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						                        2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

   2018 First Quarter Report

          April 2018

                                                   2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                            I Important Statement

    The members of the Board and the Company guarantee that the quarterly

report is free from any false information, misleading statement or material

omission and are jointly and severally liable for the information’s truthfulness,

accuracy and integrity.

    All the Directors have attended the meeting of the board meeting at which

this report was examined.

    Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Lin Kebin, the Chief

Financial Officer, and Mr. Wu Bohua, the manager of accounting department

declare: the Financial Report carried in this report is authentic and completed.

                                                                                     2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                              II. General Information

1. Financial Highlight

Whether the Company needs to make retroactive adjustment or restatement of financial data of previous years
□ Yes √ No

                                                  This report period           Same period last year         Year-on-year change (%)

Turnover (yuan)                                           650,032,997.33                 573,546,634.49                       13.34%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                            98,377,550.44                 67,759,233.14                       45.19%
the listed company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
of the listed company and after deducting                   88,737,051.63                 64,053,467.14                       38.54%
of non-recurring gain/loss (RMB)

Net cash flow generated by business
                                                           -40,623,633.07                    -4,846,476.55                   766.89%
operation (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                                0.080                           0.060                    33.33%

Diluted Earnings per share (yuan/share)                              0.080                           0.060                    33.33%

Weighted average net income/asset ratio                              2.99%                           2.83%                     0.16%

                                                End of the report period          End of last year            Year-on-year change

Total asset (RMB)                                       7,562,522,369.52               7,625,422,688.63                       -0.82%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                        3,330,717,890.26               3,238,939,202.18                        2.83%
of the listed company (RMB)

Accidental gain/loss item and amount
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                       Amount from beginning of
                                Items                                  the year to the end of the                  Notes
                                                                             report period

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the write-off part
for which assets impairment provision is made)

Subsidies accounted into the current income account (except the
government subsidy closely related to the enterprise’s business                      1,863,448.41
and based on unified national standard quota)

Gain from entrusted investment or assets management                                   8,276,022.57

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                       1,570,613.11

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                 2,127,037.47

                                                                                     2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                                 9,640,498.81                      --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental
gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement of
Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No circumstance that should be defined as recurrent profit and loss according to Explanation Announcement of Information
Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss occurs in the report period.

2. Total number of shareholders and shareholding of top 10 shareholders by the end of the
report period

1. Ordinary shareholders, preference shareholders with resumed voting rights and top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                                                    In share

                                                           Number of shareholders of preferred
Number of shareholders of common
                                              63,651       stocks of which voting rights                            0
shares at the end of the report period
                                                           recovered in the report period

                                                          Top 10 Shareholders

                                 Nature of       Shareholding                          Conditional        Pledging or freezing
        Shareholder                                              Number of shares
                                shareholder        percentage                               shares   Share status             Amount

Shenzhen Banglin            Domestic
Technologies                non-state legal            8.72%        103,161,409               0       Pledged                34,990,000
Development Co., Ltd.       person

                            Foreign legal
Shengjiu Investment Ltd.                               7.66%         90,697,882               0

                            Foreign legal
SECURITIES(HONGKO                                      3.83%         45,325,358               0

CITIC Securities
                            Foreign legal
Brokerage (Hong Kong)                                  2.30%         27,220,725               0
Co., Ltd.

Gong Qing Cheng Shi Li
He Investment               Domestic
Management Partnership      non-state legal            2.26%         26,791,488               0
Enterprise (limited         person

China Resource SZITIC
Trust – China Resource
                            Others                     1.30%         15,383,404               0
Trust No.13 Collective
Trust Program

                                                                                    2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Shenwan Hongyuan
                               Foreign legal
Securities (Hong Kong)                              1.28%           15,169,837              0
Co., Ltd.

