,511,473.43
products and providing of services

       Net increase of customer
deposits and capital kept for brother

       Net increase of loans from
central bank

                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial bodies

     Cash received against original
insurance contract

     Net cash received from
reinsurance business

     Net increase of client deposit
and investment

     Increase in proposal of financial
assets measured at fair value with
variations accounted into current
income account

     Cash received as interest,
processing fee, and commission

     Net increase of inter-bank fund

     Net increase of repurchasing

     Tax refunded                          1,487,373.49                               575,871.97

     Other cash received from
                                          37,271,825.34                            47,867,585.96
business operation

Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                         919,512,703.89                           797,954,931.36
business operations

     Cash paid for purchasing
                                         922,181,248.55                           852,304,489.33
products and services

     Net increase of client trade and

     Net increase of savings in
central bank and brother company

     Cash paid for original contract

     Cash paid for interest,
processing fee and commission

     Cash paid for policy dividend

     Cash paid to and for the staff      141,611,724.17                           105,126,526.67

     Taxes paid                           54,257,534.98                            43,416,941.46

     Other cash paid for business
                                          76,174,267.38                            65,659,703.51

                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                       1,194,224,775.08                         1,066,507,660.97
business operations

Cash flow generated by business
                                        -274,712,071.19                          -268,552,729.61
operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by

     Cash received from investment

     Cash received as investment
                                           2,491,002.79                              1,008,267.73

     Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible        134,190.00                               4,577,733.50
assets, and other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other operational

     Other investment-related cash

Sub-total of cash inflow generated
                                        334,125,192.79                               5,719,501.23
from investment

     Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and      31,982,236.78                               8,981,293.29
other long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment            113,700,000.00

     Net increase of loan against

     Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operational

     Other cash paid for investment       40,117,900.00                               130,500.00

Subtotal of cash outflows               185,800,136.78                               9,111,793.29

Cash flow generated by investment
                                        148,325,056.01                              -3,392,292.06
activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing

     Cash received from investment

     Incl. Cash received from
investment attracted by subsidiaries
from minority shareholders

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Cash received from borrowed
                                                                707,903,670.40                            356,000,000.00

     Cash received from bond

     Other cash received from
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                707,903,670.40                            356,000,000.00
financing activities

     Cash paid to repay debts                                   352,000,000.00

     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                 64,660,840.58                             41,950,857.15

     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minority shareholders

     Other cash paid for financing
                                                                 55,110,039.70                                156,090.75

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                471,770,880.28                             42,106,947.90
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by
                                                                236,132,790.12                            313,893,052.10
financing activities

4. Influence of exchange rate
changes on cash and cash                                            -13,080.19                                  -7,348.79

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                109,732,694.75                             41,940,681.64

     Plus: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                102,638,232.19                            285,237,255.38
equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                212,370,926.94                            327,177,937.02
equivalents at the end of the period

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                Items                    Amount occurred in the current period         Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business

     Cash received from sales of
                                                                 11,243,204.83                             12,110,570.32
products and providing of services

     Tax refunded

     Other cash received from                                   515,148,759.29                            486,019,552.00

                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

business operation

Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                       526,391,964.12                           498,130,122.32
business operations

     Cash paid for purchasing
                                         2,136,699.94                              2,860,543.41
products and services

     Cash paid to and for the staff      7,189,717.90                              7,871,822.76

     Taxes paid                          1,394,750.88                              1,340,978.19

     Other cash paid for business
                                       469,504,100.24                           784,384,264.75

Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                       480,225,268.96                           796,457,609.11
business operations

Cash flow generated by business
                                        46,166,695.16                          -298,327,486.79
operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by

     Cash received from investment

     Cash received as investment

     Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible         4,190.00                           171,005,300.50
assets, and other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other operational

     Other investment-related cash

Sub-total of cash inflow generated
                                        38,967,485.02                           171,005,300.50
from investment

     Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and       963,791.92                               1,118,624.57
other long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment

     Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operational

     Other cash paid for investment     40,000,000.00

Subtotal of cash outflows               40,963,791.92                              1,118,624.57

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Cash flow generated by investment
                                                                 -1,996,306.90                            169,886,675.93
activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing

     Cash received from investment

     Cash received from borrowed
                                                                 50,000,000.00                             96,000,000.00

     Cash received from bond

     Other cash received from
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                 50,000,000.00                             96,000,000.00
financing activities

     Cash paid to repay debts

     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                 34,570,863.79                             28,150,357.15

     Other cash paid for financing
                                                                  1,171,039.70                                156,090.75

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                 35,741,903.49                             28,306,447.90
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by
                                                                 14,258,096.51                             67,693,552.10
financing activities

4. Influence of exchange rate
changes on cash and cash

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 58,428,484.77                            -60,747,258.76

     Plus: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                 22,006,065.49                             67,973,808.76
equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                 80,434,550.26                               7,226,550.00
equivalents at the end of the period

7. Statement of Change in Owners Equity (Consolidated)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                               Current period

        Items                        Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company                    Minor Total of
                   Share Other equity tools Capital Less:        67.   Special Surplu Comm Retain shareh owners

                                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                     capita                        reserve Shares Other reserve           s      on risk     ed          olders’ ’ equity
                              Prefe Perp
                       l                   Other     s       in stock miscell    s     reserve provisi      profit       equity
                              rred etual
                                            s                        aneous               s       ons
                              share bond

                     756,9                                                                                 349,98                  1,300,5
1. Balance at the                                  79,099,           91,831.           48,842,                           65,603,
                     09,90                                                                                 7,825.6                 34,627.
end of last year                                   220.38                 63           080.76                            764.53
                      5.00                                                                                           9                  99

Changes in

Correction of
previous errors

Consolidation of
entities under
common control


2. Balance at the 756,9                                                                                    349,98                  1,300,5
                                                   79,099,           91,831.           48,842,                           65,603,
beginning of         09,90                                                                                 7,825.6                 34,627.
                                                   220.38                 63           080.76                            764.53
current year          5.00                                                                                           9                  99

3. Amount of
change in current                                                     -1,229,                              28,610, -7,156, 20,224,
term (“-“ for                                                       057.50                               351.72 533.96 760.26

(1) Total of misc.                                                    -1,229,                              51,317, -7,156, 42,932,
incomes                                                               057.50                               648.87 533.96 057.41

(2) Investment or
decreasing of
capital by owners

1. Common
contributed by

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of

                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity

4. Others

                                                                          -22,70               -22,70
(3) Profit
                                                                         7,297.1              7,297.1
                                                                                5                  5

1. Providing of
surplus reserves

2. Common risk

3. Allotment to                                                           -22,70               -22,70
the owners (or                                                           7,297.1              7,297.1
shareholders)                                                                   5                  5

4. Others

(4) Internal
transferring of
owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves
(or to capital

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3. Making up
losses by surplus

4. Others

(5) Special

1. Provided this

2. Used this term

(6) Others

                     756,9                                                378,59              1,320,7
4. Balance at the            79,099,   -1,137,          48,842,                     58,447,
                     09,90                                          0.00 8,177.4              59,388.
end of this period           220.38    225.87           080.76                      230.57
                      5.00                                                      1                 25

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                    Last period

                                       Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company

                              Other equity tools                    67.                                         Minor
                                                                                    Surplu Comm                          Total of
       Items         Share                         Capital Less:   Other Special                                shareh
                                                                                  s    on risk Retaine           owners
                              Prefe Perp                                                                olders’
                     capita               Other reserve Shares miscell reserve
                                                                               reserve provisi d profit          ’ equity
                               rred etual                                                               equity
                       l                    s      s    in stock aneous   s
                              share bond                                          s     ons

                     756,9                                                                            278,14 55,432 1,216,0
1. Balance at the                                  79,099,         91,831.          46,389,
                     09,90                                                                           9,631.6 ,446.8 72,177.
end of last year                                   220.38              63           142.21
                      5.00                                                                                  3        9        74

Changes in

Correction of
previous errors

Consolidation of
entities under
common control


2. Balance at the 756,9                                                                               278,14 55,432 1,216,0
                                                   79,099,         91,831.          46,389,
beginning of         09,90                                                                           9,631.6 ,446.8 72,177.
                                                   220.38              63           142.21
current year          5.00                                                                                  3        9        74

3. Amount of
change in current                                                  35,700.                           18,062, -1,542, 16,555,
term (“-“ for                                                        00                             661.09 579.90 781.19

(1) Total of misc.                                                 35,700.                           40,769, -1,542, 39,263,
incomes                                                                00                             958.24 579.90 078.34

(2) Investment or
decreasing of
capital by owners

1. Common
contributed by

                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity

4. Others

(3) Profit                                   -22,707
allotment                                    ,297.15

1. Providing of
surplus reserves

2. Common risk

3. Allotment to                                                 -22,70
the owners (or                                                7,297.1
shareholders)                                                        5

4. Others

(4) Internal
transferring of
owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves
(or to capital

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3. Making up
losses by surplus

4. Others

(5) Special

1. Provided this

                                                                            2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Used this term

(6) Others

                     756,9                                                                           296,21 53,889 1,232,6
4. Balance at the                               79,099,           127,53           46,389,
                     09,90                                                                          2,292.7 ,866.9 27,958.
end of this period                               220.38              1.63          142.21
                      5.00                                                                                  2                9       93

8. Statement of Change in Owners Equity (Parent Company)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                  Current period

                                 Other equity tools                           Other
                                                                    Less:                                   Retain Total of
       Items         Share Preferr Perpet         Capital          miscella Special Surplus
                                                          Shares                                                 ed          owners’
                     capital  ed    ual   Others reserves           neous reserves reserves
                                                          in stock                                              profit           equity
                             share bond                            income

                     756,90                                                                                 404,32
1. Balance at the                                     38,598,5              91,831.6             48,842,0                    1,248,76
                     9,905.0                                                                                2,761.5
end of last year                                          65.00                       3             80.76                    5,143.92
                             0                                                                                           3

Changes in

Correction of
previous errors


2. Balance at the 756,90                                                                                    404,32
                                                      38,598,5              91,831.6             48,842,0                    1,248,76
beginning of         9,905.0                                                                                2,761.5
                                                          65.00                       3             80.76                    5,143.92
current year                 0                                                                                           3

3. Amount of
change in current                                                                                           -671,24 -671,241
term (“-“ for                                                                                                   1.51               .51

(1) Total of misc.                                                                                          22,036, 22,036,0
incomes                                                                                                     055.64                55.64

(2) Investment or
decreasing of
capital by owners

1. Common

                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

contributed by

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity

3. Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity

4. Others

(3) Profit                                          -22,707 -22,707,
allotment                                           ,297.15    297.15

1. Providing of
surplus reserves

2. Allotment to
                                                    -22,707 -22,707,
the owners (or
                                                    ,297.15    297.15

3. Others

(4) Internal
transferring of
owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves
(or to capital

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3. Making up
losses by surplus

4. Others

(5) Special

1. Provided this

2. Used this term

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(6) Others

                     756,90                                                                            403,65
4. Balance at the                                   38,598,5            91,831.6            48,842,0                 1,248,09
                     9,905.0                                                                           1,520.0
end of this period                                    65.00                      3             80.76                 3,902.41
                          0                                                                                      2

Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                               Last period

                               Other equity tools                        Other
                                                               Less:                                   Retain Total of
       Items         Share Preferr Perpet         Capital          miscella Special Surplus
                                                          Shares                                         ed          owners’
                     capital  ed    ual   Others reserves           neous reserves reserves
                                                          in stock                                      profit        equity
                             share bond                            income

                     756,90                                                                            404,95
1. Balance at the                                   38,598,5            91,831.6            46,389,1                 1,246,94
                     9,905.0                                                                           3,611.7
end of last year                                      65.00                      3             42.21                 3,055.61
                          0                                                                                      7

Changes in

Correction of
previous errors


2. Balance at the 756,90                                                                               404,95
                                                    38,598,5            91,831.6            46,389,1                 1,246,94
beginning of         9,905.0                                                                           3,611.7
                                                      65.00                      3             42.21                 3,055.61
current year              0                                                                                      7

3. Amount of
change in current                                                                                      -26,254 -26,254,
term (“-“ for                                                                                        ,237.88        237.88

(1) Total of misc.                                                                                     -3,546, -3,546,9
incomes                                                                                                940.73          40.73

(2) Investment or
decreasing of
capital by owners

1. Common
contributed by

2. Capital
contributed by

                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

other equity

3. Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity

4. Others

(3) Profit                                                             -22,707 -22,707,
allotment                                                              ,297.15    297.15

1. Providing of
surplus reserves

2. Allotment to
                                                                       -22,707 -22,707,
the owners (or
                                                                       ,297.15    297.15

3. Others

(4) Internal
transferring of
owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves
(or to capital

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3. Making up
losses by surplus

4. Others

(5) Special

1. Provided this

2. Used this term

(6) Others

4. Balance at the 756,90     38,598,5   91,831.6             46,389,1 378,69 1,220,68
end of this period 9,905.0     65.00            3               42.21 9,373.8 8,817.73

                                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                        0                                                                                  9

III. General Information

    China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (the “Company” or the “Group”) is a joint stock company registered in Shenzhen,
Guangdong and was approved by the Government of Shenzhen with Shenzhen Government Document No. (1995)194,
and was founded, on the basis of Shenzhen Fangda Construction Material Co., Ltd., by way of share issuing in October
1995. The Registration No. of the Company’s business license is: 440301501124785; with a registered
capital of RMB756,909,905; registered address: Fangda Building, Kejinan Road 12, High-tech Zone,
Shenzhen. Mr. Xiong Jianming is the legal representative.

     The Company issued foreign currency shares (B shares) and local currency shares (A shares) and
listed in November 1995 and April 1996 respectively in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

     The Company has established a corporate governance structure that comprises shareholders’
meeting, board of directors and supervisory committee. Currently, the Company sets up the President
Office, Administrative Department, HR Department, Enterprise Management Department, Financial
Department, Audit and Supervisory Department, Securities Department, Technology Department and IT
Department and has established subsidiaries including Fangda Decoration, Fangda Automatic, Fangda
JiangxiNew Material, Shenyang Fangda, Fangda Property and Fangda New Energy.

     The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively "the Group”) run businesses including (1) curtain
wall segment, production and sales of curtain wall materials, design, production and installation of
curtain walls; (2) railway transportation segment, assembly and production of subway screen doors; (3)
real estate property segment, development and management of real estate properties; (4) new energy
segment, R&D, installation and sales of PV devices, design and engineering of PV power plants., R&D,
design, production, sales and installation of lamps, auxiliaries and other lighting devices, LED products
and metal products.

    The consolidation scope of the financial statements covers the Company and all subsidiaries. The
scope has remained unchanged in the period.

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation basis

     The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Enterprise Accounting
Standard – Basic Standards and 38 specific accounting principles issued in February 2006 by the
Ministry of Finance and its application guide, interpretation and other related provision (collectively
“Enterprise Accounting Standards”). The Group has also disclosed related financial information
according to the requirement of the Regulations of Information Disclosure No.15 – General Provisions
for Financial Statements (Revised in 2014) issued by the CSRC.

