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                                                                                                    Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

           Stock code: 000058, 200058         Stock abbreviation: SHEN SEG , SHEN SEG B             Notice No.: 2024-052

                                             Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                               The Third Quarterly Report for 2024
The Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete,

and there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions.

Important Notice:

1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and senior management guarantee that the quarterly

report is true, accurate and complete, without any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and that they assume

individual and joint legal responsibility.

2. The person in charge of the Company, head of accounting work and head of accounting institution (accounting officer in charge)

declare that they guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial information in the quarterly report.

3. Whether the Third Quarterly Report has been audited

□ Yes No

                                                                            Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

I. Main Financial Data

(I) Main accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company needs to perform retrospective adjustment or restatement of accounting data for the previous years

□ Yes No
                                                         Changes over the same      Beginning of the year       Changes over the same
                                    Current period       period of the previous     to end of the current       period of the previous
                                                                  year                     period                        year

 Operating income (RMB)               441,574,388.36                    -0.09%           1,243,637,571.71                        -9.98%
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the listed            -12,803,265.02                -636.00%               38,126,457.05                       -72.91%
 company (RMB)
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the listed
 company after deducting               -11,396,664.68                -718.12%               41,364,068.32                       -37.85%
 non-recurring profit and
 loss (RMB)
 Net cash flow from
 operating activities                            ——                     ——              56,115,225.68                       -38.65%
 Basic earnings per share
                                              -0.0104                -647.37%                          0.0310                   -72.88%
 Diluted earnings per share
                                              -0.0104                -647.37%                          0.0310                   -72.88%
 Weighted average ROE                          -0.61%                   -0.74%                         1.90%                     -5.16%
                                   End of the current     End of the previous
                                                                                         Changes over end of the previous year
                                        period                   year

 Total assets (RMB)                  5,070,950,787.59         5,380,146,949.27                                                   -5.75%

 Owner's equity
 attributable to
                                     2,007,241,443.00         2,006,490,243.66                                                   0.04%
 shareholders of the listed
 company (RMB)

(II) Non-recurring items and amounts

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                       Amount from beginning of
              Item                    Amount of the current period    the year to end of the current              Description
 Profits or losses from the
 disposal of non-current assets
 (including the write-off that                           -2,532.52                      -109,380.06
 accrued for impairment of
 Governmental subsidies
                                                        454,413.15                     1,359,245.39
 included in the current profits

                                                                               Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

 and losses (the subsidies that
 are closely related to the
 Company's normal operating
 business, that conform to the
 national policies and are
 enjoyed in accordance with
 certain determined standards,
 excluding the subsidies that
 impose a sustained impact on
 the Company's profit or loss)
 Profits/losses from assets
 entrusted to others for                                466,552.86                        1,691,693.79
 investment or management
 Trustee fee from entrusted
                                                          36,056.90                        105,063.40
 Other non-operating income
 and expense except for the                           -3,099,551.13                      -7,095,342.08
 above items
 Other profit and loss items
 that qualify the definition of                          -39,651.50                        102,148.50
 non-recurring profit and loss
 Less: Affected income tax                               -12,015.39                        325,381.78
       Affected minority equity
                                                       -766,096.51                       -1,034,341.57
 Total                                                -1,406,600.34                      -3,237,611.27                 --

Details of other profit and loss items that qualify the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:

Applicable □ Not applicable

For investment income calculated through the equity method, the Company discloses the non-recurring profit and loss of Huakong

SEG Co., Ltd. enjoyed based on shareholding as its non-recurring profit and loss.

Descriptions that the Company defines any non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on

Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Profit and Loss as recurring profit and loss

items during the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                   Item                                      Amount (RMB)                                       Reason
 Additional input VAT credits deduction                                                        Comply with national policies and
 and exemption                                                                                 regulations and occur continuously
 Handling fee refund for withholding                                                           Comply with national policies and
 individual income tax                                                                         regulations and occur continuously

(III) Changes of main accounting data and financial indicators and reasons for the changes