Yunnan International
Trust CO., Ltd. – Juxin
                               Others               1.12%           13,229,635              0
No.5 Collective Fund
Trust Program

Yunnan International
Trust CO., Ltd. – Yunxia
                               Others               0.73%           8,635,314               0
No.3 Collective Fund
Trust Program

                               Foreign legal
EMERGING MARKETS                                    0.67%           7,946,483               0

                                               Top 10 holders of unconditional shares

                                                                                                         Category of shares
             Shareholder                       Amount of shares without sales restriction          Category of

Shenzhen Banglin Technologies                                                                   RMB common
                                                             103,161,409                                               103,161,409
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                           shares

                                                                                                Foreign shares
Shengjiu Investment Ltd.                                      90,697,882                        listed in domestic       90,697,882

GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                    Foreign shares
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                          45,325,358                        listed in domestic       45,325,358
LIMITED                                                                                         exchanges

                                                                                                Foreign shares
CITIC Securities Brokerage (Hong
                                                              27,220,725                        listed in domestic       27,220,725
Kong) Co., Ltd.

Gong Qing Cheng Shi Li He
                                                                                                RMB common
Investment Management Partnership                             26,791,488                                                 26,791,488
Enterprise (limited partner)

China Resource SZITIC Trust – China
                                                                                                RMB common
Resource Trust No.13 Collective Trust                         15,383,404                                                 15,383,404

                                                                                                Foreign shares
Shenwan Hongyuan Securities (Hong
                                                              15,169,837                        listed in domestic       15,169,837
Kong) Co., Ltd.

Yunnan International Trust CO., Ltd.                                                            RMB common
                                                              13,229,635                                                 13,229,635
– Juxin No.5 Collective Fund Trust                                                             shares

                                                                                    2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


Yunnan International Trust CO., Ltd.
                                                                                               RMB common
– Yunxia No.3 Collective Fund Trust                         8,635,314                                                    8,635,314

                                                                                               Foreign shares
                                                             7,946,483                         listed in domestic         7,946,483

                                       Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and
                                       Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology
Notes to top ten shareholder
                                       Development Co., Ltd. and Gong Qing Cheng Shi Li He Investment Management
relationship or "action in concert"
                                       Partnership Enterprise are related parties. The Company is not notified of other
                                       action-in-concert or related parties among the other holders of current shares.

Top-10 common share shareholders
participating in margin trade

Agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10 shareholders of unconditional common
shares in the report period
□ Yes √ No
No agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10 shareholders of unconditional common
shares in the report period

2. Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of
the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                           2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                               III Significant Events

1. Major changes in accounting items and financial data in the report period and reasons

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Items                           Closing amount          Opening amount    Change       Cause of change
                                                                                       Mainly      due      to     purchase
Other current assets         643,201,146.13            439,890,493.06     46.22%
                                                                                       financial products
                                                                                       Mainly due to pre-paid house
Other         non-current
                             7,233,884.12              31,130,198.46      -76.76%      purchases transferred to fixed
Employees’         wage
                             17,822,353.53             40,399,130.75      -55.88%      Annual bonus paid
                                Amount    of     the
Items                                                   Last period       Change       Cause of change
                             Current Term
                                                                                       Mainly due to increase in sales
Turnover                     650,032,997.33            573,546,634.49     13.34%
                                                                                       from the real estate business
                                                                                       Mainly due to provision of real
Taxes and surcharges         57,107,989.44             36,724,201.67      55.51%
                                                                                       estate sales tax
                                                                                       Mainly      due      to     purchase
Investment income            6,728,202.21              963,118.22         598.59%
                                                                                       financial products
                                                                                       Mainly due to provision of
Income tax expenses          33,501,097.89             20,846,618.03      60.70%       income tax for the real estate
Net profit attributable                                                                Mainly due to increase in the
to the owners of parent      98,377,550.44             67,759,233.14      45.19%       business    income        and   gross
company                                                                                profit margin
                                                                                       Mainly due to the increase in
Other cash paid for
                             204,744,773.26            56,839,430.42      260.22%      various margins such as real
business operations
                                                                                       estate development business
Cash       paid        for                                                             Mainly due to purchase of
                             2,091,800,000.00          1,024,200,000.00   104.24%
investment                                                                             financial products