2. Continuous operation

     The Company is able to maintain continous operations. The company prepares the financial

                                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

statements based on continuous operation.
     The Group's audit is based on the accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments and property
held for investment, the financial statements are prepared based on historical costs. In case of any asset
impairment, the impairment provision will be made as required.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

Sepcific accounting policy and estimate prompt:
The Group determines the investment real estate accounting policies and income recognition policies
according to the business features. See 14 and 23 of Note V Significant Accounting Policies and

1. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

The financial report and statements are prepared with compliance to the requirement of the Enterprise
Accounting Standard. They reflect the financial position as of 30.06.15, and business performance and
cash flow situation in Year 2015 of the Company frankly and completely.

2. Fiscal period

The fiscal year of the Group is the solar calendar year, that is from January 1 to December 31.

3. Operation period

The operation period of the Group is 12 months.

4. Bookkeeping standard money

The Group takes RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping.

5. Accounting treatment of the entities under common and different control

(1) Consolidation of entities under common control

Assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party are calculated at their book value in the finaly
controlling party’s consolidated financial statements with the merged parties at the merger day in
addition to the adjustment made given the difference in accounting policies. The differences between the
book value of net assets and the book value of consideration price (or the total of face value of share
issued) are adjusted to the capital reserve (share capital premium). If the share capital premium is not
enough to offset the difference, it will be adjusted to the retained gains.

(2) Consolidation of entities under different control

For merger of entities under different control, the merger cost is the fair value of the asset paid, liability
undertaken, and equity securities issued for exchanging of control power over the entities at the day of
acquisition. On the acquisition day, the assets and liabilities (if any) acquired from the acquired party are

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

recognized on the fair value.

If the merger costs exceed the fair value of the recognizable net assets of the acquired party in the
merger, it is recognized as goodwill and measured based the costs after the accumulative impairment
provision is deducted; if the the fair value exceeds the costs, it is included in the income statement for
the period after being re-examined.

(3) Treatment of transaction cost in mergers

Agency expenses and other administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal
services occurred relating to the merger of entities are accounted into current income account when
occurred. The transaction fees of equity certificates or liability certificates issued by the purchaser for
payment for the acquisition are accounted at the initial amount of the certificates.

6. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Consolidation scope

The consolidation scope is determined based on control. Control means the power that the Group
possesses over its invested entities. It enables the Group to enjoy returns by participating in their
operations. The amount of returns can be affected by the power. Subsidiaries are enterprises controlled
by the Company.

(2) Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on financial statements of
the Company and subsidiaries and according to other related information. During preparation of
consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and period of the Company and subsidiaries
must be the same. Major transactions and balances between companies are offset.

New subsidiaries and businesses caused by merger of enterprises under common control in the report
period are considered being incorporated into the Group’s consolidation scope since the date of being
controlled by the final controlling party.

New subsidiaries and businesses caused by merger of enterprises not under common control are
considered being incorporated into the Group’s consolidation scope since of acquisition date with
income, costs and profits incorporated into the consolidated income statement and cash flows into the
consolidated cash flow statement.

The part of the shareholders’ equity in subsidiaries not owned the Company are separately listed under
the shareholders’ equity as minority shareholders’ equity in the consolidated balance sheet.The part of
the subsidiaries’ net profits and losses for the current period that belongs to minority shareholders is
listed as minority shareholders’ profits and losses under net profit in the consolidated income statement.
If the losses of subsidiaries shared by the minority shareholders exceed the part of the owners’ equity of
the subsudiaries at the beginning of the period, the excessive part will offset the minority shareholders’

                                                                   2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

7. Joint venture arrangement category and fiscal treatment of joint operation

8. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

Cash refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used at any time for payment. Cash equivalent
refers to the investments with short term, strong liquidity and small risk of value fluctuation that are held
by the Group and easily converted into cash with known amount.

9. Foreign exchange business and foreign exchange statement translation

Trades of the Group made in foreign currencies are translated into RMB basing on the spot exchange
rate on the date when the trade is conducted.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency items are translated on the spot exchange rate of the
balance sheet date. The exchange differences caused by the difference in exchange rates on the
balance sheet date and initial recognizing date or previous balance sheet date are included in the
current profits and losses. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign currency and on historical costs are
exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. Non-monetary items accounted in
foreign currency and on fair value are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the determination date
of the fair value. The exchange difference between the accounting standard-currency amount and the
original accounting standard-currency amount are included in the current profits and losses.

10. Financial instrument

Financial instrument refers to a company’s financial assets and contracts that form other units of
financial liabilitie or equity instruments.

(1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instrument

The Group recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes one party in the financial instrument

Financial asset is derecognized when:

 The contractual right to receive the cash flows of the financial assets is terminated;

② The financial asset is transferred and meets the following derecognition condition.

When partial or all of the current responsibilities attached to such financial liabilities, the partial or all of
the financial liabilities are derecognized. When the Group (debtor) and creditor enter into an agreement
to replace the existing financial liabilities by undertaking new financial liabilities and the contract terms
for the new financial liabilities are essentially different from those for the existing one, the existing
financial liabilities will be derecognized and new financial liabilities will be recognized.

Financial asset transactions in regular ways are recognized and de-recognized on the transaction date.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

                                                                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

The Group’s financial assets are classified into two categories duing initial recognition: financial assets
measured at fair value and accounted into the current gain/loss account, loans and receivables.
Financial assets are measured at the fair value at the initial recognition. For financial assets
measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account, related
transaction expenses are accounted into the current income. For other financial assets, the
related transaction expenses are accounted into the initial recognized amounts.

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account

It includes transactional financial assets and financial assets measured by fair value and with variations
accounted into current gain/loss account at initial recognition. The financial assets are further measured
by fair value with the gain/loss created by variations in fair value and related dividends and interest
accounted into the current gain/loss account.


Receivables refer to non-derivative financial assets without quotations but with fixed recoverable amount
or can be confirmed, including receivable accounts and other receivables (Note 5. 11).Receivables
adopt the effective interest method and are further measured by amortized cost. Gain/loss generated at
final recognition, impairment or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

The Group’s financial liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities adopt the effective interest method and are further measured by amortized cost.
Gain/loss generated at final recognition or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

(4) Fair value of financial instrument

See Note 5. 29 for the recognition of fair value of financial assets and liabilities.

(5) Impairment of financial assets

     Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account. The
Group checks the book value of financial assets on the balance sheet date. Impairment provision will be
made in case of objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets. Objective evidence
proving impairment to the financial assets refers to events actually occur after the initial recognition of
financial assets, with influence on the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets and can be
reliably measured by the Group.

Objective evidence of impairment in financial assets includes:

Serious financial difficulties for issuers or debtors;

②Debtors violate contracts: default or delay payment of interest or principals;

③The Group makes concessions for debtors with financial difficulties due to economic or legal reasons;

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

④Debtors are very like to go bankrupty or conduct financial restructuring;

⑤Financial assets cannot be traded in an active market due to serial financial difficulties of issuers;

⑥It cannot be identified whether the cash flow of an asset in a group of financial assets decreases, while
the estimated future cash flow of the group of financial assets will decrease from the initial recognition
and the decrease can be measured, including:

    - The payment capability of the debtor of the group of financial assets weakens;

     - The economy of the country or district where the debtor is located faces problems that may lead to
failure in payment of the group of financial assets;

⑦Technical, market, economic or legal environments change adversely, leading to that the investor may
not be able to recover the investment;

⑧Other objective evident that proves impairment in the financial assets

Financial assets measured at amortized cost

If there is objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets, the book value of the financial
assets will be written down to the present value of the estimated future cash flow (excluding
undiscovered future credit loss). The write-down amount is accounted into the current gain/loss account.
The present value of the estimated future cash flow is determined by the original effective discount rate
with the value of the guanrantee considered.

Conduct imparement test separately for major financial assets. If there is objective evidence suggesting
impairement, determine the impairment loss and account it into the current gain/loss account. Conduct
impairment test for other financial assets including financial assets combination with similar credit risk
features. Test financial assets without impairment separately (including major and minor financial assets)
and conduct impairment test in the financial assets combination with similar credit risk features. Conduct
impairment test for financial assets separately recognized as impaired excluding financial assets
combination with similar credit risk features.

After the Group recognizes impair loss to financial assets measured by amortized cost, if there is object
evidence suggesting that the value of the financial assets is restored objectively due to an event after the
loss, the recognized impairment loss can be reversed and accounted into the current gain/loss account.
The book value after the reversal must not exceed the amortized cost of the financial assets on the
reversal date assuming that no impairment provision was made.

(6) Transfer of financial assets

The transfer of financial assets refers to transferring or delivering the financial assets to another party
(receiver) other than the issuing party of the financial assets.

Recognition of the financial asset is terminated as soon as all of the risks and rewards attached to the
financial asset have been transferred to the receiver. Whereas if all of the risks and rewards attached to
the financial assets are reserved, recognition of the financial asset shall not be terminated.

                                                                      2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

When the Group neither transfers nor reserve almost all risks and rewards attached to the financial
assets, it will be handled as: When the controlling power over the financial asset is given up, the financial
assets will be derecognized and the generated assets and liabilities will be recognized; when the
controlling power is not given up, financial asset and related liability shall be recognized according to the
extend the Group is involving in the financial asset.

(7) Offset of financial assets and liabilities

When the Group has the legal right to offset recognized financial assets and liabilities, is able to execute
the right, and the Group plans to settle them in net value and cash the financial assets and repay the
financial assets, the amount after the offset will be present in the balance sheet. Besides that, financial
assets and liabilities will be presented separately in the balance sheet.

11. Receivables

(1) Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

                                                          For the current year, the Company recognizes project
                                                          receivables over RMB8 million (inclusive) as “individual
                                                          receivable with large amount” while recognizes product
Judging basis or standard of major individual amount      receivables over RMB2 million (included) as “individual
                                                          receivable with large amount” and other receivables over
                                                          RMB1 million (included) as “individual receivable with large

                                                          The Company performs impairment examination
                                                          individually on each large amount receivables, and
Provision method for account receivable with major
                                                          recognizes impairment and provides bad debt provision
individual amount and bad debt provision provided
                                                          when the impairment is recognized based on objective
                                                          evidence. Those not impaired are accounted along with the
                                                          minor amount receivables and recognized in risk groups.

(2) Receivables for which bad debt provision is made by credit risk group

                            Group                                         Method of bad debt provision

Account age                                               Aging method

Receivable accounts consolidated                          Other method

Receivables adopting the aging method in the group:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                  Age                   Providing rate for receivable account    Providing rate for other receivables

Within 1 year (inclusive)                                              3.00%                                     3.00%

1-2 years                                                             10.00%                                   10.00%

2-3 years                                                             30.00%                                   30.00%

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Over 3 years                                                   50.00%                                   50.00%

Receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Receivables adopting other methods in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Receivables with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

Reasons for separate bad debt provision             Long account age or deterioration of customer creditability

                                                    According to the difference between the present value of
Method of bad debt provision
                                                    future cash flow and the book value

12. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

The Group’s inventories include purchased materials, raw materials, low-value consumables, OEM
materials, products in process, semi-finished goods, finished goods, inventory, development costs, and
construction in process.

(2) Pricing of inventory

Inventories are measured at cost when procured. Raw materials, products in process, commodity stocks
and goods shipped in transit are measured by the weighted average method.

Construction contracts are measured by the effective cost, including direct and indirect expenses
generated before the contracts are fulfilled. Costs generated and recognized accumulatively by
construction in process and settled payment are listed in the balance sheet as offset net amounts.The
excessive part of the sum of the generated costs and recognized gross profit (loss) over the settled
payment is listed inventories; the excessive part of the settled payment over the sum of the generated
costs and recognized gross profit (loss) is listed as the prepayment received.

Travel and bidding expenses generated by execution of contracts, if they can be separated and reliably
measured and it is likely to enter into contracts, are accounted as the contract cost when the contracts
are entered into; or into the current gain/loss account if the conditions are not met.

The development cost includes land transfer payment, infrastructure and facility costs, installation
engineering costs, borrows before completion of the development and other costs during the
development process.

(3) Recognition of inventory realizable value and providing of impairment provision

The inventory realizable value is equal to the estimated sales price of the inventory minus costs to be
incurred when it is completed, estimated sales cost and related taxes. When the realizable value is
recognized, the value should be based on concrete evidence obtained with the purpose of helding the

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

inventory and impacts of post-balance-sheet events taken into consideration.

On the balance sheet day, if the inventory cost is higher than the realizable net value, inventory
depreciation provision should be made. The Group makes inventory depreciation provision for individual
inventory or inventory group. On the balance sheet date, where the impact of inventory depreciation
value disappears, the depreciation provision will be written back.

(4) Inventory system

The Group uses perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortizing of low-value consumables and packaging materials

Low-value consumables are amortized on on-off amortization basis at using.

13. Long-term share equity investment

The Group’s long-term share equity investment includes equity investment with actual control and major
influence upon invested entities. Invested entities that the Group possesses major influence are joint
ventures of the Group.

(1) Recognition of initial investment costs

For long-term share equity investment generated by merger of enterprises: for long-term share equity
investment obtained by merger of enterprises under common control, the investment cost is the book
value in the finaly controlling party’s consolidated financial statements with the merged parties on the
merger day; for long-term share equity investment obtained by merger of enterprises not under common
control, the investment cost is the merger cost.

For those obtained with cash payment, the initial investment cost is the actual amount paid.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

The Company uses the cost method to measure long-term share equity investment in which the
Company can control the invested entity; uses the equity method to measure the investment in joint

For long-term share equity investment measured using the cost method, profit distribution made by
invested entities is recognized as investment gains and included in profits and losses in the current

When the equity method is used, the net profit and loss shared is recognized as investment gain and the
book value of the investment should be adjusted accordingly.

(3) Basis for recognition of major influence on invested entities

Major influence refers to the power to participate in decision-making of financial and operation policies of
a company, but cannot control or jointly control the making of the policies. If the Company directly or

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

through subsidiaries holds more than 20% (inclusive) but less than 50% of the shares with voting rights
of the invested entity, unless there is clear evidence proving that the Company cannot participate the
decision-making of production and operation of the invested entity, the Company has major influence on
the invested entity. When the Company holds less than 20% (exclusive) of the shares with voting rights
of the invested entity, unless there is clear evidence proving that the Company cannot participate the
decision-making of production and operation of the invested entity, the Company has no major influence
on the invested entity.

(4) Impairment examination and providing of impairment provision

See Note V 19 for the assets impairment provision method for investment in subsidiaries and joint

14. Investment real estate

Measurement method of investment real estate
Fair value method
Basis of choosing fair value method

Investment real estates of the Group are buildings leased.

For investment real estates with an active real estate transaction market and the Group can obtain
market price and other information of same or similar real estates to reasonably estimate the investment
real estates’ fair value, the Group will use the fair value mode to measure the investment real estates
subsequently. Variations in fair value are accounted into the current gain/loss account. If the conditions
are not met, cost method is used for subsequent measurement.

The fair value of investment real estates is determined with reference to the current market prices of
same or similar real estates in active markets; when no such price is available, with reference to the
recent transaction prices and consideration of factors including transaction background, date and district
to reasonably estimate the fair value; or based on the estimated lease gains and present value of related
cash flows.

For an investment real estate whose fair value is proven unable to be obtained continuously and reliably
by objective evidence, the real estate will be measured at cost basis until it is disposed and no residual
value remains as assumed.

The difference of the proceeds from sales, transfer, retirement or destruction of investment real estates
with book value and related taxes deducted is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

See Note V 19 for the assets impairment provision method for the investment real estates that are
subsequently measured using the cost model.

