SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 1 SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) §1. Important Notes 1.1 The Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives confirm hereby that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all the responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents. 1.2 The First Quarterly Financial Report of 2010 has not been audited by CPAs. 1.3 Zhang Weimin, Principal of the Company, Li Lifu, Person in Charge of Accounting Affairs and Ying Huadong, Person in Charge of Accounting Organ (Accounting Supervisor) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the First Quarterly Report is true and complete. §2. Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indexes: Unit: RMB At the end of report period At the period-end of last year Changes of increase/decrease (%) Total assets (RMB) 1,381,542,466.01 1,359,490,387.43 1.62% Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB) 1,044,336,545.89 1,015,659,488.47 2.82% Share capital (Share) 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 0.00% Net asset per share attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB/Share) 1.331 1.294 2.86% In the report period The same period of last year Changes of increase/decrease (%) Total operating income (RMB) 91,307,818.05 67,892,989.04 34.49% Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB) 15,759,677.99 -88,214,473.65 -117.87% Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB) 17,840,734.06 13,913,598.52 28.23% Net cash flow arising from operating activities per share (RMB/Share) 0.0227 0.0177 28.25% Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0201 -0.1124 -117.87% Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0201 -0.1124 -117.87% Weighted average return on equity (%) 1.53% -6.79% 8.32% Weighted average return on equity after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (%) 1.53% -7.08% 8.61% Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount from year-beginning to the end of report periodSHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 2 Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items 97,850.12 Influenced amount of income tax -21,527.03 Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity -31,864.37 Total 44,458.72 Explanations of items of significant non-recurring gains and losses 1. Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items:mainly the damages for breach of contract received by the Company; 2. Influenced amount of income tax: the influenced amount of deductible income tax increased due to the profit increase because of the aforementioned item;; 3. Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity: this item increased due to the increase of the aforementioned No.1 item of controlling subsidiary of the Company. 2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten shareholders without restricted conditions Unit: Share Total number of shareholders at the end of report period 59,152 Particulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders without restricted conditions Full name of shareholder Amount of tradable shares without restricted conditions held at the end of report period Type of shares SHENZHEN SEG GROUP CO., LTD. 237,359,666 RMB ordinary shares GUANGZHOU FODAK ENTERPRISE GROUP CO., LTD. 18,880,334 RMB ordinary shares Yang Zhihui 12,582,734 RMB ordinary shares Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account Client 5,758,103 Domestically listed foreign shares Gong Qianhua 5,560,967 Domestically listed foreign shares Zeng Ying 4,280,048 Domestically listed foreign shares Zhu Wei 4,066,739 RMB ordinary shares Tang Lizhu 3,796,200 RMB ordinary shares SHANGHAI QILE ECONOMIC AND TRADE CO., LTD. 2,754,330 RMB ordinary shares Cao Xianhua 2,702,000 RMB ordinary shares §3. Significant Events 3.1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index, and explanations of reasons √Applicable □Inapplicable I. Balance sheet item Item Mar. 31, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Balance Proportion ofSHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 3 changes % Inventory 1,919,437.27 5,886,392.39 -3,966,955.12 -67.39% Construction in progress 9,776,526.68 26,192,075.55 -16,415,548.87 -62.67% Staff salaries payable 1,172,559.95 4,261,476.99 -3,088,917.04 -72.48% 1. Inventory: decreased by RMB 3.97 million with a fall of 67.39% over the end of last year, which was mainly because the inventories of the Company decreased in the report period. 2. Construction in progress: decreased by RMB 16.42 million with a fall of 62.67% over the end of last year. Its reason was that the construction in progress of the subsidiary Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Changsha SEG) was completed and thentransferred into fixed assets in the report period. 