The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report of 2011 (Full Text) 1. Important notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company hereby guarantee that no false or misleading statement or major omission was made to the materials in this report and that they will assume all responsibilities, individually and jointly, for the trueness, accuracy and completeness of the report. 1.2 The First Quarterly Report of the Company of 2011 has not been audited by an accounting firm. 1.3 Chairman of the Board Wang Chu, the Chief Financial Officer Li Lifu and the responsible person of the accounting institution (Accountant in charge) Ying Huadong hereby declare that the Financial Statements enclosed in this First Quarterly Report are true and complete. 2. Company profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators Unit: RMB Yuan Ending amount of the Ending amount of the Change of increase current period previous year or decrease (%) Total assets (Yuan) 1,467,565,960.75 1,466,272,625.92 0.09% Owners’ equity belonging to shareholders of 1,095,764,806.52 1,083,983,092.76 1.09% the listed company (Yuan) Share capital (Shares) 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 0.00% Net asset per share belonging to shareholders 1.40 1.38 1.45% of the listed company (Yuan/Share) Amount of the same Amount of the current Change of increase period of the previous period or decrease (%) year Total operating income (Yuan) 93,924,973.74 91,307,818.05 2.87% Net profit belonging to shareholders of the 11,784,432.63 15,759,677.99 -25.22% listed company (Yuan) Net cash flow arising from operating activities 6,924,255.99 17,840,734.06 -61.19% (Yuan) Net cash flow per share arising from operating 0.0088 0.0227 -61.23% activities (Yuan) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/Share) 0.0150 0.0201 -25.37% Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/Share) 0.0150 0.0201 -25.37% 1 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Weighted average ROE (%) 1.08% 1.53% -0.45% Weighted average ROE after deducting 1.07% 1.53% -0.46% non-recurring gains and losses (%) Non-recurring gains and losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB Yuan Non-recurring gains and losses Amount Note (if applicable) Mainly the income from liquidation of fixed assets after Shenzhen Electronics Market Management Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 85,000.00 Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Longgang SEG) was relocated Other non-operating income and expenses except the Mainly the penalty from commercial tenants of 140,084.06 above-mentioned items electronics markets Because the above-mentioned items increased the Influenced amount of income tax -54,549.98 profit, the income tax deductible increased accordingly. The influence from the above-mentioned causes of Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity -62,214.36 the controlled subsidiaries to this item Total 108,319.72 - 2.2 Total shareholders at the period end and the statement of top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares Unit: Share Total shareholders at the period end 62,927 Information on top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares Non-restricted shares held at Name of shareholder (Full name) Type the period end Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. 237,359,666 RMB ordinary shares GUANGZHOU FODAK ENTERPRISE GROUP 18,880,334 RMB ordinary shares CO., LTD. Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account Client 7,980,784 Domestically listed foreign shares Gong Qianhua 5,311,520 Domestically listed foreign shares Zhu Wei 4,066,739 RMB ordinary share Tang Lizhu 3,796,200 RMB ordinary shares GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES (HONGKONG) 3,689,041 Domestically listed foreign shares LIMITED Dalian Huaxin Trust Co., Ltd. – Beta 1 Structured 3,000,000 RMB ordinary shares Securities Investment Portfolio Cao Xianhua 2,702,000 RMB ordinary shares China Merchants Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. 2,672,676 Domestically listed foreign shares 2 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd 3. Important events 3.1 Significant changes to main accounting items and financial indicators and reasons for the changes √ Applicable □ Not applicable (I) Items of the Balance Sheet Percentage of Item March 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 Difference change (%) Accounts receivable 15,837,983.73 25,022,650.83 -9,184,667.10 -36.71% Other receivables 16,549,596.05 10,859,116.83 5,690,479.22 52.40% Inventory 2,451,599.03 4,205,886.55 -1,754,287.52 -41.71% Construction in progress 621,150.40 7,128,010.06 -6,506,859.66 -91.29% Long-term expenses to be 20,482,120.35 13,977,797.51 6,504,322.84 46.53% apportioned Accounts payable 8,360,596.93 14,129,256.31 -5,768,659.38 -40.83% Advances from customers 91,500,079.03 120,590,384.85 -29,090,305.82 -24.12% Wages payable 2,962,519.92 10,264,284.67 -7,301,764.75 -71.14% Taxes and fees payable 17,077,276.96 14,037,120.99 3,040,155.97 21.66% 1. The accounts receivable decreased by RMB 9.18 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 36.71% decrease. The main cause is that the Company strengthened the collection of the accounts in the report period. 2. The other receivables increased by RMB 5.69 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 52.40% increase. The main cause is that the Company's subsidiary Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SEG Baohua) paid the real estate rent deposit for Bao’an Chengguo Hotel in the report period. 