2. Progress of key issues and its impacts and solutions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Commitments that have not been fulfilled by actual controller, shareholders, related parties,
acquirers of the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                                2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

There is no commitment that has not been fulfilled by actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers of the Company

4. Forecast of operating performance between January and June in 2018

Warning and reasons of possible net loss or substantial change from the last period between the beginning of the year and the end of
the next report period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no investment in securities in the report period

6. Derivative investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                            In RMB10,000

                                                                                                                                          on of
Derivati                                                                                                          Impairm                  ent
                                                                                Initial                 Amount               Closing                 gain/lo
     ve                Related                                                            Amount                    ent                  amount
            Relation                           Initial       Start       End    investm                 sold in              investm                  ss in
investm                transacti       Type                                               in this                 provisio                in the
              ship                            amount         date        date     ent                    this                  ent                    the
     ent                    on                                                            period                   n (if                 closing
                                                                                amount                  period               amount                  report
operator                                                                                                           any)                    net
                                                                                                                                         assets in

i                                  Shanghai
                                                         12.09.1 31.01.1                  13,015.                            11,295.3
Futures None           No          aluminu     151.25                            151.25                 1,871.4                            3.39% -135.48
                                                         6           9                              5                                5
Exchan                             m

                                                                                          13,015.                            11,295.3
Total                                          151.25         --          --     151.25                 1,871.4                            3.39% -135.48
                                                                                                    5                                5

Capital source                                Self-owned fund

Lawsuit involved                              None

Disclosure date of derivative
investment approval by the Board of 31.10.17

                                                                                         2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Disclosure date of derivative
investment approval by the                  None
shareholders’ meeting

Risk analysis and control measures
                                            To prevent the risk of fluctuation of raw material prices, the Company adopted the
for the derivative holding in the
                                            aluminum futures exchanged at the domestic futures exchange to provide hedging for
report period (including without
                                            aluminum as a raw material for the Company. The Company has set up and implemented the
limitation market, liquidity, credit,
                                            Provincial Regulations on China Fangda Group Domestic Futures Hedging to prevent risks.
operation and legal risks)

Changes in the market price or fair
value of the derivative in the report
period, the analysis of the derivative’s
                                            Fair value of derivatives are measured at open prices in the futures market
fair value should disclose the method
used and related assumptions and

Material changes in the accounting
policies and rules related to the
derivative in the report period
compared to last period

Opinions of independent directors on
the Company’s derivative investment None
and risk controlling

7. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

           Time/date                           Way                             Visitor                  Disclosure of information

                                                                                                Inquiry about the Company's operation
08.01.18                          Telephone communication        Individual

                                                                                                Inquiry about the Company's shares with
10.01.18                          Telephone communication        Individual
                                                                                                sales restriction

                                                                                                Inquiry about the progress of the Fangda
18.01.18                          Telephone communication        Individual
                                                                                                Town project

                                                                                                Inquiry about the Company's result
22.01.18                          Telephone communication        Individual

                                                                                                Inquiry about the Company's future
25.01.18                          Telephone communication        Institution
                                                                                                development strategy

                                                                                                Inquiry about the Company' semi-year
02.02.18                          Telephone communication        Individual

05.02.18                          Telephone communication        Individual                     Inquiry about project bidding

09.02.18                          Telephone communication        Individual                     Inquiry about the sales of the Fangda

                                                                                   2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           Town project

                                                                                           Inquiry about the Company's profit
23.02.18                        Telephone communication     Individual

                                                                                           Inquiry about pledging of shares by
26.02.18                        Telephone communication     Institution
                                                                                           major shareholders

                                                                                           Inquiry about the Company's operation
02.03.18                        Telephone communication     Individual

                                                                                           Inquiry about the Company's operation
08.03.18                        Telephone communication     Individual

                                                                                           Inquiry about the Company's operation
22.03.18                        Telephone communication     Individual

                                                                                           Inquiry about the Company's operation
28.03.18                        Telephone communication     Individual
                                                                                           condition in Q1

8. Incompliant external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company made no incompliant external guarantee in the report period.