3. Staff salaries payable: decreased by RMB 3.09 million with a fall of 72.48% over the end of last year. Its reason was that the Company paid the staff for salaries in the report period. II. Income statement item Item Amount in this period Amount in the same period of last year Balance Proportion of changes % Operating income 91,307,818.05 67,892,989.04 23,414,829.01 34.49% Operating cost 56,496,489.22 31,746,485.69 24,750,003.53 77.96% Operating tax and extras 3,724,614.30 3,012,887.52 711,726.78 23.62% Sales expense 1,370,260.25 906,378.64 463,881.61 51.18% Losses from devaluation of assets - -1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 -100.00% Investment gains -3,029,152.47 -115,823,698.14 112,794,545.67 -97.38% Operating profit 23,529,850.53 -85,166,016.78 108,695,867.31 -127.63% Non-operating income 139,079.30 1,620,912.10 -1,481,832.80 -91.42% Non-operating expenditure 41,229.18 100,985.93 -59,756.75 -59.17% Total profits 23,627,700.65 -83,646,090.61 107,273,791.26 -128.25% Income tax expense 5,951,587.04 2,313,487.22 3,638,099.82 157.26% Net profit 17,676,113.61 -85,959,577.83 103,635,691.44 -120.56% Net profit attributable to owners of parent company 15,759,677.99 -88,214,473.65 103,974,151.64 -117.87% Basic earnings per share 0.0201 -0.1124 0.1325 -117.87% Diluted earnings per share 0.0201 -0.1124 0.1325 -117.87% Other consolidated income 12,964,835.24 -574,782.68 13,539,617.92 -2355.61% Total consolidated income 30,640,948.85 -86,534,360.52 117,175,309.37 -135.41% Total consolidated income attributable to owners of parent company 28,677,057.42 -88,896,727.63 117,573,785.05 -132.26% 1. Operating income: increased by RMB 23.41 million with an increase of 34.49% over the same period of last year. The main reasons were i. In the report period, Changsha SEG and Changsha Hotel of Shenzhen Mellow Orange Business Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Mellow Orange Hotel) started operation which increased the operating income of the Company; ii. Income from Buy-it Store increased compared with the same period of last year. 2. Operating cost: increased by RMB 24.75 million with an increase of 77.96% over the same period of last year. The main reason was the increase of operating income caused the increase of operating cost accordingly. 3. Operating tax and extras: increased by RMB 710,000 with an increase of 23.62% over the same period of last year. The main reason was the increase of operating income caused the increase ofSHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 4 operating tax and extras accordingly. 4. Sales expense: increased by RMB 460,000 with an increase of 51.18% over the same period of last year. The main reason was the increase of operating income caused the increase of sales expense accordingly. 5. Losses from devaluation of assets: no losses from devaluation of assets occurred in the report period, whereas that was RMB -1.5 million in the same period of last year. The main reasons was part of account receivable which had been withdrawn losses of bad debts in the same period of last year was taken back through lawsuit. 6. Investment gains: increased by RMB 112.79 million over the same period of last year. The main reason was the losses of Shenzhen SEG Samsung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SEG Samsung) in which the Company holds 22.45% of its equity decreased in the report period over the same period of last year. 7. Operating profit: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reasons were the losses of SEG Samsung in which the Company holds 22.45% of its equity decreased in the report period over the same period of last year causing a large decrease in investment losses. 8. Non-operating income: decreased by RMB 1.48 million with a decrease of 91.42% over the same period of last year. The main reasons were the Company switched back the account payable which it did not need to pay in the same period of last year, but no such switch-back occurred in the report period. 9. Total profits: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reason was the same as that of Item 7. 10. Income tax expense: increased by RMB 3.64 million with an increase of 157.26% over the same period of last year. The main reason was the profit payable of this report year went up and income tax rate of this report year in Shenzhen also grew. 11. Net profit: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reason was the same as that of Item 7. 12. Net profit attributable to owners of parent company: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reason was the same as that of Item 7. 13. Basic earnings per share: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reasons were the same with Item 7. 14. Diluted earnings per share: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reason was the same as that of Item 7. 15. Other consolidated income: increased by RMB 13.54 million largely over the same period of last year. The main reason was in the report period, SEG Samsung in which the Company holds 22.45% of its equity received the financial support funds amounting to RMB 56 million from its shareholder Samsung Corning Investment Co., Ltd., thus RMB 12.57 million was added into other consolidated income of the Company. 16. Total consolidated income: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reasons were the same as that of Items 7 and 15. 