Applicable □ Not applicable

(I) Consolidated balance sheet

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                            Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                             Closing           Opening
          Item                                                    Difference         over the          Reason for the difference
                             balance           balance
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the Company’s
Financial assets held
                         84,483,537.80      52,779,414.11       31,704,123.69        60.07%      purchase of wealth management
for trading
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the Company's
                                                                                                 purchase of photovoltaic modules
Prepayments              17,764,606.03      3,706,720.47        14,057,885.56        379.25%     and other materials and hence the
                                                                                                 increase in prepayments compared
                                                                                                 with the beginning of the year
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the fact that some
                                                                                                 of the Company's EPC projects
Contract assets           7,573,030.78      13,174,295.92        -5,601,265.14       -42.52%     reached settlement conditions and
                                                                                                 were carried forward to contract
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the withdrawal of
Non-current assets
                                   -        83,165,555.49       -83,165,555.49      -100.00%     large-denomination Certificate of
due within one year
Long-term                                                                                        Mainly owing to the recovery of part
                          2,090,488.75      5,610,026.78         -3,519,538.03       -62.74%
receivables                                                                                      of the lease deposit
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the Company's
Construction in                                                                                  increased investment in the
                         56,558,814.78      21,296,613.06       35,262,201.72        165.58%
process                                                                                          construction of distributed power
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the fact that the
                                                                                                 Company made investment in some
                                                                                                 distributed PV power stations before
Other non-current
                           981,794.75       1,832,754.30          -850,959.55        -46.43%     the start of construction, which were
                                                                                                 transferred from this account to the
                                                                                                 construction in progress after the
                                                                                                 start of the project
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the Company's
Short-term loans         24,704,861.11     225,284,861.11       -200,580,000.00      -89.03%
                                                                                                 repayment of part of bank loans
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the Company's
Employee benefits
                         94,262,236.24     143,535,971.66       -49,273,735.42       -34.33%     payment of provisioned employee
                                                                                                 benefits in the current period
                                                                                                 Mainly owing to the fact that the
Dividends payable        17,965,281.77      28,281,997.08       -10,316,715.31       -36.48%     affiliates of the Company paid part
                                                                                                 of dividends in the current period
Other current                                                                                    Mainly owing to the increase in
                          8,247,073.08      6,244,057.44         2,003,015.64        32.08%
liabilities                                                                                      output tax pending carryforward

(II) Consolidated income statement
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                       Amount of the                        over the
                                        same period                           same
                  Amount of the
   Item                                    of the           Difference      period of               Reason for the difference
                  current period
                                       previous year                           the
                                                                                          Mainly owing to the Company's provision of
Taxes and
                  21,282,315.47        41,444,851.54     -20,162,536.07        -48.65%    land VAT in the same period of the previous
Other                                                                                     Mainly owing to the decrease in government
                   2,065,640.06        3,771,408.82      -1,705,768.76         -45.23%
income                                                                                    subsidy received in the current period
                                                                                          Mainly owing to the Company's
                                                                                          confirmation of the investment income
                   -8,727,945.05       56,477,073.82     -65,205,018.87     -115.45%      arising from Huakong SEG's transfer of
                                                                                          equity it held in its subsidiary based on the
                                                                                          equity method in the same period of the

                                                                           Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                           previous year; there was no such item in the
                                                                                           current period
Credit                                                                                     Mainly owing to the increase in Company's
impairment        -1,412,504.51          453,088.93      -1,865,593.44     -411.75%        accounts receivable compared with the same
loss                                                                                       period of the previous year
                                                                                           Mainly owing to the fact that the Company
                                                                                           made inventory impairment provision for
Asset                                                                                      some projects in the first three quarters of
impairment        -63,011,221.10             -          -63,011,221.10            /        2024 after performing an impairment test for
loss                                                                                       inventories according to the Accounting
                                                                                           Standards for Business Enterprises and
                                                                                           other relevant regulations
                                                                                           Mainly owing to the year-on-year increase in
operating         9,752,732.90          1,999,117.41     7,753,615.49      387.85%
                                                                                           non-operating expenses such as late fees