9. Non-operating capital use by the controlling shareholder or related parties in the reporting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder and its affiliates occupied no capital for non-operating purpose of the Company during the report period.

                                                                              2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                            IV Financial Statements

1. Financial statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                  Items                           Closing balance                             Opening balance

Current asset:

     Monetary capital                                          901,660,643.61                             1,180,398,479.51

     Settlement provision

     Outgoing call loan

     Financial assets measured at fair
value with variations accounted into
current income account

     Derivative financial assets

     Notes receivable                                               26,611,416.82                            39,636,437.20

     Account receivable                                       1,893,447,311.86                            1,920,372,426.16

     Prepayment                                                     73,684,982.62                            54,680,269.84

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivable

     Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable

     Interest receivable                                             4,090,191.77                               3,829,315.07

     Dividend receivable

     Other receivables                                              95,318,661.48                            57,075,357.62

     Repurchasing of financial assets

     Inventory                                                 755,065,589.13                               819,610,960.67

     Assets held for sales

     Non-current assets due in 1 year

     Other current assets                                      643,201,146.13                               439,890,493.06

Total current assets                                          4,393,079,943.42                            4,515,493,739.13

Non-current assets:

     Loan and advancement provided

                                                         2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Sellable financial assets                28,562,575.67                             28,562,575.67

     Investment held until mature

     Long-term receivable

     Long-term share equity investment        41,394,235.26                             34,142,055.62

     Investment real estate                 2,303,886,680.12                         2,253,794,404.55

     Fixed assets                            486,954,295.29                            468,118,279.18

     Construction in process                   2,766,056.02                              2,668,198.62

     Engineering materials

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Productive biological assets

     Gas & petrol

     Intangible assets                        58,573,003.74                             58,869,444.53

     R&D expense


     Long-term amortizable expenses            1,733,076.97                              2,046,202.29

     Deferred income tax assets              238,338,618.91                            230,597,590.58

     Other non-current assets                  7,233,884.12                             31,130,198.46

Total of non-current assets                 3,169,442,426.10                         3,109,928,949.50

Total of assets                             7,562,522,369.52                         7,625,422,688.63

Current liabilities

     Short-term loans                        574,000,000.00                            616,000,000.00

     Loans from Central Bank

     Deposit received and held for

     Call loan received

     Financial liabilities measured at
fair value with variations accounted into
current income account

     Derivative financial liabilities           6,116,250.00                               159,000.00

     Notes payable                           463,890,209.33                            532,921,025.48

     Account payable                         796,314,904.66                            946,392,258.92

     Prepayment received                     125,322,700.60                            175,351,686.45

     Selling of repurchased financial

     Fees and commissions payable

                                                       2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       Employees’ wage payable             17,822,353.53                             40,399,130.75

       Taxes payable                       151,780,545.11                            136,955,516.44

       Interest payable                      4,989,744.18                              2,425,311.97

       Dividend payable

       Other payables                      554,116,397.87                            501,189,510.69

       Reinsurance fee payable

       Insurance contract provision

       Entrusted trading of securities

       Entrusted selling of securities

       Liabilities held for sales

       Non-current liabilities due in 1
                                           200,000,000.00                            200,000,000.00

       Other current liabilities            12,404,150.69                              9,531,014.81

Total current liabilities                 2,906,757,255.97                         3,161,324,455.51

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                     983,978,153.39                            893,978,153.39

       Bond payable

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual bond

       Long-term payable

       Long-term employees’ wage

       Special payables

       Anticipated liabilities               5,851,816.95                              6,368,353.05

       Deferred earning                     10,427,144.12                             10,489,483.94

       Deferred income tax liabilities     324,790,108.83                            314,323,040.56