                                                                   2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

15. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods,
providing services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one accounting year of
service life. The fixed assets can only be recognized hen economic interests related to the fixed assets
are very likely to flow into the company and the costs of the fixed assets can be reliably measured. The
Group measures fixed assets at the actual costs when the fixed assets are obtained

(2) Depreciation method

                                                                                                Annual depreciation
          Type           Depreciation method        Service year        Residual rate
                                                                                                      rate %

Houses & buildings      Average age            35-45               10.00%                   2-2.57

Mechanical equipment Average age               10                  10.00%                   9

Transportation facilities Average age          5                   10.00%                   18

Electronics and other
                        Average age            5                   10.00%                   18

16.Construction in process

The Group recognizes the cost of construction in process according to the actual construction expense,
including necessary engineering expenses, borrowing costs to be capitalized before the engineering
reaches the preset service condition and other related costs.

Construction in process will be transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the preset service condition.

See Note V 19 for the provision method for construction in process.

17. Borrowing expenses

(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing expenses

Borrowing expenses occurred to the Group that can be accounted as purchasing or production of asset
satisfying the conditions of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.Borrowing
expenses start to be capitalized when all of the followings are satisfied:

(1) Asset expense has already occurred. Asset expenses include cash payment, non-cash asset
transferring, or undertaking of debt with interest done for purchasing or producing of assets;

(2) The borrowing expense has already occurred;

(3) Purchasing or production activity, which is necessary for the asset to reach the useful status, has
already started.

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) During borrowing expense capitalization

When the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions has reached its usable or sellable status,
capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be terminated. Borrowing expenses incurred after assets that
meet capitalization conditions reach the service or sales conditions are accounted into the current
gain/loss account according to the actual amounts.

If the construction or production of assets satisfying the capitalizing conditions is suspended abnormally
for over 3 months, capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended. During the normal
suspension period, borrowing expenses will be capitalized continuously.

(3) Calculation of the capitalization amount of borrowing expense

The interest expense incurred actually from special borrowing in the current period is capitalized after
deducting the interest income obtained from the borrowing that has not been used or investment gain
obtained from temporary investment; the capitalization amount of general borrow should be determined
according to the weighted average of the excessive part of the accumulative asset expense over the
special borrowing multiple the percentage of the special borrowing in general borrowing.The
capitalization ratio is calculated according to the weighted average interest rate of general borrowing.

During the capitalization period, the exchange difference of foreign currency special borrowing is fully
capitalized; the exchange difference of foreign currency general borrowing is included in the current

18. Intangible assets

(1) ricing method, service life and impairment test

The Group’s intangible assets include land using rights, patent, industry property, special technologies,
and softwares.

Intangible assets are initially measured at costs and the useful life will be determined when obtained.
Where the useful life is limited, the intangible assets will be amortized within the predicted useful life by
using the amortization method that can reflect predicted realization way of the economic benefit of the
assets; whether the realization way cannot be reliably confirmed, use the straight-line method. If the
useful life is uncertain, the intangible assets are not amortized.

Intangible assets with limited useful life are amortized as followings:

              Type                      Useful life        Basis of amortization              Notes
        Land using right              Beneficial age           Average age
   Trade marks and patents                  10                 Average age
     Proprietary technology                 10                 Average age
            Software                   5, 10 years             Average age
     Other intangible assets      10 years or beneficial       Average age

                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

At the end of each year, the Group will reexamine the useful life and amortization basis of intangible
assets with limited useful life. If they change, adjust the prediction and handle it according to accounting
estimate changes.

On the balance sheet day, if the intangible assets become unlikely to bring future economic benefits for
the Company, transfer all the intangible assets’ book value into the current gain/loss account.
See Note V 19 for the provision method for intangible assets.

(2) Internal research development expense accounting policy

The Group divides internal R&D project expenses into research and development expenses.

The research expenses are accounted the current gain/loss account.

Development expenses can only be capitalized when the following conditions are satisfied: the
technology is feasible for use or sales; there is the intention to use or sell the intangible assets; it can be
proven that the product generated by the intangible assets is demanded or the intangible assets in
demanded; if the intangible is used internally, it can be proven that it is useful; with necessary technical
and financial resources and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets and
the intangible assets can be used or sold; the development expense can be reliably measured. If not, the
development expense is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

If a research project meets the above-mentioned conditions and passes the technical and economic
feasibility study, the project will enter the development stage.

Expenses in the development stage capitalized are listed as development expense on the balance sheet
and transferred to intangible assets when the project reaches the useful condition.

19. Long-term assets impairment

The Group uses the cost mode to continue measuring the assets impairment to investment real
estatement, fixed assets construction in progress, intangible assets and goodwill (except for the
inventories, investment real estate measured by the fair value mode, deferred income tax assets and
financial assets). The method is determined as follows:

The Group judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If such sign
exists, the Group estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. Impairment test
is conducted annually for goodwill generated by mergers and intangible assets whose service life is
uncertain and that have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense and
the present value of the predicted future cash flow. The Impairment test is conducted annually for
goodwill generated by mergers and intangible assets whose service life is uncertain and that have not
reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.estimates the recoverable
amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is hard to estimate the recoverable amount on the
individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset group that the assets
belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the group is

                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

independent from those generated by other assets or assets groups.

When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the Company
writes down the book value to the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is accounted into the
current income account and the assets impairment provision is made.

For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized through
reasonable measures since the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be amortized to
related assets groups are amortized to related combination of asset groups. The related asset groups or
combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the synergistic effect of mergers and
must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Group.

When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or combination
of asset groups related to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or combination of asset
groups without goodwill and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the related impairment loss.
Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the book value with recoverable amount.
If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

20. Long-term amortizable expenses

The Group’s long-term amortizable expenses are measured at the actual costs and amortized averagely
based on the beneficial term. For long-term amortizable expenses that are not beneficial in the
subsequent account periods, the residual value is fully accounted into the current gain/loss account.

21. Staff remuneration

(1) Accounting method of short-term remuneration

In the accounting period, the Group pays medical insurance, employment injury insurance and birth
insurance based on their salaries, bonus, and the required ratio. The insurance cost is recognized as
liability and included in the gain/loss or related asset cost of the current period.If the liability will not be
paid in 12 months after the report period ends and the financial impact is material, the liability is
measured at the discounted amount.

(2) Accounting method of post-employment benefit

The Group's post employment welfare scheme is the defined contribution plan. After making fixed
payment to an independent fund, the Company will not make further payment to the post-employment
welfare scheme, including basic retirement pension and unemployment insurance. In the fiscal period,
the payable to the defined contribution plan is recognized as liability and included in the gain/loss or
related asset cost of the current period.

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

22. Anticipated liabilities

When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following conditions are
satisfied, they are recognized as expectable liability in the balance sheet:

(1) This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Group;

(2) Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Group;

(3) Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.

The anticipated liabilities are measured at the best estimated expense necessary for fulfilling the
liabilities. The book value of expected liability is revised at balance sheet day, and adjustment will be
made to reflect current best estimation.

23. Revenue

(1) General principles

1. Sales of goods

When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the sales of goods are recognized as sales income
according to the contract amount received or receivable from the buyer: (1) Main risks and rewards
attached to the ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer; (2) No succeeding power of
administration or effective control is reserved which are usually attached to ownership; (3) Amount
received can be reliably measured; (4) Related financial benefit may inflow to the Company; (5) Relative
costs, occurred or will occur, can be reliably measured.

2. Providing of labor service

If they are not in the same year, then use the estimation on percentage basis when it is possible.

The completion percentage is the costs occurred on the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of providing of labor service must meet the following conditions: A.
the revenue can be reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow into the company; C.
the completion can be determined reliably; D. costs incurred or will be incurred can be reliably

If the result cannot be reliably estimated, use the service cost amount of the compensation obtained or
will be obtained to recognize the revenue of the providing of labor service and recognize the incurred
laber service cost as the current expense. If no compensation can be obtained for incurred labor service
cost, no revenue can be recognized.

3. Demising of asset using rights

The revenue is recognized when the financial benefit in connection with the demising of asset using right
was received and the amount can be reliably measured.

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

4. Construction contracts

On the balance sheet day, the Group recognizes the contract income and costs using the completion
percentage method if the result of the construction contract can be reliably estimated. If not, such
contracts are treated differently. If the contract cost can be recovered, the revenue is recognized
according to the actual contract costs that can be recovered and the contract cost is recognized as the
current expense; if not, the contract cost is recognized as the current expense and no revenue is

If the estimated total costs exceed the total revenue, the Group recognizes the estimated loss as the
current expense.

The competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred in the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of a construction contract must meet the following conditions: A. the
revenue can be reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow into the company; C. the
completion cost can be clearly distinguished and determined reliably; D. the completion and costs that
will be incurred for completion of the contract can be reliably recognized.

(2) Specific revenue recognition method

Metro screen door projects of the Group and Shenzhen Fangda Automatic System, and curtain wall
project of Fangda Decoration are individual construction contracts. They are accounted by the following

Construction contracts completed within a fiscal year are recognized for their income and cost upon

Income and expenses of the construction contracts carried over-year are recognized on percentage
basis at balance sheet day when all of the following conditions are satisfied: contract income can be
reliably measured, relative financial benefit can inflow to the Company; progress of the project and costs
to complete the contract can be reliably recognized; cost occurred to complete the contract can be
clearly distinguished and reliably measured, which enables comparing of actual cost with predicted cost.

Contract costs are direct and indirect expenses occurred since the date when the contract is engaged till
the completion day. The competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred in the
total cost.

Construction contracts completed in current term are recognized for income according to the actual total
income of the contract less income recognized in previous terms; meanwhile, the total costs of the
contract less costs recognized in previous terms are recognized as current contract costs. If the total
contract cost is predicted to be greater than the predicted total income, the predicted loss shall be
recognized as current cost instantly.

Parts of the curtain wall project under Fangda Jianke are outsourced, and administrative fees are
collected at the agreed rate. For these construction contracts, income will be recognized when ongoing
payment for the project is received and corresponding costs are transferred.

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Revenue of products for domestic sales is recognized when the Group delivers the products and
receives the sales payment or obtains the payment voucher; revenue for products for overseas sales is
recognized at departure of the products.

24. Government subsidy

(1) Judgment basis and accounting method of governmental subsidies related to assets

Government subsidy is only recognized when the required conditions are met and the subsidy is

When a government subsidy is monetary capital, it is measured at the received or receivable amount.
When there is no clear evidence indicating compliance with related conditions for governmental support
and it is estimated that the Company can receive a government subsidy, it will be measured at the
receivable amount. Otherwise, it is measured at the amount actually received.

Government subsidies related to assets are obtained by the Group to purchase, build or formulate in
other manners long-term assets; or subsidies related to benefits.

For subsidies that can formulate long-term assets without clear government regulations, the part of the
subsidies corresponding to the asset value will be measured as assets-related government subsidies,
while the rest of them will be measured as benefit-related government subsidies. Where it is difficult to
distinguish them from each them, the whole subsidies will be measured as benefit-related government

Government subsidies in connection with capital are recognized as differed income, and amortized
straight to its useful life, and accounted into current income account.

(2) Judgment basis and accounting method of governmental subsidies related to profits

Government subsidies in connection with gains, which are used to cover current expenses or losses, are
recognized as current gain/loss, if used to cover future expenses or losses, recognized as differed gains,
and recorded to current income account to the period when the expenses are recognized. Government
subsidy measured at the nominal amount is accounted into current income account.
If a recognized government subsidy needs to be returned, if there are relative differed gains, the balance
of differed gains will be setoff, the exceeded part shall be recorded into current income account; if there
is no relative differed gain, record to current income account directly.

25. Differed income tax assets/differed income tax liabilities

Income tax includes current and deferred income taxExcept for the adjustment goodwill gernated by
mergers or deferred income tax related to transactions or events directly accounted into the owners’
equity, income tax is accounted as income tax expense into the current gain/loss account.

The Group uses the temporary difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities on the
balance sheet day and the tax base and the liabilities method to recognize the deferred income tax.

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

The taxable temporary difference recognizes the related deferred income tax liabilities, unless the
taxable temporary difference is created by the following transactions:

(1) Initial recognition of goodwill, or of assets or liabilities generated in transactions with the following
features: the transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or
taxable proceeds;

(2) For taxable temporary difference related to investment in subsudiaries and affiliates, the reversal
timing for the temporary difference can be controlled and the difference is unlikely to be reversed in the
foreseeable future.

For deductable temporary difference, duductable loos and tax deduction that can be accounted in
subsequent years, the Group recognizes the incurred deferred income tax assets to the extent to the
future income tax proceeds that is very likely to be received for deducting deductable temporary
difference, deductable loss and tax deduction, unless the deductable temporary difference is generated
in following transactions:

(1) the transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable

(2) for the taxable temporary difference related to investment in subsudiaries and affiliates, the
corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized when the following condition is met: the
temporary difference is very likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future and it is very likely to receive
the taxable proceeds that can be used to deduct the deductable temporary difference.

On the balance sheet day, the Group measures the deferred income tax assets and liabilities with the tax
rate applicable during the predicted period during which the assets are recovered or the liabilities are
paid off and reflects the income tax influence of the assets recovery and liabilities repayment way on the
balance sheet day.

On the balance sheet day, the Group re-exmaines the book value of the deferred income tax assets. If it
is unlikely to have adequate taxable proceeds to reduct the benefits of the deferred income tax assets,
less the deferred income tax assets’ book value. When there is adequarter taxable proceeds, the
lessened amount will be reversed.

26. Leasing

(1) Accounting method of operational leasing

Rentals from operational leasing are recognized as current gains on straight basis to the periods of
leasing. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current income account.

Rentals in operational leasing are recorded to relative capital cost or current income account on straight
basis to the periods of leasing. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current income account.

                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Accounting method of operational leasing

The Group as the leasor: In financial leasing, the book value of financial rental is the sum of lowest
amount of the rent and the initial expenses since the date when the lease is started.The difference
between the sum of lowest rental, initial direct expense and unsecured balance and the current value is
recognized as the unrealized financial income. Unrealized financial income is recognized as financial
income at actual interest basis to the periods of the leasing period.
The Group as the leasee: The Group measures the leased assets as the lower of the fair value and the
present value of minimum lease payment of the leased assets on the starting date of the lease and
records the minimum lease payment as long-term payable and the difference between the two as
unrecognized financing expense. The initial directo expense is accounted into asset value.
Unrecognized financial cost is recognized as financial cost at actual interest basis to the periods of the
leasing period. The Group adopts the depreciation policy same as the self-owned fixed assets to made
provision for depreciation of leased asssets.

27. Other significant accounting policies and assumptions

Significant acounting judgement and estimate

The Group continuously reviews significant accounting judgment and estimate adopted for the
reasonable forecast of future events based on its historical experience and other factors.

Significant accounting judgment and assumptions that may lead to major adjustment of the book value of
assets and liabilities in the next accounting year are listed as follows:

(1) Goodwill impairment

The Group judges whether there is impairment to goodwill at least annually. This required valuation of
the use value of the asset groups with goodwill. While estimating the use value, the Group needs to
estimate the cash flow from the asset group in the future and choose the proper discount rate to
calculate the present value of the future cash flow/

(2) Estimate of fair value

The Group uses fair value to measure investment real estate and needs to estimate the fair value of
investment real estate at least quarterly. This requires the management to reasonably estimate the fair
value of the investment real estate with the helf of valuation experts.