3. The inventory decreased by RMB 1.75 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 41.71% decrease. The main cause is the inventory liquidation by the Company’s subsidiary Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. in the current report period 4. The construction in progress decreased by RMB 6.51 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 91.29% decrease. The cause is that the renovation project of Longgang SEG, a subsidiary of the Company, was recorded as the long-term expenses to be apportioned after it was finished, checked and accepted in the current report period. 5. The long-term expenses to be apportioned increased by RMB 6.51 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 46.53% increase. The cause is that the decoration project of Longgang SEG was transferred into long-term expenses to be apportioned from construction in progress after being finished in the current report period. 6. The accounts payable decreased by RMB 5.77 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 40.83% decrease. The main cause is that Longgang SEG paid for the payable construction price in the current report period after the decoration project was finished. 7. The advances from customers decreased by RMB 29.09 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 24.12% decrease. The main cause is that the rent received in advance was carried forward into the income in the current report period. 8. The wages payable decreased by RMB 7.3 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 71.14% decrease. The cause is that the Company paid the wages and bonuses payable to employees in the current report period. 9. The taxes payable increased by RMB 3.04 million Yuan than the period-beginning amount, a 21.66% increase. The main cause is that 1) taxes increased accordingly due to the increase of the Company’s income and 2) the income tax rate of Shenzhen region increased from 22% to 24% in the report period. (II) Items of the Profit Statement 3 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Amount of the same Amount of the Percentage of Item period of the previous Difference current period change (%) year Financial expenses -2,369,867.47 -3,757,442.50 -36.93% 1,387,575.03 Investment income -2,400,397.00 -3,029,152.47 -20.76% 628,755.47 Non-operating income 254,978.59 139,079.30 83.33% 115,899.29 Net profit 13,444,571.59 17,676,113.61 -23.94% -4,231,542.02 Net profit belonging to shareholders of the parent 11,784,432.63 15,759,677.99 -25.22% -3,975,245.36 company Other comprehensive income -23,526.41 12,964,835.24 --- -12,988,361.65 Total comprehensive income 30,640,948.85 -56.20% 13,421,045.18 -17,219,903.67 Total comprehensive income belonging to shareholders of the 28,677,057.42 -58.99% 11,760,906.22 -16,916,151.20 parent company 1. Among the financial expenses, the interest income decreased by RMB 1.39 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year. The cause is that the monetary capital was deposited into banks as fixed deposits while part of the fixed deposits had not fallen due in the current report period, thus, the interest income confirmed decreased compared to that of the same period of the previous year. 2. The investment income increased by RMB 630 thousand Yuan over the same period of the previous year. The main cause is that the loss of Shenzhen SEG Samsung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SEG Samsung), whose 22.45% shares are held by the Company, decreased in the report period compared with the same period of the previous year. 3. The non-operating income increased by RMB 120 thousand Yuan over the same period of the previous year, an 83.33% increase. The main cause is that Longgang SEG increased its income through liquidation of fixed assets in the current report period. 4. The net profit decreased by RMB 4.23 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 23.94% decrease. The main cause is that 1) Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as E-Commerce Company) newly established by the Company remained in the stage of loss in the report period, and 2) the interest income of the Company decreased compared to the same period of the previous year. 5. The net profit belonging to shareholders of the parent company decreased by RMB 3.98 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 25.22% decrease. The main cause is the same as that of Item 4. 6. The other comprehensive income decreased by 129.9 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year. The main cause is that, during the same period of the previous year, SEG Samsung, whose 22.45% shares are held by the Company, received an RMB 56 million Yuan financial support from its shareholder SEG Corning and increased the other comprehensive income of the Company by RMB 12.57 million Yuan while no such income occurred in the current period. 7. The total comprehensive income decreased by RMB 17.22 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 56.20% decrease. The main causes are the same as that of Items 4 and 6. 8. The comprehensive income belonging to shareholders of the parent company decreased by RMB 16.92 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 58.99% decrease. The main causes are the same as that of Items 5 and 7. 