17. Total consolidated income attributable to owners of parent company: increased largely over the same period of last year. The main reason was the same as that of Items 7 and 15. III. Cash flow statement item Item Amount in this period Amount in the same period of last year Balance Proportion of changes % Other cash received relating to operating activities 64,583,939.97 35,621,486.09 28,962,453.88 81.31% Cash paid to/for staff and workers 11,883,672.35 9,605,770.00 2,277,902.35 23.71%SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 5 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 53,590,151.50 31,135,749.73 22,454,401.77 72.12% Cash received from recovering investment 0.00 2,198,720.24 -2,198,720.24 -100.00% Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets 15,444.00 141,500.00 -126,056.00 -89.09% Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units 0.00 34,229,363.41 -34,229,363.41 -100.00% Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets 4,591,584.05 701,547.00 3,890,037.05 554.49% Cash paid for investment 0.00 53,030,000.00 -53,030,000.00 -100.00% 1. Other cash received relating to operating activities: increased by RMB 28.96 million with an increase of 81.31% over the same period of last year. The main reasons were i. items of newly-opened Changsha SEG and Mellow Orange Hotel in the report period and newly-increased Buy-it Store in last May increased; ii. The general cashing business was developed in the electronic market, so the goods payment received on behalf of merchants increased. 2. Cash paid to/for staff and workers: increased by RMB 2.28 million with an increase of 23.71% over the same period of last year. The main reasons were in the report period, Changsha SEG and Mellow Orange Hotel started operations, and the staff in Buy-it Store added increasing the salaries payable to the staff of the three companies. 3. Other cash paid relating to operating activities: increased by RMB 22.45 million with an increase of 72.12% over the same period of last year. The main reasons were i. items of Changsha SEG and Mellow Orange Hotel newly-opened in the report period and Buy-it Store newly-increased last year increased; ii. The general cashing business was developed in the electronic market, the goods payment returning to merchants increased. 4. Cash received from recovering investment: decreased by RMB 2.2 million over the same period of last year. The main reason was in the same period of last year, the Company reduced the shares of Shenzhen Zero-Seven Co., Ltd. held by the Company amounting to 530,000, but no such sales occurred in the report period. 5. Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets: decreased by RMB 130,000 with a decrease of 89.09% over the same period of last year. The main reasons was the amount of fixed assets disposal in the same period of last year was bigger. 6. Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units: decreased by RMB 34.23 million over the same period of last year. The main reasons was in the same period of last year, the Company received the equity account on selling former subsidiaries Shenzhen SEG Communications Co., Ltd, but no such sales of subsidiary occurred in the report period. 7. Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets: increased by RMB 3.89 million with an increase of 554.49% over the same period of last year. The main reasons were: the newly-opened Changsha SEG and Mellow Orange Hotel purchased fixed assets in the report period, thus the item increased. 8. Cash paid for investment: decreased by RMB 55.03 million over the same period of last year. The main reason was in the same period of last year, the Company purchased 46 percent of the equity of Changsha SEG, but no such expenditure of equity acquisition occurred in the report period. 3.2 Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.3 Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controllerSHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 6 √Applicable □Inapplicable Item of Commitments Promisee Content of commitments Implementation Commitments on Share Merger Reform Inapplicable -- -- Commitments on share restricted trade Inapplicable -- -- Commitments made in Acquisition Report or Reports on Change in Equity Inapplicable -- -- Commitments made in Material Assets Reorganization Inapplicable -- -- Commitments made in issuance Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. Article 5 of the Equity Transfer Agreement which the Company had signed with SEG Group at the time of the Company’s listing stipulated: SEG Group permits the Company, as well as its subsidiaries of the Company and affiliated companies to use the 8 registered trademarks that SEG Group has presently registered at the State Trademark Office; it also permits the Company to take the aforesaid trademarks and symbols that are similar to these marks as the symbol of the Company, as well as to use the aforesaid symbols or symbols that are similar to these symbols during the operation process; the Company doesn’t have to