(3) Deferred income tax assets

If there is adequate taxable profit to deduct the loss, the deferred income tax assets should be
recognized by all the unused tax loss. This requires the management to make a lot of judgment to
forecast the time and amount of future taxable profit and determine the amount of the deferred tax
assets based on the taxation strategy.

(4) Construction contracts

The Group recognizes gains of construction contracts according to the completion percentage of

                                                                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

separated contracts. The management estimates the completion percentage of construction projects
according to the actual cost in the total budget and estimates the contract gain. The activity date and
completion date are usually included in different accounting periods. The Group will review and revise
contract gain and cost estimates in the budget along the progress (if the actual contract gain is smaller
than the estimated or actual contract cost, contract estimate loss provision will be made).

28. Major changes in accounting policies and estimates

(1) Changes in accounting policies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Changes in accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

29. Others

Fair value method

Fair value is the price that the market participant needs to pay for acquiring an asset or transfer liability in
an orderly transaction on the measurement date.

For assets or liability of the Group measured at fair value, the orderly transaction in which assets are
sold or liability is transferred is conducted in the primary market of the related assets or liability; if there is
no such primary market, the Group assumes that the transaction is conducted in the most favorable
market for the related assets or liability. Primary market (or the most favorable market) is the transaction
market that the Group can enter on the measurement date. The Group uses the assumption under which
the market participant can maximize the economic benefit when the assets or liability is priced.

For financial assets or liability with an active market, the Group uses the price in the active market to
recognize the fair value. If there is no active market, the Group uses evaluation techniques to determine
the fair value.

Where non-financial assets are measured by fair value, the capability of the assets is the maximum
economic benefit of the assets can be realized in the best use of it or other market participant who can
make the best use of it.

The Group adopts appropriate and sufficient data and other information-supporting evaluation
techniques. Related observable inputs are used firstly. Non-observable inputs are only used when
observable inputs cannot be obtained or are infeasible.

The fair value level of assets and liability measured or disclosed at fair value in financial statement are
determined according to the lowest input significant for the fair value as a howl: first-level input is the
non-adjusted price of the same assets or liability that can be obtained in an active market; second-level
input is observable inputs with direct or indirect impact on related assets or liability other than the

                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

first-level inputs; third-level inputs are non-observable inputs of related assets and liability.

On each balance sheet day, the Group re-evaluates the assets and liability measured at the fair value
and recognized in the financial statements to confirm if any change happens to the fair value
measurement level.

VI. Taxation

1. Major taxes and tax rates

                   Tax                               Tax basis                             Tax rate

VAT                                    Taxable income                     6、13、17

Business tax                           Taxable income                     3、5

City maintenance and construction tax Taxable turnover                    1、5、7

Enterprise income tax                  Taxable income                     See the following table

Education surtax                       Taxable turnover                   3

Tax payers vary in the corporate income tax rate are listed as follows
                         Tax payer                                            Income tax rate

The Company                                               25%

Shenzhen Fangda Jianke Group Co., Ltd.                    15%

Shenzhen Fangda Automation System Co., Ltd.               15%

Shenzhen Woke Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.           25%

Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd.                  15%

Jiangxi Fangda New Type Aluminum Co., Ltd.                25%

Shenyang Fangda Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.         25%

Dongguan Fangda New Material Co., Ltd.                    25%

Shenzhen Kexunda Software Co., Ltd.                       12.5%

Chengdu Fangda Construction Technology Co.,
Fangda Decoration Engineering (Shenyang) Co., Ltd.        25%

Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd.            25%

Shenzhen Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd.                      25%

Guangdong Fangda SOZN Lighting Co., Ltd.                  25%

2. Tax preference

(1) Fangda Jianke’s hi-tech entrperise certificate expired in 2014 and needs to be re-applied for in 2015.
By the release date of the report, the application has been approved and released by the Shenzhen

                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Commission of Technological Innovation and recovers the hi-tech enterprise certificate. The tax rate of
income tax in the period is 15%.

(2) Fangda Automation’s hi-tech entrperise certificate expired in 2014 and needs to be re-applied for in
2015. By the release date of the report, the application has been approved and released by the
Shenzhen Commission of Technological Innovation and recovers the hi-tech enterprise certificate. The
tax rate of income tax in the period is 15%.

(3) Fangda New Material’s hi-tech entrperise certificate expired in 2014 and needs to be re-applied for in
2015. By the release date of the report, the application has been approved and released by the
Shenzhen Commission of Technological Innovation and recovers the hi-tech enterprise certificate. The
tax rate of income tax in the period is 15%.

(4) On December 25, 2013, Kexunda was certified by Shenzhen Nanshan National Tax Bureau as a
software and integrated circult designer according to the Shenzhen National Tax Reduction Registrion
[2013] No.739 and will enjoy exemption from the enterprise income tax for two years and 50% reduction
of the same tax for another three years from the year that the company starts making a net profit. In
2015, Kexunda enters the relief period.

(5) On November 7, 2014, Chengdu Fangda was certified by the Sichuan Xinjin National Tax Bureau as
an encouraged business in the west according to the Xinjin National Tax Doc. [zzy024] and will enjoy a
preferential corporate income tax rate of 15% from January 1, 2014

VII Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                             In RMB

                Items                         Closing balance                         Opening balance

Cash in stock                                                   21,869.76                                40,733.33

Bank deposits                                            222,261,075.52                            114,515,874.25

Other monetary capital                                   150,722,416.46                             97,874,191.29

Total                                                    373,005,361.74                            212,430,798.87

  Including: amount deposited
                                                           2,369,835.75                               2,370,695.75

1. RMB12 million among the balance of bank deposit at end of year was frozen by the court for the
   lawsuit involved by Fangda Jianke. For details of the case please see Note 47.
2. The book balance of other monetary capital at the end of the period RMB150,722,416.46 is mainly
   the bank acceptance and letter of guarantee, which are not regarded as cash equivalent at preparing
   of cash flow statement.

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account

                                                                                                           In RMB

                 Items                     Closing balance                          Opening balance

Transactional financial assets                         16,087,644.00                              13,410,790.00

         Equity instrument investment                  16,087,644.00                              13,410,790.00

Total                                                  16,087,644.00                              13,410,790.00

3. Derivative financial assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Notes receivable

(1) Classification of notes receivable

                                                                                                           In RMB

                 Items                     Closing balance                          Opening balance

Bank acceptance                                         8,538,598.56                                2,697,145.86

Commercial acceptance                                  13,969,978.00                              80,628,579.84

Total                                                  22,508,576.56                              83,325,725.70

(2) Recevable notes endorsed or discounted and not mature on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                           In RMB

                 Items                   De-recognized amount                     Recognized amount

Bank acceptance                                       107,626,581.81                                5,850,000.00

Commercial acceptance                                   6,095,000.00

Total                                                 113,721,581.81                                5,850,000.00

(3) Notes of which the issuer is unable to perform and transferred into account receivable

                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                    Amount transferred into account receivable at the end of
                                                                             the period

Commercial acceptance                                                                             38,846,579.84

Total                                                                                             38,846,579.84

The notes receivable reduced 73.59% from the beginning of the period mainly due to maturity of notes
and transfer into account receivable.

                                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

5. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                          Opening balance

                        Remaining book           Bad debt                     Remaining book
                                                                                                      Bad debt provision
        Type                value                provision          Book             value                                     Book
                                  Proporti              Provisio    value     Amoun Proporti                     Provision     value
                       Amount                Amount                                                   Amount
                                    on                   n rate                  t           on                    rate

Account receivable
for which bad debt 1,543,43                  185,872,              1,357,55                           175,879,               1,104,625,
                                  98.91%                12.04%                504,98 98.68%                        13.74%
provision is made      1,394.79               658.38               8,736.41                            731.45                     251.46
by credit risk group

Account receivable
with minor
individual amount      17,054,2              16,487,2              567,000.                           16,537,2               617,000.0
                                    1.09%               96.68%                 ,285.4     1.32%                    96.40%
and bad debt             85.41                 85.41                    00                              85.41                          0
provision provided

                       1,560,48    100.00 202,359,                 1,358,12               100.00 192,417,                    1,105,242,
Total                                                   12.97%                659,26                               14.83%
                       5,680.20          %    943.79               5,736.41                       %    016.86                     251.46

Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end
of the period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                      Account receivable                Bad debt provision                       Provision rate

Items within one year

Subtotal for less than 1 year                   954,767,651.31                        28,946,385.69                               3.00%

1-2 years                                       280,678,989.43                        28,076,859.38                               10.00%

2-3 years                                       125,714,818.68                        37,714,445.61                               30.00%

Over 3 years                                    182,269,935.37                        91,134,967.70                               50.00%

Total                                         1,543,431,394.79                       185,872,658.38                               12.04%

Grouping basis:

                                                                           2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

1. An amount of over RMB8 million receivable from an engineering enterprise is a major individual
amount. An amount of over RMB2 million receivable from a product producer is a major individual
2. The company considers receivable accounts with an actual age of over 5 years as risky.
Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable adopting other methods in the group:

(2) Bad debt provision made, recovered or written back this period

A provision of RMB9,942,926.93 was made with RMB0 recovered or written back this period.
The provision recovered or written back this period mainly includes:
                                                                                                                        In RMB

                   Entity                  Written-back or recovered amount                          Method

(3) Top 5 customers in terms of the receivable account balance at the end of the period

The receivable account balance of top 5 customers totals RMB174,273,492.23 at the end of the period,
accounting for 11.17% of the aggregate. The balance of the provision is RMB7,609,160.09.

6. Prepayment

(1) Account age of prepayments

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                                Amount                Proportion                   Amount                  Proportion

Less than 1 year                112,658,986.78                  92.68%              24,526,989.72                   83.90%

1-2 years                         7,578,232.74                     6.23%              2,991,743.88                  10.23%

2-3 years                          100,364.94                      0.08%               163,672.10                       0.56%

Over 3 years                      1,216,611.45                     1.00%              1,551,825.79                      5.31%

Total                           121,554,195.91             --                       29,234,231.49              --

Prepayments with an age of over 1 year with a major amount:
The prepayment increased 315.79% from the beginning of the period mainily due to that Fangda
Property made construction prepayment for the Fangda Square project.

(2) Top 5 prepayment in terms of the amount at the end of the period

The top 5 prepayment totals RMB83,386,433.79, accounting for 69.61% of the aggregate balance.

                                                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

7. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables are disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                           Opening balance

                        Remaining book            Bad debt                     Remaining book
                                                                                                       Bad debt provision
        Type                value                 provision          Book             value                                    Book
                                  Proporti               Provisio    value     Amoun Proporti                     Provision    value
                       Amount                 Amount                                                   Amount
                                    on                    n rate                  t           on                    rate

Other receivables
for which bad debt 134,284,                   17,172,8              117,112,                           13,134,5               48,950,64
                                  99.83%                 12.79%                 ,155.6 99.64%                       21.16%
provision is made       992.64                  90.21                102.43                              07.99                       7.67
by credit risk group

Other receivables
with minor
individual amount      223,146.               223,146.    100.00               223,14                  223,146.
                                    0.17%                              0.00                0.36%                   100.00%
and bad debt                95                     95          %                 6.95                       95
provision provided

                       134,508,    100.00 17,396,0                  117,112,              100.00 13,357,6                     48,950,64
Total                                                    12.93%                 ,302.6                              21.44%
                        139.59            %     37.16                102.43                        %     54.94                       7.67

Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end of
the period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                             Closing balance
                                         Other receivables               Bad debt provision                       Provision rate

Items within one year

Subtotal for less than 1 year                     92,223,265.06                        2,928,214.85                                3.00%

1-2 years                                         11,617,851.47                           648,113.94                               10.00%

2-3 years                                          7,751,023.81                        2,251,385.35                                30.00%

Over 3 years                                      22,692,852.30                       11,345,176.07                                50.00%

合计                                             134,284,992.64                       17,172,890.21                                12.79%

Grouping basis:

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

1. Other receivables of over RMB1 million are treated as receivables with a major amount.
2. The company considers other receivables with an actual age of over 5 years as risky.
Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables adopting other methods in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Bad debt provision made, recovered or written back this period

A provision of RMB4,038,382.22 was made with RMB0 recovered or written back this period.
The provision recovered or written back this period mainly includes:
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Entity                Written-back or recovered amount                      Method

(3) Composition of other receivables

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                  By account                Closing balance of book value           Opening balance of book value

Deposit                                                       102,994,771.41                             37,088,745.12

Construction borrowing and
                                                               16,681,771.95                             14,869,519.46

Recoverable house disposal amount                                 166,200.00                               2,136,200.00

Employee borrowing and deposit                                   4,281,903.54                              1,410,387.87

Receivable VAT rebate                                             483,897.41                                 576,297.37

Others                                                           9,899,595.28                              6,227,152.79

Total                                                         134,508,139.59                             62,308,302.61

(4) Top 5 other receivables in terms of the balance at the end of the period

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                Percentage in the Balance of the bad
                                                                                 balance of other     debt provision at
         Entity              By account   Closing balance         Age
                                                                                receivables at the     the end of the
                                                                                 end of the period         period

Nanchang Finance
                       Deposit               40,000,000.00 Less than 1 year                29.74%         1,200,000.00

China Merchants
                       Deposit                5,824,687.50 Less than 1 year                  4.33%          174,740.63

Wang Weihong           Construction           4,944,388.15 2-5 years                         3.68%        2,310,044.32

                                                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


Zhejiang Jiayue
                       Deposit                        3,699,100.00 Less than 4 year                        2.75%         1,649,550.00
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Xin Song                                              2,635,327.61 4-5 years                               1.96%         1,317,663.81

Total                             --                57,103,503.26               --                        42.45%         6,651,998.76

8. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                           Closing balance                                           Opening balance
        Items     Remaining book            Depreciation                        Remaining book        Depreciation
                                                               Book value                                                Book value
                          value               provision                                 value           provision

Raw materials      110,905,254.21            2,509,858.92 108,395,395.29 101,814,705.80                 2,551,138.82    99,263,566.98

Product in
                       22,310,152.00                          22,310,152.00           6,682,625.91          2,277.73     6,680,348.18

Finished goods
                       33,933,353.15         2,469,445.07     31,463,908.08          22,999,746.67      2,470,651.68    20,529,094.99
in stock

payment of
completed          245,078,069.59            1,830,742.67 243,247,326.92 251,262,257.58                 1,830,742.67 249,431,514.91
projects with

Low price
                          62,279.45                               62,279.45              59,672.66                          59,672.66

OEM materials            472,068.07                              472,068.07           3,358,174.63                       3,358,174.63

                   637,915,394.57                            637,915,394.57 603,118,814.70                             603,118,814.70

                  1,050,676,571.0                            1,043,866,524.3
Total                                        6,810,046.66                       989,295,997.95          6,854,810.90 982,441,187.05
                                       4                                    8

(2) Inventory depreciation provision

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                Increase in this period                 Decrease in this period
        Items                                                                   Written-back or                        Closing balance
                         balance              Provision          Others                                  Others

                                                                   2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Raw materials        2,551,138.82                                     41,279.90                        2,509,858.92

Product in
                         2,277.73                                      2,277.73

Finished goods
                     2,470,651.68                                      1,206.61                        2,469,445.07
in stock

payment of
completed            1,830,742.67                                                                      1,830,742.67
projects with

Total                6,854,810.90                                     44,764.24                        6,810,046.66

                                                                       Reason for writing-back or
                                            Basis of recognized
                                                                        writing-off depreciation
                 Item                       realizable net value

            Raw materials            Realizable net value is lower Sales of inventory in this period
                                               the cost
        Product in process           Realizable net value is lower
                                               the cost
    Finished goods in stock          Realizable net value is lower
                                               the cost
 Asset formed by construction Predicted construction contract
           contract                        loss
                Total                  --

(3) Note capitalization of borrowing cost in the inventory balance at the end of this period

The capitalization of borrowing cost in the inventory balance at the end of this period is

(4) Unsettled payment of completed projects with contracts

                                                                                                              In RMB

                            Items                                                 Amount

Accumulative occurred costs                                                                       5,506,292,941.98

Accumulative recognized gross margin                                                              1,135,984,062.49

Less: estimated losses                                                                                 1,830,742.67

    Settled amount                                                                                6,397,198,934.88

Unsettled payment of completed projects with contracts                                              243,247,326.92

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

9. Other current assets

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                   Items                                Closing balance                             Opening balance

Pending deduct tax                                                      4,319,768.27                              6,986,107.72

Financial products                                                                                             228,000,000.00

Tooling cost                                                            1,578,930.40

Total                                                                   5,898,698.67                           234,986,107.72

Other current assets decreased 97.49% from the beginning of the period mainly due to maturity of
financial products.

