The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Stock code: 000058, 200058 Stock abbreviation: SHEN SEG A, SHEN SEG B Notice No.: 2024-029 Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report for 2024 The Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, and there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. Important Notice: 1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the Directors, Supervisors and senior management guarantee that the quarterly report is true, accurate and complete, without any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and that they assume individual and joint legal responsibility. 2. The person in charge of the Company, head of accounting work and head of accounting institution (accounting officer in charge) declare that they guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial information in the quarterly report. 3. Whether the First Quarterly Report has been audited □ Yes No 1 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. I. Main Financial Data (I) Main accounting data and financial indicators Whether the Company needs to perform retrospective adjustment or restatement of accounting data for previous years □ Yes No Changes over same period of Current period Same period of previous year previous year Operating income (yuan) 414,161,145.61 445,269,320.85 -6.99% Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed 24,867,650.31 32,905,373.52 -24.43% company (yuan) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non- 24,648,777.29 30,118,279.30 -18.16% recurring profit and loss (yuan) Net cash flow from operating -42,261,121.35 -18,380,969.22 -129.92% activities (yuan) Basic earnings per share 0.0202 0.0267 -24.34% (yuan/share) Diluted earnings per share 0.0202 0.0267 -24.34% (yuan/share) Weighted average return on 1.23% 1.69% -0.46% equity Changes over end of previous End of current period End of previous year year Total assets (yuan) 5,351,979,268.88 5,380,146,949.27 -0.52% Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of the listed 2,029,736,340.63 2,006,490,243.66 1.16% company (yuan) (II) Non-recurring items and amounts Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB/yuan Item Amount of current period Description Profits or losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off -97,998.41 that accrued for impairment of assets) Governmental subsidy included in current profit and loss (excluding the governmental subsidies closely related to the Company's normal operating business that conform to national policies 209,311.48 and are enjoyed continuously in accordance with certain standard rating or quota) Profits/losses from assets entrusted to 569,481.11 2 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. others for investment or management Trustee fee from entrusted operations 31,026.40 Other non-operating income and expense except for the above items -254,360.62 Other profit and loss items that qualify the definition of non-recurring profit and 64,982.59 loss Less: Affected income tax 85,319.63 Affected minority equity (after-tax) 218,249.90 Total 218,873.02 -- Details of other profit and loss items that qualify the definition of non-recurring profit and loss Applicable □ Not applicable For investment income calculated through the equity method, the Company discloses the non-recurring profit and loss of Huakong SEG Co., Ltd. enjoyed based on shareholding as its non-recurring profit and loss. Descriptions where the Company defines any non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Profit and Loss as recurring profit and loss items during the reporting period Applicable □ Not applicable Item Amount (yuan) Reason Additional input VAT credits deduction Comply with national policies and 383,197.76 and exemption regulations and occur continuously Handling fee refund for withholding Comply with national policies and 189,226.83 individual income tax regulations and occur continuously (III) Changes of main accounting data and financial indicators and reasons for the changes Applicable □ Not applicable (I) Consolidated balance sheet Unit: RMB/yuan Changes over Item Closing balance Opening balance Difference Reason for the difference the period Mainly due to the Company’s Financial assets held for 155,683,592.18 52,779,414.11 102,904,178.07 194.97% purchase of wealth management trading products Mainly due to withdrawal of large- Non-current assets due 0.00 83,165,555.49 -83,165,555.49 -100.00% denomination Certificate of within one year Deposit Mainly due to changes in fair value Other comprehensive -6,045,803.96 -4,424,250.62 -1,621,553.34 -36.65% of the Company's investments in income other equity instruments (II) Consolidated income statement Unit: RMB/yuan 3 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Amount of the Changes over Amount of the same period of the same period Item Difference Reason for the difference current period the previous of the previous year year Mainly due to the year-on-year Other income 781,736.07 2,953,995.38 -2,172,259.31 -73.54% decrease in government subsidies received in the current period Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease in income from wealth Investment income -2,612,244.01 -1,399,447.34 -1,212,796.67 -86.66% management products recognized by the Company in the current period Mainly due to the increase in the Credit impairment loss 5,212.64 1,400.00 3,812.64 272.33% write-back of bad debts in the current period Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease in government subsidies that Non-operating income 321,660.10 804,286.03 -482,625.93 -60.01% are not related to daily activities and received by the Company in the current period (III) Consolidated cash flow statement Unit: RMB/yuan Amount of the Changes over Amount of the same period of the same period Item Difference Reason for the difference current period the previous of the previous year year Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease Net cash flows from in cash received from selling -42,261,121.35 -18,380,969.22 -23,880,152.13 -129.92% operating activities commodities and offering labor in the current period Mainly due to the year-on-year increase Net cash flows from in the net value of the wealth -30,233,048.04 34,275,229.56 -64,508,277.60 -188.21% investing activities management products purchased by the Company in the current period Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease Net increase in cash in net cash flows generated from -86,314,320.43 -3,102,976.95 -83,211,343.48 -2681.66% and cash equivalents operating activities and investing activities in the current period II. Shareholder Information (I) Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights were resumed and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders Unit: share Total number of preferred shareholders whose voting Total number of ordinary shareholders 66,658 rights were resumed at the end of the reporting period 0 at the end of the reporting period (if any) Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through margin securities loan) Shareho Number Pledged, marked or frozen Name of Nature of lding of Number of shares shareholder shareholder percenta restricted Share status Number ge (%) shares Shenzhen SEG State-owned 56.54% 696,163,182.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 Group Co., Ltd. legal person Liu Guocheng Domestic 0.60% 7,442,702.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 4 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. natural person LISHERYNZHAN Foreign natural 0.55% 6,712,100.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 MING person Hong Kong Foreign legal Securities Clearing 0.44% 5,445,478.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 person Co., Ltd. Domestic Liu Guohong 0.31% 3,773,846.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 natural person Domestic Li Xiaosong 0.30% 3,636,577.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 natural person Foreign natural Gong Qianhua 0.24% 2,940,000.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 person Domestic Wang Jinjun 0.17% 2,100,000.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 natural person Domestic Xu Yueying 0.16% 2,017,000.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 natural person Domestic Su Yi 0.12% 1,530,613.00 0.00 Not applicable 0.00 natural person Top 10 shareholders not subject to selling restrictions Type Name of shareholder Number of unrestricted shares Type Number RMB- Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. 696,163,182.00 denominated 696,163,182.00 ordinary shares Domestic listed Liu Guocheng 7,442,702.00 7,442,702.00 foreign shares Domestic listed LISHERYNZHANMING 6,712,100.00 6,712,100.00 foreign shares RMB- Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co., 5,445,478.00 denominated 5,445,478.00 Ltd. ordinary shares Domestic listed Liu Guohong 3,773,846.00 3,773,846.00 foreign shares RMB- Li Xiaosong 3,636,577.00 denominated 3,636,577.00 ordinary shares Domestic listed Gong Qianhua 2,940,000.00 2,940,000.00 foreign shares Domestic listed Wang Jinjun 2,100,000.00 2,100,000.00 foreign shares Domestic listed Xu Yueying 2,017,000.00 2,017,000.00 foreign shares Domestic listed Su Yi 1,530,613.00 1,530,613.00 foreign shares There is no related party relationship between SEG Group and other Description on the related relationship or persons shareholders, nor are they persons acting in concert as stipulated in the acting-in-concert arrangements among the above Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies. It is shareholders unknown to the Company whether other shareholders are related parties or persons acting in concert. Description on the top 10 shareholders’ Li Xiaosong, a domestic natural person, holds 3,636,577 shares of the participation in margin trading and securities Company, all through the credit account of margin trading and securities lending business (if any) lending investors. Participation of margin securities loan by top 10 shareholders □ Applicable Not applicable Changes of top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders without selling restrictions over the previous period due to the lending or 5 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. return of shares lent through margin securities loan □ Applicable Not applicable (II) Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholdings of top 10 preferred shareholders □ Applicable Not applicable III. Other Significant Events Applicable □ Not applicable Overview Date of disclosure Website index for interim reports disclosed "Notice on the Progress of Litigation and Arbitration 1. Litigation and arbitration involving January 3, 2024 Involving Holding Second-tier Subsidiary" released on holding second-tier subsidiary Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Provision of Financial Assistance to Its Shareholder by Holding Subsidiary Changsha SEG December 12, 2018 Development