       Other non-current liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities          1,325,047,223.29                         1,225,159,030.94

Total liabilities                         4,231,804,479.26                         4,386,483,486.45

Owner’s equity:

       Share capital                      1,183,642,254.00                         1,183,642,254.00

       Other equity tools

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual bond

       Capital reserves                     72,829,484.96                             72,829,484.96

                                                                                  2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Less: Shares in stock

     Other miscellaneous income                                          1,986,985.63                               8,585,847.99

     Special reserves

     Surplus reserves                                                110,690,396.65                             110,690,396.65

     Common risk provisions

     Retained profit                                               1,961,568,769.02                           1,863,191,218.58

Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                                   3,330,717,890.26                           3,238,939,202.18
parent company

     Minor shareholders’ equity

Total of owners’ equity                                           3,330,717,890.26                           3,238,939,202.18

Total of liabilities and owner’s interest                         7,562,522,369.52                           7,625,422,688.63

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming         CFO: Lin Kebing             Accounting Manager: Wu Bohua

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                               Closing balance                            Opening balance

Current asset:

     Monetary capital                                               216,380,065.17                              310,299,329.68

     Financial assets measured at fair
value with variations accounted into                                             0.00
current income account

     Derivative financial assets                                                 0.00

     Notes receivable                                                            0.00

     Account receivable                                                                                              408,154.54

     Prepayment                                                            199,537.74                                349,740.31

     Interest receivable                                                         0.00                               1,020,000.00

     Dividend receivable                                            150,000,000.00                              150,000,000.00

     Other receivables                                              881,183,484.62                              672,773,780.45

     Inventory                                                                   0.00

     Assets held for sales

     Non-current assets due in 1 year

     Other current assets                                           150,244,572.36                              100,176,058.36

Total current assets                                               1,398,007,659.89                           1,235,027,063.34

Non-current assets:

                                                         2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Sellable financial assets                28,562,575.67                             28,562,575.67

     Investment held until mature                       0.00

     Long-term receivable                               0.00

     Long-term share equity investment       983,339,494.35                            925,349,494.35

     Investment real estate                  307,321,568.00                            307,321,568.00

     Fixed assets                             55,232,046.25                             55,816,611.77

     Construction in process

     Engineering materials

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Productive biological assets

     Gas & petrol

     Intangible assets                         2,232,990.02                              2,293,133.59

     R&D expense


     Long-term amortizable expenses              427,499.98                                460,000.00

     Deferred income tax assets               23,409,547.43                             23,409,576.18

     Other non-current assets                           0.00

Total of non-current assets                 1,400,525,721.70                         1,343,212,959.56

Total of assets                             2,798,533,381.59                         2,578,240,022.90

Current liabilities

     Short-term loans                        250,000,000.00                            250,000,000.00

     Financial liabilities measured at
fair value with variations accounted into               0.00
current income account

     Derivative financial liabilities                   0.00

     Notes payable                                      0.00

     Account payable                             606,941.85                                606,941.85

     Prepayment received                         693,045.60                                721,888.86

     Employees’ wage payable                    923,816.96                              2,151,237.91

     Taxes payable                            11,747,133.40                             11,721,681.36

     Interest payable                            422,036.83                                365,520.83

     Dividend payable                                   0.00

     Other payables                          368,023,058.59                            287,607,287.54

     Liabilities held for sales

     Non-current liabilities due in 1

                                                          2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                     632,416,033.23                            553,174,558.35

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                        140,000,000.00

       Bond payable

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual bond

       Long-term payable

       Long-term employees’ wage

       Special payables

       Anticipated liabilities

       Deferred earning

       Deferred income tax liabilities         63,912,460.40                             63,864,007.22

       Other non-current liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities              203,912,460.40                             63,864,007.22

Total liabilities                             836,328,493.63                            617,038,565.57

Owner’s equity:

       Share capital                         1,183,642,254.00                         1,183,642,254.00

       Other equity tools

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual bond

       Capital reserves                        71,736,128.89                             71,736,128.89