4 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd (III) Items of the Cash Flow Statement Amount of the same Amount of the Percentage of Item period of the previous Difference current period change (%) year Other cash received concerning 87,007,425.77 64,583,939.97 22,423,485.80 34.72% operating activities Other cash paid concerning operating 89,894,208.35 53,590,151.50 36,304,056.85 67.74% activities Subtotal of cash outflow for operating 166,849,102.77 123,581,368.83 43,267,733.94 35.01% activities Net cash flow arising from operating 6,924,255.99 17,840,734.06 -10,916,478.07 -61.19% activities Cash received from attraction of 14,700,000.00 14,700,000.00 investment 1. The other cash received concerning operating activities increased by RMB 22.42 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 34.72% increase. The main cause is that the unified cash collection business of electronics markets of the Company increased compared to that of the same period of the previous year and the goods payments collected on behalf of commercial tenants increased accordingly. 2. The other cash paid concerning operating activities increased by RMB 36.3 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 67.74% increase. The main cause is that 1) the unified cash collection business of electronics markets increased and the goods payments refunded to commercial tenants increased accordingly and 2) E-Commerce Company was consolidated into the financial statements of the Company in the report period, thus increasing this item. 3. The subtotal of the cash outflow for operating activities increased by RMB 43.27 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 35.01% increase. The main cause is the same as that of Item 2. 4. The net cash flow arising from operating activities decreased by RMB 10.92 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year, a 61.19% decrease. The main cause is that 1) the Company’s electronics markets delayed the collection of rent from commercial tenants and 2) E-Commerce Company was consolidated into the financial statements of the Company in the report period, which did not have cash inflow but only cash outflow arising from operating activities in the current report period. 5. The cash received from attraction of investment increased by RMB 14.70 million Yuan over the same period of the previous year. The main cause is that the investment from other shareholders received by E-Commerce Company increased, which was newly consolidated into the financial statements of the Company in the report period. 3.2 Progress of important events, relevant influence and analysis of solutions 3.2.1 Qualified opinions Applicable √ Not applicable 3.2.2 Company’s capital provided for the controlling shareholder or its associated parties or guarantee for external parties violating the established procedures Applicable √ Not applicable 3.2.3 Signing and performing important contracts related to daily operation Applicable √ Not applicable 5 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd 3.2.4 Others √ Applicable Not applicable 1. After being approved by the 5th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company on December 10, 2010, Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. was established through joint investment by the Company, the Company’s controlling shareholder Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SEG Group) and SEG Group's controlled subsidiary Shenzhen Hi-tech Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SHIC). The registered capital of Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. is RMB 48 million Yuan (the initial contribution being RMB 30 million Yuan) and the parties made contributions in cash in accordance with their share-holding proportion: 51% by the Company, 34% by SEG Group and 15% by SHIC. The Company contributed RMB 24.48 million Yuan according to relevant proportion (The event can be referred to in the Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 5th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Related Transaction Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Establishment of SEG E-Commerce through Joint Investment by the Company and Related Parties disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on December 13, 2010). The initial contribution RMB 15.3 million Yuan was already made by the Company in January 2011 and Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. was registered at Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration on January 24, 2011 and officially established on March 27, 2011. 2. After being approved by the 5th provisional meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company on January 10, 2011, SEG Baohua, whose 66.58% shares are held by the Company, rented properties from Jingyang Hotel (whose legal representative is Chen Jingsheng) located in Bao’an District in Shenzhen and established Bao’an Branch of Chengguo Hotel with an investment of RMB 9.98 million Yuan (The event can be referred to in the Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 5th Provisional Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on External Investment by Its Controlled Subsidiary disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on January 11, 2011 and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Signing of the Property Lease Contract by the Company’s Controlled Subsidiary published on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on February 1, 2011). By the date of disclosure of this report, the handover of the properties had been completed and Bao’an Branch of Chengguo Hotel is being decorated. 