(III) Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                        over the
                                             Amount of the
                       Amount of the                                                  same period
      Item                                 same period of the     Difference                             Reason for the difference
                       current period                                                    of the
                                             previous year
                                                                                                    Mainly owing to the year-on-year
Net cash flows                                                                                      decrease in the number of
from operating         56,115,225.68         91,466,033.14      -35,350,807.46         -38.65%      property management projects and
activities                                                                                          hence the decrease in cash flow
                                                                                                    from operating activities
                                                                                                    Mainly owing to the Company’s
Net cash flows
                                                                                                    increased investment in the
from investing        -29,172,189.38        -18,676,435.42      -10,495,753.96         -56.20%
                                                                                                    construction of distributed power
                                                                                                    Mainly owing to the decrease in
Net cash flows                                                                                      the Company's financing scale, the
from financing        -330,676,879.46       -88,648,326.36      -242,028,553.10        -273.02%     decrease in obtained bank loans,
activities                                                                                          and the increase in the repayment
                                                                                                    of bank loans in the current period
                                                                                                    Mainly owing to the decrease in
Net increase in                                                                                     net cash flows generated from
cash and cash         -303,733,843.16       -15,858,728.64      -287,875,114.52       -1815.25%     operating activities, investing
equivalents                                                                                         activities and financing activities
                                                                                                    in the current period

II. Shareholder Information

(I) Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights were
resumed and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                                          Unit: Share
                                                            Total number of preferred shareholders whose
 Total number of ordinary shareholders at
                                                  67,087 voting rights were resumed at the end of the                                0
 the end of the reporting period
                                                            reporting period (if any)
                     Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through margin securities loan)
                                                Shareho                                          Pledged, marked or frozen
                                                                              Number of
                                  Nature of       lding       Number of
     Name of shareholder                                                       restricted
                                 shareholder percenta           shares                         Share status          Number
                                                 ge (%)

                                                                          Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen SEG Group Co.,        State-owned
                                                56.54%      696,163,182           0           Not applicable               0
Ltd.                           legal person
Hong Kong Securities           Foreign
                                                1.13%        13,891,564           0           Not applicable               0
Clearing Co., Ltd.             legal person
Liu Guocheng                   natural          0.62%        7,612,602            0           Not applicable               0
LISHERYNZHANMING               natural          0.57%        7,028,200            0           Not applicable               0
Liu Guohong                    natural          0.31%        3,861,446            0           Not applicable               0
China Merchants Bank —
Southern Asset
                               Others           0.27%        3,267,200            0           Not applicable               0
Management CSI Smallcap
1000 ETF
Gong Qianhua                     natural         0.24%      2,940,000            0            Not applicable               0
Lu Xiaowang                      natural         0.19%      2,292,100            0            Not applicable               0
China International Capital      State-owned
                                                 0.18%      2,191,422            0            Not applicable               0
Corporation Limited              legal person
Wang Jinjun                      natural         0.17%      2,100,000            0            Not applicable               0
      Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through margin securities loan and lock-up shares of senior
                                                                                                  Type of shares and amount
            Name of shareholder                      Number of unrestricted shares
                                                                                                    Type                Number
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                696,163,182                                              696,163,182
                                                                                              ordinary shares
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co., Ltd.                      13,891,564                                               13,891,564
                                                                                              ordinary shares
                                                                                             Domestic listed
Liu Guocheng                                                  7,612,602                                                7,612,602
                                                                                               foreign shares
                                                                                             Domestic listed
LISHERYNZHANMING                                              7,028,200                                                7,028,200
                                                                                               foreign shares
                                                                                             Domestic listed
Liu Guohong                                                   3,861,446                                                3,861,446
                                                                                               foreign shares
China Merchants Bank — Southern Asset                                                      RMB-denominated
                                                              3,267,200                                                3,267,200
Management CSI Smallcap 1000 ETF                                                              ordinary shares
                                                                                             Domestic listed
Gong Qianhua                                                  2,940,000                                                2,940,000
                                                                                               foreign shares
Lu Xiaowang                                                   2,292,100                                                2,292,100
                                                                                              ordinary shares
China International Capital Corporation                                                     RMB-denominated
                                                              2,191,422                                                2,191,422
Limited                                                                                       ordinary shares
                                                                                             Domestic listed
Wang Jinjun                                                   2,100,000                                                2,100,000
                                                                                               foreign shares
                                                          There is no related party relationship between SEG Group and other
Description on the related relationship or persons        shareholders, nor are they persons acting in concert as stipulated in the
acting-in-concert arrangements among the above            Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies. It is
shareholders                                              unknown to the Company whether other shareholders are related
                                                          parties or persons acting in concert.