pay SEG Group any fee for the use of the aforesaid trademarks or symbols. In the report period, this commitment was still executed according to the commitment. Other commitments (including additional commitments) Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. According to the problem of “Your company’s existing same industry competition in the electronic market business with SEG In the report period, controlling shareholder abided by the above commitment.SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 7 Group” pointed out by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau in 2007 at the spot investigation of the Company, the Company received written Commitment Letter from SEG Group on Sep.14, 2007 and the content was as follows: our Group has similar business in Shenzhen electronic market with Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen SEG), and the business was resulted by history and it has objective market development background. The Group made commitment: For the future, we do not operate on the market which is similar to Shenzhen SEG singly in the same city. The aforesaid matters have been disclosed in Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po and Juchao Website dated Sep. 18, 2007. In the report period, the holding company observed the above commitment. 3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be a loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the same period of last year and explanation of its reason √Applicable □Inapplicable Fore-notice of performances Carry-back of losses Year-beginning to the end of next report period The same period of last year Change of increase/decrease (%) Estimated amount of accumulative net profit (RMB’0000) Approximately 1,600.00 to 2,700.00 -14,608.35 -- -- Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) Approximately 0.0204 to -0.1861 -- --SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 8 0.0344 Explanations on fore-notice of performances (1) SEG Samsung in which the Company holds its equity is predicted to suffer a loss accumulatively from RMB 30 million to RMB 50 million from year-beginning to end of next report period; (2) The performance prediction has not been pre-audited by CPAs. 3.5 Other significant events which need explanations 3.5.1 Particulars about securities investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.2 Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report period Date Place Way Objects Discussed main contents and supplied materials Jan. 6, 2010 Office of the Company Telephone communication Investors Basic information of the Company Feb. 12, 2010 Office of the Company Telephone communication Holder of B share Basic information of the Company Mar. 26, 2010 Office of the Company Telephone communication Holder of B share Basic information of the Company Apr. 7, 2010 Office of the Company Enquire in written form Securities Daily Got to know relevant public information of the Company 3.5.3 Explanations of other significant events √Applicable □Inapplicable The net profit attributable to owners of parent company disclosed in the 1st quarterly report 2009 was RMB 2.85 million, but that of the same period of last year disclosed in the report was RMB -88.21 million, with the change amount of RMB -91.06 million. The reason for such change was the net profit attributable to owners of parent company of SEG Samsung in which the Company holds 22.45% of its equity disclosed in the 1st quarterly report 2009 was RMB-122 million, whereas that of the same period of last year disclosed in 1st quarterly report 2010 was RMB -504 million. The Company calculated the investment gains from SEG Samsung based on equity method, which caused the investment losses of the same period of last year disclosed in this report of the Company increased by RMB 91.06 million over that disclosed in the 1st quarterly report of 2009. 3.6 Particulars about derivatives investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Particulars about derivatives investment held at the end of report period □Applicable √Inapplicable §4. Appendix 4.1 Balance sheet Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. March 31, 2010 Unit: RMBSHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 9 Balance at period-end Balance at year-beginning Items Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company Current assets: Monetary funds 498,955,096.86 372,852,381.52 485,135,270.94 375,350,393.53 Settlement provisions Capital lent Transaction finance asset Notes receivable Accounts receivable 17,234,225.88 400,000.00 18,130,631.40 1,134,357.47 Accounts paid in advance 20,037,842.34 1,081,095.00 18,404,268.08 8,035,295.00 Insurance receivable Reinsurance receivables Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable Interest receivable 2,460,821.92 2,460,821.92 2,460,821.92 2,460,821.92 Dividend receivable Other receivables 12,042,162.49 45,095,461.39 11,971,998.74 45,306,466.00 Purchase restituted finance asset Inventories 1,919,437.27 5,886,392.39 Non-current asset due within one year Other current assets Total