10. Long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                               Change                                                   Balance
                                            Investme                                                                     of the
                                             nt gain                         Cash                                       bad debt
                        Increase Decreas               miscella                         Provision
Invested Opening                            recogniz               Other    dividend                         Closing provision
                           d       ed                   neous                           impairme
    entity   balance                        ed with                equity   or profit               Others   balance     at the
                        investme investme              income                              nt
                                              the                 change announc                                         end of
                           nt       nt                 adjustme                         provision
                                             equity                            ed                                         the
                                            method                                                                       period

1. Joint venture

2. Associate

             11,048,6                       1,256,99                        2,200,00                         10,105,6
g Joint                                                                                                                     0.00
               60.43                            4.94                            0.00                           55.37
nt Co.,

             11,048,6                       1,256,99                        2,200,00                         10,105,6
Subtotal                                                                                                                    0.00
               60.43                            4.94                            0.00                           55.37

             11,048,6                       1,256,99                        2,200,00                         10,105,6
Total                                                                                                                       0.00
               60.43                            4.94                            0.00                           55.37

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

11. Investment real estates

(1) Investment real estate measured at costs

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
           Items            Houses &         Land using right      Construction in               Total
                                buildings                              process

I. Original book value    32,081,268.14                                                      32,081,268.14
    1. Opening balance    32,081,268.14                                                      32,081,268.14
    2. Increase in this

    (1) Purchased

    (2) Transferred
from inventory/fixed
assets/construction in

    (3) Increase from
enterprise merger

    3. Decrease in this

    (1) Disposal

    (2) Other

    4. Closing balance    32,081,268.14                                                      32,081,268.14
II. Accumulative
depreciation and

    1. Opening balance     4,315,330.90                                                        4,315,330.90
    2. Increase in this
period                          413,183.58                                                       413,183.58
    (1) Provision or
amortization                    413,183.58                                                       413,183.58
    3. Decrease in this

    (1) Disposal

    (2) Other

    4. Closing balance     4,728,514.48                                                        4,728,514.48

                                                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

IV. Book value

    1. Closing book
value                           27,352,753.66                                                        27,352,753.66
    2. Opening book
value                           27,765,937.24                                                        27,765,937.24

(2) Investment real estate measured at fair value

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                              Construction in
           Items              Houses & buildings     Land using right                                      Total

 I. Opening balance                                                                                   198,513,586.15
 II. Change in this                                                                                     32,768,907.31
 period                           32,768,907.31
        Add: purchase

 from inventory/fixed
 in progress

          Increase from
 enterprise merger

        Less: disposal


        Change in fair                                                                                  32,768,907.31
 value                            32,768,907.31

III. Closing balance              231,282,493.46                                                       231,282,493.46

12. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                              Mechanical          Transport        Electronics and
         Items           Houses & buildings                                                                  Total
                                               equipment         equipment          other devices

                                                              2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

I. Original book

  1. Opening
                      414,676,207.19   244,520,117.16   23,352,273.72      55,787,441.33       738,336,039.40

  2. Increase in
                           14,302.29     6,155,555.45     558,483.39         4,690,239.51       11,418,580.64
this period

    (1) Purchase                         6,155,555.45     558,483.39         4,690,239.51       11,404,278.35

    (2) Transfering
from construction          14,302.29                                                                 14,302.29
in progress

    (3) Increase
from enterprise

  3. Decrease in
                                         4,022,313.53        1,282.05        2,832,413.40        6,856,008.98
this period

    (1) Disposal or
                                         4,022,313.53        1,282.05          116,530.90        4,140,126.48

(2) Others                                                                   2,715,882.50        2,715,882.50

  4. Closing
                      414,690,509.48   246,653,359.08   23,909,475.06      57,645,267.44       742,898,611.06

II. Accumulative

  1. Opening
                       38,473,077.25   159,921,185.98   10,047,751.18      23,247,074.02       231,689,088.43

  2. Increase in
                        5,444,687.40     4,798,396.63    1,392,769.14        2,981,637.71       14,617,490.88
this period

    (1) Provision       5,444,687.40     4,798,396.63    1,392,769.14        2,981,637.71       14,617,490.88

  3. Decrease in
                                         3,146,619.53        1,153.84          401,365.50        3,549,138.87
this period

    (1) Disposal or
                                         3,146,619.53        1,153.84           97,481.55        3,245,254.92

(2) Others                                                                     303,883.95          303,883.95

  4. Closing
                       43,917,764.65   161,572,963.08   11,439,366.48      25,827,346.23       242,757,440.44

III. Impairment

                                                                      2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

  1. Opening
                              277,744.50     16,654,521.84                                                16,932,266.34

  2. Increase in
this period

     (1) Provision

  3. Decrease in
this period

     (1) Disposal or

  4. Closing
                              277,744.50     16,654,521.84                                                16,932,266.34

IV. Book value

  1. Closing book
                           370,495,000.33    68,425,874.16     12,470,108.58       31,817,921.21         483,208,904.28

  2. Opening book
                           375,925,385.44    67,944,409.34     13,304,522.54       32,540,367.31         489,714,684.63

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                            Accumulative      Impairment
        Items              Book value                                              Book value              Notes
                                            depreciation       provision

Houses & buildings          46,833,628.81     5,757,612.48         277,744.50      40,798,271.83

                           105,591,939.34    69,016,187.86     15,300,132.34       21,335,175.70

                              358,087.84        336,030.00                              22,057.84

Electronics and
                             7,822,284.94     7,362,332.45                             400,395.93
other devices

Total                      160,605,940.93    82,472,162.79     15,577,876.84       62,555,901.30

(3) Fixed assets without ownership certificate

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                              Book value                                Reason

Houses in Urumuqi for offsetting debt                              573,316.49 Applying for

                                                                                      2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Yuehai Office Building C 502                                                    157,988.40 Historical reasons

Houses in Dalian of Fangda Jianke for
                                                                            19,947,968.30 Applying for
offsetting debt

Shenyang Fangda extension workshop                                          17,328,457.14 Entering into liquidation

Shenyang Fangda dorm and workshop
                                                                              8,028,534.32 Entering into liquidation

Dinning hall and power station of
                                                                              3,857,269.24 Entering into liquidation
Shenyang Fangda

13.Construction in process

(1) Construction in progress

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                        Closing balance                                              Opening balance
        Items     Remaining book           Impairment                           Remaining book          Impairment
                                                                 Book value                                                 Book value
                         value              provision                                   value             provision

                         779,356.71                   0.00         779,356.71           341,749.17                                341,749.17
curtain wall

Yifeng PV
power plant              434,770.94                   0.00         434,770.94

Others                      31,067.96                               31,067.96

Total                  1,245,195.61                              1,245,195.61           341,749.17                                341,749.17

(2) Changes in major construction in process

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                            Proporti                          Includin
                                           Transfer                           on of                              g:
                                             into       Other               enginee                           capitaliz Interest
                      Openin Increas                                                     Project    lative
                                            fixed     decreas Closing          ring                             ed       capitaliz Capital
Project Budget          g      e in this                                                progres capitaliz
                                           assets e in this balance investm                                   interest    ation      source
                      balance period                                                        s        ed
                                            in this     period                ent in                          for the      rate
                                           period                              the                            current
                                                                              budget                          period

Yifeng     167,660             434,770                            434,770
                                               0.00                            0.30% 0.30%                                          Others
PV          ,000.00                 .94                               .94

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


              167,660         434,770                434,770
Total                                                               --         --                                     --
              ,000.00              .94                     .94

14. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Items                        Closing balance                             Opening balance

Mechanical equipment                                                     1,984.71                               26,918.21

Total                                                                    1,984.71                               26,918.21

15. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                                      In RMB

          Items         Land using right    Patent                                      Others                Total

1. Original book

    1. Opening
                            98,015,399.41   5,565,804.46         24,330,413.42         11,028,384.99      138,940,002.28

    2. Increase in
                                               11,267.81                                  490,714.53          501,982.34
this period

                                               11,267.81                                  490,714.53          501,982.34

        (2) Internal

        (3) Increase
from enterprise

  3. Decrease in
this period

        (1) Disposal

    4. Closing              98,015,399.41   5,577,072.27         24,330,413.42         11,519,099.52      139,441,984.62

                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


II. Accumulative

    1. Opening
                      11,365,168.18    1,300,494.65    16,035,333.37        5,765,811.22       34,466,807.42

    2. Increase in
                        985,850.04       264,429.13       446,168.80          420,636.80         2,117,084.77
this period

                        985,850.04       264,429.13       446,168.80          420,636.80         2,117,084.77

    3. Decrease in
this period

       (1) Disposal

    4. Closing
                      12,351,018.22    1,564,923.78    16,481,502.17        6,186,448.02       36,583,892.19

III. Impairment

    1. Opening
                                                        5,525,863.77                            5,525,863.77

    2. Increase in
this period


    3. Decrease in
this period

    (1) Disposal

    4. Closing
                                                        5,525,863.77                            5,525,863.77

IV. Book value

    1. Closing
                      85,664,381.19    4,012,148.49     2,323,047.48        5,332,651.50       97,332,228.66
book value

    2. Opening
                      86,650,231.23    4,265,309.81     2,769,216.28        5,262,573.77       98,947,331.09
book value

The intangible asset formed by internal R&D of the period accounted for 2.39% in the closing total book
value of intangible assets.

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Failure to obtain the land using right

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                   Items                             Book value                                 Reason

Shenyang Fangda land use right                                    4,807,024.68 Applying for

16. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                  In RMB

 Invested entity
   or item of                               Increase                            Decrease               Closing balance

                      8,197,817.29                                                                         8,197,817.29

Fangda SOZN          26,279,395.89                                                                       26,279,395.89

       Total         34,477,213.18                                                                       34,477,213.18

(2) Goodwill impairment provision

                                                                                                                  In RMB

 Invested entity
   or item of                               Increase                            Decrease               Closing balance

                      8,197,817.29                                                                         8,197,817.29

       Total          8,197,817.29                                                                         8,197,817.29

Goodwill impairement test process, parameters and recognition method of goodwill impairment losses:

    The Company acquired the 100% control power over Shenzhen Woke Co. by merger of enterprise
    under common control in May 2007. The difference between the initial investment cost and
    recognizable fair value of the investee has formed the goodwill of RMB8,197,817.29. For Shenzhen
    Woke was not in good business operation for successive years, impairment provision has been
    provided fully upon the goodwill.

17. Long-term amortizable expenses

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                        Increase in this    Amortized this
        Items         Opening balance                                            Other decrease       Closing balance
                                            period                period

                                                                            2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Plant and
                           1,039,476.73                 0.00          221,623.32                    0.00          817,853.41
dormitory deco

Renovation leased
                           2,588,029.24                 0.00          446,475.21                    0.00        2,141,554.03

                             311,269.21                 0.00           38,908.68                    0.00          272,360.53

                                   0.00          300,000.00                    0.00                 0.00          300,000.00
membership fee

Land lease fee                     0.00         1,340,062.50             8,933.76                   0.00        1,331,128.74

Others                      180,587.45                  0.00           49,474.38                    0.00           131,113.07

Total                      4,119,362.63         1,640,062.50          765,415.35                                4,994,009.78

18. Differed income tax assets/differed income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not offset

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                          Closing balance                                   Opening balance
            Items         Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax       Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                               difference                   assets                 difference                 assets

Assets impairment
                                229,905,889.66              36,126,743.33             215,379,455.02          33,823,708.10

Unrealized profit from
                                 14,035,518.61               2,967,277.56              11,839,968.61            2,579,827.55
internal transactions

Deductible loss                  67,587,420.15              16,383,898.11              56,605,182.29          13,897,641.41

Reserved expense                  2,773,848.33                 416,077.25               3,055,220.98              458,283.15

Reserved wage                     1,850,715.62                 277,607.34               3,087,427.61               463,114.14

Deferred earning                  2,114,090.87                 505,208.89               2,161,818.23              515,225.13

Anticipated liabilities             481,740.34                  72,261.05               5,859,045.98              878,856.90

Arbitrage tools                   1,445,950.00                 216,892.50

Total                           320,195,173.58              56,965,966.03             297,988,118.72          52,616,656.38

(2) Offset deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                          Closing balance                                   Opening balance
            Items          Taxable temporary       Deferred income tax        Taxable temporary        Deferred income tax
                               difference               liabilities                difference                liabilities

                                                                   2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Gain/loss caused by
                              232,339,845.08       58,084,961.27           198,937,747.60            49,734,436.90
changes in fair value

Total                         232,339,845.08       58,084,961.27           198,937,747.60            49,734,436.90

(3) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                               In RMB

                   Items                       Closing balance                         Opening balance

Deductible temporary difference                            39,956,939.80                             40,015,820.28

Deductible loss                                            74,151,593.08                             70,274,405.85

Total                                                     114,108,532.88                            110,290,226.13

(4) Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following

                                                                                                               In RMB

            Year                  Closing amount            Opening amount                        Notes

2015                                      7,240,577.12                 7,240,577.12

2016                                     19,999,060.04                19,999,060.04

2017                                     20,241,373.78                20,241,373.78

2018                                     11,130,985.83                11,130,985.83

2019                                     11,662,409.08                11,662,409.08

2020                                      3,877,187.23

Total                                    74,151,593.08                70,274,405.85                 --

19. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                               In RMB

                   Items                       Closing balance                         Opening balance

Prepaid house and equipment amount                         45,687,110.88                             41,684,590.97

Input tax to be deducted                                    2,143,855.60                                 1,639,287.66

Total                                                      47,830,966.48                             43,323,878.63

20. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                  Items                        Closing balance                       Opening balance

Loan by pledge                                            200,000,000.00                          200,000,000.00

Guarantee loan                                          1,109,000,000.00                          900,000,000.00

Bill discount                                               5,850,000.00

Total                                                   1,314,850,000.00                        1,100,000,000.00

21. Derivative financial liabilities

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                          In RMB
                  Items                        Closing balance                       Opening balance

Arbitrage tools                                             1,445,950.00

Total                                                       1,445,950.00

Derivative financial liabilities is the deficit of arbitrage tools used by Fangda Jiangxi New Material Co.,
Ltd. and Fangda Jianke, subsidiaries of the Company.