                                                                              Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

 Description on the top 10 shareholders’ participation in
 margin trading and securities lending business (if any)
Participation of margin securities loan by shareholders holding more than 5% of total shares, top 10 shareholders, and top 10
shareholders without selling restrictions
□ Applicable Not applicable
Changes of top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders without selling restrictions over the previous period due to the lending or
return of shares lent through margin securities loan
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: Share

  Changes of top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders without selling restrictions over the previous period due to the lending or
                                        return of shares lent through margin securities loan
                                                       Shares lent through margin          Number of shares held in shareholders’
                                          New          securities loan and not yet        general accounts and credit accounts and
                                       entry/with       returned at the end of the      shares lent through margin securities loan and
  Name of shareholder (full name)       drawal in                 period                   not yet returned at the end of the period
                                       the current                      Proportion to
                                         period                                                                    Proportion to total
                                                          Total          total share             Total
                                                                                                                      share capital
 China Merchants Bank —
 Southern Asset Management CSI         New entry             0             0.00%              3,267,200                  0.27%
 Smallcap 1000 ETF
 China International Capital
                                       New entry             0             0.00%              2,191,422                  0.18%
 Corporation Limited

(II) Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholdings of top 10 preferred shareholders

□ Applicable Not applicable

III. Other Significant Events

Applicable □ Not applicable

           Overview                    Date of disclosure                   Query index of interim report disclosure website

1. Semi-annual      Performance                                   The Semi-annual Performance Forecast for 2024 released on Juchao
                                          July 10, 2024
Forecast for 2024                                                 Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)

                                                                  The Notice on the Progress of Litigations Involving Holding Second-
2. Litigations involving holding
                                        August 08, 2024           tier     Subsidiaries  as     released     on     Juchao    Website
second-tier subsidiary

                                                                  The Notice on Resolutions of the 11th Meeting of 8th BOD and the
                                        August 28, 2024           Announcement on the Continued Engagement of the Auditing Agency
3. Continued engagement of the                                    in 2024 released on Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
auditing agency in 2024
                                                                  The Notice on Resolution of the 3rd Interim General Meeting in 2024
                                      September 14, 2024
                                                                  released on Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)

4. Purchase of liability insurance                                The Notice on the Resolution of the 11th Meeting of the 8th Board of
                                        August 28, 2024
for directors, supervisors and                                    Directors released on Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)

                                                                               Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

senior executives
                                                                The Notice on Resolution of the 3rd Interim General Meeting in 2024
                                        September 14, 2024
                                                                released on Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)

                                                                The Notice on Abnormal Fluctuations in Stock Trading released on
                                        September 05, 2024
                                                                Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
5. Abnormal     fluctuations   in
stock trading
                                                                The Notice on Abnormal Fluctuations in Stock Trading released on
                                        September 13, 2024
                                                                Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)

                                                                The Notice on the Performance of Guarantee Responsibilities by
6. Guarantees involving holding
                                        September 27, 2024      Holding      Subsidiary     released on   Juchao      Website

IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                       September 30, 2024
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                                     Closing balance                             Opening balance
 Current assets:
    Monetary funds                                                       869,956,961.82                             1,166,956,285.34
    Settlement reserve
    Lending funds
    Financial assets held for trading                                     84,483,537.80                                52,779,414.11
    Derivative financial assets
    Notes receivable                                                       8,647,381.02                               12,063,057.15
    Accounts receivable                                                  367,494,103.83                              302,691,765.12
    Accounts receivable financing                                          1,072,964.85                                1,337,973.85
    Prepayments                                                           17,764,606.03                                3,706,720.47
    Premiums receivable
    Reinsurance premiums receivable
    Reinsurance contract reserves
    Other receivables                                                     81,939,352.34                                77,657,467.60
      Including: Interests receivable
              Dividends receivable
    Financial assets purchased under
 agreements to resell
    Inventory                                                          1,571,608,671.00                             1,606,158,355.62
      Including: Data resources
   Contract assets                                                         7,573,030.78                                13,174,295.92
   Assets held for sale
   Non-current assets due within one year                                                                              83,165,555.49
   Other current assets                                                   78,632,435.28                                61,400,766.70
 Total current assets                                                  3,089,173,044.75                             3,381,091,657.37
 Non-current assets:
   Loans and advances
   Debt investments
   Other debt investments