Co., Ltd." released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Resolution of the 6th Interim General December 28, 2018 Meeting in 2018" released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Progress of Providing Financial Assistance to Its Shareholder by Holding Subsidiary Changsha SEG January 22, 2022 Development Co., Ltd." released on Juchao Website ( 2. Provision of financial assistance to its shareholder by holding subsidiary Changsha "Notice on the Progress of Providing Financial Assistance to SEG Development Co., Ltd. Its Shareholder by Holding Subsidiary Changsha SEG March 2, 2022 Development Co., Ltd." released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Progress of Providing Financial Assistance to Its Shareholder by Holding Subsidiary Changsha SEG April 30, 2022 Development Co., Ltd." released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Progress of Providing Financial Assistance to Its Shareholder by Holding Subsidiary Changsha SEG January 3, 2024 Development Co., Ltd." released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Resolution of the 46th Interim Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors" and "Notice on the Subsidiary’s September 16, 2023 Plan to Sell Stock Assets" released on Juchao Website ( 3. Subsidiary’s plan to sell stock assets "Notice on the Progress of the Subsidiary’s Sale of Stock January 3, 2024 Assets" released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Resolution of the 49th Interim Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors", "Revision Draft of 'Articles of 4. Amendment of the "Articles of January 6, 2024 Association'" and "Revision Comparison Table for the Association" 'Articles of Association'" released on Juchao Website ( 6 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. "Notice on the Resolution of the 1st Interim General January 23, 2024 Meeting in 2024" and "Articles of Association" released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the By-Election of Independent Directors of the Company", "Notice on the Resolution of the 50th Interim Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors ", "Statement and Commitment of the Nominated Independent Director of January 20, 2024 Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. ", and "Statement and Commitment 5. By-election of the Company's of the Independent Director Candidate of Shenzhen SEG independent directors Co., Ltd." released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Resolution of the 2nd Interim General February 7, 2024 Meeting in 2024" released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Resolution of the 50th Interim Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors" and "Guarantee Management January 20, 2024 Measures" released on Juchao Website 6. Revision of the Guarantee Management ( Measures "Notice on the Resolution of the 2nd Interim General February 7, 2024 Meeting in 2024" and "Guarantee Management Measures" released on Juchao Website ( 7. Performance Forecast for 2023 "Performance Forecast for 2023" released on Juchao January 27, 2024 Website ( 8. Purchase of wealth management products "Notice on Purchasing Wealth Management Products with with own idle funds March 29, 2024 Own Idle Funds" released on Juchao Website ( "Notice on the Company's Provision for Impairment of 9. Asset impairment provision for 2023 March 29, 2024 Various Assets for 2023" released on Juchao Website ( IV. Quarterly Financial Statements (I) Financial statements 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. March 31, 2024 Unit: RMB/yuan Item Closing balance Opening balance Current assets: Monetary funds 1,061,654,731.32 1,166,956,285.34 Provision for settlement Lending funds Trading financial assets 155,683,592.18 52,779,414.11 Derived financial assets Notes receivable 13,500,381.30 12,063,057.15 Accounts receivable 347,303,755.74 302,691,765.12 7 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Financing of accounts receivable 1,337,973.85 1,337,973.85 Prepayment 3,636,696.34 3,706,720.47 Premium receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Provision of cession receivable Other receivables 78,748,473.83 77,657,467.60 Including: Interests receivable Dividends receivable Redemptory monetary capital for sale Inventory 1,630,351,790.42 1,606,158,355.62 Including: Data resources Contract assets 12,288,189.73 13,174,295.92 Held-for-sale assets Non-current assets due within one year 83,165,555.49 Other current assets 64,212,273.65 61,400,766.70 Total current assets 3,368,717,858.36 3,381,091,657.37 Non-current assets: Loans issued and advance in cash Investment of creditor's rights Other investment of creditor's rights Long-term receivables 5,538,631.13 5,610,026.78 Long-term equity investment 266,468,817.47 269,650,542.59 Investment of other equity instruments 25,972,985.90 28,084,268.75 Other non-current financial assets Investment real estate 911,876,261.89 926,114,596.02 Fixed assets 338,308,272.81 345,919,556.12 Construction in process 25,026,452.92 21,296,613.06 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-to-use assets 207,388,991.32 200,363,550.54 Intangible assets 20,998,705.04 20,954,525.45 Including: Data resources Development expenditure Including: Data resources Goodwill 68,855,697.76 68,855,697.76 Long-term unamortized expenses 30,533,738.17 30,446,353.63 Deferred income tax assets 80,460,101.81 79,926,806.90 Other non-current assets 1,832,754.30 1,832,754.30 Total