22. Notes payable

                                                                                                            In RMB

                  Type                         Closing balance                       Opening balance

Commercial acceptance                                      42,131,850.10                           12,106,210.45

Bank acceptance                                           202,624,469.66                          215,160,275.12

Total                                                     244,756,319.76                          227,266,485.57

Notes payable mature but not settled at the end of this period is RMB0.00.

23. Account payable

(1) Account payable

                                                                                                            In RMB

                  Items                        Closing balance                       Opening balance

Account repayable and engineering
                                                          496,084,658.49                          558,886,064.80

Construction payable                                        7,141,543.95                           21,675,087.66

Payable installation and
                                                          165,996,873.59                          102,780,295.76
implementation fees

Others                                                      9,184,865.12                             1,766,898.51

                                                                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total                                                     678,407,941.15                             685,108,346.73

24. Prepayment received

(1) Prepayment received

                                                                                                               In RMB

                  Items                        Closing balance                          Opening balance

Cutain wall and screen door
                                                          100,280,521.67                             115,346,105.96
engineering payments

Material loan                                                7,279,479.66                               6,106,352.73

Others                                                           693,045.60                              832,772.45

Total                                                     108,253,046.93                             122,285,231.14

25. Employees wage payable

(1) Employees wage payable

                                                                                                               In RMB

         Items            Opening balance         Increase                 Decrease              Closing balance

1. Short-term
                               41,651,071.51       118,324,113.42             133,059,533.33          26,915,651.60

2. Retirement pension
program-defined                   52,242.75          8,130,051.20               8,182,293.95                     0.00
contribution plans

3. Dismiss
                                                      186,956.75                 186,956.75                      0.00

Total                          41,703,314.26      126,641,121.37              141,428,784.03          26,915,651.60

(2) Short-term remuneration

                                                                                                               In RMB

         Items            Opening balance         Increase                 Decrease              Closing balance

1. Wage, bonus,
allowance and                  39,519,553.05      108,672,242.54              123,468,719.48          24,723,076.11

2. Employee welfare                                  4,142,873.54               4,142,873.54

3. Social insurance               39,612.75          2,612,948.55               2,594,133.70               58,427.60

    Including:                    33,570.00          2,137,218.90               2,112,361.30               58,427.60

                                                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

medical insurance
            Labor injury
                                        3,357.00          252,901.57                 256,258.57

                                        2,685.75          222,828.08                 225,513.83

4. Housing fund                     42,585.20            2,606,068.63               2,540,879.83              107,774.00

5. Labor union budget
and staff education              2,049,320.51             289,980.16                 312,926.78             2,026,373.89

Total                           41,651,071.51          118,324,113.42             133,059,533.33          26,915,651.60

(3) Defined contribution plans

                                                                                                                   In RMB

         Items             Opening balance            Increase                 Decrease              Closing balance

1. Basic pension                    49,755.00            7,564,225.76               7,613,980.76

2. Unemployment
                                        2,487.75          565,825.44                 568,313.19

Total                               52,242.75            8,130,051.20               8,182,293.95                     0.00

26. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                           Closing balance                          Opening balance

VAT                                                               6,125,638.16                              6,739,115.69

Business tax                                                     31,642,710.84                            25,489,264.49

Enterprise income tax                                            10,531,132.33                            16,071,901.30

Personal income tax                                               2,176,803.64                              1,228,564.47

City maintenance and construction tax                             2,596,122.20                              2,329,212.21

Land using tax                                                    2,876,543.56                              2,534,674.36

Property tax                                                      2,027,773.82                              2,287,765.04

Education surtax                                                  1,270,650.33                              1,123,167.45

Local education surtax                                               346,522.21                              298,064.57

Others                                                               219,288.72                              595,196.67

Total                                                            59,813,185.81                            58,696,926.25

                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

27. Interest payable

                                                                                                        In RMB

                 Items                     Closing balance                       Opening balance

Short-term borrowing interests payable                  1,775,665.69                             2,055,911.11

Total                                                   1,775,665.69                             2,055,911.11

Significant overdue unpaid interest:
                                                                                                        In RMB

               Borrower                    Overdue amount                             Reason


28. Other payables

(1) Other payables presented in term of nature

                                                                                                        In RMB

                 Items                     Closing balance                       Opening balance

Performance and quality deposit                        31,414,231.64                           22,806,218.88

Deposit                                                 7,416,343.04                             6,264,664.14

Reserved expense                                        7,661,482.08                             9,369,196.08

Engineering payment                                    22,305,782.87

Others                                                  3,420,792.67                             8,985,603.34

Total                                                  72,218,632.30                           47,425,682.44

29. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                        In RMB

                 Items                     Closing balance                       Opening balance

Long-term payables due within 1 year                    6,000,000.00                             6,000,000.00

Total                                                   6,000,000.00                             6,000,000.00

The long-term payables due within 1 year is the share transfer payment that Fangda New Energy shall
pay to acquire 60% of the shares of Fangda SOZN according to the investment agreement and share
transfer agreement.

                                                                           2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

30. Long-term borrowings

(1) Classification of long-term borrowings

                                                                                                                        In RMB

                  Items                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

Loan by pledge                                                     141,053,670.40

Total                                                              141,053,670.40

31. Anticipated liabilities

                                                                                                                        In RMB

              Items                   Closing balance                  Opening balance                   Reason

Pending lawsuit                                                                5,039,045.98

Others                                            481,740.34                     820,000.00

Total                                             481,740.34                   5,859,045.98                 --

32. Deferred earning

                                                                                                                        In RMB

         Items        Opening balance         Increase              Decrease         Closing balance             Reason

                          10,049,892.04                                 107,651.51        9,942,240.53 subsidy related to

Total                     10,049,892.04                                 107,651.51        9,942,240.53             --

Itemss involving government subsidies:
                                                                                                                        In RMB

                      Opening        Amount of new       included in                                             Related to
   Liabilities                                                            Other change   Closing balance
                      balance           subsidy         non-operating                                       assets/earning

project prize
from Industry
and Trade             1,909,523.90                          19,155.96                          233,138.37
Division of
Finance Bureau

                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

project of
                           7,888,073.81                        28,571.40                       1,880,952.50
hollow glass
curtain call

transport screen
door controlling
system and                  252,294.33                         59,924.15                       7,828,149.66

Total                  10,049,892.04                          107,651.51                       9,942,240.53          --

33. Capital share

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                  Change (+,-)
                      Opening                                                                                      Closing
                                     Issued new                    Transferred
                      balance                      Bonus shares                     Others         Subtotal        balance
                                          shares                  from reserves

Total of            756,909,905.                                                                                 756,909,905.
capital shares                  00                                                                                           00

34. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                          In RMB

           Items                 Opening balance             Increase               Decrease              Closing balance

Capital premium
(share capital                        38,238,222.48                                                            38,238,222.48

Other capital reserves                40,860,997.90                                                            40,860,997.90

Total                                 79,099,220.38                                                            79,099,220.38

35. Other miscellaneous income

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                             Opening              Amount occurred in the current period              Closing
                                             balance   Income tax Less: Amount     Less:     Attributabl Attributabl balance

                                                                               2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                      incurred in    written into Income tax     e to the         e to
                                                      this period    other gains     expenses      parent       minority
                                                                        and                      company sharehold
                                                                     transferred                 after tax     ers after
                                                                    into gain/loss                                tax
                                                                     in previous

I. Other misc. incomes that cannot                                                                                          91,831.6
be re-classified into gain and loss                                                                                                3

Investment real estate measured                                                                                             91,831.6
at fair value                                                                                                                      3

II. Other misc. incomes that will be                  -1,445,950                     -216,892.5 -1,229,057                   -1,229,0
re-classified into gain and loss                              .00                            0          .50                    57.50

         Effective part in the gain                   -1,445,950                     -216,892.5 -1,229,057                   -1,229,0
and loss of arbitrage of cash flow                            .00                            0          .50                    57.50

                                                      -1,445,950                     -216,892.5 -1,229,057                   -1,137,2
Other miscellaneous income                91,831.63
                                                              .00                            0          .50                    25.87

36. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                               In RMB

           Items               Opening balance              Increase                    Decrease               Closing balance

Statutory surplus
                                      48,842,080.76                                                                  48,842,080.76

Total                                 48,842,080.76                                                                  48,842,080.76

37. Retained profit

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                       Items                                   Current period                               Last period

Adjustment on retained profit of previous
                                                                          349,987,825.69                           278,149,631.63

Retained profit adjusted at beginning of year                             349,987,825.69                           278,149,631.63

Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                            51,317,648.87                            96,998,429.76

Less: Statutory surplus reserves                                                                                         2,452,938.55

     Common share dividend payable                                          22,707,297.15                            22,707,297.15

Closing retained profit                                                   378,598,177.41                           349,987,825.69

Details of retained profit adjusted at beginning of the period:

                                                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

1) Retrospective adjustment due to adopting of the Enterprise Accounting Standard and related
regulations, included the retained profit by RMB0.
2) Variation of accounting policies, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
3) Correction of material accounting errors, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
4) Change of consolidation range caused by merger of entities under common control, influenced the
retained profit by RMB0.
5) Other adjustment influenced the retained profit by RMB0.

38. Operational revenue and costs

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                            Amount occurred in the current period                 Occurred in previous period
                               Income                    Cost                    Income                    Cost

Main business                1,125,911,242.60          929,839,206.78            805,064,175.79          663,032,612.82

Other business                  24,204,280.93           10,648,051.57             17,728,563.23             5,414,831.49

Total                        1,150,115,523.53          940,487,258.35            822,792,739.02          668,447,444.31

39. Business tax and surcharge

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                 Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period

Business tax                                                    12,833,597.88                               7,943,113.33

City maintenance and construction tax                            2,258,805.32                               1,607,076.28

Education surtax                                                 1,270,438.38                                773,681.80

Property tax                                                        526,006.30                               539,320.21

Land using tax                                                       57,620.36                                 50,304.06

Others                                                              590,771.98                               444,964.03

Total                                                           17,537,240.22                             11,358,459.71

40. Sales expense

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                 Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period

Labor cost (including wages and social
                                                                13,506,452.55                             10,990,132.53

Freight and miscellaneous charges                                2,740,685.79                               2,390,569.27

Travel expense                                                   2,407,002.17                               2,108,543.24

Entertainment expense                                               848,973.36                                795,733.71

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Material consumption                                                58,970.65                                 38,742.59

Office costs                                                       429,287.85                                304,476.16

Rental                                                           1,069,448.20                                579,779.25

Consultant costs                                                    69,126.22

Advertisement and exhibition costs                              15,659,054.69

Others                                                           4,220,135.98                              1,037,144.11

Total                                                           41,009,137.46                            18,245,120.86

The sales costs increased RMB124.77% year on year, mainly due to the increase in the advertisement
and exhibition costs.

41. Management expenses

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                   Items                 Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

Labor cost (including wages and social
                                                                40,048,984.25                            33,875,067.26

Depreciation and amortization                                    9,985,147.56                              8,996,264.62

Agencies                                                         1,446,724.23                              1,569,858.99

Tax                                                              3,281,464.87                              2,785,530.76

Maintenance costs                                                1,109,752.09                              1,598,482.33

Water and electricity                                              608,038.39                                990,722.31

Office expense                                                   1,714,026.25                              1,019,710.61

Travel expense                                                   1,265,907.29                              1,291,812.58

Entertainment expense                                            1,518,671.02                                699,909.83

Rental                                                           1,615,148.33                              1,399,130.22

Lawsuit                                                             59,731.66                                130,337.00

Material consumption                                               413,971.75                              1,223,688.25

Property management fee                                          1,123,173.09                              1,236,357.40

R&D                                                              6,455,972.94                              4,955,581.09

Others                                                           4,900,597.92                              5,413,049.91

Total                                                           75,547,311.64                            67,185,503.16

42. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                   Items                 Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

                                                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Interest expense                                                 25,095,306.66                            11,901,596.69

Less: Interest income                                             1,250,108.37                              1,463,393.70

Exchange gain/loss                                                   62,155.37                                229,139.52

Commission charges and others                                     1,702,381.01                                380,135.63

Total                                                            25,609,734.67                            11,047,478.14

The financial expenses increased RMB131.82% year on year, mainly due to the increases in interest
expense for average loans.

43. Assets impairment loss

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                   Items                  Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

1. Bad debt loss                                                 14,372,081.89                              4,867,184.58

Total                                                            14,372,081.89                              4,867,184.58

Assets impairment loss increased 195.29% year on year, mainly due to increase in the bad loan

44. Income from fair value fluctuation

                                                                                                                   In RMB

 Source of income from fluctuation of
                                          Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period
               fair value

Financial assets measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current                            2,676,854.00
income account

Investment real estate measured at fair

Total                                                            35,445,761.31

The income from fair value fluctuation increased RMB35,445,800 year on year, mainly due to increase in
the fair value of investment real estate.

45. Investment income

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items                    Amount occurred in the current period      Occurred in previous period

Gains from long-term equity investment                                1,256,994.94                            -41,807.57

                                                                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

measured by equity

Others                                                              291,002.74                            1,010,926.07

Total                                                             1,547,997.68                             969,118.50

46. Non-business income

                                                                                                                In RMB

                               Amount occurred in the                                    Amount accounted into the
             Items                                        Occurred in previous period
                                   current period                                       current accidental gain/loss

Total of gains from disposal
                                              50,854.12                   218,095.40                        50,854.12
of non-current assets

Including: Gains from
                                              50,854.12                   218,095.40                        50,854.12
disposal of fixed assets

Government subsidy                           630,651.51                   137,595.54                       630,651.51

Penalty income                               464,547.87                   193,907.55                       464,547.87

Penalty received                             101,682.46                    10,000.00                       101,682.46

VAT rebated into revenue                   1,211,179.56                   547,615.39

Payable account not able to
                                             116,834.08                 1,242,148.51                       116,834.08
be paid

Others                                       850,174.85                   708,156.01                       850,174.85

Total                                      3,425,924.45                 3,041,518.40                      2,214,744.89

Government subsidies accounted into current profit or loss:
                                                                                                               In RMB
                               Amount occurred in the
               Item                                       Occurred in previous period    Related to assets/earning
                                   current period

Patent application subsidy                                                 23,000.00 Earning-related

Railway transport screen
door controlling system and
                                              19,155.96                    19,465.03 Assets-related
information transmission

Dongguan major or key
                                              28,571.40                    28,571.40 Assets-related
domestic project award

National Industry
Revitalization and
                                              59,924.15                     50,559.11 Assets-related
Technology Renovation
Project fund

Nanshan micro-business
                                             500,000.00                                 Earning-related
loan interest discount

                                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Others                                         23,000.00                       16,000.00

Total                                         630,651.51                   137,595.54                   --

47. Non-business expenses

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                Amount occurred in the                                     Amount accounted into the
             Items                                         Occurred in previous period
                                    current period                                         current accidental gain/loss

Total of losses from disposal
                                              504,805.05                 1,569,906.67                         504,805.05
of non-current assets

Including: Losses from
                                              502,872.97                 1,569,906.67                         502,872.97
disposal of fixed assets

        Intangible asset
                                                1,932.08                                                        1,932.08
disposal loss

Donation                                      103,000.00                   300,000.00                         103,000.00

Lawsuit indemnity                          14,921,737.67                                                 14,921,737.67

Others                                        113,589.07                   191,996.61                         113,589.07

Total                                      15,643,131.79                 2,061,903.28                    15,643,131.79

The non-business expenses increased 658.67% year on year, mainly due to the lawsuit indemnity. In
2010, Wang Weihong filed a lawsuit against Fangda Jianke, demanding payment of the engineering
amount and loss RMB17,070,000 and interest. On June 19, 2015, Chongqing Senior People’s Court
entered the judgment of second instance Yu Gao Fa Min Zhong Zi Di (2014) 00322, requiring Fangda
Jianke to pay RMB14,020,400 and interest to Wang Weihong and return the deposit of RMB2,345,000
and interest to Wang Weihong. The indemnity totals RMB14,921,700.

48. Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax expenses

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                  Items                Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period

Income tax expenses                                            11,562,638.82                                 8,660,715.86

Deferred income tax expenses                                    4,605,557.22                             -4,297,812.32

Total                                                         16,168,196.04                                  4,362,903.54

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                            Items                                       Amount occurred in the current period

Total profit                                                                                               60,329,310.95

Income tax expense calculated according to law/applicable
tax rate

Impacts of different tax rates for subsidiaries                                                             -5,722,767.07

Impacts on income tax before adjustment                                                                       -218,885.67

Impacts of non-taxable income                                                                                 -983,459.27

Impacts of non-deductible cost, expense and loss                                                             2,287,773.43

Reductable temporary difference and deductable loss of
unrecoginized deferred income tax assets

Others                                                                                                       1,119,198.31

Income tax expenses                                                                                        16,168,196.04

49. Other miscellaneous income

See Note 35.

50. Notes to the cash flow items

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                   Items                   Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

Interest income                                                    1,250,108.37                              1,405,149.55

Subsidy income                                                       523,000.00                                 73,335.30

Retrieving of bidding deposits                                    28,156,441.69                            43,912,943.25

Operational trade received, net                                                                               131,098.26

Others                                                             7,342,275.28                              2,345,059.60

Total                                                             37,271,825.34                            47,867,585.96

(2) Other cash paid related to operation

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                   Items                   Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

Management costs paid                                             12,048,739.54                            14,368,126.02

Sales costs paid                                                   6,609,184.84                              3,978,971.73

Deposit and pledge paid                                           43,444,113.34                            27,198,442.50

Personal borrowing                                                 2,038,161.79                              2,763,090.54

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Net draft deposit net paid                                       2,733,131.88

Others                                                           9,300,935.99                            17,351,072.72

Total                                                           76,174,267.38                            65,659,703.51

(3) Other cash received related to investment activities

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                  Items                  Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

Retrieving of deposits, net                                                                                 133,500.00

Total                                                                                                       133,500.00

(4) Other cash paid related to investment activities

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                  Items                  Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

Deposit                                                         40,117,900.00                               130,500.00

Total                                                           40,117,900.00                               130,500.00

(5) Other cash paid related to financing

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                  Items                  Amount occurred in the current period       Occurred in previous period

Payment of insuance fee                                          1,171,039.70

Net associated bill net paid                                    53,500,000.00

Dividend commission                                                                                         156,090.75

Others                                                             439,000.00

Total                                                           55,110,039.70                               156,090.75

51. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                  In RMB

         Supplementary information            Amount of the Current Term             Amount of the Previous Term

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                                                           --                                      --
business operation:

Net profit                                                      44,161,114.91                            39,227,378.34

Plus: Asset impairment provision                                14,372,081.89                              4,867,184.58

                                                          2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol
depreciation, production goods                      14,617,490.88                           11,931,523.88

Amortization of intangible assets                     2,117,084.77                            1,714,855.62

Amortization of long-term amortizable
                                                       765,415.35                              599,567.88

Loss from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term                 453,950.93                             1,351,811.27
assets (“-“ for gains)

Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for

Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                25,157,462.03                           11,901,596.69

Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                  -1,547,997.68                             -969,118.50

Decrease of deferred income tax asset
                                                     -4,349,309.65                           -4,492,779.69
(“-“ for increase)

Increase of deferred income tax asset
                                                     8,350,524.37                              201,267.35
(“-“ for increase)

Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)          -61,425,337.33                         -358,335,093.96

Decrease of operational receivable items
                                                   -322,021,976.29                         -106,160,080.05
(“-“ for increase)

Increase of operational receivable items
                                                    37,350,054.06                          141,821,176.57
(“-“ for decrease)

Others                                               2,733,131.88                           -12,212,019.59

Cash flow generated by business
                                                   -274,712,071.19                         -268,552,729.61
operations, net

2. Major investment and financing
                                              --                                      --
operation not involving with cash

3. Net change of cash and cash
                                              --                                      --

Balance of cash at period end                      212,370,926.94                          246,577,937.02

Less: Initial balance of cash                      102,638,232.19                          285,237,255.38

Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents                                                     80,600,000.00

Less: Ending balance of cash

Net increase in cash and cash
                                                   109,732,694.75                           41,940,681.64

                                                                        2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items                           Closing balance                         Opening balance

I. Cash                                                       212,370,926.94                              102,638,232.19

Including: Cash in stock                                              21,869.76                                 40,733.33

        Bank savings can be used at any
                                                              210,261,075.52                              102,515,874.25

        Other monetary capital can be
                                                                   2,087,981.66                                 81,624.61
used at any time

3. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                              212,370,926.94                              102,638,232.19
at end of term

52. Ownership- or use-right-restricted assets

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items                          Closing book value                            Reason

                                                                                  Lawsuit freezing and bank acceptance
Monetary capital                                              160,634,434.80
                                                                                  note and guarantee deposit

Fixed assets                                                    53,671,015.43 Loan by pledge

Investment real estate                                        225,741,361.46 Loan by pledge

Total                                                          440,046,811.69                       --

53. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                               Foreign currency balance at                                  RMB balance at the end of
             Items                                                  Exchange rate
                                   the end of the period                                             the period

        HK Dollar                             3,005,719.84 0.7886                                           2,370,351.69

SGD                                             210,488.19 4.558                                               959,405.17

SGD                                              74,223.92 4.558                                               338,312.63

USD                                           3,247,874.70 6.1136                                          19,856,206.79

HK Dollar                                       653,488.35 0.7886                                              515,347.45

AUD                                              40,000.00 4.6993                                              187,972.00

                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Foreign major operation location, recording currency and selection basis should be disclosed
for a significant foreign operation entiy. Where the recording currency is changed, the reason for
the change should be disclosed.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

54. Arbitrage

Arbitrage items and related arbitrage tools, qualitative and quantitative information about arbitraged risks
are disclosed.

VIII Interests in other entities

1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Group structure

                   Operation      Registered                             Shareholding
   Company                                         Business                                            Method
                    location       address                          Direct           Indirect

Fangda Jianke    Shenzhen       Shenzhen                                98.39%             1.61% Incorporation
                                               and installation
                                               of curtain walls

                                               procession and
                 Shenzhen       Shenzhen       installation of          94.08%             5.92% Incorporation
                                               subway screen

                                               Prodution and
                                               sales of
Fangda Jiangxi                                 new-type
                 Nanchang       Nanchang                                75.00%           25.00% Incorporation
New Material                                   materialsm

                                               sales and
                 Nanchang       Nanchang       installation of        100.00%                     Incorporation
                                               profile, doors
                                               and windows

HK Junjia        Hong Kong      Hong Kong      Investment             100.00%                     Incorporation

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                  lighting material
                                                  and chips;
                Shenyang         Shenyang         designing,                 64.58%                    Incorporation
                                                  installation and
                                                  trading of
                                                  lighting system

Kexunda         Shenzhen         Shenzhen         software                 100.00%                     Incorporation

                                                  Real estate
                Shenzhen         Shenzhen         development              100.00%                     Incorporation
                                                  and operation

                                                  Design and
Fangda New
                Shenzhen         Shenzhen         installation of          100.00%                     Incorporation
                                                  PV power plants

Chengdu                                           processing of
                Chengdu          Chengdu                                                     100.00% Incorporation
Fangda Jianke                                     building curtain
                                                  wall materials

                Virgin Islands   Virgin Islands   Investment               100.00%                     Incorporation

                                                  Installation and
Dongguan New
                Dongguan         Dongguan         sales of building                          100.00% Incorporation
                                                  curtain walls

Shenyang                                          manufacturing,
                Shenyang         Shenyang                                                    100.00% Incorporation
Decoration                                        and installation
                                                  of curtain walls

                                                  Installation of                                      Consolidation of
                                                  LED color                                            entities not
Shenzhen Woke Shenzhen           Shenzhen                                                     64.58%
                                                  curtain wall, city                                   under common
                                                  and road lamps                                       control

                                                  Production and                                       Consolidation of
Fangda SOZN     Zhongshan        Zhongshan                                                    60.00%
                                                  sales of lights                                      entities not

                                                                                             2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                     under common

Basis of invested entities that the Company holds half or less than half of the shares with voting rights
but still controls, and holds more than half but does not control:
Basis for control on significant structural subjects incorporated into the consolidation scope:
Basis for confirming whether the Company is an agent or client:

(2) Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                              Gain/loss attributable Dividend distributed to                  Balance of minority
                              Minority shareholder
          Company                                                     to minority                minority shareholders        interest at the end of
                                                                     shareholders                    in this period                  the period

Shenyang Fangda                                  35.42%                  -1,347,594.94                                                  48,047,703.38

Fangda SOZN                                      40.00%                  -5,808,939.02                                                  10,399,527.19

(3) Major financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                 Closing balance                                                             Opening balance

                                                         Non-cur                                                                    Non-cur
Compa                 Non-cur               Current                     Total                     Non-cur                                         Total
            Current             Total of                   rent                      Current                 Total of Current          rent
     ny                rent                 liabilitie                 liabilitie                   rent                                         liabilitie
             asset               assets                  liabilitie                      asset               assets liabilities liabilitie
                      assets                     s                         s                      assets                                             s
                                                              s                                                                         s

            11,755, 99,896, 111,652, 29,143,                            29,143, 11,922, 102,875 114,798 28,484,                                  28,484,
             919.63    963.15    882.78      662.59                     662.59           896.03 ,540.72 ,436.75            600.69                 600.69

Fangda 149,695 28,492, 178,187 182,188                                 182,188 98,422, 24,060, 122,482 111,961,                                 111,961,
SOZN        ,009.40    673.93 ,683.33 ,865.36                           ,865.36          161.21    401.24 ,562.45          396.93                 396.93

                                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                       Amount occurred in the current period                                           Occurred in previous period

                                                     Total of        Cash flow of                                           Total of        Cash flow of
                 Turnover       Net profit            misc.           business             Turnover        Net profit        misc.            business
                                                     incomes          activities                                            incomes           activities

Shenyang                        -3,804,615. -3,804,615.                                                    -4,355,109. -4,355,109.
                                                                     -170,718.69                                                            -284,643.63
Fangda                                     87                   87                                                    83               83

Fangda         110,671,469 -14,522,347 -14,522,347 -2,458,543.
SOZN                     .13               .55                .55                   39

                                                                     2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Interests in joint ventures or associates

(1) Financial information about insignificant joint ventures and associates

                                                                                                                In RMB

                                         Closing balance/amount of this period Opening balance/amount of last period

Joint venture:                                            --                                     --

Total calculated based on shareholding
                                                          --                                     --
percentage of the following items

Associate:                                                --                                     --

Total book value of investment                                 10,105,655.37                           11,048,660.43

Total calculated based on shareholding
                                                          --                                     --
percentage of the following items

Net profit                                                      1,256,994.94                               -41,807.57

Total of misc. incomes                                          1,256,994.94                               -41,807.57

IX. Risks related to financial tools

Details about the Group's financial instruments are disclosed in related notes. The following explains
risks related to the financial instruments and risk management policies adopted by the Group to lower
the risks. The management of the Group manages and monitor the risks to ensure that the risks are
within the acceptable range.

1. Risk management target and policy

The target of the risk management is to balance between risk and benefit and lower financial risks’
impacts on the Group’s financial performance. Based on the target, the Group has formulated risk
management policy to identify and analyze risks facing the Group and set an appropriate acceptable
level and internal control procedures to monitor the risks. The Group regularly reviews the risk
management policies and related internal control system to suit the market status and changes in the
Group’s operating activities. The internal auditing department of the Group will regularly or randomly
check the implementation of the internal control system.

Risks caused by the Group’s financial instruments are interest risk, exchange rate risk, credit risk and
liquidity risk.

(1) Market risk

Market risk of financial instrument is caused by changes in the fair value of financial instruments or future
cash flow, including interest risk, exchange rate and other price risks.

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is caused by fluctuation of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments

                                                                 2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

caused by changes in the market interest rate. The interest rate risk can be caused by recognized
interest-bearing financial instruments and unrecognized financial instruments.

The Group's interest rate risk is mainly caused by short-term borrowings. Financial liabilities with floating
interest rate cause cash flow interest rate risk for the Group. Financial liabilities with fixed interest rate
cause fair value interest rate risk for the Group. By June 30, 2015, short-term borrowings of the Group
are fixed interest contracts.

Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk is caused by fluctuation of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments
caused by changes in the foreign exchange rates. The exchange rate risk can be caused by financial
instruments priced in foreign currencies.

The Group mainly operates in China and use RMB as the settlement currency. Therefore, the exchange
rate risk facing the Group is minor.

See foreign currency item note for the Group’s financial assets and liabilities priced in foreign currencies.

(2) Credit risk

Credit risk is caused by the failure of one party of a financial instrument in performing its obligations,
causing the risk of financial loss for the other party.

The Group manages credit risks through classification. The credit risk is mainly caused by bank deposit
and receivables.

The Group’s bank deposit is mainly deposited in state-owned banks and large-sized listed banks. The
credit risk caused by bank deposited is minor.

For receivables, the Group sets up related policies to control the credit risk. The Group set the credit line
and term for debtors according to their financial status, external rating, and possibility of getting
third-party guarantee, credit record and other factors. The Group regularly monitors debtors’ credit
record. For those with poor credit record, the Group will send written payment reminders, shorten or
cancel credit term to lower the general credit risk.

The largest credit risk facing the Group is the book value of each financial asset on the balance sheet.
The Group makes no guarantee that may cause the Group credit risks.

On June 30, 2015, among the Group’s receivables, accounts receivable from top 5 customers account
for 11.17% of the total accounts receivable (2014: 11.26%); among other receivables, other receivables
from top 5 customers account for 42.45% of the total other receivables (2014: 27.06%).

(3) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of capital shortage when the Group needs to pay cash or settled with other
financial assets.

The Group keeps adequate cash and cash equivalent, and monitors the level to ensure that the cash

                                                                  2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

and cash equivalent can meet the operation needs. The management of the Group monitors the use of
bank loans and ensures that they are used as agreed. The Group also obtains guarantee from financial
institutions for adequate standby fund to meet short-term and long-term capital demand.

The Group can also use fund generated by operating activities and bank and other loans. On June 30,
2015, bank loan credit that the Group has not used was RMB2,023,246,600.

X. Disclosure of fair value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                         Closing fair value
           Items         First level fair    Second level fair        Third level fair
                             value               value                    value
1. Continuous fair
                                --                  --                        --                      --
value measurement
(2) Investment in
                             16,087,644.00                                                          16,087,644.00
equity tools
2. Leased building                               231,282,493.46                                    231,282,493.46

Total assets
measured at fair             16,087,644.00       231,282,493.46                                    247,370,137.46
value continuously
                              1,445,950.00                                                            1,445,950.00
financial liabilities

Total liabilities
measured at fair value        1,445,950.00                                                            1,445,950.00

2. Discontinuous fair
                                --                  --                        --                      --
value measurement

2. Determination basis for continuous and discontinuous first level fair value measurement

The Group determines the fair value using quotation in an active market for financial instruments traded
in an active market;

3. Continuous and discontinuous second level fair value measurement items, valuation
techniques, important qualitative and quantitative information

For investment in real estate similar with real estate transaction, the Group uses valuation techniques to
determine its fair value. The technique is comparison method. Inputs include transaction date, status,
region and other factors.