                                                Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

  Long-term receivables                        2,090,488.75                             5,610,026.78
  Long-term equity investments               259,030,903.75                           269,650,542.59
  Investment in other equity instruments      27,659,179.54                            28,084,268.75
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                      882,988,645.79                           926,114,596.02
  Property, plant and equipment              360,500,772.00                           345,919,556.12
  Construction in progress                    56,558,814.78                            21,296,613.06
  Productive biological assets
  Oil & gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                        190,220,219.03                           200,363,550.54
  Intangible assets                           19,626,174.79                            20,954,525.45
    Including: Data resources
  Development expenses
    Including: Data resources
   Goodwill                                    68,855,697.76                            68,855,697.76
   Long-term deferred expenses                 30,975,470.77                            30,446,353.63
   Deferred tax assets                         82,289,581.13                            79,926,806.90
   Other non-current assets                       981,794.75                             1,832,754.30
Total non-current assets                    1,981,777,742.84                         1,999,055,291.90
Total assets                                5,070,950,787.59                         5,380,146,949.27
Current liabilities:
   Short-term loans                           24,704,861.11                            225,284,861.11
   Borrowings from central bank
   Placements from banks and other
financial institutions
   Financial liabilities held for trading
   Derivative financial liabilities
   Notes payable
   Accounts payable                          444,534,052.65                           451,943,075.48
   Prepayments                               130,878,838.11                           146,671,712.58
   Contract liabilities                       22,229,861.85                            28,930,290.52
   Financial assets sold under agreements
to repurchase
   Deposits from customers and
   Funds from securities trading agency
   Funds from securities underwriting
   Employee benefits payable                  94,262,236.24                           143,535,971.66
   Taxes payable                             172,536,809.61                           177,529,281.44
   Other payables                            863,719,784.70                           857,784,084.40
     Including: Interests payable
              Dividends payable               17,965,281.77                             28,281,997.08
   Service charges and commissions
   Reinsurance premiums payable
   Liabilities held for sale
   Non-current liabilities due within one
                                             110,506,908.29                           107,940,591.09
   Other current liabilities                    8,247,073.08                             6,244,057.44
Total current liabilities                   1,871,620,425.64                         2,145,863,925.72
Non-current liabilities:
   Insurance contract reserves
   Long-term loans                           508,545,608.84                           519,380,201.10
   Bonds payable
     Including: Preference shares

                                                                          Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

               Perpetual bonds
   Lease liabilities                                                   154,000,598.37                               161,296,418.84
   Long-term payables                                                     2,820,812.28                                3,490,890.53
   Long-term employee benefits payable
   Provision                                                            34,730,903.10                                34,844,103.10
   Deferred income                                                          520,824.01                                  562,703.98
   Deferred tax liabilities                                               9,666,075.08                                9,973,820.93
   Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                         710,284,821.68                               729,548,138.48
 Total liabilities                                                   2,581,905,247.32                             2,875,412,064.20
 Owner's equity:
   Share capital                                                     1,231,200,672.00                             1,231,200,672.00
   Other equity instruments
      Including: Preference shares
               Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserve                                                     165,950,347.39                               165,950,347.39
   Less: Treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                                            -4,735,538.71                               -4,424,250.62
   Special reserves
   Surplus reserves                                                    194,165,563.17                               194,165,563.17
   General risk reserves
   Retained earnings                                                   420,660,399.15                               419,597,911.72
 Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                                     2,007,241,443.00                             2,006,490,243.66
 parent company
   Equities of minority shareholders                                   481,804,097.27                               498,244,641.41
 Total owner's equity                                                2,489,045,540.27                             2,504,734,885.07
 Total liabilities and owners’ equity                               5,070,950,787.59                             5,380,146,949.27
Legal representative: Zhang Liang         Head of accounting work: Xiao Jun      Head of accounting institution: Xu Zhongyang