       Less: Shares in stock

       Other miscellaneous income               8,756,553.46                              8,756,553.46

       Special reserves

       Surplus reserves                       110,690,396.65                            110,690,396.65

       Retained profit                        587,379,554.96                            586,376,124.33

Total of owners’ equity                     1,962,204,887.96                         1,961,201,457.33

Total of liabilities and owner’s interest   2,798,533,381.59                         2,578,240,022.90

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                    2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                    Items                       Amount occurred in the current period          Occurred in previous period

1. Total revenue                                                        650,032,997.33                            573,546,634.49

       Incl. Business income                                            650,032,997.33                            573,546,634.49

               Interest income

               Insurance fee earned

               Fee and commission

2. Total business cost                                                  528,787,371.03                            489,407,031.68

       Incl. Business cost                                              398,153,159.63                            394,608,165.03

               Interest expense

               Fee and commission paid

               Insurance discharge payment

               Net claim amount paid

               Net insurance policy
reserves provided

               Insurance policy dividend

               Reinsurance expenses

               Taxes and surcharges                                      57,107,989.44                              36,724,201.67

               Sales expense                                              9,988,975.74                              10,160,076.95

               Administrative expense                                    40,820,668.19                              37,770,848.96

               Financial expenses                                        19,744,665.08                              12,891,638.49

               Asset impairment loss                                      2,971,912.96                              -2,747,899.42

       Plus: gains from change of fair value
                                                                             -58,700.00                                369,591.00
(“-“ for loss)

            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                             6,728,202.21                                 963,118.22

            Incl. Investment gains from
                                                                          -1,547,820.36                               -575,132.67
affiliates and joint ventures

            Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)

            Investment gains ("-" for loss)                                  59,007.69                                 -53,894.97

            Other gains                                                   2,330,454.12                               1,395,832.91

3. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                  130,304,590.32                              86,814,249.97

       Plus: non-operational income                                        1,641,111.57                              1,746,338.04

       Less: non-operational expenditure                                     67,053.56                                 197,274.88

4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                        131,878,648.33                              88,363,313.13

                                                          2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Less: Income tax expenses                  33,501,097.89                            20,846,618.03

5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)              98,377,550.44                            67,516,695.10

     (1) Net profit from continuous
                                                98,377,550.44                            68,132,436.94
operation ("-" for net loss)

     (2) Net profit from discontinuous
                                                         0.00                              -615,741.84
operation ("-" for net loss)

     Net profit attributable to the owners
                                                98,377,550.44                            67,759,233.14
of parent company

     Minor shareholders’ equity                         0.00                              -242,538.04

6. After-tax net amount of other misc.
                                                -6,598,862.36                               924,176.32

  After-tax net amount of other misc.
                                                -6,598,862.36                               924,176.32
incomes attributed to parent's owner

     (1) Other misc. incomes that cannot
be re-classified into gain and loss

              1. Change in net liabilities or
assets due to re-measurement set benefit

              2. Shares enjoyed in other
misc. incomes that cannot be reclassified
into gain and loss by the invested entity
under the equity law

     (2) Other misc. incomes that will be
                                                -6,598,862.36                               924,176.32
re-classified into gain and loss

              1. Shares enjoyed in other
misc. incomes that cannot be reclassified
into gain and loss by the invested entity
under the equity law

              2.Change in the fair value of
financial asset for sale

              3 Held-to-mature investment
reclassified as gain and loss in the
financial assets for sales

              4. Effective part in the gain
                                                -6,514,470.00                               774,158.75
and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

              5. Translation difference of
                                                   -84,392.36                               150,017.57
foreign exchange statement

              6. Others

  After-tax net of other misc. income

                                                                                       2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

attributed to minority shareholders

7. Total of misc. incomes                                                91,778,688.08                                 68,440,871.42

     Total of misc. incomes attributable
                                                                         91,778,688.08                                 68,683,409.46
to the owners of the parent company

     Total misc gains attributable to the
                                                                                   0.00                                  -242,538.04
minor shareholders

8. Earnings per share:

     (1) Basic earnings per share                                                 0.080                                         0.060

     (2) Diluted earnings per share                                               0.080                                         0.060

Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB0.00, net profit realized by parties
merged during the previous period is RMB0.00.