non-current assets 1,983,261,410.52 1,999,055,291.90 Total assets 5,351,979,268.88 5,380,146,949.27 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 225,284,861.11 225,284,861.11 Borrowings from central bank Borrowing funds Trading financial liabilities Derived financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 472,522,732.16 451,943,075.48 Advance receipts 131,271,056.75 146,671,712.58 Contract liabilities 26,927,877.03 28,930,290.52 Financial assets sold for repurchase Deposits from customers and interbank 8 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Acting trading securities Acting underwriting securities Payroll payable 105,859,166.20 143,535,971.66 Taxes payable 173,823,044.01 177,529,281.44 Other payables 863,800,954.36 857,784,084.40 Including: Interests payable Dividends payable 24,987,218.08 28,281,997.08 Service charge and commission payable Reinsurance accounts payable Held-for-sale liabilities Non-current liabilities due within one 94,143,504.51 107,940,591.09 year Other current liabilities 4,989,859.83 6,244,057.44 Total current liabilities 2,098,623,055.96 2,145,863,925.72 Non-current liabilities Provision of insurance contracts Long-term loans 522,598,481.87 519,380,201.10 Bonds payable Include: preferred stock Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 151,387,371.40 161,296,418.84 Long-term payables 3,550,426.94 3,490,890.53 Long-term payroll payable Estimated liabilities 34,844,103.10 34,844,103.10 Deferred income 521,154.84 562,703.98 Deferred income tax liabilities 10,540,227.13 9,973,820.93 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 723,441,765.28 729,548,138.48 Total liabilities 2,822,064,821.24 2,875,412,064.20 Owner's equity: Capital stock 1,231,200,672.00 1,231,200,672.00 Other equity instruments Include: Preferred stock Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 165,950,347.39 165,950,347.39 Less: Treasury stocks Other comprehensive income -6,045,803.96 -4,424,250.62 Special reserve Surplus reserve 194,165,563.17 194,165,563.17 General risk reserve Undistributed profits 444,465,562.03 419,597,911.72 Total owners' equity attributable to the 2,029,736,340.63 2,006,490,243.66 parent company Minority equity 500,178,107.01 498,244,641.41 Total owners' equity 2,529,914,447.64 2,504,734,885.07 Total liabilities and owners' equity 5,351,979,268.88 5,380,146,949.27 Legal representative: Zhang Liang Head of accounting work: Xiao Jun Head of accounting institution: Xu Zhongyang 2. Consolidated income statement Unit: RMB/yuan Item Amount incurred in the current period Amount incurred in the prior period I. Total operating income 414,161,145.61 445,269,320.85 Including: Operating income 414,161,145.61 445,269,320.85 9 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Interest revenue Premium earned Income of service charge and commission II. Total operating costs 364,995,473.80 384,360,060.26 Including: Operating costs 322,074,470.88 338,171,858.58 Interest expense Expense of service charge and commission Surrender value Net payments for insurance claims Net withdrawal of policy reserve Bond insurance expense Reinsurance expense Taxes and surcharges 7,528,193.53 7,040,648.41 Selling expense 4,669,051.44 5,154,703.97 Administration expense 19,872,471.16 24,608,077.82 R&D expense 2,504,435.76 2,205,748.26 Financial expense 8,346,851.03 7,179,023.22 Include: Interest expense 6,872,340.90 8,937,348.65 Interest revenue 3,164,523.80 4,618,117.49 Plus: Other income 781,736.07 2,953,995.38 Income from investment ("–" -2,612,244.01 -1,399,447.34 means loss) Include: Income from investment in joint ventures and -3,181,725.12 -3,273,278.62 cooperative enterprises Income from financial asset derecognition measured at amortized cost Exchange gains ("– "means loss) Net income from exposed hedge ("– "means loss) Income from fair value change ("–" means loss) Credit impairment loss ("–" 5,212.64 1,400.00 means loss) Assets impairment loss ("–" means loss) Income from assets disposal ("–" means loss) III. Operating profits ("–" means loss) 47,340,376.51 62,465,208.63 Plus: Non-operating income 321,660.10 804,286.03 Less: Non-operating expense 674,019.13 677,151.60 IV. Total profits ("–" means loss) 46,988,017.48 62,592,343.06 Less: Income tax 18,832,704.83 19,737,901.29 V. Net profits ("–" means loss) 28,155,312.65 42,854,441.77 10 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (1) By operation continuity 1. Net profits from continuous 28,155,312.65 42,854,441.77 operation ("–" means loss) 2. Net profits from operation termination ("–" means loss) (2) By attribution of ownership 1. Net profit attributable to the 24,867,650.31 32,905,373.52 owner of parent company 2. Minority profit and loss 3,287,662.34 9,949,068.25 VI. After-tax net amount of other -1,616,686.08 1,663,378.51 comprehensive income After-tax net amount of other comprehensive income attributable to the -1,621,553.34 1,671,439.91 owner of parent company (1) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profit and -1,621,553.34 1,671,439.91 loss 1. Remeasured variation of defined benefit plan 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred into profit and loss under the Equity Law 3. Change in the fair value of -1,621,553.34 1,671,439.91 other investment of equity instruments 4. Change in the fair value of the enterprise's credit risk 5. Others (2) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit and loss 1. Other comprehensive income that can be transferred into profit