2. Consolidated income statement from beginning of the year to end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                     Item                      Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the prior period
 I. Total Operating Income                                          1,243,637,571.71                           1,381,458,062.21
    Including: Operating income                                     1,243,637,571.71                           1,381,458,062.21
           Interest income
           Insurance premiums earned
           Service charge and
 commission income
 II. Total Operating Cost                                           1,064,996,098.80                            1,206,731,744.95
   Including: Operating cost                                          932,432,209.66                            1,048,547,609.95
           Interest expense
         Service charge and
 commission expense
           Surrender value
           Net benefit payments
           Net insurance liability reserves
           Policy dividends
           Reinsurance expenses
           Taxes and surcharges                                         21,282,315.47                              41,444,851.54
           Selling expenses                                             16,137,455.29                              17,083,612.41
           Administrative expenses                                      64,699,911.77                              73,699,075.55

                                                 Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

          R&D expenses                           8,866,770.04                             7,872,260.89
          Finance expenses                      21,577,436.57                            18,084,334.61
             Including: Interest fees           23,790,126.57                            22,826,979.17
                     Interest income             9,713,292.50                            13,178,477.38
  Plus: Other income                             2,065,640.06                             3,771,408.82
        Return on investment ("-"
                                                -8,727,945.05                            56,477,073.82
indicates loss)
            Including: Return on
investment in associates and joint             -10,419,638.84                            53,791,022.39
                    Income from the
derecognition of financial assets
measured at amortized cost
        Exchange gains ("-" indicates
        Gains from net exposure hedging
("-" indicates loss)
        Gains from changes in fair value
("-" indicates loss)
          Credit impairment losses ("-"
                                                -1,412,504.51                               453,088.93
indicates loss)
          Asset impairment losses ("-"
indicates loss)
          Gains from disposal of assets ("-"
indicates loss)
III. Operating Profit ("-" indicates loss)     107,555,442.31                          235,427,888.83
   Plus: Non-operating income                    2,548,010.76                            2,100,766.96
   Less: Non-operating expenses                  9,752,732.90                            1,999,117.41
IV. Total Profit ("-" indicates total loss)    100,350,720.17                          235,529,538.38
   Less: Income tax expense                     52,893,630.27                           55,704,413.16
V. Net Profit ("-" indicates net loss)          47,457,089.90                          179,825,125.22
   i. Classified by operation sustainability
       1. Net profit from continued
                                                47,457,089.90                          179,825,125.22
operation ("-" indicates net loss)
       2. Net profit from discontinued
operation ("-" indicates net loss)
   ii. Classified by attribution of
       1. Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company ("-"         38,126,457.05                          140,757,825.46
indicates net loss)
       2. Minority shareholders' profits and
                                                 9,330,632.85                            39,067,299.76
losses ("-" indicates net loss)
VI. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
                                                  -321,326.52                               -26,852.22
Income after Tax
   Total other comprehensive after-tax
net income attributable to owners of the          -311,288.09                               -17,878.21
parent company
       i. Other comprehensive income not
                                                  -311,288.09                               -17,878.21
able to be reclassified into profit or loss
          1. Changes of remeasurement of
defined benefit plan
          2. Other comprehensive income

                                                                           Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

 that cannot be transferred into profit or
 loss under equity method
            3. Changes in fair value of other
                                                                              -311,288.09                                  -17,878.21
 debt investments
            4. Changes in fair value of credit
 risk of the enterprise
            5. Others
        ii. Other comprehensive income
 reclassified into profit or loss
            1. Other comprehensive income
 to be transferred into profit or loss under
 equity method
            2. Changes in fair value of other
 debt investments
            3. Financial assets reclassified
 into other comprehensive income
            4. Credit loss provision of
 investment in other debt investments
            5. Reserve of cash flow hedge
            6. Converted difference in foreign
 currency financial statements
            7. Others
    Total other comprehensive after-tax
 net income attributable to minority                                           -10,038.43                                   -8,974.01
 VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                           47,135,763.38                               179,798,273.00
    (I) Total comprehensive income
 attributable to owners of the parent                                      37,815,168.96                               140,739,947.25
    (II) Total comprehensive income
                                                                             9,320,594.42                               39,058,325.75
 attributable to minority shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per Share:
    i. Basic earnings per share                                                    0.0310                                      0.1143
    ii. Diluted earnings per share                                                 0.0310                                      0.1143
For business combinations of the current period under common control, the net profit realized by the combined party before the
combination was RMB0.00; the net profit realized by the combined party in last period was RMB0.00.
Legal representative: Zhang Liang            Head of accounting work: Xiao Jun      Head of accounting institution: Xu Zhongyang