3. After being approved by the 6th provisional meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company on January 26, 2011, the Company and SEG Group signed the Contract of Entrusted Operation and Management of SEG Communication Market after friendly consultation for the purpose of solving the issue of horizontal competition between the Company and the Company’s controlling shareholder SEG Group, by which SEG Group entrusted the Company to operate and manage SEG Communication Market with full authority, which was formerly under the direct management of SEG Group (The event can be referred to in the Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 6th Provisional Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Related Transaction to Solve the Horizontal Competition between the Company and Its Controlling Shareholder disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on January 28, 2011). The Company has already received the management fee for the first year from SEG Group in the report period. 4. The Company needs to rent part of the 8th floor of SEG Plaza from SEG Group as the revolving warehouse for commercial tenants of electronics markets of the Company in 2011 due to the needs of carrying out the business of electronics markets, thus, the rent and the property management fee needs to be paid to SEG Group. The 6th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company held on March 25, 2011 approved, under the condition that the relative directors obviated voting, that the Company may carry out daily related transactions concerning operating activities in 2001 with SEG Group in respect of the property lease based on the market sound value while relevant amount should be within RMB 1 million Yuan (The event can be referred to in the Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 6th Provisional Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Estimated Matters Related to Daily Related Transactions Concerning Operating Activities in 2011 disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on March 29, 2011). The Company paid RMB 120 thousand Yuan to SEG Group in the 6 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd report period. 5. The Company carried out the work of construction of the internal control system in accordance with SHEN ZHENG JU GONG SI ZI [2011] No. 31 File released by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Notice on Thorough Implementation of Relevant Experimental Work of Internal Control of Listed Companies. Till the date of disclosure of this report, the progress of the Company’s internal control work has been as follows: (1) The Company organized its Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives and relevant personnel of the Company’s functional departments to study the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and supporting guidelines. (2) The 7th provisional meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company on March 7, 2011 reviewed and approved the Proposal on Establishment of the Organizational Structure for Internal Control Standardization and on Relevant Matters and established the internal control construction team with President of the Company as the first responsible person and the internal control construction working party, and the Auditing Department is responsible for organizing the implementation of internal control. (3) The work plan for the internal control of the Company was drafted, which is to be submitted to the Board for review on April 28, 2011. (4) The evaluation scope of main body for the Company’s internal control has been established. The bidding was held by the Company for recruiting the consultant agency for the Project of Internal Control System Design and Evaluation. Then the Company fully communicated with the three agencies participating in the bidding. On April 13, 2011, the internal control construction team organized the setting up of the Bidding Team at the level of the Board for the Project of Internal Control System Design and Evaluation, which opened and evaluated the bids under the supervision of the representatives from the CPC Discipline Committee of the Company and the Board of Supervisors of the Company. Finally, Shenzhen Branch of Deloitee Touche Tohmatsu won the bid. The formal notice to the winner has been sent. The Company will launch the design of and evaluation on the internal control system soonest possible with the assistance of the consultant agency. 6. On February 28, 2011, the Company received the notice from the biggest shareholder of the Company, because the biggest shareholder of the Company was planning important events, the shares of the Company were suspended from March 1, 2011 in order to prevent share price from abnormal fluctuation and to protect the interests of all the investors. 