current assets 552,649,586.76 421,889,759.83 541,989,383.47 432,287,333.92 Non-current assets: Granted loans and advances Finance asset available for sales 4,229,970.09 3,548,500.00 3,843,571.87 3,304,100.00 Held-to-maturity investment Long-term account receivable Long-term equity investment 129,274,947.39 310,372,446.43 119,732,099.86 300,829,598.90 Investment property 438,740,452.42 345,143,558.87 442,502,999.44 347,797,315.91 Fixed assets 210,589,972.75 23,031,843.38 189,516,718.30 23,314,450.93 Construction in progress 9,776,526.68 26,192,075.55 Engineering material Disposal of fixed asset Productive biological asset Oil and gas asset Intangible assets 4,681,177.38 610,581.39 4,756,432.31 651,865.38 Expense on Research and Development Goodwill 10,328,927.82 10,328,927.82 Long-term expenses to be 13,684,505.73 961,414.02 13,041,779.82 1,165,451.06SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 10 apportioned Deferred income tax asset 7,586,398.99 5,994,015.93 7,586,398.99 5,994,015.93 Other non-current asset Total non-current asset 828,892,879.25 689,662,360.02 817,501,003.96 683,056,798.11 Total assets 1,381,542,466.01 1,111,552,119.85 1,359,490,387.43 1,115,344,132.03 Current liabilities: Short-term loans Loan from central bank Absorbing deposit and inter-bank deposit Capital borrowed Transaction financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 7,716,840.38 2,149,017.12 8,225,509.02 2,178,169.12 Accounts received in advance 90,214,246.12 42,701,579.41 105,563,890.39 65,801,272.52 Selling financial asset of repurchase Commission charge and commission payable Wage payable 1,172,559.95 24,450.87 4,261,476.99 2,065,724.98 Taxes payable 26,095,556.95 26,470,386.04 24,421,758.66 24,773,634.49 Interest payable Dividend payable 921,420.73 153,403.29 921,420.73 153,403.29 Other accounts payable 95,328,850.96 37,415,008.77 86,454,289.91 41,932,495.62 Reinsurance payables Insurance contract reserve Security trading of agency Security sales of agency Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 221,449,475.09 108,913,845.50 229,848,345.70 136,904,700.02 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans Bonds payable Long-term account payable Special accounts payable Projected liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities 22,970,034.63 547,125.71 23,160,034.29 547,125.71 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 22,970,034.63 547,125.71 23,160,034.29 547,125.71 Total liabilities 244,419,509.72 109,460,971.21 253,008,379.99 137,451,825.73 Owner’s equity (or shareholders’SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 11 equity): Paid-in capital (or share capital) 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 Capital public reserve 409,833,425.36 407,164,608.41 396,922,482.95 394,348,208.41 Less: Treasury stocks Reasonable reserve Surplus public reserve 102,912,835.67 102,912,835.67 102,912,835.67 102,912,835.67 Provision of general risk Retained profit -252,672,245.53 -292,785,305.44 -268,431,923.52 -304,167,747.78 Balance difference of foreign currency translation -536,479.61 -542,916.63 Total owner’s equity attributable to parent company 1,044,336,545.89 1,002,091,148.64 1,015,659,488.47 977,892,306.30 Minority shareholders’ interests 92,786,410.40 90,822,518.97 Total owner’s equity 1,137,122,956.29 1,002,091,148.64 1,106,482,007.44 977,892,306.30 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 1,381,542,466.01 1,111,552,119.85 1,359,490,387.43 1,115,344,132.03 4.2 Profit statement Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2010 Unit: RMB Amount in this period Amount in last period Items Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company I. Total operating income 91,307,818.05 28,545,784.89 67,892,989.04 28,312,781.50 Including: Operating income 91,307,818.05 28,545,784.89 67,892,989.04 28,312,781.50 Interest income Insurance gained Commission charge and commission income II. Total operating cost 64,748,815.05 10,069,765.90 37,235,307.68 6,271,611.87 Including: Operating cost 56,496,489.22 8,821,226.19 31,746,485.69 6,224,508.93 Interest expense Commission charge and commission expense Cash surrender value Net amount of expense of compensation Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve Bonus expense of guarantee slip Reinsurance expense Operating tax and extras 3,724,614.30 1,652,232.84 3,012,887.52 1,426,154.86 Sales expenses 1,370,260.25 906,378.64 Administration expenses 6,914,893.78 3,749,113.97 6,753,654.36 3,527,096.41 Financial expenses -3,757,442.50 -4,152,807.10 -3,684,098.53 -3,406,148.33 Losses of devaluation of asset -1,500,000.00 -1,500,000.00SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 12 Add: Changing income of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”) Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”) -3,029,152.47 -3,029,152.47 -115,823,698.14 -115,823,699.14 Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”) III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 23,529,850.53 15,446,866.52 -85,166,016.78 -93,782,529.51 Add: Non-operating income 139,079.30 300.00 