and loss under the Equity Law 2. Change in the fair value of other investments of creditor's rights 3. Amount of financial asset reclassified to other comprehensive income 4. Impairment provision for other investment of creditor's rights 5. Cash flow hedge reserve 6. Difference of translation of foreign currency financial statements 7. Others After-tax net amount of other comprehensive income attributable to 4,867.26 -8,061.40 minority shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 26,538,626.57 44,517,820.28 Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of parent 23,246,096.97 34,576,813.43 company Total comprehensive income 3,292,529.60 9,941,006.85 attributable to minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share: (1) Basic earnings per share 0.0202 0.0267 (2) Diluted earnings per share 0.0202 0.0267 For business combinations of the current period under common control, the net profit realized by the combined party before the 11 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. combination was RMB0.00; the net profit realized by the combined party in last period was RMB0.00. Legal representative: Zhang Liang Head of accounting work: Xiao Jun Head of accounting institution: Xu Zhongyang 3. Consolidated cash flow statement Unit: RMB/yuan Item Amount incurred in the current period Amount incurred in the prior period I. Cash flow from operating activities: Cash from selling commodities and 379,184,967.53 443,160,330.36 offering labor Net increase in deposits from customers and interbank Net increase in borrowings from central bank Net increase in loans from other banks Cash from premium of original insurance contract Net cash from reinsurance business Net increase in insurance policy holder's savings and investment Cash from interests, service charge and commission Net increase in borrowing funds Net increase in repurchase business Net cash from acting trading securities Refund of tax and fee received 2,052.39 1,183,473.36 Other cash received related to 56,162,278.82 66,937,283.93 operating activities Subtotal of cash inflow from operating 435,349,298.74 511,281,087.65 activities Cash paid for commodities and labor 143,329,179.74 181,208,188.82 Net increase in customer loan and advance in cash Net increase in borrowings from central bank and interbank Cash paid for the compensation of original insurance contract Net increase in lending funds Cash paid for interests, service charge and commission Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to and for employees 180,551,266.58 199,103,710.22 Taxes and feeds paid 47,743,436.34 46,468,466.68 Other cash paid related to operating 105,986,537.43 102,881,691.15 activities Subtotal of cash outflow from operating 477,610,420.09 529,662,056.87 activities Net amount of cash flow from operating -42,261,121.35 -18,380,969.22 activities II. Cash flow from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of 118,095,821.93 93,800,000.00 investments 12 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Cash received from return on 3,869,481.11 1,873,831.18 investments Net amount of cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 170.00 1,300.00 and other long-term assets Net amount of cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash received related to investing activities Subtotal of cash inflow from investing 121,965,473.04 95,675,131.18 activities Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 11,198,521.08 18,899,901.62 assets Cash paid to acquire investments 141,000,000.00 42,500,000.00 Net increase in pledge loan Net amount of cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash paid related to investing activities Subtotal of cash outflow from investing 152,198,521.08 61,399,901.62 activities Net amount of cash flow from investing -30,233,048.04 34,275,229.56 activities III. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from capital contribution Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from absorbing minority shareholders' investment Cash received from borrowings 18,824,000.00 16,576,185.81 Other cash received related to financing activities Subtotal of cash inflow from financing 18,824,000.00 16,576,185.81 activities Cash paid to repay debts 14,221,872.76 12,876,250.00 Cash paid to distribute dividends and 12,028,335.28 18,640,686.32 profits or pay interests Including: Dividend and profit paid 1,359,064.00 10,240,000.00 by subsidiaries to minority shareholders Other cash paid related to financing 6,393,943.00 4,056,486.78 activities Subtotal of cash outflow from financing 32,644,151.04 35,573,423.10 activities Net amount of cash flow from financing -13,820,151.04 -18,997,237.29 activities IV. Effect of foreign exchange changes on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -86,314,320.43 -3,102,976.95 equivalents Plus: Beginning balance of cash and 1,135,679,354.12 987,346,307.91 cash equivalents VI. Ending balance of cash and cash 1,049,365,033.69 984,243,330.96 equivalents 13 The First Quarterly Report for 2024 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (II) Description on the adjustment of relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the year for the first time adoption of the new accounting standards since 2024 □ Applicable Not applicable (III) Report auditing Whether the First Quarterly Report has been audited □ Yes No The First Quarterly Report of the Company has not been audited. Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. April 26, 2024 14