3.3 Performance of commitments by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller The commitments made by the listed company, its Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives and the shareholders holding an equity of over 5% as well as their actual controllers are as follows: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Commitment Promisor Content Fulfillment Commitment for share reform Not applicable -- -- Commitments in the Acquisition Report and the Report of Changes Not applicable -- -- on Equity Commitments at the time of Not applicable -- -- restructuring of major assets According to Article Five of the Equity Transfer Agreement signed by the Company with SEG In the report Group when the Company was listed, SEG Group period, the Commitments at the time of share Shenzhen SEG agreed that the Company and its subsidiaries and commitments are issuance Group Co., Ltd. associated companies could use the eight being fulfilled as trademarks registered by SEG Group at the agreed. National Trademark Bureau; SEG Group agreed 7 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Commitment Promisor Content Fulfillment that the Company could use the aforesaid trademarks or similar signs as the Company’s logo and use the trademarks and signs during its operation; the Company needn’t pay any fee to SEG Group for using the aforesaid trademarks or signs. Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau pointed out that “There is an issue of horizontal competition in the business of electronics markets between the Company and SEG Group” during the spot inspection in 2007; the Company received the Letter of Commitment in writing from SEG Group on September14, 2007, which said that “SEG Group and Shenzhen SEG Co., The controlling Ltd. have similar business in electronics markets shareholder has in Shenzhen (Shenzhen SEG) due to historic Other commitments (including Shenzhen SEG abided by the reasons and the objective background of market additional commitments) Group Co., Ltd. above-mentioned development; the Group hereby promises that it commitments in the will not individually operate a market in a same report period. city whose business is similar with that of Shenzhen SEG”. The above-mentioned matters were disclosed on the Securities Times, the China Securities Journal and the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po and the Cninfo Website on September 18th, 2007.The controlling shareholder has abided by the above-mentioned commitments in the report period. 3.4 Warning on that the accumulated net profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period is possible to be transferred into a loss or significant change of the accumulated net profit is possible to happen compared with the same period of the previous year, and the explanation of the reasons predicted Applicable √ Not applicable 3.5 Other important events requiring explanations 3.5.1 Investment in securities Applicable √ Not applicable 8 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd 3.5.2 Statement of receipt of surveys, communication and visits in the report period Main content of discussion and the materials Time Place Means Received person provided February 16, At the Company Spot investigation Zhang Chenxiao Basic information on the Company 2011 Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 1, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 8, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 9, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 11, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 15, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 17, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 28, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and March 30, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension. Investors asked for reasons for suspension and the Company provided the Public Notice on Suspension; investors asked about the March 31, 2011 At the Company Phone call Investor information on the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Company provided the Public Notice on Holding of the General Meeting of Shareholders. 3.6 Investment in derivatives Applicable √ Not applicable 3.6.1 Open positions of derivatives at the end of the report period Applicable √ Not applicable 9 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd 4. Appendix 4.1 Balance Sheet Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. March 31, 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Period-end balance Year-beginning balance Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company Current assets: Monetary capital 590,717,522.59 429,407,235.39 572,818,178.75 451,763,240.33 Deposit reservation for balance Loans to banks and other financial institutions Transaction financial assets Notes receivable Accounts receivable 15,837,983.73 400,000.00 25,022,650.83 400,000.00 Advances 25,307,270.29 140,738.92 25,974,587.30 1,014,030.88 Premiums receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Reinsurance deposit receivable Interest receivable Dividends receivable 5,220,484.17 5,220,484.17 Other receivables 16,549,596.05 40,279,787.63 10,859,116.83 45,689,683.40 Redemptory financial assets for sale Inventory 2,451,599.03 4,205,886.55 Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets Total current assets 650,863,971.69 475,448,246.11 638,880,420.26 504,087,438.78 Non-current assets: Entrusted loans and advances issued Financial assets available for 726,375.51 808,297.56 sale Held-to-maturity investment Long-term accounts receivable Long-term equity investment 138,752,587.47 335,150,086.51 141,242,734.12 322,340,233.16 Investment properties 579,240,529.45 334,620,069.55 584,274,468.23 337,246,328.53 Fixed assets: 57,422,869.10 22,105,876.65 58,882,067.31 22,340,255.50 Construction in progress 621,150.40 7,128,010.06 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets 10 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Period-end