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming           CFO: Lin Kebing           Accounting Manager: Wu Bohua

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                    Items                      Amount occurred in the current period              Occurred in previous period

1. Turnover                                                               7,377,165.13                                  6,845,336.82

     Less: Operation cost                                                   162,820.81                                    406,361.52

           Taxes and surcharges                                              47,689.87                                    312,223.66

           Sales expense

           Administrative expense                                         5,079,218.61                                  5,673,991.65

           Financial expenses                                             2,247,754.36                                   -223,544.29

           Asset impairment loss                                               -114.99                                    -12,944.02

     Plus: gains from change of fair
value (“-“ for loss)

           Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                              1,476,812.48                                   -542,255.96

           Incl. Investment gains from
affiliates and joint ventures

           Investment gains ("-" for loss)

           Other gains                                                      100,000.00                                    681,200.00

2. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                    1,416,608.95                                    828,192.34

     Plus: non-operational income                                             2,300.00                                  1,380,567.86

     Less: non-operational expenditure                                                                                      9,848.64

3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                          1,418,908.95                                  2,198,911.56

     Less: Income tax expenses                                              415,478.32                                    703,722.55

                                                       2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)            1,003,430.63                             1,495,189.01

       (1) Net profit from continuous
                                              1,003,430.63                             1,495,189.01
operation ("-" for net loss)

       (2) Net profit from discontinuous
operation ("-" for net loss)

5. After-tax net amount of other misc.

       (1) Other misc. incomes that
cannot be re-classified into gain and

              1. Change in net liabilities
or assets due to re-measurement set
benefit program

              2. Shares enjoyed in other
misc. incomes that cannot be
reclassified into gain and loss by the
invested entity under the equity law

       (2) Other misc. incomes that will
be re-classified into gain and loss

              1. Shares enjoyed in other
misc. incomes that cannot be
reclassified into gain and loss by the
invested entity under the equity law

              2.Change in the fair value
of financial asset for sale

              3 Held-to-mature
investment reclassified as gain and loss
in the financial assets for sales

              4. Effective part in the gain
and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

              5. Translation difference of
foreign exchange statement

              6. Others

6. Total of misc. incomes                     1,003,430.63                             1,495,189.01

7. Earnings per share:

       (1) Basic earnings per share

       (2) Diluted earnings per share

                                                                                    2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                   Items                    Amount occurred in the current period             Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business

       Cash received from sales of
                                                                    663,119,560.92                                854,772,826.23
products and providing of services

       Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother company

       Net increase of loans from central

       Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial bodies

       Cash received against original
insurance contract

       Net cash received from
reinsurance business

       Net increase of client deposit and

       Increase in proposal of financial
assets measured at fair value with
variations accounted into current
income account

       Cash received as interest,
processing fee, and commission

       Net increase of inter-bank fund

       Net increase of repurchasing

       Tax refunded                                                      422,809.19                                  1,292,690.35

       Other cash received from business
                                                                    194,722,039.64                                 41,062,862.35

Sub-total of cash inflow from business
                                                                    858,264,409.75                                897,128,378.93

       Cash paid for purchasing products
                                                                    559,325,123.89                                644,166,577.65
and services

       Net increase of client trade and

                                                          2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Net increase of savings in central
bank and brother company

     Cash paid for original contract

     Cash paid for interest, processing
fee and commission

     Cash paid for policy dividend

     Cash paid to and for the staff           79,300,919.33                              75,055,798.07

     Taxes paid                               55,517,226.34                             125,913,049.34

     Other cash paid for business
                                             204,744,773.26                              56,839,430.42

Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                             898,888,042.82                             901,974,855.48
business operations