3. Consolidated cash flow statement from beginning of the year to end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Amount incurred in the current period         Amount incurred in the prior period
 I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
    Cash received from sale of goods or
                                                                      1,259,562,650.27                             1,373,755,422.38
 rendering of services
    Net increase in deposits from
 customers, banks and non-bank financial
   Net increase in borrowings from
 central bank
    Net increase in placements from other
 financial institutions
    Cash received from premiums of
 direct insurance contracts
    Net cash from reinsurance business

                                                Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

  Net increase in policyholder deposits
and investment funds
  Cash received from interests, service
charges and commissions
  Net increase in placements from banks
and other financial institutions
  Net increase in repo service fund
  Net cash from agent securities trading
  Tax rebates                                    419,112.13                              1,195,824.19
  Cash received related to other
                                             165,613,301.18                           180,041,727.39
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from operating
                                            1,425,595,063.58                         1,554,992,973.96
   Cash paid for goods purchased and
                                             477,070,457.45                           549,641,919.99
services rendered
  Net loans and advances to customers
   Net increase in deposits with the
central bank, banks and non-bank
financial institutions
   Cash paid for claims of direct
insurance contracts
  Net increase in placements with banks
and non-bank financial institutions
  Cash paid for interests, fees and
  Cash paid for policy dividends
   Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                             496,501,038.88                           520,892,032.87
   Tax payments                              139,761,459.46                           145,439,775.98
   Cash paid related to other operating
                                             256,146,882.11                            247,553,211.98
Subtotal of cash outflow from operating
                                            1,369,479,837.90                         1,463,526,940.82
Net cash flows from operating activities      56,115,225.68                             91,466,033.14
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
   Cash received from recovery of
                                             325,700,852.31                           164,543,982.00
   Cash received from return on
                                               5,939,495.57                              2,583,764.37
   Net cash received from the disposal of
property, plant and equipment, intangible          3,138.00                                  2,342.00
assets, and other long-lived assets
   Net cash received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business entities
   Cash received related to other
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                             331,643,485.88                           167,130,088.37
  Cash paid for the acquisition and
construction of property, plant and
                                              83,315,675.26                             55,306,523.79
equipment, intangible assets, and other
long-lived assets
  Cash paid for investments                  277,500,000.00                           130,500,000.00
  Net increase in pledged loans

                                                                      Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

    Net cash paid for acquisition of
 subsidiaries and other business entities
    Cash paid related to other investing
 Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                                                   360,815,675.26                           185,806,523.79
 Net cash flows from investing activities                           -29,172,189.38                           -18,676,435.42
 III. Cash Flows from Financing
    Cash received from capital
       Including: Proceeds received by
 subsidiaries from minority shareholders'
    Cash received from borrowings                                   49,439,380.66                           148,231,372.68
    Cash received related to other
 financing activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                                    49,439,380.66                           148,231,372.68
   Cash paid for repayments of
                                                                   262,115,114.38                           151,123,960.60
    Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                                    90,620,849.07                             59,025,174.32
 distribution of dividends or profits
       Including: Dividend and profit paid
                                                                    33,929,179.86                             24,702,873.14
 by subsidiaries to minority shareholders
    Cash paid related to other financing
                                                                    27,380,296.67                             26,730,564.12
 Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                                   380,116,260.12                           236,879,699.04
 Net cash flows from financing activities                         -330,676,879.46                            -88,648,326.36
 IV. Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on
 Cash and Cash Equivalents
 V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                                  -303,733,843.16                            -15,858,728.64
    Plus: Opening balance of cash and
                                                                  1,159,389,480.62                           987,118,254.44
 cash equivalents
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash
                                                                   855,655,637.46                           971,259,525.80

(II) Description on the adjustment of relevant items in the financial statements at the
beginning of the year for the first time adoption of the new accounting standards since

□ Applicable Not applicable

(III) Report auditing

Whether the Third Quarterly Report has been audited

□ Yes No

The Third Quarterly Report of the Company has not been audited.

Third Quarterly Report for 2024, Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

        Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                    October 30, 2024