balance Year-beginning balance Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company Oil & gas assets Intangible assets 583,136.88 445,445.43 631,364.93 486,729.42 Development expenses Goodwill 10,328,927.82 10,328,927.82 Long-term expenses to be 20,482,120.35 2,060,637.02 13,977,797.51 1,336,897.67 apportioned Deferred income tax assets 8,544,292.08 5,994,015.93 10,118,538.12 6,376,755.45 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 816,701,989.06 700,376,131.09 827,392,205.66 690,127,199.73 Total assets 1,467,565,960.75 1,175,824,377.20 1,466,272,625.92 1,194,214,638.51 Current liabilities: Short-term loans Loans from the Central Bank Deposits attracted and accounts due to banks and other financial institutions Loans from banks and other financial institutions Transaction financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 8,360,596.93 2,409,948.72 14,129,256.31 2,348,122.72 Advances from customers 91,500,079.03 48,290,807.22 120,590,384.85 75,224,054.77 Financial assets sold for repurchase Commissions payable Wages payable 2,962,519.92 1,478,939.23 10,264,284.67 5,907,588.47 Taxes payable 17,077,276.96 14,102,570.20 14,037,120.99 10,663,834.34 Interest payable Dividends payable 1,289,746.37 153,403.29 1,292,320.37 153,403.29 Other accounts payable 123,387,900.83 45,115,312.75 110,795,570.46 45,214,909.19 Reinsurance accounts payable Insurance deposit Acting trading securities Acting underwriting securities Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 244,578,120.04 111,550,981.41 271,108,937.65 139,511,912.78 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans Bonds payable Long-term accounts payable 11 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Period-end balance Year-beginning balance Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company Special payables Anticipation liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities 21,280,589.46 21,577,482.19 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 21,280,589.46 0.00 21,577,482.19 Total liabilities 265,858,709.50 111,550,981.41 292,686,419.84 139,511,912.78 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): Paid-up capital (or share 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 784,799,010.00 capital) Capital public reserve 407,643,266.35 404,980,399.08 407,684,719.56 404,980,399.08 Less: Treasury shares Special reserve Surplus public reserve 102,912,835.67 102,912,835.67 102,912,835.67 102,912,835.67 General risk provision Retained profits -199,217,648.67 -228,418,848.96 -211,002,081.30 -237,989,519.02 Translation difference of the financial statements in foreign -372,656.83 -411,391.17 currency Total owners' equity belonging 1,095,764,806.52 1,064,273,395.79 1,083,983,092.76 1,054,702,725.73 to the parent company Minority shareholders' equity 105,942,444.73 89,603,113.32 Total owners' equity 1,201,707,251.25 1,064,273,395.79 1,173,586,206.08 1,054,702,725.73 Total liabilities and owner's 1,467,565,960.75 1,175,824,377.20 1,466,272,625.92 1,194,214,638.51 equity 4.2 Profit Statement Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. January to March 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company I. Total operating income 93,924,973.74 28,056,358.04 91,307,818.05 28,545,784.89 Including: Operating income 93,924,973.74 28,056,358.04 91,307,818.05 28,545,784.89 Interest income Earned premiums Commissions income 2. Total operating cost 72,359,361.68 12,309,524.02 64,748,815.05 10,069,765.90 Including: Operating cost 62,195,369.40 9,685,040.95 56,496,489.22 8,821,226.19 Interest expenses Commissions 12 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company Surrender value Net compensation pay-outs Net insurance deposit accrued Insurance dividends Reinsurance expenses Operating tax and surcharges 3,930,067.25 1,545,634.39 3,724,614.30 1,652,232.84 Sale expenses 1,227,798.23 1,370,260.25 Management expenses 7,375,994.27 3,718,391.55 6,914,893.78 3,749,113.97 Financial expenses -2,369,867.47 -2,639,542.87 -3,757,442.50 -4,152,807.10 Loss from asset impairment Plus: Income from change of sound value (Loss is marked with "-") Income from investment (Loss -2,400,397.00 -2,400,397.00 -3,029,152.47 -3,029,152.47 is marked with "-") Including: Income from investment in joint ventures and associated enterprises Income from exchange (Loss is marked with "-") 3. Operating profit (Loss is 19,165,215.06 13,346,437.02 23,529,850.53 15,446,866.52 marked with "-") Plus: Non-operating income 254,978.59 4,570.00 139,079.30 300.00 Less: Non-operating expenses 29,894.53 41,229.18 Including: Loss from disposal of non-current assets 4. Total profit (Total loss is 19,390,299.12 13,351,007.02 23,627,700.65 15,447,166.52 marked with "-") Less: Income tax 5,945,727.53 3,780,336.96 5,951,587.04 4,064,724.18 5. Net profit (Net loss is marked 13,444,571.59 9,570,670.06 17,676,113.61 11,382,442.34 with "-") Net profit belonging to shareholders of the parent 11,784,432.63 9,570,670.06 15,759,677.99 11,382,442.34 company Gains and losses of minority 1,660,138.96 1,916,435.62 shareholders 6. Earnings per share (1) Basic earnings per share 0.0150 0.0122 0.0201 0.0145 (2) Diluted earnings per share 0.0150 0.0122 0.0201 0.0145 7. Other comprehensive income -23,526.41 12,964,835.24 12,816,400.00 8. Total comprehensive income 13,421,045.18 9,570,670.06 30,640,948.85 24,198,842.34 Total comprehensive income 11,781,713.77 9,570,670.06 28,677,057.42 24,198,842.34 13 