                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

4. Continuous fair value measurement items, switch between different levels, reason and
switching policies

In the period, there is no switch in the financial assets measured at fair value between the first and
second level or transfer in or out of the third level.

5. Change in valuation technique and reason


6. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

The difference between book value and fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair
value is small.

XI. Related parties and transactions

1. Parent of the Company

                      Registered                                           Share of the parent Voting power of the
       Parent                             Business    Registered capital
                       address                                             co. in the Company parent company

Shenzhen Banglin
Technologies                        Industrial
                   Shenzhen                          RMB30 million                     9.09%               9.09%
Development Co.,                    investment

Shenzhen Shilihe
Investment Co.,    Shenzhen                          RMB19,780,992                     2.36%               2.36%

Shengjiu                            Industrial
                   Hong Kong                         HKD10,000                         5.92%               5.92%
Investment Ltd.                     investment

Particulars about the parent of the Company
1. All of the investors of Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. – the holding
   shareholder of the Company, are natural persons. Among them, Chairman Xiong Jianming is holding
   85% of the shares, and Mr. Xiong Xi – son of Mr. Xiong Jianming, is holding 15% of the shares.
2. Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu
   Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co.,
   Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The Company is not notified of
   other action-in-concert or related parties among the other holders of current shares.
The final controller is Xiong Jianming.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

See Note VIII, 8 for the details.

                                                                          2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

3. Joint ventures and associates

See Note VIII, 2 for details.
The following shows other joint ventures or associates that made related transactions with the Company
or with balance of related transactions in previous periods:
                Joint venture or associate                                  Relationship with the Company

Shenzhen Ganshang Joint Investment Co., Ltd.                  Associate

Other related parties

                   Other related parties                                    Relationship with the Company

5. Related transactions

(1) Related leasing

The Company is the leasor:
                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                              Recognized release income Recognized release income
    6Name of the leasee         Category of asset for lease
                                                                       this period                     last period

Shenzhen Ganshang Joint
                             Office building                                       64,455.14                     11,050.60
Investment Co., Ltd.

The Company is the leasee:
                                                                                                                     In RMB
     Name of the owner          Category of asset for lease Recognized lental this period Recognized lental last period

(2) Remuneration of key management

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                Items                      Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period

Wage, allowance and subsidies                                      2,535,415.00                               2,462,740.00

XII. Commitments and/or contingent events

1. Contingent events

(1) Significant contingencies on the balance sheet date

  Fangda Jianke filed a lawsuit against Wang Weihong, demanding payment of RMB18 million
engineering amount and loss. In July 2015, Fangda Jianke submitted supplementary materials and
applied for freezing of RMB23 million. The court will open a court session in August.

                                                                      2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Important contingencies that dont need to be disclosed but need to be explained


2. Others

XIII. Other material events

1. Segment information

(1) Reporting segment determination basis and accounting policy

he Group divides its businesses into five reporting segments. The reporting segments are determined
based on financial information required by routine internal management. The Group’s management
regularly review the operating results of the reporting segments to determine resource distribution and
evaluate their performance.

The reporting segments are:

(1) Curtain wall segment, production and sales of curtain wall materials, construction curtain wall design,
production and installation;

(2) Rail transport segment, assembly and processing of metro screen doors;

(3) Real estate segment, development and operating of real estate on land of which land use right is
legally obtained by the Company; property management;

(4) New energy segment, R&D, installation and sales of PV devices, design and construction of PV
power plants; R&D, design, production, sales and installation of light accessories, and other lights, LED
products and hardware.

(5) Others

The segment report information is disclosed based on the accounting policies and measurement
standards used by the segments when reporting to the management. The policies and standards should
be consistent with those used in preparing the financial statement.

(2) Financial information of reporting segments

                                                                                                                 In RMB

    Items     Curtain wall   Rail transport   Real estate    New energy      Others          Offset           Total

              932,136,542. 98,245,302.2                     110,671,469.1 15,377,309.7                    1,150,115,523
Turnover                                             0.00                                  6,315,100.39
                        81                5                            3               3                              .53

              924,788,347. 96,966,572.5                     106,210,831.                                  1,125,911,242
business                                             0.00                                  2,054,509.68
                        83                1                           94                                              .60

                                                                                    2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Operation        770,980,941. 74,022,517.8                              95,899,842.3                                            940,487,258.
                                                                0.00                         1,670,215.88 2,086,259.42
cost                        67                  6                                       6                                                   35

Major            766,367,700. 73,765,384.5                              91,762,087.7                                            929,839,206.
                                                                0.00                                            2,055,966.18
business cost               66                  1                                       9                                                   78

XIV. Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent

1. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                                 Opening balance

                        Remaining book           Bad debt                        Remaining book
                                                                                                             Bad debt provision
        Type                value                   provision           Book                value                                   Book
                                  Proporti                Provisio      value    Amoun Proporti                        Provision    value
                       Amount                 Amount                                                         Amount
                                    on                     n rate                   t               on                   rate

Account receivable
for which bad debt 527,485.        100.00 15,824.5                     511,660. 527,48         100.00 15,824.5                     511,660.6
                                                            3.00%                                                         3.00%
provision is made           15            %           5                     60      5.15                 %         5                        0
by credit risk group

                       527,485.    100.00 15,824.5                     511,660. 527,48         100.00 15,824.5                     511,660.6
Total                                                       3.00%                                                         3.00%
                            15            %           5                     60      5.15                 %         5                        0

Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end
of the period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account aging
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                                                Closing balance
                                         Account receivable                 Bad debt provision                         Provision rate

Items within one year

Less than 1 year                                       527,485.15                               15,824.55                               3.00%

Subtotal for less than 1 year                          527,485.15                               15,824.55                               3.00%

Total                                                  527,485.15                               15,824.55                               3.00%

Grouping basis:
Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Account receivable adopting other methods in the group:

(2) Bad debt provision made, recovered or written back this period

A provision of RMB0.00 was made with RMB0 recovered or written back this period.
The provision recovered or written back this period mainly includes:
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                    Entity                       Written-back or recovered amount                             Method

(3) Top 5 receivable accounts in terms of the balance at the end of the period

The total balance of accounts receivable due from top 5 account receivable entities at the end of the
period is RMB348,543.92, accounting for 66.08% of the aggregate. Bad debt provisions made totaled
RMB10,456.32 at the end of the period.

2. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables are disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                          Closing balance                                         Opening balance

                       Remaining book            Bad debt                     Remaining book
                                                                                                   Bad debt provision
        Type                 value               provision          Book             value                                 Book
                                  Proporti              Provisio    value     Amoun Proporti                  Provision    value
                       Amount                Amount                                                Amount
                                     on                  n rate                 t            on                 rate

Other receivables
for which bad debt 359,354,                  1,794,88              357,559,                        548,475.               254,604,1
                                  99.98%                  0.50%               2,639. 99.97%                      0.21%
provision is made       251.02                   1.38               369.64                               39                  63.79
by credit risk group

Other receivables
with minor
individual amount      77,046.0              77,046.0    100.00               77,046               77,046.0
                                     0.02%                            0.00                0.03%                100.00%         0.00
and bad debt                  0                     0         %                     .00                   0
provision provided

                       359,431,              1,871,92              357,559,                        625,521.               254,604,1
Total                                                                         9,685.
                        297.02                   7.38               369.64                               39                  63.79

Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end of
the period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account aging

                                                                                2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                          Closing balance
                                             Other receivables          Bad debt provision                 Provision rate

Items within one year

Less than 1 year                                     41,715,526.55                  1,251,465.80                            3.00%

Subtotal for less than 1 year                        41,715,526.55                  1,251,465.80                            3.00%

1-2 years                                                40,000.00                       4,000.00                           10.00%

2-3 years                                                18,379.35                       5,513.81                           30.00%

Over 3 years                                          1,067,803.54                    533,901.77                            50.00%

Total                                                42,841,709.44                  1,794,881.38                            4.19%

Grouping basis:
Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables adopting other methods in the group:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Bad debt provision made, recovered or written back this period

A provision of RMB1,246,405.99 was made with RMB0 recovered or written back this period.
The provision recovered or written back this period mainly includes:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Entity                       Written-back or recovered amount                     Method

(3) Composition of other receivables

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                  By account                          Closing balance of book value          Opening balance of book value

Payments between counterparts                                          316,512,541.58                            253,944,828.64

Deposit                                                                 40,100,699.54                                100,699.54

Other accounts                                                            2,818,055.90                              1,184,157.00

Total                                                                  359,431,297.02                            255,229,685.18

(4) Top 5 other receivables in terms of the balance at the end of the period

                                                                                                                             In RMB

        Entity                  By account        Closing balance         Age            Percentage in the Balance of the bad

                                                                                   2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                              balance of other         debt provision at
                                                                                              receivables at the        the end of the
                                                                                              end of the period             period

Fangda Property       Trades                     133,179,160.80 1-2 years                                 47.27%

Fangda Property
                      Trades                      36,715,800.70 Less than 1 year

Fangda Jianke         Trades                     108,518,719.42 Less than 1 year                          30.19%

Nanchang Finance
                      Deposit                     40,000,000.00 Less than 1 year                          11.15%            1,200,000.00

HK Junjia             Trades                             3,789.54 Less than 1 year                          8.46%

HK Junjia             Trades                            83,183.13 1-2 years

HK Junjia             Trades                             3,230.28 2-3 years

HK Junjia             Trades                      30,321,229.22 Over 3 years

Shenyang Fangda       Trades                        6,906,771.58 Over 3 years                               1.92%

Total                           --               355,731,884.67               --                          98.97%            1,200,000.00

3. Long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                             Opening balance
        Items      Remaining book          Impairment                         Remaining book           Impairment
                                                             Book value                                                    Book value
                       value                provision                                 value             provision

Investment in      1,166,555,998.5                         1,119,625,898.5 1,166,555,998.5                              1,119,625,898.5
                                          46,930,100.00                                                46,930,100.00
subsidiaries                         8                                    8                      8                                         8

Investment in
affiliates and      10,105,655.37                           10,105,655.37          11,048,660.43                          11,048,660.43
joint ventures

                   1,176,661,653.9                         1,129,731,553.9 1,177,604,659.0                              1,130,674,559.0
Total                                     46,930,100.00                                                46,930,100.00
                                     5                                    5                      1                                         1

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                                                         Balance of the
                                                                                                                            bad debt
                       Opening                                                                       Provision made
 Invested entity                            Increase          Decrease        Closing balance                            provision at the
                       balance                                                                        in this period
                                                                                                                           end of the

Fangda Jianke       491,950,000.00                                            491,950,000.00

                                                                              2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                        19,800,000.00                                        19,800,000.00                       19,800,000.00

HK Junjia                  10,600.00                                             10,600.00                              10,600.00

                    170,385,071.73                                          170,385,071.73

Fangda New
                        74,496,600.00                                        74,496,600.00

                    108,852,073.85                                          108,852,073.85                        27,119,500.00

Kexunda                  1,000,000.00                                         1,000,000.00

Fangda Property 200,000,000.00                                              200,000,000.00

International              61,653.00                                             61,653.00
Holding Co., Ltd.

Fangda New
                    100,000,000.00                                          100,000,000.00

                       1,166,555,998.                                       1,166,555,998.
Total                                                                                                            46,930,100.00
                                  58                                                      58

(2) Investment in affiliates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                               Change                                                    Balance
                                            Investme                                                                      of the
                                             nt gain                          Cash                                       bad debt
                        Increase Decreas               miscella                          Provision
Invested Opening                            recogniz               Other     dividend                         Closing provision
                           d        ed                  neous                            impairme
    entity   balance                        ed with                equity    or profit               Others   balance     at the
                        investme investme              income                               nt
                                              the                 change announc                                          end of
                           nt       nt                 adjustme                          provision
                                             equity                             ed                                         the
                                            method                                                                        period

1. Joint venture

2. Associate

             11,048,6                       1,256,99                         2,200,00                         10,105,6
g Joint
                60.43                           4.94                             0.00                           55.37
nt Co.,

Subtotal     11,048,6                       1,256,99                         2,200,00                         10,105,6

                                                                              2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

              60.43                               4.94                           0.00                           55.37

           11,048,6                          1,256,99                      2,200,00                         10,105,6
              60.43                               4.94                           0.00                           55.37

(3) Others

4. Operational revenue and costs

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                               Amount occurred in the current period                     Occurred in previous period
                                    Income                    Cost                      Income                   Cost

Other business                      15,377,309.73              1,670,215.88             14,332,254.25             2,129,602.96

Total                               15,377,309.73              1,670,215.88             14,332,254.25             2,129,602.96

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                       Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period

Gains from long-term equity investment
                                                                       1,256,994.94                                 -41,807.57
measured by equity

Other investment gains                                                    55,961.64

Total                                                                  1,312,956.58                                 -41,807.57

XV. Supplementary Materials

1. Detailed accidental gain/loss

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                                     Amount                                     Notes

Gain/loss of non-current assets                                         -453,950.93

Subsidies accounted into the current
income account (except the government
subsidy closely related to the enterprise’s                            630,651.51
business and based on unified national
standard quota)

Gain from entrusted investment or assets

Gain/loss from change of fair value of
transactional financial asset and

                                                                         2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

liabilities, and investment gains from
disposal of transactional financial assets
and liabilities and sellable financial
assets, other than valid period value
instruments related to the Company’s
common businesses

Gain/loss from change of fair value of
investment property measured at fair                             32,768,907.31
value in follow-up measurement

Other non-business income and
expenditures other than the above

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                             6,395,082.75

    Influenced amount of minority
shareholders’ equity

Total                                                            15,830,596.47                       --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental
gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement
of Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

                                                                                        Earning per share
                                     Weighted average net income/asset
    Profit of the report period                                            Basic earnings per       Diluted Earnings per
                                                                           share (yuan/share)       share (yuan/share)

Net profit attributable to common
                                                                 4.07%                       0.07                     0.07
shareholders of the Company

Net profit attributable to the
common owners of the PLC
                                                                 2.82%                     0.050                    0.050
after deducting of non-recurring

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                             Net profit                                     Net assets

                                                                       2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                         Amount occurred in     Occurred in previous
                                                                           Closing balance         Opening balance
                          the current period          period

On Chinese accounting
                                51,317,648.87          40,769,958.24         1,262,312,157.68         1,234,930,863.46

Items and amounts adjusted according International Accounting Standards:

On international
                                51,317,648.87          40,769,958.24         1,267,075,555.92         1,239,694,261.70
accounting standards

(2) Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Where the data audited by overseas auditor has been adjusted, the name of the overseas
auditor should be specified.

Net assets attributable to the listed company’s shareholders calculated according to the IAS is
RMB4,763,398.24 higher than that calculated according to the domestic accounting standards, mainly
attributable to the capitalization of borrow expenses before the domestic Enterprise Accounting
Standard was implemented on January 1, 2007.

                                                            2015 Interim Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                            X Documents for Reference

1. The Interim Report 2015 and the Summary with signature of the legal representative (Chinese and
2. Financial statements stamped and signed by the legal representative, CFO and accounting manager;
3. Originals of all documents and manuscripts of Public Notices of the Company disclosed in public in
the newspapers as designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