1,620,912.10 1,486,477.57 Less: Non-operating expense 41,229.18 100,985.93 Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 23,627,700.65 15,447,166.52 -83,646,090.61 -92,296,051.94 Less: Income tax 5,951,587.04 4,064,724.18 2,313,487.22 450,000.00 V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”) 17,676,113.61 11,382,442.34 -85,959,577.83 -92,746,051.94 Net profit attributable to owner’s equity of parent company 15,759,677.99 11,382,442.34 -88,214,473.65 -92,746,051.94 Minority shareholders’ gains and losses 1,916,435.62 2,254,895.82 VI. Earnings per share i. Basic earnings per share 0.0201 0.0145 -0.1124 -0.1182 ii. Diluted earnings per share 0.0201 0.0145 -0.1124 -0.1182 VII. Other consolidated income 12,964,835.24 12,816,400.00 -574,782.68 -682,253.97 VIII. Total consolidated income 30,640,948.85 24,198,842.34 -86,534,360.51 -93,428,305.91 Total consolidated income attributable to owners of parent company 28,677,057.42 24,198,842.34 -88,896,727.62 -93,428,305.91 Total consolidated income attributable to minority shareholders 1,963,891.43 2,362,367.11 4.3 Cash flow statement Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2010 Unit: RMB Amount in this period Amount in last period Items Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company I. Cash flows arising from operating activities: Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services 76,838,162.92 8,489,484.28 77,509,335.13 16,793,838.47 Net increase of customer deposit and inter-bank deposit Net increase of loan fromSHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 13 central bank Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution Cash received from original insurance contract fee Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of insured savings and investment Net increase of disposal of transaction financial asset Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission Net increase of capital borrowed Net increase of returned business capital Write-back of tax received Other cash received relating to operating activities 64,583,939.97 35,796,951.03 35,621,486.09 34,108,393.77 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities 141,422,102.89 44,286,435.31 113,130,821.22 50,902,232.24 Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service 34,506,524.28 5,428,566.48 33,515,780.98 4,689,090.60 Net increase of customer loans and advances Net increase of deposits in central bank and inter-bank Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip Cash paid to/for staff and workers 11,883,672.35 5,234,585.34 9,605,770.00 4,602,269.51 Taxes paid 23,601,020.70 18,545,462.28 24,959,921.99 18,464,019.40 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 53,590,151.50 17,876,799.34 31,135,749.73 14,893,005.25 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities 123,581,368.83 47,085,413.44 99,217,222.70 42,648,384.76 Net cash flows arising from operating activities 17,840,734.06 -2,798,978.13 13,913,598.52 8,253,847.48 II. Cash flows arising from investing activities: Cash received from recovering investment 2,198,720.24 2,198,720.24 Cash received from investment income 5,270,590.49 Net cash received from 15,444.00 141,500.00SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 14 disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operation units 34,229,363.41 38,280,000.00 Other cash received relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities 15,444.00 36,569,583.65 45,749,310.73 Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets 4,591,584.05 25,336.00 701,547.00 259,480.00 Cash paid for investment 53,030,000.00 53,030,000.00 Net increase of mortgaged loans Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units Other cash paid relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities 4,591,584.05 25,336.00 53,731,547.00 53,289,480.00 Net cash flows arising from investing activities -4,576,140.05 -25,336.00 -17,161,963.35 -7,540,169.27 III. Cash flows arising from financing activities Cash received from absorbing investment Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries Cash received from loans Cash received from issuing bonds Other cash received relating to financing activities Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities Cash paid for settling debts Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries Other cash paid relating to financing activities Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities Net cash flows arising from financing activities IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate 103.53 -117.38 V. Net increase of cash and cash 13,264,697.54 -2,824,314.13 -3,248,482.21 713,678.21SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD. The First Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text) 15 equivalents Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -beginning 485,135,270.94 375,350,393.53 404,242,883.22 298,174,785.87 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-end 498,399,968.48 372,526,079.40 400,994,401.01 298,888,464.08 4.4 Auditor’s report Auditor’s opinions: Un-audited