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company belonging to shareholders of the parent company Total comprehensive income belonging to minority 1,639,331.41 0.000 1,963,891.43 shareholders During the merger of the enterprises under the control of a same entity in the report period, the net profit of the acquired party realized before the merger was: RMB 0.00 Yuan. 4.3 Cash Flow Statement Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. January to March 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company I. Cash flow from operating activities Cash received from selling of 86,765,932.99 9,543,154.46 76,838,162.92 8,489,484.28 goods and provision of service Net increase of customers' deposits and accounts due to 0.00 0.00 banks and other financial institutions Net increase of loans from the 0.00 0.00 Central Bank Net increase of loans from other 0.00 0.00 financial institutions Cash received from premiums 0.00 0.00 of original insurance contracts Net cash received from 0.00 0.00 reinsurance business Net increase of deposit of the 0.00 0.00 insured and investment Net increase of income from disposal of transaction financial 0.00 0.00 assets Cash received from interest and 0.00 0.00 commissions Net increase of loans from banks and other financial 0.00 0.00 institutions Net increase of redemption 0.00 0.00 14 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company capital Tax refunds 0.00 0.00 Other cash received concerning 87,007,425.77 48,117,726.16 64,583,939.97 35,796,951.03 operating activities Subtotal of cash inflow from 173,773,358.76 57,660,880.62 141,422,102.89 44,286,435.31 operating activities Cash paid for purchase of commodities and acceptance of 39,427,879.70 3,603,615.14 34,506,524.28 5,428,566.48 labor services Net increase of loans to 0.00 0.00 customers and advances Net increase of accounts due from the Central Bank and 0.00 0.00 other financial institutions Cash paid for compensation pay-outs of original insurance 0.00 0.00 contracts Cash paid for interest and 0.00 0.00 commissions Cash paid as insurance 0.00 0.00 dividends Cash paid to and on behalf of 12,822,132.59 5,582,544.84 11,883,672.35 5,234,585.34 employees Taxes paid 24,704,882.13 19,323,508.03 23,601,020.70 18,545,462.28 Other cash paid concerning 89,894,208.35 36,170,897.55 53,590,151.50 17,876,799.34 operating activities Subtotal of cash outflow for 166,849,102.77 64,680,565.56 123,581,368.83 47,085,413.44 operating activities Net cash flow arising from 6,924,255.99 -7,019,684.94 17,840,734.06 -2,798,978.13 operating activities 2. Cash flow from operating activities Cash received from withdrawal 0.00 0.00 of investment Cash received from investment 0.00 0.00 income Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 33,170.00 0.00 15,444.00 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other 0.00 0.00 business units 15 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company Other cash received concerning 0.00 0.00 investment activities Subtotal of cash inflow from 33,170.00 0.00 15,444.00 investment activities Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, 3,756,711.81 36,320.00 4,591,584.05 25,336.00 intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investment 0.00 15,300,000.00 Net increase of mortgage loans 0.00 0.00 Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating 0.00 0.00 units Other cash paid concerning 0.00 0.00 operating activities Subtotal of cash outflow for 3,756,711.81 15,336,320.00 4,591,584.05 25,336.00 investment activities Net cash flow arising -3,723,541.81 -15,336,320.00 -4,576,140.05 -25,336.00 investment activities 3. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from attraction of 14,700,000.00 0.00 investment Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from investment of 14,700,000.00 0.00 minority shareholders Cash received from obtainment 0.00 0.00 of loans Cash received from issuance of 0.00 0.00 bonds Other cash received concerning 0.00 0.00 financing activities Subtotal of cash inflow from 14,700,000.00 0.00 financing activities Cash paid for repayment of 0.00 0.00 debts Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profit or 2,581.72 0.00 repayment of interest Including: Dividends and profit paid by subsidiaries to minority 0.00 0.00 shareholders 16 The 2011 First Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd Amount of the current period Amount of the previous period Item Amount of the parent Amount of the Consolidated amount Consolidated amount company parent company Other cash paid concerning 0.00 0.00 financing activities Subtotal of cash outflow for 2,581.72 0.00 financing activities Net cash flow arising from 14,697,418.28 0.00 financing activities 4. Influence of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash 1,211.38 0.00 103.53 equivalents 5. Net Increase of cash and cash 17,899,343.84 -22,356,004.94 13,264,697.54 -2,824,314.13 equivalents Plus: Period-beginning balance 572,818,178.75 451,763,240.33 485,135,270.94 375,350,393.53 of cash and cash equivalents 6. Period-end balance of cash 590,717,522.59 429,407,235.39 498,399,968.48 372,526,079.40 and cash equivalents 4.4 Auditor’s Report Auditor’s opinions: This report was not audited. 5. Other data reported 5.1 Statement of occupation and paying-off of non-operating capital by the majority shareholder and its affiliated enterprises Applicable √ Not applicable 5.2 External guarantees violating rules Applicable √ Not applicable 17