Cash flow generated by business
                                              -40,623,633.07                             -4,846,476.55
operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by investment:

     Cash received from investment
                                            1,873,000,000.00                            847,400,000.00

     Cash received as investment profit        8,015,145.87                               1,855,342.67

     Net cash retrieved from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets, and              360.00                                 860,000.00
other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

     Other investment-related cash

Sub-total of cash inflow generated
                                            1,881,015,505.87                            850,115,342.67
from investment

     Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other     21,487,326.27                              29,829,710.34
long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment                2,091,800,000.00                          1,024,200,000.00

     Net increase of loan against

     Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operational units

     Other cash paid for investment

Subtotal of cash outflows                   2,113,287,326.27                          1,054,029,710.34

                                                                                  2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Cash flow generated by investment
                                                                  -232,271,820.40                              -203,914,367.67
activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing

     Cash received from investment

     Incl. Cash received from
investment attracted by subsidiaries
from minority shareholders

     Cash received from borrowed
                                                                  148,000,000.00                                298,892,140.13

     Cash received from bond placing

     Other cash received from
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                                  148,000,000.00                                298,892,140.13

     Cash paid to repay debts                                     100,000,000.00                                190,000,000.00

     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                    18,746,403.48                                19,702,834.06

     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minority shareholders

     Other cash paid for financing

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                  118,746,403.48                                209,702,834.06
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing
                                                                    29,253,596.52                                89,189,306.07

4. Influence of exchange rate changes
                                                                    -1,891,037.79                                   -119,537.97
on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                  -245,532,894.74                               -119,691,076.12

     Plus: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                  931,285,535.55                                935,824,575.40
equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                  685,752,640.81                                816,133,499.28
at the end of the period

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                  Items                   Amount occurred in the current period             Occurred in previous period

                                                          2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

1. Net cash flow from business

     Cash received from sales of
                                             140,521,112.40                               6,005,590.24
products and providing of services

     Tax refunded

     Other cash received from business
                                             454,176,095.73                             248,854,854.53

Sub-total of cash inflow from business
                                             594,697,208.13                             254,860,444.77

     Cash paid for purchasing products
                                                 117,995.70                              27,178,851.45
and services

     Cash paid to and for the staff            4,310,306.35                               5,173,336.56

     Taxes paid                                1,200,412.23                                 720,339.74

     Other cash paid for business
                                             725,018,532.50                              79,271,693.27

Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                             730,647,246.78                             112,344,221.02
business operations

Cash flow generated by business
                                            -135,950,038.65                             142,516,223.75
operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by investment:

     Cash received from investment
                                             942,880,000.00                             100,000,000.00

     Cash received as investment profit        2,496,812.48                             431,862,876.73

     Net cash retrieved from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

     Other investment-related cash

Sub-total of cash inflow generated
                                             945,376,812.48                             531,862,876.73
from investment

     Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other        415,830.00                                 433,510.00
long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment                1,040,870,000.00                            100,000,000.00

     Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operational units

                                                        2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Other cash paid for investment

Subtotal of cash outflows                 1,041,285,830.00                            100,433,510.00

Cash flow generated by investment
                                            -95,909,017.52                            431,429,366.73
activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing

     Cash received from investment

     Cash received from borrowed

     Cash received from bond placing

     Other cash received from
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

     Cash paid to repay debts                                                         100,000,000.00

     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                             2,060,208.34                               1,967,831.25

     Other cash paid for financing

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                             2,060,208.34                             101,967,831.25
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing
                                           137,939,791.66                            -101,967,831.25

4. Influence of exchange rate changes
on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                            -93,919,264.51                            471,977,759.23

     Plus: Balance of cash and cash
                                           310,049,329.68                              74,159,732.87
equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                           216,130,065.17                             546,137,492.10
at the end of the period

2. Auditor‘s report

Whether the Q1 report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The Q2 Report is not audited.

        2018 Q1 Report of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

          China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
Legal representative: Xiong Jianming
